#if i have a trip planned
starbuck · 7 months
sometimes you’re so stressed you feel like you’re going to die and you feel like you can’t do anything right and are a complete fraud collapsing under the weight of everything you have to accomplish and then all of a sudden you come up with a cheap, easy, and innovative solution to a complex problem which can be implemented immediately and go “oh yeah, i AM a capable person, actually.”
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gvalesdraws · 1 month
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gave to lestat my period cramps because he should suffer instead of me
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sensitiveheartless · 2 months
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One Summer Day
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kacievvbbbb · 3 months
You know what? the best supernatural spin off would have nothing to do with the Winchesters and instead would be about Samuel motherfucking Colt because dude absolutely had something going on. And was tripping absolute balls all the fucking time
Dude not only builds a literal kills almost all gun (that no one knows how it works exactly), he also built a fucking devil’s gate and the series of railroad tracks that formed a giant devils trap in the middle of fucking nowhere Wyoming that was somehow also a great fucking hotspot to talk with Lucifer in the cage. Why the fuck would he build a devil’s gate and then the devil trap protecting it? Why could this dude not be normal? Not to mention He also fought a Phoenix!!! A Phoenix! The only Phoenix that has ever been reported to exist and whose ashes are the only thing that can kill the literal mother of all monsters. Which he somehow mails to Sam and Dean in the future using a phone from several years in the future that he literally just got earlier that afternoon.
Dude was on some serious shit. Man was definitely receiving the most violently random prophetic visions from god. Dude literally went, it came to me in a dream and built a weapon that’s literally still confounding people generations later and would function as a key to a fucking devils gate that would literally be the first step in so much shit going down in so little time generations later . Wouldn’t have even surprised me if they also said he was responsible for Ruby’s knife.
He also, most importantly, is from the wild wild fucking west!!! How cool would a show about that be? A fucking genius inventor hunts monsters in the Wild West while some being he knows nothing about but deeply suspects is giving him blueprints for big, wild things and weapons for how to stop them, or at least slow them down.
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northernfireart · 4 months
I miss posting and sharing shit so have this bdg art dump from some time ago
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egophiliac · 2 years
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I was really in the mood to do some masquerade fanart, but I didn’t feel like coming up with anything original, so here’s some of my favorite (...slightly paraphrased) bits from the first part. I don’t know where it’s going, but it’s pretty fun so far!
also one that isn’t canon except in my heart:
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(disclaimer that this is a Joke)
(he is a horrible little rat man, but to be fair, so is everyone else)
(if you don’t like horrible little rat men why are you even playing this game)
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lost-in-the-shadows · 8 months
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hitwiththetmnt · 6 days
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I have been informed that today is Mona Lisa day, so here’s Hana and @tmnt-tychou’s Mona Lisa on the beach!
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hood-ex · 5 days
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X-Men: First Class #1
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
Blue, blue, blue eyes, wet and red-rimmed. White knuckles clenched around worn canvas. Salty cheeks and bitten-bruised lips.
“I’m running away.”
Echoes in a too-large room, quiet breathing in stale air. Freezing toes on marble floor. Struggling lamplight, gaunt shadows.
“Gimme a minute to pack a bag.”
“Shh,” Nico hisses, clamping a hand over Will’s mouth to muffle a shriek. A too-warm hand clutches his hip, scrambling for balance. The rickety wooden lattice creaks under their weight.
The freeze, for one, two, three seconds. Nico strains to hear, watching the crystal-clear, freshly-polished Jalousie window.
No light.
They let out their breath at the same time, Will’s exhale making Nico’s cold hands tingle. At Will’s glare, he removes his hand, wrapping it back around the rung.
“Be more careful, you clumsy fuck.”
“I’m trying!”
To his credit, he really is. He checks and double checks before putting his full weight on the lopsided strips of wood only meant to hold up vines. He doesn’t let go of the rung above him until his feet are firmly planted, and he doesn’t stray far enough from Nico that he couldn’t catch him. He knows the drill.
And, yet.
(Truly, Nico has no idea how he climbed up by himself.)
Thankfully, they make it to the soft lawn in one piece. Will stumbles into a hydrangea bush the second he lets go of the lattice. Nico lands with much more grace, snickering.
“This house hates me,” he whispers, pouting. There are several blue flower petals tangled in his hair; Nico decides not to tell him. “Like, actively.”
“You and me both.”
They sneak quickly across the lawn once Will’s upright again, booking it to Nico’s Jeep. Will takes their bags, tossing them in the back, then slides behind the massive, creepy gargoyle-thing that sits between the garage doors as Nico opens the driver’s door as quietly as physically possible. Once he’s seated, he glances over at Will, waiting for his signal — hand held up in wait, four seconds, five, six — then a rapid shooing motion, eyes trained at the security camera. Fast as he can, Nico shifts into neutral without starting the car, craning his neck to watch out the back window as he peels out of the driveway and onto the street. Once safely behind the massive pine tree that marks the edge of the property, he parks, turning the car on and wincing at the noise.
Two minutes later, Will comes barrelling down the driveway, nearly tripping over untied shoelaces.
“I fucked up, they totally saw me, go go go!”
Nico doesn’t need to be told twice. He’s in drive and racing down the empty street before Will has the door closed.
For a while, he lets their heart rates settle back into something normal. The headlights are dim, no streetlights to make anything brighter, and he squints through the windshield, tense. If a deer jumps out, they’re fucked.
“So,” he says, relaxing as they turn onto familiarly torn-up roads. No street lights here, either, but he knows the woods on either side of the road are a farce. Hardly more than a copse of trees — nothing but farmland for hundreds of acres. No risk of death by Cervidae, thank God. “Running away?”
“There’s a rest stop an hour east,” Will says instead of answering, face buried in a map. “We can sleep there and keep going in the morning.”
Go where, Nico wants to ask, but he knows better than that. There’s a tenseness to Will’s jaw, and something transparently pleading in his eyes.
“Okay,” he finally relents. Will’s obvious relief eases his discomfort. “You gotta direct me, though. And, I swear to God, if you get us lost again, Solace —”
And Will laughs, finally, and it’s small and stilted and there are still tears drying on his cheeks, but it’s real, and stars shine brighter, brighter, brighter.
The two hours to the rest stop pass quickly. Nico is used to long drives, and thankfully he’d filled up a couple days ago, so all he worries about is staying awake and watching for cops. There shouldn’t be any, really, because he’s been the only car on this road the entire time, but Nico isn’t going to chance it. Not again. (He doesn’t have Piper to talk them out of trouble, this time, although Will could possibly manage.) 
(Well, never say never.)
“How prepared are we to run away?”
Will is quiet for several long, telling moments.
“Well,” he says finally, and Nico sighs. “I think there’s still blankets and pillows in the trunk from last time.”
“Christ alive, William.”
“It’s June! We’re – sheltered! We’ll be fine.”
“Christ alive, William.”
“Oh, can it.”
He bites his tongue, grinning. He doesn’t actually mind – it is June, and they have blankets, and their certainly not going to succumb to the elements in the Jeep. Will, too, is like a goddamn space heater; if anything, they’ll wake up in the morning with the windows fogged. 
“I suppose I’ll manage,” he says, watching with interest as a flash of bare skin as Will leans over the seat, sweatshirt riding up his arched back as he digs around for the blankets. He turns back right before Will does, huffing dramatically. “Since there are no other options.”
He fully expects the pillow to the face.
“You’re a dickhead.”
“Dickhead with a license and a vehicle, Sunny Boy, so maybe count your blessings.”
“...Lou Ellen has a car. So there.”
Nico snorts, thinking of the piece of shit Bug that broke down for the twelfth time this year in her driveway, earlier this week. Likely story.
“And, yet.”
“And, yet,” Will agrees, voice significantly softer. He’s fully burrowed in his blanket when Nico looks over; seat reclined as far as it’ll go so he can curl up, knees to chest, all six two of him compressed to something small, delicate. The pillow smushes half his face, and the blanket is pulled up to his nose, and Nico swallows, roughly, because his eyes are bright in the moonlight, and his hair fans, frizzy and damp, slightly, out onto the pillow, and Nico doesn’t need to be a poet to compare his freckled forehead to the starry sky. There is a fragility in him, one he keeps firmly locked inside the deepest parts of him, and as Nico watches it he can see it spilling, pouring, bleeding out of him. In the car, in the dark, in front of Nico. “Goodnight, Nico.”
“Goodnight,” Nico says hoarsely. 
By the time he gets the courage to look at Will again, his eyes are already closed, breaths slow and even.
“Neeks. Neeks. Nico. Hey, Thanatos. Anubis. Gerard Way. I got more, man, I made a list –”
“Will you stop fucking poking me,” Nico groans, peeking out from his blankets to glare at his aggressor. He regrets it immediately, hissing as the sun burns his retinae.
He can feel Will smiling. “Up and at ‘em, Sunshine. It’s road trip time.” He pauses. “And, also, I’m starving. I packed granola bars for us but I ate them all already. Sorry.”
“Fucker.” Reluctantly, he tugs the blanket fully off, sitting upright and stretching his arms above his head. His back cracks satisfyingly. “Don’t suppose you know where the nearest Dunkin’ is, then.”
“Uh, no.” He looks back to find Will’s eyes snapping back to his, face flushed. “We’re just outside of Arcadia, though? So. I’m. Sure there’s one –”
“Are you good?” Nico asks, squinting. “It’s too early for you to be a weirdo, Will, it’s only –” He checks his phone – “Oh, you motherfucker, it’s like six thirty in the morning! Why the hell are we awake?”
“Road trip!” he says. His face, no longer all screwed up and blotchy, returns to its usual blinding beam. 
Great. Now there are two things trying to blind him.
“C’mon, you dork,” Will says again, laughing. He tugs the blanket from Nico’s grip, tossing it haphazardly in the back and pestering him until he scowls, biting out a “Fine, you prick, Jesus,” and rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
He’s still not all the way awake, but he dutifully sits up, buckling his seat belt and starting the car. “Nav,” he mutters, tuning out Will’s chatter.
He loves the guy, but, fuck. It’s six thirty in the goddamned morning. He hasn’t seen six thirty in the morning in a long ass fucking time – even before he graduated at the end of May, he was late to homeroom every single day, without fail. Six thirty is an absurd time to be awake. 
“Left here, straight for a bit, and it’ll be on the corner.”
“You’re pointing to the right,” Nico says, patiently, not bothering to fight the smirk cropping up on his face. "Am I turning right?"
This, he’s used to.
“I meant right,” Will sulks. “...I said right in my brain.”
“Sure,” says Nico generously, grin widening.
“Fuck off.”
“What? You try very hard, Will. I’m very proud of you.”
“Few more years, and you’ll be caught up to the kindergarteners.”
“That’s it, di Angelo –”
He laughs, batting away Will’s smacking hands. “Hey! Hey! No hitting the driver, do you want me to crash –”
By the time Will is done trying to beat him up, Nico has long spotted the sad-looking Dunkin’ Donuts, pulling into the empty parking lot and peering inside.
“Is it even open?” he asks, frowning. The lights are on, but it looks…more soulless than usual, somehow.
“Yep,” Will chirps, clicking off his seatbelt. “The chain opens at five. There's a location in Omaha that's open at 4:30, but as far as their policy goes, five is go time.”
“It’s okay, Nico. I’ll stay friends with you even if you get dumber than you already are.”
He grins wickedly. “Least I know my lefts and rights.”
He cackles when Will slams the door, stomping to the Dunkin’s entrance. He’s not really mad – he gets quiet when he gets mad – but it’s good to know that he’s won. (Not that it’s hard. Will is witty, sure, and wicked smart, but his buttons are just a smidge too easy to press. Great fun for Nico, who has raging ADHD and could not resist the allure of a shiny red button if it was going to blow up the Earth with him on it.)
Will is nowhere to be found when Nico gets inside, so he assumes he’s in the washroom and walks up to the counter to make their order. A bored girl a couple years younger than him flips a magazine behind the register, nodding as he comes up.
“I’ll have a black coffee and a…” He squints. “God. A butter pecan swirl signature iced latte.”
“With whipped cream and caramel drizzle?”
Nico sighs, resisting the urge to physically wince. “Yes.”
“Anything else?” says the girl, smile pulling at her lips. “I can put sugar in a cup to go, if you want.”
“He’d probably take that, too,” he agrees snorting. “But nah. Just a couple breakfast sandwiches, if you don’t mind.”
She rings him up, letting him know it’s gonna take a minute as the machines boot up. He wanders while he waits, curiously observing a wall of what appears to be scrawled pencil graffiti. Nothing talented, but he has to fight the urge to walk out to the payphone he saw outside and call a few of the numbers, just to see what would happen. 
“Hey,” Will says, startling him. He’s changed his shirt and tied his hair back, looking a million times better than last night. Nico finds himself relieved, shoulders slumping imperceptibly.
“D’you order for us?”
“Got you your morning milkshake monstrosity, don’t worry.”
Will grins. “Drinking black coffee doesn’t make you cool.”
“It does, actually. At any given time I am forty-seven percent cooler than you. More, if you’re wearing cargo shorts.” He glances down. “It’s a forty-nine percent day, apparently.”
“Go wash your face,” Will laughs, shoving him. “I’ll get the food, then we can look at the map.”
He doesn’t take nearly as long as Will did. He brushes his teeth, splashes water on his face, decides his hair looks awesome the way it is – of course he didn’t forget a brush, why would he be a big enough dumbass to forget a brush and also more than one pair of socks – and walks back out. He finds Will tucked in a booth in a corner, chewing on a pink straw, eyeing their giant map intently.
“So,” he says as Nico approaches, handing him his coffee, “I did some math.”
Nico notices a napkin scrawled with ink that he could not read even if he wasn’t dyslexic.
Will chucks his balled up straw wrapper at him. “We can go five hours-ish on a full tank of gas, and you’re a bit above a half tank, so we got maybe three hours before we need to stop.” He circles a little dot about a quarter way into the state, letters too small for Nico to read. “And since going anywhere near Orlando in the summer is asking to stick us in bumper-to-bumper traffic, that puts us in Anthony.”
“I did not know there was a town named Anthony,” Nico says sagely. “That’s a shit name for a town, if I’m being honest.”
WIll shrugs. “Welcome to Florida. Anyways. Want me to drive? You drove last night.”
“Barely,” Nico dismisses, waving his hand. He likes driving – it’s just scattered enough that he doesn’t get antsy. It’s being a passenger that kills him, although he’s sure they’ll switch on the way back so he can rest. “I’ll drive.”
Will turns his attention back to the map, tapping his pen against the table in between bites of his breakfast sandwich. Every so often he returns to the napkin, scribbling something down and making little hums of concentration. 
Nico begins to notice the route he’s drawing extends a ways past state lines.
“So,” he says carefully, eyes trained on his best friend. “Running away.”
Will tenses, again, at the mention of it, although this time he looks more stubborn than lost. Good.
“Road trip,” he corrects. “It’s our last summer, Nico. I turn eighteen in a couple months, and then…” He trails off. Nico waits out the silence, seven seconds, eight, nine. “Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? One last huzzah, road trip around the nation, or whatever?”
“Did you happen to tell your mother about this road trip?”
Will shrugs. “I left a note.”
Nico hums. “Sounds an awful lot like running away. I would know. I’ve been picked up by social services in three separate states.”
“Road trip,” Will corrects again, stubborn set to his brow. 
Nico decides to let it go for now.
“Road trip,” he agrees. Will looks at him gratefully. “Where to?”
“That defeats the point of a road trip.” He rolls up the map, looking at Nico like it’s obvious. “Duh. Journey, not the destination, et cetera, et cetera.”
Privately, Nico bets that by tomorrow, Will be be restless and guilty and they will be on their way home. Outwardly, he says, “You have seen a truly disgusting amount of movies,” and Will laughs, and Nico follows him to the Jeep, and knows, as he always does, that he will follow him regardless; across the world, across the country, even back to Shit Fuck, Florida.
next chapter
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sciencelings-speaks · 2 months
I love that even with all the lengths Stronghart went through to hide Kazuma's identity (using a mask to hide his eyes and a cloak to cover everything else, banning him from even speaking), the minute Ryunosuke saw him for the first time he suspected it. From his posture alone, they knew each other for about a year and were separated for like eight months and Ryunosuke could still identify his bbf from the way he stood like... Kazuma lost his memory, his identity, his... everything and Ryunosuke still clocked it, even though he literally thinks Kazuma is dead, that the prosecutor's masked apprentice is the whole reason he's even there at all.
Literally what else could Stronghart have done to hide Kazuma's presence from Ryunosuke, he did as much as he could but still Ryunosuke felt it immediately. This feels gayer than most of the yaoi I've come across, this is a major plot point in a romantic drama, this can't not be a trope in one of the kdramas my dad likes to watch on Netflix.
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bamsara · 1 year
Alright trip starts NOW. Queued up Art for the week. No shower no electricity no AC and also about to meet the stranger I'll be riding 4 hours in a car with to the event. If I die I die in the mud
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nyamcattt · 10 months
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junkertown crews out shopping at a supermarket for the first time!
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sergle · 10 months
if anyone wants to know what kind of day mr. Hugo had today, it got to be So So Very About Him. let me take you through it - went to the lake first thing in the morning, got wet and ran around full-tilt and got tired - in the evening, came along with us to a christmas lights festival thing at the park. got to walk around and have fun, was petted by ~30 people - at some points, he was surrounded by a closed Circle of very small children patting him and saying he's nice. - received whippy cream at a coffee place drive through - got to walk around petsmart and do Dog Browsing there - got admired by two of the girls working the checkout bc they enjoyed his Sit Pretty so much - MET A POMERANIAN PUPPY AT THE STORE. (this is more important to me than him) touched noses with VERY SMALL pomeranian puppy. oh my fucking god. - got greeted at another drive thru (I got popeyes. only god can judge me) and got given, because they aren't pre-loaded with treats for drive through dogs, a girl gave him (after asking) (he can take it) (he was really locking eyes with her) An Entire Chicken Tender. Hugo's relationship with drive-through windows gets progressively more and more Expectant. anyway. very full day for mr. Hugo. We also got a couple pics of him doing paws / sit pretty / high five-ing in front of the lights. here are those!
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sapphicsnzs · 5 months
camping with allergies is so adorable especially with a significant other. being outside all day kicking off their allergies. then holding them close by the campfire and having the smoke tickle their nose more. and then finally exhausted after a day of sneezing cuddling into their partner in the tent only to realize there’s so much dust in there. also the idea of not having tissues because you can’t throw them out so having to use a bandana, a shirt, or your partner…
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knaveofmogadore · 5 months
Toshiro is kind of an asshole, but it's hard to call him that because what makes him an asshole is being so painfully conflict averse that it causes problems. We ALL know someone like that! The person who simmers on something that made them upset 4 months ago because they don't know how to air grievances. The person who makes up ultimatums in their head without telling anyone. Shuro would think it's too aggressive to block someone on Facebook. He'd get bullied out of line at the grocery store. He'd double book himself on his birthday because he doesn't know how to tell people no. Shuro is so averse to initiating any form of conflict at all that he'd inadvertently cause a fight on a road trip by being too nervous to just pick a fast food joint to piss in
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