#celestial souls
erinhime83 · 7 months
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This one seems sort of out of left field, mostly because it involves characters @callistochan87 and I hadn't really been focusing on, but the thing is is that neither of us need any help with our muses. Our ideas flow just fine. Who does need help is @anijeltaventry, and considering her character's story is sci-fi, it seemed only natural to pair her up with Christine and Kai.
(I swear to god, these two have so many sisters at this point, since it's so easy to just pair them with any and all sci-fi stories @anijeltaventry comes up with, lol.)
Of course, the added bonus to all this is the fact that, since bringing it up, my muse has in fact shifted to Earthia, so...two out of the three muses are currently on these stories, whoops.
Now, normally, I'd be trying to figure out a way that these characters would be similar to each other. Chris and Kai's stories are similar - half humans who leave the Earth with their friends and discover a new planet and have a space adventure and all that. Chris' story is a bit more messed up, and Kai's is fairly typical, but they have similarities. Sam's, on the other hand, is a completely different animal, but eh. I guess is still works.
The important thing is that they're all purple girls in the end. ;P
And they do have a bit of a connection, in that, they all have feminine names with masculine nicknames (Samantha - Sam, Christine - Chris, Kailyn - Kai). It's not much, but it's there.
I sort of struggled to get Sam to look right in her uniform next to two people in civilian clothes, but in the end, she worked out. Chris doesn't really have a set outfit, because @callistochan87 is boring and going for ~*~realism~*~ ew but this happens me to my favorite outfit of hers, so...it's what I is gonna draw her in. And then Kai over there is very purple. I did attempt to give her a grey undershirt to match the others, but, eh, I liked the extra pop of color. >.<
Overall, I'm relatively pleased with how this ended up coming out! I had my doubts for a while, but adding color definitely helped matters. :D
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callistochan87 · 2 years
nothing major but enjoy part of a 2700 word excerpt from what I'm writing because this is the most i've written in a sitting so far
first draft obviously, edits required? yes. but hey. i have been struggling so I'm trying to find what accountability i can. please enjoy this thing that was intended to be one scene and instead spanned about half a typical chapter length. i cut it before it started getting too sad, but also because lol i hit tumblr's post limit
also description? what's that? i have avoided the curse of newbie writers so hard i have transcended description entirely
Eric presented the package with a flourish, a card and a small hinged box that could, and would double as a decorative something.
Christine looked at it. He never usually got her Valentine’s gifts beyond some nice chocolates or something practical they’d both wanted, so the display felt off. He was perfectly aware of this.
She read the card, smiled briefly, and then opened the box. Inside were two large chocolate bars, some sort of small-batch, fair-trade chocolate that had an air of high quality. These two were book themed, judging by the wrappers—one, ginger and nori with dark chocolate; the other, she didn’t see the ingredients, but the wrapper caught her eye. Alice in Wonderland-themed, perhaps a bit stereotypical, but she had always tolerated Eric and her father making reference to it.
That was Eric’s usual Valentine’s Day fare. No, It was the little box that provoked examination. It looked like jewelry, and Eric knew this was an unusual turn. She didn’t wear jewelry besides her wedding ring and the two titanium hoops in her ears, worn because they were easy to remove or put back in and simple enough not to get snagged on anything.
“What’s this?” she said. She was turning it over in her hands and not actually opening it. It didn’t help it had been a repurposed ring box.
“You could open it,” Eric suggested.
Eric sat down next to her on the couch and watched. He was well aware of the unusualness if this particular gift but…he had to do something more than usual, because this year was different from past ones. He’d seen the way she often lapsed into silence and let conversations drift around her, the way she spent too much time hunched over her mother’s old notebooks, or the split-second hesitation as she white-knuckle gripped a box of her mother’s old clothes to go to the Salvation Army.
“You don’t usually get me anything else,” she said, discomfort on her face, “I didn’t get you anything. That’s how we usually do it.”
“It’s not a transaction,” Eric said.
“Look, Christmas was bad enough,” she said, an embarrassed flush creeping up on her face, “This makes it even more lopsided—“
“I said it’s not a transaction,” he repeated, “I’m not keeping score. Please, open it.”
Christine finally fumbled with the box. Inside was a deep purple-blue crystal, unpolished. The bottom still resembled rock, but the top part caught the light, casting bright purple highlights across Christine’s hands. He had thought it a small rock, but it looked larger in her hands. He couldn’t read her expression, but she smiled a sort of half-smile.
“It's a crystal. You have tons of those already. Quartz? No, amethyst. Yeah. You have tons of amethyst already.”
“It’s iolite,” he says, adjusting his glasses, “Mined up near Ghost Lake. I got it from a guy in Grande Prairie.”
“Ghost Lake? Where’s that?”
He made a so-so motion with his hands. “If you’re looking on a map? A bit south, south-west, of Wekweètı̀.”
"You had to pay a guy from Grande Prairie for this when you could've gone up to Ghost Lake yourself?” She smiled wider. This was the a joke. He didn’t think he’d be so relieved at a joke.
"I know you don't like camping," he said with a laugh, "If you don't like it at actual, government-owned campsites, I'm not about to charter a plane to fly you out into the bush.”
She gave a short bark of a laugh. “Well, it’s very pretty, thank you. I think there’s a spot in one of your display cases, next to the tourmaline chunk you got for your birthday—”
“Please don’t call it a ‘chunk’,” he said with a laugh, “That sounds weird.”
She made as if to give the iolite back to him, but he closed her hand around it. She gave him a look—God, too much like her mother and he didn’t even think she realized it—and did that same sort of half-laugh.
“This is your gift,” he said.
“Eric, we both know this is a gift for you with my name on it,” she said, “You said that about the quartz and the amethyst, and that big geode you had to have, and they all wound up in your display case eventually. Go on and put this one in there too.”
He glanced around. She wasn’t wrong. His collection had started out on a spare shelf on one of the bookshelves, before slowly eating away at the remaining space, and then onto a second bookshelf and a decorative shelf in the bedroom. Christine didn’t collect much, but it was limited to a small selection of things at the equally small computer desk. Things like books on aliens and holographic stickers and her latest collection appeared to be her mother’s notebooks, carefully left under the desk, with just enough space for her to tuck her legs underneath. Those were new, and a worrying new acquisition.
Still, she liked purple. Most of the things she had collected, if she’d had a choice, were purple. Every time he saw something purple, he thought of her. Unfortunately, yes, past gifts had made their way into display cases “for safety”, but he was adamant this one wouldn’t.
“No, I mean it. It’s yours.”
“Eric, what am I supposed to do with it?” she said, with a bit of a laugh, “Stick it in my pocket and wind up ruining the washing machine?”
“Well, don’t do that,” he said.
“It’s too big for a necklace,” she said, turning it over in her hands, “I’d sink to the bottom of the lake if I wore that.”
“No it’s not,” he said, a spark coming to mind, “Hey, Shelby’s been making those macrame necklaces lately, I could ask her to put it on a string?”
“Go ahead and ask your sister if you want, she’ll say the exact same thing,” she said, “I…oh come on, don’t look so put out. You know I don’t carry much stuff on me. I forget my purse half the time. I don’t have a lucky rock that I keep in my pocket. I get why you got it, but we both know it’ll wind up in your rock collection sooner or later. Better to put it in there now so it’s safe.”
“I want you to have something to remind you of me, when I’m away.”
“Eric, every rock reminds me of you. It’s not tied to a specific rock. Your whole stupid rock collection is a constant reminder of you when you’re not here,” she said. The ‘stupid’ was said with affection.
“Come on, I know you. You saw a shiny new rock on one of your geologist listservs somewhere and decided you wanted it, but it’s ‘mine’ because it’s purple. Okay, fine. You can put all ‘my’ stuff in a separate case, how’s that? We can put it on the dresser or something.”
“Would you show it off if I did that?”
“Show it off to who? No one comes over.”
“Your dad comes over,” he says, “My family comes over.”
“I’m sure your parents have seen enough purple rocks for a lifetime, but sure, I’ll show it to them if they ask.”
She leaned back against the couch and he followed suit, putting an arm around her shoulder. It wasn’t quite a cuddle.
“You can’t wait for them to ask,” he said, “Because they won’t.”
“I just gotta ambush them as soon as they walk in?”
She gave a little amused smile. It wasn’t enough to fill him with joy, but it was a much better streak that he’d seen since Christmas, so
Eric took that as a win.
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allura-raine · 8 months
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galedekarios · 3 months
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Gale: "You give me hope, and I've not had that in some time."
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yangjeongin · 14 days
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warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular.
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euphorictruths · 1 month
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luqlustra · 3 months
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I finished my first attack against my dnd party for artfight!!
This was a very silly joke that I ended up running all the way to hell with, that as well as I really wanted to draw some good old 90’s anime haha
The characters belong to:
EeveeVsHo-Oh Aldigond EthirePyrus Tsurakeru !!!
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
The soul too in seraphic silence.
Georg Trakl, Surrender to Night: Collected Poems of Georg Trakl: Poems; from 'Soul of Life', tr. Will Stone
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vdoesstuff · 2 months
Alternative names for the Sabaody Arc
"One Piece suddenly gets very very dark and there is no going back"
"I wanna drop kick the celestial dragons off a bridge"
"Zoro almost dies (again)"
"Sanji almost dies (again)"
"Luffy feels like he's not good enough and its giving me ideas"
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cuppajj · 3 months
did any canon cookies join celestial cheese's conquest?
Haven’t thought of it yet outside of Crepe for a bit
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thesleepykettle · 2 years
I hope you've brought a worthy offering for Precious.
(Nude alt on my Twitter 💕)
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erinhime83 · 2 years
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Just sticking these two together on Tumblr just for the hell of it. :P Christmas pictures for @callistochan87 of her Christine and Eric Dessler, and for @anijeltaventry of her superheros Night Prowl and Night Wave, respectively.
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callistochan87 · 2 years
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the first doodle is always the sacrificial drawing to the art gods. just, zero effort shitty doodling, get it out of the system. make way for the good stuff
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galedekarios · 7 months
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Gale: That's Tara - loyal, intelligent, brave, and apparently unwilling to follow even the most basic of instructions when her own safety is at stake. I wouldn't have her any other way.
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saturn-noctua · 25 days
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Mother Laika... lovely beast...
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heres a version with 3 of her little nightdire pups (Somentis, Wolfgang, and Lux)
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euphorictruths · 26 days
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Iris- Aphra Natley; 2022
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