#if everyone finds your work palatable then it’s not art it’s content to consume
chronically-ghosted · 3 months
day before a 5 day holiday weekend. office empty. got me thinking thoughts.
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onlinebestpresent · 1 year
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Are you a chocolate lover with a refined palate? If so, then gourmet chocolate is the ultimate treat for you. With its exquisite flavors, and luxurious textures. And impeccable craftsmanship, gourmet chocolate offers a sensory experience like no other. In this article, we will see through the world of gourmet chocolate gifts. Exploring its artistry, variety, benefits, creation process, pairing options, health advantages. And where to find the best gourmet chocolate. Prepare then to thrill your taste sensations. And discover the delights of gourmet chocolate!
The Art of Gourmet Chocolate Making
Gourmet chocolate is not just a confection but a work of art. Chocolatiers who specialize in gourmet chocolate dedicate themselves to perfecting their craft. They carefully select the finest cocoa beans. Masterfully blend different flavors and textures. And create stunning designs to please both the eye and the palate. Gourmet chocolate is a result of passion, precision, and creativity.
Exploring Different Varieties of Gourmet Chocolate
Gourmet chocolate offers various flavors and styles to suit every chocolate lover's preferences. From smooth and creamy milk chocolate to intense. And complex dark chocolate, there is something for everyone. Additionally, gourmet chocolate often incorporates unique ingredients. And flavor infusions, such as fruit, nuts, spices, and exotic elements like sea salt or chili. This diverse selection ensures that there is always gourmet chocolate to satisfy even the most discerning taste buds.
Benefits of Indulging in Gourmet Chocolate
Apart from its indulgent taste, gourmet chocolate also offers several benefits. Dark chocolate, in particular, contains a higher percentage of cocoa. Which is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants can improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and enhance cognitive function. Additionally, gourmet chocolate can elevate mood. And provide a momentary escape from the stresses of everyday life. It truly is a delightful treat for both the body and the soul.
The Process of Creating Gourmet Chocolate
Creating gourmet chocolate is a meticulous process that involves several steps. It starts with carefully selecting and roasting cocoa beans to enhance their flavors. The beans are ground and refined to create a smooth chocolate paste. Further conched to achieve the desired texture. Finally, the chocolate is tempered, molded, and cooled. To create the signature glossy finish. This labor-intensive process ensures every bite of gourmet chocolate is a true masterpiece.
Pairing Gourmet Chocolate with Wine and Spirits
To elevate the gourmet chocolate experience. Many enthusiasts enjoy pairing it with complementary wines or spirits. Dark chocolate's rich and complex flavors. Often pair well with bold red wines or aged whiskies.Butd, the creamy and delicate nature of milk chocolate. Can be beautifully complemented by sweeter wines or liqueurs. These pairings create a harmonious symphony of flavors. Making the indulgence even more memorable.
Health Benefits of Gourmet Chocolate
Contrary to popular belief. Gourmet chocolate can be part of a healthy lifestyle when consumed in moderation. Dark chocolate, with its higher cocoa content. contains less sugar and more antioxidants than milk chocolate. These antioxidants, specifically flavonoids. Have been associated with various health benefits. including improved heart health, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of certain diseases.
Where to Find the Best Gourmet Chocolate
Several options are available when it comes to finding the best gourmet chocolate. High-end chocolate boutiques and artisanal chocolatiers. Often offer a wide selection of gourmet chocolates gift. These establishments pride themselves on their craftsmanship, using high-quality ingredients and innovative techniques. Additionally, online retailers specializing in gourmet chocolate can provide access to various brands. And flavors conveniently delivered to your doorstep.
The Perfect Gift: Gourmet Chocolate
Gourmet chocolate makes an exquisite and thoughtful gift for any occasion. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or holiday celebration, a beautifully packaged box of gourmet chocolates will impress. Many chocolatiers offer customizable options. Allowing you to create a personalized assortment tailored to the recipient's preferences. The gift of gourmet chocolate is not only a treat for the taste buds. But also a gesture that conveys warmth, appreciation, and indulgence.
The Future of Gourmet Chocolate
As the demand for gourmet chocolate continues to rise. The industry is evolving to meet consumers' changing tastes and preferences. Chocolatiers are pushing boundaries by experimenting with new flavors. Incorporating sustainable practices, and embracing innovative techniques. The future of gourmet chocolate holds exciting possibilities. Ensuring that chocolate enthusiasts will always have something new. And extraordinary to look forward to.
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hollywoodx4 · 7 years
Sticking With the Schuylers (42)
Happy anniversary day everyone! 6 months!!  I’m so happy to see a bunch of new readers (welcome, hope you enjoy the ride) and I’m very thankful to have made it this far :) Thank you all so much for making this story possible !!
Here’s the second part of your present! A double post day
1  2  3  4   5   6   7   8   9   10   1112   I  13  14   15   16   17   18A  18B   18C  I  19   20   21   22   23   24   25  26   27  28   29   I  30  31  32 33 34 35  36  37  38  39 40  41
Tagging: @linsnavi  
Warnings: This story is pretty heavy on mentions of both physical and emotional abuse.
A venti vanilla latte with a double shot of espresso; the steam billows into the air from the open lid of a paper coffee cup, granted more air to cool itself down. Through layers of thick and cloud-like foam the steam creates magnificent swirling patterns, its constant change a dance of uncertainty before it disappears completely. The fog blends with the stagnant, aromatic air of the coffee shop. Eliza watches it come and go in waves of attention. How strange it is that the air that gives life to herself is also taking it from this fog-dance.
               Her goal is to empty the paper cup. Its contents, much stronger than she is used to, burn on the way down. Caffeine settles in her veins, pumping blood now awake and riddled with anxiety to her rapidly beating heart. She inhales the bagel she had bought-its purpose is to soak up some of the wicked potion, to quell her nerves. The coffee is making her stomach turn. The caffeine does nothing but become its partner, egging it on. It is a power source much too heightened for the weight of her body and the unfamiliarity with copious amounts of artificial energy. Today, however, she needs it.
               Eliza leans over the table, eyes narrowed in concentration. Across the space she had claimed lay an organized sort of chaos-a pile of her belongings once neatly organized lost to the busied state of her mind. She can barely see past the thick book she has been filling; can barely feel the ache in her hands or the pinch in her downcast neck. She concentrates on the thinned out scratching of graphite on paper, a brushing as her hand moves in flurried motions. It is controlled by memories, this moment; her mind aches with the task of transferring three-dimensional dreams onto a flat surface. The translation is a difficult one-it is impossible to bring about a feeling through a series of scratches; of lines and dots and sketched figures that fit only the bill of her subconscious world. In Eliza’s head, Lisa had said, these gatherings of color and light and blurred lines make perfect sense. There is a translation of emotion she is able to read just by the touch of blue or a hardened press of graphite. Eliza doesn’t quite buy that theory. It helps, though, this consuming task. It keeps her busy.
               The work that she has done lays before her in torn-out pages; it had felt right to keep them side-by-side, in a series of sorts. Her drink is only 1/4th of the way gone. Her table is filled with a dusting of color and torn paper and the potent stench the two espresso shots bring her once tame latte. Eliza cannot bring herself to look at them altogether. She’s sure she’ll have to next week, when she’s stuck in the room filled with a sense of try-hard feng-shui and Lisa’s favorite and completely impractical magenta suede pumps. She’s sure the amount of scratches on paper will at least double by then.
               Living by herself hadn’t been hard before she’d known exactly what safety had felt like.
               The scratching pauses. Eliza draws in another long sip of what is essentially only caffeine and looks down at the progress she has made on her current scene. Her mind dutifully directs itself back to autopilot, back to graphite shavings and a stained hand and subtle movements that fill her mind with purpose. The art lets her mind wander, to fog and to disappear for a while. For that reason, she loves drawing more than any other hobby she has had.
               When their girls were young, Phillip and Catherine Schuyler had sat them down in turn on their sixth birthday. What do you want to do? They had asked, and presented them with flyers and brochures of activities they could choose from; hobbies, interests. These things would keep their girls well rounded-and they had. Angelica chose tennis; she and Phillip had already been out on the courts, during special dad-and-Angie time her sisters had always been jealous of. It had become a way of networking, having a daughter who hit those rubber balls with a vengeance and spoke her mind so passionately. In choosing this hobby Angelica had chosen to become her father’s right hand girl. The zeal for tennis lasted only a short while, but the political upbringing brought her along to eagerly fill the role of Phillip’s doubles partner. Angelica was a pretty good tennis player, but she’d found her calling in networking with his colleagues. This was-and still is-her niche.
               Peggy had bounced between activities so many times Eliza finds it hard to keep track. She’d done gymnastics for a while, but the arduous hours in a sweaty gym hadn’t been worth the pretty trophies for the youngest daughter. From there she’d tried basketball, and dance, and then softball. In each sport, she’d found something wrong. The real problem with Peggy and sports is her tendency to fall on her face, proven in several well-hidden home videos.
               For Eliza, the memory is vivid. Right when she had woken up on her sixth birthday she’d come barreling down the stairs. She’d been the one to sit with their parents-to initiate the conversation. In her fluffy pink party dress, and hair done-up in an elaborate braided crown, she’d spun on shining white mary janes before insisting that ballet was her only option. From the very first class, she had fallen in love. In elementary school it had been the costumes that won her over; sparkles and sequins and layers of tulle that puffed her out like a cupcake. She’d wear the frocks around the house, only taking them off when bedtime and tulle became an incompatible match. As she got older she got better, and a fixation on costumes turned to trophies. This didn’t last long. The thrill of winning felt glorious in her heart, which swelled with unfiltered joy each time her parents brought flowers to her competitions (a glorious rainbow of gerber daisies-they always brought flowers). The swell of her heart then translated into a multitude of feelings. As her solos grew harder they also grew stories-Eliza was called upon to play a character in these moments, and she’d grown fond of the opportunity to tell stories through movement. That was when she realized how much she could release from a repetition of pirouettes or a leap across the studio floor. The negative feelings in her heart were translated through her heart to her body, and down through the floor. They would stay there in that studio.
               When she’d grown too old to compete-when volunteer work and schooling and life had gotten in the way-Eliza had felt lost. Dancing had been her release. When she’d left it, she’d left the ability to spin away her feelings. And then she’d met James.
               Sketching became Eliza’s freedom almost as naturally as dancing had.  It started on a whim, a trip through a craft store and a glance in the right direction. She’d grabbed the tiny blue sketchpad as an afterthought, perhaps for a project she hadn’t quite planned yet. Then, things turned difficult. Life became taxing to live. Eliza could not dance; she could not even leave her apartment. The colorful sticks of charcoal had taken to her hands like second nature. The colors, their palate often in tandem with her own skin’s unnatural coloring of cruelty, often dusted her arms and the length of her palm. She let her fingers roam across paper, smearing purples and blues and peaches together to create a starry night of colors. Eliza never sketched to gain praise. Her art would not hang on gallery walls. But sitting in front of a blank canvas, her mind took solace in a new medium to press herself onto. The covers of her sketchbooks breathe a sigh of relief when they are opened.  In turn, she thanks them for their time. With charcoal, or graphite, or pen, her mind is able to heal.
               The healing also comes with the aesthetic of the coffee shop, wrapped in sparkling silver tinsel and cutout snowflakes, cable-knit blankets draped over warm leather couches. Her drink had been served in one of the last red holiday cups, a reminder of the holiday season now in the past. Just before they’d left for her family’s Christmas Eve party Eliza and Alex had sat in this same booth, drawing trees and snowmen and stars on each other’s cups with a Sharpie John had smuggled over the counter. She’d laughed at his rendition of a reindeer; a mess of basic shapes akin to a child’s shaky artwork. Her cup is now bare, devoid of any kind of design. She stares at the dimensionless red, lets its bright coloring hurt eyes which seem to be searching for its imperfections.
               “You alright?” The voice pierces through her fog, hushed and soft and bright in timbre. John leans over the counter to speak to her, an eye trained on a fat, handsome man in an identical uniform. It’s the first day in a while his boss has stopped by this particular Starbucks, and as shift manager the collected, charismatic Latino is attempting to look busy. So far the day hadn’t been too taxing-a few discrepancies with a new employee messing up drinks, one millisecond of a lack of filter…yes, so far John Laurens would check this off as a pretty good day. His boss seems impressed, looking over a beautifully painted mural of snowflakes and swirls that graces the glass windows. It is a job he was supposed to assign to one of his employees; he’d scoffed at the thought. Within their ranks, there was not a stitch of artistic talent. He’d called Peggy instead, who’d come a few times that week and adorned a borrowed green apron to paint in exchange for the company-and the free coffee.
               His smile widens when his boss turns to approve the decoration, his hands moving as if he’d been cleaning the counter the entire time. When the man turns back around again, John’s shoulders drop. He’d meant to be excelling at the day-showing management that he really did deserve the raise he had gotten. The raise is all but forgotten when Eliza walks through the door. If she hadn’t nearly stumbled her way to the counter, her uncharacteristic exhaustion would have been noted by the sheer weight she seemed to be carrying around. Each footstep hit the hardwood flooring heavy, wading through a tumultuous mud that keeps her pace slow and her eyes to the ground. Her order spills between slightly upturned lips and a smile that doesn’t quite reach her cheeks. And when he hesitates-stares at her dull and unmoving expression-she moves along as if nothing has happened.
               So he can’t ignore her. As his boss walks slow and meticulous circles around the shop John juggles his attention between a sudden influx of customers and Eliza’s sinking form in their usual booth. She has a wide span of work lain out before her which she bends over in a concentration only broken by the opening of the door or a voice too loud too soon. Then she’s hyperaware, throwing her hands over her work as her body is jumpstarted by the shock. She fits the lag of the shop’s music; acoustic guitars and soft vocals by artists who use their breathiest voice to convey a dream-like feel. Usually, Eliza Schuyler fits into this aesthetic like the piece of a hand-crafted puzzle. Today, her energy carries to the counter and sets his own heart to her own erratic rhythm.
               Between his boss and his currently incompetent employees John keeps a piece of himself tethered to the table Eliza has holed herself up at. For a moment he considers sneaking out back to text Alex, to give him warning and ask for his help. His fingers even hover over the screen of his phone for a moment, typing and erasing before his head is filled with the voices of his mother, and his sisters. They’d think it a terrible idea to meddle like this, sticking his nose in business that only kind-of pertains to himself. He’s not sure about his youngest sisters (Emily would probably have already gone and gotten Alex herself) but Amaia and his mother would adorn identical expressions. The slightly lowered brow, the crinkling of skin between them, and a constant company of arms crossed over chests….this is how he’d been raised. He fears the power of the women in his family, but he respects their opinion more. Even though they are not there, and they have not said a word, they are right. They’re always right.
               In lieu of meddling John walks back and forth along the back counter of the bar, scrubbing down machine handles and picture frames and the bottom of the fridge. From this vantage point he can see her perfectly. She’s sketching, a thin pencil between dexterous fingers making hasty lines across paper that is no longer blank. The rip of its release breaks the soft sound barrier of the shop then, cutting through murmured voices and the whirring of appliances to announce its presence. He flinches, watching her lay the piece in a line of matching canvases. There is only the simplicity of a blurred monochrome blanket or art she had been working on for hours now, since he’d opened the doors to the shop. He can’t see much of anything from this point. He inches closer.
               He’s lucky, he supposes then, that she’s sitting so close to the sink area. When his boss looks over he can soak his hands in water, clearing utensils and blenders and tools from his path. He does his best impression of a well-tuned employee, eyes turned to a focus and pace moving rapid although he is not really doing much work at all. It turns out that for John, pretending to be busy is harder work than actually doing his job. The façade is worth it.
               The pictures she has drawn all seem to be linked, although there is no clear start or finish to the story she is illustrating. Then, it is abstract. There are no real characters, just one hastily sketched figure that is blurred in some drawings and scratched away in others. A page in the middle has been covered in darkness, so much so that John can still see the dusting of graphite that has loosened from a harsher pressure on the tool. Another directly next to it features only a face which, although clearly hastily drawn with a gathering of identical lines, isn’t much unlike her own. There is a blur, where she’d smeared the darks and lights together from her left eye to the tip of her chin so that she is barely unrecognizable. The choice seems odd on such a lovely portrait. Looking closer the blur continues, up toward the head where glossy hair typically fell into loose curls. She had blurred that too, turned dark hair darker and highlighted it with harsh lines throughout its nest. These lines twisted and contorted, wrapped around the neck in tight twists that pinched at her skin. This is where the picture stopped. She’d started another.
               The one she is working on now, in hard concentration, features a rolling of markings that resemble the cloth of a curtain, or a dress. A dress, John decides as he leans a bit closer, is more similar to what this picture must be conveying. Through the blackened canvas the fabric stands out, white and clean and polished with a bow. It hangs from one corner of the frame, where it’s being pinched by hands that dwarf it in size. There are hard, sharp lines adorning the hand, which does not translate in harmony to the softness of the silk and the flow of the dress. From the line of focus this scene portrays, from top left to bottom right, there is the hand, the dress, and another figure. This one is small, creating the illusion that it must be floating away. Where the hand is sharp and the dress soft, this figure floats somewhere in the middle. Unlike the other pieces of work she’d created, the girl in this picture does not show her face. Her body is both curled into itself and splayed out, upside-down and floating in a sea of black graphite. Brilliant dark hair billows below her head, hanging and catching in the sketch to create motion. Where John had thought the figure was simply floating, he guesses again. There is nothing peaceful about this piece. Where the sketch of just her face had been pleasant-save the blurring of its left side-this falling in an endless space of darkness gives off a vibe that sticks in his gut. A chill runs through his blood, beginning and ending in an infinite loop that makes him want to turn away from it all. His sight pans back out to the grouping of pictures, depictions of scenes within Eliza’s mind that come in flashes of horrific memories.  His intake of breath is audible, and uncontrolled. He puts a hand over his mouth when Eliza turns sharp to face him. He’s been caught.
               “John!” Her hands rest on her table, covering the figure and the face to no avail. He’s already seen it all, that much is evident by the uncomfortable brushing of his top and bottom lips to each other, the way his eyes can barely meet hers. She moves to say something else but can’t figure out what it should be; she could explain herself, the pictures and the coffee and the frantic look on her face. She could accuse him for invading her privacy, but what good would that be? She’s sitting in a public place, his place of work…she’d been stupid to think he wouldn’t notice her there. She hadn’t been thinking at all, actually.
               There is a level of unrest that’s lain harsh on her gentle features. Soft lips are curved into the mirror of a smile, wistful and hopeful and pretending. The beginnings of dark rings hang under lifeless eyes, illustrating her exhaustion and keeping herself away from him. He nods, although no other hint of conversation has been given. It’s a response to her body language; her harsh covering of art and her inability to say anything more. Although he doesn’t fully understand, he knows. This is not something he should be poking his nose into. In the moment he notices her sharp defense he decides to leave the art alone, although he cannot un-see what he has seen-they are both aware of this fact.
               “So….a venti?” Eliza laughs then, shaking her head and piling her art back into her sketchbook. She uses her fingers to shake out her loose curls, tossing them over her shoulder.
               “Yeah, it’s been…interesting. It was an interesting night.” She doesn’t need to say anything more-the saccharine fragrance of vanilla espresso and the overly done lilt in her voice are enough to give away her true meaning. John frowns, drumming his fingers on the countertop, contemplating what to say.
               “I uh, yeah. Yeah, it wasn’t too good for Alex either. Have you talked to him?”
               “Today? Yeah. This morning, just to say hi. About this?” She holds her sketchbook in her hands, caressing the cover and looking down at its worn-out binding with the bite of her lip. There is a sensation that comes along with even looking at its cover, something between the release of peace and an aggressive hold on her heart that keeps her chained to its therapy. The choking of her heart is necessary. Holding the book, it seems useless. But it’s opening its pages-translating feeling to rough lines and vast spaces that make it worth its initial pain. Telling Alexander would mean having to show him what she’s done-to explain each of the moments she’d had to sit down, where words were not enough to release her emotions. It’s something that makes her cringe upon the thought. It’s not necessary, not yet.
               “I don’t want to make him feel guilty.”
               “Say no more, E. We’re done talking about it.” John has a way of glossing over things; of making people forget he ever even knew what had happened. Flashes of the night before present themselves in the forefront of his mind; Alex standing wearily at the door, his fight with Lafayette…even this morning he had been lackluster, leaving the apartment without breakfast or coffee. If he didn’t like Eliza, he could’ve presented her with all of the consequences her actions had caused, the effects of her choice. If he hadn’t known her, or what she’s going through, this would have been very easy to do. Letting go of people is something he has no trouble with, especially when those people have hurt those that he loves. This is different. While Eliza had hurt Alex she hadn’t done it intentionally-this move had been the best decision for them both. And Eliza…he’d grown closer to Eliza in the past few months than he’d anticipated. Dropping her, if there ever would be a need, would be harder than he’d thought.
John wears a lopsided smile, body propped on the length of his lower arm against the countertop. He drapes the cloth he had been pretending to clean with over his shoulder, eyes dusted with the familiar hints of mischief.
               “You want to be distracted?” John sends the proposition her way with inflection in his voice and a quick glance back to his boss. Luckily, he still hasn’t noticed the lack of work ethic he’s been presenting.  He turns back just in time to see Eliza’s hesitant nod.
               “Emily’s coming to game night on Friday.”
               “Oh good,”
               “-Oh yeah, I’m kind of making her come.”
               “Oh?” Eliza’s turned completely in the booth now, facing John and leaning slightly against her table. He’s completely relaxed now, barely passing a glance at the wandering man with the clipboard. He’s not too concerned with John, either; right now he’s fixated on the well-being of a couple sitting on the other side of the shop.
               “She’s….she’s had it rough. Her friends are all assholes and I hate them.”
               “I’m being generous here. They’re all a bunch of stuck up little hypocrites and she just needs a night away from them. The one person I hate more than them is her girlfriend.”
               “What’s wrong with her?” She’s trying to play the middle man and he groans at the thought of it all, rolling his eyes at her sweet tone and open mind. He wants to project his mind to her own, to show her the girl that is currently holding his middle sister’s heart hostage in a rampant game of tug-of-war. His strong, independent sister has been pining over this girl for years to receive nothing in return but an ever-changing frame of mind.
               “She’s a serial dater. She’s crazy, and manipulative, and they’ve broken up four times in the past few months. This is so not my sister. And her friends? Her friends could care less, they’re only concerned with whether or not this girl will be at the apartment and if she’s brought food. They’re exploiting Emily for some halfway decent chef who just graduated from dishwasher and hasn’t set a single goal for herself in her life. They’re the worst match.”
               “So you’re forcing her to hang out with her brother and his friends because….”
               “You and your sisters are good people-you got along when you met her, right? I mean she’s kind of a bitch but once you get to know her she’s great. She needs some new friends, desperately. Plus, she’s Alex’s sister too so you need to get in with the family at some point.”
               “Alright, I’m sold.”
               “Really, that easily?” Eliza laughs at his shock, nodding and gathering her things. She gestures behind John, pulling her lips into a nervous curl as the sound of footsteps approach them. He turns just in time to see his boss, large and a pitiful attempt at being intimidating. It gets John moving. His lanky form putters around the little bar, grasping at Eliza’s half-empty cup and attempting to recreate what he’d made her much earlier in the morning. His facial features are immediately set to a concentrated sort of smile, which he flashes at his boss with a set of pearly white teeth. His boss nods. Eliza rolls her eyes. Once again, John has avoided work with only his boyish smile.
               She leaves him then, thanking him for the mucked up version of her drink she’s already too caffeinated to drink. It feels nice to have a purpose; to set out to class with a new goal in mind. By the time her day is over she’s busy compiling lists-thoughts and facts to tell her sisters about the friend they need to make. Going home to an empty apartment is lonely; quiet. But she has Alex on the other end of the phone, his exuberant tenor telling her every story he knows about Emily Laurens. He understands her; with a goal in her mind, Eliza can be busy. With this goal in her mind, she barely needs the release of her sketchbook. Her thoughts are geared toward an uncontrollable optimism, a need to reach the end result so clearly paved in her mind. Friday can’t come quick enough.
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vietphapnhomkinh · 5 years
Organic Chemical make up Basic Rules and methods Biochemistry Part 12
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templified · 5 years
Portfolio Themes with Grid Layouts TopNotch Themes | Templified
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Portfolio Themes with Grid Layouts TopNotch Themes
  Flexit is for photographers, by photographers.  And I think photographers are going to love this slick little portfolio.  Built it with your own images and the visitors will come, that’s for sure.  Flexit is a responsive theme created for any sort of photography buff, camera men, videographers or shutterbugs.  Use it for a personal site to get your travel photography out there in front of a wide audience.  There are a handful of different gallery types to help keep things fresh and different.  Have a great time with Flexit!
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Infinity Grid
  InfinityGrid was designed for the every-day personal blogger or even companies who are looking for a simple, but thorough blog theme for their web presence. Infinity Grid has an impressive set of advanced theme options to keep things looking and responding good, even as you start to get more and more traffic.  Navigation is a snap too, with custom menu support and more.  I think this theme is particularly good for a beginner or novice WordPress user.  Make that a future expert WordPress blogger.
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  If you’re looking for a wonderful grid WordPress blog theme, Maxima might be exactly what you’ve been searching for.  This exquisite premium WordPress blog theme can be utilized for almost any type of web-site you need and the popular and trendy grid layout helps increase the user experience at every level. With a first class design along with a wide selection of amenities, it could work perfectly as a stylish clothing blog site, a magazine blog or perhaps your own personal blog page. With an amazing, useful lay-out and lots of functionality to render writing a blog simple. In case you’re not a WordPress professional, you can still alter this template to provide it with the features you would like your blog to have. Your readers will cherish the way your blog looks, the convenient navigation, the modern and well built layout, the thoroughly clean CSS and HTML, the general layout and a whole lot more.
WordPress is regarded as the most widespread blogging solution around, simply because it’s hassle-free to use, it’s exceptionally flexible and it includes quite a few beneficial features. You will discover much you can personalize with almost any template or theme, therefore it is really essential to buy a good-looking theme that gives the features you need. A well made WordPress blog theme allows you to entice your readers and with a good WordPress blog theme, the design is thoroughly clean so your page opens up quickly which may help you rank higher on Google or Yahoo. This top quality weblog theme boasts everything you’d need produce a really great, authority blog on virtually any topic like traveling, restaurants, software, corporate and business, diaries, fashion and plenty more.
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    Plusquare has an eye for details.  With that in mind, they bring you Essenza.  A responsive grid style portfolio theme with a wide variety of premium options and even more ways to customize this page to suit your needs.  Essenza is versatile, it’s minimal and it’s a perfect solution for your online portfolio.  Import demo data, use the light or dark version depending on your mood and your website’s purpose.  Essenza has a fast learning curve too, so you’ll be up and online quickly.  If you’re a beginner, don’t worry…Essenza has a  great drag and drop page builder included at no cost.  Pretty sweet.
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  Aware is an interactive, responsive portfolio theme perfect for freelancers, web designers, photographers and videographers alike. Its user interactive interface delightfully enhances your most loved portfolio pieces, arranging them in a gorgeous lattice of networking goodness. Now, you can take your portfolio with you, in your pocket, since this theme looks great on any device, including smart-phones and tablets and because grid layout is dynamic and will look great on any device, since this is a responsive theme.  Ajax homepage portfolio, theme widgets and options, 1 click short codes and a responsive design all make this a very powerful template.
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  Huntt provides a crystal clear presentation works for a wide variety of websites, so you can adapt this theme to do just about anything you can imagine.  If you can’t do it with WordPress, you might not be able to do it.  Huntt is a simple, modernist, minimalist, clean magazine and blog theme with a lot of white space to take advantage of modern design techniques.  This theme really offers the content first, so your photographs, blog posts, images, graphic design, art, fashion, city planning or mathematics themed blog will look great and highly functional.   Hunt’s design layout was inspired by high end magazines like Vogue and the New Yorker, so it’s designed to look as good as it functions.  This responsive theme scales to any size you need, so feel free to go as big or as small as you can.  Any device will work.  Switch out your colors with a few mouse clicks too.  That saves you time, which saves you money.  Everybody likes money.
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  Grido is a fresh Tumblr type theme to be a part of the well designed responsive theme family. It really is amazing, lovely, and fancy. The Tumblr style theme includes 9 gradient back-grounds for you to layout the different posts personally. You are able to choose a color palate to echo the temperament of the individual blog posts or go with a completely different color for each blog post to help make your internet site look like a wall of post-it notes.
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  No matter why you need a portfolio website, the Luisa WordPress theme can provide all the functionality you need to build it without any undue complexity or a learning curve. It offers crisp styling with a minimalistic aesthetic so the website graphics never get in the way of your photographs, art or other content. Installation is quick and simple. Just a few clicks and you will be up and ready to attract the attention of interested Internet browsers. Any website created with Luisa will display beautifully on everything from the largest desktop monitor to the smallest smartphone. This responsiveness, powered by the impressive Bootstrap 3 framework, is especially important in our modern world where everyone accesses the Internet on the go.
People with code experience may use the included child theme option to make tweaks and changes. Non-developers will appreciate the included WordPress Customizer that facilitates design for those with no coding knowledge whatsoever. Luisa focuses on portfolio style content capabilities, which makes creating a professional display site second nature. This WP theme offers both isotope and masonry grid styles. Additional features include the ability to embed videos in highly polished ways that make them look a truly integral part of the site. Both headers and portfolio pages can impress site visitors with attractive parallax scrolling. With the Ajax navigation menu system, visitors will always be able to find precisely what they’re looking for thus increasing your chances of success online. Attract the global consumer base with the powerful WPML translation plug-in as well. If any questions arise while installing or designing the Luisa WordPress theme, the development team offers extensive customer support whenever you need it.
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  Nerduck is a masonry and isotope grid portfolio, well designed and modern looking, with fantastic support and an advanced level of documentation.  If you want to display a portfolio of your best work, you can’t go wrong with a theme that is designed to let your work speak for itself.  That’s Nerduck.  They spared no expense in creating this theme either, eith Visual Composer plugin included.  Typography helps set off your designs, so there are limitless ways to use typography to accentuate the positives of your designs, whether it’s photography, graphic design, logo design or more.  Freelancing or looking for a new gig, Nerduck will give the right first impression with it’s bold and modern design.  Visual Composer means you’ll never have to have a stale website that you get tired of, since you can drag and drop elements wherever you want them to be on this 100% responsive modern grid web template.  The navigation is simple and pleasant to look at and very functional to use, both for end user and the admins too.
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  For portfolio websites that focus on photographs or other art, the Hind WordPress theme provides the unique combination of form and function that will suit your personal presentation needs and a non-coders need for simplicity of use. It can also be used for company or personal websites that do not focus on artwork, but some of the best features, such as portfolios and galleries, may not be used to their utmost. Hind presents large graphics in high definition style quickly to all site visitors. The presentation possibilities make it a top-notch theme of choice for people in the creative arts who truly want to capture attention and make an impact.
Hind comes packaged with several popular premium plug-ins at no extra cost. The user-friendly Visual Composer page building plug-in allows you to drag and drop elements onto any page. Revolution Slider works to showcase graphics in a unique way and can even create animated sidebars. To get a quality website up and running even more quickly, consider using one of the included premade demo pages. The Hind WordPress theme is built on the powerful Bootstrap 3 framework and includes built-in search engine optimization opportunities to attract even more attention.
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  ThemeTrust’s Uber theme is a responsive portfolio theme, perfect for businesses, freelance designers, students, photographers and design companies.  There’s no limit to what this theme can do for you.  Smooth animations, powerful filters, an amazing layout, crisp navigation and simple customization mean that Uber will have you online in a jiffy, showing off your photos, videos and other creative work very quickly.  ThemeTrust themes all offer advanced features too that you’re going to love.
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  Don’t think of Nemesis as your enemy, think of it as your next blog theme with grid portfolio.  Nemesis WP design is a glossy and flashy, entirely template that merges entertainment and professionalism into one awesome parcel. Great for startups, tech web sites or perhaps design agencies, this design is going to make an impact on your website visitors with its new edge style. The theme also is grouped together with a wide range of great features, such as responsive design, personalized backdrop illustrations and more!  This totally simple and good WordPress theme is crawling with some of the most epic things that make it very easy to start a new site very quickly!  The whole layout of this fantastic theme is totally well-crafted and everyone who sees it will like their experience.
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  Howdy.  Should you be in the market for a minimal WordPress theme for a design company, freelance creative designer or other type of creative, have a look at Uncode. This minimalist offering is straightforward in design, Uncode is an utterly cutting edge theme too.  It’s lustrous and masterfully crafted by some of the finest WordPress developers around.  It’s designer friendly and cleverly made, with loads of features.  This attractive and versatile, appealing and responsive WordPress creative multi-use template is wonder.  It can be a potent and secure solution for webmasters of any background or skill level.  You can seamlessly produce the best, most polished and absolutely functional site no matter what your background is.  Any industry and any type of website can benefit from this clean, functional theme.
You have the ability to change up lots of the elements in this theme and you don’t need to be an expert web designer to get itdone.  Uncode is perfect at dealing with many kinds of diverse websites and any sort of pages because the them, Uncode, was built with a professional-grade JavaScript Masonry technology.  What that does is it makes responsive WordPress based websites that will look their best, irrespective of what type of gadget, platform or screen size your viewer is using.   What else?  Well, the visual composer plugin assists you to rapidly change the layout to reflect the needs you have in this multipurpose gemstone of a template.  While we enjoy the typography in the demonstration site, you can definitely change that up to fit your personal style or your company’s style too.
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  Oshine is a little different than the rest.  This isn’t just you average WordPress portfolio theme, so similar to many others on the market.  This clean, well designed and modern website template has multi-purpose functionality to go along with a massive amount of layout options to keep your website unique, with a touch of your own personal style.  It’s also flexible in terms of making changes down the road to reflect evolving tastes and branding.  I love the flexibility of this theme.  Oshine offers a dozen or so them demos to choose from and it doesn’t stop there. Use Visual Composer to craft your own layout.  Use one of the 600+ Google fonts and 800 icon fonts to make the exact look you desire.  This theme is also able to support BuddyPress, WooCommere, multiple languages, Dribbl and Flickr galleries as well as bbPress and Gravity Forms.  Oshine has a clean, crisp and simple design that really attracts attention.  Just add your unique and fantastic content and you’re ready to go.
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  Blog, portfolio, creative agency, photography website or any other related website that needs an elegant look at a reasonable one-time price. Shape is intended to showcase your latest works and projects through the use of images, which is sort of what you want in a portfolio, right?  Well, Shape also emphasizes the power of a well designed network of images, forming a perfectly geometric layout that will make your readers want to see more of what you’ve got to offer.  It’s got kind of a metro style meets photo-grid.  Whatever you call it, it’s pretty elegant.
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  Gridnik is a perfect WordPress grid layout Theme for folks and companies who want to be unique! *Holds up a spork*  I love that flexible layout that looks amazing on large monitors or the smallest of pocket devices like iPhones and Androids.  Gridnik has the tools.  Gridnik has the talent.  Oh yeah, look at the various color options too.  Lots of them.  Color.  Color everywhere.  Can you dig it?
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  Penafiel is clean and responsive Photography & Portfolio WordPress theme.  You can use this theme for your portfolio or show your photos (Photographers for ex.). The portfolio photos will fit any browser size by a grid or masonry plugin.
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  This WP theme is a orderly and happening portfolio style WordPress theme, second to none for a simple and fun web gallery or a blog.  Simple is good.  The layout is very simple and it’s got a considerable amount of wonderful features, A-1 for all types of blogs.
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  Van is a WooCommerce compatible grid portfolio theme with a bright modern design, spotless navigation and graceful lines.  This template seems perfect for advertising agencies, artists or bloggers who want an eCommerce shop with a design that is fresh and neat and uses a masonry grid layout.  This theme is purely responsive and looks great on all electronic devices, because it rearranges the layout based on which device your reader is using.  Retina ready display is pixel perfect and the graphic elements included will make your WooCommerce shop, your portfolio or your blog look amazing.  Visual Composer powers the page building of this theme, which means you can drag and drop your way to the top, creating new and stunning layouts with a few clicks.  You’ll ever even have to learn a line of code to get started with this theme.  Van makes it effortless to design new and fun layouts with an uncomplicated and impressive back end or admin panel, which is driven by Redux Framework.  Navigation is a snap too.
This theme has MegaMenu functionality, letting you construct organized and engaging menus with posts, categories and links.  It doesn’t stop there.  The Mega Menu setup is efficient, so your visitors can peruse your content with ease, finding exactly what they’re looking for without wandering around trying to find the proper link.  This minimalist grid theme also allows for unlimited accent colors, which will let you forge a web identity all your own, whether you’re looking to build a portfolio or a blog, either way works great.  Google font support means your typography will load fast and look amazing.  Van also gives you two main homepage styles and a pair of layout portfolio styles as well.  Van includes the PSD designs so you can even have some custom designs built from scratch.  The masonry style theme also supports Contact Form 7, so you can build an email or subscriber list, clients list or potential customers list with an easy grace.  As we mentioned before, this theme is also fully WooCommerce supported, which lets you set up an online shop (free!).  There are so many options with WooCommerce and WordPress, you’ll have no problem customizing the site to function exactly the way you need it to.
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  Daisho may be used for experts and web sites who demand a minimal and slick WordPress portfolio page. Daisho helps to ensure your projects, or your product, are in the forefront without having any diversions. Take this smashing theme for test. We think it’s a wonderful value too.
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  Sleek is a perfect fit for creating a magazine style webpage with a beautiful grid based layout.  This sophisticated blog template allows you to make the most out of the screen with full width images, all while the sidebar and menus remain where they are.  It’s a really unique way to layout the page, if you ask me.  Sleek has five separate blog layouts, depending on what you want to see.  There’s the newspaper style, masonry blog, minimalist list blog design, carousel and slider based designs.  There are also post formats so you can build an online magazine with any sort of media, from music to video to text and image based posts.  Sleek is straightforward to customize, depending on your design preferences.  Sleek includes an incredibly easy t master theme customizer, so you can switch out colors, typography and background.  Sleek has so many more features, it’s definitely one you should check out for yourself.
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  Welcome to a fully responsive, grid style design. Just for WordPress.  What makes this theme so outstanding is its ability to adapt to every type of screen size. This new site comes with several distinct layouts, each meant to make the most of your user’s experience when surfing on mobile phones and tablets. No longer will they need to zoom and scroll to view your site, as the template’s layout can change to the tablet screen and display your posts in an visceral way automatically. Just try resizing your browser’s window size when scoping out the theme to see the amazing effect in real life!
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BigBang WordPress Grid Themes
  Tons of features like built in blog formats, portfolio post formats, lots of layout options, including a snazzy looking photo grid.  this theme offers wonderful support with siz blog post formats, six portfolio post formats, photostreams and shortcodes, as well as 2 options for contact page layouts, social icons widget and even a couple of different homepage layouts.
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  Reversal is a theme that’s been around for a while, which means it’s had literally every possible bug worked out by now.  This side scrolling portfolio theme shows off your content with a unique style of grid theme.  Reversal’s backend editor has a simple and elegant, dynamic and flexible way to build drag and drop galleries, to change up your typography and colors and more.  The real draw here though is the unique side scrolling action, it’s  really different way to highlight your work.  Reversal offers inline video support for Vimeo or Youtube, Reversal also has a sticky header, expanding project views, isotope filterable portfolio, ajax powered contact form and more.
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  The Gridspace Theme suits is a WordPress theme for creatives who want their websites to emphasize their photographs or artwork. This theme’s homepage features a grid of photos found in each entry you post to the site. The homepage’s title header and sidebar are oriented to the left. Images that will appear on the homepage grid may be formatted to appear horizontally, vertically, or in a square box design. You may also choose between a dark and light design depending on your preference.
The Gridspace Theme has an accessibility ready and responsive design. With this feature, you can view the site without a hitch in any display screen – from PC, tablet, or mobile phone. Another Gridspace Theme feature is its WordPress-integrated Theme Customizer that allows you to further customize the site’s color scheme, page backgrounds, colors, logos, header styles, header sizes, navigational menus, and image sliders.
The Gridspace Theme also includes a premade portfolio post format that will make showcasing your artwork and photos easier. Other supported post formats are for videos, quotes, galleries, standalone images, links, and texts. Other included features are built-in .mo and .po translation files, HTML5 markup codes, and automated theme updates. The Gridspace Theme is part of Graph Paper Press’ theme gallery.
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Improve Your Meat Food preparation Abilities At Culinary Classes In London.
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Food preparation Master is # 1 delightfully enjoyable video game that allows you feed a host of starving customers how to get gems in cooking fever before they leave in a huff and come to be a celebrity chef! The weekend break cooking training courses may be just exactly what you are looking for if you enjoy food preparation and desire to enhance your capacities to create extraordinary dishes. You could learn the abilities had to come to be a chef in some of one of the most distinguished establishments. cooking fever free gems iphone If you have a full time job currently, the weekend break cooking schools are the method to go to courses without the have to stop your job. The classes allow you to learn more about culinary tools, the best ways to add shade to dishes as well as the best ways to prepare foods that individuals appreciate consuming. The Legendary Cooking Hardwares have immense power, whether they are being made use of by evil or great. If they are made use of by good, they can bring about great outcomes that would certainly make individuals pleased. If they are utilized by wickedness, they can have destructive powers that can ruin all of China. Additionally, if a Legendary Food preparation Tool is made use of on something apart from food preparation (i.e. murder), its mystical powers would diminish. Do not upload anything which you do not very own or are fully licensed to submit. The photos should not have any type of raunchy web content, race disgust material or various other offensive signs or images. Bear in mind: Misuse of the image system could cause you being prohibited from submitting pictures or from the entire website - so, play good as well as regard the regulations!
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Electric Steamers - is an important and also most versatile appliance of your kitchen which cooks food with the aid of steam. When the food is prepared with steam it protects the majority of the nutrients which otherwise if steamed seeps out. Hence it has actually how to get free gems on cooking fever gained a varied appeal among most of the wellness conscious people. A lot of the Chinese recipes are prepared with the aid cleaners. They are likewise extremely typically referred as rice cooker or food cleaner. Make Healthy and balanced Chips - If you like potato chips but don't like all that oil then make your personal at home with an Air Fryer. It's simple as well as easy to do as well as they are fat-free as well as incredibly fresh. Another point I like making are plantain chips as well cooking fever diamonds as they are extremely delicious. They could be made from ripe plantains or eco-friendly plantains and also they are really great. Plus potato chips as well as kale chips are impressive making use of an Air Fryer. When you go to a culinary class, you learn about producing dishes as well as picking the best foods that will certainly enhance each other. You learn ways to please the palate with every food you develop. Cooking in Italian is not aboutmaking food, it is about create a work of art. You will learn cooking fever free gems how to be a Italian cook that can prepare a menu and follow via till the recipe is offered. You find out how to prepare each ingredient to make sure that it improves the taste of each recipe. When you are preparing an elegant Italian dinner, this is crucial. Each of the four regions of France has a characteristic of its food all its very own. French food generally requires the use of lots of different sorts of sauces as well as sauces, but recipes for cuisine that originated in the northwestern area of France have the tendency to call for the usage a lot of apple active ingredients, milk as well as lotion, and they tend to be heavily buttered creating an exceptionally rich (as well as often instead hefty) dish. Southeastern French cuisine is reminiscent of German food, heavy in lard as well as meat products such as pork sausage as well as sauerkraut.
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houstonlocalus-blog · 7 years
When Free Speech Becomes Its Own Form of Censorship
A while back a friend of mine’s daughter wanted to start her own YouTube show about video games, and because I covered GamerGate for Houston Press and was an authority on how bad life for women can be in the online space, she asked me what I thought about it. I sadly told her that unless she wanted to have her daughter harassed and possibly stalked, it probably wasn’t a very good idea. She never made her show.
There are few terms that get misused more than censorship, except perhaps free speech. To hear some people talk these days, you’d think there was an actual PC Police storming through the streets trying to shut down the very concept of expressing thought, usually because they think liberals are fragile snowflakes unable to handle bad words.
But these folks never seem to question their own unending attempts at censorship that they dub free speech. To return to the GamerGate example, members of that group have literally spent years targeting people like critic Anita Sarkeesian, sending her highly-specific death threats nearly every day of her life, all for the crime of examining tropes in videogames through a feminist lens.
The goal was never to rebut her, though her harassment and the harassment of many others was often framed that way to make it palatable to the army of useful idiots whose numbers turn a standard image board raid into a national story. The goal was to silence her and make her go away. The fact that Sarkeesian disables comments on her videos and routinely blocks her attackers on social media, was all the proof those people needed that she was an enemy of free speech and artistic integrity.
The real motivation, though, was the weak-kneed fragility of speech that they puff out their chests and pretend to be fighting. There’s no censorship if a critic chooses to highlight expressions of misogyny in a piece of media. It is, in fact, the exact opposite of that, creating more content centered around the medium everyone claimed to love.
The doomsday scenario was that publishers and developers would fear dread at angry liberal gamers, and would proceed to pepper their games with content they considered “political.” Often this reached truly ridiculous heights, such as when they began screaming that Virginia was yet another example of this ominous specter simply because the main character is a black woman. That’s the level of cultish outrage that obsesses the absolutist free speech crowd; anything that even hints at diversity, no matter how banal, is treated like a culture war. God knows what nonsense is being spouted in response to three Triple A games this year having trans characters.
Discussing things like problematic language or lack of diversity in gamecasts does not promote censorship, even if developers decide to alter future content based on those discussions. Not every artistic idea, especially in something as large and complex as a video game, deserves to be expressed and applauded as beyond reproach. It’s not self-censorship if an artist decides to respond positively to criticism. It’s just another form of free speech. Assigning the label of “politics” to that evolution of the work is silly. There’s nothing inherently more political about wondering why a game doesn’t have more women than there is wondering about its resource management system.
We have to be free to criticize things, but that doesn’t include large-scale harassment, especially of marginalized people. I’m a lot less worried about whether the next shooter gets a gender or race change because the makers think it’ll get them diversity points than seeing another Jennifer Hepler get driven out of the industry because a bunch of entitled brats thought she should fear for her life because they didn’t like Dragon Age.
God knows I stir the pot myself in my various publications, and the harassment and ease with which it can be done takes a significant toll on my ability to create. When they turn up the volume, it turns mine down, and that is exactly their aim.
The problem with most people who have made free speech their raison d’etre is that their conception of it is stuck in the ‘90s, when we had panics that blamed violent media for school shootings. The enduring narrative that stuck around was that any discussion of the effect of media was the purview of the crazed moralists who simply couldn’t handle blood and tits in a video game. It’s a very “you’ll never stop rock and roll” sort of mindset, even though no official censorship of gaming ever came to pass or even really came close. Still, the message was clear; it was cool to be brutal and crass.
No, Grand Theft Auto didn’t turn people into spree killers, but the whole reason that the movement ever had any momentum is because there is a science behind it. Cultivation theory is a well-respected part of social science that covers everything from advertising to war propaganda, and whether or not playing a sexist or violent video makes you actively sexist or violent, denying that the media we consume affects our worldview is just silly. There’s been a lot of study on the subject, though people for whom their idea of censorship is Capcom deciding not to show R. Mika’s buttslap animation probably haven’t been keeping up.
Those people are predominantly white cishet men, a group accustomed to having their voices heard as a matter of course. They don’t think of their voices as being censorship for others because they don’t get shouted down, and virtually always have a forum to speak. Now they’re finding a lot more empowered groups who want a say in how things are in the world, and they don’t find your insistence on slurs and Nazi jokes to be the daring stab against the man like you thought it was back when JNCOs were a thing.
Free speech absolutists worry only about whether they can say something with as little consequence as possible. Calling Leslie Jones a gorilla on Twitter is their proof they are advocates for a cause. And they are; just not the one they think. What they’re advocating for is the silence of any idea that questions their unexamined worldview, and any indication that the ideas they might have about art and themselves might just not be worth much. They’re not worried people will stop making video games because a woman said mildly unkind things about a dead sex worker in Hitman. They’re worried because less and less people find dead sex workers in Hitman to be a desirable feature. Diversity and avoidance of misogyny is simply getting more popular with people, largely because of stellar critical work being done on the art form. In the marketplace of ideas (and I assume the creative minds of game makers wanting to expand their toolbox), the dreaded censorship so many accuse of trying to shut down creation is actually making more of it.
Criticism is crucial to the evolution of thought and art, and so are critics. It’s unfortunate that so many have used the wonder of the internet to attack critics, and that popular Twitter users amuse themselves with the forum to try and silence other voices. Often those voices end up muffled out of fear, and the assailant justifies himself by pretending free speech is at stake if he can’t say cunt whenever he pleases. The more vulnerable a person is, the less likely they will have the resources to fight back against an avalanche. Fear for your life should not be the price of speaking up, and the only reason these people don’t understand that is because it almost never comes home to roost for them. If your free speech is only free for you, it’s not actually that free.
When Free Speech Becomes Its Own Form of Censorship this is a repost
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templified · 6 years
Portfolio Themes with Grid Layouts
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Portfolio Themes with Grid Layouts
Flexit is for photographers, by photographers.  And I think photographers are going to love this slick little portfolio.  Built it with your own images and the visitors will come, that’s for sure.  Flexit is a responsive theme created for any sort of photography buff, camera men, videographers or shutterbugs.  Use it for a personal site to get your travel photography out there in front of a wide audience.  There are a handful of different gallery types to help keep things fresh and different.  Have a great time with Flexit!
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Infinity Grid
InfinityGrid was designed for the every-day personal blogger or even companies who are looking for a simple, but thorough blog theme for their web presence. Infinity Grid has an impressive set of advanced theme options to keep things looking and responding good, even as you start to get more and more traffic.  Navigation is a snap too, with custom menu support and more.  I think this theme is particularly good for a beginner or novice WordPress user.  Make that a future expert WordPress blogger.
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If you’re looking for a wonderful grid WordPress blog theme, Maxima might be exactly what you’ve been searching for.  This exquisite premium WordPress blog theme can be utilized for almost any type of web-site you need and the popular and trendy grid layout helps increase the user experience at every level. With a first class design along with a wide selection of amenities, it could work perfectly as a stylish clothing blog site, a magazine blog or perhaps your own personal blog page. With an amazing, useful lay-out and lots of functionality to render writing a blog simple. In case you’re not a WordPress professional, you can still alter this template to provide it with the features you would like your blog to have. Your readers will cherish the way your blog looks, the convenient navigation, the modern and well built layout, the thoroughly clean CSS and HTML, the general layout and a whole lot more.
WordPress is regarded as the most widespread blogging solution around, simply because it’s hassle-free to use, it’s exceptionally flexible and it includes quite a few beneficial features. You will discover much you can personalize with almost any template or theme, therefore it is really essential to buy a good-looking theme that gives the features you need. A well made WordPress blog theme allows you to entice your readers and with a good WordPress blog theme, the design is thoroughly clean so your page opens up quickly which may help you rank higher on Google or Yahoo. This top quality weblog theme boasts everything you’d need produce a really great, authority blog on virtually any topic like traveling, restaurants, software, corporate and business, diaries, fashion and plenty more.
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  Plusquare has an eye for details.  With that in mind, they bring you Essenza.  A responsive grid style portfolio theme with a wide variety of premium options and even more ways to customize this page to suit your needs.  Essenza is versatile, it’s minimal and it’s a perfect solution for your online portfolio.  Import demo data, use the light or dark version depending on your mood and your website’s purpose.  Essenza has a fast learning curve too, so you’ll be up and online quickly.  If you’re a beginner, don’t worry…Essenza has a  great drag and drop page builder included at no cost.  Pretty sweet.
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Aware is an interactive, responsive portfolio theme perfect for freelancers, web designers, photographers and videographers alike. Its user interactive interface delightfully enhances your most loved portfolio pieces, arranging them in a gorgeous lattice of networking goodness. Now, you can take your portfolio with you, in your pocket, since this theme looks great on any device, including smart-phones and tablets and because grid layout is dynamic and will look great on any device, since this is a responsive theme.  Ajax homepage portfolio, theme widgets and options, 1 click short codes and a responsive design all make this a very powerful template.
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Huntt provides a crystal clear presentation works for a wide variety of websites, so you can adapt this theme to do just about anything you can imagine.  If you can’t do it with WordPress, you might not be able to do it.  Huntt is a simple, modernist, minimalist, clean magazine and blog theme with a lot of white space to take advantage of modern design techniques.  This theme really offers the content first, so your photographs, blog posts, images, graphic design, art, fashion, city planning or mathematics themed blog will look great and highly functional.   Hunt’s design layout was inspired by high end magazines like Vogue and the New Yorker, so it’s designed to look as good as it functions.  This responsive theme scales to any size you need, so feel free to go as big or as small as you can.  Any device will work.  Switch out your colors with a few mouse clicks too.  That saves you time, which saves you money.  Everybody likes money.
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Grido is a fresh Tumblr type theme to be a part of the well designed responsive theme family. It really is amazing, lovely, and fancy. The Tumblr style theme includes 9 gradient back-grounds for you to layout the different posts personally. You are able to choose a color palate to echo the temperament of the individual blog posts or go with a completely different color for each blog post to help make your internet site look like a wall of post-it notes.
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No matter why you need a portfolio website, the Luisa WordPress theme can provide all the functionality you need to build it without any undue complexity or a learning curve. It offers crisp styling with a minimalistic aesthetic so the website graphics never get in the way of your photographs, art or other content. Installation is quick and simple. Just a few clicks and you will be up and ready to attract the attention of interested Internet browsers. Any website created with Luisa will display beautifully on everything from the largest desktop monitor to the smallest smartphone. This responsiveness, powered by the impressive Bootstrap 3 framework, is especially important in our modern world where everyone accesses the Internet on the go.
People with code experience may use the included child theme option to make tweaks and changes. Non-developers will appreciate the included WordPress Customizer that facilitates design for those with no coding knowledge whatsoever. Luisa focuses on portfolio style content capabilities, which makes creating a professional display site second nature. This WP theme offers both isotope and masonry grid styles. Additional features include the ability to embed videos in highly polished ways that make them look a truly integral part of the site. Both headers and portfolio pages can impress site visitors with attractive parallax scrolling. With the Ajax navigation menu system, visitors will always be able to find precisely what they’re looking for thus increasing your chances of success online. Attract the global consumer base with the powerful WPML translation plug-in as well. If any questions arise while installing or designing the Luisa WordPress theme, the development team offers extensive customer support whenever you need it.
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Nerduck is a masonry and isotope grid portfolio, well designed and modern looking, with fantastic support and an advanced level of documentation.  If you want to display a portfolio of your best work, you can’t go wrong with a theme that is designed to let your work speak for itself.  That’s Nerduck.  They spared no expense in creating this theme either, eith Visual Composer plugin included.  Typography helps set off your designs, so there are limitless ways to use typography to accentuate the positives of your designs, whether it’s photography, graphic design, logo design or more.  Freelancing or looking for a new gig, Nerduck will give the right first impression with it’s bold and modern design.  Visual Composer means you’ll never have to have a stale website that you get tired of, since you can drag and drop elements wherever you want them to be on this 100% responsive modern grid web template.  The navigation is simple and pleasant to look at and very functional to use, both for end user and the admins too.
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For portfolio websites that focus on photographs or other art, the Hind WordPress theme provides the unique combination of form and function that will suit your personal presentation needs and a non-coders need for simplicity of use. It can also be used for company or personal websites that do not focus on artwork, but some of the best features, such as portfolios and galleries, may not be used to their utmost. Hind presents large graphics in high definition style quickly to all site visitors. The presentation possibilities make it a top-notch theme of choice for people in the creative arts who truly want to capture attention and make an impact.
Hind comes packaged with several popular premium plug-ins at no extra cost. The user-friendly Visual Composer page building plug-in allows you to drag and drop elements onto any page. Revolution Slider works to showcase graphics in a unique way and can even create animated sidebars. To get a quality website up and running even more quickly, consider using one of the included premade demo pages. The Hind WordPress theme is built on the powerful Bootstrap 3 framework and includes built-in search engine optimization opportunities to attract even more attention.
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ThemeTrust’s Uber theme is a responsive portfolio theme, perfect for businesses, freelance designers, students, photographers and design companies.  There’s no limit to what this theme can do for you.  Smooth animations, powerful filters, an amazing layout, crisp navigation and simple customization mean that Uber will have you online in a jiffy, showing off your photos, videos and other creative work very quickly.  ThemeTrust themes all offer advanced features too that you’re going to love.
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Don’t think of Nemesis as your enemy, think of it as your next blog theme with grid portfolio.  Nemesis WP design is a glossy and flashy, entirely template that merges entertainment and professionalism into one awesome parcel. Great for startups, tech web sites or perhaps design agencies, this design is going to make an impact on your website visitors with its new edge style. The theme also is grouped together with a wide range of great features, such as responsive design, personalized backdrop illustrations and more!  This totally simple and good WordPress theme is crawling with some of the most epic things that make it very easy to start a new site very quickly!  The whole layout of this fantastic theme is totally well-crafted and everyone who sees it will like their experience.
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Howdy.  Should you be in the market for a minimal WordPress theme for a design company, freelance creative designer or other type of creative, have a look at Uncode. This minimalist offering is straightforward in design, Uncode is an utterly cutting edge theme too.  It’s lustrous and masterfully crafted by some of the finest WordPress developers around.  It’s designer friendly and cleverly made, with loads of features.  This attractive and versatile, appealing and responsive WordPress creative multi-use template is wonder.  It can be a potent and secure solution for webmasters of any background or skill level.  You can seamlessly produce the best, most polished and absolutely functional site no matter what your background is.  Any industry and any type of website can benefit from this clean, functional theme.
You have the ability to change up lots of the elements in this theme and you don’t need to be an expert web designer to get itdone.  Uncode is perfect at dealing with many kinds of diverse websites and any sort of pages because the them, Uncode, was built with a professional-grade JavaScript Masonry technology.  What that does is it makes responsive WordPress based websites that will look their best, irrespective of what type of gadget, platform or screen size your viewer is using.   What else?  Well, the visual composer plugin assists you to rapidly change the layout to reflect the needs you have in this multipurpose gemstone of a template.  While we enjoy the typography in the demonstration site, you can definitely change that up to fit your personal style or your company’s style too.
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Oshine is a little different than the rest.  This isn’t just you average WordPress portfolio theme, so similar to many others on the market.  This clean, well designed and modern website template has multi-purpose functionality to go along with a massive amount of layout options to keep your website unique, with a touch of your own personal style.  It’s also flexible in terms of making changes down the road to reflect evolving tastes and branding.  I love the flexibility of this theme.  Oshine offers a dozen or so them demos to choose from and it doesn’t stop there. Use Visual Composer to craft your own layout.  Use one of the 600+ Google fonts and 800 icon fonts to make the exact look you desire.  This theme is also able to support BuddyPress, WooCommere, multiple languages, Dribbl and Flickr galleries as well as bbPress and Gravity Forms.  Oshine has a clean, crisp and simple design that really attracts attention.  Just add your unique and fantastic content and you’re ready to go.
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Blog, portfolio, creative agency, photography website or any other related website that needs an elegant look at a reasonable one-time price. Shape is intended to showcase your latest works and projects through the use of images, which is sort of what you want in a portfolio, right?  Well, Shape also emphasizes the power of a well designed network of images, forming a perfectly geometric layout that will make your readers want to see more of what you’ve got to offer.  It’s got kind of a metro style meets photo-grid.  Whatever you call it, it’s pretty elegant.
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Gridnik is a perfect WordPress grid layout Theme for folks and companies who want to be unique! *Holds up a spork*  I love that flexible layout that looks amazing on large monitors or the smallest of pocket devices like iPhones and Androids.  Gridnik has the tools.  Gridnik has the talent.  Oh yeah, look at the various color options too.  Lots of them.  Color.  Color everywhere.  Can you dig it?
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Penafiel is clean and responsive Photography & Portfolio WordPress theme.  You can use this theme for your portfolio or show your photos (Photographers for ex.). The portfolio photos will fit any browser size by a grid or masonry plugin.
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This WP theme is a orderly and happening portfolio style WordPress theme, second to none for a simple and fun web gallery or a blog.  Simple is good.  The layout is very simple and it’s got a considerable amount of wonderful features, A-1 for all types of blogs.
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Van is a WooCommerce compatible grid portfolio theme with a bright modern design, spotless navigation and graceful lines.  This template seems perfect for advertising agencies, artists or bloggers who want an eCommerce shop with a design that is fresh and neat and uses a masonry grid layout.  This theme is purely responsive and looks great on all electronic devices, because it rearranges the layout based on which device your reader is using.  Retina ready display is pixel perfect and the graphic elements included will make your WooCommerce shop, your portfolio or your blog look amazing.  Visual Composer powers the page building of this theme, which means you can drag and drop your way to the top, creating new and stunning layouts with a few clicks.  You’ll ever even have to learn a line of code to get started with this theme.  Van makes it effortless to design new and fun layouts with an uncomplicated and impressive back end or admin panel, which is driven by Redux Framework.  Navigation is a snap too.
This theme has MegaMenu functionality, letting you construct organized and engaging menus with posts, categories and links.  It doesn’t stop there.  The Mega Menu setup is efficient, so your visitors can peruse your content with ease, finding exactly what they’re looking for without wandering around trying to find the proper link.  This minimalist grid theme also allows for unlimited accent colors, which will let you forge a web identity all your own, whether you’re looking to build a portfolio or a blog, either way works great.  Google font support means your typography will load fast and look amazing.  Van also gives you two main homepage styles and a pair of layout portfolio styles as well.  Van includes the PSD designs so you can even have some custom designs built from scratch.  The masonry style theme also supports Contact Form 7, so you can build an email or subscriber list, clients list or potential customers list with an easy grace.  As we mentioned before, this theme is also fully WooCommerce supported, which lets you set up an online shop (free!).  There are so many options with WooCommerce and WordPress, you’ll have no problem customizing the site to function exactly the way you need it to.
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Daisho may be used for experts and web sites who demand a minimal and slick WordPress portfolio page. Daisho helps to ensure your projects, or your product, are in the forefront without having any diversions. Take this smashing theme for test. We think it’s a wonderful value too.
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  Sleek is a perfect fit for creating a magazine style webpage with a beautiful grid based layout.  This sophisticated blog template allows you to make the most out of the screen with full width images, all while the sidebar and menus remain where they are.  It’s a really unique way to layout the page, if you ask me.  Sleek has five separate blog layouts, depending on what you want to see.  There’s the newspaper style, masonry blog, minimalist list blog design, carousel and slider based designs.  There are also post formats so you can build an online magazine with any sort of media, from music to video to text and image based posts.  Sleek is straightforward to customize, depending on your design preferences.  Sleek includes an incredibly easy t master theme customizer, so you can switch out colors, typography and background.  Sleek has so many more features, it’s definitely one you should check out for yourself.
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  Gridster is simple, it’s modern and tidy.  This theme was built with one thing firmly in mind, simplicity.  For both front end and back end user, Gridster is dead-simple to use.  The navigation is clear-cut, the administrative options are simple and straightforard, making any edits easy and not a chore like some themes.  This simple, tidy grid portfolio theme would be ideal for photographers, graphic designers, oil painters, collage artists and any sort of designers to  create a fun, simple and attractive way to framw their work.  From the ground up, ThemeFurnace has made Gridster with that level of user friendliness in mind.  Gridster provides a left-aligned sidebar, that serves as a host for boh the menu and logo, the homepage is a standard grid, with responsive design that allows your imags to adapt depending on what size device your subscribers are viewing it on.  Create categories and add images, it’s just that easy. As for other site configuration, nothing else is needed.
Gridster has, as we mentioned, a fully responsive layout, several widgetized areas to add more cool functions, a theme cutomizer for basic theme options, custom widgets, icons from FontAwesome and fonts from Google, a heaping supply of documentation, great support for customers and it’s always updated to work with the most recent verseion of WordPress.
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Welcome to a fully responsive, grid style design. Just for WordPress.  What makes this theme so outstanding is its ability to adapt to every type of screen size. This new site comes with several distinct layouts, each meant to make the most of your user’s experience when surfing on mobile phones and tablets. No longer will they need to zoom and scroll to view your site, as the template’s layout can change to the tablet screen and display your posts in an visceral way automatically. Just try resizing your browser’s window size when scoping out the theme to see the amazing effect in real life!
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BigBang WordPress Grid Themes
Tons of features like built in blog formats, portfolio post formats, lots of layout options, including a snazzy looking photo grid.  this theme offers wonderful support with siz blog post formats, six portfolio post formats, photostreams and shortcodes, as well as 2 options for contact page layouts, social icons widget and even a couple of different homepage layouts.
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Reversal is a theme that’s been around for a while, which means it’s had literally every possible bug worked out by now.  This side scrolling portfolio theme shows off your content with a unique style of grid theme.  Reversal’s backend editor has a simple and elegant, dynamic and flexible way to build drag and drop galleries, to change up your typography and colors and more.  The real draw here though is the unique side scrolling action, it’s  really different way to highlight your work.  Reversal offers inline video support for Vimeo or Youtube, Reversal also has a sticky header, expanding project views, isotope filterable portfolio, ajax powered contact form and more.
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The Gridspace Theme suits is a WordPress theme for creatives who want their websites to emphasize their photographs or artwork. This theme’s homepage features a grid of photos found in each entry you post to the site. The homepage’s title header and sidebar are oriented to the left. Images that will appear on the homepage grid may be formatted to appear horizontally, vertically, or in a square box design. You may also choose between a dark and light design depending on your preference.
The Gridspace Theme has an accessibility ready and responsive design. With this feature, you can view the site without a hitch in any display screen – from PC, tablet, or mobile phone. Another Gridspace Theme feature is its WordPress-integrated Theme Customizer that allows you to further customize the site’s color scheme, page backgrounds, colors, logos, header styles, header sizes, navigational menus, and image sliders.
The Gridspace Theme also includes a premade portfolio post format that will make showcasing your artwork and photos easier. Other supported post formats are for videos, quotes, galleries, standalone images, links, and texts. Other included features are built-in .mo and .po translation files, HTML5 markup codes, and automated theme updates. The Gridspace Theme is part of Graph Paper Press’ theme gallery.
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