#if this post is incomprehensible...
jorisjurgen · 11 months
reasons crepinlore studies are fascinating, with citations
>"I, kerubim crepin, am the only crepin remaining alive to this day! and that is funny. please laugh, yechti. my brother is dead to me." (aux tresors series)
>"MR PRIEST WHEN I GROW UP, I WANT TO BECOME A SUPPER HUPPERMAGE TO RESSURECT MY MOMMY DADDY SISTERS AND BROTHERS! and if nobody likes me and leaves me alone again i will kill myself for real. anyway orphans (me) are the most specialest most important people and i will help them forever. my heart goes out to all the orphans out there. amen." (dofus heroes comic)
>"atcham crepin aren't you tired of this shit. arent you tired of your piece of shit older brother. don't you want a dofus. don't you want to use my dofus for evil haha." (julith movie)
>the oropo game implies that crepins have been selling shit for generations i can't do this anymore. kerubim started a store because he grew up in a store and then everyone died and he fucking returned home metaphorically and he taught his ORPHAN son how to be a salesman. while being an orphaned old man. is ankama trying to fucking kill me. (one more gate)
>"kerubim i will be real with you, as your god i may be manipulating you into hating your ugly ass brother. like he looks like a fucking rat right? and you understand that if you don't love me everyone will hate you as much as they hate his uggo 10yo mentally ill psychotic ass, right? with that out of the way, omgggg i love you so muchhhh sonny can you give me a hug." (wheel of destiny)
>"ngl you had it better than me becasssse at leasssst ecaflip cared enough to manipulate you. while he jussst kinda thought it was funny when i got beat up or fell down the stairs or whatever. and brother, for the sssin of him liking you enough to ruin your life, i am going to beat you to death forever and ever." (aux tresors)
>atcham meets an orphan and learns intersectionality by gaining the desire to kill the orphan's family for throwing him out for being too hairy (dessous de dofus)
>atcham draws a crayon doodle of himself beheading kerubim (in a costume) with hearts around and shit. he doesn't know it's kerubim because of the costume. he just hates people that much on average. (dessous de dofus)
>atcham chased katar through fields and countries and continents to kill him for sending the crepin family sword to the fucking moon.
>trying to kill kerubim is like a habitual hobby and something he returns to once in a while
>"bur yeah i do underssstand this is kind of deranged and will bring absssolutely no peace to my life. i just kind of want to kill you for the fun of it. i don't know man. i do know you didn't actually hate me and i know you're a decent perssson, at least i know that enough to lisssten to your weird kid you didn't make fun of like you did with me when we were kids. but like. i do wisssh i could beat you to death... or do i??" (julith movie)
>"my brother is a bald mentally ill twisted psychopath. i hope he dies. he definitely doesn't live in my head rent free. he's the ugliest motherfucker ever. he wants to kill me. but if he dies i will cry instantly and scream in despair." (dessous de dofus + julith movie)
>atcham's habitual nightmares of being bullied and belittled as a child by kerubim and ecaflip (dessous de dofus)
>"papycha would NEVER do something bad to you, i know that, he's not that kind of person :(" [Dessous de Dofus and Wheel of Destiny flash behind Atcham's eyes] "even though you're wrong you're actually completely right. he'sss too sstupid to be a real hater." (julith movie)
>ecaflip demigods retain their memories after death?!? (dofus mmo's explicit canon + remington comics and ovas implications)
>"...kerubim can you lend me your fur" is the second funniest crepin-jurgen family injoke about traumatic events after calling joris their dad.
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DEVASTATING the lyric you've been mishearing is better than the real one
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ladybeug · 10 months
So a while ago I was talking to @anna-scribbles and @marimbles about adrien and gender (as you do), and as a part of that conversation we said... hey do you remember that jenna marbles video where she put rhinestones all over her face?
and then, tangentially... do you remember that one clown makeup vine?
hold on i'm going somewhere with this:
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We got to where I was going. but i'm still driving:
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dapper-lil-arts · 4 months
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Subtle hints are being dropped
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fl00mie · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY PALETTE<33 ofc took the chance to draw them as a found family, and ink being over-emotional as a plus💖💥 ahh, 21 years, i didn't know he had grown so much
i would've loved to do something WAY bigger but inspiration never came as it should:( hope this is okay!
palette roller by @angeutblogo ink sans by @/comyet dream sans by @/jokublog
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upon-the-snow · 5 days
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brief lives 🌺
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feelo-fick · 1 month
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i thought the reason was obvious..??
but you dont seem to get the implication so i guess ill just keep talking and you can listen if you want to
that one meme but its them :] sort of a sequel to this
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turtlespancake · 1 year
i love seeing out of context posts about long-running stories with deep lore because it's always shit like "MAJOR SPOILER WARNING!! i can't believe that the metallic athenaeum's envoy actually used never-ending dance of the 57th universe on rionne as if she's not LITERALLY the incarnate of august?!?!" it's like buddy boy thank you for the spoiler tag but all of those words are incomprehensible without at least 5 years of foreshadowed knowledge, 7 different fan theories, and 21 wiki entries
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
Even though I made sure to drop little clues about my nationality such as the fact that the post contains the words “in France,” my post about Halloween being a recent phenomenon in my country prompted multiple Americans to say this was bullshit misinformation from the US conservative that I must be, since Halloween is not a recent thing in the US at all and their US relatives already celebrated it in the US decades ago. Someone said I must have grown up in a conservative cult to be unaware of Halloween being a thing, because “OP is saying something that makes no sense re: US culture—OP must have grown-up in a terminally isolated cult within the USA” is the only explanation. At this point I could say “the national anthem of my country is La Marseillaise” and some USians would be like “no? why would you say that?? please delete this misinformation op la Marseillaise is NOT the American anthem where in the US did you grow up that you never heard our anthem??”
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bunnieswithknives · 30 days
Do you think Dale develops (pun not intended) an aversion to bright colors after the attack?
Don’t mind me just hitting the man with my Trauma Hammer
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Oh absolutely. Its a good thing he lives in white room
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shittysawtraps · 3 months
john kramer sees you in the dispensary and tells you to buy the cart and battery instead of continuing to buy disposables. he compliments your doc martens, and stands by you as you buy your stuff. you ask his opinion on edibles. he laughs and tells you that the last time he ate a weed brownie, he embarrassed himself in front of his ex wife. you walk out into the parking lot together, and he tells you that you should really watch the movie sausage party, because it’s bad but when you’re high it’s tolerable. you laugh and promise you will. amanda honks the horn of a honda civic, and he climbs in. someone screams from the trunk. you go home, call the cops, and add sausage party to your netflix queue
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great-and-small · 8 months
When you wake up first at the sleepover and don’t know what to do and also you’re an Azhdarchid pterosaur from the Cretaceous period
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razzafrazzle · 1 month
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[image description: the first image is a waist-up drawing of a human design for bill cipher from gravity falls, where he is depicted as a pale-skinned androgynous person with bobbed yellow hair and an uncomfortably-wide smile. he is wearing a yellow sleeveless dress with black gloves, a black corset, and a bow tie, and he is crossing his arms with a coy expression.
the second image is a screenshot of a youtube comment that says, "bill is male (i think)". end id]
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
I was reading a post about CoTG and I realized: Rick has seemingly started to write every character pairing with the exact same dynamic, and he's not good at writing that dynamic and it doesn't make sense for 90% of the characters he writes it for.
It's that very specific dynamic of one half of the pair who is almost aggressive to the other party - "teasing" them constantly/insulting them, affectionately punching/judo flipping/maiming/etc, seemingly almost always exasperated with the other - and said other party usually just accepts this treatment or blanketly views it fondly, and may generally be framed as more incompetent than their partner and a little bit of a doormat (particularly relating to being insulted/teased/etc by their partner).
We start seeing this dynamic in HoO with Percy and Annabeth, as a sort of semi-inconsistent twist on their rivals-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic from the first series. Then the dynamic pattern develops further with Leo and Calypso. Then Magnus and Alex. Then Nico and Will, particularly in TSATS. And now in CoTG, it's Percy and Annabeth again but even more in this direction.
I know people have talked about Nico and Will's relationship over the series rapidly being shoehorned into Percabeth Two™, and it's extremely apparent in TSATS that Rick's doing it on purpose (including directly quoting Percabeth scenes but minorly tweaking them to be Solangelo). But recognizing it as an overarching trend in Rick's later books honestly reminds me a lot of how Rick started trying to apply the "Percy Formula" so-to-speak to nearly every protagonist in HoO (and then try to replicate similar character archetypes with Magnus and Apollo's narrations - moreso Magnus in being jaded and sarcastic, very much trying to be first series Percy. He only sounds unique because Rick failed at making him Percy 2. Apollo is more akin to later-series Percy characterization of being goofy and incompetent. Apollo [and Zeus] even got retconned to give Apollo a more similar backstory to Percy's). Rick seems to have decided that he thinks the audience wants this specific dynamic but 10 times over, except he's not good at writing it the first time because it's a bastardization of the time he did a different thing okay.
And Rick also seems aware of that too! Because he retconned Calypso and Leo at the end of TOA, probably because he realized how absolutely awful it was reading when they were written with that dynamic of Calypso just functionally hating Leo and constantly being aggressive towards him! The only time Rick's actually made the dynamic even semi-successful was with Magnus and Alex, because it actually fits within their characters, their dynamics with each other, and their environment. Alex beheading Magnus on the regular works out fine because there are no repercussions to that in Valhalla, Magnus will be fine, so it does genuinely come off as humorous. And Alex has been effectively established to be abrasive at times but have her genuine feelings shine through regularly, and that meshes well with Magnus' jaded-and-aloof-but-quietly-very-empathetic character. And Magnus has been established to, yes, not be great at combat, particularly compared to Alex. They are the only time that flavor of dynamic in that form was effective and cohesive.
Percabeth is no longer rivals-to-friends-to-lovers badasses on equal levels with shaky pasts who finally found some form of permanence with one another. Now it's super smart doting and affectionately aggressive girlfriend and her silly goofy 50%-of-the-time incompetent boyfriend who she judo flips/pushes off cliffs/etc - but affectionately~! Solangelo is trying to riff off of the early series "Poseidon & Athena are enemies" dynamic that Percabeth had but with Apollo & Hades being "opposites" but learning to accept each other, except it ends up with Will just coming off as a huge asshole and Nico being retconned to a complete doormat about it - when prior to that those characterizations would be completely contrary to their established characters (even just from TOA!). Calypso in HoO gets retconned from her PJO characterization to being snooty and aggressive, and Leo's false persona gets merged into his just normal personality except he just also becomes a doormat but more goofy than Nico with occasional haha-dark/depression-humor! Which Nico also got. Which was also a bastardized Percy trait that got redistributed.
It's exhausting. Rick write more than one relationship dynamic you can do it I promise
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ultra-violetra · 4 months
haven’t seen nearly enough love on here for adjustable side table, walnut. it’s gonna win this thing i swear
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malo-mart · 17 days
The magic of Majoras Mask is trying to comfort characters who are grieving their future through little acts of kindness. Like, the simple but layered juxtaposition of the joy of marching the chicks around on the third day to a little ocarina tune while the game vibrates every few minutes to signify that the moon is closer and closer to falling....
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