#if those 2D models are legit
eisa96 · 1 year
THE 2D MODELS. AKITO LOOK MORE SMALLER THAN HE IS IN 1ST YEAR!!!?? HIS SCHOOL UNIFORM IS SO CUTE!!!!!! An also seems to wear a jacket instead of the blazer. RUI ALSO LOOK SO CUTE!!! Mizuki also has an upgrade. The rest seems to be the same except for Tsukasa & Ena. Both are actually wearing BLAZERS
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sapphire-mage · 6 months
Another Really Fucked Up Dream I Had
cw: Unreality (This isn't a fic, this is a legit dream I had)
I just woke up from a really fucked up nightmare. If you know me, I never just have 'scary nightmares'. I gotta have creepy ass experiences that make me question reality.
I had a dream I was playing a horror video game. The dream created this vision that a lot of streamers that I enjoy had played and recommended this game to everyone. It started off almost like a Tomb Raider game in someone's mansion, but you're playing a detective played by Drew Barrymore (even though the graphics are VERY choppy). After some platforming and puzzles, you discover the body of the mansion's owner, with little knowledge of how she died.
The scene cuts to a segway, in which you find that the mansion owner's grandaughter has killed her mother, is implied to have killed her grandmother, and now kills Drew Barrymore's character, ending with her shrieking.
Game cuts to static.
Game suddenly returns, everything is greyscale, and you're now playing in the slums of an area, working with other men and women in hazmat-like suits. There are only two characters not wearing these suits: A creepy old guy dressed like a stuff animal, and a vertically challenged man who kinda functions as 'your boss'. Despite being your boss, the latter was incredibly kind to you, but it never shows me what became of him. But a lot of your co-workers are missing after going deeper down into the facility where you all work at. So you, the player, have to go down further.
The game functioned like most FP indie horror. It's a bit static-y like Signalis, but all the characters look like those jank 2D models that continuously face you as you rotate around them. Apparently, that's by design, as the game reveals that the co-workers you're looking for have become 'corrupt' by something they witnessed, and now they stalk you until they eventually decide to try and kill you.
I remember wandering the empty floors of the game for a while. Greyscale, no music, static and buzzing like sounds. Eventually, the game led to a final segment: The only survivors are yourself, your closest co-worker, and a woman. Although you can't see anyone's face (since they're all in hazmat suits), somehow you can sense the woman's eyes. And she really, REALLY likes looking at you, and you know it's because she wants to kill you.
Meanwhile, you're closest co-worker (a guy) is eyeing her, because he has the hots for her. And you're stucked in this panicked situation, because you just know, she's ready to kill you or him at any second. So, I drew first blood, and took her out before she could take me. My closest co-worker lost his shit and came after me, causing me to put him down as well. The game concludes implying that because I made these choices to end them, I was already corrupted and too far gone. All of us already were. The game ends...
And then the game starts again. I completely get the same vivid visuals of playing the opening segment of the game all over again, with the segments of playing as Drew Barrymore and her character dying and everything. After clearing it, it sends me back into the hazmat suit character again, and I mentally took a notice that I was repeating the game again. And I verbally thought to myself, "Yeah, this was a cool game. But I'm kinda done."
And then I woke up. I was sleeping upside down on my bed (feet at my pillows, head towards the bottom of the bed). I got up slowly, questioning the fact that that was just a dream. I was like, "No... That was a real game! Penny Parker recommended it, and everyone was talking about Jackscepticeye playing it. And it's name was..... GOD, what was the name of that game..."
I could never remember the name. I don't think my dream DID give it a name. It just made it feel so real.
I couldn't find my glasses around my bed, cause I left them in the bathroom. I sat around, looking around to make sure none of that was real. And that I wasn't going crazy from a similar horror plotline happening in real life.
And then, I came here to type this.
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handweavers · 4 years
my final project for my form & structure class requires me to 3d model and then create physically out of hard and soft materials lamp of some kind out of 2d modular planes that is both functional and stylized and include one of those plain ikea cord sets with a switch so the final deliverable is a Legit Real Lamp and i think i'm gonna create some kind of hanging lantern out of layers of large knit leaves with a wire armature inside (still have to draw and play with materials and stuff) but i'm really excited for this. deeply deeply stressed out but also excited
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videostak · 3 years
this one too. i love the weird like completely unexplainable stuff in some of these like christmas math (?) and just whatever the hell the wii logo did at the beginning.. stuff like that is so strange n comforting. i also just like this one cause i love seeing hypothetical ds ports of games on more powerful hardware. like ive been playing pikmin and i really wish there was a legit pikmin game on ds or 3ds using the stylus to point where the pikmin attack wouldve been so cool i kno wii u pikmin 3 prolly has that but i feel like it wouldve felt more natural on the ds/3ds since those dont have the same amt of buttons than the gc had. wouldve loved to see low-poly pikmin maybe olimar would be a 3d model but all the pikmin wouldve been 2d pre-rendered sprites!!! wow! i also had a dream once that there was a port of luigis mansion on the og ds and it was like a one-to-one recreation of the game just with lower polygons n stuff. so cool to have dreams like that
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rijoyk · 4 years
I hope someday, animators will be able to make 3D animation as "fluid and dynamic" as 2D animation in terms of momentum. Some shots from season 4 had that fluidity and I almost felt like it was in perfect harmony with 2D animation, which is a good thing!! But some didn’t feel like it at all (eg: every scene with the Beast Titan, and when the Warhammer fell on the ground when Eren grabbed Lara). Also, they should absolutely work on the framerate , cause I can see that when the 3D titans are in constant movement, the animation changes once every 3 frames (out of 25-30 fps), while in 2D, it usually changes once every 2 frames, and snk does that. I’m pretty sure if they worked on 1 every 2 frames with their 3D models, the result would have been incredible.
I don’t know much about 3D softwares and what they use for japanimation, but if there is an efficient option that can generate more frames to make everything fluider and some sort of slow motion effect at the beginning and the end of the models’ movements, it would look waaaay more legit and close to good quality 2D animation imo.
Oh and, if their softwares can generate more shaded relief, I’d be down for it 💯
I have the feeling the ones chosen to animate in 3D for Japanimation are usually way more skilled in animating in 2D (so this is a waste of potential imo), while there’s a bunch of people who only work for 3D animation, like for video games or full 3D series, who should be hired for that. If employers in Japanimation decide to separate those 2 competences and professionalize jobs for 3D animation, I’m pretty sure we’d stop sh*ting on 3D animation in animes.
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sir-adamus · 5 years
are there more r/wby characters
in Cross Tag? at the moment we have no idea, so far it’s just RWBY themselves and Neo coming in November, and i doubt out of the remaining five character to be announced that any’ll be RWBY characters, it makes more sense we’ll be seeing a rep from each of the other Fates (so out of the four already announced, there’s two Akatsuki Blitzkampf characters and one Senran Kagura character, adding another SK character makes sense cos then there’s two each, another Arcana Heart because that’s only got one representative so far, and then one each for the other three base Fates, BlazBlue, Under Night In-Birth and Persona 4 Arena)
there’ll probably be additional character packs as DLC afterwards, and there’ll probably be a couple more RWBY characters in there, but like, we’ve gotta keep in mind that they have to build these characters from scratch, they’re not pulling resources from other games here, and while ArcSys’s pipeline when it comes to 2D fighters is streamlined as hell (they model the character in 3D first and pose it so they can pixel over it, which also means it’s consistent across the board for their artists working on it), it still takes a long time and it’s not just RWBY characters they’re doing this for anymore, as i’m pretty sure the Senran Kagura stuff would have to be done from scratch too (and then there’s the upscaling of sprites from Under Night and Akatsuki Blitzkampf, so they’re the right size)
we know they recorded announcer lines for a bunch of new RWBY characters - which is not confirmation that all these characters will get in, but just that they’re considering them if they ever want to use them in future (as it’s easier to just those lines recorded while you’ve got the VA in even if you never use them instead of having to spend more money getting them in another time) - and this announcement verified that those lines were legit
characters were: JNPR (i find this lot unlikely just because of the amount it’d take to do the whole team, plus as this’d be volume 2 era Jaune, he’d be completely useless compared to everyone else, and this game doesn’t have any other joke fighters), Sun, Adam, Cinder, Roman, Neo and Emerald
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coconut2877-blog · 5 years
9/10/19 the very start
I’m interested in the translation between physical properties and sounds. This translation is bidirectional, ambiguous yet carefully derived, and potentially creates transformative experience. 
Drama that leads to this 
This past summer marks the burst of my frustration towards music and sounds, which, along with the people involved in it, used to be what saves me from misery and gives me strength.  Experimental music and electronics sounds exhaust me. I miss string noise, hammers stroke on soft woods, and resonating bodies.
In my journal I wrote 
maybe deep down i still repel the idea of electronics, those blatant spectrums without any physical carrier. objects are what give me attachments.
i want sound to be coming from vibration of surfaces, strings, wooden enclosures, vocal cords, stomaches and skins.
Serious Stories that lead to this
Last fall Prof. Selesnick and his DSP lab got me started on physical modeling, the idea of physically simulating how a sounding object vibrates is intimidating yet fascinating somehow - to have the freedom to adjust certain properties (parameters) of an inorganic or organic entity, and synthesize its corresponding sound, to extend appearances beyond rationality and inspect on the sounds it’s capable of making.  
My initial project was using a method called functional transformation method, which wisely avoided the heavy computations incurred in common numerical methods (i.e. finite element methods) while faithfully solving the original partial differential equations, to synthesize sound generated by vibrations of 1D string and 2D surfaces. By the end of the semester I created a plugin for DAW with a GUI that allows users to adjust physical parameters of simple 1D string and 2D rectangular surface models, and accordingly synthesize the sounds in real-time. The end product was convincing yet incomplete, due to its raw-looking GUI and glitch in sounds from computational inefficiency. The rest of the school year I extended it into the third dimension, which already implies a “virtual sounding object” since the box model is technically vibrating (the displacement of the box) in the fourth dimension. Fourth dimension in a spatial sense rather than the time axis that people usually assume. 
Thoughts/Progress over the summer
As of now I realized the shortcoming of a real-time synthesizer. After reading certain chapters in “Digital Sound Synthesis by Physical Modeling Using the Functional Transformation Method”, I realized that my solution needs to be evaluated to see if it falls under the “real-time friendly domain”, if advancing/solving for one time step in the solution takes longer then the actual sampling rate of the plugin. I also thought about the “accessibility” of the form of this project, since plugin still assumes users having DAWs on their laptops, and knowing how to download and install new plugins. As essentially, a tool, this project would need more straightforward, and intuitive if not fun interfaces, and even evoke thinking about sounds in different ways.
I’m trying to synthesize sound as accurately as possible, however that is not the only goal, as it would become a known known problem. Tons of researchers have yielded satisfying theoretical approaches, just that no one I know(I haven’t really searched either) of have built it into a comprehensive and accessible tool yet. I feel that the project I completed above is a good start for making a more flexible physical modeling tool, however that would only mark the start of something bigger/more abstract. 
Looking into the “big blue sky”
I drew a map on my notebook, noting where I go from here. Completing a rather comprehensive tool that implements the physical process is one of my goals, but I also want to move back from where it might end - reverse-engineering the sound back to its physics. A friend brought up a paper Fisher wrote years ago, “on hearing the shape of a drum”, which turns the problem into a complete set theory question centered around mapping from one space to another. I’m not prone to this approach...
What does a sound implies about its shape, dimensionality, and materials? Is it possible to excite an object in a particular way so that it creates a sound alien to its shape? How are speakers designed to remove its intrinsic resonance? What kind of questions are worth asking? What approaches can be legit of investigating this reverse-engineering process? Machine learning or listening tests? 
I have a lot more to do - read about historical context of physical modeling and where my method stands in it, figure out different approaches to model the resonant bodies and experiment with my own transducer + resonator + signal combination, see if MIR (musical information retrieval) is a convincing reverse-engineering approach. 
With that i end with a photo of my notebook. 
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captaindarkguard · 2 years
Dragon Quest Blog 1
Well hell let’s get started. On the 23rd I got pushed into playing my first ever rpg, dragon quest on the switch and it was hell
not even like ‘I don’t know how to do turn based combat so life sucks as I keep dying’ no I at least have been doing pretty swell so far on that point, but I was told to play it since I was joking I wanted to play a villain and my friend was like ‘then play dragon quest, you’re literally a hero who’s a villain’ so I’m just sure whatever
then the game fucking starts and I realize ‘holy shit I’m a villain.. and the game has me set up with a town that loves me and raised me and saved my life. I’m gonna get these fuckers killed if I play the plot holy fuck’
I don’t know what it was but I found myself doing anything I fucking could to avoid continuing the plot. exploring, trying to find any secret items. I was just like ‘dammit first game and it’s set up to get my home killed after already loosing my sib and mom thanks game what the shit’ and like when I got to the kings room, finally after all this time delaying and hearing the guard being like ‘so you’re the dark-- I mean’ I legit left the whole building in game again, saved, and fuffed around so more because it was the most obvious, in your face
“yeah you go in here they gone for sure die, sorry if you picked up or were spoiled too bad they dead and you gotta kill them”
It suuuucked
what the fuck game let me n o t
You got the signs up out in front very clear ‘you continue they die’ and I gotta go in there? the hell let me just go after the actual dark lord come on man
finally like three hours after talking to the darkspawn guard dude I finally went in and seeing those two lines of guards plus the generals it was so fucking obvious ‘oh shit, well, guess that dungeon place the villagers were talking about is going to be soon my best friend. hello assholes, ready to fuck up everything and kill innocents without the dark lord needing to lift a finger?’
it was some bullshit trip
holy fuck the hero just telling where he came from so calmly just being so chill without a clue. poor dude you’re too trusting please man please.
but to distract from all that for a minute the style of this game though is real cool but also real weird. I play in 3D mode, and like what the fuck is with the choice for having 3d models for everything but like people’s heads are the only thing that often even moves. They node, they mouth move, they tilt or whatever, hair moves, and then their body is stiff as a board like some creepy talk sprite gone wrong. It works well in 2d but with 3d models it just freaky.
otherwise seriously the game looks amazing and it’s fun to explore i’m really excited to get later into the game and see the other places and continents it mentioned in a book.
and kick that dragon’s ass who flamed our asses out of jail escape. Fuck that guy. I’ll beat your ass one day ... I hope . I don’t know if the game even lets us actually kill dragons but if it does YOURE ON THE PLATTER BOY
with that yeah i got out of the jail cell, thanks to blue haired thief boy who’s always over the top in combat and that’s fine, fun guy. Hilarious though. My friend just always looks over my shoulder if he’s around and I’m playing just to laugh at his ending battle pose.
He legit puts away his knife, turns around, and then twists his body to look back to where he was standing, hand on hip, all ‘fuck yes I’m dark deep and edge’ it’s fucking great.
Yeah I attacked guards instead of avoiding them. they deserved to get their asses kicked.
did the chase scenes, jumped off a damn cliff into the waters below, and at the poor nun who’s been taking care of terrifying villains lol
wonder how things will go from here.
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earthnashes · 7 years
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I’m excited for you to be going to SCAD! I adored the school and I hope you do too! Which one are you going to, by the way? I personally went to the Atlanta one and I would honestly recommend it over the Savannah one if you’re going in for animation. But the choice is entirely yours!
So as far as the animation process goes: they might change it by the time you become a senior, but for me it went like this.
-The senior film is legit it’s own separate entity, in that it takes over 4 classes in total. They are your last major classes: Concept Development, Senior Animation Project 1, Senior Animation Project 2, Post-production. Four classes that you must take over the course of 4 quarters, you can’t take them at the same time because they follow the animation production pipeline. The basic of it is:
1. Pre-production = Concept Development. This is where you come up with the idea. Often times, you won’t be able to use an idea you’d had for years because in the end, they will be too complicated or something of those lines for a short film. Not only that, you shouldn’t be married to the idea at this stage, because your film has the very high likely hood of changing in one way or another, and if this idea is something you aren’t willing to change even a tiny bit, you might want to reconsider it. This is also where you begin trying to find the overall asthetic and design of your film: this is were the rough work begins. A lot of this stage is exploration and research, tons of research. My film was inspired by many things: bears and Haida art mainly. So I had to research and study bears (what they ate, where they lived, the bond between cub and parent, anatomy), the art style I was borrowing from, the location it took place in (vaguely Canadian wilderness) and how Salmon worked during their salmon run.
2. Production = Senior 1 and Senior 2. This is where you begin bringing your idea into fruition. Senior one is mostly you working on completing your assets. The Assets are what you need to bring your film to completion. If it’s 2D you need fully painted BGs, layouts, character designs, puppet rigs if you’re gonna use Puppet Animation in any given way. For 3D it’s modeling and rigging your characters, modeling and rigging your props (trees, cars, cups, background items), testing those rigs, weightpainting, setting up your scenes and cameras so animation will take priority later. Both 3D and 2D need an animatic done too: animatics are used to help you time your film out properly and to see if the story actually works. Not just written wise but shot-wise too.
After that comes Senior 2: this is where you will focus mainly on animation. Because of the quarter system SCAD has, this part can be grueling if you aren’t where you need to be, so stay as focused as you can. This is where you’re possibly at your most lonesome in the film if you didn’t recruit help. I animated everything in my film with the exception of some of the special effects and it can get tiresome. If you grow tired of your film then don’t fret, because this is almost guaranteed to happen at least once at some point of the film’s production. Also organization, especially at this stage, is a must. You’ll burn yourself out if you don’t know what you’re doing with yourself, and organization here will take a lot of that load off.
3. Post-production= Senior Post Production. This is where you clean up your animation, color it, animate your special effects, do your lighting, sound design, and musical score if you want it in your film. I was actually ahead of the game in this department, specifically sound design and musical score: that was finished in senior 2 and it took so much of the stress off my shoulders. Every class follows milestones, but everyone progresses at different paces, so you typically set your own milestones. So long as you make them with the stuff you promised and make progress with your film, you’ll pass no problem. BUT This is the point where you have to finish your film, or at least get it at least 95% done. If you don’t finish your film you have a high chance of failing this class and in turn, a high chance of being unable to graduate until the film is completed.
NOW! All of this said, collaboration is very, very smart for your film. And it is very encouraged by the school. So make friends or alleys or acquaintances! If you have a hard time with that no fear, because SCAD Atlanta has a thing called Collab Fair where animation and game students rent a booth (completely free) to essentially advertise your film and look for volunteers to help with your film. There is also a very helpful site called Artella where you can post up your project and find the talent you need for your film: this is where I found my amazing music composer, cleanup artist/effects animator, and sound designer.
Don’t know how to animate effects? Find someone to do it for you! Music? Same thing. Animation in general? Same thing (an animation major does not have to be an animator. You can be a 3D modeler and would still be considered an animation major, it all depends on your focus).  That all said, it’s a smart idea to go for a film you can feasibly make by yourself. Will it hurt? Absolutely; the film has to be a minimum of 30 seconds long, and yes, you have a year to do it, but that does not make it any easier because of all the steps you must take to make your film succeed. SCAD is called by the students Sleep Comes After Death for a reason. 
It is very likely that the people you bring on to your project will completely leave it and do little or no work for it, leaving you to fend for yourself. It’s never out of spite and almost always because... well. At SCAD, or anywhere, people simply don’t have the time to contribute. So be prepared for that.
I hope this answered your question, and if you have anymore about SCAD or the film project or anything else just let me know!
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asimplechaos · 6 years
and tbh ,
i’m probably hella biased too because i grew up with rescue team and explorers. not to mention i got the whole explorers story with kera and stuff
those games were my fucking jam when i was a kid and i would spend DAYS playing them on end
i played gates when it first came out and now i barely remember anything with the story, which is the primary reason why it’s ranked the last on my list,, i also recall being super put-off by them moving on to 3d models instead of 2d sprites, which probably also dampened my mood
though i did have a legit reason why it Bothered me other than i just like sprite work better. because of the smooth lines instead of the crisp pixels, it was hard to see a lot of dungeon paths, so i kept running into enemy pokemon and shit
but i don’t hate either of the 3d ones by any means dsfdgdfg i don’t get why people are so up in arms about them
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sacriilegious · 4 years
Oven Repairs
What are the vital elements whilst deciding on the  Engagement Rings Perth quality repairer to your oven or stove?
The following list ought to be an excellent start:
Do you need an electrician or gasoline more fit? Does the technician have the proper certification? Does the organisation have the proper Licenses i.E. Electrical contractors license? What are their expenses? What Brands do they provider? How do their warranties compare? Do they've the rights components on board? Are they members of a height body affiliation? Do they've posted guidelines and procedures? Well, appears simple enough, or as a minimum in case you study enough blogs and many others. You'll discover many versions on the above listing pointing out their method/listing/hints are the panacea for your catch 22 situation; a way to pick the proper repairer!
The reality is massively distinctive. Most human beings needing their oven or range repaired don't have time to make a list and methodically take a look at it off before making a reserving. Worse nevertheless, in little Adelaide you're restricted to a handful of really expert repairers who restore ovens and stoves for a living, in which their abilities, assets, stock, components and so on in shape your requirements.
So what can you do this is short and clean whilst still enhancing your possibilities of having a great repairer? If you do not have time to read the entire article, you may bounce to the precis on the quit of the thing, meanwhile the advice I can provide in a single sentence is  things: Remember a) most foremost appliance repairers will let you know what you need to pay attention, and b) you most effective get what you pay for... If you're lucky!
However, If you are inquisitive about the scenic model, excellent, we will revisit some of the bullet factors above and hopefully nice song to your bull-dust radar.
Q. Does the technician have the right certification?
A. Yes Remember most will inform you what you need to pay attention. But the actual answer lies in a prolonged dialogue. For instance; is your appliance electric or fuel. Then we need to decide if the trouble is electrical or fuel. Most gasoline ovens or stoves have electrical structures inside them, which, if the oven or range is hardwired, requires a registered electrician to perform the restore. If the oven or stove has an electrical fault and the unit is not tough stressed out, then the chances are the average refrigeration mechanic can undertake the repair legitimately. But and isn't always there constantly a however, how do  if the unit is hardwired? And how do you already know if the unit has an electrical or gasoline fault. Most clients won't know! The purpose those clever lists are frequently no longer all that helpful is which you don't have any way of understanding if the repairer has informed a white lie or no longer. In reality, they do not either. They want to peer the process earlier than making that judgement. And right here is the motive they instructed you what you want to pay attention; because most will collect a minimum payment at the first visit no matter whether they could complete the repair or now not. The greater expert repairer will tell you who you want to call, however for them, the payoff has already been executed; that being fee for the primary visit.
Q. What are your charges?
A. Various. Many will nation a name out price, plus a price. Most call out charges consist of some maximum time limit i.E. 1/four or half of an hour. Some will qualify a hard and fast price. Many will exclude the GST. But you, being a switched on man or woman, googled for a repairer that doesn't charge a call out fee. Well, earlier than you pat yourself at the returned too tough, ensure you ask "what the minimum price will be". Many repairers are responding to the pressures of what we check with as the "Deal Shoppers" who ring around city and evaluate fees and pick the most inexpensive price. Those who ebook a name with the cheapest deal rarely end up getting the excellent restore. And if they do get a cheap process, there are typically accurate reasons underpinning that capacity, i.E. Reducing corners, fitting reasonably-priced or 2d hand components, now not paying insurances, not paying accurate wages, now not the use of qualified tradespeople, not being careful to refit covers and alike with all their screws and protection harnesses and the list is going on. Remember, you simplest get what you pay for.
Q. What brands do they provider?
A. Your brand! - Because it is what you want to hear! Most will let you know they could provider your brand, and for the most part it's genuine. On the alternative stop of the scale are the emblem particular repairers who're typically pleased with the manufacturers they provider as it displays their fame within the enterprise. They keep it out like a badge of honour and will inform toot candy in the event that they do not carrier your brand. Specialists will bring extra components for a given emblem, so their probabilities of completing a task at some point of the first visit is higher than someone who upkeep the whole lot and anything. The compromise for brand particular repairer is the list of home equipment that emblem covers i.E. Ovens, stoves, washing machines, dishwashers, range-hoods, microwaves, dryers and others. Which approach the gap for oven or stove parts compete with pumps, and vehicles and seals and timers of the opposite appliances. Look for the repairer who specialises to your emblem oven or stove.
Q. What is your assurance?
A. One year! Or at the least that is the maximum probable solution, because it's what you need to listen. But that is a complicated piece of client legislation. There are two aspects of warranty, labour and substances. The ordinary warranty for Labour is 3 months. Both of which the court will throw out the window if it is a rely before them. But these periods function an inexpensive manual. The trap is in the judgement. If a repairer has to go back to a task to repair a don't forget, how do you decide if the paintings that become finished is the reason or if the motive is a extraordinary fault altogether. There is a better than accurate danger the latter is the case. Those organizations that offer longer warranties know that the probabilities they will must cover the price of upkeep under the terms of guarantee are very low. In truth, it has the brought benefit of appearing like a loyalty program. If the warranty extends to say 5 years or 10 years or maybe an entire life warranty do not forget you're unlikely so that it will judge if the warranty fault is what was formerly repaired. So, during the prolonged guarantee you may call the warranting business enterprise first within the faulty belief the paintings may be completed without spending a dime, that's authentic for very few, if any of those go back visits. Remember, if it appears too suitable to be proper... It likely is.
Q. Do they have got the right elements on board?
A. Yes - Because it's what you need to hear! Service cars have limited area, as such high turnover/excessive income parts constitute the largest quantity held. Repairers frequently qualify the component(s) are commonly held in stock. But that does not suggest it is inside the van that is distinct in your task. No restore agency doing foremost appliance provider paintings is able to preserve an correct up to date van inventory. Which way more likely than no longer, staff taking the reserving haven't any concept what's within the van. Stock held inside the van is best one trouble, the second one is the pleasant of the element. Elements, thermostats, hinges, door seals, etc. Are not made by the logo producer. Elements as an example are made by means of dozens of producers, but they commonly most effective make factors. Brand manufacturers buy their factors from the more legit suppliers, difficulty to a settlement. However those same factors also are made through replica producers. Some are exact best, a few are doubtful. But the distinction is the charge. Cheaper factors may be sold for as much as 50% inexpensive than the better excellent elements.
Q. Is the repairer a member of an Association.
A. Yes - you guessed it, because that's what you want to hear. Electricians are regularly members of NECA the National Electrical Contractors Association. The query is, how does that assist you qualify the repairer is a bonafide, first-rate operator? Simple, it doesn't! This institution are honestly approximately electric contractors who cord building - huge and small. AIA Appliance Industry Australia is probably the primary applicable association. Sadly in South Australia on the way to limit you to one repairer, Electrolux. My enjoy is that the Major Appliance Repair industry is simply too small to aid the actual work essential to validate a repairer as a bona fide high-quality operator. Just because the repairer is a member of an association doesn't suggest they'll be held to a better wellknown of restore.
Q. Do they've published coverage and technique.
A. Hopefully yes, however much more likely no. However, this is a valid method of improving your chances of getting a quality repairer. But absolutely who desires to or has time to read a businesses coverage and system earlier than creating a booking. No one. And then there may be usually the probability that the written files, if they may be made to be had are marketing tools instead of the method and method via which the repairer operates. Having get admission to to a repairers coverage and system is beneficial, however best if a) you have time to study and understand them and b) if you could verify they conform to them.
If you cannot be stricken analyzing the lengthy model above, here's the abbreviated version.
Make certain you qualify the minimum payable fee at the outset. No call out charge, does not suggest "Free".
Fixed fee maintenance is a valid gain for simple repairs. Because those repairers need to finish the work within a restricted time period and visits to remain profitable. They commonly restriction their time to 1/2 an hour on the first activity. Generally they do not adopt complicated diagnostics or repairs.
When engaging a repairer who qualifies "Free quotes" make certain the quote is obligation free and that your equipment remains for your care. Most repairers who provide unfastened quotes recoup their quotation fees via a margin constructed into the repair paintings. However, if you do not proceed with the upkeep, a charge is normally forth coming.
Ask if there is extra expenses if a return go to to healthy elements is needed. Most repairers have a margin built into the elements, but others do not and add a fee for travel.
Cheap or 2d hand elements are impossible with a purpose to display for. Here you depend upon your gut experience and enjoy. If they force a beat up old van, put on greasy - torn clothes, appearance unkempt you may in all likelihood count on to get ripped off. But that doesn't imply, just because they arrive in a clean van all dressed to electrify that they're sincere great operators, however normally your probabilities improve.
One of the approaches technicians shorten their time at the task is to bend covers, leave screws out and generally harm panels that cannot be visible. They fail to re-clip or cozy cables and many others. Again this is hard to display for, but can commonly be measured via the range of jobs they e-book an afternoon. 8 calls an afternoon is a reasonably busy day. If they do extra than 10 jobs an afternoon or whole jobs in 15 mins or less you can effectively count on they're taking quick cuts.
Long waiting times for parts are common on this industry. Some are legitimate and some aren't. Some repairers use components as a method to improve their scheduling efficiency. These repairers realize you won't wait very long for the preliminary visit, however once they have accumulated money for the preliminary visit you're devoted to wait for the go back visit. Try to get a gauge for a way lengthy elements will take earlier than making the preliminary booking. This wont triumph over the trouble, however might assist manage your expectations. Remember... You simplest get what you pay for and handiest in case you're fortunate. That is a fundamental regulation of commercial enterprise, as rock strong as the regulation of gravity. Make positive you understand why the differences exist; simplest then are you ready to make an knowledgeable choice on upkeep.
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patrickjane92us · 5 years
The Future of Ray Tracing.
About Ray Tracing
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Hey folks lets talk about Graphics and the big news around Ray tracing computer graphics have come in an incredible way since the days of the first video game. Games started off as grids of white squares on a gray background and they've advanced through 2d scenes with 8 and then 16 bit color to polygons complex textures and full 3d. Today games use tools like tessellation shaders occlusion and mapping to achieve nearly photorealistic results and we may be getting closer to that holy grail of lifelike graphics Ray tracing. Let's back up a bit since those early 3d days some of the biggest improvements in graphics have had to do with the way scenes render shadows and reflections, in 2004 doom 3 introduced some of the first high-quality dynamic shadows in gaming this meant the shadows moved with the lights and the characters in the game and the results were fantastic, eerie lighting cast long shadows on catwalks and when enemies ran through hallways lit by swinging lights they cast chaotic shadows that moved with them as they ran it all worked together to thoroughly freak out gamers of the day. Those great shadow and lighting techniques have come a long way since doom 3 but they are still today fundamentally based on the same idea called rasterization. In rasterization a scene is drawn pixel by pixel with the game engine checking things like distance texture proximity light sources and occlusion whether or not anything is in the way before they pick a color for that pixel you move pixel by pixel through a scene and calculate the color for each one based off this physics and geometry of the scene around you eventually you build an image in rasterization lighting is particularly challenging. Light sources kind of project a field where things inside that field get lighter on one side the side facing the light and cast a shadow on the other side but in the real world light doesn't just move in a straight line like that it bounces and diffuses and passes through objects all depending on what they're made of and that's a lot to account for. In rasterization for each light source the computer works out if something is blocking the path of that light and if it is the computer runs through a series of calculations to work out what to do next and the simplest it'll just cast a shadow more complex processes like ambient occlusion try to adjust for the objects in the scene tweaking the lighting to account for the way objects reflect light and cast some shadows on each other but still these methods are relatively crude the simplest forms of ambient occlusion called screen space ambient occlusion or SSAO only account for the depth of an object in the scene, it essentially tries to put more shadows on objects behind other objects but it doesn't actually account for where the lights in the scene are even advanced ambient occlusion at best creates diffuse shadows that still don't actually relate to where light is coming from and all of these methods struggle with direct light harsh shadows mixed lighting basically the wave reflections shadows and highlights all work in the real world. All of this is an attempt to get to what people call global illumination which is the idea that a graphic scene could be rendered just like the real world and here's where ray tracing comes in in the real world light sources emit photons that travel in a straight line until they hit a surface and there they can either pass through the surface be reflected or absorbed these photons bounce around and eventually some of them make it into your eyes and that's how you see. Ray tracing tries to work the exact same way but backwards it draws millions of rays outwards from the camera your perspective in a video game and then it calculates how they'll bounce around the scene whenever array bounces off an object another ray called a shadow ray is drawn towards the light sources in the scene if there's a clear path that first ray makes the object it bounced off writer and if it's blocked it casts a shadow instead the big upside to ray tracing is hyper realistic reflections shadows and highlights that don't need to be pre-rendered all of this lighting detail can be generated based off the geometry in the scene and as characters and lights move around the light changes in dynamic and realistic ways. Ray tracing is particularly good at reflections and refraction things like light moving through a glass of water and color spill or the way that a brightly colored object can change the color of other objects near it. Now ray tracing is potentially actually a simpler system than layering lighting models with shadows and shaders and occlusion but calculating the paths of millions of rays can take an incredible amount of processing power to fully rate raise a standard 1920 x 1080 HD scene you need to draw a minimum of 4 million rays to start getting good results and potentially 50 million or more the backwards system of drawing the Rays out from the camera instead of out from light sources is actually a way to try to cut down on processing by only rendering the Rays that will actually be seen by the player even with this backwards ray trick processing ray-traced images has traditionally been incredibly slow and no games currently used real-time ray tracing
Ray Tracing in Movies
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The technology has been entirely limited to pre-rendered video and Hollywood movies animated Studios like Pixar extensively used ray tracing in their films and part of what makes modern special-effects blend so well with real-world footage is the use of ray tracing to create accurate lighting for every part of the scene now these Studios have the luxury of using render farms with dozens of computers working together and even here each frame can take hours to draw instead of the fraction of a second we need for a playable game “a single frame can take more than 24 hours to render”.
Ray Tracing for gaming
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The new technology might be changing this, Microsoft has unveiled a new set of tools in DirectX 12 which supports ray tracing. DirectX is the set of graphics tools that power most windows games at a fundamental level and their newly announced DXR API supports ray tracing in games Nvidia also announced their own set of tools called RTX that would leverage their own hardware to speed up real time ray tracing in games, DXR should work on older Nvidia cards as software but RTX actually depends on hardware acceleration that's currently only found on Nvidia's volta line of graphics cards specifically RTX is supposed to add hardware acceleration for ray tracing area shadows reflections and ambient occlusion now this should all work together to create a more lifelike scene not one to be left out AMD announced updates to their radeon ray tracing system including support for real-time ray tracing in games and promised low-level driver support for Microsoft's DXR in the near future unity the game engine of choice for many indie developers is also incorporating AMD's Ray tracing tech into their game design tools though only for what's called baked or non moving lights so are we at the verge of a ray tracing revolution well not quite yet and here's where things actually get a little fishy. NVIDIA is saying it's volta cards will support ray tracing at a hardware level the way current graphic cards have specialized circuits and hardware for shaders or decoding video however on current Volta cards it's unclear what those special Hardware features actually are now part of the problem is that there are almost no volta graphics cards out there most volta cards are actually specialized boards used for supercomputers and AI research and the only one even approaching a consumer product is the $3,000 Titan VIII the recently announced GV 100 Quadro is a professional card that built on Volta and it looks to be extraordinarily powerful but it still isn't really a gaming card, rumors have also suggested Nvidia may entirely skip consumer cards in the volta line and while NVIDIA has said future graphics cards for gamers will incorporate the same hardware acceleration for ray tracing we don't actually know what those future graphics cards will be and as amazing as these demos look there's still more reason to be skeptical Epic's ray tracing demo at GDC was running in real time but it was running on an NVIDIA GTX station a computer that starts at around $50,000 and packs a 20 core processor in with four tesla v 100 cards each of which runs around $9,000 now confusingly tesla was also in the name of a previous Nvidia architecture but the tesla v 100 actually uses a voltage chip as great as these demos look many of them still actually had to use traditional rasterization on parts of the scene to keep the frame rates up as well this also isn't the first time we've heard announcements about real time ray racing Nvidia actually announced real time ray tracing on their Kepler chips at GDC 2012 six years ago so where does all this leave us ? But ray tracing is legit tech that really could make graphics look amazing but the demos we've seen this last year aren't even entirely ray-traced and they were running on hardware that is a long ways from what the average gamer might own Plus this isn't the first time companies have claimed ray tracing was just around the corner Intel made these claims in 2010 and so did Nvidia in 2012 there's another part of this to that as a PC gamer I hate to even talk about it but it's the consoles if running these raytrace demos on a normal gaming PC seems like a fantasy you try getting them to run on a ps4 integrating ray-tracing into a game isn't like flipping a switch it'll take serious work on the part of developers to bring ray-traced graphics into a game I'm sure in the next few years some rave developer come out with an insane ray-traced project for the PC master-race but until the consoles can come close to handling this sort of graphics rendering great racing for all may still be a long ways off.
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artellahq · 8 years
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Learn how to start your animation production on Artella
By: Bobby Beck
Creating an animated project is not only fun, it’s incredibly rewarding. This post is a detailed guide to help you start your animation production on Artella.
1. A project lives or dies by the engagement of the creator
The success or failure of a project is determined by the level of engagement of the creator/director. This is perhaps the most important tip of all.
If you are going to start a project know that it’s going to take a lot of effort and attention. You are the captain of the ship. If you go missing, don’t answer messages, miss meetings, or don’t give feedback in a timely manner (24 hours max) the team will wane fast.
You are only human, so be sure to be clear to your team when you will be out. Appoint a stand in team member to take the lead if you must be out to cover and keep the production moving during any out times you may have.
If you do want to create an animated project make sure you have the time to dedicate to it. For instance, if you’re about to have a baby, it’s most likely not the right time to start a project.
2. Private or Public?
The only project pages viewable to the public on Artella are the Overview and Crew page. All other pages (your files, feed, etc.) are private and only viewable by your project crew.
3. Clicking the “New Project” button
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Okay, so you’ve determined that you have the time to dedicate to make your project come to life. Now it’s time to fill out your project overview page. Here we go!
Cover Image: An exciting cover image will attract potential crew members to your project. If you don’t have concept art we recommend reaching out to someone whose work you like and inquire to see if they would be willing to create a cover image for your project. Doing this will go a long way to making your project exciting from day one. We recommend having this cover image before you click the publish button on your project.
Description: If you have them, be sure to use sketches and additional concept art in your description as this will only help attract people to your project. Be sure to let people know what type of funding you will be using on your project (even if it is a volunteer based project, it is important to let people know this clearly on your project overview page). Here are few examples of well built out project overview pages; Solstice, The Beacon, DUEL.
Pitch Video: we’ll go into this in detail below.
Your project overview is not viewable by others until you click “publish”. You can preview your project before you publish it and you can work on your overview as much and as long as you’d like until you are ready to make it visible to others; i.e. clicking the “Publish” button.
This video walkthroughs how to setup your project overview page. 
4. Adding a pitch video
There’s no doubt projects that have taken the time to create a pitch video are amongst our most popular and most active projects on Artella. We highly encourage you to make one as it will help others learn more about your passion and excitement for the project.
The team at Kickstarter created a great “dos and don’ts” walkthrough for simple pitch videos. We highly recommend following these guidelines for your Artella pitch video.
Here are a few examples of projects with pitch videos on Artella:
The Wrong Rock
Thistle One
5. Important tips for posting Open Positions
Post Open Positions in stages: A common mistake is to list EVERY position you think you’ll need right when you publish your project. The problem with this is that you’ll get people you need much later in your production and, by the time you need them, they will have moved on or have lost interest.
The ideal is to list the TOP 4 - 5 positions you need right now on your production. This will allow you to dig in with a smaller team and tackle what you’re working on, and right in the stage you are in. As you near the end of that stage, post the next 4 - 5 positions you need and begin searching the online portfolios within the community for potential candidates and reach out to those that interest you.
These are the general stages we recommend recruiting in:
Pre-production 1 - Production coordinator, editor, CG supervisor (your technical counterpart who will be your right hand throughout the production process), Artella specialist (trained members on our file management system - pipeline), concept and/or visual development artist/s , character designer, storyboard artist and/or previsualization artist.
Pre-Production 2 - Social media manager (start thinking about your audience early on and, at this stage, you’ll have some things to start sharing), Modeler/s (hard surface, environment and character modeler), rigger and one animator a bit later into this stage to start testing the rig before animation officially begins.
Production 1 - Color key artist, surfacing/texturing artist/s, layout, animator/s.
Production 2 - FX, simulation, lighting artist/s, compositing artists, sound designer (once cut is locked) and composer.
Post Production - Color correction, sound mixer (could be your sound designer).
Understanding the production process is a topic we will go much deeper into in future blog posts. For now you can get a general sense of the stages an animated film goes through to get an idea of how the above stages relate.
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6. Funding Type: Paid, Crowdfunded or Volunteer based
If your project is being created to make money (e.g. a product, a pitch for a TV series, a game published for profit, etc.) then you should find a way to pay your crew members. Be it through crowdfunding, savings, equity sharing of potential profits, Patreon, or some other method. We’ll go deeper into this topic in a future blog post.
If your project is simply being made as a passion-based project then it is common to ask others to work on it on a volunteer basis. Professional artists will most likely want some form of payment, so, if you’re doing a volunteer based project, remember not to be too picky as the next great artist might be someone who just needs a little more time on a project like yours.
We’ve talked before about Crowdfunding and there is an excellent course on Udemy we recommend if you’re considering going this route. Just know that the fate of your crowdfunding campaign is generally determined before you hit the publish button. So be sure to read the article and check out the overview video on the Udemy class at a minimum.
Crowdfunding button. On Artella you can enter the URL of your crowdfunding campaign and a button will automatically be added to your overview page. Then, when people visit your overview page for open positions, they will see that you are making the effort and they may want to help support your project, too.
7. Social Media
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It’s never too early to start thinking about your audience. Pick the social channels you want to build your audience on (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) and start building your following. In #5 above we recommended having a social media manager on your project, who can run this part of the project so that you can stay focused on the project itself.
8. Legal stuff: NDAs, Contracts and other good stuff
NDA’s: or non disclosure agreements, are common on projects. A non disclosure agreement is a good way to give you peace of mind on several things:
It keeps your idea protected and private to just the people on your crew.
It asks that your crew members do not share anything outside of the project itself.
It gives your team the sense that your project is legit and that you are all taking it seriously.
NDA’s can be tricky to enforce as your team will most likely be spread out across the globe and laws vary between state-to-state and country-to-country.
Here is an example of our company NDA. It is not meant to be copied or reused, rather it is meant to give you an idea of the type of information you might consider having in your NDA.
Contracts: If you are paying people or sharing crowdfunding dollars you will want to have a contract in place for payment. Your crew members will want to know how they are paid, when they will be paid and how much they are going to be paid.
LegalZoom is a great site that covers a wide variety of topics from NDA’s, employment contracts through to incorporating if you choose to go that route.
A note on legal docs: We work hard to make our legal documents human readable and short. This is helpful for most people as they will better understand what they are signing and removes confusion.  
9. How much attention to give your crew
Weekly meetings: We highly recommend meeting with your crew once a week and providing them with focused tasks for the upcoming week. You can also address any issues, challenges or concerns your team has at that time.
Answer your messages: You may get a lot of inquiry and applications to your project. It is common courtesy to reply back to applicants within a 24 - 48 hour window. Even if it’s not going to be a fit for your project it’s best to let them know so that they don’t sit around waiting to hear back… yes, they are waiting.
Checking your Project Feed: To keep your project active, we recommend checking your project feed several times a day. If a day goes by without something being posted then we recommend finding something that you have moved forward and post it up as this will keep the team engaged and alert.
An active project is a healthy project.
10. BONUS Material - Production Management Docs
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Here are some docs we’ve cultivated with several other project that will help you project manage your production. Make a copy of the docs (File > Make a Copy...) and use them as you wish. Let us know if you make improvements.
1. Asset Development Template - Courtesy of Thistle One
2. Shot Production Template - Courtesy of DUEL
We hope this helps you get your 2D or 3D animation production started and off in the right direction on Artella.
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mistedfence · 5 years
shlooting and rpgs, Celestialvania
so, looter shooters (shlooters) and rpg leveling were recent thoughts of mine for this little celestialvania game i had, which drew influence from bl2, pokemon, and hld for gameplay base, but with a more jojo-stand esque usage of teams/abilities. 
i’ve started to realize that pokemon combines the two: what pops up in rng encounters is what you can level and customize via moveset. bl2 takes the (more or less) opposite approach, the rng loot that you can find have static stats and passives; what you level is yourself as a character. generally, through the game, you level your character just based on what seems appealing, in terms of overarching gameplay style or just down one of the three trees for that sick capstone, and if you happen to loot some good rarity gun that fits your skill tree at the moment, then awesome. it’s really only lategame, where you’re starting to get the legendaries and legit loot, that you might consider respeccing your build around specific guns, shields, class mods, grenades, etc. Ok wow, I need to punctuate because holy shit. 
So I guess what I need to figure out going onwards is why exactly BL2′s system is so good. I think part of the reason is the need to constantly find new equipment as you rapidly outgrow it in harsher levels/environments, and there’s that sentimental point of finally replacing a reliable gear that carried you through a significant point of the game. I guess that’s really Pokemon’s strength, then, in that you’re supposed to become attached to specific Pokemon and never outgrow them, only deepen your bond as you level them to the last of the game’s content. We’re gonna ignore PVP connotations for now, because I don’t think a game with network connectivity or PvP is anywhere near what I’m able to do for game-making right now. So, loot shooting is kind of a different “badge” of devotion, of showcasing a rare as fuck loot that you can only get by farming untold hours, defeating shit hard bosses, or farming shit hard bosses. 
There’s also a reverse timeline of where the rng comes in. BL2′s is at the “end”, where either you get the drop or you don’t, and getting it marks the end of your struggle and the beginning of funtimes. Pokemon’s rng is at the very beginning, and is a lot less black and white with all the varieties of stats and their combinations affecting viability. Pokemon therefore has the problem where rng actually kinda fucks with the sentimentality they have going if you become the kind of person that catches tons of a Pokemon until you find one with the stats/nature you want. The most common solution to mitigating the bad feeling of having a bunch of captured nobodies seems to be sacrificing them towards your main a la Gachas (Love Live, Granblue Fantasy, Puzzles and Dragons), but that still just feels horrid (lol Pokemon Go).
So lets talk a short bit about my game idea, tentative name Celestialvania. (I came up with the idea after seeing a gorgeous two story wooden house at twilight (the dark, late, basically night, good kind) when out on a walk. It was actually hella close to my house, but I never noticed because it was so concealed by shrubbery and tall trees. Wanna say it had a Victorian style, but I’m pretty sure that’s wrong as shit, but idk what else to call it. Tall and woody with tall and thin 2nd story windows (really all i could see of the house) and a tall pointed roof.) Cosmic horror/occult naturey vibe. Context is a spaceship of sorts sailing to a distant location, but old and traveling enough to the point where it’s basically just a piece of Earth, suburban and foresty and all, with an artificial sky. Come some shenanigans, night permanently falls with the failure of the sky, and its up to you as some plucky racially and genderly ambiguous teen to band with your hot and queer and plucky and cheer squad to do shit, whether its meeting up in the Asian restaurant one’s parents own that’s conveniently the only store in the entire downtown that still has power, beaning monsters in the local forest, fighting a great beast / really tall trench-coated occult looking humanoid mf at the highschool football stadium, or realizing that the old local church is actually a really large elevator to the 2nd world under your own, where “stars” are just laid out in a flat grid and named as cartesian coordinates and they’re much more urban and casually high tech than you are. Also a sea that’s the cooling vat for the main power, but contamination of the sea with creatures that feed off this thermal and otheryadda power has lead to darkness and some shit developing in said darkness. Anyway the point is I thought of some damage types for rock paper scissors pokemony style, with planetary (default physical), gravitas, constellation, nebulous, solar, and nautical. The point is I want you to be able to assemble a “team”, like in Pokemon, but the combat is more like Hyper Light Drifter or dare I say it Dark Souls. While you still have an “active” team member like in Pokemon, the rest of the team still gives passives and gameplay affects to yourself. Hence “Jojo stands”.
The main issue I had earlier that I’m hoping to figure out, typing all this out now, is how to flesh out a design of capturing members for said team, as they’d be cosmic entities of varying creature-ness and cosmic type. Like as in, what would be the factors that’d be rng-ey. BL2 is rng in two factors, more or less: passive and stats. Rarity classifications/colors are basically just a tier system for this rng gear. BL2 stats are Damage, Accuracy, Fire Rate, Reload Speed, and Magazine Size. Oh I guess a 3rd factor is weapon brand, because each has special factors there too, from Torgue’s rocket ammo on assault rifles and shotguns to Jakobs lack of full automatic but fire rate limited only by manual trigger pull speed. I started thinking up type interactions, but that’s honestly probably another post because this one is getting long. Still wondering though if this answer will just come to me as I flesh out the interactions of the types more and more. It all feels like it can’t exist or begin development without other pieces already in place, but it feels like those pieces are relying on every other too.
But then I did raise a good point. Stats. What sort of stats does my game want? Shit, what stats does Hyper Light Drifter even have? Time to do some research. That’ll hopefully help a bit with my question of hitboxes. Dark Souls is sick because of how good the hitboxes are with swing timing and range in a 3D atmosphere. So many times, sick victories against enemies are pulled off by swinging and landing your hit while they’re also in the middle of a heavy ass swing. I’m not sure how to equate that in a top down pixel-ey game. I thought about “hard-coding” damage timing with animations of attacks, as well as actually just using 3D models but just stuck to a top-down view a bit like how 2D fighters like Dragonball Z Fighters and Guilty Gear Xrd do 3D. It might definitely be out of my scope for now though. Actually fuck that it very well might not be. Downloading a trial/buying permanent license of Gamemaker in a week, after apprenticeship deadline for Disney. Man, I gotta be working on my portfolio. Like, immediate one. I want to make this game work. I guess this is one new use for this blog, but random smarmy writings are always welcome. I just hope they come from a better place now, though we’ll really have to see if I can even reach my previous spot of self-authenticity to work on improving it while in a living environment with my parents. Feels like an excuse typing that out. Need to sleep and wake early and start fuckin animatinnng groaaar.
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addcrazy-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/mossberg-android-apps-on-chrome-os-arrive-disappoint/
Mossberg: Android apps on Chrome OS arrive, disappoint
About a yr in the past, I wrote a column suggesting what the essential tech agencies ought to try to accomplish in 2016. For Google, I stated: “It would be pretty exquisite if Chromebooks could, out of the container, run all Android apps — furnished that, not like on the current Pixel C tablet, the Android apps had been able to adapt better to a larger screen.”
I’m satisfied to file that the primary Chromebook designed from the floor as much as run Android apps out of the box have arrived, albeit a little past the give up of 2016. It is going on sale this week for $450. It’s known as the Samsung Chromebook Plus, and it runs on an ARM processor, the equal form of processor that powers the enormous majority of smartphones and tablets. It became designed in near cooperation with Google.
The Android app function remains in beta, not all apps paintings, and to a lot of those who do run appear to be awkwardly blown-up smartphone apps, no longer software that’s tailored for the Chromebook’s 12-inch screen. And there are other problems.
I found THE ANDROID EXECUTION Frustrating Of route, the Plus, which has a touchscreen and is derived with a stylus, continues to be a Chromebook. That means it runs the Chrome OS in conjunction with Android apps. And, only as a Chromebook, it’s very high-quality. Chrome OS, which is essentially a browser that runs the whole thing, which includes net apps, does great in this version and its ARM processor.
However, if you’re looking for a PC-fashion, bigger display screen model of your favorite Android cell phone, I’m able to suggest the Plus now. Optimizing a huge variety of Android apps for the Chromebook is “going to be a long manner, to be sincere,” one Google legit conceded, noting the beta label at the Google Play Store for the Chromebook.
A 2d, very comparable, new Samsung Chromebook, the Seasoned, is due out in April. The only sizeable difference among the two is that the Seasoned runs on a low-end Intel processor and prices $one hundred more. I tested it briefly and observed it be even buggier in its present day, very prerelease country.
only AS A CHROMEBOOK, IT’S VERY high-quality I received say a lot Approximately the otherwise equal hardware on these Samsung machines since I assume it’s the Google-driven Android / Chrome OS combination software that’s their key claim to repute.
Their screens are bright, sharp, and responsive. As on many laptops, you could rotate the screen around in order that the incredibly thin, mild, the 2.four-pound computer becomes an exceedingly heavy, thick tablet. The stylus suits well in a slot and works properly for things like display screen size, taking handwritten notes, and annotating pics. The overall design isn’t especially attractive or sleek. The keyboard lacks a backlight, and the touchpad is a tad small. In my assessments, battery existence was just shy of 8 hours, regardless of heavy net and app use and streaming a full-length film.
For a better understanding of the hardware (as well as his personal take on the software), I propose my colleague Dieter Bohn’s opinions of the Plus and the Pro.
ANDROID WRIT big. UM, NO. In comparison to walking apps on a smartphone, or, extra aptly, an iPad, the app experience on the Samsung Chromebook Plus is exceedingly subpar. There are probably several motives for this. Even though this computer makes use of the same processor circle of relatives maximum Android gadgets use, the apps are jogging atop Chrome OS. Google merits credit score for making this work in any respect, However, it’s still a chunk laggy and buggy.
As an instance, in one case I ran into, two Android apps at the Plus were open, But unusable, due to the fact they saved blinking and leaping in front and in again of each different swiftly. This took place even as I was on the phone with a Google exec who worked at the assignment. He said it became a recognized worm in an effort to be patched this week. And there are different insects.
ANDROID APPS CRASHED OR Iced over Multiple Instances An afternoon In my exams, Android apps simply crashed or Froze Multiple Instances An afternoon on the Plus. Even an extremely popular app like Fb only loaded into part of the display with a countless spinning circle in a blank right rail. And Google’s personal Gmail crashed whilst I used to be attaching a picture to a message.
But there’s a bigger, greater essential trouble: Android apps, consisting of Google’s personal, are almost never designed to appearance proper and run right on a big display — even a popular-sized tablet, not to mention a laptop.
There are two elements to this. One is visual: many Android apps look like blown-up smartphone apps. A few, like Google Information & Climate and Google Doctors, don’t seem to resize for the bigger screen, in order that they gift a pretty slender column of textual content swimming in unnaturally big borders. Others, like Fb Messenger, stretch the textual content horizontally to fill the gap, in an unusual way that makes the sort tiny.
The other is purposeful. maximum Android apps I downloaded to the Plus didn’t use the larger monitors to feature beneficial more panels or different UI factors, However still had the slender, cramped UI of a smartphone display.
That is in stark evaluation to the manner iOS apps behave on larger iPad monitors as opposed to iPhone screens. As an example, on the iPad, Fb Messenger has two panels — one for contacts and one for conversations. It doesn’t appear to be the unmarried-column model on iPhones or Android telephones — or on the Plus.
That’s due to the fact Apple has lengthy given developers the gear and the encouragement to do twin (or ��usual”) variations of their apps, and its app Store installs the larger-screen versions on iPads.
GOOGLE HAS BEEN Pronouncing IT’S Working ON higher tablet APPS FOR YEARS Google says it’s far Operating hard to do that, However, it has been Pronouncing that for years. The company says it’s optimizing its very own apps for the Chromebook and urging 1/3 parties to do the equal. But, judging from the 20 or so 9aaf3f374c58e8c9dcdd1ebf10256fa5 Android apps I tested, this manner is simply starting.
The corporation conceded it had achieved special work to make several of its maximum famous Android apps, along with Gmail and Google Calendar, look and work properly. But it additionally says that it believes maximum Chromebook users will nevertheless use many productivity apps like those inside the browser.
Every other problem: in tablet mode, apps are usually complete screen. you may create the multi-app views or even narrow sidebar views of apps that you could on an iPad or a Home windows tablet. Google says this could be viable in a future launch.
Bottom LINE
if you purchase the Chromebook Plus and intend to use it especially as a Chromebook, I anticipate you’ll have a good enjoy. However, if you plan to depend heavily on Android apps, you’re basically buying into the begin of an adventure, replete with odd-searching displays of familiar apps, bugs, and crashes. you could truly go along with Google and Samsung in this journey, But I can’t endorse that for a mainstream Android lover who just wishes things to paintings proper.
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