#if this makes no sense that's alright bc it fits with his vibe
agecfwonder · 1 year
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*:·゚✧ is that that aleksei frey , who is originally from valachia , and living in valachia ? it’s nice to see the assassin to the halliard family out and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they notoriously reckless , whilst also managing to be quite charismatic . the thirty-three  year old was born human, and hails from the kingdom of transvania. 
NAME  : aleksei rian frey TITLE : assassin to the halliard family AGE :  thirty-three SPECIES : human GENDER : cis man  PRONOUNS : he/him SEXUAL ORIENTATION : bisexual BIRTHPLACE : valachia RESIDENCE  : valachia
FATHER : damien frey † MOTHER : naena frey SIBLINGS : aleksandr 'sasha' frey † ALLIES : varian halliard ( lover ) ENEMIES : mikhail volkov
LABEL : the rogue TAROT : the hanged man ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral POSITIVE (+) : charismatic — mindful — attentive ( to detail ) — discrete — loyal NEGATIVE (-) : reckless — relentless — sarcastic — brusque — reserved
looking back at his childhood, it's a wonder he turned out the way he did. the second son to a dedicated guard for the halliard family and a local seamstress, aleksei had been born in love and raised in it. his father was tall and strong, his mother was kind and gentle, and his older brother was the best of both of their parents and just a half step away from god in the younger's eyes. he'd always been half a step behind aleksandr- sasha as he was affectionately called- shorter legs constantly churning to catch up with him.
he'd been small for his age with a mouth that seemed to think he was much bigger. he ended up knocked on his ass more times than he could count until he learned he could outrun other children his age by three strides. there was a streak of almost reckless fearlessness in aleksei during childhood, always the one who was willing to 'go first'- the first to climb, the first to jump. a true wild child.
the wildness never left but it changed as he got older. sasha left to join the army the summer before he turned eighteen, leaving aleksei to go through the growing pains of adolescence alone. he stretched as he grew up- testing every boundary, every limit-- more often than not to the exasperation of his parents. there was expectation now that he was growing, a path set before him by a father who told him ( with love, everything was with love ) that he had to have some sense of purpose otherwise he'd float right away; sasha had been as steady and solid as the earth and aleksei had always been one good gust of wind from flying away and their father wanted to keep his youngest from wandering aimlessly.
when a letter delivered by a guard from the keep brought the news that sasha had been killed by a rogue vampire along the border, the home changes. his father doesn't laugh and his mother stops singing and aleksei grows angry. that anger lashes out against those that love him most- parents that cling all the tighter to the son they have left- all but dragging him to that life path of following in his father's footsteps to serve and protect the noble family. it's a path he finds himself starting- reluctantly- when his father grows sick and the house grows all the more quiet after aleksei buries him. his mother becomes a shell of who she was, sad eyes that stare out the window.
he tries for her, he does-- he cares for her and trains to take his father's place along the wall, day in and day out. aleksei had never been one to easily submit to authority— to fall in line and follow orders blindly— not when his mind could work so much faster and he could think of at least three other options that would work and work better. it lasts for months and the feeling of the walls ever closing in on him becomes too much-- and he leaves. it's something he thinks back on with great shame and even though his mother has forgiven him and told him that 'it's forgotten', he knows he'll never forget that rock of guilt and how it had felt so heavy the day he left. no real destination in mind, aleksei just had to get out of that track.
he makes his way by picking the pockets of those clearly more fortunate than he and by chance happens to stumble into the thieves guild though he's certain lady fate had been keeping a close eye on him. for a few years he makes his way as a petty thief- it's a far cry from an extravagant lifestyle but that time of his life is colored by bacchanalia, a wild freedom he hadn't known before.
but still there's that desire for more. it wasn't enough to make it by on picking pockets, he had to go for bigger targets-- bigger paydays that took him beyond the city of valachia and throughout the kingdom of transvania. fate is a funny thing and the lady certainly has a sense of humor because just as he was starting to make himself a name in a the cat burglary world, he picked the pocket of a man who would change the trajectory of his life. his name was mikhail volkov and aleksei could ( and would ) tell you all sorts of things he theorized mikhail saw in him in that moment but in truth, he couldn't tell you what he saw-- but he promised bigger paydays than aleksei had ever managed to get with thievery.
he was still a boy struggling like hell to make it into manhood when mikhail started to train him. when mikhail found him, he hadn’t grown out of his resistance to authority- something his previous employer had found entertaining and amusing- but he quickly learned that mikhail had no tolerance for impudence and no patience for outright disobedience. 
aleksei— for all his faults— was a fast learner, driven by a need to prove he was something more than ordinary. mikhail taught him how to bleed and how to make others do the same, taught him how to take life without remorse. everyone has a bounty on their head, it was just a matter of making sure you got there before someone else— and avoiding letting your own contract come up for grabs. he spent years working under mikhail, working his way up in the ranks, ever fueled by that desperate need to prove himself— and the money wasn’t half bad. his focus turned to poisons- the different plants and concoctions from across the kingdom that could loosen a man’s tongue or take him down with nothing more than a drop. 
( TRIGGER WARNING: IMPLIED CHILD DEATH ) it was a job in branu— two warring merchant families, each taking contracts out on the other. he’d gotten greedy, playing the two against each other with that wolfish grin and when the sun rose on the seaside, both families had been slaughtered. there’s something about ending a family’s line completely that changes a man and while in the moment, his eyes had been veiled with the focus of an accomplished killer that saw nothing more than targets- contracts to fulfill— but in the light of day, no amount of scrubbing could wash away the blood from his hands and no amount of prayer to whatever god was listening could remove the mark on his soul from taking purely innocent lives.  it became a horror too terrible to bear and instead of returning with the coin he’d collected from the contracts, aleksei fled back to the only place he thought he could escape mikhail's wrath: he went home.
tail tucked between his legs and back in valachia after over a decade of wandering, aleksei appealed to lord halliard for sanctuary and employment. the loyalty that his parents had raised him in was fierce and if there were ever a cause to throw himself to that might absolve him for his past sins, it was to devote himself to the warden family that had cared for his the whole of his life. his skills and training made him useful and he became a blade for the halliard, working in the shadows to protect and defend the noble family from those that would try and harm them in the dark. 
coming home had been a fresh start and in that fresh start was varian. he'd always been there of course; they had been boys together, growing from knobby knees to broad shoulders- closer than brothers. they kept in close contact with one another even when their paths led them far from valachia- varian to his service with the military, bringing honor to his family and aleksei to the crooked path of theft and murder that would've shamed his mother to death if he ever told her the extent of it- writing letters over the span of years to each other.
it wasn't something he planned on-- in fact, for a long while, it was something he actively tried to fight against. his oldest friend, the only person who truly knew aleksei- 'warts and all' as his father would say- and still looked at him as if there were something good in him, something worth loving. and aleksei has loved varian a thousand different ways- as a subject loves a good lord, as a friend loves a friend, as a brother loves a brother, as a bard loves a ballad, as a poet loves a muse. it's something that has always felt fragile, something precious to be guarded-- something that's been for just them.
aleksei has been in the employ of the halliard family for nearly four years now and his devotion to the warden family is stronger now than it was when he first arrived, begging for asylum and purpose outside of killing for coin— which, of course, is still part of the deal but there’s the underlying deeper purpose that drives him forward and turns his eyes towards loftier goals. his eye has been on the master assassin position within the king’s small council though he remains rooted in the service of the family that had for all intents and purposes, saved him from himself. and for now, he’s content with that. 
typical second child-- wild as hell, what my coworker would call 'a bad baby'
had an older brother named sasha that he adored/idolized that died when aleksei was a teenager while sasha was serving in the transvanian military
spends a while in the thieves guild before meeting mikhail volkov who takes him under his wing/mentors him into becoming an assassin
he's like. really good at killing people. [ hairflip ]
got really into poison bc while he can get his hands dirty, he can do so much More with poison like the possibilities are endless
took on a job where he took on the role of a butcher and ended two bloodlines and that can fuck a dude up if he dwells on it long enough.
[ steve miller band vc ] ooooooh took the money and ran
ends up appealing to lord halliard for sanctuary ( hiding from mikhail ) and lands a job as the assassin for the noble family
has been kicking it in that job for about four years now and is content but [ angelica schuyler vc ] he's never satisfied and is always looking for the next leg up he can get.
aleksei lowkey was super into the idea of being a bard when he was a kid. he has a worn gusli that he carries with him and sometimes uses as a disguise when he needs to move around in public without being known-- he can play most stringed instruments. dudes got a natural ear for music
has more aliases than i have throwaway email accounts
bc of that natural ear, he's v good at disseminating where people hail from and is incredibly good at imitating dialects and accents
he's a gemini. im sorry.
his favorite flavor is mint. lowkey always has that hint of mint about him bc the fucking maniac chews mint/peppermint leaves. this man would go absolute apeshit on some andes mints
incredibly fast thinker who happens to be incredibly paranoid. his brain is a super fun place to be
he's stupid your honor but i love him
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p0rk-guts · 18 days
He's finally done I think. WOAW! Radio demon time!!!
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Okay time for comparison + breakdown rant ^ - ^ another SUPER long one I had a lot to say about this silly guy
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ALRIGHT. So. Atp all that can be said has been said about Alastor but I'll gloss over it anyhow. Grossly historically inaccurate hair and clothing. Invisible deer theming. One of the main reasons he's got one of the most clowned on designs in the show is bc he's a pretty good representation of the worst it has to offer. He's absurdly red and has the waspiest waist in town. Also gotta zero in on the coat for a second bc I find it incredibly stupid that he went to that tailor bc of his coat being ripped and then left the shop with the exact same torn coat on oh goddd that felt like a complete joke who wrote this
Also his "redesign" was pointless. He stayed pretty much entirely the same except his colors got pinker and grosser and now he has this?? White trim on his lapels??? Even less 1930's accurate and it only serves to hurt the pallate in my eyes. It's the only spot of white on his entire design, it doesn't appear anywhere else so it throws it all off. And it's so bright. Is it supposed to be a focal point?? His tits????
Anyways onto my guy who I love so very deeply. I'm pretty sure sepia film was outdated by the 1930s but I gave him a palette inspired by it to emphasize how dated and stuck in old ways he is. Added blood red accents bc. Well. Cannibal murderer. Also bc I redid the sin colors so red is wrath and it seems like a fitting sin to pair him with.
After looking into 1930's men's fashion a tiny bit (thanks anon, this video was helpful!) and gave him a double breasted coat but wider and pointier so he looks a little less like just some normal guy and really emphasize how prideful and egotistical he is. "Ooo look at me I'm super big and imposing and powerfulll". I think it's a fun character trait of his. Definitely keeping it.
I liked him wearing gloves bc I feel like he wouldn't like getting his hands directly dirty and would always be covered when committing his murders. Maybe he's a germaphobe even. "I can excuse murder but I draw the line at dried blood on my skin". Also the gloves being white would contrast really well with blood so. Love that
I gave him a long tie to free him from the Vivziepop bow tie uniform and a fedora to add to the 1930's vibe and serve as something that can occasionally obscure his face in shadow. His glasses are also opaque and I imagine his eyes would rarely be shown if ever to make him seem more inhuman and off-putting, disconnecting him from personhood a bit. Wanted to add to that with his smiling mouth never opening and just being a static grin that can only occasionally widen or lessen, his voice cracking out of his "speaker" with fuzzy radio static. Seen multiple ppl use that idea and it always eats
I love Alastor's silly theatric nature (primarily in the pilot) and I'd probably keep it, but I'd add a layer of uncanny-ness to him where when he's not putting on his silly jovial facade, he gives off an unnerving vibe. Trying to appear approachable and charming and pleasant to lure people in before he's revealed to be less than human. Loveee thattt
I love Alastor being a deer. Predator becoming prey (animal) + "prey animal" lulling people into a false sense of security before striking. Love it. We should be CAPITALIZING ON IT❗So I gave him deer like legs, visible deer hooves, and more readable deer ears + the ham radio tower antenna antlers (sorry 4 calling them horns 💀)
Tried to make it a little more obvious that he's a mixed man of color by giving him dark wavy hair and the faintest hint of lip definition Viv uses in her style. I think it works. He's still not dark skinned tho
LASTLY the mic. Also not an original idea as I've seen tons of others turn it into a carbon mic but turned into a pentagram shape and I love the idea a lotttt so I joined the crew.
AND THAT DOES IT!!!! hope u like him as much as I do hehe. Just 1 supplemental doodle this time sorry :/ showing off how his face is probably obscured most of the time. He's. So hard to draw. I'm just bad at men but I'm tryinggggg guys
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Alsoooo I've already finished the drawings for Niffty, Angel, and Husk! Once I've finished their breakdowns I'll add em right to the queue, and then I'll make a post with all of the main 6 together :3
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yunhoszn · 6 months
alright babes you already know it's bro but sleep deprived
anyway we were talkin abt this in the dms but i think its time to share w the class
who in atz are briefs guys and who are boxers guys?
also i love you •3•
ateez & boxers v. briefs
erm mentions of underwear?,,,, extremely suggestive….. half of this makes no sense im high as shit typing this and my logic probably does not logic like i thought it did…
OKAY ok here we go
⟢ hongjoong likely wears boxers.. i feel like if he did one of those calvin klein ads, he’d wear the briefs for the bit but that’s about it. he seems like the type who likes the free-ness of them if that makes sense 😭
⟢ seonghwa. ok. i feel like he varies. i could def see him in boxers like… hovering over you, knees caging you in, his hair long enough that it wraps and curls around the base of his neck— i’m gonna stop talking about this— but i could also see him in that same calvin klein ad setting and i feel like he would look really good in some grey briefs…
⟢ yunho is fs a boxers guy. tbh i feel like most tall men are just cause they’re comfortable and most tall men are carrying very well endowed,,,, packages,,,, so yeah i think he would wear boxers, but not too loose. like they’re actually on the snugger side
⟢ yeosang is a briefs guy. u cannot convince me otherwise. (i’m imagining the jeremy allen white calvin klein ad) that’s how i imagine yeosang in briefs. like it just makes so much sense to me.
⟢ san…. i told u my thoughts on san. but i’m sharing with the class now <3 i think if this were inception era san, the answer would be boxers no questions asked. but current san, extremely built, shaped like a dorito san, the answer is obviously briefs. they hug his thighs and his ass just right… muscular men in briefs is a weakness…. a plague…
⟢ mingi is another obvious briefs choice. slightly dorito shaped, mingi is the exception to my ‘tall men wear boxers’ disclaimer from before. U cannot look at him and tell me he does Not wear briefs. then ur lying straight to my face. tell me u do not see this man being the ateez man who would Actually do the calvin klein ad.
⟢ wooyoung, i had to toss around with. but ultimately i think he’s a boxers guy. my conclusion is more of a technical analysis bc i was thinking about his style and the kind of clothes he wears, which are usually on the baggier side, so i’d think he prefers comfortability. and tbh boxers fit that whole vibe.
⟢ jongho is also a boxers guy no doubt. his wasn’t even a meticulous analysis or anything. i thought about it for one second and immediately came to the idea; ‘jongho wears boxers’. solely based on vibes. like look at him. once u see the vision, u just do and there’s no turning back. boxers guy.
(also hi i love YOU MORE!!!!! :3 hehe i got the last word so i win in terms of size of love)
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
just read ch. 7 of tpac! the whole time i was like "timmy, no." and then i was like "korvin no!" i mean, looking from the outside, stalker tim drake would definitely freak out korvin, but reading the chapter in tim's pov, it makes him sound so reasonable. and i could say the same thing about korvin when i read his pov in ch. 6 and how there's a reasonable thought process there. im not blaming korvin, but looks like he just escalated the situation, and im worried what tim and korvin end up doing.
love the moment tim concluded that korvin must be his replacement, and he seemed to have just went "ok. alright. makes sense. i'll be professional." it's genuine, but it also sounds like he's compartmentalizing there for a bit.
also, for the rest of the chapter, i was just going, "oh my god, just talk. someone tell stuff to someone! maybe, idk, ask?" while also cackling. the tendency of not telling people who care about you about stuff you probably should is very much a bat thing, i'll say.
gotta say tho, if i only had this chapter on tim's pov to base on, it wouldve looked to me that korvin fits in perfectly with the bats' in terms of a lack of communication skills. or is this just a mind game he's instigating? the usual paranoia? what was going on his head when he went for the flight reaction at the sight of tim as robin? and then pulling that usb stunt.
like. what kinda vibes has korvin been getting from tim for him to get to this point?
i shall answer morning (?) you and then later you (second ask)
yep thank u for seeing that if you take each pov as is, both tim and korvin may be squirrely in different ways but they both come from a rational starting point (which is what makes their particular type irrationality a slippery slope and super fun to write)
(and something to be mindful of irl, i'm def prone to anxious spirals but have the energy of a dried-out slug so i just ride the spiral to the end until it's so irrational that i go "lol okay there's a higher chance of a meteor striking my apartment dead on, calm down bitch" to myself. korvin has a lot of energy)
and tim wrt potentially being replaced "i guess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hahaha" he is definitely compartmentalizing and rationalizing
(i don't want to get into uwu tim sadboi territory bc i feel that's a slippery slope to take, but bro's not okay. it takes a type of childhood, parenting, and enabling to make tim drake.
but i hope readers can catch hints of that in his pov)
no one's fucking talking lmao who does that??? (real adults with emotional and social competency)
(people who aren't terrified of being vulnerable 🙃)
but like, think about it. if you're constantly trained to have a secret identity and always around people that do the same...you get used to not talking. very bat, like you pointed out. + so much more going on; someone left a very insightful comment on the chapter that had me kicking my feet in the air 🥰🥰
and yes, the final bit you've pointed out--to tim, this is like standard fare bat mindgame shit. or what the fuck is going on with this kid??? who reacts like that, to that extreme???
this will resolve next chapter, so hang on until then 😏 please do continue to speculate because 1) it's fun and 2) i really don't write things by accident (my writing's already bloated--i do a lot of excising and editing to keep to the point)
rereading tpac ch. 7 with a clearer mind than i was in the morning earlier.
i gotta say, one of the best things i love about your writing the most is how wonderfully flawed you write the characters. tim drake is a character i adore and it's a compliment when i say i wanna punch him in the throat with the way you characterized him. it's so fascinating to see korvin from the direct pov of someone korvin doesn't know well yet, like with dick's pov and with barbara, back to how he was before they bonded, and especially with someone young like tim and also tim being tim.
which! ofc they would clash terribly for the first time! ofc tim "no sense of personal boundaries" drake would simply absolutely rub korvin "hates being perceived" kwan the wrong way in the most vehement way possible.
anyway, ya. tim deserves that a little bit in the end, and im excited to see where the tim-korvin dynamic is gonna go from here.
first off, i just wanna say i'm super flattered and appreciative of you (and other readers) actually giving this much attention to the fic. i joke it's not homework but like, you're having fun, i'm having fun, there's a bit of substance going on 🤭 a little puzzle, a little treat
and then another thank you 😭😭😭 because that's the goal with my characters. i want them to be believable and coherent in their own perspectives, which means traits and behaviors that are strengths can be recontextualized as flaws (and vice versa). not really into strict "this is always positive" "this is always negative".
(a big running theme in all my fics + something you can't avoid with SI fics is "a whole person is defined by both the internal and external". you have your core, but you must also be perceived)
i'll take the way you want to punch tim (lovingly) in the throat as a compliment! i want that! he deserves a bit of bullying! i just get sad when ppl get actually mad-mad at him because...bro's just trying his best but playing the wrong game with the wrong pieces lmao
his view of korvin also goes back to your previous asks about how'd they interact, and the answer is "depends on the context of how they meet and their relative social place to one another". tim's much older than korvin in whfagt and those are extenuating circumstances, so that's a very different interaction vs...this lol.
HAHA yes, you got it in one on how tim rubs korvin wrong. you'll get the other side next chapter.
(another theme with SIs is "get perceived, idiot", so korvin's getting dragged kicking and screaming into that. eventually. might take a whole sequel.)
you're excited to see, and i'm excited to show! in my other fics, the SI has the luxury of fucking off and stepping away from powder keg social interactions (kinda), but not korvin. so it's finally reasonable for me to write the most batshit (pun intended) insane character dynamics i can imagine
(if i wasn't so tied into my metacognition, there would have been plenty of places in my other fics i could have gone off the rails like readers wanted/expected. but that's not how i work.)
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hertwood · 9 months
dts s1e3! AND e4
-while they first showed the baku maxiel crash in ep2, i'll talk abt it here bc its more focused on in this episode: -now that i've seen the 2010 turkish grand prix, this to me is so so reminiscent to mark & seb's crash. long term driver vs fresh faced golden boy, red bull ~trying~ to be neutral but clearly favoring the younger one, while in MY opinion in both cases it was max/seb more at fault -so daniel's choices make so much sense through this lense, seeing how history was repeating itself -i must say, 🙌 RESPECTFULLY 🙌 claire williams is a milf. hope she's doing wonderfully nowadays -the way sergey sirotkin is literally invisible i was even like who tf is that. sorry u got chewed up and spit out by the f1 machine buddy -in monaco qualifying its an interesting rewatch bc i actually know how things work, so the lil radio snippets actually make sense to me. interestin -this is the first episode where they have a truly well set up victory narrative. real life doesn't usually fit into this good cookie cutter narrative, but daniel's story in this episode really does that and it rly sets the bar for good dts episodes IN MY OPINION -i know that max in this episode gets pointed to a lot as see???? dts edits max to make him look meaner than he is!! and i just dont think thats the full picture. sure, they only show him being grumpy and rash and immature and they dont show any of his goofier side, but 2018 max WAS a big hothead. i honestly think it makes it narratively better to see how immature and short fused he was in season 1 to compare to how he is now!
episode 4!!
-CYRIL COME HOME THE KIDS MISS YOU -oh my god love being reminded of the iconic daniel conversation with his MOM "have a good race love you" "yeah alright. gangster ✌️" -now knowing hondas history gives so much more insight into the nuance of the red bull-honda deal. with them struggling a team and then selling to brawn, to the mclaren honda deals that went horribly, i see it as so much more of a risk than i ever did first watch -which leads me to DANIEL'S CHOICE MAKING SENSE. sure, in hindsight we can see how it failed horribly but it made sense! from the bottom of my heart i dont believe that red bull wasnt gonna prioritize max, and i'd wanna get out of that too! sure it was risky, but if daniel didnt make the jump, would we be lamenting that he didnt instead? i think either choice would've likely gone downhill anyway :( -the exes trying to be amicable bc they still work together vibes are Hilarious -christian's whole 'cyril is an emotional guy' is fascinating because christian is SO emotional!!! the difference is his main emotion is anger, which men tend to convince themselves ~doesnt count~ -'he needs a driver AND an engine 😂😂😂' ate left no crumbs king behavior
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eemcintyre · 1 year
Random thoughts I had during my fifth viewing of the cinematic masterpiece "Cocktail" (1988)
Well... more like my 5 2/3 viewing bc I got like 2/3 through it and then my mom was like "why didn't you tell me you were gonna watch it, I would have wanted to watch it too" so I lied about how far I was through it "there's still a lot left we can start it over" and I watched the same movie almost twice in a row in the span of a few hours :)
"Wild Again" by Starship is one of the only good songs tbh, although "Addicted to Love" and "When Will I Be Loved" are also pretty alright. But the soundtrack is lowkey horrendous imo
I stand by my previous standalone post- no one has ever been that excited to get on a fkin Greyhound bus
Benefit of the bus, however- the scene with him and the baby; I feel like Tom just vibes really well w kids because he's such a smiley, fun, and chaotic lil guy and gREAT now I have baby fever again thx 💖
Oh the blatant plot exposition about his parents that they beat us over the head with oh-so-subtly
Oh the foreshadowing throughout that is even less subtle
One of my favorite quotes in any movie, bc it makes me feel better about my life being in disarray and not knowing what to do about it, I guess, is the “Most things in life, good and bad, just kinda happen to ya.”
Tom's still got his high little baby voice 😩
Even as a college graduate, the interviewing scene hits way too hard 🥲😩
Someone needs to acknowledge that the Red Eye looks like the most disgusting thing
Wish the dress shirt and tie fit had been featured more because it does things to me, but the scenes contrasting his first and second shift at the bar are when I first developed TC brain rot and fell in love w that lil goofball
I can’t judge the girl giving him the "fuck me eyes" bc have you seen him, plus she’s showing restraint compared to what I would do tbh
The adult learners usually drove me nuts in my classes (which I know is terrible but shhhhh) but I felt so bad for Sheila Rivkin
This professor really thinks he’s doing standup comedy or smth
Honey don’t put your face on the subway stairs that's arguably more disgusting than a Red Eye
The timeline of this movie is pretty hard to follow tbh; much as I adore it, you never know every time a scene changes whether it's been two days or like 3 months
What the actual fuck was the whole yuppie poet thing about- it's like when I used to watch those 60s Frankie and Annette movies where the weirdest shit would just happen for no reason and I felt like there was some social commentary or inside joke or smth that was just going way over my head that, if I had existed in that time, would have just been like "oh yeah that makes total sense"
The amount of raw sexual energy that this man exudes- I remember someone's post from a while back that was like "why is Cocktail like a 'mom' movie that all the moms are still obsessed with" but just like imagine if you saw this in theaters when it first came out
The only man allowed to wear beach shirts and look sexy, change my mind
I've always thought Elisabeth Shue is so incredibly underappreciated as an actress, smth about her line delivery and expressions just seems very genuine and naturalistic idk
She just orders “a beer” WHAT KIND???
So scary tbh how much he was becoming like Doug even being apart from him for a while
The side eye and shade Jordan gives Doug in this scene cracks me up every time without fail
The reggae singer absolutely popping tf off in his silver lamé suit ✨
Brian and Jordan both pulling the “I’m not like other girls” lmao
Sure she’s lowkey a manic pixie dream girl but I still love her
If this movie was remade in modern times (God forbid) Brian would 100% be one of those guys with a hustle culture boss up motivational entrepreneur Instagram account. And Doug would perhaps be one of those cringy creepy pickup artists that talks about low-value women and compares them to horses and thinks he can mind-trick them into falling madly in love w him
If someone was waking me up early every morning to drink carrot juice I would commit crimes
The artist guy who made that exhibit looks like the oiliest man I’ve ever seen
Jordan’s dad says “bartender” like it’s a slur
When Brian tears up the check it always makes my lil heart just 💗💫🥺 the character evolution
Why did I only have this thought on my like fifth viewing of this movie, but I wonder if he hadn’t escorted Kerry back to her apartment if he would have gotten back in time to save Doug, and then who knows what would’ve happened bc then he wouldn’t have felt compelled to tell Jordan how much he really loved her and ask Pat for help and all that
WHEN HE FIGHTS EVERYONE OFF TO GET TO JORDAN what can I say, I'm a sucker for grand and melodramatic romantic gestures and proclamations of love
The teasing and singing along at the wedding is getting a little too real guys stop making this awkward 👀😬
I don’t care how unrealistic the end is, and that in real life they would have 100% soon gotten divorced, bc I want to believe that people can change and that all of the tribulation was worth it + enough for Brian to become a good dad/husband and successful but with it not being above and at the expense of his family; he would be such a fun and chaotic dad and their life would be so hectic w twins but I want to believe they could do it :( it comforts my cynical and depression-addled brain to believe they could do it :(
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alright fuckers u asked for it u got it
here is my thomastair playlist
its fifteen songs long, could be subject to change we’ll see lol
it’s on spotify so i’m going to link it at the bottom of this post, but first i’m going to list the songs and artists and provide a little context as to why i believe it qualifies as a thomastair song 😈😈
1.) dixie boy - april smith and the great picture show
chose bc i absolutely love this song, and i love belting it when i’m home alone lol. it *is* sang by a girl, however a) her voice is beautiful and b) the lyrics just fit thomastair SO well. no spoilers ofc but think of when alastair said that he always noticed when others were looking at thomas and how much he hated it. that’s this song. although it could also be how thomas feels about charles LMAO
2.) medicine - royal sugar
got recommended these guys on ig and they’re great!! no reason other than it’s just a rly cool song, kinda sexy, it’s just great lol
3.) fleeting love - royal sugar
reminds me of earlier thomastair 💗🙏
4.) indigo - mouth culture
there aren’t many lyrics to this, but it’s one of my fave songs. such a chill, great vibe, just makes me picture the two of them sitting together in the evening, no words, just relaxing :)
5.) why’d you only call me when you’re high? - arctic monkeys
possibly the only song on this any of u will recognise HA. again no real reason. just i guess when they had their oh moment??
6.) loud - feed the biirds (not a typo)
they’re out. they’re happy. they don’t give a fuck who says what. they love each other and the whole world is gonna know.
7.) palo santo - years & years
the first of 3 y&y appearances. olly (the singer) is gay and i love how his music expresses his identity; he’s not shy about it. reminds me a little of the sanctuary scene??
8.) i need you to hate me - jc stewart
okay i’m gonna be honest this is here for 2 reasons. one, bc it makes so much sense for thomastair. how alastair was so desperate for thomas to not care about him so that neither of them got their hearts broken. two, because apparently jc stewart is from a place just down the road from where i live HA ni represent fr
9.) DKLA - troye sivan, tkay maidza
fuck it lol just makes sense to me
10.) sanctify -years & years
one of the lines is ‘you don’t have to be straight with me’ with heavy emphasis on the word straight and it makes me giggle so
11.) tout l’univers - gjon’s tears
okay it’s a eurovision song BUT i needed a french song!!! cause paris!!! if you want to look up a translation of the lyrics feel free, but here’s (roughly) what the chorus says:
all the universe // our two hearts beneath the earth // in the midst of failures, everything explodes // to be at the point of impact // without you
i am aware they are kind of sad lyrics but i think this song captures how tumultuous everything was for them at the start, especially from a personal point of view for alastair
12.) moon - the cab
i love alexander deleon’s (lead singer) work as bohnes soooo the cab are great too. again just a silly kinda sexy song lol. also just realised it’s called moon and la voyage dans la lune guys i’m so smart
13.) hypnotised - years & years
more early thomastair vibes. actually the y&y songs on this make me want to write smth. idk. i think early thomastair owns my heart tbh
14.) love it if we made it - the 1975
yes i dislike matty as much as the next person however this song means a lot to me personally. i don’t know why, but it has helped me through a lot, like a note to self kind of thing? anyways. yeah i love this song and i think it really represents the desperation of thomastair, particularly how thomas put so much effort into convincing alastair that they’d be ok, that they could be together. ‘i’d love it if we made it’ just makes me think of thomas tbh. and!!! it’s all good bc!!! they did!!!
15.) hit and run - lolo
okay i’m going to be honest. i wanted there to be specifically 15 songs and so i needed to think of a final one to add. i really like this one, and thomastair often comes to mind when i listen to it. like i could just see them doing something borderline illegal or generally stupid and running away laughing because they’re just two idiots in love. lowkey oneshot idea of them being a criminal duo? who knows
that’s it for now, happy listening and feel free to add your own songs! you should be able to, i think it’s public and if you really want you can follow my spotify lol
here is the link:
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
just to explain what i meant with "being actually different" in yesterday's post i'm gonna use Frankenstein and the Monster as an example:
the Monster is said to be Victor's foil, but in reality that's Victor's perspective. While he is "human, good-looking and intelligent", the Monster is "inhumane, grotesque and dumb". but these things don't really make them different.
this is not to say Mary is a bad writer, in fact i thought the book was so freaking great i reread it twice. what i mean is that the Monster is only a foil in Victor's view.
if you're a mbti nerd like me, listen to this: Frankenstein's an INTP and the Monster is often said to be an INFP. that just shows how NOT different they are.
they're both IxxP types, so their temperament is the same - they are both Ji doms. their inferior function is a Je function. They both make decisons on what they think is the best option ignoring what the world thinks about it.
Frankenstein wants to kill the Monster bc his whole existence does not make sense to him, it's not "correct" a monster keeps walking around like a human when they're not one in his logical perspective (Ti). He doesn't really care the Monster might actually have feelings and wants to be human (inf Fe).
the Monster wants to "feel right", to feel like an actual human being, to experience the most beautiful feeling humans can ever feel: love. Everything he does is to be able to feel "right" (Fi) and when he gets rejected by everyone for his appearance, he gets in a Te grip (ex. killing that boy) and forgets every single moral principle and value he had as most important to him bc he could feel more human bc of them. He does not actually think how can he efficiently show his value to society by proving it in practical ways to people around him (inf Te).
they both lead by making decisions that the believe is the best one (Victor: i kill the monster > everything will be alright again / Monster: i will be generous and give this family gifts > they will love me), the difference is that Victor prefers what makes logical sense to him while the Monster does what feels right to him. Just that.
At the same time they both show their inferior functions similarly when it comes to how they think they are going to be seen by society: Victor fears being seen as evil and being hated by everyone for creating the Monster (inf Fe) while the Monster fears not being able to fit in and have a "normal life" (having to work, gathering food, all the practical shit) like everyone else (inf Te).
they both use auxiliary Ne and tertiary Si. right now i don't remember any Ne things i could say about them bc it's been years i last read Frankenstein but i do remember both of them described the places they were with so much richness of detail i could not not mention their tertiary Si. That might be bc Mary may use Si but idk so meh just gonna keep quiet about that.
they are actually somewhat similar in a cognitive way. the "foil" thing is only in Frankenstein's mind and they actually have a lot in common.
when i said i wanted my characters to be "actually" different i meant that in a cognitive way as well. not their vibes, aesthetics, tastes, but the way they perceive information and make decisions. that's not to say all "foil" characters are not valid and shitty. just that i, Bat, want my foil characters to be more deeply different, in my case a in cognitive way.
well that's it 👍
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rovermcfly · 1 year
Any frank & sonny headcanons that don’t really fit in the modern gomorrah but that you would like to share with us?
[crashes through door] OKAY DONT LEAVE ALRIGHT
One of my favourites is thinking about them post-movie. obviously the movie ends ambiguously on purpose but I like to imagine they make it out and run away to Italy together (maybe a small town around lake como bc I was there while forming this hc). Sonny is "Italian-American" in the sense that sure, someone in his family line did come from Italy but like most americans who claim some certain European ancestry he doesn't actually have any connection to the place or culture, doesn't speak the language, has never been there and essentially bases his knowledge only on stereotypes. but he's always dreamed of going to italy so that's where they run away to and like, live their own version of a happy end which is a lifetime of being perpetually simultaneously divorced and newly-wed. all in al they're happy.
@all-chickens-are-trans has SO many amazing headcanons for their post-movie life in Italy and wrote an amazing fic about it too and you should ask them about their various headcanons as well bc they're 👀👀
I also love coming up with other insane headcanons that I would never canonize in the script but are just how I like to do fandom, like for example sonny was what his mother always called him and moreno is his mother's maiden's name, bc he adores his mother and she was the most important person in his life UNTIL HIS FATHER BRUTALLY MURDERED HER WITH A GUN WHICH IS WHY HE REFUSES TO TOUCH GUNS. however canonically, sonny is a p carefree guy and idk if he'd have an angsty backstory or is really just vibing.
also sonny can't drive. I just think it'd be funny if he literally just doesn't have a drivers license and cannot drive.
Sonny literally experienced the events that are chronicled in the song Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard. like that song is about him.
Collins, the rookie cop, quits the force after the events of the movie and becomes an artist. maybe he writes a book about the mysterious disappearance of Detective Barnes or something. And on that note- in the modern gomorrah universe there is a buzzfeed unsolved episode about it and shane and ryan accidentally stumble over the truth without realising when they jokingly theorize that the detective fell in love with the mysterious suspect and they eloped.
well these weren't so much "frank & sonny" headcanons as just general headcanons but I hope you enjoy them anyway
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resolve case 3, investigation day one thoughts:
why was that experiment approved. who okay'd this? that was a glorified electric chair. the science is technically theoretically possibly sound, but like, for Star Trek. this is 1891! (or 1851. don't get me started)
also i spent the first quarter of the day being deeply annoyed that a German had an English pun as a last name. He's not actually German. it's fine
Gina!!! actually her new internship makes sense-the original Lestrade was a detective. glad she's alright.
also glad that Gregson faced some repercussions for deal-mongering. some. prob not enough, but.
Herlock's finances seem dire. little concerned. man you have a child.
also just a thought because brothers and all, but will Mycroft Shomles (Ycroft? idk) show up at any point?
Esmeralda's design is so good. girl. slay, (pls don't). deeply baffled as to how the wax statue theft will fit into everything. truly a tangent there.
Stronghart. can't believe Ryunosuke slept through his probably important infodump. Boo. also i don't trust Stronghart.
Stronghart mentioned an Attorney General. HM. will we ever meet them? thonking thoughts
i should have been taking notes on the timelines of past events mentioned. too many.
Van Zieks. Where do i even begin.
Van Zieks is Batman. it's the same thing. it's the opening monologue from The Batman. Fear!
the entire scene in his office was... amazing
single-handedly keeping a master Hallowed Chalice Craftman employed.
he has an older brother?? i wonder about his parents
also i've had this thought for most of these games, but Stronghart and Van Zieks are related somehow. they have the same crest and similar vibes, and they appear to trust eachother.
that or Stronghart is blackmailing him. options!
that prison convo. WHAT. twisted. van zieks calls Albert his friend, then says he's going to prosecute him, and then Albert seems grateful? missing something here.
Ryunosuke might not believe it, but I totally see how van Zieks was a normal nice dude before the TraumaTM
also: apprentice? WHO. Ryunosuke says they seem familiar.
they can't be Susato, right? insane. Kazuma's dead. Gina is gainfully employed. Herlock would never. i cann't think of who. i don't know. I keep being hung up on the Susato idea.
i need to finish these games i want to understand things
(also bc i want to read fic. esp 6 month gap fics...)
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minwooks-moved · 1 year
ok so: overall, i like the concept a lot, maybe bc it falls in line very well with their debut release (at least visually, i kinda hope we get like, a middle ground between fight inside and fireworks audibly, if u get me. like, calmer than fight inside, but hyper than fireworks) and i like that they're idk, staying consistent, it feels like they already know what image fits them well and that's nice. as for the fits, i like them all with the exception of seunghwan. im sorry i know he's your fave, but his outfit just feels a little strange to me, like the pants not matching and the headband and the left earring and... yeah. though i do kidna like the hair color, maybe if he gets a diff fit it'll be alright for me lmao. i have something to say abt yoel's sweater, but combined with the hairstyle he lowkey looks like one of the tj_beastboy fans i used to see all the time at school and uni so i can't hate it either, just wish the sweater had less/no motives on it (maybe they shouldve straight up given him tj_beastboy merch lol) nd like he has that same earring seunghwan has but here it makes sense to me bc of the overall look idk. i love what they did with eunjun's hair but the outfit... its not bad, but i feel like somethings missing. idk im not a stylist but maybe i wouldve slapped some pink-purple bandages on his knees lmao. wooyoung, seunghyun and doryun i have nothing to complain about though, they all look really good with the lone skater looks. i mean, wooyoung kinda doesnt have that going on, but he looks good with the other two to me. nyways that was really long i apologize but those r my thoughts!! nd yours?
i get what u mean !! they’ve def found their own little thing, nd i’m so 🥰 it really does fit them, so i’m super glad they’re sticking w/it <3 does seem like they’re leaning back toward fight inside-esque vibe, so it wouldn’t be too terribly surprising if they ended up matching it in sound …. though like you said, it would b pretty cute if they ended up doing something that’s like .. an in-between fight inside & fireworks.
and no worries abt not liking hwan’s 🥹 it’s a bit better than what they gave him for fireworks (🫠), but it’s still . messy like . they keep doing that w/him nd it’s so djdbdj — WHY !!!😭 they haven’t rlly styled him right since debut nd for the life of me i just . don’t know why <\3 nd yoel’s … going to b real honest nd say i don’t have Any Idea who u are referencing, however i can kinda get what u mean like ?? it’s very . he’s cute, but it’s . a wee … idk — there’s a flatness there (outside his makeup/hair) that’s v . idk … they could’ve made him match a bit better w/out the sweatshirt JEBDJD — nd also i can see what u mean abt feeling like there’s something missing with eun’s .. like it’s almost perf, but it feels a little . Empty.? like there’s a gap in accessories that’s like . a little too noticeable this time ‘round, which is super strange. :<
but w/seunghyun’s + wooyo’s + doryun’s, they somehow nailed it … to me … like they r so cute, nd they all look/feel a bit more .. comfortable / natural ? like if that makes sense .. really don’t have any abt their outfits. ^^
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knowlessman · 2 years
beggo no heggo acabamia (bnha) s2e1-3
I know he technically isn't going "ho ho ho" but I still swear all might sounds like santa clause when he does the laugh -- I thought I skipped the recap episode
random pull/shoutout: I love Shady Cicada but these intros remind me of his "how to do an anime intro" videos (affectionately meh, if that makes any sense)
…hm. 100% thought we were watching one of the villains read a stolen letter but I guess not; the establishing shot (?) of, I think, the bar from the last episode confused me
ohey mccrassidy's here again -- I guess it is good that we have a prominent quirkless character in the detective here (unless he turns out to be Rampo in disguise) -- "a man-child that oppressed-feeling villainous people listen to" …something something trump
bird man has teeth. fancy that
"we're already seated" iida what did I tell you about spongebobbing it 'XD
"hello, this is my other pokemon cosplay, dusclops"
Tumblr media
…I never went to high school, is "homeroom" usually just one announcement long?
-- also I think I can see how this's gonna be a good arc 'XD
uraraka have you been watching kill la kill
-- …speaking of kill la kill. is uraraka just whatserface. best sidekick. mako mankanshoku, that's her name. …googles to see if they have the same VA; they don't
yup. he put too many chips in, only got some back. (I did learn how to play poker once; didn't retain a thing)
no pressure, huh. anyway next one
"those who are always aiming for the top, and those who aren't." beh. ambition.
"that's kacchan in neutral" alright.
-- "move, fives. a ten wants out."
idk why this blue hair guy is giving me homestuck troll vibes but he is and I wanna like him
I still wanna know how invisible girl beat deku in the fitness test. deku was training to beat saitama, was she training for goku???
what is Korg's ability? I don't think we know anything much about him.
(kyoka is fucking around with darts) holy fuck did kyoka wander in out of naruto? o_o
lol whotf is that with no shirt and the pikachu helmet
wait you're giving vegeta the mic? wtf for, do you guys not share notes or something
(random-minigame-looking thingy is on the screen) is this fucking mario party. wait what am I saying, obviously it's gonna be fall guys.
-- correction: mario kart? …uh, on foot? idfk
…this fucker is like if zuko was saitama but also carrot but also cooler than any other character I can think of. just like matter-of-factly hypercompetent with no humility but with dignity but on his own side. like "yes I'm OP and I hate it but differently than saitama." I know, like, SOME spoilers about his general deal but like… damn.
-- …is he sasuke if sasuke didn't just come across as an edgy idiot?
dang, next?
okay quiet can just make a mortar bc why not
I was wondering if they had gadgeteers.
ohey it's gamzee again. I knew those eyes and that hair were making me think of someone in particular. we about to see some motherfucking miracles?
(deku's gambit) WHAT? 'XD
-- (deku's gambit part 2) WHAT
vegeta's not gonna like that
get a chapstick, you weirdo
cavalry whut
-- …??? so, it's not like a three-legged race but carrying somebody then. wtf is a cavalry battle
oh goddammit, "cavalry battle finale" isn't til the episode after next. gonna cut it here, then.
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deanwwinchester · 2 years
coming into ur inbox to say hello hope u are well!!! I'm pretty alright, I started graduate school and I actually wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be!! and the content is making a ton if sense to me so I think I just might be a good fit for the program!! I wanna be a counselor so I gotta take more school for it rip. my program is a weekend format tho so every other weekend I go legit *all weekend* but I actually like that bc it means I just take one class at a time but I still get the whole semester's worth of content. also my professor is so cool and I have him for my next class too which is great he's one of the best professors I've ever had. It's kind of a lot sometimes to do full wekends of nonstop school but I actually like it! I am also getting fully ready for valentines day!! even tho I'm single atm I Love valentines day it's so cute and I can still celebrate the friends/fam I do have. I placed my last non candy/valentines to hand out to my classmates order and I got some mugs and heart shaped placemats and pjs!! the placemats I might just use all year lmaoo. anyway a lil ranty rant for u on a fine tuesday but I hope u are doing amazing and I hope u have an amazing week!!!!
Hi, Em!🥰 Thanks for dropping by!
Ahhhh soooo nice to hear that! I hope you do amazing and that you enjoy it! You got this!!!!😀 Sending positive vibes your way! It all sounds very interesting! And I love to see you have goals! Amazing!🥰
I'm not into Valentine's day and I will also be single😂 What I'm looking forward about February is my first trip to Rome and the Supernatural convention! Soooo excited!!! I can't wait!!!
Also... My birthday is coming up... On the 24th. I'm turning 30! Jeez...
I had class today! I'm studying some biology and about aquatic mammals! We were talking about reproductive cycles and so. I'm learning a lot of interesting things!
My tuesday is about to end but I hope you have an amazing rest of the day and I also wish you a wonderful week!!!!💙
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chemicalpink · 3 years
If it’s alright with you could you do an astrology post about how bts would flirt with a person they were attracted to?
So.. god I really hate disclaimers because I like to believe that we are all reasoning people, plus there’s a general disclaimer on my page BUT I know for a fact that people don’t read that (those same people won’t read this one anyway).
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.
OKAY NOW THAT THAT’S OVER by default, Venus and Mars could give us an insight into their love styles, but I’ve already got reading about those here, here, and here 
We are going to use those BUT I’ll focus on their EROS (if you want me to do actual research and post a full love life analysis for each member, let me know in my ask)
Kim Seokjin ʕっ˘ڡ˘ςʔ
I feel like a dad joke to tune into the other person’s humor is his way to go.
His Eros in Scorpio points to someone blunt in his approach, so something along the lines of overly flirting pick-up lines.
His Cancer Mars points to his overall romantic self so if Kim Seokjin is flirting with you prepare to live a drama scene where you feel like the only person in the world.
His Capricorn Venus reinforces the fact that this man is straightforward when flirting, and is very VERY selective as to who they approach.
So all in all, these three placements tell me that Kim Seokjin is a man that loves the fact that people are so multidimensional and he is here for it! he wants to know everything about the person he decided to approach because this man’s standards are over the top and he knows it. 
There's a lot of talking involved while getting to know each other, although he drops facts about himself here and there along with some funny storytimes, he will make it all about you.
A gentleman at his finest, drop you by your house, make sure you’re not cold, that you’re enjoying your food, that you’re comfortable.
This man’s way into your heart is ultimately his actions + his humor.
Min Yoongi  /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
He’s... silent. Kinda shy, okay very shy, unless you gave off a great vibe, you’re not getting past awkward introductions and anxious small talk.
If you make it past introductions(because let’s be real, this man’s standards? impossible to fulfill), you’re in for a ride.
His Eros in Capricorn makes him crave to connect in a physical sense, even if it’s just hand-holding during dates, funny enough, this placement is the hardest one to make him open up so.. he’s not talking much about himself.
EVEN FUNNIER his Aries Venus points to someone bold and confident, which I can totally see him doing, the first move if he sees someone that plays into his idea of perfection.
Idk why it just strikes me as he knows what he wants from people, he’s not afraid of a challenge and chase, and his boldness as well as need for physical touch, makes him a great candidate for a fun short term, especially since his Eros signals that he pretty much values work more than love life.
Yoongi is... very much handled by his ego self, so he might be aloof at times, it has to do with his terrible high standards, a somewhat fear of intimacy and love for his work that keeps him from any type of social life (because he values work too much), but this man is also very romantic, and a great listener, as it is told by his Cancer Mars.
It’s all a matter of getting through his hard skin to get to the mushy Yoongi he doesn’t let many people experience.
Jung Hoseok ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ
This man loves a challenge, the thrill of the chase, not very healthy if you ask me but hey, you do you.
Playing hard to get will most certainly interest him. As well as letting him help you so he can “save the day”. This is all according to his Aries Eros. 
True to his Eros, his Aquarius Mars makes him be the biggest fan of flirting, and he obviously succeeds, thanks to his huge charisma and wittiness. 
LISTEN- THIS MAN as oblivious to affection as he is, can flirt with a whole group of people at once.
Free-spirited and quick-witted people are his cup of tea since it makes it easier for him to keep the flirting flow going.
I know I’ve said it many times before in this post, ISN’T IT FUNNY his Pisces Venus points to him being shy and awkward but cute, which I think pretty much describes Hobi, minus the shy.
So all in all, Hoseok flirting magnet, he is all smiles and will fill your heart with cute stuff and funny things, also, KING of not giving off mixed signals, he doesn’t even have to say a word, he flirts with his whole body.
KIM NAMJOON “φʕ•ᴥ•oʔ
THIS MAN BEING AN EROS IN LIBRA MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. He has a more traditional sophisticated way of flirting, kinda like courting.
It also makes him very giving, up until the relationship is off-balanced, then things end, so yeah, he likes to give, but he also likes to receive just as much. 
Also, very much into intelligent refined people. 
Just like Yoongi and Jin, he has a Cancer Mars, which only heightens his leaning towards traditional love and courting.
He will be devoted even when flirting, wanting to know everything about the other person, even on the first date, just- very very soft Joonie.
Lowkey, as poised as he is, his Scorpio Venus will give everyone a run for their money on terms of flirting. This man knows whats he's doing and how much he affects the person he is flirting with.
He’s just- so used to flirting and connecting with people that he doesn’t have an outcome in mind, just finds flirting fun and exciting.
Basically, Namjoon is a man that knows what he wants and how to get it, but flirting stages are just so common to him, he does it out of boredness, not that he doesn’t want to connect with people, quite the contrary, he finds people so amazing, it’s just- flirting doesn’t have an endgame for him.
Might I dare to go as far as to say, Kim Namjoon might end up in a relationship by accident just because he didn’t know when to end his constant flirting. 
PARK JIMIN  •᷄ɞ•᷅ 
His Eros in Pisces makes him one of the more emotionally passionate of the bunch, to an unhealthy state, in which he may manipulate himself in order to satisfy the other person. 
There’s a lot of thought going into dates, small gifts “because they reminded me of you” and a lot of cute stuff. Very Very passionate.
He has a Scorpio Mars, so as much as he is passion-driven and very much into cute stuff, and believing that he should 100% merge with the other person, he knows what he’s doing when he flirts.
Different from Namjoon, Jimin doesn’t just flirt for funsies, he entertains the idea of love when flirting, future plans, meeting the parents, he can just see it all.
AND he also has a Scorpio Venus so he is definitely aware of all his flirting and how he affects the other person, especially since there’s a lot of sex appeal going into it.
Not so much a mystery himself, but he tries to be the perfect fit for all. Which might ultimately hide behind this perfect partner facade. 
This man doesn’t just end up in a relationship by accident, this man falls in love on accident.
We’ve got another one in love with the thrill of the chase.
Tae also has Eros in Aries, so there’s a lot of playfulness involved in flirting, from banter to playfully shoving the other person aside.
Might also be into dates where he can compete with you, like arcade, or something that he disguises as competition but he knows beforehand he’ll win.
Someone tell him it’s not healthy to crave impossible relationships, anyway, he’d love to be the shinning armor in his love story.
He has Capricorn Mars, which makes him have an honest, practical, and straightforward style of flirting.
The vibe check is real, so unless you pass it with flying colors, do not expect to be flirted with.
Although, his whole aura screams social and flirty due to his Aquarius Venus, which involves a lot of charisma and a great sense of humor. 
Just like Hobi, Tae can flirt with a bunch of people at once without even trying.
JEON JUNGKOOK  ₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ ♥
Flirting for Jungkook is more of a mental game than an emotional one, according to his Eros in Gemini. 
Now listen, the nerdier, the better. But you would have to approach him first, as much as he enjoys the idea of talking to people, he doesn’t really do it that well.
Just like Jimin, he has Scorpio Mars, so in line with flirting being a mental game, he knows his game plan, his moves, he knows how people will react to them, he knows what he wants, and more importantly, how to get it.
He very obviously knows about his sex appeal and uses it as an advantage, even though at first he’s kinda awkward about it.
Much like Namjoon, he enjoys flirting so much that he doesn’t even need to have an endgame in mind. He likes to hear people talking about their passions and loves it even more if he learns a thing or to about it in the way, but his awkwardness comes through when he doesn’t really measure that most of the time when you flirt its because you’re interested in pursuing a romantic relationship.
His Libra Venus also plays the part, since it signals him being flirty and witty without even trying, just a man, his beauty, his charm, and his charisma. 
He’ll do anything possible to make you feel like you matter, even going as far as daring to hold your hand just because (which is a great pointer t know if he is really interested or just flirting bc he can)
Ultimately, his flirtation serves as a means to cheer themselves and other people up.
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Grunge-Metal Geralt 3
its finally time 😂 after months of staring at an empty google doc i finally had a useful idea - also y’all, go listen to ‘Brighter Side of Grey’ by Five Finger Death Punch bc that’s the song i based this on and its fire and i love it also all of ffdp is one whole witchery mood
Warnging: vague discussion of a car crash where Geralt was severely injured, big emotionaly vulnerability, swearing?, listen to the song then you’ll get the vibes i promise
“Give them a break, guys,” Eskel sighed as he wrote down his coffee order, “They had a close call. It’s not like they’re always this…”
“Gross. Skel. The word you’re looking for is gross.” Lambert snatched the paper out of his brother’s hand and stalked out of the room with Aiden in tow. 
Jaskier scrunched his nose and called from where he was tucked under Geralt’s chin, “Did we drive them away? I can get up if it’s too much.” Even as he spoke, neither he nor Geralt so much as twitched to make good on the offer. 
“Doesn’t bother me,” Eskel shrugged. 
Lambert and Aiden, mainly Lambert, were getting fed up with Geralt and Jaskier cuddling and cooing and doing general new couple bullshit. Especially since they’d been together three years now. They were recording a collaboration song, meaning everyone had to be there, but it seemed the two vocalists only really cared about each other. Jaskier sat on Geralt’s lap, played with his hair, stole kisses whenever he could… at one point Lambert caught Geralt tracing Jaskier’s lips and forced a coughing fit to get his attention. He probably thought it was subtle, even if no one else did. So to take a break and get some of what he called ‘patience juice’ (coffee), Lambert ran to their favorite coffee shop while Eskel laid down his bass line. 
It’s not that they were intentionally this annoying, not all the time at least. After the car crash, especially once Geralt started doing well in his physical therapy, the couple just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Not to say that was the only relationship Geralt was suddenly extra involved in, it was just the most noticeable. 
Finally, after tea and coffee was distributed to everyone it was time for Geralt and Jaskier to, well, do their jobs. Jaskier was fidgeting and humming little scales, doing anything to calm the sudden nerves he felt bubbling up in his stomach. 
“You alright?” Geralt purred, nudging him with his elbow as they stood side by side at their respective microphones. When Jaskier only shrugged he continued, “What's wrong?” 
“I’m just not used to so many people being here while I…” Jaskier motioned to the mic before glancing around him and taking a deep breath, “it’s a vulnerable song…” 
Geralt’s worry lines in his forehead melted as he pulled Jaskier into his arms, “I can kick them out if you want?” he whispered. 
Shaking his head and inhaling Geralt’s scent deeply, something Jaskier had learned not to take for granted, he steeled his nerves, “I’ll be fine. Maybe a little weepy, but fine.”
As they were about to start, listening to the instrumental track and humming their parts of the song, Lambert brought Jaskier a bottle of water and set it on his music stand. He gave him a quick side hug and kissed his hair, offering a small “sorry” for all his teasing. Jaskier just giggled in response, the kind that only bubbles over from too much anticipation. He missed it, but Geralt mouthed a small ‘thank you’ to Lambert as he sat back down on the other side of the glass. 
Jaskier hooked his pinky around Geralt’s as the guitar intro started, needing that little bit of contact for the first line. When they’d written it it felt perfect. The audience knew exactly what kind of song they were about  to hear and Geralt really hadn’t known if he would pull through. It took Jaskier right back to the dimly lit hospital room where he scrawled and scratched out lyrics to keep Geralt distracted from his upcoming surgery. The fear, the desperation, the little pockets of joy when they forgot where they were, the overwhelming love that Jaskier thought he’d never be able to fully give to Geralt all crept back up his throat as he took a breath for that stupid fucking first line. 
His voice cracked partway through as he sang, making him fully grip Geralt’s hand, “I’m writing this in case I’m gone tomorrow,” By some miracle, he found his support for the next line, “I’m writing this in case I’ve moved along,”
For a moment he thought he’d gotten over the worst of it. A couple lines passed in relative ease, emotional but not so much it interfered with his craft. If he focused on looking at his microphone and keeping his breath supported he might make it through. Then Geralt joined him for the chorus. 
“When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away. When the sun burns out, I’ll be waiting on the brighter side of grey.” 
His harmony faltered and he involuntarily heaved a broken gasp in the middle of a line, desperately trying to focus on the mic that was now warped by the tears in his eyes. 
Geralt broke off after the first word of his verse, turning to Jaskier and pulling him in again, “You alright, love?”
“I’m fine. I’m sorry,” Jaskier groaned in embarrassment as he clung to Geralt’s frame, “I’m being a baby. I wasn’t even the one hurt.” 
“No you’re not,” Geralt argued, running his knuckles over Jaskier’s cheeks to wipe away his tears, “Here,” he moved their mics and stands close enough that they were shoulder to shoulder and their fingers could comfortably lace together. 
Jaskier squeezed his hand gently and gave him a brave smile, “From the top?” 
“From the top.”
This time Jaskier tried watching Geralt as they sang. He made it through the first chorus and got to just watch as Geralt sang his verse. The pang of emotion in his chest was still ever present, but it was manageable. Until he noticed Geralt having trouble. 
On “All you get to keep is what you’ve shared,” Geralt squeezed his eyes closed and his grip on Jaskier’s hand tightened. The folk singer prepared, relaxed, readied himself to take a breath in. He was expecting that one to hurt after how much Geralt insisted upon it. How he threatened to get out of that hospital bed and scribble the line himself if Jaskier didn’t put it in. He wasn’t expecting the last line of the stanza to hurt. It had been comforting to the both of them at the time.
Geralt’s lip quivered and his voice was almost pinched as he sang out, “Remember no one ever really dies.”
Even being the one to write the melody, Jaskier missed the first three notes of the chorus, “Fuck. Shit. I’m so sorry.”
“No, that was on me,” Geralt sniffed and chuckled, “I knew you’d lose it if I did.”
“How do you do this?!” Jaskier exclaimed, chugging half the water bottle to keep the breakdown at bay. 
Aiden’s voice came over their headphones, “Half our songs are his trauma and another quarter are group trauma. He’s got practice sweetheart.”
They tried a couple more times, even got through the whole song once with only minimal tears and one tasteful cracked note. But it was still a struggle for Jaskier to keep it together, and the more they sang, the more Geralt lost his iron grip on his composure. 
“Look at me,” Jaskier instructed, moving Geralt to face him and adjusting their mics so they could sing to each other, “Just like when we wrote it. Except a little less pain.” 
The joke earned a snort out of Geralt, exactly what Jaskier was aiming for, “This is supposed to be easier?”
“We can try?”
Jaskier did wonderfully for his verse, singing to Geralt was familiar and safe, even if the subject matter was terrifying. The chorus went well, but as soon as Geralt started to sing, Jaskier couldn’t exhale and it was all he could do not to sniff and ruin the take. 
“If you’re hearing this I know you’re probly scared,” had tears falling down his cheeks again and Geralt’s voice cracked as his eyes welled up, “Nope,” he choked, “that’s worse. Much worse.”
“Fuck,” Jaskier gave a watery giggle as he wrapped his arms around Geralt’s middle, “Why did we decide to do this again?”
Geralt pressed a kiss to Jaskier’s hair, sniffling and holding him tight, “I think we’re sadists.”
“Back to back,” Eskel’s voice crackled in their ears, “Try it back to back.” 
Leaning back to watch Jaskier’s reaction, Geralt hummed, “Do you want to? Or do you need a break?”
“Fuck it,” Jaskier shrugged, spinning Geralt around and following suit as he moved his equipment. 
As they stood waiting for the tech to start the audio, Jaskier felt like he could really inhale for the first time all day. Geralt was there, he could feel his ribs expand against his back and his fingers tapping like a metronome on Jaskier’s palms. This is what they were missing when they wrote the damn song. The comfort of knowing someone is always at your back, that they’ll be there when it’s hard and even when you’re separated. 
A warmth spread through Jaskier as the intro started and he felt ready. He still pressed back into Geralt on the harder lines, reminding himself he was still there, but they both made it through two full takes. 
On the final one, as the recording of the softly picked guitar faded out, Jaskier couldn’t help but repeat two more lines, “When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away.”
His voice hung in the air for a beat, the sense of finality reverberating through the studio and bringing everything else to a stand still. 
Geralt was the first to breathe, “Shit, we made it.”
“We fuckin made it,” Jaskier huffed, emotionally drained but immensely satisfied as he turned to hug Geralt from behind and press his cheek to his spine, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Let’s get a snack?”
When the sound tech played the potential mix for the first time, he tacked on an echoing, distant sounding recording of their conversation. Everyone looked at each other and nodded, goosebumps on their arms and that feral sparkle in their eyes that every artist gets when they’ve stumbled on something really exciting. They re-recorded some guitar and drums, but they kept the vocals exactly the same. 
For the album art they wrote “I love you” on the tattered hospital stationary that had the lyrics and chords written on it and took a picture. Jaskier had the original framed and hung in their house as a little reminder. 
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beifongsss · 4 years
flirt [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x earthbender!reader baybeeeeee
Summary: An anon request <3 “ zuko and a super outgoing/confident/flirty reader? all the fics i’ve seen so far are super shy reader x zuko, they’re super cute, just not very relatable to me lol”
i hope i do your request justice :3 also i’m sorry that I keep making the reader a bender but this fits bc they have to fight Zuko lol
You don’t even know how you ended up traveling with the Gaang.
One day you had been living in a small Earth Kingdom town, helping out the Beifongs as Toph’s etiquette tutor and the next, you found yourself being tugged away from your home by the youngest Beifong. You couldn’t deny the fact that you finally felt free flying on the (abnormally cute) sky bison as you headed to who-knows-where.
You had nothing left for you back in the Earth Kingdom town you had been born in. You were the only daughter of a well-known family who had always been loyal to the Earth King. Unfortunately, they had been captured on a trip to Ba Sing Se and subsequently killed by the Fire Nation. With no family left to turn to, you proceeded to accept the Beifong’s offer to stay with them in return for you teaching Toph about high class etiquette.
Toph was an interesting girl and you found yourself being impressed with everything she did. You were always her number one supporter, especially when it came to her being The Blind Bandit. She was an extremely talented bender and in return for you tutoring her, she was your bending instructor and you became her only most promising student.
Eventually, Aang, Katara, and Sokka all filled you in about the banished Fire Nation prince and how he had chased the Gaang everywhere they had gone in an attempt to capture the Avatar. You and Toph were upset at the stories and were immediately anti-Zuko, promising to help Aang master earthbending as fast as possible.
You got along well with everyone, especially Sokka who was almost as talkative as you were. Of course the good vibes didn’t last long and you all found yourselves arguing as you found yourselves being chased by Azula and her friends. The situation had culminated in a battle at a small, abandoned town. You had arrived to see Aang being cornered by two people, each of them throwing fire towards the young Air Nomad.
Engaging with the person closest to you, you thrust your hands out, shooting a pillar of earth out and tossing the person into the closest building. Sharing a look with Aang, you waved him off. “Go! I’ll hold him off.”
“Be careful,” Aang warned, looking towards Azula uncertainly. “That’s Zuko.”
Your eyes widened as Aang ran off before turning your attention back to the boy in front of you. He struggled to get up before a burst of fire left him, sending rock debris everywhere. Quickly, you sent up another wall of earth, protecting yourself from the flying rocks before breaking it apart and sending it towards Zuko. The banished prince grunted before throwing a few fireballs towards you, causing you to stumble back and fall.
Eyes narrowing, Zuko made his way to you, pulling back his fist as fire formed around it. Groaning, you sat up, finally getting a good look at the boy in front of you. Almost immediately, a flirty smirk made it’s way onto your face. You quickly scrambled to your feet, bouncing up to him without any hesitation. You dodged his attacks, fighting back as you bit your lip.
“So...you’re Zuko?” you asked, dodging another punch. At this point, you were engaging in hand to hand combat instead of relying on your earthbending. Zuko didn’t reply, his eyes narrowing as he kept sending blasts of fire again.
“Aang told us about how you haven’t been able to capture him,” you continued, blinking innocently as Zuko became visibly angry. “But he failed to mention just how handsome you are.”
At your words, Zuko’s eyes widened and he misstepped, losing his focus at your words. You took that opportunity to step back as well before taking a strong step and raising your hands, encasing the banished prince in a slab of rock.
“Let me go!” Zuko cried out, steam coming out of his nose as he struggled. You stood in front of him, arms crossed as you stared at him. He truly was handsome, with piercing gold eyes and soft-looking black hair. You opened your mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by Sokka.
“(Y/N)! A little help here?” the Water Tribe boy yelped, narrowly dodging a blast of blue fire from Azula.
“Coming!” you replied, eyebrows furrowing in slight concern before you addressed Zuko once more. “It was real nice meeting you Prince Zuko. I hope to see you again under more pleasurable circumstances.”
With a wink, you sprinted away, jumping in front of Sokka and sending up a wall of earth as Azula struck again.  You continued to sprint around, helping out whenever called out to you. The fight came to an end when you all had Azula cornered, and you sent a brief smirk to Zuko as you saw him standing near you. “Finally made it out huh?”
He had glowered at you and you simply rolled your eyes before turning back to Azula. “The whole tough guy act is hot but something tells me you’d look better with a smile.”
You missed his surprised look as Azula shot a blast of fire towards an older man, who you later learned was Zuko’s uncle Iroh. In the ensuing chaos she escaped, and you were left with a shaken Zuko and an injured Iroh. At Zuko’s threats insistence, the five of you left, looking back at him as you flew off on Appa. It was silent for a few minutes before you finally spoke up. “So, why didn’t you guys mention that Prince Zuko is hot?”
The only sound that was heard was Sokka slapping his forehead.
The next time you saw Zuko was in Ba Sing Se. You had been walking around with Katara, having stayed behind with her to plan the invasion. She was talking quietly as you looked around the city, pretending to be listening to her. On your shoulder, Momo was chattering quietly, also looking around with his large eyes.
You sighed softly as you entered a cozy-looking tea shop. You looked around in appreciation before you heard Katara gasp. Quickly, she grabbed your hand and whirled around hurrying out of the shop. You felt yourself crash into someone else, losing Katara’s hand and falling to the ground. You looked at the door before looking at Momo, shaking your head at Katara’s weird behavior.
“Are you alright?” a soft voice ask. You pushed yourself up, ignoring the hand in front of you before looking up. Your eyes widened in surprise as you found yourself staring at Zuko’s uncle. Iroh, you recalled vaguely. Recognition flashed in his eyes as he looked at you, remembering you as the earthbender who had trapped his nephew. Bracing yourself for the worst possible scenario, you nodded in response to his question, holding Momo to your chest.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” the retired general asked, a warm smile on his face as he guided you to a table. “You look like a jasmine type of girl.”
Sensing no ill intentions from the smiling man, you nodded. “Jasmine happens to be my favorite.”
“I see. It is my nephew’s favorite as well,” Iroh continued, gesturing to the boy behind the counter. You smiled as you noticed Zuko standing behind the counter, his back to you as he focused on whatever he was doing. Noticing your smile at the sight of his nephew, Iroh smiled as well. “I’ll send him over to give you your tea.”
“I would greatly appreciate that,” you said, your eyes not leaving the handsome boy.
You played with Momo when Iroh left, silently speaking to the winged lemur as you waited for your tea. You placed Momo in your lap when you heard someone set down a tray on your table, looking up to see Zuko standing there. “Hey handsome.”
Zuko glanced at you, doing a double take when his eyes met yours. “Y-You!”
He grasped your hand, pulling you out of your seat and towards the back as you struggled to hold on to Momo.
“Ow! Ow! Can you stop?” you hissed, pulling your hand away from him. You placed Momo on your shoulder before rubbing your wrist. You glanced down at it, noticing how raw it looked. “You really need to learn how to control your temper Zuko.”
“What happened here?” Iroh’s asked before Zuko could speak again. He gently took your hand in his inspecting the burn before turning to his nephew. “Now Lee, is this any way to treat our customers?”
“She isn’t a customer uncle,” Zuko replied bluntly. “She’s traveling with the Avatar. She is the earthbender who fought me the day you were injured.”
“You’re the earthbender who trapped my nephew?” Iroh looked at you in surprise. You nodded, causing the older man to chuckle. “You are a very talented bender.”
You blushed at the compliment before answering, thinking about Toph. “Thank you, I was trained by the best.”
“We must get this wrapped up. Come with me,” Iroh led you to a back room, where he proceeded to get some type of salve and some wrappings. “Zuko if you could please do this for me, I’m afraid I have to get back to the customers.”
Iroh left the two of you, but not before stopping and handing Momo a few litchi nuts. Momo chittered before jumping off your shoulder, landing on a windowsill as he began eating the fruit. You glanced at the burn once more before looking back at Zuko. “You know, you just gave the term ‘too hot to handle’ a whole new meaning.”
Zuko tried to hold his blush back at your words as he sat in front of you. He grabbed your arm, applying the paste and then gathering the wrappings, beginning to tie them around your wrist.
You hissed when he tightened it a little too much, pulling away from the boy. “Ow! If I wanted you to be rough with me I would’ve told you.”
This time, Zuko could not hold his blush at your double entendre. A faint smirk appeared on your face as you began to wrap your wrist.
“Let me do it,” Zuko muttered reaching for your arm.
“No,” you replied leaning away. “Trust me I can do it myself.”
“Why are you being so difficult,” the boy groaned, lunging for the wrapping. You leaned back too far, falling onto your back as you reached out for something to grab on to. The only thing you succeeded in doing was pulling Zuko down with you.
You stared at the boy above you. “When I told you that I hope we’d meet under more pleasurable circumstances, this wasn’t what I had in mind. Not that I’m complaining.”
Zuko stuttered for a few second before deciding to scowl at you instead.
“If I had known I was interrupting, I would’ve stayed outside. Prince Zuko, I never knew you were so good with the ladies,” Iroh’s voice floated in. You sat up immediately, only succeeding in getting closer to the prince. You tried to ignore the blush that you knew was visible on your cheeks.
“I would be honored to be wooed by such an attractive man,” you said, looking up at Zuko through your eyelashes. Iroh raised an eyebrow. “Unfortunately, I simply fell back and pulled your nephew down with me.”
“Well, as an apology on his behalf from earlier, let me offer you a nice warm cup of jasmine tea,” Iroh said, setting down a tray. “On the house.”
You smiled as you pulled yourself up, leaving Zuko on the ground. “It smells delicious but I am afraid I must get going. Katara must be wondering where I am. Thank you very much for the offer.”
You bowed before whistling sharply, causing Momo to fly to your shoulder.
“My nephew will walk you out. It was nice to met you...” Iroh trailed off as he realized that he had never asked for your name.
“My name is (Y/N),” you supplied, smiling.
“A truly beautiful name,” Iroh said, stepping away from the door. “It was nice to meet you (Y/N). I hope to see you again soon. Zuko, please walk her out.”
You bowed once more before you followed Zuko back out to the store. When you reached the steps, you turned around and faced him once more. “It was nice to see you again handsome. Let’s do it again sometime.”
Zuko’s reply was lost as you stepped forward, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his scarred cheek. “Have a nice evening.”
Momo’s chittering was the only thing that could be heard as you walked away. Zuko stood on the steps until he could no longer see you, the blush on his cheeks only intensifying when he remembered how your lips felt pressed against his cheek.
“It seems to me that she is the one wooing you,” Iroh said, hiding a smile.
“Shut up uncle.”
You didn’t see the handsome prince again until you had all safely escaped to the Western Air Temple. You had been trying to talk to Aang about learning firebending when you and Toph had felt someone arriving.
“Aang, I think we should be making some plans about our future!” Sokka exclaimed, trying to get Aang to pay attention.
“Okay, we can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table! Oh, you're gonna love the all-day echo chamber!” the air nomad replied, already preparing to run off.
Aang came to an abrupt stop when you sent up a wall of earth in front of him.
“I think that’ll have to wait,” Toph said, turning to face the newcomer.
“Hello, Zuko here,” the prince said, raising his arms up in greeting. Immediately, everyone except you took a fighting stance. You didn’t really pay attention to most of the conversation, too busy staring at Zuko’s hair. It had grown out some and to be honest, you thought it looked really good.
“Wait,” you interrupted, stepping forward slightly. “You look really good with your hair like that. Not to say you didn’t look good before but this, wow. you’re even hotter.”
“(Y/N)!” Sokka and Katara exclaimed at the same time. Sokka pulled you back before smacking you lightly. You smacked him back, the two of you bickering nonstop. You missed Zuko’s bewildered expression, along with most of the conversation.
“There's no way we can trust you after everything you've done,” Aang spoke, catching your attention. “We'll never let you join us.”
“You need to get out of here,” Katara added, a hard expression on her face. “Now.”
Zuko looked at you, his eyes pleading.
You sighed before speaking, your arms raised in surrender. “Look, I think you’re probably the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen-”
“Hey!” Sokka cried indignantly.
You ignored him. “But to be fair, you did send an assassin after us. Not to mention everything else you’ve done. I can’t help you handsome.”
“If you won't accept me as a friend, then maybe you'll take me as a prisoner,” Zuko said, kneeling with his hands out. You looked at Katara, a suggestive smirk on your face.
“(Y/N), stop,” she sighed before turning back to Zuko and bending some water. “No, we won't! Get out of here, and don't come back! And if we ever see you again, well, we'd better not see you again!”
Zuko bowed his head and turned to walk away, glancing back once more. For once, you didn’t meet his eyes.
“Has anyone seen Toph,” you asked as you rushed into the courtyard. “I haven’t seen her since yesterday.”
“I haven’t seen her since she stormed off yesterday,” Sokka said, polishing his sword.
“Maybe we should go look for her,” Katara said, noticing your distress.
“We’ll look for her!” The Duke said, rushing off with Haru and Teo.
You whirled around when you heard a loud rumble, only to see a gaping hole in the wall. Toph tumbled out of it, her eyes wide.
“Toph!” you exclaimed, wrapping her up in a hug. “What happened?”
“My feet got burned,” she replied, pushing you off of her.
Her feet were an angry red and you felt your anger rise up as you realized who had done it. “The next time I see Zuko I swear to the spirits that I will-”
“It was an accident,” Toph interrupted you, placing a hand on your arm. You bit your lip as Sokka carried her over to the fountain.
“Ah that’s the stuff,” Toph said, closing her eyes as she dipped her feet in. Soka opened his mouth to say something only to be cut off by an explosion. Being the closest to the source, you were flung back, metal and stone landing on top of you.
“(Y/N)!” you heard Aang yell as everyone else ran away.
“I’m fine!” you called back. “Go I’ll be okay.”
You bended as much earth as you could away from you, only to still be stuck when you realized you couldn’t move the metal.
“We have to get (Y/N),” Toph said, worriedly grabbing onto Katara.
“We will. Hold on,” Sokka said, staring at the blasts Combustion Man was sending their way. After a few more blasts, he was able to tell where he was and aimed his boomerang. The boomerang met it’s mark and they all ran out, Sokka and Toph immediately going over to you.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but thanks Zuko,” Aang spoke softly.
“Hey! What about me?” Sokka asked, helping you up. Your leg was injured but luckily nothing had been broken. Sokka was fussing over you, looking at the nasty bruise that had been left from the metal and you were trying to push him away, claiming that you didn’t need his help.
“...I’d like for you to teach me,” Aang’s words gained yours and Sokka’s attention. Zuko bowed.
“Thank you. I’m so happy you’ve accepted me into your group.”
“Not so fast,” Aang said. “I still have to ask my friends if it's okay with them. Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned. What do you think?”
“Go ahead and let him join,” Toph said as the pounded her fist into her palm. “It'll give me plenty of time to get back at him for burning my feet.”
“Sokka?” Aang asked.
“Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord,” the Water Tribe Boy shrugged. “If you think this is the way to do it, then, I'm all for it.“
“I'll go along with whatever you think is right,” she said simply, glaring at Zuko.
“What about you (Y/N)?” Aang asked, already knowing what your answer would be.
“You’re telling me I’m going to have to see him every day?” you asked, gesturing towards Zuko. “That sounds like a dream come true.”
“Thank you,” Zuko said, redder than a tomato. “I won’t let you down.”
“I’m sure you won’t,” you replied. Groans were heard from everyone else.
~ “Come on (Y/N)!” Toph yelled at you. “Do it!”
You stared at the metal in front of you, trying to concentrate on it. You were in the courtyard, a few days after Combustion Man’s downfall. Zuko and Aang were firebending a few feet away from where Toph was trying to teach you how to metalbend. Ever since you had gotten trapped, she had been insistent on teaching you.
With a loud huff, you closed your eyes. You reached out focuising as much as you could and turning the pieces of metal in front of you into smooth, shiny balls. You opened your eyes when you heard clapping, turning to see Aang cheering softly for you. Zuko stood behind him, shirtless.
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Toph taunted, bending the balls of metal back into scraps. “Do it again. This time concentrate harder. I don’t know why you’re so distracted today.”
“You don’t know why I’m distracted?” you said turning to face Aang and Zuko. “Prince Handsome over here is training shirtless and you expect me to not be distracted by that?”
“I don’t get distracted by that,” Toph countered.
“Of course not,” you said, facing her again. “You’re blind.”
Aang snickered and Zuko coughed as he tried to choke back his laughter.
“Do it again,” Toph barked. “Zuko come stand next to me.”
Zuko complied and crossed his arms as he stood next to Toph. You found yourself blushing lightly as you stared at the way his arms flexed before focusing on the metal once more. You struggled for a few minutes, feeling Zuko’s eyes on you. You glanced at him once more, watching his arms flex once again as he shifted in place. Looking up at his face, you saw him already looking at you, a smirk on his face.
You looked back at the metal trying not to look at the prince again. He knew exactly what he was doing to you.
It wasn’t until Ember Island that you got to spend more time around Zuko. After the day Toph had made him stand next to her as she trained you, you made sure to train as far as you could possibly get from the prince. That didn’t stop you from flirting with him every other chance you had though, always commenting on how you couldn’t train around him because he made you flustered.
Your comments seemed to make him equally, if not more, flustered.
The day you guys went to see the play, you had sat next to him, intertwining your fingers when the lights went off. He had stiffened up, an unreadable look on his face when he felt your hand in his. Thinking he had been uncomfortable, you pulled back your hand, only to blush when he pulled it back towards him this time taking it upon himself to intertwine your fingers.
Your hands remained intertwined for the rest of the play, even when you exited the private box for the intermission. You didn’t miss the smug looks from everyone else and while Zuko blushed, you had simply leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek the same way you had back in Ba Sing Se.
When the second half of the play started, you proceeded to lean on Zuko, nestling your head in the crook of his neck. His heart racing, Zuko disconnected your hands before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you in closer. You closed your eyes as you leaned into him, enjoying the warmth that seemed to radiate from him.
The next few days were spent watching Aang and Zuko training as you lounged around the beach house. You spent most of your time with Toph as she kept drilling metalbending into you until you could do it with your eyes closed.
A few nights before Sozin’s comet, you found yourself sitting on the roof of the house, staring up at the moon. You jumped slightly when you felt someone sitting next to you, the warmth emitting from them telling you it was Zuko.
“What are you doing up so late?” he asked, his eyes never leaving you.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you hummed, still looking at the moon. You looked at him to see him scowling. “I couldn’t sleep so I came out here to look at the moon.”
“Sokka’s first girlfriend turned into the moon,” Zuko said, fidgeting under your gaze.
“That’s rough,” you said, looking back up.
It was silent for a few minutes before Zuko spoke up again. “Why do you like teasing me so much?”
You looked at him, bewildered. “Teasing you?”
“Yeah,” Zuko said, turning to face you. “All the compliments and the kisses and everything. Why?”
“It’s called flirting, Prince Zuko,” you said with a smile. “People typically do it when they’re attracted to or like somebody.”
“So why do you do it to me?”
You stared at him in disbelief, wondering if he was joking or if he was truly that oblivious. “Because I like you!”
Zuko’s eyes widened in surprise at your words. “You like me?”
“I thought you knew! I thought that’s why you kept flexing the day Toph kept trying to get me to metalbend,” you hissed poking his arm.
“I was joking around,” Zuko replied, swatting your hand away. “I thought you saying I was distracting you was a joke so I kept flexing to tease you.”
“Well you did tease me,” you mumbled. “Just not in the way you’re thinking of.”
“So,” Zuko said, not meeting your eyes. “You really like me?”
You rolled your eyes before leaning forwards, pressing a firm kiss to his lips. His eyes widened in shock before he closed them, his hand reaching up to cup your face as he melted into the kiss. You pulled back and giggled as his lips chased yours, pecking him once more before leaning back. “Does that answer your question?”
Zuko nodded quickly before grabbing your hand. “I like you too.”
You smiled as you shuffled closer to him. “Good. I’d be pretty upset if you didn’t.”
You gasped lightly as Zuko pressed his lips back to yours, sliding his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap. Your arms wound around his neck, hands tangling in his hair as you eagerly kissed back. Zuko pulled away first, a chuckle escaping him.
“What?” you asked leaning your head against his shoulder.
“I can’t believe uncle was right,” he replied. At your questioning gaze, he explained.
“You did end up wooing me.”
AHAHAHAHAAHHHH i hope this is good i spent a lot of time on this one and i’m not too proud of it but i hope you enjoy <3
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