#if you saw this 30 mins ago no you didn’t
why-do-we-do-this · 11 months
On day eight, Cellbit wakes up with one thought in mind:
I’m not going to let my husband die.
He turns on his team earpiece and pulls his communicator out, instantly beginning to send messages and trying to organize the chaos. It’s what he does best.
By the time the responses come, mixtures of “We’re trying but we just aren’t strong enough”, “Everyone has given up already”, “we don’t have the materials”, “I think it’s already over”, Cellbit much too soon feels the telltale thickening of the archipelago’s air that will soon suffocate them all into unconsciousness once again. They are running out of time, but too much is at stake to lose. He doesn’t want to think about what happens if they lose. They can’t lose-
Movement in the distance.
Cellbit whips around to focus in on it, trying to spot the enemy before it spots him. He zeroes in on a figure on the horizon and strains to identity them against the setting sun, familiar stripes on an unfamiliar jacket, unfamiliar frown on a familiar face.
Cellbit sprints towards his husband, shouting well before the other can even hear him. Begging him to tell him what green team needs to survive, ignoring the way his always beautiful features dip heavily into exhaustion, pretending his own aren’t just as heavy and leaden. If he gets this right they can talk later. If he gets this right, he can pull his husband close and try his best to kiss away all of the bad things.
If he gets this wrong-
He takes off running into the night’s cold desert sands again as soon as Roier gives him the word, yelling into his earpiece, no time for mincing words or pleasantries. There is roughly five minutes left. They can do it if they all just try. There’s no time to waste.
Cellbit doesn’t even check to see where the rabbit leather has settled in his inventory, there’s no time to. He can’t think of anything else as he beelines back to global with the ticking of the clock pressing into his senses and stabbing at his brain. There’s no time.
It’s not enough. Of course it’s not enough. Nothing is simple or slow or easy in this damned island. It’s horrifying to Cellbit that he almost misses Isla Quesadilla, but he supposes the bar is low.
At least on Isla Quesadilla he didn’t have to feel the last grains of his husband’s life sliding through his fingers like sand. He didn’t have to watch him tumble down the bottleneck of an hourglass and into the nothingness awaiting just below.
Cellbit rips his earpiece out, uncaring and desperate as he draws his sword and blurts in a hasty mash of languages, “Let’s kill one of them, fuck it! Come on, let’s go- out in front!” And he doesn’t check to see if Roier is behind him, there’s no time. Cellbit gets his sword through Pierre and is locking blades with Bad when he sees his husband collapse into the sand. There’s no time.
“No fucking way!” He feels the air pulling away from his brain as he desperately runs to his husband’s side. And he only just makes it, Bad’s blade at his heels, before his vision fades away. He barely feels the material of Roier’s hoodie against his scarred and bloodied arms and fingers when he reaches out blindly, and the only thought tearing through his mind as he weakly pulls the other man closer is that he’d failed him. There was no time.
His husband is dead- or whatever twisted approximation of death this place brings- and Cellbit could not save him.
His mind begins to drift, losing the rest of his senses to the void in the emptiness of unconsciousness and the ravenous hollows of newly forming grief and despair. He thinks that maybe he’s crying, but he can’t know now, as the feeling fades from his skin, and he honestly doesn’t fucking care. His husband has been ripped from his arms like everything else good in his life ever has been, and the realization that Cellbit has not only lost his husband, but his sister and two co-parents as well, twists his grief into a blistering, raging inferno of anger.
Roier is dead, and he could not save him. He couldn’t save anyone.
Cellbit has nothing left.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
———————— ☠️
“Sergeant, you’ve been sitting there for the past 30 mins. Do you seriously think you have that much time to waste?”
Your Lieutenant Simon Riley’s voice was dead yet firm in its tone, being evident that he wasn’t very pleased at the moment.
Placing yourself in his shoes, you’d be upset too, there was a mission coming up and much preparation was still needed, from ‘everyone’ in the team.
Trying to swallow the heavy rock in your throat, you tried to put down the pain of your humiliation from earlier, and replied lowly,
“No sir, but I’m waiting for someone-“
“For 30 minutes? Don’t you think that after 5-10 minutes of waiting it’d be very clear that they’re not coming back for you.”
‘Oh.. but why would they do that? Their supposed to help me-‘
“Sergeant? I asked a question-“
“Yes sir, you’re right. I apologize for wasting time and being delusional.”
With a confident tone you had replied, which was the total opposite of what you were feeling. And though you apologized, you stayed glued to that damned seat, clenching your thighs and the gut wrecking pain that seared from your stomach to your legs- who would’ve thought that period pains would make you feel like you’ve been shot and stabbed?
You bit your lip nervously at the scolding that was to come in a few seconds as you hadn’t moved, and neither had your Lieutenant Ghost, meaning he was waiting for you to move your ass up from the metal chair.
And the longer the seconds passed, you grew more sick and worried, for Ghost wasn’t the most nicest to the newest ones in the team, he was actually very strict and took no excuses from anyone- including you.
Although you haven’t been on that side of him, but you’ve seen it and wouldn’t dare cross that bridge. So far you’ve been one of the best alongside Johnny Soap MacTavish, listening attentively and being the best shot on the job. But now you’re letting a natural cause hold you back, and in shame you couldn’t move or budge.
Not after you were mocked and belittled for it- and it wasn’t even your fault, but of course they all made you feel like it was.
A low gruff was heard above you, and Ghost’s large boots shifted on the ground before he practically barked,
“Well then move Sergeant!? What’d ya eat this morning that was to heavy for you to even get up eh?!”
And to put the cherry on top, when you’re in this abdominal pain, along with your daily sores from the job and stresses, you’re gonna get emotional and teary.
Especially when you knew it could’ve been solved a while ago when you had asked a teammate to help you out, but they had left you out to dry obviously, telling you to stay in that seat while they ran to your barracks to get new pants.
So now you kept your gaze on the ground, refusing to move a bit, not knowing how to explain or hold it all in, until you felt a strong grip on your arm as he lifted you up and spoke in a harsh tone,
“I’ll move you then-“
In panic you grabbed the collar of his vest and held onto the hand that grabbed you as you pleaded with desperate eyes,
“Lieutenant Riley please! Just- please.”
Your bottom lip now quivered a bit, and your eyes frantically searched his, hoping to find mercy in them so he could let you go, but he didn’t. He only locked his cold brown eyes on you, as he tried to read the situation.
That was Simon’s best tactic, he could read people like a book when he wanted to and wasn’t in a bad mood. And once he gave himself the chance to do so, he could clearly tell you were devastated and anguished, as your brows furrowed tightly and your eyes were growing glassy.
In regret at his actions, as he saw your state, Ghost immediately let you go and remembered Soap’s words,
‘Be more understanding of everyone’s situations, you may not always know why they are a certain way.’
He took a deep breath and pat your arm from where he had grasped you, not ignoring the fact how you flinched a bit and a fat tear was wiped away from your cheek by your shoulder. Simon was quick to mumble feeling guilty,
“I’m sorry Sergeant. Didn’t mean to be so harsh-“
“I bled through my pants pretty badly Lieutenant.”
He was ready to check you thinking it was probably an injury, but you instantly grabbed his jaw so he wouldn’t look, and quickly explained,
“It’s not an injury.”
You could see the way his eyes spoke confusion, as he questioned,
“Then what is it Sargeant?”
Your grip on his jaw loosened as you grew shy, realizing how close he was to you, and you grew more conscious of your state. As calmly as you could, you did your best to say the least but enough to understand.
“Please don’t let me say it... I’ve been humiliated enough.”
The gears in his poor head twisted and turned, as he tried to read in between in the lines of your words. He repeated your words in his head, and saw your state-
‘Oh.. OH.’
Ghost sucked in a deep breath and replied his thoughts,
“Oh. Sergeant- ok.. here.”
He quickly shrugged off his jacket, and like a carrying mother, he tied the sleeves around your waist, making sure it covered you were needed. He tapped your waist when he finished and ordered,
“Walk in front of me, let’s take you to your room.”
In a quiet voice you tried to reason, hoping he’d let you go on your own, as you were still a bit embarrassed.
“It’s a long walk Lieutenant- literally across the whole base-“
“Then we’ll go to my office, I have an extra pair of cargo’s.. they adjust to any size-“
He then held your cheek with his gloved palm as he assured you,
“I’m not letting you go on your own, I’ll help you.”
Nodding dumbly because of his sweet gesture, you agreed. And well, that settled it for you, he wasn’t letting you go on your own, so off you went.
Like a guardian angel his broad built covered your smaller form fully, and with a reassuring hand on your shoulder he guided you away to his office.
You felt small in front of his full build, but never insignificant as he treated you like a person, maybe he started off the wrong foot at times, but that’s who Simon Riley was.. he wasn’t used to being all nice and kind. But when he’d find out his mistake he’s pluck it out and make it right ten times more.
In the comfort of his little room, clearly showing he lived there as it smelled like his musky and citrus scent, and the decorations were to a bare minimum (it was actually just the little lamp and a few large bullet casings laid around in different places, like they were posing.
Oh and all the little gum wrapper things you made for him were all resting on his tiny window seal- anyways.. you were safe in his room.
He left you to change in peace after he made you stand in the pants for five more minutes- until you spilled the names of the soldiers that had humiliated you. You really didn’t want to cause them problems, especially with the Lieutenant himself who was stern and harsh.. but he made you understand that it was well deserved anyways.
Now you’re buckling up your fresh pants when you heard the door open and Ghost walk in, his head lowered as he began,
“You good Sergeant?”
Nodding to yourself you replied to him verbally,
“Yes Lieutenant.. thanks. They fit well.”
He took that as your signal of, ‘I’m decent you can look’ so he did, seeing his pants on you. Maybe they did look pretty big on you, but they fit, and were stainless.
Satisfaction with a hint of care in his eyes, he nodded with a soft grunt,
“Alright kid.. Oh and take these… they help with the.. the cramps?”
Smiling a bit at his shy voice coming out and at his attentiveness to what your body was going through, you replied,
“Yes.. the cramps.. thank you.”
“Hmm hmm.. now, be at the shooting range. I’ll be there in 5.”
Worry then crashed, wanting to hit you as you thought about the chance of seeing those soldiers again, but Ghost once again reassured you,
“Don’t worry Sergeant… I got your back. Go on to the range.”
Releasing a breath of relief you sent him a small smile then went, happy and confident to know you had your Lieutenant’s protection. Simon watched you walk away and he felt warmth in his chest, as he was able to provide help and be good to and for you.
Ghost hardly ever practiced shots or trained with you, afraid he’d hurt you or be too stern. But now he was afraid to leave you on your own, and be hurt by someone else. So he figured, you’d be safe and learn well from him, while he’d learn to keep his temper and tolerance in check, as he’d have you in sight.. a win is a win.
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ale-nose · 6 months
HII I've been thinking about this for ages its a quackity smut idea I was thinking about him talking y/n through masturbaition since they were in long distance because of something 😭 its been stuck in my head all day have a great dayy
hiii tysm for the request💕
Needy 4 Me
Quackity x fem! reader
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I hated the whole long distance relationship with Alex especially when i was needy and horny. I decided to wear his favorite pair of Lingerie that he bought me a while ago . I had a great idea of sending him pictures of me wearing it. I even sent him a video of me rubbing my pussy. After he saw the message, he immediately calls me.
“so fucking needy for me right princesa?”- he says
“mhm”- i whimper
“show me your pretty pussy y/n”- he says
i turn the camera and show him my pussy.
“rub it for me mi amor”- he says
“now put your fingers inside”- he says
30 mins later:
i’m a moaning mess, my legs are shaking, my pussy is throbbing from hearing Alex moans, i’m sweaty. I’m in my own world, i didn’t realize that the camera was facing my pussy.
“mi vida put the camera back on your pretty pussy”- he says
“mhm rub it for me”
“just like that”
“put ur finger inside”
“cum for me baby”
“fuck your so beautiful especially when you’re this desperate for me. you little slut.”
“fuckkk i can’t wait until i see you again. i miss your pussy around my cock”
“i miss your pretty pussy. I can’t wait to fuck you so hard.”
I cum again, moaning loudly. I couldn’t anymore. I couldn’t take it.
“baby why’d you stop”- alex whimpers
“i-i-i-i can’t baby i’m so tired”- i say while looking into the camera. My hair falling in-front of my face, my cheeks red, i’m all sweaty.
I hope you guys liked it. (i hope it’s not cringe guys🙏🏻).
i ran out of ideas in the middle of writing this… I also hope this sounds right. LMK IF I MADE MISTAKES!!
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teopatra · 1 year
tell a friend to tell a friend, she’s bacccck 🤭 🤭 🤭
~ 😗 pick an image 😗 ~
Todays topic is… DRUM ROLL PLZ 🗣️.. 🥁 🥁 🥁
Why do ppl hate on u?? 🤔
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Group 1:
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You’re the type of person that is very thorough and this makes other people compare themselves to you and automatically feel attacked bc it’s so obvious that they’re only working to achieve the bare minimum. Before meeting you most people did only what was expected of them in school and work until they met you and now they see you as the standard. If you were such a bad person then why would random stranger customers praise you??? give you gifts, buy you snacks, etc if you were such the bad guy like people make you to be.
You’re the type of person that people may pick on for no reason not bc they see you as weak but bc they WANT you to FEEL left out, these types of people were the ones crying and complaining on social media during quarantine about how lonely they were and sad bc they had to be by themselves and you was just there sipping your tea bc you did your shadow work years ago when everyone else was creating soul ties and being n superficial frenemey relationships . You’ve been ostracized since an early age, but they can’t seem to understand why no matter how cliqued up they are and you’re standing alone or with one other person who also stands alone, why you aren’t begging to be n the circle or why you aren’t trying to prove yourself to others. whole time you’re loved by your family, your community , your siblings and or you have a friend group outside of them that they’re not aware of. Needless to say, you’re pretty fulfilled in life.
Bc of your high IQ, whether you know or not, you actually are gifted in creativity. For most you prob are supppper stylish you’re Mr or Misses put that shit on .. like FORREAL, and you rarelllllly get compliments or you do but not publicly or people may come days later like I saw that pic you posted and you’re thinking to yourself liiiiike hmm I didn’t see you n the likes thooo hater if you seen it why you ain’t like it then?? 🙄 people tell on themselves and you’ll realize years later that the whole time you were really the IT girl or Him but you make people feel small so they’d never tell you. Silent stalkers, silent obsessed fans and hidden enemies & prob people who call themselves your besties bc they wanna be accepted by the masses and since your the unconventional baddie (really not unconventional it’s just everyone else is basic and unoriginal / you break the norms and people don’t know how to be stylish outside of following trends or recreating what they see on their FYP or timeline…) anyway the way you dress is original and you’re prob good at trend forecasting and when you say stuff people be like “shut up” cuz you’re always right and people are inept when it comes to being creative or original; at the same time if someone was to try to wear what you’d wear for some reason they’d look like a fool 😂 it’s giving that’s so raven vibes where you’re psychic AND fashionable like how you gonna be the whole package? Meanwhile they’re getting bashed by their own family members for being dumb as doorknobs lmao
School : you’re the type to actually pay attention and when simple questions are asked you realize how little common sense people have bc they’ll basically repeat what was just said and so many people are used to being pacified and not called out on their BS bc it’s “not nice” but you’re like eff that why did you just ask what we’re doing n class when we’ve been talking about it for the last 30 min like bffr?? Cuz atp you’re playing in MYYY face for wasting my precious time by having to repeat simple stuff. I see you being the type where you’re tired of the professor asking the class questions and the class just mute sitting there like 🥴😓🫤🫠😵‍💫😴 .. AGAIN WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS LIFE FOR WATTT EXACTLY? So you *sigh* (save the day Superman /superwoman) by , once AGAIN, answering.. the.. questions.. you feel a tap on your shoulder.. “how did you know that??” ARGHHHH you want to scream bc I’m sorry [TW] everyone at your school is stupid or slow and it be making you feel like you weren’t even supposed to be born n this time period bc it’s no way 😂 you’re the type to get a bad grade n an easy class like gym just bc you didn’t try or change out when in reality you don’t gaf bc you prob have a high GPA anyways. I see you overall being a nice person (I just seen 3:33) but you have a low tolerance bc you know what you want out of life and everyone is just going thru the motions.
Work: you exemplify great customer service and work ethic and most people may hate on you bc customers prefer your service over others not just bc you look good 😂 which people also try to say you have pretty privilege and that disgusts them bc you actually do but don’t get it twisted bc you’re handsome intelligent and you understand psychology really well which goes hand in hand with sales. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being friendly or doing your job right. I don’t see you being like a stickler rule follower but rather someone who engages with customers to make the day go faster and honestly it builds rapport and makes your reputation even better bc you could be the youngest yet seem the most knowledgeable bc people who’ve worked there longer or have senior experience bc they’re much older feel like you should just take notes from them even tho there’s no notes to be taken bc you body the job. In fact you body everything you do like they wouldn’t hire you if you weren’t qualified. You’re the type to get the job bc of your experience then when you work your magic now all your coworkers are hating UGH I can relate
Alright group 1 we’ve been going in LMBO if you want more actually check the other piles bc this one is getting long , like 2 may resonate assswelllllll🫶🏽✨💕
Group 2:
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Okay girl people hate on you because they assume that because of how you dress you could come from a family that is a little more well off even tho you don’t flaunt it , tbh you are a lowkey kind of person and may be a bit timid. I see that you challenge yourself and put yourself out there because you’re a talented individual but your anxiety or shyness may get the best of you. You’re very intuitive and you can pick up on other peoples emotions you may be claircognizant or clairaudient or like the character in Charlie Bone who could touch objects and be transported back , so you sense things that most people don’t notice like subtleties and small changes n the frequencies.
People hate on you for seeing right thru them.. it’s unfair to ppl that try to hide behind a mask or coverup their true intentions or emotions and you may innocently ask someone what happened or what’s wrong bc something did and they didn’t tell anyone. So they immediately project on to you and call you weird or try to embarrass you wen you were trying to put yourself out there by being nice. Sorry I got side tracked but you could also be the type of person that doesn’t have alot of money but you’re resourceful and people wonder how you look so stylish when you’re not wearing anything designer. Or if you do wear designer brands it’s not the mainstream designer that people are used to and even up and coming designers that you’re aware of as are most people who are into the fashion world but these people are basic so all they know is Gucci.. you’ll have something on and people like it and love it trust me but they’ll try to get you to doubt your choices by making you the joke but honestly if it was so bad then why y’all talking about it sm?? Like who’s the fan? they are 🤭
People hate on you bc you’re chosen and they have pick me energy.. like you have the ability to stay focus and you’re selective with your energy I see you have this one true friend you rely on and everyone can’t stand them bc they’re 10 toes down for you and there’s prob a lot of daily talk where you’re the topic of conversation and others wish that people talked about them sm like they do you so they’d feel important but you’ve prob stopped someone from telling you what others say about you to you bc it isn’t aligned with your higher self or the action of gossip is just low vibrational. you’re like why’re y’all talking sm about other folks like can y’all step your game up so you can be the topic instead ??? You’ve prob told people you don’t care to go to college bc you want to sing , dance, act or do art.. strong fire energy or Aquarius energy. Like you’re just different and in your own lane and if anyone tried to find their way into your lane they’d automatically get called a copycat.
You’re the popular loner; you mind your business and stay focused and people hate on you bc you’re not easily distracted, there are no rumors that can go on about you bc you’re authentically you even tho you’re to yourself everyone knows exactly what you’re about and you really don’t leave any room for confusion or assumption cuz a “bih knew better than to to let [me]/ you hear it” .. 😂
People hate on your bc they can’t try you and honestly you’re probably everyone’s crush and they’re all competing for you.. funny thing is people don’t converse about how hot you are to each other bc in everyone’s eyes they’re trying to get with you or you’re their imaginary gf or bf and they wouldn’t admit it bc they don’t really wanna know who you’d pick😂 BIG delusional energy , you don’t have mean girl vibes but you don’t play the BS games. You make people feel like they have to step their game up like they may act childish but when you come around everyone straightens up and fights for your attention even if it’s a friend group bc they’re all secretly in love with you and wonder what type of things you’d like so they can win you over
People hate on you bc of how classy you are it doesn’t come off as arrogant, it just gives boujee high standard vibes. you could have a very attractive parent or older sister and peoples older siblings and parents can have crushes on your family and that’s why people hate bc they ugly 😂 or if their dad has a crush on your mom it’s like 🙄 it seems like people cannot escape you bc you’re the talk of the town.. people also hate on you because people try to be like you wen they realize their crush likes you bc even if you were to like someone back you don’t make it obvious you like to play hard to get or you like to be chased (AS YOU SHOULD ).. you may catch people watching you or eavesdropping or trying to steal glances at your phone or Instagram.. people would love to be your friend to get advice from you but they’re jealous and jealousy consumes people.. you’re really the nicest person but you couldn’t care less who likes you or doesn’t cuz at the end of the day you have INFLUENCE. And with great power comes great responsibility.. years later these people may try to friend you on FB or tell you how inspired they were by you or they wish you were friends.. but like they couldn’t handle being your friend anyway bc their standards for themselves really aren’t that high and it shows 😂
Strong Scorpio rising or Scorpio placements but now Scorpio sun
Group 3:
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Bet y’all never heard this one 👇🏽😜 [explicit lyrics]
Okay last but not least pile 3 you should read pile 2 bc it’ll make more sense. you are also extremely talented and for some reason you have this karmic lesson that you have to overcome where everyone tries to put you into a certain box like oh you should just be a nurse o you should do this or be that but they don’t have the type of talent you have and with that type of talent that you have will attract a lot of naysayers but if you do music you either have a very angelic voice or your music tone or type is original like Kendrick Lamar’s flow when he first came out or like a mixture of alternative rap.. whatever it is don’t be shy try to live out loud. You’re not the type of artist that shoves your art in peoples faces and if you put your art on a platform like Etsy or SoundCloud I see the more intention you put into it and the more you believe in yourself the more attention you attract from strangers. People hate on you because you stand by your work whether it be tarot, pottery, resin work, herbology, makeup etc and people in your hometown may not support it as much as others do… like if you were to have a showcase I see people from other places hoping you announce a date so they can come to your city and support you aww 🥹 it MAY take years of hard work BUT that’s what people want us to think.. the Divine blessed you with a gift that you should love OUT loud.. the more you do the more resistance you’ll get from those around you but that’s bc Saturn, Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu want to challenge how hard you’ll work bc not everyone deserves to be famous which is why some famous people or people of notoriety flop or don’t last long bc it’s not genuine.. you don’t do it for the money you do it out of love..
people hate on you because you EXUDE love.. you ARE LOVE and there’s nothing bad people can say about you bc you don’t harm anyone you give people compliments but I see a lot of people from your family or hometown deal with generational trauma and they’re not used to Divine energy and true love so you trigger people bc you illuminate their shadows and you make them uncomfortable with how at peace you are with yourself.. you are an influence /influencer (in the making.. on a wide scale don’t think that you’re not an influencer just bc you’re it rich or famous or getting a bunch of brand deals baby you better live delusional cuz that’s how you manifest)
people hate on you bc they may secretly buy your products or listen to your music when they’re alone and it triggers something n their soul when they hear your voice and words and it may make them cry bc they realize how unhappy with self they are .. people wish they had your confidence to have a passion and a gift and to love it sm that you want to share it with the world they also hate how insecure they are.. they know your songs bar for bar and want to play it n public but feel embarrassed 😒
People hate on you because you’re funny and for some reason people wanna hate you sooooo bad for no reason lol what’s their problem and you make your haters and enemies laugh and they can’t help it to the point where they may try to be nice to you and even if they didn’t do anything overly mean or bully like to you you look at them like their dumb wen they do bc you’re like ummm didn’t you hate me last week ???? And now they have a reason to make you the bad guy (might wanna read group 1)
People hate on you for being the youngest 😂 they hate on you for dumb things like having small hands or being dainty .. people could hate on your for liking cute stuff (like hello kitty or computer games even if they’re violent or logical games) like you’re like a cute little angel baby even if you’re a guy and if you’re a guy people hate on you bc you’re sweet and quiet and you laugh to yourself and other guys feel like you should flex your masculinity some people (TW) may try to say you’re gay for liking certain things which you could be and so what if you are gay used to mean happy ☺️ but for most of you I see you’re severely homosexual lol and lowkey all the girls have crushes on you but even tho you’re a quiet angel baby you prob got lean muscles and dark hair and you just don’t look like the other guys it’s crazy how men deal with beauty standards like women too but even tho most people may not have an outward crush on you, if there was a vote most people surprisingly to you would actually say you’re quite attractive ..
people hate on you bc you wear simple clothes like graphic tees and joggers and you look so hot 😂 I see you may be kind of a clutz or accidentally wear mix match shoes bc you got dressed n the dark lmao it’s giving strong struggling artist hobo vibes lmao and people hate that about you bc you’re naturally alluring and radiant. You may like anime or like to tell stories, even tho people may try to act like you’re lame if there was a bonfire people would want you there and sometimes people may try to throw parties just to see if you’d show up but you never do bc ✨social anxiety✨ .. strong E girl E boy /goth vibes it reminds me of stefan salvatore from vampire diaries 🤭😍🤤😫.. you’re not actually a guys guy or a girls girl bc you prob have a lot of siblings that are the opposite gender or you and you’re the only one that’s a girl amongst brothers or vice versa or if you’re the only boy with a bunch of sisters you may have a baby brother that’s wayyyyy younger than you .. basically you see how people may use manipulative tactics due to gender
I keep seeing backpacks maybe you take transit a lot of you like to walk and you just got your backpack but what you got n there Dora? 👀 better not be a weapon of mass destruction lolz jk
Strong mutable sign vibes or check your Pisces /12th house and gemini houses or Mercury
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AITA for telling my two friends that they might be “soulmates”?
okay for privacy sake i will use abbreviations… so i (27NB) have two coworkers-turned-friends named T (28M) and B (27M)… they had known eachother before i ever met them and were both to my knowledge straight and cis
the three of us game a lot and have hung out every week over the past 8 months since i met them. T and B feel like they could have been my brothers separated at birth; we get along great and have the same humor. they treat me like “one of the guys” and it gives me a lot of euphoria as a transmasc enby
some nights we spend listening to eachother talk about specific interests that each of us has. B is a DM and is obsessed with D&D, T loves politics and history so he rants about it a lot, and i’m into psychology and personality typing. we each like talking about these things but are casual-enjoyers compared to the respective person who has more of a die-hard obsession. it’s a good way to unwind; getting drunk or high and listening to somebody else go off the rails about a topic you enjoy
i just recently got a new book about personality typing. to sum up, it deals a lot with how others interact with eachother and what each person values (it’s a socionics book). tbh it’s all just fun for me, i love reading theories about behavior. both T and B have had me “type” them and they’re entertained by it so when i got this new book and we hung out two nights ago i was excited to have some drinks and rant about the book i’m reading…
they were excited, too. i was tipsy while ranting but i remember a lot of laughing and me pacing around while i talked. i may or may not have accidentally knocked over one of B’s lamps when i walked past it. but it was all just positive reactions to what i was talking about. i talked a lot their own personalities, but neither of them seemed bothered. they’ve said before that they kinda like it when i “psychoanalyze” them…
here’s where i maybe am an asshole.
after i got too drunk to keep ranting, we started playing mario kart. playing mario kart while drunk is hilarious tbh and we aren’t competitive people much. T and B are always pretty nice to eachother about it. so, in the last round we were playing B knocked T out of first place at the last second and other than a playful slap on the arm/joking insult T didn’t really seem to mind. he even complimented B on managing to do it while drunk. i’ve definitely had friends play mario kart and attack me for doing a lot less than what B did
so, stupid and drunk, i made the connection in my brain what two types they might be from the book i’m reading. i told them as much and they both seemed interested but want to know why i thought that. i pointed out that they are both a little soft around eachother and tend to have similar values. i explained the two types i thought they each fit and they seemed to agree up until i explained… that those two types are considered “soulmates” (the book also calls it “duality”) which might be why they are so close
immediately T got kinda defensive. he asked me what i meant by that and i stupidly told him more about it rather than noticing his tone. he was a little too quiet after i finished talking so i tried to make it better him by telling him it was “just pseudoscience” because honestly it is. when T didn’t speak for a minute or two after that, B got up to go to the bathroom.
i don’t have a super clear memory of what B’s reaction was since i was focused on T, but i vaguely remember him looking happy about it before T spoke and until i saw his face when he got up i figured he hadn’t been bothered. B is a bubbly kinda guy, always smiling, but when he left he looked hurt, sad…
i was pretty confused. i’m not great at social cues and even worse if nobody tells me how they feel. jfc add drunk on top of it and i’m lost. T and B are usually patient about that and talk it out with me but we only ended up hanging out for maybe 20-30 mins afterward and when T and i left to go home nothing had really been resolved.
i had kinda forgotten about it when i went to bed that night but the next day i woke up to a text from T that essentially said “can you not talk about B and i like that we’ve had this issue before and we’re not gay”
as a queer person, both trans and bisexual, this is always a weird situation for me to be in. i’m not sure how to explain to a straight cis guy that “soulmates” can be platonic. i just texted back saying okay and kinda left it at that and B hasn’t mentioned it not even when i saw him at work yesterday. he seemed kinda quiet once or twice but not much different.
but tonight i have a shift at the same time as T and i’m worried i was already an asshole but that i’ll be an even bigger asshole if i push this topic any further. idk it feels unresolved
tl;dr i implied two of my straight cis guy friends were “soulmates” and one of them got very awkward/defensive about it but the other got kinda sad. i want to ask them more about it and talk about it with them. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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puppyfriedrice · 6 months
Back in 2010 during my freshman semester I met a guy who became one of my best friends and crushes even though he wasn't my usual 'type'...aaand I also thought I "knew" that I wasn't his type. A few months later my friend group threw a fancy dress pizza party-
Here's Coop's perspective of that night:
People were either poor or food humble (like this small amount is enough) or healthy or something so whenever there was a party I never got to eat as much as I wanted. Luckily most events like that were at night when most of the Ritalin was out of my system. But even Friday movie nights with dominos I wasn’t allowed to have too much.
Combined that with flashing forward to that first year at [redacted] when my relationship with food was finally stating to change. Always having an appetite. Enjoying more foods and flavors and branching out, feeling like a grown ass adult and having my own money so I could buy and eat whatever I wants in as large a quantity as I wanted.
I had a huge crush on you. Everything. I was drawn to to your appearance the first day I saw you. Very physically attracted to you and then you started talking to me. You were nerdy and goofy like me and you actually listened to what I was saying and were actually interested in it too. You treated me like a person and it felt real and genuine and no one ever talked like that before.
That night at the 20’s party that black dress on you was fire! There was pizza and I had grabbed a few slices earlier and ate them but wanted more. I wasn’t sure I should go back for seconds but really wanted to. And it looked like so much food! So many different toppings! I was eyeing the pizza and I think I just took one more slice because that seemed fair and reasonable. That’s when you came in. It was that conference room near the lounge that they always played D&D in. You looked at me and this is as close to what i remember as possible:
You “Going for seconds?”
Me (possibly blushing a little when you said that) “Yeah I’m thinking about it. But I already had like 5 slices not too long ago.” (And pretty sure I mentioned the money thing) “and like i didn’t even pitch in for it so…you know….”
I don’t exactly remover what you said next. I remember the feelings in my head and body way more for some reason. You make have mentioned that you helped paid and didn’t give a fuck if I ate a whole nother box. Something about how I should eat when I feel hungry and then something along the lines of “dig in” “go for it” —something like that
You were so hot in that dress and your eyes were as bright as always and when you told me I could take another box I felt my face get hot and like my belly tingled like the cliche butterflies feeling. My heart was def pounding and it felt more than just being attracted to your personality and face/body.
It was what you had said about food in relation to me.
And that if im hungry I should just eat like it was just that simple.
No one had said stuff like that I mean I never really ate that much during the day cuz Ritalin but at nights I’d just binge and it made my parents worried so….basically I didn’t have a happy relationship with food.
And when you said that the way you said it all, I got flustered and turned on and I remember feeling confused about it. I remember I just put 4 more pizzas on my plate for eating a total of 10 in less than…maybe 30-60 mins? I said thanks to you and I think I walked back to my other friends
It was a nice and confusing feeling
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
office party
summary: even though it’s been a year since the break up, you’re still tense around your boss and former lover, yae miko. however, after a recent break up and attending the office’s yearly holiday party, you realize that yae’s feelings for you haven’t changed.
masterlist | advent calendar
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pairing: yae miko x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), yae miko and reader used to date, reader just got out of a relationship, and reader is not traveler
word count: 430 words (1 min and 30 seconds~)
genre: romance, hurt/comfort, exes to more
format: headcanons and blurbs
warnings: CEO!yae miko x employee!reader and exes getting back together
a/n: i feel awful that this is so shitty😭 but i hope that everyone had a wonderful time with this genshin advent calendar and found a piece in it that you really enjoyed 💖stay safe and hope you enjoy this 💖
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You stumbled through the bustling crowd of people, all merry and full of holiday spirit. Although, the office space is clearly not enough for the amount of people invited. Did everyone bring a plus one? You thought to yourself as you slipped into a small conference room, which had been exempt from the holiday decorating.
You looked back at all the people and sighed, leaning on the table for support. “Why did I even come to this stupid party?”
“Oh, it’s not that stupid, sweetheart,” a familiar, sultry voice called from the dark.
You jumped as you saw the C.E.O. of the company emerge, her pink hair flowing behind her. The smell of her perfume— lavender and something else, if you recalled— overwhelmed your nose immediately. And her beautiful purple eyes would not stop boring into your soul, even as you turned your attention to the floor.
“Aw. What’s the matter?” Her hand slipped under your chin, lifting your gaze to hers. “Cat got your tongue? Or, rather, fox—”
You swatted her hands away, the sound of the slap echoing slightly in the empty conference room. “Don’t, Yae.”
“Oh, I’m just teasing, darling,” Yae reached out, but hesitated. “Sorry. Old habits die hard, I suppose.”
You furrowed your brow. “We broke up a year ago. That is plenty of time to—”
“Has it really been a year?” she rubbed her forehead. “It feels just like yesterday, to me.”
“Has CEO life really been keeping you that busy?”
Yae nodded. “With you by my side, my work felt more important.”
“Well, all good things must come to an end,” you murmured, watching as one of your coworkers helped Jared to the washrooms, too drunk to find his way on his own.
“Is that why you broke up with me at the party last year?”
You nearly snapped your neck when you looked back at her. “Yae, I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine,” she said, sadly. “A relationship between an employee and their boss wouldn’t have worked out in the end, anyway.”
“Well,” you began, gently sliding your hand over to Yae’s, “Maybe not. We had managed to keep it under wraps for a year… not even Stacy heard about it.”
Yae perked up, now curious. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that… maybe we could try again at ‘us’?” you tentatively put out, the heat rising in your cheeks. “If you’d like to, that—”
Yae’s hand came on top of yours and she smiled cheekily, the apples of her cheeks almost wrinkling her eyes. “I’d like another try at ‘us’, too.”
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@x-zho  @definitelynotaneulasimp @cxlrosii​ @tiredsleep @ireallylikehamsters​
(send an ask to be added or removed)
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
@ urbanwyatt added to his story
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@ yourusername added to his story
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@ urbanwyatt added to his story
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Liked by cozane, yourusername, nemoachida, yourbestiename, jackharlow and 8,677,345 others
urbanwyatt Backstage activities.
View all 1,900 comments
jackharlow Can’t take y’all anywhere
yourusername Not even sorry, I missed my papi 😋 😉
urbanwyatt i missed you too little mama
cozane Damn not even an invite 💨
yourusername We didn’t want an audience this time
cozane 🤮 not for that loser, I’ve seen that plenty, I mean to smoke
yourusername LMAAAO sorry
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Liked by urbanwyatt, cozane, druski2funnny, yourbestiename, and 8,677,455 others
yourusername Fuck around then back to work 🙈
View all 1,800 comments
druski2funnny ya be fucking backstage
urbanwyatt The best place tbh
yourusername I wouldn’t go that far, but yes, yes we do!!!!
druski2funnny 🤯 ya wild
claybornharlow pls behind doors next time. The things I saw, didn’t know y/n could bend like that
yourusername CLAY OMG 😭💀🙊
urbanwyatt She can do all kinds of stuff 😋
claybornharlow No, no more pls. My eyes and ears are still healing. That was 30 mins ago, I need at least a day to recover
yourusername You’re so dramatic
nemoachida No I agree with Clay, never again pls
neelamthadhani At least wait until you’re at the bus or something
druski2funnny WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN
urbanwyatt Your turn on what exactly? 🤨
druski2funnny To walk in on y’all
yourusername STOP 💀😭
druski2funnny Everyone and their mama has all these stories of y’all, I want some of my own.
urbanwyatt Soon 👀 😉
yourusername Huh what?
druski2funnny Deal
yourusername No, no deal. We never even agree on this. We just have bad luck on people walking in on us.
druski2funnny Well I want all the luck
jackharlow You have issues bro
druski2funnny I sure do 🤪
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
@minkookie95 💕
@deannaard 💕
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
So this just happened like maybe 30 mins ago but I woke up and took my dog outside and stuff then I was tired and scrolled on tumble and saw that “THE MOST POWERFUL DMT ACTIVATION” YouTube video so I thought I would just put it on and go back to bed well I was “dreaming” but not dreaming like I could here the music more loudly than it was but I wasn’t really aware of my surroundings and I was in water and I could like actually feel and almost control myself swimming like when your swimming and you know how it feels when you move/kick you legs slowly while still in place, i could almost feel it there but my head was still here if that makes sense like feel and almost here my head here but like almost see and feel the body there but it was for a little bit idk but I kinda didn’t like it because it night and kept thinking about sharks, idk if it was a lucid dream because I’ve had a couple before and it didn’t feel like it did but I’m not sure, just thought I’d share 🤷‍♀️
Wow!! Thanks for sharing, I'm not exactly sure what you experienced but it seems really cool and please keep me updated 💗
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troublesjunkyard · 15 days
And Then There Were Five.
Chapter six: A New Ally.
The five turtles were running across the rooftops when they heard this scream that was soon followed by a screech. The turtles quickly changed directions to see what the commotion was. They stopped at the edge of the roof, where they saw this thing. The creature had a human in its grasp and slammed him into the wall of the alleyway. The creature then let go of the human, and his unconscious form fell to the ground.
“Who the heck are you?” Raph asked as they all hopped down from the roof and into the alleyway with the creature, all of their weapons drawn and pointing at it.
The creature’s demeanor completely changed. As if that fight with the human never happened. “It is okay, young ones; I will not hurt you.”
“And how do we know that you won't give us the same treatment as him?” Leo pointed to the unconscious human on the ground.
“Because I have seen you four around often enough to know that you aren’t a threat. You, however, are new.” The creature said as he looked at Kai.
“Why did you attack that person?” Raph asked, taking the creature’s attention away from Kai.
“Because they were a mugger that was praying on a young woman.”
“So you’re, like, a good guy?” Raph asked, putting his weapon away, and his brothers followed.
Kai kept his scythe in his hands, not so sure about this creature. His brothers were way too trusting. “Who are you? How do you know about my brothers? And how long have you been a mutant? Or are you a yokai?”
“How long have I been a mutant? Never. I am neither a mutant nor a yokai. As for your brothers, I have been seeing them around the city for a few years now. And for your question about who I am, my name, is Min.”
“Wait, so if you're not a yokai or a mutant, then what are you?” Mikey asked, a curious chirp making itself known.
“I am a creature of shadows. I used to be human, very long ago, but then I started to mess with things I shouldn’t have, and that caused me to be how I am today.”
“How long ago?” Leo asked.
“I have been roaming this planet for a little over five millennia.”
“Five millennia? That doesn’t seem that long.” Mikey spoke.
“Mikey, a millennium is a thousand years. Min is 5 thousand years old!” Donnie informed.
“What!? Really?”
Indeed I am, young one.” Min confirmed what Donnie had said.
“You never answered my question completely. How long have you been like this? As a shadow?” Leo asked.
“Leo, think. Min just said that they used to be human. Humans only have a lifespan that averages around 70 years. And that’s only in the last 100 years. So, 100 years ago, humans only had a lifespan of around 30 years.” Donnie said to Leo.
“That is correct. I was 25 when I became like this, so I was quite near the end of my natural lifespan.”
“Wow. So~, do you have any friends, Min?” Mikey asked. Kai finally put his weapon up, but didn’t let his guard down just yet.
“I try not to create attachments to others?”
“Why not? Everyone needs friends.”
“Mmmm. I am over 5,000 years old, and I cannot die. Others will grow and die while I will remain here.”
“Oh…” Mikey had said that so quietly and sad before he looked at Min with determination. “Well, you have a friend now, whether you like it or not!” He said that with a firm voice before he hugged the 6ft 4in shadow. “Wow, you're cold.”
“Yes, well, shadows aren’t known for being warm.”
“Yeah, Good point,” Mikey said just before he released Min from the hug.
The human groaned as he started to regain consciousness. “We should go before the human wakes up, and I have to kill it.”
“Kai! What did we say about killing?” Mikey asked Kai firmly.
“‘That it’s wrong. What Draxum has taught me is no longer needed, and I am not to use lethal force on a human or any opponent in general.’” Kai recited.
“Yeah, yeah, good, but Kai was right; we should get out of here before he gets up and sees five giant talking ninja mutant teenage turtles.” Leo said.
The five turtles made their way back to the rooftop, and Min had seemingly disappeared.
“Wait, where did Min go?” Mikey asked as he peered over the rooftop and saw the human starting to stir.
“I am right here.” Min said as he suddenly appeared on the roof with the turtles.
“How did you get up here? And how did you get behind us withou–”
“Ohmigosh! Can you turn invisible like Kai!?” Mikey asked Min as he interrupted Leo.
“No, I can not turn invisible. But I can enter a two-dimensional plan of being to travel around.” Min demonstrated what he had just said by morphing into a 2-D, seemingly normal shadow. They only knew where he was by watching the shadow move on its own. The shadow then attached to Mikey’s shadow, becoming one with it.
“Cool!” Mikey chirped as he started to move his arms around, watching as Min perfectly mimicked his movements as if he wasn’t there to begin with. Then, Mikey’s shadow unsynced from his movements. Mikey flapped his arms around in the air, yet his shadow remained still. “Woah.”
Min then detached from Mikey and morphed back into a 3-dimensional shadow. “Moving amongst the shadows helps to keep me hidden.”
“Interesting. And you can do that at any time?” Donnie asked as he grabbed his tech bo and started to scan Min.
“Yes. Given if I’m not too weakened, at least.”
“Weakened? What do you mean by that? Can you be more specific? Is there anything else you can do? Can you–”
“Donnie!” Raph yelled to get the soft shell from firing a million questions at once. “You shouldn’t ask so many questions. You don’t want to scare them off.”
Min gave off a soft chuckle. “It is quite alright; he is not the first, and he will most certainly not be the last.” Min then looked away from Raph to look at Donnie. “When I overuse my abilities, I start to become weakened. When I become weakened, light starts to hurt me and weaken me more. But I just have to stay in a dark place for a while, and I will be just fine. On top of being able to travel amongst the shadows myself, I can also carry others along with me. When it’s just me, I can stay like that for about 72 hours at once before I become too weakened, but if I have someone else with me, I can only last for 24 hours. It takes a lot more energy to travel amongst the shadows with someone else with me. I can also change my appearance.” Min demonstrated that by making themself shorter. They went from a height of 6ft 4in to 4ft 9in.
Donnie had been taking notes, writing down everything Min had said.
“Woah, you’re almost as short as me now!” Mikey pointed out.
“Indeed.” Min’s body shifted once more, morphing into a perfect shadowy 3-D version of Mikey. Even his mask tails were there.
“Ohmigosh! You look like me now!”
“Yes, as my body is made out of shadows, I can shift and contort my body into any form.”
“Impressive. Make sense how you’ve managed to stay hidden all this time.” Donnie said as Min morphed back to normal.
“You’ve said that you have seen my brothers quite often. So, have you been going around, hiding behind your shadows to spy on them?” Kai asked.
“Mmmmm. Do you always see the bad things first, Kai? It makes me wonder, what has happened to you. But to answer your question, no. Your brothers here can be quite loud at times, so it is not very difficult to find them when they are shouting on top of a building.”
“I guess that does make sense; they are quite loud at a disadvantage.” Kai said, deliberately ignoring Min’s question.
“We aren’t that loud!” Raph defended.
“You guys literally yell out ‘Hot Soup’ before an attack and tell an enemy that you are there.” Kai deadpanned.
“Anyway, we should probably head back home.” Leo stated
“Do you want to come with us, Min?” Mikey asked, already putting on his puppy dog eyes.
“Yes! You should totally come with us so I can do experi– I mean, so I can ask you more questions. That is exactly what I was going to say.” Donnie ended his sentence with a whisper shout of ‘Nailed it!’
Min gave an amused smile. “Very well. I will join you for the time being.”
“Yes!” Mikey and Donnie both cheered.
“Woah. I have seen a lot of yokai, but never anything like you.” Splinter said as the turtles started to introduce Min to him.
“Min isn’t a yokai, dad. And he isn’t a mutant like us either.” Mikey informed.
“Wait, really?”
“Mikey is correct, young one.” Min stated.
Splinter looked at Min for a monument before he burst out laughing. “Oh, that is a good one!” Splinter laughed a little more before his laughter died out. “I am 46, nowhere near young.”
“Mmmmm. Yet you are young to me. If you take into account that I am over 5,000 years old, you are very young in contrast to me.”
“Wow, You are quite old. I don’t even think yokai live that long.”
“No, they do not. Though they most definitely live longer than humans, with a lifespan of around 400 years or so.”
“Yokai can live for 400 years?” Mikey asked. “I wonder how long we’ll live for?”
“Draxum said that I would live to be around 300 years, given that I would not fall in battle.” Kai answered automatically. “So our lifespan is closer to that of a yokai than it is to a human or turtle.”
“Huh. I had expected our lifespan to be closer to that of a human.” Donnie stated.
“What does that mean for me? I am old and broken.” Splinter said.
“You would probably live around 300 years as well. Draxum only mutated Raph, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey on purpose. You and me were mutated by accident as a by-product of the lab exploding.” Kai said. “Then again, we were all just hatchlings; you were already an adult when you got mutated. So maybe that will affect your lifespan. The mutagen has most definitely extended your lifespan, but maybe because you were an adult when you got mutated, you will have a shorter lifespan than we will.”
“Interjecting cough. Right, now that we have introduced Min here to dear Papa~, I would like to steal him.” Donnie said as he started to grab Min’s hand and pull him away from the group and towards his lab.
“I’ll go with him to make sure he doesn’t do anything too bad to Min.” Mikey said, already starting to follow Donnie and Min.
Kai watched the three leave before turning his attention to the three that had remained. “Right… Since they are leaving, I’m going to head to my room.”
“You sure you don’t wanna hang out?” Raph asked.
“No, I’m good.”
“Well, you know where to find us if you change your mind.”
“Of course I do; the lair is much smaller than Draxum’s castle, and you are very loud, so that aids me in finding you easily.”
“Alright, we get it! We’re loud.” Leo threw his hands in the air as he said that.
“Oh? My sons are loud? I had not noticed.”
“Ugh!” Leo deflated in defeat at Splinter's comment.
That was the last thing Kai heard before he went into his room. He laid down on his mat and let his mind wander.
Kai Subject-5 entered the pit when he heard a shrieking roar. The cage opened, and a beast came out. The beast was a turtle. S-5 recognized the turtle as Beta-103. She was a failed experiment but closer to Kai as the experiments went. B-103 let out a horrific screech, running after S-5 to claw him open before turning her attention and starting to climb the pit to escape and attack Draxum. S-5 didn't let her get go too far before sinking his fangs into B-103's neck, letting out a dangerous hiss.
“Study its weakness Subject-5. And don't let it get out of the pit.” Draxum had said this was his big test, to kill Beta-103
S-5 had heard about Beta-103 before– and even read its files; it was supposed to be like him, but something wrong happened while she was made, resulting in her being a failure. B-103 let out a horrific screech, clawing its way out of the pit and charging at Draxum. S-5 hissed, sinking his claws into B-103, causing them both to tumble back into the pit.
B-103 scrambled to their feet and screeched. “Hhh-urrr-t!”
The seven-year-old snarled, charging toward B-103. Beta-103 did the same, but Subject-5 popped into his shell at the last moment, causing B-103 to miss S-5 and ram right into the wall.
S-5 took the opportunity and dashed to B-103. He sunk his teeth and claws into her neck, his tail soon following to wrap around her neck, making it hard to breathe. B-103 shrieked before hacking up acid; S-5 hissed and released her as the acid burned his scales. She rammed into the wall, spitting acid to melt the bricks. S-5 hissed as he watched B-103 squeeze through the wall.
“Subject-5! Do not let Beta-103 escape!” Draxum yelled.
S-5 was a bit smaller than B-103, so he could fit through the she had made easier. S-5 saw B-103 spitting acid at the exterior wall and trying to squeeze through the gap and into the Hidden City. By the time S-5 caught up to her, she was mostly through; he tried to grab her tail, but she was just out of reach. S-5 went through the gap and ran out into the Hidden City after B-103.
“I told you not to let it escape!” Draxum yelled at Subject-5, securing the muzzle onto him. “I may not have been able to train Beta-103 as I can train you, but I still had plans for it!”
S-5 weakly pawed at the muzzle, already knowing that they wouldn’t be able to take it off. “I-I’m sorry, Draxum. I did not mean to fail you.” S-5 whined as he sank to the floor.
“Huginn, Mununn. Take Subject-5 to its cell. It is not to be fed for at least a week, and the muzzle will stay on. It needs to be punished for its failure.”
“Right away, boss.”
A sound dragged Subject-5 Kai out of his thoughts. When he looked at the doorway, he saw Min standing there.
“Mind if I come in?”
Kai watched Min for a moment before sighing and giving a small nod. “Yeah, you can come in.” He said quietly.
With Kai’s approval, Min made his way into his room and sat down next to where Kai was lying down. “What’s going on, young one?”
“It doesn’t matter; it’s all in the past.”
“Mmmmm. That is not entirely true. The past can have a big impact on how we move through the present.”
Kai stayed quiet.
“You don’t have to tell me anything; I won’t force you to do so if you do not wish to, but it might help.”
Kai stayed quiet for a little longer before he spoke. “I know I’m not with Draxum anymore, but I can’t stop my mind from wandering– from remembering. I remembered these things, But they had never surfaced to this degree before. Ever since I left Draxum, I can’t get the memories to leave me alone.”
“From what I have heard from your brothers, your past is a traumatic one. Now that you are in a better environment, your body is processing that trauma. You can choose to hold onto your past, or you can choose to let it go. Holding onto it is a lot easier than letting it go, but letting go of your past is not impossible.”
“But I’m broken. I was too broken for Draxum, and I am too broken for my brothers… They don’t need a defective subject like me.”
“You are neither Broken nor defective, Kai. You just have to relearn some things. I once thought that I was broken, too. It was years ago when I had just become like this. It took a long time to accept what I had become, and it took an even longer time to let go of most of my past. But I have yet to let go of all of it. Some parts of my past I still hold onto.”
“And what’s that?” Kai asked quietly.
Min was quiet for just a moment, then they spoke. “My sister.” They had said quietly and with some sadness leaking out of their voice. “My little sister had gone missing one day. I had searched for her everywhere but to no avail. After a few years of searching, I finally decided to give up because even if she hadn’t been murdered or starved to death or had any other death accor, she would have died of old age by then. I ended up collecting some of her belongings, and I put them in a small box. I then buried that box with her belongings in it next to our parents' grave. Considering that I had never found her, it was the best I could do to give her some resemblance of a burial… I often wonder how things would have gone had I stopped her from leaving that day. And I often feel guilty that I couldn’t find her. All I can hope is that my little sister had not suffered for too long… Saya rindu awak, Jewel. Saya minta maaf kerana saya tidak dapat berbuat lebih banyak untuk anda.”
Kai and Min had continued to talk for a while until Min had to leave.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Yay Min!
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jollydragonsalad · 5 months
Do we know what time this event is scheduled to start ?
I’ve been out of touch today and just checked to see if I could find out if G had arrived in Vegas but I didn’t see anything. Do we know if she is there? I saw no plane info from anybody except the Celebrity Jets which people say isn’t reliable and it shows plane still in Van Nuys. Do you have any information?
listed for 5:30 - 11:00 pm
BSE just left for Vegas
well about 30-40 min ago believe
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28whitepeonies · 1 year
Hi bea
How was the festival? Would love to hear your thoughts!
Anon 2: Can’t wait to hear your experience. Hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks anons
So I hadn't been to Away from Home either of the previous two times so I don't have another afhf to compare to. I have been to a lot of festivals otherwise though, both day and camping and if I’m honest this was probably the worst festival experience I have ever had (and I used to go to T in the Park). With that in mind I’ll summarise my thoughts now I am home and chilled.
Things I enjoyed:
• Blossoms - I saw them support another band a few years ago and I thought they were really great both then and now (we also bumped into them the night before in Pisa).
• The seaside location - Italy was so hot, we went to the beach in the early afternoon and then to the festival, I thought that was a great thing to be able to do
• Louis' show was fabulous and I was really glad to have seen him, got to hear some fitf tracks for the first time (no Chicago though :( )
Things I didn't enjoy:
• Food - The website said there would be vegan food, both my friend and I are vegan and chose not to eat earlier because because we were really quite excited by the prospect of vegan options, this was dumb on our part. I've been vegan for a very long time and would never expect a concert venue to have food options so I want to be clear that my issue here is only because the afhf FAQ's explicitly mentioned vegan food being available. In reality there were no real vegan options. We queued for around 2-2.5 hours inside the venue for food in total. First for about 30 mins to get a piece of bread with a slice of lettuce inside it and then for close to 2 hours to get a portion of fries. I promise I am not exaggerating any of that, we missed all of the cribs, the dj set and most of blossoms and I have a photo of the lettuce bread. We were by no means the exception in terms of how long we waited for food. A big part of the problem was that there were I think two/four (two places selling sandwiches and two selling chips & burgers) food vendors for everyone there, and the chip vendors only had one tiny chip fryer each so they could only cook 3-4 portions at a time and then a 5 minute wait for the next 3-4. The venue wasn't sold out but there must have been 15k people at least inside I expect and folk wanted to eat - remember they had said you couldn’t bring food/drink inside and you couldn’t leave and come back.
• Hygiene - listen gigs/festivals are never the cleanest places but this was really quite bad. We arrived about 6pm, at that point the bins were overflowing, there was no toilet roll and no running water to wash your hands in the loos. There were also no staff/stewards to notify. By 9pm then were used sanitary products stacked in the loos and no bins in sight. It was 35° that day.
• Organisation - The organisation around the venue was really confusing, we got a bus to the town and it was almost impossible to get from the bus stop to the beach because of the queue system & closures which just weren't being communicated. Every security guard told us something different which made it hard to navigate. Coming back to the venue later from the beach (around 530pm) there were almost no staff in sight and all the road closures had changed. When we got inside we didn’t get wristbands which we thought odd at the time but now know they weren't given out (I don’t really care about the wristband but think it’s a symbol of the organisational issues). Overall the event felt really understaffed.
• Tech/sound/screens - there were a lot of tech issues, some might have been heat related I imagine but the sound at times was terrible and the two screens seemed really small for the venue (they also glitched a lot). We chose to stand near the back so the screen thing was quite noticeable.
If I am honest the experience wasn't for me and I probably wouldn't go to afhf again, some of this might have been specific to this venue but I just wouldn't be willing to risk it.
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lunarsun12 · 9 months
Growling Dog
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It was before dinner, Mingi just got back from his music school. He went to his and Jongho shared room. Mingi saw the broken perfume which he used in special occasion as well his gold bracelets. When Mingi saw the perfume, he cried as he took him many months to save it. He didn’t cry for the bracelets (that what he like to say but they all know it also because of the bracelets).
When Yunho saw, the crying Mingi running towards him. His blood boils, the happy sunshine Yunho has turned into growling dog. Determined to hunt down, who has hurted his princess Mingi. Yunho decided to take to the groupchat, knowing who is the suspect right away.
Is Yunho hunch right? Or did Mingi really break it?
Back at Ateez Chat
Today 18:30
Jongho🐻: Hello~
Wooyoung🦊: What? It nearly my cuddle session time with Sannie
Yunho😡: Which one of you two made Mingi cry?
Jongho🐻: I haven’t touched Mingi today-
Wooyoung🦊: Mingi, always run away when he sees me. How could it be me?
Seonghwa🌸: Oh come one! Right after Christmas!!
Seonghwa🌸: Can’t I go a day, without having something chaotic happening in this household (sorry seonghwa, you are living with chaotic children)
Seonghwa🌸: Alright, just own up whoever hurt Mingi. This child is such a handful
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Yunho tell us, what happened?
Seonghwa🌸: Wow, you actually being helpful. For once, seeing this makes me want to cry🤧
Jongho🐻: Eomma, this is embarrassing! You always tell me to control my emotions!
Seonghwa🌸: Anyways Yunho?
Yunho😡: Well, Mingi came to my room crying a few mins ago. Saying someone broke his favourite perfume
Yunho😡: As well stole, his gold bracelet!
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Maybe Mingi accidentally broke/ misplace it? It can happen!
Mingi🦄: Mingi doesn’t break stuff and I always wear my gold bracelet
Yeosang🍗: You broke the Christmas Tree a few days ago
Mingi🦄: It was an accident! I swear I’m gonna own up!
Wooyoung🦊: After I, take the blame!
Yunho😡: It has Wooyoung/ Jongho. I see you wooyoung eyeing up that bracelet as Jongho with that perfume
Wooyoung🦊: Why are you blaming us? Did mingi break it by himself?
Jongho🐻: This time, it’s not mingi! I know this perfume, he wear it on special occasions. I know what I can / cannot touch
Yunho😡: Well, whoever it is! Own up, no one makes my princess mingi cry!!
Yeosang🍗: Princess? You sound like a couple ewww
Yunho😡: We are not a couple, that beside the point. If no one owns up, I will give you my scary puppy glare
Wooyoung🦊: That glare is no puppy like, it gave Sannie a nightmare
Yeosang🍗: Why is San so quiet?
Wooyoung🦊: I dunno, he is innocent like always 😊
San🗻: No scary puppy eyes! Please don’t hurt me! It was an accident!
Yunho😡: Accident?
San🗻: You see, I really like the perfume Mingi wears. I wanted to see the label and I got scared when heard Jongho walking to the room. And I broke it out of panic
San🗻: Stop fighting! Wooyoungie and Jongho are innocent! Hmph
Yeosang🍗: San, not so innocent after all!
Wooyoung🦊: Shut up! I don’t keep an eye on San 24/7!
Yunho😡: Well if it’s sannie, I can forgive
Yunho😡: You never sorry…
Mingi🦄: Yunhoooo, my perfume! It was expensive! I am never gonna get it back!
San🗻: Mingi, I bought you the replacement! I was out shopping to replace it!! As well hoping we can share!
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: I taught Sannie so well
Seonghwa🌸: YOU MEAN US…such a sweet boy
Mingi🦄: But who stole my gold bracelets?
Yeosang🍗: Mingi, you left it in my room! You told me to keep it safe from Wooyoung
Mingi🦄: That where I put it…
Yunho🐶: Well I’m so glad, we got this sorted out!
Mingi🦄: Thank you San! For buying that perfume! But I’m not sharing!!
San🗻: Hey, I bought you with my own money! Eomma and Appa tell mingi to share with me! I told the truth!!
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi share the perfume with San. He did bought it for you
Mingi🦄: B-But that’s not fair! It was mine to begin with
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi…I let you off about the Christmas tree. Do you want to get punished now?
Mingi🦄: Mingi will share
San🗻: *^O^*
Yunho🐶: Don’t worry Mingi, I can help you with the sharing part *winks*
Wooyoung🦊: If San gets upset with your ‘helping’. I will destroy your gaming console
Yunho🐶: If you dare touch my gaming consoles. Your precious coffee machine, will be donated
Jongho🐻: Looks like doggy hyung, won’t be bite us anymore. He is scary when mad
Wooyoung🦊: Tell me about it, last time he got mad was becuase I made Mingi to watch a horror film. For weeks, he wouldn’t stop glaring at me until I said sorry to mingi
Wooyoung🦊: Mingi was being a wimp!
Yunho🐶: Mingi is a brave boy! He is on the sensitive side
Seonghwa🌸: Kids and Hongjong dinner is ready!
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0613magazine · 1 year
040723 Billboard
BTS’ SUGA Returns as Agust D to Tackle Loneliness, Humanity & Being Acknowledged
Back under his solo moniker, SUGA is feeling two decades of songwriting and producing connect universally: "We're finally getting recognized as musicians."
Most famously known as SUGA from BTS — but also by the solo moniker Agust D, as well as birth name Min Yoongi — the artist who works as a rapper, singer, producer, dancer, fashion muse and NBA ambassador wants to remind listeners that, above all, he is a human.
Today, April 7, marks the return of Agust D, the name SUGA uses when releasing solo projects away from BTS, with the new single “People Pt.2” featuring K-pop superstar IU. Not only does it mark the duo’s latest collaboration after teaming for the No. 1 hit on Billboard‘s World Digital Song Sales chart “eight” from May 2020, it also acts as an extension from “People,” a fan-favorite cut from Agust D’s D-2 mixtape released that same month. While the original “People” saw SUGA reflecting on himself and meditating on how others judge and change, Part 2 longs for connection with others.
As multifaceted as SUGA’s world is, loneliness is a permanent source of inspiration and intrigue for the 30-year-old. Hours before “People Pt.2” drops worldwide, his call with Billboard occurs alongside multiple international teams who work around the clock for SUGA and BIGHIT MUSIC artists. Some are beside him physically, others via Zoom connection virtually — but loneliness remains a muse for the star, assisting him in searching within and speaking to listeners in larger, universal ways.
Since its debut, BTS’ musical appeal has reached globally largely through the septet’s extended metaphors and imagery, translating into accessible storytelling alongside boundary-pushing compositions and choreography. SUGA’s range of material is vast, after producing on essentially every BTS album, not to mention scoring high-profile collaborations with everyone from Halsey and Juice WRLD to Epik High and Japan’s ØMI. But now, he’s emphasizing the topics that move him personally — and ensuring he’s properly heard.
Despite an already packed spring and summer with album promo, his solo world tour, ambassadorship duties and a YouTube series, SUGA cheekily closes out our chat (“Yeah, it’s f–king busy,” he says with a wink) since he has no time to waste. Read on as he narrows in on the release of “People Pt.2” and all that’s led up to this reflective pop/hip-hop collaboration.
We’re hours away from the release of “People Pt.2,” your official return as Agust D for your D-Day album. Is there a different mindset when you prepare music as Agust D versus solo or as SUGA alongside BTS?
SUGA: They’re all music made by the person called Min Yoongi. So, I don’t actually have a very different mindset for each moniker — but I would say that the purposes could be somewhat different. Ultimately, the goal of releasing this music is for as many people to listen to my music as possible. So, “People Pt.2” was made thinking about how people will receive Agust D’s music, which is why we also featured IU. It’s kind of a trial to release this music under the name Agust D. I’m actually a little bit worried.
“People Pt.2” (featuring IU) of course follows up “People” from the D-2 mixtape. What was important about continuing this story with IU?
This is a story that you’ll personally love: The title wasn’t originally “People Pt.2.” Actually, “People” from D-2 is personally my favorite song — and we actually worked on “People Pt.2” three years ago. When I was releasing my pictorial [Photo-Folio Wholly or Whole Me] photo shoot, the company actually revealed the guide [demo] version and gave a glimpse of it to the public. But anyway, it was already finished when we were working on D-2 so I was thinking, “Oh, I should release this, I should release this.” But we had to get on with “Butter” and “Dynamite” so we didn’t get the chance.
Originally, the title was “Sara (사라),” without the “M (ㅁ)” consonant in Korean — because that’s, like, one consonant less than the word “saram (사람),” which is Korean for “people.” Depending on whichever consonant you put at the end of the word sara (사라), it can become “saram (사람)” and “people,” or it can become “sarang 사랑,” or “love” in Korean. So, it’s the listener’s choice to put which consonant you want at the end of “sara” (사라). But I had my friend listen to this son and people heard it as “sal-ah (살아)” which kind of means “live” in Korean and I was like, “This is not going to work.” So, we finalized the title to be “People” in the end.
And some people call me August D, some people call me Ah-gust D, but I’m actually Agust D. So, you know, people take my name differently and we had to sync the person SUGA and Agust D. This is a song that kind of matches that sync. We need that bridge and sync between my mixtape and this official solo album. In order to put that sync together, I had to make this a very pop song. We didn’t try to make the music video that intense — and, in that sense, IU really played an important role in doing that. I also think this is a genre that I can do best, this pop-focused song.
There’s this sync between songs, but the themes and lyrics are very different, right? “People” was self-reflective and examined other people’s judgments, but “People Pt.2” seems more about connection and fighting loneliness. What most differentiates the two in your mind?
In the past — and I’ve always said this in my interviews — personally, I think loneliness is being together in modern society. I always talk about loneliness in my interviews, but regretfully, it isn’t always in the final interview. Not only me, everyone has this loneliness inside them until the moment they die. However deep you are in a relationship, how much you engage with other people, how many friends you meet, or how often you meet with your family, you always have the loneliness inside.
So, I started with this keyword of “loneliness” three years ago, and I wouldn’t say there’s much difference in that everybody can feel pain and agonized. It’s the same with me. Whether it’s me from BTS, SUGA, Min Yoongi, or Agust D, I always have that inside me too. People might see me as someone who wouldn’t have any concerns or worries or that I don’t feel any agony, but I feel those emotions too. I’m trying to find a way to fight those and overcome those too.
This album doesn’t really finalize everything in its message either. So, there might be a possibility there could be a “Part 3” later on. For now, we’re just trying to say, “Let’s not hate each other. Let’s find a way.”
I like that — because even in the Road to D-Day documentary trailer, there’s a moment you say you frequently consider quitting music. But when people come together, it makes you realize you can do it and have fun. Does this tie into themes of “People Pt.2”?
This is kind of a difficult topic, because I started making music and writing lyrics [when] I was 11 or 12 years old. I’ve been making music for all these years, and now I’m 30. It wasn’t easy writing “People Pt.2,” and the album overall, but people really don’t know the whole process of that. Even though I’d been making music more than half of my life — and I’m just saying this because you understand this, Jeff — when we first started in the K-pop scene, we were in this ambiguous position of not being accepted as musicians and not being accepted as idols either. But the musicians close to me know that I’m very serious and sincere in music and that I’m a very natural person.
So, the documentary started as I just wanted to capture and show this process. It started with the purpose of showing SUGA as a producer and songwriter, but it kind of ended up having the worldview of an album-making process. I tried to show the normal, individual side of me as much as possible, but as I am a Korean idol, or K-idol, a lot of scenes were edited out; there were more of those natural scenes and some very good scenes that couldn’t make it in the final version. The documentary and “People Pt.2” try to reveal the natural side of the human Min Yoongi. I just wanted to show that I am this humane person. I am just a human.
You need to release your “Director’s Cut” one day. While D-Day and the documentary are coming, I want to congratulate you on the worldwide release of D-2 and Agust D this week. My favorite song, “Agust D” with the sample of “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World,” was finally added to streaming too. You shared how J. Cole approved BTS’ “Born Singer” sample, what can you share about the process with James Brown‘s estate?
I released Agust D when I was still very young, so, even as I listen to it now, it kind of sounds immature — if you listen to the tone, the rap itself wasn’t very organized, I wanted to do a lot of things at that time. It just kind of keeps going very tightly and quickly. But after doing so much various and diverse music, I think that people love the songs that have been released more recently than the songs that were released back then. So, I kind of dare say that people are starting to recognize and acknowledge these songs now. Since the musician actually passed away, I think it was the family who decided to acknowledge it.
Same thing with [clearing] “Born Sinner” — and I don’t know what the path was for the musician themselves, but it was clear. And I take it as that I, as BTS, and Min Yoongi, and SUGA, and Agust D, was acknowledged as a musician. I’m really not thinking that broader consumers or audiences will accept it, because it’s not really popular music. Still, I would dare assume that it’s getting cleared because we’re finally getting recognized as musicians.
Source: Billboard
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sweaterrat · 2 years
GIRL I RELATE SM TO THAT PIC WITH UR DAD 👀👀 Can I ask what happened next???
Bro appeared as if he was a star guest in a sitcom 👩‍🦯
He is a big grown ass black man. i said my prayers 🕊️ I’ll tell you the truth I was shaking like a leaf on a winter afternoon in the salon and deal or no deal was playing on the tv. 😭 He looked through my phone for a good hour and I was just PRAYING he didn’t see too much lemlav art (he knows abt my crush on Donnie and its already embarrassing enough). All I could do was to pretend to watch deal or no deal and try not to CRY. After a while he gave me my phone back and I saw my ao3 tab was open. Imma be so fr I almost fainted. (Shout out to Crush too Much by @/afreakingdork I love it so far!! <333) He drove me home in PURE SILENCE and I was just waiting for him to mention my shifting script bc notion was open too 😭 (The stuff on my script stays between me and GOD.) Anyways I’m home now! I stopped shaking abt 30 mins ago 💀 happy Valentine’s Day 🕊️
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daddyfuckedme · 1 year
hello hi idk why i’m msging u but i am monumentally high and smth just happened. i saw ur post ab wanting someone to call u so maybe this will entertain u?. about 30 mins ago i just asked my partner to borrow their phone & they just deleted a text thread with a guy they were talking to b4 we got together. they said “i don’t know why i deleted them, i just didn’t want you to read them” and swear it’s nothing. and i want to believe them but i can’t shake it. i also don’t wanna b a dumb puta ab it 🥲🥲🥲🥲 advice pls??
put your faith in them this time, and keep track of any other sus behavior they might portray. if something like that happens again i'd worry a bit but i truly think you and the situation is fine now and you can be at ease. i would be too. <3
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