#if i disappear from the internet u know where to look
ecchigf · 2 years
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cher-rei · 6 months
hey could u do a comfort fic with trent alexander arnold where he’s maybe read stuff on the internet about him that are very hateful and the reader comforts him
reflection— [ T.A.A ]
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but I love that man like nobody can [how to disappear- lana del rey]
pairing: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: after his injury, comments start to flood trent's mind and you want nothing more than to make sure he knows that they aren't true.
genre(s): established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff
[wc: 2.3k] masterlist
notes: while I'm writing this I can't stop thinking about cody and the amount of hate he's getting because of the united match. he's human too and the fact that people are going to his instragram and commenting the most horrible things about him and telling him to leave the club genuinely hurts my heart because he's so sweet and doesn't deserve any of this. it's normal for footballers to make mistakes and they have their bad days, but putting them down isn't going to make the situation any better. we're supposed to be supporting the team and not blaming individuals for a loss </3
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it's strange how the people that swear that they're a clubs supporter can switch up on players over something as minuscule as missing a goal or losing a tackle. it's the way players get dragged for making human mistakes, but because of the pedestals they're put on it adds even more pressure.
the comparing of players, telling them to leave their clubs and so much more pile up on the list of hate they get. no matter how good of a footballer you were there was always going to hate thrown your way, chipping away at your self esteem ever so slowly.
trent was headstrong, he knew who he was and hardly took harsh comments and criticism to heart. it was one of the many things you admired about your boyfriend, the way that he was able to be better and prove people wrong so effortlessly.
but he was only human after all, and it was bound to get to him at some point. it was after his first match back after injury that everything happened. he acquired the knee injury against arsenal in january, recalling the exact moment you saw him limping and biting his jersey to ease the pain.
you were in the stands obviously, worried sick but he wasn't subbed off for whatever reason. while everyone was rejoicing the win you couldn't bring yourself to forget about his knee, immediately rushing to the tunnel so you could see him.
trent swore that he was fine but you were absolutely furious that he still played the full 90 minutes instead of asking for the medics to at least check up on him. that was water undet the bridge however, and he was put off for three weeks but even then you felt that it was too little recovery time.
and you were right of course but he was eager to be on the pitch again. you couldn't pass judgement there because of course he missed playing, he felt horrible for being at home and not having any way to contribute to the teams victories. so when they gave him the green light for the match against burnley he was ecstatic.
and you were happy for him, but that didn't push your worry to the back of your mind. and then it went south when he was subbed off before half time because he wasn't playing at his best. the entire time he was on the bench he was silent, his thoughts running wild and his heart heavy with disappointment.
you were watching the match from home so you immediate reaction was to message him, his dull responses taking shots at your heart.
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when he got home that evening your heart shattered seeing him look so beaten up. all he did was drop his bags and come to lay with you on the couch, his head resting on your chest while you reassured him that everything was going to be fine.
trent barely spoke a word to you until the following afternoon when he got back from his physio assessment, in an even worse state than when he left. he was limping, his head hung low and motivation to do anything at its lowest.
you knew that he just needed some time alone before you tackled the situation, so you gave him his necessary space until he was ready to talk. but then the evening came when his side of the bed was empty, and when you checked your phone you were even more surprised to see that it was only 2 a.m.
you got out of bed in panic, immediately rushing downstairs to look for trent but all the lights were off. he wasn't in the kitchen, the living room or even in the backyard. by now your thoughts were running wild, shear panic settling on your chest until you heard the front door unlock.
trent walked in, his lips pursed. "why are you awake?" he took a few steps closer to you, confusion settling on his face. "do you know what time it is?"
a dry scoff left your lips in disbelief. "I could ask you the same thing."
he went silent, not knowing what to say except apologise but you were fed up. you gave him his space and kept your worry to yourself, not wanting to make him feel any worse than he already did but your patience wore thin.
your expression hardened at the recollection of how distant he'd been the past week. "talk to me. please."
"there's nothing to talk about, I'm fine--"
"--that's absolute bullshit." your tone was harsh and it took him by surprise because you rarely raised your voice at anyone, let alone him.
he took a few weary steps closer only to see the tears walking up in your eyes. oh shit, what has he done?
"no baby, why are you crying?" he asked soothingly and pulled you into his embrace, his hands gently stroking your back in comfort. his heart sunk at the few sniffles from your side, he couldn't believe that his injury had you crying.
you tightened your arms around his torso, an overwhelming feeling of hurt washing over you the more he comforted you. "because you're hurt."
he sighed. "and I'm getting better. the recovery is going well, honey."
you shook your head against his chest. "I'm not talking about your knee trent." you finally pulled away to look up at him with teary eyes, which didn't make him feel any better.
"I know you read the comments, and I know that you're taking them to heart this time but--" you swallowed the bile in your throat, the mere thought of all the hurtful comments having you sick to your stomach. "--but you're not talking to me about it and it makes me feel horrible because they're not true."
trent's heart had just been shattered to pieces, his lips parted in shock because you knew him so damn well. he had been reading the comments, and at first it didn't mean much but the more they came about, the harder it was to push it aside.
honestly the worse 45 minutes anyone had played this season. trent has exited his prime and it's showing.
this is who you guys call the best right back in the league?? have you seen that match against burnley? kyle walker over this dude any day.
he was good until he wasn't. sorry not sorry.
I'm sorry what was that play?? all he had to do was keep the ball for more than 2 seconds. this guy is a joke.
nah get this man out of my club, I can't anymore.
trent my man this is burnley we're talking about. what are you doing??
he's seen it all. and for the first time in years he let the negative comments get to him even though he knew better. and now here you were, standing in front of him teary eyed in the middle of the night because he wasn't man enough to talk to you— his own damn girlfriend.
a heavy sigh disturbed the silence and that was an indicator to you that he was ready to talk. he took your hand and lead you to the couch, making sure that you were settled down comfortably in front of him.
"you know when we played city the away fans were yelling at me when I went to take the corner," he began with a half hearted laugh. "apparently I'm a shit kyle walker."
your grip tightened on his hand instinctively, but you remained silent and listened to him express his concerns and thoughts on the entire ordeal. he brushed the kyle walker thing off and said that he found it rather amusing instead of hurtful.
"but after the arsenal game when I hurt my knee something just snapped I guess. and you were so worried when I got home too so I just wanted to get better because I don't want you to panic over my injuries."
a lump formed in your throat, the tears resurfacing but trent was quick to wipe them away. "and now people are saying that I played like absolute shit against burnley," he shook his head. "which is true by the way."
this was were you grew defensive. "you just came back from injury of course you weren't going to be in the best shape trent."
his eyebrows raised for a moment, a soft chuckle leaving his lips but you didn't find it funny at all. "ever since this whole thing you've been saying my name an awful lot."
that was surprisingly true. you were upset so of course you weren't going to call him something endearing. you were upset!
you cocked you head to the side, a judgemental look on your face that trent didn't want to worsen so he carried on talking. you weren't going to bed until he had everything out.
"anyway," he chuckled. "I've just been feeling really anxious and self conscious because what if they're telling the truth you know? like okay I score goals and I play well but what if that's just me thinking that?"
his breathing had begun to pick up and you were quick to notice, and alarm going off in your mind and telling you that he was nearing tears. trent groaned in frustration and shut his eyes in attempt to push the tears back.
he bent over to put his hands on his knees to try and calm himself down before you started crying as well. your hand was running up and down his back soothingly, only for him to get back up and take refuge in your arms.
everything was finally starting to pool out, and it broke you knowing that he felt this way and hadn't spoken to you because he didn't want you to worry. the dark living room was filled with his silent sobs that you tried to ease until your own started to fall.
you shut your eyes and held trent as close to you as possible, your shirt slightly wet because of his tears. you wondered how the other players felt when something similar happened to them, if they broke down in their partners' arms as well.
it wasn't easy for them to welcome the vulnerability you assumed— especially if it were over something like hate comments. but it was difficult and they were only trying their best.
"It's okay if you cry, baby. there's no need to apologise," you hushed when he said sorry. "It's normal to feel this way, you're human too and I can't tell you not to let those things get to your head but they're not true."
his silent sobs came to a subtle halt but his head remained on your shoulder as he listened to you speak so softly, telling him that everything was okay.
"you know what you're capable of so don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. as long as you know that you have people who support you and are rooting for you, nothing else should matter," you retorted reassuringly in hopes that it would help him realise that he didn't have to worry about things he couldn't control.
it was out of his hands, he lead the arsenal match in pain like a proper leader and that showed immense strength. instead of giving up he pulled through and made sure that the team was at their best before thinking about himself.
you put a small kiss to his temple. "I'm so proud of you. every single waking moment of every day, no matter what happens— I will always be proud of you for doing what you can."
this made trent smile when he finally got up to look at you with glossy eyes. "really?"
you nodded eagerly. "you breathe and I want to scream 'that's my boyfriend'."
that got a laugh out of him and he felt his heart strings tug. he loved you so much for standing by his side no matter what, for being patient and for just being you. he was grateful beyond comprehension and sometimes he felt that he didn't express his love for you the correct amount.
you deserved so much and here you were comforting him at the dead of night because he got insecure. his heart was overflowing just for you.
trent put his hand on your cheek and wiped away the stray tear that fell. "I'm sorry for making you worry. if I do it again just kick me out."
you laughed and his heart exploded. "oh, definitely. pull a stunt like this again and I'll feed you to the wolves."
his eyes widened a fraction. "okay, that's a bit too far."
you disagreed wholeheartedly and told him that it was the only correct form of punishment for the heart attacks that he gave you. "my heart broke like five times in this past week trent, so no."
he hummed and leant in for a kiss. "I'll fix it again I promise."
you felt yourself melt at the touch of his lips on yours— a tender kiss that held so much sincerity and love, an apology slipping through along with a silent I love you.
he pulled away and took a moment to look at you, drinking in every bit of your presence silently to which you hit him on the arm, a giddy smile and blush having you weak in the knees whereas he was mesmerised, not even realising that you had been trying to get his attention for a bit.
"earth to trent," you called and waved your hand in front of your face but he quickly caught it and pulled you closer to him, a yelp leaving your mouth before laughing.
"call me 'trent' one more time and we're going to have a problem," he said through a smile but you just played along, finding it amusing.
"oh really?" your tone was playful and he wasn't having any of it. "well trent wouldn't-- ah!"
your boyfriend had you lying on the couch in a fit of giggles, him hovering over you as he tickled you but stopping every so often to litter kisses on your face which you weren't fighting at all. because everyone needed a little love, right?
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
glorious happenings * milo+rocky vault
notes: haha this isn't canon in the current timeline btw i just miss mocky and if you come to my inbox again, just know that i will ignore you so leave me alone before i seriously consider unhinged my jaws to be extra deranged
also, this was supposed to have their first kiss, first date and first fight but well... i got lazy so pls just take what u can get ty
(series masterlist) | (📁 the milo + rocky vault)
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the first airport pickup
she chews on the inside of her cheeks, tapping her phone against her palm as she cranes her neck, trying to look past the sea of people significantly taller than her. for a person she barely knows.
a person she’s only spoken with over the internet.
how absurd that a man would fly from the us just to be able to take her out on a date. and how absurd that she didn’t even think twice about offering her apartment up for him instead of making him pay for a hotel.
he’s only in london for her, after all. at the time, it seemed fair — looking back, she’s actually asking to get murdered.
“you know, you’re a lot harder to find in a crowd than i’d expected,” a disembodied voice speaks into her left ear, a looming presence making her jump up and away from this said person. “and you’d think that it wouldn’t be this hard to find one of the cutest girls in an airport in london.”
a laugh fills their bubble as she looks up at him distraught and a hand on her chest. “normal people start with hello to the other person’s face, by the way.”
milo hums, scrunching his nose. “i’ve already flown to london with 2-day’s notice; it felt like we were past acting within the norm.”
“well, a warning would have been nice.” she clenches her jaw, a soft sigh passing her lips as she closes her eyes momentarily. she takes in another deep breath to open her eyes, meeting a wide grin. “how was the flight? are you hungry? i know this really good diner right by my apartment — i reckon you might like it.”
he coos, a pout carving his lips with a hand on his chest. “you’re getting soft, rocks.”
“don’t call me that,” she rolls her eyes, though there’s still a small grin playing on her lips. she grabs the handle of milo’s luggage and starts pushing it. “you’re not at that level of personalised nicknames yet. rocky or my name.”
he gapes at her with a small grin before he picks up his feet to walk with her. “anyway, it’s pretty early. i can drive if you want.”
“no can do,” she whispers, shaking her head, “i’m using my roommate’s car.” she lifts her head to look at him. “i don’t have a car. yet.”
“yeah, i’m actually supposed to pick it up tomorrow afternoon. so i’m going to have to leave you in the apartment with my kids for a little while.” she presses her lips together, suddenly realising that she’d sprung this on him. “if that’s okay, of course. i shouldn’t take more than an hour and–”
milo’s laughs cuts her off. “it’s okay. i’ll make you breakfast.” he snatches his luggage back from her. “thanks for picking me up. i thought of where we could go on a date tonight, actually.”
the first crash
“i told you,” she sighs, holding the phone up to her face, “there wasn’t a need to send me flowers. it wasn’t a serious crash.”
“well, you disappeared on my for 2 days, so i’m guessing it’s serious by some degree,” milo mutters, disappearing from her screen. “how come you’re in oxford and not london? did something happen?”
she gapes wordlessly at the camera, tilting her head. she hasn’t really spoken about the crash to anyone but blythe. “right… you know i live in london.”
“i do. i’ve been there before.” milo’s laugh fills her room as he comes back to the camera. his eyebrows furrow at her frown and slightly teary eyes. “is everything okay, rocks? did something happen?”
she sighs. “yeah. i crashed out during the race and retired — hospital and everything.” milo hums with a nod. “logan and i crashed out during the race.”
“oh.” he wasn’t expecting that. well, he did, but not that she’d crashed out with someone she’s spoken very highly of in the past couple of months they’d known one another. “are you okay? how do you feel?”
“i’m not on painkillers anymore and i finally got the energy to go downstairs by myself,” she rambles, resting her head back on her pillow, “blythe made me breakfast.”
milo blinks. “i mean about your crash with logan. are you guys okay?”
“i guess,” she squeaks, quickly avoiding his stare through the screen.
“so why aren’t you staying in your apartment with logan right now?” she blinks right back at him. the explanation is simple, really, but she doesn’t want to talk about it. “you don’t have to go into detail, but at least don’t say it’s okay when it’s not.”
she nods and clenches her jaw. “we fought, and haven’t spoken since we crashed.”
“ah, alright.” a moment passes. “well, do you wanna watch a movie together if you’re feeling better?”
“that sounds fun. do we get to watch one of your movies?”
“please don’t make me do that.”
the first ‘i love you’
“that was an amazing race, rocks.”
“i can’t believe you made it.” her squeak is high-pitched as she glances over her shoulder, sneaking out from the paddock gates. she wraps her arms around milo’s torso and squeezes him before pulling away. “sorry i didn’t give you my passes. you know, i can’t possibly say ‘no’ to my dad when he wants to watch my race.”
“it was genius asking me to come and watch you — what do you mean? i don’t need the passes,” he grins, swaying in the hug and nuzzling his face into her neck. “my friends and i had fun even if we weren’t in the paddocks.”
she sighs. when she’d put out the idea of him coming in and watching her home race (because she grew up here), she hadn’t actually thought that milo meant it when he said he’ll convince his friends to come along with him.
perhaps she should have expected it from someone who flew to london just to take her out on a date.
“i’ll tell my friends soon, i promise. it’s just–”
“rocks,” milo laughs, shaking his head, “it’s okay. you can tell your friends that whenever.”
she grins, pulling away slightly to look up at him. “so you’re coming to oxford with me tomorrow, right? to meet my parents?”
he grins, a blush creeping up his cheeks. “of course. i’m so excited — came bearing gifts for everyone and everything.”
“that’s so adorable!” she coos, pulling away with a hand on her chest. “i love you, miles, but you really didn’t have to do that.”
a deep chuckle freezes her where she stands, eyes widening as the weight of her words gets to her head. she looks up at milo and shakes her head. “i mean–”
“i love you too, rocks. i wouldn’t be here if i didn’t.” he cups her cheeks, giving her a tender kiss on her lips. “i’ll pick you up tomorrow from your apartment, alright? i’ll drive us to your parents’.”
the first gossip
“rocks, you’re never going to believe what i just heard.” the door creaks open and the young man steps back at the unexpected pairs of eyes he meets. he grins sheepishly. “sorry. should have knocked.”
logan shrugs, shaking his head. “i was just about to head out.”
milo shakes his head, arms spread to block the door. “you’re gonna wanna stay for this, dude. it’s hot, juicy gossip that was relayed to me.”
the girl sits in her beanbag and tilts her head. “who in the right mind would give you gossip willingly? you’re such a blabber mouth.”
“doesn’t that remind you of someone, rocky?” logan turns around sharply to look at her.
she points a finger at logan. “i’m a changed woman. i don’t do that anymore.”
“okay, good for you,” milo scowls. “do you want to hear the gossip or not? it’s pretty interesting.”
“mick’s seeing someone.”
she drops her phone on the carpeted ground of her driver’s room, lips parting in shock. “mick’s what? he told you that?”
“i’ll give it to you this one time, manheim. you were actually right about it being hot and juicy,” logan grins, leaning on the wall behind him with an impressed smile. “did mick tell you anything else?”
“okay, okay,” milo giggles, walking deeper into the room. he drops himself in front of the beanbag that she sits on and places his hands on his knees. “so it’s crazy–” he twists to look at logan. “what are you doing standing there? get in here so i can tell you all that he told me.”
logan lifts his eyebrows and pushes himself off the wall. “oh, i’m included. alright.”
the first night over (at his)
milo walks out of his bathroom, ruffling his hair with a towel to dry it off. the girl lies comfortably in his bed and a mean glare is thrown his way. “don’t make me get out of bed.”
he points at the bathroom behind him. “i thought you said you wanted to brush your teeth before bed and put on your retainers.”
“i don’t know if you actually need glasses,” she glances at the dog sleeping on her stomach, “but i have a dog sleeping on my stomach.”
he points at her, “i see that. but what about your retainers?”
she sighs. “could you just help me grab them? they’re in the front pockets of my backpack — little pink container with a mclaren and williams’ sticker on it.”
his laugh fills the room as he makes a sharp turn to where her backpack rests in the corner of his bedroom.
“don’t ask about the stickers. i woke up hungover one morning with it on there,” she rolls her eyes. “if you turn it over, there’s a mercedes and a red bull one on the other side. courtesy of mick and liam.”
“do any of them get an andretti sticker to rep you?” milo teases, shaking the retainer’s casing in his hands to show it to her. “and may i get one so everyone knows that my girlfriend is that super cool, super sexy and super beautiful driver?”
she hums, pressing her lips into a thin line. “if you play your cards right, you might even get a special edition rocky hoodie from her merch line.”
“how generous, rocks.”
he hands her the pink casing and she smiles. “still like me even with the retainers on?”
milo kneels on the bed with a smile, pressing a kiss on her cheek. “like?” he snorts. “love you even if you didn’t have teeth.”
“oh, don’t put that image in my head.”
“you’d still look very cute.”
“how would you know that?”
“just imagined it in my head.”
“just shut up, milo.”
the first dnf
the safety car comes to a stop right by the paddocks. the girl mutters a soft ‘thank you’ before immediately pushing the door open to leave.
she has her helmet in her hands as she walks with her head low, jaw clenched as she tries her hardest to contain the sob she feels threatening to come out of her.
if she could, she’d tear down all of the walls around her and scream. but she can’t. because around her are cameras pointed at her with fans gawking as she passes them. it’s not their fault her car couldn’t handle the heat.
she makes a sharp turn for the andretti racing home, head hung low until she opens the glass doors.
“aw, rocks.”
she lifts her head from the ground and sighs heavily, shoulders slumping at the sight of the familiar green eyes she’s been hoping to see when she got into the safety car. she lets the door close behind her, throwing her head back as she closes her eyes. “miles.”
“come here, rocks. i got you.”
she lets out a soft whine as she finally lets out the sob she’s been holding in for the past 10 minutes, running over to where her boyfriend stands by the bottom of the stairs, expecting her.
she sighs exasperatedly as she takes large steps towards him, tears starting to fall out of her eyes. she chokes on her sob as she stumbles into him.
milo wraps his arms protectively around her smaller frame. “it’s okay, rocks. i’m here.”
“it’s so unfair,” she cries into his chest, the material of his shirt bunched up in her hand. “the weekend was doing so well, my. why is it always me?”
“i know, love,” milo hums, resting his cheek on the top of her head. he sways slightly, looking around the room with a mean stare. “it’s not your fault, okay? you have to remember that.”
immediately, all whispers halt and prying eyes are torn away from them. he lifts his arms to shield her face away from the cameras — ones that are very clearly pointed at them through the windows — and huffs.
“that’s the second retirement in a row.” she leans into his body and wraps an arm around milo’s torso. “that’s so fucked up. you should have seen what they were saying about it last week.”
“i know,” he hums softly. “come on, let’s freshen up in your room and i’ll get you some ice-cold pepsi, okay?”
she shakes her head, wiping her nose. “i think i need to be back at the garage to watch the race.”
“let’s get you freshened up first, okay?”
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i'm only tagging my #1 mockynation vault @angsthology because i dont wanna be annoying lolsie xoxo
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Imagine being Namor's Wife and and stopping him from killing Queen Ramonda
Side Note: After Black Panther Wakanda Forever first came out someone posted. This fic idea saying someone should write it I was kind of inspired by never got around to it. Well here it is and to the original person who came up with it. I hope you enjoy.
Italics is english translation.
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No one had seen where you come from. One minute it was the thick glass window between Namor and Queen Ramonda with the two locked into an intense staring contest.
Namor eyes filled with anger as his gaze turned to the young girl.
Queen Ramonda refused to back down reaching out a hand to move Riri behind her. Hiding the young girl from his prying eyes.
The action just fuel his burning desire for revenge and war even more. Namor let out a raging cry bringing his spare up, and Queen Ramonda stood her ground watching him preparing to stab through the window. She was confident the glass would hold and even if it didn't. The King of Talokan would still have to strike her down first before she let him touch the girl.
The spear was getting closer and closer to her face and then Namor paused his attack. The tip of his weapon resting inches from your nose as you stood before him arms crossed with a raised eyebrow.
"In yukanj" He whispered in surprise his eyes softening at your sudden appearance.
"Yes my love its me your lovely wife who entrusted you with one simple task. One that you promised me you could handle alone while I went off to lead the Americans astray to buy us more time." You scolded him shaking your head in disappointment. You wanted to be surprised by your husband's actions, but unfortunately you couldn't be. His hatred for mankind and the surface world had always been insatiable. It was your patience, his love and respect for you that kept those intrusive thoughts of invading world on land at bay.
You always hoped overtime maybe Namor would gain a new perspective on humans. But you should've known it was never going to happen especially with. The lack of sympathy after the events of Thanos invading Earth. Talokan had been affected by the snap as well, and you wanted to join the fight. Namor insisted that both of you stay out of it as it was a surface world problem. You should've seen all this coming your heart clenched at the sight of. All the destruction your husband and the Talokan's army had brought upon Wakanda.
It wasn't right. Countless lives lost for no reason. The murderous look you sent towards Namora and Attuma had both Generals cowering in fear. They called off the rest of the army and disappeared in the depths of the ocean without a word. You were going to deal with them later.
"Invadieron k otoch in yaakunaj kíins juntúul u le nuestros." He explained lowering his spear back to his side. They invaded our home my love killed one of our own.
Ti' ka' ta wuk'aj u princesa. Le k'áate' paal le Reina yéetel le ts'o'ok u internet ichil k'i'ik'el." You argued back pointing a finger over your shoulder at the woman behind you. After you took their Princess. The Queen's only child and the last of her bloodline.
Namor frowned. "Bix a wojel tales ba'alo'ob?" How do you know such things?
"Querías u Wakanda ka Talokan u convirtieran ti' aliados ti', máasima'. Tin tukultaj u sería útil mantener k'iin yéetel." You wanted Wakanda and Talokan to become allies right. I thought it would be helpful to stay up to date on information.
Namor scoffed earning a raised eyebrow at you. He hovered around you to land on the platform as well. "Wa k meentik u sometan ta To'one', Talokan yaan u sukbenilo'ob asab poderosa ti' le yóok'ol kaaba'. U yaalab le yóok'ol kaaba' le superficie caerá le kan k'iin." If we make them submit to us Talokan will be the most powerful nation in the world. The rest of the surface world will fall when the day comes.
A loud clapping noise filled the air and even the Wakandans heard it. As well as they witnessed your hand come up to smack Namor across the face. The stinging slap had his left cheek turning red.
His head snapped to the side from the force of it, and you waited for him to turn back to you with guilt in his eyes.
"Ku suponía u debías negociar jump'éel tratado Jets' óolal yéetel leti'ob. Utia'al u pudieran wáantik ti' le estadounidenses alejados ti' k wotoch. Tu cambio ta meentaj jump'éel rabieta bey juntúul chan xi'ipal petulante ka u negaron ceder." You were supposed to negotiate a peace treaty with them. So they could help keep the Americans away from our home. Instead you threw a tantrum like a petulant child when they refused to yield.
"In yakunaj" He pleaded with you.
"No Namor we talked about this" You said backing him away from him to run a hand through your wet hair. Your eyes drifted to the people standing before you. All of them regarded you with wonder and suspicion. The damage your husband caused wasn't beyond repair, but it was going to take a lot. For starters he had to be on the same page as you.
You went over to him to cup his face between your hands lifting his face back up. "Wakanda ka Talokan serán imparables wa k unimos bey juntúul chéen, ba'ale' ma' u páajtal meentik jump'éel alianza ichil le desconfianza yéetel le odio. Yaan k k'aax le bey chíikbesik." Wakanda and Talokan will be unstoppable if we come together as one, but you can't build an alliance off the back of distrust and hatred. We have to treat them as our own.
Namor closed his eyes and sighed "I'm sorry."
"You need to tell them that" You instructed nodding your head in the Queen's direction.
You took a step back watching as Namor turned to face Queen Ramonda, her daughter Shuri, and their guards. He laid his spear down on the platform and backed away placing the palms of his hands together and curling his fingers in.
Inside The Palace
Shuri reached out grasping her mother's arm. "I think he is surrendering."
"How can we be sure? Who is the woman?" Queen Ramonda questioned.
"The woman is his wife. He told she wanted peace between Talokan and Wakanda." Shuri explained meeting your soft eyes that seem to bore into her soul inviting her into your own world. She felt as if she could trust you.
You gave her a small apologetic smile and followed suit with giving her Talokan greeting.
"What does that mean?" Nakia asked this time a bit unsure.
"She's saying hello and maybe sorry at the same time. She wants to talk and I think we should listen." Shuri told them.
"I don't think that would be a wise idea" M'Baku voiced his concern.
Queen Ramonda watched as Namor stood by your side with his weapon still at his feet. Gone was the hatred in his eyes replaced now with shame as he barely met her gaze. You had that effect on him. If you were anything like your husband. She could possibly be injured or even worse dead by now.
"We will hear them out" She announced.
Everyone in the throne room let out collective gasps expect Shuri.
"Just one more question though" Okoye started waiting till Shuri turned to her.
"Where has she been all this time?"
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folklorcore · 1 year
how about a little scenario where the reader wrote call it what you want for robert and him reacting to it
call it what you want ─ r. pattinson
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Thank u so much for your request. <3
Pairing: Robert Pattinson x Singer!Fem!Reader
TW/Tags: Established relationship, pure fluff.
Summary: Everyone believes that fame is happiness and perfection, but on the other side of the coin is that at any moment they can destroy you. And that's what happened to you, but during that you met Robert, who you wrote a song for and he reacts to it for the first time.
Words count: 0.83 k.
Robert's Masterlist.
As is known, fame is not always rosy. Much less perfect.
You learned this as soon as a rumor that nearly destroyed your entire reputation caused you to disappear from the public eye for almost half a year.
If it hadn't been for Robert, you honestly wouldn't have pursued that career.
The two first met in person a month after the whole mess went off. When you first started dating, dubious about everything that was going on, you tried to break up with him a couple of times. You didn't think it was good for his career that when both went public with your relationship, they linked him to you.
Most of the discussions were about that. And they always brought you to tears.
So he took you by the cheeks, caressed them gently and looked directly into your eyes.
"Listen to me, if I'm with you knowing everything that happened it's because I really love you for the great person that you are. I know that the y/n they talk about out there is not my y/n. I'm here to stay, honey ."
And that's when you started planning your comeback, preparing your next studio album.
In which there was a song, or more, for Robert.
"All the liars are calling me one,
nobody's heard from me for months,
I'm doing better than I ever was."
You started humming while writing the lyrics.
As the days passed you had more than half the song done.
Everything was inspired by the situation you were going through, how you went from feeling so low but Robert helped get you out of the hole you were in when everyone turned their backs on you.
There was one time where they almost saw you on the streets of Hollywood when you and he went to buy breakfast, only you stayed inside the black armored van and they only got photos of the actor. But they were photos of him smiling at the van as he got into it.
Magazine articles and Internet pages began to speculate about Robert's new conquest, but they never imagined that it would be you.
"'Cause my baby's fit like a daydream,
walking with his head down,
I'm the one he's walking to."
You recorded little clips of moments with him for a possible video for the song.
Moments when it was you and him in a cabin you had in Canada. You spent much of the time there.
You playing the guitar by the fireplace with him in front of you while recording the video.
Walks in the woods. You smiling as he took your hand to kiss the back of it. You composing. You looking at the snowy landscape through the window with a cup of hot chocolate in it. Making forts under the covers in the living room.
"Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night."
It was almost completely finished, only the bridge was missing.
As you tried to figure out what you could write on that part, you brought your hand up to your clavicle, playing with the thin chain that hung from your neck with Robert's initial.
And just like in the cartoons, it was like a light bulb went on over your head.
"I want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck, chain 'round my neck." you murmured singing, writing everything before the idea left.
And at least a couple of days later the song was completely finished. A week later you went to record it in a studio and a couple of months later the album was completely ready.
That had been three months ago. All your fans received you in a good way along with your new album.
And some time later the rumor that had caused your disappearance was denied.
You started a tour and that was the first night of it. And it would be the first time Robert would hear the song, because you wanted it to be special, when the album came out you didn't let him hear it.
"This song was inspired by a person who stayed with me all the time when I disappeared," the screams of the fans filled the stadium, making you smile. You looked in the audience for your boyfriend, who was already looking at you with happiness shining on his face. "Robert, this is for you."
You started to sing the song, watching at all times Robert's reaction, which did not stop smiling with love.
"So call it what you want, yeah,
call it what you want to."
You finished, your chest heavy with joy and adrenaline, facing the entire audience with a genuine smile.
Backstage you looked for Robert, and when you saw him you ran to him to hug him, so he welcomed you with open arms, hugging you tightly.
"I loved the song."
"Yeah?" You looked at him affectionately and he nodded caressing your cheek.
"Yeah." He tilted his face a little so he could kiss you softly.
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coffbeanie · 3 days
Get ready for a wall of text fellas cause i got some Ticci Toby head canons!!
If u guys want my specific thoughts on anything with Toby lemme know!! Also share ur own hcs i love hearing ppl talk about their interpretations of the characters
These hcs are in regards to my AU/interpretation of creepypasta characters/the Slendermansion
-Toby is 19 in my version, and he became an official proxy at around 17.
-Physically, he’s around 17-18 as proxies at some point stop aging. That’s also why he’s grown out whatever facial hair he has cause he has a complex about looking young, and he’s kinda baby faced as it is.
-He has some scars remaining from the car crash, but he’s gotten a lot more all over his body as he gets himself needlessly hurt. He knows that if he gets hits in certain parts of his body, it’s fatal and tries to avoid that as much as he can, but when it comes to the rest of him, he doesn’t really care
-he’s also super skinny because food wasn’t always the easiest to come by while he was on his own, but he would just forget cause he doesn’t get hunger pains.
-his first “mission” came in when the Slenderman provided him the names and locations of his old bullies from school
-this is what brought Toby to the public eye in the first place as a fr serial killer, since they were able to connect the victims to being in the same class as Toby, who was recently remembered for being the boy who murdered his father, set his house on fire, and suddenly disappeared.
-other students in Toby’s old class were able to vouch to that the victims were his old bullies, and one of them mentioned that they used to call him “Ticci Toby” to tease him, so that stuck as the nickname the news and internet would use to refer to Toby.
-Besides that, he ran solo and was mainly left to his own devices for until he was about 19 He didn’t really do much for those couple of months, just trying to work through his problems (by un aliving people)
-He would stalk various families mainly and would target parents that reminded him of his father. Sometimes, he would also find kids that reminded him of his older bullies, so he would go after them as well
-The Slenderman only ever interfered if Toby got too close to getting caught by law enforcement, but this was early on and Toby eventually got better at getting away on his own.
-Toby first moved into the mansion when he just turned 19. The Slenderman told him that he would eventually get a partner and a proper mission, but didn’t tell him exactly when
-For now, Toby had a nice place to stay with all the essentials, but he wouldn’t always stay there, only stopping by if he needed a shower, or to wash his clothes
-He would also go if he realized that he hadn’t eaten in a few days and decided that he probably should have some food
-And whenever he did stay, he left the place a mess, just cause he wasn’t used to having a place to himself, and he didn’t really mind living in filth
-He also didn’t stay just cause it reminded him that he was lonely-there were so many rooms so he knew other people were supposed to be staying there, but it felt like the Slenderman just dumped him there. He won’t say it out loud but he likes being with people, it at least keeps him distracted by his own thoughts
-his thoughts are mainly on his mom and Lyra.
-In terms of his mom, while he would wish that she had done more to protect him and his sister, he would sometimes wonder how she was doing-did she see him on the news? where was she? even after what he did, did she miss him?
-He knows he’s not supposed to be thinking about her, and sometimes if the Slenderman catches him thinking about his mom, he’ll reward him with just static in his brain and sickness, but that doesn’t really stop Toby
-The Slenderman also was able to eliminate Lyra from Toby’s nightmares to keep him focused, but that just led to him thinking about her more when he’s awake cause he still never got a chance to grieve and get over her death
The sillier ones are under the cut <3
-While his hatchets are his main weapon, he is a bit of an arsonist-it’s not his main mode of killing but he will light something up after he’d gone out on his own
-He’s not an expert tho so it’ll either spread to the surrounding locations or go out once he’s left-no in between
-while i draw him with just his ears pierced, he’ll probably give himself other piercings, and try to convince the other proxies to get piercings as well
-He’ll try to do them tho so he’ll like twitch around every once in a while going “trust me bro this isn’t gonna hurt at all”
-speaking of which, his tics consist of him neck cracking to the side, cracking/pushing down his pointer finger with his thumb on his left hand, putting on the middle finger on his left hand, making popping noises, clicking his tongue, saying “beep beep,” “get fucked” and “oh, no!”
-Toby did have pretty severe Tourrette’s, but the Slenderman’s influence has made it worse, causing him to tic more frequently, and almost non stop if he ever gets hit with the sickness
-the only thing he has from his home is an older picture of him and lyra-he used to keep it in the kitchen but once more people started to move into the mansion he’s kept it in the bottom of a drawer in his room
-loves his baggy comfy clothes-big sweaters, hoodies, baggy jeans and sweats
-also loves breakfasts foods
-Toby picked up some interests and hobbies from his sister, mainly music and soccer
-Toby doesn’t really play soccer, but when he was living on his own he would put women’s soccer on the tv, as Lyra would watch it a bunch when she was alive
-He also knows how to play a bit of the drums-he’s not a pro but he knows the basics and he knows some guitar chords that his sister taught him
-She was really good with the guitar and they would joke about starting a band with some of her friends
-While Toby will joke about drinking, he’s never touched the stuff, and he feels uncomfortable whenever he’s around people who are obviously drunk
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
omg the one where u steal his clothes 🤭 could u write a smut where he goes feral so u purposely do it more often please
-> aforementioned request
feral huh? 😏 ngl there is something extremely sexy about wearing your boyfriend's clothes and him looking at you like a caveman 🥵🥵🥵 ______________________________________________
You spontaneously slept the night at Jay's again so you naturally had no clean clothes to put on the next day. Coming out of the shower you called your boyfriend's name, only to be met with silence.
Tiptoeing around the house naked and wet, you passed by the kitchen, noticing the yellow post-it on the fridge that wasn't there earlier.
I went out for a run. I'll bring back breakfast.
Smiling, you threw the towel over your shoulder and went straight to Jay's closet. Taking stock of everything that was in it, you decided to wear a pair of white basketball shorts and his red workout top.
It was much too big on you and revealed some major sideboob, since you had rinsed out your bra under the shower earlier.
"Oh well, it's not like I'll be going out in that outfit!"
Grabbing your phone off the nightstand, you walked over to the kitchen, browsing on the internet while you waited for Jay.
He came back 30 minutes later, completely drenched in sweat and panting. It was only 11am but already 30 degrees celsius hot. Who in their right mind goes jogging in that heat?
"You're going to get a heatstroke!"
"Where are you?"
You stood up off the chair, ready to scold him, when he walked in only wearing his shorts. You too had gotten rid of his shorts earlier as they constantly fell off your hips.
"Goddamn, woman!"
"What? You said I could borrow your stuff!"
"I know I did, but-" He stopped himself, licking his lips.
You looked puzzled for a second, but then looked down at him, his shorts forming a tent over his growing bulge.
"Jesus Christ!"
You had no time to protest when Jay picked you up and carried you to the bathroom with him. Getting rid of both of your clothes, you barely managed to inform him that you had already showered, before he dragged you inside the shower cabin with him.
Lathering himself up in soap, you caught a glimpse of his wicked grin and understood immediately.
Boyfriend was horny. It happened a lot after he worked out, but usually you weren't there so his hand ended up doing all the work.
You raised an eyebrow as he inched closer and closer to you and eventually rubbed his soapy body against yours.
"We should probably rinse this off before we do any sort of acrobatics or we might break our necks." You snickered.
He stepped under the shower head, and all you could do was watch how the soap traveled down his perfectly sculpted body. Then he placed you under the shower head, admiring your curves.
In a matter of seconds you had jumped on his lap, smashing your lips on his. You moaned into the kiss, and Jay seized the opportunity and slipped his tongue inside your mouth. Deepening the kiss, he pushed you against the wall, the back of your head hitting the tiles but the pain wasn’t comparable to the one growing between your thighs. What should have been a painful moan quickly turned into an aroused one as you felt Jay's hand traveling in between your legs. He rubbed your clit, making sure you were wet and ready for him, then grabbed his pulsating cock, tantalizing your pussy before it disappeared slowly inside you.
You drew in a sharp breath which made Jay stop but he pushed through when you bit and sucked on his bottom lip, begging him to continue.
You wrapped your arms behind his neck, helping him to support your weight, while you pushed your hips forward, allowing Jay to penetrate you even deeper.
His thrusts became more rhythmic and soon he picked up the pace. Yout tits were bouncing up and down in front of his face and small beads of sweat covered his forehead. His muscles were tense from lifting your entire body weight, so you told him to put you down. Immediately you turned around, presenting him your juicy ass, your swollen pussy peeking through your tightly closed thighs. Jay slapped your ass cheeks a couple times until your skin turned red and you moaned delighted. With his left hand he spread your ass cheeks while his right one was guiding his cock to your pussy. He pulled your hips towards his lap, further intensifying the feeling, while you begged him to thrust deeper.
"Damn, woman! Any more deeper and my balls will disappear inside you too!"
There was something so raw and blunt about his statement that it made your pussy clench around his cock, holding it hostage.
"Faster, babe!"
He obeyed immediately, bending your knees until you almost squatted as he angled his leg up on the wall, practically mounting you like a horny bull.
You began to see stars and it didn't take long before you climaxed, your legs wobbling as you struggled to stay vertical.
Jay then picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, placing your wet body on the sheets and spreading your legs as far as he could.
You were still sore and oversensitive when he shoved his cock deep inside your convulsed pussy and continued thrusting in and out of you. Trying desperately to muffle your animalistic moans, you grabbed a pillow, pressing it on your face. You were sure you'd be too sensitive to feel any joy but noticed how you got wet again in record time, Jay's massive cock now sliding in and out of you with ease.
You felt Jay angling your legs so he could have better access and moaned into the pillow as you felt his thumb circling your swollen clit.
"Fuck!" He hissed and made your whole body erupt in goosebumps. Beads of sweat fell from his forehead onto your stomach. Soon his breathing became irregular and you knew he was about to cum.
Before that could happen, he pulled out his cock, leaving you empty and protesting.
"No! Get back in!"
His thumb was still rubbing your clit, the friction sending heat waves throughout your whole body. His other hand came up and grabbed your breasts, roughly playing with your nipples, before he slapped them, making the skin burn. You were winding under his thumb, ready to explode again, needing nothing more than his hard cock around your throbbing pussy.
Throwing the pillow aside, you gazed at him, a mixture of lust and rage. How dare he deny you his cock?
He watched you cum from the touch of a single thumb and smiled devilishly as you squirmed under him, performing some kind of elaborate exorcism.
You were still panting when you felt your aching pussy being spread once more as Jay's cock penetrated you deeper than ever before. In a matter of seconds he screamed out your name together with some expletives and collapsed on top of you.
Minutes passed before any of you could move, and even then your movements were in slow motion.
"Damn!" You chuckled at his stunned remark and freed yourself from under his weigh. Turning him onto his back, you straddled his hips in a desperate attempt to get him hard again.
"Not so fast! I need a minute, you insatiable woman."
You giggled and slid down his body until you were face to face with his worn-out cock.
"Let me help you then!" You announced as you started licking up and down his shaft, licking off all of your collective juices.
You had almost licked him clean and he was already twitching again.
"Ride me!"
You squatted down, hovering over his now hardened cock. He wasted no time shoving it inside you, thrusting his hips rhythmically, the only sound being his balls slapping against your skin.
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keirosims · 1 month
Hi! I love your cc!! I've been trying to find a tutorial for how to make something take on the texture of a sims body, like your tails do, and vice versa how to make a piece of cc that does that have different swatches instead. Haven't been able to find anything and I was wondering if you might know of one? No worries if not, thank you!
Hi! Thank you so much! So sorry for the delay with this, my internet died last week and I’ve been busy since then. I honestly can’t remember when I learnt how to make it take the texture from the skin but iirc it was me just asking someone else how to rather than an actual tutorial. The process is super simple so I’ll do a lil tutorial here for it
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Depending on how you have your blender set up you might not have the extra window like I do, so go up to where the red circle is, click and drag those 3 diagonal lines and it’ll open a new viewpoint.
Click on the icon at the bottom of the viewpoint.
Select UV/Image Editor, the window will then look like the one on the left with the pixel grid.
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4. Click this box and change the mode from Object Mode to Edit Mode. 5. Press A on the keyboard to select the entire mesh. 6. Press U on the keyboard and select Unwrap. (There are different ways to unwrap an object, but considering how tiny the UV will end up and it not needing a "proper" texture, there’s not really any point in doing any fancy unwrapping here)
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7. After unwrapping you will see the UV map of your mesh in the UV editor 8. Click Open and find the UV image (Linked Here)
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9. Click in the UV Editor window so it is active, press A to select the object's UV and then press S and scale it down (Move the mouse to scale it). Then press G and move it to where you want the object to take the skin colour from. For horns I tend to go for mid forehead, for my tails I go near the ear because the back skin is slightly darker/shaded so it blends better.
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10. Now, the texture won’t immediately take note of the skin colour, so to fix that click the Material icon and then click New.
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11. Click the icon next to Material and choose BaseTexture. This will apply the texture to the horns.
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12. (Edited two screenshots together to show the uv placement, it won’t show it when you’re in object mode) Now back in object mode on the mesh viewpoint you can see that the mesh is now taking the colour or skin from the sim's forehead! You can move it around if you want to see if there's any other area you prefer, but be mindful of where other objects and textures will interact. With my tails and horns any hairs that have shadows or cover the ears will have issues with darkening the horns' colour. It's kinda inevitable honestly.
13. Now it’s just a case of importing it into Sims 4 Studio like other cc, for my horns I used earrings, but for the children and younger I used the blank body mesh (Because there's literally no base game accessories for any of them which don't have additional issues? I tried a bracelet but with long sleeve the horns would disappear, and I didn't have the patience to figure out exactly how to stop that lol). I replace the existing texture in Sims 4 Studio with a completely blank image (That’s the same size as the UV map)
The process for regular texturing is very similar, but I used a regular blender tutorial for that. There is also This Tutorial which goes over how to properly divide up your mesh for a cleaner UV map.
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To get a image you can use to apply an actual texture, whilst in edit mode, click A to select the UV map, then click UV at the bottom and then Export UV Layout. This will save an image that just shows where your UV is, you can then use this as a guide when painting/applying a texture.
This is how my UV map looks after exporting and after painting it the texture I want. You can then reimport your textured image back into blender to see how it looks. Also if you've already imported your file into S4S you can simply just import the texture and it should apply.
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I hope this all makes sense! Any questions I'll try to answer!
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spaceyflowers · 9 months
hi!! im still alive!! + updates on this blog
first: i would like to apologize for disappearing without a word for like. nearly a year. im terribly sorry for any worry i've caused T_T;;
honestly i have no good excuse for disappearing like i did especially without reason (not that im obligated to let everyone know my business but i did have a "i wont randomly disappear!" sentiment and yet... here i am) but in a nutshell, its basically: fandom shifts, college, and guilt.
if you want to know about the future of this blog fandom wise;
still going to be a lookism/viral hit blog (havent caught up yet) but most likely wont be as active in the fandom anymore;;; thinking of sticking as a lookism blog until that series ends but who knows when it will so i might eventually just change fandoms 😭
please dont feel bad about unfollowing or anything!! curate what u wanna see with who u follow, i take no personal offense, even if we've been long time mutuals!! ><
fandom shifts will probably be more common; i have this weird thing where i cant focus on multiple interests or i get stressed;; so i get obsessed with one thing for months/years but then once i lose interest and move on, its likely i wont return to it unless something triggers it. thats why i dont think "multifandom" fits me, i'll always be fandom focused, its just the fandom focus changes 😭
p.s. sorry if im being dramatic about this (i feel like a youtuber who got canceled writing an apology 😭😭) i just feel like i owe yall an explanation </3
if you're curious about me, i've left that under the cut;
got into a new interest which made me stop looking at lookism/viral hit stuff -> knowing my blogs are lookism focused, i decided to take a "break"
couldnt get myself back into lookism after my "break" ended -> couldnt get myself back on tumblr
started to feel guilty because i havent been active in a long while
senior year ending, school takes my priorities -> summer break comes, i swear i'll apologize on tumblr but guilt eats away at me and then i have to do college stuff
become a little active on tiktok, start feeling more guilty because im active there but not on tumblr
college begins, get busy with college stuff -> during breaks, swear i'll apologize on tumblr pt 2 but the guilt has piled up so much it feels like the equivalent of when a person cant get themself to reopen their animal crossing new leaf game because they havent touched it in a long time
first college semester ends, winter break starts -> finally convince myself to get over it and start typing all this up
once again im really sorry T_T i was not made for the content creator life bc i cant stay active for shit + i feel so bad gaining followers for one thing but once i move on from that one thing, it feels like im disappointing a lot of ppl even tho i know i dont owe strangers on the internet anything- im just repeating myself now but yknow
oh and for anyone curious: my current fandom is dmc <3
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jaesvelvet · 2 years
back 2 u (sneak peak)
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"everyone shh! be quiet!"
The classroom automatically fall silent, hearing the high tone of their sweet and loving teacher's voice. The silence in the classroom makes the young teacher satisfied, she then moves aside, showing an average girl with big doe eyes and her face doesn't look fully Korean to the classroom.
"Today, Emma will present her scrapbook to everyone! Michelle, remember last Friday when you show us your family scrapbook?" the teacher asked.
"Yeah, it was the best until you stop me at the part where my Uncle Joey's car is in the kitchen"
"I'm very sure that's not a good story to share, Michelle. Anyways, Emma would do the same! Today we're gonma learn a little bit of Emma's life and at the end of the class, we're gonna discuss about why we should appriciate families! Got it?" the young teacher exclaim with her happy voice to the classroom that filled with 7 years old kid. After getting a loud "Got it" from the audience, the teacher encourage Emma to do her presentation.
"Hi! My name is Emma" the young girl beamed, showing her half-crescent eyes smile towards her classmate.
The girl called Emma, carefully open her scrapbook and present it to her classmate by putting it on her chest.
"Today I'm gonna talk about my family"
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The whole class once again fall into silence, a young kid without a parent? It's fascinating to them, and with how the internet give a bad influence on every kid, they start asking inappropriate questions before the teacher could say anything.
"I saw on TV that a dad had another woman so he left his family, did your mom have another man too?"
"Uh, I- I don't—"
"My mom said, a kid without mom or dad is karma for their sins!"
"What do you mean—"
"You're an illegal child"
"Enough!" the teacher yelled, her sweet and loving face turns red and fierce. All the kids didn't dare to look up to her.
"Everything you said are so disrespectful and insensitive! This is not what I have taught you! I'm gonna talk to your parents about your behavior and apologize to Emma now!"
The kids that throw harsh comments at Emma seem hesitant to apologize to the poor young girl, thinking what they said is not wrong, they just want to know why Emma's mom disappear from her life. But a sharp gaze from the teacher's eyes instantly made them mutter insincere sorry to Emma.
The girl accepts the apology with her gummy smile, making all of them think; she is not hurt by the harsh question or maybe she does not understand the thing they talked about, she is too innocent for a 7 year old living in 2023.
Nevertheless, although the girl didn't fully understand the questions thrown by her classmates, she was still hurt by the fact she didn't have a mother to show off to the class, a woman who gave birth to her disappeared as soon as she cries in the nurse's arms.
"Mommy, are you mad at me for being born? I'm sorry mommy, please come back to Daddy" the little girl whispered to herself before distracting her blue thoughts with rabbit stickers that Michelle passed to her.
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hi! u can call me 404 whatever you want i don't really use names on here. the art in my header is mine (my art insta is @warehamswares) and my icon sculpture is by @blackmonalisa on insta
my main blog is @wormonastringtheory
some facts about me
-i am severely and complexly disabled
-i am high support needs for chronically ill reasons and mid support needs for autism
-i genuinely have 15 fucking specialists. 15. and sadly no they aren't for fucking
-i lose speech a lot but am hyperverbal when i am not experiencing speech loss. my settings are 0 or 100 basically
-g-d min-maxed me for singing, charisma, drawing, creative hobbies, acting and poetry. everything that isn't that is utter dogshit
-i speak in ecolalia (especially of online memes a lot) and don't always make sense to people who don't know me well
-i have so many hobbies, a business and somehow also a job (work from home customer service) and full time school (with many accommodations) so i disappear from the internet very often
-i have a pretty, kind, goofy boyfriend who i am deeply in love with and want to spend my life with as a nesting partner, but i am polyam, not actively looking for partners rn, if it happens it happens but i am focusing on fostering my current relationship well atm. not tagging my bf because this is where i say the stuff about him im too embarrassed to share for how raw and vulnerable it is
-i am very, very mad and cripplepunk
-i am an abolitionist and anarchist
-my hobbies include: zine-making and collecting, archiving, drawing, choral singing and also band singing, attending house shows, dnd, painting, writing, community organizing and event planning, reading and learning about tornadoes, and robotics
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free--therapy · 1 year
so like i mentioned in earlier asks too, I've been having many random worry thoughts from two years back pop up again since last week as I've been home for a long time now without nothing much to do haha. this is the kind of scenario when I start to overthink if i look back on the past few years or something like that. similar something happened this same time last year as well during my vacation but i got over it pretty soon too when university started.
but since its something I've been thinking about recently, i wanna share it with you and ask for your thoughts on certain things.
i was in therapy for a few months in late 2021, and honestly i had a lot of worries about many different unrelated stuff that i would talk to my psychologist about. one of them was my health anxiety especially about mental health disorders and specifically OCD since that was what i was worried about a lot after i google searched it and ended up convincing myself i had it. this was because back then, i had this one thought pop up in my head one day which made me remember something i had read about mental health before on an online forum and then that thought kept popping u pin my head so I searched it up and it lead to random articles and forums where people talked about how intrusive thoughts/images were a symptom of OCD which triggered me but lead to me googling even more about it and eventually just getting scared and sort of convincing if i had it.
the thing is, that initial thought was a very minor problem because after reading so much stuff about people having OCD and their symptoms and stuff, it's almost like i internally subconsciously started looking for reasons, and eventually ended up with thoughts/memories especially from my past that started popping up which lead to me thinking about it and worrying about it.
this is where my thoughts about me being a bad person and my past mistakes and all other worries about other things started. i would talk to my therapist about these individual worries and whether the fact that i keep having random images or thoughts or memories or what ifs due to all that reading meant that i had OCD. it's like i picked worries up after reading stuff on the internet.
my therapist said I'm only reacting to what i read and it doesn't mean i have OCD but i kept thinking "but i have all different intrusive thoughts and what ifs too, so what does it mean?" my therapist asked me to stop reading forums and articles until i could process it without getting triggered. she also vaguely described to me how her previous clients with OCD were or their symptoms. she explained how more than anything else, i was simply overthinking.
the thing is I didn't have any official diagnosis and anxiety induced overthinking in that sort of uncontrolled way was new to me so i didn't know what to think of it. plus to add to that, it was like i was anxious about the idea of having an anxiety disorder more than anything else.
my therapist never gave me any diagnosis but she did confirm that my worries over having OCD were just me overthinking due to reading too much and me reaching to conclusions by connecting dots that didn't even exist actually.
she was very helpful and with time, as i learned to manage my thoughts much better, my overthinking reduced. i stopped therapy in February 2022 since university was finally starting physical classes again and i couldn't afford therapy anymore either.
but because of this i never knew if i had any anxiety disorder at all or was it just anxious overthinking due to me having nothing else to do. and even if i did, what disorder was it or was it just general disordered anxiety.
like i mentioned in earlier ask, whenever normal life resumed, this overthinking and all these worries and thoughts always disappeared from my mind. even if i did remember them from time to time, they didn't bother me. it only affects me when I'm home for a long period of time with nothing else to do. i think my therapist recognised that maybe?
Hey Anon,
I'm going to try my best and consolidate everything you asked up until this particular ask! Sorry it took me a while to respond
Like I mentioned to you, as well as your therapist, it definitely does look like you have a tendency to go back to these old worries that you had, especially when you have a lot of free time on your hands. It's funny how the mind works, just when you think you're over something, it comes back to haunt you. What you want to do is not let yourself feel guilty for the same thoughts coming back. It's going to happen, but you defeated them before so you can do it again. It's all about repeating the same things you told yourself before to have these reoccurring thoughts stay away. When these things would happen to me, I would often catch myself in the cycle and interrupt myself by saying something like, "wait a minute, we've already discussed this. why am i wasting my time again on the same thing?" proceeds to challenge the thoughts again with the same methods as before I would even tell myself things like, "girl, I thought we were past this, there's no reason to keep thinking these things again when there's nothing we can do to change the outcome!".
You should absolutely forgive your younger self for doing things you regret now and let the past go. We cannot learn from our mistakes if we don't let them go and try to do better. You definitely know better and I'm sure your younger self would be happy to know that you were sorry for having yourself be exposed to such things. You're definitely not alone in these kinds of feelings either.
I think it's normal for people pleasers to pretty much overthink every little think, so it's not surprising that these thoughts would return to you. You have to keep working towards training your mind to not worry so much about the things you can't control or change. What's done is done and no amount of worrying about any of it will change anything. You don't owe anyone any sort of explanation for the things you've done in the past because every single person in existence also has things in their past that they don't bring up or talk about either. No one is innocent of that really. We're all so much a like than we seem to realize. If someone reacts negatively to you if you ever do bring something up to them, then let it be. Again, no one is not guilty of doing something regrettable in their past that they don't talk about because of fear of rejection or embarrassment. You definitely don't deserve to be treated badly because of it either and I wouldn't accept that from someone if I were you. Just keep in mind that they likely have something they wouldn't want to share and if people knew about it, they'd feel ashamed too. The fact that they're so quick to judge and react would tell me that they lack self-awareness or any sort of compassion for people making mistakes. No one is perfect. No one!
Honestly, social media is the worst for judgmental people. Thankfully people in the real world are a lot nice and a lot less judgmental than the people you can find on the internet who spend all of their time hiding behind screens so they can be nasty to other people. Not everyone will treat you like that thankfully. You're entitled to your opinions and preferences, and you should never let the "crowd" decide how you should think, especially when you disagree. At the end of the day, a lot of these people are either miserable or they're just like you and they want to fit in. You should never sacrifice yourself and what you like or believe in, just to fit in with others. There will always be people out there that are for you and are just like you, even when it feels like most people may not think that way.
ALWAYS treat yourself with kindness. The only person who can really give you that is yourself. Once you know how to treat yourself with the love and kindness you so very much deserve, then you'll know what is and isn't acceptable when other people treat you in a way you don't like. Everyone in this world is worthy of love, kindness, respect, and compassion. No one should ever have to earn these things, and sadly a lot of us have been raised by parents who made us feel like we have to earn their love. This is not right and very messed up. That makes love a conditional thing when it was designed to be UNconditional.
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Nonstop Feeling, pt. 3
I have always thought that one of the thing that would make me hooked onto someone is the affirmations that they could assured to me.
The bombing of praises about me. Be it about my looks, my personalities, my achievements…anything. Telling me how they like me, love me, their feelings towards me…anything.
I thought about it for a while and traced back our interactions for these past few months.
Did he ever call me pretty? No. There’s this two times when he said i look “fresh” and then also a slight comment about how he wanted to kiss my lips.
Did he ever mention anything about me that he likes? Also no. To be fair, we both never said we like each other anyway.
Did he ever say he miss me whenever we’re apart for days? Explicitly, no. But one time where I mentioned that I’m the only one missing him and not vice versa, he only answered with “I never said I don’t miss you.”
“Not saying it doesn’t mean that I’m not feeling it. Not everything needs to be said.”
And this is the first time I can vouch that it’s true.
He would come straight away to my place whenever he could. He would reply to my text whenever he looked on his phone. He would always let me know if he couldn’t make it to my place that day with a clear crystal reason. He never make a promise that he knew he couldn’t make. He would always apologize if he couldn’t make his promise. He never reject my kisses. If he have to reject it, he always explain the reason. He would always put his arm around me when I sit close to him. If I feel bothered about something that he said or did, he would apologize and stop - and without diminishing my feeling.
With him, everything just feels…effortless.
We are so different but it’s strange that I’m starting to find a sense of comfort in him only after our fourth or fifth meetings.
We are so different yet so similar. We both like steak cooking videos on the internet. We both are easily got bored with poultry dishes. We both always sleep with videos or movies playing in the background - we put our device leaning on the wall beside our head.
Unlike him, I need to express specks of my feeling towards him. Back then, I always think too much about the other party reactions and I always fear rejections. But with him, I feel like I could say anything and even though he never give me affirmation by his words - he always make me feel accepted.
“I got out to the balcony last nite to see you off driving away.”
“Oh? Sorry I didn’t know. That’s why I just drove off without looking back to you.”
“Yeah it’s okay I just want to see u anyway.”
I never knew that a dry and simple answer like that could make me feel - belong.
“Your scent already disappeared from my pillow.”
“Hahahah go try smell my towel then.”
“I already did and there’s no scent of u left there lol sorry.”
“Hahaha you already tried?!”
“Yeah sorry that’s embarrassing.”
“Sorry why? It’s not.”
He never say he misses me back. He would always just laughed, and just that.
But I just knew the instance he got the time - he would show up in front of my door, get into my room, and kiss me like there’s no tomorrow.
I don’t expect anything from all of this. As I can’t deny anymore that I have already caught feelings beyond everything that we have right now, I just knew that this isn’t going anywhere.
Sometimes I question a bit about his feeling towards me. Is there any possibility that he also got the same sparks that I got whenever I’m thinking about him?
“Not everything needs to be said.”
I guess he’s right.
0 notes
So u know how Joseph is just a natural flirt? Imagine he has like a meet and greet and u then see fans talking on the internet like “omg he called me gorgeous” and “he winked at me” blah blah blah…. And u get jelous and basically have hate sex w him😏
𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 • Joseph Quinn
GENRE: smut
WARNING: nsfw, dry humping
PAIRING: Joseph Quinn x fem reader
AUTHOR NOTE: is it really hate sex? No but still 💀
WORD COUNT: idk tbh
Not proof read
Joseph Quinn/Eddie munson masterlist
Don't repost my content! It's a crime
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You didn't think you were the jealous type at all, that was until your chest started burning reading all the things people said on the internet about your boyfriend Joseph.
Joseph Quinn was currently the internet's boyfriend. He was getting tons of attention due to his role as Eddie munson in stranger things. You were proud of him, there's no denying it. He worked so hard for so long to be where he was right now. He had tons of fans and supporters and that was great, but with that came a lot of fan girls who wanted him so badly.
Your laptop sat on your lap as you scrolled through Twitter from your spot on the couch. Joseph was out currently doing some work related things leaving you in your shared apartment by yourself.
You looked through the Joseph tag that was trending due to him going to meet and greets. You've come across several fan pictures which weren't bad at all. Seeing him with his fans made you so happy. But every now and then a tweet about Joseph calling a girl beautiful and what not would pop up.
'I went to the meet and greet and Joseph called me gorgeous'
'Joseph winked at me as I left the signing table'
'omg Joseph Quinn is adorable. I want him so badly '
You tried to ignore it, but they were starting to get hard to miss.
A sigh fell from your lips as you keep scrolling. It was all becoming a bit too much for you. The sting in your chest grew and grew until you had enough and shut your laptop.
You placed your laptop beside you before you ran your hands over your eyes trying to forget about the countless tweets. You were so jealous and for what? Joseph was with you and only you. Maybe you were just possessive due to the fact so many beautiful women wanted him.
The front door opened. In walked Joseph from his long day. "Bubs, I'm home." He called out.
From your spot on the couch you cleared your throat and fixed your face. Joseph walked into the living room seeing you sitting there. You had a fake smile on your face which he didn't notice was fake. Thank God.
"hi." He said giggling. He placed a soft kiss on your lips. He sat down beside you and began to pull off his dress shoes.
"how was the meet and greet?"
He told you about his day with an adorable smile on his face. You tried your best to keep Joseph busy with questions from asking you how your day went, but it didn't work. After he finished his long talk he was asking you how yours went.
"it's been ok." You breathed out. "Not much was happening." Joseph hummed. "Yeah? What were you looking up?"
"just some work stuff. Nothing much." You laughed a little at the end and soon regretted it because of how forced it sounded. Just frowned at you. "You ok?"
You nodded trying to play it off the best you could. "Yeah, I'm great. Just a little tired. Now that I think about it," you stood up and gave a fake stretch. "I think I'm going to take a nap."
You gave Joseph a soft smile before you walked out to the bedroom. Joseph was confused. Usually when he came home you were excited and dying to talk or cuddle or both, but you weren't today.
20 minutes went by and you were laying in bed wide awake. Those tweets were swimming in your mind. No matter how much you tried to forget them they never disappeared. You felt kinda guilty for being jealous and possessive over him, but the thought of losing him sent you through a spiral.
After a bunch of tossing and turning you decided you couldn't sit in bed anymore and mope. You needed to get up even if you needed to explain why you were being a little weird.
You walked out of the bedroom to the sitting room. Joseph was still there, watching TV. When he heard your footsteps he turned to look at you. "Did you have a good nap?"
You sighed and walked over. You straddled Joseph leaving him confused. You never did that. "I didn't sleep. I'm just trying to avoid you."
You buried your face in his neck. "Why's that?" Joseph wrapped his arms around you.
"I've been feeling a little jealous." You confessed. You couldn't see it, but Joseph was smirking. He knew you were judging by your body language earlier when you brought up all the people he met. "Jealous? You have nothing to be jealous about."
You lifted your head and looked at him. "I know, but still... I kinda wanna be the only person you call gorgeous."
Joseph ran his finger over your jaw as he looked at you. He had a small smile on his face. "What?"
"you're cute when you're jealous." You groaned and tried to move from his lap, but Joseph stopped you. "No! I like seeing you jealous." Joseph kissed you adding a bit of tongue before pulling away. "It's a turn on."
Joseph began to kiss you again. His hand trailed down your body to your hips. You began to grind down on him. The thin fabric of your pajama pants mixed with his rough jeans made your shutter and moan into his lips.
Joseph bite your lip, his grip tighten on your waist as you moved slowly against him. You could feel how hard he was as you moved back and forth on him.
"you're the only girl for me." Joseph said against your lips when he pulled away. "You hear me?" You nodded, but that wasn't enough for him. "Say it." You looked into Joseph's darken lust filled brown eyes. "Yes.. I hear you."
"good girl. Now make yourself cum on my thigh."
You keep grinding on him. Your panties were getting more and more soaked as you against him. Your whimpers filled Joseph ear making him harder than before. He couldn't wait to fuck you later. That's what he was planning on doing.
"I'm going to cum." You hissed as your clit ran against the rough fabric. Your lower stomach burned as your orgasm threaten to spill over.
"cum!" Joseph took a hold of your face with his left hand, he kissed you roughly taking your breath away. Your orgasm came no longer after. You stilled your movement and grabbed Joseph's waist for support as you shook and saw stars.
Joseph pulled away from you, he looked down at the spot you were just grinding on. Your juice covered his jeans. "God, you're a mess. Soaked my pants." Joseph kissed your jaw before he picked you up. "I'm not done with you. Gotta fuck you until you know how gorgeous you are to me."
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lovegoodfics · 3 years
matching grins- part two to summer affairs
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read part one here
word count: 4.1k
summary: after your interaction with james at harry’s summer party, neither one of you forgot about what you hadn’t yet finished.
warnings: age gap (all characters are of consenting age), unprotected sex (be smart kids!), dom/sub roles, cursing, choking, slight overstimulation, cheating, hard scratching (james’ back), use of petnames, degradation, loss of virginity, squirting, minimal aftercare.
a/n: once again written on a long flight so i’m sorry if it’s not super great! i manually edited it also because i don’t have internet connection to use grammarly or anything, so i’m sorry if there’s typos or if i fuck up the grammar. hope u like it and hope it was worth the wait :) p.s: feel free to send in requests!
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After that hot summer afternoon, you had only seen James twice. Once at King’s Cross as James and Lily saw Harry off to Hogwarts, and once more when your friend group got together over the Holidays. It wasn’t a rare occurrence to visit the Potter’s over breaks, as your friend group was very close and Harry’s parents were just so generous to host you all.
Their generosity- James’ generosity- had crossed your mind often since Harry’s 16th birthday party. Since returning to Hogwarts, you had been with a few boys in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw to try and fill the hole that James had opened up inside of you, but nothing felt quite as good as James. There was just something about your experience with James that made it all feel so good. Obviously he was experienced and particularly talented in that area, but maybe it was him being older, the nonchalance he had about the whole thing, the scandal of it all, or the secrecy. Whatever it was, you were obsessed and craved, no, needed more.
“What’s on your mind?” Hermione asked with a suspecting look on her face. Just then you realized you had been stirring your drink and staring into the fire for far too long, you probably looked crazy.
“Oh! Nothing, just thinking about the upcoming semester. I know how much you hate it, but I’m really looking forward to Divination. I heard 6th years get to start practicing prophecy reading,” you quickly came up with a diversion, knowing how much Hermione hated Divination and how much she loved to complain about it.
“Oh don’t get me started, Y/N. That woman is mad, really! If you’d like to hear my opinion, I think it’s more of a class where we play along with her game of makebelieve!”
“Believe me, Hermione, we’ve heard your opinion about it. Dozens of times,” Ron interjected, coaxing a small laugh out of you and Dean.
You were all sat around the coffee table in front of the fireplace on the second floor of Harry’s house. Getting together for weekends over break was much easier once Hermione figured out how to get you all muggle telephones, or cellphones, as she referred to them.
You had no problem learning to use the device, but Ron’s literacy with muggle technology was laughable. If he could manage to even send a text, it would be in all caps and filled with numbers and symbols, making it completely unreadable.
Harry reappeared in the doorway after going downstairs to help Lily with something, asking “Does anyone want anything to eat? My mom wont leave me alone until someone says yes.” He looked embarrassed, causing a laugh out of the group scattered across the room. You all responded in a chorus of “Yes!” “Sure” and nods of heads through your laughter.
“Thank Merlin,” he sighed, disappearing down the stairs again.
You returned to your conversation with Hermione and Ron until a voice and figure in the doorframe knocked the wind out of you.
There James stood, feet away from you, holding a tray of cheese and crackers and a few bags of other snacks under his arm. You couldn’t decide where to look- his face illuminated by the fire, making him look like a Greek God, his massive hands that took up half of the tray he was holding, his veiny and muscular forearms that were revealed under his rolled up sweater and button-up shirt, or the easy smirk resting on his face, the one he always had. He rested the tray and the bags on the coffee table, gently pushing aside a few of your cups to make space for the ridiculous amount of snacks Lily had obviously sent him to bring.
As he nudged your cup to the side, it toppled over and it’s contents spilled all over your front.
“Shit!” you exclaimed, standing up and reaching for the stack of napkins on the table to attempt to dry the mess off of your clothes.
You looked up meekly, “Sorry for the language, Mr. Potter.” You remembered when he scolded you for both your language and calling him Mr. Potter at your last, and only, rendezvous, and you hoped he would be reminded of the same.
If he did remember, he didn’t show any sign of it in his face or body language as he quickly, but much more carefully, placed the tray finally on the table.
“Y/N! I’m so sorry!” James apologized, also reaching for a few napkins to help dry you off. The feeling of his hand brushing your abdomen even through the napkin made you shudder.
James noticed the chill that ran through your spine and for the first time since the incident, looked up at you with acknowledgment of your history in his face.
Although you had only seen it once before, the gleam of mischief in his eyes was all too familiar to you. “Y/N, why don’t you come with me? I know we have a shirt or something for you to change into, I’d hate to see you sit in these wet clothes for the rest of the night.”
You almost questioned why you couldn’t just use a drying spell before his hand on your lower back ushered you out of the room, just like he had the previous summer.
He silently led you up another flight of steps and down a corridor until you reached a bedroom. The journey to this bedroom felt half an hour long, though realistically it probably took you less than a minute to get here.
“Okay, I know Lily has some stuff that’s too small for her in here, as well as some things that you kids have left behind here over the years. Harry’s cousin also has some things here, you could pick one of those-“
With more confidence this time around, you were the one to interrupt James. “Mr. Potter, did we really come up here to find a new shirt? If that’s the case I can really just use a drying spell.”
The snark in your voice did not pass by James. “I’ve told you how I feel about being called Mr. Potter. Watch the attitude.”
“Sorry, Sir.” You taunted the word at him, using it in a mocking tone rather than one of sincerity.
Before you could blink, James’ hand wrapped around your throat and pushed you into the nearest wall.
“What did I say about the fucking attitude, princess?” He growled, letting his hot breath hit the side of your ear, causing a shiver to run its way down your spine. Your face turned to the side, shying away from James’ aggressive dominance.
“Or do you like being a fucking brat? Think being a brat will get you what you want?” A whine escaped your lips as he talked down to you, a fire sparking in the area between your belly and your groin.
“Answer me,” He growled.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Sir!”
“Good fucking girl.”
He released the iron grip he had on your throat, leaving you scrambling for a breath of air.
His arm snaked under the skirt and tights you had on and into your underwear, feeling between your folds. “Anybody touch this pussy since I have?”
You knew better than to not answer or lie. In your current state, you knew any lie would be obvious.
“Yes, Sir.”
“How many?”
“Just a few.” A snarl from him had you quickly correcting yourself. “Three! Two Gryffindors and a Ravenclaw Boy!”
“Fucking Slut.” He drew his hand out of your panties and you whined at the loss of contact.
“Anybody fuck you?”
“No! No, Sir!”
“No Sir!”
He grabbed a fist full of your hair from the back of your head and yanked it so he had access to your neck.
“What did those boys do to you?”
You were taken aback by the question, not really sure what he was asking or which answer he was looking for. “What?”
He released a sultry, sinister laugh before responding, “Cmon baby girl, don’t act stupid with me. How did they touch you? Give me every detail.”
You gulped, trying to remember each of the ways the boys at Hogwarts had been with you. They all weren’t very good, and only one of them had even made you cum, so it’s not like the experiences were incredibly remarkable or memorable. His hot breath and lips on your neck didn’t make the act of thinking any easier as he bit and kissed around your jaw.
“Uhm. The uh- the boy from Ravenclaw just kind of- he kind of fingered me I guess?”
“You guess?”
“No, Sir. He fingered me.” It was hard to maintain confidence and a steady voice as his hand dipped back into your panties and one of James’ large fingers was pushed inside of you.
“The others?” He asked, still nipping at your neck and slowly thrusting his curled single digit in and out of you. As James hit just the right spot inside of you with the tip of his finger, a sharp bite on the nape of your neck drew your answer out of you.
“Sorry! Uh- one just kind of ate me out. The other boy he…”
“He what?” He added another digit and his fingers increased in pace.
“He played with my clit.” You couldn’t believe the dirty words coming out of your mouth, and how the embarrassment of saying them somehow made this whole thing even hotter.
“Please, Sir! I need to cum!”
“Fucking hold it. Those boys make you cum like I can?”
“No, Sir!”
He snorted, still speaking into the area where your earlobe met your neck and the side of your head. “They make you cum at all?”
The blush on your cheeks deepened as you admitted to James that only one boy had made you cum, and it wasn’t very good anyway.
“Nobody touches this pussy like I can.”
“Nobody! Nobody, Sir! Merlin…” You were merely moaning out your incoherent thoughts at this point, walking a fine line between maintaining your composure and collapsing into an orgasm under James’ ministrations.
He placed the pad of his thumb on your clit, just firmly holding it there for a moment before beginning to move it in slow, painfully slow, stroking motions.
“How did he play with your clit? Did he go fast or slow? Did he make you feel this good?”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you tried to process his words, the knot pleasure that sat heavily in your lower abdomen, and what answer would get you what you desperately needed all at once.
“He- he went fast! Please, please let me cum!” Tears were welling up in your eyes at this point, it practically hurt trying to ignore the overdue orgasm that was begging to be let go.
A deep, possessive grunt came from his chest, his fingers speeding up ever so slightly as he whispered, “Tell me I make you feel better than any of those other boys. Tell me this pussy is mine, and you can come.”
The effect all of James’ words had on you was almost laughable. He could say just about anything to you right now and it would only make your pussy clench tighter around his fingers. “James, God! It’s yours! It’s yours, only yours. Make me feel so good. Please, please, Sir, I’m going to cum!”
The electricity that traveled through every nerve and neuron in your body, spreading from your core, through your limbs, and into your fingers and toes was other worldly. You thrashed against James’ tight grip on you as you rode through one of the most intense orgasms you’d ever had- and you knew it would not be the final one of the night.
Giving you just a moment to catch your breath and float back down to earth, James took a step back from you, taking off his sweater and leaving only his rolled up button-up shirt. The way the fabric hugged his every muscle in his arms and abdomen left little to the imagination, but then again, so did this encounter.
Not wanting to appear ungrateful or as if you didn’t want to take anything any further, you also discarded your sweater and began to unbutton your jeans and slide them down your legs as James spoke up once again. “You gonna let me fuck you, baby?”
Although his words were dominant and seductive as always, his tone was slightly softer. You knew this was him making sure you fully consented and that this is something you wanted first. He may have been fucking a woman 20 years younger than him but he wasn’t cruel.
Instead of answering him with words, as you knew he preferred, you instead fully kicked your jeans and panties off of your legs and opened them as you leaned back against the small desk that was previously beside you both.
With your legs spread and your pussy presented for open viewing to him, you looked him in the eyes and whispered, “Please. Please come fuck me, Sir.”
“Fuck,” He swore, and you could’ve sworn you saw his pupils double in size and a bit of drool form between his lips before he was ripping off his belt and rushing over to you, desperate to finally be inside of you as he wished he could have been months ago.
He knelt before you and licked a firm line up the center of your folds, coaxing a bolt of electricity to make its way through your core. Just as he was about to put his fingers back in, you spoke up. “Please, don’t need t’ be stretched out. I can take it. Please, please fuck me.”
You were practically crying at this point, never having experienced this intense desperation before. You swore if his cock wasn’t inside you in the next 30 seconds, you may pass out from the denial of your body’s cravings.
Normally, James would uphold his dominant persona and tease you about being such a slut and so desperate for his cock. However, with you on display so prettily for him and the slight sound of your wetness clenching around air, he was as much of a slave to his desires as you were.
He dropped his pants and boxers in one swift motion and lined up his cock with your entrance. “You ready, darling?”
“Yes, sir.”
“It’s going to hurt at first, let me know if we need to stop.”
James’ constant switching between a cold, controlling dominant and the sweet, loving person you had always known him to be had you nearly falling head over heels for him, even if it was just sexually and in the moment.
He pushed himself into you, and immediately his fingertips dug much too harshly into your hips, the tips of them turning white from how strong his grip was. You drank up the pain as if it were the first Butterbeer of Autumn, and reveled in the overwhelming feeling of being stretched in a way you never had before.
After a moment, you tapped his shoulder and croaked out a simple “Move, please.”
“Such nice manners, anything for you princess.” He slowly began to thrust in and out, trying his best to maintain control over himself as to not hurt you and end this fantasy early.
Your eyes shut and your mouth turned into a shape that resembled something between a moan and a grimace as you took in the burning of his thrusts. In the most complex terms your brain could fathom at the moment: it hurt so good.
The stretching and burning slowly started to subside into pleasure as his slow, controlled thrusts persisted, his hot breath fanning over your neck.
“More,” you moaned out, your hands grasping tight around the back of his shoulders and your nails digging into the skin on his back. James let out an involuntary moan of relief as he was able to let down his guard of self-control and fuck you as he had always dreamed.
His thrusts immediately picked up in pace, and his cock brushed past your g-spot and slammed into your cervix repeatedly. The first time his cock hit your spongy cervix you let out a scream of both agonizing pain and please, which was instantly muffled by James’ large, calloused hand.
“Be fucking quiet, gonna let the whole fucking house know you’re a whore.”
The snide, dominant James that had dissappeared as your virginity was first being taken was back. His hand moved from your mouth to your throat and pinned you against the wall behind you, cutting off most of your air circulation.
“Merlin, you’re so fucking wet. So tight, fuck! This is my pussy.” He shoved his other hand deep into your throat, making you violently gag at the unexpected intrusion. As quickly as his fingers had appeared in your mouth, they had left, finding a new place on your clitoris. He harshly rubbed your clit back and forth with every fingertip on his right hand, and if it weren’t for the pressure against your windpipe and arteries preventing any noise (or air), you would have outright screamed.
“C-cum! cum, cum, cum…” was all you could manage to blubber out with the lack of air you had and the fog in your brain only growing thicker.
“Cum, angel. Make a mess.” Just as your climax was about to peak, James removed his hand from your throat. The rush of much needed air into your body combined with the endorphins that had flooded your nervous system like a dam break had your vision of James’ floppy hair and sweaty shoulder turn into green and black dots.
You snapped back into consciousness moments later, your eyes having trouble readjusting to light. Once your eyes refocused you looked down to where James’ cock was still brutally entering you and saw a clear, milky ish substance covering both of your lower halves.
James must have noticed your brief pause of confusion as he spoke up, “Y’ squirted. Who else can make you feel that fucking good? Who else can make a virgin squirt?”
One more rough thrust, once again, drew an immediate answer out of you.
“Nobody! Nobody else! You sir!”
He was beginning to get sloppy and his rhythm was no longer as precise, although the intensity of his thrusts never faltered. Honestly, they may have either increased or he had just fucked you to a point of painful sensitivity.
“M’ gonna cum,” he grunted, marveling at the continuation of your nails harshly running down the skin of his back.
“Not in me,” You quickly spoke. As much as you would have loved for James to claim you as his own, realistically it would be disastrous.
He harshly pulled out, and the loss of motion and stretch of your pussy made you let out a sharp, involuntary whine.
With two quick jerks of his fist, he came all over your lower belly and pubic mound, his semen mixing with the liquid from your earlier orgasm.
He collapsed back on top of you for a minute. You both just lay there, sweaty bodies intermingled, trying to catch your breath and make sense of what just occurred.
After a minute had past, James slowly stood up, reaching around for his glasses that had been discarded during sex without your noticing. Once he managed to feel for his glasses and put them on his face, he grabbed some sort of cloth that you didn’t care to decipher from the closet and gently wiped your abdomen and thighs clean from the cum that was beginning to dry and stick.
He cleaned himself up, pulling up his own boxers before putting your panties back up your legs. You deeply appreciated that he was taking a bit more care of you afterwards this time, as you don’t think you’d be able to successfully put everything back on in the state your body was in.
You were dazed off a bit, not really paying much attention to much else when you heard James let out a short string of profanities under his breath. You looked up to him, and then over to what his gaze was fixated on. In the mirror, you were both able to see the near gashes you left in his back with your nails.
“I’m really sorry…” you trailed off, looking down at your lap. The once confident composure you had built up during sex had vanished, and you were as shy and as embarrassed as you ever were around him.
“No, no, it’s hot! Just gotta figure out how to cover em up.” He reached for his wand that remained in the pocket of his jeans, crumpled up on the floor. With a spell you couldn’t quite decipher, the bright red, streaking marks had begun to heal themselves quickly. They turned a bright pink, an off white, and then faded back into his skin color all together.
“My neck… can you uh, can you do that for me?”
You turned your head to the side, giving him full exposure of the marks you were sure had already started turning various hues of purple. His chuckle threw you off guard, and your sudden confusion overpowered the embarrassment of looking him in the eyes. As you met his eyes, he smirked.
“No you keep those marks. Show those goddamn amateur boys what a real man did to you.”
Your mouth fell agape, perplexed by his audacity. If men have one thing, it really is the fucking audacity. “James! What if someone downstairs sees! They know my neck wasn’t covered in purple just an hour ago!”
His radiant smile and belly laugh only irritated you more as he grabbed a new sweater, the purpose of your trip to this room, from the closet and pulled your head through the hole of it. “Good thing you’re wearing a turtleneck then.” His beaming smirk made you roll your eyes, and you grabbed the jeans that had pooled below your feet and pulled them back up your legs, fumbling with the top button for just a moment.
“Asshole,” you muttered at a volume that you thought only you would be able to hear. Clearly that was not the case as James grabbed your shoulder harshly and pulled you towards him so his mouth was next to your ear again.
You prepared to have him scold you, or possible promise a further punishment, but he only slyly said, “We can explore that hole next time.” When he pulled away he winked at you, and while you pretended that the shudder that ran its way through you and shook your shoulders was one of annoyance, you both knew it was one of anticipation.
“You’ve ought to head down before me. We just had a long, very interesting conversation about my mother’s hobby of knitting sweaters, as far as anybody down there is concerned.” The easy smirk remained on his face, and it annoyed you beyond belief that he could just snap back to his usual self after doing such sinful and amazing things to, and with you.
You turned around, ready to leave him with a snarky comment of your own, until your own eyes met his big, puppy-dog brown ones. Despite the annoying, arrogant smirk, his eyes were kind and had you falling in love like a schoolgirl again, as you once had so many years ago.
“Kiss?” You measly asked, toying with the hem of your sweater in embarrassment. He smiled now instead of smirking and left a gentle, caring kiss on your lips, holding each side of your face gently in the hands that had just torn you apart.
You smiled and left the room with one last tap on your butt from James, silently closing the door behind you. As you made your way back to the room you all had been lounging in, you couldn’t contain the big, goofy grin that had etched its way onto your features.
You took your seat next to Hermione and Dean once again, trying your best to maintain your composure and act as if your virginity hadn’t just been taken by the man you dreamed about every night just moments ago.
“Y/N, what’s with the grin?” Harry asked, helping himself to some of the popcorn Lily must have brought up in addition to the food James had delivered.
“Your father told me a very interesting story about all the sweaters your… grandma, I think? used to make. It was sweet.”
He chuckled lightly, seeming to take your response without second guessing.
As the conversations continued and the fire dwindled, that blissed out, post-sex smile never left your face. And when James came to tell you all goodnight, he had a matching grin on his.
❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾ ❅ ☾
taglist: @missamericana69
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thecontumacious · 3 years
Hi!! I rlly love ur acc and ur writing is so good!!!!!!! Can i please request for luxiem on how they would motivate their s/o to do works? TT its my project week today and ive been doing so little on my activities that its starting to pile up!! I need me some motive from the boys lol. Also feel free to skip if u'd like if ur not comfortable with it!! Thank u so much i hope u have a great day!! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Luxiem's Gun Bear for You 🔫 🐻
a/n: uwahhhhh this ask came in a little while ago and i hope i'm still in time to send you the support you need for this dire time of yours, anon ;A;) i'm currently in the middle of midterm week too so this was much needed!! good luck for ya'll who's going through the same thing~~
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you stare ahead at your laptop, who is blinking in a very mocking way at you. your papers are strewn about, varying in its contents from ones most manageable to completely deserted due to its impeccable complexity. you groan, tired and frustrated, absolutely in need of some relief.
so you grab your phone, readily swiping through social media. you flip back and forth to answer messages from your friends, or refreshing your youtube page to see what your favorite creators’ nijisanji en have posted. as the clock continues to tick by, counting the time you’ve decided to waste away, you stay seated in your procrastination. it eats away at you. you don’t scroll through social media peacefully but it’s your only hideaway from the stress.
and as you’re deep down into a rabbit hole somewhere on the internet, you don’t remember the time you’ve spent being unproductive.
then you feel a tap on your shoulder. you look back and see your lover, seemingly finished with his stream and looking at you cautiously.
“i thought you last told me it was project week for you,” he said, leaning over. you groan at the mention of it and you can’t help but feel like that same burden had been dropped onto you again upon the reminder.
your boyfriend notices your distress and also sees your open phone, then sensing your lack of motivation.
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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“come on now,” he says, grabbing your phone. you reflexively whine and go to reach it, but who were you kidding?
your phone has disappeared to only vox knows where and you’re left with your due responsibilities
“ahhhh but i don’t wanna,” you say, pouting at the demon
“refusing to do it won’t change the fact you still need to do it, love,” vox then leans down and places a kiss on your lips
you’re startled by the sudden gesture of affection, so you blush
the exact expression vox wanted to see on you
he then moves next to you and grabs your things, from your papers to your laptop
“v-vox? what are you doing?” genuinely confused, you watch him pile them up in his hands and he’s off to leave the room with your things
“you need a new environment to work in. come with me,” he tells you, gesturing with his head
you stand up, sighing and does as he told you anyway. admittedly quite interested with what vox has up his sleeve
you follow him down to the living room and you find him neatly placing down your items on the coffee table, papers in its own place, laptop on the center and your writing instruments by itself
“how about a playlist? i personally recommend a dark academia playlist for its effectiveness and the aesthetic,” vox chuckles and he sits on the other side of the coffee table and you realize just what he’s going to do
he’s going to.. help
( •_•)
were you really complaining though?
of course not
“sit down, my dear,” vox rests his elbows atop the table and leans his chin onto them, waiting for you eagerly
you’re both nervous and excited at what he’s going to do
you sit down on the empty seat and await his next command
“okay, now what, sensei?”
vox chuckles, “well, my smart and talented student, i want you to do work. for real this time. i’ve stored your phone somewhere. you won’t find it unless it's break time.”
his more strict nature sort of scared you honestly but us kindred love it when he scolds us amirite
“i know i’m very charming and sexy, my love, but right now work is more important. now stop staring and get that pencil moving,” vox smirks
you shake your head, taking said pencil before forcing yourself to do the work you needed to do
vox’s way of showing his support is just that tho
he makes sure that you’re doing your work properly, reminding you to take your water every fifteen, twenty minutes
and when you get distracted, vox will tease you as the following:
vox grabs a ruler and makes you turn to him by pushing your chin towards him with said ruler
“are you going to behave and focus?” he’ll say, in a voice the exact opposite of his words
you gulp as you stare into his menacing yellow eyes
“y-yes sir,” you say
wait isn’t this supposed to be where he’s motivating you to do work?????
you’re doing the exact opposite, voxie🤡
if you do manage to focus though, not wanting to disappoint vox, you’re in for a shower of praises
you put down your writing tool after jotting down the last words of your work
you cheer while stretching, “that’s it for this one!”
“oh good job, my dear,” vox will lean over, bringing in your face towards his to kiss you. “i’m so proud of you.”
you giggle, “thanks vox.”
as a reward, he’ll give you back your phone but honestly, your phone wasn’t as interesting as your study chaperone
he’s hotter after all <3
cuddles and kisses for you!! 💋
butttttt if you only get distracted by him more; you’re messing up your work; nothing is getting inside your brain
vox will know, he’s a demon bestie(●´艸`)ヾ
“what is this? can't concentrate?” he says, cocking up an eyebrow
you huff, collapsing on the table “it’s your fault for being too hot”
vox will then have to resort to directly helping you this time
if you’re studying, he’ll pick up your book and start quizzing you on the materials needed for the exam, scolding you for real if you didn’t get any of them right
please don’t take this as a joke, he’s serious about this໒( ⇀ ‸ ↼ )७
“y/n, my dear, you have to get this right. else you’ll fail tomorrow’s exam.”
you sigh and promise to actually study this time
if you’re doing an assignment, vox is going to guide you on how to do it, even if it meant basically treating you a bit like a child
“this number, here. it should be about this sub chapter, yes?” vox points to the corresponding text and you are forced to read it, finding the answer per vox’s instructions
once you finally got the answer down, the demon will smile, flipping a page expectantly, “there we go. good girl/boy. let’s move on, shall we?”
yes this will be annoying and it’s draining your energy so much but vox’s gentle manner (albeit still terribly strict) is a big, big help
after you’ve finished everything, vox will reward you with a huge feast with anything you craved and basically do anything you wanted to do after that
but first, ✨praises✨
“you did such a good job today, my dear,” he says while kissing your forehead. “i’m very proud of you, you know that? i know it was tiring and it took a lot out of you. but i’m so proud you pulled through.”
his first asmr stream flashbacks im sorry(>д<)
other boys utc!
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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“you know you won’t get anything done by playing on your phone, right?” mysta says, leaning against the desk
you roll your eyes, “yeah don’t remind me.”
your boyfriend can only be silent as he looked over at your work, seemingly piling up more and more
honestly, mysta didn’t know how he can help. he wasn’t fond of these things either and if he threw himself in with you, it’d look more like a blind person guiding another blind person (‘-’*)
but not helping you out wasn’t an option either as mysta disliked it when you weren’t all smiles and laughs
what can he do to help…?
“what if…” mysta trailed off, piquing your interest. you gaze up at him, cocking up an eyebrow with wonder.
“i get you anything you want every time you finish an assignment!”
“and what is it can you offer to me, mysta rias?” you grin
mysta hums before saying, “anything! i’ll get you food, do that one weird stream idea you had!”
you smirk, crossing your arms, “even wear the maid outfit?”
for a good second, mysta is about to back track but since his determination to help you however he can settled deeper, he sighed with red dusting his cheeks
“f-fine, that too. you’ll work though, right? i can’t wear a skirt for nothing,” he pouts, still evidently embarrassed
mysta: (ง •̀_•́)ง
you giggle, nodding as you picked up your pencil, “i will. i expect you to be wearing it after i’m done with this, okay?”
to hell with wearing a maid dress when he can see you smile again
with mysta now as your permanent source of serotonin and motivation, it’s almost impossible to resist not doing your work
with that being said, mysta does not leave your side
he’s there to accompany you work, peering over your shoulder to read it over
yes, he might not understand and contribute anything
but he will definitely occasionally slip in an appropriate (sometimes unseiso tbh) joke
honestly, with mysta there, it took much longer for you to finish your piling work
but compared to when he wasn’t there to lighten the mood, you would make no progress at all┐(´ー`)┌
“mysta i’ve only done one page so far, shut up for a minute already!” you laugh, your stomach aching from the sheer entertainment mysta provided
“no, you shut up! you know you’d rather have me here than do your work alone,” mysta responds nonchalantly
and he was right
you’d rather he stayed there by your side than do things alone
and when you do manage to finish one, you faced mysta with the brightest and probably the most stupid grin on your face(~‾⌣‾)~
“alright, you got one done. what do you want?” mysta asked reluctantly
you can only giggle, poking his cheek out of spite. “can i just ask for some cuddles?”
mysta looks at you, confused. “didn’t you want me to wear the maid outfit?”
“oh don’t worry, i’ll be asking for that for when i finish my last assignment.”
mysta lets out a whine but he doesn’t exactly protest. so he indulges in your request for cuddles first
“alright, come here then!” he smiles, opening up his arms to which you collapse into easily
you shift around to find a comfy spot in mysta’s arms and just like that, you wish you could stay there for the rest of the day
mysta lets you snuggle against him as he placed his arms around your waist, kissing the top of your head when you finally found yourself a good spot
mysta leans back, pecking your head
“thanks mysta,” you mumble
“it’s no problem, love,” he insists, patting your head in a gentle manner. you look up at him and kiss him in gratitude
“i love you,” you smile. mysta can only blush as he reciprocates.
“i love you too, you dork.”
“you’re a dork too! don’t deny that, mysta.”
“shut up, right now, you’re the dork.”
there’s a dangerously big chance you’ll get too comfortable cuddling with mysta and just end up doing only one assignment that day
“hey, we’ve been like this for a while. shouldn’t you get back to work?” mysta would point out
you groan, “but you’re comfy, mysta…”
mysta will try his best to coax to get you back on that desk again
when it doesn’t work, mysta will try to be intimidating and strict but it’s pretty much futile
“come onnn, you have so much left to do,” he says, trying to push you off
but you only shake your head, holding onto mysta tighter than before
“you know i won’t get you anything, right? not even the maid outfit?”
“yeah, don’t care. mysta body pillow much better,” you mumble as you smile innocently
mysta can’t resist your cuddles either
oh well, at least you did one thing, right?
and when the day comes where you have to pull an all nighter, mysta will have no choice but to be your personal cheerleader once again₍₍ ◝(・ω・)◟ ⁾⁾
but if he does manage to get you to get back to work, he’s not letting you go
what i mean is that he’ll have you sit on his lap with him back hugging you while you continue working
yes, mysta wants you to work your ass off and get as many things done as possible
but he never said he won’t stop cuddling you :3
he’ll just snuggle into your back, enjoy your warmth and occasionally cheer you on, slipping jokes here and there, praising and complimenting when he can
“you’re doing good, love,” he would say, placing a chaste kiss on your shoulder.
at one point, he’ll offer, “do you want me to get any snacks for you? don’t ask for food though unless it’s delivery.”
and when you’re all done, mysta is going to be ecstatic and basically drag you to the bed for some extra cuddles
“thanks for working hard,” he’ll smile, kissing you.
“thanks for being with me the entire time, babe. i love you,” you reply.
“no problem, love.”
“hey, mysta?”
“i expect to see you in that maid outfit soon.”
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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“work does suck, huh?” luca comments, tilting his head. you nod, agreeing far too much with him. then he sighs, “but i hate to break it to you, y/n. you gotta finish these, don’t you?”
“i mean, of course i do, but… there’s just so many to go through and i can’t even bare to look at them another second,” you slump in your chair and rub your face out of exasperation
luca hums before he proceeds to take another chair in the room to drag it next to you
you turn to look at him and gape at him curiously
sure, luca was interested in what you were studying but you knew he sure as hell couldn’t teach it you
no offense luca
“what are you doing luca?”
“helping you out, duh!” he makes himself comfortable on the chair before looking at the papers as though he’d found gold, a point of view you wish you had to look at them T-T
“okay, so where are we starting?” he grins, looking at you expectantly
you can only stare at him in absolute wonder though
this man who wasn’t even in school anymore, free to do what he wants, is more excited about doing your assignments than you yourself
you both felt endeared and terrible at this(。•́︿•̀。)
“you know you don’t have to, luca,” you frown but he only shakes his head.
“you say that, but a little help is something you need right now. you clearly don’t have the energy to do this,” he laughs before picking up a random piece of paper. he reads it momentarily then asks you, “are you finished with this essay?”
you shake your head, “no, i’m about halfway through.”
“okay, tell me where you’re stuck. talk about the topic,” he says, handing the paper back to you.
you receive it but can’t help but feel worried as you gaze up at luca
upon seeing your expression, luca immediately understands and sheepishly scratches the back of his head. “hehe, i know i’m not rly good at this and stuff, but i just want to help you however i can. if you just want me to copy down an answer for you, help quiz you on something, then i’m glad i could do that!”
luca was aware of his limitations. he knew he couldn’t help you out as much as both you and him wanted.
however, he set them aside or more so faced the fact he couldn’t offer much aid just to alleviate your stress as much as you can
“procrastination sucks and at this point, you really just want to get it over with,” luca comments. “and getting behind on work is even worse! so yeah, i’ll be helping however i can! if you’ll let me, of course.”
you blink
then a smile easily decorates your face before you proceed to crash into luca’s chest, reveling in his bright and contagious positive energy💛✨
“thank you so much, luca,” you say and what was once a shell of your unmotivated self, you are replenished to its full capacity once again
with how luca brings himself around you and his genuine enthusiasm (+a real no cap pogchamp too!), there’s almost no way you’re procrastinating, right???
if you are what are you even(╬ಠิ益ಠิ)
depending wholly on what you’re working on, luca’s contribution can vary
if you’re doing work that is relatively easy and can be done even people outside of your study program, you’ll let luca lend a hand and fill in the blanks for you
“okay luca, you should be able to find the answers on google,” you say as you show him the list of questions
luca nods, understanding before taking over
killing two birds with one stone POGG
and when you both finish your task at hand
yall know whats comin
“POG!! that’s two done!” luca cheers, offering you a high five. you return it with a big grin of your own. “ready for another one, babe?”
“sure, luca,” you say and before you can even turn to look for another assignment to do, luca is looking at you expectantly.
“anything else i can do?” he asks innocently
you heart is both heavy and light, heavy because he’s making himself do your work and light because your load is basically lightening by the tons
“you know you don’t have to, right?” you pout
“i told you before i’m willing to help you! plus, i can hang out with you this way!”
if you’re working on something that’s way too out of luca’s league, the best he can offer you is himself
im just kidding by half
if it’s a test, luca can definitely help quiz you on things or read out the answer key for your exercises
for essays, he’s more than willing to read it out for you and point out any mistakes. a proofreader if you will!
presentation preps with luca make you way more confident for them because he comes up with plenty of questions that can help you revise your topic
and once you’re all done and have some energy left to do things:
“DATE NIGHT POGGGGG!!” luca will declare, grabbing your arm and out the door to wherever he felt like going/doing that day
it could be a trip to the arcade, a walk in the park, playing with augustus, visiting his casino if you were up for it?
guys btw have u seen his casino background + overlay from his dark deception stream??? that was so cool?????
it’s like luca has no resting time unless someone switches him off
ahem you⊂(▀¯▀⊂ )
he just wants to get you out of the house for working so hard today and pushing yourself past your limited motivation
seeing you finally smile and laugh after a hard day is such a reward for him <3
but if you’re too tired to do anything, luca is more than happy to spoil and pamper you at home
“wanna do skincare together?”💅🛁
i can definitely imagine that as one of his suggestions since i do think he wouldn’t be embarrassed to ask for it
he finds it therapeutic too!
“oh oh! wanna multiplay? the last game i showed you was super fun right? or you can just watch me finish some old games!!”
either if you’re playing next to him, or just laying on his lap or even doing skincare together, luca is so very proud of you
at the end of the day, luca will just pause, give you the biggest and most comforting bear hug with a very sweet kiss on the lips
“hey, you did good today! i’m so proud of you, babe. now, you need a proper and relaxing break because you deserve it.”
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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“procrastinating are we?” he lifts an eyebrow as he looked at you, and you instantly get the feeling of being watched directly by your teacher|−・;)
ike is many things, and being intimidating is one of them, despite his soft and gentle features
yes, he’s a fantastic lover but you rly don’t wanna see an ike eveland angry
“come on, do your work,” ike leans over and sets your phone aside, a little farther than you can reach
you look up at him with a deep pout, but ike remains unaffected
“i know you don’t feel like doing it, sweetheart, but don’t you think it’ll be easier for you later?” ike wraps his around you, lowering his head so he could kiss your forehead.
“but there’s just so much and they’re not easy to do,” you sigh
“exactly why you should be doing them, sweetie,” ike pulls away from you, much to your dismay and chooses to lean on your desk with his hands crossed. “okay how about this? grab your things.”
you give ike a look, one of confusion and wonder but he only urges you to do as he says with a soft smile
you take your necessary items and ike offers you his hand which you take
he leads you out of your room and out, into the living room and on the present coffee table
there you see ike’s belongings consisting his laptop and work papers then you realize what he intended on doing
“sit here with me,” ike says, sitting down and gesturing to the empty spot across from him. “we can work together and keep each other company. you can keep an eye on me and i’ll keep an eye on you. sound good?”
no matter if you felt more motivated or not, ike is staying there to basically supervise you(⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)
if you don’t feel much effect from the change of scenery, ike is going to act much like vox
strict and very serious on making you work your ass off despite the lack of motivation
be gentle ike-senpai ;A;)
your pencil will roll off every now and again from boredom or plain reluctance to do your work, and ike will casually put the pencil back in your hand
“sweetheart, come on,” he’ll tell you, which only makes you groan as you force yourself to jot down a couple more words
when you’re very, very stumped, that’s when ike will finally let loose and help you however he can
“do you want a snack? i’ll get you something from the kitchen,” ike will offer. you’ll most likely agree to it and when ike returns, he has more than a couple of snacks
cans of cold drinks (including his red bull ofc), some scented candles and a fluffy blanket
“here you go,” ike places your preferred snacks and drinks down, before placing his in his workspace. then he’ll proceed to light the candles and wrap the blanket around you.
“ike?” you’ll call out
“hm?” ike says, still busy tucking the fluffy covers in. “just wanted to make sure you’re comfy, sweetheart. working on a full stomach and nice environment makes for good productivity.”
you roll your eyes.
in the end, this man cares nothing more than making sure you’re doing your work but you appreciate his efforts anyway
you know ike is super busy as is with being on nijisanji and having his own personal projects
him making this much time to make sure you’re doing well is honestly enough
ike then presses a kiss to your cheek
“ganbatte ne,” he’ll smile
idk bout you but jp ike hits different
if you manage to pluck up the motivation, especially with ike by your side working just as hard, he’s going to hype you up more and you see less of his scarier teacher-esque side
with each document you save and submit, ike notices
“finished another one, love?” he’ll ask you, smiling
“yeah,” you nod
“good job,” ike won’t hesitate to lean in for a kiss, but the moment you get too comfy, he lets go in the most menacing way possible
he won’t say anything but he knows what he’s doing
you: ☜(`o´)
just like that, you’re back to madly typing and or writing away at your work, determined to finish as many as you can
ike appreciates hard working people, especially when it came to you
so bet, when you finish another assignment or a relatively big task, the rewards get better every time
a kiss on the cheek becomes a forehead kiss, then one on the nose, to the point where it’s just super sweet kisses that help hype you up more
“you’re doing good, sweetheart!” ike praises you💙
when you’re both in silence and your hands aren’t busy, ike will by default hold your hand
after a while, you need to work again and have to move his hand away but you don’t have the heart to let go ;-;
in the end, you finally finish a good pile and decided to call it for the day
“ahhh that’s enough for today!” you announce, stretching
ike then closes his own laptop, taking off his glasses. “i’m calling it too. my eyes are starting to hurt.”
you then crawl over to him, reaching for his face with genuine worry. “are you okay?”
“i’m alright, sweetheart. what about you?” ike smiles, his turn to touch your face. “i hope you haven’t tired yourself out too much.”
“isn’t that supposed to be your fault though?”
ike chuckles and pecks your nose, “i suppose it is. how should i compensate then? will cuddles and kiss do for you?”
honestly, just some time alone to hang out with him is enough so you nod excitedly, collapsing onto ike as he held you
as you snuggle into him, you feel ike patting your head and a kiss at the top of your head.
“i am so proud of you for working hard, even through your procrastination. get some good rest for me, sweetheart,” ike whispers and you continue to dissolve in his lovely presence.
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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with a swift hand, shu plucks your phone out of your grasp and when you start whining to give it back, he grins and only holds it higher
“maybe i’ll give it back once you actually start working, babe,” he’ll laugh, watching you struggle
you pout, protesting, “but shuuu i don’t really feel like doing anything. everything is like so hard and there is so much to do”
but no matter how hard you bargained, shu can only offer you a smile
“all the more reason you should be doing your work, right?”
you groan, collapsing onto your desk. “you’re not really helping, shu.”(¬、¬)
then you hear the dragging of a chair against the floor, before realizing that shu had already sat next to you, making himself comfortable
“alright, you, what’s making this so hard?” he says, beginning to sort through your papers and occasionally looking at your laptop screen
“what, are you gonna help me?” you ask him
shu hums, “depends how much i can help, babe. i’m not a genius.”
but that’s just it
shu yamino is a genius
maji tensai 川o・-・)ノ
he can say all he wants about not being able to contribute much to your work, but let’s just say you wouldn’t have gone so far without his aid
bonus points if you’re studying computer science, there’s a huge chance that shu might as well have done it himself
and it’s so very satisfying to have someone like shu who can explain it pretty clearly
shu’s patience makes it all the better <3
“okay, so this is ineffective. just remove this and use this function,” shu will guide his pencil towards a certain line of code, to which you finally see the error and immediately fix it
but even if you don’t study computer science, i feel like shu can catch on pretty easily to classes he’s not used to
he’ll study through your materials himself if he needed to just to make you understand better, pointing things out in your essay that don’t seem right or need some revision
contrary to what you might think if you’re studying a class shu doesn’t know anything about, his questions actually do help you develop your essay and master your materials
it comes to the point where you feel terrible for making shu work hard for you, even tho he’s already got a lot on his plate as part of nijisanji
you poke his arm, “hey, you don’t have to help me out this much. aren’t you busy?”
shu will look at you and just smile, “yeah, busy taking care of you. you need help, so why wouldn’t i be here?”
“but you don’t have to! aren’t you tired or something?”
“no, not really?” shu tilts his head. “you sound like you don’t want me here or something, babe.”
as he laughed, you frown, “no! that’s not what i said and you know it. you’re doing so much for me already is all.”
shu sighed upon seeing your upset expression, looping an arm around you so now you’re leaning against him.
“i’m doing this because i want to. i don’t want you to get burnt out, and procrastination sucks,” shu leans in for a kiss on the nose. “doing everything alone sucks even more. isn’t it way better to have someone else there with you?”
he does have a point…
“i can always just ask you to buy me food or something, easy,” shu chuckles and you nuzzle your face into his.
“that’s not much of a comparison to you helping me though,” you grumble, reluctant to let shu off the hook for his genuine kindness. “but thank you, shu, really. you’ve been such a big help.”
“no problem,” shu smiles, kissing your forehead. “come on then, we still have work to do!”
If you remain unyielding in terms of concentration, you’re in for more of the annoying side of shu
can’t think of shu being annoying? take off those rose colored glasses bestie
shu is pretty determined at what he does so if something isn’t done, he’s doing his damnest to see it all the way through
despite your protests and lack of motivationヘ(´-`;)ヘ
“okay this should be the answer according to google and the text book here,” shu points at a specific passage, but you only sigh and shake your head
“this much will be fine shu. i don’t have to write really long answers.”
“i’m not telling you to do long answers, i’m telling you to do the correct and complete answer. i don’t think your teachers are gonna appreciate it to be this short, y/n.”
deep down you knew he was right but your laziness kicked in, groaning in denial
shu will sigh, “come on babe, we still have more to go. the sooner we can finish, the sooner you can get back to your phone, okay?”
with a defeated frown, you sit back up right and pick up your writing instrument, noting down the answer half heartedly
if it gets too much though and you’re practically lagging, shu will have to stop because he can feel the pain of being unmotivated
besides, he wouldn’t be able to handle forcing himself to work on a bad day either
“okay, let’s take a short break then,” he says, closing your book. your eyes soften with relief at the mention of some rest and you just dissolve. “are you okay?”
“mhm,” you respond, mentally exhausted.
shu will then feel bad for even forcing you to work so hard when you clearly couldn’t do it, “hey, i’m sorry for pushing you too much. should i leave you alone?”
as much as you didn’t really like shu nagging you to do work, you appreciated his support and effort
after all, he learned a subject he wasn’t familiar with just so you could understand it better
if that isn’t love, idk what is 😔❤️‍🩹
“no stay here, shu,” you insist, grabbing his hand. “it’s good to have you ground me like this. i wouldn’t move an inch if you hadn’t pushed me.”
truer words have never been spoken
shu smiles, “i’m glad you think so. but tell me if i’m doing it too much okay?”
you nod, “i will.”
at the end of the day, whether you did it smoothly or had to go through some obstacles, shu will be so so proud of you
“look at that, we’re all done! lessgo!” shu cheers and you grin upon your achievement. he pulls you in for a tight hug before kissing your forehead, “great job today. otsukare, babe. this calls for a bit of celebration!”
“like what?”
“up for (your favorite food)? i heard there was a discount from them today,” shu whips out his phone and you are quick to agree. “alright cool! i’ll get the order in and you can go rest up, babe.”
shu looks at you for a moment and pats your head with a gentle gaze, “i’m proud of you, okay? don’t be afraid to ask for my help when you need it. i’ll be right here.”
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