#if ur curious as to what this is for its a paper cover for a mix cd i made and am giving to my friend
energysoda · 2 years
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catboy Mike and Jesse to start off your new year <3
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/ / LIAR!
Fandoms: Twisted wonderland AU: Overblot - SADNESS
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Imagine that...
Liar, crowley is a damn big fat liar. he promised to get u back to ur world, yet made u worked countless of pointless jobs. made u do all the things that lazy crow cant do. and what does he give u in return? NOTHING. not even a home to go to.. your own home. Why did the tsumtsums get to go home quickly? weren't they in the same situation as you?
you were walking in the hallway towards crowleys office with heavy steps. fist clenched while holding a letter (the letter littered with dark ink).. the crumbled piece of paper looked like it was for crowley.. it looks like it was sent after the week u defeated overblot riddle.. lets rewind a bit.. the time where the letter was in the pile of all the stacked up paperwork that crowley dumped onto you..
you were curious on what the message was written.. the letter was burnt and looked like the one who received this letter tried to burn it, rip it, or in general just get rid of it.. though, looks like it failed. you began to read it.. your expressions morphed into shock, happy, and then anger. this letter.. this was the one.. the key to getting back home.. you looked at the date it was sent of.. it was.. after riddles overblot.
Your eyes tremble from looking at the number.. huh? that.. long ago? why.. why didn't he.. you teeth began to clack and brows furrowed.. a few dark ink dripped from your fingernails and legs..
now you were Infront of crowleys door. a dark look in your eyes. this wasn't fair.. not fair.. not FAIR! you spent your days working away with work waiting oh so patiently for crowley to find u a way back home.. yet he didn't! why?! was it because he found u useful? were u just a toy for him to use to go out and play?! disgusting.
dark ink began to continuously drip from u are u slowly open the door startling Crowley who was reading a manga? well that didn't matter.
u slammed the letter onto his desk while looking straight at those glowing eyes behind his mask. "headmage.. please tell me.. what is the meaning of this letter.." u asked voice filled with visible anger and betrayal as u dipped your head down. crowley took the letter that was placed onto his desk and read it. he read over the contents as his expression morphed into shock.
"prefect.. how did you get this letter.." he spoke with caution as he crumbled that letter and placed it over the candle making it turn into ashes. your eyes narrowed and looked at the ashes that fell.. the only letter of your key has been destroyed. "i do not know where u got that letter from but it is rude to snoop and read of someones elses privacy. didn't your parents teach you such manners?" he sighed and sat down.
you eye twitched as u tremble on your spot. "how could my parents teach me when i cant even go back home because of you." you spat out making crowley frown. "your disrespect is going off limits prefect. i suggest u apologize and leave, maybe i will let u off the hook as i am -" you slammed your foot down making shockwaves sending crowley to hold onto the desk as the ground crack.
"SHUT UP!" the blot began to grow larger in size and u grip your hair in frustration. "i have learned the truth crowley. how much more are u gonna lie and gaslight me?! i have waited and waited and waited for the time, i get to finally go home! to get embrace by my parents and friends! i have a future ahead and your ruining for me!!" you started to let out angry tears and u fell to the ground and cried. "ITS NOT FAIR! LOOK AT THE TSUMMIES! THE GET TO GO HOME EARLY WHILE I HAVE BEEN HERE LONG ENOUGH!!"
The shockwave of your voice made the walls crack as crowley called for backup, he was shaking and looking at your form. your body started to get covered with blot as u cried tears of dark ink. "WAS IT BECAUSE I COULD FIX THE OVERBLOTS?! WAS I JUST A SINGLE CHESS PIECE FOR U?!!!" you continued to cry and cry as the blot spread even faster, it was also covering the walls and floor.
"prefect!" the first years and grim entered the door to figure out what the commotion was about. but they never expect this scene..
"its unfair unfairunfairunfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair unfairunfair....." you kept repeating the word as the time abruptly stopped. the air was filled with toxin of gas much like vils overblot.. yet stronger with the emotion.
it was dark. your tears wont stop coming. u felt.. dissapointed in yourself. the solution was there all along.. the happiness and freedom u have been waiting for.. yet.. it was just swatted away with no remorse. with no other objections but to decline it. was it punishment? you have been a good child... why.. why did this happen to me.. "mama? i am scared.. please.. i need you.."
"mama.. mommy.. wahhh.!!!!!" you screamed making the building/office collapse, the people in the near area were thrown as u finally get consumed by blot.
was this a dream..? please.. let this be a dream.. i didn't mean to let my emotions go.. i didn't.. u understand me right..? overblot me?
'YOU' smiled as 'YOU' embraced you. you hugged them tightly. as u sniffle and let your tears come out. "it wasn't fair.. it wasn't but i'm glad u understand me.. you were always here for me.. you wont leave me right?" you frowned and held them close. 'YOU' looked at you and grinned. "of course.. i will never leave... ever. so lets stay in our world together.. forever.." you looked at them and nodded.
ignoring the bloody scene that was infront and back.. and a single feathered hat lying ontop of the piles of bodies.. it was just a dream (name) so dont ever leave.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
hello again jiji (walks on all fours and leaves his order) a reaction from the slashers (the ones you want) to a y/n that draws nsfw of them (again, I love the other one) KISSES AND THANK YOU SO MUCH♡
Omg its u again🙄/j As always thanks for reuqest!! Sorry it took few days to write I was sick😔pronouns she/her Requests open
Slashers reacting to y/n nsfw drawings of them
Asa emory
He just came back, he is rarley home so he assumed she will be out or sleeping
He went into house and streight into bedroom(bug men needs sleep too😴)
He saw the drawing just vibing on desk near bed, he really looks at Her stuff but he choose violence today
"Uhhhhh🧍‍♂️" "wha, oh ur home😊 nice to-Asa what are you looking at?😨" "Uhhhhhh🧍"
Asa did expect her to miss him (due to him being all busy and away from home most of time) but like?? Gurl? U down bad pls??? She could say so? "Aww poor loney thing, you know you could just text me~" "🤯NO😳Asa its 4am😩🤨"
I mean Asa is very very creative men im sure He will figure something out, how to make it up to her.
"I always thought you prefered bugs tbh" "I- You mean like in bed??🤨" "yea😔" "wtf🧍"
Man just came back from lovley killing spree he had, he was ready to tell her all about stupid people he encoutered today
"Im back honey! Ooh- she left little gift for me awww*sees the drawing* 😳😍oh myy i didint know you had those ideas"
Btw she in fact did not leave it there on purpose and she did not want him to see it
"What what u screaming about *sees it* ohgodno i can explain really I-"
If he will try to tease her, she should just shmack him really🔨, he stops or gets bullied by his gf
Once per few weeks he will radomly remind her of sins that she commited, she will exprience flashbacks
Heelshie Brahms
Man was watching her draw for good 30minutes, of course she had no clue, he was in walls
He didnt really know what she was drawing but she seemed really blushy and into it. And we all know that Brahms is curious creature ofcourse he will look at stuff she drew
Bro got into the room while she was out doing chores. He took the paper, and looked at it for good few mintues until "oh I forgot my towel-BRAHMS WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN- NNOO DONT LOOK" "Bloody hell what am I looking at🤨"
He wasnt flustered or anything He just kinda 🤨💀
"I mean if you have any Dreams you could ju-" "NO NO I DONT IM GOING BACK TO AMERCIA"
She in fact didnt go back to amercia, and he stole the drawing btw
Ah😍 he came back from hunt, ready to give y/n a lovley gift!
Oh mate im back from hunt! I- what- what is that- what is the meaning! I- Mate explain!!"
Alien man got confused
He will carry it all the way to place where shes vibing rn (bonus points if they leave with other humans/yautjas cuz He wasnt covering any of it) "WHAT what, what you mean mate??? I- I do not understand :( "
Guys pls be patient the big guy does not understand :(
Its even worse because not only she has to wittnes her lover being all 😨😔😍 but in addition she has to explain it to him?? Duble boom
"If you crave anything mate, you could just tell me🙄"
This is post made by asexual gang. Shout out to all asexual gang members. Remeber to like and subscibe to join asexual gang
Not the best fics, i would rate it 6/10 in funny scale.
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hools · 1 year
i love ur zine work && am rlly interested in making one myself! i’m curious how you go about creating yours, specifically are they “storyboarded”/pre-written at all or do you just start with an idea & draw n write from there directly on the zine?
hey thank you so much [-:
ive only made 2 of them ever so take this as you will LOL. i drew them both directly onto paper with a ballpen without any sketching since id been itching to physically make somthing for once. i did have a scrap piece of paper/sticky notes on hand in case i messed up & for NETHING NETHING i thought it fit very well.
& yeah with both of them i just started with a broad idea of what i want to express & a name that fits. i began both of them with the cover page because i found that was an easy &fun jumping off point (& a place to ground the ideas in).
i let the theme flow however it wanted to pretty much. i didn't plan any page past like the next one or two. Horror Vacui was fun because i was working with a marker that bled thru the construction paper i was using, so a lot of the page layouts were made to fit whatever ended up on the other side. would recommend.
i didn't have an ending in mind til the last few pages either, but its probably a good idea to know on what note you want to both start & end on. but u can also do anything. which is what i had fun doing.
if you know you like planning out everything then you should follow ur heart & plan out everything. have fun. alternatively you can improvise everything if you want to try something new. im not sure if i should say it's an inherently imperfect medium, but messing up and finding ways to embrace (or bury) your fuckups can be part of the fun. & it was for me. if it really doesn't work out you can always tear it up throw it away delete the file or something. but u gotta start another one. for me
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g0ldenstar · 10 months
I am very normal (not to un-anonymise myself but I wrote way too much just now), sorry to future you who has to analyse all that!!
I'd love to know how you'll be processing this data as someone who's done two years of uni work about research (mostly qualitative, and also not very good at classes lol) :D Also, what's the kind of scope you're aiming for with this paper, both sample wise and actual paper/word count wise?
Of course you don't have to answer any of these if you don't want to, I'm just very curious. Or DM me if you want!
Have a good day!
HI!!!! i just read your response (or what i believe was yours) and oh my god it was so well written and thought out and so SO helpful and informative! :)
ALSO i forgot to mention that im focusing on mcyt fandoms after mc’s revival in 2019. in my introduction/background information section of my paper i go into the whole history of mc’s peak in 2013, it’s slow decline up until 2019, possible reasons why mc was gaining popularity again, etc.
i am a first year uni student and this is my first time doing a research project! so i’m super new to the whole process and everything in general. my research class that this is for is fairly calm and mainly leaves the students with creative freedom for their paper (which is so nice and im so greatful for that), so as for sample wise i am not looking for anything huge or crazy! at this point im thankful if i had 3 responses or 300. i also don’t plan on doing any sort of statistical analysis for my survey portion so im not looking for my data to be normally distributed. as for length, the requirement is for 12-15 pages (apa formatting, so not including references and cover page), but so far ive written about 20 LMAO i talk a lot
i’m not extremely sure how i’m going to go about analyzing the data from my survey, i’ll probably end up having a section where i discuss the averages of each multiple choice/scaler question, then another where i discuss the open response portion. i’d like to really go in depth with participants’ responses though! i think getting fans’ opinions and just their general knowledge on certain events that i might be unaware of is so important to my project.
i’m also conducting a mixed qualitative and quantitative analysis on mcyt fanfiction and its relation to the set boundaries by ccs as well! it’s my kind of way to get the content creator’s opinions without interviewing them since that’s a bit out of the question for my project lol. also lmk if you want a more detailed explanation of how im doing that, i would go ahead and explain but its a LOT and this response is already super duper long
but thank you again for your response and your interest in my project !! i think what im studying is just genuinely so interesting and im so glad other people think so too. my biggest fear when choosing my topic was that it was too niche, but ur ask has made me think otherwise :))
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espritmuse · 3 years
okayyyy but dom bully mikasa who starts being mean to you when you get too close to eren and tells you you’re acting like such a slut around him until one day she eventually fucks you stupid calling you the same names and making you tell her your hers
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⌕ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Mikasa Ackerman x Reader
⌕ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: semi public sex (school bathrooms), fingering, cunnilingus, meankasa and possessive Mikasa, a bit of degradation. [1.3 words.]
⌕ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: The beginning is just for a bit of context, you can just go right to the smut if ur too horny, it’s the best moment I guess…. (Yeah it is)
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Mikasa knew very well where this little game was going. Since the very beginning. But can you blame her for playing with you like she did? it was so fun, seeing you getting all flustered, seeing your eyes avoiding hers when you both met in the school corridors.
A boy. A stupid and meaningless boy. It was the problem, or rather, her excuse for treating you like she always does. Accidents, like she calls them in front of the headteacher when she is, once again, sent to his office.
But the line was definitely crossed last Saturday night, when you went to her boyfriend’s birthday party. Eren Yeager. It took you some time, perhaps too much time to finally realise and understand that jealousy was the cause of all of your mistreatment.
Daggers piercing your skin. That’s what her dark black eyes would’ve thrown if they could when her boyfriend shared his cup of alcohol with you. You weren’t that close to him, you weren’t even really his friend, but that was already too much, apparently. Since then, insults and humiliations got worse, so much worse.
“Slut.” This is what you could read on the body of your car, written in red paint. Eyes wide and mouth agape, you tried to use the sleeve of your shirt to wash the paint out, without any success. You looked stupid, like this, on the parking lot; and she didn’t miss a second of it.
3PM in the school restroom. That was the time and the place you were supposed to meet her at. You accepted, for some unknown reason, after reading it on the piece of paper she had left on your car. Curiosity, as it may be.
And there she was. Awaiting for you, her back pressed on the white wall, an unamused expression on her face. Unamused, until she heard your footsteps walking down to her.
Black nail polish. It was what her nails were painted with when she slowly slid them down your pants, looking straight at you, eyes lost in your own gaze, searching for the slightest glimpse of disapprobation.
Nowhere to be found.
“Don’t make any loud noises. You’ll regret it” She advised spitefully, in an inaudible whisper, her lips almost caressing yours. “Understood?” She then questioned rhetorically.
“Y…yes” you answered uncertainly, still a bit confused of what was just occurring in front of you.
“Good girl. Open your legs.” She announced in a rough voice. An order, that’s what it really sounded like.
You did so, spreading both of your lower members without any difficulties on the bathroom cabinet, sitting in-between the two sinks. Your movement seemed to please her because her lips curved into a small angelic and exited smile. The black haired woman placed both of her hand on each individual knees before pulling you closer to her.
She put one knee on the floor, then the second, before pulling down your underwear swiftly with her fingers. It was delicate, surprisingly. Your eyes weren’t missing a single piece of this moment, amazed and still a bit shocked.
“You’re a dirty girl you know. Couldn’t have guessed that.” She remarked, holding your pink lace lingerie in her pale hand, her curious and mocking gaze all over your underwear. “I wonder if the top is the same.” She started after dropping your pantie on the bare floor, “or let me guess, you’re not even wearing anything under your shirt? Hm?”
“Shh…bad girls don’t talk.” She said, standing back up quickly and placing her hand on your face, her thumb caressing your cheek. You couldn’t even tell what was going on in her mind, her movements towards you didn’t give any further details. Was she playing with you? Maybe one of her friends was hiding and recording all of that? You didn’t know. You should’ve stopped.
But you didn’t want to.
Mikasa took both sides of your skirt and lifted it a bit, exposing your pubis to her perverted gaze and, suddenly, her mouth was painted with a very big and bright smile, as if this scenery was all the needed, everything she always wanted.
You were now all naked, with the exception of your skirt, that was still covering your ass and not allowing the cold surface to come in contact with your bare skin.
And yeah, she was right, you weren’t wearing anything under your shirt.
Her tongue wandering playfully around your warm core, you mentally begged her to pleasure you. You needed it, so, so much. It's funny when you think about it; you just hated her more than anyone on this earth some minutes ago and now, she’s between your legs at your most vulnerable state.
“Mikasa…. Can you…” you tried to say.
“Quiet.” She replied spitefully, the sound of her voice slightly muffled since her head was buried in your lower body. The raven-haired woman placed both of your legs on her shoulders, your knees bending at the curve of her bones.
It’s her tongue that you felt first, sliding slowly between your fold, trying to find its way to your clit. And it did find, pretty quickly, like it always belonged here. She moved it very slowly, at first, making sure to not hurt you or making you uncomfortable.
You grabbed her black hair, trying to keep your noises for yourself, as she ordered you to some minutes prior. You could feel every little thing, her steady and serene breath on your vulva, her nose brushing slightly against your mons pubis and her right hand stroking gently your right knee.
“See? When you close this fucking mouth…” she said between loud respiration. It seemed like she was talking to herself, actually. But you still listened carefully. “You…you’re fucking delicious…I knew it.” She continued, her words feeling even better on your clit because of the air she was releasing when she was pronouncing them.
Two fingers. Or maybe three, you couldn’t even tell. She started moving them very slowly inside of you, trying to follow the rhythm of her tongue at the same time. It was the same identical pace, you could tell. It felt fantastic.
You couldn’t even stop the noises from escaping your lips, it was impossible. Never in your life you have felt that great, that pleasured.
Her lips and tongue sucking on your clit, you almost didn’t notice when she replaced her mouth with her thumb. She got up from the dirty floor of the bathroom and got closer to you and, as a whisper, planted some soft kisses on your temples and your nose. You glimpsed a change in her behaviour, almost unnoticeable, but it was here.
“Mika….Mikasa…it…” you tried to say once again, but this time she didn’t interrupt you or, not directly; you simply couldn’t talk anymore.
“It feels good doesn’t it baby?” She whispered in your ear sensually. “Tell me how good I make you feel.” She continued.
“V…very very good…” you mumbled.
“Very good? Is that so?” She questioned gently, her knuckles moving back and forth inside your folds. “You’re about to cum, aren’t you sweetheart?” She asked as well after noticing your hands, who tried to grab her shirt uncontrollably.
You nodded quickly. But she stopped.
“You’re mine. Do you understand?” Mikasa said, looking straight in your eyes, a devilish smile on her angelic face.
“Mhh…. Please….why did you…” You protested, not even paying attention to the things she was saying.
“I won’t continue if you don’t say it back.”
“I… I’m y…yours…”
You finally felt her hands moving back in your body, allowing you to properly cum, your head buried in the crook of her neck as she was trying to keep her balance with her free hand, positioned on the mirror behind you.
“Turns out I was right all this time huh?” She started, once out of the bathroom, both of you looking all innocent, as if nothing had happened. “You’re such a slut.” She quietly proceeded in your ear.
You were right too, it was jealousy all of this time.
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Thank you a lot for reading <333 reblogs and comments are pretty much welcomed !! Have a nice day!
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Hi hi !!
I just read ur Mina fic an I thought it was adorable !! An I was curious if I could request a Mina x Reader (they/them) where Mina accedentally melts one of her favorite pens (like she sneezed and her reflexes activated her quirk) and maybe the reader takes her out shopping for new pens or or surprises her by buying her a new one ?
Sorry if this is too short or somethin I just got really excited ansnnsnm
For You!
Mina Ashido x They/Them Reader
A/N: Yay more Mina! Don’t worry, you did great :D Word Count: 777 (Ooo jackpot)
“These are the main disaster settings and their accompanying rescue protocols. Be sure to write these down and be able to explain why these rescues are done in these situations if you want to do well on the next test.” Aizawa droned on disinterestedly.
Mina was in the zone.
She was feeling like a note taking god right now. Usually by now her hand would start to cramp or she would start doodling in the margins of her notebook or begin flagging and fall asleep on accident. Something about the fit of her favorite pen in her hand as it glided effortlessly across the page, leaving behind glittery characters in its wake made her feel way happier than any simple pen should.
She looked up at the board to copy the next line of text and felt a familiar tickling in her nose. She rubbed at her nose to try to get rid of the feeling, but only served to irritate it more. She inhaled sharply and barely had time to cover her nose and mouth in her elbow before,
“Geeze, Mina, you good?” Kirishima asked.
“Yeah, excuse me…” She snuffled then looked down at her paper, “No, no, no!”
She had reflexively shot acid all over her desk. Something she hadn’t done since elementary school. Her acid had ruined her notebook, eaten through her desk and worse yet, her favorite pen, melted! What kind of injustice was this!
“Ashido, I’m in the middle of a lecture. Keep your cries of despair to yourself until after class is over.” Aizawa asked, not even bothering to turn around. “A new desk will be waiting for you tomorrow.”
Forget the desk! What about her notes? Her pen! This is the thanks she gets for participating in class? With a soft moan of defeat, Mina thumped her head against her corroded desk and waited for school to end. Unbeknownst to her, a fellow classmate made a plan to stop at a nearby store before heading back to the dormitory.
Mina went right to her room after school and flopped lifelessly onto her bed. Her face smothered against her plush pillow, she fell asleep almost immediately and only awoke to a faint knocking a couple hours later.
“Who is it?” She yawned, taking note of the time. Man, she missed dinner! What a crappy day.
“It’s (Y/n), can I come in?”
“Oh yeah, of course! Door’s open!” Mina jumped up and fixed her hair quickly before greeting (Y/n) at the door. “Hey, what’s up? Whaddaya got there?“ she asked almost in one breath, motioning (Y/n) further into the room and offering them a seat.
“Just a couple things I thought you might find helpful.” They smiled, offering the plastic bag to Mina.
“Aw, (Y/n), what’s this for?”
“I noticed you were working hard today and I felt bad about what happened with the whole sneezing incident. I figured you could use a pick me up.” They said, their hands in their pockets as they rocked on their feet.
Mina, dug into the bag and made a delighted sound, grabbing (Y/n) in a side hug.
“You got me a new notebook? Thanks! That’s really sweet!” She thumbed through the pages and was surprised to find that some pages had already been filled. She looked to (Y/n) who quickly gave her an explanation.
“I copied down my notes for you. I thought it might be helpful.”
“It is! It is! Thanks a lot! I was dreading having to write all of that again!”
The bag still had some heft to it so she placed the notebook on her desk and reached inside, jumping for joy when she pulled out a ten pack count of her favorite sparkly gel pens in various fun colors.
“Aw, (Y/n) you are the best, honestly! Thank you so much! What else could you have possibly given me? This is too sweet!”
“YaoMomo texted me. She said she didn’t see you at dinner so I picked something up for you while I was out.”
Mina put everything on her desk to give (Y/n) a proper full contact hug that almost sent them sailing through the wall.
“You are the most thoughtful person ever! Did you get yourself dinner too?”
“Yeah, I dropped it off at my room.” They said, jabbing their thumb in the direction of the hall.
“Well go get it! Let’s eat together and watch some tv!”
“Yeah? Okay, I’ll be right back!”
While waiting for (Y/n) to return, Mina opened the fresh pack of pens and arranged them how she liked while thinking of a way to repay (Y/n) for the extremely kind gesture.
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dame-nostalgique · 3 years
just found ur blog!! your art is absolutely stunning blown away tbh
a curious question from a new fan w/ weak eyes: what are those gorgeous lace-y envelopes made of?? is it cut paper? fabric? whatever it is, its fantastic
Thank you so much, I'm glad you're here! 🌷
The envelopes you're asking about are vintage handkerchiefs! I have a huge collection of them and they are all thrifted. They're very easy to find in thrift stores in different varieties like with lace, initials, different colors, handmade embroidery or patterns. I put all the components of my letters inside, wrap them in the handkerchief like it's an envelope, tie it with a ribbon and seal them with wax, while just sealing the ribbon or twine. That way the fabric underneath is untouched and after the recipient gets their letter, they can keep the hankie for decoration, storage or even fashion. ☺️💌
I also often find crocheted doilies, other small embroidery projects, tiny table covers/runners or lace parts of curtains. They all work great for the same purpose. I collect all of these 'scraps' for my creative work. 🌼
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 11- Fond Memories
Summary: It’s just a memory, but it’s a good one.
Warning: fluff, smut ur welcome
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June 21, 2016 - Bucharest, Romania
Wandering down the crowded streets of Bucharest, your eyes casually survey the surrounding area until they land on a little news cart holding the latest universal gossip that may spark a possible interest in the random civilian, among other things.
It’s hot out on this fine summers day, so all you carry on your person is your usual travel boots, black jeans, and a tank top to show off those guns of yours that Bucky loves so much. In your right hand is a plastic grocery bag hung loosely in your fingers, filled with two oranges and a cold lemonade, Bucky’s request. Though it’s slowly losing its chill from the afternoon heat.
As of recently you’ve become the designated grocery store adventurer since it’s the middle of summer and Bucky’s usual attire is to wear pants and a long sleeved shirt with gloves because of well, his arm. And since he doesn’t want to feel too out of place, also considering he’s incredibly cautious about where he shows off his metal appendage. You handle business on the streets, which today happens to be getting some fruit and a cold beverage back home to your man.
Though you’re admittedly a bit distracted by the local newspapers seated comfortably on their propped up stand. Soon you’re at the young teens cart, eyeing up the paper with curious eyes, “Hello miss.” Greets the boy in Romanian as you give a nod in acknowledgment, “That was sure something that happened in Sokovia huh, people still talking about it even now...glad I don’t live there. But uh, I guess the Avengers saved the day, well, most of it I think.”
“No doubt they probably helped cause it.” You add bitterly, eyes scanning over the heroic faces of Ironman and Captain America as they stand with great pose and purpose on the front magazine. Heroes? What a bunch of bullshit and flashy images underlying the darker truth to these people. These so called saviors.
If they truly cared, if real heroes actually gave a shit besides attempting to clean up their own messes, Hydra would be completely eradicated from the face of the earth and trafficking rings wouldn’t exist. But here we are.
“Uh, you wanna buy a paper?” Asks the young boy, smiling a shy yet hopeful grin. 
I’d rather get stabbed, you think.
“No thanks, just here to look.” You add bluntly before turning on your heel and walking away, sauntering down the street as more people pass by you on your way to the apartment complex just over the next block. In no time have you reached the building, heading up the long flight of stairs before at long last do you stop at the front door.
Your relationship with Bucky is still relatively new, so you don’t want to startle him by just bursting in, so instead do you knock a couple times to gather is attention. Hopefully he’s not snoozing again. Taking a step back, you can hear shuffling from the other side before he reaches the door. You smile, knowing he can see you through the peep hole, “I got lemonade.” You add, holding up the bag as he unlocks the door, opening it up a crack before cautiously glancing to either side of you.
Realizing the coast is most certainly clear, Bucky opens the door fully to reveal nothing more then some grey sweatpants and a loose sleeveless black t-shirt hung perfectly against his body, amplifying his beefy muscles that not only could crush a man but can most definitely get you feeling all sorts of ways when used appropriately.
“Yes, get in here Y/N.” Urges Bucky with a humored smile and a small wave as you quickly wander in past him before setting your bag on the far counter near the sink.
Taking the decently cool beverage out, you turn around to face Bucky, who’s standing semi-awkwardly out in the open. A small dust of pink covers his stubbled cheeks as you take him all in. It’s not like you haven’t seen him bare ass naked before, it’s just, he feels comfortable enough to let his guard down with you and that's somethings he’s never truly ever felt before. He gets a little shy sometimes, so what?
“They finally had it. So I snatched this beautiful bitch the second my eyes landed on her. Hope it soothes all your troubles away and sends you on a spiritual journey through the meadows of....uh, wherever this place is from.” You mutter, trying to figure out how to pronounce the name of the company as he walks over to you; giving up on that curiosity, you decide to hand Bucky the drink instead, “Yeah, whatever I hope it tastes good.”
He gratefully accepts, “Thanks Y/N, you’re the best. Seriously.” Praises Bucky as he twists the lid off and takes a drink, face appearing to rather enjoy it as he proceeds to down the whole 8oz sugary bittersweet contents right before your vary eyes.
Well, he certainly wasn’t lying.
He finally pulls the bottle from his wet lips, taking a deep breath as you raise a brow at him, “I’m gonna take that as you finding nothing wrong with it whatsoever.” Licking the sweet wetness from his pink lips, Bucky chuckles before shrugging.
“I haven’t had lemonade since the 40’s so even if it was actually kinda bitter, I don’t think I would have noticed.”
“Damn. That long?” You question as he nods, “Fuck those assholes,” You growl, taking a step closer to Bucky so that he can pull you into his arms as you raise your head to greet him, “now they can never keep you from such rare pleasures ever again.”
Bucky reveals a beautiful white toothed smile, thick arms holding you close as he presses his forehead to yours, “And what would you do if they did?”
Running your hands up and down his muscular back, you gently place a sweet kiss against his plush lips, “I’d fucking gut every single one of them until you’re safe with me, drinking all the lemonade you could ask for.” He chuckles lightly before pressing his lips against yours once again, the taste of sugary lemonade reaching your tongue as he lets you explore his mouth a bit, Bucky doing the same with you.
Hands feeling your enticing vessel up as he takes in everything about you that he could possibly get from this positioning with you wrapped up in his arms, you fully enjoy this wonderful moment with your sweet man. Somedays he gets all cold and withdrawn, nightmares seeping into his scarred mind that pull forth dark memories back out into the open.
He’ll wake up next to you in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as he quickly scans the small apartment for any signs of possible danger threatening himself or even your own life. Then for the rest of the day he’ll stay considerably more quiet then usual, agitated with himself and the general world, though he’s never short with you when he gets like this. You hate to see him when he’s like that, frustrated, distant, and in a low pit of despair from everything Hydra put him through.
But he never once has lashed out at you when he’s having a rough day, he’s well aware how Hydra has toyed with your head and pulled the strings time and time again before you broke from their inky black tentacles. He knows you understand how he feels, and he knows how your mental and physical resilience has aided in your self healing from the trauma they’ve given you.
Although for Bucky, he’s still marked from deep within, everything they’ve ever burned into his brain is still there. Just below the surface. All the memories, all the commands, all the deaths, everything they imprinted on him still clings to him like an unrelenting demon.
But the days when he’s more soft and clingy appear to claim Bucky the most, and those days are your absolute favorite. Sure his handsome face still reveals a bit of that usual Bucky darkness that gives his eyes a tinge of roughed beauty, something that admittedly draws you in even further.
He’ll choose to speak with you on his own accord, tease you if he’s in the mood, and hold a part of your body that intrigues him the most for that length of time. He gravitates in your direction when he’s having a good day, seeking out your attention in any way conceivable and making it an absolute necessary goal of his to give you as much loving as he possibly can try in a single hour.
You love days like this, you love feeling wanted and appreciated for your very existence when so many would rather see you dead. You love having those big beautiful blues studying every single curve, muscle, and blemish on your skin like a student to their books. He practically drinks you in, making it his mission to hold you close and speak sweet nothings that will be remembered for a hundred years more.
So when you have to leave for supplies or pay the rent, Bucky feels like a lonely and lost old house cat with nothing to do all day except wait as patiently as he can until you arrive home safe and sound. He obviously doesn’t slip this to you about how he feels when you must vacate the premise and venture out into the unknown for however long it takes.
But you know, if it wasn’t already evident on his face when you greet him after such travels. The way his face lights up in excitement and relief once he finally sees you, the telltale crinkle in the corner of his eyes, and the way that his lips pull into a positive grin that could make you swoon in an instant.
You could absolutely just about die happy, you’ve never been more catered to and loved on in your entire life since you’ve started living with Bucky in Romania, well, since your once fragile relationship took a turn for the best. Resulting in whatever beautiful thing you two have going on now, though neither of you have outwardly labeled your growing relationship.
It’s more so an unspoken thing that’s adherently mutual, the both of you clearly understanding this isn’t some friends with benefits type shit. Oh no, definitely far from that. So what you have with Bucky right now is something so deeply special and bound by so much more then physical love and personal feelings.
You two have lived a past like no other, survived like beasts of war for masters who threw the command and controlled the reigns. Fought together, bled together, and kept imprisoned by Hydra together. Your pasts are blooded and heavy, but it’s only worked to make your relationship stronger. And perhaps that’s the only positive of what those fuckers did to you, without them, you’d never have met the Winter Soldier.
Without them, you’d never have lived this long to find Bucky Barnes, never have been given the opportunity to see him for all that he’s worth. And to you, he’s worth more then all the stars in the sky.
Your lover kisses your lips once more as you smile into the soft embrace, causing him to laugh as you pull away, “What’s so funny?” Wonders Bucky, revealing his own beautiful smile that could light up the darkest room.
Raising your hands to gently touch the sides of his stubbled cheeks, you give him a small peck, “You taste like lemons.” You muse.
“Oh, is that good then?” He asks, brow raised as you give him another quick kiss in reply before he smiles a lovestruck grin back down at you, “I think I’ll take that as a yes.”
You smile brightly before tugging on a lock of his dark shoulder length hair, “You plan on turning into the wolfman soon? It’s touching your shoulders now.”
Bucky side eyes your fingers laced through his admittedly long hair, “I guess......maybe it needs a little cut.” He begrudgingly admits, “But only a little cut, okay. Not a lot.” Worries your sweet man as you let go of his dark mane to pull away from his muscular vessel.
Hands outward and forming the shape of a square as you size him up for a photographic image sent directly into your brain, “Yeah. I can work with this, you got the looks. The face, very nice. Body, oh dear lord is it fine. Mhmm hmm, and that hair? Absolutely glorious, a lot of volume, shiny, good bounce to it....oh yeah I can work with this...”
“Are you done?” Chuckles Bucky as you drop your hands to your thighs.
“What? I was just pretending to be your photographer, was I not convincing enough?”
You take a step forward, gently touching the bottom of his chin before making a cheeky face and turning to wander towards the bathroom, Bucky slowly following your lead in curiosity as you explain, “I’ll have you know Barnes, I once convinced some high end Bulgarian official that I was actually a Russian princess in hiding. He believed it too.” You mutter while rummaging through the drawers under the bathroom sink. Bucky leaning against the doorway as he watches you intently.
“Honestly, it was rather pathetic too. Old fucker was so drunk I could have told him I was a pixie from the realm of toxic waste baskets and he would have believed me.” You add, searching for wherever the fucking scissors went, “Of course his idiot companions were none the wiser and I got the intel I needed out of him. How you ask?” Grabbing the silver coated utensil from out of the drawer, you rise to your full height.
Cutting the air, you throw him a wink as you move to wander past him, “That information is top secret. But let’s just say he never made it back to his friends.” You smirk, setting the scissors on the small center table before snatching the tiny plastic trash can and taking it with you over to the table once again.
Bucky watches as you pull the two chairs to face opposite of one another, placing the trash can in the center of the two wooden seats as you bring your bum down on to the flat chair. “Now sit. This may get messy.”
Bucky snorts, moving to do just that, “I don’t wanna see any blood, Y/N. I know how you are with sharp objects.” Jokes your man with a telling smirk as you simply roll your eyes before pulling your right leg up, leaning it against your left thigh as you begin unlacing your boots. “Whatcha doing there Y/N?”
Tugging on the sides of your boots to loosen them up, you throw him a side glance, “Getting comfortable.”
Bucky nods, “Of course. This is serious business.”
You chuckle, pulling off your boot and throwing it to the side before exchanging your one leg for the other, “Gives you more time to check me out.”
Biting his bottom lip, Bucky leans his metal elbow against the table as he shamelessly watches you do your thing, “Well, no.....I wasn’t doing that, definitely not....but uh, I like your socks. Very interesting choice.” Points Bucky while you toss your other boot to the floor with a small thud. Shaking your head while Bucky makes fun of your current socks that reach above your ankles, a multitude of cartoon rainbow kittens dancing all about with a solid grey background. One tiny worn down hole showing some skin on the back of your heel that would most likely have blistered by now if not for your healing capabilities.
“Huh? Oh, these fuckers?” You snicker, sticking one foot close to his face as he leans back to avoid your teasing, “Fought them off a homeless guy in the park.”
Bucky makes a humored expression ranging between slight disgust and great amusement at your theatrical antics, reaching his flesh hand out to catch your ankle before you can smack him with your extremity. “I’m sure you kicked his ass.”
Setting your foot down, you nod, “Oh I did, you should have seen it, I’m sure you could have learned a thing or two.”
“Okay.” Mutters Bucky sarcastically whilst rolling his eyes, “At least I’m not the one in the care-bear socks.”
You raise a brow at him, legitimately impressed by this reference, “I’m surprised you even know what that is.” You tease before sticking your one foot out and pointing both hands in its general direction, “These. Are cat socks for your information....but no one ever said pretty people were smart so I won’t hold it against you.”
“Ouch.” Laughs Bucky, “Take a look in the mirror hot stuff.”
Smacking his metal arm, you pick up the scissors, “Okay smartass now I’m going to give you a weird haircut for that one.”
“I said you were hot.” Protests Bucky with a laugh as you slice the scissors in the air menacingly, “Forgive me.”
“You implied I was lacking in smarts so now you’re getting a shitty haircut you dumbfuck, come here you coward!” Bucky leans backwards towards the table as you press your freehand on his chest, your other hand held upwards by Bucky’s metal fist as you practically lean your whole body against his. Scissors snapping in the air as he attempts to restrain you.
“Y/N! I’m sorry please don’t cut my hair weird I’ll never leave the apartment again.” He pleads through amused giggles as you playfully let him keep you from doing any sort of damage to his beautiful dark locks.
“You don’t leave the apartment to begin with!”
“That’s true but still!”
“Let me go and I will be nice about it.” You reason, “I promise.” Bucky gives you a half nervous glance before letting go of your wrist, smiling down at him, you slide off his body before seating yourself back down again. “See, not so hard. Now take your shirt off and turn around.”
Bucky’s brows raise instantly while he breaks out into a suggestive grin, “Y/N, that’s kinky.”
Rolling your eyes, you bite your bottom lip to keep from giving him the satisfaction of a genuine smile, “Do it or I’ll hurt you, and not how you like it.” Bucky snorts as you break out into a smile, “Come on muscles I wanna see some skin.”
“Is this really necessary?” Wonders Bucky as he grasps the bottom of his shirt.
“Yes.” You reply, watching as he removes his tank top with ease before setting it atop the cold surface of the table, “It’s so you don’t get hair all over your shirt Barnes, and don’t say it’s not a big deal cause I know you’ll get itchy.”
“Whatever. Just don’t cut me.” Grumbles Bucky as he shifts around in his chair so that you have a clear view of the back of his head and all that glorious hair just screaming to be snipped to perfection. “Seriously be careful.”
Scooting your chair closer so that your legs are parted for a better angle, you semi-roughly tug down on his dark locks causing the super soldier to grunt in pain, “Y/N!” Grumbles Bucky through clenched teeth, “What the hell?” He whines as you chuckle mischievously from behind him.
“Oh shut it you big baby, I know what I’m doing.” Bucky’s mouth opens to protest, but before he’s able to throw something witty at you to counter your sass, you’ve made a loud snip snip sound with the scissors.
“Careful.” Worries Bucky as you hold a chunk of his hair before letting the utensil slice right through the brown follicles like a knife through some soft chocolate cake. Soon more and more tuffs of discarded hair fall into the wastebasket as you work around the back of his head. He doesn’t say a word the whole time as you skillfully cut your way to a half-descent haircut.
After a good five minutes, you lean back to examine your work, “Okay, looking good.”
“Can I see.”
“No.” You deadpan with a small chuckle before pressing the handle of the scissors to his bare back, “Turn around wolfman I need to do the front.”
Sighing, Bucky shifts, turning around to finally face you. Both your legs staggered side by side now as he looks into your eyes like a beaten down puppy, “Oh don’t look at me like that Barnes. Your torture session is almost over.” You add before kissing your fingers and pressing them against his lips for a brief second of silent affection.
Bucky cracks a handsome grin while your left hand messes up his long bangs, “Must you do that too.” Complains your grumbly lover in annoyance as you slice some areas near his face. “Yep. I’m not cutting all of it, I’m just giving your eyes some trim to see. Bucky you’ve been putting your hair up in buns for a week now.”
“Okay fine.”
“I mean, I like it. But you need a cut, I miss seeing your pretty face.” Bucky closes his eyes as you make quick work of his hair, deciding it best to just keep his thoughts to himself and let you do your masterful work, hopefully resulting in a decent job well done.
Soon he hears one last snip before you dramatically gasp causing his eyes to shoot open, “What did you do!?” Worries Bucky as you start smiling like an idiot.
“Oh my...ha, you look so good!” You affirm with an excited squeak of joy, setting the scissors down on the table before reaching your hands out to dive your fingers through his soft mane like an excited child petting a furry cat for the first time.
Bucky’s hands wrap around your forearms as he smiles, “Okay, okay, Y/N...” Starts Bucky as you take your hands and gently push his hair back to see his handsome face.
“Why, hello there Mr. Barnes.” You slyly jest as he studies your smirking face, “Don’t you just look absolutely dashing.”
“Am I free to look now?” Implores your lover with a shy smile as he rests his hands to either one of your thighs, squeezing lightly while you nod. “Go for it.”
He lets go, getting up from the chair to saunter on into the bathroom to observe your skilled work as a terribly underpaid hairdresser. In the meantime, you’ve cleaned off the few stray hairs coating the table and dumped them in the small trash can. Setting the chairs back into their normal positioning as you place the trash back in it’s usual spot by the window.
A mischievous grin coating your features as you stand causally by the fridge, awaiting Bucky who soon walks out of the bathroom. Smile on his beautiful features before his face falls into a confused yet oddly amused expression. “Y/N what are you doing? You look like Hitler.”
“What? No I don’t!” You protest, removing Bucky’s discarded lock of hair from your upper lip and tossing it in the trash, “Well you look.....uh, you look like uh.....I don’t know. You look really hot, I’m kind of distracted not gonna lie.”
Bucky smiles, cheeks dusting a light pink color as he walks closer to you. Noticeably still lacking an actual shirt which is doing wonders to your swirling thoughts that are turning a bit dirty, and those grey sweatpants? Hanging dangerously low on his beautiful body, you can see his famous V line in your peripheral vision as you strain to keep your eyes locked with his.
Oh he is challenging you big time.
Bucky, too observant for his own good, takes the hint that you’re starting to get a little hot and bothered with him looking like that all shirtless in the room and whatnot. Fresh haircut, low pants, and nothing better to do on this fine summer evening.
He raises an intrigued brow, “I know that look.” Muses Bucky with a knowing devilish grin as you shake your head at him, eyes darting to the newspaper covered window. You hate getting caught.
“Nope. What would make you think I’m thinking of...of, whatever you’re thinking. Alright listen, my mind is all pure and good up in here...so I, I have no idea whatever the fuck you’re talking about.” Bucky chuckles, chest rising in little spurts as he humors you, taking a couple more steps closer as you bite your lip in anticipation. Shit, he’s got you right where he wants you.
Ever so gently does five metal fingers reach up to caress the side of your cheek, trailing sweet icy lines down to your chin as his bare chest presses sweetly against your clothed breasts. Flesh hand holding your lower back, pressing you into him, “Y/N.” Whispers Bucky, sounding more like a genuine question as he tilts his head to the side, “What’r you thinking of?”
Pursing your lips together to keep from revealing a full grin to give him that proud satisfaction of turning you on without much effort, you raise a brow, free hand reaching downwards to gently palm him through his sweats that are indeed beginning to tent.
“Hmm. Guess I got you too, and all I did was stand here.” You proudly conclude, slipping a hand into his pants as you trail your fingers up and down his hardening length, causing Bucky to groan in arousal at your playful teasing. “Fuck me I could listen to that voice for a thousand years and never get tired of hearing you moan Buck.”
Bucky grabs your hand currently exploring his neither regions, pulling it out as he takes both your hands with his, face leaning in real close to yours, “I was not moaning.” He confirms with a sly grin, “This...is a moan.” And a second later he’s pressing his flesh digits into your clothed heat, rubbing your growing arousal with the pads of his skilled fingers as your face shifts with pleasure.
“oh.” Softly escapes from your parted lips, the sound coming out as more of a breathy gasp of air then anything really comprehensible.
Soon a large grin has found its way onto your flushed features, “You bastard.” Bucky chuckles at your less then heated curse given freely to him before removing his fingers from their pleasurable assault on your sensitive area that’s calling for some real attention, you kiss him again before muttering, “Come on Barnes....”
His lips dance in time with yours as he keeps you from speaking anything otherwise witty back at him, flesh and metal hand trailing up your body until they find the lower rim of your tank top. He pulls the material upwards, breaking the kiss for but a swift moment to let the fabric completely slide right off of your body and onto the floor below.
Lips on yours in an instant as his nimble fingers skillfully unclasp your bra, you’d have praised him for the semi-troublesome work if not for the fact that he’s now using those talented hands of his to knead your naked breasts like the most valuable and sweetest dough in all the land. Touching them with the tenderness of a skilled lover who knows just how to get his lady feeling all sorts of good.
Trailing your digits up and down his bare back, you shift your face to the side so he can keep stealing away more kisses while you try and form a sentence, “Buck...mhmm....mmmm.....Bucky, I need you, mhmm, I need you in me...right, right now.” You mutter in between moans while Bucky’s hardness rubs through his sweatpants and onto your thighs.
His hands trail up to gather the sides of your face in his palms, lips finally parting from yours as his beautiful blues gaze lovingly into your blissful expression, “I think that’s a fantastic idea Y/N. Now if you could lay on this table so I can take your pants off that’d be great.” Softly adds Bucky as you quickly steal a kiss in reply before scooting yourself upon the wooden table.
Leaning your body back as he quickly removes the clothing from your lower half, underwear sliding off next to leave you in nothing but your wit and will, and naked everything. His lust filled eyes trail hungrily down from your protruding breasts to your soaked neither regions hot and ready for his willing member.
“Enough drooling over me Barnes, I wanna see what you’ve got.” He chuckles at getting so easily caught; listening to your inquisition, he swiftly removes those annoying grey sweatpants before slipping off the tight boxers with ease.
Your eyes widen in excitement at the hardened length dripping in precum, his king jewels swollen and ready to send you into a world of wonders soon enough.
Bucky, noticing how your eyes swirl with hunger, takes a step forward, placing his hand on your knee, “This angles kinda weird so...can you turn around?” Asks the super soldier apprehensively, you two have never done it this way before. It’s pretty tame all things considered, but it’s something you’re more than willing to try.
You nod with a mischievous grin, “That’s a little kinky.” 
Bucky rolls his eyes, snorting with laughter nonetheless, “Why are you..never mind.” Muses your lover while you swiftly scoot your naked bum off of the table before kissing his cheek and turning around. Laying your stomach against the warmed surface of the wood as you bend over for Bucky to begin his godly work.
Soon his hands are feeling up your beautiful bum before wandering to your sides, “This good? Are you comfortable like this, just tell me if we need the bed instead and I can..”
“Bucky just fuck me.” You quickly interrupt, pushing your ass against his member that’s quite literally poking provocatively at your naked cheeks. “Yeah, okay, right on that.” Replies your man as he holds your left hip in place, flesh hand steadying his cock as he approaches your slick folds.
You can’t see him from this angle, relying on sounds and feel alone; you’re soon pleasantly relieved of the lack of contact when his manhood finally touches the surface of your two mounds before Bucky pushes himself into you.
Spreading you wide open and bare unto him as his length slides completely into your dripping core that’s heated and buzzing with your arousal. He feels good, really good. The slight discomfort gone in an instant as you quickly adjust perfectly in tune with his fullness and girth that stretches your walls so beautifully.
Bucky lets out a pleasant sigh before gently squeezing your hips, “Y/N are you good?” Wonders your sweet man, balls deep inside you but still making it important that you’re feeling as fantastic as him. How considerate.
With one hand gripping the far edge of the table and the other one thrown back to smack affectionately against his hip, you nod while face is pressed against the flat wood, “So good Buck....so good.” You mutter happily.
Taking this as a positive sign, Bucky smiles joyously before pulling a good ways out of you and thrusting himself back in again. Replicating this wondrous action for a good thirty more seconds as he draws your vessel into a new plane of pleasure with each fantastical stroke.
You’re left with soft moans reaching Bucky’s ears while the poor table attempts to keep in its place as Bucky thrusts full force into you over and over again, the legs of wood scraping against the flooring with each pump into your core. Grunting with effort not gone unnoticed by you in the slightest.
Nothing in the small apartment is heard except for the familiar skin on skin contact associated with this or any type of lovemaking, though right now, this angle, and those beautiful groans dripping off of his tongue sets this scene as more of a good fucking between the two of you if you’re being completely honest here.
Bucky’s cock pulses and twitches in excitement as he pulls in and out of you, hands tightly gripping the sides of your hips enough to bruise when all is said and done, luckily for you, quick healing is one of your attributes. Paying no mind the dull ache of his fingers against your flesh, you grip the edge of the table as the titular coil of growing pleasure begins its usual act upon your womanhood.
Bucky’s relentless, pushing himself into you just right with that delicious cock of his, sliding in and out of your slick walls as he works his magic. “oh God Buck...” You moan in absolute bliss, brows raising upwards at the growing sensation building up into your persistent climax.
He smiles to himself, proud of his fruitful efforts to turn you into a moaning mess underneath him, soon he’s picking up the pace with vigor and palpable stamina that you’re all to willing to match. “Buck....oh fu...fuck, I’m so-I’m so close....mhmm..” He slams into you harder now, causing the table to slide across the floor as he continues his pleasurable assault on your core that’s bringing you quickly to the edge of paradise.
“Ah shit.” Mumbles Bucky, realizing this current positioning is messing up his groove since this damn table keeps annoyingly moving in time with his thrusts. A second later his metal arm his lifting your stomach upwards, body to much of a mess to protest, you’re soon pleasantly surprised when your naked back falls flush against his sweaty toned torso as he holds you close.
His metallic hand slides up to hold you in between your breasts as his flesh hand trails down your body until it finds your sensitive bud, Bucky’s skilled fingers rub deliciously against the swollen flesh as he thrusts up into you vigorously. You suppress a whiny moan as your one hand grips tightly onto his forearm holding you to his body. While your other hand reaches up to take a fistful of hair as his head drapes over the side of your shoulder, plush lips planting wet kisses all along your heated skin.
“Mhmm you taste so good.” Praises Bucky as he licks your naked flesh before gently biting down playfully, leaving more love marks as he continues to play with your clit as the coil inside you threatens to unwind.
“Buck, I-I can’t...I’m gonna...” Bucky listens as you begin mumbling incoherent Russian when your orgasm finally hits you full force now, your warm walls tightening around his cock as you emit a plethora of loud moans. Tugging on his hair as he smiles against your skin for the work he’s done.
Your fingers quickly slip from his thick dark locks as you fight to keep your legs from giving out at the intense rush of pleasure flowing through your vessel as Bucky’s fingers spell circles on your sensitive bud. You’re soon getting overstimulated when suddenly he pulls his hand to wrap around your stomach as he finally cums inside you.
The beautiful sounds of Bucky’s low groans and moans filling your ears as he spills himself up into you, cock twitching as he releases it all. The feeling of his cum rushing into your hot center never fails to turn you weak, especially when his body shakes with pleasure as he subconsciously holds you closer while riding out his orgasm.
He thrusts into you a couple more times just to feel it through as he unknowingly sparks more electricity into your already fucked out core that’s now dripping with not only your natural arousal but his hot liquid. Bucky’s head falls into the crook of your neck as he stops pumping into you, plush lips kissing your heated skin as he just embraces the moment of standing butt-ass naked in the kitchen balls deep in you, his loving and beautifully fuckable girlfriend.
He stands like this for about forty whole seconds until you reach a hand up to tug playfully on his hair, “I think we need a shower now.”
Bucky’s lips smile against your skin as he picks his head up, kissing your neck while he pulls himself out of you. His cum slowly trailing down your inner thighs as he turns you around to face him, “I think you’re right. Let’s go before that gets on the floor.” Chuckles Bucky as he takes your hand and walks you into the bathroom.
You stand by the sink as he turns on the shower, fumbling with the settings while you snatch a tissue and begin cleaning yourself up a bit until he turns around, “Wait Y/N, let me do that.” States Bucky as he takes the tissue out of your hand, kneeling down to get a better angle, “It’s kinda my fault anyways and you’ve done enough...”
“I could handle it Buck, but I mean yeah, go for it.” You muse as he whips off the milky liquid trailing lines down your inner thighs, “I don’t doubt you know how to clean a crime scene.”
“This isn’t a crime scene.” Asserts Bucky as he whips away the last of it while you chuckle at his confused facial expression.
He stands as you saunter past him, taking a step into the shower before looking over your shoulder, “Well, guess you’re just gonna have to murder this pussy again and we’ll find out how well your clean up really is.” You tease with a knowing wink before disappearing into the plastic curtains.
Bucky’s brows raise in surprised excitement as he quickly follows you in, soon his hands are feeling you up in all sorts of places. Drawing soft moans of the sweetest sounds into the sexually charged atmosphere, no doubt riling you up for round two. God you love him so fucking much.
Waking with a start, you’re surprised to find your heartbeat racing a mile a minute. Then the wonderful memories of last nights dream hits you like a truck, that wasn’t just a dream, that was a real memory with Bucky. One of the many fantastic ones between the two of you before Zemo happened, before Tony tried to kill him, before Wakanda, and before Thanos ruined it all with a simple snap of his goddamn fingers.
Just a fucking dream. Another good memory. That’s it.
Tagged: @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes @mischiefmanaged71 @jckie94  @iamasimpingh0e @mjaudrey  @thescarlettvvitch
49 notes · View notes
sunshinecrashed · 4 years
Hii again! Hope you're having a nice day! How about prompt 42 of the clichè prompt list with Tsukasa? I just love this adorable psychopath. OwO
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ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ?
𝗍𝗌𝗎𝗄𝖺𝗌𝖺 𝗒𝗎𝗀𝗂 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝟧𝟢 𝖼𝗅𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗉𝗍𝗌, #𝟦𝟤. “𝗂’𝗆 𝗀𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀.” 
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝘆; 𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲. 
word count: ~1.4k
↳ warnings: a rlly self-absorbed classmate, buckets of sarcasm, some cursing, and uhh,,, jumping out of a window,,,,,,,
a/n: i just gotta say this rlly quickly, thank u for being so patient!! i hope ur having a nice day too 🥺💕let me know if there was anything u wanted to change!
“[Name], I think I really like you! I was wondering if I could take you on a date?” your classmate, Ryou asked you, handing you a small gift box. 
You questioningly cup the box in your hands, your eyes flitting over the wrapping before looking up to meet your admirer. 
“I.. didn’t know you felt this way about me.” you admit. Ryou was someone who you occasionally talked to during class, and he was fairly popular for his status and charming looks. But still, this was so.. sudden?
After a short pause to think, you concluded, “But I wouldn’t mind going on a date to get to know you better. Here,” you scribbled down your number on a scrap piece of paper before handing it to him. “I’ll let you know when I’m free, and we can go from there!” 
“For sure! I’ll talk to you later, cutie!” Ryou flashed you a grin and waved, rounding the corner to go meet up with some friends. 
As you turned away with a bubbly smile, you found yourself almost knocking into a curious Tsukasa. 
“So.. Who was that, [Name]?” 
“Tsukasa!” you jumped. “That’s a classmate of mine. He asked me out on a date, isn’t that exciting?” You playfully twirled around him as he attempted to hold you still.
 “You can’t just go on a date with some random person and not expect me to be.. to be…” He blinked, uncharacteristically trailing off. 
“Ah, nevermind!” His cheerful demeanor was back in a flash, so quickly that you thought.. maybe you were imagining that out-of-the-blue mood swing? 
While you opened your mouth to question his odd behavior, Tsukasa grabbed your wrist and started to lead you back into the school, hastily changing the subject.
You weren’t given any more time to dwell on his mysterious reaction. 
After a few days of texting back and forth with Ryou, you agreed to meet him at a local coffee shop on the weekend. It was a quaint little place, and despite its limited space, it still had a small second story that made up for the lack of room on the bottom floor. 
You ordered a simple mocha with whipped cream for yourself and sat down at a booth on the top floor. 
‘Okay, he’s a little late..’ you thought to yourself as you peeked at the clock. 
After twenty minutes passed, you narrowed your eyes and stepped out of the booth to promptly leave. ‘..He’s not coming.’
But right as you stood up, you came face-to-face with a Ryou, a relaxed expression on his face.
“Ah, sorry for being late. Something came up that I had to take care of.” He didn’t seem like was in a hurry at all. 
The crease in your brow softened, and you sat back down. “It’s fine, I understand. I wasn’t sure what kind of coffee you liked, so I just got you a simple latte.” 
Ryou made a disgusted face and nudged the cup away from him. “Really? A latte? I’m not a big coffee drinker, you know.” 
‘Then why did you want to bring me to a damn coffee shop‒’
You plastered a calm smile on your face, muting your internal screaming. “O-kay. Then, what do you like to drink instead?” 
“I’m so glad you asked! I’m a great fan of tea. My family actually runs a highly successful business…”
 He droned on, and on, and on, talking about himself and his accomplishments. Or rather, his family’s accomplishments, while throwing in a back-handed compliment to you here and there. 
He didn’t ask you a single question about yourself. When you tried to contribute to the one-sided conversation, he would either cut you off, or wait impatiently for you to finish, before continuing where he left off in his “dramatic” life story. 
An hour hadn’t even passed before you were already thinking, ‘how the hell do I get out of here’. 
While he paused to take a breath, you quickly interjected, “Hey, so, I think you are a pretty nice guy and all, but I don’t think our interests are aligned‒”
“You aren’t trying to ditch me, are you?” 
His sudden question almost gave you whiplash. With your most deadpan expression you stated, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Maybe he would finally get the hint‒
“Great! We’re on the same page!” How the hell could someone be so.. dense? 
Ryou’s eyes moved past you as he spotted some school friends.
 “HEY, over here!” He shot up out of his seat with a huge wave, already heading over in their direction. “[Name], could you give me a second here? I need to talk with them about something really quick!” 
You internally sighed with relief. “By all means, take all the time you need.” 
He joked, “You better not be gone by the time I get back! Haha!” 
Once he was a fair distance away, you mumbled under your breath, “And wouldn’t that be tragic..” 
You shoved your face into your hands in exasperation. 
Someone’s.. tapping your shoulder? 
As you lift your head up, someone’s hands cover your eyes. 
“Guess who?” a sing-song voice called. 
“Wait.. Tsukasa??” You questioned, confusion riddling your voice. “How the hell did you find me?” 
He took his hands off from your eyes and gave you a sly smile. 
“Well, I followed you, of course. And I,” Tsukasa settled into the booth across from you, “‒am going to save you from this terrible date you’re having.” 
Both of your eyes glittered with mischief.
“I... like the sound of that.” 
A vivacious smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. With a fleeting glance around the room to confirm that your date was still distracted, you leaned across the table to whisper to your favorite ghost. “So, what’s the plan?” you asked. 
“On a scale of one to ten, how.. Ambitious are you willing to be?” 
“A million.”
“Oh,” you could immediately tell that you made the wrong decision, and Tsukasa knew it.
 “Well in that case..!”
. . . . .
“I am not jumping out of a window.” 
“C’mon! It’s not that far of a fall!” Tsukasa pouted. “You did say that you were willing to do anything!” he called from below. 
You were currently looking down at him from the second-story bathroom window. With a bite of your lip, you threw your leg over the side and hung onto the edge of the window frame. “Tsukasa..” 
“And besides,” he continued. “He’s blocking your only other entrance! This is your best bet, [Name], I’m telling you!” 
You pointed a finger at him menacingly. “If you fail to catch me, I’m going to come back as a ghost and knock the shit out of you. You hear me?” 
“Aye-aye captain!” Tsukasa yelled back with a cheeky grin. 
Taking a deep breath, you muttered, “Okay, here we go..” 
“One.. two.. Three‒!”
You shut your eyes as tight as you possibly could and let go of the window frame. 
For a solid couple of seconds, you could hear the wind rushing past your ears as your stomach dropped. 
And even though it only lasted a moment, you were still surprised when you felt a pair of arms quickly secure around your waist. 
Opening your eyes cautiously, you looked up and met Tsukasa’s wide, golden eyes. He was just as surprised as you were. 
“Hey, you actually caught me!” You cheered and wrapped your arms around Tsukasa’s neck in a make-shift hug. Your warmth enveloped him, and he allowed himself to indulge in it.. just this once. 
He gave you a child-like laugh, “Aww, you don’t trust me? You wound me, [Name].” 
Tsukasa set you down onto your feet, but didn’t quite let go of you yet. You had a beaming expression on your face, and your cheeks were tinted just a little red from the excitement rushing through your veins. 
That’s the expression that made the odd, bubbly feeling grow in his chest.
“Wait,” He started, piercing you with those cat-like eyes, “Shouldn’t I get something in return for saving you?” 
Oh fuck. You should have figured he would sneak up on you with this. He may not look like it, but he really knows how to get what he wants.  
You chuckled, already seeing where this was going. “Oh yeah? And what would that be?” 
“A date, of course!” he brightly exclaimed.
You plucked the hat off of his head and placed it on your own; this time, with a victorious smile.
“You know.. If all of your dates end up like this,” you gestured to how close you two currently were, 
“‒Then I just might have to take you up on that offer.” 
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petalshields · 3 years
[ ELLIOT KNIGHT, HE/HIM, CIS MAN ]  —  [ SABER WINSLOWE ]  is a child of  [ EPIONE ]  with the power of  [ PAIN SUPPRESSION + PATHOKINESIS ] .  they were born in  [ 1993 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2008 ] .  with the change, they  [ GRADUATED FROM ]  the  [ MEDICAL ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ COUNSELING + READING + TRYING TO FEEL SOMETHING ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the  [ SUN ]  building .  —  garnet / she/her / kst / 18+ / @nlupdates​
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it’s garnet ya’ll already know the vibes. this long as hell but bear with me.
Saber’s pinterest is here!
saber did not grow up knowing the people he called his Ma and Pa were not his biological parents. Ma and Pa lived in a red barn hidden acres deep in rural New Haven, Kentucky and they prayed every night for a child that they couldn’t seem to conceive. one night, a woman appeared with her three-year-old son in tow, explaining that his father died in a tragic accident. the winslowes welcomed him inside and the woman disappeared into thin air. it wasn’t until the boy, who told them his name was saber, was fed, bathed, and asleep that they questioned where the woman came from. unbeknownst to them, it was the goddess of recovery epione, who just lost one of her mortal lovers and decided that saber could be the answer to the winslowe couple’s prayers.
starting he was around nine-years-old, saber bounced from foster home to foster home. he was taken from his doting parents who weren’t at all neglectful nor inattentive, but a concerned doctor reported the frequency of his hospital visits and the severity of his injuries. as a rambunctious lad who was always too curious, saber collected injuries the way other kids his age might’ve collected bugs. it did not help that he appeared to have an exceedingly high pain tolerance, and he wasn’t aware that a part of his body was wounded until someone pointed it out or he fell forward because his leg was broken.
while his parents were being investigated, at around the age of twelve, saber was placed in a particularly volatile household. its chaos could be felt the moment that he stepped inside. nonetheless, saber always had the gift of being a calming presence to those around him. even at his young age, he sympathized with others and always helped those in need, but he noticed that emotions could change quickly if he touched them. he could place two fingers on someone’s pulse and the heart of a mourning person would no longer thud under his fingertips, their sorrow drying on their cheeks. saber had the same effect on his aggressive foster family, who he would touch on the shoulder, elbow, or hand to calm them down. they’d always shake him off, but their mood visibly shifted, and saber would watch them walk away from the battle they’d almost started. he couldn’t relate to such extreme displays of emotion — while he wasn’t without empathy, he did not feel deeply for himself.
emotions became a puzzle that he wanted to solve, and saber poured over books about the topic to better understand his foster family. it was his obsession and he began to absorb random facts about how the brain functioned. this led saber into reading more, curiosity becoming less physical and tactile and more intellectual, using a flashlight under his covers at night to consume more knowledge.
when saber was thirteen, going on fourteen in a few days, he was claimed by epione sending a garter snake into his box-sized front lawn. saber, who was outside at the time, bent down to examine the creature, and when he looked up, there was a woman that he’d never seen before standing with his social worker. His social worker introduced him to his mother and explained that he’d be going with them to a new place, giving him time to pack his suitcase with his things. he did as he was told, waving goodbye to his foster family. they grumbled about having one less mouth to feed.
in the car, saber couldn’t stop looking at his mother, who was so familiar yet a stranger, and it was then that his social worker told him about his godly heritage. that because he’d been claimed by his mother, he was in danger, so he had to go somewhere he could be kept safe. that somewhere was nemean lion.
saber was a little awkward at first, but he found his strides, excelling in his training. he stayed in the standard track for the first year before switching to medical. many thought that he could have been a hero because of his bravery and his inability to feel pain, but he chose to follow his passion in trying to crack the brain. he received basic medical training, but by the time he was eighteen, he remained on campus for a little bit longer to study psychology.
at nemean lion, saber became close with another boy, another demigod. saber never had a crush before and he didn’t feel the clichés. the affinity that he felt towards the other boy was chosen rather than felt — he chose to speak with him for hours, he chose to go on dates with him, and he chose to kiss him back. in addition, saber also vowed to never change the other boy’s emotions with his ability — it was nice to have something that flourished organically without manipulation on his part.
homophobia tw: saber and his boyfriend married immediately after graduation and he brought his new husband back to meet Ma and Pa. the aging couple was set in their ways, and though they tried, they did not approve of saber marrying someone so quickly. when saber asked them if they would have approved if he did the same with a woman, he found their answer in their hesitance. his husband stormed out and saber filed behind him. “why didn’t you say anything?” his husband spat at him. saber didn’t say anything in response, understanding the reason for the reproach, that perhaps he should have said something, but he also logically understood that their bigotry wasn’t his problem. he touched his husband’s cheek, absorbing the pain and anger, something he swore he’d never do to his husband. but he did, and for the remainder of their time together, he didn’t forgive himself for it.
saber and his husband had a few honeymoon years before the marriage unraveled, but saber wasn’t aware of the unraveling. he came home one night to find his husband packing his bags, claiming that he no longer felt that spark between them and he hadn’t for a while now. saber simply responded that he didn’t notice, withholding that he felt the distance between them increase but couldn’t do anything about it, didn’t know what to do. he didn’t want to use his power to fabricate contentment, even love, where there was little to none. his husband said “you never notice, because you don’t know how to care.” it was an act of caring, however, that saber let him go find whatever would make him happy. shortly after, the divorce papers were filed, and his last name legally changed back to winslowe.
saber owns his own private practice, and he services both humans and demigods. the whole point of his character is that he’s telling other people how to get their lives together while his own is a hot mess, and he can be a bit of a hypocrite. but it be like that!
CLIENTS: everybody needs a lil therapy
EX-HUBBY: i’ll probably put a wanted connection in for this, but if you think that your muse could have been married to Saber....i just think we could have that conversation.
SOCRATIC CIRCLE: ezra stokes and sila demir zerhouni are part of this little group, where they get together and discuss intellectual stuff over coffee. if you think your muse would be interested in joining them, let me know!
MENTEES: the mind’s just as important as the body, and i imagine saber has a lot of insight that’s useful for other medical track kids. however it doesn’t have to be restricted to just the med kids, let him be ur dad friend.
CONFIDANT: someone who saber can hit up and be like “so do you feel nothing or is it just me” u feel me??
OLD FRIENDS/LIKE SIBLINGS: saber tries to be a good person and he really values his connections, so he maintains his friendships. he definitely got his shit rocked by his husband suddenly divorcing him so he really wants to figure out how to have relationships that mean something to other people.
ANYTHING: hit my line babes
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Ba-by Vlog doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Summary: Imagine being part of the inner circle of friends that's known as the Vlog Squad. You've known Zane the longest, but his friends became yours instantly when introduced. You've been there for them through all their ups and downs, so you're not exactly surprised when they insert themselves into this next chapter of your life.
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Words: 4.7K Warnings: Language.
For the passed few weeks you've felt like utter crap. You've had no energy, you were constantly nauseous, and the small bean growing in your womb caused a big fight with your boyfriend of three years that ended with him walking out on you.
Your friends have been calling and coming over to check on you, but you weren't in the mood to hang out, especially while they filmed their bits because it usually involved something outrageous and you didn't want to chance being hurt.
But apparently, Zane has had enough of your excuses.
[unlock ur door. omw.]
You had sighed at his text, but did as you were told. Then falling back on the couch, you awaited his arrival.
Fifteen minutes later, your front door is being opened.
"Baby," Zane groans. "What is you doing? It's three in the afternoon, you're still in pajamas, and you look like death."
You smile weakly at him. "Love you too, bitch. And I'm tired. I haven't been feeling well."
"Well get up and get showered. We're having a kick-back at David's and everyone misses you."
"I don't know, Zane. I honestly don't feel so good."
"It's because you've been cooped up alone all week. Now come on!" He steps around your couch and grabs your hands, he then yanking you into a standing position.
The moment you get your bearings and inhale deeply, you get a whiff of something that upsets your stomach. Gulping down the sudden rush of saliva in your mouth, you lean back with a grimace. "Zane, is that- why do you smell like bacon?"
"Because I got hungry. Duh."
"No, Zane," you say, stepping away from him and covering your mouth and nose with your hand. "I can't- back away. "
You cough and gag, and turn to rush out of the room. You've barely made it to the bathroom, falling to your knees and throwing open the lid to the toilet before barfing your guts out. You stay there until you're done vomiting, only to flush the toilet and fall back on your butt.
Zane is standing in the doorway, expression curious. "Y/N, what's going on?"
Shakily wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, your eyes tear up as you meet Zane's gaze. "I-I'm pregnant."
A beat passes and then the most brilliant smile takes over his expression. "Oh my god! My baby is having a baby!?" Weakly grinning, you nod and then stand to rinse your mouth out at the sink. After doing so, Zane pulls you into a careful hug. "Is that why you haven't been hanging with us?"
"Yeah. Well that and the fact that Dillion split after hearing the news. Apparently having a baby was too much for him."
Zane tenses and when you pull back to look at his expression your heart softens towards your friend. "I'm going to kill him."
You huff. "No you're not. He's long gone by now. Probably went back home to his mother in Texas."
"I can't believe that asshole!"
"What's done is done. Let it go."
"The others are going to be pissed, Y/N. I can't believe you kept all this bottled up."
"Let me tell them," you say. "The pregnancy has to be kept under wraps until after the first trimester is over, but the news about Dillion.."
"Yeah. Okay." Zane glances around and then, "Why wait until after the first trimester? How long is a trimester?"
"I'm a bit superstitious," you shrug, smiling sheepishly. "The first three months of a pregnancy are crucial. This is the time where chances of a miscarriage happening are at its highest. I don't want to tell everyone I'm pregnant and then something happens, and then everyone is walking on eggshells around me."
Zane hums. "I get that. But three months? I'm gonna die keeping this secret!"
"Shut up." You playfully swat at him, but then quickly backpedal when you get a whiff of bacon again. "Jesus. I've only known about the peanut for three weeks and he's already turned me against bacon. I really hope he or she doesn't make me eat weird shit."
"I don't know about you, but I'm excited to see you hormonal and crying at every little thing."
"Fuck my life," you groan. "This is gonna be a tough three months. Our friends are gonna be suspicious as fuck."
"Yeah they are. Now go get dressed and drive your ass to David's. I would drive you, but I don't want you barfing in my car."
"And if I barf at David's?"
Zane shrugs. "Food poisoning? If they ask about your absence, just admit to the breakup and make up an excuse about not processing it as quickly as you thought."
"You know what? That's actually not a bad idea."
"Don't gloat. Now get going. I'll be there in half an hour."
"You better or I'm gonna stir the pot and convince the boys to fly out to Texas to confront Dillion."
"God you suck. Go. I'll be there."
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The first three months pass fairly easily. The morning and afternoon sickness is easily remedied by your doctor, and now the sonogram picture weighs heavily in your hoodie pocket.
Zane has been a good friend through it all, he helping you keep the secret while keeping your friends all focused on what a dillhole your ex had been. But now it's time to come clean and you're on your way to pick up Zane who had asked beforehand if he could document your pregnancy.
As Zane settles in the passenger seat, he mounts his camera to the dashboard. "Are you ready for this?" He asks.
"Not really, but I'm tired of making excuses for not drinking and sleeping all the time."
"Alright, so just like we planned." He turns the camera on and after giving you a reassuring nod, you paste on a smile before both of you look towards the camera lens. "Hey guys, Zane here and today's video is going to be a little different. As you can see, Y/N is here with me and I'm sure you've all been wondering where she's been since she hasn't been in anyone's vlogs."
You wave at the camera. "Hey guys. Sorry for going awol on you, but I'm back and I've got some news to share."
You grin over at Zane and he practically beams towards the camera. "We're pregnant, bitches!"
You snort and swat at him. "I'm pregnant. Zane's just super excited and has been a great help these past few months."
"Girl, whatever. That baby is gonna be calling me daddy. Just you wait and see."
"God I hope not."
"Uh," he scoffs. "Rude!"
"Shut up. You still love me." He hums and you take over explaining the next bit. "Anyway, today's the day I'm finally telling my friends, but we're only going to record the ones I think we'll get a reaction out of."
"Josh Peck, obviously," Zane muses. "Then David, Natalie, and Jason."
"Carly and Erin."
"You also wanted to record Kristen, but she, Scott, and Todd are still on tour."
"I know." You pout. "I'll tell everyone else, but I'm not sure they'll be as excited and I don't want to record them and have it be awkward."
Zane laughs. "I can just picture Ilya blinking and not knowing what to say."
The two of you laugh and then taking a moment to calm down, you say, "So yeah. That's what we're doing today."
"Oh! Show them the sonogram."
"Oh yeah." Pulling the picture from your pocket, you hold it up to the camera and Zane helps you so the camera can focus on the image. "That right there is the little peanut. I seriously can't wait until I can find out the gender. Zane wants me to do a gender reveal party, but I don't know."
"Uh.. were doing it, baby. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."
"I swear it's like he's the pregnant one sometimes."
"Mhm. So, viewers, sit back and relax, and let's get to telling people we're having a baby!"
"Oh my god. You're too much."
Instead of turning the camera off, Zane lets it continue to record with promises to chop down the footage when in edit.
Then as you're driving over to meet Josh at the hotel he's currently staying in while he's in town for a few photoshoots, Zane gets you talking to the viewers about your current situation and why he's taken it upon himself to help you out. You end up crying when talking about your break-up, but Zane cracks a few jokes that soon have you laughing.
At Josh's hotel, you grab one of the gift bags from the trunk of your car and Zane leads the way up to Josh's room. Once there, immediately seeing the camera, Josh's eyes narrow.
"What's going on?"
You and Zane laugh. "Nothing. I got you a present just because and Zane wanted your reaction."
"Uh huh. I'm not gonna open it and be attacked by bees, am I?"
"Okay. Good." Josh leads you towards the couch and you take a seat next to him while Zane sits across the two of you. "So what's the occasion?"
You shrug and hand over the bag, but before josh can open it, you say, "All of you guys have supported me while I've been going through this post-breakup funk and I just.."
"Just open the goddamn present!" Zane urges.
You snort and in retaliation Josh sluggishly pulls the ribbon off the bag handles. When Zane makes a noise of aggravation, Josh laughs and then pulls out the tissue paper. He reaches for what's inside and he's barely fully opened it before a beaming smile blossoms. "No!"
"Yes," you laugh, tears already filling your eyes.
"Really?" He asks, then reads the personalized indie aloud, "Plot Twist! Coming January 2020."
"Oh my god. Congratulations!" Josh hugs you, clearly excited. He gets even more excited when Zane hands over a sonogram. "Look at the little peanut!" He coos. "How far along are you?"
"First trimester is officially over," you say.
"Yeah? Who else knows?"
"Well besides baby's deadbeat dad, I was the first," Zane says. "And you're second."
Josh's smile falters, his gaze subtly darting to the camera before settling back on you. "It's okay to ask. Zane's documenting the good, the bad, and the ugly."
He takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "So I'm guessing Dillion didn't take the news well?"
"You'd be correct. We were having problems before I found out the news, but a surprise pregnancy really wasn't in any of his future plans."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine," you assure Josh, wiping tears from your eyes. "He took some time to think about what he wanted to do and baby Y/L/N will be solely mine when he or she is born. Dillion plans to sign away all his rights."
"Oh man." Josh reaches in for another hug and you sniffle into his shoulder. "Whatever you need, just let me know. I'll help you out as much as I can."
"You really don't have to, but I appreciate the thought."
Zane turns the camera off, setting it aside. "Okay so that's one friend down," he muses. "Who's next?"
"I don't know. Lets see who's available?" You bring forth your phone and immediately start texting your friends, side-eying Josh who keeps smiling at the onesie in his lap. You receive a few texts back, grinning. "So Carly and Erin are at David's. Looks like I can kill four birds with one stone."
You then bid Josh farewell, promising to keep him updated with your pregnancy and to call should you need anything. You let Zane take over the driving and end up at David's in no time. But instead of heading inside, Natalie waves you over towards the Tesla where they're getting ready to leave. So after grabbing four gift bags from the trunk of your car, you head on over while Zane rearranges everyone in the Tesla. Carly and Erin are moved into the back seats, Natalie is seated with you in the middle, and Zane sits in the passenger seat while David drives.
"Okay so what's the big deal?" Erin immediately asks as Zane films everyone present.
"Just hold on a few more seconds," you say while passing out the gifts. "You all have to open them at the same time. Well not David because he's driving, but I'm sure he'll know soon enough."
"Enough chatting and open the gifts!" Zane says.
The girls all laugh at his anxiousness, but they open the gifts nonetheless. You see when they pull out the onesies and unfold them, grinning as you see Natalie read hers and it takes a moment for it to click: And so the adventure begins. January 2020.
"Shut the fuck up!" Erin screeches from the back seat. "You're pregnant!?"
"What?!" David's head snaps in your direction as Zane cackles, but then he quickly stares back towards the road. Instead, he looks to Zane. "I'm gonna be an uncle?"
"Is this a joke?" Carly asks
"Nope. The eggo is preggo." You pull out the sonogram and pass it around. "I'm now four months along."
"Look at Natalie," Zane laughs. "She's crying!"
"You better stop those tears right now!" David jokes, glancing at his best friend-turned-assistant. "You're gonna make the pregnant lady cry!"
"Too late."
"I'm sorry!" She laughs, wiping her tears. "It's just- you're pregnant." Natalie beams, her excitement shining through her eyes. "We're gonna have a baby!"
"Uh excuse you," Zane scoffs. "You are not having a baby. We're having a baby," he says while gesturing between himself and yourself.
"Wait, what?" Carly exclaims and you sigh.
"You really need to stop telling people that you're my baby's father." Without even having to look around, you know your friends are curious about who the baby daddy really is. "This pregnancy is why Dillion and I broke up. He intends to sign away his rights."
"Oh fuck him," Erin immediately huffs.
You crack a smile and let Natalie grab your hand to squeeze. "Hey. Whatever you need, all you have to do is ask. We're here for you."
"Yeah," David says. "That kid of ours is gonna be spoiled as fuck."
The entire car laughs and you flash them a smile. "Thanks, guys."
The camera gets turned off and Zane turns around in his seat. "Okay so where are we going because our last surprise for the day is Jason."
"Uhh, nowhere in particular," David says. "I just wanted to drive."
"Well drive on back to your house because we need to get Jason's gift and take it to him."
"Oohh. What did Jason get? Or did we all get the same thing?"
"No. Josh got a onesie that said plot twist and the due date beneath it. You guys got the adventure onesies, Jeff got a shirt for Nerf that proclaims Nerf the cool older cousin."
"Todd, Scott, and Ilya got bottles of Vodka, but the label on them says do not open until I am born. January 2020."
"And Jason?" David wonders.
"Jason got the most heartfelt gift," Zane chuckles. "Even I teared up when Y/N showed me."
"It's because I actually do have a father/daughter relationship with him. I know it started off as a joke, but it actually cemented into a familial bond. So I framed a sonogram in a picture frame that says hello, grandpa on top and I can't wait to meet you on the bottom."
"Dude," David says. "He's gonna cry."
"Counting on it."
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Walking into David's house, you can't help but smile at the all the pink and blue. It's the day of your baby's gender reveal, Natalie having set it all up since she was the one entrusted with the envelope from the doctor.
Out back there's a chalkboard where everyone's writing their names under whether they think the baby is a girl or boy, pink and blue cupcakes, pink and blue candy, and pink and blue balloons.
Everyone's dressed in white and the way the whole reveal is going down is that everyone will split into two groups and stand on either side of you. Then armed with confetti cannons, they're going to pop them so that the colored confetti arches over you. All the while, David and Zane are going to be recording and taking pictures.
"Wow. You've gotten fat." The words surprise you, however, the person they come from doesn't. Jonah.
"I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?" Those within hearing distance snort and laugh, and you grin at your friend. "Don't fuck with me, Jonah. My hormones are up and down, and my comebacks are meaner."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't mess with preggers. I got it."
You shake your head in amusement as he walks off, one hand resting on your hip and the other absentmindedly rubbing your stomach.
"Wow. You've really popped." Jeff joins you then, expression soft as he gently hugs you in greeting. Out of everyone, he was the one to surprise you the most. He had taken it upon himself to change your diet after finding out you were pregnant, and even got you exercising to keep you and baby as healthy as can be. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm good," you tell him. "I'm really excited to find out whether I'm having a son or daughter."
"Do you have a preference?"
"Nah. As cliché as it sounds, I'll just be stoked as long as he or she is healthy."
Jeff grins. "Nerf's little cousin is going to be perfect. Just you watch." Your baby kicking startles you and makes you wince, and you rub the spot you felt it at. Jeff continues to watch you. "You know, I never understood why people are obsessed with touching someone's pregnancy belly, but now I think I understand."
You chuckle at him. "Do you wanna feel? Baby is kicking right now."
He glances at you in surprise before slowly nodding. Then taking his hand, you press it to where the baby is more active and watch his facial expression showcase his awe. "That's freakin' crazy, man."
"Try being the one experiencing it. The first time I felt the kick, I started crying. Not because I was happy, but because it freaked me the fuck out. Jason had to console me." You laugh as you remember calling Jason to ask him if what you felt was normal. He obviously wasn't a woman, but he was married before and experienced everything with his now ex-wife.
"Hey! If Jeff gets to rub the belly, so do I!" Heath marches up, swatting Jeff aside and placing his hand where Jeff had his. Seconds pass and his eyes widen. "Holy shit!"
"I know."
"Alright, bitches, gather 'round!" Zane shouts, recording. Next to him, David follows with his own camera. "If you haven't written down your name under whether you think the baby is a girl or boy, do so now. David's decided to make things interesting."
"Yes because finding out the gender of my baby wasn't interesting enough," you deadpan.
"Shut up. Yes it is," Natalie says, coming up beside you and shoving Heath away from your stomach.
"So the way things are going down," David starts, "is that whoever guesses the right gender wins a thousand dollars."
Your friends cheer, with the exception of Natalie who can't play because she already knows what you're having, and after the hype has gone down it's time.
Standing out in the middle of the back yard, you wait patiently as your friends split up. Heath, Mariah, Natalie, Corrina, Josh, Jason, and Matt stand on your left while Scott, Kristen, Carly, Erin, Todd, Jeff, Jonah, and Ilya stand to your right. Everyone anxiously waits with their cannon in hand, and then Zane and David count down.
"Three.. Two.. One!"
The cannons pop.. and pink confetti rains down.
There's screaming and shouting, and tears immediately fill your eyes as you laugh joyously. Erin, Matt, Todd, Josh, Jason, and Jonah are more excited than the others- they being the ones who had guessed you were having a girl.
"Baby, you is having a baby girl. How are you feeling?" Zane asks, camera in your face.
"Like I'm gonna barf," you laugh. "Holy shit. I'm having a girl!"
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For the last hour and a half, you've been washing and folding baby clothing for the umpteenth time, and repacking your hospital bag. Lately you've been in the nesting stage and your friends found it rather hilarious.
Just after you've placed the hospital bag atop the changing table and have taken a seat in the rocking chair, a rather intense cramp causes you to lightly groan and cradle your stomach. You've been cramping since early morning, but you're still two weeks away from your due date so you think nothing of it.
Natalie soon enters the room, smoothies in hand. "Let me guess," she says, "you've been washing again."
You grin tiredly. "I feel so restless," you tell her, accepting your banana drink. "Thank you."
"No problem." Natalie then takes a seat on the floor, her back against the open door as she glances around the nursery. Each piece of nursery furniture was purchased by your friends and assembled by a professional. David, as a present afterward, got a mural of the entire gang painted on the wall and peering down into the crib. Half the group thought it was creepily hilarious, but you found it rather endearing. "So what's on the agenda tonight?"
Still rubbing your stomach, you hide your grimace behind the smoothie cup. "I, uh, I actually think I need to go to the hospital."
Natalie's head whips in your direction. "What?"
"I've been cramping all morning and thought they were Braxton Hicks," you admit. "But they've only gotten more painful and closer together."
"Holy shit, Y/N. Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because if you freak out, I'm gonna freak out. So stop freaking out!"
"O-okay!" Natalie quickly stands, taking a moment to center herself. "Has your water broken?"
"No." Your voice wobbles, but you quickly gulp down the knot forming in your throat. "Am I- do you thinking I'm overreacting?"
"Nope. But whether these contractions are the real deal or not, I rather have the nurses look you over and decide themselves."
"Yeah. Okay. I'll just- I'll grab the bag." Natalie walks over to the changing table and shoulders the bag's strap. She then walks over to you and helps you out of the rocking chair. "I'll drive and you make the phone calls to everyone."
You hiss in pain. "Sounds like a plan."
          - X - X - X - X - X -
Waddling back and forth in your hospital room, you mentally curse your option to not have an epidural. Natalie has been a trooper, calling and texting your friends to let them know this was the real deal. You can't have too many people in your room before the actual labor takes place, so everyone plans to visit for a few minutes and then rotate with the others. For the birth, though, Natalie and Zane were staying.
"Knock! Knock!" The door opens and in walks David, Jeff, Zane, and Jason.
"Oh fuck you and your dumbass smile." The boys all laugh and Natalie hides her smile behind her phone. After all, she's been the sole target of your mean remarks since you've been admitted so she's just happy to see someone else targeted. "God I hope your daughter doesn't inherit your meanness."
"I'm so sorry," you tearfully apologize to David. "But if I hear your laugh one more time, I'm gonna punch you in the face."
"Aw baby," Zane coos. "Have they given you anything for the pain?"
"She decided against the epidural," Natalie advises them.
"Wait, what?" Jason asks. "Seriously?"
"I heard stories," you mumble. "The cons outweighed the pros, so I told the doctor I didn't want it."
"God you're brave," Jeff huffs. "I've heard horror stories."
"Not. Helping," you grit out when yet another contraction hits. Hissing, you stop pacing and bend over the side of the bed. Natalie rushes over and starts to rub the small of your back as you start to cry.
"And that's our cue," David says. "We'll send in the next group. Erin and Mariah are super stoked."
"That's because they're not the ones pushing a baby out of their vagina!"
Zane sticks around, planning to record part of the birth, but also knowing full well that he and Natalie are to stay near your head. You don't plan on having any vagina shots on film or picture.
          - X - X - X - X - X -
Thirteen hours.
Thirteen long excruciating hours and baby Wren Y/L/N has finally entered the world.
Natalie and Zane held your hands throughout the entire birth, letting your insults slide off their backs when their encouraging voices grew aggravating. Natalie took pictures and videos for Instagram when baby Wren was placed on you directly after being pulled out, and Zane excitedly cut the umbilical cord when asked if he wanted to. Baby Wren was then taken away to be cleaned up, weighed, and measured, and your friends gave you some privacy for the after birth and clean-up.
Now your two friends are dozing on and off in some recliners the nurse had wheeled in, and you're curled on your side as you stare at your sleeping baby in her bassinet right next to your bed.
A gentle knock sounds on the door and it opens to David's grinning face. "Can we come in?"
"Yeah." You tiredly wave him in. "Just be quiet."
The rest of the gang enter behind him, pink balloons and teddy bears in hand.
"Oh my god. She's adorable!" David gushes, already filming Wren as she sleeps. "Jesus, Y/N, you're a mom."
"Total MILF," Todd giggles. Kristen rolls her eyes and swats him upside the head. "Ow! What? I was joking."
"Whatever. Keep it in your pants, Toddy. I doubt Y/N is looking to get pregnant anytime soon."
"Try never," you muse. "Giving birth fuckin' sucks."
"But it's totally worth it. Right?" Mariah asks, touching Wren's tiny hand.
"Can we hold her?" Jason asks.
"Yeah. Go ahead. The nurse should be back in, in a few. It's close to her feeding time anyway."
Jason picks Wren up, gently cradling her in his arms. Seconds pass, and David and Jeff start to snicker at Jason's sniffling. "You're already loved so much, you have no idea. Welcome to the Vlog Squad, kid."
Everyone softly laughs and then take turns holding your baby. She grunts and yawns, and sucks on her tiny fist, and she has everyone wrapped around her tiny finger in a matter of minutes. As your own eyes then start to droop, they flutter back open when you feel a weight settling next to you on the bed.
"Hey, David."
"Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Like I pushed an eight pound baby out of my vagina and haven't slept in forever."
He chuckles. "Just wait until you're all healed up. You'll look back on this day and say it was all worth it."
"I don't know about that, D. There's still months of Wren waking up every three hours demanding the tit. I don't know how I'm going to handle it."
"You'll figure it out. You always do," David says. "And when you're feeling overwhelmed, call someone. Everyone loves you and Wren, and I'm sure you'll have no issues finding a babysitter."
"Yeah. I guess you're right." Wren lets out a brief cry and you glance over at her, only to be met with Jeff's panic-stricken expression. "Quick! Someone snap a picture."
Your friends all laugh at Jeff, which only upsets Wren even more. She cries louder, but the sudden knock on the door and a nurse walking in causes your friend to sigh in relief. "Feeding time!"
"Alright, losers," you muse, slowly sitting up, "that's your cue to leave. Jeff, hand over Wren."
Jeff walks over and cautiously passes you the baby, he then lingering to brush his thumb over her brow. "She really is something, Y/N. Congratulations."
"Thanks, Jeff." As your friends all walk out with quiet reminders that they'll be back later after you've bonded more with Wren, you stare down at your baby tucked into the crook of your arm. "Well, kid, I would say it looks like it's just you and me, but I'm pretty sure all your aunts and uncles would say otherwise. Grandpa Jason was right. You have no idea just how loved you already are."
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yuri-shibuya · 3 years
Are yall ready for arctic au tommy? Get ur arctic tommy off the presses ahahahah. Please give it some love, it’s crossposted here too for yall!!!
Tommy was the heart of the kingdom. He was loved and he loved with his very being, always bright and smiling.
And because he was of the Arctic, he was raised to give what was due. He was no fool, even if he acted like it sometimes.
After all, that was how he was raised.
---- Or Tommy learned a few things in his life
(Arctic AU)
Tommy was an active child. He ran before he could walk and yelled before he could even talk. For a child born on the darkest night, when the Moon herself hit her apex, he was as bright and vibrant as the sun.
But Tommy was no fool.
He had learned three irrefutable truths throughout his life; three rules he had to follow no matter what.
These three rules were not taught, at least not by tutors, they were whispered to him at night when no one else was around and taught through actions. Tommy was not naive, no matter how much he was a child. He knew when secrets had to remain secrets.
He didn't survive this long by being naive, even as a child of the Arctic granted her protection.
So with only the stars marking his lessons, he studied these three truths as intensely as he studied his sword lessons.
First, never touch anyone unprotected. This was a truth he had learned after accidentally burning Wisp after he held on for too long. (He remembered how the older man had hissed, the shape of a splotchy little hand on his shoulder from where Tommy had clutched him as he was carried.)
This was a rule Wilbur whispered to him at the dead of night, when he was just a small babe (not that Tommy remembered). Later, his father reminded him, tucking gloves around his small hand, covering his skin.
"Be careful, Stardust." Phil murmured, hands gentle and sturdy as he gifted Tommy his very first pair of embroidered gloves. "You are a child of the Arctic, born of frost and snow."
His father had held him close, and Tommy stretched out his little palm over Phil's, comparing their hands. "Our hands are a gift from her, a mark we bear as proof that she protects us."
"But we are made of ice and wind, frost flowers and gentle flurries; and the Arctic is possessive."
Tommy in all his childish wonder looked back up at his father, "what does that mean?"
"It means she doesn't want others to touch us."
"But why?"
Tommy's father tucked him closer in his embrace. Tommy shivered. "I don't know, Stardust."
"That's dumb!"
"Careful with that thread, Tommy. That's no way to address her." Phil scolded gently, his finger tapping Tommy on the tip of his nose.
Tommy apologized and that was that. Phil pressed another kiss to Tommy's hair and tucked him in for the night. That morning after, the story about the Arctic was all but forgotten in favor of running and playing with Wilbur.
The second lesson he learned was that trust is earned, not given.This rule wasn’t one Tommy had ever really realized the importance of until he was about nine.
It wasn't as though he'd never seen it, with how his brother drew people like Schlatt and Techno to him, or the way his uncles could always reliably be seen by his father's side. But he still was a prince surrounded by people trying to please him.
That is, until he met Tubbo.
Tommy had seen him once before in passing, pointed out to him by Pete who wandered over by his side.
"That one should be interesting," the older man said with a mischievous grin. "He has promise, after all."
He looked up to the man his father considered his friend, salt and pepper hair blowing in the wind and mischievous eyes twinkling with something he couldn't name.
And Tommy was nothing if not curious. More so about the boy his father's old friend called "promising". Unfortunately, Tubbo was tired and Tommy was the last person he wanted to talk to after his long day. So when they finally met, Tommy had much to say to the boy who would spend time with him.
Tommy had imagined how they would play and perhaps prank the members of the castle. They would be fast friends, he decided, inseparable. He stayed still and quiet throughout the ceremony, as his uncles welcomed each recruit, as his father stood and echoed the sentiments; though he felt jittery and couldn't wait for the end.
He was convinced that they would be friends. That they would get past guard and protectee and said as much when they finally had a chance to meet, away from the public eye.
After an alarming amount of time silent, Tubbo had very kindly told him to fuck off, which was a first for the prince to hear, but had made sense, especially after their first meeting had ended in what could be kindly called a disaster.
This was a rule he learned slowly over time. A rule he learned through trial and error. A rule he knew in principle, with the old stories of how his uncles Wisp and Jordan seemed to be everywhere and how they appeared right by his father's side when he needed them, but not a rule he knew very well in principle. It took quite a bit of time, a year and a half in fact when the two finally became friends.
And Tommy had been right.
They were the closest of friends, partners in crime in their own little quest to play pranks on the rest of the castle.
Last, Tommy had learned that sometimes lying was needed. This was a rule that was hard to swallow.
Let it be known that in principle, Tommy hated lying; hated liars and hated their cloying smiles as they weaved untruths into their words. He hated it with a passion, hated how they would lie for their own personal gain. There was no use in it, no mutual benefit in it and no fun in it.
Lying was the coward's way to the hearth. It tied a thread so loosely that one tug at it would cause the whole tapestry to unravel. It was a waste of time and a waste of the precious little warmth they could get.
So this rule was hard to understand. It took far too long for Tommy to understand that sometimes it was necessary. That sometimes for them to live, they must lie to survive.
It was an unspoken truth that as much as the Arctic was as no nonsense they could get, they also loved spinning tales and weaving stories. It was an unspoken truth that as much as those of the Arctic abhorred the flowery language of the tropic, they practiced the same language when speaking to others, hiding in plain sight.
It was an unspoken truth that the Arctic were hypocrites.
Tommy hated liars, hated them with all his being. It was very much a tropic mentality, to twist words when a simple answer could be said instead. (He didn't realize that was only because Phil wanted to be truthful with them). He couldn't understand why Wilbur had to schmooze with the more tropic merchants, plastering a smile and a laugh when he knew that all his brother wanted was to kick them out of the castle. He didn't understand why he had to lie about where Wisp would go at times or about why his brother would tell him he was going on an adventure when he knew he wasn't.
He didn't understand until he saw for himself.
Tommy wasn't naive nor an idiot. There was no place for that in the Arctic. He had survived so long for a reason, no matter how much Phil and Wilbur and the rest of his family had tried to keep him in the dark about it.
Tommy wasn't an idiot.
But he still felt like one when he overheard Wilbur whispering prayers to the stars to keep Tommy safe after an assassination attempt. He still felt like one when Techno told him of the horrors he'd witnessed burning in the tropic. He had felt like one when Schlatt had uncovered a coup in the far edges of the empire.
He felt like one when Tubbo told him how old he truly was, how young he truly was. How he’d been starving. How signing up was his last chance. How his best friend had lied on his papers; forged papers in fact. How his whole family knew in an instant but he was never informed. How his best friend could have died and he would never have gotten the chance to meet him.
The Arctic was filled with hypocrites and Tommy was one of them.
He didn't care that Tubbo had lied. He didn't care that he had to lie. He didn't care how many lies his family had to make.
He didn't care about that.
This third rule was the hardest to swallow. It was the hardest for its necessity. The Arctic was cold and ruthless and its people the same. To protect his friends, his family, lying and untruths were a must to survive.
Tommy had learned three rules throughout his life. Some he knew in an instant, others had taken a while to understand.
But he wasn't an idiot.
Tommy is the second son of the Arctic after all, gifted with power that no one could understand and taught by the cold winds and night skies.
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writtenfan · 4 years
🔺Imagine that your Lucifer’s human “pet”, and he decides to do some behavioral training with you...💋🔺
(Mature Audiences: BDSM themes and swears, pet play/degrading/pain play)
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"I don't think I told you to move!" He rocked back and forth pulling a dart from thin air. "Tsk, tsk." He sighs in a murmur as he moves the dart in his hand back and forth pinching it between his fingers looking at a spot besides your head. He squints his eyes and let his tongue hang out the corner of his mouth as he pulls his hand back.
You shut your eyes as he throws it towards you, you hear the air whiz by your ear and the sharp thunk of the dart hitting the wall. You open your eyes and he stands there, staring at you. His hands now in his pockets. You glance to your right without moving your head and see the feathery end of the dart sticking out of the wall.
"Alright, since you moved and flinched...you know what that means," he says in a singsong voice, pulling a hand out of his pocket and dancing his fingers in the air.. "On the floor." He scrunches his face and lowered his head, glancing at the floor and then your face.
He tilts his head, upon noticing you not doing what he instructed.
He points to the ground, but you don't move.
He leans back with a smug grin, the lines on his eyes moving with his squinting eyes. He raises his eyebrows and you jump a little as he takes a step towards you. Your heartbeat thumps against your chest as he takes his time walking over to you, the sound of his feet against the hardwood floor the only sound in the den. His mustard color jacket, covering his white T-shirt. His dark blue pants cuffed revealing white socks underneath his brown shoes. His dirty blond hair, pushed back, neatly, yet the ends on the side of his face, stuck out just a little.
He stops in front of you his chest close to your face, he smelled so good. The wrinkles of his shirt, grabbed your attention you wanted to look up, you did a bit, but not at his face. He flexes back his shoulders and then does a little shimmy. You can feel his eyes looking down at you with that terrifying smile of his. "Oh, so you didn't hear me?" He blinks twice and pulls the dart from the wall beside your head, you flinch again at the suddenness of this movement. But you look up at his face.
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He examines the dart with an unsatisfied expression and bites on his lower lip.
"That's unfortunate...for you."
He grabs your shoulder and pushes you down, hard. Your knees buckle and your face slams into his waist, and slides down one of his legs. Your hands grab at the sides of his legs so you can push yourself off him. But he sidesteps and slams his foot down on your upper back. You let out a whine as the wind is knocked out of you, your palms clutching at the floor. You turn your face to the side, feeling the pain of your rear in the air as your knees press against your chest. You only see his other foot as he turns the one against your back as if rubbing off something from his shoe.
You let out a sound as he puts some of his weight on you "I wonder how hard I'd have to squeeze you. To pop ya like a gusher~" he chuckles as he lifts his foot, and squats down, craning his face to meet yours as he pulls on your shirt tightly, the collar of your shirt choking you. "Aren't you curious? Hmm?"
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He purses his lips and scratches the side of his chin. The sound of his stubble against his fingernails, is similar to Velcro.
"Well, let's find out huh?" His face looses its smile as he pushes the palm of his hand against your back and pivots. "Ugh, I'm too old for this..." He lets out a low long sigh as he sits on top of your back, he drapes his arms over his knees and twirls the dart in one hand. His weight, pushed your lungs and rib cage against the floor. You let out a uncomfortable sound and he chuckles, each chuckle pushing against your back.
"My arnt you the comfy seat!" He rocks himself back and forth on your back as he runs his hand from the top of your head to the back, in a petting motion. His  fingers were so thick and heavy and his nails occasionally raked across your scalp. Each movement, made your knees sandwich your ribs harder.
"I just love all the whining and trembling breathes your doing, keep it up."
You feel something sharp on the space close to your tail bone. It presses itself against your bare skin, and lifts off. Over and over.
"So, let me just say. When I tell you to do something-"  You feel it press harder and longer against your skin. You try to move you back lower to the ground and he only follows, pressing harder.
"-you do it. Kay? I'm getting tired. Of you bratting it up." You feel his head nod as his body shakes. Every breath is starting to hurt . You clench you're fists and move them closer to your face.
"I want my little pet, to be trained..." he lifts the dart and the pain stops. "Oh, I haven't even gotten you a collar." He slaps his knee with his free hand and leans his head down to your face.
You beg him to get off, softly.
He sucks in his lower lip and looks at you blankly, you watch as he continues to chew on it.
"Nah." he says with head shake squinting his eyes before straightening up and moving his legs, criss cross on you. Making the uncomfortableness worse.
"As I was saying, collar...collar..." he clicks his tongue and snaps his fingers, this makes you jolt and he chuckles feeling you do so. "Well. Until I get one. Guess I gotta improvise." You feel him pivot on your back, you swear you felt your spine crack.
His legs now on either side of your body as he faces your rear. He leans over pressing one of his elbows onto your hip and tugs your shirt up revealing your lower back.
"Now. Hold still~" he cooes as he presses the top of the dart and starts sliding against your skin, cutting into your flesh. You let out a cry as you try and move your knees out from under you. He grasps your waist and squeezes it as you do. "Don't. Move." He growls tightening his grip as he continues to make slow cuts into your skin, using it like paper.
He starts to hum as you feel the sharp stinging sensation travel with the direction of the dart.
You beg him with gasping breaths to stop, you tell him this is too much. 
"I.....F....E....." he says ignoring your pleas as his dart follows with each letter, mimicking it on your backside.
"R...." he rolls the" "r" and stops moving  the dart but pushes it hard into your skin as he releases your waist. He leans over and blows chilling air on the open cuts and it stings fiercer than Hydrogen Peroxide. He lifts the dart and lets out a satisfied grunt.
"Now, it's upside down. But~" he pats the side of your rear. "At least it's on there. How great is that?!"
He shifts his weight and your able to breath better, you take a deep breath in and your body shakes as he stands off you, tears run down your cheeks as you try and press yourself up, onto yo ur hands and knees. He lets out a sharp whistle and your stop. Buckling back down into your face. You feel the top of his shoe press against your side and you let him push you sideways. Your whole body shakes. The stinging sensation worsening with each second, you disassociate in the direction of his shoes.
“Ugh. Don't tell me your broken already?" He lays down besides you and looks at your face,  amused.
You sneer and look away from his eyes but suddenly your face snaps back to his, this movement sending a pain down your neck.
"Oh, no...I still see it...you still need some behavior training." He sucks in his lower lip and let’s it drop.
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" Don't try and to be tough. I know how to make people do what I want." He reaches over to you and places his thumb against your chin. "But your not a person, are you? Your my little animal. My whimpering..." he rubs his thumbs in small circles. "...potty trained, little bitch..." he giggled staring at you coldly.
"I'm going to take very good care of you, as long as you keep me entertained." He says wagging his finger in your face.
He slides his thumb up your jaw. "Whose my pretty little girl? Aww...look at you, such wet eyes..." he rubs at your tears and then slides his finger across your eyebrow. "Such a pitiful, little thing...so weak, so breakable. So fun~"
"But I'll take good care of you. Take you for walks. Have you sit on my laps during meetings...Well, I will as long as you be a good girl." His face is so comforting yet his words strike this weird feeling into your heart.
"I have to say, your my most favorite pet that my daddy's ever given me...all mine to play with, all mine to enjoy...." he smiles wide, showing his teeth.
"It's so interesting what you do to me...I just couldn't just let you go unclaimed...I hope you understand that I do this all out of love~" His smile drops as he stares into your eyes.He rolls his tongue around in his mouth. Your eyes start to droop.
You feel a series of small slaps against the side of your face. "Nuh uh, wakey wakey. I'm not finished playing with you yet..." he snaps his hands to your collar of your shirt and pulls you up as he stand up, you choke and spit escapes the corner of you mouth. He winces and lets out a Eww as he takes his jacket and rubs it against your lip.
"Disgusting. Stop that..."  He gives you a good look tilting his head before pulling you along to a throne on the other side of the room. He sits down and lets go. He pats the inside of his leg.
Your body trembles and you start to turn around to sit. But he grabs your wrist and turns you back around.
"Siiiiit. He sings.
"You climb into his lap. Feeling his heavy breaths against your chest as you wrap your arm around his shoulder and your knees rest on either side of his legs.
"Get comfortable..." he whispers in your ear. The chill making goosebumps travel down your body.
"My...you feel so soft and warm...and that scent of yours " he whispers as he presses the tip of his nose  against the side of your neck. You let out a soft exhale as he does this. "It's sickening..."
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waywardodysseys · 5 years
Round One - Oneshot
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x female reader
Warnings: SMUT, blow job, unprotected sex (wrap it up), cussing, some roughness
Requested?: Yes from this ask - pedro pascal or maybe javier peña reacting to a petite reader in lingerie (i'm 4'10 and i haven't found any fics were the reader is short and i just want to b raw dogg'd by pedro/javier me being short) as for the lingerie- w/ pedro maybe its a photoshoot you're asked to do and he joins too and he fucks you in the middle of the photoshoot, if w/ javi maybe you send him photos while he's at work and he's all riled up especially becuz u work w/ him?? (you send the photos while ur in the restroom)
Author’s note: didn’t expect to end this the way I did so there might be a second part; enjoy!
~   ~   ~
“That’s it sweetheart,” the photographer says in his English accent, “work it for me.”
You’re under bright lights inside of a studio doing a lingerie photoshoot for a new company – Cherry Blossom.
You give your best sexy smiles, poses, pouts. The fan next to the camera is blowing lightly making your Y/H/C hair move in the hot air of the studio. You know it’s for the photos but the air the fan is blowing is also helping you keep cool.
“Alright, love,” the photographer says. “Take a break. Mister Pascal should be joining us soon.”
The lights are dimmed, and your assistant is standing off to the side, holding out a robe.
You step into the robe and cover yourself.
“Mister Pascal?” You ask your assistant Kat. She’s taller than your 4’10” frame by a few inches.
She swallows, “uh yes. Pedro Pascal. You know, from The Mandalorian. Plays Maxwell Lord in the Wonder Woman 1984 movie. The company reached out to him about being in the photoshoot. He said yes,” your assistant glances at you, “I thought you knew.”
You glance at her. “No, I didn’t know.”
Kat smiles kindly, “isn’t he one of your crushes? When Cosmo asked you about your celebrity crushes?”
You take a sip of bottled water as a rush of heat floods your body. Yes, Pedro Pascal was one of your top three celebrity crushes. The other two didn’t matter because your eyes moved to the front of the studio where Pedro was walking in with a small group of people.
“Ah, Pedro!” The photographer howls. “You made it.”
You watch as the photographer and Pedro shake hands.
You take in Pedro’s disheveled brown hair, his dark brown eyes. The way his eyes smile when Pedro smiles widely.
You inwardly moan and think, why the fuck we have to meet at a lingerie shoot?
You look over at your assistant. She’s taking in the tall man as well.
“Huh?” She asks, her focus remaining on the movie star.
Kat looks at you. “Sorry. It’s just in person,” she shrugs, “you know I still get star struck when meeting other celebrities.”
You laugh lightly, “yes, don’t I know it.”
“Did you want something?” Kat asks with a raised eyebrow.
“I want to go to my changing room.”
“Right,” Kat says as she follows you down a hallway and to the last door on the left.
Once inside the room you sit and fan yourself with some paper scattered on the vanity. You’re hot, not only because of the lights and modeling but because Pedro is here. In person. And you must do a lingerie photoshoot with him.
You bite your lip. You were already turned on he was there but having to take photos with him? Well, that was going to be a whole another story…
Minutes later there’s a light knock on the door.
Kat opens it slowly, “hi.”
“Hi,” Pedro’s voice carries into the room. “I’m Pedro. I was wondering if Y/N is in here. I was told this is her dressing room. I want to introduce myself to her.”
“Hold on,” Kat says before closing the door and finding your eyes in the mirror above the vanity.
You swallow and look at her in the mirror. You nod.
Kat opens the door again, “come in.”
“Thank you,” Pedro says as he walks into the room.
You turn in your chair and watch as Pedro walks into the room. You swallow. Him getting closer to you is sending more heatwaves through your body.
He holds his hand out and smiles, “Hi Y/N. I’m Pedro.”
You take his hand – it’s strong, his grasp is firm. You clear your throat before saying, “hi Pedro, I’m Y/N.”
“I hope it’s okay I came to say hi before we get started. I just don’t want it to be uncomfortable or anything.”
You shrug and smile. “It’s okay.”
You look down and realize your still holding onto his hand. You let go, already missing the warmth his hand provided in yours.
You eye Kat behind you smiling and motioning for you to keep talking.
“How are things?” You ask.
How are things?, you think as you frown.
What a great question, your mind hisses in sarcasm.
Pedro laughs, “things are good. Not your first photoshoot?”
You smile and stand. You realize Pedro Pascal stands nearly a foot taller than you. You look up into those smiling deep brown eyes of his.
“No,” you laugh. “You?”
Pedro looks down at you, looks into your Y/E/C eyes. “No but first lingerie. When my manager told me about it, I was a little hesitant but then he mentioned your name and I became curious and said yes.”
There’s a quick and loud knock on the door.
Kat opens the door.
“New outfit miss Y/L/N needs to wear for the next set.” The woman in the hallway says as she hands Kat a black garment bag.
“Okay,” Kat states as she walks over to the other side of the room and hangs the garment bag.
You and Pedro have had your eyes on each other the whole time.
Pedro breaks the stare and walks to the door. He turns and looks at you. “See you out there Y/N.”
Pedro closes the door behind him.
You release the breath you had been holding in.
Kat opens the garment bag. “Oh my.”
You walk over to the bag and see what you are to wear. “Are you fucking kidding me? I have to wear that in front of him?”
Kat laughs, “well at least it won’t be as bad as your how are things question.”
You sigh heavily, “shut up Kat! I was fucking nervous!”
You mumble, “I am fucking nervous.”
Kat looks at you, “come on. Let’s get this on you.”
Ten minutes later after your makeup is refreshed, you step back into the studio.
“Ready Y/N?” The photographer asks.
You nod.
“Alright, mister Pascal,” the photographer motions to Pedro who was standing off to the side.
Pedro is wearing a cotton white button down top, which is unbuttoned and revealing his chest and soft stomach. He’s wearing dark denim blue jeans as well.
You swallow and bite your lip. You’re nervous and don’t want to take off your robe but you know you have too.
The photographer places Pedro in the middle of the set. “We’ll do a few pictures of Pedro sitting and Y/N on his lap and then we’ll move to the both of you standing.”
Pedro nods and looks at you. He winks playfully.
What the…what?, your mind thinks.
Kat stands in front of you, “you ready?”
You swallow and nod. Your hands untie the robe.
You walk pass Kat and over to Pedro in a sheer cherry red mesh gown with a rhinestone embellished strappy neckline. The open back is strappy as well and the thong you are wearing is strappy too.
Straps everywhere!, was your first thought inside your dressing room.
“I bet you some money Pedro’s going to get a hard on,” Kat had told you when you walked out from behind the divider.
“Shut up Kat! I don’t need that thought in my head!” You had hissed back at her.
Kat had just laughed and helped placed your robe on.
Now you swallow as you approach Pedro who’s looking at you with his deep brown eyes. They’re serious now, not smiling like earlier.
You look down at his thighs, they look good enough to ride.
He opens his legs further and holds out a hand.
Your hand is faintly shaky, but you take it and he guides you in-between his legs. His eyes on you as you sit on one leg.
“You’re beautiful,” Pedro whispers against your ear.
You smile, “thanks.”
“Nervous?” Pedro asks as he traces a hand down your bare leg.
“Yes,” you hiss.
Pedro laughs deeply in his chest but only you hear it. “Don’t be.”
“Okay you two,” the photographer says after stepping away. “Let’s pose for the camera.”
The photographer begins snapping pictures and telling you two to look at each other, then telling you two to hold each other close.
With every action your heart beats loudly and quickly inside your chest. Heat is spread throughout your body, flooding your core. Pedro was making you horny and in the middle of a photoshoot, no less!
His hands on your bare skin, his mustache against your neck. His hands roaming your body send goosebumps all over your flesh.
God, you think, we should fuck and get this over with!
Time ticks by slowly as the photographer captures a few more snaps of you two sitting. He then asks you two to stand.
You face Pedro and are eye level with his chest. Your fingers itch out to touch it. You want to know how soft it is, how warm it is. You want to know how it would feel against your body.
Pedro palms your cheek and brings lifts your face up. Your eyes meet his and you swallow. You lick your lips.
Pedro runs his thumb over your lips. They’re soft just like he thought they’d be. He wonders if they’re just as kissable.
You hear a moan escape from Pedro. You look down and noticed his jeans are a little fuller.
Pedro leans down as his hand runs through your hair. “You’re making me hard Y/N. When I knew it was you doing this photoshoot I had to do because you’re one of my celebrity crushes too.”
“Pedro,” your voice is a whisper, and it’s infused with lust.
“Just turned on as I am?” He asks lightly.
“Yes,” you whisper.
“How about we ask for a break and I take you in your dressing room?”
You gulp. Did Pedro Pascal just ask for a quickie in your dressing room?
Pedro stands straight, “I need a break. If that’s okay?”
The photographer looks between the two of you and shrugs, “yeah that’s fine. Take about 30 minutes?”
Pedro nods then winks down at you.
You watch him walk away as Kat steps up behind you with your robe.
You look back at Kat. “Keep guard at my door.”
Kat grimaces at you, “I am not listening to you two have sex. Lock the door.”
You shove away the robe and walk down the hallway towards your dressing room. Once inside and you’ve closed the door, making sure to lock it, Pedro turns you around presses you against the door.
“I’ve never been more turned on in my life then looking at you in this,” Pedro says as his fingers reach under the straps of your thong.
“Pedro,” you moan.
Pedro leans down and presses his mouth against yours. Your lips are just as kissable as he thought they’d be. His tongue moves across your lips and as you let him in, he pulls you closer to him.
Your hands run up and down his chest. You moan as you finally touch the warm, soft skin.
You run hands down over his chest, his soft stomach. You stop once you reach his jeans, but you muster up courage and begin unbuttoning and unzipping them. You push them down along with his underwear and reveal his hardening cock.
Your hand strokes him from the tip down to the base. You stroke up his cock and swirl your thumb around the tip.
“Fuck Y/N,” Pedro hisses against your mouth.
You stand on tip toe as you kiss Pedro along his jawline, feeling the light fuzz which covers the bone. You move down his long neck and begin kissing and licking your way down his chest and stomach. You return to your full height once your midway in-between his chest and stomach.
You lower yourself to your knees and moan as you look at Pedro’s cock. It’s above average, bigger than some of the cocks you have had but Pedro’s – his is the biggest one you’ve seen.
Without a second thought, you engulf his cock with your mouth, your tongue swirling around his entire length as you take him fully into your mouth, deepthroating him.
“Fuck!” Pedro hisses as your warm mouth and throat take his cock deep. He can’t wait to feel his cock inside your pussy.
You reach up and squeeze his balls lightly then tightly.
“Fu—fuck!” Pedro growls. “I can’t wait any longer. I need to be inside you.”
Pedro grabs you by your arm and pulls you to your feet. He walks you backwards to the vanity and turns you around.
You are looking at each other in the mirror as he moves his hands down slowly, wraps his fingers under your strappy thong and pulls them down.
“Bend over baby,” Pedro growls.
You bend over, placing your hands on the vanity. You moan as Pedro strokes your cock along your ass and finds your slick pussy. He begins sinking into slowly.
“Fuck,” Pedro moans. “Just as hot, wet, and tight as I imagined.”
You grab onto the vanity as you feel Pedro’s cock fill your pussy. You clench your slick walls around him as he reaches the deepest depth of your pussy.
“Pedro, please,” you whisper.
Pedro grabs your hips as he begins thrusting in and out slowly, when his orgasm begins building his thrusts become quicker and rougher.
Your own orgasm begins cresting inside of you. You don’t mind the roughness, the quickest of his thrusts. You’re enjoying this as much as he is.
Pedro moves one hand down to your ass and squeezes it lightly, then squeezes it tightly.
“Fuck,” Pedro moans as he squeezes your ass, and thrusts in and out of you.
You reach down and find your clit hiding in your folds, you rub it lightly and moan loudly.
“Fuck Pedro!”
He finds your eyes in the mirror. “Oh, yes, baby,” Pedro pants, “touch yourself for me.”
You begin circling your clit as your orgasm reaches the edge.
You moan lowly as your orgasm crashes inside you. You place your one hand back on the vanity. Your orgasm almost made you collapse. It’s been one of the best, no it was the best orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
“Pedro, fu—fuck!” You pant as he still thrusts his hard cock into your pussy.
Pedro feels your pussy clench against his cock. He moans loudly at feeling of your pussy milking his cock with your orgasm. The sensation of your tightness and wetness milking his cock, sends his own orgasm into overdrive.
Pedro moans loudly as he thrusts roughly into your pussy, his stomach slapping your ass as his hands grasp tightly onto your hips.
“Fuck Y/N!”
You moan as you feel Pedro cum inside of you, your fingers still grasping the vanity tightly.
Pedro thrusts become slower and he finally withdraws from your heat.
You whimper as he withdraws. You know you want his cock again. You turn around and face him.
Pedro pulls his jeans and underwear up, stuffing his pussy juiced covered soft cock into his underwear.
You realize your thong is around your knees and pull it up. Not caring his cum is running down your leg. You’ll have time to clean up in the private bathroom in your dressing room.
Pedro leans down and kisses your mouth. “I want a round two. Later. Tonight.”
You kiss him back then pull away. “Yes. Round Two. Tonight.”
Pedro walks away.
At the door, he unlocks it then turns to look at you. He winks. “See you back out there.”
You forgot you need to finish the photoshoot.
At least you won’t be nervous, but you are going to be impatiently waiting for it to be over because round two with Pedro Pascal couldn’t come soon enough. 
Tags: @pascalisthepunkest​, @kaelyn-lobrutto24​, @knight-of-heart44​, @mandadl0rian​, @jokersdoll​, @longitud-de-onda​
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iconsumeheadcanons · 3 years
tag game!
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how  non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most  intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something  about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
here we go lmao
(these dont include any i have on paper...gomen)
pokemon thing 1 - makoto and kotone ikutsuki get permission from their adoptive father to travel the country and catch pokemon! i think i posted this on ff.net actually...
fanfic in my google docs? its more likely than you :/ - ren gets in trouble at his new hometown highschool and struggles to trust his recently divorced mother
theater food - pq2 i dont remember writing this! ren pines for theodore, futaba makes fun of him
p5 roleswap au and p4/p5 crossover - ive posted some of these under my writing tag, as well as links to the docs, but if anyone is curious...
hoo boy - this is my p5 in a psychiatric hospital fic. i have two chaps on ao3 and some random bits on my doc
tales of
i have only one...
i hope emil knows i love him - just rewriting dotnw, skipping big events covered in game and just writing in betweens. i have 2? or 3 chaps on ao3, but i have more...not much but more..
do not look at me im embarrassed - five is having an overwhelming day so grace decides to take him on a walk in the park!
the grievances of a grade schooler - for 567 week, each sibs thoughts on others in their trio and how they still feel alone amongst their best friends
sick day - 567 week, vanya is too sick to attend the fancy house party so five and ben join her and they get up to shenanigans together
sunshine, lollipops, rainbows, and so on and so forth - 567 week, international students vanya, ben, and iwo meet up in the summer to catch up on each other and with all the power ben wishes he had, if he could suddenly have the courage to ask out his crush, stacks manager jill, he wouldnt have to deal with being a fifth wheel for this outing. vanya and iwo have no sympathy
“the fall of sir hargreeves’ umbrella academy’ by vanya hargreeves and numbers one through six - 567 week, the hargreeves sibling reflect on their lives and how their powers have led them to the place theyre at now
hide and seek envy - 567 week, vanya spends a regular day in the umbrella academy with her brothers and misses back when they all got to play and train together
i want to be number seven when i grow up! - ben receives fanmail from an overzealous goth fan, and he, vanya, and five ponder on their own careers
a girl’s night out! (y sus tios) - 567 week, claire’s mom is sick so five, ben, and vanya take her on a trip, and this siblings get to experience what its like to turn back time without the world ending
Okay!!! thats the last one i have a name on.. i also have ocs that i can talk bout, but this post is long enough
any of you story or au creators? i love to see ur wip list!
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