#if i owe you comm stuff i am getting to it but it turns out covid makes me bad at doing stuff. soon tho
isbergillustration · 2 months
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First person view of my failed attempt to take a nap earlier
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photmath · 1 year
Comme Les Fleurs - Chapter 6
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Chapter 6: First Time Jitters
Summary: Left with no other options, Kylian must rehab his newly injured leg at a stranger’s home for the next month and she isn’t at all what he expects. Meanwhile, Aurèle has to deal with easily-irritated and sullen Kylian as she opens her home to him.
Word Count: 6.2k
Warnings: cursing, hospital
Note: Enjoy Kylian being needy!
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Kylian hated feeling helpless. He knew he didn’t have many options, either he could run across Aurie’s lawn and hope that her mother was awake, or he could find Aurie’s keys and drive her himself. The last time he was behind the wheel of a car he was seventeen, even then, it was a golf cart. However, he knew her mother was probably the last person Aurie wanted to see at the moment.
He scratches his neck as Bleu lets out another whine. Aurie reaches out for the small trashcan next to her wall and dips her head inside, throwing up from the nausea. The collar of her shirt darkened with sweat as Kylian debated with his options.
He curses quietly to himself, “Where are your keys?”
“They’re downstairs by the door,” she lets out. He stands up, crouching behind Aurie, and then hooks his forearms through her arms. “Ow—ouch!”
“Sorry,” he mutters. “Are you sure this isn’t something else?”
“I’m positive,” Aurie wraps one of her arms around his shoulders while he steadies her upright. “Watch your leg.”
“Maybe this is just a cramp—”
“You’re such a sweet boy,” she coos, which makes him roll his eyes.
Kylian stands on the right side of her, trying his hardest to steady himself as she leans up against him. The two of them concentrate quietly on getting out of Aurie’s bedroom and down the stairs. Aurie is groaning with each step and Kylian chews on his tongue, growing more nervous with the idea of being in a car with Aurie. His mind couldn’t help but to replay images of him driving the car into her house, the wooden panes crumbling around them as Maple and Bleu were stuck inside.
Kylian grabs her keys from the holder, gulping down as he stuffs them into his pocket.
Aurie watches his Adam’s apple bob, “You’re going to do great. Pretend it’s a giant go-kart.”
He shakes his head, “How am I going to back out of this driveway?”
The two of them stop at the passenger door, Aurie immediately gets in and cringes at the throbbing pain going deeper into her stomach. She exasperates, “I’ll walk you through it, now hurry up.”
Kylian rushes to the other end and hops in.
Aurie puts her hand up, “Seat belt.” He nods, looking at her to make sure she has hers on and realizes she doesn’t. He reaches over with haste, pulling the strap and buckling him in. Aurie grins but it’s painful, “Thank you.”
He buckles his and then turns on the car, waiting for Aurie to talk but she’s quivering in pain. “Aurie.”
“Fuck, just give me a minute,” she clutches onto the door handle, shutting her eyes. “Careful with the pedals, it might hurt your calf, so press it gently.”
Kylian looks around, still not comforted with her words. He checks his mirrors but the night sky and the lack of streetlights down her driveway gives him nothing. He looks down at the throttle and puts the car in reverse, letting go of the pedal slowly before accelerating. He immediately slams down on the brake after the car jolts.
“Sorry,” he grits. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Aurie, this is really fucking dangerous.”
“You were doing good,” she opens her eyes. Kylian darts his eyes away, not wanting to bear a second of looking at the pain in her eyes. They held a darker and unfamiliar tone to them, it made him uneasy. “The car is going to move because of the rocks, don’t let it scare you. Now turn the wheel as you reverse, it doesn’t matter which way.”
He frets, checking his mirrors again but it’s dark. It annoys him that he can’t see what he’s reversing into but he trusts Aurie’s word for it.
“There isn’t anything back there, I promise,” she says. “It’s all open grass, you’ve seen it. I don’t have a gate or anything.”
Aurie digs her head against the headrest again, muffling the pain through her closed lips, trying to focus on Kylian. He was nervous. There was a wrinkle between his eyebrows as he constantly looked between the mirrors. Only small breaths escaped through his lips and his knuckles were on the verge of turning white.
“Okay, now brake slowly, you don’t have to slam down on the brake at this speed,” Aurie instructs. Kylian follows, now glad that he could drive with the aid of the headlights. “Get it out of reverse and then while still pressing onto the brake, turn the steering wheel all the way to the right until it stops.”
Kylian looks at her, turning the steering wheel swiftly until it halts.
“Good. Now press down on the accelerator and we can go slow. Remember, the car is going to shake.”
Kylian focuses on her strained breathing as he drives down the gravel, not even going more than five kilometers per hour. Aurie was sure he wasn’t pressing down on the pedal, only letting the momentum of the car thrust them forward.
“A little faster won’t kill us, Ky.”
He doesn’t bat an eye at her comment, only continuing at the speed he was going. He had no idea where the street started and there weren’t any markers helping him. “How much longer do I have until I get to the street?”
“At this rate, five hours.”
“Aurie,” he says sternly. “Be serious right now.” She snorts, and then immediately doubles over in pain, pinching at her thigh. Kylian glances at her, pushing her hand away from the spot on her thigh, “Stop that.”
She was trying to do anything to redirect her pain, “I’m sorry, but the road is coming up soon. You’re going to have to press down on the pedal a little harder to make it over the bump.”
He frowns, “You want me to go faster?”
“At least 40.”
“40?” he shrieks, coming to a more gentle stop as they come up to the street. “There’s no way. You’re talking, you can drive.”
“We’re almost there,” Aurie face palms herself. “It’s five minutes! Come on, world champion, you got this.”
Kylian huffs, looking both directions, “To the left?”
“Yes, you can take all the time you need on this turn, there aren’t any cars,” she smiles even though he isn’t looking at her.
“There aren’t any lights. This is such a shithole, how do you drive at night?” He complains, squinting his eyes into the window.
“I can promise you there aren’t any cars over there, you can see the reflective things on the ground. The yellow spots.”
Ah-hah. That made more sense to Kylian the longer he looked at the space. Aurie didn’t want to point out that he already had the high beams on. She presses the emergency lights and Kylian’s eyes bulge down at the arrows flashing on the dash.
“You’re fine,” she points out. One would think he has never been in a car before. The pads of her fingers continued to dig into her hip the longer they stalled. She shuffled around into a different position as Kylian finally started his turn. She stayed quiet throughout it, hoping that it didn’t bring another wave of nausea.
Kylian couldn’t help but to let out a small smile from the excitement of not overestimating his turn and driving them both off the road. Meanwhile, Aurie kept any snarky remark to herself; she didn’t want to boost his ego, but also didn’t want to make him any more nervous than was.
“This is a little better,” he comments. The headlights lit up the rest of the two-way road for some meters, and the pavement was a lot smoother, making the steering wheel easier to control. “Should I go a little faster?”
“If you think you can handle it, I’m okay.”
He bites onto his lip, “You don’t sound okay.” He accelerates a bit more, cringing at the dull ache in his calf.
“Stay under 50.”
He takes a quick glance at her. Her face glistens with more sweat than when he had helped her into the car. “How are you feeling, Aurie?”
“Still the same.”
“Do you need to throw up?”
“Not at the moment, but I have chills.”
“But you’re sweating—a fever?”
“So smart you are,” she smiles. Kylian chuckles for the first time but the two of them are interrupted by a ringing phone.
He groans, “That’s mine. It’s in my pocket.”
Aurie maneuvers herself so that she can grab it from his pocket, fortunately it was on the side where she sat. She mutes the ringing, “It’s your dad.”
Kylian kisses his teeth, “Of course.”
“He’s calling you this late?”
Kylian shrugs, “I don’t know why either.” He had a couple of guesses but he didn’t want to worry Aurie, especially during the state she was in.
“Sorry,” she closes her eyes for a second, “I didn’t mean to pry.”
“It’s okay.” Kylian notices the set of lights in the rearview mirror, “Merde.”
“Stay calm, they can go around if you’re going too slow for them.”
Kylian continues looking forward as the car nears closer. He grew more nervous the closer the car got; them deciding to flick their high beam lights on didn’t help either.
“Ow,” he groans, blinking rapidly.
“Don’t close your eyes, you idiot!”
“I didn’t!”
“Just stay calm.”
“I am!”
Aurie wasn’t the only one sweating during the car ride. He swiped at the sweat on his hairline before turning on his indicator to turn left.
“The other way,” Aurie mutters. Kylian looks down, pushing the knob down from the upright position. “Let that car pass you and then fully stop to turn. No rush.”
Kylian blew out a raspy breath as he slowed down. He watched as the car drove past him and then slowly accelerated into the crowded parking lot. “There’s other cars here.”
“I would hope so,” she says. “Turn right, and go all the way to the front. Take your time.”
Kylian nods, turning the wheel with one hand while he squeezes Aurie’s hand with the other. It was brief, but enough to calm the both of them down for a brief moment. Aurie’s jaw and cheek hurt from clenching her teeth together, and her mouth still tastes of copper from her biting on her lip. She didn’t want Kylian to worry about her while he drove, knowing that he was already in so much stress from driving in the dark for the first time.
The car halts abruptly as he stops in front of the entrance. He sheepishly responds, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, we made it. Put the car in park and I’ll have someone park the car in the front. Come on,” Aurie unbuckles her seatbelt as Kylian makes sure the car is in park before rushing out to the other end. He helps Aurie out as nurses crowd them.
Their voices and movements are quick, stealing Aurie from his grasp and placing her in a wheelchair. They roll her away before he can mutter what’s wrong with her. He sighs, looking back at Aurie’s car and the front doors. She had already disappeared behind the hallway and no one had motioned to drive the car to a spot in the lot.
He sighs, dropping his arms to his sides as he walks back to the driver seat. He gets in and slowly drives the car to the back where there aren’t any cars. It takes him nearly three tries to get the car in between the lines; each time he has to open the door to check how far he was off. He’s already bothered because somehow we triggered the heat although he swore he had not pressed any more buttons that he needed to. He twists the key out of the car with haste, not bothering to check how well he parked the car because he already knows it isn’t perfect. He would have to call his driver to come pick them up in the morning from the hospital because there was no way he was driving Aurie back.
He walks back to the entrance with his head hung low, seldomly looking up until a nurse approaches him. He cringes at her bright yellow scrubs before forcing a smile at her.
“Aurie is asking for you,” she walks ahead of him, motioning for him to follow her.
Kylian hesitates, “Isn’t she supposed to be in surgery or something?”
“She’s about to be in about,” she looks down at her watch, “fifteen minutes. She’s on some meds right now to calm down some of the pain so she might be a little…overexcited.”
He raises his eyebrows and follows her closely as she leads him down the light brown halls. He mutters, “When is she not?”
The nurse laughs, “I see you’ve grown to know Aurie. She’s a great physio, but a horrible patient. Doctors are always the worst.”
Kylian’s steps falter. This was the hospital she worked at whenever she mentioned it, no wonder they didn’t spare a second glance at him when he stood at the entrance looking lost. They were her old coworkers who cared deeply about her, and seeing one of their own in pain must have sent them through a panic.
He stops as they near her room, “She used to work here, right?”
She nods, “Yes.”
“Stefan. She had a patient named Stefan from the Netherlands, what happened to him?”
Her eyebrows furrow, “I’m sorry, but we can’t disclose patient information.”
He grimaces, “Is there any way I could get into contact with him?”
She shakes her head, “I’m sorry, but I’m not at liberty to say.”
He nods defeatedly. He was going to have to search for the boy himself.
“Kylian!” Aurie greets, holding her hands wide as the nurse opens the door for him. She leaves the two of them alone in the room and Kylian gives Aurie a simpering smile. “What’s the face for? Are you not excited to see me?”
“I saw you ten minutes ago,” he responds, scooting one of the chairs to her bedside and sitting down beside her. Her hand drags to his cheek and he swats it away.
She had an IV hooked into her left hand, its wire taped down onto her arm. She looked silly in light blue scrubs, and it only made Kylian smile harder. She chuckles to herself, “I missed you.”
He leans down closer to her, resting his head on his elbow, “Are you on that medicine that is supposed to knock you out in a couple of minutes?”
She nods, her eyes fluttering closed, “Yes, but I still have a couple of more minutes in me I think.”
“I already see you drooling,” he teases.
Her eyes widened, “Don’t play games with me right now, I’m vulnerable and currently wearing paper.”
He snorts, “You look great.”
Her hand finds Kylian’s cheek again, but he doesn’t move it. He lets her caress his cheek as the two of them sit in a moment of silence, comforted with each other’s presence. Her thumb hooks into his dimple, pushing his cheek upward into a lopsided smile. She giggles, “And you’re…really cute.”
Kylian’s cheeks grow warm at her kiddish compliment, “Stop that.” He kisses her hand before he grabs it and clasps his fingers with hers. Her sleepy figure was unfamiliar to him, he wondered for a moment if this is what she was like whenever she fought her sleep. When the exhaustion and delirium had settled in from the activities of the day. He snickers, “You’re a horrible flirt.”
She raises her eyebrows, “Do you want me to say to take off all your clothes instead?”
His jaw drops, “Aurie—”
She laughs, “I’m kidding! We’re in public, have some decorum, Ky.” Kylian’s jaw is still agape while Aurie groans, “Ugh, I feel myself about to fall asleep. You should’ve come earlier so we had more time to talk.”
He feels Aurie’s grip tighten up while she blinks rapidly. He chuckles, and can’t help himself, selfishly kissing her hand, “We’ll have all the time to talk after your surgery.”
She deadpans, “Oh sh—we’re going to have to get Martin to facilitate your treatment for the next few days. I can most likely still do it though, but just in case.”
He nods, “Okay, then we’ll do that. Let me handle it, and stop fighting your sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Thank you.” Her voice is soft but her eyes are telling. It’s more than a simple note of gratitude for him being with her at this moment. It’s her thanking him for driving her when he didn’t want to. Listening to her to spit out her life’s story without judgment. No longer giving her a hard time as they both navigated the cards they were dealt with.
“Of course.”
Her eyes flutter closed and he stands up to press a kiss on top of her forehead. Her lips tug into a small smile as she squeezes his hand harder before dropping it. “See you in a bit, chérie.”
Aurie had spent the rest of the night in the hospital even though her surgery lasted about an hour. Kylian used that time to talk with his father and the conversation was anything but lighthearted. He was glad that he was able to wait in the same room Aurie had been in because he used the entirety of it to pace back and forth, arguing and conversing with his father.
His message was short: figure out his summer’s move. Many people were expecting him to leave PSG, but he had one more year under his contract. Offers were being made but they were buried in the depths of the media, bypassing any attention from the public.
And the press had been overly quiet. Kylian had been out of the limelight for the past few weeks and Martin and Galtier’s plan had been working, but it only stayed quiet for so long. Kylian knew it.
In the hospital, the early hours were more quiet, but Kylian watches the activity pick up outside of Aurie’s bedroom. He has been awake for the past two hours, his stomach grumbling from having not eaten in the past hours. As the nurses walked with haste back and forth across the hall, he waited patiently for Aurie to wake up from her sleep. When she first came back from her surgery, she was groggy and barely acknowledged him, too tired to recognize him, and the bright light had forced her to keep her eyes closed. Even as the nurses checked her vital signs, she was dismissive of them and only nodded and shook her head, wanting to go back to sleep.
He wanted to laugh from the corner of the room. It was like watching a teenager throw a fit for waking up too early in the morning. She had curled herself in a ball, her back towards the window and him to shield herself from the light. The thin piece of blanket was draped lazily over her shoulder and once the nurses left, he adjusted it so that it covered her more. She had snuggled into the warmth of his hand pressed against her shoulder, so for the rest of the night, he sat down in the chair beside her bed and laid his head against her bed. He knew his arm was going to hurt when he woke up but he didn’t care.
“What time is it?” Aurie asks, her voice hoarse. Her eyes go big as she hears it.
He chuckles, pouring water from the pitcher of water that he had been drinking from all throughout that morning. “Almost ten.”
She gulps down the water, refilling it herself before Kylian can help her. He sits down on the edge of her bed, “They said we can leave whenever you wake up, I can call for my driver—”
“And wait another hour? You can drive in the daytime, more practice!” she beams, clutching onto her gown as it wants to slide down from becoming untied as she tossed around in her sleep.
Kylian turns away, shaking his head, “No, he’s in town. I called him.”
She swats at his hand and he scowls, “You have to stop waking up people in the dead of the night while they sleep with their families.”
“It’s only for today,” he reasons, texting his driver that they were ready.
Aurie chuckles, “And where is my car?”
“Back at your house.”
“Kylian,” she silences. He laughs as the nurse walks into the room with two trays of food, a special perk as Aurie was once one of them. Kylian picks up his dish and leaves the room to give the two of them privacy.
Despite the significant lack of pain Aurie had, her movements still felt sluggish, like she weighed much more than she did. It was a mix of the anesthesia wearing off and interrupted sleep she had gotten, but it made her feel incredibly hazy. Throughout the car ride back to her home, she leaned her head against Kylian’s rock-solid shoulder. It wasn’t comfortable, but he was warm, and a much better option than the car’s window.
Kylian wasn’t shy to place a kiss on her forehead, one that absolutely sent her mind into a frenzy. Sometimes being around Kylian, she felt like a different person. One that was more open, not worried about someone—in particular, her mother—judging her every move. She was already strong-willed, not caring about others' opinions, but she couldn’t shake off her mother’s eyes no matter how hard she tried. Could anyone ever?
But with Kylian, the walls were never up with him. She felt it immediately. How his presence was not something that she felt intimidated by but instead driven. Driven to do whatever she wanted. To feel whatever she wanted. He was her weak spot, and as much as she didn’t want to admit it, he was it. He filled that spot the moment he got up to help with the dishes the first night he was here. The smiles he would send to Simone that only the two of them understood made Aurie’s heart swarm with butterflies.
It made her weak.
Aurie looks up at him, his eyes flickering down towards her as the car rocks against her driveway. They were almost inside but she couldn’t wait. Lifting her body up towards him, she kisses him, a palm fisting his shirt to bring him closer to her. His lips part within it as he laughs from their noses bumping into each other, but kisses her back nonetheless. His hand had stayed clenched around her knee throughout the drive and it was only squeezing her harder now.
They only released when his driver let out an awkward cough, and then they realized the car already stopped. Kylian snickers as he relieves his driver of his duties and goes around the other end of the car to help out Aurie. Bleu comes from the backside of her yard and wags his tail keenly as he sees the pair.
“Hi, Bleu,” Aurie giggles, bending down to massage his fluffy head. Aurie then stands up and sneaks her arm around Kylian’s torso.
“What?” he titters. “Do you need help?”
“I’m helping you.”
He shakes his hand in front of her face, “I can walk just fine.”
Aurie searches for her keys but sees the slight bump in Kylian’s pockets, and then she digs into his pocket without a second thought. His breath hitches as he feels her fingers roam them.
“You know,” she starts. “For someone who has barely started to drive, you did pretty good.”
He can’t comprehend what she’s saying. All his mind is fixed on is the way the keys got stuck in his pocket so now she had to use both of her hands to maneuver them out.
“Jeez,” she mutters, finally looking down to see what the fuss is about.
He’s holding his entire breath in, praying that nothing was out of the ordinary as she pinched at his trousers. The keys finally jingle and she turns to place it inside the lock. Thank god.
“Meet me in the rehab room in about fifteen minutes.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, shutting the door behind him as he entered, “Fifteen? Aurie you need rest.”
She pouts, “I need one cup of coffee and then I’m all yours.”
“I would love that, but I see it in your eyes. They’re heavy and on the verge of sleep.”
She rubs at them, trying her hardest to appear awake in front of him and he only laughs at her poor attempt.
“Real mature.”
“It’s one hour of rehab, either you do it with me right now or we get Martin,” she says and he sighs. “Alright, now come on. We have the night session too, I’ll let you practice headers or something.”
“Do you want to make it a challenge?” He raises his eyebrows.
She crosses her arms, walking in front of him, “Why would I do that?” Her glowing, round eyes looking up at him made his mind swirl. The knuckle of his pointer finger rubs across her cheek, stopping at her ear as his hand spreads to cup her neck. She smiles, sliding her arms around his waist, entranced with the way with his eyes bounced back and forth between hers.
“Winner…” Kylian whispers. His mind halts at the look in Aurie’s eyes. She’s suspicious but intrigued. He hovers his head over hers, their lips merely inches apart.
“I have one,” she pulls back and he frowns. “If you win, you have to come with me to watch Naomi Osaka take on Serena. If you lose, Simone comes with me and you have to wash the dishes for the rest of your stay.”
His jaw drops, “No no, that has too many conditions, you didn’t even want me to go to the tennis match anyway. It’s going to attract everyone’s attention to you and you didn’t want that. Unless—are you changing your mind?”
She shrugs, taking her time to search for the right word, “I—I want you to come to the match with me, but I also feel like I’ll change my mind at the very last minute.”
“You can change your mind, I won’t care if we’re already there and you back out.”
“Stop saying things like that,” she sinks her head against his chest and then peers up at him. His small grin only grows larger.
“I don’t want you to feel obligated, Aurie. I’m excited for this potentially happening, but are you sure you want to go through with this?”
She nods, “No PDA.”
“None,” he sticks out his pinky finger and she grasps it. “You’ve asked me on a date twice now, I’d feel horrible if I lose.”
She chuckles, “I’m already on a losing streak.”
“You are not,” Kylian pulls his waist closer to his body and Aurie has to wrap her arms tighter against him. “I doubt you’ll make it easy on me.”
“I definitely won’t.”
He kisses her cheek and trails his lips down her neck. Aurie uses his arms to keep herself upright because her legs feel like they’re made of goo. His voice vibrates against the skin of her neck as he nips at it, “How about tonight I cook you dinner? Call it a date in your kitchen.”
“I’ll show you where I keep the candles.”
The quiet laugh in her ear is what makes her lose it, she pulls away, “Alright, princess.” She tries to regain herself from her flustered state and Kylian only smirks. “Ten minutes.”
He nods, letting her go to the kitchen and her coffee with haste. She was no longer feeling tired after that encounter, that’s for sure.
She could lose the challenge and make Kylian go with her, but she did have her doubts. Even if they didn’t show PDA, rumors were going to start. He may have made her feel like she was being held without any chains, but this was a different breed. It was the eyes of the public.
What was she doing? She knew his lifestyle would always affect her, but she also felt the need to compel against the threat. She hated being intimidated, and she realized that the only way to get rid of it was to go against it. She’d probably hate every second of it, but she would have done it. She would have ripped off the bandaid. Besides, Kylian was able to maintain a rather private personal life after being in front of the public for years. Everything of hers was already private, the most anyone could find out about her is her previous various locations of employment. She certainly didn’t need to explain her resumé to someone.
As promised, Aurie had the challenge set up. There were four bins placed around the spot Kylian had sat on the floor. He was supposed to use the strength he generated from the floor to propel the ball into the bins. They were on different heights. One of them was right in front of him, two on the table above him and the last a distance from him. He didn’t want to stroke his ego, but he was good with aiming his headers.
But so was Aurie, and he could infer that she was too because she would have to be doing the same thing as him.
“The one who misses the least out of twelve wins,” Aurie says. “But you can only score into a bin three times.”
“They should be scored based on difficulty,” he comments.
“Why?” Aurie adjusts the two balls against her hip. She only had four footballs that she could find with enough air in them, so they would have to pause in between every four tosses to retrieve the balls.
Kylian sneers, “It makes more sense.”
“Are you scared?”
He rolls his eyes, “Fine, let’s get on with it.”
Aurie laughs, “No pressure. Are you ready?”
Kylian adjusts his seating, nodding from the floor as Aurie releases the first ball. He heads it towards the taller bins, it falls perfectly into one. She tosses the next and he heads it at the bin in front of him, another solid landing.
Ball after ball and he hadn’t missed one. He goes for the farthest one and it bounces off the rim, “Agh.”
She chuckles, “You got it.”
He makes the next three perfectly, 7-1. Despite the brief pauses, they’re able to make the rhythm flow with constant throws. Kylian lands all the balls in the front three bins and only has the farthest bin to fill. He misses the next one, letting out a loud scream followed with a laugh. 9-2.
“C’mon, put your back into it,” Aurie encourages.
“It’s a lot harder than it looks.”
“It’s physics.”
“It’s what?” Kylian hits the ball with more force and it goes into the bin in spite of his confusion.
Aurie can only shake her head as he hoots in celebration, finishing 10-2.
She retrieves the ball as Kylian stands up, tucking the balls underneath his arms. Aurie settles down in the spot where Kylian was previously at and nods at him to start. She aims towards the farthest bucket, reeling her body towards it and Kylian’s eyes go wide as she makes it.
“No way.”
“Throw the next one.”
He gives her a bad toss on purpose, but she is able to pop the ball up to make it into the bin on one of the tables, sending him a glare. He chuckles, tossing another. She makes the next one in, and the next, and the next.
“Go for the farthest again,” Kylian murmurs.
“Don’t be a sour puss.”
Kylian had given her awful tosses on purpose, catching on that she was better than he thought at this. His toss switched from a little too high, to too low, but she was able to adapt easily. She did it with ease as well, somehow able to still generate enough power to send the ball to the last bin.
She hadn’t missed one.
He frowns, going to go get the balls. Aurie’s chances of winning were growing, and his chance to go to that tennis match were diminishing. He couldn’t tell if Aurie was doing it on purpose, that she could have also possibly changed her mind. However, the more he thought of it, the more he hoped she would. He wanted to keep her away from the public. That she be his little secret. The chances of them finding her were slim. She didn’t live in Paris and from what he was able to observe, she didn’t travel there often. Perhaps public glimpses of them would be seen if she was ever in Paris with him.
And he could live with that.
He throws her a ball from afar, and she misses the bin that’s the closest to her.
“Ahh,” he teases. “You were a defender. That’s why you keep missing the close one.” It was true, she had missed that first bucket twice already. If she had missed another, Kylian would automatically win. Her winning streak was coming to an end.
The last ball depends on her making it into the first bucket and Kylian wears a devious smirk, wanting to fumble it for her, but wanting to see if she’ll make it. It was amusing to him how she kept missing that bin with too much power every time, and it hit the same exact spot. She makes contact with the ball, and it goes sailing past the bin.
“YES!” Kylian chimes and Aurie rolls her eyes, stretching out her arms behind her as she watches Kylian pump his fist in the air. He looks at her and immediately rushes to her, his shoulder nudging her as he folds down beside her. “Simi is going to hate me.”
“No she won’t, she doesn’t know about it. Be careful with your leg,” she groans as she falls back, “and my stomach.”
He gets off of her quickly, “I forgot, I’m sorry about that—”
“I’m not hurt,” she shoves him away, sitting back up. He looks down at her lips, leaning in to kiss her. “Guess what.”
“Hmm,” he gives her another peck.
“You have dinner to cook, and I have a nap to take.”
He sulks, pulling her closer to her chest. His slightly dampened shirt presses up against Aurie and she jokingly gags but concedes to his touch. His head rests on top of hers as his arms are wrapped snugged, “Stay with me.”
“I’ll be on the couch.”
“With me.”
She snickers, “How about you shower first and then we can nap together. Besides, it might be a little too early to start dinner.”
He nods, pressing a chaste kiss at her forehead before he helps bring her to her feet.
Aurie had fallen asleep while Kylian was still showering, but she had woken up to the sound of him coming out of the restroom. She had stretched out her arm and held up the blanket for him to come join. They hadn’t unfolded the tucked mattress so they only had the width of the couch to share. Neither of them minded.
Kylian’s arm scooped underneath Aurie and the other wrapped around her. The two of them tangled into each other as if they had done it a million times before.
Aurie let out a whimsical sigh as she traced Kylian’s back, his eyebrows knitting as she pressed her fingers deeper into his muscles. He groaned at the contact, pushing more of his weight onto her.
“Sleep, Aurie.”
“Sorry,” she mumbles. Kylian’s eyes flutter open as he sees her playful smile.
He reels away, “I should’ve known you were up to no good.”
“It’s the coffee and nap mixing together—that ten minute nap felt like hours!”
He rubs his hand over his face. Aurie was full of tricks. Constantly fighting the little voice in her head to sleep or to not sleep and Kylian could only laugh. He rushed through his shower so that he could have more time with her on the couch.
“You look handsome this close.”
“Shh,” he grumbles, tucking his head deeper into the cushion.
Aurie kisses his cheek, watching the curl of his lip go higher with each kiss. Her fingers outline the features of his face as she pulls his head closer to her chest. She kisses his forehead once more before closing her eyes.
“More,” he whines after a moment of silence.
She presses a slow kiss on his nose before Kylian opens his eyes and pushes himself up to kiss her lips. His lips carry more passion than he intends but Aurie doesn’t shy away from him, only wrapping her hands around his head tightly. Kylian’s thigh slots between hers as they shuffle around, wanting to get rid of the blanket. The temperature of their intertwined bodies brought enough body heat as is, and Kylian’s scolding, hot legs from his shower only stung against hers.
He drags his lip down her neck, keeping his hands tight on her waist. Her ragged breaths flood his ears as her lower half curls towards his. He moans at the contact and concentrates on leaving soft kisses on her skin, every so often biting against the skin.
She didn’t want to restrain herself in front of him anymore, but she knew they should probably stop before it continued any further. They were getting too ahead of themselves, but god did Kylian’s lips feel heaven-sent. Her grip loosens against his waist but her legs stay in between his. He pulls away with a foolish grin, kissing her lips and then letting her snuggle up into his chest.
“You drive me insane.”
“You make me feel so much worse, Aurie.”
Note: Ooooo we’re going to pretend Naomi Osaka and Serena Williams are currently playing, although both of them are currently on “sabaticals.” Sorry for the delay! Finals weeks are coming up so mmm, another possible delay for chapter 7. We have a date night and tennis match to look forward to next >>>
Taglist: @karotland @peaky-shelby @darlingmbappe @mrs-bellingham @kylianswifey @kymb-10 @fictional-l0v3r @chaotic-taco-collector-blog @itsjuspenny-blog @mattmurdocksbigtoe @formula101x @et-in-arcadia-ego77 @lovekm @okayymochi @titti-maja @jokertbh @venus2eros @heli991113 @neymarloverxxx @444jodie @mm2007 @freespirit-51 @flawlessdiamond1
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skellymom · 2 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 14 "In Confidence"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
To read Chapter 13:
Word Count: 958
Background: Mad is awake, but harbors another secret. Sil befriends Echo and reveals his own dark past.
Been trying to get these chapters out quickly, but having the Writer's Block in the middle portion of this fan fic.
This was a VERY HEAVY chapter to write. It is brief in it's depiction of what happened to Sil. But, I wanted to have him and Echo discuss their shared trauma, but in a way that was not too heavy, but somewhat realistic without being graphic.
Warning: Discussion in hinted terms regarding sexual abuse. Nothing specific is mentioned.
*Since the Nomaadi are from all over the galaxy (and possibly beyond) their language is a patchwork of words from many different planets and systems. I have used two words from different Earth cultures as their language (some Nomadic people on Earth do this too) and created a pidgin language. Hopefully I have not offended anyone. Please personal message me if you want to discuss this. Thanks.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
“Hunter, Echo and I can do some digging on our comm channels. However, before we do, I should remove both of your catheter’s.” Tech pointed toward Mad. 
“Everyone out.” Mad motioned with her hand.  
“WHAAT? Thought you were ok about ‘Body Stuff’” Wrecker sassed Mad. 
Echo shook his head, ushering Omega, Sil, and Love out of the room. 
“You REALLY wanna see Tech pull a urinary catheter out of my bladder, big boy?” Mad sassed back. 
Wrecker visibly shuddered. She got him. “Oof...no.” He left the room. 
Hunter grabbed Mad’s hand and squeezed.  
Would he and his siblings have been happier on Ord Mantell still running jobs for Cid?  
No. THIS is where WE need to be right now! 
It was an uncertain journey so far, but Hunter was willing to see it through. 
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"In Confidence"
“There, all done.” Tech picked up his med kit, attempting to exit. 
“Tech?” Mad called out. 
Tech turned to face her.  She had noticed his bruised nose and eyes... 
“I'm so sorry for hurting you.” 
“Please do not fret.  I will heal quickly, as always.  Besides, I am grateful to have witnessed your Force bond with Tiggy.” 
Mad was mildly shocked.  “The Pot Roast?  The thing bred for consumption instead of intelligence???” 
��Tiggy is QUITE intelligent...in her own way.  Not EVERY life form is lucky enough to be specifically designed as genetically superior.”   
Mad noticed Tech’s slightly smug expression, then changed the subject.  “When you and Hunter are...free, I would like to go over the list of repairs to the Beldame with you.  Some upgrades, and I have ideas for...extra modifications as well.” 
“What IS the status of my ship?” 
“We were able to get life support online.  But no propulsion, shield, gunnery, sensors, communications...basically the Beldame is a livable space only, not specifically an operational starship.  Currently, the Marauder is perched atop the ‘Dame and we are hiding out in a seldom used hyperspace lane until we can get your ship back online.” 
“WE owe you and your brothers a huge debt of gratitude...and quite a few credits.”  Mad smiled.  “Chi-Miigwetch, Pal.”
(“BIG Thank you” Anishinaabe, “Friend” Romani). 
Tech silently nodded and left the aft section of the Marauder. 
Mad sighed “The explosion REALLY did a number on the ‘Dame.  Not that I’m ungrateful...but Love’s Force powers have gotten crazy strong...” 
“REALLY helpful in the moment, though” Hunter added. 
“THIS time.  Hunter, Love can barely control their abilities.  I’m concerned when the time comes, and they can’t.  Who's going to get hurt?  How long before someone figures out, we basically have a teenage Force weapon?” 
Hunter chuckled “Good luck to the Empire trying to catch your kiddo!” 
Mad silently gave Hunter a haunted look.  He picked up something deeper in her expression.  Some unspoken fear he couldn’t guess at and opened his mouth to ask... 
Mad’s belly growled LOUDLY!  “Oof” She rubbed her abdomen, changing the subject.  “Real strong hunger pains there.” 
“Been a few days since you had solid food.”  Hunter handed Mad a fresh change of clothes to dress. 
"Hungry enough to eat a Bantha!” 
Hunter didn’t push for more information.  Mad had been through enough already.  He felt assured when she was comfortable, Mad would confide her fears in him. 
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Sil sipped from the handmade mug full of caf listening quietly to Echo speak.  
“Not been easy, but every day is a new opportunity for healing.  A little bit at a time.”  Echo finished his statement while putting his prosthetic leg back on. 
Since the Marauder had embarked with the Beldame, Echo and Sil had become fast friends.  Sil felt drawn to this “Machine more than man.”  Tech had introduced Echo as such, but Sil reacted by exclaiming Echo was not a droid, but in fact a heavily augmented human...it seemed that way to him.  Why couldn’t physically wounded humans receive assistance from machinery to function satisfactorily and keep their humanity?   
Sil was a psychologically wounded human and could still retain his humanity.  Although...his slavery also included being physically wounded, but not to the extent that Echo had endured.  But it was painful just the same... 
They worked side by side repairing what they could on the Beldame. Striking up random conversations, making jokes, discussing ship regs and the like.   
Tonight, Echo and Sil took time out after a day of repairs to sit and converse over cups of caf.  Hunter was with Mad.  Omega and Tech were playing the card game Balaans while Love hovered nearby watching, with Tiggy asleep in their lap. 
Eventually Sil shyly asked about Echo’s prosthetics and how he acquired them.  Echo smiled and quietly recounted his accident on Lola Sayu, then being woken up by Rex on Skako Minor. 
Sil was mortified at what was done to Echo.  How could ANYONE survive such a thing??? 
Silence between them as Sil processed everything Echo had told him. 
It was Echo’s turn.  “Care to talk about it?” Echo asked tentatively nodding to the slave collar scar burned into Sil’s neck. 
“I was kidnapped off the streets as a young boy by Zygerrian Slavers.  Then sold to man who owned an exotic meat market in The Bottoms of Coruscant.  He was evil...  Would shock me for just about anything.  Even if I was compliant.  Liked to watch me suffer while working...under him...” 
Sil took a very deep breath.  Echo could tell Sil was trying to maintain control and hold back tears. 
“Oh...kiddo...I...”  Echo struggled.  “Don’t need to know the rest if you...” 
“NO.  I NEED to get this out.”  Sil struggled.  “I don’t want my auntie to know the horrible things I had done to me.  It would break her heart.  I can talk to you...understand?” 
“Ok...” Echo waited patiently. 
“He...” One tear trailed down his cheek.  “He did THINGS to me.  Rented me out to people who would do those things too...”   
Sil put his hands up to his face in shame.   Echo could barely make out the next muffled statement from Sil. 
“I’m happy that man is dead.” 
Wrecker, who had been sitting nearby playing on a datapad, and unable to NOT hear what was being said turned to Echo with an extremely horrified expression. 
Echo met Wrecker’s expression with a mournful one. 
Sil broke into loud sobs and let the tears overtake him. 
“Does he need a hug?”  Wrecker whispered. 
Echo shook his head.  “I don't’ think he wants ANYONE to touch him right now.” 
Wrecker nodded.  “I’ll...uh...go make a fresh pot of caf.  Ok?” 
“Good idea.”  Echo replied.  “Going to be a very long night.” 
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To read Chapter 15 "Get In Losers"
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drakomod · 7 months
--!!Commissions are OPEN!!--
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--!! Commissions are OPEN!!--
PM me to discuss what you'd like!
$ is in USD
Payment is through Paypal invoice (I will need your Email)
I will require a reference of your character or an easily readable image of them, if you would like them in a different outfit I may need a reference for that too
If the commission type you would like isn't on this sheet that doesn't mean I'm not willing to do it! Feel free to ask!
Please note that I am a slow artist, the more difficult your commission is, the longer it is going to take.
Some of my favourite comm types to draw are coloured sketches with backgrounds, emotes & icons, and reference sheets! Some of my favourite things to draw are mlp, wacky monsters, DbD related stuff, and characters with wings!
Please note that I can decline taking a commission without reason and do not owe you an explanation (though I will likely give one anyway and will normally let you know if I feel I am not fit for the requested comm)
I offer discounts to my Patrons!! And also offer discounts for drawing characters that were adoptables from me.
If you'd like to commission me and aren't 100% sure what exactly you want, that's fine! Send me the ref of the character, and a short 1-2 sentence long description of their personality and I can do something with that! Of course, providing pose reference and stuff is greatly appreciated though and does tend to have the piece turn out better, but it's not necessary
Extra character pricing an additional character is +50%-75% of the original price
Let me explain if that's a little confusing
A fullbody flatcoloured sketch of a character is $35 If you would like a 2nd character that character would be +50% to 75% of $35
+50% would be for characters that are more obscured (like if they are hugging and the 2nd one's body is mostly covered by the 1st character)
+75% is for when the 2nd character is less obscured
So 50% of $35 is $17.50 so for a 2 character flatcoloured fullbody sketch it'd be $52.50
Here's a good example of the multiple character prices unless that's a little difficult to understand (I get it no worries man, hope I can help!)
This is a lined flatcoloured bust/halfbody The first character (on the left) would be full priced at $35 The 2nd character (on the right) would be +75% of $35, so $25.25 The 3rd character (in the middle) is more obscured so they'd be +50% of $35, so $17.50 So all together it would be 35 + 25.35 + 17.50= $77.85 Of course we could discuss a piece like this and depending on what you're wanting I can potentially give discounts so it could be cheaper, but that is wholy dependant on what you're looking for.
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gamchawizzy · 9 months
A life update!
It's been an unreal time lately and I apologise for the lack of art and presence. Normally I avoid sharing too much in public, but truth be told I think 7/8 years of nonstop work and escaping a bad place and bad people has finally, utterly burned me out. I also developed body pain, and given my previous medical history, I think I have to go back to the doctor for a diagosis on paper for something else.
That being said, my current gig is extremely demanding of my time and energy, and I've gotten sick several times because of it. I'm on 1.5 meals a day sometimes. I really want to quit lmao but I am feeding a family and a bunch of pets and trying to get a sibling thru college and paying the house bills. I wish I had more time to draw because drawing is what I do best and it would've been great extra income, but alas. My free time off work is spent resting and recuperating because the pain gets too much some days.
My comm queue is finally cleared but I still owe so much to my patrons and I'm very sorry for the lack of updates. For now I paused billing and it will be paused indefinitely while I catch up on all obligations and everything I owe. My hope is that it'll only be for a couple months while I get my shit together as well as streamline my online presence and social media management. I don't have much else to say but I miss art so much and yet I also feel weird about drawing, I have to redo my art habits from the ground up.
I feel a lil weird having to open all of these up because I don't want it to sound like I'm copping out, but my loved ones are already concerned. My track record with all my comms are clean so far and I intend to make good on everything I owe 😭
Will make a more formal post for current patrons and any ex-patrons who left during my hiatus, but I'll get you all either a skeb-type (pay what you want, good quality for cheap but no revisions) commission that you can avail, OR turn the total amount you pledged during my hiatus into credits you can use to get discounts on a proper commission. Let me know if that works for y'all? 👉👈
I also miss all my online friends and I hope we get to interact more soon, you guys are the realest and I hope you all are doing well 💗
Anyway update done, I wish you all very cosy holidays and good food!! I'll try to respond to people as best as I can, but any business/patron/etc related stuff feel free to dm/email me for it :'33
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twopoppies · 3 years
Soo, I am still processing what she said, because from my perspective it's very obvious that it is Harry's team that sets the prices and those who are in charge of selling his image and she realizes that herself. I don't understand why people do not realize. Besides that it is totally unnecessary to compare him with other artists. I don't really know much about Taylor but it's obvious that she had to go through and fight a lot for her music. There are so many things that we don't see and that we don't know, but to stop liking an artist because you believe that he owes you more contact, or because for you it is false in some way what he is doing and saying is so f up. Thoughts?
There is so much I disagree with about what she’s said and it’s the same old stuff about Harry being disconnected from his fans and not understanding what his fans want.
I see everything as an evolution and feel as though Harry is doing what he believes in, what he loves, and what he sees as representative of what he wants his brand to be. It’s totally okay not to like any of that.
But if you don’t connect to him, and if you don’t get him, that’s on you. He doesn’t owe it to anyone to stay the same as he was ten years ago when they fell in love with him. He doesn’t need to stay the same as he was even two years ago. He’s showing us who he is, who he’s grown into, how he understands himself and what he wants to do and be.
Maybe instead of dismissing what he’s saying as “pretentious” or joking that he’s “saying nothing” in his interviews, you could listen to what he’s actually said because, frankly, I feel like he was pretty honest and open in that Dazed interview.
This person complains that his fans “don’t understand” couture or Commes Des Garçons. I mean, first of all, speak for yourself; but also it’s kind of amazing to me to follow an artist who’s into so many interesting, unusual things that maybe a lot of people have never heard of. IMO, it’s a chance to grow and explore with him. Just because you don’t get something doesn’t mean it’s pretentious. In fact, dismissing things just because they’re outside your comfort zone seems pretty closed minded to me. I guess I don’t understand the anger it all generates. Maybe look at your own reaction to it and try to understand where it’s coming from instead of instantly just lashing out.
And comparing him to T*ylor is just laughable. The way this person talks about how T*ylor so connected to her fans and is on Tiktok and Tumblr and talks to them and gives them what they want, BUT AT THE SAME TIME DOESN’T GET THAT THIS IS MARKETING IN THE EXTREME, is just ridiculous.
This is someone who has researched and studied every inch of her fandom, so much so that she knows exactly how to sell to them and exactly how to speak to them so they follow her like lemmings. As tides turn, she shifts with them and reimagines herself to fit their new interests. How much of it is genuine and how much of it is slick marketing? Just because you like the message they’re selling, doesn’t mean the person behind it is being authentic. And just because you connect to it doesn’t mean it’s not marketing.
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 4
Masterlist // child reader ML //
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, casinos
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝗼𝐤𝗼 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝗼𝐰??
Quackity was telling you all of his plans
He rambled on for hours of his ideas for casinos and how he was going to marry Karl and sapnap
It sounded great
He had his whole plan set up! He even had Sam helping him with the building
But then he left
Just like everyone else
But that was fine! You were just with sapnap
Before Karl came running over rambling on about needed to move his library
He had a library?
“[Redacted] you need to stay close, please”
You looked at him weirdly
Who the fuck was [redacted]
“Karl my names Y/n you idiot” “flame..” “sorry”
He didn’t even notice it and then you had to spend the next couple days hauling over 100 books
“Oo hey what are these! The covers look really weird”
You had found his time travel books
That man raced over and in the kindest way possible, snatched it from your hands
“Don’t touch those, they are my special books”
You just shrugged and let him be, he freaks you out enough
So you all traveled to this area in the spruce forest and built a really ugly mushroom hut
But hey it’s fine! Foolish thankfully came around later that day and made everything better
So you stuck around
Maybe you needed this, this new start
Oh but prime knows that wouldnt last long
Karl started forgetting
At first it was simple things as just forgetting where he was or little stumbles with names
But eventually he was going away longer and longer
He started calling you by these strange names, some that sound Victorian and western and others that are unlike you
One day he didn’t call you by your name at all
You were hanging around the Sakura trees and the big yin Yang pond waiting for sapnap to come back with George
Then you saw Karl exit the library, running up to him for a hug
It’s been two months since you’ve seen him
You fucking hated it but you couldn’t help but consider him another parental figure
He loved it
But he just stood there as you wrapped your arms around him
Expecting the usual “[reda]- Y/n, I’ve missed you so much my sweet flame!”
But there was nothing just a sad one sided hug
“Hello? I’m sorry but do I know you?”
You were ready to cry
“I’m sorry, I uh must’ve mistaken you for the wrong person” “No that’s fine! Hugs are nice?”
So you left and ran into the library
Scouring throughout all of the books until you found them
The same 8 books you shrugged away
You read through all of them along with Karl’s other journals
You didn’t like going through his stuff especially, a whole invasion of privacy
The more you read the worse it got
What were you gonna tell Sapnap?
Who the hell is James, and [redacted]?
And why couldn’t he stop
It’s no use anymore
You were simply just forgotten
𝐋𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬
The closer you got to the large building, the sicker you got
Kinoko Kingdom was supposed to be your free pass
But somehow you always end up here
You called for Sam on the comms waiting for the beep
The inside looked great to say the least
“What are your past relationships with the prisoner?” “No answer.”
“Where are you currently resided?” “No answer”
“Do you believe the prisoner deserves his sentence?” “Maybe”
You put all your shit in the locker and followed him through all the safety checks
“I’m glad you didn’t bring anything with you”
You stood on the platform heart racing as the lava went down
It was like a ticking time bomb
The small squeaks and scratches of the hovering bridge
He just stared at you
That sick stupid mask was broken by tommy that day in the black stone room
So you had to look into his face
Lets just say he looks good in Orange
“Barrier up or down?” “Down”
He backed up into the corner as you stepped in
Once the lava cascaded down your smile turned into a sick frown
“Hello” is that all he had to fucking say?
“Screw you. Fuck you. Damn you”
He just looked you a small chuckle escaping from his lips
“Those all mean the same thing.” “Well I’ve been living in cinnamon town for the past couple months, and I’m ready to fucking burn some buns”
Yeah he just laughed
“I’ve missed you Hot shot”
“You ruined our damn life!”
Someone went quiet
“If you didn’t have to have a petty little war, or criminalize children we could’ve been fine! It could’ve just been you, dad, me, and George.”
You were pissed, everyone just kept leaving you.
Tommy and Tubbo, Quackity, Karl, Dream, and hell even Wilbur
“You come and visit me, after not having seen me for months and you just yell? Not a hello or ‘how are you dream?’ ‘How’s prison dream’ ‘how can I help you get out of this damn place’ “
You just sat down ready to just walk out into the lava
“I’ve been stuck here for months! None of you even cared enough to visit me, hell even Tommy came around.”
You might have felt a little bad after leaving him
The prison was cold even tho lava was flowing right there
“Why would you leave the discs alone..” “Because I had to end it.”
What were you doing here
What were you planning on saying?
“So, what do you do in prison”
“I have a clock.”
You got up to go look at the pretty clock
Then threw it at his face
“Ow” “deal with it bitch”
The longer you stayed the worse the feeling in your stomach got
so you buzzed for Sam waving goodbye
“Wait.. Do they miss me?” “Can’t say, but I think this may be for the best.”
He wanted his best friends
But he just got the annoying teenager
Oh but that wouldn’t be the last
𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬
You got a letter in the mail one day
Who the hell uses letters??
You were shocked to see the address and the small post card
“Come around some time”-Quackity
Ans on the back it had the cords
Oh well what did you have to loose? Sapnap was focused on Karl
and well Karl didn’t even know you
So you set off
It took you a couple hours travel by horse to get to the desert area
The large sign blaring in the red text
You gotta admit the place looked beautiful
There was a giant dick and different shops
You were shocked to see this random un human like guy
“Hello, I am Charlie a totally human guy!”
Yeah totally not slime
“I’m uh, Y/n?” He reached out for a handshake sort of thing
“Dap me up!” “Another time Charlie”
Maybe when you had hand sanitizer
“Ohh so your Y/n! Mister Quackity talks about you all the time, come on in!”
You were skeptical but followed anyways
Stopping in your tracks when you saw Fundy
“Furry?” “Fire shit?”
You went over to give him a side hug, ruffling his fur
“What the hell are you doing here ginger boy!” “Oh you know, just escaping nightmares”
You were confused then just let him be
You walked to the entry way of the place
A beautiful pond with flowers and an arch
“Did what the place where Mr. Quackity was going to propose!”
Going to?
You shrugged it off following inside
You hated to admit it, but you were excited to see him
Yeah you really needed a parental figure in your life at the moment
So when you saw him, he immediately pick you up in a hug
You didn’t fail to notice his change in appearance
That beanie stayed the same tho
Thank god
“Hey hey! Let me show you around the place, we can also go for lunch and talk.”
The casino looked great to say the least
Loud music booming from the speakers, along with the live jazz band on the side
Slot machines were going off every minute
“Have a chip, something to remember this by”
He handed you a red poker chip
It was a cool one tho, in the middle has a blocky sort of smile
Creepy and dopey.. sick!
So you put it around a spare silver chain
“So how have you been kid? ‘Ts been a while hasn’t it.” “Could be better..”
You both walked around the city in silence, offering to go in the super model shop
“No” “why not” “keep walking”
On your way to lunch you had to squint at what you were seeing
“Oh my goodness you’re still alive?!” “You’re alive!?”
You and revivebur just stared at one another
“Yeah he came back after I died!” “you what now-“
You just stared at Tommy and back to Wilbur
Oh god those shrooms were messing with your head
You should’ve gotten out of there a while ago
Quackity came over placing his hands on your shoulders
“Do I have to execute you both? Get off my damn property”
“Sorry Q. Say, Y/n wanna join Lmanburg 2.0?”
You back away holding your hands up
“I denied that offer once, and I’ll do it again. Fucking zombie freaks”
You obviously muttered the last part
Why the fuck did dream revive those two shits??
When did Tommy even die??
Your visit here has just gotten weirder and weirder
𝐌𝗼𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
Quackity got you away from the brits as quick as he could
So he brought you over to his office
“So kid, how’s your dad..”
Ah you expected this question
“How the fuck am I supposed to know. He’s living his life, Karl’s time traveling! Oh yeah did I mention he doesn’t even remember me.”
He looked at you with wide eyes
“So I’m not the only one they forgot..”
You slammed you hands on the fable dramatizing the situation
“How would you feel about moving here? I mean you could work for me in the casino!”
You thought about it for a second
You have two options
1. Live in shroom town with bubbles
2. Move to las Nevada’s with Quackity
You were sure Sapnap wouldn’t mind
I mean would he even care?
He hasn’t for the past couple months!
“You feel abandoned there, over here there are hundreds of people. You’ll have the time of your life”
You thought about it for a sec
“Alright hand me a contract”
So you signed
Making deals with the devil huh
Little did you know it would cost you your life
Devils little soul
and this is the finale! I will take requests for sapnaps child, and I’ll do some shit with Quackity and the casino and go in more depth if wanted!
As always request and ask anything! And ask if you want to be on a taglist (child reader or general)
For those on the taglist I don’t know if you wanted to be tagged for all child reader shit or just dreams child.. so please tell me :)
@creatorofstars @georgenctfound @samistheidiot @smolbox-png @ghostlysenses @stellarinstigator @bobaducky
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Hey. Can I request bucky barnes x male reader where the reader gets injured on a mission and bucky freaks out about it with the “Oh shit, is it that bad? Am I gonna die?” prompt. And can they already be in a relationship. Thank you
This was a good request, thanks.
That said, why is it harder to write something if there is more information???
This one didn't give me an immediate idea to follow through on, but I think it turned out alright.
Let me know if this wasn't quite what you wanted and I will be happy to have another go.
Stealth Mission
Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Word Count: 1611
The mission was supposed to be a stealth one. It was meant to be simple, sneak in, steal some information, sneak back out with no-one any the wiser for it.
Funny how the universe likes to laugh at people who make plans.
You roll your eyes at your thoughts as you gather your breath, and your courage. You were pinned behind a series of crates in what was clearly some sort of storage area. The bullets stop flying in your direction for a second. It sounds like the Hydra guys were reloading.
You leap out and unleash a hail of bullets at the men standing by the door. To your unending relief there are only two, both of whom were reloading. Thank God for sloppy trade craft. It takes a depressingly little amount of time to down them after that.
'Two down, one whole compound to go,' you think sarcastically to yourself.
"Hey, anyone out there still?" You put a shaking hand up to your earpiece. You had never been so thankful to hear Steve's voice before.
You tapped your comm to activate it.
"Yeah, I'm in some sort of storage area inside. No idea how many are left outside. Things aren't looking great from here."
You hear Steve sigh into his own comm.
"Y/N, Thank God. Buck would'a killed me if you'd gone down out here."
"Come on Steve, you know that's between me and Barnes."
You smirk to yourself and picture Steve's face at your comment. You don't normally tease the conservative man but it helped to steady your nerves the moment.
"Alright, I'm gonna head out of here, see if I can still salvage this mission. Let me know if anyone else responds."
Caps affirmative is ringing in your ears as you pull yourself back together. You still had a job to do here, there wasn't anything else for it.
You crept closer to the only exit in the room. Your heart was pounding too loud in your ears. This was annoying but adrenaline was running high after you were surprised earlier.
Luckily the hall was empty. It seemed that the other Hydra agents were a bit preoccupied somewhere else.
'Hopefully that means that someone else is still kicking. My bet's on Nat.'
It doesn't take long to find the right room this time. You internally promise yourself to pay more attention to blueprints next time, as you make your way into the room and over to one of the computers.
You were grateful once again that you had started out your illustrious career as a hacker. A few not so minor indiscretions had landed you in some pretty hot water before you hacked into the wrong server and caught shield's attention. Several years and some serious spy training later, here you were.
Your comm crackled as you tapped away at the keys of the computer. You put your hand back up to your comm and listened as Steve relayed that everyone else had checked back in with him.
You breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone was still alright.
"Roger that, I'm almost done here, I'll meet back out front--"
You cut off with a gasped cry of pain. You hadn't noticed the person slip in through the broken window while listening to Steve talk. You had completely missed them as they moved over on silent feet. In fact, you only noticed them as they slipped a dagger in between two of your ribs.
Distantly you could hear Steve calling out to you through your comm, but you were just a little distracted by the searing pain in your side.
You could tell immediately that whoever this person was, they didn't want to kill you outright. With how silent they were coming in and how preoccupied you had been, they had had the opportunity to slit your throat. They hadn't, which was pretty telling.
If you didn't get out of here soon you would either end up as a hostage to make the others give themselves up, or you would be tortured for information.
Not great odds then.
Using the opposite side's arm you managed to elbow them in the face. Their nose made the most satisfying crunch as it broke.
You spun and took advantage of their surprise to kick them back toward the broken window. Seeing the best chance at getting out of this situation alive, you didn't hesitate to give them a second harder kick to the chest. They went out flailing for anything to hold onto.
There was a yell and a loud thud as they hit the ground some several floors below.
You held your breath as you limped your way over there. You had to be sure that they weren't still a danger.
Yep, there they were, laid out on the ground, limbs at awkward angles that would be bad if it weren't for the large puddle of blood forming under them.
You let out your breath in a rush.
There was a ringing in your ears that was not great, and the world seemed to be spinning. You stumbled back over to the desk and the computer.
You grabbed the piece of tech that you had been loading the information onto and made your way heavily out of the room.
Something made you look up. You were glad that you did, Steve was coming toward you but there was something wrong with him. He was opening and closing his mouth like he was trying to talk, but nothing was coming out.
You squint at him in confusion, but you didn't have to worry about it for long. The darkness descends just as he reaches you and you know nothing more.
Bucky Barnes was not someone who was known for showing a lot of emotions. Not anymore anyway. He was slowly getting better, but it was just too easy to stay emotionally frozen.
He had been that way for literally years, and it had taken meeting one of the agents at shield to really start to shake him out of it. The Y/H/C haired man had quickly wormed his way into Bucky's frozen heart and refused to leave.
Naturally, having grown up in the 1920's and 30's, Bucky had known he shouldn't want this man the way he did. However, he had lived in Brooklyn, arguably the Gay Capital of the World at the time.
The only way he wouldn't have had at least one experience back then was if he was as oblivious as Steve had been.
In any case it hadn't taken him long to know that he had to ask you out. Getting up the courage had been the difficult thing. You had surprised him by showing up earlier the same day with a box and asked to talk to him alone.
You had put the box on his bed and said that you had wanted to ask him out for a while now, and only just gotten up the courage. The box was a gift which was his whether he wanted to go out with you or not.
Bucky had known that that was the best chance he would ever have, but was curious. He had opened the box to find a big fluffy sweater and fluffy reading socks. He had melted. You were literally the best person in the world - sorry Steve.
Bucky was decidedly not emotionless now however.
You had been brought in from your latest mission unconscious, and had to be rushed to the medical wing Tony kept in his huge tower.
(A/N Yes, we are pretending that they are all friends)
Objectively Bucky was sure that you would be fine, but he couldn't help but worry. You had never looked so small, lying there with soot from who knew what on your face and blood covering a large portion of your shield issued clothing.
Bucky was doing his best not to annoy the medical staff while he waited for you to wake up, but it hadn't worked at all. He had been banished from the area until you were awake to deal with him.
So now he was annoying everyone else.
"Shit Steve, is he going to be okay? Is he going to die? Oh God, what if he dies?"
Poor Bucky was in tears and pacing up and down the communal living space as he waited for news.
Even Sam had the good sense not to provoke Bucky right now.
Apparently Natasha didn't get the memo though.
"Barnes. He's a trained agent. This is a part of the job. Grow a pair and wait for news before writing him off entirely. Besides, Y/N's a fighter, he won't give up like this. He knows you're waiting for him. He won't let you down."
Bucky stared at her, shocked. Nat was notoriously few of words. That was practically a monologue from her.
"Good," she nodded, satisfied that she had gotten through to him. "If you can't calm down and wait for news like a normal person, why don't you go find Clint and stuff him into a vent to find out what's going on in real time."
With that Natasha floated over to the couch and flipped the TV onto her latest binge show.
Steve watched as Bucky stood in shock for a minute longer, before bolting out of the room, most likely in search of their team archer.
"That was mean. He's not even going to be able to explain what he wants properly with how out of it he is right now."
Nat looked over her shoulder at Steve with a smirk.
"Just a little revenge that I owed Clint."
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding Part Three: SW Time Travel AU #27
Part One
Part Two
Obi Wan woke with a dry mouth and a moderate headache. A fairly typical morning these days. 
He peered around his bedroom in the temple confused. Wasn’t he just with Cody? Shouldn’t he be on the Negotiator? No wait, the war was over, Cody tried to kill him, and the Negotiator was a part of the Imperial Armada, of course he wouldn’t be there. He closed his eyes, snuggling back under the covers. Before he could drift back to sleep, his sluggish mind processed that last thought. 
He BOLTED upright in bed. The temple had been razed, his personal chambers scorched with particular thoroughness. Just being on Coruscant was an automatic death sentence. Faint tendrils of panic began to curl around his throat before he remembered his decision to give Spice a try. He had reasoned that he should probably find at least one pleasure in his new life, instead of focusing incessantly on what was lost. 
So what if he lost a few brain cells? Good riddance. 
Obi-Wan had been a bit nervous, but this had ended up being his best decision in years. His goodbye to Cody had been painful, but deeply cathartic. Spice Hallucination Anakin didn’t scream like Nightmare Anakin, and the color of his eyes was perfect. Far better final memories to cling to than reality- a reminder of the good times. Comforted, he relaxed backwards in bed, pulling his blankets back around him.
He LURCHED out of bed, covers tossed aside, movement a blur.
He was still hallucinating?!? Spice shouldn’t last in the system this long! He might’ve been uncertain about whether he was supposed to smoke or snort the substance but it was a well known fact that its exhaustive but rapid passage through the body was half what made it so addictive. If nothing else, his well-restedness and thirst indicated it had been at least six hours. He looked frantically around the room, searching for some thread of unreality to pull at.
This...was not good. Hadn’t the subconscious manifestations of his friends mentioned drugs that interacted poorly with force users last night? He had dismissed it at the time but...
He clearly was stuck in some sort of drugged fantasy combined with force-enhanced memory recall. Kriff, he had to wake up in the real world before he died of an aneurysm. Or just dehydration.
He sat on the ‘temple floor’ to meditate. This could be tricky as he couldn’t risk lowering his outer shields to reach out to reality. It would be deeply embarrassing as well as horrifying if the Emperor managed to find him and, by extension, Luke because he got stuck in a bad spice trip.
The door to his room clicked open quietly. 
“Oh! You’re awake. Sorry to come in without knocking, Master. I wanted to let you sleep, but I’ve been checking on you every two hours to make sure you were still, you know, breathing. You were...pretty out of it last night and I would be a pretty bad ‘best friend in the whole galaxy’ if I let you choke on your own vomit, right?” His blue-eyed Padawan explained with a grin.
Obi-Wan just stared. Oh this- this hurt. It was easier last night, when the whole fantasy had a kind of drunken blurriness. Sleeping and waking had brought sober clarity to the dream world. He could see the bags under Anakin’s eyes as well as the sheepish slouch of his shoulders as he instinctively ducked at the door frame. It was just so real.
“Obi-Wan? Are you feeling ok? Do you still feel drunk?” Anakin asked concerned.
Obi-Wan shook his head. He hesitated, before deciding to just go along with the interaction. He didn’t want to risk his subconscious throwing a less idylic scene at him by pretending to ignore this one. And besides, last night had been, all totaled, a huge relief- an unburdening of things left unsaid. This was probably the closest thing to therapy available to him these days, he might as well take advantage.
“I’m just...processing. Not to mention dealing with some mild dehydration.” He finally answered.
“Processing, huh? So does that mean you, uh, remember last night?” Anakin asked nervously.
“I do.” Obi-Wan smiled gently. As heart-wrenching as this was, it was also adorably sweet. Maybe it was worth it to push off waking for a little while. He could get some closure, maybe even work through some of the past to see where the two of them had gone wrong. It might even be helpful for Luke! Force willing, he would probably end up training Anakin’s son someday.
(the boy wouldn’t have many masters to choose from)
If this dream world could help him figure out specifically how he had failed as a Master, then he owed it to the galaxy to see it through. Satisfied, he resolved to let the fantasy play out. At least for a few more more hours. And...he had missed what Anakin had said. Wonderful start.
“I’m very sorry, Anakin would you mind repeating that? I was still a little distracted, but I promise, I’m focused on you now.”
Anakin shuffled nervously. “It’s nothing.”
Obi-Wan tried to project reassurance without actually projecting. “Please Anakin, I’d like to hear what you have to say. I know I wasn’t the most observant or approachable Master, and I’m sorry for that. But I have always cared about your thoughts and feelings.” It was a struggle and the words caught in his throat, but the raw burn of the apology was cleansing in an almost addictive way.
Anakin flushed. “Did you mean everything you said?” he asked nervously.
“I’d...rather not talk about seeing the destruction of the temple, seeing you... Maybe later...but please, I just don’t want to focus on it while I’m sitting here, looking at you,” Obi-Wan said quietly.
“That actually wasn’t what I was talking about,” Anakin responded quickly. “I mean, I do want to help you with that at some point, but I get not wanting to talk about visions, even if you should probably should. Of course if you do want to talk about that stuff, that’s more important, but since you don’t we can talk about the other stuff you mentioned. I was more referring to, you know, us, and what you said about our friendship?” his voice got progressively higher the longer he rambled. 
Obi-Wan thought back. “Well some of it is a little hazy, but overall yes. I...for a very long time I’ve considered you my best friend, and its not so easy for me to let go of my affections. I miss spending time with you; there are times I turn to say something and am still shocked you’re not there. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, with real words, how much I cared. I’m sorry I didn’t hug you as much as I wanted, looking back that was a nonsensical Jedi custom. It’s not in the code; it’s just an affectation of dignity. All things considered, the fact that you often snuck out to see Padme doesn’t really bother me.” He paused. “Was that everything?”
“Oh. Yeah, that pretty much covered everything.” Anakin looked embarrassed, but happy. “I wasn’t sure if you were just saying that stuff because you were drugged, or really drunk or something.”
“No, I meant what I said. I suppose it just took an altered state for me to relax enough to actually say it instead of just thinking at you and assuming you would know. I must admit, its difficult for me to maintain this emotional honesty without feeling drunk, but it’s good. This is good.”
“Ah, that’s... wow. So you weren’t drugged? Cody was concerned you seemed to off for much you actually drank.”
Obi-Wan frowned. Hadn’t that been a trip? Vision blurring from desert hovel to some nameless Catina he once visited with Cody. The continuity since then was almost unsettling. But, then again, Obi-Wan always did have a remarkable talent for self-delusion, didn’t he. He waved away the concerns.
“My substance consumption was entirely deliberate and exactly what I needed. There might have been some unknown additions with some unforeseen after-affects, but like I said- I’m not drunk. I’m clear minded and in full control right now and I knowingly accept the current fallout from whatever I took. I could meditate and force purge to completely recenter, but I think it would be far wiser to just see where this goes. Do you disagree, Anakin?”
Anakin grinned widely. “Whatever you say, Obi-Wan. Just remember this is your idea. Also, I’m taking you to the healers tonight if you’re not completely back to yourself.”
Obi-Wan signed, “If I’m not back to myself in 12 hours, than I fully agree that’s a problem worthy of the halls of healing.”
“Right,” Anakin nodded decisively, “I’ll go get you some water then comm Cody to tell him you’re still alive.
Obi-Wan smiled weakly in response. This wasn’t just a hashed up memory; the responsiveness was more that. He quickly got dressed, hands lingering over soft fabrics and sand-free linens.
Anakin dropped off a cup of water; Obi-Wan sipped at it hesitantly. Dear force, this was dangerously vivid. It actually felt like a relief in his parched mouth. Clearly his subconscious was pulling out all the stops to trap him in this soft delusion. He would have to deal with the thirst and hunger until he woke up- it was probably the firmest link he had to his real body.
He took one last look around before rushing out of his room, eager to take advantage of the time.
Anakin looked nervously up from the comm when Obi-Wan started pulling his boots on. “You’re not going out in the temple like this, are you?”
“Of course! I want to visit the gardens and the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Not to mention spend some time with a few of the other Jedi. You might still be the dearest being in my heart, but there were other Jedi that I care for, and dammit I’m going to tell them that.” He finally finished lacing up his left leg and moved to the right.
Anakin was dumbstruck, presumably as burnt by the ‘dearest being’ comment as Obi-Wan was. Then he rallied, “Wow, wow, No. You are not running around the temple drugged so you can, I don’t know, give Mace Windu a hug. I thought when you said you were going to ‘deal with the fallout' from whatever the kriff you’re still on, you meant you were going to lounge around the quarters all day!”
His former padawan physically blocked the door when Obi-Wan started to leave, sounding vaguely hysterical, “You can’t run around loopy! You’re a High Council Member!”
“Not anymore,” Obi-Wan replied bitterly. 
“What do you mean not anymore,” Anakin said fiercely, grabbing on to his shoulders . “Did they kick you out? Is that why you’re acting crazy? Did you resign?”
Obi-Wan responded by pulling Anakin into a hug, which was immediately returned, “Of course not, don’t be absurd. Fine, I suppose I’m technically still a high council member, it just seems like a bit of a moot point.”
“What the kark does that mean? You used to dream about being on the council! You’re the wisest Master in any of those stupid chairs!”
‘Master of the High Council’ Kenobi just sighed heavily in response. He maneuvered around the confused errant Knight and into the hall. 
"Obi-Wan wait! At least eat something first! Or let me put my shoes on!”
“Very well, you have one minute to make yourself presentable. I only have a few hours before I’m going to need to get back to reality, and the longer I linger the more I fear extreme measures may be necessary.”
“What does that mean?” Anakin shouted from inside. “Extreme measures sounds really ominous, you know.”
“I’d rather not get into it, alright? Let’s just enjoy the here-and-now, eh, ad’ika?
Anakin crashed out the door with less than a second to spare. “What did you just call me?"
“Ad’ika,” Obi-Wan answered, striding down the hallway in the direction of the hanging gardens. “Surely you must have picked up some Mando’a from the troopers?”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if I heard you right, bu- um- ori'vod,” Anakin fumbled out. “Uh, you’re not going to call me that in front of anyone else, right? You do remember that the council already gives us the side eye for over-attachment right?”
Obi-Wan hummed thought fully in responded. “There are far worse things a Jedi could do than admit to affection they already feel. Maybe if I had been honest about my attachments, they wouldn’t have ended the way that...” he trailed off quietly.
“The way that what,” Anakin asked frustrated. “You’re really giving me some emotional whiplash over here, and I’m starting to think that putting off dragging you to the healers is a stupid idea.
“There are far stupider things a Jedi could do,” he responded cheerily. “Oh look, there’s Plo Koon. MASTER KOON!” He shouted, startling the Kel Doran Jedi.
“Yes, Master Kenobi?” He replied slightly concerned as the two human Jedi came jogging over.
“I just wanted to say that I consider my former padawan my family. I raised him, I care for him deeply, and I don’t want to let go of those feelings.”
Plo Koon nodded seriously in response. “I feel just the same about my former padawans, and the Wolffe pack, of course. Denying my attachments isn’t, personally, a practical way to handle them. I’d rather honestly live as an imperfect Jedi than pretend to be a perfect example of the code. If I must have some imbalance, I’d rather it be an excess of compassion than a dearth,” he replied earnestly.
“I always admired that about you,” Obi-Wan replied ruefully. “This might be a little odd, but could I have a hug? I hold you in the highest regard and I’ve realized that there are so many Jedi that I never directly expressed my affection for and...”
Plo Koon didn’t wait for Obi-Wan to finish before wrapping his arms around him. “Of course, dear boy. You’ve had such heavy burdens placed on your shoulders during your life, especially in the last few years; it saddens me to see how deeply they’ve weighed you down. If there’s anything I can do to help, in any way, you simply have to ask.”
Obi-Wan sniffled slightly into Plo’s Shoulder while Plo rubbed soothing circles over his back.
A few passing Jedi gave the embracing Masters uncomfortable looks before hurrying on their way. Anakin stood slack-jawed.
When they finally pulled back, Plo Koon hesitated before finally asking, “I don’t mean to pry, but what brought all this on? I can sense much grief from you, even through your impressive shields.”
“It’s a long story,” Obi-Wan replied, wiping at the corner of his eyes. “I’d rather not get into it.”
“He’s high,” Anakin offered bluntly. “He took something last night and won’t go to medical wing.”
“Ah,” Plo said. “Is that true?”
Obi-Wan looked a little embarrassed. “I have the situation under control. My connection with reality might be...slightly altered right now, but my emotions, and what I chose to do with them are my own. I’m just, taking advantage of a unique opportunity to express myself.”
Plo Koon seemed to scrutinize him intensely, “If you’re sure this is what you need, than I support you. Just don’t do anything too foolish.” he finally offered.
Obi-Wan beamed. “I appreciate you saying so, I thought you would be supportive. Farewell, Master Koon”
Obi-Wan offered a respectful bow and then turned to walk away briskly. Before Anakin could follow, Plo rested a claw on his arm. 
“Feel free to comm me if his behavior reaches a point where you think he truly needs a healer. I’m happy to help you drag him there if need be. A little cathartic release isn’t in of itself such a bad thing, but if he starts acting too out of control...”
Anakin nodded in acknowledgment, then ran off to see who else Obi-Wan had chosen to throw himself at.
Part Four
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Unusual Way - Loki x Reader - Words: 3,294 (including song lyrics)
A/N: Reader is Silver Shadow. However, this doesn't follow the same 'first meeting/falling in love' sequence as "Hurting Each Other".
Loki and you were best friends and had been for about 2 years now since he moved into the tower. It all started the day he'd moved in while you were out on a mission and no one had the brilliant idea to tell you that you were now sharing your floor with someone.
~ 2 Years Ago~
So there you were, exhausted and dirty from the fight, looking forward to a nice hot shower. You'd already taken off your cape in the elevator and as you got off and walked down the hallway to your bedroom, you started to pull at the zipper of your jacket.
"I must say, I wasn't expecting you to be so forward."
"Who's there?" You yelled, not recognizing the voice that spoke to you. You whipped around, trying to see who it was that was speaking.
"Hello," A man suddenly said, appearing directly in front of you. You throw a quick punch but your hand goes right through him and he disappears. "Over here!" He exclaims, waving to you from a few steps away. You quickly draw one of your knives and throw it at him. Again it goes right through him.
"I said, who are you?" You demand, not having had a chance to get a good look at his face yet.
"Tsk tsk," He says, appearing once more, a few feet now away from you. "So impatient." As he talks you focus on the vase setting on the hallway table behind him and start drawing it towards you. If you time it just right, you can either hit him or, if he's not there again, stop it in time before it hits you. "I am Loki, of Asgard! And I am burdened wi-OW!" He yells as the vase hits his head. "Will anyone ever let me finish that thought?"
“Loki?” You screeched. “What are you doing here? Do the others know?” You asked, rushing up to the admittedly handsome man. Even during his attack on New York you couldn’t help but go a little starry-eyed at his presence.
“I am here to help. I,” He sighed, rubbing the back of his head again. “I’m here to work with you and your little team.” Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Oh! Well, I, uh, sorry about that," You stuttered, gesturing to his head. "Here, let me fix that." You reached up and touched the back of his head gently.
"Thank you," He replied with a small smile.
"Let's start over," You grinned. "Hi, I'm Y/N. I guess I'm your new floormate." He grinned back, still surprised by your kindness.
"Yeah, I guess you are."
~ 6 Months Later ~
"C'mon, Y/N!" Loki yelled down the hallway. "The pairs' free dance is about to begin!" You ran out of the bathroom, socks sliding on the hardwoods.
"Woah!" You exclaimed, sliding, or rather bodyslamming, into him. He of course caught you easily, being used to this occurrence, and laughed. A few minutes later you were both sitting on the couch with a rather large bowl of popcorn between you. "Those twizzles were completely out of sync. That's going to ruin their score."
"Perhaps," he commented, tossing another buttery snack in his mouth. "But their lifts have been perfect unlike the other couples." You shrugged and continued watching. You found yourself shivering, however, as you continued watching the programs.
"Has the thermostat gone down?" You asked. Loki got up and checked.
"No, are you cold?" He, of course, didn't notice any difference since he was, not only a Frost Giant, but also wearing a lovely sweater, you thought.
"Yeah, must be the ice," You joked, nodding at the television. You eyed his soft, grey sweater once again and decided that, even though it looked absolutely stunning on him, you needed it more.
"Um, would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater?" You asked nervously. He looked mildly surprised but quickly pulled it off and handed it to you. "Thanks," You said quietly. The past couple weeks you'd realized you had developed a minor crush on your new best friend. You didn't say anything, however, for fear of ruining said friendship. "It smells like you," You chuckled, pulling the jumper close around you. Loki blushed brightly and apologized.
"Sorry, so sorry. I can-I can get a new one from the wash." He went to get up, face still flushed in embarrassment.
"Loki, it's fine," You replied, stopping him. "I don't mind. Thank you for lending it to me." He smiled sweetly at you in reply.
"You're welcome. After all, what are friends for?"
~ 1 Year Later ~
"He's too pretty for his own good, Nat!" you complained, throwing quick punches at your sparring partner.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"It means if he knew what's good for him, he would be so perfect all the time!" You blocked three punches and landed one of your own. "If he doesn't I might have to take matters into my own hands."
"Meaning you'll finally ask him out instead of driving us all crazy pining over him like you have been for the past year and a half or so?" She retorted with a smirk, flipping you to the ground and pinning your arms behind you. You groaned and rolled out from under her, standing and holding your hands up in defeat.
"No! Of course not! It means I'd have to ugly him up a little." Natasha rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Like you'd ever have the guts! C'mon! Be honest with yourself! You liked him since New York. Just put on your big-girl pants and tell him! And if you can't find yours, I can lend you mine," She teased, playfully slapping your butt.
"Watch it, Widow!" you snapped. "I'm going to the conference room if it's not in use. I don't want to be disturbed, ok?"
"Fine, just let me know all the juicy details when you finally have the guts to go back to your floor, ok?" You rolled your eyes and walked out.
"Finally alone," you sighed, tossing your gym bag in a chair and slumping down in another. "FRIDAY?”
"Yes, Miss Y/N?" The AI replied.
"Please shut the blinds and lock the door. Emergency override only."
"Yes, Miss." You closed your eyes, tears threatening to slip through.
"FRIDAY, shuffle Linda Eder from my library."
"Of course," The AI replied. When I Look In Your Eyes started playing and you leaned back in the chair, closing your eyes and tuning out the rest of the world. You were so focused on your music and trying to figure out your own feelings that you didn't hear the door open. The next song started and you chuckled humorlessly.
"This one's for you," You said to yourself, thinking of your best friend. You sang along as Unusual Way played.
“In a very unusual way, one time I needed you
In a very unusual way, you were my friend
Maybe it lasted a day, maybe it lasted an hour
But somehow it will never end
In a very unusual way, I think I'm in love with you
In a very unusual way, I want to cry
Something inside me goes weak, something inside me surrenders
And you're the reason why, you're the reason why
You don't know what you do to me
Don't have a clue
You can't tell what it's like to be me
Looking at you
It scares me so that I can hardly speak...
In a very unusual way, I owe what I am to you
Though at times it appears I won't stay, I never go
Special to me in my life, since the first day that I met you
How could I ever forget you, once you had touched my soul
In a very unusual way...
You made me whole”
When you finished you thought you heard a noise behind you but when you turned around there was no one there. You shrugged it off as your own overactive imagination and got up, gathering your stuff. When you got back upstairs, you found Loki in the kitchen. "Thought you might like some lunch," He explained.
"Oh, thanks," You replied, sitting down and letting him serve you. After a few minutes of silent eating you decided you needed to say something. "Loki, I-"
"Y/N, I-" You both laughed, having spoken at the same time.
"You first," You both said. Laughing again, you shook your head and motioned for him to go on.
"Y/N, I must confess something. I-" He paused, taking a deep breath. "I wasn't going to say anything because I was afraid of how you'd respond but," He chuckled nervously. "I believe I've fallen in love."
"Oh!" You gasped. You set down your fork, losing your appetite quickly. "So who's the lucky lady? Do I know her?" You asked, taking a sip of water trying to look casual.
"Yes you do," He replied, smirking. "She's very beautiful and talented. She's kind and helpful to everyone. And most importantly she-"
"Uh, sorry," you said, looking at your ringing phone. "I should take this. It's Steve." Loki looked upset but nodded. "Hello?"
"Y/N? We've got a problem. Is Loki with you?"
"Uh, yeah, he is. Cap, what's wrong?" Loki got up and moved closer to listen in on the conversation.
"We just got intel on a new Hydra base. This one's different though. They have too many defensive procedures in place for us to just attack. We need someone on the inside. That's where you and Loki come in."
"You're sending us to work undercover in a base?!" You screeched.
"Yes, pack a few things and be on the helicarrier in an hour. I'll finish briefing you then."
Working on the inside was, of course, much harder than you'd expected. Thankfully no one here knew you from your actual Hydra days so that made it easier. You just hadn't expected being separated from Loki for so long. Especially after your interrupted conversation, you wanted to talk to him again. Steve assured you, though, it would be a quick mission and you could get back to your normal life within a few weeks.
~ 6 Months Later ~
"You have exactly 2 minutes to get out before this whole place blows, you got that?" Cap yelled through your comms. The mission had gotten complicated and had extended to 6 Months for you both. But now you and Loki had apparently collected enough info for Cap and the others to finally come and blow it all open. Although, none of you had expected a literal explosion. You grabbed the last of the information you needed and booked it out of there. Once you made it into the clearing where the others had regrouped, you looked around frantically as Cap took a head count. "Loki's not out yet!"
"What!" You exclaimed. "There's only 30 seconds!" Suddenly your comms crackled to life.
"Found...girl…trapped," Loki said. The static made it impossible to understand the sentence fully but you understood what he meant.
"Loki! Get out!" Steve yelled.
"I'm going in," You said. Steve yelled to stop you but you were too quick. You teleported in and found the two, trying to shelter themselves in a corner. "Loki!"
"Y/N?" He exclaimed, turning to see you. "What are you doing here?"
"Trying to rescue you, you idiot! Now hold on." You reached out and grabbed Loki's and the girl's hands and teleported out just as the building exploded. Cap immediately went to help the girl, leading her back to the helicarrier.
"So," Loki said, looking at your hand still gripping his. You impulsively gave him a hug, the thought that you could have lost him starting to sink in. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," You replied, pulling away quickly. "I just-"
"Loki! Y/N! C'mon!" Cap called out. You were interrupted once more but ran to the helicarrier and rode back home in silence. When you landed back at the tower, you rushed to your bedroom and flung yourself on the bed face first.
"I need a life," You groaned. You heard Loki calling out for you so you rushed into the bathroom and quickly turned on the shower hoping that he would think you were in there and leave. Once you didn't hear him anymore you decided it actually was a good idea to take a shower so you adjusted the temperature and got in. A few minutes later you found yourself lost in the magical world of shower thoughts. Not wanting to get upset again, you decided on music. "FRIDAY, shuffle my library," You said.
"Right away," It replied. As you were dressing a few songs later, Unusual Way started playing and you thought back to the day you'd left for the mission. You sang along sadly, once again thinking of the man you loved who, apparently, loved someone else.
"You don't know what you do to me
Don't have a clue
You can't tell what it's like to be me
Looking at you"
You opened your door to go to the kitchen and Loki stumbled in. "Were you leaning on the door?"
"Maybe," He admitted, blushing. You stared at him, gesturing for him to explain. FRIDAY paused your music since you were talking and he glanced up at the ceiling. "I wanted to talk to you but I heard the shower start so I was going to leave but then I heard you singing and-"
"I don't like performing," You snapped, quite embarrassed that he'd heard you singing that song especially.
"But I want to hear you sing. Especially that song, you sing it so beautifully."
"How would you know? You heard me through a door," You scoffed. Pushing past him you walked out into the hallway, pulling your door shut behind you.
"Not six months ago I didn't." That stopped you in your tracks. Spinning around on your heel you marched back up to him.
"You heard me when?"
"In the conference room, the day we left for the mission. I'd gone to watch you practice and see if maybe you wanted to practice with me a little but Natasha said you'd left already. She told me where you were and that you didn't want to be disturbed but," He chuckled softly. "Has that ever stopped me?" You laughed and shook your head. "Well, I heard you singing and I decided to leave you be."
"Oh well, thanks I guess," You said, smiling softly, still embarrassed but not as mad anymore.
"May I ask, who were you singing to?"
"What do you mean?"
"When the song started you said 'this one's for you'. Who did you have in mind?"
"Oh," You said, surprised. You blushed brightly and shook your head. "Just someone I care for very much I suppose."
"You suppose?" He teased.
"Ok! I do care about him! Geez! You're as bad as Nat sometimes!" He laughed loudly and you could help but smile wider. You loved when he laughed like that, a real laugh that reached his eyes and filled the room. As you walked into the kitchen and sat down at the counter together, you quickly remembered your conversation at lunch that day though and frowned. "Unfortunately I don't think he quite thinks of me the same way."
"Why's that?" He asked, brows furrowing.
"I am quite sure he has his eyes on another girl."
"Is it the Captain?"
"Oh goodness no!" You immediately replied. "No, definitely not." His eyes suddenly lost their joy and he seemed almost scared to ask his next question. He got up and went to the window, putting quite a bit of space between you.
"Is it my brother?" He asked quietly.
"No! No no no! Never!" You exclaimed. You actually shuddered at the mental image. Realizing what needed to be done you teleported yourself in front of him with your back to the window. He startled and jumped back quickly. You smirked and stepped closer. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not a fan of blond's."
"Perhaps Banner then?" He stammered, trying to come up with an idea. You could not believe how clueless he could be.
"What? Ew! No!" You pretended to gag. "I like someone more fun, more mischievous," You grinned.
"Misch-oh," He breathed, finally figuring it out. You looked away, feeling embarrassment set in again. "Well, Y/N, I-"
"Look, I know you were trying to tell me before we left that you're in love and I couldn't be happier for you and I wish you all the best but I just needed you to know, ok?" You cried.
"But Y/N! You don't-"
"I'm sorry," You said, trying to run past him to lock yourself up in your room.
"Not so fast," He said, grabbing your arm.
"Wha-" You were cut off by a pair of lips meeting yours. He quickly pulled away, grinning like mad.
"You don't know what I've been trying and wanting to tell you! The girl I love is you, Y/N! I love you!"
"Me?" You squeaked, smiling giddily. He nodded and you laughed. "I cannot believe it. We've been idiots haven't we?"
"Most certainly," He agreed. He gave you another quick kiss and looked in your eyes. "I think I've loved you since we met but you know when I fell in love with you?"
"When you borrowed that grey sweater and never gave it back." You gasped, eyes widening in surprise.
"I didn't realize I never returned it!"
"Oh sure! You wear it all the time!"
"I do no-oh," You paused, thinking about your closet. "Maybe I do," You chuckled. "Well, I actually liked you from the first time I saw you."
"When I scared you coming off the elevator?"
"No, 2012," You whispered. Loki stared at you, quite surprised. "I knew what you were doing was wrong but," You sat down on the couch, having wandered into the living area. "Somehow I understood you."
"Y/N, I don't know what to say. I, well, I was a very different man then and-"
"And you were pretty," You deadpanned.
"Ah, so my irresistible charms strike again." You both laughed and he sat beside you. "Y/N, I think we've been fooling ourselves for far too long. Now, you love me, right?"
"Yes!" You said emphatically.
"And I love you, right?"
"I sure hope so!" He grinned and you wondered where this was going. He stood up and took your hand in his.
"Well then, I should wish to officially court you if that should please you and have your approval," He said, bowing slightly.
"I accept," You replied immediately. You stood up and gave him a big hug. "Oh, Loki, thank you."
"You're welcome, my love. But I hope you know what this means."
"What?" You asked, pulling away just in time to see his smirk.
"It means you're no longer allowed to hog the popcorn bowl on skate night!"
"No," You retorted. "It means that as your girlfriend I can now officially tell you to get your own!" He gasped, playing offended.
"Why! I'm wounded!" He cried, holding his hand over his heart.
"Does this help?" You teased, placing your hand there instead.
"No," He smirked. "But this might," He said, pulling you in for another kiss. "I will never tire of that."
"Nor I," You sighed contentedly. "But we must stop for now."
"It's skate night and I need to get the popcorn ready!"
"Go sit down," He smiled. "I'll get it ready."
"Aw! How sweet!" You squealed. "Alrighty then." You walked back to the couch as settled in. "Loki, dear?" You called out towards the kitchen.
"Yes, darling?"
"Remember, 2 bowls!"
Loki Taglist
Marvel (all characters) Taglist
84 notes · View notes
Soft (Part 1?)
Pairing: Bossk x Vertani!reader (Vertani is an OCspecies I created for stories like this - you can read more here)
Word Count: ~2.4K
Tags: NSFW (18+), minor physical details given to reader, illusions of abuse (reader's father to reader), mentions of alcohol/alcoholism (reader's father), protective Bossk, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected PiV (wrap it up irl), handy, biting, brief mentions of blood, size kink if you squint, biting/marking
Summary: You're the last unmarried woman in your family's clan, your father has a debt he has to pay and you're the only valuable thing he had left. While you don't mind the betrothal you're nervous as you didn't know a whole lot about his kind and you're fairly inexperienced. Bossk decides to take it easy on you, this time.
A/N: I follow the HC that a few other people have that Bossk has internal reproductive organs & two dicks
Story below the cut
“Okay, so Trandoshans are from Trandosha-”
“No shit, really?” You snarked at your sister.
“Listen here you little shit,” she giggled. “I know you’re nervous but you don’t have to take it out on me. I’m just trying to prep you for marriage.”
You sighed, straightening your skirts in the dingy mirror. She was right you were nervous. Your father had arranged the marriage, you assumed to pay a debt. Dad didn’t really have anything of value other than you left and that wasn’t for much longer. As intimidating as Trandoshans were, it was better than being here with your father.
“Ooo, did you know their reproductive organs are internal?” Your sister giggled. “Wonder how that’s going to work.”
“You’re married to a Clawdite. I feel like you can’t talk.” You teased back.
She stuck her tongue out, “at least his dick is external.”
“Wait, the real question is does his dick change when he shapeshifts?”
“What the hell are you two talking about?” Your father stormed into your tent.
Both of you went quiet. Dad didn’t like when you two were vulgar.
“Are you ready girl? He’s going to take you with him after the ceremony.” Dad’s face was impassive as he glanced around the room.
“Wait what?” You two asked in unison.
He sighed, he must’ve known this entire time. It had been two whole weeks since he announced you’d had an arranged marriage but this was the first you heard about leaving. Usually spouses stayed with the tribe, even if they had land the tribe would relocate to their home so the family stayed together.
“He’s a guild member,” dad sniffed. “I owed his father a debt, he said if I can get his son a wife then he’ll wipe my ledger. You’re the only available woman left in the tribe. His dad accepted you already so he doesn’t have much of a say either, which is good for you because of… that.”
Your father gestured at your face. Behind you, your sister growled. She hated when he pointed out what happened to my face, especially since he was at fault. When you were still little he had dropped you nearly into a campfire. If it hadn’t been for your sister it probably would’ve been worse but all the same, your right eye had to be replaced by a cybernetic one and carried some facial scars from the incident.
“They’ll be landing any minute now, I hope you’re ready.” And he left as quickly as he appeared.
“Dick.” Your sister murmured before turning back to you. “You finished the cloak for him, right?”
“Yup.” You picked up the cloak as well as the matching one for yourself. “It still hasn’t sunk in yet.”
“Well, it’s about to so let’s go.” Your sister pulled you out of the tent and toward the landing craft.
Your heart was in your throat. You really only knew what your father told you about him which wasn’t a lot, you knew his species and that he was a guild member. He didn’t even tell you his name, for all you know he didn’t know his name either.
By the time you reached the starship, there was a small group of Trandoshians gathered around your father. He was drinking from a bottle then handed it off to one of the other men. You could smell it from here, granted grog had a pungent smell. How the hell your father could drink the stuff you had no idea. Though the Trandoshans didn’t seem to mind as they passed the bottle around.
“Girl, get over here.” Your father called.
“Great, he’s already drunk, there’s no way that’s going to ruin anything.” Your sister mumbled under her breath but pushed you forward anyway.
“Told you she was pretty Bossk!” One of the green Trandoshans nudged the other forward. “Your father knows how to pick ‘em!”
That must be him then. Bossk. At least he seemed as uncomfortable about this as you.
He stepped toward you, large hand extended. “It’sss nice to meet you, little one.”
You put your hand in his, noting how small you were in comparison to him. He could seriously hurt you if he wanted to.
“The cloak,” your sister hissed loudly behind you.
“Oh yeah, I made this for you.” You pushed the cloak into his hand.
He hummed, staring at it, you wouldn’t tell if he was annoyed, confused, or happy with the gift.
“You’re supposed to help him put it on, dumbass.” Your sister hissed again.
Bossk chuckled, having obviously heard her. “Do you need help, little one?”
Your face flushed, embarrassed of yourself already. You took the cloak and swung it up around his broad shoulders. He made a noise that you weren’t sure what to categorize it as, a chirp? Did Trandosians chirp?
A hand on your waist froze your thoughts.
“Thank you little one.” His voice was husky as he placed a claw under your chin.
You gasped which earned another chuckle from your betrothed.
“Good, you two are getting along,” your dad was slurring his words already.
If he was going to try to drink in pace with Bossk’s kin, he was going to get alcohol poisoning again. Soon it wouldn’t be your problem but right now..?
“Dad don’t you think-” you moved toward him as you spoke only for him to grab your arm roughly and twist.
You whimpered at the sharp pain, Bossk growled before grabbing the front of your father’s cloak. His eyes went wide and he released you in response before an angry look crossed his face. Oh no.
“Watch it lizard breath, she’s not yours yet.”
“No, no, no,” your sister ran and grabbed dad away. “I am so sorry, he says stupid shit when he’d drunk.”
The Trandoshans were getting a kick out of this, loudly laughing and joking with each other.
“Don’t worry child, it’s not a Trandoshan wedding without a fight.” Bossk’s father chuckled. “We won’t take it personally.”
“Let’sss get this party started,” one of the other men hissed to the cheers of the rest.
Bossk’s arm looped around your shoulders, pulling you to his strong chest. You could hear his heart pounding in his chest, slow and steady. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, it could work. He nuzzled your hair, his warm breath fanning across your face, it was comforting. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this safe.
The ceremony went off without a hitch, you were sitting next to Bossk as you all ate. He kept a hand on your thigh the entire time. You were a little nervous about what the next part of the night entailed. Your sister mentioned that some Trandoshan clans still had the tradition of having the consummation needing witnesses. The last thing you wanted was to have a group of people witness your first time.
“Are you okay little wife?”
You glanced up to see your husband staring at you.
“Yeah just… daydreaming.” You smiled up at him.
“Nervousss?” He chuckled.
Your face flushed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He seemed to enjoy it though as he smirked at you. Leaning in he nuzzled to the side of your face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He murmured into your ear, tongue flickering out to lick the shell of your ear.
You squeezed your thighs together instinctually, trying to quell arousal that was flooding your core. His hand moved down your thigh to brush against your pussy.
“You smell deliciousss.” He chuckled.
Oh shit, that’s right. Better sense of smell. Somehow that didn’t help instead you could feel your heartbeat move down your core.
“C’mon little wife, say your goodbyesss. It’s time to go.” He pulled away before speaking to the other men, saying something in Dosh.
Your sister was teary-eyed as you hugged her goodbye but still gave you a little jab before you left.
“You have to comm me after because I’m morbidly curious.” She giggled as her husband gently elbowed her.
You rolled your eyes at her before following Bossk to his light freighter. He grabbed your bag from you and threw it onto the copilot seat before pulling you back into him. You squeaked as you hit his chest, he was like a brick wall.
Nuzzling into your hair again, you could hear a deep growl in his chest. You reached up for the collar of his flight suit, he chuckled rubbing his nose against yours before licking your lips. He grabbed your ass suddenly, lifting you up against him. Your legs went around his waist instinctually. It was a little weird not feeling a dick against you but you could work with it.
One of his hands went up to your hair and he yanked, probably gentler than he wanted to, to expose your neck. His tongue flicked out and against your pulse point, pausing there. You wondered if he could feel your pulse like that, he was definitely enjoying your vulnerability.
You wiggled out of his grip, feet hitting the ground. He looked at you confused.
“I was enjoying that little wife.” He grumbled, still unsure about what you were up to.
“Hopefully you’ll enjoy this more.” You whispered, pulling the zipper of his flight suit down.
He chuckled in understanding, watching you closely.
You swallowed, you were incredibly nervous since you had no idea what the hell you were doing. He could probably tell, he seemed more intuitive than you initially thought. As you pulled the zipper down, you had to admire his body. Despite the scales, you could see his muscle definition, thick corded muscle moving with each breath.
Once his pants were below his waist you were finally able to see what you were working with. He had a slit where other humanoid testicles would normally be. Bossk, probably sensing your hesitance, stroked the sides of the slit. You smirked, judging by his movements it was probably sensitive and that gave you an idea.
Pushing his hand away, you licked his slit. He groaned letting you know it was the right action to take, hand going to your hair. You trailed your tongue around the opening, Bossk hissing something unintelligible. He yanked your head back suddenly, his cocks emerging from the slit. While they weren’t terribly long, they were thicker than you were expecting.
But wait - Two?? How the hell were you supposed to take that?
He chuckled at your expression. “Don’t worry little wife. I told you I’d be gentle. Strip.”
You nervously untied your skirts before pulling your tunic up over your head leaving you in your leggings. Bossk was watching you closely, his hand stroking his cocks, and you were trying your best to not be self-conscious. You crossed your arms over your breasts.
Bossk growled again, stalking toward you. “None of that now, I want to see everything.”
He gripped the waistband of your leggings, his claws tearing the fabric with ease. You could feel your pussy dripping in anticipation. Bossk dropped to his knees, his tongue trailing up the inside of your thigh before lapping at your folds, just grazing your clit. You gasped, the friction was perfect. He chuckled as he stroked his cocks.
“Just like I thought, deliciousss.” He pressed his snout against your clit as his tongue pushed inside you.
You whimpered in response to the sudden intrusion. His tongue hit places you didn’t know you had inside of you. He grabbed one of your legs, putting it over his shoulder to give himself better access to your sensitive cunt. Between the pressure against your clit and the fullness of your pussy you felt yourself clench around his tongue, he groaned at the sensation, the vibrations traveling up your core. You were so close.
Without warning he withdrew his tongue, trailing it back up to graze your swollen clit. He stood, licking your juices off his chin as he pulled you toward him. You glanced down nervously, you could feel both dicks pressed against your belly, warm and hard. He nuzzled your neck again, allowing his sharp teeth to graze your soft skin.
“Are you ready, little wife?” He asked, trailing his tongue up your neck again.
Suddenly feeling a little bold, you grabbed his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist again. He let out a pleased grumble, pushing you up against a wall while he gave one of his cocks a few cursory pumps before slowly pushing it into you, the other resting on your stomach. You gasped, the hard intrusion a new sensation but true to his word, Bossk was being gentle. He allowed you to get used to his cock before snapping his hips forward, earning another gasp from you.
He chuckled before groaning, “you’re so tight around me, little wife.”
Feeling bold, you reached between your legs, grasping his second cock in your hand. Bossk growled, thrusting his hips up into you. You could feel every vein and ridge on his cocks as he pressed himself into both your hand and pussy. The familiar tension returned to your core, his cock pressing against the sensitive spot inside you.
The only sounds in the cockpit was the wet sound of him thrusting into you and your gasping breath as he pushed himself deep inside you yet again, his hips faltering as your pussy clenched around him.
His hands went to your ass, moving you so that you ground against him, his cock pressing a new spot inside you that made you cry out. Continuing the motion you felt the length of his second cock rubbing against your clit. The familiar tension was so intense you thought you were going to blackout.
Bossk gave another sharp thrust, he couldn’t stave off his release any longer. His exposed cock ejaculated clear cum across your face as his other cock flooded your pussy, you could feel some of it dripping from you already. The filling sensation was enough to push yourself over the edge, tension snapping like a rubberband. The wet heat of pleasure radiated from your pussy up to your core, your vision getting hazy from pleasure and exhaustion.
Your new husband nipped your shoulder lightly, breaking the haze. Gazing at your shoulder to watch the bite flush and go red as blood beaded along the teeth marks, you looked at him questioningly.
He nuzzled your neck once more, inhaling deeply. “So soft and warm, beautiful girl. I’m taking advantage to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
You smiled at the thought, looks like this marriage will work after all.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Callisto (Part Six - Rescue Site)
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Prologue 1. Incident - Bit 1 | Bit 2 2. Fallout - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 3. Voyage - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 4. Arrival - Bit 1 | Bit 2 5. Orientation 6. Rescue Site
This fic seems to be taking forever, but I hope it isn’t reading that way. I had so much fun over the weekend and I still have some fun ahead of me writing one of the core scenes I had planned. I hope you are enjoying reading this.
As always, many thanks to the amazing @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ @janetm74​ and @vegetacide​ as well for all the read throughs and support. Wonderful science officer @onereyofstarlight​ this bit has one of the places we talked about extensively and wouldn’t exist without your help :D
Again, thank you to all the wonderful peeps who have been reading along and commenting despite the once a week posting schedule. You help keep my enthusiasm alive and you have no idea how much I appreciate every word of encouragement ::hugs you all::
Have a Tracy boy or two on the job :D
Scott rolled his shoulders and tried to stretch out the tension that was slowly giving him a headache.
At least now they were moving. This rescue felt like it was taking forever.
Hell, it was the same with most space recues, if even more with this one. The distances involved just went on and on and no matter how fast the Thunderbird, it was slow.
It rankled Scott just a little. The fact that the environment could not be influenced by his impatience.
And Dad…
He shunted the thought aside. Perhaps that was why he scorned the time needed. It gave him far too much time to think.
The tunnel stretched out before him as it had for some time now. The life signs were nearly seven hundred kilometres away from Callisto Base. Usually, this was not a problem. There wasn’t a Thunderbird that couldn’t cover that distance in a short period of time. Even Four could do it at velocities no other underwater craft had ever managed.
But this location was at least two kilometres underground, and while the molepod was always an option, Virgil had vetoed it with the option of travelling via dragonfly through the tunnels. Scott had to agree. They needed far more information before barrelling into an unknown situation, not to mention the difficulties of deploying the molepod in these conditions.
But by this point he was almost ready to jump out and blast a hole in the damned moon to get where they needed to go.
Time. So much damned time.
Too much to think.
His hands shifted on the Dragonfly’s controls spinning her into a dive as the tunnel dipped suddenly. The brilliance of the pod’s forward lights lit up the never-ending cave as clear as daylight.
It sparkled back at him in sharp, stabbing needle-like reflections off the walls that did nothing to improve his headache. He had already set his helmet to shade to protect himself. It was ridiculous to be needing sunglasses this far underground.
Behind him, Virgil was following him at a short distance in Dragonfly Two, his lights just bright enough to light up the red of Scott’s pod.
For some irrational reason Scott wanted his pod to be blue.
The blue of the sky he was currently missing.
He sighed.
Again, too much time to think.
“Another five hundred metres.” Alan’s voice from behind him was the reassurance it always was. Why he felt comforted when his littlest brother was nearby and within reach was something he did not want to examine too much.
A twist of his wrists as the tunnel backed around on itself in a hairpin of a turn and he had to dodge another nest of those weird deformed ice stalactite formations sticking out into their path. “What are we looking at?”
“Looks like another cavern. A big one.”
They had flown through several of those enormous caverns on the way out here already. They acted like junctions, some having multiple tunnels converging on them, every single one a home for more ice formations and that damned reflective rock. It had taken John to get them out of the last one. This place was a damned maze.
Virgil had fortunately come prepared, as always. He was leaving a trail of comms-support beacons behind them as a clear path to return to Callisto Base.
Scott fought the urge to duck as the tunnel suddenly shrunk by several metres and took another swerving turn. Scott spun the pod over one-eighty degrees on her longitudinal axis as her wings nearly scraped the ceiling.
Righting them finally, he couldn’t help but check his monitor to make sure Virgil took the turn safely.
He almost smiled as the green pod behind them flipped in a manoeuvre that no doubt had Gordon yelping in the back seat. He couldn’t help but be proud for just a self-indulgent moment.
But his attention was torn away as his pod suddenly shot into a large open space and the light reflecting off the walls suddenly blinded him.
Alan’s gasp behind him only echoed his own.
Their forward lights were being shot at them in blinding brilliance off the ceiling of the new cave.
That brightness only increased as Virgil’s pod spun into a hover beside them.
Oh god.
Whatever had been in the walls of the tunnels was obviously concentrated here.
He redirected the lamps away from the ceiling only to have the brilliance follow them all the way down the closest wall until he was able to turn the pod towards the most distant wall.
There was crystal everywhere.
The cave walls were covered in spikes of the stuff as it they were inside a giant geode. He had to acknowledge that it was stunningly amazing when it wasn’t ripping his eyeballs out.
But that wasn’t what took his breath away.
As their lamps lowered, they caught the edges of something else.
He turned the lights down towards the floor only to discover he couldn’t see it.
Because it was covered in water.
Fluid, liquid water, the dragonflies causing the faintest of ripples to dance across its surface.
A lake.
Scott’s jaw dropped as he tipped the pod to peer down into the dark water only to have more crystal attempt to stab him in the eye from the depths.
“What the hell?”
Water wasn’t supposed to be able to exist in this environment. He poked at his scanners. Atmospheric levels were the same, ever so thin, providing little to no air pressure or heat to keep the water in this state.
“John? What am I seeing?”
Thunderbird Five did not answer immediately, but the data transmission rate on comms doubled as his space brother reached his fingers into the cave through the pod’s sensors.
“That was my thought. Virgil?”
“It’s beautiful.”
Scott’s lips thinned. “Scientific explanation? Gordon?”
“You got me here, bro. But I’m more concerned about those lifesigns.”
Scott frowned and double checked his readout. The two dots registered, glowing strongly at him.
From under the water.
Virgil frowned as Scott spun his dragonfly around and returned to the entrance of the cavern. His forward lights lit up only what could be considered a beach where the original tunnel swooped in and connected with the crystal cave. At the base there was only a few scattered crystal formations and Virgil watched as his brother expertly put down without touching a single one.
“Are we going to take a look at the lake?”
Typical. Nearby water body and his fish brother wanted in it.
But Virgil needed more reconnaissance.
And if he was honest with himself, there was just a dash of sightseeing involved. Not much, because of the urgency of the mission, but enough curiosity to send him off on a scout around the cavern.
Crystals that had to be the length of an arm or a leg stuck out from the walls in haphazard directions. Most reflected back clear, but in streaks, as if seeping up a localised mineral, there were ribbons of colour in places – reds, greys, golds, pinks. His scanners spat back that it was simply quartz, silicon dioxide, but he had never seen a formation like this.
Which was understandable as this was an alien landscape with vastly different environs to those of Earth. The artist in him was literally stunned, while the scientist valiantly fought for a reason.
He swooped around the edges of the cavern, his lamps lighting up brilliance as he went. The cave proved to be roughly circular, approximately four hundred metres in diameter and about a hundred metres high. He came across two more tunnels leading off it, but all were as dry as the one they had used to enter the cave. Towards the centre, but not quite, the ceiling arched down and what appeared to be a stalactite met a stalagmite to form a column of swirling crystal that looked like something straight out of an art glass exhibition. The ribbons of colour were here too, but this time mostly in a rose pink and a startling blue.
Virgil didn’t have words.
The light playing among the crystals just touched every artistic sense he had and froze them solid.
But there was a mission and those two glowing red dots glared at him from beneath the surface of the lake.
He ran scans of the water. For it was water, mostly, though, certainly not any he would want to drink.
For one thing it was salty, a definite brine solution with a number of minerals including silica in concentrations that defied as much logic as the water’s existence did in the first place.
The difficulty was that the lifesigns weren’t clear. They were in the water, but resolution faded at a very shallow depth and there was a lot of deep depth in places.
“John, can you get any more resolution on these scans? I can’t pinpoint the lifesigns.”
There was a muttered curse on comms that had Virgil arching an eyebrow. “No, I’m sorry, Virgil. Interference is particularly strong in that cavern. We’re working on it, but I don’t have any great hopes.”
“What about a probe? Would that improve the signal?” Virgil blinked as his headache suddenly flared. Ow. Damn. The controls in front of him blurred a moment. Shit!
But then everything righted itself, just leaving an echo of the pain in his head as the headache droned on as it had before.
Maybe his painkillers were wearing off. A glance at the time proved that was far from the case.
He dreaded to think what that would have felt like without them.
“What?!” Okay, so he was abrupt, but he was busy.
“Hey, hey, calm down. You didn’t answer John. Just checking on you.”
“Virgil, you there?” John’s voice dripped concern.
“Sorry. Just got a headache. Need some sleep.”
“I feel you, bro. Want me to pilot?”
“No. No. I’m fine.” He swallowed bile and mentally shook himself. “John, you were saying?”
He could feel Gordon’s eyes on the back of his neck.
“Probe deployed. Target is Burr Crater, which you are directly under at the moment.”
Virgil’s display reported the probe entering Callisto’s atmosphere. He hoped it would give them enough information to act.
Time was ticking.
He spun the pod around and tried to ignore the rainbow of light that was his forward lamps. The flicker, while beautiful, was doing nothing good for his headache at all.
“You sure you’re okay, Virg?”
He pressed his lips together and considered ignoring the question from Gordon. But he knew if he did, his brother would only worry more.
It was a Tracy trait.
“Let’s just get this mission done. We have people who need saving.”
Gordon’s grunt wasn’t a happy one and the chances of Scott being called in on his headache were increasing by the moment.
“I’m fine, Gordon.” He cut the conversation off by dropping the pod rapidly towards the beach where Scott had climbed out and was walking to the water’s edge. Another spin mid-air and Virgil lowered into a rather delicate landing, keeping the pod’s feet away from the crystal formations sticking out of the rock.
Virgil swallowed again before climbing out of the pod. His boots hit solid but glittering rock, damp in the darkness.
Scott and Alan were standing at the water’s edge staring out at the spectacle that the pod lights lit up.
Gordon clambered out behind Virgil and together they both walked over to stand beside their brothers.
“This is so cool!” Alan was obviously excited.
He said it on external comms and the sound travelled across the cavern only to bounce back in so many perfect ‘ool’s Virgil’s eyes widened.
On the spur of that, as the ‘ool’s slowly faded away, he activated his own external comm and sung a single pure C note.
It came back at him from so many different directions it was like a chorus.
“Oh, wow.”
‘Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow…’ It went on, the faint atmosphere sporting just enough density to carry the sound waves.
“That is something, isn’t it?” Scott’s voice was quiet. “The dragonflies made one hell of a racket. We’re going to have to be careful. Wouldn’t want to set up a harmonic that could bring the roof down on us.”
Virgil was still processing. The thought of playing his piano in this cave was just mind boggling.
“Dad says the Base scientists are having some kind of scientific fit over this place.” A grunt. “I’m more concerned about those two lifesigns.” He paused. “John, any luck with the probe?”
“Unfortunately, no. The interference is just too thick. I can read the water, but very little in it or below it. I’ll keep trying.”
Scott sighed. “Keep us updated. Looks like this will have to be more hands on.” He turned to Gordon. “We need Thunderbird Four.”
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redrighte · 3 years
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RULES && ABOUT ( quick ‘n dirty edition )
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hiya ! my name is hannah ( she/her or they/them). i’m 21, a full-time student && freelance illustrator ( comms. closed 10/31/21). i’m autistic && depressed, which can equal pretty infrequent activity, but feel free to ask for my socials if you wanna keep in touch outside of tumblr.
i’m incredibly new to the undertale fandom, so please be gentle if i flub some stuff up. this blog is for me to try new stuff out on, on every front.
mafia!fell && red are both owed to staringback. the majority of the art used in icons, banners, etc. is created by melikas, but never by me unless specified. main psd is we are dust by theshebb. if you’ve noticed your art/assets are being used && you’d rather it not, please let me know asap.
this blog will be explicit (violence && sexual), and is 18+ only. this is a very firm rule, as i want this to be a safe space for myself && my friends, as well as keep the eyes of minors away from things they might not feel safe seeing. common triggers will include blood, alcohol && drug mentions, vomit, assorted gore, and lightly dubious sexual talk. these will always be tagged; other iffy content will be tagged as “ ask to tag”. noncon will never be written about on this blog. if there’s anything you ever need tagged, please ask!
on a personal note, the source material for red does get into some very personally uncomfortable topics (the doll-frisk storyline entirely, the aformentioned noncon). i want to make it clear that i don’t participate in those parts of this au, and that my red will be fairly canon divergent towards the “softer” side of things.
miscellaneous notes: i am semi-selective, and prefer mutual interactions. body headcanons are liable to change, but i’ve got no preference right now of how you picture red’s body (ectobody, bunch of bones, etc). shipping is open / lightly encouraged, nsfw won’t go past fade-to-black on dash (or straight to the “morning after” if we want the thread to continue). drama is silly, puns are acceptable, and angst && hurt/comfort are my favorite genres.
note: feel free to call him either sans or red. whichever is more comfortable for you and your character.
middle brother of the gaster family, sans only remembers bits and pieces of his parents, as well as what had once been the underground. the skies opened up, and monsters and men were free to mingle. separated from their families and their old ways of life, the pack of boys (led by WD, the eldest) trudged onward, scrimping and scrounging for whatever rewards the surface felt like providing.
times were tough. just recently freed of a world war, the surface seemed to be cast into a dire depression - nothing like the stories young skeletons were told at bedtime. there was little work for humans, let alone monsters; so you do what you have to. petty thievery and pickpocketing quickly turned into enforcing, bodyguarding, and, on occasion, the odd cleanup job. for years, the family worked hard to make a name for themselves under don dee, and in the bright, shining year of 192X, it feels closer than ever.
                                                                                                                               the years turned red especially callous. despite being the largest (in general) and more intimidating of the brothers, red always suffered from low hp, something that keened him on towards teleportation and defense magic. working socially, physically, and mentally draining jobs with the monstrous equivalent of a shitty immune system led him to a fairly sedentary lifestyle; if he wasn’t using his free time to drown his sorrows in mustard, he was horizontal and unconscious. red suffers the most from migraines and “rib” pains, which lend themselves to his irritability.
his relationship with his brothers can oftentimes be rocky. WD has been known to get a little abusive with the boys, especially red, whom he tends to expect better out of; his little brother, Papyrus, has ambitions higher than he is tall, and grates on his nerves with his pompous ego. generally, red is a homebody, and won’t socialize unless he’s coerced.
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alderaani · 4 years
hi, could you do 34 from the '50 ways to say i love you' with rex please? i love your writing with all my heart, have a nice day ❤️
Hello anon, thank you so much, I hope you are having the best day! This is a somewhat loose interpretation of your prompt, but I really hope you like it! It’s 1:30 on a work day where I am, so this is rough af and unbeta’d, but I had great fun writing it! 
“Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped” - from here
“Fives,” you hissed into your commlink. “What’s your status?”
The line crackled a little bit, like Fives had pulled his comm out of his sleeve. “This is Shriek-Hawk 1 to Squad Leader. Target is still in medical, I bribed Kix three bags of kavasa sweets to perform another concussion check.”
“Three? Fives, I told you I only have two!”
“Yeah, well, he told me to stick that up my shebs. I had to barter him down from five.”
You sighed and went to scrub a hand over your face before remembering the oil smeared across it. You were going to have to pull in a lot of favours to make this work. Like, so many. Maybe it was their upbringing on nutritional paste or just something inherent to Fett genes, but you hadn’t met a single trooper who didn’t have a raging sweet tooth. Trying to separate them from their contraband was about as easy as making a deal with a Sith.
“Hey don’t sweat it,” Echo said from the floor, tongue poking out just the tiniest bit as he fiddled with the inner wiring of the helmet wedged between his knees. “Risk still owes me big for that last mission on Cato Nemoidia. I can get us a bag for his royal highness and a bag to split, no problem.”
“Excellent, Shriek-Hawk 2. See? Nothin’ to worry about.”
Echo rolled his eyes. “Why do I gotta be Shriek-Hawk 2? I was decanted first.”
“Cause I’m takin’ point, di’kut. You nearly done over there? The Captain sounds like he’s gonna climb the walls.”
You scoffed at that. “That’s nothing new, he’s been halfway up ‘em for days.”
There had been an odd, hushed silence when Torrent had come back off the surface of Pijal, the weird kind that always meant someone important wasn’t coming back the same way they left. Your stomach had sunk when you’d seen a familiar blond head on a stretcher; Rex’s face had been pale, and he’d been so small and still. It had lasted for all of five minutes, of course. The second he’d woken up and gotten his bearings he’d been trying to persuade you to ‘break him out of the brig’. You’d threatened to sit on him. Gallingly, he’d been more upset about his ruined helmet than the fact that he’d nearly ruined his own head.
At first, you’d just been mad at him. But he’d looked so desperately disappointed when he’d seen the cracked and twisted remains of his old bucket, so lovingly modified, that despite your best efforts you’d been suckered. Again.
Gods, you were so pathetically gone on him. The biggest hit to your ego was that it was news to literally nobody except for General Skywalker, who wouldn’t have noticed a brick hitting him in the face unless it looked like Senator Amidala. It was one of the galaxy’s greatest mysteries, how he could be so damn good on a battlefield, but so damn oblivious. The only person more oblivious was the stupid object of your affections himself.
“Say, how did you even get these parts, anyway? I haven’t seen a Phase 1 bucket around here for months. Thought they’d all been recalled.”
You grunted, pushing up off the wall you’d been leaning on and dropping down next to Echo as he deftly screwed up the last wiring panel.
“The mechies are hoarders, trust me, you ever want a trip down memory lane you just go look in one of their footlockers.”
“You say that like you’re not one of ‘em.” Echo pointed out, putting down the screwdriver and flexing his fingers. He passed the helmet to you, finished now apart from the infamous visor that Rex had so painstakingly welded onto his last bucket himself. The new parts were all laid out carefully on your bench, freshly separated from the old Phase 1 shell and ready to go.
“Good job Shriek-Hawk 2,” you said, smoothing your hands admiringly over the sleek plastoid. Echo really did know his stuff. “And yeah, I’m just as bad. I actually had most of the parts already, was just the visor that was the problem. Did you know Rex is a bit of a celebrity these days? Makes these bad boys a bit of a commodity, Tirin bled me dry.”
Echo winced. “How bad?”
You sighed gustily and stood up to pop the bucket on the bench, connecting up your welding gear with a series of quick, familiar clicks. “Pretty awful. He cleared out my engine brew stash and I had to trade to nights for the next month.”
There was a sympathetic noise from over the comms. “Damn, you go to all this trouble to seduce the man and you won’t even get to reap the rewards.”
You made a mournful noise of agreement and flipped your face shield down, then paused just before you flicked the flame on.
“Hey Echo, you might wanna face the wall. The light can cause eye damage if you look it straight on.”
It was quick work to weld the old Phase 1 visor to the new helmet, the familiar form coming into being under your steady hands. All it was missing now was the paint, but you knew how important it was to the clones to do that bit themselves, and the whole of Torrent would want to touch up theirs together, to reassure themselves that Rex was really okay.
Just as you flicked the torch off, there was a crackle over the comm again and then Fives’ frantic voice.
“Shriek-Hawk 1 to Squad leader. The Starbird is landing, I repeat, the Starbird is –”
Fives let out a squeak, your only warning before Rex’s rumbling voice was turning you into jelly.
“- the kriff are you talking about, Fives?”
You grinned, putting the torch down and inspecting your handiwork. It was some of your best, if you did say so yourself, and in a mechanic’s language, it was practically a love letter. The seams were so neat you might as well have carved I am burning hot for you directly into the plastoid.
“Hey Captain! Come to the storage cupboard on the third floor. Me’n Echo have got a surprise for you.”
There was an uncertain pause before Rex said your name.
You rolled your eyes, then remembered he couldn’t see it. “Who else? Just come on. It’ll be good, promise.”
“Trust me Captain, you don’t wanna miss this one.”
There was another pause, before Rex said, wryly. “Your endorsement doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence, Fives. But sure, I’ll bite, stay there.”
You looked at Echo, matching his blinding grin with one of your own. The look on his face was going to be beautiful. You both paced the small space together impatiently, tossing tools and little twists of metal into your open bag as you waited for Rex to arrive.
Finally there were voices outside, one eager, one bewildered. The storage cupboard door hissed open, and there Rex was, tall and whole and armoured and beautiful.
“Hey Rex, think fast!” You chucked the helmet at him, ignoring Echo’s shriek of distress.
Rex fumbled, caught it, then stared down at the new helmet in his hands. Over his shoulder, Fives beamed at you. The look of slow joy breaking over Rex’s face like a sunrise made all the bartering worth it.
“You okay, Captain?”
For the first time (but definitely not the last), you’d made him speechless.
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
The Mettle Of A Man; Part Seventeen
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Fandom: Fallout (4)
Pairing: Eventual Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Tagging @anonymouscosmos, @culturalrebel, @mercy-and-malice, @deepkittycollecto and @nelba! Enjoy!
Part One: ArcJet
Part Two: The Prydwen
Part Three: Orders
Part Four: Finding Brandis
Part Five: Weston Water And Oberland
Part Six: Meeting Preston And Matthew
Part Seven: Radstag And Radstorm
Part Eight: The Return To Sanctuary Hills
Part Nine: Domestic Ruminations
Part Ten: Institutionalized
Part Eleven: Two Weeks, Three Days
Part Twelve: Haylen’s Warning And The Glowing Sea
Part Thirteen: Under Fire
Part Fourteen: Dichotomy
Part Fifteen: The Litany Trial
Part Sixteen: Nice Try
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains intense recounts of previous abuse, intense depictions of self-loathing, self-deprecation and brief mentions of depression. Stay safe!]
Cade caught Danse before he could depart after the rest of their unofficial 'war council' had been dismissed, the medical officer inquiring, "How are you coping, Paladin? I hope that your adjustment to your newfound knowledge is going well." The arch of his eyebrow indicated plainly that Cade was looking for a clear answer, possibly to dissuade his own concerns.
  "I am still uncertain, Knight-Captain Cade." Danse stated bluntly. "I know that Quinlan's reports are accurate. I know that I must be a synth. But it is...it's difficult to wrap my head around it."
  "My door is always open, Danse. As it's been since the day you were assigned to the Prydwen." Cade reminded him. "I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of doing a mental evaluation on a synth, but…" he trailed off thoughtfully. "Hmm, that's not quite right. You and I have had sessions before. Maybe synths aren't so different in their cognition. Perhaps this is a nature versus nurture scenario."
  "Perhaps." Danse allowed, but he knew that he sounded less than optimistic.
  "Maybe in a day or two, once everything has calmed down and you've had time to think?" Cade suggested. "Collect your thoughts, then come see me and we can discuss your current state and the repercussions of Maxson's treatment."
  The paladin nodded, relieved that Cade didn't wish to immediately evaluate him. It had been an incredibly stressful and arduous several weeks. More than anything, the paladin was longing to finally get some sleep.
  After he spoke to Haylen and Rhys, of course. They deserved his gratitude, if only for their combined efforts in delivering the tip-off that had literally saved his life. To say nothing of their care for Elizabeth in his absence, even though they were unable to free her. They had kept her alive, and that was more than the paladin had dared to hope for.
  Danse watched Cade depart, his mind miles away now. Backhand would be incredibly busy in the lead up to the assault. He felt almost irritated by that; it was unfair to ask so much of her so soon after what had transpired. But the luxury of time was no longer on their side. Danse understood, in a practical sense, that they needed to strike as fast as possible. It was entirely within reason that the Institute already knew of their plans and were preparing their own countermeasures.
  It still didn't erase the hollow sensation in his gut, the fear that Backhand was all too willing to stretch herself paper-thin for her various factions. He promised himself then and there that he would do his best to absorb some of the burden. 
  As much as she would allow. 
  The memory of her ripping her knuckles apart on the manual release of his armor, talking to Matthew's parents, taking her helmet off and smiling at him. Thank you, Danse or I thought you were dead or please don't do that to me again --
  Danse chewed anxiously on his lower lip. As much as she would allow. As much as he could feasibly handle. It should have felt odd that he was trading one leader for another, but Danse could only rationalize that it must be another portion of his programming. 
  "Paladin Danse, sir?" 
  Rhys . Danse started, turning around. He hadn't even heard the knight approach down the catwalk. Hell, he hadn't even realized he was spacing out in the hallway. "Yes, Knight?" He replied, nodding out of habit to acknowledge Haylen beside Rhys.
  "Elder Brandis said you wanted to see us, sir." The knight stated, sounding a bit hesitant. "He said we needed to discuss...certain things."
  Of course he did . Danse sighed heavily, bracing himself for some level of a disappointment-fueled tirade.
  "Danse, I'm so sorry." Haylen blurted out, her voice shaking. Danse was startled, tilting his head while she carried on, "I wish there had been some other way for me to tell you. You must have been terrified ." 
  "I was certainly confused, if nothing else." The paladin admitted with a wry smile. "I am immensely grateful to both of you, regardless of my own trials. You followed your training and stuck to your guns, and I couldn't be more proud." He deflated slightly. "Even if the pride of a synth means precious little."
  "The synth shit doesn't matter to either of us, sir." Rhys muttered. "We don't care. We're just glad you're back and that Maxson didn't manage to kill you. That's the important part, right?"
  "In a way." Danse agreed, grimacing. "Our battle is far from over, however."
  "Hey, we're doing something. That's more than a lot of people can say." Haylen reasoned, ever the optimist. "I've got faith in whatever plan you guys come up with."
  "Thank you for believing in me." The paladin murmured, giving the only surviving members of Squad Gladius a stiff salute. 
  "We know you, sir. You protected us, trained us. Built us up from basically nothing." Rhys sounded angry, his typically-sullen expression gone even more sour. "You think we could ever turn our backs on you? You're not that stupid."
  Haylen began to protest, "Rhys-"
  "Haylen, you and I both know he'll just self-deprecate until he dissolves. I'm not letting that happen." Rhys grumbled at the scribe, who fell silent at his reasoning. Her eyes were narrowed to slits and the sight was immensely entertaining to Danse, who couldn't keep a nervous chuckle from bubbling up in his throat.
  "I'm certain the two of you are aware of the devastating depression you dragged me out of all those years ago in the Capital Wasteland." Danse clapped Rhys on the shoulder and caught Haylen up in a rare one-armed hug. "How many times will you two save me? Should I start taking you for granted?" 
  "Paladin Danse, sir, w-we…" Haylen trailed off, her lower lip quivering. She buried her face in Danse's ribs and Rhys grunted.
  "Haylen, c'mon . Pull it together." He huffed, his own eyes looking suspiciously wet. "Listen, sir, I think I've made our position pretty clear. We follow your orders. Learning about that shit with Maxson-"
  "I'm so angry! " Haylen interrupted him, glaring upwards. "God Danse, I'm furious . What he did to you is unforgivable, inexcusable." She announced hotly. "Everyone assumed something was going on, but we also assumed it was consensual ."
  " 'Everyone' ?" Danse echoed, a weird surge of retroactive embarrassment seizing his body. "I suppose I should be thankful you all were so willing to offer me the illusion of privacy." He mumbled.
  "He's never coming anywhere near you again, sir." Rhys stated, his jaw set in an angry scowl. "I don't care if he's the last of the Maxson line. I'll break his fucking skull."
  His words stirred Danse's guilt to life, the ugly feeling rearing its head once more. "It is a difficult situation to be in. I do not envy our elders, past or present." Danse tried to pose the sentence with a modicum of compassion, though he was unsure of the attempt's success. The paladin knew that despite Maxson's position of power, Danse bore a majority of the blame for not standing up to the elder until it was too late to prevent his spiral.
  "Difficult, my ass ." Rhys growled under his breath.
  "So we've got Preston, someone by the name of John D., the…" Ingram narrowed her eyes at the readout. " Atom Cats ?"
  "Yep. Real into their power armor. And Zeke owes me a favor." Backhand explained, continuing to scroll through her Pip Boy notes. "If I can get them to walk across the pond and cover the Castle, that will free up more Minutemen to join us."
  "Should I ask how you managed to ingratiate yourself with so many of these people?" 
  "I'm a sucker for a lost cause." Vega answered, her tone dry. 
  Ingram snorted, shaking her head. "Lucky for us, I imagine. Also lucky for us that you're the forgiving sort."
  "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Proctor." Backhand retorted. "I'm just not yet in a position to combat your aerial superiority."
  "Whew, gonna' file that one away for later consideration."
  A soft knock on the comm doorway interrupted the two women, and Vega turned to see Danse peering cautiously into the room. "Paladin! You're just in time, we were about to start rallying the troops. Want to lend a hand?" 
  "What needs to be done, General Vega?" The paladin asked, his posture gone stiff and proper. 
  Backhand could feel her smile dim slightly, but she reined herself in. They had all been through so much, she reasoned, and old habits were usually a comfort. "Well, I've got a few calls to make on my own, but if you can get in touch with Lieutenant Garvey that would be a huge help."
  Proctor Ingram (who had been watching their exchange with poorly-veiled interest) stepped out of the way so that Danse could settle down at the desk alongside one of their many radio switchboards. "Vega, I think the two of you can handle this." The older woman remarked, giving Elizabeth a sly wink behind Danse's back. "I'll start whipping the base camp into shape. Make myself useful, y'know. Ad Victoriam."
  Vega went bright red as Ingram saluted, the proctor sporting an absolutely infuriating smirk. "B-But Proctor--"
  "No buts! You guys handle the easy stuff. I'll manage the elbow grease." Ingram then mouthed talk to him! , before strolling out of the comm area. Backhand swore under her breath, thumping her fist into the desk in mute frustration. 
  "I can leave, General Vega." Danse offered, making her start and whirl to face him.
  "No no! No, uh, you're fine. You're not the problem here." Vega assured him, waving her hands nervously. "I'm just...I'm a little uptight, that's all."
  "Will your forces refuse to join us?" The paladin asked, his rigid posture easing slightly as he tipped his head back to look up at her. He continued in an undertone, "Would it be simpler to do it with your troops alone? Do you truly need the Brotherhood?"
  "We do need the Brotherhood, yes. But I don't think we'll need them for the fighting. We'll need them for the mass casualty options and the refugee care after the fact." Backhand began to pace, mostly so she didn't have to maintain eye contact. The paladin looked fatigued yet determined, and it pained her to know that rest was still so far away for them. Rest and the possibility of actually speaking with him about the thing that had been on her mind in one form or another since…
  Well, it had been a long time.
  "We'll need help rebuilding more than anything. Not a lot of settlements will be keen to take on synths, so I'll need to figure out some kind of alternative. I really need to talk with Nick and Dea--er, John D ., and get their input on this whole engagement." Backhand rubbed her temples. "And here I thought getting in would be the hard part!" She tried to joke. 
  After a moment of silence, Vega heard Danse clear his throat. "General... Elizabeth , I know you already have many responsibilities, all of them miles more important than my own struggles."
  Backhand looked over at him expectantly, a little confused. 
  "I have to give Cade a full report." The tall man said abruptly. "I...he wants to know everything that's transpired." He stared down at the floor, the heel of his boot scuffing the grating beneath them as he rushed to add, "I know it's selfish of me to ask you to--I mean, you've been through so much, b-but I was...rather, I am uncertain of this endeavor, and my ability to maintain my composure during it. You tend to have a mollifying effect on me for some reason."
  "You want me to be present when you give your medical officer the full rundown?" Vega raised an eyebrow, further confused. Danse was a soldier , surely he had endured a full physical before?
  "I am overly anxious. It means reliving some portions of my past that I find...traumatic."
  "Oh." Oh . Backhand felt stupid as the truth dawned on her. Everything that's transpired . Of course Danse would want someone he trusted with him, this wasn't a physical exam at all. "What about Haylen or Rhys? Are they more appraised of the situation?"
  Danse was shaking his head before she had even finished. "I did my best to keep everything that happened quiet, though it appears that I was unsuccessful. I was told that was my only option, and I did not wish to disobey Maxson's orders." 
  "That fuckin' asshole." Vega growled. "Alright, if you're sure it's me you want with you, I'm here."
  "You don't have t--er, that is, I regret taking up more of your valuable time, General Vega. I promise after this meeting with Cade, I will be fully at your disposal." He assured her, seemingly pained by his current state.
  "Danse, I don't care about that. I don't want you better just so you can get used up again, I want you better for you . I'm sorry that all of this robs you of the proper time to regroup, y'know?" Backhand apologized, her words deliberately quiet as she boldly laced her fingers through his own. "Once we're done here, though, you need to take some time off. General's orders."
  "I would have to speak with Elder Brandis on the matter. As his most senior paladin, I am unsure if he would be able to permit me that luxury." Danse replied unhappily, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before he released it. "' A run ashore ', always just out of reach."
  "I'm getting you time off, even if I have to kidnap you myself." 
  The paladin's chuckle in reply to her threat was subdued, but it still sent a frisson of happiness through her body. Backhand choked down the guilt of having those feelings in the first place for just a second, choosing to bask in the warm sensation. 
  "When you're ready, General, I'll need the proper frequencies to speak with the Castle." Danse's request brought her crashing back down to earth, and Vega rushed to oblige him.
  There's always something else to do .
  Two days later, on the cusp of their attack on the Institute, the both of them were seated in Knight-Captain Cade's main office aboard the Prydwen. The older officer sat across from them in the cramped space, a clipboard propped up on his knee.
  "The only questions I'll ask will be strictly for clarity's sake." The knight-captain informed Danse quietly. "If you don't want to answer, that is entirely acceptable and within your right, but the more information we have, the better."
  Danse nodded, the motion stilted. "I understand, Knight-Captain. I'll do my best to cooperate." 
  Vega squeezed his hand. God knew she didn't like this one damn bit, but she was going to stick it out for him. After all, he had gone to bat for her against the elder . Loyalty like that was in short supply. "I'm right here with you, Danse." She said softly. He had gone pasty white beneath his usual windblown complexion, and he gripped her hand wordlessly. 
  "If you could start at the beginning, Paladin. Or as close to it as possible." Cade prompted him.
  "Yes, I...of course." Danse rasped. "The first time we engaged was shortly before the Brotherhood lost Knight Cutler."
  Cade looked at him over his half-moon glasses, seeming perturbed. "That was...so this was a prolonged assault."
  "Not an assault. I did as I was ordered." The dull tone of Danse's voice, the way his eyes had gone almost grey ...Vega wanted to know how the hell Maxson had ever justified this. "I could not bring myself to question Arthur. He came to me, at first simply asking for help even though it was an order. He said he couldn't sleep. I...I never told Cutler. I didn't think it was relevant. I thought I was helping the new elder." Danse looked up at Cade. "I know what it's like to not be able to sleep for all the thoughts in your head."
  "Was there a specific point in time where his behavior shifted? Perhaps when it became more clear to you that there was something wrong?" Backhand was grateful for the delicate way Cade phrased the question.
  "I…" Danse's brow furrowed. "...had just come back with...after what transpired with Cutler. Four days on base. I was furious with Maxson for stationing Cutler out there, furious with myself for not saving Cutler. I was grieving and hurt both physically and emotionally, as you recall." Cade inclined his head. "I assume you also recall the bite on my arm that appeared shortly thereafter. That was a...result of my inability to perform."
  "Ah." Cade murmured, jotting something down.
  Bite? Vega could feel Danse trembling. "I-I was...unable to function or perform for him in a satisfactory manner and that was his method of voicing his frustration with me." Danse swallowed hard. "I was mourning , Cade." He sounded like he was begging the other man to understand, begging him not to judge.
  Perform for him. Backhand sucked in a deep breath through her nose, willing herself to stay silent. 
  "After that, I would just comply. It was never as bad as that time. I would perform for him to the best of my abilities." Danse paused, "but I never sought him out, and nothing occurred without me being ordered to do so." He then proceeded to rattle off a distressingly-long list of dates, every time that Maxson had coerced him. "I was not interested in...well, anyone , after Cutler." He muttered after a brief pause, "the term broken seems fitting." 
  "You weren't allowed proper space to heal yourself after what happened with Cutler. You were injured and then forced to deal with someone who kept prying open your wounds because they enjoyed lording their power over you." Cade theorized, his voice a little sharper. " Broken is not fitting in the slightest, Danse."
  The paladin shrugged. "Whatever the terminology might be, then." 
  " Traumatized , Danse. Emotional wounds take time to heal, just like physical ones. Losing Cutler in the way that we did-"
  "I deserved it!" Danse cut off the medical officer, leaning forward and clenching his free hand on his knee. "I failed Cutler, Cade! I should have gone after him sooner! The treatment from Maxson is what I deserved ." His eyes were wild, frantic. "He's an abuser, but I am a man deserving of every last instance of that abuse for my inaction when it came to Cutler!" The paladin reasoned intensely.
  Cade sighed, rifling through his clipboard. "Danse, you did not deserve or garner punishment for the consequences of Maxson's orders." He informed the other man quietly. "You were simply a man who lost someone that he cared deeply about."
  "And to find out that I'm not even that much!" Danse spat. "I'm still trying to cope with the reality that I am a living lie . My identity as Paladin Danse is nothing but a memory now. Everything I held dear, everything I ever believed in is completely gone. Can you imagine how that feels?" Danse was nearly shouting at this point, moving to stand. "I started out as nothing , and I've ended up as nothing . And I don't know what the hell to do about it!" 
  Backhand brought her hand up over his elbow, hauling him back down into his seat. " Listen to Cade, Danse." She growled. The paladin fought her grip briefly, but ultimately slumped in the chair. Good thing too, Vega wasn't exactly up to full strength just yet. The large man was shaking again, his breathing coming in harsh bursts. "It's okay, it's okay." Vega found herself repeating the phrase, rubbing circles on his back between his shoulder blades. Many members of military factions found repetition comforting and Danse appeared to be no exception, the large man heaving a massive sigh under the weight of her hand.
  "Danse, I'll fully admit to being out of my element here. I never expected to have to treat a synth." Knight-Captain Cade said plainly. "However, I've known you for many years. We have an established rapport. Your body is indistinguishable from an ordinary human body, as proved by my records. Your mental processes and pain responses are normal for a human. I suppose what I'm trying to say is learning that you are a synth may not change all that much, despite what you may be feeling."
  Danse choked out a forlorn noise that might have been a sob, burying his face in his hands. "I'm so confused." He confessed plaintively. "You're saying I did not deserve punishment for my failings, but...how else am I supposed to atone for Cutler?" He looked up, tears welling up in his eyes. "How am I supposed to reconcile with these human emotions, Cade? I barely kept myself under control when I believed I was human!"
  "Your feelings have always run deep, Danse. Your empathy for your fellow man has landed you in hot water more than once." Cade gestured at Vega. "According to our infiltrator, even the most brutal of synths feel regret and remorse just like we do, though they have not been taught how to cope with it."
  "I still feel like a human. Nothing feels different, yet now I constantly second-guess everything I do. I've had a plan from the beginning to shape my future, but I have to wonder about whether that's a lie as well." Danse remarked bitterly. "I had...I had hoped…" he trailed off, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter."
  Backhand could feel her heart breaking the longer he spoke. His true identity was an immense blow to him, and on top of it he was still struggling under the burden of the guilt he carried due to Cutler's demise. He blamed himself for Arthur's demands. 
  "Listen to Cade, Danse." She urged. Her hand was essentially on autopilot as she traced small patterns on the center of his back, moving up and down his spine without rhyme or reason. "You're not to blame for what Maxson did. It's not yours to bear. Trust me, coming from someone who's more than willing to take on other folk's problems, that weight is not yours."
  "You trust me, right?" Vega interrupted him softly, cupping his face so that he had to look at her.
  "With my life, General Vega." 
  The rapid sincerity of his reply startled her and Backhand needed to take a moment, steeling herself yet again. "I know you trust Cade too, and I know this won't be a quick or easy process. But you accepting that whatever happened was not your fault would be a huge first step."
  "I...If I do…" Danse paused, hesitating. "Vega, if I forget about him..."
  "Hey, nobody said anything about forgetting. You told me about Cutler, about how important he was to you. There's no way someone like you could forget about him. But you need to forgive yourself, you have to understand that losing him was not your fault." Once more she found herself in over her head, but she did her best to tell him all the things she wished someone had told her when Sergeant Cathan had died.
  "He was...he was everything to me." Danse's voice cracked. "And I had to--I had to, he was...I had to."
  "What happened to Cutler and his team was an immense tragedy, and a needless one at that." Cade spoke up from his seat, his brow furrowed. "Maxson outed himself quite thoroughly during the trial, I would say. It will be difficult for him to explain his actions away when so many witnesses heard exactly what he said." 
  Elizabeth felt Danse go still, the paladin hanging on to Cade's every word. "Am I even permitted to be happy that he may face consequences?" He asked uncertainly, wringing his hands. "Is that a breach of protocol, Knight-Captain?"
  The medical officer shifted his weight, leaning forward to prop himself up with his elbows on his knees. "I can't promise you swift justice, you know how the Brotherhood operates. But Arthur invoked the right of a litany trial, then proceeded to break his own terms. To say nothing of the fact that he nearly killed someone uninvolved in the trial." Cade shook his head. "His abuse flourished in secrecy. Now that everything is out in the open, I do not believe even his status as the last Maxson will sway the other elders when they pass judgement."
  "Thank you, Knight-Captain." Danse closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "I...thank you, Vega." He continued, a little quieter. He caught her hand in his own, giving it a cautious squeeze. Almost as if he was imitating her gesture from earlier in the week. "I have so much to think about."
  "Agreed. Shall I put in a request to Brandis for a leave of absence?"
  Danse visibly recoiled at Cade's suggestion, his eyes going wide in dismay. "No! No, I am needed, Knight-Captain. After our assault has been carried out, and the Institute has been wiped from the map, I…" he hesitated, like the words were caught in his throat. "I will gladly take a leave. Until then, however, there is still work to do."
  "There is always work to do, Paladin." Cade chided. "Remember what I told you? You will burn yourself out and the Brotherhood can ill afford to lose you."
  "I'll see to it that he takes time off after our successful operation." Backhand stated firmly. Cade raised an eyebrow at that and Danse flushed across the bridge of his nose, stuttering a little. "Your health is important to me, Danse. You can be as stubborn as you want, but I'm not letting you weasel out of this." 
  "I suppose that will have to do." Cade sighed. "Do you have any questions for me, Paladin?"
  Danse shot a sidelong glance at Vega that she was relatively certain she wasn't supposed to see, the large man worrying his lower lip. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on her part, though, as Danse shook his head after a moment. "No, I...I just have some reflection to do." He got to his feet abruptly, saluting both Cade and Elizabeth. "Ad Victoriam, Knight-Captain. Ad Victoriam, General Vega."
  Cade returned the salute absently, already absorbed in writing something else down. Vega was a little slower, her query of, "do you need me, Danse?" coming out softer than she had intended.
  She wanted to believe that the paladin hesitated before he replied, "No, General Vega. I can manage."
Part Eighteen
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Peter Parker’s sister
Peter Parker x sister!reader
a/n: this is LONG
prompt: @coffeeaff: “Hc where y/n is Peter Parker's sister!”
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let’s start this out by stating the obvious: you were Peter’s other half
ever since you were kids, it’s always been “Peter and Y/N”
sometimes you’d literally have to be pried apart bc you refused to leave each other’s sides
may and ben went from zero kids to two in a day and had no idea where to go from there
especially when you and peter had nerf wars
“what are we gonna do, ben?”
*ben, cocking his nerf gun* “it’s nerf or nothing?”
once your aunt and uncle got the hang of things, you were all one big team
peter and you started growing up and going to school
it was new and scary for you
you came up with a secret way to say “i love you” to each other bc you were afraid the 5 year olds would make fun of you
“the lion says hi” (you were 5 and you really liked the wizard of oz)
every year you got placed in the same elementary school classes, turning into some of the most delightful kids who kept to themselves most of the time and showed real promise
until one year they wanted to put you in separate classes to see how you’d do alone
you and peter simultaneously had tantrums until they called may and ben and calmed you down
“what’s that noise?” -teacher at least 35 doors down the hall
the school almost switched your class so you’d be together again, but ben decided that the two of you needed a little bit of space to grown on your own
which worked! now when you guys got home, you’d run to your shared room and tell each other all the third grade gossip
by the time you reached middle school, you were in half of each other’s classes and most of the same clubs
by high school, peter was begging you to join band and the decathlon team
you can’t tell me you guys didn’t take the same foreign language class to talk to each other
“j'ai renversé du chocolat chaud sur le canapé” (I spilled hot chocolate on the couch)
“je vais retourner le coussin” (i’ll go flip the cushion)
now here’s where things get interesting
you were the first to know about peter’s newfound powers
because you walked into your shared room while he was stuck to the ceiling
“hey, uh, i can explain in a minute, but can you maybe possibly help me down?”
it took you an hour
he fell on top of you
“sorry! sorry, sorry! i’m sorry”
“start talking, please”
peter explained that he had the powers for 2 weeks and he has gotten stuck to so many things
he was scared
“don’t tell anyone!”
“since when have i been a snitch?”
you and him using your science brains to figure out how to deal with all of this
then ben died and everything wasn’t so good for a while
you’d find each other crying alone a lot
then sitting together and crying
and comforting aunt may every chance you got
sometimes you and peter made cookies for her and now peter likes baking and cooking
peter decided to become “spider-man”
which you weren’t completely psyched over but you weren’t totally against either
“pros: my brother is a super hero, cons: it’s dangerous and if i lose you, me and may will be very very sad. we already lost ben”
thrifting together
clothes and electronics
“do we really have to go through the trash, too?”
“yes, y/n, there could be some really cool stuff here!” *peter holds up a mechanical keyboard* “score!”
missing trains together
walking to school/home together
showing each other new music
walking into your apartment and finding tony freaking stark on your couch
sitting with may on the couch until tony calls you into the room
“so you helped create the webs for his suit?”
“i have no idea—”
“y/n, he knows”
“yes, yes i did”
getting to work as tony’s engineer/scientist apprentice
“y/n, this is a little weapon that i am gifting you so that if peter ever does something stupid, you can lend a hand. that is all it is for, kapeesh?”
mr. stark this, mr. stark that
peter’s tired, bruised-ass self crawling through your bedroom window at 2am was actually pretty normal
you are his wingman
he had to copy your homework a lot
“you owe me”
you almost died on the washington d.c. field trip but you were the chillest person there bc you knew peter was nearby
“dude! why are you so calm?” -flash
(fast forward to infinity war)
“holy shit! we’re all gonna die!” -ned
you grabbed peter’s arm right before he left
“lion says hi” you chuckled with fear in your eyes
“lion says hi” he repeated, handing you his hoodie from out of his bag “if i lose this, may will freak. keep it safe.”
you and ned talking about spider business on the bus
“do you still have that thing mr. stark gave you? the secret weapon?”
“yeah but it’s not much use right now”
you seeing a certain spider being lifted into space
calling the suit itself bc you have access to the comms
“peter? peter, what the hell are you doing? come back!” you were staring out the bus window
*line disconnected*
you called pepper
“ms. potts? hi, it’s y/n”
“they’re in space”
“are they coming back?”
“god, i hope”
and then may dusted
and all your friends dusted
and you were freaking out
and pepper called you
“oh, my god, thank god you’re okay”
“are peter and tony okay?”
“i have no idea.” she’s crying now “is your aunt okay?”
“she’s gone” you’re crying now
“oh, jesus. okay, hey, don’t worry, everything will be alright. i’m gonna get you a ride to the avengers compound. everyone we need is meeting there”
waiting weeks to find tony and your brother
your hopes were so high when captain marvel brought the ship back
you, steve, and pepper got there so fast
but your heart dropped when you heard “i lost the kid”
pepper and tony decided to adopt you since you weren’t quite 18 yet and tony knew what it was like to be young and alone
and you looked up to tony and pepper anyways
and they had already started to see you and peter as their “crazy ass yet talented nephew and niece” (tony’s words)
you were a bridesmaid in the wedding, though
and you’d never had a sister, so morgan was pretty great
you babysat a lot after you left the house because you secretly liked being back home
when the snap was reversed, everything was really really weird
peter was 5 years younger than you
you fought against thanos in a suit that you built yourself
peter didn’t know it was you until you landed in front of him to protect him and lifted your mask up with tears in your eyes
it was the most emotional hug you ever had
may was super proud of who you grew up to be
but she was upset she didn’t get to be there during some of the most important years of your life
mourning tony with your brother, trying to comfort him the best that you could
telling him all about the past five years
still having one of the strongest family bonds you could imagine because that’s the way it is
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