#if she did go i dont think anyone would hate her i just genuinely do not know what she is expecting when she is as judgemental as that
officerdougeiffel · 1 year
I should recieve an acting award for not losing my mind when the girl who's made fun of my special interest (punk culture and music) tells me she wants to go to a punk rock concert because she likes one limp bizkit song
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Hello! How are you? Hope you're doing good. I was wondering if I could request a Poly!Pastics x reader where the reader is a HUGE people pleaser and R does everything for everyone and it got so bad to where R stayed awake for three weeks straight to have time to make everyone happy. The girls have enough and force force their girlfriend to sleep and not stress over other people?
Sorry if it's too much or top specific.
Whats One More?||
|| Poly!plastics x fem!reader
(i myself am poly!)
|| Warnings: swearing, super long, Reader's absolutely exhausted, Regina being Regina, comfort (i dont think there's too many, if i missed something lmk)
|| Summary: Reader keeps helping out everyone to the point where it begins to effect her sleep schedule. Ms. Norbury notices and brings it to the attention of the plastics, who comfort Reader and get Reader to sleep.
Requests open!
Started: April 20th
Finished: April 21st
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To say you were a people pleaser would be an understatement. You weren't sure if there was a better word to describe it, maybe... doormat? You couldn't say no to save your life. It was a genuine problem that often spiralled beyond your control. Well, you could control it. If you just said no. But that was mean. You hated the thought of anyone hating you, so you worked overtime to make sure that never happened.
Today was no different.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" Shane Omen yelled your name from across the hall as you stood at your locker, making you internally groan. You didn't like Shane but you never showed it. You forced out a smile as you looked at him.
"What's up, Shane?" You asked, keeping your tone your signature calm one. As opposed to the internal screaming that was going on in your head. Why couldn't he just leave you alone? You had been having an amazing day before he showed up.
"Mind doing my homework for me? I'm just so busy this week that I have no time for it. Oh, and my buddies too. I'll pay ya." He smirked at you, clearly trying to use whatever charm he could muster. This wasn't the first time it's happened. His friend had walked up next to him, holding a large stack of papers up to his chest which you could only assume was the entirety of Shane's friend groups overdo homework.
You held back a sigh.
"Yeah. When do you need it done by?" You asked. Reluctantly. You hated the thought of doing all that extra work, but then again you hated the thought of someone hating you more than you hated the idea of doing the homework. So you'd do it. On top of your own you already had to do, plus you had promised Karen you'd help her out with hers.
"This Friday." He replied, gesturing for his friend to give you the work. Which he did. He practically shoved it into you.
The sudden weight added to your binders almost made you stumble, this Friday? It was fucking Wednesday. That gave you two nights. Shit, you'd have to pull all nighters in order to get this done, your own work, AND help Karen. Maybe Karen should come first, since she was her girlfriend. Restart.
Karen, your own work, and Shane's shit. That's the order you gathered in your head. You could help Karen out tonight, get your own work done after and get it all done in one session so you could focus the rest of the day tomorrow on Shane's stuff. Yeah, that could work.
"Yeah... I got it. You don't have to pay." You smiled at him, he gave your shoulder a playful nudge. Sure, the money for your time would be nice. But you hated the thought of taking someone's money. Even if it was Shane Omen's.
"You're amazing, Y/N!" Shane and his buddy walked off, high fiving each other and clasping their hands together with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and readjusted the papers and your binder with your knee. Sighing at the sight of the stack you now held.
Finale bell went, showing the end of the day. Which you were grateful for.
You moved the papers and binders to one side so you could hold it with a single arm comfortably. Then opened your locker with your now free hand, holding your knee up to keep the papers from slipping. Grimacing slightly at your awkward option as you pulled your bag from your locker, stumbling back as the bag came out. Though your balance was caught by Gretchen, who gave you a soft smile and held you as you gathered your footing. Slinging the bag on your shoulder then holding the papers with both arms again.
"Thanks, baby." You smiled at your girlfriend, Karen quickly came up behind her and smiled at you.
"Y/N!" She gave you a quick hug, you kissed Karen's cheek since your hands were too full to hug her back.
Gretchen looked at all the stuff in your arms and raised an eyebrow," What's all that?"
"Shane's stuff. He needed some extra help." You explain briefly, not giving too many details. Gretchen narrowed her eyes at that. You were helping Shane? Shane Omen? Why?
She was going to ask more, when Karen suddenly frowned and interrupted.
"You're still helping me tonight, right?"
"No yeah, yeah of course! Come over to mine when Regina drops us off, okay?" You assure her, feeling a little bad for making her think you wouldn't be able to help her too. Even if it was an accident. As for Regina dropping you off, she pretty much always takes you to and from school along with Karen & Gretchen.
Karen smiles gratefully at you and pulls you in for a kiss, you happily kiss her back and Gretchen takes a photo of the two of you.
"That's so cute! It's going on our shared insta." Gretchen says with a little squeal, opening insta on her phone and going to the shared account you all have access to. She posts the photo with the caption: look at these cuties 🥺💕
You break the kiss and smile at Gretchen, your group text then goes off with a text from Regina.
|| Regina: where the hell are all of you?? I'll leave you here if you dont hurry your asses.
There's a pause before another text comes in.
You laughed when you read that one, Gretchen giggled too and you glanced at Karen with an innocent grin.
"She must've seen the photo." You say with a laugh, the girls nod their heads in agreement and the three of you head to Regina's jeep. You didn't want to keep her waiting longer than you already have.
At the jeep, Karen and Gretchen got in the back while you took your usual seat in the front next to Regina. Who was already looking at you expectantly.
"Just a sec," You tell her, attempting to stuff your binders and additional papers into your bag so they didn't blow away when Regina drove. Considering her jeep had no doors, something you found awfully inconvenient.
Regina groans and rolls her eyes," Ugh. Why do you have so much extra papers anyway?"
"Helping Shane." You reply, part of you had wanted to lie because you knew Regina wouldn't like the answer. But if she found out about the lie (and she always does) that would've made things way worse.
Regina looked offended," What? Seriously? Why the fuck?"
"He asked and I couldn't say no.." You admit in a mumble, making Regina narrow her eyes at you.
"You gotta work on that. Seriously, Y/N." Regina says, you finally get everything to fit in your bag before you looked at her with a frown.
"You know, Regina's right Y/N." Gretchen pipes up, leaning forward and resting her arm on Regina's back seat as she looks at you with a concerned gaze." You take on way too much from other people."
"But they'll get mad if I say no." You respond, turning your gaze to Gretchen for a moment.
"So? Fuck them, let them get mad." Regina shrugged and grabbed your chin, making you look at her before kissing you roughly. Your eyes widened at the suddenness of it but you melted into the kiss. She broke it off and wiped your bottom lip with her thumb, smirking at you," You owed me a kiss."
You blushed deeply and she laughed at your reaction, shaking her head and starting up her car.
"You're too easy. But fuck, Y/N. You gotta stop letting people walk all over you. You're not a fucking doormat." Regina's words may have been harsh, but they were the truth. You did need to stop letting people walk all over you.
But maybe not today. It was now Monday. You had managed to get everything done for Friday, much to your own sacrifice. You haven't slept a wink since Tuesday night before everything happened. And you were starting to feel it. Sure you could have slept on the weekend, but your girls dragged you around to house parties both Saturday night and Sunday night. You stayed sober to keep an eye on them and be the designated driver and you probably could have slept when you got them home, but you wanted to make sure nothing happened throughout the night. So you've been awake for almost a week straight. It was hell.
Today you had Chess Club, an extra curricular club you had chosen. You managed to get your girlfriends to agree to let you do it, Gretchen had put up a bit of an argument but when she saw how good you were at the game she let it slide.
You sat in your usual spot at the library, a chess board in front of you as played off against your best friend; Flow Scotts (short for Florence). You guys had met when you joined Chess Club, having been paired together day one. The two of you were a pretty even match and would face off against each other frequently, which built the friendship between the two of you.
You studied the board as you rubbed one of your eyes, plotting your next move while trying to stay awake. She already had you in check with her bishop, so you moved your own bishop to block hers. With the Queen defending the bishop it was a solid move, if she decided to take your piece blocking your King you could safely take hers with your Queen. sorry to the non-chess nerds who aren't going to really understand my rambles here.
Flow made a huff sound and you laughed, smiling at her when someone comes to sit next to your table. You didn't recognize him, so you assumed he must've been new to the Club as he watched your game with an interest only Chess Club members seemed to have in their eyes.
Flow blinks and looks up from the board, getting distracted from whatever strategy she had been forming in her head." Can we help you?"
"Oh! Hi! Um, Mr. Rapp told me I could come join you guys here. And like observe and maybe play winner. I'm James." He introduces himself, you and Flow glanced at each other and you shrugged.
"Alright. This is Flow, I'm-" He stops you with a smile.
"Y/N. I know, everyone knows. You're dating the plastics." James says, you sighed. You hated when people called them that. They were so much more than 'the plastics' behind closed doors.
"Right." You nodded your head.
"Also, I'm still sort of new to Chess and Mr. Rapp said that one of you could help me out with like extra chess lessons after school?" James continued on, you glanced at Flow.
"I have soccer practice after soccer today." Flow looks back at you. Flow didn't play soccer, she clearly just didn't want to tutor him.
"Yeah, okay. I'll do it. Meet here five minutes after the bell." You tell James, who gives you a grateful smile.
You had a test you had wanted to study for after school and a project you had wanted to use the school lab computers for, but now you were stuck tutoring James. You figured you could just pull another all nighter to get the work done. What's one more?
Well, one more turned into many more. It's been a total of three weeks since you last had a decent, solid sleep and it was really affecting your grades. People just kept asking things of you and you couldn't tell them no. It was bad.
Ms. Norbury was the first to notice your grades dropping, as your grades in math were pretty solid. They weren't mathletes worthy but they weren't completely low either. You averaged a 75%, which had now dropped down to 68% with your lack of sleep and focus in class.
You were currently in math, which was your fourth period. Trying desperately to pay attention and not fall asleep. Though at one point you droop so low your head hits the table, startling you into a more upright position as people stared at you in confusion. Ms. Norbury narrowed her eyes, sleeping in class wasn't like you. She was sure something was wrong.
"Okay, everybody take 5." She says, people get up and head out while she walks over to you.
"Y/N? Everything alright?"
"Just tired." You tell her in a mumble, you weren't a mumbler.
"Honey, when was the last time you slept?" She asked, crouching down in front of your desk to get a better look at you. She frowned as she saw the dark circles and the very evident exhaustion.
You simply shrugged, to you her voice felt far and distant so you had to put all your remaining energy into hearing her. You couldn't remember the last time you had a good sleep. You knew it had been a while ago, though. All your days just felt as though they had blended together.
That concerned Ms. Norbury further, she debated if she should just send you home at this rate. After all it was just fourth period and she was sure you'd have people in other classes who could get the work you missed.
"Come on, Y/N. How about we call one of your parents and have them come get you?" She said softly, knowing a good sleep at home would be what you needed.
When you heard that you shook your head, you knew your parents wouldn't come get you. Even if you had been throwing up they'd tell you to tough it out.
"They wouldn't.." You say in a mumble, Ms. Norbury frowns at that and tries to think of a plan B. She knew the various cliques and which students hung out with who, so she knew you were close with the plastics. The question was which one would be come get you? Little did she know any one of them would do it in a heartbeat.
She sighed quietly to herself and stood up," Alright, just wait here." She tells you before heading to the class phone and giving someone a call. You weren't sure who.
About five minutes pass before Gretchen comes running into the room, when she saw you she paused and looked at Ms. Norbury. They seemed to have some silent conversation, no. Their mouths were moving. You just couldn't focus enough to hear what they were saying.
You slumped back in your seat and your eyes started to close, exhaustion catching up to you when you felt hands on your shoulders and looked to see Gretchen watching you with worry all over her face.
Gretchen had known that something was wrong. She knew it from the start, but every time she tried to talk about it with you you would just say 'tired' and nothing else so she gave up pressing you on it. She knew she should have tried harder to get the information out of you.
Even Regina had tried too at one point, she noticed when you weren't fully present in a conversation she was having with you. You just kept replying with 'mhm' 'uh huh' and so she tested it by saying 'I dont know what to wear to school tomorrow, think I should go topless?' you replied with a simple 'yepper' and that basically confirmed for her that you weren't listening. So, when she asked what was wrong after getting your attention, you just replied 'tired' to her too. She didn't think to press further.
"Y/N, are you listening?" Gretchen asked, a frown on her lips after she had snapped her fingers to get your attention. You blinked and looked at her.
"Huh?" You didn't realize she had been trying to talk with you.
"I'm taking you to Regina's, Ms. George will come get us." Ms. George was your backup. If one of you needed to go home for whatever reason or just wanted to skip and relax, she always said that she would come get you girls," I texted the groupchat and told them what was going on. They're on their way over, just hang tight. Okay?"
You nodded and not too long after all three were standing before you, Ms. Norbury was back at her desk. Letting you girls have your space.
"You look exhausted." Karen points out. Leave it to Karen to point out the obvious.
Regina narrows her eyes at her and sighs before looking back at you, resting her hand to your cheek and rubbing it gently with her thumb. You lean in a little closer to her touch," Why haven't you been sleeping?"
"Busy." You reply, unable to gather enough energy to say more. The three exchanged looks.
"Busy with what?" Regina replied, she knew you had your Chess Club, tutoring Karen, and your own work on top of that but she didn't think that was enough to get you this tired.
"Helping people." You explain, talking simply again. She groaned at that. That's what caused this?
"Baby, I thought I told you to say no?" Regina takes her hand off you, you feel the warmth leave and you almost slump forward on your desk. You'd been using her hand as support. Her hands rest on her hips as Gretchen catches you and keeps you up, giving your forehead a soft kiss.
"Mean." You respond.
"Excuse me?" Regina looked offended, thinking you had called her mean. You shook your head and desperately looked at Gretchen to translate.
Gretchen tensed, racking her brain to think of what you meant," Did you mean saying 'no' was mean?"
You nodded.
"That's not mean. You can always say no, that's what Gretchen says to me all the time." Karen pipes up, Gretchen gives her a soft look and nods in agreement.
"Y/N/N, you're allowed to have boundaries." Gretchen tells you," is it really worth it if it's doing this to you?"
You were going to respond but there was a knock at the door, you glanced at it and saw Flow there.
"Hey, Y/N. I would've texted but I was walking by here anyway, you coming to Chess tonight?" She asked.
Regina scoffed and folded her arms," Absolutely not. Fuck off."
"Regina, language!" Ms. Norbury narrowed her eyes at the blonde who rolled her own.
Flow tensed at Regina's harshness and looked at you. Gretchen scrambles a response.
"What Regina meant is that Y/N is just super tired, she's going home to rest tonight. Right, baby?" Gretchen looked at you. Expecting you to agree.
Regina looked at you with a look that was basically commanding you to tell Flow 'no'. You hated it.
"Resting tonight..." You grumbled, continuing to speak in simple terms.
Flow's gaze shifted to concern but she nodded her head," okay.. let me know how you're doing later, alright?" She left after that.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Regina kept her gaze on you.
"Awful." You shook your head, disagreeing with her which makes her scoff.
Soon enough, Ms. George comes and picks all three of you up. Bringing you to their place. You were brought to Regina's bed by your girlfriends, who all snuggled up with you in bed. Gretchen on your right, Karen on the left and Regina on top. You easily fell asleep once Regina started giving your neck soft, soothing kisses. Your girls stayed close to you.
You slept for a solid 24 hours and some.
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
Guys I’m an old people defender i wholeheartedly believe Wu is a good teacher and person (teen wu and younger was a good character, older wu doesnt have the same effect tho and just falls under a decent character)
Like guys he didn’t mean for Morro to go insane over the green ninja thing, i dont think anyone would’ve expected that to happen with a damn baby. Not to mention that as much as people like to say he abused or neglected Morro or whatever, canonically speaking he hasn’t. In the end what happened to Morro was the effect of his own insecurities and Wu’s lack of understanding.
Wu was not at fault for the whole kai getting obsessed with the green ninja thing or any of the other ninja doing the same, that was all their own faults for being all nosy (as teenage boys with too much power do.)
Wu might’ve overreacted after finding out what Garm did with the letter business in season 4, but just cause he cussed out his BROTHER once (guys they’re siblings, this is the norm and Wu was fully justified to be irritated. Also there will always be a tension between them because they’ve had to fight against each other for either decades, hundreds of years, or thousands of years. They will never have the normal sibling relationship they once only somewhat had.) that was still his brother he just lost and definitely feels guilt at not getting to reconcile PROPERLY with him. Just because you are mad at an individual, genuinely mad at them, does not mean you hate them.
Wu was not at fault for the whole Garmadon getting sent to the under world his clothes literally starts glowing mf was not planning that. He was literally about to die because of Garmadon i think he was a tad preoccupied with that.
Wu is not at fault for Lloyd becoming the green ninja, its shown that he cannot control who gets chosen and was quite obviously hoping it would be the damn teenagers trained to deal with this, not the damn baby who would have to fight his DAD. The whole reason he trained Lloyd so hard after was because he is well aware of how being the green ninja is a curse, especially to Lloyd. He knew a target was on Lloyds back now and for the rest of time and he can do nothing to remove it, only help Lloyd in handling it.
Aspheera is a huge SOGGY BISCUIT I HATE HER I AHTE HEERYEYYE. She is so hypocritical and its all her fault and not Wu’s don’t even try it (i love her character thats why i hate her sm). Wu was literally a baby when the whole betrayal thing happened, and how could he have known his damn students would open up her prison cell and she’d take Kai’s power. Kai had a right to mad about getting dragged into it but even he admits he was reacting the way he was because his powers got stolen. Aspheera was completely at fault for what happened to her.
I wont deny that whatever was going on between Misako and Wu in the early seasons was super weird, but I’m also not going to call it betrayal or cheating for Garmadon because Garmadon had been gone for a good decade and tbh it was rlly bad writing of writers trying to shove romance everywhere.
He took in a bunch of teenagers, thats something i wont deny to also be bad. But don’t you find it convenient that Wu took them each in during separate times of need? Cole, deep in grief, needed to become a ninja because it completed him. Jay, desperate for a place and purpose in this world, needed to be a ninja to become confident and aware of his worth. Zane, confused and lost, needed to be a ninja to find his own place in the world, needed to be a ninja because he needed to have a purpose, a home. Kai, angry and traumatised, needed to become a ninja to become the best version of himself. Wu knew of each of them, and only took them in when he knew they needed an outside source to lead them.
Literally i dont understand why people paint him as a villain. He has never been one. It’s like how Mystake said, the only reason one becomes wise is through their own mistakes, their own life and experiences. Wu is an old, old man. He is right when he says he’s not like how he used to be.
I could keep going, but God guys. Stop mischaracterising characters! You can dislike them all you want, its your life, but don’t change what they have done and call them a bad person when that isn’t true.
You can call Wu a character with mistakes, a character heavily in the light grey area of good and evil.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months
love all your thoughts on eridan so much!! ive had erikar as a passive concept in my head since i started slowly rereading homestuck, bit i never invested as much thought into it...it makes a LOT of sense.
very curious on your thoughts on eridan and nepeta, if you have any? i dont really see much around of the two of them and how they may act around each other (most likely because, iirc, they have basically no substantial interaction in the comic....) but its a concept ive twisted around in my head a little.
Hahah, one of my friends is a Nepeta roleplayer, so we have hashed this OUT. Basically, I think if they talked a bit more, under the right circumstances, they might try pitch for a bit, but resolve to normal friendship. TL;DR, at the end of the day, they just don't really have anything to particularly hate about each other, or to particularly love, but I think they'd make for really good friends actually, if Eridan gets his shit together and Nepeta comes out of her shell a little more. She might wind up having to play auspice for him because... he has a lot of problems... and as a Heart player, with more proximity to him, she'd realize "oh, wait, he's not that bad, hes just mentally fucking ill," and there are people on the team who would not give him that kind of grace.
Flushed is pretty canonically off the table - despite having hit on her several times, Eridan seems to have accepted the rejection, and Nepeta herself comments that it always came off as "cr33py and insincere", which it probably was - he's clearly not over Feferi, and has a kind of "please god anyone would be fine I just don't want to be alone" vibe. Nepeta is definitely looking for more sincerity than that, and although Eridan's Type is very much cheerful, bubbly, nice girls (what he thinks Feferi is), I think they're pretty incompatible overall.
His antics and Emotional Issues would probably be super taxing on Nepeta long-term, he'd wind up in a million fights with protective Equius (Eridan is a crazed murderer even just objectively), and he's really not a particularly kind or pleasant person.
Meanwhile, although he's basically willing to go along with anything that'll get him attention, I think he'd be very puzzled by Nepeta's expectations that he do Romantic Things, or otherwise adhere to certain romantic tropes and social norms, which he can't do; when this inevitably leads to hurt feelings, his response to perceived danger is "fight," so he'd probably end up making it worse. So! Flushed is flushed. Down the load gaper, I mean.
Trying on pitch, I think if Nepeta was already a little bit out of her shell - say, Equius has died, or she's otherwise locked in a SGRUB dungeon with him, or something like that - she and he would come to blows over Eridan's performative casteism. Nepeta's the anti-casteism troll, after all, and if she's worked up enough, she's quite spirited and opinionated, and Eridan is down for anything, so it would be something I can absolutely see forming.
Actually, hilariously, when my friend and I RP'd this out, Nepeta wound up with a pitch crush, and Eridan wound up with a FLUSHED crush, because he was THAT BAD at differentiating between good and bad attention. Nepeta was totally floored, she was like, dude i was calling you stupid and terrible??? how the fuck did you interpret that as FLUSHED??? and eridan was like i dont know... maybe... i might have mental illness......
The problem is, I don't see their pitched dalliance lasting, for two main reasons - the first is that Eridan wouldn't hate Nepeta long-term, even if he can work up some caliginous energy because he's desperate; she's too genuinely nice and kind and he loves nice and kind people. Similarly, Nepeta wouldn't be able to hate Eridan the more she got to know him - since he's kind of the least casteist highblood, despite his initial impression, she would lose her fundamental reason for opposing him, and would instead start going "oh god, hes so traumatized, he's like that because he's really messed up inside."
The second is because I think they're dangerous for each other, physically. Eridan is a volatile highblood with severe emotional problems and a bodycount in the thousands, and Nepeta is very reckless in the face of danger; I can genuinely see them going a little too hard and Eridan getting a bit of a highblood buzz and winding up severely injuring Nepeta, which he would feel completely fucking terrible about, and then not allow himself to ACT like he feels terrible about it. Even if they stay in the relationship, it would kill his vibe, since when he isn't on an outright murder spree, he doesn't want to hurt his friends ("wwhat kind of friend wwould i be"). And that's not even factoring in how much EQUIUS would flip out over it.
I also don't think Nepeta is particularly equipped to deal with Eridan's problems, even if she does recognize and sympathize with them more than most on their team. Although she'd have more success than others, I think it'd leave her exhausted, because Eridan is exhausting. A Heart player obsessed with true feelings and sincerity and genuineness is just a bad match for the kid who's 90% façade.
So, ultimately, I think they'd resolve to really good friends, and Nepeta might wind up being a middle leaf for Eridan in an auspicetism situation, since Eridan... tends to draw aggro, and Nepeta at least would care about him enough that she doesn't want to see him get killed (even in the comic, as Nepetasprite, she expresses sadness that Eridan is dead, although she doesn't seem to know about his murders).
Eridan is also a roleplayer, lest we forget, and if Nepeta is able to draw out rare flashes of genuineness, they do have a bunch in common - she could commiscerate with him over the thrill of the hunt (although she'd have to be careful not to get too into the weeds about the, uh, Troll Murder aspect), RP with him (in a safe environment), or gossip about romance. They're both pretty painfully sincere people at their core, so while I ultimately don't see them being particularly romantically compatible, I do really love the idea of them being close friends. If only Eridan didn't always make things Fucking Weird.
And also since I really love pitch FefNep, Nepeta becoming friends with Eridan would help fuel her hate dates with Feferi - ":33 < do you even realize how messed up killing lusii fur YOU left him???" "W)(at would you )(ave preferred, t)(at my lusus went )(ungry and krilled everybody? 3X0"
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WIBTA for asking out my manager?
Hi there. Trust me this is a WIBTA and not just dating advice.
So I (35F) am basically working at my dream workplace. I cant say what exactly, because I know people follow this account there, but suffice to say its in a desirable industry with a lot of passionate folks, and while its a big (~150 people) place, there's an atmosphere of kindness and joy I've never seen anywhere else. I know a lot of you probably hate me for this, but I am truly aware how rare a workplace this is, and I am grateful. I dont take it for granted. Sometimes the work itself truly sucks, and the pay is outright atrocious, but when your coworkers have your back, it makes all the difference. They accept me even tho I'm trans, and when I've been sick or injured they make sure I'm taken care of. I feel like they are a family of sorts, and I've been working there for over a year now.
Anyways, this wonderful place is held up by a lot of wonderful people, but one in particular is my manager (30F). When I first got hired, I noticed she was cute, but more importantly she was welcoming and accepting. I set aside those feelings, of course, because its a workplace, but they havent gone away.
But lately, this all started to change. We now spend a lot of talking! We have lots of common interests, and there have been nights when both of us will stay for HOURS while the other works, just to chat about whatever! We even text a bit, even about not-work things. Sharing fandom stuff, whatever. The more and more we talked, the more I fell for her. I could hear her go on for days, even if its something I dont care about. Hell, she could read the dictionary and I'd be sitting there grinning because I get to hear her talk. I've got it bad! And then, a few weeks ago, she even brings up how she's given up on dating...but before I could ask more or say anything really, a coworker interrupted and the moment passed.
And here I am, weeks later, smitten like crazy. And I'd say "oh she obviously likes me, she sticks around for you, shares stuff with you" but she's like this with everyone. She's a bit airheaded honestly about it, I mostly find it endearing, but she could absolutely just be doing it because she talks like that to everyone. She's bisexual, and very pro-trans, so I dont think that would be an issue in any way.
But here's where the WIBTA part comes: I have told a couple other coworkers, and they brought up not only that its a dangerous move to date a manager, but also that it could hurt the workplace itself. I mean, this is a place where so many people get to have a joyful opportunity at life, and as I've said this is tremendously rare...what if I take up too much of this manager's time, and she cant be there for other workers? What if this manager gets fired for dating an underling, and gets replaced by someone awful? There's a whole lot of what-if's floating through my mind.
And then I start thinking, if I ask her out, wouldnt that be putting her in an awkward position? I mean if she doesnt like me, and has to turn me down, she still has to work with me, and I her. I can compartmentalize that, but...she might have more trouble. Is it selfish of me to even try, when I could just let well enough be? And on top of that, what did she mean by "giving up on dating"? It didnt sound like she was aromantic, just that she decided it wont happen, but maybe its just going to be a problem if I ask her out. It feels like the stakes of even asking her out are so high. So I keep chatting with her in hopes that I'll catch a lead, but...idk.
Anyways, I am primarily concerned with if it would be a dick move to anyone in my workplace, especially her, but genuinely I am just lost here. I've never dated anyone at a workplace, but like. The dating apps suck, and I dont think I've ever felt this way about anyone before. I've even thought about quitting or finding another workplace to make it an easier decision, but I feel like thats even worse; like it would put pressure on her to date me because I quit for her or something. So how about it? Should I keep my mouth shut, or is love truly worth all risks?
What are these acronyms?
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cl0wn-tim3 · 6 months
Iv put way too much though into an ace attorney au for dungeon meshi, and idk if this has been done before, but here's my take-
Chillchuck would be a prosecutor - probably the Winston Payne of the au. He is smug and overconfident but loses his shit way too easily in court and lies/manipulates evidence (not that uncommon for aa prosecutors tbh but in a more overt way)-
Also he would need to stand on things to be tall enough to see over the table and I think that would be funny/ provide a good gimic for his character.
Marcille would be the falsely accused but with kinda solid evidence for why they are being accused- she seems to have a proclivity to be in bad situations but I do not think she would actually kill anyone unless it was 100% valid and deserved + I think it was probably a wrong place wrong time situation and she was littraly just existing and found a crime scene and tried to take manners into her own hands wich made her 2000% more suspicious.
Laios would be a defense attorney that knows all of the material and what he's supposed to do in theory -but is over exited to use the knowledge and gets carried away and jumps to conclusions a bit to hastily
Falin would be the younger sidekick type characters that the aa protagonists always have that end up being very useful at keeping the protagonists (laios in this case) grounded and pointing out pretty obvious stuff they didn't get + her and marcellus can be childhood friends so in a case where marcellus is the defendant it can cause dynamics ++ her going missing could be an overarching plot
Kabru would also be a prosecutor- probobly the main one- that kinda hated laios at first but they grow to kinda get along like they hang out outside of work but kabru still things he's a freak and keeps his work/confidentiality above there friendship (like a pheonix-edgeworth situation but with less gay undertones sorry laios x kabru enjoyers). He would be relitivly collected in the courtroom until laios said some unhinged shit that turns out to be correct somehow
Senshi is the only one I can't figure out tbh I dont think he would be a prosecutor because that doesn't seem in character but I don't think he would be a defense attorney because he would think it's silly/not very affective- I genuinely just think he would hate the court system as a whole finding it unfair and under developed.
I could see him as a re-acuring side characters that comes up once in a while who just happens to be a key witness or comes to help in some way but idk.
Speed round for everyone else
- shuro is a witness that seems pretty confident in the testimony, and you only find contradictions on a technicality and/or small detail
- cithis is a prosecutor on par with von'carma (probably spelled that wrong) senior- aggressive and tries to end the case asap whatever the cost
- namari is a defense attorney that seems very put off at first but does what she can for her clients
- izutsumi is an unreliable witnes that ends up giving away vital info after being pressed enough
- mithrun barely survived an attempted murder and maizuru made you take his case
- sissel did a murder but feels justified (hell, he might even be justified depending on the case)
Plz note this theoretically would take place in an ace attorney style world that just happens to have multiple diffrent races so magic probobly would not be as common as in dungeon meshi but it's not off the table
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jester089 · 10 months
If request are still open i would like to request an scenario, if not you can just ignore it
Jax with an fem s/o who is very sweet and optimistic, always thinking on the bright side, always with an genuine smile on their face, being the bright happy character in the circus.
She hides a dark secret on her room, one that she doesnt want anyone to know, not even Jax, like everytime Jax or the others tries to go near reader's room, she will go like: "get away from there." With a full dark tone and her "genuine" smile never threaning to leave her face.
She will stay strange for a few days, strangely quiet, avoiding Jax after the incident and she is not the so bright character until some weeks pass by and she is all normal again.
If confronted, Reader will go like: "Its nothing to worry about Jax. Just dont go near my room."
Ill leave it up to you to decide what the secret is, Have fun!
Keep out
I will do my best. I don't know how messed up you wanted it to be. So naturally I went as dark as I could. I want Jax to suffer. I want him to wake up each day and worry about what I will do. But also like kinda hot tbh. Their is like gore, and touchy subjects in this. Just be warned.
Jax x Happy Reader with a secret. Tw character death, gore, manipulation, sadism.
You were a little ray of sunshine. One that Jax always insists that he hates. But he's fooling no one with the gentle hold around your waist he always seems to have. Or how he never so much as insults you and will berate someone if they do. It's the poorest kept lie that he insists is true. You and Jax have a surprisingly normal relationship. Your options while here are limited but you two do many common but nice things together. Taking walks, ranting about random things, movie nights (always at his place), him "pranking" someone and you freaking out because of it. It was normal. It was nice. You were a really good partner to him. And him to you. Only thing he wanted to know was about your room. You always answer his questions with a smile but when he brings up your room you visibly darken. He's be lying if he said he wasn't curious. And worried. Are you cheating on him?! So he searched and found a key to your room. Once he had a way in he started pestering you about your room more hoping you would tell him yourself not wanting to invade your privacy but needing to know. You never did though. So he with key in hand walked up to your room. He bribed Gangle with the promise of no "pranks" for a week if she distracted you for a while while he snoops around. When he opened your door he was surprised... Your room... Is completely normal. He walks in and looks through your things finding nothing weird or concerning. "Maybe their just really protective over their personal space?" He was going to leave before he noticed a small box under your bed. He picks it up and opens it. It has a key? Weird. Oh wait. He saw a keyhole under your desk. He walks over slides the desk out of the way and tries it. It fits and opens up a secret door that leads to a stairway down. Now that is weird and concerning. He goes down the stairs and freezes. Their's a cut open Kaufmo on a metal table he has strangely realistic organs hanging out. And abstracts In cages. He looks at them. Theirs a skinny tall one with bunny ears, a short with a jesters hat, one dressed in a tattered and glitchy dress, one that looks mismatched and random... Jax swallows his fear and starts looking around. Surely you have a good reason for all this. Right? I mean your such a happy person. He finds a lot of notes from you. About how apparently you were a murderer before you came here. About how you made the abstracts from a glitch you found while looking for an excuse for people going missing. Them being the prefect reason that people just, disappear. About how you act like you're dating people, like you love them, so they'll trust you. About how you've done this so many times and everyone just thinks you keep getting unlucky with your chosen partners. About how Jax was your next. "Hey lovely. What'r you doing down here? You know I don't like people going in my room." He jumps at your soft voice right in his ear. He slowly turns to you already shaking and sweating. The door he came in from is closed. "Aww. Come on. Talk to me. Good communication is key in relationships you know." You have that voice. The loving, sweet, lighthearted voice you always have. But you're dumping a mangle Kaufmo into a meatgrinder while talking. You wipe some black blood off your face then smile at him. You walk over to the operating table and gently pat it. "Come on over love. Take a seat. I've made it extra comfy just for you~!" He doesn't move... You frown and walk over placing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Ok how about this. Sit or I will draw out your death so much more. I was thinking like a day of keeping you alive with your organs hanging out. But I can easily make that a week. Or more. So just come and sit." You place another gentle kiss to his cheek then lead him to the table.
You sprint into the main room startling everyone with your panicked tone and tears streaming down your face. "Everyone! Jax abstracted! I-I locked h-him in his room but... B-but I... I... I-is it me?! Am I the problem?! Everyone I date abstracts. Everyone I love dies! Am... Am I the reason!" Pomni and Gangle walk off to find Caine while Ragatha comforts you whispering encouragement and how it isn't you. You just keep getting unlucky. "The ragdoll seems to be the main one keeping that jester alive. It would be fun to watch Pomni slowly lose her mind after the doll is gone. That sounds good. I'll do her next. Then I can have some alone time with Pomni once she's gone off the deep end and everyone will just think she abstracted. Half the work double the fun! Oh Ragatha. Such a people pleaser. So caring, so loving, so trusting, so gullible. I wonder if she's meat or fluff inside? Can't wait to find out."
(This felt gross to write. It felt wrong. But I honestly feel like it turned out pretty good. Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted. But you left the secret in my hands. So I did what I wanted to. And now you know not to do that. Ever again. Cause it'll turn out weird and gross if you do.)
xoxo, Jester
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em-harlsnow · 5 months
I've been seeing more Svetlana content recently, and since I made a post recently about Mickey and Yevgeny I thought I would talk about her.
I really like Svetlana as a character because I think she's a really good representation of a strong, intelligent woman. She's clearly been through so much shit in her life, and she's incredibly good at looking after herself.
I've said before but I'll say it again, it makes me mad the double standard between her and Mickey. Mickey's seen as funny and cool when he gives people shit, but when she says similar things she is seen as rude. They both have a similar quick-witted and sarcastic manner, but one is hailed while the other is hated.
About her and Yevgeny: I think neither Mickey nor Svetlana should have HAD to be responsible for him, given the situation wherein he was conceived. Just because she's the mother, doesn't mean she should have had to look after him. That being said, she wanted to keep Yevgeny and she did love him, as she tells V later: 'there was no falling in love, just being' in reference to him. Even so, she needed help to look after the baby, which is why she went to Mickey. He did eventually TRY with the kid, and I'm not saying he did a good job.
After Mickey's in prison, Kev and V are very helpful in looking after Yev. About the thruple, first of all I want to say how sad I find it that Svetlana believes that 'love' in terms of 'marriage' is conditional and that 'wifely duties' are one of those conditions. Her and V really did love each other.
Now, her manipulating them into giving her ownership of the Alibi was wrong, but her intentions I believe were to genuinely help them.
With regards to Mickey and her relationship, they both said some awful (and sometimes true) things to each other. She blackmailed Mickey - which was wrong - but she did it to protect herself and her child because what else was she meant to do??? She's alone in a foreign country illegally and needs to find a way to be safe, not just for herself but for Yevgeny too.
With regards to Ian, and her wanting to call the police? Totally fair. I also understand why Mickey was against this, but again, she is trying to protect her child from someone she has witnessed be unstable and who has just run off with her baby.
I truly hope that she finds a good ending. Yes, she signed a prenup, but that doesn't mean she cant get the old man to put her in his will (I might be wrong on this, I dont know legal stuff). I dont think she would want anyone from her life in the Southside back in her life, to be honest. People might have different opinions on this, but I dont think she would want Mickey back either.
I think she really did love the triple-parent thing they had going on back then, but at the end of the day it wasnt a safe environment for a child to be growing up in. I think all three of them (Ian, Svet and Mickey) deserve peace in whatever ways they find it, and I hope she can get it.
Also - I love the 'you love him because he has real penis?' scene. She's so funny in that, and she clearly shows her distaste for men. Her and Mickey are very alike in that way and in another universe I think they could be friends since they're able to put each other in their place so often.
To reiterate: I do not think she should be obligated to look after Yev (in the same way I dont think Mickey should be) but at the end of it she (luckily) loved Yevgeny. She tells V that she would die for him.
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class-1b-bull · 5 months
I love your blog! <3 What would you imagine if Class 1B had an s/o that moves out into another foreign country?
Not sure if this was asked, so I'm so sorry if someone already did— 😭
Thank you so much!! >33
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he spends litterally every possible second possible with his s/o before they leave. He will weld his hand to theirs if its necessary. He tries not to let it show too much but hes genuinely so sad that his s/o is leaving.
Sen - he isnt as upset as some of the others. Stuff happens and theres nothing anyone can do about them and he understands that. But he does keep a little picture of his s/o in his wallet for a while after they leave even if they fall out of touch
Kamakiri - he has a tough guy act to uphold so he acts how he normally does and even distances himself a bit when he finds out someone he cares so much about is going so far away. He acts like he dosent care but once they leave he instantly starts to message them and he keeps in touch for quite a while after they leave (even if the two break up due to the move)
Kuroiro - bro is actually heartbroken that someone he loves and cares about so much is going so far away. Hes a little cheesy in relationships so he buys his s/o and himself matching necklaces or rings or something before they leave. He keeps in touch even if they break up.
Kendo - shes one of the students that will try to make long distance work but if her s/o dosent think it will work out she respects that decision. After they move she will keep in touch by telling them all about what class b has been up too and asking about life in the foreign country. (All with the occasional 'miss you' text mixed in)
Kodai - just by looking at her expression and hearing her words you wouldn't think she cares all that much by her s/o moving so far but you can tell she will deeply miss them just by how she akwardly hovers around them whenever she can. Kodai offers to help her s/o with whatever they want and even asks to take them out to a cafe to help them relieve stress when she really just wants to be as close to them as possible before they leave.
Komori - she was so excited when she was helping you pack because she was happy that you got to explore the world and see new places and it didnt hit her that you were leaving until you were already gone. Still she texts and calls you everyday and is sure to bug you with a million questions about your new home
Shiozaki - she instantly decides to take her s/o out before they have to leave. They spend the whole day together before eventually going back to the dorms to pack her s/o's things. Shes really sad to see her s/o go but she knows that there isn't much she can do (which makes her a bit sadder ngl) she probably got herself and her s/o matching jewelry or something like that.
Shishida - first thing he does when he finds out his s/o is moving he starts to help them pack while telling them how important they are to him and how much he will miss them. He makes them tea and they both sit down for a few hours just talking before they have to leave. He tries to make long distance work but he knows its hard so if his s/o choses not to he respects that (even though he's a little sad about it)
Shoda - he does so much research about the country his s/o is moving too just so he has plenty of questions to ask once theyre gone. He spends practically all of his time with them before its time for them to leave and he really tells them how much hes going to miss them while theyre gone. Hes more than willing to try and do long distance but he cant hide his sadness if his s/o decides not to.
Pony - dont get me wrong she hates that someone she cares about to much is leaving but shes so excited to hear all about the foreign country your visiting over text. Even if pony and her s/o dont stay together because of this she would love to keep eachother updated.
Tsubaraba - he dosent care if it makes more sense to break up he will do everything in his power to make long distance work. Hes constantly sending you little updates and stupid pictures he took of his everyday life before asking how things have been for you. He would even save up as much money as possible to book a plane ticket to visit you during the holidays
Tetsutetsu - for such a manly man he definitely cried the most when saying goodbye. Tears were streaming down his face so quickly while he was hugging you and practically yelling about how much he was going to miss you. He texts and calls you every second of everyday and most of his texts are just him sending muscle pictures and asking if theyre manly lmao. Still he will make long distance work.
Tokage - she spends all day helping her s/o pack for the move while talking about how far it is from home and how much she will miss them. She takes little pieces of spare strings and such to make them both matching bracelets so even if they break up they can remember that they left on good terms. Or if her s/o dosent want to break up she will 100% give them the bracelet for when theyre lonely or smthn.
Manga - while his s/o packing their things and overall just preparing to leave, manga stays in the room with then drawing a cute little picture of him and his s/o for them to take when they leave. It has a little note at the bottom about how much manga cares about them and will miss them. Hes 100% willing to try long distance or breakup so the overall decision is up to his s/o (but he will be hella sad for a while if they do end up breaking up)
Honenuki - he is just the sweetest. He helps his s/o pacl their things and even if they break up due to the move honenuki gets them a small thing of flowers for them when its time for them to board the plane and leave. He definitely suggests long distance since thats secretly what he wants but he understands if his s/o wants to break up and although he will be sad about it he respects that choice.
Bondo - hes a lot quieter and not as expressive as his classmates so other than helping his s/o with a few things to make the move easier he dosent really do much. Hes lost in his own thoughts thinking about how hard its going to be for his s/o to go so far. Again, the decision to try long distance or to break up is up to his s/o because he understood either way.
Monoma - hes all smug about how he 'doesn't care' that his s/o is going so far away but the second his s/o and him are alone hes hugging them and hiding his face in the crook of their neck asking if they really have to go. He dosent think long distance could work so he breaks up with his s/o but he still tries to keep contact with them (even if its just to know their doing okay)
Reiko - other than helping her s/o pack their things she really dosent do much. She dosent think long distance could work out so she basically breaks up with her s/o. Dont get me wrong shes really upset that she did so but she believes that trying long distance would be harder and more hurtful for them both. She does like to check in every now and then just to make sure things are okay.
Rin - he was silently worrying about you leaving while he helped you pack. Hes less concerned about what will happen to you as his s/o and more so if you will be okay so far from home all by yourself (because he obviously knows the feeling) even if you both break up since your moving he will keep in touch with you and constantly make sure your okay and even ask about the people youve met there and if you like the culture and things like that.
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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trainwrecksys · 5 months
ok!!!!!!!! i am!!!!!!! going to just say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! long long post ahead!!!!!!!!!
yes i look like an out of touch stan with a victim complex for one character when i draw no one but bentham in my fanart and completely ignore everyone else to feel sorry for him and yes i am aware and no i dont know if anyone else sees this in me or im just paranoid but bro i am annoyed with myself !!! i hate how stannish i am sometimes because yes bentham had every reason to be called evil but yeah i had a good few reasons to have a complete breakdown when i read that in the book !!!!!!!1 too much writing under the cut about a lot of stuff that is in my head and needs to get out for better or for worse idk
i have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement and i do not expect to be forgiven but genuinely the way me being a stupid shameless stan can come off to others even subconsciously is actually important because it makes me look like someone who would see a situation like the bentham siblings' in real life and side with the STRAIGHT WHITE MALE who has made more than mistakes and hurt people in moments of heightened emotion (end of library of souls)- but like not in defense of bentham for ONCE IN MY LIFE everyone feels emotions everyone gets hurt and he had a right to not be perfect after everything he went through but that doesnt mean hurting people is the course of action and bro i have completely ignored that and skirted around it for two years and IM NOT GONNA KEEP APOLOGISING FOR MAKING THIS TOO LONG BECAUSE IT BLEEDS INTO REAL LIFE AND I REALISE HOW MUCH OF A STUCK UP DICK I COULD BE NOT ONLY ABOUT THIS BUT IN GENERAL LIFE AFTER I READ THE BOOKS AND GAINED AN ATTACHMENT TO BENTHAM
the stuff im talking about is honestly mainly between me myself and i and most of the art i post is him either chilling or feeling a bit sad but the way i completely ignore miss peregrine's issues and betrayal to focus on how oh so hurt and betrayed myron was like there was no reason he was exiled
like yes years in a big mansion with three people to keep him company in the middle of devils acre with no way to resolve his trauma can do shit to someone but what about years feeling his sisters guilt, BASIL????? what about how she mustve felt after both her brothers DIED due to their own hubris???????????? what about how she felt she was a bad sister when she literally had to be like their mother with all the baggage she had then actually mother children while thinking her slightly better brother might have been getting better with him saying he was gonna give them info on caul only to see him SIDE WITH CAUL when he had just done something that COULD HAVE HELPED HIS CAUSE and then spitefully capture her and lead them into the mouth of hell OH MY GOD
and how jacob and emma had to deal with his bullshit being all "lets talk over tea!" and waiting for when it was right in the exposition to tell them who he fucking was, then telling them he BASICALLY KILLED JACOBS GRANDPA while giving excuses and them finding out later on that hE KEPT THE SUUL FOR HIMSELF?????? i made some bullshit reason up why he did that for my headcannons but lets be real the only reason they could have at least imagined was that he was planning on using it in the library. the information betrayed them either way and to alma again it was only a stab in the gut because he hurt a guy who was basically her son
overall hes not some aesthetic victimised pookie bear hes a more than flawed man who only did some things to mend his image and cant be excused for what he did and this whole post was basically me shouting at myself
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nikethestatue · 7 months
this fandom might actually be the worst one I’ve seen!! I flip through a bunch of diff ship accounts bc listen, ship whoever you want, personally I am partial to elucien but I can admit there’s a lot of evidence for other ships as well. I like seeing all art for ALL the ships!! But then today I see a post about how we need Gwyn’s book because she is a victim of SA and it would be great to read a book about her healing journey.
Idk maybe it’s just me but I get annoyed when someone is always reduced down to their SA so I pointed out that Rhys & Lucien also had SA trauma and there has been no healing journey for them?? How are we going to fill an entire book for Gwyn?? Like, Sarah doesn’t seem to delve too much into healing journeys from SA (in ACOTAR at least 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk about other series) and tends to use it as a plot point to create a traumatic background character. It’s something that greatly annoys me tbh
And then I got yelled at?? And told to read the books again?? Like yes, I am a new reader, and yes it was a Gwyn Stan account (didn’t know that at the time, I literally just replied for the first time from a post I saw on my for you feed) - but nothing I said was anti-Gwyn (how could it be- she’s one of my favs too???) ?? I vaguely know there’s whatever ship war going on but I didn’t even comment on a ship post and I didn’t mention any other names/ships so I was genuinely confused about why I got yelled at on a post that only mentioned Gwyn.
All I said was I doubt Sarah is going to write an entire book about Gwyn’s healing journey ? It wasn’t even ship related so why did I get so much hate?? no wonder this fandom is filled with such toxicity, nobody new is allowed to join even casually unless they earn their masters degree of 16000 pages of analysis (apparently reading the books isnt enough?) and so it’s just filled with the same bitter people since whenever these books came out
Maybe bc I acknowledged I didn’t see her as a main character - because she’s not? She’s very much a side character but who cares? She’s still a favorite of mine? Two things can be possible at once, people!!!
Anyways, tldr I got a slap on the wrist and told I don’t know SJM if I think Gwyn is a side character and I’m just like ok I didn’t say she couldn’t be one later but based on the one book she is in… she is a side character?
I hate this mf fandom I should’ve stayed out of it. What did I even do?? I even apologized if anything I said about Rhys or Lucien was untrue?? And now I’m just annoyed because I should still be able to debate theories about my favorite books with people even if I don’t spend 24/7 reading PowerPoints on ship wars??
They got mad because you were right. That's it.
SJM doesn't write post-SA healing journeys. Again, you were right.
We've had male and female characters who were SAed, in TOG, Lysandra and Fenrys come to mind, in ACOTAR it's Rhys and Lucien and Gwyn, in CC it was Lidia (similar situation as Rhys/Lucien).
These aren't books for deep exploration of post-SA healing. I am sorry. This is an incredibly tough subject, without a singular answer. SO anything she'd do, wouldn't be taken well. Some will say 'too quick!' others will say 'not quick enough!' and everyone will have an opinion. The only reason Nesta got an extended healing (and not from SA) was because SJM used the same methods she used for her own issues. Working out, meditation, being with friends, balancing the physical and the mental, relying on her SO. Beyond that, all of SJMs 'healing' is training and being in love. Or nothing at all.
Gwynriels cant accept the fact that Gwyn is a secondary character. She is not more important than Emerie, or Mor, or anyone else, who's had terrible trauma. Her main was Nesta. Nesta's healed and Gwyn is secondary to Nesta. Gwyn's healing journey is over. She because stronger mentally and physically, she trained, she reached and conquered her 'mountain'. and that is all she needed to do.
They dont want to understand and accept that no one is interested in an 800 page of Gwyn's post-SA healing journey. Even they aren't. That's the truth. They want her with Azriel. Getting it on, having sex, being mated. They don't want to read any 'healing journey'. They want her going on missions, swinging her sword, being a badass, being with Azriel, having Gwynriel sex and having a normal fantasy heroine book. it's all performative. They just want Gwynriel. Is all.
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canonically47 · 4 months
I'd love to hear you rank all the All Stars from fave to least fave (and why)
i'll do least fave to fave since theres more to hate in this season, but here we go:
18. yul. idc how bad tom and jake get, riya can annoy me all she wants, alec could commit a crime and drastically drop down in my rankings, AND YUL WOULD STILL BE AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY DC LIST!!!!!!
i just... despise him. he has brought nothing of substance in any of his seasons and hes just homophobic, fatphobic and racist constantly. the only thing that annoys me more than yul are his fans defending him because hes FiCtIoNaL and because its fUnNy. bunch of idiots
17. jake. i dont like jake. fuck jake. he and tom used to be so high up in my list but oh how the mighty have fallen, i can barely remember a time when i was genuinely excited for their arc, now whenever i see them on screen i just beg for their scene to end as quickly as possible
16. tom. only higher than jake because he has a fun character arc in s1 and i love his design so much it redeems him a smidge in my head
15. hunter. so forgettable. idgaf about that emo white boy
14. ally. same as hunter but more annoying. ill give her a pass and place her higher because she was actually fun in s1. now shes just a whiny bitch whose gone from wah wah hunter doesnt listen to me to wah wah jake sucks
13. ashley. even more forgettable but at least shes bearable
12. tess. wait who? oh the prettier and more chill ally?? WAIT SHES IN THE SEASON???? oh wait shes gone? oh no!! anyways
11. lake. s2 is altogether very forgettable and i remember not giving a fuck about anything that had to do with her character arc. i wish we either got rosa maria back, or she got an actual arc in DCAS, but hey tomjake need to make up sooo... yeah.
10. riya. higher than lake because shes not forgettable but i still dislike her. her voice annoys me, her strategies are jus petty drama. her character design is awesome tho and i like her friendship with alec.
9. miriam. oh how the mighty have fallen. they had her here for four episodes yet they still managed to massacre her character in that time, incredible. ranked so high because her s1 self was awesome and my fav alongside alec and... tom <//3
8. connor. the fact that he is so high up should tell you a lot about the attrocity that is this season. not that i ever hated him, i just dgaf about him. this season did absolutrly nothing to make me root for him and he was useless as always, but when you have riya and yul in the same team as him, suddenly i want him to make finale. connor confuses me because jhst like fiore, he was clearly brought back to reconcile with someone (riya and alec respectively) yet he was barely given relevance or screen time and then they just eliminated him. because TOM AND JAKE GUYS!!! THEYRE STILL HERE!!! anyways yeah connor. wow
7. aiden. i used to have such deep and fun feelings about aiden and now hes just there to be toms friend. you would think getting james out gained him some independence, he would get a fun character arc outside of anyone else, but nope, hes not independent just decided to pull the lamest bitch ever. someone take him out already
6. fiore. so sad to see her so low but she was absolutely useless this season. if she doesnt come back then this show is fucked. her whole character arc built up to a reconciliation with alec yet it... never happened. radio silence. the season is still ongoing but my hopes ended with season 2
5. james. it is laughable that someone from season 2 (the second worst season) who i initially despised both for awful acting and bad morals is in the top 5 of a season he was eliminated first in but hey DCAS is really annoying me. so yeah. james!!! i miss james. do you guys think james could come back and just fucking kill jake. thatd be cool. love you james miss you sm
4. gabby. her villain arc could prove so fun but the fact that tess went all flower power at her elimination and forgave gabby for her actions might make gabby back out of her villainy which I DO NOT CARE FOR!!! I WANT MY EVIL GABBY FUCK YOU!!! anyways fun fact i also dislike gabbys voice actress because she thinks YELLING REALLY FUCKING LOUDLY = excitement so that made me dislike gabby for a long time. so now there are two characters in the top 5 whom i originally disliked. something about two nickels
3. grett. my love, she has done nothing wrong ever, my sweet little creature, my adorable cutsie patootsie, FUCKING DUMP YUL ALREADY OH MY GODDD her. i love her, ive loved her since the very beginning, i always rooted for her, if she doesnt make finale then this is rigged
2. ellie. my wife,,,, the way they treated you is abysmal come heal im my arms take as much time as you need,,, "oh but she bad-mouthed everyone on the show" IDC SO HAVE I GOOD FOR HER!!! GIRL FUCK EVERYONE THATS NOT IN MY TOP 7 IDC I EVEN AGREE WITH WHAT SHE SAID ABOUT MY FAVS!!! yall want more complex female characters but cannot handle ellie,,,, so weird to me that this trainwreck of a show has her in it someone free her
1. alec. is anyone surprised? ive loved alec since the first moment i saw him. he was the first decent, not over the top actor i heard, the best personality, the best arc, the best relationships. if he doesnt make finale then i WILL be upset because he deserves it and always has. that finale was bullshit and they pulled that thing with fiore and alec strictly for shock value. i miss them,, anyways ALEC!!! HE IS THE DISVENTURE CAMPER EVER!!!!!!! NEVER RUINED NEVER MISCHARACTERIZED PLEASE GODS ABOVE STOP GIVING ONC CRACK AND STEER THEM AWAY FROM COMMITING WRONGS AGAINST ALEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
side note: top three can sometimes mix depending on mood but they remain the same three characters just different positions sometimes :3
thanks for the ask this was fun and as you see i am so normal
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trophyposting · 1 year
TROPHY HEADCANONS bc i am spinning him around in my mind 24/7
•he LOVES studio ghibli movies bc of the art. he saw some of the residents watching ponyo in the lobby and he did that thing where he just stood in one place not sitting down to watch it bc he didnt wanna seem like he liked it. but he does. his favorite scenes art-wise are the big zoomed out landscapes and that one scene in ponyo where the town is underwater
•he cries like super easily (see waffling about and this post) and he doesnt even have to be very upset either it just kind of happens. crybaby ass
•he is an (probably undiagnosed) adhd-haver. i dont really have any evidence for this i just feel it in my bones
•he has NPD. i do have evidence for this one actually but that would be a whole post on its own honestly
•eventually his interest in photography extends to an interest in things he likes to photograph (eg. plants/flowers and butterflies)
•when clover comes to the island trophy ends up photographing (and by extension hanging out with) her a lot because she's, like, supernaturally photogenic and trophy loves how photos of her turn out. they become friends :-)
•he actually does genuinely dominate at dodgeball bc it involves two of his favorite things: 1. violence and 2. targeting the most autistic people he can find. cheesy just happened to throw him off with that joke about balls (also one of his favorite things)
•there's gotta be like some actual psychological warfare shit going on between trophy and tissues bc not only are they both petty bitches (more accurately tissues is a petty bitch and trophy is quick to anger and holds grudges which creates a self-perpetuating cycle of bitchiness) and they also spent like,., months in a closet together which is of course a recipe for disaster. in the case of limegold they're like that post about having sex by standing on opposite sides of the room fully-clothed trying to explode each other with their minds
•if trophy and cabby met i think they would actually hit it off bc he loves talking about himself and cabby loves knowing things about people. i even think he would be understanding of her memory issues bc his adhd ass would be like "? you forget things sometimes? hey me too dw abt it" bc like. even if her memory problems are more severe than his he still, like, understands yk (i do NAWT CARE if this is ooc they mean everything. 2 me)
•if trophy and silver spoon met silver spoon would dislike him for being "uncivilized and uncouth" and trophy would dislike him for being a snob. i love the aesthetic of those two as a duo but sadly i can't imagine them befriending each other
•he's probably from some totally obscure and random state in the midwest. like, iowa or nebraska or something. minnesota perhaps
•he kind of knows, at least on some level, that his decision-making skills aren't. great. that knowledge has not and never will stop him from continuing to make questionable decisions
•he loves relaxing and being alone, probably more than anyone would expect. he does have a workout regimen as fan said but working out is really more of a meditative and stress-relieving activity for him even if he isn't really fully aware of it. this is also (at least part of the reason) why he loves photography
•he kind of hates sleeping in his room bc of tissues' sneezing so he's developed insomnia and kind of just. wanders around at night. when he does get tired he just falls asleep in random places, usually on the couch in the lobby but sometimes he just. passes out on the floor
•that is. it :-)
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millieewilliee · 4 months
So here’s more on the girl I was talking abt 😭
I genuinely didn’t think anyone would see it or like ever reply 😭
So one time after I met up with my boyfriend for one of the first times me and her went to town and went for a walk. We would do this nearly every day and we had a great time.
So first I just want to say I would never really get attention from boys at school or anything because I’m a very quiet person and I keep to my self , boys where I’m from don’t like that in a girl and prefers them to be loud and popular so I wouldn’t get like “noticed” ig this feels so cringey to say abt myself omg 😭 but I’ve never been to a teenage disco idk if they’re things outside Ireland and maybe England but basically in Ireland atleast where I’m from the whole point of going is to get with some one this is basically like shifting a load of people in one night and like you’d wear small tight dresses. I don’t look down on people who go like it’s just not for me yk?
But anyways she goes to all these and she gets with as many boys (or girls depends on her mood) as she can. I never said anything bad to her abt it cuz it’s not my business and if it made her happy that’s all that I cared abt. But I met up with her after I met up with my boyfriend. My boyfriend was my first like really boyfriend and my first kiss. So she asked me yk if I shifted him and I was like really excited and I was like yaa and then she goes omg I got with so many boys when we went out and I was like ooo did u know anyway and yk just asking her abt it and just being nice abt it and something came up abt first kisses and I said Jesus I’ve only kissed Brian (my boyfriend) and she turns to me dead serious and goes are u calling me a slut cuz I get with so many lads. I was like what are u talking abt 😭 I didn’t even imply that I was just saying I’ve only ever kissed one person and every one else has kissed at least 3 I wasn’t saying to look down on anyone I was only saying it cuz he’s my first kiss and I was like omg like I’ve only kissed one person in a Jesus that’s miserable kind of way not omg ew u kiss who u can kind of way 😭please tell me yk what I mean 😭
So when ever I would talk abt my boyfriend she would always get like jealous over it cuz like one time we were walking into school and she asked me abt him and then goes like how do YOU have a boyfriend and I don’t I was like what’s that supposed to mean like she hates the fact that I have a boyfriend cuz yk I was never seen that way by boys when she kind of has an attention problem with boys like she always has to have one of them looking at her and all her friends are the same. I dont mean to sound like a pick me or anything that’s not my intention but that was another reason we stopped being friends cuz like all her friends were big attention seekers like always had to have a boy looking at them and yk just really loud and annoying im not trying to be a bitch but it’s true sorry.
Again sorry this is long but if ye want like more I have more so if ur interested lmkkk
Thank youuu xxxx
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bookbitchx · 3 months
Hello again 😊 I knew i was gonna love chatting with u hehe
These are things that makes me wish anyone else would've written ACOTAR tbh. Her lack of planning and her retconning of characters so that she remains politically correct in current political climates is gross. It's been a pattern I've noticed, but it makes sense considering shes a zionist, but anyway 🥱
I do enjoy the world that she made and I think its an interesting concept to view a centuries old clusterfuck like the IC through a 20 yearold lense. But I wish it had a morsel of taste. Each of the books in this series left me wanting more, especially rereading as an adult.
So to compensate for the parts of the books I hate I just pretend its not upsetting me by psychoanalyzing the characters 😂 Rhys is one that I have a love/hate relationship with for that reason. He is genuinely one of the worst love interests ive seen be this popular in a long time and he has made the worst choices i have ever seen written and then defended by the author.
Feyre however, I would argue is his perfect partner for how awful he is after SF and CC3. But I wish a better author had written this book so we could've seen a decent redemption or a proper Rhysand villain arc. I think this series would've been so much more interesting crossover wise if it had been with tog and had been a mock feysand villain arc. Maeve has daemati powers, so making her an ancestor of Rhysand's through the HL bloodline would've made sense. Hybern could've been a mock villain to lure the reader into a false sense of security and think maybe the NC ARE good guys?
Nesta and Elain join Aelin's circle to take them down after they attempted to seize the dread trove for themselves under Amren's advice, (they dont like her having it clearly). And the emotional climax of the series is Feyre leaving him and joining her sisters, which leads Rhys to pull a tamlin by in turn going to koshei. Could even get Bryce quinlan in to fullfill a life debt to Nesta by using the horn and Feyre's fire powers to give Aelin her magic back somehow, and nesta never has her magic taken back by the cauldron?????? The cauldron had Amren in it and it should've been written that she had to sacrifice her true Daglan immortality to be with Varian. Boom full fucking circle.
But nope, we have Miss Maas.
thanks janet for ruining what couldve been my favorite thing >:^(
but a part of me hopes the Elucien book will include Tamlin's side of the story and Elain confronts Feysand for their *waves arms* everything. And taking Nesta and the Valkyries with them, they deserve better. it wont happen tho, so I'll read fanfic instead.
Heyy again!
I get where you're coming from. I liked book 1, the way Feyre (and us, in a way) was discovering the SC and a little bit of Prythian as a whole, and I liked Feyre, who was this badass huntress, who had her own opinions, doing what needs to be done, etc... I mean, she went UTM knowing full well she wasn't coming out alive, but she still did it bc it was right, and she wanted to save her man.
Where THAT Feyre went, I'll never know.
As you said, It's an interesting concept seeing everything through a 20 year old's eyes, or it would've been for me if she hadn't started taking everything they said as truth.
Even though I haven't read any CC books yet, my friend spoiled CC3 that Nesta didn't actually lose her powers? That it was more of a bargain with the Couldron, but yeah, it would've been interesting to see crossovers between the series. I think Aelin, Manon, and maybe Lysandra would absolutely despise Rhysand. I would a 100% read a fic with what you described.
As for the Elucien book, like I hope she does good by Lucien because he, out of all the characters, deserves it.
I'm not holding my breath on Elain ever confronting Feysand bc as Rhysand once said, 'Elain is Elain', but a girl can hope.
Also, if Nesta and the valkyries ever become one of Rhysand's legions, I'm pulling a one woman riot before burning the book.
On another note, feel free to DM if you want to continue the conversation or if you're more comfortable this way, I don't mind that either.
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starfleetwitch · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @technicallywrite
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Holby City (Berena)
Doctor who / UNIT (Kate Stewart, Sarah Jane Smith, Ace, Tegan and Osgood)
Worst Witch (Miss Hardbroom)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Still Beating
The Gift
Happy Anniversary
Happy New Year Mrs and Mrs Wolfe
Operation: Steal your girl
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do my very best because I appreciate every single one of them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Its probably a toss up between Hush Little Baby , Happy Anniversary and The Ghost of Tomorrow
However, I am on the very CUSP of posting a new fic that even I'm like 'Oh my god... do you just dead ass hate happiness?' 😂
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm genuinely looking through my fics like... Omg I really do hate happiness. But alas, it was between The Gift and She's Not You and I feel like She's Not You wins because you technically had to read through trauma before it got there
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on fics no. I once got hate on artwork though. The commenter said I should be ashamed and what would Elisabeth Sladen's family think about the fact I'd drawn Sarah Jane kissing another woman... Jokes on the commenter though cause Elisabeth Sladen's IRL daughter recently posted the artwork in question on her instagram because she was basically like HECK YEAH, GO FOR IT MUM! 😂
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Me? Write smut? I don't even... I... WHAT IS SMUT?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm currently writing a long ass fic that crosses over with SEVERAL fandoms within the Jemma Redgrave Multiverse just so I can make a 'We don't talk about Bruno' reference
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Technically yes but it was never published. I DID illustrate fics for a couple of people though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Berena... with a side order of Kate Stewart just getting her some from anyone and everyone apparently. Womans been through a lot man... she just needs herself some comfort.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The multiverse fic with the we dont talk about Bruno reference 😂
Nah for real I'm gonna say Still Beating. Bernies been bleeding out on the trauma unit floor for 4 years now, maybe more. Even if I DO get round to finishing it, it wont be what I wanted it to be. I had a lot of avenues to go down with the ex husband being involved in her treatment and recovery and now I've lost a bit of heart in it that I might cut that section out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh. I... don't know. I don't know if I actually have any, I just write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I compare myself to other writers and I get really frustrated when I cant write poetically like them. When I read their work I really FEEL an emotional connection. I read slowly just to savour the words because they're so delicious and I'd LOVE to know how to do write like that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it calls for it... ok? I don't understand the question. I didn't know this was an issue I needed to have thoughts on.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
1998 Worst Witch. I started as I meant to go on. Inflicting trauma on my favs with no real plan to bring them out of it 😂
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh don't make me choose my favourite child! I enjoyed writing Still Beating but I'm gonna say Operation: Steal your girl cause I just had SO MUCH FUN with it and the comments make me believe others also had fun reading it 😂
RIGHT! On to the taggy tags: @akaanonymouth @seahorsepencils @ktlsyrtis @colourmestoked04 @defo-not-sfw
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