#if we're locked in and dating there is no getting rid of me!!!
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painfully-yearning · 3 months ago
"my red flag is i can be possessive" like i give a fuck??? if we're out in public hold me by my waist and don't let go. make me sit in your lap if somebody tries to flirt with me. i absolutely want you to be just as obsessive over me because the moment i see a femme check you out, im giving her dirty looks with my arms around you
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killerlookz · 9 months ago
Heartbeat | Joost Klein
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description: Joost Klein x f! reader- In the months following reader and Joost's breakup, neither of you seem to be able to get rid of each other, not even when you've supposedly "moved on" to other people. (heavily inspired by the narrative in Heartbeat by Childish Gambino)
content: 18+ NSFW, cheating, toxic relationships, arguing, angst, some comfort?cigarettes, alcohol, questionable morals, just some mess mess messy stuff, semi-public "suggestive" behavior, fingering, unprotected PiV. This work contains RPF, and has been tagged as such do not click forward if that upsets you and do not share my work to other sites.
word count: 7634
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An unlit cigarette hangs from your sticky, freshly glossed lips, your hands racing to tie the slippery satin ties of your dressing robe. A knock at the door draws you from where you stand in front of your bathroom to the front door. You flip over the locks before carefully turning the doorknob to open it.
A tiny smile forms on your lips as the door opens, revealing your boyfriend, staring down at you. Michael, a man nearly a decade your senior, eight and a half years older than you to be exact, a handsome business-type man who had moved to the Netherlands for work from the States, Boston specifically, though, he didn't have the accent. The pair of you had been casually dating for nearly four months now, though, you could sense that at any moment he'd ask to take things in a more serious direction.
You quickly remove the cigarette from your lips, balancing it between two fingers as you speak,
"Hi!" Your voice expressing greater enthusiasm than you were actually feeling, "You're early." You grit your teeth through the grin that spreads across your face, "I thought you weren't supposed to be coming for another hour."
"Good to see you too," He smiles back, but you can sense a hint of patronization in his words, "I figured, it was already getting kind of late, and I didn't see a problem with heading out a little early. I texted you anyways, but you never responded."
You nod, remembering that you had purposefully left your phone in the kitchen to rid yourself of any distractions while you were getting ready. While you suppose it was nice of him to let you know he'd becoming early, it would have been nicer if he asked first instead of just doing.
"Getting late," You force a fake chuckle, one that turns out more like a scoff, "The sun has barely set, who wants to go to the bar when it's still light outside?"
"Not everyone enjoys staying out until the crack of dawn." He raises his eyebrows, his voice serious in a way that makes you uneasy.
"It's Saturday!" You beam, "Come on, let loose a little." Michael wasn't exactly the party type- at least not now, it had taken a whole lot of convincing to even get him to go out with you and your friends tonight. "We're still going to have to wait anyways," you shrug, opening the door wider to allow him inside, "Julia won't be here for at least an hour, but you know her and being on time." You giggle awkwardly, unsure of what the two of you would do to fill the time while you finished getting ready.
"Right," He shakes his head before his brows furrow, "What's all over your face?"
Your facial expression contorts, confused, "Uh- makeup?"
"Oh pumpkin," He sighs, his voice like saccharin, exceptionally sweet and unimaginably fake. The pet name makes your stomach curdle, and you attempt to press a smile to your lips to hide the way you cringe, "I thought we talked about how I prefer to see you naturally."
You giggle, stunned at the fact he was bringing up this argument again, one you had had far too many times for how short of a while you had been seeing each other, "And I thought we talked about how much I hate it when you call me pumpkin."
"I just don't think you look any better with all that shit on your face, is it wrong of me to think that my girlfriend is beautiful?" There's an argumentative tone in the way he speaks, but you can't even focus on the potential fight that is brewing, not when the word girlfriend is ringing in your ears.
"No," You sigh, not wanting to argue not now, all the energy being knocked out of you with that simple word, "Do you want something to drink while I finish getting ready?"
"Yeah," He lets out a breath, slightly annoyed, "Yeah- sure what do you have?" He lets his tone return back to normal.
"Depends," You step backward, away from the man, towards the small kitchen of your apartment "Do you want something alcoholic or..." You trail off, stepping all the way into the kitchen.
Michael's eyes linger on you as he scratches at the back of his neck, "That's fine." He shakes his head, "Just get me a beer or something."
You nod, opening up the fridge, scowering around, unsure if you even had a beer in there. After pushing some things around, you'd found a singular bottle, you push your arm further into the cold to grab it.
You retreat back to the warmth of the rest of your kitchen, beer bottle in hand, as you kick it closed, both hands now preoccupied as the unlit cigarette still rests between your fingers. Wordlessly, you place the bottle on the kitchen counter in front of where Michael is now sitting before stepping back to search for a bottle opener.
From the corner of your eye you can see your phone light up, resting right where you had left it on the counter before you had begun to get ready. Thinking perhaps Julia was letting you know she was on her way or even worse that she was here now, you quickly shuffle over to it
Upon looking down at the screen you quickly realize it is not Julia who had texted you or any of your other friends who you had intended on seeing tonight.
Joost: It's been a while, what are you doing tonight? Come over?
The simple messages nearly make you choke on your breath as your eyes quickly flick up toward Michael. Joost was just about Michael's complete opposite- he was something exciting, the type of person where you could never guess their next move, no routine, no planning, no nothing- just go go go. Perhaps that discrepancy could be attributed to the fact that, unlike Michael, Joost had only been older than you by a year, his 24th birthday approaching in the fall. Still, even at Joost's age, you couldn't imagine Michael being much fun.
Unfortunately for you, you had let yourself indulge in the excitement that Joost brought to your life in entirely self-destructive ways. Joost had been one of the first people you had met when you moved to the Netherlands, and things moved quick between the two of you, from the moment you met it had felt like you had known him your whole life. Within a few months of living in a brand new country, you had already found yourself with a boyfriend, having rushed way too quickly into a relationship with Joost, and you quickly learned that no matter how much it had felt like you two had known each other your whole lives, the truth was you didn't really know him.
It was a true whirlwind romance, taking your life by storm, every moment consumed by each other. You both had fallen hard and fast. But for as hard as you had fallen, you crashed much harder. Joost was a perfect boyfriend in every area except for the ones that really mattered. It was obvious how completely in love with you he was, he was soft, and romantic, and fucked you in ways that made you feel things you didn't even know were possible.
But for all of his good, for all of his sweet gestures and affection, he couldn't seem to crack the communication thing. At first, you didn't mind when he skirted around the little issues that arose between the two of you, you knew he had things rough growing up and so you gave him grace, figuring opening up to people and dealing with certain emotions was probably difficult for him. But soon enough the "little issues" were not so little, turning into large, glaring problems in your relationship that no matter how hard you had pleaded for him to, Joost would refuse to discuss. Eventually, it had gotten too much, the two of you constantly at each other's throats, and with Joost icing you out whenever things got rough, you had had enough.
Still, you don't get rid of feelings like that so easily, and for the life of you, you could just not stay away from Joost. As hard as you tried to, you had never actually stopped seeing him despite the fact how much things had changed, things weren't quite so sweet and romantic anymore, but to be honest with yourself, if he fucked you good while the two of you were in love, he fucks you 10 times better when you hate each other's guts.
But maybe hate is too strong of a word, oddly enough feeling bad for Joost when you decide you're not going to respond to his text. At some point in the week, you had made the decision that with how imminent a serious relationship with Michael felt, it was probably high time for you to stop hooking up with your ex-boyfriend. It wasn't exactly a decision you were planning on alerting said ex-boyfriend of, no- that made it real, if you were to tell him you never wanted to see him again, it would become real, you were never going to see him again. Ghosting him seemed like the better option, simply leaving things open-ended, it at least allowed for you to change your mind- which you were deadset on not doing.
Michael's voice takes you out of your thoughts, quickly swiping away the message and turning your phone over.
"Hmm?" You hum, looking up, fluttering your eyelashes innocently.
"A bottle opener?" He points to the cap of the drink you had set down in front of him. You throw a smile onto your face, nodding incessantly,
"Right!" You search through a drawer for a bottle opener before pushing it across the counter towards Michael. You continue to ruffle through the crowded junk drawer, looking for a lighter with no such luck. Feeling far too lazy to go rifle through your purse to find one, with the cigarette still in hand you walk over to the stove, turning the burner to its lowest setting, just enough for a small flame to erupt. Carefully, pinching the cigarette by its very end, you quickly stick it in the small flame, allowing it to light.
You shut the burner off, placing the cigarette to your lips, inhaling, allowing your lungs to fill with the warm, prickly smoke.
"Do you really need to do that in here?" Michael asks, his face forming into a scowl, "Or at all."
You turn to the side to exhale, careful not to blow the smoke in Michael's direction no matter how bad you want to.
"Relax," You smile, "The windows are open."
"Are you even allowed to smoke in here?"
"What are you, my landlord?" You furrow your eyebrows, taking another drag, "One cigarette won't get me kicked out."
"Can't say I'm enjoying your little miss attitude act tonight."
You're not in the mood to argue, simply sighing and forcing an apologetic look on your face, though you had felt like there was nothing to apologize for.
"Sorry," You mumble, "Let me just go finish getting ready."
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The area that surrounds you is noisy, alive with all that the city's nightlife has to offer, almost overwhelmingly so. You lean against a wall, observing the swarm of people that inhabit the bar.
"You know," Your friend, Julia, pipes up from beside you, "You really shouldn't let him talk to you like that."
You bite at the insides of your cheeks, replaying the conversation shared between you and Michael just before entering the bar.
Stepping out of the car, your skirt had gotten pulled up quite a bit from having been sitting, your underwear almost on display as you climbed out of the backseat.
"Jesus," Michael scolded as he followed you out of the car, "Who are you showing off for?"
"Huh?" You whipped your head around, trying to ascertain if you had actually heard him right.
Michael leans over, his voice rough as he speaks into your ear,
"Pull your fucking skirt down, you look like you should be standing in the windows in De Wallen."
You clench your jaw, eyes flicking to Julia who was walking around the other side of the car, she shakes her head disapprovingly.
"What's so wrong with that? I'm sure the women in De Wallen are lovely ladies."
"I don't care how lovely they might be, I don't want my girlfriend walking around looking like a hooker."
You sigh, you know Julia is right, Michael was out of line, as he usually was. You stare the man down from where he stands by the bar, looking to squeeze in amongst the crowd that surrounds it in to order some drinks. Your face involuntarily twists into a grimace as you watch him pathetically try and fail to get the attention of the bartender. You want to go home.
"I just don't know why you keep him around." She shrugs, "I mean, I know he's got money and all, but I don't think it makes up for the fact that he has got to be the most stuck-up, grumpy man I have ever met in my life- seriously he's thirty, not seventy-five."
"I don't know," You furrow your eyebrows, "I guess he's stable and stuff- or whatever, you know?"
"Michael? Stable? The man that not thirty minutes ago all but called you a prostitute because your skirt got pulled up."
"I mean stable like he has a good job and stuff, he's normal, regimented, life with him has a routine- I think I need that, maybe he'll mellow me out, I don't know."
"Don't be ridiculous, you're far too young to be mellowed out," Julia pouts, "I mean, really, the party is just getting started for you." Julia's eyes suddenly widen, her lips parting as she speaks cautiously, "Speaking of party..."
"What?" Your eyes widen too, confused, you quickly whip your head around to look in the direction she's staring off in, "Shit." You mutter as your eyes meet the door, and there he is, Joost fucking Klein followed by a group of what looked to be about 5 of his friends. You barely manage to inhale, "I need a fucking cigarette."
Without looking back at Julia, you're making your way to the door, praying that neither Joost nor his friends see you on the way out.
The summer air hits you as you step through the exit onto the bustling city street. You wondered how mad everyone would be at you if you decided to leave right now- bail without a word, run home, and spend the night alone.
You grab at the purse that sits over your shoulder, pulling it down your arm so you can rummage through it, looking for your cigarettes and a lighter.
You flip open the cardboard box, removing a single cigarette, putting it between your lips before reaching back into your purse to fetch your lighter.
You flick the jagged metal of the lighter, the grooves digging into your thumb as you light the end of your cigarette. You toss the lighter back into your purse before slinging the bag back over your shoulder.
You're able to get a few drags in before you're interrupted by a voice, one that immediately makes your stomach sink.
"Ignoring me now, are we?" You don't even have to look, you already know- you'd recognize that voice anywhere, it's Joost.
You whip your head to the side, confirming your suspicions, seeing the slender frame of your ex-boyfriend hanging just outside the entrance of the bar.
"Stalking me now, are we?" You respond, hoping the snark in your voice masks everything else you are feeling.
"I'd hardly call showing up to the same bar stalking," He smirks, walking toward you, "But I mean- if you're into that sort of thing we can pretend I was."
You roll your eyes, taking a long drag of your cigarette, hoping for some sort of head rush from the nicotine.
Joost's features come better into focus as he nears closer to you, messy blonde hair spilling over his forehead, falling into his eyes, a piercing blue as he stares into you, a smirk lingering on his soft pink lips.
"Can I get a smoke?" He asks, innocently enough. You want to say no, so desperately you want to tell him to go away, to leave you alone, that you need to start a life without him.
"Oh-yeah, sure." A sheepish smile crosses your face, your words betraying you, unable to force out any sort of rejection towards him.
You let your already lit cigarette rest between your lips, taking your purse off your shoulders again, grabbing the cigarettes and lighter once more. You shove your hand, presenting the objects to Joost for him to take, his fingers carefully grazing the back of your hand as he does, his touch lingering on you for just a little too long as the two of you stare each other down. Shivers run down your spine, and your chest suddenly becomes tight, he was completely gorgeous- damn him.
"You okay?" He raises an eyebrow, a chuckle falling from his lips, he's not really asking sincerely. You can only hum in response, not wanting to say too much. Things were not usually this awkward between the two of you, and you could feel that you were the one causing it.
You watch intently as Joost lights his cigarette before pushing the pack into his pocket, and you make a mental note to yourself to get them back from him before you go back inside.
"So," He starts, exhaling a plume of grey smoke, "My place or yours tonight?"
"I'm going to my place, and you are going to yours." You respond, forcefully, annoyed at his insinuation that you would be sleeping with him tonight.
"Is that so?" He responds challengingly, his eyes lighting up.
"Yes." You nod, having none of his banter, "And-" You cut yourself off, debating if you even want to say what is about to come out of your mouth next. "I think we should stop this. Us, we need to stop."
"I've heard that one before," Joost chuckles.
"I'm being serious." You let your head fall to the side, "I can't keep seeing you."
Joost's face suddenly drops, understanding the weight of your words,
"What changed?" He scoffs, bewildered at your spontaneous proclamation, "Because if I recall correctly, just last week you were begging for me to come over."
"It's not fair to Michael," You shake your head, "I need to move on, we need to move on."
A grimace forms on Joost's face,
"You want to pull the good girlfriend act now?" His eyes widen, "As if cutting things off now will erase the past-what-four months?"
"I don't want to argue with you about this, Joost," You bite your lip, realizing just how unprepared you really were to cut things off with him, "I know I can't erase what happened, but I'd at least like to try to be better." Your lip quivers, and you clench your jaw, eyes fluttering as you fight back tears. You don't want to give him the chance to reply, you know with the right words he'd be able to talk you right back into bed with him, you can't let that happen.
You let your cigarette fall from your fingers, crushing it into the ground with the heel of your shoe.
"I'm sorry," You mutter, refusing to make eye contact with Joost as you brush past him, rushing back inside.
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It was a miracle you had stayed out this late with everything that had occurred tonight, but there you were, still standing at the bar as the clock neared midnight, a feigned half-drunk smile pressed to your lips as you stared at Michael.
You tried to ignore the way Joost's eyes burned into you from across the room, but no matter what you did you could feel he was there, ever-present.
"What do you say to another round?" Julia smirks, leaning over the bar.
"Fine by me." You grin, anything to make tonight more bearable.
"Nuh-uh," Michael shakes his head, "You're cut off." He points directly at you, his finger almost in your face.
"What?" You laugh, caught off guard by his sudden controlling-ness
"You, you're cut off, you've had too much."
You furrow your eyebrows, you're not completely coherent, but you're absolutely nowhere near blackout.
"I had four drinks," You continue to giggle awkwardly, "Are you joking?"
His face stays stiff, he's serious.
"I don't think that's really your call to make." A smile lingers on your face as you attempt to keep the conversation light-hearted, but you can feel some sort of anger bubbling inside you.
"It is when I'm the one who's going to have to take care of you."
"It's one more drink, I think I'll be okay."
"Sure, one drink, which turns into two, and then three... you don't know how to control yourself, which is why I'm cutting you off." His voice begins to rise, and your eyes dart around the room anxiously, you hope the noise of the bar can drown out the argument that is brewing.
"I don't know how to control myself?" You scoff, "Is that really what you think of me?"
"You haven't exactly proven me any different, I've seen you, I know how you get on nights out, God forbid I don't want to have to deal with you sloppy and belligerent for the rest of the night." His words become harsher sounding, and more pointed as he continues to speak.
"What do you mean 'how I get'? I barely go out anymore because you don't like it, I would just like to let loose a little for once." You begin to match his tone, unable to hide your growing frustration.
"And you should thank me for that," His eyes narrow, "You don't need to be running around partying every weekend, acting like a complete fucking mess."
You clench your jaw, face forming a scowl, you can't believe the words leaving Michael's mouth right now,
"Don't curse at me." You mutter.
"No, I'll say whatever the fuck I want to, and maybe you should show me some respect for once, and listen."
"Oh!" You respond, a little too loud, drawing a few glances from the people who surround you, "You want to talk about respect? That's rich coming from the man who doesn't seem to respect any of my personal decisions, not the way I do my makeup, or how I dress, or when I want to go out, last time I checked, constantly berating your girlfriend isn't exactly respectful."
"Get a grip, y/n," He rolls his eyes, "Yeah, no shit I don't want my girlfriend parading herself around like some sort of fucking tramp."
It takes everything in you to not escalate things further, to not tell him what you had been doing behind his back, if he thought you were a tramp, oh you could show him tramp.
You inhale deeply, deciding to cut the conversation short before you say something you'll regret,
"I don't need this." You exhale, turn around, and head for the door.
The air is cooler than before when you step outside, now that it is later into the night. Immediately you're pulling your purse down your arm, desperately sifting around for your cigarettes, needing something anything to calm you down. Your mind races as your hand combs through your bag, unable to think straight, your mind foggy from all the arguing and the alcohol.
"Fuck," You mutter, Joost, he had your cigarettes. You run a hand through your hair, pulling at the strands, tonight had been a complete disaster.
"Looking for something." A teasing voice calls, resulting in a groan from you, it was like Joost had a sixth sense for when you thought about him, always showing up as soon as he crossed your mind.
"Can you just give them to me?" Exasperation heavy in your voice, wanting nothing more than to just have a smoke, and go home.
"What happened in there?" He asks, entirely ignoring your question.
"It's nothing," You shake your head, "Can I just have my cigarettes back so I can leave."
"Didn't look like nothing." He continues.
"Well, it was," You snap, your voice getting a little too loud for your own comfort, "I'm fine. Please, Joost just give me th-"
"You don't need to lie," He cuts you off, "You know you can tell me."
"It just," You pause, lifting your head to look Joost in the eyes, "It just doesn't concern you."
"But it concerns you," His voice suddenly much softer, "So I want to know."
A small smile tugs at your lips, despite everything you were feeling, your heart is slightly warmed at Joost's interest in what had happened.
"Stupid argument," You shake your head, looking back down at the ground, "That's all."
"Seems like every time you tell me about Michael it's about an argument you guys have had."
"Well, gloating about how great of a boyfriend I have doesn't exactly make for good conversation when I'm with the person I'm cheating on him with."
"Well, do you? Have a great boyfriend?" He pushes, but the two of you both know the answer. You bite the inside of your cheeks, bringing your gaze back up to Joost, who seems to be standing much closer to you now.
Your breathing starts to tremble under his intense gaze, the smell of his cologne is suddenly strong in your nose, nearly choking you. He's expecting an answer. But you can't give him one, you can't tell Joost that you didn't have a great boyfriend mere hours after telling Joost you didn't want to see him anymore because of said not-great boyfriend.
"Look," He sighs, "I know I wasn't the best, so maybe I can't talk, but Michael is just a straight-up dick."
His bluntness earns a small chuckle from you, he wasn't wrong.
"Well, I haven't exactly been the world's best girlfriend either." You shrug, any problem with Michael seemed incomparable to the fact that at the end of the day, you were the one cheating.
"You were to me." His tone contained a romance that you hadn't heard from him in a long time.
"Joost-" You choke, your eyes widening, unsure of where he was heading with this now. How were you ever going to get over him when he constantly crossed all the wires in your brain.
You feel your body go numb as he slides his hand to your waist, you should stop him, keep your promise, and never see him again- but you can't, and most importantly, you don't want to.
"Look, I'm not insinuating anything, if you don't want to see me anymore, that's okay, you don't owe me anything not after what you put up with, with me, but what I am saying, is you do owe it to yourself, to find someone who treats you better." His words are genuine, heartfelt, and he almost feels like the Joost you once knew, the Joost from when you two had first met.
There's nothing you can say in response, instead, you push yourself up on your toes, letting your lips meet Joost's in a soft kiss. Joost wastes no time in kissing you back, his hand now gripping your waist. Something feels different with this kiss, no looming sense of guilt hovering over you, it feels right like it's what you should be doing.
You part your lips, deepening the kiss, a small groan escaping you as you feel Joost's tongue brush past yours. Your movements become sloppy, lips lazily working against each other, each kiss filled with increasingly more passion.
Stunned, Joost pulls back from the kiss, a smile on his lips, now shiny from your lipgloss, "So," He breathes, "My place or yours?" It was exactly as you had thought, so easily, Joost was able to talk you back into bed with him.
"Mines closer." You shrug, your voice suddenly timid as you reach a thumb to Joost's lips, rubbing the traces of your lipliner off of them.
The car ride home feels like years, as the vehicle crawls down the city streets you figure you have probably gotten the slowest Uber driver in the entirety of Europe.
You sit in the middle seat, your arm brushing against Joost's, the proximity is comforting, but not quite enough, you want nothing more than to be all over him.
You trail a finger to the buckle of Joost's belt, lazily tracing over the letters engraved into the metal, Albino. The sudden remembrance of Joost's proximity to fame, even if only in the Netherlands, draws a smirk on your face as you think about all the horny fangirls who would probably die to be in your position now.
"What are you doing?" Joost asks, his words slow, teasing.
"Nothing," Feigned innocence in your voice as you let your palm rest just below the buckle of his belt. Joost clenches his jaw as you let your hand trail a little lower, pressing into the fabric of his jeans, his already-defined cheekbones poking out even farther with the way his muscles strain.
"You're going to kill me, you know that?" Joost's eyebrows raise, a smile pressed to his lips. He reaches a hand behind your head, first gripping at your hair before relaxing his fingers, soothingly scratching at the back of your head.
A hum of content vibrates through your lips, satisfied at what amount of power you had over him, even if it wasn't much.
You continue to press the heel of your palm against Joost's jeans, feeling the way they tighten as he begins to stiffen beneath you. Joost sucks in a breath, his free hand moving to rest on top of yours, he grips your fingers, pulling you off of him.
"You didn't like that?" You pout.
"Does it look like I didn't like it?" He grits his teeth. Your eyes wander down his figure, focusing on his lap, a now more prominent bulge in his jeans.
The car suddenly comes to a halt, forcing your gaze to the window- you were home, and now you're scrambling out of the car, unable to wait any longer to get your hands on Joost.
Joost pops his head back in the car for just a moment more,
"Dankje, fijne avond!" (Thanks, goodnight) He says quickly to the driver as you pull at his arm from outside the car, impatient. "God, woman," He chuckles, shutting the car door behind him, "I'm here!"
The climb up the three stories to get to your apartment is intermittent with sloppy kisses and lingering touches. As much as you desire to get to the privacy of your apartment, you can't keep yourself off of Joost, your hips pressed into his he has you pushed against a wall surrounding the staircase, his lips trailing down your neck, surely leaving little marks you wouldn't be able to explain away.
You card your hands through his hair, gripping at the messy blonde strands,
"Joost, please," A strained whisper crawls up your throat, your hips sputtering forward, begging for some friction, "My apartment."
Joost drops his hand from where it sits against your waist, grabbing your hand, and pulling you the rest of the way up the steps.
Anxious hands fumble with your keys as you try to push them into the lock of your door, a breath of relief as you hear the satisfying click of the correct key slotting perfectly into the small space.
Before you know it, you're pushed up against the back of the door, Joost's hands pinned on either side of you, caging you in with his body. Your own hands wander Joost's body, pulling at his shirt, gripping tightly to pull him closer as your lips collide. The way you kiss is rough, animalistic like you're completely starved for him.
Joost shoves a thigh between your legs, the rough denim of his jeans now brushing against the crotch of your panties. You can't help yourself, bucking your hips forward to push yourself further against his thigh. A small sigh leaves your lips as your cunt brushes against him, suddenly feeling your arousal, your movements made slippery.
Joost's hands make their way to your hips, his touch lingering as they slide to your thighs, grabbing at the hem of your skirt, and pulling it up. He drops his leg from where it's positioned between your thighs, his large, tattooed hand now cupping your heat. He presses the heel of his palm into your crotch, rubbing harshly through the flimsy fabric of your panties. His movements send jolts of electricity through your body, only making you crave him more as your arousal pools.
His fingertips push at your slit over what little clothes separate the two of you, teasing what you really want.
"Liefje," He smirks, pulling away from the kiss, "So wet for me I can feel it through your panties."
Your face grows hot, slightly ashamed at how quick you had become so aroused. Joost's fingers find themselves brushing at the seams of your underwear, hooking into the fabric ever-so-slightly. Your body grows tense as he teases you, his position making it seem like he's about to pull the delicate lace to the side, but he doesn't, his fingers, unmoving as he kisses at your jaw.
You can't take it, feeling so pent up that you might just explode, you knock Joost's hand from where it sits between your legs, pulling the crotch of your panties to the side yourself before pushing your fingers to your clit. You rub small circles to the delicate nerves, gasps leaving your mouth as pleasure rushes through you. You let your fingers dip lower, collecting your arousal on your fingers as they glide through your folds, towards your aching entrance.
Joost finally clocks what you're doing, his lips leaving your jaw, his hand reaching down to cover yours.
"So impatient," He purrs, his breath hot against your neck, reminding you of your proximity, "Here, let me help you."
With his own hand, Joost guides your fingers up and down your soaked pussy, before completely taking the work over himself, your hand now resting at your side as he continues.
With a single finger, he teases your hole, rubbing around it, threatening to dip his fingers in, you shove your hips forward, silently begging for it. He gets the memo, as much as he loves to feel you squirm below him, he loves pleasuring you so much more.
Before long he's pushing a second finger into you, a groan leaving your lips at the way you stretch around him. His thumb taps at your clit, sending extra pangs of pleasure through your body. You can do nothing but lean your head against the door behind you, lips parted with your jaw slack, in complete awe of how good Joost could make you feel with simply just his fingers. He knew his way around your body even better than you knew yourself, able to draw you to an orgasm much quicker than when you went solo. He knew just where to press, just where to rub to make you whine, and stutter filthy curses.
"What was that about never wanting to see me again?" He coos into your ear, and you pick up an almost wickedness in his voice.
"Fuck you," You sputter, voice strained from the magic his fingers are working against your cunt.
"Yeah," Joost sighs, "I'd bet you'd like to."
He's right, absolutely, completely right, and you're melting below him, turning to mush under his touch.
"Lucky for you, I'd love to fuck you too," He removes his fingers from your cunt, "And I don't think I can wait much longer."
Your pussy is left throbbing, feeling your heavy pulse between your thighs as you clench around nothing, aching from the lack of stimulation. Joost presses two fingers to his lips, shiny from your slick, enveloping them with his mouth, moaning slightly at the taste of you on his tongue.
"So good," He mumbles as he pops his fingers from his mouth, "Now, c'mon." He's grabbing you by your wrist, pulling you to your bedroom.
You nearly stumble onto your bed, leaning face first on the edge of the mattress while your feet still rest on the ground below you, ass up.
Joost stands behind you, his hips pressed into your ass. You whine as his stiff cock brushes against your exposed cunt through the thick denim of his jeans. You can feel the cool metal of his belt buckle press into you as he leans forward, hands trailing up your torso as he kisses your shoulder blades.
You arch your back farther, looking for some friction, desperately trying to grind your cunt against him. Joost's hands linger on your body as he lets you search for some relief, helping you just a little by bucking his hips ever so slightly. He gropes at your tits, hands crawling into your shirt to get a better feel. He pinches the pebbled surface of your hardened nipples, making you squeal, his breath tickles your neck as he chuckles at your reaction.
Soon enough he removes his hands from you, and his hips no longer press into your thighs. You're impatient as you hear the clinging of his belt buckle. your pussy instinctively clenching as the sound meets your ears like you've been trained to know what's next. You hear a small sigh leave Joost's mouth followed by what sounds like him pulling his pants down, the belt once again clinging as it hits the floor. You peek behind you, biting your lip as you marvel at the sight before your eyes, Joost, naked from the waist down, his cock hard, tip throbbing an angry shade of red. He's gripping the bottom of his shirt, exposing the trail of blonde hair that leads to his pubic area. His shirt comes all the way off, leaving him entirely undressed behind you.
"See something you like, hm?" He asks, teasingly, noticing the way you stare at him, bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
You can't even respond, not as he walks closer to you, your brain dizzy with the knowledge of what is about to come next. You return your gaze forward as Joost's hands find their way to your hips, fingertips gripping your flesh. You gasp as you feel the tip of his cock brush against your folds. You have to fight the urge to instinctively push back against him.
Joost continues to grind the shaft of his cock against your cunt, collecting your slick around its length. He pulls back a little, letting the head tease your entrance, about to push in before he stops himself,
"Wait." He breathes, "Turn around."
Slowly, you flip over, back pressed into the mattress while your legs still dangle off the sides. Joost nods, content as he steps between your legs.
"Take your shirt off, let me see those pretty tits." You obey, pulling the top over your head, suddenly very exposed as you had decided to forego a bra tonight. Goosebumps litter your skin as Joost slowly lowers onto his knees, he's quick about his movements, not taking time to linger or tease as he pulls both your skirt and your panties down the length of your legs. You raise your back to help him a little, lowering back onto the mattress once you feel the fabric hit your ankles. You kick off the heels you had been wearing, the pooled fabric following, now leaving you entirely exposed under Joost's lustful gaze.
He stands back up, gripping the backs of your thighs as he does so, guiding your legs up. You wrap your legs around his thighs, and Joost moves closer, his arms pinned on either side of you as his body hovers over your own. The new position allows you to move your legs to be wrapped around his hips, digging your ankles into his back to push him closer to you.
He presses a rough kiss to your jaw, an indicator of how hungry he was for you now.
"Ready for me," He mumbles into your skin.
"Mhm," You hum, "Please."
You can feel him smirk as his lips linger on your skin,
"So polite, anything for you, liefje," He coos, removing one hand from the side of you, balancing the entirety of his upper body weight on one forearm now.
He grips the base of his cock with his now free hand, messily guiding the tip through your folds before lining up with your entrance. He waits a moment before finally pushing into you, he's slow, careful. The two of you share a gasp as he slips inside of you, the way you stretch around him is familiar, but it never gets any less mind-numbing no matter how many times you find yourself in this situation.
Your fingers grip into his bicep as he slowly pushes into you at a painfully slow pace. A strangled groan leaves your mouth as he finally bottoms out. You relinquish some of your grip on his arm, fingers loosening as he begins to build up a steady pace, thrusting inside of you.
You let your head tip, and back arch, completely relaxing your body, allowing yourself to be entirely consumed by the pleasure Joost brought you.
Neither of you speak for a while, the loud moans that escape both of you were doing more than enough talking. For a split moment you feel bad for the neighbors, and you hope they aren't awake to hear you through the thin apartment walls. But, your thoughts are swiftly taken away from your acute guilt as you feel Joost slam into you, harder than before. Your eyes shut tight, a pathetic whimper crawling from your throat as the tip of his cock hits deep inside you.
"Joost," You gasp as his thrusts become more pointed, the bed rocking beneath you.
"Feels good, right?" His voice is rich with cockiness, "No one fucks you as good as I do?"
"No," You exhale, "No one," Your vision begins to blur, as pleasure completely overtakes you.
"That's right," He groans, "No one knows your body like I do."
He's right, and you're sure no one will ever know you in the way he does,
"Fuck," You swallow, "We're never going to be able to stop this, are we?" Your heartbeat increases as you come to the realization of how badly the two of you need each other- no matter how much it disturbs the other facets of your life.
"No," His fingertips dig into the naked flesh of your hips, "We were made for each other." The way he speaks is barely romantic, his low growl rather implying that the two of you were doomed to forever be intertwined in this unfortunate circumstance, the far of you far too flawed to be with anyone but each other.
You can feel your body tensing up, a pressure burning in your abdomen, threatening to explode at any moment. You screw your eyes shut, your face twisting up, all of the emotion of the night smacking into you as your orgasm approaches.
"So close," You wince the hot coil in your lower stomach about to crack.
"Want to feel you make a mess on me," Joost begs from behind a clenched jaw, "Come on," He urges.
It takes a few more thrusts for your orgasm to overtake you, but as it does, it's strong. What could just be about considered a scream passing through your throat as your legs start to shake, your body tingling.
"Love you," You slur, your brain too fuzzy to even be cognisant of the words as they leave your mouth, your subconscious speaking for you.
"Yeah?" Joost asks, his thrusts becoming sporadic, losing pace, "Say it again, tell me how much you love me, schatje."
"I love you," You whine, your entire body twitching as you lose all control over your reflexes, your climax now in charge, "Love you, love you so much." Your words become slower, jaw slacking as your orgasm rolls over you, reaching its final stages, your cunt spasming around Joost.
"I know," He sighs, his lips returning to your jaw. He's able to slip in and out of you much faster now, his cock covered in your release, his thrusts forcing strangled cries from you, "I know," He repeats, "Fucking love you too,"
His hips stutter, and a string of curses are grunted into your neck as Joost's own orgasm approaches.
You inhale sharply as you feel him begin to finish inside you, his cock twitching in your poor overstimulated cunt as the warmth of his release fills you. It's messy, the way he continues to thrust with as much force as he can muster as he rides out his high, cum spilling onto your inner thighs which each thrust, lewd wet sounds filling the air.
Soon enough Joost is collapsed on top of you, his breathing heavy as he tries to collect himself. Your legs drop from hs waist, your entire body lazy.
A certain sense of guilt creeps into you as you realize Michael is right, you have no self-control, unable to give up the feeling that Joost gives you for anything else in the world. You'll forever be chasing the high he gives you, because Joost was right too, you were made for each other.
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melodymay-k1tty · 2 years ago
What would dating Law be like?
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A/N: Hello! It's me again, enjoying writing these fluffy headcanons. And now here's one about Law, our cold introverted boy. Hope you enjoy it! 🫠💕
Oh, and of course, I wanted to say thank you for the +50 notes I got on Zoro's bf headcanon in just 1 day, that was really special for me! Thank u so much guys!!!🦙💞
🫀 Law-kun! Just like Zoro, Law's Love Language would be Quality of Time and Acts of Service. I.e., he would do you favors (without you knowing he's behind them) and spend time with you (without you realizing that's what he wanted). In order to spend time with you, he would probably make up excuses to stay by your side. Lame excuses like “You're sick, you need care, whether you like it or not” would be frequent.
🫀 Law-kun! He would be extremely jealous of you but would absolutely NEVER let anyone see it, not even you. If a guy ever leered at you or approached you, he would act as stealthy as possible, and would probably create a room to cut him to pieces and then do who knows what with the guy, just to get rid of the pieces of his body.
🫀 Law-kun! He would never say "I love you". But he would provide to you with a lavish breakfast every morning. He would stop by your room every night before going to sleep, watching you in a slightly psychopathic and creepy way, not saying anything, confirming that you are safe. And would also use your room to take you wherever you wanted to go.
🫀 Law-kun! He would love to sneak up on you as he watches you doing something you are passionate about. He would watch you curiously and speculatively.
🫀 Law-kun! He would say something like "Get away from her, Bepo" when the crew bear hugs you, and something like "You guys are pathetic" when his crew members praised his sweetheart.
🫀 Law-kun! He would pick you up bride-style when you is in danger (just like he picked up Robin in the movie One Piece: Stampede), and take you away from there, leaving you in a safe place and soon after returning to the field of battle.
🫀 Law-kun! He would probably be a little possessive of you as he doesn't like that other people messing with his things. But that doesn't mean he would be rude. He just wouldn't want hungry hawks hanging around his sweetheart.
🫀 Law-kun! He would get serious and dead-faced when you crack a joke, probably feeling embarrassed for you. But still, inside he'd be laughing and thinking about how ridiculously stupid you can be (which kind of appeals to him).
🫀Law-kun! He would grumble in anger and nearly explode when you tried to make him jealous by talking about some other guy.
🫀 Law-kun! He would leave you vacuum (not answer you) many times when you asked him something. And usually, that would just serve to piss you off and make you hit him. There's something about it where he could hold your hands and make you stop, feeling like he's in control (which he likes a lot).
🫀 Law-kun! When you're mad at him and lock your bedroom door, he'll say "Chambers" and switch places with your blanket, getting on top of you, or maybe your pillow, leaving your head on top of his lap. And he would smirk to see you impressed and stressed about it. “I won”.
He would eat bread for you!!!🍞
A/N: Okay, so... We're done here. What did you guys think about this one? I hope you enjoyed it, it was sooo much fun to write!
Sorry for my bad english, if so.
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munsonsprincess11111 · 1 year ago
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: OK so in this we're gonna say Eddie survived his name got cleared the earth quake didn't happen. You and Eddie are secretly dating as your Dustin sister. You know about the upside down but avoided it this time and after Eddie's gone to the upside down and his names cleared he comes straight to you.
1:53 am the clock shone on your night stand. You hadn't seen Dustin in a week as u refused to help with the upside down this time due to nearly losing your life the last time. You tried to talk Eddie out of it but he didn't listen. You hadn't seen him either.
You and Eddie have been secretly dating from everyone Dustin included. For around 7 months now.
You'd heard on the news that Eddie's name had been cleared by new evidence that came to light. Proving it was Jason carver. You and all your friend knew it was vecna and the upside down. But if Jason taking the blame kept Eddie safe then that's what you'd agree with.
However no one had seen or heard from Eddie still. Some say he's dead. Some say he ran way out of Indiana. Not even you know as you haven't seen Dustin either. The television was on in the living room you could hear from your bed. Your mom hadn't been sleeping properly since Dustin has been missing aswell.
Your eyes slowly start to shut when there is a loud bang on the door. Your eyes snap back open throwing your self out of bed grabbing your dressing gown and running to the living room. You saw your mum clench her blanket over her as she looked at the door.
You grabbed the baseball bat you'd put by thr front door despite your mom's protests. You peek through the peep hole to see two curly haired people stood outside. Short scruffy curls and short. Long scruffy curls and tall. You immediately drop the bat quickly unlocking the door. Your mom still looking over.
You swing the door open "oh my god" you say grabbing Dustin and pulling him in for a hug. He hugs you smiling. He has a few cuts and marks and a slight limp. When your mum sees him she runs over. You let him go and he immediately welcomes your mom. Her eyes well with tears and she mumbles thanks yous and other things.
The other person let's out a content sigh head resting on the door frame. Only then do you turn and lock eyes with him as he was starring at you. Your mouth falls open at the sight of Eddie. Clothes torn. Covered in blood. Bandage around his stomach. Mouth covered in blood. Black eye. And a cut around his neck.
Your eyes well with tears at the sight of him. Eddie puts one arm out gently grabbing your shoulder and pulling you in. Your head goes onto his shoulder as you sob. He puts one arm around your shoulders keeping you close kissing your head. Both your arms go around his neck as you sob holding him.
He stands up straight so he can hold you properly. He sways will you hugging you ignoring the pain of standing fully. Cause he needs this. "I thought I'd lost you." You sob holding him tighter. He then kisses your head again resting his head on your shoulder turning his face to kiss your neck.
"Can't get rid of me that easily babe." HE smirks trying to lighten the mood. You stay like that for a few more minutes as Eddie sways you side to side.
"You stink." You sniffle as you calm down. Still not letting go of the boy.
"Thanks babe." HE replies rolling his eyes.
Your mom let's Eddie shower to get the, mud and god knows what else off of himself. You dig out the first aid kit. As Eddie gets out the shower he's greeted by you and the first aid kit.
You help him dry off in the most painless way. "Kay arms up." You say getting him to lift this arms up. You gently clean off the area that had what looked like chunks of skin missing from either side of his body.
Eddie hisses in pain and you apologise non stop. Then wrapping a bandage around his stomach. Add the tape and kissing both sides of his stomach. Then rebandaging his arm. Then his leg. He rewraps his towel around his waist and he hobbles into your bedroom.
He goes to change into clothes he'd given you of his. Now seems like the time you need to tell Dustin. You knock on Dustin bedroom door and he tells you to come in.
"I need to tell you something. You can't get mad. Me and Eddie are dating." You blurt our quicker then you can guess.
"Already knew. When Eddie thought he was gonna die he told me. I'm happy for you guys but you could've told me." Dustin confesses.
You let out a breathy laugh of relief. "Idiot." You say
"Isn't he just" Dustin says with a laugh.
You exit Dustin room and walk into your own bedroom. Nothing your mom sleeping peacefully in her own knowing Dustin was safe. You walk in and see Eddie laying on your bed still with his towel around his waist.
"SO ya told Dustin huh?" You ask Eddie closing your bedroom door.
"Well when I thought I was gonna die I kinda told him. And then the two days after when my name was getting cleared I told him more. Like how we've been dating for 7 months. We've been on dates just that kinda stuff." Eddie answers still laying on your bed his hair now damp.
You nod walking over to Eddie laying next to him. He looks over and rolls on to his side hissing when he knocks his arm. He lifts his hand to you face and kisses you sweetly. Your hand goes to his neck as you kiss him back keeping him close not wanting him to stop.
"I love you. So fucking much." Eddie says against your lips.
"I love you too." You say pecking his lips.
He slides on a pair of boxers he once left at your place and climbs under your duvet snuggling up next to you. You both drift of to sleep mumbling hoe you love eachother and exchanging sleepy kisses.
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literaryslapshot · 11 months ago
22- So High School with Princess and Nolan pleeeeeeeaase 🫶🏻
"you knew what you wanted, and boy you got her" | poetic prompts | warnings: anxiety, panic attacks, chaos, weddings
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it was everything they could imagine, even though it was the most stressful day of their life.
the wedding day had finally approached. after almost five years of dating, a year of being engaged, the day arrived. typical wedding day jitters fell upon both parties, the usual last minute thoughts and touch ups, nothing prepared either of them for the massive chaotic crowd that was waiting outside the venue.
even though the bridal party did their best to keep it away from y/n, she knew that the flowers hadn't been delivered, the photographer was an hour late, and the shuttle was also late. as a group they decided to push the wedding back at least an hour to make room for adjustments. but nothing, absolutely nothing, was going to stop her from getting married today.
not even a nervous groom.
"y/n, i need to talk with you for a second." her maid of honor whispered in her ear. she was about to get in her dress, hair and makeup done and set, ready for pictures when the photographer would arrive. stepping to the side in her silk robe and slippers, she felt her stomach drop. god, what now?
"no bullshit. i know we're all done with that today, but you need to talk to nolan. travis texted me saying he is having a panic attack and won't come out of the bathroom. all of this massive chaos is probably freaking him out too," y/n was handed a tissue when she felt tears well up in her eyes, "no no, no crying, it'll all be okay. i'll go with you?"
"no, i can do it. when the photographer gets here y'all go ahead and take pictures and just wait for me."
walking across the venue and where the guys were getting ready, she knocked on the door and was greeted by travis. she made sure all the guys left before talking to nolan. it was like his soul knew she was there before she spoke. a few seconds before she knocked on the door he felt his breathing steady out.
"nolie it's me, please open the door. nobody else is here, just you and me." she softly spoke. he got up, leaning his forehead against the wooden door with a soft thud.
"it's bad luck to see each other before the wedding," his thick accent present in how he spoke, sniffling after he finished. he heard her giggle and slide her slippers across the wooden floor.
"we've had enough bad luck today, so i think we're gonna be okay." he unlocked the door then leaned against the wall, waiting for her to open it. her heart softened when she opened the door, noticed that he'd been crying a lot with tear tracks down his cheeks. his shirt was unbuttoned and his hair was messy. "oh baby," she placed her hand on his cheek, wiping another tear away.
"'m sorry, princess." he took in a sharp breath before letting out another cry. "i just got really nervous, y'know? i mean what if i'm not a good husband? i don't want you to get sick of me and...and leave."
she tucks a lock of loose hair behind his ear, grabbing a tissue from the counter and wiping his cheeks and nose for him. "if i was gonna get sick of you, i would have left by now." she kisses his forehead softly, "remember when we went on our first date? you were so confident, and it was really hot." nolan chuckled, "and when you came to the shop like ten times that next week? you knew what you wanted, and you got her. you got me, and i'm not going anywhere. i'm gonna be your wife, you're gonna be my husband, and we're gonna have a happily ever after together."
nolan places a hand on her cheek as she spoke, a smile on his lips and this time, happy tears filling his eyes. they share a sweet and emotional kiss, one she hopes to recreate in an hour at the altar. they pull apart and she helps nolan fix his tie and to get rid of some of the tear tracks on his cheeks.
"alright, nothing is stopping me from getting married to you today." nolan laughs with his head thrown back, "i'll see you in an hour," she walks to the door of the groomsmen suite, "i'll be the one in a pretty white dress." nolan kissed her on the cheek.
"i'll be the one waiting for you at the altar, princess."
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elixrr · 1 year ago
SYNOPSIS: You don't know how, and you certainly don't know why, but somehow your once-beloved boyfriend, Kuni, broke up with you about a week after high school graduation. After leaving and ghosting you out of nowhere, you decide that you need to move on, and you let your friend, Kazuha, move in with you. While he's definitely a dating candidate, you start college and, by fate, a boy named Xiao sits next to you in the lecture hall...
WARNINGS: Heavy swearing, some fighting, sexy men
CHAPTER: Prologue
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You dropped the glass cup from your hands.
“You heard me.” Kuni scoffed, arms crossed and eyes rolling. “I've had it with you. I'm done. We're done.”
“But— But why? What did I do? Is there something—”
“No.” He cut you off like he meant it. And judging by his demeanor? He really fucking meant it.
“There's nothing to discuss. There's nothing to negotiate.” Kuni leans in close, “We're well fucking over, got it? I don't give two shits if you cry to your friends about me because in my happy little world— without you— we never happened. And never will. Ever again.”
Kuni pushed you away, grabbing his things and his suitcases. He stopped at the door and turned around to look at your tearful face.
“Bye, crumby little shit.”
And the door slammed shut. Even when sobbing, you could hear a car skid to the front of the house, as well as Kuni's suitcases rolling against the pavement. A few car doors open and close, and the car skids away.
And that was the end of it.
What did you even do wrong?
“Wh— Who are you calling a fucking crumby little shit?” You sob, slamming your palms on the kitchen counter.
“What the fuck did... What did I do wrong?” Dirty dishes are suddenly shattered and pieces of ceramic scramble across the floor. A vase with yours and Kuni's one-year anniversary bouquet suddenly crashes and shatters on the floor. You rip the flowers apart and throw them across the room.
What the fuck—
—did you do wrong?
— – -
It's been a good two months since the breakup, and you've been doing better. You've been hanging out with your friend groups more often, and they've been there to cheer you up. Actually, you even let Kazuha move in with you, and after getting that plan straight, you trashed everything that reminded you of Kuni.
Still. Your ex-two-year anniversary will happen a week from now, and you're really not excited. You're curious, though. Why did he even break up with you in the first place? You weren't an asshole, nor were you violent. You and Kuni were a good pair, so why did he leave you like that?
“Y/N?” Kazuha tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. “You're spacing out again. Are you okay?”
Snapping out of it, you look at Kazuha with a forced smile. “I'm pretty okay. Actually, thinking about it now, getting rid of Kuni's belongings really helped. I just need to use a different air freshener.”
“Ah, that actually reminds me, I did buy us an air freshener. I picked out something that reminded me of you, so it's on the sweeter side, if you don't mind.”
Kazuha smiles back at you with the air freshener in hand, and you're pretty much speechless.
“Aw, Kazuha! You think I'm sweet?”
“Of course. Now, let's continue moving and building the essentials. I'd rather not sleep on a futon again.”
“Right, let's get on with this.”
You come in and out of the house, unloading the final pieces of furniture from the car. You watch Kazuha swiftly piece the new furniture together one-by-one, and his whole room has all of his belongings organized, even without the furniture being finished.
You stare in awe as Kazuha completes his rocking chair like it was just some small, easy puzzle that just about any baby could solve.
“You're literally such boyfriend material.”
Kazuha stops in his tracks.
“Huh? What happened?”
“You... Ah, nothing. I thought you said something. A– Anyways, I'm nearly done. I'll just need the closet.”
“Oh, I have the box and the pieces in it. Let me get it for you!”
You leave Kazuha in the room in shock. He thought you were still into Kuni... Did you actually mean those words? Is he really a potential rebound option for you?
Do you really like him back?
Whatever the case may be, he doesn't want to risk rejection. Not yet, especially when he's just moved in.
“I've got it! Here you go.” You hand Kazuha the parts for the closet. “I hope this is better than your old one. IDEA has some really good furniture.”
“It is, I'm really happy to have a functional room.” Kazuha opens the box up and begins his work on the closet. You lean on the doorframe quietly, watching him work his magic.
It's amazing how times changed. With Kuni around, you rarely ever got to go out alone. He always needed you near, and so you eventually were fired from your job at moonbucks. You had to distance yourself from friends that he didn't get along well with or didn't know of. Kuni was very clingy and just as toxic.
A thought pops into your mind. You smile.
Maybe I'm better off without him.
Why did you even stay with him in the first place?
“So, Y/N. I've been thinking,” Kazuha interrupts your thoughts, “should I start paying the rent? You're jobless, thanks to... Anyways, my family fortunes and my jobs can give us enough for rent, food, and other things.”
“Shit, I should get a job now that Kuni can't control me.”
“Issue is, college starts for both of us, no? Three days from now.”
“Shit! Shit shit shit, you're right. There is a café nearby that I could try going to. Pays above minimum wage, and it's pretty popular, given the only other café nearby is absolute dogwater.”
Kazuha gives you a look.
“...Sorry. I know your friend worked there. But! Ever since he moved away, the place has gotten shittier and shittier. Most of the employees quit, anyway! Ah, whatever, it's okay. I'll look into getting a job at Starry Night.”
— – -
“See you at lunch?” You smile at Kazuha.
“Of course. See you at lunch.” Kazuha smiles back and walks into the building. You watch the doors shut, and you start going towards your destination. You've got about fifteen minutes to get across the campus, and luckily, your class is about five minutes away.
You look around. The day is bright, the sun shines down on the campus, and there are people everywhere. You glance over at everyone nearby, and while you're nervous, you're absolutely ready for this year without a toxic boyfriend.
“Woww Y/N, you got a glow-up!” Hu Tao chimes in, hopping in to give you a hug. “I haven't seen you all summer! How've you been? Why didn't you text me?”
“How's Kuni?” She adds.
“Oh, he's the reason why I haven't texted all summer. His ass broke up with me, and honestly? His loss, my gain. I mean, no more boyfriend air, right?”
“Wow, he really is a dick! Well, just remember that my grandfather runs a funeral home, and if you need to call in for a cremation, I'll give you a discount! Anyway, my class isn't this one, so I'll set you free. Later, friend!”
And within a heartbeat, she runs off to the next friend she spots. You sigh with a smile, entering the building to attend your classes. The actual room was bigger than your average high school classroom, but it was smaller than a gymnasium. A good amount of the seats were full, but there were a few rows left almost completely empty. You sat down in a randomly chosen row, and nobody really sat near you. Besides, you might as well introduce yourself later.
“Can I sit here?” Someone beside you mumbles. You look to see who it is, and it's...
It's a cutie.
“Yes. Absolutely, yes.” You blurt out, coughing in embarrassment. To make matters worse, the boy gives you a confused side-eye but sits down regardless. In this row, there's only you and this mystery boy. A silence settles between you two, even with the slight bustle of the lecture hall, and you just can't help your near deathly curiosity. Who would pass up an opportunity like this, anyway?
You turn to the boy with a small, welcoming smile, and an offer to shake hands.
“By the way, I'm Y/N. What's your name?”
He turns to look at you, removing the airpod that faced towards you. He denies the handshake and responds,
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CHAPTER 1 ESTIMATE: Sunday, January 21st|ET
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pyrrhicraven · 9 months ago
Can we see the families of the fic ships react to them dating?
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Charlie looked flabbergasted as she walked in on them, and honestly, Lucifer really wished his daughter had picked a different time to walk it.
"Dad? Alastor? Wha?" She looked panicked and confused, they pulled apart right before Angel and Vaggie walked into the room, probably hearing Charlie's loud exclamations.
"Char char please." The look in her eyes was enough to kill him where he stood.
"I thought you two hated each other and you've been what- sneaking around? I don't get it!" Charlie said the pain clear in her voice and expression. Alastor's ever-present grin seemed to lose some of its vigor even if he couldn't actually stop.
"No Charlie, we haven't been sneaking around. It's been..." Alastor seemed uncharacteristically at a loss for words.
"Eye fucking each other every time yer near each other and pretending it's not romantic?" Angeldust offered and Vaggie snorted so hard he wouldn't be surprised if her brain popped out her nose.
"Alastor hasn't a romantic bone in his body," Vaggie said with a laugh and Alastor rolled his eyes.
"He happens to be very romantic," Lucifer said because he couldn't say that Alastor wasn't trying-even if their dates kept getting interrupted. That comment sent Angel and Vaggie into hysterics but Charlie looked numb, almost as if she wasn't there really.
"I thought you loved mom though?" Charlie asked in a small voice and if he hadn't been such a coward he wouldn't be hurting his little Char Char right now.
"Look, Charlie...Your mother. She grew tired of well," Lucifer gestured to himself before continuing.
"I was so in love with her that I just couldn't see how miserable I was making her, she left me. Left hell altogether just to get away from my influence." Charlie's eyes widened and he had at least guessed where she'd gone, it hadn't been confirmed until that snake guy-what was his name again..." He struggled to remember before Alastor gestured at him and it came to Lucifer.
"Ah yes, Pentious had sent word from heaven that he'd seen Lilith from a distance." Lucifer had asked through his connections and learned that yes she was in fact there. That didn't stop the look on Charlie's face so he blathered on.
"We're separated Charlie and for a long time, I couldn't accept that. Alastor...Well, he pulled me out of my shell as much as you asking me to be here did. Interacting with others again after I locked myself away trying to rid myself of the pain." Charlie looked close to tears and Lucifer opened his arms, she flew into them at once.
"I'm still kicking both your butts for not telling me though." Charlie's voice was muffled but the message was loud and clear.
"Yes, deerling," Alastor said patting Charlie's back as she practically strangled Lucifer with her strong hug.
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zaxal · 8 months ago
Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to tag five other writers to spread the love. 💗
thanks for the tag @ripeteeth !!! i've been sitting on this for a few days because i have not had the fortitude to say nice things about myself or my writing without also being incredibly critical, but i think we're there today.
all of these are the ones that i remember being the most fun to write, the most fun to reread, and the ones i'm proudest of :}
Breaking But Not Yet Broken - Psych, Shassie, M, ~8.1k, 2012
After being held captive and hurt, Carlton's relationship with Shawn starts getting complicated.
this was my first ever whump fic, and it was so fun to write that i have simply never stopped writing whump since lol. like, yes, technically this is me projecting on lassie for 8k words, but it is also an exploration of the loneliness of healing after trauma (even when someone went through the same traumatic event as you!) and allowing yourself to Be vulnerable when you already feel that all your defensive layers have been forcibly removed from you.
both shawn and lassiter are characters with a ton of these defenses, and they try to default back to them or find comfort in them (with mixed amounts of success) but even when they aren't working (and they can recognize that they aren't working), they can't simply Stop their bullshit.
Mistakes We Never Made (Until Today) - Psych, Shassie, E, ~3.6k, 2015
Things pick up from where they started. His marriage is on its last legs, and Shawn Spencer comes waltzing back into his life.
so this is a post-canon fic where happily-ever-after fails, the canon relationships break up (and it IS the men's fault to be clear; juliet and marlowe have never done anything wrong in their lives--), and these two decide to use each other to self destruct.
and i love it kdsjfksd. look. i love fluffy shassie. i love romantic shassie. i love slow burn shassie. but they are both capable of being such unrepentant assholes, and writing them being their worst selves is so much fun. an extreme vibe of 'bitter exes but they just started dating.'
everything lost - Good Omens (TV), Aziraphale/Crowley, Gabriel/Aziraphale (One-Sided, Abusive), E, ~33k, 2023
For two-thousand years, Aziraphale was sexually harassed and assaulted by the Director of Heavenly Operations. Years after Aziraphale and Crowley break free from Heaven and Hell entirely, Gabriel shows up on Aziraphale's front step with no clothes, no memories, no divine powers, and an inexplicable, unshakeable attachment to Aziraphale. Old and new trauma alike plague Aziraphale as he struggles to get rid of Gabriel without bringing the wrath of Heaven down on him and Crowley both.
i saw the GOs2 trailer and lost my mind. this plot bunny sprung forth from my mind fully formed like athena. she was written and published before the season dropped because i felt in my heart that gabriel would get a face-turn and people would get weird about dark!gabriel fics, and because i wanted it to be irrefutable that i knew nothing about the season before writing.
which didn't need to be a thing i was worried about at all lol. but i had a trailer, a poster, a feather duster, and a dream, and i made it work.
aziraphale whump, my beloved. love using aziraphale's kindness, pragmatism, and manners to keep him locked in a deeply unpleasant situation that's slowly whittling away at his nerves and sanity.
i also really love putting crowley in an outsider position. aziraphale hasn't told him what happened; it's supposed to be over. when crowley wakes up and starts to help him, the presumption is that they'll get this settled and then never see gabriel again, so what point is there in bringing up old hurt? i love writing crowley and aziraphale as a Team, but they spent 6k years pretending they aren't, and i like thinking about the residual habits that they're gonna have to work to get rid of.
Ash and Blood - Psych, Shassie, E, ~61k, 2015
A string of identical murders leads Lassiter down a dark and treacherous path.
in 2012 @inouken asked me to write a lassie vampire fic and i emerged three years later with a novel. like a normal person!
this is really long lassie whump with some shawn whump thrown in for spice. it could count as case fic, if you're good with knowing who the killer is in the first 5 chapters.
because this is one of zax's first wordcount monstrosities, i had a lot more room to play around with characters. shawn and lassiter's relationship develops fast, but i had more room for them to become serious about each other instead of it being right away immediately (even tho those feelings were already there). i played around with some OCs and tested them against the main ship. my biggest regret is not doing more with gus and juliet, but the bits of them that are in here really lead towards the strong relationships they have with their respective partners and are v in character and i'm proud of them.
but OVERALL i really love this fic. i feel like there's a good balance to psych humor vs being in lassiter's head (when babygirl is naturally grim and grumpy when he's Not dealing with suddenly dying and becoming a vampire), relationship fluff vs people dying and figuring out how to fight back, and developing an understanding of the OCs i introduced (feds and santa barbara vampires) and how they fit into finding/taking care of The Killer.
Lambs To The Slaughter - Good Omens (Book/TV), Aziraphale/Crowley, Lucifer/Aziraphale, E, ~142k WIP, 2019 - Present
An angel and a demon dance along the knife's edge of destruction together in an eternal waltz. The demon who had been Aziraphale and the angel who would be Crowley answer to powerful forces that care not for the individual cogs in their celestial machines. This will be their undoing.
twirling my hair, so this is lambs, my reverse omens fic where aziraphale is the sheep demon azram and crowley is the star-spinner seraph corvai. it's my pride and joy and wouldn't exist without @transfemmbeatrice for brainstorming, obsessing with me for YEARS, writing large portions of the middle-end and end with me, and making corvai and azram Real with me.
i go into many AUs with the mindset that i want to push my faves off script. i want them to still be recognizable as themselves, but i wanna see just how far i can twist them around the core of Who They Are.
and i went into lambs with the idea that i wanted azram to be someone terrible but not irredeemable. the idea that he would be simply 'evil' and written off as such didn't appeal to me. i wanted to ask Why a character like aziraphale (a blended form of book and tv; this is why god uses they/them pronouns to set them apart from both) would become harsh, cruel, possessive, sadistic, beyond just Falling and just Being that way after. and how to balance that with the softer parts of who aziraphale is (as said earlier in the bit about everything lost: kind, despite everything, and so capable of loving both crowley, humanity, and earth to his own detriment).
corvai is, similar to aziraphale, a good angel. she is what a good angel should be. unlike aziraphale, corvai is a punk with authority issues and a lot of anger at heaven, at god, and at themself. trade in canon crowley's anxiety for constantly simmering anger and a lack of experience dealing with demons other than azram that means corvai lacks crowley's defensive layers of cool. he's very open and earnest, even when he knows it's a quick way to getting hurt.
i originally wanted there to be some question about whether corvai was secretly raphael but i added the tag to clarify later that they're not. azram will take his time learning this, because azram is an idiot even though corvai, unlike the rest of the seraphim, cannot heal, and raphael is, famously, the healer.
i could keep going but i'm going to cut it off there bc this post is long enough and our power blinked so i'm scared if it'll even post and if you read this far, congrats! i'm sorry!
tagging: @transfemmbeatrice @anethara @andithil @alivingsaint @christocentricqueer
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aspaceformbf · 7 months ago
Stardew Boyfriend Mod Ideas Yet Again!
Apparently there are mods where you can marry other characters in Stardew Valley.. so it IS possible!
I know i wrote some fics detailing what yb would be like as a stardew companion, but they are a bit too detailed and might not be easy to turn into a mod.
I think the gojo mod just adds the heart events and marriage stuff. YB is already in love with you so I like the idea that each heart event is actually YOU liking and trusting him more, like a reverse dating sim.
Fic 1
Fic 2
Or check the #stardew tag
If You're Married to Someone Else
Him killing off characters you're dating or married to might be a lot of programming so maybe just dialogue of him being sad and going
"I would get rid of them if i could.."
If he has 6 of your hearts or above he would be like
"i'm the better option, we both know that..."
Actually.. there might be an easier way to go about this..
What if the NPC you married resets to zero hearts a few days after marriage? They still exist in the game and do their usual routines but the option to date them is locked.
After marriage, yb goes silent for a while or says stuff like
"they don't deserve you.."
"they stole you from me.."
"I will fix this, don't worry.."
And then boom, you're unmarried.
Thing is you can still date and marry other characters, just not the one that yb has already "taken care of"
The cycle just continues if you keep trying that.. you marry.. you get unmarried, and eventually more and more NPCs get locked off dating until there's only him left
YB "Taking Care" of Your Spouses
One day you wake up and your partner is not there. You walk out of the house and there's a dialogue saying
"Where did they go?"
You are still "married" when you check your status
If you find your married partner where they usually are at 0 zero hearts and talk to them, you will get an extra dialogue/monologue going
"Why are they acting like they don't know me?"
You can keep talking to them and they just give their usual dialogues and you get extra monologues like
"Is this some kind of prank? Knock it off!" "What are you doing here? Come home.." "Stop acting so cold.." "What's going on??"
If you don't bump into them and end the day, when you go to bed you will get a monologue saying
"That's weird.. I didn't see them today.."
If you bump into yb
"I had to do this"
"They are out of the way now.. you will understand soon enough"
By the third day, your monologues escalate to stuff like
"So we're really over huh.." "This isn't funny anymore.. if you don't come home soon, we are done"
If you talk to yb by the second day, he will tell you that you're not married anymore and that you and him can "continue loving each other"
After five days your status goes back to unmarried, your ex reverts to 0 hearts and you can date other characters (yb) now
If you try to give them a bouquet again at 8 hearts, you get dialogue like
"They don't seem interested" "They turned it down" "I'm not going through this again"
Other Mod Features
Sometimes the day starts with his sprite next to your bed. He runs off as you wake up.
You get gifts from him in the mailbox.
He gives you common items like forages or berries or fish sometimes when you talk to him. The chances of him giving you flowers are pretty high.
After starting a game with him, you receive two roses in your mailbox. He approaches you with a bouquet. He tries to hug you but your character doesn't know him and steps away.
He looks stunned
His confusion changes to a smiling sprite
"Oh I get it. I need to earn your affection! Don't worry love, I will prove my love to you!"
Q : High Value Items
What if he gives you high value items every other day.. or maybe once a week, so people can't exploit it? 
Imagine if he gives you a gold tool or something hard to get early on if you're lucky enough
I'm not sure if he would give you tools above your current progress level, I mean it's something to consider since he would do it if he could. It would  screw up the pacing of the game though.
Tumblr lore states he is stable financially but he's not FILTHY rich so.. I like to think of him leveling with you. His gifts start off relatively simple and not like.. game breaking.
So expensive and powerful tools could be something he gives you once you reach a certain level or milestone.
Maybe a dialogue option where you can let him know what kind of gifts you prefer? Or something that toggles if he would give you something WAY above your current level?
Q : Existing Children
What if I already have a child with the npc, does the child get dismissed?
Maybe you can't get a child with anyone other than yb in this mod. When you apply to adopt, the adoption process gets delayed or you find that none of the adoption agencies are responding to you?
Q : i already have a kid with maru tho
Probably need a new save file I guess. Or.. 
One way to do this without really breaking the game is if the kid disappears when you add the mod to your existing save file.
You receive a letter in the mailbox reassuring you that your kid is safe. Yeah he kidnaps the child.
Or the kid just stays with you and you're a single parent after he "deals" with your current marriage partner.
Q : the kid could be scared of him
Does the kid have much dialogue in the game? Game wise the kid just disappears and reappears after you marry him.
If there's dialogue involved, it could be a game breaking event where they just act as if yb has been their dad the whole time.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months ago
Hey Silly (can I call you that from now on?) it's been a while! How you doing?
I saw your prompt list and I just thought why not? So, the character I'm choosing is Father from C:KND (obviously). The tropes would be; #2,#5,#8
Just y'know, angst :>
Prompts 2, 5, and 8 with Father
woo yeah its been a while since we've touched the tropes list! and yes you may keep calling me silly, or admin! or admin silly when addressing me on this blog! I uh.. never gave an intro for myself and ive kind of stuck with the silly/admin name since people started using it for me LMAO prompts: sick, hanahaki, mutual pining notes: reader is gn, all prompts are treated as separate scenarios but hindsight is 20/20 as i realize these would have been fire paired up together as one connected thing cws: sickness and general hanahaki stuff
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i might make a post where the roles are reversed, buuuut
i think, benedict is the grumpy kind of sick
but to be fair when is he not at least a little grumpy/j
will stay in bed so at least you dont have to worry about fighting him to rest- he already feels crummy and besides he can afford taking some time to himself to just.. lay down
a little snippier than usual
assuming his natural body heat doesnt kill off or hinder anything that can make him sick, hes running even warmer than usual.. something something warmer bodies being able to slow down infections + from my understanding a fever is just the body attempting to fight an infection
so logically it makes sense that hes burning hot
not very clingy when sick nor does he go out of his way to crawl out of bed to seek you out
okay hear me out: hes the one with hanahaki. as much as i think he would move forward with asking you out, i also enjoy the idea that he tends to self isolate. something something mini character analysis/heavy hc that he swallows up a lot of his more vulnerable feelings and/or translates them into anger something something a lot of that being a product of upbringing something something i am grandfathers number 1 hater
burns the flowers and petals before anyone can ask about them, however i do think as the sickness progresses he slowly loses his powers. quite literally sapping him of his energy
honestly i can see him going through the surgery route just to get rid of the plants
no happy ending here, sadly... even worse if you actually had feelings for him as well, unaware to him
becomes more snappy with the people around him, lashing out from worrying over the sickness as well as the pains (emotional and physical)
that said if he has feelings for you that dont make him cough up flowers, i think hes more inclined to ask you out since it makes it feel less... "life threatening" and "subtly begging for his life if we're going the route where feelings need to be returned otherwise the person dies"
i do think hes at least a little oblivious, at least in the beginning and if youre not being blunt- his mind is always working on what evil deed to do next!
very receptive when he does realize youre flirting with him, it doesnt take long for the two of you to go on a date
dont let this think that he has rizz, by the way. hes still inexperienced but he has just enough confidence to... (scrambles with papers) lock in, becomes clear with time that he hardly knows what hes doing LMAO
leaves gifts for you leading up to the two of you going out, and they tend to be higher quality or even a baked good hes overheard you mention enjoying
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artsninspo · 1 year ago
Hi! Do you write for Modie? Can you do one where she is with the mandem and modie is her bf and she sees him for the first time after he broke out of jail. She is just like worrying about his scar and stuff and he‘s all soft. Just fluff. Thank you so much, love you🥰
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Author's Note: Hey, I don't typically write for Modie BUT since it's fall and Halloween is approaching I thought I’d do something fun with Modie. He gives me joker vibes (I mean it’s no coincidence they both had acid accidents), you know not easily understood, intimidating and a little off his rocker. This request is influenced by Joker and Harley Quinn - hope you enjoy the spin on this req. Sidenote* I don't plan to make this a habit LOL so please don’t be upset if your Modie req is never posted
Pairing: Modie X Reader 
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Mentions of murder & adult themes.
You finish a deep stretch letting out a sigh finishing your yoga for the day. Your thoughts are where they always are on Modie. Your muffin is locked up in a cage where he doesn't belong. Reaching for your phone you check your messages. Nude’s usually works to get his attention but he hasn't responded in hours. Groaning you head into the bathroom to shower and contemplate using one of the many dildos ready in your walk-in shower to take the edge off. You hope the pigs in the prison haven't confiscated his phone again because that’ll mean more time in the hole. You reach for the cast Muffin had made for you personally only to withdraw. He doesn't like when you play without him.
He’ll know, he always does.
“Uhhhhhh” you groan showering without any fun. You were supposed to have a facetime date last night. 
What if I did something wrong and this is my punishment?
You spend time lotioning your body in contemplation of your options trying to find a cause for the silence. Muffin said no tv or internet today so your options are limited, and you're in no mood to play on your switch. Muffin’s crew is having a party tonight, Layton told you. It's your best bet at staying in the loop so you decide on that. You hide your sadness with your makeup and freshly flat iron your half blonde and half black fringe, putting wavy curls in the rest of your hair. You put on a gloss and admire your full pout pretending Muffin was appling it for you. Then you put in your silver grillz he bought for your last birthday to match his. You smile sweetly at the memory of him smiling back at you in approval of the look, his hand under your chin before placing a soft kiss on your lips. What you wouldn't do to be back in that moment again, with him free, with you, when nothing else mattered. You step into your leather boots after getting on a one piece long sleeve unitard in all black. Your ensemble matches your mood. 
The journey to the fields is only a few songs long and you arrive at a full car park.
“Y/N” you're greeted a few times before heading into the yard. You push the door in and Layton stands at attention like you’ve done something wrong. There's no music, no scent of liquor or weed and definitely not the overflow of women these lot are used to.
“Ahhhh” you hear a groan.
You look at Layton knowing he knows better than to conduct business where the mandem call home and he uses his body to keep you out of the flat.
“Move!” you snap before shoving him back. You enter the living room and see the rest of the crew. Kit, Jamie and Si look least happy to see you as usual.
“Can I get you something?” Saf stands.
“I’m alright, thought this was a party” you look around and see the party was set up but nothings been touched.
“Nah, we're heading to another spot” Saf smiles.
“Has anyone heard from Modie? He hasn’t responded to my messages in hours” you ask. Each and every one of them look uneasy like they're keeping something from you.
“He had to get rid of his phone, spoke to him earlier today” Layton says puzzling you. “Then you lot must be fucking up if he used his call to speak to you and not me?” you snap, growing angry.
“Y/N, I swear” Layton stammers as you frown.
“Nah, nothing like that, we have good news for Modie - not bad” Jamie says. “Lets go to this party, yeah?” He stands, forcing a smile. Layton’s a loyal dog but Jamie’s always been smart first.
“I’m riding with you” you declare, watching him closely. Jamie’s afraid of you and you know it. He thinks you're crazy and unstable, he’s not wrong. Jamie's kryptonite is women and children, falling into the former category you have little to worry about. He gets the passenger door for you before getting in himself. He starts the car always observant before pulling out of the spot.
“Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, what are you hiding from me?” you smile excited to play.
“Nothing” he lies.
“How convincing” you giggle. “You're usually much better, what are you on edge about?” you ask, leaning closer.
“Modie wouldn't want you to worry,” he says.
“Modie doesn't need your head all fuzzy, he needs you sharp” you smile and Jamie looks at you uneasily. Your smile grows as your assessment is correct. Jamie’s always shown you the utmost respect even when you've pushed quite far. He's never flirted or been suggestive and always shut down his peers when they were a little too close to the line. Any man with that much discipline and awareness is dangerous. “Don’t worry James, I like you. Relax, unclench - woosah” you taunt before giggling.
“Are you good for money?” Jamie asks.
“Yes Mister So Serious” you mock making a face. Jamie shakes his head in disapproval. “You’re such a stiff, now wonder you and Mo are friends - opposites attract” you smile sweetly.
“You are not his opposite” Jamie mutters and you applaud his wit laughing.
“See, that was a good one. I only get upset when they aren't fair or respectful” you warn.
“Throwing knives is a fair way to address disrespect?” he asks.
“One day you'll find your person and if someone goes mad at them, I bet you do much worse” you pat his shoulder.
“Modie broke out” Jamie says, wiping the smile off your face as he parks. “He had an accident he doesn't want you to worry about.” Jamie sighs as he parks. “He’s in there now, so do yourself up and act surprised” Jamie says once you've picked your jaw up off the floor. Your eyes hold his happy tears well. Your cheeks burn and you sniffle to keep your nose from running as you pull down the visor to get at the mirror. You curse for not wearing a better bra and re-adjust your tits before turning to Jamie.
“How do I look?” you ask him but he’s looking away as usual. “For fuck sake Jamie look!” you whine when he looks away.
“Bra strap is showing, gloss on your teeth” he says motioning to both before surveying you some more. “Some of the blonde is in the black bit” he says pointing to your hair, looking in the visor you fix it quickly. You look at him with big eyes in need of approval.
“Perfect” he nods. “Relax, unclench, woosah” he mocks and you snicker.
“I like you Jamie” you smile as you get out of the car. You head in the venue. The music is loud and you look around. There’s no time to take heed of the song playing as you look around. Layton motions for you to follow him you do with the rest of them to a secondary party drinks are flowing and there are more familiar faces. Phones are taken and shit off at the door. You grab a drink to calm your nerves and look around the party as the lights go so low it's hard to see at all. You feel a body against yours before your arms pull you in tight.
“Looking for me?” his voice asks, making your heart race, turning around and hugging him so tight. “What did I tell you about sending me naughty pics without warning?” he asks, placing kisses on your neck.
“But I missed you and I wanted to feel pretty and sexy,” you confess, pulling away to try and see him. It's impossible. 
“It’s inconsiderate to send a man that kind of material when he’s sharing a cell” he tells you. 
“Sorry, Muffin” you apologise and he chuckles running his hands through your hair. “Sorry” you apologise again when you realise you’ve used his pet name amongst his peers.
“Music's loud, it's okay Sweets” he says and you kiss him again. Your heart is racing as he holds you. You go to touch his face but he holds your hand. Uneasiness fills you. Jamie's words replay and you take Muffin’s hand following the lights on the floor into a private room. 
He’s been maimed. 
“Is who did this to you still alive?” you snap, trembling. Modie tries to withhold his amusement.
“For now” he nods as your temper flares. You hug him again relieved to have him home and he hugs back relaxing.
“I missed you, Sweets,” he says, rocking you side to side. He takes your chin. “Smile” he says and you show him you have your grills in. His smile grows wider and he hugs you again.
“We can drive to Spain and I can find you a good doctor, you can heal and rest and we’ll be alright” you say, devising a plan.
“Shhhhh” he says, holding your face in his hands. You look at the mangled skin and the blue hued cloudy eye. You don't look away and this time when you go to touch that side of his face he doesn't withdraw,allowing the intimate gesture. You smile when he takes your hand kissing your palm.
“What?” he asks.
“I don't know,” you shrug. “I just think it's really sexy,” you confess. “But, when I find out who did it, I'll kill them,” you added, smiling sweetly.
“I’m free now, we can have our fun” he says leaning in for another kiss and palming your ass.
“You promise you're alright?” you ask, looking him over.
“I have my girl and I have someone’s life to ruin - I’m perfect” he smiles and Layton knocks entering slowly with his head down.
“Boss, the mandem wants to toast” he says, you watch Modie’s persona change as he steps out among his peers, the leader of the pack. He keeps his eyes on you looking your way as he socialises and tells the animated tale of his escape. You sip your liquor thinking of all the ways you’re going to reunite later on. It takes you twenty minutes to slowly make your way to Jamie for answers.
“I know you know who did that to Modie” you say loud enough for him to hear.
“It’s for him to say” he responds.
“I thought we were friends” you pout.
“Only because you are more dangerous than him.” he says.
“Shhhhh” you tell Jamie. “Tell me” you mouth.
“Sully, Summerhouse Sully '' Jamie says but the name doest ring any bells. He must be a ghost, someone from the past trying to settle unfinished business.
Now he’ll be a corpse.
“Thanks, James” you smile heading back to Modie, the crowd parts for you like the red sea and you sit on your muffins lap making all the chatter and flattery stop. It's like it's just the two of you in the club, you drink and dance for him and laugh together, he tells jokes and tickles you and holds you and your heart is full because you have your man back.
I had a lot of fun writing this one, depending on how this does I may do a part two. No smut, just mentions of it with a little revenge and more lunacy. Maybe a halloween party idk. Chime in in the comment section.
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be4chywritez · 9 months ago
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Welcome to Beachy's prompt list!
here’s who i write for
requests without a prompt are also welcome!
"Do you even listen to yourself?"
"Maybe you should leave."
"Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask."
"Do you even mean anything you say?"
"Till death does us part, huh?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm done waiting."
"Ew get away from me. No- not you. You stay."
"It's not you that I don't trust."
"Don't smile at me like that."
"I can't get you out of my head. Thanks?"
"It sounds like you’re flirting with me.” “I've been trying for x years."
"Wait you think all the kisses we shared were for shits and giggles?"
"This is humiliating.” “Nothing is humiliating about needing help, love."
"Don't touch me I'm sick. “That's okay."
"You talked in your sleep... do you really love me?"
“A kiss for good luck?”
“I like you.” “Don’t do that to yourself.”
We should compare hands, you know for science.” “What?”
"Your lips are really warm."
always giving each other the first (or last) bite of food.
tracing your lover's features as they sleep.
Accidentally admitting that the other is really pretty, leading both of them getting very flustered.
Fixing each other’s clothes (+ saying “you look good.”)
“you remind me of candy.” “You're always so sticky"
"I like the way your hand fits in mine."
"hey, you haven't come out of your room in like two days...i'm not worried or anything but the dishes are piling up and i need you to be alive so you can take care of them, so..." (roommate!reader)
"that's my hoodie..." "oh." "it's fine. i was going to get rid of it anyway. especially now that you've worn it." (roommate!reader)
“accidentally” locking other out. (they’re roommates.)
one coming home a little later than usual and the other starts silently freaking out (roommate!reader)
"i told you i have someone coming over today and you leave this mess?" "if it's so important to you. you clean it." (roommate reader)
"i told you not to put this in the wash load! look at what you did to it!" "you trusting me with your belongings was your first mistake." (roommate!reader)
"you put a blanket over me when i was sleeping? what are we, an old married couple?"
"Come on. You know I'm Mom's favorite!" "She baked me a bigger birthday cake." “Once. Eight years ago." (sibling!reader)
"You are the weirdest sibling ever." “You know you love me." (sibling!reader)
"Wanna see how many fruit snacks in my mouth?" (sibling!reader)
"Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that."
"Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c'mere."
"I genuinely don't know why my brain just goes blank when i look at you. i think i'm going a little crazy."
"Move you're on my side of the couch."
"My family thinks we're dating."
heated argument turning into heated make out session
“I’ve never noticed how nice your voice sounds up close.”
"I know you’re not a fan of close contact, but we don’t have much choice.”
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year ago
7 | Strike
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6k
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Penelope swore if there was one more little bump in the road with Darwin she was going to break up with him so they were still together at the moment. It's been a month since he tested her and they were doing alright at the moment.
"So we're just swinging by so you can change, right?" Darwin asks as they walk to the door.
"Yes, I said you could wait in the car if you wanted." She laughs unlocking for door quietly in case one of the guys were napping.
Sadly everyone would have preferred that instead of Penelope and Darwin walking in as Sam pulled down his boxes as they were filing truth or strip.
"Dude, your ass is whiter than the rest of you!" Penelope covers her eyes as Darwin walks away to leave. "I'll give you a minute." She walks back out in the hall shutting the door. "Well, that was unexpected." She laughs while Darwin walks back.
"That's one of the fucking reasons you need your own place. How the fuck do you think I feel? Your roommate butt ass naked when we walk in." He angrily points at the door.
"To be fair it's their apartment and they share it with me so they can do whatever they want. And it's for a video. Sam doesn't just walk around naked for fun." She tells him, "And to my knowledge, you're fine with Sam because you trust him. It's not like it's Colby."
"You prefer it was Colby instead?" He gets in her face causing her to chuckle.
"No, I've seen his bare ass when we were little. Our moms have a picture of us when I de-pants him. They always have it recorded on a tape." She laughs more.
"You think this is funny?"
"Yeah, because you're insecure when you don't need to be. They aren't competing with you to win whatever race you think you three are in. I'm dating you but them." She explains to him.
"Me insecure?" He chuckles, "Says the girl who is the definition of that word. You may not always be vocal about it but it's fucking obvious. And I'm slowly getting tired of trying to baby you about it. Get over it."
Penelope just stares at him as he laughs at her, "Fuck you." She turns to go back to the apartment but he grabs her arm, "Let go of me. I'm done. we're done."
"You heard me. I'm sick of this shit. I did nothing wrong and you try to make me feel bad about it. On top of that what you just said to me." She tugs her arm back opening the door.
"Penelope!" He gets loud so she shuts the door on him locking it.
"Fuck off!" She yells through the door then turns to face the guys, "I'm single now." She smiles going to her room.
Sam and Colby both look at each other as Darwin is still at the door knocking on it wanting in. Colby gets up going to the door, "Go home, dude. She's done with you." He opens it.
"Move out of my way." Darwin tries to get in.
"The fuck? This is my place, dude." Colby laughs stopping him, "Just go home. You messed up. The third strike, you're out my guy."
"Like you know what the fuck goes on." Darwin is yes him getting more pissed.
"Darwin, go home. We don't want any trouble." Sam says standing by the counter.
"Hate to break it to you but I do know what goes on because she talks about you. You know, I was right not to like you when we first met." Colby lets him know.
"Because you secretly have a thing for my girlfriend and want her to yourself?"
"She's not your girlfriend anymore. She literally just broke up with you so don't call her your girlfriend." Colby corrects him.
"You didn't deny what I said." Darwin laughs.
"Because it's bullshit, she's my best friend. Of course, I'm going to care about her. Normally I can see when a guy will be bad for her, so I interfere so they never get the chance to hurt her. Sadly, I never got the chance to get rid of you. Luckily, Penny is a smart girl and got rid of you herself." Colby says before Darwin punches him in the face.
Sam rushes over slamming the door, "Go before I call the cops, Darwin!" He shouts out so Penelope comes out.
"What the hell?" She goes over to see Colby's nose bleeding.
"He wouldn't leave so Colby told him to fuck off." Sam explains as she gets paper towels for Colby's nose.
"Should have ignored him." She gives Colby a look as he holds his nose. "Let me see." She moves his hand, "Well, it's not broken. Your face is still perfect so don't worry." She giggles.
"Shut up." He goes to sit down holding the paper towel to his nose.
"Shit, I gotta go." Sam looks at his phone, "Hopefully the asshole is gone. I'll swing by the store on the way back to get you stuff for all that." Sam grabs his keys.
"Be careful if he is out there still!" Penelope shouts as he leaves so she goes to take care of Colby. "Why?" She looks at him.
"Why do you think? All I did was tell him the truth."
"Have you really stopped guys from talking to me in the past? I maybe was eavesdropping." She asks him so he nods his head, "To be fair... you probably were going to be right. The past two relationships turned out not well as you said."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. I should for him punching you." She looks at his nose.
"No, you don't. I got sassy with him." He smiles, "So what was the third strike?" He asks holding his nose again.
"Besides from walking to see Sam naked and me saying he doesn't just do that for fun. He also added do I prefer if it was you. I laughed saying I've seen your ass when we were little. I also told him that he was insecure. He's not competing with y'all to win whatever race he thinks you three are in. I'm dating him but y'all. He then called me the insecure one. I may not always be vocal about it but it's fucking obvious. And he's slowly getting tired of trying to baby me about it and I need to get over it."
"What a fucking asshole! Now I wish I punched him back. How the fuck can he say that to you if he actually knows how you feel. Fuck him. It's good you're done with him." Colby says as Penny gets up to get a wet rag.
"Yeah, I think I'm just gonna stay single till I die." She laughs walking back towards him.
"Don't say that."
"Why not? You say the same thing about yourself." She moves his hand to clean up the blood that dried some.
"Because no girl will ever date me." He corrects her.
"Bullshit. There are plenty of girls who would date you." She laughs at him, "You're just a pain."
"Hey, so we don't die alone how about we just live together when we're in our old age? We know we can put up with each other." He makes her laugh more.
"And say that actually doesn't happen and one of us magically finds someone?" She leans back with a smile.
"Okay, if we're alone when we're thirty we have to marry each other." He jokes.
"Thirty? That's like ten years away, Colby. I say at least forty." She laughs going to rinse the rag.
"Deal, when we're forty." Amber follows putting a hand out so she just takes it.
"Fine." She takes his hand shaking her head. "Oh, but when we get married, it's you may hug the bride." She plays along.
"I hug the bride all the time so that's no problem." He gives her a wink as she gets him a cold rag now.
"You're ridiculous." She rolls her eyes.
"You still love me." He pats the top of her head going back to the couch. "Oh, I'm gonna order a pizza." He lets her know.
"Okay." She says not planning on eating any of it.
When the pizza is delivered Colby attacks the pizza since he was starving to death. Penelope lies saying she ate when she was out with Darwin before coming home. Sam comes home and was happy to see pizza so he eats it while tossing Colby a bag of stuff for his nose.
"Peeps, what do I use out of this stuff Sam bought me?" Colby goes into her room.
"Aren't you old enough to take care of yourself?" She shakes her head with a grin.
"Yes, but why should I do it if I have you? Also after this, eat a slice of pizza, please. I know you haven't eaten today yet. You just don't want to because of what Darwin said." He takes a seat in front of her.
She rolls her eyes, "If I don't wanna eat I'm not gonna eat."
"You will because I'll even feed you like a baby. I won't let you get to the point where you have to spend nights at the hospital again like years ago."
"Come here, let me take care of your nose then I'll eat a slice of pizza." She pats for him to move closer to her.
"That's my girl." He smiles as she takes care of him, "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right darling, but I want you to. If I let you know, I'm here for you. Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh." He sings one of the songs that reminds him of her.
"Really One Direction to make me feel better?" She giggles.
"It worked because you giggled."
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carpememes · 2 years ago
Oban Star Racers Starters (part 2)
"Good thing I ate light."
"How was today's training?"
"They're making good progress. You'll be very happy."
"Me, me, me. A simple 'good luck' would be nice just once."
"Thinking about your dad again?"
"Now's the time to show Daddy what you're really made of."
"Unfortunately my dad happens to be a complete jerk."
"Keep digging. Remember I don't like surprises."
"Out of my way! I need this victory!"
"Cut her some slack, you're just gonna freak her out."
"I asked you to coach them, not me."
"What do you think I'm doing? Knitting you a sweater?"
"You did the best you could to stop them, but they still won the race."
"Maybe it's time you got a life."
"My life is perfectly fine as it is, thank you."
"I'd sure hate to be your son. Or for that matter, your daughter."
"You really have no sense of adventure."
"We're racing. Or was that not obvious enough for you?"
"I cut all links to my past in order to survive."
"I can't believe you managed to keep this from me all these years."
"Let's get out there and kick some alien butt!"
"You'd think I'd be more relaxed by now, but it's just the opposite."
"The higher we climb, the more I fear our fall."
"I don't make a habit of befriending opponents. It can lead to disappointment."
"I'm counting on you, my darling."
"Have you ever known me to be careless, honey?"
"I know that wicked creature."
"If we don't get him, he'll get us!"
"This creature is evil. We have to get rid of him, trust me."
"I'm asking you for the last time! Come to your senses!"
"I know who you are. You're not alone in life."
"I wish you would never have left me."
"Your optimism is commendable but I find that unlikely."
"Our relationship has always been rather tense, wouldn't you say?"
"If I was your daughter, I'd never want to see you again!"
"I just wanted to cheer on the kids."
"This is much better than being in the hospital."
"I do this under protest."
"Not even I could have pulled that stunt."
"Please don't look at me this way. It only makes it harder."
"It's time for me to think about my new life."
"You could sleep through anything."
"They've not been locked in. We've simply been locked out."
"I could stay here forever."
"Don't even breathe. Run for your life when I say go."
"I'm told he won't bite."
"On my planet, when you make a promise you keep it."
"Any attempt of a competitor's life is strictly forbidden!"
"If you're ready, we're off to the races!"
"I'm just keeping an eye on him. There's no law against that is there?"
"We don't need a dad to come along."
"I hope you're pleased with yourself. I was scared, you know!"
"Next time you're thinking of going on a little stroll, you're on your own."
"Where on earth have you been? We've been worried sick!"
"I'd advise you not to take my authority lightly."
"So long, pretty boy, I'll send you a card."
"I refuse to believe it's the end of the world."
"Oh great. Let them eat somebody else."
"That man is totally heartless."
"I never miss a music recital. Would you care to join. me?"
"No need to worry. ___'s in good hands."
"Oh, brilliant shortcut. We should just announce ourselves."
"You'll find heaters in the storage area."
"What'd she do? Steal from your shop? Leave her hotel room without paying for it?"
"She was up all night waiting for your call."
"I'm gonna win the race today!"
"I knew today was my day."
"So many possibilities... It's beautiful."
"The day a tin can gets the better of me I quit."
"Looks like we have a clear night tonight."
"I've never had a chance to ask you much about your life."
"I see. An only child. Your parents must've smothered you."
"If I were your daughter, you'd know it immediately."
"I hope you haven't forgotten our special date."
"Tonight's our anniversary. How could I forget that?"
"You really pulled out all the stops tonight, haven't you?"
"You married a racer, not a dancer."
"I've never actually waltzed before."
"I wish every night could be like this."
"Why, look who's here. It's my little champion."
"My poor baby. It's okay now, we're back."
"You've made me the happiest man in the world."
"Space would be a terrible place for me to die."
"Have you gone mad? We cannot stop half way."
"Stay away from me. For your own protection."
"Forget we were ever friends."
"Let's stick to the official theories, if you don't mind."
"I've wanted to tell you this for a long time, but something always seems to get in the way."
"Of course, if you don't feel the same way, I totally understand."
"You don't have to say anything. I'll just leave these flowers here and wait outside."
"Why did you change?!"
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kurov1864 · 9 months ago
I find it kinda funny that I want to date Kotoko so bad even though I know that if she really existed she would 100% hate me. Maybe I would be able to get her to like me a little, but it won't be able to last long, especially when we get into discussions. I don't really like lying about my views if it's to please the other party, even if it's Kotoko.
Even so, I wonder if there's a way to get together with her when we're so different. Perhaps brainwashing? I'm not confident in that area though, I can only brainwash certain types of individuals and Kotoko isn't one of them. And I've only managed to successfully do one before, so I'm not quite sure yet.
I would try drugging except that drugged individuals are no fun to interact with. I've never tried brainwashing while they're drugged though, so maybe that might work?
Other options, other options... Kotoko would most definitely be able to overpower me in a physical sense if I were to try and kidnap her. She's a resourceful one as well, so I can't just snatch her off the streets and lock her in my basement.
Well first step of the plan is that I definitely have to become her friend, or at least an "ally". If she registers me as her enemy then I'll have 0 shot at getting the kind of relationship I want. Ugh, having a normal relationship is so hard to get,,,
Perhaps creating an emotional attachment would do? If I manage to get rid of the people she favors,,, but Kotoko keeps her heart quite closed off, never admitting to actually wanting to love someone else. If I do get rid of the people she favors, then she could try to push me away instead, since she's afraid I might get hurt.
What about helping with her job? I'm not a fighter nor an information gatherer, so perhaps the most I can do is take care of her physical health. That might work, though I don't think that she requires help doing first aid.
Dammit. Maybe keeping her alive really isn't an option. It's okay. I've seen my cousin preserve bodies before. Even though I wouldn't like the smell, maybe I'll be able to preserve her instead.
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the-firebird69 · 11 days ago
So the passive aggressive bully Trump is sitting there saying we didn't accept the case cuz you corrected me a few times so we are going to correct him on everything and hold it on him and penalize him we're sick and tired of his stupid s*** and the dumb crap doesn't get it this is so huge it's not in his asinine schedule because of his fear that someone is going to get rid of them and everyone's going to use that to get rid of trump. He can figure it out.
He's been shot and he's been injured very badly and this is what you're left with some kind of littering jackass but doesn't know what the hell he's doing and people are saying it now finally he does not know he's doing he's out of control
--several things are bothering us earlier those little red tide but it left pretty quick now it's getting blown out by the wind mostly it's just down the road it's going to be like this around here and it's not healthy our son is going to start healing fairly quickly and not too long from now the radiation is up to about a 10 and it will increase and it will be up to about 11:00 tomorrow 12:00 or Thursday. Once it hits Thursday there will be a lot less of the red tide in the air and it is because of the radiation now it's kind of cooking it as well but it's not dense enough it's getting a lot of it not all of it.
--also with increase in radiation coming Wednesday which is early it was to come Friday our son will be free of Prilosec we think Monday it's kind of a moving Target because the information changes
--the lawsuit about risperdal it got clarified what really was going on the doctor did say risperdal was contributing to the problem and he said he had the male breast problem and the reason why it's still here they do know about it the medicine takes a long time to get out of your system and he qualifies for the lawsuit several of them and other lawyers heard it they want to take the case they feel suicidal their Mac warlock for a smaller other people will help them get there to try and gobble them up but they feel that it is a just cause And we think that they understand it they don't know how capabilities what is that matter they say at this point and it's true we're not going to help them get there at all they'd have to do a lot of stuff to do it but we're not afraid of doing it and our son asks what suit you'd like him to wear and he says the funny one and he says no maybe your wife has a better idea who's going to ask her he's going to ask her and his people it says that's very funny but no I don't think we should do that either and it comes on in a movie he says wow that's really strange it is really strange but Joe pesci is here but he might be the lawyer no it's not me he says this is terrific but anyways I'm not Trump but still you better if he did it be such a pain in the ass never does anything right and he's one of the company owners and that's who we're suing it's another reason why he's not doing it it's not true our friend says she wants to carve it up and take stuff and take the money we know about that but really it would require something big and he's just going to sit here and do nothing... And that was one of the Macklemore lock smaller groups and we were watching others come forwards and try and do the case and a son and daughter say they're smaller they feel it should be done they want to cause and know they get hurt it's not nice they could join up with the other smaller groups and it would be a rallying point for them to get a bigger and dja would have to be at the table and they like that so they're going to try and do it yeah Jason you're small Brad's not so small but he might do it too so they like it and they live like what it is and dja too wants them to be a b**** stronger and he knows what the case is and he was there he knows who it is what the dates are and where the records are in all sorts of stuff and he runs Morgan and Morgan and Doug's wife comes approach and he's going to go after him for it we're going to print this is a big deal in this case is very huge it's very Giant I wouldn't be surprised if it went into next year my son is right this case is taking a long time to get going but not with people who say no twice if they don't get the case
Thor Freya
It's really too large for us the major pharmaceutical company know it's like the three big ones consider too it's like these three big ones and it one of them is black sole relaxo because I don't think so though they are the big ones so phaiser lillly and one more. And yeah that's too big
Morgan & Morgan
Hell yeah we can't go to Belgium cuz that stuff the name
Couple other items the sun is actually healing the oxygen is actually coming in from the south and the North pretty soon just the North and it's high up there pretty soon an average 22 here he's going to feel better and from the south is only about 19 it's not really tainted but this is a lot of air now it's transitioning but it's blowing in it's going to be about 19 in about 20 minutes now it's 17 or 16 it's going to be great he'll feel it and start healing again it's not going to stay that way but it will after a few more weeks.
--are talking about the Cameron sinking has made a panic occur that's a caverns sinking. A lot of women a lot of people on DJ side bja and a lot of Brad and Jason's. Jason went out and found out where they were the small ones and they said you know if those dropped the whole thing is going to go and I don't know what he's talking about it it goes underneath and I'll just keep going down and it's not true so he checked it out he knew our son looked at it and he knows about it he said he's saying it because nobody's doing anything and he found out that yeah it's going to drop the bridges and the bridges will be destroyed and they're thinking a week and a half now they're saying two and a half weeks. And he went to Stan he says how long do you think before those wreck the bridge and he says any one of them can go but probably a week and then they're really in jeopardy it could be any time after a week from now and he was asking yesterday on the phone so this is a panic he's causing and is it justified and so yeah we're stuck here we can see them sizzling you know they drop because okay but why would they build them on them and the answer is they didn't have a choice and tried to avoid them but they couldn't they go so wonder if we can span across where they the little ones are not... Here's our son say oh it's the boy King finally back and that little black guy got in the way it's not Garth he started laughing get out of the way you stupid he says I'm going to minority and we're after you. But yeah this is what's going on they are having a battle here and it's over a lot of stuff one of the things is where you put the furniture and it's a pain in the ass and they try and do stuff when you're walking down the other side of the laundromat okay so people are always on alert at the stupid laundromat I've been trying to do stuff well we have other stuff so we're going to print but they're trying to think of what to do and it's a good idea to stand as well five of them on the first bridge South and if you spend it it will cover the problem the load would have to be distributed on those two piles there's a way to reinforce them you can put a couple more columns in and he's saying oh and that's something an engineer can draw up it'll be pretty good I mean spending that distance is not hard and you can use a certain type of steel and it's lighter than the concrete yeah it has to be kind of a it's not steel with a lot of chromium that's a scale that's kind of a metal but it's very strong it's as strong as steel they use it all over the place now. Anything else we lost pretty quick but those big ones are going to drop but that's going to take about two or three months
It's the kind of repair that Tommy f would enjoy.
Thor Freya
I don't hv time for this but no this is interesting I got this
Hera yeah I'm working fix the verbage damn it
You have to actually get honest right now. Not you we
Mac Daddy your dead John remillard
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