#if you think that isn't the most dramatic shit to ever happen on a food show
elizmanderson · 2 years
no other cooking show will ever touch og iron chef. the drama! the excitement! the feuds! the judges who were mostly actors and shit instead of ✨food experts✨! chairman kaga's iconic fashion sense and melodramatic way of biting into a bell pepper like it was a fucking apple! squid ink ice cream! HE'S BOILING THE BROCCOLI!!
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*slowly shuffles a wooden box of finger bones towards you* so I have two ideas for you
So, what if ghosts like, really screw with video technology, so it all kind of looks corrupted at all times- so when Danny starts recording like a blog of daily like in amity park (maybe as a way to cope with Trauma) and he posts it, maybe people outside of amity could think it’s all just like, an ARG or analog horror- if you want to go with dc/dp here, tim could be trying to solve a nonexistent mystery
For idea two, do you know ab the mystery flesh pit? If you don’t it’s basically an unreality where a gigantic super organism is turned into a National park and it’s then shit down when the organism basically coughs in its sleep and destroys a lot of stuff-( also be warned, there is a lot of body horror involved in this, so if anyone’s sensitive to it maybe don’t look at any content!) so maybe Giant Danny is taking a nap and some villains find the GIANT GHOST TAKING A SLEEP and decide to hook him up to be used as like, a battery or Lazerus pit (if you go the route of his blood being lazerus water) and the heroes get involved trying to figure out what’s happening
oh man that would be so fun. Danny just takes a little school project 10 minute documentary of the town and doesn't think too much of it when he submits it to Youtube so he can send it to his teacher.
A week later and every ARG/Analog Horror nerd on the planet has heard about this brilliantly well produced video called "Amity Park"
Now knowing this, He decides to have some fun. He takes ominous shots of mundane Amity life and splices them between the more normal scenes of himself and his friends having fun and hanging out.
He amps up the uncanny level. Throughout all of his videos, he starts to tell a slightly dramatized version of his life, not the Phantom stuff, but his life as a Fenton.
The whole world watches in awe and delight as this refreshingly new Analog Horror channel posts nearly twice a week with some of the most stunning CGI that they've ever seen. I mean 'c'mon, Sentient food. A child living in the house of two mad scientists who casually mention dismembering and destroying ghosts at the dinner table. An honest to god crazy scientist lab with a massive portal to this 'Ghost Zone' just in their basement?! Yeah, whoever made this has an absolutely incredible imagination. (Some people are even dissing it since this GZ really just feels like a warped version of The Backrooms but it's fine, it's unique enough that it makes up for it.)
I am a hoe for any and every topic that Wendigoon talks about in his videos so I very much so know about the Mystery Flesh Pit. (Video is linked but be warned; Benji isn't joking when they say that it's a LOT of body horror.)
I'd like to propose that Danny isn't even on earth, he's on a different planet that has collected his blood and harnessed his core for energy on a massive scale, helping create and produce items that benefit their world greatly.
To Danny, Their mining, harvesting, and energy draining efforts are the equivalent to bacteria moving around his body. He's so massive that this civilization isnt impacting him in the slightest.
The JL get called because this strange planet superorganism is now moving and it's causing the destruction of an entire civilization.
They fly over to the planet and they notice something very very wrong with the shape of the planet.
First and foremost, the two eyes spanning the equivalent width of Texas that stares up at their ship is new.
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666writingcafe · 6 months
The Adventure Begins
Levi's overacting. Again. The only reason it wasn't obvious during the school play was because Simeon kept him reined in. Levi gets excited quite easily, and it causes him to get lost in whatever role he's playing.
I'll have to ask Simeon, but I don't think he intended the Lord of Shadow to act so...dramatically? badly? I don't know how to describe it, really. It just isn't very good.
Unlike MC. I'm not sure why I like their acting better, especially since they're currently matching Levi's energy. Maybe it's because they're intentionally hamming it up. They did mumble an apology to me before they started talking to him, after all, so they must know that Levi's acting isn't the best.
Satan's isn't much better, either. He's not as over-the-top as Levi, but I don't find him convincing as the "villain" of this story. If anything, he'd make a good anti-hero, but Solomon probably didn't want to make things too complicated.
Solomon's not a very good author.
However, I'm choosing to keep all this to myself, because the point of all this is to help MC get their first star. Lucifer, on the other hand, is having a hard time suspending his disbelief. So, I understand why MC told him to shut up. I just hope they're prepared to get their ass handed to them once Lucifer's back to normal size, because while he has a soft spot for MC, he doesn't like being silenced. Messes with his pride.
Speaking of which...the stars.
They represent the seven virtues, which are direct opposites of our sins. For me, that virtue is temperance. Solomon probably knows this, but he may not realize the full extent of my relationship with temperance.
Once upon a time, I was able to control myself and my urges. Until I wasn't. For my brothers, their sin was triggered by specific events; that wasn't the case for me. It just...happened. And I didn't realize it until it was too late.
Now, it's what most people know me for. They think I'm a meathead that only thinks about food. Even my brothers.
Which isn't fair.
Why are they allowed to have complex personalities, but not me? Why can they participate in mentally stimulating activities, while I'm cast off to the side and dismissed as too dumb to understand any of it? It's never made sense to me.
I think that's part of why I like MC so much. They're the first person in a really, really long time that sees me beyond my sin. They actually listen to what I have to say and seem to value my opinion, even if it's not related to food or sports.
Yet somehow, deep inside, I don't fully trust them. I think it's coming from my subconscious. Somewhere in there lives a hurt angel that feels like everyone he cares about will die and leave him behind. And in a way, it's true.
Lilith may have been the only person in our little family that actually lost their life, but my brothers barely resemble what they were in the Celestial Realm. It's weird. They wear the same faces, but they're completely different people. Sometimes, I feel like they're complete strangers, or perhaps taken over by aliens.
Oddly, the one person I can rely on to stay the same is Satan. Then again, he didn't have his own form until we arrived in the Devildom, so this version of him is all I've ever known.
I missed a lot, didn't I?
"Are you okay? You seem out of it."
"I could say the same to you." Why is that the first thing that comes out of my mouth? I sound like a jerk.
MC merely sighs as they sit next to me on the...bed? I take a proper look at my surroundings and realize that we're in a hotel room of some kind. Lucifer appears to be sleeping on the nightstand, using tissues as both pillow and blanket.
"Wanna go first, or shall I?" Interesting question. They don't seem upset at me.
"Your call." MC rests their head on my shoulder.
"Simeon needs my help making an important decision." Their tone indicates something serious.
"With what?" MC sighs again.
"His future." Huh? Why would an angel need a human's help with that? I know that the two of them are fairly close, but still.
"But that's neither here nor there," they quickly add, sighing. "It's not like I can do anything about it now." They glance up at me. "What's on your mind?"
"My past."
"As an angel?" I nod.
"Back then, the only thing that mattered to people was that I was strong. I wanted to be useful, so I decided to become a soldier and fight for the Celestial Realm. Problem was, I had trouble controlling my powers."
"Like I did before receiving the Ring?"
"You know, I hadn't really thought about it until you said it, but yeah. I suppose we have that in common. In your case, everyone had your back, which is good, because I wouldn't have wanted you to go through that experience the way I did." MC sits up and properly looks at me.
"What do you mean?"
"Every time I would destroy something--even though most of the time it was a complete accident--Raphael would make some sort of sarcastic remark about it. I think he started calling me the Hulk at one point, but it was meant as an insult." I pause.
"At least he had the decency to do it to my face. Lots of angels would talk shit about me behind my back. They thought I was too stupid to pick up on it, but I knew. They acted overly sweet towards me whenever I would walk in the room. Condescending, even. It was like I was a dumb kid to them." MC places a hand on my thigh and pats it.
"Sounds depressing," they remark.
"It was. Oddly enough, the one person in authority that didn't treat me that way was Lucifer. I initially thought he was too busy with his duties to really care about much else, but then one day he approached me and started talking to me. We had a legitimate conversation."
"He told me to keep in mind that being a Celestial Realm soldier wasn't about attacking--"
"--but protecting." We must have woken Lucifer up. "You had the power to protect everyone--to keep them safe--and that you shouldn't feel bad because you were special. If you learned to control your powers, I'd recommend you to the cherubim and have you serve as a Celestial Realm gatekeeper. You did, and so I kept my promise." Lucifer beckons MC to pick him up and bring him closer to me.
"MC and I may be connected by the Ring of Light, but the two of you have a strong connection as well," he continues. "You're both motivated by the need to protect the ones you love, even if it means sacrificing yourself in the process. Drawing on that similarity is going to be the key to pass Solomon's test."
"Are you saying Solomon knew we had that in common?" MC asks incredulously.
"No. I did. I simply passed the knowledge along to him."
"How long--"
"The rooftop."
"Of Dogi Magi?" I'm glad MC understands what he's referring to, because I'm completely lost. Must have been something I wasn't involved with.
"You knew that Belphie would hurt you if you went against his order to reject me, but you did it anyway."
"I didn't want to lie to you."
"Because that would have meant hurting his feelings." Asmo may have used his powers to pick up on Lucifer's crush on MC early on, but I knew pretty much from the moment they set eyes on each other. Granted, he was more attracted to their soul initially, but who could blame him? It was bright and shiny, even back then. If we weren't under orders to not eat them, then they wouldn't have made it out of the assembly hall alive. Even Diavolo was struggling to contain himself.
Anyway, the point is MC cared enough about Lucifer in that moment to feel the need to protect him.
Just like I felt the need to protect Lucifer after I became a cherub.
MC's going to get their star.
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soullust · 1 year
starlie headcanons??? 😳😳😳
jareth, you don't even KNOW–
i think it should be established that charlie fell first, and meeks fell so so much harder.
steven is slowly losing brain functions like two months after realizing he has a crush, while charlie is chilling (he's been in love for 3 years but he's not gonna do anything about it bc he's convinced steven is out of his league) and ambiguously flirting him (oh, the simple joys of life, confusing your crush about your feelings <3)
not to say that charlie isn't down bad btw, he's just better at coping most of the time
charlie unashamedly favours meeks in everything and he's SO ANNOYING about it
like (i already said this somewhere btw) whenever charlie drives he makes an argument that the driver has the complete authority over the radio, UNLESS it's meeks sitting in the passengers seat, then he lets him pick the music every single time.
charlie is a very hands-on person, and he WILL manhandle the shit out of steven whenever it's convenient to him like the bastard he is
meeks is fine with that btw, he'll just be chatting with sb and charlie comes up behind him, wordlessly grab his arm and move him like a foot to the left and bc he was blocking him, and meeks will barely blink, like "yeah ig that just happened.. anyways!"
also charlie is just about strong enough to lift up steven, and he abuses this ability whenever he can
ADHD!Charlie Dalton x Autism+ADD!Steven Meeks are basically canon to me
meeks absolutely forgets to eat some days, especially during finals and such. charlie can tell whenever that happens, so he'll sneak him food from the kitchen/make him something light just so he doesn't pass out
in a similar sense charlie does not remember he's supposed to drink water, like ever, so meeks has a habit of always having an extra water bottle for him.
their petnames for each other are kinda all over the place
meeks gets easily embarrassed by petnames so he doesn't really use them, while Charlie Extra Dramatic Dalton–
charlie: love, baby, my heart, Stevie (condescending like 50% of the time, the other 50% he's fully genuine) steven: bastard (affectionate) & Charles (derogatory) meeks mostly just calls charlie 'my boyfriend <3'
they almost never flirt in english, at least in public, charlie uses spanish, and meeks mostly hebrew or chinese
also meeks likes to make comments about charlie in latin (bc charlie doesn't really know it besides basics they learned at welton), even in public and cameron has tried to kill him so many times bc 'i don't need to know that, you pervert!'
steven is a chronic people pleaser, charlie is a chronic people annoyer.
charlie proposed on their first real date for the free cake. he did not tell meeks he was going to do that beforehand.
… meeks said yes anyways.
but i don't actually see them getting married, except maybe for tax benefits after 7 years of dating. and they would frequently forget that they're married
there is absolutely no way they get together normally, first they're in a on-again-off-again situationship for like a year bc they both refuse to admit their feelings
also it's meeks that finally confesses (after ignoring three full confessions from charlie, bc they were either so dramatic he thought charlie was joking, or so casual that he didn't even realize what happened)
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zooophagous · 2 years
Today's entry of Wayward Souls deals with the aftermath of Mr. Strauss' big night on the town and is an aside exploring the point of view of a side character.
I went back and forth over when the best time was to share this. It's sort of been bothering me ever since it happened, and my therapist told me it's healthy to share and write it down. For a couple of reasons, I hesitated. First, because it sounds stupid. At best, people would think I was exaggerating for attention. Second, because some really sketchy people really, really didn't want me to say anything.
Well, sue me.
For the purposes of our story, you can call me "Tina."  Fake name, just in case someone figures out I blabbed, but it's not like they'll have a hard time figuring it out from the details anyway.
I used to work at a pet store as a sales associate. I say 'used to' because after what  I saw, I'm not going back in there. I didn't even go back to get my last check. I made them mail it. This wasn't a nice pet store, it was a chain store. A Pets-R-Inn in a shitty strip mall. The sort of pet store that sells puppies and always sort of smells like shit.
You know the type. Yeah, I know it's bad. I knew it was bad while I worked there. I figured maybe I could work part time with animals and elevate the care a little bit, you know? I can't make a store stop selling puppies but I can make sure the puppies are clean. I can scoop a dead fish out of a tank. I can quarantine a sick rat before it infects the others. Maybe trying to make a difference in a place like that was my first mistake.
I've seen so much shit and vomit and pee and parasites it would make your head spin. I'm not saying this to bring down the 'good name' of the chain pet store that sells sickly puppy mill dogs for three grand a piece and pays just above the federal minimum wage in the year of our Lord 2023 however. No, that's a rant for another time.
 I'm telling you this so you understand that I have a strong stomach. You HAVE to have a strong stomach when you work with animals. Any time you work with living things, inevitably you're going to work with dying things. Especially when most of the animals you work with are rodents with a natural lifespan not even a tenth of your own, who all live in close quarters and share their food and water and diseases alike.
I'm not being dramatic. I'm not getting worked up over nothing and I am NOT making this up. I was a good worker and I was good at my job. I didn't let one weird guy ruin it for me. It was ruined for me by a monster. And now I'm terrified I'm being followed by the FBI or the CIA or some government something. I don't know who they are. I don't care anymore. If I go missing maybe whoever reading this can figure out who to blame.
I'm getting off track here. So, this one day, I'm working the shop by myself. It was sort of a cold rainy day, real grey and dark. My stupid shit head manager Derek takes off for a "meeting" that was a 2 hour lunch he didn't clock out for, and left me to run the shop alone.
Not a huge deal, when I'm alone I can slack off and do whatever, and the major chores for the day were done because it was dead slow so I was just at the counter on my phone. As I'm standing there the door jingles open and this guy walks in.
I look up a little and say hi. I'm not really paying as much attention to him as I should, because he sort of looks like he knows what he wants already and heads right in. He looked sort of  bedraggled, scruffy, but a lot of our customers are "animal people" who have dirty stuff to do so I don't think much of it. It was half storming outside anyway.
He goes back to where we keep the feeder mice. Now, I'm sure you're probably aware that snakes eat whole prey. Well, we try really hard to get our customers to switch to frozen whole prey instead of live because live isn't as humane, and being the kindly little Snow White I am, I start preparing my spiel.
I see he's already trying to open the cages. That's no good. Liability. God forbid someone get bit by a rat or drop the whole fucking fish tank full of them and sue us. Or worse, some bleeding heart trying to "save" them again by stealing them or turning them loose.
So I'm helpful and I go back with my keys and I say to him "Hey, I need to be the one to open that for you." Now I actually do get a look at the guy. He's muddy. Like covered in mud. Soaked. He looks homeless and he might be having an episode of some sort and Derek is still gone. Great.
By this time he's got the cage open. Which, by the way, is locked. He broke the lock. The padlock. With his hands. His hands that are now rooting around in a tank full of white mice. I don't really want to stop him. I don't think I CAN stop him. He turns around and he looks at me.
He's got a little pink tail coming out of his mouth. He has a mouse in his fucking mouth. He ate a fucking mouse.
My chest gets tight and I don't really know if I should scream or if that will make it worse but I'm screaming anyway and he spits the mouse out and shoves another one into his mouth and I hear it CRUNCH and he stares me dead in the eyes while he does it.
Speaking of eyes, his were glowing. The way a cats eyes sort of shine in different colors. He's taking a step towards me and I see he's got more mice in his hand and he has claws on his hand instead of nails.
This is when I started yelling. Not screaming, really, more of a holler. An angry yell. A garbled sort of half terror and half "what the fuck do you think you're doing" that came out in a single loud note that cut my throat raw as I let it out.
I hear the door jingle again. I'm hoping it's Derek. No, just more customers, or so I thought. They're yelling at him. He backs off, he's like... hiding from them? I think for a moment I'm saved, that maybe this is just some sort of patient that wandered away from his handlers or something. But then more people pile in.
And now one of them has a gun.
Somehow or other it has now managed to ESCALATE. This guy fucking panics, throws down a whole shelf of cages and they all shatter. There are mice EVERYWHERE. They don't just scatter though, they're running together in a swarm towards the lady with a gun. Did I mention it was a lady? I thought it was weird it was a lady. Usually ladies don't shoot up stores.
But anyway these mice are running to her and running up her legs and she's screaming and while she's freaking out the guy rushes them and knocks everyone over and he's just out of there like a bat out of Hell. The crowd runs off with him, and suddenly I'm alone again.
Just surrounded by broken glass, loose mice, and no explanation at all of what the fuck just happened. It was about this time Derek FINALLY decided to grace me with his presence and yell at me for all the shit that went wrong. As if I could have stopped it.
And of course he didn't believe me until AFTER he saw the security footage. I mean granted I sounded like a mess but what the Hell kind of lie would it be that a crazy person came in and started eating mice?
The aftermath was Hell. I had to stay late that night catching mice and cleaning up broken glass and spilled bedding. He broke the door too on his way out, which Derek had to leave yet again to go get a chain and padlock to keep it shut while I stayed behind and had another panic attack.
While I was cleaning up I found a couple of dead ones. Mice, I mean. They're not built to be thrown around like that. One I found though was very interesting. It was dead, yes, but it looked like it had been dead a while.
It was hard to the touch, and brittle. Mummified like a cat in the wall of an old building. I thought maybe it had escaped a long time ago and the activity only just now knocked the carcass loose from wherever it was stuck. But its fur was damp, and it had a large, suspiciously tooth shaped gash in its abdomen.
It was the mouse that guy ate. Except he didn't eat it. He just... sucked every drop of fluid out of it and spit it back out. Then he went back for more. He wasn't eating them, just... juicing them.
After finding that I finally gave up and called it quits. I didn't have it in me to keep cleaning and I wasn't sure I could come back to the store either, so despite Derek's vociferous petulant protests I went home.
Aside from suddenly being jobless, life was quiet and normal after that. I avoided the store but I'm told the creepy guy never came back. I thought maybe that lady actually shot him, not sure if it would really make me feel bad or not.
But the story doesn't just end there. Oh no! I should be so lucky! No, seeing someone having an episode or a meth bender or what have you is definitely distressing, but it doesn't really typically tip the scales from a moment of terror and confusion to a chronic anxiety that you're being followed and watched.
A few days after that little incident, I get a knock at my door. I open it, and I find an official looking little envelope. Maybe it's a subpoena to be a witness to the crime or whatever. I open it up.
No, it's a letter. Addressed to me, personally. "Dear Redacted, my name is Ursula Harker, I am writing on behalf of the Van Helsing Institute relating to a recent incident at 'Pets R Inn' retail store, in which you were the victim of an assault and may be entitled to financial compensation. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. This is an attempt to settle the matter out of court without the input of the police. By accepting our cash offer you are relinquishing your right to file civilly against the Institute, and agreeing to a non-disclosure cause. The Institute can be reached at..."
You get the idea. So I call this woman, Miss Ursula Harker. Even her name sounds creepy. She picks up, I tell her who I am.  She immediately starts apologizing to me, promising to pay for any store damages or medical bills and then some. Asking to buy my silence. So I tell her I've only got one question for her.
She says go ahead.
I ask her "What was that guy?"
She starts telling me that his name is Luther and he's a patient at such and such and I cut her off and I say again No.
What was that guy?
She's quiet for a bit and she asks what I mean. Now, I'm not a doctor. But I know a decent amount about animals. And I know this. People don't have eyes that glow in the dark. People also can't desiccate a mouse by sucking it dry in five seconds flat. She hesitates but then starts making excuses about HIPAA laws and how she can't discuss their patients and she asks me how much it would take for me to stay quiet.
I hang up on her.
Maybe that was really stupid. Could have got some cash out of the deal. The store got a new door and a nice fat payday they spent on a facelift for the place, and it only cost them their security footage.
More than that, it was really stupid because they kept calling me. She left me at least three messages before giving up. I was afraid to leave my apartment. They already knew my name and obviously knew where I lived. And they were protecting that guy... that THING somehow. Maybe they were the ones who made him? Like he was an experiment that got out and they were doing damage control?
I did a little asking around about "The Van Helsing Institute" and all I could find was that it's a private Catholic hospital. A "research hospital," whatever the fuck research that entails, I don't want to know about it.
The craziest shit though, is that this has apparently happened before. While I was digging around I found the contact info for a guy called "John." He's apparently an ex employee and now very outspoken critic of that hospital, trying to gather as much dirt on them as he can. I gave him my story, and all the descriptions I could. Basically if I see anything even remotely weird I report to him now.
It feels good, I guess, not being alone. I don't know that he could actually protect me if they got mad and came after me but I like that someone is watching them. Someone is keeping score. Mostly it feels good to know that I actually saw what I saw. It was a monster, I'm not crazy, and I think I did the right thing not selling my silence even though the lack of a paycheck hurts.
I keep getting more and more paranoid though. I've been seeing this weird woman follow me around town. Not the gun one- a different one this time. She's got sort of a medium tan skin tone, she's very petit, and she has this incredibly long dark hair and dark eyes. It makes her stand out in a crowd. I see her more and more whenever I'm out and I don't know if she's with John or with... the other guys.
I don't go out much after dark any more. I don't know how much this involves me now but I'm trying to move back in with my mom in Wisconsin. If I make it, you won't hear from me again. If I don't, just keep an eye on the obituaries. If I die, let it be known I don't want any part of my body used for research. It should be burned.
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mamamittens · 2 years
Seeing as how I just got over a gross... Head cold thing, here's how a random selection of characters would react to getting sick.
At first he's in total denial. Someone must be talking mad shit about him somewhere. And when he finds them, they're getting their ass kicked (it's Sabo but totally unrelated).
Kind of scatter brained and warmer than usual at first. Besides the sneezing and sniffling. But boy, when it hits it's like a damn train. Or getting slammed through multiple walls by Whitebeard again.
He's so sad and pathetic. Feed this poor, hungry soul between fitful naps and cuddles. Pet his hair and he'll cry and swear he loves you forever. Swears you won't get sick he's just so achy and lonely 🥺 (You will). Hisses and sputters about any sort of medicine unless he's incredibly miserable. But he demands you nap with him afterwards to make up for drinking the foul liquid. And then, suddenly, he snaps back out of it.
Pretends like it never happened but definitely gets mopey about not being able to bury his face in your shoulder and whine without any real consequences.
Teases the shit out of you for getting sick despite it being his fault but is the only one allowed to nurse you back to health. Does everything you did to make him feel better and maybe a few things he thinks will help/things he wished he asked for when he was sick. Thankfully, he doesn't complain once but is notably more into giving you medicine to help you feel better than he was about taking it himself.
If you hate being around people when you're sick he still does his best to help but lingers just out of arms reach in case you change your mind.
He's pretty on top of his health and doesn't hesitate to isolate if he suspects he's sick.
He's still very touched if you want to risk getting sick to keep him company. Doesn't push for anything but isn't subtle about wanting to be comforted a bit. Scratch his scalp if you want to see him tear up before ultimately betraying him by making him drink his body weight in cold medicine.
That's right. He prefers holistic approaches to his health. Swears it's healthier but really, he just loathes the taste of medicine. Kiss his head and he settles down with a drowsy pout. Definitely dragging you into the bed with him though. Body aches are a bitch.
When you get sick expect top tier food specially made to help you feel better, full, and not upset your stomach. Keeps you company and gladly holds your hand. If it's right after he was sick, he tries to limit his time so he can safely interact with his division without risking a mass outbreak, but he makes it up to you when he can.
Lovingly rubs your back when body chills go through you and tucks you into the blanket when possible. He's willing to join you for a nap after dinner.
If you hate people seeing you sick, he keeps his visits to a minimum and drops off little busy work for when you don't feel like shit. But, if you ever change your mind, he's never gone long.
This man hasn't been sick in years. The most dramatic in a quiet, desperate way. Oscillated wildly between wanting company and terrified you'll catch whatever he has. However the hell he got it. Being forced to rest is possibly the most healthy thing he's done in a long while too.
Quiet, sad birb when you give him soup and cuddles. Doesn't talk much and is mortified at every gross, wet cough. Shakes something awful with every new yet mundane symptom cause he literally doesn't know how to handle it. Probably the most terrified to be sick. Takes whatever medicine he's given with only mild shudders.
Holds you for hours when his fever finally breaks drifting in and out of sleep with relieved tears. Recovery is pretty fast, though definitely not as fast as he'd like. He's incredibly touched and grateful you took care of him.
So, naturally, he returns the favor when you get sick. Allowing you to curl up beside him and feeds you whenever he can. Gently massaging your sore body and humming as he does paperwork on the opposite side from you. He's also not easily grossed out, so he takes everything in stride as he ensures you recover well from your illness.
If you hate being seen sick he understands. That just means you don't see him by your bedside but rest assured, he's spent quite a lot of time rubbing your back and running a cool rag over your face while you slept poorly. Makes sure you know he doesn't think any less of you being sick. Still feeds you by hand if you can't reliably hold your dishware though, sorry. No escaping that.
Once you're all better he notably starts ensuring you eat more healthy food. He takes his duties seriously after all. And just because your not sick doesn't mean he'll just stop taking care of you.
Marco has a long memory like that.
Feel free to request others but I mistakenly took cold medicine for the last of my gross cough and melatonin so I'm passing tf out lol
@marco--the--phoenix @secretsnailor @spitfire-of-the-sea
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deadrlngers · 1 year
30-35 for vesper and fenix >:^)
LOVE U FOREVER BONES the amount of excitement i got for answering these specific questions says a lot about how normal i am about these two sjfks <3
ask game
30. What completely petty topic (music taste, favorite food) do they find themselves completely at odds with their partner about?
FOOD. FOOD SURELY. We all know italians can't shut tf up when there's food involved in general, it's The Curse :// The biggest one that comes to my mind is seafood, Vesper hates it and finds it quite revolting to look at while Fenix (as any respectable guy from apulia) LOVES IT. He even eats raw seafood like mussels or sea ​​urchins, Vesper wants to throw up every time she witnesses that. Of course he's a lil shit about it and tells her 'she doesn't understand ANYTHING of good cuisine'. Also i randomly made it canon that they fight over music. Vesper is more of a rock or electronic music girly, while Fenix..well he doesn't have a specific music taste, or more like, he isn't pretentious about picking songs just like Vesper is tbh but for the bit they always tell each other they listen to shitty music jkdsfk
31. What little thing do they find incredibly (though harmlessly) annoying about their partner?
Fenix ALWAYS forgets to hang up wet towels and Vesper loses her marbles every single time that happens which is every single time. He never learns. Plus he leaves crumbs all around the table/kitchen counter and doesn't clean it after he finishes eating, he's a bit lazy about it
Vesper on the other hand has the habit of talking through shows or movies asfjskf she doesn't do it on purpose she swears, it comes natural to add little comments here and there which Fenix agrees with but problem is that she does that when the characters are talking on tv and that makes Fenix do the most dramatic eye roll ever.
32. How do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? Do they have lots of mutual friends? Did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did?
Love this question because Fenix is so internationally hated lmao. Daniel is very happy about them being a couple all over again, he thinks Fenix is funny, he really likes him, he's like a brother to him :) Nader was very guarded around Fenix when he first got to know him, he knew Vesper longer and at first thought it was crazy that someone like her was with someone like him. He's very happy for them tho as long as they're happy too, BUT if a fight breaks..you can bet it he will be on Vesper's side, he just knows Fenix is wrong by default (so real). Rogue hates his ass. I don't think i need to say why. Jackie & Fenix had..a very difficult relationship, the dislike was mutuals and Jackie always 'scolded' Vesper every time he catched them together. If he was still alive when they got back together i think he wouldn't really approve the relationship at first, Fenix would try to make peace with him (with a shit eating grin on his face that screams mockery rather than peace) so they would probably lowkey avoid each other for a long while until, i think, Jackie would surrender and just maintain the most basic relationship just for Vesper's sake. It's funny because i think these two would be an interesting team if only they didn't hate each other THAT much.
Panam likes Fenix, VERY surprisingly i must add..at first she was like 'oh so that is the idiot you told me about? sorry for your loss' but in the end i think they would get along, Panam knows how to keep him in check and he knows to not mess with Panam. Kerry finds Fenix hilarious and cool, he's like you remind me of a complete asshole i used to know :) i wonder who. He's surprisingly friendly with Fenix since the start & Fenix slowly gets used to have him around, he's a guy that knows how to have fun and he appreciates that
Tancred and Vesper is..delicate. Tancred doesn't do anything to get her to like him and the fact he treats like shit Fenix doesn't help as well. She's civil with him if Fenix wishes so, but she's ready to bite and kill at any second. Tancred lowkey likes Vesper as in he respect her and finds her pretty strong and resourceful, he's happy that his brother is with someone like that, he just needs to be a terrible brother first. If the situation was different, these two could be a power team i think, maybe, perhaps
33. Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
answered here!
34. Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
Fenix reached his max protective point during the game events, at first he tried to downplay the whole johnny-brain-worm thing - saying that they would find a solution for sure, but then as it turned more and more serious, the anxiety he tried so hard to suffocate took over. I think he never got THAT protective over Vesper as much as that time.
The thing with these two is that they both know they can handle themselves pretty well but they always keep a watchful eye on the other. It's like..i know you can deal with this, but i'll look out for you anyway..in case something happens.
Vesper tends to be more openly protective, it's her nature, so she's the one that tells him more often to stay focused and NOT do anything stupid. She turned visibly protective of Fenix when his brother showed up again. Fenix tries to hide it but it's pretty visible how he (still) slightly bends at Tancred's will, it's unintentional and he hates it, so it's Vesper that talks back the most at Tancred, the one that tells him to leave Fenix tf alone. The older sibling vs older sibling fight we deserve to see
35. Would they get a pet? What kind? Who brings up the idea, and who takes a little longer to convince?
YES! They have Nibbles ofc but Fenix's dream is having a dog around. I know you can't have shit in Night City but i want to dream :// Vesper wouldn't be opposed to the idea & i've actually thought about giving them one!! i can't stop thinking of Fenix IMPLORING to get a dog on his knees, it's been his dream since he was a lil kid. He would give the dog a silly name or a weirdly too serious one like idk. Ettore..Bruno (Brunbo.. he'd say)..also i can't stop manifesting this image in my head so think of a Fenix at 7 in the morning walking the dog, disheveled hair, oversized shirt with smth stupid written on the front like you tried scrambling the wrong egg and shorts, AND slippers with socks on, this last piece is crucial. i just. can't stop thinking of this. sound of the summer
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nefkyo · 2 years
Guys can I write down some weird things I do and you guys tell me if you relate and then say if you're neurodivergent or not? I'm tryna see something
I hyperfixate on everything that interests me. Not just "fixate", I mean completely dunk my head in and never leave. There is no space for anything else until I say so.
I see the most random detail in my day-to-day life and immediately associating it with OCs/the hyperfixations from point 1/music/stories I've never written...
I make random dramatic pauses while just. Talking normally. Like I just did.
I can only work while listening to music, but also I can't work if there's noise, but also just 3 hours of white noise are fine, but also I want to snap my headphones in half for ruining my life, but also they are the only thing holding me together
I make weird movements with my body, like doing jazz hands but pointing downward when I get very excited but not doing it unless I'm alone
I have a powerful hatred for people who don't pay attention in class and goof around when they're supposed to listen, but also cannot pay attention for more than 5 minutes consecutively
Knowing how to read and write Enderman and Piglin. The fictional languages from Minecraft. I can even vent using them. On paper. OH MY GOD I DID THE PAUSING THING AGAIN
If there's too much noise I have to cover my ears and do absolutely nothing until it goes away, otherwise I will scream.
I act upon random urges to buy things and then forget them after a while. Same happens for food, except I have to eat it because I can't hide it anywhere in my house.
Chew and bite so many things. Just a lot of things. Pens, pencils, necklaces, coins, hoodie strings, paper, plastic, my own nails and cuticles... Wait I think that's called pica
I have slept on the floor more than a person with a bed ever should.
Small objects and trinkets are awesome.
I like science facts but don't know how to explain science at all. Same thing goes for most school subjects I like
I get side tracked fast, even while just talking to myself.
By the way, is it normal to talk to yourself and record the whole thing and then relisten to it even when it's like half an hour long?
I don't say anything when I get hurt, but I make little noises and "aah"s when I almost do.
I have terrible body coordination and reflexes.
If I start talking to someone and get really engaged, I will walk tremendous lengths before I remember we were supposed to stay where we were.
When someone tells me something that happened to them I reply back with a similar experience I had and then feel like I made the conversation about me.
Every accessory I have ever worn in my life, I have basically only worn to fidget with.
I am unnecessarily loud and talk over everything, especially movies.
I don't know what my face looks like on most days. Like I don't register that I'm looking at me when I'm looking at myself in the mirror. In my head I don't look like anything.
I zone out constantly but sometimes I'm not even thinking about anything. I just fixate on a random spot in the room and stand there doing nothing for 10 minutes. Sometimes I'm even doing something, like filling a water bottle on riding on the train, and I just disconnect.
I usually think people can tell when I'm being sarcastic, but they don't. Instead, I just seem to be very funny while trying to be serious.
Did I mention English isn't my first language? Yeah for some reason I can express myself better in my second language than my first. Like, I can talk about so much more stuff, even serious mental health shit and politics.
If there's an object/food that has a slight imperfection, I am going to tear the whole thing to shreds starting from that imperfection. The sticker on a book cover is slightly coming off? I'm tearing it off. Then the whole page. Then the whole book.
I hate change of any kind. Whether it's my entire environment or just what I listen to music with, it will tip me off.
I keep adding shit to this list, which is worrying me greatly.
I have repetitive phrases and words that change every now and then. The word lately has been "like".
I binge eat all the time. Whether it's cookies of slices of ham or baby carrots or literally crumbs of anything, if I come down to the kitchen I'm taking something.
I'm sure there's one I'm forgetting but it's THERE, like I'll find it at some point.
0 notes
astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
Omg can you please do more of drunk Levi being the biscuit? It’s so cute
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referencing this lil drabble right here. thrilled that you guys liked this so much because i thought it was the dumbest thing ever lmao. but yeah anyways this is months later but I’m trying desperately to actually reduce my inbox size.
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he's a fucking moron. a complete, utter ass.
a biscuit. what the actual shit was he thinking?
well, he wasn't thinking, which answers most questions. he was drunk. which, Levi vows, will never happen again, not in this lifetime. how he actually drank enough to beat his incredible tolerance is beyond him.
regardless of the how, you are now in front of him, eating breakfast, tea and biscuits that you're dipping with an awkward smile on your face, and fuck, he's really screwed things up now, hasn't he?
the headache isn't helping either. he thinks his head's about to split open.
"thanks for inviting me," you say, swallowing, "where's farlan?"
"kicked him out," he mumbles gruffly. "he was playing his dumb ukulele to wake me up."
you laugh softly, and it almost makes the headache worth it. "i think that's his way of showing you he cares. did you at least let him have breakfast first?"
levi nods, choosing not to say that he'd actually venmoed farlan cash so that he would leave the house and have breakfast at ihop (farlan’s eyes have never shone brighter)
he’d have inevitably said something that would land levi in a shittier situation than he’s already in
“um,” you begin—from your tone, levi dreads what follows. “so, about last night…”
“sorry for making you drag me back home,” he apologizes immediately. “next time, you can just call farlan or isabel, or even erwin—“
“not hange?” you cut in teasingly.
“never hange.”
that makes you laugh, and levi’s stomach does a little victory lap. he’s being stupid. this is one of his best friends sitting in front of him, not some stranger.
“that’s sweet, although I don’t mind taking you home.” you smile sweetly. “actually, i wanted to ask if you remember anything you said last night.”
yes. “no.”
your brows raise dubiously, and your lips purse in a way that makes him want to kiss that doubtful look off your face. “somehow, I don’t believe that.”
“believe it.”
“c’mon, levi, I know that you weren’t blackout drunk or anything.”
“it was all dark…”
“you’re so dramatic!”
“because I don’t remember?”
“because you’re pretending like you don’t remember!”
“I’m not in love with you!” the words leave him defensively, as he curls back into his chair.
there. the biggest lie of the morning.
slowly, you stand, and walk over to him. nothing on your face betrays that what he said penetrated your thick, beautiful skull.
“well, that sucks.” you take a biscuit from his plate and dip half of it in the tea, taking it out at the perfect time, so that it’s warm and soft but won’t fall on the table.
then you hold it up to his lips and it’s stupid, really. it’s not intentional, more instinct. he opens his mouth for you, letting you give him a bite. something he’d never let any of the rest of his friends do. something he’d only ever trust you to do.
“it’s too bad,” you say, “because all my favorite breakfast foods have honey, so I’m pretty sure I’m a bee. and—and you make me buzz, you know?”
there’s a pause.
“did you just call me your honey?” levi asks disbelievingly.
“you called me a biscuit!”
“when I was drunk, and it was still a better metaphor—jesus, honey doesn’t even make bees buzz.”
“I like you.” you cross your arms with a scowl. “there, at least I can say it sober.”
levi scoffs, trying to ignore the blush spreading across his cheeks. “yeah, in the worst way possible.”
for a beat, the both of you glare at each other.
then you scoff exasperatedly and say, “are you going to kiss me or did you kick farlan out of the house just for being annoying?”
“the latter,” levi declares, before standing, cupping your cheeks, and pressing his lips to yours.
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2jaeh · 3 years
love to hate me | chenle
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you and chenle have been bickering nonstop since high school and your friends think it's time to address your unspoken feelings
genre: fluff, humor
content: gender neutral!reader, enemies to lovers
word count: 2.5k
author lin
Everything went downhill when you were in one of your classic arguments with Zhong Chenle, but instead of barking back with his usual bitter remarks, he said, "Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad" and you could only reply with a measly "What?" before running away. You had no idea why his response had flustered you so much. Chenle was a little shit, he was always finding new ways to get on your nerves and clearly that was his latest tactic. But why did your heart do a somersault as soon as the words left his mouth? The thought of kissing Zhong Chenle should be the most unappealing thing that ever crossed your mind, right?
"Right?" Jeno snapped his fingers right in front of your face to return your attention back to the topic at hand - how you would never in a million years kiss Chenle.
"Yeah, yeah, you're so right." You replied hurriedly, grabbing a pen and trying to focus on the page of notes in front of you.
"That dreamy look in your eyes just a few seconds ago says otherwise," Jaemin teased, sticking his tongue out when you glared at him from across the table, "do you perhaps think Chenle might actually be the heartthrob of your dreams?"
"Please, I just ate my lunch, don't make me wanna puke." You gagged dramatically as Jeno laughed and Jaemin rolled his eyes, a knowing smile still on his face.
"Okay, but hypothetically if you did have some kind of unacknowledged feelings for Chenle, it'd make so much sense." Jaemin said nonchalantly, taking a sip of his pink smoothie while you just frowned.
"I have no idea what you're even going on about." You shook your head.
"Me too, please elaborate." Jeno grinned, adorably dropping his highlighter and resting his hands on the table, like a child awaiting Jaemin's storytelling.
"Well… you two have been going at it ever since high school and nothing has changed," Jaemin shrugged as if whatever he was implying was so obvious, "you're both on each other's minds all the time, it's bound to happen that you'll both realise your actual feelings for each other."
"Are you done writing your fanfiction?" You raised an eyebrow at your friend.
"Just some food for thought." Jaemin held his arms up in surrender.
You and Chenle first met in the eighth grade under very fitting circumstances which set the entire tone for your relationship. Your teacher had set up a little game on the first day of school in which she'd reward whoever answered the most general knowledge questions with a fancy fountain pen. Naturally, the battle between you and Chenle was intense. It wasn't even about the pen anymore, at some point you both just wanted to crush each other. You ended up winning the sudden death round - your teacher had to initiate one because the two of you could've gone on until it was time to go home - and Chenle ended up sulking in defeat. From that moment onwards, he hated you and you hated him.
You two were always competing in academics, debating in class and taking up other activities just to win and get on the other's nerves. "Please tell me how you guys turned baking cupcakes for the school fundraiser into a competitive sport?" Jeno had once asked and you honestly had no reply. That's just how the two of you were. You were always in each other's lives one way or another, making sure the other was having the worst time possible, and it almost felt foreign when Chenle wasn't trying to fight you on why your point was absolutely wrong and vice versa. So when you began to avoid him after the incident, it was a strange, confusing feeling for the both of you.
"You guys are being childish, this isn't high school anymore," Renjun complained as soon as Chenle slumped down onto the bench, uncharacteristically pulling out his lunch in silence, "if you like Y/n, just confess."
"What on earth are you talking about?" Chenle snapped before stuffing a hearty amount of salad into his mouth.
"Y/n…" Jisung added quietly.
"What about Y/n?" Chenle shrugged without much interest in his voice, keeping his eyes on his food.
"You like Y/n, don't you?" Renjun pried, leaning closer to his friend across the table, "ever since Y/n has been ignoring you, you seem a bit down."
"As if," Chenle scoffed, aimlessly jabbing his fork through his salad, "I'm finally at peace now that I don't have to see that annoying face."
"Doesn't seem that way," Jisung countered, dodging a baby tomato that came flying his way, "Now let's not resort to violence."
"Chenle always resorts to violence when he knows he's wrong," Renjun grinned in satisfaction upon seeing Chenle's ears turn red with embarrassment - or anger, who knows, "now can you and Y/n stop acting like little kids and talk through your feelings."
"There's no feelings to talk through," Chenle sighed bitterly, "I don't like Y/n."
"Of course you do," Jisung piped in with a cute giggle, "Y/n is smart and funny and pretty and-"
"I don't fucking like Y/n!" Chenle yelled, earning a few concerned stares from the other students in the quad, before holding his head down.
"I don't fucking like Chenle!" You whined as you let Jeno drag you down the hallway of your dormitory building, "and that's the last time I'm gonna say it."
"Yeah, the last time because instead you'll be yelling about how much you love him." Jaemin grinned sweetly as he walked casually behind the two of you, making you roll your eyes in annoyance.
"Where are we going anyway?" You pondered and, as if on cue, Jeno halted in front of one of the doors.
"Don't ask any more questions, this is for your own good." Jeno insisted before knocking on the door.
The door immediately swung open and Jisung stood in the doorway, a cheesy grin on his cute face. You had only met Chenle's two friends Jisung and Renjun in passing, usually when you were rushing over to gloat about whatever you annihilated Chenle in that week. Likewise, Chenle had only met Jaemin and Jeno through the same reason. Seeing Jisung, as adorable as he was, gave you a bad feeling. If he was greeting you at the door, there was a high chance that the boy you had been avoiding for about a week now was also close by.
"Seriously Jeno, what is going on?" You asked, your tone a bit more stern this time, as you narrowed your eyes at him.
"I said no questions." Jeno replied before pushing you into the dorm.
You, against your own will, arrived in the living room to see Chenle lazily seated on the one seater couch, his legs thrown over the armrest. The person who caught your attention more, however, was Renjun dressed in a suit, spectacles and a pointer in his hand with a white board standing behind him. On the white board was written "Chenle and Y/n: Enemies to Lovers ?? Let's find out today!" Despite the words on the board forcing you to stifle a laugh - it did resemble some clickbait advertisement you'd see on an illegal streaming site - you felt yourself overwhelmed with what your friends were suggesting. After a week of Jaemin insisting that you and Chenle probably had feelings for each other, the thought was constantly nagging at the back of your mind.
"Y/n, welcome to your intervention," Renjun greeted you formally before gesturing towards the couch, "please take a seat."
"This was all a good laugh at first, now I think you guys have officially lost it." You complained, taking a seat on the couch in between Jaemin and Jeno.
"For once I agree with Y/n," Chenle grumbled, sitting upright on his seat, "this is all so stupid."
"Quiet you two." Jisung hushed you guys, waving a threatening index finger at you both.
"Thank you Jisung," Renjun cleared his throat and stood with purpose next to the white board, "Good afternoon everyone, thank you all for joining me for this intervention."
"When is this joke gonna be ov-"
"No interruptions or you'll have to deal with our muscle, Jeno," Renjun cut Chenle's whining off and Jeno flexed his arm to emphasise the threat, "now, today we are here to discuss this ongoing issue between Chenle and Y/n, would anyone like to share their thoughts?"
You and Chenle immediately raised your arms in unison.
"Anyone, besides the offending parties." Renjun shut you both down.
"I have a lot of thoughts," Jaemin raised his hand and Renjun gestured for him to go on, "these two are practically obsessed with each other, everything they do is to get a reaction from the other, I think they should stop acting like a pair of kids and just admit they like each other."
"Please don't be ridiculous," Chenle rolled his eyes before glaring right at you, "Y/n is an insufferable thorn in my back."
"Takes one to know one." You glared right back at him.
"Have you two ever stopped to wonder why you can't just stay out of each other's lives?" Renjun asked with a frown on his face, "and that aside, what on earth happened that you've been avoiding each other?"
"Nothing happened." You answered too quickly and Chenle gave you a quizzical look.
"Yeah… nothing happened." Chenle added, his voice sounding very unconvincing.
"Can you ever do anything right?" You groaned, grabbing the textbook and opting to just fill out the questionnaire yourself.
"I'm the one doing it right, I don't know what the hell you're doing." Chenle countered, pulling the textbook to place it back in the middle of you two on the desk in the library.
"You're such an impossible person to work with," You grumbled softly, balling your hands into fists when Chenle snatched the assignment away from in front of you, "just why did you have to sit next to me and get us partnered up for this thing."
"Don't act like you're not jumping for joy on the inside." Chenle smirked mischievously.
"What the hell are you even on about?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad." Chenle sang in a teasing voice and you froze.
"What?" You replied weakly before quickly turning your attention to stuff all your books and stationery into your bag.
"Y/n?" You heard Chenle call out to you in a soft voice, but you just threw your bag over your shoulder and rushed out of the library.
It was stupid. It was childish. It was never like you to ever get worked up over anything that came out Chenle's mouth, better yet something that ridiculous. But that image of kissing Chenle intruded your mind so quickly and you just couldn't make any sense of it. How could something give you butterflies and mortify you at the same time?
"I have a suggestion," Jeno raised his hand, "how about Y/n and Chenle talk things out themselves? Seems like they have a lot of things to discuss without us."
"That's a good idea," Renjun agreed before beckoning the two of you up to your feet, "you guys should go have a heart to heart on the balcony."
"Like in the movies!" Jisung beamed.
"Except we'll be sitting right here monitoring to make sure they don't murder each other. " Jaemin snickered.
"Do we have to?" You groaned softly, uselessly looking at Jeno and Jaemin for an exit and they just shook their heads.
Renjun practically pushed you two out onto the balcony, with some help from the muscle Jeno, and shut the glass sliding door. You both watched as they settled down back in the living room, Jaemin giving you a satisfied grin as he motioned for you to get on with it.
"Do you think they're right?" Chenle's calm voice caught you off guard and you quickly turned your head to face him.
"Do you?" You asked bluntly.
Chenle laughed under his breath, letting his head drop as his eyes closed in thought. When he lifted his head, the glow of the afternoon sun rested right on him as he ran a hand through his pastel coloured hair. He was a good looking dude, you would never admit that to him, but you weren't about to lie to yourself about that. He was funny too. You honestly had to stop yourself from laughing a few times during some of your fights. He was also nice - sometimes, you guess - like when you got a really bad mark in the tenth grade because you wrote the test while sick and he didn't bother to gloat about beating you.
"Why are you staring at me?" Chenle grinned cheekily and you huffed in annoyance. 
"Sometimes… you don't seem that bad." You admitted, keeping your eyes on the city beneath you rather than the boy in front of you.
"Maybe we are being a bit childish," Chenle tapped your chin with his finger to get you to look at him, "I guess after years of competing with you and just getting on your nerves, I never knew how else to be around you."
"I'll admit that too, high school me always thought we were fated enemies so I just didn't grow out of it," You chuckled awkwardly, "I didn't think this would all cause our friends to think there's some unspoken romantic tension between us."
"That brings me back to my initial question," Chenle bit down on his lip as he stepped closer to you and you folded your arms across your chest, trying to stand your ground, "do you think they're right?"
"Why did you say that… the last time?" You asked, refusing to answer his question.
"Oh… that?" Chenle giggled, "Jaemin told me I should try it out to see how you'd react. I guess you unconsciously confirmed his theory."
"Both of you are such jerks." You responded bitterly.
"But it's true right?" Chenle pestered, leaning in closer to you, "you wanna kiss me so-"
Without letting him get the last laugh, you cupped his face in your hands and kissed him. He gasped into the kiss, his eyes widened as he tried to process what was happening. You heard a shriek from inside the room, presumably Jaemin since his ship was sailing, but you ignored it as you pulled Chenle closer to deepen the kiss. Chenle's eyes eventually fluttered closed as he melted into your lips, his hands nervously hovering over your waist before you pulled away and gave him a proud smirk, his head unconsciously following yours before he sheepishly stepped backwards.
"And I guess you wanted to kiss me so bad too." You mocked him, ignoring the ruckus that was happening on the other side of the glass sliding door.
"Sometimes… you don't seem so bad either." Chenle chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
"So how about we start sharing that fountain pen from eighth grade and move on from our rivalry." You smiled, letting him lace his fingers through yours.
"Ah~ that damn fountain pen that started it all," Chenle chuckled before planting a soft peck onto your cheek and nodding smugly, "I agree, let's do that."
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Anon Request: As someone tired of Y/N’s being spineless cowards around fangirls that disrespect her and cause her issues cuz they love her bf, let’s have Atsumu, Terushima, Oikawa, and Sakusa react to their usually gentle black!gf clocking these bitches with no hesitation. She’s nice and tried to avoid them, but they wanted to intimidate her and they were greeted with a fist to the face with the force of a pro-boxer.
Fangirl: Stay away from him! He belongs to us!
Y/N: 🙂 *cocks back and punches her before looking at other fangirls* Anyone else? No? Good, I’m getting my back blown out after this anyways *goes to her bf*
A/N: lmfao, anon, thank you for giving me a good laugh with this one
Characters: timeskip!Miya Atsumu, Terushima Yuuji, Oikawa Tooru, Sakusa Kiyoomi
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🏐This was one of his games that you could finally go to, your schedule finally being cleared up
🏐It definitely wasn't the same watching your boyfriend play on TV, once again amazed at your boyfriend's talent
🏐He had scored the game winning point, his teammates and the crowd growing wild
🏐You hadn't told him you were coming, wanting to surprise him, so you waited outside of the stands, but you could see the many reporters lined up to interview him
🏐When he was done, you couldn't help but bounce on the balls of your feet, ready to see his reaction
🏐He doesn't notice you at first, so you call his name, and he looks around, his eyes widening when he spots you, and he's running over to you quickly, giving you a huge, sweaty hug
🏐"What're ya doing here?" he asks in disbelief, and you respond that you finally had free time from work
🏐He gives you another hug despite your protests before peppering your face in kisses, and your giggles stop along with his kisses when someone calls his name
🏐You both look and see a group of women all with his jersey number on them, and you instantly recognize them as the fangirls that you've noticed always hanging around whenever he did interviews
🏐He keeps his arm around your waist, and he steps a little closer to them. "Can I help ya?"
🏐You don't miss the way they eye you, and you raise an eyebrow at them
🏐"Is she your sister?"
🏐You laugh beside yourself at the petty question, not even being the least bothered by it, and Atsumu denies it, telling them that you're his girlfriend
🏐They all seemed more than shocked. "Oh," one of them starts. "I just expected her to be different?"
🏐Now you're pissed. Atsumu starts to defend you but you cut him off. "No, no, it's alright. They clearly have something to say," you start, stepping forward. "So, if you do. Say it."
🏐They all look between each other as you raise your eyebrows. "Atsumu there's no way you'd go for someone like her--"
🏐You deck her in the face, rolling your eyes when he falls onto the floor like a dramatic bitch
🏐"Oh, no, it looks like my hand slipped," you reply sarcastically as Atsumu's eyes widen, never seeing you or expecting you to do this
🏐You start walking away, stepping over the girl rolling on the ground holding her nose before turning to Atsumu. "Babe, you gotta get changed, right? Let's go."
🏐He jumps out of the shock he was in, glancing down at the girl on the ground, who's now being helped up by her friends before he runs after you
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✂️"I know, I'm sorry. I'll remember next time," and you roll your eyes at the phrase that he says every time he forgets
✂️You were visiting your boyfriend at work because he had an annoying habit of forgetting his lunch
✂️You walk into the salon, seeing Terushima immediately, and his eyes widen in surprise before turning into a guilty smirk when you hold up the food
✂️"What did I tell you?" you scold when you walk up to him, and he kisses your forehead as he takes the food from you
✂️He thanks you again before giving you a soft kiss on the lips, and you're walking towards the door when you hear it
✂️"You know, Yuuji, you're pretty cute. Did I ever tell you that?"
✂️You stop in your tracks, spinning around on your heels to see his client blatantly flirting with him when you know she saw you interacting with him
✂️He responds with an awkward chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck, stating that he's taken, glancing your way
✂️"Oh, I didn't notice," she replies, and you watch her with a deadpanned look
✂️You walk up beside him, tiltling your head to the side
✂️"You need something?"
✂️She doesn't even seemed phased, giving you a simple shrug that makes you narrow your eyes at her
✂️This was sort of a regular occurrence, but no one's been this bold before, and you always caught the stares from other women, because duh your boyfriend's hot
✂️"This your girlfriend?" she asks, distain in her voice. "She seems like a bitch."
✂️"Excuse me?"
✂️"Aww, don't be like that. Most guys lower their standards, you know?" You cut her off, your fist connecting with her face before Terushima can even blink
✂️She actually tries to fight you back, but she obviously loses, getting to the point where her only goal is getting you off of her
✂️Terushima's thinking that's my girl, but then he's like oh shit, I have to stop this LMFAO
✂️He's quickly pulls you off of her, having a surprisingly hard time doing so
✂️"You chose the wrong one, bitch. Show your face here again and see what happens." She's quick to leave, and when you finally calm down, you realized that you just beat up someone in public, and Terushima almost loses his job 💀
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🇦🇷You both stop when you hear someone call his name, both of you turning your attention towards the voice
🇦🇷You were walking out the gym hand-in-hand with your boyfriend going somewhere to celebrate after another win
🇦🇷When you walk out of the gym, the crowd has pretty much disappear due to Oikawa having a ton of interviews
🇦🇷He wraps his arm around you as you both laugh at an inside joke that you both had before he plants a kiss to your forehead
🇦🇷There's a small group of women with flags and wearing your boyfriend's jersey and he gives them a polite smile
🇦🇷This is nothing new for either of you, both of you already knowing what they want
🇦🇷He asks if they want a picture, already knowing the answer, and you easily take the pictures, this routine like clockwork to you
🇦🇷They giggle happily as you hand the phone back to one of them, and they all thank him before one of them speaks up
🇦🇷"Uh, this might sound weird, but are you seeing anyone?" You blink dumbly at her, like they didn't just see the two of you together
🇦🇷Oikawa has the same look on his face as he walks back to you, wrapping an arm around your waist before kissing your temple as he gives them a duh look, silently answering her question
🇦🇷"Are you sure?" another asks, and both you and Oikawa frown at the same time, as you feel yourself scoff
🇦🇷"More than anything in the world," he responds confidently
🇦🇷This isn't the first time fangirls have tried to come between your relationship, and he'll be damned if he lets it happen again
🇦🇷They all give each other questionable looks as you roll your eyes
🇦🇷"Is there a problem?" The tone in your voice surprises him, this being the first time he's heard aggression towards someone
🇦🇷"No, of course not," one answers sarcastically before reaching over and tugging your boyfriend over to them, the force so hard that he almost falls over. "We just think he would look better, happier with one of us."
🇦🇷You chuckle as you shake your head, and you reach over to take your hand off of your boyfriend, but she grabs at your wrist
🇦🇷Your reflexes are quick to kick in, and you yank both yours and Oikawa's wrist out of her grip before punching her in the face, probably harder than you needed to, but you were fucking pissed
🇦🇷Another girl tries to lunge for you, but you buck at her, making her quickly recoil. "You trynna get hit too?"
🇦🇷Oikawa's more than surprised, but he quickly puts his hand in yours before pulling you away from them with a proud smirk on his face
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😷He sighs heavily as he turns to see a couple of women walking towards the both of you, his shoulders slumping slightly
😷Sakusa's never been a big fan of groups of people coming up to him after games, his number one priority getting home and relaxing after his game
😷You understand this pretty well, always helping him make his way out of the gym trying to find the route with the lowest chance of coming in contact with a lot of people
😷You had just made it out the doors, and Sakusa's about to take a breath of relief when he hears someone yelling his name
😷He's not really used to having "fangirls" a term that you use, and bottom line, he doesn't like it
😷They always crowd him, always trying to pry into his personal life, which is why he was so drawn to you when you first met
😷You were the complete opposite, more on the gentle, quieter side which he appreciated, liking that he could come home to you after a lot of excitement and just relax
😷"I'm sorry, but Sakusa doesn't really do pictures," you speak up, another reason why he really appreciates you, showing you by giving your hand a soft squeeze
😷But to his dismay, they don't back down, they actually turn pretty hostile pretty quickly
😷"Oh, relax, it's just one picture," she argues, and you give her a small smile
😷"I know, but seriously, he doesn't really care for them," you try again, and they both scoff
😷"What are you? His babysitter?" You raise your eyebrows at them as you turn your body towards them
😷"I'm his girlfriend. And I'm telling you that he doesn't want a picture."
😷"Well, you seem like a piece of shit girlfriend." You run your tongue over your teeth as you nod your head, and she actually has the audacity to try and reach for you
😷Before Sakusa can stop her, you dodge her hand before clocking her in the face, she hunches over in pain
😷The other girl tries to do the same, but you repeat your actions, putting her in the same position as her friend
😷"You got some audacity you dumb bitch, the fuck?"
😷To say the least, Sakusa is floored, your actions he least expected to come from you
😷"Hope you enjoy your broken nose. I'm gonna enjoy my boyfriend fucking his piece of shit girlfriend into next week."
😷Sakusa chokes as you pull him away, his face heating up at your words
😷"Did you really have to end with that?"
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syubub · 4 years
How to Comfort Them
Woop woop! A disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Hell yeah. How do they receive comfort best when they need it? I took this specifically as them having a shitty day or week or something along those lines
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Let him wallow
You comfort Seokjin by affirming his right to feel his feelings and let him deal with it on his own time
He can be a bit dramatic but its short lived
Why does this feel like a roast?
Its not I promise
Seokjin just needs to feel and let it go. He doesn't hold on the things for long but trying to force him to talk anything out is a big no thanks
I think being alone really comforts him most but if he's close to someone I think he'd be down to be alone together
He feels comfort by people staying by his side. He might be the type to have a really shitty day and just wants to sit on the couch and watch TV and not talk about it
When he does want to talk about it though, its best to give him honest advice even if it brutally honest
Jinnie has no time for bullshit and he doesn't want sugar coated shit. If he wants an opinion he'll ask for it and be very aware of what he's asking for.
Another way to comfort Jin is possibly distraction. Again its not an always answer but fun nonsense can help him shake off the blues for sure!
Maybe give him a blanket and and some jellies
I also think he'd really not like anyone seeing him cry?
I think if you stumbled upon a crying Jin that needs comfort the best thing you could do is ask if he needs anything and let him know that you're there?
Also maybe if this is like sad sad sad and he's crying in the bathroom or something it might be helpful to sit on the other side of the door and talk to him if he wants to? and get him water?
Idk I think jin can be pretty guarded especially like this so this would probably never happen
Its more likely that he'll flop down on his bed or couch and just hang out
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Oki yoobi
Hold his fucking hand
I'm kidding (kinda)
For yoongi, I think he's similar to Jin in that he doesn't want to be told that everything is sunshine and rainbows and he also doesn't want to be treated like a child
For yoobi I think that he'd feel comforted by talking about what/why he feels like shit
Its like he wants to know that he isn't alone but he also doesn't like to seek out comfort bc he doesn't think he's worth it
He'd probably feel a lot of comfort laying in a dark room with calming repetitive sounds
Smack a pair of noise canceling headphones on him with nothing playing
I think that a great way to comfort yoongi if he was having a bad day is by softly showing support and letting him know that he's being thought of?
Things like letters and stuff are really good
I also think distracting him from bad habits that he used to comfort himself is a v good idea
You see him nomming down his nails to tiny nubs? Offer him something to hold (or slap his hand if you're feeling sassy)
But really though comfort for yoongi is something he'd want to be subtle and ever-present so he can access it when its needed most and he'd definitely want to seek out on his own.
I was thinking too, like if he had a panic attack or anxiety attack DO NOT TOUCH HIM I feel strongly about this. Let him seek out physical comfort and 1,000% ask if he wants to be touched
He just seems skittish in this way and I think that he'd respond a lot better if he gets to seek physical comfort out on his own
You hear that people that will meet Yoongi?
BUT if yoongi was really really close with his s.o I could see him searching and asking for cuddles. Two kinds. Smol curled up yoongi would want to be curled around (kinda like nigiri) if things are pretty bad and serious or him laying in between his s.os legs with his head on their stomach specifically so he can have his hair played with.
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Show up for him
Remind him that he is loved and sweet and perfect
Definitely ignite his passions again
Take him dancing
Watch a movie that reminds him of a good memory
You'll have to kinda sus out what exactly is bothering him though
Maybe buy him something sweet like a teddy bear or dinner or take him somewhere
Just don't let him wallow. He needs time to process and stuff but getting him up and out of his funk is great!
Take him to an arcade or even just out for a long drive
I think hobi is the type to need stimulation in a thoughtful way so you'd have to assess the situation and see what's appropriate
Bc hobi might also just want to chill
I think he'd also be really big on physical comfort
Sharing a bed
Massage even
Yes I'm gonna say it
(18+) he'd enjoy a nice frick frack or a boot knocking if you will
Maybe run him a nice bath and wine and dine him tbh
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Comfort joonie by letting him know that he doesn't have to know everything or have a solution for it
I think kinda taking over his role of inspiring speech giver would help him bc he has so much wisdom and advice but can also have a blind spot when it comes to himself
Let him not be logical
Let him impulse buy 43 new plants all named after the kind of plant they are
I think a nice bear hug and some wise words will be comforting to him
Also the words "you're doing a great job, you got this" and "It's okay to feel this way. Let yourself feel what you feel"
Home boi wouldn't mind if, say, he had a shitty day and you bought him an orchid and named it Orca
Really though I think a gentle reminder that he is human and some basic grounding would really help.
I think too with a significant other I could 100% see him finding immense comfort in feeling the other persons heartbeat? Like if he was in bad shape and his s.o needed to calm him down they could just grab his hand and put it over their heart? Cute shit.
I think rubbing comforting circles on his back when in the proper situation.
Also forehead-pressing?
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Chim chim gets comfort by love in every form
By him a gift
Give him words of affirmation
Make him food so he doesn't have to
Just be there for him
Write him letters
Really though. Affection of any kind is often welcomed from him
He'd also feel especially comforted if he didn't have to do anything? Like if you could take away responsibility from him for a little that would be awesome
Jimin is a very love/affection forward guy and I think that he'd really really really enjoy a nice top of the head smooch
Sometimes he'd just want to be hugged while he cries
Or sometimes he needs genuine advice and help working through what bothers him
Jimin is a mixed bag and I think its situational but he'd definitely be down for a good ole hug
Maybe too if you suggest things to him. Maybe advice or maybe ways to cheer him up!
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This is also very much how Tae comforts army
Cheer him on
Let him know that you love him and that even if things are shit that you're there for him
He'd respond very well to comforting actions and words
I think he needs to cry and feel and do what he does but he feels most comforted when he's reminded that he means something to someone
Positivity and passion go a long way for comforting him
I think if you can also remind him of something that he's done for you, something positive that he's done in you're life that might help him feel a little better
If you can relate to him without making it about you
I think also recognizing his good qualities when he can't
Definitely put him in the sunshine
Give him a nice bevy and sit him in the sunshine
Playing a card game or a board game? Idk why
take him to get waffles at 2am or something new and out of the ordinary
Mostly though snuggles and hugs do the trick.
He's a very feely human and I think having something solid is helpful
ESPECIALLY for his s.o
if Taes future/current s.o is reading... you probably get held a lot. For a long time. Homie is like a little cephalopod
I think he'd also enjoy a nice comfort nap
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Oki oki oki
Love him
But not too much
When he's down he tends to have clouded vision
Its like he can't see infront of him and can't see anything that he's done and he feels like he's never accomplished anything ever
He feels loss of control
That's no good
A good way to help that is to help him find clarity
Help him to see the light at the end of the tunnel
He also probably has nighmares/can't sleep when things get really bad so either something like buying him a new sleepy tea or being there for him when he can't sleep
Help sooth his anxiety
He needs that
I definitely think he gets frustrated with himself easily and if you can help him not take it out on himself or turn it inwards then that's really good
He'd benefit from a movie night and a fort
He'd probably be the type to benefit from a talk about what's bothering him but only sitting side by side so you aren't looking into his eyes
Maybe even like on the swings at a park or something
I just think opening up for him is hard so meeting him where he's comfortable is good
That could be texting back and forth even if you're in the same room or on the swings or over street food
I think he'd like it if he had a weighted blanket
Quiet comfort is good for him so he has something grounding him
Maybe if things are not great take him to a rage room or to go kick boxing.
Some semi productive way to channel his energy
Drive him out of the city to go scream into the æther
Idk but being with him while giving him space is good
I think with a s.o he'd maybe seek physical comfort but idk
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Hey if you are taking requests could you please write something where Harry leaves Y/N for someone whom he thinks is better than her and is a major tool while leaving Y/N and then soon realizes that he only loves Y/N and goes to get her back but she isn't convinced easily! But please let it be a happy ending!!
>>My first request! Excuse me while I go die from how excited I’ve been over this. Also, got way too into this and got a bit carried away... and the ending well.. I debated it for too long.
word count: 3.3k
warnings: Language // Mentions of depression, anxiety // Unhealthy amount of ice cream consumption // Harry is a dick // angsty // mentions of smut but nothing fancy
You laid in bed alone for what felt like the millionth time in the last few months. The spot besides you that was usually filled with your loving boyfriend was now empty and as cold as the northern winters. You tried to ignore that nagging deep pit of dread in your stomach when you turned on your side to face the wall.
You knew something wasn’t right but you didn’t want to admit it to yourself. Just a little bit longer of being in denial before you had to face up to the facts.
Harry was out running around on you.
Your eyes filled with unfallen tears as your fingers dug into the soft plush of your pillow. You tried your best to hold it in, to not let your thoughts get the best of you. You tried to rationalize everything he’d done lately that had seemed weird or off. The late nights, the way he guarded his phone like it was his most prized possession. You could rationalize some of it but not all of it, that sinking feeling in your chest only worsened as the minutes on the clock ticked by.
You started to wonder how someone could throw away a five year relationship so easily. How he could possibly come home and look you in the eyes after spending time doing god-knows-what, with a straight face? The feelings of hurt slowly started to wash away into anger as the sun blared its way through the lace curtains you’d bought specifically because Harry liked them.
Fuck those goddamn curtains, you thought as you flung yourself out of your warm and comfortable bed. The tears you had been refusing to cry finally fell in rivers as you ripped the delicate and expensive lace down from the window. Your body shook with a flood of emotions you couldn’t begin to describe as you stared at what you’d done.
You felt like those curtains- torn to shreds, laying like a rag on the floor like yesterday's garbage.
And you used to be so happy.
You dried your eyes with the back of your hand. Fuck this, you were worth more than this. More than sitting around waiting on some man to come home after getting his dick wet somewhere else.
His bags with all his stupid expensive clothes by the front door while you lounged in your nicest outfit, drinking your glass of wine at 6 in the morning. You thought maybe you had gone a bit overboard on being petty but in all honesty, he should just be happy his Gucci didn’t end up on the front lawn. You had some class still reserved.
When the front door finally creaked open at 7:20 your heart felt like it could drop. The back of your tongue was thick and hairy with nerves and venomous words you wanted to spew. The look of surprise on his face satisfied that demon of pure rage in your mind. Of couse, he would think that you’d just be off to work again, that you’d ignore this, again.
No words were spoken as he fully entered into what was once, a very happy home. His green eyes fell on you sipping on your drink, your legs kicked up on the stool in front of you as you relaxed into the chair. Determined to not let him see the fact you were nothing but a mess, ready to break at any moment.
“Wot’s this then?” He asked even though you both knew he didn’t need to.
He knew damn well what this was. He had wanted to break up for months, maybe even longer. Things had changed or maybe it was just him that changed. One thing he did know for sure was that you weren’t Camille. You’d never be her and well… That was the problem.
Ever since the two had been forced to work together again, Harry had realized that spark for her was still there and the girl was everything you weren’t. Sophisticated, educated, gorgeous down to her bones. Sure, you were pretty but you weren’t the famous type of pretty. No, you were just a boring kindergarten teacher who he happened to cross paths with one day.
“Figured you were smart enough to work that one out for yourself.” Your sharp words were a total contrast to your demeanor. You shrugged, your eyes not bothering to look at him when he gave a short, sarcastic, laugh.
“Yeh gonna pay fo’ this place by yehself?” His arrogant voice rang through the home you now hated with a burning passion. Your glass clinked against the glass of the side table when you sat it down. Your body finally turned just enough to him to see whatever was lurking behind his eyes was anything but remorse.
“Nope. Going to move out once I find a new place. Until then, you can stay wherever you want, not my concern.”
“This is my house, Y/N.” He argued. His patience with you running thin as you stood from your spot. The heat and rage that built in your chest finally came to a breaking point.
“The person who cheats gets to couch surf, you fucking asshole.” You seethed, the anger, pain, and hurt couldn’t stay bottled in any longer even if you tried. Your face burned as you looked at him, your body shaking as you clenched your fist.
“Yeh don’t know shit.” He scoffed not caring one bit that you were seconds away from breaking.
“Oh really? Where were you last night?” You asked, hands on your hips, knowing whatever was about to come out of his mouth was about to be nothing but bullshit.
“With Jeff.”
“Alexa, Call Jeff.” You called out loud enough for the smart device to hear. The color from Harry’s face drained as his and your friends' groggy morning voice came over the speaker.
“Was Harry with you last night?” You asked as you stared directly into Harry’s eyes. Tears clouded your vision as he looked back at you.
“What? No?” Jeff said through his barely awaken state.
“Get the fuck out.” You barked at Harry. Storming towards the door to open it for him.
“Fuck you, Y/N. Jesus, you’re so fuckin' dramatic.” He rolled his eyes as his hands picked up the bags that laid on the floor in front of him. “Yeh got so many damn problems I can’t wait to get away from yeh. Every week it’s somethin’ else. My anxiety this, my depression that. How do expect anyone to be happy around you when you suck the fuckin’ will to live out of everyone?”
“Screw you.” You said through clenched teeth. Your eyes burned from how hard you were crying. You couldn’t believe he had used all those things you confided in him about against you.
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck me, I get it. At least I’ll be happy with someone else.” He shook his head at you before he walked out the door. The slam of the wood hitting the frame vibrated the walls, the ceiling, your chest.
“I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”You heard over your sobbing but you couldn’t calm down enough to stop. Your arms wrapped around yourself in a hug as you nodded your head, knowing he couldn’t see it but it was the only type of communication you could do right now. Your heart felt like it was literally ripped from your chest.
The words Harry said ran through your mind more than you’d ever like to admit. Late at night as you laid in bed staring up at the ceiling of your new apartment you wondered if it was true. If you did force people away from you with all your problems. If you chased him away from you.
You couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every time you were alone or had a moment of peace it was the first thing that popped into your head.
Maybe you were the problem all along. It made sense, you were the common denominator in all your relationships that ended terrible. All your relationships ended terrible and now you realized, it was because of you.
“That’s not true.” Jeff said softly from the other side of the cafe table. His hand reached out to take yours. His thumb running over the back of it as you tried your best to not break down in public.
“Feels like it.” You mumbled. The fork in your other hand pushed the food on your plate around.
“It’s not true. You have so many friends and we all love you. Harry was a dick.” His irritated voice brought a slight smile to the edge of your lips. Jeff had somehow become your life line in the last few weeks.
He had brought you groceries, sat with you when you cried into a tub of ice cream, held your hair back when you tried to drink your feelings away with cheap liquor. He had been an amazing friend, not that he wasn’t one before but now that you two had more time one-on-one, you realized how sweet he could be and how great he was at cheering you up.
“Want me to kick him?” He asked, his big toothy smile across his face when you finally let out a laugh, one he hadn’t heard in what felt like forever.
Whatever small sense of normalcy you were feeling again was short-lived. The bell on the door sent you crashing back down to reality when you saw the head of brown curls enter into the building. A pretty blonde on his arm, smiling brightly up to him like he had just told the world's best joke.
“Fuck.” Jeff said under his breath. The hand connected to yours quickly pulled you up from your seat. His arm around your shoulders, trying to block you from their sight as he guided you towards the door.
“Thanks for taking the trash out, Jeff.” She said in the sickeningly sweet voice. A gloating smile across her face when she looked at you.
Your already low self esteem dropped to deeps you couldn’t imagine when your puffy red eyes met Harry’s. For a second, he looked remorseful for what she said. A look of shock briefly fluttered on his face before turning to stone. Not like it surprised you, what he had said had been so much worse.
Jeff shook his head, glaring at Harry before he pulled you fully outside the building. The cool air licked across the wet streaks on your cheek that you hadn’t even realized was there. You sighed, head against Jeff’s chest as he walked you both back to your place.
Harry laid in bed that night. The image of your defeated face couldn't leave his mind. Your puffy red eyes like you'd been crying for days filled his wandering thoughts.
He couldn't understand why he couldn't get you out of his mind. He swore he wanted this. The urge to leave the relationship built in him for so long and now he laid next to the only person he swore he loved.
So why did he feel so empty?
Memories of you sitting on the couch beside him, reading to him out loud as you stroked your fingers through his hair flooded his mind. The way you'd look down at him with that crooked smile whenever he said something cheeky about the characters in the novel.
He sighed, his hands ran over his face in the darkened room. He couldn't stop, more like, his mind couldn't stop.
The way you hugged him tighter than anyone else he'd ever known.
The way you'd tell him all about the kids in your class and how much they loved him or his music.
Your cooking, God, he even missed the nights when you'd fuck you dinner and you two would end up ordering pizza. He even missed your sad attempt at biscuits that you tried, and failed, to make every month.
He missed your caring nature. How you'd never call anyone rubbish, even if you hated them, even if they'd wronged you in some way.
He turned in his spot in the bed. His eyes focused on the pretty blonde beside him. Her eyes fluttered open at the movement, a smile on her face when she saw him looking at her.
"Love you." She mumbled, her head nuzzled into his chest that felt like it was being ripped out.
The memory of you saying those words for the first time to him popped in his mind. The way your smile lit up the room when he said it back. Your soft lips against his, kissing him with a hunger and passion he'd never felt before. His hips rocking soft waves into yours as he mumbled to words over and over again close to your ear while your climax hit you.
His heart sank. The feeling of regret was an overwhelming black hole in the bottom of his stomach. The eyes that weren't yours blinked back at him.
"I can't do this." He said as he pushed her away. His body rolled out of the bed in an instant, quickly grabbing for his clothes to leave her house as soon as possible.
"You can't be serious." She scoffed, that soft sweet facade she had started to crack under her aggravation.
"I don't love you." He stated as plainly as he could. He thought he loved her, swore he did, but whatever he was feeling towards her wasn't anything more than last.
You were the one by his side through thick and thin. He was just too much of a dumb-ass to notice it before.
"She's not going to take you back." Camille shot back at him as she scooped up the blankets in her hands to cover herself as he started for her front door. "You're going to regret this, Harry."
He sighed, his hand ran through his hair, tongue wetting his lips as his hand rested on the door knob. He shook his head before opening the door without a word back to her.
The only thing he would regret was letting you go.
The pounding at your door startled you out of your sugar induced ice cream coma. The empty tub fell to the ground with a loud thud and tinkling of the metal spoon skipping across the linoleum floors. The only sound other than the obnoxious loud bangs was coming from your television, the blue light engulfed the small room all around you.
"Summer, Sid stabbed Nancy... Seven times with a kitchen knife. I mean, we've had some disagreements but I hardly think I'm Sid Vicious." Joseph Gordon-Levitt's pleas for Zooey Deschanel to not end things with him echoed against your bare walls.
Pathetic, you thought to be groveling for someone to not leave you, but yet it was so goddamn relatable.
The slamming of a fist against your door brought you back to reality. You groaned the blanket flung off you as you called out that you were coming, to shut up before they woke your neighbors.
"What the fuck do you want?" Was the first thing out of your mouth when you finally opened your front door. The person standing in front of you was the last person you wanted to see right now.
"Please, Y/N, jus'- jus' listen. Okay?" His words stumbled out of his mouth and as much as you wanted to hate him, you couldn't.
You swallowed as you stepped aside for him to come into your apartment. Not wanting your new neighbors to hear all your business. A curt nod of your head was the only answer you gave him. Your arms across your chest as you stared at the floor in front of you. A part of you wanted to hear but the other didn't.
"I- I," He sighed, his fingers tugged his bottom lip to a point as he looked at you. Nerves radiating off him. "'M so sorry, Y/N, for everythin'."
"I think you should go." You said when your lip started to quiver. Tears welling in your eyes again. What you wouldn't give to go 4 hours without bursting into tears.
"Y/N," he said softly his hand cupped your face. His thumb brushing over your cheek to wipe away the tears and for a second, you leaned into the comfort he was giving you.
Until you remembered he was the reason you were hurt.
Your hand smacked his away as you backed up from him. You brows furrowed, your skin that he touched burned like a fresh sunburn when your fingers ran against it.
"Go!" You yelled, your finger pointing towards the door as he stood there dumbfounded.
"No." He said after a long moment of silence. The words shattering the deafening quiet in the room, cutting like a blade through the tension between you two.
"I. Said. To. Leave." You growled from low in your chest. Anger but mostly hurt and pain from the bitter sting of rejection fueled your words.
"Not until I say what I want to say." His fallen face made a pathetic laugh come from you. He had no right to ask or demand for anything from you.
"Don't you get it? You lost your chance to say anything to me!" You didn't try to hold back your emotions that ran through your voice.
"I fucked up, I know but-"
"Goddamn it, Harry. It's not always about you!" You shouted, your arms flung from your chest as you yelled at him. "You ripped my heart out and dangled it in front of me."
"I love yeh, 'm so sorry. 'M so sorry."
"I don't love you." Your voice cracked as you lied to him. Your puffy swollen eyes swarmed in oceans of tears when his own bloodshot watery ones met yours.
"Y'don't mean that." He said quietly his small footsteps across the floor inched closer and closer to you. Your head nodding that yes you did mean it as you choked out a sob.
"I do mean it." You lied more. Your lips trembled in time with your tears as he grew closer. Your back against the wall, literally, when he finally stood in front of you.
"Know yeh don't. Know yeh jus' want to hurt me like I did to yeh." He muttered, his hand pushed away the few strands of hair that bad fallen into your face. "Yeh can hurt me how ever yeh want fo' the rest of m'life if yeh give me a second chance."
His words stung. Your head buried deep in his chest as your hand grasped on his shirt, and the last bit of sanity you had left floating through your mind.
"I'd do anythin', love. Please." He begged his head rested against your forehead. His chest pressed against yours, his cologne filling the air around you.
Your eyes fluttered open just enough to see him look as wrecked as you felt. His eyes sunken with dark circles, hair a mess, tears down his own face.
Maybe you'd hate yourself and curse yourself one day for this but you couldn't deny the truth.
You were totally fucked for him.
Without another moment of thought or argument running in your mind, your lifted your lips to his. Those soft cushions felt like home against your own. A weight you didn't realize you had laying in your chest lifted when his hands cupped your face, bringing you impossibly closer to him.
His tongue dominating your own when you parted your lips for him. Warm sensations of being close to him like this again ran down your spine as you tugged him towards your bedroom.
A smile formed on your lips as you both stumbled over the threshold to your room. The wrecklessness of trusting him again with your heart never crossed your mind for more than a second.
If anyone was ever going to destroy you, you'd gladly let it be him.
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 4 years
Demon Bite
Avengers x reader
A/N: This is new and I'm excited! But there is some blood and gore that I have always wanted to write in my stories and I think that now is my chance. So I hope you enjoy and that this fic is a success if not I will learn to try again.
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Hitchhiking and stealing a couple of bucks from people was my lifestyle, for a while. Well, ever since I've been solo. Inside I know it's a bad thing but its survival.
A couple of bucks gives me a nice hotel, with a semi soft bed, a hot shower and sometimes a meal to fill me up for a week or two..oh and free breakfast. Talking about a meal....
"You were supposed to get the menthol cigarettes not this shit!" A hard smack echoed throughout the almost empty lobby. The tears and bruises made my blood boil and stomach growl.
After shoving, I'm guessing his wife into the room he looked around. I just waved my hand and winked at him. His dirty smile and smell made my nose burn.
"What room?" He spoke loud enough for me to hear.
"16" I said giving him another wink and walked away making sure his eyes were on me. Fuckin pig.
Before getting my stuff ready to leave right away i decide to call the lobby.
"Hello blackbird hotel, how may I assist?" Perfect it's the lady.
"Yes, do you mind coming to room 16 It sounds as If there is something in the vents and it's kinda disturbing my sleep."
"I will send some-"
"No! "I didn't mean to shout. But I had to, i wanted it to go to plan.
"I would want a woman to come, usually men somehow think that we are dramatic"
Finally she agreed and I panicked trying to find a way to tell her that I was going to kill the bastard of her husband.
While splashing some water on my face a knock on the door made me slip on some water that I had dropped.
"Coming" I opened the door to find the poor lady with a now purple eye. I moved aside letting her pass, then I heard it. A soft pitter patter, this lady is with child.
"So where is the noise coming from" I rubbed my hands and offered her some water and asked for her to take a seat.
"There is no noise..." she stayed quiet and I noticed her breathing speed up.
"I'm not going to do anything to you, but, do you love your partner?" A tear rolled down her cheek and shook her head.
"I fuckin hate him; I wish he where gone" she drank the water and a huge wave of relief washed over me.
"What if I can grant you that wish?" Her eyes sparked. This woman was desperate, and she despised him.
"How?" I placed my hand on hers and told her not to worry.
Another knock made her jump in fear. This man had done some damage to her.
"Stay put" I said and opened the door to find the same man. Surprisingly he showered and got ready for a fuck that will never happen.
"Hi" he said showing his same nasty teeth. I stepped aside and let him in.
"So- what the fuck are you doing here?!" He yelled
"I'm doing her a favor" I twisted his shoulder until I felt pressure. He yelled and continued cursing.
"Shut up" I said.
"You bi-" I snapped his shoulder making him cry in pain.
"Kneel" he continued cursing scaring her more.
"I said kneel!" I let my nail grow and stabbed his collar bone keeping my finger in.
He finally got on his knees and each time he cursed at her I would dig deeper into the stab. From the corner of my eye i noticed her shiver in fear.
"Sweetheart, stand up" I said keeping him still.
She stood in front of him but I held him back from lashing out at her.
"Apologize to her" I whispered into his ear.
"NO" I dug little more deeper until I touched his collarbone and snaped it.
"Apologize to her!" I said feeling the sharpness of my teeth gently scrape my lip.
"I'm sorry....please stop I'm sorry, im sorry, im sorry" he said making the lady cry once more. I finally managed to break the man.
"I hope that you suffer. You made my life miserable and I'm glad this child isn't yours you fuckin bastard" a harsh slap across his face made him quiet.
"Rot In hell" she rubbed her red hand walked out leaving us.
A smile appeared on my face.
"Aww is someone upset" I teased.
"You whore!" He pulled out a pocket knife with his uninjured arm and stabbed my leg and side. Angrily I finished breaking his collarbone and with force I pushed him across the room hitting the small dining table.
"Ow" I said taking out the knife and tossing it. The fear in his eyes is what I needed it made them taste tender.
"How is that possible?" The quiver in his voice was satisfying. Racing towards him I lifted him up and pinned him to the wall.
"Anything is possible" he began crying and shaking like a child. My teeth became sharper and nails longer ready to pierce his neck. In the reflection of his eyes I found mine blacked out.
"I need you hopeless" I growled and sank my teeth into him savoring the red liquid.
"What else do you have in store for me?" The color began leaving him. Dropping his body I grab the blade and open him up. His screamed echoed. I for sure knew that i had to leave tonight but i found satisfaction by this. His scream, the fear in his eyes and the rapid pumping of the remaining blood in his body. In seconds his organs rose and his eyes where about to pop out of its sockets.
"Hmm, liver is good " my hand circled inside him finding the main source of vitamins, facts. His breathing speed up soon as I pulled it out.
"But my favorite is the.." I forced my hand into his chest pulling out the juice box.
"....the heart" I licked my fingers and made sure that was the last thing he saw. Soon as I dug my teeth into his heart I felt my joints crack, skin tighten, and fatigue vanish. My energy had came back. My only way of surviving.
Once I had finished the most important parts the same sudden wave of disgust and emotions washed over me.
I ate people to live, but I only ate the evil, removing them from this earth.
I decided to eat more since I didn't know when my full belly would come again, regular food only helped so little. I cleaned up my mess and disposed of the almost empty carvis into a rundown fire pit they had in the back, before I showered.
"Hello?" I went to pay when the lady came out with red puffy eyes, i also didn't miss the small fear in them.
"You look different" I said
"So do you, more younger..." she opened her mouth but shut it right a way.
"About what happened-" she frantically shook her hands.
"I promise! I won't tell anyone!" I chuckled and i told her to relax as i pulled out some money from a wallet.
"I know you won't. And i expect you to take care of yourself and that child.." i pointed at her swollen belly.
"If not, i will know and i will take the child away and give it a better life." I gave her the room key and got ready to leave.
I didn't mean what i said. Its just intimation, to get them to become better people.
"I will and thank you!" She said as i walked out.
"Sure" i scratched my neck.
"Any big citys around here?"
"New York is north two hours away" new york? Ive never been there.
I left without another word. Walking out with a duffle bag, i looked around for a new ride. Thats when is noticed a blue 18 wheeler in the parking lot.
"Lost, lady?" A male accent caught me off guard.
"Yes. Um i was wondering if that blue beauty yours?" I noticed that he is nice elderly mexican man, with a mustache and tinted glasses.
"Si. Where are you going?" We began walking towards his 18 wheeler.
"Two hours North" he nodded and took a sip of his coffee.
"That is where i have to go. I give you ride." His accent made me smile. I nodded and hopped on the passenger side. He had a kind heart but a piece was dark...i could sense it. We spoke and the two hours seemed like 30 minutes. 
"Thanks for the ride Eduardo" i hopped off with one of burritos that his wife had made for him.
"Anytime. You know.." i took a bite out of the burrito.
"You remind me of one of my grandchildren."  I choked on my food.
"Youngest one."
We bid our goodbyes and hoped that we crossed paths someday.
I turned and found myself in the middle of a park full of people. Now that i am miles away i could probably start a new life.
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cuzloki · 4 years
I wanted to write something different. So this is kinda different from my other stuff. If you guys like it let,e know and I’ll right more. If you have critiques let me know. Also I know spelling and grammar is not my strong suit so don’t be to hard on me haha. I hope you enjoy reading. ❤️
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Everyone has their horror stories about their time in jail.....I mean school, but mine is a bit different. It's not about what was said to me it was about what wasn't said. I was ignored. Cast out by the popular crew and when I was talked to I was treated like a gazelle that had been accidentally put in the lion pen. But what people didn't know was that I have a secret. I'm a werewolf, an alpha werewolf. My best friend Ashton and my boyfriend Robbie are as well. I was born an alpha werewolf. Ashton and I have been friends since we were 2 and let's just say I went through a biting faze at around 4 that turned him into my omega. Then when I was 16, I met Robbie. I was with him for 2 years before I told him about me being a werewolf. Let's just say the idea of being just like me was everything to him. So now there is my little mini pack of 3, including me.
I am a tall blonde with hazel eyes. I'm not the skinniest thing but more muscular. I'm very shy but once you get to know me I can be quite the spit fire. Ashton is tall and muscular with the brightest smile you’ll ever see. He has the deepest green eyes that turn hazel in the right light. His hair is naturally brown but it's dyed black and brushed to the side currently. Robbie is a tall British boy with greenish-blue eyes that you could get lost in. He has brown hair that most of the time is just brushed and left to do its own thing.
My wolf is a jet black wolf with red eyes signifying the alpha gene. There is a little white patch on my wolfs chest that is white as snow. Ash’s wolf is white with glowing green eyes, which signifies his ability of telekinesis. He can control people and link people together so they can communicate through their minds. Robbie's wolf is jet black like mine with bright blue eyes, signifying his ability to do magic. He has a gene that was unknown to him from a warlock way back in his family tree. So technically he's a hybrid werewolf and warlock.
I get out of my car with a bag of groceries and start walking up the path to my house. It had a farmers porch around the front and is painted egg shell blue. The shingles on the roof are grey with specks of black freckled through them. The two story house stood at the edge of the forest on a dead end street where it is the only house. As my boots clicked on the stone walkway, the door to my house flew open " Hello love., let me grab that for you!" Robbie smiled at me fro. The door and put his hand into the air as a blue glow enveloped my grocery bag and floated towards Robbie. The bag landed I. His arms and he smiled at me as I continued walking up the path with a smirk on my face. "Well, wasn't that just magical." I say sarcastically as Robbie and I walk into the house, him still gripping the bag tightly and let out a little laugh .
We walk into the kitchen after walking through the hall entry way. The grey wash wood floor shined and the grey granite cabin area and stainless steel appliances sparkled as I walked in. "Surprise! I cleaned!" Robbie exclaimed as he set the grocery bag down on the counter and starting taking the various food items out. " You cleaned or you "cleaned" I said with air quotes and he looks over at me biting his lip. "Can't I just get credit for cleaning the place" he laughs as he walks over to me and loops his arms around my waist. "Hmm. Using your magic to get brownie points. I don't know if that's quite fair, Mr.Kay." I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh, you want to talk about fair! How about you making me do the dishes and the laundry?" He smirked as I started to laugh "That wasn't a werewolf thing that was a "I'm your girlfriend so do it" it. There is a difference!" Robbie threw his hands up in surrender and they landed on my hips. He brushed his lips against mine briefly and I pulled him in again to deepen the kiss. Let's just say the kiss was turning more into a make out session when there was a very loud knock on the door and yelling "Can you guys stop and just let me in!" Ashton. "He chooses now to show up on time." Robbie groans as I kiss Robbie one more time and walk to the door. I opened the door and there was look his brown eyes and newly dyed black hair. "Times like these I really hate my werewolf hearing." He mumbled as he walked past me into the house and I closed the door.
The three of us went into the living room and started talking about wolf stuff when I brought up the topic on everyone's mind. The pack. "So I found some more people for our pack boys." I looked at them both. "They are all the big show offs of high school. No one tells them what to do. Until now." I smirk and grab a chip from a nearby bag. "Why do you have to turn out of vengeance? Isn't that gonna backfire?" Ashton says and leans forward in his seat. "No it's gonna make a good pack. Strong obedient wolves that were never told what to do now have a purpose." I say as I look at Robbie "I say alpha picks her omegas. If she wants them, Ash, let her." Robbie stood up for me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Ok fine, not like it's my choice.When is this happening?" Ashton asks with his head in his hands. "Tonight’s football practice ends in 20 minutes." I smile as I stand up and grab the bag of chips, heading towards the kitchen. I rolled up the chip bag and placed them in the cabinet when I reached the kitchen. "Let's go boys!" I call as I head outside soon to be joined by my pack of two, soon to be more.
"GO BULLFROGS!" The team shouts as the huddle breaks signaling the end of practice. Robbie, Ash and I sit in the woods watching in wolf form. Robbie and is black fur hiding us from view and Ashton’s white fur blended with the green leaves, no one saw us. A group of 6 boys broke of from the rest of the football team and starting walking along side the woods. I looked at Ashton signaling him to use his powers to bring them into the woods. All the boys were pretty tall except 2 that were rather short. I see the piercing eyes of the boys that made my school life hell not because of what they said but the looks I was given and the lack of things they said. They come into the clearing we were sitting in and I had Robbie to my left and Ashton to my right. The boys froze unable to move or talk thanks to Ashton. All us wolves were mind-linked together so I introduced the great 6. First was Matt. The star of the football team and liked by everyone. A massive jerk but he has puppy dog brown eyes that make every girl weak in the knees. Next is Jack with his blue eyes. He was my crush back years ago and he broke my heart by simply saying no thank you when I said I liked him. Then there was Mike,Jacks best friend, he was nice but he always had that attitude like he was better than everyone else. Finally there was Dylan my first Love, even if he didn't know it. Then Nick who was a crush and I best friend to me at some point. Lastly there was John. He had been my crush in 4th grade and we haven't really talked since. I walked towards the boys , fear clear in their eyes. I shifted back into my human form, my red eyes still glowing. "Hello Boys. Long time no see" I say as I walk towards them. Still under Ashton’s control, they stood in shock and just stared at me. "I know you must be so confused right now. Thinking why us what did we do to deserve this!" I dramatically throw my arms in the air. I laughed as I looked over at one boy in particular. Jack. I walk up to Jack and grabbed his arm. "Interesting what you get yourself into, isn't it?" My eyes started to glow red as I open my mouth and bite down hard on Jack's arm. More than necessary I might add. I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me back. It was Robbie. "Enough." I let go of Jack’s arm and blood dripped down my face. I use my werewolf speed to run down the line and bite the rest of the boys on the arm then take off, leaving the boys.
After about 20 minutes, Robbie and Ashton returned to my house to find me curled up in a ball on the couch. "I got a little carried away. " I say as I look at Robbie and Ashton. "He hurt you, I get it." Robbie said and Ashton nodded. "Let's call these boys shall we." I say as I got up and went out onto my deck. I howled ,loud ,turning my eyes red. I heard howls in return and knew they were on their way. Within 20 minutes 6 huge wolves stood in front of me. 4 grey and 2 tan. "Let's not be animals, boys" I say as I look at each one of them. Screams filled the air along with cracks and cries as they all turned human again. My howl triggered their first transformation and it hurts bad for the first month or so. The boys were in heaps on the ground. "Why" I knew that cocky voice. Matt. "Why?! Because I could, because I can. Because all the shit you guys put me through I thought I'd repay the favor. Plus I needed more wolves. Let me introduce my beta, Robbie" I pointed to Robbie "and my newly ranked up delta, Ashton"
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Lola & Astrid
Lola: [come in to get your tattoo then, which is on the back of her neck/shoulder blade moment which isn't the worst but I think it vibrates on those bones pretty hard, also the embroidery technique/colour will make it worse/more time, overall vibe a sassy, confident bitch but lowkey nervous on this tattoo] Astrid: [I like to think she's already in there and probably has been for hours because whether it's big or small on this occasion they obvs let her stop whenever she wants and for as long as she wants cos they know her so we just chilling with the dog BFF who goes everywhere with her lowkey and both having a drink of water casually so the dog can go up to her like hey gal] Lola: [have loads of pictures of her with dogs and cats, so gonna say we're an animal hoe and gonna be extra over this lil dog then AFTER you've stroked and loved upon it 'Shit, I've not distracted it, have I? I'm so sorry' like when you aren't meant to with blind people service dogs] Astrid: [just straight up talking to this dog like she's a person like are you okay, do you wanna go and the dog's like nah I'm fine by giving a Lola a toy or something like I think we should play with this gal] Lola: [straight up throwing this toy like we aren't in a tattoo shop like please be careful, probably getting told off by a grumpy tattoo dude and just loling like whoops 'cos the kind of carefree hoe we are 'what's your name?' but we are talking to the dog] Astrid: [being like 'did you forget we like rules?' @ the dog as if she caused this trouble herself and full naming her like a cross mum but we not cross we're more playful about it because autistic bants] Lola: ['so distinguished, suits you madam' and shakes her paw, then touching one of Astrid's leg tattoos as is clearly ground level with this dog rn 'that's gorgeous, how many do you have?'] Astrid: [when you an affectionate af person but you don't know her like that so then you can't answer that question and she must think you're being so rude sorry gal, but let's say the tattoo person answers for you cos probably did most of them but not all so gets it wrong so then you have to answer whatever the right number is] Lola: [you really shouldn't grab people but that's the kinda hoe you are so that's the vibe lol, undeterred but do let go of her leg thanks, just talking about ALL the tattoo ideas you have] Astrid: [at least you can likewise go off about that babe because they are literally another thing you collect/comforts you and makes you feel safe so like you always wanna get more, try not to actually talk over her and listen but it's okay if you do, she'll get over it] Lola: [just listening intently anyway and bowing to her superior knowledge on it 'cos you wanna get more even though you have yet to start this one and are gonna be sobbing in a sec lolll, very seriously turning to the dog 'Winnie, will you hold my hand?' then turning back to Astrid and rolling her eyes 'my girlfriend was too shamed to be seen with me'] Astrid: [just going OFF about aftercare too before she's even started this tattoo because as far as you're concerned there is only one right way to do it and everything else is wrong and a huge no, the grumpy tattoo dude from earlier who Lola's gonna end up having is just gonna try and be like nah she's wrong, this this and this is fine but shh sir tbh. The dog just grinning through all this cos she's buzzing about the energy 'She's not ever going to be heavy enough for proprioceptive stimming but it's still calming when she lies with you, she's soft and she smells nice, does that make sense?' her confused face when she then doesn't understand what she means about her girlfriend not wanting to be here though like um why] Lola: [just ignoring the man like the true lesbian you are, be careful girl, nodding 'total sense, Miss Winifred is a vibe' and giving her an approving sniff like yes 'it smells like bleach in here' probably a good thing babe but we're not happy lol 'ugh, 'cos she's so tough and I'm going to embarrass her' shakes her head like oh girlfriends] Astrid: [repeating back to Winnie that she's a vibe because you like the sound of that thank you but whatever you're gonna say about how it smells in here is interrupted by grumpy tattoo dude complaining that it's because Astrid always has to OTT clean up the station etc and blah before they start, like don't out her like that sir and don't be a dick so we're not happy about his vibe rn] Lola: ['you should be happy she's doing the hard work for you' even though we were the one complaining about the smell, we're not about it] Astrid: ['he's not a happy person' hahaha suck it sir] Lola: ['that's so sad, what happened?' oh gal] Astrid: [just telling her this dude's life story like he's not right there because we don't understand sarcasm bye] Lola: [when you weren't even being sarcastic but you were not expecting her to reply and you know he's not gonna be thrilled so you put your finger to your lips like shh but smiling at her so she knows you aren't being a dick like stfu] Astrid: [being like oh do you want some quiet, like offering to get them to turn down the music they always blast in tattoo places] Lola: ['can we change the station?' like this rock shit is not a #vibe honey and getting out your phone and aux cord from your bag] Astrid: [just like 'it's not a vibe [name of your tattoo gal] can we change it to a vibe?' because we're saying vibe now and obvs this woman will cos she's a good egg] Lola: [putting on your femme gay girl bubblegum pop playlist like every other person in here/grumpy tattoo man is going to be taking the piss but we aren't aware 'cos we're that bitch and just dancing around like it's the clerb] Astrid: [Astrid and Winnie are vibing, picking this dog up like do you wanna dance lil queen as if we're not in the middle of a tattoo sesh] Lola: [hyping them up in a very yasss queen manner and then getting interrupted by this dude being like are you done pissing about and just twerking at him like mwah 😘 as you climb your ass up onto this bench, then being like 'WINNIE, I NEED YOU' very dramatically with grabby hands and all, this man like oh my god] Astrid: [we're loling at her antics and then putting Winnie on her lap because this angel will look after you gal so we can finally get some more of our own tattoo done] Lola: [good incentive not to drop this dog or shriek in her ears gal, 'cos gonna be so OTT about this pain obvs, all of this painting a picture as why your butch tatted gf did not wanna be here, just 🥺🥺🥺 at Astrid 'does it hurt you?' 'cos gf popping off like it doesn't which is a lie like when people say childbirth doesn't like admit it even if you can hack it] Astrid: ['not as much as other things' because we matter of fact about it instead of being like her girlfriend and pretending nothing is happening here] Lola: [we aren't really listening anyway just talking to talk here 'beauty is pain'] Astrid: [just repeating that like hmmm idk ' you're saying you feel more beautiful now, they'll want to put that on the signs outside'] Lola: ['They've got better promo' and giving Astrid's tattooist a look, 'cos the insecurity jumped out when pain] Astrid: [just going off about how much you like it here and you've told everyone about it like lol peeps have said they should pay me] Lola: ['yours are so cool' and asking her why she got that one and when etc etc] Astrid: [telling her everything even if like some of this shit is personal like tell me those roses aren't because of Ro you can't] Lola: [when you're an oversharer so you are 1. not phased by this 2. can say how this is for your abuela who's dying] Astrid: [genuinely is upset about this and asking loads of questions about her like obvs how old is she but also about her as a person and what she likes and how she was living before this] Lola: [we was already crying from the pain so you know, just carry on lmao, telling her that you live with her, that she's your only family and she's a bomb cook and she loves you even though you're gay and you go to bingo together on Thursdays] Astrid: [when you're just like are you gonna live with your girlfriend and cook together and go to bingo with her] Lola: ['I don't know' big sigh 'Do you live with your dad?'] Astrid: [hardcore like BUT WHAT WILL YOU DO because we're so upset about this like we can't answer your question until we get one that's okay here] Lola: [reaching over like hey it's okay 'I'll work it out'] Astrid: [just like oh yeah I do live with my dad btw after ages has passed and she's probably forgot she even asked but we needed a sec there] Lola: ['what's he like?'] Astrid: ['he's weird but not like I'm weird, just not how everyone says a dad should be-' trying to find a way to word wtf Drew is like lol 'he doesn't like rules or keeping things clean oh and he's a really shit driver who plays music too loud and he dresses too young'] Lola: ['sounds like every dude I've ever met' lols, wiping her tears 'has he always been like that or is it a midlife crisis moment?'] Astrid: [lols too because oh Drew you hot mess 'he fell out of his pram and wasn't claimed for 7 days'] Lola: [nods solemnly 'mine too'] Astrid: ['but he makes sure my food doesn't touch and never makes me eat anything I know will be fucking gross and he took me to go get Winnie' like but I do love him] Lola: [gives Winnie love and smiles 'not all bad then' pauses 'mine used to take me to ballet, and never get bored of me showing him my routines'] Astrid: [just going off about this Barbie ballet movie called Barbie and the pink shoes like have you seen it because I figure why not have dolls as a special interest, thanks Ro, though she'd fuck with Bratz and Monster High more] Lola: [talking about the red shoes 'cos assumedly what it is based on and saying you'll look up the Barbie version online 'when Ren is at work'] Astrid: [just chatting about it to the point that she doesn't even need to see it cos you've told her everything but letting her know that Barbie isn't your fave and making sure she knows what you fuck with more like this is vital info okay] Lola: ['Like Yasmin is technically the Hispanic queen like me but I do be looking more Jade and she fucks with cats so ME' 'cos definitely a girl who was into dolls and the bratz are making a resurgence in the culture anyway huns] Astrid: [we're living a life where we only accept the OG's so of course she gotta be that blonde hun who is described as wide-eyed and bubbly and loves her friends more than anything in the world so pop off but we not fucking with soccer and we gotta let Lola know] Lola: ['I see it' like just being like you're an angel there nbd] Astrid: [being like I do support cheese pizza ONLY but thai curry wtf] Lola: [loling like 'food isn't food unless it has at least two carbs and all the cheese you can throw at it'] Astrid: [just listing off everything Jade likes in the known world like do you like these things or no] Lola: [replying like this is a vogue 73 questions I bet tattoo dude is delighted lol] Astrid: [we're having fun here sir excuse you] Lola: ['do you have a Jade in your group already?'] Astrid: [The calming force that she is, Winnie is the group's Yasmin, she can handle a sob story, as you've seen so that's wrong' looks at her like soz gal I know you're offended 'my other best friend is most like Sasha, I don't know if I'm allowed to say that when she isn't black though'] Lola: [looks around at how white everyone here deffo is like I won't tell on you, claps her hands like yay 'we can be friends then'] Astrid: [when you're clearly buzzing about this, giving her your phone like this is my number take it thank you] Lola: [saves it as angel, oh that won't cause any drama with your gf no no lol, taking the tattoo dudes biro or whatever and being like hold out your hand? but thankfully NOT just doing it 'cos she may not vibe gal] Astrid: [at first is like ?? because hasn't connected the dots of what she wants her to do and why but then is like oh okay and does] Lola: [being like to the tattoo lady 'now make it permanent' loling like hohoho] Astrid: [loling 'when I know you better' like we considering this] Lola: [so flattered like omg me and blowing kisses] Astrid: [gotta get some more water cos we recognising that we're getting a bit too buzzing rn so obvs asking her if she wants some] Lola: [just like lifesaver 'cos we been crying so hard over here lol] Astrid: [gotta get some for Winnie too even if she don't want because that's a routine hun] Lola: [live your best life babe you deserve it] Astrid: [let's say her tattoo is then finally done and she abruptly leaves like it was nice to meet you I gotta go now bye because it kills me how they all did that on that show every time] Lola: [the only time you've been shooketh 'cos you'd be a hang around saying bye for ages bitch] Lola: WHERE DID YOU GO?! Astrid: hOmE Astrid: is YOuR tattOO fiNishED? Lola: [sends a progress picture she's made that man take lol] Astrid: 25-30 miNS leFT Lola: yeah? Lola: 🙌 I am about to PEE my pants Astrid: iT'LL bE lONgEr wiTH BreAks but YOu Wont bE alloWED bacK iF yOu dONt TakE oNE foR THaT Lola: 😄 I did a little but we've had no leaks Lola: got my big girl panties on Astrid: 👙 is A GooD iDeA tOooooOOOOO Lola: so NOT letting him do my underboob though Astrid: nO ⛔ no ⛔ Lola: the chick you were with seemed kinda cool though Lola: not gonna write off the whole shop Astrid: 🌟 ✨ sHE MAkEs me fEEL coMFoRTaBLe 🌟 ✨ Astrid: thE reVIeW Astrid: & thE VIBE Lola: love that Lola: don't know how he can do such colourful work and be so sad ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Astrid: van GOGH? Astrid: 🌻🌻🌻🌻👂💛💛 Lola: 🤯🤯🤯 Astrid: Do thEy ShARE a SOUL doEs thAT maKE senSE? Astrid: hMMMM Lola: reincarnation baby Astrid: dO you BEliEVE in it? Astrid: a BIG quESTion Lola: I think it's technically a ❌❌❌ Lola: but I think it's cool Lola: like past lives, all the AMAZING people in history you could've been Astrid: I DonT unDERstAnd wHY is iT ❌❌❌ if YoU liKE iT? Lola: Jesus and Abuela 💘 Lola: 💀 is very important to us Astrid: oHhhhhhhH Astrid: hEAvEn ☁👼☁ Astrid: mY muM taUGHt mE about THat Lola: 🧹🌻🦋🌞🍞 Lola: we believe souls come back, but not as other people, always themselves, even if they take a different form Lola: and they come back all the time, though Jesus hasn't come back YET Astrid: 👻👻👻👻 Lola: I can do an offering for your mum if you like Astrid: shE woULdNT coMe bACK for 🍞 Astrid: wHaT ElSe can THey be? Lola: you can put all the person's favourite things on their altar, you can skip the bread Astrid: 🕯🌹🕯🩺🕯🥀🕯🦴 Lola: wouldn't look out of place Astrid: sHe LiKEd DollS tooOOOO but thERe's No emoJi?? Lola: that's so RUDE Lola: did she get you into dolls, what was the first one you got? Astrid: 🧚🏻 thoUGH & 🔮 & 🧙🏼 Astrid: [sends her a picture of some creepy doll because of course she still has it and cue a huge ramble about everything possible about this doll like soz gal you didn't ask for that level of detail] Lola: looks like la catrina's 👶 Lola: I like it Lola: what doll would your mum be? Astrid: [when you disappear forever lowkey to do all the research you can about that just falling down a rabbit hole without saying bye] Astrid: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 💀❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Astrid: eVErYoNE is EqUAL in tHE eND Astrid: loVE that Lola: right?! Lola: we STAN an inclusive queen Astrid: caNT waIT tO TeLl mY otHER bFf she is GOiNg to bE so ExCitEd Lola: do you bake? I will send you a recipe for some sugar 💀 cookies Lola: i always loved decorating them Lola: and eating them, duh 😋 Astrid: I dOnT know hOw TO dO that Astrid: ❌❌❌ Lola: I can make them, if you wanna meet up again Lola: or come teach you, that would be fun Astrid: here? Lola: if you want Lola: you could come to mine but you'd have to meet abuela and that might be a LOT ??? Astrid: iTs nOT a ⛔ no if weRe frIeNds Astrid: i THinK yoU couLD bE heRE Lola: I'm a good guy, I promise Lola: I'll be super polite and say please and thank you and take my shoes off Astrid: buT 🍭 🍬 🧁  🍫 🍩 🍪 🍨  wILl maKE mY mum 😢 oR 😡 iF sHE is a 👻 Astrid: 🤫 Lola: it's all about celebrating life anyways Lola: what's better than tasty food Lola: my mother was the same though Lola: but abuela loved food because it made people 😄🥰 she didn't care if it made you fat too Lola: plenty of time to be 💀🦴s Astrid: hMMMmmm Astrid: 👌 Astrid: I wAnt to BE 😄🥰 Lola: maybe your friend would like some too Lola: not Miss Winnie though, too much sugar for 🐶 Astrid: IlL exPLain Astrid: sheS vERY 🤓 Astrid: thATs sMArt noT an INsult Lola: I could tell Lola: I very much enjoyed meeting her Astrid: & mE? Lola: OF COURSE you, gurl Lola: you were so nice and helpful Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Astrid: thANKs Lola: you're welcome ❣️ Lola: are you from here, I like your name, it's unusual Astrid: I dOnT liKE to bE reFErRed tO bY it Astrid: it maKEs mE FeeL liKe PeOPLe ARe 😤 😠 😡 Lola: oh no, I'm sorry Lola: is there anything you would like me to call you instead? Astrid: ...... Astrid: I doNt KnOw Lola: no probs Lola: don't need to call you anything we'll manage just fine without 🙃 Astrid: iS thAt aN oKaY anSWer? Lola: of course it is! Lola: it wouldn't be okay for me to call you a name you didn't like, that's just rude Lola: my gf HATES the name she got as a 👶 so she changed it Astrid: liKe @ scHoOL Astrid: I goT caLLed loAds of namES thERE Astrid: 👿 👹 👺 🤡 💩 👻 💀 ☠️ 👽 👾 🤖 🎃 Lola: 😢👎 Lola: school SUCKED Lola: you're cool Astrid: thEy jUsT doNt unDERsTand mY 🧠 Astrid: mE eiTHeR mE eiTHeR Lola: who does Lola: still don't have to be a 🍆 Astrid: eVErYoNE is EqUAL in tHE eND Astrid: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 💀❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Lola: that's what I'm talking about Astrid: yOu aRe GoiNg To LikE mY aUntY 🧠 ❤ 👀 Astrid: bUt U CaNt bRInG hEr HeRE foR 💀🍪 Lola: why not? Astrid: mY DaD & hER ❌❌❌ Lola: family drama Lola: say no more Lola: abuela only talks about my mother when she wants to cuss her out, and that's her daughter so 🤷 Astrid: hEs BaD buT nOT to ME? I doNt unDERstAnd hoW thAT iS suPposED to maKE seNse Lola: you're special to him Astrid: BuT whY aREnt my SiSTeRs sPEcial toOOOo? Astrid: beCausE theIR muMs aRE dIFFeRenT or Astrid: my BrOThEr haS anOTher DiffErent mUm agaIN Astrid: itS conFUsinG Lola: people are a lot of different things all at once, I think Lola: they don't all fit together right, it is confusing Astrid: wHEn yoU DiE aRE yOU NoOOO thiNGs Or moRE thinGS? Lola: Hmm Lola: I think more Lola: everything, and then the missing pieces make it all make sense Astrid: maybe they ARe tOOOoo sPEciAl then, THaT sisTER & ThOse mums dAD canT DeaL Astrid: hmmM Lola: could be Lola: being dead is meant to be easier than being alive, but it isn't perfect Astrid: & mY OthEr SisTER diDnt diE whEn sHe NeaRLY diD sO mAYBe heS coNFuSed AbOUT THat Lola: could you ask him? Lola: or would he be 😢 or 😡? Astrid: heS not my TaLking To pErsoN heS mY DoinG peRsOn Lola: that's important too Lola: sometimes it's actually better not having the answers Astrid: I sHOULDvE saID that @ scHOol Astrid: BettER not HAVinG thE anSWERS sORRy Lola: 😅 Lola: if ONLY Lola: I wouldn't say ANYTHING at school Astrid: I diDnT taLk unTiL aFter my mUm dIeD Astrid: moSTlY Lola: at all? Astrid: ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Lola: did you talk to your dad? Astrid: somE WoRdS Lola: the rest you just got what you needed in other ways Lola: that's cool Astrid: i THiNk it waS BaD oF mE Astrid: maYbe Astrid: .... Lola: but was it bad for you Lola: that's the important thing Lola: its frustrating when people don't understand you, but people get frustrated when they don't understand, even though they might not still when you tell them with words Astrid: iS thAT wHy yOU didNT talK @ sChooL? Lola: i took up too much space just being there Lola: without taking up the 💬 too Astrid: tOo muCh Space Astrid: hmmM Lola: that's what they thought Lola: basically Astrid: pEoPLe DoNt unDErstaND yOu Astrid: how mUch spaCE yoU neEd Lola: they don't like it ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Lola: i'm not trying to take other people's space though Astrid: tOO muCH iS ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Astrid: toOOOo mUch AnyTHiNG Lola: it is? Astrid: ItS 😢 or 😡 Astrid: itS beInG weIRd Lola: there's no such thing as too much 🐶😸 though Astrid: NeVEr!! Lola: exactly Lola: don't think there's any rules that you can stick to everything Lola: always exceptions Astrid: I wriTE liKe thIs beCauSe thOse rULes are Boring Astrid: loAdS of RulEs doNt maKe sEnSe Lola: I like how you write Lola: it's more interesting to read Astrid: yOu cAn Do iT toO if You waNT Lola: really? Lola: thanks, I'll try it out 😄 Lola: ITs actUallLY REAlLY hARd tO Be TOtallY raNDoM Lola: oTHER New RuLES poP UP in YOuR hEaD Astrid: ItS a VIBE Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Lola: tOTAlLy Lola: LikE THOse nEwSPApEr RAnsOM notEs Lola: aEStheTIc Astrid: ??? Lola: you know in films, when a killer or a kidnapper sends the person a note, they cut up bits of newspapers and magazines so the note is all different fonts and sizes and stuff Lola: [examples Lola: I liKE ThAT LOooooooOOoOKk Astrid: OhHH WoW Astrid: cAn I sEnD YoU onE? Lola: THaTs whaT IT RemINDS mE OF Lola: UM yeS Astrid: TheY dO it So NoBoDy knowS itS from THem YeaH? Astrid: hoW wiLL you Know ItS from mE? Lola: YEah Lola: do the outside of it normal, so the postman isn't 😱 Lola: I nEVEr GeT 💌 Astrid: do the outside of it normal, so the postman isn't scared Astrid: do the outside of it normal, like this Lola: [her address] there you go Lola: a stamp and it'll be perfect Astrid: ThiS is ReAllY whERe U Live? Astrid: I knoW whEre tHiS is Lola: you do? Astrid: yEAH Astrid: itS By a SHop I lIkE Lola: maybe you could show me 🙃 Astrid: I JuST geT 🍓 thEn I LeAVe Astrid: thEY haVe to Be from ThEre Astrid: a RuLe Lola: nOW i waNt TO tRy SomE Astrid: diD yoUr GirLfrIEnD liKE youR TaTTOo? Astrid: I caNt STop THinkiNG aBoUT iT Lola: She lIKEs 🖤 🤍 bUT I seNT hEr ThE piC & She SAid wAs cUUUUUuUuUUuUuTeeeeeeE Astrid: iS shE gONna coMe wiTh yOU neXT timE? Lola: mAYb ❓🤔 Astrid: tHats noT 🖤 🤍 Astrid: sHe shOUld saY yeAH oR NO Lola: TrUuUuuUuUUUUUUUu Lola: I'll tell her Astrid: Do YoU lIkE haVinG a girlFRieND? Lola: 🤗 & 😘 R gOoOOoddD Astrid: ❓🤔 Lola: you like hugs and kisses? Astrid: PlaTOnic is DiFFeRent Astrid: i LikE theM thOUgh Lola: yeah Lola: with a girlfriend, you just get them all the time Astrid: ? ShE dOeSnt asK you ? Lola: she doesn't need to Lola: if I said stop she would Lola: it's just nice having a person around, is what I meant 🙃 Astrid: 👌 thAT maKEs SeNse Lola: do you like 🧑 or 👩 or none or both Astrid: 👩 👩🏻 👩🏽 👩🏾 👩🏿 Lola: hi-5 Lola: me too 😄 Astrid: but i DoNt have a GIRLfrieNd Lola: would you like one? Lola: we could go out 💃💃 Astrid: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Astrid: yeAh Astrid: yOuRe a GooD 💃 Lola: YOU TOO ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Lola: I KNOW A BAR THAT WOULD LET WINNIE IN Astrid: yOU dO????????? Lola: i KNow tHe OWneR Lola: heS SO coOL Lola: and he has his own dog Finola who sings with him Astrid: I diDNT knOw dOGs coULd sING Astrid: WiNNie coULd hAVE a SeCRET talENt Lola: they do somewhere over the 🌈 it's very good Astrid: wheN cAN we Go? Lola: 😄 When are you free? this weekend? Astrid: FriDAY Lola: 👏 let's DO IT Astrid: 🕐 🕑 🕒 🕓 🕔 🕕 🕖 🕗 🕘 🕙 🕚 🕛 🕜 🕝 🕞 🕟 🕠 🕡 🕢 🕣 🕤 🕥 🕦 🕧 Astrid: ? Lola: 🤔 8? Astrid: To bE @ yOUr hOUse oR ThEre? Lola: we could get 🍓s first and eat them in the park Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 Lola: 🙌 IT'LL BE FUN Astrid: WeRe bOTh eXciTed Astrid: 😆 Lola: 💃💃💃 Lola: have to plan my outfit Astrid: I liKeD uR ouTfit yOu werE weaRing Lola: you're so 🍧 🍨 🍦 🥧 🧁 🍰 🎂 🍮 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍿 🍩 🍪 thank you 😚 Lola: you looked amazing Astrid: I nEEd to dyE mY haiR a new ColOur Lola: have you done every colour??? Astrid: ⛔❌ 🖤 🤎 Lola: boring in comparison to the rest of the 🌈 Astrid: & hARd to GEt Out ❤️ & 💜 sTAY TooOO bUT thEY caN bE maDE inTo a PaTTeRN sO its Not 😢 oR 😠 Lola: 🦜 Astrid: BiRdS aRE weiRD Astrid: mY AunTy haS 🐓 & I ONLy liKE thEm WhEn TheYrE 🐤 🐣 🐥 Lola: DOES SHE HAVE ANY BABIES RIGHT NOW Astrid: yEaH Astrid: thEyre sOFt Lola: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that's so cuteee Astrid: doNt be sad shE wonT eaT thEM Lola: but i don't have any🐤 🐣 🐥 Astrid: IlL aSk heR iF you CAn Lola: our apartment is tiny Lola: wouldn't be fair for the poor chickie Astrid: YoU cOuLd VisIt THem Lola: I'll have to buy some 🌽 too Astrid: TheYll be YouR FRIEnds ToooOOOOo Astrid: loVe ThAT Lola: new friends are always welcome Lola: especially fluffy ones Astrid: WiNNie aGReeS Astrid: & saYs dOnT foRGet sheS the FLUFFiest Astrid: she gETs JeaLOUs Lola: 🤭 Lola: of course Lola: she's a babe Astrid: evERYoNe saYs I was wHEn mY brOTHer waS a 👶 bUT i Dont remeMBEr thaT Lola: aw, you helped out? Lola: that's so cute Astrid: 👶 NeED lOAds of HeLp Astrid: haVE yOu EVer heLd onE? TheY caNt suPPOrt their Own HeaDs Astrid: itS wilD Lola: I've actually never held a baby Lola: or really met one, which is weird, I'd never thought about that Astrid: !!!!!!!! Astrid: My FamILY iS SoooOOOOO BiG Astrid: 👶👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾 Lola: do you like it? what's good and what's bad? Astrid: YoU aRenT evER aLOne Astrid: thatS gOod OR Bad Astrid: Good & BAD Lola: I can picture that Astrid: bUT itS FUn & LOud Astrid: you LiKe hugS so Youd likE it Lola: yeah Lola: I think so Lola: abuela was from a big family Lola: but it's just us here Astrid: WhERe aRE TheY aLL? Lola: her family? Lola: mostly dead Lola: the ones she would've known, sisters, brothers Lola: their kids are probably still in Mexico but she doesn't know any of them properly Astrid: Im SoRrY Lola: you don't have to be sorry Astrid: ItS saD fOR hER Astrid: I mEAn Lola: yeah Lola: she left a lot behind Lola: but she's been happy here Astrid: & YoURE haPPy? Lola: mostly and most days Lola: not 🖤 & 🤍 Astrid: nOT 🖤 & 🤍 Lola: nothing is ever perfect, is it Astrid: mAyBe WinniE is Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Lola: I am willing to believe that and let her have it too 💝🐶 Astrid: [a happy picture of this dog like thank you I'm buzzing] Lola: an angel Lola: or princess, I should say Astrid: [a picture of this dog with some kind of tiara moment on because of course we can] Lola: 🙇 Lola: I'll find mine when I get home Astrid: YoU hAve One? Lola: duh gurl Lola: it's a vibe Lola: 👑🌈💃😘 Astrid: iT is A Vibe Lola: you know a vibe when you 👀 one Lola: i CaN TeLL Astrid: I haVE tO gO Astrid: doNT fORget FriDAY Astrid: @ 8 Astrid: 🍓!! Lola: Oh, okay Lola: Looking forward to it ✨
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