#if the incredibles has taught us never to wear capes
acearohippo · 1 year
More silly little ideas for Tang Xuan.
Tang Xuan likes to hang around (quite literally) you'll often find him in some high up place you didn't even think anyone could fit in let alone even climb up there. He also just hangs off of places, railings, the ceilings, whatever he can hang off of he will.
Tang Xuan is filled with energy because of this he always has to be moving in some way, he cannot sit still because he'll just start fiddling with his braid or start moving around to get comfortable. But he's also super fast, can stay up longer than most, and his heart beat is naturally faster as well. He also has to eat a lot more to keep up a healthy weight.
He's also very competent and clever especially in serious situations or on his own like in Sea of Sorrows, but all of that goes out the window when hanging out and doing dumb shit with friends. He just goes full dumbass mode and loses all his brain cells.
Other things are, he's very resistant to fire (and can also blow it back on you with his wind abilities), totally hides his tail under his outfit, wears makeup, totally wears a binder with a monkey print, and most definitely has one or more ginormous plush in his room.
OP, you and me with Tang Xuan's giant hoard of stuffies?? 🤞🏼<- this is how we is. Tight. Cause he absolutely collects them!!
Stuffies like this
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And collections like this
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Most importantly, this touches on my world building hc where the world of Dislyte has an anthropomorphic pastry franchise (The Pastry Pals (pastry themed animals) aimed for 5-9 year old kids, The Pastry Gals (a magical girl, idol show) aimed for 10-14 year old girls, and The Pastry Patrol (pastry monster-of-the-week action show) for young boys, ages 6-11 (The Pastry™ franchise is the official branding, the company patented the phrasal modifer "The Pastry _____" so any other pastry themed media, toys, or locations are not affiliated)) and you best believe Tang Xuan has a whole closet designated to every merch they've produced. 👏🏽👏🏽
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livrere-green · 4 months
i’m curious—what’s ur specific experience of genderfluidity like?
Oh— There's a lot to say about this, honesty but I'll try to be concise.
I think my first crisis about gender happened when I was around 10/11, but to establish some points:
I came from an old-fashioned family. I was obligated to take etiquette classes when I was a kid (piano, oratory and calligraphy too).
I didn't have a voice over what I could wear in my daily life as a kid. I just had the school uniform. It included an skirt, a cape, a hat and sometimes a coat. And my other clothes that were all curated by my mother
I also had all the toys and things traditionally related to me, as an AFAB person. Dolls, and a room with pink walls.
However, when I was 10, all of it started to finally annoy me. I grew progressively detach from traditional feminine things, and I didn't understand why (honestly I never asked myself that question at that time). I just felt like an outsider, and it was worst at school (it was a catholic school for girls).
It lasted for years, but at least since I turned 13, I had more freedom over my own style and gender expression. As a consequence, I didn't experience those years normally, I didn't learn to do makeup, or to go shopping, I didn't attend normal parties, or felt interest about dating (boys). I didn't feel like a boy either, it just felt safer not to define myself into any of those categories. I was just... some thing.
I stayed in that lane for a long time. My gender expression was pretty much androgynous, I cut my hair short constantly (since I was 16) and I started telling everyone that fabric is fabric while buying clothes or opted to go shopping with my father because he gave zero fucks about the section I was picking clothes from.
I wasn't aware that there was a name for feeling more like one thing one day, and more like the other after some time. That changed during the pandemic, and in 2021 I was back in a more feminine vibe, and it hit me hard because I felt lost, I mean, I wanted some things as skirts and make up, and— You know, I just never learned those things, and it was incredibly confusing, but I managed to catch up (it was weird af at first).
From that moment to now, a lot of things had change. I mean, I started to understand myself a bit more, to create my own style, to experiment with gender expression a lot, and there's so many silly things I discover that just make my brain go "is this gender?"
It has been a long long journey and still, I know it's going to keep begin like that for me, constantly changing, oscillating even.
Fun facts:
It doesn't matter if I'm going with a more masculine/feminine/androgynous vibe, I always walk like they taught me when I was seven, and it never goes away, i hate it a bit now.
The first time I feel like my gender was truly gendering was when I tied my uniform tie by myself (younger girls had ties with elastic, only the older ones were allowed to have real ties), and that day I was wearing the cape and a pair of patent leather shoes. It just felt okay.
Sometimes I have huge crises about what to do with my hair, it was short for a lot of time and just last year I let it grow... It's still complicated (before I also used wigs when I felt like my hair was too short for the way I was feeling).
I guess that's all I can say for now, I know is messy, but that's exactly how confusing it is sometimes.
Thank you for the ask 💚
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theeternalfeverdream · 10 months
Character Spotlight: Kizamu Mitasa
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It’s the cartomancer of love and dreams, Kizamu Mitasa!
She's part of a “friend web” of magical humans and respected youkai in Izotakara. Her father, an entrepreneur, left for his homeland for a business opportunity when she was two years old. This, combined with her issues with authority, has led Kizamu to build up an aloof and unfriendly front, and she never had many friends in school. She always thought her peers were boring and slow, so she was never too bothered by this. It wasn’t until she entered junior high that she decided to change things and open herself up to those her age.
Kizamu is outwardly reserved and unfriendly, but around her friends she’s a sweet, dreamy, trusting individual. Among her friends, she is known to “fall in love” easily, usually with girls over boys because “boys are mean and girls are a lot cuter”. She gets along better with youkai than she does with humans, which has led her to question whether or not she’s on the way to becoming one herself. Kizamu can be somewhat loud and rough with her friends, but she cares deeply for them, and will relax when she thinks she’s really hurting someone’s feelings. She is easily bored by small and unnecessary details, and spends much of the school day staring out the window and daydreaming. Kizamu has a boisterous streak, claiming she’s “the greatest cartomancer Izotakara has ever seen”. She likes racing games, food, and has some interest in metaphysics, since she’s one of the only people her age to know of the Multiple Realms Theory.
Her main ability is cartomancy, which she taught herself. Kizamu’s accuracy is incredible, to where she can throw a card and hit an apple head-on from up to 800 feet (244 meters) away. Magic in this world is best channeled through inanimate objects, and particularly skilled magicians can channel it through their skin or even through the atmosphere. Kizamu uses her playing cards as conductors of her magic, as well as normal projectiles in fights.
Those native to Izotakara are more sensitive to light and magic. People who live in the city their entire life are somewhat photosensitive, but can see very well in complete darkness. Some naturally gain the ability to use magic, and can utilize the city’s strange energies to fly through the air with ease. Kizamu is capable of all of this, but she likes flying with a cape purely for the fun of it.
After her fiance left, her mother cherished Kizamu even more, since she’s a part of him. Her mother is very lenient when it comes to parenting, as Kizamu is quite trustworthy on her own, and values her daughter’s happiness and health over anything else.
Before and even after her father left for the United States, Kizamu and his fiance were two of the most important people in his life. Because of the circumstances, they rarely speak and haven't seen each other in 12 years. Kizamu doesn't resent him, though, since her mother always spoke so highly of him. Kizamu wears a vest because of her father– that’s part of his style, and she wears one so as to not forget that about him.
Her best friend is Monica Sweeney. When Monica first moved to Izotakara and started attending junior high with Kizamu, she offered to show her around, and the two hit it off immediately. If they're not completely alone, they're usually hanging out together. Kizamu in particular has a little crush on her, calling her “Mona” for short. Since Kizamu was Monica’s first friend in Japan, Monica likes her a lot and puts a lot of trust in her.
A secondary parental figure to her is the nekomata Nyani Koun'na. Nyani and Kizamu’s mother are friends, so Nyani would know her daughter. Kizamu thinks Nyani is really cool, and that her stories about working in the SSDF (Solar System Defense Force) are fascinating. Nyani sees Kizamu as a spiritual daughter, and believes in her potential as a magician. Kizamu also knows of some of Nyani’s friends, including the komainu Aya Komaru and the immortal Fujiwara no Nagako.
Another of Kizamu’s youkai friends is the tiger Natsuki Toratoki. During an incident where an alien visited Izotakara and caused trouble, Natsuki was drawn up to the surface, and met Kizamu. Kizamu instantly was fond of her, and was saddened by Natsuki returning to her home in Muenzuka. Natsuki, wanting to see what the big city life was all about anyways, later returned to the surface in disguise as one of Kizamu’s classmates. Kizamu also has a crush on Natsuki, in a cool-and-untouchable way.
Kat and Ana Igakawa are two of her human friends. Kizamu met Kat at a Christmas party of Monica’s once, then met Ana at school. She initially thought the two of them were overly-disciplined and hard to talk to, but soon warmed up to the both of them. Kizamu and Ana have friendly sparring matches from time to time, and occasionally hang out outside of school and fights. Kizamu got introduced to the human witch Ashley Lucardia through her.
Like Niitsu, Kizamu doesn't have many enemies, but the closest thing she has to one is the guardian spirit The Witch of Midnight. Once, Kizamu tried contacting a spirit out of boredom, and The Witch answered her call also out of boredom. Since then, she's started visiting Earth more, but the moral disconnect between her and the humans and youkai of Earth make her more of an adversary than an ally. Still, she likes toying with Kizamu quite a bit, and envies her ability to make friends so easily.
Music Claims
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woodland-whispers · 1 year
"Love" is such a small word for what we share. You came into my life when I was at a low point: at a time when I thought that the pain brought on by someone else would never end. During the moments I tried to turn away for fear of the unknown, you dug your heels into the ground and looked deep into my soul and stayed.
You have become a beacon to me. Whenever I feel as though I've drifted too far into the discouragement that clouds my life, I can look up to find you guiding me to safety. I stay here, not because this place is home, but because YOU are home.
Most people will spend their entire lives searching for a perfection that almost never exists. Most people will spend their days looking at each person they encounter with questions as to whether or not they have found a reason, a season, or a lifetime. With you I have found an eternity. This is where I was meant to be. You are what my entire life has led up to. You are my very best friend, my lover, my protector, and my one and only soul mate.
I give my life to you, mind, body, and soul. I want you to hold me for the rest of my life as you do now, each and every night. I love you.
From, Zexion. (written by @murderposting)
Zexion, my best friend, my lovely…
You make me feel so so many things, feelings I didn’t know were possible. I could pepper you with kisses for an eternity. You make me believe in love, a love so profound I fall so so deeply in love with you every single day. From the days we slow dance music meeting our ears as we clumsily move to the beat, to our days off where we rest and do absolutely nothing but kiss and cuddle, to the nights we lie awake talking until the birds greet us with their morning symphonies.
You are my motivation, my strength to keep moving on, to learn and grow. You inspire me to try new things and to look outside myself. My voice of reason when the shadows come in and my intrusive thoughts take hold - because god without you I would be so so lost. My love, you save me from myself, from the brink time and time again. You are my hero, they say not all heroes wear capes - and they’re right because the truth lies in you.
When you are at your most vulnerable I vow to always be your shield in the dark and protect you from your fears and doubts, casting a protective light as you do over mine. I want to hold you so so tight, safe in my embrace and never let you go. I want to tell you more and more each day how much I adore you, Zexion.
Because my dear, you move me beyond words, I cannot deny the moments we share take my breath away. You love so selflessly, so unconditionally giving everything you have. You taught me honour and to have faith in us - a stability and safety like no other.
Makes me imagine us growing old together and what that would be like - we could sit on a porch in our rocking chairs holding hands watching the sunsets. You are my soulmate, my twin flame. My love, this feels timeless and everlasting.
I am forever thankful you are here every day, because this love gets better and better by your side.
I love you Zexion, Forevermore…
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(To OP @murderposting, Oh my gosh I am speechless and bless your heart… this so so incredibly beautiful OP 🥺 I am going to be rereading this over and over again, this cheered me up so so much too! I hope you have a wonderful day/evening and THANK YOU! 🥰💜💜💜💜💜💜💜)
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Babysitter (pt 10)
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Pt 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Summary: You and Tony have a discussion as Hela and Loki sneak around. 
Characters: Hela x fem!reader, Loki, Tony, Steve, Rhodey
Word Count: 1,813
Warnings: nothing? feels!
The New Avengers Facility was by far the most luxurious hideout you'd ever encountered. It was also incredibly large and perfect for aimless exploring. 
The Avengers, though concerned for you once you arrived, quickly lost focus of you as they began flitting about their machines and computers to see what the hell was happening around the world. 
You were given your own room, fully furnished with a well-stocked mini fridge. There was a camera situated outside by the door, so they’d know if you went in or out.
Normally you would’ve protested the house arrest, but you couldn’t be bothered suddenly. You were numb. 
The Facility was massive. It varied from small cozy lounge areas to large open spaces for training, meetings, and all sorts of experimental engineering. 
You were curled up in one of the tinier corners on a brown leather sofa. The rest of the place just seemed so pristine and neat and horrifically modern, no offense to Tony’s design tastes. There was a digital fireplace and heater, yet the 3D projection of the actual fire made it seem real. Only thing missing was the smell of burning wood. 
“Thought you’d have run off by now,” grunted a voice behind you. Tony had come into the lounge. You kept looking at the fire.
“I have no where else to go, Tony,” you said bluntly. Over the past few days you’d been reading up more and more from the news, contacting people you hadn’t talked to in ages. There were a few distant friends and relatives who’d been taken by the Blip, and your heart ached at the ones you hadn’t been able to see one last time. 
“Besides,” you sighed, breaking your gaze from the fire as Tony came to sit across from you, “none of you would have let me leave even if I really tried.”
He leaned back, stretching his body nonchalantly, and you noticed how weary  and thin he actually looked. Dark circles under his eyes, and his fingers seemed to be twitching or twiddling consistently.
“What happened to you?” you muttered. “Why do you look like shit?”
“Oh, you know,” he said, waving his hand, “spent some merry time in space, that’s all. Wasn't planning on being stranded there, but here we are.”
You didn’t ask anything else. Instead you got up, walked to the near sink and pulled out a kettle from the cupboards to make yourself some tea. 
“Okay, let me ask you a question,” Tony said in the silence, twisting in his seat to watch you, resting his head on the back of the sofa. “How on earth did you end up falling head over heels for a psycho?”
You snorted, grabbing a teabag and a mug, “you could ask Pepper the same thing.”
Tony clutched his chest in mock offence, “Ouch. Cold-hearted.”
Grinning, you steeped your tea, and turned around to look at Tony, “it’s not that simple, Stark.”
“No, I think it is,” he said.
“Well fine,” you sighed, slightly exasperated, “she was in my house with me alone, for days. At some point we ended up talking and actually getting to know each other. She opened up to me, and I to her and.. that was it.”
“And how do you know she wasn’t lying to get a way out?”
“She wasn’t. She’d never.”
“But how do you know? Wasn’t it you who always thought you had to give things time? She’s lived for thousands of years, Y/N. You’re a fruit-fly compared to her.”
“Why has this turned into an interrogation?” you snapped. He held up his hands, 
“I’m not interrogating. Just trying to understand.”
“Why did Jane fall in love with Thor, huh? At the time he was a ridiculous, self-absorbed and mindless God who didn’t know how the hell this world worked. Why did Pepper fall in love with you? A narcissistic millionaire playboy who loves to play games and doesn’t take anything seriously?”
You paced the floor as your tea cooled down, fuming,
“Why the hell does anyone fall in love with anyone, huh? Who gets a fucking say in how they feel? And why do you guys have so little faith in me to trust what I feel? I’ve kept secrets for you, I’ve hidden you in my home, I’ve been a part of so much secrecy, and suddenly when I get a little heart-eyed at someone, you act as if I’ve been brainwashed.”
Tony didn’t say anything for a moment. When you met his eyes, they were a little wider than before, looking at you questioningly. 
“In love, huh?”
You blinked.
“I didn’t say that.”
“Uh-huh, you did.”
“N-no, I didn’t, I said I-”
Your face became red, fumbling over your words.
Tony got up from his seat and clapped his hands as he sauntered over to the exit.
“Let’s go sparring, hm? Haven’t done that in a while,” he offered. You tried to cool your cheeks, forgetting about your tea steeping behind you.
“That’s cause I always lose,” you retorted. “You guys work out like your life depends on it. Which... it does.. I guess.”
“Yeah, but look at the state of me,” Tony spread out his arms and did a spin. “I’m feeling like trash. You’ll take me down no problem.”
You doubted that, but followed him anyways. 
“Ah, fuck!” Hela swore as another branch tugged at her helmet.
“Will you shut up?” Loki hissed, crouching down and peeking through the trees. “God, you’re even more infuriating than Thor!”
Hela was breathing heavily, aching, grumpy. 
“You really are a pain when you’re not around Y/N, aren’t you? You’re not going to massacre all the Avengers just because you’re peeved, right?”
“Be silent, filth,” she spat. Her brother only rolled his eyes. “What do you see?”
“I thought you wanted me to be silent.”
Hela whacked the back of his head and he grimaced, 
“Alright, alright. Look yourself, it’ll be hard to get in undetected.”
Hela peered over his shoulder. He was right; there wasn’t a lot of hiding spaces or shadows. Well-lit with open spaces, the modern-style building looked quite distasteful to Hela. She pulled a face, both in annoyance and disgust,
Loki chuckled, “I’m glad you hate it too.”
“Shut up,” Hela hissed, before scurrying off further into the trees to explore the perimeter. 
“Where are you- Hela!” Loki whispered hoarsely, hurrying after her. 
She was looking for weak spots, places with no cameras, a spot to sneak in. But she also had no idea where you were, and with the vastness of the buildings she worried if she’d even find you on time.
“Hela,” Loki hissed. She shushed him again, eyes searching the upper floors.
“Look,” Loki pointed downwards. A little further in the distance outside, surrounded by well lit lights, stood you and that iron-armoured man, both with wooden sticks in your hands, the length of a short blade, thick enough to wrap your whole hand around it.
“Come on, let’s go back, before they see us,” Loki hissed, grabbing Hela’s shoulder. “At least we know she’s here.”
But Hela couldn’t move. You were wearing dark grey sweatpants and a zip-up hoodie, and sturdy boots. You looked tired, but were a vision to her. The man with you wasn’t wearing his armour, and suddenly looked a lot less threatening.
Loki watched, amazed, as his sister’s armour shimmered. The horns disappeared from her head and her cape faded until she was only in black, blending into the darkness.
She dared another step closer.
“Widen your stance,” the man said, waving the stick around. “Now try to attack.”
Hela watched you practice, your grip a bit clumsy and your stance a bit wobbly, but you were determined. She recalled the day she pulled a fork on you as a weapon, and winced a bit at the memory of the fearful, defenceless look in your eyes.
“Like that?” she heard you say, bending your knees and lowering your core.
“Good, but stay light on your feet, otherwise you can’t dodge.”
Your voice was like music to her ears, and hot tears prickled at her eyes. She missed you. So much.
“Stark, what the hell are you trying to do?” two more men had appeared. One blonde, and large, wearing a tight shirt and jeans. The other, dark, dressed in similar casual clothes.
“Gentlemen! Welcome to this exclusive defence lesson.”
“You’re by far the worst defence teacher out of all of us, Stark. Y/N won’t learn shit from you.”
“You wound me, Captain.”
Hela watched you shake hands with the other.
“Oh, Y/N, this is our friend Rhodey, also known as the War Machine.”
“Pleased to meet you, despite the.. unideal circumstances,” the newcomer shook your hand respectfully and flashed a smile. Hela flared with jealousy, and subconsciously bared her teeth.
“Easy,” Loki whispered.
The four of you paired up, you against Tony, but watching Captain’s instructions as he sparred with Rhodey. 
You were not held under lock and key, and Hela worried a moment. Did you go willingly with them after all? Did you forget about her? Was it foolish to even attempt a rescue?
Your laugh rang into the night as Rhodey tackled a distracted Steve, and both dread and joy filled Hela’s heart.
“Okay, try again,” Tony encouraged you. You swung at him a few times as he blocked and dodged. 
Then, you saw her in the darkness. A flash of green eyes, and Tony took your distraction to his advantage, swiping your leg from under you and you fell to the ground with a thud.
Hela nearly shot out of the tree line to protect you if Loki hadn’t stopped her. Then she heard a groan and chuckle coming from you,
“I told you I’d lose.”
“Don’t get distracted then, kiddo.” Tony held out his hand and hoisted you up. Hela growled at the camaraderie and slunk back in the shadows. “What were you looking at?”
He began to turn to follow your eyeline, and you paled,
“N-nothing! I- I was daydreaming.” He looked back at you.
“Not a good idea to daydream while fighting, Y/N,” Steve said.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m not used to this, you know?”
“It’s about time you were taught,” Tony clapped your shoulder. 
“You want to learn anything from the War Machine himself?” Steve asked, nodding at Rhodey.
“Oh, I-I’d love to. But, maybe tomorrow?” you suggested, desperately trying to avoid looking at Hela in the distance. “I’m quite.. tired.”
The men seemed to agree and chatted as they headed back into the building. Tony swiped at Steve as they walked, who promptly tugged the sparring stick from him. 
You hurriedly looked around into the darkness, wanting to see another glimpse, hoping you didn’t imagine it. But when you couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, you worried if you really had gone insane.
Steve called after you, and your heavy feet carried you back inside to settle for the rest of the night.
A/N: Life is fucking INSANE. only a few chapters left for this!! Don’t ask me about the timeline alterations because me trying to make sense of the canon and trying to make it all fit is making my brain explode!! I hope you like it, love you all!!! Stay safeee
tag list: @midnight-lestrange​ @cheerfullyvenomous @germansarechill @gaylorrds @amii-nyc @waitingfortheendtocome @novakitten0901 @marvels-writings @jadewestwriter​ @thisisanexistentialcrisis​
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
The Broken Soul of TK Strand (1/?)
so, that bonus fic i mentioned. i cannot take credit for it - it is a translation of 'la esencia rota de tk strand' by road1985, which in turn was inspired by my fic, 'out, damned spot'
i am so grateful to the original author for not only taking the time to write something based on one of my works, but also for allowing me to discuss the plot with her and translate it into english, especially when i am still learning her language. the only thing of this that is mine is the translation, and i sincerely apologise for any mistakes on this front 💚
ao3 | 3k | hurt tk, worried carlos, rituals, kidnapping, angst and hurt/comfort
The man leaned out from the alley and watched the scene. He had spent so much time preparing, he had carefully chosen the victim from many candidates weeks ago, and now it had all gone to shit because of a cigarette and some curtains embroidered by an old woman for her grandson.
He liked the fire. It was erratic, unpredictable, and powerful, just like his Lord, just as he himself aspired to be.
He watched the flames and longed to get closer, to touch them and know first hand the home of his master. But he still wasn’t prepared; he was missing one more sacrifice, the last one. He just needed one more soul, and then the doorway to hell would be open for him.
But it wasn’t just any soul he needed; he couldn’t choose the first stranger who crossed his path. That would be too easy - his Lord had told him so in dreams. To open the door to hell, he had to find pure souls which were close to the dark side, good souls that had been through horrible experiences and whose pain could be extracted together with their body’s vital liquid.
With each one of the souls he had already extracted, he had improved the ritual a little more. It was becoming cleaner, more discrete, and it seemed that the police still hadn’t found the other three bodies. With luck, he would finish the ritual before that happened.
But because everything couldn’t be perfect, the fire had ruined his plans.
He had spent days researching the people living in that building. All of them had problems, but David Archings was his target. An orphan and divorced, it was said that his parents died because of him, and this had destroyed his marriage even though the police found no proof. Now he lived alone in a small flat where no-one ever visited him.
He was a sad man, consumed by grief, and few would miss him.
But the fire had taken him before he could do anything, and this delayed his plans.
Or not.
Whilst he watched the flames consuming the building, the firefighters arrived. They worked quickly and in a matter of minutes, the fire was under control and almost extinguished.
He hated these people who always destroyed the work of his Lord. Who were they to put out the flames of the kingdom of darkness?
On more than one occasion, he had thought out teaching the firefighters a lesson, showing that that they weren’t and never would be stronger than the power of his master.
But there were always so many of them, always with police involved. For someone who enjoyed going unseen and carrying out assignments quickly, it would be too complicated and too much work to hurt them.
Despite everything, that night, the cards played a very different hand, one which could solve all his problems.
In that first moment, he didn’t know why he noticed the young paramedic, but there had been something about that that caught his attention. He had a special aura, which changed from dark to light and dark again, depending on the moment.
It was easy to focus on him. If men interested him, he would say that he was truly attractive. If he were searching for a pretty face, there was no doubt that the boy had it. He didn’t know him at all, but he could tell that he had a sad smile which hid fear and regrets - exactly the kind of darkness that he wanted and needed.
“TK,” an older man said, one of the firefighters who, judging by the resemblance, was clearly his father. “We couldn’t have done anything even if we had arrived earlier.”
“I know, but I can’t get the idea out of my head that it was my fault we got here late.”
“It could have happened to anyone.” The older man put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “You are one of the best firefighters I know, and now one of the best paramedics. We all have the right to make mistakes sometimes.”
The man began to see some of the darkness he needed for the ritual, but he needed more.
Another man, a police officer, came closer to the young man and opened his arms. The firefighter buried himself in them and the officer kissed his head. It was obvious that they were a couple; they weren’t hiding that they were together, and there was a great love between them. The officer was worried for the paramedic - it almost seemed like it had been taken from a romantic novel.
“Ty, your father is right. You shouldn’t blame yourself for what happened. Tommy said that the man was dead before you got here.”
“I know, but I always think that it’s not fair, that things could have gone another way.”
The man smiled; the paramedic blamed himself for these two deaths but it was easy to see that he carried more guilt inside him.
“When these things happen, I remember what happened to me. If it hadn’t been for my dad always worrying about me, I wouldn’t be here right now.”
“That’s a thing of the past and, look, thanks to it, you are here. Have you thought about it that way?” The police officer kissed him and they hugged again before leaving.
It was incredible. He had only thought about taking a soul who was close enough to what he needed. But that paramedic who had been a firefighter, that TK, was exactly what he needed. He was a broken soul, an aged vase in danger of shattering into a million pieces. A firefighter, perfect for punishing those meddlers, and, further, in a relationship with a police officer.
But he was surrounded by people and in the middle of a shift; he wouldn’t be able to take him that night. His master had taught him to have patience, so he let him go, taking note of the firefighters’ station number, so he knew where he worked.
The idea that he would have the soul he was sure was the perfect subject excited him greatly. He didn’t want any mistakes or to find him with a perfect family at home, so he decided to wait and do things right.
TK didn’t sleep well that night. They returned to the station after the fire, but he needed time to get to sleep and he woke up many times. When he finally did manage to sleep, he had nightmares about the idea that they could have saved those two strangers.
It wasn’t his fault, not directly at least, but if he had been ready earlier, if he hadn’t forgotten to replace the bandages in the ambulance, they would have arrived on time. Maybe then things would have turned out differently. He couldn’t be sure of course, but the nightmares did nothing but tell him just that.
He got up. Everything was still; with a little bit of luck nothing else would happen and they could finish the shift calmly and go home. But this didn’t make him feel any better, so he made himself a tea - if he had a coffee he wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink - and left the station. There were barely any buildings around it, so there was always a beautiful view of the sky.
A little while ago, they had placed some deck chairs on the small back patio and TK sat on one, with a blanket around his shoulders as it was a cool night. He drank the tea slowly as he watched the stars; they never changed, no matter what happened below. Whether people lived or died, the stars remained unshakeable and, in a certain way, this comforted him.
He liked the idea that there were things that couldn’t be changed, things that always happened in a certain way and, as much as he or anyone tried, it couldn’t change.
He closed his eyes - maybe he would be able to sleep out here, and in the worst case, he would catch a cold and spend a couple of days in bed with Carlos. That didn’t sound bad at all. TK drank the last drop of the tea and tried to relax; he had almost managed it when a noise at his back grabbed his attention.
It sounded like a crack, like branches breaking or something similar. He got up and peered into the darkness but there was no-one there and nothing moved. The sound returned, a little closer; maybe it was a wounded animal or one that was trying to get into the station’s trash in search of food.
“Hello?” TK called, only to feel like an idiot a second later; he already knew that there was no-one there.
He headed towards the trash cans but there was nothing there, and he sighed in relief - he would not have wanted a pissed-off raccoon to throw itself at him. TK turned around, but a dark figure, wearing a large coat or cape that didn’t even show a centimetre of skin, appeared in front of him.
“Who are you?” he asked, taking a step back and throwing two of the dumpsters to the floor.
He received no response other than seeing the gleaming edge of a knife the man had taken from under his clothes as he approached him.
The station lights turned on - throwing the dumpsters had raised the alarm. The stranger turned - he wouldn’t be able to do what he wanted, but before Paul and Judd arrived, he used the knife against him. TK raised his arm in defence and shouted at the sensation of the blade cutting his skin. He stumbled backwards and fell to the floor, but no-one was there save for his friends running towards him.
“TK, are you okay? What happened?”
He looked around him, but the stranger had already managed to disappear. “Where did he go?”
“Who? Hey, that cut looks bad,” Judd said, helping him to his feet.
“There was someone here, he attacked me with a knife.”
Owen and the others arrived a moment later, and searched the station, but found no-one. Judd pushed TK to go back inside so that Tommy could treat his arm.
“It’s not a deep cut, but it has nicked a couple of veins so it looks worse than it is,” his captain said as she finished bandaging his arm. “You said that a hooded stranger did this? It’s possible that you tripped and cut it on glass or a broken bottle.”
“There was someone in front of me, he had a knife.”
“Something tells me that the fire today affected you a lot,” Owen said behind him. “Captain Vega, don’t you think it would be a good idea for him to go home and rest?”
“No! I’m fine, really. That man attacked me and then disappeared.”
But they forced him to go home.
Carlos was waiting for him; he had been asleep but he always left the sound on his phone in case anything happened to TK. Judd had called him and told him what had happened and that TK had been put in a car home.
He met him at the door, barely having time to prepare himself before TK was hugging him.
“I’m not crazy, babe, and the fire didn’t affect me so much that I’m having hallucinations of people attacking me.”
“Shhh, I know. I know you’re not crazy.” Carlos left kisses on TK’s forehead and cheek, and did the same when he took his hands, kissing the palms and the back as he led him to the sofa. “You need to sleep and relax. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“But nothing, baby. Sleep, and I’ll stay awake so no-one else tries to hurt you.”
TK wasn’t sure if Carlos believed him or not, but he always felt safe in his arms. He let go and, without bothering to change his clothes, curled up next to Carlos on the sofa. He sighed, feeling his arms surrounding him, and closed his eyes.
They were all right about something - between the last shift and what had happened by the dumpsters, he was exhausted and needed sleep, so it wouldn’t hurt to do it.
When he woke up, Carlos was still awake, reading. By the yawn he gave, it was clear that he had fulfilled his promise and not slept all night.
“Are you feeling better?”
TK looked at his arm, hoping that what had happened the previous night had been a dream. But the bandage was still there.
He nodded. It was stupid to think that someone wanted to hurt him, or that they’d wait around the station until dawn to do it. Maybe it was true, maybe he had had a nightmare about the fire and ended up cutting himself with glass, like Tommy had said.
The kiss to his cheek brought him back to reality.
“Should I make breakfast?”
“We could do it together?” TK offered, but Carlos clicked his tongue and laughed. “Okay, sorry, what I meant is that you make breakfast and I’ll lend a hand.”
“Perfect.” With another kiss to the forehead, Carlos circled his waist and made him get up. He looked happy, with that warm, perfect smile that made TK feel as if nothing could go wrong. “What’s up? Why are you looking at me like that?” Carlos asked.
TK shook his head and the smile returned. His arm didn’t hurt and the fear of the hooded stranger disappeared all at once. He took Carlos’s hand to go to the kitchen and they spent the next hour making a breakfast that, between laughs, games, caresses, and a round of sex on the kitchen island, ended up more on them instead of being eaten.
“Happy anniversary,” Carlos whispered in TK’s ear, feeling the fast beat of his heart.
“Oh, are you serious? We’ve been together for a year today?”
“You forgot, right?”
“Babe, I’m so sorry, I… No, I did forget, but I’ll make it up to you.”
Carlos took off his flour-covered shirt and gave him a quick kiss. “You don’t have to, don’t worry,” he said, before heading to the bathroom.
“Carlos, babe, wait.” TK tugged at him. “Everything’s been so perfect with you. And it’s gone so fast too. When we started dating for real, I didn’t want to give myself hope that we would last and I decided to take it day by day. I was always scared that…”
Carlos took his face in both hands. “I’m not Alex, nor could I ever be Alex.” He never lost his smile; even now that he was hurt, he kept smiling and kissing TK. “And I’m going to be here, with you, forever. I love you, Ty. I love you so much, so I’m going to carry on as if I hadn’t heard anything, and I’ll wait for you at the precinct at six tonight so we can celebrate our anniversary.”
“Okay, though what we just did…”
“That was just the appetiser. Babe, you have no idea what I have prepared for tonight.”
TK worked that shift like normal, though every once in a while, he looked at his arm. He’d convinced himself that it was impossible that someone would have attacked him. Why go to the station to hurt him? Why him? It didn’t make sense.
Luckily, the shift was quiet and it enabled him to rest; they only went on one call and the rest of the day, Tommy and his father both told him to take it easy. But now that he wasn’t thinking about the fire, he couldn’t get out of his head how bad Carlos must be feeling after TK forgot their anniversary.
He had to do something, to somehow make it up to him.
“Can I leave a little early today?” he asked Captain Vega, before telling her everything that had happened.
“Go, buy him something pretty - forgetting the first anniversary is very serious.”
He had studied the area, parking the car somewhere that wouldn’t appear suspicious, but also a place where he could see the soul he lacked.
His blood was perfect; the ritual he had done last night had been a success, and its taste was exquisite. Now all that was left was to take him and prepare him for the final ritual.
He had decided to wait until his shift was over, but there was no doubt that fate was helping him, as he saw him leave two hours early. He got out of the car, seeing him put in his headphones, and raised his hood to avoid the wind.
“Hey, TK!” a voice behind them said, the only thing that hadn’t gone as he expected, the only thing that made him improvise.
He hid the syringe he carried in his jacket pocket and, gripping tightly to the iron bar he’d found nearby, hit his victim in the head.
TK fell to the floor, sounds reverberating around him, barely able to see anything other than white lights.
“He’s already left,” said another voice inside the station.
“I’m… I’m here. Help,” TK breathed, his voice barely there. Even that was painful as he watched the stranger, the same from the previous night, approached him with an iron bar in his hand. “Dad… Judd… Please.”
“For the return of the Great Dark Lord,” said the other man, closing the gap that separated him from TK. He knelt in front of him and placed the iron on his chest. “For the Lord of the Dark to walk the earth, you will give your life, your blood, and your soul. You are the fourth chosen. The fourth cardinal point to mark his return.”
“Please, you’re wrong… I’m not the one you’re looking for.”
“You are. Soon you will see.”
Before TK could say anything else, a second blow to his head left him sprawled on the ground, like a broken toy.
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elareine · 4 years
Reverse robins idea. Jason doesnt become a Robin. The bats dont even find him before the cat herself. Selena is still on and off with Bruce at this point. Damian as noticed the little kitten running around and decides the kitten need a more responsible adult than his father and the cat. Cue thugs being terrified of the shadow that follows the little kitten around.
Thank you for this adorable prompt <3 Sorry it took me so long to finish. 
“Uh. Dami? What’re you doing?”
Those were—a lot of throwing knives. Like, actual knives, not Bat-themed at all.
Damian didn’t look up. “Sharpening my weapons.”
They looked plenty sharp to Dick, but Damian was a fussy old maid like his father. Their father. He was still getting used to that one.
“You’re supposed to be in Metropolis,” Dick pointed out.
Damian scowled. Dick didn’t take it personally. He liked his oldest brother. Dami glared a lot and yelled at Bruce when he was mean, and he never told Dick that he should stop seeking revenge for what happened to his parents. “Change of plans.”
“Can I come?”
“You’re heading out with Father tonight,” Damian pointed out. “And anyway, no.”
“What’re you doing? Is it a date?” Full disclosure: Dick wasn’t entirely sure what a ‘date’ was. He just knew that everyone blushed when he asked the question and that Bruce, according to Alfred, never got any.
Damian, however, just shook his head. “No. It’s a mission.”
Dick tilted his head to the side. “I don’t believe you.”
“That does not matter. It is the truth either way.”
Bullshit. Damian was sharpening his weapons, okay, but there was no mission for him in Gotham tonight. Bruce had told Dick so when he mentioned that all that would be happening tonight was a Catwoman heist, so he would pick Dick up after.  
(Dick had a sneaking suspicion that for Bruce, ‘heist’ and ‘date’ meant the same thing.)
Nooo, Damian was up to something. Something important—or embarrassing—enough that he would lie to his cute little brother about it.
Just wait until he told Babs about this! She was always going on about “Steph did this” and “Cass did that,” and now, finally, Dick had a juicy mystery to distract her. Hehe. This was going to be fun.
Selina would never understand Bats. If you’d asked her twenty years ago if she could see Bruce adopting a gaggle of orphans, she’d have laughed but agreed—if the kids were all alone in the world or in a situation that reminded Bruce of his own.
Like, the first kid—okay. That was his son. From the daughter of an immortal cult leader, Selina later found. Weird enough. Then the second just showed up because… the city needed him? And he was right? And then another assassin kid, this time a daughter.  
Really, only Dick fitted the pattern she’s envisioned for Bruce. Which was ironic, because, by that time, she’d taken in her own boy (the first after two Catgirls), who fit the pattern much better.
Of course, their child-rearing methods showed some marked differences. Selina thought it was for the better, really. Jay needed to be trusted, given responsibility, to determine his own fate. She let him run his own missions, treated him as an almost-equal when they went out together, didn’t comment on how he sometimes didn’t seem focused on the target so much as on the corrupt people owning it. Jay was thriving.
When his shadow showed up, Selina had expected him to be angry, the way he was whenever B mentioned a concept like ‘bedtime’ or Selina tried to protect him. But he’d lit up like there was nothing more comforting than a six-foot-four shadow following you around, glaring at criminals and innocents alike.
Selina, in her heart of hearts, did not like Damian. She didn’t fault him for his flaws, but it was hard to like someone who called you a harlot under his breath a million times.
Jay, though, adored him. Like, hung-onto-his-few-words, begged-to-buy-a-sword adored him. They even went out on patrol together sometimes. So Selina… let them. Taught Jay more restraining holds and knock-out moves than she had the others because he was a gifted thief already, but that was clearly not all that would be on his path.
And, hey. Usually, she and Bruce had to put their… thing on hold when they were responsible for pre-teens. If these ones took care of themselves, she wasn’t going to complain.
“Dames,” Jon greeted him cheerfully, “what’re you up to? Gonna join me tonight?”
“I can’t.”
At twenty-seven, Jon was way too old to pout. He still did. “Aww, why not? Important mission?”
“Not precisely.” There was shuffling on the other end of the line. “I… Catwoman is planning a two-person heist tonight. Batman has intentions of preventing it.”
Jon instantly forgave him. He looooved seeing this side of his partner. Damian rarely let himself be openly soft about anyone but his family, pets, and team, and even that was kept incredibly guarded.
(He often considered that Damian would have benefited from being a younger sibling. Being the first to come live with Bruce had been a steep learning curve for the man. Too steep.)
Didn’t mean Jon wouldn’t tease Damian about it. “So two adults are not supervision enough for the kid?”
“You know it isn’t,” Damian growled. “Father and that woman might do a passable job separately, but not together.”  
“What, are they fucking again?”
Jon laughed. “C’mon, you caught them often enough to know it’s happening.”
“I’m not listening.” Damian immediately proved himself a liar by adding: “This is a dangerous area. They should know better.”
“Good thing you’re there, then.”
“I am sorry, though.” Damian’s voice softened. Jon once again marveled at how far he’d come. The teenager he’d befriended back then would never have such a thing. “Rain check?”
“I could join you, instead,” he offered, just to hear Damian sputter: “What—no! Your colors are visible a mile away!”
“Awww, don’t be like that!”
He decided then and there to keep an ear out for the kid when Damian wasn’t there. Just in case Jason wanted to sneak away to find his birth mother in a foreign country or some other stupid dramatic Gotham shit.
After hearing what had happened to Damian years ago, Jon had already made it his mission to protect the Robins, whether they wanted it or not. There wouldn’t be any more dead ones on his watch. It wouldn’t hurt to add a kitten to the list.
Jason had it handled. Really, he had. One of the goons had just taken a bit longer to go down, that was all. The knife had been totally unnecessary.
It took him another three minutes to do anything about that—two of the security guards were still standing, and they were pissed. Jason pushed one down the hallway, choked the other, and then clocked the first so hard he went down.
Then he turned around and searched for the darkest shadow. “I had that.”
Nothing moved.
“…it was a pretty good throw.” Maybe Jason should rethink his stance on throwing sharp shit at people, after all. He still maintained that a gun would be cleaner and more straightforward. Maybe Selina (and Damian) were right though about the value of silence. Their fight hadn’t alerted anyone.
At that, the thrower finally emerged from the shadows, cape dramatically outlining his figure. Jason rolled his eyes. What was it with Bats and dramatic costumes? Selina had made him swear that no matter how much he hung out with them, he wouldn’t ever wear one of the stupid things, and that was one promise that had been very easy to give.
“I have an observational task at the Bowery in two hours and could benefit from a second pair of eyes,” Damian said stiffly. “And your knowledge of the area, of course.”
Oh, awesome. Jason loved working in his old neighborhood. Made him feel useful, like he was doing something. “Can it wait an hour? Only, I’m kinda busy here, in case you didn’t notice.”
“Of course.” Was that a smile under the mask? “I will be waiting.”
Jason gave him a thumbs-up, though he made sure to call: “Don’t barge in again!” while running off. Selina would be waiting.
Jason had had a mother. Still had, really, death didn’t change that. Selina had told him she didn’t want to replace her, which was good cause she couldn’t. As for fathers—Nah. Jason had had enough of those for a lifetime; thank you, Bruce, you can fuck off.
But a big brother? That was new.
He liked it.
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bai-zewarrior · 4 years
So I finally nailed down my designs for the black heart characters (except colossus, perry/predator and Madusa I'm still massing with them) along with some head canons! The characters might look a bit weird next to each other, I didn't draw them all on the same canvas. I know I'm suppose to but I was lazy and didn't want to re draw the refs on one canvas. I also appologize for this being so long.
I'm hoping to start a comic with these guys. I always end up saying no to projects like this because I don't think my art is good enough but I think I'm going to put my foot down this time!
Tumblr media
Can talk(unlike my version of Cyan)
Pretty laid back but knows when he needs to be serious
Will curse you out
Thinks Aura and Nautilus are cute together
His cape works as his "soul meter"(idk what to call it). It has 3 squares on the back that represent Hal's souls. The cape becomes tattered and ripped when souls are taken.
He just wants 5 minutes of peace without someone trying to take his souls, please give him his 5 minutes of peace.
Really hates colossus
In the context of black heart I don't consider him a nano bot. He can bleed and stuff like that.
When he sleeps his body starts to heal any wounds and mend his cloths. This leaves him defenseless as he will remain unconscious until it's finished. He tries not to sleep out in the open and often uses caves and trees as temporary shelters when he needs to sleep. This can also activate when he is knocked unconscious but in cases like with Colossus the healing part is stopped.
He can change colors but he prefers red. His cloths don't change colors with him. Just his skin and his cape.
Again, in he context of black heart, I imagine Hal just kinda woke up somewhere with a bit of knowlage about himself and that's about it. Shortly after works he ran into Aura and Nautilus for the first time. He considered the battle a joke.
Has glowing markings all over his body. He can cause them to glow at will
Can only breath air for around 10 minutes( this time can decrease with some conditions such as heat or cold. This is because his gills need to be wet for him to breath air, so if it's really hot out his gills will dry out faster)
Has a stutter due to the N.A.T.U thing, among other things. Like trust issues when Xero is around
Is euryhalinr(this just means he can breath any kind of water)
His suit adds about 100lbs to him (material, water, and special boots to help with balance when moving around in the suit)
Likes to make jewlary with shells and stuff
Loves Aura to death. Would litterally die for her.
His teeth work like a shark's. One falls out? You've got plenty more to fill the gap! He has given pretty much all his friends breif heart attacks when he casually spits one out after they hear the loud bone cracking noise of a tooth braking. He keeps all the teeth.
Runs on all fours for some reason. No one knows why, including Aura.
Learned all her magic from her parents
Her parents lived like hermits because they believed people still hold witch hunts. Aura hated this because she snuck out a lot and knew that this wasn't the case.
Can be a bit forgetful with spells so she always keeps her book with her at all times
Love Nautilus to death, would die for him too.
Can't swim, her body it denser then water so she just sinks. Nautilus is almost always with her when she's near water for this reason.
Aura's wand is broken but she just keeps fixing it with tape because she doesn't know how to make a new one. She also doesn't want to ask her parents because they wouldn't let her live it down.
Made the headphones Puffer wears so he doesn't have to worry about Siren trying to mind control him, again.
Aura has a secret garden. She uses it to grow her magic plants. It has a defense system that even Jestar can't get past. Only those she has given permission can enter, but those people can give temporary permission to others. Only Nautilus, Puffer and Solario have permission to go into the garden.
Has gotten use to the weird things Natalie can do.
A bit of a hermit, but will open up when he trusts someone
Always has his eyes closed because he thinks his eyes look scary. He can still see for some reason? (Like Brock from pokemon, idk how he could see but he traveled like 3-4 regions like that)
Changes colors depending on emotions. Blue is calm and happy, purple is upset and sad and red is anger and frustration.
Puffer can create lots of spikes all over his body if needed as well as a set of claws. He doesn't do this often.
Likes to cook but keeps it a secret from everyone. (Aura and Nautilus found out though, they just kept the secret)
He really doesn't like Siren after what she did to him, but he will talk to her and hang out with her if someone else he trusts is around.
Really wants to apologize to Hal but he hasn't gotten the chance to yet.
Is really self conscious.
He's not very good at swimming but Nautilus teaches him when Siren isn't around or in Aura's secret garden.
Likes to sing for no reason
Has a not so small army of skeleton fish
Is litterally heartless (she doesn't like to talk about it)
Has a crush on Puffer but she doesn't know how to fix the bridge she burned with him
Plays chess with Myst a lot(and wins a lot, much to Myst's dismay)
She can shape shift her tail into a pair of legs. This was a "gift" from Jestar to help her be a better assassin for him
Thinks Xero is a prick
Likes to steal Xero's alcohol sometimes
Can water bend. She can't blood bend though. She's tried.
Likes rock and country music for some reason
Nautilus likes to play with her fish some times.
Knows a bit about necromancy. She doesn't like to talk about it though. She never does it in front of anyone besides her fish army
Doesn't like to talk about his life outside work
Is well over 100 years old( he lost count)
Is very protective when it comes to Shade
Doesn't really understand Shade but will support her regardless
Likes to smoke when he thinks no one is around
Can create an umbrella to protect himself if he is caught outside when the sun comes up
Likes to play chess
Is basically a dad to the other assassins
Rarely opens his third eye. This usually only happens when he gets frantic, scared or extreamly angry
Does not have any remorse over killing Parry
He doesn't eat in front of others if it can be helped
Myst told Nautilus about Shade once. He had a bad feeling and asked that if anything happened to him Nautilus would take care of her. Only problem was no one thought about the address of Myst and Shade's mansion. He found her though, don't worry.
When he is exposed to sunlight it will immediately cause him to get sunburned. If he doesn't leave after about 30 seconds- 1 minute he will start to die slowly and painfully. He has taken a lot of tea baths because of the sun
A big dork
Very loud and bubbly
Is a prince from a kingdom galaxies away from where black heart takes place in
Was suppose to marry the moon from the moon is getting away level (haven't given her a name yet) but she unknowingly broke Sol's heart so he left. He wanted her to be happy and he clearly couldn't give her that happiness.
Doesn't understand "mortal" things but wants to learn.
Nautilus taught him the word yeet and now he won't stop using it
I headcanon that his voice actor would Gary LeVox(lead singer of Rascal Flatts)(don't ask why, I can't change what has happened in my brain)
Will stop at nothing to see his friends happy
Likes hanging out with Aura, Nautilus and Puffer
Can make himself hotter or colder at will. He tends to stay at a heat that won't hurt others when the go near him, but not cold enough to cause himself harm.
If he gets to cold he can die. He also starts to become extreamly cold or extremely hot before death. The direction his tempature goes in is dependent on what he was doing before hand. (Example: reading a book, gets shot, starts to get colder and colder. Attacking Hal trying to get his soul, shapeshifts so much he almost blows himself up, gets hotter and hotter)
Can be a bit over dramatic sometimes
He is incredibly strong. He can lift both Puffer(who whieghs roughly 230 lbs) and Nautilus when he's in his suit(so about 250 lbs) with no trouble. He forgets about his stranghth some times and has accidentally thrown a few things before quickly trying to fix it.
His shapeshifting isn't limited to just objects, he can shape shift small things about him self like his cloths or his entire body into something like a dinosaur. He doesn't do it often though. Mostly just the cloths thing.
Yells a lot
Thinks everyone is incompetent except Xero, for some reason
Accidentally took Puffer when Siren joined do to a confusion about Sirens powers. He refused to send Puffer home.
Colossus is basically just his pet
Xero is the only one who can get away with yelling at Jestar. No one really knows why but they hold really long arguments about all sorts of stupid stuff
Did I mention he yells a lot? I did? Well I’m saying it again. He yells A LOT.
Can shapeshift in to anything
Does not know how to handle baby Madusa. He doesn't know how to handle people in general, and he thought creating a baby was a good idea.
Smokes and drinks a lot
Has a German accent(I can’t un heard it, I’m sorry)
Has a wrapped sense of humor
Calls Natilus “shark boy” after natilus bit him(this is related to what happened before N.A.T.U)
Calls everyone a nicknames besides Jestar.
Makes more robots then he needs and holds robot death battles at night.
Wants to dissect Siran after he found out she’s litterally heartless.
Is drunk 90% of the time but that's when he works best. He doesn't care that he has a problem either
Dressed Madusa up is costumes a lot during the 2 weeks it took him to grow up. He created a scrap book with photos of them too.
Can actually be a really nice dude when he wants to be. He doesn't normally want to be nice
90% of his robots are idiots
He's left handed
Is basically Jestar’s pet
Doesn’t speak a language anyone knows
Is basically a king without a kingdom
Starts out really tiny but gets really big for a short period of time once he has infected someone
Has trust issues
Is only like 16 years old
Has normal(ish) ghost powers because she was born a ghost
Drives Myst nuts with her edgy stuff
Likes talking to Perry(she meets him after the Funk Hole level)
Can bounce between having a ghost tail to having normal legs.
Her flower is technically apart of her but she doesn't consider it part of her.
Kinda skittish around people who look scary to him(so 90% of the black heart cast)
Has a crush on Shade but won't admit it out loud because he's scared of getting bitten in half by Myst, again.
Around 18 years old
Left home because his mom and brother suck and he wanted to be a ghost hunter like the ones he saw on tv. He got his wish for like 2 hours?
Transforms into Predator during the full moons and special moons. Special moons can have different effects on his transformation and mental state. Like a blood moon causes him to become more blood thirsty but a blue moon causes him to actually retain his normal mental state.
He has a habit of spiraling about everything
Can't say anything understandable
Each part of his head has a brain so they agrue sometimes
Around 5X the size of Parry
Acts like a dog sometimes
Would have probably just ate Hal instead of taking the souls.
Can breath underwater and air without issue
Doesn't like the fact that he looks like Nautilus
Hasn't figured out how to swim fast like nautilus yet but won't admit it
Calls Jestar dad
Actually gets along well with Xero
Xero calls him Moccasin
Has markings like Nautilus but they only glow in the dark and they aren't as bright
He's allergic to shell fish
Actually had about a 2 week period where he was a kid. Xero and Jestar just gave him a special serum that caused I'm to grow up faster.
Most of his teeth ended up like Aura's but his canines are significantly sharper then they would be. Xero also found an extra set of teeth under Madusa's adult teeth.
Doesn't like the idea that his whole life rests on a tiny, easy to brake, stone on his head but just rolls with it.
Scared Jestar and Xero a lot during his first few days of life. He not only descovered his allergy to shell fish but almost got himself caught by the others a bunch of times.
All these guys belong to OL666 except Hal, he belongs to vitamin games
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vsquadgoals · 4 years
jeff straight razor smut? just an idea
Okay... I’ll be honest I don’t know what this means but this is what I’ve got. 
Y/n lived in Staten Island with her older brother Nick, he was about 7 years older than her. She’s lived with him ever since their mom decided that she was too much of a burden to take care of. Nick owned his own barbershop called True Gents where she’s been working reception since she was 15, she was now 19 and Nick would show her some things here and there letting her practice on his bald head when the stubble would start to grow back. Nick also taught her how to do facial hair which included the terrifying straight razor that she avoided at all costs. Y/n loved the barbershop and always wanted to follow in her brother’s footsteps and one day take over the shop for him so she was constantly practicing on whoever would let her and she was always watching when she wasn’t busy. Nick also had an apprentice that he had taken under his wing after getting into some trouble with the wrong crowd, Jeff. He was about 2 or 3 years older than Y/n but they’re known each other forever at this point and had become very close friends.  
Y/n had recently started cosmetology school and was taking classes at night, while juggling her duties at the shop during the day. Nick was very proud of y/n and the work ethic that she has when it comes to the shop and her schoolwork. Y/n was sitting at the front desk doing some homework in the shop, it was a pretty slow day today and Nick was working with a client. Jeff leans up against the desk smirking at Y/n “Hey Y/n/n.” Y/n looks up at him and smiles. “Hey love, I didn’t realize you were coming in today.” She says closing her books giving him her full attention. Nick was always teasing the two of them telling them to stop flirting with each other which always left Y/n blushing and embarrassed, she’s had a crush on Jeff since she met him, but they were friends and that’s it. “Yeah I wasn’t supposed to, but I was kinda hoping that you would clean me up and do my face.” Jeff says giving her puppy dog eyes. Y/n bit her lip looking at him, he always knew how to get his way with her. “Are you sure? You know I’m not 100% confident yet.” She had done Jeff’s hair a couple times and cleaned up his beard, but she hadn’t done it in a while. Jeff waves her off and shakes his head. “Come on I trust you. You also don’t give yourself enough credit, you’re so fucking talented.” Jeff comes around the counter and grabs Y/n’s hand pulling her from the chair. “I’ll hold the phone just in case, plus Nick is almost done with his client and he can answer it.” Y/n sighs and nods. “Fineeee. I’ll set up go sit.” She says nudging him toward a chair before grabbing her supplies from her bag and setting them up on the station next to where Jeff is sitting.  
Jeff watched her so closely, almost her every move trying to be discrete about it but someone always noticed, except her. He’s had feelings for Y/n after working at the shop for a while and actually got to know her. When he was first introduced to her by Nick, she was just the receptionist and Nick’s little sister, but then he got to know her. He got to see how incredibly sweet and caring she is, how funny, silly and hardworking she is, her passion and love for everything she does. She was the most beautiful girl in the world to him. Y/n draped the cape over his shoulders fastening it around his neck. “Just clean it up, the back and sides are too long and the top needs a little bit off.” he says looking at her through the mirror and then shakes his head. “You know how I like it y/n/n.” She giggles and nods before getting started.  
Jeff watches her in the mirror while she works. “How are you doing with your classes?” he asks, he was so proud of her for deciding to go and get her license, her and Nick had a vision for the future of True Gents and Jeff was so excited and proud of them. She smiles widely continuing to work on the fade, “Amazing. Ugh Jeff I love it so much.” She looks at him through the mirror smiling happily, causing Jeff to smile. “I’m glad.” he hums. Y/n turns her attention to his hair cutting and blending, Nick now made his way over to them and was watching her but not too closely, he knows she knows what she’s doing at this point.  
Nick and Jeff talked about stuff while y/n cut his hair, it was now time for her to clean up his facial hair and Nick was sitting in the back room. Y/n ran her fingers through Jeff’s hair and looks at him through the mirror. “Hair good?” She asks her voice low and soft since they’re the only ones in the front of the shop. Jeff was obsessed with the feeling of her fingers in her hair, he hums and nods looking back at her. She smiles happily and nods once before grabbing the shaving gel and applying it around the edges of Jeff’s beard and taking out the straight razor looking at Jeff biting her lip. “You know how much I hate this thing. Are you sure?” Jeff chuckles and rests his hand on her hip tilting his head back leaning it against the headrest of the barber chair. “You’re good, you’ve got this go ahead.” he says looking in her eyes before closing his and relaxing, keeping his hand on her hip rubbing the tiny bit of exposed skin with his thumb to comfort her.  
Y/n almost lost her breath from the feeling of his hands on her body, but she controlled herself trying to focus, she did have to admit that it did calm her down feeling his warm skin against hers. “If you insist.” She says before leaning closer to him and starting to clean up his facial hair with her straight razor, her hand on the top of his head to keep him still. Once she moved to his neck, she moved closer to his body, Jeff moved his hand from her hip to her lower back. Y/n bit her lip, she never realized the effect that he had on her body when they were this close to each other or he was touching her. Once she was done, she reluctantly had to step out of his grasp, she grabbed a warm towel and wrapped it around the lower half of his face.  
Nick came out of the back room as Y/n was throwing the wet towel into the hamper. “Y/n/n, once you guys are done and everything is cleaned up you can close up and head out.” Her brother says kissing her forehead before heading over the Jeff and patting his shoulder. “See you guys.” he calls as he leaves. Jeff is standing in the mirror checking out her work and styling his hair. “Is it good bub?” Y/n asks coming up behind him looking over his shoulder. He smiles at her through the mirror and nods. “You did a great job, as always.” he says applying product to his hair. “So, what are your plans tonight that call for a fresh cut?” She asks wrapping her arms around his torso, Jeff smiles and turns to face her and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear before cupping her check. “There’s um actually a party tonight, you should come.” Jeff stutters, he doesn’t like telling Y/n or Nick when he goes to stuff like parties because he doesn’t want them to worry. Jeff has a rough past with drugs but with the two of them in his life all he wants is to stay on track. but he likes to go to parties and hang out with his friends.  
Y/n bites her lip looking up at him. “Eh I don’t know. You know I’m not the party type.” She says shrugging, “Come on for me? We’ll have fun together, I promise.” Jeff pouts causing her to giggle. “Okay fine.” She sings backing away from him to finish cleaning. “You’re good to head out, I’m just gonna finish cleaning.” Jeff smiles and kisses her head. “I’ll pick you up at 8:30.” Jeff mumbles into her hair smiling when she nods. When Jeff walks outside y/n closes and locks the door behind him since she was going to be inside alone. She hums happily to herself while she cleans the shop, sweeping, cleaning all the mirrors and chair and disinfecting all of hers and Nicks tools. The rest of the guys that work at the shop and rent take care of their own tools, Y/n didn’t have to clean up and take care of Nick’s tools but she did it because she wanted to, she’s been taking care of the shop since she started working there.  
Once she was finished cleaning everything she stood at the front and looked over the shop making sure she didn’t miss anything. As soon as she was happy with how it looked she packed up her stuff and turned off the lights heading out the front door making sure to lock it once she left. Her walk home was the same as usual, her and Nick lived only a couple blocks from the shop.  
It was around 7 when Y/n started getting ready, she showered, brushed her teeth, and blow-dried her hair before putting some loose curls in it. She decides on an army green spaghetti strap bodysuit, black skinny jeans with her Gucci belt that Jeff got her for her birthday last year after Nick told him how badly she wanted it, and she was wearing a pair of healed booties. She was sitting at her desk doing her make up when Nick knocked on her door only coming in when she gave him to okay. “Where are you going y/n/n?” He asks coming into the room sitting on her bed. She kept her attention on her makeup “Jeff wanted me to come to a party with him tonight.” She says looking over at him. “Any plans tonight?” She asks applying her lip gloss, which was her final touch, before she turns in her chair to face her brother. “I’m gonna go over to Ella’s place for the night and we’re just gonna hangout.” he tells her shrugging. Ella is Nick’s girlfriend of 4 years. “So why exactly are you going to a party? You hate parties.” He asks smirking at her teasingly causing her to roll her eyes. “Because my FRIEND asked me to come to hang out with him” She says sighs. “You know we’re just friend Nicky.” Y/n says raising her brow at him, Nick rolls his eyes. “Listen I know that you guys think you’re just friends but you’re not, you guys are those friends that like each other and flirt and everyone knows it and it drives them crazy.” Y/n scoffs and looks at him offended. “Rude, you all love us.” Before Nick can say anything, they hear the front door open and close and Jeff’s voice calling out to them. “This isn’t over.” Her brother says standing and heading out of her room.  
Jeff walks into Y/n’s room after saying hi to Nick in the hall, she was standing by her bed switching a few things she needs into a smaller purse. “Wow.” Jeff breathes standing leaning against the doorframe, she looks at him and rolls his eyes waving him off. “Stop, just kidding tell me more.” She teases flipping her hair causing him to chuckle. “Well, you’re gorgeous, you look fine as hell, so damn smart, talented. Want me to keep going? I’ve got plenty more.” He says raising a brow at her, she bites her lip shaking her head now a little shy, she wasn’t expecting to him to say those things, it woke the sleeping butterflies in her stomach.  
“Should we head out then?” He asks smirking, he could see how surprised she was with his words and he loved it. Y/n nods again and grabs her bag and phone, they say bye to Nick on the way out. They took Jeffs car to the party since he wouldn’t be drinking, once they got there, Y/n suddenly was feeling nervous, it had been a while since she’s been to a party. Jeff can feel her tense up next to him as they walk toward the house where the party is being held, he wraps his arm around her waist pulling her closer. Y/n looks up at Jeff and smiles. “I’m okay.” She whispers to him as they walk inside, Jeff nods and lets his hand drop from her waist and he intertwines their fingers leading her into the party and into the kitchen. “Are you gonna have a drink?” he asks leaning against the counter. Y/n stands close to him and shrugs, “Maybe one.” She says smirking, Jeff chuckles and puts his hand on her hip looking her up and down like he did in her bedroom earlier. “Did I mention you look incredible?” He asks biting his lip, Y/n feels her cheeks blush and she looks down smiling. “I think you might have mentioned it.” She says shyly before the two of them are interrupted by one of Jeff’s friends coming over and talking to him.  
Y/n takes this time to grab herself a drink from the cooler on the other side of the kitchen, Jeff talks to one of his friends that had invited him to the party, he keeps an eye on Y/n, he didn’t want her out of his sight for too long, he knows how guys at these parties can be with girls that look like her. “That’s Y/n?” Jeff’s friend asks watching the girl that Jeff had been talking to before he came over, he had met her once a few years back when Jeff first started work at Nick’s shop. Jeff nods at his friend “Yeah what about her?” He asks getting defensive, His friend smirks and shakes his head. “Nah nothing, Just don’t think she was that hot when I met her a few years ago, she grew up.” He says smirking and winking at Jeff, Jeff shakes his head and stands up straight. “Nope, don’t even think about it, shes off limits.” Jeff says annoyed before walking away from him and back toward Y/n. He puts his hand on her lower back and gets close to her ear. “Wanna dance cutie?” he mumbles into her ear, his voice so close to her ear made chills go down her spin, she took a sip of her drink and nods looking over her shoulder at Jeff.  
Y/n has now finished her drink and is dancing on Jeff with his hands on her hips holding her close. Sure Jeff and her have danced together before but never like this, not this close and not with Jeff kissing her bare shoulder. Jeff didn’t know what came over him and why he had this sudden courage that was causing his hands to roam further on her body and hold her closer than he would normally, he also didn’t know what gave him the balls to start kissing and nibbling on her exposed shoulder and neck. Y/n was loving every second of it, soft moans were leaving her lips, but she was praying that Jeff couldn’t hear her over the music, but he could. Y/n turned toward him and wraps her arms around his neck and leans close to his ear. “I need some air outside.” She says just loud enough for him to hear her over the music. She was loving having her body against his and dancing but she was sweating and feeling the drink she had a little bit –she never drinks so when she has even just one she gets a buzz- she needed to step away from the music. Jeff nods and follows her out the back door.  
Once they’re outside she takes a deep breath sighing happily, she leans against the side of her house and closes her eyes enjoying the feeling of the cool air on her skin and the fresh air in her lungs. Jeff is standing across from her smirking, he couldn’t get over how amazing she looked tonight it was making him do things he normally would stop himself from doing. Y/n was humming along with the music her eyes closed, they only opened when she felt Jeff moving closer to her. She looked up at him watching his eyes trace her body causing her to bite her lip, Jeff smirks and puts his hands on her hips pulling her against him. Jeff tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and bites his lip, his eyes darting between her big y/c/e and her plump pink lips. He sighs and shakes his head cupping her cheek. “God, Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he mumbles his face so close to hers that if she moved slightly their lips would be touching but she’s frozen staring into his eyes. “No.” She manages to whisper shyly, Y/n was far from the shy type around guys but here she was, frozen in place under his stare. He shakes his head again his tongue darting out and tracing over his bottom lip, her eye was glued to his tongue and the way it moved over his perfect lips that she was dying to taste. “Jeff.” She whispers wrapping her arms around his neck, Jeff hums and raises his brow, his eyes never leaving her lips. “Kiss me, please.” She says shyly looking at him through her lashes.  
Jeff’s ears were ringing when he heard those works come out of her beautiful mouth, he pulls her body against his tighter and his lips finally meet hers, its soft, but there’s so much passion behind it that it makes her head spin. Her hands are pulling at the hair at the base of his neck and they’re tongues are wrestling for dominance which she quickly lets him win. Jeff only pulls away to catch his breath, he leans his forehead against hers, both of them breathing heavily. “Wanna get out of here?” She whispers biting her lip, Jeff pulled back looking into her eyes surprised, but he nods eagerly. “I’m ready if you are doll.” She nods and smirks as Jeff grabs her hand and leads her around the house to his car. Once they are in the car and Jeff is heading toward her house Y/n’s hands are all over him, shes kissing his neck and her hand is squeezing and rubbing his upper thigh. Jeff is holding the steering wheel with white knuckles trying to focus on getting them to their destination safely. Y/n starts to suck gently on his neck leaving small purple marks that would get darker later. Y/n’s hand brushes over Jeff’s semi hard member that is aching to be released, his breath hitches in his throat and he holds back a low groan.  
“Fuck Y/n.” He sighs glancing over at her while they’re at a red light. She smirks at him and bites her lip trying to hide it, her hand slowly inching closer to his bulge. Jeff reaches over and puts his hand on the back of her neck roughly pulling her into a hungry kiss, she kisses him before pulling back slightly and biting his bottom lip, Jeff groans and shakes his head when cars behind him start beeping. Y/n giggles and runs her hand up and down his thigh teasingly for the rest of the drive to her place.  
Y/n is pulling Jeff into Nick’s apartment by his belt buckle. Jeff chuckles and follows her, she takes him by surprise when they close the door and she is pushing him against the door kissing him hungerly. Jeff grips her hips tightly pulling her against him, his hands move down to grip her plump ass tightly causing her to smirk against his lips. “Jump.” He whispers against her lips as he grips the back of her thighs lifting her, she wraps her legs around his waist moving her lips to his neck kissing and nibbling on the soft skin. Jeff carries her to her bedroom closing the door behind them. He carries her over to her bed throwing her onto it causing her to giggle. Y/n looks up at Jeff biting her lip, he reaches down and undoes her belt pulling off her pants and then her shirt. She lays on her back now only in her panties looking up at the beautiful man hovering over her through her lashes. “Fuck.” he breathes, she smiles and sits up on her knees In front of Jeff, she pecks his lips before tugging his shirt and undoing his pants pulling them down and he steps out of them.  
She traces his abs with the tips of her nails slowly causing him to groan, Y/n lays on her belly in front of him and pulls down his boxers letting his throbbing cock free. Her eyes widen seeing his size causing Jeff to smirk. He strokes himself a couple times, she licks her lips before leaning forward and slowly licks his bright red tip. Jeff bites his lip and gathers her hair in his hands when she finally wraps her small hands around his length and takes him into her mouth. Y/n pumps her hands while she bobs her head taking as much of him into her mouth that she can, he holds the hair out of her face and watches her moaning. Y/n looks up at Jeff through her lashes as she takes all of him into her mouth his tip hitting the back of her throat, Jeff moans and uses his other hand to grip her throat careful to not be too rough. “Y/n, you look so fucking beautiful with my cock in your mouth.” He moans holding her head still and thrusting into her throat, she looks up at him humming while he fucks her face, she was loving every second of it.  
Jeff thrusts into her throat his balls against her chin, he moans his hips bucking slightly. “Fuck baby, you take this cock so fucking well.” He lets go of her throat and reaches behind her slapping her ass that’s high in the air. “You think that pretty little pussy can take it as well as this pretty mouth?” He asks as he lets go of her and takes his cock in his hand again removing it from her mouth. “Yes, I’ll take it all.” She says smiling at him, he cups her face and pecks her lips before motioning for her to spin around. He wanted to fuck her from behind, she had such a fantastic ass he needed it front and center.  
Y/n happily spins around on the bed and arches her back poking her ass into the air for him. Jeff groans and rips her panties off before gripping the flesh roughly kneading at it. Y/n wiggles her ass and looks back over her shoulder at Jeff biting her lip. Jeff pumps himself in his hand and slaps his cock against her cheek before lining himself up with her entrance. “ready angel?” he asks, his voice deep and rough. Y/n whimpers and nods. “Please, I can’t wait any longer.” She moans causing Jeff to smirk and without any more of a warning he thrusts into her roughly causing her to squeal. Jeff doesn’t waste any time thrusting into Y/n roughly and fast, his nails digging into her hips. She’s a moaning mess, she needs all of him, shes throwing her ass back against him. Jeff moans and slaps her ass a few times before rubbing the tender flesh, with the way she was moving he wasn’t going to last much longer. He leans down and kisses her shoulder blades thrusting harder, he reaches round her and rubs her clit. “Fuck baby, you’re so fucking tight, you’re gonna make me cum.” He moans rubbing her clit faster causing Y/n to moan Jeff’s name louder, her legs starting to shake as her orgasm threatens to release. “I’m gonna so close, Jeff.” She moans burying her face into the blankets under her. Jeff thrusts faster and slaps her ass again “Come on Y/n/n cum for me, I wanna feel you cum on this cock.” He grunts into her ear rubbing her clit faster, it wasn’t long before she was cumming hard around his cock and moaning Jeff’s name loudly, hearing her moan his name sent him over the edge and he was spilling into her.  
Jeff collapses on the bed next to y/n breathless, she rolls onto her side and hums happily when he wraps his arms around her pulling her against him. “That was amazing.” She whispers nuzzling her face into his chest. Jeff buries his face into her hair and closes his eyes “I love you y/n/n.” He whispers into her hair, his eyes pop open as soon as the words leave his mouth, she bites her lip and sits up on her elbow looking at Jeff. “You do?” Y/n’s eyes are full of hope, Jeff bites his lip and looks at her nodding. “Yeah, for like a year now.” He mumbles, Y/n’s grabs his face and kisses him hard, she leans her forehead against his. “I love you too Jeff.” Jeff smiles wide and wraps his arms around her pulling her close.  
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luckyjak · 4 years
essek week: day seven
For @essek-week day seven: AU. In this case, modern AU
TW: Homophobia, tw: implied transphobia, TW: Outing, Brotherly Love, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, religious conservative family trauma, Mighty Nein as Family, boys crying about feelings, Modern AU. 
most of the trigger warnings are implied not explicit but I feel the need to warn regardless
He’s late.
He shouldn’t have come at this point, but something keeps tugging at him, making him move forward despite the rain of the city and his general tardiness. Perhaps it’s the fact that he bought a gift that makes him keep moving, or maybe it’s the fact that he hasn’t seen Essek in three years, or any number of reasons, but his feet keep moving, and he doesn’t stop.
When he arrives at the location his GPS tells him is the venue, he hesitates even as his hand is on the door.
It’s not a church, Verin thinks, smiling in spite of himself. Mother would have kittens if she knew Essek was getting married not in a church.
She'd have a conniption over the fact that he's marrying a man, too, of course. Not that she was coming to the wedding. No one from Essek’s side of the family was likely to come to his wedding, except for Verin, and it was that thought that gave him the courage to open the door.
At first, he wonders if he’s wandered into the wrong location, if he perhaps misread the invitation he received. But a quick glance tells him that, no, this is the right location. The planetarium looks like a garden exploded in it: there are flowers everywhere, and none of them match. But the chaos actually sort of works, aesthetically, as all of the flowers seem to glow with the night sky overhead.
He’s like, the only drow here, but the place is packed with people dancing and drinking. He tries to see if he can spot his brother anywhere, but before he gets too far there is a blue tiefling in his face.
“Hi!” She says to him, very bubbly. She looks like a princess, wearing a bright pink sparkly dress and a tiara. Across her chest is a sash that says Maid of Honor. “Are you related to Essek?”
He blinks at her, slowly. “I am. Is he, ah, still here…?”
“He is,” she bounces on her tiptoes, still grinning. He realizes suddenly that she is wearing matching pink converse shoes as opposed to heels. Another thing Mother would have a fit over, he thinks.
“Can I, uh, see him, or…”
He feels a large, rough hand on his shoulder, and he turns and finds himself staring at a very tall, pink haired firbolg. “We just want to have a little conversation, first.”
“I’m sure you are a very nice guy!” The tiefling tells him, still bouncing slightly. “But Essek said a lot of his family are dicks, so we just wanna check.”
“Yeah,” comes a new voice, and he turns to find a dark skinned human woman in a blue suit. She is also wearing a sash, although her’s says Caleb’s Best Friend Fuck Gender.  “We just wanna make sure you aren’t here to start shit. Say something homophobic or something fucked up on his wedding day.”
A part of him feels warm on his brother’s behalf. The Essek he used to know never had friends who would stand up for him like this. He blinks slowly, and tries to find a kind smile within himself. “I’m not our mother,” he tells the three friends of Essek, and hopes it’s enough to convey his sincerity.
The firbolg slaps him on the back. “Good enough for me!” He points in the general direction of the center of the room. “He’s dancing with his husband.”
He wanders, for a little bit, but he still doesn’t see his brother. Instead, he decided to amuse himself by counting how many other people are wearing sashes like the tiefling and the woman in the suit. The firbolg is wearing one, too, he realizes, only his is on backwards; it says Made of Tea. There is a halfling in a yellow dress who has a sash that says Mama Bear. A half-orc wearing a ridiculous pirate hat whose sash says Best Captain. An incredibly buff woman with dark hair is dancing with a purple tiefling in a dress, and both of them are wearing sashes, too. The woman’s sash says Made of Honor (Also Guns) while the tiefling’s says Best Dead. The woman dips the tiefling as part of their dance, and the tiefling immediately cracks a joke in someone’s direction, which is how Verin finds his brother.
No wonder he couldn’t find Essek at first. He hardly looks like himself. Gone is the quiet boy who used to hide up in his room, or when forced out into public, hid behind several layers of thick robes. Instead he’s dancing in the center of the room, and the center of everyone’s attention, too. His brother wears a silk white halter top that sparkles in the starlight. Verin thinks it may be slightly translucent, too, but he’s too far to tell at this distance. His top is tucked into high waisted dark trousers with shiny gold buttons on them. Unlike many of the women here, his brother is wearing high heels, and more makeup than most of the women, too. He wears gold eyeliner and thick purple and blue eyeshadow, but it looks nice on him. Makes him look ethereal, which, Verin thinks, might have been the theme.
The man Essek is dancing with is half a head taller than his brother, and human, too, from the looks of him. He looks like a wizard, Verin thinks, which is sort of a ridiculous outfit to wear to a wedding, but it kind of works for him. He wears a long, light blue cape, robe thing? But the top half of it is sparkly, woven with silver thread to look like stardust. The man’s hair is very long and a vivid red, going down past his shoulders, but it’s been braided in an elaborate French braid, with bright flowers woven into his hair.
He’s also wearing makeup, Verin notices and grins. A light blue eyeshadow.
The song they are dancing to ends, and the newly wedded couple kiss, and Verin turns away immediately so he’s not looking at them, like they’ve done something embarrassing. Shame sinks into the bottom of his stomach as he does so, and he feels himself flush with anger and embarrassment. This is Essek’s wedding, he tells himself. There’s nothing wrong with him kissing his husband.
Why is it so hard to unlearn every toxic thing Mother ever taught me?  Verin thinks, ashamed of himself. His hands grip the present he brought tightly, and he turns to try to find the gift table, to put what he brought there and then go home, and of course, that’s when Essek spots him.
“Verin?” his brother calls to him, so he stops and turns to face him. His brother looks so shocked right now, it’s hard to read any other expression on his face; Verin can’t tell if he’s happy to see him, or angry, or both. “You came?”
“You invited me,” Verin says sheepishly, although he knows that’s not a good excuse. They’ve not seen each other in three years. Part of that is on Essek; he left the family in a storm of anger and hurt, but part of it is on Verin, too. He didn’t reach out to him, even after Verin left the family, too.
“I invited the whole Den,” Essek says, gesturing around the room as if to point out the distinct lack of drow here. Most people are still dancing, but a few have stopped to watch his and Essek’s conversation; most of the people with sashes, he notices. “But they didn’t seem to make it.”
There’s so much Verin wants to say, then. He wants to say I’m sorry, he wants to say I was bigger and stronger. I should have protected you from them. He wants to say I’m trying to be a better person now and I should have contacted you sooner and it’s so hard, unlearning everything they taught us, how did you do it? And did you know Father died, the night you left?
But he doesn’t, can’t seem to find a way to make any of those words come out of his throat. The room is too crowded and too hot, so instead, he deflects. “Perhaps their invitations got lost in the mail?”
His comment causes Essek to grin. “All seven hundred and eleven of them, huh?”
“Seven hundred and thirteen,” Verin corrects with a gentle smile, his nerves vanishing with the familiar banter he’s missed from his brother. “Cousin Gwylyss’s wife had twins two years ago.”
“Those poor kids,” Essek muses. “I hope they don’t take after their father.”
“Oh, they absolutely do,” or at least, they did, before Verin left, too.
Essek practically doubles over with laughter, and when he stops laughing he smiles sharply at Verin, fangs poking out of his lips. “Did you know, Great Aunt Beszrima sent me a wedding gift? It’s just money, but it was still a surprise.”
Now it’s Verin’s turn to practically double over. “Did she really?”
“Oh yes. My theory is that the old bat saw the name Thelyss on a wedding invitation and sent money without looking any closer at it.”
Both brothers are laughing now, a shared joke no one else gets, and it’s so nice, he’s missed this so much. This connection, the shared past and the shared trauma. For a moment, they are just two brothers laughing at their extended family, and they can pretend that three years ago, Verin didn’t accidentally out his older brother to their religious, conservative family. That the fight that broke out between Essek and their father hadn’t turned violent. That, when the storm finally broke, both Essek and their father left, and the next time Verin saw their father he was in a casket, and he thought for years the next time he’d see Essek, he’d be in one, too.
His thoughts sober him up quickly.
“I’m sorry,” he says to Essek.
It’s not enough, it won’t ever be enough, but he doesn’t know what else to say. How can you apologize for not knowing any better? He was young and stupid and impulsive, but that’s not an excuse. How do you apologize for ruining someone’s life without realizing it?
But he doesn’t get the chance to say anything further, because Essek is doing something he’s not done in years, and hugging him, arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
He sobs before he can stop himself, and Essek is crying, too, he thinks, because he can feel the wetness on his jacket. He wraps his arms around Essek's back and hugs him tightly, sobbing because he feels too much.
“Enough of that,” Essek says shakily, pulling away. His makeup is smudged and runny, and he is trying, desperately, to stop crying. “It’s my wedding day. I’m not going to cry any more.”
Verin makes no such promises, and wipes his eyes on his jacket sleeve.
There’s a gentle hand on Essek’s shoulder, and the man he was dancing with earlier--his husband, Verin thinks--hands Essek a handkerchief without saying anything, although Verin can tell he’s been watching their exchange like a hawk. “Oh fuck,” Essek says, laughing as he blows his nose into the handkerchief. “Verin, would you like to meet my husband?”
“Of course. That's why I came,” Verin says, holding his hand out, wishing he looked less like a mess. “Verin Thelyss. Essek is my big brother.”
“Caleb Widogast,” the husband says, shaking his hand. The Zemnian accent is a surprise, but then again, Verin doesn’t know what he expected Essek’s husband to sound like. “Essek is my husband.”
Verin holds his head down, shame filling him again slightly. “I’m sorry I missed the ceremony.”
“It’s okay,” Caleb Widogast tells him with a soft smile. “Better late than never. We are glad you are here.”
“We are,” Essek assures him. He grabs Verin’s hand, and squeezes it gently. “I am so glad to see you again.”
Verin cries again, and squeezes Essek’s hand back. “There’s so much I’d like to say,” he says, his voice cracking as he speaks. “But I don’t want to ruin your wedding.”
“You wouldn’t,” Essek assures him, and squeezes his hand back. “You haven’t.”
“I think,” Essek’s husband looks around, and Verin notices suddenly that they are in a closed circle of people--all the people he noticed wearing sashes, the people who must make up the wedding party. They are circling them to give them privacy, he realizes suddenly, and he feels overwhelmed with gratitude towards these strangers who must love his brother so very much. “That perhaps, if you two wished to talk more privately, we could provide a distraction.”
Caleb’s Best Friend Fuck Gender  whistles. “We are very good at distractions.”
Best Dead smiles sharply with his fangs pointing. “Something of our specialty, you might say.”
Mama Bear wiggles her fingers. “Chaos crew.”
“Go on then,” Essek’s-- Caleb, Verin corrects himself, tells them, squeezing Essek’s shoulder. “We’ll find you later.”
Then a firecracker goes off (where did that even come from?) and people are shouting and running about, and Essek drags his brother off to talk, privately, for the first time in three years, and it feels, a little bit, like forgiveness.
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aquariusrunes · 5 years
Batfam Meets Miraculous Ladybug Meets Edna Mode
Rolland and Edna’s parents got a divorce when the two were younger, Edna’s mother changed her and her daughters last names and moved to America where she met a new and wealthy man. Edna was much older (teenager) when this happened. The two had a daughter and named her Martha.
As Edna grew she did not take interest in either of her siblings, basically forgetting the existed. Both her brother and half sister got married and had children, relatively around the same time. Her brother had a son named Tom. Her half sister married wealthy man named Tomas Wayne, their son’s name was Bruce.
She heard that Martha and her husband were killed, she mourned appropriately but hadn’t ever bothered to get to know the girl and thus had little attachment to her. As the next of kin she was asked to take young Bruce. Edna was not a parent nor very nurturing but she did notice the bond the boy shared with his butler. Edna pulled the necessary string to get the man guardianship, and also made sure Wayne Enterprises would waiting for a grown up Bruce. He was family, it was the least she could do.
She knew Bruce was batman in an instant. It was really the first time the two ever met. She showed up in his office and slammed a new and improved Batsuit on his desk, telling him never to wear a cape again.
Bruce put a cape on the new suit.
Edna checks in regularly with her nephew and all do her great nephews and nieces. Edna actually loves the batfam, Dick is her unofficial favourite cause he ditched the cape first.
Edna checked in on her brother now and again and finally met her nephew Tom. Tom was now married and had a small daughter. Marinette was only five when she met Edna for the first time, but already had a passion for fashion. Edna immediately took the girl under her wing.
Edna is always quick to reply to emails or text from Marinette with fashion questions or critiques on designs. She likes to send her fabrics and materials. She’s always trying to get Tom and Sabine to let her take Marinette to foreign fashion weeks.
It only bothers Edna slightly that Gabriel Agreste is Marinette’s favourite designer.
Edna knows immediately that Marinette is ladybug and had complains and praises for the suit. She’s still trying to work around the magic to design Marinette a better one.
Bruce and Tom met through Edna. She wanted Marinette and the batboys to meet. Dick ADORED Marinette when she was little and loved having a cousin. Marinette found out about Batman and the robin stuff after Jason died. Dick didn’t have the heart to tell her the lie they gave the media cause the two were so close.
Tim and Marinette game online together constantly.
The day Jason came back was one of the happiest of her life.
Marinette Met Damian when they were both ten. And she is one of the few people who can get him to act his own age. She has this strange power over him. He often refers to Marinette as “a drug” because she makes it hard for him to stay focused and logical. As in he actually has fun and acts like a kid around her.
They all had her pegged for ladybug instantly, as they trained Mari in a lot of fighting styles (for self defence only) and gymnastics. Ya know fun summer stuff you do with your cousins. (Jason taught her to use a gun, not that anyone knows that). They had to lay the pressure pretty thick to get her to confess but their proud of their baby cousin (Niece in Bruce’s case) and thinks she’s actually doing a pretty good job. They are all dedicated followers of the Ladyblog.
Marinette doesn’t enjoy flaunting her contacts. She’s also afraid of getting an unfair advantage in the fashion world, and never knowing if she got somewhere because she was good or because she’s related to the Wayne’s and Edna Mode. So she keeps her family life a secret. But she loves to me deeply.
Crack ensues, probably something to do with Lila. Or Adrian seeing Marinette at New York fashion week and being very confused.
Just an idea i haven’t been able to get out of my head. Not sure if it’s been done before or not. I know people do batfam and ML crossovers and Incredibles and ML crossovers. But I wasn’t sure if someone had tied the three together. So here it is. I’m so sorry. Enjoy.
Concept now with a multi-chapter fic that’s currently in the works.
(part 1)  (part 2)  (part 2.5)  (part 3)  (part 4)  (part 5)  (part 6) (part 7)  (part 8)  (part 9)
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sheltereredturtle · 5 years
Supercorp Love Languages
So my friends and I were discussing the 5 Love Languages the other day. I always thought it meant how you show others love, but apparently it’s more how you want others to show You love? and I thought jokingly “Lena’s is most definitely Words of Affirmation,” and then my brain imploded with a theory/examples:
LENA’s primary love language is probably Words of Affirmation, she grew up constantly seeking approval from the Luthors, the world, and even Kara + friends. Despite the confidence she shows, she doubts herself often and needs others to reassure her of the brilliance and kindness we all know she exemplifies. She needs others (friends/mentors) to give her that extra push/encouragement to believe in herself and keep moving forward.
Lena praise-kink Luthor, need I say more XD? (im gonna)
Kara “I’m not going anywhere, I will always be your friend, and I will always protect you” (2x18)
Kara “You are not weak. You are a brilliant, kindhearted, beautiful soul.” (4x19)
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She just wants to be loved yall. Rhea to Lena “Never doubt yourself again. You are a Marvel, Lena. And your mother should be proud to call you Daughter.” (literally 5 seconds later she’s betrayed T^T) (2x20)
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Lena to Lillian “no, what you taught me was to doubt myself, to look for validation elsewhere. So much so, that I was willing to take it from the first mentor (Rhea) that offered it.” And then Lillian proceeds to apologize and say that Lena is brilliant and could save the world. And then she does. (HER FACE. she just wants to be good) (2x22)
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Lillian says I love you with truth seeker and Lena doesn’t know how to react :’( (4x21)
Lena: “I can’t summon a breakthrough through sheer force of will.” Alex: “then how is it that every time I’ve seen you work under pressure you’ve done exactly that.” (4x15 on saving James)
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Brainy “but if you want to be trusted and accepted, than you must also trust” then Lena goes to tell Kara the truth about helping Lex (4x19)
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Jack “I just miss you” + “I wonder what would’ve happened if I had said ‘there was room, for both me and your family.’ I mean if I had made room. If I could still do that.” then they kiss (2x18)
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 So many more examples (with Sam, Lex, Eve etc)
And now in S5, WHO is Lena getting that reassurance and love from?!? Lex. -_-
KARA’s love language is mayhaps Receiving Gifts (more specifically, but not limited to, food). I also think this is how she tends to show her love.
Receiving gifts:
Necklace from her mom when she was 13 and escaping Krypton :’( and her cape from Kal, both of which are shown to be incredibly important to her at the time (1x01)
Lead-lined glasses from Jeremiah that she still wears (1x17)
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Apology Earth-birthday cupcake from Alex (2x11)
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Office full of flowers from Lena (2x12)
Lena buying Catco for Kara (3x01)
Kryptonite shield from Lena (4x18)
New suit from brainy (5x01) “did you forget it?” lol
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Helping Kelly pick a present for Alex (Kara was READY) (5x05)
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Anytime someone brings food and Kara does a happy dance
Giving gifts:
Dragon sculpture she made for her father (1x13)
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Bringing flowers to comfort Lena (2x18)
Gives necklace to Mon-El (2x022)
Planner to Lena, a Danvers family gift giving tradition (3x02)
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Anytime Kara brings food to Lena (i.e. 4x02)
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Giving a SuperWatch to Lena (5x01)
Kara to Nia “Maybe giving food is Brainy’s language of love” (5x02)
All Lena’s favourite food from around the world (5x03) (look how bashful/happy she is because Lena’s happy)
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Giving Lena Lex’s journals (5x03)
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I’m sure there are more I’m just forgetting (sorry I didn’t provide picture reference for every single one but I’m sure you get the point)
And in S5, maybe this is why Kara is feeling slightly inclined toward William..!? because of the coffee and grandma-puzzle gift?? (bit of a stretch tho… I dunno, I don’t understand what they’re doing)
I think it’s safe to say Physical Touch and Quality Time is also high up for both Lena and Kara, there are so many examples so I won’t bother listing. Anyways, while Kara has already apologized (beautifully and sincerely) multiple times, Lena isn’t listening because she thinks that all the love that Kara has shown her isn’t real. I think what Lena needs to hear MOST right now is Kara (and all the other superfriends) actually TELLING her that she is still loved and appreciated. And that just because Kara wasn’t completely honest about her identity as supergirl that doesn’t mean she wasn’t honest about all the other things she has said about Lena: that she is a brilliant, kindhearted, beautiful soul T^T. PLEASE. We the audience have seen Kara defend Lena to the others, but Lena hasn’t seen or heard about any of that. sOMEONE TELL HER THEY STILL LOVE HER (not you Lex). (I mean obviously after that, they still have to work hard together to resolve their issues. just been sayin that this is an important step that hasn’t happened yet)
#me trying to make sense of the clusterfluff that s5 has been #I am a professional of nothing these are just my random thoughts #me saying all this as if I have faith in the shows consistency lol #this ended up way longer than I intended #sorry for any off topicness #I definitely spent way too much time on this #Lena still probably thinks Kara was all for aiming that claymore at her :( #also please excuse the not great pictures I don’t know how to find and properly use/credit gifs
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spectralscathath · 5 years
Clover Ebi and the World's Luckiest Pie
Fair Game Week, Day 2: Date/Domestic
Clover Ebi is many things. He's Captain of the Ace Ops, he's one of Atlas's elite Huntsmen, a member of Ironwood's inner circle, a damn good poker player, and an all-round decent guy. He's charming, calm, cool under fire, has a semblance that can swing the odds, and even without that he has the skills and raw talent to back up his confidence. He's a catch, basically, and he knows it.
Now if Elm could stop laughing at him as he tells himself this, that would be great. It wasn't techically a date.
Ao3 Link
Clover looked at his reflection and held up a shirt in front of himself, wondering if maybe this one would work. He’d heard Qrow occasionally make the occasional pun, usually under his breath. Maybe one of his more casual t-shirts would work. After all, he didn’t have to be in his uniform all the time.
‘Born to fish, forced to work’ stared back at him, a gift from Elm that had been delivered with a suspiciously innocent grin.
He tossed that one aside too, slowly building up a pile on the bed. He wanted to make a good impression. He may have been a workaholic, but in his own apartment, he could tone it down, treat Qrow like a friend and not just a colleague.
He was amazed that the old spy had actually agreed to come over, but if Elm’s friendship had taught him anything, it was that there was no better way to get a visitor then to offer something home-cooked and delicious.
Which was why Elm was currently snickering at him from where she leaned against the door frame, since his luck only went so far when it came to cooking, and he wasn’t going to risk it. Not on something important like this.
“What, no fishing jokes?” Brown eyes sparkled cheerfully at him, Elm in her own casuals. A pastel lavender apron protected her cream sweater, her hair out of the usual ponytail and giving her a softer look. “How about this one?” she held up a tank top that said ‘sleeves are for nerds’.
“Absolutely not,” he laughed and grabbed it out of her hands. “He wears sleeves, in case you haven’t noticed. Calling him names doesn’t make a good impression.”
“I don’t know, flexing to assert dominance might up your chances,” she mused, flicking her bangs out of her eyes.
He snorted and threw the shirt back at her face. “This is a friendly hang out, Elm.”
“Clover, when you arrested him you ignored the very important Relic just so you could stand over him spinning your horseshoe.”
“But I looked cool, right?”
“You’re a show-off.” She grinned and started folding the pile of shirts tossed haphazardly on his bed.
“You’re one to brag, miss ‘jumped off Atlas for a dare’. It’s been what, ten minutes since you mentioned that?” He helped her set them aside in neat piles to be put away later. Order and cleanliness were important.
“Okay, so we’re both braggarts. Now do you know what you’re going to wear?”
“At this point I may as well wear my fishing vest and beanie.”
“Absolutely not.” Elm held up one of his white dress shirts. “Do you still have that green waistcoat?”
He hovered around his kitchen as he waited for Qrow to arrive, alternating between looking around his small apartment to make sure that it was neat and taking deep inhales of the divine smell of tonight's dinner. His scroll sat next to his speaker, smooth Mantle jazz filling the air as he kept throwing hungry glances at his oven.
He heard a knock on the door and scampered over to get it, feeling oddly nervous. Sure, he hadn’t exactly dated in a while, especially not since the Fall of Beacon, but he’d had plenty of on and off relationships and dates over the years. Perhaps he just felt somewhat rusty because of the year of throwing himself into his work as part of Ironwood’s inner circle.
He opened the door and felt his heart stutter a little bit. Qrow-
Qrow had dressed up as well, it seemed. A dark red button-up, the same colour as his cape, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his usual rings adorning his fingers. His hair had been slicked back, which was a pretty good look if Clover did say so himself. He’d left the top two buttons undone, a necklace with a sideways cross hanging between the divots of his collarbones. Clover recognised the necklace as one that Qrow had worn when he’d first arrived in Atlas. It suited him.  
Clover felt incredibly glad that he hadn’t taken Elm’s joking advice to wear a shirt with a bad fisherman pun on it. “Hello, Qrow,” he smiled at him, green eyes bright.
Qrow gave him a once-over that Clover hoped was appreciative and tossed a careless smirk at him, a faint slouch to his shoulders. “So you can wear sleeves.”
“If I have to,” he grinned, his usual armband wrapped over the shirt. “And you went without the cape, I notice.”
“Unwillingly. Ren stole it before I could put it on.” Qrow rolled his eyes. “Brat.”
“You didn’t steal it back? I thought you’d be good at that.” He stepped to the side a little bit. “Come in, dinner’s just ready.” Elm had left simple written instructions because she clearly didn’t trust him.
Qrow slank in past him, looking around the place with some sort of look that Clover was used to seeing in a set of lavender eyes. Clover would put money on the bet that Qrow had just spotted everything shiny and/or valuable in his apartment, and also every single point of entry. “Nice place. I was expecting something spartan, I won’t lie.”
Clover smiled proudly and closed the door. “Well, I find that having a home I actually like being in is an excellent reason to not spend all night working.”
Qrow hummed in what was probably agreement before he snorted. “Wow. The fisherman aesthetic doesn’t just stick to the weapon?”
Clover followed his gaze to his fish tank, set against the wall and large enough that his little aquarium was bright and lively. He had the water heated to provide a comfortable temperature for his fist. Danios, Platies, Swordtails, and Tetras filled the waters, darting about the habitat he’d made for them.
“I like fish,” he shrugged innocently. He’d leave out the fact that he’d named each and every one of them for now.
“Okay, I have to ask, do you actually fish?” Qrow raised a brow.
“I do, actually. One side of my family are fishermen in Argus.” He looked at his bookshelf, the top row filled with pictures while books were stacked in the other three. “My mother’s side, specifically.”
“Huh. I’ve been there.”
“I heard.” He really hoped it was exaggeration.
“... I’ve been there other times besides that. Normally I don’t get caught.” Qrow’s eyes held a teasing glint that definitely caught Clover’s interest.
He grinned back and decided to take the obvious opportunity. “So I got lucky?”
“You’re a terrible person,” Qrow snickered, watching Clover’s fish swim around.
“You think I’m great.” He flicked his pin and hoped he was right.
Qrow looked at him like he was about to answer before the alarm Elm had set went off, cutting through the Mantle jazz with a demonic screeching. Both Huntsmen jumped and immediately reached for weapons they didn’t have, attention focusing on the sound.
Clover relaxed first and strode towards the kitchen, looking at the instructions pinned to the fridge to make absolutely sure before he turned off the oven and grabbed a tea towel, reaching in to grab the shepherd’s pie. He chanted ‘please don’t burn’ in his head as a mantra and mercifully, fortunately, fantastically, it came out totally fine.
He placed it on the stove top to cool, taking a moment to just bask in the awe of Elm’s cooking skills, before he turned to grab plates and crashed headfirst into a curious Qrow Branwen, who had been looming behind him to try see what the enticing smell of dinner was.
Their skulls knocked together with a loud clonk, both of them stumbling back from the impact. Clover swore as he stepped back, one hand coming up to touch his forehead as the other went behind him, just barely avoiding the pie.
Qrow tripped over the table, sending the cutlery, both glasses of water, and a candle that Clover really should have never even got out of a cupboard over the floor and himself. Water splashed, glass shards went everywhere, a table leg snapped, and one of the napkins caught fire.
Qrow lifted his hands from where they had been clutching at his forehead, took one look at the absolute destruction he was now the centrepiece of, and let out a long-suffering groan of existential weariness. He didn’t even bother getting up, even as water soaked into his shirt.
Clover stared, gobsmacked, before he panicked and started moving his hands in useless fussy gestures. “Holy shit are you okay? I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there- how many fingers am I holding up?” What if he’d concussed him?
Qrow blinked at him, looking rather done with the situation before he threw up a hand. “Help me up?”
A smidge of colour crossed Clover’s cheeks as he realised he probably should have led with that, clasping Qrow’s wrist firmly as he pulled him to his feet. “Sorry, I should have paid more attention.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Qrow pushed his soaking wet hair out of his eyes, the back having fallen out of his usual swoop to cling to his neck instead. “I have quiet footsteps.”
Clover gave him a cursory glance, checking for damage. “I have shirts you can borrow if you don’t want to stay in something soaked,” he offered, before he processed what he was saying. Qrow in one of his shirts? With their… specific sort of camaraderie?
Qrow quirked a brow at him before a wickedly sharp grin slashed across his face, one that deepened the blush painted across the bridge of Clover’s nose. “Sure thing, Shamrock.” Clover could see nothing but future disaster in those mischievous, beautiful eyes. Qrow continued like he wasn’t being an absolute hazard to Clover’s heart health. “Just point me where I’ll find them then I’ll help you clean up.”
Clover swallowed and kept his voice steady. “My room, just to the left of the main room. The door on the right. There’s folded clothes on the bed, you can borrow one of those if you need to.”
Qrow patted his shoulder, let go of his wrist, and sauntered off, stepping gracefully around the broken furniture.
Clover looked at the disaster that had been his table and made an executive decision that Elm’s cooking was and always would be more important. He fetched two plates and some cutlery, dividing the shepherd’s pie neatly in half before serving it up. He carried the plates out to his living room, setting them on his coffee table with the cutlery before fetching more water.
He didn’t know what Qrow’s story was with alcohol, but he’d said that he’d given up, so Clover wasn’t about to serve him some for dinner. That would be in very poor taste.
He waited for about a minute before he heard Qrow’s husk. “Hey, Shamrock, where do you keep your towels.”
“Linen cupboard, I’ll grab you one.” He got off the couch and made sure to get the softest one he had, rapping his knuckles on the bedroom door.
Qrow pulled it open and grabbed the towel, immediately rubbing his hair with it. Clover looked at the shirt he was in and wanted to go stab himself with Kingfisher’s harpoon, ‘fishing saved me from becoming a porn star. Now I’m just a hooker’ emblazoned over black fabric in swirly gold letters.
He should have put the puns away.
“Dinner’s ready?” He tried, feeling rather more flustered than he was used to.
Qrow smirked at him and strutted by with an absolute lack of shame, practically crashing down onto the couch as he grabbed a plate. “This smells fucking good. You make it?”
“Elm. My skill in the kitchen begins and ends with stews and boiling things. Even my luck can’t do everything.” He’d cop to it.
“I’m banned from cooking anything that isn’t breakfast foods or microwaveable. It’s nearly impossible to fuck up breakfast food.” Qrow took a big heaping forkful of the world’s luckiest pie and shoved it all into his mouth in one big bite. Clover couldn’t quite make out what the next words were, they got mangled somewhere between the cheesy potatoes and the meat stew, but he hazarded a guess that it probably involved appreciative swearing.
Clover did the same, and had a moment to realise that Elm had definitely outdone herself on his behalf, before he fully committed to clearing his plate entirely and buying Elm something nice.
Talk was dead. There was only them, the pie, and the fucking beautiful moment they were having with it. Before long, the plates were cleared, and Clover was left to stare at the fishing joke on one of his tops as it mocked him.
He’d had a mission plan. He hoped that the backup option of sitting on the couch wasn’t too far a step down. “I’m sorry again, about before.”
“Don’t worry about it, it was my semblance anyway.” Qrow rubbed his hair with the towel again, and Clover spotted a faint scar on his right bicep, something his longer sleeves usually covered. “The couch is comfier anyway. Better view.”
Clover  raised a brow. “Oh?” Did Qrow mean him?
“Your fish.” Qrow nodded at the tank. “They’re pretty cool. I have a dog at home. He’s Tai’s dog, really, but I’m part of the pack.”
“I’m glad that plan B worked out.” Clover had been a little too focused on the food to be worrying about fish or Qrow. But he was glad to know things still went well.
“Definitely.” Qrow picked up the plates. “I’ll help you clean up.”
“No, you don’t have to, you’re a guest.” Clover shook his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll sort it out later.”
“Later, huh?” Qrow grinned. “But we just had dinner.”
“But we haven’t had tea,” Clover wagged a finger at him with a returning smile. If nothing else, he was going to show Qrow his collection of novelty mugs. The other Huntsman would probably get a kick out of that. “Tell you what, you tell me about your dog, and I’ll point out each fish in my aquarium by name.”
Qrow barked a laugh and shifted so he was resting one knee up on the couch, turned attentively towards Clover as he lounged there like he owned the place. “Deal. So his name’s Zwei…”
Clover waved Qrow off, still in the borrowed shirt, with his own soaked dress shirt under his arm, and felt like he could be floating with how light his chest was.
He dialled Elm the moment he'd closed his apartment door behind him, grinning like he'd just found a pot of gold at a rainbow's end. She picked up, just as quickly, and he could practically hear her massive grin over the scroll. “So, how’d it go, fearless leader?”
“I got a second date!” It was totally a date.
Happy St Patrick's Day, everybody.
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
Rule The World with Me-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty-Eight is here...
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The New Year
Word Count 1.8k
Warnings: only fluff
When Hvitserk comes into the palace, he runs to you and picks you up in his arms. You both laugh like two children who haven't seen each other in years. 
Hvitserk "You are fucking incredible!"
"I told you, I can handle my own big brother." He puts you down and kisses your forehead.
Hvitserk "I know. You have proven that today, little sis. I am so proud of you. You did scare me once though."
"Yeah I- I saw Ivar and I got distracted and he charged at me. I had my dagger though."
Hvitserk "If I wasn't struggling with my own warrior, I would have come to you sooner."
"Oh I know Hvitserk. Where is Ivar?"
Hvitserk "Talking to the folks, telling them where to put her ashes."
"Good, and Messiah?"
Hvitserk "With Ivar. Ubbe and Torvi are about to leave-" he looks down.
"....and you are going with them.."
Hvitserk "Yeah."
You slowly nod. You don't want Hvitserk to go but you understand why he has to.
Hvitserk "I will be back sooner than you know it, okay?"
"Ye-yeah. Do you want to see Baldur before you leave?"
Hvitserk of course says yes and you show him to where he is sleeping. He holds his godson in his arms and you are going to miss him more than you can comprehend. You and Hvitserk have grown so close, it is going to be tough without him here.
Hvitserk "You gotta take care of your mother and father for me, okay? Keep them company until my return, sweet Baldur. I love you, always." Tears are flowing down your cheeks. Hvitserk notices that you are standing in the doorway, sad to see him get ready to leave you after being here for a little over a year. He puts Baldur down after kissing him gently, and pulls you into his arms.
"It is going to be so strange ya know...not having you here."
Hvitserk "I know. It is going to be rough the next few days but I will be back soon, okay? And hey, if you miss me a little extra, you are always welcome in Kattegat."
"Okay-" Ivar comes into the room.
Ivar stops when he sees your face all red and wet tears staining your cheeks, "You are leaving…"
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Hvitserk "Yes."
Ivar "Very well. I am going to miss you, brother."
Hvitserk "I am going to miss you too. All three of you." 
Ivar gives him a hug, "Be back soon, yes?"
Hvitserk "Yes. Good bye….for now."
"Love you."
Hvitserk "I love you too."
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He pets Messiah and then leaves. You watch him take the last steps out of your door and then he is gone.
Next Spring…
Today is Baldur's first birthday. You and Ivar have decided to go to Kattegat for his celebration. You put Baldur into a nice little outfit and have your husband braid his short, brown hair. 
Ivar "I cannot believe that you are one today son." Baldur smiles and giggles, he knows how to say Dadda and Momma but not anything big yet. 
"I told you that he would grow up too quickly."
Ivar "You did, my sweet. But that is life, we all get older." You nod in agreement and get back to putting on your green dress. It is still chilly outside so you will wear the brown cape that Ivar gifted you on your birthday. He himself will wear his black one.
You, Ivar and Baldur ride horseback through the woods to get to Kattegat. Baldur rides with Ivar because he rides in a carriage and Messiah walks by the both of you.
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Ivar "Look at all the colors! The green with all of the beautiful flowers."
You look behind you and see how giddy your husband is on this day. Seeing Ivar with his son is such a beautiful sight. His eyes are the brights of blues, his mouth is always in a smile, and he seems to forget the pain that he is constantly in from being a cripple. He doesn't want to show his son how bad it is most days, he wants his son to have a worry free life. 
"Look Baldur, a crow up in the tree!" Baldur looks up to where you are pointing and shouts in excitement. Ivar laughs and looks at his wife. He admires you and loves you more than you could ever know.
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When you get to Kattegat, you stop your horses after you see Hvitserk and Ubbe who have been waiting for your arrival. You haven't seen Hvitserk in a little over a month and Ubbe for over three months. Ivar holds his son up in the air, "MY BOY IS ONE YEARS OLD!" Ubbe and Hvitserk cheer, making Baldur giggle. You dismount your horse and run to Hvitserk.
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He grunts when he picks you up with joy. You two aren't just siblings by marriage, you are also the best of friends. Ubbe takes his nephew from Ivar so that Ivar can walk and embraces him. 
Ubbe "Welcome home, brother."
"Thank you, Ubbe. It is good to be home." 
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Hvitserk "How have you been!?"
"Good, very good. And yourself?"
Hvitserk "Same as you, very busy."
"Yes," you look at your son and sigh, "He is one already...how?"
Hvitserk "I know, they grow up too fast. Before you know it, he'll be walking and talking-"
"Stop, you're gonna make me cry!" 
Hvitserk "Emotional are we?" He asked laughing."
"Yes!" You have been over emotional and hormonal the past few weeks or so. You have a feeling that you may be with child, but you haven't gotten tested yet. 
Hvitserk "I had a vision of you-"
"Oh gods, what now?"
Hvitserk chuckles, "No no, it is very good, Y/n! You are with child."
You look down at your stomach and hold it tightly, "I knew it."
Hvitserk "Have you told Ivar?"
"No..I had a feeling but I haven't been tested so I wasn't sure. I don't want to tell him today, today is about Baldur."
Hvitserk "I am happy for you, little sis."
"I have missed you!" You hugged him once more before Ubbe and Ivar joined you and you all went inside. 
Inside, Torvi is waiting for you all alongside her children. She smiles as soon as she sees you and gives you a warm welcoming. 
Torvi "Uhh I've missed your beautiful face!"
"And I have missed yours! Have you been well?"
Torvi "Oh yes! These are my children. Guys, meet Y/n." They all greeted you and her oldest son Hali gave you a huge and tight hug. 
Hali "You are very pretty."
"Thank you, so kind." Ivar comes up beside you and wraps his arm around your waist.
Ivar "Hello Torvi."
Torvi "Ivar, welcome home."
Ivar "Thank you. I don't think your children have met their uncle! I'm uncle Ivar." They get all excited at the fact that they are meeting their uncle for the first time. They have never met him before because Ivar used to be a very different man and Torvi didn't want her children to be around him. 
Torvi smiles at the new sight and relaxes. 
Torvi "They love him already."
"Who wouldn't? He is so kind."
Torvi "Now he is."
You look at her like, please don't bring up his past. You smile and grab your son from Hvitserk's arms. 
Hvitserk "He has gotten so big!"
"I know! I knew that he was going to grow up strong and big like his father and uncles."
Hvitserk "That he is, let's celebrate!"
Hvitserk and Ubbe sit at the head of the table.
Hvitserk "The people of Kattegat, this is my godson Baldur! He turned one years old today and so this calls for a feast!" 
Ubbe "Sköl to happiness and good health!"
Everyone "SKÖL!!" 
The feast was long and filled with laughter. Everyone got along and the people of Kattegat would not stop boasting over your son. They told you how handsome and beautiful he is, to which you agree. Some people were a little nervous that you had a wolf at the table with you. 
"Is he…friendly?"
"Oh yes! Ivar and I have taught him very well. Think of him as a gentle dog." She agrees and let's Messiah sniff her hand. All Messiah does is put his whole face in the palm of her hand so that she would pet him. 
"Oh goodness, he is so soft!"
"That's my boy! Ivar and I always comment saying that Baldur can just swim in his fur."
"He could. I can't get over him.."
"Thank you." Ivar looks at you from across the table and smiles. 
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Ivar "I love you, kitten."
"And I love you." 
After the feast, you felt very sick. Maybe it was the food or it was from being with child. You excuse yourself and run to the bathroom. Afterwards, you come out of the room and Ivar is standing in the hallway. 
Ivar "My love?"
"Oh, I am fine." 
Ivar "You were sick in there...I heard."
"I will tell you tomorrow, but for right now just know that I am fine." He kisses your cheek and walks with you to his brothers. 
Hvitserk "Baldur ate so much!"
"I know, he can hold his meals."
Hvitserk "Just like his uncle!" You laugh and get ready for bed. You and Ivar are staying the night since it is too dark and cold to horseback home now. Torvi helps you to yours and Ivar's room. When she left you and Ivar alone, you undress and so does Ivar.
He pulls you into his arms and you nuzzle your face in his chest.
Ivar "This will be the first night that we sleep by ourselves in a year."
"I know.." that comment made you feel some sort of way because you now know that you are with your second child.
Ivar "But I am used to it, my love. I love hearing our sons little noises at night, comforting him when he gets night terrors...I love it all."
"I love it all too." 
Ivar "This past year had struggles in the beginning but it ended in the best way: peacefully."
"And we owe it to the gods."
Ivar "Yes. We have been through a lot together, my love. But we came out of everything stronger. Y/n, I fall more and more in love with you and our son every single day." Tears form in your eyes and you kiss his lips. He smiles in your mouth and holds you closely. 
"I love you so much Ivar."
Ivar "Me and you baby. So whatever you will tell me tomorrow, just know that whatever it is, we will get through it together because I am not going anywhere. You and our son are my everything." 
"And you are ours." He kisses you once more and you both fall asleep with smiles on your faces. Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day.
@hvitserkmarcosource @ivarsgoddess @ivarthebloodyking @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @saldelys @readsalot73
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rebelbyrdie · 4 years
SwanQueen Ficlet:  Black and White Pt 2
More reasons for Emma to drool over Regina. Also Regina shows a different side to herself.  It isn’t really edited because I typed it out at work.  It’s just sort of an idea.
Snow was going to pout forever.  Thank God Emma didn’t live with her anymore.  She could not imagine putting up with her full time right now.  She had said words that Emma had never imagined coming out of sweet Mary Margaret’s mouth.  She had covered the kidlet’s ears.  The White Court had lost the big tournament.
It had been close.  Mulan had trashed everyone in the sword fighting event.  She’d won easily.  The archery stuff had gone differently, though.  Merida Hill, the fire department’s chief, had easily beaten Snow and everyone else.  So it had gone, neck and neck all day so jousting had become the big tie breaker.  David and some other the other White Court men were all excited to compete.  Even Henry had scampered off remarking that his Mom had promised to let him play at being a squire.
Emma had never seen jousting, except for watching A Knights Tale on cable.  It looked painful.  Snow had excitedly explained the whole thing to her.  Leather and cushioned armor, padded lances, horses going slower than usual.  It still looked hella dangerous.  Emma was never going to let Henry do it.  Even full-contact football was safer then this knight shit.
They had watched, Emma wincing, and Snow politely clapping, every time two knights crashed into each other.
David was doing good.  He was knocking everyone down.  Which, Emma had gathered, was winning.
Of course the other side was doing just as well.  There was a rider in all black that was knocking just as many people over.
“I can’t believe Regina would let a teenager do that.”  Ashley remarked.  “I mean look how small they are.  No way they’re a full knight.”
“Could be a woman.  Regina had several female soldiers.  Jill maybe.”  Sean, who had been knocked out of the jousting tournament earlier, replied.”
The final match was between David and the small dark rider.  When David hit the dirt, Snow had let out a shout so loud it hurt Emma’s ears.  She hadn’t stopped bitching and whining to make sure David was okay.
They had all lined up down on the field for the “closing” ceremony.  Archie was waiting with a big trophy.
The announcers, two of the supervisors from the cannery, came over the loud speaker.
“And here to accept the victory for the Black Court is His Royal Highness, Prince Henry.”
Henry, escorted by Zelena and Maleficent, came out to the middle of the field.  He had changed clothes  Well he had changed his whole image to match the Black Court’s over-the-top gothic image.  He was wearing a black suit was a fur-lined black cape and a gold mini-crown (circlet?  man-tiara?) with black gems in it. He looked older than his years and handsome,  Like a real prince.  
“Sorry Grandma, Grandpa.  I sort of had double-duty today.”
“Wait.”  Snow all but stamped her foot on the muddy grass.  “Where’s Regina?”  
Henry blinked, confused.  “Right here, duh.”
The black knight, complete with a green and gold cloak thrown over their armor, stepped forward and took off their metal helmet and mask.
Emma almost had a heart attack.
Regina stood there, in armor.  Her hair was sweat-soaked and plastered to her head. There was a scrape on her cheek and the vein on her forehead was prominant which told Emma that she had a headache.  Despite, or maybe because, all of that Regina was beautiful.  Like an Amazon Queen who had lead her people to victory and was about to take her spoils.
 “I thought it would be more appropriate to let Henry accept the award.” Regina cocked a brow.  “I am not photo or speech ready.”
Emma just stared, open mouthed.  Regina.  Regina who wore dresses and always had a perfect manicure.  Regina who was the feme-est of femes.  Regina, who snarled her nose up at everything not-fancy.  She had just whipped countless dude’s asses with a pony and a big stick?  Emma couldn’t comprehend it.
“You-”  David cocked his head to the side.  “You didn’t compete under your coat of arms though?”  He sounded a little confused and a lot embarrassed. “Its not green.”
Regina shrugged a leather clad shoulder.  “My father’s coat of arms.”
Archie held up a microphone.  “I am pleased to announce the First Annual Black and White Tournament has been won by the Black Court.”
He handed the microphone to Henry.  Henry grinned.  
“Thank You.  I want to give a round of applause to all of the competitors today.  Black and White, we all represent Storybrooke.”  He paused for a thunderous roar of applause.
“The proceeds from today and a matching donation will be given to the Black Court’s chosen project, the Storybrooke Youth Center.  Thank you everybody for coming out and we hope to see you tonight at the ball.”
So here they were, at a way-over decorated ball room in City Hall.  Emma had no idea what kind of magic Zelena, Maleficent and Regina had used but it had  worked.  She felt like she had walked into a scene from a movie.  
THe whole town was going to ring in the new year with style. Not Emma’s style, though.  She was way not her style.  She was in a long white pageant gown with ruffles and tulle and more fluff then a dress should legally be able to have.  She felt awkward and out of place.  
Hook, dressed all in white (which she was sure Snow paid for) sidled up to her about nine o’clock.  He already smelled like rum.  
“You look beautiful, Luv.”
She wanted to puke.  She should have scooped up Henry to be her escort before Regina had lured him to the dark side.
Speaking of Henry, her Kid was surrounded by teenage girls.  His Price act and new edgy Black Court look was a hit.  
She kind of wanted to ground him for treason or something.
“Care for a dance, Luv?”
He had his one hand in his pocket, like he was holding on to something.
Emma definitely did not want to dance, or anything else, with him.
“I’m sorry, Captain.  As the victor, Emma is obligated to give the first dance to me.”
Emma turned around and felt her heart stutter and her brain flat-lined. Regina stood behind them.  Gone was the sweaty knight of earlier.  She was dressed to kill in an outfit that had to be from her Evil Queen days.  She had a black corset top and leather pants that was covered, barely, by a long black jacket that was cropped in the front and flowed to the ground in the back.  Her cleavage was partially covered (more like accentuated) by a big and fancy necklace that matched the crown on her head.  The gold made her skin glow and the rubies were the same color as her lips.Her hair was long and curled into a complicated up do with even more jewels in it. She had to be wearing boots with a killer heel because she was almost the same height as Hook.
When Emma finally regained her senses, she let out a hoarse.  “Yeah.”  She pulled in a deep breath and hoped the oxygen helped her brain reboot.  “Can’t say no to My Queen.”
Regina lead her to the dance floor with a chuckle.  
Hook stood in place, eyes wide and furious.  He knew better to fight Regina, though  Not only did she have magic, half of her posse did too and exactly none of them liked Hook.  Basically, Emma had thrown her lot in with the wrong team.  
“Thanks.”  She mumbled to Regina when they were far enough away.  “It was either this or deck him.”
They started to twirl around in what Emma was almost sure was a waltz.  Regina lead her confidently along and she followed as best she could.
“You do realize he has a ring box in his pocket.  I believe the pirate was going to ask you to be his wedded wench.”
Emma bit back a groan.  She had been afraid of that.  “Frankly I’d rather go ten round against you with the ponies and the sticks.  No padding.”
Regina laughed.  A full on threw her head back laugh.  It was better than the music, the best sound Emma could remember hearing in a long time.  Regina so rarely laughed.  
“Speaking of.”  Emma continued as she fumbled through the dance.  “How did you learn to do that?  It doesn’t seem very queeny.”
Regina smiled.  “My father.  He went behind Mother’s back and taught me when I was a teenager. I had to do more than a few practice runs to re-teach myself a few things.  It was not at all like riding a bike”
Emma literally could not imagine.
“So-”  They turned and Emma could see Snow and Hook having a heated conversation on the other side of the room.  Neither of them looked happy.  She dropped her head to Regina’s shoulder for a moment.  
“I think I’m defecting to the Black Squad next year.  You and the Kid got cooler better clothes and nobody on your team is trying to set me up with an asshole.  Between Hook and my mother I am never going to make it to midnight.”
She was totally done and over this whole Black and White bullshit.
Regina was so close, the dancing had slowed down and they were basically just swaying together now. Emma soaked in the moment, the intimacy of it all. 
Regina’s skin was hot against her own.  She smelled like apples, rain and honey. Her touch was electric and sent delicious.   Regina was intoxicating.  Like lines of cocaine on black velvet, intoxicating, addictive, an incredible high that could so easily turn into decadent and delirious destruction. If Emma let herself slip, if she took even the tiniest taste, if she gave in to temptation, she would be lost.  She knew that she would never be able to stop.  Would never want to.
Regina’s hands crawled up her back.  Emma could feel her touch burning through the material of her dress.
“Em-ma.” Regina’s voice was like whiskey and starlight and it was whispered right into Emma’s ear.
She had seen so many sides and shades of Regina, so many moments had passed between them.  This moment, with Regina’s arms wrapped around her, was her favorite.
“I would be honored to have you on my Court.  Beside me, beside our son,  Where you belong.”
Belong.  Emma hadn’t felt like she belonged anywhere, ever.  The very idea was ridiculous.  Yet.  Yet, she craved it.  She never felt more like herself than she did when she was with Regina and Henry.  They felt like home, like the living embodiment of Tallahassee.
Emma lifted her head.  She searched Regina’s eyes.  She looked for sarcasm or spite but only saw love.  Overwhelming amounts of love.  She got lost in Regina’s beautiful eyes and the endless capacity of her heart.
“Regina.”  Emma licked her suddenly dry lips.  She had so much to say.  To confess.  She had never been good with words.She wasn’t even sure there were words for the emotions swirling inside of her.  “My Queen.”
Regina’s eyes lit up at that.  Like it was the sweetest thing she had ever heard.  Based on Regina’s checkered past, it probably was.
Emma couldn’t wait anymore.  She didn’t care where they were or who saw.  She was tired of black and white, good and evil, fighting and drawing lines.  They were in a fairytale town, at a fairytale ball and they were fairytale royalty. It was time for their Happily Ever After.
Emma leaned in and did the one thing she had been dying to do since the first time she’d seen Regina.  She kissed her. 
The floor tilted under Emma’s feet.  Angels sang in her ears. Kissing Regina was better than drugs.  Emma ran her hands through Regina’s hair and let it curl around her fingers.  Regina held her close, her nails dug into Emma’s shoulder blades.  It was perfect.
Claps and gasps invaded their little bubble of bliss.
Emma opened her eyes (when had she closed them?) and looked around.  The room was bathed in golden light.  THere were stars dancing across the ceiling and black and white pops of light, like fireworks.
There was no denying it now.  The entire town had witnessed them share their first and apparently true loves kiss.
Regina rested her forehead against hers.  
“You want to get out of here?”
As opposed to facing down the entire town and her crazy mother?  Absolutely.
“Your place or mine?”
Regina’s smirk was the only answer Emma got as they disappeared in a swirl of smoke.
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kaiju-emperor · 5 years
d’Artagan (Saber) Character Concept
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(d’Artagan servant outfit. Art by @angelicvangaart​ Thank so much for this amazing work! Please go give them your support)
One of the central characters of Alexdre Dumas’s classic ‘The Three Musketeers’. d’Artagan was a young woman, who dreamt of being a musketeer and traveled to Paris. There, she met the titular Three Musketeers, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. The four would go on many adventures together, and d’artagan would come into her own as a great sword fighter. 
d’Artagan takes the form of a woman in her mid twenties, with flowing locks of brown hair. Her usual attire is the leather armor and cape of her musketeer uniform. She wields a basket hilt rapier, a parrying dagger and flintlock pistol with deadly accuracy.
d’Artagan has an easygoing and ‘rougeish’ personality. She is ‘romantic’ in the classical sense of the word, having a deep sense of honor and manners. Her tongue, and wit are sharp, offering witty quips and jibes in and out of battle. However, she knows when the time for such things is over.
As a servant, d’Artagan is a master of the blade. She was more than likely one of the greatest swordmasters of her era. She strikes with precision, and finesse over brute force. Using diversion, positioning and superior skill to win over her opponents.
(Casual d’Artagan)
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Agility: A
Magic Power:C
Luck A+
Noble Phantasm:A
Charisma C+:Despite not being a leader, d’artagnan has a decently high charisma stat. Her personality is infectious and she has a way with words.
Riding B+: Like most musketeers d’Artagan was trained in the art of horsemanship. She even has some knowledge about sailing thanks to her travels
Magic Resistance B: Being a saber class servant, d’Artagan is granted a high level of magic resistance. 
Noble Phantasms
Tous Pour Un: Musketeer’s Bond Rank B
A secondary noble phantasm to d’Artagan’s main one. Using this power, she can call on a phantom of one of the other musketeers. They infuse her with power, each one granting a different boon. Calling upon the power of Porthos, her Strength and Endurance stat increase, allowing her to clash with opponents physically stronger than herself. Calling upon Aramis grants her keen vision, and agility. It also summons Aramis’s trusty musket, which is a low ranked noble phantasm in and of itself. Finally, by calling upon Athos, the phantom of Athos will strike alongside d’Artagan, mirroring her moves, or defending her from harm. Allowing her incredible versatility in combat. As well as the ability to stand toe to toe with servants whose skill exceeded normal humans in life.
Un Pour Tous, Tous Pour Un: Oath Of The Musketeers Rank A
The full power and form of d’Artagan’s noble phantasm. It is a crystallization of her oath, and friendship with the other musketeers. A representation of their intertwined legend. By speaking the famous oath of the musketeers, d’Artagan creates a reality marble that is an image of the Palace Of Fontainebleau. Inside of the bounds of the reality marble, she summons the full forms of her three companions Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. All three of them are full servants in their own right and their parameters are on par with d’Artagan herself. As long as the reality marble is maintained, the four will fight together to defeat their enemy. It is here that the full power of the musketeers is seen. Within the space of the reality marble, things such as authority and divinity do not matter. All are equal within. Which allows the musketeers to harm divine beings despite not having divine weapons or divinity themselves.  
FGO version
4* Saber
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Passive Skills
Riding Rank B+:Increase Quick performance by 9%
Magic Resistance B: Increases own debuff resistance by 17.5%.
Active Skills
Charisma C+ : Increase attack party attack  for 3 turns. from 8.5 to 17%
Un Pour Tous: Porthos: Increase own attack for 3 turns from 10-20% Apply Debuff Immune for 3 turns
Un Pour Tous:Aramis: Apply evade to self for two attacks. And apply sure hit to self and gain 10-15 crit stars. 
Noble Phantasm
Un Pour Tous, Tous Pour Un: Oath Of The Musketeers Rank A, Type:Arts, Anti Unit
Deals 900-1500% damage to a single enemy that ignores defense. Overcharge Increase NP gain for 3 turns from 20-40% (activates first)
“I have answered your call, I d’Artagan shall be your sword and your shield. Hehe, sorry that was far too formal. Let me try again. I am d’Artagan, Saber class. *leans down to kiss your hand* “Enchante, My Lord/Lady. I hope my companions and I can serve you well.”
Level Up
“ Ah je me sens déjà plus fort!” (Translation:Ah.  I feel stronger already)
Battle Start
En garde!  Prêts? Allez!  (Translation: On guard! Ready! Lets begin!)
Battle Start 2
All For One, And One For All! (Randomly said in French or English)
Attack 1
“Advance! Hah!”
Attack 2
“Attaque au Fer!”
Attack 3
Extra Attack
“Parry! Then...thrust!”
Hit By Noble Phantasm
“Gahhh I must...endure!”
Ah! Tou...che.
First Skill Used
Transmettre mes amis! (Translation: Onward, my friends!)
Second Skill Used
Porthos! I need your strength!
Third Skill Used
Aramis! Grant me your speed!
Noble Phantasm Selected
“It is time, my friends!”
Noble Phantasm Used
“Let me show you, the strength of our bond, of our oath. The dream of our legend! All For One, And One For All! Athos! Porthos! Aramis! Fight by my side once more!”
My Room Lines
(If you have Jeanne d’Arc Ruler/Archer) “Mon dieu! Is that Jeanne d’Arc?! I was told stories of her as a child. It is such an honor to meet her in the flesh! She is truly as beautiful and radiant as I imagined.”
(If you have Chevalier d’Eon) “A fellow knight of France! It is a pleasure to meet someone who served the country as I did! To think that there would be future knights as lovely and cute as yourself! Hahaha! No need to blush!”
(if you have Marie Antoinette) *quickly bows* “I can tell just from your beauty and countenance that you are of royal blood. A future queen of France you say? So, I was right! I do seem to have a talent for reading resplendent beauties.”
(if you have Edmon Dantes) “That man... He has a dark aura about him. I feel the pain in his eyes. What must he have suffered to have such eyes?”
(if you have Astolfo) “I’ve been spending some time with Astolfo lately. They are quite the character. On the surface they seem quite strange and lack common sense. However, deep within they truly are worthy of being a paladin of the great Charlemagne”
During an Event
“It seems something exciting is happening out there, master. A festival perhaps? Let us go and see.”
“Things that I like? Hmmm. Wine, roses, books, and poetry. But the thing I love most, are women. Eh? That last one was obvious?”
“Dishonorable types. Backstabbers, traitors and the like. The worst types like that however, are the ones who make women cry.”
About the other musketeers.
“You want to hear about Porthos? Porthos was a boisterous man, always smiling. He had a hearty loud laugh. He was also a bit of a dandy. Always wanting to wear the latest fashions and look his best. I never knew a man who shined his boots more.”
“Aramis was a ladies man, through and through. Despite being highly religious he always seemed to find time for women. *sighs* More than once I caught him knocking boots with the nuns of various churches. But, despite all that, he was a good and stalwart friend, and he always respected when a woman was not interested in him.”
“Athos... Athos was... He was like a father to me. He was the one who taught me how to fight with a blade. I looked up to him, and loved him dearly. But, he was also a haunted man. I often found him drinking away his sorrows. Curse that Lady de Winter...”
Bond 1 “Good day to you my lord/lady. I hope you are doing well. I’m still trying to get used to this modern place. Its a lot to take in.”
Bond 2 “Walking among these halls of heroes, I feel like I’m back at the musketeer barracks again. Just without all the drills, haha!”
Bond 3: “I was not born a noble like the other musketeers. I was a simple farmer’s daughter. But I dreamed of being one despite all that. I remember arriving in Paris, my eyes wide with wonder, and head full of dreams. Ah, sorry, I’m rambling.”
Bond 4:”Hmm? You want to know more about my childhood? Well, there’s not much to tell. I was a farmer’s daughter, as I said. I grew up in the fields of France, milking cows, collecting eggs, milling grain and so on. It was a simple life. But I don’t think it was for me in the end.”
Bond 5(if male mc): “Master, I wish to offer my fealty again. You are my king, and I your loyal musketeer. You are truly a great and kind leader. I could not ask for a better lord to serve.”
Bond 5(if female mc): “Good day, my lady. I hope you’re well. I have something special planned for us today. I’ve arranged a rayshift to the rolling fields of France. A perfect place for a romantic picnic, oui?~ Shall we, my lady? There’s no need to be shy. Take my hand, ma petite fleur~”
Bond CE: “Note From The King”
Effect: “Party Quick, and Arts up by 10% “
“I remember that day. It was many years after my friends and I had drifted apart. I had been recognized for my accomplishments, despite my common birth. I was leading France’s forces against the United Provinces. During the  Siege of Maastricht, I was reading a letter signed with the royal seal. I was to be made into ‘The Marshal Of France’ the highest honor I could ever hope to achieve. I can hear the ringing of the sudden gunshot that followed. The feeling of the musket ball piercing my chest... Blood leaked from lips and I felt my life ebbing.  ‘Athos, Porthos, Aramis, adieu forever....’ “
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