#if this flops you all can forget i ever made this edit
oscurl · 3 months
Norstappen x The girl, so confusing
inspired by this post by @oscarpiastriwdc
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igotanidea · 2 years
Walls: Dick Grason x f!reader
Summary: Dick is not really an open one himself, but what if his girlfriend takes being closed up to the extreme? Will he break that emotional wall?
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„Hi” I muttered that single word without looking up from my computer screen, buried with work, doing my best to keep myself busy.
“What are you working on?” he took a step closer trying to sneak a peek at the document I was currently editing.
“Just some reports. You know my boss, he loves all the spreadsheets and  summaries.”
“Yeah. I know.” perching down on my desk he scratched his neck in poorly hidden frustration
For a second there was complete silence between us.
“No. Please don’t.”
“I didn’t even…..”
“But I know exactly what you are going to say. And I ask you to not do this.”
“How can I not?” he scoffed “you have been acting so strange lately. I’m worried about you!”
“Why?” I tilted my head, eyeing him carefully, trying to keep my cool. Don’t let it show, just don’t…..
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. Yes, I’m completely serious. There’s nothing to worry about, really. Just because I’ve been busy doesn’t mean there’s something wrong.” I shrugged casually “but, if there’s anything you are struggling with…..”
“I’m struggling with you!”
“Oh, so I am the problem now?” I raised an eyebrow and he sighed in exasperation.
“Why are you constantly turning everything on its head? Talking about anything with you has been a torture lately. “ I opened my mouth but he cut me off before I could say a word “Anything not-work related.”
“Well then maybe you should stop trying.” I hissed turning the gaze away. As much as I wanted to pretend those words did nothing to me they did hurt.
“Maybe you should just leave me be, hm?”
“You are my girlfriend for fuck’s sake. I love you. I care about you, so why can’t you just open up?” his voice broke a little “Don’t you trust me? Do I make you feel unloved?”
I stayed silent for too long to not take it for an answer.
“Oh, fuck, I do.” His eyes went wide in mix of fear, hurt and sudden realisation.
“Look” I sighed deeply and looked at him “it’s not about you, ok? It’s me. There’s something broken inside me and maybe I am no good for anyone, all right? Maybe you should just move on and forget that we ever were together. You don’t deserve the chaos and emptiness I bring.”
“You are not serious.”
“Is that what you want? Do you want us to break up? Fuck!”
“I’m sorry. Can you just leave me alone, at least for a while?”
“I am not giving up on you. You are not getting rid of me so easily.” He stormed out of the room and I knew well enough he was going to training room to get some steam off.
“I know...... Oh, I know.... “ I muttered to myself getting back to work with all my dark thoughts creeping in my mind.
“What happened there Y/N?” talk about the perks of living with a couple of people in one house. Pretty much nothing can go unnoticed. The second I left my room I got attacked with that hated question. At first I wanted to lash out at the person who dared to do so, but quickly realized it was Gar. My best, best, best friend. The most caring person on this planet and the last one who would want to push any of my boundaries, so how could I? So instead of getting my frustrations out I just flopped on the sofa next to him shaking my head not able to say a word.
“Hey, talk to me.” Gar turned towards me and grabbed my hand.
“I can’t.” I whispered inaudibly.
“Why not Y/N/N?”
I shook my head even harder and to my terror a few tears that I was holding for too long flew down. Gar knew me well enough to pretend like they weren’t there.
“You know you’re like my big sister, don’t you? And as a younger and more rebellious brother I take it upon myself to cheer you up.” He stated.
“Rebellious?” I let out a laugh and a sob at the same time and it made me hiccup “who are you comparing yourself to? Tim?”
“Maybe. Not much of a benchmark, though.” He laughed and I couldn’t help but lift the corners of my mouth just the tiniest bit. “Oh, there is that signature smile. So much better.”
“I don’t know if it’s better.” I muttered “but I like your sense of humor.”
“Oh, I know” he grinned “so..... you had a fight with Dick?”
“What?! Like I said, younger brother!”
“You said rebellious, not nosy!”
“Well, let’s call it protectiveness. You know I wouldn’t hesitate to kick his ass if he ever hurt you.”
“I would love to see you two fight each other” I snorted “that would be a view….”
“Will it make you happier?” he suddenly became more aware of my every word “if so…..”
“No, no! Stand down, Gar. You have enhanced your skills for sure, but not that much to go against Nightwing. Besides, I feel like I hurt him more by pushing away.”
“Seems like you gave him a taste of his own medicine.”
“Perhaps, but he’s not really the patient one and may break every second now. He…. cares in his own, very special way.”
“Go talk to him. You know it’s the right thing to do. “
“And remember you can still beat him with your superhero skills.”
*** As suspected Dick was working out. Completely focused on his moves and perfect technique, brows furrowed, forehead sweated. I hate objectification, but the way his muscles were flexing always got me hipnotised and this time it was no different. He wasn’t Dick Grayson at the moment. He was Nightwing with all the fury and anger of a bird of prey. Silent, deadly, predatory, ready to strike. He might have been detached from reality but still heard me coming inside as he turned abruptly, prepared for an attack and without thinking grabbed my wrist in an iron-clad hold.   “Au.” I mocked since even despite his strength it did not hurt this much. I was pretty resilient to physical pain. Titans' school teach you that.
“Sorry.” he muttered and let go taking a step back to look me up and down. This was my turn to speak.
“No. I am sorry Dick. You were right. I am not okay.”
“But you don’t want to talk about it.”
“That’s not really what I’ve been taught. “
“You and me both.”
“Right. I just…. I don’t know where to start.” I mumbled looking at the floor.
“Let me help you.” he took a step closer and gently grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. When my eyes met his I had to hold back the lump that started to form in my throat. He was…. vulnerable. Because of me. Hurt. Desperate. But there was something more to this loving gaze he was giving me and I could not quite decipher what. It became clear a second later when his eyes glinted and he wrenched my arm taking me by surprise.
“What the fuck Dick!?” I yelled and acting out of instinct attacked him back “that’s the help!?”
"It is. You'll see."
He came right at me forcing me to twist, turn, flip and slide to avoid getting beaten up to pulp. I mean, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me for real, but still all the years of training just kicked in. I was blocking his sticks and throws, jumping when he tried to trip me up and ducking when he attacked from above. Fuck! It was hard going against him and if I was panting and struggling with controlling my heartbeat Gar didn’t stand a chance against Dick if they ever were to fight for real.
A heartbeat of hesitation got me losing and I found myself in a tight embrace of my boyfriend who was now holding me against his chest.
“Talk.” He ordered and the words just started flowing. Apparenly this was the help, his plan from the begging - letting the adrenaline work for our benefit.
“I don’t understand you. I don’t understand why you love me. I am probably the most emotionally estranged person on the Earth. You saw that, you experienced that. I push people away when I need them the most. “
“And yet, when they, when we, when I need you are always there.”
“Because that’s what I do. “
“Why?” he held me closer and I felt his heart beating as fast as mine if not faster. “It’s ok. You’re safe with me, just tell me.” His hands started caressing my back in a soothing manner making me calm down and relax into his touch.
“Because that’s how I show I care. I help. I support. I am here.” I closed my eyes feeling all the mental pain coming out in waves.
“But you don’t let others do the same for you.”
“I hate being vulnerable. I hate being weak. I hate showing it.”
“Babe, you are anything but weak. Believe me.” He looked me straight into the eyes but I winced and avoided his gaze. He let me, knowing this was the only way to keep me talking. “What else?” he insisted as I his my face in his chest muttering incoherently against his skin. “I didn’t quite get that.” he laughed and I pulled away.
“I… I was hurt too many times, you know. Every time I let any insecurity out, later on it was used against me. I still remember how painful it was. Much worse than any phisical injury. It just won’t go away and makes me keep my walls up so high…… I’m sorry, Dickie. You just don’t deserve it. Neither you nor the team. I am a terrible person.....“
“Hey, no, stop it, stop spinning." he cupped my cheek in the most gentle way "You don’t have to put the weight of the world on your shoulder, YN.”
“The pot calling the kettle, you hypocrite!” I smirked
“You are insufferable, Y/N.” He kissed my forehead and I frowned. His action and his words didn’t quite match.
“Dick….?” I wriggled in his embrace, a bit confused.
“I love you so fucking much. “ he held me closer “And am I Nightwing, remember? I can climb any wall, no matter how high.”
“Even if it grows?”
“I’m not going to let it happen.”
“Oh I’ll find a way. Look I know it’s hard to trust, ok? Been there, done that. But it’s not healthy, going into a shell. I mean look at Bruce” he scoffed “And you know I care about you. You do, right? Look at me.”
“I do.” I nodded
“Good. So are you willing to work with me? I’m not asking you to become an open book at once but just…. don’t hide, ok? Show how you feel at least from time to time. It’s. All. Right. No one is going to judge you. And no one, really sweetheart, no one, will consider you weak if that’s what you are worried about.”
“But Kori….”
“Oh, god, will you stop it?” he brought his face closer to mine, his lips inches away.
“And what if I don’t bird boy?” I teased.
“Well, I will have to make you….” And without any hesitation he closed the gaps between us making me forget about the whole world, all my worries and struggles. Sneaky bastard. My sneaky bastard that made me feel safe and seen and taken care of. There were sure a lot of things to work on but he definitely knew how to make the effort worth the effect.
“I love you.” He muttered pulling away and resting his forehead on mine. “Let me take care of you, be there for you the same way you always are for me, ok? Don't run. Promise me?”
“Ok” I whispered closing my eyes. It felt so good having him so close and I pulled myself closer just to get more of his warmth “just…. don’t get impatient if it goes slow…..”
“I won’t.” he swore. “I won’t“ he repeated pulling me in and we just stood there, in the middle of the training room gently swaying left and right being vulnerable together.  We surely were a very complicated and very in-love with each other couple.
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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hyunlixsbbygirl · 1 year
♡︎ Our Little Secret
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When Chan is left home alone one night, he finds himself reading fanfiction about his members and getting himself into a bit of a predicament. What's worse? One of his members catches him in the act.
──❥ pairing: bangchan x leeknow
──❥ length: 3.3k
──❥ warnings: 18+, idol au, smut, needy member, dirty talk, low key admiration
──❥ note: the characters don't represent real idols; this is a work of fiction intended for entertainment purposes only. this in no way represents nor reflects real life. this work has been cross posted to ao3 under the username thishippiekid.
© hyunlixbbygirl do not copy, translate or repost my works
"Text me when you're on your way back. I mean it Changbin, if you forget again I will punish you somehow." The younger member pouted slightly but eventually gave in and agreed to text their leader when they were heading back home; the younger members of the group were all going to Got7's dorm for Mark's birthday. Chan had also been invited but since he was still getting over a small cold, he declined the offer playing it safe. "Yah, Jisung. Watch Felix's alcohol intake. The last thing I need is for him to wander off alone again." Jisung nodded and linked arms with his birthday twin before they all scrambled out of the door. Chan sighed heavily, while he was happy to finally have the dorm all to himself; he couldn't help but worry about his boys. "They'll be fine, they're adults. They can manage themselves without me." He attempted to calm himself with his own words but in reality, it just made him more worried. Shaking his head to rid himself of negative thoughts; Chan headed back to his bedroom thinking it might be nice to do an impromptu Channie's Room for Stay. 
Entering his bedroom Chan realized that it was far too messy to actually go live and he really didn't feel like going to the company to go live either; it was cold outside and the last thing he needed was for his cold to get worse right before comeback season. He needed a distraction though; anything would do at this point, he just didn't want to become the over worried leader and start harrassing the members in their group chat while they were having fun. Flopping down onto his bed, he placed his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling; it wasn't often that he had the whole dorm to himself so he really didn't know what to do. He could play video games without worrying about being too loud when he inevitably lost, or he could work on producing some new music without having to use his headphones, or he could watch a movie while on FaceTime with his sister Hannah. 
Pulling out his phone, Chan decided to look through Twitter and see what Stays were up to; he clicked on the Stray Kids hashtag first and scrolled through all the edits that were recently posted. "Wow, these are really good. I wish I could reply to them all." he said out loud. He ended up saving a few of the edits to show the members later before clicking on his personal hashtag; his heart filling up with joy at all the sweet things Stays were saying about him. "Some day I'll get my own Twitter account and reply to you all my little Stays" clicking out of the app he hovered his thumb over his other apps wondering what to look at next; there was always TikTok but he really didn't find it all that interesting these days. As he pondered getting on Among Us or watching YouTube, he got a text from his sister and one of his best friends in Australia. 
Baby Brat: Yah stupid! Have you ever read fanfiction about your group? Brady Boy: Hannah just found one about you and Minho that you should totally check out!
Chan rolled his eyes, sighing heavily and debating on even texting them back. He knew the fans wrote fanfiction about them; occasionally he would come across a link on Twitter to one and check it out, the fans really had a talent for writing. Some of the stories they came up with were just incredible; like the one he last read where Stray Kids were a pack of wolves, whoever the writer was really knew how to write a great story. Thinking about that story made him curious; he went back onto Twitter and searched up the hashtage Stray Kids fanfic, but to his dismay, there weren't any links for new stories. He wasn't too sure on where else one could find fanfiction either, he always just clicked on the links that Twitter had but never paid attention to the website that was pulled up. 
Wolf Leader: I've read a few lol, found any good ones?  Brady Boy: Not really, just a few that I found on Twitter but I assume you've already read those.  Baby Brat: Just look on AO3 dummy *eye roll*
"AO3?" Chan asks out loud as if his sister could hear him from across the world. He opened up his phone's web browser to google and typed in 'AO3' the first link seeming like the right website but just to be sure he took a screen shot and sent it to his sister to confirm. Once she confirmed that the first link was indeed the website she was talking about; he clicked on it and registered himself. He made sure to use a pretty common user name so he could keep this a secret from fans and hopefully his members. Once he was finished, he clicked on the search button, thinking about what to actually search up; should he try just straight up Stray Kids or should he pick a specific ship? He honestly didn't know what ship he would even want to read about so he chose to just search Stray Kids. Approximately 47,000 stories popped up, each with their unique tags and story descriptions; "There's so many!" his eyes widening as he began to scroll down the first page, reading the brief descriptions of each before choosing one. 
It was titled 'Loving the Devil' and was centered around himself and Lee Know. The tags didn't contain anything concerning (though it did mention smut) so he clicked on the title and began reading. The story was set in the idol universe so it was more realistic than being set in a school setting or something. The beginning of the story was pretty mild and scarily accurate; describing how stressed the members were during comeback season and Chan of course wishing he could help his boys relieve their stress somehow. "Look at me always caring for my boys, even in fake scenarios." he smiled as he continued reading the story. 
About half way through the story, things really began to heat up; Chan got into a fight with Lee Know who ended up pushing him against a wall threatening to hit him. "Okay, Lee Know would never do that... at least not to me." his eyes becoming wide as he read further down the page realizing that instead of hitting him, Lee Know kissed him. A very detailed description of the two of them making out and stripping each other's clothes off made Chan's face heat up; partially from embarassment and partially out of lust. He unknowingly was being turned on reading a completely fake scenario that would never happen in real life about him and one of his members. He hadn't read that far into the smut scene when he had to put his phone down and take a deep breath; his heart was racing and his whole body was heated. 
When he felt himself calm down a little; he went back to reading. He knew it was probably a bad idea to continue reading something so hot and horny, especially when it involved one of his members but he couldn't force himself to click away. He licked his lips as he read about Lee Know pushing him down onto the bed, straddling his thighs and running his finger tips lightly over his abs; mental images coming into his mind as though he were watching a movie of himself and Lee Know. He felt himself growing hard in his shorts as he kept reading and imagining the things that were being described; if he was completely honest with himself, he did occasionally think about what would happen if he and another member did things like this. They were all touch deprived and in need of sexual release so it wasn't abnormal to think about doing it with the members. BamBam had once admitted that he and Yugyeom fooled around a few times and told Chan that he knew of other idol groups sleeping with each other too. 
The more he thought about sleeping with one of his members, the harder he became. His breathing coming out faster and unstable; body heating with lust and desire as he trailed his hand down his stomach to the aching bulge in his shorts. He palmed himself over the thick fabric slowly and teasingly; it wouldn't be bad to just relieve himself while imagining Lee Know going down on him right? He was completely alone after all, no one would ever know that he got himself off to a fanfic of him and Lee Know. Grunting slightly, Chan lifted his hips to slide his shorts and boxers off; discarding them on the floor next to his bed before pulling his blanket over his erection. He may be alone now but he was always cautious when it came to jacking off; always making sure he could abort the mission at the first sign of someone coming home. 
He continued to read the fanfiction as he wrapped his free hand around his cock and began pumping himself nice and slow, building up the pressure and getting fully hard before really giving himself a good stroke. Soft sighs dripped out of his mouth as the mental images danced around in his head; Lee Know on his knees with Chan's cock in his pretty mouth, the younger's tongue swirling around the angrily red tip before he took him fully into his mouth again. Chan was really getting into the story so he didn't hear the little chime of the front door unlocking or the sound of someone calling his name from the living room. The mysterious member padded down the hallway towards the elder's room, barely making a sound as he opened the door, "Hey hyung I..." 
Lee Know paused in the doorway, mouth hanging open and eyes wide in shock at what he just stumbled in on; Chan laying in bed, stroking himself underneath a blanket and in mid moan of his name. Chan threw his phone across the room, jumping at the sudden intrusion; lucky for him his phone landed on Felix's bed safely. "What are you doing here?!" the panic evident in the leader's voice as he tried to hide his erection from the younger despite already being caught. To the elder's surprise, Lee Know walked further into the bedroom; closing the door behind him and locking it "I got bored so I came back early" there was something hidden in the younger's voice that made Chan shiver. "I expected to find you filming Channie's Room, not thinking about me while getting off." Chan blushed deep, the blush spreading wide across his cheeks and up into his ears. 
"I have to admit, hearing you moan my name is pretty hot" Chan nearly whined at the younger's words; was this really happening? There was no way the exact person Chan had been imagining was now walking towards him seductively with the look of lust in his eyes. "So tell me, what inticed you to think about me?" Lee Know crawled up Chan from the bottom of the bed, never taking his eyes off the older's. "I was uh... r-reading." Lee Know smirked as he straddled the leader's thighs, his ass coming in complete contact with Chan's still hard erection. "Oh, a fanfiction I see. I didn't expect you of all the members to read through that stuff. I assumed you'd avoid it." he leaned down so that his breath ghosted against Chan's lips, it sent tingles up and down the older's spine. 
"I g-got curious... and Hannah m-mentioned it so I- I..." Chan's breath hitched and his back arched slightly off the bed, "So you looked for a story about you and I? Tell me, what were we doing in the story Channie?" He had to use every ounce of self control he had not to roll his hips upwards into the younger's ass; he was so painfully hard and needed to feel something to relieve the pressure. "We were... f-fighting and you pressed me against t-the wall. You were g-going to hit me but at the last m-minute you kissed me instead." Lee Know raised his eyebrows in intrigue, his eyes moving from Chan's eyes, down to his lips and back up again. "So the thought of me kissing you made you horny?" Lee Know brought his lips slightly closer to Chan's, letting a chuckle escape his throat when he saw the elder lift his head up in an attempt to feel thier lips against each other. 
"What else did I do to you?" the younger slipped his hands underneath the older's shirt and lightly traced his finger tips over his abs just like his character had in the story. Chan moaned and bucked his hips upwards, sucking in his breath when he finally got a little friction. "Y-you shoved me onto the bed and k-kissed your way down my stomach" the younger forced Chan to sit up so he could slid his shirt off before hungrily kissing him finally. Lee Know letting a moan of his own slip past his lips as he felt how needy his leader was for him; how the other hungrily kissed him back, licking over his bottom lip asking for permission to enter his mouth. The younger parted his lips; allowing the older to explore him, their tongues swirling around each other as their breathing became heavier and small moans and whines escaped them.
Lee Know broke the kiss to bring it down the older's jaw to his neck, biting and sucking the warm skin; Chan tilting his head to the side to give the younger more room. Lee Know was careful not to leave any visible marks but still biting and sucking hard enough to pull moans from the older. "How far did we go?" the younger brought his kisses down to Chan's collarbones as his fingertips rubbed against his nipples; the older shivered under the touch, finding it difficult to form the words he needed to say. "You... uh.. you... s-sucked me off."
The younger's mouth made its way down to Chan's left nipple, sucking the bud into his mouth until it was hard and sensitive before repeating his actions on the right; his hand wandering down to Chan's cock and palming him over the blanket. "So you imagined my mouth around your cock huh? Swirling my tongue around your sensitive tip?" Oh the younger was evil, he was being a tease on purpose and he knew exactly what he was doing. "P-please...Min" Chan begged, he was getting desperate for release. His stomach tight with the over flowing need to cum. 
Lee Know smirked as he kissed his way down Chan's abs until his mouth was hovering over his cock; moving the blanket, Chan felt the warm breath of the younger against him and shivered in need. "You're so needy hyung, look at how red your cock is. Leaking so much for me and I haven't even done anything yet" Chan whines, thrusting his hips up slightly to indicate that he was very needy indeed. Lee Know clicked his tongue before kitty licking the tip, eyes fixed on Chan's face as a wave of pleasure washed over it. "Oh g-god..." Chan moans, his eyes closed and head thrown back against the pillow as he finally gets what he was seeking. 
The younger licks all the way down Chan's shaft on one side and then up the other, smirking when the older squirms from the pleasure; "Do you want to fuck my mouth Channie? You want to watch me take your cock down my throat?" his voice becoming more seductive than before as he batted his eyelashes prettily. "T-that won't hurt you?" Lee Know shakes his head, "It wouldn't be the first time I had something in my mouth, though this is the first time sucking someone off." Chan didn't question this for long as he sat up, the younger slipping off the bed to his knees as Chan sat on the edge. 
Lee Know opened his mouth diligently as Chan slid his cock into his mouth; he was hesitant, he didn't want to hurt the younger especially since he was a singer and needed his throat to be okay. Lee Know sucked Chan deeper into his mouth, hallowing out his cheeks and closing his eyes as he moaned around him; the vibrations adding to the sensation causing Chan to moan louder than he did before. Slowly he built confidence and started thrusting his hips into the younger's mouth. Lee Know gladly sucked Chan all the way into his mouth, the tip of his cock hitting the back of his throat with every thrust. 
"F-fuck.. Min..." Chan was impressed that the younger was capable of something like this; he didn't even gag or choke when the back of his throat was abused over and over again. The younger simply moaned around him; his hands holding Chan's thighs for balance and stability as the older fucked his mouth at a medium pace. "I'm...c-close" Chan warned, the sensation proving to be too much for him last much longer. Lee Know sucked him harder, bobbing his head along with Chan's pace as he brought him closer to his release. 
Chan's stomach tightened and he felt tingles course through his body as his orgasm washed over him; squirming and shaking through his release as the younger swallowed his seed the best he could. Not having cum for months, there was a lot for him to swallow and he somehow managed to get every last drop. When Chan finally collapsed on the bed, Lee Know licked him clean before standing up admiring Chan's blissed out face and pants. "Better than imagining it huh hyung?" 
Chan nodded, not trusting his speaking abilities at the moment. Lee Know chuckled as he wiped his mouth with the collar of his shirt; he moved to sit on Felix's bed across from the older; a smile plastered on his face from helping his leader feel this amazing. "Want me to suck you off?" Chan suddenly asked, turning his head to look at the younger; his eyes still showing a hint of lust and need in them. "I... uh... well." Lee Know looked down at himself, Chan's eyes following noticing the slight discoloration of his jeans. "You came without being touched?" this time it was Lee Know that blushed.
"I couldn't help it, plus I haven't... you know for nearly a year." Chan reached out for Lee Know's hand, pulling him towards him. "You can always come to me when you need release. You helped me so it's only fair that I return the favor." he leaned into the younger, pressing their lips against each other. Both sighing out in pleasure and deepening the kiss before hearing the chime of the front door being unlocked; they pulled away unwillingly, Lee Know grabbing Chan's clothes and tossing them to him as he laid on Felix's bed acting like they were just talking the whole time. 
"Hey you two, have fun while we were gone?" Felix's voice echoed through the hall as his footsteps were heard; the door to the bedroom opening a few seconds later. "We were just talking about comeback season. If you wanna call that fun." Lee Know said in his typical tone of voice. The younger just nodded not noticing that despite being sucked off just moments ago, Chan was already hard again and that Lee Know was squeezing his legs together. "Well I'm going to sleep in Hyunjin's room tonight so I'll see you two in the morning." Felix said happily skipping off to the other's room. 
Lee Know looked at Chan and smirked, "Round two?" 
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starscelly · 11 months
Talk Hockey To Me
(tag game)
tagged by @eliooliver83 and @oetter mwah love u both kisses
Tell me about:
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
oghhh long story for Sure. i became like. distantly enamored with it watching the bruins with my dad/brother during the 2010-11 playoffs like that and soccer were the only sports i could bother watching. then in 2019? i re-read check please, became obsessed with it on that read through, started following the players some characters were based off of - namely sid and segs. then segs lead me down a path of delusion and insanity forever. so like. either the 2011 bruins cup run, check please, or tyler seguin.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
was trying to think of tumblr moots but ! technically predates my hockeyblr era by a couple yrs. met @stickypucky through. s. stephen johns discord/minecraft server. in 2020! i think!
3. The jersey you would most like to own
it feels sacrilegious that i dont own a roope or robo or otter jersey?? so any of theirs. Need. would also kill for a mooterus jersey sorry that design fucked
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
if i said anyone other than miro i think i would collapse dead.
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
listen. i agree with 2124. u all might expect me to say 424. however. i would pay the first person to write 455 or 42455 a billion dollars. i need harls hero worship turning into "oh hes a bitch and i like him so much" ness. i would cry tears of joy .
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
OKAY . niche roopemiro moment i am abt to throw at u. first thing that came to mind was when they had a FLOP ASS zone entry moment and miro just barrels straight into brick wall roope and they have to giggle abt it from last season. it was one of my first gifs and ik there are better sets of it but. here's mine. sooo pathetic and stupid and uncharacteristic of their perfectly in sync asses.
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
first of all everything stars hyacinthed has written i hold sooo deep in my heart especially the 1053 fics. THIS ART STUDENTS ROBOHINTZ FIC... so special 2 me for reasons i am sure u can figure out. many more fics tbh but ummmm there are sooo many beloved hockey artists/poetry ppl/gifmakers/editors/etc i love the work of i have to fire off here. this is not all of them by FAR but. follow all of them Now.
adelphenium / stillfertile / kitnita / 39oa / txstars / ghostgeno / oetter / teex / castilles / cats0p / nash13 / suburbanbonfire / nhlportraits / a million more i am POSITIVE i am forgetting...
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
ummm. most stuff in my art tag but especially fond of this miro and this intense delly recently. also my flying stars au..... also my miro sacrificial lamb edit...... many such things i actually am proud of shockingly !
no pressure tagging, sorry if you've already been tagged or did it and i missed it or u dont do these things etc etc:
@rookiestars @veryconfusedunlabeledguy @icecoldversace @saltandpepperbox @stillfertile @stickypucky
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ryo-hirakawa · 6 months
top 5 f1 prospects (anywhere in the feeder series)
omg thank u for this nonnie. alright so this will be kids i acc think can make it to f1 and not necessarily my fav juniors rn. holds up a sign that says "ask me about my youths for hypercars recommendations"
5. victor martins
putting him 5th because i fear putting him higher will jinx him and ogs know vic is one of my main guys. has had a pretty ass start to the season which i am not forgiving art gp for btw, but if este and pierre really both go "fuck it" then victor could get a chance. but it'd only happen if both seats are vacant bc there's still jack. honourable mention to jack who did not make top 5 simply bc i like victor more but he's the 6th. oh also if jack gets the f1 seat but vic doesn't i would love to recommend him to a certain affiliated hypercar team. in the 36 bc im attached to 35's lineup already #thealiens
4. zane maloney
f2 championship leader rn. i know it's incredibly early days and he has to contend with theo BUT if he does win f2 this year he would have done it in 2 years as opposed to theo's 3. although his case will only truly be made if theo flops in superformula (probably measured by performance relative to other toyota cars rather than the whole grid, but if ayumu beats him it Won't look good.) anyway if the above two things do happen zane's in a real shout for an audi seat. come on audi you can't be serious about hulk rn can ya...
3. arvid lindblad
why not the loveable red bull f2 lineup? imo it's the timing; isack and pepe are too close to make it to the next big rb shuffle, but arvid is 16, youngest f3 winner ever, and has the time to polish the rougher edges to be the prime choice for the baby bull seat when it becomes vacant again. also arvid is good although he panicked at the end of his f4 campaign and handed it to kacper. but isack also panicked at the end of his f3 campaign and i still rate him so. also hi isack have you considered hypercar (i know pepe already has)
2. liam lawson
pre-f1 debut i would think liam was doomed to be forgotten by the red bull machine because it's not easy to get your foot in the door. but because he did, and also because of the general wackiness of the red bull driver situation rn, he could stand a real chance. most likely he will take ric's seat. in the event they decide to show both ric and checo the door, they probably won't put him straight in the red bull. then again maybe verstappen will veto sainz jr again and then they'd have no choice (they won't put yuki in the second rb. i don't trust like that.)
1. ollie bearman
lil bro's destiny is all but written for him at this point, i'm very confident he will get a haas seat. whether he manages to make it into ferrari will imo depends less on how the charles/lewis lineup does and more on whether he can get to grips with the beast that is haas. once upon a time mick schumacher won euro f3 and f2 but what did haas do for him? exactly. although he is the best fda prospect of his generation (i am so sorry dino) so i am more inclined to think he will swim rather than sink
EDIT HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT KIMI ANTONELLI. although i think the f1 community as a whole is hyping him up too much and he deserves some breathing space to do what he does at his own pace so i am not ranking him 🫶
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rubiatinctorum · 2 years
listening to the 2006 taylor swift homophobic CD for the meme. thoughts:
the first three songs are BAD. they're bad.
insert picture to burn homophobia here. "shade never made anybody less gay" but she sure tried in 2006 to prove the difference
a place in this world is on thin ice bc my friend says it could apply to a book i really like. its fine. it's nothing to call home about but it's fine
why is cold as you quieter than all of the other songs so far. did anyone look at the mixing for this CD before putting it on the market. shame bc its the best song so far but maybe thats the nostalgia talking
with a debut album like this who needs a flop era
whatever this sixth song is sounds like it would be fun to sing while drunk with friends, just because of those notes in the chorus that flick upwards. also very cheesy. dear god this album is so cheesy please stop im lactose intolerant
am i halfway through this already
ooh a duet? with whom? probably one of those Country Music Television lads from back in the day no?
this song isn't bad. i forget which one we're on. it's not bad. tim mcgraw set my expectations really low you see
there's this next song (stay beautiful?) that the verses are sooooooo bad but the chorus is fun. taylor could write chorus melodies only in this era i think. nothing else is good but by god those choruses sound a bit fun that it kinda rots my hater soul a bit
good evening rubia. you said you own the homophobic edition of the taylor swift 2006 cd. before you you will find 45 free minutes and a CD player, if you bop in your seat a bit and admit some of these songs sound fun, a mallet will come down on your head blasting your brains to bits immediately. listen wisely
do i hear a fiddle? the fiddler is carrying this
OH i recognise this what the fuck is it. i remember this what's the name??? should've said no? the chorus is the best part once again, the verses are hard to get through. 6/10 it's listenable and she doesn't bitch about gay people in this one (i think i'm not reading the lyrics to this)
i'm starting to regret deciding to listen to this whole CD.
I'll never sin again please make it stop
I need to stop being sober
they use this CD to brainwash people into becoming conservatives but it's not going to work on me it's not
"Yeah rubia like your politics were any better than this in 2006." they were actually. i was a six year old but i was a six year old with standards
i could turn this off at any time and delete this post draft and no one would know. there's still time to save myself
oh thank god the fiddler is back. OUR SONG!?!? not the worst song, not the best. nostalgia is assisting me through this one. at least it's kinda fun. at least she's having fun. see i can be a joyful person
never mind the bridge in this one is kinda weak. hey at least it's also short
i survived this CD. don't ever make me do this ever again
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2 January 2023 5:47 am pdt
I think I would probably marry a gay man if I could at this point. They might be more decent than ... incubus and incubus friends. I actually was asked once by a gay guy. he randomly said it and it seemed like a joke. And it probably was. And then he asked me if I wanted to move in with him, and I had the sudden feeling of wanting to but he lived far and I wasn’t ready to move away from home 🏠. Now he doesn’t talk to me anymore. It’s ok though. If I find another gay man who feels like home 🏠 and he wouldn’t mind taking care of me in my current state, but I would have to play the waiting game to see if he’s REALLY gay. And I could trust him. Now I have trust issues. It’s harder for me to trust after what the incubus and incubus’ friends did to me.
I was going to write ✍️ type a lot of stuff but I think incubus interfered with the post I edited. 😖😭😖😭😖😭🥵😤🥵😤🥵🥵🥵 he’s making my fingers shorter 😖😞 he made all my toes short and did weird painful things to my feet 🦶. I foresee my death ☠️ soon. 😖😫😭
there was one gay guy I probably could have trusted but he died 2019 😞 he was smart and ironically lost his virginity to a girl 👧 which was something my sister joked about. He played football 🏈 I think when he was young. He had beautiful green eyes 👀. I met him when I was in high school 🏫. Unfortunately he also scared easy from me when I asked if he believed in vampires 🧛‍♂️ Bcz he had a whole strand of garlic 🧄 under his dresser. Maybe 🤔 I was trying too hard to be enthusiastic 🤩 and he was like wow. But he still talked to me. The re was a time I tried too hard. I had a lot typed out but the demon lord made the post button grayed out. 6:07 am pdt
now I’m scared 😱 of a lot of people. Didn’t realize a lot of things. And I am acknowledging the possibility of something that I didn’t realize existed. Feels bizarre. Makes me feel like the world 🌎 ain’t safe. It’s frightening. Incubus. I might have been oblivious to it. Focused too much on my own 🤕 mistakes and problems and self loathing, that I didn’t realize that there was and is a bigger threat: incubus. If he’s raping my 20 year old cousin and trying to kill me which I feel he partially succeeded in doing to me this week, it’s unforgivable. 43 year old incubus, there are many men closer to 20 years old than you are. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ how many decent non incubus men you killed off so you can hoard younger women for yourself, many that my cousin could have been happy with, and a bunch of other women, it is unforgivable. Incubus, your mom should not mislead you. I really find different dancing more attractive and different faces than incubus face. He not my type what can I say. 6:19 am pdt.
6:36 am pdt The thing is, whenever I make an argument against an incubus he punished me. He tore at my top right side gum a minute ago. He is difficult for me to win a n argument against. Best thing to do is don’t talk to him. For me at least. He doesn’t care for me. He flip flops 🩴 when he has something planned to use me I guess and then usually I get punished. Trying to figure him out. If I don’t believe him whatever way he wants me to believe in the moment he punished me. It’s all about what is convenient for him I guess. But I think 🤔 we had reached a point of no return and I tell it to him, I tell him I believe he is going to kill me, and then for some reason I forget! Even in the middle of the punishment. My brain 🧠 keeps going back there @_@ this dangerous. He almost killed me a lot these past 5 years. Abusive. if I were a n incubus what would I feel and think? Would I still strike a balance and acknowledge that... what is the belief what is the truth I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ anything did I ever know? Does inbreeding matter? Is it possible to make new humans from inter species cross breeding??? So bizarre ! Is he having sex with a horse 🐎????? Is he raping cousins and sisters??? Where does he draw the line????? Does he want to make babies 👶 with every woman 👩🏻 on the planet 🌎????? Does he think 🤔 everyone needs his genes 🧬 for the human species to be more attractive??? I am trying to understand but he’s got a weird façade. So weird!!!!!!! 😱. 6:51 am pdt I am not used to knowing that this creature exists!!!! 6:52 am pdt
6:55 am pdt I have a hypothesis that the demon lord made himself more attractive than he really is, and he intentionally made other people less.attractive than they really are. Similar to the stories of witches... changing people... 6:58 am pdt
7:55 am pdt the way he’s been to me, had been monstrous. He is truly a dangerous.... monster. I don’t know how such a cruel human could have come into existence. Where did he come from??? Which animals did he evolve from??? 😰he’s really frightening me. 7:58 am pdt
the way he’s been damaging me and my brain 🧠 I wonder if he really cares if I will remember him? How far he will go to destroy my memory completely. He grated poured acid roasted stabbed cut my brain 🧠 a lot. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ why we allow him to have such powers. He seems to be the real monster. A monster with power. Do all monsters have power? How many are there? 1% or more? Been many years yet we still allow it????? 8:03 am pdt
I hoNestly believe he is the worst. 8:04 am pdt I don’t think he stands for anything he puts online except for unlimited sex with unlimited women for himself . Is this healthy??????? 8:06 am pdt 8:10 am pdt did the real god make a mistake and lost their power to a cruel monster because she trusted the wrong man???? 8:11 am pdt is incubus in reality an ugly hairy beast who is hiding his real face?? 8:12 am pdt and body??? 8:13 am pdt have we all been fooled??? How many are like him????? Are there women like him too????? 8:14 am pdt is he the type of... creature to throw away people who are not like him under the bus 🚌??????? We don’t know the things he’s been doing to us manipulating our bodies and our minds for this long!!!! He’s probably been poisoning us!!!!! 8:16 am pdt what do we do!!!!!????????! 😱😭🥵😤😖😭
10:35 am pdt I think he burned too much of my body the last few days inside. I don’t know the extent of the damage but I felt a lot of over powering heat spread a lot inside especially the right side. I don’t trust him I am scared for my life! 10:37 am pdt 😖😤😭😞😫😩 I’ve never burned anyone like this. I think I remember not flushing sometimes. Maybe I messed up when I was a kid. 10:39 am pdt would have been my mom or sister and they haven’t complained recently! 10:40 am pdt I think I threw a light ball at a baby 👶 once when I was 7th grade but he was fine! I did not hear 👂 anyone complaining of bruises! He was fine and happy the same as always that I could recall. He even did a humping movement over a girl toddler and the son of the daycare lady cheered him on! He was normal! I was going to message the daycare lady’s daughter to check how he was doing if she kept in touch but the incubus wouldn’t let me! I could not find her contact info again! The incubus wants to hold it over my head as if some grave consequences happened but I remember I seen him for a while and he was fine! He seemed smart! 10:45 am pdt the incubus made someone punch me in the head with a lot of force 2-3 times (I mentioned it in a previous post) and it probably did far worse damage to me than I did to anyone.. I for some reason didn’t think twice about it probably because he was okay? I do have issues with my memory but I think he was ok, but I was willing to check but he wasn’t willing to let others help me get in touch with her so I can double check bcz I had started to worry about it. I also fell from a tall bar 6+ feet estimate high into tan bark before 4th grade photos, also probably did far worse damage to me than I did to anyone. After my parents separated me and my sister fought over my Barbie doll and the neck broke. I got mad at her, which I should not have, and I still had the very thin cardboard box 📦 the doll came in that was probably pink with a half plastic inside that all Barbie doll boxes are to see the doll on display on the shelf. I ddon’t remember it being thick, or corrugated. I raised the box 📦 and before I could hit her with it she started crying. Before this, I don’t really have any memory of hitting her. I even wrote a book 📖 report for her and her teacher ms fisher called me into the classroom to tell me she needs to write ✍️ it herself. 2nd grade? Shared my color pencils and color markers with the whole class. I drew I maybe also drew or colored roses 🌹 for classmates during one class day.
(#3 cramps 😖 11:02 am pdt coughing and back HOT 🥵) I hope 🤞 I didn’t hurt anyone. I did some things wrong that I regretted and got scared 😱 that I would do something wrong again so I stopped doing a lot of things including dating. I’ve been celibate since I was 25 years old. Most of my s*xual experiences have been not satisfactory; and any and all s*x including f*repl*y were with young men close to my age. There are things I did wrong and I thoroughly regretted each thing I did immediately afterwards. I think almost anything I ever did wrong was seen by someone else such as my mom, other kids who are most possibly outspoken and old enough to make comments, or there were hundreds of people around to see (in daylight, a time everyone can easily see (added 3:30 🕞 pm pdt)). I would be surprised if something I had done resulted in something bad and no one tracked me down and confronted me for it. I have had a lot going on with me. After I stopped going to school 🏫 I stopped driving. I had prayed to god to not hurt anybody and that he would let me pass bcz it looked like god controlled traffic one time. I think it was the same year I got bit; and drank alcohol 🍷 with my sister in New York and with the Sagittarius ♐️ incubus friend - who I am starting to wonder 💭 if is an incubus, too. And alcohol 🍷 damages the brain 🧠 dr amen 🙏 said. I got drunk 🥴 2 times that year, felt mute? Shy ? After the first time and felt nauseous the next morning the second time and I was bit in the neck possibly too close to the jugular and again same night by a different person, which was alarming too but not as dangerous as the first? And I had previous head trauma multiple times before that. I m really scared of people now more than ever. It didn’t occur to me until recently that there are way more sinister/devious people in the world 🌎 probably bcz I didn’t watch enough news 📰 and my learning disability, and probably in danger of anemia each heavy period day so that cannot be good for the brain 🧠 either. I was also almost run over by a middle aged woman in an older car 🚙 when I was going to get my hair cut august 2015. I don’t think I ran anyone over. Karma usually gets me back worse then I did to others, so hopefully 🙏 that means I’m in the clear! 11:29 am pdt the re was another thing I wrote earlier but the incubus wouldn’t allow me to post it, another regret. I’m hungry 😖😞🥵😤🥵😤 11:34 am pdt
I was only trying to change font on the line I added: in daylight a time everyone can see. Added 3:30 🕞 pm pdt 3:35 pm pdt 3:38 pm pdt I started realizing the incubus is toying toy 🧸 with my mind/beliefs I believe I’m being gas ⛽️ lit 🔥. I think he is killing me. He wants me to always be in fear and he’s editing everything and not allowing people to see the truth. 3:41 pm pdt does anyone else see my writing ✍️ typing???????? Help!!!!!!!! 3:42 pm pdt
6:57 pm pdt incubus put acid 😖😭😞 on my vag again. I think he’s gas ⛽️ lighting me on radio 📻 station too. I wonder if anyone else hears it on their radio 📻. I NEVER hurt anyone’s genitalia before that I can recall. I only touched penis (of young men close to my age 7:22 pm pdt) with my hands and mouth 👄 and undressed vag. I f I hurt someone’s 🍆 or balls it was an accident. I’ve accidentally hurt my own vag b4. 7:03 pm pdt. You say I am loved 🥰 when I can’t feel a thing... I believe 📻🎶🎼🎵 Lauren dagle brain 🧠 washing to me. To believe when they do contradictory things. PAIN & roasted/toasted toast 🍷 2 feeling I’m dying 😵. Trickery. I don’t like such clowns 🤡. 7:08 pm pdt
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yooniesim · 2 years
AxA gets away with making the same crop tops and pairs of jeans for every CC pack and ppl really pay for it wow
the new pack looks really nice to me at first glance but there's a good amount of recycled items in it. by that I mean, a lot of meshes and textures that are from previous packs they've made.
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items in the new pack on the left beside older items on the right. The hairs are inexcusable to me. the last one especially, it's literally the same hair as the latest one up for free on his page, just with the hairline moved over slightly. Literally doesn't even need new hair chops.
If it was free I'd have no complaints at all, but AH00B is literally making a minimum of $6,444 a month if all of his 3,222 patrons are there for his $2 early access. And if it wasn't for Ayoshi, it seems, patrons would be getting 3 hairs a month only. Can you imagine making 6K+ a month to make 3 small hair edits?
On that note though... AH00B/Austin has had me blocked since I answered this ask yesterday, saying that no one would call him out for still doing early access when it seemed EA had banned it (for fear of getting hate or blocked), without me ever interacting with him otherwise. Ironic, I know. Which was extra strange because Ayoshi and I were having a long conversation about clearing the air regarding the early access situation, and in the middle of that I realized I was blocked. I sat on it a bit, because I have to say that Ayoshi was extremely patient in his conversation with me and I truly believe he wanted to have a genuine discussion. But he is not the owner of the patreon and all the responsibility does not lie with him. Even if they are best friends, Ayoshi is not the one that should be handling this for him. And since then, Austin still has not unblocked me or made any move to indicate that he wants to discuss this with anyone or hear any sort of criticism. He has no obligation to speak with me or anyone else, but I can't understand how the air can be cleared if everyone involved isn't willing to communicate with one another, and Ayoshi was the one to reach out to me rather than the other way around.
I understand having anxiety and not wanting to be criticized. But this isn't drama. These people are running businesses, with a good amount of cash involved, but not wanting to actually manage their business. Business owners need to put out statements and hold high standards to match that of their customers, and if they don't, what happens? They go under. Even if the community itself doesn't matter to you, a time comes when you have to put your big boy pants on and do something to at least protect your income. Either by changing your model and actions or looking for another job. If EA's latest flip flopping made you panic, good. As I said in the DMs, it should be a wake-up call. And if getting criticism against your business is causing you such unrest and anxiety that you cannot eat, sleep, or function properly, you need to pause your patreon and cc making and seek help for you mental health immediately. If that's not the case, and you're still able to function here, you need to get a handle on your business.
I don't see Austin or any of the other top cc creators saying a word about any of the problems with early access, not even to call out the "bad ones" they like to point to so often to deflect from themselves. Within the past couple days, eacc creators have been sharing patron's personal information and setting crazy long "reasonable" time periods, and I haven't heard a word from any of them about it. Why? It doesn't matter to them. The community doesn't matter to them. Just like it didn't when exclusive creators were doxxing and harassing and all any eacc creator could do was say, "well that's awful, but I'm not like that, don't forget early access is okay and we're not scammers". They got more angry about someone making a list of everyone that was continuing early access, which was publicly available on each of their blogs, than they did about the list of patrons' private information being passed around. All that's important is avoiding criticism and protecting their bottom line, and it shows every time something like this happens.
It honestly makes me sad. Many of the creators that have acted the way we've seen in the past few days, are ones I previously admired. AH00B is a creator that I've downloaded almost all the cc of, and his hairs were some of the first I recolored when I first started making cc. I use his and Ayoshi's clothing often in lookbooks. But because I expressed disappointment in him and others over early access, I'm considered a hater that needs to be blocked and silenced. Sorry, but that doesn't work for me. If we can't speak privately, I have to at least make my thoughts known on my own blog.
I don't think users are getting anything better from him now that he's getting paid, than they were when he was creating for free. The content is repeatedly recycled, and not worth paying for in my opinion. There is no engagement with anyone here other than to promote patreon. I don't think he's an active member of this community whatsoever, and like I said in the DMs: these creators are not people I can consider friends or peers anymore. AH00B is not a simblr, it's a brand. Its only purpose here is to make money and nothing else. And because of that, I can no longer support it.
I highly recommend giving the [deleted] a read, because I express more of my thoughts on early access and its effect on the community there. I have no ill will towards Ayoshi or Austin, but I hope that they realize the community is tired of all this. It's been drained dry, and whether any of these creators want to believe it or not, it isn't going to last much longer.
Edit: Ayoshi asked me to remove the conversation between us, so the links have been removed.
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edsloveydove · 2 years
Cozy Nights With Eddie
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pairing: eddie munson x reader
summary: in which you choose KFC over eddie
word count: 800!
warnings: food and eating, reader is wearing eddie’s shirt and trust me i know he is a skinny little lad and not everyone could fit into his clothes (i know i probably couldn’t) but i just want to experience it for once so i wrote it that way anyway, poorly edited probably, fluff!!
“Honey, I’m home! And I bring food!” Eddie says, flopping onto the foot of his bed, looking to see you pretty much exactly where he had left you when he went on the much needed food run. 
He liked coming back to his trailer to see you waiting for him, it made his heart all warm and fuzzy. 
“Hmm, thank you, Eds,” you hum without looking up from your book. “I’m just gonna finish this chapter, is that okay?”
“Of course it is, sweetheart. Watcha reading? It seems to really have your attention,” he smiles warmly. 
“Little Women, I never read it when we were supposed to for school and now I’m wishing I had. It’s really good,” you said, looking up to see him already staring at you with a soft smile and kind brown eyes. 
“I like when you get all nerdy. Especially when wearing my shirt.” Eddie’s eyebrows waggle at the statement. 
Forgetting what you had decided to put on after the shower you took while he was gone, you look down to find one of his most worn Metallica t-shirts. The band’s name is written across the top in a faded red color, a picture of a skull holding flowers between its teeth surrounded by flames sits under the lettering. 
“Oh! I didn’t even realize, sorry Eds, I know how much you love this shirt. I can change if you want me to?” 
“Nonsense, sweetheart, you look great in it. Maybe not quite as good as me,” he jokes, “But you’re so cute in it I couldn’t possibly bear to see you not wearing my stuff. In fact, I think you should never take it off.”
He smushes your cheeks between his large hands, rubbing your noses together like a little chipmunk. It causes you to giggle at the ticklish feeling it brings on. 
You push his chest away lightly but he only pulls you harder against himself, smacking loud kisses all over your face. 
“Eddie!” you shriek, falling away from him onto the bed. He now lies on top of you. 
“What? I can’t help myself, you’re just my favorite person ever in the whole wide world,” he practically whines, still planting kisses on your cheeks and forehead. 
“Hm, well you’re gonna have to learn to control it for at least a few minutes because I’m hungry and whatever you brought smells too good to let it go cold.”  
He scoffs, “Oh, wow. You’re choosing KFC over your gorgeous and loving and funny and wonderfully attractive and incredibly in touch with his emotions and super smoking bod boyfriend?” 
You grab his face, staring deep into his eyes, waiting a few seconds for effect before-
“Yes.” You push him off of you quickly with all your force causing him to fall off of the bed. 
Laughing loudly you crawl to the side of the bed to check on him. 
“You okay, love bug?” you ask, giggles escaping your lips despite your best efforts. 
“Just go eat your food, you gremlin. Clearly that’s all you want,” he pouts, sitting cross legged with his arms folded in front of his chest like a toddler in time out. 
“Oh no, did I make the big bad Eddie Munson upset? I’m so sowwy, my wittle baby,” you exaggerate, replacing R’s and L’s for W’s in baby talk, pouting your lips out in hopes to seem even more ridiculous. 
Eddie huffs and turns his back to you, keeping up the act, even though you saw his lips give the slightest twitch. 
Crawling off the bed you turn his head back to yours, squishing and pinching his cheeks like a grandma would. 
“Come on, Eds. You know I love you more than KFC, and if the fact that I’m trying to get you to stop pouting instead of eating it when I know even you can hear my stomach growling doesn’t prove it, I don’t know what will.” 
He finally meets your eyes and smiles. It’s a full on signature Eddie Munson smile, dimples showing proudly along with his pearly whites. 
“You’re lucky you’re so damn cute,” he gives you a quick peck on the lips. “Now, would you quit playing around, I need some food in me.” 
He jumps to his feet and helps to pull you up with him, ignoring your sarcastic grumbles of ‘oh, yeah, I’m the one who’s causing the hold up.’ 
After a good meal of fried chicken and mashed potatoes, you’re back where you started. Huddled under a fuzzy blanket covered in pumpkins and leaves, reading LIttle Women. Only this time Eddie has his head rested in your lap, eyes drifting shut while you run your fingers through his hair. 
“I love you,” Eddie says, startling you out of your focus. 
“And I love you, Eddie Munson,” you lean down and kiss his forehead, stroking his hair back from his face. 
Your lips travel down to his, sharing soft and sweet kisses. 
“Read to me?” he asks softly. 
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝔹 𝔸 𝕂 𝕌 𝔾 𝕆 𝕌  𝕂 𝔸 𝕋 𝕊 𝕌 𝕂 𝕀
     ⇴ male reader      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ request: pro hero crazy buff baku meeting y/n's cutesy femboy ex boyfriend? And he gets jealous / insecure bc they are so different
↣ rating: general audiences ↣ warnings: jealous bakugou, fluff, implied nsfw but nothing explicit, hickeys
Hand in hand, you were strolling through Akihabara with Bakugou. The other hand holding two bags of merchandise you had bought – a successful hunt indeed. Katsuki, however, only had one small bag with a new video game he bought for you both to enjoy, so all in all the free day you two had was very relaxing and stress-free for once.
Until it all went down the drain…
“Babe, do you wanna get something to eat before we go back?”, you asked while already looking around. You knew an incredible restaurant that wasn’t too far away from your current location.
“No, [Your.name]! Did you forget already? We need to cook something with the chicken in our fridge before it gets bad.”, Bakugou playfully rolled his eyes while nudging you. To think he was ever having such a …domestic talk with someone. A year ago he would have laughed hysterically at the thought of living together with someone and managing a small household.
“Oh… right.”, you chuckled before you leaned in to smooch him, “Ain’t I lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend who remembers these things.”
“Yeah, right. Keep sweet talking and I might even-“
“YOOOO [YOUR.NAME]!”, someone yelled, interrupting your intimate moment, hence Katsuki shooting him a death glare, however…
“Oh! Akitoshi, hey.”, you greeted the significantly smaller male as well.
“It’s been a hot minute. How you doin’?”, he grinned, then looked at Katsuki, “I see, already slipping into the next pair of panties, huh?”
This little bastard- Though Bakugou’s string of thought was cut when you just awkwardly laughed and hugged his muscular body closer to your side.
“Akitoshi, this is Bakugou Katsuki, my boyfriend, so be nice, okay?”, then you turned to Katsuki who was scowling, “Babe, this is my ex, Ninomiya Akitoshi. We mutually agreed to separate so there weren’t any harsh feelings, he’s a good guy.”
“Nice to meet you, bro!”, Aki tried to break the ice by going in for a fist bump, but Bakugou was not having it as he just kept staring at him.
While you were talking to your ex for a few moments, Katsuki couldn’t help but start eyeing him up and down. He was small, skinny, feminine looking and kind of dainty. Everything he wasn’t. To be quite honest, Bakugou was the complete opposite. He was as tall as you, very buff and well-trained and suits wanted to cry when he would try them on because of his sheer build he acquired due to being a pro-hero for many years now. And seeing how your type was, very obviously, something very different before you met him… Bakugou was suddenly a little insecure and he hated feeling that way.
“Okay, well, Aki, it was nice meeting you, but we need to go now and catch a train.”
“Same, dude, same. Glad you’ve found someone you like, you look happy, man.”, he said with a small smile as he looked at you and Katsuki, who was still just grunting and holding extra tight onto you.
And with that, you and your boyfriend finally walked back to the train station.
Once you were at home though, you watched as he flopped onto the couch, hence you asked, “Okay, what is going on? Ever since meeting Aki you’ve been quiet.”
“What? No! He’s…”, he paused, then tried to fake a smile, “really… lovely. A nice guy.”
“Babe… I love you but holy fuck you can’t lie.”, then you sat down beside him.
“Hey, talk to me. Did he do something? I know the slipping into panties thing was weird, but-“
“That’s not it, [Your.name].”, Katsuki sighed and crossed his arms.
“Then what is it?”
A long pause followed where you just looked at him and Bakugou stared at the desk in front of him with your and his bags on. Only for him to finally open his mouth after a few moments of silence.
“I look nothing like him.”
“… And that is a problem… why?”, you were visibly confused.
“I mean, fuck he is… he’s a fucking femboy. I just- I am NOTHING like him. Your type is a skinny little dainty femboy and I am literally the complete opposite, so like- Why the fuck do you even like me?”, Katsuki finally blurted out, gesturing with his arms wildly before he flopped back onto the couch.
You, on the other hand, just stared at him for a moment in disbelief.
“That… That is what it’s about? Really?”
“Yeah… You probably could swing him around like a toothpick while I am… well I am heavy.”
“Babe, please. I love you, just the way you are. Just because Aki was one type of guy, doesn’t mean I can’t find another type of guy attractive as well, you know?”, reaching out, you took his hand in yours.
Drawing circles on the back of it, you then slowly progressed to touching his face and softly turning his head so he would look at you eventually.
“Hey…. I love you. I love that you could snap me in half at any possible second.”, thankfully, Katsuki snorted and mumbled an “Idiot.” yet he didn’t break eye contact as his hand slowly wandered down to play with your t-shirt.
“I love you too, [Your.name]… Thank you. I don’t know what happened to me, I guess seeing your ex just fucked with my brain for a second there.”, he then said before leaning in for a kiss that you happily returned.
“Hmh, it’s okay… I know you’re very different from everyone else I’ve dated before, physique and personality vise, but… I am also the most happiest when I’m with you.”, you gently played with his hand while smooching him over and over again.
“So I am better than anyone else, hm?”, Bakugou grinned instantly while being pushed back into the couch willingly, his big, heavy body pressed against your own.
“Hmm absolutely.”, you purred back.
Your hands were already busy slipping underneath his t-shirt as your lips pressed hot kisses onto his sensitive neck, earning his little groan that made your heart jump. Even though Bakugou probably wouldn’t believe you if you said it out loud, but… he certainly was very cute, even if he wasn’t dainty or small.
A very delicious smell softly shook him awake, ruby eyes fluttering open as he looked around for a moment. Sitting back up, Katsuki inevitably had to smile a little when he saw the blanket you put over his naked body, realizing once more how stupid it was to get jealous.
“Babe?”, naked as he was, he walked into the kitchen where the scent was coming from.
“Hey, Kat.”, you turned around a bit, though was it already too late when arms snuck around your hips and you felt a weight on your shoulder.
“Hey… The chicken?”
“The chicken.”, you chuckled and softly nudged his head with your own.
“If you hurry, you can still take a shower before we can eat.”
“Hm… sounds good.”, Katsuki whispered.
However, before he could walk away completely, he turned around once more, catching you off guard a little when he was back to hugging you from behind.
“Also… thanks.”, he only mumbled with red cheeks, before he nudged your head to the side to connect your lips.
“Hmmm…”, you purred while returning his kisses happily.
“Always. Now go.”, with a giggle, you playfully smacked his naked butt when he finally turned around and walked away.
And as Bakugou stood in front of the big bathroom mirror, he couldn’t help but blush even more intensely. His muscular body was visibly covered in hickeys, making him facepalm and sigh. Though… he also couldn’t suppress hat little grin that formed on his lips.
Really… getting jealous was so stupid.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: once more thanks for the request! I really really like buff baku, knowing he could very well snap me in half while still whimpering like a lost puppy and letting himself go during sexy time makes it all the better!
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
Chocolate Sauce
prompt: 'You're already hyper as it is, I don't need you to be sugar high while fucking me.'
Request: no
Word count: 854 (ish. I wrote some more on my phone and I forgot the word count. I’ll edit it in a bit <3)
Warnings: Suggestive content, Swearing
Tag list: @d14n4ol
"I have an idea to sweeten things up in the bedroom" you saunter into the lounge and flop by Natasha's feet
"But you haven't even heard the idea yet-"
"No y/n."
Natasha loved you and everything that came with you. Including your hyper-ness. You were always told that there's no such thing as 'being hyper' and therefore, you were led to believe that there was no such thing as a sugar rush.
You were wrong.
You had quite possibly the worst reaction to sugar Natasha had ever seen. Your natural state was already quite high energy but add sugar to the mix and it was borderline dangerous.
The rest of the team adored how hyper you would get from the simplest things and regularly exploited it, much to Natasha's dismay. One particularly dark day, Natasha had thrown out all sugary snacks. She had failed to remember the cans of coffee Bucky kept in the fridge and you had been dared to try one. Coffee was even worse than sugar.
There was one thing worse than all the sugar in the world combined.
Chocolate sauce.
Natasha wasn't sure what they put in the sauce that was different to normal chocolate but whatever it was, sent you doolally.
The two of you had been on a date when the ice cream sundae with chocolate sauce came out. The two of you had agreed to share and that was something Natasha was eternally grateful for because she hated to imagine what would have happened if you had eaten the whole thing yourself. Safe to say, it was eventful bringing you back to your shared room. You had wanted to say hello to everyone and look at absolutely everything.
When Natasha had successfully gotten you home, your attention turned on her. The sex that night was wild. Like completely mind bending. It's not that sex was boring before - far from it. But that night was one she wouldn't forget any time soon. That being said, she didn't enjoy dealing with the fallout of a cranky y/n coming down from their sugar high.
God you were miserable after.
It's why Natasha dismissed your idea of 'sweetening' things up in the bedroom. She knew exactly what that meant - you wanted to bring chocolate sauce into the very healthy sex life you guys already had.
"Tasha I really think chocolate sauce could be a good idea. I could make you feel so good baby. Why don't you want my tongue licking sauce from you?"
You shuffled up and began to lick her neck and collar bone, nipping along her shoulders. Natasha let out a groan and gave you more access. You bought your face up to hers and left your lips a fraction away from hers.
"This way, you can stop imagining what I would do and actually experience it. You think I don't hear you in the shower sometimes?"
Natasha stilled. She had no clue how you had heard her. She had made so sure to be quiet. So sure that you had been out of the room.
"A little birdie told me that you often dream of that night..." Natasha let out a little moan as you whispered those words into her ear, kissing and sucking just below the earlobe. Wanda had told you once when she was extremely drunk. Words had just kept pouring from her mouth and who were you to stop her when she told you how much Natasha thought about your sugary filled sex escapade. Unfortunately for Wanda, Natasha’s thoughts were sometimes extremely loud, especially when she had to watch you lick whatever utensil you had been using to eat, her mind flashing back to how it was her body your tongue should have been on.
In truth, you wanted chocolate sauce introduced to the bedroom because you just loved it so much and you thought that if you made it worth Natasha's while, then she would be down for you eating it. Unfortunately, things had not been going to plan.
"I really don't think it's a good idea... You're already hyper as it is, I don't need you to be sugar high while fucking me." Natasha let out a shaky breath and gently ran her hands through your hair, trying to pull you closer.
"Thing is detka, I really think it is." You knew that Natasha loved it when you spoke Russian. Her pupils would always expand and she would breathe a little heavier.
"Promise you won't get cranky the next day?"
"Darling, I would never be cranky with you." You hooked your thumbs into her waistband and kissed her bottom lip briefly.
"That's not what I meant. I know you'd never be cranky with me but you locked Clint in the washing machine last time because he was 'looking at you the wrong way'..."
"Detka, I promise not to lock Clint in the washing machine."
"Then you have a deal Y/L/N. Don't make me regret this..."
"Never sweetheart." You kissed her properly this time, finally allowing her what she wanted. Her hips bucked up towards yours.
Clint walked into the lounge, a plate of waffles carefully balanced as he poured chocolate sauce over them.
"Ew, guys, what the fuck! Get a room. I don't need this while I'm eating my breakfast!"
You looked devilishly at Natasha. "What a great idea Clinty Winty." You grabbed Natasha with one hand, sauntered over to Clint and grabbed the chocolate sauce by making him think you were going for the waffles.
"Toodles Clint!" you shouted out as Natasha followed quickly behind you, back to your shared room.
“My chocolate sauce...”
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henryobsessed · 3 years
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf
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Word Count: 1800
Summary: The calm before the storm
A/n hello, and thanks again @sillyrabbit81 for reading and editing for me :)
Chapter 11
Henry was angry. It was truly the first time he had allowed himself to feel such anger in almost fifteen years. Everything that was happening, all the pieces coming together to paint a picture of that night, it didn’t bring healing like it should, instead, it just bought more pain. All the locked away feelings he had tried so hard to forget from the past kept coming up, especially when he saw Tom’s face. Everything in him wanted to go full wolf, ignore human laws and decimate his friend’s abusers. If he had not felt a strong need to comfort Tom, to help heal some of his wounds then he would have snuck out right there and then.
But Jessie had different ideas, even after the boys left, she insisted he stay by her side. It was as if she knew what he was thinking, knew he would be reckless. When they arrived at the house, he did a quick sniff of the perimeter before feeling secure that there were no new smells. He found Jessie in the kitchen making a coffee. What he wouldn’t give to taste the magic brew again, it had been so long since his last sip. Wondering if she would understand him, he padded over to her and bumped her leg, put his nose in the air, sniffed at the cup she had finished pouring and then yipped. For the first time in a few days she smiled, a genuine large smile. “Did you want some coffee, Henry?” He yipped again, this time emphasising it with his tongue panting.
She found a small ceramic bowl and poured some coffee into it, she picked it up and placed it on the coffee table in the living room. It was the perfect height for him to first sniff the delectable scent, then hesitantly dip his tongue in. It was perfect, she had made it smooth, bold, and milky. He turned his head to her and almost laughed at the look on her face as she watched with anticipation. “Is it ok? I can change it if you don’t like it that milky.” Her nervousness was real, and he wanted to show her how much he liked it, so instead he turned around and lapped the whole bowl up before jumping on the couch and giving her a series of long sloppy kisses on the cheek. Giggling Jessie squealed, “Henry! Stop! If that’s a yes you liked it then great. But if that’s just a reaction to the coffee then no more for you mister.” He stopped immediately not wanting the coffee to stop.
Henry curled up next to her on the couch laying his head in her lap. It was the only intimate thing that he could do whilst he was still in wolf form. He wanted her to know she was safe. Her fingers began to caress his fur, threading through massaging his skin. The tension and anger melted, all that mattered at that moment was his mate.
She softly cleared her throat, “Henry, I need to let you know about something important. Please yip if you are understanding me.” It had been a while since her voice had not made sense, another sign he hoped that he was closer to the surface. “Yip” was his reply. Her body sagged a bit. “Good, I have insisted Tom come to live here for a while until he is safe to go home. But that might be a long while. I learned something this morning and I need to tell you, but I don’t want you to overreact, ok?”
Overreact, what was she talking about? Henry listened intently a soft growl intimating he heard but was not happy. “Tom, well Tom is my secret admirer.” At that comment, Henry leapt up sitting his full height on the couch. His eyes bored into Jessies, looking to see if what she said was true and not a horrible joke. But the seriousness on her face confirmed her words. Both her hands came up and cradled his muzzle, keeping his eyes on hers as she spoke with authority. “Now listen to me Henry, I know you have been jealous and I appreciate you trying to protect me from Boyd. But you know Tom, he is sweet, caring, and young. You have nothing to be jealous of. I see him as more of a younger brother, heck even as a son. So, you have nothing to fear, I want you to continue to care for him just as you have been. He needs our love and affection right now, not more rejection. Ok?”
Not sure how he felt about it, on top of everything else, he flopped back down in her lap. Not willing yet to acknowledge what she was asking of him. She didn’t know how much it hurt to see her with another, to know outside of a dream he could not hold her. He settled enjoying her hands once again scratching behind his ear and smoothing his fur. They stayed like that until the sound of multiple footsteps sounded at the front door, Henry jumped up and ran to the door his fur heckled and a low growl sending out a warning. “Hey Jessie, Wolfy, it’s just us.” Jessie walked past him and opened the door showing a mountain of bags hiding the two boys behind.
Henry’s heckles stayed up as he watched the wall of bags shuffle into the room. It wasn’t till the bags had been placed down, and Tom’s face was shown again, that his fur smoothed down, at that moment he made his mind up. No matter how painful it was seeing someone else fawn over his mate, he would treat Tom as family. He walked up to Tom, rubbing his body up against him then gave his hand a quick lick. Tom’s hand rested on his head-scratching behind his ear. “Thanks, Wolfy. I missed you too buddy.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jessie with a soft smile on her face.
Joe stayed for dinner, the foursome enjoyed steak and veggies, with ice cream for dessert. After dinner, Joe tried to convince the party too, “Have a fashion parade.” A chorus of no’s including a growl from Henry had him lifting his hands in surrender,.“Oh, you guys are no fun. At least let us get dressed in our pj’s.” Jessie frowned at this comment, causing Joe to explain, “We thought with everything going on it might be a good idea to have a slumber party. You know an extra body in case you know who decides to turn up.” Henry was surprised at Joe’s gesture. As excitable as the boy was he was a true friend to Jessie. Jessie, he could see, was struggling and if he guessed her problem, it was accepting help. She had been independent for so long, had to be strong for herself, work everything out for herself. He could only guess if she was anything like himself that she would try to back out of this extra support.
Before she had a chance to speak, he pushed towards her, growling low making her look at him. He put as much feeling behind his eyes as he could trying harder than ever to push towards the surface. The message he wished to convey was one of “please, accept their help.”
She looked at him, her head cocked to one side before her ridged stance melted and her soft voice yielded. “As long as Dillon is ok with it, Joe that’s fine. Heaven knows this house has enough rooms to have 3 separate guests so I’m ok with you having a ‘slumber party.” Joe whooped at that and ran to ring his boyfriend.
Henry had to snigger, here she was surrounded by boys, Tom was 19, and Joe 22 they had gone and changed into PJ’s that had caused Jessie to giggle, the Pokémon images outlined on the two-piece top and pants make them look like overgrown children. Confirmed by them pulling the cushions of the chairs and creating a fort with blankets for them to sit in and eat popcorn as they watched movies. It truly was a sight to see but Henry could tell she was slightly uncomfortable with the interaction. But with his body surrounding hers, she began to relax and enjoy the constant chatter of Joe and Tom.
As the clock chimed 11pm, the party began to go quiet, and eventually, Jessie put on her boss hat. “All right boys. Time for teeth, toilet, and bed, and I want this room set to rights before you head upstairs.” Yawns and tired agreements grumbled as Henry got up and yipped to Jessie. “You need to go out Henry?” It was the first time she had addressed him with his full name in front of the others.
Joe was the only one who made any note of it as he was picking up the last cushion. “I like that name, Jessie. It suits him.” She smiled at Henry, then let him out.
When he was back inside, they locked up the doors and walked silently upstairs. She poked her head in both rooms saying the good night before moving to her own room. After looking after her own needs Jessie snuggled under the covers. Henry positioned himself so he was stretched out next to her ready to hold her in his arms he shut his eyes pleading for sleep to come fast.
Trees, trees, and more trees, the more he pushed the thicker they grew as if they were alive and deliberately holding him back. Henry began to grow angry again, how dare they stop him from seeing his mate. His anger hit a point causing him to turn into his wolf while in the dream state. This allowed him to duck under the branches until he finally broke free into the clearing. There was Jessie, patiently waiting for her man but the look of shock on her face when wolf Henry broke through into the clearing was evident.
“Henry? Are you, ok?” He looked up at her, the anger still burning hot in his eyes. She stilled for a moment then sat patting her lap in an invitation for him to join her. He passed back and forth for a moment before his heart rate began to settle, then he walked forward, and laid down beside her. His head in her lap she gently caressed his fur before he was fully calm. At that moment his desire for her pulled to the front so much so that he began to shift, she stilled as his body creaked and popped until Henry’s head laid in her lap his naked body stretched out for all to see.
Chapter 12
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
How old is too old?
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Jung Jaehyun x reader // SMUT, SMUT, angst, fluff
Themes: OLDER JAEHYUN, YOUNGER READER, please I’m begging you don’t read my works if you’re not comfortable.
Word count: 5k
Summary: Jaehyun was your father’s best friend and life has it’s own twist of reuniting you again. 
Warnings: OLDER JAEHYUN, YOUNGER READER, BOTH LEGAL AGE, sex, sex, sex, over stimulation, choking, slapping, dom Jaehyun, mentions of other idols, pairing of other idols, swearing,  unprotected sex, rough sex, filthy sex, sad ending, Jaehyun is Johnny’s best friend, Johnny is your dad do the math. Mentions of alcohol, mentions of pregnancy, sad ending
A/N: I did this in one sitting. This is only a made up story and theres no way in hell that this is true. If something about the warning doesn’t sit well on you please don’t read. I would like to thank the anon who pointed out the sensitive topic. I already deleted some parts and edited the fic. Again thank you, and I will be better next time. For the first 200+ readers, I’m sorry if the fic was carrying something sensitive and I was clueless about it but after consulting with some of my fellow writers, I think the edited version of this fic is now safer. Thank you! And if the concept is still sensitive you can message me again I’ll be happy to delete it. 
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Have you ever seen someone so dreamy and handsome that he sparkles every time he’s around? Or whenever he’s around he just lights up the whole room with his smile. He’s like an angel or a saint that walks among us. Mr. Jaehyun or Mr. Jae, as you call him, is the epitome of that description.
Same birthday, different age. 
Years later
“Good morning princess, happy birthday”
The sun is hitting your eyes and you put an arm on your head, not minding the person kissing your exposed thighs. Yuta has been your fuck buddy ever since the day you’ve been introduced to sex. He was your first at everything, but you two never had the guts to take your relationship to the next level. Nonetheless, you’re both still scared to lose each other.
“See you tonight?” you said weakly, admiring Yuta’s angelic features under the bright natural light that comes in your room perfectly.
“Definitely” he kissed your cheek and flopped on top of your naked body, “Don’t forget to clean up well, I came almost five times inside you last night,” he said before he kisses you one last time and leaves you to enjoy your morning.
On your way to the dining room, every one that crosses your path greets you good morning and happy birthday. You respond with a smile and ‘thank you’ as you continue to walk, everyone seems busy for the dinner party tonight.
On the long table, you found your mother and father having coffee and reading the newspapers. “Morning” you greet the before you sit.
“Happy Valentine's day” Johnny, your father, teases you as he folds the newspaper. You roll your eyes at him at let out a small laugh, “You’ll love my surprise for you tonight” he added, chewing his toast with strawberry jam on it.
“Another car? Oh, wait. Did you bought me a whole Chanel boutique already?” you tease your father, even though he perfectly knew you hate material gifts.
“Oh no. You’ll like this one” he smirks at you and stood up to give you a kiss on the forehead, “happy birthday, I’ll be back before dinner and before the guests arrived. Just have to handle a few things at the office”
“Why do I feel like you’re about to buy me a private plane” you tease him again and left you with your mother to enjoy breakfast together.
Living with fame and money all your life didn’t make you a spoiled daughter, or a big spender like your dad. You’re always about the simple things in life that give you genuine happiness, it’s always the people around you are showering you with expensive gifts that you’re grateful for but to be honest, you don’t need it. Family, career, and love. Those are the most important things in your life. But about love, you’re not sure yet.  
During the family dinner, as usual, the house is packed with family, family friends, and some people at work. Champagnes everywhere, people chatting about business or whatnot, families catching up, and friends reuniting.
“Where is dad?” you asked your mother, Seulgi while you wait for both your father and Yuta to arrive. You’re not blowing your birthday candles without your dad.
As you chat with other people and enjoy your celebration, your ears rang when you heard people exclaiming that Johnny has arrived. You walked to the entrance to greet your father, and to your surprise… Jaehyun is with him. Handsome as ever as if those years of not seeing each other didn’t make him age.
“You remember Jaehyun right?” your father introduced you to Jaehyun like one of his business partners, but Jaehyun is more than that.
“Mr. Jae, you’re back- is he, the gift that you’ve been telling me?” the question was directed to Johnny but your eyes are glued to Jaehyun, shaking his hands still.
“You’ve grown so much!” Jaehyun knew it was wrong to scan your hot body but he couldn’t resist. He’s good at hiding it.
Seeing Jaehyun right before your eyes made you feel things that you are not supposed to be feeling. He’s not your uncle, you don’t share the same blood, he’s just one of your dad’s business partners. The lust that you felt the moment you saw him scan your body felt so wrong but good at the same time. How can Mr. Jae do this to you?
As the night became more and more interesting, you and Jaehyun spent hours and hours talking and catching up. You have completely forgotten about your other guests, you just want to talk to Jaehyun the whole night.
He hasn’t changed a bit, the only thing that changed in his life is his steady career. The business in Connecticut made him filthy rich because he put his whole life on managing it. He apologised for leaving you and not saying goodbye, “to be honest I’m happy I didn’t see you before I leave, I knew you would be sad and I couldn’t bear seeing you like that. How are you?”
“The same sweet girl that you left, Mr. Jae” you just flirted and you hope he will just shrug it off. “Managing my own business now, I could live alone already but I’m too attached with my parents-“
“Hey, princess” Yuta came out of nowhere and interrupt you mid-sentence. He kissed you on the cheek, enough to make Jaehyun think that he’s your boyfriend or someone who has your heart. “Didn’t get to spend some time with you tonight, but it’s fine. I left your present on top of your bed, I hope you like it”
Jaehyun was watching attentively the whole time you and Yuta were talking, and after Yuta left you noticed that Jaehyun was smirking while he drinks his wine. “Now, I’m perfectly convinced that you’ve grown. He’s not your fiancé or anything right?”
“No no.” you shook your head nervously, “Just someone, who can provide my sexual needs” you added confidently letting him know that, yes you’re an adult now.
The catching up with Jaehyun continues, but soon your birthday ends and everyone needed to go home. Jaehyun kissed you on the cheek and told you that he was so happy to be reunited with you again.
“Oh, Mr. Jae” you blurted out before he gets in his car, “Happy birthday”
Jaehyun smiled so sweetly, heart-pounding, ear turning red because he’s so happy that you remember. “Happy birthday to us”
Weeks after your birthday, you decided to live separately with your parents and move out of the mansion. Johnny was sad about it, but he clearly knows sooner or later he needed to let go of you. While you were putting your stuff and organizing some of your things, someone knocked at your door but you’re hands are full you couldn’t open the door for them. “Come in, it’s open. Sorry, my hands are full” You were inside your walk-in closet, putting your shoes inside boxes and you wonder who it might be.
“Thought I should say hi to you. Your father is busy taking important calls” Jaehyun explained. 
For a moment, you and Jaehyun chatted and exchanged questions. He asked you what made you change your mind about living on your own, you asked what's his business with your dad lately. Both gave interesting answers until the room became silent as you go back to packing your stuff.
He watches you put your things on boxes, but your Victoria’s Secret satin sleepwear catches his attention. Those thin shorts that expose your butt cheeks whenever you bend over, thin sleeveless top that he oh so wanted to remove, the way your nipples ghost on your thin satin sexy top makes him want to pinch your nipples until you’re whimpering.
You don’t know what he needs, but you feel his breath on your nape. His presence is not easy to avoid when he’s directly behind you and awfully close. “Mr. Jae, do you need something else?” You clear your throat before reaching something but he stopped you from moving. He turned you around and his hands are quick to hold your ass, squeezing them gently with both hands, your body relaxes against his chest but your heart is pounding.
“Put your leg around my waist” it was a stern tone that made you follow without hesitation. He put you on the nearest wall and pinned you the there, his hands are busy removing your shorts and panties. Once you’re naked waist down, he unbuckles his belt and released his thick, veiny cock. The place was dead silent and you couldn’t talk because you can’t believe what’s happening. He kissed you on the cheek before pushing in halfway.
It hurt. But he didn’t care.
He pulls out again only to push right back in a little harder than before. You closed your eyes because it fucking hurts but it felt so good that you part your lips and rolled your head back.
After a few pleasurable thrusts that stretched your walls good, he stopped. The goal was not to have sex and had an amazing orgasm then and there. Jaehyun was testing the waters if you’re up to doing something stupid with him. His main goal for putting his cock inside you was not to give you an orgasm but to let you know that letting him fuck you someday will fucking feel good.
“If you want this to happen again, go to my place tonight. I’ll text you the address” he went down to get your shorts and panties on the floor and helped you wear it. He buckled his belt in front of you without taking his eyes off of you.
Jaehyun left you in your room with a confused mind. Questions over questions but you do know one thing, he will surely see you in his place tonight. And because of that, you finished putting your stuff and took a long bath on the tub. Making sure that every part of your body smells like lavender.
The thought of Jaehyun being your father’s best friend doesn’t sit well on you but the urge and the want of being fucked by Jaehyun lurks in your mind. What’s so wrong about having sex with Jaehyun anyway? Yes, he’s older but you’re an adult too.
As you drive to Jaehyun’s house for the first time, you try not to think about the people who will get mad if they know about this stupid thing that you’re about to do. Jaehyun’s house location is so far from the city, away from every chaos you could think of. As expected, his house is big and well guarded. But it feels cold and lonely.
“You live alone? Mr. Jae?” you asked when you got out of the car, Jaehyun welcoming you with a hug. He looks comfortable in his house clothes, slippers and all.
“Yes. My helpers come and go every weekend to clean the house. How was the drive?” He put an arm around your waist before he opens the door and enter his house, it was beautiful inside. A Chet Baker song was playing somewhere around the house, and it smells good. “I cooked dinner, I hope you’re starving”
You thought that once you stepped foot in his house, he will bring you straight to his room and have sex with you because it’s always like that with Yuta but you’re wrong. He made you dinner and the set up is kind of romantic. The food that he cooked is delicious it made you feel like you were eating somewhere expensive.
And just after dinner and two bottles of wine ago, you two catch up some more. You caught yourself laughing at his stories, giggling when he flirts with you, smiling whenever he looks at you deeply. Then it hit you, maybe he’s just shy to admit that he likes you and that his true purpose is to date you not just fuck you.
“What I did earlier is rather bold and wrong, I’m-“
“It’s okay, Mr. Jae. I’m here, it happened already” he smiled as you sip on your wine.
“Please, call me Jaehyun” he smiled back to you.
When the two of you grew tired of catching up already, finally he brought you to his room. He left you for a minute to lurk around and all you felt was loneliness. The room felt lonely, his entire house too and you’re not stupid to know why you’re here. It’s clear that Jaehyun is lonely in his life even though he has all the money in the world.
“Where are you?” you feel his lips on your neck. Maybe he noticed that you were spacing out. But again, Jaehyun is close to your body just like earlier and it brought you back to reality. You can feel the warmth of his body that you oh so crave, his soft lips that you want to kiss and taste. He turned your body around to face him and just like that he kissed you softly as if he just read your mind.
“Is it weird?” that an older man is kissing you right now? 
“No. Not at all, do it again?” you confidently requested, and he happily did it again. Arms around Jaehyun’s neck, kissing each other like everything is right, your fingers go through his soft hair. Every moan that comes from your mouth goes straight to his cock making it twitch and want to be inside you.
He sat you down on the edge of his bed and went in between your legs, removing your laced panties slowly. Dress all wrinkled and just above your thighs, straps already fell off your shoulders making you looked ruined already.
“I can’t wait any longer,” he said while removing his pants together with his expensive underwear. What’s about to happen is, Jaehyun will fuck on the edge of his bed. He pushed inside you again for the second time today without foreplay, rolling hips slowly making you see how lustful he is.
He was so concentrated on fucking you, but he leaned down for a kiss and pull away again so he can see his cock go in and out of your pussy. Jaehyun’s deep grunts and moans are like music to your eyes while yours are like an achievement for him. Hearing you moan because of him feeds his pride and he loves it.
“That Nakamoto guy you’ve been having sex with didn’t fucked you enough” he informs you confidently with a sly smirk on his face. You were so sensitive by this time, both legs folded and clipped on the edge of the bed giving Jaehyun more access to your cunt, explore angles as he pleases. You wanted to close your legs so bad, but it feels so damn good you force yourself to keep your legs open for him.
“Spread your folds for me” you followed and you let him flick his thumb up and down your slit while he fucks you still, putting pressure on his finger and putting his whole cock inside you.
“Too much,” you said weakly, out of breath, gasping so hard.
“And that’s what makes it feel good, enjoy it.” by this time you don’t know what made you cum so hard, his sexy voice, his cock inside you, or his fingers. The orgasm Jaehyun gave wasn’t something Yuta can easily deliver and you hate that you’re comparing them with each other. You close your legs and shiver on the mattress, feeling your pussy tingle even tho Jaehyun pulled out already.
“Good?” he leaned down on you again and kissed your lips, your neck, your face while you two crawl up to the bed and lay comfortably with the pillows. The kiss was full of hunger and lust as if he’s not letting you rest even just for a minute after making you cum for the first time. It was so intense that you’re high isn’t going away and you can feel him line his cock again while he distracts you with his hungry kisses.
“Jaehyun, I need to breathe” he chuckles and gave your request. He used the time to remove his shirt and get you naked before positioning himself again in between your legs that you refuse to open, “Baby, don’t make me open those legs for you” it wasn’t a threat, but it made you scared even tho he was kissing your neck the whole time he was talking.
His beautiful body is on top of you as you slowly open your legs again for him, he tickled your sides and it made you giggle. “Y/n, relax why are you so tensed?” Jaehyun’s arms are perfectly wrapped around your body and it’s making you blush and shy because it’s such an intimate position, the kind of sex position married couples use.
“I’m not tensed, it’s just everything feels new and were so close-“
“Get used to it then” he proceeds to kiss your neck and make you calm using his lips, he was still embracing you and you doubt that he’s going to pull away any second. “Ready?” he asked, rolling his hips a little and you nod your head ‘yes’.
There’s that stinging stretch again because of Jaehyun’s cock that makes your mouth open and your eyes closed. Your embrace to Jaehyun tightens while he thrust in and out of you slowly, but not for long. His thrusts became hammering pounds, that your head hit his headboard already but no one cares, it feels good. “Harder Jae, harder” it was a breathy tone that Jaehyun loved.
You can’t believe that those hard and piercing thrusts can make you both cum in no time and as expected, Jaehyun is wild. “Jae” you call out his name but he chose not to listen.
Tears on your eyes started to fall because of the overstimulation but the man above you sill hasn’t stopped, deep inside you don’t want him either. Jaehyun was the kind of man who will not stop even though your cunt is overflowing with his cum, he overstimulated you, he overstimulated himself. And just like that you both cum again, moaning as loud as you can because you perfectly knew no one can hear you.
That night, you’ve been fucked far too many times in ways you’ve never been fucked before. Every round was more intense than the last one, you never felt so thankful to whoever invented birth control pills because you’re damn sure than Jaehyun can get you pregnant.
You don’t know how, but you somehow passed out and you woke up clean and covered with Jaehyun’s thick duvet. He wasn’t beside you, so you forced yourself to go up and wear his black shirt as cover to your naked body and went outside his room. The house was so big that you don’t know where to start finding him, good thing you found him sitting on one of his couches facing the lit pool outside with a glass of wine on his hand. Body still exposed but he’s wearing a clean Calvin Klein boxers briefs now.
“Why are you sitting so far away from me, come sit on my lap” the invitation made you smile and you walked slowly towards him and sat on his lap as requested. “I'm sorry that I had to drag you into this mess. I’m too old to find someone that will love me genuinely, that’s why I find people who can satisfy my sexual needs”
See, you’re right. He’s lonely. And he got the idea of making you a target for his needs because he knew about you and Yuta being fuck buddies during that time on your birthday. “Oh, so that gave you an idea, huh” you smirk, and raked his hair away from his face.
“Yeah. I'm sorry”
“No don’t be. Clearly, I loved everything that happened tonight the moment I stepped right in”
“How about your man friend, Nakamoto. Will he be okay about you fucking other people? Older people?” he took a sip on his wine, leaning comfortably on his expensive couch giving you a perfect view of his hot body.
“You may be old but you fuck like a horny teenager. Yuta doesn’t need to know” the conversation is getting serious.
“Good because, what we have, what happened should stay between us. It will ruin my career, my job, my friendship with Johnny, my relationship with you”
Ouch. That hurt you. “So you’re my second fuck buddy now?” how can you even think that he likes you and that what just happened in his bed was not just because he’s lonely. How can you think that he longs for you, need you? You scoffed and tried to get out of his lap but he’s quick to grab you and put his hands on your thighs.  
“No no, I didn’t mean it that way. We’re together. We’re together as we can be, but we can’t go public until we found a solution. Okay? Don’t frown, please. My heart can’t bear to see you sad or disappointed”
“Okay, I’m sorry I overreacted”
“Let's sleep?” you nod your head with a smile and just like that he left his glass of wine on the table near the couch and carried you back effortlessly in his room. You will never forget this moment that you two slept in one bed. Back against his chest, arms around your waist, the air that comes out from his nose hits your nape perfectly like a reminder that he’s close to you.
Days went on and on like this until it turned into weeks then months. Jaehyun didn’t feel lonely in his house big house anymore, and your life is complete now because you found love. He helped you designed your apartment but you never stayed there because you live in Jaehyun’s now with him.
You and Jaehyun go on to dates like a normal couple but with utmost caution. Spending beautiful nights under the stars, celebrating holidays together, going on vacation. You and Jaehyun plan a lot for the future, and it makes you happy because you have something to look forward to.  
As you live with Jaehyun, you became the woman of the house who managed everything even the expenses. Everything was transparent between you and Jaehyun, ‘what’s mine is yours’ as he described it. It was like a trial to married life with Jaehyun, and you’re loving it so far. A perfect love story and no one is reckless enough so not a single soul suspects your relationship.
“My business partners are giving me a headache” he complains as soon he enters your shared room and kissed you. He smelled like car air freshener and he looked like he had a rough day.
You continue reading your book and reply to some of your clients through email on the side while you wait for Jaehyun to come to bed with you. Focused and unbothered, you didn’t feel him kiss your legs as he crawls on the bed shirtless and only wearing hid pajamas.
“Can we have sex? Make my day better please” he asks so sweetly in between kissing you on your neck, your book is long forgotten.
“Thought you were tired?” you caressed his flawless back, feeling his back muscles on your hand, he only shook his head and kissed you down until you reach the fluffy pillows. Swiftly he unbuttons your sleepwear, revealing your boobs that he soon attacked with kisses and love bites. You managed to get him naked and he managed to remove your thin shorts and underwear.
He checked your slit and you were a little dry, so he went down between your legs and spit on your cunt. Filthy but hot. Whenever you have sex with your boyfriend, his cock still stretches your cunt like he’s getting bigger and bigger each day. You never get used to is. You let out a soft ‘ouch’ and Jaehyun heard it, “Yes that’s right. Hurt for me baby”
“I’m not tight you’re fucking big Jae. You’re not even hard enough and yet-fuck!” he interrupted you with a piercing thrust mid-sentence. “Why do you always do that” you whine, he just smirked and continue fucking you wild.
Whenever Jaehyun is stressed like this the sex is always rough and wild, and you love it. He pulls away from kissing your swollen boobs and put a hand around your neck choking you well. His other hand is intertwined yours so whenever it’s too much you can always tell him to stop. But it was never too much for you. The overstimulation, yes. But his roughness, never. “Harder,” you request in between short breaths.
You smiled at him before you cum, eyes rolling back as usual. He pulls out slapped your cunt while you’re still sensitive and shivering, enjoying the view of his beloved girlfriend whimpering on the bed. “Why is fucking you one time is always not enough. We always have to go for a few more rounds. I’m so in love with you” He grabs both of your hands and put it around his neck, “Keep me close Y/n, I love you” he said before going inside you again to fuck you a little bit softer, gentler, and slower.
Having slow sex with Jaehyun is as good as having rough sex with him. “Does it still hurt? I’m sorry” but he still thrusts and puts his entire cock inside you making a bulge on your stomach.
“Fuck I forgot, pull out when you cum okay? I forgot to take my pill this week. Sorry” it was something that didn’t scare Jaehyun. Having kids with you is something he dreamed of happening and he’s ready for it.
“I want to have kids with you” he sounded serious but you’re not on the right mind right now to tell him your answer. You want it too, but you’re not yet ready. You still have so much to unlock in your life. If he pulls out, that will give you relief. But if he doesn't, well, you can just hope that you won’t get pregnant.
After a few thrust,
He pulled out.
What a relief.
That night, Jaehyun stayed in bed a little late just looking at your beautiful face under the nice moonlight shining through his window. He will ask you to marry him and live a normal life, he will face Johnny and handle the situation in his own hands. He will do everything in his power to give you a happy life without hiding from the people who will judge your relationship.
The next day, you woke him up with loving kisses just how he wants it. Jaehyun lived almost half of his life waking up alone in a cold bed, but now that you’re part of his life, he gets to enjoy waking up from your kisses and waking up with a dimpled smile.
“Good morning, you’re up early,” he said groggily but with a smile.
“See you tonight at the party? I have to leave early and take care of some stuff at the office”
He nods his head and forced himself to sit up and give a kiss. A little longer than you expected, but always sweeter than yesterday’s kiss. “I love you. Find me later okay?” you nod your head ‘yes’ and kissed some more.
The annual business party that your dad threw for his company is a big event for him, nonetheless, it’s not stressful just full of people wearing tuxedos, gentlemen with their wives, your dad’s business partners together with their secretaries.
Wearing a beautiful Valentino dress, you walk to the entrance with Yuta hoping that your boyfriend will not get mad because this was just a last-minute thing. Yuta came out of nowhere before you enter the party, and you didn’t want to shoo him away because it will hurt his feelings. After all, you two had a history.
Seated on the same table, you and Yuta, your father and mother, Jaehyun, and his date Yeri. As part of hiding, you and Jaehyun didn’t talk too much but he did tell you you’re beautiful in front of your father and complimented the necklace that you’re wearing which he gave you. Seeing Yeri near your boyfriend hurt you like you two just broken up. Like you and Yuta, Jaehyun and Yeri had a history because they’re ex-lovers.
“Come dance with me” Yuta being the music lover that he is dragged you into the dance floor and made you dance with him. You feel Jaehyun’s eyes follow you even though you were busy dancing under the upbeat music and having fun with Yuta on the dance floor together with the other guests.
Jaehyun on the other hand invited Johnny to smoke tobacco with him. Men with tobaccos stayed in a room where they can play poker peacefully and talk more about business. This is the perfect time Jaehyun thought. The perfect time to tell Johnny about his relationship with you. Seeing you with Yuta was like the push he has been waiting for and now, he’s going to do it.
“Johnny, I love your daughter” he blurted out, holding his tobacco with his right hand.
Johnny chuckled and shook his head in disbelief, “I know right. Crazy how she was just a little girl, felt like only yesterday. Can’t believe she’s running her own business right now and being successful” he smiled, taking a hit on his tobacco.
“That’s all true, but that’s not what I meant” the atmosphere was quiet even though Jaehyun and Johnny are away from the other men. “Were in love Johnny. We’ve been together for ten beautiful months now”
Johnny was speechless and he wanted to punch Jaehyun on the face right then and there, but this is his party. He can’t cause a scene. Johnny is a powerful man, he can ruin anyone and he’s well aware of that. So instead of causing a scene, he fixed his rings and told Jaehyun that, “You’re a well-established businessman Jaehyun. I think you don’t need me anymore as a partner and… best friend. Stay away from my daughter” he pats Jaehyun on the shoulder and made his way back to the party again to find you.
“Can I dance with my daughter, Yuta?” your father smiled at you and took you dancing. You saw Jaehyun sit beside Yeri, smiling so beautifully and making each other smile. “Oh look at my best friend, I’m happy they got back together” it was a lie that Johnny had to made up to ruin your relationship with Jaehyun and also his way to find out if Jaehyun is telling the truth.
Johnny saw the sadness in your eyes, that’s when he confirmed it. “How about you? Yuta looks like a fine man who’s been around. Give him a shot? After all, The Suh and Nakamoto company looks good merging” it was clear that he was suggesting you to marry Yuta someday because of business and you hate it. But you smile and joked nonetheless.
“Arranging me for marriage dad?”
“Psh. No. I’m just showing you a choice. Yuta is a good person, comes from a good family, and-“
“And I’m not in love with him” your dad knew he had to shut up.
You thought that the party will not stress you out and you will have a great time but the opposite happened. Now, you just hope that Jaehyun will turn everything around remove the stress away. But no. He was silent when you got home and didn’t welcome you with kisses that you oh so crave by this time. You went separately, of course, he was the first one who got home but he’s still wearing the same clothes he wore from the party when you found him in the living room drinking hard liquor.
The dress is beautiful, but you wanted to get out of it because it reminds you what your father just told you about marrying Yuta. Soon, Jaehyun joined you in your shared walk-in closet but he’s still silent.
“You didn’t tell me you were going with Yuta. Baby, I was hurt. I wanted to dance with you so bad but-“
“You should’ve danced with Yeri” you blurted out. “She was beautiful Jae, you just let her sit in the table all night. Did you even offered to take her home?”
“Why would I do that, we're together” he watches you unzip the beautiful dress and expose yourself in front of him with only the lingerie that you’re wearing. “Okay sorry I was overreacting” he leans on the door, shoulders crossed, and his bow tie is already undone. “But I told Johnny about us earlier”
You were speechless and disappointed, you scoffed and you can’t believe he did that. “Well you look disappointed” Jaehyun was hurt, he thought you would be happy that he finally had the guts to man up and tell your father the truth.
“I am! Because you decided all by yourself. You didn’t talk about this with me. No wonder my father was acting weird”
“What, do you want to hide forever Y/n? I’m doing this for us. Don't you want to get married and have kids someday?” by this time both of your tones towards each other were a little higher than usual.
“I know your intentions Jae, but it's not yet the right time. I want to have a family and kids with you but not now. I’m just starting to build my life. Come on Jae, you sound like you’re proposing to me now“ you still sound disappointed.
He thought that getting married will make you happy, but now it’s clear to him that he’s wrong. “Maybe I am”
“Well, then I have to say no for now” that was like a bullet straight to his heart. It was like saying ‘Jaehyun, I can’t marry you because you’re too old. Wait for me to get older, then we’ll talk about marriage’ He ignored what you said.
“Wha did johnny told you?” his eyes were cold, there’s no sign of spark in it.
“He said you were back with, Yeri” you were removing your makeup at the bathroom with only your robe covering your naked body.
“That’s bullshit, my own best friend” Jaehyun sounded irritated you can here drawers closing loudly because clearly, he’s not happy that Johnny bad mouthed him in front of you.
“I know its not true, Jae. He was just saying that because he’s concerned and I don’t know, protecting me?”
“Huh? Protecting you from what Y/n? Were together for almost a year now tell me, am I treating you bad? Can you say that you’re in bad hands?” it was not a question. You knew so you didn’t answer.
This is your first fight with Jaehyun and this is the first night that you shared the bed without facing each other. Tonight he lost his best friend, and he can't afford to lose you too. But he was stern. He still wants to make your relationship public and be engaged soon. He not forcing it but you know he wants it real bad.
If last night you fought for the first time, this morning Jaehyun didn’t feel your kisses woke him up for the first time since you two were together. That simple gesture makes Jaehyun happy first thing in the morning and now that you didn’t do it for the first time, it felt like you’re going to leave him soon.
The same argument went on for days, even you don’t know how to fix this problem but still, life goes on. Jaehyun tried having makeup sex with you but you just let him fuck you and it never fixes things. He was so desperate and he was trying so hard to bring back everything but it was not easy. All he ever wanted was to make you stay in his life. But looks like the relationship is ruined.
Finally, he realized a sad truth. Sooner or later he has to let go of you even though he loves you wholeheartedly. When Jaehyun first mentioned the breakup you were furious and mad, “I’m like this Jaehyun because I don’t know how to fix it but I never wanted to break up! But you! How dare you to even make it an option!” of course you didn’t want to break up with the man you love, being not on the same page for now in the relationship is not enough reason to just throw everything away.
“I can’t give you the life that you want Y/n, we continuously hurt each other every day I can’t hurt you furthermore. We can’t be together anymore” he was so calm and you can’t understand how does he do that.
The perfect love story you thought is now ending with tragedy. How can loving Jaehyun become so wrong? But he was right, sooner or later reality will slap you hard and the truth will not be on your side. Loving Jaehyun was something you will never regret doing, but it was wrong because he was your father’s best friend, you two can’t seem to find your way back to each other now.
As you finally agreed to the breakup, moving out of Jaehyun’s house was a fucking torture. You see to it that you get all your stuff during his working hours so he could enjoy the heartbreak that he singlehandedly decided for the both of you. It was a great relationship that deserved a peaceful breakup.
Jaehyun went home on an empty house and it broke his heart to million pieces. Pictures of you and him scattered around the house and letting go of you is life-changing for him in a bad way. Together with the happy memories that you left in his house is the necklace that he gave and every cute note he gave to you whenever he needed to leave the house before you can even wake up. It’s as if you wanted everything to stay in his house, keep everything hidden like it always has, like you and Jaehyun never happened in the first place.
Jaehyun married Yeri a year after your breakup and the news broke you. Deep inside you were still clinging to the chance of getting back with Jaehyun and turn everything around but you’re wrong. No one knew about your relationship except Johnny. That’s good. You don’t need to explain yourself to people.
As years went by, you decided to build your life with Yuta and love him fiercely without worries, without hiding, you told him about Jaehyun and he didn’t judge you not even a bit. The wedding made the news of two companies merging, and the whole country celebrated.  
Years after your wedding, you were at the record store buying lullabies for babies so you can listen to it and hope that your daughter can hear it. You’re seven months pregnant with Yuta’s baby and you’re excited to be a mother.
“Y/n?” a familiar voice called your name and you’re too scared to turn your back and face him but you don’t have a choice.
And you’re right. You haven’t seen him since the breakup and he was like a ghost to you now. He hasn’t changed a bit. After four years, you’re now in front of Jung Jaehyun with a baby on your belly and a wedding ring on your finger.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you had any favorite cheap kpop mvs? Ones like gr8u where they used an intresting trick or idea to make the mv stand out despite the lack of budget.
okay okay okay. so there's a bit of a scale i'm gonna operate on here, because there's some pretty large gaps in between what i would consider 'cheap' for specific groups vs like, actual monetary cost and access to resources and stuff like that. i've separated these out into a couple of categories, because i could and to make some more distinctions. i'm judging a lot of this based on expense in terms of set, because that's generally where you're going to sink the most cost. if you want custom sets of any kind you have to have 1) the space to put the sets (a studio/warehouse), 2) the people to design the sets, 3) the materials to make the sets, and 4) the people to build the sets, which all is going to cost you. i'm also likely forgetting ones here but there's a lot of kpop mvs in the world and my memory sucks.
ok to start off, some flops (complimentary):
hair short - wings : unironically this is one of my fave songs+mvs from this era, it has such a creative premise and it's so smart and i'm sad we never got anything else from them.
annie - toppdogg : toppdogg mvs were never particularly expensive, but this one is really restricted, literally. also they get bonus points for being the only group to ever find a way to integrate the members' names into the mv without it being obnoxious.
baby i'm sorry - myname : one of the best story mvs of all time. i don't think this one was actually that cheap because there's a lot of actors but it likely had very little physical production costs because it's all shot on location and it's probably only shot with a handheld camera. there is actually choreography and styling for this and it's very inexplicably 2013.
she - vromance : i'm pretty sure they shot this mv with 12 dollars and a piece of lint and technically i think star is a more interesting mv with better thought and planning but idk. there's something about she that i think is very charming and i forgive the low budget-ness of it just for the fact that it's so wholesomely cute.
"it's just a guy hanging out":
2 kids - taemin : i know taemin would rather forget that 2 kids exists but genuinely it's one of my favourite mvs of his and hot take it's one of his best. it is the epitome of low budget stealth filming with maximum impact; he filmed this and the think of me mv in the off time he was in paris while he was on tour with superm, and the exhaustion and bitterness and sadness and remorse in this really shine. it perfectly captures that watery feeling of being awake for the dawn during a bender. taemin actually does so well with these smaller scale atmospheric mvs but they tend to be underappreciated; see day and night.
after we ride - brave girls : 99% of this is shot on location in mostly public + outdoor areas but the mv really rides on the performances of the girls and the skills of the editor and cinematographer, who really knocked it out of the park in terms of establishing the atmosphere. this has some really really phenomenal colour grading that gives everything that high sheen 'neon lights reflecting on a wet street' look that really amps up the feeling.
-> sub-genre: pandemic bottle mvs
mayday - crush : maybe the most iconic pandemic mv, which also purposefully looks inexpensive due to the camera equipment and editing techniques.
lazy - woosung : really clean colour palette and i love the integration of the feature, as well as the styling change at the last chorus. i can't remember if this made it onto my best of 2021 list in the end but it was in my runners up for a while.
down - a.c.e : one of the best things about a.c.e is their creative directors and designers, who are frankly incredible at their jobs, because they can stretch a shoestring budget and make it look so good. it was kinda tough to pick just one mv from their catalogue but i settled on down because it's all shot in a single location in one day and really utilizes the vertical format in a way that i've seen few mvs do. runner up is changer, which was shot somehow somewhere during the promos for higher, which holy shit they were so busy last summer.
unusually small budget for a big 3:
view - shinee : view changed the kpop mv game. this isn't case of low budget because no budget, this is a case of concept that doesn't play out to be very expensive to produce. by shooting everything on location (including the dance sequences) min hee jin took the money that would have gone to set building and used to pay more for location (it's shot in malaysia) and for better and more unusual editing than kpop had really seen at the time.
1of1 - shinee : again, this was all about style, and the main feature of this is absolutely the clothing. otherwise it's quite literally just filmed in a white box.
i want you - shinee : there were FOUR mvs shot for tsol and they all are absolutely fantastic. i wouldn't say any of them are cheap but i want you is shot primarly in a single studio space and on a greenscreen, so it's not the most expensive of the bunch. countless is also filmed on a single set, but i think i want you shows a much more effective use of style (even though i do love countless). i've talked about tsol before and as a full work it's one of the best kpop comebacks of all time.
blooming day - exo cbx : she's an icon. every minimalist colour pop kpop mv thinks it's blooming day and guess what? there's only one blooming day. in this case similarly to view, it isn't about a lack of budget and instead it's that the concept itself does not require a huge amount of expensive spectacle.
breath + last piece - got7 : i'm putting these together as a double feature because they were filmed back to back on the same sets and although they are not cheap by any means, since these are custom sets, but comparatively (to other jype mvs) both of these have very low production value and a high economy of shots. i remember watching these at release and actually going 'oh these are cheap....???'. however, despite being limited to these twoish locations these are very well filmed and there's a lot of very good editing here that makes them interesting.
call me baby - exo : maybe the least expensive exo mv but also one of the best. i know there's supercars but those are definitely rented and there's a grand total of three locations (and two of them are empty warehouse/studio spaces). i really like this mv because of that absolutely ripping intro with kai/baekhyun/xiumin/suho/sehun in the car, and it shows a really strong consistent creative direction that makes it look more expensive than it is.
not necessarily cheap but very good use of a gimmick:
goosebumps - onf : ENTIRELY greenscreened!!!!!!! we moved on TOO fast from this and we need to talk about it more!!! beautiful beautiful was predominently vfx but goosebumps took it to a new level. other than a few shots in a white box this mv is built entirely by a vfx team and that is neither that cheap or fast but it is a FEAT.
skinz - onlyoneof : i wrote a post about skinz here and i'm sticking to my guns about this being one of the most interesting mvs released this year so far.
gr8u - vixx : great gimmick, 10/10. honestly most vixx mvs are pretty low budget and i think this is in the middling bit but it still counts.
take over - do hanse : this is all shot in the same black box studio with a single projector screen. i'm not joking. the director of this mv is insanely smart and very good at getting bang for their buck, so i bet you that the most money went towards hiring the horse and neonmilk, probably.
rain to be - onewe : they sacrificed a whole bunch of equipment in order to film this and that's why it's not a particularly cheap mv, but it was quite literally shot all in a single session in a single location, which is more restricted than 90% of most kpop mvs. and yes i know onewe is a kband but i literally think about this mv like once a week.
fantasy - fei : another vfx heavy mv that is supremely effective. it's obviously got funding behind it but it's got quite a restricted scope that makes it feel as close quartered as it is.
face id - epik high : epik high are very good at high impact mvs with limited scales and their two from last year are both soooooo good. they were both on my best of 2021 list so i'm not gonna go into a lot of detail but face id in particular really works that gimmick good.
i'm tempted to put a couple of jackson's solo mvs here, because his mvs are very very good for being limited in funds (as he's paying for them himself) and he's really good at capturing specific styles and feels (lmly and pretty please with that 80s/90s hong kong cinema feel) but they're not technically kpop so i'll settle for just mentioning them here at the end.
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Okay, for context: you are a person that can control human anatomy. 
This is my first fanfiction I’ve ever written/posted, so if you all have comments/edits/suggestions please let me know! I also have more after this if you all are interested. I personally enjoy first person better, but you all prefer second lemme know.  
Summary: Bucky asks you to untangle his dog, he finds some inappropriate things, you guys train, and he comforts you. 
Warning: death, blood (but not of any mains don’t worry ;))
Technically, this is part one, but I have fics that delve into the character more if you all are interested. 
I sat in my room at the Avenger’s compound reading. I had been exhausted from the training in the morning and class in the afternoon, so all I wanted to do was lay in bed and read. 
I felt his presence before I heard the knocks outside my door. Just as his fist was rising to knock, I told him to come in. 
I sat up in bed and fixed my hair, and put on my glasses. “Hey Bucky. What’s up?”
He shook his head still standing in the doorway, as if he didn’t want to come fully in. “Um… forget it. Never mind.”
I get out of bed, my fluffy pink socks making me slip a bit on the floor. “Oh no. We aren’t doing that. What is it?” I said coming up to him. 
He looked down at my feet and pressed his lips together, as if suppressing a smile. “I like your socks.”
“Shut up!” I laughed as I lightly punched his arm. “I’ve got an extra pair, the compound floor gets pretty cold, I know you want ‘em.” 
It was Bucky’s turn to laugh. “No thank you.”
I tiled my head to the side and looked at him. “So, what’s up? You gonna tell me or am I going to have to pry the information out of you?”
“Can you help?” He asked, pulling something from his pocket. I saw the silver chain and I knew what it was.
I smiled. “You need me to untangle it?”
He nodded and stepped closer to me. We were so close I noticed the light freckles he had on his nose and the absurd length of his eyelashes. 
I cleared my throat and reached out to take them. “Of course.”
He looked at both of my eyes and then hastily took a step back. He shrugged, “You would be surprised how difficult it is to untangle them with a metal arm.”
I laughed as I struggled to untangle his dog tags with two perfectly fine organic arms. I went over to my bed and took a seat whilst untangling them. I looked up at him and laughed again. “Please sit down and stop looming in my doorway like a weirdo.”
He huffed what could pass for a laugh or a nervous noise, as he shut the door and made his way toward me. I tried my best not to blush or seem awkward, so I just focused on the dog tags again. 
“How did you manage to tangle them this much?” I ask, lifting my head. I felt a strand of hair fall from the clip. 
Bucky was staring at the strand, as he said, “Alpine. She was playing with them.”
I bit the inside of my cheek as I lowered my gaze back to the necklace. Bucky’s nerves flared, his muscles moved. He lifted his arm toward my face and gently, ever so gently pushed the hair back. Without meaning to, I leaned into the touch and shivered a little bit. 
“She is a beautiful cat.” My face flushed with embarrassment. ‘She is a beautiful cat.’ What the heck was that? 
Bucky shifted and the bed groaned. He leaned behind both of us and picked up the book I was reading earlier and flopped hard on his back, getting comfortable in my bed. 
“Let’s see what you were reading.” He said, flipping to the page I had bookmarked. 
My heart stopped as I quickly reached over to take the book out of his hands. I was at a particularly interesting part. “Haha nope! Nope!” I practically screeched. 
His eyebrows reached the top of his head and he smiled. He quickly darted out of my reach and rolled off the bed into a crouch, and started reading. 
“‘He took Adnia into his arms at last. The war had been long, so treacherously long. He kissed her. He kissed his dear Adnia like the war never happened, like he had always been with her, had always cherished her. It was the type of kiss that caused his trousers to tighten and his pulse to quicken. He would have her tonight–’”
I jumped on Bucky’s back trying to tackle him from behind. “Oh my god! Please stop! Please have mercy!” My face was bright red as I tried ripping the book out of his grasp. Bucky grabbed my waist with his metal arm and twisted me upside down as he continued to read. 
“‘He would discover how truthful she was in her dirty letters–’” Bucky continued, laughing hard. 
“I could literally stop your heart and make you paralyzed with a thought!” I yelled, the blood rushing to my head. 
Bucky smirked. “Then do it, princess.” 
I crossed my arms. “You called my bluff.”
His eyebrows went up. “I know you can do it.”
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t do it to people I care about unless I am sparing, I am healing, or you are being mind controlled.” I said, ticking off each point with a raised finger. 
“Do it. Come on. I can take it.” He said, lifting me up and down like a 90’s teen bully trying to get lunch money. 
“You’re sure? I won’t freak you out?” I ask with more fear in my voice than intended. 
“Do your worst.” He said it like a dare, like it was a competition. “Or I’ll keep reading.”
I hesitated for a moment before I closed my eyes and reached out.
Every body had a particular sound. Bucky’s was a low baritone harmony. Low and steady like  waves crashing against a lighthouse at night. I matched the sound and then felt his body. I felt his nerves and muscles. I felt his ever so slight blush on his face. 
I could even sense his metal arm because the technology was in tune with his nervous system. 
I told his nerves inside the metal arm to flip me back over and right me on the ground. Once I was standing face to face with him I commanded him to be completely still. I wanted to show him all I could do. I wanted to show him and I wanted him to not be afraid. I wanted him to understand. 
“Hand me the book.” 
He did.
“Twirl like a delicate ballerina.” 
He did.
“Get on your knees.”
He did, and I lowered myself so that we were face to face, our knees touching. My heart thundered in my chest. I bit my lip. “Are you scared of me now? Do you hate me?”
Bucky cleared his throat, and looked me dead in the eye. “No.”
“No, what?” I asked, suddenly out of breath. I needed him to know that I would never hurt him, that he should never be scared of me. 
He extended his metal arm between us and flexed his hand. He extended his fingers and made a fist. “No I’m not scared of you; no I don’t hate you.”
Slowly, I reached in my pocket and pulled out his now detangled dog tags. I lifted on my knees and gently placed them around his neck. My fingers lightly brushing against Bucky’s neck. I heard him take a sharp breath.
Our noses nearly touched as I pulled away. I ran a hand down the chain, and rested it on his chest. His heartbeat quickened. “There. Good as new.” I rested my hand a beat longer and then I pulled away. Bucky quickly grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest again.
“You don’t scare me because I know you would never ever control me, not really. You have an opportunity to constantly, and you don’t. I am not afraid of you. I know what you are, and you’re not… you’re not them.” His heartbeat was steady as he said it. He wanted me to know he was telling the truth. “You took a bullet for me, you took care of Alpine when I was away, you detangled my dog tags. You have something a lot of other people don’t and that’s my trust.” 
I lifted my hands to his face and squeezed his cheeks. “Geez, when did you become so emotional? You untangle his dog tags once and the guy thinks we're besties.” I teased and laughed, titling my head back. Bucky lightly punched my arm. 
Bucky stood up and extended his arm, I took it. 
“Now, let’s finish that book you were reading.” He said. 
“You can’t be serious?” I asked, my eyes wide. 
“Of course I want to find out about Adnia’s dirty letters.” He smiled as he plopped back down on the bed. 
I shook my head. “Fine. But you can’t make fun of me or the book or I will call you a misogynist.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, princess.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. 
He took up a lot of the bed, so I put my head on his chest and laid perpendicular to him. I opened the book again, and started to read. Bucky ever so lightly ran his fingers through my hair. I did everything in my power to ignore it and keep reading, but I knew I was blushing. I wondered if he could feel my heart racing too. 
We read the rest of the book together exactly like that. When I shut the book, Bucky rose from my bed. 
As he got up from my bed I was sad at the missing warmth and weight. 
“I can’t believe her sister did that!” Bucky said, walking to my door.
“I know right? Or Micheal’s father how could he do that to them?” I said, lifting my hands over my head. 
“I don’t know what I would do if I found out my father changed my marriage license without me knowing and had me legally married to my wife’s sister.” Bucky said. 
“I don’t know what I would do if my sister orchestrated a whole plan to marry whom I thought was my husband!” I said. 
We both laughed. 
“It’s a good thing neither of us are in that position.” Bucky said. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Even though Adnia and Micheal had their obstacles it would be nice to have a love like that one day, don’t you think?” I said. 
Bucky looked at me, gently reached for my hand, and kissed the inside of my wrist and then the back of my hand. “Good night.”
I opened my mouth and words failed to come out until a strangled, “good night,” came out of me.
He smiled and left my room. My heart was beating so incredibly fast I thought it was going to pump out of my chest. 
“Good night.” I said out loud to no one, my face blushing. 
I landed in bed face first and screamed into my pillow, set an alarm for training and school work tomorrow and went to bed. Or at least I tried to. 
It felt like as soon as I fell asleep my alarm went off. I groaned as I shut it off.
I swung my legs out of bed and put on some black leggings and a sports bra with a baggy crop top over it.
I brushed my teeth in a haze, and loosely threw up my ponytail.
When I felt him at the door once again I just said, “Come in.”
“Ya know, maybe sometimes you should just let  a guy knock.” Bucky jokes walking in.
“Ehhh I wouldn’t want you to think I was slipping.” I replied.
“Oh come on, I would never think that.” He smiled.
“I thought I was training with Nat today?” I said.
He pressed his lips together. “Nope. Just me. And we are in the sparring ring today.”
I raised an eyebrow. “You want to spar?”
“I want to do more than that, but I’ll settle.” He said, looking me up and down.
My cheeks heated, but I feigned confidence as I walked toward him and kept his stare. “We will see how well you do sparing, James.”
“Yes. You will.” He smiled.
Oh boy what have I gotten myself into?
We walked pretty much in silence to the sparring ring. 
Once we got there I looked at him and asked. “Powers or no powers?”
He pulled something from his pocket. “I’m going to have you fight me blind. You’re going to have to rely solely on your powers.”
I nodded and let him tie the blindfold on me. “Do I look like Matt?” I ask, jokingly.
“Just a tad bit cuter than Matt, but only a little bit.” I could tell he was smiling.
“You’ve never looked better.” I laughed.
“Oh, I’m going to get you for that!” He said. 
“Be my guest.” I said, and immediately tuned in to my powers. I sensed Bucky instantly, since he was the only other person in here. I felt the lighthouse and the waves quicker this time, my senses becoming used to his body. 
“Cover your ears and count to thirty.” He whispered in my ear. I lifted my shoulder to my ear, wiping it because it tickled.
“Okay.” I said.
I began to count. 
Once I reached thirty; I searched for him in the room. It was almost too easy. He was on the second level near the metal archways. 
I smiled and threw a dagger toward him, and then immediately went to the floor. I was a bit worried that I had missed and thrown in the wrong direction, but then Bucky shouted. 
“Hey!” I felt him raise his metal arm and heard a tink hit against it. 
“Barnes, are you sure you want me to use my powers? I don’t play to lose!” I yelled back as I crawled behind a platform, hopefully out of his view. And laughing as I did it. It almost felt like a grown up version of laser tag. 
I inhaled and sensed him again. He had moved, and was on the stairs. His arm was bent holding something. I felt his pointer finger flex. I gasped and forced his arms to go limp. Metal clanged on the stairs.
“Were you going to shoot me?” I demanded. 
“No! I was going to shoot around you! How did you know that?” He said. 
“Arms aren’t really in that position naturally! I figured you had some sort of weapon!”
Bucky started laughing. “Even blindfolded you can beat me.” His arms lifted up above his head, “Truce?” 
I took off the blindfold and looked at him. “Truce.”
We met halfway to shake hands, when out of nowhere he swung at me. I still was partly in tune to him. So, I quickly ducked, kicked his legs out and landed on top of him. 
Bucky looked up at me in what appeared to be shock or awe. “Nice reflexes.”
I looked down at him and my body heated. He was completely at my mercy. I had him on the ground, pinned. Feeling suddenly brazen I leaned down, toward the shell of his ear and whispered. My chest pressed against his. I felt him take a sharp inhale. “It’s gonna take more than that to beat me,  James.”
Just as quickly as I pinned him on the ground, he flipped and pinned me down. His arms above my head caging me in. My heart pounded against my ribs as he bent down. His dog tags hitting my chin. “Oh, I don’t think it will.” He said in a deep gravelly voice that I felt in my chest. 
For a second we just stayed there staring at each other, daring the other to make the first move. I leaned forward, just an inch away from his mouth. His lips parted, as if he was going to say something. 
I reached up and lightly cupped his face, my thumb stroking back and forth on his cheek bone. 
“Y/n.” He said, breathlessly. It sounded like a plea, like a hopeful prayer. 
We both leaned in. 
And just as our lips were about to touch, I hooked my legs around his waist and flipped him. Bucky let out an ‘oof’ as his back hit the floor again. I quickly got off of him and stood up. 
I ran my hands over my hair, trying to fix the strands that had fallen out. “Goodtrainingsessionthankyougoodbyehaveanicedaythanksagainbye.” I said without taking a second to breathe, trying to get the words out as fast as possible as I made my exit. 
I left the room just as quickly as I said my goodbye and I practically ran to my room. My face hot and my heart stammering in my chest the entire time. Once I got to my room I silently screamed at myself. Because what the hell was that? What sort of daddy issues, afraid of relationships, and physical intimacy was that bullshit?
I don’t give myself time to think about it as I get ready for classes. I only had a lecture today, so I didn’t need scrubs and I needed to bring my laptop and my notes. 
I took a quick shower and got ready. I left my hair down. I put on some winged back eyeliner with white eyeliner on the waterline, and some lip gloss. I then took my time picking out my outfit because there was comfort in it for me; it calmed me down. I chose a calf length sage colored skirt with a slit up the leg, a thrifted dark green Colorado fishing lake sweater, and a beige turtleneck underneath. I put on some black tights because it was colder out, and beige tennis shoes to tie it all in together. I smiled when I looked in the mirror, some of the anxiety from earlier now slightly better. 
I exhaled through my nose and I gathered everything I needed for class. Once I had everything ready in my bag; I went to open my door and then stopped. My hand rested on the cold door handle.
What if I ran into Bucky on my way there? What would I say? How could I explain myself? Shaking my head, I just turned the doorknob and left. I had to get to class. 
My walk there was nice as usual and I didn’t run into any of the Avengers. Nor a certain soldier with better hair than me. Which I wasn’t sure if I was happy about or not. 
I made it to class fine. We were learning medical terminology, nutrition, and medical history. I was lucky enough to befriend a small group of girls and guys that were all in the same program as me, so I sat next to them every class. We had a group chat called the ‘Headless Chickens’ because we always felt clueless. It was nice to be clueless together, though. 
Derrick, Jamie, Nelson, Stacia, and Nicole were already there as I walked up to them in our usual spot in the second row. Stacia looked me up and down. 
“Girl you look so cute; I could eat your kidneys.” She said.
I laughed. “You know my kidneys are always on the table for you! I love the new braids by the way, you look pretty.”
Stacia smiled and flicked her hair. She squinted her eyes at me and looked at my face. “Something happened didn’t it?”
More like something didn’t happen because I have the emotional range of a ding dong.
I pressed my lips together. “Nope. Nada. Nothing.”
“Woah, woah, woah. That’s too many negatives. Something definitely happened.” Derrick said, leaning in.
I shook my head to deny it. 
“Oh my god! They’re right, aren’t they?” Nicole said. 
“They are so right.” Jamie said. 
“Guys we can torture her for this information after class!” Nelson said. 
I snapped and pointed at Nelson. “See! This guy has a point.”
He rolled his eyes, but we all focused the rest of class. Just as Mr. Peterson was about to dismiss class; I quickly got up and excused myself and left, before my friends could inquire anymore. 
I ducked my way out, successfully avoiding them as I made my way back to the compound. The walk was the usual walk, until something made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. 
Not even bothering to look around; I exhaled and started sensing people around me. Everyone around me felt normal, so I expanded. I expanded all the way to a building a block over, and I found it. A man in the same position as Bucky earlier. His pointer finger flexed, and before I had a chance to stop him a bullet flew through the air and hit the man standing next to me. 
Panic flooded and people’s hearts started pounding, they started screaming and running. Their bodies were in shock. They were so loud; I almost couldn’t think. I rushed to the man who was shot and pressed my hands against his wound on his chest and reached out to his body. 
Stop the bleeding. Knit the tissue. Repair the lung and heart. But he was bleeding too fast. I couldn't heal him quick enough. 
“Please! Someone! Help!” I screamed, but it was lost in the chaos. I turned back toward the man. “Please, hold on sir. I can help, if you just hold on. Please! Please!” My screaming became louder and louder as I begged this man to stay alive, as I held on with all the power I had in me.
But it wasn’t enough. 
I couldn’t stop his heart stopping. 
I couldn’t stop his last shaky breath. 
Tears ran down my face, as I tried performing CPR on him. I knew it wouldn’t work. If my powers couldn’t save him, this wouldn’t either. But I needed to try. 
I felt my nose start to bleed and my body tensed up. 
“Oh my god! Y/n! Stop! Honey he’s dead!” Stacia said, pulling me from him. I held out my hands in front of me, completely stiff. 
“I…I couldn’t save him. I tried. Stacia I tried so hard.” I said, my voice hollow. 
Stacia ran her hands through my hair. “I know, honey, I know.” She pulled me from her and looked at my face. “Are you injured?”
I shook my head no.
“Are you sure or are you in shock and don’t know?” She asked with all the authority in the world. 
“I am in shock, but I know I’m not injured.” I said robotically. 
The police finally came up to me. “We are going to need a statement. Did you know the victim?”
“Are you serious, she is in shock!” Stacia scolded them. 
“It’s okay, Stace. No, I didn’t know him. There was a gunshot, and he was down. I tried saving him and I failed.” My fingertips and lips felt cold. My legs felt numb. 
“Thank you, miss. Sweetheart, get your friend home safe will you?” The officer asked, looking at Stacia.
“Of course.” She said. 
“You don’t have to.” I said, getting up slowly. 
“Please, I’m like the only student in New York that has a car. Let me drive you home.” She said, and I knew she wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
I shook my head yes, and told her an address that was as close to the compound as I could get without her going there. 
I got out of the car as soon as it was in park. “Thank you, Stacia.”
“Of course, honey. If you need to call, day or night I’ll answer for your cute ass, got it?” She said, pointing at me. 
I smiled and shook my head. “Got it.”
She smiled and drove off. I made sure that she wouldn’t come back when I started walking back to the compound. 
I picked at the blood on my hands as I walked. It still felt hot and sticky. My clothes were completely ruined but I couldn’t find it in me to care at all. A man died in my arms; I shouldn’t care about my ruined clothes. 
When I walked through the compound door I was bombarded with questions. It was dark in the entryway, so I couldn’t see their faces, I only heard their voices.
“Where the hell have you been, you're late!” Tony said.
“He was about to send a search and rescue for you.” Nat joked.
“Yeah, dinner got cold and I ate your portion, sorry not sorry.” Clint said. 
“I don’t care; I’m not hungry.” I said, walking past them all.
“Is that blood?” Bucky came out of nowhere and suddenly was looking me up and down, checking me for wounds. 
“Woah blood! Are you hurt?” Tony asked, coming by me like Bucky. 
“Did you kill someone?” Nat asked. 
“Not likely, she has an issue with certain textures and feelings on her hands. I think she would be cleaner about it.” Clint said.
Soon they all were around me.
“A man died in my arms today, because I couldn’t heal him in time. Check the news. I'm sure there is a story on it. Good night.” I didn’t mean to come off sharp, but I did. There were too many noises and feelings happening at once and I just wanted to shower, change, and go to bed.
I didn’t stay to hear their responses, as I left for my room. 
I felt him trailing behind me. 
“Stop stalking behind me like a weirdo, Bucky.” I said, without even turning around.
He caught up next to me. “It’s not your fault.” He said.
“That is marginally up for debate.” I said, walking in my room, and taking off my bloodied shoes. I took off my sweater and my skirt, leaving me in my shorts, tights, and turtleneck. I didn’t look at him as I made my way toward my bathroom. I started the shower and cringed when the silver knob had red on it.
I looked anywhere but Bucky. “I’m going to wash this blood off me now. Stay if you want.”
Bucky gripped my hand and made me look at him. “Do you want me to stay?”
I exhaled and closed my eyes, unable to look him in the eyes. “Yes.” I whispered. “Please.”
He nodded, turned around, and covered his eyes. He sat right next to the shower. 
I smiled. “Keep your eyes closed, pervert.”
“Hey! I am the perfect 1940s gentleman. I wouldn’t dream of it.” He laughed. 
I kept the curtain slightly open, so I could see him. I washed and washed. Over and over, until my skin was raw and the water didn’t run the slightest bit pink.
“I think that’s good. You can stop now.” Bucky said, reaching his hand into the shower. I held it and sat down, letting the now cold water hit my face for a minute. 
“Are your eyes still closed?” I asked.
“Yes, of course.” He said. 
“Good. No peeking.” I said, as I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed the inside of his wrist and the back of his hand. I felt his pulse point quicken, and I held his hand tighter. “Just a few more minutes okay?” I said, my voice cracking more than I wanted to. 
“Take all the time you need, princess. I don’t have any plans.” He said, rubbing his thumb up and down my knuckles.
I wanted to cry. I felt my throat get tight and my eyes get hot, but I couldn’t no matter how hard I tried. 
“Bucky?” I asked.
“If the police can’t find the man that did this, will you look for him with me?”
“Of course.” He said. 
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” He said. 
“I can and I will. Thank you, James Buchanan Barnes. I mean it.” I said.
“I know you do. I always know you do.” He whispered.
I slowly dropped his hand and rose from the shower. I laughed when I saw that Bucky not only tied a towel around his eyes, but he also had his metal arm over them, just in case. 
My chest warmed. I quickly dried and dressed myself into a tank top and shorts. 
“Okay, I’m decent.” I said. Bucky slowly removed his blindfold and his hand. He got up from his spot and cracked his back. 
I wince. “Sorry, that must have been uncomfortable.”
He shook his head. “I have been way more uncomfortable before.”
“Do you snore?” I blurted out.
He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Nope, I sleep like the dead.”
“Oh, thank god.” I said, grabbing his hand and led him to my bedroom. I laid down and crawled under the covers and held out the blanket for him to get in.
He looked utterly shocked. He took off his shirt, but left his pants on as he joined me. 
I quickly tucked him under the covers and made sure he had enough blanket and pillows to be comfortable. He grabbed my fussing hands. “Thank you, I’m okay, I’m comfortable.”
I nod and bite my lip and don’t say anything. 
“It’s okay to be upset by this, you know?” He whispered.
I nodded my head. “I know. I’ve seen death before. I don’t know why this one bothers me so much. I’ve never even spoken to the guy.” 
“I know this is going to sound super hypocritical, but you don’t have to rationalize your feelings, just feel them.” Bucky said.
I snorted. “Where did that come from?”
“What? I’ve been going to therapy!” He laughed.
“Thank you. Sorry for being weird earlier.” I said hiding behind my hands. 
Bucky pried my hands off my face. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” He brought my hands to his lips and frowned at how cold they were and started exhaling on them to warm them up. 
I bit my lip as I looked at him, “You’re too nice to me.” 
Bucky froze. He looked me in the eye and shook his head. “No.” 
“No?” I laugh. “Just no?”
He continued warming my hands and nodded. “Just no.” 
Once he deemed my hands an appropriate temperature he placed them under the covers. I smiled as he did it. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” He exhaled, roughly.
“No.” I say, continuing to smile at him, mimicking what he just said to me.
He outlined my smile with the tip of his finger. “Good. I actually never want you to stop looking at me like that.”
Heat flooded my body and I had the sudden urge to take his finger in my mouth and suck. I cleared my throat at the thought. 
Bucky hesitantly reached out and grabbed a loose strand of hair and rubbed it in his fingers. He eventually brushed it back and began gently smoothing out all of my hair. Without realizing my eyes started to drift shut. He gently ran a finger down the side of my jaw and up to my eyebrow. I hummed.
He slowly leaned in and kissed my forehead. 
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
Part two 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ playdate ✦
this chapter pairing; yandere!wonwoo x reader, side mingyu x reader
genre&warnings; yandere!wonwoo, kinda asshole!mingyu, creampies, sloppy seconds, intoxication, exhibitionism AND voyeurism, masturbation, dirty talk, one sided pining for all!!, kidnapping, stalking.
✖ That being said, I do NOT condone yandere-like/obsessive/possessive behaviour in real life. this is a work of fiction therefore I will indulge in it. If you do NOT like this kind of content, please just ignore it.
notes; if I’m being honest, the draft for this originally was completely different and I reworked it because I wasn’t satisfied with how it was turning out bc it was too similar to sea castles except mingyu and wonwoo were brothers kjdhfdkjh 😭😭 As always, thank you sooo much for the love and interest in Monster Mash! I know last chapter was.... erm, a lot. LMAO 😆 Have a great rest of your day/night and I’ll see yall tomorrow~! 🎃 👻 💕
word count; ~3800
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - x - x - x - x - x - x
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you call me on the telephone, you feel so far away;
you tell me to come over, there’s some games you wanna play
i’m walking to your house, nobody’s home;
just me and you and you and me alone.
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The relationship you share with Mingyu isn’t necessarily one that you like to talk about, much less acknowledge on most days.
“O-oh, fuck, M---Mingyu!”
It’s purely physical and a little destructive, in your opinion. Especially when you found yourself frustratingly liking him more than you ever imagined.
He bends your leg, ankle resting against his shoulder as he angles his thrusts to graze against your sweet spot. Shapes dance behind your eyelids, lips parting in a silent moan when you feel yourself already close to cumming.
But it’s Mingyu that cums first, hips stuttering as he growls, “That’s right, fuckin’ take all of it, baby.”
He rides out his high, pulling out of you and letting your leg down before you can even process what’s happening. “Hey, wait, but what about me?” You ask, voice small as you watch him get off of the bed. He tugs his pants on, plucking a shirt off of the floor as he throws it over his head.
“Sorry, I gotta go take care of some business back at campus, Mr. Lee needs the papers graded before tomorrow’s 8AM and I’m already late. You can stay here if you want though, bed’s all yours. I’ll be back in a bit, I---sorry, I’ll make it up to you later.”
He’s gone in a flash, door clicking shut behind him as you sit with your legs still parted. Typical.
Groaning, you flop onto your back against his bed sheets.
“Thanks for nothing.”
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Wonwoo says it’s the last time.
But every time is the last time.
He wraps a hand around his cock, soft breaths making the window fog up in front of him as he watches you and Mingyu through the window. He times the movement of his hand to match Mingyu’s thrusts as he pretends it’s your warmth wrapped around his cock and not his own fist.
“Fuck, fuck , fuck…” He whispers in succession, feeling his abdomen tightening as he gets closer and closer to an orgasm.
Wonwoo watches as Mingyu bends your leg over his shoulder, mental images of you underneath him instead.
He remembers the first time he’d seen you in Mingyu’s bedroom, curiosity making him watch through his bedroom window as you fell to your knees in front of the other male. Wonwoo knew better than to watch, so he looked away, cheeks burning crimson before he ever so slowly turned back to the window. 
He couldn’t help it.
Wonwoo had seen you around the university campus too, hanging around the art kids in the building opposite the Sciences building where he typically stayed with his small group of friends; Mingyu included. He thought you were cute and kind, especially when you happened to hang around their group for the day. And he liked you, even if he was too shy to ever say it.
Which was precisely why he couldn’t understand your attraction to Mingyu, of all people.
Mingyu was selfish, almost irritatingly so, and Wonwoo knew.
Wonwoo knew you deserved better too, someone much like himself. Someone who would take care of you better than Mingyu ever could.
Movement in the opposite window has Wonwoo pulling himself from his thoughts, brows furrowed when he sees Mingyu leaving and you still alone in the bedroom.
“What…?” He mumbles, slightly confused when he watches you flop onto your back.
God, what he would do to eat you out right now.
He tightens his grip around his cock, this time imagining himself eating you out, tongue against your clit while you moan out his name and tangle your fingers into his hair. 
A stuttered moan falls from his lips as he cums into his palm, eyes clamped shut as the pleasure washes over him.
Wonwoo promises it’s the last time.
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“Hey, did you hear about Jeonghan’s Halloween party next Saturday?”
“He’s throwing one?”
“Yeah, I heard everyone’s invited too.”
Wonwoo pretends to go through his textbook as he eavesdrops instead.
If everyone was invited, that surely meant that you’d be there too.
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Mingyu glances over at you, tapping his pencil against the corner of his textbook. “Hey…” He starts, “Did you hear about Jeonghan’s party?”
You glance up from your own textbook, bored eyes on Mingyu who looks up at you from his bedroom floor. Neither of you had talked about the previous time; opting to forget about it since it wasn’t the first time either. “What about it?”
“Wanna go with me? I’ll make it up to you for last time.”
No, he wouldn’t.
“I guess.”
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You step out of the Film Developing room, arms full of negatives when you accidentally run into a body that walks up from behind.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” The negatives spill to the floor, scattering all around you as you and the other person kneel down to collect them.
“It’s okay.” The deep voice replies.
“Oh, hey, Wonwoo!” You smile, “What are you doing in the Arts Building?”
He blushes a deep red, kneeling and stacking the negatives before placing them back in your arms. “Oh I--I do some film editing on my own and I--um, I was just wandering around. I had some free time, so I was curious.” Wonwoo shoots you a shy smile as he pushes his glasses up on his nose bridge.
Wonwoo was very cute.
“Oh! I didn’t know that! I feel like I’ve never seen you around here…” You trail off.
“Ah, yeah, I actually have a personal studio on the east end of town. It’s small but… I don’t have to share my things, which I’d prefer.” He smiles, eyes twinkling. “It’s no fun when people mess around with your things and ruin them, y’know?”
“Oh my gosh, I knooooow. Minghao always messes up my developing station and moves my shit around.” You keep talking but Wonwoo barely acknowledges it. Instead, he takes in your appearance, admiring you as you talk animatedly about god knows what.
God, why’d it have to be Mingyu.
“Hey, so are you coming on Saturday?” He blinks confusedly at you, “Huh? Sorry, I--I didn’t quite catch that last bit.”
“Oh, Jeonghan’s party! Everyone’s invited so I was wondering if you were coming!” His blush burns darker; were you asking him out?
“I’ll be there with Mingyu but if you show up, you should save me a drink!” His excitement falters slightly at the mention of Mingyu, but he does his best to send you a reassuring smile.
“Of course, I’ve got one with your name on it.”
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Wonwoo was kind, patient and understanding from what you knew.
You’d only met him a few times and you knew he lived in the building across from Mingyu’s but all of your interactions with him had only ever been pleasant.
In another universe, maybe you would’ve been in a happy relationship with someone like Wonwoo.
A sigh escapes your lips as you get ready for Jeonghan’s party; short dress barely covering your ass when Mingyu saunters into his bathroom where you currently were.
“Jeez, who’re you trying to impress.” He mumbles, sidestepping you as he checks himself in the mirror.
“I just felt like being cute, that’s all.”
Mingyu grins, hands on your waist before they slide down to your ass. He squeezes hard; a chuckle on his lips when you mewl.
“Cute isn’t the word I’d go for with this ‘lil number but okay. Let’s get going.”
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Mingyu drinks more than he should and he knows it.
He takes any drink someone puts in his hands and downs it before trying to find more which usually leads to a lot of 2AM drunk phone calls and quickies in the backseat of your car.
This time, however, you’re just as bad as he is; taking any drink available as you try to drown out the way you feel when you see Mingyu chatting up someone else across Jeonghan’s living room.
To be fair, you weren’t exclusive anyway.
But his eyes dance over to you, a cocky smirk on his face when he sees the effect he has on you. He knew how you felt too, even if you never said a word about it.
Mingyu didn’t want to ruin what the two of you had, even if he benefited from it more than you did. And the two of you were friends, albeit you weren’t sure for how much longer.
He leaves the other girl as he makes his way over to you, eyes unfocused when he presses you into the wall you’d been standing in front of.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.”
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“Ngh, M--Mingyu, fuck--fuck, harder!”
Mingyu keeps you bent over the sink, hips slamming into your ass as he fucks you from behind in Jeonghan’s upstairs bathroom.
The loud music drowns out your loud moans and his filthy words as you eagerly fuck yourself on his cock. “Fuck, this tiny little dress of yours doesn’t do a damn thing. Bet you wanted me to fuck you just like this, huh? Bent over a fuckin’ sink at a party.”
Neither of you had even made the effort to get undressed as you hiked your dress up and tugged your panties to the side, hands planted firmly onto the mirror in front of you as you watched yourself get drunk off of his cock.
“G-god, yes, yes! Fuck me h-harder, damn it!” You whine. Mingyu slaps your ass at this, low grunts spilling from his lips. “Your cute ‘lil cunt begging to be filled with my cock at every second of the fuckin’ day. “ He slurs.
He feels his cock throbbing as he erratically thrusts into you, only a low groan on his lips before he’s cumming.
“O-oh, shit…”
You feel his thrusts slow down as he cums inside of you, a soft mewl on your lips at the feeling. You clench around him, shaking your hips slightly to get his attention back on you.
A sharp knock scares you both as Mingyu pulls out of you; panties slipping back into place like they’d never been touched.
“Hey! People need to use the bathroom, assholes!” Someone yells from the opposite side.
“Fuck, we need to go.” Mingyu grumbles, readjusting himself and zipping his denim back up.
You very slowly lift yourself up from leaning on top of the sink, tugging your dress back down quietly.
Of course. Of, fucking, course.
Mingyu can sense the annoyance even without you saying anything, lopsided smile on his features. “Later, okay? Don’t be a brat.”
You head for the door, unlocking it before you step out first and leave Mingyu behind. Your body still buzzes with the urge to cum when you start heading down the hallway, panties sticking to you like a second skin with Mingyu’s cum pooling into the material. You turn a corner into an empty part of the upstairs hallways, sighing slightly as you lean up against a wall.
You hear your name being called as you turn your head, finding Wonwoo jogging up to you.
“Hey! I was looking for you!” He smiles, noting the way you seem to sadly smile back at him. “Something the matter?”
“Ugh, it’s Mingyu…” You start. Wonwoo tenses up, hands balling into fists at his side. “What did he do?”
“He’s so fucking selfish! I don’t know what’s up with him lately but he always leaves me hanging!”
It’s quiet between the two of you as your words sink in and Wonwoo’s demeanor changes in the blink of an eye. He takes a step closer to you, fingertips under your chin to lift your head up as he meets your blown out pupils.
“I wouldn’t leave you hanging, y’know.”
You feel a wave of arousal wash over you at his deep voice; did Wonwoo always sound like that or was it the alcohol? “W-what?”
“I said, I wouldn’t leave you hanging. I’d put you before myself, if you’d let me.” He smirks at you, eyes twinkling with promise.
“Show me then.”
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Wonwoo drags you into the nearest bedroom; excitement coursing through his veins.
In another universe, he would’ve been more romantic about this.
Dinner and candles, picnics at sunset. Ah, well.
“Well, it’s not much but it’ll do.” He says, locking the door behind himself before he turns to you. He takes in your mildly disheveled appearance, walking you backwards until the back of your legs hit the bed.
“You deserve better, y’know? Someone who’ll take care of you.”
“I know… But you promised you’d show me, didn’t you?” Pouting, you hike your dress up before you sit down on the edge of the bed. You spread your legs as you let Wonwoo see your panties that were practically transparent.
“Fuck, you let him cum inside your tight ‘lil pussy and he didn’t even let you cum?”
“How do you know I’m tight if you never fucked me before.” You retort, shooting him a smirk of your own. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system, but you felt more confident now than you’d been in a long while.
Wonwoo leans over you, easing you down until your back touches the sheets. “Only someone as pretty as you would have a tight ‘lil cunt and I’ll prove it.” He pulls away, undoing the button and zipper of his pants before he shimmies his boxer briefs down enough to pull his half hard cock out.
You lick your lips at the sight; he was slightly bigger than Mingyu. “Fuck, your cock is huge, Wonwoo…” He smirks at your compliment, tugging on your legs until your lower half hangs off of the side of the bed. He eases your wet panties down, pocketing them before he spreads your legs wide.
“I’m not typically one for sloppy seconds, but…” You blush at his comment. “...If it’s you, I don’t care.”
“Usually I wouldn’t have someone else’s cum already inside my fuckin’ pussy before I hook up with someone else...” You mumble.
Wonwoo guides his cock towards you, letting the shaft rest against your folds. He starts grinding against you, coating his cock in your wetness and Mingyu’s cum. His cock is already throbbing as he continues to tease you and himself, resisting the urge to fuck you hard and fast like he knew both of you needed. “S’okay, I’ll just have to cum inside you too and fuck it so deep into your fuckin’ cunt that you won’t even remember Mingyu ever did.” He grins.
“God, yes, make me cum too, I wanna cum with you…” Whining, you buck your hips up to meet his teasing touches.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make sure you get my cock nice ‘n wet.” He positions his cock at your entrance, teasing you one more time as you whine and squirm underneath him. “Fuck, you’re so cute when you’re whiny.”
He slowly eases his cock in, meeting no resistance with how wet you already were and the cum already inside you. “God, you really are fuckin’ tight…” Wonwoo mumbles under his breath.
It takes you a second to adjust to Wonwoo’s size before he’s drawing his hips back and thrusting back into you and a mewl cuts through the air when the head of his cock taps against your cervix; eyes fluttering shut with how well Wonwoo filled you up.
“Oh, god, ngh, Wonwoo I--I don’t know if I--I can hold o-off…” A choked cry rolls off of your lips, fingertips digging into the sheets underneath you as you cant your hips up to meet his thrusts. You’d already gotten close to an orgasm before and now that Wonwoo’s cock was snug between your walls and curving into you perfectly, it was hard to hold back.
“That’s okay, baby. You can cum as many times as you want. Use me how you want me.” He offers; voice gentle and inviting as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“P--please, ah, touch my---my clit…”
Wonwoo obliges, pinching and rolling your clit between his fingertips. “O-oh, fuck!”
Your body locks up, Wonwoo’s name spilling from your lips as he throws you over the edge and into the first mind-melting orgasm you’d had in weeks. He smiles dreamily at you, hips still snapping into you as he fucks you through your high.
“So fuckin’ pretty when you’re cumming.”
You can only whimper in response, blushing when you can hear how much wetter you’d gotten after just one orgasm. He takes his fingers off of you clit, licking the wet digits.  
Wonwoo looks down to where the two of you are connected, a soft groan on his lips when he sees how much of your wetness coats his cock. “You really did get my cock fuckin’ soaked, baby. Think you still have it in you to give me one more? I’m close too and, ah, I’d love for you to cum with me.” He shoots you a sweet smile and you feel your heart beat out of your chest.
You nod feverishly, “Mm--Mmhmm… I---I haven’t c-cum in a few weeks so… I--”
“A few weeks?”
You avert your eyes from his inquisitive stare, already knowing how he’s going to react. “Yeah, s’just Mingyu’s been so busy so… He’s been, hah, kinda’ leaving me h-hanging and---Ah!” Wonwoo thrusts into you hard, grinding against you once he was fully bottomed out.
“For weeks now? He’s been treating you like that?” It’d made sense now why he’d seen you in Mingyu’s bed alone that one time. “Y-yeah… but---but he’s just busy, y’know, ah, being a TA and a-all...”
He shakes his head in utter disbelief; selfish Mingyu, as always.
Wonwoo leans in until he’s face to face with you, kissing you on the lips gently before pulling away. He doesn’t say another word and instead works on getting you worked up to cum with him and even through the muffled music, he can hear your loud whines and whimpers and the sound of skin slapping as his thrusts become erratic.
He licks the pad of his thumb before he brings it back towards your sensitive and swollen clit. “Baby, ‘m close…” He whispers; only loud enough for you to catch.
“Ngh, fuh--fuck, Wonwoo, please cum i-inside me… I wanna feel your, ah, cock throbbing i-inside of me when you fill me up with y-your cum…” Wonwoo’s thumb presses harder against your clit and he opts to grind against you instead when he feels the tension in his abdomen start to snap. He moans your name shakily, brows furrowed and eyes clamped shut as he lets the pleasure wash over him.
You lick your lips watching his face contort in bliss and you bring your fingers down and over his thumb as you press down harder onto your clit and the action is enough to throw you over the edge again, head thrown back and a sharp whine on your lips as you cum for the second time. 
Wonwoo slows down his thrusts as he starts to come down from his high and he works you through yours. “Shit, you really are so fuckin’ pretty.” 
A blush coats your skin as your orgasm starts to ebb away and Wonwoo is careful to not hurt you once he starts to pull his cock from inside of you. 
He watches the cum drip out of you, lips pursed into a tight smile. “Guess you should get these back, huh?” He fishes for the wet panties in his pocket; helping you slide them back on and up your legs before he pulls away and starts to smooth down his own disheveled appearance.
You laugh breathily, “I’ll let you have another pair next time.” 
“Oh? There’ll be a next time?” He grins. 
Biting your lip, you stand, readjusting your dress and grimacing at how gross you felt now that your panties were even wetter and covered in more cum. 
“I---I mean, I still... I still have feelings for Mingyu but--but...” You pause; Wonwoo’s eyes on you. “I know I should end things with him, it’s just gonna take some time and I--I think you’re a really great guy, Wonwoo, and I’d like for there to be a next time... It’s just... I think I need some time to get over Mingyu first.” You mumble the last few words, a little embarrassed you even admitted you liked Mingyu. 
“No, I---I get it. It’s no worries! Just---Just come find me when you’re ready.” He shoots you a beaming smile, “I’ll leave first, okay?” 
You nod in response, smiling at his back when he turns to leave. 
“Thank you, Wonwoo.” 
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You end up heading home, leaving Mingyu at Jeonghan’s party all-together.
He’d find his way home eventually; maybe even puke in the backseat of a taxi and get what he deserved. 
You giggle at the thought, stepping into the lobby of your apartment building.
Huh, the lights are out. 
You’re a little confused, but you make your way towards the elevators; stumbling slightly with the alcohol still in your system. Pressing the button, you wait patiently in the dark lobby -- only the moonlight providing a soft glow. 
The elevator dings and you quickly enter it, pressing the button for your floor before resting against the banister. 
Hey, is that a person?
Your eyes catch a glimpse of a figure not too far off and only half visible from around the corner, brows furrowed. 
But you didn’t hear anyone enter the building.
The door closes and you shake the thoughts out of your head; it was probably just the alcohol making your eyes hazy.
Eventually you reach your floor, sighing in relief that the lights were still working. You stumble down the hall, dropping your house keys a few times before you can even make the turn to get to your hallway.
You reach your door, sliding the key into the keyhole and turning the lock.
God, it was so good to finally be home. 
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“Good Evening, this is Boo Seungkwan reporting live on Channel 17’s 4 o’ clock news. We’re live at the scene here, as you can see behind me, at the apartment complex were Mr. Kim Mingyu resided. The police and detectives are still going through Mr. Kim’s apartment in hopes of finding any clues. His whereabouts are still unknown as well as his female companion. If you have any tips or information of where they both are, please do not hesitate to contact the police or the TV station.” Seungkwan pauses, waving down a pedestrian. “Sir? I’m a reporter for Channel 17 news, can we please have a word with you? It’s about the missing university students.”
Wonwoo sadly smiles, nodding. “Of course.”
Seungkwan gestures for the cameraman to come closer, holding the microphone in between himself and Wonwoo. “Sir, did you happen to know the missing couple?”
“Ah… Kind of. They were attending the same university as myself. He was kind of a friend of mine, and I know he lived in the building across from myself but…” Wonwoo pauses, shaking his head. “I--I don’t know what happened. They seemed like such kind people. I’ve heard rumours that they just fled to another city, but… that’s it really.”
“Did they tell you that, themselves?” Wonwoo shakes his head no. “No, just rumours flying around campus. Everyone saw them at a party last weekend, myself included. That seems to have been the last time.”
“I see, so have the police interviewed you? Do they have any suspects?”
Wonwoo shakes his head again, smiling sadly. “The police just think they ran away, which, I guess isn’t too far fetched. We’re all stressed university students, after all.”
“You mentioned he’s a friend of yours. He didn’t bother to say anything? Do you think he kidnapped her?”
Wonwoo bites the inside of his cheek, worry clear on his features. “I mean, Mingyu was kind of aloof and he was very drunk at that party. I’m not sure if they got into an altercation. We never really hung out outside of campus so sadly, I can’t really say I know if it’d be in his character or not.”
“Thank you sir, for your time.”
Seungkwan lets Wonwoo leave, stepping away to finish the live report.
Wonwoo nods, turning to make his way back into his apartment. 
He enters his place, toeing off his shoes before he heads towards his own bedroom.
By nature, he steps in front of his window; the same one that faced Mingyu’s now empty bedroom.
His lips ease into a small peaceful smile. 
He would have to make a trip to the east end once all the news vans and patrol cars were gone.
He was sure you’d love the food he’d be making for your candle-lit dinner. It was one of his favorite recipes.
And he was sure Mingyu wouldn’t mind watching from his place in the corner, either. 
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