#if you find it aggressive that's on you ? the other person posting doesnt have to accomodate 24/7 to a stranger ???
xx0acidicorchid0xx · 24 days
some notes on wolverines (mustelidae) and Logan
cause new hyperfixation (its been goin on since a few weeks ago). gonna preface this by saying i have only seen the first x-men movie, and whatever else i found on tiktok n tumblr through my hyperfixation hoarding, so if anything is wrong or actually canon (or not canon) I'm sorry
notes under cut:
wolverines, while technically weasels, theyre the largest terrestrial weasel, and can weigh 26-50lbs.
Logan, is 5'3, but weighs at least 300lbs due to the admantium skeleton (195lbs without, meaning this small furry smelly man is just pure bulk)
wolverines are muscular n stocky and have thick fur (also waterproof n oily to prevent frost n such in them harsh canadian forests), are native to canada but can be found in similar environments, and are described as lil balls of violence and are extremely territorial around their food, family, and themselves (only out of necessity in order to survive the winter wastelands they live in). they also lack social skills and pack behavior like wolves
Logan, hairy beefy man, born in canada, described as an asshole, is violent n aggressive, but also severely traumatized. now with the fur, wolverines are nicknamed skunkcats because of how much they reek (they also mark whatever carcass they stole or found so nothing else can take it from em or where they buried it). if Logan (who canonically reeks) has waterproof n oily fur, it must be real difficult getting him to shower (not to mention he doesnt like getting wet) and also the water will not be able to get to his fucking skin because hes built to survive canadian woods.
wolverines are also commonly found in trees, as they use the height to locate prey and eventually pounce onto said prey
from some of the panel screenshots ive seen, Logan isnt unfamiliar with climbing onto trees
wolverines have been known to take on animals 3x their size, such as fuckin Moose, polar bears, elk n caribou, etc etc (only difference here between the mustelid and Logan is that there is no known attack on a human by a wolverine).
while wolverines have semi-retractable claws, Logan's claws are fully retractable. they (both the animal and Logan) have huge paws/hands, for the animal, its to prevent sinking into the snow
along with the thick waterproof fur and stocky build, theyre latin name gulo basically means glutton, so they have to eat a fuck load in order to maintain their body temp (usually they just eat their weight or very frequent small meals, but larger stuff is common), also theyre carnivorous but will eat anything they can find or kill, usually carcasses from avalanches n such, aka opportunity eaters
i have heard that Logan eats a shit ton, especially meat, but only large meals when alone, and small meals more frequently at the mansion. with the body heat thing, it must be super hard for him post-adamantium to keep his body temp at a normal range without literally sitting in the sun all day.
despite the aggressiveness they develop in the wild, when domesticated (which ive heard/read is super easy than you would think), they become very attached to one person, who usually is the trusted handler. they exhibit very cat-like behaviors, except wolverines actually like being picked up and wearing harnesses, they also like pets (but again, the trusted handler thing). they can become calm when hearing a high pitched obnoxious voice, and can go into a kind of trance when their gums are rubbed.
not sure about the cat behaviors n harnesses n other shit for Logan, but with the voice thing: Wade. thats all i really need to say about that
wolverines are naturally polygamous, but do come back to the female every so often to help raise the kits. theres a video of a wolverine male leaving out a moose leg near a female's den so she can have something for the kits to eat
this man gets passed around the x-men mansion like coleslaw at a southern get together dinner, aint no way hes monogamous. he does worry about the women he basically adopted and raised (rogue, laura, jubilee i think, yukio?,, i cant name any others but theres several)
wolverines also have the ability to smell a frozen carcass from over a mile away (and lemme tell ya, unless you have an excellent sense of smell, frozen anything doesnt have a smell except sharp)
this man can canonically smell emotions, and be able to tell the difference between Mystique and Storm just from smell Alone.
wolverines are very vocal, usually this kinda snarl/snort/growl/mumbling/chuff sound
not sure about comic Wolvie, but Hugh Jackman (and Logan, obviously) does snort n growl n roar n other shit like that
wolverines' mating rituals often include fighting multiple times, and mate Only after the female is confident in the male's fighting (males who return several times are more likely to mate than males who only fight once or twice) and that the female doesnt submit too easily. this is so the female and male can ensure the produced kits are strong enough to survive
self explanatory, minus the producing kits (that i know of)
also fun lil fact, wolverines' back molars are rotated at a 90 degree angle, so they can gnaw through bone easier (supposedly this is a common trait for mustelids)
not sure about sideways molars, but Logan does canonically have longer, more animalistic canines
most of my notes and how i worded some stuff is taken from wolverine expert Steve Kroschel, and tumblr user @/icarusredwings, as they have Amazing notes and headcanons on wolverines and Logan
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tixdixl · 2 months
I gotta know more about Kingsley
Anything that might not have been talked about thru asks or general lore you wanna let folks know?
I don't think I've ever properly talked about him, his lore, and his motivations openly here. So strap in; this is gonna be a doozy.
And for y'all's sakes... I'll limit this to only containing lore from during his time at NRC. I can share post-NRC stuff another time.
Kingsley is a Horned King expy from the Chronciles of Prydain (the source material from which Disney's the Black Cauldron was made). As a result, many of his physical attributes, his personality, his story, and his relationships twist from the book series beyond the Disney film. There are very clear influences from the film as well, but I felt it would be far more striking and interesting if he drew from the original source material moreso than the film.
Kingsley is the crown prince of a fan-made location known as the Isle of Cantrevs - twisted from the Cantrevs in the Chronicles of Prydain. Due to his issues with anger management, his views on authority, and other additional traits, his parents - despite raising him to BE this way and culturally raising him to have certain beliefs - were unsatisfied and didn't approve of him as their son, let alone as the rightful heir to the throne. They opted to use sending him to NRC as a chance for him to prove himself, while also using it as an opportunity for them to literally get him off their hands. Naturally, he accepts the deal, but Kingsley feels the weight of the pressure to become the man his father wants him to be.
As he starts freshman year, he is sorted into Diasomnia, not SavannaClaw. Despite the aggressive and intimidating way he holds himself, he does maintain a militant, commanding presence and a subtle, noble aura. He is sorted into Diasomnia because of both who he will grow to become, and also because nobility and magical prowess are his most prominent attribute. And yet, to most, this shocks them. Because those who do not know how Kingsley is beyond his aggression assume he is best suited in SavannaClaw.
What's worse, the political tension and the personality clashing with the other canon characters of Diasomnia leads to many many conflicts, near death duels, and the immediate social isolation of one Kingsley Tyr. Because why did this human who prefers to fight with his fists and axes over his magic get sorted into Diasomnia? He doesn't belong here. We don't want him here.
In truth, despite how long it takes him to develop his UM, Kingsley is an incredibly strong mage, both physically and in the arcane. But he tries not to show off all of his cards. He tries to keep his secrets hidden in hopes to retain an upper hand.
He is diligent and vigilant, reserved unless he chooses to strike or intimidate or initiate. He keeps largely to himself, only choosing to create allyships when he knows its mutually beneficial, but does not hold himself like a normal student. He doesnt start out having friends. Instead, he dedicates all of his free time to trying to find the location of the Black Cauldron, or if not, the method of which it was created in order to obtain either the original or to create a new one. Because perhaps if he were to raise an army of the undead, his father would be impressed and acknowledge him for his skills and assets.
But in his isolation, blot and darkness are stewing. Truthfully, he should have Overblotted. Then why did he not?
Jack Howl. A few months into schooling, Jack decides he wants to see if the rumors are true, that there is nothing else besides lethal rage behind those skull hidden eyes. And what Jack finds instead is a young man hiding his numbness. His loneliness. He finds a young man who has never experienced a friendship and doesnt know how to connect with people beyond political allegiance. He meets a dedicated student, a young man built with an unwaverable loyalty, an a cunning strategist who is far from perfect, especially in his social skills. He sees a flicker of hope. A flicker of humor. A three dimensional human being. And from that flicker of life in Kingsley's eyes, Jack decides he's gonna see to it that Kingsley proves them all wrong. So Jack keeps hanging around him, until eventually Kingsley concedes and slowly begins to open up. And from that, he makes his first friend. You can read their first interaction here.
He often finds reprieve in SavannaClaw after this. He fights to earn his welcome and catches Leona's eye. Leona sees something akin in him and tolerates his presence in his dorm, so long as Kingsley doesnt become a problem. And when he starts to do so, their talk happens (which you can read here). But Kingsley TAKES the instruction, and ends up inadvertently proving both Leona and Jack right about what else is hidden behind the skull.
From there, we see allyships and friendships built between @thehollowwriter 's Finn, @ramshacklerumble 's Gia (who becomes his partner in crime and eventual QPP), and @cyanide-latte 's Copper (who becomes one of his most cherished and valued brothers).
We also see a game between hunters, as Kingsley and Rook wordlessly initiate a game between the two of them, which can be seen in a vignette here. The first one to land a lethal hit wins. And it's entirely on sight, regardless of the circumstances. Yet... after enough time passes, rumors begin to spread that they both are intentionally missing. Who is to say? But what we do know, flash forward, is that the King Takes Rook, and right before the graduation ceremony during Rook's senior year, Kingsley catches him off guard for ONCE, and calls checkmate with an axe blade to Rook's throat. Despite the two of them almost never talk, they end up maintaining their connection with one another, and Rook remains an invaluable presence in Kingsley's life - one who will guide him in his years post-NRC.
We also see a profound rivalry between Sebek and Kingsley. Sebek cannot understand for the life of him WHY Kingsley is allowed to grace the same steps and dorm as one Malleus Draconia. This human disgraces everything that they stand for, and has done nothing but cause problems for Malleus - who for the record doesnt give a fuck about Kingsley in any capacity. You can see one instance of them fighting here. And we will touch more on this later, but keep it in mind.
There isn't a lot that has been thoroughly hammered out in terms of specific details. But dynamics have been considered and there are specific key moments that have been fleshed out.
There are a few things I have hammered out, like his direct involvement in Book 4, as well as one instance of dream walking that Silver experiences- which can be read here. Otherwise, there are a ton of empty gaps.
During sophomore year, while predominantly nebulous at this point, is where I imagine a big turning point happens, where we really see him growing. He starts to question his dynamic with his parents. He starts to question their expectations of him, and whether or not their vision of their political dynamics and rulership is beneficial both for their foriegn affairs, and for their country. But moreover, he begins to question if he even wants to take the throne after his father. He questions if thats a life he really wants to have. In social isolation. Under immense stress. Is he even cut out to be king? Is he a fit worth selecting?
I do also Headcanon that he becomes Housewarden after Malleus heads off for his internship - you know... making bold assumptions here since Book 7 isnt finished. But I imagine he is challenged regularly, and wins- often without use of magic.
Just as he is beginning to sort out his feelings, his parents summon him in the summer between sophomore and junior year for what I refer to as the "Cantrevs Event". He has been summoned to clean up his parents mess and find a magical artifact that was stolen from them while they are busy dealing with conflicts between the Cantrevs and Briar Valley. He is asked to select a team of qualified assitants to come to the Cantrevs and retrieve the artifact, and prove that he actually has what it takes to be a leader. He chooses his friends and mutual acquaintances who have specific skill sets in order to help him on their quest. During this time, his UM awakens, and he really starts to realize his true potential. This is something I hope to write out as a long form fic one day.
In junior year, he finally earns Sebek's respect. And when Kingsley clocks the change in Sebek's demeanor toward him, he does actually offer Sebek the opportunity at becoming Vice-Housewarden. This is no small gesture, and it significantly changes their dynamic moving forward. This can be read here.
Beyond this, again, things are still really nebulous and I haven't fleshed them out. I also haven't fully figured out where exactly he interns at for his senior year, but Im excited at the prospect at exploring these things. And furthermore, all the empty space for me feels like opportunities to explore other things and to explore OC to OC interactions, where other folks may be interested.
If you've stuck around this far, thank you so so much for reading!!
Tag list: @ramshacklerumble @rainesol @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @thehollowwriter
@cyanide-latte @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @starry-night-rose @boopshoops
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pigswithwings · 2 months
can we hear about harley
i don't know enough about harley to go on a full rant but he does make me wild. harley any pronouns and iris she/they btw. harley belongs to my close friend and mutual @/mitebitmurderous who knows much more about what makes her tick. but anyways i can tell you about harleys relationship to iris if't please you!
so i think in the last post i just sent out, i explained that harley and iris work together. i don't know if i mentioned that two work together at a gas station convenience store at the wee hours of the morning/night, which basically ensures they are alone for a good deal of the shift. but anyways you know how iris sucks and doesnt know how to be a normal person around other people? harley is that but in the other direction.
harley is like. trying so hard to be a normal person while also being fucked up bad from never being acknowledged as more than a tool or a mannequin. so in a sort of mirror to how iris will deny or resist attempts to care about her, harley is a person who devotes a lot of time to trying to get people to like him. and this is where the mirroring comes in, she's pulling out all the stops mimicking other people's behavior because that usually helps get people to like you. unfortunately iris is sort of an asshole (being habitually standoffish and uncaring as possible to not develop any feelings) so therefore harley also must be sort of an asshole right back to her. and this is why they suck and are horrible for each other.
but also the reason neither of them give up on each other, the reason iris doesn't just quit (besides needing the money) and the reason harley doesn't leave is because they both offer something new to each other. they may or may not necessarily Need each other, but harley and iris both need something that the other gives or represents. iris remembers one of harley's allergies once and harley just sort of jumps on that incident because nobody's done that before, nobody's cared enough to really remember things about it or try and help it and that's what makes them want to keep coming back to working with iris. meanwhile miss named-after-a-flower finds harley incredibly disconcerting but tries so hard figure out why harley is so consistent/persistent, why they keep trying to ask her to go places or give her things and why they're the only person she knows who will react right back with her same level of aggression (fucked up and finds it more comfortable to be arguing with a coworker than standing in silence). so they're both very regular members of society and we have to explode the two of them
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I'm just gonna throw it out there cuz idk how many people have given you crap about this:
1). Solar labeled himself a "cousin" at EARTHS INSISTENCE. He straight up says that thinking about it in a "familial relationship" way doesnt work and is confusing see KC Eclipse Lunar Bloodmoon etc and hes only told that to Earth. Frankly, I think he, Moon and Sun think of Solar as "member of this family". Also, robots.
2). Moon can still develop feelings for someone, even if he's still aro/ace. I cant see Moon as EVER being the romantic type, and pretty much everyone in THIS show finds any sort of "physical" relationship weird and/or gross. Frankly, I read Solar as aro/ace too, cuz while the dude is CLEARLY capable of pining he really doesn't seem like the romantic type. So shipping Moon and Solar doesnt invalidate anyone's identity, especially since falling in love doesn't have to be romantic or physical *glares judgingly at society*
Also, imagine Solar and Moon going on non-romantic dates. Like they go to an anime convention or something and Moons completely needing out and Solars just like "you're a loser *heart eyes*"
Sun, who IS a romantic type, is like "I want my brother to have the best so I'm gonna help you guys get together" and Solars just like "pls no" and Sun tries to help make the perfect date, but both members are AGGRESSIVELY romantic and by the end Solar and Moon ditch Sun and like go play God of War or something X3
Surprisingly, no one has been giving me crap about much. I'm actually surprised with how chill everyone has been and how much on board they are with my silly little ship train idea. I'm actually happy everyone has been really cool and accepting so far.
And yes, this is true, and I went into a few posts about it. One post I went into specifics on the flexibility and "subject to change" nature about relationships in Robots. But agreed.
2. And yeah! Exactly. Back in the Early days of the show, Sun tried to pair Moon up on dates all the time, so it could have been a possibility that the old Moon was Romantic, or he wasn't, and Sun was just misreading the situation.... Also I never got his goal in trying to ship his brother with Roxanne other then to just be a voyeur because he's the one who liked her
And the only reason in my shipping Scenarios why Solar doesn't test his boundaries isn't cause he's acephobic in a majority of my scenarios. but moreso he doesn't want to violate Moon's trust or test his limits. Moon has given him so much, he doesn't want to ruin his friendship or the only home he's ever known.
Also NewMoon said he's "Questioning" right now, and that's also fine. And most likely i'll just draw from my own demi/ace experiences in a lot of ships I like/portray. Because I only know how to write my own experiences. It's not to invalidate others. I'm not every ace person in existence and it's such a wide spectrum so I can't account for everyone. I just write and brainstorm what feels right to me.
And. 3. gehaoghawefh Cute idea.
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tame-a-messenger · 5 months
i enjoy damien and angela together in videos (mostly because im a fan of either of them seperately) but i really cannot see them romanticaly together lol, or being that tight with each other even as friends. is that a cmon thing in the damngela ''ship'' here? i cannot decide if damngela is as big of a thing some twitter users make it out to be or if they are just exagerating because of how much they hate it? one of the first things that comes to my mind when i try to picture them romanticaly/or that close is in the video ''why we are bad at first dates'' with angela and courtney, angela talks about how she doesnt like it when his date has a lot of selfies with cringy faces etc. just in general cringe factor gives her the ick. and i love my boy damien but he is so unapologetically cringe on social media while also posting a lot, his instagram presence reminds me of older instagram where people whould post random selfies with bad lighting or just post random stuff that now mostly go on stories, most other people now (esp famous people but even non-famous people have the tendency of posting like they are lol) use insta as this curation of really well picked pics while dam just posts whatever and loove making those dumb faces lol. this is small but it reminded me of him when i first heard that and it made me giggle thinking about the possiblity of her cringing to those
I really enjoy them as a duo!
Damangela definitely isn't as big as Twitter makes it out to be, ESPECIALLY with shipping them. I have only come across a small handful that actually romantically ship them, and even then they aren't being weird about it (opposed to Shourtney shippers or Ianthony shippers, some of those guys go a little wild)(Referring to invasive shippers)
Personally I can see why someone WOULD ship them, they both are big theater kids (they have stuff in common), they are both very attractive, they do a lot of 'flirtatious' things to each other sometimes so I don't find it too weird for people to see that and say "They like each other!" especially since I know what it's like being a teen and seeing two people that you like (and maybe crush on) and want them to be together.
It's a totally natural process that I've experienced before, no shame, IT'S FUN. (being young and figuring out what you like and who you like is a big part of growing up).
I do think a lot of people that are really aggressive towards Damangela is coming from not liking Damien or just being hyper focused on other Angela ships? a lot of the accounts that I've seen not liking them are big Amangela and Courtgela shippers (it quite honestly looks like shipping wars from back in the day lol) Which again, no shame in shipping! I find those ships fun too! it just seems really weird to be attacking another ship because you don't like them. (anytime I've perused twitter looking for edits or content of Damangela I mostly see people hating on it, it's weird)(I don't post about ships I dislike? but freedom of speech <3)
"angela talks about how she doesnt like it when her date has a lot of selfies with cringy faces etc"
I think this is hilarious considering whenever Damien makes stupid faces Angela is ALWAYS pointing and laughing at him, and saying she loves it when he does it lol. I really don't think that's a reaction of cringe, if anything she thinks he looks lame and wants to bother him about it BECAUSE IT'S FUN. (does she not realize she does stupid faces too? "waitress in a small town" face anyone?)
I have things that I get the 'ick' from too, but if I really liked other aspects of a person it wouldn't bother me as much, if at all. I'd probably (and have) ended up really liking the thing that gave me the ick if the right person was the one doing it. (thin line between love and hate kinda thing)
I can see why people would be acting weird about Damangela because they want male/female relationships to not always be seen as romantic. That makes sense to me, but I still think it's weird to be hating on shipping at all. Unless it's incredibly invasive. (Personally I think it's weird to say shipping Amangela is fine and Damangela isn't, because Amanda is married and not into women, I could make the argument that that's also weird and invasive to be shipping them going by some of the logic I've seen)(just some food for thought)
Regardless of shipping, Angela and Damien have really good chemistry, so it's not a big wonder people would like them together!
They way they make fun of each other in particular is something that I find different to every other duo at Smosh. They just feel like they're on equal ground? like Angela really looks up to Shayne as like a bigger funnier brother, and Chanse like a knucklehead little brother.
Every other relationship Angela has at Smosh feels like she's trying to garner favor, whereas with Damien she is already in his favor, (by virtue of him being extremely kind and her being awesome) so they get into this cycle of picking on each other over things that don't really matter to them. Like Damien being a nerd, she doesn't actually dislike him for it she just likes to rile him up about it, and because he gets riled up he makes fun of her and calls her names back!
They both seem to be people that love to debate and argue! (I love debating so no wonder I love their dynamic <3 those that get it get it, those that don't don't)
So to wrap up, it's totally fine not to like a pairing! but it is weird to put other people down for something you are also doing. There are a PLETHORA of reasons why someone would ship something and unless they are being extremely invasive about it they aren't doing anything wrong.
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gifti3 · 5 months
Arranged marriage au with asmo
I need asmo to be in some type of royal otome slowburn manhwa
ramblings ramblings
the drama guys....the DRAMA! dont tell me a bunch of nonsense wouldnt happen
remember the post where i was like indifferent/passive aggressive asmo becoming curious about the MC fics are peak
similar thing is happening here! honestly i think theres some resentment coming from asmos side at first but mc is like ay....you do ur thing and i do mine
im not gonna make u do anything u dont want, i dont have any expectations from this arrangement. lets just try not to make each of our lives hell u know
lol i bet when asmo first meets MC after finding out that hes supposed to marry them he's like thinking "......ig theyre not that bad looking"😒 (he literally would have been flirting with them in any other circumstance)
hmmm mc needs to be apart of a pretty influential family i think since this is gonna be a political type marriage
and asmo,,,,i feel like he doesnt really engage in the specifics when it comes to politics or anything. it's just not something thats important to him. he has his side hobbies and business endeavors that cares about. But topics outside of those things are left up to his family
so perhaps one day, the head of the family (i wanna say lucifer but since i want the person in this role to give off more a mysterious vibe, where his word is final michael might be a better choice) is like... this specific family...theyre kinda important and we want them on our side so get married to their eldest who has rejected every other person ever but has agreed to marry and since u dont do much when it comes to political affairs im gonna have you do this whether you want to or not
and asmo is just like....HUH he tries to get lucifer to help him out here but lucifers like...yea dads not budging sorry lil bro (he doesnt say it like that but similar sentiment lmao)
now mc never really wanted to get married cause they didnt wanna have to go through the motions against their will and they like their life as is but their parents have been breathing down their neck about marriage for years now. And now that this BIG opportunity has present itself to their parents, it feels like the pressure is really on now! at first mc is like shit...idk if i can weasel my way outta this one
and then......they realized that maybe this could probably work out in their favor actually.....
mc agreed to married him cause asmo has a bit of a reputation as a partier and a playboy
with asmo they feel like things can stay as they are for the most part if they let him continue to do as he pleases (not like they could have stopped him if they wanted to lol)
everything can be the same, they can still live their own separate lives, just now they have the title of spouses!
and thats the plan, like i said before asmo comes in being a bit rude at first but it kinda changes to indifference and a little passive aggressiveness once MC is like...yo chill im not gonna shit on ur parade. i just wanna be left to my own things. you do you sir
yes thats the plan...thats supposed to be the plan and it was going as mc expected for a good while
but as we know if u put something or someone in front of asmo enough times hes gonna get curious
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taihua · 2 months
Your Jian Lan and Mu Qing post. Yes absolutely!!! I love these two characters so much but it definitely grinds my gear when people are seriously trying to make some forced similarites.
I also think that fx and jl werent an argumentative bickering couple too! At least thats not the gist i get from the books. I figured they were one of those kind of lovey dovey couple escaping in their own little world. So i dont think they ever fought before until when the times got really hard and their relationship got tested and… well thats where it all fell apart. Also one of the reason why i think Jian Lan doesnt want to rekindle other than not wanting to be a burden and bringing down his reputation. How different do you think human Jian Lan and ghost Jian Lan acts? The constant thing about her is definitely that pridefulness and her tenacious spirit.
I think Ghost Jian Lan actually isn't all that different from her human days! There's a line in the updated version that of course I can't find now that I want to reference it, but Jian Lan was known for being "spirited" or something similar. Then during the Xianle War when she's kidnapped and assaulted by a Yong'an refugee, her response is to go lead a huge protest in the streets and has to be dragged away by her own servants:
That young woman wouldn’t yield, yelling, “I’m not afraid! I’ve nothing to be embarrassed about, I wasn’t in the wrong!”
So she was definitely always willing to be loud and outspoken.
Then you've got her working at the brothel, where it's possible she was in the aggressive group of women that yelled at Feng Xin for ruining their sign. At the very least, she's surrounded by other women who aren't afraid to be a little rowdy when they speak up for themselves.
I don't know that I see them as mutually lovey-dovey; Feng Xin for sure is the type to be head-over-heels in love after one date, but I imagine Jian Lan went from being exasperated by this weirdo who keeps showing up to talk to her to being reluctantly fond of him, and struggling between caring about him and telling herself that he's no different from any of the other men who pay for her time. She also implies that Feng Xin would vent about his struggles during Book 4, which makes sense because he had no one else to talk to or confide in, but I think that ultimately ends up feeding into her insecurity that he'll get sick of her and resent having to care for her the longer they stay together. Overall I just think she'd have a more realistic mindset and realize that the dream of Feng Xin buying her freedom so they could run away together would never actually work, so when the feelings started to catch despite everything, she decided to push him away before it hurt both of them worse.
Anyway, I think Jian Lan is a bit like Wei Wuxian as Mo Xuanyu at the start of MDZS. Sure, it's acting crazy for a specific reason, but the real person behind those actions has a bit of that outlandish personality to begin with.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
Tumblr media
Courting Aragorn Would Include
- well we’ve all seen, and some of us have read, what it’s like to be in a romantic relationship with Aragorn, so we’re all pretty familiar with the territory
- however I would just like to take this opportunity to personally apologise to Arwen for this blasphemy ok we all stan u bb
- you’ll have to prepare yourself for some brooding angst if Aragorn is the one you plan to give your heart to
- it’ll also take a while to break down those angsty walls of his, he’s a difficult egg to crack
- but once you do get past his harsh and quiet exterior, he will love you more than anything in existence
- you wont have been prepared for a love this strong, and it will be incredibly intense, so strap yourself in
- as a lowkey royal figure, he’s more naturally accustomed to the art of courting, rather than casual dating that is consistent among the species of men
- courting in itself will include bouquets of flowers, which he has picked himself, being delivered to your front door with handwritten love letters from him
- Aragorn will be as patient as you need him to be, and because he’s already smitten, going at your pace wont bother him at all
- given the amount of time he has spent travelling, he’s bound to know some incredible romantic spots for picnics, campfires, stargazing, skinny dipping; anything you can possibly think of
- he wont treat you like a queen, because let’s not forget he isnt a big fan of royal positions to begin with, but he will look at you everyday like you are an angel at his side, and he will thank his lucky stars that you chose him to bare the weight of your heart
- and this doesnt change even when the process of courting is complete
- once you’re officially bound to him, his intense love for you will be visible to anyone that sees him
- Aragorn isnt big on aggressive PDA, he’s a very gentle man, but he does adore playing with your hair and holding your hands
- forehead kisses are a given
- linking back to his brooding, he’s quite stressed a lot of the time, and you will often give him shoulder and back massages to ease his physical tension
- over time, he loses the embarrassment brought on by asking for a massage, and will ask without hesitation, because he falls in love with your touch
- if anyone tries to sway your heart away from his, Aragorn will not hesitate to destroy them first with words, and then - if their poor attempts at persuasion continue - with a blade
- your heart could never be swayed from his, of course, but the mere act of someone trying to achieve such a thing is enough reason for him to be royally upset
- as already mentioned, Aragorn is very intense, and this comes across through his physical affection in moments shared between just the two of you
- when you’re enveloped by his arms, with your head on his chest and his heart beating in harmony with yours, words are no longer necessary
- and when he stares into your eyes, you catch a glimpse of the seas of turmoil, which now have rays of light beaming down on them, the light of your love for him
- he can never find words strong enough to describe his love for you, he chooses instead to express himself through his actions
- lying in bed on your sides, facing each other, your legs intertwined, his fingers caressing the side of your face as his eyes stare into yours, and your souls embracing each other
- when Aragorn loves, he loves more than any other creature possibly could, and if you are lucky enough to find yourself loved by such a man, dont let yourself forget, not even for a moment, that you are the luckiest person in Middle-earth
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moonlit-dreamers · 17 days
*falls through the ceiling*
hey fuckers. im gonna talk about an au i havent talked about on tumblr yet bc iivvee been very focused on stl au lol (and i also just dont post often 💀) BUT! IM HERE!!
i came up with this au a while ago and i did kinda briefly mention it a while ago but that. doesnt fucking matter.
this is an au for the sun vanished! its a story on twitter that i became absolutely OBSESSED with (and still kinda am even after all this time). listened through the whole story from a ytuber nate at night. hes pretty good and i recommend you check him out
but a basic sum-up for ppl who may not know what the sun vanished is: one day the sun randomly vanished and never came back. it starts off with tsv (we dont know his real name) trying to reunite with danyon, his friend. we then also meet tucker and nat who are also trying to meet up. a lot of shit happens that i. honestly cant remember the proper order of. "dark water" is some kinda.. weird water that fucks with your body and mind. theres also "we the people" who is an organization that tries to "work with" the "invaders" by using dark water to make themselves invisible. later on tsv, tucker and nat join a group that is very much against wtp. that... should be all thats needed to know to partially understand this au >.>
so here we go! first up, nobody in this animatronics. with a lot of the events (especially with what happens to tsv) it wouldnt work the same if they were animatronics. so theyre mutants! bc i refuse to ever make them humans!
for who is who: sun is tsv with moon being danyon. while i will say that tsv and sun do differ a lot in personalities it just.. makes more sense with the situation. especially with sun being so desperate to meet up with moon despite all the red flags.
im constantly debating if tucker would be eclipse or solar. his behaviors is like a weird mixture of the two. more aggressive than solar but nicer than eclipse. but either way hes best friends with lunar (who is nat). he is.. very overprotective and lunar is frequently frustrated with his behaviors. while, yes, lunar is a kid (14 at the beginning), he still hates being treated like he cant do anything by himself. eclipse also despises moon and never trusted him in the first place. think he tried to kill him at one point tho i. cant remember >.> (its like 1am im half asleep cut me some slack)
jack would be theseus (previously known as half-crop). jack is a kid they (the other group) brought in and kept in captivity since they were unsure if he was infected or not. with the help of lunar being a persistent lil shit they managed to get proof that he was fully conscious (since he never talked). jack only has one functioning eye, the other eye seems to be... messed up in some way. but it isnt pretty. he mainly covers it with his hat (for his own comfort). hes semiverbal and selectively mute, only talking around lunar and maybe eclipse if hes lucky.
im thinking that wtp could be the creator council? or at least ran by a creator. maybe they somehow caused the sun to vanish and let the "invaders" in freely or maybe they want to study it and thats why theyre nonhostile (towards the invaders, that is. not to other ppl lol). that would also make it suck more since moon was converted/manipulated into joining them ;-; meanwhile the other group could be others from the plex, like roxy, chica, monty, freddy, etc. theyd be really minor characters (theres actually not many names mentioned anyway lol) so i havent thought about it much *shrug*
but i have. SO many thoughts about this au man. theres so many scenarios i imagine with them. like eclipse first finding lunar in his basement staring at the dead bodies of his parents (that he had to kill himself). sun drinking too much dark water and hallucinating that moon was with him and begging him to come back and that hes sorry. lunar finding a video sun took of him and eclipse dancing together. sun sending his last message to moon about how he hates him and that neither of them turned out to be the ppl they promised they would be then ending it by saying he loves moon and hopes he never sees the message.
idk man. kinda unwell over this
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catholicjinx · 1 month
im gonna go insane about chuuya + skk in general and this song under the cut…i apologize
Okay cirice is a song that was originally written to develop an inside image of abusive relationships and especially how cults lure people in and they dont realize it until the very end. This includes things like the cycle of luring someone in, becoming aggressive, and trying to undo the damage by pretending to sound remorseful. Sounds familiar??? (Port mafia)
skylia @kaiserkisser has a SHIT ton of good posts about this kind of thing especially regarding the port mafia so i highly recommend checking out some of their reblogs if youre interested in seeing more. In regards to one of their reblogs, i saw a post the other say that detailed how the port mafia “teachers” or mentors will always end up abusing their trainees the way they knew how to be trained. mori treated dazai the way he knew how to be treated, dazai treated akutagawa like less than human because thats all hes ever viewed himself as, and akutagawa gives kyouka insane amounts of praise because thats all he desired, but he doesnt know how to treat her like a normal kid because HE never got to be a normal kid.
this is where chuuya comes in. Chuuya didnt have any “mentors” besides kouyou and possibly mori. He was shoved directly into being the sheep’s leader when he was around 15 years old and hasn’t known anything besides that. dazai eventually treated him like his dog due to his ability being so easy to manipulate and when chuuya’s ability IS used, he essentially becomes animalistic and can only be controlled by dazai. cirice (the song) fits this dynamic so well as it talks about an abusive, almost cult-like relationship similar to the cult of the band ghost. at his core, dazai is a manipulative and cunning individual who cares about his partner but it took a while for him to actually do so. chuuya is trusting and loyal just like a dog, which is why this fits literally perfectly. (lyric analysis below :3)
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for the opener of the song, i interpret this as chuuya’s ability being the “rumble” and his poem that he recites being the “calling” but this is up to interpretation!! I dont have a lot to say about this verse
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the first two lines HEAVILY remind me of stormbringer and how chuuya dealt with his feelings of doubting the fact that he was even human. These particular lines almost feel like dazai is reminding him he’s human even though he has an entire demon inside of him that he cant control. “I can feel the thunder” to me, is dazai recognizing that chuuya values himself differently with stormbringer and his ability (and that he’s most likely going to take advantage of this later but whatevs). “I can see through the scars inside you” is almost like chuuya validating that dazai is also human too, that the abuse mori has put him through that he has reflected onto others doesnt entirely define him as a person
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“You and i see eye to eye” is a VERY impactful and heavy line as chuuya and dazai have always been one in the same. partners, soukoku, soulmates, whatever it is theyre paired together and are essentially inseparable. despite their abilities being different and circumstances being different their struggles with humanity are almost identical. “Now there is nothing between us” alludes to the power that dazai has over chuuya in battle, particularly when he lets his ability take control without restraint. Their “merge” is eternal because chuuya will forever only be able to use his ability with dazai’s help, and dazai will always find power over chuuya because of that. “Cant you see that you’re lost without me?” Is another power-based line where dazai is most likely viewing himself as better than chuuya because he typically uses him as a tool with his ability, but only when said ability is being used. He’s manipulative in the sense where he cares about him but not FOR him and will always use him as a ruse for the things he needs. (the rest of the song has repeating lyrics so i didnt include them so i hope this made sense :) )
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equarretedddd · 1 year
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i have a very strong theory that Dick is actually alive and just hiding somewhere (perhaps it has something to do with the Tribunal or some stuff), bcs his "death scene" does not inspire confidence, it is strange and incomprehensible. also, his look at everyone else during this scene seems to say: "i know something more than you that you dont need to know" or something like that.
i have an idea for post-AOTD situation (maybe its so fanon and not very canonical in terms of characters but i just thought about it for a long time). suddenly, along with Charles or someone else from the work team (or the group finds him by itself i havent come up with the whole thing yet), Dick appears right next to all the other members of the band. while everyone else quickly runs up to him to talk to him and catch the shock of the fact that he is real and in perfect order (or relatively).
except Murderface, who just can stared at Dick for several agonizing seconds and ran away from the others in confusion to some secluded corner, because there is no strength and desire to demonstrate how he is mentally break down from insane shock and horror.
im sure that Dick’s death would have had a terrible effect on all of them, but Murderface is special in this, bcs we all understand that he has a completely different attitude towards him (besides he had disturbing visions with Dick which could increase all this feelings). this reaction would be somewhat similar to the reaction when a person suddenly meets/finds a long-lost pet or smthng, like you feel terrible guilt all this time of uncertainty and when fate comforts you with this find, you are completely overwhelmed with mixed feelings.
imagine if Dick is suddenly found alive, MF would have felt a corrosive anger bcs of the feeling of being in gaslight for a long time, he would feel cheated and broken, but at the same time… relief and secret happiness that everything is fine with him, since the relationship with this person is gradually destroying all the established Murderface’s models self-expression.
its was something like: "you freak it would be better if you were lying dead i would have pulled you out of the ground myself i felt so bad without you i missed you so much."
just listen… maybe im goin crazy and making it up, but the constant analysis of the series and everything else just doesnt give me any other attitude to it. in theory, this blond man can easily make one of the most aggressive character of the entire series break down by his very existence and give an impetus to completely break the previous form of behavior.
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arrow487356 · 1 year
headcannons of The vamp bois
long one kinda, also nsfw will be its separate post if i even post it. (Also if anyone wonders this is still set in 1987) ALSO JUST A WARNING THIS MOVIE IS NOTHING LIKE TWILIGHT AND IS WAY WAY DIFFERENT SO PLEADE PLEASE DONT MENTION TWILIGHT STUFF. (This is just little note to anyone who is new to this movie and has seen twilight) also my head cannons won’t involve laddie or star since i don’t like writing about little little kids and star isn’t my favorite character, but I might hint to them.
Tw: (slight self harm will be marked down.
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pronouns: he/him
hes been turned for 2 years, and he was turned when he was 18.
hes the most serious, but cares about the others. they know that he cares for them even if he says he doesnt.
he dyes is hair every week and a half, that shit dead as fuck but hes dead anyways.
likes to get hugs but will never accept them with the others around or in public, since it makes him look weak.
He loves cats but can’t be around them since they don’t like him due to him being a vampire except for a few strays that stay near their hideout.
He hates Marcos birds that marco keeps in the hideout.
He has smoked since he was 12 due to his father smoking around him and leaving out a pack out in the open (80s sucked)
He sometimes stole some eyeliner or even eyeshadow to just test it out, but when marco and Paul stole a shit ton of eye makeup to fuck around he sometimes put on eyeliner or eyeshadow.
He is very very territorial to the hideout when people near that he doesn’t want to kill or turn.
He has cuddly moments and when alone with someone he loves he will be cuddly and won’t let his love leave his arms until they need to eat, or go to the bathroom.
(Tw Self harm)
He has scars from an accident as a kid when he wanted to see how sharp each knife was in his dad’s collection. (He took many of the knifes that he used when he disappeared)
Also his grandpa was a veteran and had a whole knife collection and when his grandpa passed away his father got all the knifes.
When he feeds he is not very messy and won’t let a drop waste
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Pronouns: he/they
Hes was turned at 17 and has been a vampire for a few months he is the newest member.
He has the least grip on his urge for blood and his vampire form. He does what he is doing in the GIF when ever he is around someone who’s blood smells delicious to him.
He has the strongest sense of smell out of the group which makes it harder for him to control himself.
He’s the shortest but don’t let that fool you. He’s very very aggressive at times and will start or add to fights.
He’s best friend is Paul. They always talk to each other and Paul is very very protective of him.
This little boy is very cuddly and handsy, if he falls in love and you’re near him he will hold them or they will hold him.
He is such a sweet ball full of love when he isn’t angry or overwhelmed with the smell of blood.
He loves when his hair is played with.
Part of the hideout area is just full of birds that he takes care of and Paul sometimes helps.
If he finds a person to love and they help him take care of the birds he will be weak in the knees for them.
Eyeliner, every day. Some days are more noticeable then other days.
Knows how to knit, sew, and crochet. He fixes the others clothes if they have holes in them, and sometimes makes gloves to just wear on his own.
Oh and he has a slight stubble on his face, it’s barely noticeable but he doesn’t want his facial hair that noticeable.
When he feeds it’s a huge mess. Blood will be all over his chin and it will drip down to his shirt
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Pronouns: he/him might try she/her
Turned when he was 19 has been turned for 1 year and 9 months
He is like a momma bird to his little baby birds. He’s protective and since they can eat human food if they ever want human food he quickly goes to get it.
He can make jewelry and makes most of his earring’s. (He made the one that david, and Paul is wearing in the Gif)
He doesn’t mind the birds in the hideout. They get a bit annoying but he likes them since their pets and it makes him feel some humanity is left in him.
He cuts the guys hair and his all the time when ever needed.
He has tried dying his hair since david wanted to. Let’s just say, that won’t ever happen again.
He always has slight facial hair. It’s not fully noticeable like david but can be visible.
This man wants a kid but can since he’s technically dead, so when ever he is around a kid that watches them he just smiles and waves at them. (Most of the time the parents see and quickly move the kid away 🥲)
He likes to wear bracelets and rings, but his least favorite thing to wear due to the California heat. A shirt. Confusing right since they l wear jackets. (I might get into that stuff later though)
He has a tattoo that he got from his older brother when he turned 18, it was his mothers name since she past away that year.
He is the sweetest of the group.
He’s the silent one though most of the time so he doesn’t really praise or say he loves you to his partner.
He just shows it though action. Like holding them, rubbing his face into their hair or neck like a cat. Or protecting them from any type of harm even just bugs.
He’s acts like a cat lion at times also. and he has claws so watch out.
When feeding he is the cleanest of them all. There is some blood on his face or chest but not a lot.
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Pronouns: any he/him is mainly used since 1987
Turned when he was 17 he’s been turned for 1 year.
He is very very hyper and talkative.
He is a lot like a frat boy at times, and if you find that wrong you can fight me. Look up the definition and you’ll see.
He’s a lot like a golden retriever and you can’t tell me otherwise. He’s a hyper boy and is loyal once he finds the one.
He is the supplier for all the booze and alcohol they drink, even though alcohol can barely make them drunk.
Paul doesn’t care about the birds but help marco out since he will do anything for Marco.
He barely brushes his hair but when he does it takes him 3-4 hours to brush it and Dwayne has to help him due to how rare he brushes it.
He has tattoos. There are mostly stick and poke and random things but he’s recently got a tattoo for free and he got fangs and blood dripping down ironically.
When he finds a lover he is very very playful and likes to tease. He also love them very much and makes sure they know.
He loves his S/O and if they ever think he doesn’t he will prove it in many ways, from giving them cuddles, or the little devils tango to murdering someone for them, or if they are a vampire like him killing the person and bring the body to his S/O like a cat giving their owner it’s prey. (Sometimes the person is alive…)
He loves when his hair is brushed by someone else, that’s why he rarely brushes it, and if his s/o does it trust me he will get on his knees for them.
MESSY FEEDER he will have blood all over his chin chest sometimes will have it on his face. He doesn’t hold back when drinking blood.
All of them
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If their s/o is ever okay with it and they are starving for blood they will drink a little from their s/o.
They are all down bad for a s/o who cares for them and will play with their hair.
They have their moments were they are rude or shut away but that’s normal for a teenage boy, or man that will be stuck as teenagers forever.
Anyways they have that little day of a month when it special and it’s called heat, we won’t get into the nsfw shit, but when that happens they will want to hold you, and they all have heat at the same time basically. 1 after the other.
Paul gets clingy but quiet, david gets clingy and very very talkative, Dwayne clingy and territorial, marco agressive clingy boy.
They all have their issues and problems that can be harder to deal with every day.
Paul has the issue of being very very energetic to the point where he might hurt someone.
Marco has bad bad anger issues.
Dwayne goes into silent spells and won’t talk to anyone and won’t voice his needs, and might even disappear.
David has anger issues and the need to control. He has this power greed issue where he will be agressive to anyone who he sees under him or weak during this time so nobody is safe.
None of them asked for this, and don’t like being a vampire secretly, some days they just need loving. They need to be held and reassured. Since their life got taken from them by a SHIT PERSON WHO I HATE.
ALSO they all have long tongues and they are a lot like a snakes tongue. I’ve read somewhere about that and Marco cleaned his face with his so after feeding I can imagine most of them cleaning their chins with their tongue, except Dwayne he uses a cloth.
ANYWAYS that’s is really. They have their ups and downs they are sweet boys and just need love. Have a good day to who reads this.
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orchiddevourer · 1 year
Sharing some thoughts abt a main character from a game from 2016 *spoiler warning*
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Ok so probably a lot of things have been already said about this game. Personally im very doubtful of the theory that the Huddle is controlling the boy because its debunked with the alt ending revealing that the boy seems to be controlled by a computer AKA us?
With that out of the way i just wanted to make this post to share my thoughts about the protagonist himself and his VERY contradictory nature.
Who is the boy and what is his role?
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"Hunted and alone, a boy finds himself drawn into the center of a dark project." - from the game's steam page
If we go by the theory that he is part of some grand experiment to test the Huddle's capabalities then it doesnt make sense that he is hunted and chased down by the masked men. Why not just let him go do his business? Anyways with or without of the inclusion of the boy into the this dark project, judging by the diorama of the blob its "escape" from its confinement was planned. Maybe the kid just happened to be in the middle of the way by pure chance? Or he was programmed to head into the facility. OR is he a part of some sort resistance against the higher-ups?
Maybe he himself is a seperate project all together from the Huddle project. We could say that he IS programmed to head into the facility bc he always heads in one way and one way only towards the facility. But if he really is some boy looking for shelter than it also makes sense that he keeps heading in that way since from what've seen there aren't really any other hospitable places he could head to without being caught or him dying.
Either way, what's obvious is that the boy is some outsider or an anomaly if we go by the aggression of the dogs and the masked guards towards him. The dogs specifically are clearly trained to go after outsiders if they can sniff him out from the line of drones the kid had found himself in.
Now that im done speculating on his identity, i think its time to move on what exactly he is.
What is the boy?
From first glance its obvious the he is human. He reacts and acts like a person/kid would. He cant survive long falls, if he hits the ground too hard, its over. But why am i pointing this out? There's nothing unusual, right? The alternate ending, however, shows that that is not the case. Here is where his nature starts to really get contradictory in that he is it's revealed that he was a drone too all along. But something's not quite right.
From what we've been shown in the game the mind-controlled people (lets call them serfs) do not have a will of their own, they are empty shells to be used for labor. They are either artificial or normal humans turned into worker drones. Whats also known is that they are capable of survivng long falls and injuries.
Throughout the game the kid runs, swims and jumps without ever taking any brakes except for one occasion at the end of the shockwave sequence where he takes the elevator down. As he goes down, the elevator is hit with several shockwave blasts that manage to unhinge it from its railing, making it go down fast with it and the boy ending up in a deep pool of water. To escape the boy has to force open the elevator's door underwater and make it up to an opened hatch nearby. Right as he climbs up we can clearly see that the kid is exhausted, holding a hand up to his chest. If dont let him take a break and immeadiatly set on then he will move and climb in a lethargic way for a few seconds. Idk if im overthinking this scene too much or not. Its obvious that he has experinced distress and exhaustion. What im trying to point out is:
He behaves like a normal human while in action, but once you pull the plug he slumps over like a serf, shuts off like a robot. That's not normal behaviour you'd expect from a serf from what we've been shown.
Also let's not forget to mention the spheres scattered throughout the game.
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Some might think that these spheres serve as a large antenae to help control the boy, but when all of them are shut off he seems to be doing... fine? Them being shut off also seems to turn off the activity of nearby mindhats and control of serfs in the surrounding area.
Once you pull the main plug twice at the end of the room, everything shuts off. There is a mindhat with all these cables connected to it in the middle back of the room. It jerks when the boy jumps, so he is clearly connected to it. This mindhat is titled "Master Mind", so it's function is either to only shut off the boy's activity OR shut off all serf activity in general.
Also the location of the final orb contradicts the idea of this being a part of a resistance since its located in such an obvious spot. If someone were to follow the yellow wire up the wire, they would easily find it. or maybe im just overthinking it yet again, the lightning isnt very good there. food for thought tho
So in conclusion, the boy seems to be some different type of remote body that is convincing enough to be considered human. Maybe the way he functions is by certain points of his brain being stimulated or blocked by something somehow to make him act like a normal human. Maybe he's a less developed or a more advanced altered human in terms of the modification thats done for one to be turned into a drone ? Him having free will is under question, but its more likely he doesnt have free will at all. Idk, but if in this game a pool of water can be moved onto the ceiling and theres people who cant drown than maybe this is also could be possible.
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why are you so rude to ares i do not understand your beef with them. they’re not even messing with your business. Their blog is supposed to be their safe place where they discuss their thoughts and vent frustrations regarding their favs. why must you be so harsh on who they ship and whatnot. it’s not that deep
as i've said before, it's not really (or at least, primarily) about the ship. my own personal distaste aside, fandom by and large does not care about the fighting over it so my stance here is to block accounts i find that engage in it without interacting with them at all. if they had been upfront about it from the start that is what i would have done, like i have done with other blogs prior to this.
its about the fact that they intentionally positioned themselves as someone who was not into it to get close to people who were very clearly uncomfortable with it, including children, when that wasnt true. if expressing that this is not acceptable behavior is rude then what does that make their own behavior? or the fact that they disrespected Indian Hindus who were uncomfortable with their behavior shipping other characters, portraying it as a simple 'disagreement over interpretation'? (the nature of fgo aside, it isnt appropriate to talk like that to someone from the actual religion like that if they're trying to tell you that you're making them uncomfortable)
If simply pointing out that lying about a very controversial subject they engage in to interact with people who dont like it is an inappropriate thing to do, then what does that make them? or is it ok that they decided to do that instead of finding a group of their peers? is it ok that theyre now posting asks saying that the person being sent death and rape threats for mentioning it on twitter is lying, or that being given evidence of what they did constitutes stalking on the end of the person who was given the evidence, or any of the various other things theyve been saying in an attempt to twist the people who were uncomfortable with their lie as enabling victims when we were very clearly only talking to our friend group about something that bothered us? is all of that ok?
i've gone out of my way not to name them despite their attitude because i know how people get about this, which isnt a service theyve shown me or others. you are not the victim because people you had talked to found out you were lying about writing nsfw incest fic and told their friends.
I am doing my best to be polite here despite everything, and im sorry if its not coming across that way, but i truly do not know what people expect of me. at the end of the day i am still a person and i don't like finding out i was lied to about something i was very clear was a boundary. it doesnt help that they were incredibly aggressive to me prior to this about unrelated matters when i'd been as clear as i could i was willing to listen to their concerns about that if they approached me, so i really dont know what else i could do. i do my best to treat other people with respect online but if you're going to interact in a public space i frequent, get angry when i respond to public posts, claim you dont do something when you do, and then say that you're the victim when people find out (after theyre already blocked, bc someone else told them) im not sure what to say except that that's wholly unnecessary.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
soren with an indian darling would be sm fun to see. I can hundred percent see them as someone who is opposite of him. Someone who doesnt like street food, cant play any instrument to save her life etc. Same with ryuu do ykwim?
a/n: YES I LOVE GETTING ALL THESE DIFFERENT BACKGROUND DARLINGS LETS GOOOO also im sooo sorry but i don't know what you mean *sobs* so i hope i understood correctly! i wrote about both of them having an indian partner and their indian partner is opposite in personality of them
i lowkey rote this a little half-asleep lmao so hopefully it makes sense. i ended up getting 'tism excited and just word barfed this post tbh
warning: gender neutral reader
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soren kumar ★ profile
Soren with an Indian darling is literally all his parents have wished for LOL like yeah, he's a successful superstar but when will he get married? He's getting old! And, for some reason, though he's charming and sweet with all the girls his parents and the matchmaker bring to him, he manages to escape marriage every single time.
So, they're happy to find that he's brought home someone, regardless of gender. They just want him to be happy after all (and to bring them grandchildren in any way possible LOL). It's just a super bonus that the partner is Indian LMAO
He'd definitely be a little out of his element with a darling that's opposite of him but it doesn't matter as long as he's fallen in love.
Opposite of him would probably be a uptight traditional darling who doesn't really like getting in the middle of a bustling market or in the middle of the street to get food, someone who can't whole a tone to save their life, who follows rules to a T and takes a lot of stuff seriously all the time.
And that's all good! Soren would definitely flourish with a more strict darling. He needs someone that can kind of keep him in place and he'd love to drag his darling out of their comfort zone. Basically, the two of them would balance each other out perfectly.
Then, of course, Soren would still love to cook you good Indian comfort food. If he can't bring you with him to the food stalls, he'll bring the good Indian food to you. And it'll remind his darling of food from home, exactly the way they'd have eaten it when they were growing up.
The music thing might be a bit rough at first but he'll hold all the musical talent for the both of you. He also might have a little bit of fun trying to teach you.
The most fun of all for him would be dressing up a traditional darling. If you wear traditional Indian clothes like sarees and sherwanis, he'll find you the absolutely most gorgeous ones and have you wear them for him. He doesn't typically wear them but, if it means matching with you, he'd definitely do it.
And the really great part about an Indian darling is that Soren's born in America. He's never really been able to connect with his heritage. He definitely spent a lot of time in India with his extended family but he's always felt detached a little bit.
He'd really love it if his Indian darling could share their love of their heritage and their culture with him so that he could learn to love it a lot more.
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An Indian darling wouldn't be as impactful for Ryuu as it would be for Soren. But, still, Ryuu would want to share in your culture. He'd always be asking his darling to share more and more with him and he'd honestly end up loving the culture just as much as he loves his darling.
An opposite darling with Ryuu would be someone who, like Soren's, would follow all the rules to a T but they'd also be the type to not really follow anyone. They'd be headstrong and be able to make decisions for themselves without really looking to others for ques. They'd also be the type of person to be very sociable but, unlike Ryuu, their form true bonds with people and really do care for the people they hang around with.
A leader-like darling would be best case scenario with Ryuu. Though he can be aggressive at times and very stubborn too, Ryuu has lived his entire life under someone else, following their orders. And he honestly would prefer it that way. So, to have a darling that could be that new person that'll give him orders? It makes Ryuu absolutely happy.
Ryuu wouldn't even mind that his darling is sociable and has a lot of close friends. Most yanderes would be but Ryuu has that much faith in his relationship with his darling.
And, if anything bad happens, he can make it good again with his bare hands
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terraliensvent · 6 months
multiple ppl close to kinah were able to verify that they were in the hospital recovering when the attempt happened. all of those ppl could not collab and lie so one person could get “extra attention” in ur words. Im frustrated with terra staff aswell but that doesn’t mean its ok now to call someones suicide attempt fake so ur feelings seem more valid. I find that extremely sickening. U have zero evidence or good reason for doubt or else u would have vented about it already. all u have is ur feefees. u do need therapy. And mod pls stop validating baseless speculation on smth so serious. what happened 2 people needing proof for claims like this
alright yeah im deleting kinah asks now
first off i dont think that people should just believe whatever they read on the internet, because you dont know who these people are irl. again, thats not to say that you shouldnt give support where you can or that you should make public callouts saying that it was all fake when you dont know for sure, BUT at the same time theres a level of speculation regardless because its the fucking internet. people are wild, people are strangers, and there is a non zero chance that people could have lied. just because people have a level of speculation on something they read online, that doesnt mean they need therapy and it doesnt mean theyre a bad person, it means they have a brain. if YOU want to believe it without a shadow of a doubt then thats fine, and if other people have some doubt thats also fine, just dont go out of your way to fucking bother people because thats just unnecessary.
second off, i need proof for accusations like “so and so is posting feral” or “so and so is an abuser,” saying things like “the way that kinah bounced back into cs makes me speculate” isnt an accusation.
the views of the anons i post here arent reflective of my own views, and if something is a problem i give my own input on it in my response. when i created this blog i didnt want to delete asks because i feel like that controls a narrative and makes me an unreliable narrator when it comes to these discussions. if people want to talk about things like this, i didnt want to force silence because thats not how you hold a discussion.
as an additional note: anons have been becoming increasingly aggressive in my inbox, whether its towards one another or towards myself. i implore all of you to stop being so aggressive, stop making assumptions, and stop playing this holier than thou card. so much of the art and cs community is made up of people who will virtue signal and place themselves on a moral pedestal and my inbox is the last place for that. if you want to rant and complain, go ahead, but stop acting like youre better than each other because you have the Correct Opinion on everything and believe everything you read on the internet.
my final thoughts on this are as follows: there is a non zero chance that everyone is lying. is it a small chance? sure. does this mean we should spread the narrative that it was all fake? no. are you a horrible person who should die in a fire because you dont 100 percent believe that the attempts were real? no, but also dont go out of your way to be an asshole because of that belief. i think we should all publicly operate under the assumption that the attempts were real. if you want to privately speculate, go fucking wild. could kinah going back into cs and making stuff for terras possibly be bad for their mental health? maybe. but also, its none of our business. and thats what im ending this topic with, a lot of this shit really is just none of our business and i think you all give way too much of a fuck about someone who you will never know irl.
i dont dislike kinah, in fact i actually really liked them when they were on staff for terras. but at some point we all gotta throw our arms up and say why is this taking up so much of my brain power when this person is just someone i follow on fucking toyhouse.
we are done with asks about kinahs attempt now, unless anyone has important info or something new to say im deleting them.
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