#if danny is coming back for season 2 he can't be dead
burningtacozombie · 1 year
Series Adaptation Of Sonoro Podcast ‘Princess Of South Beach’ For Netflix
EXCLUSIVE: Gina Rodriguez is developing a series adaptation of Sonoro podcast series Princess of South Beach for Netflix.
Deadline understands that the streamer has optioned the podcast and Jane The Virgin star Rodriguez will executive produce the project under her I Can & I Will Productions banner alongside Sonoro, iHeart’s My Cultura Network, and Jasmine Romero . Rodriguez is not currently attached to star in the series.
Additionally, the scripted podcast series has been renewed for a second season, set to premiere this fall.
Princess of South Beach is iHeart’s My Cultura Network’s top performing title and was nominated for Best Fiction Podcast at the Ambies last year. The second season will be released in both English and Spanish and will be marketed to audiences globally. It will feature some of the first season’s biggest stars, including X Mayo, Gina Torres, Raul Esparza and Danny Pino.
Princess of South Beach follows Maria del Carmen and Gloria, twin sisters who were separated at birth and raised in dramatically different ways — one in a convent and the other in the lap of luxury. When a freak accident kills Gloria, Maria del Carmen assumes her identity and uncovers that Gloria’s rich family isn’t as picture-perfect as they seem. The bilingual series pays homage to beloved telenovela tropes and adds modern twists. It stars Rachel Zegler, Raul Esparza, Gina Torres, Danny Pino and Sheryl Rubio.
Season 2 will see Raul and Estrella set off on a road trip to figure out the whereabouts of Estrella’s long-lost high school sweetheart, Gabby, and in turn, uncover the dark past behind Esteban Calderon.
Camila Victoriano and Joshua Weinstein will executive produce season two on behalf of Sonoro, and Gisselle Bances for iHeart’s My Cultura Network. Romero served as a writer (alongside Joanna Hausmann) and director on Season 1 and will return in both capacities in the second season.
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dazeofcoral · 2 years
Just watched Wolf Pack again, I've got even more questions and theories after 7 episodes. We still don't know what happened to Connor, he wasn't in the pile of bodies. So where is he, dead or alive ? Turned or not ? Did Ramsey save him, 'cause then I'm betting the poor kid is locked up somewhere safe.
Am I the only one thinking maybe Ramsey set the fire? I mean she's there as a chief arson investigator, they only needed one if there was a fire and we know she's also there for the werewolf. Coincidence? 'Cause it would make sense she'd help Everett and Blake surviving, they are the perfect guarantee that the werewolf is going to keep showing up. Ramsey is the mom... But how can she have fought with her son if Baron is the same age as the twins and she lost him 17 years ago ? Or maybe he's much older and they're wrong about his age... Do the wolves not age as long as they don't go to a human/monster werewolf form ?
Also, pretty sure she saved Danny from becoming the next kill because he hit Blake and the werewolf would have seen this as a threat. Does this mean she can control her werewolf form?
That amazing scene in the woods with those poor guys running for their lives... But if they killed dad, why would the mom just go after them and not stay with her pups ? I mean kids surrounded by fire > revenge or you're just not a good mom sorry XD
(also, one of they guys is still alive, if you go for revenge go all the way you know what I mean... but since she's putting up everyone to believe there's a sort of serial killer running around, maybe Malcolm will get what's coming for him)
Don't think she wants to kill Garrett, but then again if he becomes a threat I don't think she's going to show him mercy either. If she's the twins mom killing him would be a bad idea but well, can't trust a beast when it gets angry.
Everett is so linked with Baron.. And Blake, it's weird that he doesn't have this powerfull bond with the twins... But then again, they weren't bitten by Baron.
He's not just standing up to his horrible mother out of nowhere, that's the wolf peaking through and not liking the treatment, go wolf go 'cause that woman is a nasty piece of work and the ep 8 promo has told us enough about what her reaction is gonna be to him standing up to her.
Austin, well, if he makes it through the finale it's gonna be nothing but a miracle, because if he really killed Baron (still not sure that's enough to even kill a werewolf btw), then I'm pretty sure Ramsey will be coming for his head... Fine by me, sorry Austin #notsorryatall. And did I see Cyrus in the finale promo ? Talking with Baron ??? Need that boy back because I can't believe they just threw him in the plot to be the potential BF and arson suspect. Who calls a group of friends a 'pack', seriously ? And even if he never believed Malcolm, how can he not start to believe him after seeing an actual werewolf ? I sure would.
So many questions, one week for a few answers and they better answer them all because so far no season 2 was confirmed yet TT
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I got like four of these which is very me! You are getting the West Wing one!
Back when I first watched season 2 of TWW I was like "what if he died tho?" (This surprises no one who knows me.) I don't know if I'll ever actually write the Josh Dies AU because it would be so involved, but I have a decent number of beats worked out for it!
About two years ago, I decided to do it as a series of shorter fics, if I do it at all, and stumbled into the idea of having each one open with the last scene and do a "how we got here," as a few episodes of the show do. I have a lot, so I'm putting this under a cut!
The first one starts with Jed addressing the nation on TV the night of the shooting, while still in the hospital, then we see the rest of that night. The doctors tell Jed and Abbey first. Abbey wants to tell the staff herself, but at the last minute she freezes and the doctor does it. Sam throws up, CJ and Donna are distraught, but Toby quietly asks about his body. It's Jewish custom not to leave the body unattended, so Toby is determined to stay with him until his mother gets there.
Danny continues pestering CJ about who was in charge and CJ blurts out that Josh died. She panics immediately, because that isn't public yet, but Danny tells her everything she says tonight is off the record and hugs her. Danny is clearly shaken too.
In my current notes, CJ agrees to do the morning shows, because I thought she might feel differently about doing them if Josh was dead, but I'm still waffling between that and Sam doing them. Whoever doesn't is waiting for whoever does when they get off the air. Josh's death has been announced already, so they talk about it. In the CJ version, she says a lot of what she says at her briefing in ISoTG, about the other victims of gun violence, and specifies Josh would have wanted to. She also says "I'm sorry, mi amore." Sam gives her her necklace when she gets off the air.
Leo, Sam, CJ, and Toby via cellphone plan to release a statement from the president, but Jed insists on making the statement himself. They decide if they do a tight angle on his face and keep it short he can do it from the hospital. Sam needs help preparing the statement, and goes and sits outside the room Toby and Josh are in. They talk on the phone from opposite sides of the door. Toby can't come out, and Sam can't make himself go in. When they're ready to do the statement, Toby shows up, indicating that Josh's mother is now here with him. Abbey asks Jed if he's sure, and he makes his address.
The notes get less detailed as we go. 😄
The second story opens with Donna telling Sam she's resigning, then shows us the last couple of months, starting shortly after the shooting. This is an AU of The Midterms, and Sams is following a with hopeless odds. During a briefing, a reporter asks CJ when the president is replacing Josh. Afterwards, Danny confronts his colleague, saying Josh's body isn't cold, and the other reporter accuses him of being too close to the administration.
Leo and Toby have a conversation where Toby asks if Leo is asking for his blessing. Later, Toby goes home and his brother David is there. He's been spending time with Toby since the shooting. David says Andi has been calling and she's worried, but Toby brushes him off.
Leo takes Sam to the Oval Office, where Jed, Toby, and CJ are waiting. Jed formally asks Sam to be Deputy Chief of Staff and Sam barely manages a "thank you, Mr. President" before fleeing. Leo finds him and explains that someone has to do the job, and he thought he'd be able to handle it better if it was Sam rather than a stranger. Sam agrees, but asks to be called Acting Deputy Chief of Staff. (I got this from Reagan's press secretaries, who were all "acting" so James Brady could keep the title, although he was still alive, I took a bit of poetic license). Sam and Leo go back into the Oval and Sam accepts the job.
The day of the midterms comes. Sam, Toby, CJ, and Donna have a beer together. The next day, Donna tells Sam she's resigning. He understands. His new office still looks like Josh's office, but the gun range target from season 1 has been taken down. Sam gets it back out and draws a two centimeter line on its chest (this fic's title would be Two Centimeters" after Sam's line about Josh living due to "two centimeters of a miracle").
The rest isn't structured yet, it's just beats:
Sam finds Will Bailey in a bar. Will ran the hopeless odds campaign and lost. He tells Sam he's planning to work a race in California next cycle, but Sam offers him a job as Deputy Communications Director.
Toby has run off all the more experienced candidates for Sam's job. He tries to run off Will, too, but Sam confronts him about it. He points out that he doesn't want anyone, but that Toby needs a deputy, and Sam can't keep trying to do two jobs. Sam pulls rank as DCoS, Toby points out he's acting, and Sam reminds him he took that title out of respect, but that his rank is unaffected.
Toby doesn't think the president and Leo care enough about guns. Sam says they do, and tells Toby to write a speech about gun reform and that he'll sell it. He also makes him hire Will for a probationary period.
Sam tells Leo that Toby thinks they're not doing enough. Leo assures him they are, but Sam says Toby is right and pushes for the gun bill. Sam says "I sit in thirty meetings a week listening to people tell me what my best friend was working on when he was murdered."
Charlie hires Debbie to be Sam's assistant since Donna quit, saying he could use an aunt to look after him.
As his probationary period ends, Will is planning to leave. He doesn't feel accepted by Toby and feels out of place with the general staff, who are all mourning someone he never met. One of the assistants forgot to not order Josh's burned hamburger, so they gave it to Will as a form of hazing. As Will is preparing to quit, Charlie gets the phone call about Mrs. Landingham's accident. Will silently decides to stay.
When the president is trying to replace Mrs. Landingham, Charlie says he knows the right person. This turns out to be Donna. She thinks Charlie is going to ask her to come back and work for Sam, but he says he isn't. She agrees to work for the president.
Donna is the first person to warm up to Will, and explains the burger to him. Sam thinks Will likes her, but Donna isn't interested.
Sam and Donna start sleeping together out of shared grief for Josh. They do care for each other, but it's messy and unhealthy. Even Sam thinks dating Will would be better for Donna, but doesn't push her to do it. When Donna wonders if she and Sam have anything in common, he says "we both love Josh."
CJ and Danny's relationship in this universe is complicated; the grief brings them closer, but CJ doesn't want to start a relationship because Josh died. They are endgame, but CJ and Simon happens in the middle (more on that later).
Charlie and Zoey stay together for a while, but they feel obligated to stay together because Josh died for their love, and this eventually drives them apart, amicably. Zoey wants to go to France with Jean-Paul because they have gun control there, but in the end she doesn't go. Instead of going to the bathroom when she realizes he spiked her drink, she goes to an agent to ask to go home. When they realize what happened, they're both treated for the drugs. The kidnapping is averted, but Zoey breaks up with Jean-Paul and eventually gets back together with Charlie.
Simon is assigned to CJ under similar circumstances to canon, but everyone is even twitchier about death threats. When she finds out he shot one of the Rosslyn shooters, she says "good" in a way that's so cold and venomous he finds it disturbing. He meets his canon fate.
After he's made DCoS, Sam gets the NSC card. He tries to give it back to Leo, and Leo tells him Josh did the same thing, but he won't let Sam do it. Sam protests, but Leo says he's having more trouble keeping a deputy alive now. Sam argues it wouldn't have changed anything, but Leo won't budge. Leo does tell him he's free to go directly to the president.
If it got this far, Sam would end up running the Santos campaign, because "he's who Josh would have picked." I might keep the tension of Will running the Russell campaign. Maybe Sam and Donna's situationship even puts her on that campaign, too.
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
I Thought You Were Dead (Gordo Stevens x F!Reader)
Requested by @edwardbaldwin: a hundred difference kisses prompts 46 the reunion kiss... with Gordo? After he saves Jamestown? And they think he's dead but really he's just extremely hurt and brought back to earth.
Main Master List
Writing Prompt Master List
100 Different Kisses
Warnings: Season 2 Spoilers, pregnancy, puking, lets just pretend we're star fleet at this point and have medicine that can save a person from space radiation, because you know.... fanfic
The minute they pulled you to the side, away from everybody, you knew something had gone bad. But you hadn't expected it to be that bad.
"He what?" Margot gives you a sad smile as your world crumbles around you. There's no way he could die. He's Gordo Stevens. He's immortal. "You're wrong. He's alive."
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but he's gone. He and Tracey died saving Jamestown," Margot remorses, Molly standing silently behind her, not really sure what to say. Your stomach churns, bitter acid rising in the back of your throat. "We're bringing their bodies back for a burial, but there's no way they could have survived out there."
You shake your head, your hand rubbing your protruding bump as your heart races. He can't be dead. Can he? "I think Imma puke," your face pales as you lurch into the nearest trash can, Margot and Molly watching on with silent pity. After emptying the contents of your stomach, you turn to look at them. "I haven't even told him. I haven't even told him I'm pregnant with his kid." Your voice is soft and Molly steps forward, placing a firm but caring hand on your shoulder.
"He died a hero. Why don't you go sit in my office. I'll give you a call when they're back home."
"What's the point if he's dead? I mean shit, how the hell am I gonna tell Danny and Jimmy that both their parents died?"
"We're going to get them back home. Just please, get some rest," Margot comments before walking away, leaving you and Molly alone. She pulls you into her side as she starts walking toward her office.
"When we were telling him how to wrap himself up, he seemed very adamant on making sure you weren't alone. He knew the risks, and he took them, but not without thinking of you. He asked me to deliver this message," Molly slips you a piece of paper and you don't even bother to look at it as she opens the door to her office. "Just, say here for now. We'll call you down when we get his body. I'm sorry for your loss." She walks away and leaves you to your thoughts.
"What the hell do you mean he's alive? How the fuck do you confuse being dead and alive?" Molly rages into the speaker at the news that Gordo Stevens, had in fact, not died.
"I don't know. When we first saw him, he was still and dead, and then he," Rossi looks over to Gordo who barely breathes on the gurney, "just came back to life. He does have extreme burns all over his skin as well as multiple contusions and a heavy does of radiation. He will need to be treated but I think he can pull through."
"And Tracey?"
Rossi sighs, looking at the other gurney, except this one is covered with a thin blanket.
"We regret to inform that Tracey Stevens did not make it."
"Alright, stand by, we're sending a rescue crew." The comms turn off and Margot and Molly look at each other.
"Well shit."
"We do not tell her until he's back. Is that clear? We are not going to give her blind hope that he'll make it back."
Molly gawks at Margot but supposes she's right. If they were to tell you that Gordo was alive only for him to die on the reentry that would kill you. "That's wrong on so many le-"
"Cobb, do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am."
The phone in the office shrills to life and you're quick to grab it. "Hello?"
"(Y/N). We need you to come to Houston General."
"What? Why? Why would the-"
"Just come down." Molly hangs up the phone and you don't need to be told twice before you're rushing down the stairs and out to Gordo's car. Racing down the busy interstate, you make it in record time to the hospital, where Molly greets you at the entrance.
"What's going on? Where is he?"
"(Y/N), (Y/N). I need you to slow down," she places her hands on your arms to steady you. "What I'm about to tell you, you may freak out. So I'm going to need you to not freak out."
"Don't do that. Don't give me false hope," you whisper, your heart hammering in your chest as Molly motions for you to follow her. She leads you down a series of halls before coming across a blocked out door, lined with lead lining. "Molly, what is this."
"Shortly after we told you he died, Rossi gave us a call and told us that he is in fact, alive. But, (Y/N), you have to understand. He's seriously hurt, doctors don't even know if he's going to make it."
"You're meaning to tell me.... he's alive." You collapse against the wall in a heap of happy tears as Molly crouches down next to you.
"For now, yes. The doctor's are doing everything they can. You can enter, but you have to put all the protective equipment on."
"He's alive." You whisper to yourself before looking at Molly. "What about Tracey?" She simply just shakes her head as you stand up and put on the outfit.
"Careful, it's heavy."
"I'm only a few months pregnant, relax." Without another word you step through the door and your breathing hitches in your throat. There Gordo lays, hooked up to various machines but all you care about it the rising and falling of his chest and the steady heart rate. "Oh Gordo."
His eyes seem to open only to spot you standing in the door way. He smiles in relief. "Hey honey."
"Oh Gordo," you rush to his side and press your lips against his and it feels like the world around you ceases to exist. As your lips move in tandem all that exists in that moment is you and Gordo and your love for one another. After a minute, you pull away, a string of spit connecting the two of you as you rest your forehead against his as sobs wrack through your body. "I thought you were dead."
"I think I am. Least I feel like it. Because you must be an angel," he laughs slightly before going into a coughing fit. You help him sit up only to see the various burns and wounds all over his body. You cringe at the sight. "What are you doing in here. You'll get sick."
"Think I have enough lead on me to protect me and our child." Gordo's blood shot eyes widen as he looks down at your stomach in confusion.
"Thought we couldn't."
"Well," you rub the bump underneath the lead coat before looking back at him and grabbing his hand. "We did it. I'm carrying your child, Gordo," you maneuver the lead coat around and help guide his hand to the small bump beginning to form and you can swear you see tears forming at his eyes.
"Shit baby. We did it." He squeezes your hand.
"We did it," you kiss his bruised knuckles gently before replacing his hand to his side. "But for now, get some rest, baby. You need to recover so you can raise our kid."
"Please don't leave." His eyes begin to droop shut as you look at the monitor, making sure he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie
MCB Tag List: @edwardbaldwin @reveluving @sugapapichulo
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benka79 · 4 years
He was thinking about Danny the whole time
Mcdanno meta. 2x10
Okay, this is a quick mini meta, I was sneaking into this fandom three years ago when I first met these boys, but I actually decided to finally swim in it lately.
Ii rewatching season 1 and season 2, and I just want to point something my meta eyes saw... I don't have all the elements bc I couldn't find the gifs or the scripts (so, if someone knows where I can find it, please let me know).
Certainly, season 2 was full of kidnapping, mostly son or daughter kidnappings. And you could say, foreshadow for Danny's incoming hard moment when Grace is kidnapped, but also, episode 2x10.
Episode 2x10, when Steve McGarrett was thinking about Danny the moment he made his WEIRD SNOW ICED BLONDE BEST INTRO EVER. (To make honour to Steve's cast).
Writers even gave us a clue when Danny rescued Steve in the mountains... Right?
Snow iced guy, will show us through the following episodes he cares about boys that just came out from school and intercepts them before they could see his dad dead on the floor, or that he will take care of the dog from a dead guy. Steve will see Danny is not that iced as he thought.
So when that woman that lost her boyfriend in episode 2x08 asked Danny what would he do if the person you love goes to the other side of the planet, and she pointed, she followed her lover, Danny just lowered his face. Because he plenty understood. Because he did that for Grace and Rachel, and he will do that for McGarrett, more than once.
But let's focus in the first time Danny did it.
First, episode 2x08 too... This
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Pics credit @obscureh50posts
Danny mentions 'sacrifice and friendship' while watching a beautiful classic movie "Enemy mine" and feeling moved about it. Another clue for Steve, Danny is not that iced.
But, sacrifice and friendship, Danny's values. To cross the whole planet to find the one you love, another Danny's value.
Let's come back to episode 2x10, and this scene, go watch it here and come back.
Thank you to @mrsaquaman187 for helping me with the body language reading...
So, first of all, Steve is enjoying there how worried looks Danny, he even checks him out, because he loves to see him worried about him. We all know Steve felt attracted to Danny at this point of the show.
Okay, but he decides to mocks him
Gif credit @mcdannowave 👇
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"Is that concern?"
And then he keeps the joke, when Laurie enters in the room...
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Gif credit @mcdannowave
And that was a joke that became true...
Gif credit @mcdannowave 👇
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Steve's face is showing us surprise but also disbelief.
Because that's the face someone does when he was thinking about one singular person in a very difficult situation, thinking about not being able to see him again. And that's the face that someone does when that person shows up from nowhere.
So, Steve's face right there is screaming: "It can't be true, is that Danny? It can't be. Oh yes! Is Dany! OMG! I was thinking about him and now he is here!"
Disbelief, Surprise, Relief. Those are Steve's facial expressions.
Because he thought he was about to die, and he was thinking about Dany, the whole time, about how worried Danny was, about he wouldn't be able to see him again, about Danny not coming because he has Grace and he needs to take care of her, why would Danny come for him?
And then this...
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Gif credit @imheretolikeyourpost
The fondness in Danny's touch, he carresses Steve's forearm as if he was saying "I'm here, don't worry, I've got you." (Thanks Trish again here)
And Danny made the BEST BLONDE INTRO EVER again.
To Conclude
The joke became true, and I really believe Steve was thinking about his Danno in the precise ment Danny finds him.
And this is just the beginning, because Danny will cross the world again to save Steve, as we know.
If you want to be tagged in my next metas, just let me know.
Buenos Aires, September 28th 2020 9:15 PM
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fantasma-exspiravit · 6 years
Freak Show Ghost Envy
Crack Theory
Today I'd like to talk about Ghost Envy and why it exists in the Danny Phantom universe. Who coined the idea and all of that. All my thoughts and theories are up to personal opinion, I just like to over analyze things and jump to conclusions. ☺️ Sooooo, without further ado...
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Ghost Envy. We first find out about it in the episode reality trip. One might think it was a common thing since Jazz is reading a whole book about it to write her college thesis essay. Titled "Ghost Envy for dimwits: Ghosts are not the boss of me" this book must have some sort of scientific claim for Jazz to be using it for research. But who did this research? As a reminder: Season one starts off with the general public at the understanding that ghosts aren't real. It's such a fringe topic that Jasmine is able to get JACK (of all people) to admit in Mystery Meat, and I quote, "I, Jack Fenton, from this day forth, do hereby turn my back on ghosts. And this thermos can't trap ghosts because ghosts don't exist."
We know for sure that ghosts sightings, research, and proof are rare things. Those who believe in ghosts and try to prove of their existence tend to be societal outcasts who (even with tremendous research like Jack and Maddie) tend to be laughed off as crack pots. That begs the qestion, who wrote this book?
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We know it can't be a scientist. At least not a well founded peer reviewed one. As my calculations show from Danny phantom's sleep deprivation (link), each episode spans about 4.4 days from each other (at least until Christmas). Ghosts finally come into public eye during the episode Public Enemies. That happens when Walker uses Phantom and exposes him to the public, to the news, and makes him look like a villain (by stealing the mayor-- do I need to put spoilers for an over ten year old kids cartoon??). This is the 15th episode in the series making this 66 days into the school year (generously assuming Danny got his powers the first day of school) or, just a hair over 2 months.
Why is this important? Well, Reality Trip happens the last day of school. Any well-eatablished psychologist who wants to do research on how the human psyche is affected by the knowledge of ghosts is gonna need to find, subjects, get a board to approve of an experiment, run the experiment, hopefully have others run the experiment for extra backing, get these articles peer reviewed, get them into an established journal, then write a book on Ghost Envy with all its research at a good enough level that Jazz would want to use it as a resource-- Oh, and all before the last six months of time before school get out for the average teen in America.
While there were other ghost researchers (or at least hunters) in the series, we get a chance to see all the best known and established ghost fanatics in Million Dollar Ghost. This episode happens after Public Enemies, but for lenience, we're gonna assume these guys were all around in the shadows (like Maddie and Jack) and have come to light more now the ghosts are a hot topic. We have the groovy gang and scardey cat, the xtreme ghostbreakers, and the guys in white. The former two certainly aren't researchers. And the guys in white, even if they performed their own studies outside of ghosts (since they never seem to want to experiment on the public and only threaten Phantom with experiments) I doubt the government would be publishing any of their research, akin to no one knowing about Area 51 and so on. Whoever wrote the book knew a great deal about Ghost Envy, had lots of time to research it (before ghosts were popular), and didn't already defame their name through crazy stunts like Jack and Maddie.
Not all is lost, however. I just happen to know an author who has already proven to write about Ghost subjects.
I know, Freak Show is adement that he doesn't have Ghost Envy. Who's to say, though, that he didn't research and write the book to prove to the world that he didn't have Ghost Envy. This is called guilt transference. Ever seen someone you know is a cheater adimently accuse their significant other of having been promiscuous? It's under the idea that if you can attribute the the thing you feel you've done wrong onto someone else, you won't be looked at as in the wrong. He is, however, self aware enough, that at the start of the episode when the guys in white state "We know how you envy ghosts" he doesn't deny it. We also know he discusses this topic with Jazz when he feels safe, so clearly he isn't so closeted about his Ghost Envy that writing a book about it would be considered tabu.
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I believe, it runs deeper than just a problem with his family, though. Whether or not he told Jazz about this to try and bait pity out of her is a whole different subject. This may go deeper than just parents or his audience loving ghosts more than him. Dealing with the section when he states that he may love ghosts more than himself I'd like to turn our attention to Lydia. She was the only ghost who, when broken free of the orbs charm, stuck it out with Freak Show. Why? I believe the two may have more or less secret affection for each other.
But she is dead. Not just dead, she's a ghost. An immortal being that is very rare and difficult to become, the chances Freak Show might become a ghost are basically zero. Regardless of how many trinkets he has to try and make himself ghostly (whatever causes his ghostly aura around him). One day he will die and she will live on. This makes his hatred of ghostly things all the more real as it now keeps him from having a happy life with Lydia. It may be a part of the cause for him to want her to express more human traits. It would also explain why he offers to take her to dinner or a movie before stating he'll spend their afternoon becoming the ringmaster of the world.
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In other words: I really ship Freak Show and Lydia and I think there's enough evidence for me to say it could have been canon.
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