#knd father imagine
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months ago
Father and the Delightfuls celebrating mothers day w/ the reader
notes: reader is gn but fills a maternal role, platonic for the delightfuls and romantic for father, established relationships, reader is a step parent
cws: none
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takes you out for dinner to celebrate! hes learned his lesson the last time he left the delightfuls home alone so theyre going to get a babysitter- likely another villain that father has ties with
similar to the delightfuls hes going to give you flowers, a whole bouquet actually
stresses with making everything perfect and to his standards so you have the best day possible
i imagine he is bad with dates sometimes, or that his busy work schedule can make time feel weird to him- he is a businessman after all! this can lead him to scrambling around trying to pull a plan together for you
gives you vouchers and gift cards to your favorite places so you can go out and treat yourself
Honestly? them doing something for you for mothers day is actually huge, it shows that they dont just see you as fathers partner but also as a prominent figure in their life
they make a card for you, the idea of each of them signing it is sweet.. but i can also see each of them making a card rather than just working on one
i am unsure of how much they make for their allowances, if they are given one in the first place but they might go out and buy you something if they have the option to
standard mothers day gifts, flowers and a card! they make sure to give it to you in person before they leave to go do their evil deeds
actually, their evil deeds. they would steal other peoples gifts i think, and hand it over to you with the idea that youre the best- and them just generally wanting your attention and adoration
good gravy these children have parental issues/hj
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 2 years ago
Do you ever think about Sector Z’s real families? Because I do
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totallynoteggos · 2 years ago
Lol here’s a thingy with a delightfulized! Teen!(y/n)
Mrs. Dickson: wow! I can’t believe your daughters and my darling boy are such good friends!
Mr Lincoln: yeah cree talks about her all the time
Father: oh how wonderful
Meanwhile (y/n) Chad and Cree in the game room
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Chad: wait- no- stop! I’m sorry! HAHAHAAH
Cree: WOO! get ‘em girl!
Delightfulized (Y/n): *goblin mode activated* HAHAHAHAH THIS IS THE MOST FUN IVE HAD IN YEARS
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torra-and-the-toons · 1 year ago
The credit sequence of D.I.A.P.E.R. is so funny, I can't 😂😂
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secret-sector-antag · 14 hours ago
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*Obvs click to enlarge pic and read them better*
So uuuuh...I definitley had fun drawing this big guy if you couldn't tell 🤣 (And the titles for each, too; all under the Alt tab). Tried to keep him at least somewhat consistent? Was using refs from both @fluffy--mafia and @reanimatedbrainmeat.
I had asked @fluffy--mafia what Angelo's like with kiddos, aaaaand that's kind of how this came about! Initially started as just one idea with one kid...then just kinda blossomed from there. I think the angle with most of them that I was aiming for was like..."the uncle who's not actually your uncle, but your parent(s) hang out with them/are good friends with them, and they're around enough that they're practically one". Maybe a bit of a unique sitch, cuz...y'know, KND kids, but the fact that they have to kinda keep it secret...
what's even funnier is that they hate Father and the DCFDTL probably would hate Carol on principle, lol..buuuut gotta keep up appearances.
Anyway, artist notes time! Under the read more cuz it got long. Various Italian terms of endearment and a couple of headcanons ahead.
1.) Kitty/Numbuh M-30-W (and the sector by proxy/association) is actually banned from a couple of aquariums, based solely on the fact that she always wants to go swimming with the fish. I like to imagine that Angelo's got his and his crew have several from local pet stores, considering the whole "hamster-eating" thing...>.>
2.) Ramsay's/Numbuh 350F's so happy, lol. Now the question is, is he actually making a sauce for some "actually edible for kids" meal, or is he boiling/seasoning socks like this one pic 😂.
3.) Per @fluffy--mafia: "I think the only time he clashes with the KND/kids is when they interrupt his business ventures. Me and my fiancée (ReanimatedBrainMeat) have a few confrontations in mind (episodes really). One involved him coming to an agreement with kids to have monsters clean their room in exchange for dirty socks (monster delicacy), and that turns into blackmail when they run out of socks.".
...Listen, as far as any of their parents are concerned, the socks are dissapearing somewhere into the void that exists in their washers/dryers...mostly theirs, lol. And Buzz/Numbuh Z-00-M, plans to keep it that way, cuz damn, if cleaning your room isn't some form of torture, IDK what is.
4.) Beckham/Numbuh 90 Mins , you're like 4'3"; shush, you are indeed baby.
5.) Per @fluffy--mafia: "So Angelo doesn’t hate kids, surprisingly. Sure, he’s a monster, and monsters scare kids, but that’s just an unfortunately bi-product of being scary and ugly lol. And also appearing under people’s bed, that’s pretty creepy. But Angelo himself, he doesn’t hate kids, and is pretty soft and gentle to them (as soft and gentle as a big Italian monster can be lol). These are kids, and they are just doing kid shit. He even tries not to curse around them, but that’s pretty hard."
WELP, doesn't exactly have to worry about with Minerva/Numbuh 75001 (as much). Girl's got the mouth of a sailor. ...You'd think that Candy/Numbuh SW-33-T would be the one that had that problem, but nope! 😂
6.) I dunno, out of the seven, I'd imagine if anyone were to be spoiled ("spoiled") by the big guy, it'd be Val/Numbuh 6-5000. Being the daughter of a count's gotta come with some panache (even though she very, very rarely pulls the title card, usually only for emergencies...she's humble about it), and dang it, he's gonna make sure she knows it! Plus maybe a bit of sympathy for the whole "monster" thing (granted, she's only half vampire, but it's still kinda tough)...?
Non-specific HC that Angelo just calls them all by various little terms of endearment, sometimes matching them (i.e. Kitty being Micia), other times just general ones...sometimes gets a bit creative with them.
Yeah, he's a big time mob monster and there's that whole thing with the hamsters (don't tell Kitty, she'd be piiiiiiiissed), but other than that, I like to imagine that he's just like... Zio Angelo to them. To an extent, of course. Maybe they've clashed a couple times, but the whole sock trade keeps everyone civil. wHO KNOOOOWS. I'm totally open to headcanons on my end as well, lol. SOMEhow it works.
Kitchen background is from here Buzz's blanket pattern is from here Angelo/The Mobster Under the Bed (c) @fluffy--mafia Sector ANTAG (c) Me
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 8 months ago
If the teens and adult devisions have always been a thing, how come Cree in HISTORIE TWO AU time does not know about them?
(Not trying to trip you up. Just wondering if you want to explain or retcon anything with her in regards to your cannon).
Foolish anon, I have all answers... and if I don't, I'll figure something out on the spot and use glitter glue and gum to tie all up together!
ANYWAY YES, why doesn't Cree know about TND and Adult division? Simple: she doesn't even know they are a thing, just like the rest of KND operatives or any other villain. Not even Father knows they are a thing, that's how good Monty and his successors are at hiding them!
All Father knows is that Monty was trying to stop people from joining his side, but that's it. He suspected he had something going on since he still had his KND memories, but he doesnt even understand how big it was!
No one suspected that Chad and other teens were TND secret spy operatives, not even Cree, or she wouldn't have even thought of helping Chad in first place. TND and Adult Division members are even more trained in hiding their identities to everyone, especially KND operatives.
The only people who know about them are Soopreme Leaders, and they get either moved to TND and then AD or decommissioned. No in-between.
Abby was trusted with the info because she's very clever, but can you imagine if any other Sector V member finds out??
They need to keep their identity unknown. Especially to the Galactics...
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thetreehousechronicles · 43 minutes ago
Everyone in their teenage years
Do you believe that the decommissioning process does more harm then good. For example, causing rifts between family and friends b/c they have their memory wipe or are traitors like Chad and Cree b/c they don’t want their memory wipe
Also what ever happened to Father?
Hoagie: (rubs the back of his neck) Man… that’s a big question. I mean, decommissioning is kinda the whole foundation of the KND, right? It keeps kids focused on the fight and stops adults from getting our secrets. But… yeah. It’s got some serious downsides.
Wally: (crosses arms) Serious downsides. Like, if you don’t wanna get your memories wiped, you’re basically forced to turn against your friends. Look at Chad and Cree. And… (glances away) others.
Kuki: (softly) It breaks people apart. Families, friendships… everything. It’s hard, pretending like you don’t know someone you used to care about.
Abby: (nods) Exactly. It don’t just take away their memories—it takes away our people. One day, they’re your best friend, your partner, your family. The next? They don’t even know who you are. That kinda thing sticks with you.
Nigel: (thoughtful) But at the same time, if we didn’t decommission operatives, imagine how many adults would have access to KND intel. We’d be compromised in seconds. It’s not just about memories—it’s about survival.
Hoagie: (sighs) Yeah, but at what cost? We lose people to decommissioning, or we lose them ‘cause they’re running from it. Either way, it’s a lose-lose situation.
Wally: (grumbling) Or worse… they get stuck on opposite sides, fightin’ each other.
Kuki: (quietly) …Like us.
Abby: (firmly) Look, whether it’s good or bad, it’s the way things are. And until someone comes up with somethin’ better, we just gotta live with it.
Nigel: (nods) Agreed. But that doesn’t mean we have to like it.
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goofs-and-readers · 7 months ago
This is probably a lil different, but would you be willing to do headcanons on KND's Cuppa Joe? Headcanons surrounding him suddenly a father to a baby. That's all. Just cutesy parenting shenanigans of everyone's fav coffee guy. Only if possible, please and thank you!
Cuppa Joe x Reader - Parenting
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AN: Heya! Sorry again that this took so long, and by how short it is. I'm not too confident that I managed to write this out the way that you asked, but I do still hope that it managed to scratch some kind of itch for you :3
Tags: Cuppa Joe, Romantic, GN Reader, Parenting
HOOO boy, where do I begin with this?
Since it’s sudden, I could totally picture him running around in his coffee rig or one of the villain meetings, trying to get some advice on how to take care of a baby. Mega Mom and Destructo Dad would probably be the most helpful to him.
When it comes to taking care of the child during the baby stage, he’s a bit of a mixed bag. He might be too energetic and stressed out about being a good dad at first, making it difficult for him to stop and take care of the slower bits with them, such as feeding and bathing the baby. He tries to make up for it by cleaning up after all of their messes.
He’d get more confident in his abilities as a parent over time, though. He’d start taking up more chores for the baby, giving you a much needed break. Not only does he see you as a wonderful person, but also as an incredible parent to your child. He will prove himself as a good husband and father.
As your kid grows older, the more comfortable he gets at parenting. He gets really good at keeping up with their energy during their toddler and little kid years - it’s like he has eyes on the back of his head!
The goofiness of the dynamic cranks up a notch if your kid ever decides to join the KND. They’d probably have to face off against each other at least once, so Cuppa would probably use it as an opportunity to embarrass them in front of their friends (imagine that one scene in Spiderverse, but they’re also fistfighting at the exact same time).
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yourbuerokrat2 · 2 years ago
AU, where the Batman franchise is still ongoing on Earth in the future of Star Trek. 
They come across a civilization that seems to be in strong state of fear. Then they find out that the population is not always like this but that one of their newer ‘rituals’ of their new Ruler has just taken place a little while ago. So obviously there seems to be a connection. During a Senior Officer meeting with the Captain it’s Riker who brings up the relation to the Scarecrow. And much to his own surprise there are quite a few others who actually get his reference. Worf (I can actually see a young Worf finding/being given Batman stuff and then he finds out more about Bruce Wayne and the Batman and he actually starts to relate a bit and finds just a little bit of comfort in it), Data (if only because during his research on Sherlock Holmes he came to find out that there is someone else who has the title ‘worlds greatest detective’ and there is actually an interesting comic about Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Robin and Batman working together), Geordi (Because Nerd) and much to Rikers own surprise the Captain himself (his father was actually the one who owned an old comic series, made from actual paper. He was not so much into it as a child but during his teenage and academy years he become at least sort of familiar with the franchise). 
Riker ends up being right and the new Ruler actually used a form of fear toxin to oppress nearly the entire civilization and thanks to Mister Data who doesn’t breath the whole problem got cleared up. 
Riker, of course did not forget and while he was not all that teasing with Worf (since he could actually imagine why Worf does/used to like it) he does tease the Captain about his interest in his teenage and academy years, thinking that Picard was probably not really only a fan of Batman but Catwoman. A possible interest in Catwoman being a reference to the knd of woman Picard usually likes, especially with Vash. 
Picard doesn’t comment and tries to change the subject. 
It was actually Harley Quinn. During her anti-hero phases mind you. 
She has some psychological character deveopment and he was a different kind of young man back then. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months ago
what if father from hit show kids next door had a beach episode with reader. what's going on with him and his delightful children at the beach
Father and Delightfuls x reader but its a beach episode
just in time for summer!! hell yeah lets go!! YIPEE!!! maybe ill doodle some summer related art before august ends... maybe i wont... only time will tell! notes: reader is gn, fathers part can be seen as romantic or platonic, delightfuls part is purely platonic, beach shenanigans! cws: none
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its like a little mini vacation getaway! if all goes according to plan its quiet pleasant, actually... assuming theres nothing to put him in a sour mood
hes not very much interested in swimming or playing games, hes more likely to just lay in the shade and relax! you might be able to convince him to walk around with you!
can definitely see him being more into just checking out shops and vibing rather than being confined to the shore
hes totally loaded so expect to go to some fancy beach somewhere with some nice hotel to boot
1000% wears those floral swim trunks all dads seem to own; alternatively i can see him wear those striped one piece suits.. ponders
HATES sand though
debating on whether or not he can get sunburnt in his shadow form... like does it just protect his skin ooooor?
lets you give him sunscreen as a precaution
they would destroy someones sand castle its so comically evil and harmless but i can definitely see the knd (or even them!) blowing it out of proportion
on the flip side i can see them building their own sand castle but putting waaaaay too much effort into it
or they might just make a bunch of the other kids build it for them... they literally hold people captive for their birthdays... i can see it...
usually i tend to group them as one unit but some of them definitely burn worse than the others... horrid at least one of them is going to be bright red
war ensues if someone from a knd sector is also there, things get tense very fast
generally behave well enough when youre around if youre not a villain, if you are they dont really care all that much
oh they probably would try to convince you to confront someone if their plans blow up in their face, under the guise that they're the ones who were done wrong
like i love writing day to day stuff for these characters but theyre manipulative and evil too LMAO
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mandareeboo · 5 months ago
I won't list everything bc it's long and complicated, but I actually have a lot of headcanons about this sort of thing! My last rewatch was when I was in an angsty phase (think like. Fourteen years old lmao) so me and a buddy came up with a bunch.
Most deaths in the KND are accidental! The KND is a well-fortified unit that can withstand most evildoers, but it's just a statistical average that a portion of them will go plunging off massive machines or lose a parachute, etc etc. I'd say a good 67% are probably Spiders Georg.
Deaths are handled by the Decommissioning Unit. I imagine it's not unknown for Kids Next Door operatives to die so they don't have to alter memories often, but it's a good backup to avoid revenge and shit.
I just. Really don't think CPS exists in the KND? Because it would've been called on so many of the villains in the show. The root beer bottle episode. That time a woman infected a whole school with pink eye. That weird doctor for shots. There's only the KND, and they handle abuse cases by taking kids from parents and putting them into the KND system.
For that matter I think as soon as it's revealed that the Delightful Kids are Sectuh Z the KND immediately sends out a rescue team and drags them kicking and screaming from Father and to their labs.
On one hand I desperately need to rewatch KND but on the other hand am I prepared for the angst I'd end up crafting before the end of it???
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ravenpoefan · 3 years ago
Imagine the delightful family going to a water park for the day. Ben riding some rides with them and all of them having a great time. They’re laughing, enjoying the time together and it’s amazing! Maybe one of the best days they’ve ever had.
But Ben gets sunburn.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years ago
ML au where Gabriel agreste is Replaced by Father from Kids Next Door.
Father as Hawkmoth.
(Plus imagine Adrien realizing he gets powers from that. How cool would that be!)
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plush-rabbit · 5 years ago
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1. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
2. “Can I kiss you?”
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3.3K
A/N: Sorry this took so long!! I am awful with things:(((
The film on the screen fades to black, the credits begin to roll and Kirishima reaches over to grab the remote to turn off the screen. The room is now quiet, save for the gentle hum of the ceiling fan and the air conditioner. The dim glow of the lamp illuminates the room, casting soft shadows on the bed.
You two sit in silence, your backs being propped against the wall cushioned by excess pillows that Kirishima seems to own. Your hands come to tangle with each other, the pads of your fingers pressing deep as they are able to into your knuckles. You turn to face towards him, your mouth parting open only to be interrupted before you can even say your first word.
“Do you want to spend the night?” His voice is tight and he's staring into your eyes, his lips pulled into a cautious grin, teeth barely visible behind his lips. “It's already so late, and I mean, it's been a while since we've had a sleepover.” He looks away from you on the last sentence, eyes squinting as his attention is focused on the blanket that you both are sharing.
You sit up straighter; your eyes glance to side briefly. “Yeah, I'd like that,” you say, mustering up a small smile. “As long as you don't hog the blanket,” you joke, a nervous chuckle emerging from you.
He returns the laugh, "Hah, yeah. I won't."
“Yeah, you always say that but the last time I spent the night, you took the entire blanket,” you scoff, a teasing grin on your face. “And it’s always so cold in your room!” You make yourself comfortable on the bed, turning on your side to rest in your elbow.
Kirishima shakes his head, his shoulders bouncing as he gives a breathy chuckle. “Then you should have brought your own blanket.”
You gasp and with your free hand you smack his chest. You turn around to lay on your back, and grab fistfuls of the blanket in your hands, pulling it up to your chest. “I am your guest Kiri! A guest that you must impress!” You turn to face him, a smile threatening to break out as you try to maintain composure.
“You’re always impressed,” he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“Correction” —you hold up a finger a twist your head to make eye contact with him— “I am impressed by the things you do.”
“Yeah, okay. What about that time—”
“Shush. You’re a very impressive person Eijiro.” You dig yourself deeper in the bed, your eyes drooping slightly. You let out a yawn, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as you cover your mouth, a poor attempt to stifle the yawn.
“Tired already?”
“Yeah, long day,” you mumble, a tongue peeking out to wet your lips.
“You could’ve said so. I don’t mind rescheduling.”
“I like spending time with you silly.” You yawn again, turning on your side to face him, your voice lowering. “Plus, I was really looking forward to movie night.”
Kirishima nods slowly, processing your words as he blindly reaches over to turn off the lamp. He promptly lies in bed, his hands stiff at his sides, leaving you to shuffle in bed to get comfortable. You feel the bed dip closer to you, his body resting only an inch away from you. You lay still on your side, the inside of your cheeks in between your teeth, and you can feel your face heat, and you briefly wonder if you’re burning up because of him or because of your nerves.
You watch him for a moment, trying to make out his features in the dark. As your eyes adjust to the dark, you can start to make out his sharp features. Your eyes trail downwards, starting at his hair down to his parted lips, where they mouth words that never reach your ears. You feel your eyelids begin to droop with sleep, your limbs growing heavier and weaker slowly and then all at once as you try to stay awake for a second longer.
You hear him intake a sharp breath and a soft click of his tongue. “Are you still awake?” he asks, his voice low and hesitant and through half lidded eyes you see him move his hands to rest above stomach drumming softly against him.
“Barely,” you say, another yawn forcing itself out of you. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” he says all too quickly, his hands rising above his stomach to shake out nervously.
You sigh, and rest deep on the pillow. You reach over and brush your fingers against his arm, dragging the tips of your fingers down tenderly on his arm. “No, come on. The suspense will kill me.”
“It’s a stupid question,” he chuckles nervously. He shifts on the bed. “I don’t even know where the question came from.”
“Eijiro,” you whine, groaning in the back of your throat. “Now I won’t be able to sleep” —you squirm in the bed, furrowing your eyebrows— “Tell me please.”
“It really is a dumb question.” He brings up his hands to his face, and covers his eyes with the ball of his palms.
“’S fine. I won’t tell anybody.” You muster up all your strength and raise an arm with your pinky outstretched. “Pinky promise.”
You wait a few seconds, already feeling the muscles in your body begin to ache in protest. When you begin to lower your arm, you feel his pinky wrap around yours. He holds your finger tightly against his for a brief second, letting the small finger curl loosely around yours and snake it out of your grip.
“Have” —his voice cracks and he clears his throat. He takes in one more breath and it sounds ragged, like he’s gasping for air after being scared. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
The question hangs in the air. He spoke so softly, so quiet, that you almost missed it. You rolled to your side and crossed your arms underneath your head, the creaking of the bed filling the room.
“Why the sudden interest?” You ask, cautious to give him your answer. You knew he wouldn't make fun of you, but a part of you still felt ashamed. You had never been kissed, never have gotten close to anyone to actually wonder what their lips would feel like against yours. It was a simple act of intimacy, something that most people your age had already done but you hadn't.
He makes a noise of curiosity. He turns his head towards you, and shifts his body as if he was going to mimic your actions only to stop midway and lay back down.
You scrunch your face up at his answer, feeling your cheeks begin to burn and spread across your face- you’re thankful that the lights are off. You both sit in silence, waiting for the other to talk but the silence continues to grow, the minutes drag on, slowly ticking by at an excruciatingly long pace. The only sounds in the room are made by the hum of the fan above, a gentle noise that you try to focus on in order to make yourself fall asleep, to escape this silence for at least a moment. There is only silence, the two of you both perfectly still, not daring to move as if playing dead in order to evade whatever lies ahead in the unknown.
“I've never been kissed before,” his voice is hesitant, he doesn't sound ashamed, but frightened, like revealing this to you was his most kept secret. The bed squeaks as he shifts to roll onto his side and in the darkness you can make out the whites of his eyes and his crimson irises.
This is an invitation to speak, to not let this silence grow, you think, your eyes wide and bottom lip between your teeth. “Why?” You ask, removing one arm from the bottom of your head to scratch at your hip underneath the blanket.
“You're surprised?” He questions.
You nod your head, only to realize that he can't see you, so you answer, your voice in a hushed tone. “Yeah, ‘course I am.”
What is he playing at? Does he want you to admit what you think of him? Does he just want someone to stroke his ego? No, that's not it. Kirishima is animated and comes off strong, but he isn't one to force something out of another.
“Well,” you begin, exhaling only to shut your mouth wondering if he can feel your breath, “you’re you.”
He hums at your answer and lets it linger in the air. “Yeah, I am me”, he muses. He gives out a yawn, a low whine in the back of his throat when he closes his mouth.
You shut your eyes and curl deeper into yourself, your knees brushing against his. “Yeah,” you start out, “that's why I thought you would've been, you know,” you trail off not wanting to say the 'k' word, it feeling far too intimate for your tongue. You lick your lips and purse them together and bring your bottom lips to roll between your teeth, careful not to bite down, but to only feel the sensation. “Everybody loves you,” you whisper, your tone a bit strained as you begin to list off things that you find endearing about him. “You're fun, charismatic, and,” you hesitate for a split second taking is a deep breath, shutting your eyes shut, “and handsome. You're a great person,” you finish, releasing your breath.
The gentle hum of the fan is the only noise in the room, and the air is circulates cools down your body that is beginning to grow hotter each second. You roll your ankles, eliciting a popping noise from them, while your hands grab fistfuls of your shirt, wrinkling it underneath its grasp. Your hands release the balled up shirt, smoothing it over and wiping away the clammy feeling that's starting to arise. You want to kick off the blanket- you want to get away from him and his eyes that you can feel scanning your face and once again, you’re thankful for the dark.
“You think I’m handsome?” He asks, his tone innocent and apprehensive.
You squeeze your eyes tighter, and argue with yourself whether to bring the blanket closer to your warm body, or to shake it off of your shoulders to provide the littlest bit of relief.
“’Course I do.” Your mouth feels like it’s filled with cotton balls, soaking in all the moisture and leaving your mouth feeling dry and heavy. “What’s not to think that?” You try to keep your mouth shut, not wanting to spew words of praise that you know you’d end up regretting in the morning but when you take a peek at his face and notice how he’s watching you with sad eyes, and the corner of his lips pulled down, you want to make him feel better and the only way you know how to do that is through words. “You’re nice. You’re so nice so that like immediately makes you like ten times cuter than you already were. When you smile, you’re like the literal sun.” You part your eyes open and look down at his collarbone, your gaze softening as you continue to talk. “You smile and then your furrow your eyebrows together and you always look so happy. You give great hugs too. They’re really tight and they make me feel safe. Like I’m being held by a literal security blanket, hah.” You let out a pitiful chuckle and let your shoulders slump. “I’m talking to much aren’t I? Please tell me to stop. This is starting to get embarrassing.” You let out a sharp laugh that breaks the silence in the room and chew on the insides of your cheeks, pressing down painfully, waiting for his reply and you hope against all the odds that he fell asleep before you started to list of things.
“I-I like hearing you talk,” he mutters, his hand making its way towards the space that separates you both and lays it upturned, his palm facing the ceiling.
Your eyes trail down to his palm and you take the leap, wiping your hand on your hip, and moving it to rest on his. He twitches underneath you, his fingers wrapping around your hand and moving it around to interlock your hands together, his thumb running along yours in a tender fashion.
“I’ve never been kissed either,” you squeak out, your hand tightening in his in a silent show of trust. You hold tight against his palm, and he presses his hand against yours. “I just, never found the right person, as silly as that is.” Your laugh is humorless and you loosen the grip on his hand, and the urge to bury your face in his chest arise, and it’s stifling, making your face burn brighter and breathing come out shallower.
His hand leaves yours and it feels empty. The gaps against your fingers feel exposed and lonely and you reach out to grab his hand again, but backing down, letting your fingers curl in on each other, your thumb running along the side of your forefinger.
With soft touches, he grabs your hand again, his thumb massaging into your palm as he brings it up his face, his warm breath fanning across your knuckles. All too suddenly, you feel his lips on the back of your hands, starting at the knuckle of the pinky to brush up to the next joint and place a chaste kiss at the tip of the finger.
“This okay?” He asks, his voice choked with emotions that you can’t bother to process.
“Yeah, it’s okay,” you reply back, your voice just above a whisper. You lean further into his tough, your fingers twitching against him, pulling away ever so slightly when you make contact with his lips.
He’s about to repeat the process, the warmth that emanates from him burning your skin, and when you feel the softness from his lips brush against your fingers, he pulls your hand away, and brings his own hand to interlock with yours once more, resting it back to the space between the two of you.
“Can I kiss you?” He swallows nervously and closes his eyes tight.
You reply without thinking, not that you needed to think about your answer. “Yes,” you say all too quickly, and look taken aback. “Um, I, yeah, you can” —you hesitate for a second, and muster up all the courage that you have— “kiss me.”
He nods in the dark and scoots closer to you in bed. He lets go of your hand and tentatively inches his hands towards you, his fingers curling into his palm, only to come out and with a shaky hand he places his forefinger underneath your chin and  beacons you towards him with a small nod of his finger.
You take in a shuddering breath and blow cool air out through your parted lips. Hesitant, inexperienced lips press against his, and pucker there for a moment before parting and allowing him to press his lips against yours.
It’s nerve wrecking and you can feel your heart pounding loudly in your chest and he’s so close that you worry for a second that he can hear it, that he can hear how nervous he’s making you feel, how excited you are to feel his hand train down your neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and how they trail underneath your blanket, following your arm like a path, down to your hand where he his fingers curl around yours, holding tight onto you as if you were a lifeline, only to soften and keep a firm grip.
You take a peek between half open eyes, and take in his features; how his eyebrows that are tightly knitted together, slowly unfurl to a relaxed position. You feel his lips curl upwards into a smile against yours. You close your eyes again, a grin starting to form on your lips as you lean into him to deepen the kiss.
Your first kiss is tender. The position is awkward and you can feel your arm start to prickle with pins and needles, but you ignore the sensation, instead choosing to focus on the way that his kiss makes you feel weak in the knees and how the your heart feels like it’s hiccupping with every beat, stopping for a short second only to beat loudly once more. You ignore the way your face is starting to flare up, burning the tips of your ears all the way down to your chest, leaving you breathless and light all at once.
His scent invades your senses. He smells like rain and mahogany, something so alluring to you, that you start to feel a bit dizzy and you remove your hand from his, bringing it up to rest on his chest, feeling the way his heart thumps against his chest so loudly, and with the confirmation that this is something that he’s wanted to, that he’s enjoying this too, you giggle against his lips, your laughter sweet and hushed, as you pull away.
Your eyes adjust to the darkness easily, and you shift in the bed, your hand gripping his shirt a bit tighter. “Can we do that again?” You ask, breaths rushed and heavy and you try to take in all the air that you can store in your lungs, leaning closer to him, your lips brushing against his as you whisper the words.
His answer is silent and loud all at once. What was once a soft kiss, which felt private and hesitant, is now intimate and intense, the innocence that lingered there between the lips, now gone and replaced with hunger of wanting more.
You feel his breath ragged against yours and the slip of his pink tongue grazes your lips, a silent ask for permission and you grant it, parting your mouth to feel his tongue enter your mouth, slow at first, unsure of how to proceed only to take the plunge and let his instincts take over. He inches closer to you, the kiss deepening with his action and you can hear him let out a low groan in the back of his throat, his hand coming to rest on your waist, rubbing circles with the pad of his thumb.
You two break for hair, your lips swollen and red, and you let out a low whine, your head leaning in to find him once more, only to breathe once more, trying to regain control of your sense, that were a second ago, all over the place.
You wish that he would reach over and turn on the light. You want to see his face how flushed his cheeks are, that they probably match his hair, to how his lips must be red and slick. But you take what you can get and you make yourself comfortable, opting to bring him close to you, laying on your back and bringing his arm to rest above you, holding his large hand between the both of your yours, feeling the rough spots and the way his hands dip with the bones and grooves.
“I don’t think I can fall asleep now,” you laugh out quietly, gripping onto his hand.
“Yeah, neither can I.” His breath and quiet and you feel him press a kiss against your temple, letting his lips linger there for a second longer. He removes his hand from above you and squirms its way under the back of your neck, inching it down until his palm can rest on your waist.
You turn around on your side once more, shrugging your shoulders to loosen the knots and you place your free arm across his stomach. The thudding in your chest quiets down to a rhythmic beat, soothing you into a deep sleep. When you’re half asleep you feel him shift, removing his arm gently from you, coming to wrap himself around you, pulling you deep into his chest and burying his nose into your scalp, pressing fluttering kisses on you. He hums into you, and tightens his arms around you, muttering nonsense in his sleepy state.
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gooberino · 2 years ago
God Father from KND would do so amazing if he was in a more adult oriented show... imagining him like being able to beat people up, be violent and pulverize his victims into ash. Me and my partner have been talking about Father as this kinda authoritarian overlord living and controlling a city with a 50s aesthetic and heavily armored with robots and such. Propaganda posters everywhere depicting father as a big brother like figure. He owns every business and has strict control of everything and no one dares mess with him.
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raeynbowboi · 3 years ago
Cartoon Comparison: Craig of the Creek
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Honestly, I really like the idea behind Craig of the Creek. The idea of kids basically making their own society by the creek is really fun and imaginative, especially when there’s basically a friend group for every hobby and interest. While I’m grown now, it’s not hard to imagine if I’d seen this as a kid, it would have been fun trying to figure out which group of kids I might have hung out with. The tone is really relaxing and cute, but I love the use of unreliable narrators because in some of the best episodes, it creates really great uses of misunderstandings to create two different stories. A perfect example is “Doorway to Helen.” Craig finds his math homework done by a girl who writes in cursive and who he never meets face-to-face. She talks of the creek as always deserted, and has a special place that’s warm when she’s there, but is cold when Craig and his friends go. It’s clear to an adult watching that Helen is homeschooled, and goes to the creek while the other kids are in school, thus why it’s abandoned. But Craig and his friends believe that Helen is in another dimension. So, the story is set up where a child watching likely things the same thing, that Helen lives in another dimension, but can come back to the show years later, and realize Helen never lived in another dimension, she was just homeschooled. That sense of whimsy and innocence, coupled with the idea of playing as whoever you want to be makes Craig of the Creek really smart as a cartoon.
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I don’t know how many (if any) of my followers are younger, but if you grew up on Craig of the Creek and want to watch similar shows, one good starting place is Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy, a Cartoon Network cartoon that ran for 6 seasons from 1999 - 2009. The show starred the Eds, three young boys with the same name, Ed, Eddward, and Eddy. Like Craig of the Creek, the Eds are imaginative and creative, building elaborate sets, props, and even entire cities. The tone is different, much more of a whacky slap-stick style that thrives of surreal humor. Adults are rarely seen in the show, making the Cul-de-Sac kids feel like their own society, free from the demands of parents and school. Most of the series takes place in the summer, with the kids going back to school only in the later seasons. The Eds are more antagonistic, as they are constantly trying to scam the other kids out of their allowances, so they frequently get their comeuppance. But it’s still entertaining to see what crazy thing the Eds will try next to get money for candy.
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Whereas Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy matches Craig of the Creek’s carefree days outside of school vibe, KND leans heavily on the society of children angle. It aired on Cartoon Network from 2002 - 2008 for 6 seasons. The comedic action adventure series stars Sector V of the Kids Next Door, a secret organization of child agents who work together to combat the tyranny of adults and the teens who side with them. The show features whimsical inventions like sticking a pepper in a jar, taping it to a hairdryer, and somehow turning it into a heat ray, or turning a bottle of mustard into a gun. If you liked the trading tree or all the side groups and the little societies they made, then KND will likely scratch that same itch, though KND only has the one gimmick as a secret organization of child super spies. Sector V has 5 main characters: Numbuh 1: Nigel Uno, Numbuh 2: Hoagie Gilligan, Numbuh 3: Cookie Sunbun, Numbuh 4: Wallaby Beetle, and Numbuh 5: Abigail Lincoln. Craig of the Creek is very diverse, and similarly, all five of the main characters are the children of immigrants. Numbuh 1 is British-American, Numbuh 2 is German-American, Numbuh 3 is Japanese-American, Numbuh 4 is Australlian-American, and Numbuh 5 is African-American. They have a number of memorable villains, including Mr. Boss, Grandma Stuffem, Captain Stickybeard, The Cat Lady, The Common Cold, Father, and the traitorous Delightful Children From Down the Lane, a group of kids who conspire with the adults and brown nose them for favoritism. Compared to the other two shows, this one has the deepest plot, as Craig of the Creek and Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy are more episodic, while KND has a larger story at play. It’s not as serialized as modern cartoons, but there’s still a progressing story in KND that the other two don’t have.
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Likewise, if you’re one of my older followers, and grew up watching Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy or Codename: Kids Next Door, you should give Craig of the Creek a chance, I think you’ll like it. It’s not as absurd as Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy, but it’s just as imaginative, and has a similar spirit to the show’s atittude toward school and parents. It doesn’t focus on one gimmick as much as KND, but it’s also kind of cool seeing all of the unique societies that use the creek as their playing grounds. All three shows are available on HBO Max if this piqued your interest in any of these shows, or you just want to relive a childhood classic.
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