#if youre wondering kara did that to his face btw
basilette2 · 2 months
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lenadoyle · 4 years
No. 82 from the most recent prompt list, maybe? If you're up for it :) Love your writing btw!!
A fluffy one to make up for my angsty new chapter, also BABY KIERAN! 😍
Why are you being so difficult
“You’re kidding me,” Kara huffed more to herself than anyone else. 
Blowing the hair out of her face gruffly, she stood with her hands on her hips, looking like a Superhero trying to be intimidating. She thinks she would be too, were it not for the giggling baby before her. Her ultimate downfall. 
She glared down at him, frown firmly in place as he wiggled about, arms and legs kicking delightedly (It was taking much of her self control to not just smile and giggle with him, but she was trying to be serious here). 
“You gotta give me something to work with buddy,” she gently reprimanded. The only answer she received, a little laugh combined with a slobbery raspberry blown her way. 
Another huff, her shoulders slumping in defeat. Okay, you can do this, don’t let him win. 
Squaring her shoulders, Kara clapped her hands and tried again. 
“One leg,” Kara narrated as she tucked one little foot into the onesie, eyes firmly fixed in his cheeky face. 
“Other leg,” progress! 
Kara tickled his belly as she moved to one arm, hoping to distract him so he wouldn’t notice. His squeal of delight had her smiling despite her (supposed) frustrations with him. 
“One arm.” Kara felt herself wiggling her hips in a happy dance, thinking she had finally done it.
“Other arm! Yes!” She cheered, pumping her fist in the air “and now we just- What?! How the hell did you get your leg out again?! Come on!” Kara whined, head thrown back. 
A giggle had her rolling her head forward again, staring down at her son. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you,” she squinted her eyes, scrutinising him as if she could see his true intentions behind his laugh. 
Determined, Kara tried a third time. Deciding on a different tactic, she tried for same arm and leg before moving to the other side. Her son however, was apparently a magician, pulling off an impossible feat and retracting all limbs at once from the onesie prison his mother was trying to constrain him in. 
“Why are you being so difficult! Yes I’m talking to you, little devil.” Kara couldn’t keep up her frustrated facade any longer. His infectious laugh and smile taking all the fight out of her. She ticked his tummy and blew a raspberry on his chubby cheek. “You’re lucky you’re the cutest little boy around aren’t you, yes you are! I bet you don’t put up this kind of fight when mommy dresses you though, do you? No, because you’re a mommy’s boy!” 
Kieran let out a happy squeal, clapping his hands at the mention of his mommy. Babbling away in his little language, like he had something very important to share. 
“It’s okay, I would do the same. We’re both pretty smitten with her, aren’t we?”
“I’m pretty smitten with the two of you,” came a teasing voice from the doorway. Kara looked over, blush on her cheeks as she took in her wife, leaning against the doorframe with a tender look on her face. 
Kara’s hand on Kieran’s belly held him in place as he wiggled in delight having heard his mommy’s voice. His head turned just like Kara’s, cheeks just as pink. Lena smiled at the two faces looking back at her, how did she get so lucky?
“Are you giving your jeju grief little boy?” Lena’s voice lilted as she stepped up to the changing table. One hand landing at the small of Kara’s back, the other reaching out to caress Kieran’s cheek. She could feel Kara’s eyes burning into her head even as she focused on their son, the blonde’s gaze never wavering. “Should we show her how it’s done?” She teased with a grin, cooing happily back to the babbling she received in answer. 
Kara happily stepped aside, letting Lena do her thing. She would never tire of seeing her wife with their son. Watching with fascination, Lena got him dressed with ease, the boy smiling the whole way as his mother whispered to him lovingly, brushing at his cheek with her finger as she went. 
“There we go!” Lena tickled his sides when she was finished, revelling in his happy squeals. “Who is the bestest boy?”
“Only for you,” Kara chuckled from beside her, mock pout on her face as Lena scooped Kieran up. She pulled him into her chest, giving Kara a cheeky grin over his head. Lena ducked her head and whispered something to Kieran, smiling wider when he looked over to Kara. Leaning out of Lena’s arms, he made grabby hands towards Kara and she melted, lifting him into her own arms. 
With a small sigh, Kieran burrowed into Kara and promptly closed his eyes, breathing evening out soon after. 
“You’re definitely his favourite when it comes to sleeping,” Lena smiled, lilting into Kara’s side, hand coming to rest on their sleeping son’s back. 
“He just gets too much joy out of being difficult for me,” Kara teases, “wonder where he got that from.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The sly grin on Lena’s face said otherwise. But Kara wouldn't have it any other way. 
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kingofterrors · 3 years
I was tagged in this ask by @inktog - thank you!
I’m not great at tagging other folk, but if you see this and you fancy doing it, consider yourself tagged! Also, by the way, if anyone seeing this really likes being tagged in these kind of things, let me know! I will tag you in future!
This was hard. At first I was like, “I’m not sure I can even name ten relationships I ship”, and then had far too many as soon as I thought about it for more than ten seconds. So here we are. :)
First, list your top 10 ships without reading the questions below.
1.      Luz Noceda / Amity Blight – The Owl House
2.      Harrowhark Nonagesimus / Gideon Nav – The Locked Tomb Series
3.      Sabran / Eadaz du Zāla uq-Nāra – The Priory of the Orange Tree
4.      Caleb Widogast / Essek Theyless – Critical Role Campaign 2
5.      Beauregard Lionett / Jester Lavorre – Critical Role Campaign 2
6.      Harrowhark Nonagesimus / Ianthe Tridentarius – The Locked Tomb Series
7.      Kara Danvers / Lena Luthor – Supergirl
8.      Amity Blight / Boscha – The Owl House
9.      Korra / Asami – The Legend of Korra
10.  Percy / Vexahlia – Critical Role Campaign 1
Then answer the questions.
Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I’m going to be honest, it was from the very beginning of Harrow the Ninth – the Prologue, where we get that amazing moment of Ianthe kneeling down and taking Harrow by the chin. I’m going to quote, because this scene just marched up to my house, kicked my door down and stole my entire mind.
You were shocked into opening your eyes when you felt the girl opposite cup your chin in her hands – her fingers febrile compared to the chilly shock of her gilded metacarpal – and put her meat thumb at the corner of your jaw. For a moment you assumed that you were hallucinating, but that assumption was startled away by the cool nearness of her, of Ianthe Tridentarius on her knees before you in unmistakable supplication. Her pallid hair fell around her face like a veil, and her stolen eyes looked at you with half-beseeching, half-contemptuous despair: blue eyes with deep splotches of light brown, like agate.
Looking deep into the eyes of the cavalier she murdered, you realised, not for the first time, and not willingly, that Ianthe Tridenatrius was beautiful.
Have you ever read a fic about 2?
Yup! More than one! I don’t generally seek out smut for my ships, for whatever reason, but I freely admit that I sought out smut for these two. And found it. Found it with quality in spades. Praise be. Is this a good spot for recs? If so:
Sleepless by pugoata
Like a Lullaby by SweetScentences
Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile pic/tumblr?
Nope. I tend not to change my pics very much, and they tend to focus on single characters rather than ships, again for whatever reason.
If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Yeah… Well of course they’re not together in canon. I ship supercorp foolishly, helplessly, knowing all the while that the chances of it becoming reality are vanishingly small. That said, we don’t ship purely for canon, do we? So if Kara and Lena were together and then were to break up I’d be disappointed, but I suspect they’d find their way back to each other. These two have a history of being separated, then rediscovering their love and coming back together. I give it a couple of weeks. :)
Why is 1 so important?
Man, I don’t know! It snuck up on me! I think there’s something here about firstly, the context for Lumity. Amity’s crush on Luz was just presented as normal, as something fine and good and natural, and that meant so much to me. There’s a softness here that I love so much. I also heavily empathise with Amity – the trying to live up to expectations and feeling that you have to hide yourself behind emotional walls – and the thought of her finding love with someone like Luz who is so open and emotionally giving does my heart good. I want Amity to find acceptance and openness with Luz. I want Luz to find herself seen and valued for exactly who she is by Amity. I want to see them finding strength and security in each other. I just love them, you guys.
There’s a bit in this wonderful YouTube video essay, which I recommend to the moon and back – watch it if you haven’t! (“The Owl House is Great and Here’s Why, by Film Freak”) Where the essayist concludes their section on Lumity by saying: “I don’t know if Disney will chicken out in the future with regards to Lumity or any other queer rep, but for now I’m cautiously optimistic. Maybe I just have rose-tinted goggles for how soft this ship is, but whatever, let me stan just once.”
And… yeah. That.
Which one has the strongest bond?
Wow, tough one. Probably Sabran and Ead. They’ve gone through everything together, and are prepared to wait for each other in the end. Their bond is strong enough to take that and more.
Which ship has lasted the longest?
For me or the ship itself? For me of all of these probably Korra / Asami. Shipped ‘em first time I saw LoK, and haven’t stopped.
How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
Have they ever gotten together? If they ever did get together they’d break up every couple of days. These two are a mess, and their relationship is a toxic trainwreck. Still ship ‘em though. Can’t help it. Sometimes ships are just fascinating. If this was real life I’d want them to not come within shouting distance of each other. In fiction I’m riveted.
If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive: 2 or 8?
Definitely Harrow and Gideon. Those two have fought through apocalyptic situations before, and my money would be on them to do it again. Plus they are the quintessential battle couple. Can you imagine Harrow’s bone magic and Gideon’s martial expertise being unleashed on zombies? Those two would save the whole damn world.
Amity and Boscha would put up a good fight, I think, but I can see them disagreeing on key decisions which might hurt their chances.
Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
Given that Kara is a whole secret identity, we could say they are continually hiding their relationship when Kara is out there as Supergirl? I could also see them hiding their relationship at Lena’s insistence to protect Kara from Lex before she realised Kara was actually Supergirl. She might even want to do that afterwards as well, on reflection. Lena is very protective of Kara, ironically enough. :)
Is 4 still together?
Right now? This is another non-canon ship. That said, this is one I’m genuinely hoping for a canon appearance from. Their relationship might be put under strain from the fact that they’re both mages, and mages tend to get selfish and power hungry (or at least these two claim that’s how it goes). I think they’d work through it though. These two talk big about their own selfishness a lot, and then in practice are very caring and protective of others. I can see that extending to each other. Just kiss already.
Is 10 canon?
Yup! My token het ship are still very much together, growing old and having babies.Good for them. :)
If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
This is an invitation to go into huge depth, but my initial feeling is that Harrow and Gideon would again have it hands down. Those two are world-endingly powerful. Although that said, Kara and Lena might give them a run for their money. Pure power ranking? Let’s see…
1.      Harrow / Gideon
2.      Kara / Lena
3.      Korra / Asami
4.      Beau / Jester
5.      Caleb / Essek
6.      Percy / Vex
7.      Harrow / Ianthe
8.      Sabran / Ead
9.      Amity / Luz (no shade, but these guys are literal children. Grown up they’d put up a better showing, I’d bet)
10.  Amity / Boscha
Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5?
I mean… Fjord? I wonder sometimes what would have happened if Beau had genuinely put in a play for Jester, rather than stepping back to let Fjord make his move. She very obviously decided that Fjord should have a free shot, and I wonder how it would have worked if she actually decided to compete. Would Fjord have stepped back to let Beau make a try for Jester if he was aware of her feelings? I don’t know. A genuine competition would have been heartbreaking but oh so interesting to see.
Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr tag?
Not hours, but I have put some good time into finding fanart for these two. There is some good work out there!
If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up, which ship would you SINK?
Amity / Boscha. Sorry you two! I wrote myself into shipping Amity and Boscha, when I fell in love with Boscha and decided she could actually be good for Amity in a snarky, take no shit kind of a way. I would still love to see more of them. (Halfway through that one-shot btw.) But if it was them or everyone else? Sorry guys. :(
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knives-and-lint · 4 years
first lines meme!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors
I was tagged by @bohemicns, (who is brilliant btw) and I’m going to do ten over twenty, because that feels like A LOT. 😋 But I will skirt the rules a bit and include chapters, if that’s okay..? (And perhaps more than a single line for context, because starting a fic with just one clipped sentence is seriously a habit with me...)
1. Orange Rhyming Dictionary, Nancy Drew, Ace/Nancy College AU
Of course the elevator is out of order.
The sign stating such is scribbled on in permanent marker, with 'always' written before out, and 'fucking' before order. 
2. Whispers in the Dark, Nancy Drew, Ace/Nancy, S2 speculation 
The sound is something you learn to take for granted.
Waves breaking on the coast. Whether it be rocks at the bottom of a cliff, or the endless miles of sand lined beaches, the crash and hiss echo across town just the same. An infinite supply of white noise your ears happen to catch among the bustle of any other day. Nancy hears a growl in it now. The low rumble of a sea creature calling for their heads. Pay the debt you owe, it seethes. Blood for blood. Bones for bones.
3. Smart Girl Detective, Nancy Drew, Ace/Nancy, High School AU
Ace isn't used to seeing other kids his age inside the police station.
But there she sits, on the wooden bench next to the chief's office, with an outfit that radiates she was found in a place no one was supposed to be. Strawberry blonde locks spill from underneath a solid black beanie, as gloved hands toss a flashlight back and forth between them, while the girl's eyes stare blankly at the shoes on her feet.
4. South of Heaven, CAOS, Sabrina/Weird Sisters, Damnation Part 3
Chapter 1: It's mildly disconcerting. To be surrounded by light. Enveloped in it. Swallowed by it.
Chapter 2: Sabrina learns the hard way, that while discovering she is fully capable of flight, the preexisting knowledge of how to land does not come with it.
Chapter 3: When Sabrina opens her eyes, it's not the wooden ceiling of their church she sees, rather the plain white of the Academy's infirmary.
5. 27, The Magicians, Quentin/Julia, Alice/Margo, Timeline AU, basically mini fics packaged as a whole fic 
Chapter 1: “I'm telling you,” Margo insists, hands on her hips, and staring up at the TADA sign on the opposite wall. “There's something there.”
Chapter 2:  Their eyes keep meeting from across the room.
Chapter 3:  “I was a goose!”
Chapter 4:  Julia is beginning to wonder, if a former student put a glamour on her favorite spot in the living room, because every time she sits there no one ever seems to see her. Lucky break, when Margo and Alice come rumbling down the stairs, clearly in the middle of an argument.
6. something to remind me, Supergirl, Red Daughter/Lena Luthor, Kara/Lena
This isn't the kind of thing she does regularly.
Drinking. Namely drinking alone, is very much something done regularly, but always within the confines of her office. Sitting by herself on a stool at the end of a high class hotel bar, however, is the exception to the rule. Something about the stress of the last few weeks, has left her feeling very much the caged bird, and a little voice inside began to cry for her to be let out.
7. Living in Sin, CAOS, Sabrina/Weird Sisters, Damnation Part 2
Chapter 1: Sabrina rolls onto her side, hand reaching across the mattress, and coming into contact with something that wasn't there when she fell asleep. 
Chapter 2:  Agatha is perched at the head of her bed, when Sabrina enters the room, book resting in her lap as she moves to flip a page.
Chapter 3:  Sabrina bursts into the dorm room, pulling the bag from her shoulder and slinging it on the bed, as Prudence spins around ready to defend herself from this unforeseen irruption in activity.
8. Play with Fire, CAOS, Sabrina/Weird Sisters, Damnation Part 1 
Chapter 1:  Sabrina adjusts the strap on her shoulder, bag bouncing against her hip as she walks through the woods, taking deep lung fulls of crisp autumn air.
Chapter 2: “So how does it work exactly?” Sabrina asks. They're standing among the headstones in the yard, eyes casting back to her body slumped along the bench back on the porch. 
Chapter 3:  “It's good to see you!” exclaims Roz, pulling Sabrina into a hug.
9. Rites of Spring, CAOS, Sabrina/Weird Sisters
The moon is a sliver above their heads, gouging itself into the night sky, shining just enough light to illuminate the trail. Pinkies all linked together, as is their custom, they walk along with faces forward anticipating the events to come. 
10.  Cherries in Brandy, CAOS, Sabrina/Weird Sisters 
When it happens, the moment itself is rather insignificant.
Sabrina and the Weird Sisters, loitering about after choir practice, singing random passages from the songbook for lack of something more interesting to do. Prudence has the most well rounded voice, but Agatha can carry a note for longer than all of them, and Dorcas can match a harmony as easily as snapping her fingers.
Well, like I said, my biggest pattern (habit) is using a single clipped sentence quite often. I guess I just imagine that I’m about to tell a friend a story, and try to say something brief but interesting enough to grab their attention. 
As far as a favorite, maybe the one for Whispers in the Dark. When you live near a large body of water, the sound of it is something you take for granted after awhile, and hearing a monster growl beneath the depths would definitely pique my interest if I come across it. (at least i hope it did) 
Cheers, Lucy! Am flattered I was included in your tags. As far as tagging others, I guess whoever sees this and wants to? I honestly don’t remember who follows me on here that writes, and that’s my swiss cheese memory for you. Apologies. 
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buddha-in-disguise · 5 years
So 5.12
Having shared my concerns about this week's Supergirl episode, time to say what I did enjoy about it.
Overall, it was great to see Kara and Alex fighting as a team, and we got the thunderclap too. Always a cool power to use, and pleased it got included again after last seasons use at the prison.
While there were so many times I wished the storylines were going in a different direction, I'm certainly okay with seeing the way Alex and Kara do what they do best, and that's fighting together to take down the bad guy, even if Winn was needed to actually disable Toyman.
The rotary phone moment did have me grinning at Alex's face as she lifted it up to the main DEO control console. Talking of the DEO, in a way I am pleased Alex is no longer there, despite other problems this raises for me. Apart from anything else, since becoming Director, Alex hasn't been able to actually achieve a leadership role, as it keeps getting snatched away. Now she can kick ass on her own terms.
While Lena is still going through with her project, and doesn't have any interaction with everyone else apart from Andrea or Lex, it seems as if taking down Lex is as important to her right now. The subtle looks and movements she has been making towards Lex (and Lillian), since Crisis do suggest this is as much endgame for her as Non Nocere is. I would love to see her use Non Nocere to expose Lex and Lillian to the new Earth for the evil villains they are.
Kara, who keeps bringing up Lena at every turn. To have Winn say to Kara to 'give it time' with Lena - that kernel of hope they make it right, blossomed once more for me. I wish that Lena and Kara were actively working on the issues right now, but I am going to wait and see how they try to sort through it.
Leviathan. Now again, we had the pronoun that the esteemed leader is female (it was first hinted at in 5.08. BTW, I'm still hedging on it being Lena's biological mother, who tried to escape Leviathan but was brought back in to lead them. Or had no memories of her Leviathan roots until they were activated. But this 'she' pronoun use does not feel accidental or unimportant.)
For reference from 5.08 'The Wrath of Khan.'
"She'll have something to say about this."
"Who do you think appointed me?"
5.12 'Back from the future, part 2.'
"Please tell the Anointed One the Luthors are right where we want them."
"She will be most pleased."
So despite there being a lot of confusion in a lot of these episodes, there are some thin tentacles of plot lines that are there, but they're damn hard to find and are easily missed, but we have them.
I am looking forward to the 100th episode. After all, Mr. Mxyzptlk is fifth-dimensional imp, and we know from the S2 outing, that dimension is on an entirely different plane to Earth or the universe, which is one reason he is so hard to beat. But it means less likely to have been affected by Crisis (if at all, plus with Kara's memories being from Earth 38, I don't have a problem per se on this plot overall).
Also, in reference to that S2 episode, (note - also ep 13), as Mxy disappears, he says that all he ever wanted was to have someone to love him, but Kara says that love can't be forced on anybody; it needs to come on its own.
Listen to your own advice here Kara. It would also help tie into a general 'It's a wonderful life' scenario, because platonic or otherwise the love Kara has for Lena is immense.
Also we learnt that Mxyzptlk can warp reality itself (that theme still keeps running through this season doesn't it,) and could destroy the earth with a click of his fingers.
So also plenty of parallels that could be brought into that episode (and even into the ones that follow).
I admit, since Crisis it feels as if Supergirl has lost a lot of momentum in how the episodes were in 5A. I don't think Crisis and the way the hiatus worked have helped at all. I just hope it can now gather momentum again, and the 100th episode is a prime time to kick start it a second time. So I am tentatively optimistic. Just know, I still have some issues with 5B as a whole, but really they have a chance here to start to bring it back around again.
I'm an optimist, so sue me? 😉
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tineechi · 4 years
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 91 Summary
Raw link: https://raw.senmanga.com/Kono-Oto-Tomare!/091
Hey! Sorry for the delay. Working from home drains a lot from people. T_T
Anyway, all the disclaimers are applied (Not a native speaker; may have a LOT of mistakes... you know the drill).
The chapter starts off with Chika and Satowa riding the train to go to Satowa’s house. (Momoya’s suggestion for Chika to go to Satowa’s house as their representative is the starting narrative.) The two of them are not looking at and talking to each other. The train brakes suddenly and Satowa is lightly thrown onto Chika’s chest. Satowa’s surprised and immediately apologizes. Chika says that it’s nothing/it’s not a big deal. (while thinking to himself that she is light.) Satowa blushes a bit and Chika asks if Satowa and her mother are doing okay recently. Satowa haltingly says that “Yes. Thanks to you.” and Chika answers “Oh. That’s good.”
Satowa suddenly becomes curious and tries to ask about Chika’s mom but stops midway. Chika asks what is she trying to ask but Satowa says that “It’s nothing.” instead. Chika looks at her curiously as well but Satowa keeps quiet. She thinks to herself that they are together everyday but there’s a lot of things that she doesn’t know about him. (BTW, the chapter title is Promise.)
Scene changes to Satowa’s house and Chiharu welcomes Chika at the genkan. Chika politely says “Thanks and sorry for disturbing.” and Chiharu asks them to enter. Chika removes his shoes and is surprised when he looks up and sees the Ranunculus flower that he gave Satowa framed on the wall. Satowa tries to ask what is it about but she also suddenly sees the flower and panics. She tries to cover it with her arms and tries to explain with “It’s not... This is... that is to..” Chiharu then says “Ah. That’s the flower that Kudou-kun gave you during the announcement party.” Satowa was speechless and Chiharu continues with “Satowa doesn’t want it to wilt so she made it into oshibana (pressed flower)”. Satowa shouts “M...Mom!”. Chiharu smiles and says that it turned out beautifully and Satowa says that it is enough.
Chika looks very surprised and flattered. Satowa pushes Chika to walk forward and says that it is okay to not look at it anymore. Chika says that during that time she also got many flowers from other people. Satowa blushes profusely and says that “This flower was the most beautiful one.” (GAAAAH)
Chika smiles serenely (GAWD! This boy’s smile will kill me, I swear!) and teases her a bit and Satowa says shut up. The scene changes to a different room and Chiharu tells Chika that musical scores and their sources are generally placed in this room. She also tells him to listen to anything he likes. Chika is very amazed and asks if these are all koto songs/music. Chiharu tells him that there are other things mixed in. Chiharu tries to say that she’s leaving but Satowa stops her and says “Mother! I don’t know which song is located where so...” (trying to stop her from leaving them alone). Chiharu says “Oh, that’s why.” Satowa asks for her help finding the pieces. 
Chika looks at one and asks about it. (If I am not mistaken, it is Seoto - popular classical music composed by a famous blind Koto composer and player Michio Miyagi in the 19th century. Satowa says that it is the song performed by Eidai in the recording. Correct me if I’m wrong.) Chiharu says that she also remembers that song. Satowa asks “Is that so?” and Chiharu says “Fufufu...actually...” (They play the record and Chika is surprised.)
Chiharu explains that the Seoto is a duo of the Koto and the 17 string koto (Jyuushichigen) that expresses the flow of the Tonegawa river. Chika is a bit stunned and says that “Oh. It’s not a fierce river. Cool!” Chiharu says that it really hasn’t been a very fierce river (and again correct me if I’m wrong but I think Chiharu says that it is near their area). Chika says that even kids can play in this river. Chiharu then says that before getting married, she played this with Reiji (Satowa’s Dad). Satowa asks “with Dad?” 
Chiharu talks about that time and the flashback shows the two of them practicing to play it. She narrates that during that time she hadn’t thought much about the koto and music.  Chiharu asks how Reiji thinks they should play a tremolo part. She answers that it doesn’t sound good. Then, Reiji played the same part without saying anything and then asked “How does it sound now?” Chiharu says that she was surprised. It was the same tremolo part but Reiji’s sound was like a river murmuring accompanied by light. (Awww.) Chiharu proceeds to tell them that from that time she noticed various things and all at once she felt like the world had expanded. Chika and Satowa both look stunned. Satowa says that she didn’t know about that story and Chiharu giggles a bit and says sorry to Kudou for telling this type of story. Chika answers with “Umm.. No.. It’s a great thing to study/learn.” Chiharu smiles at him. Chiharu then says that she needs to make tea but Satowa insists that she will do it instead (to avoid being left alone with Chika in the room. HAHAHAHA). 
Satowa looks at the refrigerator and thinks that they don’t have the sweets/snacks that Chika likes (Hehehe. She definitely knows what he likes in food and drinks.) and she tries to at least find something sweet. 
Back to Chika and Chiharu, he asks about improving the pauses between the notes. Chiharu says that he is thinking in a very high level and Chika says that it wasn’t him but his kouhai who thought about it. He also says that he himself still doesn’t understand it very much. Chiharu says “I see...” and thinks for a while. Then she suddenly asks “Kudou-kun... What do you think about Satowa?” Chika is startled and says “Ha? What’s with this suddenly...”  Chiharu says “It’s okay, it’s okay... even if it is an impression or even if it is something she needs to improve on...” Chika thinks about it and says that he thinks she’s become cool. Chiharu asks “Cool?” and Chika continues with “...especially when she’s playing the Koto. It’s like... Houzuki’s sound is always pleasant and steady (isn’t fumbling/shaking). Chika looks somber and says that those are not the only things she has been accumulating/piling up while he always looked like an idiot fighting and hitting someone else. Chiharu looks a bit shocked and Chika quiets down for a while thinking to himself that honestly there are times when he thinks that he doesn’t have the qualification to play together with her (Chika remembers the scene where Satowa plays Koto wearing a kimono). He remembers the turbulent times he had fighting a lot and thinks to himself that next to a person who has faced the koto all her life, he hasn’t been able to live up to that. 
He then remembers Tetsuki’s crying face, Grandpa Gen’s face and Takezou senpai’s face when he saved Kudou from the vice principal’s accusation and thought to himself that ‘Hitting...getting hurt... being an annoyance/burden... even so... always being saved by someone’ T_T
He then recalls Chiharu asking him what he thinks about Satowa and he thinks of the times with her (Satowa playing the koto, Satowa giving her the snacks and saying thank you, Satowa giving him the omamori, Satowa pulling his tie, Satowa’s teary face, Satowa bravely walking to perform, the flower, Satowa smiling when she received the flower. GAAAAAH). Chika then remembers the Nationals poster that they wrote and says that “I respect Houzuki. Sincerely (心から or kokoro kara - literally “from my heart”).” Satowa overhears this from the hallway and Chiharu is speechless for a while too. Chika asks if that doesn’t answer her question and Chiharu says “No... Thank you for that wonderful answer.” She then closes her eyes and says “Ne Kudou-kun, did you notice while you were talking just now?” 
Chika asks “Eh?” and Chiharu says “Between the words...” Chika is astonished and Chiharu continues to explain that “Kudou-kun, just now, while you were talking to me you were thinking about/remembering various things, right? Between Kudou-kun’s words, there’s a lot of thoughts and kindness... Even if you don’t hear it, it was conveyed/transmitted properly.” Chika is a bit astounded and remembers that sound/music is another form of word/communication.”
Scene changes to Chika about to go home and saying sorry for staying too late and for the CDs that he was taking home. Satowa looks a bit serious and says “Un./Yes.” When Chika was about to say “See you tomorrow”, Satowa interrupts and says “Ne... Kudou, do you remember what you told me before?”
Chika is confused and Satowa says “Catch up to me until Nationals.” She looks very serious and says again “Catch up.” They are both facing each other seriously and Satowa repeats it for the third time “Catch up.” Chika finally speaks up and says “Of course! Just wait/wait for me!” Satowa smiles and says jokingly “I won’t wait!”
Chika shouts “AAAH?” and Satowa answers with “Do your best!” and Chika shouts “Fine!”
THE END. Whew! Sorry that was a loooong and unedited summary. I’m sorry. I’m so tired to edit it right now. I’ll try to check it tomorrow again. HAHAHAHA.
Until next chapter. :D
For appreciation, project support and improvements on Japanese translations: https://www.patreon.com/tineechi
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Can we talk about how Lena was never trully good and piss off my stalkers?
Let’s start with her early life, shit taken from her fabulous Arrowverse Wikia page, written by a hormonal, brainwashed kid with Lena’s panties in a skull:
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Aside of the dumb as fuck plot to kill her “Irish” Mother So CW Can Stop Wasting Money On Lena’s Actress Accent Coach, this was said by Lena, Age 20 Something. Where is the problem? Lena,  Age 20 Something is old enough, and so called genius, to understand that her 4 year old ass couldn’t do a shit in that situation (well, she could drown along wiith her mother *stares longingly at the wasted potential*). So, Lena The Age 20 Something tells this traumatasing for everyone’s ears story to make herself look sympathetic. Or she is super fucking dumb, but the writers try to tell us she is a so called genius. Ouch.
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Planning a shit for months that in the end RUINS someone’s life and “regrets” it (*Len a sniffs, wipping her tears with a silky handkerchief that is worth 1500$*) is well, a perfect example of a future sociopath. Also, notice how she still remembers how Lilian was proud of her. Aka destroying someone’s life maybe was a bad thing to do, but her adoptive mother was PROUD of her. This is an example of what is the most important thing for Lena - her EGO and constant praise of her HORRIBLE adoptive mother.
You won’t find it on wikia page (wonder why *sarcasm*) that Lena threw a microscope at Jack - her boyfriend, what is hey!, a violent, abusive, toxic behavior!
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Aka Lena The Snowflake Queen has NEVER stood behind a man... only behind Lex’s back... as long as he was in the picture...and she became the CEO of LuthorCorp only after... he was out of the picture... because....that’s the easiest shit to do. And she ceased contact with Lilian... because she GOT WHAT SHE WANTED. Earlier she didn’t mind Lilian and Lex’ shady shit and did nothing to stop that, huh? Wonder why. This is called not standing behind men’s back. Brothers are not men, I guess?
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Insted of kicking the young mother to her home, to spend time with her daughter, Lena The Slave Driver (too soon? :) and The White Face Of Aggressive Capitalism gives her a blessing. And this article suggests that everything what Sam achived was all to Lena, not her own abilities. Feminism, yay!
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Because who cares about people’s privacy when they are not humans but some alien scum, right? You can’t ask for people’s believes or sexuality but can easily check your neighbour origin! Yay! Who cares that alienphobes would buy it for horrible reasons? Because moneeeey, moneeeeey, moneeeeey! 
Btw, remember how Lena was pissed off at Rhea, because she was ALIEN? It was not because the lie, it was because dear Rhea was alien, so hello ALIENPHOBIC Lena :D Also, Lena ignored Rhea lied to her and just followed The Daxamite Queen like a lost puppy only because Rhea praised her ass. Lena was easily manipulated, because oh her mommy and ego issues xD Cheer for the genius!
Btw, remember how big damage the Phorians did to National City BECAUSE of Lena’s exeperiments with the portal? And again, she didn’t face any consequecens. 
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Remember how  because of this portal she can stop starvation blah blah blah? Well, nah, it’s all about her ego. And after Daxamite invasion, what she has done about that starvation? NADA :’) She proved her portal works, who cares about the rest.
What happens next? A hostile Daxamite army invades USA THANKS TO LENA and... nothing happens. How many people died? How many buildings were destroyed? Did Snowflake Lena meet any consequences? Did they accuse her of being a TRAITOR? She is not a traitor, her brainwashed minions say. Yeah? Think about Snowden and Assange. And now you can laugh.
Then she spreads lead into atmosphere and yep, nothing happens. Weirdly, no other country is pissed off that some American bitch spread fucking lead all over whole fucking world. Who cares, American capitalism! *Afghanistan, Iraq, South American countries, Vietnam, South Korea stare into the void*
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Lena buys CatCo ONLY to keep her name clean and - Money, money money!
Plus, Lena reveals she didn’t talk with Kara for months (friendship goals! pure heart! friendship over work!).
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Few things here:
1)during it, Edge’s bodyguard was killed, what means that Lena getting what she wants is more important than random people lives
2)she did that on a gala, full of innocent, not aware of the danger people. She purposely put them in the danger
3)getting that record of Edge’s confession was absolutely illegal and any judge would fucking die hearing how she got it
4)she corrupted Kara to do this shit
5)cried about how ONLY her friends keep her from crossing a line - bitch, you already crossed that and your friends should take your ass to a psychologist, lol
6) did i mention that Edge’s BODYGUARD WAS KILLED?
(And now a short break for a laugh:
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My poor Lena’s phone! What have you done to piss Sam so much? :((((( )
Also hey, Lena is a gun lover. 
During this time, Lena was experimenting on Sam. Alone. Not telling anyone. Because you know, EGO issues. She told DEO only when her ass was satrting to burn.
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We are glad that Lena’s stans are aware she constantly LIE and loves EXCUSES of her shitty actions. KUDOS, guys!
Also yeaaaah, I reluctantly intend to tell my father I destroyed his fave  set of stamps. Someday. But after 10 years he is still not aware so maybe, not today, yeah.
Also, Lena plays the “innocent victim” when she reveals she produces Kryptonite. That can be used only to kill Kryptonians, but she doesn’t see why Supergirl is so pissed off. It’s not like it’s some 100% deadly weapon for Kara Zor El and her cousin. Calm down your tits, Supergirl, ok? Every day Lena can choke to death eating fucking avocado and she doesn’t throw tantrums about it!
And then Lena basically used Harun-El for her own experiments. Did she tell Alura she stole some of it? Nah. Did she inform anyone about her experiments? Naah. Why when she can play a god?
Remmeber Ben Lockwood? That horribly written bad guy? Who turned evil because Lena The Capitalistic Bitch Who Swims In Money didn’t help his father’s bancrupting factory? Becasue:
When you think about, if Lena wouldn’t have been a white typical American aggressive capitalistic bitch focused on making money and doing illegal experiments, there hadn’t been Agent Liberty. I think it’s hilarious. Lena wants to “help” the world *cough* by polluting it? *cough*  by some fucking useless portals, while all she needs to do is helping people and saving their buisness :D
Then we have some sweet talk including Lena and her so called friends, about powering up humans. And we clearly see that Lena wants to play a god, because of her EGO. Who decides who is good enough to be powered up? Lena. Who holds the power to make humans superpowered? Lena. Who doesn’t say a shit about these experiments and doing it in secret? Lena. 
And here comes our poor young Adam. Adam, who is depressed because of his brother’s death and driven by guilt. And Lena, for some fucking reason, choses him. UHM? And then, even if she KNOWS this experiment is deadly (no SANE scientist allows human trials when the possibility of death is higher than 1% - (you have animal trials for it for fuck’s sake), that is a FACT, in Lena’s case it was about 40%? or even more). But he filled the aplication! Yeah, and this makes it legal, LOL. But Lena wanted to stop it and he FORCED her to keep doing! Yeaaaaaah, depressed, driven by guilt kid forced poor innocent Lena to kill him. Holy crap! Lena! You poor baby!!!!
No shit guys, LENA IS MURDERER. And she doesn’t tell anyone, becasuse she knows it was illegal.
But! But! But! GOVERMENT knows! She works for them!!! Yeah, she works for alienphobic goverment and Ben Lockwood, what can go wrong?! :DDDD
And then, she basically saved a mass murderer and helped him escape.
How the FUCK her ass is not rotting in jail is a mystery, but I guess when you are a white loaded American capitalist you can do whatever shit you want and won’t meet consequecnes of your actions. 
And now cheer for Lena The Snowflake Queen Luthor stans who love her and don’t see a one single thing in her doings - it’s good to be murderer’s apologist, huh? :D
(all caps taken from Lena’s wikia page -> x)
I want to dedicate this post to my stalkers aka KramReceipt crowd from twitter - please, be more butthurt in the future, I have more ideas to expose your Snowflake Queen ;*
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lycanhood · 6 years
Supergirl 4x06 “Call To Arms” Liveblog
SPOLIERS!!!! obviously
Oh no, what asshole trained this dog to dislike aliens? Not cool
I’m all for the team up with Manchester Black
Lena, baby, you look incredible but what are you doing? Also where is your lab coat and safety gear? Give me Lena in a lab coat, you cowards!!!!
Um what? She booked James on the show? What the fuck is she his secretary? Does she make his doctor appointments too? Pick up his dry cleaning? Wtf is this bullshit?
Aw, she still trying to cure cancer :( Sidebar: did Lionel die of cancer in this universe?
If the Colonel thinks she can stop Kara Zor-El from answering a cry for help she’s better fucking check herself. I don’t care what neighborhood it’s in
There’s a cafeteria at the DEO?!??
10/10 Harry Potter references
Good job, Brainy, you keep doing you
Oh SHIT! She actually picked up his dry cleaning????? Ooooo I’m salty
Ugh, I did not come here for this Lames drama. I DON’T CARE!
Uh I will admit tho I like when Lena goes from friend/girlfriend to Boss Ass Bitch in like 2 seconds flat. That shit is hot
I am 100% here for J’onn & Manchester’s friendship. I am 65% here for the torture of this bigot
It was definitely uncool for Lena to book that interview without telling him.
Haha two episodes in a row someone has pointed out that Lena is right almost always
Somebody get that baby a Redbull
If she had narcolepsy wouldn’t she know that it’s ya know called narcolepsy? I’m wondering if Nia is aware of her abilities and just hasn’t come to terms with them or explored them yet.
Brainy is a master of deception. I love him
A white guy in a black van? Seems legit
Question...what kinda hearts are these? And where does she get them? Are they artificial or animal hearts maybe?
Hahaha Eve: “I don’t like them that much anyway.”
What’s the treatment for narcolepsy? Medication?
YASS!! Nia for thanksgiving!!
Aw Nia and Kara are an adorable duo. I don’t stand that close to people when I give pep-talks or gently touch their hair but you know whatever. Kara’s hair does look great, as usual
Oh fuck NO UGH I’ve never been so annoyed to see Sam Witwer’s face
I would just like to point out that actual cockroaches are also living breathing beings.
It’s really hard for me to accept that this dog might be anything other than a good boy
Pointing out that there have been Alien Attacks/Invasions that have resulted in human casualties is really sort of ironic when you account for human terrorist groups and movements throughout history that have resulted in human casualties. How are hostile aliens any different?
I’m not sure how pointing out the hypocrisy of thanksgiving is really doing anything to help your cause, my man.
Yay! The Thanksgiving scene!!!! LENA IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhhh! The found family keeps growing and I love it SO fucking much
Yeah Nia is definitely lying about the narcolepsy. She pulled that out of her ass to cover for her abilities
Damn, Lames is chilly on this November day
Go ahead, Lena, talk about how strong Supergirl is some more hehe
Alex: “They’d be playing God.” -> Lena internally: “But that’s my favorite game.”
There are so many geniuses in the room
Um, I’m sorry but didn’t they literally mark Jewish homes and businesses with the star of David during the Holocaust? Or right before the Holocaust. Disgusting
Right, Kara, somebody better call Supergirl *wink wink*
Oh good Lames is fighting again. This is so enjoyable. Oh and now Lena is heartbroken, even better. That was sarcasm btw Ugh, why would I want any of this?
What’s with these pop star hoodies tho?
Oh YASS Brainy, get them! Awesome to see him fight (sorta)
OH. MY. GOD. These bigoted goons are carrying actually FUCKING TIKI TORCHES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The CW is calling out neo nazis SO hard on this one . Wow
OOOOOOH SHIT! Yes SPIKE! GET THEM!!! Holy mother of god what a lizard
Kara, please don’t hurt Spike! He’s the real MVP here
“Ok, Melissa, today we need you to act like you’re holding a dragon by the tail, and you are mildly inconvenienced by it, cool?”
You were a GOOD BOY, Spike!!! A damn good boy
Omg did Kara just canon confirm that there were dragons on Krypton? We are truly blessed
She’s definitely going to disobey direct orders again.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Not a platform
Neato, Eliza’s life sounds kinda lit
I sometimes forget Alex and her mom are both Doctors. Do they bond over that? Talk about nerdy science things? I bet Lena would be interested in the inter-terrestrial genetic whatcha-ma-call-it Eliza is working on
Whoa Lena is wearing a collared shirt buttoned up all the way. A Queen
Lena, no
James, no
What is James even doing in that promo? Is he acting to gain there trust? Alex is gonna be pissed when Kara gets abducted
Um, where Russian!Kara at tho? I miss her beautiful serious face and skin tight jumpsuit
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ruffiorocks · 6 years
James Olsen and Lena Luthor. Why this relationship was built on disrespect. (Anti James)
So, we all know by now that i’m not a James Olsen fan! BUT a lot of that is because the writers have no consistency! Take for e.g. 
Lena saves James’ ass from going to prison and he gets on his high horse, tells her off etc.. tells her he doesn't want her love, acts like an arrogant prick! 
Later, in episode 10 (season 4) Lena has been (understandably) ignoring and avoiding James to lose herself in her experiment. Because she’s a scientist who saved the man she loves (ugh!) from going to Prison. She was once again the hero and was surprise surprise STILL treated like s**t!  Lena didn't even tell James she had sorted his issue out for him, she let him run with his male ego, until he was about to undo all her work and get himself arrested again because a near miss apparently makes this idiot feel invincible . 
So, Lena comes to CatCo to basically apologize to her ungrateful ass of a boyfriend for ignoring him, even though she was fully justified in doing so. He couldn't even respect her enough to give her the space she needed when she said she was busy. No, he turns up at her office with lunch as though this extremely busy woman who just gave him the brush off would some how appreciate him ignoring her (again) because he thinks its time she gave him the attention he so desperately craves and feels entitled to. (Does anyone remember when Ross from Friends did this to Rachel?!) 
So back to Lena at Cat Co, James goes on about ‘everything he went through’ with the Children of Liberty. Oh boo hoo! You were told to stay away from the Anti Alien Nazi group by literally EVERYONE because that could not end well, annnnnnd look it didnt end well, you nearly killed Kara. But somehow he is the victim here and he wrote an article on it. Probably leaving out the fact that he was the one who believed they deserved a voice in the first place and was responsible for the mess he got himself into. 
James, FINALLY realizes that Lena didnt do anything wrong and he did ‘jump all up on his moral high horse and he rode it into the sunset until he felt pretty justified in being angry’ (his words! Not mine). So, this prick actually went out of his way to be pissed at Lena for something. 
Lena, (angel that she is) is still sat there looking like she is the one in the wrong and is waiting to be called all sorts. But this ANGEL still says ‘i read your article and i understand what you went through’. Even though she had told this idiot multiple times not to get involved with the COL because it was a dumb idea. But does this wonderful love staved woman say that? NO! 
James then tells her he left some things out of the article, like ‘how he condemned the woman he loves’ cue shocked Lena, and no wonder because when she told him she loved him she was treated like garbage and left standing in a hallway. But now he loves her and everything is supposed to be OK now? 
James says he condemned Lena for selling out, but when he was backed into the same corner he did the same thing. Lena, (angel that she is) tells him no one would blame him for that least of all her. James then goes on about how he was willing to break the law because ‘sometimes the ends do justify the means’. He then tells Lena ‘I want you to know something, i understand what it means to make hard choices’. Lena (angel that she is) tells him he doesn't know how much it means to her that he said that and kisses him and im presuming some how now feels she has been forgiven?? Even though it wasn't her that needed forgiveness.
Now! When Lena tells James about her experiments, he hesitates but he tell her that he supports her. If he had issues with it, THAT MOMENT right there was his chance to voice them, that was Lena asking for his support, to be the Angel on her shoulder. But instead of respecting her enough to be honest with her, he is so desperate to get back into her bed he tells her he is cool with it. (This isn't just me btw, my 30 + year old brother watched that scene and agrees that James just tricked Lena into going back to bed with him with his dishonestly and false support. Do you think she would have stayed and slept with him if she knew she didn't have his support?) . 
Now this brings us to the break up scene, Lena tells James she has been offered a government contract. James, instantly against this tells her he can’t fathom why she would want to do this. Lena says she thought he supported her work. (Yes James, i thought you supported her work?!) He responds with ‘i know i said i understand this moral grey area that your treading on, but if you share your research with the government they are going to militarize it.’ Well duh!! Did he really just tell Lena genius Luthor that? He continues ‘i know i said i would try and understand your point of view but i dont think i can on this one’. Wow! He really tried to understand her point of view in those 60 seconds of first hearing about this. He then says ‘I love you , and you love me, but i know you're better than this’. Cue Lena now looking very pissed, and rightfully so. He’s not only told her that he doesn't support her, but apparently this makes her wrong. Lena understandably pissed, tells him she wont let him judge her for using her science to benefit humanity. He replies with ‘I dont want to judge’ even though that is EXACTLY what he just did by telling her ‘you’re better than this’. James then tells her that ‘He will never support her sharing her research with the government and he thinks that could destroy them’. Wow James, you sure got all that information on this and spent some time trying to understand it didnt you?! *eye roll*
Its basically saying ‘i dont want to judge you, but im judging you and i wont ever agree with you, even though i haven't even asked about any of this or what it entails, but if you do anything without my approval we are probably going to break up’. wow.... way to back her into a corner there without any real discussion James! Lena then tells him, he’s probably right and he should leave. James ‘so thats it then?’ Well yes James! You were the one who just backed Lena into a corner and basically said ‘do this and we’re through’. So what? Its OK for James to threaten a break up if Lena doesn't conform to his way of thinking, but the moment Lena stands up for herself and tells him to leave he's like ‘Whaaaat?’ . 
Lets review, earlier in the scene at Catco James admits he has a moral high horse he likes to ride. He also tells her  ‘sometimes the ends do justify the means’. He then tells Lena ‘I want you to know something, i understand what it means to make hard choices’ So, James understood all of this back then. But where was all this understanding in the car for the break up scene? NO WHERE to be found! He didnt even give Lena the chance to explain why she was doing any of this before he judged her and said they were basically through if she did this thing he knew literally NOTHING about because he didnt have the curtsy to ask. 
This right here is the main reason i dont like James! He is so two faced and is still riding that moral high horse not only into the sunset but off the edge of the world probably all the way to Argo City! Lena, who earlier did nothing but save his ass had to be forgiven by him. First he doesn't support her theory of her work (thanksgiving) then he says he does (while making dinner and getting back into her bed) and now he doesn't again!
All i conclude from this is James is a two faced git, only supports something if it something HE thinks is right. Is willing to break his girlfriends heart more than once. Doesn't respect his girlfriends space. Believes that things should be fixed on his schedule. Believes that saying ‘ i love you’ is enough to get him out of the dog house. Tricks this wonderful woman into believing that he supports her and doesn't give his wonderful open with him girlfriend the chance to even explain more before he tells her he will never support her and will basically end their relationship. Then he looks butt hurt when this angel has finally had enough of his egotistical, moral high ground ass and dumps him before he can dump her! 
did i leave anything out? Why is James understanding one minute, but only due to something that has effected him. Then a complete ass the next? 
Unfortunately, given how the writing is awful (all of the above) i think Lena dumped James to save him from whatever was coming next. They kept switching to shots of her looking really sad, like she was regretting what she was doing. But she really shouldn't have been. Everything in that break up seen was a legit reason for her to dump him even if she orchestrated it herself. It doesn't change the things James said and his lies about support. This relationship was awful! Built on fake support, secrets and James Olsens schedule and ego. 
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nc-ten-scenarios · 6 years
Ocean Waves//1
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The roads were quiet tonight. There weren’t many cars out as I drove. I had the radio playing softly, but more than anything it was background noise. My jeep wrangler held three people inside. I was driving, Lia took passenger, and Poppy claimed the entire back row. 
I flipped my blinker on, even though nobody else was on the road, and turned off the main road and took a left onto the gravel road leading to the pack house. As we pulled up I felt as if something was off, but I couldn’t place the feeling. I parked and just sat there basking in the silence. The air felt almost thicker and slightly tense, like something had been thrown off or something was coming. 
I was snapped out of my train of thought when Lia tapped my arm. “Are we going to sit here or actually go inside?” 
It was then I realized we had been sitting here for the past five minutes, engine still running. I quietly turned off the engine before pulling my keys from the ignition. I slid my seatbelt off and hopped out of the car. I locked it and listened as my shoes crunched under the gravel. 
The three of us walked up the porch steps before knocking on the front door. When we got no answer I took the initiative to just see if it was unlocked to which it was. Inside you could hear soft voices from within the kitchen and by the sound of it, it seemed that nobody knew that we had just wandered inside.
I slipped my shoes off before I followed the voices down the hall to the kitchen to find all the pack members huddled around the table. I wouldn’t be as surprised as I was if I hadn’t seen Kara and Hana among them. 
“We are being attacked from the East, West and now the North hyung. It’s only a matter of time before they attack from the South too.”
“We must take action now.”
“No time to waste.”
“The longer we wait the more time they have to surround us.”
Voices flooded the space and it didn’t take us (me, Lia, and Poppy) long to figure out that the pack was making a battle strategy. One that hadn’t been introduced to us until now. Well, technically we wouldn’t have known unless we had came inside.
My eyes scanned the room again to see literally every single pack member here in a huddle, minus me, Lia, and Poppy. It then dawned on me.
We were not invited to this pack meeting.
Immediately anger began to rouse in my veins and by the look on Lia’s face I knew she had the same thoughts. 
It didn’t take long for somebody to notice us in the kitchen entrance and once our presence was discovered the kitchen went silent.
“Y/n, Lia, Poppy. So glad you could join us.” Taeyong, the NCT pack alpha broke that silence awkwardly. It seemed as if he was trying to diffuse the tension. 
Too bad those words were transparent to the real meaning. He didn’t invite us on purpose.
My glare didn’t lessen, but I remained silent. Lia, however, couldn’t contain her anger.
“Oh really? So glad for us to join you? Yeah right Taeyong. We knocked on the door and got no answer so we invited ourselves in to find the entire pack minus me, y/n, and poppy, having a meeting.”
“A meeting that we weren’t invited to apparently.” I added.
The pack was silent as they knew they were caught red handed. After a moment of silence, Cassidy, Taeil’s mate stepped forward.
“It’s not that we didn’t want to invite you loves, believe me. It’s just that this is a pack thing you know?” That only fueled our anger.
“A pack thing?” Poppy repeated brows furrowed and head tilted to the side.
“Aren’t we a part of the pack?” Lia snapped staring at Cassidy before flickering her eyes to Hyokyo who was Yuta’s mate. The looks on their faces basically told us all we needed to know.
A scoff left Lia’s throat. “Wow just wow.”
“Lia it isn’t what you think-” Hana started, but Lia immediately cut her off.
“Isn’t it though? You don’t consider us a part of the pack.” 
“Now hold on a minute-” Hyokyo began.
“No we will not. Answer my question. Aren’t we a part of the pack?”
“Well of course you are.” Cheyanne the luna countered. 
She came forward and placed a hand on Lia’s shoulder. “You are a part of the family girls.” She paused as if thinking her next words carefully.”It’s just that you aren’t like us.”
“Aren’t like you?” I snapped.
“You aren’t wolves.” She finally said. 
And that’s when it all clicked into place. In unison we all stepped back and scowled.Poppy was the first to speak up.
“Yeah so?”
“Your aren’t as strong as we are. You could be hurt.” Our luna continued.
Lia let out a bitter, watery laugh as she got frustrated the tears would also come. “So that’s why we weren’t invited. Because were human?”
The room once again filled with silence. Lia’s words were the truth that none of the wolves could deny. With their silence we got our answers.
I shook my head as I looked at each pack member. Each member had the same look as the last and I couldn’t bare looking at them much longer.
“Well I’m glad to know that’s what you really think,” Lia hissed. “I guess you won’t have to worry about us much longer.” She spun on her heel and disappeared from the kitchen.
“I hope your meeting goes well.” Poppy whispered before she too disappeared from sight.
I shook my head before I followed the other two girls. We slipped on our shoes and headed out the door, not forgetting to slam the door behind us.
School the next week was pretty much a game of how-long-can-you-avoid-the-pack.  I had managed to be quite successful and it was today I actually thanked my teacher for putting Haechan on the other side of the room.
Throughout class I felt his stare on me. No it wasn’t the look at person and look away type stare. It was the full on stare at them until they turn around type stare. I began to feel uncomfortable, but I knew if I looked now I wouldn’t be able to turn down his puppy like gaze. So I kept my stare forward for the entirety of the period. 
Class ended fairly quick and I was able to sneak out the door and disappear into the crowd of students easily. Guess those are the perks of sitting near the door. I practically ran down the stairs towards the back lot doors to go to my tech class. Thank god none of the others had this class. Lia burst out the doors and ran towards my car, something she never really did....Unless she was being chased. 
From behind I watched as the doors flung open and out came Hana and Jaemin who’s eyes locked straight onto Lia’s running form before they followed her lead. I knew they were faster than Lia, but Lia had a head start. I quickly started the car and pulled out of the spot, giving her more space to jump into the car so we could leave. 
She finally reached the car and ripped the door open not even taking her bag off yet when she slammed the door shut and demanded that I drive. I listened to her frantic tone and began the short drive to the tech school down the way.
“So what was that about?” I started the conversation.
“They tried to corner me after class, but I booked it out of there. The aftermath was that they attempted to catch me before I made it outside.” Her voice was slightly out of breath from all the running.
“Well cudos to you for beating two werewolves.” 
“Yeah I’m pretty good and surprised not gonna lie.” She grinned wildly making me snicker at her words.
By the time our laughter stopped we had reached the tech school.
“Let’s go eat, I’m starving!” Lia exclaimed as we began walking in. 
After getting our lunches we sat at our usual table and began to eat. 
“I wonder if we are getting a new project today.” 
I shrugged. “If we are I hope it’s not a boring video. I couldn’t stand the last one.”
I pulled my phone out and scrolled through the various messages. Five from Haechan, three from Hana, four from Poppy, and two from a number I didn’t recognize. My brows furrowed as I clicked on the message.
Hey cousin! It’s your girl May. I got a new phone (if you didn’t notice) and I wanted to let you know I’m coming into town to visit you! I’ll be staying for the rest of the school year and my credits have already been transferred over.
Oh btw I’m arriving at your house around 2:30 today. See you soon!
My jaw dropped realizing my cousin would be here in a matter of hours. Joy spread throughout my body at the thought of hanging with my cousin. 
Lia noticing my grin tilted her head suspiciously. “Why are you smiling like that?”
“My cousin is coming into town,”
Surprise covered her face. “Oh May is coming into town? When?”
“Today after school.” 
“Dang that’s short notice, but I’m glad she is. I haven’t seen her in so long!”
“Same. And get this.” I paused for dramatic effect. “She’s staying till the end of the school year!”
“Shut up no she is not!” Lia grinned. “This is fantastic news! The trio is getting back together. Look out everyone!”
 Once May did arrive it was like a hug fest between the three of us.
“I’ve missed you so much!”
“It’s been so long!”
“Well you are now stuck with us for awhile now so get used to it.”
May herself was a human, but that didn’t mean she was dense either. She knew about the supernatural world. The reason being that I was a supernatural being myself. I was what you’d call an elemental. Specifically a water elemental. 
The power itself was pretty cool, but it also had a dark side to it as well. Water is a liquid just like milk or tea. So technically speaking I could control anything of a liquid type substance. But being called a liquid bender isn’t ideal.
“So how is my favorite human and my favorite elemental?” May asked after she plopped herself down onto the couch.
“Been okay.” Lia shrugged.
“It’s been pretty good up until last week.” I muttered tossing the crackers to May.
“What happened last week? Who do I got to fight?”
I snickered at my cousin’s behavior. “No one May.”
“Besides May I don’t think you want to get involved in the bf drama.” Lia exclaimed not realizing what she said until it was too late.
“Wait hold up. Bf drama? As in boyfriend drama?” May’s eyes lit up.
Lia tried to play it off. “I meant it as best friend problems you know?”
May wasn’t buying it. “Your best friend would consist of either y/n or me Lia. And since you don’t seem annoyed by either of us, I want the deets on your boyfriends.”
We sighed defeated. “Fine, fine. Yes we have boyfriends.”
“Names.” May was already grinning.
“Donghyuck but he goes by Haechan.” I immediately replied.
“Jaemin. But I call him Nana.” Lia sighed.
“What do they look like?”
“Both are taller than us, cute, sweet-”
“No. I want to see pictures you nuggets!” May insisted.
After playing a round of what seemed like twenty questions about our boyfriends she finally seemed satisfied.
“Okay I approve. For the moment in time. When can I meet them?” 
Lia and I shared a look. 
“Well the thing is” I started
“We got into an argument” Lia finished.
The room went silent and we both dared glances at May to see her silently sitting there thinking. She seemed to be processing our words carefully. Her expression remained tranquil....for about five seconds.
“All the more reason to meet them.”
“Why is that?” I asked cautiously.
“So I can yell at them for making my girls upset obviously. So what are you waiting for?” She jumped up off the sofa, brushing off her jeans.
“Wait you want to meet them now?” Lia was gobsmacked.
Neither of us were ready to face the pack yet, but May didn’t know that our boyfriends were part of the pack. She didn’t even know what our arguments were about. But she was adament about meeting the pack.
“No Lia I want to meet them last tuesday. Yes today!”
Lia and I shared a look that read well-now-what? Glancing at May I knew she was determined to meet them today. I had really only one option. So I sighed before grabbing my car keys and decided to drive Lia over to the pack house to meet Haechan and Jaemin. Lia and I could only pray she wouldn’t ask too many questions.
Once we arrived at the pack house, it was very worrying how she’d react. Lia had bucked up the courage to text the group chat and tell them the situation. From what I read they seemed ectastic that we were talking to them again so I prayed it would all go smoothly.
As we walked up to the front door my nerves began to kick in. I took a deep breath to calm myself down before knocking on the door. Withing moments of the first knock the door swung open and I was pulled into a warm embrace by none other than Hana.
“Great you guys made it! Come on in.” She grinned pushing the door open wider.
We all slipped off our shoes before shuffling into the warm house. 
“Everyone is in the living room. Don’t be shy I promise they won’t bite.”  I sent Hana a warning glance hoping that May didn’t get her double meaning. Lucky for me May just laughed along before following us into the living room.
As soon as I stepped into the living room I was met with the grinning faces of the pack pups minus the twins. Must be talking it out at home.
Haechan’s eyes lit up at the sight of me willingly inside the pack house and he grinned at me patting the seat next to him. I slowly wandered over to the spot he was patting and settled into the cushion. I slightly tensed when he wrapped his arm around me, but soon relaxed despite being mildly annoyed from last week. Stupid mate bond.
“Aw what an adorable couple!” May coo’d at us grinning.
I cleared my throat lightly blushing.”May this is Haechan my boyfriend, Haechan this is May my cousin.”
Haechan grinned. “Ah so this is the famous May I’ve heard so much about.”
“All good things I hope.” She giggled shaking his hand.
“Of course. My girl would never talk bad about somebody. She’s sweet that way.” Haechan grinned kissing my cheek.
“Yeah it adds to her charm.” Hana added in settling down next to Mark.”Lia why don’t you take a seat and introduce her to Nana?”
Lia glared at Hana before plopping herself next to Jaemin. Well she tried at least. Jaemin instantly pulled Lia onto his lap with arms around her waist as he leaned back against the sofa.
Lia’s cheeks flushed with scarlet. “This is Jaemin my boyfriend.” She managed to get out a clear sentence despite her flustered state.
“Nice to meet you May. I hope we can become good friends.” Jaemin smiled a mega watt grin at May.
“I sure hope we can.”
“Why don’t we all go around introducing ourselves minus Nana and Haechan.” Hana leaned her head onto Mark’s shoulder, eyes twinkling. “I’ll go first I’m Hana.”
“Hi I’m Mark, Hana’s boyfriend.”
“I’m Renjun.”
“We are missing one. He should be coming in soon.” Hana smiled at May who was memorizing name to face. 
“Alright well it’s lovely to meet you all.” May leaned back happily.
Small chatter started up around us and I looked to May to see her chatting with Hana and Mark before I caught Lia’s less than amused gaze. 
Haechan nuzzled his nose into my cheek before he kissed the spot. I leaned away still annoyed with him and the rest of the pack.
“Oh come on love. Please don’t be mad at me.” Haechan whined laying his head on my shoulder.
I huffed turning my head the other way.
“Babeeeee.” Haechan was persistant and the tone in his whine told me he would soon have the puppy eyes out and those were something I couldn’t resist. “Love come on look at me.” His voice dropped an octave as he coaxed me to look at him. 
I felt my resolve begin to crumble. I finally sighed and spared him a glance to find him giving me the damn puppy eyes and to top it off a cute head tilt. I stared at him trying to seem annoyed, but once I dropped my glare he grinned leaning forward to pull me into a hug.
“I knew you couldn’t resist me.” He teased resting his head on mine.
“Yeah, yeah. You cheated. You know I can’t resist the puppy eyes.”
“Don’t you mean my dazzling charm?” He smirked.
I rolled my eyes leaning back and patting his cheek.”Yeah that’s what it is babe.”
He playfully nipped at my hand. “I’m all yours darling.”
I rolled my eyes again gazing around the room to land on Lia who had her arms crossed as she tried to get Jaemin to let her go. By the looks of it she wasn’t winning. Her eyes rolled at something he whispered in her ear before they landed on me and the look basically screamed help me.
I snickered before I attempted to get up myself to no avail. Apparently Haechan wasn’t allowing me to leave his side now. I turned to glare at him, but was interrupted by Jeno walking inside.
“Man you guys should’ve came with me on patrol! There was this massive elk just waiting to be taken down-” He was cut off by none other than Mark.
“Jeno meet May. Y/n’s cousin visiting from out of town.” 
Jeno popped his head into the living room and he froze at the sight of May. He seemed to recognize her human scent, but he remained still just gazing at her before Mark cleared his throat.
“Oh how rude of me. I’m Jeno nice to meet you.”
May smiled at him rising to shake his hand.”I’m May as you now know. It’s nice to meet you too.”
Jeno reciprocated her smile kissing her hand. “The pleasure is all mine.”
The room filled with silence until Lia cleared her throat.”Well would you look at the time. It’s six o’clock which means we’ve got to get back and make dinner.” She began to rise up until Jaemin pulled her back down.
“Why don’t you three stay here for dinner? There is plenty to go around.” He smirked.
“Yeah and we want to get to know May a little better. Isn’t that right Jeno?” Haechan joined in.
“Yeah I think it’s a grand idea. Y/n we can cook tomorrow night okay? I’d like to get to know everyone else better.” May chimed in too.
“Especially Jeno.” Chenle teased before he darted into the kitchen to avoid Lia and I’s glares.
“It’s decided then. I’ll go inform Taeyong you are all staying for dinner.” Hana jumped up and left the room, but not before sending me a knowing wink.
-Admin Allie 
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akane171 · 2 years
Haha, yess😍 Home alone with your brain and some dramatic music is the best setting for good ideas tl be born😉😉
Aah, yes, okay🤔 Lol, you really like soldier!Mon, huh?😂 Tho it does really fit S3!him incredibly well🤔😍😂🙈
Hmmm, good question🤔🤔 Kinda depends on if we're talking just about the usual pets or ALL animals🤔😂
Eh, thankfully not INSIDE, no, tho pet mice would be AWE and SOME 😍😅😅🙈
Alura saw that those two basically happily married anyway😌😉 I still wonder if Winn&Mon got that drink together that Winn said they should get after all that🤔🤔
Ohh, Yeah! Hmm🤔 I love the idea of protective Zor, but considering how he was yet another lost puppy at Catco and how funny I'd be, I think best buddies Zor&Mon would be SO amazing😂😂 
Hm, I was thinking along the lines of accident (maybe they and Winn's kid were messing with some weird stuff and the Karamel kiddos ended up in the past?) but a mix of both would be fun as well, like, imagine the kiddos accidently stumbling into the past and realizing that some details are horribly wrong (e.g., maybe that Robot was never supposed to show up originally and someone is messing with the timeline?) and need to get their parents back together if they don't want themselves and their (very happy, karamel-ly) future to vanish into nothing🤔🤔😅😂
Well, I've only seen fan-edits and a couple of scenes, so dunno, tho it really looks like a wasted very good opportunity🤔 Haha, yes, maybe that should just become an official club😅🙈 ...Still glad I barely watched those, but lol, for a sec my brain went to Stargate at the "SG", not Supergirl and I was so confused about what exactly you meant😅😂
Oh god...Those ladies as lawyers would be TERRIFYING!!😅😅🙈 Huh, music industry? I don't think I've seen such an AU setting before🤔😂
Yeah...Let's just hope for the best while we look at the half-empty glass and try to tell ourselves it's half-full 😉🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🙈
Eh, sor-🤦🏻‍♀️ Uhm, maybe?🙈🤷🏻‍♀️😅
Haha, lol, imagine it didn't and you turned into an undead, brain-eating Zombie, singing "What's in your heeaaaaddd? What's in your heeeeeeeaaad? Zommmbiiiieee, zombiieee, zoo-ombi-i-ieeee"😂😂 (Okay, no, let's forget this, my brain is being weird again😅🙈🤦🏻‍♀️)
Btw, wanna switch this over to Discord, too, or keep it here? Whatever you're more comfortable with!🙈
Do you recall the movie Home Alone? So yeah, being alone is cool, without assholes trying to rob your house xD
It does. Or i read/watched too many military fiction. But seriosuly, Mon in s3, with his mastered dead-inside-man-face, just fit a dude with a major PTSD problem and you can't change my mind. Or dunno, maybe being in a content marriage does shit like that to people *rolls eyes*
All animals. Waiting.
...mhm. You know they have small sharp teeth, right?
Alura and Eliza, two moms right after sensing what their daughter refuses to see. Love them both.
Hopefully they did. One of the many things we will never know *gross sobbing*
I remember Peggy's fic when they all went for vacations and Mon gave Zor THE TALK and I think I still didn't recover form this awesomness.
Cool. It could be a hilarious slash dramatic slash angsty story, because the kids facepalming about their parents being blind idiots in love would be a A+ game xD
I think the writers were afraid of some shippers too xD From what I have seen they had a smilar problem with ship wars in that fandom.
Oh, you are a stargate fan too? I downloaded the first season and wait for some free time to watch it. I also downloaded Farscape, so generally speaking i'm going to dive into classic sci fi shows soonish xD
they would be awesome lawyers xD
Oh, I had a music fic idea in my head. Kara being kicked out of a girls pop band - thanks to Lobotomizer who is jealous of Kara's amazing vocal skills. And kara ends drunk in a bar where Eve finds her. Eve is a girflriend of Winn, who is manager of a symphonic power metal (don't mind my metal loving ass xD) band, where Mon-El is the lead guitarist. The main vocal of the bad kicked their asses and left the band just before they started touring with a new album and they are fucked if they don't find replaement. And well, none candidate is good enough and then Eve drags runken Kara to their place, they recognize a pop girl and are imediatelly NO FUCKING WAY, she is pissed off and screams and tehy are like... oh, she can scream.... Later Kara wakes up in her apartment, with aching head and some asshole knokicng to the door. It's Mon-El who came to take her to rehersal. What rehersal? He shows her a signed by her contract that makes her a part of the metal band, yay! And you can imagine the troubles along the way xD Thought about making Kara being taught by Cat Grant in the past, who was a classical vocal teacher and Cat being dissapointed when Lena asked Kara to join her band. And Kara really spreading her wings in the new position etc. And of course karamel bickering along the way, fans being super sceptical but warming up to her, because her vocal is amazing and karamel falling in love etc. Oh, and imagine Kara asking the badn what she should wear on the stage and they are like, dunno, wear whatever you want, and she wears some pink things xD and the crowd when they first sees her is like O.O and then she starts singing and all are floored.
Sorry for karamel ranting xD
I am a mushroom, so i can be a zombie mushroom, why the hell not?!!!
We can switch to discord with this madness if you want xD
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imagine-lcorp · 7 years
One Drink, One Song (One Shot)
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L x R where R is a really quiet DEO agent and is assigned as Lena's bodyguard and Lena tries to coax the reader out of her shell? Lots of fluff please?
A/N: Hi again everyone and happy holidays btw, i hope you get to have a great time! Here I give you this fic based on the request above, I don’t know what came over me to write a this one like i did, but here we areeeee! So I really hope you enjoy this. Kudos to the anon that sent it <3 and please, remember that my ask is open for you, anytime. Enjoy!
Lena Luthor x Shy Bodyguard R//Word Count: 1,938
"Uh, I'm not sure we should go, Miss Luthor." You followed Lena out of her office in a hurried pace.
"Come on, (Y/N), you and I deserve a break." There was a smile on her face when she stopped at the elevator doors and turned to look at you. "And, please, I told you to call me Lena."
"Um, yeah, M-Lena, but I don't think it's a good idea." You were looking between her and the elevator.  
"Why not?" She raised an eyebrow. You couldn't help the blush that appeared in your cheeks while you tried to come up with all the reasons this was a bad idea.
"Well, um, we will be exposed. I don't know the place, or the people that go there. Um, we would have to check the route and call-"
"(Y/N)" Lena said putting a hand on your arm and stopping your little rant. "You don't have to worry about all that."
"Actually", you looked up and rubbed the back of your neck, "I kind of have to."        
"It's just one night. We are going to be there a couple of hours and then," her smile turned into a smirk, "you can take me home." She pushed the elevator button.
"I-" You stammered, your cheeks turning bright red. "I still don't think it's a good idea."
"So we're going? Great!" The elevator doors opened with a ding and Lena stepped inside. You couldn't even protest as you had to rush inside before the doors closed.
It had been three weeks since you became Lena Luthor's escort. J'onn had specifically assigned you for this mission, at Kara's request, given you were one of their best undercover agents.  Both Kara and J'onn couldn't stress enough how important it was that you kept both eyes on her, so you had to become her second shadow.
It was in your personality after all, being a shy person made you look disinterested, nervous around people, and less outgoing than most. However, precisely because of that, nobody expected you to be a trained DEO operative with great expertise in the use of multiple weapons and hand to hand combat.
You could tell Lena was surprised when she met you. Like many others, she was expecting a ripped, eight feet tall goon, to follow her around. Not the timid soul that you were. You had hoped she would be too busy to actually notice your presence, which would have made the job so much easier for both of you. But even when you tried to keep your distance, she would notice you. After a couple of days, she took a liking on you and your sheepish manners.
When you didn't try to conceal that side of you, you were an open book. She would sometimes catch you looking distracted at the city, in front of her window. She would look you out of the corner of her eye, and try to hide her smile, when you looked at her board of investors with a frown, a scoff, or rolling your eyes, when they tried to comment on her rather than her business. Or she would silently laugh at the way you tried to awkwardly apologize, when you stumbled with someone at the office. She found it endearing.
You may have been an experienced DEO agent but, she believed, you needed to learn how to loosen up a bit more. That's why, at the end of the week, she decided you were going out.
"Okay, if we are doing this, we'll have to do a few things first." You insisted before she entered the bar. You weren't that reckless to go inside without a plan.
"So eager to start the night? I like that attitude." A smirk playing on her lips. She also never missed a chance to make you blush with a sassy comment.
You tried to ignore it as you focused on more critical matters. A lot of people went out after office hours but her business attire was too fancy for a night out. Everything in her say multimillionaire business, her heels, black pants, red silk blouse, fancy pea coat, and hair in a tight bun. Something difficult to overlook.
"We need to change." You said, taking your black jacket off and handling it to her. It was still a warn evening, so you didn't have to worry about the cold. "Take this and, uh, maybe you would want to loosen your hair." You made a gesture with your hand, pointing at your own head.
She tilted her head and looked at you closely, your jacket still hanging from your hand and your eyes attentive. You had the feeling she was thinking on another smart comment but she simply agreed.  
"Alright." Lena handed you her purse and coat and you observed as she put on your jacket. She took the barrettes out of her hair and shook her head to let it fall loose over her shoulder. "How do I look?"
The change hadn't been that great but you wondered if there was nothing she couldn't wear. Even when you tried to make her look ordinary, she looked beautiful, as usual. "Cool." You tried to hide the sudden blush in your cheeks.
"Then, let's get inside." She gave you a satisfied smile, took back her bag and coat, and turned to the bar doors.
Half of the bar was already filled with laughter and chattering from people enjoying some drinks. You took a moment to scan the place, checking for emergency exits, the people around. There was someone on the stage, microphone in hand and signing to the lyrics of a song you didn't recognize.
"Oh, would you look at that." Her tone a fake surprise as she pointed at a poster. "Tonight is karaoke night." She walked directly towards the bar and ordered a glass of wine.
You focused all your attention on her after hearing that. "Um, you're not thinking about..."
The bartender put her glass in front of her and took a sip of it. Then, she placed it gently on the table and hummed. "Maybe... if there was someone that wanted to go on stage with me."
Your eyes when wide open, getting the feeling that she had planned this all along. "That someone being...me?"
"Don't you tell me an expert DEO agent with deadly training cannot with this challenge?"
"Karaoke isn't exactly a top secret mission." You looked away, between the stage and the people around.
"One drink, one song." She said. You turned to her with a question clear in your face. "You take one drink with me, you sing a song with me, and that's it. We can go back to the routine after we finish."
She was offering you a deal. A few simple task to complete and you would be on your way to her penthouse, leaving her safe and sound with the next round of security J'onn had assigned to her. One drink, easy. A beer, not strong enough to get drunk but good enough to enjoy the night. One song, not so easy. You weren't a big fan of being in the spotlight but, if that what it took to speed up the night, you may as well do it.
You sighed and took the seat next to her. "Beer, please." You told the bartender. Lena leaned on her chair, her lips turning into a triumphant smile.
Once you took a sip from your beer, things weren't that bad. You discovered that Lena was an excellent conversationalist, driven by her curious instinct but always respectful of the boundaries between the both of you. As a DEO agent, and her bodyguard, you couldn't get into details about your job, so she would ask you instead about the things you enjoyed. Lena was finding that part of you fascinating. It wasn't only your sheepish behavior but your caring, attentive, and funny personality that shined through it.
An hour had passed when Lena finished her glass of wine and you were almost done with yours. "Ready for that song, (Y/N)?" She asked, rising from her chair.
"For the record, I'm doing this for your safety." You drank the last of your beer and the easy part was done. You followed her to the stage, resigned to the inevitable. You could hear her laugh at your remark.
There were a few things you knew about Lena Luthor. She had memorized most of her employee's names, her usual meals looked like recipes from Whole Foods, and she would have a glass of scotch after a pretty stressful day. However, when Lena requested Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, you had to slap your forehead, because Lena Luthor also loved 2000's music.
The people at the bar were already in high spirits and you stepped on stage with a round of applause. You turned to see Lena, taking the mic and trying to reassure you with a playful smile. She looked like she was about to deliver one of her famous TED Talks. You, on the contrary, looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
Lena took the lead when the song started and you made your effort at singing with her. You were impressed at how she didn't even have to look at the screen for the lyrics. For the first time, since you became her bodyguard, you saw her truly loosen up. There was no poker face, no witty comments, and no sign of the CEO. She was smiling, making faces, and even coming up with some dance moves, making a show of it. You couldn't help but follow her enthusiasm, it was contagious.
"I must confess that my loneliness is killing me noooow." You sang, the bar filling with the sound of your voice. You were dancing, jumping up and down, on the stage. Soon, the song was over, the crowd was cheering, and you couldn't stop smiling.
After that, Lena kept her end of the bargain. Once you walked off the stage, she went to pay for the drinks and let you lead the way outside. You were a few blocks away from her building, so she convinced you to take a little walk.
"You were certainly out of your shell tonight, (Y/N)." She chuckled.
"Uh, thanks?" You smiled and shook your head. "But, what about you? I didn't know you could pull something like that."
"Well, there is so much you still don't know... and you have to admit that was fun."
"Yeah, It...It was." You gave her a shy smile.
It wasn't midnight yet when you arrived at her building. It had been a short walk indeed. "Here we are. Just like I promised." You walked her to the front doors when she turned suddenly. "Oh, I almost forgot. I still have your jacket."
"Oh, it's alright, you can keep it." After that, you wanted to slap yourself in the face. "I-I mean, um, it suits you." You sputtered and stopped before saying anything else.
Lena smiled at the hard blush that appeared in your cheeks but thought better not to comment on it, for your sake. What you had done tonight had been enough torture so she would save her sassy comments for another occasion. However, she appreciated the gesture.
She walked back to you and did something you didn't expect. "Thank you, (Y/N). Goodnight. "She leaned and left a small kiss on your cheek, leaving you dumbfounded as she went inside.
"Goodnight...Lena." You whispered, following her with your eyes until she disappeared in the elevator. Maybe karaoke night wasn't a bad idea after all.
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curtishoney · 7 years
Wedding Crashers
summary: You (Y/N) (Y/L/N), have been in love with your best friend Barry Allen for more than two decades. However, he is in love with Iris West (your other best friend). They seemed to be destined to be together. And now, they’re tying the knot.
a/n: I know I know it’s short but i’m having writers block so the next part might not be out soon sorry <3 <3
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You (Y/N) (Y/L/N), have been in love with your best friend Barry Allen for more than two decades. However, he is in love with Iris West (your other best friend). They seemed to be destined to be together. And it broke you sometimes, to see them smiling and laughing together. And now, they’re tying the knot.
You were sitting in Jitters, the famous coffee shop in Central City. Staring at your laptop, watching Game of Thrones, not noticing the familiar face walking in grabbing a cup of coffee. She walked up to you, it was Iris. “Hey, (Y/N). Here’s your coffee. One of the girls I used to work with asked me to give it to you.” says Iris, setting down your coffee.
“Oh, thanks.” you say, grabbing the cup and taking a sip. “So, I wanted to give you this,” she says, taking out a beautiful white card. “It’s an invitation, to Barry and I’s wedding.” You open the card to see a gorgeous wedding card.
Kindly Reply
(Y/N) (Y/L/N)
___ ___ ___
“Thank you, I’d love to come.” you say, before taking another sip of coffee. “And, we’d like you to be the maid of honor,” she says, right before you start choking on your coffee. “Wait. What?” you ask, before setting your coffee cup down.
“Well, Barry and I have known you the longest and we’d love it if you were to be at our wedding.” she answers, smiling. “Well, of course.” you say, faking a smile. “Great!” she says, before hugging you. “I better get going, I have to make sure everything is in place for the big day.” “Okay, so when is the fitting?” you ask quickly. “In two days, I’ll pick you up.” she says before rushing out.
You close your laptop and put it in your messenger bag. Then you get up holding your coffee and walk out the door. You arrive at your apartment and unlock the door. Once you’re inside, you go to charge your laptop and then decide to take a relaxing bath.
You realize you forgot your towel and you get up to get out. You run to your bedroom and realize that there’s someone in your apartment. And it was Barry. You gasp in shock as you run across the the hall. You slip on the wet wood and fall onto the floor.
“(Y/N)! Are you okay?” yells Barry, covering his eyes, “I used the key under the plant in the hall.” “Yeah, I’m okay. But what are you doing here?” you ask loudly. “Oh well I wanted to ask you something,” he answers. “Okay?” you reply, putting on clothes.
“Maybe you should get dressed and come out here…” he says. “I am.” you reply popping your head out into the hall. “Oh okay..” he answers putting his hand on his head. “So, is it bad luck for a engaged man to see his best friend run across the hall, wet and naked?” you laugh, walking up to Barry.
“Well the good thing is that I only saw your head.” he answers, laughing. “Good,” you repsond in relief, “So what did you want to ask me?” “Well, I know you like to sing, and I was wondering if you’d like to sing a duet with Kara.” he answers. “Of course,” you say with a warm smile, “But you could’ve just asked through text.”
“Oh, well I um wanted to tell you in person…” he says, hand on his neck. “Oh okay, and btw, let’s just forget any of this happened. I mean the whole me running across my hall naked…” you say, waving your finger in circles. “Yeah,” he replies, laughing awkwardly.
Barry looks at his phone, “I’m sorry, I have to go now.” “Okay.” You open the door for him and after he walks out you close it and lay on your bed. “What am I going to do?”
tag list: @onceuponateenpanwolfian @dbtvluv @ackles-winchester @jorgiepiie @thehakunamatara 
a/n: oops update I forgot the tag list. here it is! wanna be added? just click my inbox.
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Dating Lena Luthor (Everyday can be our Valentine’s)
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Request: Prompt Lena x reader, the reader forgot it's Valentine's Day and Lena is mad because it's her first time celebrating valentines. So reader does a surprise romantic date night
a/n: Ahhhh this was so cute to do LOL. I was thinking about this all during work wondering wth I was gonna do with this!! Firstly, I don’t really think Lena would be angry, per se, so I switched this up just a tiny bit! There’s a funny little easter egg I put in here because I’m absolute katie trash, tell me if you find the Funny Joke. Thanks for reading btw y’all! You give me something to do lol. Requests are always open, and I’ll get to them hopefully every other day!
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So maybe you were a little bit of an asshole. Actually, you are definitely the tiniest bit an asshole. You’re a good enough person, and you show basic human decency because you surely weren’t raised to be a farm animal with no manners. You’d even go so far as to say you care about people if they’re really hurting enough for you to feel compelled to get into that uncomfortable place of relating to them and having to comfort them.
You’re a bit rough around the edges, you’d admit it. You’ve had a grand total of 3 and a half arguably serious relationships in your very eventful, very promising life so far and it’s not like you were emotionally stunted for the entirety of them all, not really. Sometimes you’d admit you are a pretty emotionally constipated person - you lose track of your days as often as you lose track of your housekeys, and if someone asked you to retell something from last week, well, you’d let them know that frankly you don’t even remember what the last thing you ate was. But you knew how to make your girl smile and that’s what counted. You’re kinda good when it comes to the bigger stuff. That’s all that should matter, right?
When you walked into CatCo for work in the morning, you greeted everyone who’d spare a glance at you, even spent some time making small talk with some of your deskmates. There was a restlessness in the air that made you think people were even itching to talk to you. Everyone had seemed peppier today more than usual. That was surely a weird thing to note, even for a place like CatCo (especially for a place like CatCo). There was an abundance of flowers sitting on desks and because Miss Grant has a very vocal opinion-decreed-official-but-not-really-official-policy regarding cheap-smelling things in her offices, even when arguably flowers are the most natural scent in the world (how possibly can they be cheap?), all the bouquets and arrangements were relegated to a place by their desk inhabitant’s feet where they could be admired in relative peace.
For what it was worth, the place seemed more alive than it ever has been - not that Miss Grant was the worst person to work for, quite the contrary, everyone was just too intimidated or outright terrified of her that any semblance of fun was  overpowered by the fear of messing something up. Miss Grant was nice, in her own quiet, borderline abrasive but never power hungry way. You could tolerate just one day of people being in a good mood.
You felt a slight gust of wind blow your way as you sat at your desk, and you really ought to think you should warn Kara about slowing down her speed just a notch more.
“Hi! (Y/N)! Golly it’s a great morning isn’t it. Oh, why aren’t you wearing red?”
“Kara, does it look like I own any coloured clothing other than black? Anyway, why would I?”
Kara’s eyes widen comically and she inhales sharply, and you almost dismiss it as another purely Kara Thing. You take note of her white pants and pink blazer, unbuttoned to reveal a simple white button up, and you grudgingly concede that this nerd always looks so stupidly cute.
Before you could get yourself irrationally angry at the multitude of Kara’s Preppy Looks, you wonder if Miss Grant has a special occasion that you didn’t get the memo for.
“Wait, is something happening today? Did Miss Grant finally acquire that small-town newspaper outside of Metropolis?”
Kara tilts her head at you, fully reminiscent of a confused child, and her eyebrow quirks ridiculously high up that it could disappear into her hairline.
“Hm, that’s not right. I would have heard about that one. I know she was saying how everyone should dress in red to symbolize the blood spilled of her competitors, but even that’s a bit much.” You say more to yourself than to Kara.
Kara opens and closes her mouth, and opens and closes it again seemingly at a loss to say something as she squints very severely at you. Your eyes widen marginally, taken aback by Kara’s silent assessment.
“Are you alright? Did I offend you or something?”
Kara’s jaw drops as she gasps indignantly. You were only half-kidding but you think you might as well have offended her unwittingly at some point in your very brief conversation.
“Seriously, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I really hope you’re joking.” Those words were startlingly ominous, and especially so coming from someone like Kara.
“What the hell do you even mean? Kara-”
Before you can ask any more of her, Cat Grant’s voice reverberates through the office. It’s impressive, considering she’s a good thirty feet away from you and inside an enclosed elevator when she speaks up.
“Keira, please tell me you found out who plastered that cheap Wal-Mart stock paper heart onto my window and that you have collected their resignation letter. Do not think that because I’m not here I don’t have eyes everywhere. I can practically smell the cheap scotch tape sticking eternally to my windows.”
“No DIY decor, already on it, Miss Grant. But don’t you think that’s a bit-”
Kara follows after Miss Grant, falling into step behind her rather impressively as Miss Grant hands off her coat to Kara and Kara hands her latte to her, balancing  various papers, clothing, and a bag in her arms.
Why is everyone so weird.
You boot up your computer and check the messages on your phone while you wait. An unread message from Lena fills your screen.
Lena: “I can’t wait to see you tonight.”
You smile at your girlfriend’s simple text. You know it’s tired and not very fair to keep having presumptions of your girlfriend based solely on her career, but you can’t help it. She’s a softie and an absolute sucker for romance and you never would have suspected it - certainly not the first few times she’d spent the night at your place and she’d untangle her hair from her high bun, shucking off her heels and stripping off her CEO persona. It always mesmerized you, it still does, which is why you’re smiling at your phone like an absolute nerd at her easy vulnerability when it comes to you.
you: “I can’t wait to see your beautiful face, pretty lady ;) Don’t make my day any more difficult than it needs to be...”
You remember all too well the very incriminating texts that have recently bombarded your phone with startling frequency. Lena being her own boss certainly had its perks, and spending an awful amount of time sending suggestive messages and downright not-safe-for-work pictures certainly was a perk in itself.
You’d wondered how often anyone would see you looking around suspiciously with the biggest shit-eating grin on your face. It begged the curiosity of who knew you were practically sexting sometimes? You figured you were probably a bit obvious, Kara has spent her fair share of your shift grimacing and blushing furiously whenever you meet her eye. It’s strange because it’s not like part of her powers involves mind-reading, did it really not take a genius to figure you out? Maybe with her super hearing and- oh. That might explain a little bit. In fact, that might explain a lot. Gross. You are not going to broach that conversation with her.
Lena: “Hmmm, that’s no fun...”
You smirk down at your phone. It is far too early for this teasing bullshit, but Lena Luthor lives on her own time and the universal conventions of decency wait for no one, apparently.
Lena: “What if I’m in the mood to be bad?”
you: “I guess I’d have to teach you a lesson about what happens when you tease me all day”
Lena: “It’s settled, let’s call it a date.″
you: “you’d call anything we do a date, love LOL”
Lena: “Well then let’s make it extra special tonight ;)”
you: “looking forward to it, you big nerd”
You finally amend to put to your phone, seeing as though you spent a good few minutes flirting with your girlfriend instead of working. You figure even someone with as much money as Cat Grant wouldn’t appreciate you fooling around on company time.
“Ooooh, texting a fancy someone?” Winn’s voice comes from behind you as he swirls around to face you in his swivel chair.
“Yeah, weirdo.” You roll your eyes amused as Winn feigns hurt, but he continues nonetheless.
“Cool, you guys got any romantic plans tonight? Lena must be wicked excited.” He quirks his eyebrows suggestively, and you reach over to hit him on the arm hard enough to make him yelp.
“Gross. Even if we were I wouldn’t tell you anything.”
“Aww aren’t we superfriends? Don’t we go to share super secrets?”
“Definitely not of the bedroom variety.”
“Ah fine, I don’t think I want to know anyway. J’onn and Kara must try so hard to tune out all the adult stuff you and Lena get into whenever you guys are chilling at the DEO.”
You grimace and tune out whatever else Winn was about to say, “Oh god.”
“Really, you guys have no PG plans tonight? No extravagant displays of luxurious affection or cute date outings?”
“No, Winn. Why are you and Kara so interested in my life today anyway?”
Winn stares blankly at you before chuckling and turning back towards his computer. “Ah, ah okay! Sore topic. Sorry to pry. Just know I’m your pal, alright? You can tell me all the things.”
“Yes, rest assured, you are my pal, Winn.” You laugh despite yourself, shaking your head at your interaction.
You’d become quite busy the next few hours, all the bustle and general strangeness of the day wearing off as the remaining CatCo employees that stuck around waited until they could go home. You finally had a chance to lean back and check your phone’s notifications.
Lena: “When are you coming home? I miss you.”
you: “lol you’re so cute. Soon babe, don’t worry. Just a few things to finish up here. Are you done yet?”
Lena: “Yes, I managed to finish all that I needed today. I let Jess go early too, she’s got a cute date of her own.”
you: “oh man, no way! Is he cute? Is he worthy?? Is he an asshole? Do we need to threaten him?”
Lena: “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re more excited about Jess’ plans than ours. I’ve no clue, I merely assumed. Though she was acting particularly off today come to think of it.”
you: “you too eh? People were so weird today. More than they usually are. It must be a full moon.”
Lena: “I’ve no doubt that must be it. Tell me when you’re about to leave, darling. I’d very much like to get out of these restrictive clothes.”
you: “what? You won’t let me help you out??”
Lena: “If you take too long, you’ll regret far more than just that.”
Lena: “I will see you soon <3″
If you rushed to pack up a little quicker than you usually would and took off at a speed that could rival Kara’s, you’d never admit it to anyone. In your haste, you still managed to text Lena once you got into the packed streetcar and were notified that she was just on her way to yours from her apartment.
You had the chance to clean up your apartment a bit and get into your comfiest trackpants and your favourite hoodie when you heard knocking on your door. You opened the door and smiled as you opened your arms to your girlfriend. Lena immediately walked into your embrace and wrapped her arms around your middle, sighing happily as she did.
“You smell nice.”
“Thank you, I just got back from work.”
“And did work have half an army’s worth of perfume sprayed throughout the entire office to attract potential mates today?” She smirks as she makes her way around you to put her things away and make herself at home.
“I thought you said I smelled nice.”
“You do, I’m going to be stealing that sweater from you by the end of tonight.”
You chuckle at her nonchalance, “Naturally.”
She leans back on the back of your couch and crosses her arms easily. “Any hot plans for tonight?”
“You, me, and a box of pizza?”
“Make it two and you got yourself a deal.”
“Any other requests, beautiful?” You make your way slowly to Lena, eventually pinning her between your body and the couch. Your face is just inches away from hers and you can practically feel her next words against your skin.
“I was good today, need I remind you.”
“You were, actually.”
“What do I get for that?” She brings her lips close to yours and you can feel yourself being pulled for a kiss, but she doesn’t let you.
“Anything you want.”
“Oh, that’s dangerous.”
“Yeah, well, I want to make it all about you tonight.” You try again for a kiss, leaning in just too late as Lena brings herself away again. You grunt in mild frustration and she chuckles at your desperation.
“Are you sure? I see you’re getting a little impatient.”
Finally, she kisses you and you feel relieved. You’ve been waiting all day to be able to kiss your girlfriend. She’s the only sense of normalcy you have, no matter the absurdity that is your life or your individual circumstances. Her hands come up between your bodies as she latches onto the front of your shirt and tugs. Your hands come up to her hips and you push up against her lightly. You hear a soft groan from her lips and kiss it away.
You lose yourself in the kiss for however long you’ve been going at it, and she pulls herself away suddenly, leaving you moderately shocked at the abrupt loss of contact as she makes her way towards your kitchen.
“Let’s get Tony’s, I think I’m in the mood for a greasy cheesy-stuffed crust pizza.” She smirks as she takes in your indignant expression. You decide right then and there that, yes, in accordance to all science, religion, and all poetry that could be: Lena Luthor will be the death of you.
You call in your favourite pizza place and have two large greasy, cheesy-stuffed crust pizzas delivered to your door - one vegetarian for Lena (compromises, apparently), and one specialty butter chicken flavoured pizza that does an excellent job of tasting like it’s supposed to.
You’re the very definition of relaxed as you recline into your couch, Lena leaning into you as you wrap an arm around her. You both decided on one of the conspiracy theory documentaries on Netflix, deciding it was a good piece of relative garbage to consume.
Lena hums happily as she nuzzles into your side, taking a bit more of the blanket wrapped around you two as it uncovers a bit more of your legs.
You hear her mumbling from somewhere near your stomach, muffled by your sweater and the blanket and her general sleepiness. “Happy Valentine’s day.”
There’s a long pause as you stare at Lena’s figure, no doubt with the intensity of burning into her skull if you had heat vision.
“I’m sorry, was that too weird? I shouldn’t have brought it up-”
Lena finally turns her head to look at you questioningly. “What is it, love?”
You squint hard at the TV, the documentary long forgotten as you quickly run a reel of your entire day, pulling the brakes hard to a screeching halt when you put all the pieces together.
“Holy shit.” You mumble more to yourself than Lena.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Please, we can just forget about it-”
“No. No, no, no...”
“Oh my god, (Y/N), are you okay? Please talk to me.”
You sit up quickly, trying as best as you can to ease Lena off your lap as you continue to scratch at the surface of your struggling comprehension. You can’t believe yourself, you really can’t. You’ve certainly outdid yourself this time.
“I can’t believe it.”
Lena becomes increasingly alarmed at how upset you’re becoming and is at a loss for consoling you.
You finally look at her, an amalgamation of sadness, disappointment, and disbelief in your eyes. “Baby why didn’t you say anything?”
“I- I mean, I just did?”
“No, no way. This was supposed to be special.”
She looks at you, total confusion written on her face. “I’m sorry. I just thought- you didn’t bring it up? You hadn’t mentioned it all day and we haven’t really talked much about it, which is fair because that’s not really a thing one talks about in detail. I just thought you weren’t comfortable? I didn’t intend to upset you.”
“No, no baby that’s not it. I just- wow, I kinda suck. Aren’t you a little bit sad that I forgot?”
Lena’s lips quirk into a small smile. “Well, I mean I’ve never really had an official Valentine’s day so to speak. I would have liked to do something nice for you. But I wasn’t sure if you’d already made plans and I didn’t want to encroach on yours, and you didn’t give many hints about today at all so I thought maybe there was something else there. I didn’t want to bring it up if it was going to upset you.”
You click your tongue and lean across the couch to meet Lena halfway. You take her face in your hands and kiss her passionately. “You are too good for me, you know that?”
Lena smiles and kisses you again in between her words. “It’s okay, darling. As long as you remember my birthday.”
You pause in between your kisses, stopping as you stare almost cross-eyed into her eyes. The delayed reaction most certainly wasn’t going to help you. “Yeah, of course.”
She squints her eyes at you, backing away marginally so she can regard your entire face.
“You do remember when my birthday is, right?”
“How can I? You have like, three.”
She gasps in mock offense and begins to move away before you pull her back in, grinning at her reaction. You savour one last kiss before gently pulling yourself away and shaking your head. “Nope, I won’t have this. Get up.”
“What is it now?” She quirks her eyebrow at you quizzically, surely pondering what other nonsense you’ve come up with now.
“Get up baby, this is our date night.”
“I’d figured this night was, regardless of the calendar date?”
“Nope. Get your pretty little ass off that couch and help me, Luthor.”
Lena laughs as you take her in your arms and take her away from the couch. You pull the cushions off immediately and leave them in a heap on the floor as you take long strides toward your bedroom.
She calls after you from the living room.  “Where on earth are you going? What are you even doing?”
You come back with various blankets and push them into her arms. Lena looks down at them questioningly and watches as you stack the cushions against the couch, taking care that they won’t fall.
Eventually, you’re satisfied with your work and you’ve made a tiny fort in front of your TV with the blankets and couch cushions. Lena smiles at you, bewildered and her expression just begging for an explanation.
You notice her look and cock your head to your creation. “Well then? Get in. You said you’ve never made one of these in your life, ever. Right?”
“Yes...” She’s still looking on with perplexity but crouches down to get into your fort. You follow happily behind her.
“Well, I fucked up, so I’m going to try and fix it.”
Your girlfriend looks at you with utter adoration, her eyes slightly wet with unshed tears. “You are truly something else, (Y/N).”
You smile at her and let her kiss you, closing your eyes in content as you bask in the love you have for Lena - the woman who came into your life and challenged everything you thought you knew, and then changed you for the better.
“I am sorry. I feel like absolute shit. I’ve never forgotten before and I...” Your words trail off, and she looks at you, encouraging and understanding. You find the resilience to continue. “I just, I don’t know how it’s escaped me. It’s like, lately it’s this simultaneous experience of my days blurring together and looking forward to each day, you know?”
Lena doesn’t answer, she simply nods and silently prods you to continue.
“It’s no excuse, I don’t want it to be. It’s just that, I’ve been so happy now. I am so happy, and that is all thanks to you. I lose track of my days because I’m not counting down anymore to some unmarked end or whatever, or waiting until the next greatest thing happens to me that makes me feel alive for a few minutes. I don’t need that anymore because it’s you. You are the best thing that’s happened to me, and I don’t need to count down anymore.”
You hear her sniffle and you wrap an arm around her, as best as you can attempt with the lack of space in your fort.
“I just want to make it up to you. Because you deserve everything. And the people I’ve dated in the past have done things on Valentine’s day, and it makes me feel fucking terrible that I can’t even be assed to remember it for you. It makes me feel like I’ve let you down, and it sucks, because I want to be worthy of you. If I can’t even remember one stupid day, how am I supposed to be the person you need me to be?”
You inhale sharply, getting all your words out and finally being able to breathe. Lena’s freely crying now, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes and wetting her cheeks.
“No, (Y/N), look at this. You did this.” She points up at the fort surrounding you. “You did make it up to me. You realized it and did something about it. I could never hold this against you. I can’t be mad at you for this. You did nothing wrong, baby. And you are exactly the person I need.”
Lena’s hand comes up to your face and caresses your cheek, her thumb lightly treading circles on your skin.
“You are so good to me. You are good for me, (Y/N), and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to spend this day with.” She leans in to kiss you and your breathing steadies, allowing yourself this forgiveness.
There’s a pause in your kisses as you and Lena look at each other, the documentary long over as silence fills your apartment. Nothing but the sounds of the street and the humming of your appliances can be heard.
“You wanna know something that I haven’t done?” You ask her after a moment.
“What is that?”
“I’ve never had sex in a pillow fort before. I’m gonna fuck you in this one.”
You smirk as she she gasps scandalously, swatting your face away from her as you effectively ruin the moment. You laugh as you dodge her half-hearted attempts to keep you away, poking at her sides as she twitches and squeals at the onslaught.
“Hey, but honestly. What else haven’t you done before? You wanna do some watercolour painting tonight? I think I have a full set hiding around somewhere that I got from my best friend for my birthday. Or we could put together a puzzle, or something.” You contemplate the items you have in your apartment, and you’re about to move to look for them.
All Lena does is give you a long look, studying you before she pushes you down onto your back and moves on top of you, kissing you so that you both forget the time or the day by the time you’re both done with each other.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FANS REACT: Betrayals and Un-betrayals Abound in Re:ZERO Season 2 Episode 7
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  Major spoilers for Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Episode 32 ahead!
  An exciting new episode of Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- is here and gosh, this show just doesn't let up, does it? It feels like every new episode has an exciting new revelation or event. You'd think these constant twists would start losing effect, but that isn't the case at all! I keep coming away from every episode so anxious to find out what's gonna happen next. All my predictions about where the story is headed seem to be turning out wrong, and I love it! Every episode is a genuine surprise for me, and from the reactions I read on Twitter, you all feel the same, as well!
  Not to get too off-topic, but I'd like to commend those who've already read the light novels for not posting a bunch of spoilers in the tag every week. It's much more fun for everyone when people get to go in dark. It's especially more fun for me, since I have to read all the posts every week. So, thanks! I'm glad we're all enjoying this journey into Ri:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu together! Now, without further ado, let's get to your reactions! And be sure to check out the reactions to last week's episode if you haven't yet!
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      Why indeed... This becoming a series of uncomfortable revelations for Subaru hasn't? And 2nd episode in a row with no OP? No longer alternating at this point #rezero pic.twitter.com/D14Fd95nXa
— Iron Maw (@IronMawO) August 19, 2020
    We got bonus length again and it still feels like the ep was only 5min long.. The whole Beatrice scene was so great yet painful. Brotto though, couldn't help but to smile during the scene with Subaru, wholesome hours. And hey even an after credits scene with a Ram "heh" #rezero pic.twitter.com/39411zddRv
— Setowi (@DerSetowi) August 19, 2020
    #rezero Otto is a brooooooo, I'm used to how this kinda story goes so don't hate Garfiel either, but still the whole interaction between him and Subaru is refreshin in that its a friendship between dudes. Also Beatrice sending them tsundere vibes hard, wonder how much is fake.
— PZDugna (@PDugna) August 19, 2020
    Re:Zero Spoilers#rezero #Rezero2 #rezerospoilers Honestly I thought the Beatrice scene was going to be the best scene in this episode, but the Otto scene hit me in an emotional way that didn't even make sense lol Smug Ram, best Ram pic.twitter.com/zzVFLbIDxj
— Sᴀʏɴ???? (@sayn_ae) August 19, 2020
    5 mins into #ReZero S2 Episode 7 and I'm already speechless about the bomb they dropped in this episode......... Wtf man! pic.twitter.com/SLRpuSivla
— Maku-Kun (@Killswitch815) August 19, 2020
    I feel like these weren't her true feelings when she said that.#rezero pic.twitter.com/eEApe0We6Z
— nosorrynoyes (@nosorrynoyes) August 19, 2020
    This conversation is going to stick with Subaru for a while #rezero pic.twitter.com/lJNmld0oDS
— Alex! (Re:Zero S2) (@EMTenshi) August 19, 2020
    Otto goat #rezero
— Egna (@egna_light) August 19, 2020
    Otto is my new best girl. I don’t even care that he is a boy ???? I mean his faces in this episode were AMAZING. I can’t stop laughing ????????. Btw no op this time, but we did have the ed ✨. And there’s also a scene after the credits~! #rezero #anime #spoilers pic.twitter.com/2dsE9vjCEk
— Jime ヒメ⚔️ (@JimeMorales) August 19, 2020
    What a good 7th ep! really loved the start of this friendship Otto You got a Otomodachi #リゼロ #rezero pic.twitter.com/9PIHYmzDeD
— َ ؜ ؜ (@RMilos_) August 19, 2020
    That statement, that smug... I couldn't agree more. #rezero #リゼロ pic.twitter.com/MMwORoXgXF
— Henry~???? (兄版) (@HenkukuNii) August 19, 2020
    the first 5min were really well done#rezero pic.twitter.com/gocXWKjHEW
— Skyzzed (@Skyzzed) August 19, 2020
    What did you think of this week’s episode? Let us know in the comments below! And don’t forget to watch Re:Zero-Starting Life in Another World- on Crunchyroll and tweet your thoughts with the hashtag #ReZero! 
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      Danni Wilmoth is a Features writer for Crunchyroll and co-host of the video game podcast Indiecent. You can find more words from her on Twitter @NanamisEgg.
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sweetwriting · 7 years
Tim Drake Positivity Week - Day 1: Loyal or Resilient - Newspapers are always bad news
Category: Gen
Genre : Humor / slight angst / Fluff
Fandoms: DC Comics, Teen Titans
Continuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint
Summary: Newspapers are always bad news, especially when they're brought by a Superboy wearing a shit eating grin.Or that time when Tim's and Cassie's misplaced pride almost ruined bonding time and ended up making it 100% times more worthwhile.
Word Count: 2165
To read it on AO3
Author’s Note: I'm so sorry I'm late for the week but, life kinda got in the way.I’m trying to get better at descriptions, but it still feels very stiff... Oh well, I’ll get better. I don't have much to say except that while I don't like Cassie, I love her friendship with Tim. Also I feel awfully bad for her because instead of developing her character, Teen Titans only gave her excuses for it and ruined most of the depth she had.
Bart and Conner had now been laughing for five minutes straight while Cassie had been fighting a smile.
It was their bi-monthly camping trip, something they did in the middle of the week to catch up. It was just the four of them sitting on logs, around a fire. None of the other Teen Titans (most weren’t even aware they did it). It was their way of trying to reconnect, the four of them, in a way that they hadn’t been since they had disbanded Young Justice. After all if their individual relationships had (mostly) gotten stronger, as a group, however; it had been lost before the Teen Titans were brought back by Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy. Some of the former members did join some times however as Cassie was still in school with at least two of them.
And reconnecting they were. Tim simply wished it hadn’t at the expense of his dignity. But was it his fault, if the paparazzi had taken his “Tim Drake-Wayne” persona a little too far and mixed it with Bruce? Conner had loosened his hold on the newspaper and Tim could see the headline read “GENIUS WAYNE HEIR. AS LAZY AS HIS FATHER?” with a picture taken at 4PM when he had gone to the supermarket for groceries (he may have used his popcorn machine a little too much) with bed hair as well as what Cassie called his zombie look (not that she had seen it much herself but she was starting to get along with Steph because she got along with Kara and…well. It did not bode well for Tim). He had come back from patrol very late that day (9 AM, he barely had time for a quick nap before patrol) and hadn’t even been aware he had left his apartment in slippers and PJs (he was lucky it was one of the rare times he had worn actual PJs instead of his overly big T-Shirt + underwear combination). He didn’t want to face his family. Ever. He could already see Damian’s disdainful look.
Cassie was patting his shoulder in a falsely compassionate manner. And Tim was glaring at them all in betrayal. He knew he was acting like a petulant child but he had done what he could so “LAZY” wouldn’t be associated with his name. It didn’t help that a part of the article was spent describing his “delicate” and “pretty” features. Now, while he had been trying to eradicate the “problematic” part of his mindset as Cassie had put it shaped by the view of the world set by TV, Video Games and movies (Dixit Anita), he wasn’t exactly there yet and as such, while he knew he shouldn’t, he still felt very insulted at the description. It probably wouldn’t have been as bad without his friends’ reactions though. Granted it was more about the picture and how Tim had started “pouting” (“glaring”, Tim corrected immediately) when Conner showed up wearing a big grin, the paper in his hands than about the description. Clark had apparently seen fit to notify Conner when he saw the cover so he had left it in his room while Conner was at school. It had “turned [Conner’s] crappy day in a truly amazing one”, simply because his best friend lived to humiliate him.
They finally stopped and Conner left the paper on the ground and sitting on Tim’s left side. However, while he should have, by all means, fallen down, he hadn’t. Either because he was flying or because he was using his TTK to create some sort of extension of the log Tim and Cassie were sitting on. Knowing Conner, however, it was probably the TTK. After all, if it was True that Conner hadn’t bragged about it in a while, he was still very much proud of his power and loved using it. And now he was using his right arm to encircle Tim’s shoulders in a side-hug, his left arm almost mirroring it but stopping at his right clavicle, fingers lightly brushing Tim’s neck.
“C’mon Tim, lighten up.” He paused as he held a little tighter onto Tim as if trying to stop him from moving (probably to stop him from jumping at his throat and strangling him). He grinned like the little sh- annoyance he was. “It’s very cute.”
Tim could feel his glare deepen as Cassie stifled another laugh and he hoped that Conner was choking now that he was trying to hold his laughter back.
Bart was quite obviously feeling left out as he got up from his log and settled between Tim’s legs, head resting against his right thigh as if he hadn’t betrayed his trust seconds before. He looked up at Conner then they both looked at Cassie who nodded and before Tim could do anything about it (like run away from the mess he knew was most likely to happen), she lifted him above her head, by the armpit as if he was just a small kitten.
“I’m not letting you go until you change your attitude mister. If you’re gonna act like a petulant child, I’m gonna treat you like one!”
“Is this how you treat children?” Tim asked, indignant. “Tell me the truth, is this how you acted with the kids you used to babysit?” He was now genuinely curious about whether or not Cassie truly believed that and only partially trolling her.
As revenge, Cassie started to spin faster and faster at each turn.
“I’m sorry! I can’t hear you over the sound of me spinning you!”
She stopped after another few seconds when she felt he had had enough. At this point, she let go of him and his face might have met the ground brutally had it not been for Bart and his amazing speed catching him before it could happen. Bart helped Tim sit down and stabilized him with a hand on his back as they waited for his vision to stop spinning. Cassie had gone back to their log, head held up high, arms crossed under her chest and quite obviously pouting while Conner looked torn between laughter and worry. After about half a second, the worry won out and he joined Bart and Tim.
Cassie rolled her eyes. They all knew it was nothing for Tim but since they had come back from the dead, Bart and Conner had become extremely protective of Tim. Probably because of his sorta mental breakdown…and his asplenia. She might have been jealous had she not have the same tendency, or had she not be used to Conner and Bart preferring Tim’s presence over hers…Mostly because she understood the sentiment all too well. She got over Conner’s death soon after Tim came back after all. Not because of any romantic attachment as she might have believed for half a second, but because he was her best friend and it had turned out he was as important, if not more, in her life as Conner had been. Even if they didn’t share that much (Tim’s frat boy tendencies, as well as her own shortcomings, did sort of get in the way of that), Tim had recognized qualities in her that no one had and had helped her develop them. Their history had also made them share so much. Like how, before Conner and Bart came back, she was the only one he told about knowing the anti-life equation. Then she ruined it of course. Well not completely, obviously, but she had been so scared he was going to go back to his grief-stricken life and try to do something stupid that she ended up encouraging him to do just that. She was so glad to see him get back on his feet and gets simply vexed instead of feeling betrayed by them. Now Conner was helping Tim walk straight (and didn’t that make for a good –or bad- joke?) by standing behind (goo or bad the joke is definitely there…and vulgar), both arms standing on either side of Tim to help him stay on course. There was like a 90% chance that Bart and Conner had turned it into a Pinball game.
Tim sat next to her while Bart and Conner counted their points or something along those lines (she’d have to ask them later) and looked at her, apologetic.
“Sorry, I know how traumatizing babysitting was for you, I shouldn’t have mentioned those little demons”.
They shared a knowing smile before Cassie answered.
“Nah, I told you to stop acting like a child and then started to act like one. It wasn’t my best move. Pun intended”
“Yeah well, we don’t exactly have the best role models,” Tim said as they both turned to look at Conner and Bart arguing. “Also that was a terrible pun. Not even on Kon’s level. You should leave bad puns to him”
They smiled at each other for a few seconds before Cassie settled her head on Tim’s shoulder and caught his arm between her own and used the opportunity to start playing with his fingers.
“you know we don’t think you’re delicate or fragile or whatever this made you think right?”
Tim looked startled and turned his head toward her as she continued, staring at Bart and Conner who were now thumb wrestling.
“I mean sure you need your Kevlar protection but you’ve survived so much. You’re one of the most resilient people I know and, I mean I know Donna Troy and Wonder Woman and Artemis and...you know…Amazons. That’s it. This is your main feature. This and Loyalty. Not this intelligence bullshit”.
“Hey!”, Tim yelled, offended. ”What intelligence Bullshit? I am very intelligent”.
Cassie looked at him with a pitying look.
“Tim, I once saw you eat fries with ice cream. There is a picture of you, in you PJs, at a supermarket”.
“Well I make mistakes –the fires/ice cream thing wasn’t one btw, it was delicious. Doesn’t mean I’m not intelligent”
Cassie was now fighting her laughter again. Tim was grumbling like a three years old and she could help squealing as she gave him a bear hug. Tim’s cry of indignation (or pain she wasn’t really sure) turned Bart and Conner’s attention toward them.
As they stopped their little conversation and started approaching Tim and Cassie, Bart asked :
“So….Why are you trying to get the air out of Tim’s body Cassie?”
Before Cassie could snort or answer –Tim was obviously not in a state to do so as she started releasing him- Conner did:
“Cassie’s stroking his ego so he doesn’t have a fit. I can’t believe you guys used to talk about *my* ego all the time.”
They all looked at him before Cassie crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Were you eavesdropping again?”
“Of course, Cass. I always want to know what’s going on in Tim’s life” Conner answered in a faux passionate voice. As if it wasn’t really how he felt “I eavesdrop all the time, even when he’s with his lady friends” He added wiggling his eyebrows.
They all rolled their eyes at his comment, though Cassie was seriously starting to wonder whether it had actually happened or not. Conner’s control of his powers outside of TTK wasn’t exactly stellar and he was easily distracted into using his super hearing accidentally. And she didn't want to think about this right now.
“Still”, he continued “ I agree with Cassie. None of this intelligence bull. Your main features are Loyalty and Resilience. It should be all over this paper “WAYNE HEIR. LOVES PEOPLE TOO MUCH AND WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THEM. WILL RESIST DEATH NO MATTER HOW MANY TIME IT CALLS HIM””. He then grumbled to the side and Cassie was pretty sure she was the only one who heard him “Or you know, he calls death and hang up right when it comes online”.
Which…Yeah okay was one of the truest things Conner had said tonight. And Cassie really didn’t want to think about it. Really, Really didn’t. Which is when Bart started talking.
“So he’s basically a Hufflepuff?”
And oh no. It was going to be nerd time. Bart and Conner were gonna start talking about Harry Potter and, she like the movies sure but they weren’t that good (according to Bart it was “because you need to read the books! The writing style isn’t anything exceptional but the movies make no sense” and...Cassie really didn’t want to deal with that. On the other hand she was curious as, from what she knows, Ravenclaw seemed most likely –then again she barely knew anything about the houses. So she sighed and settled back against Tim while they watched the other two argue about Harry Potter and houses and when she started feeling tired, Tim helped her glide down the log so their back would be settled against it, falling asleep to the sound of their friends’ voices and fire cracking.
Author’s End note: So, as may be obvious I’m not a native English speaker and while I was writing this, I wrote clavicle (mostly because I’m used to the French clavicule), but after re-reading this story I kinda remembered seeing collarbone used more often. After a (very short I admit) research on the internet, I’ve learned that clavicle was mostly used in medical settings. I’ve kept it because the word flows better for me (and I didn’t have the time to have the story beta read). However please tell me if you feel it hinders the rhythm of the paragraph.
Also yes. I will die before I let anyone put preboot!Tim in any house other than Hufflepuff.
And Cassie finding herself accidentally shipping Tim and Kon together is my favorite trope. Like, she feels slightly offended, annoyed and exasperated. But at the same time and are so sweet to each other and they deserve to be happy. And so does she so when she realizes that she finally completely moves on and gets herself a nice Kiran, I mean bf...or not. And they finally leave us alone with these couples.
I’m not that proud of it tbh I think it’s a little stiff. On the other hand I think the end is one of the cutest things I’ve ever written.
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