#if i finish filing my taxes first lol
a-mint-bear · 7 months
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lil John Doe doodle to celebrate the upcoming plushie
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mystudydiary-blog · 1 year
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It's been a while since I posted :(
I already finished 8 weeks of my 11 week internship at the Belgian federal tax administration. My team works on appeals made by companies about VAT.
In the beginning I worked on old files that were already closed so I could practise. But now I'm working on current files and it feels nice being needed.
I'm so tired though. I've postponed my thesis to august because I feel dead when I get back home in the evening.
I really have to start writing my thesis report though. I've been procrastinating on that as well lol. I need to submit that at the end of may but my mentor needs to read it first because of confidentiality so I should probably finish writing it a week before the deadline.
I have started applying for jobs already! I applied for 2 jobs at tax administration where I'm doing my internship and maybe I get offered a contract when I'm finished. We'll see what happens
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tabernaclehearts · 1 year
Midsummer Notes
This summer has been very uninspirational, to be perfectly honest. It's been so drab I can't help but wonder—Where is the fervor? Where did it all go wrong? What is wrong with me?
I'm going to place the blame on working full-time...having a desk job isn't physically taxing, but it's difficult in its own ways. The 8-4 is killing me, but I'd rather get out at 4 than 5 because...it would absolutely destroy me if I left work to the sun setting.
Angel Dwellings started in January and I had worked tirelessly on it, lugging my computer all over Europe in a passion to finish my first collection since Covid-19. I think the last time I wrote so much was in high school...since then, I've worked on the editorial side of literary magazines/collections, so ANDW is both nerve-wracking and exciting (like seeing a friend for the first time in years). It's all familiar and yet, I am goofy-footed. Friends and acquaintances have been inquiring about the publishing date and I have been saying mid-August. We shall see when the time comes, I'm afraid. We have surpassed the 70-page mark, and that's not even including the audio files and playlists I had promised in my letter...so much work for such an insignificant passion project...
But still, I feel like it'd be a shame to abandon it now, considering that word had gotten out within my circle + I have been working on it for over seven months. Crazy how time flies, hm? I think the last few things I need to do are to 1) edit 2) edit 3) files 4) edit 5) website 6) edit (lol so much editing, but very much needed). I'd like to release it officially before I go to Berkeley, because I'd hate to show it and immediately talk to people about it...I need time to settle.
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lyricposting · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @existentialcrisistime!
Currently reading: um well you see. nothing. my “to read” list is so full but it’s like all those damned tv shows. can’t commit to starting, not even fic right now. hopefully first i’ll catch up on @nientedal‘s fics tho, i know it’s written one that i haven’t read yet in my favorite megamind au of all time soooooooo.
Favorite color: deep red......... waugh burgundy i love you
Last song: own my mind by måneskin!!!!!! a song of theirs came on the radio today and made me realize they have a new album out!
Latest movie: glass onion with @ratfuckertedcruz it was amazing. your honor that man is gay.
Sweet/spicy/savory: i have a huge sweet tooth it’s terrible lol. but i also like spicy! well... i have to order medium when we get indian food, but that’s not nothing :’)
Currently working on: journaling more... finishing up this at home yoga program... OH YEAH the big one, training to be a plumber... filing my taxes...
Tagging: dal and ari if you’d like :) but fr if you see this and want to do it, tag you’re it! i love to know things about the gay little people in my laptop
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tommyspeakycap · 2 years
bad terms
you and derek didn’t end on good terms, so when he returns for a shock case, he’s wracked with guilt at everything he’s missed
luke alvez x reader with canon typical violence can u tell i’m rewatching criminal minds lol
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It’s a simple diamond, resting flush against your ring finger on your left hand. It still catches your eye every so often, almost amazing you that it actually exists each time.
Amazing you that he exists.
Pen was hesitant about the new boy at first, having spent a few months being a man down without her very beloved Derek Morgan when Luke came into the team. She didn’t like him because he replaced Morgan and you felt the opposite, you liked him because he replaced Morgan.
You two did not end on good terms.
“Some of us actually have people that we care about outside of this team, (y/l/n)!”
“Derek!” Penelope tried to cut in. “Some of us have a life outside of this job, I have a kid and a wife, you will never understand that.”
“Morgan!” Hotch boomed, “Outside, now.”
A yawn stretches your lips, awaiting the coffee machine to finish dropping into your “worlds best mom” mug imprinted with a picture of Roxy and Spencer that Luke had gifted you last Christmas. “Morning my precious.” Garcia beams, heels clinking across the floor of the kitchenette in the BAU office. “Morning Penny G,” you try to jest back with the same amount of joy she somehow has at 8:45am, though your attempt is futile.
“How was your holiday, you need to tell me absolutely every single little detail right now and oh- OH!!! Oh my god is this the ring! (y/n) it’s gorgeous, who knew Alvez could actually pull it off.” She holds your hand, admiring the glistening diamond that was beautiful enough to strike you speechless and yet subtle enough to be comfortable and sweet. “It was so good,” you hum, a subconscious glint of happiness beaming out of your eyes at the thought of the week you spent off sunning in the Caribbean on sun loungers by the pool with Luke teaching you to surf on secluded beaches and eating fruit under the sunlight. On the second last night at the end of a candle lit diner on the beach, Luke took to one knee and asked you to marry him after nearly three years of knowing each other and two of dating. “He’s just perfect, I-“
“Well hello there,” JJ mewls as she sways over, “Someone best get the paperwork in for a credential name change.” She sings her voice teasing before she hugs you tightly and offers you her kind congratulations.
“I hate to break up the celebrations you guys,” Emily’s voice appears as she lingers in the doorway apologetically, “But we’ve got a case, and it’s a nasty one.”
Nasty indeed it was, incredibly violent and volatile. A family annihilator killing families of five, two parents three kids and even their pets were being wiped out. It was taxing on everyone, draining everything out of each and every one of you until the unsub was brought down. Your have bags under your eyes, grease in your hair and a little bloody stained under your shirt nails from scraping with the unsub in what would have been his latest victims master bedroom, You’d washed your hands, but hadn’t had a minute to scrub underneath your nails before you all loaded silently onto the jet, immediately taking respective seats and sat, again, in silence.
You curled up on the edge of the couch, case files spread next to you so no one could occupy that space with your case report on the arm of that couch, pen in hand with the top between your teeth as you stared absently as the harrowing photographs. “(y/n),” Luke coos softly, “We landed fifteen minute ago, baby.” He’s crouched down in front of you, gently closing the report file on your lap, sliding it onto the couch where the other files had also been closed without you even so much as noticing. How the hell you hasn’t realised that the plane had landed and each of the team had up and left with sympathetic looks in your direction. Each had held their tongue despite wanting to ask if you were alright, knowing it was better to leave you to the man who had picked up your broken pieces and instead of jamming them all back together, he nursed them carefully with his own splintered fingers so he could hand them back to you to help you tape them all together haphazardly. He made you whole again after your heart was left cracked and leaking by the abandonment of Derek Morgan, your honorary big brother and subsequently the man who hurt you the most with words that still haunt you.
At first you worried that he might’ve been right. Maybe you would never have more than your job. Maybe you would never be capable of love. All of those worries you had confided in Morgan before only to have him use them against you in his moment of weakness for which you have never been able to forgive him.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, but Luke shakes his head, reaching for your hand to smooth his over. “You’re alright,” He hums, “Let’s get home huh?”
Your nod prompts him to nod, muttering an okay to himself as he straights up. Luke helps you to your feet, clearing the case files into your bag. Your new fiancé holds your hand, fingers intertwined as you walked to the car together. He has the knack for knowing when you don’t want to talk yet, not even attempting to push you until you were safely at home when he knew you’d be more willing to talk. “Wanna wait here while I run up and grab our stuff?” The tall, tanned agent offers, prompting another almost silent ‘yeah’ from you before you peck a kiss against the corner of his lip which makes his cheeks twitch in a gentle smile as he closes the passenger side door for you.
That small action, the little peck on his lip even when you’re run ragged by secondary grief of watching entire families ripped apart in mere moments. The grieving parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers who could never have imagined this happening to them…it was awful. Even in that, you would remind him in the smallest and most silent ways that you were still you in there, frozen beneath something you would work through together, but there. He has these cases too, ones that shake him to his core and he needs you to look after him like he is doing for you today. Next week, he may need that from you and it’ll be a cycle that’ll exist for as long as you do this job, one that neither of you would ever trade for the vindication of putting these bastards away before they can take anything from anywhere else.
The elevator dings open, doors sliding to let Luke Alvez into the bullpen to scrape up some files from his desk into his bag, straightening out his desk a little. He pushes his photographs back into line, smoothing his thumb over the one of you cuddled into Roxy grinning like a fool under the Christmas tree in that very bullpen where the team celebrated Christmas with their families in the middle of a case on the 25th last year. You all took pause for merely a few hours to have a meal, give some gifts and then get right back go work. He loves that picture of you more than anything in the world.
Derek still feels that twinge of unease that floods him whenever he walks into the 6th floor now, faced with his own reflection in the glass doors before he presses his hand to them. The former profiler crosses the bullpen to make his way towards the office of his Baby Girl. He had heard through the grapevine (that being JJ) that this case was absolutely harrowing on everyone, so he wanted to visit like he infrequently does when cases are extremely tough. Being able to give some outsider support is almost always helpful and welcome. Yet, he has never once encountered you whenever he’s come to visit. You hide from him, leaving before he can get there and get gone before he ever lays eyes on you.
“Baby girl?”
Garcia’s head perks up, eyes watering already but immediately flooding when she sees him, rushing into his open embrace. After moments of silence enjoying each other’s presence, they separate and Garcia knows what he’s going to say before he even says it. The look on her face tells him that.
“You think I might catch her?” Derek says, his tone the same one of guilt dusted over with hope that he might get to apologise to you in a way that you had to answer. Not like those texts that you ignore or the calls that you never answered until they eventually stopped. “Sweet man of chocolate,” she lulls, rethinking her words before she says them, and deciding on hope. “If we hurry, we might.”
Emily is still in her office, Rossi in his and Reid at his desk when they emerge onto the raised platform to look over the bullpen. Derek’s eyes fall on his replacement who is logging off his computer, just finished straightening out his photographs. They begin descending the stairs, hyper aware to the fact that you weren’t there.
Derek was about to speak when the dark haired agent moves from his desk to another, folding some brown folders shut and stuffing them into his bag the way he had his own, letting out a scuffed laugh beneath his breath at the sight of your unfinished Rubik’s cube by your keyboard, his fingers dancing over it as he lifts it up to stuff it into your bag. You just couldn’t quite manage to finish one for the life of you. Dots begin to join up in Derek Morgan’s head, why would another agent be picking up files and fidget bits from your desk?
“What’s the story with-”
“Luke your car alarm was blaring in the parking garage,” Matt storms in at a ferocious pace. Luke’s head immediately snaps up, “I checked, passenger side window was smashed, door wide open and (y/n)‘s gone.”
Emily emerges from her office, face paling in the doorway, Rossi already had his phone in hand ringing JJ to get back here and the only sound to be heard amongst the echoing silence is the heavy clatter of an unfinished Rubik’s cube hitting the carpeted floor beneath the feet of terrified agents as a truly petrifying thought rings loud through Luke Alvez’s mind
What if you never get to finish that stupid, multicoloured little square?
A similarly terrified one thumps violently into Derek Morgan’s. What if you never get to hear in person how sorry he is for the words he said, and just how false he knows them to be?
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jiminrings · 3 years
petition for stem koo to do all the things for oc he originally said no one does (make her lunchboxes, makes her cheerful...) bc i think that’s a beautiful redemption arc
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
jungkook's day one of his redemption agenda doesn't go that well in the end
"namjoon!!! my man. got any updates for me?"
seokjin strolls coolly on the way to his office, hair slicked back and his dress shirt definitely missing more than a few buttons
what's head admin gonna do??? dress-code him???
fire him???? PLS HE'D BE BETTER OFF!!!!
jin makes student affairs his bitch,,, not the other way around
"for the last time, i am nOt your secretary!!" namjoon stresses as he ceases his typing just to glare at him
he's the university registrar and everyone needs to go through him and at this point he's like a historical landmark from how he's made impact in less than two years
and he and seokjin graduated from the same batch!!!! they're the uncanny always pair for the subjects they shared together
it was definitely weird but functional lol cause one is uptight yet hardworking and the other's relaxed yet smart
sue them for working in the same place they swore they'd never go back to after graduation </3
"if you say-"
"some kid's been waiting for you even before i opened the office. made him sit inside but i just told him that he'd be expelled if he even tries to touch your coffee machine."
namjoon says even before jin could finish the sentence, clearly holding that in until the last minute
jin's obviously a lil annoyed because he's starting work as early as now but the way that joon laid all that out on him is a highlight for him
"thanks. knew you're a secretary for me first and a registrar second."
"no. i'm a national citizen before-"
alright alright he's not listening anymore
this bETTER be important because jin has to hold out his morning routine for whoever this kid is
"what can i possibly do for you today?" he rubs his eyes in preparation, intentionally dragging his steps because just looking at how near he is to his work computer gives him vertigo
"mr. kim!!!"
there is no way
there is no fATHOMABLE way that this has got to be happening to seokjin right now
"..... jungkook. what a pleasure."
he sits on his chair, voice gritted and monotone and he could just feel his eye twitching, his clenched fist under his deck now flipping off the kid in secret
it's a last-minute realization that he grasps that jungkook doesn't know you're his friend and it presents some really unique vantage points
like the time that seokjin recounted about a ridiculous student's filing for theft of his lunchboxes and he turned out to be your crush
or when he used his student affairs capabilities and pulled up resources left and right when jungkook broke your heart then seriously contemplated about messing up his academic record
or that time when he delivered a high and sleepy you to bed and then heard the entire conversation (if you could even call it that) between yoongi and this fucking nerd
"i need your help, mr. kim. you're the closest one to me i could ask!!" jungkook pleads desperately, the big doe eyes not really inducing an effect on him whatsoever lmao
"mhmm. i may not be the person for the job. counseling is right next door."
jin hums without even attempting to get jungkook to elaborate because for all he knows, his services aren't exactly open for people who hurt his friends >:(
(a guy once bumped shoulders with yoongi twice on the same day with aTTITUDE!!! and seokjin just dismissed the dude's concerns when a prof of his, who's a buddy of jin's, suddenly gave him an F)
seokjin IS student affairs
“no, no. you’re the only one who can help me!! you see, i-i just feel this brotherly connection with you and-“
“we talked once.”
god what did you used to see in this kid??
a crybaby aND an easily-attached personality to him? god it’s like jungkook’s just asking jin to pick on him
jungkook doesn’t seem to pick up how jin’s making it obvious he really doesn’t want to be of help if it has something to do with him
he likes interrupting and jin’s just the perfect match to interrupt him even earlier so now they just sound like one of those dubsmash snippets
“MR. KIM!!! how do you make lunchboxes? i don't know how.”
jeez where are his manners :O aren’t nerds like him supposed to worship the ground that admins walk on,,,
but what did pique his attention is the content of what jungkook just said
.... lunchboxes?
jin doesn’t want to give the kid benefit of the doubt because the last time he did that, you got hurt!!!!
if he has to hear hyeji’s name one more time, he’d really waste no time in stripping jungkook’s name from the honor roll
“remember that time i thought someone was stealing my lunchboxes?” he quizzes jin like it’s his job, clueless how he’s poking the bear even more with where he decides to go with this, “yeah. turns out no one was.”
was that not made clear the first time around!!!!!! he knows for a fact that a uni student would trade a classmate for a pack of gum but nO ONE would go for stealing a lunchbox
no one wakes up one day and decides that they’d steal a lunchbox. literally none
“but then this random girl claimed that it was hers a-and well i-...”
kook pauses to gauge jin’s reaction, clearly seeing now the one brow that’s raised at him
oh so if jungkook just asked him how to make a lunchbox, and he called h-word random,,,, then that would mean-
“i may have hurt the original giver of my lunchboxes at the process.”
.... that means he’s asking how to make a lunchbox for you
well that was a pleasant surprise
seokjin snorts briefly at that, dryly chuckling with his eyes widening to stress out his “non-threat” that’s pretty mUCH a threat
“wow. i might just give you a sanction for that.”
does he think jungkook’s a good person? lol he has to think about that for a month
was he wrong for hurting you that way? ultimately yes
but did he think at some point that jungkook’s completely heartless and wouldn’t try to redeem himself to his senior? no, not completely
but is he still on your team, regardless if the kid begs for mercy and you forgive him? yea a hundred percent :D yoongi and seokjin could never be brought out from your circle
"and you're doing this why?"
this is a no-brainer question for jungkook but the question still spooks him, feeling the chills at his neck that responding to seokjin is like a sTEPPING STONE when it comes to you
lmao if only he knew
"i uh, i just really wanna make this right. i messed up completely and it's pretty much unforgivable, but i atleast wanna try and give my best even if she doesn't forgive me, y'know?"
"mhmm. right, right."
he's still mad but he appreciates that jeon's doing the bare minimum of redeeming himself
speaking of, the poor kid looks like he's pissing himself because he may have just embarrassed himself with how long the silence stretches out
maybe,,, just maybe jin's gonna try and be a bridge this time
but like as soon as jungkook lacks for a fourth of a second, seokjin would BURN that bridge faster than a blink
"well first of all, you buy a lunchbox."
jungkook grabs a literal pocket notebook and jin pretends he didn't see that because WHO the hell does that!!!!
"of course... okay, proceed!! i'm taking notes," jungkook nods in understanding, jotting down the very important advice of not ordering from online because you can't smell the material through a screen
p.s. smelling containers before you buy them is a VITAL thing to do!! it already tells you about the quality at the first sniff
"are you buying one?"
"buying one for every day of the week. i'm thinking if i should get extras too-
"good idea. i recommend buying eight."
alright seokjin's mentioning some very specific colors and schemes and jungkook's not complaining!!!
"what meals should i make? i don't even know what she likes!! and even if i knew what, how would i make it?"
why is his heart racing
yoongi may have taught you how to do your taxes but jin taught you how to cook food that's more than four steps!!!
he taught you how to not flinch at all when you're frying and that's the equivalent of raising you to be the woman that you are now <3
look at him and yoongi being your best friends!! teaching you about taxes and being unnerved at cooking oil and busting out a smoke ring or two <3
in fact, the lunches you've cooked for jungkook are all inspired and derived by seokjin!!!
the fact that jungkook's plan isn't bad and the way everything pieces together with his insight,,,, goosebumps luv
"....hypothetically? what i think she'd like?"
jungkook eagerly nods with stars in his eyes, fingers gripping onto his pen for dear life as he tries to channel all his listening techniques into this lecture
"get a bigger notepad."
"look at you!!" yoongi gushes the moment he sees you, waiting at you from the front door
you're going back to your classes again :D
you don't look as worse as you did four days ago!! you're not as sluggish and as animated too
"please don't," you snort as yoongi doesn't seem to stop looking at you like you've saved the world, giving no fight when he insists on carrying your backpack to your first class of the day
the past four days,, yeah they were undoubtedly rough
you slept as much as you could and for the moments you weren't dejected enough to be awake, you spent it surrounding yourself with seokjin and yoongi as much as possible
that's the beauty of hanging out them!!! you're not required to have a single thought lmao
except for the time when yoongi wondered aloud how eels even live and die (or if they even do???) in the first place and that sent everyone in a spiral and you didn't think of jungkook for a single seconds
you're not intimidated to go back to regular programming or with the fact that it's nOT unlikely you'd see a glimpse of jungkook in the hall and such
but that does mean that even if you're the bigger person, you're still gonna avoid him for as long as you could
speaking of!!!! you're looking for the person now that you're eager to find
there he is :D you'd recognize that fluffy mop of permed hair anywhere
tae jumps over chairs in excitement to finally see you again after being so worried for you, engulfing you in a hug immediately
alright you see why yoongi thinks he's a golden retriever
you're clearly not a touchy-feely person but you'd let this one pass,, tae helped you (even indirectly) throughout your downtime anyways
"thank you so much for the cookies. i tried taking smaller bites just because i didn't wanna have them disappear that easy," you confess sheepishly, knowing how you had to pull the i just got my heart broken like two days ago multiple times so the two menaces would stop stealing from your stash
jungkook's excited!!!! seokjin may have given him a tip that "he felt it in his gut" that you were gonna go to class today
he came a little late because he wanted to perfect the very loaded lunchbox that's in his backpack right now
oh weird
you're not in your usual chair
bUT jungkook sees a glimpse of your hair and he's certain that you're there and his heart may be beating out of his ribcage
a baby peach lunchbox with a sticker (of what seokjin said he thought you'd like) on the middle of the lid :D
pork katsudon with furikake rice aND coffee jelly pudding on the side!!! it was definitely pressure-racking to strictly adhere to jin's recipe but god does it look worth it
jungkook's only did miniature taste tests on it and he had to stop himself from devouring the lunch that he's made specifically for you
the lunchbox itself is tied neatly with a silk wrap, adding his touch of sewing your name visibly on it aND there's a scribble taped to the lid too
god jungkook really can't wait to make it up to you
sheesh that was one of THEE longest lectures you've ever felt you had
it was actually the same amount of time it's always been but maybe you've been out of practice from just staying at your dorm for days
tae's great company but he could be a little bit chatty!!! you just nod when you feel his voice go up and he apparently gets excited by that easily
.... he apparently also has a small bladder and he told you that within the whole hour of class
"hold on. i gotta pee before next period. go without me!!!' taehyung hurriedly slings his backpack to his arm, looking ridiculous in a rush
tae's sometimes unintentionally funny because you don't even share next period anyways
you're on your way to the exit when a shiny scarf catches the corner of your eye, having to squint at it because wow does it look pretty
is that-
is that your nAME???
you pick it up before you could even rationalize it, realizing then what it was wrapping when you feel the warmth on your hands
"sorry i forgot my headband!!!"
taehyung stumbles back into the room, catching his breath to run back to his seat and fetch the headband he took from his hair to play with awhile ago
he looks shocked to see what's on your hands, flicking his gaze between you and the item but he doesn't think much of it
wOW that's a really shiny scarf!!!
"hmm yeah? what's up?"
he's about to jog back to the comfort room because he hasn't really relieved himself yet, not bearing to leave his headband in the room when anyone could snatch it up
you raise your lunchbox, a thankful gaze on your eyes that looks so close to crying which is why tae's mORE than lost now
"thanks for the lunch."
jungkook could only helplessly watch.
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Do you have any hcs abt Last Legacy modern au?
Sorry for the wait! I just write very slow 🥺😭 btw I am still writing other requests! I'll post them as soon as I finish writing ✨😌😏 And YES I still take requests😏😏😏
Lol btw I haven't played the catboy Felix tale yet but found his delicious CG. Also, there might be typos etc. My dyslexia was a hoe for the last couple of days (・_・
Last Legacy Modern Au Headcanons
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Lmao the first time you went to his place you faced with an ancient-looking old computer that he found in a garage sale
"It still works"
"Sage with its monitor alone you can heat your entire house in winter"
"Aye, but I don't have to use that to get heated if you catch my drift."
Let me give you a concept: thrift store dates
You took him to a thrift store once and thought it might be fun
But at the moment you entered the store Sage found a damn fake fur jacket and gold sunglasses
He will buy anything with a famous brand logo and say it is original and is an antique
But he'll only do that to annoy people
Sage cares about his looks but doesn't go crazy about it
Before dating you he just lived his life like a street kid like in cyberpunk 2077
Sage and Tulsi grew up in slums and then Sage got an apartment so that Tulsi could grow up in a safe environment
He didn't go to college but made sure that Tulsi did
Sage basically works as a mercenary in the modern au as well
He travels a lot and has to disappear for a looong long time
Tulsi is used to it but you aren't
Once you two are in a relationship and he feels ready to settle down he might get a job closeby to your shared house
You made him realize that he needs his family around him
And now he is not alone to carry all the burden by himself
He knows that if he can't make it in time you will be there to help out Tulsi or take care of all the work for him
He feels lighter around you
Also, he makes many people jealous on the streets lol
Whenever you two are on a date no one can believe that you, a literal divine being, could look at a Boku no pico catboy maid-sama man like him.
He is also jealous of you
But never possessive
He likes to send you out of context memes in the worst possible times ever
Like you got Luigi and Mario animations, doing the waltz, with the Britney Spears' Toxic song during the busiest hour of your shift
He also texted "This us"
The audacity
Sage would also LOVE video games
Especially Final Fantasy games
But he suck at playing them so he makes you play instead
And he'll give instructions too
"I saw a checkpoint in the other room babe,"
"Love, I gotta run away from the boss right now."
"It's not the boss, bosses have their boss rooms. This is an obstacle"
Sage also suck at filing taxes
So good luck with that
I can see Sage having PTSD treatments because of his traumatized childhood and the life he had to live until now after settling down with you
You convinced him to go to therapy and Tulsi backed you up
So he will take medications every day
At first, you had to remind him a lot, but then he just made it an addiction and now doesn't need reminders
He was never happier and finally had a taste of a healthy and caring relationship with you
He is also not so terrible with putting the IKEA furniture together.
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He got expelled from Harvard.
Then his rich father had to convince the headmaster to reconsider the decision and Felix ended up with suspension instead smh
Felix's grades are great but he has disciplinary issues
I can see him majoring in criminal justice and mortuary science
Or maybe just mortuary science
Escell was very disappointed in him.
He is also famous for dating with the valedictorian among Harvard graduates
Then they broke up and you yeeted yourself in his life
Or he yeeted himself to your arms
He literally dramatically fell one day and you happened to be close to catch him
Then the Titanic music played in the background with the slow summer rain fell down to your heads
You are hot so he was flustered
Like he internally screamed when he fell in your arms
Or shall I say fell in love?
You two then started as friends since not too later he found out that he might actually have a chance with you after you mentioned your love of video games and romance books
After starting to date he confessed that he has an AO3 account asddgf
Rime was a burden too
He was the one who broke Felix's heart
But still wanted him to only love him and him alone
Then you were like
"Hoe listen to me..."
Rime hot
But no
Felix cried until morning the day you fist fought Rime in the grocery store parking lot
Scylla secretly approved your determination that day and watched the fight afar
Escell got drunk and Florian came home the day after for everyone's explanations
The deeper your relationship got the more a part of his family you become
I mean every Friday it was now a routine that Felix and you attended family dinner
No one even asks anymore they just put your plate down and Escell hides his most expensive wine bottles from everyone
Felix is not good to live in his own house though
He always lived with someone in the house so he wasn't alone
When you moved into the same house with him Felix was relieved
You two will be emos together and watch fifty shades of grey movies during the quarantine
Please ask Felix if he thinks the movie is interesting, he will avoid you all day long
Then become a blanket burrito at night lmao
Oh btw he might tell you random facts about mortuary
Like you are in the shower and he comes in to brush his teeth
Then he'll tell you a fact you didn't have to know then leave
"Truly fascinating, if you ask me."
He is also the type to text you from the other side of the room
Or call you from the other room to ask you if you can bring him something to eat
Felix would also love to go to the farmers' market too
"Finally some quality food."
Whenever you two go on a vacation together
lmao someone ALWAYS takes his hand and reads his palm
Only to be ended up getting scolded and getting a proper palm reading from Felix
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Call her and ask if she wants drive tru
"Love, it is thREE IN THE MORNING, I have work tomorrow-"
"So two? Or nah?"
"Get a coffee."
Actually, she wants a cookie but won't admit it
She knows you'll get her a cookie
You always get her a cookie with coffee
Anisa might be a great investigator if you ask me
If not a detective or a police chief or lieutenant
But I think she would work in law enforcement
Or she might also start her own company and rise as well
Unlike Sage and Felix, Anisa will not live in the same house with you before she decides to settle down for good
It's not because she doesn't want you around her
But because she is always at work and doesn't want to leave everything to you to handle at home
But she is always with you on her day offs
Will call you once a day at least
Text you during her breaks or whenever she can
If you can show up at her workplace during the lunch break she will take you to the nearest coffee shop
"Their coffee is not nearly as good as yours, but among other shops, this is the most drinkable one."
She will spoil you during your dates!
She likes to see you smile and will do anything for you to have a good time with her
So expect sweets, movie nights, amusement park dates, or just traveling during both of your yearly week/month offs/breaks
She won't admit it but likes it when you try to match your clothes with hers
She will know your favorite everythings lol
Take her to a dinner date and she will be so happy and feel spoiled
She will let you paint her nails
Let you get all the hot water in the shower
Will let you wear her clothes
Pillow fights are allowed every now and then
When she gets sick she'll try to power through but likes it when you baby her
Whenever you get sick she will try to not fuss over you but every 15 minutes she'll ask to take you to see a doctor
She is a cereal gal
You might have to drag her to bed many nights because she will take work at home
Oh my god, do play dungeons and dragons with her
If you visited somewhere she has never been she will ask a lot of questions about your trip
Likes to binge a tv series you two found online
Also enjoys just silent but comfortable moments with you
When you read your book she will gaze at you
All heart eyes
Will put her favorite picture of you two as her profile picture in her social media accounts
Will like your every post
Never leaves you on read/seen
She will either give you a proper text or just let you know that she is busy at the moment
Also if you come home later than her she will ask if you want her to prepare anything special you want for dinner
otherwise, she'll do dishes that you both like anyway
If she is late, she'll call you to ask if you need anything from the grocery store, etc.
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bitchiha · 4 years
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A/N: I accidentally posted the request before I finished LOL. So I don’t know much about Tsundere relationships, but I did some reading on it just before I started writing and I hope I did the request some justice! Also I’m literally Kankuros bitch <3
Ps, I’m sorry I didn’t put a keep reading thingy idk how to do it on mobile and my trash laptop is broken 😭😭
Also I didnt include tobirama bc I absolutely hated how his turned out and I had to delete it im sorry 😖
✎ Tsundere relationship! (Hidan, Kank, Naruto)
Ahh, where to start? I think you’ll meet on a mission co partnered with the Leaf...
You and Shikamaru are sent to assist the Sand on a mission. Now, we already know Kankurō is a bit of a sassy mf when it comes to the Leaf like I think he whole heartedly believes the Sand is superior and you also have those feelings about your own village... So there’s an instant dislike for one another. Kinda like an instant rivalry.
Literally the first thing you say to him is “So, the Sand can’t take care of their own missions?” And that sets Kankurō off, “What, how dare you- ack! Temari, that hurt! I’m not gonna let her walk all over us like that, I’ll fight you right now you Leaf Village bi- ow! Temari!” Shikamaru has to hold you back LMFAOO you’re ready to throw hands “Huh, what’s that? Sounds like you’re really determined for me to kick your ass?” He lowkey liked when you said that to him lol.
Anyways, the two of you are bickering the whole entire way to the missions destination. You’ll tease eachother about anything and everything you can. So, once you find out about his puppet master jutsu its only natural that you fall on the floor with laughter. Like full on tears and strangled breathing. Now this is something you can really tease him about.
“What! You still play with dolls? I bet you have little sleep over parties with them and do their hair-“
You’re cut off because he tries to trap you in the Ant. Temari has to strangle him and force him to let you out. You’re lucky he didn’t iron maiden your ass LMFAOO.
This is the kind of the energy you guys carry whenever you see eachother from now on. He’ll see you more often too because you carry out a lot of Leaf and Sand allied missions and duties. Rip to anyone who gets put on a mission with you two tbh.
But on one particularly hard mission it ends up down to the two of you fighting off like 10 enemies. He’s trying to focus on fighting them, but he can’t stop thinking about if you’re okay. His distractedness earns him a particularly hard blow.
You end up having to fight off the remaining enemies yourself, all the while protecting him. The last thing he remembers is you screaming his name when he gets hit and the fear that was in your eyes at seeming him like that. It slowly turns to anger and then you kick the bad guys asses. He’s like half conscious but is laying there like: whatta bad bitch. Then he passes out.
Starts to really admire you after that and his comments aren’t as snarky when he sees you next. It’s more like little jabs and teases because that’s how he shows his affection, but they were no longer the hardcore roasts he’d dish out before. You probably stop flaming his ass too because let’s be real here; you’ve both obviously been attracted to each other from the start you just didn’t want to admit it.
Like cmon, he didn’t wait for you at the gates every single time he knew you were visiting just to insult you first. No. He came there to see your cute ass first!!Same goes for you, like you didn’t take all the missions to the Sand for nothing. You came there to see your fav hot headed puppet master.
He’ll ask you out a few months later, when you end up at the Sand again. Probably takes you to dinner before going back to his place. I 100% see him showing you his puppets and this time you’ll actually show your interest and not just tease him lol. Probably ends up making out with you on his workbench. Ok that’s all.
You meet eachother for the first time at Ichirakus. Second to Naruto, you actually bring in the most cash for the place. So it’s surprising you two had never met each other before.
Until now of course. He’s just gotten back from a long mission and he’s dying for some ramen. He strolls right in and orders a miso pork ramen, but the old man tells him there’s no more pork left.
Probably flips his shit like who tf ate it all?? Then the old man points at you. You’re sitting there chowing down you’re literal 15th bowl, the giant stack of empty bowls next to you proving it. You watch the blondie charge right at you while you eat the last miso pork bowl of ramen for the day.
You put the bowl down and wipe your face just as he stops right infront of you, very close to your face. You can see the anger in his eyes, but you are not giving up. Also, the guy looks sorta comical so you basically laugh in his face which gets him more worked up.
“What are you laughing about? You just ate all of old mans pork for the day!! That last bowl is mine, believe it!” Once again you laugh in his face because you just can’t help yourself. Probably end up fist fighting eachother on the spot. Neither of you win because one of you ends up smashing into the bowl, sending it flying right at the old man. He kicks you both out, right after you pay your tab of course.
This arises a competition of who will eat all the miso pork ramen first, it goes on for a good few months. Ichirakus is swimming in your money now. Until one day, when you two arrive at Ichirakus at the same time. You basically have a show down. Unfortunately both your wallets are cleaned out and you can’t even pay off your bills anymore so you’re now indebted to the ramen place.
Narutos mission money won’t even cut it anymore and you can’t pay your debt off either. So you both have to get a job doing Ichirakus dishes until you can pay your debt off.
At first you two wanna strangle each other everytime youre in each others line of sight. But slowly — veryyyy slowly, you start to bond over your love for ramen. Like you can probably sniff the bowls before you clean them and tell instantly what ramen was eaten out of it.
You discover you both have the same favourite instant ramen, the same favourite Ichirakus order, etc... Then before you know it you actually start dating. Nobody knows how it happened because you were rivals for a good couple of months, but now all the sudden your holding hands while and eating ramen together peacefully. Mind blown.
You’re a brand new Akatsuki member and you’re cute. Really cute. Not only was Deidara drooling over you too, Kakuzu just asked to file your taxes. Do you even do taxes? You’re a rouge ninja. Anyways, Hidan is so sure that Jashin would love to have you.
You two start taking to eachother and actually getting along pretty well, until he mentions Jashin. You shut him down so quickly after that. Like you’re not interested in his fake God, no matter how cute he is.
From then on he tries to ignore you or is just super petty towards you all the time. Like you just got back from a failed mission with your Akatsuki partner and he’s at the hideout mocking you like “if you prayed to Jashin with me this wouldn’t have happened.”
Literally so fucking petty.
Anytime you suggest an idea to the Akatsuki he immediately tears it down. It doesn’t really matter when he does though because nobody really listens to Hidan anyways, it’s just annoying.
You two get put on a mission together one day because Kakuzu has some important money buisness to take care of. Hidans so pissy about it, “oh come on! Out of everybody you picked y/n? She doesn’t even respect my religion, how are we supposed to work together!?” Kakuzu just looks at him and is like “Hidan, I don’t care about Jashin either.”
Butthurt the whole journey. If you guys get bombarded or run into trouble he probably doesn’t even bother backing you up. If anything he tries to feed you to them LMFAOOO. Such a jerk.
Then, once he thinks that all the bad guys are gone he turns to you all confidently because you got your ass whooped and he’s like “see, I bet if you prayed to Jashin you wouldn’t be injured this bad-“
An enemy just stabbed him right through the chest and he watches the look of shock on your face. That’s when he gets an idea. He falls on the floor super fucking dramatically and you have to take the last guy down for him.
Then you kneel next to him and cradle his body because yes he was such a petty bitch but he actually started to grow on you. So you cry and in this distressed moment you probably even attempted to pray to Jashin because you’re desperate as fuck.
This bitch really makes his eyes flutter open and is like; “y/n?” Really fucking plays off that he was unconscious, “Jashin... Jashin saved me.”
Your ass just got clowned but I mean you believe it because like he just got stabbed right through the heart. Even immortal people should die if they were stabbed in the heart, right? It seemed like it was the case.
So yah he basically just emotionally manipulated you into being semi interested in his religion.
Then he stops being petty with you and probably asks you to sleep with him as an offering to Jashin. “It’s only fitting! He just saved my life afterall.”
Literal definition of a sleeze bag <3
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introvertbard · 3 years
Tax issues, ugh
I thought I filed my taxes at least last month, and I checked on whether my tax return was getting sent yet because I’m supposed to get a direct-deposit to my bank.
It turns out I didn’t actually complete my taxes. The website kept telling me “WAIT, YOU HAVE TO DO THIS FIRST! WAIT, YOU ALSO NEED TO WASTE TIME SKIMMING THESE EXTRA FORMS THAT HAVE A 90% CHANCE OF NOT APPLYING TO YOU! LOL, YOU TOTALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE FINISHED, DIDN’T YOU???“ It seems like everything that's supposed to be "easier," like filing taxes online, just has different hoops to jump through. Nobody told me I needed an entirely new PIN number to actually SEND my online tax forms until five minutes before I pressed "complete forms," and nobody told me I'd have to click through ten pages of useless forms that don't apply to my situation, which is why I told them I DON'T WANT TO DO THOSE FORMS.
If the IRS takes a cut of my paycheck every week and has many records of it, WHY DO PEOPLE STILL FILE TAXES INDIVIDUALLY???
The only good thing is that I’m NOT a few days late for filing taxes, because they moved Tax Day down to next month instead.
This fucking hellhole of a country.
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etaripamai · 4 years
My first ever entry blog/journal. It’s been a while since I’ve been in Tumblr but I figured it’s the easiest site to have a journal. I spent more than 5 years in Tumblr and I wonder what happened... in any case, this journal will be my secret space. I will go back here maybe few years from now and look back on how I was.. 
To be honest, I wanted to push myself. I’m 28 yo. I’m not young anymore and I need to plan for my future. I need to save more. Let’s see if my plans, dreams and goals will come true in the future. 
It’s a Sunday and my mind is all over the place. I wanted to read something in the ATO site but my mind is wandering.. I need to let these all out in order to focus. 
The past few years, I’m not sure if I’m doing well. I’d like to say I’ve been doing well. But was it enough? I think, hopefully, I found the right job for me. Something that is motivating me enough and I’ve been learning a lot in my first 6 months in the company. Maybe this is for me..
My first job was in S/M, I was an accountant there and I handle Accounts Payable. I’d say it’s an OK job, I was having fun with my officemates. I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since I started working. Did I save money? The answer is NO. But did I enjoy the past 7 years, I SURE DID!
My second job was in A/r/e/t/e/x, I’m censoring just in case they stumble upon this lol. I stayed there from 2015 up to 2018. It’s a promising job at first and I was truly enjoying my first year there but I think things got more hectic.. we’re a small firm at first but the clients grew and we needed to hire more people, meaning we had more jobs and my officemates was staying until dawn just to finish some tasks. It was getting unhealthy. Thankfully I did not spend a lot of overtime there however, I was given a task that I didn’t particularly liked. I’m not sure if that task will give me growth, that’s why I decided to leave. Sounds petty but I was really unhappy that time.. that was 2018. I left June 2018.
My third job was in T/O/A as a Senior Accountant. I would say the job is a lot similar from my previous but we’re more.. empowered in this company, or rather with my client. My client/boss literally just gave us jobs, and we’re responsible with everything, from bookkeeping to tax filing. It was empowering and SCARY at the same time. What should I do if I made an error? There was a time that I got so umotivated with everything because we’re not being supervised.. I didn’t receive feedback with my job and I guess that is so weird for me. In order to be better, I would have to hear a feedback but my boss was so busy. He checked in on us like, twice or thrice a year lol. However, my stay in this company has been fruitful in terms of traveling. I was able to go abroad for a couple of times and stay for atleast a week. 
My current job, I’d say, is different. My boss talks to me EVERY SINGLE DAY. It’s intimidating at first and I can say I haven’t really gotten used to it yet but I think in the near future, it’d be a new normal for me. 
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callistochan87 · 4 years
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So, and I can explain, remember—I plan to rewrite Celestial Souls for Camp NaNo, cutting out unnecessary characters and changing backstories and general world building stuff as I feel like it to get a fresh take on it and then when I’m done I may throw it up on Amazon, for funsies, because I might as well actually finish-finish something at this point and not just rehash it for years and years and years and also quarantine is driving me a bit bonkers and why not??
No, really, why not? What do I have to lose? I don’t expect to make a lot of money, if anything, but I know someone who did that and the process sounds pretty easy, even more so if you decide you don’t want to register yourself as a publisher with LAC (although that is certainly an option, and not something Americans need to be concerned with)
Mind you, I will have to spend some money on editing (looooooool no way do I trust myself to do thorough edits; I toiled on Cog in the Machine and I still find some typos or accidentally a word here or there) and probably on a cover. I’ve been poking around on Fiverr for some ideas but without the book written it’s all a guesstimate at best, so probably best until I wait until my accountant files taxes and I can see if I’m getting anything back first.
But that’s the idea. Camp NaNo starts on Wednesday, and for reasons I already had the first three days booked off (for a friend visiting that will no longer happen, at least not until October, maybe) so it feels like a good time to do it now, rather than the July session. Doubtless the whole COVID-19 situation will still be going into July, but will we still be work from home by then? Will I have the time to do it? I don’t know, but I am reasonably confident I won’t be going anywhere in April so strike while the iron’s hot.
Have I outlined beyond the bare basics? No.
Have I done anything at all beyond these doodles to get the ideas out of my system? Also no.
Doing great so far guys 😎
Me: you know I’m usually very slow to redesign characters (how many years did it take for Chris to go from blonde to brunette??), if I’m just tweaking the little details of everything (enough that a rewrite is necessary because lol not editing all that in there), maybe, to emotionally distance myself from the past versions and my nostalgia goggles, I should change the mains’ appearances more than I have, so that I can clearly mark these guys off as a new era
Also me: *gives Julia glasses, changes next to nothing else beyond the mildest surface level changes* yes perfect
I was pretty happy with Chris’ design already so I didn’t really need to add the shaggy grown-out bangs, but it doesn’t look too bad. For reasons I will get into in a moment, thought about giving her a more reddish hue to her hair and then wondered what if I gave her more of an auburn colour like Eric has, rather than just brown. I feel like that YA-fantasy-sci-fi, which I’d argue CS falls into more than anything more hardcore sci-fi, already had a preponderance of “plain Jane” brunettes, but that could just be the Twilight effect I’m thinking of, and auburn would be a slight twist on that. The markers failed me, didn’t turn out as red as I would like. I threw some coloured pencils on it, which feels unnecessary for a doodle, let alone a doodle that didn’t scan well because I didn’t feel like ripping the page out of the sketchbook. It looks a bit redder but not quite to the extent I was thinking of.
Shelby I experimented with more of a strawberry blonde rather than full-on red. I’m sort of neutral to it either way. Less aggressively ginger, which sort of skews with what I was going for with the world building anyway.
With Keiko and Carmen out of the picture I set about revising the family relationships, because there were so many individual families and minor characters that’d din’t really play any sort of role whatsoever. It was easy to nix Chris’ brother because he was never a huge part of the story, Shelby didn’t have any other siblings, Julia’s siblings were there but not extensively either (but they serve as a decent contrast to her), Konnie’s siblings don’t necessarily get nixed but I can probably cut them down since you only saw the younger ones anyway, and the important thing is that she’s the only daughter in a house full of boys and is chafing under their expectations to be a lady, which is weird because they had no problems roughhousing with her as a kid, so that didn’t change.
That being said, may initial idea was for Chris and Shelby to be step-siblings, with Chris’ mother Sylvia marrying Shelby’s father, but Shelby’s parents were always sort of “I don’t really know what to do with you,” and even in the backstory that I’d set up for the lot of them, I still didn’t know what to do with them beyond “uhhh I guess they gave the experiment money???” But like why would you flee for your life then? It’s not like they knew anything serious.
So that posed an issue. I suppose I could have made Shelby plain-Jane and maybe just her parents were regulars people who divorced but that also…doesn’t fit nicely. Too complicated. I’m trying to simplify things, and what’s simpler than just making them literal siblings? But I liked the idea that they were the same age; having  them be something like 18 months apart would mean one is a grade below the other and…ehh, the reduced word count I’m aiming for means you wouldn’t really have any class scenes or anything where it might make sense but it might give a different vibe with the group dynamics. I was thinking something like non-identical twins, but clearly they have enough similarities (reddish-tinted hair, grey eyes) that they’re obviously siblings.
(I know the gene for reddish hair is recessive but…you know, their parents technically aren’t from Earth so maybe things evolved similarly but different pathways. Not a huge deal.)
I loved Shelby’s hair so I obviously kept the style. Chris doesn’t really need the headband—I threw it in when I was first thinking it be a stupid best friends thing they’d do—but it looks good on Shelby so she’s keeping it if nothing else.
As for Eric, how?? Do I draw my own characters again? Did I look up what side his hair parted on? Did he turn out at all like I imagined? No. It works but like that was a weird weird struggle. I was getting tired of everyone seeming so pale when I’d established that humans in Erebus were mixed as hell compared to Earth, where, say, someone like Konnie with ochre skin and natural blonde hair isn’t as much of an anomaly as you would think (although it still looks weird).
Anyway I wanted to shake things up so I darkened up Eric, not that he looks drastically different than before. He doesn’t actually have heterochromia. I wanted to see what he’d look like with more standard brown eyes, since green is naturally pretty rare, but then I also wanted to see what he’d look like with green eyes, and was too lazy to draw him twice so I could do one of both. I’ve been putting a finger over each side so I can see them in isolation, and I like them both, so that doesn’t help. 🙃  Made his hair a warm brown instead of pure auburn, and that looks nice. I guess that’s a shift—he only had auburn because of the older version of his character anyway, and Eric’s so different now he doesn’t need to be tied down to that.
Julia gets glasses because with Carmen gone someone else needs to wear them and she’s the smart one so eyyy makes sense. (lol not really, just wanted to give her glasses for the ultimate nerdy look.) I have no idea what she’d wear, the collared shirt and sweater was literally just so she wasn’t naked for the picture because hell if I could think of anything, I didn’t really need to mess with her, but I found this picture of Senegalese model Khoudia Diop:
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And I thought she was just so pretty so I modeled Julia off of that and my goodness! Gorgeous! (Her mother poses as Senegalese which was how that came up.) Not much has changed—really pushed to focus on academic, somewhat neurotic, the sort who really doesn’t have much self-confidence because have you seen her mother? That woman is a tank and Julia is living in her shadow. So really not much has changed.
If Shelby is Chris’ sister then I’d argue Julia probably fills the “supportive BFF” role if you want to be technical.
Konnie basically hasn’t changed, although I experimented with giving her slightly darker skin (also partly just me not knowing which colours to pick) and then, so her hair didn’t stand out too much, I tried to make it darker, but still an ashy blonde. Not sure if I like the look? The only reason Konnie was ever made blonde to begin with was because she originally had white (literal white) hair, which transitioned into blonde so pale it might have been white. But I don’t know. I say  these things about mixtures and genetics going wild (and frankly there is science to back me up here) but it still doesn’t fit quite right. (I actually don’t mind the darker shade, just saying maybe there needs to be more tweaking)
Also MAAAN Konnie was hard. Side braid what?? I can literally only draw it the one way; any other way and it becomes  ???? Her face turned out a bit weird too. I always played up a bit how her eyes made her look at least part-Asian and I went full on with that here, except it didn’t even turn out well. You can tell I had no idea what to put her in. What was Konnie’s colour back when this was still a magical girl story? obNXIOUSLY hot pink?? Yeah just slap some of that on, not like this is the sort of thing she actually wears anyway. I still see her wearing the sort of hoodie she did before, but I couldn’t have everyone in hoodies. Be realistic here. 😛
The second picture is just a couple of world building ideas for Veive/Erebus/the antimatter universe as a whole, because, you know, stories are like 99.9999% world building DON’T YOU KNOW
- Serena there is actually something I’d had in mind, tried to half-assedly retrofit it into the draft of…whatever I was calling the second book, and am actually going to implement properly now: the Erebians living on Veive have obviously evolved to be taller and slenderer than their terrestrial counterparts, taking more cues from human anatomy than the terrestrial counterparts (which are stockier). However they’ve also evolved a ton of other things to counteract the radiation that Veive is exposed to, much like how I was reading how humans could adapt to a potential Mars colony, namely: their skin has developed pigmentation derived from beta-carotene to act as a sort of radiation shield. Beta-carotene = orange skin
- I was just thinking I’d missed Serena being a platinum blonde like when she started, so I gave her the platinum hair back with the explanation that her species really just isn’t pigmented as a whole—the itty-bitty Theophanes off to one side is probably as dark as their hair gets, and probably (since they can get colour from beta-carotene) some shades of orange-yellow-red, but mostly that colour (when you evolve to live mostly underground, colour isn’t strictly necessary)
- I have no idea what her hair is but this isn’t terribly different than before?
- I’d toyed with more Asian-inspired clothing and just took it to the next level here, although the colours…look by the time I got to that I had no what I was supposed colour anything, so I went with colours I already had lying about the desk, otherwise it’d just be black and grey, and that’s no fun, I need colour
- Theophanes: I thought I already gave him glasses?? He is a giant nerd and always has been so this makes sense; I imagine them more as the old fashioned pince-nez type because that’s the only thing that works with their anatomy. And you KNOW he could easily get surgery or contacts or whatever futuristic tech they have but he wears them FOR THE AESTHETIC, because even there the image of glasses wearing nerds was in full swing and he is EMBRACING THAT
- Experimented with giving him “regular” ears because the floppy ears looked weird after drawing them too many times. But I also like the idea that the floppy ears are maybe some sort of inbred defect or weird mutation (they get those a lot), like hemophilia among Victorian princes or something so I don’t know
- Other ideas: playing around with a wider variety of aliens to really give the idea of an actual sci-fi universe (and that the always-mentioned-but-never-seen “Elders” messed around with a lot more species than just this one planet), but all sort of falling under a similar mold, most of the other doodles relate to that and me hashing our ideas. Some of them I didn’t care for. One concept was that, because they’d all been tinkered with on a genetic levels, eons ago, Erebians and some of the other aliens were cross-compatible (humans can still only breed with humans). Toyed around with a concept of. Hybrid, although admittedly there’s probably no one “standard” look—so not really a complete character, just vomiting thoughts onto the page
-Final idea: a concept that even the human cultures seem alien to the Earth kids, because they literally are. Was reading some very good articles posturing that humans sort of evolved pants due to an increase in riding horses, whereas before they’d mostly worn loincloths or kilts or robes or that sort. I thought “what if the Elders took their initial sample of humans from before they’d developed that?”  
 - So they take them to another planet and guess what, there are no horses there. There are no animals whose physiology would be capable of riding (not without serious back injury). Maybe the Erebians but they have the same level of intelligence and do NOT tolerate that thought.  
 - Humans were held under Elder sway for so long that they really didn’t have much ability to innovate on their own, so by the time they told them to fuck off their cultures were already set, and…well, Erebus as a planet is fairly warm due to it being close to its star, so loincloths stayed. The Elders didn’t distinguish much between male and female beyond who gives birth and who doesn’t, so this sort of attitude sort of seeped into dress—“male” and “female” dress is largely characterized by the length of the skirt (women more floor length, men more knee-length), but this is hardly set in stone and certainly open to flexibility even now.  
  - Have they evolved pants? Yes, in some cases (Anki Colony does out of brutal efficiency—you can’t go on a spacewalk in a kilt, and you want to minimize the types of uniforms you manufacture to save money, so jumpsuits for all); but it’s mostly for warmth in the cooler Veive climate and more akin to leggings than pants (again not a hard and fast rule but really the kilts are more common)
I figured I needed to test this out, so I doodled Dr. Thanatos. There are 2 types of professors and two types only: they either show up in a full suit or they show up in a ratty old t-shirt and jeans. I can confirm Dr. Thanatos is on the t-shirt end of the professor dress spectrum, so I guarantee this is some sweater-dress he bought for $10 on sale five years ago and keeps wearing because it’s FINE damn it, and also, those spats? yes they serve a practical purpose because the dust on Veive is sticky and gets everywhere but they make other kinds beyond the most basic utilitarian version available, but why buy something new when the ugly old ones he’s had since college work FINE?
(Dr. Thanatos still has a sister. She is increasingly frustrated by not only his cheapness but apparent resistance to actually putting effort into his appearance. Please. She’s begging you. WEAR SOMETHING ELSE.)
Because I mean, I’m seriously contemplating the idea of men in dresses here. Fine evening dresses, quaint work dresses, all sorts of dresses, and I am surprisingly not opposed to this as one would think, but I really need to make SURE, and…you know, it doesn’t look too bad? He’s not pretentious or anything so it’s not like I get to draw him in the equivalent of a Victorian tea gown, but
Oh. That’s why it looks fine.
So I doodled a little something there, because…you know, lets; go all Victorian military gear here because why not? But steam was running out by that point and I’m not about to mess with it too much—considering I’m writing this as a story I tell myself I don’t need to focus too much on the visuals—it’d be enough for Chris to note the abundance of skirts and note that they appear more feminine than just kilts to her and that’d be enough, but like…visuals are also fun so I don’t know
Ruth, not pictured, theoretically serves as a bridge between the world they know and the world of Erebus, although Ruth was still taken away in 1973 so the kids can and do outstrip her in knowledge sometimes—not sure how much  that would come up, but it serves as a useful way to normalize something that seems alien rather than just throwing them into this.
so…that’s about it. I doubt anyone will read all of this and it’s equivalent to word vomit but that’s what I was thinking when I drew these.
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naughtygirl286 · 5 years
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Boxing Day Adventures..
  We didn't go super early this year I did feel this year Christmas and everything was really relaxed this year like it didn't feel like everyone was rushed it was just really nice this year, but anyway we went out around 10am or so by that time all the lines and stuff were surely over with but it was busy all the same and we did have some things we wanted to get this year if we could plus as always we wanted to go through the the Movie and game bins at both Best buy and Wal-Mart most of all that is like my main focus usually every year.  
as usual the Best Buy’s bins were awful this year I think its becasue lots of ppl go there first and then stuff gets completely picked over and what is left over its all not interesting like its all "have it or don't want it" but I dig through them anyway. but I did get the main things I wanted from Bestbuy I picked up the 32 inch 1080p TV I was looking for. Why this?  its going to be my new computer monitor! I'm right now using a 27inch 720p tv for my monitor right now but we wanted to upgrade a bit to a bigger screen and why a TV? cause computer monitors can be very expensive! and a TV is a great and affordable option.   it has always work for me! the funny thing is the 2 TVs cost the same amount lol   when I bought the one I'm using I paid $200 for it and the one I bought on Boxing Day with Taxes it cost $200 😛 The other thing I bought at Best was a lil 4TB external Hard Drive which I needed for something I'm doing on the computer I need to store some files on it and they were on sale for like $80 after that stuff was put in the car we went to some other shops like la senza. the book store, ect lol Then we went over to Wal-Mart and of course the bins there were and stuff was pretty awesome!
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in the game bin I fished out a copy of Kingdom Hearts 3 $20   Mortal Kombat 11 for $30 UFC 3 $10 and finally Witcher 3: Wild Hunt $20 which are I think awesome finds and I'm kinda getting ahead of myself with a couple of these being I haven't had a chance to finish MK X yet or UFC 2 but I'll have these when I'm ready for them and they were a good price I was happy to get a copy of Kingdom Hearts 3 it was the only one there that I could see and was near the bottom of the bin so I had to dig for it then when I went to the movies one they did have more 4K stuff mixed in this year so I just fished out a copy of X-Men Dark Phoenix on 4K for $20 and Men In Black International on 4K for $20 which I was happy with that 
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while leaving we went down to see what was left in the toys. being it was after Christmas the isles were totally torn apart lol but what was left was pretty much on sale and the one working toys must have been putting stuff out right up to the time the store closed for Xmas cause I ended up getting some WWE figures I was looking for/didn't have for like 50% off!! which was excellent!
so yeah there was some good sales when we went but at the same time it all depends on what you were looking for? I mean if you were buying like a huge TV or a PS4 then you would get a deal on it but other then that it depends I did get what I wanted and more so I was happy with that.
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snow-slayer · 5 years
A Bunch of Good Things from 2019
*I don’t do things consistently, so there’s chunks of time I just forgot to write. So the blank spaces are days where I could not recall the exact good things that happened.*
January 1: Started the year off right by hanging out with @nah-young, eating some delicious leftovers from New Year’s Eve and working on a puzzle. Also caught a shiny Delibird in Pokemon Go as the first catch of the year.  2: Had a headache at work, but went home to take care of myself. Dad and I talked for a long time about money and taxes without arguing. I have also discovered a future hobby I want to get into: 3D printing. 3: I cranked out four solid hours of studying. I’m going to ace the Auditing section of the CPA exam. I feel it in my bones (especially when I finally stood up and stretched). 4: My ‘other mom’ (one of my best friend’s mom) took me out for a belated Birthday lunch to our favorite Thai food place, and I enjoyed more mango sticky rice. It’s one of my new favorite desserts. 5: Did some epic New Year cleaning. Caught up on laundry, filed away my 2018 paperwork, and did some 2019 taxes. Finally on top of things! 6: A puzzle day! I connected a big piece of the sky to the side on the Lion King puzzle. I’ve still got a lot to go, but progress is being made. 7: As usual, I both surprised and pleased the teller at the bank when I moved some money from savings into my IRA. They wanted to know if it was for tax year 2018, but I could tell them last year was maxed out and it was for 2019. 8: Got to practice my training and supervising skills with @arrowhearts.  9: Spent the night at Lucy’s (she’s a cat). She’s the sweetest cat though, and was cuddling in my lap for so long! She even held my finger with her paw for like ten minutes. I love her. 10: It’s been forever, but I finally sat down and played some video games. I’m replaying Arkham Asylum again and really just exploring every nook and cranny I can find. 11: Might have started a new Francis story line ... Whoops :) 12: Helped Jane clear an apartment and acquired many new tools and art supplies to use. 13: Snow! It was snowing before bed, but I still woke up at 5 am to about 4 - 5 inches. Activated my dad gene and started shoveling at 5:30 am (sorry neighbors to the house I was dog sitting at). It’s so pretty out! 14: A quiet day, but I did some work for Jane and gamed some more. Can’t wait to start Arkham City when I get 100% on Arkham Asylum! 15: I took my coworker a basket of fun snacks from Lotte for her Birthday. She’s so excited to try them all! 16: Donated blood today and when I went to get dinner on the way home, I got a free salad! The entree was already free and I ordered a side salad. I pulled out my wallet to pay, but the coupon covered it, too!  17: Treated myself to breakfast on the way into preschool (my new volunteer place since the teacher I followed to several elementary schools is now at). Also ate some amazing home cooked food for lunch with @nah-young before going out for ice cream. 18: Did some very early spring cleaning to prep for my next yard sale and straighten up a bit. 19: Beat the storyline and finished gathering all of Riddler’s trophies in Arkham Asylum. I do still need to finish up the additional content for 100% completion. 20: Working with Jane to help clean out an apartment again and got stencils to use for my art (the ones with shapes of different sizes). I had wanted to get me a set, so I really lucked out. 21: Started reading a book for fun. Lol, I forgot that I can still read non-accounting things for fun. 22: Sent out 1099s at work. It’s always a dreaded part of the year, but it’s taken care of! 23: I started uploading my old Franmouche stories to AO3. I forgot that I’d written 185 pages of them. At least if someone else likes my rarepair, they have lots to read. No guarantees on the quality, but there is quantity. 24: Made fun penguin cutouts for the preschool class I volunteer at. Then studied for nine hours on campus. A busy, yet productive day. 25:  Finished watching all my lectures for the next portion of the CPA exam! So much auditing knowledge!!! 26: Panic alleviated. My check engine light had been on for a few days. Usually it’s just a gas cap issue so I was worried, but after readjusting the cap again (which usually fixes it) and an oil change, the light went out! 27: Played some Pokemon Go for four hours with @arrowhearts and Lyla. No Kyogre, but at least we each got a Groudon. Plus, the weather was beautiful for this time of year. 28: I found a dollar today while sweeping the parking lots with my dad! I’m gonna be riding this wave for a week. (Fun fact: my dad and I used to go bike riding on Sunday afternoons/evenings in the local parking garages and look for pennies. We’d always get bragging rights when we found a quarter or more. We still get excited and tell each other of the day’s finds when we find a few coins while we’re sweeping). 29: Had a bit of a headache, but managed to get through it so I could finish the workday. Then I get some well deserved rest. 30: Met up with @nah-young for some fries and ice cream! 31: My annual physical went well! Took care of a couple test we’ve been putting off, too, and they weren’t quite as bad as I thought they’d be.
1: I had such a productive day in the office, even for a Friday. Special thanks to @arrowhearts for helping me move all (24  years worth) of our files. 2: Started off the day a little rough and feeling low, but I decided to go up to campus, and I’m so glad I did. I was able to help a bunch of people get to their destination. Also hung out with @nah-young and @arrowhearts in a sketchy room. 3: Technically today (starting at 1 am). Had a great talk with @nah-young about a lot of things including our friendship. Successfully avoided the Super Bowl (which I heard sucked, so that was a good use of my time). 4: Had a really good conversation with my dad for almost an hour. We had some fights earlier in the year, but it was nice to be able to connect some. 5: It’ll be silly to look back on, but I thought I lost a reference letter for a scholarship applicant, but realized I could find it on our shared drive. Such a relief! 6: I tried Duck Donuts for the first time today. One of our board members brought me and a coworker a half dozen each. 7: Caught a Miltank in Pokemon Go! I thought I missed my chance, but there was a special running, so I got it. 8: Just heard we got a new boss at work, so it’ll be nice to be full staffed again. 9: Started working on a painting for @arrowhearts. It might be my first completed artwork of the year. 10: A lazy day, but I flipped through a book on home decorating. You know, to plan for my future house. 11: Officially started working for Jane’s business. We’ll see how it goes, but at least it’s an extra couple of hours per week. 12: Finished a dog sitting job, and I’m super thankful to be sleeping in my own bed again. 13: I gave Lucy, the sweetest cat ever, a piggyback ride and it was the cutest thing ever. I was on my knees and forearms trying to get Lucy to boop my nose when she just climbed on my back and sat down. I rose up on my knees and hands and she did the “i’m not so sure but I’m going to stay here” stand and let me crawl across the floor a while before finally jumping off. I love this cat. 14: Took the auditing section of the CPA exam. I feel much better about this one than I have about the other two. We’ll see on the 26th. 15: Such a busy day at the office! It was productive, but just a lot of work. 16: Even though I just too the other exam, I managed to get a lot of studying done. 17: Mamaw and I got to chat and work on the puzzle for a while. It was nice to hang out with her since I haven’t done son in quite a while. 18: We had some really good food at our investment club meeting today. Sheppard’s pie (like meat and mashed potatoes), salad, this great cracker dip (I have no other details other than feels like sharp cheddar finally shredded with a hint of spice in some sort of sauce). 19: Our new executive director started today. I think I made a pretty good first impression! 20: Started playing Arkham City again. We had a snow day and even my office closed, so I made the most of my day. 21: Lol and today I finished the main storyline of Arkham City. Accidentally, because I was doing side quests, but Batman got mad when I tried to go finish some before the last mission. 24: I am obsessed with Excel, but I figured out a formula so that it would total certain categories even if they weren’t in order. Plus I learned how to make a drop down menu (on two versions of Excel). Guess who’s budget looks beautiful! 25: I caught a Latias in Pokemon Go. Not having much luck with the water legendaries. I wonder if they don’t like me because we picked the grass starter. 26: I passed the Auditing section! (and instead of keeping it quiet, I made a point to tell some people). Then @nah-young and I went to dinner to celebrate our successes of the day and just have a nice chat. 27: Good news: I starved off a migraine that was starting on Feb 26. Maybe this new method will help them from getting bad. Just took an Aleve with some hot tea. 28: Went on a Pokemon run, and I found $20 blowing across the yard when I got home! A nice find for the year.
March 1: I’ve been really getting into “Ghost Story” by Peter Straub and had so much time to just sit and read while it rained. 2: I watched “Spiderman: Enter the Spiderverse” today. An epic movie and I highly recommend it! I also have several new costume ideas... 3: Officially started working on my Library Comic Con cosplay. There’s not much to show, but it was nice to start costuming again. 4: Hiked up to the nearby bubble tea. It was good! I got a mango green tea creama. Next time I know I have to mix it up before I start drinking it. 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: Started replaying Castlevania IV. It’s been a while since I beat it, so hopefully I can still finish it! 11: I have proven myself an Excel deity. Well, at least Jane thinks though. She needed a spreadsheet for something and had some ideas so I whipped it out in five minutes flat with a bunch of formulas she didn’t even know were possible. I’m quite proud of it. 12: Lol, speaking of excel, I was geeking out over my budget with one of our board members. She was showing me how she built her itinerary in excel for her next trip and I got to show off my budget. 13: 14: 15: It was fake St. Patrick’s day at work, so I got to show off my green Riddler suit. Apart from being mistaken as dressing like a leprechaun a few times, I received a bunch of compliments on it. I’ve gotten a lot of use out of that suit jacket. 16: Tagged along with @nah-young to her grandfather’s birthday party and watched Bohemian Rhapsody. Apart from the timeline inaccuracies, I really enjoyed it! Look at that: two new movies in one month. 17: First big leaf job of the season. I guess the first major landscaping job. Dad helped out, so it made life easier. 18: Investment club meeting went well, and I ended up staying late to chat and help clean up, but it was enjoyable. Also had some great tiramisu from Trader Joe’s. 19: 20: 21: It was a downpour today, but I also made a 20 minute Costco run. Parking was great, the lines were short, and I managed to balance everything without a cart. Success! 22: Finally got around to doing invoices. It’s such a weight off my chest to take care of them. 23: I had the house to myself, so got ample studying done, played some pokemon, and treated myself to some bubble tea. Got myself a bunch of good pokes from Community day. 24: Another lovely day to sit and hang out with @nah-young. I always enjoy our hour long conversations just sitting in my car in her driveway. I also finished the lectures for the BEC portion of the CPA exam. 25: I found a gift card loaded with $30 today. It had been thrown into the dumpster, so a little gross, but it washed off nicely. 26: Ran up to the local library to turn in my books (look @arrowhearts, I did it the day before they were due and didn’t have to make a midnight run). I wasn’t going to check out more books since I already had some checked out from another library visit (I go to many branches due to my job and often check out a book or two, resulting in cycles of books due at different times), but I did anyway. I started reading Area X, too, and so far, I’m really enjoying it. 27: Our family’s accountants think I’m a bit weird because I was so excited to get my tax papers back even though I owed money. I was just like “cool!” to all the facts and things on my sheets, which is apparently not what they’re used to, but one of the new tax laws works in my favor as small business income is taxed at a lower rate or something. 28:  29: 30: I love Annihilation in the Area X series! I haven’t plowed through a book that fast in years. 31: I was catching up on my business spreadsheets and it turns out I had the most profitable March since I started my business :)
April 1: No April Fools jokes, which is always a huge plus. 2: 3: 4: Took the BEC section of the exam and then clocked in a bunch of hours for the Foundation. Jubilee is almost here!!! 5: 6: The Jubilee is over!!! What a relief! A lot of things went well, and I heard it was a lot of people’s favorite. Not sure what actually happened because I was stationed at check in/out all night, but hopefully the silent auction results are good. Huge shout out to @arrowhearts and @nah-young for getting me through the night! 7:A quiet morning of returning the Jubilee to the Foundation. Plus some other landscaping. 8: I know everyone at work is saying I should take time off, and I didn’t, but I’m actually feeling blessed that I have the physical and mental stamina to keep working on things. Plus, I need to catch up with post Jubilee stuff. 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19:  Got to talking with my art dealer for a long while and we exchanged headcannons and ideas. 20: Had a nice Pokemon run with @arrowhearts‘ dog. Plus, enough work to keep me out of trouble X) 21: A very busy Easter. I moved a huge mound of mulch. It was half the size of my car. Hopefully the home owner will like it. 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: I’ve been feeling behind, but I finally knocked out a really important thing at work today. Got our annual applications in!
May 1: 2: 3: My gauntlets for my comic con costume look so cool! They’re a little stabby (there’s staples on the inside, although I should be able to tape it down for safety), but overall look cool for a first draft. 4: A long day, but I feel like I was really able to help my friend and her family, which is nice considering how much they do for me. 5: The event that happened wasn’t good, but I’ve been humbled as to how well our house was kept and motivated to try and become more organized. 6:  Dad and I were chatting today, and we could even touch on topics in a civil manner. It was quite nice!  7: Just found out I passed the BEC section of the CPA exam! I’m 75% CPA!!! And no cavities were found after my dentist appointment :) 8: Frantically working on my costume, but my head piece looks really good! 9: Mom even chipped in to help. We rigged up a steampunk mask I have (which doesn’t fit on my head right) so that I can actually wear it. 10: I’ve been fasting for Ramadan and I think my body and I are finally on the same page. It was a rough start this year, but I’m looking forward to focusing on being thankful for what I have and working on self discipline. 11: Library Comic Con! My costume is a bit rough, so no final pictures, but I have plans to make it better! 12: It was a busy Sunday. Lots of lawns, but thankfully the weather was cool. 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: Had a nice meeting with my boss. I keep feeling like I’m not on top of things or she’s disappointed, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Plus, she said I did great at the finance committee meeting, so that was nice. 18: Although I scared everyone I worked with all day, I was able to donate blood even though I had been fasting.  19: I saw the tiniest inch worm while I was pulling weeds today. It was more like a quarter inch worm and it was just trying so hard to climb up my arm when I found it. I also saw the first lightening bugs of the year. As a bug type Pokemon trainer, I’m quite pleased with all of this (less so with the mosquitoes though, as I got my first bite of the season). 20: I have found a nice way to keep cool at the property Dad and I work at. I’m allowed to douse my head, neck, and hat with the hose, and man does it feel good! 21: I received many compliments at the executive committee meeting for all my hard work on the budget, the Jubilee, and finance committee. 22: Caught up on reconciliations at work (finally). It’s been just a nightmare, but I’m happy they’re done. 23: Another me day. I’ve been taking Thursdays off and got to game for a bit but also accomplish a lot of laundry and studying. 24: Had a good meeting at work to discuss the future of the nonprofit I work at. Plus I finally made a phone call I didn’t want to make. 25: Went to a foam helmet making class with a coworker. I’m super excited to start trying out this style, and I think the sample we made in class can easily be used to make a helmet for Vile. Might have purchased a few things to go with it :) 26: Found a new drink that I love from Kung Fu Tea! Also got to rewatch Coco, which is always good. 27: Part of my afternoon spent working with Jane was changing her screen saver. It was set up for one photo of pictures, but some were so fuzzy, so we set up new pictures and I got to add my fuzzball to the reel. 28: I visited one of Jane’s friends to discuss dog sitting and we had such a nice conversation afterwards. 29: I found a four leave clover today while mowing lawns. It’s been years since I’ve found one, so that was exciting. 30: I plowed through about 6 hours of studying for the FAR portion of the CPA exam. Only two more lectures and then onto multiple choice! 31: Filled out a form at work (finally). Now I just have to hope my boss will sign it and have it notarized.
June 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Took the (hopefully) last CPA exam. It was nice as I spoke to an elevator engineer before the exam and it helped to calm my nerves a bit.   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: Wasn’t sure what day to put this on, but @nah-young and I hung out for hours just sitting and chatting on the cats’ back porch. 15: Successfully navigated into DC with the help of @arrowhearts (and had an interesting laugh about her being my son...? Oh well, at least we got to give the people sitting outside a show as we left the building with two rollie office chairs each). 16: Started working on my Halloween costume. I’ve abandoned the idea I originally had and will be switching to a different Mega Man X character (fun fact: it was a costume I originally intended to make before being introduced to Scaramouche back in 2017) 17: It was a scorcher, but had a slurpee for the first time in almost a year. I’m so thankful for the 7-11 within walking distance of where my dad and I work on Mondays. 18: I’ve officially passed the CPA exam! Now onto the next steps... 19: I have been struggling with telling people good news, but I did make an effort to inform some people about me passing the exam. 20: Told some more people about the CPA exam and just trying not to stress. I got celebratory milkshakes for my family after dinner. 21: My coworkers are so sweet. They brought me in a cake and we had a mini celebration. 22: 23: 24: 25: 26:Found a praying mantis while mowing. She kept standing where I wanted to mow, so I got to pick her up and put her somewhere safe (with lots of snacks for her!) 27: 28: 29: So glad I went to see Detective Pikachu with @nah-young and @arrowhearts! I really enjoyed it! 30: 31:
July 1: A new fiscal year! I did manage to get a good bit done on my latch hook. 2: A sudden thunderstorm took me off the weed pulling job early (i.e. a perfect opportunity to read). 3: It was quiet in the office. Too quiet ... yet super productive! I processed so many gifts and letters. 4: I don’t really celebrate, and spent a lot of it working, but played some pokemon in the rain. It was a warm day, so the cool rain felt so refreshing! 5: A jammed packed day with trashrooms, a bank run, and more pokemon quests! I completed another 15 and hatched a new pokemon. Plus I finished another book: Dr. Death. 6: A busy day, but I was able to finish everything so I can take the next day off completely (for once). Again, apologies to @arrowhearts  for dragging you out and getting caught in a downpour so I could get some bubble tea! 7: 8: 9: 10: Unboxed my unicycle! Not sure when I’ll ride, but it’s ready when I am. 11: 12: 13: 14: The vanity is back in my bathroom! Dad’s renovating it, and it’s been a slow process, but I finally have a sink! 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: Spent a few hours working on cleaning the basement, and I’m finally seeing some of the fruits of my labor. 21: 22: 23: 24: Officially finished the Vile helmet! 25: Just started a new dog sitting job, and the house is right on top of a pokestop. Guess I’m going to have a full item bag again! 26: Finally got myself a memory stick for my PSP. I’m replaying the Maverick Hunter X game ... because I can! 27: Got three team rocket grunts in one day at the one stop. 28: Plowed through the Vile portion of Maverick Hunter X. Lol, I probably make it harder on myself since I only use my favorites, regardless of if they’re good against the boss. 29: Had a huge crab and shrimp dinner at Jane’s house. 30: Hung out and ate delicious homemade butter chicken with my best friend’s mom (she’s basically like my other mother). We laughed and chatted, showed off our latest projects, probably kept the neighbors up, and just had a good time until like 2 in the morning.  31: Welp, it wasn’t a raid day for armored Mewtwo, but @arrowhearts and I did defeat more Team Rocket Go grunts in the rain.
August 1: Chatted with @nah-young for a few hours and I’ve got a new place to eat on my radar! 2: I kept feeling like I was letting my boss down because I couldn’t answer her questions/didn’t understand, but she insisted I was handling myself well, and found the information she needed later. Plus, she’s very complimentary of my work and appreciates my transparency and work ethic, both of which I work hard on and value. 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
September 1: 2: 3: It’s official! We’re having a Halloween party at work. If my new schedule turns out, I’ll be at work on that day and will show off a costume. Not sure if it will be the one I’m working on, but I can always recycle an old one. 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: I had such a good ripstik run. @nah-young and I practiced for a good while yesterday (and she did her first trick, too!). I guess it’s nice to see the fruits of our practice since we’ve been working off and on for about a month. 16: Had the investment club meeting at my house. I didn’t get to cook everything, but I picked the recipe and it turned out well! 17: I finished “Every Tool’s a Hammer” by Adam Savage (from Mythbusters) and I really recommend it. It’s such a great book for anyone who makes or creates. It’s a fun read and chocked full of helpful hints. 18: I decided to start reading the Naruto series. I’m enjoying it so far! Now I just have to wait for the next to volumes to be available from the library. 19: I started replaying Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase. It’s amusing, although I’m a little rough. 20: 21: 22: 23: I’d been on the fence about taking a vacation early next year because I want to save up for a down payment, but after talking to my dad, I decided I’d do a little something. I still need to work out the plans (and make sure the people I want to visit are free), but I’m looking forward to it! 24: 25: 26: There’s a chance I might be going full time at my office job, so dad encouraged me to take the day off from trash rooms. I still got up early, but knocked out a bunch of chores, finished Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase, finished a drawing, and cleaned in the basement a bit. 27: Lol, I just realized I have three cycles of books checked out again. I started reading The Wicked Years series. I’m trying to set aside time each night so I can read a chapter or two before bed. 28: I made the pattern for my gauntlets! I’m actually trying to do it the right way and making measurements, creating an accurate template, and just generally taking my time. 29: Part 2 of the gauntlets: They’re made! My template worked and I spent a couple of hours slowly forming and shaping them. I still need some practice on the gluing component, but at least they feel sturdy. 30: Started replaying DK 64 again. I really love this game. Besides Gauntlet Legends, it’s probably my favorite N64 game we own. 31: Got rained out at work, but managed to take it easy in the afternoon and just generally keep ahead with laundry.
October 1: Today officially marks the first day of working full time at my office job. They added ten hours a week, so now I’m working 4 days at 10 hours each. It’ll take a little adjusting. I’m happy for the extra hours! 2: I sent out invoices on time for once! 3: It was my fuzzball’s 16th Birthday today! Someone also brought in some really yummy snacks to work that were leftover from a meeting. I also managed to create templates for the leg gauntlets and cut them out of  foam. I’m just rolling with the motivation now, and would like to have Vile finished by Halloween (keep reading to find out if it was finished). 4: Really just having a good time playing DK 64. Knocked out Gloomy Galleon, so all that’s left are my favorite levels! 5: 6:   7: I have leg gauntlets formed. Lol, I guess I should look up the name... All that’s left is the chest plate and cape! 8: I lucked out! My coworker can’t go to a book signing even this weekend and asked me to get her book signed since I’m going. It was the perfect opportunity to get my hands on a copy of “Where the Crawdads Sing” which I wanted to read before this weekend. 9: Making some headway on the costume again! Arm and leg gauntlets have the plating and base coat of plastidip. 10: I finished “Where the Crawdads Sing” within 48 hours of having it my possession. That’s such a huge accomplishment to read something so quickly and eagerly! 11: I was plowing through my to do list at work. I knocked out 11 items. Woo! 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: My Halloween costume is finished *gasp* before Halloween! Barely, but it counts. 31: I won the most creative costume at work! Well, tied for first, but that’s cool.
November (whoops, I really forgot to write this month) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
December 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: My coworker is back! She had been on extended leave for a while, but now she’s back. She bring such a positive and fun attitude to the workplace. 13: 14: I’m officially 25! I worked a few hours in the rain, but got a lot done (and saw Lucy, my favorite cat I cat sit). Instead of going to a steakhouse for dinner, which I’m not a fan of, we ended up going to somewhere I did enjoy. Overall, it was a nice and quiet celebration. 15: 16: 17: I finished the Naruto series today! It was a good series, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Going to take a manga break to work on a few novels I have checked out and then  decide which series to start. 18:  19: A busy day again. Knocked out two leaf clients for the year and went to see three bands perform at a local music club. I stayed out way too late, but had a great time hanging with a friend, one of the performers, and the performer’s friend. 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: Hung out with my brother and grandmother. I crushed them in several games! 25: Went to my coworkers in the afternoon and dueled for the first time in quiet a while. They wiped the floor with me, but I had fun with my deck destruction deck. 26: 27: Ended up hanging out with Jane for a while and just chatting about everything. We’re seeing eye to eye on a lot of things, so it was nice.  28: Finished my leaf jobs for the year! Time to relax. 29: 30: 31: Welp, ended up being sick and missing out on the intended New Year plans. I guess I did start the year with a migraine, so here I am ending it with one. After I rested up, I did start playing my favorite video game. Plus, I frantically read “Hey, Kiddo!” before the end of the year
Notable stuff
Highlights: Passed the CPA exam Officially hired full time
Books read: “Ghost Stories” “Every Tool’s a Hammer” “Where the Crawdads Sing” “Wicked” Naruto series “Hey, Kiddo!”
Movies watched: Spiderman: Enter the Spiderverse Mary Poppins 2 The Princess and the Frog Pokemon Lucario
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speremint · 6 years
Dude hmu w/ some stardew mods pls!!
In terms of base game play, I’d definitely recommend the following:
Longevity- Essentially makes the game more worth playing past the first two years. Adds taxes (which can be disabled), Dynamic NPC clothing, more crops, and expands the dialogue (currently I think only with Abigail?)
Part of the Community- Makes it easier to gain passive friendship so everyone in town doesn’t think you’re the biggest jackhole in Winter bc you’re too busy waiting outside your LI’s house to talk to them
Cooking Skill- Just makes cooking feel actually worth it imo
Birthday mod- I’ve not used yet but it gives you the option to set a birthday bc literally everyone has a birthday in the game… except for you.
Love Letters: I made this mod; essentially it adds letters from LIs; they’ll send the player presents, followups from events, and just check in. They also will give a subtle hint on how to trigger their heart events so it seems more natural than having to wiki that shit.
You will need SMAPI to download these, but the files will tell you how (I think Longevity also requires content patcher and Seasonal Immersion; it’s a hassle but it definitely improves the game).
There’s a bunch of dialogue improvement mods as well, because the villagers tend to talk about the same shit for the entire fuckin’ season.
For Aesthetic and Customization:
More Hair- I actually made this mod (maybe I’ll update it one day). All it does is give more hair customization options
Get Dressed- Lets you customize your outfit/appearance post-intro. It’s nice if you want that Immersion™.
Seasonal Victorian Buildings- Makes your farm look fancy and also your houses/buildings will be affected by the season (so like in winter there’ll be snow n shit on your roof etc. etc.).
Recolor of grass/dirt- There’s a lot of these; I use this one because it feels less eye blinding than the normal yellow and lime terrain.
Portrait mods- There’s a shit ton out there; just google them lol. I will tell you this though; not many are completed just because of the sheer immensity of portraits in game. Many modders lose interest or just don’t want to finish them. Assuming you’re the anon from before, here’s a link to where my mod is still downloadable (I removed it from the Nexus because people are assholes).
 **Edit: I finished my portrait mod, so it’s officially complete. Available here.
Finally, in terms of just UI and Quality-of-Life
UI Info Suite- Gives you info without making you feel like you’re cheating
Experience Bars- Lets you see how much exp. until you reach the next level of a skill.
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jennamoreci · 5 years
Jenna’s Quarterly Goals
It’s that time again!
Every quarter, I create a list of 15-20 writing, business, and personal goals that I aim to achieve within the next 3 months. If I complete at least half of these goals, I win! If I don't, I have to announce my failure online, because public humiliation is a very effective motivator. While I used to post my goals on my channel, I’ve had to move them here to Count Blogula due to the number of strange and intrusive messages I’ve received (y'all need to chill tf out). 
Now that the quarter is closing, let’s take a look at how I did and set some new goals for the summer. 
🙌🏼 Goals for January - March 2019 🙌🏼
Go on a date once a week - D’oh! Cliff was in too much pain to make this one happen :( My poor sweetie 
❌Quarterly income goal - I didn’t think I’d meet this goal because the figure was lofty and the first quarter of the year is always the worst but HOLY SHIT WE DID IT!
Hold 3 giveaways - THIS WAS NOT MY FAULT. I have a giveaway all set up and ready to go, but I can’t launch it until my audiobook goes live, and Audible has STILL NOT RELEASED MY AUDIOBOOK. AUDIBLE WHY YOU SO MEAN?!?!?!?!! 
❌Post 3 patron-dedicated videos  
❌Finish my TSS outline
❌Finish all videos through April - I wanted to make sure all of my videos for April were ready to go so I could spend the month writing. 
Send out 3 newsletters - This, AGAIN, is NOT my fault!!! Just like the giveaway, my newsletter is ready to go - I’m just waiting on the audiobook launch :-\ Siiiiiiiigh...
❌Spend time with my family once a week 
❌Launch the TSC audiobook - It’s launched to retailers, just not live yet... THANKS AUDIBLE (lol) 
❌Create an audiobook marketing plan
❌Donate books to the library 
❌Donate old clothes to Goodwill 
Support 3 writers on Patreon - I supported one! So.... a third of the way there?
❌Get Cliff back into physical therapy
Research the USAT list
❌Finish critiquing Heart and Seoul 
❌Eat healthier 
❌Learn how to use my Osmo 
❌Update my yearly filing 
❌Hire an assistant - She’s hired and I love her!!!!
❌Do my taxes
❌Start tracking what I read
I completed 17 of my 22 goals which I think is pretty damn good! Yay!
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Here’s what I have planned for the next quarter: 
🙌🏼 Goals for April - June 2019 🙌🏼
Exercise 3 times a week
Go on a date once a week
Spend time with my family once a week
Send out 3 newsletters
Post 3 patron-dedicated videos
Finish writing The Savior’s Sister 
Go on a vacation
Hold 3 giveaways
Quarterly income goal 
Implement a new family routine that works with Cliff’s recovery
Support another writer on Patreon 
Research the USAT list
Update video descriptions
Learn five new recipes 
Hire new house cleaners
As you can see, this list is much shorter than previous months’ lists, because I want to focus on finishing up TSS. 
If you guys want to create your own quarterly goal list, I definitely encourage you to do so. It has worked wonders for me and my productivity <3 
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igumdrop · 5 years
okay okay, I know what you guys are thinking -- Jaime, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! HOW CAN YOU MAKE THE SUB-BLOG GO PUBLIC?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO *THAT* LIST... THE *YOU KNOW WHAT* LIST... 
and my response is... I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never had such a list. 
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okay, real talk though, I decided to let my sub-blog go public for multiple reasons: 
♡ no one wants to enter a password that I change constantly
♡ most of what I say I would love to share with my regular viewers who can’t afford to sub, and this is my main source of updating you guys on a more personal basis for those who follow me more on social media and not my stream
♡ I’m incorporating a lot more sub-only things into the community, so I figured I could let one go! 
we’ll see how it goes and if it does start to feel uncomfortable, we can always bring it back :) but there’s little to nothing that I can think of that would make this weird because I don’t overshare that much... I think... HAHA we’ll see
ANYWAYS, REALLY GOOD NEWS! for the past few months I’ve had a little team of subs working on our community Minecraft server! (SO MUCH THANKS TO GOLDEYE, WATTEHMS, MATTY, MAXWELL, BRADLEY, JOSTER <3) I’ll try to log on everyday and just have a habit of keeping it online. I think it’d be cute to be able to log onto something and see everyone in the same world! 
if you’re a sub, please fill out the form that I linked in the discord! it’s also the same form you use to join the gummie gang stream team, and also for me to know what your discord usernames are (a lot of times when you guys message me, your discord username is different from your twitch and I have no idea LOL) there’s also a little response section where you can give me any suggestions you want! (stream ideas, sub emotes, etc) ~ HAVE FUN! 
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I’ll probably be doing a sit-down cooking stream into a mukbang :) TIME IS TO BE ANNOUNCED BUT IT SHOULD BE AROUND THE TIME FRAME OF 12PM - 2PM OR 2PM - 4PM! I’ll let you guys know as soon as possible on discord. I’ll also be streaming tomorrow/Tuesday and Wednesday so I’ll let you guys know on stream too! 
OK THAT’S IT FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS!~ here are my own personal lil updates
BENJI HAS GROWN SOOO MUCH! okay not gonna lie, he was kinda dying for a bit during the winter, I don’t think he really did well in the cold... his leaves would fall off sometimes and yellow at the ends. I was getting really scared and to be honest I’m so attached to this god damn plant that it was taking a sad mental toll on me. LMFAO. WHY AM I LIKE THIS. anyway, I gave him some fertilizer and stayed consistent with him, watered him whenever I needed to and tried to keep him in warm yet sunny areas of my house. and YAY, SPRING ROLLS AROUND AND HE’S GROWN BIGGER THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN HIM GROW!!! 
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before (when I first got him) and now! I’m so proud... only I can write a paragraph raving about my pet plant... jeez it’ll be crazy once I get an actual cat or something... 
there was a really busy week in march where I spent all my leftover time planning Aria’s birthday. it was honestly the cutest thing ever seeing all her friends get together and work on stuff for her. I remember being insanely tired during it but once I saw her reaction for her surprise party, my heart melted and I just told myself wow that was soooo worth it LOL. here’s some pictures from my end <3
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we got these GIANT balloons that spelled out ARIA and it took forever to get into the car and out LMAO... excuse my janky no makeup face but it was so funny seeing us struggle so hard with the balloons T_T LOL
we spent hours late at night working on her scrapbook and baking stuff for her. I was working on strawberry cheesecake shoots and I remember cutting 10+ strawberries and thinking, “wow, it would suck if I dropped these,” and then guess what happened... 
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I dropped them lmao 
anyways it turned out so wholesome and cute <3 
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I found the airbnb on this website called peerspace and when I saw it, it SCREAMED ARIA...
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you’re welcome for me blessing your eyes
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we seriously worked our *aesthetic* muscle for this because we knew aria would appreciate the heck out of it 
OKAY ANYWAYS MOVING ON!! yesterday I went to h-mart and got a shit ton of groceries. and I realized it’s STRAWBERRY SEASON!!! there’s still a lot of stuff that I want to buy that isn’t available here though, so my mom tries to send me all that she can :D 
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I love her so much I miss her so much wahhh I can’t even talk about my parents because I’ll just start crying because I miss them so much ... ok also I was supposed to stream yesterday but I took a nap... and... didn’t... haha... jaimewhatswrongwithyou.exe.... here’s a post-nap selfie though... 
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I looked heckin janky but snow saved my ass 
ANYWAY I spent the rest of the night just reading and I finished my monthly book read! here are my two recommendations for you guys :) 
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I absolutely love love love this book! it will really help if you’re an overthinker like me. tl;dr, it talks about the inside voice in your head that constantly battles with itself and refers to it as an “annoying roommate.” with consistent reading (a chapter or two before sleeping at night) it really helped me clear my mind and become super aware of how the voice in my head could be more harmful than helfpul. if you’re new to reading it is quite a bit to read though so if you want something easier then I suggest this: 
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gosh, my life became so simple when I read this book consistently. it basically shares four simple agreements that you should always be conscious of in life. this book just really helped me not take things as personally, to not make assumptions, and it just gave me a much more simple and clear perspective on things and issues. SUPER SUPER EASY TO READ!!! downfall is, it kinda talks about religion a lot at the end, which might make it uncomfortable for some of you guys. I couldn’t really enjoy the last bits of it that much because of that sole reason but it’s still a great read and taught me lots of fundamentals I never knew I needed for my own mindset :) 
I went to LCS the day before yesterday and it was really fun because I brought a portable cut-out of scarra LMAOOOOOO the thread is really funny so you guys should go read it: https://twitter.com/iGumdrop/status/1114687260434124801
I also did my taxes yesterday (well I finished up what was left of it) during the games LOL and then I went to annie’s place afterwards because her mom is an accountant and she helped me file them. I’m soooo happy I got them over with because I feel so free now! 
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hm ok ending these are always hard because it always seem so abrupt, mainly because even my 200 WPM fingers get tired of typing. I guess all I have to say is, hello new readers of my sub-blog, I hope you enjoy your time here! and thank you so much to everybody who supports me. it really means the world to me and I never go one day without insanely appreciating you guys. this month I’ma hit you guys with that dudududuududud GOOD CONTENT! <3
and alas, a few of my favorite cute lil drawings this month from chibird~ 
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(+ my community) 
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