#if ur not doing it every week ur nasty. and genuinely.... u think im gonna go thru the effort
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#there is twitter discourse happening.#poll#to be fair the discourse in part appears to be a misunderstanding#of the correlation between how often u wash linens/clothes and how often u change them#because. apparently to some people having more than one set of sheets is unimaginable?????#thats not the question here though#this may vary based on the season? or any other reason#i thought my answer was pretty reasonable but there are ppl on twitter that r like#if ur not doing it every week ur nasty. and genuinely.... u think im gonna go thru the effort#of changing it every fucking week.......#genuinely not here to judge i think theres a lot of factors into when u change sheets#but i refuse to believe people are Actually doing it every week. i want to know the circumstances#i guess if u r sweaty or the weather is really bad or ur fucking every night idk.
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Positivity hour! Tell us about your favourite RP partner and your favourite thread! <3
OOH! i love positivity hour! cut for length because WORDY BITCH DISEASE STRIKES AGAIN APPARENTLY!
i don't think i could pin down just one favorite because i'm so incredibly lucky to have so many amazing partners during this sephblog golden age. this is only a few of the ppl who have touched my presence here and live in my brain rent free rn, i wish i could remember all of them but a shortlist will have to do o7
i will shoutout @harerazor and @tewwor for being my OGs, my rp besties, the truest mfs who always stick around through my year-long (sometimes years-long) absences and whenever i come back to discord or the dash, it's like we never left <3 AND for following me into my hyperfixation zones omg. writing windbreaker and jjk muses would be so much more lonely without u two in my life. <3
on the topic of OGs, @spiritcrown, @never-surrender and @bcdomens are the CREW!!!!!!!! THE FIRST PPL I EVER WROTE WITH AND SOME OF MY FAV FOLKS ON THIS HELLSITE you guys are the best. ily. connecting with u guys again felt like coming home.
@favorskill has ascended past the title of rp partner and into the title of friend. rio is one of my favorite people ever, genuinely, he's so cool and so skilled with writing/worldbuilding/watching his DICE MAKING SKILLS GROW has been so amazing too??? i care u so much rio. biting u. even when my brain is hopelessly deep in the fixation hole i am thinking about u and ur muses always <3
also shoutout to my wife @vsagis / @theixth (bc ik uve been on this one today) for just being like??? overall such a lovely person and an amazing writer??? our main dynamic is so deep and expansive we're starting to develop an extended universe for them. i love them i LOVE THEM TO DEATH. alex u match my freak ily i hope i get this job so we can hang out irl <3
speaking of matching my freak, @koseigu and i get along like a house on fire, and i don't think the world is truly ready for us. the more dynamics we develop, the more dangerous we become. everything we do with geto & sephsho ROCKS and i am terrified (excited) to see where seph and sukuna lead us in our newest explorations. we get up to some absolutely nasty (hot) shit with our creatures and it's always an amazing time. hehe
@chaoslulled hol you are so so so special to me. i owe u so many things and im so sorry omg but i literally never stop thinking about our threads & dynamics they're soooo good. i think you're one of the only partners i've actually been able to maintain Main Threads with over a long period of time?? there's something about the way we write together that makes that actually work in my brain which is super unusual JSDKJDHJKD i'm not complaining though, i love it so much. also your ocs are spinning around in my head on a daily basis, especially char because seph, chiaki and geto all like her very much. <3 ALSO. U ARE THE REASON I WRITE GETO. I HATE IT HERE HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME (affectionate). ur satoru is always the one he and seph come back to first because he is the original.
@quillheel and i have been mutuals for a while but didn't start regularly chatting until recently, and geto has been keeping me hostage in our 1x1 server over the last week or so, it's a problem, please help me. please. my crops are dying. also ur my current record breaker on "most fucked up start to an rp dynamic" with sukuna and rusa and im gonna be real i think u might hold that title for a while KJSDHIUSDHSJDHSJKDHJSKDH
@hinodae gray i think i would follow u to the ends of the earth. our little accidental threads have been some of my favorites ever, and i love to PIECES every one of our ship dynamics so far. thank u for being just as much of a slut for ships as i am, i feel like we match each other's energy and vibe so well!! TUMBLR BETTER UN-SHADOWBAN U SOON OR IM GONNA THROW HANDS >:'O
@eraserisms and @rcguish u two are like a package deal in my brain. D.A., the fact that we exist on the same chef wavelength always makes me so happy. i love seph and shota so much, they make me Hurt in all the best ways and i'm lookin forward to getting more into todoroki's voice so we can keep building out shota becoming his dad i mean mentoring him! and rys!!! i know ur absolutely going thru it rn so we haven't been talking as much lately, but i'm still just as feral for our dynamics as ever. seph and shouta's broken friendship. shou and orion's blossoming romance. seph has so many feelings and thoughts about silver that i don't even know how to articulate but that might need its own separate post. blowing u kisses.
lastly but not leastly, @gomannakami we only connected recently but we've already got this absolutely TRAGIC AND BEAUTIFUL set of pairings going on. satoru and chiaki are so stupidly cute and so so sad. seph and suguru are still in the beginning stages but i LOVE writing them sort of dancing around each other, the mutual pining is so spicy and delicious.
ooh. hm. fuck. i think my first thought is always gonna be my longer-running threads with @chaoslulled — the one that stands out the most in my mind rn is the thread where satoru found seph on the brink of collapse after a hellhound kill. it was only the second thread we ever wrote together, and i ACUTELY remember how nervous i was that it was too intense and i was gonna scare hol away with it because that's happened so many times before. SJDHKSJHD
another one that comes to mind is one of my first threads with @tewwor's litho, which started with the simple inbox prompt "can't sleep?" and ended up turning into one of our longest threads to date and spiraling out into the longest fucking slowburn of this blog's career. i loved it. i'll never stop thinking about that apple.
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i love mr upshur and i love ur art, pls elaborate on ur miles headcanons! :D
aa hello thank u so much!! :D
we all love mr upshur,,,,here are some headcanons i’ve been thinking abt they’re probably dumb and trivial and im indecisive as fuck so i might change them but... here we go,, ig i’ll put it under a read more in case this gets long
- um, first i’m just gonna say he likes dogs.. he’s a dog person....and often when he’s out Investigating he’ll end up doodling any cute dogs he saw along the way...his notebook is full of stuff like this:
he gives every dog a rating but mostly ends up giving them all 10/10 bc he’d feel bad otherwise...
- he’s actually not a bad artist when he feels like it
- was best at art and creative writing when he was in highschool,,, decided on journalism as a career in the end but he wouldn’t have minded going to art school. now that he’s older though he takes evening classes sometimes
- i like the idea of him being a punk in high school...and i think he wasn’t just doing it for the Aesthetic he’d try to do shit like helping out at the local food banks and whatever, sticking up for people at school who got bullied even though he’s not really much of a fighter
- so he got into journalism with good intentions like he genuinely wants to try to Expose all the nasty shit going on that never gets reported
- he can definitely be a dick sometimes and pretty cocky, he’s full of snark and has a sharp tongue but i think underneath all that he’s a good dude tho
- like. after he gets posessed he’ll use his strength as the walrider to Violently End jeremy blaire and various other murkoff dicks and people like them and maybe the occasional person he just doesn’t like the look of.....
but sometimes he’ll just. use his walrider strength to do shit like help a little old lady carry her groceries or whatever. (the old lady doesn’t seem fazed she’s just like “oh what a nice young (?) man. strange that he seems to have an ominous black cloud enshrouding him but look how he easily he picked up my bags. thank u dearie”
so he’s kind of Soft underneath all the sarcasm and shithousery
- i think part of his personality is that he’s kinda obnoxious and excels in winding people up. like we know he just Slams all the doors in mount massive with no fucks given and pre mount massive he has the same energy.
- he turns up late to his evening art classes and sits at the back noisily eating chips while everyone’s trying to concentrate. if he spots someone he doesn’t like on the sidewalk while he’s driving he won’t hesitate to drive through a puddle and drench them. puts his feet on the table regardless of whether it’s his own table or that of an editor he’s bringing a story to. his default expression is usually a smirk and slightly less often a full blown shit-eating grin.
- so he’s not just a 2 dimensional asshole he knows how and when to be kind and he’s certainly an intelligent guy.
- kids tend to like him?? idk what it is about this tall asshole who looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks that fascinates them but the various kids living in his apartment block are always hounding him with questions like “what did u investigate today mr upshur did u meet any bad guys” “can you write a report about my mum she won’t let me have any more mcdonalds today can you expose her for neglecting me and put it on the front page” “hey mr upshur i got two of the same dog erasers you can have one if u like” and he can’t help but smile
...ok whew i think that’s all i got for now ghgfhgfhgf i hope these make sense,,,,thank u for letting me ramble about miles for way too long :D
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It’s not very often that y’all see something from me on this tumblr that isn’t meme-worthy or some sort of support post but seeing as 2017 has been a long and FUCKIN HARD year I figured it deserved some sort of summary. 2017 marked the end of 13 years of schooling, 12 ½ of which were done at the same school (help). As much as I always said I despised that place with every atom in my being, it ended up being quite difficult to leave, almost like leaving a second home? Leaving my fav teachers and HOY and accepting I wouldn’t see my friends as much was a pretty tough part. BUT some positive stuff that came from 2017… INCLUDING THE FACT IM NOT DEAD YET which is quite incredible considering my constant state of depression and self-deprecating jokes but all good, all good. I ended up being ranked overall in the top 7 of Australia for my sport, which was pretty cool considering how many hundreds of hours of training and early mornings and tears went into it. I earned international benchmark scores, earned medals and trophies from every competition except 1 and started to gain heaps of confidence.
I had my school ball and formals, got closer with heaps of people and met some cool new ones and shoved some toxic people out the back door (lmao gtfo nobody likes u). I met a new family, who have all but adopted me and taken me under their wing… someone who’s a second mum/sister and bestfriend that I’ve known for years, her partner who pretty much qualifies as my adoptive dad and someone who made my heart so incredibly happy and broke it when I least expected it. Shit happens. Eh. I’ll get over it eventually… 2 days before Christmas though? Over text??? Really man?? C’mon… ouch. MOVING ON I graduated highschool and picked my grades up SLIGHTLY above my self-esteem and ended up getting just the right OP/exit score for my dream course at university, being accepted into an elite sport college and receiving early acceptance into the course at uni I’ve wanted to do since I was a little girl. I got my license! Yay driving everywhere and not having to rely on a parental! I also got my first job so that’s pretty lit. I went on holidays (!!!) after nationals to New Zealand for 2 weeks and even though look sometimes it was miserable/a bit tough at some points overall it was really fun and I learnt heaps about the culture and how glaciers are melting and stuff. ON ANOTHER FRIENDSHIP NOTE I’ve actually become heaps closer with one of my ex’s who has been a wonderful friend ever since we were little. He always puts a smile on my face and has something positive to say lately and it’s made a heap of difference in my bad days at training or sad spam insta posts.
TIME FOR SOME SAD STUFF or ya know not so positive stuff… idk I can’t really think of anything that’s hardcore significant right now but I did end up leaving a lot of people and things behind in 2017, everyone’s like “yea 2017 was a fucking SHITTTEEEE year” and im just kinda like, meh. Like… bad things have happened sure and I’ve been hurting and struggling a lot at times but does that really render the whole year to be shit? Nah fam – just some shit times, doesn’t mean the whole thing has to be generalized that way. I did get rid of some toxic and unnecessarily nasty people, like dude I don’t have time for this and I really don’t care what you have to say so just kindly do us all a favor and fuck right off kthxbai. I did get really hurt by the person I least expected to hurt me this year though, and that was quite a blow tbh. In relation to that I have bad days and kinda ok days… but it still isn’t great ya feel? It takes time to get over these things and im always prepared to accept that but it doesn’t reduce the healing time. Hopefully we work things out and I can talk it out with him bc ya know his mum really fucked things up bro… like genuinely everyone who has an opinion on the situation (close friends, relatives etc.) believe it was purely her influence and his impressionability but ya know when this stuff happens and they don’t tell anyone or discuss any possible issues in the relationship with anyone other than the primary influencer, there’s nothing anyone can do to prepare for it or accept what’s happened because usually the other person doesn’t understand either. I don’t think he really understands what happened but hopefully it turns around. If it doesn’t, I wish him all the best. There’s nothing else you can do man, it just weighs you down.
FOR ANYONE STILL READING CONGRATS YOU’RE ALMOST AT THE END I PROMISE but look in summary 2017 wasn’t a shit year. It definitely had shit moments but that doesn’t mean the whole thing needs to be reviewed as “shit”. However, I genuinely hope 2018 is better, and fuck me im gonna be writing 2017 on everything for the next 3 months… rip potato chip. IT IS CURRENTLY NEW YEARS EVE EVE but I would have forgotten to do this tomorrow and I’m looking forward to spending the countdown with the people who are part of my new family (minus ya know the guy… we haven’t spoken since the breakup soooo yea idk I do feel more comfortable without him there and im glad they gave me that option). I hope y’all had a great Christmas, and that 2018 is better for everyone.
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im curious on the admins opinions on the whole mamamoo blackface situation... im really having a hard time bc mamamoo was one of my ult groups but it's been so hard for me to move past that as a black woman and it hurts bc i can feel myself not having the joy i had before for this comeback :( im just curious about how the admins felt and how they worked past it
see our honest opinions below the cut!
sullflower: To be honest, I can’t say much about their scandal because I didn’t follow it nor am I a Moomoo. But you have every right to be disappointed. It’s totally okay if you don’t feel like enjoying them anymore, really. I know I wasn’t much help, but I hope you’ll find a way you’re comfortable with.
iyokans: (hiatus)
heonies: I don’t want to share any opinion on the matter since I don’t really follow mamamoo and only recently heard of the events. It is incredibly disappointing though, and you have every right to be upset. All I can say is, if something hurts you, don’t invest your time and effort into it. You do you, and don’t feel bad about it.
jiaerrs: dude i totally get it if you’re having a hard time. one of my ubs fucked up in a similar way last week and blatantly ignored black fans who were sending him messages to educate him. while i can’t understand how painful it is firsthand as an asian woman, i understand completely if you’re feeling conflicted/upset/etc. over what mamamoo did. ngl, i was very disappointed when i saw them do blackface again after i was starting to get over their last incident. even with rbw stepping up and issuing apologies for multiple instances, it doesn’t seem genuine because it keeps happening. seeing the amount of people justifying it because bruno mars wasn’t black and bringing up sexist double standards to absolve the girls from their fuckups is a headache to deal with. whatever you feel is totally valid, and it’s fine if you’re not excited or maybe you are. i just hope no one gives you a hard time for doing either or!
katypery: i don’t know the details on how this scandal unfolded since i haven’t been following it but when i heard it i was extremely disappointed with them. i’m not a moomoo myself so i don’t follow their activities but i do hope they learn from their mistakes regardless. i believe you have the right to be hurt since this situation affected you directly and probably most of their black fans as well so it’s totally understandable if you don’t feel like enjoying this comeback! i personally don’t see anything wrong with you feeling that way so don’t go hard on yourself and support them only if you feel comfortable.
sunjis: first of all, i’m not black. honestly when a situation like this happens i don’t even get surprised anymore, which is sad, i always expect the worst to happen sooner or later but when it does i still get disappointed. regardless of being an idol i like, my relatives, someone from work/school, i just hope the person learns from their mistakes and keep an open mind when they hear critics. i got really surprised by rbw apology, but what saddened me the most were some fans reactions, defending them and therefore proving themselves of being completely ignorant. if what happened made you sad and you don’t feel excited anymore, it’s fine, really. it’s not worthy giving more chances to something that makes you feel bad and it’s not your or any fans obligation to educate them, sometimes we just have to get away and do what is the best for ourselves.
lauxrent:I think that generally when you fave fucks up you need to understand that if you can’t move on past what they did it’s perfectly fine and you don’t have to overcome it? Like if they don’t bring you joy anymore you shouldn’t force yourself into it. Maybe it will pass with time maybe it won’t. I know that it must be sad and disappointing when your fave group fucks up and looses its magic for you because of that, but if it really bothers you shouldn’t feel obliged to accept it. I know that there is a certain pressure in kpop fandom to accept idols’ mistakes and that some fandoms are really nasty to people that can’t forgive their faves but this fandom culture is toxic and you primarily should focus on what makes you happy. Myself I was never really a fan of mamamoo and I won’t become one now.
sooyulti:it’s really disappointing and there’s no excuse for racism, all this bullshit that fans say when trying to explain it like “their culture is different”, i believe it makes the situation even worse… and i know they apologized but it’s hard to accept it, especially when they have a big international fanbase, they should’ve educated themselves by searching through internet, i’m sure they have access to it. anyways, idk how i could help you to move past that bc i’m still very disappointed and i can’t move past that either, i just hope the girls will learn from this and won’t make the same mistake again.
wonhosoks: i was pretty surprised that they did that tbh but im not into them like as a “fan” so my only opinion probably it was disappointing coming from them? idk but i totally get that you would feel hurt cus they are ur ult group too :( im so sorry I dont think i helped much at all :(
24kool: i’d rather not share my opinion on it, however i do hope you manage to find the right solution for you 💜
1krystaljung:when mamamoo first did it i was rly dissapointed and upset of course… but then they apologized so soon after which was really surprising and i wanted to forgive them & believe they had really learned from their mistakes. like i don’t think i’ve seen many idols apologize when they’re in situations like this, so i thought it was great they were aplogizing and i believed it to be genuine and that they were really gonna grow and learn from it! but then… they jst went and did blackface again so shortly after lmao… like i really thought they had learned and listened to what people had to say but i guess the apology was just to save face and wasn’t really genuine at all lol?? so the whole thing is really upsetting to me and i lost a lot of respect for them, especially now that they’re caught up in the controversy of them wearing bindis… like……. do they not learn??? it feels like they don’t really care like at all lmao. aaaand that’s my opinion on that. sorry, but i don’t really have much to say on “working past it” because i was never really a mamamoo stan, i just listen to some songs here and there. if you decide to work past it, good luck, i know it can be kind of hard to work past something like that, especially since it wasn’t just a one time thing :/ and if you decide to drop them that’s totally understandable and i wouldn’t blame you
seuhgi:that was disappointing for sure.
prkchaeyoung: i was never really a mamamoo fan, but what mamamoo did was extremely ignorant and it hurt a lot of people. if you believe that letting go of them is the best thing for you, then go for it!
yoonbomis: i’m sorry that the situation has made u feel this way :( the situation did make me upset and quite shocked?? (since i’m not a big fan of mmm, i didn’t really expect it) and i’m glad that fans’ rightfully upset/offended/perhaps betrayed? feelings to it was able to get a least, an apologetic response out of mamamoo and their agency (if i remember right, they said things along the lines that they were going to aim to educate themselves on it?) but it is still something that is constantly in my thoughts whenever i think of or see mamamoo, so it did hinder my opinion of them. however, i still listen to their music, although not with the same enthusiasm as before. i’m sorry if i’m not too much help or comfort ;; (also because i am not a black woman) but i hope u are able to find a way to ease ur pain in a way that makes u comfortable and happy ^^
monoka: as a nonfan & someone who was never interested in them i have to say i avoid them as much as possible, because i got tired of their problematic antics. They have done so many things multiple times and still NOT learn. Their ignorance is amazing.
seulge: what bothers me the most is that mamamoo fans are quick to pretend that these girls did absolutely nothing wrong - or most of them at least. i will never forget seeing on twitter this one moomoo who was giving out false translations to protect mamamoo’s reputation or some bs. i do not like mamamoo as people anymore, and the fandom is equally toxic imo, so i stepped away a long time ago. i might check out the mv when it’s out and if the song is good, so be it. i’ll listen to it if it’s catchy.
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rant #1 out of however many my ass gon post. prolly not a lot i ain’t gonna lie this shits gonna last like a week before i get bored but LMAO whatever. let’s talk abt “”callout culture”” y’all. but remember, ain’t nobody askin you to read anything so if u ain’t fuckin w my shit then don’t get into it. let’s fuckin go
CALLOUT CULTURE lmfao take a shot every time my ass mentions that on this blog. now before y’all get all up in my inbox again talkin bout “but aren’t u doing that ?? :///” i gotta say that HELL YEAH i’m a fan of callin people out. everybody deserves to know they’re fuckin up some shit, and sugar coating ain’t necessary. but i’m talkin abt this shit that spread throughout the rpc hella quick and i see some people that are as against it as i am. i’ve never personally experienced this shit myself, but i seen it around, and i sympathize w those who don’t deserve it
now, y’all asses can callout some problematic hoes when they’re bein racist, sexist, transphobic, ableist, homophobic, thieves, liars, abusive, etc. u know, just bein an all around dick. that’s when i agree w calling out some mother fuckers. BUT Y’ALL STARTED DOIN THIS SHIT TO LITERALLY ANYBODY !!!!!!!!! some bitch could name their character katie, then someone else names their character katie and y’all out here posting PSA’s all “this rper is a thief for taking my characters name!!! BEWARE OF THIS TOXIC PERSON!!!!!!” or someone can accidentally be problematic then give a thorough, sincere apology but y’all still be leakin their aliases/muse names/urls n all that other shit. we’re all here to have fun or escape or some shit, n y’all really be shitting on ppls fun just bc they made u mad in some fuckin way. the amount of ppl i’ve seen go thru bullying over something so small or after recognizing their dumbass actions n giving a genuine apology is sad as fuck to me. yall some rude ass people and need to learn what “talkin one on one” means. unless they’re clearly some shitty ass person who aint gonna change, keep ur callouts to ya damn self
now, not to hate on any fuckin body, but i saw this shit earlier that made me laugh my ass off.. n i just HAD to mention it bc it really was stupid as hell. some dumbass drama over some rps called listhq n listshqs or some shit like that. don’t really remember exactly how the urls went, but what i do remember is thinkin well shit.. another unnecessary callout post. to catch yall up, one accused the other of stealin plots, which i’d get if these ppl copied and pasted every damn thing from the “original” rp. but here’s the thing.. it was a bucketlist rp ((((shit that ive seen done more than once lmao aint nobody being original)))) w a similar url. each had their own twist to it, but still ppl were bein accused of bein thieves. sure, this shit would piss anyone off .. ive seen shit like that happen to rps that ive ran. IT SUCKS SOME NASTY ASS, but how many times have yall seen a rp revolving around rich kids in beverly hills ?? lit every fuckin week. all these rps got the same ass url too uk “beverlyhq”, “beverlyhillshq”, “hillshq”, i can go on. (((not shittin on any active rps that have this exact plot btw just using an example)))) point is, none of these ppl are makin aggressive ass callout posts bc they had similar ideas. this was an easy fix but we gotta turn it into some dumbass drama instead. the rpc is unoriginal, thought we all knew that ??? theres only so many plots u can do that can work w big groups
so basically what im sayin is .. i deadass see this shit all the damn time in the rpc and its ugly as hell. y’all really think yall some fuckin queens n kings. let me break it to u... yall aint shit. we all doin the same ass creepy shit... basically catfishing as our fcs but its cool bc we’re all on the same boat. idk when this shit started, but i remember rp back in 2012-13 bein nice n happy as hell. now yall just angry n rude ( YES INCLUDING ME!!!!! )
i’m just sayin y’all... handle your own shit n if that doesn’t work, then call the bitch out. but otherwise, just grow the hell up, thas all
#if anyone mentioned wants me to delete some shit jus let me kno i aint that mean#twitter rp#rpt#rph#rpc#rp rant
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