#if he ever just dropped me like that I'd kill him though
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radioactivepeasant · 10 hours ago
Snippets Friday: Jak 3 alternate opening
What if the Spargans and Marauders both found the boys at the same time?
Jak's saving grace was that prisoners were separated by age range in this strange and terrible place. He was dropped onto a cot in a smaller cell across from the raiders that had taken his goggles and jacket and boots before they were all captured. Without the jacket, some of his worse scars had been pretty visible, as well as fresh injuries.
He didn't remember when the field medic stepped into the cell, but at some point he was given water, and highly concentrated eco.
"Easy, kid. Drink slow," the medic directed him. He scowled over his shoulder at the raiders in the other two cells. "Bloody barbarians, letting one of their young'uns get to this state."
The water had barely returned even a fraction of his voice, but it was enough for Jak to whisper,
"I don't know them"
The medic pulled back, concern etched on his pockmarked face. Then a knowing look.
"Rot. Okay, okay-" He stood up and ran a hand over his hood. "I gotta report that. Crap, I hope they didn't already schedule the trial."
Jak's blood ran cold. Trial.
Images of sneering faces, stun rods when he tried to speak, flooded his memory and he twitched nervously.
"T-rial?" he rasped painfully.
"Trespassing and theft, possibly murder," the medic answered, almost distracted. "I guess we gotta add kidnapping to that too. Trial by combat though. If they make it through, they earn a pardon. So. Hope you don't mind, you might have to see em again."
The medic patted his shoulder. "I'm going to send down an eco and electrolyte mixture. Try to drink all of it today. Barring medical emergencies, I'll get the ball rolling on transferring you."
Jak didn't put much stock in that. No one who put him in a cell ever really cared what happened to him. He lay on the thin palette, sweating, barely able to roll to his side even after the eco. At least he knew Daxter had made it out. He'd find Jak. He always did.
Across the room, the Marauder who'd taken his scarf glared at him with murder in his eyes. What was he looking at? Jak wasn't the one who got them locked in cells!
The stare unnerved him more than he cared to admit. He had no idea who the bandit was, and yet the man looked at him as though he recognized him.
"What's the plan for the trial, eh?" one of the Marauders asked quietly.
"What plan?" another scoffed, "It's just survival in these dogs' gladiator games."
"Not what I heard."
The one wearing Jak's coat leaned back against the bars and scratched his cheek.
"You know they got all the water and eco access, Berni. Worse places to try to fit in than this."
The one glaring at Jak snarled. "That's treason, boy."
The young man shrugged. "I'm a practical man. You pass a trial, they let you emigrate. No consequences for anything that came before, you earn your freedom. Access to eco, clean water, and a shot at real power. You tell me that don't sound like a good deal."
Some muttered grudging assents. Others were as angry as the glaring one. One of them went as far as promising to kill the man if he tried to defect.
"You won't make it out of that Arena," he promised, "I'll smash your skull in."
"Pretty cold, big brother."
"I'd rather see you dead than a Spargan," his brother answered coolly.
Jak closed his eyes and tried to block them out.
A combat trial.
Well, unfortunately, that was one thing he excelled at.
This talk of emigration piqued his interest. He'd never technically existed on paper in Haven. He had no legal rights or protections -- which was why the sham trial was able to take place at all: they classified the boy their leader had kidnapped as an undocumented immigrant. An easy target to exploit for labor and then betray.
If this city gave you rights just for surviving, his odds had just gotten a lot better.
The guards came to take them to the Arena before Jak had finished the electrolyte solution. Which, he guessed, meant that medic hadn't told whoever was in charge that Jak wasn't a Marauder.
The eight of them were herded unceremoniously up a narrow set of stairs and into the blinding glare of midmorning. They were pushed out onto antigrav platforms at the end of the stairs that ferried them down into a massive stadium. There had to be thousands of people in the stands, far more than Jak remembered seeing at the races.
Out of habit, he looked around for a floating viewing pod for a leader, like Haven would've had. Instead, he saw a balcony high above the center of the south wall. He could barely make out a figure seated a little ways in. Did this place have a Baron too? Spoiled nobles enamored with bloodsport?
A flash of orange along the railing caught his attention, and his eyes widened.
There he was, climbing up into that balcony like a man on a mission. Jak couldn't help the small smile brightening his face as he looked towards the balcony.
Gunnar, the Marauder with his scarf, only seemed to get angrier when he saw Jak's grin.
"Oh don't look so relieved," Gunnar hissed in his ear, "He isn't going to save you, whelp."
"Rot you," Jak retorted, jerking away from him on unsteady feet.
An unpleasantly familiar voice rang out over the ring, announcing the purpose of the combat trial.
That overgrown feather duster had survived?! What, had he gotten work as a sports announcer?
The moncaw was just explaining that their opponents would join them shortly when Gunnar suddenly surged forward to lock an elbow around Jak’s throat. He'd caught him off guard, allowing him to drag the boy several steps away from the others. Jak started to fight his way out of the grip, but halted when he felt the prick of the blade against his neck.
"Just try, whelp," Gunnar laughed, "I'll open your throat right in front of him."
Was he talking about Daxter? Jak scanned the balcony, but didn't see his friend.
Gunnar stepped sideways until they were directly facing the balcony, then raised his voice.
"I'll kill him, Damas!" he threatened, "You want the whelp to live? You're gonna have to come get him."
Who the Frith is "Damas"?!
The figure in the balcony rose and stepped up to the edge. Now Jak could make out a well-built man in his late thirties or so, covered in Precursor metal armor and wielding an impressive looking staff. There was no chance that this was just another warrior. This man carried himself like a ruler.
Jak remembered his face.
That was the man who had led the capture. That was the man who had been driving when he was tossed unceremoniously into the back of a vehicle.
The man folded his free arm behind his back and peered down at Gunnar and his hostage. He did not look impressed.
"You think threatening the life of one of your own -- without giving him the chance to defend himself -- is going to grant you absolution?"
Gunnar bared his teeth. An agressive smile, like a shrimpanzee.
"Didn't get a good look at him in the storm, didja, you old wolf?" He taunted. The blade pushed just hard enough to draw a bead of blood to the surface.
"Get off that throne, or your spawn dies."
"The rot are you talking about?" Jak grunted.
He gripped the restraining arm with one hand, the knife hand with the other, just barely keeping some breathing room. He wasn't strong enough to pry himself loose without injury. He needed an opening first. A distraction.
Daxter appeared as if by magic, leaping up onto the rail beside this Damas person. Jak couldn't hear what he was saying, but by his stiff posture, he knew Daxter was angry. He pointed now and then in Jak’s direction, then at the armored man in an accusing fashion. The man's brows rose in a concerned expression, then lowered quickly. With each passing second, the frown deepened into something much more hostile.
"You are mistaken," he called down at last, "I don't know the boy."
Then he reached back and handed his staff to someone out of sight. He set down two small side arms and a knife on the railing, and straightened a vambrace. A menacing smile cut across his weathered face.
"But," he announced, "if you wish to invoke a blood feud, I am more than happy to oblige regardless."
With that, he stepped down onto the antigrav platform and let it carry him down. On the railing, Daxter turned to face the ring and signed quickly to Jak.
There was a plan.
Clever, clever Daxter!
He had signed, "Found your opening."
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dudeshusband · 2 years ago
thinking about rick carrying me again
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tiddykittylikesskittles · 1 year ago
My mom will be taking a nap in the living room with her HEADPHONES ON. and my dad will glare at me if I take a single step into the kitchen.
#drinking cold (hot) chocolate because apparently using the electric kettle is too much noise#it's not even that he was concerned it'd wake her up it's that both him and my mom default to staring me down like i killed someone#even when they're like. mildly annoyed.#it doesn't help that i panic when they do this but that's not exclusively on them#like could they chill out occasionally. could they do that for me#their child#i guess not#my dad didn't even know if it'd wake her up. this isn't me using the kettle knowing it could wake her up#it seems pretty likely to me that it wouldn't but neither of us know for sure#I'm 18 years old I'm pretty sure i can assess that risk for myself thanks#he's ALWAYS LIKE THIS too. you make the SLIGHTEST noise while my mom is napping and you will face the consequences.#even though she could sleep through a tornado#i just. ouuuuugh it feels so patronizing and harsh and unnecessary. it also makes me want to cry#like i get to a point. where I'm like maybe my dad isn't that bad. and then he reminds me he has the temper of a thousand suns#and he does NOT think I'm allowed to be upset about it ever. even when it's stupid#and i feel so upset and angry but mostly i feel scared. i feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop#and any second someone's gonna scream their head off at me or take away my shit etc#and this is like such a tiny thing but i spend all my time around people who i don't like and am beholden to and it really grates on me#so we have things like this that are like. nbd y'know. hell I'd probably apologize if it was anyone else#even if i believed i wasn't gonna wake anyone up#but because it's my dad. and he has spent most of my life alternating between ignoring me or screaming at me.#being protective of my mom. who is demanding and mean and selfish.#i feel like i want to cry and scream and throw something but I can't do any of that.#because it would wake my mom up and we can't fucking have that can we.
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xiaq · 8 months ago
I want an AU where Steve is a werewolf and Eddie is a vampire except neither of them know about the other.
Eddie is the frontman of an up and coming band, but he's left his coven and surrounded himself with humans. They perform after sunset anyway so it's easy enough for him to hide his nature.
Steve has similarly left his toxic family pack and built his own pseudo-pack through the kids. He works as a park ranger. Or an ornithologist. Or something else nature-y/nerdy. But no one knows about his furry little secret.
Maybe Steve ends up attending a concert with one of the kids who has VIP passes and Eddie zeros in on Steve immediately at the meet and greet because he's pretty and preppy and delightfully out of place and also he smells good. And Steve is having similar thoughts, but he tries to play it off because there's no way an honest to god rock star would be interested in him and his polo and his boat shoes (also his hearing is temporarily fucked from the concert, so he doesn't register Eddie's lack of heartbeat).
After some light flirting, Eddie invites Steve back to his hotel and Steve is like, you know what? Yes. I am going to have a one night stand with the gorgeous front man of a metal band and I'll probably fall a little in love with him by the end of the night and it will break my heart when he kicks me out in the morning, but it will be an experience. Let me go drop off my kids and I'll be right back.
Except what he doesn't know is Eddie is planning to have a little snack while they're in the throes of passion––not enough to hurt Steve or anything, just enough that he'll have a pleasurable blackout and wake up tired but sated.
The only problem is that neck-biting (that breaks the skin) for wolves is the equivalent of marriage.
So when Eddie bites Steve, instead of a venom-drunk human, peacefully slipping into sleep in his arms, he gets a very horny, very confused, werewolf who is now insisting that they're married.
I can't decide if it would be funnier if Wolves/Vampires didn't know about each other, Ie:
"You're a Werewolf?" Eddie says, "What do you mean you're a werewolf? Werewolves exist? No. Shut up. Prove it."
"Holy shit. A vampire. Vampires are real," Steve reaches for Eddie's face and Eddie is so baffled by the everything of this situation that he lets Steve pinch Eddie's top lip and peel it up off his fangs for a mortifyingly long moment. Eddie draws the line when he starts poking at Eddie's incisors, though.
"Why do I feel funny?" Steve mutters. "Will your venom kill me?"
"How should I know," Eddie hisses, only a little hysterical, "I didn't know wolves existed until two minutes ago, I've never bitten a wolf before."
"And you won't be biting any others, mister. Infidelity is not ok."
The other option is that wolves and vamps DO know about each other but stay so isolated in their covens and packs (and loners are super unusual) that they never interact. So Steve and Eddie are both like, dang, I'd been raised to think all of your kind were smelly/ugly/gross, but you uh, don't fit into that box at all. Weird.
Regardless, Steve (still naked, probably) crosses his arms all huffy, like, "well, we're married now, you're not going to bite me and then cast me aside like some harlot," and Eddie is like "...I'm weirdly ok with this, actually. No arguments here." And eventually they live happily ever after.
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thevoidstaredback · 11 months ago
Okay, so, crisis averted. Both of them, really. Red Robin had not asked or attempted to get any more of Danny's drink and the World Ending Crisis was less World Ending and more World Threatening. Either way, no one is hyped up in lethal amounts of caffeine and the world is in no more pieces than it had been before.
That brings attention to a new problem, though. It's uniquely Danny's problem and Constantine and Zatanna and Deadman won't stop laughing at him. He's also pretty sure that Raven is laughing at him in the privacy of her mind, so that's making him feel worse.
The problem is that every single hero that had been at the meeting a week ago that was not a part of the JLD has been overly concerned about him.
So what if he half died when he was fourteen and therefore will never look over either fourteen or eighteen? So what if he consumes enough caffeine to kill an elephant within a few minutes? What is he gonna do, die? That's not a real threat as long as he only fights as Phantom.
Ignoring the fact that he can, in fact, get hurt to the point of near death as Phantom. It's not like anyone knows that, though! Besides, ghosts run on god rules. They can't die, only fade when forgotten. People aren't likely to forget about most ghosts, though, even if they can't remember their names.
He's not gonna share that, though. Let Batman keep his contingency that won't work because the only contingency that will work for Phantom is the one he made himself. Tried and tested! He's marked it off of his Bingo Card.
Anyway. Heros and their kids/proteges have been trying to track him down for the entire week. He can't risk even leaving the House of Mysteries because the Supers are all probably listening out for him and they can't hear him through magic. It sucks. He just wants to go get a cup of coffee as Danny. The second he leaves, though, the Supers will be on him like bloodhounds. He'd leave as Danny, but the rest of the JLD don't know what he looks like as Danny and he'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much. Being stuck as Phantom was going to start causing issues to his human half if he doesn't get to leave soon.
Should he risk it? Is coffee that won't kill him really worth risking the Supers finding out his civilian identity? Sure, they wouldn't tell anyone, but he didn't like the idea of someone being able to pick him out of a crowd when all he wanted to do was blend in. It's why he avoided Gotham and Bludhaven, actually, but that's both self explanatory and another story for another time.
"You're still here?" Zatanna sat on the couch beside him. "You're normally gone by now. You can't not be tired of us yet."
He sighed and sunk down into the couch slightly. "Believe me, I'm tired of being stuck here, but I can't leave. I can't leave as a human because you guys don't know what I look like and, no offense, but I'd like to keep it that way. I can't leave as I am now because Superman will be on my ass quicker than I can blink!" He whined this time, "I just want a cup of coffee."
"What about your special brew?" Raven asked, coming into the room.
"I want to drink coffee as a human. That stuff will kill me if I drink it as a human."
"At least you know your limits."
"That sounded like a dig at someone, Z."
"It was."
"Why don't you just go out under a protection spell?" Raven offered, "We could cast one over you and you could leave. Superman can't hear through magic, so he won't be able to tell. Neither will Superboy."
Danny thought for a second. "You're a genius, Raven! Has anyone ever told you that?"
"A few times," she blushed.
"Well, it needs to be said more!"
Zatanna laughed. "Alright, kid, let's get you outside before you drive yourself crazy."
Practically vibrating in place, Danny waited for the protection spell to settle over him. The second it did, he was out the door and wandering the streets of whatever city the House of Mysteries decided to drop him as Danny instead of Phantom.
"Who are you," was not the question or voice he wanted to hear the second he stepped into the open as himself.
"Danny," he squeaked out through his absolute panic. He didn't dare turn around.
The sound of fabric moving minutely clues him in to the second person behind him. What the hell were these two doing out? It's the middle of the day and there's no attacks going on anywhere in Gotham!
"Where did you come from?" Robin asked.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! This was really bad! Why did the House drop him *here* of all places? Does it *want* him to die again? It was very painful the first time, thank you very much! "Illinois?"
"Was that a question or an answer?" Why is Red Robin here now?!
"An-an answer?"
"Ah, you guys are scaring the little guy!" That was Nightwing. They're surrounding him! Why is Nightwing here? This is Gotham, not Bludhaven. "Give him some room to breathe."
They did not, in fact, give him room to breathe. Maybe coming outside was a bad idea. If he gets out of this no more dead than he already was, he was going to move to the middle of nowhere and become a hermit. Smallville is a town in the middle of nowhere, right? He'll retire as Phantom and move to Smallville until the people get suspicious and burn him as a witch-!
Maybe moving to a big city would be a better idea. Or locking himself in the basement of the House of Mysteries. Yeah, yeah that's a good idea.
"-even listening?"
Oh shit. They were still talking to him! Now is not the time to panic! "Gottagobye!" And then he was running.
Good job not panicking, Danny.
Part 1 Part 3
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ariestrxsh · 7 months ago
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dealer!chris x copsdaughter!reader
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🍒 content warning: smut, innocence corruption, oral (f!receiving), praise, daddy kink, semi-public, risky, enemies to lovers
🍒 summary: you start rebelling against your cop dad, and who better to be your partner in crime than chris sturniolo, the local drug dealer your dad busted last year and told you to stay away from
dividers by (top) @/dollywons (bottom) @/anitalenia
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Cherry Flavoured
"You look a little out of place here," a familiar voice from behind me broke through the sound of the loud music and startled me, causing me to nearly drop my red solo cup. I whipped around to see who it was. Chris Sturniolo. My dad had warned me about him. He'd busted Chris for selling weed last year, but of course, he didn't learn his lesson and was still just as much of a scumbag as ever.
"What do you want, Chris?" I rolled my eyes after subtly looking him up and down. He looked really fucking good. He was in a black tanktop, a grey flannel, grey sweatpants, and a backward black hat. He held a blunt loosely between his lips as he smiled at me. "What I'd really like is to get out of here and smoke this with you," he said, taking the unlit blunt out of his mouth and holding it out to me.
"You know my dad would kill me if I smoked weed, but he'd kill me twice if I smoked weed with you," I scoffed. "He doesn't have to find out, sweetheart. Plus, he'd be pissed that you were at this party to begin with. Why stop pissing him off now?" Chris responded, smirking at me.
I was going through a bit of a rebellious phase. Growing up with a cop father, there were a lot of things I couldn't participate in as a high school student without being worried he'd play detective and find out or something. But I was finally starting to branch out and test the water a little bit when it came to boys and drinking. After all, I was 19 with nearly no experience. Why not weed, too?
"I've never smoked before," I told him. "I know. I'd love to be the one to pop your cherry," Chris devilishly grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him and smoothed out the wrinkles in my dress. "Listen, I know you're trying to rebel against your dad. This is your first party. This is probably your first alcoholic drink," Chris said, pointing to the cup in my hand, and he was right, "and I'd love to help you rebel a little bit."
"What's in it for you?" I glared at him. "Revenge on your dad for busting me last year. Corrupting his little girl would be my pleasure," Chris leaned in and whispered to me. His lips brushed against my ear lobe, sending shivers down my spine.
I thought about it for a second. I'd always hated Chris, and I was still weary of him, because my dad had warned me about him, and had pretty much forbade me from ever making friends with him, even though he wasn't my type of people. But I was a little morbidly curious about him. "Fine," I agreed, and he extended his hand out to me, and I took it.
He led me through the crowd and out the back door, our shoes crumpling the dead leaves beaneath us. There was a spot on the side of the house that was tucked away behind a tree that Chris brought me to. We both leaned up against the house, looked up at the starry night sky, and were glad to get away from all the noise and people.
The autumn breeze kicked up as Chris attempted to spark up the blunt. "Here. Help me? Hold your hands out like this," Chris showed me, and I made a little cave with my palms to shield the lighter from the wind. The fire from the lighter was warm, especially compared to the cool outside air.
He took a few hits and then passed it to me. "Now, just take one hit. This is your first time, so you don't wanna overdo it," he said in a low raspy voice, "and make sure that when you inhale, you inhale into your lungs, not just into your mouth before blowing it out."
I held the blunt up to my lips, and as I sucked, the cherry on the end made a faint crackling sound. The smoke felt warm and thick in my lungs. "Hold it, hold it. Okay, now you can exhale. Good girl," Chris whispered, and as I blew out the smoke, I coughed hard, and I wasn't sure if it was from the smoke or if it was from when I gasped when Chris called me that.
"Just sit tight for like ten minutes, and if you don't feel anything, I'll let you have another hit, okay?" Chris said, rubbing my cheek. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked him, giving him a skeptical look. "Because I was once in your shoes, experimenting with drugs for the first time, and there was no one looking out for me, but I wish there were," he answered, taking another puff and blowing it in the opposite direction as I was standing. "I have a question for you now," he stated, glancing at me with his beautiful, bloodshot blue eyes, "why do you dislike me?"
"Chris, you're a drug dealer. My dad has warned me about you. You're a dangerous man," I told him, looking down at my shoes. "I promise I'm not dangerous. You don't know me, and your pig dad doesn't know me. Yeah, so I sell weed. That's one very small part of who I am," Chris replied, with a genuine hurt in his voice.
I could relate to his dismay in being judged by someone who doesn't even really know you. After all, having a dad who was a cop and being the odd one out when it came to experience with boys and drugs came with a lot of judgment as well.
"I'm sorry. I guess I don't know you," I responded in a shaky voice. "That's alright. After all, judgments aren't all bad. It's your judgment that tells you not to walk into a lion's den," Chris responded, blowing a cloud of smoke above him, and I watched it dissipate into the night sky.
"I think I'm starting to feel it," I whispered, fixating on the way the smoke danced through the atmosphere with Chris' every exhale. I felt less uptight and less serious. "Does it feel good?" Chris smirked. "Yeah," I said, my eyelids growing heavy while I smiled over at him like an idiot.
"You look so pretty when you're high," Chris whispered, holding the lit tobacco leaf back up to his lips. "God, I wish I were that blunt," I whispered back, and Chris' eyes widened as he smiled in disbelief. "Oh my god, did I just say that out loud?" I asked, covering my mouth with my hand.
"Yeah, is that how you really feel?" Chris asked, winking at me. I blushed. "I'm sorry. I'm high. I was thinking, and I didn't mean to say that out loud. Are weed and alcohol supposed to make you horny?" I asked, glancing down into my nearly empty solo cup.
"It can have that effect sometimes," Chris teased me, offering me the blunt one more time. I accepted it, inhaling just like Chris told me and blowing the smoke out, but this time, because the blunt was so small, it slightly burnt my fingers and lips when I took a drag. I still coughed, but Chris rubbed my back.
"Did you mean that earlier? About wishing you were the blunt?" Chris poked fun at me while he took a last puff and put out the cherry on the bottom of his shoe. I innocently bit my lip and ignored his question.
Chris leaned in and kissed me. His lips were smooth and soft, and he tasted of weed and cherry chapstick. His tongue begged for entrance into my mouth, and I allowed it. His kiss was gentle but powerful, and his hands immediately started wandering my body. I'd made out with boys before and even been touched by them before, but the way Chris' fingers danced across my neckline and down to my waist made me think we might go further than I ever had before.
Chris' hand traveled down to my thighs, and he pushed up the hem of my dress and started rubbing the front of my panties. "Oh my, look at you getting all wet. Is that because of me?" He asked, looking into my eyes. "Mhmmm," I moaned while he held my neck with one hand and slid his other down the front of my underwear. I gasped as he made direct contact with my clit and started gently toying with it.
"Has anyone ever kissed you here before?" He asked while he rubbed it. I looked up at him and shook my head, a little embarrassed. "Well, then, you're gonna love this," Chris whispered to me before he descended to his knees in front of me. He helped me out of my panties, one leg at a time, and he looked up into my eyes while he brought his mouth closer to my pussy.
As soon as he started twirling his tongue over my sensitive nerves in small, concentrated circles, moans started streaming from my lips. "Do you like it when I go slow like this?" He asked, moving his tongue in long, slow licks over it. "Or do you like this better?" He asked, while he sped up the pace and started fiddling my clit with his tongue faster than I thought anyone could ever move their tongue before. My knees grew weak, and I could barely think.
"Just like that," I whimpered while I entangled my fingers with his locks of hair. "Yes, daddy," I squealed. Why did I just call him that? I was so embarrassed, but he didn't stop or shame me. Instead, he started moaning against me, sending vibrations through my body. Maybe he liked that I had called him that.
"Oh, daddy, you lick me so good," I quietly cried out. "Mmmm, good girl. Cum on daddy's tongue, princess," Chris teased me as I swiveled my hips in circles against his gorgeous mouth. I couldn't take it anymore. Chris' words, his tongue, his eyes piercing my soul, the built up sexual repression, it all sent me over the edge.
I could barely stand, but thanks to the wall behind me and the way Chris was holding me up, I was able to let my body fall limp and relax into my orgasm. What a sweet release. The first orgasm that anybody had ever given me besides myself. And it was better too. Chris stood up after he lapped up my mess and leaned beside me back up against the wall, grinning at me.
"I wonder what your daddy would think if he knew you were drinking and smoking with me, calling me daddy while I eat your pussy."
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twisted-wonderland-but-gayer · 4 months ago
Hey I was wondering would it be possible to do the dorm leaders with an s/o that suffers from Essential tremor.
And Essential Tremors is a nervous system condition, also known as a neurological condition, that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking. It can affect almost any part of the body, but the trembling occurs most often in the hands, especially when doing simple tasks, such as drinking from a glass or tying shoelaces.
I have it and I was just wondering how they would deal or help with it
Disabled Yuu
I actually know a bit abt this but I did keep it vague as I don't have it myself. I also hope to do more disabled ayuus fr. I made Yuu assertive and exasperated in some parts– like Honestly if ur being an ass or demanding info abt someone's disability you have full right to return the energy.
I avoided the whole fixing thing in this too– though Azul’s part does bring it up. Platonic as I focused more on the hand aspect. Azul is Pre Overblot!! Hence why hes 2x as sleazy. I didn't Malleus cause it came out corny af. Also this is old and I wrote this on no sleep. Sorry this took so long I have like 70 reqs. Enjoy.
Since the first Unbirthday party you shared with Heartstabyul he got educated very quickly on the subject. He sees you shakily bring a cup to your lips and guiltily assumes it was because of his overblot. He doesn't blame you, I mean come on, he tried to kill you after all. It was then you explained to him your condition
Since then, he actually read up on it in his own time. He's honestly one of your biggest supporters– though you do need to remind him at times you don't need coddling. Still, you can appreciate it

“Prefect.” You pause and turn your attention to the housewarden beside you. “Your tie is unkempt today. Will you allow me to fix it?” He asks thoughtfully, not wanting to intrude or risk coming off as rude.
“Ah, can you really? I'd appreciate it.” You presented your neck to Riddle, allowing him to reach over and adjust for you. His gaze was focused as he untied it, re-wrapping it with perfection as if it were second nature. Given his upbringing, you don't doubt it is.
“Thank you by the way, today I just didn't have the energy to deal with it.” When he's finished you pull away and nod at him. “Of course. Should you ever need help with anything in the future let me know. I'll be glad to help.”
Leona doesn't notice and doesn't really care. It's only when you share a room with him where he sees it, watching you tremble from where you lay. You have a blanket and the dorm is warm.  Why are you shaking?
“Look at you trembling in the lion's den. Do I scare you that much?” He quirked an uninterested brow at you as you turned your head to him.
“... It's a neurological condition
” You spoke bluntly, hoping that would be the end of it. “So it causes you to tremble like this?” 
“Yeah pretty much.” Leona merely hummed, and the subject dropped. No invasive questions. No taunts. No pity.
He's not mothering you or bending over backwards in the future and don't expect him to. It's clear you've been able to handle yourself well enough. Still, he takes it into consideration. He'll bite his tongue when you take a bit longer to do things.
You don't need to be babied, but when he sees you struggling to open a wrapper of some sort of a candy he offers his hand “Give it here. I'll help you out” You wordlessly handed over the candy and watched him slice through it with the claw on his thumb.
“Tch. You make me do too much
” It's an insincere remark as he hands off the candy bar and continues on his way.
“... I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly Azul, can you repeat what You said?”
“Cant believe your ears?” Azul wore a smirk as he put a hand on his chest, speaking once more with his confident tone. “The Mostro Lounge has quite a special deal just for you, dear Prefect! A special cure to your ailmen–”
“That's what I thought you said.” Azul paused for a moment taking in your annoyed tone. Did he miscalculate? “Something the matter Prefect–”
“Azul.” You now looked at him with a cold glare, clearly pissed. Azul swallowed, steeling his anxiety behind his businessman persona though the slight widening of his eyes gave away some of his true emotions. “... Yes, Prefect?”
“Why the fuck do you think saying that is okay?” You couldn't tell right now if your hands were trembling from your condition or rage. “Are you dense?” you ask, voice harsher.
“N-no, Prefect. I'm sorry if anything I said has caused you offense
” The deepened glare silenced him. “Think for a moment the implications of you wanting to cure me, and even if I did accept then what? You'd seriously hold something as sensitive as this over my head? Would you even be able to cure it long term?”
How badly you wanted to tear him a new one and let him have it, insults resting on your tongue. Instead, you sighed, exhausted from this conversation already. It wasn't worth your time.
“I'm not some ‘charity’ case though I doubt you know the meaning of the word. I don't need your ‘cures’. Just
 leave me alone from now on. Don't talk to me, don't approach me.” you turned away and sped off, more frustrated than ever.
It would take until after his overblot for an apology.
Oh Kalim
 he really does mean well but

“And this spoon is designed for shaky hands!”
“I don't need
“And these are silk ribbons you wrap them with!”
“Thank you but–”
“And these magical devices are to help check blood pressure–”
Kalim blinked and tilted his head, still in the middle of putting the excessive amount of gifts into your hands “Ah?” He blinked for a moment. “Ohhh I know that tone, that's the same one Jamil uses when he tells me I go overboard
Kalim's brows knit together and he rubs his head through his white hair. “Did I go overboard again?” He's so genuine it's hard to be mad at him.
“... A little. Hey‐” You hold Kalim's face and pat him on the head. “Thank you though. It's very sweet of you to look out for me, but
 I don't need all of these things. I'll be alright okay?”
“Oh! Okay! Well if you ever need anything I'm here!” Kalim pumps his fist then turns to the massive pile of boxes behind him. “So um
 what should I do with these
"Donate them maybe?”
Another example of doesn't really care. He inquired about it once, asked some polite questions and left it at that. There's no need for him to bother you.
When the VCD tournament comes around and he spends more time with you, he takes note of how it affects you. Many expect him to make comments or give you products to take care of your hands more, and he does, however he would have done that regardless of your condition.
Your disability doesn't define you and you're capable on your own. You don't need an able-bodied outsider to tell you what to do or how to feel. A really good ally. 
As he collects all the data on how your condition affects you specially, he's able to give you some welcome help. 
“This potion is good at helping with seizures, but it can also help with your Tremors. I will show you how to make it.”
“So your hands can't stay still? Oof, bad RNG.” He immediately realizes he used video game terms out loud and dies just a bit. 
Really it's only Ortho that inquires about it. Your body's not any of Idia's business so why should he care? After all, how many times has he seen you irl? Yeah lol, he's cool. He barely knows you aside from a few random encounters on a bad roll. 
However Ortho cares. He cares a lot. And he's always trying to find ways to potentially help or cure you. Idia watches his little brother researching every book he can find on your condition and sighs.
“There's no cure right now Ortho. now even magic. Besides that's Yuu’s choice, isn't it?” He shrugs and looks off to the side apathetically. 
Sad beeps come from the humanoid. “Yeah I know that
 I think I upset them but I didn't mean to
” The child's mournful expression suddenly perks up. 
“But! I'm not trying to do that! I'm researching the best way to make a game controller!” 
“A game controller? Isn't that pretty easy?”
“Well yes but
” Ortho pauses, reflecting on his earlier conversation.  “I asked Yuu if they enjoyed any video games and they said that they do. However, it's hard to play certain games because of their hands. So!”
Ortho shows Idia the 3d model he sculpted in his program. “I'm working on one that will work for them.”
“Working on one that works for them
” Idia looked to the side. He couldn't imagine a world without video games
 and he doesn't have much to do
 and he supposed the Prefect is okay

“Send the file to me. I'll get to printing it.”
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phossiii · 1 month ago
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ïœĄđ–Šč°‧⭑ monsters: chapter nine
synopsis: phosphorus proposes an arrangement for when you both get back to belle reve. and then you both get busy in the royal broom closet.
cw: reader is a monster, mature themes, violence, profanity, innuendos, phosphorus is phosphorus, you both obviously do it
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"This should help," you warned from your spot on the floor, igniting your hand with hellflame. "I don't know how resistant your powers make you to fire, but either way it might sting a bit."
As you paused a moment, Phosphorus took a few breaths, gathering himself before slowly moving his hand away from his gash, allowing you to carefully grab his arm and hold it in front of you.
Once you were sure he was ready, you pressed a flaming palm against his wound, forcing a loud, painful groan to rip from his throat.
"Jesus fucking Christ, (y/n)!"
"I know, I know. But it's gonna hurt even more if you keep squirming like that..."
Angry, his gaze turned to Weasel, who sat across the hallway with a few thankful guards, happily accepting their scratches and head-pats of gratitude.
"Un-fucking-believable," he scoffed, under his breath. "He gets the fish girl killed, tears apart my arm, and somehow he's the freaking hero?!"
"You want the knights to pet you, Phosphorus?" the Bride turned to him, sharply, annoyed.
"Well... yes," he responded, simply. "If there hands didn't burn off? Maybe. You know what it's like not being touched for fifteen years?"
Hearing the slight pain in his voice, your heart couldn't help but tug.
That night you two spent together... was that the first time in fifteen years that he'd touched a woman?
Although the thought was innately disheartening, you couldn't help the faint swell of pride and possessiveness that awoke in your veins.
As far as you knew, you were the only woman in the world he could be with without horribly maiming her in some way.
The only one he could kiss.
The only one he could hold.
The only one he could feel.
That fact brought you more satisfaction than you cared to admit.
It was selfish... it was sadistic... but was such a goddamn relief.
"Yes... I do."
And with that, the Bride stood from her seat, starting off toward the hallway.
"Where are you going?" Phosphorus asked, raising a brow.
"I'll be back," she answered, darkly, before turning the corner.
"There," you sighed, extinguishing your flame and removing your palm to reveal his arm, now healed. "Good as new."
Phosphorus huffed in amusement, surprised, as he flexed his hand, the pain completely gone along with any sign of the wound ever being there.
"That's a neat trick you got there," he commended, genuinely. "Can't even tell where it was."
"Yeah, well, enjoy it. That's your only freebie," you joked, halfheartedly. "Next time'll cost you."
"Oh, yeah?" he cocked a brow, his pointer and his thumb hooking on your chin and pulling you closer, until your mouth was just a hair away from his. "How much?"
"Alex..." you warned, eyes flicking toward the guards, who, luckily, were still fawning over Weasel. "Not here."
"Don't you think I deserve a little reward for my chivalry? I protected your body when you went all catatonic."
"You sat next to me while I was asleep. I'd hardly call that chivalry."
"I put a couple leaves under your head as a pillow."
"My fist has a direct route to your dick at this angle. You wanna keep talking or do what I asked?"
With an annoyed groan, he dropped your chin, leaning back in his seat and allowing you to stand up.
But before you could even rise to your full height, he shot up from his seat, tossing you over his shoulder and starting off down the hall in one fluid motion.
"What the—?! Alex! Put me down! What the fuck are you doing?!" you exclaimed, face burning with embarrassment.
"You said not here. So we're going somewhere private."
Turning the corner, he came up on a broom closet and immediately yanked it open, tossing you in before joining you and shutting the door behind himself.
Though... not all the way.
"Who the fuck do you think you a—?!"
Quickly, Phosphorus's hand clasped over your mouth, forcing you to pipe down.
"For once in your life, shut that pretty, little mouth and listen."
His tone lit up your body like a live-wire, reminding you so vividly of the events of that night.
God, did you have a thing for bossy men?
He paused for a moment, waiting for some sort of retort; but when he realized you weren't going to say anything, he smirked, his hand slowly dropping from your face.
"Good girl," he nodded, smoothly, his hand coming to rest on the wall behind you. "Now, there are some things we have to discuss before we're shipped off back to Bell Reve."
Intrigued, you remained quiet, swallowing thickly at his close proximity, the heat of his radiation rolling over you in waves within the confined space.
"I don't know what this is, and, frankly, I don't care to figure it out," Phosphorus started, plainly, his eyes trailing up and down your body with a look of carnal need. "But I like it... and I like you. So I propose a deal."
You raised a brow, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Go on..."
"You become mine," he stated. "My girl, my gal, my woman, I don't give a shit what you wanna call it. But you're mine. And I get to touch you and hold you and kiss you whenever I like... in exchange for mind-blowing sex."
You almost laughed in his face.
"Yours?" you scoffed, amused. "What on earth gave you the insinuation that I'd ever want to be yours?"
"Don't play dumb, doll face. I've seen the way you look at me."
"Oh, yeah? Like what?"
"Like you wanna eat me."
"More like strangle you."
"If that's what gets you off..."
"My God, you're really serious about this."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"What do you gain from me being your prison girlfriend?"
"Not prison girlfriend. You'd still be mine when we're on missions."
"This is insane."
"Is it that hard to believe I enjoy your company?" Phosphorus asked, stepping closer, forcing your back to press against the wall as his hand slid down your side, resting on your hip. "Among... other things?"
"Alex..." you warned once again, suddenly breathless.
"How about I give you a trial run?"
His hands gripped your ass cheeks, allowing him to hoist you up and further press you into the wall.
His lips were on yours in an instant, kissing you impatiently as he groaned into your mouth, already overwhelmed by how good you felt in his grasp.
"These are gone," he whispered, using his powers to burn the button off your pants.
You'd survived the past week or so without intimacy perfectly fine—save for a few urges or intrusive thoughts— but hearing the want, hearing the need, in Phosphorus's voice reminded you why you had sex with him in the first place.
Your eyes rolled back as he started panting in your ear, yanking off your shorts and tucking your panties in his pocket before carefully sliding his two fingers into your mouth.
And to his severe arousal, you complied, staring directly into his eyes as you made a show out of dragging your tongue over his irradiated middle finger.
'Fucking Christ...'
If only he had enough patience to have those pretty lips around his cock...
Before he could get too distracted, he quickly pulled them out and plunged them inside your wet cunt, attaching his lips to your neck in the meanwhile.
"A-Alex..." you moaned, allowing your eyes to fall shut and your leg to wrap around him, his free hand holding up your thigh to keep you steady.
Through your pleasure, you tried to tell him to shut the door completely, as anyone walking by could've easily heard you both fooling around in the closet.
But you were already fucked out.
And even if he could understand you, you were sure he didn't care.
It wasn't long before that familiar coil in your stomach began to tighten, effortlessly reminding your body of what it had forgot to miss.
"Cum for me."
That husky tone was all it took for you to make a mess on his fingers.
But he knew he didn't have time to bask.
The Bride would be back any moment, and when she was, you both would have to join her on that damned plane back to prison.
Not wasting any time, he quickly sucked your juices off his fingers before sending his free hand to undo his belt, allowing him to tug his cock free from the confines of his pants.
As he began to shift you into position, you tightly gripped his shoulders, letting out a more quiet moan at his obvious display of strength.
'Jesus Christ, how much time does he spend in the yard?'
Phosphorus tugged your top down, freeing your breasts for his kissing and biting pleasure.
God, how he missed your tits.
"Alex... fuck," you whined as he felt his cock glide its way in, making you clench with anticipation.
He still held you by your ass, and you still wrapped your arms around his neck as he proceeded to drive into you at a manic pace.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." Phosphorus panted and cursed with each pump, only forcing you to moan louder.
Your nails dragged harshly against his back, your tail squirming with pleasure, the pads of your fingertips burning hotter and hotter with each passing second.
If he was in his right mind, he would've realized that you were actually hurting him quite a bit, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
All he needed was to be as close to and as deep inside of you as physically possible.
"Fuck, Alex!" you gasped when he hit a particular spongy spot in your core, your grip tightening around the nape of his neck. "Right there! God, right there!"
Anybody remotely nearby could hear you both by the bottles of cleaning supplies falling, the few books crashing down, and the exchange of heavy breathing and cursing.
Hell, it was miracle you two hadn't been caught.
Your eyes screwed shut once again, every cell in your body feeling as if it was going to burst at any moment.
"Cum with me, okay?" Phosphorus sounded as if he was pleading, possibly even begging. "Cum with me."
You neck was wet with his saliva and littered with hickeys, which would no doubt raise suspicion.
But—as is the common theme with the skeleton—he didn't care.
All he wanted to do... was feel you.
He needed to feel you.
"Cummin', Alex!"
"Good girl—ah—good... fucking girl!"
Phosphorus slammed his last thrust in you with a flourish, the two of you reaching your climax at the exact same time.
In a bout of ferality, you sank your teeth into his neck, the man letting out a hungered groan at the feeling of your fangs digging into his skin.
The two of you rode out your highs together smoothly, soft pants and curses echoing through the small space as Phosphorus lazily thrusted into you, before finally pulling out.
Carefully, he placed you back down on the ground, quickly tucking his dick back in his pants before meeting your gaze.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment.
A long, silent moment... before you were on each other once again.
Only this time, it was more intimate.
As you threw your arms around his neck, he pulled you in by your waist, his free hand coming up to cup your cheek as your lips met each other's once again in a breath-stealing kiss.
But, rather than filled with ferocity and need, it was surprisingly tender.
Within it, everything seemed to fade away.
The castle.
The commandos.
Your impending incarceration.
The whole world seemed to disappear, leaving you two alone with nothing but uncertainty and an indescribable feeling.
All in the middle of a broom closet.
When you two pulled apart, your eyes scanned over his face, a small smile cracking onto your lips as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"You sold me," you panted, convinced.
"Had no doubt I would," he grinned, cockily. "If I'm being honest, I think I have a magic dick."
"Of course you do."
With a roll of your eyes, you turned around, the two of you quickly dressing yourselves before exiting the disheveled closet and re-entering the foyer.
At the exact same time as the Bride.
"Let's go," she ordered, power-walking toward the exit. "Best make it fast."
The Weasel quickly shot up from his seat, joining the four of you on your way out.
Though... not without exchanging a few glares with Phosphorus.
"Take it easy, you two," you warned, shifting to walk in between them, as to prevent any further turmoil.
"I need to ask you some questions before you g—"
The Bride quickly grabbed the older man by his face, slamming him into the ground and out of the way before stepping over his body, the rest of you doing the same.
When you all reached the outside, and began walking toward the sunset, the Bride couldn't help but let a few tears slip at the lost of her close friend, Nina.
Moving closer, you rested a comforting hand on her shoulder, but she was quick to wipe the tears away.
"Y'know..." she started, cracking a halfhearted grin as her eyes flicked over your hair and neck. "You and Jack Skellington have really got to learn to keep it in your pants."
Your face burned with embarrassment, you hands quickly snapping up to fix your hair and cover your hickeys.
"Kinda hard with this piece of ass," Phosphorus chuckled, unabashedly, as he smacked your ass. "Right, babe?"
"Please... stop talking."
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enhani-ki · 7 days ago
overthink this, overthink that - reader x ni-ki
warning: cursing, little angst, slow burn, suggestive content.
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flirting was something you were unexpectedly good at, especially to your crush ni-ki... even though you knew you didn't stand a chance.
you love giving him compliments, spamming hearts on his posts, teasing him, staring at him like you're so in-love, sometimes you'll playfully touch him.
ni-ki though, he just ignore you. every single time, because to him, there's no way you're serious about what you're doing... there's no way you're serious about him.
and you knew he gets annoyed and will just straight-up walked away from you but it wasn't like you had any grand expectations.
you just liked him too much to stop.
you and jay were waiting for everyone to arrive, casually teasing each other like always but he was pushing it today, so you decided to bite back.
plus, let's be honest, your friend was looking a little too good right now. "i'd totally kiss you right now if you don't stop." you groaned before rolling your eyes at him.
it's a joke. a normal joke between the two of you.
except, of course, ni-ki just had to walk in right at that moment and the second your eyes met, you froze, eyes widening like you'd been caught doing something you weren't supposed to.
see? it would've been easy for him to believe you actually liked him if it weren't for the way you acted with everyone else.
ni-ki shook his head like he was disappointed in you.

seriously, why do he always catch you at the bad time?
like that one time you haven't showered and the moment you stepped outside looking like a complete mess, you bumped into him.
and you must've look so bad that he started blushing and chuckling before walking away. you ran straight back inside and swore to never ever leave the house again unless you looked presentable.
though sometimes, it's like "fuck it!" you'd do whatever you want whether he's gonna be disappointed or not. it's not like he's gonna like you anyway, right?
"tsk, tsk. you pissed him off again," jay chuckled at ni-ki's reaction.
"i didn't!" you rolled your eyes. "you know he's always like that when he sees me, i haven't even talked to him yet."
jay just shook his head and if you were a guy, he'd probably smack you for being this dumb.
you went inside and spotted ni-ki sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone and the second he saw you coming, he turned his back on you.
so you sat down right in front of him.
"what are you doing?" you grinned, leaning close.
"get out of my face."
you frowned. "tsk, you've got attitude now?"
he ignored you, pretending to laugh at whatever was on his screen then you tried to peek but he quickly moved his phone away.
"why are you-"
"go awaaay!" ni-ki groaned, trying to push you but you made yourself heavy and slid your head right into his chest.
you grinned, looking up at him. "i don't want to. i wanna be with you."
ni-ki rolled his eyes. "yeah, says the one who's for everybody."
your jaw dramatically dropped, looking around the room and at him like, who's everybody?
"you must be everybody," you shot back, pushing your face way too close to his.
ni-ki's heart started racing uncontrollably, tip of his ear were turning red again cause you were staring at him like he was the only person in the world.
and he hates it. you're the one who likes him yet he's the only one feeling these things... and you were probably just joking.
so he wished you would stop messing with him.
frustrated, ni-ki pushed you away with a little force, enough to make you fall back onto the couch while laughing.
"oh my... where are you going?" you called him out but he just walked away.
and today was just not it.
not enough sleep and you haven't eaten yet.
you were also late, your quiz results were bad, and to make things worse, you just got scolded.
oh, and because the universe clearly had it out for you today you forgot your wallet too, so now you had to walk home and your legs were killing you.
ni-ki was standing with a group of friends when he spotted you in the distance, walking alone with your head down.
you heard the familiar voice even when you were so lost in your thought. how could you not? that's your source of strength after all...
but out of all the days, how about he mess with you instead this time?
just as you were about to call him out, he pretended not to see you, leaning closer to one of the girls beside him as she playfully shoved his arm. his eyes were sparkling, his grin stretched so wide it practically lit up his face.
and you thought, that's definitely nothing like how he is with you.
your heart ached again as you watched, then you felt foolish, your cheeks burning as the weight of your behavior settled in.
you really have been chasing after someone who clearly doesn't feel the same way and worse, you wondered if you had made him uncomfortable.
you felt sorry for ni-ki and... yourself.
so you started to avoid him. you didn't think about whether he noticed or cared, you knew he might but still, you just needed to stop bothering him.
you would leave early and walk longer distances just to make sure you wouldn't bump into him whenever he'll take jogs in the morning. you would pretend to fix your bag or look at your watch so you wouldn't see him if he's hanging outside with others, though your heart still aches after hearing his voice.
sometimes, ni-ki's eyes would scan rooms without even realizing who he was searching for and when he didn't find you, he'd shake it off and move on, assuming you were just busy somewhere.
you became content to yourself staying in your own little bubble, no more hanging out these days with everyone, and no more forcing yourself to someone.
and now, ni-ki noticed because when he walked out of the house and he saw you pass by, your head was tilted slightly down and you were completely immersed in whatever it is you're reading.
and your class ended a while ago, you didn't expect that it'll rain today and had forgotten your umbrella.
the rain was relentless, pouring down heavily as you stood under a little roof near the gate, the only bit of shelter from the downpour but it did not help to keep you dry, your clothes were already soaked. you just hoped that the notebooks in your bag are still safe.
you wiped your face, trying to brush the water off from the wind that pushed the rain sideways but it was useless, the rain kept coming, cold and unforgiving. and despite the chill, you didn't panic or try to shield yourself. you just stood there, staring out at streets, waiting patiently for it to stop or at least slow down.
it's going to be okay.
most of the other students had already left, leaving the school grounds quiet. ni-ki walked towards the gate, then his steps slowed down when he saw you standing there with your figure illuminated dimly by the glow of the streetlights.
and his first instinct was to stop and turn back. the memory of how you used to call out to him, how you'd run up to him with your usual energy, it flashed through his mind.
to be honest, he didn't find you annoying, he was just overwhelmed and shy. a defense mechanism, maybe? he's overthinking, maybe?
he stepped to the side, hiding behind a nearby pillar. he wasn't sure why he hid though. he watched you rub at your nose, visibly shivering as the rain continued to drench you.
ni-ki hesitated for a moment, completely torn between staying hidden and stepping in but when you sneezed, "shit." he muttered under his breath, running a hand through his hair as he let out a sigh, totally frustrated with himself.
finally, he walked towards you. you didn't even notice him until he spoke, "you'll get sick if you stay like this." he said, dropping his umbrella and started to remove his jacket.
you blinked at him, water dripping from your lashes as you hugged yourself. you watched him for a second then slowly, ni-ki handed you his jacket. you muttered "thanks."
ni-ki also studied you for a moment, waiting for something. maybe a look? a word? just anything that resembled the way you used to act around him.
but nothing came, you simply adjusted the jacket around your shoulders with your calm and detached expression as if he's just someone you knew.
"i can walk you home." ni-ki said, his voice was loud enough for you to hear through the sound of heavy rain.
"you sure?" you asked, wiping your face again.
he smiled and nodded.
ni-ki glanced at you as you both hurried down the sidewalk, you were both dodging puddles and rushing towards the nearest shelter. and each time you reached one, you would stop for just a moment to catch your breath before rushing out with him again, running through the rain like you were playing some kind of game.
but you haven't said anything at all. the rhythm of your movement, the way you picked up the pace never looking back, told him that you were just determined to get home as fast as possible.
ni-ki was thrilled, his heart was beating fast as he dashed forward with you on his side. you both stopped just under the roof, he's panting slightly, grinning but it faded when he looked at you standing a little further away like you're not exhilarated by the chase.
he didn't even had the time to dwell on it because soon enough, you were ready to move again to head towards the final stretch before your place.
when you reached the familiar corner near your home, you stopped, ni-ki looked at you. "i'll walk you the rest of the way."
you shook your head, taking off his jacket. "no, i'll take it from here." you said, slipped out his jacket to hand it back to him.
ni-ki opened his mouth to protest, "keep it..." he said quietly but you already turned away.
"thanks!" you said. ni-ki stood there for a moment with the jacket in his hands, watching you as you disappeared into the distance.
next day, at lunch, he was just about to head to cafeteria. his eyes were wandering again when he saw you, you were sitting on the steps with your back pressed against the wall, burying your face in your hands.
you were startled slightly when you heard footsteps, you quickly bowed your head to acknowledge him, hoping he would just walk past, but he didn't.
instead, ni-ki stopped in front of you and sat close enough that his knees were now brushing against yours.
you dodged slightly when you saw his hands reach out. "what are you doing?" your voice was hoarse, weak.
he didn't answer. instead, he gently grabbed your other hand and pressed the back of his against your forehead after noticing how red your cheeks and lips were.
"i knew it." he sighed and held out his hand. you hesitated but he didn't give you much choice, gently but firmly pulling you to your feet. "come on."
he led you to the clinic and guided you to sit on the bed, the bed's height put your legs directly in his line of sight and he stared for a moment, swallowing hard, before looking away.
you watched as he leaned over you, reaching for the blanket folded at the head of the bed and his face came so close to yours that you could hear his breath.
so close...
ni-ki froze for a moment, his eyes locked with yours, he cleared his throat and draped the blanket over your shoulders.
"can you walk home?" the nurse asked as she will send you home.
ni-ki skipped class to take you home, he noticed your wobbly steps so he removed the backpack from your shoulders to carry it instead.
you didn't protest when he took the bag and the two of you started to walk side by side but after a few more wobbly steps, he gently placed your hand in his arm, offering you support.
ni-ki stayed silent, he wanted to be annoyed and he wanna start scolding you but at the same time he can't even seem to stop himself from smiling, and when you got home, he was spamming you with messages.
love of my life: hey, you good?
love of my life: are you alive?
love of my life: oiiiii
love of my life: yeah, stop talking to me.
he threw his phone onto the bed.
you're always like this, right? so, he's done. he's not going to text you anymore. if you didn't even bother replying, then why should he-
a notification sound cut off his thoughts.
you: my head and my body hurts.
ni-ki sat up immediately, fumbling to unlock his phone before getting out of bed in search of jay.
" he called out, clearing his throat.
jay raised a brow at him.
"i heard your friend was sick," ni-ki muttered before looking away.
jay blinked confused, then shrugged. "yeah? and i heard you took her home."
"yeah!" ni-ki forced a laugh. "uhh
 you gonna visit her?"
jay shot him a confused look again. "why would i?"
"i don't know
" ni-ki mumbled.
he snorted. "she's got a mom, you know. she'll be fine." he turned back to his phone, already moving on from the conversation.
ni-ki hesitated before speaking again. "remember when you guys freaked out when i got sick? imagine her mom being alone and taking care of that idiot."
jay froze. "oh, shit." he got up from his seat. "okay, i'm going."
"wait, wait, wait!" ni-ki grabbed his arm. "you don't need help?"
jay narrowed his eyes. "do you wanna come?"
ni-ki crossed his arms. "i mean
 if you need help, then, yeah, i'll go."
jay forced a smiled, totally done with the both of you. "...right."
you started hanging out with them again, just laughing in the background, blending in, and not standing out like you usually did.
it was weird to ni-ki.
"the hell's wrong with her? is she feeling sick again or something?"
when he saw you alone on the balcony, he didn't hesitate to walk over. he stood beside you quietly, resting his arms on the railing while staring ahead. "so you don't like me anymore?"
you turned to him, confused. "huh?"
his eyes widened slightly like he hadn't meant to say that out loud. "nothing!" he blurted out, immediately annoyed at himself.
you stared at him, completely lost. "what's your problem? so you like it when i annoy you?"
"what? no. hell no."
he pushed off the railing, leaving before you could ask any more questions.
at home, you couldn't help but text him.
you: were you waiting for me to flirt with you today? lmaooo
love of my life: you're full of shit.
you: i was kidding. who said i stopped liking you?
ni-ki read the message twice with a smirk forming at his lips.
you: i just don't wanna make you uncomfortable. lemme move on in peace, okay?
his smirk dropped.
love of my life: so you can flirt with someone else instead, right?
you: stop that.
love of my life: why? cause it's true?
he leaned back against his bed, waiting for a reply, fully expecting you to argue back but the screen stayed blank, removing his smile completely.
ni-ki sighed, tapping the edge of his phone against his palm. did i go too far? he started typing, then deleted it. typed again, then erased it.
you: can you come get me?
love of my life: where are you?
his heart skipped a beat, grabbing his jacket without any second thoughts.
"i can't believe you
" ni-ki muttered, staring at you as you shivered in the cold, wearing nothing but thin layers.
"i didn't know it was gonna snow today!" you protested, rubbing your arms.
he said, slipping off his inner jacket and made you wear it, muttering about how stubborn you were. especially since you'd just recovered from being sick.
your eyes lit up as you spotted something. "can we stop there?" you pointed at a bench near a tteokbokki stall, where the warmth from the steam cleared the air.
ni-ki grabbed your hand and shoved it into his coat pocket as he led you there.
your heart started going crazy. "you're so gonna make me delusional." you murmured. "i'll think i have a chance."
"everyone has a chance with me."
you rolled your eyes, "you're the only one who has a chance with me." is what you wanted to say.
"and yet you say i'm for everybody?" you scoffed. ni-ki pulled your hand away and placed it back in your lap.
"no, no, i'm sorry, hold it longer, please?" you pouted, tilting your head. "just this time? riki?"
"wha-" he was flustered after hearing his real name from your mouth. then he sighed heavily, "fine," he said before taking your hand again and shoving it back into his pocket.
you giggled, and ni-ki smiled while shaking his head, watching you like you were the biggest idiot alive.
"seriously," you sighed, "i don't like it when you keep pushing the idea that i flirt with other people
"but you do," he shot back. "and you keep bullshitting me. you don't like me."
your chest tightened. "i like you," you muttered, "i just
 i don't know. what more do you want me to do?"
the two of you held each other's gaze, eyes were searching for... honesty? sincerity?
ni-ki's jaw clenched. "forget it," he muttered, looking away.
you pressed your lips into a thin line, swallowing back the words you wanted to say.
jeongseong: really? that's so funny.
you: what's so funny??? guys are so fucking complicated like? i was moving on and he'd just do all that for nothing.
jeongseong: maybe stop messing around so you'll also be taken seriously.
you: i don't mess around.
jeongseong: you don't even know what's his favorite color, his favorite food, what's the name of his pet... you just flirt with him.
you: omg??
jeongseong: yeah... tsk. don't talk to me.
next day, you just stopped messing with everyone.
"y/n, you look good today."
and you walked past them like you didn't hear it.
ni-ki watched as you brushed off the attention you once entertained so easily. you weren't laughing with them, weren't throwing back flirty comebacks.
are you trying to impress him or something?
love of my life: where are you spending your summer break?
you: secret.
he didn't reply so you folded.
you: at my aunt's.
love of my life: alone?
you: yeah. need to relax, too.
love of my life: can i go too?
you nearly choked before replying.
you: i don't know if my mom will allow that

love of my life: i'll ask her myself.
love of my life: unless you don't want me to come?
"are you crazy?" you muttered under your breath while looking at the screen.
mom said yes immediately, too... and she wouldn't stop talking about ni-ki.
"you're not actually thinking he'll go, right? besides, how could you even allow that?" you asked in disbelief as she unpacked groceries, acting completely unfazed.
"allow what?" she asked, faking her innocence.
"letting ni-ki come with me! i was supposed to go alone!"
she chuckled, clearly amused by your frustration. "oh, come on. it's your chance."
"my chance for what?" you snapped, crossing your arms. "i am moving on from him. that was old news."
"oh, really?" she mused, her smirk growing wider. "sure."
you groaned. "and how could you even think this is a good idea? letting a girl my age go off with a boy?"
she simply shrugged. "i guess i trust you."
ni-ki texted you that same night.
love of my life: so, any updates on our trip? should i bring snacks?
you: please tell me you're just kidding.
love of my life: no, why?
you: because this is supposed to be my trip, not ours.
love of my life: don't care, i'm great company. you'll thank me later.
you stared at his message for a long moment before tossing your phone onto your bed.
why is he doing this?
the train station felt busy, you stood there near the entrance, clutching the train tickets in your hand while waiting patiently for ni-ki.
and like always, he stood out from the crowd, dressed cool in a leather jacket over a tank top that hugged his figure, paired with a baggy jeans and sneakers.
his hair was slightly messy because of the wind but he looked so annoyingly perfect. time seemed to stop when ni-ki smiled andwalked towards you.
you shook your head, quickly turning away and started walking inside without even waiting for him.
ni-ki's smile dropped when he saw you turn your back on him. his steps quickened in panic. "y/n! wait up!" he called out, hoping you're not mad at him for being a few minutes late.
inside the train, the two of you stood a just few meters apart. you leaned against a railing, your eyes were fixed on the view outside the window while ni-ki was also leaning against the railing opposite of you.
your eyes would often meet and each time, you'd both quickly look away, pretending to be deeply invested in the passing scenery, and ni-ki would sip from his drink, as if he was very thirsty.
the train doors opened when it reached the next station. people rushed and the once spacious carriage was quickly filled, making ni-ki move closer to you.
then the crowd surged, pushing everyone closer. "sorry." he apologized when he slightly bumped at you but before he could step back, he was pushed forward again.
you found yourself pressed against the metal railing near the seats. ni-ki's arm shot out, gripping the bar to steady himself but also accidentally caging you beneath him. you gulped, feeling your boobs lightly pressed against him.
ni-ki froze when he also felt it, it's like a soft cushion underneath him.
his face heated as he realized the position you were in. his ears burned and he immediately tried to move backwards.
the crowd behind him didn't make it easy but he also didn't care. he leaned back just enough to give you some space, even if it meant pushing someone behind him.
shortly after, the train swayed again. forcing him to lean into you once more and you placed a hand on his chest. ni-ki's hand slightly brushed your shoulders as he pressed his hands against the door for support.
he quickly grabbed your hand and placed it on his arms instead... hoping you didn't feel his heart that was pounding so hard.
his eyes flicked down to your boobs for a split second before he quickly looked away. just making sure that you can breathe...
the two of you stayed like that, pressed far too close in the packed train car and every slight movement and every accidental brush of your body against his, made you both nervous.
when the train finally reached the next stop and the crowd thinned, ni-ki stepped back as much as he could, exhaling a deep breath through his pursed lips, his cheeks puffing out briefly before blowing air.
 about that." he muttered, feeling nervous.
you smiled weakly, your own face were still burning. "it's fine." you said quickly right after.
you're aunt was totally pleased by him, and later that night, you wandered into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
and when you looked around, you saw niki leaning against the wall nearby who's towel-drying his damp hair, wearing a plain white t-shirt that has a fabric so thin you could see his body underneath.
he was scrolling through his phone but the moment he noticed you, he set it down and crossed his arms.
"what?" you asked, your voice muffled by your toothbrush.
he didn't say anything, just kept watching you.
feeling self-conscious, you jokingly covered your butt with your hand. "stop staring."
ni-ki's mouth dropped open in exaggerated disbelief. "you actually think i'm checking you out?"
you shrugged, spitting into the sink.
"for your information, i was just proud that you finally took a shower"
you rinsed your mouth and glanced at him with a smirk. "that's unbelievable." continuing with, "goodnight, ni-ki."
he chuckled, running a hand through his hair, watching as you walked past him. "goodnight."
you stirred in your bed, it was midnight. the thin sheet clung to your sweaty skin because of the unbearable heat. you sat up while groaning softly, your damp hair were sticking to your neck.
"auntie?" you called out, voice cracking slightly.
no response.
sliding your feet into slippers, you got out of your room. the house silent except for the faint creak of the ceiling fan spinning. you made your way to the living room, the sliding door to the balcony was open, letting the cool breeze enter the room.
and just as you passed by his room, the door creaked open, a hand shot out, fingers wrapping around your wrist then pulled you back.
you gasped softly, barely catching yourself from stumbling as you turned to see ni-ki standing in his doorway.
"what are you doing?"
"it's too hot in my room." you whispered, "i couldn't sleep."
ni-ki's grip loosened, but didn't let go. his eyes flickered to the open balcony door, then back to you. "sleep here."
you blinked at him, still flustered but nodding slowly. "o-okay
" you mumbled, though in your mind, you had already made a plan. you'd agree for now but the moment he'll let his guard down, you'd slip off to your own room and lock the door.
but ni-ki saw right through you and the second you took a step, he gently grabbed your arm and tugged you back again. "are you planning to escape from me?"
you rolled your eyes, brushing past him and pushing him gently out of your way.
and once you're in his room, you immediately flopped onto his bed, pulling his blanket over you.
the soft fabric smelled just like him, you tried so hard to ignore the way your heart raced at the scent.
"you're really gonna use the blanket? it's also a bit hot in here."
you didn't respond, just pulled the blanket tighter around you.
ni-ki shook his head as he remove his shirt over his head and tossed it onto a chair in the corner.
he likes to sleep naked.
"you're such an idiot." he muttered, half-laughing. "it's already hot and you're over there cooking yourself like a steamed dumpling."
you didn't dignify him with a response. instead, you stayed silent, hoping he'd eventually leave you alone.
but then, you felt the weight of his head pressed gently against your back through the blanket.
"why are you hiding under that thing?" he asked, his voice were soft but teasing.
"shut up, i'm fine." you mumbled, your voice muffled by the blanket.
ni-ki scoffed. "fine? you're gonna pass out in there. what are you even hiding from?"
"i'm not hiding."
"oh, really?" he said, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.
you groaned, peeking your head out just enough to look back and glare at him. "maybe i just like the blanket, okay?"
ni-ki tilted his head, smirking. "or maybe you're trying to avoid looking at me because i took my shirt off."
"no, i'm not!"
"so you did notice... y/n, you're so obvious." he sighed, "if you're so uncomfortable, just say so. i'll put my shirt back on."
"i'm not uncomfortable, take that off."
"right." he said and rolled his eyes. ni-ki still stood up and wore his shirt again.
you removed the blanket in a hurry, "i said take it off!"
soft sunlight shone through the window as you sat at the edge of the bed while stretching your arms above your head with a yawn.
you don't know why but after you finished washing your face and brushing your teeth, you went back to his room.
ni-ki also woke up and did his thing. he went back and threw himself on the bed "morning."
then a knock came from the door before he could tease you further. both of your heads whipped towards it and your eyes widened in panic. "ni-ki, are you awake?" your aunt called out.
you immediately turned to him, your voice a frantic whisper. "she can't see me in here. she's going to get the wrong idea."
ni-ki raised an eyebrow, "the wrong idea, huh?"
"ni-ki, seriously!"
your aunt knocked again, louder this time.
he jumped out of bed, "hide here." he said, opening the closet and gently shoving you inside. giving you a thumbs up and quickly closed the door, leaving you in darkness.
he ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it down before opening the bedroom door to face your aunt, who stood there with her arms crossed.
"where is she?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room suspiciously.
"wh-who?" ni-ki asked, yawning.
"y/n.. she's not in her room, so i assumed she was here." your aunt said, stepping into the room.
ni-ki shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. "i don't know, auntie. i haven't seen her this morning."
just then, your phone started to buzz from inside the closet.
your aunt turned towards the sound. "what's that?" she asked, walking closer to the closet.
ni-ki quickly stepped in her path, his hand resting casually on the closet door. "oh, uh, that's probably coming from her room." he said smoothly. "she must've left her phone there."
your aunt raised an eyebrow. "really?"
before she could question further, ni-ki's phone buzzed in his pocket. he pulled it out and read the text from you:
you: tell aunt i just went to convenience store. i'll be back soon.
he quickly turned the screen toward your aunt. "look, she just texted me. she's at the convenience store. said she'll be back soon."
your aunt glanced at the text and sighed. "thank you, tell her to come see me as soon as she gets back."
ni-ki nodded. "will do."
once your aunt finally left, ni-ki closed the door and hurried to open the closet. you stumbled out, brushing yourself off and leaned against the closet door, pressing your back against it. you hands were tucked behind you, gripping your phone tightly.
ni-ki crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "i just told her you must've left your phone in your room and then you'll text that you're outside? you're lucky she didn't get suspicious." he sighed, shaking his head.
you shrugged, trying to play it cool. "it's fine. thanks for covering for me."
"why did you even sleep here in my room?" he asked, rubbing his temples in mock exasperation.
you scoffed, "you're the one who insisted, remember?"
ni-ki smirked, clearly enjoying your frustration. "yeah, blame me." he took a step closer, his eyes locking onto yours and slowly, he brought his hands up to press against the closet on either side of your head, his smile faded.
and instead of you pushing him, you actually welcomed it, when his lips neared yours, you leaned in to meet him halfway.
the kiss was warm and unhurried, both of you were smiling into it like you couldn't help yourselves.
it wasn't just a kiss, it was a moment just for the two of you. his lips pressed on yours again and again, the smiles were there as if neither of you wanted it to end.
you both let out soft, breathless laughs.
"ni-ki! i need your help!" your aunt called him out again.
he glanced towards the door. "one second!" he answered, then turned his attention back to you with a smile.
"i'll distract her." he whispered, leaning in to steal another quick kiss.
"go." you whispered, grinning against his lips.
he pulled back slightly, then pressed one more before he fully stepped away, running a hand through his hair as he walked to the door.
you couldn't help but laugh softly, leaning back against the closet door, biting your lips while looking down.
you sat at the dining table with ni-ki and your aunt, attempting to follow her story about something that happened at work.
his leg would brush against yours under the table. at first, you thought it was an accident, but when it happened again and his lips formed a smile.
and when your aunt went on about a particularly dramatic coworker, ni-ki boldly held your hand on his lap.
you froze for a second, glancing at him in surprise, but he just gave you a soft smile and squeezed it gently.
luckily, your aunt didn't seem to notice because she's too engrossed in her own story.
you couldn't focus at all. every time you tried to pay attention, your eyes would drift to ni-ki, who listened to her attentively while tracing and caressing your wrist.
you forgot how to breathe as he completely derailed your thoughts.
you looked away and pretended to be absorbed in your aunt's story but it was no use, your heart was racing and the warmth of his touch wasn't helping.
when your aunt finally excused herself to grab something from the kitchen, you took a deep breath and let out a quiet laugh while shaking your head.
if the you from a few months ago could see this, she'd be so jealous.
after saying goodbye to your aunt, you and ni-ki boarded the train home. and just like before, it was packed, leaving no room to breathe.
this time, your back was pressed against his chest, and you held onto his arm for balance while he gripped the handle above you for support.
ni-ki saw a few strands of your hair brushing against your cheek. slowly, he reached out with his free hand and gently pushed your hair to the side, exposing the side of your neck.
he stared at it for a moment and without hesitation, he leaned in closer and pretended to bite your neck, his teeth grazed the air and before you could respond, he leaned in again and pressed a quick, soft kiss to your neck, making your grip on his arm tighten slightly.
now, you were both exhausted, tangled up in his bed, and it's so warm that the room felt even cozier.
ni-ki's arms were wrapped around your waist, his head were resting against your chest as you played with his soft black hair.
your legs were draped over his waist while his hands traced your thighs, caressing your skin absentmindedly.
"have you seen my new post?"
"yeah, i liked it."
"you didn't even comment."
you commented three fire emojis but ni-ki was already happy with that. you were both laughing, whispering stories with quiet chuckles, and were too tired to keep talking but also too content to stop.
ni-ki's breathing has slowed, and just when you thought he had drifted off his sleep...
you hummed in response, caressing his neck.
i love you."
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a/n: this might be 7k words or more, sorry :3
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xxstylefntsyxx · 23 days ago
Daisuke Darling, You're My Bestfriend
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A/N: Part 2, Yall a lot has been going on Jesus if I had a close friends I'd tell yall but just know I'm back for good and I'm sorry to stray! Now yall been clawing up the doors for this one so... TADAAAAAA!!!
Themes: NSFW, Fluff and Admitting feelings *sorry it took so long*
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Who's been pondering his feelings after that day and has been super awkward. You took notice and wondered if you did something that made him this way. Lots of are you okays and are you sures'; you just couldn't put your finger on it, and he was just being a major blocker about it. So you dropped it for some weeks, still worried about him, though.
Meanwhile, this boy was fighting the demons of hell. Your touch is too good for him now, and he felt so unworthy of your smile. He wanted to crumble and sob to you about how he got off with just the smell of you and that he was just wanting to hold you and touch you and! And!
"Daisuke! Pay attention!" Swansea yelled. He slipped up and fell off the small ladder, hitting his ass. "Ow!" He yelped. Swansea rolled his eyes, "Keep your head out yer' ass and keep going! You're not done!" He said, pointing back to a piece of the air shaft he told him to fix.
"Ah shit sorry! It just- like, have you ever been in love like super hard?" He asked. He wiped his knees and checked his ass for any dust. Swansea huffed, "Kid, I have a wife. Of course I've been in fuckin' love before! What do ya' want!?"
Daisuke set down the flame tool and leveled himself with Swansea, "I fell in love with my best friend. Look I'm not asking for a coach, I'm asking for a...dad."
Swansea stopped in his tracks. His face once was angry, and now was sullen and stern. He walked towards him, with his fist clenched around a singular wrench, "Look... I- what do you want to know? I'll tell you, but then you're back to work! Got it?"
Daisuke nodded happily, "Girls are complicated, and I recently found myself liking her. But like I don't know how to tell her."
Swansea grunted, "Son, you're grown. Other girls like her are a flirt away."
"But not like her! She's so nice to me and kind and comforting, and I love her smile. She makes me giggle, and I don't mind getting in trouble with her if it means that I can be with her every single day." He said, thinking about you and sighing in love. Swansea could almost see the hearts in his eyes as he thought about you.
Swansea let a little chuckle out, "Alright son, I see it, I see it. You're in love like I was. I asked my pops for the same advice and he told me the same thing. Guess I thought it would be okay to tell you too. I see you need Swansea Advice, not my dads..."
"Look, I'll be honest. Women are complex creatures that work on scales a bit higher than ours. Course being in love comes easier to them than to us. We wanna bawl up or just flirt it off our shoulders. But then she gives you those eyes of love, that touch that makes you feel alright. She gives you feelings that - yeah, I'd follow her. If that's the one, then you go to her and you tell her. Don't just wait. Never wait cause when you don't see her again, you'll wish you did."
He pondered about what to do for weeks. He decided he'd own up and tell you! Fuck how everyone else feels. He was sick of the constant running and hiding! You're that girl who can only come once in a life! Its only a matter of time before their back off this dump, and he never sees you again.
"Hell yeah! Fuck it! Time to find her and-"
"RUN!" He heard you yell from down the hall. He squinted hard to see what was behind you. As you got closer, so did the figure.
"What the-"
before he finished, you grabbed him. Then he realized, "Holy shit! Is that Jimmy!?"
He didn't have time before you were whisking him along with you. "Y/N! What did you do!?" He yelled. You laughed loudly, "Fuck that bitch! He yelled at me, so I tipped his coffee, and it fell on his feet! It burned him, and now he wants to kill me... and you because I involved you."
(Insert that meme of the dog with its eyes closed, poor daisuke)
You two ran around a corner before stopping and sliding into a small room. You hushed him until you couldn't hear jimmy. "It was a good prank! I fucking got em'" You were giggling and laughing quietly under the darkness of the room and not noticing just how close you and daisuke was.
Freak out? Now? Yes.
Shit! This isn't how he wanted to admit his feelings to you. Not in a- what the fuck is this!?
The space was too close, and he only had enough room to slightly move away, but you were pressed against him like a sandwich. He didn't understand what this room was for, but whatever it was for, it wasn't - He felt around, and then he sucked his teeth, sighing. It's a closet for the brooms... why the fucking closet room for the brooms of all places!?
When you were done, you turned somewhat around to face him. "What's wrong, Dai? Are you okay? We can find another hiding space!"
You were almost if it wasn't for the little bit of space granted from moving the brooms close to his chest. He breathed out a, "No! No, please, I'm just... really close to you, don't you think?"
He was flushed out. You were so sexy right there. So cute. He has to tell you, has to tell you how he feels. Before, he never sees this sexy beiw ever again, unless in his dreams. Or his horny flustered events in his room.
You pondered, "What's up with you? Afraid I'll give you cooties? Dick."
Your face turned sour, but he shook his head. "NO! please, no, that's not it! I swear!" He was stammering. You pressed closer, chest entirely too close to his, "Then what is it!?"
"I- I-!"
"Y/N! Fuck man I've been holding this for weeks okay! I like you! When you're close, you make me feel flustered and very confused, and I don't know if it's cause I like you or if I like you! I've even taken asking Swansea! I'm crazy! I know, but i-"
He stopped. Fuck, he just spilled like a can of beans to you. Poor daisuke, never could keep to himself. You were happy he did it first. Cause now you could tease him for being the loud mouth. Since he likes to call you one.
His face was a deep shade of red. He let go of your hands and wiped them off on his shirt. You did the same because he sweated so bad. "Well, now we know who the real loud mouth is." You tempted, still processing everything.
Even though you felt the same for the past weeks, his offness and blushing got to you. It made you slightly frustrated because of how cute he looked. Made you mad someone so handsome could look so cute when he was in love. But you weren't gonna admit it first. You just couldn't wait anymore.
"Dude, I like you. What's up?" He whispered. You jolted from thought, "Uh! I- I mean, yeah, me too!"
"That sounds so unconvincing!" He half yelled.
You scrunched your nose, "At least I don't sound like a fucking baby! Oh! Y/NN! I likeee youuu! Mwah mwah mwah!" You made fun of him. He scrunched his nose back at you.
He pinched your leg, which made you yelp and hit him. You and him caused a bit of noise, fussing and yelling. You hit his shoulder, and he pushed back against the broom, which scuffed against the floor.
"Ow! You pinch me one more time Daisuke! And I'll-!"
"You two are in... SO much fucking trouble."
"Jimmy." You two said in unison.
You two went to work, scrubbing and cleaning the walls of the tulper until Curly felt tired. That's what Jimmy said-
"I don't want you two to stop until curly walks down these halls to his room to sleep! Even then, you will clean behind him before you even think of escaping. Shitty brat, I should end your fucking life! And you! Daisuke!" He pointed at poor daisuke on his knees, shirt wrapped around his waist, crying and sniffling.
One thing you know about daisuke is that he hates cleaning even when Swansea makes him. Cries like a little bitch. Spoiled kid indeed. You've occasionally heard him whine and cry while Swansea yelled at him to clean his tools until they shine. Poor thing shaking and crying over tools, snot and drool I mean the whole diva works.
Looked like he went through the worst heartbreak ever when, it's just a snobby boy who never cleaned a dish a day in his life, but will climb in a capsule and fix whatever an old fart tells him to.
Choosy snobby fuck.
"I'm sorryyyy!" Here he was again. Poor daisuke, apologizing for something he didn't even fucking do and crying at the fact that he had to clean. Jimmy berated him, causing him to bend down and wipe his tears off the metal floor, sloppily and half-assed.
You were wiping some of the windows, looking out at the galaxy. You felt a hand around your neck, two quick squeezes, "I'll end you. Don't ever fuck with me!"
You winced but mustered a bastard smile, "Polle says-"
Jimmy growled, "Shut up!" His face was red.
Earning a sniffled snort from daisuke. Jimmy turned around and daisuke went back to sniffling and wiping the same spot.
"Polle says-"
After doing Jimmy's dauntless task, you two were tired. Yes, but now you two had each other.
You two were now sitting in his room, cuddled up, talking the day away. He asked you questions about your life at home, and you told him more than he already knew. That comfort you once felt was now filled. His laughter, his sadness, and loving nature showed straight. Why didn't you think of dating your best friend anytime sooner?
(Alright, I'm tired of the slow jams. We've established it... let's get dirty bitches.)
He turns the music high enough to drown you guys out. You two had fallen into kissing long into your 'Hangout.' He just wanted to make sure their was ambiance so that it could cover up what he was gonna do to you.
"You sure? You can tell me to stop anytime, you know?" He asked you in a low voice. You were breathless, jumpsuit opened, and shirt pulled up. He trailed hickeys down your neck and your collar. You were breathing heavily and nodding, pulling him closer for another heated kiss. He unzipped the rest of your suit to slip his hand underneath it.
Trailing over your cold thighs, he found the lace of your panties, groaning into the kiss. You gasped, swallowed by his tongue and mouth. Lightly his fingers danced over the fabric, warm with your slick and cunt. "Fuck you're hot." He moaned.
He pulled back, and you could see the hardon growing desperately hard in his shorts. "You wanna take it off for me? Give me a show?" He asked with a smirk. You were a bit dizzy from the kissing. Surprisingly, he was good at what he did.
You slowly started stripping, giving him a run for his money. You rubbed your clothed ass, shaking it slightly.
"You're so beautiful~ I never thought I'd see this view ever." He whipsered. Your face felt hot from his words. You turned around now in a shirt and underwear. Straddling his legs, he bounced them slightly., "You're really fucking pretty." Kissing the middle of your collar bone, making his way up with kisses to your neck.
You were moaning, rolling your hips in his firm hands. You gripped his hair when his teeth fond a peice of your neck to bite. He flipped you over on your back, kissing you cheek before winking, "Be back!"
You didn't know what that meant. Like, was he leaving the room? His face slowly disappeared, along with the feeling of your panties sliding down.
"See if I remember what I'm doing... tap me if you need to breathe♡"
Oh lord, that's what he meant. Shaking and moaning, he was working your cunt skillfully. Licking long prideful wet stripes up your folds. He circled your clit, sucking it slowly, earning whines from your jolting body. His hands found purchase in your thighs. Crescent moons left angry marks as he held you down with your legs on either side of his head.
"Dai- It's too! Much, fuck! Please!" You whined, trying to remove him. The tufts of his soft hair were delicious. Almost made you cum again, this would be the fifth or sixth? Who cared, it felt so good. Too good. Like crying good, stars in the eyes, you were overstimulated.
You tapped his veiny hand, and with that, he released you. He was panting, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
No shirt on, body glistening, eyes low with lust and plush lips wet with your juices. He looked so damn good. "I... want you. In me, okay?" You said breathless.
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grapejuice32 · 2 months ago
pls pls pls do kook JJ x reader. i love seeing how the money takes his recklessness up a notch
Yet Again
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masterlist here Kook!JJ x Kook!reader
Notes : Kook JJ would be an absolute menace and he would be best friends with Rafe, you can't convince me otherwise
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It'd been an unusual amount of time since you'd heard from JJ, usually he would be hassling you to join him at the country club or to join him and Rafe at Tannyhill, or he'd just show up at your house out of the blue. So when it had been about 12 hours since you'd heard from him, you got concerned. But you weren't concerned that something had happened to him, no, you were concerned that he had gotten himself into some trouble by doing something stupid with Rafe. Again. When the time on your phone showed that it was now 2am, you decided to give up on waiting to hear from him and to just go to sleep. But of course, typical as ever, as soon as you began to drift off, your phone's blaring ring tone woke you up. After being with JJ for a year, you'd learnt that it was best not to put your phone on silent, considering he would call you at all sorts of times for all sorts of reasons.
You picked your phone up, your eyes squinting as you read the words, Kildare Sheriffs Department, on the screen and you groaned, "Hello?"
"This is Shoupe, just thought I'd let you know you might want to come get your boy. I've just received some noise complaints about some get together him and Rafe are having," The way he delivered the message sounded very well rehearsed and it didn't surprise you since phone calls like this were incredibly regular for you to receive, "they're somewhere down on the beach."
"Yeah, thanks Shoupe." You sighed, hanging up the phone and pulling on a pair of shorts with one of JJ's t-shirts you'd already been wearing. When complaints about JJ came in, Shoupe tended to just call you to deal with it considering the two times he had detained JJ had resulted in a mass of complaints that he couldn't be bothered to put up with on the regular. You left your house and climbed into your car and made the short drive over to the part of the beach they frequented, when you got there you groaned at the load music playing from the speakers of Rafe's truck.
You got out the car and made you way to where you could see JJ and Rafe sat on a log, sharing a blunt between them, JJ let out a loud holler when he saw you, raising his arms in a cheer, his face dropping when he saw the glare he was receiving from you.
"Oh hey, mama. What's with the face, huh?" He feigned innocence, though the smirk lining his lips told you he knew exactly why.
"Noise complaint. Again. It's two in the fucking morning, J." You raised your brows, snatching the beer from his hand he bought it up to his lips and taking a swig of it, turning your nose up at how warm the beverage was, "I was going to sleep when I got the call."
He mockingly pouted at you, "Oh 'm sorry, baby. C'mere," he tapped his thigh, beckoning you to come sit on his lap causing you to roll your eyes and let him place his hands on. your waist and pull you down onto him, "there, all better now, huh."
You huffed and lay your head on his shoulder, ignoring Rafe's drunken snickering from behind you. You lasted a total of two minutes before you grew tired of the pounding music, "I wanna go home." You mumbled into JJ's ear, also hoping to kill the party by getting JJ to leave.
"Shit, yeah okay. Let's go get you into bed, huh?" He pulled you out of his lap and stood, swinging an arm around your shoulders and finishing off his beer.
"So fuckin' whipped, man." Rafe chuckled from besides you, "Get her back in one piece, can't have us gettin' in trouble without her there to get us out f'it."
JJ laughed and slapped Rafe's shoulder, "See you tomorrow, man."
He pulled you tighter into his side and pressed a kiss to your temple as he walked you both in the direction of your car. The drive back to your place was silent, he rested a hand on your thigh and you could feel his eyes on you as you kept yours on the road while you drove. By the time you got home it was half three, as soon as the both of you were in your bedroom you pulled off your shorts and climbed into bed, rubbing your eyes in exhaustion. You could hear the rustling of clothes as JJ got undressed and slipped into bed beside you in just his boxers. His arm slid around your waist and he pressed a few apologetic kisses to your exposed neck, you hummed and rolled over to face him, laying your head on his bare chest, "Thanks for coming home when I asked."
" 'S no problem, mama. But I um-" he cut himself off clearing his throat like he was debating confessing something to you.
A sigh of annoyance escaped you, "What've you done?" You murmured half asleep.
"I uh, I may have gotten into some debt with Barry that I need help with cause I've been cut off for a couple of weeks..." He admitted sheepishly, causing you to let out a disgruntled groan.
You tangled your legs between his and whispered, "Just shut up and go to sleep," not wanting to have to listen to how he'd been cut off yet again for spending his money on stupid things, yet again, you didn't even bother to ask if Rafe could pay if off, knowing that if JJ had been cut off then Rafe probably had too, "I'll deal with it in the morning."
"Love you, baby." He drawled, bringing a hand up from where it had rested on your waist to run through your hair soothingly, you hummed in acknowledgement as you drifted off, mentally preparing yourself for another day being spent getting JJ out of trouble.
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Please lmk what you guys think, I'd love to hear from you! I'll also be happy to try and write any requests you may have <3
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hminnj · 5 months ago
Unckuna/reader (he's very dear to my heart), mostly uncle nephew banter tbh, i needa get dividers lowkey, very short lil drabble
Sukuna thinks he's lost his mind.
He means it figuratively, obviously. But at this point he's sure he should've physically lost it already.
His nephew- of which he is currently babysitting- is currently on his couch, not a care in the world, half empty family sized bag of chips that was unopened not too long ago (fatface), kicking his feet like an adolescent boy in love, greasy fingers on the remote, and scrolling through youtube shorts on the tv???
Oh and worst of all he forgot to mention, the brat is wearing shoes.
The fact that he's even related to this thing makes him want to kill everyone else in the room and then himself.
"Itadori Yuji..." Sukuna seethes, it takes everything in him to not rip the brat's skeleton right out of his skin. He thinks it would be easy, if only a certain three people would let him (a shame, truly).
Yuji spares him a glance (the disrespect).
"Oh whats up unc"
"And what do you think you're doing?" The older of the two walks over and blocks the view of the tv, glaring down with his hands on his hips.
Yuji stares for a moment before opening his stupid food hole (as Sukuna describes it), "Have you ever seen that one meme, no one looks good from below? Well you're the version where they-"
Sukuna promptly picks him up by his foot, shaking him as a few chip bits fall off Yuji's shirt, "I literally just cleaned the house you freeloading fiend. Have you seen what a mess you've made?"
"You clean the house everyday you freak. Now put me down! I swear I was gonna clean up afterwards anyways." Yuji attempts to wiggle his way out of Sukuna's grip, he gets nowhere (predictably).
"Brat. You don't even know where the vacuum is, were you planning on picking them up one by one?"
"Ugh you're such a housewife, if I didn't know any better I'd assume you- MMM"
The sound of the code being put into the front door quickly stops Sukuna who shoves his free hand into Yuji's face, effectively shutting him up as well.
Sukuna grins when he sees you walk in, holding Yuji as if he were a first place catch for the annual bass fishing competition.
The sight makes you pause and contemplate your life decisions.
"Sukuna... put Yuji down, all the blood's rushing to his head."
Yuji is dropped immediately.
Your eyes trail around the living space and then back to the two children, "Does someone want to explain what's happening? And why there are shoe tracks in my house?" You make eye contact with your husband (who practically regresses 15 years in age when your nephew is around), he looks at you then uses his middle finger to point at Yuji.
Said boy, still recovering on the floor, whines, "Mann why can't I have a cool wine aunt and normal uncle?"
"Yuji if I were a wine aunt I wouldn't even be your aunt. Now are you gonna clean up this mess or should I make you?"
"On it! Whatever you say ma'am!" Yuji scrambles away after saluting and then pops back up from the hallway, realizing something crucial.
"Where are the cleaning supplies again?"
You sigh.
Yuji's finished with cleaning when he joins (intrudes, in Sukuna's words) you and his uncle on the couch, another episode of criminal minds running in the background.
You've changed from your work clothes into something more comfortable, snuggled into Sukuna's side as you start, "You know, if Spencer existed in real life I'd consider leaving you for him."
The tattooed man can only cringe in disgust at your behavior, "We're literally married, woman. You would leave me for that??"
He gives you and the tv an incredulous look. You can only giggle at his reaction, "You're like a child sometimes." His disapproval worsens, and you consider continuing to tease him but go with your better judgement (before he decides not to cook dinner, even though he always does anyways).
"I'm sorry hubby, forgive me?" Sukuna scoffs but accepts the affection anyways, he always does.
Yuji's voice interrupts the moment, "Ew you guys are so nasty (his parents are way worse), but speaking of children... when am I gonna get a cousin?"
The young boy can only watch as you two glance at each other then back at him, casually dropping an "Oh, Soon" then moving on completely. It takes him a second to process.
unckuna my love
reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated :]
thank you for reading, have a blessed week
not fully proofread or edited
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mebemilena · 7 months ago
 I take it and I eat it with a cherry on top
pairing: Daenerys Targaryen x fem Reader
summary:  you're the new cook of Queen Daenerys
A/N: i'm just exercising my writing skills. Sometimes my drafts and wips become comic books if i can convice the clients. Tittle from the song "Take a Bite", by Beabadoobee
PROMPT: "If your food is not good, i'll feed you to my dragons."
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You and your big mouth. Some nasty comment about the Queen's personal cooks had brought you to this situation. "If your food is not good, i'll feed you to my dragons.", Daenerys had said, playfully and mischievous, which brought you to this moment.
You entered the throne room with a few maids, each of them carrying a tray with covered plates. As the Queen's new cook, you had tried to impress everyone with a few recipes of your own though you were confident in your talents, having cooked for your family and friends since you were a teen.
The Queen sat on her throne as the maids brought her the trays with the fresh cooked meals she'd try.  "Are you saying this is not real meat?", Daenerys looked confused, the taste still vivid on her tongue.
"Yes, your majesty.", you confirmed with a smile, proud of your work and satisfied with the glint of amusement in your Queen's eyes. Daenerys frowned for a moment.
"I know it's not usual. But these are healthy and will bring you strength. They hold the daily proteins you'll need in a good diet.", you offered her one more bite.
Daenerys looked at you in awe, a small smile slowly growing. "I like meat.", she said simply, but took the piece in your hand. "But i'm open to new experiences.", she ate it, savoring your new recipe. 
She invited Missandei and Sor Jorad to taste the goods you had prepared, but the man refused and made no effort to do it gently.
"Sir Jorah doesn't trust me, your grace. And i have no desire to change his mind.", you shrugged. "He might think i'd try to poison him.", you chuckled, not carying that the man could hear you.
Daenerys tried to sound a little more serious as she sat on her throne, this was a sensitive topic after all. "And what about poisoning me? A few had tried before.", she asked, defiant.
"I have no desire to poison you, my Queen.", you started, waving your hand like it was the most stupid thing one could do. "If i did, it wouldn't be through the food i happen to try before serving you, and in front of you.", you explained, taking small bites of the food on the table. 
It took you a minute to realize your own words. You and your big mouth.
Your answer got the Queen's attention, she was almost amused. Missandei watched your dialogue in deep curiosity while Sor Jorah seemed uneasy. "And how would you do it?", Daenerys asked, not a drop of fear in her voice.
You walked to her, approaching her seat and the small table by her side. With practiced manners, you prepared another plate of food. A slice of bread, a few fruits and a small globe of soup.
"I'd do it slowly.", you told her, holding the bottle with wine and filling her glass. "Both killing and loving demands patience, your majesty. If you give it all at once, it makes a mess.", you chuckled.
"So if I wished to poison you, mylady, I'd give you a few droplets everyday.", you handed her the glass, and Sir Jorah put his hand on the shaft of his sword.
Daenerys looked at you as she drank the wine slowly, hooked by the way you spoke, enchanted.
"You'd drink it in your wine, in our water. Eventually, you'd fall sick and I'd offer to take care of you only to keep poisoning you. You'd die slowly. It'd look like something natural, like some sad trick of destiny.  And nobody would ever be suspicious of me, the person who took such good care of you on your final days.", you finished, not exactly proud of your wisdom on the subject. 
Daenerys laughed, drinking more from her glass. "You shall live one more day."
Missandei let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and Sor Jorah frowned even more to you, cursing under his breath.
Daenerys trusted you, but what kept you alive for so long was that she liked you. You and your big mouth.
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maya-caffrey · 2 months ago
Human 101: Sneaking Around
pairing: rk800 connor x reader
words: 1.5k
warnings: language, heavy making out, lack of proofreading, fic from reader's pov
summary: This week, we risk unemployment by getting *cough cough* busy at work (comedy, fluff)
additional context: reader is a detective with Detroit PD, reader and Connor are now dating (yay). Sequel to Human 101: Dancing
a/n: wrote some risque stuff this time and i am terrified hello :)
I take my job very seriously. I love being a detective, and I believe rules are essential for keeping everybody in line. But hey, things happen. If you had told me say, a couple weeks ago that I'd lie to my superiors, break a whole lot of rules, and risk getting fired, all for some guy, I'd have laughed in your face and called you things I probably shouldn't say out loud.
But, like I said, things happen. Against all odds, there I was, stumbling backward into the evidence room, one hand fumbling for the doorknob while the other was tangled in my new boyfriend’s hair, his lips on mine like he was afraid to let go. I managed to get the door open and we practically fell inside, the door clicking shut behind us.
Connor took the split-second gap to slam me against the wall, staring into my eyes with a mischievous look he knew drove me crazy. I pulled him down by his tie, his lips crashing into mine with a fervor that left me breathless. He deepened the kiss, which I didn't even know was possible because 3 seconds in I was already giddy.
His lips left mine and trailed down to my jawline, sending shivers down my spine. The sharp edge of the cold metal shelving dug into my back, but I didn’t care. His hands were already tracing down my sides, pulling me impossibly closer.
“Connor,” I whispered, my voice shaky but still laced with desire. “We are so gonna get caught.”
"In that case, we'll be quick."
“You’re insufferable,” I managed to gasp, though my words lacked any real bite as his lips trailed down further, at a maddeningly slow pace. God, this was killing me.
“Am I?” he murmured against my skin, his tone low and teasing, the faintest smirk in his voice.
“Yes,” I shot back, tugging at the collar of his jacket to pull him closer. “You- God, you drive me insane.”
“Good,” he said simply, his lips brushing the sensitive spot just below my ear, making my breath hitch.
I was just about to tell him something- probably completely incoherent- when the door creaked open.
“What the hell-”
Connor froze mid-movement, his lips still pressed to my neck. I turned my head, heart dropping into my stomach, and there stood Hank. Hank. His face went through what could only be described as the five stages of grief in three seconds flat.
For a moment, nobody moved. The only sound was the hum of the fluorescent lights and the faint echo of music from down the hall. My face felt like it was on fire, but I couldn’t say a word. I prayed to every god I knew to make me disappear that very instant. It did not work.
Hank finally broke the silence. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“I- uh- this isn’t- ” I stammered, trying to pull myself together, but words were failing me. Somebody shoot me, please.
“Save it,” Hank interrupted, holding up a hand. His eyes flicked between the two of us, landing on Connor. “You. Romeo. What the hell are you doing in here?”
He slowly straightened, his LED flickering yellow as he turned to face Hank. His hair was disheveled and his shirt was practically undone, the tie only barely hanging on for formality. His head tilted slightly as his gaze darted to me, then back to Hank, then back to me.
“...What is the appropriate protocol in this situation?” he asked, his voice as calm as ever but tinged with just the faintest trace of curiosity. I just stared at him incredulously. How the fuck would I know the appropriate protocol for getting caught by your boss playing tonsil tennis at work.
“‘Protocol,’ my ass,” Hank grumbled, rubbing a hand over his face. “You’re supposed to be out there chasing perps, not- whatever this is.”
I could feel my soul trying to leave my body. “Hank, it’s not-”
“Oh, it’s exactly what it looks like,” Hank cut me off, leveling me with a glare. “You think I don’t know? I’ve seen rom-coms, kid. You think I don’t recognize the ol’ ‘hide in the evidence room for some slap and tickle’ move?”
“I assure you, Lieutenant,” Connor said, deadpan as always, “there was no slapping involved.”
I groaned audibly. “Connor, honey, stop helping.”
“Yeah, please do,” Hank grunted. He gestured between us. “Listen, I don’t care what you two do on your own time, but if I find out you’re doing it on my watch again, you’re both benched. Permanently.”
"Wait, so, you won't be reporting us to Fowler?"
"Report what? I didn't see nothing. Understood?"
“Yes, Lieutenant,” Connor and I said in unison, though Connor’s tone was far too composed for someone who’d just been caught with his partner’s tongue down his throat.
Hank sighed as he shook his head, muttering something about ‘damn androids and their hormones’ as he walked out, slamming the door behind him.
The second Hank stormed out of the room, I dropped my head back against the cold metal shelf with a groan. I was this close to just melting into the floor.
Connor, of course, was already straightening his tie, like it was no big deal. “That could’ve gone worse.”
I shot him a look, my hands still trembling from the adrenaline. “Really? You think? Because I’m pretty sure Hank just walked in on us doing... that.”
He raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Well, Hank didn’t report us. So, I’d say we came out on top.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, even though my face was still redder than a lobster. “Yeah, sure, no big deal. Just your boss catching you- us- in the middle of... whatever the hell that was.”
He shrugged casually, like it was just another Tuesday. “He didn’t seem too upset. Besides, I’m sure he’s seen worse.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms. “I don’t even want to know what he’s seen.”
Connor shot me a knowing look, that signature smirk of his never leaving. “What can I say? The guy’s been around.”
I had half a mind to throw something at him, but honestly, I didn’t have the energy to care anymore. I was still processing the fact that Hank had basically given us the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ treatment.
"You know we’re gonna get an earful from him later, right?" I muttered, feeling my face go a little hotter. "He's gonna be all, ‘You kids are lucky I’m a softie.’"
Connor laughed, the sound so carefree I almost wanted to smack him. “Hey, at least we got out of it.”
I turned to face him, raising an eyebrow. “You think we got out of it? He just let us off the hook because he’s... what, distracted by whatever his new favorite bar’s got on tap?”
“Hey, whatever works,” Connor said with a grin, completely unbothered.
I gave him a look, walking toward the door. “Yeah, well, next time, let’s not make the whole department part of our ‘special moments,’ okay?”
He followed me out, casually fixing his jacket. “You know I can’t promise that.”
I shot him a sideways glance, feeling the heat still simmering beneath my skin. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
Connor’s smirk only deepened as he sidled up beside me, his breath warm against my ear. “You love it,” he whispered, voice low and velvety.
A shiver ran down my spine before I could even process it, and I could feel my pulse pick up. Fuck him. I turned my head just enough to catch the glint in his eyes, but not quite enough to meet his gaze directly.
“Stop,” I muttered, voice coming out weaker than I’d like.
He didn’t, in fact, stop. In fact, he leaned in closer, his lips almost brushing my ear as he added, “I can’t, if you keep looking at me like that.”
“I’m serious, Connor,” I warned, but the slight quiver in my voice betrayed me.
I tried to stay annoyed, but I could feel it slipping, like trying to hold onto water with a sieve. But the second he leaned in closer, that same teasing smirk still tugging at his lips, it hit me. He was messing with me.
I blinked, suddenly realizing he’d been toying with me this whole time. Damn android.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I asked, the realization making my cheeks heat up.
“Absolutely,” he replied without missing a beat, his voice a low hum in my ear.
I couldn’t help but laugh (at myself, mostly), shaking my head in disbelief. “You’re so mean.”
"Yeah, you love it."
"Well, just, try not to get us caught next time."
"Now, where's the fun in that?"
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months ago
Omg fucking stupid thing I thought of but like Sevika with a reader who is literally her number one apologist
Oh she got into deep shit? “I saw nothing actually” <— (quite literally was there)
Oh she murdered a man? “I mean.. did we ever take time to consider why she killed them? I mean, they could have looked at her wrong! I mean, I would if I were her too—“
Oh Sevika was being an asshole? “So? And I was backing her up đŸ˜‡đŸ«¶đŸŒâ€
this is so me, she'd chop finn's head clean off in front of me and i'd be like 'babe ur so silly! omg u have blood on ur arm!! lemme clean it for u...'
men and minors dni
sevika knows you're loyal to her.
in the five years you've been together, sevika's never once worried about your eyes wandering or you sneaking around on her.
but it's more than that.
you ride or die for sevika.
she realizes this the first time she's home to watch you talk to an enforcer.
sevika and silco's deal with marcus means they get away with most their dealings in the undercity-- but from time to time, to avoid questions, marcus will have to send a rookie down to the undercity to 'investigate.'
usually, the kid will snoop around for half a day, before high-tailing it right back up to piltover.
sometimes-- they actually try to investigate some of the evidence.
and, once or twice a year, one of the rookies will even have big enough balls to try to question sevika herself.
she's on the couch reading when someone knocks on your door. she's on high alert as she watches you open the door, her hackles rising when she sees the uniform standing on your front stoop.
"sorry to bother you so late at night, miss, is this the residence of a 'sevika'?" the enforcer asks.
sevika huffs, rolling her eyes and biting back her annoyed groan. she's in no fucking mood to deal with this. she's about to haul herself off the couch and take over for you, when you speak again.
"who?" you ask.
sevika blinks-- unsure if she heard you correctly.
"s-sevika?" the man tries again.
"sevika? i've never heard of a 'sevika' living in this neighborhood..." you say. sevika realizes what you're up to, and a smile breaks across her face. "do you mean savannah? there's a savannah a few blocks south, she owns a barbershop off third..." you suggest.
the rookie studies you for a second, and you just blink up at him innocently.
sevika has to smack a hand over her mouth when the idiot buys your act, sighing and slumping before turning around to leave your front stoop. "thank you for your time ma'am. sorry again for bothering you so late."
"put your gas mask on, young man, you'll hurt your lungs down here!" you call after him, waving sweetly as you watch him wander down the street.
you grunt and roll your eyes, your sweet smile dropping the moment he turns the corner, before you turn around and walk back inside your home, slamming and locking the door behind you.
sevika tackles you to the ground, kissing you fiercely. you burst into giggles. "what's this for?" you ask.
sevika can't stop laughing against your lips. "you're so amazing." she giggles. you just huff and roll your eyes.
"thought i'd turn you in?" you ask. sevika shakes her head.
"no-- didn't think you'd lie to a cop for me though."
you blink up at her, suddenly serious, and sevika's heart swells. "sevika. i'd do anything for you."
sevika has to hide her flustered face against your shoulder at this.
over the years, she realizes how much you meant the words.
you come home one night and find her panicking, a dead body in your living room blood soaked into her skin and clothes. you just blink, take a deep breath, and snap into action.
sevika watches in a daze as you gently guide her to sit on the couch, kissing her and calming her down as you strip her of her bloody clothes and toss them ontop of the dead man in the middle of your home.
you don't even ask her questions. you just gently guide her to the bathroom, and treat her like she's just got a cold, or something.
"you're so pretty." you whisper as you wash her clean.
you dress her in her jammies and put her to bed.
sevika stays awake, listening to you call ran and silco over, and then listening to the three of you clean up the mess for the rest of the night.
when you crawl into bed beside her at the end of the night, smelling vaguely of fire and gasoline and bleach-- sevika turns onto her side and grabs your hand.
"you okay, my love?" you whisper.
"will you marry me?" sevika asks.
you burst into giggles and agree, kissing sevika sweetly before dragging her onto your chest and scratching her scalp as she falls asleep.
it's not even the serious shit that you back her up on either. it's the dumb, petty shit too.
you can be sitting on her lap during a game of cards; muffling your giggles against her shoulder when sevika cheats by hiding a few of her cards one second, and the next you're swearing on your grandmother's life that sevika's never cheated during a game when one of her opponent's accuses her of hiding cards.
you hear her voice rise a bit when she gets in an argument with a goon, and you're by her side at lightspeed, glaring at whoever dared to question her authority, cracking your knuckles to back up her threats. when the goon stumbles away, nearly crying in fear, sevika turns to you with a guilty look.
"what?" you ask.
"i realized halfway through that i was yelling at the wrong kid... they all wear the same grungy eyeliner-- i can't tell these fuckers apart." she admits.
you burst into giggles and pull her in for a hug, and sevika finds out years later that you ended up tracking down the kid you'd both threatened and buying him dinner to apologize.
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dreamermonica · 2 years ago
jersey no. 10s + would love me if i was a worm ?
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—gender neutral reader, established relationships, fluff, some crack, just silly banters with them, lots of teasing from reader, and kaiser ig on his partđŸȘ°
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RIN side-eyes you. it's in the middle of a horror movie marathon when you ask him that question, effectively pulling him out of his focus on the show as he attempts to process your strange inquiry.
it's obvious from the way that he doesn't immediately call your question dumb or stupid that he's already used to these type of conversations. a perk of being surrounded by weirdos perhaps? anyway, it still doesn't refrain him from raising a brow at the abruptness of your out-of-the-blue query.
within a short moment of contemplation, he blinks away from your expectant expression back to the screen. you visibly deflate at his nonchalance.
“no.” bluntly does he say. you blink.
“so you don't love me for me?”
“i simply don't see myself loving a worm. it doesn't matter if it's you or not.”
he deliberately ignores the piercing and offended stare on the side of his face.
“so unfair! i would love you if you were a worm!” you whine as you shake his arm.
“doubt it.” he leans back further onto the couch to eye you again from his periphery, momentarily pausing the movie to apprehend your whining. “if i were ever to become a worm, I'd kill myself. i can't become the world's best striker with no limbs.”
“still thinking about football 'till now? jackass.” you playfully pout before turning back to the screen again. he quietly resumes the movie with a thoughtful nod. as a jumpscare comes up and you huddle to his side in surprise, you think the discussion is dropped entirely until he speaks up once more.
“there's that and,”
he suddenly leans close to your ear, arm skillfully placed on the backrest of the couch to wrap you in, your eyes widening when you feel his breath fanning on the side of your face.
it's barely above a whisper when he says it,
“—the fact i wouldn't be able to spend nights like these with you.”
oh my. you must've been hearing things—because the next thing you know is that a pillow is roughly thrown onto your face.
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SAE resolves the weird question with a playful pinch to your cheeks. he deals with enough dumbassery (shidou) already to even think of entertaining your question, but god, your squished face and cheeks look really adorable right now, so he'll humor you for a bit.
“ow, ow, ow...”
“maybe. maybe not.” his stare remains blank and bored as your face scrunches in pain with the faint stinging on your cheek. upon seeing your discomfort, he immediately drops his hands, stuffing them in his pockets, “depends if we're both worms or not.”
humming as you soothingly rub your cheeks mindlessly, you stick out a tongue at him. “how about only me as a worm with my face on it?”
he glowers at the thought, “creepy. don't push it.”
“then me as a normal worm...?”
“i'd feed you to shidou. he'd treat you well.”
you sigh depressingly at the thought of swimming in that soccer demon's stomach acid. “no getting through you, huh. would it kill you to be sappy for once...?”
“if we were both worms, then yes, i'd love you. happy now?”
he deliberately pushes your face away from his line of sight, scowling as you try to kiss him with your lips exaggeratedly puckered much to his dismay, “who the hell cheers like that? weirdo.”
“your weirdo.”
you send him a wink, a half-assed attempt at rizzing him up and yet he thought he’d explode right then and there. his expression stays indifferent though. no way he’s exposing himself like that.
“yeah. only mine.” the taste of victory is sweet on his tongue as he watches you turn red at his words.
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KAISER...oh, kaiser.
in his case, it's the other way around.
you are the one getting pestered to answer his strange question instead. courtesy of his greed for your attention. gotta thank the heavens above when you decide to entertain his antics instead of strangling him.
“what brought this question forth?” you stare at him in boredom, sinking into the comfy confines of the couch he's leaning over at to smile at you dopily. you resist the urge to kiss his face right then and there.
“nothing~ just trying to see if you're only after my body or not.”
“...but i'm not into worms—”
“it's me! as a worm! the handsome and prodigal michael kaiser!” he pushes, feigning hurt as he dramatically places a hand to his chest. “why are you doubting me? i can't believe my darling out of all people would do this to me.”
you hum for a while as your gaze moves up to the ceiling, paying no mind whatsoever to the sob story he's fabricating to garner your sympathy as well. you press a finger to your lips curiously, “would the worm version of you keep your toned body and beautiful golden hair?”
“uh...good question—wait, you are after my body!”
“yes. is that a problem?” you can't help the smug look that crosses your face upon seeing kaiser's offended reaction, to which immediately turns into a scowl as he leans closer towards your face.
“what,” your hand raises to graze against his cheek, trailing down to his neck as you caress his iconic blue rose tattoo. “can't take a little joke, mihya?”
he stiffens at your touch, eyes widening for a moment, before he ultimately resigns himself to a heavy sigh of defeat, maneuvering his hand to grasp your wandering fingers over his collarbone, stopping your advances as he pouts playfully.
“this is why i like my side chicks better.”
“hah? repeat that again you little—”
“can't take a little joke, mein liebling?”
taken aback, you glare at him. he winks back.
forcibly given a taste of your own medicine, you huff outwardly and opt to push his stupidly handsome face away from your sight before it angers you any further. a sense of clarity already being gained when he is no longer is in your peripherals.
“go talk to them if they're so much better than me then.”
“oh, cmon.”
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this was collecting dust for months in my drafts take it as u may , i might be more active soon✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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