#if someone thinks hmmm this sounds like another character i like
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hyperions-light · 3 days ago
Favorite Sentence Wednesday Saturday Thursday
Extremely belated tag game fill— thank you @basedonconjecture for the tag! Really enjoyed this one!
Unsure who has done this already, but my tag list is: @thedissonantverses | @ofcrowsanddragons | @biowaredisasterbisexual | @mageofquandrix | @bygonesigh | @taashyvashedan | @lurkiestvoid | @dymme | @corvus-frugilegus | @broodwoof | @darethshirl | @i-had-bucky | @vespaer77 | @bodysnatch3r | @the-sparrohawk | @becausedragonage | @mercars-musings | @erin-unknown | @lottiesnotebook | @katuary | @littlemissgeek8 | @flowersforthemachines | @wardensantoineandevka | @mixupmycota | And also YOU, if you want to play =3c
At first I was like hmmm is it conceited that I have so many favorite sentences from my own stuff? But then I decided NO, it wasn’t, because when I write I make things that *I* enjoy, so it SHOULD have a bunch of stuff I like in it lmao. And I hope your work does, too!!
So here are some absolute bangers, brought to you by ME:
He imagines himself a garden, seeds bursting up through the soil of his flesh, to make it more palatable.
From Flesh, a body horror about feeling yourself decay in real time <3 One of my fave things I’ve made, I think!
He felt— he had felt that he loved them. That his level of commitment, his devotion, his elevation of their family had been proof of it. 
But had it been them he truly valued, or the facsimile— the dream of them that lived within him? 
When they failed him, when they did not live within the strictures that he had set he had discarded them; could it be called love which was so inflexible, so militant in its demands? 
From the beating of his hideous heart, a meditation on love, by a character who’s bad at it, in the middle of a mall thoroughfare accompanied by someone he hates.
“My God. Shut the fuck up!” Doffy shouts, the sound unnaturally loud in the silent field. “I don’t care if you’re sorry! I don’t care if you regret it! It’s done, it’s over, there’s nothing you can do. You can’t change it with your whining and your crying and your lamenting. 
“I’m sick to fucking death of you and Rosi mourning the person you wanted me to be. I’m right fucking here. I’m right here! I’m just too— too disgusting for you to love, anymore. Fine. Fine! I understand, so just fucking go! Don’t come around me and my family, begging, with your sanctimonious eulogies for a person I never was!”
From it deepens like a coastal shelf, an AU of another AU about generational and family trauma. I think this sentiment is very relatable, although this character and his circumstances are decidedly less so.
Homing’s father was a towering force in his childhood; irrepressible, waspish and domineering, he demanded excellence from birth, though Homing had little to give. His face was made of sharp, angular lines, well-suited to the severity it often wore; his clothes pressed, immaculate; his back straight.
As an adult, he recalls his childhood in broad, sweeping strokes; outlines of events and places, like great splotches of paint on canvas. He remembers bright and cloudless skies beset by towers of white; many-colored parades through shining streets.
From the same fic as above, the opening paragraphs, minus a few sentences. I think they build the mood well and give a strong impression of the POV character’s father, which is vital to the success of the piece.
To each member of his family, to many cowering future corpses had he said, “My brother’s blood is my blood. That which offends him, offends me.” And for this protection, this service, he was repaid with betrayal. 
That vaunted compassion, which his Sainted parents had so prized— that innocence and naiveté had made his brother ripe to bend to the first kind hand. To be leashed and made obedient to larger dogs laboring beneath Heaven.
From Resentment, a character ruminating on his relationship with his brother, before he kills him. No one ever reads this one because of the Major (canonical) Character Death, but I LOVE it.
Its use is reserved only for those worthy of it; no nameless underlings, no stepping stones on his way to greatness. It is a Heavenly instrument, each sacral bullet purifying the flesh in which it lodges.
Same as above— I love ‘each sacral bullet purifying’; it sounds so good.
This place is a greying husk; the sea and sky pale versions of what was, the people, the plants, and animals— everything, like a grotesque imitation of what came before.
Haunted, a reincarnation fic featuring the villains, who have some truly impressive baggage to deal with. Think this sets the tone for this part, well!
A part of Crocodile misses the park as it was, odd as that is. It was undoubtedly worse, but—it was familiar. He had walked through it on his way home so many times that he’d become fond of it. And now it’s gone. But such beautiful things have grown in its place.
Haunted, again. Think this line captures a very relatable sentiment, for people.
The telephone wires blur before his eyes, the colors of the houses and the sunset running together like diluted paint.
“I have wasted so much time,” he says, and he can hear his voice crack on the last word, much as he’d like to deny it.
Haunted. This moment really gets to people. MC is talking about his father, now old, with whom he has reunited after many years of estrangement.
“You may kiss—” Bon says, but they don’t finish, because Doflamingo grabs him, lifting him from the ground and kissing him as though he means to put every ineffable feeling, every moment of desperate wanting and desire he has ever experienced into a single act, and Crocodile can hear the crowd applauding, but it doesn’t matter, because—
—Because for a moment he transcends time, space, and possibility, and he knows they are on the deck of his ship, leaving the harbor for the first time with a new purpose, to traverse the great, grand sea—
—and as they pull apart, he opens his eyes to find Doflamingo before him, tears streaming down his face, and he realizes that everything he believed lost lives in the man in front of him; he is that world entire.
He realizes that they are found; they are whole; and that what they have built together transcends all that he once had. He laughs, and clutches Doffy fiercely, holding the universe in his arms, and—at last—he feels free.
Haunted. The Big Gay Wedding finale! Was really happy to find a way to pull together the themes, in this chapter, even though it wasn’t in the original plan for the fic.
It is Viago they want, despite what he has done; they return to him ceaselessly, like a river to the sea.
From speak to me in the language of reverence; was very pleased with the metaphor, here!
Wow, if you actually made it down here, thanks so much for indulging me!
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 2 years ago
been thinking about the adult timeline, oot zelda went from being this pampered 9- or 10-year-old crown princess with servants and maids and a full royal guard and a giant house and so much food and clothing and safety and anything she could ever want, and suddenly this whole-ass child wakes up one night from a prophetic dream, her father doesn't listen, and suddenly she goes from having everything to nothing, her father's probably dead, the castle is no longer home, her one hope disappears, she and her one bodyguard hide away with the threat of being discovered around every corner, and everything has turned into her worst nightmare overnight.
And now she has to scrounge and steal and barter for food instead of having it handed to her, she has to dress herself with whatever they have on hand instead of having a maid do it, she has to sleep on rocks and in grass with nothing but her bodyguard's arms around her in some semblance of safety. She looks at everyone else doing the same and knows that it's her fault. She looks at impa trying to keep her safe, suddenly forcing her into Sheikah training for days on end and making her work herself to the bone for the first time since she was born, and she complains because she's a royal kid, but she knows that impa's training is going to keep her alive in this new hell she's created for herself.
She becomes Sheik, becomes him wholly and completely because he is quick and silent and smarter than she could ever be, and he won't make stupid mistakes and get his subjects killed because of it, and he is tough and unimportant and dedicated and, incredibly, more comfortable than Zelda ever had been. Sheik can stay alive and fight from the shadows and train for hours on end without dropping from exhaustion. He can survive and fix childish mistakes and help his subjects, though they will never know it's him. and then impa has to leave him for one of her many, many reconnaissance trips, but for once, neither of them are scared to leave the other because he won't get himself killed at the first sign of trouble. And she doesn't come back, but he doesn't fret, because she can take care of herself and he can trust her.
And he still worries, just a little bit.
And then he's seventeen, and it's been so long, but he scouts out castletown one more time, hiding from all of Ganon's eyes like second nature, when a flash of light catches his eye from the Temple of Time. So he sneaks over to the stained-glass window that looked down upon the Master Sword. But the Master Sword isn't in its pedestal: it's being held by a gangly teenager with a green tunic, a fairy, and a blue ocarina at his belt.
And maybe Sheik realizes he finally has a real chance to fix his mistake.
ANYway I'm just saying that child timeline Sheik probably had an easier learning curve for his ninja-assassin training
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year ago
hmmm just imagine Jason Todd with a girlfriend pretty and kind like an angel and everyone is just shocked because 'how they're a couple??"
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Think I went a little of ask for this one 😂 🦦
Jason calls you his angel for a reason.
You’re sweet, you’re kind, you’re downright beautiful/gorgeous and withheld an equally sweet, kind soul that bleeds through everything that you did or said. When you met Jason he was on the cusp of unconsciousness, finding him just slumped at your front door, severely injured. Anyone else who knew better would’ve left him but no, not you. You brought him -THE RedHood- into your house and home out of the kindness of your heart and patched him up as best as you could.
Heaven sent is another name of endearment that Jason called you and it held true on a plethora of occasions where he would find himself being dragged back at your doorstep, and it wasn’t long after that did Jason finally allow himself to pursue a chance at happiness by your side, and he’d be damned if it wasn’t the best decision he’s ever made in his entire life because being with you had been nothing short of a dream for Jason. A dream he never thought he’d get to live with the fucked up ordeal of having came back from the dead.
However when his family manages to catch wind of this because nothing stays secret for long, not by a long shot, their first thought was; how?
This wasn’t a slight towards Jason or his character but they couldn’t help but feel as though they’ve blinked and missed something extremely pivotal for this to have become the end result. They weren’t the only one to share this sentiment though as even Jason would be taken aback by your differences and often wondered if you were too different for your relationship to work.
It does however and it was one of the only times where Jason was grateful for being wrong for getting inside his own head, and just before he possibly ruins the best thing that has ever happened to him in a long, long while by self sabotage too. God only knows how much Jason would’ve hated himself for doing such a heinous thing to someone as underserving of such treatment as you.
So when Dick asks him one day ‘how did you manage to get someone like them?’ Whilst gesturing to you as you talked with the likes of Duke, Stephanie and Cass and getting along. Jason couldn’t think of a clear answer that would be enough to satisfy his brother’s curiosity because how was he meant to answer that question without it sounding generic and unoriginal.
‘Did you use any offhanded tactics to get them to be in a relationship with you?’ Damian asks and Dick gives him a look, only for the younger of the two of them to shrug his shoulders. ‘It was only a simple question Grayson.’
‘Yeah, just not one you ask when your brother comes home for the first time in months, and in a relationship nonetheless with the epitome of sweetness.’ Dick replied before looking over to Jason who was looking over at you with soft yet protective look on his face, but before Dick could say anything about how nothing was going to happen to you whilst in the Wayne Manor, Jason had already found the answer he has been looking for the entire evening.
‘They saved me.’ In the moment he said those words you looked over at him, Dick and Damian and smiled brightly that it never failed to knock the air out of Jason’s lungs upon seeing it. His angel, his heaven sent, the face he is blessed to see first and last thing in the mornings and late nights where he gently scolds you for staying up for him before kisses you in gratitude for doing so anyway.
Dick seemed content with this answer and meanwhile Damian looked visibly indifferent, he made a noise that said that he was also satisfied with this answer, just in time too as you came over to Jason and subtly held his pinkie with your own as you kissed his cheek. ‘You didn’t to tell me how cool your siblings were Jay!’ You began when Dick decided to join in on it too as he looked as Jason, betrayed. ‘You didn’t? Why not? Is it because you want your lovely partner to always be biased towards you?’ He pouts.
You chuckled and patted Jason on the bicep as you addressed Dick. ‘I’m always going to be bias towards my Jason.’ You admitted, causing a wave of warmth to flood Jason’s entire body upon hearing your confident confession. ‘For he is simply the best man I have ever met and that will never change.’
‘Never?’ Dick asked.
‘Never.’ You answered.
‘Even if he may be in the wrong sometimes?’ Damian asked this time and you shrugged, still smiling. ‘Not all of us are perfect beings and that’s a reality I’d accept rather than one where we’re all without flaw, physical or otherwise.’ Jason felt as though he might combust from your words alone but managed to compose himself enough to press a kiss to your temple to whisper against it. ‘Thank you baby.’
‘Anything for you Jaybirdie.’ You responded in kind, feeling him take hold of your hand, intertwining your fingers together as you rested your head against his bicep as you both continued to talk with Damian and Dick.
Yours and Jason’s relationship may not be what many expected it to be or make logical but why should it when you and Jason were more than happy together?
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wolfythewitch · 5 months ago
HADES 2 SPOILERS (possibly).
*falls through the ceiling* hi sorry if this has been asked before but as you are someone who Gets It, and i am a tired classics + theater double major who gets too insane about characters. i am so curious. have you played hades 2 early access yet and what do you think of odysseus’s characterization in it?
Oh haha hello
This is going to sound a bit incomprehensible sorry I am very sleepy
But hmmm I'm. I'm kinda 50/50 on it? It's a very interesting route to take, because their characterization of Odysseus is a man very influenced by the past. He constantly references his history, he brings up men he used to fight with in the war, he still jumps at Doom, he still hears the sirens' song. (Which. Is so interesting to me. Because I love the idea that you never get the song out of your head. I just dislike the particular conversation it was in, but I digress) He admires and tends (?) to Melinoë's garden. He meets at the taverna and tells tall tales. He's very human! I really like that about him.
I just,, kind of dislike where they went specifically with his relationship with Penelope and Telemachus? To have broken up off screen, because Penelope found out about his affairs? Honestly also kind of does Penelope a little dirty too, I doubt she would be ignorant if that were the case. Hades 2 is very much about homecoming, which is probably why it's so saturated with references to the odyssey. Odysseus cited his own family when he tells Melinoë to keep hers in mind in order to urge herself forward. But in another conversation, the only thing he can say about Penelope is that they were cordial? It just feels wrong haha.
Though part of me wants to think it's a sort of way to deflect, if that makes sense? The way he speaks is so winding, it almost feels like a shield. I'm not gonna assume until I get the full game I think, but this might just be wishful thinking on my part.
(also the "weaknesses for goddesses" sure is a way to put it! Wow! But again. Shield perchance, or even just because he doesn't have any other way to describe it)
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I saw this
And thought it'd be hilarious for some reactions/headcanons from twisted wonderland characters as reader and a friend or someone drink ridiculous amounts of eggnog (if eggnog isn't good then a similar heavy beverage) while they kinda just act silly. Just absolutely losing their minds as they try to out eggnog their competitor. Whether their competitor/friend is one of the characters from twisted wonderland or just some fellow is up to you. Honestly, i just like how you write and want to read more so it doesn't even have to be twisted wonderland. I'm really not that particular about the fandom or which characters you choose cause i like em all and i just wanna read more of your writing cause it's really good
No pressure of course, it's just a silly little thought
I really appreciate that! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Drinking Games | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
This whole scenario sounds like the work of a certain idiot-duo
Getting ahold of Twisted Wonderland’s version of eggnog 
Supposedly the grossest thickest most disliked drink they could get their hands on
And then hosting a competition to see who could drink the most of it
“And what do we get if we beat ya?”
“A….full week spent in Ramshackle….Unsupervised!”
“I didn’t agree to that!” 
“That’s…an appealing prize.”
“One I didn’t agree to!”
First years only it’s already worrisome because more than likely than not they get real competitive 
And they have a hard time knowing when to stop
“Um do you guys maybe want to…take a break? You’re all looking a little green in the face.”
“Please…I got this! Slide that cup on over!”
“Y’all abuncha snowflakes can’t handleagallon o’ ‘is if ya tried!”
“This calls for an intense work out…..later. BRAP! Sorry.”
“This stuff is gross Nya! I’d much rather have a big bowl of milk!”
Imagine how much worse it gets when the dormheads find out 
They’ll scold them 
And then turn right around and have too much evidence that they have a higher record than the others
“I’m only showing you if anyone should have such a prize it would go to me.”
“Because you have records that you had 50 cups?”
“Thanks Riddle but I wasn’t actually going to let anyone stay over.”
“Hmmm I wonder if the more unruly will actually listen to your wishes?”
Sigh ”Don’t remind me! Floyd’s been telling me he’ll move himself in any day now.”
“Tsk. It would probably best to have me over than….just to protect your peace of course.”
It’s best to ‘reward all of them in some way shape or form
Otherwise you’ll just have to get used to being dragged and possibly made the prize of competitions you had no idea was happening 
“Uh hi Lilia you look happy.”
“Of course I am! I won your entire weekend with our wreath making contest.”
“Wait what?!”
“I was thinking we’ll start with a picnic, then we can jam with the band, and then I can go through your closet!”
Usually things won’t get too violent…..usually
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months ago
Unspoken Words pt 5
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Master List
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Reader’s daughter, other characters
Warnings: fluff, illness, mild language
A/N: Another collab story with @cheekygirl2309. This one is about a single mother with a nonverbal autistic daughter who loves Supernatural. The reader is going to a Supernatural Convention with her daughter and things unfold from there. The daughter character is near and dear to my heart. I have someone very close to me who is nonverbal, but he’s such an amazing kid. 
This chapter got a bit long, but it’s worth it. So much happens in this part. I think it’s one of my favorite parts so far. Enjoy. 
This is a work of fiction and does not depict real life. Jensen is single in this story. 
All work is my own and @cheekygirl2309, don’t take it or use it as your own. Reblogs and likes are appreciated. 
Minors DNI 18+
The next morning we woke up in each other’s arms to the sounds of giggles coming from the foot of the bed. We looked up and saw Lily sitting on the floor, playing with her stuffies. She must have woken up and came into my room, but because Jensen was there she didn’t crawl in the bed like she typically does. 
Jensen smiled at me and I at him, “Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?” I snuggled closer in his arms, inhaling his scent and smiled, “Amazing.” “Good, me too.” He lifted my face and kissed my lips. 
Lily came around to my side of the bed and tugged on me. I turned towards her, Jensen’s arms still lazily lying around my waist. “Good morning, Lily. Are you hungry?” “Eat, please” I smiled, “Okay, baby. Let mommy get up and I’ll cook you something.”
I started to get out of the bed and Jensen pulled me back down. I fell back into him and laughed, “Jensen, I need to get up.” “Not yet, not until you give me a proper kiss.” 
I blushed, turned towards him and we kissed. All the unspoken love and the emotions from the past few days poured into the kiss. 
I climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen. I started the coffee pot and grabbed the bacon and eggs from the fridge. I pulled the toaster out from under the counter and when I got back up Jensen was standing behind me. 
I jumped, “Jeez, Jensen. You scared the heck out of me. You’re like a stealthy mouse.” He laughed, “They do call me squirrel.” He winked and grabbed a coffee cup. “Need some help, baby?” 
“Sure, if you want to start the bacon. Lily likes it crispy, but not too crispy.” He nodded and started cooking. The two of us moved around the kitchen like a synchronized dance. It felt perfect. 
The first batch of bacon was done and Jensen asked how it was. I grabbed a piece to test it, “Hmmm, I don’t know Ackles. I might have found something you’re not good at.” I ate the bacon and laughed. 
He knew I was joking. He grabbed me around my waist, and spun me around. “Oh really? If it’s that bad I guess I need to kiss the taste out of your mouth.” “Yes please, it’s horrible” I exaggerated my words. 
He started kissing my lips and then down my neck. The sound of our laughter and me squealing filled the kitchen. Without thinking I wiggled around and faced him, breathless I kissed his lips, “I love you.” 
I froze. “Jensen I’m sorry. It just came out.” He cupped my face, “Hey, it’s okay. I’m okay with it. I promise. I love seeing you happy.”
I looked at him and nodded. I am in love with him, and want to say it all the time, but I also don’t want to make him uncomfortable. 
We continued cooking, and Jensen kept up the playful banter. It helped and made me feel better. I really didn’t want a repeat of last night. When he finished the bacon I sent him to relax in the living room. 
Lily had moved to playing on the floor. Jensen sat on the couch and scrolled on his phone. I grabbed my phone to send Sarah a text and let her know what’s going on with me. 
Me: Hey girl! I have updates! How are you?
Sarah: Hey! I have updates too, you go first. How’s my Lily girl? How’s Jensen?
Me: She’s doing great. He stayed last night. We had sex, it was amazing..Like REALLY amazing, then I almost screwed it up and told him I loved him. 
Sarah: Wait, you what?! You told him you loved him?! That's huge girl? Did he say it back? What did he say? Oh, and girl I NEED details. 😉
Me: He didn’t say it back. In fact he left afterwards, but he came back. He said he was scared, and I understand. We talked when he came back and now we are making breakfast. So, how’s things going with Steve?
Sarah: Steve is great. Perfect gentleman and our date went great. We ended up back at his place. 
Me: Did you two have sex?! 👀
Sarah: No, not yet, but that’s partly because we didn’t have protection. 😂
Me: Girl….I don’t want a niece or nephew right now. You better be safe.
Sarah: Always. Give my love to Lily. I gotta run. Steve and I are heading into a store. Love you, Y/N.
Me: I will. Have fun, and I love you too. 
“Lily, go wash up. Breakfast is ready.” I called from the kitchen. Jensen stood and stretched. Revealing the bottom of his torso and showing me the soft skin of his navel. I bit my lip thinking about last night. My body still tingled. 
We sat down to eat and I noticed Lily was devouring her bacon. “Lily, honey. Is the bacon that good?” I chuckled. All she said was, “mmm”. 
“Well, baby, Jensen cooked it today. He did good, didn’t he?” 
Lily stopped eating, looked at her plate and then up at Jensen. She climbed out of her chair and walked over to him. 
She stood by his chair and he moved back a bit. Lily walked up to him, placed her hand on his chest and looked at him. I looked at Jensen and he looked at me. I’d never seen her do this before, so I was confused about what she was doing. 
With her hand on his chest, she looked up at him and said, “Love Jensen.” I gasped and so did he. He scooped her up and held her tightly. Kissing the top of her head. Tears fell heavy and fast from my eyes.
“Wow, looks like both my girls love me. I am one lucky man.” His eyes flicked to mine and then down at Lily. She snuggled into his arms, “I love you too, Lily, and (he turned towards me) I love you too.” 
My breath hitched. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She let him go and wiggled out of his arms, climbing back in her chair to finish eating. 
Jensen took the opportunity to walk over to me. He took my hands in his and pulled me up to him. “Jensen, you didn’t have to say it.” “I know, sweetheart. I wanted to, because I mean it. I love you and Lily so much. Being with you two is exactly where I’m supposed to be. I love you, Y/N. I’m still scared, but I know we are in this together.” 
A few tears slipped out and Jensen wiped them away with his thumb, “Don’t cry baby. Please. Hearing you say you love me last night and hearing that sweet girl say it made me realize just how precious and rare what we have is. I’m all in baby, for as long as you’ll have me. 
I leaned into his chest, “How does forever sound, Jens?” He chuckled, kissed the top of my head and whispered, “Perfect”. 
Jensen and I fell into a comfortable rhythm over the next few weeks. Lily talked some, but mostly around or to Jensen. 
I had just gotten home from work and Sarah was bringing Lily home later. I jumped in the shower and changed into something more comfortable. Steve and Jensen were coming over dinner and a movie night. Sarah and I were cooking and I was baking dessert. 
Sarah and Steve were spending more and more time together and I could tell she was completely smitten by Steve. I had already told him if he hurt her I would make sure he was never able to have children. Jensen roared when I told him that. Steve looked genuinely scared, Sarah was embarrassed. 
Dinner and the movie went great. Steve and Jensen chatted in the living room while Sarah and I went into the kitchen. Lily was in her favorite spot, on Jensen’s lap. 
“Y/N, Steve invited me back to his place tonight. I’m so nervous.” I smiled, “It’s going to be fine. Just make sure you do what you’re comfortable with, and don’t feel any pressure.” Steve said that too. It’s just been so long since I, well, you know. I don’t want to be bad at it and it ruins what Steve and I have.” “Sarah, I promise it won’t be bad. The first time with someone new is always awkward, but you two will figure it out.” We were hugging when Steve and Jensen walked in the room. “Wow, we let them out of our sight for one minute and we’re already been replaced.” Jensen said laughing. I playfully rolled my eyes, “Nobody can replace her.” I smirked and kissed his lips. 
Steve looked at Sarah, “Are you ready to head out?” He asked softly. She nodded and hugged me. When I pulled her close I whispered, “You’ve got this, and details later.” I squeezed her tight and let her go. 
After Steve and Sarah left Jensen and I snuggled on the couch. “She’s good for him, you know?” Jensen broke the silence. “I hope so. She’s like a sister to me. I can’t stand the thought of her being hurt.” 
Jensen turned me towards him, “Hey, baby. I promise. He was telling me tonight how much he really likes her. They were heading back to his place tonight. If I’m being honest I was surprised they hadn’t already had sex.” My eyes went wide, “What? Why?” Jensen chuckled, “Hey, relax. It’s not what you think. I just know how much Steve likes her.” 
“Well, she really likes him too. I hope tonight is great for both of them.” 
Jensen chuckled softly, “Well, maybe we should head to bed ourselves. I’ve got a couple ideas on how to make tonight great for both of us.” 
“Just a couple? You’re slipping Ackles.” He kissed me and pulled me to the bedroom. 
The next morning we woke up to Lily jumping on the bed. Jensen rolled over and moved so Lily could climb in between us. “Lily, baby. Mama needs more sleep. It’s too early.” “Mama, up.” 
I tried to pull the blanket over my head but she kept pulling it down. “Fine, I’m up.” Jensen chuckled and stretched. The three of us made our way out to the kitchen. 
Jensen made coffee while I fixed a bowl of cereal for Lily. I was about to ask Jensen what he wanted to eat, but he started coughing hard and I looked at him. “Are you okay?” I asked him.��
“Yeah, guess I have a little tickle in my throat.” He coughed again and my brow scrunched. 
I handed him a bottle of water and he nodded, drinking it. 
By the afternoon I could tell Jensen was feeling bad. 
“Jens, are you sure you’re okay? You look like you don’t feel good.” 
“Yeah. I am feeling a little bit bad. I’ll be fine.” 
“Jensen, I think you’re sick.” I took his temperature, much to his dismay and he had a fever. 
I grabbed him some medicine and some water. “You need to rest. Go to bed and I’ll be in there in a minute.” 
“Sweetheart, I should go home if I’m sick. Lily hasn’t been out of the hospital long. I don’t want to make her sick.” 
“You won’t. It’s my job to take care of you. I’d like to think I’m your girlfriend, even if we haven’t made it official.” 
Jensen smiled and cupped my face, “You’re definitely more than that, baby.” 
I smiled and kissed his forehead, “Good, now bed.” 
He smirked, “Yes ma’am.” Jensen crawled back in the bed and I went to check on Lily.
“Sweetie, Jensen isn’t feeling good so he’s in bed. We have to do our best to keep it down so he can rest.” 
Her eyes flicked up at me and filled with concern. She climbed off the couch and ran to my bedroom. 
“Lily, honey. Come back.” Before I could stop her she was standing in the bedroom. “Lily, come on. Let Jensen rest.” 
Tears filled her eyes. Jensen saw her and it broke his heart, “Hey baby girl. I’m okay. Just a little cold.” 
He held his arms out and pulled her in for a hug. She crawled on the bed and sat beside him. 
“Lily, come on.” I tried to get her to leave but she just snuggled down into the bed. 
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Jensen chuckled, “I can’t imagine where she got her stubborn streak from. She’s okay. I promise.” 
I sighed, “Fine Lily, but you have to let him sleep.” She giggled. “I knew you two were gonna be trouble together. She’s already got you wrapped around her little finger.” 
“Since the day we met, right Lily?” Jensen laughed wearily. 
I went back into the living room, grabbed her stuffies and other things. When I walked back into the room the two of them were watching Supernatural together. 
Lily kept looking at Dean on the tv and then back to Jensen. Her smile grew wide. 
“Of course you two are watching this.” I laughed as I handed Lily her things. 
“Do you need anything?” I asked as I placed my hand on Jensen’s forehead. 
“Maybe my other girl snuggled beside me too.” “As much as I’d love to, I need to clean the house and do some laundry. I’ll be back soon to check on you two. Holler if you need anything.” I placed a kiss on his forehead and left. 
A few hours later and 2 loads of laundry I snuck in to check on Jensen and Lily. I found them both asleep. Lily snuggled to Jensen and his arm draped over her. I couldn’t help but snap a picture. 
My heart was so full looking at them. I crept back to the living room and finished folding the laundry. 
Lily woke up and wiggled out from the bed and came into the room with me. 
“Hey baby. Did you have a good nap?” She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom, pointing at Jensen. 
I wasn’t sure what was wrong, but I stepped closer to him. Soft snores left his slightly parted lips. 
Lily took my hand and placed it on Jensen. He was soaked. I knew what she was telling me. 
I picked her up and took her out of the room. “He’s okay baby. He’s sweating because his fever is gone. I promise he’s okay.” 
Lily stayed in the living room with me while Jensen slept. A few hours later he was awake and feeling a bit better. I told him what Lily did and he smiled. 
“Look at that. My Lily girl made the fever go away. Thank you baby girl.” 
She smiled. When he started coughing again she looked worried. 
Lily left the room quickly. “Wonder where she’s going.” I said. 
She came back with her moose and squirrel and handed them to Jensen. He smiled. “For me to get better?” She nodded. “Love dada.” 
I gasped. “Did she just..” my voice trailed off. Jensen smiled, “yeah she did.” 
“Jensen, I’m sorry. I…uh…” I started to panic. Everything was happening so fast I was afraid it would scare him off. 
“Hey, Y/N. Take a deep breath. It’s okay.” I took a deep, shaky breath. 
“Besides, I kinda like the sound of that.” 
Over the next week Jensen got better. He’d split his time between my house and his. We’d talked about Lily and I spending nights at his house so today the three of us were heading to pick out some things for Lily’s room at Jensen’s. He wanted her to be comfortable and was willing to get her whatever she wanted for her room. 
“Jensen, please don’t go overboard. She’ll be perfectly happy with a bed and dresser.” 
Jensen chuckled, “I promise I won’t go overboard.” He got a devilish look on his face and I knew I was in trouble. 
The three of us loaded up the car and Jensen headed towards the furniture store he frequented. 
Walking in I gasped softly. “Jensen, I can already tell this place is going to be out of my budget.” 
He stepped closer to me, “Not out of mine.” He kissed my lips and scooped Lily up and walked towards the kids section. 
I laughed, shook my head and followed them. A sales associate approached Jensen and I, “Is there anything particular you two are looking for?” She asked. 
Jensen pointed at Lily, “Whatever she wants.” She looked over at Lily and nodded. 
Lily walked around and Jensen was close by. I hung back and looked around too. I found a cute little bed, simple and perfect. Then I heard Lily squeal. 
My attention was instantly focused on her. She’d found a bed that looked like Cinderella’s carriage. There was a matching side table and dresser. The canopy sparkled under the showroom lights. 
The sales associate walked over and started talking to Jensen. “Seems like your little girl really likes this bed.” 
He chuckled then looked over at me then back to Lily. “Yeah. I think so too.” 
I stepped closer and I shook my head. “Jensen, this is too much. She doesn’t need a princess bed.” 
He walked over and sat beside her on the bed. “Yes she does, because she’s my princess. Isn’t that right Lily?” 
She snuggled close to him. “I’m going to lose this argument, aren’t I?” 
He nodded, “Yep.” 
I sighed and shook my head. “If you say so. I still think it’s too much.” 
He kissed my lips, “Nothing will ever be too much for her or you.” I smiled and kissed him back, “Just try not to spoil her too much.” “No promises, darlin’.” 
Jensen paid for the bedroom set, a new mattress and delivery. He ordered the full size bed instead of the twin because Lily loved snuggles and it’s easier with a bigger bed. 
Before we left a few fans approached him and he took pictures and signed autographs. 
This was the first time I’d been with him since the convention where he was noticed. 
Getting into the car Jensen took my hand in his and kissed the back of it. “I think that was a successful shopping trip, don’t you?” 
I nodded. He knew something was wrong. “Baby, you okay?” “Yeah, it’s still just strange being out in public with you and people approach you. I guess I need to get used to it. 
He nodded in understanding, “I know. It can be a bit much, but I’ll be by your side the whole time.” 
We pulled back up to Jensen’s house and went in. Lily ran to play in the living room while Jensen and I went to the room that was going to be Lily’s. 
“Jensen, this room is huge.” “Nothing but the best for my girl. So I’m thinking of an area rug so she’s not sitting directly on the floor. This floor gets chilly. I’ll take care of all of it. The bedroom set will be here in a few days, so I’ll get my designer here to pick out the rug and other things for the room.” 
I just smiled and nodded. I knew it was pointless to argue. I kissed his lips softly, “You’re amazing, you know that.” He smirked, “I’ve been told a time or two.” 
We cleaned out the room and as I was sweeping the floor Jensen’s phone rang. “Hey, I’ll be back. I’ve got to take this.” I nodded and kept cleaning. 
When he came back into the room he let out a deep sigh. “Hey, we need to talk.” 
I swallowed hard, my heart pounded in my chest, “Sure, what’s going on Jensen?” “Well, a couple of things actually. That was my manager. Apparently someone took pictures of us today and posted them online. Lily’s face was hidden, so that’s good, but your face was not.” 
“Oh, so is your manager telling you to break up with me?” Jensen’s eyes went wide, “What?! No, they just wanted to let me know and wanted to see if I wanted to make a statement about us. That’s what I wanted to ask you, if you were okay with going public or not yet.” 
I sighed and let out the breath I was holding. “Um, I’m okay with whatever you want to do Jensen. This is all so new to me. I don’t want to mess your job up, so I will let you decide. I’m okay with whatever you think is best.” 
“Well, going public or keeping our relationship to ourselves right now have their advantages and disadvantages. If we go public we don’t have to sneak around, but that means your face and name will be in public, and unfortunately at the mercy of some nasty people at times. If we keep this between us, then we continue to keep things private, so not going out as much, and your name stays out of public. If we keep things private that means I attend events and parties alone, and if I’m being honest I don’t want that.”
I took a deep breath, “Let’s do it, Jensen. Let’s go public. I’m terrified, but I know you’re going to be by my side the whole time.” Jensen stepped closer to me and pulled me close, his lips ghosting mine, “You better believe it. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“So, what was the other thing you wanted to talk to me about?” He took a shaky breath, “Well, they bumped up my shooting schedule for one of the series I’m working on. I have to leave next week for California.” 
My heart sank, I got so used to him being at home I almost forgot he worked away from home. “I get it, you’ve got to go when they want you to. Lily and I will miss you like crazy, but we’ll be here waiting for you. Just promise you’ll FaceTime us. I don’t know if I can go long without seeing your handsome face.”
He smiled at me, “Yeah, I promise. I’ll call and FaceTime every single day.” 
The two of us walked into the living room and found Lily coloring and drawing. “You know, the hardest part is going to be telling her you’re leaving. She might try to hide in your suitcase.” We both laughed, but I was worried about her. 
“Well, what if we don’t have to tell her I’m leaving?” I looked at him confused, “Jensen, she’s going to realize you’re gone. Even if she can’t talk she’s going to feel your absence.” “No, what I mean is why don’t you two go with me?” “What?” “Yeah, Y/N, you and Lily go to California with me. When I’m not on set the three of us can explore the area and I can take my girls out in LA.” 
“Really? You want us to go with you?” He nodded enthusiastically, “Yes!” “Well, I’d have to talk to my boss, but I don’t see why not. I think she’d love that. I know I would.” 
He pulled me flush to his body and kissed my lips, “I’d like it too, sweetheart.” 
The next few days we went about our normal lives. Jensen told his manager he was going to go public with our relationship, but he would do it his way. They agreed. Lily was sitting in between Jensen and I on the couch when there was a knock at the front door. 
I got up to answer it, looking out the peephole I gasped. Jensen was by my side quickly, “What’s wrong?” “Um, it’s David. Lily’s father.” 
“What the hell does he want?” “I don’t know. I haven't seen him since I found out I was pregnant. What should I do?” 
“Go ahead and open the door. I’m right here, baby.” I nodded and opened the door. He smirked when I opened the door, “Hey Y/N. Long time. What's it been, 7 years?” “David, what the hell are you doing here?” 
“Well, I saw you on Instagram. I see you went ahead and had the baby. I’m here to meet my daughter.” 
I scoffed, “Your daughter?!  Where the hell have you been the past 7 years of her life?! She’s not your daughter, she’s mine.” I practically growled. 
He looked past me and saw Lily on the couch, “Hey sweetie, it’s daddy. Why don’t you come say hello.” Lily wouldn’t look at him. 
Jensen stood between us, “I think you should leave.” “Who are you, pretty boy?” Jensen’s jaw tightened, “I’m the one that’s been here with Y/N and her daughter. Like I said, I think you should leave.” 
“Not happening until I meet my daughter.” “David, please leave. You’re going to upset Lily. She doesn’t do well with strangers. If you even care about her a little bit you’ll leave.” 
“What do you mean she doesn’t do well around strangers? I’m not a stranger. I’m her father. Lily, come here baby. Come to daddy.” 
I could see Jensen’s jaw get tighter. Lily ran to Jensen’s leg and grabbed him. “Dada up.” 
David looked at me and then Jensen, “What’s wrong with her?” “She’s autistic, David and doesn’t talk much. Please leave.” 
“Wow, what did you do to her that caused this?” Tears fell from my eyes, “I didn’t do anything, she was born this way you asshole.” 
Lily buried her face in Jensen���s neck and clung tightly to him. Jensen stepped between David and I, “Let me ask you something. If you're her father then tell me when is her birthday? What about her favorite TV show, color? How does she like her bacon? What’s her favorite stuffy? A REAL father would be able to answer all of that. You aren’t her father, you’re just the man who knocked up her mother and then left. Now, I’m not going to ask you again to leave.” 
David scoffed, “You know what, you can have both of them. I never wanted her and she’s just an easy lay. Good luck with her.” He turned on his heels and walked away. 
I closed the door and let out the breath I was holding and the tears fell. Lily clung to Jensen, “My daddy.” “Yes, baby. I’m your daddy and I love you beyond the stars.” 
“Speaking of which, Y/N, let’s make that announcement now. I’m ready if you are.” I nodded. He picked a picture he took of us, both of us looking at the camera and smiling, and another picture of us kissing. “Are these two okay with you?” I smiled and nodded, “Perfect, Jensen.” 
He posted both photos to Instagram, tagging me, and captioned it with: I can’t believe I get to call you mine. I love you beyond the stars, Y/N. Now and forever. 🥰 💗
When my phone went off I smiled and commented: “You better believe it. Now and forever, Jens.” 
He smiled, looked at me and kissed my lips. “There, now there is no mistaking who my heart belongs to. I love you, Y/N.” “I love you too, Jensen.” 
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schrodinger-swriter · 1 year ago
I saw you were doing a fluff alphabet! Hmmm, how about C, E, I, J, M and F for Vox?
C, E, I, J, M, F for Vox
Another character that I am at the moment to grasp onto, in terms of understanding characteristics and writing them.. but nonetheless I am willing to take a crack at writing him! I hope you enjoy, Anon, and I personally give you permission to smite me if this is too OOC!/lh
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Cuddling him is... odd... I enjoy the idea that his body constantly has a faint buzz.. though most of the time when he's not experiencing high energy or emotion, it's hardly noticeable. He prefers being the big spoon, oftentimes pulling you close with your back to him. Sometimes the soft vibrations of his body is soothing, so be sure to take any moment you can to initiate a cuddle session!
Going off of how he reacts when hearing Alastor's return, he can be prone to losing control of himself every now and then. Though, I think that's more so in line with his annoyance and anger rather than all his emotions. He seems like the type to want to come off as.. casual.. in a relationship. He may be devoted to you, but rarely does he drop his walls and allow himself to be completely raw with you. Sometimes he may become irritable when he's been made to examine changing trends so he can best pin point how to promote himself and his tech, though... may become a little snappy.. but in terms of affection.. He wouldn't pour his heart out, but he wouldn't shut you out. Perfectly average in this regard.
Unfortunately, sinners cannot reproduce so having biological children is out of the question. He doesn't much care for children, anyway. He seems like the type to think about being a father, and idealizing it, but not going through with having the child because of work. It sounds sad when it's put like that, but is it exactly wrong? He's so caught up in maintaining the image of the Vees and keeping his own company afloat that outside of the fantasy here and there, he doesn't want children.
It's here he would exercise his status as an overlord and as one of the Vees, by putting an end to whoever had the nerve to injure you. Actually, if it's public knowledge that you and him are together most sinners would know better than to cross you, especially if they aren't an overlord themselves. When it comes to actually interacting with you, I think he would make sure you receive the very best care that money and power can provide, ensuring your recovery is smooth and swift. He may be a little emotionally distant, but that's only because he's beside himself with rage at the nerve of whoever harmed you.
If he's the one injured I think it would play out similarly. Assuming he doesn't deal with the person himself. Wouldn't play up his pain, or down play it either. He would not want to be babied, and he might try to get back to work as soon as possible. After all, trends are ever changing and fleeting. He can't bare the idea of falling behind and possibly being overtaken by a certain radio demon.
He gets jealous... a lot, and when he does things can get ugly. A lot of times it results in him trying to show off and prove why he's better than the other person, and why he's more worthwhile. His screen tends to bug out and buffer while trying to turn the situation into his favor. With Vox it's best not to 'test' him and make him jealous on purpose, unless you're comfortable with the fact that Vox is going to try to run the other person into the ground. Be it literally or with their reputation. Definitely the type to physically pull you away from someone and take you to his side.
Going off of the above and the Injured segment, I think he would make it clear to everyone in Hell that the two of you are an item. A package deal. A couple. If it means having to put a ring on you to put it through everyone's skulls that you're his and his alone, then he might just consider it. Sees it more as a power move of sorts rather than a commitment, whether that causes it's own set of issues is up to you!
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months ago
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 2x02 Off To The Races (Part 3)
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Welcome back, Gentle Readers, to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
This is turning out to be such a great Colin episode, and I am here for it. ;)
Philippa's Wedding
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The wedding everyone was looking forward to! Albion and Philippa are now married and essentially out of the rest of the season. But they're so cute together.
Penelope looks like she's having a decent time hanging out in the back.
Mostly, this whole thing is to make further point that the Featherington estate is a goddamn mess, Jack is attempting to figure it out and getting headaches about it, Portia is scheming for control and Jack doesn't seem to really care all that much about it. The one interesting thing I'd like to point out is that Portia assumes they'll have two more doweries to pay (not that Pen will need that ;) ) but it's fascinating that Portia still believes they'll be marrying Penelope off at some point.
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ABC BROTHERS TIME! And honestly, let's take a second to just appreciate that we have swords and flowy white shirts and three hot dudes and who really cares what this scene is about, let's just have more of it. ;)
The scene opens out with Anthony complaining about Kate -- being pompous, arrogant, and wanting to be right in every situation. Colin returns with a subtle joke (that kind of flies by Anthony because he's too busy being annoyed) that she sounds like a terrible nuisance. Because he (and Benedict) don't know anyone that matches that description...
(As an aside, I do think it's cute that it's a moment to show that Anthony and Kate are alike in many ways both positive and negative.)
The fencing is interesting (no seriously, why aren't there more swords in this show?) -- it's definitely set up to showcase Anthony as hero and elder brother, smoothly besting baby brother in a matter of minutes. Colin's definitely trying (and I argue that Colin is more competitive than, say, Benedict) but a very determined and getting out his aggression through physical sport Anthony has won every round.
I kinda wonder how a Colin with motivation more than just wanting to best his brother would do in a sword fight. Hmmm.
Also, it's really cute that Colin tells Benedict 'good luck' as they switch places. It's such a - our older brother is unhinged - moment, and I love it.
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As an aside, I kind of love the difference between watching Benedict spar Anthony vs Colin. Colin was somewhat taking it seriously (hence being more competitive). Benedict is fully fucking around and driving Anthony crazy. It's kind of hilarious.
Anthony goes on and on about Edwina and how she's the most suitable person for him, being stubborn in his choice. Benedict teases him about Edwina being the only girl left that Anthony hasn't rejected. Colin pipes up stating that maybe he should pick someone with a more agreeable sister. (Which is an amusing statement coming from Colin, who is gonna get a hell of a mother in law to contend with.)
But also, he's just kind of winding Anthony up. Kate is a notable sore point for Anthony, and both Colin and Benedict know this. I don't think they recognize that Anthony's feelings for Kate are what's really driving his issues, but they do know she's a button they can push to drive Anthony mad.
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Btw, I really love the physical comedy of this scene. There are a lot of little, fun moments not only during the fencing, but on the facial expressions of all three of them. As Anthony goes on another tangent - heating up about Kate, Colin throws an amused, little look Benedicts way, and they share a knowing understanding that this is Anthony going full on Anthony again. And they both find it funny rather than playing into Anthony's issues.
It's such a shared, brotherly moment -- the dynamics of these three are, just, always amazing and really, I would love just love more of them in the series.
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Also, can we note how calm, casual, and relaxed Colin is in this scene -- there is, like, zero tension in his body as he hangs out on the bench next to the lemonade. It's been a short time since he's returned from travels, and he's in remarkably high spirits. Just... throwing that out there.
Anyway, Anthony and Benedict's match becomes a little more heated, and Colin jokes about going to get armor. (Has he seen his two older brothers go at it physically at some point? Probably.) Anyway - there's talk of honor and not holding back and Anthony gets Benedict to the ground in victory as you can hear Colin laughing about it in the background.
Anthony then jets off, ready to get into the next scene while Colin and Benedict look bewildered by Anthony's drive. And then shrug it off and decide to spar against each other. (I'm slightly curious who won those matches.)
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Look. All I'm saying is more flowy white shirts and swords. I am a simple person.
Family Outing
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That evening (?), while Anthony is angsting away in his study, everyone else is getting ready to go to the Danbury Soiree. There's a cute, blink-and-you-miss it moment where Violet's asking Colin for friends who are interested in dogs because she thinks Eloise is now into dog grooming after being so interested in that pamphlet.
It's kind of hilarious. Colin is like - mother, wtf you on? Eloise is just so embarrassed by it. It's such a great little moment.
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THIS is such a sibling moment. SUCH a sibling moment. Violet basically scolds Anthony for his actions. Eloise looks shocked to see it. Colin is so rightfully amused. It's got such a 'ooohh, Anthony is in trouble and is getting yelled at by Mom...' vibe. I love it.
I also love that, like, a second later - Violet ushers them along, like - you two don't need to stand around and stare, we got things to do.
Next time, we'll dig into that Danbury Soiree. For now, thanks for reading :)
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kybercrystals94 · 1 month ago
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The Defender (ch.7)
Febuwhump 2025 | Day 7 | Prompt: Alternate Timeline Self
Read here on Ao3
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Rated: G | Words: 1311
Character Ages
Omega (8)
The Batch (Chronological: 4.5 / Biological: 9)
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“Is he going to be alright?” Omega asks. 
She resists the urge to fuss at the hem of her tunic, though her fingers itch to be busy, to do something. Something to help Crosshair, something to assure their anxious brothers. She knows they do not trust Nala Se. 
And she knows why. 
“Concussions are a common injury in the environment the clones are cultivated in,” Nala Se says, not looking away from the scans she has been studying for the past hour. Omega wishes she understood the images of her brother's brain the way Nala Se did, the contrasts of dark and light on some, the bursts of startling colors on others. “My concern is where CT-9904 was injured.”
Nala Se turns her head to regard Omega. 
Omega swallows, but holds her ground, keeps her chin raised. She hopes she appears merely curious – not defiant, or, worse, invested. Omega was already frustrated with herself for her behavior when Crosshair first arrived in Nala Se’s lab, confused and afraid. He had mistook her for Hunter, and she had let him believe it. She thought Nala Se would approve of her method of calming the patient. 
She had not. 
“I’m just asking,” Omega continues carefully, “because that is what medical assistants are supposed to do. Ask questions.”
“Hmmm.” Nala Se turns away. “The answer to your question is for another time, Omega. I must focus. Go, attend to your studies.” 
Omega hesitates, biting back another insistent question. But when Nala Se has made up her mind, she will not be swayed. So Omega goes, only not to her studies. She walks out of Nala Se’s office and slips into the room where Crosshair is being monitored. The space is cluttered with familiar medical equipment that has surrounded Omega all of her life. 
Seeing them now, surrounding her brother, makes Omega want to cry. 
He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t be hurt like this. She had been so focused on Hunter that she had not thought to check on their brothers. She could have done something to protect him too. Set off an alarm in the hall to make someone from maintenance come to the scene. It might have even scared off the cadets before they’d gotten a chance to hurt him at all. 
Omega approaches the medical cot slowly, on quiet, light footsteps. Crosshair is sedated. She knows she cannot wake him; and yet, she instinctively falls into the habits she’d had not to wake her brothers when they were babies, what feels like a lifetime ago. Nala Se had told her that interrupting their sleep cycles would damage them. Omega took the warning very seriously. She never wanted to be responsible for something so awful, so unthinkable. 
But here is Crosshair now, damaged. 
And here is Omega, feeling dreadfully responsible. 
“Crosshair,” Omega whispers. 
He does not respond. The only movement is the steady rise and fall of his chest, the only sound his resting breaths. She expected as much, knew as much, but she is still disappointed. 
Another step forward, and Omega is close enough to reach out and take his hand. 
She never thought she’d be this close to her brothers again. 
Glancing back at the door, Omega inhales a shuddering breath. She wraps her hand around Crosshair’s, squeezing it softly. “I’m here, Crosshair,” she says. “I know you don’t remember me, but I’m your sister, Omega.” 
The confession, said aloud to unhearing ears, is safe, Omega thinks. An invisible weight lifted. 
Omega smiles. 
“Do you want to hear a story?” she asks.
The Crosshair Omega has been watching through security feeds would probably scoff and say no; however, the Crosshair Omega had held in her lap many years ago, the little white haired child called Oh-four, would have absolutely said yes.
So, Omega tells him a story.  
When Crosshair wakes up, he is alone. He stares at the ceiling above him, the lights dimmed to a sleep cycle setting. He feels groggy, his mind thick and slow. Curling the fingers of his right hand, he is surprised that it is empty. Someone had been holding it, he thinks, and the warmth of their gentle grasp lingers. 
He misses it. 
I’m here, Crosshair.
Crosshair turns his head to look where the voice had been, where the voice now wasn’t. 
Memories lurk like shadows, undefined and faceless, at the edges of his mind. He wants to chase them, to force them into the light, to see them for what they are, but they slip away before his clumsy thoughts can catch them. 
“You are awake.” 
Any peace Crosshair had felt evaporates at the familiar, even voice. The jolt of fear that takes its place brings with it sharp, terrible clarity. The cadets that had been after Hunter, the fight, the white hot pain of his head striking the wall. Hunter holding his hand. Hunter comforting him. 
Nala Se steps into his view. “Recite your CT number.” 
Crosshair blinks, moves to prop himself up on his elbows, and forces himself to focus. “Nine,” he rasps, but his throat is parched and scratchy from disuse. He swallows and tries again. “Nine, nine, zero, four.” 
“Are you able to recite the CT numbers of your three batchmates?” 
…when the five of us were together…
Crosshair nods, and rattles off the CT numbers belonging to his brothers. 
“Are you capable of walking, CT-9904?” Nala Se asks. 
Moving sounds like the last thing Crosshair wants to do, but if it means the possibility of getting out of this room, out of this lab, out of Nala Se’s sight, he is willing to try. “Yes, ma’am.” 
“A medical droid will accompany you back to your barracks,” Nala Se says. “It will remain in your barracks until you finish your recovery. Am I understood?” 
Crosshair bristles. “Does it have to?” 
Nala Se pins him with a look that he refuses to wilt under, holding her gaze glare for glare.
“I said,” Nala Se says, “am I understood.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Crosshair grits out. 
Nala Se turns and leaves the room and a medical droid whirls in. 
…he taught me how to follow you everywhere…all through the city…
Crosshair winces, reaching up to prod his fingers against the lump on his head. 
“You should not do that,” the droid says. 
Crosshair scowls. “What’s it to you?” 
“I have been tasked with your care,” the droid tells him. 
“You’ve been tasked with spying on us,” Crosshair hisses, sitting up slowly. 
The droid hovers close to him as he slides off the medical cot to the floor. The solid surface beneath his boots sways unpredictably, and Crosshair grips the cot to keep from falling. 
“Do you require assistance?” the droid asks. 
“No,” Crosshair says, pushing the droid away when it gets too close. 
“Your brothers are worried about you,” the droid says. 
…our brothers are worried about you…
…I told them you’re going to be okay…
Crosshair has never heard a medical droid refer to clones as brothers. Or tell a clone anything personal for that matter. What did a droid care if clones were worried about another clone? 
…he helped me find you…
“Are you experiencing confusion?” the droid asks. “I will notify–”
“No!” Crosshair cries. He sucks in a breath, looking warily at the door, hoping his outburst wasn’t overheard. “Just…just take me back to my barracks. I’m fine.”
He is relieved when the kriffing droid believes him. 
Before he steps into the lift, having reluctantly allowed the droid to steady him, Crosshair glances down the halls once more. It had felt real, this other life…the one the voice spoke of. 
The voice…not Hunter…
“Omega,” Crosshair breathes. 
But it must have been a dream. 
It had to be. 
They could never have had a sister. 
Crosshair tries to shake the thoughts away, but they persistently hold fast. 
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Up next...
Prompt: Blowtorch
Let me know if you'd like to be added to my prompt list!
Prompt List: @arctrooper69 @groguandthebadbatch @ezras-left-thumb @maeashryver @baddest-batchers @laughhardrunfastbekindsblog @omegafett99 @heidnspeak @fionas-frenzy @dreamsight73 @royallykt @blackseafoam @skellymom @griffedeloup
18 notes · View notes
fangirlstorycreator · 11 months ago
pretty pretty pretty please can you do a story about blitzo??!! I've just seen that you wrote for hazbin hotel and helluva boss and I love those shows! blitz is my favourite character! Let's imagine you work with him moxie and millie, but there is a spark between you both! And maybe he saves you from striker? I'm buzzing to see what you write!!! xxxxx
Blitzo! Absolutely anon! I'm so excited to write my first Helluva Boss story, I hope you enjoy 🤗💚
Contains: Swearing/Sexual content/dirty talk/sexual intercourse/kidnap/threatening language (NOT FOR MINORS!)
You had just taken another call for a job, this business was really blowing up recently, who would have thought k#lling humans in the living world was such a good career? You were the only one in the office at that moment, as Blitz, Millie, Moxie and Luna had been invited to an event in the Wrath ring, that wasn't really your kind of thing to do. You had just finished writing down the last few details of this new job, when the door bursts open and hits the wall with a loud bang.
"Satan's d#ck hole! Damn it! Why is it that every time we go anywhere with that feathery f#ck, someone wants to k#ll him!" "Well, he is royalty sir" "So what Moxie? He ain't so royal when I'm d#ckin his-" "Ugghh! Blitz!" "Ooh! Sorry Loony" Luna was always wound up by something Blitz would say, I think it was just part of their father and daughter relationship, even though Luna would never admit that. "Hey sh#t tits! Anyone call in for more work while we were gone?" "Just one, someone who had a an abusive ex boyfriend, she's down in hell because she tried to kill him apparently. But, because he's still alive up there..." "She needs us! F#ck yeh! Let me read the details about this one. Moxie! When your done humping your wife's leg, go and refill the guns. We're gunna need them for this next c#ck sucker" Moxie just huffed as he and Millie went to sort out the guns, Luna was sat by the meeting table, flicking through her phone with her earphones in, and Blitz was still reading the info you wrote.
"So Blitz, you were talking about Stolas when you came back, what happened?" "Oh, that god damn royal #sshole invited us to the Wrath ring for some kind of festival. It actually wasn't that bad, I even joined in with some of the games they had, they were f#cking awesome!" "So what went wrong?" "Oh, well it turns out there was this guy down there, who I was competing against, who was trying to k#ll Stolas" "But he's royalty right? You can't k#ll royalty without-" "An angelic weapon? Yeh, turns out the f#cker has one" "Sh#t! Well, what happened then?" "He hid it from us, until Moxie found the gun. He attacked Moxie and Millie, then I came and pretty much saved the day!" "Saved the day?" "Well....yeh he got away, but! I was the one that distracted him so Moxie could get a clear shot" "Oh really? And how exactly did you do that?" "He was totally flirting with me, trying to make me join him. I just played along" "Hmmm..." "What?" "Oh come on Blitz, your telling me you didn't like it? Not even a little? Your always the dominant one when it comes to Stolas, you secretly liked him being the one in charge for a moment didn't you?" "Hey! I played along with him so Moxie could get the gun!" "Didn't answer my question though...." "Ok...fine, just for a minute. But that's all! I'm always the one who f#cks other people, not the other way around!" "Sounds like a part of you was willing to give it a try"
Blitz raises an eyebrow to you, quickly looks around to make sure Luna isn't paying attention and that Moxie and Millie aren't there. Leaning slightly on the desk, he whispers to you. "You think so huh? Well maybe I'd like to give it a try sometime...." "Blitz....are you trying to flirt with me?" "What if I am, gorgeous? You never know, it could be fun....you wanna ride on this d#ck?" Pretenting to play along with him, you reach up and gently pull him in a little closer by his collar, and lean in to whisper into his ear. His neck slightly shivers as he can feel your breath, he's loving it. "Maybe I would, Blitz........if you actualy had something decent to ride on" "What?!" He shouts as he backs away, leaving you giggling. "What the f#ck are you trying to say? I haven't got a big d#ck?! I could rock you world!" "I doubt it, I think your all talk Blitz" "Oh yeh! If Luna wasn't hear I'd bend you over this desk and f#ck you till your screams filled the god damn office" "Yeh....or my moans of boredom" "Oooh you cheeky minx-" "Hey sir! We've refilled the guns" "Huh? Oh! Right, thanks Moxie, just put them in the van would yeh?" Moxie and Millie head out to the van with Luna, and Blitz just smirks. "I know we play this flirty game a lot Y/N, but has it ever occurred to you that I might actually wanna f#ck you?" "It has, however, you know me Blitz. If you want this...you have to earn it" "Well...challenge excepted! Alright, I've gotta go, we'll go and k#ll this abusive c#ck sucker and be right back"
"No problem. Hey Blitz?" "What?" "You didn't really finish your story about the attempted assassination on Stolas" "Oh yeh! Stolas is fine, we still use the book and we assumed that guy just ran away because of how much we tried to f#ck him up" "He may still be out there, you never know. Does he live in the Wrath ring?" "I don't know, he just disappeared" "Sounds like an #sshole, what was his name anyway?" "Striker" "Striker? What was he? A cowboy?" "How the f#ck did you guess that?" "It sounds like a stupid name to give yourself if your a cowboy" "I can't say I disagree. Anyway! See you later sh#t tits!" You knew he never meant it, but that was just a stupid nickname that had stuck for you now. You just found it funny, just like him. Yes you guys did playfully flirt a lot of the time, but there were times, you could see in his eyes, he was actually turned on. Who knows what could happen between you? But that wasn't on your mind right now, because yet another call has come in. That night when they came back and finished that job, Moxie and Millie had packed their things and headed home, and you were just getting your stuff in your moterbike as Blitz pulled up beside you with Luna in the van too. "Hey sh#t tits! Good job today. Are you hungry? Me and Loony are gunna go get some burgers, wanna come?" "I'm fine thanks Blitz, I'm quite tired so I'll just have something when I get home"
"Alright, we'll see you tomorow then. You ready for some burgers Loony?!" "Uugghh, they're just burgers, no need to get so excited about it" "But there MEGA burgers! There f#cking awesome!" "Whatever" "See you Y/N!" And just like that, he sped off down the road to the burger joint in town. You could see that Blitz always tried his best with Luna, he really does care about her. Once you were ready, you got on your bike and drove towards home, but you did stop at a local bar first. You placed an order for their club sandwich and fries to go, you loved that meal, it was the best thing they did. As you were waiting by the bar, you hear the sound of jingling with footsteps coming towards you, that was strange. When you turned to look behind you, a strange guy had walked up to you and stood beside you by the bar. He had a large brown hat, yellow eyes, a white jacket with little tassels, knee high boots and a red handkerchief wrapped around his neck. Not to mention the creepy smile and the pencil thin moustache, just one look and it made you feel uneasy, whoever this was, you didn't like him straight away.
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"Hey there little darlin.....what's your name?" "Not interested" He had a thick accent, like a cowboys western voice. "Hey now, there's no need to get like that. How about I buy you a drink?" "No" "Are you sure?" "No is a full sentence #sshole!" "Woh woh there, I was only tryin to be polite. Why are you gettin all defensive" "Because when a woman says no, that's all she has to say. Now get away from me you creep" He just huffs, running his thumb over his bottom lips as he watches you. "I like a woman with a little bite"
"This is your final warning d#ck head, f#ck off!" "Fine....but let me leave you with this" He slides a card to your fingers, with his number on it. "Call me if you change your mind....and by the way, what name was given to a beauty such as yourself?" "F#ck off" "Well....the names Striker....see you later little darlin..." Striker? Oh sh#t! THE striker? He walks away as you just figure that out, you now know who he was, what he looks like, and that he didn't just disappear like Blitz had said! You needed to tell Blitz! The next morning, you made your way to work and see Moxie, Millie and Luna all doing their own thing. "Millie?" "Yeh?" "Have you seen Blitz?" "Yeh, he's in his office" "Thanks" You walk to the far end of the hall and knock on the door "Blitz?" "Y/N! Is it just you?" "Uh yeh, why?" "Just wondering! Come in!" As you open the door, you see Blitz's desk infront of you, but he wasn't sat behind it. "Blitz? Where-" All of a sudden, you feel hands grip your waistline, spin you around and pin you against the wall. It's Blitz! And he has a deep s#xual hunger in his eyes. "Hey there..." "Blitz, this really isn't the time, I need to-" Placing his finger to your lips, he shooshs you and whispers. "Oh yeh? Well I think it's the perfect time for me to show you exactly what I'd like to do to you..." He says in his most seductive tone. "I've imagined pinning you up against this office wall, pounding your brains out as I-" "Blitz! While this is a lovely suprise, I really need to talk to you!" "Huh? About what?" "Striker!" "Striker? What about him?" "I've seen him! Last night!" "What?! Well why the f#ck didn't you lead with that?"
"Well maybe if I was allowed to actualy say anything as you were trying to f#ck me up against a wall!" "I thought you wanted this?!" "Not right now! I need to talk to you about Striker!" "Shit, Striker. Ok, what happened?" You sit him down and explain what happened last night, and the card with his number on it. "That mother f#cker! He hit on you!" "Your honestly focused on that part Blitz?!" "Well duh! What else should I be focused on?" "Oooh I don't know? Maybe the fact that Striker is still out there, and he could try and hunt down Stolas again!" "Oh sh#t! I didn't think of that. Alright, let's go and tell everyone else" You and him called everyone into the office where you explained what happened last night, and it looked like Moxie had seen a ghost. "Mox? Are you ok?" "That bastard tried to k#ll me and Millie! The thought of him being around again, I hate it. I know you saw him briefly last night Y/N, but you haven't seen him when he's fighting. He's tough" Blitz says "Well yeh he was Mox, but most people are when they're fighting YOU" "What?! Sir I can handle myself!" "When Millie's holding your hand...or your d#ck!" "Sir! I'm-" "Anyway, anyway Moxie. Your right, he is tough. But I know someone in this room who would beat the sh#t out of that #sshole" "Sir, if your going to say Luna, she barely helped us that day when we ALL fought him!" "Not quite Luna, but I know my sweet baby could tear out anyones throat out! Can't you Loony?!" Just shrugging at him, you see a small smile at the corner of Luna's mouth.
"Anyway Moxie, if you hadn't have interrupted me you f#cking bipsh#t! I was actually gunna say Y/N" You were instantly confused. "Huh? Why me?" "Oh come on! I once saw you take out an entire street of humans in the most brutal and violent ways! There was a good 45-50 of them! And they were better fighters than Striker!" "Blitz, first off, I disposed of them because they were all convicted pedofiles. And they were meeting up there to find away to lock down a local human school" "Yeh! And you f#cking k#lled every one of them!" "Yes...and second of all, I know there was a lot, but this Striker you've told me about has an angelic weapon and was able to take on all 4 of you, and get away. What makes you think that in a scenario where me and him are fighting, that I would be the one who comes out on top?" "Because you have fought each one of us, and all at the same time when we did our training before we started going to the human world. And each time, you beat the sh#t out of us! You even beat Luna!" "Yeh....you kinda did beat me Y/N....but I also kinda respect you because of that" "Oh, thanks Luna. Look, discussing this is all well and good. But what if Striker decided he's going to try and finish the job with Stolas?" Everyone looks at eachother for a moment, trying to think of what to do. "I've already told Stolas we're not bodyguards, you remember the sh#t show at Loo Loo Land?" "Yes Blitz, but let's not forget. No Stolas, means no access to the human world" "Oh f#ck sticks! Alright, fine! We'll keep an eye out for Striker. If any of you guys see him, kill him! Or else were out of a job"
The next few days went by as normal, you went and did a few jobs with Blitz, Millie and Moxie, informed Stolas about Striker and told him to call any of us if he saw him again, and generally just tried to get on with things. You and Blitz hadn't discussed the moment in his office, but you knew it had to be brought up, but how? Now that you knew that he really did wanna sleep with you...were you going to?...... One morning, Blitz gave Millie and Moxie a little job on earth to do, he apparently couldn't be bothered to do it. So Millie and Moxie left with the book, Blitz was in his office talking a call from Stolas and Luna was sat behind the front desk, checking her sistagram. You saw this as an opportunity, and seized your moment. "Hey Luna?" "What?" "You bored?" "Yeh" "I need to do some important paperwork at this desk, how about you go and see if there's anything nice you can treat yourself with down the mall in town?" You say sweetly offering her $60. "Wow! Really?" "Yeh, go treat yourself for a few hours" "Cool, thanks. I'll see you later" As soon as she grabbed her coat, she was out of there, and you and Blitz were the only ones in work. Walking towards his office, you can faintly hear the ending of the phone call with Stolas, which Blitz seemed to want to finish. You knocking on his door gave him the perfect excuse. "Huh? Stolas I gotta go, someone's hear to talk to me. Buy. Is that you my little Loony?"
Blitz was pleasantly suprised to see you walking into his office instead. "Y/N! What brings you buy? Oh, and by the way, whatever it is, I'm glad. Because Stolas was talking my f#cking ear off on the phone" "Stolas does love to chat to you Blitz" "Yeh, he likes a lot of sh#t about me. Maybe it's because I diddle his holes every month? Eh it must be, anyway! What do you need?" Raising an eyebrow to him and slowly closing the door, you lean against his door, trying to look seductive. "Maybe I need you to finish what you started.....that is....if you remember?" He stands straight up, eyes wide at first, then turn hungry and devilish. "Ooooohh...your damn right I remember...." He takes his time to walk over to you, taking in the sight of you, looking so damn sexy infront of him. He pins his hands against the wall, with you and him now very close. "So....you do wanna ride on this d#ck huh?....." "If...you can deliver the goods...." "Oooh baby....promise me when I say, I can deliver the f#cking goods....tell me....how do you like it?..." "I like a guy that can take charge..." You say seductively, running your hand down his chest and slowly massaging his now growing bulge. "I like someone who tells me what to do....tells me what a good girl I can be" You lean into his ear, bite at his earlobe and run your tounge down his neck making him shiver. It was like a fire was lit in him, he exhaled deeply, sounding so sexy, right before his hand came and wrapped around your throat.
"Let's just see about that....(grawl)" That noise he made was enough to make you wet already, let alone the look in his eye and the way he spoke to you. His hand on your throat ever so slightly squeezed as his other unbuckled his trousers. "I've wanted to f#ck you like this for so god damn-oh sh#t! Won't Luna hear us?" "Nope! I gave her some money to spend in town...I wanted you all to myself..." "Oh your full of suprises....but now I want you full of me!" His hands grab your hips and pin you against the wall, leaning in and pressing his eager lips to your neck and kissing the soft and delicate skin, making you practically melt against him. Your breath catches as he nibbles at your neck and ear, and he starts to grind against you as his hips slide a little inbetween your legs. You can feel his hard bulge as he rubs it in just the right space, f#ck me you were so turned on from this, and he hadn't even taken his clothes off yet. Pulling away from your neck, he kisses you so hard that you feel dizzy and breathless, your fingers dig into his shoulders just so you can have something to hold onto. Ripping his shirt open, you stroke down his chest, feeling his tough body and his racing heartbeat, holy sh#t. Without warning, he picks you up and slams you on top of his desk, still holding your legs around his hips as he looks deep into your eyes.
"Your so f#cking hot....I've imagined plowing you against this desk for so long..." "What's stopping you then?.....or are you being a little pussy?..." Again, his dominant side is back out, and his hand is around your throat again. "Call me a pussy again baby....I dare you....see what happens...." His devilish look and his tone of voice makes you want him to take you now! Hard and fast! ".....Pussy...." "You asked for it..." His lips are on you again, sliding his tounge inside he's trying to f#ck your mouth with it. He pushes you down onto the desk, still holding you by the neck as he whips out his cock, slamming it inside you with no hesitation. "Huh! Oh f#ck!" "Yeh that's it baby...f#cking take all of me....oooh you feel so good..." Just like you wanted him, he holds you in place as he f#cks you mercilessly against the desk. Over, and over, f#cking you like a little rag doll. Your orgasm was already seconds away, you couldn't hold on! Your scream filled the office as your body shook, your legs felt like jelly and he didn't stop once. "That's it, c#m all over my c#ck! Awww, look at that little face...your all worn out....you all finished there? Hit your high....well I think you can handle another one....or a few" He really wasn't finished with you, you did feel a little worn out, but hungry for more, and he could sence that. Flipping you over, your now facing a way from him while still leaning over the desk, where he starts f#cking you again, making tears fall from your eyes as he brings you to climax again and again, and again! Even his tale played a part in the action! When it wasn't flicking and rubbing at your most sensitive area, it was tying your hands together and letting him be completely in control, and you loved every single f#cking second of it! No previous boyfriend or one night stand had made you feel like that before, it was f#cking insane!
You felt as if you were going to pass out soon, this whole experience had tired you out, not to mention this is the most orgasms you had ever had in a row! Your legs were like jelly! If Blitz wasn't holding you around him, you'd have collapsed a long time ago, he was a lot stronger that you had imagined. Just as you feel like another orgasm could put you to sleep, Blitz came with a loud grunt and shout! "(Grunt) Ah ah! Oh f#ck yeh! (Out of breath) oh sh#t! That was....damn! You ok?" "Oh Blitz....I haven't.....just...woh..." "You got some stamina in you girl! Hear let me help you get a little more comfortable" He gently slides himself out and helps you sit in the chair, your poor legs are shaking and you can't control them at the moment. "Was that too much for you? I'm sorry if I was too-" "Oh no Blitz, that was f#cking awesome!" "Yeh?" "Yes! I finaly know what if feels like to get my brains f#cked out" "Ah ha ha! I know right! You were great, way better than I imagined you were" "So, are my legs supposed to be doing this?" "What the shaking? Oh don't worry, I know how to fix that" Taking you carefully in his arms, he walks down the hall with you to the far end, where there is a bathroom with a separate shower area, just incase. It tended to be used if you needed to wash off any blood whilst inbetween jobs, but for now, it was to help you get cleaned up. He was being so sweet, helping you get cleaned and get your legs back to normal in the shower, you wouldn't have imagined he had pretty much rearranged your guts mere moments before. 20 minutes later, you could walk and were no longer as sensitive, and you both went back to Blitz's office to get dressed back into your clothes. He insisted you sit and take a breather as he put his office back together, you both did kind of destroy it in the heat of the moment.
"That was incredible Blitz, I can't believe we haven't done that before" "I know right! I'll tell you what though, you were sooo worth the wait" "Aww thank you. You definitely were too" A few minutes passed and you hear the sound of the portal in the main room, Moxie and Millie had come back. They came and knocked on the door, Millie looked happy, but Moxie not so much. "So M&M, how did it go? Holy sh#t Mox! You look like sh#t!" "Oh he's alright Blitz, he's just a little shaken up by that job we just did" Millie had explained to you and Blitz that they had to deal with a human who wanted to keep Moxie as a pet, and made him wear a dog collar and tried to make him eat dog food. "Can you blame him Mox? You do act like a little b#tch sometimes" "Sir! I am not a dog!" "Calm down Mox, I said bitch! Which is technical a female dog" "Does taking the p#ss out of me make you feel just slightly important for a mere second? Considering how sad your own life is sir?" "Yeh, it does actually. Anyway! Mills, tell me about this little sh#t you and Mox had to deal with. It sounds like fun!" As Millie and Moxie discuss the contract with you both, Blitz couldn't help but sneak glances at you, and you him. He did just f#ck you so damn good! And everyone was oblivious, it was kind of exciting. Later that afternoon, everyone was getting ready to go home, and Luna had come back with a bag of new clothes. She showed you when you asked to see them, however, as soon as Blitz wanted to see like an over excited parent, Luna just hit him with her bag, slightly smirking, it was kind of funny. When Millie and Moxie left, you, Blitz and Luna were walking out to the car park together.
"Are you gunna show me your new clothes at home Loony? I think you'd look so cute in some new outfits!" "Ugghh shut up da-Blitz!" "Aww your too precious" Luna huffed and sat in the van, where Blitz offered to walk you to your moterbike. "Thanks again for giving Luna some money to go shopping, she does love it in the mall. It's just a shame she doesn't like me there with her...I thought it could be a nice daddy/daughter experience" "I know Blitz, and you can have that some day, but it's when you both have to be ready for that. Don't get your hopes up ok? She does love you" "Yeh, I love her too.....So uhh....about today?" "I'm...gunna guess it's something your not going to want to do again?" "Huh? No! Why would you think that?" "Isn't this supposed to happen? Whenever I've been with a guy, they tend to either ignore me from then on, or just never see me again" "What a bunch of fat f#ckin d#ck wads! Hell no! Y/N, I'd still like to keep this going" "You do?" "Yeh! I know when we first met, we discussed not wanting a relationship, so why not friends with benefits? I still care about you, but if you like, we can be friends who screw eachothers brains out too! What do you say?" "You know what? I actually like the idea of friends with benefits. We always banter and flirt with eachother anyway. The only difference now is that we both get to do something about it" "Yeh! I agree! Great! Friends with benefits!" He gives you a quick hug. "I've got to go now, but maybe we could (hang out) again tomorrow?" "Are you sure? Are you not tired from today? Or worried someone could hear us in the office tomorrow?" "Oh I got a f#ck load of stamina baby! And there can't be much noise if your mouth is full....See you tomorow!"
He smiles happily as he hops into his van, and drives down the street to take himself and Luna home, he was such a manic ball of energy, but you loved that about him. Once you got your moterbike ready, you started driving in the direction of home, just enjoying the quiet trip on the bike, like nothing more than an easy night. That was....until the accident....You had taken a turn down a street you usually drive, it was a short cut. But what you didn't see was that mere seconds before you drove over them, someone had thrown road spikes down, and it popped both your bike tyres! You panic! Swerving, scared you were going to crash and get seriously hurt! The bike was about to fall, taking you with it, when you made a quick thinking decision. You, or the bike, you chose you. Jumping away from the seat, you land hard on the pavement right before your bike hit a large tree, crushing it and nearly killing you in the process. Pain floods throughout your body, blood trickled down your arms and face when you touch it, you had hit your head and hurt your arms and legs when you impacted the pavement, it hurt so damn much. All you could make at first was groans, but as you tried to steady your breathing, you started shouting for help. It was dark, and you couldn't see anyone, but you kept shouting, hoping that someone could help you. Reaching into your pocket, your phone had been all smashed up, so you couldn't even call the police or Blitz, and the pain was getting worse. You wipe away the blood on your forhead and try to stand up, but unbeknown to you, you were being hunted...and you were right where he wanted you....Getting to your knees, you try to take a hold of a near by rock, but are suddenly grabbed from behind by an unknown attacker! He pins your badly hurt arms around your back with one of his hands, and the other reaches around and holds a damp cloth over your nose and mouth. Struggling and writhing in his grip, you try your best to get away, but this rag has something in it thats making you drowsy, and moving in his vice like grip is getting too much for you. "Your all mine now little darlin.....and there ain't noone gunna stop me taking you..."
That voice? You recognise this mans voice. STRIKER! But it was too late, your eyes start to close, and everything goes black as you flop in his arms, being completely knocked out. The next morning, Blitz walks into work with Luna, seeing only Moxie and Millie. "Hey butt f#cks, what's new today?" "Nothing yet sir" Moxie says in a grumpy tone. "Y/N wasn't hear to tell us if any new clients had called" "Hmm? That's strange. Have you guys seen her at all?" "Nope, me and Moxie left last night, and the only time we saw her was when she was walking out with you and Luna" "Has she called in sick?" Moxie checks the answering machine, but there's nothing there. "Nope, nothing sir" "That's so weird, let me give her a call" Blitz was starting to worry now, you were always great with your time management, getting there the earliest, good at avoiding traffic, and would always get in touch if any issue came up. "Hmmm, straight to answer machine. Something doesn't feel right" "Did she say anything last night that might make you remember a reason why she couldn't be in sir?" "No, nothing. We were both just talking about what to do today, nothing out of the ordinary" Luna sits behind the desk as Blitz, Millie and Moxie all talk about where you could be, when the phone rings, but Luna just ignored it as she checked her sistagram. "Loony, please answer the phone next time" "Why? That's Y/N's job" "But she's not hear right now Loony" "Uugghh! Fine. Well, looks like it doesn't matter, they left a message on the answering machine" "Oh! Alright, press play then please Loony"
She presses the button, the voice doesn't come through for a few seconds...but when it does...it makes everyone stand on edge. "Hey there little imps..." "That...that's Strikers voice! What the f#ck is he calling us for?!" The message carried on as they all listened. "I'm guessing your wondering what happened to your little lady today huh? Well, let me put ya'll's mind at rest...I've got her with me right now..." "WHAT?!" Blitz shouts. "How is Y/N with Striker sir?" "I don't f#cking know Mox!" "I guess ya'll are wondering why this has happened...well I simply couldn't keep away from such a pretty little thing...well, I say that....she doesn't look too good now. And who can blame her? She did get into a pretty rough moterbike accident last night...and she's passed out right now, bound and gagged in this chair...poor little thing" Hearing what's happened to you makes Blitz's blood boil, and rage is bursting to get out. "I think I could have a lot of fun with this little darlin....however....I am willing to give a trade for her....bring me Stolas....and I'll let her go. But I have to warn you....if you don't do as I say, and bring me that royal #sshole by tomorow night....she may not make it in time....tomorrow night! By the abandoned industrial site! Be there....or be ready to say goodbye to your pretty little lady friend" As soon as he said that, the message ended, and Blitz, in a rage, threw a chair across the room and it smashed into the window. "THAT MOTHER F#CKER!"
"Sir, let's calm down for a moment and think about what to do-" "Calm down? CALM DOWN?! That horse f#cking d#ck wad caused Y/N to get into a crash, kidnapped her and is holding her hostage! And f#ck knows what he's going to do to her before we find her! And you want me to CALM THE F#CK DOWN?!" Millie holds Blitz steady, trying to ground him. "Blitz! Listen to me! We need to think of a plan to get her back! And we can't do that until you calm down, and think about Y/Ns safety!" That seemed to have shaken him out of his rage a little, but just a little. "Oh satan's damn it! I'm sorry Mills, I just hate that she's in danger. If only I'd invited her back with me a Luna last night, she might have never been hurt" "I know Blitz, but thinking like that isn't going to help right now. We need to think of a way to get Y/N back, without handing Stolas over to him. He said he wanted a traid remember?" "Y-yeh? But we can't hand over Stolas" "That's why we need to think of something" Moxie perks up. "I might have an idea!" "What's that Mox? You and Millie dress us as Stolas while me and Luna distract him?" "Wait...how did you?" "Mox, if I can think of it, Striker will figure it out in seconds" "Damn it!" Noone seems to know what to do, and Blitz looks like he's about to have a heart attack. That is, until Luna thinks of something. "I think I know what we can do" "What is it Loony?" "It involves us going to visit Stolas. Come on, let's go" "Oh my sweet Loony! Your so clever!" "Ugghh, whatever Blitz, just get your #sses in the van and lets go"
A whole day had passed, and due to your injuries, you had only just started to wake up out of unconsciousness. Your whole body felt like it had been hit by a bus, your head was sore and painful, and you could feel your waist tied with rope to a chair, and your wrists tied behind you too. There was no way for you to move, but the pain was enough to make you think twice before trying. Your eyes were adjusting to the light of the room, well there wasn't much of that. It seemed you were in some kind of old and disused room, filled with tools, broken pieces of furniture and broken windows shining in a little of the moonlight. You hear a door close behind you, and the sound of those same jingling boots coming up behind you. Strikers hand stroked around your neck, you hated that he touched you.
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"Wakey wakey little darlin....man, you were out for nearly two days..." He says as he starts to slowly walk around you, facing you now. "How's about I take this little thing off of you" He says as he tears the duct tape from your mouth, it stung so much. "There we go....you comfortable hear little lady?" "........bite me......" "Ooohhh....little ladys got attitude...just makes me want you even more" "I'd never want you, you psychopathic c#ck sucker. What the f#ck did you do to me?" You ask, angry but still a little dazed. "Ah it's very simple. You see I road spiked your moterbike, drugged you and brought you back hear. Don't take it the wrong way darlin, I have business to do. And your the key to dealing with it"
"The key? What are you talking about?" "Your little friends....Blitz...Millie, and.....oh f#ck what was the other ones name again? F#ck it, it ain't important! What IS important, is that I'm gunna exchange you for my real target, with the help of your little imp friends" "They wouldn't do that! Stolas is an innocent guy, and our only way to do our job! Blitz wouldn't jeopardise that!" "Well he would....if your life was hangin in the balance..." "You sick f#ck....I don't care what you say, Blitz won't do it" "Oh really? Then why did he agree to meet me tonight to do the exchange?" "He...he what?" "That's right....he's bringing his royal f#ck toy hear, to give in exchange for you..." "But...he can't" "And why is that?" "Because....he'd loose everything he's ever wanted...that he's worked hard for....he wouldn't give that up and let Stolas die" "Clearly, in his eyes, you ARE that important. But I quite frankly don't care, I just want to kill that feathered f#ck and get my money. Now.....the meeting isn't happening for another hour. And it would be a shame to miss out on a chance to....(serenade) a beautiful woman such as yourself" "Don't you dare fucking touch me you creep!" "Oh come on little darlin....I can make you feel things no other man can..."
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"Oh please! You have zero chance against Blitz!" "Bl-Blitz? You fucked that imp?!" "Oh yeh, and he ruined me for anyone else. And even if you tried, you would never even come close to being half the man he is in the bedroom. Your a pathetic excuse for an imp!" "Shut the f#ck up!" With one wack of his hand, he hits you so hard in the face that your vision goes blurry, and you spit out blood from where he hit you so hard. He suddenly grabs you by the neck, choking you as he stares at you, evil in his yellow eyes.
"How about I f#ck you infront of Blitz before I kill him huh? When he brings me that bird brain, I'll kill him, the stupid imp couple, that hell hound bitch, and then leave Blitz till last! He can see you go through even more torment before I shoot that f#ckers face off!.....but for now..." He let's go of your throat for just a second before he tears your ropes from your waist and hands, and throws you onto the floor. Struggling, and in so much pain as it is, you couldn't fight back even if you wanted to. His stance above you shadowed the moonlight, you were terrified. "For now it seems I'll just have to show you what happens when you act like a little bitch....I'll make that moterbike crash feel like a walk through a f#cking daisy field!......you did this to yourself you know...." An hour later, the meeting was about to start. Blitz and Stolas were standing in the back part of this disused industrial site, waiting for Striker and you to arrive. They heard a car driving up to them, which came to an abrupt halt just a few feet infront of them. Striker is the one who gets out of the car, pointing an angelic weapon at Blitz and Stolas. "Where is Y/N you mother f#cker!" "Ah ah ah...patience little imp....hand over the bird first" "No! Until we see Y/N, your getting nothing!" "Huh! Fine!" Still pointing the gun, Striker walks around the the back door, and hauls you out of the back, completely and utterly broken. He throws you to the ground, inbetween him, Blitz and Stolas. Stolas looked so worried and scared for you, and Blitz looked utterly heartbroken.
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It caused him so much pain and anger to see you like this, how dare he do this too you. "Y/N! Oh shit Y/N I'm so sor-" "Ah ah! Don't go near her Blitz! She's mine for now" "She doesn't belong to you, you c#ck sucking-!" "Oh, but she does...until you hand HIM over...." Blitz couldn't keep his tear filled eyes off you, Striker had beaten you to a pulp. You had two black swollen eyes, blood on your lips, cuts and bruises on your face. You were limp on the ground, barley able to keep your head up or even look at Blitz. The beating you got from Striker had destroyed you, not to mention the other damage you sustained when the moterbike crashed. Tears streamed your face, and Blitz was at a war with himself, deciding weather to hold you in his arms or beat Striker to death.
Striker could see the pain in Blitz's eyes, and he made it worse by aiming the angelic gun, now at you! "I said! HAND HIM OVER!" Blitz looked up at Stolas, and Stolas just simply nodded and started to walk over to Striker. "That's it...nice and steady" Stolas never said a word as he stood close to Striker, the gun now aimed at him instead. "Thank you Blitz, it seemed you ain't so useless after all" "We've made the trade, now let me help her-" "Hmmmm.....wait....on second thought.....how about I just kill you all?" "What?!"
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"Oh come on Blitz, you really thought is was gunna be that easy? I'll deal with this bird brain first....then I'll deal with you, and this bitch! But don't worry, I won't kill you straight away....I wanna make you watch her suffer....just a little more..." "You mother fu-" "Awww, it's a shame it had to happen this way Blitz, I thought we could be a really good team" "......You know what?......the only person who's gunna end up dead tonight is you" "What?" "Come on....you really thought it was gunna be this easy for YOU either?" Blitz said with a smirk. Full of rage, Striker fired the gun at Stolas....but it didn't kill him. In fact it went straight through him like he was made of air, how? The moment he did that, this figure of Stolas evaporated, like he was a mirage. "WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU SON OF A-"
Striker swings around, about to take out Blitz instead, but it Blitz's plan was about to take affect. A gun shoots through the air and hit Striker in his shoulder, Millie and Moxie had been hiding behind an old car the whole time! And they had jumped out and started shooting at Striker, in a stand off! This meant Blitz could jump to you and cover you from any gun fire. "Oh sh#t! Y/N! I'm gunna get you out of hear ok?!" "Blitz....you came...." You just about manage to say with the last of your strength, Blitz couldn't bare to see you like this. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry sweetie! I should have kept you safe! I should have protected you!" You reach out and hold his hand, trying your best to show him that it's ok, and that you understand. He smiles weakly, and kisses your hand. "I'm gunna make sure your safe sweetie" Despite the gun fire in the background, Blitz is gentle as he picks you up in his arms, being as careful as he can with you. You hiss in pain, it's too much. "Shhh shhh it's alright, your gunna be somewhere safe soon. Just hold on" Moments later, a portal opens to the real Stolas on the other side, looking worried. "Oh my! Blitzy, what happened to her?!" "Never mind that now Stolas! Please take her, help her and keep her safe!" "Of course Blitzy" Blitz hands you to Stolas, and he was just as gentle with you as Blitz was. "I'll be back as soon as I can alright? I'm gunna go gake care of that b#stard!"
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The last you see of Blitz, Millie, Moxie and Luna is the faint glimpse of them all fighting Striker, right before the portal closes. "Oh my poor sweet Y/N, how could someone do this to you? Just hang in there, I'm taking you to the best hospital there is"
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You just about manage to hear him say that, but the pain was over flowing, and your body couldn't stay conscious anymore. The world turned black when your eyes fluttered shut. "Oh my! Y/N? Y/N?!" Hours later, your safely in a hospital bed with Stolas by your side, not leaving you for anything. Thankfully, they had managed to help you, and so did Stolas. He used his book to try out some healing spells on you, that helped with the internal bleeding you had, and got you out of the deadly danger zone. There was only so much the book could do for you though, and that's where the hospital are standing in. The bruising, swelling and pain is being kept under control with pain medication, you unfortunately were still passed out, your poor body had gone through so much, any strength you had, was now gone. About 20 minutes later, Blitz and the others run into the hospital room, out of breath and physically drained. Moxie and Millie collapsed against the wall, Blitz ran straight to you and Luna soon joined too. "Y/N! Is she ok Stolas?! Please tell me she's gunna be alright!" "It's ok Blitzy, she's going to be alright" Luna asked "What injuries did she have?" Stolas takes a breath. "Maybe we should stand outside for a moment?"
He didn't feel comfortable talking about your injuries when you could possibly hear. Blitz was hesitant of leaving you at first, but he knew you were in the best place, and that you were safe. They all stood outside and Stolas explained what you had gone through. It seemed any injury you could have sustained, you did. You had been assulted by Striker to within an inch of your life, which caused broken ribs, broken wrist, cracked ankle and your body was covered in bruising from head to toe. You had also suffered even worse damage from the moterbike crash. Nerve damage and a ruptured spleen, which was thankfully dealt with quickly and efficiently thanks to Stolas's book. It was no wonder you had been in so much pain, pretty much nothing on you had been untouched. Blitz collapsed to the floor when hearing this, he hid his face in his hands as the angry and guilt filled tears poured out of him. The poor guy blamed himself for what happened to you, he blamed himself for everything bad that had happened to people he loved or cared about. Including what happened in the circus years ago, he felt like a curse. "Blitzy, it's ok. She's going to make it" "But look at what she's gone through! I couldn't-I couldn't help her!" "Oh but you did Blitzy....she was in danger and you saved her. She's now in hospital, and she's safe again" "But for how long?! We couldn't....." "You couldn't what?" Moxie clears his throat. "Striker got away...we couldn't k#ll him. Which means he is still a danger to you and Y/N" Stolas takes a breath to steady himself, then he says. "I....I see....But...There is danger everywhere you look. We're in hell! Of course there will be! But me and Y/N are both safe, and I know that she is going to be ok once she's herself again. Blitzy? Blitzy look at me"
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Still teary eyed, he looks up at Stolas. "Y/N is going to be ok....and your to thank for that. Now....at this moment, she needs you. Why don't you go and sit with her? I can see you need to be with her"
Wiping his cheeks, Blitz stands up and steadied his breath. He wanted to be calm before going into see you, he needed to be. He walked in, where Stolas talks to the others who are still in the hall. "Are you all alright?" "Yes your majesty" "Are any of you hurt?" "A few cuts hear and there, but nothing we can't handle" Millie says with a smile, she was a tough cookie. Luna runs her hand through her hair as she speaks. "I'm fine, I bit that b#stard in the arm before he got away. But I'm good" "Oh thank goodness. And, what about Blitzy? He seems..." "He's just worried about Y/N, your majesty" Moxie says. "He's been so worried about her ever since she never turned up for work. Knowing Blitz, he isn't going to leave that room for a while" "I do believe your right" Moxie and Millie tell Luna and Stolas that they are going to go and grab some clothes from your flat for you, and they will be back a little later. And Luna heads in the direction of the hospital canteen, she thought everyone could do with something to eat or drink. Stolas was now left by himself, he leant against the door of your room, and observed Blitz sitting beside you. He was in pieces. In the room, you lie there, pale, bruised and totally lifeless, poor Blitz couldn't control his tears. "I'm...I'm so sorry Y/N....for everything. F#cking christ! Why do I f#ck up everyone whose closest to me? Barbie, Fizz...and now you...I don't deserve you as a friend, or even more than that to be truthful. Any imp would beg to have a woman like you...and I can't even....oh f#ck!" He couldn't contain it anymore, and burst out into tears, hiding his face away from the world. The pain and guilt he felt for you was overwhelming.
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He suddenly felt a warm hand on his shoulder, making him turn to see who it was. "Blitzy.....I'm so sorry..." He couldn't speak word, the tears just kept coming, and Stolas just sat beside him, holding him by his shoulders gently as he let all that pain out. "When I find that f#cker-" "Striker shouldn't be your priority now Blitzy...she should be" "Your right, your right I...damn it I just don't know what I can do for her Stolas. What do I do?" "Anything you think will help her....comfort her when she wakes up, talk gently to her, reassure her that she's going to be alright" "She will be! Because I ain't gunna let anyone hurt her ever again!" "I believe you Blitzy, she is lucky to have you by her side....I'm going to give my daughter a call, I have to pick her up from her mothers home tonight. Are you going to be alright hear?" "Yeh, I'll be fine. I'm not leaving her" "Alright Blitzy, I'll come by tomorrow to check on the both of you, ok?" Stolas gently pats Blitz on the back before leaving the room, so now it's just you and Blitz. "I hope you wake up soon Y/N...I can't bare to see you like this" A knock at the door alerts Blitz, like he is expecting danger. "Chill out Blitz, it's just me" "Oh! I'm sorry Loony...I guess I'm a little on edge" "Yeh no sh#t. Hear, I got you somethin" "Thank you Loony" She hands Blitz a bottle of drink and a sandwich, but he just plays with it in his hands. "Hows she doing?" "She isn't awake yet. I don't know when she will be" "The doctor told me outside that she may be hear for a few weeks, but thanks to Stolas, she's gunna recover a lot better than anticipated" Blitz nods, still a little teary eyed. Luna couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Taking a seat beside him, she gave his hand a quick squeeze, but then let go again. "She'll be ok dad" "Thanks Loony....your the best daughter anyone could ask for" She looked away the second he said that, trying to hide her cute little puppy dog eyes, that was very corny, but one of the nicest things he has said to her. And he is always trying to be sweet to her.
The sound of the beeping monitor started to make you stir from your drowsiness, your vision started to brighten and unblur, and the moment your eyes completely opened, you saw Blitz and Luna sat beside you.
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"Blitz?" You ask in a quiet and groggy voice. "Y/N! Oh thank satan! Your awake!" He shouts cheerfully as he leans in to hug you. "Hhsss! Ouch!" "Oh! F#ck! Sorry sorry! I should have been a little more gentle" "Don't worry, it's ok" Silly Blitz just smiled happily and held your hand, Luna asked you "So Y/N? How you feelin?" "Like sh#t, that has been run over by a truck" "Seems about right, heh. I could always smuggle you some vodka to help ease the stress?" Blitz looked at her in utter shock. "Loony!" "What? Are you really gunna sit there and tell me that drinking vodka hasn't helped you with pain in the past?" "Well....I....touche!" You giggle, Blitz couldn't exactly deny that when Luna asked. "I'm fine thanks Luna, whatever the nurses are pumping into me, seems to be doing the trick. Are you guys all ok? Where are Moxie and Millie? Where's Stolas? And what the hell happened when you came to find me?" "M&M went to get you some of your things, Stolas is fine, and on the phone to his kid. And, yeh....I suppose we owe you an explanation for what happened. I'll try to sum it up as best as I can. So when Striker left that message for us, he wanted Stolas in exchange for you. So Loony had an idea, and we spoke to Stolas at his castle. Turns out that book can do loads of other cool sh#t besides take us to the living world! Anyway, Stolas suggested we do a spell where it looks like he's beside us, until the very last moment, making Striker think he's actualy there! And Lonny suggested that we ambush Striker when he brought you out, and Stolas could teleport you away while we dealt with him! We knew that you would be in no position to fight, the best thing to do was to get you out of there as quickly as possible"
"And that's why you stayed behind? Gave me to Stolas so you could k#ll Striker?" "Well...believe me Y/N we all did our best at the time! But that slippery f#cker managed to get away! Again! But trust me, none of us are gunna let him go near you again" "He's still out there? Does that mean he want to still k#ll stolas?" "Yeh, but that ain't gunna happen either, I promise" You just smile, seeing how serious he was about the whole thing, it was definitely a lot to take in when hearing their plan to get you back. You were just glad to be back with your friends again, and not in half as much pain as before. "Hey Y/N, you'll be happy to know that Striker didn't get away easily" "He didn't? Why? What did you do Luna?" "We all pretty much f#cked him up real good. And I even bit him!" "Nice, was it his head?" "I tried, but the pr#ck was too fast" You both chuckle, Luna was definitely not someone to f#ck with. "I can see Millie pulling up with Moxie, I'm gunna go see them and have a cigarette. I'll be back soon" "Alright Loony" Once Luna left the room, Blitz squeezes your hand a little more, and you can see the pain he still holds. "Blitz...it's ok" "Ok?...Y/N your in a hospital, beaten and-" "But you saved me, you all saved me. I'm not being held by Striker anymore" "I know, I know but-" "But nothing Blitz, please? I can see the guilt in your eyes, but you have nothing to feel guilty about. I'm safe now because of you, and that's the end of it. Ok?" "Heh...how can you be so positive when your in this state?" "Is it because I'm awesome?" "Ha! F#ck yeh!......Look, I promise I will keep you safe from him ok?" "I know Blitz, I believe you"
Smiling happily at you, he means over and gives you a kiss on tne forhead, he ws so cute. "How long did the doctor say I was gunna be in hear for?" "Uhh? I think about 3 weeks" "3 weeks? I'm not sure I'm gunna be able to last that long" "Without what?" "Without being back in your office" "You've got to be kidding me! Your thinking about going back to work?! Your gunna put your health at risk to help us-" "Blitz" "What?!" "When I said about being back in your office.....that's not quite what I meant....." "Huh? What do you-Ooooh! Oh you mean (that). I get it now, god I'm such a f#cking idiot sometimes-woh woh wait wait wait! Seriously? You....you still wanna...with me?" "Of course Blitz, why would you think would change my mind?" "I-I dont know? I just guessed...you wouldn't. And come on! Your thinking about THAT in your state!" "Yeh well, I'm not gunna be in this state forever am I?" "I...suppose you make a good point. So....you wanna little piece of me? When you feel a little better?" "Maybe I will...." His sexy chuckle always made you feel wanted, especially when he leaned over and started kissing you so f#cking well. You've missed the taste of his lips, god damn. "Mmm, I cant wait to-" Suddenly there is a knock at the door, and Moxie and Millie walk in, holding a bag of your things. "Oh sh#t! Hey M&M! I didn't know you were back yet?" "We were just talking to Luna outside sir" "Well, he says talking. Luna threatened to kick him in the nuts if he asked her how she was"
Millie said in an amused way. "Awww, that's my Loony!" "Seriously sir? You'll let your adoptive daughter talk to me like that?" "Yeh, I don't really care Mox. Anyway! Look who's awake!" Millie and Moxie greet you with a hug and kind words, asking how you are feeling and what they could do to help. The afternoon went by so quickly, you hadn't even realised it was now the end of the day, and Moxie and Millie were going to head home. "Hey Blitz, Millie said she'll drop me back at the flat on her way home with Moxie. I'll see you later" "Awww ok Loony, thanks for taking her Mills" "it's no problem Blitz, see you tomorow you two" They all say their goodbyes, then it was just you and Blitz left in the hospital room. "I'm confused" "Why?" They left, and your still hear. Why didn't you go with them?" "Oh please! You really think I'm gunna leave you buy yourself? F#ck that shit!" He pulls in a fold out chair from the hallway, and puts it beside you. "Blitz, you dont have to stay over night with me, you can go home" "You ain't making me change my mind, I want to stay, and keep an eye on you" "Blitz that's.....that's very sweet. Thank you" Sitting on the end of the bed with you, he smiles warmly, happy your feeling better. "You tired yet?" "No, but to be fair I think I was passed out for long enough" "Yeh that's true, the last time I was passed out for longer than you were, I think it was a night and day long rave at one of Mamons gigs" "Mamon? That #sshole that Fizz works for?" "Yeh that's the one" "Are you tired Blitz?" "Me? Nah I'm fine. Don't feel tired at all. Why?.....ooohhhh! Do you want a little.....attention?" "If your gunna suggest a f#ck, I'm not sure I can even move properly. Especially with the damage I've got" "Well not a f#ck, maybe a little foreplay? No, I'm sorry that's stupid of me. Your in a bad state" "In too bad a state for s#x yes, but maybe...." "Maybe what?" "Just a little makeout?" "Aww your too cute!" "Blitz! I am not cute!" "Oh yes you are! Your f#cking adorable!" Giggling at him, you just playfully push his arm. But he does slide beside you on your bed and holds you a little closer, with one hand already resting on your cheek. "I'm more than happy to makeout with you....those lips can be damn addictive..." "Is that the reason you bit one of them when we were in the office?" "Hell yeh! Can you blame me?! Now come hear gorgeous...let me make you feel good for a while....I can be whatever you want me to be...." "Oh! Can you be my personal slave?" "Don't push it sh#t tits! Haha!"
73 notes · View notes
wisteria-lodge · 4 months ago
*slightly* exploded bird primary (badger-flavored system) (unhealthy badger primary model) + rapid-fire/actor bird secondary
Hi Wisteria! I’ve been loving your thoughtful and in-depth analyses and no one else in my life is familiar with the SHC system, so it’s been hard to get some outside perspective. English is not my first language, so please forgive my grammar/awkward phrasing at times. For my sorting, I am thinking Bird primary, though I’ve considered Lion and Badger primaries. I think I am not a snake primary. I have never felt there was an intrinsic moral hierarchy when it comes to people I care about. I still care for them, but at the end of the day, I think we are all living conscious beings who deserve equal treatment, rights, and consideration.
Definitely getting Idealist primary here (Bird or Lion, and I see why you're thinking Bird. Your whole position is well-thought out and well articulated.) I will say that 'all living conscious beings deserve equal treatment' is kind of the Badger mission statement,' but when we're in generalities that big, that thought could just as easily be coming from a Bird with some Badger in their System, a Paragon Lion, or even a really expansive Snake.
I also think prioritizing your own group is often dangerous.
This bit here could describe a Snake or a Badger equally well, depending on how we're defining the "group" we're talking about here.
A Loyalist would probably say that protecting the group is the only thing you know for sure you can do well, and when things get too big and Idealistic, they become unreal, hypothetical, and unsafe. But you seem perfectly fine with that level of big-picture stuff, so I'm happy to say Idealist for you. Also, there's an undercurrent of... suspicion, directed at Loyalists.
I guess I could be a snake that only includes themselves, as I do act in self-preservation a lot of the times
That's a human thing. If someone is *struggling* with turning on the self-preservation, that's a problem, and probably a sign of Burning, or a very immature Badger.
and struggle to trust people.
That can also come from a lot of different places.
I sometimes have an attitude of turning people bad in my head as soon as they act against me, or in a way that reveals their “true character”
Honestly, this kind of sounds like it could be a *Badger* thing?
Because Badgers have opt-out morality, they will often do this thing where you're one of their people, until you break the rules (or the social contract) badly enough. And then you're out, because you're a threat to the rest of the group.
(this is often a projection) and then tend to self-isolate.
Hmmm. And now you're back to being philosophical. Distancing yourself from the emotion of cutting people off. Much more Bird.
I thought bird primary because I do change my ideas about the world and morality quite often and refine my worldview as I discover new ideas. I am also very receptive to scientific ideas and do put logic and reasoned morality above intuition.
You also seem very chill about this whole process, which makes me say Bird again. (Not Lion. The process just tends to be a lot messier and a lot more emotional with Lions.)
However, my tendency to prioritize the perceptions of the group, my need to serve a larger purpose and my desire to be useful to society do feel quite badger-y.
They do. "Prioritize the perceptions of the group," especially is a very Badger thing to say. Badgers also like being useful to the group. But 'need to serve a larger purpose' is a big enough statement that it could work for almost anyone.
What Badger and Bird have in common is that they're both External primaries. What the world thinks is important, and you care about that in a way that Lions and Snakes just kind of don't.
As for lion, I do often act based on heuristics, especially if I haven’t thought out a specific issue yet.
Yeah, this isn't lion. For one thing - you used the word "heuristics." For another, you're stressing about the way you only rely on these "well xyz worked in past" mental shortcuts when you haven't "thought a thought out a specific issue yet." Implication being that, in a perfect world, you would have time to think it out completely every time. (Birds hate having to make snap decisions.)
I can also pretend to be more rational than I am, and tend to live life in automatic mode, by relying on assumptions and facts that sound good. I think I do this less than other people, but that is still a flaw I’ve noticed.
You rely on these "automatic" shortcuts less than other people, but think that you should use them less, and feel bad that you use them at all.
I wonder if you're a Bird primary living in a very Badger community. Or the flip, a Badger living with a bunch of Birds.
As for my secondary, I am a little bit lost. I am very much in my own head and not very action-oriented, so I feel like I lack the data to identify my secondary, or I am burned and just using whatever works. I usually just use stress to motivate action and procrastinate until the last minute.
Oh, the neurodivergent special. Save the non-preferred task for the last minute, and then use the adrenaline that generates to hack your brain into getting it done really fast. Definitely not the only person here doing that.
Childhood: As a kid, I was extremely quiet, sensitive, and introverted. From early on, I remember being very artistic and curious. I would dress up and improvise plays in front of my family. I also loved to draw, write poems, walk in nature, and learn about the world (I was especially fascinated with animals). I also loved to get lost in imaginary worlds, and I remember writing fantasy stories, and believing I had magical powers or was an alien/magical creature.
When I was in school, I remember not connecting very well with my peers. I think people could feel I was different. I was soft spoken, sensitive, and I excelled at school.
I mean so far, *I*could have written this. And I'll take it all into account, but this isn't a system for describing personality, so much as it is one for describing method/motivation.
I didn’t like sports like other boys, and it wasn’t acceptable to hang out with girls, so I just kept to myself. I was already doing good in school, so I just kind of developed that aspect of my identity. I didn’t get along with many other kids and ate lunch with my teachers a lot. I still had friends, but few of them were close.
You're describing constructing your identity in a very deliberate, conscious way, which is more Bird than Badger. It's honestly Bird secondary - like this how you get Actor Bird, deliberately developing one 'version' of yourself because it's useful in certain situation. I'm hearing you enjoyed acting and costumes, and (flash forward to present day) you "pretended" to be more rational than you are. I think you might be an Actor Bird.
It was validating to be so good at academics, and to get teachers’ and parents’ approval. Even if some other kids resented it, I didn’t care because it gave me worth.
This hits every child to some degree, but it hits External primaries very hard. This could describe a young Bird or a young Badger equally well, and now I'm wondering if any of these authority figures especially Birdy or especially Badgery?
Getting good grades, being the perfect child, being “mature for my age” were a big part of my personality.
"Perfect Child" is often an Actor Bird construction. "Mature for your age" is something I usually hear said about young Badgers. Are you maybe a Bird primary, with a very Badger-flavored System? It would fit everything I've read so far.
I also knew deep down I was queer
oh thats brutal
but I eventually became really good at self-editing, and I began to embody a version of me that was acceptable. I was the successful, responsible, smart kid, and I eventually started playing football in high school so that of course meant I was straight. I fully made myself believe the mask I was putting on at that time (badger-like?). In high school, I was tired of being an outsider, so I tried fitting in. I became much more agreeable, sociable, and started becoming more popular. Honestly, it felt good to be appreciated by my peers, and I did play into the character I was projecting. I was still hyper-focused on academics, but for the first time, people actually liked me.
Okay, so I do see why you're saying Badger. Badgers (especially young badgers) can just adopt the group's identity, and lose sight of their own individuality in the process. But I don't think that's what's going on here.
To me, this sounds like it could only be Actor Bird. I know English isn't your first language, so I'm not reading too too much into the word choice... but you do refer to this "Acceptable Self" as a "character," that you "embody." Building this "mask" was a deliberate, conscious process, and it sound like you lived in this persona for a while. Also, not ignoring the fact that... it worked. Wanting to be more popular, and then building a persona that is more popular... that's not something everyone can do.
This actually makes me think of a sorting I wrote for Blackbeard of Our Flag Means Death, and the Actor Bird-specific angst of building a character, spending a little too long in that skin and then feeling that people only like you/you only have worth because of a role you play... and then becoming trapped, because your character is too simple, and it's stifling.
I eventually came to accept my sexuality and had a friendship that made me confront the lack of authenticity of the mask I was putting on. After that, I explored my authentic self while still enjoying my newfound social skills and ability to attract people.
I love that. You built a "popular" persona, and then realized that you din't have to wear it all the time.
I also started getting interested in social justice, philosophy, and politics, which made me question a lot of preconceived notions and ideas I held true about the world.
Oh that's a very Bird primary list of interests right there.
As I became more informed, ethics and morality became a big corner stone of my interactions with the world. I was always interested in finding the “right” way to be, even as a child,
This almost seems like a version of the "book fantasy," which is something I've heard from several Bird primaries at this point: "When I was younger, I wished that there was a magic book that would tell me the 'right' way to act in every situation."
but this meant I could figure out what that meant in more objective terms, and for myself instead of what adults thought. Paradigm shifts were exciting (and still are).
I absolutely love that for you. Bravo.
Family dynamics:
In terms of family dynamics, I always went along to get along. I was checked out emotionally, especially since a lot of family members would say homophobic things, and I never felt completely comfortable with them. I stuck with easy topics and didn’t go into my personal life, and I was content with the image of the golden child they had of me. Even with my parents, whom I love, I never felt I could completely be myself. This led to a lot of secrets and lies to conceal my real self. I was never that rebellious or troublesome to begin with, and I kind of acted like a little adult.
Okay. That makes sense. Sounds like you built a pretty robust Badger primary model that was useful for keeping the peace with your family. (It also sounds just, incredibly necessary.) This explains why a lot of your descriptions of your younger self read as super Badger primary to me: "little adult" "mature for your age" "farming the approval of authority figure."
I also thought a lot of their views were outdated, although I rarely argued with them. My dad had the idea he had to be strict, which was just not the best fit for me. I learned to be extremely secretive, sneaky, and find ways around the rules. I was not very wild to begin with, but I did value my freedom. I just kind of passively agreed, and then did it behind their backs.
Sounds possible you might have a little bit of a snake secondary model?
Although my dad was very sensitive and affectionate, a thing that hurt me a lot was his inability to deal with others’ emotions. I was not allowed to express negative emotions or cry, and he justified this as him being “old school”.
Ah yes. As we know, boys should only have Cool emotions, like Anger and Science. Wondering if your *Dad* might be a Badger primary, with this focus on Tradition and Rules.
This was extremely frustrating to me, as I never understood how tradition could be a valuable reason for anything, or how sticking with old values and refusing to adapt was acceptable.
A little bit of that Bird primary 'make it make sense' thing.
My mom, though more accepting of my sensitivity, was also very critical. She used the status quo to judge what I did, which was also very frustrating. If something I did was weird or impolite, she would use a kind of circular reasoning (this is bad because it’s not socially acceptable, and it’s not socially acceptable because it’s bad), which was also confusing to me.
I love that you can now identify that as classic circular reasoning.
I just wasn’t super interested in developing a strong connection with anyone in my family. I just felt that it was all too arbitrary,
Definitely don't think you're a Loyalist, because I don't think a Loyalist could do a break this clean. There'd be some sense of something... some guilt, some emotion, some residual thing.
and I was more interested in exploring my friendships with people who understood me more deeply. I felt my parents’ (especially dad’s) rules didn’t make any sense, and I wanted my freedom as soon as possible. Since I moved out, our relationship has been a lot better, though I still hide aspects of my life from them.
Very true that just not needing to be around your family 24/27 makes things so much better and easier to deal with.
Problem solving: In terms of problem solving, I like to think I am strategic, and a good contingency planner. I generally understand things well, and how they work together, and am quick to find a solution. When thinking about solving a small problem, I will usually think of the “goal state” first (i.e., what is the ideal I am trying to achieve in this situation). Then I can break down what I need to do. This usually starts with evaluating resources at my disposal (i.e., time, space, material, or mental resources), and what is in the environment. Then, I can come to a solution implicitly by connecting the dots. Finally, I will mentally play out the situation and see if it works, or if there are any roadblocks. This all happens quickly though. Planning is fun, but so is throwing away the plan or finding a clever way to get out of the situation.
What a fantastic breakdown of how to solve a problem. It's also extremely Bird secondary. If it happens fast enough, and you're comfortable enough with it, it looks like it even gets into Rapid-Fire Bird territory (probably why I was getting a little Snake secondary energy up there, Rapid-fire birds can look extremely Snake.)
Am a little bit side-eyeing your decision to call yourself "not very action-oriented" up there. You seem perfectly comfortable with problem-solving to me.
Whenever the unexpected happen, the path becomes really obvious to me. Priorities become salient, and things that are useless fall to the side. It’s more in situations where I’m forced to make a controlled decision that I’m a nervous and indecisive wreck.
Bird primaries HATE making snap decisions.
I can get stressed out if there is missing information, or if the expectations aren’t clear. Travel is especially stressful because of the number of unexpected events that can affect the rest of the trip.
I mean, no one likes missing information or unclear expectations. But it really gets to Birds. (Both primary and secondary honestly. and I'm really thinking that you're a Double Bird.)
With all the information, even if it’s bad news, I can manage and find a solution. But my brain will keep spinning scenarios if I don’t know for sure. Even at school, uncertainty was always worse than bad news.
I hear this. It really goes back to that classic Bird primary fantasy: "but I want to know EVERYTHING"
Not knowing where I stand with someone, with a group, or with a supervisor also makes me nervous. I like knowing what they think of me and what people need from me so I can provide it (or not bother if they dislike me for no reason).
I do think that you have a Badger model, or a Badger flavor to your system. Honestly, you very likely have bOTH. You took in the parts of your parents worldview that made sense to you: it IS useful to know what people want from you, and to know that you aren't making any social faux pas (that way, if someone is acting weird at you, you know it doesn't have to do with you.) But you also have this much more performative Badger model: this is who my parents expect me to be, I don't agree with it, but I can put it on and let it run.
In terms of interpersonal problems, this is where I am most terrible. I am often an absolute doormat and will not vocalize problems and internalize everything. My issue is that I don’t feel confident that I am right and doubt my ability to argue my point and stand up for myself without absolutely ruining the relationship.
Unfortunately, I can't say I'm *surprised,* since you grew up in an environment where arguing was very frowned upon, and it's not like you can win an argument with someone depending on circular arguments and logical fallacies.
You also built a large part of your *identity* around this Perfect Child, Invisible Badger who just does not cause problems. In the language of this system, you built a very intense Badger primary model as a coping mechanism, and now it's run out it's usefulness... but is still hard to punch through, because old models get sticky.
If something bothers me, I will mull over it and eventually let it go because it becomes too late.
Okay, *this* is why you thought there might be some Burning going on. There's this aspect of the way you relate to people that just feels very unsafe, and so you... shut it down.
I think the problems here are uncertainty, and lack of control. When I am in a situation where I know all the elements, have resources, and plenty of time, I am good.
That is absolutely Textbook Double Bird. But (as I'm sure I don't have to tell you)... it's also a fantasy. Very often, you will be lacking in either resources, info, or time. This is why a lot of Double Birds build models, or look like Lion secondaries whenever they don't have time to prep.
If there is an unknown, I can’t do anything.
In the language of this system, that's a Bird primary that's Exploded a little bit, this idea that you can't possibly act if you don't have all the information. It's very Chidi from The Good Place.
In social situations, I can’t control the volatility of relationships or other people, so I just control my reaction.
Pretty much all you can control, so good.
Often, instead of doing something when something is bothering me, I will basically force a paradigm shift to see the situation in a better light, and then move on.
Bird primaries are known for the superpower of just being able to *decide* to like something, or *decide* to be interested in something. That is absolutely what you're doing here. It's *a* way to solve that problem, I guess. But it doesn't seem to make you feel free/powerful.
I kind of have an addiction with the process of solving, and an intolerance for doubt. When I was questioning my career choices, I would reflect on all aspects of my personality, of my goals for the future, I would take endless career quizzes, read the descriptions of jobs over and over, would ask my friends what they thought I should do, etc. I would run in circles, never deciding. I even started deconstructing the philosophy of work, to determine if it was even possible to make a good decision.
Very Bird. Very *exploded* Bird. Of course you went from "what job do I want" to "is the concept of work philosophically moral."
Other questions: My future plans is to live a relatively quiet life out of the public eye, surrounded by books, and having plenty of free time to research or practice my hobbies. I want a stable job, with money so I don’t have to think about those things, and I want to be intellectually stimulated and to be able to add value to the world in the best way I can. I want two dogs, a partner who is fine with my need for space. I also want to live in a walkable city that has an interest in art and culture, and access to nature.
That sounds lovely.
Mostly, I want to be satisfied that I am a good person and be able to do what I want with relative freedom. Now, to be honest, I am very unsatisfied about the real world. It seems so monotonous, and I have always had the secret desire to escape into a fantasy realm. Unfortunately for myself, I don’t believe in the supernatural.
It gets better. There are a lot of cool things out there, and it all gets much less linear once you leave school. I would probably say though - knowing you and your tendencies - maybe a little less focus on being a good person (because that's a can of worms) and maybe a little more on doing things that are a net positive to the world around you.
I feel most powerful when I surprise myself. I once prepared for a grad school interview by reading hundreds of questions and preparing answers for them. When I practiced with a friend, it just came out forced and clunky, and I found myself trying to repeat exactly what I had written. I had accepted I just wasn’t going to get in. When I went to the actual interview though, I just went off script and took risks. I told personal anecdotes while maintaining the image I wanted to project to them, which got me an offer.
You are absolutely a Rapid-Fire bird, which is very cool.
When I speak up in class, when I stand up for myself, when I make impulsive decisions, and especially when I do something scary, I also feel this way.
I like it. Lean into that Lion secondary energy. I know a lot of Birds, especially Double Birds, find it extremely helpful.
I also feel powerful when I feel competent. For instance, when I fix issues at work, when I get good grades, when I manage to problem solve in a clever way.
All of this is very Bird secondary. And honestly, a very effective-sounding Bird secondary.
In high school and during the pandemic, I also was obsessed with personality systems and would read and introspect for hours trying to determine my type. But there was never an answer satisfying enough because the process of introspection was the addictive part of it, and even a sliver of doubt would send me into another rabbit hole. There is a kind of poking at it until it becomes mush effect. I literally made excel sheets with my results on different quizzes, over multiple weeks, to see if there was a pattern. By focusing so much on figuring out who I am, and the intricacies of my own psyche, I just end up losing the big picture and not being able to contextualize the information I’ve gathered. Sometimes it even becomes hard to identify anything since I’m focusing on such a tiny part of myself, and the human mind is so kaleidoscopic and changing, so it stops making sense and just becomes a big blob of behaviors and thoughts. I’ve had a hard time figuring out my MBTI and enneagram because of this as well.
I have been there before, trying to navigate the difference between what is useful introspection and what is navel-gazing indulgence. I accept that people are incredibly complicated, and any categorization system is inherently imperfect. I also accept that words to describe your inner workings are extremely helpful, and honestly, necessary. One thing I like about the system is the cleanness of it. So much of it has to do with cutting through the noise and the *presentation* we are presented, and just going - okay, how do we work, why do we work?
Thank you to Lorangutan for such an excellent submission. If you'd like a Sorting of your very own, commissions are open on my ko-fi. :D
If you'd like to read more about the system I'm using, my explanation is right here.
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songbird-of-eden · 2 years ago
A CLUE?! The Missing Death Theory
Good Omens S2 SPOILERS below!!!
Okay, it has been the nocturnal habit of mine over the last 3 days to suddenly dwell on the Good Omens finale and scrutinise every detail in a sleep-deprived thought soup.
And apparently, tonight, my last two remaining braincells fired up their little engines and decided to put something rather interesting together.
One thing that got me when I watched the finale was the book that Muriel was reading. "The Crow Road."
So I decided to give it a quick Google, and realised the opening line of the book is one that Gabriel, or Jim, stumbled across earlier in the season. It goes like this:
"It was the day my grandmother exploded. I sat in the crematorium, listening to my Uncle Hamish quietly snoring in harmony to Bach's Mass in B Minor, and I reflected that it always seemed to be death that drew me back to Gallanach."
Now, you may be thinking, okay, but what does this have to do with anything? And you would be right to be confused, but hear me out.
Death has a major, reoccurring influence in S2.
Yes, we have the obvious coffee shop "give me coffee or give me death" reference (this has a major point that I will get to a little later, but please, bear with me). But that is not the only one.
Throughout each episode, Death has been raised and eluded by numerous characters. In ep2, Jobe's family were saved by our ineffable duo. In ep3, we have the incident with the graverobber and stopping her from calling it a day. In ep4, we have the rise of the nazi zombies. In ep5, our unfortunate fellow from the ball gets thrown to the demons and appears to die, only to make a reappearance later on in ep6, albiet looking a little nibbled on.
And then there's the fact that miracles, as Crowley points out, are measured in "the power required to raise people from the dead."
Still with me? Okay good. Because its gonna get a little more crazy from here. Time to break out the funky tinfoil hats.
So, yes, many of the characters seemingly ellude death, right? Not a big point at first glance, considering the upbeat nature of the show... until you consider this.
Whilst in the coffee shop, the Metatron asks whether anyone ever chooses death instead of coffee. A weird line to be sure - perhaps an awkward statement of an angel unsure of how to interact with mortals. Totally plausible, right? Well, what if it was a test?
Nina claimed to remember everyone by what they order, and replied that no one has ever chosen death. I mean, I would hope so, but what if Death was no longer a thing that happened?
What if our devious Metatron wrote Death out of the Book of Life, considering that Death is a being instead of a simple concept as shown in S1 - and so the Metratron was asking as a test to gauge Nina's response. To figure out if his alteration had taken effect?
Okay, yes. It sounds a little wild, but if that is not the case, it does not mean that something is not going on with Death.
Going back to The Raven Road book, the plot follows a boy in pursuit of uncovering the mystery around his missing uncle. So perhaps, it is not so crazy after all to believe that something, or rather, someone is missing.
Which leads me to another missing creature.
Remember that heartbreaking line from Crowley? "You hear that? No nightingales?"
It was the dagger in many fan's hearts, but potentially held another meaning. Because in the poem: "Ode to a nightingale", the bird is used to represent, to an extent, death. As well as the concept of immortality.
Which means it's disappearance may be signalling a strange shift in the world.
Which brings me to my final point. We are in the home stretch now kiddos!
The second coming. The Metatron's grand plan.
In biblical text, it states that the Second Coming will be a sudden and unmistakable incident, like "a flash of lightning".
Now, where else did we see lightning? Hmmm. What about Crowley's enraged outburst that sealed poor Maggie and Nina in the coffee shop?
Which makes their line an episode or two later even more interesting...
Maggie: "Did it all start with the lightning?"
Crowley: "No, way before that."
Does this mean that events were starting to be influenced and set in motion way earlier as the Metatron began to tinker in the book?
We also have the name of S2 ep1 being called "The Arrival" - a name the Second Coming is sometimes referred to as, along with the text: "For the Lord himself, with a cry of command, with the archangel's call and with the sound of God's trumpet, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise."
So, just take a moment to digest that.
An archangel's call. Well, we've had two of those - Gabriel calling on Aziraphale as well as Aziraphale being called to heaven. Then we have the trumpet that plays whenever Micheal and co descend from Heaven, a sound Aziraphale actually asks whether Maggie could hear.
Which leads to the final part: the dead in Christ will rise.
People are not dying as they should, be it from the influence of our ineffable duo, or perhaps, it is the Metatron's plan after all. A way to start the second coming.
Even the opening credits alludes to this with Crowley and Aziraphale seemingly leading a crowd of humans out of hell and through various time periods, but perhaps I really am getting ahead of myself.
So yep. Something is very up with Death.
Anyway. I need to be up in 5 hours for work. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk before the incoherent babbling begins.
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amaltheas-garden · 8 months ago
i don't agree with you, i have interpreted as i said with no bad intentions. however i find a bit funny how you talk as if only tg character had been ruined when in truth 90% of the characters had been ruined. they litterally made rhaenyra, who suffers the death of two children, a father and an usurpation begging alicent for peace💀 the writers made her look like an idiot for almost all the seasons, erase jace and cregan's relationship and jayne state about how women must stand together, completely ruined rhaenys character, erase beala and rhaena's importance and personality, made daemon nearly betray rhaenyra, erase jace's importance. and say the show writer want to whitewash rhaenyra as if they didn't have her abandoned alicent after the marriage and have her ignore her while in canon rhaenyra was happy to have another mother's figure after aemma's death, they made her lie to alicent on her mother's name, look like a brat during her tour in finding an husband when in canon never happened, they make her fuck deamon at laena's wedding and attack aemond first meanwhile in the book she did so after her stepmother demanded her 5 years old eye. and of course they also erase her anger for the loss of visenya and made her consider the greens term 💀💀💀
paradoxically, the best write character in this season (the one who seem to have at least two functioning neurons and the one who act coherently) are just two members of tg, aemond and aegon💀
hun, team black is overwhelmingly more popular than team green. If they were trying to ruin the tb characters, they did a shit job. Almost every change that has been made to Rhaenyra has been in service of making her more like Daenerys (rational, calm, levelheaded, kind, someone who legit wants peace), that's why they have her resolve to fight after suffering heavy losses when in the book she hardly did jack shit. Jace/Cregan I'll agree with, but based on the reddit leaks, Jace is just gonna be their scapegoat for why the war isn't gonna go in Rhaenyra's favor. Also, what was the most important thing Jace did during the dance? The dragonseed plan? Hmmm I wonder who got that plotline instead, thus "erasing Jace's importance". You don't think they whitewashed Rhaenyra? She had a whole monologue that sounded like it was written in response to future critiques she might get about her own husband beheading a child and hurting "Helaena, an innocent". Not to mention the bs prophecy. As for young Rhaenyra, I actually like her, since she has flaws and an actual personality. A child being angry their father "replaced" their mother and lashing out at anyone in their vicinity is a sympathetic character who feels realistic. And what book exactly did you read? Her father had singers invited to court to call her the Realm's Delight she was absolutely spoiled. Alicent and Rhenyra's book relationship began to sour when Daemon arrived at court, and encouraged Rhaenyra to join him in making fun of her half-siblings, who were toddlers at the time. Royal children for this time period were usually cared for by people other than their mothers, and had their own households of servants, so Alicent not taking on a motherly role to someone else's child really wasn't all that uncommon. She and Daemon at Laena's funeral wasn't a great look, but these also aren't great people. The book still notes how scandalous people found it that they'd both marry after their spouses had barely been dead half a year. What do you mean attack Aemond first??? He was missing an eye???? Rhae and Alicent kept their book canon lines of wanting an eye and sharply questioned, but the writers made Alicent go one step forward in drawing a knife and actually attacking people (which I lowkey loved but still).
As for the others, I do wish they kept Jeyne Arryn's statement in, if not for the hilarity of watching Rhaenyra deny two women the right to inherit as she did, only for them to turn her away after she gets kicked out of King's Landing. Rhaenyra thinks she is above other women, and thus the exception to the rule. Also, Rhaena and Baela didn't do shit either until the very end of the dance. Baela flies Moondancer once to fight Aegon, and that's it. She still has her few scenes talking to Jace and trying to stay by his side, like in book canon.
Your original ask was just stating you thought Rhaenyra was saying Helaena has no taste for dragon battle, while I said the book already provided a reason why Helaena would not ride in battle, that being blood and cheese, and that this choice was an example of bias that wanted to minimize the damage b&c did, so the blacks wouldn't look as bad, and removing Hel and Dreamfyre's bond is another example of the writers not wanting the choice between the greens and blacks to be difficult, as one side is consistently presented as more connected to dragons, and thus more Targaryen/the rightful side. Condal has made no secret of him being a massive Targ/Dany fan, so it makes sense he would want Rhaenyra to be more like Dany, going so far as to connect Rhae sitting the Iron Throne to Dany's dragons.
As for the part of this ask I found most hilarious, "made Daemon nearly betray Rhaenyra"
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hunny, HUNNY.... Daemon DOES betray Rhaenyra, and he does it to save a teenage black girl that Rhae wanted beheaded in her sleep because she's racist and wanted guest's right to be broken, leading Maidenpool to raise Aegon's banners instead. "But where is Nettles?" you might be wondering. Well, the writers didn't want to adapt one of the worst things Rhaenyra does that would undoubtedly make a lot of people dislike her, so they cut Netty, the only canonically black character in F&B, who has a fully fleshed out storyline (unlike Rhaena/Baela/Hugh/Ulf, who the show did manage to find time for).
As for tg characters being better written, most of that is accidental since they're the bad guys, so the writers are fine with heaping flaws and wrongdoings onto them. It's called being a character (I will have to disagree with your Aemond assessment man's all over the place).
Anywho, if you haven't already guessed, almost every character in the show is poorly written because the writers aren't very good at their jobs, and have some very weird views on women. That being said, poor writing is different from writers being biased in how they approach certain characters over others. They clearly favor Rhaenyra as the good guy protag, and write her as such, just while doing a shit job at it.
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eri-pl · 6 months ago
Silm reread 22: Earendil (and very vague Elwing)
Earendil rules the people in the area. Elwing, despite being the heiress of the crown of one of the two groups who joined in there, is simply his wife. Huh.
Also, he's got sea-longing and wants fo find his parents (not a good reason to leave your wife and kids) and find Valinor and ask the Valar for mercy (ok, this is a better reason). So, Círdan makes Vingilot (from birch tree) and Earendil sails off. Elwing is sad.
But… his sailing is still a good thing, because he wants to ask the Valar for help? I guess? I have a hard time with Earendil, I'm not a fan of absent husbands. But I guess his mission is important.
And also, maybe they did discuss it with Elwing before they got married ("I dream of sailing far and for long periods of time." "ok, I may be sad with it but I still want this marriage.")…. You know what? I am going to HC that they did have this talk. It makes him 20x more sympathetic to me.
Meanwhile, among the Feanorians… Maedhros is restraining himself (again!) because he is remorseful for Doriath. But. the oath tornments them all (ok, so it is a compel, but not absolute. Not "dominate person", but it does give them mental damage for not following it. Unless it is just honor and stuff, but it doesn't sound like it.)
The Feanorians gather. (Which is a bad sign). They send messangers to Elwing, demanding "politely but clearly", the Silmaril. Well, you should have tried "politely" with Thingol, now, after Doriath, your politeness feels a bit empty.
[Also, Maedhoros' life would be much, much easier if he had the ability to just throw C&C under the bus and blame everything on them. It was even mostly true! And might have worked. But he is loyal to his brothers. And this is a good thing. This is tragic: he has one good trait, but can't manage another (not murdering people), and so he fails both morally, and fails at his chosen goal.]
Elwing, and the people of Sirion didn't want to give him the Silmaril. Because:
people have died and suffered for it (the usual argument, which I feel is increased by the nature of the Silmaril)
their ruler was not home, and they didn't want to make the decision without him (this is stupid, on a very mundane level. Earendil should have chosen someone to make important decisions when he's away. Also, Elwing seems either very indecisive / shy, or not respected by the people. My bet would be on "shy", or eldritch/shy, somewhat Varda-style)
it seemed to them that the Silmaril was the reason of their health and prosperity (this is a new idea)
So: it is not Elwing's decision. And it is not based mostly on "we hate them, they killed our people", but on survival needs (and a misconception). And again, there is no textual evidence that the people of Sirion know about the Oath.
Yes, there are people from Gondolin there, but who exactly? Turgon died. Idril was a child when the Oath happenned. They may not know, or they may not share the knowledge (but the later would be unwise).
Based on what the people of Sirion know and assume, their reply makes complete sense to me.
(Also, it seems like it was less a clear "nope" and more of a "umm, let's wait till Earendil returns, but we can't give you an ETA for that".)
The remaining soF suddenly attack the poor people of Sirion and the book is pretty clear that this is bad. It's so bad that some of their followers change sides and die trying to protect Elwing (because of course they do die, we can't have any characters getting any sort of redemption… yea, I understand, it makes sense realism-wise that they all die. But still, non-lethal wounds causing unconciousnes are a thing and I think it was a thing among the Elves? I can't remember an example)
Anyway, A&A die (because this is the unburned version).
Oh, and also Gil-Galad comes to the (too late) rescue (with Círdan). Which means that the mainstream Noldor are (for the first time) willing to fight the Feanorians. They just miss the party. Hmmm, this one detail makes me more fond of G-G son of Fingon. Because: think of the angst. (Or even better: G-G son of one of the Feanorians. But this has other problems)
There are a few survivors who join G-G.
It is told that E&E were captured. It is told that Elwing jumped to the sea with the Silmaril.
For the capture we later get a confirmation. But not for how exactly Elwing landed in the sea.
No info on how much she knew about her sons (already captured? assumed dead? hidden? whatever?). No info on whether she panicked and run blindly, or tried to distract M&M from killing other people, or wanted to maneuvre them into falling into the sea too, or one of myriads of possible scenarios. Or just even fell by a lucky "accident".
You want a perfect, flawless Elwing? The text doesn't contradict it (though she is at least a bit indecisive or not in such a position of power that would make sense given her parentage).
You want a stupid, indecisive Elwing who does a random thing? The text doesn't contradict it.
You want a young, lost, completely panicked Elwing? The text doesn't contradict it.
You want Elwing putting the prosperity of her people (which is assumed to be based on the Silaril) and them not dying of hunger above her own children? The text doesn't contradict it.
(No, we can't have a canon-compliant terrible mom Elwing, we'll get a counter for this.)
She joins Earendil and they are really terrified about their captured sons. So yes, they do care about their sons. they fear that M&M will kill them.
Kidnap fam mentioned, Maglor is sad and tired because Oath. :,(
Earendil wears the Silmaril on his forehead. So… what happenned to the necklace? Did Ulmo take it when he shapeshifted Elwing? The text very much sounds like the necklace is now gone, it's just the gem.
It is said among the gnomes wise, that the Silamril was what guided them to Valinor and let them pass all the magic barriers/traps.
Elwing has Lúthien vibes of "No, I am your wife, you aren't going to do the deadly risky thing alone!"
Earendil comes during a celebration and we are reminded that it's just like Morgoth and Ungoliant did (but he does it by accident). Nice bracketing, I guess? He is scared that even if Valinor something bad happenned. I like this scene.
Eonwe gives him a really cool (however very formal) greeting. "the looked for that cometh at unawares, the longed for that cometh beyond hope." I love this line. Yes, a lot of Tolkien's good lines give the vibe of "wrote it as part of a prayer, rewrote it to fit in his fantasy book". It's not a flaw. But I do find it a peculiar kind of funny.
Anyway, stuff is happenning. The Valar summon even Ulmo for a conversation. They talk. Námo plays the bad cop, which peronally I don't like but ok. I guess somebody has to, it is his job.
Manwë goes "we won't punish them, because they took this risk out of love" which is a solid argument. Earendil&Elwing (and by mention their sons) get the choice.
Also, interesting wording (or translation): they will be judged according to the laws of the species they chose. Huh. Interesting phrasing, I'm not sure what to think of it.
I totally forgot Elwing chilling out with the Teleri in the meantime.
Anyway, Vingilot gets an upgrade, the three sailors get a new ship. Also, doors of Night mentioned. Also, Earendil comes back to Valinor at sunrise and sunset. And it does seem like he does land, he is banned from the mortal lands, but not from Aman? So I guess he does spend some time home with Elwing. When she flies to him it's just to meet him earlier.
But I may be wrong.
Estel / "High Hope" mentioned.
M&M notice a new star. Confirmation that they saw the Silmaril sinking in the sea. Mae is like "Sure it's the silmaril." Maglor is like "we are supposed to rejoice." Anyway they do, at least they are no longer despairing.
And Morgoth is freaked out. :D But he doesn't expect the war (as they say), because the Valar were upset at the Noldor, and he doesn't get what pity is.
The army has white banners, the Vanyar are there (all of them? I suppose Ingwë stayed with Manwe, because before we were told he never went back to ME? Maybe only some Vanyar went to war.) And so are the non-Exile Noldor.
There are some Teleri in the army of the West!!! Just not many. At least that's how the Polish text reads. "Not many wanted to go to war" — so, some did want? some went?
More Teleri (convinced by Elwing) join as sailors, but those Teleri stay at the ships and don't touch tha land. (So yes, it seems there were other Teleri there)
I will leave the War of Wrath for later, maybe for the Morgoth into the Void day 1. Maybe not. Maybe i will do it sooner.
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jinwoosbabyboo · 6 months ago
I've read your L&Ds stuff lolol AND MAN they're so accurate & super fun/engaging to read!
I really wanna know, how are you so good with coming up with ideas?? How do you write so well/how did you get started on writing?? I really want to learn how to write well!
First off I love your username 🤣 and I’m glad you find my writing fun to read I try my best to make it as pleasing as possible.
So I come up with ideas by just everyday life thinking like hmmm how would the lads men react to this or hmmm I could make this a story. I have a very active imagination and I’m a maladaptive daydreamer so that’s probably a big part of it.
I gained traction pretty fast on here so the other half (damn near the majority) of all the prompts on my blog are from 🩵my lovely followers🩵 who send in requests. You guys keep expanding my imagination and I can’t thank you enough for that 🫶🏾
How did I get started writing? My mother was an English teacher up until I was about 8 years old so she introduced me to reading and writing heavy growing up. I was always reading above my actual grade level.
I wrote my first “story” when I was in 3rd grade and I’ve been writing ever since. I’m also an avid reader; I love falling into another world through books.
That feeling I get from reading is what I translate into my writing. My writing on here is more fun and goofy than actual literature. I do write Novellas in my free time but I will probably never show them to anyone because I heavily critique my writing so much ☠️
Learning to write well is a journey and you’re always learning. I'm still learning ways to improve my writing. If you’re looking to start writing stories here’s a few tips I can give you.
These are just a few things I’ve learned. If you disagree that’s fine this is just what I’ve learned.
Avoid run on sentences
If you have a sentence that is getting a bit long find a stopping point and add a period. If you feel like it absolutely needs to be one sentence then break it up with a semicolon.
Break up your paragraphs
Long paragraphs with no breaks can make a reader gloss over your writing
Find your writing style
If you’re too busy trying to imitate the writing style of someone else you’ll find yourself stressed when trying to write your own work
Describe imagery
Tap into your readers imagination; describe what they’re looking at and what’s going on in great detail - build a world in your mind so you can help build one in their mind - if you have a hard time building the world in your own mind your reader will struggle as well.
Word vomit! Trust the process!
WRITE THOSE ROUGH DRAFTS - it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make any sense just get those words onto the page you can edit and revise later every piece starts rough get those rough drafts written and go from there.
Avoid repetitive sentences, words, & over explaining
For example “I reached over the fence to grab the flower that was on the other side of the fence” You see how at the beginning of the sentence it’s already been established that whatever the character is reaching for is on the other side of the fence. That’s just a quick example.
Study grammar and use a dictionary
There are many ways to describe just about anything and you don’t have to stay inside a box of simple words to do it.
Lastly, it sounds corny, but have fun.
If you want to write you should enjoy it and it’s just words on a page that you can edit and revise.
Happy Writing ✍🏾😘
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thoughtfullyrainynightmare · 7 months ago
Hello :D
I wanted to ask if you could pls do yuno w/ a s/o who’s very chaotic, waggish, unserious n silly I think that type of dynamic is rlly cute n funny n if you don’t mind also include some other characters reactions pls!
If u do it thank u <3 but even so it’s alr if u don’t :)
I had fun trying to do a "opposites attract" kind of a fic for him ^^ I hope you like it~!
Pairing: Yuno Grinberryal x reader Genre: Fluff/comedy Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.7k Contains: Established relationship between reader and Yuno, Yuno is a VC in this already, and his prince status is known, there is a kiss on the cheek, teasing, a prank, reader and Yuno are opposites in personality
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Yuno Grinberryal, the vice captain of the Golden Dawn, and the prince of Spade Kingdom, was a stoic young man on the surface. Which didn’t mean that he wouldn’t have felt deeply, but he merely wasn’t one to show a lot of his emotions to the world. Partly because, once upon a time, he had decided to not be so sensitive, and thus, he had made an effort to toughen himself up.
But on the other hand, he had been more concerned with his own goals and ideals than the thoughts and opinions of others. Because… if he didn’t believe in himself, who would? Which contributed in him becoming more secure and displaying so little outwards.
The masses judged him, back when he still bore the title of an orphan, for daring to dream about becoming a Wizard King. The opinions of those who didn’t matter, didn’t matter either. And so, why would he have laid out his emotions to those who didn’t matter to him?
Not that hiding away his emotions hadn’t been difficult in the beginning. But he had grown used to it over the years. Up to the point where he appeared to have none. At least to those who didn’t know him.
On the contrast, there was you. A bubbly, wear-your-emotions-on-your-sleeve type of a person, who smiled like the summer sun. But who was always coming and going, and… because of whom more than one thing was left in disarray rather often.
And today was no different.
You giggled as you ran away from the Golden Dawn’s kitchen after replacing the sugar container with salt.
The cook was trying out a new recipe, so they were making a small batch. Meaning that there would be no huge amounts of food destroyed by your little prank. Especially since it had been just the specific sugar container, which had been by the cooks work bench.
“HEY!” You heard while running from out the door, quickening your pace just as soon as you heard the yell.
“Catch me if you can!” You yelled over your shoulder before turning the corner and intending to run into the vast gardens. There’d be enough places to hid-
You collided together with someone, and staggered back.
“Sorry! But I gotta-“
“No you don’t.”
You stopped, recognizing Yuno’s tone of voice.
His amber eyes were peering into you, and his brow was raised.
“What did you do?” The words flowed out of him with the same tone, almost sounding like there was a sigh at the end.
Only that there wasn’t.
You flashed him a cheeky grin. “Just thought that something was too salty, and that sweeter things are better.”
And that was when the sigh left him.
“Unbelievable…” he muttered under his breath with a slow blink.
“Not really,” you gave his cheek a quick peck. “If you know me.”
“I do,” he said while raising both of his eyebrows in a knowing look.
“Well then it shouldn’t be unbelievable,” you teased while flashing another grin to him.
He shook his head, and a sliver of a smile appeared on his lips. “What do I do with you?”
“Hmmm…” you hummed as your grin widened even more. “Beats me,” you shrugged. “But your life would be a lot more dull if it wasn’t for me.”
“I think I was the first to say that.”
“And I didn’t claim anything else.”
His smile widened even further with the admission, the words and the sentiment. Because it was true, his life would be a lot more dull, one sided, if it wasn’t for you in his life. But, admittedly, at times he did hope that you’d calm down a little.
Just so that, now that he was the vice-captain, you wouldn’t be one of the greater sources of trouble with the day to day functions of the squad.
“Just keeping you on your tippy toes!” You laughed, giving him a wink.
But yes, you’d try to give him a little less trouble. Because you did care for him, and didn’t want him to have to worry more because of you.
Just a little harmless fun, and added… spice, in his life.
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