#if anything happens to him I will kill everyone and then myself
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wormzandgutz · 3 days ago
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Finally got to Yamato's introduction, and yeah as expected, I would kill for him
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takendruid · 1 day ago
This is the video! I saw it and was pretty interested. There are some things I just don’t agree with in the video, but the bit about concept-based vs gameplay-based games made me have my epiphany. I think the actual point comes from a take I massively disagree with, but yeah.
Massive Bleach spoilers ahead, but I haven’t been able to talk about this with anyone other than my friend because Bleach fans are boring asf people who don’t care about trauma and the effects of trauma and being killed like I do. Because I’m a Jason Todd fan. But I’m gonna go on a huge fucking ramble because… I need to talk about this and have someone listen to me.
I’m a huge mental health, trauma, and realistic trauma responses freak when it comes to characters. People acknowledging characters having PTSD makes me so happy, which is why I love the fandom around Jason so much. BECAUSE PEOPLE ACKNOWLEDGE HIS TRAUMA!!
One of my favourite characters in media is Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, and I have heard not a single person even whisper about the fact that he blatantly has PTSD, or should at least be heavily affected by the shit he went through. Yes, he’s an anime protagonist so he can’t really have it for story reasons, but… HE VERY CLEARLY DOES HAVE IT! AND HE VERY CLEARLY HAS SURVIVOR’S GUILT!! This is why I love Evangelion so much.
Ichigo’s ENTIRE motivation for becoming a Soul Reaper (I’m a dub watcher) and wanting to help people is because his mother was killed protecting him. One of the reasons season 1 of Bleach is my favourite animated arc is because of how much it actually delves into the fact that Ichigo was severely affected by his mother’s passing. His entire personality, his entire person, his entire motivations and desires were fundamentally changed because of that one event when he was 9. It’s talked about so much in season 1 and I LOVE IT!!! Obviously it’s redundant to constantly bring it up over the rest of the series, but I’m certain Ichigo and Bleach are why I’m such a freak over this stuff.
BUT IT GETS EVEN BETTER!! Because in the final arc, he can’t get to his final level of power because the trauma of losing his mum IS STILL AFFECTING HIM! HE STILL HASN’T BEEN ABLE TO MOVE ON AND HEAL DESPITE EVERYTHING! Until his dad finally tells him what really happened, and it allows Ichigo to finally move on, heal, and accept that IT WASN’T HIS FAULT HIS MUM DIED!! AND THEN HE GETS HIS FINAL POWER UP!!!!! I love Ichigo so much, he’s an amazingly well-done and grounded protagonist.
It upsets me that people hate him as a protagonist, and say he’s unrelatable because he is extremely relatable (also I kin him a lot. I haven’t lost any parents per se, but I see myself in him). Those guys just want a loud, silly guy who isn’t scowling 24/7 and isn’t objectively the straight man the entire show. BUT THAT’S WHAT I LOVE. Like I’m sorry, we can’t have silly loud guys who are extremely goofy for all three of the Big 3, Goku will never be a Big 3 protagonist because he is the founding father of those three anime/manga.
Also Ichigo… in less than 12 hours, died TWICE in EXTREMELY TRAUMATIC WAYS to the SAME FUCKING GUY and then COMES BACK without ANY TIME TO MENTALLY PROCESS. I have been a Bleach and Ichigo fan for 13 years, and a Jason Todd fan for about 3 months. Jason didn’t need to teach me anything because I can use my own brain to realise that DYING IS TRAUMATIC. I need Ichigo with PTSD around dying. Please. For the love of god. He was 16. He acts and looks older than 16 so I think everyone forgets how young he actually fucking was, but he was killed twice at 16 within the span of 12 hours without any time to process because he had to continue fighting, and then go to the World of the Living to fight another even bigger threat; where he ends up watching his friends and comrades all get cut down and nearly killed, EVEN HIS OWN DAD AND MENTORS. And then he’s stuck fighting for 3 months to unlock a power that will LOSE HIM HIS POWERS THAT HE’S ONLY HAD FOR ABOUT 8 MONTHS.
Jason Todd 🤝 Ichigo Kurosaki: dying as a teenager, and also fighting bad guys, and isn’t really able to properly get therapy about it because what? The fuck? Do you mean? You died and came back?????
Only four people knows he has died, only two people know he has died TWICE.
But to go onto that second death. Holy fucking shit.
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I have not seen a single person talk about how much this affected Ichigo mentally. No one. Not a single person.
It’s extremely clear it affected Ichigo in-universe, because he can’t use his hollow mask correctly after it, and he’s very clearly shaken up by it when he sees it with his own two eyes. And yeah, you could argue “well if it’s focused on in the story then there’s no need to talk about it otherwise” I THINK BATMAN FANS WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A WORD WITH YOU. Because that’s just something I really like with Batman as a whole, and Batman fans. In-universe, and in fandom, people talk about Bruce’s trauma, Dick’s trauma, Jason’s trauma. The entire reason Bruce is Batman and Dick became Robin is because of the trauma of losing their parents. In Batman & Robin: Year One, Bruce literally says “as a trauma survivor” like?? This stuff is talked about frequently, and acknowledged. And I never see the same thing with manga…
Anyway, Ichigo doesn’t get time to process this. Maybe he does in the 18 months where he’s not a Shinigami, but he doesn’t get time to process it before losing his powers. Yes, he’s fighting in a time warp thing for 3 months when it’s actually 1 or 2 hours irl in-universe, so maybe he gets time to think about it during that… but he’s more focused on learning the final Getsuga Tensho to take down the ultimate evil bastard of the series at the time.
Again, sorry this rant is even longer. Can you tell I have been waiting to talk to someone about this? /lh
Gotham Knights is so fun when you don’t have a little bitch in your ear telling you it’s shit, and that Arkham Knight is better
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oscar-cant-draw · 2 days ago
Ive known Antoine for 4 hours now but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone and then myself
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omgfangirlland · 1 day ago
Truthfully about who should slip that Damian is a Wayne, personally I think it should be Jon or Damian himself, because just as you said that Talia would use it for trust points and so
I believe Damian would do so too.
I have 3 situations in mind
"ummm excuse me miss sorceress.... I know I'm just Damian's friend but....... I believe you should know that we haven't been fully honest with you"
And then it spirals from there, I believe a 100% that Jon would try to vouch for Damian a bit
"he only skipped that because he knew you maybe wouldn't wanna meet him if he was related to him Bruce , he really wanted to meet you... To meet his big sister."
"[name]........ I must admit I haven't been the most honest person brother to you.......... I was curios of who you were...... This may sound weird or off putting but I'll make sense when I finish. We share more than some mundane things in common..... I skipped this fact as I wanted to have the opportunity to meet you first.... And if you had known you probably wouldn't wanna have meet me....... We are blood related.....by...... Uhm.... Our father.... The biological one"
"I only wanted to know my big sister"
(the little demon would play his fckin cards right, his momma didn't raise no dummy)
"Did you know that Damian is a Wayne and also my son? He was very curios about you... Infact he came to Chicago by lying to Bruce, I guess people would say he was eager to meet you? Anyways"
Then proceeds to show Batsis the most cute baby pictures of Damian as a murderous cubby baby and Batsis ALMOST forgets why they were in a coffee shop in the first olace
Incorrect stuff that I almost wrote and I found funny:
Talia: if I gave you a hard drive with a compilations of all the bats failing to do stuff from Batman faceplanting into the pavement to The Red Hood crashing into a pole, would you reconsider babysitting Damian?
Batsis holding Jon: I've only meet him for 1 minute but if something happens to him I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Jon: ╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)
Damian while dragging Jon into his School trip lie: let's go towards my probably demise and forever grounding.
-Nameless 💜
You know what- you are right. Damian would definitely use it for trust points.
I don't think I'll use Dami tho(mostly because of how I want to make it turn out). I don't really want to make it easy for the demon child, and I kinda need the distrust to push another plot point for chapter 22-
Talia doing all that nonchalantly would be funny- Like dropping a bomb and then just pulling these photos/ photo album from thin air being just like "And this is Dami in his test tube." Meanwhile, MC is just going through like 10 emotions at once, trying not to bawl her eyes because the mere mention of Bruce has started to make this visceral anger run through her body.
So it'll have to be either Jon or TV, perhaps an overheard conversation between Jon and Damian where Jon tries to nudge his friend to come clean? Hm hmm thoughts and thoughtsss
Batsis would do it for a plate of fries just so she can boss Dami around. He does something, anything, "Don't make me call your mom" just to annoy him.
Based. Jon would be a breath of fresh air for MC tbh.
This is something that just crossed my mind btw:
Jon, basking in the attention and compliments of batsis: (✿◡‿◡)
MC: You're so normal, don't take it the mean way, it's a compliment considering how everyone has gone mad- i've christened you as my sunshine. innocent, happy-
Jon, catching Kon's eyes: ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kon: <(ㅍ _ㅍ)> Well, now I have to compete against whatever this is-
Unless he comes back with hella information, Bruce will definitely put Robin in early retirement. Well, he'll try. When have the Robins ever listened to him? :)))
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pruneunfair · 3 days ago
When you have a shitty sibling. *TW: talk of abuse and rape*
This is a little different than what I usually post.
Not too long ago, I made a vent post that was mostly pretty vague but got the central point across, it's deleted now but not like it matters since it was just mindless ranting.
That vent post was dedicated mostly to my younger brother.
For all the people with siblings out there, we already know those corny depictions of brothers and sisters always getting along and calling each other "Big bro" was not the most accurate form of a sibling relationship. Naturally you fight a lot with this person considering they are a built in room mate, meaning you have to live with someone including their worst habits. Maybe they plop a plate into the sink right as you're done doing dishes, maybe they take your things without bothering to ask you, those are all normal things to expect out of a sibling. What doesn't feel normal is when they reach this level of behavior.
My brother who I'll refer to as B relatively liked to get on peoples nerves but other than that, he wasn't so bad to be around up until recently. It was little things at first, leaving his garbage behind in the living room, making a fuss if we asked him to do anything, and then it got progressively worse.
Skipping school for 3 months straight, running away from home to god knows what, bringing strange people home, vaping and taking substances, increasing levels of disrespect towards women, seemed to assume that if a person who happened to be female wasn't punished along side him meant that they were being bias toward her for being a girl, calling our own disabled mother lazy for being unable to work, expecting everyone to cater towards him and pick up his slack, actively call me and our mom a bitch/cunt, pretending that he's going to hit me to see me flinch, gaslighting us, severe lack of empathy, casually admitting to want to hit me and other people that make him mad, refusal to listen or admit when he's wrong.
B has changed this much in only the span of a year. The lack of empathy and over eagerness to have an excuse to threaten someone is honestly scaring me.
Lately I started to take on the role of tidying up around the house and cooking dinner. My mom as I mentioned is mentally disabled, she can still perform tasks herself and still is juggling around two households of the family, I don't wanna to get too into it but I'll just say that she needs to take a myriad of medication to help regulate her mind or else she could kill herself. Her mental health has declined in recent years to the point where she can't keep a job and she does need help more than ever.
Now I do not mind this at all, mom is still a very considerate woman who appreciates the help I do and still makes an effort to keep things easy, it's also a good way for me to learn independence and take care of myself. The problem is that I have to live with B for a brother and he likes to bring his gang of friends over for small house parties that I usually am in charge of when mom is away. The house is always left a mess as a result and I have to pick it up since B likes to weaponize his incompetence to escape responsibility, I have to pick up every piece of crap they leave behind and sweep up old crumbs off the floor only for those same kids to come back, destroy the house again, leave me to clean it up because B knows that if I don't, all he needs to do is continue weaponizing his incompetence until our mom snaps and has me clean it for him.
There is no compromising with him, B has made it clear that if he says "Nope" then we have to suck it up because he can always just run away to our dad or claim that we are just acting crazy. I can't even get some basic respect from him for being the maid for him and his friends bullshit.
Now this all wouldn't be so scary if I didn't know he had no empathy but he clearly doesn't. How do I know?
Well, I'll leave a pretty simple background: Mom kept telling dad to stop, Dad coerced mom that it would be fine and he lied about wearing a condom. 9 months later I was born.
This is very sensitive knowledge that we do not talk about at all, hell B and I weren't even supposed to know I was both a rape and a baby trap kid, I can't exactly remember why but mom mentioned it on a bad day that I now know was likely an episode.
And during an argument, B told our mother, the woman who was willing to stay with our father just so she can at least have a planned child in the name of B, that she should have taken some birth control before she "had sex" with our dad. That boy KNOWS that was one thing mom never wanted to remember, even when we reminded him WHY we don't talk about that, he didn't care, what mattered was that he got the point of him hating me across.
So yeah, I'm officially terrified of the same person who I used to know as an itty bitty baby sleeping in the crib next to my bed.
I know I am not the only one dealing with this shit, plenty of people do and it's shitty that you have to walk on egg shells around someone you knew when they were still innocent, a little baby turning into a monster with no interest in being better as a person, only in being right at all times. For anyone who has a shitty brother or sister reading this, I am so sorry that you have to live in fear of someone you called family but you are not alone, if you believe you might be in danger even, please tell someone, anyone at all, whenever it's a social worker at school, a cop, or even just a few people you trust. You don't deserve to believe you are worse then dirt just because you had to step up and pick up the slack around your household.
Thank you for listening.
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elara-in-the-sky · 2 days ago
they are my version of the "I've had him for a day and if anything happens im killing everyone and then myself" meme I LOVE THEM
hey so pretty sure i’d die for derek and derrick
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dragonroilz · 2 months ago
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r0bot-horse · 2 months ago
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Big fan of the goofy smile he gets when you get close to him
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blueberryfruitbat · 9 months ago
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Dodogama is my son and he can never do wrong in this world.
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freydis-freydat · 2 hours ago
She stared at his expectant eyes for a few moments knowing that Eivor demanded the satisfaction of an explanation. Freydis wouldn’t deny him one, but she didn’t want to speak before she really considered how much she wished to disclose or how to explain it in a way that would make any sense to him. She wasn’t sure that the latter was possible. The choice hadn’t been an especially rational one. “No, it’s not an Iskaran thing,” she responded quietly, waving her hand as if she could wave the idea away entirely. 
“We fought Vecna and he twisted my intentions against me. I did it to myself. Beyond being useless to my team, I put them in danger,” she explained, the shame in her voice evident, but after a moment it gave way to an undertone of fear. “I was lucky one of them managed to pull me back before the archfey sensed anything, but if she hadn’t… I was a liability, it could have been the death of us all and the key to Vecna finishing his missive.” Her eyes scanned the stacks of books and papers throughout the room. “And I’m not any closer to a plan of how to handle her. None of these books have housed a single useful fact.” She dropped her head, resting her forehead in her hand and closed her eyes tight enough that she saw stars as she tried to bite back fearful tears. 
Freydis watched him put the kit to the side, her hazel eyes tracking its path and not returning to Eivor’s face for several moments while she offered him an explanation she doubted he’d be eager to accept. “Because in some instances I find the pain to be grounding, and in other times I feel like it’s an apt punishment.” She wondered if he might lecture her for this–and she wouldn’t stop him if he did, but she had already been approached by Fharzai and set straight in the dream realm. “I felt I deserved it as punishment, as a reminder. In Iskaldrik, my holmgangs were widely attended. It was a spectacle to watch me fight, but any of my challengers would have killed me if given half the chance. I was upheld by the Huscarl as the first of my station and the weight of confirming his instincts and judgement, and to be a paragon for all women who had dreams of some meaningful station before and after me. My role was to get as many Iskarans to Nornwatch as I could. I was meant to secure the Princess’s safe return from the hells, to defend the Wildlands, Aventia and lead Haven, to defend the Veil, the Cove… It feels like all I am at times is a tool, a sword and shield, hard to kill.” Her voice was quiet as she finished her small list. “I am grateful for what I am capable of, I am proud that others find me dependable. But stripped back like that, made to be useless… Is there anything left of me when all of that is taken away? I let everyone down. And I was… am… ashamed. And so I wanted to punish myself, so I would remember, and so I wouldn’t let it happen again. I know it was foolish.” Eivor had always listened before and had not lashed out, even when she had pressed to hard, but still she could not look at him as her verbalization of her thoughts came to a close. 
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“Finding someone or something to cauterize it would likely have been my next step if you were to stitch it up. I keep coming apart in the night,” she conceded quietly. “I can take the pain.”
His blue eyes were sharp, darkened with concern but also a strange sense of annoyance, "So you know it was a mistake to walk around bleeding and wounded because...why? Is this an Iskaran thing about not wanting for the magic that could heal you?" Eivor's assumption was spoken aloud, he couldn't exactly rationalize why she would just turn away when there was magic and perhaps a few bottles or so that would help do what she was now asking him to, stored away in packs. "Why?" The dragon looked suspicious, his palpable concern now outweighed by her request. The medical kit was in his hands, but this was unlike anything that he'd ever done before. He set it down after a few moments of silence, confused as ever. Maybe this was just another thing he was missing from human society – the hard way of doing things.
He turns his palm up, his magic crackling between his hands. "From your fight against Vecna?" He tries to reel in his emotions; he felt things too deeply, bit out words before he could stop them. But as such a dragon always would be. "I can close it with magic; is it pain you wish for? I don't want to hurt you. But I can cauterize it." He wanted to understand – being injured meant death. He could never afford to do something like this.
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itsyouch · 9 months ago
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I love him so much, like if I had to pick a favorite character thats not from the gang its definitely Doyle, DEFINITELY. DOYLE.
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oliwithwings · 4 months ago
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Guys i wonder who my favourite character is.... it might be jinx
Song - Pick me - Girl In Red
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rxymond · 2 months ago
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i'm compassion. i know that now.
i finished reading Asunder last night and i love cole with my entire being 🤍 so have some fanart i drew of dababy
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gojosbf · 1 year ago
he's all that left who matters to me in this wretched jjk world
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honkshoo-zzz · 8 months ago
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he's here holy fucking shit he's here
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the autism collection of plushies grows every day and i couldn't be happier
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simscastaway · 2 years ago
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I would die for this man
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