#if she is asleep he will lay her town and sleep as well
witchofhimring · 1 year
Being the daughter of Daenerys Targaryen
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Pairings: Daenerys Targaryen x Reader (platonic)
Whether you are a bio daughter or not is up to you.
-Daenerys had always had the desire to be a mother. From the day you were first placed in her arms Daenerys was instantly in love with you. Although the people of Meereen were her children you were the most cherished. Nuha Rina she called you, her child.
It was a warm night, but surprisingly a light breeze carried itself on the wind. Daenerys stood by the window watching over the city with its flickering flames and unique spices. The baby in her arms stirred and one of Y/n's tiny fists retched up. Daenerys placed a kiss on the babies petal smooth skin. The love she felt for this babe surpassed even that of her dragons. Misa, they had called her. Only now Daenerys felt the sole connection that a mother had with their child. An unbreakable bond between two souls.
-Daenerys is a strict mother. Not in a cruel sense, but she does expect you to follow and obey her. However her love is fierce and she is very protective of you. While she might take you into the town amongst the common people, teach you to lead an army and embody the flame of Valyria, Daenerys is constantly scared something will happen to you. While she may walk amongst her people without a care, you are a different matter. There is always a guard by your side. From the time you are old enough to walk Daenerys has a personal guard to attend you. Any maid or lady in waiting is carefully selected.
Daenerys held your small hand, slowing down so you could keep up. The citizens of Meereen were used to seeing their Queen walk amongst them. But today it was a first for you. Normally mother had you stay in the carriage. Visible, but at a safe distance. Despite the Queen's desire to keep her daughter safe she was also aware that because the Targaryen dynasty was little more than a budding flower in Essos. They needed to cement their hold and that could only be done is you showed yourself to the people. It was your duty as a monarch. And besides, was it not a mothers duty to forge a relationship between themselves and their children? "Your Grace, if I may?" An elderly woman approached, a bundle of colourful flowers in hand. Daenerys was used to people approaching her, but her daughter was another matter. She laid a hand on her daughters shoulder apprehensively. Y/n looked up hopefully, waiting for her mothers permission. She allowed the older woman to approach. Normally warmth spread through her body when granted such a gesture. But all she felt was concern. She let out a sigh of relief when her daughter received the flowers, unharmed.
-Daenerys loves teaching you the stories of old Valyria. You will lay next to her on the silk blankets as she talks well into the night. Expect rides with her dragons. While Daenerys might be apprehensive about others in your vicinity, her dragons are different. There will be lots of red and black dresses in your closet.
Y/n sleepily rested against her mothers side. Today had been rather exciting. What, with getting three new dresses all decked out in Targaryen regalia and a ride on Drogon the little Princess was all tuckered out. "Balerion climbed higher and higher into the sky. Higher and higher Aegon the Conqueror flew. So high up he was that Harrenhal was little more than a spot. Suddenly, he advanced upon the stone keep. And the castle, built upon the blood of slaves was in flames-" Daenerys noticed by your breathing that you were asleep. Carefully she slipped you under the covers. With the candles extinguished she allowed sleep to claim her, Y/n in her arms.
This ones a bit shorter than the rest. But I am very tired and want to get this one out. Expect Sansa next.
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receedingdawn · 1 month
Cookies And Acrylic
Pairing: Logan x Reader
Summary: When anxiety keeps the art teacher awake at night, she comforts herself with late-night shenanigans and a surprise guest.
Warnings: OOC for Logan (Sorry he can be IMPOSSIBLE to write for but I love him dearly, fluff, pining
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: I'm so sorry I wrote this at like 1 am because I could not sleep, very fitting for this one shot though... Also unedited because I didn't feel like it!
Read on AO3
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Groaning as you twisted and turned in bed, you rolled over to check the time. It was one of those nights where no matter how hard you tried to lift into that blissful rest you so desperately craved, it never came. A pitiful sound escaped you as the clock read two in the morning, too late to have a good night's rest, yet too early to be up. Rolling back over, you contemplated your next actions for a few seconds. Sleep never came easy, especially during the nights that you were kept up with anxiety. 
When asked to help out at Charles’ school for the gifted, you instantly agreed. You knew how the rest treated mutants of the world, you practically leaped at the opportunity to help out. It was a harsh world they were born into, and you made it your goal to help as many out as you could. How much stress the job would give didn’t dawn on you when you started. Nights like this where you lay awake, your mind stuck on the endless probabilities of the children being hurt while in your care. You knew the rest of the team would be there to help if anything happened, but anxiety doesn’t always need a reason to happen. It just does.
Deciding to walk around the building to calm yourself, you got out of bed with a sigh. You changed your sleep shorts into flannel pajama pants in fear of a student discovering you wandering around the school in the middle of the night. The last thing you wanted to do was accidentally traumatize a student with their half-naked teacher roaming the halls in the early hours of the morning. Sliding your feet into a pair of slippers, you made your way out of the room to begin your adventure around the perimeters.
It was incredibly calm with the habitants of the house fast asleep, keeping the building at an eerily quiet tone as you wandered the rooms. You padded to the kitchen, in search of a glass of water and maybe a late-night snack. At this point, would it be considered an early morning snack? You didn’t care enough, all you knew was that a secret tin of baked goods was calling your name. Ororo had been into town a few days before, stopping at a bakery on the way home. She had selflessly bought a pack of assorted goods for her fellow teachers on the way home, hiding them in the back of the pantry as to ward off sneaky students.
Taking a simple chocolate chip cookie out, you decided that instead of water, of course, you needed milk with it. Even though you were well into adulthood, no single person could be too old for the comforting taste. You grabbed a random mug from the cabinet, pouring yourself a glass before sitting down at the kitchen table in silence.
Holy shit.
Ororo wasn’t lying when she said the bakery was the best she had ever been too. It had been a few days since she brought them home, yet the taste could still bring tears to your eyes. You had no idea such a regular-looking cookie could be borderline orgasmic. 
“Am I interrupting something?” The rough voice awoke you from the temporary trance the heavenly treat had you in. Your eyes snapped to the dark doorway of the kitchen, noticing the gruff man. Logan was leaning on the side of the frame, his arms crossed while his eyebrow was cocked playfully. You chuckled to yourself for a moment, realizing the absurd position the man had caught you in.
“You might be, I was having some sweet alone time with the newfound love of my life,” you giggled, pointing to the half-eaten cookie. Logan rolled his eyes as he sauntered into the kitchen, making his way to the pantry. He opened up that tin you had just been in, grabbing himself a helping. Shooting a look in your direction, he held up the cookie as if wordlessly saying “It better be good” before taking a bite.
“Holy fuck, what the hell did they put in here?” The man let out in the middle of chewing, his voice muffled by the crumbs. You stared at him for a second before bursting out into laughter at his unusual response. Logan was always one for seriousness, you had never seen this side of him before. The severe nature of the man never bothered you, it drew you in. He fascinated you with his witty remarks and lack of social interaction with the others. Logan was an outcast in a place where no such thing existed, and you had always wanted to figure him out. Jean would call you out on those thoughts, saying it was a crush, but the word made you feel like a school girl following around her boy of the week.
“I think Ororo said there was a sign in the shop that said Made with EXTRA love, but I honestly think it might be drugs.” You said after finally getting a hold of your laughter, causing the man to crack a slight grin. God, if you could take a picture there and frame it, you would. He never smiled, he smirked, but never a true smile.
“Definitely drugs,” Logan remarked, finishing the last of his cookie. He wiped the excess crumbs off his hands and rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands in the kitchen sink. You did your best to not make it obvious you were staring at the veins in his arms as he lathered them up.
“What are you doing up?” You asked him, forcing yourself to think about something other than his well-built body. The man quickly dried his hands before facing you again, “Couldn’t sleep.” There was the Logan you knew best, the one who gave short answers with little to no context. You cocked a brow at him, telling him that answer wasn’t good enough.
“Nightmares,” He let up after a few moments, finally giving you an answer. Shooting him an understanding look, you got up to clean your mug and throw away the napkin your snack had been on.
“I get it, between my nightmares and anxiety I rarely ever sleep.” You responded, voice low with the admittance. The man nodded in understanding, knowing exactly what you meant. He was well acquainted with the nightly battles one who had been through the events either of you had been though fought every night. Logan was surprised to feel he felt bad for you, even though the admission wasn’t a surprise to him. Most who lived at the mansion had some sort of trauma to get through and lived with the reminders of it each day. He was more surprised that it didn’t cross his mind you struggled with it. You were a light in the mansion, both students and other teachers adoring you. It was completely understandable, in a world of chaos and unknowns you were a beacon to everyone. Your kindness and warmth radiated to all those who were in your vicinity, and they did not take it for granted.
“I’m in the same boat princess,” Logan said, moving himself away from the sink to give you room to clean the dirty dish. You both sat there while you scrubbed, the sound of the faucet filling up the silence. He just stood there, watching you as you worked. It wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling, it almost felt as if he was studying you.
“Are you going back to bed?” You asked after putting the now clean and dry mug back into the cabinet. Shaking his head no, Logan made his way to the hallway to go back to whatever he was doing before interrupting you. You called out after him before he left, causing him to turn around.
“Have you ever painted?”
In the over a millennium he had been alive, Logan Howlett never thought he would be caught dead with a paintbrush in his hand. He had no idea why he agreed to a painting lesson in the early hours of the morning. Logan knew everyone at the school was equally obsessed with you, which resulted in him usually keeping his distance. He knew you were a gorgeous and kind individual, but he never caved to his urge to get to know you.
“You’re psyching yourself out, it’s written all over your face, Lo.” His gaze snapped from the small tool to you in an instant. You had never called him by a nickname before, and the way it rolled off your tongue sounded like music to him. He gripped the paintbrush with such a force you had never seen before, causing you to almost let out a giggle. Sitting on your bed, cross-legged, with a brush in his hand, he looked extremely out of place. A man with hands the size of his had no business being even close to a paintbrush, let alone using one. The jeans and white tank top he practically had glued onto his body at all times had no business being on your bed, but he had no complaints if it meant he got to spend a few moments with you.
“Just follow my lead, okay?” How could he follow your lead when you worked so meticulously? The man just stared at you as you worked, your talented hand shaping out a small tree on the canvas. He stared for a few moments, coming to the realization he could watch you for hours and not get bored. Didn’t people say watching paint dry was excruciatingly dull?
“You’re worse than my students,” you joked, noticing the lack of paint on his canvas.
“None of your students have metal for bones, it makes it harder,” You both knew Logan was just coming up with excuses to get away with his little creative talent.
“I have a boy in one of my classes who had feet for hands, you’re pulling things out of your ass Logan.” He was caught there.
“Enough, just help me.” His hazel eyes shined playfully, holding out his hand to help him again. You rolled yours back in response, leaning over to help him. Taking a hold of his hand, you guided his movements on the canvas. Your breath caught as you felt how strong Logan felt under you, despite him letting you be in control.
You couldn’t help but feel that it was almost domestic, the two of you sitting on your bed in silence while participating in your favorite activity. No answer as to why he would agree to this came into your head, but you weren’t mad.
“Alright Edward Scissorhands, your turn to try by yourself. You can be a big boy and do it yourself, can’t you?” Teasing him, you went back to your work. It was a simple scene of the courtyard out back, showing off the gorgeous greens of the trees. Logan couldn’t help himself but watch you, continuously messing up his own work in the meantime. After finishing yours, you looked up, noticing the mess left on the man's canvas.
“I tried,” He shrugged his shoulders in embarrassment.
“I know you did,” Your genuine response took him by surprise. Logan assumed you were going to have some cute quip to respond with, but this one was different. Not everyone was cut out for making art, but he had tried. Never in a million years would anyone who knew Logan would think he would even think about partaking in a hobby. Yet here he was, getting out of his comfort zone (while multitasking and checking you out).
You helped him finish his painting to the best of your ability, yet it came out comparable to Charlie Brown’s old Christmas Tree. Logan knew he had no creative bone in his body, but boy did he try his best. You joked that his finished product was similar to Charles’ old burnt tree in the courtyard, and he chuckled in response. He signed his initials at the bottom and dated it as well. You started to pack up the supplies while Logan helped clean off brushes.
“I’m keeping this,” You held up his work while grinning, He groaned in embarrassment at the thought of others coming into your room and wondering what the abomination was.
“Jesus Christ,” Running his hand through his hair, Logan gave you a pointed look. There was no way in hell you wanted to keep his god-awful creation to yourself.
“Listen, in fifty or so years I can sell this for crazy money. A painting made by The Wolverine himself, you could make me rich Lo!” There was that nickname again, and it suddenly made him okay with you taking it.
“So you’re just using me,” He muttered sarcastically, causing you to giggle in response. You handed him your painting as a consolation for your gold digger behavior. Logan would not admit how taken away he was by the action, instead he just stared at you again. You looked back at him curiously, wondering where his words went. He genuinely had no words, it had been a while since someone gave him a gift, even if you wouldn’t consider it.
“Thanks for hanging out with me,” you had just given Logan a masterpiece and that was all you had to say about it? It annoyed him how sweet you were, and he knew this was going to become a problem for him. 
“Despite the looks of it, I did have fun. Thanks for making the night bearable, princess.” You both got up, giving each other one last look. In a moment of courage, you stood up on your toes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thank you, I needed this,” you responded after lowering yourself back down. Logan noticed you blushing at the peck, which almost made him chuckle. Closing the door behind him, you made your way back to bed, hoping you could get at least a few hours before the next day came.
Logan made his way back to his room, studying every paint stroke of yours as he did so. He had never been interested in the arts before and was now obsessing over what he thought to be the second most beautiful thing he had seen in his life. The man concluded that you were the first. He decided to place it on the small table next to his bed, the piece standing out in his sparsely decorated room. Before setting it down, Logan looked at the back of the painting to see the words To: Lo written on it. 
Let me know if you guys liked this or not, I don't know how I feel about the ending tbh... To my friend that I admitted to in a Canes that I was writing fanfic again, I love you.
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evandsolo · 29 days
All of the girls you loved before | ft. Yunho
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jeong yunho x reader
genre : romance, SoL, slight angst words : 1,457. trigger warning : insecurities. request : hi!! if you are comfortable with it, would you write a yunho imagine based on taylor swift's all of the girls you loved before? that would be so nice! 💓 author's note : It actually was so great to write ! I loved that SO MUCH. I really really hoped that you like it ! Please do not hesitate to send more. masterlist
There’s those nights sometimes, when you lay next to him, but you’re just unable to fall asleep. The day has been pretty much the definition of what you’d call the perfect day. He came home, bringing flowers. You had a very fancy diner on the beach. You watched the sunset buried in his arms. Now you’re snuggled against him, under the sheets and you can’t help but think about everything and nothing. The way he murmured “I love you, baby.” before falling asleep in your arms. How you feel truly happy in this life but undeserving at the same time. 
You took a long time to analyze his peaceful face. You’ve never seen him that peaceful before. You knew Yunho long before you were finally together. He was a childhood friend. His parents and yours were neighbors and you two have literally grown up together. You’ve seen every little part of him. You’ve witnessed him falling in love for the first time. How he was brokenhearted when she dumped him, even though he was so nice to her. He was so happy when his high school crush said yes to him. You wiped his tears, when he came back a few months later when she betrayed him. Then his family moved out of town, and you lost sight of him for a few years. 
When he moved back in town, he was a full grown up, more handsome than ever. You thought that you’ve never seen someone that beautiful in your life. But your heart was shattered into pieces. You were dumped not so long ago. The one you had at that time, as probably the worst. You used to fight over the phone for some nonsense you actually can’t even remember now. He was jealous of everything, and made you live hell, for nearly a year. You thought you couldn’t make it through. That your heart would hurt at every single beat it takes. 
He was there, he healed every wound with patience, comprehension, attention and support. He knew how to treat you. He knew you so well, it was easy for him. He remembered every small detail. He listened when you needed it. And that’s probably how you fell in love with him. With this giant heart, that is now beating next to you. The feeling was so overwhelming, tears began to flow in your eyes. To avoid waking your lover up, you gently left the bed, to join the living room. You couldn’t sleep anyway, and overthinking wouldn’t help you. 
You sat in the armchair next to the floor-to-ceiling window. The entire city was depicted in front of you, and you let the tears run down your cheeks. You weren’t sad. You just felt way too lucky for someone who certainly does not deserve that much love. He treated you so well, loved you so much, he learned how to love properly through past experiences. And you’re so thankful for that. Thankful for how life puts your paths the same way so you can learn together what true love means. You truly cannot imagine what your life would look like without him. Just thinking about it makes you sob even harder. 
“Baby?” You hear his sleepy voice, appearing in the room.”What’s wrong, hun ?” He said, approaching you. “Nothing. couldn’t sleep.” You say, fastly drying your tears. “And that’s why my pretty girl is crying ?” You knew you couldn’t lie to him, but you tried. You sigh and cross his sight to see how worried he was. “You should go back to sleep, love. You have a big day tomorrow.” You try to avoid the conversation. Immediately after you have risen, he grabs you between his arms to hold you against him. “ I won’t. Not as long as you are sad.” He says. He puts a kiss on the top of your head, pats your hair. “I’ll wait till you’re ready to tell me about everything that makes you feel bad.” That makes your heart burst, and your tears start to run down again. 
“It’s just that, I love you so much.” You say against his bare chest. “ Wait ? You’re crying because you love me ?” You could hear the surprise in his voice. Hearing that from him, sounded so ridiculous you wanted to bury your face in his skin. “Yeah ?” you admit. “I feel so loved, sometimes I feel like I don’t give you a quarter of what you give me. I would love you even more, make you even hap…” “Hey. No, stop. Hear me out.” he says, lifting your head up to catch your eyes. “You love me more than anyone has ever loved me. And I couldn’t be happier than I am with you, baby. I have everything, now that I have you.” He says with the most endearing voice ever. 
“Are you, for real ?” You can’t help but ask; It was stronger than you, you wanted to be sure that he was perfectly happy with you. “ I am, y/n. I’ll always be for as long as you stay with me.” He strengthens his embrace around you, his warmth starting to ease your mood. “ I’ll always be by your side, Yunho, as long as you want me to be.” You add, putting a slight kiss on his shoulder. 
“You are absolutely perfect. With you, there’s no morning where I feel like waking up next to a stranger. I never feel alone, because I carry your love with me every day. You’re always somewhere in my mind.” You look at him, while he is opening about his feelings. He radiates something you can’t explain. His traits are highlighted by the shining light of the moon. From your point of view, he looked like a Greek statue. From the slight bounce of his cheek, to the straightness of his jaw, he was absolutely perfect. “ Everything seems so easy, so natural with you. It’s like we were meant to be. Like you were made for me. Perfect, smart, beautiful and so easy to love.” His words radiate directly to your soul, erasing every bit of worries you had. 
“I want you to promise me something.” You ask, nesting your head in his neck. “ Whatever you want, Baby.” His words were so fast, but so full of meaning. “I want you to tell me if one day you don’t feel well, if you feel that I’m not giving you enough, if things change between us.” You don’t think it’d ever change, cause your love for him was endless, but you just wanted to be sure. “I promise.” A sigh of relief escapes from your chest to his answer. 
“You know that I love you endlessly, right ?” You say, a hand on his heart. “ I want to know what eternity sounds like with you. I want to grow old by your side, Yunho. And sometimes it scares me.” Late night talks always are the best for confession, but you could never have imagined that this insomnia, that night, would lead you to open your heart so much. “You don’t have to be scared. Everything we’ll be fine. Just fine. We’re together now. You won’t have to fight anymore, no more goodbyes.” he whispers. “ You’re the love of my life, y/n. I know that for sure.” 
You pressed a kiss on his lips as if you wanted to lock those words in a significant act. “I’m thankful.” You mutter. “ For what ?” 
“For every past experience. For every mistake that has led us to each other.” You admit and you felt it, deeply in your heart. Every little step, shaped you both to be the best version of yourselves for the other one. “You’re right. We should be thankful to have found each other again, after all those messes.” He confirmed, lost in his mind. “What are you thinking about ?” You call him, putting a hand on his jaw. “I was thinking of the perfect wife you would make.” And it makes your heart go wild. “ You want to marry me ?” All the surprise could be heard in your voice. “One day, yeah for sure.” He says, a huge smile on his face, before it transforms into a giant yawn. “ We should go back to sleep now.” You say, in a little laugh. 
He nodded and you took his hand to go back to the room. You both took back your places under the sheets and he surrounded you with his arms, once again. A hand pats your hair, and the other one, draws circles in your back. “Sleep well my love. And don”t worry about us anymore. We’re meant to be forever.” Just like that, reassured and full of his love, you fell asleep. 
I really hope you appreciated it, do not hesitate to reblog or to leave a note i’d love to read all about your thoughts. ✿
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inkdemonloveswoman · 1 month
How the Hazbin Hotel characters will react to you sleeping on them. <3
Tw: mentions of sex in Angel dusts part, fluff, cursing, mention of sex on Adams part
Genre: fluff, Sfw
POV: second pov
Character: Alastor, Husk, Lucifer, Angel dust, Charlie, Vaggie, Sir pentious, velvette, Adam, vox, lute, Valentino, fat nuggets
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Alastor would probably push you off the first time, he’s not used to physical touch. Usually only shaking your hand. If anyone SAT on him they were on a suicide mission for sure. When you did it a second time, laying your head on his shoulder he was just stiff. Not blinking, like if he did it would wake you up. I would give him like a 6/10. He definitely smells a little old but a nice homey old yk?
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Husk is always in the bar. Doing his job. When has he ever sat down? Well when you saw him sit down on the couch when Alastor was giving a tour of cannibal town to Charlie. You snuck your way over and sat next to him and laying your head on his fuzzy shoulder. He opened his eyes and let out a scoff. Closing his eyes again and not caring. Two minutes later he will lean against you in return, purring gently. I’d give him like a 6.5/10, the smell of cheap booze filling your nose, that took some points off. Didn’t even smell good. But he’s warm 🧍‍♀️
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Lucifer, the short king. He’s so cute and clingy. If you sat next to him he’s immediately clinging on you with his arms. You both fell asleep after a couple minutes cause of how comfortable it was. He’s pretty warm, but he was still wearing his suit which didn’t feel the best while sleeping. I’d give him a 7/10, he smells like apples and apple pie :D
Angel dust
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Angel dust, a fluffy white p0rnstar spider. Your favorite spider. He’s SO fluffy. Once you sit next to him he’s already carrying you to his bed and laying down with you, fat nuggets snuggling between you too. Would be the person to know how to comfort you, but not know how to comfort himself. You give him cuddles after a long shooting. He jokingly complains about it to you to make it feel better, such as, “ughhh. All my holes are so sore, I’m dying” he snickered after that. Probably high. I would give him a 7.5/10, extra points for the chest fluff. He kinda smells like alcohol though…
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Charlie is the sweetest girl in hell. EVER. Literally she will get you a blanket if it’s a cold day in the hotel, or make sure you’re satisfied with sleeping on her. Istg she’s one of the best people, but she also won’t stfu. So- 9/10. I don’t have to explain.
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Vaggie accidentally pushes you off of her. Idk what else to say. She’s just grumpy asf. But she also doesn’t talk a lot so you would go to sleep easier if she doesn’t push you off on accident. She’s at least a 5/10.
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Such a sweetie boy. My god. Do I even have to explain? He would probably be so awkward but then slither his tail around you. His little egg bois jump up and see this as nap time. It looked like an army of eggs just laying next to you. Sir pentious? More like sir precious. 9.5/10.
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I love velvette. . She’s so cool. But once you lay on her she gags quietly at your outfit, she’s being very dramatic. She would try her hardest to not mess up her hair. Bout a 6/10
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Literally just wants to have sex with you. 2/10
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Would let you use his lap while he works in his office. If someone walks in? They’re already dead. Bout a 5.6/10
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Immediately thinks you’re trying to kill her, and probably pushes you off intentionally. Then regrets it a little after five minutes. She’s fine, but if you sat on her lap or lay on her infront of Adam, prepare for a surprise at home. 5.7/10
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-10009990000/10. You already know.
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A/N: sorry these were short, I was rushing since I’m starting school in a couple days 💩 hope you enjoyed! Bye loves!!
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harryforvogue · 8 months
a fic about harry and faye where faye needs to be picked up because it's snowed so bad and also she's feeling very very needy. has smut so be careful. or not. do whatever you like. DO leave feedback though or else i will fucking haunt you
Faye calls Harry at around 6pm.
He’s asleep, his iPad abandoned by his side with the pen still between his fingertips. He doesn’t know what time he dozed off, but he’s got to thank Faye for the portable heater she bought him for Christmas. It’s magnificent.
Getting himself out of bed to reach for his phone is difficult. When he finally manages, the only thing that makes him pick up is Faye’s photo.
He brings it to his ear. “Hi, baby.”
Immediately, he can hear the frown in her voice. “Oh no. I woke you up.”
“It’s all right,” he says, rubbing his eyes. “I wasn’t supposed to sleep anyways. I’ll barely get a few hours at night if I nap now.” He brings his phone back to his bed and sits down. “What’s up?”
“Um, well I just finished rehearsals.”
“Yeah? That’s good. Got out early?”
“Yes, it’s snowing pretty bad now.”
“Mm, is it?” He forces himself to get back up and take a peek out his curtains. She’s right; the snow lays on the roads, flurries all around still. “You wanna stay on the phone with me until you get home?”
“That’s kind of the thing. I’ve been at this bus stop for 15 minutes and my app keeps saying the bus is about to come, but the roads aren’t properly cleared so I don’t think it’s coming.”
Harry frowns. “You’re outside?”
“Yeah. I walked to the stop, but it’s like a ghost town here. Nobody’s out driving. The buses may have all been canceled.”
“Oh shit. Are you wearing warm clothes? Gloves and all?”
“Good. Which stop are you at today? I’ll come get you.”
There’s instant relief in her voice. “Thank you.” She tells him which stop and then sighs softly. “It’s not that cold which is good. I suppose I should sit down on the bench but there’s ice on it and I already slipped while walking here. My butt still hurts.”
Harry groans as he tugs his jacket on and grabs an extra beanie. He shoves his feet into his shoes and grabs his keys. “Don’t tell me that,” he says. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” Faye laughs. “I’m okay.”
“Think you can hold on for 15 minutes?”
“Yes, but Harry you have to drive safely, okay? The inner roads aren’t cleared at all.”
Harry sticks a piece of gum in his mouth. “Yeah, love, I’ll be fine.”
“Wanna stay on the phone with me?”
“Um, I would, but I can barely feel my fingers.”
Harry has to groan again. He’s outside now and thankfully his car isn’t looking too bad. He’ll still need to defrost it a bit. “Faye, you just told me you had gloves!”
“Okay, I’m going to hang up, but please try to get warm. Go into one of those shops nearby.”
“The only shop open near me is the chicken shop.”
“Go in there.”
“I don’t like the smell of chicken.”
“I must say that you are insanely difficult today.”
Faye giggles. “I’m not.” She must hear him turn his ignition on. “Okay, bye now. Drive safe.”
“I will.”
She hangs up. Harry has to step out of the car with his snow brush, pushing his way over to clean his windshields. He’s blasting the heat on the inside, and within ten minutes, he’s ready to go. When he gets back in his car, he’s muttering swears, trembling with the cold. “Not that cold, my ass.”
And Faye’s right. The inner roads are horrendous. He drives so below the speed limit, he may as well walk to get her. 15 minutes turn into 20 and by the time he’s pulling up to her bus stop, he’s very worried Faye may be a frozen block of ice. 
Faye wobbles her way over to the car, yanking the door open and all but throwing herself inside. She’s shivering so bad, Harry puts the car in park and reaches over the console to hug her tightly.
“For fuck’s sake, Faye,” he mutters, suppressing a shiver at her cold face pressed into his neck. “I told you to go into the shop!”
“If y-you made me wait any longer, I would have!”
“I drove as fast as I could.”
Harry turns the heat up higher and rubs her arms firmly, trying to get her tight muscles to relax. She’s wearing a winter jacket, yes, but her head is uncovered and she doesn’t even have a scarf. He pulls back to look at her, hoping there’s disappointment on his face. But Faye’s eyes just light up and then she’s lifting her head to get a kiss.
He can’t say no.
He cups her face and softly kisses her. Her lips are cold, but he can still taste the cherry chapstick as if she kept reapplying it every few minutes. She kisses him several more times, but when she places her frozen hands on his neck, he pulls away sharply.
“Faye!” He holds his neck as if wounded. “That’s so cold!”
Faye’s knees bounce. “Sorry!"
She doesn’t look sorry.
He grabs the beanie he’s brought her and throws it onto her head. Her bangs get caught on her forehead, momentarily blinding her, and she laughs, fixing the hat. Her black hair frames her cheeks. She reaches in for another kiss, but Harry stops her with a shake of his head.
“Get warm first. Or else you’ll get hypothermia and then I’ll have nobody to kiss.”
Faye says, “Wow you sound a lot like me.” She holds her trembling hands by the vents, shivering so bad, she’s compelled to make audible noises to show how cold she is, her jaw quivering. Harry starts driving the car again, and once he gets off the main street, he reaches for her hand and holds it in his lap.
“How were rehearsals?”
“Okay,” she says, shoulders shaking. “Maybe people couldn’t come in today because of the snow. I had to do, like, three roles.”
“Opening night is next month, right?”
“Yup. I got you your tickets.”
Harry kisses the back of her hand, squeezing her pale fingertips hard. She's painted her nails dark blue, he notices. “Thank you. Are you hungry?”
“Let’s get something to eat then. I don’t have anything at home. Didn’t cook today.”
“Oh. Are we going to yours?”
“Can I stay over?”
Harry smiles. “Yes.”
“Is Timmy home?”
“Can we play that video game again?”
Harry sends her a look. “I thought you’d want to watch a movie or something.”
“Well, if you want to. But I had a lot of fun playing that game.”
“Yes, you were so good at it.”
She was not. Harry spent the entire night trying to save her, getting himself killed, and then yelling and begging her to stay alive until he could be revived. Faye had a lot of fun it seems, though Harry wouldn’t say it was a very productive night.
But, if she wants to do it, then they will.
“I feel like I’ll be better tonight,” Faye says, leaning forward to put her face against the air vent. Her eyes flutter shut. “We’ll get to the next level.”
“You mean level two.”
She laughs.
Harry’s pulling up to the take out shop they’ve agreed on when his phone goes off. He answers it on the car’s speakerphone.
“Yeah, mate?”
“Hey,” Timothée’s voice rings out. “Where are you right now?”
“I’m with Faye picking up food.”
“Oh cool. Hey, can you pick me up from the shop, man? My car’s fucking buried.”
Harry sighs. “Yeah, that’s fine. When are you off work?”
“Twenty minutes.”
“Yeah, I’ll get you.”
“Cool, and hey–”
“Can you grab me some food? I’ll pay you back.”
Harry says, “I’ll think about it.”
There’s silence on the other line until Timmy says, “Faye?”
She leans in. “Yeah?”
“Can you make sure he gets me food? I’ll Venmo you right now.”
“Will do.”
“Thanks. Bye!” And then he hangs up.
Harry rubs his eye and then unbuckles his seat belt. Faye goes to do the same, but he stops her, shaking his head. “No, you need to stay warm.”
“I’m fine!”
“Nope.” He locks the car after opening his door and gives her a meaningful look. She watches him disappear into the shop.
When he comes back, he thinks she’s looking a lot better. The red in her cheeks has returned and she’s reapplying her chapstick without shaking fingers. He leans over and kisses her, pleased that her lips aren’t frozen anymore. Unexpectedly, she holds onto his collar and kisses him harder, and she doesn’t let him go until he’s chuckling against her lips and trying to pry away.
“What’s gotten into you?” he murmurs, peppering kisses down to her jaw. She shivers, but not from the cold this time.
“Just missed you.”
“Mm.” He kisses her cheek. “I missed you too.”
It’s a lot harder to drive after that, especially because Harry’s hand rests on Faye’s thigh, and she keeps playing with his fingers, occasionally pulling his hand up to kiss his palm. 
When they get to the shop, Timmy rushes into the car and slaps a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Thank you, man. This is great. Thanks. Hey, Faye.”
“You’re coming over?”
“Cool. Did you get me any food?”
“Yes we did.” She hands him the aux cord when he asks for it. They listen to his odd taste in music for the ride home.
Harry takes Faye up to his room when they get home. Timmy’s nearly falling asleep so he eats his food quietly and then heads to his own room with a reminder through the walls that he’d appreciate it if Harry and Faye kept it down.
Faye says, “I don’t know why he always says that,” as she’s climbing into Harry’s lap on his bed in his shirt only. He looks up at her, eyes shining, his hands resting just below her butt. She wraps her arms around his neck. “We’ve never been that loud.”
“I mean I certainly haven’t,” Harry teases, pulling her down onto his thighs.
“Me neither!”
Faye can’t come up with a response, so she kisses him, and then turns around in his lap, back pressed to his warm, strong chest. He places his hand on her thigh, holding her to him. As he’s setting up the game, she reaches over and grabs his iPad, turning it on to see his latest sketch.
It’s a very daunting looking dragon with detailed wings and scales. She zooms in to see all of it, thoroughly impressed. “This is so cool, Harry!”
“Yeah? Thanks, baby. Had a client say she wanted a big dragon piece so I’ve been brainstorming.”
“Where does she want it?”
“Around her bicep.”
“It must hurt like crazy.”
Harry hooks his chin over her shoulder and hugs her tight to him. “Yeah, but as long as they’re happy with it, right?”
She turns her head to look at him with her devastatingly pretty eyes. “Have you done any cool ones this week?”
He makes a show of thinking really hard. “Did a decent snake two days ago.”
“Ooh. Will you post the pictures?”
“Yeah. Haven’t had the time to.”
Faye cradles his face and kisses his cheek. “I’ll be the first person to like it.”
“You always are,” he murmurs, tilting his head back so she can continue her kisses down his neck.
His eyes flutter shut as Faye’s hands run over his arms, gently pressing herself back against him. He feels her breath hitch.
“Faye,” he softly admonishes. “You said you wanted to play the game.” 
“It’s still loading,” she whispers back, shaking him off to be able to turn in his arms again. The force she kisses him with throws him off. He’s pushed back, hands flying out to steady himself against his mattress. She wraps her legs around him and kisses him breathless, her fingers trailing up the sides of his head and then burying themselves into his curls. She presses herself against him again, and then she gently licks at him. Harry welcomes her tongue when he parts his lips.
She kisses him like she hasn’t been kissed properly in years – which is simply untrue because he kisses her until she forgets her name on a routined basis. Faye presses herself even closer, and when the first whine leaves her throat, Harry’s arms are around her, dragging her hips against his. She sighs as if that small contact between them has caused her such release.
The TV makes a noise to tell them the game has finished loading. Faye’s mouth shows no signs of letting him up. Harry pulls up for a second to breathe, and then kisses her again, leaning into her with his hands spread out against her back. They stay there until he’s sliding his fingers under his shirt that she wears, slowly pushing her until she’s laying on her back and Harry’s hovering over her.
“The game,” he whispers.
“Hm?” she manages, rolling her hips against his again, her eyes both innocent and flirty.
He breathes out a swear and then works on pulling the shirt off of her. Faye shivers immediately, but he kisses down her neck and collarbones to warm her up, letting her adjust when she catches onto what he wants to do. She slides back and lets him move further down her body.
“Yes, baby?”
She changes her mind when Harry’s fingers hook into her underwear. “Oh. Oh, nothing.”
“Tell me,” he says, dragging them down. 
“Well, it’s only that I thought I’d do this for you. Because you, um, picked me up and I wanted to thank you.”
Harry chuckles. “You can do that after this, but right now I have a feeling you’re going to explode if I don’t touch you. Care to tell me what’s got you so worked up? I fucked you so well just two days ago.”
Faye throws a hand over her eyes and Harry doesn’t know if it’s because she’s forced to answer his question while unclothed or if it’s his words that embarrass her. Possibly both.
“It’s because you came to get me and your voice was so deep and raspy and tired and your hand on my thigh and–”
Harry situates himself between her legs and lets her knees come up besides his head. He kisses her soft inner thighs and wraps his arms around them. Faye lifts her head to glance down at him and then moans softly when he licks into her. Slowly. Teasingly.
Her black hair is fanned out around her, her breath coming hard and fast. Her lips are parted, pink and swollen from their kisses. She looks ruined already. Harry will never get used to the sight. He never wants to.
“Fuck,” she whimpers, throwing her head down. Her eyes flutter shut as Harry leans in and takes over completely, his skilled mouth ruthless against her. His fingers dig into her hips, holding her down though she desperately raises herself to meet his mouth.
“Oh, I love you,” she whispers, threading her fingers into his hair. “So much.”
He sucks and licks and laps diligently until her back is gently arching off his mattress and she has to bite down on her knuckles to keep her noises in. Seeing her like this turns Harry on, his body on alert. He feels like every cell of his body has been electrified, but despite his arousal, all he wants is for Faye to fall apart against him.
It doesn’t take her long. Her thighs tremble. She cries out and yanks his hair. The pain is distant to him. Harry lets her use his tongue to ride out her high, and when she’s done, she’s whimpering from sensitivity. Harry only pulls away when she’s whining, “Ah, okay, okay, that’s it, please. No more.”
He grins at her, gently wiping the corners of his mouth. “Always so good for me.”
Faye covers her face. Harry helps her back into her clothes and then lays beside her until she’s ready to turn to him and kiss him. He kisses her hair. “My darling girl,” he whispers. “My baby. So perfect."
She’s straddling him before five minutes are up, her hands resting on his chest, hair falling like curtains around her flushed face. The strands hit Harry’s cheek. His hands are on her thighs again, and he’s smiling lazily at her.
“I love you too,” he murmurs, running his hand up to her waist. 
Faye swallows and grinds down on his length through his sweatpants. “My turn?”
“We can take a break if you w–”
“No,” she says immediately, fingers already pulling Harry’s shirt up. Her eyes hungrily take in every tattoo she slowly reveals. Harry lifts his head to pull the shirt off.
Faye seems to have something in mind already. So Harry just lets her undress him, enjoying the kisses she trails after her hands. She has plenty of energy, preferring to stay on top of him instead of switching back over. 
She works herself over him until she’s throwing her head back and nearly sobbing with relief. Harry watches the pleasure roll over her, her hands in tight fists against his chest. 
“I love you,” she says again, taking deep breaths when it’s over. Her face is a gentle pink, her chest flushed. “I love you so bad, Harry.”
Once he’s pulled out of her, he’s grabbing her waist and pulling her down to him, wrapping his arms around her tight. “I love you,” he says, kissing all over her face, wiping the corners of her eyes. “My pretty girl, I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Spent, Faye lets him cuddle her, her face pressed against his neck. His body is warm and as comforting as always. He mutters how much he loves her several more times.
Some time later again, Faye raises her head from his chest and says in her scratchy voice, “Should we play now?”
And Harry kisses her and says, “Yes, baby.”
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doboosh · 2 years
Can I request a Wednesday x fem reader where they’re cuddling in bed - Wednesday the big spoon/reader is on top of her and Enid walks in and Wednesdays like “if you wake her up I’ll murder you” or something haha
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“Take one more step, I dare you”
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Wednesday isn’t much of a cuddler, but you’re just so tired and look so cute. She can’t help but let you sleep.
Warning(s) None; This is a fluff fluff fluff, I loveee requests like this. What would you guys think about me maybe later on writing a slow burn story with Jenna Ortega x fem!small town reader?
Little insight; I hope no one is angry with me about my first post, I understand the predicament with the age but I hope it was a reasonable action for me to speak on how most people don’t comment on the Xavier Thorpe smut, I specified that I aged the characters up. Again, I love the ff and the writers! No hate at all!
Fucking finally.
The day had dragged on and on today, you felt as if it was never going to end. Got a bad test grade in not one, but three classes. Three!
All you wanted to do now, was to go into your girlfriends dorm and take a nap in the warmth.. um. coldness of her arms.
Well you’re in the dorm currently, begging for her to let you sleep on her chest.
“Wednesday! Please! I’m tired and I just want to fall asleep on you!” You beg, extravagantly getting on your knees in front of her bed and grabbing her sheets.
She stared at you and rolled her eyes, “Cara mia, you can sleep just fine on your own”
You look up at her and puff out your bottom lip, “Wednesday, honey, please” you drag out the last syllable slowly.
“You’d have to lay on my rock hard, cold, decaying body, because that is not happening”
“Oh my god Wednesday, why are you being so difficult” you whined.
The girl just shrugged and went back to reading her book on her neatly made bed.
“Wednesday please let me sleep on you”
“No, I’m not letting you sleep on me”
“How did you get me to agree to let you sleep on me”
“Because you love me so much” you grumbled, as you smothered your face into her sweater.
She huffs as she brings her arms around your body, tugging you closer than you already were.
You liked this
Loved it actually
The sound of her heartbeat by your cheek and the movements her chest makes when she breathes, it was like a lullaby, and before you knew it, you passed out.
Small snores and puffs of air came from your mouth as you slept, and Wednesday couldn’t help but stare at your face and track every detail of it.
She felt humiliating, watching you like this.
She felt like her father when he adorned her mother every waking moment of the day.
Though deep inside her cold body, she loved it.
Your body twitched every now and again, your mind processing your slumber to your limbs.
She brought her hand up to your face and traced out your features softly, barely grazing your skin.
She brought her lips to your head and placed soft kisses on top of it; she herself thought about taking a nap as well, until her roommate and best friend Enid burst through the door as loud as can be.
Wednesday hurriedly covered your ears the best she could, “Enid,” she snapped in a whisper, “If you wake her up, I’ll make it my personal promise to you, to feed you to any creature that may lurk in the bottom of the lake”
Enid stopped full force, slowly turning her head to look at the two of you.
The blonde girls face lit up in a wide, bright smile, and she hurriedly reached for her phone in her bag.
“Enid, don’t you even think about it”
Oh no she didn’t
Wednesday would’ve gotten up and absolutely annihilated the girl if it weren’t for you still peacefully sleeping on her.
So as for now, all she did was shoot the werewolf a dirty glare. Snuggling closer to you as a way to ignore her.
You’re lucky she loved you so much
“Where did Enid go?” You asked, you had woken up a while ago and just decided to lazily sprawl on Wednesday’s mattress.
“Nowhere, just took care of her.. and her phone”
“You what?”
I wish I could’ve made this longer! It’s more like an imagine now 🥹 I still hope this is close to what you asked for anon! Love 🤍
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gold-dustwomxn · 10 months
part 2
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summary: after sudden attacks on women around town, you take a self defense class. ellie, your long standing crush is the instructor
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
each chapter will have their own warnings please read them! eventual smut
cw: mentions of child abuse and implication of attempted sexual assault (does not go into detail for either), panic attack
fluff and angst
light rocking against your shoulder and a distant call of your name pulls you from your deep slumber making you groan, not conscious enough to take in where you are. “hey sleepyhead, wake up.” ellie’s raspy whisper has you cracking one eye open. you’re too tired to even speak or think coherently, making you hum in question.
ellie chuckles and looks at you for a moment before speaking. “sorry to wake you up so early.. I gotta be at the construction site in an hour.” you blink away your remnants of sleep and realize ellie has damp hair, is fully dressed for the day and the sun isn’t even up yet. “it’s okay. sorry I fell asleep here I didn’t even realize.” she smiles softly, “no worries, I don’t mind. you looked pretty comfy..I can drive you home on my way to work.”
the short drive to your house shares a peaceful, comfortable silence between you and ellie. the sky painting a breathtaking winter sunrise of pinks and purple. ellie pulls up to your house way too quickly for your liking, the small disappointment of having to part ways felt in your chest.
“thanks for the ride and letting me crash at your place.. I had fun last night.”
“me too,” she smiles and you feel that warmth settle deep in your stomach again. it’s a rarity to see her full smile “it’s no problem, really.. are you busy tonight?”
“no, I don’t think I have anything going on.” you know you don’t actually have anything going on. you bite the inside of your cheek to try to suppress a smile, but ellie looks between your eyes and down at your mouth and smirks at you. caught.
“well, if you’re not busy later you wanna hang out? I get off at 3, we can go to a cafe or something.” she clears her throat and you can see how physically painful this is for her. she forces herself to keep eye contact though.
you giggle and she narrows her eyes at you playfully, unspoken words and body language received between the both of you. “yeah, I’m down. just text me when you get off.”
“alright cool I can pick you up. see you later, ___.”
me: DINA wake the fuck up!!!!!
dina🤍: bitch its literally 7am why tf are u disturbing me
me: wow. anyway! last night I was walking to ur house and some creepy dude pulls up next to me asking me for directions and shit acting super sketchy. ellie pulls up out of nowhere and goes all psycho ellie mode and pulls out a fucking switchblade. I was like 😦 but it was also so hot. he skids off and she gets pics of his plates and we go back to her place for joel to deal with it. he thinks the cops can keep an eye out for that car and see if that guy has anything to do with the assaults happening. it was lowkey really scary but I’m okay. we ended up smoking and talking for hours and it was literally perfect and then we ended up falling asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night laying ON HER CHEST with her arm around me. we’re hanging out again tonight
dina🤍: wtf that’s so fucking scary! im glad ur okay:( but ommg im so excited for u angel. its ab damn time some moves are made and we can go on double dates tg hehe
me: ok let’s not get ahead of ourselves here we’ll see what happens. that’s all I wanted to tell u. ur allowed to go back to sleep now:)
dina🤍: wow how gracious of u. lmk how everything goes though <33
clothes are strewn all over your bed and floor, while you frantically try to find a cute outfit to wear. it’s fine, it’s just ellie. she’s seen you a million times since you were both 14. you finally settle on a pair of jeans and a black sweater, with your chelsea doc martens. good enough.
ellie🌿🗡️: Hey, I’m outside whenever you’re ready.
me: be right there!
okay, just breathe. everything’s fine!
as you hop into the passenger seat, ellie looks you up and down. “you look good.” you give her a shy smile and observe her; hair tied half up, in a dark green flannel with an oversized black denim jacket, black jeans with her usual pair of converse, multiple rings on her long fingers, and the scent of her woodsy cologne. “thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” she smiles and shakes her head, pulling out of your driveway.
“yeah, he almost dropped a whole fucking plank of wood on my head today!”
you start laughing, walking out of the coffee shop together. “maybe the hit would’ve done you good, ellie. you are very hard headed.” ellie’s jaw drops “wow, someone’s feisty today, huh?” you smile and roll your eyes, going to shove her and she catches your wrist, pulling you close to her. your breath hitches and you look down at her lips. something behind you catches ellie’s attention, her smile dropping instantly and face turning ghostly pale.
“ellie? what’s wrong?” she grabs your hand and walks you quickly to the car, opening your door to make sure you get in first before frantically hopping into her seat and speeding out of the parking lot.
“hey, what’s going on?” she shakes her head and doesn’t respond, her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate, eyebrows scrunched together.
the speed of her driving and her concerning behavior is stressing you the fuck out. she pulls up to her house and lets you both in before she runs up the stairs to the bathroom, whipping the door shut with a loud slam.
you slowly walk up the stairs, not knowing whether or not to give her privacy. you suddenly hear her crying and hyperventilating. “ellie, I’m coming in.”
ellie is seated on the floor next to the tub with her head between her legs, forearms laid on her knees. “hey, hey I’m here. can I touch you?” she nods and you gently take her hand, softly rubbing the back of her palm while you place her other hand against your chest. “try to follow my breathing, okay?” you take slow, deep breaths for her to follow until she calms down.
“I’m sorry.” she avoids looking at you. “no, I’m here for you, okay? you don’t have to hide from me.” she wipes the rest of her tears from her eyes and nods. you move to sit next to her and gently rub her back, still holding her hand.
“do you wanna talk about it?” she clears her throat and looks straight ahead. “I uh… saw one of my old foster parents. he was pretty fucked up,” she lets out a dry laugh. “thought I was over it but I didn’t expect to see him.”
“what did he do?” she looks at you in contemplation before looking away with a cold, steely gaze. she sniffs and nods, “he… used to beat the shit out of me all the time for no reason.” she looks down at her scarred tattoo and rubs the skin. “this burn… he tried to-“ she clenches her jaw and shakes her head. “anyway, I managed to get away before he did anything, but I ended up burning my arm on the stove in the midst of it all. tried to press charges but that didn’t work, big shocker,” she scoffs. “I ran away and refused to go back so they placed me with joel and he eventually adopted me.”
she looks back up at you, trying to gauge what you’re thinking. you don’t realize you’re crying until she wipes away a tear from your cheek. “hey, don’t cry it was a long time ago I was just… not prepared for all of that.”
“sorry, I just hate that you had to go through all of that, especially at such a young age.” she lets out a deep breath and nods. “sorry our date got ruined” she gives you a sad smile.
“it wasn’t,��� you squeeze her hand “I had a good time and I’m just glad I was able to be here with you.” you look up in thought, “do you have brownie mix?” she looks at you in confusion and lets out a small laugh “uh, I dunno, why?” “whenever I’m sad or going through something, I like to bake because it gives me something to do to take my mind off of everything and brownies are fucking good.” you nod with conviction. ellie laughs, “you are so fucking cute. c’mon let’s go see if I have some brownie mix.”
as you mix the chocolatey batter, and hum to the song playing on the speaker, ellie leans against the counter and watches you. she loves the domesticity and warmth you surround her with, and you were right, doing all of this is making her feel better.
“are you just gonna stand there and stare at me or are you gonna help?” “nah I think I’m good right here” she smirks at you. you nod slowly and look at her with mischief, holding up the spoon. her eyes widen and she points her finger at you, “don’t you fucking dare.”
you chase ellie around the kitchen island, out of breath from laughing and she ends up slipping on her sock, grabbing onto the counter for balance. as you run up to her and try to smear the batter on her face, she grabs your arm. you struggle against her, making you trip over her leg and she catches you, wrapping her arms around your waist. both of your laughters fade into small smiles as both of your eyes trails to each other’s lips. ellie’s face becomes serious as she leans in, lips ghosting yours. the sound of the front door opening has you both abruptly backing away from each other. fucking joel.
“hey kiddo, what are y’all up to?” ellie’s face is beet red and she clears her throat, “just making some brownies. why are you home?” ellie’s voice holds a bit of an edge to it.
“well, damn, I’ll get outta your hair in a minute, just stoppin’ by, forgot to pack my dinner.” she hums in annoyance. your eyes widen at the tension ellie is radiating.
“joel! my parents wanted me to give this to you as a thanks for the free self defense lesson, and for helping me out yesterday.” you open up your bag and take out a bottle of whiskey. ellie’s brows furrow, oops you forgot to tell her.
joel holds the bottle at a downward angle “would’ya look at that.. I’ll be sure to send my thanks to them.” he walks to the fridge and grabs out a container. “alright I’m headin’ out,” he looks at ellie “do me a favor, don’t burn the house down.” she groans and rolls her eyes.
“mm, these brownies are fucking good. you were right after all.” you scoff and smack her arm, “of course I was right. don’t ever doubt me again.” ellie rolls her eyes, “yes ma’am,” she quips sarcastically. “now, pay attention, this is my favorite part of the movie,” you say with feigned sternness. she smiles and nods, finishing off her brownie and leans back into her pillows.
you rest your head on her shoulder and place your hand on her stomach, tracing small patterns. you look up at her and whisper, “ellie?”
“do you really feel okay now?”
she turns her head to the side to look at you, face only inches away, and nods slowly. you feel her breath ghosting your lips and your heart starts racing, chest rising up and down quickly. ellie parts her mouth and licks her lips, leaning in, kissing you softly. she pulls away to look at you, before sitting up and grabbing your face, deepening the kiss.
HA sorry to edge u all. things are gonna get spicy as fuck in the next chapter. interactions are much appreciated 💗
taglist: @me-and-your-husband @fireflyels
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keerysfreckles · 11 months
stay here - mike schmidt
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pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns (no movie spoilers bc i haven't seen it yet im just obsessed with mike) fluff! fluff! fluff! like one makeout scene but thats it
to say babysitting michael schmidt's little sister, abby, was easy would be a lie. mike called you earlier that day, right before his shift started, and asked if you could look over abby until he got home. at the end of the call he mentioned his hours were shorter, and earlier than normal, so he wouldn't be home too late.
it was currently eleven pm. abby's supposed to be in bed by ten-thirty, and nothing was working. y/n tried calming her down with a disney movie. she even colored with her in her makeshift fort in her room. but nothing worked, she was as hyper as ever.
"abby, please! we both know you're going to be tired tomorrow and you have school," y/n pleads.
"but i'm not tired," abby groans, rolling over dramatically on the couch.
"you know what? fine. i'll just tell mike you weren't listening to me," y/n sends abby an evil smile. abby perks up, and sits up to lean on the arm of the couch to look at y/n.
"no! no no no! he said if i was good all week he'd buy me something from the store."
y/n crosses her arms and leans against the hallway wall, opposite of the couch. "looks like you're going to have to listen to me afterall."
"but i'm still not tired," abby groans again, but walks over towards y/n.
y/n looked down at the girl in front of her. she saw the small bags under her eyes, and noticed her eyes kept closing every so often.
an idea popped into y/n's head, "why don't you go lay down, and i'll be in in ten minutes, yeah?"
abby nodded, confused by the request, but still nodded nonetheless and walked down the hallway and towards her room. y/n watched for a moment before abby was fully inside her room. she knew abby was most likely to fall asleep once her head hit the pillow. now she only had to kill two hours until mike would be home.
y/n and mike have known each other for three years. y/n moved into the one story house that was unoccupied in mike's neighborhood. the town wasn't used to newcomers, so of course y/n was the talk of the town for her first two weeks there.
it wasn't until a month later when y/n was on her morning run on a saturday, and had bumped into michael. she was instantly confused when she noticed he was in his work uniform, and on the way back to his house. the two made light conversation, and ended up at y/n's that night for a movie marathon.
about a month after that, mike knocked on y/n's front door, and properly asked her if she wanted to go on a date with him. of course the girl agreed, and that was the first date of many for the couple.
which leaves y/n in the position she's in - babysitting abby.
when mike and y/n officially started dating abby interrogated the girl. asking her a bunch of questions, some more personal than others, which mike quickly interjected. abby gave mike the idea of having y/n watch over her, instead of having to pay random strangers. mike obviously agreed.
y/n settled herself on the couch and put on a random horror movie that was on tv. she couldn't even get past the opening as her eyes closed and her body went limp from tiredness.
she grabbed the blanket at the other end of the couch before fully letting sleep embrace her.
the only time y/n woke up was when she heard the doorknob rattling. she turned slightly, to look over the back of the couch, and saw her boyfriend walking through the doorway.
"shit, were you sleeping?" mike asked, taking off his jacket and throwing it by the front door.
y/n sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, "yeah, but i can go. abby's asleep so i did my job pretty well," she chuckles.
"thank you again. and you know you can stay babe, i don't mind the comapny," michael smiles.
y/n couldn't help but notice how on edge mike looked as soon as he walked inside.
"are you okay?" she asks softly, still sitting on the couch.
mike nods as he sits down beside her, "yeah, just a long night." he leans over and kisses her cheek, causing y/n's cheeks to turn pink.
"do you want to talk about it?" y/n moves her leg to rest her chin on her knee, as mike's eyes glaze over the tv screen before turning fully towards his girlfriend.
"william was just on my ass before my shift, and vanessa had so much energy tonight, i just couldn't handle it. and it felt like time was going so slow tonight," mike's voice was quiet. y/n could tell he had a rough night as he rubbed his eyes.
y/n leans forward and turns off the tv, making mike slightly confused. "is there anything i can do to cheer you up?" y/n stands in front of mike and holds her hands out. he immediately takes her hands in his as he stands with her. mike leans forward and kisses y/n's forehead.
"can you just stay here tonight?" mike's voice almost seems desperate, as if y/n's presence was the only thing keeping him going right now.
y/n nods, "i'll always stay if you ask me to," she smiles as mike closes his eyes and rests his forehead against hers.
"was abby okay tonight?" mike asked, pulling away, but still keeping their hands connected.
"she was good, until trying to get her to go to bed. but you didn't hear that from me," this caused mike to let out a small laugh.
the couple, with one of their hands linked with each other's, went down the hallway. mike stopped y/n and opened abby's bedroom door quietly. y/n stood beside mike and held onto his arm with her free hand, resting her cheek on his shoulder.
the pair were met with abby sleeping under her blanket. small snores escaped her lips. y/n leaned up and kissed mike's jaw, before whispering, "c'mon, i know you need sleep just as much as she does."
y/n pulls mike into his room, which was at this point their shared room. mike had two drawers of his dresser specifically for y/n, vice verse in y/n's room. mike stepped into the bathroom and they both got ready for the night, in the most comfortable clothes they own.
y/n was already laying down under the sheets once mike came out of the bathroom. even laying there, he thought y/n looked so effortlessly beautiful.
"why are you staring at me like that?" y/n asks as she watches mike slide into the bed next to her.
"what? i can't stare at my pretty girl?" mike leans forward and kisses y/n on the lips, as he brings his left hand to her cheek. he rolls over, so his right arm is on the mattress, as he hovers over y/n. her hands move to his waist, slowing moving to his lower back.
their lips molded with one another's, and y/n could almost sense the stress leaving mike's body.
mike barely pulled away, leaving little to no space in between the two, "i love you so much."
y/n smiled, "i love you too."
she leaned up to kiss him once more, and mike playfully rolled his eyes while moving to lay down beside the girl. mike loved falling asleep while holding onto y/n's waist, because he knew she was safe.
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teaboot · 6 months
Who is your OC that is the most fleshed out? Anything you care to share about them? What is a small detail about them that you rarely think about?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.*
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There is an old rotting seat in the middle of the woods where a young man appears to lay dead. His face is pale, his skin is tinted with mildew, his old wool coat is moth-eaten and moldy. A layer of topsoil covers his lap. His hair, slowly greening, has been plucked at by birds.
A long time ago, a man won a single wish, and knowing that wealth was fleeting and power brought danger, wished for incredible knowledge.
The wish granted him understanding of machinery, of magics, of medicine and physics, and insight into endless possibility. So much information that he cannot stop thinking, making connections, processing it all, struggling to grasp it.
Always thinking, he found soon that he could not fall asleep. Medicines helped for a short while, but he was never truly rested, and through desperation or happenstance he found with some horror that he also could not die.
The story is that a point came where he brought upon himself some sort of curse, to sleep, and to dream, and to never be disturbed.
Excepting, of course, under very specific circumstance.
Not everyone can see him, but those who do have affectionately named him "Alexander".
(He is more or less a landmark, like an oddly-shaped rock by the side of the road.)
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Nevaeh is The Daedalus. She has no idea what that means. She has never gotten lost, no matter how far she's wandered.
Her bus always arrives at the stop shortly after she does. When she rides her bike, there is never a roadblock or construction in the way. She isn't always on schedule, but even when she's late, she seems to arrive on time.
She loves her parents. She likes to bake. Her sister is a dork, but they get along fine. Life is good- things are normal.
(Things are not normal.)
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Jessie's name is not Jessie.
Jessie gives different people different names.
Nobody's quite sure if they're human or a fairy of some kind, but they seem to show up everywhere and never seem particularly fazed by what's going on.
They always seem to be upbeat and unconcerned, but not in an uncaring sort of way- it's more like they just have this unshakeable confidence that everything is always going to end up fine.
Jessie is at the party, holding the host's cat. Nobody knows who invited them. Nobody knows anyone who knows them that well. Jessie offers you a corn chip.
Jessie is at the town hall meeting, sitting in the back row with their feet resting on the chair in front of them. They don't ask questions or interject, but seem interested as they snack on rainbow kettle corn.
Jessie is at the sacrificial ceremony, deep in the bowels of the community rec center. As candles flicker around you and the sound of chanting voices grow closer, they tuck a hard candy into your pocket and tell you not to worry so much.
(Jessie does not untie you from the dias.)
None of these guys are my main character, but they're probably my favorites!!! Thank you so much for asking, I need to get back to work on this! ♡♡♡♡♡ oh, I'm all excited again!!! Aadfgghhfjgdgsggffk ❤
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stellarbit · 1 month
i have a kinda strange ask.
so i have severe insomnia. i've done sleep studies and meds but sometimes i just CANNOT sleep, even as bad as multiple days no sleep. doctors and i are still working on a fix. it's a fucking nightmare (except i can't have nightmares if im not asleep, can i???)
i'm a very calm, quiet, logical, and collected person except when i can't sleep. then i'm a crying and genuinely insane wreck.
i would absolutely LOVE if you could do some kind of Crosshair x female reader with some kind of scenario like this. it would make me feel better. Like maybe he didn't see her sleep the previous night and finds her still awake at like 3am the next night and this normally stoic girl is just an absolute unhinged psychotic mess and he has to fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️
idk how far ur willing to go (leaving it up to you) but just as a general idea as to how i (and many other people with this problem) get without sleep, i can get kinda violent, super snippy with people, can't stop crying, impulsive, physically sick sometimes, and don't always sound coherent or refuse to listen to people even if they're trying to help me. it's not a fun mental state to be in.
i'm never sleeping so i might as well read your literature (it's like a nightly ritual i love your stuff)
thank you 🙏
I know what it's like. Insomnia kicks my ass occasionally and it wrecks me and takes days of my life away before I can finally sleep. I hope you find some rest buddy <3 alsothankyouforthecomplimentjfc
give this a listen while you read
Just Lay With Me
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Word Count: 1.5k Pairing: Crosshair x fem!reader SFW Warnings: insomnia kicking your ass all the way to next Sunday Summary: After a long bout of no sleep, you break and Crosshair is there to pick up the pieces. gif credit: @moonstrider9904
Sleep evaded you more and more often lately. Your new normal was turning into nights without more than an hour of dozing off. Nights that stretched into a week at a time with an occasional night of sleep, however restless. This time around the sleepless nights were quickly working their way to a month’s stretch.
After a few nights of frequently waking, two rotations went by without so much as a blink of sleep. At this point you weren’t just delirious, nausea turned your stomach and your head throbbed constantly. Every sound jarred you, pushing you to the brink of crying each time. 
Unable to string together more than a few coherent thoughts at a time, you’d planned on avoiding town the next. You were liable to snap at the smallest slight, but even in this state you knew it wasn’t fair to others.
By the time Crosshair came to find you, you were well beyond your limit.
Crosshair noticed your erratic behavior first. You’d snapped at Omega when she and Crosshair bumped into you on the street. Crosshair tried to stop you from walking off but you bit his head off too.
It was unlike you. Ordinarily, you were composed and rational—characteristics that had faded as your sleepless nights dragged on.
Your increasingly disheveled look became Crosshair’s next worry. You didn’t preen by any stretch of the imagination, but you took care of yourself and it always showed. Now, your skin took on a dull hue, your hair greasy and untamed, and dark circles gave your eyes a sunken appearance.
The night before he and Omega ran into you, Crosshair had noticed a light on in your home around 2 AM. Knowing you weren't typically up at that hour, he found it strange. The following evening, as he lay in bed, thoughts of your earlier encounter in town filled his mind. With a growing suspicion, he rose and stepped out to the patio. From there, he could see a dim light shining from your bedroom window.
He knew what insomnia looked like, had fought with it himself after being trapped on that Kaminoan platform, and didn’t want to push you if his suspicions were true. 
Then, the sound of glass shattering from your home shattered his hesitation. He leapt over the patio railing, his feet barely touching the ground as he dashed toward your house. Fortunately, your door was unlocked—an issue he noted to address later—and he entered your home in seconds.. 
He didn’t call out for you, instead choosing to quietly make his way through your space, tiptoeing through scattered blankets and clothes strewn over furniture. When he found you, you were on your kitchen floor, hunched over with your hands fisting your hair. 
Soft heaves shook your body as you rocked in place. Broken glass surrounded you, making the situation even more delicate.
Crosshair had been right, you hadn’t been sleeping.
Knowing there was no good way to break the silence, Crosshair softly called your name. Sure enough, you jumped hard and nearly slid onto a shard of glass.
Crosshair lurched forward to steady you by your upper arm only for you to rip out of his grip. You whipped your head around, hair falling in your face in a deranged look. It fit seeing as you certainly felt deranged. 
The sniper’s eyes were uncharacteristically soft, with brows slightly raised and shoulders relaxed. It felt like pity. Red hot shame flooded your system, sending you shuffling like a newborn fawn to your feet. 
In a harsh, hoarse voice you lashed out, “What are you doing here?”
Crosshair glanced at the mess around you.“Your lights were on and I heard something break.” You didn’t answer leaving only heavy silence between you. Crosshair sighed, looking back at you. “You’re not sleeping, are you?”
There wasn’t enough air for you to answer, your breath hitched into small gasps as tears warped your vision. Dipping your head back, you managed to blink back some of the wet from your eyes. With a determined shake of your head, you cleared your voice and firmly said, “I’m fine.” 
A line in the sand between you - a desperate claim to control something, anything.
His eyes on you, those sharp, all seeing, critical eyes, made your skin crawl. Not him specifically, but him seeing you as you were. This wasn’t how you wanted him to see you. Unable to stop the uncomfortable squirm that rolled through you, you waved both hands at him as if to ward him off.
“Please just leave.” Your voice was pleading, your eyes blinking furiously. 
“I’m not doing that.” Crosshair said gently. You weren’t sure if your tears, the lighting, or reality itself made Crosshair look so hazy.
Perhaps this was the next step into delirium. The thought widened your eyes with newfound fear. He’d appeared so suddenly - was he even real? Crosshair narrowed a worried look on you as a fresh, sickening feeling gripped you, spurring you back a step. Right onto a shard of glass.
You cried out, nearly collapsing, but Crosshair was quick to support you, preventing you from falling completely. The pain shooting through your foot crumbled your remaining resolve.
Crosshair swept an arm under your knees to scoop you into his arms. He hugged you close, even as you thrashed against him in fits of sobbing. He carried you to the bathroom and carefully set you on the edge of the tub.
Despite the sobs, you let Crosshair put your injured foot under the tap and rinse the blood still seeping from your wound. He felt the tremors wracking your body as he angled your foot towards him. Luckily the shard was sticking out enough that removing it would be easy enough under normal circumstances.
“I have to pull the shard out.” Crosshair said as inspected your foot. A choked sob pulled his eyes to your face again. Your lips wobbled in a devastated frown on your blotchy tear stained face.
Seeing you so fragile or haunted tore something in him knowing he could do little more than sit and watch you fall apart.
In an exhausted whisper, you confessed, “I’m so tired, Cross.”
“I know,” He whispered back and removed the shard in one swift pull.
Crosshair put your foot under the tepid water again, simultaneously pulling a towel from the rack beside him. As he dried your foot and applied pressure to the wound, he decided to share something.
“When the empire recovered me from the Kaminoan platform…” He paused on a deep breath. He hadn’t even told his brothers or Omega, but if he could do nothing else he hoped he could at least make you feel less alone.
Crosshair gently pulled you by your leg and pivoted you out of the tub. Braving vulnerability, he knelt in front of you and said, “I… I didn’t sleep for a long time. I don’t know how long, exactly, but long enough that I had to be sedated.” He smoothed a hand over your knee, adding, “I know what it’s like.”
You gave a small nod, focusing on regulating your breathing, too overwhelmed to speak. Sensing your need for comfort, Crosshair whispered, “Can I carry you to bed?” His tone was gentle, mindful not to startle you.
Your head fell forward in shame. Pressing a hand over your eyes you shook your head and mumbled, “It’s a mess.”
Crosshair couldn’t help the soft snort that came from him, drawing your head back up. A questioning, almost offended, look came over you. Crosshair didn’t ask for further permission as he came in close to you and lifted you with him. 
“You should see Tech’s room.” He teased, his breath warm on your cheek. “And he sleeps whenever he likes.”
The small joke did manage to lift your lips and you found some comfort in the cadence of his steps. He’d not yet gone this far for you. No one ever had. 
Crosshair crawled into bed with you still in his arms, pushing into your tousled duvet and placing you next to him. Leaning across you, he murmured an apology and froze before turning your light out.
Peering down past his arm at you, he swallowed before asking, “Do you mind if I stay with you?”
You didn’t think it was possible, but a small smile warbled over you. You hummed out an affirmative and rolled towards, rubbing your face into the soft fabric of his shirt. Crosshair chuckled under his breath and turned off the light.
He slid in next to you, sitting at an angle that his arms cradle around you. His made lazy trails over your back
“The kitchen-” you started.
“Tomorrow.” Crosshair cut you off. “For now, just lay with me.”
In the quiet hour, in your messy bed, in Crosshair’s arms you finally found rest.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
the breakfast
lilac, chapter two
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a/n: when my love, @chvoswxtch, asked me to bring the horny energy of miss patty from gilmore girls, of course I fucking did it, I'm not a criminal, that's what we all deserve
summary: “well, hello stranger.” 
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, lumberjack AU, pete castiglione era, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, slow burn, wholesome villagers being adorable
word count: 2373
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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The Lilac Inn wasn’t just an inn to the citizens of Dunbrook. It was its beating heart, a hub for the small community to gather. 
As the town’s only culinary establishment, the residents had always made a habit of eating a fair amount of their meals in the inn’s dining room, the door to the kitchen often staying wide open so that Harvey wouldn’t have to leave the stove in order to catch all of the juicy small-town gossip that had people blabbering. 
“Dad, did you turn off my alarm?” you snapped as soon as your scurrying feet carried you into the bustling kitchen.
Not lifting his eyes from the loaf of bread he was currently slicing, your dad simply countered with a jovial, “well, good morning to you too, sleeping beauty!”
“Dad,” you sighed, jaw clenching at his usual demeanour, the paralysing dream you’d just roused from not setting you up to be in the right mood for such a level of positivity. 
“You just looked like you could use the extra hour or two,” a smile still warm on his lips, the middle-aged man defensively raised his hands.
“But I’m supposed to help you out,” your eyes followed his movements as he trotted towards the stove, “I can’t do that if I’m asleep.”
“Exactly,” your dad passed by a hook full of tangled textiles and tossed you an apron, “that’s why I let you go a little longer so that you wouldn’t doze off on me before lunchtime arrives.” 
“I wouldn’t have dozed off…” you mumbled pettily as you tied the linen around your waist. Exhaling lowly as you watched him crack two eggs into a sizzling skillet, you asked, “what can I do?”
“Well for starters,” he tossed the shells into a small scrap bowl to his side, “these were the last eggs, so if you could go get some more out by the front desk, that would be superb.”
“Why do you have eggs on the front desk?”
“Because Otto’s chickens are laying a lot right now and so he told me he’d give me some today when he swung by for breakfast.” 
“Wait, Sheriff Nilsen has chickens now?”
“Yeah, has for a long time,” the decade of you not living here grew palpable, “he usually just drops the extra ones off here, so they should already be there because I just took his order two minutes ago.”
“Alright,” you disappeared through the back door and snaked down the narrow corridor, ending up behind the messy reception area. 
Your eyes didn’t have to search for long before you noticed the petite basket, brimming with beige eggs, resting on the top of the counter right beside the small rolodex that displayed what date it was. Grasping it in your hand, your vision momentarily drifted down to the small, framed photo nuzzled behind the ever-open logbook. Sitting on the swing that still hung from one of the sturdy trees out back, head adorably posed in a tiny palm, there a 7-year-old version of you sat, forever frozen in that singular moment, beaming up at the camera. 
“Ah!” a sharp voice boomed as you heard the front door swing shut, “oh my goodness, oh my god! Y/n!”
Raising your chin, your eyes grew wide at the rotund woman beaming at you from the doormat, “miss Rays!” you hurried around the front desk, “oh my god, it’s been so long!” 
Capturing you in a hug, she pressed your form into her bosom, “darling, we’re not in bed together, call me Donna.”
Pulling back with a light chuckle, your eyes fluttered over her features, “you haven’t changed one bit,” her lipstick still a fiery shade red and hair still short and feathery framing her plump cheeks.
“You however have,” she clasped your free hand in hers, guiding your figure to give her a good view, “oh, do a little spin for me,” you bashfully obliged with a giggle, “yes! Honey, who is this woman, what have you done with the adorable little girl I used to tutor?”
To your knowledge, Dunbrook never really had a proper school, but for as long as you could recall Donna had always operated as a teacher to the handful of children that called the reclusive mountain village their home. Even though it was just run out of her living room, she had still been the best teacher you’d ever had, her patient way rivalling any of the professors you had to endure when you went off for college. As a matter of fact, she had been the person who’d pushed you to send in the application, praising that you were too clever not to go out and change the world. 
“Oh, stop it,” you sighed light-heartedly, a chuckle still bubbling out of your chest as you shifted the subject away from your own appearance, “so, you still come here for breakfast?”
“Of course, I do, you’ve tasted your father’s cooking,” readjusting her purse, she hooked her arm in yours, “a real shame that he’s never accepted any of my offers of becoming your stepmom,” she leaned in to add as you crossed over the threshold into the dinner room, “I could have been served all my meals in bed like some Egyptian queen!” 
“I’m sure you can easily find another fellow that can handle himself in the kitchen,” the click-clack of her heels came to a stop by one of the small round tables, her eyes briefly taking in the other patrons before a slight crease appeared betwixt her polished brows. 
“Oh, darn it,” her vision stayed glued to the table in the corner as she lowered herself onto her seat, “he’s not sitting at his usual table…”
“The eye candy over there,” she tilted her chin in the direction of the broad, muted flannel-clad back of the man sitting by the window furthest down at the bottom of the room, “you see, I asked your dear father to always reserve this spot for me just so that I can have a great view, if you know what I mean…” gulping down the rest of his coffee, the man’s head tilted enough for you to recognise whom the rugged looking visage belonged to, “oh boy, I tell you, if I was 30 years younger…”
Haven assumed that you’d never again run into the stranger who’d helped you just the day before, a warm flutter suddenly trickled down your spine, “like that’s ever stopped you before,” you pointed out, snapping your eyes out of their trance, “so, uh, do you know what you want to eat or do you just want some coffee or something while you think on it?” you took two steps towards the oblong table where mismatched teacups where stacked and the steam of a few thermoses, all containing a different hot beverage then the next, billowed out.
“Some coffee would be lovely,” she smiled as you with one hand snatched up a mug and the decanter labelled as such, “and some oatmeal if you don’t mind, sweetie.”
Promptly pouring her a cup, you then signed off with a wink, “you got it,” before your vision landed upon the latest of Donna’s abundant infatuations once more. 
Attempting to make the short journey seem spontaneous and effortless, you bounced from table to table, topping off people's cups, before reaching the final one. 
Drawing in a deep breath, your embarrassingly giddy voice then found his ears, “well, hello stranger.” 
Eyes flickering away from the newspaper sprawled out before him, a look of shock washed over his gruff features as he glanced up at you, “oh, hi.”
“Pete–, it is Pete, right?” you checked, slight mortification beginning to brew within your belly. 
“Yes, ma'am,” his head nodded ever so slightly.
“Do you want a refill, Pete?” you savoured the taste of his name on your tongue. 
“Sorry?” his brows furrowed at your offer. 
“Your coffee,” you pointed with the hand that clutched the handle of the thermos, “do you want some more?”
“Oh,” he breathed, though the puzzled look didn’t seem to fade, “yes, always.” 
Leaning in slightly over the newspaper, you filled up the drained mug, only a murky ring at the bottom indicating what it had previously contained, “and can I get you something to eat as well?” 
Eyes narrowing, he stared up at you, “is your vacation really already so boring that you got a job here or what?”
“Oh,” you couldn’t help but breathe out a light chuckle as you answered, “I’m not on vacation and I guess, kinda,” staring back into his eyes as you attempted to repeat your question, “so, do you want any–,” though before you could finish the sentence, out pranced your father, a plate of food balanced in his palm. 
“2 eggs sunny side up and some sourdough toast, as per usual,” he sang as his long arm came down to slice the air between your forms, placing the dish upon the table. 
Briefly catching his eye, Pete then offered a polite nod of gratitude, “thank you,” folding the paper up and scooting the meal closer. 
Feeling the small basket of eggs disappear from your grip, you blinked back at your father as he softly requested in your ear, “honey, could you give me a hand in the back when you’re done out here?”
“Sure, dad,” you flashed him a smile before watching him disappear once more. 
Feet still glued to the floorboards right by Pete’s table, your vision then returned to him as his deep voice washed over you, “so, you’re Harvey’s kid, then?”
“Yep, that’s my dad,” your balance briefly shifted as you rocked on the balls of your feet, “thank you, by the way, for yesterday.”
“Oh, it’s no problem,” his fork punctured one of the golden yokes, “how’s your car looking?” 
“I don’t really know yet. The local mechanic is taking a look today, so fingers crossed it’s not anything too catastrophic,” you felt your palms begin to sweat as he simply stared up at you in silence, “anyhow,” you averted your gaze nervously, “I’ll stop bothering you, let eat in peace,” you nearly bumped into the chair behind you as you backed up towards the kitchen, the near accident not managing to draw any words out of him, only the hint of a smile twitched at the corner of his lips, “see you around, I guess…” 
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“Hey, dad?” 
Briefly raising his eyes from the logbook cracked open on the wooden counter, he glanced up at you as you bounced down the wide staircase, “yeah, pumpkin?”
Hand tracing the railing, with the aid of the grip, you swung your form around the last post as you ascended the final step, “did you know that the hot water doesn’t work? Like at all.”
“Yeah, that and about a million other things around here,” he sighed, vision returning to the ledger as you rested your folded-up arms upon the top of the reception, “this is a beautiful historic building… and what I mean by that is that there are too many things that either don’t work the way they should or at all. I am not a millionaire, honey. If I was, then the issues wouldn’t be piling up the way that they are…”
Bottom lip snug between your teeth, your mind raced a moment before you quietly theorised, “exactly how long is that list?”
Eyes racing to find your eyes, your father joked, “why? Did you become a contractor while living in New York or something?”
“No, but I was always the handy one out of the two of us,” you noted before your shoulders raised in an innocent shrug, “how hard could it be?”
“Let me get this right,” he raised a palm up between you as his eyes crinkled even further, “you’re telling me you wanna try and patch this place up?”
“Well, it couldn’t hurt the business side of things. When was the last time you booked out more than two rooms at a time here?”
“Oh, no, no,” the moustachioed man then began to shake his head, “you’re not turning this place into some fake, glossy tourist attraction.”
Swinging around to his side of the counter, you assured him, “hey, I’m not saying let's flood this place with tourists, but maybe just a handful more?” tilting your head in an attempt to catch his gaze that had now returned to the open book, “just enough to make ends meet, perhaps also enough to at some point hire someone else so that you won’t work yourself to death…” 
Eyes frozen on the page before him, a long exhale then flowed from his lungs as he deliberated. 
“Alright, fine, yeah, I guess that wouldn’t be that bad…” he tried to downplay the smile that blossomed upon his lips.
Spine pressed against the edge of the front desk, you then braced with your palms and hauled yourself up onto the spot that was just clear enough for you to sit there without knocking any knickknacks over. 
“So,” you drew out, searching for a new topic to explore, “Donna seems to be quite set on that guy Pete to be her new husband, huh?”
“Oh, yeah,” Harvey chortled, “but you know her, she’s like a dog spotting a pheasant every time she sees a new man. I think genuinely I might be the only person in town who isn’t either terrified of him or has some desire to sleep with him.”
“How long has he been here anyway?”
“Eh,” he glanced up at the stained glass adorning the front door as he thought, “maybe a year or two? He mostly keeps to himself, lives up in a cabin in the woods and only really comes down here to either provide some firewood to whoever needs it or have some coffee,” vision landing on you, he then noted, “you however seemed to have broken through to him quite quickly. Took me like 5 months to get anything more than a grunt of recognition out of him.”
“Oh,” you couldn’t stop your eyebrows as they promptly rose up, “well, he kinda helped me the day that I got here. He was the guy I caught a ride with…”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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sebastianswallows · 4 days
Nobody's Darling — 5. The Morning
— PAIRING: Benny Cross x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: Benny comes across a girl walking alone in the middle of nowhere and offers her a ride to the nearest town. They stop at a motel.
— WARNINGS: just fluff
— TAGGING: @confessionbrain-writings @fleurdemers
— A/N: Continuation of Part 4.
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She was sleeping. Then at one point she became aware that she was sleeping. Her body was pleasantly sore, her feet a little swollen but cooled by the morning air that slipped into the room, and beneath her was the softest, warmest blanket — only, as she slowly woke she realised it wasn’t a blanket. Her eyes opened to the bleary morning light and the sight of honeyed flesh. Oh… She wanted to get up but her back still ached, and as soon as she braced her arm against the mattress she remembered why she’d opted to sleep on top of Benny instead. The springs squeaked painfully loud.
“Mmmmh… G’mornin’,” he muttered, breathing in and stretching his long body.
“Did I wake you up? Sorry,” she muttered, blushing as the events of last night came back to her.
“No, don’t worry,” he sighed, wrapping an arm more around her shoulder and pulling her back down on top of him. “Sleep well?”
“I think so…”
Benny looked down at her, his eyes quickly losing the haziness of sleep and finally gaining some focus. “You alright?” he asked, his voice sounding fearful of the answer.
“Yeah… Yeah.”
He said nothing, instead merely rubbing his thumb against her shoulder in a way meant to soothe her — or perhaps himself. The timid chirping of the birds outside and the gusts of wind were a stark backdrop to how sad he seemed.
She almost felt sorry for him. He’d been so happy when they went to sleep together, or if not happy… something. It was difficult to remember now between the high waves of her pleasure crashing down, distorting memories, sensations, time itself. Perhaps he thought she’d be the same person when she woke up as the one he knew last night, or maybe he’d forgotten who he invited to his bed, or maybe… Maybe it was useless to wonder what he thought. And she certainly didn’t have the courage to ask in what manner precisely she’d disappointed him in the few minutes they were both awake.
“I should, erm, get up,” she said.
“Yeah. Sure.”
She looked down at the two of them, covered in the meagre blanket grey with stains, and underneath she felt his naked body moving along hers. Strong legs, narrow hips, the softness of his muscled arm behind her… She lay cradled in his embrace and cuddling with him was like sleeping with a radiator. It made her want to fall asleep all over again, and Benny certainly made no move to leave. She blushed and didn’t know whether to get up quickly or take the time to find something first to cover herself with, but as her body slowly woke and caught up with her mind she realised she didn’t really want to go. She felt comfortable and safe, and the thought of returning to her white and cold apartment, to her boring job filled with meaningless little problems every day, and urgent issues, and measly internal politics, made her sick to her stomach. Benny heard her sigh and laid his broad palm flat over her shoulder, and then she felt him nuzzle his face into her hair.
“You sure you’re ok?” he asked. He must’ve thought she was upset with him…
“I just don’t feel…”
“Like leaving.”
She could tell his body stilled as he thought through what she said. He must’ve doubted her, or himself, because it took a while for him to speak again.
“Want me to go to your room and fetch your clothes?”
“No, it’s not that. I mean, maybe you should,” she chuckled, “but that’s not what I meant.”
“Feeling real’ comfy in this dusty ol’ motel room, are you?” he chuckled.
“Hmm… no. It’s horrible,” she laughed. “It’s probably the worst bed I’ve ever slept in… And the best.”
He turned his head to look at her, to catch her eyes and figure out what she meant, but she only buried her face deeper into his chest.
“Is that right…?” he asked.
“It is,” she mumbled.
“You mean it?” he asked after a few moments. “You really mean it, doll?”
She nodded, her damp cheek rubbing against his skin. It was as if his body melted, covering hers even more, and then he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head and the only thing she could do was wrap her arms more tightly around his waist, and curl her leg around his, and let her body sink into the warmth he made for her beneath those threadbare sheets.
Thoughts kept coming back about what happened the night before and how it made her feel. How it shattered her to her core — not necessarily to have a man there with her, naked, with her exposed and vulnerable beneath a bulk of sweaty skin and bulging muscles, but to be with someone who looked at her and really saw her, and liked every little part, even those she’d never considered showing. And then he kissed her, and loved her, and held her, and loved her still in the morning after the flush of passion had long passed.
Benny, meanwhile, kept thinking of what she said. He’d fully expected her to get up and leave as quickly and discretely as possible like he was some mangy mutt she might catch fleas from. He didn’t like it, but he’d expected it, and already had prepared a little corner of his heart to bury that night in. And then she went and turned everything upside down and now he had to hold himself back from going a mile too far and asking her to stay with him forever. She was timid, sure, just like he could be sometimes, but he too easily mistook that for disdain and it didn’t help that she kept hiding her face away from him when he most wanted to see it, to read in her eyes what it was she really thought.
He gently grabbed her chin and eased her face upwards. Her forehead was still a little damp with sweat, her lashes matted, and her cheeks were framed by the wild mane of her hair, but those were the same eyes that had looked at him last night with wonder and with love. He bent to press his lips against hers in a little kiss.
“Want me to fetch you breakfast?” he asked, partly to distract himself from the speed his thoughts were driving at. “I’ll go downstairs and get something…”
“Won’t you eat breakfast too?”
“Ah, I’m… not hungry,” he said, his elbows already braced against the bed as he heaved himself up. “Not really used to it.”
“You mean you don’t — Of course you don’t have breakfast,” she sighed, shaking her head like a disapproving mother. “Well, you’re having it today.”
He rolled his eyes but would’ve lied if he said it didn’t make something warm and soft flutter in his stomach.
“I’ll be right back,” he said as he pressed another kiss to her temple, and then he hopped off the bed with more energy than he usually had at that hour.
She curled up and held the pillow to her chest, partly to cover herself, partly to have his warmth and scent about her a little longer, and looked over her shoulder as he bent for his briefs and socks and the rest of his clothes. Her face heated up again as she traced the length and breadth of his back, the muscles bulging in his thighs, and the soft golden hairs sprinkled across that smooth young skin. When her gaze caught the blushing bulge of his sac hanging soft and silky beneath his sculpted ass she buried her face into the sweet-smelling pillow with a moan.
“Damn, it’s eight thirty-five, can you believe it?” he said as he put his watch back on.
“It’s… what!? Oh no! I have work at nine! I…” She’d never make it home and to the office in time.
Benny had just finished looping his belt around, but that sad and worried look was back in his eyes. “Want me to take you back?” he quietly asked.
She held the blanket around her as she sat up in the bed, one hand trying distractedly to untangle her ruffled hair. She looked at him, standing there all still and quiet, waiting for her, then around them at the room as if she could find an answer among the crooked furniture, the sunken cushions of the armchair, the tilted framed photos on the wall, the bathroom door that wouldn’t close, all of it bathed in an uneven light with the carefree song of birds and lazy traffic seeping from outside. It was, in every way, a beautiful morning.
“No,” she said at last, her voice sounding calmer than it should have.
She looked up at Benny, his fingers slowly fiddling with his white tank top, looking in many ways like a little boy waiting to be kicked out of his parents’ bedroom. She couldn’t place what she felt at the sight of him, this mix of strength and frailty. She wanted to protect him and get lost in his strong arms again, and the more she thought about both options the more distant the prospect of going back to work became.
“No, let’s have breakfast,” she said with a faint smile.
He eyed her warily as if he didn’t expect this change of priorities to last, but he put on the tank top and got his wallet before she could change her mind.
She didn’t even want to think of how it must’ve looked downstairs when he got there half-dressed to fetch breakfast for two, but as she buried her face in the pillow again the shame bloomed into something sweet at the pit of her tummy. She eventually managed to roll out of bed and dress herself in yesterday’s slip, by now wrinkled and stained, but the brief reflections she caught of herself in the dark glass of the windows made her feel more sexy than ever.
“I’m back, darlin’,” he said as he walked through the door backwards, an old silver plate in his arms. “A full gourmet breakfast.”
“Anything is fine,” she chuckled as she took it from his arms to lay it on the bed. “I’m not fussy.”
“Yeah, well, you deserve to be.”
Once her arms were free, she got up on her tiptoes and wrapped him in a loose embrace. Out of some primordial instinct, he had his arms around her waist that very second and leaned down for a kiss. His lips were sweet and salty with an aftertaste of yesterday’s cigarettes and she couldn’t think of anything that tasted better. His arm around her waist tightened, pulling her up a little, while the other went up to cup her head, fingers tangling in the hair she’d barely managed to tame.
“You sure you want to stay?” he warmly asked, and this time he seemed less scared of what her answer would be.
“Yeah,” she smiled.
“What about your work?”
“If they fire me for missing one day, well…”
“Yeah, screw ‘em.”
“So what do you wanna do today, then?”
She looked up into his eyes, and her first instinct was to wonder what he thought. What did he want to do? What did he usually do? And what answer did he expect when he —
“Don’t worry ‘bout me,” he added, cutting her thoughts short. “I asked you ‘cause I wanna know.”
A big smile threatened to bloom on her face, just from the notion that he cared for something as small as her whims. After all, she never cared a great deal about what she felt like doing from one moment to the next. Those impulses came and went, and she usually had better things to do than what she felt like doing. But he struck her as the sort of person who placed great value on his impulses — and, seemingly now, on hers as well. She bit her lip to temper the warm and pleasant feeling.
“Well… I want to eat this breakfast with you,” she started.
“And then I want to take a nice, hot shower…”
“So then, you can’t do that here,” he chuckled. “Maybe back in your room.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t do it in my room either.”
“What was it you said? Not fussy, are you?”
“And I thought you said that I deserve to be,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
“That’s right,” Benny purred, leaning down to kiss her again.
The coffee cooled on the bed beside them, butter melted on the toast, and the scant jam he’d dug up in one of Tex’s drawers was starting to slide right off. They kissed as if nothing was around them, and neither the scent of breakfast nor the singing birds outside could pull them from the comfort of being in each other’s arms.
“Come home with me,” she whispered against his lips. “You don’t have to stay for long if you don’t want…”
“You sure,” he asked, rubbing a thumb against her cheekbone. “I don’t wanna be a pest.”
“You’re not a pest. You rescued me.”
“That’s just cause you were pretty,” he grinned.
“I don’t think so,” she said with an easy smile. “You didn’t see what I looked like when you started slowing down. I think you’d have stopped for just about anybody.”
“Maybe,” he smiled, swaying her gently in his arms. “But I’m glad that it was you.”
She threaded her fingers gently through his hair, the soft strand sliding through like honey, like sunlight, like golden threads in the most delicate tapestry.
“Come home with me,” she asked again. “Don’t say no. Unless… unless you don’t really want to.”
“Oh, I want to,” he sighed, tightening his arms around her with a possessiveness that frightened her in the best possible way. “Just… tell me when you want me to leave.”
“I’ll tell you right now,” she grinned. “Never.”
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 22 days
(v.) To think about something deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Eight: Home, Safe.
Now Playing: Everlong by Foo Fighters
Charlie was pissed when he found out that Bella had run off to Italy to save Edward. I couldn’t really blame him.
Jacob was pissed that she was running back to him after all the shit he put her through. The rest of the pack agreed, but I thought they were a little biased. I agreed with them, so I suppose I was biased, too.
I was grounded for not telling Charlie about Bella leaving, so for the entirety of Spring Break I was locked in the house until Charlie fell asleep. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right? I sounded like my sister.
When Charlie fell asleep, I would slip through my window and into the woods. Jacob would be waiting for me in wolf form, letting me climb on his back so he could whisk me away to Emily’s. I would wait anxiously for a call from Bella, but all I got was radio silence.
She had left the first day of break. Three days later, and she still wasn’t back. I had no explanation, no texts, and no returned calls.
Sitting at the dinner table at Emily’s was comforting. We had two new additions to the pack; Seth and Leah Clearwater.
I didn’t think Leah was meant to turn. She was twenty one, older even than Sam was when he changed. The proximity to a vampire triggered it, though, just like everyone else.
Her brother, Seth, was forced to change before his body was ready. He was only fourteen, and he had been a scrawny kid, too. The stress of his father dying and sister turning had shoved him into his own change.
Jacob had told me that the first change was painful for everyone, but that it had especially hurt for Seth. His body had rapidly developed the fever, shooting his temperature up from ninety-eight degrees to one hundred and eight. He had passed out, his body trying to save him some of the pain as it tore itself apart during his transformation into a wolf.
Jared had whispered to me that Seth had broken or tore nearly everything in his body. They had to call his mother to come help set it all again so he would heal properly. I realized then that rapid healing didn’t always mean correct healing.
I snapped back into reality when I realized that everyone was looking at me. I cleared my throat, “Sorry, zoned out.”
Quil laughed, “You need some sleep, Y/n.”
“I’m well aware,” I sighed, reaching out to take a sip of my water. The phone rings and Paul answers it as he’s getting another burger. His eyes go wide.
“Y/n, it’s Bella!” He says, and I’m up as soon as he says my name. I clamor around the table, nearly tripping over Jared’s large furry ass as he lays on the floor in wolf form. I quickly regain my balance as Jacob hauls me back to my feet, the two of us anxious to hear my sister speak.
“Bella?” I ask, my heart beating in my chest, “Are you okay? Where are you?”
“I’m okay, we’re all okay, Y/n,” She says, her voice slightly raw. “We’re heading back to Forks now.”
I glance at Jacob, and he gives me a meaningful look.
Carefully, I ask, “You mean yourself and Alice, right?”
She hesitates, and I sigh loudly.
“Am I on speaker? Actually, no, he can hear me anyway, right?” I don’t wait for an answer, barreling on with my rant, “Edward, you sparkly leech, leave my sister the hell alone! She was finally happy and now you have to go and mess everything up again!”
“Y/n—” Bella tries, but I cut her off again.
“No! No, he needs to hear this!” I say vehemently, “He needs to know the hell he put you through while he was traveling around the world for funsies, and how he’s going to screw everything back up by coming back!”
I speak directly to Edward now, “I don’t care if you’re some immortal vampire, asshole, if you come back to Forks to fuck up my sister’s life again, I’m gonna make you wish you had never been reborn as a sickly reanimated corpse!”
There’s silence on the other end, and I know Bella’s hurt by my words. I don’t care. Let her be hurt by the truth and by the fact that neither Charlie nor I can stand that boy.
“We’ll be back tonight,” Alice says, “I’ll deliver Bella safe and sound to your home, Edward will stay away.”
“Thank you, Alice.” I say, my voice harsh but infinitely kinder to her, “Drive safe getting here. Bella; I love you, I’ll see you soon, and also you’re grounded. Charlie’s pissed.”
She sighs, mumbling, “Yeah, I figured. I love you too, Y/n, I’ll see you tonight.
The line goes dead and I hang the phone up.
“She’ll be back home tonight,” I announce, cheers ringing up. I continue, “She’s bringing that freak back with her.”
Boos and gags sound, and it makes me feel better. An idea floats in my mind, and I grin.
“Jake, I need you to go into the spare closet of the house and get the duffle bag of clothes we haven’t donated yet.” I order, and he salutes me, grinning, before turning and running.
“Why’re you grinning like that,” Embry complains, “It’s scaring the children.”
“I’m not scared!” Seth protests, but Embry shoots him a baffled look, “I’m children! I’m scared!”
I ignore them, “Sam, I need to borrow any shirts that don’t fit you.”
He eyes me, “What for?”
“To piss off Eddie boy, what else?” I ask, going into the laundry room and finding all the clothing scraps we haven’t been able to throw away yet. I put them in an old grocery bag and set them in my room. When I get back, Jacob is panting as he hands me the duffle. I grin, setting it down on the table and pulling out shirts.
I hand a pile of shirts to everyone with instructions to either hold them, wear them, or somehow make them smell like a werewolf. The biggest pile goes to Jacob, and I take the remaining pile and crouch beside Jared, still in wolf form.
“Hey buddy,” I say slyly, and he almost seems to laugh as he rolls over onto his back. I snicker as I rub several shirts over him, looking up when I hear laughter.
Quil has stuffed himself into one of my old shirts, and it looks like it’s about to burst at the seams. It fits him like a crop top, tight as a corset. I cackle as he pretends to model it, laughing harder when he moves a little too much and splits it in half.
When Bella comes back, I had already hidden the clothes around the house. In the vents, under her floor boards, under her mattress, in her pillows, behind the mirror in the bathroom, anywhere and everywhere I could think of was fair game. I was even wearing one of the shirts, just in case Edward made an appearance. I had a good deal of them hidden in my room, and Charlie’s. Again, just in case.
He didn’t come, thank god. Alice wrinkled her nose when she got here, but gave me a hug anyway. I hugged her tight, thanking her for keeping my sister safe.
Bella went and showered. I sat in her room and waited for her to come out. When she did, I saw how weary she looked. I didn’t ask questions, just wrapped her in a blanket and turned off the lights.
Charlie was furious the next morning, telling her she was grounded until she wasn’t anymore. She accepted it with grace.
Months passed. It was summer now.
I stormed into Emily’s house, throwing the door open as they all sat down for lunch.
“Woah, what’s got you bent out of shape?” Quill teased, and my scowl deepened.
“That stupid, idiotic girl is accepting him back into her life so easily!” I yell, flinging my hand out in a direction that isn’t necessary towards my house. Jacob dodges my arm easily, continuing to eat moodily.
I pitch my voice higher, “‘Oh Edward, my sickly Victorian child, I missed you so much! Please, make me your vampire child bride! I don’t want my soul anymore, I don’t care what this will do to my family, I—”
I take a shuddering breath, hot tears streaming down my face. Emily stands, coming to hug me tightly.
“Oh, Y/n,” she says quietly, rubbing my back.
“She’s so stupid,” I bite out, “Throwing away her life for—for him!”
Jacob had stopped eating, staring furiously at the table. His hands were clenched into tight fists, his body shaking. He looks up at me, his eyes blazing.
“Well then, I suppose that we’ll just have to try and be voices of reason.” He spits out, and I sniff, nodding.
“Besides Edward,” Sam said slowly, “Why does she want to become a vampire?”
I swipe at my eyes furiously, “Apparently Alice saw her as one in a vision. You know, the ones that are constantly subject to change.”
I know I sound bitter, but I feel betrayed. I don’t want to lose my sister.
Edward had appeared at Roy’s the day I started back. I scowled when I saw him, but he held up his hands.
“I’m here to tell you what Bella isn’t.” He said, and my attention was snagged.
I stared for a moment, then slid into the booth seat across from him. I had gotten off work already, so I had time.
“Bella wants to become a Vampire.” He said, and I nodded. “I don’t want that. I want her to remain human for as long as possible. I want her to stay human forever.”
His words surprised me. I had figured that he was the one to put ideas of vampirism into Bella’s head, but he was apparently thoroughly against it.
“She had my family vote.” My heart stopped in my chest. He continued, “Everyone voted yes aside from Rosalie and I. Neither of us want her to be changed.”
I clenched my hands into fists, “Why tell me this?”
He sighed, “Because I’m hoping that you can talk sense into her. I haven’t been able to, Rosalie can’t. You and the wolves are our last ditch effort to dissuade Bella from becoming a vampire.”
I was silent.
“What are you telling her to keep her from getting someone else to do it for her?” I asked, and he paused. I scoffed, “She wants you to do it, right?”
He nodded, and I continued, “She’s stubborn. If you won’t do it for her, she’ll get someone else to. My bet’s on Alice.”
He let out an odd sort of snarling sound, vaguely similar to one of the snorting sounds that the guys would make in wolf form when they would fight playfully. This was out of frustration, though.
“Tell her something, anything that would keep her from getting someone else to turn her,” I begged, “Buy time, and I’ll change her mind.”
Slowly, he nodded.
“I’ll do my best.” He said quietly, looking almost defeated.
He got up to leave, but I grabbed his arm.
I flinched, so used to feeling higher temperatures that it was a momentary shock to feel his frozen skin.
“Give me your number. We’ll keep each other updated so Bella can’t hide or lie.” He nodded, handing me his cell. I punched in my number, texted myself so I had his, and nodded.
“I still hate you.” I told him, “But I hate you less for this.”
He looked at me for a long moment, then let out a breathy laugh.
“I’ll take what I can get, I suppose.” He said, then added, “I did think I was doing the right thing, leaving her. I thought she would be better off.”
“She was.” I tell him, adding, “But there’s nothing we can do about that now.”
Ok!! Short chapter to transition between New Moon and Eclipse! I do plan to give reader some more clarity on Edward’s feelings btw bc I knowwweww he was pressed about Bella wanting to be turned.
Anyway, I hope yall enjoyed ☺️
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rafeysbby · 1 month
plsssss do like a noncon older rafe cameron x young reader. Basically rafe is the reader’s best friends’s dad and she has like a slight crush on him but rafe ends up coercing her or something. I was hoping for something dark but you can go a chill route whichever one you feel more comfortable writing ❤️❤️❤️❤️😊
a/n: thank you baby for this! i would say i had fun writing this but its 1am again and i think i was floating in and out of consciousness while writing this. rip my sleep schedule. (who am i kidding she was already dead)
word count :: 908
cw: 18+ only - mdni, smut, p in v sex, NONCON/DUBCON, age gap (19 years, both characters are of age), use of pet names, slapping, idk what else-
read at ur own risk!!
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Knock knock.
Your head swivels around to face the door, the source of the knocks clear when you hear the low, gravelly voice. “Ariana, sweetheart? Can I come in?”
The door creaks open without permission, revealing none other than her father. Rafe Cameron…
Rafe is commonly known as the town's biggest dilf. And sure, he was attractive… he had these piercing blue eyes and a buzzcut that made you foam at the mouth, not to mention his big, bulky arms. And you just knew his dick was big. But no. no, no no- no, no. 
Snap out of it! He's your best friend's father.
God you knew how wrong it was, but you'd spent three years crushing those dirty thoughts inside of your little brain, how hard could it be going forward? Fucking hard. Just like you pictured him being when he fucks y- stop it girl, pull yourself together.
Okay, so it was harder than you thought.
Rafe steps inside the room, peering around and spotting your form curled on the bed. “Oh hey doll, didn’t realize you came in, how’ve y’been?”. You know immediately that he was talking to you and you snap back into reality, “oh i've been good. How about you Mr Cameron?”
“Im doing well doll.” he states, turning to the door to Ariana’s bathroom as it swings open, ari emerging, eyes locking with her dad’s. “Oh hey dad”.
You notice a weird sort of atmosphere as they look at each other for a second. Rafe turning to look at you only serving to worsen the tension in the room. You stare back at him, glancing down for a second but your brain registering it as an eternity. You notice his pants tighten slightly as he looks at you and it causes your thighs to clench subconsciously. You swallow as you notice his eyes still on you. And of course it doesn't go unnoticed by Ari. “what the f-” she mumbles, shaking her head while turning to her dresser to rummage through her make-up drawer, “will you quit eye-fucking her already? God… dad she's half your age!”.
Clearly that doesn't seem to matter to him, his smirk only widening at her comment, “it's only nineteen years, sweetheart” 
“Exactly my point, dad! She's literally only twenty-one!” Ariana retorts, finally turning around to face him, “just- get out, please? I don't want to have this conversation. Not now- not ever.”
And sure as hell, rafe leaves the room, leaving you and Ari in the room. 
“Hes such a fuckin’ perv, im so sorry-”
Later that night, you fall asleep on the floor of Ariana's room, pretty comfy in the pile of pillows that are sprawled across the floor beneath you. Both you and Ari are in deep sleep when rafe sneaks into the room, quietly tiptoeing over to where you lay asleep.
“Mm hello pretty girl” he whispers, gently, scooping you up with his big, strong arms, “you're coming with me, doll” you stir slightly as he takes you out of the room, and into his.
“M-mr Cameron?” you mumble as your eyes blink open slightly. “Shh dont panic doll, you're coming with me to have some fun, kay?”
You know, almost immediately, that you have no choice in the matter. You didnt exactly mind, hes hot, as fuck. But he's your best friend's dad- whatever, it's gonna happen and you're gonna enjoy it, you knew that much.
As soon as he shuts the door behind you two, he's immediately throwing you head first onto the bed. He wastes no time in sliding your shorts off your legs, groping and slapping the flesh of your ass. God he was addicted already and he hasn't even seen your pretty little pussy yet. He continues his attack on your now red, stinging ass as you reach back to pull his hands away.
“Such a good girl, already putting your hands where i want them…” he grabs a hold of your wrists, pinning them to your lower back. 
Seconds later, he's pulling down his pants along with his boxers, revealing his already hardened cock. You let out a small yelp as you feel him rub his tip over your clothed clit. “So wet for me already babydoll” 
You physically cannot form words, let alone sentences as you lay there motionless. You wiggle your hips a little, trying to get at least a little friction.
He pulls back slightly but instead of stopping entirely to punish you, you hear him spit, lubricating himself. A few moments later, he aligns his tip with your pussy as he slides your panties to the side. With one swift motion, he’s balls deep in your tight little cunt, stopping to let you adjust to his size.
You were right, his dick was big. 
As you start to move your hips in desperation for movement, Rafe takes his cue and starts to slam in and out of your tight hole, needy, almost pornographic moans leaving your lips with each sweet sound of skin on skin. His brutal attacks on your cervix had you creaming all over his cock in a matter of minutes.
“Thats my good girl-” he sends a tingle through your body as he smacks your ass, “you fuckin’ peep a word to Ariana and i swear to god. Alright?”
You nod frantically, confirming that you were his little secret. His, and only his.
“Thats it babydoll, you did so good f’me”
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more of my works on the first # !!
taglist: @prettiest-angel
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wisteriaiswriting · 2 months
Ramattra, Junker Queen, Cassidy and Ana dating a male reader who has Insomnia
Dating Male Reader Who Has Insomnia
Words: 545
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When he first noticed your lack of sleep, he was so confused, opting to question you about it.
But when he learns what it is, he’ll start doing and recording his research.
Since he’s an omnic, he doesn’t actually need sleep, so he’s more than willing to spend night’s awake if it’s with you.
“What are you doing?”
“Hmm?” Looking over at the door from your bed, finding Ramattra, who seemed to be surprised. “Oh, hey Ram.”
Turning back to your computer, trying to focus on your work again. Unable to as Ramattra’s footsteps echoed throughout the room until they didn’t, only to feel the bed dip with his weight. Without speaking you leaning over slightly, laying your head on his shoulder as you clntinued working.
If you couldn’t sleep he’ll gladly stay with you until morning rolls around or you finally fall asleep.
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Odessa likely has insomnia as well, but was and probably won’t be diagnosed. (She also doesn’t really get the idea of it.)
She tries to tire you out by having you join her late night training sessions, which is just sparring.
Threatens the whole town to find and bring in their best doctor, (Who isn’t that much help.) so she reluctantly has an outsider come in for you.
“What are you doing?”
You had stepped into the gym, intending to try tire yourself out. Only finding Odessa already inside, and she was quick to notice you.
“Aren’t you knackered from today?”
“Aren’t you?”
Watching her snort, “Should be, but now that you’re here, fight me!”
She got into a fighting stance, seemingly not ready to take no for an answer, so you followed her lead.
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I’m sorry, but he is dead to the world when he actually falls asleep. So it’s very likely he won’t notice what’s happening until it starts affecting you throughout the day.
But he is quick to feel guilty and tries to make it up to you by helping.
Leading to him trying to do his own research, but relents and bothers Angela or Ana about it.
“I don’t know what happening to him Ana, do–”
“Oh Cole, sometimes I think you’re dumber than you look.”
“But take this,” Handing him a warm cup, he has no clue what's in it, “Give it to him and stay with him, now go.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
Pushing open the door to your room, it was dark as the curtains hadn’t been drawn yet.
“Hey there Darlin’, thought this might help.”
Letting you take it from his hand, “What is it?”
“It’s– I… don’t know actually.”
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She tends to also suffer from insomnia occasionally.
Over the years she has perfected some remedies that she keeps on hand most nights.
Very quickly learns to keep an eye on you during the day, staying close when she notices any physical differences.
“There’s my رجل وسيم,” Looking around to find Ana leaning against the counter, cradling a cup of, what you could only assume was tea, in her hands. “Thought you fell asleep on me.”
“Me, falling asleep? You should know better, Ana.”
Leaning over to grab the cup that she made for you earlier, pausing as she placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Guess I should.”
رجل وسيم - handsome man
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
Little Lamb
Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Miss Y/n Y/l/n Rating - 18 (Blood / Gore / Nudity) Word Count - 2609
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Jack was working late in the morgue everyone else in the small hospital already fast asleep, but he tinkered away under the electric lights in the hospital basement practicing a new surgical technique on a fresh cadaver. Every so often checking his book and struggling with the swirling words to understand what he was meant to be doing.
However, the silence soon came to a end as he heard footsteps. Jack's eyes shot up from his book to the entrance of the morgue he’d left the doors open as he never lived being shut in here so late, he was concerned for a moment but soon realised it was just Y/n. Jack had a lot of affection for Y/n, he would very nearly say he loved her, she was a nurse in the hospital and the two spent an awful lot of time together. He wanted to make her his wife but… the rules and social etiquette of Victorian dating were something Jack didn’t understand and frankly couldn’t be bothered to learn,
Jack let out a sigh of relief. "Don't sneak up on me like that."
Y/n stood in the doorway in her little silk nightgown her curls loose around her, clearly she'd been in bed. But she carried a book in hand, "I didn't mean to spook you, Jack,"
Jack’s eyes wandered her body for a moment before focusing again. "What are you doing down here? You should be asleep."
"I had a question" She hurried inside shutting the door softly,
Jack turned his body more to her. "A question? You do know it's the middle of the night, right?"
"Well you’re awake, I'm awake. And I have questions" she shurgged opening her book and flicking through her various notes,
Jack let out a soft groan, but didn't protest. "Alright, go ahead."
"... Mr Clarke in bed seven. We've been dosing him on morphie and noticing his shaking and trembling hasn't stopped I pondered... Did we ask if he smoked?"
Jack sat there for a moment, processing. He mentally slapped himself for forgetting to ask such an important question the last time he spoke to the patient. "No, we didn't ask."
"Could that not be why he's trembling given he hasn't been allowed or able to smoke for the last four days?"
Jack leaned against the table, and let out a sigh. "That's... very much possible. Good point. I can't believe I forgot to ask. Bloody hell.” Jack looked at her again, “Is this what you do at night?”
“How so?”
“Just lay in bed with your note book thinking about patients?”
“... Yes,” She nodded, “why? What do you do in bed?”
“Sleep,” He answered,
“I mean like before you fall asleep,”
“...Drink. Or gamble.” he explained, “Or… think about you,” He suggested trying to give her waist a playful tickle but she elbowed his stomach before he even got close,
“Hands to yourself Doctor Dawkins,”
"So... why such... little clothing?" he smirked,
"I thought I was asking you questions not the other way around?"
He chuckled, “I’m curious,”
"what's wrong with it?"
He was quiet for a moment, his eyes wandering her body again. "Nothing at all. Just very... revealing."
"it's Australia. Its summer. Our bedrooms are both in the attic. Oddly enough I'm hot." She explained, "Besides why is what I wear to bed any of your business."
A smirk formed on his face, as he jokingly said, "Never said I didn't like it. Besides… it’s nice to know what you wear to bed, I can better imagine you now.”
she rolled her eyes "Anyway... I've been considering Mrs gains I don't think she actually has muscle pain... I think she has hysteria"
He raised an eyebrow. "Hysteria? Why do you think that?"
"... She complains about every... Three weeks or so coincidentally the time her husband goes out of town for business, complaining about muscle pain in her upper thigh, and every time we send either you or sneed over to give her a thigh massage that seems to fix it. I don't think she actually has anything wrong with her... Just wants a man to touch her while her husband's away"
It took Jack a moment to process everything that she'd said and then he let out a sigh and ran his hand over his face. "So... Mrs Gains only complains about muscle pain in her thigh every three weeks. Coincidentally the time her husband goes out of town... she complains about it to us so we send over me or Snead to give her a 'thigh massage' and then suddenly it's all fixed as soon as her husband arrives home again.. correct?"
"exactly, does that not seem suspicious to you?"
Jack stood there for a moment, thinking. It did sound rather suspicious, "I suppose but... she's married. Surely she wouldn't cheat on her husband. Right?"
"I don't think she wants to cheat on her husband I think she just likes having you boys massage he upper thigh"
Jack let out a sigh, "Bloody hell.. I've been spending hours just massaging her thigh while her husband is away for work? Christ."
"yeah exactly" she Nodded
Jack groaned again and rubbed his eyes, before looking at Y/n again "How'd you even come up with the idea she might have hysteria anyway?"
"... When you break it down that's all female hysteria is jack, it's women fainting and faking for attention so doctors go over and make them feel better"
Jack sat silently processing. "That's a dark way to think about it but... I suppose you're right. I think you may be right."
"of course I'm right" she smiled shutting her book "That's all, that's what was swimming in my noggin before bedtime."
A soft laugh escaped. He stood close, now towering over her. "Right. Well.. do you mind if I ask another question myself now?"
"... Fine" she sighed
Jack leaned down closer to her "Do you wear clothing like this every night? Or just for me?"
"every night... Why?"
Jack shrugged but had a small smirk on his face and leaned even closer, so close that their bodies were almost touching. "No reason in particular. Was just thinking that I'd like to see you wearing this more often, it's very pleasing to the eye."
she scoffed "Whatever would people think they saw me wondering around the hospital in my nightie let spending time in said nightie alone with a bachelor such as yourself" She used her proper lady tone
Jack chuckled softly and whispered in her ear, "Oh I'm sure we both know nobody would have a problem with the two of us spending time together in here alone."
she glared "You know full well if my father found out you were alone with me he would come down here pack my things and march me home. After beating you with his cane to a bloody plump"
Jack sighed and leaned back slightly, having a grimace on his face. "And don't remind me how much I bloody hate your father. Honestly, he has no good reason to hate me."
"... Doesn't he? You are often alone and make lewd remarks towards his only unmarried daughter."
Jack let out a small 'pfft,' and chuckled "I think 'often' is.. a stretch. Besides, how is flirting with his daughter a reasonable reason for him to hate me?"
"If you had a daughter and found out some boy was flirting with her you wouldn't be angry?"
Jack sighed and rubbed his face again, contemplating an answer. A few moments of silence later, he responded. "I understand it'd be... worrying. But why anger? You're not a child anymore, you're an adult, You can defend yourself and know what's appropriate and not appropriate. So why shouldn't you flirt with the opposite gender if you please? Namely me."
"because that's not how society works jack."
Jack scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Bloody society. So because society says it's not okay for two people to flirt, it's not okay for a man to give a compliment to a woman. Makes perfect sense."
"I didn't make these etiquette rules."
Jack sighed, and slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. "I know that. But that doesn't mean it's reasonable to follow these bloody etiquette rules."
she rolled her eyes resting her hands on his, "I am an unmarried young lady and you are a bachelor. Like it or not there are rules we have to follow. We get away with alot more because your a doctor and I'm a nurse we have excuses to be alone together. If we weren't if you wanted time alone with me you'd have to court me like everyone else."
Jack chuckled at first before rolling his eyes. "Court you? That's a damn joke. You know damn well I won't court you just to be able to spend time alone with you. Besides, if I went and courted you, I'd have to meet with your bloody father, and I'm not exactly in any rush to see that old bastard again."
"...he'd let you, you know." She said quietly
Jack raised an eyebrow, surprised by her answer. "Would he now? The ol' prick would truly give me permission to court you?"
"he's told me before. He'd give you permission if you actually went about properly"
Jack fell silent for a moment, contemplating what she'd said. "... And what exactly would going about it "properly" require me to do?"
"To bathe. Get dressed up in your best shirt. Come to the house. Perhaps bring gifts for my family. Sit down to dinner. Then ask my father for permission to court me."
Jack groaned and rubbed nose against her neck as he imagined the scenario she was describing. He groaned again and rested his forehead against her shoulder. "Good god... that sounds like absolutely torture." He stayed rested against her for a long moment, not saying anything. After what felt like forever, he lifted his head up. "... Say I did go through all that. The bathing, the best clothes, the family dinner and all that bullshit... would you actually say yes?"
"... Not my choice. Father will decide if you can have permission then you'd have to ask me and then go about the courting"
Jack groaned again, "How many damn steps are in this courting situation anyway?"
"... Well asking for permission, asking the lady, first stage of courting where your chaperoned, second stage where you’re unchaperoned, balls and formal events, then engagement."
Jack groaned again, "Christ... that sounds... bloody exhausting."
"oh it is."
"And this is all because society says two grown adults can't spend time alone without being bloody chaperoned?"
"Yep." She nodded "I mean... You could try your luck do all the same things and just ask father for my hand. It's more a risk but if he agrees you jump straight to engagement "
Jack lifted his head back up and raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly is the likelihood of him agreeing? Because if I'm going through all this bullshit I'd like to know if it's pointless or not.."
"... Agreeing to court, I'd say 70% leaving room for potential social issues. Asking for my hand... 50%... If you catch him on a good day... And maybe wait till he's a few whiskeys deep"
Jack chuckled softly. He was surprised to hear those odds. "Damn. That's a surprisingly high chance. I'd assumed it'd be in the 10% range."
"as I said. He's told me before if you were to go about it properly her happily allow it"
Jack let out another long sigh. "Alright. I'm... slightly considering this now. Very, very, slightly considering this."
"you do realize either way we'd have to get married?"
Jack went silent, staring at the ground to the side while he processed that. A few moments later he spoke in a quiet voice. "Y-Yeah... I'm very much aware of that…” He went silent again, thinking. It was hard enough for him to actually imagine himself getting married, but… for y/n. A frown formed on his face as he spoke again. "Bloody hell... your father as my father-in-law..."
she chuckled "You'd only have to see him like once a year"
Jack groaned again. "One too many times if you ask me. Honestly, I can't stand the thought of being in the same room as that old bastard." Jack went silent for another moment, staring at the floor. But after that moment, he let out a long sigh and spoke up again. ".. But I suppose having to deal with him once a year would be... bearable.. if it meant being married to you"
"hum... Getting to see under my nightie really worth that much to you? That you'd go though all the chaos of courting, marrying me, and dealing with my father for the rest of your life?"
Jack couldn't help but chuckle a tiny bit. "Trust me, seeing under your nightie is only a part of the reason I'm considering this. Getting to marry you is the major reason." he pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, "Besides... I would rather marry the woman I love, even if I have to deal with her father being a pain in my ass for the rest of my life"
"or you could just go down the pub and pay a lady a few pounds to see under her dress and just remain a bachelor forever?"
Jack chuckled again and slowly leaned even closer to her. "Ah, but there's only one little problem with that idea. I'm in love with bloody you, not some random pub girl."
she chuckled "Well, you know your options, now can I get to bed or you just going to keep me down in the morgue with you all night?"
Jack let out a sigh and very slowly released his grip on her waist. He took a step back. "I suppose you can go off to bed. I'll see you tomorrow as usual?"
"of course, first thing in the morning. You want me to wake you or just meet you in the ward for rounds?"
Jack shrugged and let out a yawn. "Just meet me in the ward for rounds. I'm planning on staying up a little later, you can go get your beauty sleep."
"alright" she chuckled heading to the door but just before she left she turned back "you’re really thinking about this aren't you?"
Jack stayed silent for a moment, as if he was contemplating the question. He eventually let out a sigh and nodded. "... Yeah, I am. I'm actually... genuinely considering it."
she chuckled and nodded slightly a wicked look on her face for a minute "Well..." She smirked her fingers moving to the small straps of her silk nightie and pulling them down to her waist for a brief few seconds exposing her collar, chest and bare breasts before she quickly moved it back up concealing herself again
Jack went completely silent and still while she lowered the straps, his jaw-dropping as his eyes rushed to memorize every tiny little inch of her skin,
"Some encouragement." She blew him a kiss before she headed out of the morgue "See you in the morning doctor Dawkins"
He let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, "Bloody hell..." he whispered before quickly composing himself "Y-yeah.. see you in the morning."
Jack continued to remain completely motionless after she'd left. He just stood there for a while, his mind and body practically frozen while his brain desperately tried to process what had just happened. The image of her for those few seconds was now burnt into his memory.
After a few minutes, he seemed to finally have enough self-control to move again. He let out another heavy sigh, running his hand through his hair to try and keep himself from feeling the burning sense of desire. He quickly tried to distract his mind by thinking of the patients, the paperwork, anything that could make him push that goddamn image out of his mind but too late he saw and he was so so happy he saw.
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