#if anyone still wants to send me a req for it feel free
theoxvest · 1 month
Hi! For the oxventure palette ask game - Suzette, 3E in Cheers, please ^_^ hope you're having a great time!
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Promise I didn't forget about this one! Been a busy week but this was my favorite color pallet to work with!
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 months
dudeeee ik ur reqs are open so why not give this a shot and see what u think abt it! since the new agatha trailer came out I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABT HERRRJDID!! so this is abt her! (plus love ur agatha content!! ive read all of em ALL OF EM)
so.. what abt a AU where agatha is the reader's manager and the reader is a famous actor? this could lead to a dark fic or just a wholesome light one! whichever u prefer ill leave it up to u!
~p.s i hope ur feeling better!! have a nice day and feel free to ignore this if u want to^^
a/n: first off, i love ur energy so much omg, and also SAME! the trailer goes through my mind 24/7 and i’m not mad about it! ooooo i love this idea!! definitely have to take creative liberties bc i’ve sadly never been famous😔 word count: 2.6k warning(s): fun fact: i am making all of these things up, if you're secretly an actor keep everything i did wrong in this fic to yourself - slight jealous!Agatha - friends to coworkers to lovers - agatha definitely knows how to communicate - all movies and characters mentioned in this are worlds/stories i have written- kinda rushed ending but then again i feel like everything is rushed - i really hope you like this! thank you so much for the ask and i am feeling a bit better 🫶🏻 - i really can't write kissing my apologies
i was the saint, you used to adore me
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You remember when you first hired Agatha.
You were just beginning to dip your toes into the pool of acting, cautiously testing the waters by sending out your less than perfect resume to anyone who would accept. Agatha was the first, and only, acting manager to respond. She too was new to her field, so far only representing people who specialized in car commercials and medicine ads. She wanted a change of pace and your lack luster resume spoke to her. Some part of you still wanders why she picked to represent you, even though in the end everything worked out incredibly well, you wanted to know why she wanted to work with you.
Because now it seemed like she wanted nothing to do with you.
At the beginning, it was like the two of you couldn't be seperated. Outside of work hours, many movie nights happened, sometimes an excuse for Agatha to show you her favorite directing and acting techniques, sometimes an excuse for you to binge watch Sandra Bullock's entire cinematography. You would fill her inbox with emails of dream roles, she would fill yours with links to acting classes if the number of emails in her inbox from you exceeded 1,000.
She was your best friend.
You missed her.
If you had to pinpoint the time when she started drifting away, it was right after you landed your breakout role of Aerin Fey in the movie Pillars, which became a boxoffice hit, making nearly three times the production cost in theaters. Soon, your portrayal of the multiversal anti hero was on billboards, had sequels and contracts signed, had custom dolls on toy store shelves. It was everything you wanted, seeing little girls inspired by you as you either walked down a red carpet or passed them in the grocery store. You loved signing autographs in the signature Agatha and you spent nights perfecting. You loved taking pictures with fans, almost equally as excited as they were, after all your dream was coming true.
All you wanted was to share these moments with your closest friend but soon Agatha started only filling the manager role in your life. No longer did she appear at your door bearing tubs of ice cream to celebrate a role you had been offered, no longer did she let you cry when you lost a role you had been desperate for. Your texts and emails became dry, only notifying you of roles she had sent your portfolio in for or sending you calender invites for interviews and late night show appearances.
All this was swirling in your head as you scrolled through your old texts with Agatha, your eyes becoming watery as you went further into the messages. You sat in your living room on your large couch, a purchase Agatha practically had to force you to confirm. You still didn't understand why you needed such a large couch or house for that matter, as you were the only one living in the space. It was damn comfortable though. You let yourself sink into the cushions, your mind running wild with theories as to why Agatha suddenly cut your friendship off. Sure, you two would keep a professional appearance when seen together on the carpet but you were absolutely certain people noticed the tense atmosphere between you.
"Bitch if you don't answer this door right now I'm going to assume you're dead and call every TMZ reporter here!"
The voice of your co-star turned friend Wanda Maximoff interupted your self pity episode, making you realize that the pounding you had subconsciously been hearing wasn't a sad theme song your mind created for you. No, it was the furious knocking of the red head. You reluctantly got out of your comfy spot, slightly taking Wanda's threat seriously. You opened your door, revealing your friend holding a folder with Pillar's studio name printed on the side and a bottle of champagne. You nodded to the bottle.
"Where's the rest?"
Wanda laughed, nudging her way into your home, bumping your shoulder with hers.
"Oh so it's that kind of day."
Wanda took her place on your couch, setting the bottle on the coffee table and crossing her legs with the folder in her lap. She patted the spot next to her on your couch, a smile wide on her face.
"Now come on, we have to make sure we know the answers to questions and what not to answer!"
You groaned at the reminder of your TV appearance tomorrow. Which also meant enduring the new cold demeanor of your be-manager. Wanda seemed to read your face as you made your way to sit back on the couch. She patted your knee once you were sat, her face a mix of pity and a bit of anger for your sadness.
"Is Agatha still acting weird?"
You nodded while staying silent, not wanting to cry in front of one of your only real friends. Not yet at least.
"God that's so stupid honestly. The least she could do is tell you what's going on instead of acting like a fourth grader who's favorite swing is being used during recess. I know you love her Y/N, I'm sorry."
You both laughed and choked at Wanda's words.
She was right, you loved Agatha. You've loved her since the first time you met her and your feelings only grew and intensified as your partnership continued throughout the years.
But you'd never say it outloud. That would make it real. And if it was real, that meant the woman you loved hated you and you had no idea why.
Agatha was leaning against the wall of your dressing room, her eyes glued to her phone as she typed furiously. You watched her in the mirror as your hair stylist put the finishing touches on the style that was supposed to look effortless. Almost as if she could feel your stare, Agatha looked up from her phone to meet your eyes in the mirror. You felt heat rise up to your cheeks as your own eyes widened, standing up a little to quickly. Realizing once you were up that you didn't have a reason for such a reaction.
Wanda burst into the dressing room, her red dress sparkling in the light.
"They want us to walk on stage together, shall we?"
Wanda held out her elbow for you to hold on to, winking in an exaggerated way. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Agatha's intense glare at Wanda but decided that you weren't going to let your manager's weird behavior affect this interview. You hooked your arm through Wanda's, playing along.
"We shall!"
Agatha followed behind the two of you, her stare burning into the back of your neck as the two of you walked onto the stage, cuing the raging applause and cheers from the audience. Agatha stayed off-stage, watching with crossed arms and an expression that could take down the toughest of tough.
The lights were burning and bright as you and Wanda took a seat next to each other across from the interviewer. You immediately regretting your choice in seat as Agatha stood across from you in the wings, her stare like ice as it stuck to your skin. Taking a deep breath, you plastered on a wide smile as you were introduced. Purposefully ignoring Agatha, you focused on how the interviewer angeled her body towards Wanda, indictating who she would be asking a question to first.
"Ok, I got to say," Darcy Lewis, the host of this show, threw her hands in the air as if she was giving a confession, "I can't ask any questions about the movie until I get confirmation about something that's happened in your life recently, Wanda."
Wanda smirked, obviously understanding where Darcy was going, You, however, were confused, your eyes flickering between Darcy, Wanda, Agatha, and the audience, hating the feeling. Your smile stayed plastered on, not wanting to reveal your confusion. Wanda met your eyes and reached over to cover your hand with hers, her left hand on top almost purposefully. You looked down to see a beautiful ring with a braided band of gold set with a sparkling diamond of reasonable size.
"Oh my god!" You gasped out, grasping Wanda's hand and bringing it embarassingly close to your face. Wanda and Darcy laughed, the latter clapping as her vague question was answered in a hilarious way.
"I can't believe it's taken you this long to notice!" Wanda laughed out, tugging her hand back to marvel at her ring herself, "I've only been parading it around for a week!"
You flushed with embarassment, a real smile painting your lips as you covered your face with your hands. After the crowd calmed down, Wanda confirmed outloud what the ring symbolized.
"A little over a week ago, my long time partner, who I met on this set by the way, proposed to me in the park we had our first date. Oh, he was so nervous but I couldn't let him finish his speach I was so excited! Obviously I said yes."
You wanted to give your friend a giant hug but decided against climbing over the arms of the chairs, choosing to keep your dignity as you didn't want your dress to ride up too much.
Darcy continued with the interview, the air of the stage light and friendly as you and Wanda evaded questions and made jokes about being trapped in these roles until you're 90. You realized once the interview was almost over that you couldn't feel Agatha's stare on you anymore. Since you had been actively avoiding the spot she was standing in the whole time, you hadn't notice her slip away. A spark of anger lit in your chest as memories floated around your mind. What had you done that she deemed worthy enough to sever your relationship?
You were surprisingly thankful when the interview was over, everything becoming a blur as you made it back home. Wanda had a date with her fiance, Vision but told you that she wanted to get coffee the next morning. You already knew you would be needing that coffee, as you had a few pages of script to begin memorizing for a cameo scene you were doing for a spin-off show of Pillars.
You wanted to just curl up on your couch and binge watch old Disney movies but you forced yourself to walk in circles around your living room, script in hand as you acted out your scenes. A few hours in, you were getting frustrated. Your mind just wouldn't grasp the script, each line entering your mind quickly but leaving even quicker. You were about to learn how to use your fireplace just to burn the papers when your door shook with someone knocking. It was rapid, almost desperate and it sent a sense of urgency pooling in your gut. You practically ran to your door, afraid of what you would see on the other side. Did someone die? Oh god, hopefully Wanda and Vision didn't break up that would be awful-
The door swung open.
It was Agatha.
Her eyes were ablaze with an emotion you couldn't pin point, her hair was a mess but it only added to her beauty, and she was gripping her phone so hard in her hand that her knuckles were white.
You were frozen in the doorway, your eyes wide and your jaw slack. Agatha just stared back at you, her chest heaving as if she had ran all the way to your home. Blinking, you broke yourself from your trance, and against the voices in your head that sounded suspiciously like a specific redhead, stepped to the side to let Agatha in. She barged in, going to stand in front of the couch, arms crossed as she continued to stare at you. Wringing your hands, you decided you wanted to mend what was broken.
"I'm just practicing for the shoot in a week, would you help me? I can't seem to get-"
"Were you ever with Wanda?"
Her sudden question made you choke on your words and you were back to being frozen, the script falling dramatically from your hands. Agatha came to stand in front of you, her face inches from yours. Your tongue was heavy with shock and all you could do was shake your head in denial.
Why was Agatha asking this? Did she like Wanda? That would explain why she wouldn't be happy with you, as you had grown closer to the redhead throughout the years and Agatha didn't.
Something clicked in your mind, reversing your sinking stomach into nervous butterflies.
But if she liked Wanda, why would she be glaring at her? Unless, the person Agatha liked wasn't the now engaged redhead and was-
"Y/N, please, I need you to answer me."
Agatha voice contradicted her body language, her words broken and shaky, as if she was afraid of a potential answer. Her hands flexed in the postition of her crossed arms, as if she wanted to reach towards you. You took a deep breath, preparing your answer.
"Is this why you started avoiding me? Because you thought I was with Wanda? I've only ever been her friend, Agatha and we only grew as close as we are because you stopped talking to me! God, I thought you hated me!"
Agatha's eyes lost their iciness and filled with panic instead. Her hands shot out and grasped your arms.
"Hate? No, I love you! I though the giant annoucment at the interview would be that you were in a relationship with Wanda! I didn't want to ruin your relationship with her because of my feelings!."
You shrugged Agatha's hands off your arms and took a step back.
"So you ruined ours? All because you thought your feelings were unreciprocated?" Agatha's eyes lit up with hope at your words, "Wanda's been with Vision for years, all you had to do was open Google!" You had started to raise your voice towards the end, all your frustration being let out at once. Agatha shrugged sheepishly as she slowly stepped to once again be close to you.
"I didn't want to be right."
Agatha smiled nervously as she brushed a hair from your face.
"I didn't know what to do and I'm terribly sorry for how I acted. God, Y/N, it hurt seeing you with someone who wasn't me. I thought you just wanted to be friends. "
Her whispered apology melted away the ice that had been hardening your heart for protection and you reached up to cup her face in your hands. Agatha leaned into your touch, her eyes closing for a second before opening and almost blinding you with how much hope was shining towards you.
"I loved being your friend and it really hurt me when you took that away but," you smiled at Agatha, shifting to be even closer to your manager, "I would love to be even more."
Agatha smiled softly, her eyes saying everything her words couldn't. Her smile melted into a smirk as she leaned in, your hands falling from her face so your arms could wrap around her neck.
"I would really love to make up for lost time."
You barely had finished nodding before Agatha's lips crashed into yours, consuming you. Her hands now cradled your face as you kissed, her tongue battling with yours. She started walking, directing you towards the stairs, where the door to your bedroom taunted you with it being far. As the two of you stumbled up the stairs, laughter breaking the kiss, you felt Agatha tugging on your dress, the one you still hadn't changed out of. Soon, there was a trail of clothes leading to your bedroom and once you hit your bed, from the look in Agatha's eyes, you wouldn't be leaving it anytime soon.
a/n: please tell me u liked this bc i loved writing it :) i love this AU idea and would love to expand on it in the future! i wanted this to be a one shot but the potential in this pairing could lead to a series 👀 thank you so much for reading!! hopefully my writing slump hasn't affected my writing too much but i'm going to keep practicing to get better!!
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Hi, how are you?? I hope that you're doing good. May I request how the HSR boys (Mainly Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, Gepard, Sampo and Caelus, if you want to add more it's ok) would react to their s/o doing something embarrassing?? I remember one time where I was out with my friends and out of nowhere I tripped and fell to the floor, my bubble tea just exploded under my chest and everyone was looking 💀 my friends split into two groups, the ones actually worried and the other ones who were just laughing, one even fell into some bushes because they couldn't stand properly 🧍‍♂️I hope it makes sense, rather than seeing it as something bad, maybe make it funny(?
sorry for my bad english🗿🥑💖
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ klutz
⊹ character(s) - gepard landau, jing yuan, sampo koski ⊹ word count - 938 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, fluff, reader is kind of a klutz, all just cute stuff lmfao
hi anon! don't apologize, your english is very good! I actually only do 3 characters per req so I just went with these 3, hope that's okay! feel free to send in another req for dan heng if you'd like!! (I don't write for caelus im srry </3) thank you for the req and I hope you're doing well too! (=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡☆
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⊹ Gepard Landau
You can't tell me that Gepard isn't the kind to completely freak out if something like that happened to you
He's quite protective, so even if you're unharmed, something embarrassing happening for you like tripping is cause for concern for the boy!!!
"Oh my god! Y/N, are you okay?! Here, let me help you..."
It's a little awkward sometimes only because if you try to laugh it off, Gepard is totally adamant that you have nothing to feel awkward or embarrassed about
"This kind of thing happens to everyone. Please don't apologize!"
On the other hand, if it's something not involving potential bodily harm, I still don't think he'd laugh at you
At least, not too much
Gepard is the kind to be 100% sure you're okay before he even thinks of laughing at the situation
But in scenarios where you trip or possibly get hurt, he forgets the whole "laugh" part.
Still, if you were to do something like wave at someone who you thought was waving at you on accident (and they were actually waving at someone behind you) he'd... probably let a small chuckle slip.
It's even more embarrassing than bombastic laughter, arguably, because he's trying to hide it but it's so evident that he's amused
Would treat you to your favorite snack afterwards though as an apology!
He definitely gets worried that you're actually mad when he lets a small giggle slip, but you never are
"Y/N? Come on, I didn't mean to... I'm sorry!"
Let him trail after you a bit longer, it's cute to see him acting like an obedient puppy
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⊹ Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan is the dignified General of the Cloud Knights. As such, he knows how to keep his composure.
Most of the time.
Truth be told, as much as the man is dedicated to his job and public appearance, he doesn't really feel like a cold, distant General. Even in public, but especially not in close quarters.
He's amicable, he smiles, he greets his people
But the first time anyone outside of the Seat of Divine Foresight had ever seen Jing Yuan laugh out loud was because of you.
When you stumbled into a pond in the gardens of the Central Starskiff Haven, your lovely boyfriend had barked one single, obvious cackle.
He was quick to politely put a hand over his mouth, but as your head popped up from the water, you had scowled.
There was an obvious smirk on his lips as he helped you out.
It had caught the attention of the (few, but still present) people nearby, so the two of you were quick to make your exit, your face burning red
Now, no matter how much he says it, Jing Yuan doesn't really feel sorry after...
Unless you really lay it on with the dramatics on how much it "upset" you.
Get this man to dote on you, because he totally will
Spoiling you rotten afterwards in exchange for genuine, pure laughter? Sign the General up!
He'll start off with gifts and treats, but if you keep up the façade, he'll eventually just start putting his hands all over you and hanging off your shoulder with overexaggerated theatrics.
"I do wish my dear Y/N would forgive this old man already... I didn't mean a thing by it..."
Don't leave him hanging too long, though—he will get too clingy trying to "earn your forgiveness" and no work will get done that day.
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⊹ Sampo Koski
Let's not kid ourselves, Sampo's bursting out laughing the second you topple over
I dare say this guy is even whipping out his phone to take pictures of your blunder like the little shit he is.
Don't worry, though—those photos will never reach the eyes of others. They're for him to giggle at when he's taking a break from his work, or sit in bed and coo over how cute you were pouting at him for his tearful chuckles.
Sampo is sort of the opposite of Gepard in this scenario
If you trip or do something that could've led to unlikely harm, he's still laughing his ass off at you first
Only if you're actually hurt will he calm down and help you out, but it's always superficial wounds so he's still wiping the tears from his own eyes when he bandages your wounds
Oh, he's so smarmy when you get upset though.
"Aww, is my sweetheart mad? I'm sowwy!"
Baby voice to the max, clasping his hands together like a repentant maiden, it's hard to discern which is more embarrassing—your accident or his behavior after.
He's teasing you about it for weeks after.
Again, the pictures he takes of the incidents (if he deems them funny enough) are for his eyes only, but the story is not for his ears only
Everyone in Boulder Town hears about the incident before the week ends. I feel bad for you, poor reader...
Especially right after, if you get "upset" with him, he'll be pinching your cheeks and cooing over you
He turns up the "act like a little old lady crooning over a cute youngster" act to the maximum too, which can be annoying, but it can also turn your embarrassment into amusement and laughter
Honestly, most of the time when he's treating you like that after a blunder, it's because he wants you to see the humor in it too
Doesn't want you to be hard on yourself for doing something kinda embarrassing—happens to the best of us!
Still, make him treat you afterwards. He'll do it eventually, you just have to get through the annoying antics first.
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qtboni · 2 years
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the curated collection of my written works, organized by fandom and characters. these stories feature mature adult themes and content, and every character depicted in the works is written as an 18+ individual.
「 this is a multi, n/sfw content blog <3 minors & ageless blogs dni! 」 + please read all tags and content warnings before reading!
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1000 followers event
love language ꒰ despite his difficulty in expressing his emotions, he still finds ways to show his love for you ꒱
melting into your arms ꒰ him melting into your arms after a rough day at work ꒱
shattered hopes ꒰ he lashes out on you and was very dismissive over your efforts for him ꒱
rebuilding hopes ꒰ after an argument with you, he feels a deep sense of remorse for the pain he caused ꒱
loved imperfections ꒰ he reassures your insecurities with loving words ꒱
sweet dreams, my love ꒰ he woke up to you sleeping far away from him in the bed so he pulls you back to him ꒱
a lil' vampire you are ꒰ you bite him with your canine teeth and he gets feral for it ꒱
wild cowboy ꒰ he indulges you in your pretty lil fantasies of him being a cowboy ꒱
shying away ꒰ he encourages and guides you on what he wants to do to you ꒱
atrapada ꒰ kidnapped and tortured in front of him, he has to endure all of it until he gets his hands on your captor ꒱
⋆៹ KÖNIG ᵎᵎ
rest well, mein liebe ꒰ he lets you rest on his shoulder, and him also resting on top of your head ꒱
love in the emergency room ꒰ you were brought into the emergency room and he was your emergency contact ꒱
bloodstained love ꒰ yandere slasher au, he comes home to you after killing someone and asks you if you're proud of him ꒱
cocoa kisses ꒰ he craves warmth and safety, which he finds whenever he comes to you, the person he loves ꒱
what'd u call me? ꒰ fatherfigure au, where you accidentally calls him dad ꒱
hug me close ꒰ having cold hands for cuddles ꒱
our journey begins ꒰ their reaction to the news of your pregnancy ꒱
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💬 | hi bb !! i love sharing my thoughts and hearing from you . so , please feel free to reblog and engage with my content as much as you like ! ur interactions are always appreciated . thank you <3 alsk please read the rules thoroughly b4 you interact or send in a reqs . extra note , my prev username was @tsunagi | person in pfp is not me , it is @/yuprntae on ig .
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˒ ៸៸𓂃 RULES ! 彡 ·˚
dni if u are a person that fits in the basic dni criteria ( ___phobic , racist , etc. ) , and leaves negative comments ; get out , do not leave traces of you here .
when requesting a story / idea , please provide a clear and concise description of what you're looking for . the more details you provide, the easier it will be for me to understand your request .
when requesting smth under the topic of nsfw , pls do be considerate of your language and phrases . i hve received some asks that are so explicit , it was hard for me to read it over .
pls be patient . while i do receive your reqs , allow time for me to consider and respond to it cz im like a slow writer LMAOO .
if maybe i missed a tag or a topic that is / are NEEDED to be put to , please don’t hesitate to chat or ask with me and i’ll gladly look through it .
read the warnings (cw/tw tags) first if you’re going to be reading my works ! some of them may contain sensitive topics or any type of topics that might trigger you . i don’t intend to cause any kind of harm to my readers so please, don’t forget to read through it .
while i occasionally engage in flirtatious banter on my blog esp w/ petnames , it should be understood as purely in jest and not meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable .
if you're not comfortable with my type of language or humor , please feel free to unfollow me without any hard feelings . i respect everyone's boundaries and preferences in this regard .
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do not distribute my works far outside Tumblr w/o my permission and credits . you are not authorized to translate or copy any of my works. plagiarism is forbidden .
˒ ៸៸𓂃 MSG FOR U ! 彡 ·˚
want to be mutuals w/ me ?? sure sure !! js send me a msg in my dms or inbox <3 as long as you're 17+ & also an ff writer ofc , it should be no problem (exceptionally when i follow u and u follow me back 🤗)
i put my heart and soul into the stories that i write, and i work hard to fulfill your hunger as quickly as possible HAHA /hj .
as an aspiring writer , i get my inspiration from my daily life occurrences . sometimes, it can be challenging to find motivation to write, which is why i've made the decision to start ( somehow ) share my personal stories as a way to practice and improve my writing skills . i've found that writing about my experiences and feelings is cathartic and healing, and i hope that my stories can provide comfort and inspiration to others who can relate <3
pls respect me as i am a human person like you & continue on showing love to everybody pls :)) my blog and my works are wholeheartedly dedicated to my fellow fanfic readers and writers . thank you guys for the endless support !! you guys make my days feel worth it sm . not kidding :((
© qtboni | 2023: please do not use my works without my permission . do not plagiarize , repost , or translate any of my writings as well as my theme . thank you .
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averydayss · 5 months
Wish You Were Sober
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Fem!reader, nonidol!jungwon, mentions of Karina of aespa
‼️: Jungwon's kind of an asshole, angst, angst, more angst
Wc: 700ish, feel free to send a req xx
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How did you find yourself in the middle of a frat party? It all started when Jungwon, her best friend of 2 years who was with her through thick and thin who she fancies, invited her to his friends party. 
“Come on Y/n! It would be fun, besides i'll be with you the whole time” Said Jungwon
Y/n didn't want to waste an opportunity to spend time with him, so she accepted his invitation
The duo arrived at the party. The party was really noisy. people kissing, individuals dancing on the dance floor, the smell of alcohol
“I'll go to the bathroom for some time, stay here so it’ll be easier to find you” said y/n
Jungwon gave y/n a slight nod before she walked to the nearest bathroom
“Jungwon? It's been such a long time! How have you been?” a sudden voice fills his ears 
“Karina? I haven't seen you in so long! I've been doing good, what about you?” Jungwon answered the pretty girl who was looking at him with love eyes
When y/n was back, Unbeknownst to her. Jungwon, her best friend or so called seems to be occupied by a girl
“Y/n! This is Karina, my childhood friend. Karina, this is y/n, my friend" Jungwon introduced the two girls to each other.
Y/n eyerolls at the introduction. “friends” of course, they were just friends in Jungwon’s dictionary. Friends, nothing more
This party's shit, wish we could dip
The party went smoothly, at least for Jungwon. Y/n finds the party absolutely boring, Jungwon was too busy talking, laughing, joking with Karina by the stool while drinking beer. Leaving her alone by herself
Hours went by, Karina and Jungwon were still talking together without a care in the world, Y/n had enough. She wasn't letting 2 people ruin her saturday. She walked out of the frat party house.
I'ma crawl outta the window now
'Cause I don't like anyone around
Kinda hope you're following' me out
But this is definitely not my crowd
She kind of hoped that Jungwon would follow her out of the party without Karina. Unexpectedly. Jungwon realized her disappearance and quickly catched up with her outside
“Y/n! Why are you out so soon? I thought we were supposed to spend our time together” Said Jungwon who was clearly drunk
Y/n visibly scoffed at his words, “spend our time together”? He left her to go talik to Karina the whole time without even thinking about her feelings. But then again she was just his friend
“I was just bored, besides you were busy with Karina” Y/n tried to reason
Jungwon could see the evident frown on her face, after all they were friends. “Oh really? Then lets ride my car around”
Jungwon seems the sweetest when he was drunk, he treated y/n like his girlfriend. Opening the car door for her, attaching on the seatbelt for her, placed his hand on her thigh, kissing her in his rover, he never did this sober
“Real sweet, but i wish u were sober” she mumbled, quickly waking up to reality, realizing that he wouldn't remember this the next day
Just like her prediction, Jungwon didn't remember a thing the next day. Jungwon went back to being the friend he always was
“Hey, do you think I should text Karina? We had so much fun yesterday, i'm thinking of taking her on a date soon” asked Jungwon out of the blue
Y/ns heart undeniably breaks at his words, of course he would forget, of course he did not meant anything he said and did yesterday, of course they were only friends
“Y/n? I asked you a question, why do you seem upset?” asked Jungwon jokingly
“You should ask Karina out! You guys seem like such a good match together” Y/n lied, still heartbroken about the whole ordeal. “Actually I just remembered I have a quiz tomorrow, I have to go study. Bye Jungwon!” said y/n, still trying to keep her tears from being visible
Jungwon seems to not answer, not even a nod, not even a sound. He was busy texting Karina on the date that they were planning “Hm?” asked Jungwon, not hearing what y/n just said
“Nevermind, i just have to go, bye Jungwon” answered y/n. Jungwon didn't answer anything but a slight nod which broke y/n's heart more. 2 years was all nothing for him, now that he got his Karina, Karina became his 1st choice.
“I wish you were sober” y/n again, said in her heart. But then again, she had to face reality in which they weren't anything more but friends.
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A/N: This is my first post so im very very sorry for any grammatical mistakes, please show ur support!
💳: divider by @v6que & @chachachannah . Images are not mine, i found them on pinterest, credits to all the owners
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 months
can i req some grayson headcanons if thats ok with you pookie <3
grayson head canons
OF COURSE! i literally love him sm (though i'm a jamie). he's such a complex character with so many layers and i'm a sucker for those. if anyone has more requests, feel free to send them to me! hope you like them <3
gray can't stand procrastinators (me) and people who don't make an effort. this dude is working 24/7, like...
he has literally every apple product you can imagine (but he prefers microsoft computers, not macbooks)
he's never had s*x....
he absolutely lovesss cats. he used to have one when he was younger but it died. he ends up getting another one after he marries lyra and has kids
he read smut once and actually thought it was kinda good (xander got excited)
when he plays the piano, he needs a heated bench cause his ass always gets cold
grayson would always check on his brothers on their first day of school (xan and jamie) he wouldn't go up to them, but he'd watch from the shadows to make sure everything was ok.
although he never does, he lovesss sleeping. at the end of a long day, he loves cuddling up with his blankets and resting his head.
he meditates (like he sits with his legs crossed and everything)
he lovesss the nature. sometimes he wakes up early to watch the sunrise (and he watches the sunset most days)
he loves hozier and is secretly a swiftie
his favorite place he's been to is spain. he absolutely loved the food there (as someone who loves travelling and who does it quite often, i reallyyyy want to go there)
he used to take anti-depressants and still does (i'm projecting...)
he used to throw really bad tantrums as a child, like really bad (nash would get so discouraged he'd consider offing himself)
whenever he starts dating lyra (unless he doesn't end up with her...), he always leaves her little post it notes with sweet nothings written on them
gray hates being around people and socializing (obviously) because so many people have tried to use him in the past.
he went to the eras tour in a gray suit (folklore themed) with little leaves on them (the forest on the cover of the album) designed by taylor's designer roberto cavalli (apparently he died today, rest in peace)
he loved cuddles (in bed, on sofas, literally anywhere)
he's a huge fangirl for his favorite ships. like when he reads a scene of one of his favorite couples kissing or confessing he'll literally squeak (he reads romance, fight with the wall)
grayson sometimes makes those aesthetic like 'come get ready with me for the day' but there's no talking. it's like clips of him choosing his outfit, fixing his hair, etc fans go crazy for the clips of him buttoning up his dress shirt and stuff cause they can see his abs. he does them because alisa told him he needed to interact more with fans. (@catapparently came up with this one)
although we always see him swimming in pools, he prefers the ocean.
his best friend is their dog, tiramisu (this one is not really a head canon, it's been implied but i find it adorable so..)
he tried to become vegan when he was younger but loved burgers too much
speaking of burgers, he loves super unhealthy fast food meals.
he has a lucky pen
he lost that lucky pen once and had a huge panic attack. nash tried to comfort him but gray wasn't hearing him so nash had to dump a glass of water on his head.
gray secretly wishes he was as carefree as jameson cause he hates himself (poor pookie)
grayson takes up so much space in bed. like he'll be sprawled out with his head at the bottom of the bed.
gray is an emotional drunk. in my jamie and gray head canons i said that jamie once got him drunk. that never happened again cause gray ended up balling his eyes out telling everyone he loved them and that he wants to spend more time with them. that didn't bother jamie though, it was the simping over emily that did it.
skincare king (he has a skincare fridge and all the products you can imagine. this dude would have like face wash made out of 24k gold or some shit)
has an insta account dedicated to the pics he takes of people (note the word people because he has a seperate account for nature that he shares with avery, its anonymous though)
gray had an emo phase when he was 11. he didn't dye his hair black but he bought a wig and everything
he used to be really short but magically started growing at like 15
gray is actually a really good dancer. he's actually quite decent at pole dancing
he loves gardening. he cultivates his own vegetables and shit and cooks with them. he's sort of like this girl on tiktok called nara smith who does everything from scratch (like her kids asked for lasagna, and she made her own mozzarella balls, pasta sheets, tomato sauce, bechamel sauce, grows her own vegetables, etc)
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lampiridaes · 8 months
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# dj childhood best friend
★ — chars ; akito
★ — notes ; hellohello!! i wasn't sure if u wanted it to be like. platonic. or friends to lovers. but my blog is mostly romantic relationships so i wrote it like that ... feel free to send me another req if u want a platonic ver tho !! i will try my best (^_^)7
★ — notes (2) ; written as reader's childhood dream was to be a dj , akito and reader drifted for a few years and met again in hs , friends to lovers (implied at the end) , gn reader , a LOT longer than i expected sorry
★ — requested by ; @azerethical
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★ shinonome akito :
to say akito was surprised when he saw you again was an understatement. the both of you were always together back when you were kids, then stopped talking during middle school.
naturally, after class, the both of you started catching up. about what happened these past few years... which made you reveal that you actually became a dj! have been for a while, too.
first off, he was actually impressed that you fulfilled your goal. not to mention supportive! he's still working on his, so seeing you achieve yours was pretty inspiring.
"huh, really? i still remember back when you'd always show me videos and kept talking about them. over, and over, and ove-"
that last part was to tease and make fun of how you acted as a kid, but it quickly backfired as you silenced him with a nudge on the shoulder.
akito even came to a venue that you'd be playing at, and lo and behold, you were absolutely astonishing at it. it wasn't surprising to him—you'd always mess around and cut papers into circles, pretending they were discs, so you had practice since childhood.
you looked so skilled and focus, it's like a completely different side to you that he found admirable. anyone could tell that this was your passion, but only akito knew how long you've wanted this.
of course he started talking about you to his unitmates! they've gotta know how cool his childhood friend is, right?
everyone was really impressed and found you cool, an especially! it's not a surprise that she keeps begging and begging and begging akito to let her meet you!
"please, please, please, let me meet them! c'mon, you can't just talk about [name] and not expect me to get excited!"
he tends to take videos of you while you're playing, showing it to the rest of his friends whenever they meet up or have practice.
eventually, when both of your schedules are free, he does introduce you guys to one another. of course, vbs welcomed you in open arms, wanting to hear you and akito's childhood.
"did you know he used to pee the bed until he turned-"
an was more than charmed, trying to get even more information about younger akito out of you. however, akito's glare was the main reason why you kept your mouth shut.
with how much time had passed since you last saw each other, you and akito decided to make up for the lost times and hang out frequently once more.
and more... and more... it was more than a common occurrence. maybe even every day...
at some point, it wasn't a surprise in your household to hear your mother ask if you were going to hang out with him, like back in the day.
not like akito was any different—he'd always invite you to watch his practices when you were free, just to ask for your opinion and possible criticism about his singing abilities. which you'd happily give, if any.
the rest of vbs caught on to his feelings after a few weeks. akito always seemed... so much brighter and more passionate when you were there, watching and cheering him on.
he did the same for you, obviously. after meeting, you and an exchanged numbers, and you invited her to watch you play as well.
and... the way akito looked as he was watching you perform was just...
"oho, don't you look lovestruck?"
"i am not, shut up."
to nobody's surprise, this led to an teasing and making fun of akito for the rest of your performance. not that you noticed.
now, akito was conflicted. yes, the both of you seemed a lot more free with each other, but what if you don't feel the same? it's not like you've recently become friends, you've been friends since you could walk. he doesn't want to ruin that. his head was literally spinning because of all of this.
... however, a little letter in his locker might change his mind. especially since a certain someone's initial at the bottom, letting him know exactly who put said letter there.
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puckleberryfinnie · 3 months
ok so ik my req might seem a bit weird butttttt.. i have been dyingggg for ray. like his body tea, i loveeee his lil accent and smile so i just wanna see like host!reader get nervous when he gets injured, him giving reader his jersey, and a lil post-game smooch 🫶🏾🫶🏾.
girll you don't understand how glad I am that someone else feels this way about him like I feel so wrong about it but?? he's such a cutie?? thank you soso much for sending this in, love this idea <33 so sorry this took so long, life took hold of meee
Beautiful Little Fools
You being a friend of Kai's, and being in several of his streams as an internet personality yourself. Of course, you meet several of his friends, including Ray. He's just using his cheesy "rizz" with Kai's encouragement, and you're laughing on to all his funny tactics.
When the Beta Squad and AMP decide to have the match, there's almost immediately an invitation for you to join in as a host, that you accept gratefully!
The days leading up to the event, you spend a lot of time hanging out with the American group, as well as meeting new people that you become fast friends with.
Ray, however, stays close to either you or Kai at most points, finding himself most comfortable with people he knows pretty well already. Everyone (thought mostly Kai) loves the relationship you two have, and joke around about it a LOT.
You, of course, enjoy his company and help him with training that they have set up for those participating the day before the real match. It's mostly just simple things, though, like returning the balls to him or mock-guarding him.
At some point during the practice, he gets slightly injured, tripping over a ball or something like that. It really isn't that bad, but you find it concerning, especially considering the big match is the following day.
He, however, reassures you, comforting you by patting your head and giving you a brief hug. He doesn't like you being worried about it, so he tried to make sure you understand he's okay.
The next day is obviously intense, and you spend a lot of time making sure Ray is safe, keeping an eye on him throughout the game. You interview him at halftime momentarily, joking around together before he has to go. You also remind him to be safe out there, yelling after him.
He clearly doesn't follow this advice too closely, however, and ends up getting tackled by some larger player (probs Niko lets be so fr) You, of course, feel incredibly scared, watching him from the sidelines all while trying to keep composure as a host.
As he gets guided to the bench to rest, you move yourself over there to talk to him, frantically making sure he's ok. You end up in his arms, him holding you tightly.
After that interaction and him assuring you plenty that he's alright, you go back to doing your job as a host, interviewing other players and such.
Post game, he comes back to see you, striding over to you with intent. It startles you for a moment, when you suddenly see him standing so close to you. He give a short hug followed by a even shorter, nervous kiss.
After a moment of staring at each other, he takes off his jersey, handing it to you with a smile. He doesn't even say anything, just holds it out for you to take.
You end up wearing that jersey on your flight back and on many occasions afterwards. <3
guys I legit don't know why but I really can't tell if I like this style of writing or not. let me know what you think, I'm soso sorry this isn't very good, I truly hope you still enjoy <33
title is a song from great gatsby the musical ofc
anyways, thank you sososo much for being my first ever request, I love you to the moon and back tbh!!
I definitely want to do more of these before school starts to make everything crazy again, so if anyone wants to send something in feel completely free and wanted within my inbox! I'll take requests about pretty much anyone (check out the list of things I love for some reference!!) or I'm for sure here to chat <33
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What about having a baby with Peter? I'm in baby fever and I love to see Peter being a wonderful dad! and I love your arts so much and it bring me happy when u post YBG arts~😍
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hi @mikaykay1229 ! thank you so much for your kind words and the cute request! I apologise for the long delay 🙏
I’m not sure if you wanted my OC with Peter or just Y/N.. so, I decide to draw female Y/N so anyone can enjoy this art by imagining themselves having a baby with YB 🩵 “Y/C” means “your child”!
I hope you like it!
🌟my reqs still open! feel free to send them more! <3 🌟
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chrissdollie · 7 months
cookies, please!
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of course! here is all of our cookies, please take a look at every one
rules for this blog are simple. mdni on smut, NO incest, dni if ur racist, homophobic, ableist, etc
be KIND. i am always sweet to my followers/visitors and i expect the same back
please dont ever compare my work with anyone elses. everyone has different writing styles/thought processes
i dont block people often, but if i do its not for no reason
do not bother me by sending the same request over and over again. i am a VERY slow person lmao i need time to get my ideas down. i always work on requests before my personal ideas, but i still have other things im working on. i will always see your requests/asks but i probably wont respond right away
ive never had a problem with anyone on this app, dont start some unnecessary shit
keep your mean opinions to yourself. i am absolutely welcome to feedback, i'd love if you could give me tips! but please be respectful
please interact: if u like my writing ofc hehe, if u have a request(s), if you just wanna talk, if u wanna vent slide into my dms pls!!
my readers are all similar! they are girly, bubbly, and sweet. unless i say otherwise, they are always fem
normally don't do second parts to oneshots unless i really want to. sorry :(
when you request something, i'd prefer if it was in detail. for example, a simple, "can u write angst where matt is depressed" is okay but it will take me such a long time to get to ur req because i need to think of what i wanna do, yk? if u put it in a better description like, "can u do angst where matt is struggling with depression while in a relationship with yn and she leaves him bc she thinks he needs to work on himself", thats much better and gives me more to work with !
but dont be upset if i change ur request just a bit. sometimes i dont feel comfortable with touching on certain topics so i might change a bit of the plot c:
i dont mind spam liking/reblogging at all!! please feel free to :D
if u read all these rules, click on "pettydoll's bakery" on my pinned post for my main masterlist
ty! <333
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2baabbies · 7 months
open fic requests
hiii baddies
I’m still feeling very unmotivated, but I wanted to try something new to get back into writing 
✨fic request bingo✨
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so, anyone (following or not) can leave a comment or send me an ask for a short fic request. they’re going to be between 200 and 800 words, second person pov, and x reader only. aside from my guidelines (listed at the end), here are the rules:
choose an image from this ‘bingo card’ for the setting of the fic
request (nicely please 🥺) an idol and provide a short prompt for me (it doesn’t have to be directly related to the image you chose)
lmk what pronouns to use for the reader. if none are given I’m going to use she/her because it’s what I’m most used to writing
please let me know if you want sfw or nsfw, and for nsfw if the reader is amab or afab; I still don’t want minors interacting even if it’s a sfw request so PLEASE only request if you are 18 or older
poly relationship reqs are fine as well but no more than 2 idols x the reader because the word limit is going to be too constricting
will write:
💕 stray kids, nct dream, or (g)i-dle members
💕 any assigned sex reader (I prefer to write afab reader though and don’t have a lot of experience writing for amab reader)
💕 smut and most kinks 
💕 any combo of dom/sub dynamics with idols
💕 hybrid au that’s not traditional a/b/o (aka my version of hybrids)
💕 slight angst, I prefer fluff and humour reqs
would prefer not to write:
💘 specific topics around transitioning (trans readers are very welcome but I don’t feel qualified to write in detail about body dysmorphia, gender affirming care, or any sort of comfort fic related to transitioning because I don’t want to generalize individual experiences and feelings that aren’t my own ❤️)
💘 self-harm
💘 eating disorders
💘 reqs for reader descriptions that are too specific (weight, skin colour, eye colour, etc., I try to be as vague as possible so more people can enjoy my fics)
will NOT write:
💔 for groups not listed in the ‘will write’ section
💔 gender-swapped idols
💔 substance abuse
💔 illness
💔 incest/stepcest
💔 age-gap/age-play/pedophilia
💔 cheating
💔 domestic violence/abuse
💔 noncon/dubcon
💔 urine/scat/vomit play
💔 anything I don’t want to write! you can ask, but I’m always free to decline without an explanation
if anyone else wants to use the image prompts go right ahead, I got them all from pinterest 🫶🏻
finished reqs:
💕 picture perfect (minnie x afab+fem!reader): #11, sfw, confession
💕 cloudburst (hyunjin x gn!reader): #4, sfw, caught in the rain with hyunjin, established relationship
💕 read me like a book (bangchan x fem!reader): #7, suggestive, bookstore meetcute with extra flirty chan, background hyunlix
reqs in queue:
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azsazz · 11 months
On the topic of creating the side blog:
I might have misunderstood what you were proposing, but I’ve understood it as you would create a side blog to post requests you’ve gotten, or ideas for fics that you’ve had, so that other writers could read them and potentially write them and tag or reblog the completed work to show where it came from?
On that basis (sorry if I’ve gotten it wrong🫠), just as a writer myself, it kind of feels like you’d be monopolising fic ideas? This might totally be me being too negative and pessimistic so tell me if you feel that way (I’m really so sorry if I sound like that), but you’re a big account already, and plagiarism is still a pretty serious issue even online, so there might be an instance where a smaller blog or something would be accused of copying your idea and then get blamed for that?
I get that is a ‘what if’ sort of problem, but personally I’d feel a little hard done by if you just started posting all these ideas you had and kind of ‘claiming the rights to them’?
Anyway, I’d like to emphasise this isn’t supposed to come off as antagonising or even mean but it’s difficult to convey tone through asks? It really is just to offer a different viewpoint, so obviously feel totally free to delete or ignore this :)
I really love your fics and specifically the way you write (that Cassian a/b/o one sent me to heaven multiple times—like I’d brushed my teeth, changed into my pyjamas and fully settled into bed then put off sleep because I was like ‘I have to read this and I have to read this now’) 💙💙💙
Hello hello!
So, the idea came about when i posted that rhys thing. people were asking me to write it and then i was thinking what if i didn't want to but someone else did? and i realized that there are a lot of asks/reqs that i may not have the time to do or don't resonate with, so putting the ideas out there for anyone to use
no one has to tag the blog if they write anything (i just thought it would be fun to read the fics if someone used something but its truly not needed in order to utilize what i'm proposing), and it will be open for everyone to share ideas and send requests if they want anyone to write the idea! but, based on some of the polls, i wouldn't be posting the asks in my inbox, only ones that come to the other blog.
i've seen many writers write the same types of stories already and i don't see it as a problem but maybe some do? it wasn't meant as something i could monopolize on, and i'm sorry if you viewed it that way, in my head i thought people would maybe enjoy it if they're a new writer and having trouble with ideas of if someone has sent the same request to multiple people or if they just want to see their fic written
i think your feelings are absolutely valid, and i appreciate you bringing them up and being so kind about it! 💙 I enjoy that this is a space where we can have these kinds of conversations!
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
Important Requesting Notice!
this is kinda important to anyone requesting on my blog, pls read!
hey guys! as previously mentioned, im still on vacation. i am currently working on reqs, but some of them r kinda difficult, i dont want to be rude but im much more inclined to write character x reader or hcs ab a character as this is a character x reader writing blog.
ive been getting a few reqs that arent even x reader or about specific characters in particular, and i dont want to disappoint the anon/asker if i do the wrong character or write it in an unappealing way to the anon. ive also recieved a few reqs that are ab specific AUs that the asker came up with, and i want to be able to write the reqs that are sent in, however i dont know how to write for AUs or OCs that i dont know anything about or arent explained, so im sorry if the writing isn't super accurate to ur interpretation of the AU !😭
im fine with people sending in reqs for AUs such as tdp modern AU x reader, but a req that is asking about how certain characters would react if they met the askers OC or if they met beings from another planet may take longer for me to respond to/i might not write as well since i want to make them accurate to the req but i also just need a backstory to work with <\\\3 again, this blog caters to character x reader or character hcs, and i just find myself more inclined to write those reqs as they interest me more and are overall more fun to write without the stress of making sure that im getting the AU or OC exactly the way the anon wanted it instead of using my own imagination. writing for OCs and AUs requires me to focus more on writing something someone else came up with, and i just dont want to be inaccurate to someone elses idea or daydream! i dont want to disappoint anyone either 🫠
im sorry if these reqs take longer, i cant help it as i just want to write what i personally come up with rather then someone elses idea bc i just feel like i wont do it justice <\\3
overall, i dont want to be hateful or upset any of the requesters who sent me asks, ily all and u can req whatever u like! however some requests can be difficult for me to respond to, be something very specific that i personally dont understand, or just might not interest me and those will take longer for me to respond too!
finally, not all reqs ive recieved are being targeted by this post, some of the reqs ive recieved are great! even the ones that are more difficult to write are still awesome and the askers are amazing and creative, and i would never want to make anyone feel bad ab sending in a req! i have definitely NOT recieved a ton of reqs as i am a small writing blog and i appreciate everyone who has sent in a req so far <3 i will definitely still be taking reqs, and i hope everyone understands this post! feel free to ask questions, i will try to reply as much as i can :) (theres some more stuff in tags if u care😭 if u read this far tysm:)
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idyllic-affections · 2 years
please read this post thoroughly before entering my inbox with a thought or a request. requests are currenly open for mutuals only, unless stated otherwise.
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request rules are as follows:
1. as per the theme of my blog, please only send me platonic and sfw requests. as a general statement, if anyone (anon, mutual, or otherwise) sends an nsfw thought into my inbox, i will block you so fucking fast. don't do it.
2. i only write for gn!reader (they/them); my content is largely targeted towards aroacespec non-binary folk, but anyone can read it and you are free to imagine any pronouns! please do not request fem!reader or fem-aligned!reader. while i will take male!reader or male-aligned!reader reqs, please be mindful of the fact that i do NOT know what it's like to be a dude so... accuracy may vary, i suppose. /lh neopronoun and more specific non-binary gender identity requests are welcome! please just make sure you send me the full pronoun set as a reference <3
3. be polite! and patient. i am human and a full-time student. requests may not be posted for months. they may be posted within a week. who knows? i don't, so please be patient!
4. generally, i'm open to writing most topics (except pregnancy and its related topics, yandere, abuse done by the character you are requesting, or s/h and active suicidal intent requests; please do not send me reqs about these topics). shoot me an ask if you're uncertain about your request's content!
5. do not be hateful towards anyone (except hate anons, i will not be protecting them). if you are, or if i find out that you are being hateful on your blog or somewhere else, i will block you 👍
if you are not a mutual but still have ideas you want to share, please read the following:
requests are closed. however, please do not feel disheartened—i am still accepting thoughts and suggestions! you all will still be seen and heard, but there is no guarantee that i will take your thoughts and create something out of them. so, if you want to ramble in my inbox about a character you like, go for it! all suggestions/thoughts must abide by the request rules described in the section above.
the characters i write for are listed below. italics indicates a favorite of mine.
→ genshin impact. venti, zhongli, ei, nahida, sucrose, kaeya, klee, aether, lumine, xiao, beidou, ningguang, baizhu, qiqi, kazuha, kokomi, collei, tighnari, cyno, alhaitham, kaveh, nilou, wanderer/scaramouche, il dottore, pantalone, arlecchino, childe, columbina, la signora, lyney, lynette, freminet, furina, neuvillette, clorinde, navia, wriothesley.
→ demon slayer. tanjiro, nezuko, zenitsu, inosuke, tengen and his wives, kyojuro, mitsuri, shinobu, kanao, kanae, giyuu, obanai, muichiro, yuichiro, kagaya, rui, enmu, douma, & gyomei.
→ toilet-bound hanako-kun. hanako, nene, kou, mitsuba, sakura, yako, and tsuchigomori.
→ stardew valley. elliott, leah.
→ honkai: star rail. dan heng (including il), welt yang, himeko, march 7th, stelle, natasha, hook, clara, serval, gepard, sampo, jing yuan, yanqing, kafka, asta, and arlan. maybe yaoshi if you ask nicely.
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heckinhacker · 2 years
I wanted to say sorry...yet again--
I know my posting schedule is nonexistent and I appear from time to time here, but to anyone new, or anyone waiting: I wanted to sincerely apologise that I dissapear and show up like that, my attention span, my artistic spirit, everything is messed up at the moment,,,
I don't have real big plans, really, and even though this blog likes to rise from the dead pretty often, feel free to send me reqs, some might ignite some idea.
Orrr to talk with me, I would like that C:
I got succumbed into working pace, and,,,well, I'm farming the hell out from my realm in genshin because i really want Cyno... I got Tighnari from blue banner and man I got lucky, still waiting for Electro BF to come home T_T
Pray for me~! And see you hopefully soon in some other posts.
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pinksikhewei · 1 month
Rules/Req info! 💕
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Sending things to my inbox:
💖 Please be careful when talking about sh in my asks! Positive connotation is okay, but please don’t tell me if you’ve relapsed/want to ect. This can be very triggering (requests for a fic are okay, though)
🎀 This one is an odd rule but please do not send images that include a lot of balloons! I don’t think it’s likely to happen, but I’m throwing it out there anyway— I have a phobia of them! It’s not too bad with photos, but sometimes if there’s a lot of them it still makes me a little nervous :)
💕 Feel free to talk about ANYTHING though!! Don’t be afraid to yap :)
Things I won’t write:
💕 smut
🎀 usually don’t write x reader fics, but feel free to drop the req anyway and I might try it!
💖 anything to do with kids (ex a character being a dad or something) I’m so bad at writing it and honestly it’s just not my style
Fandoms/people I will write for:
💖 Sturniolo Triplets
🎀 Logan Howlett/Wolverine
💕 Heartstopper
💝 DSMP or people related to that group (preferably SBI, not Wilbur, or anyone in Cricket Crew)
🌷 Sam and Colby
💞 Jake Webber
🌸 I’m completely willing to write for Age Regression!
🌺 Criminal Minds
Other info:
🌸 I’ve been writing since ~2020, and I started out with DSMP fics
💕 Previous longform agre fic (Beeduo centric)
🎀 I write angst/comfort and fluff interchangeably— sometimes I’ll do a bunch of angst but sometimes I’m feeling more cheery :)
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