#if it sounds like im being a little too critical or whatever... or if it sounds like im not that into it...
icallhimjoey · 15 days
okay so what if for once joe was the drama queen cos he’s Big Mad over some stuff…how would that play out
this guy's a whole idiot, im not sure i like him all that much... Wordcount: 2.3K
I Prefer The Moon Anyway
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“I’m sorry...”
If someone asked you without Joe in the room, you’d tell them Joe was being an unreasonable little bitch boy.
“I said I’m sorry.”
But Joe is right there, ignoring you, and you’re apologising just to apologise. You know he wants to hear it, so you’re giving him the words, even if they’re empty.
“I heard you.” Joe’s remark is cold. He can tell you don’t mean it. That you are just avoiding a fight. He doesn’t blame you, he wants a fight even less than you, but you’re annoying him in a way he doesn’t have the words for.
If someone was to ask him without you in the room, he’d tell them this is the exact point of a relationship at which he’d usually turn into stone. This is where he grows numb. Cares less. Starts to protect himself in silence and prepares for the inevitable break up that’s coming.
The beginning of the end.
“But what do you want me to do?” you ask, sounding a little more desperate and helpless than you want, but you can’t help it. Joe’s asking something ridiculously unreasonable. Something you can’t give him. Don’t want to give him. It doesn’t help that you think he’s actually being a dramatic baby who feels like he’s not gotten enough attention. A coddled man who wants the whole world to bend to his needs.
Joe just shrugs. Knows exactly what he wants you to do.
And to be fair, the world has bent to his needs for ages, so who is to blame him for expecting you to do the same?
Joe’s pouting.
He looks like a child who’s overdoing a sad face to get a little empathy from his classmates. Like the kids all across the playground need to see that he’s hurt. Like he needs to guilt-trip them into giving him the toy that he allegedly saw first so he stops crying and they can all be friends again.
You fucking hate it.
“Can you hear yourself, though?” you try for some logic. For some critical thinking skills. Does he see, in the grand scheme of things, how utterly ridiculous he’s being?
Joe shrugs again, but this time it’s conspicuously uninvolved. Like he doesn’t give a single shit about how unreasonable he’s being. He’s gone from acting like you’re burning down the whole world to suddenly acting like he’d rather live on the moon anyway. Burn it, bitch. Whatever. He couldn’t care less.  
He won’t reach out to touch you tonight. He’s going to break your one rule if you keep this up. All because of schedules that never seem to coordinate – something that’s neither his fault or yours.
“I sure can. Can you?” Joe bites back, wants to hear a sincere apology from you. He wants to hear in your voice that he’s right and that he’s not selfish for wanting what he wants. For feeling the way he feels. Not his fault he loves you.
That’s what he’ll bring it back to – always.
He just loves you a lot.
How can you hate him for that, Big Wet Brown Sad Eyes™? Hmm?
Which... it’s so unfair.
And selfish.
He wants you to drop everything at a moment’s notice because he needs you right now. Doesn’t give a shit about what you need.
It’s fucking selfish, is what it is.
And the problem is that Joe’s selfishness is exactly what’s put you where you are now, in his living room, in a weird fight that you would both rather not be a part of.
“Please repeat what you’re asking of me.” You narrow your eyes at him as you look over your shoulder, convinced that he knows he’s wrong and that he should be the one apologising to you.
“Is it too much to ask of my girlfriend to spend time with me?” 
You sigh. You’re so frustrated. That’s not what he’s asking of you - that’s what he’s dressing it up as, which is unfair. What Joe’s asking is for you to drop your work at a moment’s notice because he’s suddenly found an evening off in his schedule and he decided he wants to spend it with you. But he hasn’t actually checked to see if you have the time. Just assumed that you did.
A risky assumption to make.
Because you don’t.
“You know I barely get any time to myself, I don’t know when I’ll have a night off next... could be weeks.” Joe places both hands on your shoulders to give you a little squeeze there. Massages the muscles in places he knows are tight just from the look of you. Gets his mouth close to your ear and lowly says, “Come on, baby. It’s just one night.”
You need to finish work.
There’s a deadline tomorrow you need to make, no questions asked.
Your evening plans surround you and your laptop and a wifi connection, and you were hoping you’d maybe get to sit in the same room as Joe as he would do some work of his own. Some prep for next day’s scenes. Some reading, some rehearsing.
Not this.
Not Joe trying to coax you into a bad performance review just because he felt bored that one night he suddenly found himself with a hole in his agenda.
“I’m here,” you say dryly, but you know that’s not what he means. “You can spend time with me whilst I finish all of this up.”
Joe communicates it with a look. A drop of his face and shoulders, letting you go and stepping away. Eyes rolling because, that’s not fair. He wants to take you out. Go some place nice. Talk and laugh and spend some actual time with you. See if some of his other current colleagues want to join, so he can introduce you. 
And it’s awful because that’s what you want too. But you feel like you’ve wanted that a million times, and every time you’ve tried to plan something, Joe’s been busy. Always so busy. Table reads, night shoots, long hours, long commutes, a party here, an event there. And it’s always, “Babe, it’s for work, I can’t just cancel.” 
Yet, that’s exactly what he’s asking of you now. 
“I don’t know why you assume that your time is more valuable than mine.” 
“I don’t think that at all! When have I ever said that?”
It’s how he’s acting. It says enough.
“Listen to what you’re saying; you’ve got a bit of free time. You do. You. Not me though. Not tonight. Does that sound familiar? At all?”
The tables have turned, just this once. He can just fucking deal with it like you have all those times before.
“Don’t. You know that’s not–”
“So your job is more important than mine?”
It pays more, Joe thinks immediately, but refrains from speaking the words into the room. Knows that won’t help, but it’s definitely telling how quick the comeback came to him.
“Hmm? Your time more important than mine?” You push.
Joe needs to realise that, if that’s actually how he feels, how outrageous the thought is. Just by your face, he needs to feel how those thoughts need reevaluating.
“You’re putting words in my mouth.”
You’re not. You’re just reading his body-language.
“Your priority is you. You have a free minute and so I’m supposed to just work my way around your schedule and– mind you, you didn’t even know about this until this afternoon! This deadline at work has been there for months!”
You should’ve stayed at the office.
Finished up there.
Joe is pacing now. Walking around his own living room with flared nostrils, taking in your words until you leave enough room for him to say anything.
Which, when he finally gets a chance, he drops an insane bombshell.
“Well, if you hadn’t procrastinated everything until the night before, maybe we wouldn’t be where we are right now.”
Oh, what the fuck? 
Did it take too long for you to set the world alight? Did Joe think it necessary to douse it in petrol and hold a lit match between two fingers a little too loosely? One small move from you could be used as an excuse to drop it, and full blame could be placed with you.
But so are you.
You don’t make a move.
Not a single fucking muscle.
You just stare at him over your laptop screen.
Frozen in place.
And Joe stares right back.
It’s like a fucking duel.
You remember a time where you were in Joe’s shoes. The ones he’s wearing right now. The difference being that, back then, there were actual plans made that you’d been looking forward to, and then two days before, Joe complained about having to cancel on seeing family. He added that it’d be the third time he had to dip out on something, and how that made him feel like an awful person, but his job was just too demanding right now. People wanted him everywhere, all of the time, and whilst he typed away at his phone to apologise to his mum, he didn’t see how your face fell too, because you knew if he was telling family members he couldn’t make it to something, he was also going to have to cancel on you.
You’d cried, then. Only silently. Wiped a tear away quickly and masked a sniff as a deep breath, because you didn’t want him to feel worse.
Trust Joe to feel guilty for having to cancel on family for the third time and forget about the person in the room with him.
You then wondered if he ever kept count with you.
“You okay?” he had asked when you’d fallen silent, and you’d smiled and nodded. “Yea, just tired.” which wasn’t a lie, but it also wasn’t the full truth that Joe accepted it as.
It was fine. It wasn’t his fault.
You’d taken your frustration out on him later that night, when he left your toothpaste uncapped on the side, and you’d grumbled until the lights in the bedroom got turned off, and Joe reached out to you under the covers.
The one rule.
Even if you were upset, or angry, or wanted to fully murder each other, you had to at least still touch each other in bed. To let the other know that, yea I’d rather fucking shout at you until I go hoarse right now, but I still love you.
It could be a big toe touching a shin, or an elbow digging into a bicep – a touch was a touch. An I love you hidden in the dark.
And you had accepted it easily then.
Yea, it was annoying that Joe’s work dictated so much of what your relationship could even be, but it wasn’t his fault, so there was no use blaming him for it.
That was then.
You don’t know when you’d grown past the point of simply accepting all the bullshit. When you decided to maybe not brush things off and be the cool girlfriend who was there for her boyfriend wherever and whenever, especially in all the moments he wouldn’t have been there for you had the tables been reversed.
Like right fucking now.
You are still staring at Joe across the room when you see how suddenly, he starts to blink his eyes rapidly. See how suddenly, his jaw starts working. You know he’s biting back tears and, no – you won’t fucking have that. This motherfucker can cry on command and you don’t doubt for a single second he’d use that to get his own way.
“Don’t fucking guilt-trip me into losing my job.”
Joe’s immediately offended.
He drops the match.
“Well, I’m sorry for being disappointed.”
World on fire.
“Do you want me to leave?” you spit out, louder than you initially thought you’d make your voice go.
“No, no,” Joe immediately says, but it sounds patronising, even though he’s on the verge of tears. Like he actually means yes, please leave, because what good are you going to be to him having to sit at his kitchen table and do work all night.
“Stay. Make your deadline.”
You ignore the sarcastic bite and take a second to sit back in your chair and assess what needs doing. How long it’ll take you all. What time you’ll likely be finished. You conclude that, if Joe’s gonna be moping around, giving big sighs from across the room, that it will likely take twice as long.
You should leave.
“No, I should go. Get this done and then see you after.”
It’s the last thing Joe expected. For you to go on your own merit. Because of your work that needs doing, and not because you’ve gotten into a huge fight. You’re not storming off and screaming how you never want to see him again. You have work to do and want to see him after you’ve finished it.
It’s stupid how fast everything inside of him flips.
He doesn’t actually want you to leave.
He wants you to shut your laptop and sigh lovingly and mutter, “How could I ever resist you?” through a smile before you kiss him silly and follow him out into the night.
But instead you shut your laptop and bend to pick up your bag from the floor to stick it into and, no, that’s not what he wants.
“No, wait... wait. I’m sorry.” he says he before he even realises what he’s doing. Unsure if he really means it. He just doesn’t want you to get up and leave. If anything, he’d like to talk more and get you to eventually prioritise him over everything else. “Stay. We can... you can finish work and then we could do something after.”
You drop your head all the way back and take a moment to let your eyes dart to all corners of his ceiling.
What if you don’t finish this until after 11? After midnight? Is he just going to watch you work from the sofa and ask you how much longer every three minutes because he thinks you’re taking too long?
You should leave.
“I should go. I’m probably better off at the office, actually. It’s where I’ll get it done faster, I think.” You say all of it kindly. Stick your laptop into your bag calmly, no jerky annoyance in your limbs. But you don’t make eye-contact so he can’t use the Big Browns on you, and instead of trying to stomp on the flames to make the fire go out, he wafts a fresh gust of wind right over them, making them climb much higher.
“All right, fuck off then. See if I give a shit.”
If someone asked you without Joe in the room, you’d tell them Joe needed a moment to calm down and you’d talk to him in the morning after you’d made this deadline.
You didn’t start the fire.
Joe did.
And he’d figure that out eventually.
If someone was to ask Joe without you in the room, he’d tell them fuck her, apparently she doesn’t give a shit about him, and actually, that’s totally not a problem at all, because he prefers the moon anyway.
The Taglisted
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ganondoodle · 27 days
another thing i feel has deepend my hatred for totk is... how quickly people jump to defending it, as soon as there is any criticism at all, no matter how little or legit, anyone that expresses disappointment, even in the most tamest way possible, the comments are filled with excuses for it like nintendo can do no wrong
(saw someone express disappointment about a concept art in the totk book that they would have liked more than what we got, and the comments were filled with people making excuses for it-)
often the process of cool concepts getting less cool over the development cycle, especially in this modern gaming industry, isnt bc it just wasnt 'possible' or not the best choice, but bc it gets filtered through many layers of corporate "mass appeal" ideals for greater profit, "mass appeal" i think is always going to give you something more generic, losing its edge, its spark, you cant make soemthing that literally appeals to everyone, thats not how it works, but they certainly try anyway bc it promises greater profit in theory
of course, that doesnt mean that has to be the reason for whatever they decide to go for in the end, but they can do wrong, very questionable, and very much bad things, they have done that and ARE doing that, and you should be able to express disappointment about that without getting swarmed by a weird nintendo defense squad, in fact, it SHOULD be criticised, sometimes that can even be fun, sometimes mroe frustrating, but it should be done regardless, does it sound fun to jsut fully accept everything they throw in front of you without question??? does that sound like you will only get better things???
i just realyl hate that weird cult following (exaggeration) the game has amassed where you either worship it or must unreasonably hate it, that you cant express any sort personal feelign towards it that isnt praise without being hit by the squad tm
its not just annoying, its weird, what are you defending them for?? why??? i had this problem a while too, but its died down sicne then, probably bc people realized im not the 'average' fandom guy but a very specific kind of fandom guy- whenever i view outside my little bubble though i see it still happen ... even for the most miniscule of criticism
(dont get me started on how i have MASSIVE gameplay and design frustrations about totk and dont really understand how so many people can say the gameplay is stellar and jsut the writing sucks .... bc its not ..)
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14dyh · 7 months
hey! im the one who requested 17 with hange and loved it :) was wondering if u could write an other where hange catches feelings for reader, maybe from hanges pov? still angsty cuz hanges afraid of getting rejected, your choice on how it ends:)
Nebula | H.Z.
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Pairing: Hange Zoë x gn!reader Summary: Hange recognizes their inner conflict about falling in love with you. Word count: 1.3k A/N: aaeegghh I'm glad you like it! sorry this took so long lmao but i already have that kind of part 2 in mind so here you goooo
Sunlight dappled Hange's desk from where you sat. It was a little too early to get up but you wanted to admire the nebula-shaped flower on Hange's desk. The shape, the edges, and even the colors imitating the swirls of light and the glowing stars and clouds that make a nebula made this flower so fascinating to look at. It felt like a cosmic wonder that could be held in mere human hands.
Hange remained asleep in your bed, cuddling your pillow close. They might have a hangover from last night so you were quick to make the both of you a cup of tea. Hange stirred slightly when you entered the room and closed the door behind you, two cups of tea in both hands before placing it on the table beside you. Hange noticed how much you admire that flower from where you're sitting.
"How long have you been growing this? It's beautiful," you mused, a finger hovering over the flower petals. Long ago, Hange's mind wanted to say but maybe you would ask how long would that be so Hange found a safe answer and said, "Certainly not as long as it would take to form a nebula, but it's been quite long."
Hange smiled, dragging a chair beside where you sat. They couldn't find the courage to tell you that the growing flower was there with every thought of you in mind. It was something that they planned to grow a year ago, convincing themself every day that it was just a testament to the admiration and friendship they have for you. Every day they would watch over that plant, waiting for it to bear a flower.
"It was something I planned a year ago," Hange explained, sipping on the tea you gave them. "Pretty quaint, huh?"
"It is... Looks like a nebula," you observed, looking at the flower from different angles and finding it beautiful all the same.
"That's what I'm aiming for. I'm glad it didn't turn out with a weird shape," Hange chuckled. There was a silent pause, and only the sound of the morning filled the room. Hange tried to tear their eyes from you but couldn't.
"Hey, Y/N?"
Hange noticed that your eyes were still on the flower and thanked the heavens, you don't seem to notice how they're looking at you.
"Can we go to the ball together?" they asked. "I mean, it's not really our cup of tea but maybe we could have some fun and go to the art museum afterwards. What do you think?"
Hange saw your eyes brighten at the suggestion which made their heart leap.
"Sounds good to me."
Later that evening, both of you attended the simple ball hosted by the school to celebrate the patron it was named after. Hange would excitedly pull you on the dance floor, both of your movements rhyming up with whatever music played. But most importantly, you talked and talked, exchanging ideas one after the other until the event became too commonplace for the both of you. Hange held your hand and sneaked you two towards the exit, giggling to yourselves for successfully escaping the party.
A few people crossed by, sometimes art critics and sometimes lovers. Hange's eyes walked with them and wondered which of the two groups you would both belong to at the end of this night.
You walked together in the tranquil silence of the night. Birds would hum as if in a gentle serenade as Hange held your hand. Neither of you spoke until you reached the art museum you both longed to go to. Eventually, you stepped into the place, taking in the gentle atmosphere of being surrounded by beauty and color, the soft hues of red and pink settled on each painting depicting love and romance.
Hange still remembers the nebula-shaped flower whenever they look at you. They mused over how things in nature are bound to connect in one way or another and how such an infinitely strange world could be thought of just by looking at you. Everything sings and the world loves randomness enough to give it its unique pattern. Hange was deep in thought of you and the universe. They only snapped back in reality as they heard your gentle query.
"Hange, do you perhaps think that love has a place in every art no matter how tiny it may be?" you asked. Hange thought over your question as your head leaned against theirs. They observed how you sat beside them, eyes wandering over the painting before they spoke.
As you walked home together, Hange held your hand tighter this time. Their heart rammed against their chest, their mind broke itself apart by brimming with the thoughts of love, of the universe, of you— all the good things that make up their world.
"I think it is. Love has a place in everything, it is either too much of it or lack of it that makes up an object. And either way, it leads back to love," Hange answered softly. They speak of such love in a room full of romance paintings but they only looked at you with a smile etch across their lips. Your presence made them think of art and science — all the wonders and inventions born because one mind loved another. It may be an idea or a person but it all led back to passion.
This time it would hurt them to deny how much love they have for you from the beginning. Their heart held you dear too much but their mind refused for the sole reason that they don't think they deserve you enough to be in a special place in your heart.
All friendships and acquaintances they made so far flourished out of tolerance and need. People loved them through time and tolerated them because of that love, but it was never like this. To be loved and to be understood rarely comes along together. So Hange's mind racked itself and often wondered how you managed to give them both.
For a long time, their heart clammed up, tricking themself that they would love someone else, that they loved the girl who rejected them, and all because they wanted to avoid this situation. This very minute, they wanted to confess and recognized that their great fear came from being rejected by you. Given a day or week, they could get over any rejection from love or work but feared that your rejection would become their ultimate ruination.
And it was as though you could hear their thoughts as if their heart whispered their love to you. When you both reached the room you shared, Hange was taken aback by the sudden hug from you, their knees turning so weak that they had to grip the edge of the table. The nebula-shaped flower remained still on the desk as if watching things unfold.
The loving embrace you gave them just now triggered their desire to confess so they started slow.
"That flower... I must admit that it was for you. I made it for you," they let out before their throat could clam up. Hange finally found the courage to hug you back at this moment without trembling.
"And it means that I..." they tried to continue with much struggle. "That I..."
That I love you, it was so simple but they couldn't take it out of their mouth.
But somehow you knew, and it reached your heart nonetheless. You pulled away slightly to give them a gentle kiss, your lips careful around theirs. Hange freeze momentarily but something in them awakened their courage to kiss back and hold you tighter. Perhaps it was the relief that you love them as well, or perhaps it was the overjoy of their heart for letting themself open that love to you.
For a long moment, Hange refused to let you go and when they did, their mouth couldn't mutter anything but the love that tormented them for a long time. They wanted to cry or even scream in relief as all their fears became powerless to hold them back. Many things born out of fear ran through their head, thoughts of losing you or ruining the friendship they treasure the most but everything changed, knowing that you love them back. Hange wanted to ask how or why but realized that maybe your heart found true haven within theirs as well.
Hange's heart found delight when you let them embrace you throughout that night. And when the words “I love you too” came from your lips, Hange thought about the universe again and they were sure that right that moment, everything was in synchrony favored towards them. 
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newwavesylviaplath · 1 month
more dumb music opinions!! this is long and ik most of u don't care but whatever this is my platform i will post how i see fit. also im not proofreading this at all its 1:26 in the morning and im literally falling asleep as im writing this so apologies in advance if this isn't the most well written or coherent post ive ever made
okay yall i fell down a rabbit hole of people on tiktok criticizing chappell roan and now im all worked up so here i am giving my opinions no one asked for;
so something i've been noticing a real influx of is people bringing up her hot to go performance at outside lands (a festival) where she says something along the lines of "vip thinks they're way too cool to do this.. you're not fun!" mfs have been getting online to talk about how chappell was being SO RUDE!!! and NOT EVERYONE KNOWS HER MUSIC WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!!! but like anyone with common sense who has seen the vid/heard the audio can tell she was being playful?? like come on now. i also saw someone post abt how she was being mean to jimmy fallon?? 😭 first off, while im not sure abt this one in particular late night shows are usually scripted and secondly im starting to believe more and more that these people have just never interacted with a drag queen before. chappell roan is a STAGE PERSONA and the majority of drag queens are characterized by having this larger than life attitude- take for example that one rupaul /jimmy fallon interview (u guys know which one) like idk i feel like it's very obvious that chappell is playing it up for the sake of entertainment, not cuz she genuinely believes she's above everyone else.
the other thing i've seen ppl whining about is how a) she doesn't wanna take a picture with fans, therefore she believes her shit doesn't stink and b) the two tiktoks she posted a day ago where she was voicing her struggles openly without policing her tone. first off, CELEBRITIES DONT OWE U PICTURES. don't get me wrong, taking a picture with a celeb u are a fan of can be a great experience and a fun story- but people are acting as if it is their god given right to get a photo with whoever they want whenever they want. "oh well she brought this on herself it's the price of being famous" are u stupid omfg acting like chappell signed a contract giving up her autonomy in order to get on the billboard charts. she quite literally did not choose this and even if she did that doesn't mean ur automatically entitled to a pic with her as if she's some kind of zoo animal like?? the two vids she posted to tiktok essentially telling ppl to leave her alone was met with backlash because she 'sounded rude' again im going to put this in perspective for everyone. her family is being stalked. she is being harassed both online and in real life. being upset because she comes off a little brash in a video where she is practically begging yall to stop with the harassment should be the least of your concerns. this is a twenty six year old who was virtually unknown six months ago- her meteoric rise to fame was not something she could have been prepped for in anyway possible. i feel like some people just aren't trying to wrap their heads around how insane the reality of this situation really is. the phrase "fifteen minutes of fame" used to be a lot more hyperbolic than it is now. i'm exhausted
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malka-lisitsa · 19 days
🙄 ; What are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to tumblr?
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I'm gonna get hate for this but fuck it we ball.
purity culture
the idea that you can make an OC out of a canon character but keep the back story and the name and all the connections. That makes no sense that's just saying you dont want to write them correctly and covering your ass-
Portrayal. And how no one fucking cares about it anymore. Everyone is great at what they do and there is NO room for improvements and you obviously dont have to do your character justice when you can just do whatever you want with them instead fuck if it makes sense youre only writing a real character and not an oc but ITS COOL RIGHT? WHY BE GOOD WHEN YOU CAN JUST DO WHATEVER??
I will die on this hill for all eternity, portrayal fucking matters and I refuse to fall into the crowd that supports "do whatever!" culture.
Oc's in canon settings that don't make sense. I remember back when I was in thg fandom people tripped over themselves to make sure their oc matched lore. People researched named winners of what games and they like actually gave a damn about making their oc as canon as possible. Without being needlessly rude that is not a thing anymore :)
people who go out of their way to scream they are super fucking nice just the sweetest ever just the nicest sweetest little bean never has a bad thing to say about anyone super sweet over the top- and its because they are a trash person trying so hard to hide they are a trash person. You look fake. You sound fake. Whoa shocker, you're fake. This is why I have zero problem being real about the things that I say and do. I am the first person to tell you Im a bitch, but im also the first person to step out on the front lines if you need someone. See they're not mutually exclusive I don't need a show to be nice.
the idea that constructive criticism is hate. Just bc you don't like it doesn't mean that someone who said you weren't perfect is sending hate. I saw this a LOT in 2k12 bro people genuinely trying to help got flamed bc god forbid someone improve.
attention seeking on the dash- Excessive "WILL YOU PLEASE LIKE THIS IF YOU LIKE ME AND MY MUSES PLEASE??" Bruh. Stop. If they follow you most likely they like you. Chill or they're probably gonna stop. Self fulfilling prophecy.
the idea that you don't owe anyone an explanation for blocking. If you have written extensively, and been friends for a long time yes tf you do owe an explanation even if its "You pushed my boundaries too often after I told you x thing" and then blocking them. But you owe a friend an explanation. Communicate. Don't be a coward. No sense in ditching a friend when you could idk talk about it but ok. this does not apply to randos.
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doomzday-zone · 6 months
ok but actually. i know i said this in the tags on ur post but genuinely i love ur faggy infinites i love ur attitude i love how u post whatever u want and put it in the main tags bc u are unapologetically urself when it is so easy to try and fit in. u have the confidence i aim to have for myself and it's so refreshing to see somebody who embraces being Weird <3 i've never engaged because i am unwell about people being aware of me but i've literally been lurking on you and the dog and hog gang for at least a year (i never really spoke much about liking them despite having interest for years) and. just. you're all so chill. the critical thinking, lack of judgement, this world needs more of that shit fr!! i hope u have a great day – good vibes from a transfag autism brained freak (and thank u for ur tags on my essay. i'm so glad other people care as much as me <3)
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I IWISJ I COULS ANSWER TJIS AND KEEP TJIS IM ,MY IMBOX FOREVER RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO GLAD U LOVE MY BOYSSSSSSS<33333 RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i usually try n segment my replys to address every beat but this is so much........ to my liddle tiny heaet........ im ,iteralkly cyinf rnn can you tell????? UIVTBJVJBJVBKJ. this means. the world to me<33333 im glad<33 im glad i can inspire some of that in u<3 like for the longest time i was literally larping as one of the normies :sob: like i get it 100% the want 2 fit in and b accepted esp in fandom is strong but in my case it is utterlly unsustainable 2 follow the crowd. i cant pretend i dont like what i like. i cant pretend to be normal r have normal relationships 2 things r have normal opinions jnkjjkjbjk. and its hard!!!!!! there rlly isnt a real tangible space to be fucking insane and into weird n gross shit n etc in fandom like there is for the sanitized kiddy friendly stuff or the hyper horny stuff, its an awkward middle line 2 tread.(n im wayy too autistic 4 fandom anyways.... lol) and ik im not the only one. i wouldnt b able 2 be so unabashed and real and freaky w/o the support of all the amazing ppl ive met in my little freak circle<3333(IT IS SOOOOOO cheesey n cringe-sounding but im being so fr when i say my weirdoes n infinite the jackal saved my life<3333333333 i literally probably wouldnt even b alive today w/o em<333 thanks 2 all of u for helping me grow stronger btw hehe....)
Every day i choose to be insane and gross and a freak and a transexual faggot and autistic and TOO MUCH !!! for meself obv<3 but also for the ones i love and ppl like YOU!!!!!!!!!! >:D i cant change the world w just my little paws. but i CAN b crazy on main. i CAN show everyone that you dont have 2 be afraid of your own interests for fear of not being accepted in the greater fandom<333 even if these ppl never rlly come out of their shell... theres always someone, someplace out there thatll accept u. theres always more freaks, theres always more faggots<3 even if you never come out and yell it to the world if i could inspire just a tiny bit of this love in ppl thatd be enough for me :)
anyways. lol. kjnobjbiubjk thank you<33 a lot<3333 i mean it<333333 so many words i wish to say in this moment but ik you get it<3 mwamwa<333333333
life is short babey!!! dont be such a stranger okay ^_^
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cerealmonster15 · 9 days
kiss marry kill crewel trein vargas
WHFJWKJFKLDSJF wait omg i gotta think about this one for a minute. i love overthinking these things LOL!!! hang on lemme try and make a case for them all, weigh the pros and cons before deciding...
so like im pretty close in age to vargas and crewel so that gives them a bias to the first two but fksdjfhsdj i do like trein 😔 i like how much he cares about his cat and his students and his daughters 🥺 hes been married before and it SOUNDS like hes had a pretty loving family relationship from what we've heard. i feel like that makes a decent case for marriage, also he's a cat lover and im a cat lover so tbh not a bad consideration. HOWEVER he is still old enough to be my father and has a more old fashioned way of life that i think maybe would clash a lil jkdjfskf
vargas is so funny but hes so stressful LOL JFKLDSJFSDLJ i'm obsessed with his vargas camp thing. like he's so nuts for that... taking the children camping and then kidnapping and hunting them for sport to train them or whatever the hell his plan was there. and roping crewel into the second one lol 😭😭😭 it's so bonkers but it's soooo funny. like i think he'd stress me out w/how fitness oriented he is (I enjoy physical activities and i practice martial arts but lowkey his fixation reminds me a little of my father and i dont like that association LOL 😬) BUT i do love comedy. so i could be swayed i suppose. maybe. jsdklfhsg
and then crewel is def very pretty but also stressful LOL DSJKFLSD THERYE ALL STRESSFUL this is the game about stressful characters after all. his temper scares me but i do like that he also cares about his students in those moments where it matters,,, i also think it's very funny that he was convinced to join vargas in hunting down the children in camp fjsdklhgds AND that he's partially responsible for beanfest Being The Way That It Is. i like whenever we learn teacher lore like this kjfdsjfkl this man was too aggro of a rebel and changed the course of the game or whatever. but also hes a dog person and i have learned in my life that i generally cannot live with dogs due to how I operate as a person 😶 but considering his whole THING is that he is a MEGA DOG LOVER AND. well i think he has dogs. i assume he does. i actually cant remember if he literally does have pet dogs or just makes that his aesthetic FJKSDJFKLSJFJ i think he does. i remember he and trein at least but heads over many things and one of them being cats vs dogs l o l. i like some dogs but they do not pair well with my sound sensitivity i think it would just Not Work jfksljfldshfg
this just tells me i dont wanna marry any of them LOL ☠️ i'd pick sam if i could, hes fun i like him 😔 FDSJKFJSDKLGH but i will play by the rules ummm um um ummmm.... i dont want to kill them either lol i like them!!! i do this any time my partner throws a question like this at me too lol im like okay hang on lemme lay out the facts and think critically about the situation 🤔 KJFDLKSHFLKSDJG
okay fuck it i think marriage goes to vargas. i was close to picking trein but even looking past the age thing i still think he'd be too ~old fashioned~ w/his mindset and i very much don't care for living life traditionally,, also i dont think we know how old his daughters are exactly except that theyre 'grown up' so theyre probably around my age tbh and that would Feel Weird dsfjlkdsgh everything else was nice tho i'm sorry trein. in another life i think i wouldve liked to co-parent lucius w/u 😔 i think vargas could be fun tho. he's sillystrange and i would perhaps partake in martial arts with him. i cant decide if he'd be too scary about it and brute force his techniques [which SUCKS and is NOT FUN when people do that!!!] or if he'd be like on top of having good form and doing it well skldfhsdklfj who knows....... BUT THIS AINT ABOUT THAT I NEED TO MOVE ON!!!!!!
and then kiss. if we are going fully superficial quota here then yeah my initial thought would be kiss crewel lol he's pretty what can i say 😔
I'M SO SORRY TREIN THAT JUST LEAVES YOU LAST IN THE KILL SLOT NOOOO AUGH i tried so hard to fight for him [??? fighting myself??? whatever LOL] bc i felt like it's too cliche to be like "idk hes old" so i wanted to give him fair consideration 😭😭😭 I LIKE HIM!!!!! I LIKE THE FACULTY!!!!!!!
anyway thank u this fully distracted me for like 30 minutes LOL um. who would u pick tho 👀
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kaisacobra · 9 months
Thank you for saying that it really means a lot, I actually used to write fan-fiction a couple years back and I’ve recently tried to start again but I’m very critical of what I write and how I write it so I’m incapable of producing a single chapter.
Keep it mysterious, I’ll be eagerly awaiting whatever you gift us ✨
Now that you mention it, yes I completely understand what you mean about R not being able to be extremely cold to Tara. R seems like the type of person who’d be hurt and disappointed, someone who wouldn’t necessarily be cold to Tara but would definitely hide from her. For R I’d imagine it’d be an internal battle of what she wants versus what she deserves, we already get a feel for that in the first chapter but it was easier for her to choose what she wants- which is to provide whatever comfort and happiness Tara wants because she loves her so much over what she deserves- someone who cares about her in a consistent manner and not only when it’s convenient (boo Tara😡). After Tara’s outburst I think R would have to force herself in every way possible to really process that she can’t put Tara’s needs above her own anymore, as much as she loves Tara doing that would reinforce the notion that everything Tara said is true. We know she always runs back but now that’s she’s been ridiculed for it she can’t.
The way she’s always there for Tara makes me wonder about her background. Maybe this is TMI, but I personally have experienced many relationships like this in the past. My father abandoned my sister and I at a very young age, so part of the reason I would always be there for them and never left first even when I should’ve but wouldn’t- was because I never wanted them to feel as unloved and unworthy as I did when my father left me. By the time I was a teenager I’d already forgiven him for all the abuse my family endured because of him, in my heart nobody could ever hurt me the way he hurt me- so I’d forgive them even though the people around me would expressively tell me not to, you know? But im older now and I stand my ground, i can leave when if its what’s best for me and not get too caught up in what’s best for them.
I’m from California by the way! It’s 10:30PM right now, you’re from Brazil though? That’s so cool! Did you grow up there? My parents were born in Mexico but they moved to USA in the late 1980’s, I wanna move to Mexico and live there for a couple years because my mother loves and talks about her hometown so much, the idea of seeing where she grew up in person and picturing her as a little girl warms my heart.
- ☘️ (I’m gonna use this as my anon tag from now on)
I feel like everyone is gonna be critical when it comes to their own stuff, like, I'm not kidding when I said i thought second best wasn't that good, specially because I used to be an essay tutor/monitor at school and my writing had to be more than perfect. Just remember that usually you're gonna be more critical of your work than other people and it doesn't mean that what you write is actually bad.
I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm glad that you can stand your ground now!💪 I know this will sound oddly ironic but all the background information I have on R is about... Tara. In my head, R is divided by past (beginning of friendship, woodsboro), present (the current mess) and future (what's gonna happen) so, in a way, maybe her life is all about Tara😔
I don't think R's family are gonna make an appearance so I'll leave it up for you guys to hc whatever you want as R's reason for being so attached to Tara.
California seems so nice! And yeah, i grew up here and i wouldn't have it any other way🤭 Maybe this happens to everyone in their own home country but i just love my culture and history so much, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
Mexico sounds super cool! I've been wanting to go there, specially in 2026 because of the world cup (really wanted to see it live) but i dont think it's gonna happen😔 Either way it's a beautiful country i wanna visit someday and i definitely have to start improving my spanish.
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pushingdaisies1 · 3 months
silly posting on main!,!!! >_<
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Okay omg I know I don’t talk on here much but im alive and I have thoughts! My writing brain has kicked in for another interest and my idea is like jumping around like a little cockroach. Feedback sounds nice but it’s okay if there’s none of that because this is living in my head rent free and I’m trying to kick it out!! (Not rlly but yk.)
so I love mythic quest. Der duh as I’m posting this in the Mythic quest tag. I was introduced to the show through watching it’s always sunny of course. And now this idea about a Ian centric oc insert story is living inside of my head.
Okay , SO - take it back to when it all started. 2013 , characters a struggling artist who hit it big once after graduating with a fine arts degree. Probably having an online presence , they run an active blog. Posting their stuff , internet slooth if you will. I know they said something about Ian having an internet presence before MQ so stay with me here. Sharing similar interests , maybe playing into the one off story similarities of Doc and Bean - similar interests cause them to connect. Soon enough meet , kindle a sort of kinship and here comes casual!!
if I’m thinking about it all correctly, this would be at least around the same time Ian and Sharon split. Fresh from his divorce and ‘abandonment’ of his own son he’s like a fresh and searing piece of beef, and you decided to press your prongs into him. Soon incomes this under-wraps sort of casual deal. (I know there’s technically a art director but the guys barely around on screen and two creative directors became a thing) with the fact that Ian specifically spotted them out for their art , they were able to find a position. A high ranking position that basically caused them to be one of the biggest pillars of MQ itself. Yadda yadda secret relationship until issues start to come up. Ian and poppy’s relationship, context being platonic or not , is so rich. So co-dependent , destructive , but rich in man ways. Not to mention that Ian , even in his Ian-ness , isn’t the nicest tool in the shed either. As he can admittedly be Ian , also known as a scared little boy.
in short , it becomes the whole idea of twos a party three is a crowd. I don’t wanna drop the entire idea on here but that’s the basis of it. I want feedback, boo tomatoes or whatever. But it’s like I love Brad , BUT BUT there’s so many other good characters rich with personality to write for too in that show. Also , rob is just so rob<3
yap to me , throw tomatoes, I just want to hear thoughts. Also because mythic quest just deserves a lot more love in general. I wish a lot of people talked about the show more because so many amazing creative minds r involved. I say this as a it’s always sunny fan and an Ashley burch lover from her guest role on critical role. Anything with the gang tied to it will always be either a masterpiece or somewhat enjoyable.
done yapping , back in my cage I go.
(SRRY for tagging the it’s always sunny in Philadelphia tag instead of just mythic quest , I thought it made sense cause I mentioned it once or twice.)
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im-just-tired2024 · 6 months
PSA: I know not everyone had a good home life growing up. This is about me and my life and feelings. I’m not wishing bad things on anyone else or wish they can go back to abusive situations. (Feel like this needs to be addressed first cause people seem to lack critical thinking skills or straight up ignore things that are very clearly not about them)
*Sorry if that sounded aggressive or rude but I feel like media literacy is dying
Anyway, wishing to be an adult quicker and daydreaming about being an adult was the stupidest thing I wanted. Like don’t get me wrong it’s nice to have freedom from my parents and family; parents can’t really tell me what to do (in a way but even when you’re grown ass adult and move out they still tell you what to do) like they could and did as a kid/teen and I have my own home and can decorate the whole place and not just my room how I want.
But like I just miss that innocent and youthful time of my life where I didn’t really have a whole lot of responsibilities outside of school and chores. My parents were always really cool and pretty much gave us a lot of leeway to do things. Like late curfews and we didn’t have to have a job in high school. The only thing we needed to focus on was good grades and doing chores. I.e generally speaking I could do most things I wanted to do except like smoking and drinking and partying all night type of stuff (but I wasn’t interested in that stuff anyway so I guess that point it moot)
I know high school isn’t the best years of your life and it was pretty good for me but not necessarily something I’d desperately want to relive. But I just wish I tried more in school and paid attention and actually put effort into things and got my head out of my ass. But I just fucked around and acted like a dumbass.
Even in my early 20’s I just made bad decisions and made changes and made certain choices that I didn’t have to and was just being stupid and now I’m paying for the consequences. I did good my first 3 years in college but acted like an ass cause I don’t know why.
I’m just so tired and exhausted from work and life and I’m just thinking about everything I did and I realized I took a lot of my childhood for granted and screwed around and acted like a dickhead when I should have been focusing on school. But I was ungrateful and daydreamed and fantasized about life instead of enjoying the moment and being grateful for the freedoms my parents gave me that other kids and teens my age didn’t have.
I really just want a break from life and have someone else take care of me for a little bit. Im just tired of all the crap from customers and my boss and my every day life. Even stuff around the world seems to be getting worse and worse every day. I know things were always bad all over the place. It’s just 10-15 years ago no one really talked about it but idk I just feel like things are worse??
Anyway this is a rant and I’m not looking for sympathy and I just needed to vent and get my thoughts out of my head. Without an irritated sigh from my little sister followed by “i know. Me too” or my parents telling me “I told you so”
I’m just tired of dead end jobs, exhausted with everything and everyone and I’m unhappy with my life and my choices right now. It’s whatever and I’m sure in 5 years I’ll be fine and in a better headspace and job. I hope….
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dextixer · 2 years
RWBY: Arowfell and the weird characterization and flanderization of team RWBY
Link to the original thread on reddit - HERE
While watching through the gameplay of RWBY: Arowfell i could not shake the thought that our main characters, team RWBY are acting somewhat strange and not at all how i am used to. Now, many critics have stated that we would like for the protagonists return more to their V1-V3 selves. And its almost like this wish was noticed by a monkey paw. We did get to see the return of V1-V3 team RWBY selves, but writen as if they were from RWBY chibi.
In this thread i would like to cover how team RWBY is writen in the game RWBY:Arowfell, and how in my opinion they are not writen well.
Before moving on, let us first cover the term of Flanderization. As the name implies, this is a term that comes from a character in the show Simpsons, a character that goes by the name Ned Flanders. A character that started out as a regular christian, loving father etc, who over time became a parody of an evangelical christian with little else to his character.
Afterwards it has become a commonly used term to describe characters with complexities becoming one-note and changing to basically be centered around a singular quality of theirs. A simmilar albeit weaker effect of this can be seen in RWBY: Arowfell.
I will be fair to the game, not all dialogue is there to flanderize team RWBY, there are a lot of what one could consider to be "regular" conversations, and yet there are times when it seems like the characters of team RWBY do a suddent flip to their flanderized versions with statements/actions that make little sense from them.
Its the same thing as many RWBY fans have noticed with certain fanfictions of RWBY, how characters are suddently changed to be different, more one-note or with qualities that are heavily exxagerated. And people take issues with those portrayals because those characters do not feel the samel. I think this would apply to what is a canonical RWBY story even more.
Besides Blake, this strange flanderization can be seen in all other 3 members of team RWBY which i will cover individually.
The Child
Those who read RWBY fanfictions can probably remember just how many fanfictions they have read in which Ruby  acts less like a socially awkward teenager and more like a 10 year old girl. This usually stems from an oversimplification or even misunderstanding of Ruby as a character in Volumes 1-3. While Ruby does have some childish behaviours, and does carry a level of innocence with her, she is still understanding of the world around her. She is still clever and someone who wants to be a hero.
And yet... In arrowfell...
During the hunt for the Union Boss responsible for Grimm attracting Orbs:
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After said Boss activates 4 Grimm attracting Orbs during his capture:
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Im sorry... But what? This sounds less like the Ruby i know and more like her chibi counterpart interacting with Cinder and her goons. Not only is this dialogue make Ruby act as if she was 10 year old, this dialogue also happens during what are time sensitive missions.
For example, in the first picture the rest of team RWBY are very much against trying to find the bird of the Mayor of the village, because they have a job to do. Only for Ruby to make that silly declaration and decide for the team.
Which also takes me to another extremelly weird characterization of Ruby:
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Ruby being too lazy? To hunt down orbs that have resulted in destruction of villages?
Whatever one might think of Ruby, at the end of the day she is heroic to a fault. It is something that we critics will acknowledge as anyone else. And yet during the mission to hunt down the 4 orbs that have already caused the destruction of villages, during the destruction of each orb Ruby complains about how difficult this job is, how she wants to rest etc.
That while annoying and definitely out of character for her does not even compare to what happens after the destruction of the third orb, after which she seems to want to leave the last orb active due to being lazy? Who is she and what did she do with Ruby?
The Ice Queen
I apologize in advance for using this title for Weiss due to the connontations it might have to some people, but there is no better phrase that i can use to describe how Weiss behaves in Arowfell.
For the most part, Weiss acts as any other member of team RWBY acts during dialogues, its just simple questions and "lets go do x" and the like. But when she engages with Penny and even her sister, her characterization suddently changes:
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If i have not watched the original show. Im going to be honest, i would believe that Weiss truly and utterly hates Penny, for seemingly no reason. It seems like the game is trying to mirror the V1 Weiss and Ruby dynamic. But it does so with two completely unrelated characters and has Weiss, someone who has underwent massive character changes act as she did nearly a decade ago. Not only that but the things she says arent just haughty or cold, they are outright hostile.
I would expect this kind of behaviour from a clone trooper in Star Wars the Clone Wars series rather than Weiss. Its almost open distain and hatred, which ignores the character progress of Weiss and just seems out of place. Even her own family is not immune to this:
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This is Weiss speaking to Winter. Now, the relationship between Weiss and Winter has always been somewhat weird. Winter is usually a tough sister on Weiss and she expresses her love by wanting Weiss to do better and better, and this is reflected in Winters dialogue in this game. She is not warm to Weiss but also wants to help her improve. Weiss has always seemingly accepted this behaviour from Winter and has constantly exhibited love towards Winter, so for Weiss to act so cold? It just looks like its out of place.
This is the kind of dialogue i would expect between Weiss and Whitley, or Yang and Qrow in a more sarcastic/joking manner. To see Weiss being so... Cold just makes little sense to me. The entire dynamic of their relationship seems changed.
The Ruffian
Unlike Weiss and Ruby, Yang for the most part avoids mischaracterization in various interactions. She seems to act the same way she always does, at least until scenes like these come up:
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Once again, these seem like lines that i would see from V1-V3 Yang, or from Chibi Yang. Not Volume 7-8 Yang. After losing her arm Yang has still retained some of her playfulness and cheer, make no mistake. But being callous of destruction they cause, being so ready to beat up suspects? Its just... Thats not her. That hasnt been her for a long time now.
Of course one also has to mention that giving Yang lines about beating up suspects while acting as a police force is.... Its really unfortunate... Just like with Hanlons portrayal, someone had to have noticed these lines. The fact that no problem was found with them is... Its not the best look for RT or for Yang.
Whats more important is that there are scenes where it makes sense for Yang to be ready to fistycuffs. But then there are scenes as shown above where such words are not exactly appropriate to her character.
The game partially feels like its meant for children
I do not think i am out of line by saying that RWBY has been in the Young Adult/Teenager area of media since Volume 3 aired. I am not going to say that no younger demographics are not watching RWBY, but right now it is marketed towards and is made mostly for the more adult crowd.
And while watching the playthrough of RWBY: Arowfell, half of the time it felt like i was watching a childrens game. The dialogue is extremelly simplistic, almost half of the characters that are met are silly in one way or another. Quests are given and worded in extremelly simplistic ways.
Now, maybe in Volume 1-2 that would make more sense, but in Volumes 7-8? Not as much, especially since the game itself also deals with at least somewhat darker topics. There is a large disconnect between the main plot and all of the sidequests, some of which HAVE to be done to progress the main plot.
It also feels like team RWBY, all of them are dumbed down, for example. When team RWBY first encounters a fear orb that attracts Grimm, they take it to show to General Ironwood. They are stopped by Bram who asks them to give the orb to him under the excuse that its "Military equipment". To which they choose to comply with his request despite the fact that GENERAL Ironwood leads the military?
And its not just that, throughout the entire game team RWBY seem to trust literally every person they meet. In V7 they are shown to at least have some level of suspicion around people, even Ironwood. And now in game they trust literally everyone? What is up with that?
It does not end there. In the last part of the game team RWBY encounters a hostile team BRIR, which is all fine and dady. But then team BRIR just go ahead and tell team RWBY who the main bad guys of the game and traitors are. FOR NO REASON. Its not an interogation or anything of the sort. They just openly say who they work for... Which is just..... Why?
Then you have events like this:
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This is after team RWBY fight and beat Amoncio Glass. A weapons smuggler that attacks them with a mech-suit... And they just leave him there.... They dont arrest him... They dont wait till Atlas soldiers arrest him.... They just. Let him go...
I understand that RWBY: Arowfell is not a War and Peace novel. I understand that it is not meant to be the height of literature and that most of the game is a sidescrolling fighting game. I do understand that. But that does not mean that the character writing has to be so... So poor.
The games language, the dialogue is way too simplistic. The way team RWBY act range from normal to "Who are you?". And this applies to both individual characterizations of team RWBY, but also the team as a whole. Only Blake seems to avoid this fate, but she is the only one.
I get wanting to make a more lighthearted game. But Volumes 7-8 are an incredibly poor location to choose to make this kind of game in. If this game dropped in Volumes 1-3, i would probably have little problems with how its writen and how characters are handled. But in V7-8? This doesnt make much sense.
At least that is my opinion. If anyone wishes to give their opinions, feedback, disagreements. You are welcome to do so.
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graveyard-darlingg · 8 months
just a friend... they told me that i was sounding uninterested or mad in them when they were doing the same thing. they kept shutting me down and i just. i was being nice and apologizing and i even thanked them for criticizing the way i was talking
anyhow, i don't remember what its called, but ill definitely try to look it up! it was at our library a few years ago. okay, dont judge, but if im honest, i love artemis but i also have something against minorly against her. ummm i also dislike poseidon and zeus somewhat. those two are womanizers and i hate how poseidon abandoned poor medusa
ummm arghhh i keep forgetting what's next. i... puppets, right? i think so. well i do really like them, and dolls for the same reason! i absolutely adore dolls, and. kind of see myself as one, if that makes sense? i dont know T.T
sunflowers are absolutely lovely! the squirrels and birds kept planting them because of our old bird feeder, which was fun. random sunflowers among our lovely front yard garden. oh! also i love weed flowers! like dandelions and such, they're so good for bees and i... love bees. plus they make our yard so so beautiful. and i reallllyyyy love nature so so much, i get very excited about it. i love animals and plants to death
and im not thaaaat talented, though id love to show you things ive made before!! and id love to play piano or specifically the cello,, or guitar maybe! do you do anything artistic? even just for fun! sometimes it's better like that, even
i’m so sorry, sweetheart. would you like a hug? communication is hard, and i think you did really well with taking the criticism despite the way they kept shutting you down. im very very proud of you for keeping your cool and being calm about it. that must’ve been super tough, honey, i’m sorry.
yes, i’ve always fucking hated that side of zeus. i also hated what poseidon did to medusa. what do you have against artemis?
if you don’t mind me asking, why do you see yourself as a doll?
STOP THATS SO COOL!!! YOU HAVE A BIRD FEEDER?? i love that you’re so passionate about this. it’s very very refreshing to see!! i think “weed” flowers are very pretty too. i must say you have good taste, my dear. do you enjoy spending your time outdoors?
i think you’re incredibly talented!! and whatever you’d feel most comfortable sharing, i would love to see. i don’t even have to post it if you don’t want to. i can just comment it on a post with your tag if you’d like. also!!! piano is so cool!! and the cello!! you should totally go for it!!
as for myself, i write (and don’t clown me for this) fanfiction on a separate account. i also write poetry and im decent with acoustic guitar. im not very skilled with barred chords and switching frets fast enough— though, it has been over a year since ive played. i sing a little bit, but i don’t think im very good 💀 i have a very small range. i paint every so often too!
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perryisle · 1 year
for that one ask game: 10, 17, 16, 22, 13
answers below cut!!!
10.) if your story is titled, why did you choose that title?
critical damage!! was supposed to be a placeholder name but i got waaaay too attached to it lol. i named it that bc it Sounded Cool (and tbh a lot of the choices i make for crit dmg are just “whatever seems cool”). funniest thing about naming it crit dmg is hearing the words critical damage being said in any other context (like as a video game stat or something) and being reminded of my oc thing :)
17.) describe the "required reading" to understand your vision. be as pretentious as possible.
play/listen to all the stuff i mentioned in that crit dmg inspo post i made (+ read/watch csm cuz thats also very crit dmg-core)
also listen to these three songs too for the complete Critical Damage!! Experience™️
16.) imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
oh man this ones a bit hard to answer!! if all the crit dmg dudes had social media (they most likely do) they’d all have the crit dmg equivalent of like twitter or tiktok or something (the really popular ones basically). but it would be funny if some bystander was liveblogging a fight they’re watching between vinny n mae and some hyperdemon on tumblr dot com
22.) you have been given unlimited funds to make two adaptations of some sort, however you cannot make any other adaptations of any other sort. which two formats do you choose?
if crit dmg wasn’t a hack n slash video game it would definitely be an anime with the same animation style as FLCL or something animated by studio trigger or something lol. if i was still allowed to make a video game of it but specifically not a hack n slash it could be a pretty good rpg
13.) how long have you been working on this project? what has changed from the outset?
ive been working on crit dmg since 2021! ive also had vinny for a little longer (made him 2020 as a stand-alone character). besides from like. redesigns and me getting better at writing.. uriels motives were COMPLETELY different back them (and also very poorly written) and there were two characters part of ENDS that i got rid of in like early 2023 I think? im not gonna talk about them now cuz this post is getting VERY long but i figured they didn’t contribute anything important to the story and decided to scrap them 🤷‍♂️ i might talk more about them in a different post if i feel like it
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ashtonsunshine · 1 year
I mean i liked checking it out and pretty much was into it idk jobless 💀 (but im glad im changing i literally ignore these stuff now as much as can... still nosey but its getting better lol).
Unfortunately i just like to know shit but after a while it sounds weird and almost repetition of the same things that happened long time ago.
I don't get the ones that try to do or change something about things like those are strangers to you ykwim? Just reading the gossip is a thing but trying to intervene like... what are you going to do? 😭
And it got really weird like doxxing and shit so thats not right... specially with a baby on the way its just too much (like weirdos wishing harm on a baby?!!? absolutely insane!)
Realizing to focus on what you actually like is way better and more fun.
But i always notice how ashton does the most for this fandom yet he's always the most hated in these type of blogs, it just breaks my heart he's very passionate about what he does and he gets shitted on for it, being called pretentious for showing his love... does he get a lil silly goofy? Yes but it's sweet idk what ppl see and make up something negative from it and when he uses big words? Lol i like adding new words to my vocabulary that i'll probably never use.
Sorry this is very long and honestly you dont have to answer this but i just was so much in (surprised im not blocked 💀) and then one day i was like well.. this is stupid and annoying so i kinda stopped.
Saw you went to a 5sos show days ago i hope you had a great time 🤍 and again you dont have to answer this at all but your post got me thinking a little... one of the first ppl i followed on here and i think your hello/goodmorning posts are very sweet and the way you always post them is sweeter. i hope you are having a great day/night from wherever you are 👍🏻
I understand the human need to know and be nosy, but I've learnt that sometimes it's better to be ignorant in order to be happy and enjoy things in peace.
I see this dynamic at work every day. People gossip about others because they have this need of talking shit for no reason other than being low-key jealous of their colleagues' workplace situation. It's as if people are envious of other's happiness and become petty about it.
Drama and gossip are addicting. It's like an adrenaline rush. But, ultimately, like every addiction, it starts consuming you from within and disrupting your life.
I'll never understand how some people have so much energy to run these types of accounts that harbour so much negativity, when some days I don't even have energy to exist right.
I've read so much shit about this band over the last decade on the internet, and you're right, Ashton somehow always gets it worse simply because he refuses to play the game and chooses to be himself no matter what. Him and his big words, and his sarcasm, and his snarky comments. It's one of the reasons I love him. Fuck everyone! Be yourself and the right people will come to you and stay with you.
But you know what makes my skin crawl? When the blogs are like "free speech", as if free speech means you're allowed to say whatever you want without consequences. It angers me when people use free speech as an excuse to be unpleasant and mean, because that's not what free speech is. Free speech means you can't be jailed for voicing an opinion; not that you can't be a target of criticism for it.
Only people who haven't had the right of free speech taken away from them do that. There was a heavy dictatorship in my country until 1974 where people would be grabbed on the streets by undercover state police if they gathered in groups larger than three and questioned for conspiracy against the government. Some people were tortured. Some people disappeared. Others were killed. All that for voicing an opinion. My parents lived through this shit, so I don't take my right of free speech lightly, and neither should any of you.
I'm getting political now, so I'm gonna go.
Thank you for the sweet words. 🫶🏻 I'm glad you're out of that dark place.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Pink time :D I’m watching Olive
I love Olive so much you guys, I was genuinely not gonna watch if they weren’t in
The fit!!!!!! They’re so pretty what
“I studied!!! I studied like it was the SAT”
I’m sure they’ve already said but… concussion??? You ok, queen?
Me 🤝 Olive: shaky, anxious, nonbinary kings
I was ready to smile and nod at the purple outfit but it’s *pink* floyd lmao
Olive was a viewer 😭😭😭 not new information but the mental image of them watching MCC on their college roommate’s tv is so <3333
Ayo half•alive is my favorite band
“I’ve had kenough of you” omg I love this team
Apo’s a poet fr, was this pre-written
“For my mother, and Ken!!!!!”
“Can we have a team pronoun check?” “Frick yeah we can!!” “Call me whatever the fuck you want” APO 😭
I have never watched Apo before but if they don’t stop being the most captivating person in existence I’m gonna have myself a new hyperfix
“Are your sheets crunchy??!?!!” Olive my beloved, why would you say it like that
The nepotism team my beloved <333
Olive spreading the good word of goodtimewithscar’s toe wiggling tip
Apo threatening to kill a man for pressing the noxcrew button is so based tbh
Why the buildmart hate?????
Sands of Time
Sot first 😭😭😭
The rising guys saying hi to H and Jojo <333
Graecie first trying the word puzzle like the girlboss they are!!
It feels like there’s hardly any sand!!!
Olive’s doing a really good job, especially as a concussed first time sandkeeper
Olive thinking the tomatoes were strawberries 😂
“The nerves are quenched” Apo???? They’re not wrong tbh
I mean, I was thinking it but I wasn’t gonna say it lol
Grid Runners
Preassigned pairings??? They’re so fancy!!!!
The team synergy is unmatched <3
“We are kenough” so true!!!
They’re so good at thinking critically but not getting down on themselves
Middle of the pack!!
We love some pkt positivity
“I blame game mechanics. Like every good pvp sweat, it’s not me, it’s the game” Apo my favorite pvp sweat
Ace Race
“Um, godspeed, don’t fall” my streamer!!!!
We are still swimming, so true!!!!!
Olive my shaky king <3333
Everyone did so well!!!!
Zero stress on this team, I love them so much
Flirting????? In my MCC??????? That’s how you know it’s mc championships tbh
Nonsense sounds my beloved
“Pyro messaged me saying ‘has erotic roleplay ever been done in the decision dome?’ and I just replied ‘Scott runs the event’” THATS WHAT IM SAYING
Olive stop stealing my joke /j
We getting achillean and sapphic flirting this mccr
“I’m trying to roleplay right now!!” the audible >:( is killing me
No one ships streamers more than the streamers themselves lmao
Survival Games
I can’t believe they were too busy being gay to go to the bathroom smh
Literally no one wanted to play sg 😂😂😂
“Let’s hold hands and run” “Can we skip a little bit, too?” Graecie is so based
“I have an iron helmet, would you like it Apo?” “That’s yours though” they’re so polite, all of them, how much these guys genuinely care about each other hits me at the most random moments
They’re killing it!!!! Literally!!!
“Apparently someone really cool is on the top” Acho!!!!!!!
Rocket Spleef
Rsr late game!!!!! I don’t know how that is for this team but I’m glad it’s in the latter half just for my own enjoyment
Apo!!!! They popped off!!!!!!
Oh no Acho!!! Stars having a rough time D:
Like Icarus!!!!!
“Caw caw bitch!!!” Those are my parrots!!!!!!
“You did so good compared to some other people in this vc” Olive, no self-deprecation in my mcc
Apo beat the point record??????? King shit!!!!!
Manager Graecie :))
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
Hi Angie, i hope it is alright that im calling you Angie, this is C.
Sorry for not replying earlier, I hope you are doing good. I’m also sorry to see that you lost someone so important to you, hope you are feeling better now.
I kinda screenshotted your answer to get back to you at a more suitable time (I see that I have the best timing now that the circus is back in town like talk about that wasted time eh Harry, anyway..)
I’m sorry that the fandom evolved into a place where you (and me and I’m sure many others) are feeling bad for voicing opinions that are essentially the fundamentals of being a larrie. The way this has been happening is particularly disheartening when people accuse us of apparently not respecting their closet or blaming them for their closets, like that is some level of gaslighting and guilt tripping.
I guess the fandom became this way now because louder voices are more occupied with following the biggest popstar (their words definitely not mine) of recent years than two closeted musicians that they can see past all the bs H and his team pull to the point where them voicing all the praise and how this fuck-boy persona is a must to make it big are drowning out the reasonable judgments of many levelheaded fans that can still manage to be here.
It really makes me wonder how it would be now with H and L if the fandom could have been more open with our criticism towards their recent way of handling fame, business etc, like im not trying to attribute more importance than we deserve to us as a fandom in their lives or saying we know better than them but we experienced firsthand how they were attuned to the chatter of larry fandom, maybe some tough love is what they need to hear instead of all the coddling (especially H) they are oddly receiving mostly from this part of fandom.
Also, im not trying to sound insensitive but it feels like they are missing Jay-like figure in their lives who im firmly believing was the voice of reason for them (I dont wanna get into this too much out of respect for Jay)
I have so much respect for you (and other blogs like you) bc you guys refuse to give into pressure of following whats come to be “the truth” and still speak your truths, there is nothing off putting about that believe me, it is admirable.
Im sorry if this ask feels incoherent, if it is so, you are gonna understand why in my following ask which would be just for you.
Hello, C 🦋 it’s so comforting to read your messages every now and then. I hope life is treating you well.
I know I made myself a reputation of an hater, but I’m not. I’m just constantly pushing back whatever stupid move they make. I don’t care if it’s good for their business, it’s not worthy on a human level and I fear the day people will start prioritising job and money and commercial success.
I also understand ignoring whatever thing you don’t like is a way to cope and go through this and curate your experience, but still it won’t make it go away. It’s hard at times, especially here - I’m not particularly close to anyone here so it feels like my experience is just me speaking into the void, you know? - and in this isolation sometimes I feel like the evil character but I don’t think I am. I’m a fan like everyone else, except I am very opinionated and more often than not I don’t agree with what I see/read here and there.
But thank you for coming back. I will not post the other part II because I like that little secret between us 😌 you’ll find me here when you decide to share more of your thoughts of course <3
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