#if anyone has any to add pls share
cangelgifs · 2 years
BTVS & ATS Crossover Fic Recs
Bad Timing by Kelly22 Rating: PG-13 Summary: This story is set a little after Cordy comes back from vacation with Groo, except in my AU world, there was no bad father-devouring-son prophecy and no babies growing up in hell dimensions. So people still like Wesley and I guess Holtz and Justine ran off to the mid-west together, because they certainly aren't rearing their ugly heads in MY story.
Title: The End of the World . . . Again? by Dock Rating: R Summary: The Scoobies come to LA to stop the latest apocalypse.
Radiance by Loki Rating: PG-13 Summary: This was written for LB’s challenge. The requirements were: Angel and Cordy be invited to some kind of party in Sunnydale, Cordy’s demon status be revealed, Cordy would coax Angel onto the dance floor, and Buffy and Xander’s response to the last two.
two roads diverged (and that has made all the difference) by RoseyPoseyPie Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: “I know how we can defeat Glory!” Anya pronounced. Willow and Xander both looked up at her in surprise. Even Giles, over by the register with his tea, looked up in interest. “We run away!”
Return by bizzielizzie Rating: NC-17 Summary: Ats/Buffy crossover.
Mistletoe Mansion by Becjane Rating: NC-17 Summary: Time Travel-ish. Written for AO’s Christmas Ficathon.
This Time It’s Real by Anneb Rating: NC-17 Summary: Challenge Issued by Muff -Cordelia dies -Buffy and Angel get back together but Angel is not happy -Cordelia comes back from the dead -Buffy and Cordelia fight over Angel but have to work together to save the world -Scooby gang accepts Cordy back while the fang gang is hesitant on her return: reason for this must be revealed.
Unexpected by rgw (Robin) Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel and Cordelia discover something unexpected while attending Xander and Anya’s wedding in Sunnydale. This takes place some time at the beginning of Season 3 after everyone is over the trauma of Buffy dying and then coming back, but before the whole Darla/Connor mess.
To Be A Wife by Cordelia's Destiny Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel and Cordelia go undercover in a new case.
Seperate Hearts by Califi Rating: NC-17 Summary: An enforced separation forces Cordy to face up to her true feelings for Angel.
Wavelengths by Lysa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Having dealt with Connor’s potential kidnappers, Angel finds that his greatest threat actually comes from Sunnydale.
A Night on the Town by Kettricken (Viv) Rating: Author doesn't say. Summary: A picture of Angel and Cordelia ends up in a magazine. And things happen from there.
Home Is... by Argent and Love's Bitch Rating: NC-17 Warning: Non-con/dub-con scene (not between C/A). Summary: Challenge Fill. * After learning of Buffy's resurrection, Angel returns to Sunnydale after Cordelia goes out of her way to convince him not to miss a second chance. I see a very moving scene here where she convinces him to go (but of course is crying as he leaves) * Cordelia is the official owner of Angel Investigations (if you think about it, she has to be...), and continues with the help of Wesley and Gunn to respond to her visions. * Back in Sunnydale with Buffy, Angel begins to have dreams...then full blown visions himself...of Cordelia's battles. * Scenes establishing the distance between Buffy and Angel * Angel checks up on Cordy without her knowing...but without telling Buffy * Angel notices that Buffy seems to gravitate/get angry/lose control when she's around Spike...and she won't talk about him. * Big blow-up fight between B&A about Cordy's role in his life.
A Bolt from the Blue by Katrina Rating: Author doesn't say but probably no more than Teen & Up. Summary: Spike and Cordelia strike sparks off each other, opening the eyes of Angel to his true feelings.
Let's Do the Monster Mash by Califi Rating: NC-17 Summary: C/A get invited to a special Halloween bash at the Bronze- SunnyHell, and it goes downhill from there when an old enemy gets in on the action!
Taken by Gabriella Rating: R for language and sexual situations Summary: “Look, the bottom line is, Darla and Drusilla are together, and they’re planning on Angel and Spike joining them. At any cost.” Warning: Torture and graphic depictions of violence and the character deaths of Darla and Dru.
Surprises by Tonya Rating: PG Summary: Cordy and Angel travel to Sunnydale for a wedding.
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sukibenders · 17 days
Is it just me or does the way Hera is portrayed in the PJO/HOO series feel out of touch? By that I mean, while it plays into the idea of Hera's relationship with her husband's children and ideals of family, it seems like Rick just took that and ran with it without actually wanting to dive into those aspects and develop them more (ngl, his writing for his female characters, especially the goddesses, could use some work even if I do enjoy them). The reason Hera is the way she is with her husband's children is because she can't punish him [Zeus] directly due to him being more powerful (and the last time she turned against didn't he literally hang her from the sky)? And even while I'm not justifying her actions, there's a method to them, so why would she go after other random demigods like Percy and Annabeth? Or at least in a way that was written better than her falling into a trope (I enjoy this series with my heart, but the criticism about how the gods are written holds some value that shouldn't just be ignored either). Like, I don't know, it just feels like there was more that could've been done with her character instead of just immediately writing her off as the cruel, cold-hearted, evil stepmother (a trope that's overplayed, especially when not even bothering to give them any depth). I could write ideas, but then we'd be here all day.
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foolishlovers · 4 months
Hello hello! Would you mind recommending a few more of your favorite ineffable wives fics? They really do mean the world to me :)
sure, here are some ineffable wives fics i enjoyed:
Caught In The Web Of Her Smile by WaitingToBeBroken (T, 2.2k) The inherent homoeroticism of having your archenemy/wife bound in your supervillain lair. Followed closely by the annoyance of discovering she doesn't really mind.
Roller Derby Queen by summerofspock (M, 2.5k) Crowley skates for Hell on Wheels and she's pretty good at it too. She'd be better if she weren't so distracted by the new skater on the opposing team.
Do It With Style by RainyDayDecaf (T, 2.9k) “You see, I want to look… w-well, I’m afraid I don’t exactly know how to describe it. But I believe the term is butch…?” Or, Aziraphale gets a new look, and Crowley is her hair stylist.
A Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit-Down by KannaOphelia (T, 4.7k) Crowley had determinedly resisted any wasting of funds on alternative nonsense in her hospice, until she was forced to accept the cuddle therapist. There's no way any woman gave hugs that could be worth fifty pounds an hour. Any woman.
The one where Crowley has period cramps and Aziraphale takes care of her by livingforazirowley (G, 5k) A day spent at home, Crowley suffering from period cramps and Aziraphale taking care of her.
The Art of Human Nature by IneffableDoll (T, 6k) Crowley is a painter who has only ever had an eye for nature. That is, until a client named Aziraphale commissions her for a painting to boost her self-confidence, and Crowley discovers that her client is as beautiful as the Earth itself. Then she goes and catches feelings, because she’s a disaster.
Have Your Cake by Blue_Sparkle, summerofspock (E, 11k) Aziraphale runs into Crowley during one of her assignments at a country estate. It's been a few centuries but she thinks she'd remember if Crowley had always made her feel this way.
Coming Home by TawnyOwl95 (E, 35k) Aziraphale isn’t running away. She is making space to regroup after she caught her husband bending his PA over the kitchen counter. (She’ll never be able to roll out pastry there again!) Crowley is not hiding. She is taking a moment to recover from a stressfully successful career in London's financial sector (And all the questionable life decisions she made to pursue this.) They’ve both returned to their home town and aren’t expecting to fall in love again. But with twice as much baggage and far more hurts than when they were teenagers, it’s going to take a miracle to stop history repeating itself.
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PLS, I need more non-human twst au (maybe with male or gn yuu? If I ask kindly, with a cherry on top 🥺🥺🥺) + (you au gave me some ideas, great au, yummy, delicious ate it all up)
Seeing this pleases me greatly, I wasn't expecting to actually get asks from people.
Hmm, should I keep using non-human, or would demi-human be better for this? Just Beasts? 🤔
Anyway, I’m not sure what you want specifically aside from the “male or gn yuu” bit but what's currently been in my head with this...
Nonhumans are in general stronger and have better senses than humans. Faster, stronger, sense of smell, night vision. When your friends are around you might get a startle at night or when the light goes out because of glowing eyes. They are also typically bigger except for the ones related to prey animals. What's small to them could be considered average for us.
Peets, hooves, and talons are common. Some wear special shoes, have you ever seen the hoof boots they have for horses? Imagine that but in an NRC design. 
Hormonal schoolboys already get into plenty of fights but adding beasty guys to the mix? You will likely see many scuffles. Particularly over things like snacks, hang-out spots, dominance, and crushes.
Humans are the minority in Twisted Wonderland. The beasties were always better suited for surviving and the humans that remained could get by because of magic. So, you not only being a human but one without magic makes you rare…and vulnerable.
Your scent is different from the other humans here and the guys aren't sure why. Cuz you're from another world? Or lack of magic? Maybe it's just a you thing. Regardless sniffing someone isn't considered exactly rude like it is in our world, so you often get some curious noses pointed your way.
Many find your clawless monkey hands and round ears both weird and cute.
You will get scented by your friends often and need a lent roller for all that fur that’s going to get on your uniform.
A lot don’t care much about gender or sex when it comes to a would-be mate, though there are at least some with a preference. For a lot of them, the usual stuff like strength, personality, and skill are what they look at but something particularly important to many is scent. The fact that yours is unique has gotten you more attention. Careful complementing the scent of one of the guys though cuz you're pretty much saying “I think you're breedable.”
Another thing with the whole gender and sex thing, there are a lot of animals out there that can change their sex, have both sex bits, etc. That also applies to the non-human guys that are based on those animals. So, any genderqueer-ness isn't something they’ll bat an eye at.
Many court the animal way so expect gifts of shiny things, food, and clothing covered in your guy's scent, or a piece of themselves like a feather or scale. Might want to make it clear you don't want anything…that they hunted. Stuffed animals are a lot better than dead ones at your doorstep.
You will be groomed, cuddled, licked, nipped, and bitten by the one you accepted as your mate.
That's all I can think of at the moment but if anyone wants to add or share their ideas/thoughts please do. The interaction makes me happy and helps these thoughts grow and become something more.
Like possible fics. 🤫
(Please tell me what kind of creatures you think the boys would be.)
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marsoid · 1 year
@wip i have a tumblr feature suggestion!!
Right now, Twitter (or whatever it’s called now) is the only social app that allows PRIVATE ACCOUNTS (instagram doesn’t count because you can’t have text posts. You expect me to post an image every time I want to vent? Facebook also doesn’t count because I hate it.)
I know we have the ability currently to make our side blogs private, but here’s the issue with that for me:
1. They can’t be FOLLOWED, you can apparently only add “members” to the blog.
2. I thought I had more points but really it keeps coming back to the fact that they can’t be followed. I don’t want to put in a password every time I want to check in on a friend. The convenience of making your own private blog and following your friends’ private blogs cannot be overstated. It’s the ONE THING that’s keeping me attached to twitter.
What’s so great about having a private blog?
Safety. Toggle your blog to “Private” in Visibility settings if you need a breather from outside attention. Only your followers will be able to see any new posts you make. Old posts will still be visible outside your blog however, similar to when a blog is deactivated I assume.
Friends-only space. Sharing thoughts and art with only a few close friends is more comfortable for a lot of people.
Actual privacy. Even if you have 0 followers, even if you don’t use tags, the tumblr search will still pull up any word used in the post itself, meaning if someone searches the right thing, your posts could still show up to anyone. Setting your blog to private would remove this concern.
Journaling. Private twitters are nice, but a private tumblr? Getting to write out a BIG LENGTHY RANT for only close friends? Hell yea
Keep explicit content away from those who don’t want to see it. Setting a blog to private is a great way to keep certain art and writings out of easily reachable spaces.
Another bridged gap between twitter and tumblr. Ok listen. I’m not necessarily advocating for every twitter user to join tumblr. But I know that’s something the tumblr staff is interested in, so I’m adding it here for that reason. I for one would ditch twitter in a heartbeat if I could have a private blog, and would probably have an easier time convincing some straggling friends to join for a feature like this. Just sayin
I also made some quick and sloppy mockups
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Anyway i guess that’s the gist of it
If anyone has anything to add pls feel free. I really want a private blog LMAO
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Can you post more for conrad fisher?
Request: Snow on the beach for Conrad pls?
Who has watched the first three episodes? I was waiting and refreshing my tv until it was time XD Also, don't forget to get on my taglists to get notified when I post something new! I have a lot of Conrad and Jeremiah in my draft
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Per Susannah’s wish, you all came down to Cousins to celebrate her last thanksgiving. The emotions were heavy, but Susannah wouldn’t allow anyone to be sad — not even for one second. She knew the tears and sorrowful faces would take over very soon, so she wanted to have one last happy celebration with everyone at the beach house. 
Being at the Fishers’ beach house outside of summer felt strange. The pool was a nasty green shade and the sun wasn’t shining all over the back porch. A thicker coat was shielding you from the late November chill, along with a scarf you had crocheted yourself. Steven loved to tease you and call you a grandma for crocheting, but he was always appreciative when you would make something for him. 
After dinner, Conrad and you went down to the beach. Unlike the last time, a pair of boots and a coat replaced your summer attires. 
You’ve always loved the beach — especially this beach.
The beach you grew up running to the water with Jeremiah, Steven, Conrad and Belly every summer, with your mother reminding you to put sunscreen on every few hours so you wouldn’t end up looking like a lobster. The beach Conrad taught you how to surf even if you were terrible at it. The beach you and Jeremiah buried Belly in the sand one summer. The beach you went to at night when you couldn’t sleep or had too much on your mind. The beach you and Conrad shared your first kiss. 
‘’It’s snowing,’’ Conrad pointed out, drawing your attention and pulling you out of your thoughts.
You looked up at the evening sky, seeing a spectacle of white flecks of snow coming down with no sound and all around. It was beautiful, yet felt impossible. Just like Conrad wanting you. A smile curled on your lips, marveling at the sight. ‘’It's weird but so beautiful at the same time.’’ 
Conrad came behind you, his arms circling you in his hold. A soft hum of agreement escaped his lips, perfectly attuned to the moment. You leaned back against him, both of you standing in awe of the snowfall. 
To immortalize the moment, you pulled out your phone and Conrad kissed your cheek as you snapped a picture. The snow was only slightly visible on the screen, but you knew it was there. Maybe you’ll add it to your Thanksgiving carousel on Instagram…or maybe you’ll keep it to yourself. 
Despite bundling up in additional layers, the crispness of the air still penetrated through your clothes, reminding you of the chill that accompanied the enchanting scene. You shivered, the night air slowly icing your fingers. Gloves felt too much, but now you were regretting not taking some with you to Cousins.
‘’You cold?’’ Conrad asked, taking your hands in his to warm them. Though his hands were slightly chilled as well, they felt warm over yours. ‘’Here. I’ll warm you up.’’ 
Appreciating his thoughtful gesture, you smiled up at him, the heat transferring from his palms to yours. 
You long felt guilty for taking something — someone — your sister had always wanted, but Belly was not blind. She saw the way Conrad looked at you, the smiles he kept just for you, and all the attention he always gave you. How he made you his priority — always. She wanted someone to love her like that. Someone who was cold-hearted with everybody else, but never with her. Someone who showed his feelings through small gestures and soft spoken confessions instead of going all Patrick Verona during his promposal to Kat.
‘’I love you, Conrad Fisher,’’ you whispered to him, enveloped by the quiet intimacy of the beach. ‘’You're the best thing that's ever been mine.’’ 
As the words left your lips, Conrad's curled into a soft smile. They were rare these days, but there was always one for you, even if it was small.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti
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goodwitchhour · 1 month
stephen nedoroscik boyfriend headcanons
requested: yes / no
summary: what the title says baby !!!!
cw: idk man it’s mainly just some fluff!
notes: quickly wanted to do this while writing all of your stephen requests!! promise they’ll be up soon but uni is taking up a lot of my time for the next two weeks would also like to add that I am not, in any way, trying to disrespect stephen OR his 8-year relationship (tess ur an icon and ily, pls share ur secrets for having such a good relationship bc ya girl is desperate), this is purely for funsies & obvs fictional!!! let me know if yall want another part & what your own hcs are! okay byeeeeee
stephen nedoroscik x reader ♡
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he fell first. he knows straight away if he likes someone and if he does then thats that and it was no different with you. he didn't have eyes for anyone else, especially after he learnt that you liked him as well
my guy is a little spoon. sometimes he’ll be the big spoon but he also really just wants a cuddle
speaking of.. hugs! all! the! time! will hug you from behind if you’re busy doing something or when one of you have just come home he’ll scoop you up like it’s the easiest thing ever
honestly can’t imagine ever fighting with him likeeee if one of you is upset then he’ll make sure you talk it out! will sit down with you and would be SO patient but he also won’t force you to talk it out if you’re not ready to — either way yall won’t be getting into a screaming match bc frankly I think he’d rather die
on the other hand, if the relationship is more new & fresh he might be hesitant to bring up problems in fear of potentially ruining or making things awkward between you
but once you become more comfortable with each other and your relationship he finds it much easier to come to you, especially because the trust between you is much stronger
will send you videos when he’s at practice! or he’ll actually facetime you and just be on call until it’s basically time to go back home to you! and if you're not busy then you're coming with him to the gym!!
sends you memes all the time! like if you go a few days without checking your dms on instagram or tiktok, trust that he has flooded with them with cursed posts
he will also send you photos & videos of kyushu ALL THE TIME!!! and if he’s away, he’ll ask to facetime just so he can say hi to him lol
will teach you how to play chess and will teach you about his favourite rubiks cube algorithms
will also teach you how to play rocket league if you don’t already know, like will do the whole sit you on his lap and put his hands on yours as his teaches you the controls
speaking of lap sitting, one of his love languages is physical touch fr! if you’re at home he’s practically smothering you but if yall are in public he needs to at least still hold hands or have a hand on your leg/arm/shoulder. he isn’t big on pda really but he also needs to be on your space in some way so it’s something he has to try & balance lmfao
like the scorpio he is, he’s very intense in his love for you! like he’ll keep things private about specific relationship details but he’ll still talk about you all. the. time. without compromising said privacy!! he gets especially good at keeping this balance during the olympics when the press are all over him
if you’re a gymnast like him then he loves training with you!! will help you with routines and vice versa
if you’re just a regular lil person then he loves hearing about your job! always ready for you to come home and unload on him about your day
andddd if you’re famous in some capacity then trust he’s the MOST supportive of you and your career!! like he is your n.1 cheerleader!! (side note… stephen x famous!reader anyone??)
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moth-bells · 1 year
How did Sun get blind in your cryptid and baby au? Was he born blind or was it an injury? If it's spoilers please ignore! Also was wondering, what's sun and moons relationship? Brothers, mates...? Do they normally pick up what they assume are babies and keep them?
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(disregard if I ever said about sun being blind and why before now bc I've decided to add some lore to this au instead of it just being silly goofy) He wasn't born blind, but he has been for a long time :) He does have very pale irises, but I don't draw them ^^ Also they aren't related by blood, but their relationship is ambiguous! They are nesting mates(meaning they share and live in the same nest), but that can be anything! You can see them as platonic, familial, romantic, etc! I won't be drawing them in any way that can be strictly anything(and if you do see them as familial in this au, don't harass anyone who doesnt pls and ty )
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rivangel · 11 months
Omg Kane, I love your smiling Levi post so much I'm giggling every time I see it!! Speaking of which: do you have any headcanons to share with us about what / who makes Levi smile like this?
Take care 💙
thank you!! :D hmm
- it IS canon that Levi smiles whenever he sees his reflection in a clean window
- bet he smiles the same when he sees his reflection in a shiny clean sword/knife. melee weapons are one of his special interests sue me
- …Levi also smiled in the manga whenever armin was talking enthusiastically to eren and mikasa about exploring the world like they dreamed of doing as kids. maybe this was just a specific situation, but Levi strikes me as someone who smiles a little during really dark times when he notices a tiny glimmer of genuine hope. is that too serious? idk, like he wakes up from a terrible nightmare shaky with a cold sweat and finds his lover downstairs and humming while they brew tea/make some breakfast. he just smiles a little. it looks halfway pained but you’d know he was relieved and grateful if you saw it.
- he smiles easier whenever his horse Nibbles is chomping happily on apples levi feeds him or bunts his shoulder or something else cute like that.
- whenever Levi heard about trigger-action cleaning bottles. figuring out easier ways to clean is his jam. i wonder if he ever saw the invention of the electric vacuum cleaner
- whenever someone he really really cares about smiles and laughs he can crack a little half-smile sometimes that almost always goes unseen bc levi is stealth like that. especially if they’re normally pretty stoic like erwin, mike, or mikasa.
- btw he usually doesn’t possess the faculties to smile without covering his mouth or looking away btw. he gets embarrassed, and also he has crooked teeth so he doesn’t like his smile
- idc if this counts - Levi is easily EASILY ticklish and grins and giggles uncontrollably if you/his lover tickled the back of his neck fkskgkwjd. he HATES it. good return but expect payback.
- he can crack a smile when he receives a really, really thoughtful and sweet gift in private. big expensive gifts are the last thing levi likes because he feels so damn guilty about it. honestly if you got him a perfectly smooth little stone from a river that you washed, shined, and painted with blue white and grey (the wings of freedom colors), he’d treasure it foreverrr. and smile when you first place it in his hands of course.
- honestly when he thinks fondly about his mama back when he was little. it’s implied canonically that he’s a mama’s boy (when an interviewer asked isayama how levi would be if his mom lived when he was adult, he said levi would make sure she’s happy or something to that effect).
all that said, it’s just really, really hard to make levi smile because he doesn’t smile much or easily :( these are for sure tho. if anyone has any hcs feel free to pls add on :D
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talxns · 7 months
omg just came across that post and pls pls share ur thoughts on 60s brudick
Don’t mind if I do!!!
Batman (1966-68) is such an odd little treasure-trove of content when you look at it with a particular lens. Of course there are meta aspects of the show that kind of support the subtle brudick reading– the addition of the Aunt Harriet character to create some kind of buffer between the two guys constantly being together, and the addition of Barbara Gordon in season 3 to try to add a (kind of?) consistent love interest for Bruce so he didn’t seem as bored with women as he kind of gave off since he barely spent any time with anyone who wasn’t Dick. And Dick’s actor Burt Ward supposedly stated in his autobiography that Bruce and Dick could be interpreted as lovers.
Compared to modern interpretations, the characters of Bruce and Dick themselves are lighter, which complements the “campy” humorous tone of the show. Reference to Bruce’s parents happens only once, and Dick’s backstory is never addressed. This Batman doesn’t prowl around every night, tormented by his demons and pushing his loved ones away. He only goes out as Batman when Commissioner Gordon rings for him, always brings along Robin, and a majority of Batman and Robin’s crime-fighting takes place during the day.
This Bruce Wayne is kind of a do-no-wrong character. He’s never rude, he’s insistently law-abiding, and he’s never shown doing anything truly debaucherous, and the implication is that he just… Never does anything debauched ever. He never smokes or drinks alcohol, but not as much as a virtue of control as it is upholding a strict moral code against it. (He will order juice or more commonly milk when any kind of drinking is expected). This Bruce is kind of insufferable in his insistence of upholding good moral standing, and will take precious time to teach a moral lesson to Dick whenever he can think of one. And basically Bruce Wayne and Brucie Wayne are one in the same in this universe. His demeanor in public is the same as his demeanor in private.
Dick is similarly one dimensional. He is a goody-two-shoes like his guardian, though he has his outbursts of frustration which Bruce immediately tamps down on with some good old fashioned moral instruction. Dick will never fight Bruce’s word, will instantly agree with everything Bruce tells him, and will stroke his ego afterwards (Gosh, Bruce, you’re right! x100). This Dick is an excellent student, has many different hobbies (some of which he is very much not good at but Bruce still insists that he practice them), but doesn’t seem to be very cool compared to his classmates. He’s actually rather awkward and embarrassing when he tries. It’s probably because he’s spending all his time with Bruce, like a vicious cycle of relying on Bruce because he can’t relate to the cool kids at school and not being a cool kid because he’s hanging out with Bruce all day lol.
In Bruce and Dick’s freetime, they are together. There are maybe 4 or 5 instances out of 120 episodes where Bruce and Dick are not spending their day together before Gordon calls. It’s delightfully absurd. It’s certainly for the reasons to ease the plot, so they can be in the same place to start the episode’s story, but it gives the impression that Bruce Wayne almost exclusively spends all his time with Dick Grayson.
The show does a good job illustrating just how incredibly loyal and devoted to one another these characters are.
In an episode taking place at Dick’s high school, the other students tease him for being the ward of a millionaire, and Dick gets pretty defensive over it. In one of the rare instances that Dick is not with Bruce (on a date with a classmate), he is called by him, and dumps a milkshake on his date so he can have an excuse to go to Bruce. (Instances of Dick not being afforded a normal dating life during his teens and young adulthood because Bruce needs him is kind of a long running theme with these characters, isn’t it.)
There are a couple episodes where Bruce refuses to fight against brainwashed Dick (though there is an episode where Dick doesn’t return the favor and punches a brainwashed Bruce after apologizing in advance for it lol)
Bruce is adamant about Dick’s place at his side. Two times, Catwoman feigns innocence and offers to work with Batman as a partner. Bruce always reminds her of Robin being his partner, to which she always offers to kill him, and it always unsurprisingly upsets Bruce.
Bruce states that he would give up his life for Dick and tries to swap places with him when he’s in danger.
Dick is willing to let a villian fall to her death if she doesn’t cure Bruce of a spell she put him under. He is willing to let her dangle on the ledge of a tall building if she doesn’t promise to make Bruce normal again. Savage.
In the series, Dick is around 15-16 years old, since at the start he doesn’t have his license and by the end he gets it, and Bruce gives him a shiny red convertible for passing his driving test. You can just tell that when this Dick goes off to college, Bruce is going to be a wreck without him. What is he going to do all day now!?
Basically, aside from the 1943 black and white Batman serial, this was the first time we see a live action Bruce and Dick. And they are shown in all their devoted glory. In my opinion, this is the best live action interpretation of Dick and Bruce together (Sorry Schumacher fans), even if it’s very silly and dated. Kinda sad that there aren’t many options to choose from.
And since this Batman works on kind of an on-call system and isn’t vehemently patrolling the streets every night, isn’t really tormented by guilt and grief and never-ending duty, it’s really easy to extrapolate lazy evenings where Bruce and Dick are just simply enjoying each other’s company. Drinking tea and milk, reading poetry, and not being able to stay away from each other. In this universe, Aunt Harriet would never catch on, but Alfred would know and give them his blessing. Dick would push for more physical affection, Bruce would chastise him and teach him some moral lesson about abstinence, Dick would immediately fold and they’d go back to their hand holding and closed mouth kisses. That’s just the way this Bruce and Dick are. And it’s kind of refreshing in a pure and soft way.
I urge anyone to give the 60s Batman series a shot. Yeah, it’s goofy, yeah, Bruce and Dick seem out of character compared to modern interpretations, but hey, they are still valid interpretations, and it’s easy to see just how transparently they care for each other.
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Steve Rogers SFW Alphabet, A-M
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Request: Oooh can I also request a SFW headcanon A-M with Steve Rogers pls?
Of course my lovely, here you go! <3 If anyone would like the second half do let me know!
(I do not own Captain America or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @askthesuperhusbands. SFW Alphabet template credit goes to @keylimedie.)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
HUGS!! SO. MANY. HUGS. Steve has lost a lot in his life: his parents, his best friend, and even his own time and prior life, so he grips onto you at every opportunity he can get for two main reasons. One: to close his eyes, dip his head into your neck and breathe in your scent, reminding himself that you're real. He hasn't lost you, and neither are you some kind of ethereal dream, or a HYDRA cruel illusion. Secondly: he's afraid that if his strong arms aren't around your waist, tucking you into his pecs until your palms are resting gingerly against them, that somehow the universe will find a way to take away the one thing he cares about most in the world.
He's definitely a kissy man as well. Not huge, PDA, sweeping you off your feet kind of kisses, because he has some of that residue nervousness from before the serum, when he was just an overlooked kid trying his best to fight for a scrap of any prestige. His kisses are far sweeter: he often leans down before he has to leave the Avengers Tower for a mission, a shy smile shining from his radiant face as he slowly pecks your lips. He's embarrassed when he's found out for it, but sometimes he adds an extra little nose rub against your own before he fully pulls away.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Steve Rogers is both the best and absolute best friend to have. I mean, like Bucky, the three of you all became friends in the 1930's, when you run over to help Buck fend off a bunch of bullies from a very irritated looking Steve. When you had given Steve your hand to pull him back onto his feet, at first he seemed to be holding his fingers to his side and wincing at the way his ribs hurt with each tug. When he finally looked up, though, and saw you... man, he still gives you that star-struck, mouth agape stare now as he did back then.
Although you have to spend half your time running down alleyways with Buck, trying to find Steve and stop him from bloodying up his nose too bad, and then a quarter of your time on top of that trying to drag the surprisingly headstrong man back into bed after his asthma attacks, the remaining time spent with Steve is incredible. A lot of time is spent out in diners, Steve pretending he isn't blushing on the stool next to you as you slide your milkshake across the counter and trying to get him to share your straw. Or, you persuade him to try the dance halls: at first he's terrified, his hand shaking on your waist and ducking his head down against your chest as his second left foot stamps against your own. Eventually, the ongoers and swing band whirls past like sparks of fireworks as you and Steve come to an agreement: he'll stand on your feet and grip tightly onto your hand as you trot the two of you about. He's laughing so much against your chin, that soon his fingers are clenched so tightly against your palm that he feels like they're burning once he shakes them out.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
This man is the ultimate cuddler. It comes from multiple, cold, New York nights, where he and Buck could barely afford the rent, and had to spend the night curled up together under his mother's old, mildew stained couch cushions. He knows how to tuck up into a person, which is why it's so sweet that often times in bed he'll try to tuck himself up to your front, curling up like a hedgehog despite his larger stature now. If your arms get tired from holding itself over and around his bicep though, he immediately can tell, and immediately feels really bad. He's getting a lot more accustomed to being the big spoon, feeling a sense of pride at the exhale of pure peace you give when you feel his knees knock up behind your own. Once his hard chin bumps against the top of your head, and you can feel his fluttering heartbeat rest right against your spine, you're able to fall into the most deep, peaceful sleep you've had in a long time.
D = Darling  (Pet names)
'Doll' is definitely his go to, mainly out of habit. Sam tried to trick him a couple of times into trying to call you some really cheesy nicknames from like the 90s like 'my boo', but he still sometimes calls you it to tease you after he saw how hard you laughed at his stuttering pronunciation. Bless his heart.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Since you're literally the love of Steve's life - his soulmate, it would take something insurmountable to make Steve break up with you. Even being apart for missions makes his whole body feel like it was going to collapse in on itself. He was that twenty three year old again, ducking back from enemy fire and taking a respite to pull the crinkled photograph of you out of his pocket. He'd carried it with him, even tucked into his suit when he fell into the ice, and something about rubbing his thumb over the curve of your smiling, black and white cheek manages to stifle the ferocious burn of yearning that smoulders in his stomach.
Therefore, if he were to break up with you, he would only do it if he had no other choice. Perhaps he had to leave, go incognito, was sent out on a mission he knew he wouldn't come back from. He knows you. He knows you can take care of yourself. You know that you could bounce back from this. But if you were in danger because of him... if he lost you, because of his selfishness to keep you by his side at all times, he would never be able to forgive himself. He's spent a lot of nights crying silently in bed at the thought, but he knows deep down it's the right thing to do if the situation arises.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Oh my god, Steve wanted to marry you from the first moment his eyes glanced over your ethereal form. It started to get on Bucky's nerves, how often he would state it; when they were waiting by the railings at Cony Island for you to get to the top of the cotton candy queue, Steve had his hands stuck into his pockets, tenderly stroking at the fringes of his suspenders, as he put all his energy into smiling over at you. 'I'm going to marry Y/n one day, ya know?' Buck would just shake his head and slap Steve's back, but even he couldn't fault how perfect the two of you were for each other.
Or when the three of you were curled up underneath Steve's battered sofa cushions, a scratchy blanket the only thing keeping you warm as you huddled on the icy floor one unsympathetic New York night. You were tight as a bug in the middle, Buck's legs pulled up against your back, and Steve curled up facing you on your left. When he thought you were asleep, you felt the blanket rustle a little before the feel of his slight pointer finger suddenly graced the curve of your jaw: it was quick and slight, like the wings of a dragonfly dancing over the ripples of a pond so deep and enticing, that they can't help but want to drown. 'I swear, I'm going to marry you someday. You'll the only person I'll ever love, Y/n', he whispered into the dim cracked light flooding through the slants of the apartment's blinds, wistfully sighing at the lack of reply. You were too shell shocked to move, willing your eyes to remain shut when he carefully reached forwards and pressed the full extent of his shaking palm against the open side of your face.
Yeah, let's just say that when he proposes in Avengers Tower, you're not nearly as surprised as he is when you say yes. The two of you are weeping and grinning an equal amount as he grabs onto your waist and spins you in his arms, though.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
This man is incredibly soft. He's always there for you emotionally always. He seems to have a sixth sense for whenever something is off with you, and before you can even groan in frustration he's intertwined your fingers and is dragging you into one of the empty rooms in the Tower. He doesn't want to scare you, or make you feel as if you have to talk to him though, so he sits at the board room table next to you and just... places your hands on his knees. That's it. He just massages the edges of your fingers, and looks at you with that look: that knowing, one eyebrow raised look, as if he's saying 'I know you. I know you better than I know myself. And I'll wait forever, do whatever, to make sure you're alright again.' The look of sheer love in the bottle blue depths is enough to make your bottom lip wobble, and it doesn't take long for your frustrations with Tony to come spilling out.
Although he's super gentle, he does immediately get... not angry, but annoyed? He's the sort of guy that wants to sort out the situation for you, no matter what it is or how dangerous. It's like when it comes to you, something switches in his brain. His face falls into a stern line, the muscle in his jaw twitching, and you have to desperately pull him back by the bicep to stop him going out and getting himself hurt.
He's super gentle physically as well, but it's all the more evident when the two of you are out on a mission and he hasn't heard from you over the walkie talkie for a while. His heart hammers a million miles per minute as he runs through the navel base, peering like a man possessed down each corridor, and throwing desks out of the way as he hunts for you. When you finally bump into him on Deck 3, confused as to why he was so worried as you had only lost radio contact around fifteen minutes ago, you barely have time to register the look of pure fear on his face before he's wrapped you in his arms. It's as if he's holding onto a baby bird, the way his hands tremble as they spread over your lower back and tuck you against his chin. You have to reassure him you're alright, and pretend for his sake that you don't feel the wet splash of lone tears he was unable to hold back on the top of your head.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As I said under the last point, bro does Steve give good hugs dear lordie lord. Have you seen this man??
Before the serum, Steve wasn't much of a huggy guy, mainly because he was too embarrassed about his feelings to show them so evidently and implicitly. You might have got the old half-shoulder press when you left him back at this door after a day spent out at the park, but that would have been about it.
Post serum Steve cannot keep his hands off you. Although I don't feel like he's one for massive amounts of PDA in front of the other Avengers, mainly because he's fed up of getting teased all the time by Tony for it, it's much more recurrent in private. He hugs you every morning in bed: before you've even managed to blink your eyes fully open, Steve's shuffled under the covers and over towards your back. His lips are puffed: warm and languid as they slide kisses down the back of your shoulder blade, his arm strong and tight as it winds around your waist. 'Good morning', he murmurs as his bottom lip wipes delicately over the back of your neck, smiling to himself as you groan and shove yourself back against his touch.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Steve's told you he loves you a lot, but mainly when he thinks you're asleep or otherwise are too preoccupied to hear him. He's whispered it to you during sleepovers since you were both seven years old: he's murmured it to the breeze when you jump up from picnics in Central Park and wave him off, running back home before your mother realises you've been gone so long. He states it plainly into the night, when he's restless and alone in his apartment, with only his chipping ceiling keeping his pining mind company.
The first time he told you properly, though, was right before he fell into the ice. It was the last thing, as far as you thought, that he had ever said to you. He had promised to take you dancing again, now that he didn't have two left feet, and that he would meet you at six o'clock next week in your favourite spot by old Mrs McGee's Diner on 10th street. Before the radio had fizzled out into the deafening sound of silence, the words he had stated, so candid and forthright, as if they were the truest words in the world, had stabbed your heart with each whirring crackle. 'I love you, Y/n. I always have. I always will. I'm sorry I couldn't give you more.'
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I do have to say, poor Stevey does get jealous. In the back of his head, when he sees you talking and laughing during group hangouts with Thor, he reverts back to that skinny version of himself, who spent all day every day watching Bucky introduce new guys to you. He can't help the way that same overwhelming feeling of jealousy bubbles up from his gut and moves his limbs before he even realises, but he's quick to come stand by your side.
He's polite though, adding quips and bits to the conversation, but making it obvious to the both of you that he's there to just survey the scene. To calm down his nerves, even though he trusts you wholeheartedly. His eyes will keep flicking down to your eyes, then your nose, then your lips, and although he'll try to keep some self restraint and stop his arm from reaching out to latch on to you, if you're talking to someone he doesn't know he's less likely to be able to control himself.
Be ready to be lifted up and shoved up against the elevator wall before it's even completely closed on the Gala. Steve's shoved your thighs apart and hefted them up in the air so he can stand between your legs, his lips bruising as he kisses the side of your mouth, his hands simultaneously reaching up to undo the buttons of your dress shirt. He can't help it. He needs to show you how much he adores you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
They range from soft and sweet to hot and heavy. They're more, let's say polite in public. Say the two of you wander into the Avenger's kitchens at the same time, and as an act of fondness he'll reach for the coffee tin past your side while also leaning his head down to peck your lips. Just sweet little reminders through the day that he loves you.
Some are more languid and wistful though. When the two of you discovered that the Winter Soldier was really Bucky?? Steve was nearly inconsolable, despite how strong a façade he tried to put up for Natasha. The kisses that night are far more fervent, as you walk into Sam's spare bedroom to find Steve hasn't even taken his jacket off yet. He's just sitting on the edge of the mattress, a ten yard stare straight down at the floor as he clenches and wrangles his hands together. You have to come between his legs carefully, trying your best not to disturb him too much, before cupping his cheeks between your hands. You press soft little kisses around the tip of his nose, his eyes falling shut heavily, the weight of the world on his shoulders. It surprises you to find that he's the one to part his reddened lips, still raw from crying, and grabs a hold onto your bottom lip.
He loves to kiss the corner of your mouth, mainly because 1) he's spent pretty much every day of his childhood staring at your lips and daydreaming about the way they'd feel against yours, but 2) he still feels to shy, as if he doesn't deserve to actually be able to kiss you.
As for himself, he loves it when you kiss his forehead. It was a little idiosyncrasy the two of you had - when you were younger, the first time Steve had gotten beaten up, you had smuggled him back into your house and plopped him down on your father's favourite arm chair, right by the living room window. He was awestruck as you ran into the kitchen, amazed at the way you had absolutely no fear as you stole a bottle of your parents Vodka, and gathered some gauze from underneath the kitchen sink. He had been too stock still, too nervous to move as you tried to tidy up the cuts around his eyebrow as best as you could, but he had made this embarrassing little squeak when you had leant down to kiss the top of your forehead once you were finished.
Because you found it so sweet, how bashfully he had pulled his woollen jumper over his eyes and tried to bury himself down into the cushion, absolutely mortified, you did it again. And again. Until it was a little check in between the two of you: a kiss on the forehead to let each other know you were alright. It makes him feel safe, and still makes his heart thunder in his chest the way it did the first time.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I feel like Steve probably wouldn't be too keen to have children, mainly because of how dangerous and uncertain your lifestyles are. He's a pretty good uncle though! When Cassie was younger, and Scott had been invited round to the Avengers Tower by Tony to get the low down on him, you had opened the door to the main area to find Steve had joined in on their little tour. He had plopped Cassie on his shoulders, and was more than happy to spend the day telling her about all the goings on with the Avengers, and listening to her gossip about what her friends had been up to in school.
He's kind, and gentle around children, but doesn't particularly want them himself. Some part of him still worries that he'll pass on all the childhood illnesses he had, and he doesn't want to put another human being through the pain of that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings usually go two ways.
As I said before, he cuddles up against your back and leaves soft hickeys against your back until J.A.R.V.I.S. politely asks the two of you to stop,
He drags you out of bed at the crack of dawn and makes you go for runs with Sam. He loves having that time to be able to catch up with his friend, but also finds it too much fun turning the early workout into a competition with you. If the two of you aren't shoving into each other, playfully pushing each other with your arms in your attempt to get back to the Washington Monument first, than all can be heard is your joint giggles as you team up to do laps around Sam and annoy the heck out of him.
Either way, his perfect morning always involves you.
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cangelgifs · 2 years
Cangel Fic Recs in the Baby Connor Era
Vamp SmackDown by anneb Rating: NC-17 Summary: An answer at the Dracula/Angel challenge. * The Fang Gang and the Drac Pack cross paths in LA somehow. * Dracula tries to enthral Cordelia, but she doesn't bye it. * Include a flashback/ explanation to Angel and Drac's first meeting. * Bonus points if Spike is included.
Dick Clark with Extra Cheese by Kelly22 Rating: NC-17 Summary: “Something changed in Cordelia’s face. She quit frowning into her hands and looked up at him. He physically felt the moment when her eyes went all warm. She tilted her head to one side. “You think I’m beautiful?” she asked quietly.”
Cangel Appreciation Week Prompt: Fluff - by nikitadreams
Cangel Appreciation Week Prompt: Family - by nikitadreams
Raising Connor by NikitaDreams Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: A series of shorts about raising baby Connor told mostly from the PoV of Cordelia Chase. Sweet family moments featuring the cast of AtS. (AU, no Groo return, no vision death or ascension, no Connor being kidnapped, etc) Pure self-indulgent fluff and romance and family feels.
Friends Should Sleep in Other Beds by GeckoGirl89 Rating: General Audiences Summary: Cordelia yawns and blinks her eyes open to a dark room. She stiffens when she feels a cool arm draped around her waist, before she remembers that she fell asleep next to Angel the night before.
This Time It’s Real by Anneb Rating: NC-17 Summary: Challenge Issued by Muff -Cordelia dies -Buffy and Angel get back together but Angel is not happy -Cordelia comes back from the dead -Buffy and Cordelia fight over Angel but have to work together to save the world -Scooby gang accepts Cordy back while the fang gang is hesitant on her return: reason for this must be revealed.
The Memories We Make by DamnSkippy Rating: PG Summary: Connor experiences his first Halloween.
Tell Me You Love Me by Carm Gonzalez Rating: NC-17 Summary: Pure fluff. Connor is not gone and Groo never came back. Buffy will also be mentioned.
Make Believe by AngelChase Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel and Cordelia need to pretend they are a married couple 24/7.
So Many Faces: by ebonbird Rating: R Summary: Sequel to starlet2367's Looking For Love. After phone craziness, Angel rushes to Cordelia's.
When Good Spells Go Bad by Chelle Rating: PG Summary:  Luckylyn’s Bad Spell Challenge After the prom in Season 3 of Buffy,  Buffy convinces Willow to perform a spell to make Angel realize they  belong together and of course it all goes wrong. Past Angel goes to bed  at his mansion in Sunnydale and then wakes up with Cordy and Connor in  LA (this is the morning after Provider). While future Angel goes to bed  with Cordy and Connor and wakes up in past Sunnydale. He enlists the  help of the Scoobies so he can return to his family.
Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! by Misty Flores Rating: R Summary: Cordelia's thrown for a very unsettling loop when Angel, no longer caring about consequences, declares his intentions. Wackiness ensues.
The Waltz by LaLa247 Rating: NC-17 Summary: “Their waltz was breaking him down and making him go insane. Two steps forward to what could be, and three steps back to what could never be.”
Seperate Hearts by Califi Rating: NC-17 Summary: An enforced separation forces Cordy to face up to her true feelings for Angel.
A Mother's Love by Anneb Rating: R Warning: Very angsty. Cordy kidnaps Connor instead of Wesley.
Wavelengths by Lysa Rating: PG-13 BtVS Crossover: Angst/Humor Summary: Having dealt with Connor’s potential kidnappers, Angel finds that his greatest threat actually comes from Sunnydale.
How To Flirt by Princess Twilite Rating: R (for some sexual situations) Summary: Nothing too angsty, basically fluff. Set post Couplet, except in my world the prophecy never happened and Cordy didn't go off with Groo. Warning: Possessive behavior.
The Way They Tell It by Princess Twilite Rating: NC -17 Summary: Angel and Cordy tell the story of how they first got together. Humor/Fluff.
Snow Angel by Starlet2367 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Cordy, Angel, and Connor on vacation.
Another Word by ebonbird Rated: Fiction K A post 'Provider' vignette: Some of the awful things Cordelia's said about Angel no longer apply.
At the Beginning by Kelly22 Rating: PG Summary: Starts off at the end of Couplet, with Cordy walking out the door with Groo.
Advanced Technology by Ophelia Rating: G Summary: Angel doesn't know that Cordy can hear him over the baby monitor.
A Perfect Christmas? Not at Angel Investigations by Lexis Rating: G Summary: Cordelia and Angel think about their Christmas Day.
Lookin' For Love by Starlet2367 Rating: NC-17 Summary: "Let's just call it a bonus for all those years of putting up with me."
A Foolish Plan by psychofilly Rating: PG-13 Summary: He'd foolishly thought that the universe had taken it's boot off his neck long enough for him to make a play for it all.
After The Fall by Starlet2367 Rating: R. Summary: Cordy and Angel talk about the events of WITW. Angsty pining.
Waiting For The Miracle by Starlet2367 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Short fic that takes place after the end of Lullaby.
Bad Timing by Kelly22 Rating: PG-13 Summary: This story is set a little after Cordy comes back from vacation with Groo, except in my AU world, there was no bad father-devouring-son prophecy and no babies growing up in hell dimensions. So people still like Wesley and I guess Holtz and Justine ran off to the mid-west together, because they certainly aren’t rearing their ugly heads in MY story.
Baby's Day Out by zarah Rating: Author doesn't say. Summary: Cordy takes Connor to the mall.
Baby's First Words by Sunscorched Rating: PG-13 Summary: Baby Connor gets Cordy in trouble!
Bonding by Chrissy Rating: PG
Caught Up in the Past by Hidden Willow Rating: Author doesn't say. Summary: If Cordelia is too caught up in the past how will she be able to see what's right in front of her?
First Words by Kettricken Rating: Author doesn't say. Summary: Angel's child says his first words.
Item Number One by Natauni Rating: Author doesn't say. Summary: Her world, when it came down to it, was a matter of making sure she followed her lists.
Necessary Purchases by AngelsChilde Rating: G Summary: Cordelia tries her hand at cutting hair.
T-Ball Parents From Hell, Literally. by Nickle Rating: PG Summary: Probably the last two parents you’d want to see at a t-ball game. Just a little slice of life scene, mainly because this came to me a few hours ago while at a game myself. Pure silliness.
Teething by MexicanAlibi Rating: PG Summary: Angel and Cordy grow closer, as Baby!Connor slowly munches his way through Angel's hair products.
Teething 2 by MexicanAlibi Rating: PG Summary: Baby!Connor is still slowly munching his way through Angel's hair products, as Angel and Cordelia get a couple of unwanted visitors.
Puzzle Pieces by Lysa Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel reflects on his response to Cordelia’s dating frenzy.
As the Clock Strikes by FanFreak611 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: Vignettes of an Angel Investigations New Year's Eve
Where the Love Light Gleams by FanFreak611 Rating: General Audiences Summary: It's Connor's first Christmas Eve and Cordelia can't remember the last time she's felt this peaceful.
New Day Dawning by Starlet2367 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Post-ep for Provider.
Surprises by Tonya Rating: PG Summary: Cordy and Angel travel to Sunnydale for a wedding.
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emergingghost · 5 months
Can I send your followers on a fetch quest for Julien and Lucy set list pics? The alternative spelling/names ones.
yeaah that’s fun! bc i am my own biggest follower lol i will share some that i’ve found too!! couldnt find many lucy ones but lots of interesting jb ones around + a bonus early bg one hehe. if anyone has any more cool setlists pls add them!! <3
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
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pearl: october 1980
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 2.2k summary: eddie has a conversation with the girl of his dreams.
content warnings: best friends to lovers, part of a slow burn, a lil mutual pining, adult language, use of pet names, oblivious idiots, self-doubt / insecurities - if i missed anything, pls let me know!
pearl masterlist <- part of this lil series, but can definitely be read as a standalone.
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When it came to starting a conversation with people, Eddie sure as hell was not the confident type.
Middle School didn’t allow for a lot of practice, especially since as a person with interests that differed from the norm, he was shunned quite early on into a category he couldn’t, and often still can’t get out of no matter how hard he tries: freak.
People weren’t lining up to spend time with him even in a platonic capacity, and they sure as hell didn’t want to get to know him in a romantic way.
But with time, Eddie learned to be okay with that.
Especially since, as it turns out, most girls in Hawkins had some sort of ‘bad boy’ fantasy they liked to keep a dirty little secret and he was happy to oblige.
Plus it’s not like he badly needed anyone to actually call his own. High School was apparently a time of self-discovery and what he discovered in the last month was that honestly, he really didn’t mind being the almost invisible freak.
That all changed when you came around.
Your entrance into his life was rather unexpected and Eddie quickly realised that he needed to up his game. Yeah, perhaps he still wanted to be left alone, but that thought took a back burner whenever you laughed.
Honey, the sound of your laughter. Every time he heard it, his heart would skip a beat and his palms would start to feel clammy, sweaty, as he gravitated towards the sound instantly. As he gravitated towards you.
Unfortunately for Eddie, so did everyone else in this godforsaken town. 
Who could blame them? Your arrival right at the start of the school year was perhaps the most exciting thing to happen in Hawkins since that maniac Creel murdered his entire family in the late 50s.
You had quickly become the new it girl and in the blink of an eye, you two were running in different circles. Your reality had become so far removed from his own, any hopes or dreams he had of getting to know you on a deeper level had become just that: dreams.
God knows he still thought about you often.
“Care to share with the rest of the group, Mr. Saltzman?” the teacher calls out, causing all heads to turn simultaneously in the general direction of the distraction. 
This includes Eddie's and he's glancing up from the scribbles in his notepad to focus instead on a few rows ahead where you, the girl everyone wanted to be friends with, sat.
The boy sitting next to you shifts uncomfortably in his seat, shaking his head. 
“We were just discussing the history of Halloween,” you chime sweetly. The teacher doesn’t seem to believe you for a second, but with such a likeable personality like yours, there’s not much else to say.
“Blake here doesn't believe Halloween dates back to the Celts, and the ancient festival of Samhain,” you continue with the quite convincing lie and Eddie's surprised you know these obscure facts, “He thinks I’m bluffing when I say the day marked the end of summer for the Celts, who believed on the night of October 31st the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred, thus what we now know and celebrate as Halloween.”
Your confidence certainly is admirable, although why you choose to protect the douche you called a ‘friend’ was beyond the young metalhead.
“I guess the conversation probably could have waited till after class so, won’t happen again. We’re sorry,” you add with a soft smile.
When the teacher returns to the blackboard, resuming the lesson no one was really paying attention to anyway, Eddie observes as you mumble something to Blake before turning your head ever so slightly in his direction. 
The air hitches in his throat as he awaits the standard "What are you looking at, freak.", but it never comes.
Instead, you smile at him and Eddie can feel his face turn a gleaming shade of red — pathetic. He quickly ducks his head down, but can still feel your eyes on him. It takes everything he has to stop himself from looking up again, afraid of somehow making a fool of himself.
Luckily, he manages to keep distracted till the bell rings, but he's not completely in the clear 'cause as everyone disperses in a hurry, you approach him.
“What you doodlin’?”
When he doesn't immediately answer, or meet your gaze for that matter, your hand appears in his field of vision. Your moves are hesitant at first, but since Eddie doesn't protest, you twirl the notebook around on the desk.
“Well shit, Eddie. These are really fucking cool.”
He snaps his head up, possibly a little too quickly, a little too eagerly, but he couldn’t help the act of surprise 'cause he didn’t realise…
“You know my name?”
Your pretty eyes latch onto his momentarily and a smile circles your lips. “Of course I do. As the new kid in town, I had to make it my business to know who’s who since y’all ogled me and my family from day one as if we were from outer space.”
He let out a semi-nervous chuckle as you pause, glancing back down at the notebook. 
“Plus, you’re pretty much the only person in this entire school who’s got a good taste in music,” you state casually, as if it’s no big deal. And to you it’s not. Though for Eddie, your admission causes his heart to flutter inside his chest since no one's ever admitted out loud to liking the same shit as him.
“Anyway, are you going to this Halloween party tonight? I’m thinking of dressing up as Janis Joplin and I could really use someone to be Peter Albin…”
“I’d love to!”
You giggle at his excitement and Eddie's thanking some lucky stars that his rather abrupt reaction doesn’t scare you off.
“I-I mean, I love Peter Albin. Janis too. Dressing up as them with you would be cool," he rambles.
“Cool,” you say and flick through some pages of his notebook and bend over slightly to scribble something down. “This is my address. Come by around six if you wanna make it for dinner, my mom’s making lasagna. Also, if you wanna stay over after the party, we have a spare room so bring a change of clothes or somethin’.”
Stay over at your house... Eddie swallows and does his best not to show how his insides are literally shaking at the thought of: a) going to a party with you, and b) this casual invite to what one could only call a sleepover.
The bell rings, signalling it’s time for next period.
A small part of the metalhead is angry since it means the two of you have to part ways, at least for now, but as he stands to gather his things, to his pleasant surprise, you wait. 
A certain envious feeling spreads through Eddie because he was never good at making friends, yet it seemed to come so naturally to you. Then something crosses his mind. What if this is some elaborate joke? After all, you are friends with some of the worst people this school has to offer, however, he does his best to shake the thought away for now and follows you out into the crowded hallway.
“So, are you a big Joplin fan?” Eddie asks, his best attempt to continue the conversation.
“Pearl is my favourite album,” you reply, “I know that could be a little tame to someone who wears a Judas Priest t-shirt, but I promise I also take devil worship super seriously.”
He snorts at your joke and when your eyes meet his once again, his priorities shift and he swear he's willing to do quite possibly anything to become your friend.
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To say you checked your appearance at least forty times wouldn’t be a gross over exaggeration.
You had the outfit planned long before you were even invited to this Halloween party, you knew it was perfect and something Janis Joplin herself would likely wear, yet ever since you asked Eddie Munson to not only join you, but also compliment the costume with his own, you were suddenly feeling nervous.
The curly-haired teen was by far the coolest person in this stingy town — although it didn’t seem like he knew that or like anyone else shared your belief.
His metalhead vibe reminded you a lot of the kids you grew up around, which is exactly the initial reason why you were so drawn to him. Though it took you weeks to finally approach him. Partially because you were scared he’d brush you off, but mainly because ever since you moved to Hawkins with your parents at the brink of August and September, the more popular kids latched onto you like leeches.
“Don’t waste your time with Munson,” Blake would say repeatedly, “He’s a freak.”
Unfortunately for your new group of friends, you didn’t care about social status and it also helped to know Eddie was just as fascinated with you as you were with him. His secret glances and soft smiles when no one else was looking only affirmed that belief.
So you bit the bullet and invited him out.
Bold move on your part. One you were almost starting to regret as you nervously flattened the crinkles of your loose shirt, glancing at the clock on the wall in anticipation.
Eddie doesn’t show up for dinner.
You try to hide the disappointment in front of your parents and eat the meal while actively listening to your dad retelling the events from his day at work.
“Kid, I tell ya, moving here was the best idea your mother’s ever had. Aside from marrying me and havin' you, of course. Wanna know the most exciting thing that’s happened? There was a mixup with our lunch order. Can you believe it?”
You help mom clean up after before going to quickly freshen up, brush your teeth, and grab your set of house keys. After saying a quick goodbye, still thinking about the boy that never showed, you walk outside and are about to begin your journey to the party you no longer wanted to go to when a figure emerges from the shadows.
“Shit,” you exhale and place a hand over your heart, “You scared me.”
“Sorry,” Eddie says sheepishly, running a hand through his brown locks. “I-I wasn’t sure if you were still home so…”
Your brows string together as you take a step towards him.
“How long have you been out here, Eddie?”
“Uhm, at least the last half hour,” he answers, “I noticed the light was on upstairs, but I wasn’t sure if that was your room or not. Figured I’d hang around and you’d either show up or I’d head home embarrassed.” He pauses. “Sorry I didn’t come for dinner.”
“It’s okay,” a white-lie. “Still wanna go to the party?”
“If you want to.”
Eddie slides his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and you notice then how good he looks under the dim street lamps. Peter Albin, eat your heart out.
“I like your outfit,” you compliment him with a genuine smile and you swear you can see him blush.
“Thanks,” he says with a little more confidence than he’s displayed thus far, “but you arguably look a hundred percent better than me.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks. “Thank you, Eddie. That’s very sweet.”
“You’re welcome.”
The two of you never make it to the party.
Instead, Eddie offers to show me Skull Rock and that’s how you end up laying down on the cold ground, arm-to-arm, somewhere in the middle of the forest. 
Truth be told, if you were with anyone else, you wouldn’t have agreed to this in the first place. An eerily quiet night and the deep dark woods are like a recipe for disaster in most horror movies.
Things felt different with Eddie.
Despite only having three conversations in the span of one day, the doe-eyed boy made you feel safe.
The few hours hiding from the world under this rock also made you realise how much you actually have in common. The conversation flow was incredibly natural. You drifted from topic to topic as if you had known each other a lifetime and in the space of two hours, you went from sitting across from one another to being in the formerly named position — pinkies gently grazing.
His presence next to yours is soothing. It’s also exciting, thrilling even. You hadn’t experienced this sensation before, with anyone, and you quickly find yourself thinking perhaps this could be more than just a friendship.
Until Eddie says, “Friends are hard to come by in Hawkins. I’m glad we’re here and I hope we can hang out more.”
Darkness hides your disappointment.
Short lived, the idea of dating the boy next to you so it’s easy to extinguish the flame inside and convince yourself that perhaps this was for the best.
Relationships end. Sometimes they do so quite badly.
Friendships however, well, they have a tendency to last forever.
“From now on, Eddie, we’ll never not be hanging out.”
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pearl masterlist
thank you for reading <3
& tagging some cool people that expressed interest in this lil series: @cactusangie , @spenciesprincess , @capitanostella , @ashlynnkennedy , @ms1oftheboys
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vaelzz · 2 months
Negativity and Lack of Appreciation: (Tall Poppy Syndrome?)
Seems this has been my experience during most of my life. People will tear you down for even trying or there will be a bitter sense of passive-aggressive (assumed) jealously where any accomplishment you make is instantly shutdown, dismissed or degraded.
Honestly I feel guilty about posting art, posting online, guilty for simply existing even? Like there's this deep simple desire for someone to just appreciate what you do and for yourself to have some form of value.
Why would I even want someone to be appreciative of anything. I must be selfish and narcissistic to have the desire for anyone to be nice to me so my reaction to any kind of genuine appreciation is met with me imploding with guilt and feeling overwhelmed and consequently avoiding people because I'm not special or entitled to anything so actively sharing my thoughts or expressing things through art is like I'm infringing upon the existence of others like I must think I'm better than them.
I've gone back and fourth on this mentally thousands of times over the years but I am ultimately starting to come to the conclusion I have just been around negative people irl my entire life. =/
I think that 99% of the positive feedback I've had with art has came from online rather than people I personally know. With that also came a minority of negativity that I'd fixate on and give far too much weight because it validated my own internal negative thoughts. If anyone is nice to me, in most cases I'd be hit with a crushing level of guilt and disassociate/avoid. =/ Which only adds to feelings of guilt because I feel like an awful person being unable to appropriately reciprocate so it just feeds into habits of avoiding people and disliking myself.
On the contrary it's like pls be nice to me, my life is an empty void. 👁👄👁 But it just creates this contradiction of disassociation and avoidance from the guilt of a basic desire.
I do need to get over these feelings somehow because they aren't productive and only perpetuate negative loops but even consciously coming to terms with it isn't so easy as these feelings are essentially hardwired into me at this point.
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So...you know how I have been hinting that I have a very exclusive and new writing event coming up in May???
Here it is!!
Please get excited for...
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To all the people that wanted me to write more Mommy!Idol pieces.
Surprise! You're getting an entire month of it and I am hosting and collaborating with so many amazing writers for this new series.
The kpop idol of your choice (can be an idol from any group) has to be the dominant one and referred to as 'Mommy' by the reader.
There will be suggestive, fluff and smut-based fics written so this event is 18+ only (for both readers and writers).
Writers will have until the 30th of May to publish their pieces, it is up to the individual writer to decide when they want to publish their fic and how many fics they want to write.
Please use the #mommy!may so everyone can see your fic and know you're apart of this event.
Please reblog, share..froth...have hard thoughts...drool over our pieces.
Oh and pls credit and tag me in your fics so I can read and reblog them 🫶🫶
Welcome to our talented writers who will be participating in this event:
@kpopjust4u @sometimesiwritethings @ja3hwa @tinyidle @toxicccred @sanjoongie @whatsk-poppinhomies @mischiefsmind @changbinslovelylegs @hongjoongsnose @lino-jagiyaa @thesafecafe @starsareseen @stardragongalaxy @lemonhongjoong @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @thetypingpup @partywithgyu @kitten4sannie @felixsramen @choism @yunhoshands @thelargefrye @hwasdollie
Can all the writers please interact with this post so I know you've seen this?
I hope I haven't forgotten anyone, if I have or if you would like to contribute to this series also, please comment down below and I'll add you to the writing list.
Thank you @creativechaoticloner for the glowing banner! *respectfully and consensually plants kisses all over your face*
Until then,
Sit back and relax gorgeous,
And let Mommy take care of you.
I will be writing 10 fics for this event and all will be on Mommy!Seonghwa.
My fics:
1. Break-up Sex
2. Thunderstorm
3. Scent
4. Taste
5. Enough
6. Yearning
7. Essence
8. Gaze
9. Arrangement
10. Luscious
Taglist: @destiny-fics @cherry-0420 @scuzmunkie @mrcarrots @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @umbralhelwolf @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @kodzukein @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person @itbtoblikethatsometimes @staytinyinmybpack @necessiteez @hijeongguk @berryberrytan @sensitiveandhungry @laylasbunbunny @bangchanbabygirlx @ateezzseonghwaa @gyuhanniescarat
Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist.
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