#if we don’t get a Solitaire movie
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floralcavern · 1 month ago
“Do you want to kill yourself?” he asks. And the questions sounds unreal, because you never hear anyone asking that question in real life.
“I don’t want you to do that,” he says. “I can’t let you do that. You can’t leave me here alone.”
His voice breaks.
“You need to be here.”
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cherryblossomcowgirl · 27 days ago
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The Bodyguard part 2
WC: 2.5k
TW: age gap; angst; mentions of weapons; FLUFF; more angst; unrequited feelings; mentions of virginity
*1 week later*
I sleep past Pilates, waking up feeling down on my 25th birthday. When I walk into the kitchen, Jake is at the breakfast table with a chess board sitting in front of him. “What’s this?” Jake’s green eyes pierce mine, “Happy birthday, Ms. Y/l/n.” My eyes water and I turn to make my coffee, “You play?” “No ma’am, you’ll have to teach me.” “Only if you never call me ma’am again. Already feeling old today.” He smirks, “Noted.” I sit down across from him, explaining the rules. Each game he gets better. By the 6th game, he actually beats me. There’s a knock at the door and Jake runs over, looking through the peephole. His body stiffens, he opens the door and carries in huge vase filled with roses. He sets it down and I read the card.
Happy birthday, darling.
I’m sorry I’m not there to celebrate with you.
Thinking about you.
I smile and set the card down. Yet I notice that there is no warmth spreading through me. Not like how it does when Jake is near me. Jake rolls his eyes, “Seems a bit excessive.” I sigh, “Yeah. It’s what my Dad does too. Did you see what he sent me?” He shakes his head and I walk over to the kitchen. Pulling out a large Tiffany’s box, I show him the diamond necklace and earrings. The necklace is a round, solitaire diamond on a dainty chain and the earrings match. Jake’s eyebrows raise, “Wow.” I close up the box and set it next to the roses, “I should be happy, right?” He stands beside me, staring at the gifts, “Are you?” Tears fill my eyes, “No. Neither of them called… or even sent a text.” In a completely out of character moment, Jake’s hand rests in my shoulder. A comfortable silence surrounds us as a fluttering feeling touches my heart. Butterflies? Butterflies from Jake? Butterflies that I have never felt before? The warmth pools in my stomach again and a tear falls down my cheek. He brushes it away with his thumb, “Ms. Y/l/n, I have another surprise for you.” Jake grabs my hand and leads me into the living room. There’s candy, popcorn, and a copy of the Sound of Music on the coffee table. The fluttering feeling touches my heart again as I sit beside him on the couch, “You did this?” He nods and pops the DVD in. I chuckle, “Your age is showing. You could’ve just rented it on my Amazon Prime.” “Ms. Y/l/n, you can’t talk about my age like that anymore. You’re getting up there now, too.” I playfully gasp, “How could you?” He smiles, a real smile, and I take a moment to appreciate it. He nudges me, “Pay attention, the movie is starting.”
Right around 16 going on 17 I doze off. While I am half asleep, I swear Jake is playing with my hair. The credits wake me up and Jake smiles, “You missed it, they escaped in the nick of time.” My voice is groggy, “I’m sorry, l didn’t mean to…” He cuts me off, “It’s okay. I’m gonna start making dinner.” The feeling threatens to touch my heart again, “You’re making dinner?” He nods and heads to the kitchen. I sit at the counter, watching him cook. Jake moves swiftly, with extreme precision. He sets a plate in front of me, steak, broccoli, and mashed potatoes. “Thank you, Mr. Seresin. You really didn’t have to do all of this for me.” He shrugs, “I couldn’t have you being sad on your birthday.” I smile and take a bite of the steak, “I’m happy now. This steak is amazing, by the way.” Jake smiles again and it takes my breath away. I wonder if he knows how handsome he is. How when he smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkle in the most adorable way. Once we finish, I head up to change into my pjs. This time a silk set that is black. When I come down, I turn on some trashy reality tv show. He sits beside me, leaving more room than he did before. My phone rings and it is Glen. Jake’s jaw twitches as I answer. “Hi! … No, don’t worry. … Yes I did! Thank you. … It was a really nice day actually. … Oh, okay. … Have fun. See you soon.” Jake’s body is tense, “How is pretty boy?” “He’s good. Going to some after party.” His eyebrow raises, “How do you feel about that?” I shrug, “We technically aren’t … anything. So even if I was jealous, I wouldn’t have any right to be.” Jake smirks, “Okay, sure.” I roll my eyes, “Let me guess, you’re the jealous type?” His eyes meet mine, “I do not share what is mine.” The heat spreads from my stomach all the way to my cheeks, “Does your girlfriend mind that?” He notices my blush and chuckles, “She doesn’t exist. Not a big dating guy.” I look down at my hands, “Me either. Glen is the first guy who has ever really shown interest in me.” His eyebrows raise, “I highly doubt that.” “No one really wants the trouble of dating the President’s daughter.” I head into the kitchen to make tea.
While drinking my tea in my room, I scroll Instagram. Glen is tagged in a million photos of an after party. Models and actresses all around him. He isn’t dancing with them or kissing them, but for some reason it still hurts. I’m just… me. Maybe that’s why it’s never gone further between us, he just knows that I won’t know what I am doing. Sobs escape my mouth, the loneliness of this life hitting me especially hard. There’s a knock on the door, “Ms. Y/l/n, are you okay?” I don’t respond, hoping he’ll leave. Instead, he walks right in. “What’s wrong?” Jake glances at my phone, seeing the photos. He sighs, “Hey, it’s probably nothing.” I shake my head, “You don’t get it. You don’t understand how isolated I have been my whole life! I’m not like those girls and he knows it. That’s probably why he won’t even kiss me!” “Ms. Y/l/n, you are more beautiful than those women. Don’t talk about yourself like that.” I stare at my phone and sigh, “It’s not that. I’ve never been with a man before… in that way. So a guy like him will never want me.” I see something in his eyes that I wasn’t expecting after that admission, understanding. His large hand rubs my back, “If he doesn’t want you then he is an absolute idiot.” We stay like this for a moment, him comforting me until I calm down. I look up at him, “Wait, I thought we weren’t friends.” He sighs, “Okay, I was wrong. You’re not nearly as insufferable as I thought you would be.” “Thank you. You are difficult, but you can also be very kind.”
*1 week later*
There’s a knock on the door and Jake walks over. He sighs, opening it up. “Hey! Is Y/n home?” I walk over, “Glen! You’re back!” He wraps me in a hug, “I missed you so much.” I lead him into the kitchen for coffee, “Really?” He smiles, “Of course, darling. I was thinking about you the whole time.” A smile spreads across my face as I take a sip of coffee. My brain wanders, thinking about while Glen was gone. I thought about him some, but Jake took up way more space in my mind. Guilt washes over me. “Earth to Y/n? You there?” “Sorry. Got lost in my head.” Glen brushes a strand of hair behind my ear, “The book?” I nod, noticing that there isn’t any fluttering or heat. Then, cursing myself for not feeling it. He checks his watch, “Darling, I have a meeting in half an hour. Can we schedule dinner sometime soon?” “Yeah, that would be great.” His eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips. Glen leans in, kissing me gently. It is soft. Sweet. And completely underwhelming. There was no spark. Or excitement. When he pulls back I smile, “See you soon, Glen.” His grin spreads wide, “See ya, darling.” Jake walks him out.
I write the rest of the day and Jake has completely avoided me. I sit across from him while we eat dinner. “Why are you not looking at me?” He looks up from his plate, “I don’t know what you mean.” “Well lately we’ve been friendly, but it seems a cold front has come through.” Jake rolls his eyes. I huff, “Really? Just tell me what’s going on.” He raises an eyebrow, “You don’t seem very giddy for a girl that just got kissed by a movie star.” I shuffle food around on my plate, “Shut up.” He chuckles, “Oh so now you don’t want to talk. What, is he a bad kisser?” I stare at my plate, “It just wasn’t what I was expecting.” “And what was it you were expecting?” My eyes meet his, “A spark. Butterflies. Anything.” “So, none of the above?” I shake my head and he laughs. “Don’t laugh at me!” He stops and his face looks serious, “I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing because pretty boy walked out of here like a lovestruck little girl.” Guilt washes over me. He shrugs, “Don’t feel bad. He doesn’t deserve you anyways.” I cover my face with my hands, “I am going to die alone.” Jake sets his dishes in the sink and pats my back, “Come on. Let’s watch one of your shitty shows.” We sit down on the couch and I turn on the tv. Part way in to an episode, my phone rings. It’s Glen. I let it go to voicemail. Jake clears his throat, “Can I ask you something?” “Of course.” “A few months ago, you were head over heels for this guy. What changed it? Because it has to be more than just the kiss.” I think for a minute. “I started to notice things. His attention always being somewhere else. Gifts instead of quality time. And I never felt heat when I was around him.” He raises an eyebrow, “Have you felt ‘heat’ with anyone before?” Looking down at my hands, I blush, “Yes.” Jake’s jaw twitches, “Then why haven’t you gone out with that guy?” “I can’t.” “Why not?” “He doesn’t feel the same way.” He furrows his brow, “Have you asked him if he does?” “No but I can tell, okay? I’m going to go to bed. Goodnight Mr. Seresin.” He mutters goodnight as I walk up the stairs. I lay awake in my bed, thinking about Jake.
*1 month later*
I wake up covered in sweat. The nightmares have been happening for years, but this one really spooked me. I can’t fall back asleep, so I head downstairs to make tea. Jake runs downstairs in his pajama pants and no shirt, gun by his side. My jaw almost drops to the floor. “Calm down G.I. Joe, it’s just me.” “It’s 2 am! Are you okay?” I take my tea over to the couch, “Yeah, just a bad dream.” He frowns, “Oh, I’m sorry. Do you need anything?” I sigh, “No, just couldn’t fall back asleep.” He joins me on the couch, “Want to talk about it?” I shake my head. We sit in silence and my phone rings. Glen. Probably out drinking with friends. “What are you gonna do about pretty boy?” I rub my forehead, “I don’t know.” “What are you going to do about mystery man?” “I don’t know, okay!” He throws his hands up in surrender, “Hey, I’m just kidding. I’m sorry.” “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m just frustrated.” Jake shrugs, “Then just tell the guy. The worst thing that could happen is he says no.” I bury my face in my hands and he rubs my back. I stiffen, “Please don’t touch me right now.” Jake pulls his hand back, looking hurt. Then the realization hits him. “Oh, Ms. Y/l/n are you talking about..” I don’t hear the rest because I run upstairs, shutting myself in my room. Jake follows me upstairs, knocking on my door. “Go away!” “Not until you talk to me.” I wipe my eyes and walk over to the door, opening it a crack. Jake’s face falls when he sees the streaks of tears. He pushes the door open, bringing my head to his chest. I breathe in his cologne. The heat of his body radiates into mine. His heart is beating fast, the complete opposite of that night in the alley. “Ms. Y/l/n, you are amazing. I mean that. But…” “But you don’t feel the same.” His green eyes meet mine with a look of seriousness, “But you’re my client. My job is to protect you. Any distraction puts you at risk and I can’t have that happen.” I step away, “I understand. Goodnight, Mr. Seresin.” He starts to speak but stops himself, walking out of the room. I stare at the ceiling, wishing I could disappear.
*1 week later*
I have been avoiding Jake at all costs. Keeping our conversations short and only about security. I can see that it hurts him, which kills me. When Dad calls, he keeps asking what’s wrong but I don’t know what to say. Oh sorry Dad, I have the hots for my bodyguard? He was annoying at first but he’s actually kind and sweet and strong and looks so damn good shirtless. Yeah, can’t say that. Glen calls, inviting me over for a movie. I head downstairs, “Mr. Seresin? We are leaving in an hour.” He comes out of the office, “Where are we going?” “Glen’s house. He’s invited me over for a movie night.” That jaw muscle twitches like always and he mumbles, “But you don’t even like him.” “What?” Jake moves closer, clearing the distance between us in seconds. With his face inches from mine he repeats himself, “You don’t like him, so why are we going there.” I look at my shoes, avoiding his eyes, “Just be ready in an hour. You’ll be dropping me off. He has security at his home.” I turn and Jake’s hand closes around my wrist, “Like hell I will.” I whip around, “I’m your client, remember?” The familiar heat starts to spread through my stomach. Jake’s eyes stare into me, dark and stormy. His voice is low, “You are not going over there because he does not deserve you. If you want to watch a movie, rent one on your Amazon Prime.” “You’re ridiculous! You don’t want me, unless you suddenly forgot about the other night. So, I am going to spend the night with Glen.” Jake leans in and a flutter flies across my chest. He notices my blush and smirks, “Oh, I want you. I’ve wanted you since the day we met. But once I have you, I won’t be able to let go.”
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slamdunkhcs · 2 years ago
the solitude of ryota miyagi
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While I consider Slam Dunk a perfect series, with amazing characterization, I believe that the weakest aspect of the story is the lack of backstories. While a backstory is not needed for every character, it would have added much more to the main characters and their development. The main team members of the series are already very well developed and they had plenty of development (especially throughout the Sannoh match). However, Ryota Miyagi, Shohoku’s point guard, seemed like a static character in comparison to his other teammates.
While he isn’t a badly written character by any means, we didn’t see much of his story throughout the manga. His main thing was being the short boy who had a crush on Ayako.
During his introduction arc, Miyagi was overshadowed by Mitsui, who had his whole backstory revealed in that arc. In comparison, all we knew about Miyagi was that he was a problem child who liked Ayako, and became friends with Sakuragi.
Throughout the rest of the series, we don’t truly see much of Ryota’s struggles, aside from his height leaving him at a disadvantage. This issue is shown throughout the Sannoh match. The readers are shown how Ryota is concerned about if he can even match up to Fukatsu, but we aren’t shown much of Ryota’s inner thoughts compared to Akagi’s thoughts of comparison.
More of Ryota’s story is revealed in a spin-off chapter that was released after Slam Dunk’s serialization, titled Piercing. We finally learn more details about Ryota’s life, such as how he had known Ayako since he was young and about his brother’s disappearance. This added some depth to Ryota and potentially explains why he’s a problem child, but it is still rather vague and left many questions unanswered.
However, over 20 years later, Ryota’s story was finally revisited. In The First Slam Dunk, Ryota is the main character and we finally learn about his background and even his inner thoughts.
What shocked me the most was learning just how passionate Ryota was about basketball. Aside from Sakuragi (who himself became serious about basketball towards the end of the series), I felt Ryota was the most casual about basketball. He had even explained to Sakuragi that he wasn’t sure he wanted to play basketball in highschool until he saw Ayako. However, it’s shown Ryota had played basketball since he was a child, and his older brother had taught him. And despite Ryota’s mother disliking basketball (due to it reminding her of her late son), Ryota continued to play it.
His family life which is hinted at in Piercing is fully revealed in the movie. Ryota’s brother is confirmed to be dead, and we truly see how much it affected Miyagi. While in the manga he doesn’t seem depressed or anything, we learn how it deeply affected him and led him to become a delinquent. He was even bawling in his cave hideout that he used to visit as a kid. And the fact he wrote to his mother that he wished he was the one who died instead speaks volumes.
Ryota had always come off as a very nonchalant person. While he did get pissed at times, he didn’t seem like he had serious issues. Ayako even states to him that he always looks like he’s fine. I think that this shows how strong Ryota was mentally, he always looked okay in front of his teammates and the average reader wouldn’t figure he had anything too serious going on,
As stated in a lyric by Taylor Swift, “No one sees when you lose when you’re playing solitaire”. Ryota seems to keep his problems to himself, similarly to Sakuragi. It seems like nobody in the team has any idea what happened, aside from maybe Yasu and Ayako. And Miyagi doesn’t act depressed either. However, I believe that his background reveals that Ryota tries to keep his feelings and struggles under control.
Something I think is notable is Ryota’s friendship with Sakuragi. It’s shown that they don’t get along, until they open up to each other one night regarding their bad luck in love. Their entire conversation that night wasn’t revealed (and I believe there is a possibility they could’ve talked about things outside of their love life), but it still shows that Sakuragi was the first one Ryota opened up to on the team. Additionally, Ryota was the first one on the team that Sakuragi confided in about any struggles he was facing. As a result, I believe that this was why they were able to become friends so easily.
While Miyagi is already a stand out character in Shohoku, the additional information regarding his background makes him an even better written character.
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my-castles-crumbling · 10 months ago
omg okay, I feel like u caused a revelation. 
probably one I should’ve already had. 
“I think it’s possible for you to have had a great childhood AND not be supported now” - You. 
I thought I was. Supported. Now. Because they’ve been doing everything they’ve always done, right? So it was normal. BUT, if they were really supporting me, they’d be supporting me. In the ways I need to be supported, not just the ways they want to support me. 
It’s Purple anon btw :) Ur really good at this advice thing. Like genuinely. Thanks. 
Also you ready? I HAVE NEWS. 
Ask her if it was a date. You make it sound so easy Cas. 
But I decided it was infinitely more embarrassing for it to be a date and I didn’t realise than if it wasn’t a date but I asked if it was. So I asked… 
you ready? (also please be prepared for how absolutely incredibly dumb i’m about to seem. benefit of hindsight and all?) 
Me: *in the kitchen with her, drying the dishes she’s just washed after dinner cause we don’t have a dishwasher- background music was my Chappell Roan playlist, just to set the scene* Hey so, I had the best time on Wednesday. Thank you for planning all that, you’re amazing. 
Daisy: You’re welcome. I had the best time too. Oh and I named the bear, which is getting more adorable everyday, just so you know. I named it Candy. After the road we met on. 
Me: The road? 
Daisy: Yes. The road. I cannot believe you. You don’t remember? 
Me: I- how do you remember that? 
Daisy: I met you. Of course I remember. A invited me to that adorable house party at her friends place, and as if it were in a movie, when I went outside to the street to get some air, on the left was the road sign, and on the right was you. I mean A was there too but who cares? I’m pretty sure she introduced us but I don’t remember what she said. 
Me: And you’re offended I don’t remember? I might not remember the name of the damn road, but I do remember everything she said about you. And your ridiculous outfit that night.  I never did find out where the hell you got that purse from.
Daisy: I stole it from my mum.
Me: But you told everyone a few months later that it got ruined at that party? 
Daisy: Oh yeah it got stained bad. And it was all your fault. 
Me: All my fault? How exactly? 
Daisy: You, you flustered me. 
Me: I? I flustered you? Now that’s hilarious. When did I fluster you, when I rambled on about the moon while we were stood outside?
Daisy: You don’t remember, do you? 
Me: Remember? I remember that night. You had that cardigan on, and you were very sensibly drinking water. 
Daisy: Yeah. And you definitely weren’t drinking water. Plus don’t get me started on outfits. I had on a silly brown cardigan, one of my favourite shirts and joggers. You had those boots, and glasses that everyone swore were a fashion statement, it took four months for me to realise you actually need those. They just fitted perfectly with your look. And your hair, don’t you remember how long it was back then, all wavy in the wind. God it really was like a movie. 
Me: Oh come on, i’m not buying that. Those glasses were dull and my hair was horrifically tangled that evening. Plus, “dumb brown cardigan”, don’t disparage my favourite cardigan of yours. I know you still have it. You wear it when you read. And it matches your eyes. Plus it has little caramel flowers, like the specs in your eyes. And that random shirt had Tori Spring on it. That’s how I knew we’d be friends. 
Daisy: Yeah I remember. You really don’t remember what happened that night? 
Me: I am literally talking to you about how I remember every detail, what have I missed? And pray tell how it was my fault your adorably weird bag got ruined?
Daisy: I- you are quite something. Okay so firstly, I brought up the moon and you not only indulged my random facts, you then gave your own. Then you trailed your hand down my chest, pointing at Tori and left your hand just resting on me as you chatted about how much you adored Solitaire and loved a book that surprised you with twists. THEN you trailed your hand back up my neck to my chin and pulled my face towards you, and whispered something about how amazing my eye makeup was. And then you downed your beer or whatever was in that horrific cup, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. Where we then spent an hour or so dancing, closely. Then your phone rang and suddenly you had to leave. You shoved your newest drink into my hand, kissed my cheek, and ran out the fucking house. And then I didn’t see you again for a month. So yeah, I dropped the stupid beer you shoved in my hands onto my mums bag when you kissed my cheek and then I had to explain that I of course wasn’t drinking, which I wasn’t. And then I had to tell her about you. It’s still stained, the bag. That’s how I remember it anyway. 
Me: I- erm- okay you must be exaggerating parts of that. And I wanted to see you, I had that family crisis, I disappeared to everyone. A freaked the hell out. Wait, is that we barely spoke that year? Our friend groups were overlapping so much but- besides a few moments- we didn’t talk much. Christ when you say it all like that I sound like a dick. I didn’t mean to-
Daisy: Flirt with me? 
Me: I didn’t mean to flirt with anyone back then. I was walking, talking mess. 
Daisy: And yet you charmed everyone. 
Me: Oh please, they put up with at best. But I charmed you?
Daisy: At first. Then you disappeared. Then i was less charmed. But it worked in the end, i’m still here aren’t I? 
Me: Yeah. You are. Look i’m sorry if that hurt you, I didn’t intend to but honestly that does sound kind of shitty of me. Why did you start talking to me, after like a year? Cause I tried starting conversations, I really liked you. But that whole year you couldn’t care less. 
Daisy: Couldn’t care less? I had a massive crush on you and you clearly weren’t in a place to be dealing with that. Hell, you’d barely figured out that you weren’t straight. And your parents were being extra dicks. After a year, I thought it’d be fine to be friends with you without getting a silly crush. 
Me: It took you a year to get over me? But 16 to 17 year old me was such a dickhead. How did you ever like her? 
Daisy: I like all of you. 
Me: That was cheesy. But same. For the record. 
Daisy: You like all of you too? 
Me: I obviously met you. You’re the worst. 
Daisy: Thought I was the best? 
Me: You can be both.
Daisy: Can I now? What an honour. 
We carried on in silence for a bit. I added this bit so you could see what gave me the final courage to ask her. Cause- clearly i’ve always been this much of an idiot. 
Me: *a few minutes later, I don’t remember how long it was tbh, Chappell Roan is STILL playing cause she’s iconic* Can I ask you something? 
Daisy: Sure, I guess.
Me: Wednesday. It was a lot of fun. 
Daisy: It was. That happens to not be a question though. 
Me: I- was it maybe, supposed to be a date? 
Daisy: What? 
Me: Shit i’m sorry, it didn’t- I just- It’s okay if not, I just thought i’d ask. 
Daisy: And, if it, if it was? 
Me: Then i’d say you really should’ve told me outright cause evidentially I can’t take social cues and I would’ve been way more romantic. 
Daisy: You held my hand. 
Me: You’re a touchy person. 
Daisy: You won me something.
Me: It made you smile, I always want you to smile. It wasn’t specific to Wednesday. 
Daisy: I’m sorry, are you saying you do all the lovely things you do to see me smile?
Me: Not to see it, that’s a bonus, just to know, that you’re smiling. To know you’re happy. It makes me happy. 
Daisy: I- shit. You can’t just say stuff like that.
Me: Why not? 
Daisy: You are and will always be the weirdest person i’ve ever met. You send crazy signals you know? 
Me: To be fair I don’t think i’m aware that i’m sending like half of them
Daisy: That much is evident 
Me: I was trying to send one now though. See, now you’re the one who can’t pick up signals 
Daisy: And what signal were you sending me? 
Me: You know you’re making this really difficult right? 
Daisy: Have I not proved that half the time I have no idea what you’re saying or doing? 
Me: Fine. I’ll make it easy. Wednesday was not a date because when we go on a date I want us both to know it’s a date. 
Daisy: But you do… want to go on a date. With me? 
Me: I would love nothing more. 
Daisy: You’re an idiot, you know that.
Me: With all the proof you seem to have that I don’t know what’s going on all the time, you’d think you’d have told me it was a date, you know, so that I knew. 
Daisy: This isn’t even the first time this has happened.
Me: I’m fairly certain this is the first time we’ve had this conversation.
Daisy: Maybe but it’s definitely not the first time i’ve taken you on a not-a-date date before.
Me: Don’t act like I don’t also plan nice shit for you.
Daisy: No you do and that’s worse cause then I have to spend ages trying to see if you realise you just planned us a date.
Me: Well obviously I did not realise. 
Daisy: Obviously 
*Small bit of silence*
Daisy: Just to check, this isn’t just a one time thing right?
Me: What? This conversation or our date that i’m gonna plan, and totally upstage Wednesday by the way, just watch me. 
Daisy: You’re an idiot, I meant the date. I don’t want one date with you and I need you to know that. I know you’ve got a lot going on with your parents and I don’t ever want to seem or feel like some kind of pressure against you so if-
Me: Look, Daisy it’s been made abundantly clear to me by A, all our friends, your mum, a tumblr blog and my professors that I could fuck up us, while trying to deal with my parents. At the end of the day, you’re the person I imagine being by my side for like- forever. And if my parents can’t get that, then they’re the ones who are wrong. 
Daisy: Sorry did you just say, my mum, a tumblr blog and your professor? 
Me: Yeah? 
Daisy: What? 
Me: Well- your mum called me last month with a super cryptic message about her supporting me, and that she’d have my back if I needed a parent and that she “loved us together”. In hindsight  I realise she was trying to hint to me to ask you out. 
Daisy: And the others? You told a blog and one of your professors about me? I thought you used tumblr for your cute Harry Potter obsession.
Me: Oh I do. There’s this blog that answers advice and stuff, I just told them I was in love with you and told them about my parents and stuff and they told me that I need to realise my parents don’t accept me, oh and that I need to ask you out. And technically two of my professors know about you. I told my favourite one, it came up during office hours cause were kinda buddies now and turns out she’s a lesbian, and she’s friends with this other professor and he came in and we all chatted about it for a while. So yeah.
Daisy: Sorry, just back up a second, this blog, you told it- you- you told it you’re in love with me? 
Me: Yeah? 
Daisy: You haven’t told me that yet!? 
Me: Oh- sorry I thought it was obvious. I’m in love with you.
Daisy: I- same I guess. Shit Purple- I am being bombarded with information right now.
Me: Sorry? I can stop. Also, “You guess”? That seems a little offensive. 
Daisy: I love you too. I’m in love with you too. But mine is obvious. I have been obviously in love with you for at least two years.
Daisy: You didn’t know? 
Me: Clearly I never know. 
Daisy: Yes well i’m starting to realise to what extreme now.
*slight silence*
Me: Holy shit i’m so stupid.
Daisy: We both are. And we thought we were so good at communicating. 
Me: I- I don’t even know what to say. 
*we’re very close to each other now*
Daisy: I don’t have to wait until our first date right? 
Me: Wait? For what? 
Daisy: *rolls her eyes* for you to kiss me idiot.
Me: Oh. No. Unless you want to and then-
Daisy: Shut up.
*We kissssssssss!!!!! Guess what? Heartstopper level fireworks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Called it*
Daisy: Better plan that date fast.
Me: I wish i’d pulled my head out of my ass faster, I can’t take you on a good date right around exams
Daisy: Well then maybe i’ll just have to keep best date title until after uni exams, then you can upstage me.
Me: It’s a draw at best, if we count Wednesday then we have to count when I jumped through hoops to get you those concert tickets, and then went with you and was super enthusiastic at your dance party.
Daisy: You loved that concert. And if you didn’t intend it to be a date, I don’t think it counts. 
Me: I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be in weird water if we try and figure out whether all the shit we’ve done over the years has been dates or not. So, even? 
Daisy: I’m totally winning
Me: I hate you.
Daisy: No you don’t. 
Me: You’re right. I don’t. I love you. So much.
Daisy: Oh my god.
Me: You’re blushing.
Daisy: Shut up! 
Me: I can’t believe I waited so long to tell you. I can’t believe you love me back.
Daisy: Of course I do. 
There was a lot of smiling and giggling and she teased me for singing Chappell Roan at her and I had to tell about your blog and my whole talk with my professors (I don’t remember if I told you about that).
But I have a girlfriend now. AHHHHHHHHHHH (happy excitement btw). 
Ugh this is so great. She’s been watching me write this over my shoulder and been correcting the parts of our conversation I got wrong. She also says i’m cheesy for giving her such a cute nickname and giving A a really basic one.
Also apparently A knows Daisy loves me? She told you, didn’t she? That stupid ask she sent. Damn her.
Anyways, the love of my life is my girlfriend nowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!
I haven’t decided what to do about my parents fully yet. Me and Daisy agreed to keep this between us (and A, and her mum, and you and my professors) during exams and then over the summer we’re gonna tell our friends and i’m gonna tell my parents and deal from there. So we’ll see.
I seriously cannot thank you enough Cas ❤️ (Daisy says your blog is adorable by the way). 
I need you to know that I went feral when I read this. I told my wife the whole story and she told me I need to get out more, but I'm just so excited for you <3
Also A did tell me Daisy loves you, yeah. I couldn't just tell! You guys had to figure it out on your own, or you'd never be able to communicate!
Sending you guys all the love and keep me updated!
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paula-in-dreamland · 1 month ago
39 and 42 please
39. What was the best part of your day today?
Ooo! Today was actually a FANTASTIC day. But the best part? We had a little movie night. With baby, my husband and I don’t often get to watch things together due to bb being a stage V clinger of a sleeper which stinks cause watching movies/tv shows together is our love language. BUT once in a blue moon we throw on a movie that is “kid-friendly” and make it work!!!
42. Do you have any games on your phone? If so, which one(s) is/are your favorite?
Yup. 11 currently. I tend to hyper fixate so my current is BusEscape: Traffic Jam. But Solitaire is and always will be old reliable.
Ask Me Questions Just Because
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conscious-naivete · 8 months ago
was listening to solitaire at work but it’s getting to be a bad time in tori’s head so i finally realized how spaced out n lethargic it was making me and was like okay we need an abrupt gear shift. peppy music we don’t need to think about…. i’ve got it. Barbie Movie Soundtrack weeeeee
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jamie-fanfan118 · 2 years ago
My wild speculation of how they will adapt the rest of the comic / Solitaire
Okay, it’s time for my heartstopper obsessed brain to get out all the baseless speculation for season 3… Major Spoiler alert for the Heartstopper comics and Solitaire (and maybe Radio Silence)!!! Also trigger waring for ED and self-harm.
So season two introduced the plot line about Charlie’s mental health with him telling Nick (in two scenes that made me tear up) about needing to control his eating and self-harming. This will obviously be a big part of the next season, but the question remains open about how they are going to do this.
In the comics the timeline is basically like this: paris trip -> Nick telling Charlie about his research into Eds during their friend groups trip to the Beach -> Nick’s holiday and Charlie getting worse because he is arguing with his mom -> Nick’s mom telling him that love can’t cure mental illness -> Nick’s birthday and him getting Charlie to talk to his parents (best scene in the comic btw)
The comic then fast forward with the following happening during the time skip: Charlie not getting an appointment with a psychiatrist -> Tori finding Charlie bleeding in the bathroom (with Charlie’s note on the cake card for Tori) -> Charlie going to a mental health ward -> Charlie coming back and the events of the short story this winter
And then the events of Solitaire take place. Of the things that happen in that book the heartstopper comic basically only mentions two things: Charlie’s self-harm attempt after his fight with Nick and Tori being friends with Micheal Holden. From that point on the comic does it’s own storyline till present (ending probably some time before the short story Nick and Chalie)
So where does that leave the Heartstopper TV show? I think they can basically do the following:
Season 3 will cover the 5th part of the comic (including the beach scene, Nick’s holiday and ending with Charlie talking to his parents.). Let’s say they add plots for the other characters like they did in season 2 and it just about fits. Then season 4 can cleanly make the same time skip the comic did. I’m guessing they would use Nick’s and Charlie’s diaries as a framing device and simply adept the flashbacks of the comic and maybe the full story of this winter.
So far so good, but the big known-unknown in this is the whole plot of solitaire. The comic sort of skirts around the plot of solitaire and simply explains the parts that are relevant to Charlie (with the notable exception of Ben getting outed and targeted by solitaire). Adding to this the comic also has a much lighter tone than solitaire (e.g. they skip showing Tori finding Charlie in the kitchen). (As much as I would kind of love it) clearly the TV show can’t simply pivot to adapting solitaire for a season.
Of course the dream scenario would be season 3 -> solitaire movie adaption -> season 4 😍
But I think that is somewhat unlikely since it would slow down the production of the show and also make it confusing for people who just watch the show.
I’m kind of sad to say this but I think they will simply cut the plot of solitaire and put a few of the more interesting pieces into the show. For example, in season 4 they could have a b-plot of Tori meeting Micheal without the context of the actual solitaire group and that leading to a toned-down version of the scene of Tori finding Charlie in the kitchen.
They kind of already started this in season 2 with the Ben Hope plot. Charlie is basically done with Ben. We don’t really need the solitaire-scenes of Ben confronting Charlie at school or Ben getting beat up at the party. The story with Imogen is also clearly similar to the story with Ben and Becky in the book.
This way you can still have all the parts of Solitaire that are needed for Nick and Charlie’s arc and also a different version of Tori’s arc as a b-plot. Ironically Solitaire without the actual group Solitaire… and no Higgs burring down. Even Tori as Wendy Adams meeting Francis as Doctor who girl is kind of questionable.
Yeah, so basically that is 3 days of my disorganized thoughts about the future seasons. I have no doubt that Alice and the whole team will do a great job on future seasons. What do you think about how they will adept the rest of the comic?
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lyraoctaviawrites · 11 months ago
Thanks to Solitaire by Alice Oseman, I’ve started really enjoying writing in both first person and present tense, and I wondered what the ITP characters’ voices would be like if they were the narrator of their own book from this same perspective. Into the Phantasm is third person throughout after all.
So I decided to write a quick opening for each one because why the hell not?
If you write a lot in third person, feel free to do this with some of your own characters, it has been genuinely really fun. A simple change of perspective can do wonders.
Another night’s gone by with very little sleep. My eyes sting and my bones feel cold, but my alarm clock says that Sarah Taylor shall sleep no more. I think that’s a Shakespeare quote. I barely remember anything I learned in English. Why did I even quote that? Stop being weird, Sarah, it’s too early for that!
My alarm clock is way too loud. Feels like my ears are gonna fall off. I should really get a different one… I’d use my phone like a normal person would, but whenever I hear a phone vibrate I start to panic. No clue why. I’m weird. You should know this by now.
I switch my stupid clock off and get dressed into my blue hoodie and leggings. As usual, I check my mirror to see if I look okay, and as usual, I absolutely don’t. I’m passable at best and I don’t look my best today. The bags under my eyes are darker than ever and I just look really pale… It’s annoying… But, I put on my best smile anyway. I’m seeing Maya and Lillian today. A smile is the least I can do to brighten their day.
My name is Maya Cadigan. Trans girl, half welsh, full time bitch. I love my friends, hate my mum, hate my life, hate the entire world to be honest. I just hate a lot of things, but that’s not my fault. If those things didn’t want me to hate them, they should stop being so easy to hate.
I realised I was trans a few months ago and to be honest, it’s been rough. Thanks to my mum being a phobic piece of garbage, I knew way less about being trans and queer than I should have. It took a lot of research and a lot of soul searching for me to say, ‘Hey. I’m a girl. I’m trans. And that’s okay.’
I like being a girl.
I wanna tell my friends. I don’t think I’ll be able to go into college if I don’t have them by my side in all this. I met up with them recently and hearing them deadname me made me wanna tear my whole fucking head off. I didn’t want to blame them but I couldn’t help… hating them for it. Of course, that just made me hate myself so I ended up leaving early and now whenever I think about it I cringe. I can be really illogical sometimes.
Sarah will be the easiest to tell. She’s a lesbian so she’s part of the community anyway, she’s literally the sweetest person I’ve ever met in my life and Lillian… I dunno, I guess I care a little more about Lillian’s opinion of me… Sarah first then. Before I have a chance to overthink and ruin it, I grab my phone and start typing.
Welp, here we go. Another day of being alive.
Late summer can be such a boring time, especially so when you’ve barely seen your friends recently and you always have to message first. It’s okay though, they both have busy lives. They both do a lot of stuff… without me… I’m gonna stop thinking about that now!
I contemplate getting dressed but I don’t really feel like going anywhere or even leaving the house. Pyjama day. Why not? Relax a little for once, why don’t ya, Lilly?
Note to self, stop calling yourself Lilly…
I don’t need my friends to have a good time. I can do all the cooking today, maybe bake something (cheesecake sounds heavenly right now, omg), and of course I can marathon some movies. Could watch a bunch of really terrible horror movies. Seems like a really terrible horror movie kinda day.
I’m fine without Sarah and Maya. Plus, when I see them again, it’ll be like they never left. I’ll be fine. It won’t ever be like the nightmares I’ve had about them leaving me. It won’t. It’ll be fine.
I’ll be fine…
Day 272 on the run
What an exciting day this is turning out to be. This parallel dimension I’ve been reading about known as ‘Earth’ was real and I’ve just travelled to it! These magic mirrors really are fascinating. I don’t pretend to know how they work but that’s only because I haven’t finished reading the books I have about them.
I love reading so so much but I can tend to be a little slow because if I don’t give the words a little time to digest then what’s the point of even reading the book? I won’t remember any of it!
I’ve tested the mirror out a few times and it seems that moving only a short distance on Earth and warping again can cause me to appear very far away from where I first used the mirror in the Phantasm. However, when coming back to Earth, it sends me back to around the same place. I have no clue why this happens but there’s got to be an answer. My current theory is that the landmasses are a vastly different size but I have yet to prove it.
I seem to have stumbled upon some kind of training centre called a ‘College.’ Perhaps investigating it will give me some information about this amazing new world. For the sake of research, I must enter!
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captain-cookie · 1 year ago
Tag (7) people you'd like to get to know better!
@soggypetals tagged me in this !! (i’m not fully sure how i’m meant to do this but i’m making my best guess)
currently watching: ooh god i’m watching so many things there’s gotta be at least 5 shows i halfway finished but literally today i was rewatching sherlock, and i recently finished the tobey maguire spiderman movies and the last hunger games movie
currently listening: to so much mcr and fall out boy they have a grip on me rn. but also the used , thursday, three songs from cobra starship, death spells, stomaches, hesitant alien, yk. also please someone recommend me some women to listen to i looked at my playlist and it’s all men i stg it’s a huge problem
currently reading: just finished rereading the princess bride cause i barely remmeber the last time i read it. it was p enjoyable however those authors notes really read like the classic boomer “i hate my wife” a lot of the time which was just like. idc.
current obsession: really into playing solitaire rn i have the app and it’s sm fun. gonna look into poker app (gambling free don’t even worry!!) also obsessed w playing music, i js wanna be in a band so bad yk. i’ve written like three songs and they’re kinda shit but we roll!!
okk tagging: @savedthescene @headfirstforha1os @ajmustdie @willwont2005 @foliejpg @dietstjuno @doctorcziken
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dreamlandgirlie · 1 year ago
the cleveland guardians (taylor’s version) aka specifically taylor swift lyrics that remind me of the boys (ty @lalaloobzy for the inspiration)
the last great american dynasty, but specifically the bridge: “they say she was seen on occasion, pacing the rocks, staring out on the midnight sea” - for some reason it just makes me think of that time when kip played for the cubs (i think?) and tipped his hat to the empty stands in cleveland during 2020 but also “and then it was bought by me” bc it implies a new era of chaotic energy (in the best way) within our organization
the great war: “there’s no morning glory, it was war it wasn’t fair” - this seems self explanatory
begin again: “i’ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end. but on a wednesday, in a cafe, i watched it begin again” - this just makes me feel hopeful for the future? like when it’s a new season or we get new players, etc.
peace: “i’d give you my sunshine, give you my best, but the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me.” - aka we’re gonna try hard and have fun but we aren’t gonna win (for the most part)
long story short: “past me, i wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things. your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing.” - this rly makes me think of like around 2022 alds time, it’s also something i wish i could go back and tell myself (especially as someone who is so ride or die for josh naylor, given the drama surrounding him at the time)
electric touch: “all i know is this could either break my heart, or bring it back to life.” - how i feel literally every game
change: literally the whole song but specifically “they might be bigger but we’re faster and never scared” - this also doesn’t need any explanation
the very first night: “we were built to fall apart. we broke the status quo, then we broke each other’s hearts” -we defy everyone’s expectations and then we lose right after
forever winter: “live my life scared to death, he’ll decide to leave instead” - josé ramírez, do i need to explain further than that? hoax: “you know i left a part of me back in new york. you knew the hero died so what’s the movie for? you knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart.” - OUCHHH 2022 alds ☹️
dear reader *i couldn’t narrow it down to just one lyric for this so here are multiple*:
“you don’t have to answer just ‘cause they asked you”
“bend when you can, snap when you have to”
“you wouldn’t take my word for it if you knew who was talking”
“my friends found friends who care, no one sees when you lose when you’re playing solitaire.” - ALL of the above are josey and you cannot tell me im wrong
the archer: “who could ever leave me darling? but who could stay” and the entire “they see right through me, they see right through me” part - bc no fr…who COULD stay?
castles crumbling: “now they’re screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name, now they’re screaming that they hate me.” and “you don’t want to know me, i will just let you down” - ever since this came out it has literally played in my head every time one of the boys is expected to be the ‘hero’ in a precarious situation but ultimately fucks up/we don’t win/etc
look what you made me do: “honey i rose up from the dead, i do it all the time” and “all i think about is karma” - just waiting for karma to do its thing towards anyone who has wronged us 🤷‍♀️
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talenlee · 1 year ago
Decemberween '23 — This Year's ASMRtists
If you’re not familiar with it, ASMR is an abbreviation meaning ‘autonomous sensory meridian response,’ a science sounding name for a reaction that some people get to a range of stimuli. This effect can be caused by a whole host of triggers but at least in the community on Youtube there’s a body of people who engage with it because of its ability to affect relaxation and restful mindsets. If you’re not familiar with what this looks like, it looks like a bunch of people making long videos with a strangely hushed affect.
And I watch and listen to them, to help me relax!
If you are familiar with it, hey, here’s some of the artists I’ve been watching this year, as the ASMR effect shifts around in my head and how I respond to it. One thing that people who don’t experience ASMR might not realise is that you can rely only on the effect being modestly unpredictable. Some stuff may cause it reliably for months and then suddenly, nothing. It pushes me to partake of new things regularly, and to that end, every year, I try to look at what artists are ‘new’ to me that I haven’t mentioned before.
Here then are four artists that I started paying attention to this year:
ASMR "Criminal" Lawyer Gets You Out of Trouble | BETTER CALL SAUL Parody
Watch this video on YouTube
I feel like I’ve watched more Amy Kay, like maybe I watched her years ago and I never got around to mentioning her. That’s probably likely, because she has an entire queer-read story about you being some variety of monarch, who started out being referred to as a dude, and then as the story evolved, the woman you’re talking to starts referring to you differently. Then eventually the series splits into two threads, with one half referring to ‘my lord’ and the other ‘my lady.’
Oh and then a cult got involved, it was an interesting story.
Anyway, Amy Kay does a lot of different types of video. Some of it is very mundane, some of it is very fantastic, and you’ll know if it’s the kind you respond to. Also, and this shouldn’t be a thing, but in the ASMR space, there’s a common responsiveness to media trends. When a Harry Potter movie comes out, a lot of people will make Harry Potter themed videos. It’s just a heavy trend, and I try not to hold it too much against the artists who are algorithm-responsive, but I am grateful when I see people fade out on it.
Amy Kay does have some videos about Harry Potter content, but it seems to be a thing of the past for now.
ASMR My Friend Brushes and Plays With My Hair
Watch this video on YouTube
Cosmo is an ASMR puppet. Cosmo is not unique as an ASMR puppet, but Cosmo is a puppet that does ASMR. And it’s a big friendly kind of puppet. You’re not going to see stuff that you won’t see from other ASMRtists by the way. Cosmo does roleplays about Recent Events (hi, Barbie Movie Tie In moment) and Cosmo does hand-focused gameplay videos (like Solitaire and Rush Hour), and Cosmo even does draw-along and ramble videos. In every way, Cosmo creates the most typical and normal content any middle of the road ASMRtist can produce, except for the alienation that comes from Cosmo being a puppet.
Alienation is important to me in ASMR. Roleplays don’t want to be realistic because they can’t be. Sometimes there are people who aim for normal, everyday kind of vibes, or expected behaviours, but because ASMR content is fundamentally weird (why are we all whispering?), the closer it gets to normalcy, the less likely it is to land for me. Give me something weird, give me something that recognisably can’t be real, and let me patch the gap in reality myself.
Cosmo’s great, and Cosmo isn’t real, but Cosmo exists and is my friend.
ASMR | making comfort food for a cold day
Watch this video on YouTube
I’m really selfconscious about my ASMR habits, especially since a lot of the ASMRtists I follow are very attractive women, some of whom are markedly younger than myself, and that makes me feel… oogy. It does mean that when I find myself responding to an ASMRtist who isn’t a pretty white girl, I try to make sure I mention it, and share their work. In this case, ASMRdido got on my radar through long, patient, whispered explanations of mathematical game concepts – particularly, the Monty Hall problem.
The other thing he does that I find useful for study is long (long) videos of playing a softly sounded, wood-and-velvet game called Close the Box. Close the Box is a great solo game because it underscores how little pieces you need to make a game out of something and still make it engaging.
ASMR-The Vintage Ice Cream Parlor Role Play🍨(Spooky Creations)
Watch this video on YouTube
And finally, Lloyd’s ASMR is a channel that’s… I think deliberately weird. Lloyd really turns up the ambient sound so if you don’t like the SHHHHH of an empty room, you might not like these. They’re slow, deliberate videos, and usually you can see the structure being something Lloyd has props for, reiterated in a new form. Door to door salesman, visiting a store, visiting an old style store. It’s a bit like a comprehensive library in that if you like one thing you can probably find ten or twenty versions of the same thing, even if they don’t make sense. Like you don’t get door to door bakery salespeople.
Lloyd is someone I like because of his gentle demeanour and I like the way that I, forgive me, don’t have to pay much attention. There’s not going to be a really funny joke or something I need to respond to, the way that (say) survey question videos invite me to. I know what I’m getting and I know there’s a reasonably large quantity of it, but also that it’s not about to impress me. It’s just sweet background noise and I’m not going to need to be afraid of something shocking or funny happening.
There! Here’s some stuff I’ve been listening to this year and I think makes my ability to focus and study better.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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sunreisets · 2 years ago
tagged by @theskyrose (IM SORRY I PROCASTINATED ON THIS BYE)
last song listened to (assuming spotify?): I love you so by the Walters
currently watching: i’ve finished like all the series that i’ve started on but I think Jujutsu Kaisen! I watched the movie on the plane back to singapore and it was sick so i’ll see if I can watch the anime or read the manga. If not then i’m also waiting on season four of The umbrella academy, I LOVE TUA SM it’s such a good series we love we stan
current obsession: literally just Formula One as a whole. Sometimes I get mean comments for being a girl and liking sport but eh, idrc, motorsport is like life to me, reason why I don’t play genshin nowadays either HAHAHAH. Im staying up tonight to watch Canada smh HAHAH. if you would say I’m also currently obsessed with BabyMetal’s music because holy shit when I discovered them I fell in love with their music. live laugh love headbangerr
tagging @princeofpyrenee @solitaire-enthusiast @rosapastelxo @mewgarden to do this because why not! feel free to not do this if you don’t feel like doing so and @ everyone too, just say that I tagged you
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vahingoniloinenlapsi · 2 years ago
9 people you want to get to know better
(Except I don’t know nine people who haven’t done this already ;w,)
I was tagged by @transprincecaspian !  I’ve been thinking about doing this all morning/ day, so here we go XD
Last Song: Planet Belligerence by Rotteen. I came across the album “Monarch of Death Rave” a while ago and decided to listen to it now :3
Currently Watching: I’m actually not sure. I’m really bad at watching shows or movies if I’m alone and currently there’s really nothing I’m watching (aside from youtube I guess)
Currently Reading: I’m rereading Alice Oseman’s Solitaire and whenever I get a minute I listen to Reforged by Seth Haddon on Audible.
Current Obsession: The most recent obsessions my brain worms have decided on are the Dragon Age series, Star Wars, games from the 90′s and early 2000′s and art and drawing in general. It’s a lot and my brain gets sad if I can’t indulge in every single one of those things simultaneously ;w;  The closest I can get to that is drawing fan art, so that’s what I do...
@fenharel-apologist94 , @beastofmoss , @zundely , @albino-pony , @drawingsphopho , @strawberryshortcake819
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poltergeisthero · 1 month ago
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🃜🃚🃖🃁🂭🂺 🃜🃚🃖🃁🂭🂺 🃜🃚🃖🃁🂭🂺 🃜🃚🃖🃁🂭🂺 🃜🃚🃖🃁🂭🂺 🃜🃚🃖
⤷ Hi everyone!! I’m not super good with intros so please bare with me on this haha.
⤷My name is Ashley & Im 19!! Currently I am attending college as a psych major.
⚠︎ Minecraft!!!
⚠︎ Alien (Isolation & all movies)
⚠︎ Resident Evil
⚠︎ Silent Hill 2
⚠︎ Star wars
⚠︎ Literature | Reading
⚠︎ Card games (poker, solitaire etc)
⚠︎ Early 2000’s - 2010’s nostalgia
⚠︎ Creepypasta
⚠︎Godzilla / monsterverse
⃠ Pro-shippers
⃠ If you are sensitive to uncensored topics (I will provide cw if asked !!)
⃠ I mainly just block people if I don’t think we will get along or if I dont want to see your stuff so I dont really have a DNI criteria haha
⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ ⫘⫘⫘⫘
☾ I would really love this blog to be a space where I can talk into a void and if you stumble on it, you feel welcome!
☾ I want to gain more confidence in my art by posting some of it, I do art as a hobby, but it’s still nice to participate in fandom occasionally haha
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I hope you enjoyed my little about me! Im not used to doing all this so I hope it looks okay.
Thank you and have a good day!🫀
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lov3rgrrrl · 6 months ago
last song? _ the entire epic musical
favorite color? _ pink or yellow or green or orange or rainbow or like all of them ……every color .i don’t know…………
currently watching? _ ..does epic count (i can tell you that i’m currently reading icarus by k. ancrum though :3 it’s literally sitting beside me and i will be going right back to it once i finish typing) (no i do not remember the last tv show i watchedWAIT IT WAS DUNGEON MESHI !!!!! season 2 isn’t here yet though so it doesn’t count as current 💔💔💔💔)
last movie? _ ………..dors….epic………count…………………….. (if not uhh my wife has been infatuated with the hunchback of notre dame recently) (and if not that i can tell you that i just finished reading alice oseman’s i was born for this for the second time!) (no i do not remember the last movie i watched…..forreal this time. nimona maybe?)
spicy/sweet/savory? _ sweet !!!!!!! i love a sweet little treat . andspicy hurt
relationship status? _ i am MARRIED (not legally💔💔YET) to my AMAZING WIFE who is the LOVE of my LIFE and we are going to have TWO kids and live in a COTTAGE and we are going to have PICNIC DATES every other WEEKEND and we’re going to live HAPPILY EVER AFTER for the rest of our LIVES……………
current obsession? _ epic the musical…………. if that wasn’t obvious (it’s the only thing i’ve been listening to since the wisdom saga released and i am not exaggerating) and of course my own books/characters are constant at all times, and pjo/hoo/toa is always looming somewhere in the background. so is my girlfriend but like she’s kind of in my walls (i kidnapped her like the hades and persephone story. she is my queen now. we are going to get married and live in a cottage with our two kids and and………yeagh you get it)
last thing i googled? _ curly hair blythe dolls. i don’t know what blythe dolls are but MY WIFE DOESprobably
@my-chemical-migraine <- my gorgeous WIFE and intelligent GIRLFRIEND and reliable BEST FRIEND and generally so cool LOVE of my LIFE….her NICKNAME in my PHONE is DISCORD KITTEN and i LOVE HER more than ANYTHING in this wretched terrible WORLD
@soda-sparkss <- gabie my online brotherfriend who i LOVE VERY MUCH
@anxi0us-rav3n <- rainy/raven my real life/in person motherfriend who i have known for the longest out of anyone on this list<3
@stellarthefriendlyghost <- corpstie my online writing buddy and fandom friend..who was already tagged but i can do it too
@solitaire-addict <- arlo my online writing buddy and fandom friend who actually came along before corpstie
@connecfork <- baba, gabie’s online fandom friend and our discord buddy!
@peckforlovingheck <- this person has a few names and i don’t remember any of them and also haven’t given them any nicknames:( but they’re my wife’s real life/in person best friend and they are VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@bookshelfminstrel <- hermes kid that has made exactly one (1) sex joke in my presence
@radioactiveryan <- sergeant sleepy jackie weaver (british😨😨😨)
@marsqe BRITSH WEIRDO COP LOSERRRRRRRRRR POINTS AT YOU POINTS AT YOU. oops number ten. but you’re special to me in the way that i bully you everyday despite the authority you have as A FEDERAL AGENT (twenty something year old discord mod) 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬so it’s ok you’re an exception😋🤗you’re doing a very good job at moderating btw unlike .other servers. i’ve been in (my wife and gabie and baba know what i’m talking about)
nine people I want to get to know better 💌
ty 4 the tag @coldfruitwater unsure if it's actually possible for you to get to know me better but ily anyways
LAST SONG? light on maggie rogers ✴️
FAVORITE COLOR? greeeeen i surround myself with more blue though
CURRENTLY WATCHING? dimension 20 fantasy high junior year always & forever the best background for sewing
LAST MOVIE? my dad and i saw sing sing @ our local arthouse theater at like 10 pm this monday so i would stop panicking over school starting we were the only ones there it was so ridiculously beautiful
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? sweet!! (leaving in the copypasted audrey answer we are the same person after all)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? girl i deconstructed amatonormativity at like 12 i'm so done w that. relationships sure i have them.
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? john hollander, my new fountain pen, staggeringly infinite potential futures, obsession itself
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? the genius lyrics for a poem on the underground wall by simon & garfunkel
hi hello @little-orphan-ant @theiloveyousong @wheresurboytonighthelookslikeenj @granma-sweetie @resident-dumb-fuck @ethernitty @interview-with-the-vlfote @catboymoses no pressure ofc!!
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italoniponic · 3 years ago
May i request the first year gang trying to confess to an super oblivious reader? As hcs if thats okay (^-^)
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! Lucky you, I was finishing reading this wholesome fluffy shoujo manga some weeks ago (obviously with this type of drama) and oh God, I really don’t know if I should throw hands at oblivious reader (I may be one myself irl) or cheer more on the boys to make the reader understand their feelings finally. Well, let’s see what happens! 
The colored 12th hc is an ending where the Oblivious Reader strikes again! So if you want to pretend everything got right, just pass through it~ Thanks for the request! |
Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt x g!n super oblivious reader 
fluff / overall comedy / crush shenanigans / double ending / use of “you” pronouns 
Warning!: no offense to the requester, but I made the reader seriously stupid so proceed with caution.
Cherry's Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
I Love You, Don't You Get It?
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“Okay, here we come. I love you!,” Ace said at once. You were at the door of the Ramshackle, it was late afternoon and Ace had said he wanted to do one last thing before the day was over. It was very important to him. After so many weeks corroding himself with this feelings, Ace wanted to confess himself to you;
And... you laughed. It was the first indication that you hadn't quite understood what he said. “I love you too, silly. I know you're not much of a feelings-guy but the others will be happy to know that you appreciate them too!,” you advised, thinking Ace was just meaning he liked you all more than he'd like to admit;
Which is kind of true but it's not the truth he was actually dealing with! Have you really not noticed all this time? The looks that Ace directs at you, the jokes and teasing that imply how much he wants to go out with you, the way he defends you from the bullies out there, the way Ace stays close to you at any opportunity;
But it's a lot harder than it sounds. You understood all this as Ace wanting to be more your friend and compensate for his past mistakes, no other intention. And that was kind of a reality before Ace started falling for you. Before it was more like he wanted to have your trust, but now the game has changed;
And you don't know the rules. It was frustrating like playing solitaire with someone who is used to chess. Ace knows you have just good intentions in interpreting him in another way — Heavens, it's one of the things he likes about you! But he dies a little inside every time you laugh and think he's not being serious;
Perhaps this is the karma of being “the group’s clown” that Deuce talked about so much. Ace’s fame had reached a point where you would need more than simple words to understand that he was not joking about any of this. His feelings are real, concrete... and you are looking at him as just your funny friend;
Given this, Ace tries to be a little clearer and more insistent. He gives you a red rose whenever he can, he tries to call you to go to the movies and watch a clearly romantic movie even if it makes his stomach turn a little, all the magic tricks he does end with you having an Ace of Hearts in your hands with your name in the Heart suit;
And you understand all of this just as well as Heartslabyul students understand their dorm rules. You think Ace is giving you flowers to adorn the Ramshackle. You’re loving to discover this world's most famous movies. And the card of Hearts corresponding to Ace at the end of each magical trick? Wow, he has a very interesting signature to end the show!;
Ace's pillow is almost featherless with how much he strangles it and throws around the poor thing to take out his own frustration. Deuce has already prepared the burial for the pillow and the geese’s feathers who have done their best to try to make Ace have better dreams. But he is getting desperate and impatient. It would be easier to throw a table in your face with both your initials carved on it;
Well, ridiculous situations require even more infamous solutions. If saying it clearly and directly makes you confused, maybe if Ace left the statement complicated you would understand better. That's the strangest logic he could come up with but it was worth a try. With Cater’s help, Ace puts together a whole journey of puzzles for you. You’ve walked the entire school until you reached the main street where it all began;
“The person who loves you the most in the world is the one who brings trouble with the wind,” you read to the statue of the Queen of Hearts. Said and done, a gust of wind came from nowhere and took the paper out of your hands. Ace appeared beside you, winking. “Woke up from your dream, love of my life?”
“Ace...! I don't get it. I'm already awake,” you replied, laughing then. You really want to give him a heart attack, huh?
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“I… I l-love you! I said it!,” Deuce confessed. It had been easier than he thought, but at the same time, it required more courage than planned. It was like guessing up a question in the history test... and as always happened, Deuce had got it wrong. You stared at him for a moment with a confused look, until you finally revealed what you felt;
“I love you too, Deuce. You are the best of the best friends I have ever had!,” you replied, smiling. It was Deuce's turn to not understand what you said. Your words were positive but what did they mean? Were you still friends? Were they already dating? Was everything still as before or did something move out of place? What a mess;
But since nothing out of the ordinary was announced, Deuce could only come to the conclusion that his love confession went in through one ear and out the other. You didn’t notice anything and understood everything wrong. He couldn't tell if that was better or worse than a rejection. At least you two are still best friends;
Since Deuce has never had many real friends, this statement was good for him but maybe it's more because he doesn't understand much about romance. Ace filled his ears about how he should do something before he was forever stuck in the Friendzoneland and things starts to really get worrisome;
At first, Deuce tried to carry on doing things normally — although the degree of his nervousness at your side hasn’t diminished a bit. He helped you the most in class, sat right next to you in the cafeteria and assured you that you can come to him at any time to ask for help with anything;
A short time later, he decides to help you with more things, especially after picking up some books and movies to consult and have as a basis. So when it rains, Deuce takes off his blazer for you to walk over the puddles and also offers for the two of you to take a walk with Grim and some flamingos from Heartslabyul. Old romance movies, you should imagine — but you didn't;
The new plan is to try to cook you something romantic and that makes Deuce's feelings very explicit, so he asked Trey for help in this situation. The plan was to bake several heart-shaped cookies but, Deuce didn't explained their purpose before you split them among the first-years; 
Love is a pain and loving definitely sucks at times, but Deuce doesn't want to let himself get easily knocked down by such a thing. Even if it's hard or takes years, he won't give up on making you understand how he feels;
You watched one of the romantic movies that Deuce rented at the Ramshackle — unfortunately with the whole group. Deuce tried to put his arm around your shoulder but your response to that was to surround him and Ace with your arms in the middle of that deep emotional scene. Luck isn't on his side yet but watching the finale gave him an idea;
Classes were over and Deuce asked you to wait near the statue hall on the main street. Sometime later, he showed up with a dark blue Magical Wheel to hang out with you — he had convinced (unknowingly using force) some Ignihyde students to let him be the test pilot the other day — and you two practically flew school out;
Wind in your hair, you couldn't help but remember the final scene of the movie you saw where the main couple rode off on a motorcycle into the sunset with romantic music playing in the background. And on the radio, he played the exact same song. You made a stop in a high part of the island, where you could see both the school and the sea. Deuce whispered in your ear, “I want to feel the love of those two with you, really.”
“Deuce, did you... take me to a hill just to ask to watch the movie again?,” you asked. Deuce didn't know what to answer so he just agreed.
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“I’m not the best with words but… the thing is: I love you,” Jack confessed. It was noon, lunchtime and Jack found a way to have a moment alone with you in the garden. It was a point very close to the trees that guaranteed privacy and quietness. He had prepared your favorite food to symbolize how much you mattered to him;
“Aw, Jack, I'm glad to see you taking the time to express how much you love your friends. Will you do the same for others?,” you asked, not really understanding that it was all a love confession. Jack made some excuse and let you eat the food, wondering where he went wrong;
He spent a good deal of time on the walk back to classes and on the return to the dorm in this numb state, a simple funeral mood. On the way, Ruggie tried to warn him of a book flying in his direction — the guys in the dorm were playing games — and Jack didn't even feel anything. Everyone decided to leave him quiet in his corner;
All his life Jack has heard that even if a person does some actions, words are a perfect complement to them. One is not mutually exclusive to the other and just as he did good things, he might also be able to say beautiful things. And declaring your love to someone is the greatest gesture in the world, the most powerful words too. And you understood absolutely nothing!;
Past the initial shock, Jack found himself thinking what would really make you understand that he likes you. Deeply and sincerely. He tried to be as clear as possible with you and even then, the meanings of the words flew through your head without you understanding the real meaning of them. Yes, we’re back again to express ourselves with concrete actions and gestures;
Talking about it with Ruggie, Jack found himself faced with an interesting idea — which, in fact, was a joke that he took more seriously than he should have. What if Jack acted like a husband to you? It was very characteristic behavior and would not fail to make you at least question the reasons of why he was acting this way;
At first, Jack felt kind of weird because it looked so much like he was trying to imitate his dad and failing miserably at it. Jack would hold your books, carry your groceries, help you fix Ramshackle’s problems, and even say “I'll see you later, I love you” when you go to class, which always scared the others;
Jack also wrote some letters to you, which are more like notes because he cutted out half the text before he’s convinced that’s good enough. It was made on a simple but clean paper, which you ended up collecting over the weeks. You don't understand why he's delivering them to you but you find it funny;
On a particularly exhausting day, Jack allowed you to stroke his fur. A permission that you knew was important but not exactly for what. He noticed your confusion but he didn't interrupt you at any point. When you came to scratch his ear, those insignificant worries were gone;
Since certain things need to be said one way or another, Jack has prepared to declare himself again to you. You agreed to eat something at the dinner Ramshackle and he prepared a special decoration of a siamese cactus — two small stems were together on the same base, like a couple — to stand on the table between you;
“I've said it before and I'll say it again as many times as I have to. I love you,” Jack said. It was out of nowhere but you didn't mind stopping to listen to him. You two were near the window and the reflection of the moon made Jack's eyes shine, although they always have that glow when he is staring at you.
“I love you too, buddy!,” you replied. Jack sighed. Not to act like a angsty sixteen year old but... oh, life sucks.
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“What I really want to say is I love you,” Epel concluded. Simple, passionate, his way. Night had come and alongside it, Epel with an apple carved with your initials. That apple was supposed to be his heart which he gave to you. And that’s because he said he wasn’t that much of a romantic guy;
You took this as a very cute and caring way for Epel to say that you both were great friends and he enjoyed your company. “You are very cute. Please, never change!,” you said, hugging him. Epel stared into the void, confused and frustrated. Such a perfect plan, a delicious apple and thoughtful words so that you don’t understand one darn of his intentions;
It was almost like you telling him to his face that he wasn't a man! You were saying that...? No, you weren't. Epel was just frustrated that nothing had worked out and that he still had some stupid obligatory evening skin cleanse to do after that. What a terrible night! But he wouldn't give up so easily;
So Epel rolled up his sleeves and prepared to really fight for you. Even though people often interpret Epel's manner as that of a shy boy, he just doesn't have much confidence in himself yet to act completely cool, like Leona for example. However, if you haven't noticed that he likes you, he needs to do whatever it takes to change your perception;
And being as direct as possible can be the solution! Meemaw Felmier said that the fastest way to cut down a tree is to throw the ax at the base with all your strength and have precise and direct movements. Epel applied this knowledge in the form of offering to carry all your things or even yourself when you are tired of walking;
Epel even sets out to fight some horde of students to get the lunch you want. He also delivers you various flowers that he finds in Pomefiore and apples carved with hearts, images of lovers and other figures that look like they came out of a Valentine's day store. Is it direct enough? Is it obvious enough?;
In your eyes, Epel seems to act like a Jack that speaks what comes to his mind — a compliment that has managed to motivate him to try harder. It got to the point where Epel started trying to flirt with you. Only the most creative countryside pick-up lines for his “sweet apple pie”, although using the nickname that his grandpa uses for his grandma makes him crawl on his insides;
Epel’s entire courtship is of a typical Harveston boy with good intentions and who wants to impress both his beloved and their parents — in this case, your friends who have begun to serve as a jury for these things. Epel also prepared meals that are normally served for two… only to see you split them with Grim;
As the situation wasn’t getting out of place, Epel was forced to seek help from Rook. He was so desperate that the idea of Rook launching an arrow at Ramshackle with a simple “Epel loves you” didn't seem so bad. It was only cut because Jack didn't think it was very safe;
Finally, the ultimate attempt. Again, it was night and Epel called you to Ramshackle’s entrance. To your infinite surprise, he was riding a white horse when he entered the garden. In his hands, a platter with a fragrant apple pie made with all the care in the world. Manly and princely to the extreme!;
With skill, Epel got off the horse without unbalancing the pie plate and stood in front of you. He had rehearsed with Rook several things to say to you but, in the end, being himself would be the best way out. Because you always liked him the way he is. “You don't have to dream of the day your prince will come. You already have a man who loves you right here.”
“Where?,” you asked, looking around. Good Heavens. You really want Epel to break this pie on your head, I'll tell you what! 
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“For all that is sacred, my love for you is eternal,” Sebek proclaimed. He had done everything according to the fae customs, especially of the Zigvolt family. He brought you a small bouquet of rosemary and dark red carnations, symbolizing love and affection between lovers, and knelt before you;
Perhaps because it was Sebek who called you at the breaking dawn, you were surprised to hear his voice making a proclamation in a normal tone. Still strong and imposing but that didn't make your ears bleed. He looked magnificent like a knight. The bouquet in his hands was adorable, just like the sparkle in his eyes;
“But why did you call me this hour just to give me flowers, Sebek? Ah...!,” Sebek fidgeted when it seemed that you had understood. “Is this your way of establishing our friendship? Wow! Awesome! I've never seen anything like it!” A terrible time for you to admire the customs of fairies;
A terrible, damned hour for the nerves of poor Sebek who returned to Diasomnia as if he had fallen off his horse. He had that sad, confused look of someone who hasn't fully processed the tumble he took. When Lilia offered him the jar of liquor sweets and he accepted, Silver knew immediately that many things went wrong;
It was with great cost and patience that Lilia made Sebek understand that you simply didn’t understand what he meant and it was no “human way” to disregard and make fun of the courtship between faes. Not that realizing your obliviousness cheered Sebek up. He had prepared everything with care and wanted it to work out… and it didn’t;
But a guard who serves the great Malleus Draconia does not cower at a failed attempt! So Sebek pulled himself together and prepared to try as many times as he had to. For days, Sebek did his best to declare his love to you. As you have never seen before, he was docile and attentive;
It was like keeping up with those moments after a storm, where the rain starts to get weak and the thunders calm down. Delicate and careful, as if dealing with Young Master himself, Sebek wrote letters and more letters detailing your qualities and achievements in his life, the joy you brought him and the dreams he planned for you two;
Sebek cleaned the entire Ramshackle and filled the building with flowers and lights, which you received as a big action of care among good friends. Favor. But it wasn't just a favor! Why didn't you notice?!; 
He then began to talk more about his parents and to Sebek’s own surprise, he understood his mother better at that moment. So that's what it was like to fall madly in love with someone? Even having an unparalleled patience for this loved one’s obliviousness? Mr. Zigvolt was just like you, according to Mrs. Zigvolt’s stories; 
He was annoyed by this for a while but slowly came to understand his mother’s reasons and forgave his father. If he got everything right with you, he would have a lot to apologize for on the next vacation. Hearing about the Zigvolt's story interested you a lot, and you were happy to see Sebek start talking better about his own father. But you couldn't come up with a better explanation of why you were listening to all that;
Since it passed a lot of time and Sebek thought he had tried everything, his patience began to falter — Silver wasn’t surprised by this. But everybody got surprised when Sebek took you by the shoulders in the middle of the hall and began to shake you, shouting: “With a thousand of spindles, nigen, I love you! I love everything about you! What part of it did you not understand, stupid?!”
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