#if you are any of these and you hate humans please unfollow me
h0wlingsn0wcritt3rs · 1 month
I really hate that I even have to say this, but I'm going to because it's a reoccurring theme I keep seeing recently in therian/otherkin tags.
Keep your misanthropy out of the therian/otherkin community. It is not fucking welcome here.
It is insanely frustrating to see us going backwards like this! Not only that humans are not inherently evil by nature!
I'm so tired of constantly having to fish out misanthropes in my feed because you have such an insecurity with your own identity that you project that hatred into innocent people- I mean it's gotten to the point I've had to filter the tags entirely!
It is not fair and not true at all to call humans an evil race or species. If you simply just LOOK you will find kind and loving people out there, you just have to give kindness first.
I get it. People are mean. But you must also understand that meaness is not within their nature, hatred and disrespect are things that are taught by the generation before them or the others around them, it is not something they were just born with.
There is absolutely zero reason that humans as an ENTIRE species should be hated. Ever. Period point blank. Even those who identify as nonhuman, are still outwardly human, and at the end of the day you could be very well hurting your own community with your hatred! Even if humans are rude and mean to you, returning the favor is not how we will solve the problem. We must educate those who are willing to listen and ignore those who choose to hate us for existing. We must be the ones to create the peace that we all desperately fight for.
That is all I have to say. I apologize if this seems like a stream of consciousness, but this is a topic that has been bothering me as of late. Just wanted to get it off my chest.
I love and adore this community with my heart and soul but sometimes it can become upsetting to see some of us cresting more problems that should not have to be something we fight over. All I want is for us to live in peace without divide.
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fyodior · 9 months
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✸ pairing: lovecraft x afab ada!reader
✸ cw: VERY DARK CONTENT AHEAD! MINORS DNI. tentacles, noncon, oviposition (eggs), choking, womb fucking.
✸ notes: breedtober fic 5! mentioned but this takes place during season 2 and the guild conflict, reader is in the ADA. easily the nastiest thing ive ever written! proceed with caution and/or have fun :)
✸ wc: 1.3k (im sick)
want more of breedtober?
DISCLAIMER: i do not condone noncon in any way, shape, or form. this is just fiction with no reflection of real life. there are tentacles. please refrain from leaving hate comments, and just unfollow/block. or simply scroll away. thank u!
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You should’ve never, ever underestimated him. He might’ve seemed aloof, fatigued, and uninterested in anything but completing a day’s work, but it was all just a façade. How could you be so stupid? To write this eldritch monster, H. P. Lovecraft, off as harmless and unthreatening was the worst mistake you could’ve made. Following closely behind choosing to walk the streets of Yokohama alone at night as an ADA detective while the conflict with The Guild had yet to be resolved, and all the members of said organization were still at large.
“Please- please!” you cried out, tears in your eyes as you were being dragged into a dark alleyway by the man with the ability no one could fathom or understand. The one not even Dazai could nullify and put up a good fight against Chuuya’s corrupted state. “Let me go! Please!”
“Please stop talking,” Lovecraft deadpanned, sounding as bored and indifferent as he would if you had only asked him what time it was. His face was completely expressionless in the most terrifying way. “I just want this done.”
Despite his wishes, you still continued to thrash in his oddly strong arms – you never would’ve guessed based on his general appearance, another mistake – even as he pinned you down facedown against an abandoned dumpster and tugged your pants down. You couldn’t see it but you could hear it – the way his arm that wasn’t holding you down transformed from human skin and bone to… something else. Something green, wet, and slimy. A tentacle. One that was currently slithering down the back of your panties and poking at your hole.
"Why are you doing this?” you wailed, coiling away from the disgusting, horrifying feeling of the appendage attempting to touch your sex.
“It’s mating season,” is all he offers, as if it’s the most obvious explanation in the world. The one hand that he’d been using to hold you down had now morphed into four tentacles, each restricting you so tightly you started wondering if fighting was completely useless.
“Why me?” was your next question.
“I’d really prefer it if you eliminated any and all speech.”
As if to really drive his point home, potentially to even punish you, the tentacles wrapped even tighter around your limbs before the one most precariously located penetrated you hard. As thick as a soda can, the slimy tentacle made you scream at the top of your lungs. You could feel the way your poor, unprepared pussy was stretched so tight around the girth it felt like you were about to tear. Never mind the way it squirmed and wiggled further and further into your cunt, pulsing and writhing until it reached your cervix.
You screamed and cried and wailed desperately until Lovecraft got so sick of it, he formed another tentacle to curl around your throat and mouth, choking and gagging you.
The man, if he could even be called that, maintained his bored, uninterested appearance even as he restrained, choked, and fucked you with his ability. The tentacle wasted no time in further violating your cunt, picking up a painful rhythm as it thrust in and out of you, reaching all the way to your cervix each and every time. Your legs trembled and slime leaked steadily out of your hole onto the concrete ground – at least there was lubrication.
Despite your violent protests and pleading for it all to stop, it would be a lie to say it didn’t feel… good. That the way this monster fucked you didn’t stretch you so deliciously, that the tapered tip of the tentacle didn’t flick against your sweet spot continuously. That was the only reason Lovecraft loosened the grip on your mouth – to let you moan. And moan you did.
“Feel good?” he smirked, the curls of his lips the first sign of emotion he had shown all night.
“Please- ngh- please stop!” you cried out, words forcibly interrupted by a hearty moan as he angled the tentacle slightly differently, having somehow perfectly zeroed in on your sweet spot. “Fuck!”
It was made even worse when yet another tentacle slithered close, curling around your waist and underneath you. You were unsure of its purpose only for a moment, until it began tracing your slit and massaging your clit.
“Stop!” you whimpered, screwing your eyes shut and banging your fist against the rusted metal of the garbage bin. The echoes of the warping metal only slightly drowned out your moans of pleasure. Lovecraft’s smirk only grew – he didn’t need your consent, but a willing partner was always easier to breed.
“Just let it feel good,” he sighed, stretching the tentacle inside you even wider.
“N-never,” you groaned, though it really, really felt good. Now both slime and slick were dripping out of your hole, a nasty mixture that ran down your thighs and pooled in your pants that were still bunched around your knees.
You had gotten so lost in the terribly intoxicating feeling of getting fucked alongside it rubbing your clit that you had completely forgotten about the breeding comment he had made – but Lovecraft didn’t.
“You should be ready soon,” he hummed, eyeing the size of the appendage buried in your pussy and attempting to gauge its size in reference to the egg.
“R-ready? For w-” your question was answered before you were even able to finish asking it. The reason why he wanted to get you to feel good, to loosen up. For the eggs.
A bloodcurdling screech penetrated Lovecraft’s ears, loud and disturbing enough that he actually frowned, once the first egg passed through the appendage and reached your hole.
“What is that?”
He had maybe slightly underestimated the size of the egg, as your body seemed to be resisting it much more than he thought it would – it’d been a bit since he’d done this. He had to form multiple extra tentacles for this part of the process; one to shut you up once again so he could concentrate, two to spread your thighs as wide as possible to allow for easiest entry, and a few more to keep you more still. A moving target was much harder to hit.
The first egg still remained lodged in your pussy, struggling to push past the ring of muscle so it could exit the tentacle and insert itself into your womb. With stimulation coming from every which direction, you hadn’t even noticed the way the very tip of the tentacle had slithered past your cervix and directly inside your uterus.
“Fucking- take it,” Lovecraft groaned frustratedly, spreading your cheeks painfully wider to pry your pussy open, until finally the egg was able to pass through. If able to pass your lips, your screams likely would’ve shattered windows. The worst part was the egg forcing its way through your cervix and nestling happily inside your womb.
But the absolute worst part of it all? This felt good, too.
There was something so horrifically enticing, so disturbingly erotic about a mysterious eldritch being stuffing its eggs deep inside you, depending on you to carry and incubate them. And those were the thoughts that unfortunately filled your head as he fucked eggs into you one by one, your tummy distending with each addition.
It even filled your head as you lay half naked against the dumpster, back against a brick wall once Lovecraft had relieved himself of all his eggs and abandoned you in that alleyway.
You could hear Kunikida calling your name with fear and fervor in the distance, clearly having found out you were attacked, but all you could do was rub your abnormally round belly and giggle almost drunkenly as you replayed those moments over and over in your mind – how could you have gotten so lucky?
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phantomram-b00 · 3 months
Why is Harry Potter trending (or was)? Can it not? Like deadass I’m being fr can it plz not. Especially that J.K Rowling is a massive TERF, a raging antisemite, and disgustingly try to deny that trans people were not affected by the Holocaust (which she was ratio’d by George Takei).
Way ahead of you: (Tw: transphobia, racism, antisemitism, holocaust, Harry Potter)
Oh and don’t get me started how Hogwart Legacy, you know that game that was sworn Jk Rowling wasn’t apart of (yeah sure-) is blood libel story. Not to mention that trans people have told you not to especially since there is a canonical transgender character named Sirona. (People said Sirona is a Celtic goddess for healing. but- come on. You can’t bullshit out of this one. There are OTHER NAMES TO NAME A TRANSGENDER CHARACTER— it make those joke with how Jk Rowling naming not far off. Because it like naming a nonbinary character “NoGendora” or smth (before you say, I’m nonbinary myself—) so idc if it already have a meaning, it still is tone deaf to name a transgender women Sirona).
“But but- you can separate the art from the artist?”
Yes. You can separate art from the artist. HOWEVER before you celebrate thinking you had a gotcha moment. You can only separate if the art itself isn’t problematic or is bigotry itself. Harry Potter is as mention in the links. Not to mention, Harry Potter himself become a cop despite the cop in that world didn’t do jack shit. And don’t get me started on how they handle the whole elf slavery. Also there is heavy fatphobia in this story, proof, look at how they would talk about Harry’s abusive aunt and uncle from his mother’s side. Don’t get me started how she would describe Rita Skeeter. There even a black character who’s last names is Shacklebolt— do I need to say more (if I’m missing any other examples please tell me)
Not to mention she benefits off of it and uses her money to donate to transphobia and just don’t give a flying fuck if she offend people (which seem to usually be the case for trans/homophobia but moving on). like, this is who you wanna support? You still want to read this wizard book when there are other that don’t have transphobia, racist, antisemitic, or any problematic rhetoric and are objectively better than Harry Potter? Really? You wanna die on this hill?
Look. I used to like Harry Potter. but that was before I knew what a dirtbag of a fucking human she is (I didn’t really have social media at the time), and I cringe as I wish I learn sooner that she was a deplorable person who hates trans people like myself (nonbinary respectfully). But, I can happily say Fuck Harry Potter that series can burn in a trash for all I care and I hope the hbo series flops on its ass. And also fuck Jk Rowling, she can fuck off for all I care. That being said, If you support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling, unfollow me. Block me. Because I do not support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling. Because Trans rights/Gender Equality, Human rights are infinitely more important than a basic ass wizard book/movie with a even basic ass magic system when there are objectively better wizard/magic books that are respectful.
Anyway, that being said, Trans and basic human rights matter 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 🤭
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lipglossanon · 7 months
Alright, this is gonna be my last post on the matter. It’s long so I did a read more (and gets kinda vent-y lmao) but this is the last of it.
If I get any more asks (unless it’s from people I know who haven’t been online in months and are lost) I’m just going to delete it.
A few days ago I was deemed a blog to unfollow by some folks who felt I had crossed a boundary of theirs.
(Idk who, how, what, or why. That’s their own choice and all that jazz).
So they’ve asked others to unfollow them if they wanted to keep following me or vice versa (at least that’s the gist I’ve gotten).
There’s been no arguments or a big blow out or anything. We parted amicably because I was just booted out, unfollowed, and blocked lmao.
So with that said, there’s no reason for anyone to harass anyone else about the matter. Everyone makes their own choices in what they deem as problematic or not, so there’s no sense in being mean or hateful about it.
(Here’s the venting haha)
With all that said, you also can’t police/parent other people on the internet. That’s just ignorance (in my opinion). You can only control yourself, how you react to things or what you consume, and frankly it’s also no one else’s business (my body my choice, right?). I’m not here to babysit.
I guess I should also clarify (for the obtuse) that this doesn’t mean I’m a-fucking-okay with certain things. I’m just saying it’s really fucking dumb to think you can control someone’s way of thinking especially on the internet of all places.
If someone lies and comes into a mature space who’s underage, how am I gonna know? Call their parents? Lmao. And if I answer something vaguely that makes you uncomfortable, instead of assuming, just ask me. I’m not gonna be a bitch about it.
I’m always open to learning from my mistakes. I’m gonna fuck up at times, that’s just human nature. To pretend otherwise is stupidity.
I’m also not trying to be an asshole or anything either. I’m just putting out how I think and feel. If you don’t like it or are anonymously stalking my page just to send in hate, please block me and get a life. This isn’t high school. I’m not your mom. Idgaf what other people do. I’m just here to write smut and have a good time. ✌️
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midnightmah07 · 9 months
As I talk more to people on this platform I feel a bit of a necessity to state some boundaries just to be safe
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- please NEVER refer to me as the b word or anything offensive like that, I can handle aggressive humor with people I get closer with but I don't like when people call me these things even if it's playful.
- if you can avoid curse words please do so!! I personally don't like them because of my religion, so if you can avoid speaking curse words near me I'd appreciate it! This is not a hard rule as I won't mind if you curse a few times, but if you have a really dirty mouth please try to tone it down when talking to me.
- please use tone indicators when making jokes that you believe may be mistaken for something rude, especially if we're not that close.
- I don't mind hearing ramblings, I love seeing how excited people talk about their passions, but please ask if I'm comfortable with you doing so beforehand and be careful with how often you do that.
- please do not flood my inbox. I don't mind people coming to my inbox frequently but if what you're sending me can be talked either in DMs, comments or reblogs, do not send me billions of asks. It makes me uncomfortable and honestly makes my blog a huge mess. If I come to my inbox and see like 10 asks from the same person I will not answer.
- on that note, I may add that you guys do not info dump about your OCs 24/7. I do like hearing about other people's OCs, but a lot of the times that's literally the only thing they're talking about. I'm not a dumpster, I'm a human being with my own interests. If you're just coming to my inbox to dump your OC's lore, and it starts feeling like a monologue and not a dialogue, I'm just not gonna answer until you start talking to me normally again. I'm sorry to sound a bit harsh, but it's tiering when people only talk to me to dump about their OCs.
- don't look down and badmouth my religion in any way, shape or form. Being a Christian is the most important part of me and it defines who I am as a person, so please be careful with what you say. Also, my views, beliefs and convictions are and will always be dictated by my religion, I will not attack you for believing something different from me but respect is a two way street, if you attack me for saying stuff accurate to my religion and faith, you're getting blocked.
- don't talk about political issues with me unless you're willing to be respectful. I've seen a lot of friendships being torn because of how different their political views were and I'd hate that to happen to me and my moots. In fact, if you can avoid this talk, please do so. If you must know my stance politically, I mostly align with conservative values.
- unless you were rude to me or attacked me, if you see I have you blocked/soft blocked, it's probably not personal. This is the internet so I will block/unfollow people who post stuff that make me uncomfortable/I don't think what they're saying is correct. Doesn't mean I don't think they're a good person, just means I don't want to interact with them. I have NOTHING against them if the day ever comes that I block/unfollow someone on Tumblr "at random"
- don't talk about anything nsfw/explicit with me. I might not be a minor but this type of talk still makes me very uncomfortable. If you send me something in my inbox that's nsfw/explicit I will delete it and pretend to not see it, however if you do it because you want to make me uncomfortable or if you do it more than once I will block you.
With that all said, feel free to talk to me whenever you want, just be mindful of these boundaries :))
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thrashkink-coven · 5 months
I’m going to say this once. This might piss some of my followers off but I see that as a positive. If this post makes you mad you are more than free to unfollow me.
I’m going to try to make this as clear as possible.
I do not hate Christianity, I do not hate Yahweh, and I do not hate Jesus. I do not love Christianity, I do not love Yahweh, and I do not love Jesus.
These things exist in a realm that is outside of my influence. To be entirely honest, I don’t care about Christianity, or the ideas of Christianity. Christianity has no place nor impact on me, my craft, or my life.
Don’t get me wrong, I love history, theology, and the symbolism in all religions. I find the way that humans rationalize big concepts to be fascinating. I have nothing against Christianity as an existing religion- it is one that I do not subscribe to or necessarily agree with- but I do respect it as a faith. I equally respect Hinduism as a faith, as I respect the Jewish religion etc. There is too much beauty in religion to discount it completely.
If you are one of those Luciferians that croaks on and on about how much you hate Jesus and God, please just unfollow me or block me I don’t care. I don’t enjoy seeing anti-religious slander as much as I don’t enjoy seeing anti-pagan or anti-science slander. I am not a fan of echo chambers in any regard.
It is extremely obvious to me every time I see a rant written by someone who has never actually read the bible. It is frustrating, not as a Christian, but as someone who just loves theology, to see uneducated people taking so boldly about a religion they are not a part of and book they have hardly read the first page of. There are thousands of legitimate things about Christianity that deserve criticism, but if you are not educated on the topic, don’t talk so boldly about it. This applies to all things. I’m not going to make a post about how evil Muslims are because I hardly know the first thing about the Muslim faith. I’m not Muslim and I have absolutely no context for the things I’d be talking about. It is not my place whatsoever to cast those judgements because my judgements would be born or ignorance.
Listen, I understand that Christianity has basically fucked the entire world. I get it. I understand that Christians have stollen and bastardized basically everyone. I know. I understand that many of us have vengeful rageful religious trauma and have absolutely no tolerance for Christianity, I understand. I know it’s triggering. I know that Christianity is not in need of a defender from pagans, the point of this post is not to defend Christianity.
My point is that endlessly putting energy into actively hating the concepts of a religion that you’re not apart of is a waste of time. In my opinion that’s not liberation, your mind is still trapped within the confines of Christianity even if you’re mad about it, even if you think you’re rebelling against it- if you’re trapped within it, you can never effectively be free from it.
If your mind is still playing with dualistic concepts of good and bad, hell and heaven, then you are still a slave to the dualistic mindset, and that is the mindset that establishes Christianity.
I say this as someone with an extremely redically Christian family that kicked me out of my home at 18. I have literally been black sheeped, and I have no contact with any of my family because of their extremism towards religion. I have sat and listened to my parents tell me that I’m going to hell for being queer. I have been physically and emotionally abused. I was made homeless before I knew how to take care of myself in the name of that God. That God and his people have inspired many tearful nights.
I have many many reasons to be an avid hater of Christianity, but that wouldn’t do anything to satisfy me. Hating God and Jesus isn’t retribution for the abuse I suffered. More hatred and anger being thrown into this miserable mix isn’t going to set me free. True freedom is being able to say “this doesn’t serve me,” and being able to actually just walk away and find something that does.
My devotion to Lucifer or any of my deities has absolutely nothing to do with the Abrahamic God. I don’t worship Lucifer to “get back at God” and I don’t care how he feels about it whatsoever. It has nothing to do with him or anyone beyond me and Lucifer.
I personally do not worship Lucifer as Satan or the Anti-God. Nor do I use him as a placeholder for that God, or worship him as one would worship the Christian God. In most contexts, Yahweh and Christian forms of worship are completely irrelevant to me. I don’t think that I’m being such a bad little sinner when I pray to Lucifer instead of Yahweh. That idea implies that I still subscribe to concepts of heaven and hell, purity and sinners. Yahweh is not my concept of good, and Lucifer is not my concept of evil.
Many occultists and Luciferians that I am friends with have told me that at some point in their devotion, Lucifer has told them to essentially “forgive God”, and it always absolutely baffles people. I have had a very similar experience with him.
I challenge you to forgive God, but not in the Christian way.
I’ll say something very controversial that many Luciferians probably won’t agree with, and that’s fine.
I don’t think that Lucifer hates Yahweh. I don’t think he has any real negative opinions of him in general. They are two different entities with vastly different roles and purposes. The actions of their followers are not a reflection of their true nature. I don’t think the Sun hates Neptune, and I don’t think the river hates the moon. I severely doubt that Venus hates Yahweh, I believe that at one point human politics created an idea about good and evil that exists only in the minds of men. I don’t think that Mars hates Jupiter, and I doubt that Pluto hates Saturn. I don’t think these concepts translate on a universal scale.
When Lucifer says to “forgive God” I don’t think he’s talking about the colonial empire of Christianity that has stollen and destroyed, and I want to make it clear that I’m not telling you to forgive Christians and their terrible acts- you have no obligation to forgive these humans.
I think he’s talking more about the concept of God as The All Father of Goodness.
You don’t have to like him or his people to forgive him, to say “you’re not for me” and free yourself of his grasp. To allow yourself to define what goodness is to you outside of Yahweh and his predetermined rules.
Forgive God, but not in the Christian way. Do not forgive to give way to further abuse. Do not forgive because the abuse was okay. Do not forgive him because you’ll go to hell if you don’t.
Forgive to free yourself of the emotional trauma bond you have with this God, and then go find something better. Walk away with your grace.
I don’t think about Yahweh or his people most days. I don’t reserve any energy- be that positive or negative- in my mind or heart for him. I forgave him a long time ago, and now I walk away from him comfortably and happily knowing that I am headed towards something greater.
I don’t hate him, I don’t love him. I don’t need to feel these things about a God that is irrelevant to me.
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jennaissantes · 1 year
homophobia issue …
first of all,,, im bisexual!! so if anyone has a problem with that, please get off my blog. i will not be tolerating homophobia of any kind.
i really, really didn’t want to have to come out in this way, bc the situation is so bad right now. i really didnt expect enhablr to be facing this kind of a problem.
when i first heard about the issue, i was thoroughly shocked. like completely.
before anything, ill let you all read the definition of homophobia.
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“discrimination” “dislike against the community” this. disrespect falls in the category of homophobia as well.
now to address the issue at hand. i wasnt directly involved in this problem. some of you may even be wondering why im making a post about it.
but as a part of the lgbtq community, i think id like to speak what i feel about this.
the situation we heard about was that an enhablr writer, had written dni: lgbtq in their account, which literally anyone would be surprised or angry at, especially if you belong to the community.
OP’s friend, who had recently become my mutual, was defending OP’s actions, which made me think of unfollowing them and i wanted to unfriend them. but then i found out it involves religion.
religion is a very sensitive topic for everyone and could go wrong in multiple ways. i respect all religions and beliefs.
so i texted OP’s friend, asking about the situation at hand, in case it was a misunderstanding.
i am aware that the quran forbids acting on gay feelings. it teaches you to not accept the gay ‘Lot’. (i have done my reading on this topic so i rlly hope im not saying anything out of line. if i am, please forgive me.)
but as far as i know, and have heard from my other islamic friends, the quran also tells you to respect and love everyone, no matter what they are or identify as. respect and acceptance are two different things. islam doe not encourage lgbtq, but doesnt tell u to NOT respect people of every kind.
if what they say is correct, then being on tumblr and reading and writing fanfictions is very much considered as haram as well.
in the above conversation, i texted them wanting to hear their side of the story as well. OP’s friend constantly used the word ‘opinion’ along with ‘belief’.
now, opinion and beliefs are two different things. opinion is something that YOU FOLLOW on your own will. belief is something that your religion teaches you to follow, against your will or not. you can notice OP’s friend has used the word opinion quite a lot.
OP’s friend had received an ask and this was their response.
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‘everybody has their own opinion.’
again, the word opinion is used here, which conveys to us that they’re not wanting to interact with lgbtq community on their own accord.
i tried to explain that most of us get enough hate for being a part of the lgbtq community, and seeing dni:lgbtq, doesnt make it any better.
now, about OP.
when OP was answering asks, most of their answers were very mixed up,
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in the third picture, you’ll see ive highlighted a sentence.
they say THEY DONT LIKE lgbtq. usage of first person is used. “i don’t like what they’re doing” which conveys their opinion on the community.
in the first picture, they claim that if tumblr was only lgbtq people, they’d never stay. how mean is that?
second slide, ‘escaping them’ escaping us????????? what does that even mean.
there was another pic, (that i cant add rn bc tumblr has an image limit), where they said “why do people have a problem w us saying dni lgbtq but no one has a problem if people say dni homophobic?”
… are they being for real.
i genuinely dont think they understand the situation properly. they keep saying the same thing, and mixing up opinions and beliefs.
the replies under OP’s pinned post were terrible. people said things like “im so sorry. what they’re doing is so fucking messed up.” we wouldn’t call out people for no reason just like that???
extra info: OP had written a suggestive niki fic before too.
people of the lgbtq community are humans too. it doesnt make us any different from everyone. please stop treating anyone differently, we are all of the same bone. spread positivity and happiness, not this negative energy.
please feel free to dm me if you’d like to rant abt anything! im here to listen anytime ❤️
please reblog this!
tagging mutuals: @haknom @amakumos @soov @soobnny @dazed-hee @chiyuv @delcakoo @dearheemain @kimsohn @goldenhypen @wonieleles @jaeyunverse @haerinz @hanniluvi [my head is poundinggggg rn so im sorry if i forgot anyone!]
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glorytoukraine2022 · 7 months
If I haven’t said this already…
If you are pro-Palestine and anti-Israel, either unfollow me, or reeducate yourself on the current happenings in Israel and The Gaza Strip.
Israel is not the aggressor in this conflict. They were attacked by Hamas, who raped and mutilated women, butchered babies, and burned the elderly alive. Hamas isn’t a group of Palestinians fighting for freedom from an oppressive government. They are a terrorist organization hellbent on eradicating Israel and the Jewish people. My people. If you think anything otherwise, then you need to reevaluate and re-educate yourself on what is and has been happening in the Middle East.
Israel’s current Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is an authoritarian wannabe, not too dissimilar from Donald Trump, the current wannabe dictator in the United States. Just as how a big majority of Americans do not support Donald Trump and have been horrified by his actions over the many past years, many Israelis are just as unhappy with how Netanyahu has been handling this war and the Israel-Palestine conflict as a whole.
Questioning Israel’s government is not antisemitic, but turning against Jews and pointing the fingers at us, is. You cannot hold the Jewish people as a whole accountable for the terrible policies of Netanyahu. To do so, only proves to Jews around the world that you were never our friends and allies to begin with.
You cannot imagine how devastating and traumatic this entire ordeal has been for Jews all around the world. This attack has brought to the surface a millennia worth of persecution and genocide. And now, not only are you accusing us of genocide, but now you want a continued persecution of Jews. You want us dead so the Palestinians can live. You all act as if you are so high and righteous in supporting Palestine, when in reality, you are supporting a terrorist organization that wants a genocide of the Jewish people.
It is one thing to support Israel, the Jewish people, Palestinians, and a two state solution. It is another to claim that you support Hamas and the atrocities that they committed on October 7th. You cannot support one side, while claiming that you support the other. As flawed as Israel’s current government is, there is only one right side to choose. Only one that reflects basic human decency and compassion.
To not choose that side, is to openly admit that you are antisemitic. If you support Palestine and Hamas, then please reassess your current understanding of the conflict. If you aren’t willing, or if you are antisemitic and hate Jews, then I will search your blog for any pro-Palestine, anti Israel, or any antisemitic content and unfollow you.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
I'm always open, honest, and straight-forward with you guys; I've decided to block a few blogs here on Tumblr. I don't really want to get involved in any drama; I've had enough of those. I know that the whole school and kid thing was my fault, and I never mind being called out and corrected by anons or other blogs here. I always try my best here with proving things and providing information, but sometimes I make mistakes; I'm only human too. It's more about the way some people and blogs call me out rather than doing it. I'm trying to provide a safe place here, and I think it's only possible if I feel safe here too and don't live in fear that maybe my post or my words will be ripped out of context and shred to pieces. It's more about my own mental health than anything else.
Please don't send hateful or any other type of asks about them because I won't answer them. I want to be left alone, so I'll also leave them alone. It's not like I talked about them that much on my page anyway, but you understand what I mean.
You can follow whoever you want and engage with their content; I don't care. If you can't stand me or my opinion, or you think I made a mistake or shared something untrue, we can always have a normal conversation about it; you can always correct me, but please do so in a respectful way. If you are unable to do that, you know where you can unfollow or block me. I'm not trying to play the victim or anything like that; I just wanna be left alone, like I leave those alone I don't agree with or see eye to eye with.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
How do you stop caring about what transphobes think? I've never encountered any kind of transphobia irl (other than the typical misgendering and occasional ignorant comment) but every time I see hateful posts online I get scared. Are they going to come after me, next?
Honestly, it comes with experience, I think. I know it's scary, you're right, and there's no reason to be ashamed of being scared.
However, if what you want is to make your online experiences positive, you have to prioritize yourself. I used to be one of those people who almost bragged about "never blocking people," and now I have a block list a mile long because the block function is a tool, not a moral indication of being a Good Internet Person. Blacklist words, block accounts, go on private accounts, unfollow people if they stop sparking joy, and your internet experience will feel less like you're walking a tightrope and more like a positive interaction.
Additionally, I really encourage anybody ymto invest in themselves outside of anything else. What I mean by that is that it is so much easier to devalue trabsphobes when you feel at peace with yourself. Whenever I find myself overwhelmed by transphobia or whatever, the first thing I do is take a step back and do what I can to remove myself from that interaction. I've picked up a ton of hobbies, for instance, that make me feel fulfilled when I engage with them. I'll pluck my bass, or read a non-fictiob book, or play a video game, or play with my cat. Evaluate what in your life makes you feel fulfilled. Experiment with them, and go to them as a way to cleanse your soul. It won't fix everything, yes, but it can help you feel as though you have control, because you do.
Honour the way you feel, anon. You don't need to feel belittled - it sucks to see so much shit. However, you don't need to keep others in mind when you're living. You weren't made to kow tow to every little request.
Basically, my advice is:
Not to entertain people who aren't interested in seeing your humanity
Find a way to fulfill yourself. This could look like a hobby, or a field of study, or anything, so long as it makes you feel fulfilled.
Don't downplay your own emotions. Let yourself be angry, upset, sad, and whatever other emotion you have. Emotions are not bad, there are no such thing as "bad emotions". Give yourself the space to express those emotions in a way that's healthiest to you
This takes time. It's okay to not be at that point where it doesn't affect you strongly. Please reach out to people - friends, family, whomever you feel safe with. Community is important, you are not an island. You aren't alone.
I'm wishing you well, anon. I hope you are treated well
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starlightiing · 1 month
Also I want everyone to know that I am not here to police opinions. If you ask me mine and we disagree, I'm happy to discuss it, or not discuss it. If you choose to leave, that is fine, no hard feelings. *(see below)*
But I will never, and I mean this, unfollow someone based on opinions alone just because they don't line up with mine. I will unfollow if the opinions develop into full on hate, name calling, straight up bashing, ect ect if it starts to make me uncomfortable, but otherwise I am happy to have differing opinions around me. I like to have them. Sometimes they make me think differently, sometimes they just make me mad. Either way, they are important to have I think.
So, like, if you ever have a vastly different opinion from me, and you want to leave, that is fine. Keep your space curated to you, absolutely, I am 100% for that - but if you think I am going to drop you or be rude to you or whatever about it, I won't. I do tend to hop into comments on posts to maybe spark a conversation (non-aggressively because I am not aggressive) but it's just to gain a little extra perspective really. It's never in bad faith, never ill-intentioned, never to make an attack and if I do make you feel this way at any point, please feel free to let me know so I can address it.
There's not been an incident or anything, I just want people to know that I'm happy for you to stick around even if we disagree on things. I'm still happy to be friendly, or full on friends, with people I disagree with.
(***this is of course limited to specific topics. there are many topics where this simply Does Not Apply as it relates to human rights and social rights and such. Those sorts of things do not count. I speak in broad terms about like.....................F1 and drivers and media opinions, really. I have far less grace when things start down the human rights path).
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funnyanimalguy · 2 months
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Hello, i'm just a platypus on the World Wide Web!! This is my main blog (the one i can interact/follow from), & it's mainly just reblogs of whatever peaks my interest. As you could probably tell, i love all things furry or anthro related!! Other interests of mine include animals, ecology, cartoons, animation, music like happy hardcore and hyperpop, underground/outsider art, & queer subculture. ^_^ More about me is on my Neocities, and info about my Tumblr blogs is under the cut! ~ TAGS 🏷️ original posts / important things ~ SITE 🌐 duckysden.neocities.org
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★ MY ART 🖍 @duckcritter ★ BLOG BLOG 📝 @duckysden ★ FURRY FANDOM HISTORY 🐾 @funnyanimalarchives ★ ART INSPIRATION 🎨 @beautiful-art-world ★ WEIRDFUR APPRECIATION ✈️ @furweird ★ AGERE / KIDCORE 🪀 ask me!
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(Whether or not you read this is up to you. Skimming the blue text is appreciated 👍)
~ A LOT OF ONLINE DISCOURSE MAKES ME ANXIOUS, AND I UNFOLLOW/BLOCK FREELY IF I FEEL INCLINED!! Please know blocking doesn’t mean i hate you or am mad at you! I just want to feel comfortable online, and if your blog contains a lot of arguing, or you police peoples' identities, then we are less likely to get along. I am open-minded to others’ opinions, but i don’t find engaging in most public internet discourse to be very productive or healthy for me. ~ NOTE FOR “SFW INTERACTION ONLY” BLOGS: While this blog is mostly worksafe, please be aware i do not consider it “child safe” and i make no guarantee that it will be entirely free from potentially upsetting topics. I try to tag more “mature” things, but may occasionally forget. ~ Please do not assume i share all of the same opinions as people i interact with! I find this expectation silly, and i’m not going to diligently background check the original author of everything i reblog! (And even if i am friends with someone, this shouldn't be considered an endorsement of everything they've ever said/done) ~ I’m a leftist with a live-and-let-live outlook; I support Doing Whatever You Want as long as it doesn’t harm others!! This includes all kinks (practiced between consenting adult humans, of course)! Harmless weirdos and boundary-respecting freaks are welcome <3 ~ I reserve the right to block people freely, and in particular I’ll do so without hesitation if any of the following applies to you/your blog: x TERF / transmisogynists x IRL gore blogs x Defend/deny what is being done to Palestinians x Defend CSA(M) and/or bestiality x Engage in harassment
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I hope you Have A Good Day! 🕊️✨
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
Please feel free to scroll on by, just something I want to get off my chest.
If you don't like me, please don't follow me. If you'd really like to, you can block me. I promise there will be no backlash whatsoever from me. I just don't want people in my space that don't have good intentions.
I have been through a miscarriage, loss of family members and mental health struggles this year. That's enough real life trauma, I don't want to invite any further upset into a space I should find fun. I literally just want to write, thirst and enjoy other people's creations.
I hate the gossipy, toxic, cliquey place that fandom has morphed into. I don't want to be involved, I don't want to bad mouth people or be bitchy. If I don't enjoy a person's presence, I will simply remove myself from it and not mention them again. I invite you to do the same.
I received this this evening:
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I promptly blocked the anon and have removed the person I know to be leaking screenshots from my server (it is against the server rules).
If you are following people or sitting in their Discord servers with the intention of being hateful, please take a look at your behaviour and perhaps assess why you're taking part in fandom and what you're contributing to it besides negativity. That can't be good for you.
I don't want to grief with people. I just want to write and have a brief moment of respite from real life stresses.
Don't base your entire friendships with people online around the hatred of others. Please find a way to channel your negative feelings into something positive.
And once more: if my presence is something you find offensive or unenjoyable, you are free to unfollow/block, and be safe in the knowledge that I'm not going to be plotting for your downfall. I will wish you well and let you go on your way.
I am so tired. Can we just behave like civil human beings, please? There is a real life human being behind every blog you interact with. If you can't be kind, be quiet.
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astarab1aze · 3 months
rping/rpc petpeeves for munday? 💀
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i can think of a couple.
anon hate, as if we're not all adults here, to name one. the complete and utter lack of respect some people show toward other writers is just ??? it's nuts. another thing is activism within the rpc and the advent of twitter-esque dog-piling when someone doesn't get their way - most i've found either have good intentions and just get it wrong (sokay, we all learn) or are sort of using x cause as an excuse to bully and isolate people as if that's ever been okay or appropriate (bad faith; the 'cause' is a smokescreen that makes the person getting harassed look bad for defending themselves, which i don't and never have vibed with; i spent a lot of time in discourse circles and people who do this don't actually have any convictions, they're just being dicks because they know they can be and get asspats after). people who take things too personally too, because at the end of the day, this is a hobby and we're all human. we can't all talk to each other all day every day, it's just not feasible, and if it takes a week or more for someone to get back to you, it's most likely the exact opposite of intentional. i forget everything all the time, my notifications don't always work on tumblr or discord, there isn't enough time in the day in the first place, and like some i have children and am married, i'm severely time blind (i thought it was still februrary until last week) or otherwise have 800 different things to do at any given time. a lack of communication, at least from me, isn't ever personal, and i'd wager it's about the same for other folks too. sometimes i need to be reminded or nudged and i don't mind that as long as its respectful. yaddayadda.
also it's weird to me that just a couple of days or a couple of weeks of not talking or writing is enough for some people to unfollow, break off/drop roleplays, or whathaveyou. it's just...weird, to me. it shows an unwillingness to understand that someone else's life doesn't revolve around roleplay, and also impatience. i would understand maybe a month or so, but not anything before. my rp besties and i regularly take a few days, sometimes a few weeks to respond to each other's messages and there's no bad blood there. on this front, this is exactly why i'm as laid back as i am - take as long as you need to, i'm not going anywhere.
i have some probably unpopular opinions too, not just pet peeves, but i'll save those for another day. like if someone writes, idk, noncon, i'm probably not going to jump down their throat because a) i don't know them, b) i don't know why they're writing it, c) i probably never will, and d) i'm probably not seeing it on dash anyway since i block and filter tags. when i said this is a judgment free zone, i really meant it. it's not my place and i don't care anyway. write whatever you want? be it to cope or explore something difficult so you can understand it or something else so you can have fun. because i will, even if that's really just complicated romance with a fantasy backdrop. write whatever wish fulfillment and escapist nonsense you wanna write too, while we're here, because genuinely i'm tired of that being seen as a bad thing also. we've all written something someone hates for one reason or another, whether it be unrealistic or 'disgusting', so really all you can do is keep truckin' cos you can't please everyone and it's pointless to even try.
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blue-eyed-banshee · 6 months
If you wish to roleplay with me, please send me a message and we can discuss the details. Just know I will not do the following: 
Roleplay with minors, this blog is run by someone in their late 20's and I do not want to have to deal with children
Roleplay with anyone who is homophobic and if this pertains to you, kindly find the exit closest to you ie: do not engage in conversation with me or I will block you, simple as that
If you disagree with how I portray Sylvanas, do not even bother to ask to roleplay with me 
If you write one liners, please don’t. I can’t send a reply when I don’t have details
If you do not agree with lesbian couples, please…. do not try to change my mind and I will block you
ask for a romance between our characters, it’s not how I portray Sylvanas
Other requests
If you have an issue with me, please be direct and let me know
If you do not wish to roleplay with me any further, please let me know instead of ghosting me
Please do not spam me with asks and follows. It throws me off, and it causes me to get overwhelmed easily
This blog is not for children. If you see something that offends you; that is not my fault!
If you engage in an argument with me over anything involving any roleplays or anything else, you will be blocked.
As a personal favor from me; please include as much detail as you can. It will give me more to work with. The more detail, the better I will be able to reply
Please do not send me any hate asks but all other asks are encouraged! 
Do not ask for my discord or battle tag, those are reserved for mutuals only
I am open to crossovers or OC characters, all I ask is when doing a crossover; we brainstorm on how the characters meet
 If I forget to reply to you, please reach out! 
If I don't receive a reply from you for a month or more, I may ask if you are still interested. If not, I will be forced to unfollow you, but if I do unfollow you, please feel free to follow me back.
Please do not rush me for replies. I am a college student, I can not stress that enough! I may sometimes forget due to everything that goes on in college life and if that happens give me a gentle nudge. Please note, I also have a lot of replies to get to sometimes. Be patient with me and I shall return the favor. Keep pestering me and you will find yourself blocked without warning.
If I do follow you, it means I would love to plot with you! Don't be afraid to approach me first. All I ask for is your patience.
If you are unfamiliar with any of my characters, that's perfectly fine! My style of writing explains everything as we go along.
Laudna: (Critical role, campaign 3)
Sylvanas Windrunner: (World of Warcraft, Post-shadowlands)
Logan Howlett/Wolverine: (X-men)
Angel: (Buffy the vampire slayer) vampire with a soul
Xander Harris: (Buffy the vampire slayer)
Faith lehane: (Buffy the vampire slayer)
Colossus: (X-men)
Vax'ildan: (Critical role) half-elf and brother to Vex'halia DeRolo
Moggatorash: (WoW OC, orc shaman)
Giles: (buffy the vampire slayer)
Verath Windrunner: father to the Windrunner sisters and Lirath Windrunner, husbnand to former ranger-general, Lireesa, and Kael'thas' father's advisor
Baine Bloodhoof: (world of warcraft) chieftain of the tauren
Lor'thermar Theron: (world of warcraft) Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas/Silvermoon
Occuleth: World of Warcraft, chief telemancer of Suramar, memeber of the horde
Arcanist Valtrois: Nightborne mage, friend of Thalyssra and Oculeth, member of the horde
Lorna Crowley: daughter of Darius Crowley and commander of the Gilnean forces within the Alliance
Tess Greymane: Princess of Gilneas (formerly), now future queen of Gilneas
Senelstrasza (formerly Senelnoth): Biologic daughter of Alextrasza and Vyranoth, Frost Proto-drake
Craigvaidney sith pureblood sorcerer, old republic era (SWTOR)
Lana Beniko human sith lord, old republic era
Jason Todd (Batman (any version)
Illyana Rasputina (X-men, little sister of Colossus)
[[Will edit this as soon as I decided on more characters!]]
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
*:・。𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 。・:*
Please read before you follow
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╰┈➤ This blog is strictly +18, no minors allowed! Even if you are 17 and will turn 18 in a few months, you’re still not allowed to follow or interact with me. Please respect my boundaries and do not lie about your age. I am not comfortable talking to minors! My writing includes mature content so I am extremely uncomfortable if minors follow me and openly interact with my posts.
╰┈➤ Put your age in bio & at least a profile picture just so I know you aren’t a bot or a minor. I usually block everyone whose blog is totally empty, or has no pfp, or has no age in bio. I can’t assume your age so I block you for my own safety. And with the bot raid recently, I’ve blocked hundreds of bots as well
╰┈➤ I will not tolerate anything related to racism, pedophilia, homophobia, or any kind of hate towards any race, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender etc. You will be immediately blocked.
╰┈➤ Proshippers/terfs/lolicon/shotacon DO NOT INTERACT
╰┈➤ Askbox is always open so please be respectful while sending asks or talking to me. At the end of the day I’m a human being with feelings behind this blog and I have a life and my own struggles, so having you sending me unpleasant comments about me, my writing, or the character I love, affects me negatively and can ruin my mood. This is the bare minimum while interacting with people in general, so please be respectful and think twice before saying stuff to people.
╰┈➤ As you can see this blog is fully dedicated to Dabi. I post my writing, imagines, thirsty posts about him, I don’t hold back when it comes to the thirst, I am unhinged. This blog will contain NSFW, if you’re not comfy with so much thirst then just unfollow me. There are cases where I also post dark content as well, so be aware!
╰┈➤ I absolutely won’t tolerate Endeavor supporters or anything that includes defending him and attacking Touya. Kindly get (the fuck) out of my page :)
╰┈➤ Tags that I use under my posts. This blog is NOT spoiler free
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𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ❀*ੈ
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☁︎。⋆ Don’t steal, translate, copy, palgiarize, claim my work as your own or post it in other platforms.
☁︎。⋆ The characters I write for are Dabi & Shigaraki, but mainly Dabi. Please do not ask me to write for other characters, especially if it’s a hero. My writing focuses on villains only.
☁︎。⋆ Rules for requesting | click there in case you want to submit a request and want to know what I usually write for. Please follow the rules and in case you’re unclear about something, then feel free to ask me!
☁︎。⋆ Do not send any criticism or judging towards my writing unless I ask for it! It could be extremely discouraging, so please don’t do that if I didn’t ask. If you don’t like the way I write you can scroll away or simply unfollow. It takes less time than to judge.
☁︎。⋆ Reblogging my work would be really appreciated, since I put my time and effort on them. If you guys enjoyed something, it won’t cost you anything to reblog it. Your comments and reblogs inspire us writers to bring more content for you as well.
☁︎。⋆ TAGLIST | In case you want to be tagged in every work of mine or just some of them, you can fill this form. If you consent to being tagged, your only “obligation” is to reblog/ comment on everything I tag you. If you don’t do that then do not ask to be tagged at all!
☁︎。⋆ I am open for collabs as well.
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𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 ✩‧₊˚
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✩ I am open to roleplaying in dms or askbox, though if you’re willing to roleplay with some sort of plot and in paragraphs, I think dms are more fit for that.
✩ I usually do self insert or play as my OC. I only accept Dabi roleplayers, or in special cases Shigaraki ones as well.
✩ Your responses need to be the same as mine, I hate short responses. At least a paragraph or two would be enough. And your level of writing has to be good at some point as well.
✩ If you’re willing to roleplay with a plot, my favorite plots are anything that include slow burn, or enemies to lovers, or forbidden love, and I’m also okay with dark themes such as kidnapping, noncon, dubcon etc.
✩ My roleplays with charaanons have their own tags. Please block these tags in case you don’t want to be spammed in your dash.
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𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬 ʚ♡︎ɞ
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ꕤ* Overall online I am open to talk to people, so feel free to talk to me or get to know me, at the end of the day I’m not any celebrity or anything. Please remember that we all have lives outside Tumblr and I won’t always respond in time.
ꕤ* Due to my mental health issues there are cases when I distance & isolate myself, and I don’t interact as much as usual, please do not take it personal. Sometimes we all need some alone time, there are cases where too many social interactions burn me out and give me anxiety, after all I’m super introverted even though online I seem to be more comfy talking to people.
ꕤ* Please do not trauma dump or lovebomb or spam me with messages the moment we know each other, unless we consent to it at some point. It takes a long time for me to be comfy with someone and get out of my shell.
ꕤ* I’m not very good at expressing love & affection with words towards people, but I just want to remind all my mutuals/friends that I appreciate them so much and I will support them till the very end because they’re amazing! So please don’t hate me for not always saying it with words lmfao.
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