#if you’re just drinking green tea on top of your previous diet it doesn’t do anything more
countess-of-edessa · 1 year
shoutout to my dad because he has to lose like 20 pounds for a surgery at the end of july and to accomplish this he made me go on a walk around our block with him twice (~15 cals burned) and then came inside and to refresh himself had a large glass of whole milk
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pyrogina · 5 years
my keto experience
As a preface I can report that I lost 17lbs in 30 days while strictly adhering to a keto diet.  I'm a 34 year old canadian woman who works from home as an artist and a huge helping factor for me was the freedom to stay home on the bad days and the ability to purchase fresh meats and vegetables on a weekly basis. This is a really tough diet but if you put the right pieces in place, it might work for you too.  Additionally, I am NOT a dietitian/nutritionist in any way, shape, or form.  Everything posted here is from my own experience and a modicum of research on the net.  Please double-check my facts before you begin this diet for yourself.
Is keto for you?
The first and hardest question to ask yourself about a ketosis diet is, Can I Endure this? And you should not feel any guilt if the answer to that question is no, because this is a very invasive and aggressive diet that will cause you physical pain even if just for a brief amount of time. Similar to vegetarianism, or is extreme cousin, veganism, a keto diet involves cutting out large swaths of the food pyramid to facilitate this diet. This does not mean going hungry, the foods that are removed will be replaced with other foods, only without any (or minimal) artificial or natural sugars. Sugar is just a chemical, which doesn't sound like a huge sacrifice, right? Most adults don't bother adding sugar to anything other than tea or coffee, but sugar is much more deeply rooted in our lives than you may realize.
Carbohydrates can be found in virtually every type of ready-to-serve foods: breads, wraps, pastas, fried snacks, hors d'oeuvre (these are examples of things I ate before this diet). All of these delicious and very satisfying foods have a fiber content and sugar content. You're still allowed to consume these, and I encourage you do so, but make sure to monitor the grams of total carbohydrates you consume that day. During this diet you will only be allowed to consume 20 grams (to 50 grams, depending on your body and personal needs) a day. remember this. Those 20 grams of carbs maybe the difference between you having a normal day and one of the worst days of your life.
Before I chose to begin a keto diet, I had been exercising casually (as before I was sedentary, more details on this later) and consuming about half as many carbohydrates as I had normally done in my life before. During the two years I was living this way, I was able to lose approximately 20lbs (from about 230 to 210).  If you're starting your diet or lifestyle change from scratch, maybe try starting here first.  Its significantly slower (10lbs in nearly a year), but it will not cause any pain or significant inconvenience.
What’s the big deal?/What to eat?
Sugar is a chemical, and more than that, its a drug that your body has been dependent on since you were a wee baby in your mama’s belly.  Sugar makes your brain work and when you mess with your brain’s intake of the all-important-life-sauce it goes into panic mode. In the first 2-3 days (up to 6 if your me!) you will literally, physically go into a state of depression.  Many had described it to me as ‘keto flu’ but as a survivor of 2009s Swine flu, I can most assuredly tell you that keto is much, MUCH worse.
First, my appetite became very finicky (and i'm already a very picky eater).  I had no desire to eat the genuinely tasty keto meals that my boyfriend had lovingly prepared.  I didn't want to draw, and I wasn't even in the mood to play easy video games.  All I felt like doing was crying or sleeping (which I did, for 9 hours in the middle of my 3rd day).  This is why, whenever I speak to someone who’s even moderately interested in this diet to BOOK TIME OFF YOUR JOB!!! It’s inconceivable to me to be forced to face other human beings in this state of physical distress.  You need to pamper yourself while in this state in order to endure it and ensure your success.
There was one more bump in the road around the one-week point but i'm fairly certain it came down to a combination of dehydration and moodiness (period) so perhaps that was an outlier.  Either way, water is the key when you start feeling shitty.  Get yourself a nice BPA-free water bottle that you're comfortable carrying around and keeping full of fresh water.  Once your body is in ketosis (you can check using those little paper sticks you pee on from the drug store, wash your hands!) you will get tired and moody the very instant you become hungry at mealtimes.  Sometimes you don't even feel the familiar hunger pangs from your previous diet and mistake it for just a general bad mood. Always have a sip of water, babes; that’s your brain telling you to hydrate.
Alternatively, after eating a keto meal you still may feel hungry or unsatisfied, even sad (longing for your favourite dessert).  This is where those 20g of carbs come in pretty clutch.  Finding your perfect portion of reward may be impossibly difficult, I can only tell you what made me feel better when I got the cravings.  Blueberries are quite sweet, they have a lot of natural sugar, but a handful of them sufficed as an incredibly sweet treat (some keto dieters have proclaimed that ‘regular things taste much sweeter than before’, I didn't experience this). Minigo/iogo yoghurt cups are fatty and sweet and work as a decent replacement to ice cream (count the carbs!).  On extra tough mornings (in addition to bacon and eggs! Totally keto!) we would split a cavendish oven-fried hashbrown (about 15g; 7.5g split between my partner and I).
There are a surprising amount of natural foods that are not keto, but in careful proportions, can be incorporated into a daily keto diet.  Most every fruit (that I checked) is very sugary but can make for a nice dessert.  Certain vegetables like carrots or potato have too many carbs to be anything more than a boost when you feel shitty. Red onions have a very small amount of carbs (sugar and fibre work together to your benefit!) and server to replace pasta as a side to a nice steak dinner.
On that note, you need fibre to make your BMs move.  Cutting carbs from your life means your number 2’s go bunny mode…. Take a sugar-free metamucil on any day where you have more meat during a meal than other types of food, or the toilet will be a nightmare.
Cutting away pastas, breads, and other sides seems like an insane task but with some discipline and creativity, it's quite manageable.  Breakfast didn't change much: eggs any way (sunny side for me, cheddar omelette for my BF) with bacon or sausage. Lunch was some combination of chicken breast and various salads (so many salad dressings are low or no carb! Read the back!). On steak night, we replace noodles with sauteed red onions fried and seasoning.  Snacktime was usually pre-sliced cheddar cheese (go NUTS that shit is A-OK!), unsalted peanuts (other nuts have marginally more carbs, almonds and sunflower are moderate, check what works for you), or small amounts of beef jerky.  Accompany those snacks with a big drink of water, or if you've had enough of that, certain drinks are acceptable like tea or coffee (with sweetner and high fat milk, skim milk is too sugary), diet sodas, sugarfree drink mix (migo, nestea).  Just remember water, water, water.
Is it worth it? Pros/Cons
-HURTS LIEK DRUG WITHDRAWL (you're literally coming down from the lifelong chemical addiction of sugar.  It hurts like Trainspotting)
-MEAT (you will be consuming a lot of animal product)
-POOP (even when you have your metamucil, the toilet can take some time)
-SWEETS (the cravings for your favourite yumyums will almost never stop, it takes monk-like discipline)
-BORING (you can't go out and enjoy meals/drinks with friends and family without them or the restaurant making odd or even crappy exceptions.  Keto menu options are slowly becoming popular though)
-TIRED (the first week or two will be very tedious and you won’t have any energy, even your favourite hobbies may seen unfulfilling for a time)
-ALCOHOL (basically none, unless you like vodka and sugarfree mix, you'll get drunk a lot quicker and end up feeling shittier without carbs in your body to process the liquor)
-INSTANT RESULTS (in my first week i lost nearly 10lbs, and then two for every subsequent week. note that, just like any diet, there will be bounce-back)
-APPETITE LOSS (once you get into the swing of this, after the 2 week mark, you’ll find you no longer are pained when your hungry and the bigger cravings subside)
-BUDGET (this is a bit of an odd one and may not necessarily reflect your cost benefits.  Before engaging in this diet, my BF and I discovered we were spending too much money on restaurants and leaving the food in the fridge to waste.  This was primarily because we were too lazy to cook.  Getting off our asses and cooking 6 days of the week made an immediate impact on this for us.  If you already do that, this won't apply.  Concurrently, we spent more money at the grocery store ensuring we always had fresh meat and vegetables; this did net us positive)
-REWARDING MEALS (having to stop and think about what it takes to make a tasty and satisfying meal has forced us to look at things in a different way.  Making yourself and your partner a healthy, supremely tasty meal gets those endorphins peaking)
-EXERCISE (Unnecessary! Your choice! Just note that building muscle increases your weight as muscle weights more than fat)
My fave meals:
-Coffee (reluctantly replacing 1tsp of sugar with a fairy-dust sprinkling of sweetner cos i HATE sweetner, its 20-30x stronger than sugar so you only need 1/20th as much)
-Eggs and bacon!!! (sausage sometimes too)
-Garlic grilled chicken with spinach salad (onions, sliced almonds, feta, dressing)
-Steak and red onions (meat rare and onions grilled with seasoning)
-Spicy ground pork tacos (replace the taco/burrito with large boston lettuce leaves, shredded cheddar, green onions, diced tomato, dab of ranch sauce)
-Baked chicken breast stuffed with ricotta and spinach, topped with parmesan
-Slow-cooked pulled pork slathered with sharp cheddar (just eat with a fork!)
-Baked shrimp with garlic butter and parmesan
-Jalapenos stuffed with ricotta, cream cheese and cheddar, then wrapped in a strip of bacon (great late-night snack)
-Even changing the texture of a cheese can change the taste of the meal.  Shredded cheddar adds a salty bite to a lettuce wrap, grated parmesan can trick a baked chicken breast into thinking its breaded.  creamy cheeses can replace other baking sauces entirely.
-Diet pops (make sure its 0 sugar!), and tea/coffees with sweetner are fine, they do contain a lot of sodium though, make sure to drink 1-for-1 with water (meaning: every diet coke or tea you have, accompany it with the same amount of plain water so your body can process it and pee it out).
Vitamins: It should be noted that I take a daily multivitamin (C3+D) as I generally don't get enough sun or fruits.  I highly recommend you take these just in general. They help keep skin soft and blemish free (I initially began taking these because of acne on upper arms and it cleared within days).
Activity: As briefly mentioned earlier, I began shifting from sedentary (not moving much, sitting for hours a day) to a more active lifestyle about 2-3 years ago. This entailed a personal regimen of making an attempt at physical activity approximately half the days of the month (period week was generally excluded).  Every other day I would attempt one of the following: walking at least 2km, 15-20m of floor exercises (‘lady push-ups’, sit-ups), 15-20m of time on the indoor bike, or an hour of house related chores (lifting, laundry, cleaning, anything that involves getting sweaty).  In addition to these, yoga is peppered into my lifestyle as frequently as possibly, particularly in the morning before breakfast. On days where i'm unable to exercise, I at least attempt the basic yoga poses to stave off my (no-longer chronic) back pain.
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sport-land · 7 years
Top Woman Health Choices
Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Woman Health and What You Should Do Today
The New Angle On Woman Health Just Released
Huge amounts of protein, for instance, can create the body to eliminate greater amounts of minerals and vitamins. If you reside an unhealthy lifestyle you will likely not experience the advantages of Green Tea Extract as much like you're already consuming a healthful diet and getting in some daily exercise. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, it IS possible to overdose on several dietary supplements.
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The Demise of Woman Health
Possessing a nutritious diet is the most crucial thing we can do in order to help our bodies get the critical nourishment to run our vital processes. You might believe that sugar cravings are completely normal, especially for us girls. Intermittent fasting is simply ideal for women who need to keep up their healthy body whilst losing some unwanted fat, and getting leaner muscles at exactly the same time.
Most Noticeable Woman Health
Let's start with the easy part. Every woman will pick the diet that's best adapted to her, based on culture, lifestyle, personal preferences, and the information readily available to her. In addition, it made life hard in different ways.
Vital Pieces of Woman Health
It's important to get the proper details about dietary supplements before purchasing them. This informative article is for informational purposes only, and isn't meant to provide medical advice. There are scores and scores of supplements available on the market that promote healthy aging but only a number of them stick out from the crowd.
Where to Find Woman Health
Therefore, ensure you consume foods rich in proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. Adding animal protein rather than carbohydrate was related to a greater chance of ovulatory infertility. Therefore, the body gets resistant to estrogen and might sometimes even totally reject estrogen.
Remember that heart disease remains the number one killer of women. Doctors keep saying they don't know the reason for preeclampsia, but they're madly hunting for a magic pill or single cause to shed some light on the mystery. Pregnant women might not be able always to sleep on their backs for longer amounts of time.
The perfect diet is going to be the one which has a minimal number of refined carbs, sugar, and fried food and higher quantity of vegetables, healthy fats and very good proteins. A growing number of evidence demonstrates that consuming a diet that's full of fruits and vegetables is healthier. Should you ever wish to have a baby, the Omega-3 fats you eat now are literally the infant's brain food later on.
Studies have proven they have the capability to help support a healthful body and each one has its own distinct benefits. A few of the women who shared their experiences within this complaint are long-time residents of the usa. It's essential to note that the study found only an association between an inflammatory diet plan and the possibility of breast cancer, and can't prove that this kind of diet led to the women's breast cancer.
If they want to serve in the military, let them serve under the same conditions as males do. They had a large number of pregnancies which may or may not have been wanted. Undocumented women have the ability to obtain care at Whole Woman's.
This short article is all about how to conceive a baby boy, so you may add more color to to your familyathough, clearly, the most significant issue isn't your child's gender, but their wellness and the happiness of the family. The typical age for a new bride in britain is 30. If you're one of these women, then you've come to the proper spot.
Getting enough sleep is also best for a wholesome libido, together with a fantastic mental state. Getting too little iron when pregnant can cause anemia, a condition leading to fatigue and a higher risk of infections. Your entire body tolerates it simply to a particular extent.
Our personal favorite is Stride Health, which enables you to enter information regarding your age and health care risks and aids you optimize for the very best bang for your buck insurance policy program. Dr. Rose's objective is to promote women's health in a caring and skilled environment tailored to the demands of every one of her patients. It is now obvious that we have to put a great deal more resources into mental health in the usa.
The thesis here is that if you've got a dedicated point of contact in the medical system and someone to coordinate all your major health requirements, you're more inclined to lead a much healthier lifestyle (and therefore lower your health care risk). Public health authorities around the world have been progressively reducing the most quantity of alcohol a woman should drink each week. When they have access to a wide range of safe and effective birth-control options, unintended pregnancy and the need for abortion decrease.
What You Should Do to Find Out About Woman Health Before You're Left Behind
So as to procure Xanax drug legally, you want to become valid Rx. Ladies require more calcium, especially after age 35. Health supplements aren't medicine.
Consider pregnancy if menstruation doesn't occur within 6 weeks of the start of previous menstruation. It is possible to consume the pills on-the-go, 1 benefit. Eventually, you're discover the perfect dosage for your entire body.
The One Thing to Do for Woman Health
Eating shouldn't be considered cardiovascular exercise. Foods you eat may also trigger hormone reactions that directly affect your weight reduction targets. It's comparable to the way you continue to burn calories for a little while after a workout!
If you're taking well-researched supplements as well as a proper diet and healthier lifestyle you should definitely observe some great advantages. Others might vary because of the maternal diet. It can likewise be utilised to lessen tension and promote relaxation.
The Scivation Workout Nutrition Stack is here, and now is the time for you to receive your swole on. Eating a meal that you truly love can be beneficial for your mental wellbeing and leave you motivated for the remainder of your diet, as opposed to feeling deprived. Food is regarded as a necessity as an alternative to a craving.
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How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
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I think an apology is in order. On my part.
I've dropped the "C" word on and off and mentioned how it can lead to stress, inflammation, disease and more.
And I've mentioned that it can especially lead to excess belly fat.
But I haven't actually explained it more in depth, or explained how it works.
And I haven't given you some simple strategies to reduce it.
Let's get into it now, and end any confusion.
As you've realized if you read the chapter title, the "C" word is Cortisol.
Cortisol is better known as the "stress hormone", which your body produces to help with certain necessary responses.
Before we get into the "bad side" of cortisol, let's discuss its merits.
One of the more well-known cortisol-related responses is the "fight or flight" reaction you have when you're in danger. In this scenario, cortisol plays a vital role in telling your muscles and liver to release certain enzymes, acids, fats, and glucose, in order to give your body the energy it needs to fight or flee.
This response was crucial just as much in evolutionary times, when faced with a life-threatening bear for example, as it is these days, when you may sense danger on a dark, empty street in a bad part of town.
Beyond the fight or flight response, cortisol is known to help metabolize glucose, fats, and protein, it is an anti-inflammatory, and it regulates blood pressure and cardiovascular function.
Lastly, it is the main component of the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR), which refers to the slightly elevated cortisol levels we have in the morning. These levels gradually drop down as the day progresses. The CAR is thought to be an evolutionary mechanism that helped us wake up, and go on waking the rest of the day.
Now that we've covered the "good", let's get to the "bad".
The main idea to understand here is: beyond the acute, helpful cortisol functions (fight or flight; helping with recovery post-workout) and the morning awakening response, cortisol can get very chronic, very fast.
And when it gets chronic, research shows we're faced with everything from unmanageable stress levels to a wide variety of major diseases (heart disease, Alzheimer's, depression, and various cancers immediately come to mind).
Let me elaborate.
For starters, there are many different reasons that people have excess cortisol in their system.
There are a few recurring themes, though - namely, diet quality (or lack thereof) and stressful life situations (long-term pressure at work, financial issues, relationship or spousal tension, caring for elderly parents, etc.). And from a genetic perspective, many are naturally prone to anxiety or depression., and the stress/cortisol output that comes with it.
There are some "unknown" causes of chronically-elevated cortisol, too.
Besides chronic stress, the top 2 hidden causes are:
1. Excessive gym time followed by under-eating
a. High intensity, long duration exercise (especially "chronic cardio") training is proven to increase cortisol significantly
b. Basically, any time spent over 60-75 minutes ramps up cortisol like nobody's business, and it's made worse when we're too hard on ourselves to decide to eat next to nothing after a tough workout
c. Follow the workouts in the "6 Weeks to Lean" manual and you'll be outta the gym before you need to worry about cortisol building up.
d. Essentially, weight lifting, cardio, and any other high-intensity workouts deal with 4 main hormones:
i. Testosterone
ii. Growth Hormone,
iii. IGF (insulin-like growth factor)
iv. Cortisol
e. The first 3 are the anabolic hormones that build muscle (more muscle = less fat = healthier body and healthier 'look'). The last one, cortisol, is useful in certain circumstances but can also become very detrimental.
f. The key here is output of the anabolic hormones (testosterone, GH, and (IGF) stops after about 60 minutes of workouts, but cortisol keeps going and becomes chronic (and damaging to the body)
g. So, if you're working out for 2 hours, that's 1 hour or more of muscle-ruining, fat storing Cortisol permeating through your system. So, work hard and fast during workouts, and then stop!
h. Cap workouts at 1 hour, or 1 hr and 15 minutes including warm-ups. Then get adequate rest and recovery!
2. High levels of caffeine and sugar, which keep you "on edge" 24/7.
a. High cortisol in the bloodstream often correlates with the morning coffee... and the brunch coffee and post-lunch coffee, and the subsequent sodas and energy drinks consumed throughout the day.
b. But let's not be hypocritical - I have my morning cup of coffee, and most people do, too.
c. It's not unhealthy to have a bit of caffeine in the morning, and a few cups of tea throughout the day. However, it's important not to overdo it. (A surefire way to overdo it is drinking 3+ cups of coffee, plus sodas or energy drinks all day like many people do.)
Basically, having too much cortisol can have a highly negative impact on your body in the long term.
Too much cortisol means your body enters a catabolic state, whereby your body starts cannibalizing its own tissues (including bone, muscle and even brain matter) to get energy. Too much cortisol also signals your body to store excess fat, particularly in the midsection region (stomach, love handles, and butt/hips).
The reason for this is that your body thinks it's in mortal danger (the "fight or flight" response), so it's suddenly willing to use whatever resources it has available at its command to survive.
And when the body is spending time trying to fight off this perceived "danger", it doesn't give a rat's you-know-what about burning fat. On the contrary, any food at or above your limit will be stored as fat in the exact place you're trying to avoid putting it on!
You see the problem here: You drank that second cup of coffee because you like the way it tastes with those little hazelnut creamer packets they have at 7-11, and you inadvertently released a bunch of cortisol in the process.
And these chronically elevated cortisol levels mean increased stress, and increased stress causes mood swings, anxiety, depression and flat-out shrinkage of brain cells.
If your cortisol has been elevated for a long time, it's also possible your brain isn't even producing healthy levels of serotonin and dopamine anymore - causing you to enjoy pleasurable feelings less, and feel down in the dumps more often.
As mentioned, your cortisol levels are supposed to be naturally high in the morning - one of the actual good effects of the stress hormone is to help you feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when you first wake up. But they're supposed to drop off during the day - which means you have to be careful about the amount of caffeine you take into your system, and most importantly, when you take it into your system.
It's pretty simple: No caffeine after 12 PM (2 PM is OK if you go to bed around 12), except for a cup of green tea if you really need it. Generally, you want to have your last bit of caffeine at least 10 hours before bedtime, since cortisol levels are so closely correlated with our sleep/wake cycles. So for most people who go to bed around the 10-11 p.m. hour, it's best to stop drinking soda, energy drinks or coffee by noon. It's also best to have a daily "goal" of no more than one soda/energy drink/cup of coffee per day, and 1-2 cups of tea at most.
You want to max out at 400 mg. of caffeine per day (most coffee has between 150-200 mg already!) Your body doesn't really get much benefit after one, anyway - and you're just maxing out your stress levels!
While you're taking a long-term, nice and easy approach to reducing your caffeine consumption, here are some other methods by which you can naturally reduce your cortisol levels.
 Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)"
Read the next article about "7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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How Climber Adam Ondra Is Training for 2020 Tokyo Olympics
When mountain climbing debuts on the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, it should seemingly be remembered because the watershed second of a once-fringe exercise gone mainstream. Undoubtedly, the game has skilled a surge in reputation over the previous few years, with movies like Free Solo and The Dawn Wall serving to to broaden the attraction as climbing gyms pop up across the nation, however Tokyo will formally put it on the map. Whether you’re a climber or not, it’s going to make for spectacular tv—from a closely debated format that can include three separate disciplines (lead climbing, bouldering, and pace climbing) to the freakish athleticism of climbers like Slovenian phenom Janja Garnbret and Bavarian powerhouse Alex Megos. But regardless of who stands atop the rostrum in July, maybe the best spectacle that viewers can be handled to is the brilliance of Adam Ondra.
Tommy Caldwell Talks Record-breaking El Capitan Nose Climb
As mountain climbing transitions into the limelight, this 26-year-old Czech skilled climber is the torchbearer redefining what’s potential within the sport at present. To put his dominance into perspective, contemplate this: In 2012, Ondra completed a route named Change in Hanshelleren Cave in Flatanger, Norway, and instructed it was probably the most troublesome route ever climbed when he proposed the grade of 5.15c on the Yosemite Decimal System. (Editor’s notice: The grade hasn’t been confirmed as a result of nobody else has accomplished it.) More not too long ago, he returned to Hanshelleren Cave in 2017 and made historical past when he topped out on Silence, the world’s hardest sport climb with a proposed grade of 5.15d, which can be but to see a second ascent.
The World’s Tallest Climbing Wall Is Opening This Month in Abu Dhabi
Taking his talent set indoors, nonetheless, has required Ondra to undertake a completely completely different coaching routine, as he’s largely stayed away from the competitors circuit since 2015. Complicating issues additional, like most different lead climbers and boulderers, he has just about no prior expertise in pace climbing.
Recently, we caught up with Ondra to study how the world’s best rock climber is making ready his thoughts and physique for the Olympic stage.
Lukas Biba/ Courtesy Image
What’s your coaching routine like for the Olympics, and the way does it differ from coaching for an out of doors venture like Silence?
When I used to be coaching for Silence, I used to be coaching very particularly for that venture. It was essential to mix coaching on rock with coaching within the health club. I used to be coaching for the endurance it required and in addition for energy within the very particular sorts of handholds and footholds and physique positions that I wanted. For the Olympics, I’m principally coaching within the health club, so I’m operating laps on the usual pace wall. I’m coaching on the bouldering wall. Also, one other distinction is that bouldering within the competitions has modified lots in the previous couple of years when it comes to type. It’s very completely different from what bouldering is like on actual rock. It’s far more dynamic and coordination-demanding. Bouldering on actual rock, which I’m extra used to climbing on, is much more static and requires principally finger energy, whereas competition-style boulder issues are about coordination. For that, you simply have to coach within the health club. It doesn’t actually assist that a lot, within the brief time period, to coach on actual rock.
Climber Emily Harrington Is Recovering After a Bad Fall on El Capitan
How do you mentally put together for the strain of competitors climbing, particularly if you’re acting on a stage as large because the Olympics?
The strain in our sport is large. In lead climbing and bouldering, the routes are fully new they usually’re set particularly for this competitors. There are a number of selections that we’re making and it’s very troublesome to make a quick choice underneath such strain. Dealing with that is undoubtedly a giant a part of the sport. One method is making an attempt to simulate competitions just about each time I’m coaching, however proper earlier than the competitors it’s essential to do some type of workout routines, principally based mostly in yoga or meditation. That helps me to calm down and be assured.
What’s your method to food regimen and diet? Do you keep away from sure meals?
This is essential to me. I’m at the moment on a food regimen that’s based mostly on conventional Chinese drugs. My food regimen is generally composed of whole-grain cereals, legumes, beans, lentils. Lots of cooked, baked, or steamed greens. Lots of spices like curcumin or cumin that assist assist digestion. Some superfoods. Especially within the winter months, I’m avoiding uncooked greens and even most uncooked fruits. For meat, I eat principally high-quality fish and hen. Some different issues that I’m undoubtedly avoiding are white flour, dairy, and sugar. I feel if you happen to simply keep away from these three issues, that’s begin.
Jan Kriz/ Courtesy Image
On your YouTube sequence Road to Tokyo, you latterly shared that you just principally coached your self till you had been 20 years previous however that nowadays you’re coached by legendary climber Patxi Usobiaga. How does having a coach like Patxi change the best way you prepare?
When I began with Patxi, I concentrated extra on defining the periodization of coaching, like when you need to prepare at the next quantity or lower down the quantity and solely give attention to the standard. Now, I usually prepare at a a lot increased quantity till proper earlier than competitions after which it’s a lot much less. Having a coach and, most significantly, somebody you can focus on your coaching program with, provides you a number of confidence. It’s not solely you who developed the coaching program, which is principally like a device that ought to take you from coaching to the competitors in the very best form. Working with Patxi provides me the arrogance that I’m coaching the best manner.
Finally, There's a Climbing Helmet With MIPS Technology
Bernardo Gimenez/ Courtesy Image
What do you do on the morning of a contest? Do you will have any kind of particular warmup ritual or meals that you just eat?
After I get up, I usually drink some black tea and do pranayama, a type of yoga for rest. For breakfast, I often have oatmeal, generally candy and generally salted with greens. Then I simply go for it. During the competitors rounds, after lunch I actually like doing yoga nidra, which helps me to be extra relaxed simply earlier than the competitors.
The Olympic format consists of 1 relaxation day between the qualifying and championship rounds. What’s your technique for restoration and caring for your physique through the day without work?
At the Olympics, I’ll undoubtedly have my conventional Chinese physician. He’ll deal with me based mostly on my state, so I’ll simply let him do his job. Other than that, I feel on that specific day crucial factor is simply to relax out and keep within the resort room. Maybe go for a little bit stroll, however strolling round in Tokyo in 40°C [104°F] warmth and excessive humidity may very well be actually tiring. I don’t need to be too energetic as a result of the ultimate rounds will begin the subsequent day within the afternoon and there can be a number of time to get the physique going.
During the bouldering and lead climbing rounds, rivals have to attend in an isolation space to allow them to’t see one another’s technique whereas climbing. What do you do whilst you’re ready to your flip? Do have any particular strategies to remain calm and unfastened?
I attempt to not actually take into consideration the competitors itself as a result of I’m all the time placing strain on myself once I’m coaching as a way to carry out at my very, easiest. When I’m within the isolation space, I principally simply heat up the identical manner I might heat up for coaching. There are different rivals who I’m mates with, so there’s a number of chatting and simply speaking about random stuff. I actually attempt to focus solely like 15 minutes earlier than I truly begin climbing.
For entry to unique gear movies, movie star interviews, and extra, subscribe on YouTube!
The blog post How Climber Adam Ondra Is Training for 2020 Tokyo Olympics is republished from Weight Loss Fitness
from Weight Loss Fitness - Feed https://weightlossfitnesss.info/how-climber-adam-ondra-is-training-for-2020-tokyo-olympics/
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
How Climber Adam Ondra Is Training for 2020 Tokyo Olympics
When mountain climbing debuts on the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, it should seemingly be remembered because the watershed second of a once-fringe exercise gone mainstream. Undoubtedly, the game has skilled a surge in reputation over the previous few years, with movies like Free Solo and The Dawn Wall serving to to broaden the attraction as climbing gyms pop up across the nation, however Tokyo will formally put it on the map. Whether you’re a climber or not, it’s going to make for spectacular tv—from a closely debated format that can include three separate disciplines (lead climbing, bouldering, and pace climbing) to the freakish athleticism of climbers like Slovenian phenom Janja Garnbret and Bavarian powerhouse Alex Megos. But regardless of who stands atop the rostrum in July, maybe the best spectacle that viewers can be handled to is the brilliance of Adam Ondra.
Tommy Caldwell Talks Record-breaking El Capitan Nose Climb
As mountain climbing transitions into the limelight, this 26-year-old Czech skilled climber is the torchbearer redefining what’s potential within the sport at present. To put his dominance into perspective, contemplate this: In 2012, Ondra completed a route named Change in Hanshelleren Cave in Flatanger, Norway, and instructed it was probably the most troublesome route ever climbed when he proposed the grade of 5.15c on the Yosemite Decimal System. (Editor’s notice: The grade hasn’t been confirmed as a result of nobody else has accomplished it.) More not too long ago, he returned to Hanshelleren Cave in 2017 and made historical past when he topped out on Silence, the world’s hardest sport climb with a proposed grade of 5.15d, which can be but to see a second ascent.
The World’s Tallest Climbing Wall Is Opening This Month in Abu Dhabi
Taking his talent set indoors, nonetheless, has required Ondra to undertake a completely completely different coaching routine, as he’s largely stayed away from the competitors circuit since 2015. Complicating issues additional, like most different lead climbers and boulderers, he has just about no prior expertise in pace climbing.
Recently, we caught up with Ondra to study how the world’s best rock climber is making ready his thoughts and physique for the Olympic stage.
Lukas Biba/ Courtesy Image
What’s your coaching routine like for the Olympics, and the way does it differ from coaching for an out of doors venture like Silence?
When I used to be coaching for Silence, I used to be coaching very particularly for that venture. It was essential to mix coaching on rock with coaching within the health club. I used to be coaching for the endurance it required and in addition for energy within the very particular sorts of handholds and footholds and physique positions that I wanted. For the Olympics, I’m principally coaching within the health club, so I’m operating laps on the usual pace wall. I’m coaching on the bouldering wall. Also, one other distinction is that bouldering within the competitions has modified lots in the previous couple of years when it comes to type. It’s very completely different from what bouldering is like on actual rock. It’s far more dynamic and coordination-demanding. Bouldering on actual rock, which I’m extra used to climbing on, is much more static and requires principally finger energy, whereas competition-style boulder issues are about coordination. For that, you simply have to coach within the health club. It doesn’t actually assist that a lot, within the brief time period, to coach on actual rock.
Climber Emily Harrington Is Recovering After a Bad Fall on El Capitan
How do you mentally put together for the strain of competitors climbing, particularly if you’re acting on a stage as large because the Olympics?
The strain in our sport is large. In lead climbing and bouldering, the routes are fully new they usually’re set particularly for this competitors. There are a number of selections that we’re making and it’s very troublesome to make a quick choice underneath such strain. Dealing with that is undoubtedly a giant a part of the sport. One method is making an attempt to simulate competitions just about each time I’m coaching, however proper earlier than the competitors it’s essential to do some type of workout routines, principally based mostly in yoga or meditation. That helps me to calm down and be assured.
What’s your method to food regimen and diet? Do you keep away from sure meals?
This is essential to me. I’m at the moment on a food regimen that’s based mostly on conventional Chinese drugs. My food regimen is generally composed of whole-grain cereals, legumes, beans, lentils. Lots of cooked, baked, or steamed greens. Lots of spices like curcumin or cumin that assist assist digestion. Some superfoods. Especially within the winter months, I’m avoiding uncooked greens and even most uncooked fruits. For meat, I eat principally high-quality fish and hen. Some different issues that I’m undoubtedly avoiding are white flour, dairy, and sugar. I feel if you happen to simply keep away from these three issues, that’s begin.
Jan Kriz/ Courtesy Image
On your YouTube sequence Road to Tokyo, you latterly shared that you just principally coached your self till you had been 20 years previous however that nowadays you’re coached by legendary climber Patxi Usobiaga. How does having a coach like Patxi change the best way you prepare?
When I began with Patxi, I concentrated extra on defining the periodization of coaching, like when you need to prepare at the next quantity or lower down the quantity and solely give attention to the standard. Now, I usually prepare at a a lot increased quantity till proper earlier than competitions after which it’s a lot much less. Having a coach and, most significantly, somebody you can focus on your coaching program with, provides you a number of confidence. It’s not solely you who developed the coaching program, which is principally like a device that ought to take you from coaching to the competitors in the very best form. Working with Patxi provides me the arrogance that I’m coaching the best manner.
Finally, There’s a Climbing Helmet With MIPS Technology
Bernardo Gimenez/ Courtesy Image
What do you do on the morning of a contest? Do you will have any kind of particular warmup ritual or meals that you just eat?
After I get up, I usually drink some black tea and do pranayama, a type of yoga for rest. For breakfast, I often have oatmeal, generally candy and generally salted with greens. Then I simply go for it. During the competitors rounds, after lunch I actually like doing yoga nidra, which helps me to be extra relaxed simply earlier than the competitors.
The Olympic format consists of 1 relaxation day between the qualifying and championship rounds. What’s your technique for restoration and caring for your physique through the day without work?
At the Olympics, I’ll undoubtedly have my conventional Chinese physician. He’ll deal with me based mostly on my state, so I’ll simply let him do his job. Other than that, I feel on that specific day crucial factor is simply to relax out and keep within the resort room. Maybe go for a little bit stroll, however strolling round in Tokyo in 40°C [104°F] warmth and excessive humidity may very well be actually tiring. I don’t need to be too energetic as a result of the ultimate rounds will begin the subsequent day within the afternoon and there can be a number of time to get the physique going.
During the bouldering and lead climbing rounds, rivals have to attend in an isolation space to allow them to’t see one another’s technique whereas climbing. What do you do whilst you’re ready to your flip? Do have any particular strategies to remain calm and unfastened?
I attempt to not actually take into consideration the competitors itself as a result of I’m all the time placing strain on myself once I’m coaching as a way to carry out at my very, easiest. When I’m within the isolation space, I principally simply heat up the identical manner I might heat up for coaching. There are different rivals who I’m mates with, so there’s a number of chatting and simply speaking about random stuff. I actually attempt to focus solely like 15 minutes earlier than I truly begin climbing.
For entry to unique gear movies, movie star interviews, and extra, subscribe on YouTube!
The post How Climber Adam Ondra Is Training for 2020 Tokyo Olympics appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/how-climber-adam-ondra-is-training-for-2020-tokyo-olympics/
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 5 years
Losing weight can seem like the toughest thing you can do, but if you have the right education, it’s easier to achieve your dream weight. Where do you begin with the tips out there? The tips will give you get started.
A good way to help you lose weight loss technique involves simple tracking of how many calories you consume each day. Cut out any fatty foods where you can. You can also substitute fattier foods for something that has less calories and is less fattening.
Chunky soup is a great way to stay true to your diet program. It’s an unwise choice to drink all of your calories.Soups that contain large chunks of healthy ingredients will satisfy your hunger more quickly than soups that are pureed or creamy.
TIP! For some, weight loss is easier if they do not have a workout routine. If you don’t find exercise appealing, then find something else to do.
Pack your lunch for work or school.This puts you in control of what and how much food as you should be eating. Controlling your portions is essential to helping people maintain healthy weight and keep on top of things when trying to lose weight.
Rewarding yourself for good behavior is an important part of dieting.Treat yourself to a movie, running shoes or a treatment at a nearby spa.
Keep careful track of the calories you eat. Go out and buy a cheap spiral notebook. This notebook can be made into a personal food journal. This is an effective way to keep track what you are eating and monitor your overall progress.
TIP! Eat chunky soups to help you lose weight. It is never wise to simply drink your calories.
Lose Weight
Don’t skip meals when you want to lose weight.Although you may think skipping meals will help you lose weight, this is not the case.
Track steps with a pedometer to help you want to drop some weight. You should consider walking roughly 10,000 steps each day. If you’re aware of how many you walk on average, you can do more by challenging yourself. Every step brings you get closer to reaching your ultimate weight loss goals.
TIP! Weight loss will make you cut things out of your life, but you do not have to sacrifice taste! In previous times, low fat or low calorie foods were bland and lacking taste entirely. You can now use better preservatives and sweeteners to achieve that same taste without those harmful carbohydrates and fat getting in the way.
When you take the time to prepare a healthy dinner, make a little extra for lunch the next day. A delicious chicken salad can become a yummy pita sandwich. This also helps you prepare a quick lunch without needing to plan.
Be realistic in your weight loss. You will never lose fifty pounds in a span of two days. Creating goals which you whenever you reach your goals.It also prevent you from setting yourself to fail.Try setting a weekly goal of one half to two pounds each week.
You of course must keep track of those calories if you want to lose weight. This helps you know exactly what you are taking in. You will have the information needed to balance your daily caloric intake and not eat too much. You can easily use paper or on an online website that will allow you to track calories.
TIP! Taking your own needs into account is the most successful way to lose weight. If you like to be up early, resolve to get up a half hour earlier and get some exercise during that time.
Calories that we do not used are typically preserved in our body as fat. So keep in mind that it is not smart to eat food when you aren’t going to bed. Only eat when you’re sure that you know you are going to get up and active for some time. This will help your calories so that you can get to the weight you desire.
If you usually eat a salad dressing or dips with vegetables, consider switching your favorite dressing to a fat-free alternative. This is a great way to quickly cut down on your calorie and fat.
Try eating three bean salad when you are working at losing weight. You can make a low-calorie version easily at home. Mix three different types of canned beans with a light Italian dressing. This will make enough of this high fiber snack for you can eat on all week.
TIP! Don’t beat yourself up when you make mistakes in your diet. You can’t be perfect; you’re only human.
Even if you are required to sit down a lot, if you walk around during the breaks you have you’ll be able to work on your weight loss goals anytime you need to.
Green Tea
Green tea is a great addition to any nutritional program as it helps you clean you system and eliminate fat that prevents weight loss battle. Brewed green tea, either hot or over ice, is calorie-free and some believe it has fat-burning abilities. It can be a great addition to your goal to lose weight.
TIP! Losing one pound per week is a realistic weight loss goal. Anything more than that is too fast.
If you crave french fries, treat yourself to a child-sized portion and continue on your day. This doesn’t mean eating fries whenever you have the craving, but once a week or so is perfectly acceptable.
Maintain a food diary to help you keep track of your goals. You don’t necessarily have to just count each calorie. You might be surprised at just how much you are really eating. Keeping track also keeps you know what it is you are consuming on a daily basis. You may think twice about having another cookie or slice of cake if it means you are required to log it down.
A major component of successful weight loss is to focus on portion sizes.Studies show that those who pay close attention to their portions tend to shed the long run.
TIP! Skip the elevator and tackle those stairs! Leave the elevator behind! It’s a small change that can have great results. This is great for your health and losing weight.
Weighing Yourself
Weighing yourself continuously is a regular basis and celebrating every pound lost may help you stay motivated. How often you decide to weigh yourself could vary from the next person– it’s your personal choice. Try weighing yourself about once a week. It is best if you could do it on a daily basis.
Weight loss starts in your mind. If you have decided that it is time for you to lose some weight, it will be necessary to exercise true restraint in order to remain committed when times get tough.
TIP! Buy whipped butter. Some people are hesitant to replace butter with margarine or whipped butter.
Losing weight is achievable. Once you get started, you will begin to see the pounds melt off steadily. As in most endeavors, weight loss success turns on having the right knowledge, and this article is a great place to start.
If you enjoyed this post, you should read this: Proven Tips To Help You Lose Weight
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The smart Trick of how to grow hair faster That No One is Discussing
While the hair loss that causes partial or entire baldness demands prescribed drugs and surgical treatments, the short term or seasonal onset of hair loss might be dealt with by […] one/ Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is most frequently hereditary — handed down from generation to era. eight/ It’s in fact a normal thing for hair to fall out. Hair starts off its everyday living by using a very long growing period, and typically about eighty% of our hair is In this particular stage at any presented time. But other hairs are on the brink of depart our heads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGHy_hzq6wA , I removed it since it was not accessible for some motive. I’m undecided how properly can these shampoos function If you're under-going chemo. Hunting for a highest power hair loss shampoo that doesn’t pollute your scalp with harmful, strong chemical compounds? Honeydew’s Biotin Shampoo is usually a natural hair growth B-complicated method that eliminates DHT buildup, cleans the scalp, and provides thicker, fuller hair without having dandruff. Or, if you'd like to hold points straightforward, You should use a product which include Ulrax Hair Surge regularly as it includes ketoconazole. Nizoral’s A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo wards off any flakes whilst blocking hair loss, earning this grooming solution value your thought for normal use. As on your query, I don’t Assume It might be a big dropoff whatsoever. I suspect it might mainly be considered a ease element. In that situation, I'd suggest you utilize Nizoral 2 times weekly (e.g. on Wednesday and Sunday) and use Lipogaine Major five as your “regular” shampoo. How does hair regrowth treatment perform at Labelle hair clinic? Hair regrowth treatment & hair fall treatment involves non-surgical cure which assists from the re growth of hair follicles. At what stage we need to Choose hair regrowth treatment? You should have realistic anticipations In relation to hair loss shampoos. They gained’t regrow your hair back again In the event your head is completely bald, but they do enable. Thanks for the put up, I discovered it genuinely practical and I’ll check out one of them. I’ve also read superior points about Pilexil, do you know anything at all concerning this a person? Am i able to utilize the Ultrax Labs Hair Surge concurrently as employing Rogaine? I’m feminine and also have major thinning on the best of my head while the financial institution is incredibly thick and whole. The thinning is finding Increasingly more noticeabTle and appears to be odd if you seem behind my head. See how Mayo Clinic analysis and clinical trials progress the science of drugs and increase affected individual treatment. Examine now.. You will see anecdotal statements to assist the advantages, and there are plenty of proponents and followers of this historic exercise. Some have even claimed hair re-growth on bald spots.  Extra on how to do it and science behind this historical procedure: Click here
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So wanting to fix the issue with medication is similar to endeavoring to mask the signs and symptoms, and Your system pays the price for it later. Maple syrup, perhaps the unlikeliest shampoo ingredient, soothes and nourishes when it simultaneously handles bacterial buildup and overgrowth. Final, castor oil can help to provide the carrot seed oil deep into your scalp, and likewise moisturizes and hydrates By itself. Why you'll want to keep away from hair dyes: Artificial hair dyes comprise harsh chemical compounds such as ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,  p-phenylenediamine, which can irritate the scalp and trigger strain on hair follicles. As shown underneath, the Minoxidil-dealt with team experienced a higher number of hair follicles than one other 3 treatment approaches. That’s what exactly I preferred, and to the top of this information I’ll demonstrate a little bit more with regards to the closest matter which i’ve observed to that. hair follicles that happen to be while in the midst of miniaturization, and reverse the results. Ultimately, Because of this vellus hairs are transformed into terminal hairs, and more hair growth is noticed. You will discover anecdotal promises to support the benefits, and there are lots of proponents and followers of this ancient practice. Some have even claimed hair re-growth on bald regions.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcjuwgzkHc0 regarding how to get it done and science driving this historic procedure: Click this link Learn the way using a vitamin D deficiency can lead to hair loss and what you are able to do to maintain nutritious vitamin D degrees in Your whole body. One of the first scientific studies done within the plant regarding hair growth was carried out in 1998. Participants were given either a placebo, a noticed palmetto lotion, a observed palmetto oral supplement, or a mix of The 2 observed palmetto substances. At the conclusion of the fifty-week research, these were being the effects: In the 2 thirty day period issue you will be capable of see and experience a difference in case you’ve adopted my Directions the right way. I will demonstrate below the precise process to pinpoint the food items groups you will be allergic to and so are leading to and dashing up your hair loss. steptoremedies is, DHT is really a natural, usual and nutritious hormone that all of us want and is actually created from testosterone via an enzyme referred to as five-alpha-reductase. Research also demonstrates that vitamin D may well assistance create new follicles — the tiny pores while in the scalp the place new hair can grow (eight). Take into account that this is only one of numerous ways to grow back again dropped hair. Some people find they aren’t allergic to any certain foods teams and that is wonderful.
A Secret Weapon For natural hair growth
I have been employing It really works hair skin and nails and my hair grew 2 inches in six months! And my skin appears to be superior much too. Expert surgeons can offer the affected person we an incredibly natural on the lookout head of hair. A recent technological innovation is robotic assisted hair transplantation which support the surgeon be far more specific and hold scalp scarring negligible. The limitations? Expensive Rupa, each and every solution is just not about to perform for everyone and that's why I've listed 4 shampoos. If this doesn’t do the job try another a few. Health professionals check with widespread baldness as "androgenetic alopecia" or "androgenic alopecia," which implies that a combination of hormones and heredity (genetics) is important to establish the affliction. I have Lower my hairs also shorter now on obtaining feedbacks I noticed that they r not on the lookout well. There’s a perform in my house in September might I know abut the amount of inches will my hair grow by subsequent dese treatments Popular hair growth products and solutions and natural therapies for hair loss Hair loss commonly occurs in the event the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. Probably the most long-lasting solution for anyone who has missing or are losing their hair is hair transplants. Follicles are harvested in the back again of The top and seeded into bald locations. Procedures have vastly enhanced and no longer do these appear like faux “plugs”. I utilized to have really thick curly hair but it has never appreciated growing A lot… Now it is de facto slim, fine and greying and however curly nonetheless it keeps snapping off and nevertheless not getting any more.. .coconut and castor oil in first leaving on for thirty minutes..my hair is previous my bra line…it will require about 6 months ..nevertheless it does work..I also use coconut oil less than my eyes Now and again…no wrinkles…I smoke…drink and try to eat junk foods as well as check out my grandkids component time…get pleasure from existence Time is a very constrained commodity specifically in the hair loss match. As We all know, it really is easier to do preventative upkeep than reverse hair loss. However, natural DHT inhibitors like observed palmetto and nettle have labored to prevent hair loss in some people. They aren’t growing your whole hair rely, just shifting round the hair you have got still left. Additionally, it doesn’t stop future hair loss and from time to time additional transplants are essential. Initially, produce a cup of green tea with 1 tea bag (or one teaspoon of loose tea). Pour a cup of very hot water on green tea bag and Permit it steep for 30 minutes or right until interesting. (use filtered or distill h2o to help make this tea, but it’s not needed). Use therapeutic hair masks. A very good hair mask performs the dual duty of preserving your hair moisturized and balanced even though also stimulating growth. Domestic products like honey, egg whites, avocados, aloe and apple cider vinegar are all very advantageous to hair. We hold our visit ors current on what is working, what is not, and what is around the horizon. Whether it's a review of the following new matter, or progress in the direction of a hair loss cure, you'll be the very first to learn.
hair growth shampoo Options
Not just Is that this product or service created from 100 percent natural substances but is also termed as among the leading types for hair growth. Amla, reetha and shikakai in the shampoo deep cleanses the scalp and eliminates excess oil. It's still not totally very clear how minoxidil performs. And there's disagreement regarding how very well it works. Utilized properly -- twice a day, massaged deep to the scalp -- it slows new hair loss. What's more, it encourages new hair growth, although authorities disagree regarding how A great deal. Moreover, animal foods are the only fantastic sources of vitamin B12. So for anyone who is pursuing a vegetarian or vegan diet program, take into account taking a complement. "It can be achievable to acquire a single or the other or both of those," Kaufman claims. "But if a person is just not planning to use Rogaine twice daily, or go ahead and take Propecia pill as soon as every day, he should not make use of them." Learn the way aquiring a vitamin D deficiency can add to hair loss and what you are able to do to take care of healthier vitamin D degrees in your body. Base Line: Vitamin C is necessary to make collagen and might help avoid hair from growing old. Superior sources contain peppers, citrus fruits and strawberries. That’s appropriate, precisely the same chemical that can help you stay awake each morning can slap your hair awake to grow out. Caffeine is usually a compound scientifically revealed in order to help Together with the growth of hair, so this is simply not merely a advertising claim both. This is without doubt one of the couple of shampoo models to incorporate caffeine. Dear Rupa, every remedy isn't intending to function for everybody and that is why I've listed four shampoos. If this doesn’t function attempt the opposite three. HairGenics Pronexa treatment shampoo is often a little bit costly for many purchasers. However, the outcomes are well definitely worth the dollars you commit. The strength of this shampoo comes from its uniquely diverse method. If a compound is regarded to prevent hair loss, you'll likely come across it On this shampoo. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ : Vitamin D's precise function in hair growth is not really comprehended, but a single type of hair loss is connected to deficiencies. You may enhance vitamin D concentrations via Sunshine publicity or by ingesting certain foods. Other than staying an incredible cleanser shikakai, helps you to reinforce the hair roots and improve hair growth.  It also restores the pH ranges within the scalp to battle dandruff and remove merchandise Construct-up from hair follicles. Healthline shares 5 tips to maintain your locks balanced and strong throughout menopause, when hormonal imbalances usually bring on hair loss. One way to beat hair loss will be to transplant hair follicles from the perimeters and back of The pinnacle to the top of The top. This surgery has advanced over the years, Kaufman says. The precise reason for this sample is unfamiliar. (The male hormones included are current in each Guys and women.)
The Greatest Guide To how to grow hair faster
A substance produced by bees, Propolis was found to help you hair growth in mice. A group of researchers from Hokkaido College in Japan brought about a great deal of hype in hair loss circles next their discovery. As with most prescription drugs, you will discover side effects. You should definitely speak to your physician about Propecia to discover if it is best for you. Propecia can't be employed by women of childbearing opportunity since the drug might cause delivery defects. Also, it might not be productive in older women. A stronger drug During this same course is Avodart (dutasteride). I have menopause now my hair is thining and also have bald sopts any solutions for a house remedy thank you. It also can happen over the encounter in locations wherever the hair is commonly styled. Plucking or waxing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_care , one example is, can produce suppressed hair growth in the area. It's also handy if as you are carried out showering to ride you hair with chilly water before you decide to get out. Once you head massage, it stimulates the scalp circulation and brings with it extra oxygen and nutrients for your hair follicles. Extra nourishment implies your hair will grow healthier and more robust. However, you can find endless items to choose from that guarantee unrealistic final results, only to go away you upset. When exploring the most effective shampoos for hair loss, here are some aspects to keep in mind. How to proceed: Steroid injections are the initial line of treatment for alopecia areata, which appears as hair loss in spherical patches on The top. Other medication, such as Rogaine, could also be used. https://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Hair-Loss with the ailment can be unpredictable, with hair growing again then falling out yet again. Just about every strand is made up of cells that contain a troublesome protein referred to as keratin and they have to be frequently nourished with minerals and vitamins to produce your hair extensive and strong. We've got enlisted some foods for hair growth, which you have to definitely increase with your daily diet regime. So, what is the greatest food items for balanced hair that might help it to grow faster? Drugs Commonly employed for rheumatoid arthritis and bone marrow cancer, they are now staying analyzed for their employs like a hair growth medicine. They are a different class of medicines labeled as JAK inhibitors. In a single research, six out of 9 people considerably went from bald to a full head of hair immediately after having Ruxolitinib for five months. And vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and it helps to eliminate hair harming free radicals which can be created Usually within our bodies. But as we age, their number retains on growing. How to proceed: That is a reversible reason behind hair loss and the moment the surplus vitamin A is halted, hair should really grow Commonly. home remedies via steptoremedies that triggers partial or total baldness calls for prescribed remedies and surgical treatments, the momentary or seasonal onset of hair loss might be addressed by […] For a person's hair to grow faster, it's sensible not to scrub it daily, use an oil or hair mask weekly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbBrSMpQPvk can also opt for hair-boosting health supplements that happen to be safe.
The Basic Principles Of hair vitamins
I’m extremely informed that Ketoconazole is viewed as a essential ingredient within the struggle towards hair loss, so I’m desperate to listen to your feelings and suggestions. I’d be ready to introduce you to those merchandise. I exploit these products and my hair has transformed as wel.. Let me know should you’re interested. I’m sorry being a trouble! Having said that, it appears that this could only cure hair loss That could be a result of inflammation including alopecia areata. Little is thought about its Advantages for treatment of androgentic alopecia. The rest of the substances are the identical for Lipogaine Significant five and large three and function collectively to bolster and nourish hair although blocking thinning and breakage. Included in the prolonged listing of natural and organic elements are rosemary oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, environmentally friendly tea, cedarwood oil, and more. If Rogaine and various hair growth items aren’t Doing work to suit your needs, Ketoconazole just might. Equally, you can always utilize a shampoo along side a prescription item For extra security. Ketoconazole stops your follicles from irritation and inflammation, which consequently stops hair thinning and loss. With one% Ketoconazole (or two% with a prescription), this product has enough of the essential ingredient to destroy the fungi chargeable for resulting in dandruff. Noticed palmetto is barely new; Indigenous People happen to be utilizing it as medication and being a foodstuff source for many decades. Moreover, Individuals are the most crucial ingredients you would like to see in any shampoo that’s purported to quit hair loss, encourage growth and block the consequences of testosterone on follicles. On this area we Examine present hair loss cures in 2019. Using one or more with the treatments below is your best shot at keeping your hair close to. It’s challenging to determine an actual day whenever you’re gonna see outcomes. My piece of recommendation can be, find a schedule and persist with it. Searching for the most beneficial kids hair gel available? We analyzed the top hair gels for teenagers with the top rated ... Experiments have proven it may possibly deal with hypotrichosis (small or sparse) in the eyelashes by increasing their growth, which include length, thickness, and darkness. This medication can be commercially offered as Lumigan, which happens to be utilized to treat glaucoma. It is not regarded particularly how this medication is effective in hair regrowth, nonetheless it is believed to lengthen the anagen phase (Energetic phase) of hair growth. Apparently, all through routine health-related utilization of Lumigan eyedrops for glaucoma individuals, it absolutely was serendipitously found that eyelashes got lengthier and thicker in lots of customers. This triggered scientific trials as well as approval of beauty usage of Latisse for eyelashes. The conditioner is your choice, nevertheless Ultrax they do offer a conditioner that complements the shampoo as well. However it undoubtedly not For each finances. Their Natural Argan Oil Hair Loss Shampoo is really a trusted solution for males and women planning to keep away from substances on their journey to fighting hair loss. This hair regrowth shampoo for guys will endlessly alter the way you stay clear of thin strands.
hair fall - An Overview
Your body necessitates Vitamin C for iron absorption hence; you might want to increase citrus fruits towards your diet. Nutritionists advise that one lime each day is enough to Get the day by day dose of Vitamin C. Just make your self a relaxing glass of nimbu paani (with honey or simply a nutritious option to refined sugar) and you simply’re sorted. That is the results of multi-million dollar advertising strategies which persuade persons to use treatments which aren't in their very best prolonged-time period passions.In a while in this post I’ll provide you with the more practical and fully natural choices. Have you ever at any time expert your hair falling off like autumn leaves or turning grey overnight? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjUKl_IhthU , I've. I had been undertaking all the proper things like consuming balanced, exercising, but Swiftly I'd a deluge of hair fall. Aim for 5-six portions of fruits and vegetables everyday. You don’t have to eat unique, expensive kinds.  Take in far more wide variety and take in what grows regionally and what alterations seasonally – since they include utmost goodness and they are finest for your hair, wellness and pores and skin.   Usually do not dismiss the scalp mainly because it requirements just as much treatment as your hair. It is vital to keep the hair roots healthy, as Grime, oil, and useless pores and skin cells can accumulate around the scalp influencing hair growth. In https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ ’re seeking a magical ‘cure’ for your thinning, receding hair then you will be disappointed. home remedies via steptoremedies is a robust Device that helps you are concerned a lot less and treatment much better on your hair. You can create your individual affirmation and visualize you receiving it. Even so the desire of getting amazing hair is just not extremely hard to realize, you simply need to learn the proper points to complete and follow them with commitment. Just observe these uncomplicated hair growth magnificence techniques for healthful hair, and also you’ll manage to sport locks that even Rapunzel would have envied. Not always. While I urge you to take into account natural treatment methods 1st, a hair transplant might be combined with natural treatment strategies to Enhance benefits. Go searching in the trendy environment and another thing gets to be evident – hygiene items are in all places. And not just hygiene items, but fashionable innovations built to destroy microbes are all over the place. So now you have to be wondering how am i able to make shampoo in the home. And if I tell you it’s as simple as creating fast noodles, will you not give it a  attempt? The liquid castile cleaning soap Carefully cleanses the scalp, getting rid of severe buildup. Simultaneously, the carrot seed important oil purifies and detoxifies the scalp. Its vitamins and antifungal Attributes stimulate the scalp, in addition, resulting in more healthy hair follicles. As we know hair is especially composed of proteins, and deficiency of protein will slow the hair growth, and can even bring about brittle hair. Iron is yet another essential nutrient for balanced hair growth. It’s crystal clear that we don’t know ample about this matter however plus much more research is needed. But it's distinct that therapeutic your microbiome will certainly assist your All round wellness and Nearly certainly help decrease your hair loss.
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The 10 best protein powders to whip you into shape
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Richard Jones Daily Telegraph
Protein shakes have an image problem. Historically, their marketing has focused on images of pumped up men trying to emulate charismatic Austrians (we love you Arnie!), instantly alienating half of the population in one fell swoop. 
The common misconception among women was that taking protein shakes would mean being lumped with a load of muscle. But the protein world has had a bit of a shake up this decade, with products specifically targeting the female demographic as the health and fitness benefits of supplementing your diet with protein (besides the muscle building) are becoming more widely known and promoted.
"Protein shakes are really useful for anyone who is doing a form of exercise and struggles to get it from their diet," reveals James Exton, co-founder of fitness company LDNM. "It isn’t necessarily for muscle building and is quite an important element to have in your diet for weight loss as well. Our whole ethos is that it’s not going to make you into a monster like the giant men on the tubs. That is just a marketing tool a lot of companies use. ​If you’re a woman, it’s not going to make you a man."
If you weigh 11 stone, it is recommended you eat about 52.5g of protein a day but you will need more than that if you are planning on exercising regularly. "It is quite difficult getting it from your diet alone," says Exton. "If you work busy jobs or you are on the move, than it is hard to get to the requirement. But if you are hitting the mark, don’t buy protein shakes. Most people are deficient to protein to some extent and could use a little help to bolster it."
So if you have decided to go the whey of the protein shake, what are the main things to consider? 
"If you are on a weight loss journey, all you're looking for is a high protein content, low carbohydrate content and low fat content. Some do have higher sugar content so bear that in mind. Some brands are selling at £80 to £90, but I can tell you now, that will not change the way a person looks over and above a protein powder that is £30 for the same size."
To help you decide which protein shake to make, we tried as many as we could get our sweaty hands on, and as if we were protein shake sommeliers, judged them on flavour, texture and how they made us feel after consumption – though unfortunately they didn't make us tipsy.
Here are our humble opinions:
1. Form performance protein 520g
£24, from Planet Organic
One of the main reasons why some people are turned off protein shakes is the high dairy and milk content in some powders, while vegan alternatives have a reputation for unappetizing flavours and smells (unflavoured pea protein will make you never want to eat a vegetable ever again).
Form are changing the game as far as this point is concerned. Their vanilla flavoured hemp, pea and algae protein mix will have you wondering how on earth they did it, while the chocolate caramel superblend tastes exactly like millionaire's shortbread - complete with that malty biscuit flavour.
They also manage to fit in 30 grams of protein per 40g serving along with probiotics and BCAA's to help synthesise and digest your protein intake. With it's cool, mindful packaging (no images of beach hunks and babes vying for attention here), Form is a market disruptor – and a welcome one at that.
Nutritional information per 40g serving: protein - 30 g, carbohydrates - 0.4 g, calories - 149 kcal
2. Protein World The Slender Blend 1.2kg
£25.99, from Protein World
The champion of the protein world. Having reached a level of notoriety in 2015 with a series of adverts that campaigners slammed for promoting "body shaming", Protein World still retains a monster following, with over 700,000 followers on Instagram.
Trying to ignore the marketing and prior conceptions of the brand, we found Protein World to exceed our expectations of what a protein powder could be. It tastes better than many vanilla milkshakes you get in restaurants, and it contains a shopping list of added vitamins and minerals.
As someone who has had issues with protein shake digestion in the past, I was particularly pleased to see the inclusion of a genius probiotic blend, designed to help your gut handle the lactose that's usually found in milky protein shakes.
This is not so much a health supplement as a lifestyle one. I felt oddly revitalised and refreshed after an early morning gym session that usually sees me in a floppy heap on the doormat. However, there is some debate around Protein World's carb count.
Nutritional information per 40g serving (vanilla): protein - 22.9 g, carbohydrates - 7.9 g
3. Whey box 300g
£16.99, from Whey Box
With it's cheesy tag-line ("It's the only whey") and fascinating range of weird and wonderful flavours (gingerbread anyone?), Whey Box is bringing some welcome fun into the protein game. They offer a monthly subscription service, with ten sachets per pack – useful, as you can just chuck them in your shaker without the need for faffing around with scoops or measurements.
The powder is low on calories compared to other products on this list, but high on carbohydrate percentage. Without offering the robust range of extra vitamins and probiotics of the previous two on our list, it was all down to taste with the Whey Box and we have no complaints on that front. Our favourites are strawberry and a surprisingly yummy cookies and cream.
Nutritional information per 30g: protein - 22 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, calories - 120
4. Neat Nutrition lean protein 1 kg
£34, from Neat Nutrition
Neat Nutrition follow Form's vibe of 'hipster' protein, with it's parcel like packaging and emphasis on organic ingredients. The vanilla might not be a match for the mighty form, but this is still a pleasant tasting protein shake (although we weren't so much a fan of their berry flavour).
It also has the added benefit of having matcha green tea blended in with the powder, so we decided to take this protein shake as a breakfast replacement, and found it kept us going all the way until lunch without the need for a coffee. 
Nutritional information per 30 g: protein - 23.1 g, carbohydrates - 2 g, calories - 117kcal
5. Multipower pure whey protein 2kg
£51, from Amazon
The banana mango flavoured Multipower whey protein tastes like those little marshmallow bananas you get at the pic 'n' mix (albeit in liquidised form), which is a lot nicer than it sounds. And the coffee and caramel reminds me of an iced coffee that I mistakenly order on a hot day from Costa. It's not the same as a piping hot coffee, but at least it tastes like what it proposes to be, which in the world of protein shakes is not to be sniffed at.
However the powder does cling to the side of the shaker, leaving some residue – and me wondering whether I've utilised the full amount of powder from the sachet.
They've also added vitamin B6 and Branched-Chain Amino Acids which helps stimulate protein synthesis and could explain the welcome extra kick on the pull-up bar.
Nutritional information per 30 g (banana mango): protein - 24 g, carbohydrates - 1.4 g, calories - 116 kcal
6. Bulk Powders Whey Protein 1 kg
£11.19, from Bulk Powders
This protein powder mixes very well without going bubbly, and tastes rather pleasant at the price point (albeit a little disappointing when compared to the gourmet options on this list). It also contains those very handy BCAAs (but no vitamin B6) which aid workouts – albeit not to the extent of Multipower's product. However it is nearly half the price so out of the cheaper options on the market, we crown Bulk Powders king.
Nutritional information per 30g (vanilla): protein - 24.2 g, carbohydrates - 1.5 g, calories - 122 kcal
7. Precision Complete Whey Protein Powder 2.28kg
£35.95, from Amazon
We're starting to get away from the artisan options, and into the more traditional looking tubs. To my surprise, Precision Complete doesn't taste as synthetic as the ingredients might hint.
While at first it feels like it is going to have a bitter aftertaste, much to my surprise it never reaches this place and instead carries on tasting like a slightly trashy kids party chocolate ice cream or something you'd drink by the litre in order to get over a painful break up. It settles well in the stomach – a lot better than other dairy products in it's price range - all of which makes Precision Complete a good 'cheap and cheerful' option for those none too bothered about flashy branding or marketing ploys.
Nutritional information per 34 g serving: protein - 24.5 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, calories - 129
8. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey 908 g
£44.99, from Holland & Barrett
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard, like Precision Complete before it, promises us whey protein isolates - apparently the purest form of whey protein that exists. In truth, this powder does provide a very good workout indeed (I was going at that rowing machine like a madman for a whole hour). However, at the price point, I am left wondering if there is any thing more to this powder. 
In terms of taste, Optimum Nutrition is a very middle of the road option. It is not as sweet as Precision Complete, nor as creamy as Protein World or Form. However, it doesn't stick to the top of your mouth, the powder dissolves well, and it is relatively low on calories. There are better options out there, but you can still do a whole lot worse.
Nutritional information per 50 g serving: protein - 34 g, carbohydrates - 5.5 g, calories - 182 kcal
9. Purition original 500g
£22.95, from Purition
Having found favour among the likes of opera singer Katherine Jenkinsand sports presenter Kirsty Gallacher, Purition is flying the flag on this list for the new trend of wholefood protein ready to shake up the scene this year. Rather than a straight up powder, Purition is a flavoured blend of seeds (including our favourites, chia and kernal), nuts, whey and hemp protein and real flavourings (vanilla pods for examples as opposed to a vanilla flavoured construction from a lab).
With it all looking this uber-healthy it is with a little disappointment that we found the flavour a touch bland and in need of sugar. The directions also tell you to blend it up with milk or yoghurt, which obviously requires a blender. Now, I don't know about you, but I couldn't take a blender into the weights room while keeping a straight face, meaning you'll have to go home before you can take the protein, thus missing the golden 20 minute window after a workout where your protein intake is being optimised.
However we would highly recommend Purition for those terrified of long lists of odd sounding ingredients on the back of protein powders, and those wishing to take their protein with a meal (it works great sprinkled on muesli).
Nutritional information per 40 g (macadamia and vanilla): protein - 15.6 g, carbohydrates - 3.4 g, calories - 198 kcal
10. MyProtein Total Protein 1 kg
£21.99, from MyProtein
Since its founding in 2004, MyProtein has risen to the top of the protein game to become the largest sports nutrition retailer in Europe. We tried their total protein protein product, which scores very highly on the low calorie, low carbohydrate, high protein content scale.
The packaging can some across as a little low-end, and the powder, even when shaking it like a wet dog, doesn't blend very well in a shaker; you might be left with gloopy chunks of protein powder at the bottom. The chocolate initially tastes lovely, but has a clingy aftertaste, like something faintly nuclear is deploying on your taste buds. However with near daily discounts making their products the cheapest on the market (along with Bulk Powders), MyProtein is surely the go-to option for anyone who's primary concern is saving pennies.
Nutritional information per 30g: protein - 25 g, carbohydrates - 1.2 g, calories - 118 kcal
Our favourites
It definitely feels like a changing of the old guard in the protein world. Brands like Form are promoting more mindful imagery and selling their products almost like lifestyle supplements, with a host of vitamins and minerals to keep your health in check past building muscle.
Elsewhere, Whey Box are trying to flip the traditional, rather 'serious' feel of protein tubs and making it tasty and fun. Both are offering that something extra which we can't help but get behind.
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healthwomeninfo · 6 years
New Post has been published on Health Womens
New Post has been published on http://health-womens.com/dont-like-your-cellulite-try-these-solutions-13/
Don't Like Your Cellulite? Try These Solutions!
Cellulite can be a four-letter word to some. They fear that they will use any cream or treatment to avoid it or rid their body of it. These tips and tricks will allow you to form a common sense way.
Drink more water to help get rid of cellulite. This is a great preventative measure more than it is really a cure. It will keep skin hydrated. Water will also flush out toxins that can cause cellulite. Try to drink at a minimum of 6 glasses every day.
TIP! If cellulite is something that you feel is a constant battle, a good solution to this problem is to drink more water. Water helps prevent it instead of cure it.
Exercising and trying to target the areas that are prone to cellulite can produce great results. Try to bike or run to get rid of cellulite on the buttocks, hips, and hips.
Drinking water can help you battle your cellulite. Water can prevent the condition from occurring rather than curing it. It works because it helps hydrate your skin hydrated. Water flushes out toxins which can cause cellulite. Try to have at least 6 glasses a day.
Make moisturizing a part of your daily skin routine. Keeping skin moisturized is great for lots of reasons. It can go a long way towards combating cellulite. Massage the areas where cellulite is a problem gently while you apply it. Massage it into the skin to break up deposits of fat, which will cut down on cellulite, too.
TIP! Use moisturizing lotion on your skin regularly. Moisturized skin is great for many reasons.
Plastic surgery should only be a last resort for ridding the body of your cellulite. It can be unsafe and there are plenty of safer ways to get rid of cellulite. You should only try getting surgery if you could think of and there has been no improvement.
Healthy Diet
If you drink tea, try drinking green tea in the mornings to fight cellulite. It can help break fat deposits down quickly. This will lead to less cellulite. You could opt for green tea capsules which are more potent.
TIP! If you like tea, drink some green tea. Green tea contains some amazing ingredients that help your body break down fatty pockets.
You can reduce the look of cellulite appearance by eating a healthy diet. Eating foods high in fiber and whole grains can help remove toxins in your body that worsen the appearance of cellulite. Drinking water as well as eating a healthy diet also helps to flush out toxins.
When you have stress, the hormone Cortisol is let loose in your body. This hormone causes skin to thin while increasing the fat in your body fat. Meditation and yoga can help relieve the unwanted stress levels.
Plastic surgery should only be a last resort for ridding the body of cellulite. It is dangerous and there are much safer ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Surgery should only be an option if nothing else works.
TIP! Plastic surgery should only be a last resort for getting rid of your cellulite. There are more naturally effective measures you can take that aren’t risky.
Try your best not to stress out. Stress can be a contributor to cellulite. Try yoga or get into meditation. Go for lengthy walks that are relaxing.Find an activity that calms you, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night.
Water is important to beating cellulite. Your skin will feel much better as a lot of water.
Cellulite‘s appearance can be minimized with the right diet. Eating high-fiber foods and whole grains helps to remove toxins that increase cellulite. Also, try to consume at least eight glasses of water each day.
TIP! A regular, healthy, nutritious diet can be a powerful weapon in managing how much cellulite appears. High fiber foods, especially whole grains, are all good at helping your body eliminate toxins that make cellulite worse.
Reduce the stress in your daily life. Stress can have an adverse impact your hormone balance. These changes can make the skin and causing cellulite. So getting stress from your life can make you become trimmer and skinnier too.
You can diminish the look of cellulite you have if you tan. Tanning won’t remove cellulite, but it will mask it to a degree. Although exposing yourself to the sun is not ideal, a self-tanning cream or spray tan can be effective.Just be sure to be extremely cautious about the brand you by and how best to apply them to your application method.
Hydration and the consumption of healthy oils is very important. Are you wondering why these two components are important? Hydrated skin makes cellulite less obvious. Given proper hydration, the surface of your skin is plumped up, making the dimples less visible. It’s an easy way to fight it.
TIP! You should try to stay hydrated while eating foods that have healthy oils. What is doing this important? Simply due to the fact that well-hydrated skin evidences far less of the kind of dimpling that comes with cellulite.
Add cardio exercises to your daily exercise program.High impact cardio will get your body to burn off calories and keep your skin strong. These help tone your problem areas while burning fat.
Try giving yourself a massage troublesome areas.If you are able to massage your cellulite areas a few times daily, then you may just see your cellulite decrease.
One way to keep cellulite off of your body is to have a healthy, nutritious diet. Foods that contain a lot of lecithin are awesome at ridding your body of cellulite. Foods like lettuce, apples, and peanuts all contain lecithin. This will keep your skin looking smooth. Don’t go near junk food that has a lot of fat in it.
TIP! Eating the right foods is a great way to get rid of cellulite. Foods that contain a lot of lecithin are awesome at ridding your body of cellulite.
Since there is little that will help you rid yourself of cellulite, work on the skin itself as an alternative. Men usually don’t seem to suffer as much from cellulite because their skin is thicker.
Your entire body will feel great after undergoing a thorough cleansing. There are many methods to do this so figure out which will work best for you. Flushing the toxins from your body maintain itself more effectively.
Try not to get too stressed. Cellulite can be caused by stress and anxiety. Stress facilitates the production of cortisol, a hormone that makes the body store fat and thins the skin. Yoga and mediation are two stress reducing activities to take part in. Go for a relaxing walk. Start doing something that relaxes you; it’s also important to get the right amount of sleep.
Eating lots of vegetables, vegetables and whole grains is going to be good for your body and your body won’t store as much fat.
Using soaps or scrubs with caffeine can strengthen and tighten your skin, which makes cellulite look diminished. Massaging also breaks up fat and makes it distribute evenly in that part of your body.
You can create a natural anti-cellulite treatment using brown sugar, coffee grounds and olive oil. First, oil up your skin, then apply the sugar and coffee on top. Massage this mixture into your skin. After a good massage, rinse your skin clean with warm water. This natural anti-cellulite cream will moisturize your skin, plus help prevent cellulite.
Essential Fatty Acids
Make sure you are getting enough essential fatty acids to your diet. You might have previous thought fats should be avoided altogether, but you actually need the essential fatty acids. They actually help you minimize the connective tissue that can stave off cellulite. So find healthy sources of essential fatty acids to enjoy.
Remember that cellulite is not a condemnation; cellulite does not indicate being overweight or unhealthy. Most women deal with cellulite, even famous people, and you can’t really do too much to rid yourself of it. Don’t feel bad about a normal part of life.
Do not include many saturated fat. Foods like cheese, cheese, and butter all contain it. These foods are more difficult to break down in your body.
A coffee scrub can break down fat stored under your skin. Use warm coffee grounds and apply with a cloth. Wrap up the area with plastic wrap to keep the grounds warm and working. Keep it on the area for a minimum of 10 minutes.
Don’t be around too many things that stress you out. Stress negatively impacts the hormonal balance within your body. The chemical changes caused by stress can cause your body to build up fat rather than release it naturally. So getting stress out of your life can make you trimmer and skinnier too.
TIP! Reduce stress wherever possible. You may not realize it, but stress actually changes your hormone balance.
Use a natural body brush during a massage. It will stimulate your skin and boosts blood circulation in the area. If you use a gentle touch, you’ll learn that it will smooth your skin and relax you as well.
Add some daily walking of thirty minutes to the routine you do daily. This could be a dedicated workout session or just a walk home from your home. Walking helps tone your thighs and legs and thighs in a low impact fashion. You should still do some more vigorous exercise, but walking is something you can do without feeling as if you’re exercising.
It is possible to disguise cellulite with a good tan. The tanning just helps it to seem less obvious, it doesn’t get rid of the cellulite. Although you should avoid sun exposure, a self-tanning cream or spray tan can be effective. Be sure to research these methods ahead of time to ascertain they will work for you.
TIP! Tanning can hide cellulite. The tanning just helps it to seem less obvious, it doesn’t get rid of the cellulite.
Drinking water can help decrease the cellulite you have. Water is a big help: it helps you kill off some calories and keep your skin’s collagen. This also eliminate the dimpled look at the back of your legs.
Try an electric massager for best results. The massaging helps break down fat cells that form cellulite. This also stretches collagen fibers and get rid of cellulite.
Try using a special cellulite-busting serum, which can reduce the appearance of the dimpling on your skin. Products that include caffeine are especially effective and can start working in just a couple weeks. You can find a variety of companies that offer cellulite cream.
Fat Cells
Eat a diet filled with fatty acids if you suffer from cellulite. These acids can help to decrease instances of cellulite by making connective tissues around fat cells stronger. A diet that has a lot of fatty acids makes your fat cells less slack and decreases dimpling.Some fatty acid sources include olive, olive and flaxseed oil.
Perform cardiovascular exercises on a daily basis. If you work out every day, but it’s low impact, you won’t be doing a lot to battle that cellulite. Even short, high-impact cardiovascular workouts daily can be of great help. These will get these problem areas more toned so that you can easily burn fat.
TIP! Be sure you do cardio exercises on a regular basis. If you are only doing low impact exercise, you may not be doing all that you can to combat cellulite.
Use what you’ve just learned to fight cellulite. That means that you need to make an effort to use all you’ve learned here. Soon, your body will look better and you will feel better.
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kellyp72 · 7 years
Spring planting: how to have an abundant harvest from late spring into late fall
Growing some of your own food has numerous, scientifically proven physical, emotional, and mental health benefits. To anyone who has committed to a healthy lifestyle, it’s no surprise that eating a mostly plant-based diet is better for your health and can help you avoid some common pitfalls of aging, such as developing chronic inflammation and its associated illnesses. In the United States, food gardening is at its highest levels in the past decade, with the largest growth in participation among young households.
In my book, Go Green without Going Broke, I have written in detail about some of the benefits of growing your own food, and offered advice about how to do so, even if you’ve never grown anything before. Depending on the growing zone you live in, or the equipment at your disposal, you may have already started preparing your vegetable and herb garden by sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings. Today’s post focuses on a few key strategies that I have found to be very effective for reaping an abundant harvest that starts in spring and continues throughout the fall season, producing fresh food for you to enjoy for many months to come.
One: prepare your soil well.
Photo credit: Visualhunt
Planting to ensure a good, healthy harvest starts with good soil preparation, a first step that is often overlooked. It’s not enough to put your seed or transplant into the ground; you have to make sure that your crop is going into the most optimal conditions to ensure that it will be able to not only grow, but to fight off pests and disease. Experienced growers know that planting cover crops like hairy vetch, red clover, or rye in the fall will enrich the soil with nutrients naturally. When it’s time to plant your edible crops, just pull the cover crops from the soil or better yet, clip them close to the ground and till them under the soil.
Alternatively, you can take the more expensive and labor-intensive step of adding compost or soil conditioner to the soil to enrich it.
One inexpensive shortcut I used in my beginning growing days was to till the soil first, then add earthworms. The mucus and waste released from these little creatures as they burrow through the soil contain abundant nutrients. You can also buy worm castings and add these to the soil (not cheap depending on the area you are trying to cover), but if you think ahead a little, pick up some live worms from a bait-and tackle shop to do the job for you in a week or less. Keep in mind, though, that earthworms are sensitive to changes in the soil. If you have to use chemical pesticides, do so very sparingly, or try alternative pest management techniques.
If you are container gardening, don’t’ just put soil in the pot directly from the bag (even if it says you can). Instead, to ensure adequate aeration in the soil (so it doesn’t become waterlogged, which can lead to root rot), mix with perlite or vermiculite if it doesn’t already contain these ingredients, compost, or soil conditioner. Commercial soils may contain nutrients, but these will only last a few months at most (and in many cases, these nutrients will not be adequate for your crops) Adding spent coffee grounds (which add nitrogen and are nearly Ph-neutral, contrary to those who claim it makes the soil acidic), eggshells (for calcium) and even Epsom Salts (magnesium) to your soil when transplanting will also do wonders to help your crops along as they grow.
As a general rule you should never reuse potted soil. It may contain dormant pests and microbes that will revive in the warmer months to ravage your plants. Besides that problem, the nutrients in spent soil have been depleted by whatever you grew in there before. However, there are exceptions to this general rule. To kill the pests in the soil, spread it out on a tarp, cover with plastic, and let it sit in the sun for 2-5 days (this works best in hot weather). The heat will kill most, if not all, of these pests, making it less risky to reuse the soil. And without exception, add compost, soil conditioner, or worm castings to previously used soil in order to replenish the nutrients that may have been lost in your previous planting season.
Two: prune vegetable plants you purchase from the nursery
There is still a lot of debate about the wisdom of this method, but I have found that it works well in my container gardens. Pruning transplants works best with certain kinds of plants: (indeterminate) tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and hot peppers. Most experts say that you should prune selectively, using your fingers, and only prune damaged or discolored leaves. However, I’ve spoken to at least one grower who says you can cut as much as a quarter (some would say even more) from the top of your tomato plants. This will force them to grow dense and bushy, which makes for more tomatoes for you to harvest when they are ready. Others say that pruning only increases the size of the fruit or vegetable, not the yield of the plant. There are a lot of things to consider when pruning for bigger yield, to decrease the possibility of disease, or to save space. This article from www.fix.com has some guidelines for the beginning gardener who wants to try pruning techniques.
Three: feed your plants well, and often (according to their needs)
What to feed: the generic, vegetable plant food, or special blends formulated for maximum growth? And how much of each macro-nutrient (NPK: nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium) should the food contain? This is one of the trickier questions related to growing an abundant harvest, and to be honest, I have mixed feelings on this topic, because there are a number of good choices out there. In fact, it’s easier for me to say what you shouldn’t do, especially if you are a beginning gardener.
Don’t use liquid synthetic fertilizers. You’ll likely end up using too much, and you’ll burn your plants.
I know that it’s tempting to just strap that bottle-and-nozzle on your garden hose, spray, and forget, but trust me, this is NOT the best way to have a healthy, abundant harvest. There are some good options out there that are only a little more labor intensive, and are less (potentially) harmful to your plants.
If you’re not sure how much to use, go with the slow-release granular fertilizer. I use organic fertilizer (sometimes the generic, for-all-vegetables variety, but always tomato food for my tomato plants). Work the granules loosely into the top layer of soil using a triple claw cultivator, then water. At the height of their growing season, when the weather is warm, I fertilize at least once a week for container gardening. You can go as long as a couple of weeks with in-ground gardening, although it won’t hurt the plant if you fertilize more frequently using granules. It’s easier to over-fertilize even with organic liquid nutrients, so I’d advise beginning gardeners to follow the instructions on the bottle if you go with liquid, or ask for advice from your local nursery.
Photo via Visual hunt
Some people (including myself) swear by liquid fish emulsion. I used to use this a lot when I first began growing vegetables, and had abundant yields (when I lived in Seattle and in Berkeley California). Then I stopped using it for no particular reason. This fall and I began using it again (in a 5-1-1 concentration) for my winter garden (in the metro Washington DC area, where I grow year-round outdoors), and my leafy greens have never been so tasty or so plentiful! The smell of the fish emulsion is not very pleasant, but for foliar crops like spinach, kale, and chard, it can make the difference between an ok harvest and a fabulous one. I use it once a week throughout the growth state when gardening in winter and the late fall and twice a week in the spring, summer, and early fall months.
For my non-leafy veggies (tomatoes, eggplants, green beans, etc.), we’ll see: I plan to start out with fish emulsion then switch to one of two different varieties: 1) compost tea made from worm castings and 2) a broad spectrum liquid organic fertilizer. I’m not sure which will work best, so I’ll do a little experimenting and will be sure to report my findings to you.
Four: boost your plants’ immune systems.
Admittedly, I still have much to learn about how the immune systems of plants work. But since it looks like I won’t be traveling tis summer to the world’s largest solar power plant in Ouarzazate, Morocco to do research for my book (my day job requires me to publish academic books and articles every year), I can devote more time to learning some new growing techniques.
I have been absolutely fascinated with the mechanics of plant immunology since reading about the Amish farmers who have learned how to use the immune system of plants to eliminate the need for chemical pesticides. It’s no secret that there are plenty of problems with the industrial agriculture complex, and overuse of pesticides is one of them. Every so often, commercial agriculturalists are forced to use more potent pesticides and herbicides. Sometimes these applications just can’t prevent major crop loss. They do, however, make their way into rivers, streams, and our drinking water, aside from contaminating the produce we eat.
Alternative to use/oversue of (synthetic or organic) pesticides is feeding your plants with micronutrients (beneficial microbes). These can be fed directly into the soil when watering, or applied as a foliar leaf spray. A little goes a long way and as with anything else, overuse of micronutrients will damage the plants.
This year I’m trying something new: adding EM1 Soil Enzymes and compost tea to the soil and using EM1 as a foliar spray. EM1, or (Effective Microbes 1) is a product that adds beneficial microorganisms to the soil, improving its structure and making it less hospitable to pests, pathogens, and diseases. Compost tea contains microorganizims that, when used properly, multiply rapidly, fertilizing your plants and helping them fend off diseases and pests. It offers a more potent fertilizer than adding compost to the soil will provide.
Boosting plants’ own immune systems has a lot to do with planting them in the most ideal conditions. So, once again, starting off with healthy soil is the best way to ensure an abundant harvest that is better able to withstand disease, pests, and grow to its optimal best!
Want to learn more about growing your own food? Go Green without Going Broke contains plenty of tips on how to get started, along with other advice and tools for your healthy lifestyle. Click the link below to find out more and to purchase the book.
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lenaglittleus · 8 years
Tips for Picking Healthy Foods to Lose Weight When Eating Out
It can be easier to stick to your healthy eating plans when you’re at home; you make the effort to stock your kitchen with fresh, whole-food ingredients, and you use the Beachbody Portion Fix Eating Plan color-coded containers to keep your servings honest. The trouble starts when you set foot into a restaurant. Eating out can derail your diet because it can be hard to practice moderation around a ginormous sizzling steak or mountain of thick-cut fries.
There is a middle ground, of course. Instead of throwing all caution to the wind when you’re dining out, these tips can help you eat out without overindulging.
12 Strategies for Choosing Healthy Foods to Lose Weight When You Dine Out
1. Scope the menu beforehand
Nowadays, it’s easy to see menus online, and, if not available, just call and ask the staff. Nothing is more annoying than settling into your seat only to find out the restaurant serves only beef burgers, pizza, and wings.
2. Take the lead in choosing restaurants
Let’s face it, we don’t pick our friends because of their fine taste in healthy restaurants! If your BFFs are diehard greasy joint fans, you need to step up and steer them toward a few options that will work for you. Select a place with variety if you and your pals have polar opposite food preferences. I find that most of my friends appreciate suggestions, especially if they’re busy and don’t want to make up their minds.
3. Don’t go in hangry
Being short and snappy doesn’t just ruin relationships; it’s a sign that your hunger could be making you irrational. Preliminary research shows that ghrelin (aka the “hunger hormone”) can make you behave more impulsively. You may end up devouring those bottomless fries even if deep down inside you know it’s not the best choice. Nip ghrelin in the bud by munching on a low calorie, satisfying snack before heading to the restaurant. Simple options such as an apple, plain Greek yogurt, or roasted almonds should do the trick.
4. Resist the urge to order appetizers
Popular appetizers can be heavy hitters in the calorie category because they’re often deep-fried, thickly battered, smothered in sauce, or all three. Just recall all the blooming onions, creamy spinach dips, and loaded jalapeno poppers from your previous dining experiences, and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Even if your famished brain tells you otherwise, trust me when I say the main meal will be enough. If you’re anxious about whether what you ordered will be enough, keep the menu at the table; you can always order more later.
5. Pass on the bread basket
Some restaurants serve bread and butter or chips and salsa to keep patrons happy while waiting. Tell the waiter you’d rather take a pass; don’t even let them get set on the table (unless one of your dining partners objects). Not only will these well-intentioned freebies spoil your appetite, but they can also be a major source of empty calories if you graze mindlessly while chatting with friends.
6. Go halfsies with your meal
Thanks to the Menu Labeling Rule, which will require all chain restaurants and some vending machines to display calorie info by 2017, we will get a taste for what we already know: that restaurant portions are way too big. (Yes, we’re looking at all 1,400 calories of you, Outback 16-ounce Prime Rib.)
Even non-chain restaurants serve up more than you need. A recent study surveying the calorie count on 157 meals from small-chain, independent restaurants found the average meal was 1,300 calories! Long story short: Either share your meal with a friend, or pack up half for later.
7. Don’t drink your calories
Since you’re eating calories, you don’t need to be drinking a bunch of them, too. Water or unsweetened tea should be your main squeeze, not soda or a racy margarita. Of course, if you’ve planned ahead and saved those yellows for a bit of wine, have fun and enjoy by all means. Just keep in mind that liquid calories don’t do much to make you feel fuller, and can actually trigger cravings and loosen inhibitions, leading to an increase in overall consumption.
8. Choose the right type of salad
Ordering salad may not feel like a good value financially, but if you want to clean up your eating habits, try to overcome this mentality. A nutrient-dense option like a veggie-packed salad is a solid strategy for healthy eating. On that note, ask for dressing on the side. Eating lettuce doused in ranch can be just as caloric as any other meal you could order. Steer clear of toppings such as fried chow mein noodles, breaded and deep-fried proteins, candied nuts, and crouton overload.
Boost your bowl full of greens with some lean protein (grilled chicken, wild salmon, and tempeh are great picks) or a sprinkle of healthy fats (try almonds, sunflower seeds, or 1/4 of an avocado) to make it more balanced and satisfying.
9. Lean on veggie-heavy sides
Sides can be a blessing or a curse, depending on what you order. Most restaurants have a variety of side dishes including french fries, dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, rice, coleslaw, roasted or grilled veggies, etc. Pick as many non-starchy (aka, non-potato base) vegetable sides as possible, and ask if the kitchen staff can go easy on the butter, oil, or sauce. Ask the kitchen to serve up a side of veggies steamed or lightly sauteed in olive oil.
10. Pay attention to cooking buzzwords on menus
How a food is cooked matters just as much as what that food is. For example, deep frying potatoes adds almost two times as many calories as baking them does. Make the comparison yourself:
100 grams french fries = 289 calories, 14 grams fat, 37 grams carbs, 3.5 grams protein
100 grams baked potato = 97 calories, 0 grams fat, 21 grams carbs, 2.6 grams protein
To help you decipher the restaurant’s menu, be mindful of the buzzwords the American Heart Association want you to keep an eye on:
AVOID: au gratin, fried, scalloped, crispy, pan-fried, buttered, creamed, stuffed
SELECT: steamed, broiled, baked, poached, roasted, grilled
11. Chew slowly and savor the company
Experts from Harvard Medical School believe that it takes 20 minutes before your brain registers the “I’m full” signal from your stomach. Eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly can aid in digestion and prevent you from overeating. On a social level, rushing through the meal can deprive you of the joy of eating and being with the ones you love.
12. Eliminate the “clean-your-plate” mentality
Ever been scolded by a penny-pinching parent for not cleaning your plate? This can be especially problematic if you sometimes struggle to stuff down every last bite from a restaurant portion that was too big to begin with. Either pack it up the extra food to take home, or learn to be OK with leaving a few nibbles on the plate.
from News About Health https://www.beachbody.com/beachbodyblog/weight-loss/tips-for-picking-healthy-foods-to-lose-weight-when-eating-out
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yes-dal456 · 8 years
Forget Body Positivity: How About Body Neutrality?
By Marisa Meltzer
It is late afternoon on a sunny day in Vermont and around a dozen people are gathered to talk about their bodies. They’re all staying at Green Mountain at Fox Run, a retreat where women (and only women) stay from one week to several months to learn healthy eating habits and make peace with their bodies. It’s much more bare bones than a spa, and rather than focus on numbers, like a typical weight-loss program, the aim is to teach women how to change the way they think about food. The days are structured, with classes on meal planning, goal setting, self-care, and workouts like yoga and strength training. Even meals are to be eaten mindfully, with a weekly exercise that involves savoring every bite of a tiny dessert.
That journey to peace is a lot easier said than done, as the group, who range from college age to their 40s, is learning in the Body Neutrality workshop, led by the program director Anne Poirier, BS, CSCS, CIEC, whose previous job was running the fitness program at Colby-Sawyer College. She has prompted everyone to consider “what your body felt like and looked like at different times in your life” and they’re all jotting notes down in a binder with Green Mountain’s “womanifesto” printed on it (“too often, our lives play out on the stage between our ears”). A blonde in her 30s talks about being a former competitive swimmer who feels shame because she gained weight; a brunette next to her talks about how, despite losing half her body weight in college, she always feels obese.
Poirier listens to all of this and nods. “There’s a whole movement talking about loving our bodies. But it’s kind of a long jump to move there from dissatisfaction,” she says. “Some people are just going to land in body neutrality, which is the term we utilize here for somewhere in the middle.” It’s a kind of détente, a white flag, a way station between hating oneself and loving oneself.
If we judged how we felt as a culture about our bodies just by Instagram alone, the results would be mixed at best. There are the celebrities shilling sketchy tea detoxes, all the sweaty post-workout selfies our friends post, and countless pretty, proportionate girls in an array of sizes posing in bikinis encouraging all of us, no matter our weight, to embrace our curves, to shun diets, to just love our bodies — and, by extension, ourselves —already.
“My problem with body love, beside the fact that it’s a high standard, is it’s asking women to regulate their emotions, not just their bodies,” says Autumn Whitefield-Madrano, author of Face Value: The Hidden Ways Beauty Shapes Women’s Lives. “I don’t see the pressure on women really easing up, and then you’re supposed to have this bulletproof self-esteem on top of all that. It’s not something we can really live up to. Body love keeps the focus on the body. The times I’m happiest are when I’m not thinking about my body at all.”
The way that we feel about our bodies, she notes, is not a simple upward graph where one day we vow to love ourselves and each day we progress forward on the journey to embracing our thighs that touch or total lack of six-pack abs. “It’s a topographical map, it’s fluctuating. And that’s normal and healthy.”
Another thing that’s unavoidable: feeling less than unqualified joy about what you see in the mirror. “If you’re even a tiny bit of a critical person, there are always things that are wrong with everything. We have this notion of love that is connected to perfectionism — the image that we should be in bliss all the time is so strong in our culture,” says Joan Chrisler, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Connecticut College in New London. What might instead be a more successful and realistic approach is to think, “You have the body you have and accept what you have. It’s an essential part of yourself.” At least it’s something to work toward.
“I don’t think I know anybody who walks around every day thinking, ‘I am loving this today,’” says Kelsey Miller with a laugh. She’s the 29-year-old New York–based author of the memoir Big Girl: How I Gave Up Dieting and Got a Life. Perhaps ironically, while she was writing the book about learning to love her body, she was working around the clock, barely having time to exercise and living on takeout by necessity. “I put on weight. I was thinking, here I am supposed to be body positive but I don’t feel psyched about this right now.”
She vowed not to let it ruin her life, nor her sense of accomplishment at finishing a book, even if she wasn’t her most satisfied. Part of the implicit goal of body neutrality is to free up all the energy and attention that women often devote to body angst so that they can care about other matters instead. “I realized my body is going along with my life, and there’s nothing wrong with that — I hadn’t committed a terrible crime. If I can’t like this, I have to be able to accept it, otherwise I’m not going to live my life.” One thing she committed to was to stay resolutely in the present, with no place for magical thinking about losing ten pounds in a week. In the weeks that followed, she didn’t go on a crash diet or start weighing herself religiously to mark her progress, but instead simply let her life return to normal. Miller went to barre classes and “remembered what a joy it was to make my own damn breakfast,” she laughs. “I don’t weigh myself but I know I’ve lost some weight. My message to my body was, thanks for getting me through this and not breaking down, and now I can devote time to doing what makes you feel good: sweating, eating homemade food, going to sleep.”
Wanting to be fit isn’t antithetical to body neutrality, nor is dieting. “But it’s a tricky balance,” says Elena Ramirez, Ph.D., a clinical assistant professor of psychology at the University of Vermont in Burlington. “It’s reasonable, if someone is overweight, that they should lose weight. It’s all about moderation and being grounded in reality instead of avoiding the issue.” Body neutrality isn’t a license to throw in the towel, dive head-first into a pile of chips, and give up on feeling healthy, but to move on from the mindset of needing to lose weight or worrying about what you see in the mirror to focusing on how you feel. “It doesn’t mean suddenly stopping things like being physically active or choosing nutritious foods. Just focus on what feels good: dancing, bike rides, going on a walk, eating more vegetables, meditating, taking a bubble bath, getting a massage,” says Chrisler. “Sometimes you’ll lose weight without trying. The important part is not delaying your happiness until then and remind yourself not to be so demanding.”
Thirty-one-year-old Mara Glatzel is a life coach in Cape Cod who helps women come to terms with their bodies. But she wasn’t always in such a good place. In fact, she uses the words “damaged” and “difficult” to describe her relationship with her body. “I was just constantly creating plans — diets, workouts — which all had to do with how I looked to somebody else,” she says. So instead of jumping straight from a place of loathing to love, she shifted her focus to “things I was overlooking. I picked one or two things to focus on, really simple ones like brushing my teeth and making sure I washed my face before bed or drinking enough water,” she says. “ But it worked because I tried to turn down the volume of what I think about. Now I take good care of myself.” For some of us, that’s enough of a breakthrough right there.
Try thinking about your body the way you think about friends and family, says Ann Kearney-Cooke, Ph.D., director of the Cincinnati Psychotherapy Institute. “The way I like to look at this is, think about your best friend. Is she perfect? Well, no. Are you mean to her because she’s not?” she says. “There is nobody out there who is a perfect ten emotionally or physically and yet people fall in love with people all the time. Look at your partner and you might say, ‘Well, he has a receding hairline but is funny and loyal and has beautiful eyes.’”
Working on neutrality — and it is an ever-evolving process — is ultimately about how you want to allocate your time and focus. “Neutrality is the freedom to go about your day without such a strong focus on your body,” says Kearney-Cooke. “We have only so much energy, where do we want to use it? There are lots of other things that need attention. You don’t want to neglect your body, so you listen to it, and are aware of the function it serves.”
Melissa A. Fabello, a 31-year-old Ph.D. candidate in Philadelphia, wrote a blog post on body neutrality in 2015 (the term seems to have been popping up on the internet for the past few years, but Green Mountain applied to trademark it last year) that sums up how it can be both a joy and a relief for those of us who have previously felt only body turmoil. Body neutrality is “going to the Cheesecake Factory and perusing their ‘Skinnylicious’ (ugh, I hate that name) menu just because you want more options to choose from,” she wrote. “It’s ordering S’mores cheesecake because it strikes you as sounding amazing. It’s only eating half of it because that’s when you get full. It’s taking it home for later, in case you need a midnight snack.”
Talking on the phone, Fabello said just the idea that a kind of peace with our bodies is possible is important. “I’m in a place where I can order pizza without a problem and not feel bad about myself all the time.” But that was not always the case. As a conventionally attractive, relatively thin woman, she had a positive body image growing up. Then, she gained a lot of weight for her frame — around 25 pounds — when she went to college. In her early 20s, she was in an emotionally abusive relationship with a man who would tell her she was fat and needed to go to the gym. After he broke up with her, “I thought, well I’ll show him,” she says. “I went on the first serious diet of my life, spiraled out of control and was diagnosed with an eating disorder. After that I had to do some work to get to a place where I felt okay about myself.”
One thing she does is recognize that negative thoughts about her body are a pattern, one she doesn’t have to just succumb to. “We spiral and make up stories about how bad they are. I don’t have to place a value on it,” she says. “So if I think, I don’t like my thighs, I will think about my thighs in terms of how they actually are. What are the things I need my thighs for? They hold me up, I can walk, I can bend down. It sounds trite, but we lose sight that our bodies are to help us move through the world.”
Back in Vermont at Green Mountain, Anne Poirier sits down after teaching and talks about her personal history. “My journey is yo-yo dieting, diet after diet, and never happy with my body. I’m tired and I don’t like how much it has occupied my whole life.” She calls all the space food talk takes up in her brain “Judge Foodie.”
When asked about whether she has gotten to body acceptance, she shakes her head no. “I honor and respect my body. I like feeling strong, certain things I like, but I can’t say I love it.” Instead of sounding like a failure, the revelation that she’s making her way through the spectrum of body hate to body love and falls somewhere in the middle makes it sound more real and more achievable. “Body neutrality is experiential and not something that happens overnight,” says Poirier. “It’s one awareness at a time, one thought at a time.”
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imreviewblog · 8 years
Forget Body Positivity: How About Body Neutrality?
By Marisa Meltzer
It is late afternoon on a sunny day in Vermont and around a dozen people are gathered to talk about their bodies. They’re all staying at Green Mountain at Fox Run, a retreat where women (and only women) stay from one week to several months to learn healthy eating habits and make peace with their bodies. It’s much more bare bones than a spa, and rather than focus on numbers, like a typical weight-loss program, the aim is to teach women how to change the way they think about food. The days are structured, with classes on meal planning, goal setting, self-care, and workouts like yoga and strength training. Even meals are to be eaten mindfully, with a weekly exercise that involves savoring every bite of a tiny dessert.
That journey to peace is a lot easier said than done, as the group, who range from college age to their 40s, is learning in the Body Neutrality workshop, led by the program director Anne Poirier, BS, CSCS, CIEC, whose previous job was running the fitness program at Colby-Sawyer College. She has prompted everyone to consider “what your body felt like and looked like at different times in your life” and they’re all jotting notes down in a binder with Green Mountain’s “womanifesto” printed on it (“too often, our lives play out on the stage between our ears”). A blonde in her 30s talks about being a former competitive swimmer who feels shame because she gained weight; a brunette next to her talks about how, despite losing half her body weight in college, she always feels obese.
Poirier listens to all of this and nods. “There’s a whole movement talking about loving our bodies. But it’s kind of a long jump to move there from dissatisfaction,” she says. “Some people are just going to land in body neutrality, which is the term we utilize here for somewhere in the middle.” It’s a kind of détente, a white flag, a way station between hating oneself and loving oneself.
If we judged how we felt as a culture about our bodies just by Instagram alone, the results would be mixed at best. There are the celebrities shilling sketchy tea detoxes, all the sweaty post-workout selfies our friends post, and countless pretty, proportionate girls in an array of sizes posing in bikinis encouraging all of us, no matter our weight, to embrace our curves, to shun diets, to just love our bodies — and, by extension, ourselves —already.
“My problem with body love, beside the fact that it’s a high standard, is it’s asking women to regulate their emotions, not just their bodies,” says Autumn Whitefield-Madrano, author of Face Value: The Hidden Ways Beauty Shapes Women’s Lives. “I don’t see the pressure on women really easing up, and then you’re supposed to have this bulletproof self-esteem on top of all that. It’s not something we can really live up to. Body love keeps the focus on the body. The times I’m happiest are when I’m not thinking about my body at all.”
The way that we feel about our bodies, she notes, is not a simple upward graph where one day we vow to love ourselves and each day we progress forward on the journey to embracing our thighs that touch or total lack of six-pack abs. “It’s a topographical map, it’s fluctuating. And that’s normal and healthy.”
Another thing that’s unavoidable: feeling less than unqualified joy about what you see in the mirror. “If you’re even a tiny bit of a critical person, there are always things that are wrong with everything. We have this notion of love that is connected to perfectionism — the image that we should be in bliss all the time is so strong in our culture,” says Joan Chrisler, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Connecticut College in New London. What might instead be a more successful and realistic approach is to think, “You have the body you have and accept what you have. It’s an essential part of yourself.” At least it’s something to work toward.
“I don’t think I know anybody who walks around every day thinking, ‘I am loving this today,’” says Kelsey Miller with a laugh. She’s the 29-year-old New York–based author of the memoir Big Girl: How I Gave Up Dieting and Got a Life. Perhaps ironically, while she was writing the book about learning to love her body, she was working around the clock, barely having time to exercise and living on takeout by necessity. “I put on weight. I was thinking, here I am supposed to be body positive but I don’t feel psyched about this right now.”
She vowed not to let it ruin her life, nor her sense of accomplishment at finishing a book, even if she wasn’t her most satisfied. Part of the implicit goal of body neutrality is to free up all the energy and attention that women often devote to body angst so that they can care about other matters instead. “I realized my body is going along with my life, and there’s nothing wrong with that — I hadn’t committed a terrible crime. If I can’t like this, I have to be able to accept it, otherwise I’m not going to live my life.” One thing she committed to was to stay resolutely in the present, with no place for magical thinking about losing ten pounds in a week. In the weeks that followed, she didn’t go on a crash diet or start weighing herself religiously to mark her progress, but instead simply let her life return to normal. Miller went to barre classes and “remembered what a joy it was to make my own damn breakfast,” she laughs. “I don’t weigh myself but I know I’ve lost some weight. My message to my body was, thanks for getting me through this and not breaking down, and now I can devote time to doing what makes you feel good: sweating, eating homemade food, going to sleep.”
Wanting to be fit isn’t antithetical to body neutrality, nor is dieting. “But it’s a tricky balance,” says Elena Ramirez, Ph.D., a clinical assistant professor of psychology at the University of Vermont in Burlington. “It’s reasonable, if someone is overweight, that they should lose weight. It’s all about moderation and being grounded in reality instead of avoiding the issue.” Body neutrality isn’t a license to throw in the towel, dive head-first into a pile of chips, and give up on feeling healthy, but to move on from the mindset of needing to lose weight or worrying about what you see in the mirror to focusing on how you feel. “It doesn’t mean suddenly stopping things like being physically active or choosing nutritious foods. Just focus on what feels good: dancing, bike rides, going on a walk, eating more vegetables, meditating, taking a bubble bath, getting a massage,” says Chrisler. “Sometimes you’ll lose weight without trying. The important part is not delaying your happiness until then and remind yourself not to be so demanding.”
Thirty-one-year-old Mara Glatzel is a life coach in Cape Cod who helps women come to terms with their bodies. But she wasn’t always in such a good place. In fact, she uses the words “damaged” and “difficult” to describe her relationship with her body. “I was just constantly creating plans — diets, workouts — which all had to do with how I looked to somebody else,” she says. So instead of jumping straight from a place of loathing to love, she shifted her focus to “things I was overlooking. I picked one or two things to focus on, really simple ones like brushing my teeth and making sure I washed my face before bed or drinking enough water,” she says. “ But it worked because I tried to turn down the volume of what I think about. Now I take good care of myself.” For some of us, that’s enough of a breakthrough right there.
Try thinking about your body the way you think about friends and family, says Ann Kearney-Cooke, Ph.D., director of the Cincinnati Psychotherapy Institute. “The way I like to look at this is, think about your best friend. Is she perfect? Well, no. Are you mean to her because she’s not?” she says. “There is nobody out there who is a perfect ten emotionally or physically and yet people fall in love with people all the time. Look at your partner and you might say, ‘Well, he has a receding hairline but is funny and loyal and has beautiful eyes.’”
Working on neutrality — and it is an ever-evolving process — is ultimately about how you want to allocate your time and focus. “Neutrality is the freedom to go about your day without such a strong focus on your body,” says Kearney-Cooke. “We have only so much energy, where do we want to use it? There are lots of other things that need attention. You don’t want to neglect your body, so you listen to it, and are aware of the function it serves.”
Melissa A. Fabello, a 31-year-old Ph.D. candidate in Philadelphia, wrote a blog post on body neutrality in 2015 (the term seems to have been popping up on the internet for the past few years, but Green Mountain applied to trademark it last year) that sums up how it can be both a joy and a relief for those of us who have previously felt only body turmoil. Body neutrality is “going to the Cheesecake Factory and perusing their ‘Skinnylicious’ (ugh, I hate that name) menu just because you want more options to choose from,” she wrote. “It’s ordering S’mores cheesecake because it strikes you as sounding amazing. It’s only eating half of it because that’s when you get full. It’s taking it home for later, in case you need a midnight snack.”
Talking on the phone, Fabello said just the idea that a kind of peace with our bodies is possible is important. “I’m in a place where I can order pizza without a problem and not feel bad about myself all the time.” But that was not always the case. As a conventionally attractive, relatively thin woman, she had a positive body image growing up. Then, she gained a lot of weight for her frame — around 25 pounds — when she went to college. In her early 20s, she was in an emotionally abusive relationship with a man who would tell her she was fat and needed to go to the gym. After he broke up with her, “I thought, well I’ll show him,” she says. “I went on the first serious diet of my life, spiraled out of control and was diagnosed with an eating disorder. After that I had to do some work to get to a place where I felt okay about myself.”
One thing she does is recognize that negative thoughts about her body are a pattern, one she doesn’t have to just succumb to. “We spiral and make up stories about how bad they are. I don’t have to place a value on it,” she says. “So if I think, I don’t like my thighs, I will think about my thighs in terms of how they actually are. What are the things I need my thighs for? They hold me up, I can walk, I can bend down. It sounds trite, but we lose sight that our bodies are to help us move through the world.”
Back in Vermont at Green Mountain, Anne Poirier sits down after teaching and talks about her personal history. “My journey is yo-yo dieting, diet after diet, and never happy with my body. I’m tired and I don’t like how much it has occupied my whole life.” She calls all the space food talk takes up in her brain “Judge Foodie.”
When asked about whether she has gotten to body acceptance, she shakes her head no. “I honor and respect my body. I like feeling strong, certain things I like, but I can’t say I love it.” Instead of sounding like a failure, the revelation that she’s making her way through the spectrum of body hate to body love and falls somewhere in the middle makes it sound more real and more achievable. “Body neutrality is experiential and not something that happens overnight,” says Poirier. “It’s one awareness at a time, one thought at a time.”
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