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shakessoulmate · 21 days ago
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revelboo · 4 months ago
think my previous ask about how u got my hooked on Skyfire got buried, no worries- think it was Skyfire, u only had 1 chapter for him. might have been ketfire, one of the 'Fire' flyers....
hooked on starscream's inside out as well now too congrats XD
About that….
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I’ve only had this blog since the end of September, not even two months, and there’s almost 900 of you guys already and even as fast as I write? Y’all are much faster…
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Floating Down The River Pt 2
IDW Skyfire x Reader
• How can one tiny organic be so quick? If you get into the tree line, he’s never catching you, so he tries to herd you away with an outstretched hand. “I’m not trying to hurt you,” he growls as you duck under his hand and dart away from the trees right for the river. And then you’re trying to run alongside the bank as he chases. Sees the moment your foot slides in the mud and folds under you, your cry cut off as you hit the churning water and just disappear.
• Shockingly cold, that icy impact with the river knocks the air from your lungs, the current rolling you until you can’t figure out which way is up, can’t breathe as your shoulder and hip smack against the rocky bottom and terror seizes you that you shouldn’t have been so worried about iron giant catching you, because this is worse.
• Where are you? Straddling the river, he plunges both hands in trying to find you while a voice he hates in the back of his processor whispers that the problem just took care of itself. Servos flexing, he brushes something that’s not rock or sand, but loses it. Shifting and dredging his hands until he has you in his servos, lifting you free as you choke and throw up water on him, curling into a little ball of misery that’s icy to the touch. Sodden and shivering uncontrollably, you peer up at him. But all the fight is gone from you. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” he says, running a servo along your back. “Just talk.” Technically he was trying to stop you from running to go get your army.
• Sprawled limply in his big hands, you know you should be trying to get away, screaming. Doing something, but you’re just so exhausted. And why would he bother to save you from the river just to squish you like a bug? Eyes closing, you make a little sound in the back of your throat when he nudges you. “You’re not going to try and burrow under my plating are you?” He murmurs, deep voice rumbling through you.
• “Wh-what?” Teeth chattering and miserable, the feel of him exasperatedly venting against you in a wash of warm air almost makes you whimper before he’s shifting you against his throat under his chin. And, oh. He’s warm, shockingly so and you don’t need any urging to leave his hand. You’re pressing yourself into him, feeling the odd give of the metal mesh against you and you both shudder at the contact, you at the warmth and you assume him because of how icy you are.
• Servos lingering to keep you pressed to him, he isn’t entirely expecting for you to murmur a soft ‘thank you’ or to press your face against his throat. Surrendering yourself to his care. He can feel how cold you are, your breathing, and the calming tattoo of your heart against him as he strokes the tip of a servo along your spine and tries to figure out what to do now beyond warming you up. You’re just so tiny, and even though he’s used to being the biggest bot in a room, how long has it been since he’s been able to hold someone? Be needed for more than just his size and strength? “I’m Skyfire,” he says as you shift against him, needing him.
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sorcerous-caress · 1 year ago
could u possibly do how companions would treat tav's kid? like in a situation where a tav had a child/younger sibling or smth. fluffy fluff all around
You know how sometimes fate aligns so that your past deeds follow you into the future? This request gave me a flashback to my old writing blog.
Companions reacting to Tav's younger sibling/child
[ bg3, fluff, several characters ]
[ Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Karlach, Laezel, Shadowheart, Minthara ]
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What on earth is that little gremlin following you around? Just make sure that no one feeds it after midnight.
To say he's not a fan is a huge underestimation, he signed up for a camp full of hot available single adults and not a daycare. How are you expecting him to be his usual self when a pg13 warning keeps chasing you around.
Whatever, he will just ignore the goblin-like thing. He can do that, how hard can it be?
Well...actually now that some time has passed, he has to admit that the little menace is really funny at times. Especially that one time he stole Gale's books to build a book throne in the mud, Astarion swears he could still hear Gale's heart shattering into a million pieces, what a fond memory.
What? Pfff, no, he isn't getting attached. He just...well was doing some trick with a coin to make it disappear, and the kid happened to be nearby, Astarion definitely wasn't trying to impress them.
Now the thing about picking locks is that it's better to teach them young. Think of all the small places, nooks, and crannies they could fit into, bringing them some loot and actually be useful.
And since he's already bothering to do it, might as well teach them how to wield a bow. Properly wield a bow, not like how Wyll does it no, it requires elegance only an elf is capable of and Astarion is the most expert here to train them.
Did you see that? They're actually getting better. He genuinely is impressed, so much that he doesn't register the smile of pride adorning his face, the excitement in his voice as he boasts about the kid's accomplishment and how they're clearly superior than the other crotch goblins.
Ah, children, truly the future of mankind. Humanity's hope and the ones who will carry the torch after us.
He is almost giddy at the idea of having an impressionable youth to teach, to steer and to spoil rotten like he was spoiled.
Will show off magic tricks nonchalantly, he definitely has a hidden agenda in trying to make the kid a wizard. After all who is better than him, an arch wizard, to teach a new curious soul about all the wonders of the weave? No magic is too advanced, everything is possible with imagination.
If anything, kids have the best imagination, better than adults do. Which is the argument he uses when you ask him why your little one can shoot invisible fireballs now.
He would love to read to them, he has all kinds of stories about heros, past legends and fables that will guarantee them a safe and sound mind. A healthy mindest to nurture then into a good kind hearted adult.
Even when his books end up the subject of the kid's abuse kind of a lot- Gale is nothing but forgiving. Cut the kid some slack, if anything, Gale is happy they are safe and sound.
Would make special meals for the kid during dinner time a lot, bunny shaped carrot cuts or soup with a sparkly finish. He can even teach them some basic recipes, cooking is a very important life skill afterall.
He is very experienced with kids. Feels a bit concerned for the fact they're at camp all alone and volunteers to stay behind and watch them. And no, unlike the previous two, he doesn't try to indoctrinate them into elf supremacy culture nor tactically manipulate them into being a wizard.
He just lets them be a kid, plays ball with them. Shows them how to play fetch with Scratch. Overall a very cool and laid back older brother.
He definitely takes great inspiration from his own dad and how he raised him, offers the same advice and wisdom his own father shared with him.
Shows the kid that life is so much more than it seems, nothing is truly evil and nothing is truly good. Both can be found in each other. He treats the kid with respect and doesn't pull the older than you card unless necessary.
He wants them to establish their own being, their own character and carve their own path in life.
Definitely does whatever he can to keep Mizora away from the child. That devil cannot be trusted, and even while he knows the kid is smart, he doesn't want to leave it up to fate whether Mizora tricks them into a pact or not.
The kid adores him and all of his animal forms. Halsin indulges them a lot and changes into whatever wildshape they deem the coolest that day to play with them.
When he looks at them, he sees a seed for the future. It requires care and nurturing to grow properly, and he is willing to make this world a better place for them.
Shows them how important nature is, how we should take care of the world just like it takes care of us. How we should respect the plants and the animals, how every meal is a gift and should be treasured.
He has a very fatherly vibe to him. It comes naturally, and he doesn't even have to try. Whenever the kid feels overwhelmed or scared, it's Halsin they run up and hide behind.
Also, when they get in trouble too because they know Halsin will take their side.
And he knows the kid is using him sometimes, but he lets it slide. Takes the kid on walks a lot, helps them make friends with the nearby cat that sometimes frequents the camp.
There is a potted plant they're both growing, a small shared project between the two of them. Halsin adores the look of happiness the kid has whenever the plant sprouts a new leaf and grows taller.
They don't have to know that it was Halsin's powers keeping it alive throughout the frequent changing of their camp and consistent travelling.
Little soldier is what she calls them.
Picks them up a lot after her engine gets fixed, let's them ride on her shoulder and hang on to her horns sometimes. Even indulges them and pretends she is a robot that they're controlling.
Sorry Astarion, she can't stop hugging you. She's a simple robot, and the overlord kid on her shoulders demanded it.
While Wyll is the cool yet dependable older sibling, Karlach is the even cooler one who's very chaotic and would help the kid in their pranks and cause trouble a lot.
Ah, what the hell kid, sure you can pick up her great flaming axe and swing it around. Actually she will use a nearby table as a shield and you should definitely try throwing it at her.
It's not that she means to be a bad influence, it's just that she is extremely indulgent. That it circles back to being a bad influence without meaning to.
They want to only eat sweets for dinner and all day? Hell yeah little soldier she wants the same. They want to do it for the rest of eternity and never eat vegetables again? Sign her the fuck up because she is ride or die.
Oh yeah, your kid/sibling can swear now, thanks to her, you're welcome.
Is the one feeding them the vegetables, after telling Karlach off and putting her in the timeout corner.
It's not enough that she has a gaggle of children back home, but you had to bring another one with you to the camp? Oh cub, you and your own little cub are going to be the death of her.
If Halsin thinks he can hide them behind his bear form he better think twice, Jaheira isn't below putting the both of them in line if she has to.
She demands respect, and the kid definitely ends up giving it to her, begrudgingly or not. They understand she is the true form of authority in this camp and that they better do what she says and finish their chores.
They definitely see her as a grandma. She is secretly touched if they call her that but acts unaffected. She just doesn't want to let the kid down. She has to be strict because medicine never tastes sweet.
They remind her of her own kids backhome sometimes, she does get homesick a lot more with them around.
No, she isn't emo. No, she isn't goth either. What is this kid talking about? They better know that worship of lady Shar is very sacred and not a passing phase she will grow out of.
You know how kids are overly curious and always ask these intrusive questions? Shadowheart is a magnet for that.
They just go up to her ,unannounced, and tell her about the recent camp news. She sips on her wine and gives the kid a glass of grape juice while they gossip.
Yes, she is a half elf. No, she is still as capable as an elf.
Wait, what did Astarion say about her? Really? Well, kid, thanks for being a snitch now. If you'd excuse her, she has urgent business to take care of.
She sees them and wonder if this is how her childhood was supposed to be like, if this is what she was missing out on all her life. Sometimes she can't help the burning envy at the back of her throat as she watches them be showered with love and care for simply existing.
But she doesn't let the bitterness get to her, not with how the kid looks at her in awe and admiration. She vows to be at least a decent example and not disappoint them.
If left unattended, she will start a boot camp. Come one kid, get down, and give her 40 push-ups now.
What? She is just looking out for them. How else are they supposed to join the battlefield if they have no upper body strength?
Yes, the battlefield, why do you ask? Of course, she wants them in the front lines eventually. War is the perfect environment to raise a child, to make them strong and fast. You were very smart for bringing them here with you, she has to admit.
Bah, she scoofs at Karlach and Astarion's ways. It is a danger hazard at best. The kid needs to start with training equipment and not actual weapons. Her companions' lack of braincells does surprise her sometimes.
Well...she also does mention the fact that for them to graduate, they have to actually murder someone from the camp. You know, like how she murdered half her classmates when she was still in training.
She actually...does a good job at training them safely, she evaluates their weakness and strengths and gives them advice based on it on how to improve. She looks out for their well-being and shows them the most efficient way to end a fight.
But she's only joking? Right? Right???
Uh....did anyone see Gale??
To put it in the nicest way possible, they are terrfied of her.
She thinks it's good because any sane person should be afraid of her. Frankly, she'd be concerned for a possibility of brain damage if they weren't.
They avoid her, and she barely pats an eye over it.
Although she was always the first to act whenever they were in danger, completely beheading the enemy with her sword before they could touch a hair on the kid. Still she doesn't care for the fact the child is drenched in blood and just saw someone get murdered.
She thinks they should get over it. The sooner, the better. Life is full of murder and blood, you'd be only dooming them if you don't let them see things for how they really are.
Drow culture for raising their children is very brutal, most of them die young and even the ones who do make it alive, don't live as long as the surface elves do.
Each drow carries deep scars from childhood, both on body and mind. Minthara wasn't the exception.
She tolerates your young out of respect for you. She tolerates what she deems as disobedience and disrespect from them.
You're not sure if they'll ever stop fearing her, but you also know that you can trust her to be there for them. To not hesitate a second in saving their flesh no matter what the cost is.
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romanestuffsposts · 3 months ago
Hiii!! I don’t know if your taking request but if you are can you write something about Daddy!Stucky baby talking reader? I think it would be so cute and reader is just giggling and humming ✨💕
Hiii there love ! 💜
Ohhhhh that’s such a cute idea u absolutly looooooove this !!
I hope you like how it wrote your idea ☀️
Enjoyyyy <3
Warnings : giggles, pet names, clingy, babying, bottle, paci
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : just a cute evening with the little family
A/N : I’m so so sorry for disappearing like that. I went to London with my sister for her eighteenth birthday and i just wanted to enjoy my time there.
I also had lots of problems with university and i didn’t know how to solve them so i kinda let the blog aside for a while. Just the time I wrap my head around everything.
But I missed you so much and i missed writing your requests so here i aaaaaaaaam
“Hello my little love” Bucky immediately smiles as soon as he sees his beautiful baby in her curb.
You immediately start to kick your little feet when your eyes catch on your Daddy. He stands above your curb and takes you in his arms “were you good today, babydoll ?” He gently asks, resting his forehead against yours
“I’m sure you were. You always are my cute little bunny” he gently teases your little belly making you giggle louder than when he came back. You push his hands away and the tickles stop right away. Bucky chuckles along with you and kisses your nose
“Did you had fun today with Papa ?” He asks, gently swaying you side to side
“Oh yes we had so much today” your Papa says as he enters the room. He immediately comes to your side, in front of your Daddy “isn’t that right, princess ?” He smiles as he grabs your hand, letting your little fingers wrapping themselves around his.
“Do we tell Daddy what we did today ?” He whispers. You softly hum and nod your head before resting it again against your Daddy’s arm.
“We started by a delicious breakfast, only fruits and two wonderful pancakes” he starts to wonder the tip of his index around your face “then we went to the park until it was lunch time, we ate something outside and then came back home. We kept playing inside the house because of the sun and then bath time”
You love how he talks to you, his voice singing a little, his eyes full of memories. But mostly, his eyes were watching you deeply. And that’s what you loved the most.
“Ohh seems like you had the best day ever” your Daddy exclaimed
“Yes it was!” Your Papa smiles “and look what i have in my hands to make it even better” he shows you your bottle of milk and you immediately make grabby hands to the bottle
“Easy, easy baby” he shushes you gently
Once you finish, he takes it back and put it on the nightstand. Your Daddy puts your paci in between your lips and starts swaying you again.
“Aren’t you the cutest” your Daddy whispers more to himself but you heard him. You crack into a smile and your little hand reach up to grab his nose, making him laugh.
He kisses your palm making you giggle “ ‘gain” you say between your giggles. He chuckles and kisses your hand again.
“Hey! what about me” your Papa complains
You giggle and give him your tiny little foot which makes him laugh even more. He grabs it and at the same time, him and your Daddy cover the part of you they have in their hands with kisses making you genuinely laugh. The kisses were way more ticklish than you thought and you absolutely love it.
Your Papa laughs at how your giggle got more louder when he kissed your toes “you definitely are the cutest”
This game exhausted you more than you thought you soon find yourself fighting for your eyes to stay open.
Your Daddies of course saw it and know exactly why you don’t want to fall asleep. Without you noticing, they start to try to make you sleep. Your Daddy draws small circles on your skin, humming a a lullaby while your Papa was sliding his index from the hole between your brows down to your nose.
That always makes you sleepy and you’re soon fast asleep in your Daddies arms.
“Good night my beautiful girl” a sweet kiss is dropped on your forehead
“We love you so much” another kiss is dropped on your hand
And with that, both of your Daddies go to their bed and lay you down between them, cuddling you all night long
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blue-jisungs · 6 months ago
Hii im new to your blog but I really love your writing.
Could u maybe write something about the reader having a crush on gunwook (their best friends) but he finds out from another member?
If that’s ok thankyou and have a good day ☺️❤️
reverse psychology
# author's note ... aweeee tysm anon u r the sweetest:( i hope u have an amazing day as well ! :D and i do hope u enjoy it hehe
# word count ... 1450
# warnings ... hao n yn have a small fight, it kinda starts very messy n crack-y but its lowkey hurt2comfort at the end?? ; kinda miscommuncation ?
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“wookie, you want some of mine? i’m full” you asked and gunwook grinned, gladly accepting your ramen.
“thank you, y/n. it’s like you’re reading my mind” he hummed and dug in.
zhanghao whined and you looked at him, terrified. only yujin seemed to hear the annoyed tone in the older member’s voice so he peeked at you curiously.
“if you want some i can give you mine?” the youngest asked upon looking at zhanghao.
you both smiled and zhanghao just ruffled his hair.
“no, that’s not… but thank you. y/n, can we talk?” zhanghao asked and you already knew what was coming.
annoyed, you stood up and left the room. gunwook followed you until you disappeared and shot a questioning look at zhanghao.
“is there a problem?” he asked softly, feeling weird at the sole thought of two of his best friends fighting.
“no, don’t worry about it” hao grunted and went after you.
once he joined you in the corridor, he made sure the doors were closed.
“could you be any more obvious?” he rolled his eyes.
“can you like, shut up?” you mumbled, crossing your arms.
ever since you decided to spill your guts to zhanghao (a mistake) about your feelings towards gunwook (even bigger mistake) he just couldn’t stop bugging you about confessing. and when you said you want because you’re scared, he started acting like it’s the end of the world. besides, he was smart enough to notice how your behavior changed towards his friend.
sharing your food (which you never did with anyone, ever), being extra nice or even getting shy when gunwook did something attractive. it was painful to look at. especially when gunwook was being clueless and you were looking at him as if he hung the stars in the sky himself.
“what are you even afraid of? go for it” hao huffed.
“are you serious?” you asked, a bit too loudly. “there’s thousands of things that could go wrong! he’s my best friend and…”
“and you’re gonna let fear take control over you?” zhanghao asked.
your voices were gradually becoming louder, catching attention of the members in the common room.
“are they fighting?” gunwook asked, eyes widening. hanbin stood up, ready to ease the conflict.
gunwook noticed a weird tension between you and hao. you two kept sending each other weird looks and spending more time in private.
it brought a weird feeling of bitterness to his chest. he was happy that his friends are getting together but… when jiwoong suggested that you look like a couple, gunwook was shook. he didn’t even consider it – and part of him didn’t want to. he didn’t know why.
yujin stood up, going to the bathroom.
gunwook told hanbin to sit down, shaking his head.
“let them be” he murmured, suddenly feeling down by the possibility of this being a couple fight.
yunjin opened the door wide open and froze upon seeing you grabbing zhanghao by his collar and smacking his head.
“i said no! i like gunwook but i wont let this feeling ruin our friendsh–” you halted upon seeing the youngest. he looked at you two terrified but if hao was to judge, he’d say you looked like you were about to pass out.
“i need to piss!” he mumbled out and ran away.
“do you think he–” you let go, squatting on the floor to hide your head.
“definitely” zhanghao said “but he’s not like me. he won’t tell them"
you two sat in silence for a while, hao sighing.
“sorry. i just want my friends to be happy. and… i think you’d make a great couple” he mumbled.
yujin passed you by quietly and came back, grabbing his left over food. the other boys were joking about something but ricky noticed how pale yujin was.
“everything okay?” he asked, poking his arm. the youngest nodded slowly. gunwook peeked at him, not able to resist his curiosity.
“yeah, they were just arguing. well, y/n almost ripped hao’s eyes out. they said something about y/n liking you but i just couldn’t hold my piss anymore” yujin shrugged cluelessly, taking a huge bite and looking at gunwook.
“what?” gyuvin blinked and you two just walked in.
“oh, look, see the red marks?” yujin pointed at hao’s throat. it was just the material of his shirt that imprinted on his skin when you held his collar.
“you like me?” gunwook blurted out and your smile dropped. you smacked zhanghao’s arm.
“all of this only to–” you started, tears starting to collect at the verge of your waterline. it wasn’t supposed to be like this.
“it wasn’t me, maniac!” he whined.
you looked at yujin who dropped his food.
“sorry. i thought it was… like… normal like.” he looked ashamed, sad frown on his face.
you stormed out, grabbing your shoes.
you weren’t bad at yujin, no. you could’ve handled it better. now you basically answered gunwook’s question.
shame and embarrassment ran through your body, the tears blurring your vision caused you to trip on your way out. you had to get some fresh air. never look at them again. fly out of the country–
you didn’t turn around. you knew it was gunwook.
wiping your eyes, you kept walking and pushing all the doors in your way.
“hey, wait!”
you only stopped because the last door was locked. you started pulling it aggressively, more tears streaming down your cheeks due to the helplessness.
suddenly, there were two strong arms wrapping around you. gunwook’s hand leaded yours under his chin, tucking you close to his body.
you started crying even more, not able to hold back.
“it’s okay, cry it out” he hummed, rocking you in your arms gently.
being best friends, you were always there for each other when the other one was feeling down. you were used to this kind of comfort – and maybe that was what made you fall for gunwook. his heart was just so pure and sweet.
he held you close, you could hear his slightly sped heartbeat. until you calmed down, he caressed your back in a soothing manner.
you leaned away, wiping your eyes. your breathing calmer, you were somehow ready to talk.
“you don’t have to say anything, you know” gunwook hummed with a soft smile. you shook your head.
“i have to” you mumbled and started pickling your cuticles nervously “i have a crush on you. it’s just… i didn’t want to tell you because i didn’t want to ruin our friendship. and hao kept nagging me to do it”
“that’s… that’s why you kept hanging out with him?” he frowned and it all made sense. “you like me… you told him about that… you hung out… and i got jealous”
“yes. what?” you blinked, looking at him flabbergasted “jealous?”
“i just… i thought you two started dating. i didn’t understand why i felt a pain in my chest everytime i even thought about that but…” he stopped, processing everything “you have a crush on me”
“yes” you nodded, confused. and gunwook? jealous?
“and i think… i would like…” he started stuttering, a blush creeping on his cheeks “we… what do you want me to do?”
“nothing. i mean… it’s your decision. if you feel comfortable knowing that i like you more than a friend. we can stay that way or…” you stopped, a shaky breath leaving your lips.
gunwook nodded and your heart stopped for a while.
“i think i’d dating you more. i’d rather have you spend time with me than hao” he hummed and smiled proudly.
you were beyond than shocked. did zhanghao did some kind of reverse psychology on you? was it yujin’s secret plan? whatever it was, you…
“can i kiss you now?” you blurted out and your hand flew on your lips “sorry. sorry… i… sorry, i don’t know what came over me, we should take it slow and…”
gunwook just laughed and stepped closer. suddenly, you got nervous. you never felt that way around him. but your stomach was filled with butterflies.
he gently took off your hand from your mouth and put it on his shoulder. then he placed the other on the other. lastly, he cupped your face with a gentle look in his eyes.
“yes, yes you can” he grinned and let you initiate the kiss.
a dreamy sigh left his lips upon feeling yours on his. you were tender, as if scared to hurt him. he kissed you back, showing you that there’s nothing to be anxious of. and with a small smile imprinting on his lips, you felt your heart calm down.
masterlist <3
taglist. @slytherinshua ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @haecien ,, @stryroses
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airbendertendou · 1 year ago
synopsis : [name] meets someone a little… captivating while waiting for a friend from housen. kantou!mikey in mind.
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
The streets of Shibuya welcome you jubilantly. You browse store’s windows with pursed lips, remembering what caught your eye and what you think others would like. With a vibrated chime, your phone beckons for your attention, drawing it away from the necklace you’re looking at.
yuken !!
see u there shortly
Scrunching your nose in excitement, you grin and send a simple heart back. He’ll know what it means — will know how happy you are to see him. Humming happily, you continue your small stroll, keeping an eye out for blond hair or the store you’re meant to meet at — whichever comes first.
A crash interrupts your quiet afternoon. You ignore it, only watching from the corner of your eye as a tattooed boy runs past ; he’s followed by a few others. You shrug, deciding to mind your business and keep your eye out for your close friend.
As you turn, a flash of shoulder length blond hair catches your attention. With a grin, you race after him and tap on his shoulder excitedly. “Didn’t think you’d sneak pas— huh?”
Except, the guy turning around is not Odajima Yuken.
Soulless, enticing black eyes meet yours. He raises an eyebrow — you jerk your hand away from his shoulder, his touch suddenly burning you. It feels like you’re the only two ; like an entire city has disappeared and left you in the rubble.
Gulping, you try to reign in your shocked expression, composing yourself clumsily. “Sorry, I—“
“You know this person, boss?” Someone new stands to his right. Black hair is styled in a sort-of-mohawk way, red lining his eyes until it’s pointed into a wing. He looks you over, lips curving as he does. “Not bad…”
Blackened eyes still haven’t left your figure. “I don’t.”
“I thought you were someone else,” you speak quickly. Your palms feel sweaty ; itchy with the stares piercing into you. You want nothing more than to get away from this situation ; to get away from the blond in front of you. “I’m so sorry. I’ll leave now.”
The call of your name stops you, freezes you in place. Yuken strolls up casually, his hands in his pockets. He eyes your company, “making friends?”
“Ah.” The dark haired boy speaks. He goes from the stranger to Yuken and back again. “Makes sense. They do look alike.”
Your eyes find his once more and you freeze again before looking away. “Again, I’m really sorry.”
Turning quickly, you wrap a trembling hand around the inside of Yuken’s elbow, halfway dragging him away. Get out of this situation ; get away from them. You let out a small breath of relief — you can still feel his eyes on you.
Your name is called again, quieter this time.
Kokonoi hums, looking at his boss in question. “Something up?”
Mikey doesn’t answer, simply stares after you. As you look back one last time, you can’t figure out the tingling you feel. Can’t understand why the stranger behind you emits such an odd response from you.
The right side of his mouth tilts up as you flinch and look away. “Cute.”
sorry for all the tr spam it’s all ive been thinking abt recently 💔
if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyo revengers content, let me know! ♡ [no hnl tags bc it’s not mentioned much!!]
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @star2fishmeg ♥���
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @thatpoindexterpixy @night-shadowblood-writes2 @muichirouswifeandhusband @chrofeisnightmaregf
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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divatakesontruth · 3 months ago
hi diva, why does it seem so hard? all of this. i see a lot of the bloggers i follow say that their path was effortless and did not take time. I read countless posts & the entirety of 'being is it''s blog (you know how long it is).
i am exhausted.
when i do self enquiry, it gets better for some time. I see that there is only awareness but then it is only temporary. i go back to taking my experience seriously. heck, i feel like reality is SO real eventhough intellectually i understand everything.
I dont want to whine but i am genuinely so confused as to why everything still feels real to me even after noticing my experience. why i feel exhausted and feel like i have to put effort into noticing. why even the seeming progress i make disappears. See, i tell myself that there is no progress or path or realisation, only the appearance of one - all is a play in THAT.. And this is it. But why dont i KNOW it yet. Why do i still know my experiences as real even when i understand that they are not?
I am gonna send this to my two fave bloggers lol (u & clo) i even feel bad sending you this because you both have already said so much & repeat yourself like broken recorders but i genuinely dont know what to do...
First of all, I need you to calm down
As complex and intense as all of this feels, it’s all no-thing (nothing) ,they’re all just baseless appearances
That being said, you mentioned you see that all is awareness and then that knowing is only temporary
Well then you must also know that that temporality is also a form of awareness (Even you seemingly seeing all is awareness is an appearance,a concept, an idea)
It might seem that nothing is right, and you’re confused and tired or whatever, but that is not the actuality. No, those are EMPTY,let them be
Even the feeling that you can’t let them be, or that they feel too much to handle, it’s all empty
It’s another play of awareness, it’s all absolute unreality
Like in a play, you might be watching an extremely sad , or frustrating film and of course feelings of sadness and frustration will arise but are the contents of the play actual reality?
There is a seeming plotline at play and a seeming ‘you’ participating in it, but if it’s all just part of the play,why exactly are you bothered by it?
It is natural for feelings to arise as is everything else (seemingly natural) in reaction to the plotline but even that too is unreal! Do you see the insignificance of everything?? Play = unreal, reaction to play= unreal, something called a reaction to something called a play =UNREAL
Let me tell you something, yesterday was a horrible day for me and I sobbed like there was no tomorrow, but I knew all this was just Self at play, I didn’t stop myself from crying, I didn’t get more sad because I wasn’t ‘serene’ and ‘unbothered’ .absolutely not
That is rubbish
‘You’ need not worry about the contents of experience, it is all absolutely untrue
Your feelings of sadness, confusion, tiredness, getting periodic ‘aha’ moments, feeling desire, feeling no desire , being a HUMAN, getting all you desire etc
These are ALL baseless, empty appearances
As is any doubt or question that might come up as you read this
Don’t take it all seriously my love, watch, participate, enjoy the happiness,suffering,ecstasy,weirdness,complexity of all seeming experience.
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jungshookz · 2 years ago
well, don't just stand there, stranger... come give me a hug!!!!!
i know it's been a long LONG time since i've posted anything on here but i can officially say that i have come home and also WHY did nobody clean up after themselves because this house is looking very dusty and the milk that i used for my coffee has curdled so someone please take care of that
all jokes aside i am back!!! i'm sorry for disappearing on everyone the way i did. if i'm being perfectly honest (because i always want to be honest with you guys) i'd gotten into my first relationship with someone who turned out to be pretty toxic and i'd completely lost myself because i was so hyper-focused on trying to make him happy and make the relationship work. i lost all motivation to write which was devastating because writing had been such a huge part of my life ESPECIALLY when it came to this blog and the lil community we made together.
i won't go into too much detail but i'm okay and healing now! i've missed all of you so much and i'm so excited to get the headquarters back up and running! i'm excited to talk to you guys every day again and get back into writing!! please excuse me while i get reacquainted with the blog and get settled into things.,,. if u notice any screaming from my office and glitching on the blog it's just because i'm bonking the side of my monitor trying to figure out how things work around here bc as u all know i hated technology in the first place and only know how to write and post and nothing else
and thank you to all of you who sent in or continued to send messages to me. it really means so incredibly much to me that you cared enough to say something and check in on me. when i left i didn't think it would be a big deal because people leave all the time but scrolling through my messages this morning i was like huh! maybe me poofing into thin air did a little more damage to our home than i thought!!!! i'll try to respond to all the messages but if i don't get to yours please know that i've read it and i see you and appreciate you!
i love you guys so much and missed you more than you even know! i'm ready to see where the future takes us :-)
ok seriously where's the mop bc there is a layer of dust on the ground
cee <3
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back2bluesidex · 1 year ago
I'm Foive!
Okay I have 2 songs
These two. Make it angsty but give it a a happy ending.
Um.... Member 🤔...... Jimin 🤷🏻‍♀️ ✨✨
Teardrops - JHS
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Pairing: Music producer!Hoseok X Assistant!Reader
Theme: Angst, unrequited love au, friends and collogues to could be lovers.
Song: Teardrops on My Guitar
Word count: 1431
Warnings: Allusions to Hoseok being a fuckboy, an emotional confession, indirect rejection, open ending.
Minors and Karens Are Not Allowed in this Blog!!
A/N: Finally! Finally it's here. I have talked to bestie @phenomenalgirl9 and changed the member to Hoseok because why not. Idk how is it, since the song is not really something I choose to hear. Hope you like it tho, my girl.
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“Really? You asked her out?” your eyes go wide with Hoseok’s admission. 
“Yes. What’s with the expression, Y/N?” He chuckles, brushing off the evident displeasure on your face. 
“U-uh not-nothing. You are strictly ‘no string attached’ type of guy. So.. I am just surprised.” you look down on your lap. 
“I know right? But..” Hoseok looks away from you. His eyes wander in the empty space of the studio as if he is trying to picture her there. 
“She’s irresistible. She’s beautiful, she’s funny, her knowledge of music is better than anyone I have ever worked with. And her cooking.. Umm.. delicious. But above everything. She understands me, she matches my vibe completely and I- I love spending time with her, I just love talking to her about anything and everything.” he pauses for a bit and then continues to break your heart, “I like her, Y/N. I really do.” 
You stare at him and wonder how he could never see that he does all of those things with you too.
Yeah, you probably are not as beautiful as the woman in question but you make Hoseok laugh more than anyone else. You have been assisting him for the past two years because your knowledge of music certainly pays off. You are a decent cook and you never shy away from bringing new recipes that you experiment, which he enjoys wholeheartedly. And about talking.. Hoseok probably never counted how many late nights you have spent with him over phone calls, empty beer cans on the terrace, half-eaten cups of ramyeon in his studio, cold and stale fried chicken at his house, talking about everything starting from overbearing loneliness to the smell of fresh paint.
And still.. He doesn’t see you, even when you are always right beside him, always within his reach. Is it because you never climbed his bed? Is it because he never thought you were eligible enough for that?
Tears start forming in your eyes and unlike other times, you can’t blink it away. Your eyes are so heavy that it’s hard for you to even move your eyelids freely. And as a result, teardrops start falling on your jeans. The droplets get soaked in the material, providing them a darker shade than their original tone. 
It takes Hoseok a few minutes to make out that you are crying. And when he does, he starts panicking. 
“Y/N.. are you? Oh my god. You are crying.” Hoseok reaches for face. He cups your cheek so lightly as if you will be bruised if he puts too much pressure into it.
You move your face away from his grasp. Angrily wiping your tears away with the sleeve of your sweat shirt, you voice through your choked throat, “Yes, I am crying. But don’t ask me why. I might not be able to hide it anymore.” 
Partially being hurt as you moved your face away from his thouch and partially being confused about your behavior, Hoseok decides to pull the truth out of your lungs. 
“What? What are you hiding?” he asks carefully. 
A sarcastic laugh bubbles in your throat unwillingly, “Really? You are really asking me that?”  
“Y/N, I don’t understand anything. Please tell me what’s wrong. Why did you start crying as soon as I said I like…” Hoseok’s voice disappears in the thick air when realization hits him. 
“No way. No! Don’t tell me you-” 
“Yes. I am in love with you.” you finish for him. 
“But I know you have never looked at me as someone to be more than just a friend and an assistant. No matter how hurt I get seeing you with different girls every night, I sucked it all up, put a smile on my face and continued pretending that it didn’t matter.” you avert your eyes from him and stare at the ceiling, “but.. I can’t anymore. Now that you finally found someone to keep you company for more than just a night, I might as well move on and start afresh.” 
Hoseok’s heart hammers in his chest but he doesn’t know why. He knows you are right. He has never had any thought about what you and he could be. You are so precious to him that he protected you by drawing clear lines of boundaries. And Hoseok doesn’t like crossing boundaries, neither does he like when people cross them. But with you… he doesn’t know. He is not angry with you but with himself for unknowingly hurting you this bad. 
Keeping his eyes on your profile, he starts to speak, “I am so-” 
“Don’t say sorry. It’s not your fault that you don’t feel the same for me.” you cut him off. Even though your heart is shattered, you don’t want Hoseok to blame himself. “Can I ask for a favor tho?” you sigh. 
“Sure. Tell me what can I do?” Hoseok tries to reach for your hands but you move them away to wipe your face.  
"Can I take two weeks off? I need some time to calm myself down. We don't have much workload these days. So…" you mumble through your sniffles. 
"Y-Yes. Sure. You have a lot of piled up vacations anyway." Hoseok doesn't like the sound of it. What if you never come back? What if you leave this job? How will he even survive without his most competent assistant slash one of the closest friends? 
But he will let you go if that's what heals you. If that's what you want. That's that. 
The guilt of hurting you has been eating him alive. But what's worse is your absence in his life.
No one pesters him for his meals anymore, no one seems to know how exactly he likes his coffee, no one knows which beat would work the best in the background, no one picks up his calls in the middle of the night, no one covers him with a blanket when he falls asleep in the studio.  
All of a sudden, he is empty. 
His late night fucking sessions are only a temporary diversion now. He hasn't seen the woman he seemingly likes after the conversation he had with you that day. 
He tried calling you and texting you but each time he swiped his fingers through the keyboard, your tear stained face flashed in front of his eyes and he stopped. 
Suddenly Hoseok realizes, it's you who is more important. But the question is.. what does he actually feel for you? 
He doesn't know the answer but maybe he will find it out when you come back, maybe he will understand what it is when he gets to have a heart to heart conversation with you over some beer or coffee. Maybe? 
But, Hoseok's hopes die and fears take the shape of reality when after two weeks your resignation mail comes instead of you. 
You cried and cried and mulled over what to do for the entire first week. 
At the beginning of the second week, you went on a tinder frenzy. 
On the second day of the second week, you ended up on your tinder date's bed. 
On the third day you started crying over Hoseok again. 
On the fourth day, you started looking for other job openings.
On the fifth day, you get called on an interview and get the job. 
On the sixth day, you type out your resignation mail. 
And on the seventh day, you hit the send button. 
On the first day of the third week, you find your doorbell ringing. 
You are about to take the very first bite of your meal but someone has to interrupt.
You are pushed into a half amazed and half confused state when you find Hoseok on the other side of the door. You thought he would be more than relieved to know that you have quit. It would be awkward to work together after your sudden confession, especially when you know Hoseok doesn't like certain boundaries to be crossed (which you have clearly done with no remorse), thus, you quitting the job should be the best option from Hoseok's perspective. So, what is he doing here? 
When you let him in, he looks grateful. 
"Hey, can we talk?" He whispers staring intently into your eyes as if he has missed getting lost into you. 
"Yeah.. sure." You reply with a small voice. 
"I missed you." His voice quivers.
"Me too." You smile a little. 
You don't know where this is going but if it's Hoseok.. you are ready to get hurt for years and years. 
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strawberrystepmom · 17 days ago
i SHANT embarrass myself publicly but!! valentine’s day has got me all in my feelings (plus the glasses of wine) i just rlly wanted to tell you that i love ur blog so sincerely. the way that you are so unapologetic about being urself makes ME want to be that too. i am so grossly embarrassed and ashamed of the things i enjoy but since ive been following you its been a little easier to just enjoy wtvr i want and tell the “evil me” in my brain to be quiet. SO! i hope u had a gorg and lovely valentine’s day as a real lover girl should <33
ALSO!! u and pip are the cutest patooties ever and ur ootds are The highlight of my tumblr scroll!! >.<
so what ur telling me is that im who you're hitting up after a couple glasses of wine....well....what are we....
aldifjawpliejfolakwjdf thank you so much for saying this though. the way i see it is that this blog could disappear tomorrow and literally everything i've said would disappear with it so i may as well just say whatever. yolo or whatever.
and like the thing about shame is that the only way out is through. i haven't always been the way that i am now although i've always been pretty solidly myself (my personality has always been like this unfortch i was born annoying) but you have to post and have your stomach turn. and then do it again. and again. and again. but you realize that the feeling gets less every time you do it. we owe authenticity to ourselves and unlearning shame is the first step to getting there.
pippy says thank you so very much, he's currently zooming around in the hallway outside the bedroom but i know this ask is why. i hope you had the best valentines day!!! <333 i made homemade fettuccine alfredo which i rarely crave but it was as the kids say Busting and a chocolate mousse that set perfectly so my day was fabulous.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 2 years ago
As it is obvious from my blog, I adore TFP. It is the first Transformers show I've watched (I remember watching tf content before, yet i can't remember which it was). Yet as always, I have some criticism even to my most beloved things and now I want to talk about one of these. And the name to him is Dreadwing.
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Dreadwing is particularly interesting cuz he seems like one sane person in the whole Nemesis, who is undeniably loyal to the cause. Something that even Megatron isn't anymore. Dreadwing is a great example of what the decepticon should be. Fierce, strong, yet smart, noble, loyal and respectful to his own team. And this is an interesting since we've never seen this before, cuz everyone else on Nemesis strayed from this path and just using this cause as a way of manipulation. And still Dreadwing was most loyal to Megatron, with the only thing standing between him and total obedience is his love for his late brother (Skyquake, hun, sorry, but I literally forgot abt you the moment you died).
And this is a great start, but all this potential was, at least for me, wasted.
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Firstly. His position which he came in the show. He was presented to us as a) a threat; b) Wheeljack's enemy/rival. And that's when my first problem starts here. Let's look at the statistics.
Optimus prime — Megatron
Ratchet — KO (or Shockwave)
Bumblebee — KO
Bulkhead — Breakdown
Arcee — Arachnid
Smokescreen — KO (why does he have a beef with every child in the group?)
Ultra Magnus — Predaking
And then Wheeljack is like — ?????
And yeah, I am upset abt lack of Wheeljack in TFP, but it's relevant to my Dreadwing rant, since all the others I've mentioned has met at least once/twice and had some resolution to their rivalry (even though not the good one), but cowboy loose cannon and a flying samurai never even mention each other after their episode. It is cuz Wheeljack really likes to disappear from the plot for Primus knows how long, while this Seeker stays through all the season 2 until my greatest disappointment came.
Secondly, Dreadwing's death is the dumbest scrap I've seen and looks like a very rude way to get rid of character. I still have no idea of why Megan chose Starscream over someone who's loyal to you to the point of disobeying to save ur tailpipe! And don't start the 'but DW disobeyed him', WING BOY WAS PROMOTED FOR IT.
Furthermore, from the moment I saw him even if I thought DW was to die, I considered it would happen in a battle with Wheeljack. It would be so interesting to see a death match between two guys, madly loyal to their friends/family/team. But nahh, Jackie never tries to go after winged edgelord ever again and never even ask if he's up to rematch.
(Also, funny how Dreadwing is so mad at SS for bringing Skyquake back to life as a zombie, but not at Bee and OP for literally killing him..... Priorities, huh.. Just another scrap u to Starscream for no reason.)
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aphrodite1288 · 1 year ago
im sorry but saying ksoo never said Ji about his premature enlistment is the most ridiculous thing you've ever said. I mean that's something he didn't decide a week before his enlistment it might be imposible for Ji not knowing that. If that's true which I think it's not the case I directly broke up with him like that's not a decision you make alone if u are in a long term relationship
First of all guys whom are Non-Kaisooists, I saw Kadi kissing and going on Vacations in Spain, Hungary, Hawaii, L.A, Philippines and Jeju, and in Sapporo and Osaka, you will not affect me or change my mind with your asks. So spear yourself the effort and don't come here if our blog irritates you! What you believe keep it for yourself no need to come convince us what you believe. Do I make you this Angry that you had to come anonymously send such dumb questions?
So back to the main topic:
If you were a real EXOL you would know EXO said Ksoo came to them without any notice and said I'm going to be enlisted in 2 months and it was in April and they clearly said they were shocked all of them when he announced that he applied for the Military and signed all the paperwork and done some of the medical checkups.
And Honey, I didn't say it ! It's the People who know better than me and you said.
The members also said he told them nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal. He didn't even discuss it with the company to reschedule any future projects because simply he has had enough of SM and he sabotaged them his own way. And the members said they were all so supportive.
And Ji was there with them and after Ksoo's enlistment Ji went absent for two months straight no bubble messages no Instagram lives nothing he went disappearing. under the excuse that he forgot his password. After that he was so depressed and sad and shortly before SuperM's debut he came on RadioStar show and revealed he suffered from Depression the past few months which explains his absence , he also said he is seeking medical help with a therapist!
And I still remember the MC shamelessly and Rudely asked Suho if he knew about this and him and the members were all so taken aback and they showed sad expression and that Stupid MC again shamelessly told Suho : "Did you know about your member was mentally exhausted and depressed? You Should be more attentive to your members'mental health!!" and Suho was so embarrassed and hurt that he apologized to Jongin and told him " I'll pay more attention to you and the members from now on and always come to Hyung whenever you feel like you need to talk, don't hide it". Because Ji clearly said he didn't tell any member that he was in deep depression or that he was regularly seeing a Therapist.
And it was a very critical Kadi period that he went for hiatus for two months and even earlier that year in 2019 after jenkai, Ksoo fought with SM and was reported to have left the company remember March 13th 2019?? (if you were in this blog since 2019 they talked a lot about this and explained everything regarding how Jenkai is related to Ksoo's case with SM and how it affaceted Kadi and Ji). Ksoo went missing since Jenkai exactly since January 5th when he was seen in Blue dragon awards show or whatever I don't remember the name, until his enlistment day July 1st, he was ABSENT. AKsoo took a long vacation refusing to be on any Schedule and refused to film Underdogs2 and refused all Acting projects and even refused to be on any Exo schedule as he was in a major mental health crisis and he even filed a lawsuit saying he was being overworked for 7 years with 0 off days unlike the other members, it was his first vacation since he debuted and SM only gave him 7 days vacation in 7 years and he talked about it in The 100Days Husband Press Conference and Booklet ,it's one of the main reasons he wanted to leave which is why the rumor dropped in March 2019, it was reported that he wanted all the accumulated Vacations since 2012 SM wanted to rob from him! Which is why he went missing for 6 months and we saw him going to Japan 3 times with Chanyeol in February remember? Also Baekhyun said he met Ksoo accidentally in Japan and they had a meal together. At that time Ji went to Philippines with his friends. This time Kadi were on a break from each other. And Ji didn't speak to Ksoo and there were no sightings of the both of them together anywhere and Ksoo didn't stay with Ji at all and they weren't even on talking terms.
Every couple have downfalls like this it's normal. We all almost broke up or even broken up with our partners at one point of our lives. Especially if you're in over a decade relationship of almost 14 years.
Anyway the story is too long. I can explain it all if you DM me instead of Hiding like this.
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rose-in-a-fisted-glove · 1 year ago
Hi it’s the SU anon here I’m very sorry for how much I upset you, and I seriously wanted to piece tgt what I’m missing from the Jewish viewpoint so I appreciate u still being open to talking to me despite the ignorance. Also disclaimer I’m born and raised in Malaysia so I’ve not met an actual Jew in person until very recently in uni, so all I know is from the messy pile on the internet and I do genuinely learn from ur posts when I see them.
From what I see on ur blog u do show quite a lot of sympathy to the all the cruelty happening in Gaza, but don’t tolerate this being used as an excuse to target Israel/Jewish ppl. I do understand that the whole concept of pushing for an Israel/jewish ethnostate is very much entwined with the history of Jewish culture and the antisemitism endured through different times, so I think this is the part where I made the most ignorant statement on? After rereading what I wrote it might also have sounded like all Jews hold extremely reactionary views towards the word “ceasefire”? Pls do point out more of what upset u, I take full responsibility for what I said and pls stop this convo at any point if I end up offending u more.
Recognizing that you don't know something is the first step towards fixing it. It's good that you thought on your previous ask and tried to research it! But you're missing an awful lot so let's start from the top.
(As a reminder and so others can seee, here's the original ask)
"Hi, this a question abt ur opinion on what’s happening in Gaza just bc you’re one of my favourite blogs that goes deep into Jewish culture/issues. If at any point this question becomes annoying pls ignore.
Anyways so in my college SU meeting recently someone sent in a motion to make an official statement to condemn the war and call for immediate and permanent ceasefire + provide more support to the Jewish and Muslim/Arab students affected by increased hate in the community as well. This sparked a debate among those in attendance and of course there’s a few very pro-Israel voices that insists that a ceasefire will cause Israel to lose all ability to defend itself as well as many pro-Palestine arguments. The motion ended up discarded bc of procedural reasons but as someone who has mostly held a free Palestine view so far and has been hoping for a more inclusive Israel in the future, I don’t understand why stopping a war hurting both sides is taken as an Israel must disappear take by many. I always just accepted it as it’s probably got a lot more antisemitic undertone when it’s a Jew that hears it, but I really wanna hear ur take as well bc the debate I witnessed brought up very disturbing points that I can’t stop thinking about. Hope this didn’t end up sounding disrespectful and thanks for always sharing important Jewish viewpoints without undermining other social issues!"
First problem comes right with the opening sentence; "Hi, this a question abt ur opinion on what’s happening in Gaza just bc you’re one of my favourite blogs that goes deep into Jewish culture/issues."
Going to random Jews who do not post about the conflict and asking for their "stance" on it is part of a series of antisemitic loyalty tests and is extremely rude on top of it. Furthermore, speaking on Jewish cultures and issues and antisemitism is not the same as being experienced or knowledgeable on international conflicts.
And then your next paragraphs are of course riddled with anti-Israeli biases and examples that you've been listening to/reading propaganda uncritically, such as "wanting a more inclusive Israel" and in your more recent ask saying things like "I do understand that the whole concept of pushing for an Israel/jewish ethnostate is very much entwined with the history of Jewish culture and the antisemitism endured through different times". So you clearly have a basic lack of knowledge about both Israel and the conflict in general along with Zionism itself.
But, again, that's not an area I talk about much. If any of the folks who do talk about it, see this and want to go into it, please do! Just to repeat here, you shouldn't have been asking me in the first place.
Then, this part here, showed me that you have a history of dismissing antisemitism as Jews being overly sensitive "I always just accepted it as it’s probably got a lot more antisemitic undertone when it’s a Jew that hears it." And then that was compounded by your closing insult, "thanks for always sharing important Jewish viewpoints without undermining other social issues!"
And that closing insult told me that I had woefully failed in sharing any information about antisemitism at all. "Sharing important Jewish viewpoints without undermining other social issues". Jewish "viewpoints" and antisemitism are just as important as any other sort of bias. Pointing out antisemitism and sharing stories about antisemitism does not, and can not, undermine other social issues. It is not lesser. Honestly, I'm still kind of livid over that shot.
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danvillecheese · 2 years ago
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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official-soulriders · 7 months ago
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Pinned Post ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
woa how'd you do the sparkle thing??
It's easy, there's a website you can copy and paste them
Okay are the sparkles necessary-
I think they're fun, I don't see why not?
Guys, focus-
Oh, right. Halo, you wanna kick off introductions? This was your idea.
hi everyone, my name's Halo :) um, I'm from Jorvik! I live in Valedale and this is my horse, Buddy!
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um, my pronouns are they/them
That all you wanna put?
Alright, guess I'm up next. I'll try to keep introductions short too; my name's Alex, tech expert and lover of fun and chaos! And this bozo is my best bud, Tin-Can!
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Hi everyone! I'm Lisa Peterson, up and coming music artist from Texas, but I live in Jorvik with my dad. This here is my horse and the namesake of my family ranch, Starshine!
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Hi, I'm Linda. If you go to Jorvik High you might know me as the editor in chief of the JHS Gazette. This here is my horse and Jorvik's biggest glutton, Meteor:
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My name's Anne Von Blyssen. If you're any amount of involved in Jorvik's dressage scene, you probably know who me and Concorde are already. I'd like to decline any questions about my disappearance a couple months ago, thanks.
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Basically we're uh- I guess you could call us a riding club? We're dedicated to helping people around Jorvik! Kinda like charity work, I guess. But we also do fun, casual riding stuff too. When we aren't fighting off dark forces-
This blog was mostly an idea for Halo to make more friends, so they're probably the one you'll see on here the most- but you'll also hear from the four of us too, occasionally. We each have our own individual tags, too:
#🪐 speaks = Halo's tag
#⚡ speaks = Alex's tag
#🌟 speaks = Lisa's tag
#🌙 speaks = Linda's tag
#☀️ speaks = Anne's tag
(( OOC under cut ))
(( roleplay blog for the soul riders (including my OC) from SSO! i'm normal about them. my typical sso posting blog is @starbornsoulrider so go there if u wanna know more abt Halo! ))
-light NSFW jokes are fine but nothing explicit.
-mun is an adult
-you probably know me from pkmn irl, so i just wanna say that even if you're a pkmn rp blog/any other kind of non sso rp blog you can still feel free to interact!
-magic anons are on, but depending on how I'm feeling i might delay answering them
-for ask games i kindly ask you to specify who you're sending an ask to! unless i specifically say im only doing an ask game for a certain character. otherwise i'll just pick one randomly
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spaceyflowers · 1 year ago
hi!! im still alive!! + updates on this blog
first: i would like to apologize for disappearing without a word for like. nearly a year. im terribly sorry for any worry i've caused T_T;;
honestly i have no good excuse for disappearing like i did especially without reason (not that im obligated to let everyone know my business but i did have a "i wont randomly disappear!" sentiment and yet... here i am) but in a nutshell, its basically: fandom shifts, college, and guilt.
if you want to know about the future of this blog fandom wise;
still going to be a lookism/viral hit blog (havent caught up yet) but most likely wont be as active in the fandom anymore;;; thinking of sticking as a lookism blog until that series ends but who knows when it will so i might eventually just change fandoms 😭
please dont feel bad about unfollowing or anything!! curate what u wanna see with who u follow, i take no personal offense, even if we've been long time mutuals!! ><
fandom shifts will probably be more common; i have this weird thing where i cant focus on multiple interests or i get stressed;; so i get obsessed with one thing for months/years but then once i lose interest and move on, its likely i wont return to it unless something triggers it. thats why i dont think "multifandom" fits me, i'll always be fandom focused, its just the fandom focus changes 😭
p.s. sorry if im being dramatic about this (i feel like a youtuber who got canceled writing an apology 😭😭) i just feel like i owe yall an explanation </3
if you're curious about me, i've left that under the cut;
got into a new interest which made me stop looking at lookism/viral hit stuff -> knowing my blogs are lookism focused, i decided to take a "break"
couldnt get myself back into lookism after my "break" ended -> couldnt get myself back on tumblr
started to feel guilty because i havent been active in a long while
senior year ending, school takes my priorities -> summer break comes, i swear i'll apologize on tumblr but guilt eats away at me and then i have to do college stuff
become a little active on tiktok, start feeling more guilty because im active there but not on tumblr
college begins, get busy with college stuff -> during breaks, swear i'll apologize on tumblr pt 2 but the guilt has piled up so much it feels like the equivalent of when a person cant get themself to reopen their animal crossing new leaf game because they havent touched it in a long time
first college semester ends, winter break starts -> finally convince myself to get over it and start typing all this up
once again im really sorry T_T i was not made for the content creator life bc i cant stay active for shit + i feel so bad gaining followers for one thing but once i move on from that one thing, it feels like im disappointing a lot of ppl even tho i know i dont owe strangers on the internet anything- im just repeating myself now but yknow
oh and for anyone curious: my current fandom is dmc <3
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