#if you COULDN’T tell boat boys has been my obsession for the past month
k1tty5 · 2 months
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror Finale P.2
masterlist  request guidelines
pairing: draco x ravenclaw reader
request: yes very highly requested lol
summary: despite never speaking before, y/n has a big crush on draco malfoy, a particularly broody and obnoxious slytherin. what will happen when they finally have to start associating? and what if they run into a certain mirror that shows you what you truly desire?
warnings: cursing!
a/n: so ik i said this was gonna be out later this week but i love you guys too much! here it is...the final part of mirror, mirror! it’s weird to finally finish a series like this but ohhhh boy here we are
taglist: @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @mey-rapp @kaibie @blackpinkdolan @the-wiener-soldierrrrr @sugarbby99 @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop
word count: 2.1k
“About time you got off your arse.”
“Hello to you too, Rena,” Y/N sighed as she dropped her satchel on her bed. Her roommate watched, bemused, as she began to unpack her things. 
“How are you?” she asked, her voice noticeably softer. “I really missed you. We were all worried sick, you know.”
Y/N snorted, tossing her wrinkled robes on the bed and making a mental note to spell them neat later. “I do know. Madame Pomfrey was going to kill me for how many times she had to tell you to leave me and let me rest.” 
Rena’s eyes sparkled.
“I’m fine, thank you,” said Y/N. “I missed you too.”
The two sat in silence for a bit as the cold afternoon breeze wafted into their room, carrying the smell of fresh snow in. 
“So, anything exciting happen? Did anyone tell you anything….interesting?”
“No.” Y/N was about to turn back to her work before she caught the mischievous expression on Rena’s face. “What? Why?”
“Nothing,” she sang. “I’m just wondering. I have to catch up with my best friend, you know. It’s been forever.”
“It’s been the whole of four days.”
“It’s been forever,” she restated, jumping up and spinning Y/N around (who couldn’t help but allow a slow grin to spread across her face). 
“I was going crazy in there.” Y/N’s voice was considerably more serious. “I never told you, but--” she chose to ignore the look of anticipation written all over Rena’s face, “--Malfoy talked to me. And he was so nice to me, it was we--”
“That COWARD!” 
The outburst started Y/N, who dropped her things on the floor in shock. “I’m sorry? Rena, what happened?”
“I can’t tell you,” said Rena, her tone dutiful and mournful. “It’s not my place. Anyways, what did that loser do?”
“Er,” began Y/N, “I don’t know how much of it was real or if it was because I was on pain potion, but he and I--I don’t know, flirted? There was a lot of banter, and before he knew it he pulled me off the ground--”
“You were on the ground?”
“--he pulled me off the ground and picked the gravel out of my palms.” Y/N swallowed as she recounted the instance. She’d never seen him look so soft before. “He said he had something he wanted to tell me, and his voice got all strange.”
“And then?” 
“And then Madame Pomfrey came to yell at me and basically--oh god, Rena, she basically told him that I dreamt of him!”
Rena snorted with laughter. “Shit, dude. I don’t think you should worry, though. You’d think any bloke with half a brain would’ve figured out that you were obsessed with him by now.”
“Shut up.” Y/N’s face was hot. “Anyways, I haven’t seen him since. I’d prefer if we could stop talking about this.”
“Sure, sure.” She took in a breath. “Wait, what about rounds? Don’t you still have to see him?”
“No. Flitwick told me I’m off. At least until next month.” If she sped through the thought, it didn’t hurt as much.
“Ending of a chapter, huh? How are you feeling about that?”
Y/N sighed. “Honestly, Rena, I love you, you know I do, but I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Okay? It’s over.”
If her words carried any deeper meaning to Rena, she didn’t show it. “Lighten up, girly. Maybe it’s not.”
“All I’ve done is make a fool of myself,” lamented Y/N, throwing her empty satchel in the closet and collapsing onto her bed. “I’m just going to go back to what everything was before. This hasn’t changed anything. Now, Rena, I have a Potions exam to study for.”
“Whatever floats your boat.”
Her interactions with Draco were few and far between in the following weeks. Sometimes she caught a few glimpses of a pale blonde head of hair as she walked down the halls to her classes, but nothing concrete, nothing even close to the amount of interaction they had while she was still bound to her rounds. 
It was certainly a punch in the gut--after all, she did spend a good portion of her academic career thirsting over him--but the sensible part of her knew that this was for the better. Her schoolwork became her top priority again, just like it had been the years before she was assigned to be his partner.
So, given this pattern of communication, it was fair to say that Y/N was completely and utterly flabbergasted when she saw Draco waiting by the entry of her common room at 11pm one night.
“Can I help you?” she asked as she shifted the books in her satchel to be secured over her shoulder.
“Yes, actually,” he said smoothly, not tripping over his words in the slightest. “I have rounds tonight.”
“I’m aware.” She hoped that he couldn’t hear her heart pounding the way that it was.
“And I’m out of Wide-eye potion.” 
“That really sucks,” Y/N said as she held up her hand on the door of the common room, uttering the riddle’s answer under her breath before she stepped in. 
“Wait!” His voice turned her around--it was pleading, almost desperate. “I have an exam tomorrow. No one in Slytherin has any. Snape would kick my arse for waking him up now. I know you have some left over since you never finished the rounds, and I--I understand if you don’t want to but it doesn’t have a very good shelf life anyways and I was hoping you’d...that you’d be alright with giving it to me.”
She paused, completely stunned. The most hopeful part of her wondered if he had made this up, but she squelched this with a force that nearly knocked the wind out of her. “Fine. Come with me, you must be freezing outside.” 
Y/N wasn’t wrong--the weather had taken a turn in the past few days to be bitterly cold--but it wasn’t like she’d object seeing him for any longer. She mentally cursed herself for being so weak-willed.
Draco looked pleasantly surprised at the suggestion and stepped into the common room with her, following her up until she reached the base of the stairs. “I’ll wait here.”
“If you’re comfortable,” she began, “I’d honestly prefer if you came with me. I don’t want to explain to anyone why I let you into our common room unsupervised.”
He looked like his mind was buffering the information for a second, standing with a glazed look in his eyes before he sucked in a breath and became the picture of confidence once again. “Want me in your room that bad?”
“You wish.”
He scoffed as they climbed the stairs, Y/N a few steps above him. She thought that if she maintained the space he wouldn’t see how hard she was shaking and wondered where Rena was. Studying with Hermione like she told her she was? She hoped.
Y/N stopped in front of her door at the very end of the hall, decorated with a banner that had their names displayed in glittering bronze letters that moved in the light. “Ok. You can come in with me if you want--it might be a couple minutes since I don’t quite remember where it is.”
He looked amused with himself as she got out her wand and attempted to unlock her door with the specialized charm she and Rena had decided upon. Mortifyingly enough, her hand was too shaky to execute it.
“Hey, hey,” Draco tutted, holding his hand out. It enveloped hers and held her wand still as she muttered the incantation, unlocking the door and swinging it open. 
“Er...thanks,” she said. His hand was still over hers. 
Y/N broke the eye contact to dart through the door to a thankfully dark and empty room--if Rena had seen that, she never would’ve let her hear the end of that--and began rifling through her drawers as Draco shut the door and examined her room.
“You’re flustered,” he noted as she tipped over one of her candlesticks and just barely managed to catch it. “Is everything okay? Trouble in paradise, little Ravenclaw?”
“Like you care.” Y/N shut the desk drawer with an audible BANG. “And don’t call me that. Rowena Ravenclaw is rolling in her grave hearing you infantilize her good name like that.”
Draco laughed from his stance by her door--a sound that she hated to admit that she really missed. “I take back what I said. You certainly sound like yourself.”
Y/N’s fingers finally closed around the last bottle of Wide-Eye, which was quickly tossed to Draco. “Happy now?”
He sent her a strangely weak smile as he slipped the vial into his pocket, no doubt silk lined and expensive. “Sure. So this is goodbye? Actually?”
“I think...I think so.” 
Y/N had moved closer to him so only about a foot stood between them, a distance that felt like a mile from where she stood. 
This is goodbye.
Draco was making a motion to turn around and open the door when Y/N experienced the most severe lapse of judgement in the entirety of her 17 years.
She sprung forward, her fingers curling around the satiny soft fabric of his tie and pulling. Her motion was rough enough that he jolted forward, his eyes wide with surprise as Y/N closed in and pressed her lips to his in a very chaste and ungraceful movement. 
The split second that it took for her to realize the consequences of her actions was enough for her to let go completely and jump away, apologies readily falling out of her mouth in disjointed and clumsy collections. 
“I’m so sorry...Oh my god...I have no idea what got into me...Draco, I--”
Before she could finish, his hands were already cupping her face, his frame bent down the slightest so he could be more level with her. And he was--oh--he was kissing her, actually properly this time, without the tense closed-offness of her first attempt.
When Y/N imagined what it was like to kiss Draco Malfoy, she didn’t imagine him to be so soft. Or warm. Or gentle, or pliant, or whatever other good things he was to her as he snaked her arms around her and held her tight to him.
His kisses turned feverish, almost desperate as he turned her so she was pressed up between him and the wall. Everywhere his hands touched felt charged with electricity and energy, and as his hands traveled up and down her spine she decided that this must be what it’s like to die of happiness. 
“Draco,” she managed in between kisses, pulling away for air for just a moment and sliding back down so her feet touched the floor again. “Can we talk? About this?”
“Thanks,” he responded, his eyes glittering with endearment. “I almost forgot you were a Ravenclaw.”
“Shut up.” 
He grinned but made no effort to step away from her, instead choosing to drag his fingers up and down the side of her exposed neck. “What’s there to talk about? I like you, you like me, there’s nothing we need to do to complicate this further.”
“You...you what?”
“Yes, genius, what else did you think I was planning on telling you that day in the courtyard,” Draco said. “I’ve been avoiding you because I thought you were over me. That was horribly embarrassing, you know. Had to nurse my ego for weeks before I could garner up the courage to speak to you again.” He stopped to gently press the pad of his thumb into the little dimple she had in her left cheek, smiling uncontrollably as he moved his hand back to cup her face.
“How was I supposed to know that?” argued Y/N. 
“Isn’t this supposed to be the smart house?” he teased. 
She slapped his shoulder. “Don’t make me decide I don’t like you anymore.”
“Oh, so you admit it?”
“Admit what?”
“That you like me?”
“I’m going to scream.”
“Just from kissing me? Wow, I must be good.”
“I mean it!”
“So do I!”
Y/N gazed up at the boy in front of her for a few beats, admiring how the moonlight bounced off the silvery strands of his hair and how his smile reached every corner of his face. 
“I take back what I said,” she told him.
“Oh, and what is that?”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
He smiled again, leaning in close so his lips barely brushed her ear. “No. No, it isn’t.”
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georgiaswarr · 4 years
georgia warr
never been in love - gatlin
a song about wanting to be in love but not being able to be in love, which is very fitting for georgia’s initial situation. i’ve put this at the beginning of this playlist because - spoiler alert - the last song on here is also called never been in love and i think these two songs symbolise georgia’s journey in a very mint way. also, the first line of this song is “that boy from georgia was so sweet” which i think is pretty funny
somebody to love - queen
the title says it all. georgia wants to find somebody to love. i mean, she’s already found them, but we’ll get to that later.
paradise - coldplay
georgia is a big dreamer and yearner and i think this song really encapsulates that on so many levels. i mean “when she was just a girl / she expected the world / but it flew away from her reach / so she ran away in her sleep” that’s georgia !
tous les garçons et les filles - françoise hardy
french song because i’m ~quirky~ but this song is basically about seeing everyone else be in relationships and feeling lonely/wanting one for yourself
waiting for love - avicii
georgia is a hopeless romantic, but she’s still waiting for her own grand romance (she still hasn’t realised that the “love” she’s “waiting for” has already “come around”)
dear no one - tori kelly
georgia “i want someone to be in love with but there is no one” warr, at least at the beginning of the book
chaos - miki fiki
this song can be interpreted with various themes of the book in mind such as yearning for something you don’t have, feeling lonely, emotional turmoil, etc, it’s a banger
i walk a little faster - fiona apple
highjacked from @kindaorangey’s loveless playlist (they’ve done a great rundown here). this song has similar themes to dear no one, anticipating that romance will come to you, but it hasn’t, despite how hard you chase it, how fast you walk
when - dodie
shoutout to @drarrystar for recommending this song to me because so many of the lines reflect georgia to the core. just look up the lyrics and you’ll agree
deeper - ella eyre
“cause i’m scared, i can’t lie / i don’t feel the same inside / i can’t decide if i have the heart to confess” georgia thinks she can learn to love jason romantically if she just digs a little deeper
loneliness for love - lovelytheband
“anything at all not to feel alone / anything at all just to feel whole / ‘cause i keep mistaking loneliness for love”
a little more - alessia cara
“there you are with your college friends / you played in a marching band / i can't help but wish i knew you then / but i guess i know you now // it looks as if i've stumbled right into the palm of your hand // hey, you / hey, mr. knock on my door / i'm sorry that I've been emotions galore / am i crazy for wanting a little bit more? / a little more of you” georgia about sunil. she needs their guidance and wishes he’d been there for her earlier.
stuck in california - rightfield
a song about feeling alone and alienated by everyone and everything around you, and waiting for your “stars to align”, which fits georgia if you ask me
seven - taylor swift
georgiapip song !!!!!! it’s also about how alienating it can be to grow up and lose your childhood innocence, and i have a lot of thoughts about a very specific brand of growing pains that come with being aspec, but that’s a topic for another day
te amo - rihanna
this is a song about having someone be romantically in love with you and the heartbreak that comes from not being able to reciprocate those feelings --> georgia about jason
love love love - of monsters and men
same as te amo. it hits especially hard when you do love the other person so fucking much
ceiling won’t break - finish ticket
this song gives me georgia’s emotional turmoil vibes, also the line “i see no lights ‘cause the lights weren’t aimed at me” can be interpreted in a “cupid’s arrows didn’t hit georgia” way if you get what i mean
lack of emotion - skott
once again we are dealing with themes of not being able to feel the emotions that you “““““should”““““ feel for someone
let me go - hailee steinfeld
another song about georgia and jason’s (romantic) relationship and how it was doomed to fail from the beginning so she hopes he can let her go
i’m so tired - lauv, troye sivan
i’m just thinking about that line in loveless where georgia resentfully realises how many songs are about romantic love. she’s just so tired
crush culture - conan gray
and another song about being resentful of our romance-obsessed society, which georgia certainly is plenty of times throughout the book
home - ella eyre
christmas break time babey !!!! georgia has reached her low point and she’s going home
i love my car - belle & sebastain
“I pressed a cold hand against my car, which was as far up the drive of our house as it could get. I’d missed my car.” - loveless by alice oseman, celebrating all kinds of love since 2020
i’ve never written a song about a boy - eva westphal
this was actually recommended to me by @michaelholdenn for this playlist ! a song about the liberation that comes with not having to force attraction anymore
this is home - cavetown
i think months ago some ask told alice that this is a loveless song and i agree
why can’t we be friends - jordy searcy
this is about georgia’s strained relationship with pip and jason after the bailey ball and how she wishes they could just be friends again, the way they were all throughout their childhood
chiquitita - abba
okay fuckers THIS is literally the LOVELIEST song about friendship and wanting to be there for your loved ones and i’m sure georgia relates
open up - matt simons
“you’re hard to talk to with that wall around you” vs. “rooney had a solid brick wall round some part of her that nobody was allowed to know.” basically, georgia wants rooney to open up to her
just fucking let me love you - lowen
okay, yes, this song is very gay, but i think it can be applied to georgiarooney too ! the frustration this song expresses of wanting to shake someone and scream at them to just fucking let you love them is definitely shown in loveless when it comes to those two
less than i do - the band camino
georgia about pip. she hopes that pip will forgive her eventually. i mean look at the line “i still have your denim jacket” in the song - georgia still has pip’s jacket too, it’s perfect !!!
friends will be friends - queen
if loveless taught us anything it’s that friends sure fuckin will be friends
stick with me - olly murs
“we all get lonely / trying to find a place where we should be / trying to find someone to set us free / there are times a friend is all you need” you know when alice said that every character in the book feels “loveless” in some way at one point or another, but they all learn the value and importance of platonic love? yeah.
your song - moulin rouge
“and then, with three accompanists, i stood on a boat on the river wear and sang ‘your song’ - the version specifically from moulin rouge - to pip quintana, who didn’t yet know me as well as i wished she did, but despite that, was one of my favourite people i had ever met.”
wherever i live - alessia cara
you know the scene after georgia leaves pip and rooney to their first kiss? yeah, this song really reflects that mindset of half loneliness, half acceptance to me. listen to it.
take time - honest men
accepting your identity takes time ! even by the end of loveless there’s still days when georgia wishes she wasn’t aroace and the book presents this in an amazing and properly nuanced way !
die alone - finneas
"you asked me, ‘do you wanna die alone / or watch it all burn down together?’ / i said i’d rather try to hold on to you forever” this song is very much georgiarooney - finding each other in their darkest of days and watching everything they thought they knew (amatonormativity) burn down. together.
no lover - jetty bones
the next few songs are basically just one aro anthem after the next. this is another recommendation from @michaelholdenn - “maybe i don’t need a lover, i just need the friend”
solo - carly rae jepsen
highjacked from @kindaorangey’s loveless playlist. amazing anthem about how it’s okay to be single and how romantic love isn’t as fulfilling as society makes it out to be anyway
trust my lonely - alessia cara
i think in georgia’s case this song can be interpreted as her learning to finally let go of her pre-conceived notions of what love is and what she should want, her learning to “trust her lonely”, though lonely here just means romance-less
love is a town - josh gilligan
“if [romantic] love is a town then i’m passing through" yeah, romance is not for georgia and she’s starting to accept that.
new romantics - taylor swift
the loveless gang is the new romantics !!! they’re redefining love and romance !!!
team - lorde
“and everyone's competing for a love they won't receive / 'cause what this palace wants is release” anyway, let’s go found family song
wild things - alessia cara
now, i don’t know if alessia cara is queer but I DARE YOU to look at the lyrics of wild things and not tell me that this is the ULTIMATE queer anthem about found family and saying fuck you to respectability politics. i DARE you. anyway, loveless is also about found family and saying fuck you to respectability politics so it’s very fitting
never been in love - will jay
full circle babey !!!!! this is THE aro anthem so obviously i had to add it and comparing the “never been in love / and it’s all good” to the “never been in love / and i fucking hate that i couldn’t make it past a crush” message from the first song we can really reflect georgia’s journey of self-acceptance in loveless which i love a lot
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word-scribbless · 5 years
Dating Hiatus
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gifs not mine. 
X female reader
Ugh i’m a little obsessed with writing for the BAU team right now. I’m on season 2 so that’s the team I included. 
It was Friday night, the BAU had closed a tough case this week, and finished all their paper work. So many things to celebrate that it was easy for Penelope to convince most of the team to go out with her and Y/N to the bar. Now she just had to convince y/n.
Y/n had just gone through a tough breakup the few months before and all of the agents at the BAU could tell she was struggling. She knew she was better off with out her ex, but she was currently doubting herself, and staying home watching movies by herself most nights. Garcia, being her best friend, was trying everything to get her to cheer up.
She had finally convinced Y/N to go out by saying that she herself needed to let loose. Y/n knew Penelope took this last case hard, so she agreed. Penelope was focused on cheering up y/n but ended up drinking a little too much instead. Y/N, Garcia, Morgan, and Reid were all seated at the table. Most of the team called it an early night.
Morgan caught a guy at the bar checking out y/n, and he couldn’t help but make a joke. “Hey Y/n/n, boat shoes @ 4 o’clock thinks yo’ fiiine” he said motioning with his head. “Ew, don’t engage Derek! Not interested” she replied glancing in that direction. Morgan noticed the was Spencer had tensed at his comment, and relaxed again at y/n’s. “Yeah, She’s not dating right now so he can back off!” Garcia says a little too loud. Spencer looks at Y/N for her response. “Yup I’m taking a dating hiatus”, she says, making Derek chuckle “Why?” Spencer asks looking down at his drink. Derek watched Spencer closely, knowing exactly how he felt for their friend and co-worker. He has been hoping that Spencer would finally make a move now that y/n was single again, but he didn’t want to push too hard. He could tell the ‘kid’s’ feelings weren’t one sided, but was giving them time to get there on their own.
“Yeah, She says after her break up she’d need the worlds most perfect specimen of man to ask her out for her to say yes” Garcia slurs out an answer before y/n can. “Okay pen that’s enough” y/n says patting her friend on the shoulder. “Oh yeah and what’s the perfect specimen to her baby girl?” Derek asks, earning a death glare from Y/n “Well to her it’s spencer duh” Garcia says with out knowing she said anything wrong in her drunken state. “DEAR GOD STOP” y/n whines, hiding her face in her hands. “She says she is done dating unless it’s him” “PEN!” Y/N yells, turning to face the guys, but avoiding looking at Spencer, “Okay those weren’t my words, and, I’m gonna’ go burrow directly into the ground and live there forever now!” She says sinking into her chair “bye” she whispers “Y/n?” Spencer questions, with a shocked look on his face. “Ahhhh” y/n groans before Garcia continues on. “She says she’s that she’s never met a man as handsome as him, and that he is the most selfless, smartest, kindest person ever and that coffee tastes better when he brings it to her and...” she blabs as if the man she’s talking about isn’t standing right there, she stops when she noticed y/n’s angry face. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asks
“I’m going to kill you. So much death Penelope Garcia. Derek I’m gonna’ kill her!” Y/n seethes from her hiding spot behind her hands again. She knows Derek is her only hope at getting her friend to stop talking.
Derek smirks as he links arms with Penelope and says, “Come on Garcia I need your help at the bar” “Oooo are you gonna’ buy me another drink?” She squeals “No I think you’ve had enough but our girl y/n might need one in a minute” he laughs as he squeezes y/n’s arm in support before patting Spencer on the back and leading Garcia away.
Spencer can’t take his stunned eyes off of y/n who hasn’t broken nervous eye contact with the ground since Garcia’s little truth session. “Soooo I’m gonna go” y/n says as she slides off her stool, starting to walk past him. “Y/n wait, please?” Spencer says gently “What’s up?” She asks, as if she doesn’t know. “Um- I can’t act like that didn’t just happen” he says in a nervous, soft voice as he gently reaches for her arm to turn her to look at him. “I know Spence, I’m so sorry! I just I-“ she babbles “Y/n when your done your dating hiatus will you go on a date with me?” He asks, cutting her off. Y/n’s eyes go wide as she tries to answer him. “Spence- I - huh?”
“Y/n, I know you’re getting over your break up but when you’re ready can I take you out?” He asks again, a bit more confidant this time. “Yes! How’s right now?” She blurts out and he chuckles, rubbing circles with his thumb on her arm that he’s still holding. “What about your hiatus from dating?” He laughs “You heard Garcia, my hiatus is only for men who aren’t you” she smiles up at him, blushing. As their eyes meet, she notices that his face is as red and smiley as hers feels. “In that case, can I buy you a drink and walk you home tonight? If you still feel that way about me after that then maybe I can ask you on a real date?” He smiles, proud of himself for his sudden confidence. “You sure can” she says as she takes his hand , intertwining his fingers with hers. she looks up at him before they head to the bar, “ Spence is this okay?” Pointing to their hands” I know how you feel about hand shakes and...” “This is more than okay” he cuts her off and tightens his grip on her hand as they join their friends at the bar.
Garcia cheers loudly when she sees their smiling faces and intertwined hands. “Way to go pretty boy.” Morgan says, not even pretending that they weren’t snooping on the whole exchange. “pretty girl, you think you’ll spare Garcia’s life since this has seemed to work out?” Derek laughs “This time I guess” She says as she Smiles up at spencer “So is this a real thing now?” Garcia sequels rocking on her heels “I hope so” Spencer says shyly, eyes not leaving y/n’s “Me too” she agrees.
After another drink with their friends, Spencer and y/n walk down the street towards her apartment; hands linked the entire time as they chat about anything and everything.
As they reach y/n’s door they turn to face each other. “So y/n- would you- um- would you like to go on a real uh- date with me tomorrow... maybe?” Spencer says nervously as he looks at the ground “Spence you literally know that I think you’re ‘the perfect specimen of man’ and your still nervous?” Y/n giggles as she takes his hands in hers. Spencer looks up at her shyly and smiles, “You’re just, um, you’re my dream girl y/n, so yeah I’m nervous” he confesses, making y/n’s face turn bright red as she leans up to kiss him on the cheek. “Spence I’d love to go on a date tomorrow!” She smiles, causing a gigantic grin to appear on his face. “Thank god” he answers
“Well I’m glad this worked out” y/n says laughing “I don’t have to kill my best friend and I get to go out with you!” Spencer smiles “Remind me to thank Garcia,” he laughs as he brushes a hair behind y/n’s ear leaning down to kiss her cheek now “good night y/n I’ll see you tomorrow” he whispers. “Night Spence” she replies as she turns around to walk into her apartment.
She shuts the door behind her and squeals, breaking into a happy dance. Spencer turns to walk away laughing as he hears her celebrating.
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Share a Lair 04 || Keep Char Distracted
Jasper and Henry were chatting about NYE plans whenever Max was TRYING to distract his mind from this past week’s thoughts of Charlotte and work on his latest invention. Sure - he selected to do so in the living room, and that was no place for science experiments… well… technically ANY place was a place for science experiments. But, he was still annoyed to hear their voices, despite the fact that he had not heard a single word that either of them were saying. Until one of them said, “What’ll we do about Charlotte?” He hated that just the mere mention of her name demanded his attention, but there he was, unintentionally eavesdropping.
“She probably won’t want to, anyway,” Henry said. “Not really her thang."
"Yeah, but… she’ll still wanna be included. What if she says YES, and we have to spend your first solo NYE hearing her talk about how bad every idea is! Henry… it’s a party BOAT! Drunk young people on a boat, in the middle of the water, specifically to avoid the police…”
“When you’re right, you’re right. Maybe we can get her a distraction?” Henry suggested. “Like, get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year’s Eve and let her be their party pooper!” And because they were sure he wasn’t listening at all, then he heard both of them cheer, “MAX!"
He looked up as they headed over and he sighed. "Max, buddy, we need a HUGE favor and I will repay you in - doing whatever you say about the lair for the entire month of January!” Henry offered. Fool. Max would’ve did this for free. But there was no need to make himself appear too available.
“Whatever it is, I’m not remotely interested,” Max lied. No other word for it. He just straight up lied about it right to those boys’ faces.
“Hear us out, first,” Jasper said.
“Sounded like you two wanna be alone for New Year’s Eve, so you want me to cart Charlotte around so you won’t have to man up and admit that you don’t want her around,” Max said.
“I know it might sound bad, but it’s just that this is going to be a potentially excellent night, and as much as we both love Charlotte, she’s not really one to overlook potential danger, not even at the expense of potential excellence!”
“And I’m not some scapegoat. Just tell her you want a nice evening with your boyfriend and be done with it.”
“My what?” Henry asked. Max walked away, with his experiment in hand, hiding a smirk. Henry gave chase, “Listen! Dude… I KNOW Char’s not fun and she’s kind of a super nerd and is pretty uptight.”
“You’re really selling her here, Hen,” Max said, deadpan.
“Two months!” Henry said. “January AND February.”
“You agree to make sure she’s not the one doing the chores in the community space and I’ll consider it,” Max said. Henry winced. Max shrugged and kept walking.
Jasper looked desperately at Henry, clasping his hands together, as though in prayer. “Fine! But, just so you know, she loves stuff like that. Cleaning up and being helpful and stuff. You’re taking away her potential joy by forcing my hand.”
“I’m sure,” Max said, rolling his eyes. “And just so you know… Charlotte’s not a nerd. You’re way more of a nerd than she is.” Max gave him a playful double slap on the cheek and Henry gasped at the suggestion.
“How do you figure?”
“I mean… Look at her and look at you,” Max said. Jasper looked like he was actually considering this. Max was the smartest man he had ever met, with the exception of Schwoz and to be honest, Jasper wasn’t actually smart enough to fully determine which of the two of them WAS the smarter man. Henry laughed uncomfortably and looked at Jasper, awaiting some type of backup in this conversation. Max expounded. “Okay, I get that she’s a straight A student, makes academic lists, spends her time working instead of having fun, BUT - she’s super hot, her hair is goals, has an amazing fashion sense, can skillfully do cool shit like beat everybody’s ass in video games and play musical instruments - SHE was in a band, Henry. Were YOU ever in a band?”
“What did you… have to like… write a report on her?” Henry asked, uncomfortably, laughing.
Jasper answered, “He WASN’T in a band! But I was!”
“JASPER is less of a nerd than you,” Max added, to twist the knife. He really didn’t like it whenever Henry said negative stuff about Charlotte. He actually agreed that Charlotte was a nerd… But, he also knew that he could make this argument in her favor, and just because she was a nerd didn’t mean that Henry had to keep repeating it out loud.
Henry gasped and Jasper nodded, very pleased, until Henry said, “Jasper had social media accounts for BUCKET collections AND a Bucketeer podcast!”
“Jasper ALSO had a podcast? Man, Henry, what do YOU bring to the cool kids’ table when you aren’t in uniform?”
“Wha… Well… I bring not being an uptight, straight A student or someone who wears belly shirts or collects buckets…”
“HEY!” Jasper said and folded his arms.
“What’s wrong with belly shirts?” Max asked.
“Yeah, what is?” Jasper insisted, now, clearly in Max’s corner. Truthfully, Max could wear a belly shirt. Lord knows he had the abs for them… But he never would, because once again, he agreed with Henry that they were pretty lame, but once again, he wasn’t gonna give Henry the satisfaction. This was a battle, of sorts. Over Charlotte’s honor and good name. Max didn’t care what the facts were, as long as he won it.
Henry shook his head. “I’m just… Jasper. Come on. You think I’M the nerdiest in our trio? It’s obviously Charlotte, and if it’s not… I mean… It CAN’T be ME. I’m Kid Danger, for crying out loud.”
Jasper rolled his eyes, looked at Max and Max knew this was about to be sweet satisfaction. “I once had a birthday party that every kid in Swellview showed up to because Captain Man stopped in. Henry had a party a few years later that Piper couldn’t convince her cool friends to show up at, because they knew that it was Henry’s, even with her public figure status and vouching for him.” Max laughed. Henry stammered. Jasper wasn’t done. “Henry had the same pick up line for years - never worked. Two of his girlfriends left him to go to a reality show, meanwhile, I had an obsessive girl who had to be pushed out of a window to stay away from me.”
“I understand that,” Max said. “Mine used to sleep outside of my house. Well, it’s clear to me who’s the nerdiest nerd of your circle.” Jasper looked worried for a moment, so Max reassured him, “It’s Henry, Dude.” Jasper fist pumped.
Henry and he began to argue about their accomplishments versus failures, “Captain Man only showed up because I got him to! Use your brain, Man.”
“I had my own hero day because I can be brave WITHOUT a sidekick suit. You’re unofficially the Playground Pooper!”
“You were the one that was ACTUALLY considered bizarre enough to BE the Playground Pooper!” Max smirked and continued on his way out of the room.
“Hey! You never said that you agreed to distract her!” Henry said.
Max turned around and smiled at him, “Oh, right. Yeah, you had me at “get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year’s Eve and let her be their party pooper.” It slowly dawned on Henry that Max had heard their entire conversation and played him for a fool. Why would someone do this? Like he could read his mind, Max said, “Charlotte deserves better friends.”
Jasper gasped. “I would fight a shark for Char! I just… don’t want her out there with us for New Year’s Eve.” Max rolled his eyes. “Is… Is Henry still the nerdiest, or was that ALL a game?”
“He definitely is. I mean, you strike me as a bisexual individual. Look at their curve records. Compare the quality of people that have turned him down or been interested in him verses hers.”
“What does THAT have to do with…”
“Hot people dig hot people,” Max said.
“Way more hot people have liked and been turned down by Charlotte!” Jasper said with realization.
“Joss Moss said that I was cute. That cancels out like… HALF of Charlotte’s list! Joss Moss is a wealthy socialite and the daughter of an infamous mob boss.” Henry fussed, flustered.
“I say that Charlotte’s cute,” Max said and folded his arms. “I’m a global superhero.”
“That wins,” Jasper whispered, very impressed with how hot Max was, especially right now, for some reason. Finally, Henry conceded and Max left the room. He really had to prep if he was gonna be hanging out with Charlotte tonight!
Charlotte came into the lair through the front entrance. Max had been a little less unbearable this week, so she decided to test it out and if she ran into a problem, she’d simply never come back to this house, ever again. She laughed. J/K, she thought. Her boys were here. Whenever she got inside, it was pretty quiet. She expected Henry and Jasper to be in the common area, but maybe they were in the tower. Ugh. Now, she’d have to walk to the tower…
“Hey!” Max cheered, suddenly and when she heard his voice, she turned to say it back, but she lost her ability to speak or move. He smiled brightly, with this look of accomplishment and while she realized that she probably had something to do with that; her body had nothing. “SO, long story short, you’re stuck with me tonight and Henry and Jasper are at the Man Cave getting ready to go to some kind of NYE thing.”
She scoffed, “WHAT? They let me drive all the way here and just stuck me with you???” It came out more harsh than she expected, and sounded like she was attacking him, when she meant for it to be directed at the boys. His smile was less confident, now and his eyebrows looked a little… bothered. “I mean… I’m sure that you have much better things to do than have to pretend to entertain me tonight.”
He perked up again and shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t have to pretend. You’ll be entertained. There’s a party in Metroburg or one in Hiddenville, Lady’s Choice.”
“Ummm… What are the pros and cons of each?” she asked. He hoped she’d loosen up before they hit any party.
“Pros are they’re parties. Cons are they’re not gonna abandon you to a guy that you barely know and hardly like?” He said, huffing a laugh.
“Hurtful,” she said.
“Well, we’re even, then.”
“Metroburg is full of open superpowers and probably has the greatest technology in daily life… But, I probably need to visit there on a day trip, not the night of a party, whenever people are going to be drinking. Drinking and DRIVING is bad enough. Drinking and suping?”
“OH MY GOD!” Max cried out to the sky, exasperated. “Let’s just go to Hiddenville! That’s where my friends will be, anyway.”
“Well… Why were you considering Metroburg, then?”
“Because that’s where the supes are and where I was born.”
“Well, do you want to go ahead and go there instead?” He was starting to see why her friends might want to ditch her on a party night. She was very preoccupied with making the right decision, when sometimes, all it took was just making ANY decision.
“Let’s go to Hiddenville,” he said, putting his foot down. She held up a finger and pulled out her party gumball dispenser. Was she supposed to have it? No. Did she deserve it, therefore take it? Well, she’d just pulled it out, so what does that tell you? She blew a bubble and transformed into a Black party dress, high heeled boots and a sparkly headband with the new year at the top of it. Even her flawless makeup had been designed into the gumball and she looked like… she was meant to be on his arm tonight. He was far more casual - in all black with a shirt, an over shirt, his jacket and a tight pair of pants with heavy boots. But… they matched… WELL! She held her hands out, a little bit self conscious and said, “This is fine for your party, right? I can’t tell if I’m overdressed or you just don’t give a shit, either way because any and everything looks good on you…” Her eyes widened at this unconscious admission.
“We look awesome,” he said, and pointed two fingers at the door to open it and used his other hand to make sure he was powering things down in the house.
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robdelicious · 5 years
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How Robert Pattinson And Willem Dafoe Made It To The Lighthouse
Out of a swirling fog emerges the prow of a boat, knifing through a foaming sea. Two figures, shadows in the murk, stand silhouetted on the foredeck, confronting the horizon, their backs to us. Presently an island swims into view. No more than a crag, really: lonely, battered, forbidding. Then a lighthouse can be made out, blinking in the gloom.
Now we see the men head-on, a striking dual portrait in high contrast black and white: a double exposure. They are wearing sailors’ caps, greatcoats, and hefting wooden trunks. One is younger, taller, moustachioed. The other, more deeply crevassed, sports a wild beard, out of which pokes a small wooden pipe, like Popeye’s. Theirs are, by any standards, remarkable faces, extreme faces, unyielding as rock yet sculpted with great delicacy, skin stretched tight over jutting bones: sharp noses, strong jaws, deep set eyes. And, oh, the cheekbones! And would you look at all those teeth?
Before anything else — before they are handsome faces, or expressive faces, or famous faces (they are all of those things) — these are photogenic faces. On first inspection they appear impassive, almost blank. And yet an air of foreboding is struck. The older man’s features are fixed in a roguish grimace. The younger man is wary, tense. These might be the faces of a father and son, or brothers separated by decades: hard, thin, stern faces, built for hard, thin, stern lives. Lives filled with mean disappointments, festering resentments, blood feuds. Here are men who have seen trouble before and will see it again. Maybe they’re looking for trouble. Maybe they’ve found it. Is this a dual portrait — or the portrait of a duel?
Whatever has thrown these men together in this place — fate, karma, the thirst for adventure, the desire for escape (in the case of the characters, but perhaps the actors, too?) or (in the case of the actors specifically) the need to stretch oneself artistically, or to challenge oneself physically, or the reputation of the director, or a really good script, or all of these things — one senses they are aware already, as they square up to the stinging reality of their circumstances, that they may have got more than they bargained for. What we can be sure of from the off: there will be weather. There will be conflict. And there will be acting.
The film is The Lighthouse, the second feature film from the 36-year-old American writer-director Robert Eggers, who made a stir with his debut, The Witch. Eggers, who is based in Brooklyn but grew up in rural New Hampshire, is a man possessed of a rare and creepy gothic sensibility. The Witch was an arthouse horror film, a twisted fairytale with the insidious power of a nightmare. It concerned a family of 17th-century puritans banished to the woods of New England, and it involved possessed children, birds pecking at human flesh, and an unholy bond with a goat. It cost $4m to make and earned that money back 10 times over, making Eggers not just a critical darling, but a coming man in commercial cinema.
For The Lighthouse, Eggers is reunited with A24, among other production companies, and with much of his crew from The Witch, including his director of photography, Jarin Blaschke, and composer Mark Korven, who between them do as much as anyone to set the eerie mood. His co-writer is his brother, Max Eggers. The actors were new to him.
Those faces that I have been at pains to describe, then, belong to Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe. They play lighthouse keepers on a wind-slapped, rain-lashed rock off the Atlantic coast of North America. The year is 1890. Pattinson is, or appears to be, Ephraim Winslow, the taciturn apprentice. “I ain’t much for talkin’,” he says early on — a statement, like so many in this film of shifting and unfixed identities, that turns out to be not entirely true.
Dafoe is Winslow’s irascible, peg-legged senior partner, Thomas Wake, an experienced “wickie” and a cruel taskmaster, obsessively enraptured by the beacon he tends. “The light is mine!” he declares, mad-eyed. Wake consigns Winslow to the bowels of the building, where the younger man stokes the fire and swabs the floors and nurtures his grievances, while indulging in some quite epic, mermaid-focussed masturbation. Winslow and Wake are to spend four weeks alone on the island before they are to be relieved. But when a storm blows in, the odd couple are stranded — maybe, or maybe not, because a violent act on Winslow’s part has brought down a curse upon them. Slowly, and then in spasms of ultraviolence, they unravel.
The Lighthouse is a twisted buddy movie, a surreal black comedy, a psychological thriller set at the hysterical pitch of Grand Guignol. It was filmed in the spring of 2018 on sound stages in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s Atlantic coast, and on location on the tiny fishing community of Cape Forchu, nearby. (“People tend to spend up to 45 minutes here,” Google Maps tells us of Cape Forchu. This fact might, or might not, amuse the filmmakers who spent weeks there, battling Biblical conditions. “It snowed in May,” notes Dafoe.)
With the exception of the Moldovan model Valeriia Karaman, who makes a number of brief, though memorable, appearances in her debut film, Pattinson and Dafoe are the only members of the cast, and their seesawing power struggle is the film’s entire focus, with point of view switching sides like a sail boat’s boom in a storm. Its success or failure rests heavily on their shoulders.
Pattinson and Dafoe are big stars, both. They are also men from different generations, different backgrounds, different countries and traditions. The Lighthouse was not an easy film to make for a number of reasons — the remote location, the raging weather — but not the least of the filmmakers’ challenges were the contrasting approaches of the two actors.
“They really did have incredible chemistry on screen,” director Eggers tells me on the phone, “but it was chemistry through tension. I know there’s been discussion about their different acting techniques and the trying conditions on set…” He pauses. “That couldn’t have been better for the movie.”
If you happened to be out and about in Halifax, in the early spring of 2018, you may have noticed a slender young loner stalking the streets day after day, muttering to himself. Noticed him, and felt concern for his emotional wellbeing. Had you followed him, and listened closely, you might have heard the same words repeated over and over again, in a gravel-voiced near-grunt: “Woyt poyn, woyt poyn, woyt poyn…” Come again? “Woyt poyn, woyt poyn...”
“White pine,” the slender young man enunciates into my voice recorder, 18 months on, in the accent of a nicely brought-up southwest London boy, rather than a 19th-century working man from a highly specific part of Maine. White pine — I’m sorry, woyt poyn — is one of the trees which his character lists when telling his colleague of his past misadventures as a lumberjack. Pattinson developed the accent with the help of a dialect coach and by speaking to a contemporary Maine lobster fisherman on the phone. “It’s one of those accents where if you say one syllable wrong it’s suddenly Jamaican, or something,” he says. “So it took ages.”
Pattinson arrived early in Halifax, before his director and co-star, to psych himself into the role of the saturnine Ephraim. Having approached Eggers after seeing The Witch, in the hope that they might at some point work together, Pattinson had declined the director’s first suggestion, for a part in a more conventional, mainstream film that the director was then developing.
“He said he was only interested in doing weird things,” Eggers says. “So when The Lighthouse came around I said that if he doesn’t find this weird enough, I guess we’ll never work together.”
It’s true, Pattinson says, that at that time, in 2016, he “wanted to do the weirdest stuff in the world.” (Mission accomplished, Rob!) Still, he spent a good deal of time agonising over whether or not to take the role in The Lighthouse. “I remember reading it and I thought it was very funny, but I was also thinking, ‘I don’t understand how the tone would work?’”
When Dafoe signed on, Pattinson was excited. “I knew Willem could bring that kind of anarchic energy,” he says, “but I really didn’t know how I would do it at all.” Dafoe, he says, in one of his many moments of self-effacement, “has one of those faces where he can literally sit in any room in the world, doing almost nothing, and it’s fascinating to watch. Whereas I sort of blend in with the chair I’m sitting on.”
Before filming began, the pair spent a week in rehearsals. Pattinson dislikes rehearsing, preferring to do his experimenting on camera. “It was very, very frustrating,” he says. “I just couldn’t achieve what they wanted me to achieve in that room. Robert [Eggers] was getting furious with me because I was just sitting there, completely monotone the whole time. He could not stand it.” Pattinson tells the story with no rancour whatsoever. He knows it sounds funny, but it wasn’t at the time. “I just don’t know how to perform it until we’re performing it. By the end of the week, I’m thinking, ‘I’m going to get fired before we’ve even started’. I definitely feel like, with the rehearsal period, we were quite angry with each other by the end of it. Literally, we’d finish for the day, I’d fucking slam out the door and go home.
“I knew that there was diminishing expectations of me throughout the week of rehearsals,” he says. “I definitely became an underdog. They’re like, ‘Wow, this was a big mistake. He’s really shit.’”
Pattinson and I talk on a sweltering August morning, in the comfort of a private members’ club in west London, near the flat he’s rented for the summer on Airbnb. (He’s in town to shoot Christopher Nolan’s new sci-fi spectacular, Tenet, about which he is permitted to tell us, with fulsome apologies, precisely nothing.) Rather than swigging kerosene and chaining tobacco, as in the film, he orders a banana smoothie, and when he’s finished that, an apple juice. Occasionally he sucks on a Juul.
Pattinson is 33. He grew up in affluent Barnes, the son of a dealer in vintage cars and a model booker. More or less untrained — unless you count some teenage am-dram — at 19 he was cast as Cedric Diggory, the hero’s doomed frenemy, in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But his Hollywood breakthrough arrived in 2008. Twilight was a teen B-movie, but it became a pop cult phenomenon, spawning four sequels of diminishing charm, making an otherworldly $3.3bn worldwide and creating megastars of its leads, Pattinson, who played a sexy vampire, and Kristen Stewart, who became his girlfriend on screen and IRL, as they say, before, in an unseemly frenzy of prurient salivating, she became his ex-girlfriend.
While for some he may always be the pallid tween heartthrob, in the six years since the final instalment of Twilight, Pattinson has worked hard to reinvent himself. His post Young Adult years have been cussedly uncommercial and impressively adventurous. In that period, Pattinson has worked with some of cinema’s most fêted directors: David Cronenberg, Anton Corbijn, James Gray, Werner Herzog, the Safdie brothers. Most recently, he was an intergalactic castaway in High Life, an enjoyable, if bonkers, dystopian sci-fi from the French director Claire Denis.
“Even in the Twilight years I never said, ‘Oh, he’s just a pretty boy,’” says Robert Eggers. “I always thought there was something interesting about him. I could tell that he wanted to be a great actor. And in the past years it’s been very clear that he is.”
The attraction of more avant garde or outré material, Pattinson says, is it allows him to let rip in a way he never could in real life. Pattinson compares the experience of acting in a film like The Lighthouse with joyriding. “A lot of the movies I’ve done recently, you literally feel as if you’ve stolen a car and you’re kind of careening through stuff.” (Such are the fantasies, perhaps, of a boy who grew up with a father who imported American sports cars for a living.)
In person, Pattinson is a mild-mannered English actor, albeit a slightly eccentric one. On set, however, “because you’re playing a mad person, it means you can sort of be mad the whole time. Well, not the whole time, but for like an hour before the scene.”
What does he mean by being mad? “You can literally just be sitting on the floor growling and licking up puddles of mud.”
This sounds figurative. He really means it. On The Lighthouse, in the scenes in which his character is meant to be drunk on kerosene (there are quite a few of them), he was “basically unconscious the whole time. It was crazy. I spent so much time making myself throw up. Pissing my pants. It’s the most revolting thing. I don’t know, maybe it’s really annoying.”
It’s hard not to speculate that yes, it might be really annoying. “There’s a scene,” Pattinson remembers, “where Willem’s kind of sleeping on me and we’re really, really drunk and I felt like we’re completely lost in the scene and I’m sitting there trying to make myself gag and Robert [Eggers] told me off because Willem’s looking at him going: ‘If he throws up on me, I’m leaving the set.’ I had absolutely no idea this whole drama was unfolding.”
In some ways, Pattinson concedes, all this acting out is a reaction to his terrifying early super-fame. He speaks of himself in the second person when talking about it. “For a long time you’re very self-conscious in the street. You’re hiding a lot, so [on set] you have an excuse to be wild. It’s like being an adrenaline junkie. And also, when you don’t know how to do something, why not just run headfirst into a wall? See what happens. I haven’t got any other ideas.”
On The Lighthouse, he spun in circles before each take, to make himself off-balance. He placed a stone in one of his shoes, to increase the already considerable physical hardship. He can see — from my disbelieving laughter, apart from anything else — that all this strikes non-actors as funny, even preposterous. It may be that it sounds this way to some actors, too.
The most famous story (possibly apocryphal) of an encounter between an adherent of the Method — in which actors don’t so much pretend to be someone else as try to temporarily become them — and a more traditional, outside-in actor, who puts on costume and makes believe, is Laurence Olivier’s withering put-down of Dustin Hoffman, when they were working together on John Schlesinger’s Marathon Man. At some point, Hoffman, a graduate of the Actors Studio, confided in the great English Shakespearean that, in order to bring the correct verisimilitude to a scene in which his character has not slept for three consecutive nights, he had forced himself to stay awake for the same period. “My dear boy,” Olivier is said to have smoothly replied, “why don’t you just try acting?”
Eggers says that any suggestion of that kind of relationship between Dafoe and Pattinson is wide of the mark. “The idea that Dafoe is outside-in and Rob is this method actor, that’s not the case. I think maybe they lean the tiniest bit into those directions but they’re both combinations of things.”
ESQUIRE: https://www.esquire.com/uk/culture/a29300396/robert-pattinson-willem-dafoe-interview/
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Keep Char Distracted.
Share-a-Lair 4
Decided to split NYE into two chapters, trying not to make the chapter too long. Besides, we haven’t seen much of Henry and Jasper and I really wanted to dig more into Henry and Max’s conflict as housemates.
@adorkable-blackgirl @chenoahchantel @henryhearts @kiddangers
Keep Char Distracted.
Jasper and Henry were chatting about NYE plans whenever Max was TRYING to distract his mind from this past week’s thoughts of Charlotte and work on his latest invention. Sure - he selected to do so in the living room, and that was no place for science experiments… well… technically ANY place was a place for science experiments. But, he was still annoyed to hear their voices, despite the fact that he had not heard a single word that either of them were saying. Until one of them said, "What'll we do about Charlotte?" He hated that just the mere mention of her name demanded his attention, but there he was, unintentionally eavesdropping.
"She probably won't want to, anyway," Henry said. "Not really her thang." 
"Yeah, but… she'll still wanna be included. What if she says YES, and we have to spend your first solo NYE hearing her talk about how bad every idea is! Henry… it's a party BOAT! Drunk young people on a boat, in the middle of the water, specifically to avoid the police..."
"When you're right, you're right. Maybe we can get her a distraction?" Henry suggested. "Like, get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year's Eve and let her be their party pooper!" And because they were sure he wasn't listening at all, then he heard both of them cheer, "MAX!" 
He looked up as they headed over and he sighed. "Max, buddy, we need a HUGE favor and I will repay you in - doing whatever you say about the lair for the entire month of January!" Henry offered. Fool. Max would've did this for free. But there was no need to make himself appear too available.
"Whatever it is, I'm not remotely interested," Max lied. No other word for it. He just straight up lied about it right to those boys’ faces.
"Hear us out, first," Jasper said.
"Sounded like you two wanna be alone for New Year's Eve, so you want me to cart Charlotte around so you won't have to man up and admit that you don't want her around," Max said. 
“I know it might sound bad, but it’s just that this is going to be a potentially excellent night, and as much as we both love Charlotte, she’s not really one to overlook potential danger, not even at the expense of potential excellence!”
"And I'm not some scapegoat. Just tell her you want a nice evening with your boyfriend and be done with it."
“My what?” Henry asked. Max walked away, with his experiment in hand, hiding a smirk. Henry gave chase, “Listen! Dude… I KNOW Char’s not fun and she’s kind of a super nerd and is pretty uptight.”
“You’re really selling her here, Hen,” Max said, deadpan.
“Two months!” Henry said. “January AND February.”
“You agree to make sure she’s not the one doing the chores in the community space and I’ll consider it,” Max said. Henry winced. Max shrugged and kept walking. 
Jasper looked desperately at Henry, clasping his hands together, as though in prayer. “Fine! But, just so you know, she loves stuff like that. Cleaning up and being helpful and stuff. You’re taking away her potential joy by forcing my hand.”
“I’m sure,” Max said, rolling his eyes. “And just so you know… Charlotte’s not a nerd. You’re way more of a nerd than she is.” Max gave him a playful double slap on the cheek and Henry gasped at the suggestion.
“How do you figure?”
“I mean… Look at her and look at you,” Max said. Jasper looked like he was actually considering this. Max was the smartest man he had ever met, with the exception of Schwoz and to be honest, Jasper wasn’t actually smart enough to fully determine which of the two of them WAS the smarter man. Henry laughed uncomfortably and looked at Jasper, awaiting some type of backup in this conversation. Max expounded. “Okay, I get that she’s a straight A student, makes academic lists, spends her time working instead of having fun, BUT - she’s super hot, her hair is goals, has an amazing fashion sense, can skillfully do cool shit like beat everybody’s ass in video games and play musical instruments - SHE was in a band, Henry. Were YOU ever in a band?”
“What did you… have to like… write a report on her?” Henry asked, uncomfortably, laughing. 
Jasper answered, “He WASN’T in a band! But I was!”
“JASPER is less of a nerd than you,” Max added, to twist the knife. He really didn’t like it whenever Henry said negative stuff about Charlotte. He actually agreed that Charlotte was a nerd… But, he also knew that he could make this argument in her favor, and just because she was a nerd didn’t mean that Henry had to keep repeating it out loud.
Henry gasped and Jasper nodded, very pleased, until Henry said, “Jasper had social media accounts for BUCKET collections AND a Bucketeer podcast!”
“Jasper ALSO had a podcast? Man, Henry, what do YOU bring to the cool kids’ table when you aren’t in uniform?”
“Wha… Well… I bring not being an uptight, straight A student who wears belly shirts or collects buckets…”
“HEY!” Jasper said and folded his arms.
“What’s wrong with belly shirts?” Max asked. 
“Yeah, what is?” Jasper insisted, now, clearly in Max’s corner. Truthfully, Max could wear a belly shirt. Lord knows he had the abs for them… But he never would, because once again, he agreed with Henry that they were pretty lame, but once again, he wasn’t gonna give Henry the satisfaction. This was a battle, of sorts. Over Charlotte’s honor and good name. Max didn’t care what the facts were, as long as he won it.
Henry shook his head. “I’m just… Jasper. Come on. You think I’M the nerdiest in our trio? It’s obviously Charlotte, and if it’s not… I mean… It CAN’T be ME. I’m Kid Danger, for crying out loud.”
Jasper rolled his eyes, looked at Max and Max knew this was about to be sweet satisfaction. “I once had a birthday party that every kid in Swellview showed up to because Captain Man stopped in. Henry had a party a few years later that Piper couldn’t convince her cool friends to show up at, because they knew that it was Henry’s, even with her public figure status and vouching for him.” Max laughed. Henry stammered. Jasper wasn’t done. “Henry had the same pick up line for years - never worked. Two of his girlfriends left him to go to a reality show, meanwhile, I had an obsessive girl who had to be pushed out of a window to stay away from me.”
“I understand that,” Max said. “Mine used to sleep outside of my house. Well, it’s clear to me who’s the nerdiest nerd of your circle.” Jasper looked worried for a moment, so Max reassured him, “It’s Henry, Dude.” Jasper fist pumped. 
Henry and he began to argue about their accomplishments versus failures, “Captain Man only showed up because I got him to! Use your brain, Man.”
“I had my own hero day because I can be brave WITHOUT a sidekick suit. You’re unofficially the Playground Pooper!”
“You were the one that was ACTUALLY considered bizarre enough to BE the Playground Pooper!” Max smirked and continued on his way out of the room. 
“Hey! You never said that you agreed to distract her!” Henry said.
Max turned around and smiled at him, “Oh, right. Yeah, you had me at “get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year's Eve and let her be their party pooper.” It slowly dawned on Henry that Max had heard their entire conversation and played him for a fool. Why would someone do this? Like he could read his mind, Max said, “Charlotte deserves better friends.”
Jasper gasped. “I would fight a shark for Char! I just… don’t want her out there with us for New Year’s Eve.” Max rolled his eyes. “Is… Is Henry still the nerdiest, or was that ALL a game?”
“He definitely is. I mean, you strike me as a bisexual individual. Look at their curve records. Compare the quality of people that have turned him down or been interested in him verses hers.”
“What does THAT have to do with…”
“Hot people dig hot people,” Max said. 
“Way more hot people have liked and been turned down by Charlotte!” Jasper said with realization.
“Joss Moss said that I was cute. That cancels out like… HALF of Charlotte’s list! Joss Moss is a wealthy socialite and the daughter of an infamous mob boss.” Henry fussed, flustered.
“I say that Charlotte’s cute,” Max said and folded his arms. “I’m a global superhero.”
“That wins,” Jasper whispered, very impressed with how hot Max was, especially right now, for some reason. Finally, Henry conceded and Max left the room. He really had to prep if he was gonna be hanging out with Charlotte tonight!
Charlotte came into the lair through the front entrance. Max had been a little less unbearable this week, so she decided to test it out and if she ran into a problem, she’d simply never come back to this house, ever again. She laughed. J/K, she thought. Her boys were here. Whenever she got inside, it was pretty quiet. She expected Henry and Jasper to be in the common area, but maybe they were in the tower. Ugh. Now, she’d have to walk to the tower…
“Hey!” Max cheered, suddenly and when she heard his voice, she turned to say it back, but she lost her ability to speak or move. He smiled brightly, with this look of accomplishment and while she realized that she probably had something to do with that; her body had nothing. “SO, long story short, you’re stuck with me tonight and Henry and Jasper are at the Man Cave getting ready to go to some kind of NYE thing.”
She scoffed, “WHAT? They let me drive all the way here and just stuck me with you???” It came out more harsh than she expected, and sounded like she was attacking him, when she meant for it to be directed at the boys. His smile was less confident, now and his eyebrows looked a little… bothered. “I mean… I’m sure that you have much better things to do than have to pretend to entertain me tonight.”
He perked up again and shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t have to pretend. You’ll be entertained. There’s a party in Metroburg or one in Hiddenville, Lady’s Choice.” 
“Ummm… What are the pros and cons of each?” she asked. He hoped she’d loosen up before they hit any party. 
“Pros are they’re parties. Cons are they’re not gonna abandon you to a guy that you barely know and hardly like?” He said, huffing a laugh.
“Hurtful,” she said.
“Well, we’re even, then.” 
“Metroburg is full of open superpowers and probably has the greatest technology in daily life… But, I probably need to visit there on a day trip, not the night of a party, whenever people are going to be drinking. Drinking and DRIVING is bad enough. Drinking and suping?”
“OH MY GOD!” Max cried out to the sky, exasperated. “Let’s just go to Hiddenville! That’s where my friends will be, anyway.”
“Well… Why were you considering Metroburg, then?”
“Because that’s where the supes are and where I was born.”
“Well, do you want to go ahead and go there instead?” He was starting to see why her friends might want to ditch her on a party night. She was very preoccupied with making the right decision, when sometimes, all it took was just making ANY decision.
“Let’s go to Hiddenville,” he said, putting his foot down. She held up a finger and pulled out her party gumball dispenser. Was she supposed to have it? No. Did she deserve it, therefore take it? Well, she’d just pulled it out, so what does that tell you? She blew a bubble and transformed into a Black party dress, high heeled boots and a sparkly headband with the new year at the top of it. Even her flawless makeup had been designed into the gumball and she looked like… she was meant to be on his arm tonight. He was far more casual - in all black with a shirt, an overshirt, his jacket and a tight pair of pants with heavy boots. But… they matched… WELL! She held her hands out, a little bit self conscious and said, “This is fine for your party, right? I can’t tell if I’m overdressed or you just don’t give a shit, either way because any and everything looks good on you…” Her eyes widened at this unconscious admission. 
“We look awesome,” he said, and pointed two fingers at the door to open it and used his other hand to make sure he was powering things down in the house. 
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Somewhere on a Beach - Ned Kendall x Reader (Beautiful Kate)
Thank you to a certain someone and her side blog for kicking me into gear and actually get around to writing this... 😏
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Author’s Note: Well as if this hasn’t been sitting in my drafts since I watched the movie (it has.) Fine-uh-lee I get to write about the Writ-er... Is this it? Is Ned the last one of my little collection? I think so... Damn, boi, I’m sorry!
Disclaimer: Beautiful Kate characters (& associated things!) not mine  / lyrics not mine Premise: In a bid to help Ned escape his past, and get his writing back on track, you take him away... Words: 3180 Warnings: Sexual Connotations / Hinted Dom/Sub relationship / swearing
_________ Bet you think I'm sitting at home, no Bet you think that I'm all alone, no Bet you think I'm missing you and wishing you would call my phone Hell no! I'm somewhere on a beach Sipping something strong Got a new girl, she got it going on We drink all day, and party all night I'm way too gone to have you on my mind She got a body and she's naughty And she got me like you ain't never got me I'm getting sun, getting some, and I ain't slept in a week Yeah, I'm somewhere on a beach
I wish it could've worked out But I'm gettin' over you now On a beach towel with my shades on My drink's up And the sun's out Huh, I'm somewhere on a beach
Ned knew what he was going to do the second he left that house. He knew, looking at the little name tag emblazoned with Toni exactly what he was going to do. Find her, get her back, marry her, all’s well that ends well… Except before that had even had the chance to happen, he’d met you. Whether that meeting was coincidental, or just happened to be exactly what he needed, he didn’t know. But suddenly that big plan of his didn’t matter anymore. His mild obsession with you had him seeing you every chance he could – and every chance you would let him. You had that childish charm about you that he clearly still liked in women, but you were level too – and he liked that, because it finally kept him grounded. You were interested in his writing and what he did. And you liked him telling you what to do – like that… not like that. And he liked that too, because it put you on the same sexual wavelength, with similar libidos. So as Ned got to know you, and like you even more; days became weeks, became months. And Toni was buried at the back of his mind, and the back of one of his draws. He was quite happy to let her remain there too; until he happened to ask you to get him something from that particular draw. “Who is Toni?” You wandered back into the room he was sitting in, tapping his pen with annoyance on his notebook. You’d noticed this for a little while, something restless in the way he was writing. He couldn’t get anything out fast enough, but yet he seemed not to be able to get anything out at all. Maybe he was having writers block… You’d often wake up in the morning to find screwed up papers strewn all over the floor. You always tided them up, keeping them but never reading them. Just in case he ever wanted to pick up whatever plot threads he was cutting – but those words were his, until he decided to share them with you. But Ned valued your opinion, so every so often he’d give you a few pages to read and stand with a hopeful smile until you’d finished. He thrived on every drop of feedback you could give him. He’d seen your bookshelves and knew you were an avid reader… He looked up confused for a minute “Huh?” You held the name tag up; “Toni?” He noticed immediately that your tone was inquisitive, not accusational. “Oh. Sh*t. Do I still have that?!” Ned pushed his chair out and walked to you, holding his hand out for it. You placed it delicately in his palm and he sighed; “She’s my Ex-Fiancée.” Fiancée? He didn’t strike you as the marrying type. Maybe you were wrong. “Oh. I’m sorry.” His eyes flicked to your face; sorry? Why would you be sorry? He had you now… Without her being his Ex anything, he wouldn’t have you. “You don’t have to be sorry…” Ned’s fingers closed around the small piece of metal, “…We wouldn’t be here otherwise… And I certainly like you better…” You knew from the look on his face that he hadn’t meant it to come out the way it did, so you decided to ignore it, with a smile and stepped forward to offer him a kiss. Which he gratefully accepted. You nodded behind him to his writing; “How’s it going?” He hummed, trying to find the right words as he also looked back at his desk and multiple sheets of paper – you were at least happy to see that none had hit the floor yet. “Oh…” Ned’s arms snaked around you, “…It’s just 10,000 words of bullsh*t…” he shook his head “It doesn’t go anywhere it’s just… useless rambling…” He sighed; “I dunno what’s wrong…” Your hand found the one in which he still held the name tag; “Maybe you need a writing retreat… Maybe you should take her from your draw… and let her go.” His head swivelled slowly back to you, you thought maybe he wouldn’t like you saying that. You weren’t suggesting he still loved her, you weren’t even suggesting he ever thought of her. But taking him away for a little while, away from anything that could hold memories, might be exactly what he needed. And that look on his face told you that what you’d just said was exactly what he needed to hear… He let you lace your fingers with his behind your back; “Do you think that would help?” “I do…” Ned brushed his lips gently to yours and held you tighter; “Well, baby, where do you wanna go?” “Oh no…” You shook your head, “This one’s all yours.” ** So with the nametag buried at the bottom of his suitcase, you both packed up and headed out to some tropical island. And the first thing he did when you arrived was put his watch in the top draw. No time zone, no return flight, nothing. That’s what you wanted for him, to clear his head and get back to what he loved so much. For it to mean something again. It started slow, words here and there, two or three sentences before he had to get up and wander. Sometimes Ned told you to stay, and sometimes he wanted you to accompany him. But you noticed the walks became progressively shorter, and eventually there was a notebook involved, and he would wrap your hand around his arm, rather than interlock with your fingers, and produce this and a pen from his pocket and begin scribbling. And you liked that, it made you smile. But once again – you never asked to read it, he’d let you know when he was ready for that. When he was ready to disclose that vulnerability again. By the end of your second week he was writing for hours a day. And his breaks weren’t to live in his head or wander around – but were to pay attention to you. It hadn’t taken you long to become attuned to the way Ned was; so every so often you’d bring him coffee or water or what you knew he needed. And he was always grateful of that.   You didn’t mind this distance, you were quite happy relaxing here yourself, sunbathing or exploring…. But now he was firmly back on the ground, and writing without yet tearing or screwing up one scrap of paper, he also seemed happier. So instead of just spending the occasional walk and meal times with him, now his breaks always started with him giving you that look – and ended with him pinning you up against some surface and having you whatever way he wanted. No no, hands here… that’s right darling… MMm hmmm… Like that… hush! Stop squirming!... Like this? Is that okay?... Good girl… but you enjoyed that too, it was like he was coming back, slowly. But even you knew that at the bottom of his bag that slip of metal still burned… One day you woke alone, and upon wandering out into the main room of the beach house you were renting discovered that Ned wasn’t there either. You only slightly panicked as you dressed, wiggling a shirt over your bikini and ran from the house. You stopped on the dunes as soon as you saw his silhouette in the distance, at the end of the short pier upon which were moored a series of small wooden boats. He was already dressed, shades on… And even from here you could see, as you wandered slowly over, the sunlight was glinting off something in his hands. You didn’t need to see it up close to know exactly what it was. You stood at the end of the pier with folded arms in silence and watched him. This was Ned’s to do, and his alone. His to think though, to sort, to end. If he wanted to end it… Maybe she was a writing muse and that’s why he couldn’t let go. Maybe it had just always been hard for Ned to let go of the past. He clasped his hand around the object and took a few steps back, shaking his head. And you tried not to get disappointed; the only way for him to gain any real freedom and breathing room from this was for him to let go. But then, perhaps he wasn’t ready. Then he paused again; and there were another few minutes of dead silence and hard thinking – if you listened you’d probably be able to hear the gears in his brain shifting… - he looked out to the sea and his stance was suddenly stronger. His decision was made; you knew that look. He took 3 or 4 running paces forward and threw it. That gold name tag with her name engraved in black was in the air barely seconds before it hit the water; and there was something poetic about it. It was a good throw too; and it hardly made a sound – then you knew it was done. She was gone, sinking to the bottom of the sea… He straightened again with a sigh, you knew of relief, and turned. You startled him and Ned stumbled a little; before acting like he meant to do it and using it to push into a jog down the pier to you instead; “…It’s done?” “Mmm… It’s over…” His hands snaked under your shirt as you pulled him to you; “You’re free now…” “Mmm… No… I’m just yours now.” And so he was. *** It was like a weight had lifted; he was jokey and playful and light hearted and he smiled more. He told you things he’d never told you before… even when it was clear to you he wasn’t all that comfortable talking about them. Like he was opening up a little more of his world to you – not all of it, you knew Ned Kendall would always be a lot to unpack; it was all there in the way he wrote. The words he was saying behind the words he was writing. But he’d tell you eventually, if he wanted to, or he’d keep his secrets – and you wouldn’t mind. Like that nametag was the last piece of a past he wished he didn’t have. The last piece he had to get rid of; not burry so he could revisit it. There was a certain maturity to the man sitting in front of you now that was appearing; dormant – you decided – simply invisible, not never there. It was like there was a new level of trust now, like he was willing to show you this, like he was ready to step up and be this person now, in this moment; and with you. No looking back, and no guessing the future…
It was also apparent in the way he wrote, how you’d see him smile for page upon pages. Sometimes he’d laugh at a private joke, or nod to himself if he wrote something he deemed pretty impressive. And you could watch him do that for hours – the TV was all but background noise; because he was truly fascinating. Watching a writer go through their process like this. How he’d stop and tap his pen, moving it through his fingers as he thought on a scene; or played dialogue through in his mind… then he’d jot down points elsewhere to remind him of something for later in the story. How sometimes his lips would part; and he’d say words without saying them. Or mutter things under his breath. You couldn’t always hear, but sometimes it was the same word repeated with different stresses. How were his characters saying these lines? What was the best word to use for the context of what was happening? Sometimes he’d call your name; “Y/N… Give me a word for…” or “Y/N… What’s that word that means…” even though he was the writer he valued what you had to say and every “No, no that… what else… No… No that one I used… AH! That’s it!” or “See, there, eloquence. Thank you!” made you smile. Because when you read back his work and you found that suggestion of yours, you knew you’d be beaming internally as well as externally. No one else reading it would know, but you would – there was a piece of you present in novels that would sell copies worldwide. That thought was exciting. Today Ned had started early, because the light that streamed into bedroom was pale when he left you. Not for want of trying to cling onto him and make him stay… “You know I don’t reward whining…” was an outright lie, but you let him go all the same; save for him maybe dragging you out of bed and across the floor as you wrapped around him. So, with one last kiss to your forehead he left you to fall back to sleep for a few hours. This behaviour wasn’t uncommon, sometimes you’d be woken up by a light in the middle of the night because he just had to write this scene in his head down. So again, you left him to it. And when you awoke you got ready for the day slowly, to give him as much time and silence as possible. As you padded from the bedroom to the kitchen, you caught his eye, and he followed you with a playful smirk; “Does it ever occur to you to, y’know, get dressed?” “…You like it better when I don’t…” you threw back over your shoulder, to a growl; “Besides… This is a bikini and we are literally living on a beach. So, this is dressed.” “My T-shirt is a nice addition.” You smiled, and set about making coffee; “…Thought you’d like that…” You turned back to him, biting his lower lip, and the array of coffee mugs over his desk; “I’d say you don’t need another one of these…” He gave a shrug “If you’re gonna look after me, I’ll defer to your good nature.” You took a sip of your own coffee and walked over to him, “Mmm, you better…” Ned’s eyes traced you for a moment and he put his pen down. “C’mere…” “Oh no, you’re busy…” “Don’t make me ask twice…” There was a glint in those eyes. You sat on the edge of his desk and took his hand, and his eyes fell to your coffee cup – “You’re going to eat too, right.” “Well I mean-” “That wasn’t a question – eat. You’re gonna need it.” You raised a questioning eyebrow; “Was that a promise..?” “Maybe.” But that little smile of his told you it was. “Okaaay.” “Good girl.” But before you could get up, he tugged you by the hand to pull you onto his lap; his hands caressed your bare skin as he kissed you; tasting like coffee and cigarette smoke. “See, now I don’t wanna leave…” You stole as many kisses as he let you, painfully aware that the way he was tracing you with his fingertips was meant to be teasing only. He was never going to give you what you wanted. “Well, how am I gonna work if you don’t leave…” “You pulled me here!” You kissed him again as you slid from his arms “Also, I hate you.” “I know…” he stretched and winked at you with an injection of confidence; “You won’t later though…” You laughed, gathering some of his empty coffee mugs with your own “Always later…” He laughed; “Worth the wait though…” You heard his pen begin to scratch at the surface of his notebook again; “…Thank you!” “…You’re welcome!” By the time you’d eaten, making a point of it so he knew, finished your coffee, washed and dried up and gathered your things for the beach it was very late morning. And Ned was once again back in the flow of writing. The heat was pretty scotching when you stood in it directly inside, and you knew it would only get worse. Also, you knew that Ned would possibly sit there for hours and hours and forget that he should really hydrate, so before you left you took him a few glasses of water; He slowed his writing speed down, but didn’t stop as his eyes flicked up to thank you. You simply shook your head with that same kind smile; there was no need to thank you. You shouldered your bag and again, rounded the desk to him – touching his arm delicately – he didn’t need words to know what that meant… and placed his hand over yours for a moment. He could write so much that he couldn’t say… and yet that unspoken language, of really knowing someone, still meant the most. You left him to walk to the double doors leading onto the beach and paused for a moment, sliding your shades from your hair to over your eyes and breathing in the sea air. He turned; with a smile of his own to watch you stand there in the light for a minute; yes, you might be his muse… but you were the right kind of muse. And more than anything he wanted you to be one that lasted. “No eating ice-cream without me.” You laughed; “Okay.” “I could just say no ice-cream.” “That’s unfair.” “Careful, babe.” Was that the second warning you’d had today? Third? “No ice-cream until I see you later. I know.” You repeated, Ned nodded to himself, “Have a good day…” “And you… Work hard!” He chuckled; “Yeah, I will…” With that you wandered off, back onto the golden sand and across to the resort that your little beach house was a part of. Ned placed his pen down again and pushed his chair out. He wanted to join you, of course he did. But something made him stop; that’s not what you wanted. You’d left him to get on with his novel, that was the exact purpose for you leaving with a bag too – so you wouldn’t have to come back to the villa and disturb him. She actually respects this is my work and I should keep going with this... He shook his head gently and pulled the chair back in; I should really thank her more for that… Glancing to the glasses of water in front of him, he picked one up; Hell, and this too… As he began to drink through the bottom of the glass he could see a blurry, but colourful shape. He paused and tipped the glass back straight, raising an eyebrow; “What?” running his fingertips underneath the glass he untacked the sticky note, and was once again laughing. It wasn’t much, but it meant a lot. You’d drawn a heart. Nothing more than that. Worth 1000 words… Ned stuck it to the inside of his notebook and leant on his hand just staring at it whilst time passed him by. Just a tiny gesture; but it made him smile. You made him smile… --- @dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad. @3134045126 - Without you Jax, this wouldn’t be written ❤
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the creature in the deep (part 2 of 2)
Summary: In the aftermath of Scully’s mind control via television, she and Mulder depart to Norway to investigate the Kraken.
the second part of my entry for @wtfmulder’s cryptid challenge. (part one is here.) some warnings up front for some violence and peril.
The storm didn’t calm any after Mulder and Scully went back into the cabin of Jacob Kellerman’s boat; if anything, it seemed to rage harder, the rain drumming at the roof so hard, it sounded as if it might come through, and the wind howling and rattling the windows, shaking the boat extraordinarily hard. The cabin was fairly warm and dry, thankfully, considering their shivering state as seawater dripped off of them. Cetus stuck his head out curiously, licking drops of water off the floor.
Jacob wanted to continue to keep an eye on the steering—”In weather like this,” he said, “it’s good to stay alert.”—but he pointed them in the direction of a change of clothes and blankets, folded in a cabinet next to the couch-like seats, all coveralls and workpants and jackets. “It’s a little informal, but it is dry,” he said.
They took turns changing in the small bathroom. Mulder insisted that Scully go first, and she tried to tell him that he should go first, but he won the argument, as he usually did. She changed quickly in the tiny space, her elbows banging against the walls, and slipped out, sitting on a couch-like area near the table where Mulder had the Kraken photos laid out while he took his turn.
Cetus poked his head out from under the table, his eyes still mournful and pleading. Without thinking too hard about what she was doing, she patted the surface beside her. The dog, still fearful, scampered up to lay beside her, resting his head on her lap. He was a large, warm weight in her lap, staring up at her in that dog manner of please give me attention, and tears were welling up in her eyes before she could stop them. She shut her eyes, feeling the tears bud up warmly below her lids, and stroked Cetus’s shaggy head. She’d missed Queequeg so much in these past few weeks. It still hurt to think about. Something else to blame herself for, someone else she’d lost to stupidity. And it felt a little wrong, to be sitting here with a dog so soon after Queequeg, but she didn’t have the strength to move. She was probably the only person on this boat willing to comfort the dog.
“I’m sorry about the mutt,” someone said, and it took Scully a few moments to figure out that it was Jacob Kellerman, confirming her suspicions. She opened her eyes, wiping hurriedly at her cheeks, but Jacob wasn’t looking at her. He was still staring out into the storm, his jaw clenched irritably. “He should get off if you tell him to.”
She swiped a few more times at her eyes, and said in a voice she desperately hoped was steady, “Oh, no, no, it’s okay.” She reached down to scratch Cetus’s head again, petting him in a vigorous way that left his tail wagging wildly. “I like dogs.”
Mulder exited the bathroom, dressed in notably drier clothes. As he turned to her, a familiar expression of concern flickered across his face. "Scully? Are you okay?" he asked softly.
She nodded, looking down instinctively at Cetus's huge paws. "I'm fine," she said, her voice cracking.
She heard footsteps creaking on the floorboards, and then Mulder sliding in beside her, their knees knocking together. Almost as soon as he sat down, Cetus climbed further into Scully's lap, resting his chin on Mulder's thigh, his paws wedged awkwardly between them. "Sweet mutt," he said good-naturedly, tousling the dog's gray fur. The dog huffed happily.
Mulder gave him a few more pats before reaching out to touch Scully's hand where it lay on the dog’s back, and it was too much. She didn't think they'd touched, really touched (aside from falling asleep on him on the plane), since before the incident. She bit her lip hard and murmured, "Mulder, I told you, I'm fine."
His hand was covering hers, in a tentative sort of way, and she didn't want to look at him, but she did, and the guilt and resentment and confusion and affection enveloped her all over again. She could still remember looking into his eyes and thinking about how to kill him, and the memory made her want to throw up. She hated herself immensely. It had been just a few months, and they'd both almost killed each other, and it was too much, and too soon, and she didn't deserve his comfort or his concern, and she was still a little mad at him about Queequeg, and she just wanted things to be normal between them. He was her best friend, and she wanted things to be normal, and she didn’t want to resent him, and she was exhausted and embarrassed, and she pulled her hand out from under his and ducked her head, praying she wouldn't cry again. She wished that she could go somewhere and be alone, but out on the ocean like this, there was absolutely nowhere to go.
Cetus, still lying on top of the both of them, whined and butted his head against Mulder’s elbow. Mulder didn't try to take her hand again. For one long moment, she wished he would.
"There are things for sandwiches in the cabinets, if you're hungry," Jacob said from the front of the boat. "I, for one, am."
Scully cleared her throat and pushed a little at Cetus's side. "Go on, boy," she said gently, and Cetus went amicably, lying near the table he'd hidden under before. She turned to Mulder and offered him a small, shaky smile, but it felt inauthentic, and she looked away quickly. She went to the kitchen area and took out a stale-looking loaf of bread, and jars of peanut butter and jelly.  After a moment, Mulder came and joined her.
They made four sandwiches—Mulder made two for himself, and slathered some peanut butter messily on two pieces of bread, which he gave to the dog. They ate at the table, pushing aside the pictures and papers. Cetus chewed noisily and curled up under the table again. The rain drumming the roof above them seemed to slow gradually, until Jacob finally stood and came over to join them. “I think we have reached the calm in the storm,” he said. “We can drift for a bit.”
“One of us could take over for a while, if you need to sleep,” Scully offered. She wasn’t entirely confident in her boat driving skills after the crash at Heuvelmans Lake, but she also didn’t want to risk crashing because their host was sleep deprived.
“I’m fine.” Jacob Kellerman sloshed together a sandwich that was actually messier than Mulder’s before pulling a bottle that matched the ones Scully had pulled out of the garbage and pouring himself a glass. “Aquavit?” he asked, extending the bottle towards them. They both shook their heads. Jacob took a long swig from the bottle before sitting at the table next to Mulder. “This boat used to be much nicer,” he said. “My mother would clean it, and we’d have days out at sea in the summer, picnicking and swimming. Now my father never cleans, never brings any decent food, and fills the whole place with rotting fish. Wasting away.”
He’d referred to his father in the present tense, Scully noticed, and remembered that he’d said that his father might not be dead. She wondered idly what he thought happened to his father.
Mulder was clearly thinking the same thing. “Mr. Kellerman, you said you don’t believe in the Kraken?”
Jacob took a swig of alcohol and let out a low burp. “I do not.”
“Can I ask why?”
Jacob sighed heavily, letting his face fall forward into his hands. “My father has been obsessed,” he muttered. “Ever since we moved, he’s been obsessed. I don’t know why—maybe he was bored out here at sea, or maybe he needed something to devote time to, and my mother and I weren’t enough. But since I was a child, he’s been single mindedly obsessed with it, to the point of neglect. He only wants to talk about the Kraken, to think about the Kraken. If he reads the book, it will have the Kraken, or something like it, in it. He wasn’t afraid of it; he was fascinated by it. It was all he could talk about, all he could think about, and it only got worse as time passed. He would entertain me with bedtime stories about pirates who had bested the beast, or unfortunate sailors who had not been so lucky. I had nightmares for years.” He lifted his head and took another swig from his cup, wiping futilely at his face. “My mother was sick last year,” he added quietly. “She is better now, but for a while, it looked like she wouldn’t make it. And my father was unable to turn away from his obsession long enough to pay attention to her.”
The cabin was growing darker, and Scully couldn’t see Mulder’s face. She looked down at her hands. Richard Kellerman sounded a little like Captain Ahab, except worse; this was Ahab for no reason, Ahab without a motivation. Revenge for the loss of your leg seemed to make more sense than neglecting your family for a fruitless obsession, and she could understand Jacob’s resentment more than ever now. (She could remember vividly telling Mulder that he was like Ahab, on that rock in the lake, but she didn’t want to think of Mulder like that. He wasn’t like that, not to that degree; she didn’t think he was like that.)
“I’m sorry,” Mulder offered. His voice sounded a little unsteady. Scully wondered if he was thinking of that night on the lake, too.
Jacob shrugged angrily, taking another bite of sandwich and speaking around it. “It looks as if his obsession has finally caught up to him.”
“But you don’t believe in the Kraken,” said Scully, almost surprising herself.
His jaw was quivering, as if he was emotional, on the verge of tears. “No.” He took another gulp of drink, his eyes half-shut. “But I think he was out here looking. And whatever happened to Dad, I think it was because of his own carelessness. A lapse in attention to his duty that was instead focused towards the fucking Kraken.” His voice was full of disgust. “Maybe he thought he saw the beast, and fell overboard trying to get a glimpse. Something like that.”
Scully didn’t know what else to say—she admittedly agreed, but she didn’t want to say that to Jacob. Mulder didn’t say anything, either, and the swaying ship was nearly silent. Cetus had fallen asleep on the floor, and was snoring quietly. A clap of thunder sounded above them, so loud and deep it seemed to shake the boat a little.
“It’s strange that it’s so dark,” said Jacob suddenly. He stood and threw the remainder of his sandwich in the trash, scooped up the Aquavit and poured himself another glass. “It’s getting later in the year, closer to the midnight sun. The sun sets later and later each night. It should still be bright out.”
Mulder nudged Scully, as if to indicate that he found that meaningful. Scully offered, “It’s probably the storm.”
“Yes, but are daytime storms as dark as night time storms?” Jacob waved a hand at the window, where it was nearly pitch black. She could see the white railing of the ship, and then nothing past it.
A particularly large wave hit the side of the boat, swaying it nearly on its side, and Mulder made a small sound of discomfort. Scully’s hand immediately went to his arm, almost automatically. “Seasick?” she asked, and he nodded. “Do you have any more Dramamine?”
“Ran out,” he muttered, and she could nearly see him wincing. When had it gotten so dark in here? Places always seemed to get dark without anyone noticing. “Stupid of me not to bring more.”
“I have some,” Jacob offered. He finished his cup of Aquavit in one gulp, and turned to rummage through a drawer. “Do you also want some?” he asked, tipping his chin in Scully’s direction.
“Oh, no, thank you,” she said.
Jacob came up with something and crossed the room, handing Mulder two white, round pills and the Aquavit bottle. “To wash it down with,” he said.
“Thank you,” said Mulder, and swallowed the pills dry. Aside from the fact that they stayed sober when they were on duty—and this certainly felt like duty—they both knew it was a bad idea to drink alcohol with pills.
Jacob shrugged and took the bottle back, drinking heartily directly from it. “What about you?” He was addressing Scully now, extending the bottle to her. “Are you sure you don’t want some? On a wild night like this, some spirits might be useful. Help to ease your mind.” He thrust the bottle towards her hand, sloshing a bit on her shoes.
“No, I’m okay,” Scully said with a sigh. “Thank you, though.”
Jacob sighed, as if she had annoyed him, and took a long swig from the bottle, finishing the last of the liquid. “I should go and check the outside of the boat,” he said, burping again and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He was getting close to being drunk, if he wasn’t already there. “Make sure everything is okay. No damage. You two should get comfortable; we are in for a long night.”
“By the way, your tarp blew off the boat earlier, while we were outside,” Mulder said as Jacob stepped towards the door.
He turned towards them in confusion or in recognition; Scully wasn’t sure. “T-the tarp covering up the lifeboats?”
There was only one lifeboat, but Scully dismissed it to a mishearing, or more likely to Jacob’s drunkenness. “Yes, the one overtop of the lifeboat,” she said. “It blew overboard.” She could remember the awkwardly flapping edges, the way it bent in on itself like a large, crumpling piece of paper.
"Shit.” Jacob shook his head wildly. “I will be back,” he said, before stepping out into the stormy night. Between the door opening and closing, a harsh breeze blew in, leaving Scully shivering.
“You cold?” Mulder asked, attempting to stand up. “Jacob said there were blankets.”
“Oh, no, I’m okay, Mulder.” She put her hand on his arm to stop him. “I don’t want to get too comfortable; I don’t want to fall asleep.” The sweater she’d taken from the drawer was probably too warm as it was, but it was incredibly comfortable, despite the lingering smell of fish.
Mulder yawned loudly as he sat back down. “I’m not sure I can join you,” he said, rubbing at his eyes. “I guess the jet lag is getting to me.”
“We’re six hours ahead of home, Mulder,” said Scully. “You should be more awake, not more tired. It’s still the middle of the day to our bodies”
He shook his head hard, as if to wake himself up. “Maybe the insomnia is catching up to me.”
“Or maybe Jacob gave you the drowsy type of Dramamine.” She folded her arms over her chest. Mulder rubbed a hand over his face. “Go on to sleep if you’re tired, Mulder,” she added. “I’m not tired. I’ll keep watch.”
“N-no, you don’t have to stay up,” he said, immediately sitting up straighter. “I’m okay. I’ll stay up.”
“Okay, Mulder,” she said a little indulgently, not really believing him and not really caring. He slept so sporadically, and she was always encouraging him to try and get on a regular schedule; the least she could do was let him sleep when he was tired.
“The dog’s snoring will probably keep me up, anyway,” he added, gesturing to the place where Cetus was lying with a flick of his chin.
“You’ll be fine.” She slid down in her seat, getting comfortable.
“It’s very loud.” He was silent for a moment as he slid down a bit in her seat, his shoulder nudging against hers. She didn’t pull away. She didn’t want to pull away. She shut her eyes and felt that same bit of self-loathing rise in her throat. She didn’t know if she’d ever forget how close she came to shooting her best friend. She didn’t know if she’d ever forgive herself for having done it already.
As if he’d read her mind, he spoke sleepily from beside her, saying, “I’m sorry, Scully.”
“What?” She was startled, turning to look at him. “Sorry for what, Mulder?”
His eyes were closed as he spoke. “Sorry for… for bringing you to Norway.”
She clenched her fingers tight around her elbows. “Oh, Mulder,” she muttered. “That’s okay.”
“I keep fucking up,” he mumbled. “You didn’t want to come to Norway.”
“It’s just a case.” Or a research trip, she corrected silently.
“I almost get you killed. I-I keep almost getting you killed. I don’t pay attention, and it’s your dog, it’s your sister… it’s you.”
The words hit her in the chest like an anvil, and she felt herself tearing up. So much resentment, and yet she couldn’t really blame him. She followed him, and she kept on doing it, and she didn’t know how to do anything different. She wanted to follow him, to be with him, and it was her fault, not his, and tears were sliding down her cheeks. It wasn’t his fault, but she’d thought that at one time or another, and she’d blamed him. She had blamed him for Melissa. Blamed him for her abduction. She could remember it; the memory was hazy, but it was there. The weight of the gun in her hands. Her best friend. She wanted to apologize, but all she could get out was, “Mulder, no.”
“Thought I lost you,” he mumbled. His head lolled heavily on her shoulders, and the weight of it was such a relief.
She bit back a shaky sob, wiping her eyes and taking a deep breath, blinking so hard that her eyes hurt. Her stomach hurt. She bit her lower lip and whispered, “Mulder, I am the one who should be apologizing, okay? Not you.”
But he didn’t respond. He was already asleep.
Scully didn't remember falling asleep. But when she woke up, Mulder was still asleep, slumped against her, her head against his. The cabin seemed darker, somehow; someone had turned off the light. And Cetus was barking.
She blinked foggily, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. Mulder, still dead asleep, fell back against the leather of the booth. "Hush," she murmured automatically, a reflex from Queequeg, before she remembered and winced.
Cetus did not hush. He was barking in an insistent way, a way that indicated that something was wrong.
Scully blinked a few more times, getting to her feet. She ran her hand along a wall and found a light switch, flipped it and let the dim overhead light sparkle to life. Cetus was standing at attention, turned towards the door, barking insistently. "Hey," she whispered, kneeling beside the dog and putting her hand on his head. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Cetus broke off into growls, still staring at the door. She ruffled his fur absently and scanned the cabin. Everything looked normal, if dimly lit. The boat was still rocking with a steady precision. The counter where they'd made their sandwiches was still littered with jars and dried peanut butter; a couple of the coolers on the floor had overturned, spilling fish corpses across the floor. It took Scully a few look-throughs to realize what was wrong: Jacob Kellerman wasn't in there.
Cetus snarled, scratching at the door desperately with his large paws. Behind her, Mulder said groggily, "Scully? What's going on?"
"Jacob Kellerman is missing," she said, her mind racing. Things were starting to piece themselves together, just a little bit; she wasn't sure, but she was suspicious enough. She was remembering how annoyed he’d seemed when she refused the Aquavit a second time. She got to her feet and ran first to the drawer that Jacob had gotten Mulder Dramamine from and yanked it open. There was no Dramamine—maybe he'd run out, maybe not—but there was an empty wrapper for sleeping pills. Sleeping pills. More sleeping pills, that looked like the little white pills they’d thought was Dramamine.
"What?" Mulder was asking. "Where is he?"
She rummaged for her gun instinctively before she remembered she didn't have it. It was at home, in her apartment in DC. She hadn't thought she would need it, she hadn't trusted herself to have it. Maybe she still wouldn't need it; maybe she'd misjudged him, or maybe she was wrong. Still, she said, "I think he's outside," and ran for the door, yanking it open and letting it slam behind her. She had to know for sure.
A fog had settled over the boat, so thick that Scully could barely see two feet in front of her. She stumbled forward a few feet, a little blindly, before a light became visible, rising dimly out of the thick fog. She heard the door behind her open, and Mulder call out, "Scully?"
She kept walking, following the light until she got close enough to see its source: an electric lantern, balanced on top of the bright orange lifeboat, suspended over the ocean, ready for boarding. And Jacob Kellerman, wearing a life jacket. "Jacob," she started, but stopped immediately when she felt a knife point bite lightly into her stomach.
"Don't come any closer," Jacob growled, clutching the handle of the knife. "Hold still."
Scully held up her hands slowly, an attempt to seem nonthreatening. "It's okay," she said slowly. "I don't have a weapon. Let's just stay calm, okay?"
"Scully?" Mulder stepped beside her before freezing, his eyes wide. "What's going on?" he asked in a careful, concerned voice.
"Don't move. Don't move, or I will hurt her," Jacob said in a frantic, angry voice. Mulder nodded, his eyes wide, raising his hands along with her.
"I really wish the two of you had stayed asleep," Jacob muttered, his hand clenched harder around the knife. The point ripped a bit at her shirtfront, and Scully tried not to wince, tried to keep her breathing level. (At least it was her, she thought for one wild moment, and not Mulder.) "I could be halfway gone by now."
"Why do you need to leave? Where are you going?" Mulder asked carefully. "I don't understand what's happening, Jacob."
Jacob's eyes shut, and he shook his head rapidly, like a stubborn child. Refusing to speak. So Scully took a deep breath and spoke, in the same careful manner as Mulder. "He's behind his father's disappearance, Mulder," she said steadily.
Mulder looked at her with astonishment, but Jacob winced, his face reddening, his hand shaking. "Don't say it like that," he whispered, his words slurring. "I did not mean for it to go this way. I didn't want to hurt him."
"What are you talking about?" Mulder asked, looking between them.
But Jacob wasn't listening. He opened his eyes and looked at Scully. He looked like a man being sent to his death. "How did you figure it out?" he asked softly. His hand was still shaking; she could feel the quivering knife blade against her stomach with every uneven breath.
"Little things didn't add up,” she said. She was thinking about distracting him, about giving them time to come up with a plan to get out of this. “The fact that your father's boat ended up back at the harbor despite supposedly being empty. It seemed strange that there was almost an entire roll of unused duct tape in the trash. The tarp covering your lifeboat seemed too large for just one boat, and you referred to the lifeboat like there was more than one earlier. I also saw that there were empty cables adjacent to the lifeboat. You kept offering us Aquavit in the cabin earlier, and Mulder seemed to fall asleep awfully quick after you gave him those pills. When I looked in the drawer, I found sleeping pill packets." Jacob was nodding, his chin trembling. "You… you hid on the boat, didn't you?" Scully continued. Her own hands were shaking a little, driven by the anxiety of the situation. "You subdued your father and put him onto the lifeboat, setting him adrift. You drove the boat back to shore, and snuck back to your home, and left people to discover that your father was missing. And when you brought us out as a favor to your mother, you hoped you would be able to get us drunk or asleep and abandon the boat yourself."
Jacob's chin was trembling. "I-I didn't think you would figure it out."
Mulder took a deep breath beside her. "Why did you do it, Jacob?"
"Why the hell wouldn't I do it?" he nearly shouted, his hand shaking even harder. Scully winced again as the knife nicked her, just a little, and she felt Mulder tensing beside her. She hated this constant trend they had of being held at gunpoint (or knife-point). At least this time, one of them wasn't the one holding the weapon.
Jacob was still shouting, ranting. "That bastard neglected me all my life! Made everything revolve around a fucking squid! And it didn't even stop when I grew up and moved out! I couldn't get a life of my own! My mom—his wife—gets ill, possibly fatally, and he can't even look up for long enough to take her to treatments! That responsibility goes to me! He never gave a fucking shit; he only pretended to. He would've left my mom alone to die while he was off chasing the fucking Kraken. He deserved to learn a fucking lesson." He took a step closer to Scully and the knife shifting, the sharp, long edge of the blade lying flat against her jacket.
"Jacob, calm down," Mulder said sharply, an edge to his voice. "I know you're upset, but you don't need to do this. You don't need to kill again."
"Again?" Jacob laughed wildly, shaking his head. "I didn't kill him! I wanted to punish him, but I never meant to kill him! Never! I just wanted to scare him. I thought if I set him adrift for a little while, scared him, I-I might… be able to… make him into a better man. A better husband for Mom." His eyes shut again; in the dim, foggy light, Scully thought she saw tears glittering under his eyelids. "I didn't kill him."
"Okay, Jacob," said Mulder quickly, trying to calm him. "Okay. But what's going to happen if you kill her?"
"You don't understand a goddamn thing." The knife blade wasn't quivering anymore. It was a cool, hard presence that was steady and sharp, and Scully was finding it harder to stay calm. "I lied to you, before," Jacob said, and his voice was the steadiest it had been since they'd came out here. "About the Kraken."
"What about it? What about the Kraken?" Mulder's voice was sharp, his worried eyes on Scully. The sky crackled ominously with thunder, a cold wind washing over them.
"It killed my father." Jacob's voice was equally sharp. He met Scully's eyes; his expression was somehow steely and fearful all at once. Looking at the man, Scully wondered how she didn't see that he was guilty sooner. He'd hid his tracks well, to the point where her theory seemed a little off base, but his shifting moods should've been a clue-in from the beginning: his anger, his standoffish behavior. She wondered how drunk he was. She wondered how much of his sanity was left.
"I watched my father's lifeboat floating out in the ocean, and then I saw that… thing rising out of the waves." Jacob's voice was suddenly quivering. "It was enormous. Unbelievably enormous. It rose up out of the depth, and it grabbed my father and the lifeboat all at once, and it swallowed him whole. I saw it. It was fucking real, and it happened on a day just like today."
The thunder clapped again. The skies opened up, the rain and the fog enveloping them both. The lifeboat swayed, the lantern quivering. Scully didn't know what she believed about the Kraken—she could barely think about that now—but she knew that she was scared. She was terrified that Jacob would kill them both. "Jacob…" she started in a soft voice.
"And it's coming for you now." His voice was low, warning. "I have to get out of here. I was going to leave you for it. It takes the two of you, and it will leave me alone, right?"
Scully took an unsteady breath, shivering in the rain. The boat was rocking, harder than before, and her stomach rolled unexpectedly. Inside, she could hear Cetus barking frantically. "Jacob, there is no such thing…"
"How do you know that it won't come for you?" Mulder's voice was tight, angry. "It came for your father in the lifeboat. Why wouldn't it come for you?"
Jacob was breathing raggedly. "I got away from the motherfucker once, and I can do it again," he snarled. His wrist moved, and the knife bit into Scully's stomach, just a bit, slicing the fabric. She gasped with the sting of pain—the knife hadn't penetrated the skin past a small cut, but it hurt.
That must have struck a nerve with Mulder, because he yanked out his gun in one swift motion, aiming it straight at Jacob. "Drop the knife and get the fuck away from her."
"You drop your weapon." Jacob spoke coldly, his eyes steely. "I'll kill her. I'll kill your partner if you don’t let me leave. I am getting out of here. I will not fall victim to that beast."
Cetus was snarling and whimpering, his large paws hitting the cabin door. The sea was churning around them, the boat rocking wildly, to the point where Scully was a little afraid she would fall on the knife. Her heart was pounding so hard. "Y-you really think it's coming?" she stammered in disbelief.
Before he could answer, something hit the boat. Scully could hear the hard smack of it, could hear something crack. The boat tipped, sending Scully sprawling backwards; she rolled, instinctively, and managed to miss the tumbling Jacob and his knife. She heard Mulder's panicked call: "Scully?!" and answered quickly, "I'm okay!" She fumbled across the wet deck until her hand curled around the hilt of the knife, and she pulled it to her.
But Jacob didn't seem to be looking for the knife. He pulled himself up, a grim, resigned look on his face. "It's already here," he said softly.
Something hit the boat again, harder this time, and Scully went tumbling again, letting the knife go for risk of cutting herself. She could hear it skittering across the deck as she slid haphazardly into Mulder, scrambling for purchase; he grabbed her hand and held tightly, steadying her and whispering, "You okay?"
She nodded, but her eyes were glued to the deck before her, to the wildly swinging lifeboat. She watched as the electric lantern tumbled from its perch, watched it fly through the air. Watched as its flickering light illuminated something on the other side of the rail, something massive. Something with almost scaly skin, a massive torso. One bright yellow eye.
The lantern died as it hit the deck, leaving their vision in darkness. Scully couldn't breathe. She still could feel Mulder's hand in hers.
In the darkness, she saw a large shape rise and, purposefully, fall. She heard the crunch of what sounded like the deck of the ship. She heard Jacob's panicked shout.
She heard Mulder fumbling, his hand scraping the fabric of his pocket, and she turned slightly towards him as he pulled out a penlight. He switched it on, the tiny light catching Jacob's face. He was sprawled on the deck, his face full of pain and fear. Around him, there was a large gap on the deck, as if something had smashed right through it. Scully wondered wildly how long the deck would last.
Jacob's fingers scrabbled wildly at the deck. He turned his pleading eyes towards them, and said in a quivering voice, "Please—"
Before he could finish, a tentacle so enormously large, Scully could barely believe it—a tentacle half the size of the boat itself—slammed down beside Jacob's prone body. It coiled around him like a snake as he screamed, and its massive edge slammed down mere feet away from Mulder and Scully, who scrambled back, clutching to each other's arms as they stumbled to their feet. Mulder's pen light went off in the struggle, but Scully could still see the wriggling, dark shape of Jacob Kellerman as he fought, the sharp motion of him being dragged into the ocean. It's real, she thought in one panicked moment, and she couldn't believe it.
"We have to get out of here," Mulder whispered frantically. "W-w-we have to… Scully, the lifeboat…"
Scully heard a wild, high whimper and barely even thought; she just moved, towards the door to the cabin, stumbling over splintered and broken-up boards. She yanked open the door and grabbed Cetus as he bounded out, rubbing his neck soothingly. "Shh, shh, it's okay," she whispered, gripping him gently by the scruff of his neck. She would not leave another dog to the mercy of a dangerous creature. She wouldn't. "C'mon, boy," she whispered, pulling Cetus along as she moved towards Mulder.
Mulder was trying to get to the lifeboat; he flicked his pen light back on and waved it in her direction, motioning her over. She tugged Cetus gently, stepping gingerly, but she froze in her tracks when she saw it. The monstrous tentacle rising over Mulder, directly over his head.
Her chest tightened, and she screamed, "Mulder, look out!" She let go of Cetus to dive at Mulder, shoving him hard out of the way as the tentacle slammed down. It caught her hard in the side, sent her sprawling in the mess of debris and slimy skin. She cursed instinctively; it felt like she'd cracked a rib. She tried to get to her feet, but something wrapped hard around her ankle and yanked her back down. She yelped with pain, kicking frantically at the tentacle as it tugged her backwards, towards the unforgiving ocean—or, if Mulder's stories were right, the beast's jaws. She gripped anything she could grab, the hard edges cutting into her palms, but the force was too strong, its grip crushing on her ankle. She was going to be pulled in. She wondered, briefly, if this was what Melissa felt.
"Scully!" Mulder's voice, anguished and desperate. She gripped the jagged edges of the broken rail of the boat, her heart pounding, her leg aching. She saw him standing on a patch of undisturbed deck, his gun aimed towards her. Her breath caught in her throat. For a millisecond, he was back in that hospital room, Mulder's eyes wide and teary and his finger tightening on the trigger.
And then he shot, the bullet hitting wetly behind her, and she felt relief and shame wash over her. The grip loosened, just a bit, and Scully heard an almost otherworldly shriek from down below them. She gripped the rail harder, trying to climb back up, and Mulder lunged forward, his knees cracking the weak material below him as he landed, his hands wrapping around hers. He tugged her up, fighting against the tug of the grip around her leg; she kicked out again, and felt the grip loosen slightly. Mulder's fingers tightened around.her wrists, and he pulled her up with one hard yank, scrambling backwards and tugging her with him in case the force came back. "You okay?" he gasped, his hands on the back of her shoulders, almost but not quite holding her.
She nodded, an instinctive hand to her side. "I think I cracked a rib," she said with a wince.
"C'mon." He helped her to her feet, the two of them moving towards the lifeboat, still miraculously hanging, ready to be lowered. The deck was in pieces, the cabin looking as if a tornado had torn through. Cetus sat on an unharmed piece of deck, quivering and whimpering.
A sudden, hard jerk threw them off balance, knocking them backwards onto the splintering deck. Scully felt her stomach roll as the ship began to move sharply, spinning in a circle, shaking rapidly. It felt as if it was moving downwards even as it sounds, being sucked under. "Maelstrom," Scully whispered, remembering what Helsing and Weberg had said on the dock.
Mulder helped her back to her feet, his hand curved around her elbow in support. Water sloshed over the deck, swirling black around their ankles  In a stumbling, sideways gait, they managed to get to the lifeboat. He laced his fingers together and gripped her foot, giving her a boost up, and she pulled herself onto the boat, lying sprawled briefly on the orange deck. She sat up with a pained grunt, reaching over the side for Mulder, to help him up, but he wasn't there. "Mulder?" she called in confusion, looking around desperately and finding him, moving away from the boat.
The water was still filling the crumpling deck, rising as she could feel them sinking. The water was up to Mulder's knees now. She called his name again, but he was still walking away. Her eyes jerked to follow his motion, his movements, and saw that he was headed for the dog. Cetus, halfway submerged in water, barking urgently and pleadingly. Mulder reached the dog and gripped him gently, moving him back towards the boat as the water level rose. Scully's eyes filled unintentionally with tears.
By the time Mulder reached the lifeboat, the water level had risen even further, lapping at his shoulders and nudging the lifeboat back and forth. Scully fumbled over the edge, grabbing for Cetus and pulling him over the side with effort. He whimpered, huddling in a ball against the side. Scully reached for Mulder next, and he took her hand and half-rolled over the side of the boat. He fumbled at his pocket again and came up with Jacob's knife, which he used to begin to saw at the cables holding up the boat. "Scully, can you working the steering?" he shouted over the roar of the water.
The ship was sinking into the maelstrom, but they might have just one wild chance to get out. Scully ran across the boat to the small steering wheel console, equipped to motor the boat back to shore. She prayed that the lifeboat had gas, prayed that it would somehow be enough to escape whatever the hell was trying to kill them. She tried to tell herself that Richard Kellerman had likely been restrained in that lifeboat, and wouldn't have been able to drive off anyway, that the fact that they could drive this lifeboat might give them more of a chance.
Mulder sawed at the cables quickly, severing one and running across the small deck to sever the other. Scully let her foot hover over the gas, her hands clutching the steering wheel. As soon as she felt the boat drop, she yanked the wheel hard, pulling it out of the wreckage of the larger boat and hitting the edge of the whirlpool full on. She could feel the tug of the maelstrom, but it only made her push the gas harder. The front part of the boat broke into clearer waters and she steered that way, feeling the back part go into a spin as it broke free. And then, suddenly, she felt a force slam down behind them into the ocean, a large wave pushing at the back of the boat, almost flipping it over. Scully cursed under her breath, keeping her foot plastered to the gas. She could hear Cetus whimpering. Behind her, she could hear the popping sound of Mulder firing his gun.
She looked over her shoulder, gingerly, and saw it. The thing that Mulder called the Kraken. She couldn't see the whole thing, but she could see the crest of its head, rounded with its glittering yellow eyes. Could see the dark, waving shape of an unspeakably massive tentacle, risen shadowily in the air, looming over them. Debris littered the dark, churning water around it. Jacob Kellerman was nowhere to be found.
Mulder pulled the trigger again, and he must've hit that time because Scully heard that same otherworldly shriek. Whatever it was, it was mad. The tentacle yanked back.
Scully looked away; she couldn't watch anymore. She kept her foot pressed to the gas and looked out on the horizon, foggy and pitch black.
The rain had stopped. Scully didn't know how much time passed before they knew they were safe, before Mulder started to comfortably move around the boat again. He came over to the spot where she was driving and touched her shoulder gently. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.
She nodded, turning slightly towards him and wincing as she did. "Fine. My ribs hurt a little, but I'll be okay until we get back to the mainland."
He nodded, his face serious. The two of them stayed silent, their eyes meeting, until he seemed to realize that he was still touching her shoulder. He took his hand away, so quickly Scully wondered if he was thinking about that moment on the boat. "Here, I'll drive for a while," he offered, tapping the dashboard with the flat of his palm.
"I'm okay, Mulder," she tried.
But he shook his head and motioned her away. "Get some rest," he said gently. "I've got this."
She nodded, only a little reluctant, and stepped aside, sitting gingerly with her back against the side of the boat, wincing as she went. Almost as soon as she'd say, Cetus was at her side, curling up beside her, warm despite his soaked fut. She draped an arm over his back, grateful for his presence. She still couldn't believe Mulder had gone back to save him. Cetus moved his wet paws to her lap and she relaxed, her hands tangled in his wildlife fur. She shut her eyes, exhausted. She could still hear Mulder, his foot on the gas, propelling the boat back to shore.
"Thanks for saving me back there," she murmured, and the memory made her face flush with shame. How the hell could she ever have thought he would shoot at her, even in an irrational split second? He'd resisted a man who could control people's actions in order not to shoot at her, and he'd been so distraught and horrified in the aftermath… the same way she had been feeling ever since her own incident. She bit her lower lip and opened her eyes to look at Mulder, his still face against the gradually lightening sky.
She looked at Mulder, and saw his hands shaking, just a little, on the wheel. "Thanks for knocking me out of the way," he said softly.
"I had to," she said immediately, without thinking. She looked down at her hands in Cetus's fur, her chipped nail polish, and added quickly, "I didn't have my gun. So I wouldn't have been able to…" She trailed off, feeling foolish. It was incredibly stupid not to bring her gun. She hadn't thought she'd need it, but look what happened. She had managed to save Mulder, but she still needed her gun. If she'd had her gun while confronting Kellerman, they might've made it out of there sooner.
"You saw through Jacob Kellerman," said Mulder. "You figured him out. If you hadn't done that, who knows what would've happened? Or if we would've made it out?"
"It was pure luck," she said quietly. "I only figured it out because of the sleeping pills."
"Still, you figured it out. I didn't."
She shrugged, her muscles tense, her hand limp on the back of Cetus. "You were right about… that thing," she said quietly, and heard Mulder chuckle amusedly. "Still, it was irresponsible for me not to bring my gun. It was an inexperienced move, and I should have known better, even if it wasn't an official case."
Mulder was quiet for a moment, the only sound the slosh of waves against the boat and the buzz of the motor. "Scully, I want you to take all the time you need… if you're not ready to work cases…"
"I am," she said quickly. "I am. It was just… difficult to have my gun on me. After everything." Her jaw locked into place, and she looked away quickly. She could still see it, her gun pointed right at him as she accused him of all of these things.
Mulder took a shaky breath. "It was… it was like that for me, after Modell," he said. "I understand."
"Yeah," she said softly. As if sensing her mood, Cetus got to his feet and licked her cheek.  
"It's been a long few months," Mulder added, his head bent forward over the wheel. "A long year. A hard year. I…" His voice cracked, trailing off. "It's been hard."
“It has been,” she agreed, her voice husky. It was easy to forget at times, but Mulder had lost his father right around the same time she’d lost Melissa. He had been on the other end of every horrible thing she had said a few weeks ago, and with Modell, he had been the one holding the gun. He was probably in as much pain as she was.
She remembered, suddenly, the conversation they’d had the night before when he was half asleep from the sleeping pills Jacob had given him. Something he’d said right before falling asleep. “Mulder,” she said softly, gingerly, “last night, you said that you thought that you lost me.”
There was a long moment of silence. When Scully looked up, she could see Mulder staring straight ahead, his jaw clenched. His hands shaking on the wheel. “Muder,” she said again, gentler this time, “did you… did you think I was going to leave, after what happened on the last case?” It was perhaps the only thing that made sense, because as far as she could tell, she had never been in danger; he had been the one to almost die, this time. She was speaking earnestly, quickly, because she needed him to know. “Mulder, I would never have… I didn’t mean those things I accused you of,” she said, because she’d told him in the hospital, but she needed to tell him again. “I don’t blame you for any of it. I hope you know that I would never willingly hurt…���
“Scully,” he was saying, holding up a hand, and then he was stopping the boat, letting it drift. He was taking his foot off the gas and turning to her, sitting down across  from her with his back against the control panel. The space was small; his feet lay on the deck next to her calves, his hands limp on his legs. His face was white. “Scully, you don’t need to apologize for any of that.”
“They thought that they found your body.” The words startled her; she froze, her fingers automatically clenching in Cetus’s fur. Mulder wouldn’t meet their eyes. “While you were missing,” he murmured. “They thought that they found your body, and they wanted me to identify it down at the morgue.”
Her chest tight, all she could manage was an uneasy, “Oh.” Mulder nodded.
The memory of thinking him dead last year was crowding her mind, in the period just before she lost Melissa, and she couldn’t imagine what he must have been feeling. Thinking she had lost him last year had been bad enough, but a part of her had believed that he was still alive. She couldn’t imagine going to the morgue to identify his body. “Mulder,” she said softly, and she leaned across the space between them and took his hand. “I’m okay. I’m still here.”
He squeezed her hand, holding it tightly. She didn’t let go. A part of her didn’t want to let go. They sat that way for a long moment, holding hands stretched over their small space.
Finally, Mulder spoke. “I’m sorry I took you to Norway.”
She smiled in spite of herself. “You said that last night.”
“I’m still sorry,” he said, but he was grinning a little, too, just slightly.
“We got out of it alive,” she said. “That’s what matters.”
“We’re still out at sea, Scully,” he pointed out, and she nudged him hard with her knee. He shrugged. “At least we got to see the Kraken.”
“We almost got killed by a giant squid,” Scully retorted. “I wouldn’t call that something to celebrate.”
“Or we survived a monster that few people actually escape. That’s worth celebrating in my book.”
“Mmm.” She slipped her fingers out of his gently, stroking the sleeping dog’s head. “It’s like you said, Mulder. The monster is just a species that hasn’t been discovered yet.”
“Too bad we didn’t get a picture of some sort.” Mulder tapped his foot against her leg. “We could’ve published an article.”
“Mulder, we’ve seen what looking for this animal does to people. Making its existence public would just send more people into a dangerous situation.” She sighed, her head falling back against the side of the boat. “Not to mention that we’re going to somehow have to explain to Norwegian law enforcement, and Mary Kellerman, what happened to Jacob Kellerman. I have a feeling the Bureau is not going to be very happy with us.”
“We have evidence on our side, even if it’s not a lot,” Mulder said. “I still have Kellerman’s knife, which hopefully still has Kellerman’s fingerprints on it. And Mary Kellerman can hopefully explain the reason she brought us here. Maybe Richard Kellerman’s friends can vouch for us, too.”
“Hmm.” Scully closed her eyes, utterly exhausted. “You’re going to explain this one to Skinner.”
He nudged her with his foot again, his leg warm against hers. “I will. I swear.”
They got picked up by the Norwegian coast guard a few hours later, as the sun began to rise above the horizon. Onshore, they were met by the Norwegian police investigating Richard Kellerman’s disappearance, who had apparently already talked to Mary Kellerman. They didn’t seem overly happy of Mulder and Scully’s involvement in the case, but they didn’t seem overly distrusting, either. One officer drove Scully to the hospital to have her ribs looked at, at Mulder’s repeated insistence, while Mulder gave his statement to the others.
Scully gave her own account of the night to the female officer, including her conclusion that Jacob Kellerman had been behind his father’s disappearance. The officer didn’t look surprised. “We actually suspected him as well,” she said. “He had no alibi for the night that Richard went missing, and Mary Kellerman said that she couldn’t get in touch with him.”
The part she found the most suspicious was the part about the animal attack. “You think that… a giant squid attacked you?” she asked, a little incredulously.
“It was… something,” Scully said uncomfortably. “Some hit the side of the boat. It was so dark out that it was hard to confirm anything, or really see what it was… but it destroyed the ship, and it pulled Jacob Kellerman overboard.”
She couldn’t tell if the officer believed her or not, but she let the line of questioning end and left Scully to wait for the doctor. After she was confirmed to have two cracked ribs (she winced, remembering the weight that sent her flying), and had the small cut made from Jacob’s knife cleaned bandaged, she was released, and found Mulder waiting for her downstairs. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” he asked as he got to his feet and came to greet her. He was dressed in his own clothes now, having shed the wet, borrowed fishing clothes Scully was unfortunately still clad in.
“I’m fine. They gave me some painkillers,” she said, shrugging it off. “What happened with local law enforcement?”
Mulder shrugged. “They at least believe that Jacob Kellerman’s death was an accident,” he said. “They found traces of the sleeping pills in my system, and traces of your blood on the knife, and the Coast Guard found the wreckage of the boat. They apparently were investigating Jacob themselves, and suspected he was on the boat with his father; Mary said that they questioned her about his whereabouts.”
“You talked to Mary already?” Scully asked, sympathy immediately flooding her at the thought of Mary. She couldn’t imagine losing your husband and your son so close together like that.
Mulder nodded grimly. “She was very upset, particularly at the fact that Jacob was responsible for Richard’s death. She said she couldn’t believe he would do that.”
“It seems like everyone in her family failed her in one way or another,” said Scully, wincing. She’d write Mary a letter of apology when they got home. She at least owed her that. She was sorry they couldn’t save her son, sorry that they’d revealed that he was the one to kill his father. Despite Jacob’s denials, she knew that he’d at least taken away his ability to try to escape the beast, if not doomed him completely. “I feel horrible for her.”
“She was very shaken. A friend of hers came to pick her up, so at least she’ll have someone to stay with.”
They fell into a solemn silence as they began walking towards the door together. Mulder reached for Scully’s arm to try and support her as they walked. She sighed and let him; it was easier than arguing. “Have you talked to Skinner?” she asked.
He nodded, opening the door. “They called him, I guess to confirm that we were United States FBI agents. He vouched for us, but he’s not very happy.”
“Meaning?” She raised her eyebrows, encouraging him to get to the point.
“Meaning we might have some extra vacation days when we get back to DC.”
She sighed again, heavier this time, but she couldn’t be completely annoyed. As much as she was dying to get back into the field, she could probably use the extra time to recuperate from her latest injury, and to get in the right mindset for working in the field. Get used to having her gun again. “I should’ve known this little vacation would get me suspended,” she said, poking him in the arm. “You owe me one.”
“You can pick the next case, when we come back,” said Mulder. They were most of the way to the car; Scully’s forehead wrinkled in slight confusion when she saw that the back window was open. “Our flight’s in two hours. I went by the hotel to get our stuff; too bad we never got to stay there. It was a nice place.”
Scully nodded in agreement, remembering the sprawling view of the water. She looked down at her feet briefly and saw the gray fur still all over her borrowed pants. She remembered Cetus, then, and asked, “What happened to Cetus?” She was hoping that Mary Kellerman took him, for the company, before she remembered that Mary was allergic to dogs. She hoped that Mulder hadn’t just dumped him back at the docks.
“Oh, yeah,” Mulder said, a little sheepishly. “About that.”
They reached the car, and he motioned towards the back window. When Scully looked into, she saw Cetus sprawled across the floor of their rental car, adorned with what must’ve been a new collar and leash. When he saw her peering in, he opened his mouth wide in a goofy, canine grin and wagged his tail wildly. She smiled despite herself. “Mulder, what did you do?” she asked incredulously, opening the door and letting Cetus bound out.
“Whoa!” Mulder caught the dog by the paws before he could jump on Scully and lowered him to the ground. “I thought you might like to take him home with you,” he said tentatively, addressing her. “Mary Kellerman couldn’t take him—I asked, but she’s pretty severely allergic. And I didn’t think we should drop him back at the dock.”
“Oh, Mulder,” she muttered, not sure whether to thank him or roll her eyes at him. Cetus bumped his large head against her leg and she reached down to pet him.
“Scully, I-I know he’s not Queequeg,” Mulder offered, “and I’m not trying to replace him. We can take him back if you want. I just thought… considering everything, you might want some company.” Cetus licked her hand, and she smiled again. “And you know, this guy has already survived a cryptid attack,” he added. “Seems like good luck to me.”
“Mulder, you should quit while you’re ahead,” she told him, turning to shoot him a look. He shrugged in an apologetic manner, and she added a quiet, “Thank you,” her voice choked with gratefulness.
Cetus leaned over to lick Mulder’s hand affectionately. Mulder wiped his hand on his pants and patted the dog on the head. “At least this one actually likes me,” he said lightly, grabbing the leash and motioning Cetus in the car.
She bumped her shoulder against his, reaching in to give Cetus one last pat before she closed the door. “I suppose that is a perk.”
They made their flight. Mulder figured out where to take Cetus so that he could travel on the plane, and paid the extra fees for his travel. Scully tried to convince him not to, but he insisted on it. “I’ve got to be nice to you so that you’ll pick a good case when the time comes,” he teased, and she rolled her eyes.
The flight was as long as the last one, stretching into the night, and Scully decided to take sleeping pills, hoping that sleeping for the flight would help with jet lag and stave off the pain. She fell asleep before takeoff and woke up in an awkward position, bent halfway over in her seat with her head lolling against Mulder’s shoulder. He must’ve taken her seatbelt off, because she couldn’t feel it cutting into her stomach or neck.
She sat up, with effort, and stretched gingerly, her eyes and mouth fuzzy, adjusting to the dark of the cabin. The pain in her ribs wasn’t as bad as it had been this morning, which she was grateful for. She’d thought Mulder was asleep, so it was a big startling when he turned to her, his eyes wide open in the dark. “Hey,” she murmured, yawning.
“Hey,” he whispered in response. He reached down to tap on the small window next to him. “I think I saw the Kraken down there.”
She yawned again, rubbing at her eyes. He was ridiculous, she thought with absent affection. “Somehow I doubt that, Mulder. We’re thousands of miles away from Norway, and we’re very high up. And it’s dark.”
“I think I saw a tentacle or something,” he said, leaning his seat back and motioning to the window. “Look.”
She leaned over him, gingerly, and looked. She didn’t have a very good view, but she could see the sky. And far below them, the endless black waves of the sea.
“Do you see it?” Mulder whispered. His arm pressed warmly against hers, leaning towards the window so he could look, too.
“No,” she whispered back. But she didn’t move. She stayed there with him, looking out the tiny window down at the sea, watching.
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ariagrans · 5 years
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I’ve had nothing but pure love for this group for a bit over six months now, and it’d only be right for me to tell each and every one of you why you’re so wonderful to me. Muns are listed alphabetically!
Ally: Let’s kick this off with something I know I said before but I can’t help to say it again, you amaze with how dedicated you are! I freakin’ love that about you, and it’s an honor to get to be around that. As someone who fawns over all the ships, you know I’ve always loved yours and I love what you put into all of yours replies. They each so well written and I couldn’t feel more blessed to know you. I want the whole world to know what you all you put into your roleplaying so they really know what it’s like to put heart into something. @hqmaia
Becca(EST): Oh man, you really bring me back. When I think about what RP used to be like, I’m thinking of 2012/13 when everything was so with the flow and that’s what you are. I feel like I’m back to when things were easier in life, when it wasn’t so stressful, when RP was a proper escape to submit all of your creativity into. Every time I’m on here and I see you on my dash, I get taken back to that time, and I love every bit of it. You put so much into making this group feel like one and it wouldn’t be the same without! @liliisms
Becca(GMT): My precious Becca, where do I begin? I gotta keep these relatively simple or else this is turning into a novel, so let me focus on just how much you’ve made me fall for your muses! Truly Taylor and Niall couldn’t be more perfect, and I don’t know how you do it but you do. I am such a sucker for Taylor and Louis, and you do such a wonderful job at giving that ship what it needs to thrive, and I’ve never had so much with a Niall before! Even if it’s me seeing him on the dash most of the time or him being cute with Ari, he genuinely brings a smile to my face. Thank you for having them here and blessing my dash with every single post you make. You’re such a crucial part of this RP like everyone, and I couldn’t be happier that you are one. @teylcrswift
Beth: Talk about some who is so unapologetic with the MURDER you inflict on my with you and your muses both, Miss Beth. You know what you’re doing when you’re doing it and you don’t care how much it kills me as long as I find it perfect and you know I always do! If we had an awards for one who plays their character so well in regards of the real celebrity, it’s all yours hands down. I already loved Jack from what I had saw of him and I wasn’t prepared for what would happen when I came here, but you have completely caused me to nose dive into the pool of infatuation with your Jack. All of your muses for that fact, they bring a lot of emotions out of me, and that takes a lot of skill on your part that I honestly can’t go without. I don’t know what the polls are yet, but you’re definitely an All Star. @jocklowden
Charlie: Is it okay for me to start this by saying I love you? Because I do, I really do. You are a part of my every day life now and I honestly wouldn’t want it to be any different. Even if I’m too stressed to get on the dash or not feeling good, you’re still there to be an amazing person to me and somehow want to talk to me! I think Charles and Ariana is what really kick started the two of us talking to each other back in February and it’s seriously been a wonderful almost four month getting to know you. I’m constantly amazed by how fascinating you are and what you do with yourself, even if you don’t believe me when I say it, you are truly one of the coolest people I’ve ever met and I’ll gladly brag to anyone I know that I also get to know you. Thank you for everything you do, everything you contribute, and everything about you that’s made you a perfect human to me. You’re one hell of a friend and I couldn’t imagine it being any different. @madelame-x
Dee: I know you’ve been here before, but since you just got back, I thought I’d take the opportunity here to welcome you again! I’m excited to RP with your Brie and if you want to plot, Ariana/Fionn/Darren are all yours! Thank you for giving us your creativity and time, I know we’ll all appreciate it. @briannelarsonx
Emily: Girl, you know how to make someone feel loved and their muses feel loved so well, I can only hope that I make you feel the same way! I think everything started with Ari and Troian’s friendship and it’s snowballed in a big ole’ bundle of love for all of your muses since! It’s so easy to write with you and I can feel the chemistry for who we play flow right out when I’m doing my replies! Our friendship means to world to me and no matter what happens and wherever anything takes us, I know I want you to be there with me to write it all out. @hqsofia
Faith: This may be a weird way to start things out for your segment here, but I have to say it. I’ve never met another writer that is so damn good at dry humor the way you are. I mean, there are so many funny people here and I love every bit that they give, but Aaron is one of a kind and damn do I love seeing him on my dash! I haven’t had much experience with others who play him, so having him here really is like a rare gem for me! And you sure know how to make him shine. Him and Lizzie both, with the way they talk to each other, I’m entirely pulled in and each reply is perfect. And oh, don’t let me forget, you know what you’re doing with drama as well! I’m so blessed to get to partake in it with you, and I hope you can forgive me for my lack of activity for our bbies Aaron and Darren, the troubling two. It’s already one of my favorite friendships and that’s largely due to you being the far better half, so never change! You’re wonderful the way you are. @aarcntveit
Ina: My sweet, sweet Ina! If there’s one person that I just want to wrap my arms around and give the biggest hug to, it’s gotta be you! You’re always bringing a smile on my face even when you’re not doing anything but posting in the ooc blog or reblogging a photo of Gen and talking about how pretty she is. I do the same, I mean. I’m obsessed with Ariana so we’re in the same boat of those who totally adore their muses, and I adore yours! I need to get on it with more threads with you because I know I’m missing out on the perfection! You’re a wonderful roleplayer and an absolutely stellar admin that I feel lucky to be around in this group, and it’s been an hour to spend these past seven odd months here with you. @itsgenevievegnt
Jaq: I can’t even begin to properly put into words how wonderful you are, Jaq. A bit of time had passed of me admiring your characters from what felt like a far, but once we had something going for them, their chemistry practically wrote itself! Not to mention our own because my friendship with you blossomed quick and has been one of my favorite to ever experience through RP. I know we’re both busy and have a lot going on nowadays, but Ariana will never forget the threads she’s had with your muses, and I can’t wait for more to come with Cami and whoever else you may ever play. You’re so funny and you don’t mind when I say something utterly dumb on discord and that calls for one hell of a friend because I feel like I say a lot of dumb stuff. And before it slips my mind, I want to add that I hope you had one hell of a time in Maui! You deserved it. @hqcami
Katie: Strike me down right now for not having more going on with you! I adore Diana so much and love seeing her on my dash, I demand I get my ass in gear and get some stuff going. Especially now that I have Darren, even though she’s best friends with Lizzie which we shall access properly, I’d love to have more going with such a wonderful muse played by a fabulous person! And my god, you’re one hell of a cutie on the main. You’re so sweet and I love seeing your posts with Emilia even if you’re just promoting for more people to join. Feel free to message me whenever and about whatever you want, I’d love to get anything started on any of my bbies with you. @diannahq
Kay: Another case where I’m totally ashamed of myself for not having anything going on with such a perfect muse! One, I might add, that’s brought my precious Dove and her muse a lot of joy which makes me love you all the more, because Samantha deserves all the perfect ships and you do one hell of a job to give her one, and that’s makes a pretty great cookie in my book. Please come to me for whatever you want and I’ll have it on your way. I’ve been so tempted to make more promos on my own character just to get you the rest of the 5SOS boys cause I’d love for you to have them around and see the band thriving, and your Luke has been the best one to see around in my years of RPing, thank you so much for gracing us with him. @hwl-hemmo
KJ: I just want you to know that you have been a total staple to my experience here at Hollywoodland, KJ. From your muses to the way you personally are, I get so much enjoyment out of your presence here that I marvel at the way you are. From being a wonderful writer with your characters to being absolutely precious out of character, especially when you had met Eliza and gifted us with the cutest meet and greet photos I’ve ever seen, you’re exactly what this place will always need and I’m so happy that you’re not only a part of this family but one of who helps keep it rolling on the main. From a talented writer to a caring admin, you’ve got it all and my muses will forever love yours just like I love you. @kjapayo
Lara: How can I say that you make my stomach hurt without it sounding bad? I mean, I’m sure Jordan can say it and end up turning it into a flirt! But honestly, you’ve made me actually cry with how funny you are. I have to hide my laughs at work, but it’s all out when I’m home and I’ve had to take time to recuperate when I laugh so hard! Ariana just loves Jordan to bits and she’d do anything to have him around as much as possible. I can’t stress it enough but you really do have a talent with yourself and your muse for cracking me the hell up and I think we all need someone like that in our lives, so thank you for being in mine! @jordnconnor
Laura: I need to message you pronto because if I don’t have more with your perfect muses soon, I may very well go a bit mad! Just what bit I’ve had between Tom and Ariana has been so very dearly loved and I know I’ll enjoy everything that’s written with you, especially since I enjoy reading everything you post! Not to mention how much I love the spread of muses you have, it’d be a crime not to get some for myself so I can enjoy it that much more. I’d love to plot with you even if we all know from the dozens of times that I’ve said how I’m terrible at doing so! @tmhclland
Mal: I know you haven’t been here long, but I really do hope that you find this a place to stay! I see the dedication that you put in your replies and wow is Emilia such a cute little bean! Please feel free to message whenever you’d like if you want anything going with any of my muses, I know I’d love to have something going with your precious girl. @clarkesitos
Maree: Let me take a moment absolutely applaud you for having such a fascinating queen to enjoy on my dash and in this roleplay! I don’t think I’ve ever had the chance to RP with a Stefani this much in all of my years of being on Tumblr, and that’s such a shame because she truly is so beautiful and talented and definitely deserves more recognition in the community. Yours especially deserves all of the attention she can get for being so wonderful and bringing a smile on my face whenever you’re around. Not only are you blessing us with such an underused faceclaim to enjoy on the visual standpoint alone, but also with beautiful writing and skill that makes everyone want to fall in love with her. Bless this queen. @stefgaga
Minnie: The DIVERSITY with your muses, I swear! I’m still shocked by it that I had no idea you played them all, and that takes such a talent to differentiate muses when you have a good amount of them, a talent that you for sure have! I’m just in absolute awe with what you do with and for them, and you’ve given me beautiful ships to admire from a far. Beth definitely knows what Jaoirse means for me, and even though I’m not a part of it, I enjoy being in the front row with a box of popcorn ready for the show, no matter what it is that you’re writing for them! We can’t forget how much I love GMax as well, though! You and Ina write that ship out so beautifully and I’m so delighted that I get to see their relationship and marriage continue on, I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for me. @irishxseahorse
Nikki: Your name is right in the middle of this list with the way I organized it, but I might have had to save it for the last one that I’ve written out, and that’s solely because of the fact that I knew how emotional I’d get over writing this out, and I may need to take the rest of the day to regather my composure afterwards, Babe. Where do I even start though when every single thing about you bring my pure happiness and makes me love you more and more every day? How can I properly explain why Harry and Joe bring me so much joy enough to bring them justice? Because that’s what they do! They make me smile with everything they do, and that’s exactly what you do as well. You know how I feel about you and our ship with Fiorry and friendship with Jariana. It’s the world to me, and I’m tearing up right now just thinking about how you’ve changed my life for the better. You’ve gotten me through more rough times than I’ve even let you know about because all I had to do was talk to you for a few minutes and I immediately feel better. I can’t believe how lucky I really am to have you in my life and I hope you can get a sense of what you mean to me even if all I can do is pour my heart out through messages like this and through the writing of my characters to yours. Yep, I knew it, I’m incredibly emotional and I might have to splash my face with some water after this, but I just can’t get over how great my life is now that you’re in it, and I can’t wait for every day from now on because I now they’ll be spent with you in them. I love you to death, Nikki, and I want to go on about what Fiorry means to me as well, but then I know my tears really won’t let me see my computer screen enough to type it out.. Fuck it, they’re the world to me and Harry has done with you did for me but for Fionn. He’s changed his life entirely and I know Fionn couldn’t possibly be more happy about it. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for them and their future together, and even if I don’t know what it is yet, I know that it’ll be perfect. This is coming to be a ridiculous amount of me pouring my heart out to you, but I can’t help it. I love you, Harry, and Joe more than you’ll ever know and I owe all of my happiness and gratitude to you. @hcurly
Raven: Thank you so much for bringing us the beautiful Zendaya that I feel is rarely played nowadays! Even in the past, I don’t think I’ve had much experience with one, and I’m glad that you’re who brought her here. She’s so well played and such a beautiful soul, I can’t wait to see what all you do with her here and I hope to be a part of that! So whatever you want, if you want, I’d love to plot or get more threads going. @dayaxxcole
Rose(PST): Hello, 1/2 of one of my all time favorite ships here! God, you really know how to deliver such cute material between Brett and Haley, I can’t help but to enjoy every bit of it! Just in general as well, I enjoy everything that you bring to the table and this RP really wouldn’t be the same without you. There’s such a talent in your writing, and don’t think that I didn’t notice what you were able to do to me during AU week! Brett had my heart absolutely breaking with a lot of emotion that I adored so much, and it really takes a talented writer to bring that out of a person! Thank you for having your skill here for all of us to enjoy. @brettdicr
Rose(GMT): ROSE, ROSE, ROSE, what a lovely human being you are! I’m so happy that I get to be a part of a roleplay that has such a wonderful and dedicated player like yourself. I mean, just tear my heart out and use it as an offering to the gods above that granted us Sprousehart to enjoy in this world.. Was that dramatic? It might have been, but who cares, I absolutely adore Cole and I love how he is with Lili. They’re perfect, you’re perfect, please don’t ever go anywhere because I know I couldn’t take it. You inspire me with what you do for your ship and what you do for Becca, all ships should get the chance to experience what yours is like, it’s just so beautiful and you’re amazing at writing it out. I can’t wait to see what else SH has to bring us. @hqcolem
Sadie: You know what I just realized right now? That you’re only playing Lizzie! And what amazes me about that is that you’ve planted so much of yourself in my RPing experience and have become such a big deal to me that I would have sworn you had more characters, but no! You’re just spreading it all around with your perfect Lizzie that I adore so much and feel so honored to have a plot with. Granted, it’s very sad and dramatic and I just want to hug her so bad because of it, but that’s what makes things so exciting. You make things exciting! You’re so good at running this place as well, don’t even let me forget what a great admin you are to us. My god, I just feel so lucky to be here with you and to read what you put out on my dash, it’s such gold every time! Lizzie has such a humor that I’m addicted to and an attitude that knows how to break my heart when it comes out. Thank you for blessing me with your written talent. @ohlizzo
Sam: BBY, OH THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU! Let me get my heart shaped boxing gloves out because I’m ready for another battle to see who can say they love each other the most. You’ll see that I win because nothing can beat out the total adoration I have for you and Grant. How well did our bbies click right off the bat? Sure, it started out just with a common admiration for sushi, but it took off and Ariana is practically in love with Grant. In a friendship way of course! With their cute sushi dates and precious hugs, they’re one of my favorite friendships I’ve had for her, and she misses the hell out of him every day on tour! There’s so much more that I want to do with you, especially on my other muses, but for now just let me thank you for always bringing a smile to my face and gracing my dash with a perfect muse like Grant. I truly can’t get enough of you. @theflashgrant
Samantha: Oh my god, you’re just so amazing. I have to start with that because it’s the first thing that comes to mind! You’re seriously so wonderful, and I can’t believe how much I have in common with you. You love Starkid, you watch Dead Meat, we both have terrible sinuses with allergies. I mean, there’s just so much there. I’m not even afraid to share with you when I’m at my dumbest like chester drawers. I feel such strong chemistry for both our friendship and the ones that our muses have together! I knew in the beginning that I’d want something for Doviana but I had no idea that they’d click so well and I think it stems from the way we click! Thank you for being a friend to me and sharing everything you have so far. It’s an honor to call you my friend. @dcvescameron
Sarah(GMT): Bby! I know we don’t talk much and my characters haven’t had much time with Meryl, but I know I want to change that! It’s so lovely see a FC that’s so underused and I’ve always been a big admire of both the real actress and your muse, so I wanted to thank you for gracing my dash with her when I get to see it! Hit me up any time if you want, I’d love to give you all my muses so we can get some fun started. @xitsmerylstreepx
Sarah(EST): I find it quite fitting that you’re here since they do always say to save the best for last! I know I made this alphabetical, but shh, we can say it was planned. I truly am so happy that you’re here and you joined not too far off from when I did! Come to think of it, it might have been around the same time exactly with Vanessa even if you picked up Bella a bit later, so if you think about it, you could say that we really have taken this RP journey together and it’s been one hell of a time! I absolutely adore you and the chemistry that our muses have, and I’m lucky that I get to be one half of Beliana. I know we don’t often get that much time to write together, but when we do get to, I love every bit of it and Ari’s life wouldn’t be the same without your Bella! Thank you for being here with us and for having that feisty mama for us all to enjoy. @b-hxdid
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sadb0ysims · 6 years
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THE SIMSELF TAG featuring yours truly and her wonderful assistant, antoinette
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? mia and thats all ur getting out of me
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? oh god we have some embarrassing ones but jordan and jords are nicknames of mine and u might be able to guess the other obvious ones dgjhfdj
3. BIRTHDAY? february 25th babey
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? OH uhh princess diaries by meg cabot probably
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? not to sure about those funky alien dudes but ehh yeah i believe in ghosts
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? i’d say michael morpurgo but that’s probably because his books were shoved down my throat at an early age DKJDFGJ if you can have a favourite poet i can answer this: atticus and lang leav
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? radio one probably!!
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? the purple one. like, starburst? purple. wine gum? purple
9. WHAT WORD WOULD YOU USE OFTEN TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING GREAT OR WONDERFUL? being the millenial i am probably Uh...li...litty
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? OH Hm i’d say ocean eyes by billie eilish
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  copycat by billie eilish!!
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? oh uhh i don’t watch films a lot and especially not if i’m feeling?? sad
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? never heard of them
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? OH jesus lets say. being forgotten or making no difference in the world
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? oh Jesus not a lot of these GJFDH over the past mm month or so i’d say i’ve grown a lot as a person in the fact that i have more respect for myself than i used to, and if i have an opinion on something i evaluate it and decide Do People Really Need To Know? (DPRNTK)
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? EASY my weird. defense mechanism thing. i’ve gotten a bit better in my opinion but the reason i’m usually in so much trouble is because as soon as i’m attacked, i act with anger? its some weird defensive wall that i put up and regret later because i’m not really thinking like a rational person. i just see that i’m being attacked and my first thought is to fight back
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? OH cats because i haven’t had one in ages. one of our cats was run over and the other was taken by our neighbours and now he doesn’t even remember us or respond to his name so thats really fun
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? SUMMER because my skin turns olive in the summer and right now. a bitch is pale! also school is so much nicer in the summer... the whole yeargroup feels like much more of a community because we all sit together outside n it’s just overall very fun and makes me nostalgic of year 7
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? bitch u really thought-
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? still in it but. because of a lot of things i was forced to grow up very fast. something i miss is having everyone in the house (my siblings are both a lot older than me so they’re never around) and not having to worry about fitting into certain stereotypes or WASHING MY HAIR!!!!!
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? oh god ok so i have a “best friend” but we don’t. agree on a lot of things and she takes everything i say 100% seriously so even though we’re not close i’d consider this group of boys from my school my best friends. and online ofc i have Many Many good friends which i would name but i dont wanna leave anyone out bc i talk to A Lot of people DGHDFJ
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? blue blue blue
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? blonde babey
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my brother
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? would say myself but sometimes i’m not even sure i can trust HER
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? i think about people loads because im a lonely romantic so. i’d say Love Interest and i think about myself a whole lot too like who does this bitch think she is
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? all the time i’m looking forward to things bc. not a whole lot happens in my life so if Love Interest looks at me a certain way i’ll look forward to going to school for the next couple weeks FDJGHFDJ
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? i think of the future way too much. she’s a dreamer
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? oh god uhhh i used to cry at in the night garden all the time when it ended bc i hated that iggle piggle sailed away on his boat DJHFD it was probably still my favourite though
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? i had a best friend who moved away after year seven and i feel like i could but. who knows we haven’t seen each other for years
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? sigh i think so like does it count if my tarot deck says not to do something because. i trust those tarot bitches with all my soul if i have one
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? don’t like the dark, i have a fear of holes, can’t sleep without the door open, can’t sleep when i can see in a mirror (fun fact theres a mirror in my room but it’s on a shelf which i can barely see at night like. i can see a glimpse. but knowing it’s there freaks me out so its flipped and has something covering it)
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? oh ummmm in front i guess because 1. i look horrible in photos other people have taken of me 2. technically being in front of it. you can still take selfies and 3. the people i know take pictures from really weird angles
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? we love a bit of vidya games but i love reading poetry because i’m a whore and also i like singing but that doesn’t mean im good at it!
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? UHHH god i really dont read uhh probably lullabies by lang leav
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? romeo and juliet (the blessed one featuring young leo dicaprio)
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i can play the guitar, the recorder, a bit of the piano
40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? GIRAFFES it’s really sad that they’re now endangered. if ur talkin domestic pets i love guinea pigs, cats and (i’ve never had them but rats
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? don’t. this’ll turn into a follow forever and i won’t get any clout bc it’s in such a long post !
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? OH hm. i thought as hard as my tiny brain could about this and i think teleportation would be interesting but if we can choose ANY superpower. is magic one? that’d b pretty wack
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? when i’m walking to school at half 7 in the morning and no one’s there and i can hear the trees lining the field rustling in the wind in the distance. it was rainng this morning and even though my whole ass was exposed from the wind and i was soaking it was really peaceful. also there’s a red kite that’s resident to our school field and i love to stand there in the morning and watch it sometimes
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? feeling included DGJHDJ doesn’t happen a whole lot
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i play a lot of sports because i’m in school obviously but i’m really good at rugby bc a bitch is Tactical and Nimble. i love hockey and badminton and stuff though
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? i LOVE smoothies and milkshakes and everything ugh. i’d be bold enough to say i love drinks more than i love food. like apple juice orange juice MIXED juice smoothies BROWN BAG MILKSHAKES! BITCH! THE STRAWBERRY ONE IS SO GOOD UGH
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? fuck yeah brother
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? UGH A LOT OF THINGS like. people biting their nails. people tapping their foot on my chair. people not listening when you’re explaining something THEY needed help with. tapping a pen on a desk or clicking it on and off
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? my mother is a vegetarian so i eat a lot of vegetarian meals. sometimes i get really put off meat but like. a bitch is 13 and doesn’t pay for her own meals so she doesn’t really get a say in what she eats
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? always wanted to entertain people and be nationally recognised. take that as u will
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? TOO MANY let’s go... the arcana so i can marry the 1 (one) love of my life dr julian ilyushka devorak... chill in the hanged man’s realm...
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? i don’t worry about a lot not gonna lie to u
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? cheers i’ll drink to that broe
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? if the screeching sound i make to a slight tune counts as singing then. yes
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? not illegally but i’ve had days off sick where i wasn’t sick bc i couldn’t be asked
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? somewhere safe
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? yeah i have a dog and a cat but as i said m cat got taken by my neighbours and doesn’t even remember us so sjfhdjg
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? night owl but if i’m rested well enough i love being up early
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? no a bitch is 13
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? probably headphones bc i can’t lose them and the sound quality is better but i’m not a MONSTER so earphones. also headphones automatically make old people scoff at u and hate u more
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? whatever’s poetic enough to be On Brand
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? don’t really have one
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? the holier than thou attitude Often showcased on simblr by some. familiar faces
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? it doesn’t really make a difference
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? computer science (mainly for the people because right now we’re just making fucking. powerpoints) or english bc of the people again
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? yee a brother and a sister
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? christmas presents and some perfume & a purse for me
75. CAN YOU COOK? not well
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? attention DFJHGSDJ uhh being kind to people who deserve it and hard work paying off
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? patronization, people who believe their opinion is the only opinion and people who cause minor inconveniences for you for no reason
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? more female probably but i prefer guys
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? i say bisexual but no one’s ever been close enough to let me find out
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? UHHH i really can’t remember i know me and kyla were talking about something and i started crying JGFHDGJ
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? oh god umm probably smii7y but i also really like all his friends like. kryoz etc
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? would say tumblr but she’s gone ! right now i’m really feeling zepeto bc It May Be Tracking Me but it lets me take pics with all my online friends and i have some sort of weird following on there SDFHSDJ
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? i don’t think i’ll ever be able to fully confide in them, i really like my dad but there’s elements of him that don’t really float my boat. same with my mum but i’m less close with her
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? probably australian or. is it swiss? might be swiss.
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? with like 2 things skdghsd
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really but i believe in a higher power of some sort and a life after death. i believe there’s something out there that is listening but i prefer to think it’s the stars
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OF THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? i find the ocean really ineresting but man will always romanticise space
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? im a 13 year old white girl how ruthless can i be
95. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? nop but everyone else in my family can
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? i lie all the time but i am. SO terrible ASJDFHJ i would love to lie less but it’s so easy to slip into one
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? hell yea brother
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? kyla put ambivert so i looked that up and. yeah
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? did when i was younger but i guess tumblr is somewhat of a personal diary
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? “yes, but you should never forget about their past” thanks kyla
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? only monsters aren’t
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? i have my ears pierced. WILD i know
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? UGH FUCK DR JULIAN ILYUSHKA DEVORAK!! it’d be illegal for him to marry anyone but me though
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yep! i have a tattoo on my back. i plan on getting a lot more tattoos in the future, but i don’t want anymore in the near future
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? being outspoken and not. watching things pass by
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? of course
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? oof i really don’t know because of what’s happened to me i don’t know if i could knowing i could never protect them from everything. idk pregnancy seems very nice but once the kid gets annoying thats It for me
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? “i think everyone is smart in their own way” thanks kyla
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? i started laughing once in drama and i pissed myself a lil and i was like ehh thats fine i do that all the time and then i didnt stop pissing and someone was like ‘whats that wet on the floor? they were like mia have u pissed urslef i was like nOSDJF so i had to ask the teacher to leave. u coiuld see the piss down my leg
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? have u SEEN these bags. she’s seen hell 
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOUR CLOTHES? like varying tones of beige and then grey/black
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? of course
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? oh uhhh i feel like maybe when i was younger but i’ve. repressed that memory if i have it
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 13 years young
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? oh jesus something poetic and by atticus probably let’s see
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after spending more time searching for a quote than i did on literally this whole tag, i decided on this. and then i realised. it will always be ‘YOU ARE A SAD BOY’
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May I request an imagine for a Hufflepuff reader who goes to the yule ball with a Durmstrang student but at some point during the night he humiliates her so she runs out crying and Fred Weasley follows her? He actually has feelings for her but in fear of ruining their friendship he kept quiet until he saw her upset and he blurts it out out of anger at the other guy for doing what he did.
Hey nonnie! Thanks for being so patient. I did deviate a little bit, but I hope you still like it! 
y/n Your name
y/e/c your eye color
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You’d liked Fred for a while. Exactly how long was hard to figure out, it had all happened so gradually that you didn’t really notice until you noticed. When the Yule Ball came around you were pretty excited, the Hufflepuff tower became a hub of dresses and gossip and teaching one another makeup tips and looks. It was nice. You didn’t try to let on very often, but you were quite obsessed with pretty things. Not vain, but flipping through fashion magazines was quite a hobby of yours. You’d even tried your hand at sewing. 
So this ball was a dream come true. 
You’d thought about asking Fred. Well actually, you were going to ask Fred. There’d been a whole plan, you’d do your typical late night snack run with him and ask him to the Ball. In the glow of the moonlight you would tell him how you felt and he would say he felt the same and you’d kiss before he’d ask you to be his girlfriend. 
You’d strode up to him in the Great Hall with a large grin, “Hey Fred! How’s it going?” 
“Oh good! Me ‘n Angie are going to the Yule Ball together.” 
Y/E/C eyes went wide in surprise and a single word ran through your head. 
The Ball had been rapidly approaching, and you’d been talking to one of the Durmstrang boys, Rolf, about your plans. Not going as Fred’s date was a bummer, but dammit you were still going to have fun. With a smile he’d gently placed his hand on yours, “I was wondering Y/N, would you like to go with me?” 
You stared at him in surprise, “What?” 
“I wanted to go with you on a date to the Ball.” he laughed a bit, “Would you like to go?” 
Rolf was very sweet. You’d enjoyed getting to know him these past few months, but you hadn’t really thought of him that way. But hell, he was pretty attractive, fun to talk too, and your friend. 
This could be a lot of fun. 
“I’d love to, Rolf.” 
Who knew? You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t noticed he was handsome. Maybe this could turn into a proper relationship. 
Besides, what was the point in chasing a boy who was already taken?
It had hurt a bit, seeing Fred have so much fun with Angelina. You couldn’t help it. You were only human after all. What had hurt more, was the fact that your date kept looking around everywhere but you. Seemingly distracted by something you didn’t know. 
“Is everything alright?” nervously, you flattened your dress’ bodice with the palms of your hand, sighing as the black silk passed smoothly underneath your skin. 
He shook his head, “Everything is fine, Y/N. I’m a bit tired is all.” 
You frowned, you two had only danced for two songs. “Are you sick?” 
“No– why don’t you go dance with your friend and I’ll catch up with you?” 
You placed a gentle hand on Rolf’s shoulder, trying to offer a bit of comfort. Even if he said he wasn’t sick, he seemed offput by something. You allowed your hand to brush against his jacket before striding over to where Fred was, seemingly winded as well. 
Though, you’d seen Fred dance. Two songs like that would knock the wind out of anyone. “Are you having fun?”
Fred grinned up at you, “Well hello there beautiful!” He popped up from where he stood before taking your hand and gently leading it over your head, “Gimme a twirl? You kept talking about this bloody dress, I’d like to see it in action.” 
You laughed and twirled underneath his hand, “Do you like it? I was so excited when I found it!” 
“It’s beautiful. You look simply ravishing, Y/N. Where’s your date? If I were him I wouldn’t let you out of my sight!”
“Ah– he’s tired. Or that’s what he said. He seemed a bit worried about something.” 
Fred frowned and looked around, “Who’d you go with again?”
“Rolf, my friend from Durmstrang.” 
The twin rolled his eyes, feeling a surge of jealousy. Of course it’d been Rolf. The prat. 
Granted, he’d never actually met the guy, but Fred still wasn’t a fan. 
“Are you having fun with Angie, Fred?” 
That snapped him back to attention, “Huh? Yeah I am– I think she’s off talking with the girls.” 
“Shouldn’t you be with her?” 
“Nah we just came as friends, I can reconnect with her in a little while.” 
You paused, as you looked up at Fred. “You went as friends?” 
“Yeah. We basically came as a big group– George is with Katie and Lee’s with Alicia…” 
You still could have asked him out. The corner of your mouth twitched, as you tried to keep from swearing out loud or looking too perturbed. “Well that’s– that’s wonderful–” there was a hitch in your voice. 
Really, you tried to be a positive person. You tried really hard. Your friends always commended you on your optimistic outlook and assumed that it came naturally you. They were wrong. You worked hard to be like this. What sort of insane person didn’t think of the bad side of things? Didn’t think of negative outcomes? But you would be damned if you’d let those sorts of things weigh you down. You could do better than that. 
But damn, this hurt. You’d spent weeks jealous of Angelina who’d done really nothing wrong and annoyed at Fred and feeling guilty for both of these things and it all could have been solved if you’d asked. 
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and you could feel your voice crack before you heard it come out of your voice, “I’m gonna-- I’m gonna go back to my date.” 
“Y/N?” Fred looked concerned as you spun away and fled towards where you’d left Rolf, leaving only the clacking of heels in your wake. He dashed behind you, an easy feat with his long legs and stopped when you ground to a halt before what appeared to be a Durmstrang student snogging some Ravenclaw in a dark corner. 
You hadn’t quite formed a crush on Rolf. But you’d been a bit curious. He’d seemed to have liked you, and been interested. At the very least you considered him a good friend. So even if you didn’t quite ‘like him’ yet, you’d expected that at the very least he’d have the common courtesy to not snog anyone else on what was supposed to be a romantic date. “Rolf?” 
“Oh-- Y/N...” he seemed to falter for his words, as the girl in his arms looked between Rolf and you in confusion. It seemed that she wasn’t aware he’d been on a date. “This is Katelyn, I ah-- I was going to ask her to the Ball, but she said she couldn’t go...”
Your eyebrows furrowed, as you bit back the bile rising in your throat. Unfortunately, your voice came out much more fragile than you’d hoped it would. “I was your backup?”
Rolf seemed to be fumbling for what to say, but before he could you strode away, your head held high and your chin up. Your lower lip wobbled, but you would be damned if you would let yourself cry like this. Not in such a pretty room. Not when you’d spent so much time and had been so happy with how everything had turned out. 
You burst out of the Hall and grabbed your dress’ skirt so you could walk faster, taking in deep breaths of air. You felt something wet on your cheeks and let out a sob as you realized you were already crying. 
“Y/N! Hold on!” Fred jogged up to your side, looking down at you in worry. He wasn’t sure what to say. The past few weeks had been torture for him really. You’d been talking all about your dress and your plans and how excited you were to get dolled up. 
Angelina had said it’d be fine if he went with you instead, she knew that he’d liked your for at least a year at that point, but the day she’d brought that up was the day he’d found out that you’d gotten yourself a date. So he’d watched his angel get dolled up for another man, and tried to stifle his complaints the best he could. 
He hadn’t asked you out. He’d had a date. This wasn’t anyone’s fault but his own. 
And now you were crying, and desperately trying to wipe away the tears before they made your makeup trail down your face. At this point it wasn’t even to keep yourself looking nice, it was a matter of dignity. Fred fished his handkerchief out of his pocket, a rather aged looking lacy thing that his mother had given him a while back. Gently, he turned up your chin so he could dab at the streaks of black on your face. His voice betrayed an anger that his actions didn’t show. “He shouldn’t have done that to you.” 
You let out a sniffle. Obviously you agreed. “I’d’ve understood if he’d told me from the beginning... that he couldn’t get the date he wanted, I was in the same boat.” 
Fred stared at you for a moment, using the kerchief to dab away the last streak of mascara. The date you wanted? Was there another guy mixed up in all of this? 
“I fancy you.” Your eyes went wide and Fred took in every last detail of them as he spoke. “I have for about a year now, I reckon. Drove me crazy seeing you get so excited to go out with another guy.” 
There was a pause, as now Fred began to fumble for his words, “Not that that’s your fault-- I didn’t ask you out but still--” 
You reached out and grabbed Fred’s collar to bring him down into a kiss, one that Fred quickly reciprocated, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in close. The music was drifting in from the Great Hall, and as you two finally pulled away Fred gave you a smile, “Why don’t we go back in? I’d like to dance.”
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