#if only the drums were green and the guitar was blue and the keyboard was pink . that would be so funny
sonknuxadow · 7 months
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jukoduko · 3 months
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Redesigns of Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails for Sonic Underground: Back in Action!
Bit of lore about the new medallions for ya'll: The medallions of Sonic Underground: Back in Action (SUBIA) now take the place of the chaos emeralds. Each medallion stores its own power and instrument, with each being tied to one specific person Queen Aleena - The Microphone Medallion (Silver) Sonic - The Guitar Medallion (Blue) Manic - The Drum Medallion (Green) Sonia - The Keyboard Medallion (Pink) Tails - The Organ Medallion (Orange) Knuckles - The Saxophone Medallion (Red) Amy - The Bass Medallion (Cyan) Queen Aleena, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy all either had their medallions passed down to them or found them on their own. The triplets (Sonic, Manic, and Sonia) were gifted them at birth due to the prophecy. The caveat however, is that the triplets can only use their medallions when in harmony.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
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pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
summary: where charles met loire for the first time
word count: 2.4k
warnings: none
note: i am sooooo excited for you to read this, i hope you are too
masterlist / taglist
The wind blew through her hair and made it hard for her to see. Her eyes were blinking fast trying to stay open. She breathed in and then out, closed her eyes for a second and opened them again to see the plaza before her. She looked at the people; there was a guy with a baby blue shirt on, his belly was huge and he was licking away on an ice cream. Next to him was standing a rather timid woman, her green maxi skirt was flowing in the wind and she looked at the man. Children were playing around and parents were sitting on the benches. Next to her was a young woman with shaggy dyed blonde hair. Her smile was huge and showed her withe teeth. In front of her was a cajon; a wooden box you could drum on. Next to her was her best friend Chelsea waiting to busk the place away.
The guitar in her hand was suddenly heavy. She felt the weight in her arms, how the strap did almost nothing to support the weight of the guitar. The microphone stood before her, long and proud and just waited to be used. The speakers, one on each side of them waited patiently, at least it seemed like it.
She brushed some hair out of her face and turned to look at Chelsea. Her eyes searched her green ones. „When do you think they’re coming? Shouldn’t they be here already“ Nervousness laced through her voice. She looked once more at the people, to see if anyone was waiting inpatient for them to start playing. Chelsea only shrugged - she wished she had her carelessness.
Chelsea was a woman who was never stressed, there was not a thing that could bother her - well actually maybe animal cruelty or body shaming or misogyny or homophobia or - you name it. But still, she was a young woman who was just living her life to the fullest.
„Don’t worry Loire, they’re coming“, Chelsea reassured her. She closed her eyes once again, trying to calm down. The breeze was loud around her ears, but she still heard the people talking. She also heard some pigeons or other birds making sounds. She heard the sea crashing against the shore, something she only heard if she really listened to it. Her ears perked up when she heard someone laughing - Milo! It was Milo who was laughing alongside Parker.
I swear to god, if they don’t show up with their instruments I will twist their heads around until it makes that god awful snap sound.
She opened her eyes to look around the plaza to find them walking towards her and Chelsea. Big smiles on their faces and their instruments. Milo carried their keyboard and Parker had his guitar on his back. No murder was going to happen.
Loire smiled when the two approached me them, she couldn’t hold a grudge against them even if she wanted to. They were her best friends, how could she ever be mad at them. Milo went and hugged Loire, whispering their apology in to her ear. When they moved to Chelsea and kissed her, Parker went up to Loire with a shit eating grin on his face. He didn’t even apologise for being late, he was always late and Loire knew that, but she always worried about them.
„Hello belle, how are you?“, he asked her after their hug. She glared at him, but the small smile tugging around her lips was a give away that she wasn’t actually angry.
They connected Parker’s guitar to the amp, the same with Milos keyboard and they were ready to jam. Expect that the moment Chelsea started counting down, Loire met the most gorgeous eyes she has ever seen; green and full of wonder and curiosity. The face that belonged to the eyes was just as handsome, if not more. His lips pink and curled to a light smile. The stranger looked at her just as much as she was looking at him. Her breath hitched as she realised that he was staring back at her.
The world stopped around her and it seemed like a ray of light was shining down on him. He stopped in his tracks and waited until they started playing.
What kind of romance novel is going on here?
Only then she realised that she was supposed to start singing. She looked apologetic at Chelsea and her other band members and they started again. The tunes of Whole Again by Atomic Kitten started to play. Loire closed her eyes once again, took a deep breath in and started to sing.
When Loire sang, she was in her own world. Nothing mattered and nothing was going on, just her singing and the feeling that music gave her. The tingles through her body and the warm sensation forming in her gut - music was her everything and there’s never gonna be anything that could top this feeling.
Charles was looking at the band. He should’ve already been at his mothers, his yearly haircut was due, but something drew him to them, no, something drew him to her. Her brown eyes, her curls and her smile. Everything he saw was just magnificent, there was no other word that could describe her. And when she started singing, god, he wanted to save her voice and let it play out when he couldn’t sleep. So smooth and easy to listen to. He too had to close his eyes for a moment, the sensation too overwhelming.
Her voice reached his ears and his brain turned the waves into hormones, emotions of you want. Emotions he hasn’t felt in a long time; happiness and love. Charles was content, even just for the moment. Content with his life, with his recent change from Alpha Sauber to Ferrari, he felt content the way his mum cut his hair and the way that Arthur was still cheering him on from the sidelines. Even though his life was mostly purely stressed and so, so heavy, in this moment he felt light. Her voice smoothed him out and whispered new life into his body.
He opened his eyes again, hers still closed. He tried to get a better look at her. He counted 47 freckles on her nose and cheeks, well only from afar. She had 7 loose strands, probably from all the wind. Her mouth moved with the words and he saw the slight gap between the two front teeth - so little, people mostly didn’t notice, but Charles did. He was fascinated by her. The way her arms were stretched out and moved with the music. The bat wings her sleeves created. The way she smiled at the lyrics and just sang carefree. Her body looked like she would start to dance any second - and he was prepared to dance with her.
The music stopped and she opened her eyes again, he was still shamelessly starring at her and she blushed. The rose colour slowly started to creep up her neck and finally reached her cheeks. Charles noticed how she couldn’t stand his gaze anymore. The drummer started to count again and Loire was mouthing something. Charles snapped out of his haze and listened to her words.
„Merci, thank you all for listening to us! We’re Jehanne and this is an original song.“
Loire risked a glance at the handsome stranger, only to realise that he was still starring at her. Her heart was beating hard in her chest. It almost raced. Why should this absolute god of a man stare at her? But there was no time to think such thoughts, as Chelsea already started the beat of their very first own song; Look at us now (Honeycomb). Chelsea wrote the song the evening she met Milo. She was head over heals for them. So that evening when she came home from her hike - where she met Milo - she wrote it down in ten minutes, ran over to Loire’s appartement and showed her the lyrics. Loire instantly had a melody in mind and grabbed her guitar.
It turned into a whole writing session. The two sat on the ground, Loire with her guitar in her hand and Chelsea with her pen and book in front of her. When Loire first sang the chorus, Chelsea started to cry, which she almost never did, well not in front of people. Loire knew it wasn’t a song to be sung alone, so she asked Chelsea who she wrote it about. And she told her about this person she met on her hike and how they looked so good but so shy at the same time. And how she went up to them and just chatted about the view and how they instantly clicked. The world was not moving the moment Milo and Chelsea met for the first time. Chelsea told Loire how Milo played the keys and how his friend Parker, who was struggling to move up the mountain, played the guitar and how they were looking for some people to jam. That’s when Loire knew, that she had to sing the song with Milo - and that they had to start a band.
Parker laughed when Milo told him about the idea Chelsea pitched them. Start a band with two complete strangers? Yeah, no. But Milo reasons with how Chelsea was their love of their life and how they would meet Loire either way. And how they could finally persuade their dream of playing music together. But Parker still only laughed, until he heard Loire sing for the first time. His reaction was similar to Charles‘ right now. Amazed and star struck. He instantly agreed. Loire gave Parker her chords to Honeycomb and they started to arrange them to fit his playing style. Chelsea and Milo started on the arrangement on the keyboard and after about two hours, they had a song worth recording.
„We unraveled a long time ago
We lost and couldn't let it go
I wish it was easy but it isn't so“, he heard her sing. And he felt the lyrics deep in his chest, even though he couldn’t place why he felt them, he still did. He saw her eyes scan the people around him, trying hard not to look at him. He saw how her eyes got stuck on a figure behind him. He slowly looked around and saw a young woman standing there and even though the temperature reached a high of 27°C that day, she was still wearing black jeans and a long sleeve. He turned back around to look at Loire, only to notice the watery eyes and the pain in her voice.
Loire didn’t think she would show up. She thought she would never see her again, after what she said to her. She thought Freya scrambled away and planned her getaway long before it all happened. And she was sorry, sorry for the way she spoke to her and sorry how she treated her. But she was glad she was there, it might be a good sign. A sign she would join the band again. But Loire didn’t want to get her hopes up, after all what she’d done.
„I swear to god Freya, grow the fuck up. Did you really think I would want to have a serious relationship with you?“ It was the last thing Loire said to Freya. It happened after they had made a demo and the last song they recorded was Honeycomb. Freya had asked Loire if the lyrics were about her, but Loire only laughed. She didn’t laugh because she found it funny that Freya would think that, no, she laughed because she thought she knew it was the love song for Chelsea and Milo. But Freya caught the laugh as a threat and now at something nice.
„You know what? Fuck you, Loire. I thought we had something, seriously, all the dinners and the kisses“, Freya screamed at Loire, deep in her heart she knew that her and Loire would never work out, that’s why it hurt much more as the reality became the truth.
In the end, everyone knew Freya would join the band once again, as she never really left it. She only had to find her calmness again before she could face the reality once again.
Charles sensed some uneasiness between the two, but forced himself to only pay attention to the singer in front of him. He ignored the ringing in his jeans. He ignored the looks and whispers he received. And he also ignored the time. The only thing that mattered was Loire. And as they finished their set, he was determined to talk to her. With long strides and a smug look on his face, he made his way over to her, but his facade all crumbled when she first smiled at him. His legs turned into pudding and his heart started beating. What does this woman do to him?
„Hi there“, she smiled at him. She wasn’t unfamiliar with people approaching her after a busking set, but this time it was different, this time it was Charles who approached her and not some people.
He smiled shyly at her and raised his hand to wave. She smiled at him in return. Charles wanted to open his mouth and say how much her voice touched him, but he just couldn’t find the right words. And as he finally had them laid out in front of him, he finally noticed the constant ringing of his phone in his pocket. He excused himself to answer the phone.
The voice yelled at him and even Loire could pick up a few words, such as; get down here, now! and, if you think you won’t get away with it, you’re wrong. He completely forgot his mission and took off. But he hoped she would be there tomorrow too and that he could talk to her then. Only to find out that she wasn’t there the next day, and the day after. And as he had to travel to the next race, he had long forgotten why he had wandered to that plaza that weekend.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @whatthefuckerr
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Fan Behaviour
As they waited for the band to take the stage, Yn stood tapping her foot to some warm-up music. As the band made its way to the centre of the platform, Yn watched as a blonde older male walked onto the stage and said, "Now welcome the one and only Feral Boys." His voice echoed throughout the auditorium, making all the girls scream.
Yn rolled her eyes as her friend, a die-hard fan of the band, screamed and shook her, they had somehow secured two front-row tickets and backstage passes. Yn examined the five boys, who included two brown-haired guys, a blonde, and two black-haired males. 
The short black haired male sat behind a set of navy blue drums near the back of the stage,  still in view, the other black haired male stood to the left of the blonde with a baby blue quitar that had darker blue flames.
If Yn knew her quitars, which she did, one of the brown haired males stood on the right side of the blonde, holding a bright orange electric quitar with a sort of lava design, a Jackson SLX Soloist Electric Guitar. Yn glanced at the other brown haired male who stood behind a purple keyboard. Yn hated to admit it, but they were all pretty, especially the blonde in the middle holding a green mic.
He had a low-cut dark green shirt with a leather jacket over it and black ripped jeans, and his eyes were the prettiest blueish green with brown around the pupils. His blonde hair was long but didn't quite cover his eyes. He swiftly surveyed the audience with a huge smile showing off his pearly fangs, "hello ladies and of course gents," his voice rang out over the crowd, making them scream once again and having Yn roll her e/c eyes, something she had been doing a lot tonight.
"Well, because some of you are so excited, we're going to take this show on the road." Yn felt eyes on her and looked up to meet the blonde's gaze. "Isn't he so hot?" her friend exclaimed in her ear. Yn was confused  "Dream he's the blonde.".As the band began to play and the blonde -Dream began to sing, Yn nodded.
Yn wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was quite attractive.
Yn spent much of her time playing with her oversized hoodie and occasionally disappearing to the restroom, but she was really out back the building smoking (reminder: smoking is bad, it's just for the storyline, please don't start :(  ) Yn was sitting against the chilly brick wall behind the building, smoking, when the door opened, revealing the band.
"Bro, there was one girl in the crowd who was just so pretty," He said as Yn sat and listen them talk. Yn shrank farther into the wall as she recognised the voice of the lead singer, Dream. "Yeah, what did she look like," the male, later identified as Sapnap, said as he gave her a wink and then returned his attention to his best friend.
"She had h/c h/l hair and the prettiest e/c eyes, and she was dressed in an oversized black sweatshirt with grey jeans and platforms," Dream explained. "That the girl?" Sapnap elbowed Dream and motioned to Yn. Sapnap inquired, his tone cocky.
Yn pushed herself up the wall as she and Dream locked eyes. Yn dashed to the entrance and ran inside, looking for her friend "Aria!" "Yn what are you doing, we still have the backstage tickets," Yn ignored her friend and continued to pull her till she planted her feet firmly and ripped her wrist from Yn's grasp. "Dream said he had the hots for me," Yn whispered shouted, causing Aria to roll her blue eyes. "Sure he did, and I didn't sleep with your ex," Aria said. Yn's eyes glistened up with tears and she staggered away as Aria spoke. "W-what?" Yn mumbled.
Yn kept backing up till her back met someone's chest and arms wrapped around her. "Is there a problem here ladies?"  a british voice inquired from beside Yn, prompting Yn to turn to her side and see one of the band members, -George, or Gogy as the band called him.
"No, just a selfish bitch being selfish," Yn grumbled, glaring at Aria Yn shook her head, causing a couple tears to fall and splash on the floor and onto the arm of the person holding her. "Oh please, at least I'm not the one acting all innocent and shit grow.up.Yn,"  Yn shook free of the arms that had encircled her and marched over to Aria, smacking her across the face. "I hope you choke on the next dick you suck," she said. Before storming passed Aria.
Yn heard some people ooing behind her but didn't stop, and she found herself leaning against the building again, her lips around yet another cigarette. "Hey, are you okay?" Yn smiled sweetly at the man, "im doing just fine," she said before taking a drag from her cigarette, making Karl narrow his eyes "smoking is bad you know," he remarked, making Yn chuckle. 
As soon as the door opened, Sapnap ran up to Karl and kissed him on the forehead. Yn raised an eyebrow at Karl, who blushed "oh hey Yn" Yn nodded "Sapnap" Sapnap grinned at Karl before returning his focus to Yn "so where's your lover Yn" "I don't have one," Yn shrugged and grimaced. "Of course you do," Sapnap rolled his eyes, a cheeky grin on his face.
"oh yeah" Yn said, rolling her eyes. "yeah" Sapnap smirked and wiggled his brows. "Who is it then?" Yn pressed. "His name starts with a Dre and ends with am" Karl taunted Yn, making Yn's cheeks light up with a pink tint. "He doesn't like me" Yn muttered as she drew her knees to her chest and crossed her arms over them, burying her face in her elbows. "I'm sure he does," Yn froze as he heard Dream's voice. Why was he listening in on the conversation and when did he arrive? Yn's heart slammed against her chest.
Dream knelt down in front of Yn, removing the cigaratte from her palm and putting it out on the sidewalk, causing Yn to narrow her eyes at him. She lowered her legs and froze as a set of lips landed onto hers. As she closed her eyes and lean into it, Yn's heart raced faster than any race car could. The cold metal of his tonuge piercing didnt go unnoticed by Yn.
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aye yo racing au next? but with Quackity bc i dont write much for the shorty?
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
“Under An Autumn Moonlight” Damirae Fic
Part: 1
Normally Raven Roth wouldn’t find herself in places like these. An abandoned warehouse, just outside the outskirts of Gotham, smelling of cheap booze and a thick grey fog covering the tall ceiling with cigarette smoke. Too many people were closed in together, leaving little to no room at all to walk through. No, she wouldn’t, Raven rather be spending her Friday nights back at her dorm room curled up in bed reading a good book, getting started on next week’s homework before it even has been assigned, or just stream the latest show on Netflix. Unfortunately for her, Raven had lost an argument to her friend Donna Troy. It started with a little discussion that Raven doesn’t go out much throughout her first three years of college. Now that she was a senior, about to graduate Gotham University, one of the most prestige schools in the country. Donna exclaimed Raven had to start living! Whatever that meant.
Raven countered she hanged with both Donna and their third friend Jinx plenty of times. Though Donna explained that Raven needed more than friends, she needed a boyfriend.Long story short, Raven caved in by asking Donna to back down from her love life by agreeing to accompany her to this warehouse, where Jon -Donna’s boyfriend- was playing with a band. Raven didn’t know much but from what she heard from Donna and Jon, is that his band were known as The Titans. Raven wished she had done some research beforehand; she liked all genre of music but there were times she would catch Jon’s singing whenever he stayed over at Donna’s room. Let’s just say it isn’t the most pleasant sound to hear unmelodic screaming. She hoped not all the band sang like him or else she feared her ears would pop.
Coming back to the present, Raven felt Donna grabbed her arm and pulled her through the thick crow towards the stage. They stood before a wooden stage, looked rackety and almost at the verge of disintegrate if someone dared jumped on it. There were reds and white light fixtures chained on top, fixated on the center of the stage, illuminated three instruments already set up. A set of drums in the back, on the right side of the stage a keyboard, and on the left an red and white electric guitar. On either side of the stage stood some red very worn out curtains, probably that’s where the band members would emerge.
The Titans; were asked to do an opening song to introduce the other bands playing that night, or so she was told by Donna. According to Jon, The Titans had done some live performances already but never at this magnitude and if the band delivered well, they will be able to perform regularly at the warehouse like any other band playing later that night.
Raven was about to ask Donna, what Jon’s part was when the lights went dark and the crowd went silent.
When the lights came back four young men were standing on stage. Three of them were facing the instruments that had been there before. The one behind the drums was wearing some round black shades, with a dark navy-blue jean jacket, his blue shirt underneath with a giant red ‘s’. The keyboard had a man dressed in a complete dark blue denim outfit with black streaks on the sides of his thighs and arms. Behind the electric guitar stood a green hair dude in a white and red jumpsuit with dark green shades. Finally, the one standing right in front of Raven, was wearing a whole outfit of black leather. He had his back turned and his arms crossed from what she could tell. Just then the lights dimmed and someone off-staged shouted through a mic:
“Ladies and gentlemen. I give you The Titans!”
And the music started. First a few notes from the keyboard, then the drummer joined. The first singer; Raven could only assume finally turned; his eyes were covered with a sharp winged domino mask. He brought the mic to his lips and started:
“Hey, you. Yeah, I am looking at you,
You’re the most beautiful being I see,
Let me show you the world through my eyes,
I will show you oceans, lands, and endless blue Skies,
Girl, there something
I see in your eyes
That you can’t disguised
Don’t try to lie~”
The electric guitar joined.
“Hey – hey
Either text or call
you can reach me,
Girl, this is just the start
You will be mine in fall
But wait, I am getting ahead,
Let’s focus in the now than the future,
Sun’s gone down; do you know what’s the time?
Well no matter for I have the answer
It’s the start of the night,
And babe let me tell you,
The night is ours,
under the beautiful moonlight
Under the moonlight we can be lovers
Let’s dream of the tomorrow
Cuz I don’t wanna do anything else
But bring you all the worldly pleasures
Under the moonlight, my feelings will be true
Hear as my heart beats just for you,
Babe, you’re the air I need to breathe
My feelings no longer I can conceal
Under the moonlight, my heart is yours
For so long I roamed this plane all alone
But having you by my side! Alone I am no more
In you I have found a home…”
Raven couldn’t believer her eyes or her ears! The drummer was jumping into some syllables and he sounded like Jon! But he sounded better. Raven continue to be entranced by everyone’s playing but her gaze kept returning to the main singer who stood in the center of the stage. His voice was almost ethereal, a soft melody that fitted perfectly with the metalcore type of music they were gearing towards. It was so serene that Raven felt she was transported to another plane of existence. At she continues to watch their performance, Raven could have sworn the singer had locked eyes with her for a brief moment before jumping into the second chorus of the song. Probadly her eyed were playing tricks on her, there’s no way she would be noticed among the crowd.
Donna grabbed her arm very tightly and looked at Raven with a huge grin urging her to cheer for the band. Raven smiled at her and shouted at the top of her lungs along with everyone else in the room.
-- -- -- --
“Wow! Give them a hand folks! The Titans performing their song ‘Under the Moonlight.’” The same off-stage announcer said through the speakers hanging from above shouted as The Titans waved at the audience and existed the stage.
“C’mon Rae, let’s go and congratulate Jon!” Donna shouted as she yanked Raven through the crowd towards the backstage. It seemed Donna had been here before and she very carefully navigated them both to the back where a corridor had identical dark wooden doors on either side. Letting Donna lead her, Raven felt an unease consume her. She wasn’t the type to just mingle with anyone and feared she may make a fool of herself in front of Jon’s bandmates. She feared she will be a fool in front of him. The masked singer. She would really like to congratulate him but numerous thoughts were already running through her mind of things that could go wrong.
Both girls stopped before a door, labeled with the band’s name in white paint. Donna knocked lightly before a muffled voice from the inside gave them permission to come in. They stepped in, Donna still grabbing onto Raven’s hand as they saw the guitarist and the keyboard player sitting on a worn-out couch and the drummer standing next to a small round table with an open doughnut box and soft drinks.
“Hiya girls!” The drummer greeted them. That was Jon alright. “Babe, what did you think?”
Donna finally let go of Raven’s arm and ran into Jon’s opened arms. “You were amazing baby!”
Raven just stood there rubbing her arm as she cautiously darted her eyes very quickly around the room to find the masked singer wasn’t here. She let go of a deep sigh and stepped toward Jon, like he was an older comforting brother. That’s how Raven felt, given that she didn’t know who the other two band members sitting down were.
“Pretty amazing Jon. You surprised me.”
Still holding his girlfriend in his arm, Jon chuckled; “ha-ha, thanks Rae. I actually don’t go by my real name here. It’s Superboy.” He then pointed at his two band mates sitting on the couch. “And that’s Beast Boy, Blue Beetle and our leader is-”
“I’m Robin.”
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woodrokiro · 4 years
Do It For the Band, Part One (fic)
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiRuki
Summary: When Tatsuki said she wanted their sophomore album to be the next Rumours, this is NOT what she meant. Band AU. Finally writing this fic idea.
Did Tatsuki once say she wanted one of her band’s albums to be the Japanese version of Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours? Sure. Guilty as charged.
… Did that mean she thought that would include the same chaotic drama of her favorite album? She should’ve… But no. No, she did not.
If she knew what hell was to come, she would very much have preferred they stayed an insignificant, dimly lit coffee shop band to this. She is this close to running away to a wedding cover band, because this is more excruciating than any cheesy rendition of You’re the Inspiration can get.
Chad and Tatsuki are silent as they listen to the track, watching as Ichigo’s jaw tick and his face flush as Rukia’s high notes soar through the studio.
It’s… A really good song, to be sure.
Oh you got stars in your eyes, baby
If you think we could work
I can’t follow your galaxies
Can’t fall for  your smirk
Not this time, not this time…
It’s about broken promises. It’s about not believing someone you love, even if they love you, that it’s gonna work out.
It is very clearly about Ichigo Kurosaki.
Tatsuki shifts her gaze from Ichigo’s reddening face over to the one person he’s glowering at…. Rukia. The petite vocalist lifts her chin at his glare, staring straight back with piercing violet eyes.
Tatsuki just wishes they would make out already.
 The Karakura Soul Society had innocent beginnings… Or: as innocent as an Alt Rock band can be.
Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Chad always kinda knew they wanted to get into music—well, Ichigo and Tatsuki talked about wanting to get into music, while Chad was the one who actually knew how to play a bass guitar—and the two friends finally learned when they were around fourteen. Tatsuki knew she was drums (the choreographed chaos of it was electrifying, and besides… Girls that played drums were hot) and Ichigo figured he’d be lead vocals and guitar.
Ichigo could sing, for damn sure: a low, gravelly tone that could melt girls’ hearts, even if he himself was as obtuse as a rectangle around women.
But what I really like to do, he slurred to her in his garage, Kirin in hand because the idiot was a total lightweight—is write.
And he really did write some incredible songs--at the very least, his lyrics had potential. It started with some weird Shakespearean metaphors and bad rhymes, but everything had a good start that Chad could find a beat for. He only got better, and the coffee shop and dive bar gigs were really receptive, and then the call came from some industry weirdo named Urahara that he was interested in managing their band and well… Things were going good.
That is: until Urahara suggested they get a keyboardist to double as another vocalist.
A female keyboardist, he noted, eyes dark under his green and white striped fedora, would be perfect for your team. I know just the one.
And, yeah, the way he said it was kind of creeptastic… But he did have a point. As great as Ichigo’s voice was, it was missing the harmony a softer, more feminine could contribute.
Convincing Ichigo to at least let the girl audition for them was like pulling a damn tooth.
“I don’t see why we need another person,” he grumbled, leaning his chair back with both feet on the café table. The band was waiting on the girl to arrive at this empty coffee shop, with a lone piano waiting for its player on the stage. “We’ve already got a groove going between the three of us. Why do we need another? When we need a keyboardist can’t we just… I don’t know. Ask for one?”
“Number one: for the love of God and our careers, don’t ever say ‘groove’ again. Number two: stop tipping your chair like that—”she slams her hand up on the seat, causing his chair to throw him upright. It may or may not give her a sadistic thrill when he yelps. “Number three: we need a keyboardist. Period. We can’t just conjure one up with a poof that’s gonna work well for us unless they’re regularly with us. Number four: we could use a female vocalist. We’re an alt rock band. Get over it.”
He scowls at her, but she sips her coffee nonplussed. She’s known him since they both were seven years old; she’s not about to let him throw one of his tantrums now.
From the corner of her eye, she sees him turn to their bassist. “Chad, what do you—”
“Don’t even try, Chad agrees with me n’ Urahara.”
Chad shrugs helplessly and Ichigo rolls his eyes. “Dunno why you guys are even so hard pressed to get this chick. For all we know it’s Urahara combining his artists for gimmick. it’s not even like we know whether she’s good—”
“I’ve been doing this a year, and I’ve been signed with Urahara longer, so…. Yeah. I suppose I’d call myself good. Maybe better than you.”
The whole team turns behind them to look where the soft voice is calling from the cafe’s swing door.
She looks like an eighth grader, Tatsuki thinks before she looks a little harder at the form beneath the baby blue dress and realizes—ah, no. Just short. Her raven hair curls prettily into two low pigtails, and lightly shadowed violet eyes look them each up and down with pursed, pink lips.
She’s cute, for sure.
… But “cute” is definitely not their band’s vibe.
“You’re late,” her bandmate beside her scoffs—at whether he’s thinking the same thing she is or he’s embarrassed to be overheard bitching, she’s not sure.
“I’m not—oh, look! Urahara set up the exact piano I asked for. That’s wonderful.” She floats past them to the stage area, beginning to the fiddle with the said instrument’s keys. “He can be an absolute idiotic pain sometimes, a great manager at others… I’m sure you all know what that’s like. And no I’m not late: on the contrary, I was early. I didn’t see you all enter until about five minutes ago, so I figured I’d wait it out at the park across the street so you could all get settled… So technically: you’re the ones who are late.”
Ichigo grits his teeth, raps his knuckles annoyed on the table. Tatsuki grins. She may not know whether the girl’s a good fit for them, but hey—she’s got guts.
“Soo… What do you got for us?” Tatsuki asks.
The girl says she’s got an original—a ballad called For Hisana, if they don’t mind. The bandmates agree that they don’t.
Ichigo clears his throat stubbornly, anyway.
“Sure, but just a heads up: we’re looking more for a keyboardist… Piano is nice ‘n all, but that’s not really our style.”
“I do both. I’ve just been trained in piano first so… It’s a habit, auditioning with it and all. I can show you what I can do with a keyboard anytime after, if you’re impressed enough with this.”
“…All right.” Ichigo shrugs. “Show us what you got then, pianist.”
“My name’s not ‘Pianist.’” She looks straight at Ichigo, before lowering them back to her keys, and Tatsuki strangely feels like she’s just intruded on something. “It’s Rukia. Rukia Kuchiki.”
Her fingers hit the keys and she starts singing.
She’s… Really good, in a way that the drummer can’t quite describe. Her voice is like a mix between Regina Spektor and Joni Mitchell—all folksy, high notes and yeah that sounds super gimmicky and lame and yeah no definitely not their vibe—
But maybe that’s also why she’d be kind of brilliant.
And the way she plays that piano…
Everyone in rock n’ roll will tell you that a good musician makes love to their instrument, and while she’s always thought the metaphor grimy, Tatsuki knows what they mean. They need to know the ins and outs of whatever they’re playing, for the instrument to be a second limb—for their expressions to be in complete bliss, ecstasy as they play.
Rukia’s face… It’s not quite so explicit as all that. But the way her eyes are dreamy and half-closed, how she bobs her head ever so softly to the heartbreaking beat, her mouth closing delicately over warbly vowels… Sure, with a little more vocal work she could be better, but all in all: she’s wonderful.
Tatsuki turns to Ichigo, about to ask if he’s thinking what she’s thinking but stops dead at his expression.
He’s watching her so… Intensely. His jaw—always so sharp, so tight and ready to grimace—has softened, and his eyes are locked onto this petite woman in a way Tatsuki has literally never, ever seen him look at a woman before.
 He is captivated with Rukia Kuchiki, and she can’t decide whether she’s happy for her friend or panicked for what this means for the band because fucking yikes.
He hums and haws after Rukia leaves, nitpicks when they meet alone with Urahara about how some of her keys were clunky, she needs more vocal training, blah blah blah.
But when the vote is cast, he agrees she needs to be on the team.
And that, Tatsuki pinpoints, is when the beginning of the end started.
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judylicious · 4 years
“I’m glad we both have found back to you.”
Preamble: Sooo... our BluesBrothers Discord Server made me do it. I wrote my first very own fanfic. 😊 It has gotten a lot longer than I intended it to be, so please bear with me, if there’s not too much going on in part 1 but part 2 will follow asap :)
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader (chapter one)
Word Count: 2.060
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies.
Warnings: none
The story takes place before the movie and before Jake went to jail for sticking up a gas station.
It was one of those afternoons Kelsey spent at the Soul Food Cafe at West Maxwell Street. She was sitting at her “regular” table at the window, sipping a cup of coffee and listening to those beautiful tunes from John Lee Hooker and a few other musicians who were performing outside in the streets. Occasionally she took a look at the opened book in her lap but couldn’t seem to focus on anything she read. If only he would stop staring.
Across the room 2 guys were seated dressed like Hasidic diamond merchants, black suit and tie, black hat, black boots, they even wore their dark sunglasses inside. Kelsey wondered if she had seen them before, surely they must have caught her eye. In any case one thing was certain. The taller one was permanently watching her. Although he was wearing his glasses she could feel his eyes on her and it annoyed the young woman to no end. She usually came her after work to relax and calm down but being watched certainly didn’t make that any easy. From the corner of her eye she saw the tall one getting up and walking over to her table. “Hiya, how are you doing? I’ve seen your face a couple of times before.” Slowly the girl turned her head from looking out the window to the man who, without asking, took the seat at the other side of the table. “Err… Hi, thanks I’m… doin’ good?” Was that a question? Get a grip girl “I spend quite a few afternoons here, that’s right. What about you?” As the man spoke the blonde girl took a closer look at him. He was actually kinda cute, well, from what you could see under all those black accessories. “Same here. Me and my brother play in a band”, he said as he pointed to the shorter guy who still sat at their table but gave Kelsey a small nod. “The two guys in the kitchen are also in our band, they work here for some side cash.” She chuckled “Sounds like your band isn’t in great demand then.” He gave her back a little smile “You know some times are easier and some are tougher on us. It ain’t easy out there. But perhaps you’ve heard of us…? The Blues Brothers?” The girl shrugged her shoulders. “Well, one more reason to come by when we’re playing our next gig. This Saturday we’re at the…” He got interrupted by his brother, who was standing in the door, followed by a slightly pale, thin man with long, blonde and fluffy hair and a dark skinned, very muscular guy in a tight shirt. “You comin El?” “Yeah s-sure!” He assured the three men then turned back his attention to Kelsey. “Listen I gotta go, we’re on our way to rehearsal. Can I meet you again sometime? How about tomorrow, same time, same table?” And before Kelsey could agree or disagree the strange dressed man was dragged on his collar and out of the cafe by his brother.
“Jake we weren’t finished you know?” His brother sighed “I love you Elwood but you’ve been working up the courage to talk to that girl for what feels like weeks now. Thought you’d speed it up just a little once you finally did make a move.” Elwood looked shyly to the side “Yeah.. it’s just, you know I’m looking for something serious, that takes some time.” “I do. And I do want you to be happy. But I don’t wanna be late for rehearsal, everyone will blame me again, when it clearly was your fault.” Jake joked and gave his brother a soft bump with his elbow. The next day Kelsey left work, as she checked the time she still felt unsure about what to do. Usually she would go to the cafe but then again there could be that guy waiting for her. Was he even coming? Kelsey never agreed on meeting him again though. Did she even want to meet him again? He definitely was cute and I barely know any people in this city beside my coworkers, so why not? And so she found herself sitting at “her” table again, waiting for the man in his suit to show up. When the doorbell of the cozy dine up rang she was torn from her thoughts but greeted with a friendly smile by him. “I wasn’t even sure you’d come but here you are, I’m so glad.”, the handsome man spoke as he took a seat. “My name’s Elwood by the way.” “Hi, I’m Kelsey. Yeah you got torn away rather quickly yesterday.” “Sorry for that, today I’m all yours. We only rehearse on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So.. you enjoy music?” “Oh absolutely. I adore jazz and blues and cannot do much with today’s music to be honest. I don’t know anyone who feels the same so this feels like my sanctuary. Did you grow up in Chicago” And so Elwood told Kelsey about the St. Helen orphanage where he and Jake grew up, how they became interested in music and founded the band. And Kelsey told him how she was raised in NewYork and only moved to Chicago a couple of weeks ago since she needed to leave NY and her past behind, to make a fresh start.
A couple of days later Elwood and Kelsey met for their 2nd date. They agreed on Kelsey picking him up right after rehearsal and they’d go out for dinner. Fortunately there was enough time for her to go back home after work and before her date. She took a shower and made sure to take extra care of her blonde, curly hair. Typical. When it matters those curls do what they want. She decided on her favourite dress, a black sleeved gown with golden ornaments, tied around her waist with a cute matching belt, ending just above her knee and a pair of black laced boots. Kelsey rarely felt self-confident. Over the years she did realise that she was pretty but her figure always made her feel unsexy. She wasn’t much overweighted but simply curvy, with a wider hip and some bigger thighs and butt. That dress though made her feel pretty, so she was satisfied with her look in the end as she left the house with a few butterflies in her stomach.
The young woman took a glance at the note the musician gave her and looked rather insecure at the building in front of her. No doubt this was the address Elwood had written down for her but this looked nothing like a place for rehearsal. Well, how does Bo Diddley state so well in one of my faves songs “Can’t judge a book by it’s cover” She started humming the tune as she entered the old, abandoned-looking building. Not having a clue in which room the band was practising she simply followed the sound of music and as she got closer and the sound become clearer she could identify the song. It was “Green Onions” by Booker T and MGs. Wow. She hadn’t heard that one for ages but she instantly started to feel the vibe. When she finally found the boys, their rehearsal had already came to an end. What a shame, I’d love to listen to some more songs, they sound quite talented. “Kelsey! There you are!” Elwood yelled from the other side of the room, raising one arm. The girl felt uneasy being on display but as she let her gaze wander through the room she noticed that aside from Elwood, Jake and one of the man she had seen in the cafe before no one else as giving her great attention. Most of the band members were busy with their instruments, they were either cleaning or doing some maintenance work on it. Elwood took a few big steps to catch up with the blonde girl “Hi, glad to see you!” He seemed to be pure excited for her to meet the guys. “C’mon I’d like you meet the rest of the band. You know, they became like family to me. Hope you like ‘em too. I know you will!” he said eagerly. “So you already know Jake of course and I believe you have met Blue Lou and Matt before.” “Yeah I have, nice to see you again.” Kelsey stammered. Wouldn’t say I “met” them but rather took a short glance at them. “Sure, we know ya’, a regular at our diner. 2nd table at the window…” Matt started “A chopped cheese and one big white coffee.” Lou finished for him. Yeah okay that’s crazy. The girl laughed nervously “Haha, alright, you scare me! Think I might order something different next time.” She then got introduced to Tom Bones at trombone, Donald Dunn at bass guitar, Murphy at keyboards, Steve at lead guitar and Willie at drums. One man was left, he was standing with his back to Elwood and Kelsey and seemed incredibly deepened in whatever he was doing, looked like the zipper of his instrument case was stuck. They approached him when Elwood continued “And last but not least of course we have Mr. Fabulous…” The man quickly turned around as he heard his nickname when not only his jaw dropped a few inches.  “Alan?” “Christ Almighty! Is that the McAllister girl? I didn’t know you where in Chicago!” “Well right back at you!” Kelsey grinned. “You.. two know each other?” Elwood asked confused. “Yeah, Alan was my trumpet teacher back in NY.” “Oh didn’t you tell me you had just started learning since you moved here?” “Err.. right, I.. err.. quit and picked up playing again”, Kelsey stumbled somewhat embarrassed. She felt strangely awkward admitting that she had quit at some point in front of Alan. She swore she could see some disappointment in the trumpeter’s eyes or perhaps it was the disappointment in herself. “Well if you need a brush-up I’d be glad to help.” Alan smiled. “Really?”, Kelsey bursted out and tried not sounding too excited as she went on. “I sure would appreciate that.” “How are Mr. and Mrs. McAllister doing?” That question caused a sudden change of the girl’s mood, Alan could read her facial expression immediately. “How about we catch up over coffee sometime? Guess you might be pretty interested how I ended up with these lunatics!” He laughed and gave Elwood a little flick against the brim of his hat. She gave him a little smile when Elwood grabbed her hand “Shall we?” Before neither one of them could say anything, he twisted her around, leading her to the door. “He really has a talent to kill the mood, hasn’t he?”  Elwood joked. “Nah, everything’s alright”, she assured the handsome man at her side but turned around to meet Alan’s gaze who was looking after her.
The trumpeter closed the door and threw his keys at the table, letting his instrument bag slide off his shoulder onto the sofa. He then grabbed a bottle of beer, a cloth and the tube of polishing creme from the drawer, unpacking his horn. He couldn’t believe he stumbled into her today. It had been ages. Back in NY her parents had hired him as her trumpet teacher. That was over 10 years ago, she was only 14 back then. A teenager. Not the kind of girl that stood out in the crowd to be honest but that girl today, that woman - looked nothing like the teenager from NY. She really had grown into a looker. He remembered how she used to straighten her hair when she was younger, what a shame after seeing those beautiful blonde curls today, she looked like an angel. That dress perfectly hugged her curves and loosening it up with those black boots suited her a lot. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, that smile simply didn’t want to disappear from his inner eye. We was torn out of this thoughts when he’d realised he almost put the entire tube of polishing creme on the cloth  - and into his lap. He sighed in annoyance and went to the kitchen to clean himself up. After getting rid of the mess, he made a couple of sandwiches and slumped in front of the telly… with a certain young woman on his mind.
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
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riderunlove · 3 years
Stop trying to force magic, mija. Her mom’s voice echoed. I need this to work, she argued back. Then stop forcing it. Relax and let it happen. 
The boys were exactly what she thought they’d be like, and not at all simultaneously. It was driving her nuts. It was also wreaking havoc on their training sessions. She was starting to think they’d never get cleared for field work. Reggie was so random, Alex tended to overthink everything and Luke never reacted the way she expected him to. They didn’t plan anything, and usually communicated in a series of looks and gestures she didn’t understand. They’d botched their third sim that morning and she couldn’t take anymore. As the guys moved to debrief she turned on her heel and ran out. She had given up her whole life for this, and now she couldn’t even do that correctly. She was failing her mom and she’d broken her Dad’s heart for nothing.
The burning behind her lids told her she was running out of time to find a hiding spot. There was an empty room at the end of the residence hallway, Bobby having moved after he stopped doing fieldwork. She burst through the open door only to stop suddenly. This wasn’t an unused bedroom, it was a music room. There was a full keyboard, a cherry red bass, a drum kit, 2 acoustic guitars and several electrics, amps for everything. It felt like someone had wrapped their fingers around her throat. 
“Hey, Jules, there you are,” soft, concerned. She didn’t want to look at him, at any of them. 
He stepped around her and gently tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet his gaze. Blue green today, she noted. “We’re gonna get it. We just need to spend a little less time in the simulation room. It’s not helping us gel. Reggie is going to set up a game of Catan.” 
“Board games? Really Patterson?”  
“Yes. Trust me.” His voice was so warm, eyes soft and pleading and she couldn’t say no. 
“Sweet. Well, let's order some pizza and get started.” 
The game went on for hours, and though she hated to admit it, she could see why they’d chosen it. Not that she’d give any of them the satisfaction of telling them as much. 
“Ha! I am the king of sheep!” Reggie shouted in triumph. 
“Yes, if only you could move them all somewhere,” Alex challenged. 
Julie preferred to keep her resources balanced while Luke liked making deals that somehow resulted in everyone owing him something. 
Pizza turned into popcorn and later ice cream until she could barely keep her eyes open. 
“Let’s call it. We can compare our resources and decide who wins. The boys mumbled their agreement and then ultimately decided it didn’t matter who won. 
The next afternoon they nailed their simulation and Julie realized they’d all won. She rolled her eyes at Luke’s cheeky smirk and wink. He was bouncy enough, he didn’t need any encouragement. 
Her mom had been right of course. You can’t force magic. You just let it happen. 
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vanityloves · 4 years
anyways im gonna listen to/read the fuckin...rise of the ogre shit bc ive been putting it off 🪓🥴 im gonna put stuff under the cut bc im gonna be TALKING n dont wanna make a new post everytime
ok he performed for 2 pounds 50. which is basically $3 today i- well it was absolutely a power play on his father behalf that also had the promise of money so.
also lol he said Rejection fueled my ambitions which, yknow,, i already knew but it still hurts and i will continue to talk ab it xoxo
AH HELP. "...if ebay had been invented at the time he would've sold me online there and then,"
"man hands on misery to man, yknow"
THEN PROCEEDS TO CONNECT IT TO MUSIC/HIS CAREER. this man said :) the one thing i truly have a passion for. the one thing i fucking like.
oh yeah. bullied by students AND teachers.
oh god hes 42ish during this interview? ok.
the fuckin school bully saying he wouldve acted differently if he knew what hed become
getting called "faceache", then proceeds to call 2d that. jfc he really does just repeat what everyone says. really "treating others how i was treated/how they treat me"
maybe thats why? hes kinder to fans? bc :] you support me and like me so, ok ill return that energy
a real rowdy boy. absolute nasty boy. fraud and arson... shooting ppls windows with his air pistols
black sabbath being a huge inspiration? fucking absolutely.
became a satanist n shit at age 16? "it fitted me like a glove" "heavy metal and devil worshipping became my favorite past times" ajsj funny that ppl in trying times often seek religion or following of some sort
heavy metal being his favorite, n loving the clash, while hannibals was more punk based
hannibal breaking murdocs nose for the 2nd and 3rd time for playing his music on hannibals turntable
he doesnt sound that bitter? ab hannibal? he doesnt sound incredibly fond but he talks ab how he got him into a lot of music. so, i imagine they we're a bit closer than i thought?
international baccalaureate in antisocial? anthropology?
MURDOC IS ACTUALLY SMART HE WAS JUST. NOT INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECTS? I GUESS? (also,,, he literally Built cyborg noodle and i think he had a PhD too lol. but its always nice to hear hes actually...yknow, interested or good at other things)
alright but murdoc having a fascination w/ other cultures - or at least some interests, that lead him to actually study the damn subject and "pass with flying colors"
'fuck college though. im gonna be a rockstar'
he sold his soul at 18ish? whenever the fuck he got kicked out but college was mentioned so my brain goes to 18ish idk
he lived with his father still and paid rent via low paying jobs one including 'part time dressing as santa'
help he was ab to take a Personal Job for quick cash and uhh well, "still made me call him sir though" he really said 20 dollars is 20 dollars, huh "that story was totally true"
alright, 1997,,,
2d stuff
loves zombie stuff? thats really cute, and is freaked out by the way they move. god he rambles
both he and murdoc are horses in the chinese zodiac
[[jfc ok if the official shit compares them a lot i understand why ppl ship them but Dont. its a narrative foil and that doesnt always mean Romance jfc.]]
truly... a lil stinker. super cute bouncing baby and a "bit thick" which is stull so endearing to me. hes just a happy man!
excitable 10 year old and would dance around his room
jfc the fact he has normal/caring parents. i kinda forget how opposite hes supposed to be from murdoc but i think thats another thing jsjsysg (murdoc said why isnt my tragic story making me famous why does he get to be the Star. no wonder he acts like a loon)
i still dont get how gettin bonked by a tree branch made him go bald and also turn his hair blue
big tiddy nurse mommy,,,
went to the same school as The Cure and got decent grades despite hittin the noggin quite hard. WANTED TO BE A STORM CHASER... OMG??
oh thats really cute, hed bond with his dad by building keyboards toegther 🥺💕
messed around with paints and graffiti? artistic king
oh yeah d day...new instruments, new band, new singer - and 'had to be the best or no dice' and absolutely CONFIDENT that his songs were bangers ajsjd
but on that same note, had absolute faith (or desperate) in 2d which i love
ransacked the fucking music shop jdjdj and 2d said he was Just Standing There behind the counter the whole shift hdhdh
"thats when your eye came out, yeah" "yeah!-" HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND SO HAPPY AB IT ?? yes he said ut hurt but he sounds...ok
jfc murdoc ragdolling this poor mf around. dunking him and slapping him around. actually? so incredibly terrible and abusive and i hate him for that 🔫 im sorry 2d stans. we dont condone that behavior here ong.
how and why the FUCK did 2d's parents allow that fucker near their child after that i??? help. wtf. his moms a nurse why didnt she just have murdoc sit in plain view of other people. god damn.
2d flying out the window n hitting the curb "whoops"
"just two black holes...[ah] it looked great...a blue hair, blacked eyed GOD- the girls would go wild-" "pretty boy looks" ???? HELP. HE DOESNT GO LIGHT ON THE COMPLIMENTS, HUH
oh yeah, he straight up kiddnapped this man help. idk how he managed that, russ is a Big Man??
AND MURDOCS MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING SEXY GOOD that russel said hm alright ill stay, :] out ifbhis owm free will im screaming.
"oh this is one of them febreeze commercials" "uh . yeah sure. *murdoc turning on his Sick Tunes*" but that either means? it was just his guitar playing the convinced russ? unless he and 2d recorded sumn?
"2d was the looks, murdoc the brains, then russel truly was the heart"
'while 2d and murdoc liked music, this man was a MUSICIAN' god fucking bless this book holy shit ny man russ getting some respect. he said back hurts from carrying this band.
murdoc basically heard this guy had big trauma that gave him So Many Skills n said "thats what i want" ok idk thats actually really? inch rest ting to me. seems that murdocs fine handing out compliments but i guess that where his charisma really helps out yeah?
"he was going to be in my band whether he liked it or not" ...murdoc-
HELP. 2D IS LIKE BRO GO ON IM LISTENING 🥺 despite hearing the story 50-60 times and murdoc said fuck off you lil shit.
ok irrelevant but i love his voice! its super comforting n nice to listen to 🥺
idk how/why he sucked up all his friends souls though ... how are they all possessing the same person. they said "its my turn on The Russ"
went to a private school,,, and was already possessed? and the thing where he gets bigger and smaller is a reoccurring thing?
was in a coma for 4 years?
hiphop machine...time and history...the ultimate set i guess.
his knowledge was infinite and hes a "Renaissance man" hes so fucking smart our king. jack of all trades but a master of drums. he said i know im good and what of it
yes russel our king. fuck up his nose 5 more times. probably stunted his growth too. he shrunk after russ gave him a wallop im sure
why dies paula sound like tracer overwatch
also only dated 2d for 2 months before joining the band?
HELP SHE REALLY WAS THE FIRST MURDOC FUCKER: "but when i saw murdoc with his thick greasy hair, green teeth and yellow skin i thought 'oh this is the ine for me!'" "OH HES SUCH A DANDY-" HELP ME IM HQJDHD
sick in the head...like i want to hurt people help girl. shes fucking Crazy. but she rly said damn i didnt hear back from him again 😭 and my purse is gone JSHHD
"small japanese person!"
2d: we werent gorillaz until noodle arrived!
im dying the reason he chose gorillaz. 'swinging through the jungle baring my ass'
noodle really said "im just happy to be here" and she balanced everyone out 😭 "she gave off pure love and the fact that she could laugh at murdoc REALLY helped too" RUSS... IS BABY
2d rambling ab some girl he met and "ssSs" "whats the s stand for hawhaw" "i dont know!".
one song is all it took i ❤ good for them
just murdoc talking ab the party that they threw for thier deal and saying "you dont know how much of a dick i felt like [when carrying one of those huge checks]" like oh thats whatll make you a dick? alright.
ahshdj damon and murdoc not getting along bc of Rival Band One Uppery + damon calling murdocs cuban heels crap since ge wore steel ones with gold spurs.
but the band and damon getting over music and their ambitions and became a "paternal figure"
HELP MURDOC SAID AWIOGA @ RACHEL WHICH MADE HER THROW HER DRINK IN HIS FACE AND SPLIT FROM 2D. kinda sad actually, she said i still like 2d but murdoc kinda ruined it by trying to get it in with me, it put a strain in our relationship :/ oh god murdocs That Dude
nov 31 1998: started recording :]
40 tracks that got cut down to 15 holy shit
hooking up cameras in every room ejdjsu
webby artist of the year in 2006? holy shit
noodle learning ab kong studios omfg
built in 1739?
the ghost of the first owners ghost still roams around in the kitchen in the early hours and moans 'aaa glass of water'
theres some rotting bullshit near the studios and in the summer its fucking TERRIBLE
the former owners were a biker gang, and they all died in a fire
murdoc said this place has bad vibes. i want it.
grim weather
the building feels impossible to escape from huHgg
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bandsanitizer · 4 years
27, 33, 37, 38 -notinthesameguey
hi! thanks for the asks!! this is a bit long LOL
27. If you could switch everyone’s instruments, what would they play?
I’m not sure if this includes the “lead singer” role but we’re going to say it does...
Luke -> bassist and/or synth (I have this thing about luke and keyboards)
Calum -> drums (arms. ARMS. IT’S ABOUT RHE ARMS)
Ashton -> lead guitar (I think this is also about the arms)
Michael -> lead singer/rhythm guitar (listen. all I want is more michael vocals. taking away a guitar from him would be a crime tho)
33. What is your favorite thing about each of them?
Honestly the thing about the band I love the most is them being themselves. The way that even as they’re less involved with the fans now, when they do interact and such it’s all very them. Specifically...
Luke -> all of him? nah nah I’d say it’s his duality. he’s always this mixed bag of absolute soft dork nerdy dude and very bro? I can’t explain it but it’s the vibe of his snapback and sweats to makeup and silk shirt video thing. his willingness to openly share that and just the little ways of how he makes jokes that are dad jokes and also shade just... maybe similar to what I explain for ashton but more implicitly?
Calum -> his brain? like... the lyrics and poetry he writes. some of the things he shares in interviews... his mind is just...... very poetic I think and it’s really really great. I’m sorry this one is short but I can’t really put it into words
Michael -> it’s whatever it is that makes it seem like michael is going to take on the world—not out of over-confidence—but this sense of passion that he’s not going to give up on a chance, on an opportunity. it’s that thing that made him vouch for the band and drop out of school. it’s that thing that had him convinced they could record the killer queen cover with all four of them singing in each take for the harmonies. it’s this fire he has and this sense of michael being very unapologetically himself.
Ashton -> his kindness and his openness that are very intertwined... perhaps it’s a “wears his heart on his sleeve” thing. this is going to feel a bit nostalgic to ashton pre-YB but he’s always appreciative? and showing his love and appreciation for people? whether it’s his band or the fans or family... he loves people wholeheartedly and earnestly. what we see is different than before the hiatus but it ALWAYS seems important to him that the people who are important to him are aware of that.
37. If you could steal one thing from each of them (clothes, hats, etc) what would you take?
I can’t tell if this includes instruments? but it seems clothing/accessory related so...
Luke -> there is only one correct answer and it’s the purple pants. the purple pants
Calum -> his yellow short-sleeve button up that he wears in the majority of the Singapore tour diary video. like I just love the color. the blue and white beanie with the pompom that everyone thought was luke’s comes close tho
Michael -> okay muke definitely have the most enviable wardrobes for me but hands down one of the BEST items the band has ever worn is the ripped jean jacket from the slfl era. like this jacket is sooooo good
Ashton -> I cannot find the picture for the life of me but there is a 2015ish picture where ashton is wearing an olive green jacket (maybe denim? and it has a lot of pockets) and he’s posing next to luke and holding his hand on luke’s chest with his watch being showed off and essentially that is my favorite ashton outfit and basically this is a long story about wanting the jacket.
38. If you were sharing headphones with your fave which song would you play first?
So my fave is Luke and I’m always embarassed about sharing music, but I’d probably go with flights by twentylove. It’s definitely a favorite and I think Luke might like it? Maybe. It’s definitely closer to earlier an earlier 5sos sonic but the artist has similar influences to the band so like I think Luke would enjoy the song 🤷🏻‍♀️
send me 5sos asks?
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oceansempress · 4 years
a date gone south
MCU PROMPT #2: Person A: “You look really pretty.” Person B: “And therefore, I have value?” A: “No, no, that’s not what I meant at all. I was just…” B: “I’m messing with you. Thank you.” A: “You’re welcome.” B: “You look pretty too.” A: “Thank you.”
Pairing: College!Peter x Female Hijabi!Reader. 
Summary: Going on a first date with Peter but in the middle of the date, there’s a complication. 
Warnings: Fluff overload, adorable Peter in general!
Word Count: 2290
Author’s Note: This is dedicated to my cuddly buddy, Maryam aka @cutesparker <3
The constant click clacking of keyboards enveloped the lecture hall. Peter’s eyes quickly moved from the lecture slides to his laptop, as he furiously typed the notes on his laptop. He felt his chest tightened while his fingers continued to move along the keyboard at a rapid speed. Why is he going so freaking fast, Peter thought; his mind already scrambling to catch on with what the lecturer was explaining. 
“Alright, and that’s the end of my lecture,” the lecturer announced, a smirk evident in his tone. “I’ll be here for the next 15 minutes to answer some questions about your finals.”
Peter slid back against his chair while everyone rushed down to talk to the lecturer. Taking just a second to catch his breath, his eyes started to wander around the huge room. Red cushion covered seats were left emptied, with everyone else at the front of the podium, except one. Several rows down from Peter, was you. 
Adorning a tan coloured hijab, your face was inches away from the small black desk. Peter watched as you glided your pen against an A4-sized notebook. The corners of his mouth turned upwards as you took out your post-it page markers and marked one of the pages with a purple one. Just as you started to pack up, Peter hurriedly grabbed his stuff and placed it into his backpack before moving down the steps and towards your row. 
“Hey Maryam,” Peter called out with one handle of his backpack slung across his right shoulder. 
You turned around at the sound of a familiar chirpy voice. Peter Parker was standing three feet away from you. His brown hair was lightly tousled above his head and he had on his iconic blue plaid shirt, with a grey “If You Believe in Telekinesis, Please Raise My Hand” shirt. His chest was puffed out and he had a small smile across his face. 
“Hey, Pete,” you replied and you could feel a rush of heat trickling at the back of your neck. You waited for Peter to say something but instead he was just looking at you, glitter flashing in his dark brown eyes. “So, did y-”
“You look really pretty,” he interrupted, his voice was laced with shaky breaths. 
You were caught off guard with the sudden but sweet compliment. Your eyes widened and the heat from your neck rushed towards your cheeks. You did not doubt that your cheeks were painted in splotchy pink right now. Shaking the warmth feeling from your chest, you pretended to get your mind together. 
“And therefore, I have value?” You questioned, face placid yet cheekiness laced thick in your tone. Your arms were crossed with your feet grounded on the carpeted floor.
Peter’s eyes widened, fear screamed on his face. “No,” he shook his head, his breathing getting heavy again. “No, that’s not what I meant at all.”
“I’m messing with you,” you cracked into a smile. Your hands flailed around as you giggled at his reaction. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he nodded. A soft awkward laugh and a sigh of relief fell from his lips. 
“You look pretty too,” you said as you chewed on your bottom lips before lowering your gaze away from him. You busied yourself with packing your things into your tote bag. 
Peter’s eyes widened as his cheeks flushed. A burning sensation grew in the back of his ears. He quickly moved his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed the skin in an attempt to cool himself off. But it only grew hotter. 
“Thank you,” he muttered, eyes never leaving you. As you turned back to look at him, Peter was smiling again. “Uh, what are you doing tonight?”
“I was just thinking of breaking this bad boy,” you said, pointing at your heavy notebook. “What about you?”
You walked away from your seat and towards Peter. He side steps, allowing you to pass by him. As you walked down the slightly steep steps, Peter followed from behind and subtly rushed to your side, trying his best not to trip over. 
“Well, I was thinking,” he began, his mind already scrambling to phrase his question. “Whether you wanted to leave your book studying for some other night and maybe, get dinner with me?”
You stopped in your tracks and looked at Peter who had his gaze towards the ground. His sneakers covered feet were rubbing against each other while twisting his ankles. You had been waiting for the day Peter asked you out and you couldn’t believe that day finally came true. Your heart pounded lightly against your chest as your fingers lightly scratched your wrist, a habit you were once told by your parents was weird. Your insides were jumping with so much joy. 
Of course, you were gonna say yes. You pursed your lips together and cleared your throat. 
“Yes,” you answered, to which Peter’s head snapped up to look at you. His eyes were shining and his face was fully beaming. Peter jumped on his spot with his hands up high, clenching into fists. Seeing him so happy made the corners of your lips twitch upwards. 
Peter looked at you and quickly tried to get himself in order. You need to calm down, Pete, let’s not scare her off, Peter thought. “Uhh,” he hummed, pretending like he didn’t already have a place he wanted to bring you to. “How about dinner at Pasta la Vista? They have vegetarian dishes! I’ll pick you up from yours at 7?”
“Oh, Pasta la Vista sounds awesome Pete,” you smiled. “Pick me up at 6?”
“Okay,” he answered and walked backwards. “I’ll see you later!” Peter was smiling teeth to teeth and he found himself bouncing back towards his apartment.
Upbeat steady music drummed around the small New York apartment. The light brown wooden floor tremor under a pair of black brogues. Peter moved his shoulders side to side as his hips swayed to the solo electric guitar. He gripped a wooden hairbrush tightly in his hands and brought it closer to his lips.
“Honey, I’d walk through fire for you. Just let me adore you, like it’s the only thing I’d ever do,” he sang, loudly and stepped side to side before he did a spin. 
As the beat of the music slowed to a stop, Peter bowed down and thanked himself in the mirror. He huffed loudly just as he came back up to look at himself. Thanks to the dance act, his hair was in a mess again. Peter pouted and rolled his eyes before he rolled to the bathroom to grab a can of hair mousse. With his eyes now closed, he sprayed it all over his curls and threaded his hair with his fingers, trying to style it to one side. He looked at himself in the mirror again, this time smiling at how neat the hairstyle he was going for. He finger gunned himself and slid towards his bedroom. 
Just as he entered his bedroom, a beeping sound started going off in his room. He ran towards his phone, nearly slipping onto the floor and just as he caught his phone in his hands, he skidded onto the wooden floor, scraping his knees at the same time. Looking at his phone, the time read 18:20. Aight, I still have time, he thought. A ding sounded from his phone as a notification popped up. It was a text from you.
M 🥺:
See you soon Pete 😊
See you ☺️
Peter’s heart jolted in his chest, a warm, tingling sensation filled his stomach. His shoulders slightly raised as he breathed in happily. He put his phone on his side table and grabbed the black suit jacket lying next to him. Standing up, he put on the jacket and looked at himself in the mirror and gave himself a thumbs up before leaving his apartment.
See you ☺️
A small smile crept on your face. You lightly pressed your phone to your chest before putting it down and looking back to your full standing mirror. Your gaze flitted up and down as you checked your outfit. You had paired your pastel blue hijab with a long sleeved white floral maxi dress; the colours of the florals were dark faded blue, green and dark red. 
Upon searching up Pasta la Vista on Google, you discovered that it was a 5-star restaurant and that it had a formal dress code. So, you decided to dress up in your fanciest outfit with your favourite hijab. Falling back into your bed, you began to take selfies of yourself and your outfit as a way to pass the time while waiting for Peter. 
After taking numerous selfies, you swiped your notifications bar to check the timing. It read 18:55. Maybe I should go down to the lobby, you thought. It would definitely be easier for Peter to spot you. Not taking another moment to think, you quickly grabbed your purse and sling it around your shoulder before putting on your beige coloured high heels. You walked out of your room and locked the door, making your way down to the lobby. 
The minute you reached the lobby, Peter was strolling up to the gate. He was in a full black suit with his chocolate curls gelled up to one side; he looked magnificent as ever. Both his hands were in his trousers packet as he nonchalantly waited for you outside of the gate. Your heart beating abruptly in your chest and your hands were feeling clammy. The more you tried to wipe it, the clammier it got. 
Peter turned to look at you the moment you opened the gate. His eyes widened and the butterflies in his stomach continued to flutter. You looked so beautiful in that dress; the glitter in your eyes made his chest tightened comfortably. 
“Wow,” Peter gaped, breathlessly. “You look… gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” you blushed. “You don’t look bad yourself Pete. Shall we?” He nodded and the both of you started walking to the restaurant. 
The walk to the restaurant took about fifteen minutes and you could feel your feet start to strain from the high heels. Maybe you should have worn a pair of sneakers like you planned to. All through the walk, you and Peter talked about the psychology module you were taking and also the finals. You found yourself unable to stop talking about classes and hoped to God, you hadn’t bored him to death. 
Peter, on the other hand, was genuinely loving how this date was already beginning. He couldn’t help but smile at how excited you were talking about the module. Every time, you beamed wildly, his heart skipped a beat. There were several times where your fingers and his grazed each other and he wondered if he should have held your hands. 
“Mr Parker,” the maitre d’ called out. “Your table is ready. I’ll bring you both to the table.”
Peter followed the maitre d’ to the table with you right behind him. He quickly pulled out the chair for you to sit down before sitting at the seat opposite of you. The maitre d’ placed the menus in front of the both of you. 
“Alright, I’ll leave you to be, have a good dinner,” the maitre d’ said and left before either of you could thank him. 
“This is such a nice place, Pete,” you said, wide-eyes as you flipped through the menu. 
While Peter read the menu, his hair arms stood abruptly while a too familiar tingling sensation erupted in the back of his head. His eyes went wide as the menu slipped from his hand. 
“Peter?” you questioned. 
Peter turned his head, already feeling hard footsteps on the ground. 
“Get down!” He yelled right as the sound of machine guns incessantly started firing. Peter kicked the foot of your chair in, making you fall back onto the floor. He flipped the table upwards, shielding you from being noticed by the bad guys. Peter stood up and glanced around the room to find an elderly woman who had fallen down. While there were some people rushing out to the front door, Peter pushed through the crowd and ran towards her. 
“It’s okay, maam, everything will be alright,” Peter assured, holding her trembling hands in his. He gently moved her behind the counter and replaced his hand with her purse. “Just stay here, okay?”
She nodded in return. Having no time to waste, Peter went to the back to track the bad guys down. 
Everything was a blur. All you felt was the aching pain spreading through your back. You tried to move but you couldn’t bring yourself up. Your head was throbbing, like it was squeezing your brain. You could feel painful pinches on your face and as you turned your head, shattered glass pieces fell from your hijab. Peter wasn’t here. Peter wasn’t next to you.
Red, black and white invaded your vision.  
“Stay with me Maryam,” you heard. Large hands were now wrapped around your waist before you were being lifted up and away from where you previously were. “You’re going to be okay. You’re going t-”
Your eyes fluttered shut and everything turned to obsidian black.
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gunnerpalace · 4 years
If you're still accepting writing prompts can you do UraYoru and #5? Please!
It’s like… three years later… but here we are. I hope you still find it of interest and like it after the absurd wait!
1700 words with the prompt “Care to dance?” Yoruichi is wearing her second swimsuit outfit from BBS. I discussed my reasoning for the Urahara Shop having a garden here. The implication is not that Yoruichi assassinated JFK, she just happens to have been in several places throughout history around the times things went down. (In another fic I imagined her as being in Tangier in 1956; “crossing paths with a black cat” writ large and all that.) Kisuke’s computer is from filler but feels very him (it’s probably running Linux because he strikes me as that sort).
Without You By My Side
The sunlight which fell upon the garden courtyard of the Urahara Shop not only carried energy and warmth but almost had a sense of weight to it—a photon rain so fine it almost felt like being submerged in it.
Beneath that omnipresent pressure, Yoruichi shifted on the white pool lounger she was reclined upon. She first drew her legs together, then pushed herself up on her elbows into a sitting position. Sweat beaded down her toned curves as she slid her legs off to one side and by feel alone slipped her feet into the orange flip-flops waiting for her. After she scooted down the side of the lounger and moved into the shade afforded by the parasol that’d been set up, she finally opened her eyes.
There was a small, portable table under the parasol, and on it was a glass that was still frosted from the little bowl of ice it’d been set in. The content of the glass was a pastel but still vibrant green.
Yoruichi wiped the perspiration from her forehead, reached for the glass, and then brought it to her lips to take a hearty swig. She sighed in contentment as she rested her forearm on one of her thighs to cradle the drink in hand. A milk, matcha, and vanilla smoothie really is the best thing in the summer…
She pondered the concoction’s color absentmindedly before taking another gulp. The matter of reapplying sunscreen (as she was in the sun merely to enjoy it) was a foggy notion in the back of her mind that never congealed into anything, as her thoughts were derailed by a clatter and a loud crash emanating from the shop.
With a blink, she turned her attention toward it. “The hell?” She couldn’t perceive any reiatsu from the building, as usual; the gigai that Kisuke and Tessai used made sure of that, and Ururu and Jinta didn’t emit much in their normal states.  She spontaneously recalled that Tessai had been planning to head out with Ururu and Jinta for supplies too. So, the only person it was likely to be was, of course…
Yoruichi was on her feet and maneuvering through the garden in an instant, her drink still in hand yet simultaneously forgotten as she strode purposefully across the stepping stones situated around the koi pond, on her way toward the kirime-en deck and the shōji door beyond. She kicked off her flip-flops as she stepped up onto it.
“Oi,” she called as she entered the shop, looking about.
There was no immediate response.
The sound came from this side… From the dining room she headed for one of the storage areas, to the left.
In a few more steps she was in the main storage room, the door to which had already been open. “Kisuke?”
Her eyes were still adjusting to the rather darker interior of the shop, and for a moment she couldn’t see much.
Then she spotted him, underneath an oversized box that obscured his whole upper body, his legs wiggling about comically from under one side of it.
“Dumbass!” she exclaimed, looking down at the drink in her hand as she suddenly became aware of it again. She quickly glanced about and set it on another box before hurrying over to him.
Yoruichi grabbed hold of the box by the sides and did her immediate best to lift it off him. It was bulky, but not all that heavy given its size, and she picked it up easily enough. She was perplexed by that even as she leveraged it off him and set it to one side.
Kisuke immediately started in, as usual. “How fortunate, I’m saved! An angel has come to my rescue!” He got his hat on again and adjusted it as he looked her up and down. Her white, rainbow-trimmed bikini left little to the imagination even if it wasn’t particularly flashy or revealing; the top in particular provided him with a view of more than a little of the underside of her chest, given his angle.
“Oh, shut up!” she complained, her face contorting into something of a sneer. She glanced him over from where she stood and, finding that he looked no worse for wear, turned and retreated back to her drink. “How did you even wind up in this situation?”
He stood and brushed himself off while respectfully admiring the view. “I was overcome.”
Yoruichi scoffed. “Ha! By a box!?” She took another glug of the smoothie without waiting for his reply. He’d interrupted her leisure time for this?
Kisuke gave a smile and finally turned his attention back to the box in question. He picked one side of it up and started to maneuver it toward the door—and her. “It’s quite the unwieldy specimen.”
She rolled her eyes and turned to watch as he struggled with it. “Don’t expect me to help any more than I already have,” she deadpanned. She had made it very clear—well in advance!—that she’d set this day aside for relaxation.
“Surely observing my labor makes partaking of your treat all the sweeter?” he asked as he dragged the box up alongside her.
Yoruichi’s only response was a dubious stare, but the truth was seeing him struggle did kinda make the smoothie tastier. She took another drink to confirm the matter, following him as he pulled the box along through the shop. Only once she was satisfied that there was indeed something nicer about the smoothie under these circumstances did she speak again. “What’s in the box anyway?”
“Very helpful. Here I was, beginning to think perhaps it was a cube containing the vacuum of space or something.”
Kisuke stopped abruptly and looked up at her in surprise.
“What?” She frowned suspiciously and her tone grew dimmer.
“That’s a great idea,” he said in a hushed voice.
“Interplanetary, interstellar, or intergalactic?”
“Kisuke, no.”
He smiled again and continued pulling the box along. “The French once trained fourteen female cats for spaceflight, you know.”
“I am not going into space,” Yoruichi said severely.
“Well, not with an attitude like that. Though I suppose Félicette wasn’t willing either. She did survive! I think you were in Texas in 1963?”
Yoruichi’s expression grew a bit sour and she looked aside, sipping at the smoothie as she abruptly wandered down memory lane. “Don’t remind me.”
“Anyway, there are some parts I need in here,” he finally volunteered.
“Parts for what?” she asked, pushing the memories aside. They’d made their way back through the shop and living room and were heading into a side room Kisuke often used for working on small projects.
“I’m putting the computer back together.”
“Kisuke, I don’t know anything about computers, and even I know that thing is a hunk of junk.” She caught sight of it then: an obsolete-looking, single-unit thing clad in beige plastic. The keyboard and monitor were integrated into a single massive terminal which took up most of the surface area of a chabudai table. It was positively archaic.
“Don’t insult my baby that way,” he said, with what sounded like sincere injury.
Yoruichi stifled her own sense of being offended with another drink. “Your ‘baby’ belongs in a scrapyard,” she asserted instead, pressing the attack.
Kisuke peered at her from under his hat but said nothing, instead bringing the box over to where he needed it.
She moved around the other side of the computer, finding the back of it was open.
He opened the box and set about rifling through it, retrieving various parts and pieces from among its jumbled contents.
Yoruichi watched with studied disinterest until she finished her smoothie, then promptly left for the kitchen to refill her glass.
She sighed wistfully upon opening the fridge as she realized that had been the last of the batch. It was simple enough to make, and she could do it herself, but Tessai always got the ratio of the ingredients perfectly right and they were out of milk to boot. She sadly washed the glass out instead.
She was just finishing when she heard Kisuke laugh from across the building. After setting the glass aside to air dry, she returned to his ad hoc office.
He was sitting in front of the computer, using its absurd trackball to navigate around its interfaces. The GUI, at least, seemed very modern.
Kisuke double-clicked on something and then turned and stood. “It works!”
“Yes, I can see that,” she duly replied.
He moved closer and extended a hand toward her. “Let’s celebrate the occasion. Care to dance?”
She raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.
Right then, a very familiar drum, bass, and guitar section started up, following a 12 bar blues progression.
Yoruichi’s recognition of it was instant, and she blinked before scoffing again. “This song? You’re so s—”
She didn’t have time to finish as Kisuke moved in closer and took her hands in his, starting to move with her just as the lyrics to Queen’s “I Want To Break Free” started.
She glared at him, given the wholly appropriate nature of the lyrics, but grudgingly started to cooperate with him once it became clear he wouldn’t stop.
He smiled at her and began to mouth along with the vocals at, “I’ve fallen in love.”
It was possible to suppress her laugh, but she couldn’t entirely hide her own smile. Defeated, she started to dance with him properly, taking her own turn to mouth the words at, “It’s strange but it’s true,” turning the song into something of a dialogue.
They moved and pretended to sing together until the instruments faded out, ending their dance with a twirl that brought her close to him and left them considering one another in silence.
“You’re so sappy,” she stated, concluding her earlier thought.
“And you’re still very sweaty,” he replied with a smile.
She blinked and glowered, then unhanded him and slugged him in the stomach. She turned without further consideration and headed for the door.
“I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave,” Kisuke managed to wheeze.
Yoruichi flipped him off without looking back as she crossed the threshold. Still, she couldn’t keep a smile off her face as she went to pour herself some water before heading back outside. Idiot…
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nalgenewhore · 5 years
this is one of my all time favourite songs and this one shot is based off it!! so give it a listen and enjoy lovelies (:
Elide cursed the traffic of downtown Orynth as she made her way to the club the Cadre was performing at. 
It was their little tradition, once a month, the entire gang would go out and watch them play and afterwards, party until the early hours of the morning. The boys played all over town but they couldn’t always go watch them. The light finally turned green and she tore off, her hair flying behind her, unbound and without her helmet as she wove her motorcycle around the cars until finally she made it, the house music pouring out of the club indicating the boys had yet to take the stage and she breathed a sigh of relief as she parked her bike and smiled at Luca who let her pass the very long line up filled with young people who glared at her as she walked by them and into the club. 
Immediately, she spotted a head of golden hair and made her way over to her friends, all dressed to the nines and dancing to the music that played through the speakers. She hugged Nehemia first, the beauty outfitted in high waisted jean shorts that showed off her slim figure and legs that went on for miles, on her feet were high heels with thin straps and a chunky heel, black with little cherries, and a yellow crop top that perfectly complimented her dark skin, the golden highlight on her high cheekbones nearly blinding Elide. “Hello, love! Excited?” 
Elide nodded, smiling easily at her friend, her signature braids were half twisted into a bun, the other half hanging down to her waist, the golden rings woven in the braids glittering. Lysandra turned to her and squealed, tugging her by the belt loops of her faded black jeans to wrap her arms around her, her dark green dress of crushed velvet clinging to her curves, matching green Pumas on her feet. Her full lips curled into a warm smile were painted a deep red and she had a killer winged eyeliner that had her captivating angular eyes pop even more. “Ellie! I’ve missed you, how’s work going?”
“Lys babe, you have no idea how much I missed you! Work’s been good, hard but I wouldn’t change a thing. How’s Nesryn? How was the move?”
The green eyed woman blushed and tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. “Good, really good. She’s been working a lot but she’s so happy and I’m so proud of her. I love living with her, it’s been the best thing.”
Elide grinned widely, so happy for the two of them. “That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you two.”
Aelin turned at her voice and pushed Lysandra out of the way to crush Elide to her. “Elide! You’re here, finally!”
Pulling back as much as her sister would let her, Elide chuckled, “Yeah, traffic was a bitch and I lost track of time at work and then I raced home to change. How are you, Ace? How’s Rowan?”
“He’s good, he’s very good. We’ve started talking about moving in together, so I’m really happy.”
“Anneith below, that’s amazing, you two are the sweetest. And you look fucking fantastic tonight, you all do!”
Aelin pulled away to look down at her clothes, a pale blue wrap dress with white daisies that ended right above her knees and flowed when she spun paired with strappy white heels, her long golden locks tumbling free. “Thank you, Mia picked me up this dress the other day, you don’t look too bad yourself there, Lochan!”
Elide looked down at her own clothes, faded black jeans, ripped and she wore fishnets beneath them, platform slip on Vans on her feet and a blood red cropped tank top, a little devil embroidered on the front. “Thank you, A. I just got this top and added the devil.”
“I am living for the whole outfit, E.”
Nehemia wound her arm around Elide’s waist, passing her a cocktail, blood red to match her top. “Drink up, gals! We are getting fucked up tonight!”
They all cheered and drank, starting to dance again until the house music quieted and the Cadre walked on and they screamed joyfully, yelling out to the boys as the took the stage. Fenrys took the microphone and winked down at Nehemia, his smile wide and easy, her rolling her eyes right back at him but a soft grin overtook her features. “We have a little surprise for all of you lovely people! Our drummer, asshole supreme, Lorcan, will be singing tonight, a little diddy he wrote for that special girl of his! Give it up y’all and enjoy!”
They cheered, raising their drinks as Lorcan stalked to the microphone, hitting Fenrys over the ear as they passed each other and he went to sit behind the drums. “As Fen said, I wrote this for the love of my life, the owner of my wicked heart and so I introduce to you guys, Sunflower Seeds.”
The entire club screamed cheerfully as the boys took up their various instruments, the cheers quieting down as Fenrys started on the drums, a soft beat, the bass coming in as Rowan and Connall started on the guitar and bass respectively, Gavriel on the keyboard. Lorcan searched the crowd, smiling once he saw her and started to sing. 
It ruined her, his voice. She had always known that he could sing but had only ever caught little snippets if he was working on a song or if he was humming a tune as he did something else around their apartment. 
Forty ounces and a pack of ranch sunflower seeds
Forty answers to the questions she's asking of me
Whatcha doin later on, I got nowhere to be
She immediately loved it, the memories of that night when all they could find had been a bottle of rum and a half empty bag of sunflower seeds, sitting on the fire escape of his old apartment, their feet hanging over the edge, the setting sun shining on them as they passed the rum between the two to them, drinking and talking until the sun didn’t shine anymore and it got cold. He had told her months later that that was the night he fell in love with her, completely and irrevocably.
Better get some food on
Cause when I'm hungry I'm a prick
I ate a snickers but a snick ain't doin shit
Once they had finished the seeds, they had retreated to his apartment, tearing through it to only find a Snickers bar, eventually leaving the building to seek food at the nearest convenience store, drunk out of their minds but half of it was the feeling of belonging, the feeling of being so entirely right for someone.
A hand full of cash and a brain full of stars
I'm more thrown than a food fight
I'm feelin too right, margarita by the poolside
Wow, this is all I ever wanted in life
Yeah, this is all I ever wanted tonight
She had told him that, that when she was around him she felt like her brain was full of stars, the entire galaxy shining behind her eyes. His voice continued on and she and her girls danced to it, their hips swinging to the beat, their arms raised as they let the music wash over them and fill their veins.
Near the ocean, near the water
Only good things, no piranha
All the good days of the views I love
Ain't never been so clear
Rowan and Connall joined in on the chorus, their voices fitting together perfectly to make the harmony come to life, so real she could almost touch it.
Yea, Forty ounces and a pack of ranch sunflower seeds
Forty answers to the questions she's asking of me
Whatcha doin later on, I got nowhere to be
The guys stopped until it was just Lorcan again, looking right at her as the melody tumbled from his lips.
Yea, hey
Summer love and summer stay
Summer ready to roll
Divin deeper through the days better rain or a storm
Whatcha doin later on, I got nowhere to go
No no no
No no no
His voice faded out, the cheers of the club loud, almost too loud in her ears but they faded too as he kept his eyes on her, bright and wide as the high of performing hit him and he nodded his head, reaching a hand out to her and she laughed, walking to him and grabbing it as he pulled her on the stage and wrapped his arm around her waist, her hands resting on his chest as he pulled her in to kiss her, his lips soft and warm against hers, his t-shirt clinging to the sweat on his bronze skin. 
She heard the cheers of the girls and the little drumroll Fen played and she smiled against his lips, pulling back as he rested his forehead against hers, nudging her nose with his, his piercing cold against her nose, “Well? What’d you think, princess?”
She sighed and rolled her eyes, looking down at her nails and picking at them. “It was ok, I guess.” 
Lorcan pinched the skin bare between the hem of her shirt and waist of her jeans and she laughed, “Ok, fine, I loved it, L. It was perfect, absolutely perfect.”
“Just like you, E.”
“Stop flirting with me and get back to your show, babe.”
He let his arm drop and she stepped back, her skin prickling at the loss of his arm around her. 
“Yes ma’am,” he said as she hopped down, wincing as she landed weird on her ankle, stumbling a bit when Nehemia caught her, “You good, babe?”
Elide turned back to the stage, leaning onto her friend as Fenrys took the microphone again, Lorcan sitting back down behind the drums. 
“I’m absolutely perfect, Mia. Absolutely perfect.”
@myfeyrelady @schmlip-scribble @kandasboi @rhysands-highlady @city-of-fae @westofmoon @empire-of-wildfire @highqueenofelfhame @rowanwhitethornss @the-regal-warrior @shyvioletcat @tangledraysofsunshine @alifletcher2012
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Battle #26
The Vindictives: The Many Moods of... ( Side D )
The Mary Jane Girls: Only Four You ( Side 1 )
The Vindictives: The Many Moods of... ( Side D )
The Vindictives are probably one of the best and most underrated of the 90s pop punk bands to call Chicago home. They began in 1990, after Joey’s first band, Vicktimz of Society called it quits. Their original lineup included Joey Vindictive (vocals), Johnny Personality (bass), Ben Weasel (of Screeching Weasel fame on guitar), Dr. Bob (guitar), and Erik Elsewhere (drums). The band would quickly experience lineup changes and evolve in complexity as well. The band would end up releasing 12 EPs and albums until July 1996, when Joey Vindictive revealed that his health issues would prevent the band from going on. The band DID continue past that but never at the capacity and intensity it had been previously. The distinction between The Vindictives and other pop punk bands of the same cloth is all in the lyrics. Often sexual or paranoia themes (sometimes both!) took center stage. And those amazing and layered harmonies!! No one did it better than The Vindictives. You got a real sense of the frantic-ness though in the music and the production was outstanding. Every song is catchy and holds your attention, making each song just a little different. Something pop punk is not often known for often, embracing the repetitiveness. So this “album” is really one of their only proper ones but it’s more or less a collection of all the aforementioned EPs. “Future Homemakers of America” Starts the party off right. Meaty and punchy with those dripping snotty vocals. Not perfect and that’s OK. It’s part of the energy, and a real slap across the face of suburbia stay at home housewives everywhere. “Spring Valley Shopping Mall” Tell the tale of what sounds like a really bad date. Literally a story in the form of a song. “1 (900) ILU-VYOU” is a dominatrix tune that features those amazing backing vocal harmonies. You could say they DOMINATE (#seewhatididthere) at it. Next up is “Basketcase”-a quickie punker rocket with driving and screaming leads. It’s better than Green Day’s version. Just kidding, totally different songs, but Green Day does serve as a good comparison for production value and tight melodies. Speaking of tight,
“You Know Who You Are” follows suit and punches you in the face. All while bitting and clawing your eyes out. Wound up like a spring and ready to pounce. As if it couldn’t get any faster, “Impatient” flies at you at breakneck speeds. Vindictives are not usually Minor Threat level fast, but skatepunks be damned, these guys mean business! Thrashing lashes to make you gnash your teeth. Probably one of the best songs on this side, and best examples of how the Vindictives stand out is found in “...And The World Isn’t Flat Anymore”. It’s very catchy and sing along style, but still manages to employ one the band’s favorite tricks, vocals in the round. Joey understands how to make one set bleed into the other and it sounds so amazing. More vocal layers than a 7 layer burrito! His raw and unabashed outlook give that darker edge the band uses to their advantage. Ironically these are probably some of the weaker tunes in their arsenal, so just imagine how awesome Sides A-C are! Brilliant!
The Mary Jane Girls: Only Four You ( Side 1 )
The Mary Jane Girls are an American R&B, soul and funk group that gained popularity in the 1980s. They were protégées of singer Rick James. Much like Prince had Shiela E and others, Rick James has his girls too. They are known for their hit songs "In My House", "All Night Long", "Candy Man", and their cover version of "Walk Like a Man". Joanne "Jojo" McDuffie was the lead singer, the others filling out the group's style and appearance. According to the wiki, on the studio recordings, McDuffie was backed by session vocalists rather than the other Mary Jane Girls. The album credits the other members as each singing at least one song though. The Mary Jane Girls released two albums in the 1980s and recorded a third which was shelved for decades but finally released in 2014. They were inducted into the Rhythm & Blues Music Hall of Fame in 2019. You can practically see the marketing plan-o-gram throughout, but you know what? The songs are fairly catchy. I like the 80s and even though it has distinct Motown and funk influence, there is a decent representation of new wave too. Rock actually wrote and produced all the songs too, so he had his hands all over it. Of course we should address the obvious. The name of the group referenced mary jane, slang for marijuana; a favored recreational drug of James. (James wrote a hit song titled "Mary Jane".) The group's image was styled as containing a street-wise girl (McDuffie), a supermodel (Ghant), a cheerleader/valley girl (Wells, then Marine), and a dominatrix (Wuletich). This is their second album and has the biggest hit, which starts off the whole thing. “In My House” has a VERY Rick James start with that keyboard intro, then drop the funky bass. These are 4 ladies that know the 80s. If disco were just watered down new wave, ala Lipps Inc., then I’d be ok with it. That’s pretty much what we have here. “Break it Up” is another funky dance club hit parade. Revolving Supremes-like vocals that keep your interest. The next 30 seconds are an interlude to the song “Shadow Lover” but they bothered to list it as a separate track, so...? It’s a saxophone meets piano warm up really, into the actual action. A slow bedroom jam that might make Luther Vandross jealous. The last track (only 4 you I guess #seewhatididthere ) is next. It’s called “Lonely for You” and the play on the album title is not lost on me. This one is back to the rockin’ beats. Mellow and melody. The underlying keyboard is fantastic on this cut. It’s a new wave version of En Vogue or a disco version on The Supremes. Either way, nice. I hope they didn’t have to do anything freaky to get their deal...(#seewhatididthere)
So today we saw the many moods of The Vindictives in full regalia. They took 16 minutes to burn 101 calories over 7 songs. That is 14.43 calories burned per song and 6.31 calories burned per minute. The Vindictives earned 18 out of 21 possible stars. The Mary Jane Girls did it only four you. They took 19 minutes to burn 116 calories over 4 songs. That’s an average of 29.p calories burned per song and 6.11 calories burned per minute. The MJG earned 8 out of 12 possible stars. Looks like The Vindictives will be in a haploid because they won today’s challenge!
The Vindictives : “You Know Who You Are”
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polarisavi · 5 years
tenderness is in the hands
or, Eliott’s favourite cinema has cheap popcorn, a lot of foreign films, and a blue eyed boy behind the counter. // 3k // ao3
The Lallemant Theatre looks half dilapidated from the street. Old fashioned, with faded vintage posters in dull, scratched up frames outside, and half the light bulbs blown out, throwing odd shadows on the movie titles.  
Eliott is there at least once a week.
The scuffed up wooden floors feel like home. Golden walls littered with more decades old posters, velvet love seats in deep red and purple scattered at odd intervals along the sides of the room, the scents of melted butter and bleach inescapable and constant.
“There you are. I was worried you were dead in a ditch,” says the only other person in the building. Eliott, before he’s had a chance to lift his head to find him, grins on instinct. Lucas’ voice, lilting and teasing, washes away the bad mood this week has left him with.
“Serious bodily harm is the only thing that would keep me from you,” he allows. Lucas just scowls, bristles, and puts aside the magazine in his hands. Eliott keeps smiling. It’s hard to predict exactly how Lucas will react when he says things like that, but whatever response he gets is a treasure.
“You’re almost late, you know.”
Eliott finally reaches the counter, places his hands on it and leans over a bit. Lucas’ hair is defying gravity, his eyes bright under the lighting, and a red plaid scarf that would contrast delightfully with his skin is curled next to the keyboard. Eliott wriggles his eyebrows. “You’d wait for me though, right?” Lucas rolls his eyes, so Eliott wages forward. “What’s on tonight?”
“Some Australian horror.” Lucas runs a hand through his hair, some of his fingernails flashing with chipped colour. “I’m not sure if you’ll like it, to be honest.”
Eliott hums vaguely and pulls out his wallet, finds a creased note between a collection of abandoned loyalty cards and faded concert tickets. The ticket stub he gets in exchange has a thick yellow line down the side, and the hand giving it to him has badly painted nails, each one a different shade of green.
“You’re really bad at that,” he says, nodding to Lucas’ hand. Lucas squints his eyes, raises his chin a little.
“I had to use my left hand.”
“Uh huh. Let’s see your other hand, then.” The other hand in question immediately disappears from view. From the way he shifts, there’s a good chance Lucas is sitting on it.
Eliott grins in triumph. “There’s no shame in being truly terrible at things, Lucas.”
“I suppose you would know a thing or two about it.”
Valiantly, Eliott lets that slide, stuffs the ticket in his pocket. The colour changes every month or so, and soon he’ll have enough of them saved to do - something. A collage, a sculpture, something worthy of this building, of the memories inside its walls. “Why don’t you think I’ll like the movie?”
“I’ve only seen pieces, but it doesn’t seem to have any… sincerity in it. Which I know you don’t have a lot of tolerance for.”
“You remember that?” Not a lot of people actually listen to him when he talks about film, the thread sometimes unspooling too quickly, tangling and looping, and making it hard for anyone to follow easily.
Lucas expression goes warm, kind, and something boarding on sympathetic. “I remember everything you say, Eliott.” There’s an implied obviously in the air and, well, no one would blame him for the way his heart beat rushes, especially when Lucas says his name like that, affectionate, weighty, like it’s valuable, like it matters.
Eliott looks to the side, coughs, brings the lighter out of his pocket just to have something to fiddle with.
“Has anyone else got a ticket for it?”
The way Lucas shakes his head makes his hair dance. “Just you. How much popcorn do you want?”
Eliott shoots the popcorn machine a look, its yellow glow a physical presence in the room. He can almost feel the sheer quantity of butter clogging up his veins from here. Simultaneously they take the couple steps to the side where the confectionery part of the counter technically starts.
“Depends, how hungry are you?” he asks, smirks, when Lucas has the audacity to look surprised Eliott is asking.
“Who says I’m joining you? I have a job to do, you know.”
It’s a good argument, but one that would probably work better if they were in a theatre that had more than roughly fifteen customers a week, most of them not at 9pm on a Wednesday.
“You would rather sit out here doing magazine quizzes and waiting for customers that don’t exist than sit next to me for a few hours and prove just how bad you are with accents?”
“You’re so annoying, and I have nothing to prove to you. “
Eliott softens. “I know you don’t. So how hungry are you?”
Without argument, Lucas shoots the popcorn a longing look. “So fucking hungry. Don’t worry,” he adds, flaps his hand like he can reverse Eliott’s move to take his wallet out again. “it’s included in your ticket price.”
A blatant lie, but Eliott doesn’t call him on it, just shrugs. Lucas nods and starts piling popcorn into the biggest box they have, the cardboard checkered orange and white. Lucas’ maman, the owner, seems to love colour, the theatre drenched in vibrancy, texture, calling out to a city that’s too blind to see it.
When Lucas passes the box over, their fingers overlap, and Eliott sets the food down in favour of getting a closer look at his hands. It’s a good thing Lucas has started painting his nails, he doesn’t have to reach for an excuse. It’s a lot smoother than Lucas’s I think there’s a bug, oh no wait my mistake, I’ve always liked tattoos, why do you have mardi written on your knee? It’d been a warm day, on the cusp of summer, the arms of their singlets plunging low to their waists, both of their legs’ exposed,  and it was a good thing Lucas moved first because Eliott had been trying to find reasons for why Lucas really should stop sitting properly and drape his leg’s across Eliott’s. He’s as shameless as Lucas, really, just hides it better.
And this, this is slightly subtler. He leans down like he’s properly inspecting Lucas’ hands, face serious, touch gentle, and Lucas doesn’t resist, bends easily to make room for Eliott’s whims.
The colour isn’t really that badly done, really, but still.
“You can practice on me, if you want,” Eliott offers. Nicely, in his opinion, but Lucas’ eyebrows furrow.
“I’m really bad at it.”
“…Which is why I offered.”
He presses his lips together. “I don’t mind being bad when it’s my own body, but you have nice hands,” Eliott chokes on nothing, Lucas mouth quirks. “I don’t want to ruin them.”
“You couldn’t ruin anything.”
“Well, some things,” Eliott doesn’t think he imagined the seconds Lucas takes to flick his eyes down Eliott’s body, “but if you insist, I’ll gladly use you to experiment on.”
Eliott doesn’t know when they started having, how they keep having, multiple conversations at once, but it’s a bit too much. His hand automatically moves to tap at his lips, a nervous tic, but, right, they’re still holding - no, not holding, just touching - hands. He can feel the edge of a callous on one of Lucas’ fingers. Drums? Guitar? Wire sculpture? Carpentry? Before he can ask further, Lucas slips his hand away and he jumps the counter.
“Come on, I don’t want to keep you out late.”
Lucas sets off towards the splintered hall that most of the theatres spring off, and Eliott follows him automatically, absently reclaiming the popcorn when Lucas picks up a jacket, presumably his own. “You don’t?”
“Well, not for this,” the tips of his ears go slightly red, but nothing else. One day Eliott will make him blush for real, and it will be a beautiful day. “Isn’t a regular sleep schedule good for you? For stability, I mean.”
“I don’t remember telling you that.”
“That’s because you didn’t. I did some research, after you told me. The Wikipedia article for bipolar disorder is very well written.”
“No WebMD?”
Lucas shakes his head. “Yahoo Answers was very educational, though.”
“Well, primary sources are important.”
Lucas takes a right turn, a direction that can only take them to two cinemas: the Burgandy and the Woolf. The former reasonably large, wide seats, a bronze curtain unveiling the screen, and the width between aisles just that little bit too small for his liking. The latter is smaller, screen half the size, the walls dark blue, ceiling tall, and a collection of deep couches to seat the audience. It is, undeniably, Eliott’s favourite, and the way Lucas is looking, pleased, content, a slight bounce to his walk that usually isn’t there - Eliott has to resist the urge wrap his arms around him and, possibly, never let go. The ecosystem here would support them; they’d never have to leave.
The next time he glances over at Lucas his heart stutters when he finds those blue eyes already trained on him, eager, adoring. The barriers between them erode the deeper they roam into the guts of the building. The architecture is tricky, clever, expands beyond the barriers granted to it by the city, and something similar happens to them. Eliott feels paper thin, transparent, emotions bleeding into the space between them. Lucas reaches across, tugs on his arm, and leads them, unsurprisingly, into the Woolf. And it’s okay that he’s bleeding, that this far deep the physics of the room demands honesty, because it’s Lucas, a fixed point in the universe, who, underneath the snark and pouting and dramatics, has always ever only gathered up all the kindness and joy and tenderness he could find in his hands and offered it to Eliott freely.
Lucas softly nudges Eliott towards a couch in the centre but doesn’t follow him down when Eliott sits, sinks, into the middle of it, wanders away to do whatever is required to start the movie. The lights dim, first, then the screen clicks to life with a kind thank you for choosing Lallemant Theatre for your movie going experience. The room is a universe unto itself, and the last traces of the day slide off of him, every bad thought getting lost in the dark.
Lucas, when he returns, drops down on Eliott’s side, close, confident, and reaches across his body for a handful of popcorn. Eliott had placed it beside him, next to the armrest, without thinking, but clearly it had been a great idea.
Lucas’ neck arches back when he relaxes, stares at the ceiling, chest moving slowly, deeply, his collarbone refracting light. It’s - Eliott shouldn’t stare like this, should try and tame his greedy eyes, because Lucas isn’t his to stare at so blatantly. Not really. Whatever nebulous, shifting, sometimes delicate thing they’ve morphed into over these months, there are some lines still intact, things left unsaid under a gossamer veil of… deniability, caution, something.
Like he’s been summoned by the current of Eliott’s thoughts, Lucas flops his neck, looks at him. “Can I take you up on your offer?”
“Of course,” Eliott answers automatically, without bothering to figure out exactly what he’s referring to. Yes, of course, literally whatever Lucas wants. His responding grin is visible even in the low light, and in the seconds Eliott takes to bask in and appreciate his smile, Lucas straightens up, whips out a small bottle of nail polish from somewhere, its lid silver and the polish colour unknown.
Right. Eliott has his doubts about how well this will go given the changing light levels, courtesy of the pre movie ads, and lack of a solid surface, but Lucas twists to sit sideways, takes Eliott’s hand and places it on one of his thighs, and, really, if Lucas has deemed this environment adequate, who is Eliott to tell him otherwise.
The denim of his jeans is warm, the muscle underneath firm, and Lucas pats his hand, just once, before opening the polish and securing the bottle in the crease of his other leg.
“What colour is it?”
“Dark orange, kinda.”
“I don’t know if it’ll go with my complexion. “
Lucas snorts. “You can take the hit.”
The first brush is on his thumb, and leaves a sizeable streak on the skin beside his nail. An edge of a smile is visible from Eliott’s eye line. The next nail goes about the same way, and Eliott makes the decision to study the room, the ads, the tumble of Lucas’ hair, rather than watch in real time as burnt orange varnish settles into the grooves of his skin.
By the time he finishes painting that hand, the movie has started, and Eliott really should pay attention, but his gaze is stuck. There are stars in Lucas’ eyes, his skin stained rose from light thrown from the screen, veins in his arms; Eliott vibrates with the need to touch, to feel, to trace the shape of his hands, his arms, the sweet curve of his neck.
His hand, the one on Lucas’ thigh, clasps, squeezes, subconsciously, and Lucas finally, finally, meets his gaze properly. His mouth feels sticky, stuffed with fairy floss, and he wants to apologise but the words won’t come out. There are stars in his eyes, an entire ocean, every sublime mystery the universe has to offer.
Characters are talking, their accents grating, and the light burns white.
Lucas’ hand finds his and squeezes.
“Can our next date be somewhere else?”
Eliott’s mind goes blank, tries to force the fairy floss away. “Our next date?”
“Or our first one, either way,” Lucas says, and his smile is cheeky, eyes teasing. Eliott takes a second to readjust to this new reality, this beautiful, divine reality, and lets himself smile too, gentle, and probably slightly awed.
“We’ve been doing this for how long, and this is how you officially ask me out?”
Lucas’ cheeks bunch with how big he’s smiling. “You had something better in mind, Romeo?”
“Maybe I did. Maybe I would’ve convinced your maman to play my favourite romance, and then recreated one of the scenes with you, which would make you swoon and win your heart.”
Lucas’ mouth gapes for a second, incredulous. “That sounded very well planned for something that I only just asked you.”
“That was one of my top five plans.”
“I’ll tell you about them later.” Lucas looks curious, like he wants to ask more, want to keep interrogating every romantic scenario Eliott has ever thought of, eyes flicking across Eliott’s features, and when he bites his lip Eliott’s gaze drops to them, plush, pink, begging to be captured. Normally Eliott would indulge him anything, but there are some better things they could do. “Can I please kiss you now?”
Lucas starts nodding before he’s finished speaking, smiles for a second, and he doesn’t have to lean far because Eliott has already moved forward, curled into his space.
“Please,” Lucas whispers, leans his neck up, and Eliott falls into his gravity. The first tentative brush of their lips feels like the first ever breath of air, vital, stabilising, impossible to live without. His hands go up to cup Lucas’ cheeks, keep him there, keep him close. His veins fizz and heart flutters, bounces, around his chest, but this, the sweet drag of Lucas’ lips, his soft sigh when Eliott tilts his head, kisses his deeper, slower, this is the most certain, the most right, he’s ever felt about anything. The universe was designed to place him here, with this boy, so close he’s almost in his lap. Placed him so he can hear the low noise Lucas makes, the vibrations travelling straight down to his core, when he breaks their kiss.
Lucas, dazed, confused, and smiling, looks back at him. “Why’d you stop?” his voice is a little gravelly.
Eliott strokes the cut of his cheekbones with his thumb. “I just - I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he murmurs.
“Really?” Lucas asks, with a level of shock that shouldn’t be there, that Eliott will have to rectify every day they’re together. For now, though, he shrugs, raises his eyebrows teasingly.
Lucas makes a dramatic sound, some kind of sigh/groan hybrid, and looks heavenward. “I wasn’t sure if you were like that with everyone, or just me.”
When he looks back down Eliott guides their foreheads together, shakes his head gently so they don’t get displaced. “Only you. Ever since I saw you, it’s only been you.”
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futile-latty · 5 years
Never Leave These Eyes (Part 1)
It was a word so short, yet held many different meanings. Music could be soft and sweet, music could be loud and hard, maybe even both. Music wasn’t just something people listened to, it was a belief collected together to create something catchy and interesting. Of course, no one really notices the complexity and intensity of music. The lyrics that send shivers down people’s spines are overlooked, the interesting noises that spark new creative flows are too.
However, no one understood music more than Peridot Redwood.
Named after a gemstone, Peridot was a rather interesting piece of humanity. Short, messy and triangular blonde hair laid upon a short body (4’7) equipped with lime green eyes, fair skin and curves: her appearance caught anyone’s eye. However, what truly gets people thinking about Peridot was her personality. A perfectionist at heart with ambitions so impossible you’d call her crazy if you ever met her. Who wouldn’t? She was just a rambling, complex brat with a mighty ego. But then again, she had the one thing keeping her going. Her passion, her love, her life was all for the thing she adored the most. And that was music.
Unfortunately, today was not the best day for Peridot. More importantly, London was not the best place for Peridot. Coming from St Austell, a small town in the south west of Britain, she wasn't used to huge crowds with a heavily diverse population. Back in her home, she was used to people looking the same. Pale skin, brunette or blonde hair and bodies just as tall as her. Now, there were people from all different shapes and sizes. Well, if she was moving in, she had to get used to it.
She was newly crowned as an adult a few weeks before, finally reaching the age of 18. Now that the celebration was over, a new wave of hellfire had to flood her soul and burn her back into depression. University. After this, she could go back home, and live out her life peacefully and the exact way she wanted it to. She wanted to be a musician. Bassist, drummer, guitarist, vocalist; she didn’t care what she was gonna be, considering all the instruments she played anyways! She just wanted to play what she wanted to play. However terrible this part of Britain was, it was going to help her life substantially.
Deciding to dress up casually, she put on a white, unzipped hoodie with navy blue jeans and a red shirt. Outside the university were thousands of students, all cramming through the gates and into the main building to sign up for clubs, retrieve their room keys and numbers, and say goodbye to their parents. Waiting in the car by herself, she envied the kids with parents that actually cared. Her mother wouldn’t come even if she tried to convince her, and her dad… Her dad isn’t to be talked about.
Having saved up after retrieving her full license, she bought a small black Vauxhall Corsa to get her from A to B. She never used it much, only really using it for long distance journeys, like this one. However, it seemed broken and thrashed compared to some of the other cars in the parking space. A red Ferrari with wide lights that just screamed “Buy me! Buy me!” to anyone that came across it. Of course, coming out of it was a posh, short girl with a dress so tight Peridot feared for her life. The girl, unlike Peridot, seemed rather excited about heading into what should be the worst few years of her life. Right behind her was a businessman, with slicked back brunette hair and a tall - definitely 6 feet - body that made Peridot seem like an elf. Looking back at the entrance, she decided now was the time to get off her ass and face this new challenge in her life.
As she opened her car door and took a deep breath, she remembered what she was told by her friends.
“Don’t give up, Peri. We’ll believe in you, no matter what.”
Their belief would fuel her.
Oh god, the stress was astounding. Voices - SO many FUCKING VOICES - and bright lights to light up the already well-lit hallway. She could barely hear the introducer talk to her and pass her key. How tall were people in London? Was she just an oompa-loompa?! If it weren’t for coffee, she would be so dead. The dark, bitter taste soothed her body: it was as if some sort of rich liquid was hugging and relieving her body from the pain from the past hour. But then she had to put the cup down and mess her feelings up.
The apartment complex she was staying in was the lowest quality of them all, with scratched oak floorboards and random holes at the bottom of the walls (probably from rats). There were two bedrooms, one bathroom with a single shower, toilet and sink, one living room with an already working TV and a kitchen right next to the living room. It wasn’t perfect, but it was affordable, and that’s what matters. Two bedrooms… That meant she had a roommate. Someone who, for the rest of her time here, she was going to be with. God, she hoped for a nerd like her. Someone who rambled on about Camp Pining Hearts and complained about Bethesda’s lack of new quality games. Someone she could relate with. In fact, the person she related to the most had just sent her a message, causing her to immediately open her phone.
“Peri!” Her phone rang, reminding Peridot of who she was talking to.
“Hey Amethyst.” She smiled, thankful that her best friend had remembered to contact her in this desperate time of need.
“So, how’s Uni so far?”
“Horrid. And I haven’t even had my first lesson yet.”
Amethyst chuckled at that, releasing that adorable snort she always executed so cutely when she laughed.
“Hah! Wait, when do your lessons start?”
“In 2 days, on Thursday.” Peridot grunted, deciding to move from her current position to the bedroom. On the way, she tripped on one of her two suitcases, landing face first on the bed. Her already messy blonde hair only worsened. She turned to meet the phone, and got a good look at Amethyst’s new makeover. Brown skin, purple eyes and dyed white hair. Amethyst was nearly the same height as Peridot, however, she was much thicker and attractive than the other slim girl.
“Alright then. Looks like you’ve got your hands full at the minute, so I’m gonna leave you to unpack. Sorry for the short little call. Bye!” She waved, before hanging the call up.
“A-Amethyst, wait!” Peridot shouted, before realising she was too late. Immediately, she grunted and slammed her fist on the comfortable single bed, leaving a mark from the impact. Once again, her joy was gutted like a fish. Could anything good happen to cheer her spirits? Oh, wait a minute, what was she thinking? She had something good right underneath her!
Jumping off the bed, she immediately grabbed one of her jet black suitcases and ripped it open, revealing a stash of the things that matter most to her:
Her books, the ones she hadn’t read yet
Her PlayStation, something especially close to her
The musical instruments she had promised to master: A keyboard, disassembled drum kit, acoustic guitar and bass guitar.
She didn’t have the time for the drum kit, however, she could try and tune her guitar. She picked up the large wooden structure and let her fingers strum the 6 strings, telling her which notes were out of place. After some loud strumming, she switched to a chord. Then another. And then another. The chords fused with each other perfectly, creating a smooth yet melancholy tune for her, and only her, to enjoy.
In fact, it was so immersive, she never realised that the apartment door had opened.
A body monolithic compared to Peridot came through the door, revealing her black “Avenged Sevenfold” hoodie and blue sweatpants. Very short blue hair covered up the new woman’s eyes, but that didn’t stop Peridot from looking closer at her face. She stopped playing as she focused more on the girl’s body, ‘She’s… Stunning’ she thought, not noticing the girl’s glare headed straight her way. Panicking, she hid away her guitar and stood up, walking up to the entrance of the home.
What could she say? Peridot was never very good at socialising, which is why her struggle was so prominent in this situation. ‘For fuck sake, just speak before she thinks you’re a weirdo!’ She shouted at herself in her head, finally deciding to spill something out.
“Peridot.” She exclaimed, putting out her hand for the girl to shake. “My name’s Peridot, and I’m gonna be your new roommate for as long as we’re here. It’s nice to meet you.” She added, rather monotonously.
“Lapis.” The other girl quietly let out, taking Peridot’s hand before walking away to the other closed bedroom, suitcases being dragged behind her. Peridot stood still for a few moments, not expecting the woman to release such a condescending glare at her. She wanted more information - no, she needed it. Not only was this new ‘Lapis’ an absolute stunner, she was strangely shy and blunt. The lack of clarity of this new girl was astounding, and it filled Peridot with dread. What if she was sharing an apartment with her, only to find out she’s crazy, or weird, or all of the above! But then again, she didn’t seem like the most sociable person. Maybe that was just her personality, and Peridot was looking too far into it. She decided to take action, walking to Lapis’ room.
She looked into the open door, seeing the blue-haired beauty bend down to unpack her things onto the bed. Very dark clothes, Peridot noted. She fake-coughed, capturing the much taller woman’s attention.
“Do you need help with anything?” She asked, her lips trying to smile and failing. Lapis only shook her head, showing signs that maybe she just wanted to be left alone. Not wanting any of that, she stepped closer into the room, causing Lapis to jump slightly and turn around to face the shorter blonde.
“Listen, I don’t need your help with anything, okay?” She angrily yet quietly told the now guilty nerd beneath her. “I know you’re trying to make friends, and that’s fine, but I never really wanted a roommate. So, please, if you could just refrain from talking to me, that would be great.” She huffed, arms crossed and shoes impatiently tapping on the floor. Peridot gulped, intimidated, then nodded, turning so she could walk away. Lapis turned around, getting back to what she was doing previously.
Peridot just felt terrible. She was acting clingy to a stranger. A fucking stranger. If the loud, violent voices didn’t make her feel bad, this certainly did. The mysterious Lapis now haunted her, and apparently was leaving her too, since she was walking to the door. Just before witnessing the exit, Peridot spotted what seemed to be a pained expression on her roommate’s face. The door slammed shut as Peridot laid back into the bed, hearing the footsteps slowly fade. She wanted to get things right, she wanted redemption.
No matter what, Peridot Redwood was going to find and eliminate the problem with Lapis.
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