#if they did this for every spon then yeah
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I just got home and saw they posted and went oh my god did they have to do this the ONE DAY I actually went out??? And then I was like. Oh this is Nora behavior i finally get it
welcome to being abnormal about youtube videos isn't it great? if it helps you really didn't miss anything. the real highlight of the day were the set reveal photos, the video was more filler
#idk why some people are like actually mad about it though#i think having shit audio and halfassing a spon is kinda camp#if they did this for every spon then yeah#but usually they make them so engaging to make up for the sponsored aspect#i feel like bullshitting one and getting paid for doing fuck all in the middle of tour rehearsals is just funny gbdjfkgdjkfg#also because of the pictures i didnt really get that sense of disappointment yknow like i feel fed anyway its ok#answered
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dnp are really getting sponsors for every single one of their vids uh.. the new management is not playing around
you know what, yeah. divide and rule.
interesting note about sponsors: allegedly, Aloha comics didn't let dnp promote their own merch neither in the video nor in the description. Opera didn't have a problem with that, neither did HoYoverse. credits to @crookedsoull for noticing no merch spons in the Heartthrob video. it's just interesting. (p.s. they obviously could forget but... what are the chances when they are promoting the calendar every time they can and they could add extra text about new merch afterwards).
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The Fight
“Do you want to go to dinner today?”
“Okay! I’ll come to your office then when I get off work. Make sure that you get all of your work done so I don’t have to wait for you!” The girl finished the message with a winking emoji and slid her phone back into her bag. A smile crossed her face and she hummed to herself as she tapped away at the keyboard.
The two had been so busy lately that she hadn’t seen Victor in over a week. It started with her business trip to film a promo, then Victor’s trip abroad, and before she knew it the entire week had slipped away. Texts and nightly phone calls really didn’t fill the void in her heart or the spaces between her fingers, and she itched to see him again.
By the time five pm rolled around, the girl had packed everything up and was practically beating down the door to leave. Truth be told she could have left at any time, but the guilt of leaving her employees to work overtime while she flitted off to have dinner with Victor kept her in her office. A knock at the door shot her head up and she leaned back in her chair to see Anna standing in the doorway. “Don’t stay too late, boss,” she teased, leaning in the door frame. “I heard Victor is back in town.”
“Let me guess. Kiki was being a gossip again?” the girl laughed, and Anna joined in with a nod of the head. “Don’t worry. I was just waiting for all of you to finish up before heading over to LFG. I have a week’s worth of reports to turn in.”
“And a fiance to see,” Anna teased, causing the girl to blush slightly. “Oh, come on. You don’t have to be so shy about it! We all know about the engagement and it is perfectly normal for young couples to be excited after some time apart. Why don’t you hurry on over there? I’ll lock up.”
The girl nodded and picked up her bag, placing a hand on Anna’s shoulder as she passed. “Thanks, Anna. And you tell Kiki that she’s a creepy stalker!”
Anna’s laughter followed the girl as she hurried out the door and down the hallway to the elevator. Excitement was pulsing in her brain and she could practically feel his warmth on her skin. The entire ride to LFG was spent fiddling with her phone, wondering why Victor had not replied to her last message.
She burst from the car and while she did not run through LFG’s hallways, she was sorely tempted to do so. Come on, come on, she muttered as the elevator carried her upwards at what felt like a snail’s pace. The doors opened and in her haste, she found her face coming into contact with a suit and tie. “Vic-” she paused, her eyes glancing upward, “Goldman! I’m so sorry. I was just in a bit of a hurry to see Mr. CEO.”
“I could see that,” Goldman chuckled, stepping back and straightening his shirt. “The boss said you’d be by soon, and he asked me to intercept you. He’s currently with a client and said to have you wait until he’s finished.”
A shadow fell over the girl’s smile and her shoulders slumped. “Oh, okay. Do you know who the meeting is with or how long it will be? I had wondered why Victor hadn’t replied to me since this afternoon.” She allowed Goldman to lead her to his own office where he offered her a cup of coffee. “Thanks,” she murmured and took a sip.
“I would suspect the meeting should be over soon. This woman has been coming by every few days, meeting with Victor for an hour, and leaving without saying a word to anyone. I believe she’s a representative of some modeling company that wants to get funding from LFG. They’ve been at it for years, but keep getting turned down.”
A flashback to the first day of meeting Victor played behind the girl’s eyes, and she nodded slowly. “I seem to remember something like that from my first trip here. The company must be very persistent if they’re still trying!”
Goldman nodded and sipped his own coffee, a frown on his face. “Yeah, and I really don’t like this woman. She comes and goes, sometimes showing up multiple times a week and others going missing for months at a time. I figure she shows up whenever they lose a sponsorship elsewhere or something, but that’s just a guess.” He shrugged, the shoulders of his suit coat rising and falling in a dramatic fashion. “Personally, I wish Victor would just ban her from the building already.”
The familiar sound of Victor’s office door opening entered Goldman’s office and the girl jumped up, finishing her coffee in one swig. “Thanks for the coffee and chat, Goldman. I’ve got a date with Victor tonight and this time, I’m not going to be late!”
As she exited Goldman’s door, a familiar form approached. She was tall, thin, and blonde...and definitely the woman that had exited Victor’s office that day. Chik. Chik strolled down the hallway with her nose in the air, pausing only briefly when she noticed the girl standing there. Chik shot her a dirty look and kept on walking, with just a hint more swagger in her step.
The girl felt a strong wall of emotion rise up in her gut and color her vision. With a sneer in Chik’s direction she turned and barged into Victor’s office, feeling relieved at finally being able to see him.
Victor hardly looked up from the paperwork on his desk as the familiar sound of the girl’s presence filled the office. “Well, I see you’re on time today,” he quipped, turning the page. “Did you have our dinner plans settled?”
His nonchalance took the wind out of her sails and the girl sat down on the couch in the corner where she always sat. “Yes. I thought we could go try the new dishes at Delicioso. I’ve heard they’re very good.” She leaned toward him, hoping to gain more of his attention, but Victor remained focused on his paperwork, humming in acknowledgement. A sigh slipped from her lips and she leaned back, frowning. “So much for getting everything done so there was no waiting.”
And that was it. For the next thirty minutes Victor continued to work while the girl grew increasingly upset. He didn’t seem in the least bit excited to see her, despite their time apart. She leaned on her elbow and watched his slender face, those dark eyes impassible and his expression unreadable. The clock ticking away on the wall became the enemy, reminding her of each second passing by.
Finally, Victor looked up from the report and rubbed his eyes. “Alright, let’s go.” The papers were packed neatly into the briefcase in one hand, his hat went on his head, and he picked up his jacket with the other hand. “Goldman will drive us to the restaurant.” Out the door he went with the girl trailing close behind. She longed to reach out and take his hand, but they were both full and he showed no sign of reaching out for hers. Even more gloom settled into her stomach. What was going on?
The walk down the hallway, ride in the elevator, and stroll to the car were all completed in silence with Victor staring off into space and the girl searching his face for any sort of clues. It was cold, proud, and distracted as ever and provided no finger holds for deciphering his mood. He leaned over slightly to open the back door for her, closed it behind her, and sat in the front himself. “Evening, boss. Good to see you without a page in front of your face,” Goldman greeted, receiving only a nod and grunt in response.
Goldman and the girl made casual conversation as they weaved through the evening traffic on the way to the restaurant. Victor was glued to his phone, messaging someone in what seemed to be a constant conversation. Despite her desire to lean forward and peek at his screen, the girl forced herself to remain with her back against the seat and her eyes on Goldman. They pulled up to the restaurant and Victor finally put his phone in his pocket, exited the car, and offered his hand to the girl.
With relief washing through her body and chasing away the paranoid thoughts, she took Victor’s warm hand and waved goodbye to Goldman. “Do you know what you want to order?” Victor’s voice was mild and he gave her hand a squeeze, leading her through the doors and sitting down at one of the closest tables.
Dinner was...well, dinner. The girl chatted away about her week, while Victor nodded and picked at the hot pot they had ordered together. Eventually she ran out of things to report and looked him in the eyes. “How was your trip? You haven’t said anything about it yet.”
Victor frowned and shook his head. “It was a waste of time.” She waited for him to elaborate, but when it became obvious that he didn’t want to talk about it, her shoulders slumped and she went back to eating. If he didn’t want to engage in any meaningful way, she knew there was no way she was going to change his mind. They finished in silence and Victor paid the bill. “I have to go back to the office. I’ll call you a cab to take you home.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but instead frowned and nodded. “Alright. I guess I’ll see you another day, then. I can get my own cab.” She pulled out her phone and walked away from Victor, leaving him standing in the middle of the restaurant watching her back disappear into the darkness. Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes, but she took deep breaths in an attempt to keep them from growing and falling.
It was this moment that Victor realized that something had gone wrong. His eyes narrowed and he thought about their night, trying to pinpoint exactly what had upset her. Did she really want to hear more about his trip? Was she hoping for a gift from his travels? No, neither of those really seemed in character. She had seemed normal up to this point...hadn’t she? He frowned and pulled out his phone, seeing that he had ten unread messages. With a sigh he scrolled down to his conversation with the girl to see if he had missed anything in her previous messages. Nothing. She must be in a mood...Victor shrugged and returned to the other messages, replying to them as he waited for Goldman to return with his car.
By the next morning, Victor had not received any more texts from the girl. She hadn’t answered his good night phone call, either. He stalked into the office and everyone immediately felt a chill. They put their heads down and ensured they looked like they were working hard, though Victor didn’t even glance at anyone on his way up to his office.
Even Goldman got the cold shoulder. He had suspected when Victor got into the car last night that something had happened, but they’d been friends long enough that the assistant knew better than to mention it. Once the office door closed it did not open again for hours and the rest of the building slowly relaxed.
By the end of the day, Victor had only emerged once to use the restroom and return to his office. While this wasn’t entirely unusual, the few unfortunate souls who had to knock on the door were firmly sent away. Rumors flew around the office in hushed whispers that Victor had gotten into a fight with his fiance, though nobody seemed to know who started the rumor nor did anyone have any evidence.
Meanwhile, Victor spent his day checking his phone and growling every time the new message was not from the girl. Again the screen lit up and he picked up the phone, only to see yet another text in the other conversation. The phone was slammed down on the desk in frustration and Victor held his head in both hands, eyes closed as he regulated his breathing.
Night had fallen. The office whispered with air conditioning and the hum of back up lights, but no feet or voices remained to give humanity to the atmosphere. Victor’s office was lit only by the single lamp, which cast long shadows on his face and made his eyes appear even darker than they had been. The clock began to chime, nine long tones breaking the silence. Victor stared at the dark screen of his phone, somehow expecting the usual call.
But it never came.
He set aside his pride and tapped through to the girl’s contact pinned at the top of his list. With the phone on speaker sitting on his desk, Victor stared at the picture on the screen of the pair of them. The girl held a tiny kitten up to his face, grinning and holding his hand firmly. The memory of that day broke slightly through the drizzle that had dampened his day, though the sound of her voicemail brought a new downpour.
“Fine. I’ll show up at your door, then.” Victor picked up his keys, flipped the lamp off, and stalked down to the car with his face cold and stern. He didn’t even entertain the idea that she might not be home; where else would she be? There were no reports due for over a week, and her last filming session had been today. Logic said she would be on her couch with a snack and a cup of tea, watching some banal movie on the television. Probably a sappy girl movie to wallow in…
As he pulled up, his eyes went automatically to the window of the girl’s apartment. As he expected, a soft glow lit it up. He put the car in park and picked up the small package he had picked up from Souvenir on the way. Despite having no idea why the girl was upset, he absolutely knew what to do to win back her favor.
*Knock knock*
*Knock knock*
Silence met his knocks and Victor pulled out his phone. “Hey, it’s me at the door. I know you’re home because your lights are on.” He pressed send and waited. Thirty seconds later the lights clicked off and Victor sighed. Really mature… “Too late for that. I saw you turn off the lights. Just open the door, dummy. I brought you something. And turn the lights on or you’ll fall flat on your face.”
This time he could hear the sound of his text message arriving on her phone, followed by a sigh of exasperation. The lights clicked on and her shuffling footsteps came up to the door. A click announced the lock disengaging and the door opened just a few inches to reveal the girl’s eye. “Just go away, Victor. Go back to whoever has been blowing up your phone since you got back.” She closed the door and her footsteps retreated, but Victor did not hear the lock click.
He stared at the doorknob for a long time, trying to decide if she had left it unlocked on purpose. Go back to whoever has been blowing up your phone… The girl’s words echoed in his mind, and an image of the issue began to form in his mind. Victor took hold of the handle and turned it.
The door opened with a soft creak. Victor stuck his head into the apartment and spotted the girl sitting on the couch, her knees pulled close as she hugged a pillow to her chest. She looked up for a brief moment before returning to staring into space. “Do you mind if I come in?”
She did not respond, but Victor took that as an invitation and opened the door wide enough to slip inside. He pulled his feet out of his shoes and put on the slippers she kept by the door for him, then cautiously approached the couch. “I brought a peace offering,” he said, holding out the small package. When she did not make any move to accept it, Victor placed the gift on the table and sat down on the far end of the couch. He sighed and reached out to take her hand, but she pulled it away.
The simple movement was like shards of ice to his heart. Victor’s eyes softened slightly and he folded his hands in his lap. “Dummy, what is wrong?” His voice was tender and he leaned toward her despite her closed off body language. “I’m not a mind reader, after all. That’s more in your Evol’s realm.”
His joke fell completely flat, failing to lighten even a little the oppressive feeling in the room. She tucked her face into the pillow and her shoulders shook just a little. Victor was at a loss for what to do, his hand extended toward her but afraid to actually touch her. They sat in silence for a long time, until the girl’s soft voice broke it. “Did you even miss me at all?”
Eyebrows narrowed, Victor scooted closer. “Of course I did. Why in the world wouldn’t I?” The girl’s eyes peeked up over the edge of the pillow, filled with anger and sadness. He again reached out for her hand, but she shook her head.
“You had no interest in holding my hand or talking to me yesterday, so why are you so concerned tonight?” Her words held a sharp edge which cut through Victor and made him wince. Had...he really come across that way? Going over yesterday’s meeting, he did remember his hands being full on the way to the car, and their silent drive to the restaurant… Her voice broke him out of his thoughts again. “You spent the whole night texting someone. It was Chik, wasn’t it?”
Surprise filled Victor’s eyes, which only seemed to infuriate the girl more. “Yes, but-”
He was cut off by the girl throwing the pillow at him and rocketing up from the couch. Without another word she ran to the door and put on her shoes, disappearing into the hallway before Victor could even register what was happening. He stood for a few seconds, staring at the broken pudding that had been knocked off the table and onto the floor. *What are you doing? Go after her, you idiot!* his inner voice screamed, and he immediately jumped into action. He put his shoes back on and grabbed her keys from the hook, locked her door to avoid any unsavories from entering while they were gone, and ran down the hallway shouting her name.
The girl had made surprisingly good time. In the few seconds between her door slamming behind her and Victor emerging in the hallway, she had completely disappeared. He ran down the staircase, emerging in the lobby just in time to see her sprinting out the front door. Out of reflex he activated his Evol, only to remember that it didn’t work on her as she disappeared again into the darkness. “Damnit!” he shouted, restarting time and hurrying outside after her.
He burst into the cold darkness and looked down both sides of the street, trying to figure out which way she had gone. A shadow passing beneath a streetlight half a block away caught his eye and he took chase, his feet pounding the pavement. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed her number as he ran, not expecting her to answer but at least hoping that her screen would light up and make her easier to follow.
The ringing ended and her voicemail message played. “Please! You have entirely the wrong idea! Just come back so I can explain!” His words were ragged as he spat them out between breaths, wondering how and when the girl had gotten so much faster. At the next corner he again paused to figure out which direction she had gone. His breath came out in fluffy white puffs, drifting upwards in the cold.
Annoyance and concern turned to panic as he realized that the girl was running around in the dark and cold in nothing but pajamas. “Dummy!” he shouted, releasing the last of his frustration to make room for the fear. Where had she gone? She couldn’t stay out here too long or she was going to end up with hypothermia...he felt the sweat on his own body evaporating and leaving him with chills beneath his heavy suit coat.
Victor called the girl’s phone over and over, listening carefully in the silence of the night as he wandered up and down the nearby streets. She wouldn’t have run super far, would she? She was impulsive, but not entirely stupid. Surely a block or two away she would have run out of rage and found a place to sit, right? Operating on this thought, he activated the flashlight on his phone and continued walking, redialing, and listening in between calling out her name.
He was growing increasingly desperate. Had she gotten lost somewhere? Fallen and injured herself? Was she freezing? His eyes scanned every nook and cranny while he wracked his brain for other ways to locate her. Until, however, a sniffle caught his attention. He stopped dead and closed his eyes, focusing on his hearing. Another sniffle from slightly ahead and to his left hit his ear and he walked up cautiously to a bench. He sat down and caught his breath, facing the street with his phone in his hand. “You are going to freeze to death out here in pajamas,” he texted her, hearing the vibration of her phone directly behind him.
No responding text came, though he suspected she wasn’t sure if he had seen her. Victor sighed and put his hand behind him, reaching through the slats of the bench toward the girl. “I know you’re there. Will you please come out so we can talk?”
She did not respond and Victor again sighed, standing up and removing his jacket. He slipped through the bush to the left of the bench and settled down on the ground next to her, dropping his coat on her shoulders, still warm from his body. She moved only slightly, pulling the fabric closer around herself.
Victor wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him, feeling her entire body trembling. Whether with cold or the tears streaming down her face, he was not sure...but he held her close to him either way, his strong arms holding her against his still-heaving chest. He gently pressed her head into his shoulder and she did not resist, burying her red cheeks against his neck. “I believe there has been a huge misunderstanding,” he whispered, running his fingers through her hair. “I think I know where your mind has gone, but don’t you think we should probably go back to your apartment where it is warm? I’ll make you a cup of tea and we can talk about it.”
The girl shook her head and wrapped her arms around Victor’s chest. “You didn’t seem at all excited to see me yesterday,” she whispered, her breath on his exposed, cold skin feeling particularly hot. “I saw Chik come out of your office and Goldman told me she has been around a lot. What conclusion would you come to?”
He remained silent for a long time, frowning at her words. “Did Goldman not tell you that she only comes to continually harass me for an investment? She’s the kind of woman who thinks if she flaunts herself enough and persistently enough, a ‘no’ will turn into a ‘yes.’ But unlike a certain dummy who is equally persistent, her company holds no interest to me. Between her constant stream of annoying text messages and the absolute failure of a business trip, I wasn’t excited about much at all yesterday.” Victor shifted to sit cross-legged in the dirt and pulled the girl into his lap, lifting her chin to look her in the eyes. “Do you really think so little of my loyalty that such paltry ‘evidence’ shakes your faith in me?”
Silence met his question. She didn’t seem to know what to say, and either did Victor. Instead he pulled out his phone and opened it to Chik’s contact, shifting the screen so the girl could read the conversation.
“We did exceptionally well this quarter! Wouldn’t you perhaps reconsider your decision?”
“Surely you know that fashion is a booming industry! You will regret not taking part in it! We only need a few million to build the new studio!”
“My most recent blog post was trending on ‘Fashion Weekly.’ Doesn’t that mean anything to you investment types?!”
The more she read, the dumber she felt. She looked away ashamed, burying her face in Victor’s neck and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, tears again falling from her cheeks and soaking into Victor’s shirt. “I’ve been the biggest dummy ever…”
“Yes, yes you have,” Victor replied, slowly stroking her back. “It hurts me that you would immediately jump to a conclusion of infidelity when I’ve made it so very clear that it has always only been you. No one else has ever interested me in the least. Through all the trials and years of searching for each other...it has always been you.” He squeezed her tightly until she squeaked from all the breath being pushed out of her lungs. “Come on, let’s get back to your apartment before we both get hypothermia.”
He rose with the girl in his arms and began walking toward her building, not bothering to worry about putting her down. She didn’t seem inclined to leave his arms, anyway...not with hers wrapped tightly around his neck. Victor carried her all the way to her apartment building, where she finally released him and slipped his coat from her shoulders. Victor moved to refuse it but she shot him a sharp look and he put it back on. Hand in hand they returned to her apartment and sat down on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, and closed their eyes wearily.
Before long the gentle ticking of the clock lulled them both off to sleep, wrapped up in the embrace of the one who kept their world turning.
#mlqc#mlqc fanfic#mlqc victor#mlqc li zeyan#mlqc victor fanfic#mr love queen's choice#mr love victor#mr love victor fanfic#mr love li zeyan#mr love li zeyan fanfic#evol x love#evol x love fanfic#evol x love victor#evol x love victor fanfic#evol x love li zeyan#love and producer#love and producer li zeyan#love and producer victor
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i was tagged by @you-are-so-much-better-than-that and @mikhailoisbaby to do this fic writer/artist tag! ive never seen an artist version of this so this is exciting :D
1. Do you post on Ao3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post?
i dont post art on ao3 but i post fics there,,,,not gonna say my username though
2. What is your total art count?
we gotta be like 500+ by now
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos?
they’re all dan and phil surprise surprise i was surprised that the first one has 12k notes for some reason. im just going to link them
spooky week sketches amazingphil shop spon PHIL QUIFF DEBUT!!! black ‘n’ white dan phil is not on fire collection
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to but sometimes i forget and i also dont have notifcations on any social media turned on so i miss a lot of things
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for?
currently drawing for umbrella academy, shameless and stranger things. first fandom i properly drew for was one direction but i was drawing stuff for like panic at the disco and powerpuff girls and my little pony and my chemical romance when i was like 7
6. Have you ever received hate on any art?
tonnes lol, i’d say every 2-3 pieces i draw gets some kind of negative attention. recently there’s been an asshole in my asks accusing me of fetishising ian and mickey so thats something to look forward to every time i pose
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to?
i want to go back to shows i watched as a kid like total drama island and draw the characters in my art style, i did it with the winx club earlier this year and it was fun. i want to draw harringrove but im not mentally prepared to be like,,,sent death threats atm
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i dont know tbh ian and mickey are up there i guess
9. Do you draw outside of fandom?
yeah im a graphic designer so i draw a lot of shit
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected?
this one actually

11. Do you draw smut?
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied?
yeah of course, someone sells my shit on redbubble and i have to keep reporting them
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece?
yes! @mishervellous and i did that amazing comic together for gallacrafts and im so proud of that! also collaborated with a lot of dan and phil artists to make a calendar, a phil is not on fire poster and some general collabs for fun (if anyone wants to collab hmu bc im down)
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw?
i really want to draw drummer mickey for some reason
15. What are your drawing strengths?
people i guess, maybe like details on clothes and stuff?
16. What are your drawing weaknesses?
hands and feet lol
17. What’s your favorite art piece you’ve drawn?
im so proud of this drawing even though no one really liked it, like looking at it makes me so happy

18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know?
like harvey said haha i also use the same colour palette especially skin tones and hair colours also i sketch a lot of the drawings traditionally and then trace over it on photoshop
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom?
myself. i would still be drawing even if no one notices it. heck i draw so much stranger things stuff only for a top of 10 people across instagram, twitter and tumblr to interact with it.
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favourite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight
i sit at my desk and use a wacom tablet and my laptop. I have my other laptop open and im normally listening to a tv show that ive seen so i dont have to pay attention or a play through of a game or some creepy stories. sometimes i listen to music on my record player. i always spend ages looking at pose references and rage quitting when i dont draw it right the first time before coming back to it a few hours later. i draw mostly in the evenings, after dinner. sometimes i drink a hot chocolate if its late enough lol.
im gonna tag @mishervellous @doodlevich @heymrspatel @adakechi
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DNP Rewatch: Viewers ROAST my outfits!
Date video was published: 07/12/2021 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 444
This seemed like such a random video concept.
0:01 - Phil starting with a squirrel impression...seems about right. also the golden pig is still missing after Dan hid it in Phil’s last video
0:06 - I can’t imagine dealing with this level of notice from Phil
0:26 - the “nervous boob grab” and the self call-out 😂
0:28 - I love that he’s willing to laugh at his past self
0:38 - some of these roasts are so good...starting out with a perfect one. that was quite the selfie back in 2016
0:48 - it is a very loud sweater
0:56 - he was amused enough by this one to include it even though it was from VPMO and not his fault
1:15 - I had never really noticed that before...but yeah
1:20 - okay, I’m with Phil on liking that one
1:45 - I want to know what other shiny things he picked out for the house (besides the golden pig)
2:14 - his favorite spon to have
2:31 - “I mean I’ve got Dan”... “I mean I’ve got Dan” Phil really just saying things I guess 😭
2:45 - show us more of this shelf Phil! they got the plushie when they went to a pop-up shop for Final Fantasy’s 30th anniversary. and they were apparently playing a lot of Final Fantasy during this month too
3:10 - oh uni Phil. the era of many of the looks that appear in this video
3:18 - again...this one really wasn’t his fault. I love the editing here where he put current-him on the TV in the past clip 😂
3:29 - yes okay that one is bad
3:39 - these two are more the hair issue than the outfits I think
4:05 - “caught in a moment” sure
4:28 - we were seeing...um...a lot of those gray shorts in summer 2021
4:43 - well that's a change from VPMO 2 when Dan said Phil was the only one who didn’t like how that shirt looked
4:47 - an unamused but still slightly amused Phil. here’s the unedited version of that, lol
5:02 - “those bomber jackets” like that he’s apparently grouping Dan’s matching-ish one into this as well
5:10 - this might be the worst one 😂
5:35 - that is quite the photo...just in what situation was he wearing that and posing like that. Phil doesn’t even have a further comment
5:50 - he says he’s doing the top ten but then gets distracted and does some of the others too
6:08 - oh, babies! he does look so nervous even in just that tiny clip
6:27 - I wonder how many tweets he read through before picking out what he would use for this
6:38 - patiently awaiting the “fashion moment” where Phil wears a crop top
6:45 - they really did dress to match the branding during the tour
6:54 - yeah Phil has a lot of random-phrase t-shirts...I don’t think he can comment
7:04 - always an oversized green hoodie as a sick hoodie over the years 🥺
7:15 - awww! he’s had that shirt for a long time (since at least 2015). and now every time he wears it I think about how he must have wanted to feel confident like this on that day
7:18 - he sort of managed an actual wink there!
7:26 - “a lot of gay vibes” is a perfect description of pco-Phil’s content
7:33 - he did bring it back later in the year for a video
7:43 - I really really thought he wasn’t going to mention the Dan mention in this tweet thread at all...and then he just read it out! and commented on it! so far from the (especially Dan’s) constant denial of clothes-sharing back in 2011ish. it really is a shared jacket 🥺
8:02 - he really does look good in purple. and blue. and black.
8:07 - well this Twitter thread/poll was from before VPMO 2 was made, so...
8:13 - this “number editing” became a bit of a thing for a few videos
8:19 - more aww! I think you can see that in his content and that’s probably partially why that got voted as the top look
8:38 - a lot of Dan mentions for no real reason other than he can. the casualness is so nice
8:54 - the annotation editing here is great 😂
9:01 - he had mentioned how bad this was in Answering Questions I Would Usually Avoid
9:18 - every element is pretty bad
9:48 - and now so does he 😂
10:09 - slight eyebrow raise at him saying “wedding” twice in a minute of video
10:28 - nice Phil!
10:39 - I love that he doesn’t seem to care what people think about his clothes
Honestly, this is one of those videos I was not that excited for from his initial tweets asking for the “best outfits” thread and roasts. But then I ended up really enjoying it; one of my top solo Phil videos from 2021, actually.
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Sat 6 March ‘21
Weekends slow for news? Not on Louis’ watch!! He apparently got up this Saturday and was like it is time to make some fucking waves, let’s GO. “I always dreamed of having my own label,” he tweeted, “having an imprint never really worked for me because I still had to have someone else's blessing to sign people. People I believed in massively but unfortunately didn't fit the traditional pop role hence never doing the deals.... So I've decided to put it out there in the world today. I'm going to start my own music management company to help develop new artists. Watch this space. I just wanted to take the first step of actualising the idea but at this stage that's all this is. An idea!” Louis we are literally always watching this space and this is why, you truly never fail to exceed our hopes at every turn. “P.s. a management company not a label,” he adds, tuned in to the discourse as always, “sometimes action is needed first to encourage the motivation and belief” (about where he’s at in the process), and he’s quick to reassure that his own touring and music won’t be affected-- “no.”
He is really thinking about what he dealt with and seeing other people still dealing with it and taking steps to do something about it while using and building on his experience and strengths (to say nothing of his connections and well earned clout)! God knows with his experience he’s more qualified than 90% of the people who start these things, with his decade of being steeped in the industry and having the background under his belt of both being the point person wrangling on behalf of the biggest band in the literal world and of seeing firsthand the barriers standing in the way of less established artists, as he’s spoken about on multiple occasions; including last year when he talked about the imprint he tried to start many years ago but wasn’t able to get off the ground due to Syco’s lack of cooperation, saying “The kind of artists I was interested in developing- because I genuinely feel that through my experience in 1D, you know, one of the biggest fucking bands, I feel like I’ve learned a lot about the industry- they weren’t ready made. I had a lot of artists I took through the door that were rough and ready, but major labels want to see something that works straight away. I found that a little demotivating.” But maybe the most recent time he talked about it was when he played Copy of a Copy of a Copy for us? If management companies had theme songs, that should certainly be this one’s! I can’t think of one single person I’d rather have on my side as a young artist than Louis, anyone he signs will be so lucky both in the support they get and to get access to the built in audience he brings to anything he touches (that’s us!)-- and there’s no one I’d rather have out there finding new artists for me to listen to, he’s got SUCH a good ear for both what’s truly good and what will sell.
So who will these lucky signees be? I mean first of all it’s clearly wildly premature to speculate about that, but I do see people speculating about two folks in particular-- 1) Liam and 2) Louis himself. I gotta tell you I don’t think either of these is at all likely (or desirable?). Aside from the fact that I don’t think the kind of music Liam makes is at all what Louis is looking to do with his company (nor the fact that Liam is already an established artist) surely it would be really weird and kind of inappropriate for either of them to be the other’s boss? I mean is Liam fine with just handing over control of the business side of his things, yes, but I just don’t think this idea is at all plausible. And as for Louis being his own client-- that’s just not really what management is? I suppose there are ways he could build his company to serve himself but I very much doubt that’s what he means by this at this time; it seems pretty clear to me that he wants to do what he has always wanted to do, to use his loyal fanbase as a way to lift up small indie bands and artists he discovers who have the kind of Brit rock sound he loves.
In any case, if he’s looking for support from high places for his project (not that there was any chance of it being lacking, people KNOW Louis and are always looking to see what he’s doing) being able to point at a half million notes on a casual announcement tweet is a good way to start eh? Indeed, the hype (articles all over and industry people posting about it and commenting) and people posting that they’d love to get involved are already pouring in! I wonder if he talked with Niall about his experience of starting a management company while thinking about this, and whether Louis will also bring in a partner who already works in that field like Niall did.
Meanwhile someone posted a video of a girl blowing out candles on a One Direction cake while arm in arm with a life size Louis cutout and... Zayn’s mom?? Apparently the girl’s mom is friends with Trisha Malik and she and Zayn’s sisters (and neice Zaneyeh!) were at the party-- later they got Zayn on the phone and he facetimed with the starstruck newly 14 year old girl. Louis followed another spon-con account, Charlie Lightening posted a really cute pic of him from DLIBYH video filming, Louis also said oh yeah I’m still working on new merch I’ll let you know about that, though with so little conviction he didn’t even finish the sentence, and Liam’s sister posted about looking forward to sharing their postponed Christmas with him.
#louis tomlinson#should I just start tagging the thing 28 management now?#28 productions?#I know people have a lot of feelings about Louis X Factor judge stint but imo it’s such a big part of what brings us to this#that's life though isn't it#things happen for whatever reason and then later they lead to things that you wouldn't have expected...#ugh nm idk if I can make sense rn my head is killing me#good thing I wrote this earlier#me writing the Lilo part uh oh does this sound like D/S fic discourse listen I can’t help it if Liam just wants someone to take care of him#you should have seen the original version before I was like UHHHH WHOOPS I need to edit this#it said something about probably being happy to yield control to louis I reread and was like OH DEAR WAIT NO#lol#6 mar 21
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HEYYY!! since you’re a returning larrie, what are the proofs that made you realize they’re still together still going strong ? (see what I did there lol okay bye sorry 😭)
hello! (and yes i did thank you asjfkdkd) sorry this is going to be a bit of a Journey because my time in the fanbase in the og days was pretty isolating and i was going through some Shit for the latter half sooo it might come as a surprise how things turned around for me!
BUT when i came back last year, i started looking into everything from the very beginning because when i left, i completely left. like, didn’t check up on anything or anyone, was super embittered and unhappy and basically believed all the stuff i thought about harry and louis’ relationship was an illusion. so, i wanted to see if everything really was just something i believed because other people said they did, or there was actually something there.
like i won’t lie, i was already drifting in and out of the fanbase in early 2015 and then babygate took me super off-guard—somehow—and was kinda my last straw? so coming back i was thinking, “okay was i actually delusional for four years, or did i let something that was most definitely a stunt coupled with some feelings of resentment undo everything i believed?” because over the four or so years even as i’d randomly listen to some solo music and the old jams i’d get back to thinking about larry and well, after my re-education and some reading into the post-hiatus stunts? it was definitely the latter.
i guess coming back i was kinda on the fence about them still being together without ever having a hard break though, but only because i was still trying to make sense of the big stunt timelines—at least just for a little while—but it didn’t take long for me to make up my mind like “oh nah these bitches have been in love for a whole ass decade”. really, looking into everything from their music released post-1d hiatus to when they’d both seemingly disappear and then reappear around the same time (like i see you, jamaican holidays, and maybe italy too), anon receipts taken with both a grain of salt and a lot of wishful thinking, collectively told me they were together?
if i had to pick some key moments though, i’d definitely go for:
— harry’s “i fell in love to this song” before performing wmyb on tour and straight up not singing louis’ parts in some 1d songs
— louis back pedaling on his stories about listening to abba with his ‘best friend’ and jamming along to 1d on a drive with the same ‘best friend’....like you cannot expect me to believe when he hastily added in the OH AND ME GIRLFRIEND ELEANOR WAS THERE TOO with the latter that that wasn’t damage control, or that ollie was the one who was the supposed best friend in these contexts
— b-stage my beloved....i think about harry looking up in the stands with that special smile and blowing kisses and i know we don’t see him all the time or wholly know him like a friend but i have never seen him give anyone that kind of look before except for louis :’)
— “‘i went to amsterdam without you’ is about going to amsterdam with me girlfriend.....” bro why are you missing her if she’s right there....is it because you ditched her on her birthday to chill with some fellow homosexuals on the gay strip?? and/or because your real beloved actually wasn’t with you??
— ‘come so far since princess park’ aka is there a nonspecific heterosexual explanation for this because i will never believe his intention with that line was to showcase how much has happened to him personally since then, when he and harry were gushing over living together there years after the fact
— harry and kasey musgraves performing shania twain’s iconic love song and kasey changing the lyrics to ‘they’re still together’ to fit a third person narrative instead of just satisfying the role in the duet and harry’s knowing smile when she sang that line like....i guess i love to weep??
— aaaand the interview in which clifford—like audio ‘proofs’ are kinda hard for me to follow because i’m hoh but my ass definitely heard harry hissing something that sounded like ‘clifford’ so i’m counting it—totally gave harry away by barking like a maniac in the background before (presumably) louis yanked him into another room...i definitely think they’ve done video call interviews while the other one has been in the room watching the whole thing (i swear harry was in the room during louis’ hits radio interview for example)
there really are a lot of convincing moments when i really think about it buuut i’ll stop there, because it really was a combination of everything from delving into how some post-hiatus stunts were/are so obvious—louis clearly loathing danielle, eleanor following or preceding every louis post with a hashtag spon, holivia being dead obvious pr fodder while hamille was pointedly formulaic, the entire nonsense that is babygate—to very surface-level lyric analysis, rather than one or two specific events. some may speak louder or not require as much analyzing or investigating as others but all-in-all i think the collective is more reliable than one or two particular moments!
but yeah. there’s just so MUCH that while it’s not as obvious as the old days where we got to see them showcase their love even when they couldn’t sit next to each other in an interview or change lyrics to make their love songs more personal in front of thousands of fans—ie just being in the same vicinity and getting to watch them interact, really—the hinting is nowhere close to non-existent. it’s there, just less obvious and maybe better planned.
tldr; i came back, did some digging, and i’m still:

every god damn day of my life
#when i came back i was gonna do a three part analysis as to why i was back in their lane too but it seemed kinda redundant?#anon#answered#HL#1d#text#alex talks#pics#fave#long post
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hi hi hi hihihihi yes big yes - send me a bnha character or ship and i’ll give u my thots (x)!
best boyes best boyes best boyes i love them so much (not to like,,,,,#spon myself but they’re definitely one of my fave dynamics to write in (un)lost - x)
anyway!!!!! denki undoubtedly is like. shinsou’s hype man like he noticed from the Start that shinsou’s quirk was powerful and u bet ur ass that, aside from aizawa, denki’s the one cheering shinsou on the most (think like. mirio @ amajiki but shinsou’s not quite as down on himself as amajiki is) and like he massively respects shinsou’s determination to get into the hero course
denki also like 5000% trusts shinsou like right off the bat he’s just a good and trusting boye who definitely wants to impress shinsou okay look he’s just really fucking gay and he really likes shinsou and i actually forgot to finish this thought but he’s constantly willing to let shinsou practice his control on him and like test the limits of what he can do and stuff. shinsou doesn’t particularly like it until they agree to lay out rules about what shinsou can and can’t make denki do while he’s brainwashed
not to riff off my kaminari/jirou post (bc honestly that was a riff off my shinkami hcs) but the first time shinsou really takes denki seriously is when they get in a discussion about literature (it isn’t feminist lit this time tho this is like. shakespeare. plays. classics. also anything denki finds comedic or fun, although he’s willing to read the darker stuff shinsou likes so he can speak eloquently about it and be Impressive™)
i still maintain that denki is and will always be a memelord but shinsou actually puts up with it and, on occasion, intentionally humors him. he doesn’t really care much about the stuff but he’ll laugh when denki makes a reference he recognizes
denki could watch shinsou play with cats for hours. and he has. he took shinsou to a cat cafe for a ‘no it’s definitely not a date haha we’re just hanging out’ and like. shinsou just played with the cats - who all loved him - for hours. and denki was just like. so enthralled watching him
denki 👏 is👏 actually👏 fucking👏 smart. you can pry this hc from my cold dead hands. he just doesn’t care much about school itself (the hero stuff, yeah, but the learning ehhhhh he can take it or leave it, it doesn’t engage him enough most of the time). but he understands electrical physics very well. to the point that shinsou actually asks him for help with it, and denki feels like a fucking genius bc he’s actually good at something and someone cares that he’s good
(shinsou didn’t actually need help, but he’s glad he asked cause he actually feels way more prepared for his test than he did before)
shinsou. shinsou babie boye. he is definitely the clueless gay in the relationship. denki 1000% flirted with him for ages (but played it off whenever shinsou didn’t seem interested) and shinsou was just so fucking oblivious. and a little too focused on like. working to get into the hero course and not fall behind the other hero students
shinsou is. like a cat. in that he will drape himself over denki’s body whenever he’s doing something that requires him to focus, like reading or studying or w.e. denki pets his hair and shinsou loves it (that boy is basically a cat okay)
denki plays a lot of videogames specifically the ones that people talk about all the time bc his whole life’s goal is to be accepted and liked by other people but he’s actually. really really bad at it. in part bc when he gets excited or frustrated, the controller gets buggy from his electricity. shinsou thought it was hilarious until denki started shocking him every time they kissed
(denki short circuited the first time they kissed though and shinsou still reminds him about it to this day)
shinsou’s always been told his quirk made him a villain, so when he sees people saying denki’s quirk is useless or that it’s uncontrollable, he can get a little passive aggressive. those people tend to forget exactly how they ended up spilling their drinks on their shirts
they’re actually kinda lowkey about their relationship so everyone is bouncing around in a bit of an ‘are they/aren’t they’ game (mina has a betting pool going) bc like from the outside they mostly just look like they’ve been hanging out a lot. hagakure is the only one who actually knows the truth cause she saw them making out when they thought nobody else was around, but she’s refused to take place in the pool cause everyone would know that she knew
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Thoughts on Phil's new video?
didn’t love it, if i’m being honest? i was happy to see him, he was cute, but i saw a lot of really cool/funny/creative edits that i’m disappointed he didn’t use, some of which looked like people genuinely worked really hard on.
obviously, i know he couldn’t have used anywhere close to every edit that was made, and there were probably plenty that he didn’t even like, but yeah. the fact that the video was just over 10 minutes with a spon at the beginning and then that full edit at the end to take up a minute and a half (not to say that edit didn’t deserve it, that was one of my favorites that i saw and i reblogged it saying i hope he uses it, so props to that person), i just feel like he could’ve done a little more?
also it seems like he only looked at twitter which like, is fine, but he did give tumblr as an option, so it probably was disappointing for anyone who doesn’t use twitter and just posted their edits on here. but anyway congrats to the people whose edits did make it in! i was just a little underwhelmed by the video as a whole though.
honesty hour?
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hey, hi, hello. i love your face. grats on 500 boo. hella proud of u. welp, pitter patter. hit me with ☘️ & 🕷️ for Bucky/Kate
🍀 for a song rec //
bucky x kate
after the events of ‘tales of suspense’, bucky had basically written off clint. they might’ve worked ‘okay’ together, but he was nowhere near as proficient as any avenger should be. it really boggled his mind as to why the pizza hound was on that team anyways. it was something he’d inevitably have to ask steve about. and he did.
“so, why- why is clint on the team? i have no room to talk, but … why?” it was something of a random topic to be broached while they were enjoying a lunch at their preferred greasy spon diner. steve with his hamburger. buck with his pancakes.
“it’s lunchtime, buck. pancakes?” steve never did the greatest job at swerving, so naturally, buck pushed his luck.
“every meal is perfect for pancakes. we’re not having this argument again. nat even tries to argue it, and she’s way better at arguing than you are. answer my question,” he said, pointing at steve with his fork to get his point across. all before taking a huge bite of the fluffy breakfast.
“clint’s a good guy. great aim- you can’t say ‘no’ when a former assassin wants redemption. you of all people know that.”
okay, steve had a point, but buck was still very unsatisfied with the answer. so, silence lingered between them a moment before steve couldn’t keep himself from continuing on.
“besides, clint sets a good example. look at his apartment complex in bed-stuy-”
“-it’s a shithole, steve.” that got buck a warning glance from the patriot before he continued.
“he’s a mentor too. young avenger.” that stopped buck in his tracks, a spoonful of syrupy pancake hanging halfway up to his mouth.
“what? you’re shitting me. there’s two of him?”
“yeah, her name’s kate bishop.”
“there’s two hawkeyes? and one’s a girl?”
“that vein is popping out of your forehead again.”
“… jesus christ.”
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That video was one of my favourites in a while so here are some timestamps under the cut
They’re quite Phil heavy... for some reason.
00:20 Dan advises we shouldn’t get up to anything we wouldn’t tweet. Phil disagrees and saying you ‘get up to a lot when you aren’t tweeting’ um... what things, Phil?
00:29 they’ve tucked their webcam on the tv away - They’re so into privacy. Not that they’re shouldn’t be, of course, it’s just an observation.
00:43 Phil sometimes runs through the lounge naked when he forgets a towel. I mean the bathroom is on another floor entirely Phil but... good to know.
01:00 Dan says “people aren’t going to delete their hard drives so what are they going to do with these recordings...” I mean, I know he’s talking about the recordings from Siri etc but I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of recordings Dan has on his hard drive he doesn’t want someone getting a hold of
01:22 Crazy eyes Phil is in full effect in this video. They’re both a mess. I love them.
01:31 not too crazy to forget getting that spon in though, are you Phil?
01:45 Phil’s northern ‘where my bloody phone’ is just lovely
01:49 Phil’s voice is a lil bit off-camera and I like it
02:03 Dan used to have dry skin, now it’s oily. I think it might be just age mate, mine used to be oily now it’s dry... these things happen.
02:07 you ‘forgot’ did you Dan? Or maybe you’re not as up on your memes as your purport to be and had to look that one up
02:23 the ice cap was better. Thank you for an opinion, Phil.
02:38 Dan doesn’t want one of the Try New Things t-shirts. I am disappoint.
02:42 garbled amazingphilshop.com spon
02:46 I love it when they instantly know which song the other is going to sing and join in. Synchronised
02:54 Phil back with his nipple obssession
02:55 do they call it a Prince Albert in other countries? Do people outside the UK get that joke?
03:00 Phil is offended nipple isn’t included
03:10 “the dirty place” Oh, Phil. Come on.
03:16 Ladydoor, really? I thought we got past this
03:27 Dan’s whiny little “you don’t deserve it” nice.
03:34 Phil dreams some weird stuff, and Dan is sceptical because he knows all of Phil’s family
03:52 Phil thinks eyebrow piercings look pretty cool
03:57 Phil is offended at the idea of people getting BOTH nipples pierced. apparently his nipple obsession only extends to one nipple at a time.
04:20 Phil calls Dan out for not being cultured.
04:29 synchronised rocking starts
04:36 synchronised rocking stops
04:49 The phone rings - Phil’s phone voice is adorable
05:53 This entire section is pure GOLD - Why is Phil so flirty?
05:03 Phil’s “No I can’t, I don’t have legs” reminds me of interactions between @ineverhadmyinternetphase and @charlottekath for some reason. I am surrounded by adorkable nerds who are too cute for this world.
05:13 them unspokenly knowing they’re doing best of 3 in rock paper scissors... just that long standing tradition going strong to this day. beautiful.
05:19 Phil: Shall we do a mukbang instead of this video? (Not that I’m not enjoying this video, Phil. But Yes please eat your pizza and 10 thousand dips with us!)
05:32 How Phil managed to keep that white tshirt clean while eating pizza is beyond me.
05:58 Phil: Men can be milked Dan: *oh-my-god-why-is-he-like-this expression*
06:14 Phil almost does that shoulder punchy thing he does to Dan
06:21 Phil back with the nipple talk - this time it’s about whales
06:27 Dan makes bull semen joke, Phil explains it away to simple kicking
06:54 no Capita£ester jokes because they are getting tired but, like.. Phil you are a millionaire.
07:05 I’m not sure what Dan is really trying to say here but lol for the extra spinning tour spon.
07:09 Dan guesses dog AGAIN. Also, ‘Same’ suddenly those pet play fics aren’t that far fetched huh?
07:29 Dan is so done with this game
07:41 Phil is starting to get annoyed - cute lil neck grab
07:49 Phil has told the whole kid-drawing-hands story before, I’m pretty sure
08:08 Dan guessing dog pays off - Phil is not amused
08:25 even less amused that cat doesn’t work
08:40 - 08:58 Phil debates on whether to put sharks as an answer
09:12 Phil: “A tampon, see I said!” When? What did they cut out?
09:18 Why the eyebrows over shingles... what do you think shingles are, Dan?
09:28 Dan is done with this game again because it isn’t relatable to him specifically
09:31 Phil gets it wrong again and head desks for the first time
09:36 I can’t help but think the Jestina thing started as something a little closer to home and Phil is in on the joke. Idk. Does Dan have an Aunt Jess or something? Also, why Peru? idgi
09:52 Phil’s expression on the “what?” is... idk. I liked it.
10:02 finally Phil gets one right - Dan isn’t impressed
10:07 Dan, wtf is this accent?
10:14 Phil attempts to skip the question and cut it from the video. Didn’t work, did it?
10:20 Phil forgets the category they picked
10:28 Phil is surprised he is the only one in the world that hates cheese - hands in hair and on the back of his neck... I’m not ashamed to say I rewound this little bit.
10:36 Phil is concerned this will be a bad video because they aren’t winning. Oh Phil, do you think people come here for the gameplay?
10:40 Lean in further Dan, I dare you
10:45 Dan intensely wants to know who this person is. Who is the person I don’t know Phil? Have you been speaking to other people without me there Phil? Who is it who is it who is it? Oh wait... someone hates Christmas?
10:51 Dan with the accent again
10:56 please stop dabbing. it wasn’t funny when you started and it still isn’t. sometimes I wish they wouldn’t latch on to every internet meme that children find funny tbh
11:04 I know that in your household spoon is used as a term of endearment and that has therefore left you a little confused but here in not-dnp land, people aren’t generally confused as to why they’re called spoons enough to google it.
11:10 Phil is really losing the plot rn. More head-desk hide-in-tshirt combos
11:12 attempts to put his head directly in Dan’s lap
11:20 Phil writes ‘Dan sucks’ as an answer - why is this so cute?
11:26 Don’t pretend you didn’t linger on that arm touch there
11:28 Dan being loud and Phil telling him to shush is my favourite. Also Dan actually looking chided and listening? Amazing.
11:42 I’m going to kill you to death
11:53 Phil’s face at getting the answer wrong looks so done. Why do I like this? Why... I have issues.
12:10 I will never forgive them for the jump cut before Phil booping Dan’s face softly with his fist. never.
12:16 They didn’t used to roughhouse this much did they? I’m almost used to it except that I’m not
12:22 Dan... why the accent? I know you’re trying to suggest the common google user is stupid and this is the voice you are using to express that but just... stop. I just realised... it’s Jessica. He thinks the general google user is Jessica.
12:31 Phil asking the questions we’re all thinking
12:44 Phil throws down the gauntlet
12:49 Phil knows what he’s done
13:04 Phil is mad and I am... into that? apparently? - at least he’s courteous enough to be quiet about it unlike Daniel
13:13 Why would I want to make someone cry? Jealous. Um, Phil, why would you want to make someone jealous? And why is that where your mind went first?
13:23 they mock all of the vaguely sentimental answers just in case we think they might have googled them at some point. Protest too much boys?
13:37 Phil is intense while Dan sings us a song from the ii playlist
13:41 you are children.
14:00 smug Dan is smug
14:08 More angry Phil and I need a minute
14:20 Srs bsnss Phil is concentrating with everything he has
14:30 Yeah, I don’t really get that either, Dan
14:42 Phil loses. No more Google Feud.
14:49 Phil stops the end screen to propose something crazier
15:10 Dan tries to wheel Phil out of shot again as is his go to move. But... I mean, did you notice he isn’t pushing on the chair? That’s just Phil’s knee. I felt like you needed to be made aware of that fact. Just... for reasons.
15:20 Phil attempts to continue his all or nothing with a forfeit of licking something and looks around the room for something that he could lick as punishment... I could suggest something if you like, Phil.
(At this point this video might have driven me a bit crazy)
15:27 Phil head desks right on to Dan’s arm
Blah blah blah end screen.
#timestamps#dan and phil#dnp#I'm ill today and this is the first thing I've done that isn't laying still in the dark so apologies for the incoherency#also the times may be one or two seconds out
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Pizza mukbang, a live reaction:
-Holy fuck it’s a half hour long god bless.
-Dan thinks mukbangs are inherently sexual the poor wrong fool.
-Dan’s got his feet out. Awfully hypocritical for the guy who was just kinkshaming mukbangs
-oh we’re jumping right into the tour spon huh. Alright cool get it out of the way.
-okay wow a lot happened all at once. Their doorbell is the worst sound I’ve ever laid my ears on. Phil’s pants are hideous. He kicked open the door in the back and nobody noticed. This is chaos.
-Phil can’t go because the guy looks like zac efron. We get it, you like dudes.
-I imagine the pizza boy is standing outside hearing all this through the door and wondering if he should just leave.
-Phil almost took a full 2 litre straight to the dick this really is an extreme sport
-you mean to tell me those burnt ass cookies are “the best part”? I beg to fucken differ
-“philly needs his nugs” well I mean Canada is legalizing it this week come on over 😎
-Dan I will pay you real dollars to stop talking about your wide open hips.
-We’re talking about Phil’s cheesephobia already this must be the “unexpectedly deep” we were promised.
-Dan doesn’t eat on camera because he “doesn’t like upsetting vegans” Dan that’s very sweet but also bullshit.
-Dan is like having a minute about the bread I’m concerned.
-okay I know we’re having a serious moment right now about anxiety and shit but Phil just said his head is like a breezy balloon and like. Sis we know. You tried to print out a white rectangle last week.
-Dan is shedding actual tears over a bite of pizza and I feel like we’re getting a glimpse into something unhealthy.
-two hours of exercise a day. Boxing. What the fuck guys all this content and you’ve just been hiding it away for yourselves. Make the next Dan vs Phil a boxing match. Cowards.
-Phil’s gonna fight Jake Paul. Again, this is perfect content. All the opportunities to get popular again. And you’re wasting them.
-are we gonna talk about Dan’s channel now? Sweet Christ
-I feel like this mukbang was filmed while Dan was in a vulnerable state and I’m like weirded out by it.
-wow they’re really going ahead with this “Dan’s not a YouTuber anymore” thing huh.
-“firstly, y’all are so old” and Dan’s back again with sneaky browsing my blog hi babe.
-Dan just full on squeezed Phil’s thigh while telling him how messy he is did y’all see that
-Phil cries more as he gets older what a fuckin mood
-“why are you worried?” “I don’t know” Okay fuck that one hit me.
-Dan noticed a girl. Considering how things have been lately I’m shocked.
-oh he hid behind a photo booth to get away from a girl. That’s a bit more on brand.
-can you imagine that girl like texting her friends being like “hey remember Dan Howell from school? Yeah he’s still a weird freak”
-Do you ever feel like you don’t have a personality. This really is just therapy time with Dan.
-y’know I expected some kind of ass eating joke, but not like this.
-Dan why you gotta bring up live my truth you know what kind of demon hole that video opened up.
-“a soft warm hole” oh my god alright I think I’m done. Spon the tour again please.
-we got a solid eff that out of Phil. Character progression.
-okay can we all collectively agree that crunchy cookies are shit?
-“not that you’re gonna die” Phil come on now I feel like every part of this is weird.
-Phil’s brain Is too full of bread to do anything what’s wrong with him
Conclusion: this video had a really weird uncomfortable vibe to it and while I’m glad we experienced it, I’m content to not do it again.
#phan#amazingphil#danisnotonfire#danandphilgames#daniel howell#danisnotinteresting#lessamazingphil#phil lester#dan and phil#dan howell
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Writing prompts 3
178) A "Do you have a concussion?"
B "Not to my knowledge."
A "Then why are your pupils so dilated?"
179) "That sounds like stupid with a side of bad idea to me." (See also #63)
180) A "What are you doing?"
B "There was hair in my mouth."
A "Doesn't taste as nice as it smells, does it?"
B "You think my hair smells nice?"
A "I never said that."
B "You implied it."
A "Shut up."
181) Just two complete non-lovers totally innocently walking through the forest together. Totally.
182) Intrusive thoughts (You could—right now)
183) If a picture's worth a thousand words, a few white lies couldn't hurt. -Rhett and Link "Photoshop song"
184) Escapeology
185) A "I'm trying to be serious here."
B "I thought you were trying to be serious back there."
186) Band-aids over bullet wounds
187) They hung up, a sign that it was time to get to work.
187) *after A being unconscious*
B "Rise and shine sleeping beauty."
188) A "I am flawless!"
B "More like thoughtless." -Ying Yang P4G ost
189) I'm feeling f*cking peachy.
190) ad nauseam (refers to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome)
191) How are we still alive?
192) "Wait, let me get a step ladder first."
193) Hot vs. cold rage
194) A "What's this?"
B "A list of ways to beat me."
A "But there's nothing here…"
B "Exactly!"
195) A "Worthy of licking the bowl."
B "Please don't."
196) Felicitous: very well suited or expressed, apt; a felicitous remark; handled the delicate matter in a most felicitous manner OR pleasant, delightful; felicitous weather; The ride through the countryside is a felicitous journey for city people
197) "I wonder how [so and so] would react to waking up completely covered in glitter."
198) Stairs hurt like hell man -Prplzorua
199) Xe giggled behind one hand, not at all surprised because of course xe would [write a book about it].
200) A "You don't suck."
B "Thanks."
201) A "Geez, how many [pillows] do you need?"
202) Thank every freaking deity. -Prplzorua
203) "Xe.exe has ceased to function."
204) "I'm fine," xe muttered, before gulping the water down anyway and ignoring the plasticy taste. Xe wiped xir mouth with the back of xir hand.
205) Why did xe kiss xir? A slap was much more deserved and would probably have yielded the same results.
206) Staying up for the sunrise
207) Choreographed chaos
208) I hate you, and I hate this hotel, and usually I wouldn't ask this, but my room is freezing and at least you're a toaster oven.
209) The one that thinks the best of others thinks the worst of xirself.
210) A and B are sharing a bed. A kisses B without realizing B is awake, who kisses back. A gets out of bed and goes to the restroom. While B is feeling dejected A comes back into bed. "So… are you going to brush your teeth too? Because I don't enjoy morning breath."
211) Wish AU: Everyone gets one wish when they are born until they use it or die. It can only be used for good or neutral ends, no pain can be caused directly by the wish. (Who uses it to get into college? Who is immune to the effects of the wishes)
212) "I'm just waiting for it all to make sense again."
213) "If I start running, follow me."
214) C "I vote that we rename B spontaneity."
A "Maybe you should just shorten it to Spon. Y'know, Spawn of Satan?"
B :P
A :P
215) Death looked at xir and said, "We need to talk."
216) There's no need to fix something that isn't broken.
217) You know, you'd enjoy this more if you weren't on such high alert.
218) Take it in steps.
219) Holy sh*t, are you okay?
220) "You trust me, right?"
"Yeah. I just don't like it." -Ghost in the Shell
221) Disgust and fear are two very different emotions
222) A "I get the impression that you dislike me."
B "I haven't decided yet."
223) "You better have some damn good pants on if you're going w/o a shirt."
224) The game is more than its players.
225) How do you expect people to trust you if you don't put your trust in them?
226) A "Can you imagine?"
B "My brain doesn't have the capacity to handle that level of stupid."
227) A "Don't hold the knife like that." B "Like what?"
A "Like you're about to stab someone with it."
228) A "I can fit in there."
B "Seriously?"
A "You got a better idea?"
229) I love the shape of your mouth when you smile.
230) Xe was approaching the age where xe began to understand that what people say and what they do can be two completely different things.
231) Gotta fix that tie
232) It was strange how xir near-constant smile could express so many more emotions than happiness
233) Xe flinched back, expecting a slap in the face. *Hug instead*
234) Xe smiled slowly, first one corner, then the other, revealing a lopsided grin.
235) Soulmate AU where character A dies and the effects of meeting soulmate disappear for B
236) (Mute?) I've never been able to offer more than a hug and silence.
237) Xe giggled, took a moment to breathe, began giggling again, and then dissolved into a coughing fit.
238) Soulmate AU where A has never met B and B dies and A decides to find B's family bc "It's the right thing to do."
239) Don't check under my bed check inside my head.
240) ^CAKE
241) Kitora tomb: A black tortoise guards the north of the ancient tumulus, which has been standing since the seventh or eighth century. A red phoenix stands at the south, a white tiger at the west, and a blue dragon at the east.
242) Nightmare of the soul
243) The Daily Dare (a group of high school students create a website and pick one Dare from the suggestions for students to record and post.)
244) Until the sun goes dead -Mark Fischbach
245) The one with the gun
246) You just had to add another layer to the cake of despicableness.
247) Old, tattered, cleanish rag doll (it was a wonder he was even on the shelves) seen in the toy shelter and little girl wants him
248) If you could grant me a fraction of your time, I can give you peace of mind. -Eliza
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DNP Rewatch: Am I A Difficult Person?
Date video was published: 05/07/2021 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 440
So much was happening in early May, with lots of Phil videos and Dan doing tons of YWGTTN promo.
0:00 - long-quiff Phil! and Phil lurking places without posting is slightly terrifying
0:09 - those were surprisingly normal air quotes from Phil
0:22 - did he need to say “dominance” like that 👀 and made it the biggest text
0:33 - “I’m not getting the whips and chains out...or am I” ...thanks...for clarifying? 😳
0:41 - king of comedy there with the Hungry Hungry Hippos, Bee Movie, and Backstreet Boys CD 😂
0:54 - the annotation editing in this one is great.
1:02 - he did the Instagram poll in April. he’s so pleased that people said he was nice
1:20 - his camera angle for this video is a big different than usual
1:26 - he really got a lot of spons from them for a while...VPN running joke!
1:59 - yes, Parks and Rec!
2:33 - Phil is hilarious...I love every editing joke
2:43 - he really knows nothing about musical instruments 😂
3:04 - that’s definitely the social anxiety more than unfriendliness...there were some people at points that said DNP were not friendly at conventions
3:14 - “I just wanna be liked” aww Phil
3:23 - he foresees the judgement coming for this one
3:30 - you can see him deciding whether he’s actually going to say this or not
3:44 - well that is very specific
3:58 - he’s not choosing to get into the dangerous situations...it just happens
4:01 - all the casual Dan mentions at this point
4:16 - yikes. Dan commented that he was lucky to be alive after that incident with the mirror
4:35 - “I never have it. I don’t have it.” 😂
4:47 - casual editing-Phil! yep, he tweeted when that happened...ouch. and how
5:04 - apparently what makes Phil “out of control” is putting two sugars in his coffee
5:24 - I bet he’s so happy to have a hopefully much more quiet filming space in the new house
5:29 - “people want to do me...I hope so” I love Phil
5:41 - is this why Dan said he was Phil’s “mumager” in one of the Stereo shows
6:07 - part of that sounds like me, and it is definitely partially a patience problem
6:16 - “double fist” Phil...
6:28 - awww, nice Phil
6:45 - I can totally see Phil doing this 😂
7:02 - taking the cop-out answer on that one
7:12 - I really don’t think DNP have ever been like that, at least from what we’ve seen
7:23 - this might be one of the best videos for funny annotations
7:30 - no hesitation on that one! me too Phil, me too
7:55 - he really does have a long-standing hatred of printers and shared a clip of him destroying the printer there back in 2019
8:11 - I see he only gave that a single thumbs down instead of a double though
8:20 - why is kicking a goose the first thing he thought of for that for some reason
8:45 - this one actually surprised me a bit
8:58 - I really wonder who he’s had muted for years and what they did to annoy him
9:07 - a lot of these would be dodgy to admit to on camera, haha
9:18 - I fully believe that
9:30 - another one that Phil and I are quite similar on
9:46 - “a wet...a floppy lower lip” um...no
10:21 - not sure telling someone their hair looks ‘messy’ is better than ‘weird’
10:44 - he was surprised by that!
10:49 - yeah not sure he purposely takes risks...he just ends up in them
10:59 - his “flippant” examples 😂
11:09 - unnecessary emphasis on “pleasure” 😳
11:34 - Phil just saying lots of things in this video with too many eyebrow raises
11:57 - yeah it’s easy to tell what questions led to what
12:09 - “just bow down to me a little bit” laughing so much
12:15 - being quite open about what’s important to him
12:45 - aww, Phil. he really did seem to be on a mission to be more open with his content in early 2021 though
12:53 - his math...it is wrong. he didn’t catch that and I’m guessing Dan didn’t either, if he did a watch/review before Phil uploaded
13:14 - he had just released that new merch hoodie. he must have filmed this before that though, since he didn’t talk about it and just added it in editing
This is a video that I wasn’t that excited about when I saw the title/concept the first time, but I ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. And still true! It’s more personal/honest Phil again, and I love that. Although he did skip showing some of the questions. Also, still laughing at Phil’s Insta story promo for this one.
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aight i was tagged by @secretlydaydreaminglifeaway to answer sm’ shit so here we goo
Nicknames: lexi, ‘wilf’, ‘lex’, ‘bane of my existence’
Gender: female
Star Sign: aquarius
Height: 5′3 my hair makes me taller
Time: 6:20 AM
Personality Type: ENFP (The Campaigner)
Favorite Band: imagine dragons
Hogwarts house: hooflepoof
Song stuck in your head: ‘manufactured’
Last Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas
Last TV show: Stranger Things(yiss)
Why did you create your blog: ??? i actually have no recollection of it i think i just woke up one day and the gods had cursed me with a tumblr
What you post/ reblog: shitposts, funny stuff, gay shit
Last thing you googled: “shane dawson spons cake with mom”
Favorite season: fall!
Why URL: because stormie has been my web name for god knows how long and i needed something with it and i am clearly a pirate captain so there
I follow: 212 blogs , 211 human beings
Followers: 61 and that’s 50% porn bots
Average hours of sleep: i go to sleep at 9pm and wake up at 5:30am without fail every day(no alarm im just satan) so around 8ish
Favorite class: drama/math(yeah im a fukkin nerd get over it)
Instrument: i have no musical talent whatsoever
What are you wearing: lounge shorts and a star labs t-shirt
Dream job: ???
Dream trip: capital of alaska
Favorite place: morro bay
Favorite song rn: Be Calm by fun.
Fatal flaw: the fact that i rarely ever use grammar in casual conversation and someone will beat me up for it one day
Last book I read: “We Were The Lucky Ones” by Georgia Hunter
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Manic #1
[This is my favorite piece I’ve ever written about my paras. However it is not part of the typical timeline my daydreams follow.]
1.Surely a tattoo artist would see the meaning in tattoos, right? Permanent ink on your body is nothing to think lightly about. Simon Fletcher used to care a hell of a lot about his. Irrational decisions doubled with manic depressive tendencies bleed through his skin. A planet behind his ear. A date on his chest. A dream outlined, mapped out, almost followed but not quite. And at this point he doesn’t make the best tattoo artist because his hands shake and shake and shake and there’s nothing he can do about it. He wants desperately to go back to his youth. He wants to feel love again. Back to his honeymoon when he and his love ran around the country and kissed under willow trees because back then cliches were alluring and perfect. But the cliche of sickness ruined the once young couple with everything going for them. Simon twists the silver ring on his finger, silver because gold gives him headaches. Jay used to laugh like the fucking sun and tell him that he was being irrational about price and that’s why gold stresses him out. He knows why now. Gold is meant for princesses and kings and beauty, not delirious 40 year old men who don’t take their medicine and tattoo little dots all over their body like tallies trying to forget.
He used to call Jay his king, jokingly at first. He even bought his king a crown on his birthday, iridescent and gold. Maybe that was his fatal flaw. Maybe it’s because he was raised on Catholicism. Maybe it’s because he broke the first damn commandment. Do not worship false gods. It was hard not to see his husband the way you see a god. God’s light up your life, they make suffering disappear. Maybe he should beg for forgiveness they way he would to God. Beg for love. Apologize for destroying what they had with his disaster of a mind. Jay. Jaymi. God. If Jay is a god, what is Ollie? Jesus maybe. Like a god but more human, more flaws. He still has his Oliver. Bound only by the bronze couple necklaces Oliver insisted they buy and years of pretending like it’s not weird for Ollie to love both him and Jay while neither can quite love him back. He sticks around anyway, the masochist in him bleeding through. If Jay was his king, Oliver was, is, his partner in crime, his best friend, and fellow subject. What kind of artist would he be if he didn’t find some sort of poetic irony in all of this insanity. And now he’s lying on his bed, the bed of their child, staring up at the ceiling wondering why never punished noted child for painting on the ceiling. Rebelling against authority he supposes.
Viva la revolution is the last thing he thinks before his king calls out to him.
“Get up. You haven’t taken your meds today have you”
With that, Simon is pulled up by the collar of his shirt, face to face with the monarchy. Pills are being shoved down his throat now with fingers slicked with spit, then water to wash it down. He’s being thrust down back on the bed, a kiss pressed to his jaw. Simon laughs. Cynical laughing, as he contemplates if he should remind his dear husband that normally a kiss like that would start something a lot more heated between them. Hands slipping under shirts and rough touches, coupled with soft words and care. Normal went out the window a long time ago. It’s a shame, really.
Speaking of, Simon notices that Ollie has entered the room.
“Looks like you two are getting along fine. I’m glad, it’s been getting very stressful for me. Always having to compensate for that whole my husband doesn’t love me any more thing” Oliver laughs dryly. Silence. “Are my jokes really getting that old? You know you used to like my humor? Am I not funny anymore?” Jay turns on his heels, gently kisses Oliver on the cheek and walks out of the room. ‘You used to be gentle like that with me’ thinks Simon.
“Don’t mind Mr. look at me I’m almost 40 and still act punk, yeah? He’ll come around”
“He took off his ring. Did you notice?”
“I did”
The question hangs unanswered in the air.
“Let’s go the creek. You need to get some fresh air. I talked to your doctor, you know the one that gave you those ridiculously expensive meds you refuse to take, he said the outside is therapeutic”
“You hate nature. There are too many bugs and the humidity messes up your hair”
“I’m willing to risk it”
His hand is suddenly full of Ollie’s and he’s being dragged out of his little hidden paradise. Time is ticking for the once vast kingdom, starting with the lose of it’s citizens. He’s terrified that if he leaves the room will disintegrate, disappear like their happiness, like their love. He wonders again how the hell Oliver is still so normal. For all intensive purposes, he should be just as affected as Simon. He wonders even more how manic depression and paranoia spons from the lose of a child. His therapist says he’ll get over it. Says that he’ll forget. A part of him wants to, to forget about the pain that tears through him every night when he sleeps in his baby’s room, or anytime he sees his husband. He knows, he really really does that it’s horribly unfair to equate the father of his child with the death of his child but they look nearly identical so when he sees his husbands face, he cries. Still, the other part of him screams that forgetting the pain is like forgetting the existence of the human embodiment of sunshine that was their son.
He’s laughing now. Cackling loudly like he used to when he was young and naive. Like the time they were 19 and went to the lake for the first time. Like the time they decided they wanted to go swimming and Jay slipped over a rock falling into the water fully clothed. He loved that cabin house next to the lake. They both did. It was the house they fell in love in, before they met Oliver and gave a portion of their heart to that odd, senseless boy who desperately wanted to love with them. They spent all three months of the summer there. Falling for each other and eventually sharing their first kiss bye the firelight. The day Larkin was born they bought that house. Deciding that they wanted to raise him surrounded by light and water and trees, unlike the city highrises they grew up in. They moved out when Larkin was 5, Oliver convincing them that he needed to go to an award winning school district in the city, only the best for their little boy.
They’re at the creek now. Ollie sitting on the edge, dipping his feet into the water urging Simon to join him. Oliver sets his arm Simon’s shoulder and kisses his cheek. From behind them, he hears a voice calling to them sounding suspiciously like a certain king. Cliche as it is, for the first time in months Simon thinks that maybe the Kingdom could rise again with time.
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