#if u are a sagittarius hit me up
stillagoodwitch · 5 months
the biggest proof of astrology is whatever the fuck it is with me and fire signs
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6okuto · 1 year
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1.2k words, just timeskip akaashi overthinking and crushing on gn!reader. LOL
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akaashi has always considered himself ‘on the fence’ when it comes to superstitions and signs from the universe.
he might say ghosts aren’t real, but never goes near a supposedly haunted site just in case. he’ll ignore videos titled “for you” if he can’t relate, say it must have been a sign only after something goes wrong, and never acts on them even if he knows he has to.
but he can’t deny that he thinks about it throughout the day when it’s something he hopes is true—that maybe he’s tried out a few filters and trends to see if you, his crush of way too long, were his soulmate.
it’s bokuto this time, though, that sends him a sign.
a tweet, really.
an astrology bot on twitter that tweeted 17 minutes ago— “sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you, too.”
i told you!!!
i turned their post notifications on to see if they’d say anything funny again and LOOK!!!!
keiji watches his friend’s texts come in through as notifications, eyes mostly fixed on the tweet, re-reading it over and over.
it’s a minute before he texts back.
it’s just a bot bokuto
it doesn’t actually mean anything
but bokuto is typing replies in mere seconds,
awwwww come on :((
remember when they were like
be careful virgo they don’t have the best intentions >:(
whats the worst thing that could happen???
i mean.. well…at least the worst thing that could happen ISNT u losing a bunch of money T_____T
imagine if u lost hundreds of dollars bc u confessed ;——; scary…
keiji breathes out a laugh.
i won’t lose hundreds of dollars but it’d haunt me for the rest of my life like every other embarrassing thing that’s ever happened and u know that
but thank you
i’ll think about telling them
he’s vaguely aware of bokuto sending another text with his name in all caps before he turns off his phone. it lands somewhere beside him on his comforter, and he takes off his glasses if only to run his hands down his face.
there’s a feeling he gets, akin to both butterflies and a 10 meter drop, when one of these bots decides to let his imagination get away from him.
for a few minutes keiji lets himself think it might be true, and that you think about going on dates with him the same way he does with you.
the latest idea he had was taking you to a new board game cafe that had opened nearby. he had skipped then swiped back up to its ad—a perfect spot for couples looking to spice up a regular cafe date!
he hadn’t closed his curtains properly that night, and the moon lit up his room while he stared at the ceiling. would you be competitive? would you rather play a co-op game?
would you see him sipping on his drink, and ask to have a taste?
he thought about how he might accidentally have some foam above his lip, and how you’d softly laugh before tapping above your own to signal his appearance. he cringed at the possible humiliation of looking silly in front of you, but it went away with the foam you’d gently swipe with your thumb, or maybe even hold his face to kiss away instead. you’d tease him and say it was as sweet as him.
but it’s nonsensical.
as far as keiji knows, whoever runs the account is using a random generator to pick a sign and bullshitting every tweet in their drafts.
it’s almost always only a sentence anyway.
but does that mean it’s a sign that this one was two?
keiji forces himself to stop thinking and takes a deep breath, letting the warmth hit his palms still covering his face. silence washes over him, and he lets his ears focus on the traffic outside, and the sound of the washing machine running a couple of rooms away.
but then he thinks about you. and he scrunches his eyes shut and groans, hands moving to grip his hair before he rolls over onto his stomach.
there’s a thud as his phone hits the ground while he pulls the blanket to cover his head.
sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you, too.
sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you, too.
not just tell them you like them, as if it was a shove to be courageous for once, but they like you, too.
did you like him, too?
was he good enough for you to like him?
did you hate him?
was he going to trust an astrology bot as uninformed about your feelings as he was?
maybe more importantly, was he going to let a bot dictate whether he finally confesses to you after almost a year of pining? a year based on the fact that one day you held the elevator door open for him with a smile and already knew what floor he needed?
(you had noticed him as the new employee, though he didn’t notice you while busy getting used to his job. he made sure to note the fact you got off the floor above him so he could press the button for you next time.)
and keiji doesn’t really believe in signs or the supernatural. he doesn’t want to let himself, because if he does then there’s probably a ghost in that shut-down building on his way to work, he’s gotten himself twenty years of bad luck, and he’s big enough of a coward that the universe decided to take it upon itself to tell him that itself.
but he’s hiding under his blanket when the absurdity of it all hits him—the anxiety and what-ifs and pretending he didn’t know you liked going for lunch a little earlier than him, and that he didn’t plan his break to say hello—and he feels like he’s sixteen again.
and maybe if there’s one thing he doesn’t want to feel other than being rejected, he thinks it’s being sixteen again.
so he jolts up.
and somewhere, in the back of his mind, keiji wonders if the universe jolted up with him, excited to see where this goes.
adrenaline working, he reaches for his glasses and fumbles to put them on with one hand while the other feels the floor to find his phone. the bright screen makes him squint, and the notification of bokuto’s “AKAASHIII :((” welcomes him before anything else.
sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you too.
the tweet seems to be engraving itself into his mind as his shaky fingers hold his phone, and he taps your icon.
he skims the last text you had sent,
thanks keiji!! i’ll see u tomorrow then :) and remember we get off early!
it's a little embarrassing how his chest tightens at you his name and a smiley face. but he goes to type one himself, spending a second to mentally tell the astrology account they’re changing lives, but nothing more or else he thinks he might throw up—
btw if you’re free, did you want to grab food after work? there’s a cafe i wanted to check out with you :)
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omghallucinations · 10 days
enhypen sunghoon: anti-sagittarius stereotype (subtitle: pluto... what u up to there buddy????)
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thanks to a kind anon i now know that dawn has some cultural connotations but i'm going to leave this breakdown because i DID ASTRONOMY for this astrology and i want that on the record!
after SO MUCH searching i found sunghoon was born at dawn then after extensive Learning (i did math for this dude) the exact technical time for dawn on 8 december 2002 in suwon was 7:02am. i'm not insane i know no one's gonna cite the exact scientific time to just colloquially say dawn, but i'm putting it in there anyway!! FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN many enhystrologers lean scorpio rising for sunghoon but i did not--primarily because of the astronomical/nautical/civil twilight times of that day he's a lot more likely to be a sag rising and secondarily because a pluto in the first house can reaaaaally look like a scorpio rising. also it makes sense to me to have sag rising for someone who is a) athletic and b) clearly intensely ambitious and goal-oriented (i assume??? i mean you don't become a pro athlete as a child then decide to become an idol without this??? i am only encurious you guys i'm not an enhexpert yet!)
i'm not gonna go hard on his ascendant or chart ruler since we can't be sure (altho i will touch on features of a sag ascendant because from like 5am on he has his sag sun in his 1st house) and i'm gonna focus on house placements and aspects that are consistent from ~5am-~7am.
sagittarius vibes: escape route planned 24/7
or, party in the first house: everything's not about me.... .but what if it is??? (it is)
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so a sagittarius rising or sagittarius sun can be charming and extroverted and blah blah blah but not necessarily. sagittarius is ruled by jupiter and jupiter loves to EXPAND--expansion can mean fun, extroverted, silly, but it doesn't have to, expansion can also mean wanting more or going farther. notably a prominent jupiter can really expand your head. sunghoon does not have this problem, pluto really stepped in to be like hey girl... .ever feel the closeness of death haha? anyway no matter what any sag loves to: leave. goodbye!!!
they spend a lot of time considering the Philosophy of things--meaning is wildly important to a sag rising or sag sun's Purpose. as a leo rising personally i cannot relate, because i don't care about "what is 'good'" or whatever, i care about Vibes and my hair, but each to their own! a sag has to Believe in stuff, they're searching, they have a lot of thinky thoughts. a rising tells you your direction/journey in this life, and sagittarius cares about freedom, meaning, expansion and hitting da bricks. they feel trapped at the slightest provocation. the weather changes and suddenly they are accusing you of restraining them in a prison of your creation and it's like, girl? i'm just sitting here?
however! with the sun in sunghoon's first house he is not free from me, leo rising!! although he also has pluto conjunct his sun, and pluto is a very intense bitch so his rising (sag or scorpio) gets a major scorpio and minor leo flavor. but yet there is more! mercury can be up in there too, depending on time, which could be gemini rising-y but with his possible virgo MC i'm gonna say it gives more of a virgo rising flavor.
(sidenote, the key difference between gemini and virgo:
gemini is like, omg look at all these cool rocks, they are all so cool in different ways wow, i'm gonna take every cool rock home and show them to everybody i know and it will take 5 hours and they will definitely enjoy my 5 hour meandering rock lecture
virgo is like, hm this rock is clearly superior to this rock, i am only going to take the correct rocks home, and i will explain to you how they are actually not exactly correct in the following ways, which you will enjoy, especially my mean and hilarious commentary about the not superior rocks
and they are both weirdo freaks with anxiety. thank u for ur time.)
basically sunghoon is on a real Self Journey in this life!! with his south node near his ascendant and north node near his descendent (either 12th/6th house or 1st/7th house which is more of a Traditional Idol Placement), his journey is both about Discovering His Purpose/Identity and also realizing he's actually just one person in the wide world and there is no objective truth, really (a sagittarus looooooves objective truth, because objective truth is about being right) therefore he is not, personally, Responsible For All The Ills That Have Befallen Anyone (thanx pluto).
with his sun and possible rising in sagittarius, think about that arrow glyph ♐︎, it's really loaded to go-go-go! but not so fast because his lunar nodes (these guys ☋ ☊) are conjunct or near conjunct his ascendant-descendant line. if his north node was conjunct his ascendant it would simply increase the go-go-go and like focused unity of purpose (keep an eye on your transits bc whenever the transiting north node is conjunct ur natal north node you get the go-go-go), but his south node (☋ his past lives, his foundation) is the one conjunct his ascendant. there are 2 types here i think--either you don't care much about goals because I'm gonna get there when i get there, or!!! you are just as driven and intense someone whose north node conjuncts their ascendant, but life is gonna throw stuff in your path to help you periodically reevaluate. so it's more like sunghoon's past life and his ascendant as his like, lil guide to his Journey are standing in front of his instincts being like OK BUD. LET'S JUST SLOW DOWN THERE NOW.
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it's not gonna stop him from achieving his goals, but it is gonna force him to reevaluate frequently, change his goals (transition from figure skater to idol??) and also try to get him to slowwww Dowwwnnnn.
so summary before i get deep into any more specifics--
sunghoon's 1st house is gonna color his whole life, so every planet in here is gonna have to do with how he figures out who he is and how he moves through the world:
his sun--he's gonna be in the process of figuring out who he is in his life. not everybody shows up as their sun automatically---but the sun is the energy you need to be or tap into. so he's called to #journey #search find #meaning and also #leave. any fire sun is also called to shine and assert themselves in some way.
his pluto, conjunct his sun--ok this is gonna require a real Treatise so i'm gonna go deep into her next but pls believe me when i say he has deep security needs and fear entwined with his identity bro also he's very powerful and has a lot of intensity and magnetism he is not aware of also he's ultimately deeply secretive (as a security mechanism)
(possible 1st house) his mercury, in detriment in sagittarius-- communication is part of his Journey but he's not like... super good at it. but he does have a real ability to nitpick and critique everything, including himself
(possible 1st house) his capricorn chiron -- ahhh.... yeah.... . ... there's some deep wounds in his perception of self and he feels rejected by society in some way.... tbh he feels like every time he's been Himself he gets hate for it from somewhere, this probably started when he was young. chiron has a lot of exact aspects to other planets too so that childhood agony really affects a lot of stuff in his life!! yoops. when he feels vulnerable he probably shuts down a lot and tries to keep it #business and tries to heal himself through success/trying to adhere to societal standards in some way
pluto conjunct sun: an onion buried deep underground by an overprotective badger
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pluto has the sun fully behind an 8 foot deep brick wall. people are like knock knock knock, can i get to know u sunghoon, and pluto is like hell NO nobody is HOME get OUT. this seems very rude and it is but sunghoon's pluto is trying to protect him! like he'll be able to be close to people in his life, but he probably hides a lot even from them, like i doubt anyone knows aaaaanything non surface level about his childhood or like. how he really feels about something.
here is the real kicker about that pluto!! pluto doesn't just want to hide sunghoon's sun from the world, pluto wants to hide sunghoon's sun from sunghoon, like sunghoon feels impenetrable to himself probably. especially trippy because again this is part of his #journey!! knowing himself!!
something about a pluto-sun conjunction or square or many 1st house plutos seem very catholic to me, like very I Am The Sinner I Am The Destroyer I Personally Did Sins So I Myself Caused This Problem subtext, very goth, very stained glass, very gruesome depictions of the deaths of saints... the power of imagery... .. .. people are really into your aesthetic... rituals 4 life... .. .. morbid kids love this....
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so like, sunghoon has all this personal power and magneticism but he does not see that about himself and actually he probably really does not have good self esteem at all. when he gets older this will probably get better but he is nooooot there yet like i don't blame him!!
sunghoon, just living his life: sun conjunct pluto in his first house (hades hanging over his shoulder whispering): hey ever think that death could come at any minute? if anyone truly knows you they will betray you :) and steal your identity somehow or force you to be someone else :) sunghoon: (the scream by edvard munch) sun conjunct pluto in his first house: HEY DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE INHERENTLY THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS??? sunghoon: idk why i feel weird and anxious all the time sun conjunct pluto in his first house: you're welcome for protecting you :) i love you :) never sleep anything could happen :)
often the sun in a hard angle (square or opposition) or conjunction with pluto will have a father or father figure who looms really big in their lives and who seemed all-knowing when they were a kid--it probably seemed like this person just Knew if sunghoon had erred in any way.
sunghoon: daddy issues? answer: actually, not traditionally! just has a dad who really influenced his perception of the world!
sunghoon's dad probably:
was very aware of the bad stuff in the world and negative aspects of humanity
tried to protect sunghoon from this reality
sunghoon saw him as vaguely all-knowing (and probably unconsciously sensed the like... fear or tension his dad hid about, handwave, life stuff)
with the sun trine jupiter, sunghoon probably had a great relationship with him especially when he was young--although he may have made his dad into almost like a god, like he could do no wrong and he was always right about everything
so now sunghoon:
LOVES a ritual (ritual can save him????? from anxiety???)
probably still idolizes his father
can take a dad-like role sometimes and come across as paternalistic and patronising, he really means well tho
god complex (i need to be great at everything i do, also everything bad that happens anywhere was my fault somehow)
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sun-pluto is so fun because it's like:
sun conjunct pluto: i must become Great... I must become So Special.... . that i have NO SHADOWS i must become SUPERHUMAN i must become BEYOND DEATH i must NEVER FAIL if I FAIL i FALL APART by MARINA i can ENDURE ANYTHING!!!! pluto conjunct sun: ah i am worthless... .. . yet i am so intensely important that inherently i destroy everything i touch somehow.. .. .. every single thing that has ever happened is my fault... .. anyway maybe i should subconsciously self-sabotage and create some situations where i need to develop superhuman willpower idkk.....
usually sagittarius gets by with a very healthy sense of humor and lols, but that pluto conjunction means he takes life REALLY SERIOUSLY as well. too seriously. he must learn to make a mistake and to simultaneously have some self esteem and also have some humility lmao.
since this is such a powerful conjunction, let's look at what else it touches!! whatever it does, it's gonna mean sunghoon has insane expectations of himself there.
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pluto-sun (1st house):
square virgo MC (possible, depends on birth time)) --if it does hit it's like he has sky high expectations of himself in his career BUT he keeps making choices that don't align with him well so he ends up criticizing himself SO insanely much leading to overwork to "correct" anything, repeat. trine leo jupiter (8th or 9th house): any fire trine has a talent for risk--and with jupiter it's like it is time to LEAP without EVER LOOKING bro!! with the pluto and possible 8th house aspect it's not necessarily like there is no possibility of failure, but almost like sunghoon is like (clenches fist) there can be no failure if i simply.... brute force myself to success. anyway a fire trine is inspirational and future-y, with the sun and jupiter it is extra this especially because they rule each other (jupiter in leo ruled by the sun in sagittarius ruled by jupiter) so they are partners. but also they have to "and steve" pluto who changes the vibe a lot. still! sunghoon has a lot of creativity, will power and an ability to take his personal identity (1st house, sun, leo) and use it in a global way (jupiter, possible 9th house). altho this... really just increases his complexes lmao. semisquare aquarius moon in the 2nd or 3rd house: man let's hope his moon is in the second to ground it a little bit lmao.... more on our aquarius moon here later, but basically this one shows he is so so so so so sensitive but he doesn't like to show it. people probably think he is much more mentally strong than he is. every criticism seems both objectively true and also like a direct attack on himself as a person. semisquare mars in scorpio (11th or 12th house): deeply focused, ambitious, can be ruthless, suppressed anger (especially in the 12th), needs a goal or an outlet for the Energy (music is good!) otherwise he ouroborus eats himself septile neptune in aquarius (2nd or 3rd house): septile is like a pisces-y aspect, it's very subtle and a little mystical, it just adds a little glaze like a light sheen of water u know what i mean? it's not super deep but it adds to the Flavor. since neptune is a pisces-y planet, sunghoon's identity gets a softening quality which he desperately needs. he has a spiritual ability and, w the sag sun and pluto, probably finds a lot of meaning in spirituality which can offset some of his Stuff. this gives him a like, ophelia in the river painting thing. very delicate, wistful, loves to lie to himself...
because some aspects are super specific and this isn't an exact conjunction, we get a few that may only apply to 1 planet:
sun novile venus in scorpio in the 11th or 12th: a tint of libra, it's a talent here or a calling. in the 12th would give him a self-sacrificing vibe, in the 11th it's more about his beliefs about humanity
sun contraparallel saturn in gemini in the 7th or 8th house: if i can Do Things and Produce and Fix Problems and Overcome Obstacles i will... become worthy...
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scorpio venus/mars square aquarius moon/neptune: double life????
any fixed square or opposition has a ton of willpower but hates to change stuff and is very attached to things/ideas/people/whatever, and the scorpio-aquarius fixed square is like
scorpio: tell me ur deepest darkest secrets let's commune on the deepest level intimately you r my twin flame wait NOT YOU i don't trust YOU i trust one and a half people on this earth but with them i want 2 unite souls aquarius: ah, humanity, i have many abstract yet deeply humane ideas about humanity, how fascinating, let us discuss them, objectively and dispassionately, i love friendship, uhhHH not that close though!!!! stay out!!! icky!! yucky a real emotion yuck not like that! this better not awaken anything in me!!
in any square or opposition the two sides do not agree on how to act in any given situation, and since this is a fixed square they are just like... fully in a standoff.
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and with sunghoon's venus in detriment in scorpio conjunct his mars on one side of that square, it's giving.... double life. lmao. it's giving.... presents one way in the public eye has his private life way less conventional on the side. it's giving... .taboos??? all of this especially if the venus-mars conjunction is in the 12th. something in his private life is a lil out there--maybe he's into the occult?? fun!! or it could be something relationship-y or sexual especially with venus and mars involved. eyeball emoji indeed....
our scorpio side of this square clearly wants intimacy, it wants intensity, it wants depth and connection. aquarius, this may shock u, super disagrees.
on the aquarius end, our neptune-aquarius conjunction, an aquarius moon can really run the gamut. the stereotypical thing here is like--
loved one: i don't feel loved and cherished please reassure me!! aquarius moon: what is "love," really... what is "reassure".... (lecture about nature of love/interpersonal versus personal love that manages to obscure their own feelings about anything) anyway like i was saying (harry styles voice) choose kindness....
and honestly a lot of the time u truly cannot kill an aquarius moon in any way that truly matters. their emotional center is on another planet you cannot get there. of course that means they feel pretty lonely sometimes. they distance themselves from their feelings so far they can often fool themselves into thinking they don't have them and are absolutely pro at distracting themselves. ever met one existing on your own in silence??? not a single aquarius moon, a never-ending podcast a day keeps the inner demons away.
honestly a sag sun aquarius moon will obviously have an unconventional relationship life barring other factors, they feel trapped SO OFTEN they can't possibly have a "normal" one, so this makes sense. it may be as simple as an open relationship or just a relationship in which one partner travels a lot, idk.
IMPORTANT THO! the moon is widely conjunct neptune, which will piscesify everything.
neptune: so much of life is about connection... beauty.... can we really experience the world if we don't touch the soul of another... aquarius moon: (frantically looking for exactly the right youtube video to shower with it playing in the background so it doesn't have to face its thoughts) neptune: my influence will make u feel so tender and like ur reaching out for connection.... just give in.... maybe try hallucinogens... aquarius moon: NO. NO THOUGHTS. NO. alexa play literally any pocast, anything, please, i don't know what is happening to me, what is this swirling.... emotion???
especially with his mercury in detriment in sagittarius, sunghoon has NO IDEA what any of these feelings are or how to label them. girl get an emotions chart like for kids. it will help.
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aquarius LOVES a boundary and neptune HATES a boundary so he has a curious ability to feel everything everyone else is feeling and...... not be able to communicate it at all.
k try to get into the #childhoodissues
moon square mars: ever feel... rejected as a child haha... idk and maybe you sensed your mom had a lot of unspoken anger about society or the extended family or something?? neptune conjunct moon: idk i feel like my childhood was perfect also my mom did everything for me i feel bad.... she had to work so hard... moon square mars: (repressed anger simmering beneath the surface like an icelandic volcano) aquarius moon: what i have learned here is that it is safer to remove yourself from everything and view it all from an objective distance. and whatever else u do, always stay a little removed subconsciously!!! that way u will be safe neptune conjunct moon: haha good luck with that scorpio venus conjunct mars: maybe sexuality and relationships are a great way to deal with hard feelings and repressed whatever???? moon square mars-venus: at least we can agree that it is very important to protect the people u love scorpio mars: and if you must fight, fight and win neptune conjunct moon in aquarius: with our words and ideas because we are demure and mindful
sunghoon's venus-mars conjunction is exact--and this is a really cute conjunction! a mars conjunction can often seem really overwhelming, but with venus it's more like we combine mars's survival impulse with venus's love of art and beauty--so (stop this is so adorable) it's like he pursues artistic expression as an act of survival. ughHH that's beautiful. stop.
it also softens the aquarius moon by aspect--
scorpio venus-mars conjunction: what is life without intimacy and love??? are we alive if there is no romance at all??? can we experience our art authentically if we do not have Romance??? aquarius moon: oh hey guys didn't see u there... idk i was really planning on keeping people at an emotional distance for safety?? idk when people get close to me i'm kind of like uhhHH uh oh danger signals?? sagittarius pluto-sun conjunction: oh #word, #vibes, #mood scorpio venus-mars conjunction: 🥺 mars at home in scorpio: 😈 venus in detriment in scorpio: 👻 ? neptune conjunct moon: idk... i can feel the Aura... the veil between worlds... .. . .. i mean, psychologically would our understanding of the world be incomplete without union with another... idk aquarius moon: :( it's like u guys want to get hurt ugh fine
but i'm really underscoring what i wrote up there about double life dude lmao. he really likes a neat divide between who he is as an idol and what his private life is like.
time for our summary!!
the only other thing i really wanted to touch on leads nicely into the list of influences--sunghoon's gemini saturn opposes his sagittarius placements. sometimes you'll see a chart underline a thing four times using different aspects (with slightly different flavors of course) and you're like ok ok we GET IT.
big theme #1
say it with me, identity! saturn opposing all these first house placements including his sun is a very literal feeling of ---in order to please people around me/society (saturn, 7th house) i need to suppress or control my own power and shine in whatever way. sunghoon's #journey is very much about figuring out who he is, understanding his personal power and learning to harness it.
also really deeply understanding he is not the #destroyerofworlds shit just happens sometimes
big theme #2
balancing his passion (mars/venus in scorpio) with his fear of containment (sagittarius) and defense mechanisms of staying removed from things (aquarius) -- he doesn't have to unite his personal life and public life if he doesn't want to, but he does have to learn about his own feelings and stuff.
he's working towards (north node in gemini in the 7th) viewing life a little more lightly and less like there is one Objective Truth, as well as learning to communicate with others and develop real personal relationships where he allows himself to be vulnerable and doesn't just like... cosplay "relationship" while still maintaining a total independence out of fear.
chart big players:
mars, at home in scorpio--possible chart ruler, definite big player in his prominent aquarius-scorpio square
jupiter, exalted in leo--possible chart ruler, definite ruler of his sun, mercury, south node and pluto. this is interesting because usually a dominant jupiter makes for a very bouncy and exuberant person, but that's not the impression i get of sunghoon but again i barely know much about him so i could be deeply off base!! the vibe i get though is more of a weight on the future-looking parts of jupiter, expansion in a less physical/jubilant more mental or career sense. a totally committed feeling like he's always going to make it and he's going to do well, like opportunities are given to him (and they are), that kind of thing. but pluto really does not want him to bounce and jubilate very much, judging by the aspects there.
his pluto and his sun, going hard in his first house!!
his saturn has the most exact aspects to other planets as well as his only opposition, which makes a lot of sense for an idol--so much is about work, production, value, society. maturation comes easily to sunghoon, for better or worse.
his lunar nodes have wildly a lot of aspects as well as being either conjunct or near conjunct his ascendant-descendant line--this is a really vital life for sunghoon! #journey!! also i am. so jealous of anyone with a natal node conjunct their ascendant, everyone i know with that has such a like. direct and sure path to their goals??? doesn't always work out but damn it seems awesome to be so unified on a goal.
this was really interesting!! it was really cool looking at someone whose sun doesn't seem totally tapped into yet--his chart is really showing these blocks he'll have to work through with all of the different aspects and planets in detriment. and it's a good reminder that often people don't just rock up in life as purely their sun sign--they have to work through things, possibly projecting qualities of their sun sign on other people, before really leaning into that identity.
plus like damn pluto is so powerful, you know??
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weebnotheree · 1 year
~ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵 ~ || Ɓօօƙ 1
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|| 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 ||
Standing near the ocean, on a hill. Two people. A son and his father. Blood, dripping in the snow, staining its artic glow. Their hair and Sesshomaru's dog fur swaying in the wind.
"Father. Do you insist on going?" the son spoke with such intensity in his voice. There he stood a few meters behind the one he calls father. His father looked ahead, not turning to face him as he spoke.
"Do you intend to stop me, Sesshomaru?" his father declared.
"I will not stand in your way. However, before you go, you must entrust the sword Sō'unga and Tessaiga to me" he suggested, which was really a demnad for his father.
"And if i refuse? Will you kill me? Your own father" he groaned in annoyance of what he thinks what Sesshomaru is really after. "Do you desire power so much? Why do you seek power my son?"
"The path I walk is the way of Supreme Conquest. And it is power that will reveal the way for me" he voiced straightforwardly. His father slightly put his head down with disappointment. Why does he seek power? Unlike his other son Inuyasha. Thou they might have forgotten their second eldest of the brothers, the father has not. He is still in search of his son, not giving up. M/n and Inuyasha do not seek power like their brother Sesshomaru. But something else.
[Hard-heartedly: Lacking in feeling or compassion; pitiless and cold.]
"Supreme Conquest" he uttered hard-heartedly. "Tell me Sesshomaru. Have you someone to protect?" he asked. Wanting to test Sesshomaru, he awaits his answer.
He was looking at his father, standing in front of him. He squinted his eyes. "Protect?" he remarked. Who would he need to protect? He doesn't need to protect anyone. He only protects himself. Tension took over as they stood. Only the waves of the ocean could be heard crashing against the sand.
"The answer is no. I Sesshomaru have no idea of such" he says as he spreads out his right arm, with his pointer and middle finger in a position he usually uses. Like his poisonous whips from his fingertips. He stanced himself ready to fight as his father roared, turning into a giant dog demon. His answer made his father very angry. 
(sorry its like that *yk the effect in anime's when u try to pause and screenshot*)
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How could he forget? I mean yeah it hasss been an insanely long time BUT STILL.
ok but why are their voices deep tho o-o kinda deeper than i remember now that im going back an watching it.
But anyways I hope you enjoyed this s- prologue u-u. And I still am updt TBHK CH51 (warning, it's gonna be long. Soo yea) DONT worry!! It's just school that's taking up the time for me updating. But I've just been having the urge to upt SOME OF MY STORIES but school work is ugh...but hopefully I have it updt by 3:20 pm. AND/OR TOMRRW! srry if I keep saying ill udpt..its just bc I'm busy.  🥱 😴😵💫 and i be tired after school.
Bruh and it's so funny bc yall keep getting onto me about that Sagittarius sign 🤣. GUYS..i only put it there bc i thought it was the GENDER thing for a boy 😖 😖 I even looked it up and it was blue with that sign...smh  😤 but I Luv all signs, don't come for me!
And look forward to new stories. Yk i just keep getting new ideas AND i still don't have my devices still so these ideas are.....(_-_)and doing the stories during school is just *sighs* so yea look forward to those >~<   😞 😔 😭
AND the things small TINY celebrating..whatever u wanna call it, when I post the updt it's gonna say like "TYSM FOR 50K" but now the book is up to 60...k i think, or 56 point something but don't mind that bc that was when i DID hit 50K. BUT TY FOR READING MY STORIES AND FOLLOWING ME I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! IT ALWAYS ENCOURAGES ME TO WRITE MORE AND KEEP UPDT!! 🥺 🥺
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bubblegumvolcano · 1 year
hello! just wanted to come in and join the sleepover!♡ hopefully you do this but could I have 💎 + 🧁if not then either of those work!
my personality type is ENTP and I'm a sagittarius! I would say I'm shy around new people but I can be very talkative and loosened up when I'm with people I'm comfortable with. I would say I have a big passion for music and literature and I generally love anything in the color pink. I most of the time am the one who is very talkative though but i would call myself the therapist friend. I have dark brown long straight hair, and my eyes are brown and my skin is tan but it is on the lighter side! My style is a mix of coquette, dollette, and bimbocore!♡ for 🧁 could i please have mbsav, twilight, or bullet train?(whichever of those you wanna do!♡) my sexual preference is for guys (I'm still working on figuring out my sexuality LMAO)
thank you! hope you have a good day or night!♡♡
hi! thank u for joining (:
Your assigned barbie doll(s) are:
My First #1875
[Barbie] Dreamtime #9180
(imaged are linked!)
Your assigned barbie character is:
Princess Ashlyn!
Your assigned barbie movie is:
Barbie of Swan Lake!
︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶  
(🧁) I ship you with...
Tangerine! I was sitting here going through all the male characters in MBAV and Twilight when it hit me... Cuz can you fucking imagine? The opposite-ness? SIS. Very much Barbenheimer. And you said you were talkative. I just KNOW he'd love to sit there and listen to you all day, I can see him just thinking you're like the most precious thing in the world. And lastly, I just fucking KNOW he'd be so protective of you and it'd be so cute!! 😭
to join the sleepover, click here!
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jimilter · 2 years
💌 profile tag game!
— thank you for tagging me dearest jen @jeonqkooks, precious mindy @parkdatjimin and my ridzietta @taegularities <3 ily guys <3
name: ash
sign: sagittarius 🏹
height: 5’6 (:
time: 01.30 shhh
birthday: december 7th!
fav bands/artists: off the top of my head we’ve got - bts, shawn mendes, taylor swift, doja cat, lorde, camila cabello, halsey, maroon 5, lana del rey, ritviz, mitraz <3
last movie: free guy! 
last show: dark (ya girl finally caught up 15 years later...)
when i created this blog: june 16th, 2021 <3
what i post: fics + occasional moodboards + random screams + life updates ig?
other blogs? a recs sideblog here, @jimilter-recs | i also have a harry potter + mcu blog which can be found if you really hunt, but i’d rather not mention it | @livingforshawnscurls which i haven’t touched in a year (:
do i get asks? yes 🥺 all of y’all are so kind, thank you, i love you 🥺
followers: a number i never though i could get to! the milestone we hit in june has doubled in number, y’all ): i’m gonna cry...
average hours of sleep: this question is always put in just to bully me :| 4-5 hours, okay, and that works for me, let’s move on.
instruments: i used to play the guitar...but i haven’t touched it in like 18 months </3
what i’m wearing: no u should be asking what i am NOT wearing bec - a thermal shirt, a regular shirt, a hoodie and a sweater on top over everything that is baggy enough to cloak the layer (: + thermal leggings and woolen pajama bottoms (: + woolen socks (:
dream trip: brooooo europe 🥺
favourite songs: right now, it’d be the entire indigo + team by lorde + vigilante shit by tay + no body, no crime by tay + cardigan by tay + megatron by nicki minaj + doin’ time by lana del rey + burn it by agust d 
tagging: @sailoryooons @gimmethatagustd @kth1 @jeonjcngkook @opaljm @ugh-yoongi @park-jimin-isnt-real @ahundredtimesover @daechwitatamic @astralmono @missgeniality @jjkeverlast
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yagamisdiary · 1 year
what are your experiences with zodiacs in men and who are your faves 🤭🤭 i find this so interesting
i’m just gonna go in order bc i think that’s the best way to do this
aries: i’ve only dated one and the sex was GREAT. but he was…. not it. he would cry SOOOO much and was the type to punch holes in the walls like girl calm down!!! also, he’s the one who would make rape jokes and would say he didn’t like my gay friends
taurus: im currently dating a taurus and it’s definitely a challenge because they’re unbelievably stubborn but they’re such gentle lovers and will literally spend their last dollar on you. also really good cooks! i’ve dated another taurus other than my current bf tho and he was a fucking weirdo who was hyper sexual and just annoying
gemini: *deep breath* look, gemini men are SO FUN. they will take u on the best dates, give u cute gifts and will remember the smallest shit about you. THEY LIE A LOTTTT. i dated a gemini and he literally HACKED YES HACKED! into my social media accounts so he could see if i was cheating bc he was LOL
cancer: never dated a cancer but i’ve talked to one before and he was so TOUCHY!!!! like needed to always be hugging me and shit like BACK UP!!!! he was a sweetheart tho and would buy me flowers everytime i was mad LOL but personally, not for me
leo: never dated a leo but i was talking to one for a while and he was cool but way too self absorbed and vain. he was funny af tho and dressed cute
virgo: *smashes head into the wall* virgos are…. not for the weak. they’ve very judgy and critical. they will straight up tell u they don’t like what ur wearing or ur friends etc. my first ever bf was a virgo and we lasted 5 years off and on and he cheated, hit me and everytime in between. however, he did take me into his home without hesitation when i needed a place to stay and also was the person who saved my life when i tried to commit suicide at 16. so eh, he has his moments ig
libra: never dated a libra man but i talked to one before like freshman year of high school and he was sweet when we were alone and a SLUT when he was with everyone else. ended up dating his bestfriend while still talking to me ???? weirdo
scorpio: never dated one but i had a FWB that was a scorpio and he was so fucking weird. also, my dad and brother are scorpios and i just feel like it would be like dating them and i don’t… i just can’t i’m gagging as i type this
sagittarius: i would never, and i mean never, date a sagittarius man. they’re funny tho
capricorn: EXTREMELY PUSHY AND PERSISTENT!!! i’ve never dated one but for whatever reason i attract capricorn men like crazy and they’re always so WEIRD. like they will harass me until i say yes to going out with them it’s annoying.
aquarius: never dated one. don’t think i ever would 💀 they’re too emotionally detached and i’m too emotional, it would be like setting myself up to **** ******
pisces: sigh. where do i even begin!!! i dated a pisces guy and he cheated on me with his ex gf and when i found out and dumped him, he came to my house, told my mom he was gonna kill himself if i didn’t take him back 💀
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lovphobic · 2 years
Ooo let's hear about thalya! Love that name btw
oo an enabler. love u.
i will try to do this as linear as possible, but a lot of her story is sildraste's, and a lot of sildraste's is hers lmao. and of course all of this is subject to change due to me having her as a character with substance for like. 3 days max, while also filling in the roles ive already given her through sildraste
so she lives with her father in this settlement out in what would be the country. just outside of a city basically. she works as kinda an apprentice under her father, who is a jeweler. which is how the pendant comes into play eventually
when she isnt helping him though, she likes to be helpful to other people in the settlement. a healing hand. so right now i have her as an alchemist artificer (which is a lot to try and understand when youve never played and barely understand the game as is fjhsdjkf) which i feel plays well off of sildraste's class of ranger.
i want her to be this really kind and bubbly character. really em and sympathetic. she will cry when you cry. i want to play her off as naive but like, shes really not. belle from beauty and the beast. thats who i want you to think of. just with less focus on the books. just a joy to be around with no real enemies
which is how she and sildraste really come to hit it off together. sildraste wandered into the settlement on one of her journeys, stopped for supplies and food and a place to generally safely rest. and ended up staying.
im still not sure how i want this to come about, but i am dead set on this pendant somehow leading to sildraste "killing" her. so im going to skip over this bit of the story for right now. its cursed somehow and leads to thalya becoming a danger to the settlement, thats all you really need to know jfshfjk
but when sildraste looses and arrow that Shouldve been a killing shot, due to the general Weight of the situation. the anguish and disbelief and. well. every emotion you can expect to have when you have to kill the love of your life. due to all those emotions she misfires. it wounds her! and in her panic, sildraste Really Does Think thalya's dead. so she takes the pendant from her neck as something to remember her by, and flees. middle of the night leave her on the floor "dead" flees.
but of course in classic good ma/ss ef/fect 3 style heartstring tugging, soon as shes gone, thalya draws breath. not well enough to stand, or to call out. just enough to know she's still alive and needs help. WHICH! i think would be a good play on her artificer class to cast healing word on herself
im not sure again how i want her to come to the conclusion that pendant cursed > i was cursed, i was a threat to society > pendant gone > love of my life has it > the story is going to repeat on > i have to find her before its too late BUT thats the conclusion i want her to come to.
essentially i think itd be really cool for her to have to have this pleading showdown with sildraste right as shes on the brink of no return and in a jen/nifers bo/dy style just RIP the pendant off her neck
thats kinda her story right now! i dont have much else to say about it. but some fun things are: i figured out her birthday and sign today! she was born december 19 and is a sagittarius. after i post this and shower ill work on her alignment quiz and get around to posting THAT.
and here is her playlist, if you want to get a better Feel for her character. it kinda goes through her whole story on its own, just not in order per se LJFHDSJKFSA
LASTLY!! here is her picrew + face claim. i found the face claim on unsplash and. because of that i have no idea who this is. but thats my thalya! (peep the pendant)
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paradoxhax · 23 days
so i've been having the time of my life emulating and modding stuff on my 3ds and helping my boyfriend do the same. little did i know replaying Pokemon HeartGold would end up being more impactful on my daily life than my 10 mg of lexapro ever was
but anyway, y'all know what that means:
Now proudly presenting: my six darlings
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notice how they all have unique names, it's very cutesy, very demure. i care about the personalities i attribute to them, it's very mindful. i also have astrological signs and strat details, it's very dem-- wait, autistic. it's very autistic, that's what that is.
but fr if you wanna read more about each of my battling babies, then read on <3
alright i'll go from the top of the list to the bottom, LR style!
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Team Rank: #2 // Taurus ♉️
Zeus was my lil golden ball of fluff, became a pink one, and is now a yellow lighthouse with arms and i love him very much. Also, I'm including each member's "team rank," as in like their chain of command. I don't play favorites, I love all my children equally I don't care for Job. Zeus was literally the 2nd kiddo to join the team, so he's been my ride or die. The OG Gold was my first video game and Ampharos was on my team, so he was a must for this go-around
Zeus has purely SpAtk and status moves -- 10 y/o me had this lambchop using Thunder Punch with an ass attack stat. Signal Beam comes in for unexpected Dark/Psychic countering, and Thunder Wave ruins ppl's battles with ease.
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Team Rank: #5 // Libra ♎️
One of the Eeveelutions I've never used in a team comp before, and he's an unexpectedly powerful one! Other than Lapras, I'm not a fan of the Surfers gen 2 can offer so after robbing Bill at g*npoint for his Eevee, I got this monster!
Neptune's got beefy stats an Aqua Ring + Leftovers combo that results in his huge hp pool getting decent restoration every turn. He can take down dragons, mountains, and more!
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Team Rank: #6 // Sagittarius ♐️
i've literally never played overwatch b4 why do u ask Sombra is the newest member of the team when I caught a Misdreavus between Cianwood and the Safari! I always thought the Gen 4 Extra Evolutions were super cool (future team members will continue this trend) and Mismagius' aesthetic fits the team.
With a Ghost and Dark attack, Sombra likes to hit that sick Double Team once or twice at the start of each match to be annoying especially since she's also holding Bright Powder. I also taught her Energy Ball for unexpected counters against Water/Ground/Rock!
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Team Rank: #4 // Gemini ♊️
To all the percy jackson stans who think I'm pretty damn cool rn, I'm sorry to have to tell you the truth: I just play a lot of Hades, I love you plz don't be mad at me. But yes, this is the Togepi we're given from Elm/Oak and this is another thing I have to thank Gen 4 for as well! I always loved the idea of getting a cute, rare pokemon to hatch, but it never became anything too remarkable until Togekiss rounded out the evolutionary trio.
Artemis is a WALL with some great SpAtk as well. I taught him Bulk Up to help her regular Def match his SpDef, as well as giving a little more punch to Fly. All that + tons of HP make Artemis incredibly balanced and reliable fighter.
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Team Rank: #3 // Pisces ♓️
Honey is the sweetest and the babiest of my sweet babies. Yes, I run a Dragon Dance + Murder Combo. Yes, his name is Honey cuz that's what color he is.
I adore Dragon pokemon, and Dragonite has always been one I never got to use as a kid for one reason or another. He's adorable, he hits like a mac truck, and just look at that lil smile!
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Team Rank: Leader // Leo ♌️
Despite Chikorita being my truest love of the gen 2 starters, I will never deny anyone's claims that Typhlosion kicks ass. Diego felt more appropriate for the team I wanted to build, considering my only other go-to fire type is Arcanine. Arcanine is my favorite Pokemon, but I gotta give a chance to some other fire types sometimes.
He might be a bit of a glass cannon, but Diego's solid speed let's his attacks hit hard and fast. Flamethrower is a must, as is Earthquake. For Flying/Ice coverage, he's got Rock Slide, and then a fun sexy lil Aerial Ace for Fighting coverage!
Everyone say something nice about my team plz and thank you!!!
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torialefay · 8 months
Hiii can you do a compatibility astro reading for me and Minho??
This is my chart:
© Sun in 14° 13' Libra
• Moon in 1° 23' Scorpio
& Mercury in 28° 23' Virgo
• Venus in 15° 25' Scorpio
§ Mars in 24° 51' Virgo
2 Jupiter in 13° 11' Leo
5 Saturn in 29° 1' Gemini
K Uranus in 25° 13' Aquarius (r)
& Neptune in 8° 14' Aquarius (r)
• Pluto in 15° 22' Sagittarius
I North Node in 11° 32' Gemini (r)
6 Chiron in 3° 51' Capricorn
ASC Ascendant in 20° 21' Pisces
MC MC in 26° 10' Sagittarius
🫶💕thanks so much, I hope you have a great dayyy!
Here u are honeyyyy ❤️🥰
Ascendant (1st house) Pisces:
Alrighty, so ascendant (first impressions/mask) in Pisces (creativity and emotional self-expression), it is likely that you come across as someone you can instinctively trust. People may be naturally drawn to you or automatically feel that they can open up to you. You probably come across as someone who deeply understands and cares about others… More than likely you can play this up to your advantage and you know you are capable of people liking you. It’s not your INTENTION to do this, in fact you probably couldn’t care less, but you do know you have this aspect of yourself. You may have a presentation as having either a dreamy aesthetic or maybe an alternative aesthetic- usually something just unique and used as a form of self-expression.
Tbh I think this is a good placement for Lee Know. Obv I can’t go into his ascendant and houses, but based off his Sun in Scorp, I think you would hit it off fairly quickly. With meeting you, he would probably get the sense that you also come off with a watery, emotion understanding nature. His Scorpio is a lot more intense in his approach though, so he would probably see your Piscean nature as more pure and innocent. He’d probably find you as a lil cutie tbh.
Sun in Libra in 8th house:
With your Sun in Libra in the 8th, I think you reallllllly strongly exercise the balance and harmonious aspect of Libra. Since it’s in the 8th house, I think you are able to internalize other’s emotions and give a reaction to them from that inner aspect of yourself. In other words, you are able to get along with just about anyone, but it’s because you really want to see them for who they are. Reacting in this way, and rationalizing in this way gives you a sense of peace. I could also see this manifesting as seeing the best in people often times. You probably give too much of yourself, and you could even take this to the extreme and get lost in others’ perceptions of you. Again though, I do think that it’s because you need to have that assurance in order to feel peace with yourself. You do also probably have a lil charm to you (even if you won’t admit it, you lowkey know it hehe).
I think any Libra Sun placement is usuallyyyy good with any sign! Lee Know’s Sun in Scorp is no exception. In a relationship, I see him as having the upper hand. I think he would lead the relationship and make most of the decisions, unless it went against something you felt very strongly about. With your Moon and Venus placements also in Scorp though, I think you’d want a lot of the same things and this could actually be a dynamic that works very well
Moon AND Venus in Scorpio in 9th house:
First of all, I want to say that the 9th house (in my opinion) is one of the coolest houses!!! Especially having your moon and venus in it omg omg.
For your Moon in Scorp here, I think you are likely someone who has a philosophical nature. You are probably very interested in the meaning of life and what it means to have a life well-lived. With the watery nature of Scorp, I think this is even increased! Since Scorp has that dark, curious, and beautiful energy, I think it’s likely that you find beauty in darkness or abstractness. You most likely do feel emotions deeply, BUT ALSO you can let emotions over-rule you at times. Either way, I think this is a beautiful placement that overall makes you know both yourself and make others better.
For your Venus in Scorpio in the 9th, I interpret this as, again, finding beauty in things that others may find weird or strange. Its very likely that you are super interested in art of all forms, whether it be painting, sculptures, music, film. Overall, you just want it to make you FEEL something. You look for those moments in life that MOVE you. It is likely that you are drawn to some form of alternative (usually described as dark or unconventional by others) medium- whether it be astrology, tarot, wicca, spirituality, connecting yourself to some higher power… no matter what it is, I think it is something you would be suited for. In the BEDROOM, I think you’re a freak. I’m wondering if you’re into my Venus in Scorp series??? Bc i feel like that’s some shit you’re into lol. Just the intensity of the Scorp ESPECIALLY in the 9th house, bringing philosophy and power into it!!!! Plus Lee Know’s Venus in Scorp. God y’all would be unstoppable lol. I’d be lowkey scared to see the lengths y’all would go to. Y’all deffffinitely possessive over each other though.
Mercury and Mars in Virgo in 7th house:
With Mercury in Virgo in the 7th house, it is likely that you are a very good communicator, and that this helps you form long lasting relationships. You’re probably a really great friend to have (and honestly probably a complex personality) bc your Pisces and Libra placements make you seem super idealistic and sweet on the outside, but when it comes down to it, you can actually be very real with people. This is most likely applicable in situations with friendships, as well as relationships (even though ur sun in libra could give you a hard time initiating the conversations).
Your Mars in Virgo in the 7th also tells me that you you can be very rational in fights and also when going about daily tasks. You likely have a good head on your shoulders and can take into account many perspectives, which will be a big part in helping maintain healthy relationships (from 7th house).
One more thing I want to point out in the opposition of your Virgo in Mars with your Ascendant in Pisces! To me, this is such a cool chart aspect to have. I think of the Virgo-Pisces opposition as the “Axis of Service”. Both like to be very helpful to other people, but go about it in different ways. Virgo energy will bring the more cerebral and calculated aspects, while the Piscean energy can bring about the vision and internal passion. It makes for a nice dichotomy where people see you talk the talk (Ascednant in Pisces), but you can also walk the walk (Mars in Virgo).
With his Mercury in Scorp, I think there couldddd be a bit of a problem here, more for you than for him. Mercury in Virgo knows how to clearly explain their thoughts, ideas, and feelings with another. You are secure in your stance, even if you do have a problem initiating the conversation. For Lee Know, considering his personality and romantic relationship plcaement in Scorp, I think he is more likely to be the type to not exactly know how to explain his emotions. He does tend to have the tendency to sweet talk or dance around things, but let’s be honest, you’ll know when he’s bullshitting. You’d just have to have him work on transparency.
Lee Know’s Mars is also in Virgo. I think this is absolutely an ideal pairing, as y’all will both be able to rationalize any problems that arise and put a game plan together to fix them. In fights, I think you both have the same end goal.
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joonheaven · 1 year
April Jams 2023
i was going through my posts just for funsies and was lowkey in shock to see that i haven't posted my monthly playlist since november '22 so i'm back to share again lol from now on, though, i'm gonna start including my favorite lyrics from the songs hehe
three geniuses on a single track. heard the afrobeat and was already obsessed. aminé's word play is so fun and pharrell's vocals made this song so catchy.
"i hit it with some rhythm, call it pussy percussion"
it boy doing it boy things. this song literally feels so good to drive to, just roll the windows down and enjoy it. this album is so jimin. there were a few different lyricists involved in the track, but you can def hear joon's influence.
my favorite part isn't an actual lyrics but its the instrumental you hear after the first chorus. it's so good, almost sounds like the stranger things theme.
her music is everything i've wanted in pop music when i was in high school. she blends so many different influences its so cool. this is a song u can easily speed to lmao heavy bass love it.
"i don't wanna take it off, emotionally naked"
ever since i heard smoke sprite I've been obsessed with So!YoOn! She's so alluring, i'm convinced i'm in love with her. her style of singing just scratches an itch in my brain so good.
"지금 우리 뒤엉켜 흔들리고
내 시선은 나를 향하고 있어
이순간이 영원하기를"
a lil throwback lmao i have only ever heard the second half of this song so finding out this song was 6 minutes total had me kinda shocked. I like the first half of it tho it acts as a sort of introduction to the song plus it gets u itching to hear the beat drop and it's so worth it imo. jt and timbaland knew wtf they were doing.
"i could see us holding hands walking on the beach, our toes in the sand. i can see us on the country side, sitting on the grass leaning side by side."
angelic voice fr. like she's got her signature sound DOWNNNN u listen to one second and just know it's her song.
the entire chorus is so catchy
released in 2018 but im obsessed with it rn . like always nicki word play is unmatched, she's always gonna stay relevant.
"i'm in my prime, optimus. sagittarius, so you know I'm a optimist."
its like kaytranada got the midas touch. Alan's voice suits this beat so well. it's a lil more mellow, it's one of those songs u can have in the background but is enticing enough to get u to stop whatever ur doing to dance to it.
"see how far you can go, make me wanna get close"
as u can tell, i'm going thru a mini kaytranada phase haha. I don't listen to syd much but i know i like the way she sings. it's very... airy and chill, perfect for this edm track. makes me wanna white girl dance
"cause i do it for the thrill, for the rush"
april has been rough but this month's music has been giving me enough serotonin to keep pushing :) i've been listening to lots more music, but these were the ones i kept on repeat for a majority of the month.
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hi, i'd like to request a sp matchup (with a male preferably)
5'7 (i think, maybe taller?) with long brown hair, blue eyes, and a few ear piercings. i literally stabbed myself in the ear with a safety pin for one of them. i get freckles, esp in spring and summer. I usually end up wearing hoodies and pj pants or mad short crop tops and loose pants. lowkey trying to change my style to a little bit of a hippy outdoorsy vibe if u know what i mean. i wear a shit ton of jewelry, mainly necklaces n bracelets too.
i'm an esfp and pretty athletic. i play lots of sports lol. i'm very hyper too and i don't think I've stopped moving since i exited the womb. i'm definitely very talkative and easy to distract. i don't smoke (don't like the smell) but i do drink (usually at parties). i'm late to literally everything and am usually injured in some way that is mildly embarrassing, like falling down a hill and spraining my ankle (this has happened 4 times this year). i'm directionally challenged and can't walk straight either. also my room is a mess due to my constant depressive state school has me in. like a mess. like bad. i'm also arguably the funniest person ever. i'm very argumentative though, specifically w words and not actions. i win like every time though bc i am fiercly competitive. i have a massive ego too im ngl. also i'm an awful driver. like i run red lights, don't stop at stop signs, almost hit a kid, hit lots of curbs, and run over those grass strip things. one of my teachers told me natural selection was gonna take me out and it's my favorite thing anyone has ever said to me. i also take pictures of EVERYTHING and massively overshare. i have a job, and it is vile, but i happen to enjoy spending money and usually end up broke every week. oh also im a sagittarius sun and i like to think that it suits me very well.
i also can't spell so whoopsie.
craig! craig! craig!
Bestie you need that calm, balanced energy in your life.
He’s down to do some crazy shit and clearly loves a partner who vibrates with energy of any kind.
Probably helps you clean the depression nest (girl me too, my room is a shitshow)
I think he loves a good chat so y’all will definitely go down eight different directions in every conversation.
I get the vibe that he combines a bit of edgy fashion with the Peruvian cultural dress (ye, im so in on that hc) and he would appreciate a partner who could match his style.
Makes you take all the pictures for Stripe’s instagram.
hope u like!!! sorry ive been behind on requests. lexapro withdrawals have literally ruined the last several weeks for me (kinda my own fault cause i took so long to get my refills)
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dielitttt · 2 years
Astro observations pt. 4 🕷
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Am I the only Capricorn mercury who loses breath while reading or talking fast or in like a fast pace?? Like when I used to do music class in elementary and middle school I used to be put to sing but I would go out of breath rlly quickly and that’s y I hated it.
Why do Sagittarius placements or fire sign placements always forget things quickly somehow? (Including me😕)
People with strong Leo placements usually have issues w their eyes a lot of times
Some people with major pisces,cancer, air sign and Aries placements tend to have adhd sometimes (don’t self diagnose yourself w this pls)
Cancers with Gemini and pisces in personal planets tend to gaslight, manipulate, and bring up things that bother ppl
I’ve dated someone that’s a cancer with a mix of air signs in their chart, and they’ve dated someone else while hitting me up saying “I wanna break up with her but I don’t wanna hurt her feelings” because he wanted to date me again??? Makes no sense at all
Idk but Earth suns, earth moon and a mix of Sagittarius placements ppl are very private and barely date anyone even if they like them, if they let u date them your probably very lucky!
Sagittarius sometimes have issues with their stomachs, for example I know many Sagittarius risings with fast metabolisms and tend to be insecure about being skinny sometimes.
People with Uranus stelliums are always labeled as “weird” or “odd” from their own family members sometimes 😕
Aquarius chirons and Liliths need hugs like actually the way they’ve been treated by their own peers or family is sad
Aries rising are always seem to be very masculine and sometimes labeled as a homosexual because of their masculinity sometimes unless they have strong feminine placements tho
I barely have any water placements and I hide my emotions easily and can numb my emotions rlly randomly. But when I’m mad that shit shows so easily in my facial expressions.
It’s so weird how astrology is so accurate..
Mercury-Saturn or Pluto-saturn aspects tend to have a rlly controlling family towards their career sometimes especially their mother
Leo moons either hate or love eating a lot of sweets
Pisces in neverland people tend to sleep to escape from their real life problems they don’t wanna deal with or just sleep as an escape to things in general
If u look more identical to your parents and have a lot of their facial features sometimes u can have their rising sign
Water moon people HATE changing their music taste sometimes
Sagittarius’s and Aquarius’s tend to love different music taste and have a very random music taste with a bunch of genres in it especially leos too
Sagittarius’s suns with water moons and Sagittarius rising probably get their music taste from TikTok or would lie abt their music taste for someone they like ☠️☠️ (don’t take tjis to offense pls)
Scorpio Lilith people with Capricorn placements are so funny when they try to manipulate someone sometimes like I be watching them manipulate someoen so obviously and the person they manipulate be so clueless sometimes..
Gemini mars men are the type of people who fantasize having public sex ☠️
the way my mom has gemini Venus and my dad has gemini mars+ my bestfriend has gemini mars 2 is crazy bro 😭😭
The stereotype that Aries risings have big forheads is true and not and the same time
Aries placements probably have a fear of drowning because they’ve probably drowned once. Y’all Aries placements should be careful w water sometimes.
people be surprised that earth mercurys are funny bc they always have some dry ass humor sometimes I swear 😭😭
Ik this has nothing to do with astrology but why is migos always have the best verses on the songs he features in??
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lustbile · 2 years
can u give me something like gross and horny but still a little sweet about Chanyeol bc I’m obsessed with that big eared freak and I just think he’s a very giving lover and that Sagittarius sun with a Capricorn Venus I just think when he finally lets himself love someone he is ALL fucking in like no holds barred gives me big energy of that text exchange that’s like
Person A: are you obsessed with me
Person B: yeah a little
Person A: okay good
But like he could be both sides of that you know ??? Obsessed with this freak (affectionate)
Chanyeol!!! And his ears!!!! Ugh he’s so cute really. Also cringe I used the dialog that you put because why not
Warnings: uhhhh free use kink kind of. also my attempt at keeping it short but its over 1k words :)
“Are you obsessed with me or something?” You playfully snap, turning to see your boyfriend trailing behind you by only a couple feet. You make your voice snooty, pitching it higher to show it’s a joke, but there’s also the fact that he has been following you around the house like a lost puppy ever since he rolled out of bed. 
“Honestly?” He asks, his eyebrows raising before he reaches up to roughly rub his eye. 
“Yeah, honestly,” you huff in your normal tone, your hands pulling to rest on your hips.
“Yeah,” he coughs, turning his eyes to the floor in attempt to make his towering figure look innocent, “a little….”
“Okay,” you turn to continue your wandering around the apartment, definitely not trying to hide the way his admission makes your face heat up and your chest tighten, “good.”
You will admit yourself that he’d been away for work for awhile now, and you had missed him an almost unbearable amount, but you had your reunion the night before. His clinging was cute and endearing, but there was something off, it felt like he was planning something. 
He stayed a respectable distance everywhere you went. He only actually made his presence known a handful of times when you’d stop to do something and he’d lend a hand or shove his hand up the back of your shirt when it was a task easier down by yourself. So you had no real complaints about him being your giant sized little helper, it was just ultimately a little confusing and you felt an immense sense of impending doom. 
When you started towards the laundry room, you should have seen it coming. 
At least he was somewhat patient, waiting until you finished moving your clothes from the washer to the dryer. But once you were done, and you were leaning over the appliance to hit the button to turn it on, you felt it. 
How you didn’t notice the sizable bulge he was sporting the entire time he was following you, was beyond you. But you felt it clear as day once he had his hands pushing your chest flush against the cool metal of the dryer top, and his hips pressing against the curve of your ass. 
“Chanyeol,” you try to start scolding, but the small thrust he knocks into you has you scrambling forward and grabbing at the sides of the slightly vibrating dryer, “what are you doing?”
“Nothing,” he replies cooly, as if he hadn’t pulled your pajama shorts tight against your crotch and started grinding roughly against you. 
“Nothing my ass,” you scoff, your voice surprisingly solid considering the way the feeling of his length dragging against you through so many layers, making your thighs tense. 
“Love your ass,” he mumbles as if hypnotized. And if you could see the way his eyes are locked on the way your ass bounces with every one of his movements, you’d swear he was actually hypnotized. 
“I have chores to finish,” you remind, but your voice is quieter than before. Yes you do actually have chores, but the way he grind into you is a perfect reminder of every way he stretched you out the night before, and your body can’t help but sink against the dryer as your thighs parts and your hips grind back. 
He mutters some uninterested noises in response, no longer wishing to hold the pseudo conversation that was being tossed between you, before he lets out an almost angry sounding huff and draws his hips away. 
You’re lucky that he’s too focused on the way he starts to tug your shorts and underwear down to your knees to hear the small whine you let out in disappointment, you’d face a lot of teasing and cooing if he had, but instead he just wraps his hands around where each of your thighs connects to the curves of your ass and spreads you apart to make sure your wet enough for how impatient he was feeling. 
“Perfect,” he mumbles again and he stands straight, as if appraising something that wasn’t the state of the space between his partners thighs. 
He pushes one hand to wrap back against your waist as he works at pulling his own underwear around his thighs, and you feel your own body start to crave him even though you still pout with your face squished against the dryer top at the time you could be doing chores being wasted. 
You hear the crude way he spits into his palm, and the slick noises of him tugging at his length, but it’s when he accidentally bumps his tip against the dip of your ass that you break, and let the façade of you being annoyed at him fall away. 
“Chanyeol hurry up already,” you whine, stomping your foot as loudly as you can with your minute range of motion, making him laugh and lean over you slightly to speak loudly in your ear. 
“Oh so you don’t care about those chores now?” He taunts you, moving his hips until he’s dragging his tip from the edge of your entrance until it digs into your clit, “you actually didn’t care about them the second I touched you, you’re such a bad faker.”
With the almost painful pressure he puts on your clit, you can’t even find it in you to argue with him. But if you were such a bad faker, he would have noticed that you were wanting him around the third time his fingers pushed against the curve of your spine, and not just once they had you locked against the dryer that rattles your chest. 
“You started this,” trying to tilt your hips down enough to make him slip even an inch inside you, “so just fuck me already.”
“You are the most impatient person I’ve ever met,” he clicks his tongue as if disappointed, shaking his head as he watches your thighs try to fold together, “well, maybe not as impatient as me.”
It’s with the last word that he finally pushes into you, filling you in one go and killing any syllables that were dancing on the back of your tongue. Instead what comes from your mouth is a moan a lot louder than you had ever intended, and if it wasn’t for the way he starts sloppily fucking into you, you would have had the capacity to be embarrassed. 
The way he moves against you, and the dark circles that still plagued his eyes when he woke up, was enough to tell you he was still worn from his trip home. But regardless of the how worn his muscles are, he has enough strength to pull you up against him by your throat and fuck you deep until you’re letting out panting breaths. 
The house is cold, the ac blowing high to combat the heat of the summer air outside, but the way his body surrounds you warms your from your core and as your eyes start to flutter and roll into the back of your head, you feel small beads of sweat trailing down the center of your chest and down your back. 
You happily hum when his arm moves and his hand goes from holding your waist to crawling between your tense thighs. The hold he has on you with his arms and hands wrapped around you makes you feel like a doll being used roughly for his pleasure, but the quick motions he makes on your clit has your spine curving into an arch as the orgasm that will undoubtedly shake your tired bones pricks at your nerves. 
With a deep grunt in your ear, he starts to come inside you. And when the first shots of pleasure you get from him stuffing you full hits, you feel your walls start to flutter around him as you come as well. 
You’re orchestrated perfectly together in the way you both whine and hum, and when you reach your hand down to claw at his still moving wrist, he hisses in tandem with your overstimulated gasp. 
Any chore is quickly forgotten after he slumps against you with a tired form. Not just because you were worn from the way he manhandled you until your body turned pliable, but because you’d be cruel to deny him a cuddly nap after his eyes turned wide and his hands refused to let you go. So chores get left for the next day, where he probably will trail you once again. 
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ame-perduexx · 3 years
*as always: don’t take anything too personal, and apologies if none are applicable, take what you want leave what you want <3*
🍄Gemini moons will never shut up during a show/film…they will have comments on the music, the dialogue, the angle the sunlight hits the main character…and will let everyone in the room know
🍄Sagittarius moons always look like they would rather be anywhere else than where they are, even if they’re with their best friends
🍄Libra risings? TALL ASS BITCHES
🍄Cancer risings? look like this emoji: 🌝
🍄Aries suns are the epitome of chaotic neutral energy - will isolate themselves all day and then decide to take 5 shots, cover their eyes with black eye shadow, and find a 50yo man at the bar to distract themselves from their ex not texting them back
🍄Air Venus’ get a lot of shit for being noncommittal but I have personally noticed how much more important it is to be 100% sure about a person instead of dating numerous ppl. Crushes for DAYS but rarely goes further unless serious.
🍄Ive found that ppl are drawn especially to others with the same Mars sign. I’m a Scorpio Mars and LITERALLY more than half of my best friends have the same placement - which makes arguments and fights particularly more difficult.
🍄ive said it before, and I’ll say it again. The sign of your descendant is your soulmate. Your best friend. The sign you infinitely will attract in your life and have an unexplainable attraction to….
🍄water moons soak up allll the emotions of those around them, yet aren’t always aware of it and will wonder why they’re feeling more anxious, stressed, sad, excited than usual…and it’s just bc a person across the room is spiraling
🍄Taurus Venus? PDA GALORE!!!! always touching their partner and honestly it can become a lil uncomfy for everybody else in the room
🍄if your mother is a cancer sun + cancer moon…I hope you’re doing okay….
🍄sex with a Virgo mars? ELITE!!! they are incredibly attentive toward their partner and are up to experiment anything ;)
🍄Capricorn risings are the ultimate mom friend of the group. Fight me on this.
🍄Fire Mercury placements are the funniest, sassiest, and most sarcastic ones you could have….especially sag!! aries Mercury kinda just yells…Leo Mercury be making self-centered jokes…but with Sag they’ll literally be roasting you for minutes before you even realize you’re the butt of the joke
🍄Virgo suns have never screamed cleanliness to me. they have some of the messiest apartments I’ve witnessed, they know where everything is, but the vibes are a lil…grungy?
🍄Aries risings explode with anger frequently. have very volatile relationships.
🍄Scorpio risings?? I’d die for u. y’all don’t fw me that much…but I’d die for u. the energy you radiate when u enter a room….🤯
🍄Libra Mars are so fucking passive and peaceful it makes my Scorpio Mars wanna scream in frustration. it’s okay to stand your ground!! You can’t make everybody happy!!! And that’s okay!!
🍄If you find yourself at a party or a friends house where you only know 1 or 2 ppl, and many ppl are strangers, it is probably the Libra sun placement who is the most conversational and seems like they know everybody. They are so good at icebreakers and welcoming everybody.
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lilastromama · 3 years
Astrology Hottakes 📌
Water moons are extremely emotionally intelligent
Gemini/Virgo mercuries can talk u in and out of anything, believe me
Pisces men tend to have unstable relationships with their mother, while pisces women tend to have unstable relationships with their father
U will notice a sagittarius moon walking into a room. Their energy is different.
Leo men want to be adored, honored, feared and loved all at once.
Gemini risings looks more like geminis than gemini suns
Libra rising women most often look like forest fairies.
Cancer mars is the scariest Mars placement u can possibly have, together with scorpio. U dont know manipulation until u know one of these fucks
Pisces women tend to lie most often in arguments to back up their statements. They cant stand being proved wrong
aquarius venus is most compatible with either gemini or capricorn venus
taurus placements are the most forgotten in astrology. It seems like people cant read through them
sagittarius suns often play confident, even tho deep down they are not and need people to show them how loveable they truly are
gemini and pisces have a love or hate relationship, nothing in between. Hit or Miss.
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