#if this term is derogatory then i do not use it and will not
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evil-sm-confessions · 2 days ago
we need a list of spooky month characters who can say faggot
Brought this question to my expert team of scholars. Discussion under cut.
🦴: All of them
⚡️: nod nod
🦴: Except Skid, Pump and Lucky
🦴: Because they’re bapies
⚡️: They can reclaim it when they're older
⚡️: Anyone else have input on this
🦠: evermore can reclaim it but uses it as a slur. also uses the term pansy. garcia uses it as a term of endearment. streber and dexter use it as a power word. radford once said "whats good my fags!" and got laughed out of the room. jaune doesnt say faggot but she does say dyke, and often at that. candy dealer doesnt say faggot but he refers to gay men as fairies which isnt neccesarily better. frank can say faggot but usually defaults to homo. bob says faggot with his whole chest and for like multiple years nobody knew if he could reclaim it or not but were too scared to ask.
⚡️: YES yes this is all good
⚡️: Kevin can reclaim it but doesn't
🌸: Jack can but doesnt like using slurs
🦠: also fun fact from looking at the wikipedia article for queer slang, a derogatory term for gay men is "fudge packer" and in like sm3 i think when the kids give kevin the sugar and hes tweaking out he says "theyre gonna pack my fudge in jail its all over" which. i dont know if it was intentional but i find it so funny that like the first thing kevin thought when he had a possibility of being arrested was being made to have gay prison sex like buddy do we not have more pressing matters to worry about
⚡️: John says faggot not as a slur but in the way one would say "a gay man" neutrally
⚡️: Someone needs to tell him that's not the politically correct term/silly
🐍: I agree
🦠: john talking to radford and hes like "oh is that kevin friend of yours a faggot too?" and radfords like "H- uncle can you sa- oh wait yeah no you can say that- but hold on-"
🐍: Captain and Shotgun man can say faggot. We been know this.
🐍: Father gregor wouldnt say it. Moloch would call Gregor a Faggot
⚡️: And Gregor would be like "you can NOT say that"
⚡️: Half convinced shotgun man uses faggot as a label ngl
🦠: oh no they do
🦠: sexuality and gender
🦠: "oh are you trans?" "yeah im a faggit :)"
⚡️: Skiddad uses faggot as a slur but only on people who are into it
🦠: ignacio uses it like half as a slur but also usually likes to get creative with it. he will call you words you didnt even know
🌸: ignacio has invented slurs
⚡️: He calls himself a faggot but when he's calling YOU slurs he pulls out the real deep cuts
⚡️: He's gay but the second a gay man inconveniences him he's getting homophobic
🦠: guy whod call someone a slur theyve never even heard before and then grab their face hard af and start hate-smooching
⚡️: Hope asked Jack "what's a faggot" and he almost chokes on the donut he was eating
🌸: Jack explains it in the most kid friendly way possible and then it’s just
⚡️: "So my daddy's a faggot?"
⚡️: Costume guy uses tranny as a slur but only when she's talking about herself
🐍: NOOO dont do thattttt...
⚡️: She's doing that
🦆: consider: Skiddad teaching Skid to call people that
⚡️: Gotta drive home but do continue to discuss if you'd like
🦠: skiddad would exclusively refer to himself as either a transvestite or a tranny but has like never once actually used the term transgender. skid meeting the hatzgang like "wow roy youre a tranny?" full confidence happy for them
🐍: Roy would see red i think
🦠: roy would no-hesitation hit skid upside the head if im being real like "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME-"
🦠: jaune saying dyke in public and ross is next to her like "mom *please*"
🦠: jaune would refer to aaron as a stud specifically in the lesbian way
🐍: Real shit
🌸: ...
🌸: transmasc butch lesbian aaron.
🦠: YES
🦠: YES
🦠: going off ⚡️'s headcanon that jaune is cis but got a mastectomy bc she didnt want them any more. consider. transmasc aaron that still has his bonkers bc he doesnt give a shit lmfao
⚡️: I'm back
⚡️: You guys are smark
⚡️: Is there anything else you guys want to add
🐍: the eyes of the universe knows slurs from other dimensions and will say them all if the time is right
🦠: hmmm... rick exclusively uses the word faggot. michelle would not say faggot but she would call someone "a nice young man" or "a bit fruitful" or call them a dandy. thin thief occasionally says fag, fat thief said it like once and visibly made a distraught face. also cannot say the word gay he just beats around the bush and jibberjabbers. roy says faggot no questions asked.
🐍: Skiddad knows a handful and uses them
⚡️: Roy calls Ross and Robert fags and it's fine because they're all queers
🦠: fag and her faglets
🦠: jaune keeps trying to give ross the dyke pass and hes like "mom i am not fucking saying that" /silly
⚡️: He says faggot though
⚡️: Robert theoretically can say faggot but he doesn't
⚡️: Susie can say dyke but doesn't because she's in the closet
🦠: susie on call with robert and he shows her a helltaker girl and she says "oh im gonna lez out" and then the call goes dead fucking silent and she has her head in her hands with an expression of shock and repulsion and then robert starts laughing so hard he has to hit his inhaler
⚡️: That's how Robert learns she's gay
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shalom-iamcominghome · 10 months ago
Jewish women and folks who feel this also applies to them, I want your thoughts and opinions.
I ask this because I hold jewish women's thoughts and feelings in high regard, and am genuinely curious about their thoughts on this. I do not use this term for anybody, and do not plan to ever, this is solely to see the opinions of you all because I have seen this term defined as derogatory by plenty of sources, and I also notice some jewish women embrace jewess as a term. I am interested in the potential nuances of this conversation.
This poll is for anybody who feels it applies to them. However, please don't vote just to see the results when it doesn't apply. I'm queueing this post for after the poll has concluded, as even I won't know the results until this poll is concluded. I genuinely want to have somewhat of an idea about the diversity of jewish women's thoughts.
This poll is inclusive to jews of trans and/or intersex experience, or experiences that aren't solely in the binary womanhood sphere. Those who genuinely are in the process of becoming jews, feel free to weigh in if this applies to you. This poll will not be used to judge or shame jewish women or justify what terms you should or should not use for yourself or what terms you ought to be comfortable with. Anything that is derogatory to jewish women and their feelings is not tolerated and you will be Banished.
Feel free to share this post if you'd like. If you want to see the results but cannot vote, please queue this post, like this post, or wait for this blog to reblog this poll. I cannot emphasize this enough.
And if nobody has told you: jewish women, you are amazing. You deserve love and respect, and your thoughts matter in every conversation you are in.
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fluentisonus · 3 months ago
wait can I just complain for a second bc this is kind of pissing me off a little but the only available editions you can find online of jj grandville's les metamorphoses du jour (1829) are 1850s and 1860s editions, which afaict are Not the original lithographs but rather engraving reproductions of them (which is touched on briefly here). which I had assumed just meant it would be a slightly different quality or have other slight differences, which would only be mildly frustrating to me except for the fact that I've been comparing the versions in this 1854 edition of the book on gallica with what (as far as I know) are original lithograph prints here in the british museum collections because some of the ones in the gallica edition were striking me as like Noticably not 1820s-30s in vibe and. they seem to have been straight up 'modernizing' the clothing in these 1850s reproductions??
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(first version (1829) vs later version (1854))
hi hello what happened to the entire shape of her dress & sleeves??? and to his fall front & trouser straps??
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(first version / later version)
this is literally a different dress?
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this wouldn't annoy me so much (and in fact I would actually enjoy comparing & find it really interesting) except for the fact that as far as I've been able to tell there's no place (online at least) where you can see all of the original illustrations -- the british museum only has a few, & same with other places -- so some/most of these images seem to only exist (digitally I mean) in their 'updated' 1850s versions. and in fact some sites list the later version as being the the 1829 versions! I just want to see 1829 clothing is that too much to ask
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squirrelno2 · 9 months ago
The funny thing about having been that pretentious child who was like "I'm too special and smart for video games, I read classic novels!" (secretly really wanted a GameCube) Is that now as an adult I am in fact reading those "classic" novels in bits and pieces in between dying stupidly in an MMORPG. So you know. These things can coexist, baby me.
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3416 · 9 months ago
there is something so incredibly funny at seeing how much offense fans of the toronto maple leafs take when someone insinuates anything about the experience there is less than optimal because like... why are you siding with an organization or a Concept over the actual people with opinions who have been around and made that organization what it is, lmao. it feels like it ultimately comes down to the crest vs players debate about being into sports, but i just think people love being obtuse on purpose.
seeing keefe say other coaches welcomed him to the "real" nhl after his time in toronto is like... first of all, he's just saying what OTHER people with experience have said... secondly, yeah duh. most coaches don't have to go through the scrutiny that people in toronto do, but watching toronto fans try to turn that into a good thing? like it's not. and it doesn't just have to be the way it is, but fans are brainwashed into thinking everything about the way it is now is The Best bc its in the center of the hockey world and if you can't hack it, you're less than. instead of like.. reflecting on why some of that makes the entire hockey-loving experience WORSE for us as fans and the people we root for than other teams fans have it. like pull your head out of your ass. god forbid there be any nuance to the way you view and cheer for teams just bc it's sports. there is something so pretentious and obnoxious and stupid about the way some leaf fans exist, yet they're the first ones to tear into you or say you're not thinking 'for the team' when you love one the faces of the franchise and continue to believe in them bc it doesn't agree with them, like lol. the dissonance is astounding, but man, if i don't understand why leafs fans are some of the most hated in the league.
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wild-at-mind · 1 year ago
In all seriousness, when I was in my 20s I spent way too much time reading tumblr and trying to figure out the right opinions to have on everything. It was pretty soul destroying now that I look back.
#although the people i consider my people (leftists and the left leaning) are always turning on people for slight disagreements#so i guess it was self preservation in a way#luckily i basically never posted back then only read#the truth is a lot of the disagreeing and fucking infighting on the left is internet sickness#and a lot of people who seem to know what they are talking about on here are actually talking out of their ass- seriously.#they don't need to know what they are talking about because everyone reading knows even less#my criteria for which leftists i respect is 'can they handle a slight disagreement with someone broadly on their side-#do they engage in good faith or do they mock and belittle?'#and i understand anyone on here with over a certain amount of folllowers who talks about politics will get bait and bad faith asks and stuf#i'm not saying you have to engage with bait in good faith!#just the real stuff.#i kind of regret this now but i engaged on a post that was using the word liberal in the coloquial (meaningless) tumblr way#that was when someone i followed (unfollowed now) apologised to the op of the post for my dumb idiocy- i was like ohhhhh#and then the op of the post responded to me like 'i'm using the true definition of liberal! which is: [really confusing explanation]'#the truth is there is no one definition because the left and right use it differently#when the right says liberal in a derogatory way they don't mean 'not those further left people though! they are really respectable + cool'#nah they mean the further left also#the point is the term liberal has no set meaning- it changes with context and no one bothers providing the context#i will stop now this is too rambly even for me
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rosemary-bells · 2 years ago
i am SO for mr using nicknames and endearments on cwn, may it be in fanfic or canon. engong-gege? amazing. baby? perfect. baobei? Superb. legit even using wanning or smth. it’s so soft. so tender.
but god. “kitten” makes him sound like a discord mod or smth. y’all please
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years ago
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i love you mona♡
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nahare-shin · 8 months ago
I know there was some pushback on Octolings and inklings collectively being called turflings, but I’m gonna be so real, it makes more sense than inkfish.
Like they have ink sure but they ain’t fish they mollusks. I never rlly understood why the fandom used that term.
EDIT: ok apparently inkfish is like a term used about actual cephalopods irl, however
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Also allegedly one of the shop characters says it in 2? Idk. I kinda loathed turflings at first but it’s grown on me. I guess realistically it’s probably more likely that both are used.
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ciderjacks · 1 year ago
always “boy moms are sexist enablers” never “boy dads are sexist encouragers”
always “annoying tiktok girls are promoting EDs and unhealthy skincare routines” never “adult men are intentionally using teenage girls insecurities to groom them into this shit”
always “annoying housewife woman putting herself in a dangerous situation where she has no freedom” never “her bigot of a husband who now has control over her and almost certainly lured her into this”
always “teen girls are fucked up for seriously saying they wish they didn’t have rights bc they’d rather be property than deal with college” never “men are literally at fault for this in every single way imaginable. Also she’s probably not actually being serious dude.”
always “ugh annoying entitled Karen being rude to the employees” never “jfc a man harassing female GameStop employees being rude and sexist and then waiting for them to get off work to do God knows what”
always “ugh white women suck they’re so annoying” never “ugh white men are entitled brats and are infinitely more annoying than any white lady”
always “straight girls are the worst” never “straight boys are insane and violent with their homophobia in a way straight girls are not often”
always “women need to be more careful in bars” never “maybe men in bars need to be more monitored or given a different section if they Really just cannot stop fucking raping people.”
always “yoga moms soccer moms boy moms almond moms” never any derogatory terms for fathers.
Like is anyone else seeing a pattern
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teddybasmanov · 2 years ago
I say I want a nice guy and don't get me wrong - I do. But when that nice guy gets playfully mean in just the right way in a situation where I can answer him in the exact same tone, mmm... My brains start leaking out of my... ears, yeah let's go with ears.
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empyreanmirror · 1 year ago
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A thing about the intersection of veiling and being spiritually a part of the environment around you as literally as your own flesh and blood
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angelofdykeness · 1 year ago
prude is kinda whatever that's existed for ages tho in the current landscape i still think it's pretty unhelpful but if you call people puritans there is something incredibly wrong with you. fucking cut that out
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byakuyasdarling · 2 years ago
#vent in tags#(because it’s less embarassing here)#I don’t want to get into every grimly detail#anyway so tired of the parent I live with calling#me a bad person most days — or lazy or selfish or inattentive#I’m so tired of hearing them say I have no charisma and am socially incompetent#and that I’m not quiet and when I say o don’t talk nearly as much or as loud as they do they say I’m gaslighting#I’m literslly always called a gaslighter.#I dint understand what I did or what’s so hard to understand about me#I know it’s difficult being them but they’re such a hypocrite s;l the time#like 2 days ago when they said for me to internalise my thoughts and I barely even speak to them anymore#and they go on ranting about my estranged parent constantly unprompted to me and my brother and calling them VERY derogatory terms#we do not need the fact one of our parent’s left us constantly rubbed in our face! my family members (other) said they should internalise it#so I know I’m not crazy and they’re being a hypocrite.#but I feel I’m victimising myself to create cognitive dissonance and I am bad and lazy#and that I’m using trauma and my terrible anxiety (which I’ve been trying to improve on) as a shield to those facts#I feel crazy I feel I’m the wrong who’s wrong#I think 2 different things — that they’re actually in the wrong but I could be trapped in my own head#I don’t know I don’t know why I’m blamed for every misfortune#I can’t stand Io for myself because as soon as I talk I’m told to shut up. say I’m wrong. and do what I’m told.#I hate this I hate having a parent who doesn’t want me much and the other who calls me a burden#they used to be really good parents I don’t even know ‘maybe they are and I want to displace blame#I’m so confused#I don’t want to live as anyone else though because losing any of my abilities terrifies me. because I know internally I’m still capable#vent tw#tw vent#tw parental issues#tw negative
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robotpussy · 2 years ago
how do i take out the anxiety from me like can i just grab it and throw it away
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lilhawkeye3 · 22 days ago
A Crash Course to Kendrick's Super Bowl Performance, from a Black Woman
Note: this does NOT go in depth into all of the song's lyrics. I don't have time to recount two decades of his discography. This is just a summary of the performance itself.
Let's start with the first visual we get:
UNCLE SAM - most notably recognized from WWII American wartime propaganda, Uncle Sam is the personification of American patriotism and freedom. The term "uncle" is also evocative of Uncle Tom from Uncle Tom's Cabin, an abolitionist book that aided in inciting the Civil War. Uncle is also a very common term (both endearment and derogatory) towards Black men (eg. "unc"). Samuel L Jackson was fantastic. (Edit: and please look up his history of civil rights activism, he was on the FBI watchlist and even a pallbearer at MLKJr’s funeral.)
Uncle Sam also resembles a circus ringleader, notable for my next point:
THE GREAT AMERICAN GAME - no, not Super Bowl. The GAG is us the people being pitted against each other: through late-stage capitalism, through the culture war, through class warfare, through being built of the backs of slaves. We are all players in the GAG because none of us on this site were the oligarchs seated at the inauguration.
This is also seen as Kendrick's stage was a Play Station controller. Not only did it remind of circus rings visually, but it was a game battle stage. The Great American Game is a battle royale of the commoners for the amusement of the rich whites.
Remember the foods / Them color was tin and brown / But now they 100 and blue - For this I'll just say, look what the last election said about lowering the price of eggs... and look at the prices now.
The revolution about to be televised / You picked the right time / But the wrong guy - Election 2024 once more. *Edit to add, the first part of this lyric is in reference to the Black Liberation Song "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" by Gil Scott-Heron. Thanks to everyone who mentioned that.
THE FLAG DANCERS - yes, the dancers formed the US flag... off of the backs of Black people. Not a single white person in sight, and that's true of the cotton pickers in the fields. Plantations are part of how the US came to economic prominence after being a "backwater" colony. Remember tobacco? Cotton? Our bloodlines do. *Edit to add: they also all piled out of a clown car. The US flag in a clown car? Brilliant.
The red and blue dancers are also notable for representing the Crips and Bloods, two infamous street gangs. The dance in Not Like Us is the Crip Walk. I recommend researching more on your own time about them, but just know they are a large part of the stereotype of Black people being "ghetto."
TOO LOUD, TOO RECKLESS, TOO GHETTO. Do you really know how to play the game? - This is exactly what Black people, especially Black men, get told all the time. It's why we change our names on resumes if they sound "too Black." It's why we codeswitch in non-Black company. This is especially rich considering how non-Black people love our culture and love to make money off of us, as the latter part of the quote points to. And it's even more profound during the Super Bowl-- the NFL is majority Black players.
STREET LIGHT A CAPELLA -- "thug" stereotype dancers to counteract the a capella connotations, with Uncle Sam then saying that Kendrick figured out "bringing other street guys around being a culture cheat code." Yes, this is a direct hit at Drake (listen to "Not Like Us") but also politically. Look up "model minority". Notably I would point to Candace Owens, or the Miami Venezuelan political group that's been in the news recently, especially as this directly led to Kendrick being surrounded by...
DANCERS IN WHITE -- it's white America. That's... that's the allegory.
NOT LIKE US TEASER -- Kendrick says "Not Like Us" is "their favorite song." -> he means white people specifically here. It comes after he's surrounded by all white dancers, the women around him who are his call and response are also in white (my opinion, they represent the industry). He's saying "Not Like Us" is the favorite of yts because it is about BLACK MEN FIGHTING. This again is reflected in the video game stage and ringleader Uncle Sam.
SZA -- instead of giving what they want, we see SZA. She's one of Drake's exes and Kendrick has always supported her.
ALL THE STARS -- This was in the first Black Panther movie, which I recommend you watch. Rest in Power Chadwick. Notably, this movie was incredibly mainstream as a major Marvel movie, and then we have Uncle Sam say...
"THAT'S WHAT AMERICA WANTS: NICE AND CALM. DON'T MESS THIS UP" -- translation: Marvel (the industry, America, etc.) wanted a safe, semi-pop song because white American likes safe pop songs, not Kendrick's usual heavy rap style about his life as a Black man! Don't mess up what you've got going mainstream for having this "Black rap feud" with Drake, who is an R&B model minority to white people because he's safe.
So what does Kendrick say?
IT'S A CULTURAL DIVIDE / IMMA GET IT ON THE FLOOR -- He was warned not to be political or apologetically Black for this Super Bowl performance, but he is using this big stage opportunity to speak out.
40 ACRES AND A MULE / THIS IS BIGGER THAN THE MUSIC -- 40 acres and a mule are what the freed slaves were promised. Instead, this land went to white sharecroppers. Research Jim Crow laws.
THEY TRIED TO RIG THE GAME / BUT YOU CAN'T FAKE INFLUENCE -- rig the election, rig the industry like with model minority Drake, rig the Great American Game with culture war to distract from active class warfare.
NOT LIKE US -- the only thing I'll mention because it made me holler is Serena Williams crip walking on Drake's metaphorical grave. She's another one of his exes (read: Drake harassed the hell out of her). *Edit: she was also fined at the 2012 Olympics for crip walking in celebration at Wimbledon.
TURN THE TV OFF -- exactly like he said! The TV is a distraction, the Super Bowl is a distraction, the mainstream news is often a distraction. Turn it off and get with your people!
GAME OVER — could not see this on my stream but at the end of the performance, the lights in the stadium spelled this out. The world is watching, America…
In conclusion, Kendrick Lamar is a visionary and thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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