#if it were an actual new game like persona 6 i would but i know the majority of ppl around these parts have played p3 already
maiamaiden · 7 months
i know a lot of new people are playing p3 for the first time like i know this i understand but i do think it's kinda funny to see people get mad about seeing spoilers for an almost 20 year old game
anyway rule of thumb is if you don't want to see spoilers you should probably not go online until you're done
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novadreii · 10 days
that time i sold my ex my car so i could get the fuck away from him faster (needed the money, far from home, etc) and he actually tried to short me $100 on it.
#personal#stupid snippets from a life i mostly don't think about anymore#that pop in at 2am#like what was the strat there lmao#did he not think i would count the money then and there?#then he made a big show of playing innocent/clueless like he always did as if i'm stupid#always playing childish games and trying to pull nonsensical power moves#making dumb jokes when we went to the local office to complete the car sale like it was all so funny#like he hadn't just tortured and humiliated me for the last 6 months#the girl who helped us and knew we were exes was stone faced and didn't react to any of it which i appreciated#and gave me a knowing look on the way out#we had a girltelepathy moment of “men”#and yeah if you're reading this because i know you're nosy and keep tabs on me i still don't like you and never will fyi#you're the worst kind of person and i know karma will take good care of you#leave this space alone go bother someone dumber and more desperate than me#i don't just abandon my blog like a coward every time a relationship ends#you need to continually erase your history and construct new personas to reel new victims in with it's really pathetic actually#i'm staying put but make no mistake none of this is for you#i stand behind my whole life and how it made me who i am even the embarrassing and abusive fuckfest that dating you was#leave me alone OR feel free to keep checking in and watch how i flourish in spite of and without you#regret is a heavy burden and you'll be carrying it all your life when what you've lost sinks in#make no mistake you are not the poor misunderstood party i know you like to play victim. i understand and see who you are perfectly now.#you're attracted to strength because you're weak and don't know how to get stronger on your own.#you pick strong assertive women to date and then try to break them down and sap their power cuz you have none#and no sense of self to speak of#didn't work on me you only made me stronger so thanks! and goooood luck lmao
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hellfirenacht · 1 month
Wing Man: Epilogue
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: Corroded Coffin takes flight, and you're on air.
1.4k Words
(Master List 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
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“Oh, is it on? Sorry about that everyone! You’d think after a year on air I’d get this cue right, but apparently we’re still working out some of the technical bugs for getting that timing right. Anyway, welcome back to LTRD, The Right Road to Good Music.” 
That was a lie, you hadn’t missed the cue. You had only ever missed the cue once on your first week on air, and the few listeners had found it so funny that you had been instructed to keep it as a bit. The radio persona you put on was a bit more air-headed than you might have picked out for yourself, but you had fun with it. 
In all the time you had tried to be on stage, who knew that you’d do better when no one could see you? The sound mixers not-withstanding, of course. 
“In studio today we actually have Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin fame here to tell us about their new studio album.” You smiled across the table at your boyfriend, who was leaning back casually in his chair, as if he’d done this a hundred times.
And he might as well have with how many times you two went over everything the past week to get ready for this interview. 
“It was going to be a garage album, but it turns out the studio doesn’t want everything recorded on a tape recorder.” He gave you a winning smile that still gave you butterflies, even now a little over a year later.
“With the way your popularity has taken off in the area, I’m sure more than a few people would be willing to shell out for that.” 
“Maybe, but we aren’t shell outs.” Eddie looked at you with the biggest grin and you had to take a deep breath. That had NOT been in your practice, and you were so mad that stupid joke almost made you laugh. 
“Welp, this has been a good interview, but we’re gonna have to cut it short- I’m joking, Merv.” You said to the station director who was shooting you a look. “So, tell us about the new album.”
“Thanks for having me on to talk about this.” Eddie said, fiddling with one of his rings. His hair had grown even longer in the past year, falling down just passed his chest now. His arms had a few more tattoos, and you knew from up close and personal experience that his thighs now had a few very nice pieces. You tried not to think about that while you were on air. “The new album is coming out this October, and it’s called Fire Shroud. The whole album is heavily inspired by a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that we all played together a few years ago.”
“Dungeons and Dragons?” you asked, pretending to know less than you did for the sake of the interview. “Pretty brave to say that on air. I think we had a few people storm the phone lines a few weeks ago for dating to mention the game.” 
Eddie grabbed the mic and pulled it closer to him. “I want people to know that enjoying fantasy, using your imagination, and learning basic math isn’t even close to the Satanic bullshit people say it is- wait, can I say that on air?” 
You looked at the clock, it was just passed 1 am. “Fuck no.” you smiled at him.
“Good.” he continued. “Listen, whatever freaky sacrificial rituals I do, happen in my off time when I’m not playing music or running a game.”
“I take it that the blood just gets all over the game board?”
“I spend so long painting my game pieces, so I don’t like getting blood on my hard work.” 
The interview went on like this for a while, and you and Eddie effortlessly went through the basic points that you two needed to hit. The albums release, how excited Corroded Coffin was to be working on this, and how excited they were to hopefully put the game that meant so much to them in a better light. 
“So, if anyone wants to come see Corroded Coffin live, where can they go to see you?” 
“We’re actually playing a few venues and theaters in the Indianapolis area next month, we’ll be sharing the stage with a few other bands. We are also going to be helping out with one of the shows at the latest Rocky Horror Picture Show revival soon.” 
Columbia (you were sure Robin told you her real name at some point, but she would always be Columbia in your mind), had staged a coup after the theater had been handed over to Left Turn. She had taken the remaining members and had gone to another theater. When news about Corroded Coffin’s graduation take-over hit, she had Robin reach out to you and you had talked to Eddie and everything came together pretty easily from there. It would only be for one night, but you found yourself really looking forward to seeing the show again. 
Merve signaled at you to wrap it up, and when the light went off you sighed and sagged in your seat. Eddie got up to get you some coffee, and you were thankful for that. Being a late night radio host had made your sleep schedule a bit weird, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
“Are we still on for breakfast when you get off?” He asked. “Still doing a double date with Steve and his latest girlfriend?” 
You snorted. “As far as I know. He might sleep in again and miss it.”
“Well, if he does then we’ll just get breakfast to go and I can keep you to myself then.” Eddie said. “I’ll need a nap after this.”
“You know, you don’t have to stick around. You can go home and get some sleep.” you suggested. “Just because I’m here all night, it doesn’t mean that you have to be. You already spend most of your time down the hall with the rest of the boys.” 
“I gotta make sure no creeps call in and try and flirt with you.” he said. “Not while I’m here.” 
“Eddie, I do this five nights a week, and I’ve only had, what, maybe 3 creeps call in and most times Merv is able to catch them before they make it on air.” You reached up and scratched at his scalp. “I appreciate the concern, though.” 
Eddie yawned and closed his eyes. “I’m not leaving.” he mumbled, his eyes closing. “If I go home, I know I’ll miss picking you up.” 
“We drove here separately.” you laughed. “Go take a nap on the couch in the break room. I’ll wake you up when it’s time to go.” 
“Fine, but I’m taking your blanket.” He said, grabbing the fleece that was draped over your chair. Eddie leaned in and gave you a kiss. “Knock ‘em dead, baby.” 
“Only if you bury them.” you smiled back at him. 
The night went on with music, call-ins, news, and weather. When the first rays of morning light peaked through the windows of Left Turn Studios, you signed off, got your notes from Merv, and went to the break room where your boyfriend was already nursing a room temperature cup of coffee.
“Let’s get you some real coffee.” you took the flimsy cup away from him and tossed it in the trash. 
Eddie stood up and leaned in and kissed you, his hand cupping your jaw. You hummed against his lips and wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“What was that for?” you asked as he pulled back. 
“It’s a better wake up than shitty coffee.” He said, kissing your forehead. “But now I want mediocre coffee.” 
It was a surprisingly cool morning as the two of you stepped out of the studio. You said your hellos to the morning shift as they filed in, and Eddie walked you to your car. “See you at the diner. If Harrington doesn’t show up within fifteen minutes, we’re taking our food to go.” 
“Can’t argue with that.” You agreed. 
Within an hour, you were dozing off on Eddie’s chest in bed together. Your leftover breakfast pushed to the side as MTV played some song that you were glad you didn’t have to put on your show. Eddie’s arm was around your shoulders and tracing patterns absently against your skin. 
There had once been a time where you felt like a fish out of water, and then later you could breathe. Now, so long after making the dumb little deal with Steve you realized you weren’t meant for the land or sea. 
From now on, you could fly.
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a/n: The End
Dividers by: @strangergraphics
Tag List @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n
@mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea
@vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93
@perpetualmessmachine @thebook-hobbit @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh
@siriuslysmoking @huffledor-able541 @pookiesnatcher @eddiesguitarskills @browneyes-8288
@sheneedsrocknroll92 @kores-mun-son-n-more @eddiebuttcheeks @kirsteng42 @dreamerjj
@moonisu @em022O @cosmorant @kurdtbean
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mollypollykinz · 2 months
Hello! I’ve been binge reading Throw Away Your Mask and now that I’m caught up, I’d love to know more about your thought process on how you set up Akechi’s social links if you’re cool with discussing it! Specifically I’m kind of curious about how you chose which characters to have him bond with / how you determined which arcana to use (especially for characters with a different arcana compared to their bond with the protagonist of their respective game).
Ooooo good question! So I did some planning before I actually started writing the fic. There were some characters I Knew right away I wanted Goro to have social links with (like Ken, Shinjiro, and Kanji). Some social links were fill-ins for arcana I was still missing. I also really wanted to write an original character (in the same vein as marigolds), especially since I did want a child classmate character who really displayed childishness in a way that Goro and Ken were never gonna bring to the table. I wrote a list of the major arcana in my notes and then matched the names up like this (i copied and pasted this straight from my notes):
Arcana Social Links for pic -Priestess - Kurusu Akira -Tower - Shido Masayoshi -Fool - “Kurusu Tsuyoshi” Nyarlathotep -Judgement - Velvet Room Attendants -Sun - Dojima Nanako -Fortune - Naoto -Emperor - Kanji -Aeon - Teddie -Magician - Hanamura Yosuke -Star - Narukami Yu -Hierophant - Kanji’s mom -Temperance - Junpei -Hanged man - Kirijo Takeharu -Lovers - Ryoji -Chariot - Dojima Ryataro -Empress - Kirijo Mitsuru -Moon - Aragaki Shinjiro -Justice - Amada Ken -Hermit - Takaya -Jester- Adachi Tohru -Strength - Yamamoto Emiko -Death - Minato -Devil - Ikutski Shuji
I decided who was matched with which arcana based off of the arcana definitions in the persona wiki. The arcana pages in the persona wiki also gives common themes between social links within that arcana, so that impacted my decision too. Sometimes, i looked up the definition of an arcana outside of the wiki tho. My sister also came up with some of the matches when I had some blank spots (like Shido being Tower and Dojima being Chariot). I didn't want all of the characters to have the same arcana as they do in canon because I thought that was less fun than mixing it up. Obviously some arcana were too good to not keep, such as Ken being Justice. Another issue that came up is that I would use the canon arcana for one character (Ken), but then I obviously couldn't use it on Nanako too. When choosing arcana I also didn't really care about the 'gender roles' of each arcana. I honestly had a lot of fun giving Akira priestess (because the arcana meaning really fit the way I was characterizing him in this fic) and Ryoji Lovers (because Lovers always goes to a girl but it represents crossroads and Ryoji is a pretty big crossroads).
For a lot of the social links (not all lol), I also planned out each rank up. I tended to change certain details while writing, so this is what it kinda looked like:
Rank 3: Wednesday 13 May: After Akechi joins SEES, he meets up with Shinji. He asks why Shinji isn’t in SEES and Shinji says nothing. akechi is frustrated by this but drops it. RANK UP Rank 4: Wednesday September 2: Shinji joins SEES and Akechi’s like dude finally and Shinji says something about his past beginning to catch up with him and Akechi’s like what the hell bro. Rank 5: Sunday September 6: Shinji offers to teach Akechi how to cook. Akechi can always appreciate good life skills and accepts his offer. They make a tradition out of it.
Finally, I decided which characters to give social links just based off of who I think would have the most interesting character dynamics with Akechi/who would bring something new to the table. Also some characters' plots would make Akechi feel bigger feelings than others. But like part of the reason Shinji gets a social link and Akihiko doesn't is because Akihiko is kinda attached to Shinjiro's social link with Goro (think sorta daisuke and kou in persona 4). Naoto got a social link because *Detective Prince* TM, that sort of thing. Obviously other characters who didn't get social links also had a lot of potential, but I was already stretching my limit by including aeon and jester (jester was originally not going to be used but then takaya became a social link by hijacking the plot so i had to give up adachi's hermit status to takaya, which worked much better anyway).
So yeah. I put a lot of thought into it.
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adachimoe · 9 months
Who really created Heaven?
First off, there is a no-fun-allowed answer from ATLUS in the Persona Club book where they directly state that Heaven was born from the repressed thoughts of Nanako, who wanted to see her mother, and how its appearance is how it is because it was molded by the heart of a 6 year old child:
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It continues that the area where you fight Namatame / Kuni no Sagiri has 13 steps, which signifies that something bad is coming (13 steps to the gallows for execution).
But honestly, No Fun Allowed answers aside, the idea that Heaven was actually created by Namatame never really made much sense to me tbqh.
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For one thing, Nanako goes into the TV before him. This is confirmed by his journal entry, as he wrote in his journal after Putting Her In but before the car crash. Wouldn't this mean the dungeon was formed by the time he jumped into the TV?
Another thing is that while this isn't exactly stated or explained very well, the player knows from simply playing the game that the dungeons are created by the repressed thoughts of people who appear on the Midnight Channel. Remember how the protagonist/Yosuke/Chie didn't create a dungeon when they first entered the TV? If everyone who just fulfills the basic requirement of "enter a TV" made a dungeon, then the 3 of them should have made one too. But it was Mayumi, Saki, Yukiko, etc who made dungeons, and they were all on the Midnight Channel. Namatame was on TV before due to the scandal, but that was back in April. If anything, spawning a dungeon when you enter the TV seems to be a result of the term "living rent free in someones head" taken literally, given that the TV World is Persona 4's collective unconscious. Sorry Namatame, but I think the only person who's head you've been living in rent free is Adachi's. Speaking of him - the exception here is stuff like Adachi, and his dungeon is hand waved in the book as being something he created - rather than from his repressed thoughts - to fuck with the Investigation Team. Adachi was probably getting boosted by Ame no Sagiri anyway. Cheater.
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Lastly, this dialogue is new to Golden (the concert wasn't in the PS2 game), but the dungeons are shown time and time again to be some kind of representation of what the person is repressing inside. As Namatame talks to you in December, he comes to terms with him having a feeling that the TV was dangerous all along. It's likely also what drove him to jump into the TV after Nanako to begin with, instead of just letting himself be arrested.
I think this new dialogue for Golden kinda seals it (before invoking the No Fun Allowed excerpt) because if what Namatame was repressing inside was the realization that the TV was dangerous, why would his dungeon - or one he went 50/50 on with Nanako - look like Heaven?
That said, the book also notes that the protag/Yosuke/Chie created the pattern on the floor of the TV studio because they MURDER on the brain when they entered the TV, so it seems possible for someone to influence their surroundings in the TV World; perhaps the note from Atlus about the gallows steps can be interpreted to hint at Namatame creating that imagery when he went inside?
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trlvsn · 2 years
this is an explanation of why the later ace attorney games suck so, so badly, and it is probably common knowledge, but i will post it anyway.
so. i talked a little about the aa5+6 issue in this post and decided to look into it further, because i needed to know the reason why the later games are. well. like that. why did no one tell me it was this easy?
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first four games? clearly written by shu takumi.
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the last two have multiple different writers, and, also, different directors.
so at this point, it all makes sense, but now i'm curious about why this happened. here is a part of the wikipedia article that explains that:
For the fourth game, Takumi wrote the scenario and took on a supervisory role. He had wanted the series to end with the third game, as he felt Phoenix had been fully explored and that his story had been told; he said that it is important to know when to end a story, that he did not want the series to become a shadow of its former self, and that he did not see any reason to continue it. Despite this, the spin-off series Ace Attorney Investigations was created, being directed by Takeshi Yamazaki and produced by Motohide Eshiro; Takumi returned to the series to write the crossover Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. He also directed and wrote The Great Ace Attorney, which was described as being the first entry in a new Ace Attorney series. He said that he has mixed feelings about the series being developed by other Capcom staff, comparing it to a parent sending their child to their first day in school. Yamazaki and Eshiro went on to direct and produce the main series entries Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice. Due to exhaustion after working on Dual Destinies, Yamazaki split direction responsibilities with Takuro Fuse for Spirit of Justice, with Yamazaki working on the scenario, and Fuse on the art and gameplay. In 2020, Yamazaki left Capcom.
aa5 and aa6 were basically never meant to exist.
i'm not saying that's a fully good thing. as someone who hasn't played anything other than that main trilogy and aai, it is wonderful to see the fandom interpret the characters from the later games (like athena cykes) in fanfiction and art. i enjoy it! i enjoy the potential and the ideas the new games have apparently given us, however, the games on their own seem to be disliked by the majority (at least the majority of my surroundings in the fandom).
there really is no point or solution to this, at least not from me. i'm just wondering what the games would be like if there were no other writers other than the original one. perhaps, there would be no other games except for the first 3 or 4 ones; perhaps, of capcom didn't push for profit, he would have written a new one eventually.
actually, scratch that, there is one point. the fandom is amazing in my eyes so far and acknowledging the wrongs in the games is important. collective outrage is a weapon in the era where companies make internet personas and interact with us. maybe, just maybe, aa7 will be better. if it will even be, of course. and if it isn't? i'm sure the fandom will pirate it out of spite make better content out of it.
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lockefanfic · 1 year
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I'm back, and:
I'll get to all the asks in my inbox soon!
I'll get back to writing soon (tm)
I have finished Persona 5, and I have (spoiler warning) 10 thoughts after the break.
So for context, I played and finished Persona 5 Royal on PC. I ended up putting 95 hours into it, beating the main storyline and doing a good amount of the Mementos quests/confidant storylines, but I didn't do the third semester (more on that later). Thoughts:
What a game. I'm a pretty big JRPG guy, and this ranks up there in my top 5 of all time. Easily. Great characters, great storyline (albeit with what I thought was some filler towards the end of the game), really fun (if basic) battle system. And it's easily the most stylish JRPG I've ever played, and a lot of that has to do with the comic-style UI and god-tier soundtrack. Loved the game, loved the characters. After I finished it, I felt like I was saying goodbye to legit friends I'd come to know pretty well over the past couple of weeks.
Makoto best girl, don't @ me. Sorry Kasumi/Sumire. Makoto was the real Phantom Thief, cuz she infiltrated my palace and stole my heart. I legit awwww-ed at a couple of points in her romance. Hifumi close third place behind Makoto and Kasumi/Sumire.
I didn't do the third semester because how the fuck was I supposed to know you had to max out Maruki's confidant level just to unlock it? I went into this playthrough blind, and Maruki was always kind of sus (I kind of assumed he and Akechi he'd end up being a big bad and I guess I was half-right), but I had no idea that a whole 20+ hours of the game was locked behind his confidant level. By the time I realized it, I was already long past the date he left the school, and there was no way I was going to re-play 80+ hours just to unlock the third semester. Bah. I think it's crazy that they would lock most of the new content behind a pretty random confidant that you can easily pay zero attention to. Shame, because Kasumi/Sumire and Akechi are locked to the third semester and Kasumi/Sumire might've had a better chance of becoming best girl if, y'know, she could actually join my party permanently.
Was Haru even a character? I'm pretty sure some of the lesser non-party confidants got more screentime and background than she did. I didn't use her much either, because Makoto, Ann, and even Futaba were more interesting characters. How adorable (and relatable) is Futaba lol. When she called Mishima an NPC I legit laughed out loud. She destroyed him.
And on the topic of Okumuras, fuck you Okumura boss battle. It was the one part of the game where I had to turn the difficulty down.
WHY COULDN'T I ROMANCE SAE edit: for god's sake I could romance my homeroom teacher but not her? c'mon.
I watched a video about how the characters are much more comfortable in the Metaverse instead of the real world, and damn, it really resonated with me. This game had a lot to say about masks and social/societal pressure and hierarchy and things like that, and I found myself saying damn, that's so true more times than I could count. A large part of why I grew so attached to the characters and their struggles was because in a lot of ways, I saw myself in them.
Loved how real and accurate Tokyo (and the in-game world) was. Loved the references to popular chains, specific streets, and small things like brand names. I giggled irl at the nerds walking around in Akihabara with their bags of merch until I realized I've been those nerds a few times and then I got semi-offended, lol.
Akechi was sus from the start. I mean, was anyone actually surprised when he did the heel turn? At least he had his anime last stand, even if the team went from "you betrayed us you asshole" to "omg akechi nooooo what a noble sacrifice sadface" pretty quickly.
This was my first Persona game and the entire calendar/time cycles were really interesting. The other games have a similar system, right? Should I bother playing Persona 4 or just wait for Persona 6? Is Persona 5 Strikers any good?
Anyway, that concludes my little hiatus from Tumblr. I have a few things on the go irl so I probably won't be as active on here as I was previously, but I'll always be around, even if I'm not posting every day like I used to.
I'm going to be hopefully finishing up a couple of fics I've started, and I've come up with a few ideas for some sequels/new fics (Gaeul sequel because I'm an IVE fan now), so stay tuned.
Love you all, and hope you're all being excellent to yourselves and to each other. <3
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blazescompendium · 11 months
Shin Megami Tensei is 31 years old today.
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image provided by Vesk Scans. Please follow her archiving work!
Yeah, Shin Megami Tensei for the Super Famicom is now 31 years old. It is surprising for me how a game that came out full 6 years before i even give my first breath on this Earth, would be so important for me and my life. But here we are.
Even after playing the entirety of the mainline franchise, and a lot of spin offs, this game still holds its position very well in my heart because it is such a unique game. First, i always loved mythology and religion, so much so that i pursued it as a career. It started when i was little, with the influence of my father who was a scholar (albeit amateur) of those fields. Religion always played a major role in my life, both for the good and the bad, and although i don't actually align with any religion at the moment, i was studying the bible in a religious school since a very early age.
So, when i found out about Shin Megami Tensei, it clicked really, really well with me. I know that it is just a game, and even if it tries a lot to be faithful, as a researcher and scholar of Mythology and Religion we got to say it not always gets it right. But it tries! And when it tries, it can achieve very good results, and that's why i love it so much.
And that was when i was a teen/young adult. Now i grew up a lot, and even started my career in those fields, and still regard this game very high.
The characters are great for me, because i love how this game can be incredibly inclusive. Your main character is not a destined hero, or magical being. It is just an average guy, going to the groceries when the world start to end. He lives with his mom, have its problematic friends, and lives an average life. He always acts like any other person would act, and even his looks are just average.
Now, the thing is that this game did not aged well, but its absolutely playable and very fun to play. The old SMT titles have this ''survival horror'' energy, where you have to take care of resources while advancing in the game. ''Should you use your complete party in this dungeon, since its dangerous, but risk to deplete your MAG stock?'' Stuff like that got me.
And this brings me to how much i hate Atlus as a capitalist company. They made this effort to show us they care about the anniversary of the franchise that kick-started their business, but did not do anything about it. Just shoved merch to the US audience, that is not available anywhere else. Us, from outside, just did not got anything from this ''anniversary''. And i thought the Persona 25th was bad enough lol. But i guess merch hoarders are happy?
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And that was a big fucking lie
I honestly don't want anything out of the ordinary. If they could at least port the SNES titles to the Switch Online at the west, because its already available in Japan, i beleive we would be very grateful already. Playing and presenting this games for a new generation is a pain. And i believe Shin Megami Tensei deserves it as a series, not only for its uniqueness but also for everything this IP did to Atlus.
But hey, i guess we are getting something, right? We have a whole new Persona 5 spin off coming next week! I am so hyped to see the same characters, exactly as they were 7 years ago, in another story about teen rebellion or whatever.
Im sorry, SMT. We failed with you. But your legacy will never be gone. I beleive SMT message keeps relevant to this day, and even more so as the time passes by. The world is a very different place then it was in 199X, but still a very divided and extremist place. SMT was the only game of its time to tackle this issues.
Happy anniversary to Shin Megami Tense, as a great game as one of my favorite games of all time. I wish more people could play it at least once!
And yeah, to celebrate i think i will be beating SMT 2 tonight, after lectures!
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xunvyrae · 2 years
i think persona 5/the phantom thieves will have interesting cameos (and possibly bigger cameos than their predecessors) in the next installment of smt persona (p6)
unlike the earlier persona games, the thieves went all out in p5, exposing themselves to the general public (though of course not the method of changing hearts). people in and outside japan have heard of the phantom thieves (i.e. the npcs in Hawaii)
they have a large cultural impact in japanese society (we especially see this in p5 scramble, like with akane being a huge fan, and the events of p5s in general, where they changed hearts outside tokyo and caused bigger waves across the country) the way the previous groups in the persona series don’t.
to elaborate, the groups in personas 1-4 mostly operated secretly (i.e. sees being a 'school club' by day, investigators of the dark hour by night), and only a select few people outside the persona users actually knew what they were doing and that they’ve been ‘saving the world’. (in persona 2’s case, they forgot such events even existed/happened, including the group themselves).
for the most part, a lot of the results of their operations were unnoticed by the public, and while there were events that were talked about and covered in the news, it never reached the point the way the phantom thieves did it. the thieves did things on a grand scale, going bigger and more noticeable every heist. the phantom thieves made sure that the masses knew who they were.
so what becomes of japan by the time persona 6 events happen?
obviously i don't know exactly how atlus will play it out, but i do know that we’ll definitely see/hear about the phantom thieves.
atlus loves shoving easter eggs at us in every persona game, letting us know that all these events happen in the same universe, in chronological order (i.e. rise being mentioned as a popular full-time idol & naoto mentioned as the original detective prince before akechi in persona 5, etc)
considering how large the phantom thieves’ influence is in the nation, i wouldn't be surprised if they get mentioned in the news/by the main p6 cast themselves, or we even get an actual appearance/interaction with at least one phantom thief.
(maybe they get framed again for events that the persona 6 group have done? and possible appearances? jk, i’m getting in my head since p2 did it with the p1 & smt if… cast)
i can't tell if p6 would have connections to p5 (think, the case of p2 & p1) but i know that if atlus continues the timeline, the p6 cast would've at least heard about the phantom thieves, regardless of which part of japan the story will be set in this time.
basically, the phantom thieves' whole act will definitely have a significant effect on society's behaviour for the future installments of persona. as for what that is, we've yet to know.
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
Pounding my fist on the floor, 1) you KNOW most of tumblr is going to be obsessed with Macky’s stage voice. He’d be an icon for it, YouTube commercials want him voice acting for them and video game trailers like Nevercake. 2) Hilarious how Macky was all LMAO you thought you were the other guy? And how we’re all ruffled over fandom reading wrong, and then Macky gets to experience ALL of that he didn’t intend with fanonizing The Fool. Sorry bud, welcome to fandom! Also bro really thought these Swk moments would prove something and were important enough to include- 3) the mortifying ordeal of Swk talking to you but also complimenting you then insulting you and offering to collab?? 4) oh my gosh not the voice actor theories Mackey is insane, like we been knew how extra he is for the bit but if fandom caught a whiff of that things can go wildly controversial conspiracy for him, stuff like how he’s treating the voice actors/paying/crediting them properly, linking to socials, etc (but if he ever exposes the voices as done by himself they would explode) 5) Wukong persona ship reminds me of the Onceler x himself ship thing tumblr had going on. 6) Macky hears of shipping discourse and wonders what the heck is up with package delivery. 7) Stop that question is so funny, I’m going “Aw lol” at them defending their favorite silly guy but real, going mad with power XD on his way to making the next Antigone (Greek play the terrifyingly large classics fandom on tumblr calls the blueprint for tragedy, we lost a war to them and it resulted in a crack ship because fandoms are that crazy) if fandom is that picky about the tragedy. 8) the memes about Macky and PLS I’m crying this is so funny I’m gonna sob that’s his comfort character!! His self insert blorbo you’re so right he is that author who WILL complain that the curtains were blue for a reason! Literature students hate him and teachers are vindicated! You gotta interpret it correctly hahaha, this kind of behavior would baffle anyone from a whole grown man (his ass does NOT have a degree in the performing arts) didn’t go to school at all, can’t even pay his taxes don’t even got his own house he lives in Swk’s walls. But rlly being protective about who can relate to your comfort character is like, mentally ill tween behavior he gonna be under so much scrutiny
Bestie they would be on him like fucking vultures (get it? because he’s dea—)
he doesn’t get why the fandom is misinterpreting his work. like why are they focusing on some star and cloud when the real themes are centered on the sun and moon like that is his motif, how are they able to be so wrong—
ngl i dont think i would react any differently if i was in Macky’s shoes and my ex/enemy/the guy you wanna kill is gushing about your artwork while giving you a compliment sandwich and WHY IS HE ASKING TO COLLAB WHAT IS HAPPENING????
new video essay just dropped: ISPP’s creator is problematic actually and benefits off of employee abuse (followed by another essay in Macky’s defense and the concept of privacy and how fandom culture has evolved into a space where the privacy and comfortability for actors and production crews is seen as a bad thing vector “deprives the fandom from X”)
yes, i too thought of the Onceler fandom and they also apply as a reference
Macky on his thought over shipping: “I know it evolved over the years and became such an efficient tool. more efficient than i ever dreamed, but i dont see how that relates to my stories???”
the power of the ISPP compels him….to what path? that’s up to him
there would be sO many memes that come after a VA Q&A like so many (“was anyone going to tell me…” and “yeah, yeah the [bombshell of the fandom] we all know that”)
Macky would struggle so, so, sO hard with ppl misinterpreting his work 😂 he is absolutely at that level where he’ll go at arms for his characters (specifically his self-inserts) and talk about how if you watched the films THIS way them MAYBE—
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unremarkablehouse · 2 years
Ambiguous Dating Activity
MSR | MA | S6 | WC 3926 | A03
Summary: Season 6, post Kroner, Mulder and Scully go to the movies but they’re dorks about the whole thing. This is some long form semi-fluff. 
Tagging @today-in-fic
Fitted sheets were invented by Satan, Scully mused as she fought valiantly with her bedding trying to get it adjusted just right. Dressed in sweats and a messy ponytail she looked like the diametric opposite of her work persona. Between work and paranormal excursions with Mulder, Scully had fallen decidedly behind on her life chores. So, unless she wanted to wear her bathing suit as underwear, she needed to do laundry. Which is how she ended up changing her bedding on a Friday night instead of eating takeout at Mulder’s. All in all there was actually something dissatisfying about the amount of progress she’d already made. A part of her kept expecting Mulder to knock on her door or call and drag her away on a case, so the fact that there’d been radio silence since they left the office was disconcerting. It had been a few weeks since their tryst in Kroner, and although neither had acknowledged it, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about the way his hands felt on her body and the intensity of kissing him.
Scully tried to shake off her disappointment, struggling to change the comforter cover, almost knocking herself off balance in an attempt to get the insert to match up. The ringing of her home phone added urgency to the struggle, finishing off her battle with the comforter she reached the phone on the 6th ring with a breathy hello. “Hey Scully it’s me-“ “Hey ‘Me’.” The sound of Scully panting as she answered the phone threw an already nervous Mulder off his game. “Very funny. Did I catch you at a bad time?” “No, I was just wrestling with my comforter.” Scully continued to change her pillow cases, happy that the long established pattern of late night calls from Mulder had not been retired as she had feared. “Did you win?” “It put up a valiant fight but I got the bed made so I feel victorious.” “Good to hear you didn’t have to pull out your firearm to get your sheets changed” “I’ll be sure to announce I’m armed next time.” With a chuckle and a prolonged pause they both felt an unfamiliar awkwardness emerge between them before Mulder continued. “So, I’m actually calling because I wanted to know if you’re free tomorrow night -“ “Mulder, I already told you I’m not working this weekend.” “No, that’s not it! I just saw that Roman Holiday is playing at the Landmark-” “I love that movie-” Scully interjected. “I remembered. I could get us some tickets if you want to go?” “Sure, what time?” “8:15, let’s get dinner at that new place by G street you wanted to try.” Mulder held his breath waiting for her response. “Are you sure, that place is fancy, no plastic forks?” “I’m sure smart ass, I’ll pick you up at 6.” “I can just meet you-“ “No, parking is a pain by the Landmark, I’ll just pick you up at 6.” There was an anxiousness to Mulder’s responses that put Scully on alert, something about this invitation didn’t sound as casual as he wanted to make it seem. “Alright, what’s the catch?” “Excuse me?” “Is the theater haunted? Am I going to get there only to discover we’re investigating some kook who saw a swamp monster?” Mulder couldn’t help but chuckle at Scully’s trademark skepticism, of course she would question a movie invitation. “No catch Scully. Just you, me and Audrey Hepburn riding around Italy on a Vespa.” “Sounds fun then” Scully said with a smile Mulder could feel over the phone. Before he could hang up on her Scully called out his name. “Mulder, if this does turn out to be a ghost hunting trip you will pay.” Shaking his head Mulder hung up and wondered if he was going to be trying to convince Scully of his intentions for the rest of his life. The Christmas Ghost hunting trip was definitely ill advised and now she triple checked his plans. Scully’s Saturday passed without much fanfare, distracted by errands and cleaning her thoughts barely turned to her plans for the evening. If she was honest with herself she’d admit that she was a bit happier than usual, humming tunelessly as she picked up her dry cleaning and put groceries away. By 4pm her thoughts turned towards her plans with Mulder and she remembered the way his normally confident tone was layered with uncertainty and nervousness. This anxious vulnerability was a side of him she’d rarely seen, and she wondered if what she’d assumed was a regular outing between them was actually a date. Would Mulder actually go to the trouble of planning a date without making his intentions clear or using any words which could clarify it? Mulder was so direct in other areas of his life, why would he be so cagey when it came to relationships? Scully wasn’t sure but it made her question her entire outfit choice for the evening. In case this was just a plutonic outing, Scully didn’t want look like she tried too hard but also wanted to convey the message that she was open to more. Torn between casual jeans versus a provocative dress, Scully decided to split the difference with a skirt and a low cut blouse. The outfit said a little more than friends, a little less than lovers. Mulder’s knock on the door filled her stomach with butterflies as she took a minute to check the loose curls she made in her hair before answering with a smile. As she opened the door to Mulder with a warm familiar greeting suddenly it was as if all the air was sucked out of the room and Mulder froze in place. Feeling self-conscious Scully looked down to check if she had horribly misjudged her outfit or spilled something, confused by Mulder’s exaggerated reaction. Seeing her concern Mulder quickly snapped back to earth and clarified “no, Scully you look fine. Better than fine, amazing actually. Sorry you just caught me off guard when you answered so quickly, it just threw me off.” With an embarrassed smile Scully invited Mulder in while she grabbed her bag and coat. She felt foolish for hyping this up in her head. Obviously she was reading too much into this night and she needed to take a step back. That was easier said than done with Mulder looking decidedly sexy in his dark jeans, soft cashmere sweater and leather jacket. “Ready to go?” Scully asked as she brushed past Mulder out the front door, amused by the uncharacteristic way he seemed to fall over his feet as he tried to follow after her.
The drive to the restaurant was comfortable and filled with their usual banter. Something about being in a car together seemed to trigger some sort of muscle memory response and the earlier nervousness had melted away. In fact, the two were lost in the world of their own conversation; they barely noticed the activity of dinner had occurred until the waiter asked if they’d like dessert. Scully turned down the offer like an automatic response, but Mulder ordered their flourless chocolate torte which earned a raised eyebrow from Scully. “You’re not usually a dessert person Mulder,” Scully commented with mock surprise. “It's for science, I need to know what a cake without flour tastes like.” The chocolate cake looked decadent and Scully was secretly thrilled the waiter brought out two spoons. Encouraging her to take a spoonful of cake, Mulder held up his and eyed it suspiciously. “Alright Scully, are you ready to find out what flourless chocolate cake tastes like?” With an amused shake of her head Scully and Mulder tried the chocolate cake together, each watching for the other's reaction. The rich chocolate taste was heavenly and both let out a moan of pleasure and a nod of agreement that it was delicious. “Mulder this cake is incredible,” Scully grabbed another spoonful and made an exaggerated show of enjoyment that Mulder loved. “Looks like flour was holding cake back this whole time. This is amazing!” Mulder mimicked Scully’s previous display of enjoyment as he took another bite, eliciting a hearty laugh from Scully that seemed to imbue the entire room with warmth. Mulder marveled at this rare sight, and gave her a smile filled with adoration. Scully caught Mulder’s intense gaze, with unadulterated affection. Raising her hand to his face with a giggle, she wiped the corner of his mouth to remove the smudge of chocolate there. Never losing eye contact Mulder grabbed her wrist and kissed her thumb. Scully felt her cheeks blush red as she removed her hand from his face while Mulder gave a chuckle. “What? I don’t want to waste any cake.” Mulder’s fake innocent act was met with a genuine laugh from Scully as he gently bumped her shoulder with his, earning him a playful shove. The bill came and Mulder promptly placed his credit card down immediately, waving off Scully’s offer to split it. The walk to the theater was filled with a comfortable silence, somewhere along the way Scully had found her hand in Mulder’s but she decided not to question it. While sharing a meal with Mulder was a fairly common occurrence in Scully’s life, it had been quite awhile since she’d actually gone on a date with anyone. Even though she wasn’t sure if this outing actually constituted a date, she had to admit it was one of the best dates she’d ever been on. Scully often took for granted just how companionable her relationship with Mulder actually was. Once she had feared that work was the only tethered which tied them together, now she could see that it was merely one facet of an intricate tapestry. “What are you thinking about?” Mulder’s question broke the silent stroll and Scully looked up to see his soft gaze. “Just that I like spending time with you outside of work and life threatening situations.” Mulder smiled and was a little surprised by her honesty. “I like spending time with you too, but there’s no one I’d rather be with at work or in life threatening situations.” “Well the night is still young, maybe we can uncover a nefarious conspiracy at the concession stand.” Mulder guided Scully confidently to their seats, balancing his soda and their shared popcorn as they prepared to watch the show. The air temperature in the theater struck Scully as colder than normal and she found herself unconsciously shivering. “Are you cold Scully?” “Yeah and I left my jacket in the car.” “I could go and get it?” “Don’t be silly Mulder you’ll miss the start of the movie-“ “I have an idea, hold this.” Mulder handed Scully their popcorn, moved his drink from their shared arm rest and lifted the armrest up. “How did you do that?” “The armrests come up in some of these seats, so we got lucky. Come here, airplane style.” Scully smiled, countless flights across America Mulder had made himself her body pillow, however this time he had his arm around her. With his left hand, Mulder reached for the popcorn on Scully’s lap. “Warmer?” “Much.” “Good. The only problem with this position is you’re going to have to feed me red vines.” With a giggle Scully roughly put a red vine in his mouth, making sure to poke his face and gently hit him with the candy a few times for good measure. “Gee, thanks Scully-“ Mulder said while managing to slap her forehead with his red vine, earning him a slap and an exaggerated shush from Scully as the lights dimmed in the theater. As the movie played, Scully relaxed into her familiar place in Mulder’s arms; she wondered if perhaps they were too comfortable with each other to ever progress their relationship to the next level. While anyone looking on might judge their position as being intimate, it was nothing outside the realms of their everyday close relationship. The pretense that they were just cuddling for warmth was flimsy, especially given Mulder could have given her his jacket. Still, she made no attempts to sit back in her own chair, enjoying the warmth of his arms and the feel of his chest. Perhaps she was looking at things the wrong way, their relationship had grown well beyond the bounds of a normal friendship years ago. The intimacy and closeness she shared with Mulder far exceeded most of her sexual relationships so defining it as strictly plutonic was inadequate and diminished what they really had. Scully looked up at Mulder as he watched the movie, fully transfixed by the drama on screen. He unconsciously squeezed her tighter as the lovers experienced angst, making brief eye contact with her for reassurance. Scully’s heart clenched in her chest at this innocuous gesture, the perfect example of Mulder’s sweetness and romantic heart. For so long she had fought her desires to start any sort of relationship with Mulder, deciding his obsessive workaholism would always be an issue. Scully had been down that road with her ex, Jack Willis, and didn’t want to have to fight for a place in someone’s life. However, somewhere along the road in their five years of partnership Mulder had proven to be more than capable of putting her first. He had definitely come a long way from the obsessive cocksure investigator she met years ago. She remembered how despondent he’d been when the X files had been shut down the first time, and while he was restless to reclaim his quest, these past few months he seemed to be trying to find a way to function without them. Her train of thought was interrupted by the lights coming up in the theater and the other movie goers leaving their seats. Scully attempted to sit up and move away from her human body pillow, but Mulder’s arms wrapped around her tighter and pulling her closer to him, making her laugh. “Don’t get up Scully, I was so comfy.” Mulder’s whiny plea earned him a few extra seconds of Scully time until she started to squirm again. “Come on Mulder, they’re going to kick us out, plus I’ve gotta pee.” “Fine-“ Mulder released Scully with a resigned sigh, beaming as she took his hand and led him out of the theater. Mulder discarded the empty popcorn and soda as they left the theater heading straight into the men's room, while Scully took her place in the long line for the women’s restroom. As she waited it occurred to her that while she was definitely open to progressing her relationship with Mulder she still had no real clarity whether this was actually a date or not. What was the protocol for concluding ambiguous dates, does she catch a cab home or invite him up? As Scully left the bathroom she’d made up her mind to let Mulder take the lead and just be open to whatever happened at the end of the night. That was until she spotted Mulder laughing with an attractive brunette, who was obviously giving him her number. The brunette had an alternative edge about her, with multiple piercings in her ear and a nose ring. Her tight black T-shirt showed off her long slender frame, complimenting her fitted black jeans. Scully felt like an idiot at having enjoyed herself tonight only to discover that the notion this was a date was just in her head. It was clear that Kroner hadn’t meant anything to Mulder and their relationship was not meant to progress out of their current limbo. Scully stopped herself from going down a shame spiral, deciding that whether or not they were on a date it was still pretty rude for Mulder to try picking up other women while she was in the bathroom. Screw him she thought, and Scully marched over to Mulder with her head held high, ready to cockblock with the best of them. The steam was knocked out of her sails the moment she approached Mulder, thrown off by his enthusiasm when he saw her. “Scully, come meet Aubrey! She does some consulting with the Gunmen.” A spark of recognition flashed in Aubrey’s soft brown eyes as she grabbed Scully’s hand. “So this is the famous Dana Scully. Mulder doesn’t shut up about you, I’ve appointed him head of your fan club.” Scully’s eyebrow raised pointedly questioning Mulder. “It’s more of a figurehead position, I share the administrative duties with Frohike.” Mulder casually draped his arm around Scully, pulling her to his side in an affectionate way that sent a clear message that they were together to any onlookers. The gesture was most likely unconscious but she immediately found herself relaxing into him and letting her guard down to give Aubrey a chance. “Scully, Aubrey plays in a jazz band and was kind enough to offer us tickets for her show at Stone Tower winery.” “I’ve always wanted to check out that place. What instrument do you play?” “Alto sax, the winery is really beautiful, it’s a fun venue. The place is much too nice for most of my friends, it’d be nice to get some friendly faces in the audience.” ”Oh, so we’d be like your plants. Clap along and laugh at your jokes?”
”Exactly!” Aubrey said with a laugh. “You’re in trouble Aubrey, Scully never laughs at my jokes.” “Maybe they’re just not that funny Mulder?” And with that Scully and Aubrey both chuckled at Mulder’s expense. Scully caught Aubrey’s genuine smile and noticed that her eyeline was focused on her cleavage, it was clear that this woman had no interest in Mulder.
“So musician and hacker, that's a weird mix,” Scully said in an attempt to keep the conversation moving. Leaning in to brush an errant curl behind Scully’s ear, Aubrey invaded her space with a flirtatious smile that was not missed by Mulder. “Come on Dana, band geek and computer geek really aren’t that much of a stretch.” Taken back a little by Aubrey’s blatant flirting, Scully felt Mulder’s grip around her tighten and she fumbled a little in her response. “I guess not, I was the science nerd and fellow band geek.” Aubrey and Scully share a knowing smile. “So what kind of geek were you Mulder?” Aubrey asks, still not taking her eyes off Scully. “Speak for yourself, I was cool in high school. I still am!” Scully and Aubrey laugh at Mulder’s petulant reply. Moving out of his arms, Scully gives a loud conspiratorial whisper to Aubrey. “He was a Trekkie.” “Of course he was.” The girls laugh together leaving Mulder left out of the fun. Grabbing his dangling arm Scully pulled it around her once again, delighting Mulder with this action. Aubrey took this as a not too subtle hint that Scully wasn’t interested, but took a moment to appreciate how the two looked together.
“You know, you guys look pretty cute together. Maybe it’s the height difference, but you compliment each other well.”
“We definitely do,” Mulder replied looking down at Scully.
Promising to call about the tickets, Aubrey took off in the opposite direction as Mulder and Scully walked to the car. “Aubrey seems cool-” Mulder smiled at Scully’s assessment, loosely swinging their hands while walking back to the car. “Yeah, since she broke up with her girlfriend she’s been hanging out with the Gunmen more lately so she’s up to date with the Mulder mocking policy.” “I wouldn’t call it a policy so much as a beloved tradition.” Mulder gave her a big smile as he opened the car door for her, enjoying every minute of their banter. The trip to her apartment seem to happen on autopilot, and Scully found herself in the kitchen while Mulder hovered. “Do you want tea or decaf?” Scully asked as she motioned to put her kettle on. “No, that’s fine I’m going to get out of your hair-“ “Oh, well thank you so much for a wonderful night.” “Any time.” As Mulder moved towards her door he suddenly stopped as if remembering something. Scully watched him curiously and wonder if he’s trying to work up an excuse to kiss her goodnight or if he was about to tell her about a new species of bigfoot found in Georgetown. Pulling a crumpled box of Red Vines from his jacket pocket Mulder enthusiastically hands them to Scully. “Here, you can keep the leftover red vines.” Before she can say anything, Mulder placed a piece of red licorice her mouth and put the rest of the packet on the side table. Turning to leave again, he stopped and used his mouth to bite off the end of her red vine with a growl, mimicking a dog. Scully was momentarily stunned by this but managed to call out to him to wait before he reached the door. Taking the candy out of her mouth she gathered her courage and asked “Mulder, was this a date?” Mulder stilled himself, “do you want it to be a date?” “Yes.” “Then it was a date.” Mulder’s smile was sheepish as he looks down at Scully, frozen in place by the door. With the dating ambiguity clarified, Scully went up on her tippy toes and pulled Mulder’s head down for a kiss. The kiss was warm and playful, they both tasted like red licorice and there was something comforting about that. As Mulder went to pull away Scully’s tongue entered his mouth and the innocent goodnight kiss turned into a frantic teenage make out session. Ravenous for each other and Scully wrapped her arms around Mulder’s neck while he lifted her body, her legs wrapping around him as he pressed her against the door. Moaning her name as he kissed her, Mulder's hand roughly palmed Scully’s breast over her shirt while grinding hard against her. Scully’s mind had lost all capacity for reason and her thoughts became consumed with how quickly she could get him inside of her. Her mouth hungrily sucked on his jugular as her hands reached to undo his pants. This action snapped Mulder back to reality and he tenderly pulled away from her and patted her hand, signaling to stop. Gently he placed Scully back on the ground, straightening out her shirt and stroking her cheek with his hand, giving her an intense stare as they both gained control over their breathing. Scully’s cheeks began to color and she demurely looked down towards her feet, starting to feel embarrassed about their juvenile display. Tilting her chin up to face him Mulder explained “I just think we should take things a little slower.” “That makes sense.” The disappointment in Scully’s voice almost breaks Mulder’s resolve but he’s determined to make her understand that this is more than just sex. Touching his forehead to hers they seem to regain their equilibrium. “Scully, what we’re doing is too important to rush-“ “I know.” “Besides, I don’t put out on the first date.” With a gentle chaste kiss, Mulder heaved a heavy sigh. “Good night Scully, I’ll call you later.” As the door closed and their date concluded Scully had to admit that she was relatively happy with how this night turned out. Placing her cordless phone on her nightstand, she mused that soon enough Mulder might not have to call her before bed. His words played on a loop in her mind, giving her hope that they finally on the same page, and with any luck she wasn’t going to have to wait too much longer.
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
Me: You have an enough works and WIPS to finish. No more ideas. You have to stop.
Also me: HellCheer Hunger Games Mentor x Tribute AU
(They have major Finnick and Annie vibes, I don’t know why, it must be the tragic, unlikely soulmate thing)
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• Eddie Munson is a former *very unexpected* Victor made Mentor of District 6. He won at sixteen years old and developed a drinking and morphling addiction to help cope with the horrors he had to go through. He works with the only other living Victor, Jim Hopper to train new Tributes every year. None of their Tributes have won from their District since his victory. After the death of their first Tributes, he began to work on giving up his vices to be a sharper and better Mentor.
• His heart sinks when he finds out Chrissy Cunningham is drawn as Tribute during her last year in the Reaping and the male Tribute is none other than her old flame Jason Carver.
• President Creele seems interested in a different narrative this year after four years of Career victories. He wants to give the lesser Districts a little hope to keep their spirits. Not too much of course.
• Their Capitol personas aren’t difficult to create, both being attractive and popular even back home. Chrissy is good at pretending to be something she’s not to get people to like her, she becomes a Capitol darling overnight. Whereas Jason doesn’t have to pretend at all, he takes to the Capitol way of life quite naturally. Plus people love that they were former lovers and can’t wait to see that drama play out in the arena.
• Hopper wants to focus on Jason for training. He’s stronger, more determined, and has a willingness to kill. Whereas Chrissy, while athletic and smart, is too skittish and tender hearted to last very long in the Games.
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• Eddie however tries to convince him to focus on Chrissy instead. Jason is full of himself, too arrogant and unwilling to adapt to his surroundings… that and Eddie has been secretly harboring feelings for Chrissy since their school days, even though it seems she doesn’t remember him from back then.
• Chrissy tells Eddie to listen to Hopper and choose Jason because he has an actual chance at winning. She tells him she doesn’t care if she dies, that she really has nothing to go home to. She would much rather Jason live instead.
• Jason is still in love and very possessive of Chrissy despite their situation and is determined to keep her safe in the Games and willing to die to protect her. He believes if their Mentors focus on him and keep him alive, he can keep her alive in turn. He tries desperately to rekindle what they had before, but aside from the fact they will be pitted to kill one another, she is seeing a different side of him as the Games approach. Something dark and twisted. Almost an eagerness to get out in the arena.
• They decide to split mentoring, Eddie with Chrissy and Hopper with Jason. Giving both Tributes a chance. Eddie teaches her that there is more than one way to win, and that strength and brute force isn’t necessarily the most important attributes. He won his Games by running away, leaving everyone else behind. He only killed one person.
• They both begin to open up to one another, Eddie about his trauma surviving the Games and Chrissy about her abusive home. He sees and understands her in a way no one else does, not even Jason. As they spend more time together, their deep attraction and admiration for one another grows to be too much to bear until one night he kisses her on the floor of the training room.
• Hopper warns Eddie not to get too attached to her. Reminding him that he knows how this ends; with him watching her die and not being able to do anything about it. But Eddie is determined that she will live, that she’ll win.
• Jason notices the two of them growing closer and becomes consumed with jealousy. He quietly becomes volatile and resentful toward them. A bloodlust taking root deep inside of him.
• Every moment with Eddie makes Chrissy feel like there’s hope. They spend the night before the Games in each other’s arms and Eddie cries, begging her to win, to come back to him because he can’t live without her, he can’t watch her die. She brushes his hair back from his face and promises, for him, that she will try.
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silvery-bluish · 1 year
9, 15, 15, and 7 (because im on the dnd brain rn) for Arsinoe (and BB as well if you want!!)
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YEAH this one's really on me for reblogging two ask games with numbers in a row huh. Thank you for the ask though!! i'm going to assume one of those 15s was meant to be a 14? Let me know if I'm headed in the wrong direction.
Ask game in question is here!
9. how honest are they?
Arsinoe does lie. They lie, and they omit the truth, but they. Kind of always want to be telling the truth instead? Building relationships on lies and misdirection means those relationships are always going to be-- unsteady, foundations made out of sand, even if the other people involved don't know that they can't be REAL until everything's on the table.
They want everything on the table. They want to be understood. They're just. Caught in the inertia of not telling people things, it feels like, and telling the truth is going to knock all of those foundations down.
14. are they more daring or more cautious?
Local Idiot Bounces Wildly Between the two, more news at 10. I tend to think of Arsinoe as a very cautious individual overall, with a tenancy towards terrified-out-of-my-mind-holding-my-breath leaps of faith. In-game, this reflects as 'daring enough to take the Anathema name and then dipping down to basically be 50/50 all Retri' which seems to read as 'balanced' but. in my mind. it is actually them jumping wildly between the two.
15. what is their greatest flaw?
They'd say their inability to control their own emotions (Its Complicated with Ricardo for like a decade at this point, getting emotionally mugged by Danny, somehow friends with Chen now??? all of this is very inconvenient and they can't manage to knock it off) but I don't think they're right. I think it's their tunnel vision tenancy, their disregard for the fact that First Impressions Aren't Always Right. currently they're in the 'danny is an outlier and should not be counted' thought train but uh. Buddy.
7. what is their dnd alignment?
True Neutral baybee!! They're altruistic for people they care about, screw the rest of 'em. Some rules matter, some don't. They've got that Justice motivation 'cause the people they care about were hurt, not because of some overall concern for humanity or even Los Diablos.
9. how honest are they?
BB doesn't have a honest bone in his body. He's keeping aaall of it close to the chest. Yeah he's fine stop asking. There's nothing more to what Outlaw's doing than your standard villain beat-'em-up. Don't worry about it, just look at the elaborate monologues he's been rehearsing and stop trying to look past the gilt.
...it might be more correct to say the only honest things are his bones, tbh. Fronting aside, there's honesty in what he chooses to DO-- Prep Them hero hunter, saving civilians just because he'd Feel Bad if they died. Actions speak louder than words, or something, so to make up for it he brought a megaphone.
14. are they more daring or more cautious?
Tilting sliiiightly onto the daring end of things-- BB Bites Back, he's got confidence in his Persona as Outlaw, and he's not afraid to make a mistake. Except when he takes the mistake Personally and seethes about it for like 6 months straight. A little bit of a leap before you look because. Well. If you project the confidence people will just let you walk right in, you know.
15. what is their greatest flaw?
answered here!
7. what is their dnd alignment?
Gonna say Neutral Good for BB. He's-- playing a part, sure, playing a part that he was always going to play, but. He may not know much about himself past the Acting of it all, but he knows hurting people makes him feel bad, killing people would make him feel worse :| And he'll restructure what he can of his plans to avoid doing it more than necessary.
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jxckyx3 · 2 years
God, I don't even know at this point but this prompt dates back to like... probably two years ago?
If I remember correctly, I got this idea by watching a show called 'Last Man Standing' on NBC I think? It's hard to remember what television network it was, but I just thought it was cute and funny so here ya have it!!!
Ship: Team 6 poly
Top(s): Tyler, Brian & Marcel
Switch(s): Evan & Jon
Bottom: Nogla
AU: Team 6
Setting: /
Type: Fluff
Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains heavy swearing, sexual comments, friendly stalking, mention of sexual harassment, flirtatious comments and other mentions or situations that may disturb, trigger or offend the viewer. Reader's discretion is advised.
Evan's pov -
"Just like this?" I asked cluelessly, frowning in deep concentration as I mixed the deep red paste with the whisk.
Jon peered over my shoulder, chuckling lightly before pressing a kiss to my cheek.
"Yup! Just like that." He said, smiling sweetly before returning back to the oven to check the cake.
He had wanted to bake a cake to celebrate us moving into our new house. I didn't necessarily know how to bake a cake, let alone a red velvet cake, so he wanted to teach me.
When starting out YouTube career--or trying to start, it wasn't as easy as we thought it would be. We had underestimated all those more famous YouTubers and we realized we couldn't always come off as cocky and rude.
It wasn't a lie that we had put on fake personas when we started, trying desperately to be liked. But after a year or two of trying, we realized how tiring it was and decided to just be ourselves for once.
So we dropped the vlog cams, dropped our fake personalities and decided to just start gaming.
After a year of doing what we actually loved, we had started to get recognition and grew from there.
We weren't really confident in being totally personal online but we didn't want to be fake anymore and came out to our little bit of fans.
It seemed after that, that they had started to like us more. We got more views, more likes and even got sponsors by bigger companies.
During our big realization that we just needed to not care what people thought of us anymore, we decided to move out of our big house that had more rooms than needed and bought a much smaller house big enough for just the six of us.
It had one room but that's exactly what we wanted. The room was large, so that was an upside considering all the clothes and personal belongings we had.
It had two bathrooms, one upstairs and one down. The living room was large, we had an even larger office where we did our recordings--it wasn't very efficient to record in the same room at once, but the fans thought it was funny. Especially when we'd lash out at eachother or tackle one another for fun.
Our kitchen was huge--which was a good thing since my boyfriends loved to cook. And we had a few other entertainment rooms which just had most of our personal stuff. Like collectors items and shit.
The front door was just over to the left of the living room where we had a nice big entrance area and lastly we had a back door connecting to the kitchen. Placed right next to our garage door.
Of course, we weren't entirely big on the internet still, so we had gotten a few jobs here and there. Just the minimal wage because we didn't want to overwork ourselves with stress and all that.
We moved to this new house not too long ago and we were still getting used to the change of setting.
The neighborhood was friendly, filled with kids, parents, elderly and other residents. It was quite large actually, and it took some time for us to remember to not be too loud.
The town was big as well, but it was crowded and the buildings were all pushed really close together. The streets were always full with traffic, there was always kids running around. Going to and from school and what not.
Not to mention that we found ourselves having to be more social than planned.
Back when we lived in our old house in the forest, we never really talked to many people. Hell, we never even went out much. If any of us needed anything, we'd just Dash it.
But now, we had to be more open to friendly chit chat and randomly getting compliments. Especially since half of us worked as waiters or cashier's at grocery stores.
I didn't really mind though. It was different but...it was a good different.
"I'm baaack!"
I smiled, turning to the back door upon hearing the cheery voice.
"Hi loves!" Nogla greeted, wrapping his arms around Jon's neck, who was already pulling him in close and into a kiss.
I set the bowl down on the counter, making my way over to the two. Nogla pulled away from Jon and moved over to me, smiling as he leaned down and gave me the same treatment.
I hummed happily, reaching a hand up into his dark hair.
"Mm, smells good in here. Whatcha makin'?" He asked, pulling away from me.
"Jon wanted to make cake to celebrate the move- and, for hitting two million on our channel." I said, pulling out my phone.
Nogla gasped at that, his eyes lighting up.
"We did?! When?" He asked excitedly, taking the phone from me once I got to our shared account. Jon chuckled at his little fit, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Just three hours ago. It hit before we even started to bake the cake." Jon said, peeking over Nogla's shoulder to look at the number on the phone.
Nogla sighed in happiness, biting his lip and staring for a second before handing me the phone back.
"Time ta hit t'ree next." He said, earning a chuckle in agreement from Jon. I snorted.
"If you wanted to do that, you could always just go in the back yard." I joked, earning a loud laugh from Jon and an exaggerated huff of offense from Nogla.
"Y'know what? I'm not sucking yer dick tonight." He said, grinning down at me as my smile dropped.
"Who's getting the 'no-sex' penalty now?"
I looked over to see Marcel walk in, looking sweaty as he sipped his water bottle. I frowned, raising a brow in confusion.
"Well me, because I said something offensive, but better question, why the hell are you so damn sweaty?" I asked, watching as Marcel came in and set his bottle down on the counter, making his way over to Nogla.
"Was working out. I ate too much sweets these last few days and decided to do something about it before it got bad." He said, trying to hug Nogla. Who was definitely no having it, considering Marcel was wet and sticky.
"Ewie! Get yer sweaty hands away from meh!" He squealed, running away to hide behind Jon when Marcel made no attempt at listening to him.
"Work out? Weren't you supposed to pick David up from work?" Jon asked, taking the words right outta my mouth. Marcel sighed in delight, finally managing to wrap his arms around Nogla and hold him in a strong hold.
Much to Nogla's displeasure, might I add.
"Yup! But I decided to let him walk today." He explained, earning a hum in confirmation from Nogla.
"What?!" Jon exclaimed, pouting as he looked to Marcel.
"What?" He asked, taking the chaste kiss from Nogla before moving to the sink to splash cold water on his face.
"Ya can't just let him walk home, Mar! Y'know how many sketchy people roam around his work area." Jon huffed, setting his hands on his hips as he looked up at Marcel.
"Well, of course I know that. But David wanted to and I wasn't just gonna say no. Look at him!" He said in defense, gesturing his hand over to Nogla.
He glanced up at us, quickly taking his finger out of the bowl of frosting I had been mixing to give us an sweet smile, swaying back and forth like an innocent child.
"Ugh, no wonder he's the only bottom." I muttered, earning a scoff in offense from him.
"And that's also why we can't just have him walk home by himself. It's too dangerous." Jon said, giving Marcel more of a concerned tone than of anger.
Marcel sighed, nodding in understanding.
"I know, I know. But David's an adult, he can handle himself... mostly." Marcel said nervously, leaning against the counter. I sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of my nose.
Nogla worked as an assistant manager at a library. The women who owned the place was very old and Nogla worked hard enough to get promoted over there.
The library was big and local, so it had lots of people going in and out twenty four seven.
The thing was, the place was known to have a lot of drug dealing going on in there, it was near a hot spot for bad people and there was always criminal activity in or around it when broadcasted on the local news. Or so I heard anyways.
It could all easily just be rumours, but we weren't willing to take that chance.
It wasn't like we were just gonna force Nogla to quit his job because of it all either. He loved that job because he doesn't have to talk that much and he just loves books. And second, he pulled most of the money in that we needed to pay for the bills with so we couldn't just drop that.
So instead, we had just drove him to and from work whenever we didn't have a shift. It was easier that way for all of us.
"Hey, I'm a grown man." Nogla butted in, a small pout on his lips as he continued to stick his fingers into the frosting.
"No offense Daithi, but you're a sissy lala. You can't even look at a roach without screaming like a little girl." Jon said, trying to be as nice as possible about it. Marcel and I laughed in agreement, earning a raspberry in return.
"Nu-uh!" He retorted, glaring half heatedly.
"Yes huh. Now stop sticking your little fingers in the icing or I'm gonna stick my dick where the sun don't shine." Jon grinned, pulling the bowl away and smacking Nogla's ass.
He yelped in reaction, his face burning as red as the icing as we all laughed at Jon's remark.
"Well- I...ugh!" Nogla groaned, not being able to come up with a comeback. We laughed even harder at that, causing his face to burn darker--if that was even possible.
"Fine, ye don't get ta fuck me tonight either!" He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. That only made Jon smirk up at him, setting the bowl down and swiftly bending Nogla over the counter.
A small squeak escaped his lips as Jon leaned over his body, placing his mouth right next to his ear.
"I don't think ya get to decide that sweetheart." He teased flirtatiously. Nogla whined in defeat, trying to push himself back up.
"Argh! I hate t'at ye guys are stronger t'en me." He complained, earning a laugh from Jon.
"And that's exactly why you can't go walking the streets alone, let alone taking the public bus." He said, pulling off of Nogla and helping him stand up straight.
"Eh- but I want ta! I like walking! Helps me think. Plus, today I passed a really pretty park surrounded in big rose bushes! Ya should've seen it." He said happily, a wide smile breaking to his face and replacing the earlier blush.
I sighed, frowning over to Jon as Nogla started to ramble to Marcel about what he had seen and all the different colors of roses.
Of course the two of us didn't like the idea of letting Nogla roam town alone, and I knew that Brian and Tyler would like it even less than us.
But if this is what made him happy, then we had to respect that.
"We thinkin' the same thing?" Jon asked, lifting a brow at me. I hummed, nodding in response.
I glanced up at Marcel and Nogla, who had stopped mid conversation when Jon spoke up.
"Okay...you can walk home from time to time," I started. Nogla started to smile and clap happily before I could finish.
"But," I said, watching as he immediately stopped and gave me a look of hope. I smiled at that, finding the expression all to adorable.
"But you have to watch where you're going, keep your phone out at all times and if you feel like your being followed, go to the most public area you can find and call the police. Or better yet, one of us so we can come pick you up." I sighed, earning a wide smile in return.
Nogla bounced forward and pulled me and Jon in a big hug, squishing us into his chest tightly despite his slim, weak arms.
"Awww, I love ye guys!" He said in a high pitched voice, still somehow jumping up and down with us.
I chuckled lightly, pressing my hands to his back as the others laughed along.
"Yeah, yeah, don't get too ahead of yourself. You gotta do the honors of telling the other two." Marcel piped up, making Nogla stop mid excitement and drop the two of us.
"Shit." He cursed, drooping over the counter in defeat as he already knew what they were gonna think. And those two were the most protective and possesive out of all six of us.
"Ah, don't worry Nogla. I'm sure they'll understand why you wanna do it." I encouraged, rubbing reassuring circles on his back as he sat himself in one of the bar stools.
"Mhm! Plus, ya give mean head. I'm sure they'll give in if you offer a few blow jobs." Jon grinned, pulling his oven mitts on to pull the cake out of the oven.
The sweet smell of red velvet filled the kitchen as he did so, warming up the room. I inhaled deeply, already feeling my mouth water.
"Ye know what? I'm not even embarrassed by t'at. I take it as a compliment." Nogla sighed, setting his work bag down on the floor and folding his hands on the counter.
"Your blush says otherwise love." Marcel said, placing a kiss on his cheek as he seated himself right next to him.
I laughed at the glare Nogla sent his way, picking up the bowl of icing to help Jon finish the cake.
Third pov -
"What time is it?" Brian asked, glancing at his wrist to check his watch.
"Mmm." Evan hummed with a shrug of his shoulders, reaching towards the coffee table to grab a handful of chips from the clear bowl.
It was Saturday and none of the guys had any shifts this week. Valentines day had passed a few days ago, so they were all given a week off.
Well, except for Nogla. The owner had called in sick so he had offered to help the new employee while the owner was out.
"Oh...oh, shit. It's Saturday... Nogla's coming home soon." Brian mumbled, staring down at his watch for a few seconds before grumbling audibly and lowering himself into the couch.
Tyler groaned in agreement, throwing his head back in frustration.
"Why did we have to come up with that stupid agreement anyways?" He huffed, flopping down and laying his head in Marcel's lap.
The guys had all collectively came up with the agreement, that Nogla would walk home every other day of the week. Brian and Tyler weren't entirely happy about it, but Nogla was able to convince them.
"Because we care about his happiness and we trust him to make adult choices without needing our permission." Marcel said, running a hand though his boyfriend's hair. Evan chuckled.
"And because he gives good blow jobs." He reminded the two, small smiles breaking onto their faces.
"He really does." Brian moaned, staring up at the ceiling.
"Jesus Christ, don't get hard!" Marcel exclaimed, noticing the expression on Brian's face. It was the look he had on whenever he was aroused.
"Anyways, we did it because we love him." Evan laughed, throwing his legs over Brian's lap. The Irishman simply pouted, frowning in defeat as he ran his fingers over the muscles in Evan's leg.
"It's not tat I don't trust him. I don't trust 'is work area." He mumbled, earning a humm of agreement from Tyler. Marcel clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes at the two.
"You guys are over exaggerating." He said with a fond smile, resting his hand over Tyler's face to annoy him.
The American huffed, pulling his boyfriend's hand away and pulled into his chest, intertwining their fingers instead.
"They talk about sexual harassment and loitering criminals on the news all the fuckin' time. How could I not over exaggerate?" He asked rhetorically, looking down at their hands with an even bigger pout than Brian.
Marcel glanced up at Evan, the two of them exchanging a smile.
Despite both Brian and Tyler being the most masculine and anger infused out of all six of them, they tend to get like this whenever they weren't getting their way.
It happened more often than expected and the rest of the guys always loved it because they honestly found it cute and hilarious.
Very uncharismatic of the two.
"It's the news, Ty. They're the masters of over exaggerating. Well, besides Google but you get my point. They just say anything to get a unique and big story." Marcel said, giving his boyfriend's hand a soft squeeze with his own.
Tyler merely grunted in response.
The four sat in an awkward silence for some time, Evan and Marcel not knowing what else to say to reassure their boyfriend's.
Then, there was a sudden knock at the door. Brian was the first to shoot up, shoving Evan's legs off his lap and running to the door.
Expecting to see his Nogla, he opened the door with a wide welcoming smile, only to drop upon seeing a tall man dressed in a police attire.
"Uh- hello officer. How can I...help ya?" Brian asked slowly, standing up professionally as he looked up at the cop in confusion.
The rest of the guys stiffened at that, turning their heads to see what was going on.
"Hello sir. You must be Brian Hanby? I believe I have something that belongs to you." He greeted with a tip of his hat.
Before Brian or even any of the guys could question him, the cop turned around and gently pulled Jon up the steps by his arm, moving to undo the cuffs on his wrists.
"Oh my god. Oh my god Jon, what did ye do now?" Brian asked with a loud sigh, running a hand over his face.
Jon's mouth dropped in offense, glaring slightly as the cop released his hands.
"Excuse me?! I didn't do nothin'!" He exclaimed, rubbing his wrists as he moved into the house. He moved to the couch and plopped down like a child who had just gotten grounded from his playstation.
Hands crossed over his chest and everything.
"So...then why did you get sent home by a cop?" Evan asked, smiling slightly in amusement. Jon just stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend, the cop laughing at the boyfriends' shenanigans.
"No actually, he was wandering around the local library? The one just downtown. I got a few complaints about another loitering criminal." He explained with a slight laugh, earning a groan fom Marcel.
"Jon, what did I say? David is old enough to walk back from work by himself. He's fine, nothing bad is gonna happen to him." He scolded, the other averting his gaze in self disappointment.
"I know, but he's too pretty. Someone's gonna snatch him up if we're not careful." He whined, earning a roll of Evan's eyes.
"Anyways, how did ye know my name might I ask?" Brian asked, looking back to the cop. The officer chuckled, gesturing back over to Jon.
"Your boyfriend is quite the rambler under pressure. All I had to do was cuff him and ask what he was doing there. Practically told me everything about you all. Not to mention that David greets me every morning since I'm part of the security team on that side of town." He explained with a shrug of his shoulders.
Tyler burst out laughing, dropping Marcel's hand to roll over and accidentally land on the carpet with a grunt.
"Shut up! I thought he had a warrant for my arrest or some shit!"Jon shouted, only causing his boyfriend to laugh even harder despite the fact that he was lying face first on the floor.
Evan was laughing too. But not because the fact that Jon was horrible when it came to cops. But because the way Tyler had fell.
Marcel simple sighed, shaking his head lovingly.
Brian rolled his eyes with a smile, turning back to the cop once more. He glanced down at his name plate that was right next to his badge.
"Thank you officer Daniels, I promise that this won't happen again. Right Jon?" He asked, raising a brow over at his boyfriend. He earned a puff of breath in response.
"Right, Jonathan?" He tried again, this time more stern yet still keeping on his flashy smile.
Jon glanced at him from the comer of his eye, knowing that look on his boyfriend's face. He knew he'd be in deep trouble if he didn't obey.
"Yeah, whatever." He stuck his tongue out, earning a satisfied laugh from the other.
"Welp, I should get back to work. Let's hope we don't have another incident like this again gentlemen, yes?" Officer Daniels said, giving the guys one last smile and chuckle before heading down the path.
Brian gave him a friendly wave, shaking his head as he shut the door.
"Jon..." Marcel started.
"Can it bitch, I hear ya." Jon grumbled, taking Tyler's old place and setting his head in Marcel's lap.
"Ugh, you guys are unbelievable." He muttered, shaking his head with a happy smile.
"At least Evan's got my back on this. Right Ev?" He said, glancing to the second couch. He blinked, seeing the Canadian staring down at his phone.
"Ev?" He asked.
"Huh?! Nothing!" He shouted, fumbling with the small device and dropping it into the carpet.
Marcel frowned in confusion as Evan cursed, reaching for the phone. But Tyler was faster, reaching over from his spot on the floor and snatching the phone right outta his boyfriend hands.
"What's this?" He asked curiously, darting his eyes around the screen.
"I said nothing!" Evan exclaimed, trying to yank his phone back. But Tyler was faster, wrapping his legs around Evan's waist when he got close enough to hold him in place as he inspected the phone.
The screen was white, with yellow and grey lines randomly placed. It was only then that Tyler realized that they had addresses, and the lines were actually roads.
"Is this...are you tracking Nogla?" Tyler asked, handing the phone over to Marcel as he finally let go of Evan, who had been biting into his knee to break free.
"Uh...no?" He muttered, laying on Tyler's stomach.
Marcel huffed loudly, taking a well needed breath before setting the phone down.
"Like I said. Unbelievable." He muttered in disappointment. He was slightly insulted that the guys didn't trust Nogla enough to let him walk home. And that they didn't trust Marcel enough to believe him when he said Nogla was fine.
He understood why they were so worried. He really did. But they needed to let it go. Nogla was an adult, and he wanted to be treated like one.
Marcel wanted to respect that, as well as have the rest of the guys respect it as well.
"Look guys, I'm sure he's fine. He knows his way there and back by now." He said, trying to comfort them.
"Uh...he's turning the wrong street." Brian suddenly said. At that, all eyes turned to the Irishman, who had picked up the phone in curiosity and was watching the big red dot that blinked as it moved along the yellow lines on the screen.
Marcel quickly snatched the phone from his boyfriend, feeling a wave of worry crash into him despite him being the most supportive of the little fucker.
"Eh, he's probably just chasing a butterfly or something..." He tried to excuse, forcing a small wavery smile as he watched the dot turn into the more unfamiliar streets that they haven't been to yet.
It was still near the library, but it was heading into the opposite direction of their house.
"Uh...at thirty-five miles per hour?" Tyler asked, peeking over Marcel's shoulder as he saw the speed of the dot at the top right corner.
All of their stomachs dropped at that, getting increasingly more concerned.
"Yeah he doesn't run that fast, let's go!" Marcel said worriedly, handing the phone back to Evan and bolting for the door with the guys not too far behind him.
They quickly threw on their shoes and their jackets that sat organized at the entrance area, running out the door in record time.
The house sat quiet, nothing but the sound of the cars engine outside.
"I made it!" A voice called.
Nogla walked in to the living room from the kitchen, having used the back door again.
He frowned, seeing not a single one of his boyfriends in sight.
"Lads?" He called, still earning no response. He pushed his lips into a pout of thought, setting his work bag down.
"Huh..." He muttered, scratching his neck as he glanced around the messy room.
"Probably out shoppin' er some shit." He said was a wave of his hand, rolling his sleeves up and beginning to clean up the mess they left behind.
"Speed the fuck up!" Brian shouted.
"I'm trying! We're near a school zone though, dumbass!" Tyler yelled back, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.
"That car! That car right there! Chase that fucker!" Evan exclaimed, glancing up from his phone to point out the small black car.
Tyler stayed close to the vehicle, practically riding the driver's ass as his boyfriend's continued to shoot and wave the car down.
Eventually, they caught the driver's attention, pulling over on the side of the street.
Jon was the first to hop out, stomping over to the car as the driver hesitantly rolled his window down.
"Oh hello! Why can I do for- ahh!" The man made a noise of shock as Jon grabbed him by the collar, practically pulling him out of his seat and pulling his upper body out the window.
"Where is he?!" He shouted, not caring that bystanders started to stare as the guys raided the man's car without permission.
"W-what? Who? I-i dunno-"
"David, you fuck! Where is he?!" Jon continued, shaking the man as he pulled him closer. Half of his body was now hanging out of the car and he looked absolutely terrified.
"D-david? The as-assistant manager? H-he left a f- a few minutes ago. Like, fif-fifteen I'd s-say?" He stuttered shamefully, holding his hands up as Jon tightened his grip, his glare menacing.
"Found his jacket." Marcel informed, pulling the dark green coat from the back seat that Evan had placed the tracker in.
Tyler growled, grabbing the man from Jon's grasp and fully yanking him out of the car with a loud yelp.
"Where the fuck is he?!" He demanded, slamming his back into the car.
"I dunno, I swear! He left a little bit ago!" The man cried, looking as if he'd literally cry any second now.
"Then why do you have his jacket?" Evan asked, shaking his head as he gestured to the article of clothing.
The man glanced over at him, trying to muster up words to explain himself.
When David told him about his boyfriend's...he didn't expect this.
"Hi! Where were ye guys? I got worried when ye weren't here!" Nogla said cheerfully, opening his arms with a welcoming smile as the guys tumbled into the kitchen.
They all quickly rushed over to him, all trying to hug him at once despite his slightly messy state from cooking.
"Oh!" He said in surprise, holding his arms up and stiffening as his boyfriends hugged him tightly.
Of course, they always tended to show him and eachother affection. But he's never seen them be this clingy before. Especially without an explanation for it.
Tyler was the first to pull back, grabbing Nogla's face in both hands and pressing a rough, intense kiss to his lips before pulling back.
"We love you, so fucking much." He stated, eyes looking determined as he stared down into Nogla's green flustered orbs.
"O...kay?" He said with a small smile, narrowing his eyes at the rest of them.
Now he was very confused. His boyfriends were still very embarrassed about using the L word. Especially Tyler, so this was really new to him.
"Are ye guys okay?" He asked, finally managing to breath as they all let go of him.
"Yeah, we were...we were just a bit worried." Marcel admitted, however not wanting to tell Nogla about their whole trip and how they almost killed his new employee.
Nogla frowned, tilting his head at them with a confused smile before chuckling lightly.
"Well I'm fine!" He said happily.
It wasn't like he was gonna ask why they were worried, why they weren't home when he got here and why they looked like they had just robbed a bank.
He had already knew. Seeing as the newbie from work used his emergency contact to call him and inform him of how crazy his boyfriends were.
He knew better than to mention all that. Instead, he was just happy they were home. Safe and sound.
"So...you traded your jacket for a box of chocolate?" Brian asked, eyeing his boyfriend in disbelief.
Nogla giggled, nodding in confirmation.
"Yup! It was a steal too." He said, turning and grabbing the large heart shaped box from the counter and showing it off to them.
Tyler and Marcel exchanged a glance, both as equally wanting to say something about how dangerous and stupid that was. However they couldn't bring themselves to do it.
Nogla's happy smile was simply too adorable.
"Ye know, ye're a pain." Brian said, saying what they were thinking instead. Nogla laughed at that, shrugging his shoulders as he set the box back down.
"Well, back ta makin' dinner. We're having lasagna tonight." He informed, turning around and going back to layering the dish.
"Yeah...we were just a bit worried." Marcel muttered, feeling slightly disappointed in himself.
All this talk about how the guys needed to trust their boyfriend and here he was being just as bad. He looked over, glancing at the rest of them.
On the other hand, the others were stuck staring at the taller Irishman, watching him cook in interest.
He still had on his casual work clothes and wore a green apron over them. The strings tightened at his back and cinched his waist, showing off his curves beautifully. He wore a head band to hold his dark, curly hair back and he still had on his glasses instead of switching them out with his contacts like usual.
It was no wonder they loved this man so dearly. He truly was irresistible.
"You're right Jon. He is too pretty to be left alone." Marcel gave in, sighing in defeat as the other hummed.
"See? What'd I tell ya?" He teased, smirking as Nogla turned around and raised a confused brow at them.
"Who?" He asked, not having heard the conversation they had too long ago when the officer had dropped Jon off.
"Nothing important love. Just continue what ya were doin' and look pretty." Brian waved him off, earning a small blush before Nogla obligated and faced back the other way.
"Oh yeah. Just like that." Tyler smirked as he leaned against the counter. His eyes trialing down Nogla's back until they stopped at his ass, chuckling lustfully.
"You guys are perverts." Evan smiled, grabbing the box of chocolate from the counter to eat some.
"And what?" Jon said in defense, tone offended but his eyes never leaving Nogla's body.
The Irishman rolled his eyes, smiling to himself as he heard his boyfriends banter and argue shamelessly.
Oh how he loved them so much.
5572 words    
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Believe it or not, I finished this in only two days! Ha!
Well I hope you liked it and I hope y'all had a great day!!
Until next time, my loves!! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
- Jacky       
Featured or mentioned characters:
Main -
Nogla - Nogla, David, Daithi
VanossGaming - Evan, Ev
H2ODelirious - Jon
BasicallyIDoWrk - Marcel
Terroriser - Brian
IAmWildcat - Tyler
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ambientbroth · 2 years
Self Diagnosed Autism Journal Entry 6:
Day 6, I’ve started to notice more and more traits that I just thought was a personality quirk but is actually just shared experiences of a community I never thought I’d consider myself apart of.
No internal clock. Always surprised on how time passes by. Also lengths of time; I’ll be looking at a jar we got last week and say it’s been in the fridge for 4 weeks???
Always hating bright lights; sunlight in my eyes [this goes into early childhood and current real life] “mommy the sun is blocking me!”, street lights, fluorescent lights (bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), I think car lights are always high beams and will literally turn my high beams on “babe those are just Regular head lights” - boyfriend, hating over head light anywhere so I’ve always owned lamps and ambient Christmas lights, night lights are my only source in the bathroom
Enclosed spaces, hiding in the closet, being in the bathroom for a long time, hiding in the trunk of cars, hiding in other peoples closets, hiding in corners
Weird obsessions, fascinated by corners where the walls meet or the corners (favorite) of anything, living in a fantasy world where there were ‘other forces’ trying to get me, secret codes, magic and fantasy magic, assigning people to my fantasy games (I was literally the best at setting the standard for all imaginary play), maps maps maps I loved making maps, all sorts of pets I wanted and making power points to my mom to convince her of the care, cost, and long term of pets, animal obsessed, it goes on…
Having phases of personas, assigning them all names and embodied multiple traits for each type. I’m currently in regression and channeling scene/emo - I’m going to dye my hair green and pink and get extensions because that’s what I wanted when I was 8
Perception of seeing the world as new. I’m always looking at the pieces of what makes an object rather than the object itself. NT people will draw the concept of a dog, Autistic people will draw the dog. NT people will see a tree, Autistic will see a branch, the squirrel in the tree, a bug on the trunk, before seeing the whole thing as is.
Another perception thing is ants actually make land marks as they go about their route what they found in a study was that the ants actually look back at the landmark so they know what it looks like from the way in-AND-out, you know who else does that? Autistic people! Even if the building is identical on all sides, autistic people won’t really be able to recognize it but NT people can, their brains fill in the blank. ISNT THAT SO COOL
I have a lot more to say on this topic but I would actually like to have people engage and I know my stories are really long and I type a lot and the attention span is turned off by my excessive paragraphs, but please drop down some traits and experiences that you didn’t know where apart of autism!
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eddsworldstuck · 4 months
i asked who the space player insert is based on a short while ago and so i still have my space player :)
anyway i should really find a new theme for this blog, huh? especially if i want to make a full comeback. if i do. something other than the old redux theme (despite how much i like how simple it is). i may have already found a new theme to use tho.
i've already edited some things on the blog. i edited some pages.
i am still very tuned in on writing/drawing for specifically game of dice tho (i love the characters and story there more than anything)
if you're wondering how the story is now (in the time since i posted that art of the 4), i have a whole rough timeline complete. including chapter names. (still unknown if i wanna post the story publicly) by rough i mean it's just short summaries of what happens in each chapter.
i wanted a timeline set (i did that for the old version of the story, it was actually mostly complete) before any actual writing. and i think the timeline is pretty much set. and i wrote part of chapter 1. wrote as in i blacked out after reading some of my old writing and woke up to about 200 words. that then expanded to 900 and counting. what being fueled by wanting to annoy a fave character does to me. and spite. also one of the main reasons for setting a timeline is the theme for act and chapter names i have. and every act and chapter has been properly named :) i think saying some of the chapter names would give things away, but i'll give away the name of Act I: Brand New Days
yes i am calling them acts like homestuck cause i like the stage play terms and how important music and the performing arts are to me and this AU. (plus music is so ingrained into homestuck itself, the fraymotifs [special moves] are musical terms for example). plus the old version had acts too
they're basically like this. the act is broken into parts with chapters. (of course there's more than 2 chapters for act 1)
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if i were to write it in full again and post it, i'd post it to ao3. the old ews story is still there cause i don't want to delete the only archive of the story (aside from it being in my files) but don't read it. don't worry about it. oh god it's so old, don't look at it. i don't even have my fantrolls in it anymore. altho i have put it locked behind view to registered users only to make it somewhat private without getting rid of it. as well as disabled comments. my game of dice fics i've put there are far better, and it's not cause it's my game of dice bias (even tho those are old-ish too and predates the main story. and predates present nea [my game of dice fc])
altho i have did a little editing on a code to help make pesterlogs and memos look so much better than what they originally looked like in the old ews. i just decided to make this ahead of time in case it DOES come back to be posted publicly.
the new code (i just added extra bits in a copy/personal work skin that adds the 6): [AO3]
old (the dark bg is only due to me using a dark skin for ao3 overall)
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new (not official logs/just made for testing, also these are the new unique handles for the 4 so it's no longer based on the irls. i hope the inspo for the handles is very obvious. sorry Matt did not speak in the memo, i just didn't know what to make him say. but there was already a lot to type. and by a lot to type i am talking about the code itself, even with copy+paste)
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also i have some ideas for a new icon and header. the ideas i have are heavily persona 3 reload inspired. persona 3, especially reload, is one of the reasons i've thought about this AU again after all. what listening to full moon full life on repeat does to me. maybe the icon tho will be a redraw of the old one. which was from the old cover of when i was planning a comic version of the story. ...maybe i will redraw that cover, hm... who knows lol
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