#if it wasn't obvious this is a joke
achillesmonochrome · 3 months
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nephilimbrute · 4 months
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jerma pearl (and marina) page
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samijey · 3 months
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I cant believe cm punk is running around backstage offering young stars unsolicited advice again ://////
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catboybiologist · 1 year
The WOKE TRANSGENDER MOB is taking yet another FEMBOY ICON
Fucking bullshit. Fucking BULLSHIT. The woke mob is now saying that beloved femboy icon, CatboyBiologist, is trans and will be medically transitioning. First brisket and now this? Why doesn’t everything conform to the image that I formed in my head for my own benefit? This is forced diversity at its finest.
Look at these absolutely deranged quotes that they’ve CLEARLY forced him to say:
“I didn’t like being masculine from the onset of puberty, and being a ‘femboy’ was a valuable part of figuring out what exactly I wanted to do with that feeling. I’ve been figuring things out for a while, and I currently have appointments lined up to start HRT by the end of this month (August 2023).”
Have they no limits? Have they no shame? CLEARLY this is a fake flag by the sjw communist animal farm 1984 alphabet soup mafia elites to trans the gender of the most cisgender person in existence. It’s abundantly clear that once you represent your gender expression in a particular way, it is completely static and never changes. Exploration is strictly off limits. You’re only a real transgender if your mother gives birth in the endocrinologists office and you get your HRT prescription at 23 seconds old, otherwise you’re a filthy AGP cuck.
As we all know, femboys exist so that I can jack off to men and claim “it’s still straight if it’s femboys bro”, allowing me to ignore my deeply repressed bisexuality. If no femboy is safe from the transing of the genders, then how will I be able to have an outlet for my attraction to men? Finding community and healthily expressing it in a way that doesn’t involve me fetishizing gender nonconformity and unhealthily bottling up my queerness? Fucking disgusting.
We all know that there’s absolutely no precedent for using gender nonconforming cultural trends to explore ones identity before transitioning. That’s why every drag queen has always been a 100% cis man and none have ever pursued transition ever.
Clearly the goal here is to erase feminine men and convert boys into the alphabet mafia. As a someone who regularly jacks off to femboys, I have personally appointed myself as the authority on all things related to gender nonconformity, and I refuse to bow down to the wokeness that is queer people who actually go outside. As this authority, I know from my depths of experience mindlessly scrolling through anime femboys online that femboys are a completely different thing than the lgbtqiaabcdefg rabble, and that they’re based whereas real gay people and gender nonconforming people are cringe. Absolutely no overlap exists between trans people and the gender nonconforming cis people whatsoever. With this authority and knowledge, I have pledged to personally divide and destroy any semblance of queer unity present in the online microcosms I find myself in. And because of this, I have to speak out against this trans agenda.
BULLSHIT I say. They’re transing the genders of the femboys and I won’t stand for it.
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shepscapades · 8 months
I do have to ask. Was the docsuma ever planed or did they force themselves into exsistence. did you go into this expecting them to have so much homoerotic energy or did it just spawn b4 bc of how other people went insane over doc and Xisuma (separately)
it was 100% completely genuinely unplanned.
I went from a diehard rendoc shipper expecting them to be lowkey The Ship for dbhc doc (or not making doc a focus character at all, really), to thinking it would make a lot of sense/would be funny if Doc ended up being an android mechanic, to thinking it would be cool if Doc and X were close in this au because they both do android tech, to then being like... oh they can be research partners.... to then planning the [REDACTED] comic to then thinking... oh... what if they cared a lot about each other :(((( and the dynamic kinda stole my heart tbh
BUT IT WAS ALWAYS SUPPOSED TO BE LOWKEY bc i know docsuma is... Very Rarepair-y even though doc and xisuma have been good friends for aaaages hehe
THAT BEING SAID I DON'T PLAN ON SHOVING THIS SHIP IN ANYONES FACES LOL they ended up being kinda downbad for each other in a few of my unposted side-drawings but i don't want to make it a central thing unless people really wanna see it LKDFJGLKDJFG
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phykoha · 4 months
I hate hate HATE when people say I'm "having an attitude" with them, bc I'm literally not until AFTER they say that. And thats not even "an attitude", it's me being annoyed and frustrated bc youre saying im having an attitude when im NOT.
Like what does that even mean. I'm just autistic.
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anisecandy · 6 months
I've again encountered people saying that shipping Alastor with anybody is problematic because he's aroace on radiostatic fanarts. As an actual aroace I have to say that this is a pathetically weak reason. So weak, in fact, that in the kindness of my heart I decided to provide those people with a bunch of better ones
Why it's problematic to ship radiostatic (a list)
Vox embodies capitalism. Alastor, being his rival and wearing all red suit obviously embodies communism. Shipping them makes light of the deep discussion of political ideologies that their conflict symbolizes.
Their color palettes together cause eye strain. This ship is ableist by design.
Vox is already in a relationship with Valentino. Isn't it enough that Alastor already slept with Lucifer's wife and ruined his marriage? (they were both gone for 7 years, it can't be a coincidence) How many homes must he wreck before you'll be satisfied??
It's not called "electroswing" and that upsets me.
It's a ship with 20 year big age gap. And given that Alastor and Vox knew each other before Vox switched his head to a newer model, it's possible that Alstor first met him many years ago. Coupled with how mentally unstable Vox is now when it comes to Alastor, we arrive at an obvious conclusion: Alastor Groomed Vox.
Vox would cause too many blackouts if he was around Alastor on daily basic. By shipping Vox with Alastor you're putting the happiness of individuals (Vox and Al) above the needs of the community (other citizens of Pentagram City). You disgusting libertarian.
Alastor is a deer. Shipping radiostatic means supporting bestiality.
Vox is a TV. Shipping radiostatic means supporting objectophilia.
Alastor hates dogs. Vox has a shark-dog hybrid. In order for the ship to work, Vox would have to get rid of his beloved pet. This ship condones animal abuse.
They'd be too happy together. They are horrible people. They shouldn't be happy. Also, that defies the point of them being in Hell. Duh.
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mystiquedrops · 13 days
(This might not age well but I'll say it anyways)
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Dare I say
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Eden Tobisa from the Fan-series Danganronpa: Despair Time.
(Feel free to mention anyone else if you want- Idm-)
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hrokkall · 1 year
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Position limbs into desired arrangement and pin in place
Maintain eye contact
Pin should pass through the center of the thorax
Move slowly; lest the divine light leak out along with the ichor
Wait for the embers to die.
Wait for the embers to reignite.
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malaierba · 4 months
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beachyserasims · 29 days
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Darion tries his hardest to help Autumn with her benefit, even if she doesn’t really let him. He will always do what he can to help her relax. (plus a little sneak peak of tonight's outfits)
Beginning / Previous / Next
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vamp-a-day · 6 months
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day 77
sorry guys this is a werewolf cookie blog now i love him sm <3
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
doing a chemistry assessment.. i'm so far over this subject i think i'm just going to give up and read comics instead whilst i metaphorically weep... either that or i launch myself out of the window
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royboyfanpage · 4 months
The Joker fell into a vat of chemicals at ACE CHEMICALS. It turned his skin super while, green hair, permanent smile, etc. I wonder if it made him ACE as in Asexual and possibly ARO as in aromantic. In the dceu Harley went into the chemicals too (who is the safety manager at ACE CHEMICALS?) Did she become aro and or ace too? The guys and gals at DC should explore this!
Why would you ask me, a Roy Harper blog, this
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Shaking and screaming why did they change their name?
Why the rat grinders? Did they know Lucy didn't agree with their exp gathering methods? Are they mocking her memory? "It's an inside joke" Kipperlilly said
Or did they not know? Did they find their friend dead in the woods surrounded by rats and didn't know why? Did it change from passively grinding to aggressively trying to clear the area around her body of pests?
Did they hate her so much they're laughing at her even now? Or did they love her so much they're taking any petty revenge they can for her?
What are the rat grinders actual deal?
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Cinder Kills Lloyd confirmed
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