#if any of this is regurgitated from the last ask then i apologize
ohimsummer · 25 days
ig dancing anon again here. i forgot to add
UGHHH BUT UR RESPONSE IS SO CUTE TOOO, I DON'T WANT IT GO AWAY :((( lemme just ss it and i can cherish our thoughts forever <3
AND YESYESSS, SATORU WOULD DEF DO IT MORE PLAYFULLY AND BE A LITTLE SHIT, MAKING U THINK HE'LL DROP U 😭😭 he's a little silly but if u asked if he could be actually be srs or if he can feel the mood is srs himself, he'll def be more than happy to dance and sway w u ahhhhh <333
SUGUUU, oh the man that u are. he'd slow dance w us all night if he could. he loves the way when he twirls u and u giggle when u come back to his arms ACKKK OOOOO I WANNA KISS HIM SO BADDDD PLSPLSPLS DANCE W ME GETO SUGURU
mad asf because i KNOWWW FOR A FACT i screenshotted that original response right before i deleted it but now i can't it in my gallery ANYWHERE 🤨🤨
BUTTT YEAH satoru is a silly little man but i think he can pick up on the vibes if you wanna dance more seriously, most of the time you don't even need to tell him, he can just pick up on it from the mood/scene/your body language/etc because he is just that observant <33 sometimes he's dipping you too low because he likes how you cling to him when you THINK you're about to fall....and sometimes he dips you like a normal person but then pulls you up into a super loving kiss while slowly spinning the two of you around ehehe :3333
slow dancing with suguru after another at-home dinner date <<3333 the music is playing low in the background and you guys are done eating + were about to watch a movie after. and you're doing something (putting away a dish, putting them in the sink, getting a drink, whatever) and then suddenly suguru slinks up behind you to put his arms around your waist <<333 and he starts rocking you both back n forth and you're laughing and he twirls you around and now you two are dancing half silly/half serious around the kitchen while he leads you to the living room <<3333
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hero-israel · 20 days
Looks like the Pro Palestine movement shat the bed completely. There's definitely been a vibe shift ever since they turned on Black people. The DNC protests were a bust. And Palestinians tried to raise a big stink over not getting a speaking spot at the DNC and the vast majority of people were like, "Lol you called the nominee 'Killer Kamala' and her boss 'Genocide Joe', what did you expect?" Now "Muslim Women for Harris" gave her their endorsement because they've finally realized they have no leveraging power over the Democrats and decided maybe they should do something to prevent Trump from returning to office.
Free Palestine isn't attracting the same large crowds anymore. The college protests are a few dozen people. Not to say these lingering ones aren't dangerous (they're probably even more dangerous than the bigger crowds at the encampments last semester) but they're just not attracting the same energy they used to.
It's going to be very interesting to see how the leftists who went full Jew-hater and jumped on the Free Palestine bandwagon react to the engine running out of gas. Do they think they can just go back to trying to cancel each other over microaggressions after spewing Nazi shit for the past 10 months? Do they think they can quietly delete their 10/7 tweets and people are just going to forget? I want to know if it's sunk in for them that they have completely destroyed credibility in mainstream leftism. Because I know I'm never trusting any activist movement again unless they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're normal about Jews.
I know there will be no apologies, no self-reflection, no accountability from these people. I expect nothing but a bunch of gaslighting. People who pretended they didn't pass around lists of "Zionists", pretending they didn't romanticize self-immolation, pretending they weren't regurgitating slurs from David Duke. No, they'll all pretend they were totally calling out the antisemitism this whole time, for real. They totally weren't an active member in an Arab/white supremacist death cult.
Going forward, it's like how whenever you meet someone with a certain vibe, you ask them who they voted for in 2016/2020? Whenever I meet someone who's a self-proclaimed "activist", it's gonna like, "What were you posting about on 10/7?"
Oh I loovvvveee it. They came crawling right back. This should only be a lesson to the campus crowd about how politics works past the rhyming chant stage, maybe a few will even learn it.
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cuddledot · 1 year
Now I do apologize if it feels like I'm rushing you,but I remember a few days ago that you made a statement on your Twitter on how the biology of your clowns are "fucked up" would it be rude to ask for an elaboration?
The funny thing is I was going to post this now but saw this ask, so I can go on ahead and share it now! Now I wouldn't say "fucked up" more like "wow these guys are obviously NOT human." So start off: Clowns are their own species. They may look human but they are not human. Mostly due to their biological physiology.
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First thing first, the "greasepaint" markings are their actual markings.
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Now let's look at their Skeletal and Muscle systems: There are no noticeable differences and yes, some clowns have cuspids (canine teeth).
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Seem normal-ish. But let's peak at their circulatory system and the organ system!
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Pretty colorful, huh? So is their blood! As shown in the image above, clowns have six different types of colored blood different for each clownfolk (and texture too!) It's a lot I need to go through, especially when discussing the Glooze Gland. Speaking about the Glooze Gland, it's considered a third specialized stomach. (In a way...clowns have three stomachs in total!)
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What is Glooze you say? Well... You know how bees drink the nectar and their specialized stomach breaks it down and they regurgitate out to their combs? Yeah, it's like that! I won't go further into Glooze in here, so in another post! Ok now last bit: Clown Molting! Now clown molting is very common during the stages of puberty. Meanwhile later on during life and adulthood, it's less frequent or more or less only occurs when the body recovers from a sickness (like a really bad cold you're recovering from) or changes during aging or something. The Molting process for baby clowns is very different and will be in another post.
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Oh and yeah, their entire body greys out, losing their colors. as for mimes or any monochrome clowns, they have a sickly green color. That's all for the wonders of clown biology. and perhaps more to come!
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
Ch. 43 // “Relief” // Day 27
Contents (Warnings): Is this explanations I smell? (vore mentions, some angst, sprinkle of teasing, and as always character/monster info).
Wordcount: 4,763 (AGAIN, apologies for this chapter taking me so long, the next one is on the way. I just couldn't get a end for the second part I liked. And my internet was down last night).
(Oct. 14th, Friday)
"What happened, Alexander!" The once warm, strong voice broke, a croak Alexander's ears would never forget. 
He stepped back, and the putrid smell of blood filled the open air. His throat felt strangled by it. 
"Alexander!" The tone yelled again, they tried to grab at his arm, but he slipped away. Alexander broke into a run, and his next step made the red floor shatter. It dropped him into the pool of dark crimson. 
He couldn't swim up. It felt like the currents dragged him down. 
And a hand reached in and pulled at him. 
They brought him up. It allowed him to gasp for air and admire their gentle smile. She brought him close to the edge. He reached out for it, desperately with her, until she threw her other hand across his mouth. 
She shoved his head back under and sweetly muttered past the liquid, "drown."
His body naturally woke him up to alert him of the end of their deal. It's all so stupid. How did this happen. His fingers grazed over his full gut.
He didn't want to get up, but he refused to go back to sleep. He had enough. Alexander let his responsibility thrust him to his feet. 
He marched to the bathroom and took one last breath to enjoy it before he opened the glass door and released her into the shower.
"You've been nothing but a pain in the ass." He whispered to her, but she was clearly still unconscious. It always surprised him that the whole regurgitating process didn't wake most humans. He let his size shift to his normal height. "This must be your way of getting back at me, huh?" Alexander tried to force some kind of smile, it came off more pained than anything, "don't think I won't get you back for everything, shrimp."
He narrowed his eyes to focus, clean her off and break the cloak but his phone's ring tone called his attention. He huffed and got up.
He left her alone to answer it and get himself a shirt.
A tender cold breeze washed over me. Why do I feel heavy? I asked myself as I opened my eyes. My breath rigidly left once I realized I was in tiled darkness, and worst of all, I was still covered in colorless slime.
I scrambled up and to the corner of the shower, almost tempted to start it. I wanted it off even though it didn't smell like anything.
I squeaked aloud, and it echoed in the chamber. I tried to push and rub most of it off. Then, I suddenly went blind as the bathroom lights flickered on. 
"What happened?" Alexander asked.
I peeked out to see he was searching the area like he expected someone to have broken in. 
I held up my arms weakly. I wasn't tempted to get any closer to Alexander.
"you're not going to leave me like this, are you?"
Alexander opened his mouth to talk, and a yawn escaped first, "yeah, sorry. I had an alarm going off." He got closer, not by much, a few feet away from the door frame. 
As usual, it started to dissipate when his eyes glowed. And unlike usual, there was a SNAP followed by a burst of color that fluttered into the air before disappearing once he stopped.
My voice squeaked out before he turned around, "what was that? What did you break?"
"A cloak."
"What's a cloak?" 
He turned around with a shrug, "it's like a shield that protects you from a threshold of damage." He walked off. "I put it on you in case the pressure inside both of us might have crushed you."
He sounded lax about it as he left the room. I picked up my bearings and followed. "you care enough to do that, but still ate me." 
We passed his closet, and he stopped at the dresser near the way out of his room. He picked up the keys, "don't start with me, you're not some victim." He waved the key fob at me, "you got us both eaten making that stupid deal with Zilla."
Why did I expect anything less to happen? I asked myself. 
My reply came out timidly. "What else am I supposed to do?! I had to keep you guys away from me."
Alexander grunted, looking down at her, "I already gave you an option." 
"Why can't you eat other humans like givers?!"
"They cost money, I can't get them every day because there's not enough to go around-" Alexander yawned again. "You're easy, convenient, and...I've been over this." Alexander pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm not repeating myself. Either get over it or-" he pulled his phone from his pajama pants bottoms, his voice leaving with frustration as the alarm went off again. "Why did I set an alarm for 3 in the morning?!"
We realized why at the same time. "Work."
"FUCK-" Alexander rushed around me. I glanced back at him but saw he started to undress. "Go to the living room or something." He ordered.
I did so and shut his bedroom door behind me. I looked out into the dark open kitchen and dining area that led to the living room. It was slightly reminiscent of my apartment, except for the sheer size.
I got out my phone, turned on the flashlight to look for the light switch, then jumped. I saw something move in the darkness with its small reflective eyes. I found the switch quickly and flicked on the lights. And I locked onto the beast...it was a soft appearing, gray, had big pumpkin-colored eyes, and cutest of all, had slightly folded ear tips. Oh, that's his cat. They look so cute. 
They sat upon the cat tower and watched me curiously. 
I almost forgot he had one. I had seen the cat tower before but never an animal with it. 
I didn't approach it and sat next to the tower on the oversized couch. His place is relatively cat hair free for a cat owner too. The plush couch I sat on had little to none. It's either he vacuums a lot of their a respectable cat.
I held back my urge to reach over and pet the beauty as I had no idea how they might be. I tried to act uninterested and looked over Alexanders' game console set up on the T.V. I noticed he had a giant custom controller and a normal-sized one. 
Why does he have a controller this big? Does he play when-
I pushed away the implications. I knew that's what Alexander definitely did. 
I searched in my pocket for my phone, saw it was nearly 4, and looked over the texts Wicks sent me. 
Wicks: Hey, I'm coming home late again tonight. You'll probably be in bed, BUT I LOVE YOU!! Thursday, October 13th, 10:21 p.m. 
Wicks: I'm on my way home. I hope you didn't worry. There was a lot of paperwork after a job we did. Be home soon! ALSO, GIVE ME YOUR LOVE DANG IT, NOW YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME STAY UP AND MAKE YOU BREAKFAST TO BUY IT, AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME! Today 3:15 a.m. 
I shook my head. He's going to make breakfast, and what? Does he think I'm there? I can't let him do that. I started to text him back. And realized I had a missed call from him earlier. I hit send.
Lynette: Hey, I'm sorry I forgot to text you. I stayed at a small party with a few friends at work, I'm safe, and with them, I'll be heading to work soon, and I'll be home tonight. Today 3:48 a.m.
I tugged at my uniform. I still wanted to shower.
My phone started to buzz to life as Wick's name lit up on the screen. 
I quietly answered, "Hey, Wic-"
"WHERE ARE YOU?" His voice erupted from the other side.
"I'm at a friend's house from work.-"
"I THOUGHT you were sleeping here the whole time. You didn't even tell me!" I could hear his anger-filled panic. "are you serious?!"
I lowered my head and put my hand to my mouth, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to not text you and give you a heads up, I-."
His disappointment pushed at my back. "Lynette. What if something happened to you? I wouldn't have known!" 
"I know. I-"
He didn't let me finish, "I left that stalker thing you mentioned alone because I thought you'd talk about it when you were ready." Wicks's tone grew louder, "I'm worried for you, Lynette."
"I'm okay," I said flatly. I'm stuck with monsters, Wicks. I'm in one of their houses and have to keep acting like this is normal.
"Are you?!"
I started thinking back to the night after the festival. I didn't hold my tongue. "I could ask you the same question."
"This isn't about me," Wicks retorted.
"You're as important as me, Wicks." My voice strained under my worry, "I care about you too."
Wicks stopped talking. Why did I say that? I held my chest. I don't want to fight with you. Please, not now...
There was a soft reassurance with the same warmness of one of his hugs. "Just don't punish me by disappearing..." I heard the tremble in his voice, "okay?"
My eyes felt hot, and some uncertainty was released from my aching heart. Wicks doesn't hate me. 
"I'm not. I would never." I replied with a strong determination, "This'll be the last time I'm ever out late with anyone."
"You don't have to do that, Lynette. I'm happy you're making friends."
Friends...? I don't know if I'd consider any of them friends...I felt far too worried about hanging out with them outside of work. Maybe Viola? She seems nice, or June. I thought. And it simply made me realize that I knew nothing about them besides what they were. I understood them on a mere surface level, and that was it.
"Lynette?" Wicks said.
I snapped out of it, "I was saying," I picked off from my declaration, "you're far more important to me."
Wicks sighed, and I could hear his relief. "I'll have dinner ready tonight then, okay?"
"I don't think I'll have much time to eat it-"
"We are having dinner." He said as an order."
"Alright, add some cake and maybe-"
"I will." I could hear his endearing exhale, "I love you."
"I love you too, Wicks," I said as we hung up.
I looked at my phone. I'm not the one who's disappearing all the time. You come home late every other day too, sometimes not at all.
I hadn't noticed his cat move closer. They walked right over and onto my lap. They sat down and looked up at me with their sweet eyes.
I lifted my hand up to pet them. They allowed me, and I brushed over the soft tangle free fur. "You have a very nice coat. I guess Xander takes good care of you." I can't imagine. 
His cat started to purr and rubbed their head against my hand. Xander having a cat is so weird to me. I heard his door open.
I glanced the best I could over the couch and saw his damp blonde hair. 
"We gotta go."
I nodded and was about to go, but I remembered the fluff ball on my lap. 
"I can't," I said.
He turned back and tried to peek over the top of the couch. "Why not? If it's something stupid like-" He sighed, walked over to the couch, and saw the cat curled up in my lap. 
"You can move her." He bent near me and picked her up. I looked up at him and saw such a genuine loving smile on his face. "Morning, Sasha," he said as he placed her on the back of the couch so she could watch us leave. "Watch the house for me."
She meowed, almost confirming what he said. He stroked along her back and head, and she purred aloud. 
I went closer to the door and ran his gentler voice and caring eyes in my head. Who is this? Is this the same easily annoyed monster? What happened to him? 
He gave her a few more pets before we left. I walked beside him on the way down the hall. He seemed pretty loving with Mara too. 
Neither of us said a word to the other. Once we got to Alexander's car, I went to open the passenger side, but it was still locked. 
He eyed me from over the roof.
"What did you want from me this time?"
I replied with confusion, "what?"
He pressed up his glasses and held his key fob up. He unlocked the doors. "don't what me." He got in the car, and I did too.
I shook my head, "I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Bullshit," Alexander pointed the fob at me with the keys on his ring, "You looked like you had something to say while you were staring."
I buckled my seatbelt, "I did not stare-" I pushed back into the seat, looking out the front window. "I-I didn't expect you to look so normal."
"I'm half magus; of course, I look human." I could hear a nearly audible eye roll.
"I meant with your cat. She's pretty."
Alexander smiled as he started to back up, "she is." 
He sounds happy.
I spoke out again when he started driving to work. 
"Is that spell thingy in place the whole time?"
"The cloak?" He asked, staring ahead, "no, you saw me undo it."
"No-" I glanced over at him, briefly outlining his toned figure. "You said people don't remember when someone is missing after they get eaten," I whispered the word because it bothered me to say, "but how does that actually work?"
He took a second to think. "you know how I explained cloaks?"
"It's like that, except it gets rid of you. Almost like you don't exist anymore." He said. He didn't want to give her a big magic lesson. "Certain monsters have themselves encrypted with specific magic effects. Some have it, so their prey will shift sizes when they return to their human cases, like Lev, Zilla, or most of them..." He tipped his head to one side.
"And the other most common is the same as mine. When I eat a human, it temporarily hides them. Thus people forget about them, or their mind naturally writes them off." He shrugged, "it won't work on everything, it depends on the power of the encryption, but with humans, given your lack of tolerance for magic, it's easier."
He saw her squirm out of the corner of his eye. Why are you acting so nervous? Stop it. I want to at least try and not suffer through work.
"And once you...let them go, then does that effect go away?"
Alexander chuckled, "It stays with them for up to an hour after. It'd be useless if it only lasted until I let them out," he lowered his shoulders, "I still have to erase their memory, that's more than hard enough, and on top of that I have to make sure I put them back where I found them." 
"Wicks called me after you let me go."
He saw the pizzeria around the corner, "very funny."
"It's true. Wicks was mad I wasn't home."
Alexander focused on his body, partially keeping his eyes on the road and on himself. Besides the hunger working up in him again from the conversation, everything was normal to him. "If it wasn't working, I'd know."
"It didn't."
He flinched with annoyance, "right, I forgot you're the expert." He said sarcastically, before continuing, "is he a monster or something?"
"What? NO! Wicks isn't a monster." He caught a glimpse of her pat her chest, "I'd know. He's my brother." 
"Then-" when he parked, he turned to her. "It might be you."
As his full attention was on her, the meaty smell enticed his hunger further. But, it felt easier to manage now compared to the week of pain he had to endure prior. 
He looked away and got out of his car. She fidgeted with her seatbelt before she got out. 
"You're already some abnormality, so I don't know." He shut his door. "It's not like you told him or something." He then raised a brow and looked over at her as she closed her door. His sight purposefully ignored the dent. 
She wouldn't, would she? "Did you break the immersion?"
Alexander groaned, "yes. If you call them after it happened and said, "oh, sorry, I wasn't home," or whatever you might have said, he'd get knocked out of it." He rolled his eyes, "and here I thought I might have screwed up."
"That's pretty flawed."
"Well, unlike you, I erase their memories after eating them remember. So they won't do that." Alexander said. 
She hesitated as they approached the back door as if she wanted to say something else. Alexander looked over her but found himself distracted by her height again. She didn't even reach his shoulders. 
She sighed, and it snapped him out of it "our deal's done anyway. It doesn't matter anymore."
Thank god for that. Her normal allure was enough for him. He didn't need a stupid bind to make him want to eat her even more. 
He sighed, too, and reached for the door handle. "Yeah, now I'll just have to suffice with lunch."
She looked up at him but couldn't keep their line of sight, "what-aren't you done?!"
"Done?" Alexander laughed, "seriously? What do you not understand about being hungry most of the time?" He gestured to her as she nervously passed through the door. "Especially around you."
"Then avoid me."
He threw his arms up toward the whole building, "like I can do that when your scents EVERYWHERE." Alexander pushed up his glasses, "and shit-it's going to be all over my car and apartment too."
It took forever to air out my apartment last time.
They walked down the long stretch of hall that led to the time clock. 
He heard her mutter, "I'm never gonna shower again, then you or any other monster won't do that."
He found what she said funny but held his retort. His mind reminded him of that stupid bind again because she mentioned other monsters. 
June held a granola bar out to me while he snacked on another. "Want some?"
He's too kind. I thought with the tiredness that rested in the back of my thoughts. I put my hand up, "it's yours."
"I can share!" He nodded with affirmation. "You look sad, and food always makes me happy when I'm sad."
I smiled and took it, "thank you." My hands struggled with the wrapper. I always felt so hungry and fatigued after. I faintly smiled, "what do you like about food if you can't taste it? Texture?"
"It's nice to feel full." June stacked the rest of his granola bars into a pyramid. He sat right next to Drake, who was on my left side. Alexander was across from me on his phone, and Tila was across from Drake.
Beatrice finally returned and sat at the table next to me in the open seat. "Hey, honey.~"
"Hi," I said mid-crunch.
I felt the heat from Alexander's stare at her.
"Do you mind helping me again today?" Beatrice asked, fluffing up her hair.
I took another bite. Of course, I mind. I thought, but I didn't answer aloud.
Alexander spoke for me. "Not happening, bug queen."
Beatrice smiled wider with a grit of her teeth. A small ha of a laugh seeped from her before she replied, "Repeat that half-breed?"
Alexander grinned, stood up, then leaned over the table to offer her to hit him. "I said- You're not eating her, Bug Queeeen-"
We lingered in the silence. June needed help to understand what was wrong with what he said. Tila bit into her apple happily as if it was popcorn to go along with a show. And Drake looked as worried as I did. 
They stared at each other, and Beatrice broke their eye contact first, "you're not worth my time."
Alexander sat back with a smug smile, "sure."
I teetered to Drake, "you said he'd calm down, right?" I didn't realize how close I got until I heard him gulp. I tensed up and pulled back. He lowered the blood pouch.
"I said maybe." He said in a hushed tone as well, mainly because Alexander now glared at both of us.
He stared at the jack-o'lantern-shaped pizza. To fill in the scary smile, they used pointed-dyed black bread sticks for teeth, and the eyes were mini-dyed black calzones.
He saw Lynette glance up from her food to peek at the door. He's a glutton. 
Drake's eyes laid back on the pizza, and his question rolled forward. "what are you doing for Halloween?"
Lynette, a breadstick partway in her mouth, stopped. She chewed and spoke, her head slightly facing away from him with a hand to her mouth.
"Probably hanging out with my brother; why?" 
June pointed his slice of pizza at Drake. "You're doing another party! Yeah, you should come, Lynette!" June then ate his piece but still projected his voice out to them. "Bring your brother. You guys will love it! It's so fun at Drake's house!"
It's not that great, Drake thought. "Thanks." 
He turned to Lynette, "Wenna, Ulysses, and I used to host a Halloween party yearly." A breath of envious disappointment escaped him. "Ulysses won't be coming this year because he's planning for his big day." Drake teetered his head to the side, and now I have to work with scatterbrain Wenna alone. 
He raised his shoulders and exhaled, "I usually invite everyone working here, so if you're interested. You and any friends you have are welcome. I'll put a text in the group chat later today."
I chewed the last bite of my mini calzone. A Halloween party with monsters? That sounds like one of the places Wicks and I shouldn't be. I saw June's excitement generated in his eyes by his magic lenses.
"I'll think about it. I'm pretty sure I'm busy, though." I didn't want to be rude; I would have said yes under any other monster-free circumstance. I only had a few parties that I was ever invited to. I'd be off limits to those from work, but Wicks wouldn't. I can't imagine- The idea of Alexander eating my brother made my stomach churn, and I got defensively angry with the hypothetical. 
If I went alone, it would be as funky as the festival was for me. It felt like everything moved too fast. I assumed because of how overwhelming it had been. I still needed to get the gifts fully in order. 
My mind went to back to them. I did learn more about them that way. It was nice not to worry about getting eaten by them. Not that their comments were any better... A light bulb flickered in my head. Maybe that's what I need to do? Learn more about them, then ease them into feeling bad enough not to eat me? 
I couldn't imagine it being that simple, but the silliness of it still made me smile. 
It's not like I hadn't tried talking to them. They're just so-how do any of them work here? They don't have proper social skills. 
I looked up again at Drake and June. Drake was showing him something on his phone, and June looked excited about it. They do. June's really nice, and Drake... My neck scrunched up a bit on the side he bit. He's been nice, same with Viola too. The others just fake it? Like Lev flirts around with everyone, I don't think I've seen Zilla and Claudia react with other humans. They make deliveries. 
Then tension tangled my nerves. Alexander. Thinking about him reminded me of the little time left. What am I going to do?
June knocked me from thought. "Oh, Lynette, did you meet the new human we have today?"
My head lifted up with a slight excitement, "new human?"
"Yeah, Beatrice brought them. He seems nice."
"Were they back with you guys?" I asked. "Aren't we usually hired as cashiers?"
"Yeah, but he had pizza-making experience." Drake nodded, "he came after our break. I think he wanted to be part-time." Drake tapped on his screen and passed it to June. "I think Lev has a new hirer coming Monday too."
"Why can't Alexander bring in another human too, or-" I didn't like the thought. The thought of any of them eating people and erasing their memory as if nothing had ever happened scared me. Would I ever want to forget this? The question plagued me. Anything could happen...could have happened...
I shook my head. I preferred my shallow look on it to trying to dive too deep. I don't know what I'd do if I found out any of my memory were erased or replaced.
Another thought jumped into my mind. Why did Beatrice ask me about the eating thing during our break, then? Was she really trying to eat me and someone else? Gross. I rested my arms on the table to nestle my head over them.
If it's just Alexander. Then I'm screwed. Or I could get him to play something. But what? I fought with myself. No. He wouldn't play along, Lynette. How many times have I tried to convince him not to before?
I'll have about thirty minutes once he goes to lunch. I can't run, and I can't hide. I stared up at the other two.
If I call Alexander a coward for not playing a game with me and influence him to do so. He'll pick something I can't win, then- I shivered. If I told him I'd pick the game, he won't do it, so he had to choose one. I could feel the smoke rush out of my ears, and my head ran in circles. 
"What's up?" Drake asked. "Lynette?" He clarified after I had yet to answer. I thought he was talking to June. 
"Hmm?" Why did he suddenly ask me that- I could feel my heart pounding. "I'm thinking and tired."
June smiled and pointed to the couches, "you can sleep over there if you want. Elliot does it all the time! He says they're super comfortable." June patted his head and then gave a light pat to Drake's. "We'll wake you up."
Drake side-eyed him, then patted his own head with his hand. He didn't seem to like the ease that June touched him with. He finally caught onto the conversation again. "You want to beat Alexander, so he doesn't eat you?"
I sheepishly grabbed at my pointer finger with my other hand. I pinched at it. "He's your best friend, so I know I can't ask you for help."
Drake smirked and shrugged as he leaned in his chair, "you're not in a bind anymore, and I don't think he needs it, so it wouldn't be a betrayal if I helped you find a solution."
June looked between us. 
"We were in a bind? Like the one they had at the festivals for givers? I-" I don't remember ever doing something like that. 
"The Seal binds are the most common, similar to what you signed with your contract here." Drake brushed some of his bangs back. "You and Alexander had a Word bind. They don't generally happen with small little deals." Drake let his hair fall again. He smiled lightly, but I could tell there was something he didn't want to say. "Wendigos originated from vampire beasts, but our binds aren't as strong as they are his species. So I can't tell you why."
Seal binds and Word Binds? Does that mean I have to watch what I say to him? Great. "Did you say wendigoes came from vampire beasts?" Does that mean it'll look like Drake's if Alexander ever changes into his monster form? 
Drake was about to answer but glanced up at the clock behind me, "it's-you have two minutes."
"TWO?" I stood up from the table, "ah! What do I do!?"
Drake studied me. He turned his head before he could suggest anything. "I don't know."
"Can't you ask him not to?" June asked. He caught up with our exchange. 
"He won't listen; I've tried."
June laughed, "did you say please?"
"I remember doing that." I looked around the room. I can't fend him off. I looked at the sink. I can't cover myself in soap, I'd probably be too sudsy and fall over, plus I'd have to deal with that after. 
"I don't think you can avoid it, Lynette," Drake said honestly.
I don't want to hear that right now. 
"Hey, Alexander!" June called.
I leaped from my seat and went between June and Drake's seats around the table. I felt unnerved by his approach. 
June tapped at my hand on the table while looking at him, "Lynette said she doesn't want to be eaten."
Alexander spoke to June but didn't take his eyes off me, "Lev's probably going to win his game later, so tell her she's getting eaten."
Thank you for reading! :D Have a gouda day! (Nonnegotiable, if you're lactose intolerant, you're about to be in a lot of pain, sorry, not sorry. Lol).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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ilyelan · 3 years
𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎 𝑏𝑦 @adastrabyssosque. 𝑖 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑏𝑒𝑑𝑜 𝑟𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑑𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠
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it had been a few weeks since you’d been transported into your favorite video game, genshin impact. during that time, you had been told you were impersonating a god you didn’t even know existed, been fatally wounded more times than you can count, somehow survived all of those wounds that should’ve killed you, and met albedo’s twin, who you had been teaching to act like khoi dao, his voice actor, and quite possibly the most chaotic man you’ve ever seen.
it had been some time since you got done teaching him some quotes from khoi, and you were currently hiding in a chest while the knights of favonius searched his lab and questioned him about his whereabouts the last time you had been spotted.
“well, you have to admit it is suspicious when you’re nowhere to be found the same time someone who looks exactly like you is seen running with the impostor.” kaeya spoke, his calm facade never once leaving, despite the obvious anger and suspicion in his visible eye.
“that’s not fair, you’re jumping to a lot of conclusions here kaeya. what, just because you saw me do it all of a sudden it’s me?” it took every ounce of restraint in your body to not burst into laughter as soon as he spoke the iconic lines, but you figured dying wouldn’t be worth it. “excuse me? what is that supposed to mean?” kaeya’s bewildered face was definitely worth the weeks you spent teaching rubedo what various swears meant.
“it means you should get the fuck out.” with every word that came out of rubedo’s mouth, kaeya just looked more and more confused, eventually opting to stop asking questions and just leave.
once the cost was clear, he let you out of the chest, and apologized for the inconvenience, telling you he would make sure you had a proper hiding spot for next time. you told him not to worry, and that the tight space was worth it to get to watch what just happened.
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it had been a while since your last encounter with one of the knights, but you still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, and the eyes you felt on your back at all times.
you were taking a walk with rubedo, when you two suddenly got stopped by kaeya, again. “well, what do we have here? it seems you’re hanging around this impostor again albedo. i theorize that by next week you’ll be fighting everyone over this delusion of yours.” his smirk was infuriating, and you wanted nothing more than to smack it off his face. “the only problem with the theory, is that’s it’s fucking wrong! she isn’t an impostor, and it’s insulting that you’d say otherwise!” it was sweet how harshly he was defending you, but you still couldn’t help but let a tiny laugh escape.
making eye contact with rubedo, he let out a chuckle of his own, then faced kaeya again, and saying goodbye before teleporting both of you back to his lab in dragonspine.
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it had been another week, and everyone had realized their mistake, now you had the most powerful people in all of teyvat at your feet, begging for forgiveness and mercy. of course, you weren’t ready to forgive them just yet, but that didn’t stop them from trying. you and rubedo had just been staying in a cabin in dragonspine, trying to be as far away from any of your so called acolytes as possible.
one of them had found you though, and that brought all of the others to come running for what they hoped would be a chance to win your forgiveness. you two were cornered, surrounded by those who claimed to be the most devoted and loyal.
“please your grace! we sincerely regret our actions, and will do anything for you to believe us! this is like hell, we would do anything for a crumb of your divine presence!” all the so called apologizes were just regurgitated phrase that none of them even meant, you were getting tired of it, so you sent rubedo to deal with them, knowing exactly what he would say when they brought up it being like hell. those few words that you spent so much time teaching him.
“welcome to hell, bitch.”
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nsheetee · 4 years
One Foot in the Golden Life
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Pairing: rich kid!renjun x caddie!reader Genre: rich kid AU, university au, romance, slight angst, mature content Length: 9.7k Summary: this is the story of a boy who is constantly pushed down by his father, a girl who just wants to not live paycheck to paycheck, and how they met on a golf course.  Warnings/Details: includes mentions of other NCT members, female reader, swearing, inaccurate depiction of golf, acts of sexual harassment towards the reader, mature content (unprotected sex, coming inside, oral [female receiving])
a/n: a big thank you to @insomni-writing​ for beta reading this ♡ also, if you are a minor, please beware that there is mature content in this fic!
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You thought it would be the perfect opportunity to work at the most well-known country club in the state, but really the only thing your job brought you was perpetual cold to your hands and feet, and entangled your simple life with one of the youngest and richest bachelors at your university.
The only place on top of Mt. Carla is the Augusta Country Club, and it is a sight to see by the regular people who gaze up at it from the city below, like mortals looking up into the Gods’ chamber. The first time you went up the mountain for your job interview at the club, you got lost and were almost late. Thankfully, you didn’t crash your car on the winding roads, and got the job as well.
The Augusta Country Club is equipped with the largest and most expensive golf course in the region, but also has Michilin approved restaurants and the finest saunas and gym equipment any CEO could ask for. Those are usually the type of people that have club memberships: CEO’s, congress men and women, top-notch lawyers, and maybe the odd business owner that made it big enough to afford the price tag.
When you took up the job as a caddie, you had an idea of what you were getting yourself into. You’ve only been working for a month, but there are already a few regular golf players that prefer you as their caddie, which in your book is a success considering the type of high profile people that come to relax here.
However, today is different.
You can sense it when Kara and Mina, your coworkers who have been working here for a year longer than you, walk towards you and your friend, Lia, before your shift today. Mina has a small stack of info cards in her hands and they both hold smug smiles on their faces. The info cards have everything a caddie needs to know about who they’ll be working for that shift, and by the looks of it, today’s game will have a good match up.
“I’m going to be Mr. Huang’s son’s caddie. Don’t even fight me on this, you know I’ll win.” Kara states boldly as the two girls stop in front of you, snatching an info card out of Mina’s hand when she holds them up like she’s playing a card game, flashing the photos and names on the cards at you.
“I call dibs on Mr. Lee’s son.” Mina hums, not even bothering to keep up the act that they just want to be good caddies. “You two can have the old men.” She smiles tightly, shoving the other two info cards into Lia’s grasp and turning on her heel to walk away with Kara.
Considering you don’t even know what they’re talking about, you have no right to be mad at them. There is more confusion clouding your mind than anger at their rudeness. However, Lia does not share the same sentiment.
“I’ll shove these info cards up their-” Lia fumes, her volume rising as the sentence went on, and you quickly pulled her out of ear shot, around a corner by the bathrooms. “-stuck up two faced asses!”
“Lia…” You mutter, her wording making you shake your head at how unstable her temper is, “They’ve been working here for a lot longer than we have, just let them have those clients. Either way, what’s it to you?”
“What’s it to me? ___, they’re talking about Lee Jeno and Huang Renjun. I know I told you about them before.” Lia states like she expects you to have those two names tattooed on the front lobe of your brain already.
“I think I remember them…. They go to our University, right?” You try to regurgitate your friend’s rambles from months ago out of your head.
“Yeah, business department.” She sighs dreamily, as if the business department is the sexiest thing on campus. “This might be our only chance to shoot our shot.” You can’t help but grimace a bit.
“It can be your chance to shoot your shot. Leave me out of this.” You randomly grab an info card out of Lia’s hands, turning it around to see Mr. Huang Lijun’s photo staring back at you. You send Lia one last look, walking around her to go change in the dressing rooms.
“Aw, you’re no fun.” You hear her whine, her footsteps echo through the hallway as she comes up behind you. She almost knocks you into the wall from how forcefully she grabs onto your arm and swings it back and forth like you’re two little kids on your way to the playground.
“Maybe we can shoot our shot at the old men?” You and Lia stop walking, turning to face each other for a moment of silence. You blink at each other as if you’re both considering it, before erupting into laughter at the ridiculous thought and continue walking down the hallway.
You and Lia constantly joke around about finding rich sugar daddies at work to pay for your college tuition, but both of you know you’ll never actually commit to the idea fully. Neither of you will admit it, but you both know you don’t have the guts to do something like that.
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By the time you, Lia, and your other coworkers change into uniform and gather your supplies for the Lee vs. Huang game, it’s already 10am. The air is crisp and cool, the signs of fall creep along your skin and taint the deep green trees in light oranges and yellows.
Despite the chill, you and your coworkers still wear skirts, long sleeve v-necks, and puffy vests; the only thing keeping your feet warm is a pair of short white socks and tennis shoes. You don’t mind the chill knowing that once the game starts you’ll be moving around enough to get warm. You stop thinking about your cold toes as soon as the door of the country club opens and the Lees and Huangs walk out.
The first time you lay eyes on Huang Renjun, you think your heart might stop.
You know it’s him because he walks close to his father as they make their way to where you’re standing by the golf carts. He has obviously dyed blonde color, his dark roots proof of that; it’s neatly gelled back in an effortless way with the light wind blowing a few of the locks gently as if an angel is personally moving them for him. His white jacket and black pants are slim and look like they cost more than all of your college textbooks this semester. He walks with his head high, his pretty, pink lips set in a straight line, and his almond eyes gentle.
Okay, so... maybe you understand the hype now.
“Good evening, ladies.” Mr. Lee announces, looking at you and your coworkers. You all politely introduce yourself and state who you’ll be caddying for.
Huang Lijun isn’t as tall as his son, but he looks to be more lively than Renjun, even at his age. He has a permanent smile on his lips and you can feel a friendly demeanor radiating from him when you approach.  
“Good Morning, sir. Let me take those off of your hands.” You politely grab the bag of clubs from him, feeling shy as his gaze doesn’t leave your face the entire time.
“You’re new here, right? I feel like I would remember you if I saw you before.” You’re surprised when he suddenly pinches your cheek, and he laughs at your shocked face. An unsettled feeling plants itself at the bottom of your stomach at the unwarranted touch.
“I’ve only been working here for a month, sir.”
“I think I’ll be coming around here more often, then.” He winks at you and turns to go sit in the front seat of the golf cart. You can’t help but let the feeling at the bottom of your stomach grow at how the older man looks at you. You definitely misjudged his “friendly” demeanor. Your eyes can’t help but glance at Renjun, who’s standing a few feet away from the whole interaction. He gives you a blank stare before turning and following his father.
In the past few weeks, you had gotten many lustful smiles and lewd gazes at your bare legs, but also many dollars in tips just in one morning by letting those smiles and gazes happen. The need to make ends meet justifies it all, and the cash you earn at the end of every shift only fuels this need.
The ride from the club’s main building to the first hole is short, so you quickly recompose yourself. You still have a job to do— a job you’re being paid lots of money for. You believe in your strong will to put up with whatever antics Mr. Huang pulls for the next few hours. Upon arrival at the first hole, you pull the bag of golf clubs out of the cart and follow in Mr. Huang’s quick footsteps, suddenly feeling sweaty from the exercise you’re getting by carrying these heavy clubs. When your group reaches the first hole, you set the bag down on the ground and press your hand over your face, but Mr. Huang’s voice startles you.
“Woah, there.” You jump and face him. “Those clubs cost more than my car, and unlike my car, they don’t deserve to be on the ground, darling.”
“Yes, sir. I apologize.” You smile shyly and pick up the clubs from the ground, your shoulders already straining to keep them up. ‘They weigh as much as a car,’ you huff.
This is going to be a long game.
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“You kids can clean the carts today,” Mina suddenly throws a keychain at Lia’s face, she barely catches it before it hits her, “I have plans.”
“Me, too.” Kara quickly says, following after Mina as they both walk away. The game ended right at lunchtime (the Lees won) and now you and your coworkers are back at the club. It’s supposed to be everyone’s job to clean the golf carts after they’ve been used, but it looks like today it’ll just be you and Lia… Maybe.
“___, please. I’m going to be late to the cafe, my boss there is already mad at me.” Lia turns to you and begs with her hands clasped in front of her chest, eyes pleading and feet bouncing. You sigh; you’re hungry and your muscles are sore, and all you want to do is go home as quickly as you can. Still, you roll your eyes and take the golf cart keys from her, making her face crack open into a smile as she hugs you quickly.
“I’ll bring you coffee on Monday!” She screams at you as she practically runs away, leaving you with two golf carts to clean. You sluggishly begin, crawling into the cart the Huangs were sitting in when you find a small notebook laying on one of the seats. Picking it up to examine it, you find out it’s your university’s yearly planner, a book that everyone gets at the beginning of every academic year. Along the binder reads “Huang Renjun” and your eyes widen, immediately looking up to glance at the direction that Renjun walked off to a while ago.
Your legs move quickly through the corridors of the club, moving past changing rooms, saunas, and bathrooms, the planner tightly clutched in your hand. Your head is on a swivel and your lower lip is stuck between your teeth, until you hear a door open and slam shut behind you, making you turn your head to catch Renjun walking out of a changing room.
“Mr. Huang!” You call out.. Renjun freezes at the name, spinning on his heel to see you walking towards him.
“Sorry to disturb you, but you left your planner on the golf cart.” You hold it out for him, but he doesn’t take it.
“How do you know it’s a planner? Did you look through it?” You blink at him, stunned, and then glance down at the notebook. You’re surprised by the sudden questions and at the same time annoyed that Renjun accused you of snooping through his things so quickly. The image you had of him earlier, graceful, classy, and attractive, slips out of your mind as he stares down at you. However, this is the first time he’s directly talking to you, and you can’t help the spark that ignites in your belly from the roughness in his voice. It’s higher-pitched, but unpolished and jagged as he speaks with you.
“No. I go to the same University. I have the same one.” You explain. Renjun’s stare turns into shock.
“Really? Which department?”
“Fine Arts. I study Studio Art.” At first you think that you’re seeing things, but after blinking, you can guarantee that Renjun has jealousy painted on his face. It’s so sour that he looks away, trying to preoccupy his hands by fiddling with his bag. “So, are you going to take this, or…?”
“Yeah,” The bitterness drips from his tone, but you have a feeling it’s not directed at you, “Thank you for returning it.” He finally accepts it and turns to his bag, taking out his wallet. The cards inside look thick and heavy; memberships to places you’ll never step foot in and credit cards with limits you could never even imagine. Your pride tells you that you don’t need anything he could give you, so you silently turn around and walk away.
Renjun shuffles through some crisp 10’s and 20’s, but when he looks up to give you the tip, you’re already down the hallway and halfway out the door. You have golf carts to clean.
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The next time you see Renjun is a week after the last game. The chilly weather remains, along with the useless uniform you have to wear, but this time around you’re not Mr. Huang’s caddie, you’re Renjun’s.
Kara walks next to you with Mr. Huang’s heavy golf clubs, her lips straight and head turned away from you to show her annoyance at how the caddie match up situation went this week. You’re sure to get an earful about this for at least the next few days, but you kind of like this revenge that fate dealt Kara. Either way, it’s not like there’s anything you can do about the match up. Renjun requested you to be his caddie this week, and you weren’t going to risk your bosses being angry with you by denying the request.
“Driver.” Renjun’s voice pulls you into the game. You pull out the correct golf club and put it into his awaiting hand, your fingertips brushing with his. “Aren’t you cold?” The words shock you, considering they’re the first words Renjun spoke to you today other than commands for golf clubs.
“I-I’m fine, Mr. Huang.” You respond promptly.
“Don’t call me that.” His tone is icy, and he quickly realizes how unnecessary it is to bite at you like that, “Just call me Renjun.” His father walks back from his shot, looking very smug. Renjun’s face is calm as he trades spots with his father and prepares for his first swing of the day, correcting his posture and loosening his limbs.
You remember the first time you saw him, how elegant and poised he looked. Your cold hands break into a sweat as your chest heats up from the quick beating of your heart. Renjun has only been icy and accusing towards you so far, yet you still feel warm while thinking about him. There has to be something wrong with you.
“Doesn’t my son look like he knows what he’s doing?” Mr. Huang asks from beside you, a small, unnerving smile on his lips.
“Yes, sir.” You reply back with your own, more innocent, smile.
“I taught him everything he knows about golf…. And women.” Mr. Huang leans into you, turning his chest to face you so that his breath is hitting your cheek. You can’t help but swallow to relieve your dry and cold throat, keeping your eyes forward as Renjun swings his club back and forth a bit in preparation.
“Yes, sir.” The only thought on your mind is to stop this man from stepping closer.
“Is that the only thing you can say?”
Renjun swings his arm back, breathing in as he keeps his eyes on the small white ball and his hopes in the green before him. Mr. Huang’s right hand is warm on your waist, but you would give anything to freeze right now.
A sharp crack ripples through the air as Renjun hits the golf ball and sends it flying into the golf course. His eyes are not where the ball lands, but instead on where his father touches you.
Renjun’s mom died when he was not even three days old.
He never got to meet her— to lay on her chest and hold her finger with his whole hand. He’ll never know what advice she would’ve given him when he got his first girlfriend, and he’ll never know how she would’ve reacted to him crashing his first car when he was 17. He only knows that his mom would’ve been there for him through all of that, unlike his father, who was not.
Renjun has had “mothers” through his life; three, to be exact. The first was when he was 5 years old, and she quickly asked for a divorce after Renjun’s dad went on a three month business trip and she didn’t hear from him the whole time. The second “mother” was a bit more mature than the first and with a lot more time on her hands. She wanted to shape 9 year old Renjun into a perfect student, which was something Renjun’s father appreciated, but still divorced her for “being too strong-headed.” Renjun only met his third mother twice when he was 13: once at the wedding and the second time at her funeral. He didn’t ask any questions, he wasn’t very interested in the first place.
These were the type of people Renjun spent his life around, but they really weren’t his mothers. The only similarity he had with those women was his father, and he treated them as poorly as he treated Renjun. That’s why when Renjun looks at you, cowering away from the very man who is his only link to family, he feels sick.
When is his dad going to stop being a fucking predator? How young does he want his next conquest to be? Will Renjun’s next mom be the same age as him? Something swirls in the pit of his stomach when he watches his father and it takes a moment for him to figure out what it is: jealousy. He’s not sure why he’s feeling jealous over someone he just met last week, but the feeling engulfs his whole chest and it burns him to his spot.
Renjun doesn’t even notice that he swung his golf club or that the golf ball went somewhere far into the green, probably an overshot. He only sees you, afraid of the man touching you but not stepping away. Why aren’t you stepping away?
“Nice job, Renjun.” His best friend, Jeno, claps a hand on his back as he steps up, hitting Renjun back into reality and forcing him to walk towards you. As Renjun approaches, his father slyly takes his hand away, and Renjun notices how you let out a relieved sigh. Giving you back his driver, Renjun strategically stands between you and his father, pretending to watch Jeno swing.
“Good job… Renjun.” You whisper, unsure about calling him by his first name so informally.
“Thank you.” Renjun sends a side glance to his father to see the displeased look on his face. “How was that, Dad?” Renjun hopes that maybe he can remind his father of why he’s here (to win against the Lees this week, not to feel up a girl 30 years younger than him) but in this moment, his father is acting like a 5 year old in the middle of a silent tantrum, not a 50 year old who runs the most successful construction company in the country.
“I’ve taught you better than that.” Renjun is sure they’re not talking about golf anymore, the authoritative tone in his father’s voice sends a lightning bolt of surprise and slight fear down Renjun’s back. He hates how he gets scared, he hates how his father can control him. The fury churns in the pit of his stomach as he accepts his father’s words with a bow of his head.
One day, Renjun swears he won’t submit anymore.
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After the game ended with the Lees winning once again, you, Lia, and your other coworkers convene at the golf carts after the clients leave to change inside the club.
“You ladies know the drill.” Kara throws both sets of golf cart keys at you before walking off with Mina. You push Lia towards the entrance of the building before she even has a chance to turn around and open her mouth.
“You should get to the cafe before your boss throws another fit.” Lia turns back to face you, her jaw slightly slack and her eyes shining.
“You’re seriously the best. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a few extra shots in my coffee on Monday.” Lia laughs at that, grabbing your face between her two small, manicured hands and kissing you on each cheek before hopping off inside. You can’t help but be amused at her antics, turning to the golf carts in front of you to start cleaning.
“They make you clean the carts by yourself?” The voice startles you, not because you weren’t expecting it but because it’s Renjun’s. You turn your head over your shoulder, he’s standing just a few feet away still in his golfing gear from earlier.
“Uh, not usually, no. But my coworkers haven’t been happy with me lately.” You explain, fully turning to him and crossing your arms over your chest to tuck your cold hands into your sides.
“The ones who have been working here for a while?” You nod as an answer, and Renjun nods back in understanding, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. “They’ve been trying to get with me and my best friend for a while...” Renjun trails off when he sees your eyebrows raise at the comment, “... But that’s not what I came here to talk about.”
“Oh? What are you here for?” The conversation has gotten too informal for a worker and their client to be having, but you kind of like talking to Renjun in this casual setting.
“I realized that the past few times we’ve talked I’ve been such a dick.” He laughs lightly as he remembers, “I wanted to apologize for that. I wasn’t in a good mood last week and this morning, and I ended up pushing it on you.”
Renjun feels lots of emotions when it comes to you, despite only having this one proper conversation with you. He feels envy towards you for being able to study something that he desperately wants to. He feels guilt when he remembers how quickly he made you into a thief when you were only trying to return his belongings, and he feels so many other secondary and tertiary emotions in between. His head is full when he looks at you. He finally feels like he’s thinking about something, not just doing the same day to day motions in a constant cycle of ‘when will this end?’
“You’re apologizing?” You ask, stunned when he nods his head in confirmation. Sincere apologies are important to you. You believe there are not enough of them in this world anymore, and his gentle almond eyes are too wholehearted and warm for you in this cold weather. Your heart feels full looking at him, and you curse at yourself in your head for being swayed like this.
“I also have a question… You mentioned you’re majoring in Studio Art and I was wondering if, maybe, you could let me into one of the studios after a class this week? I’ve been needing a quiet place to work since my house has been busy lately.” One of the hands that was in Renjun’s pocket moves to matte down his sideburns while he glances at his shoes. “Was that too forward? Sorry, I just know that you can’t get into a studio without a passcode and you’re the only person I know who’s in Studio Art.” Renjun explains after you stare for a while, blinking at him.
“You’re an artist?” You finally ask, Renjun giving you a weak ‘yeah’ in response. A part of you wants to say no, that it’ll be weird to do something like this for him when you’ve only known him for less than 2 weeks and up until this point, you’ve only been in a worker-client relationship. However, you’re curious about what he’s like outside of this setting, especially what he’s like when his father has no possibility of appearing, since that seems to be the factor that turns his mood up or down.
“Sure. Come by studio 3 after 6pm on Wednesday and I’ll let you in, but... I heard Mr. Lee already scheduled a game for next weekend?” Renjun nods, “Then in return, you can win that game. It’s embarrassing always being on the losing team.” You smile playfully at the end to let him know you’re only joking.
“Deal.” Renjun sends a smile back of the same caliber, holding out a hand to shake with yours. If you thought you were affected by Renjun’s nice presence, his hand in yours sends you into another realm. His touch is warm from staying indoors and from keeping his hands in his pockets, and they contrast to your cold skin. He sucks in a breath through his teeth when your hands connect, turning your hand in his grip to look at your knuckles. “Are you sure you’re not cold? Your hands are freezing.”
“I’ll be okay. I just don’t have any good gloves to wear while working.” He huffs, small traces of white smoke leaves his mouth as he digs through his pockets.
“Wear these.” He replaces his hand in yours with a pair of his own gloves, “Your hands are precious, they shouldn’t be freezing.” Before Renjun can get embarrassed by his own words, he shoves his hands back into his pockets and turns on his heel, walking away, “I’ll see you on Wednesday!”
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A knock on the studio doors shakes you away from staring at your painting, making you turn to look at who it is. Renjun peaks through the small window and waves when you make eye contact. You get up to open the door, almost forgetting that today is the day you agreed to let Renjun into your studio.
… Okay, that’s a lie. You definitely remembered that you’re supposed to meet Renjun, but you keep trying to convince yourself that you’re not excited about seeing him outside of that stuffy country club.
“Hey, sorry if I startled you.” Is the first thing he says when you open the door. He’s dressed in slacks, a dress shirt with a sweater over it, and a long coat over that. His nose and cheeks are slightly red from the rough wind outside and his supplies are clutched to his chest.
“Oh, you’re fine. I was just deep in thought.” Something about the studio makes both of you speak in hushed tones. No one else is here, but you feel the need to maintain the peace and quiet the room naturally holds. You and Renjun make your way to where you’re set up, he puts his things down on an easel to your left and takes off his coat, watching you from his peripheral vision.
Those uniforms they make you wear at work are just for show, Renjun knows that well, but that doesn’t stop him from appreciating you in the tight vest and little skirt. However right now, he likes your laid back look consisting of loose jeans and a layered shirt, he thinks it matches you.
“I was going to leave when you got here, but I think I’ll just finish this and head out.” You comment, aimlessly waving at your project.
“Please, stay as long as you need to. This is your studio, I don’t want to kick you out.” He laughs and licks his bottom lip. It’s breathtaking how innocent and nice his smile looks on his face. His eyes scrunch together to form laugh lines and his cheeks rise, he truly looks pretty when he smiles. You think this is the first time you’ve seen him like this.
You mumble back with a mixture of words that probably didn’t make sense and turn back to your work, leaving the room to continue with its peacefulness and quiet. However, Renjun’s presence next to you is too big to ignore. There are so many things you want to know about him and you have no excuse as to why you’re so curious.
“How about a game while we work?” You suggest.
“Sure… How about 20 questions?” It’s like he read your mind, so you smile and nod at his idea.
“You can go first.” You suggest.
“Okay, uh… Why do you work at a golf course if you’re majoring in Studio Art? Shouldn’t you be working at a, I don’t know, museum?” The question catches you off guard and Renjun notices how you stop painting, your brush and your hand floating in the air as you think, “Oh, sorry, is that too personal?”
“No, no… It’s just, normally, the first question people ask in a game of 20 questions is something like ‘what’s your favorite color’ or ‘what’s your sign’.” Renjun lets out a choked and embarrassed laugh, ducking his head down to look away from you. You can tell he’s about to change his question, so you quickly go back to painting and speak before he can.
“I did apply to work at several museums. I didn’t get any jobs, so I had to look elsewhere and Augusta was hiring. I know it’s not very fitting, but it makes good money and rich people know my name, even if it’s for just a few hours.” Renjun nods at your answer as if he could ever understand the idea of being poor, but the insight into your decision brings a fact to light that Renjun wasn’t 100% aware of before: you’re not like him, you need money.
“Don’t you hate the way people look at you there?” The words tumble out of Renjun’s lips faster than he can process the weight they carry. He turns to face you with guilt pooling in his eyes and his mouth opening and closing to find some words to correct the situation.
“No, I don’t like it.” You surprise him with your quick response, “But people like you don’t understand what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, to have to worry about how to pay the bills every month for years on end, always on your toes about money. I bet you think I’m cheap and—”
“No.” Renjun cuts you off promptly before you can continue, “Don’t make me into a jerk. I’m not like that. But the fact that that is the first thing you thought of worries me.” Your eyes widen at that, prompting him to elaborate. “Doesn’t that mean that’s how you think of yourself? Maybe not on the outside, but subconsciously. Sure, I won’t ever be able to understand how you live, but I wish you would not look at yourself as cheap and think of yourself as… beautiful.” Renjun lets the last words linger on his tongue, saying it quietly as if to not startle you.
You stare at him, your paintbrush resting in your hand and your back slouched as you watch him watch you. This is not the type of conversation you thought you’d be having with Renjun tonight, but you have to admit he makes a point. Eventually, you turn to your painting and stare at it some more, making Renjun turn and continue his own work.
“Ah, I asked two questions in a row.” He suddenly breaks the tense atmosphere, making you sigh as you remember you’re just playing a game, “You can ask two questions.”
He allows and relaxes when he sees you go back to painting.
“If you like to draw, why are you a business major?” Now it’s Renjun’s turn to freeze. Maybe if he did ask what your favorite color was he wouldn’t have had to endure this question from you, but he feels like he should answer it since it’s of equal weight to the one he asked you.
“It wasn’t my choice. I will most likely take my father’s place in his company and I need to at least know the basics before that happens.” You nod slowly. He looks so calm when he’s focused on drawing, but it’s not the same calm that you see on his face when he’s playing golf. You turn away before you get caught staring.
“Is that why your mood always changes when your dad is around?”
“Is it that obvious…” He trails off and you nod, “I can’t believe I’m about to say this out loud, but… It’s like everytime I’m around him, or at his office, or at home, my mind goes blank. I don’t feel like talking or thinking at all.” As he speaks, he sets down his utensils and turns to you, making continuous eye contact as he explains. You find yourself feeling comfortable at how easily he’s talking to you about such a deep subject.
“It sounds like… you’re angry.” You turned to face him now too, your paintbrush settled onto your canvas and your full attention on him, “My dad is like that. He gets so angry sometimes that he’s calm. No yelling or fighting, just silence. That’s how I know I messed up when he gets like that.” You nod, remembering all the times he’s been calmly mad at you.
“I don’t know… It’s confusing to me.” He straightens his back and stares at your foot as it moves around aimlessly. “What do I do?” He asks into the air, as if his pencil would suddenly start talking to him like a therapist.
“Just do what makes you happy.” Renjun’s glance over at you makes a smile pull at your lips, “I know it’s easier said than done. But you already know what it is that’ll make you happy, and that’s half of the battle. Why bottle it up?”
Renjun doesn’t know how he’ll ever get the courage to tell his father these things, but the way you’re looking at him as if he can do anything, he starts to feel tingles of confidence trickle into him.
“Oh, and why did you pick me to be your caddie this past weekend?”
“Well…” Renjun plays with his pencil. What is he supposed to say? He doesn’t want you to carry around his father’s heavy golf clubs? He doesn’t like the way his father touches you and gets jealous over it for some unknown reason? Yeah, he’s not going to say.
“Just because… I wanted you next to me.” The way he says it makes it sound so simple and true, but your heart drops to your stomach and springs back up going at 100 miles per hour. You can barely stop your hand from shaking as you pick up your brush, and it’s almost like you can’t see in front of you from the thrill of his words.
“Hey,” Renjun suddenly drops his pencil and turns to you, looking a bit confused and slightly upset, “Didn’t you ask three questions?”
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“We’re letting the Lees win again today.” Renjun is in the middle of pulling up the zipper of his jacket when his father drops the news. Renjun’s footsteps stutter slightly at his father’s words and he stops walking next to the older man.
“Again?” He asks as he already thinks up an apology to tell you later when he loses.
“Yes, I need Mr. Lee to be happy when I bring up the new contract to him later in the sauna.” Renjun sighs and continues to walk next to his father. It’s the next weekend, and the third Lee vs. Huang game is starting in just a few minutes.
Renjun won’t lie, purposefully losing to his best friend and his dad every week is not the greatest stroke to Renjun’s ego, especially since Jeno won’t let it down around his other friends.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Lijun swivels on his heel to look at his son, “Have you been requesting for ___ to be your caddie?”
The questions stuns Renjun, making it hard to answer so his father takes it as a yes.
“Well stop it. Dad wants to have some fun.” He claps a hand on Renjun’s back and  smiles. In the past, Renjun would’ve just rolled his eyes and let his father do whatever he wants, but this time his blood boils. He feels true anger when his father struts away with the intentions of doing whatever he wants to someone Renjun cares about. He can barely move his feet after the old man, his mind cloudy as everyone makes it to the golf carts.
“Let’s have a good game today, Mr. Huang, don’t make it too easy to beat you.” Mr. Lee jokes around and the two old men laugh as they settle into their own golf carts. Renjun walks up to his cart and you wave to him, the white gloves he gave you last week snugly on your hands. Renjun thinks his anger is what spurs him into doing what he does next.
He steps close to you, leaning into your ear and wrapping his hand around your covered ones with his thumb rubbing on your exposed wrist, “Keep these on for me, babe. I don’t want you to be cold.”
The amount of jaws that drops after Renjun’s words makes him bite down his smirk and slide into the front seat of the golf cart, pretending to not see the daggers his father is  throwing at him with his eyes.
Your heart beats so quickly and loudly you’re sure Kara can hear it next to you if she wasn’t busy huffing about what Renjun just did. Sitting in the back seat of the golf cart, you watch the back of Renjun’s head on the way to the first hole. What got into Renjun? Why did he all of a sudden call you ‘babe’ and get so close? Not that you’re opposed to it, you’re just shocked.
The game begins once you reach the first hole, and the Huang’s put up a good fight throughout the entire game, keeping the Lees on their toes and the score sheet even. Everytime Renjun comes back from a shot, you smile at him and tell him good job, which earns you a pat on the back from him that warms you up from the inside out.
Renjun can tell his father is getting more and more annoyed with him; how Renjun is keeping you as far from his father as he possibly can, the gentle touches on your waist that you welcome wholeheartedly compared to the ones Mr. Huang would lay on you before. He likes how angry his father gets, especially knowing that he can’t do anything about it right now. Not to mention, you seem to be enjoying Renjun’s attention, which just adds to his confidence.
Now, your group arrives at the last hole of the game. The Lees step up and swing, setting their total score to 357. All Renjun and his father have to do is move the ball around a bit more to get their score to be higher and the Lees will win the game. Mr. Huang is up first, acting clumsy so that the ball doesn’t make it into the hole and brings the game to Renjun.
As he sets up his posture, his hands suddenly go stiff. This shot is so easy to make, he has made this exact hole several times. He breathes in and out deeply, deciding on if he should throw the game like his father said he should, or give his one last ‘fuck you’ to his Dad.
He glances at you and makes eye contact; you nod your head and smile a bit as if to say ‘go ahead, we all know you can do this.’ Renjun then grips his golf club and swings it back to effortlessly hit the golf ball, rolling it along the green and perfectly into the hole.
You and the other caddies clap for the perfectly executed shot and Jeno and his father come up to Renjun to shake hands. They don’t look upset, instead they look pretty happy for Renjun. However, Renjun’s father is deathly silent, not even congratulating Renjun on his win. Renjun wasn’t expecting a whole ceremony for him, but it does feel nice to put his father down a peg or two today, and that’s the thought that fills Renjun’s head as everyone rides back to the country club.
While getting out of the golf cart, Renjun attempts to turn back to you but is promptly pulled away by the back of his jacket by his father. Renjun yelps and pulls away, but that doesn’t stop Lijun from grabbing onto his son’s arm instead and pulling him inside.
“What was that? I specifically told you to lose the game and you did the exact opposite. How am I supposed to talk to Mr. Lee now?” Renjun’s father fumes, his low voice belting out into the corridor and making some of the passing staff turn their heads.
“That’s not my problem.” Renjun shrugs and his father stops shaking, stepping closer to his son.
“Excuse me?” He asks with menace dripping from his tongue.
“I said, that’s not my problem.” Renjun is fired up. He doesn’t see a way out of this now, no way his behavior is being excused, so might as well go all in.
“You did it for that caddie, ___, right?” His father squints his eyes and turns his head slightly. When Renjun doesn’t answer, Lijun laughs in his face, “It looks like I’m right.”
“What?” Renjun asks dumbly.
“It’s okay. You’re just a boy and you can make some mistakes over a girl, we’ve all been there once or twice.” Lijun fixes Renjun’s jacket and pats his shoulder, his angry disposition turning passive. “Besides, you can’t do much for that girl anyway. Is a ball in a hole really all she deserves?”
“I won the game because I could. I won it because that’s what I wanted.” Renjun states, his blood beginning to boil once again when his father says he doesn’t deserve you. What is he thinking? Does he actually think he has a chance with you? He can keep dreaming.
“We can’t always do whatever we want. There are consequences we have to face for doing whatever we want. Are you ready to face the consequences?” At the question, Renjun is reminded about the words you told him Wednesday night.
‘Just do what makes you happy,’ Those simple words are so hard to turn into reality. Renjun wants to be happy so bad. He wants to be away from this man and he wants to be closer to you. The consequences? Sure, he’ll deal with it all if it means he can stop living in the personal hell his father set up for him. Renjun pushes his father away a bit and steps out of the trap his father pushed him into, making Lijun’s eyes widen.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Renjun says and turns around, walking back towards the exit of the building.
“Hey, where are you going?” His father shouts after him.
“To do the thing that I want to do the most.” He yells back and walks around the corner, out of sight from his father. Renjun practically runs through the hallways to get back outside and run to you, but you surprise him by greeting him by the saunas. He stops in his steps and you smile as you walk up to him.
“Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you did really well today. I know I said I wanted you to win last week, but I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” You laugh.
“Thanks.” Renjun simply says, afraid of what else could come out if he keeps talking.
“Oh, I also want to give you these back.” You dig out Renjun’s gloves from your pocket, holding them out. This is it. This is the moment Renjun will start to do whatever makes him happy, whatever he wants.
And what he wants right now is you.
He quickly takes the gloves and then tightly grips the wrist of your outstretched hand, leading you down the hallway and around some corner. He hears you exclaim a small ‘woah’ but you let him guide you into a sauna, the door closing tightly behind both of you.
There’s no one else in the room, just the stuffy steam that floats in the small space between you two. Renjun has a tight grip on the gloves you gave back to him and his other hand runs through his hair and messes up the perfect form it held.
“Tell me to stop.” He demands, looking straight into your eyes.
“Tell me to stop right now.” He takes a step forward, his eyes full to the brim with lust and his hands shaking with how much he’s holding himself together. You’ve barely been in the room for a minute, but your clothes are already sticking to you from the intense heat.
“I don’t understand,” You reply back as he keeps moving toward you. You take small steps back in return, “I don’t know what I’m stopping you from.” Half of you is playing dumb right now; you know what Renjun wants from you just by the look in his eyes. The other half just wants to hear him say it himself
“I’ll fuck you the way you deserve. Right here, right now.” Renjun’s voice is too angelic to say such nasty words, but he growls them out like he’s a tainted angel. You’re pressed against the wooden wall of the sauna now, Renjun just a step away. You lean into him slightly and rip the gloves out of his hand to throw them to the side.
“Do it.”
It’s all the permission Renjun needs to feverishly connect his lips to yours.
The action is so sudden, you don’t remember how Renjun got close to you so quickly. Despite his forcefulness before, his lips melt into you like chocolate melting over a fire, so hot and delicious that you just want more. His hands hold the sides of your face, pushing back your hair and his body pushing you back into the wall.
He sucks on your bottom lip, softly biting afterwards and making you let out a whimper, and then a moan when his thigh pushes between your legs and further presses you against the wall. Amidst the kissing, you find the zipper of his expensive jacket, unzip it, and pull the piece of clothing off. Afterwards, you pull his shirt off and break the kiss while you’re at it.
“I’ve been thinking about you in this skirt since….” Renjun hums at the thought, his hand sliding up your bare thighs and under your skirt, then he grips your ass and brings your core down onto his thigh, the friction enough to have you letting out a strangled moan.
“Since the day I first saw you.” He finally whispers and connects your lips once again. His hand on your ass doesn’t move, his other hand is placed on your waist as he helps you ride the rough material of his pants. Renjun can only watch your reactions; the way your head lolls back into the wall and your eyes screw shut, holding onto Renjun’s shoulders tight enough he’s sure there will be marks afterwards.
“Fuck— Renjun, don’t stop, please.” He’s mesmerized, absolutely addicted to how you look and sound right now, and it’s all because of him. The thought spurs him along, he removes your jacket and you blindly help him in removing your top and bra. You must look like a mess right now, especially since you’re coming close to your climax just by Renjun’s touch and his thigh. Not to mention the sweat dripping down both of you, a glistening sheen coating your skin that makes Renjun let out a low growl before he leans down and takes one of your nipples in his mouth.
He sucks and swirls his tongue, and you can’t help but moan his name again, digging your fingers into his blonde hair and tugging. Renjun moves from your chest downward, not letting an inch of your stomach and hips go past him without a kiss and a nibble, leaving you breathing heavily. He makes his way down to his knees and folds your skirt up, glancing at  you from his position.
“You don’t wear anything under here except your panties?” You nod, your head stuttering as Renjun applies pressure with his thumb over your slick hole, a wet spot already there to greet him.
“You’re so fucking dirty, baby.” He groans and leans in to swipe his tongue over your center making you shake as a response. He slides your underwear down and throws it somewhere to the side, catching the sigh of your arousal dripping down your thigh. His intense stare makes you shake him, embarrassment crawling over you at how he’s not reacting.
“Are you shy?” You whine, not really answering his question. “You don’t need to be. You’re beautiful.” The softness from his voice contradicts his more dominating tone from before, but you don’t have time to think about it before he dives in. You sigh in content when the pressure in between your hips caused by Renjun turns into pure pleasure. His tongue laps at your essence and his lips suck on your clit, you can tell he’s trying to find what exactly will make you tick.
When Renjun slides a finger into your hole unexpectedly, you jump and whimper a bit but the feeling of him sliding in and out along with his tongue circling and sucking on your clit makes a knot form in the pit of your stomach, tightening up your muscles and making your eyes roll back.
“Right there. Oh my god, right there…” You keep repeating, praying that Renjun treats you good and let’s you come. He adds another finger and you gasp, starting to move your hips in rhythm to his hand, holding onto his shoulders for more stability. He glances up at you, watching your eyes screw shut and your tits bounce as you use his hand to get yourself off. Renjun hums against you, and you can almost feel the ecstasy of coming undone, until Renjun pulls away. You groan, feeling like crying when your orgasm fades.
“Hey..” You whine, pouting when Renjun stands back up and licks your juices off of his lips. He has some on his chin and you bring your hand up to wipe it away, Renjun stopping your hand and kissing the wetness away, then kissing up your arm and to your shoulder, up your neck and to your ear. He tugs at your earlobe, licking the skin under it and biting some more, his hands sliding up your waist at playing with your nipples, pinching a little to get whimpers out of you and making your hips buck up, ready to continue where Renjun left you at.
That’s when you feel the hardness in his pants; it must be painful. That’s why you understand his next words, whispered into the shell of your ear between kisses: “You’re not coming until I’m in you, got it?”
You nod quickly, attaching your hands to Renjun’s zipper and button, undoing them and sliding down his pants.
“But, you’re gonna need to do something for me…” He says, helping you pull down his boxers, watching his angry, red length swing out. You gasp, feeling a bit bad that you just left Renjun like this to eat you out, but you’re sure you can make up to him now.
“What is it? I’ll do it.” Your hands run over Renjun’s sweaty shoulders, moving away some longer hair in the back of his head that’s sticking against his neck.
“You’re gonna have to yell my name. I need you to let everyone know who’s doing this to you— who’s making you feel good, okay?” Your breath gets caught in your throat as the words tumble out of his lips. He tilts his voice higher at the end of every phrase to make him sound innocent, but you’re not fooled.
“There’s people outside…” You mumble back, sending a glance at the door. You know there are several staff and customers walking along the hallways outside. What will they think if they hear you screaming Renjun’s name? Not to talk about what will happen to your job.
Those thoughts melt away when Renjun’s dick slides between your folds slowly, making you turn your gaze back to him and hold on tight as he lubricates himself over your wetness, holding onto your hips so that you don’t move and take anymore than what he’s giving you.
“That’s exactly why I want you to scream. Can you do that for me?” He asks and you nod frantically, doing almost anything to get his dick inside you. You’re not sure what’s going to happen once you step out of this room, but at least you know Renjun is going to give you the best fuck you’ve had in a while, and you know it’ll be worth it for what’s to come after all this.
“Finally…” You moan when Renjun’s length disappears into you inch by inch, going slow as to not hurt you. He sucks in a breath through his teeth as he bottoms out, picking up your thigh to hang it over his hip and wrapping his other arm around your waist to keep you close. You hold onto him, adjusting as he kisses your lips sweetly and carefully, and waits to move his throbbing cock through your velvety walls.
“Go, Renjun, move….” You whisper, and he looks at you confused.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you.” He asks, cocking his head.
“Please, move.” You say louder, but he shakes his head and purses his lips as if he still can’t understand.
“I said, fuck me, Renjun. Please, can you fuck me already?” You all but scream out, your voice almost cracking at how whiny you sound. No doubt, if someone passed by outside they would’ve heard you. The thought makes you tense up, but it feels so good to be able to yell out what you want.
“Your wish, baby.” Renjun mutters before he starts rocking into you. You both groan at the sensation, Renjun’s hips speeding up as he gains more momentum. His lips don’t leave yours, kissing you into oblivion while his dick stuffs you. He has you against the wall, his hips powering away and you don’t dare to disturb him, realizing he’s burning all of his anger away as well.
“Yes, Renjun, fuck me just like that…'' You moan loudly to spur him on, now not really caring about who’s outside or who hears you, just wanting Renjun to know you love how rough he’s going. He presses you higher up the wall and pulls your legs apart more, hitting a new angle that literally makes you scream out, tears mixing with the sweat on your face as he relentlessly pumps into you.
There are so many things going on at the same time. Your hard nipples and soft breasts rubbing against Renjun’s chest, making goosebumps rise on his arms. Your hot and sweaty bodies are basically sliding against each other. The clapping of his hips against yours no doubt attracts attention from outside along with your screams and Renjun’s grunts continuously get louder as you both get closer to the climax.
“I’m gonna come… Renjun, come in me…” You’re already fucked out, the words barely leaving your lips coherently, but Renjun understands and moves his finger down to find your clit, circling his thumb fast and steady, just like everything else he’s doing.
“C’mon come on my cock, babe. Let it out, I wanna hear it.” And just like that, you unwind and scream his name as your orgasm washes over and takes control, making you claw onto any part of Renjun that you can reach. Renjun feels your walls deliciously convulse around him and with a few more sloppy thrusts, he comes into you and fills you up, staying wrapped up in you as you both calm down.
Renjun presses small kisses wherever he feels like as your breathing settles down, his softness and the caring way he rubs at your sides and hips where he was holding so hard that you’re sure to have bruises makes you smile hazily.
“___… I don’t regret any of this.” He whispers into your skin, leaning back to look at you properly. “Do you?”
“No.” You answer truthfully, making his eyes shine and you both smile dumbly, your sticking bodies relaxing. The happy moment doesn’t last long before there’s a knock on the door to the sauna. You and Renjun stiffen up as you glance at the door, waiting for whoever it is to announce themselves.
“Renjun? Son?” Your heart drops to your stomach and you cover your mouth at the voice of Renjun’s father on the other side of the door, but when you turn to Renjun, he doesn’t seem bothered. He sends a smile at you and moves some hair from your face before answering.
“Occupied, go somewhere else. We’re busy.”
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Fugitives Part 2:
Part 1
@teheranb I apologize this took so long.
Warnings: mentions of IV lines, mentions of medicine, self-hating/chastising, animal death, gross food (rat meat), fever, starvation, dehydration, trapped in a cave, talk of death, pessimism/lack of hope, needles
They were running... again.
The IV lines, the old medicines... how could Hero be so stupid? Of course a cabin in the middle of the woods would be an old hero base. Well, not of course, because it is not entirely common to have a base nowhere near any known civilization and of that small size, but still. She should've scouted the building, looked for homeowners, predators...
And cameras. Cameras watching them like a fox does to a rabbit.
A quite obvious one too. A blinking red light, stuffed into a corner. Classic, so classic that Hero actually considered the possibly of having to have her mind restarted like a computer.
But of course that sci-fi fantasy was not real, or possible. Yet. If a rottin cabin could be a base, then a way to restart the brain could be quite realistic if scientists worked on it.
The dilemma between whether or not shutting down and rebutting the brain was a possibility was not the most important thing going on at the moment, however.
Hero was running, as stated above, with an injured villain in her muscular arms. And, if you have not guessed it, she was running because there were heroes, her old allies, running after her.
"Take a left," Villain hissed suddenly, his voice spoken with such clarity that it nearly sent Hero to her knees. But nonetheless, Hero dove towards her left.
Sure enough, the villain led them to a deep ditch. Hero jumped into it and started to run, thinking about how lucky she was to have grassroots covering her-
A bullet whizzed past her ear.
Hero ducked, covering Villain as she fell. The villain hissed, but said nothing else- not even a whimper as his shoddily stitched wounds brushed against sharp rocks.
Hero resumed a crawling position as she helped push Villain to his hands and knees.
"Can you crawl a bit?" She asked.
"Cave 'head," Villain answered, lazily and slurred with no strength left in his voice. Telling her to turn absorbed the last of the remaining strength like cat litter on an oil spill.
"Yeah, yeah I see it," Hero replied and helped guide Villain over various rocks and tree branches.
The cave ahead of them was small. They would have to crawl to get inside, and given that, they would have to block the entrance and then not have an escape point.
They would be starved out, but the cave was the only hope for safety at the moment.
Villain went in and immediately collapsed on the ground in a tangled mess of limbs. Hero stiffened when she saw one of the bullet wounds begin to bleed again. Not now Hero, she told herself. Grab a boulder.
Using her superhuman strength, Hero grabbed a hefty boulder and pulled it into the building's entrance, leaving the villain and hero in complete and utter darkness.
"Are you okay?" Hero asked and blindly ran her hands over Villain's body. She felt his muscles move in an upward fashion. He nodded, or so she thought, but whether he did or not, it still equaled the same answer.
He was not okay. Not one bit.
She could tell by the way he just laid there, exhausted. Hero crawled right up next to him and coddled his head close. He didn't resist as if his joints and ligaments were made of fluid- which also worried Hero. If he got sick, if infection set it... would she be able to sacrifice herself for his well-being?
That wasn't even a question. There was no "sacrifice of the mighty". If she gave herself up, both she and Villain would be captured and killed.
He couldn't get sick. There was only one way out of this and that was him staying alive on limited resources.
How hard could it be? Hero thought with a cold shiver sliding down her back.
Day Five:
Hero shivered as she snuggled close to Villain to preserve body heat. Periodically, she would jab him in his side in an attempt to keep him lucid as possible. But, eventually, the need for sleep got too overwhelming that even her persistent taps couldn't keep him awake.
They were beginning to starve.
There was no food in the cave, just murky water that drippled off the sides of the cave droplet by droplet. Heck, not even a puny mouse had visited them yet.
Hero pulled Villain in until her weakening muscles started to ache. His stomach had heat radiating off the two wounds, as did the rest of his body.
"Hey bud," Hero murmured, shaking him. "You up?"
"Mm," Villain replied, not really waking up.
"Is that a yes or no?"
Fever. Why did he have to have a fever? It wasn't like the current conditions could permit such a miracle to happen, but it still was very unfortunate.
Day 6:
Hero placed a piece of moss on Villain's forehead and around his neck. He didn't wake up that morning, just tossed and turned in fitful slumber. In the dim lighting, Hero could just make out scabbed over abscesses on his stomach.
He wouldn't make it two more days in this condition, Hero realized with a gut wrenching pang as she tried to cool and warm Villain at the same time.
Hero pursed her lips, draining a soaked piece of moss into Villain's mouth. He opened his mouth, but didn't swallow- not that it mattered, there wasn't enough to swallow anyways.
Hero's own hunger pangs and need for water disappeared within the first couple days, though she feel could her own body weakening as fatigue started to get to her.
Later that day, Hero heard a squeak. Glancing around wildly, she saw a rat sniffing her moss operation in the light. Slowly advancing, Hero proceeded to catch the thing.
She did, hands wrapped around the body and Hero ended its life by smacking its head against the wall. Quickly, she used her fingers to dig in...
"Villain!" She called, her voice hoarse and slurred, as she shook him awake. His eyes blearily opened. Hero didn't waste a second. She tore some of the flesh off the thin bones and chewed it up before regurgitating it and placing it on Villain's tongue- he was too weak to chew through the tough meat.
He numbly gnawed at the flesh and swallowed before his eyes started to drift closed.
"No stay awake," Hero shook him again. "You have to eat."
Villain mumbled something and Hero jostled him again, but he was lost to the world.
"Crap," Hero whispered and took a bite of the sour food herself. She ate only a few bites- you never knew when another opportunity would come along.
Day 7:
Hero woke up late that morning, or at least she thought she did. Villain's head was on her stomach where he laid curled up in a tight ball. His fingers grabbed at her dirty shirt with such intensity that Hero was genuinely surprised.
The rat laid next to them, right where Hero placed it to protect it from scavengers. She woke Villain up and helped him once again to eat.
It was disgusting. More than disgusting. Revolting even, but it was the only thing keeping them from starvation.
Villain fell back asleep immediately after finishing his meal. Hero took the time to look him over. Infection was running rampage. Thank God there was no flies or his body would be eaten alive, especially with the intoxicating smell...
Hero pulled his shirt back down and wrapped her arms tighter against his frame. He wouldn't be alive much longer, so she might as well comfort him for as long as possible.
Heck, she wouldn't be alive for that much longer if that rat was the only source of food in the whole cave.
Day 8:
His breathing was shallow and he didn't even wake up that morning. Hero let herself cry, murmuring into Villain's ear and she held onto his limp body.
"Please stay with me," she whispered. "We can't fight this together."
But the villain didn't move, nor woke up to say that everything would be okay.
Because it wouldn't.
How could it be okay? He was dying and she wasn't too far behind.
Hero sobbed, tears streaming down her face and into his grimey hair.
"Please," she shuddered, but it was no use. He was losing the fight, his breaths slowing...
"Quick give him this!"
Hero jerked herself around to come face to face with a masked stranger. Hero wrapped her arms around Villain protectively.
"Who are you?" She spat.
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does. For all I know, you could be working with the heroes."
"I'm not," the stranger chuckled. "Give him this. It'll give his body some strength until he can properly take care of him."
Hero looked at the needle in the stranger's hand.
And then back up at his masked face.
"Okay," she said and administered the liquid.
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harleyquilt · 3 years
Missing You - Part 1
Summary: Glimpses into the minds of Kaneki, Touka, Hinami, and Ayato across both series
Words: 4470
Notes: A lil Touken and Ayahina angst. The second part will probably be more fluffy. Hope you enjoy!
The taste of rotting meat coated Kaneki's tongue, the small mouthful of ghoul flesh sliding down his throat. His body tried to turn against itself, and he had to press a hand against his mouth to stop himself from regurgitating his revolting ‘meal’. In his other hand was a ghoul’s bone, which had shattered under Kaneki’s tight grip. With a hesitative glance, Kaneki squeezed his eyes shut and threw the shards into his mouth. He chewed slowly. Fortunately, the bones had little taste to them, but they were still coated with the flavour of the meat. Still, there was less of a struggle to digest these last few remains, and once Kaneki swallowed the mush that was once his enemy, he went to wash his face with cold water.
His body was drenched with sweat, and looking in the mirror, he saw that his face was drained of all colour. He bit down on his trembling lips and splashed his face once more. It wasn’t pleasant, but it must be done, he told himself. After all, he needed to get stronger, and this was the quickest way of obtaining that needed power. It had to be worth it, he assured himself. If not, well...at the very least, he wasn’t digesting any human flesh. If it wasn’t for coffee, he was certain he would’ve lost his mind by now. 
Speaking of which, he heard a knock on the door, followed by Hinami’s small, sweet voice. “Onii-chan? I have a cup of coffee for you.” Opening the door, Kaneki slipped out of the room and quickly shut the door behind him. Hinami looked at him with inquisitive eyes, but she asked no questions. She instead smiled and held up the coffee for him to take. 
“Thank you, Hinami.” He smiled, taking a sip. It didn’t have the same flavour as the manager’s coffee, but knowing that it was made by Hinami was enough to make the coffee delicious in its own way. He chugged down half of the mug in one go, ignoring the heat, desperate to replace the taste that lingered on his lips.
“Careful, Onii-chan!” Hinami jumped. “It’s hot!”
“Thank you, Hinami. You’re as reliable as always.” He patted her head and though she did not respond, her eyes quickly turned to the ground. Maybe out of bashfulness, or perhaps…
Kaneki headed towards the training room, finishing the coffee with another gulp. The training room was empty, as usual, lit only with the evening sun. An orange glow enveloped the room and Kaneki’s silhouette stretched across the ground as he moved towards the mirrored wall. He wore only a tank top and some shorts, the blackness of his clothes only making him seem more pale in comparison. He looked like a ghost, he thought, examining his features. Though, at this point, he might as well be. Nothing about his past-self remained - even his body was completely different compared to how he was a few months ago. Where there used to be soft flesh was now hardened muscle, his body more lean and defined in its shape. His eyes, still a soft grey in its colour, were now sunken in, and with each passing day, he found himself looking gradually more tired. Still, he couldn’t say that was the biggest difference in his appearance. He reached up to his white hair, his nails still black from bruising. A seemingly permanent reminder of that day. 
The memories of that day always passed by like a speeding train, the intrusive force left by its passing enough to leave Kaneki breathless. Even with its sudden speed, the memory still remained vivid in his mind, and within a single moment, he’d find himself lost in whatever room he was in. It would always take him a short while to realise that, despite what his mind was telling him, he was no longer in that room of torture. And still, he would feel his breath against Kaneki’s neck, and more often than not, Kaneki would retreat to his room in hopes of finding some kind of refuge. 
But for the time being, he merely brushed the thought aside and ignored the rapid beating of his heart. He instead chose to press his nails into his arm, hoping the pain would be enough to bring him back down to the world of the living. He may look like a ghost now, but he still felt as if he was being haunted by his...victims? Could they be called that? Should they be called that? No, enough, Kaneki thought with a shake of his head, blood dripping down his arm. He watched the red droplet fall to the ground and splatter, and within seconds from moving his hand away, the cut on his arm closed itself up. 
“It doesn’t matter.” He whispered to himself. The room faded into darkness as the sun disappeared behind the towering buildings of Tokyo, a chill entering the darkened space. “It doesn’t matter.” A whimper escaped him and he crouched down, his head in his hands. “I’m sorry.” 
. . .
Kaneki woke up late the next morning. He had spent the night out with Banjou and Tsukiyama, though Hinami wasn’t told any details. It was rare for her to be involved in the missions they went on, and though she could understand the reasoning behind such decisions, she was restless by the thought of being left behind. There was something frightening in seeing the backs of her friends, their figures losing shape in the distance as they continued to walk further away from her. Even if she tried to reach out, she wouldn't be able to catch them - she was sure of that. So, what was she supposed to do? All she could do was be obedient to Kaneki’s orders, and deep down, she knew that it would do him no favours to go against them. It was the same reason why she wasn't being taken along in the first place; that is to say, she had nothing she could offer in terms of aid.
Though much time has passed since her mother's passing, she hasn't changed much in terms of power and maturity since then. She has tried, of course, but it was clear that not much has come about from those futile attempts. Her kagune was still too overwhelming for her to control, and her body was still petite and delicate. With that said, she also acknowledges that she wasn't completely useless. Her speciality - her sharp senses - still remained her one and only skill, and when in use, it was a useful skill to use. Particularly in the missions Kaneki went on. And yet, it clearly wasn't enough. 
As she mulled on such thoughts, she checked the time, anxiously glancing towards the front door as she did. It was already late in the evening, and the house remained empty. With each passing hour, the shadows across the walls stretched and grew, threatening to distinguish the dimming light hanging on the ceiling. Hinami pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, her shoulders raised in suspense. 
More often than not, she contemplated calling Touka. Hinami has made herself the rule not to call too frequently, in fear that it would confirm Touka's own worries. Despite this rule, though, she couldn't deny that she craved the presence of her surrogate sister. A part of her wished that Kaneki had allowed Touka to come along, even if his reasoning was sound. It was too painful having to choose between one or the other, the distance between the two far greater than it may initially seem. She wasn’t exactly sure why they were no longer talking, especially since they both clearly miss each other. Perhaps she could encourage Kaneki to visit, or have Touka meet up with her and Kaneki in a cafe somewhere. No - the more she thought about it, the more insecure she felt. This was between them two, and no matter her intentions, she was in no position to interfere and meddle with their relationship, whatever that relationship may be. 
She sniffled and let out a small whimper, realising then how alone she was. She was stuck on the crossroads, with Kaneki and Touka walking along two different paths. Maybe those paths will find each other again, but Hinami was too afraid to tempt fate and decide which route to go down. Though she was following Kaneki at the moment, she was still struggling to decide whether or not she should continue to follow him. What was the right thing to do, she wondered.
After another hour, Kaneki and the others finally returned. They were all equally exhausted from their latest mission, and they collectively decided to postpone any further business until the next morning. Kaneki paused and noticed Hinami’s small figure on the corner of the couch. She was breathing slowly, a peaceful expression on her sleeping face. Banjou offered to bring her to bed, but Kaneki stepped forward and took her into his arms. She seemed so fragile and small in his arms, so much so that he was almost afraid of breaking her with his rough touch. He carried her slowly to her room and placed her gently into her bed, removing her slippers and lifting the covers over her. With a smile, he straightened and went to leave the room.
Just as he was about to leave, however, he noticed a photograph on Hinami’s bedside table. It was a photo of her, her mother and Touka. Hinami seemed a little younger than she was now and so did Touka, who was hugging Hinami from behind. Her mother looked just as Kaneki remembered her - a gentle woman with a gentle smile. He bit his lip and clenched his hand, the smell of her blood and the sound of her lifeless body hitting the ground still vividly imprinted onto his mind. He glanced back at Hinami and grimaced, a silent apology escaping his lips. And then he thought of Touka, as he often did, and he prayed that she was at least safe under the care of the manager. If he were to lose her...Well, he hardly wanted to imagine such a scenario. With his thoughts so often being filled with an unbearable amount of regret, even towards his decision to bring Hinami along, he was at least confident that it was right for him to keep Touka in the cafe. He wouldn’t be able to cope otherwise. 
He wondered where she was now, what she was doing, what she was thinking. And he continued to contemplate such thoughts as he went into his bedroom and onto his bed, the familiarity of her embarrassed scowl and crude words soothing him into a dreamless sleep. It was hard for him to deny that he wanted nothing more than to see her, and yet, he felt it right to deny himself such pleasures. After all, to involve himself in her life would only bring about more turmoil for her, and that thought alone was too terrible for him to bear.
. . . 
Hinami was alone once again. Time had passed, people came and went, and Tokyo was forever in flux. Even so, she was alone. The only difference was that she was no longer waiting for the return of her friends, for she had no friends in Aogiri. It was a heartless organisation, she found, the relationship and bonds between the other ghouls brittle and strained. There was only one thing that kept them together and that was the desire to see the CCG burn to the ground in a vengeful fire of justice. Hinami herself was not exactly invested in such goals; she supposed she should feel some sort of hatred towards those responsible for her parent’s deaths, but even now, she could not bring herself to hate those she had never known. Rather, she was influenced by Eto to join their crusade against the humans with the promise that their movement will give her the strength she sorely desires. With Kaneki gone and their group disbanded, and with Anteiku nothing more than rubble, she saw no alternative. It was hard to see her own reflection and deny the fact that it was due to her weakness that Kaneki and the others had failed, that everything she had once loved had been destroyed. How could she return to Touka with such burdens? It seemed unfair and it was Eto that confirmed these worries, reassuring her that Aogiri will solve this dilemma of hers. 
She supposed that Eto had not lied to her. After a few years amongst the toughened ghouls of Aogiri, she had greater control over her own body and mind and proved herself a worthy asset amongst the others under Eto’s command. Except...even with all of her newly trained and sharpened abilities, she could not bring herself to kill another. Tatara accepted no excuses and he stood by her, commanding her to murder whoever it was that was whimpering before her. When his patience began to simmer away, Ayato would step in and kick her away with a tut, killing the person in her place. Despite the throbbing pain in her stomach and the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes, she knew that Ayato had done her a great favour and she would go on to thank him with a coffee later on in the evening. 
He always showed her kindness in the strangest ways, she found. He watched over her carefully and protected her in his own way, and over time, Hinami grew fond of his presence. She still remembered their first interaction with a smile - how his angry scowl and foul-mouth reminded her of Touka in so many ways, and how after this first encounter, he was gentler when approaching her. They did not speak much and she could hardly say they were close, but she at least considered him something akin to an ally. She hoped that he saw her the same way. It was a nice thought she often indulged, knowing that maybe she was not as alone as she feared. 
For the time being, however, she thought it best to keep up her guard, to reject these fantasies in favour of the much more grim reality. It was a lesson she must drill into herself, she had told herself, no matter the pain it may cause her. The sacrifice of her happiness and comfort must be worth it, even if it meant being eternally alone.
. . .
Ayato took a sip of the bitter tasting coffee as he stared at the many roses that surrounded him. He grimaced and placed down the cup with a sigh. It lacked the gentle aroma and sweetened taste of Hinami’s coffee, the bitterness a reminder that she was still imprisoned in the CCG prison. He leaned his head back and shut his eyes, praying to no one in particular that she was still alive, that she wasn’t being tortured by some white-coat freak. It was not knowing that pained him the most, that and the thought that he was responsible for this situation to begin with. He was supposed to protect and watch over her, he often thought during these moments. If she dies, he knew all too well that her blood would be on his hands. Washing the thought away with another sip of coffee, he stood and frowned. No, he thought, he would not let it get to that point. He refused.
He left the greenhouse and walked along the shoreline, his mind racing with the various plans he had been putting together for the past two months. They were all suicide missions, he knew, and without the support of Tatara and the others, he was left with little to work with. But he refused to abandon her, he couldn’t, even if he was ordered to do so. It was ironically intimidating in its own way - ignoring an order. He rebelled against Touka by joining Aogiri, but that rebellious spirit of his had died down over the years and soon enough, he found himself comfortably obedient under Tatara’s commands. He had no love for humans, least of all the CCG, but his place in Aogiri was no longer defined by that hatred. Even when following Eto and Tatara on their mission, he was no more than a soldier, a dog, responding to the orders of his masters. And now...now he was once again a rebellious teenager doing what it was he wanted. It was indeed intimidating, but in a way, also exhilarating. Regardless, this was not for his sake and he could no longer afford to be embarrassed by the fact that he cared deeply for the timid, crying girl that he wanted to call his friend. His ally. 
It was perhaps the only reason why he found the courage to contact Touka again. 
. . .
I want to ask you something next time I visit.
Haise had bashfully spoken these words to Touka the last time he came by her cafe. His usually pale cheeks were flushed and he kept his eyes away from hers as he stumbled over his own words. A bashful smile grew on his lips as he spoke and with a gentle politeness, and Touka told him that she was looking forward to whatever it was he wanted to ask. 
Except, three months have now passed and he has not shown up since. The winter was beginning to end, Christmas came by and went, and Touka was beginning to lose hope of seeing him again. It was selfish, she knew, to crave these visits, knowing that it was best for him to stay away from the past that once caused him so much pain. And still, whenever she saw those familiar, light-grey eyes of his, and heard that lighthearted voice that reminded her so much of the days they once spent together in Anteiku, she yearned to have him nearby. She wanted him to remember her, at least. No, that was asking for too much, and she was sure to remind herself this each time he came up in her thoughts. It was just painful, having to accept these changes that she had no power or control over. It was a reminder that she cannot live without loss. 
Though Haise’s presence, his mere existence, was proof of that, she could not find it within herself to turn him away and keep her distance. If not that, then to at least act aloof. It was how he looked at her that made her pause, that made her hesitate. He looked at her with so much admiration, finding any excuse to strike up a conversation with her. He even visited the cafe alone, away from the eyes of his subordinates, and kept her company during the more quiet hours of the evening. It occurred to her that she had seen these eyes before, many years ago when he was just a human enjoying the mundane pleasures of human life; those eyes that now look upon Touka once looked at Rize, before the tragedy took away the tranquility from his life. She tried to deny it at first, insisting that he was simply being friendly, but when she thought about the alternative meaning, her heart fluttered with immense joy. How could she deny that his liking of her made her happy? How could she possibly say otherwise? She tried to fight against it, of course, but every visit he made only confirmed her suspicions. It was as painful as it was heartwarming. Needless to say, she was sure to keep these thoughts to herself. 
It wasn’t until late April that Haise made an appearance again. He came alone to the shop late in the evening and with a timid apology, he asked if the shop was still open. He must have known that it was around the time that Touka would usually clean up and close the cafe, but she was unwilling to send him away after all this time. She smiled and told him that he’ll be her last customer for the day. At this, he gave her a smile that made her heart leap - the kind of smile that could light up any dark room, and that alone made his visit worthwhile. As he entered the shop, she noticed that he looked somewhat different: his darker strands were beginning to drown out his white hair and he seemed more...tired, his cheeks more gaunt. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately. I know I said I was going to ask you something last time I visited, but things came up.” He sat down on the stool opposite Touka, who stood behind the counter. She was already brewing him his coffee. “Every time I thought I had spare time, someone else needed me for something else-- ah, well, no use complaining. Please forgive me.” 
He bowed his head, a distinct regret in his tone. From what she has heard from others, Touka knew of recent CCG ongoings and how they had raided the ghoul auction that those clowns were hosting. She also heard that Hinami had been taken as a prisoner when Aogiri interfered, and that it was Haise that had saved her. There were so many things she could tell Haise at this moment and show him how much she understood. She wanted to both slap and hug him, to berate him and thank him. So many words lay on the tip of her tongue, but in the end, she knew better. 
“Please, don’t worry. I just hope that you’ve been okay.” She finally said as she poured him a mug of coffee. He looked up with relief and took a deep breath, his hands grasping each other on the counter. “So,” she passed the coffee to him, “what was it you wanted to ask?”
His face turned pink at this question and he laughed nervously in response, taking a sip of her coffee. “W-Well, you see…” He gulped and Touka smiled patiently. “I wanted to ask...how do you make such delicious coffee!” He laughed as he raised the mug, his other hand rubbing his chin. Touka’s smile faltered for a moment and she shrugged. 
“I used to work at a different cafe.” She said, her voice tinged with pain. “He made wonderful coffee back then. He’s gone now.” She sighed and looked up, Haise flushed with embarrassment. “I try my best to make my coffee just as he did.”
“I see.” Haise coughed awkwardly and took another gulp of coffee, his brows furrowed. “Kirishima-san.” He looked up now with some determination. “Forgive me, that wasn’t the question I wanted to ask. I was going to ask if you had...plans for Christmas, but - ah, well, it’s too late for that.” He scratched the back of his head nervously, his blush still apparent. To his surprise, Touka began to laugh and at first, he was ashamed and began to shrink away, defeated. 
“That’s so sweet of you.” She said through her laughter, and soon enough, Haise began to laugh along. But as she laughed, her eyes began to water, and before Haise could notice, she turned away to wipe away her tears. 
“Kirishima-san?” Haise said with some nervousness, worried he may have upsetted her. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just,” she sniffed, “that really was so sweet of you.” She wanted to call him Kaneki, she wanted him to remember and to call her the way he used to. At times, she wondered if there was some larger deity out there mocking her with these precious interactions, or perhaps this was her fault for letting him inside when she should have sent him away. The line between what she should and should not do was always blurred, but now she could not see the line at all. His comfort was all she wanted and yet, that was something she should no longer expect if he were to live a happier life. 
She turned back after wiping her tears and apologised once again. With some hesitation, Haise reached out and placed a hand on top of hers, assuring her that there was no need to apologise. His touch was warm and gentle, his words a gentle caress. They remained that way for a moment before they both pulled away nervously. 
“I hope I’m not overstepping your boundaries.” Haise confessed, finishing his coffee. “I’ve been feeling guilty about it for a while, I hope I haven’t offended you.”
“Of course not.” She brushed back her fringe and looked at him with both eyes, taking in his appearance once more and hoping that she may see it again in her dreams. “If you’d like, maybe we can do something during the summer. Maybe attend a festival together.” 
“Y-Yes! That sounds wonderful! Hopefully my schedule will be free, but I’d very much like that.” 
After talking for a few more minutes, he paid for his drink and left. It took all that Touka had to let him leave and once she saw him turn the corner in the street, the tears began to flow. She crouched down behind the counter and sobbed, leaning her head back against the wall as the warm tears rolled down her cheeks. Squeezing her eyes shut, she reached up and held her parent’s wedding ring, its weight heavy in the palm of her hand. With a small, sorrowful voice, she called out for them, pleading for their guidance. A part of her wished that Haise had never met her to begin with, that fate will keep them forever apart as long as he was happy, but she knew that she would hate nothing more than to never see him again. It pained her to think that she’ll never see those eyes again, those eager eyes filled with nothing but affection. If he wasn’t going to remember her, what was the point of it all? She wiped away her tears with a clenched fist and slammed it down onto the floor with a grunt. 
Standing back up, she solemnly locked the door and closed the blinds, hugging herself all the while. In the staffroom, before she turned off all the lights, she spent one more moment looking at the photo Irimi took of them years ago during their days working at Anteiku - both of them peacefully sleeping the afternoon away. At first, Touka hated the embarrassment she felt when looking at the picture, insisting that it was worthless. But she was glad she kept it all this time. Maybe, one day, such days will be the norm once again. Could she afford to hope for such things? Maybe not, but she knew she would anyway. She just can’t stop herself from loving Kaneki. 
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robinsarm · 3 years
Heya!! Can I get some sleepy Quentin headcanons? I'm on a "monster befriends human" kick, so maybe something involving that? You said you needed ideas, so here ya go?
Sleepy Quentin, huh, @chaoticlovingdreamer? I think I can scrounge up a couple >:3
I assume that a lot of people see Quentin as a pill or caffeine fiend, especially while he lived in the real world. But what I think some people forget is that he also has ADD/ADHD as stated by his movie. Do you understand what lack of medication and exhaustion does to a person with ADHD? It's not fun, I'll say that much.
When Quentin is really hitting the bottom of his energy tank he gets more and more distant from everyone else. He'll stop talking, start sitting further away from the fire, and intrusive/depressing thoughts start to riddle his mind. Since a healthy dose of sleep isn't on the menu for Quentin usually, he'll start to cope with his exhaustion in other ways; other ways that aren't healthy and can be left up to the imagination for now.
Some of the survivors that have been there the longest have learned to spot these signs from Quentin before he begins "coping". They'll immediately get up and take him for walks or bring him back to the fire and in front of 20+ other sets of eyes. Claudette, Ace, Meg, and Laurie are usually the nicest and manage to cheer him up faster than anyone else. Steve, in recent years, has also grown to notice and make sure his teammate is okay.
Have you ever seen the joke of someone getting hit in the head on a cartoon and they fall flat on their face, knocked out? Visualize that, and realize Quentin does that on a regular basis just without the hitting part. Like someone with narcolepsy, when Quentin’s brain and body are tired of being awake, he’s out like a light; heaven forbid he’s standing near anything sharp when this happens. From time to time, Quentin will just suddenly fold like a GMOD player hit their kill key. There’s no waking him up for a while after that. So far, it’s never happened in a trial; who knows why, Quentin is just grateful for that much. 
When Quentin is tired and actually decides that he’d rather sleep then Collapse™, he will pass out just about anywhere. On the logs, in the bushes, up a tree (won’t do that anymore because he’s prone to falling out of said trees), on someone. Quentin has no shame when it comes to finding a place to rest his head for a minute and the others, for the most part, are fully understanding.  
Sleepy Quentin can also be confused with what Drunk Quentin would look like, only in his movements, however. I’d compare it to those really yanking pulls that Boiled Over can do in-game that just send the killer 5 meters to the left. Yeah...Quentin will do that a lot when he’s really tired. It’s normal to see him firmly planted on the ground when he’s extra tired just so he doesn’t fall into something or someone. (He took out a game of Blackjack that Ace and Bill were playing and felt incredibly bad afterwards) If Quentin can help it, he won’t move when he’s on the very verge of passing out. 
Not so much headcanons but two scenarios I’d like to imagine have happened to Quentin:
Quentin doesn’t sleep due to Freddy’s constant torment that he resumes every time the survivor falls asleep. But Quentin isn’t the only one Freddy torments. It’s been known that Freddy will hop from person to person if Quentin goes for too long without sleeping. However, the killer once made the mistake of pulling the same shit on the Legion which earned him a proper beating from the four teens afterwards. Because of this, the Legion made sure that the Nightmare can’t enter Ormond unless he’s in a trial. 
(I have a personal headcanon that killers can ask the Entity to block a different killer from entering their realm if given proper reasoning, and that’s how I’d see the Legion being able to keep Freddy out of Ormond)
Quentin, by an odd string of occurrences, ends up at Ormond and gets to talking to the killers - since they’re in a good mood. One of them brings up how shitty Quentin looks and actually offers if he’d want to sleep there for a bit. Quentin, taken slightly off guard, shrugs the invitation off, explaining Freddy would just show up and start attacking him again. The Legion, ever so boastful, counters with their story and clue him in on the fact that the Nightmare can’t enter the realm outside of a trial. Quentin’s not buying it but the killers insist just to prove themselves right, eventually having to hold the boy at knife-point to get him to stay and sleep. After a three hour, uninterrupted nap, Quentin wakes up and realizes they were telling the truth.
Regardless, Quentin doesn’t trust the Legion. However, if he’s feeling exceptionally tired and has a few 100k bloodpoints lying around, Quentin will pay the Legion to let him sleep for a few hours, undisturbed. They’re happy to take his money and he’s happy to sleep off his exhaustion.
Still, Quentin does sleep at the fire on occasion; he does only because of the fact Freddy wants him. If Freddy can’t get to Quentin, he’ll start tormenting and hurting his friends. Since Quentin doesn’t want that, he keeps his trips to Ormond few and far between. 
There’s one killer Quentin never thought in his life he’d manage to “befriend” outside of trials. Slinger is a fat no; the man is still a hard-ass to everyone other than Zarina. The Yamaoka family keep to themselves and kill anything on sight. The original four are apathetic towards everyone. Michael, Freddy, Ghostface, Pinhead, Nemesis, Pyramidhead - all psychopathic monstrosities that earned their own circle in hell. I could go on.
No, of all the killers to actually show any sort of compassion (or just lack of hostility) towards Quentin was the Demogorgon. 
It started during a horribly unfortunate trial on Azarov’s. Felix and Yun-Jin were long since dead, leaving only Quentin and Feng to do the last two generators. The thing was, Feng seemed to be trying her absolute hardest to screw Quentin over every time the killer got close. She ran in front of him while they were both running from the killer, she blocked pallets, blocked windows, if the killer got close she immediately hid behind anything large enough. Sure she apologized at the beginning of the trial, but those quickly trailed off. Quentin just wasn’t in the mood for it. So, when he went down for his third and final time due to Feng’s not-so-subtle body blocking, Demo surprised both of them by not picking up the boy immediately. Instead, the killer hunted down Feng (for all of 20 seconds) and threw her onto a hook immediately, not leaving her until she was dead and gone. Quentin had the foresight to bring Unbreakable before entering the trial, so, by the time Feng had reached second stage, he was up and running. 
Even though hatch was visible before Feng died Quentin couldn’t find the damn thing to, literally, save his life. As he ran back into the territory where the killer was last, Quentin’s hope began to dwindle more and more as he heard and saw nothing. Demo, seeming to appear out of thin air, found him first and shred-tackled him into the dirt. On his back, Quentin thought he was going to be mori’d for sure, but then something...worse happened. The killer regurgitated Feng’s med kit onto his chest then stepped off and away from Quentin. Quentin didn’t know whether to thank the killer or puke himself. The amount of slime and saliva that drenched his clothing and neck had him pressing his mouth shut tight. What the hell is this killer doing? was the only thought in Quentin’s mind as he pealed the kit from his chest. 
Quentin didn’t believe that Demo could sit on his haunches like a dog before that trial, but he does now. 
The killer only watched as Quentin used the non-soaked medical supplies on himself until he was fully healed. Afterwards, the killer rose and started walking towards the killer shack. When Demo realized Quentin wasn’t following, it turned back, pathed behind the survivor, and herded him towards the decrepit building. Quentin had seen a lot when it came to weird shit, but this experience was quickly climbing the list. Rounding the far corner of the shack, Quentin found the hatch humming where it usually was. He turned and saw the Demogorgon, not trying to stop him but lying down like it was ready to take a nap. 
Quentin pointed to the hatch with his free hand. “I can have that?” The killer, not understanding human speech, looked down at the hatch then back up to Quentin. The survivor figured that was good of an answer as any, thanked the killer with a shaky voice, and hopped into the backdoor exit. 
Ever since that trial, Quentin has had this weird relationship with the Demogorgon. It’s fully based off the killer’s mood at the time, but for the most part, the pair seem to respect one another at the very least. Some trials, Demo will slaughter everyone mercilessly; others, the killer attacks everyone but Quentin. The survivor hasn’t found any rhyme or reason to the killer’s decision on how to treat him that day, but he’s grateful for the break when they come. 
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leahquark · 3 years
How to escape from a time loop
How to escape from a time loop
Prevent the causing event
Alright, so you’re stuck in a time loop. But maybe you know what caused it. Hey, if the causing event keeps happening, it’s obvious. Let’s say at the end of every day, you die. Easy peasy, just don’t die one day and you’ll escape the loop. Easier said than done, sure. Especially if the loop is short, or the event is out of your control (yea, 10 minutes really feels unfair to convince your aunt Sally on the other side of the country not to knock over her Egyptian flower vase). But hey, you get unlimited tries at this. Plus, a time loop means your money and resources reset, so feel free to go nuts and waste them. Just, don’t do anything you might regret if the loop suddenly breaks. Of course, after enough repeats, I doubt there’ll be much left in this category. If the loop happens when you go to sleep, then don’t go to sleep. Heck, chase the sun around the world if you have to. Rage against the dying of the light.
Make amends for the causing event
Okay, so maybe the event that caused the time loop only happened once. And maybe it happened on the day before the loop, or in the first iteration only. Well then, you can still make amends for it, hit the edit undo. Don’t believe me? The statistical probability that YOU would be the first person stuck in a time loop is so ridiculously close to zero. If you’re in a time loop now, that means others were probably in a time loop too, and maybe got in and got out the same way. And they kinda had to get out, in order for time to progress and trap you in your time loop today. So go track down that evil time witch and apologize to her, or find a scientist who can study the alien blood you’re covered in. Tell them to keep notes, then at the end of the time loop memorize them and regurgitate them back at the start of the next loop. Remember, you’re the only one who can retain information / make progress at the end of each loop. Only you can look out for yourself, but maybe medical science has an answer.
Prevent and make amends for everything that could possibly be the causing event
Okay, so maybe you don’t know why you’re trapped in a time loop. Alright, then try this. Go through a list of everything you did the day before the loop, and during the first iteration of the loop. Focus on things you said, places you went, objects you saw, things you thought about. It’s important to do this before the time loops repeat so many times you forget what happened the first time around. One of those things, something as minor as not hanging out with a friend, could have been the causing factor… at least according to movies and TV. In reality, it’s probably as likely the time loop was caused by a passing black hole, or a scientist at the large hadron collider. But hey, if it’s something not related to your personal life and daily activities, then you’re kinda screwed. So just completely change your daily routine, do things you’d never think to do, break that habit that you do on every iteration of the timeline, and hope that the loop was just some catharsis for your morning coffee addiction. Now is the time to fix any regrets you may have, to make amends, to become a better person. 
Binge watch time related tv
Also read some sci fi. Of course, if you’re reading this, you’re probably on track already, and getting into the more obscure sections. That’s good, a lot of those mainstream sci fi movies are more meant to make you feel good than actually discuss the repercussions of time loops. But hey, you never know, maybe you’ll get some inspiration for something. Heck, a lot of escaping from time loops is getting the right inspiration. So yea, take a break, and binge those bad tv shows. You’ve got all the time in the world to do what you love… assuming you love sci fi television as much as I do. Heck, I won’t judge if you just want to use the time loop to binge all day, enjoy yourself! (You are trapped in a serious science anomaly we don’t fully understand after all) Just, make sure you eventually take a television break if the time loop doesn’t show any sign of fixing. 
Find a guide
Alright, so basic fact of logic, there’s only one person on the planet who knows the absolute most about time loops, and chances are it’s not you. At least, it wasn’t you when you got stuck. For all you know, that person walking down the street next to you knows more than you. Heck, maybe they were trapped in a time loop too. So go ahead and ask. What’s the worst that could happen? No seriously, what’s the worst that could happen? You’re trapped in a time loop, any social awkwardness you display will be forgotten by the next loop. Go up and talk to random people, find that person who knows a ton about sci fi. My DMs are always open, and I’m sure you can find some people in a sci fi discord server. Want a real kicker? Spend one loop learning all you can about a person, just talking to them friendly and nice. Then next time loop start the conversation with an announcement that you’re in a time loop, and prove it by reciting those same facts you learned about the person in the last loop. Get to know someone, make some new friends, or just reach out for help (its so hard to escape alone). 
Convince the government
That trick I mentioned, in point 5… that’ll probably work for the government too. Imagine calling up the president of the United States on his personal cell phone, telling him you’re in a time loop, and backing it up with a whole host of personal facts. What they won’t see, is the hundred or so timelines you spend going from convincing the police, to the FBI, to the governor, to your local senators, etc, etc. At every step of the way, wasting one or two timelines to learn all their personal info, then regurgitating it to them in the third timeline as proof you really are looping. It’s exhausting. All to convince some bureaucrats and some scientists to look into it. Let’s hope they really do have aliens in area 51, or this will be a massive waste of time. But hey, time is something you’ve got too much of anyway. The effort may be exhausting, but you can’t give in, you need some professional backup on your team, and no matter how much you repeat yourself, its worth the effort.
Number those timelines
Alright, so at this point, try anything. But you need a way to stop yourself from trying the same thing twice. And you need a way of prompting the people you are with to stop saying the same old ideas. If you wake up on the same day every morning, and ask the people around you to help you escape a time loop, then they’re going to be repeating a lot of their responses. But in my experience, people reply, think, and remember differently based on the prompts they’re given, and maybe those different prompts will jog your brain, and the brains of the people you’re around, into thinking of something new. One way to do it is get a dictionary, or some other book with a wide variety of words, and each day refer to the next word in the book as that day's prompt. Do something completely random, completely insane, but make sure it started with you and your time loop guides reading and thinking about the prompt. So you’re probably going out to go touch an aardvark then. Come back when you’ve ridden a Zambonni and I’ll know things are really desperate. Point is, keeping trying new things, and enjoy them while you’re at it. 
Keep trying
Alright, it’s not really like you’ve got much of a choice here. Going about your day, or repeating the same day twice, or acting and pretending like you’re not really in a time loop, are all ways of experimenting with something new (though, frankly I think these will just lead to frustration). Heck, maybe instead of acting crazy, what you really needed was to act normal. Maybe it’s a sentient creature keeping you trapped in the loop, and it’ll sense when you’ve given up hope and then release you from the loop. Maybe. Really doubt that though. Technically, it’s impossible to give up. But hang in there. Keep yourself, and your joy. You get to live. You get to experience something no one else has felt. You can learn a hundred new skills, and master them all, and live frivolously every day. You get to meet every person on earth, and study them all in a single day. You are technically immortal. There is nothing you have to do, no responsibilities. There’s nothing new on television to keep you glued to the screen, and no point putting any of your dreams off until tomorrow. You’re trapped in time, but in a way free. Free of consequences except the ones you choose for yourself. So choose to be happy, choose to live. Choose to value this day with your friends and family, even if they won’t value or remember them. Maybe plan one million for escaping the time loop is to go down to a nice sunny beach and just relax. In a strange way, that’s got just as much chance of working as anything else. And it’ll make your eternity here a lot more bearable than moping around your house all depressed like.
Don’t die
I have no idea what the religious implications are of being trapped in a time loop. And the thing with most time loops, at least the ones I’ve seen on tv, is that death doesn’t let you escape the loop. And frankly that’s a good thing, because death is something worse. I’m not going to go into this too much, though if you really are trapped in a time loop I’m sure these few words are tantalizingly short. (If you need more, there are plenty of resources out there) But no time loop has ever been solved by dying. Even if it did resolve, your eternal purgatory would probably end up taking the form of a time loop. But don’t worry, I can give you my personal assurances that you’re alive right now. And that’s good. Because life is a beautiful thing, even when the day repeats. You know, especially then. After all these dark and gritty escape the time loop stories, of tormented characters driven mad because nothing they do matters, can’t we have one where someone is happy to be in a time loop? We all die, eventually that is. Whether you’re trapped in a time loop or not. But not all of us live. Not all of us truly live. Maybe being trapped in a time loop will help you live truly. I mean, if you really think about it, in several thousand years, is anyone even going to remember you? Remember your accomplishments? You may as well have lived for a day. If you want to escape the time loop so what you do matters again, maybe it’s time to face the reality that what you do… may not have mattered. And that’s okay. Life is about the living. Living every day, day by day, and making the most of it. We don’t always get to control the hand that life gives us. Maybe we know someone with Alzheimer's, whose memories fade at the end of each day, and makes it seem like we’re living that moment over and over. Maybe they don’t even remember who you are. Maybe, to them, you’re a stranger, who met them today, and knows so many things about them. Is it happy when someone laughs, if they won’t remember it later? Did it really happen? Yes it did. Yes it is happy. 
You can’t escape / why did you listen to me, I’ve never been trapped in a time loop
Life is a beautiful thing, time is a beautiful thing. It’s beautiful because it doesn’t loop. I can understand the anger, that bitter rage people can have, trapped and unable to reach out, repeating the same day over and over. Unable to move on. Unable to break free. And sometimes they do break free. Sometimes, silly movies and tv shows, that avoidance of the causing incident, or the help of scientists and their research, are enough to fix even the most terrible of fates. But sometimes they can’t, and we can go on, suffering forever. I’ve never been trapped in a time loop (I thought I was once, in fact, all my friends thought I was too, and they all tried to help me out of it. But I wasn’t. I wasn’t, right?), and if any of the people around me have, they've been hiding it exceptionally well. They’ve worked today, for the hope of relaxing tomorrow. They’ve made progress, with the thought that their accomplishments matter, and their adventures can wait. That’s the mindset a lot of us go through life with. But maybe, just maybe, life can’t wait until tomorrow. Maybe it takes getting trapped in a time loop to realize. When your hard work doesn’t pay off, and you can’t think of what evil thing has landed you where you are, when the universe deals you a bad hand, maybe that’s when you realize what’s important. Waking up, every day, with people you care about, ready to live life for today. Maybe tomorrow won’t come. Maybe it never will. Maybe you have to live, live every moment of your life, today. Or, maybe, just maybe, tomorrow is right around the corner. And when you tell those people around you that you love them, maybe this time they’ll remember. But what the hell do I know? I’ve never been trapped in a time loop. I’m just a person, one of billions on planet Earth, living life. 
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Deuxième Omega: Part II
Summary: Jensen is not dealing well with his unexpected divorce and before the ink is even dry, he is pushed into another union with a complete stranger.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 2859
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, angry Jensen, cursing, illness, arranged marriage, divorces, talk of Alpha dominance over Omega, suspected eating disorder, past abuses, vehicle drama
A/N: Sorry this took so long to get this part out, my antique laptop decided to eat over 2,000 words and have had to piece back together from memory so hopefully it makes sense.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles family. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. 
Part I
*Supernatural doesn’t end in season 15 and some dates/events have been altered to fit the story.
*no beta, all mistakes are mine
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The Next Day
Jensen waves his hand around again at that buzzing insect driving him crazy. He’s finally conscious enough to recognize the sound, it wasn’t a bug but his phone vibrating incessantly. Picking his head up and instantly regretting it starts patting around the bed for his phone.
“Are you still drunk?” A deep, honey-whiskey and way too damn loud for the morning voice barked at him.
“No, fucking Misha.”
“Too early for your shit Jay...”
“Dude, it’s three-thirty in the afternoon.”
“WHAT!” Jensen yells sitting up too fast, the pain ricocheting throughout his head sends him flying off the bed, barely making it to the toilet before regurgitating everything he ingested last night. The toilet automatically flushes as he sits back against the bathtub groaning like a dying water buffalo.
“Really wish you'd hung up before sharing that,” Jared quips in a queasy voice, “I’m gonna regret this but Face Time me.”
Jensen cracked his eyes open enough to locate the button and tapping it Jared appears dressed in his running gear with a bandana holding his hair back. “No offense but you look like hammered shit. I was gonna call earlier but Gen threatened to have my left nut if I did.”
Jensen grunts and closes his eyes against the bright outdoor light emanating from the phone.
“Are you…” Jensen tunes him out for a minute then,“ ‘cause there’s something you need to know about, it’s really bad.”
He opens his eyes and it’s worse than he could have imagined going by the expression on Jared’s face.
“One of your clan sold you out, got it all on cellphone video, social media’s blowing up. Hell, even Fox News Channel picked it up.”
Jensen listens to the description of his expressions at the surprise traditional ceremony, his drunken stumbling around the reception with his new wife submissively following, his scoffing at the speeches during the reception and ignoring his silent, veil wife sitting next to him.
“My favorite bit was Alan and Josh carrying you out of the can.”
Jared's expression turned serious, “People are talking, we can't cover for you anymore. I got a text from higher ups cause no one could get hold of you for obvious reasons. PR’s gotta get ahead of this.”
“I’m a fuckup.”
“Yeah but we still love you. So, what's her name?”
Jensen licked his lips, biting the bottom one.
“Please tell me you know her name.”
“I..I don't even know what she looks like Jay.”
Jared ran his hand over his mouth, “The first thing you do is get up, take a shower and brush your goddamn teeth. Then you apologize, fucking supplicate yourself, to your new wife..unless you’ve already decided to put her aside.”
Jensen's head snapped up unbelieving that his friend, the man who was his brother in every way except blood, could think that of him.
“You really believe I could do that?”
Jared smiled, “No, you're too good of a man, an Alpha, to do that. I want you to remember one thing, in all this, she’s not the one who screwed you over.”
Jensen stepped out the shower forgoing shaving since the show was on a short break. He wiped the steam from the mirror and stared at this haggard expression and developing beer gut. I’ve got to get back on my exercise routine. Makeup and wardrobe could only mask so much.
Reaching for his bath kit he knocked a hand towel off the counter. Bending over to retrieve it he noticed a shoe with netting in the wastebasket. Pulling it out he saw a brown smear inside one of the heels, remembering how much trouble she had with them last night and made a mental note to inquire about her feet.
Washing his hands and searching through his kit realizing he’d forgotten his toothbrush. Opening on the cabinets he located the complementary ones. As he’s brushing Jensen sees another brush sitting in a glass by the other sink with a neatly folded hand towel and hanging washcloth.
Huh, she must have forgotten hers too.
Tossing his kit bag in the suitcase he dressed in a pair of well worn jeans and a T-shirt. Quietly entering the common area the curtains set open just enough for him to see her curled up on the couch, still in her wedding dress, asleep. He walked over to check on her when a knock at the door made her bolt upright.
“It's room service, I asked them to text so not to wake you.” He answered the door and had a brief word with the waiter who apologized, the ticket didn’t say not to knock. They deposited a coffee decanter, several covered dishes, bottles of water and left taking the cart with them.
Jensen sat down and before he could ask how she took her coffee, his wife scrambled off the couch and was kneeling at his feet, head bowed and hands folded in her lap.
“What are you doing?” He asked incredulously, having never seen anyone do this before.
“Awaiting you instructions Alpha.”
“Instruc...get up!” He gripped her upper arm, shocked at how far his fingers wrapped around it and helped her to the other chair. Sitting back down Jensen got his first look at his new wife.
Sleep tousled, dark blonde hair frame cheekbones overly prominent for the shape of her face, wide set eyes a blue-grey color with amber rings around the pupils. Her lips were full, the bottom lip slightly off center. She was not the Hollywood standard of beauty he was used to, and if compared to them, she’d only be considered moderately pretty.
“I was only doing what is expected…”
“Kneeling at my feet like an obedient dog!” He barked as she said, “..of the Omega.”
“What’s expected?”
“In the book..”
“Please look at me when speaking.” She raises her eyes but doesn’t meet his, “..it states that the Omega is subservient and the act of humbling ourselves shows respect for the Alpha, as is their due.’
Jensen sat back shocked, running both of his hands through his still damp hair, making it stand up to resemble a hedgehog. He was in over his head and, for one of the few times in his life, didn’t know what to do and the first person he would have turned to for advice had banned all communication.
He took a deep breath to refocus and leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs to look her in the eye, “I need you to forget what I said last night. I..I’m angry, feels like I..we..were ambushed by this situation. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you, I’m sincerely sorry.”
“I don’t understand, are you apologizing to me?”
“It’s what people do when they’ve done something wrong and what I did was unforgivable. I want to make it up to you if you’ll let me and hopefully we can make a go of this.”
She looked at him dubiously but nodded once.
Jensen finished the last dregs of his coffee while packing, having decided to head back to Austin tonight. Clif had texted him he was ready whenever they were.
Sitting down on the bed he listened to the running shower and reaching his phone picked it up to start recording a video message.
He apologized for his atrocious behavior the last two years, asking the fans not to take it out on the show, this was all on him. To his coworkers for having to cover for him, they should have never been put in that position and if he had better character they wouldn’t have had too.
He next apologized to his family for his inexcusable behavior last night, which should have stayed private within their clan, and fully accepted his banishment by the clan leader, his father, for however long he deemed fit.
He lastly apologized to his new wife, they were irrecoverably tied together and he’d do whatever she demanded from him to make up for the horrendous treatment he’d shown her and hoped she’d give him a chance to make a go of their marriage.
He uploaded the video to his few online accounts and turned the phone off, wearily running a hand over his face. Getting up to take one last look he found his jacket from the wedding hanging in the closet.
Folding it he hears a crinkling noise and reaches into the inner pocket finding the marriage certificate. Tossing the jacket on the bed he unrolls the certificate reading his wife’s name Iseult.
“It’s pronounced Ee-sult Alpha.”
Jensen's head jerked up in surprise, “Hey, um, we're heading out as soon as you're ready.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll need you to button my dress Alpha.” She said repacking his bath kit she'd borrowed.
Jensen furrowed his brow, “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable in something else, I mean, I’m telling you what to wear but it’s a three hour drive to my..our home.”
Iseult looked down playing with one of the pearlescent buttons, “When I married my hus..ex husband, our prenup stated that I only got what I had in my possession at the time. Apparently, he disposed of my things at some point,” she fanned out the shirt, “this dress, shoes and veil, your mother purchased them otherwise the media would have had a lot more to exploit at my..our expense Alpha.”
“Let me give you something of mine.”
“Anything of yours will swallow me, you're much more solid. There is a Walmart on..” she abruptly stopped at Jensen's raised eyebrow, “I’m sorry Alpha, I overstepped my place.” She bowed her head and hunched her shoulders, exuding the scent of fear as if she is expecting punishment from him.
What had happened to this woman to make her believe she should cower and gravel? Jensen manages to keep his anger in check, not wanting her to be more scared of him than she was, thinking who the hell is her ex-husband and what had he done to make her like this?
Jensen slowly walked behind her and gripping the fabric was once again dismayed at how prominent her shoulder blades were, his gut telling him her slenderness wasn't something natural.
As he fastened the buttons he spoke in the gentle voice he used when Jared's daughter Odette was upset, “If you can survive till tomorrow I’ll take you to get whatever you need.” She nodded once.
“Can I make one request Alpha?”
“You don’t have to request anything, just ask.”
“I have a prescription I need refilled, there’s a pharmacy on Wilmont, it’s on the way.”
He plucked the jacket off the bed and held it open, “Please, it's getting chilly.” She slid her arms into the sleeves and Jensen saw she was right about being swallowed. He put on his ball cap and headed out.
When they got off the elevators Jensen went deeper into the hotel. He stopped at an employees only entrance off the kitchen and knocked twice. A double knock answered and he pushed it open to reveal a waiting SUV. He introduced Clif and handed him the bag, taking it to the vehicle's rear and loaded it before getting back in.
The wind had started picking up ahead of the late autumn thunderstorm. Iseult grabbed her whipping hair in one hand and her skirt in the other as Jensen opened the back door.
“I was waiting for you Alpha, its proper etiquette.”
“I was raised it’s proper for a lady to enter first, please,” he held his hand out to her.
Iseult released her hair and hesitantly took his hand. Jensen felt a skittering sensation go up his spin as Iseult quivered, staring into his eyes as a whirling wind intermingled their scents, enthralling them.
Clif politely coughed, “We need to go before the bottom falls out.”
A tremendous thunderclap sent them scrambling into the car as the heavens let loose.
The trip to Austin was darker than usual, the weather slowing the drive back and with the incident at the pharmacy, Jensen still couldn’t believe it, refusing the prescription now that she was married to an Alpha, needing his verbal consent.
Clif interceded before he went off about the subjugation of Omegas in modern society, reminding him they were in predominantly conservative Texas, where this thinking was considered normal, not California.
Jensen glanced over to see Iseult staring out the window when his phone vibrated. Picking it up from the cup holder he saw a text from Josh.
>Jenny, know I’m not supposed to be in touch but call me!!! Need to know the shit going down here.<
Josh picked up on the first ring, “Man, all hell breaking loose. Your wife's ex didn't notify his clan that he was divorcing or remarrying her and they’ve filed an appeal with the Pack council to get her back.”
“We were married in the Traditional...”
“The fuck Jenny, did living in La La land make you forget everything? Your the second son of a clan leader, you know Pack law supersedes all federal, state and religious laws. They’ve dug up some obscure sub-clause that states a clan has first right to remarry an Omega within the clan and if they don’t whoever takes them must pay settlements.”
“What are settlements?”
“Has your brain fallen out of your ass? The bride price.”
“Josh, that's insane, it's 2020....”
“No shit Sherlock, but this is Texas. Fuck, dads back already. I’m gonna leave my phone on, keep your goddamn mouth shut or it's gonna be my ass too!”
Jensen can’t make out anything then his mother clearly says, “..they are asking what for her?”
“Ten million.”
“Your shitting me!”
“Joshua, language young man.”
“Five of it’s compensation for damages done to the Omega.”
“What damages? Jenny’s got a temper, what Alpha doesn’t, but he wouldn’t hurt anyone unless he was forced to.”
Alan cleared his throat in the manner Jensen had come to know that something’s making him uncomfortable. “It seems the Omega was..unsullied when she married her ex-husband.”
“Holy shit! You mean she’s never been with an Alpha before Jensen?”
“Joshua, I will not tolerate that language and we will absolutely not discuss your brothers new wife’s...virtue.”
Jensen hears the tinkling of glass, “Donna, did you know about any of this?”
“Well..no, of course not.” Her answer wasn’t very convincing.
“Donna, what are you not saying?” Alan’s Alpha voice resonated, he only used it when his mate was being evasive about something she’d done.
“When Danneel wasn’t willing to reproduce for Jensen I put out some feelers about finding him an Omega…”
“Jesus Fucking Christ! Even if it is acceptable for Jensen to have a second wife with Danneel being a Beta, he would never agree to it.”
“I’m not telling you again about your language. I might have, at one of my appointments, casually indicated to Brent that I wanted an Omega like his.”
Who the hell is this Brent?
“Wait, Brent Worthington?!”
Jensen dropped his phone. It smacked against his other hand turning on the speaker allowing everyone in the car to hear.
“Donna, have you any idea what you’ve done?”
“I never thought he'd actually offer her, they always seemed so happy together.”
“He took your casual indication as an actual offer for his wife. You do understand that while we have to deal with each other they are still our rivals.”
The Ackles and Worthingtons were two of the original founding clans of the Dallas Pack, and rivals for centuries. Iseult had been married to the only Beta son of Abraham, the Clans Alpha, like Alan.
Josh’s voice shook as he spoke, “Mom, if the council decides to return her do you have any idea what they’ll do if Jensen’s already mated and claimed her?”
There’s a ringing phone and Alan answered, his voice loud then faint, apparently pacing around the room.
In the SUV dim interior Jensen could see Iseult shaking, awaiting the decision.
“The council sided with the Worthington's stating the law…”
Jensen’s inner Alpha raged, loosening a wrawl causing Clif to jerk the wheel, swerving across the wet lanes, throwing Jensen against the seat in front of him, landing on the floorboard before the vehicle was under control and stopped on the shoulder. Twisting around he sees Clif opening the back door checking on Iseult while Alan’s voice filled the otherwise silent SUV.
“...but taking into consideration today’s social climate they came back with the final decision since she remarried another clan leader's son her status is unchanged, so if we send her back there’s no penalty for damages. If we choose to keep her, it’s five million due to the Omegas age.”
“What did you tell them dad?”
“I told them we were keeping her, I won’t be the cause of anymore upheaval in my son's life. However,” Alan’s voice turned hard, “the council has ordered additional financial penalties set against both clan leaders for the transgressions committed by their families.”
“How much?”
“I paid twenty-five million for a Deuxième Omega.”
SPN: @donnaintx​​​​​​​
Dean/Jensen: @flamencodiva​​​​​​​
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gowoshusoul · 3 years
Fanmade SCP: 6760; a friend in the shadows
Item #: SCP-6760
Object Class: 
Containment: Euclid Esoteric
Secondary: (No previous secondary) Thaumiel 
Disruption: Keneq Dark
Risk: Critical Notice 
SCP-6760 has not shown any signs of aggression since the initial incident, when researcher ███████ unfortunately lost his life due to his own negligence. His aggression toward SCP-6760 was uncalled for and unprofessional. 
I understand the apprehension toward working with 6760, but through testing, experiments, and therapy, it has been successfully rehabilitated and shows unwavering loyalty to the Foundation. It remains hesitant to interact with any staff not associated with myself and my assistant. Caution and patience is encouraged when interacting with SCP-6760, though it has shown no aggression toward humans after the initial incident and has expressed a fascination with mankind. It’s for the best that 6760 is allowed to explore and observe Foundation staff, as knowledge of its surroundings keeps it from lashing out in its confusion. 
Many of you know, SCP-6760 was instrumental in securing site ██ after its disastrous containment breach. I’ve consulted with my colleagues and higher ups, and we came to the unanimous conclusion that 6760’s anomalous properties should be utilized in the case of future breaches.
I understand that this is a controversial decision, and I understand that 6760 could pose a threat to aggressive personnel. Think of it as a police dog: If you give him no reason to attack you, or me no reason to initiate an attack, you will not be harmed. Feel free to contact me with any concerns you feel need addressing, and we will work together to secure, contain, and protect.
- Dr. Andreas Fox
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6760 is allowed to roam the facility under the watch of Dr. Fox. The majority of the time, SCP-6760 can be found hiding in Dr. Fox’s shirt, and is allowed to be taken home with Dr. Fox since his residency had been modified into a secure site. SCP-6760 is allowed to be housed at one of two sites depending on its preference, the judgement of Dr. Fox, and Foundation discretion. 
Regardless of containment site, 6760 is to be provided with a five (5) by five (5) by two point five (2.5) meter glass enclosure. Glass is thirty (30) cm thick. SCP-6760 is to be kept in its enclosure when not being supervised. A one (1) by one (1) by one point five (1.5) meter table is to be placed in the center of both enclosures, with LED lights on for the duration of containment. 6760 is encouraged to hide from the light. When requested, 6760 is to be spoken to in a calm, non-threatening tone. Polite conversation has been shown to keep 6760 docile and happy.
In addition, different colored lights are to be utilized in SCP-6760’s containment. A description of colors and their effects will be provided below. 
Description: SCP-6760 was discovered at ████, ███ on  ██ / █ /  ████ after crashing down to Earth in the form of a meteor. Researchers initially found an empty crater that seemed to be slick with oil. Unprompted, researcher ███████ explored the creator. Upon stepping on the “oil”, it surrounded, taking a semi-humanoid form and consumed the researcher. It recoiled from high-intensity lights that were placed around the crater for observation. It lasted in this form for approximately thirty seconds before reducing itself to a quarter-sized sphere. SCP-6760 was then transported in a glass container illuminated by a flashlight to site  ██. It was later transported to site ██ when Dr. Fix showed interest in rehabilitating the item. 
SCP-6760 is an amorphous, black entity made of an unknown substance that calls itself Scorn. Staff are encouraged to call it by its preferred name, as addressing it with its item number results in negative reactions. Testing has come back inconclusive, and staff has since given up on trying to assess the item’s DNA. When put in a dark room, the item will expand to fill it and take on whatever shape it so desires. 6760 has the ability to inflict catastrophic damage on the facility, though it’s always insisted it’s “just stretching” when it expands. Though it can expand under light, the entity has expressed that it “burns too bad to move”. It spends the majority of its time under its table or with Dr. Fox, who has complete and total control over the entity. SCP-6760 has never denied a command from Dr. Fox, no matter how tedious, menial, or absurd the command is. It is capable of speaking rudimentary English, which is steadily improving with the help of Dr. Fox and his underling, ███████ █████. When given a command by Mr. █████, it hesitates and complains, but eventually obeys. These two are regarded to be the only people with complete control over 6760, though it’s been seen to obey other Foundation staff in dire circumstances. 
SCP-6760’s most common forms are:
- A vaguely humanoid shape of varying height, always measured to be over two (2) meters tall. Its features are indiscernible, though it always smiles at Foundation staff to show off its “pretty teeth”. When in a humanoid shape, the item condenses its matter to form a skeletal system. When it reverts to a simpler shape, it regurgitates its skeleton. All “bones” collected from SCP-6760 are to be collected and stored for testing. 
- An average, button down shirt. This form is most commonly taken when hiding under Dr. Fox’s shirt. If Dr. Fox removes his shirt, SCP-6760 will act as a temporary replacement, usually sticking its “head” out of the shirt pocket to communicate with Foundation staff. 
- A one eyed sphere, most commonly taken during containment when hiding under its provided table. It can be described as similar to a Beholder, a monster enemy in the tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons. 
- An amorphous blob identical to SCP-999. This form is only taken when the entities interact, though due to 999’s anomalous properties, SCP-6760 is almost always reduced to a giggling puddle. It takes approximately 15 minutes to return to its original shape on its own, and 5 minutes with Dr. Fox’s encouragement. 
Testing has shown that SCP-6760 has a wide range of reactions to different colored lights. Notable examples include:
- Sunlight causes an adverse reaction in the item, though it sustains no physical damage from being exposed to it. It’s less of a threat and more of an inconvenience to the item. 
- Any type of LED will result in the entity becoming slightly weakened. They cause the entity to struggle when taking shape. Notable LED variants are: 
Mixed: Multiple light sources of different colors will confuse and disorient the item. It reacts by hiding and crying out for Dr. Fox. Dr. Fox is the only staff member able to comfort the entity. 
Red: Any source of red light causes an intense and immediate negative reaction. The longer 6760 is exposed to red light, the more violent the entity becomes. It will do anything and everything possible to break the offending bulb, often resulting in burns that heal themselves when the entity is provided with ample shadow.
Green: Green lights energize and excite 6760. The item will act similarly to a puppy when exposed to green lights. Due to this, green lighting should be utilized when the item interacts with SCP-999.
Yellow/orange: Yellow and orange lights are mildly calming to the entity. It will still try to hide in shadows, though it has no adverse reactions to the light. Yellow and orange lights are to be used as a mild sedative, with a “high” similar to that of a low dose of Valium. It’s theorized that yellow and orange lights produce such a reaction because of 6760’s relationship with 999, but at this point in time there’s no way of knowing.
Blue: Blue LEDs cause the entity to almost instantaneously put the entity to sleep. SCP-6760 will find the nearest shady spot, fall asleep, and remain there until the light is either shut off or replaced with light of a different color. Attempts to wake the subject invariably fail.
Purple: Purple lights are SCP-6760’s favorite. The item has expressed that these lights are the gentlest on his skin. It frequently requests purple lighting at night, as it better helps the entity relax without outright sedating it.
The following is an interview conducted by Dr. Fox after months of containment and speech therapy. It should be noted that SCP-6760 was not able to be understood and Dr. Fox provided a transcription once the interview concluded.
Interviewer: Dr. Andreas Fox, site ██
Interviewee: SCP-6760
Dr. Fox: Scorn, I understand that you’re ready to talk about your retrieval?
SCP-6760: I don’t want to.
Dr. Fox: But will you? 
SCP-6760: [Item bows its head.]
Dr. Fox: You realize you killed a man, don’t you?
SCP-6760: [Item nods.]
Dr. Fox: Can I ask why you would do such a thing?
SCP-6760: [Item bears its teeth.] He stepped on me.
Dr. Fox: He hurt you?
SCP-6760: Ground his heel into me. Called me disgusting.
Dr. Fox: Did you know what that word meant at the time?
SCP-6760: No, but I understood his voice. I heard the hate. I feeled it under his foot.
Dr. Fox: The correct word is felt.
SCP-6760: [Item grumbles indecipherably.]
Dr. Fox: Apologies. I understand you’re still learning. [Dr. Fox consults his clipboard.] You could feel that he was disgusted with you. That’s what motivated you to kill him?
SCP-6760: Yes.
Dr. Fox: What would you do if that happened again? Would you kill another person for insulting you?
SCP-6760: [Item pauses for thirty seconds.] No.
Dr. Fox: Why not?
SCP-6760: You would be mad. Or sad. You would shine lights on me.
Dr. Fox: [He makes note of this.] What if there were no lights? If there would be no consequences, would you attack someone?
SCP-6760: No. You would be sad or mad.
Dr. Fox: I would be, but I’m glad to hear you won’t do it again. 
SCP-6760: I want to go home.
Dr. Fox: Back to your chamber?
SCP-6760: [Subject nods.] With the pretty lights.
Dr. Fox: Does that mean you’re done talking to me for the day?
SCP-6760: [Subject nods.]
Dr. Fox: I just have one more question. Do you feel remorse for what you did? Do you understand that word?
SCP-6760: [Subject refuses to move or speak.]
Dr. Fox: Alright, Scorn. I can escort you back to your chamber now.
During the security breach at site ██, during which multiple euclid and keter items escaped their chambers, SCP-6760 was found scouring the halls and “absorbing” any and all personnel it found. No personnel retrieved by SCP-6760 were hurt in any way by the item. It proceeded to gather as many staff members it could find, including D-Class, and took them outside. It found a MTF vehicle to hide under until Dr. Fox requested its help. They reentered the facility, escorted by a MTF team, and SCP-6760 was able to neutralize multiple items. Items include: SCPs 173, 049, 372, 682, and multiple instances of 939. It attempted to apprehend SCP-096, but was ultimately unsuccessful. 
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eddieeatsass · 3 years
On the Edge of an Avalanche
Summary: Graduation was upon them and Eddie Kaspbrak was eager to leave Derry behind. His one last hurrah would be the senior ski trip, earning him an escape from his mother and the looming stress of college admissions. It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation, until he got slated to look after resident pain-in-everyone’s-ass, Richie Tozier. Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak Rating: E Chapter: 3/5 Read Chapter 2 Here  /  Read on AO3
The next morning felt like a slow-motion scene unravelling before him. Eddie had spent most of the night replaying the events that him and Richie had engaged in, dissecting it for all he could and trying to figure out what it all meant. He hadn’t fallen asleep until the birds were waking up, singing a morning song that rang more like a lullaby to Eddie’s tired ears.
  The first time he woke he felt a warmth pressing up against his back, arms curling around his torso, and smelled sickly-sweet cinnamon that was unfamiliar but undeniably soothing. He fell back asleep not long after.
  The second time Eddie woke he felt rustling beside him, a gentle press to his cheek, and just barely heard something whispered. He never opened his eyes, sleep already pulling him back in.
  The final time he woke that morning was very different from the others; a booming voice announcing an arrival had shaken him out of slumber and almost out of bed.
    “JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE SHIT-” Eddie clutched his blankets in a death grip, holding them up higher as if they could shield him from the onslaught.
  “Wakey wakey Eds and bakey!”
  Eddie groaned internally, already upset at his body for having such a visceral reaction to the sound of Richie’s voice even while it was so tired, and Richie was so loud. Did he have any self respect?
  Eddie peered out from behind his sheets, eyes meeting a ruffled bed head and an early morning smile.
  Okay, maybe Eddie didn’t need self respect when Richie looked that good.
  “I brought breakfast.” Richie stated, holding the plates up as a peace offering.
  Eddie didn’t even have to think before he scooted over, making room for Richie and patting the open spot.
  Richie hobbled over, handing one of the over-stacked plates to Eddie and plopping himself down with a small “oof”.
  Choosing to avoid the elephant in the room for a while longer, Eddie speared what he assumed to be an egg with his fork. He couldn’t be certain, as Richie had coated everything on both plates with a healthy serving of hollandaise sauce.
  “How’s the ankle?” Eddie asked tentatively.
  “’s fine.” Richie said through a mouthful of food. His cheeks were puffed out like a chipmunk, but rather than being off-putting, it was annoyingly charming.
  “You really shouldn’t be walking on it.” Eddie mentioned.
  “I’ve had worse.” Richie shrugged, as if that was supposed to be comforting to Eddie.
  “Where did you get the food?” Eddie asked, changing the subject once again to avoid the hovering topic. It was well past breakfast time, and Eddie knew the buffets were never open past 9am.
  “I snuck into the kitchen.” Richie shrugged, as if that were a totally normal thing to do.
  “What- Richie! You could have gotten in trouble!”
  “But I didn’t.” Richie smirked triumphantly.
  “Anyone could have caught you! And you could have been sent home, or worse, the staff could have called the police! I mean it is technically stealing, and trespassing, and could probably be charged as breaking and entering, and-”
  Eddie was cut off by a fork full of food being shoveled into his open mouth. A fork that wasn’t his fork. A fork that had been in someone else’s mouth, that should have grossed him out, that should have sounded off the alarm in his head. But instead, the fork sat in his mouth as nothing more than a slight inconvenience; not a trigger for his neuroses or a reason to grab his mouthwash, just a fork. What kind of spell did this boy have over him!?
  “Now chew.” Richie ordered, pulling his fork out and leaving the food to sit inside Eddie’s mouth. He did as he was told, chewing a few times and swallowing the food that, in any other case, would have disgusted him.
  “There. Now, do you hear any sirens outside?”
  “No, but-”
  “Is your body getting ready to violently regurgitate everything?”
  “Then just enjoy the food, spaghetti man.”
  Richie said it like it was so easy… And maybe it was. Eddie could be a bit rebellious, couldn’t he? Richie had gone out of his way to get them breakfast, no matter how irresponsible it had been, and Eddie had done nothing but complain. He hadn’t even thanked Richie. Besides, how was it any different from when Eddie snuck into the school’s kitchen to get Stan his special lunch?
  The difference, Eddie realized with his heart skipping a beat, was that Eddie didn’t care much about his own wellbeing. The wellbeing of Richie, however, was a completely new ballgame, and Eddie suddenly found himself at bat.
  “Sorry, it’s hard for me to keep my anxiety in check sometimes.” Eddie admitted, poking around his plate and eating a few more bites. Admittedly, the food was really good.
  “Hey, no need to apologize, I get it.” Richie assured, shooting Eddie a smile that melted him to the core. “Just know that I’d never put you in any real danger.” Richie added with an honesty that watered something warm and vibrant in Eddie’s chest.
  And somehow, Eddie knew that was true. Richie might be reckless at times, but he wasn’t stupid, and he protected those he cared about.
  Eddie wondered if he was in that category now.
    Before Eddie could dwell on it any longer, there was a knock at their door followed by Mr. Daniels’ voice giving them a half hour before they head out. It seemed that while Eddie had been busy sleeping in, the bus had been repaired and returned to their motel.
    As they filed into the vehicle, Eddie noticed that the teachers had switched buses for the day. Mr. Daniels made no mention of the seating arrangements (to which there had been more changes than just Richie and Stanley). This, of course, resulted in absolute mayhem as everyone that had been assigned to different seats now reverted to their original spots. As a result, the bus soon returned back to its chaos.
  Eddie glanced over at Richie, his fingers twitching as he held himself back from reaching out and clutching Richie’s arm to keep him close. Of course, Eddie wouldn’t mind sitting with Stan again, but he’d grown attached to Richie, and even though he felt like they were treading unfamiliar waters now thanks to last night’s unspoken tryst, he still wanted to be close to him.
    The bus hadn’t started moving yet, so kids were still flying from row to row, taking advantage of their newfound freedom thanks to Mr. Daniels more lax approach at chaperoning. Eddie bit at his fingernail as he watched Richie out of the corner of his eye, too afraid to speak but just as afraid to take his gaze off him.
  Richie, on the other hand, seemed completely unaware as he happily tapped away at something on his phone. His shoulders were hunched forward in poor posture and he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, now wrinkled from sleeping in them, but he was still the picture of beauty as far as Eddie was concerned.
  Eddie got caught staring as Richie’s head turned without warning, but it was only met with a smile and an endeared laugh.
  “Is it cool if I switch with Stanley for a bit? Bill’s been harping on me for not texting him back all night, that clingy son of a bitch.” Richie held up his phone as evidence, even though the screen was black and gave Eddie no hint as to the topic of their conversation.
  He hoped in equal parts that it was and wasn’t about him.
  “Yeah, whatever.” Eddie tried to feign indifference but overshot and ended up sounding rude. He winced at his own tone of voice and swallowed back the urge to apologize immediately.
  “Uhh, okay.” Richie seemed confused, but his face stayed open and inviting despite the quirk in his brow. Liquid lapis eyes training on Eddie for a beat longer than necessary before he was hopping up and heading down the isle.
    As soon as Richie was gone, Eddie let his head fall against the frostbitten window with a thunk, his eyes closing instinctively as he retreated inside his brain.
  He was exhausted, both physically from lack of sleep, and emotionally from all these new unfamiliar emotions. It’s not that Eddie had never had crushes before; there was Steven from summer camp, Harry who worked at the bookstore, and Isaac who’d been their mechanic for six years, and had taken Eddie under his wing after his father died.
  However, of all the infatuations Eddie had had, Richie was the first one that actually made sense. Steven had been too far away, and straight. Harry had been too busy, and straight. Isaac had been too old, and straight. But Richie… well, he lived in the same city, wasn’t bogged down by work, and was the same age as Eddie… and was… possibly not straight?
  Eddie felt the seat dip beside him, but refused to open his eyes. Call it a protest of the outside world for being too confusing, he’d open his eyes again when someone had the answers for him.
  Okay, well maybe Stan would have the answers.
  Eddie grumbled his greeting, pulling his body away from the window only to let it slump the other way, right into Stanley’s shoulder. He wavered a bit at the sudden impact but righted himself quickly, supporting Eddie’s weight easily.
  “So, are you the reason Richie’s walking with a limp today?”
  “WHAT?” Eddie’s head shot up, his brain working in overdrive to try and wipe his slate clean, erase any sign of culpability. Did Stan know what they’d done? Did everyone know what they’d done? Oh my god, Richie told someone and now everyone was going to know that they-
  “I mean, I just assumed Richie crossed the line at some point and you had to deliver some swift Kaspbrak karate moves to shut him up.” Stan held his hand up in fists and, with delayed relief, Eddie realized Stan was making a joke.
  Eddie let his head fall back into the cushiness of Stan’s shoulder, his body somehow even more drained than it had been thirty seconds ago. Eddie wasn’t fully certain how he planned on getting through today.
  “He was actually really respectful.” Eddie responded. He didn’t realize it was so out of character until Stan fell quiet, followed by a prodding question.
  “Are you okay?”
  There it was, the question Eddie couldn’t even answer for himself. Was he okay? He didn’t feel okay, but nothing had actually gone wrong, right? In fact, if anything, things had gone in Eddie’s favor. So why did he feel this heavy weight in his chest, baring down on his lungs and slowly squeezing the air out of him?
    When Eddie had returned from the bathroom the previous night, steeled to have the inevitable conversation that came after dry humping a guy you’ve been familiar with for no more than a day, he’d found Richie fast asleep.
  Not knowing what else to do, Eddie has simply crawled into bed beside him.
  But those hours laying awake had left him with too many thoughts, the most prodding being his fear that he’d been used as a prop for Richie’s experimentation. Did he even like guys? He’d never mentioned it, never seemed to show any interest past a couple of jokes. But that was all they were, right? Maybe the jokes had been the first signs Eddie should have noticed, subtle hints Richie was dropping to insinuate that Eddie would be the perfect contender for a round of ‘am I gay or just horny?’. Eddie had practically opened himself up to it after coming out to him.
  His pessimism may have been clouded by past experiences, but after what Eddie had been through, it was no wonder he jumped to conclusions. The only experiences Eddie had to speak for were secret rendezvous with nervous classmates that inevitably ended with Eddie being ignored the next day. It was a pattern, and Eddie was the invariable. He was the small, quiet twink that every questioning athlete and nerd alike seemed to peg as an easy target for their sexual experimentation.
  It wasn’t all bad; it was how Eddie got his first kiss, his first hand job, and so on and so forth. It had, however, left him feeling skeptical of anyone who showed even the barest of interest in him, writing it off as nothing more than curiosity.
  The thought of that being the case with Richie left Eddie’s stomach souring. He’d never gotten attached like this before. Quite honestly, he felt like he was standing on the edge of an avalanche, just waiting for Richie to speak and cause it all to collapse above them.
    “What do you think about people experimenting with… New things.” Eddie braved forward.
  “Uh, I mean that’s a pretty vague question.” Stan pointed out.
  “Okay… say you’ve only ever eaten hamburgers your whole life, right? Through and through you’re a hamburger guy. Until one day you see a hotdog and think, well, maybe I’ll try that today. What if you try it and you don’t like it? Are you just going to throw it away? How is that fair, to just use the hotdog and then discard it like it’s nothing?”
  Eddie hadn’t realized that his voice had become fast-paced and high-pitched until he noticed the look on Stan’s face. Clear confusion was evident in the way he gazed at Eddie with his brows knit in the middle and his mouth slightly agape. Eddie immediately wanted to disappear.
  “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
  “No! No, sorry, I just…” Stan took a breath and sat up straighter, angling his body towards Eddie. “Okay well, experimenting with new… foods doesn’t always end up in distaste, right? Lots of people end up discovering some of their favorite… foods through exploration.”
  Hearing the metaphor come out of Stan’s mouth made Eddie realize how nonsensical it was. God, he was about two seconds sway from digging himself a hole and hibernating until springtime.
  “But if you’re worried about someone… Not enjoying the hot dog, just talk to them about it. Maybe they didn’t realize how their actions might hurt the… hot dog…”
  Eddie and Stan stared at one another for a long pause until Stan cracked a smile, and it radiated so much warmth and comfort that Eddie couldn’t help but smile back. Soon they were falling into giggles, easing themselves into full-blown laughter at the absurdity of the conversation.
  Stan had to have figured it out by now, but Eddie was thankful that he didn’t push him past what he was ready to talk about. Stan was a quality friend, and Eddie had never appreciated his presence in his life more than he did right now.
  “Thanks Stan.” Eddie said honestly, bumping shoulders with him as the last of his chitters died out.
  “You might want to consider the possibility that this isn’t their first time eating a hot dog though.”
  “What?” Eddie blurted.
  “I just mean, you’re assuming they’ve never had a hot dog before, right? Maybe they tend to lean more towards hamburgers but that doesn’t mean they’ve never been intrigued by hot dogs before. Maybe they just needed to find the right hot dog…”
  Eddie’s face heated up as Stan continued to talk.
  “All I’m saying is if it was truly just some reckless experimentation, they’d probably wait until college like the rest of us.”
  Eddie’s head hurt, the metaphor finally losing its last small thread of sense.
  “Right… wait until college to… eat a hot dog…” Eddie repeated slowly.
  Stan opened his mouth to reply, but the voice that rang out wasn’t his.
  “Who’s got hot dogs?”
  Eddie just about jumped out of his skin, his eyes darting up to connect with Richie’s. Eddie felt like he had just been caught talking about him, which he sort of had, but Richie was none the wiser and, hopefully, neither was Stan. The only one floundering was Eddie, but boy was he in the deep end.
  “NOTHING. NO ONE.” Eddie exclaimed much too loudly for the situation.
  Both Stan and Richie stared back at Eddie, equally puzzled expressions on both their faces. He felt like there was a single ping pong ball bouncing around in his head at light speed, desperately trying to find an appropriate response to save himself. Thankfully, Stan was always one step ahead of him.
  “We were just talking about how Eddie’s mom makes the best hot dogs.”
  Eddie’s nose instinctively scrunched up at the mention of his mom during a metaphor about his sex life, but he quickly schooled his features and nodded along.
  “Mmm, I’m gonna have to fight you on that until I’ve tasted them for myself. Otherwise, the best hotdogs in Derry are undoubtedly the ones from Kelso’s Diner.”
  Eddie short circuited at the insinuation that Richie would indeed one day be trying Eddie’s mom’s cooking. Meaning he foresaw them continuing to be friends past this trip. Meaning, and this made Eddie’s head spin, Richie didn’t seem to have the intention of dropping Eddie the minute he got what he wanted.
  What exactly did he want?
    “So, Stan the man, if you don’t mind, I’m going to kick you back into the strong arms of Bill Denbrough and reclaim my rightful seat here.” Eddie couldn’t help but notice the way Stan’s face flushed just a shade darker. Was there something there that Eddie didn’t know about?
  He didn’t have time to ponder Stan’s reaction to the mention of Bill Denbrough or his strong arms. Stan shot a quick ‘talk to you later’ Eddie’s way and was retreating to his seat as Richie settled into his.
  Eddie’s head was swirling as his senses reacted to Richie’s proximity. He forced himself to speak through the rush of endorphins, even though all his body wanted to do was curl into Richie’s side.
  “What did Bill want to talk to you about?”
  “Relationship drama.” Richie answered, shrugging it off. “There’s always something with that boy.” The way Richie spoke wasn’t annoyed or exhausted, but rather amused by his friend and his ongoing antics.
  “I’m glad you were able to help him.” Eddie responded genuinely.
  “Yeah, me too.” Richie’s smile felt intimate, as if it were just for Eddie, even though they were talking about someone else entirely.
  Eddie began to smile back but was overcome by a yawn, his face distorting as his jaw dropped on its own, too motivated by exhaustion to wait for the queue from his brain.
  “Didn’t get much sleep last night?” Richie pondered.
  “Uhm, yeah, I guess not.” Eddie answered sheepishly, hoping Richie didn’t connect his insomnia to their late-night encounter.
  “Bummer, I slept better than I have in months. You’re a good cuddler.” Richie’s comment was dropped so casually that Eddie almost didn’t catch it, but his ears were awake enough to tinge a bright rose in response.
  “Well, anyways, Mr. Daniels said we have about an hour until we get to the resort so…” Richie tapped his shoulder invitingly, and even though Eddie had been in the exact same position mere minutes ago with Stanley, it felt vastly different when the shoulder was attached to Richie.
  “T-thanks.” Eddie stuttered, dipping his head low into the crook of Richie’s shoulder fast enough that he hopefully didn’t notice how much redder Eddie got.
  He was sure his heart was beating too fast for him to possibly fall asleep, but the closeness to Richie rejuvenated him in another way. He let his eyes slip closed as he slowly relaxed into the comforting presence beside him.
    “-ddie, hey, Eds.”
  “Mmmm ‘s not my name.”
  “Fine. Edward Kaspbrak, king of slumber and bearer of drool, it’s time to wake up.”
  Eddie’s surroundings slowly came into consciousness as he was pulled back into awareness. The first thing he noticed was that he was in a very different orientation than when he’d last been cognizant. The second thing he noticed, and much more dreadful, was that his cheek was indeed covered in drool.
  He brought a hand to his face and wiped away the moisture as quickly as he could, riding himself of any evidence Richie might be able to use against him.
  Who, speaking of, was currently underneath him in a way he very much hadn’t been before.
  At some point, Eddie had ended up with his head in Richie’s lap. Richie’s hand was in Eddie’s hair at the nape of his neck, gently playing with the strands as if it was an absent habit he did all the time. The act was so domestic it made Eddie want to burst into tears; whether they were sad or happy tears, he wasn’t sure.
  He sat up slowly, careful not to have the blood rush to his head too quickly. The last thing he needed was to pass out in front of Richie. Who knows what kind of intimate position he’d wake up in the next time.
  “We’re here, everybody’s already outside.” Richie offered as explanation for Eddie’s disrupted sleep.
  “What? Why did you wait to wake me?” Eddie asked with only a tinge of annoyance. Luckily, Richie seemed to be charmed by it.
  “You’re cute when you sleep, let a man indulge.”
  Before Eddie could form a response, Richie was already standing up. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and made his way towards the front of the bus, leaving Eddie to fumble to catch up.
    When Eddie stepped off the bus, the first thing he noticed was how white everything was. It was to be expected, of course; it’s kind of hard to ski without snow. But it was such a stark difference from where they’d been just an hour ago. The difference a small distance could make was staggering; this didn’t even feel like it belonged in the same universe.
  The view was gorgeous with its tall log cabins, ski lifts moving like carousels, and snow-covered evergreens on every surface. Eddie was half tempted to throw himself down in the snow and make a snow angel.
  But the cold nipping at his nose was a reminder that before he could indulge in any snow activities, he had to actually get equipped for the snow.
  To their left, Mr. Daniels and Eric were unloading everyone’s bags from the storage compartment beneath the bus. Eddie could already spot his small suitcase, a bright pink flamingo covered hand-me-down from his mom, sitting in the snow.
  While they waited, Richie’s friends sauntered over, Stan happily alongside them.
  “I can’t wait to hit the slopes.” Bill greeted them as he bobbed up and down eagerly, his enthusiasm contagious.
  “I’m just excited for the hot chocolate.” Beverly countered, as she wrapped her sweater a little tighter around herself. All their winter coats were stuffed in their suitcases, the cold air taking advantage of their thin jackets and exposed skin.
  “Here Beverly.” Ben had shrugged off his sweater and was offering it to Beverly with a shy little quirk of his lips, but Beverly regarded it for only a moment before shaking her head. She took the sweater and threw it back over Ben’s shoulders before crowding her way into his space and snuggling right up against his chest.
  “Body heat works better.” She teased lowly.
  Richie let out a long, slow whistle, summing up what everyone was thinking; Beverly was sly as hell and Ben was gleefully in way over his head.
  The exchange made Eddie crave Richie’s warmth, yearn to be back in that motel bed, blissfully unaware of how intimate they were being in their sleep.
  There was no more being blissfully unaware, not with how Eddie’s heart beat to a different rhythm every time Richie’s arm would brush up against his.
    “Alright, everyone grab your bags and follow me.” Mr. Daniels announced, finally closing the now empty compartment of the bus.
  The seven of them sauntered over to the pile of suitcases and duffel bags, searching out their own among the many.
  Even though Eddie had already spotted his suitcase, he pretended to search for it for a while longer until Richie found his. Only then did he grab the bright pink monstrosity by the handle and begin lugging it up the hill, Richie wordlessly in tow behind him.
  They managed to reach the top of the hill without Richie stumbling too much, but as soon as Mrs. Harrow came into view there was no hiding Richie’s injury anymore.
  With hawk eyes homing in, Mrs. Harrow walked over to Richie with a displeased expression.
  “What happened here, Richard?”
  She sounded almost exasperated, and it made Eddie want to step in and defend him.
  “Oh, you know, just my bum leg. It acts up every now and then, ever since that terrible kite flying accident…” Richie looked off into the distance as if remembering a tragedy of great proportions.
  Mrs. Harrow rolled her eyes. Eddie’s anger flared once again.
  “Well, we can’t send you home now, so you’ll just have to spend the trip indoors. Absolutely no reckless activity, you got that Tozier?”
  “Aye aye, captain!”
  Mrs. Harrow didn’t acknowledge his response, simply turned her back towards them and began her search for the next student in need of scolding.
  As soon as she was out of ear shot, Eddie began fuming.
  “What the hell, why does Mrs. Harrow have it out for you? Can’t she see you’re hurt? Is she even capable of sympathy?”
  When Eddie looked over to Richie, he saw something soft and sweet in his expression, a contrast to Eddie’s bubbling temper. “You care about me.” Richie mused with a smirk.
  “W-what- no I don’t- I mean I do but- not like- shut up.” Eddie grabbed his suitcase once again and began walking away.
  “You can deny it all you want, Kaspbrak. I see right through you!”
  Eddie flipped Richie off over his shoulder as he disappeared through giant mahogany double doors.
    Their rooms were small, a single bed meant to be shared between the two classmates who signed up to room together. Normally on school trips, the school tried to cram as many students into one room as possible, but they must have known from prior visits to the lodge that these rooms just couldn’t hold more than two at a time.
  However, despite the small quarters, they were undeniably beautiful. Every surface seemed to be made from the same rich darkened wood, and every accent was bronzed. One wall was taken up by giant windows that overlooked the mountain below them, able to be hidden behind heavy curtains that took Eddie’s full force to pull closed.
  Eddie and Stan didn’t spend much time in their room, stopping only briefly to drop off their luggage and get bundled up in preparation for the slopes. Eddie was practically buzzing at the opportunity to teach himself something completely foreign; it’d been a long time since a new sport had been in his reach, and he was planning on taking full advantage of the absence of Sonia.
  “Are you almost ready?” Eddie bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited for Stan by the door, one hand already on the knob in anticipation.
  “Yes, for god sake Eddie, I just need to find my gloves.”
  Eddie’s eyes glazed over as he thought about the adrenaline rush he’d longed for. He still played tons of sports but there was something about learning a new one that left Eddie especially excited. He didn’t care much for the competitiveness of sports, and while he didn’t mind the sportsmanship of it all, it wasn’t why Eddie was motivated to get involved. Quite simply put, Eddie just wanted to play. He wanted to live out the experiences he missed out on, that pure rush that came from scraping your knees while playing soccer or face planting while diving for the volleyball. It may seem uninteresting to those who had already lived it out in childhood, but to Eddie it was nothing short of euphoric.
  “Here they are!” Stan exclaimed, holding his pair of gloves above his head as he tucked everything else back inside his suitcase.
  “Good, now come on, let’s goooooo.”
  Eddie was already out the door before Stan could answer, but he knew he was following by the distinct sound of swishing snow pants.
    They made their way down to the lobby, eagerly chatting about how fun their afternoon was going to be, when they ran straight into a brick wall of a body.
  “Fucking move, queers.” Henry ground out, placing a flat hand on Eddie’s face and pushing him aside with ease.
  “Henry, don’t you have anything better to do than project your internalized homophobia onto others.” Stan replied flatly.
  “What the fuck did you say to me?” Henry hissed, flipping his attention to Stan with a new temper flaring.
  “Stan…” Eddie warned, reaching for Stan’s hand to pull him away from the rising confrontation.
  Stan seemed to pale as he realized his comment wasn’t going to be shrugged off. He tried to keep himself composed but Eddie knew his tells well enough to notice the change.
  Henry’s gaze flicked down to where Eddie was trying to join hands with Stan, and a wicked grin soured his face.
  “Oh, I see…” Henry began, stalking closer to the pair and causing them to stumble back. They didn’t fear Henry like they used to, but he still held some power in those eyes that had never fully ceased to make them tremble.
  “You two fucking fairies together now? I should have seen it coming, pansies aren’t potted too far from one another. So, tell me, who made the first move, huh?”
  Eddie’s throat was thick with fear, his eyes unable to move from where Henry’s gaze pinned them.
  “Wait don’t tell me… It was you, wasn’t it, Uris? Eddie here is too limp wristed to do anything, just a little girl in sheep’s clothing. But then again, I guess if the rumors are true, you’re not completely useless. At least you give good head.”
  Eddie’s face burned as he held back the tears that threatened to give him away. He was fine, Henry’s words were hollow. Eddie had already heard every gay slur Henry had in his vocabulary.
  “Too bad you’re not pretty enough to turn any of them into faggo-”
  Eddie’s fist moved before his brain did, lining up perfectly with Henry’s jaw and landing the punch exactly where it would hurt most. Stan flinched beside him as the sickening crack rang out in the empty hallway, followed by a wail that made snow drop from the treetops outside. Eddie didn’t move, refused to let himself back down even as the tears broke free and streamed down his face.
  Eddie jumped, whipping around in horror as Mrs. Harrow’s voice broke through his resolve.
  Eddie stared in shock. He’d never done anything worthy of breaking a teacher’s ‘no cursing’ rule before, though he’d seen many teachers reach their point of profanity with other students before. It sort of felt similar to when you see a teacher outside of school and are reminded that they don’t just exist inside the bubble you’ve put them in. Well, the bubble had popped, and Mrs. Harrow was now stalking towards him with a new air that absolutely paralyzed him. He wasn’t sure how to respond, so he didn’t. He just continued staring back at her, watching as she passed him and rushed over to Henry, taking his face in her hand and angling his head to assess the damage. Luckily, there was no visible injury past some reddening (though the same wouldn’t be true once the bruising began to set in).
  “Eddie.” Mrs. Harrow sighed. She released Henry’s face and brought the hand up to her own, pinching the skin between her eyes as if she was fighting back a cresting headache.
  She probably was.
  “I’m sorry Mrs. Harrow, I didn’t-”
  Eddie was interrupted with a single finger, held up intimidatingly as Mrs. Harrow continued to try and gather her patience.
  “No skiing.”
  “What about that needs clarification, Edward?”
  “But I didn’t do anything!”
  “I watched you punch Mr. Bowers across the face.”
  “Well, yeah, but-”
  “No. Skiing.”
  Eddie fidgeted in place as he desperately grasped at straws in his head that could possibly get him out of this situation. Maybe if he could get Mrs. Harrow alone and just explain to her what Henry was saying-
  With an exasperated sigh, Mrs. Harrow placed a hand on Henry’s shoulder and began leading him back down the hallway from which she’d appeared.
  “Come on Henry, we’ll get you some ice.”
  Eddie couldn’t move, he’d become cemented to the floor at some point during his meltdown.
    “Eddie?” Stan’s soft voice penetrated the space between them, but it sounded distant. Anger bubbled up inside Eddie, anger that he wasn’t at all certain how to process.
  “Hey, Eddie, I’m so sorry. You know none of what Bowers said was true, right?”
  Like a kettle blowing its whistle, Eddie’s top popped.
  Eddie whipped around to face Stan, his cheeks red hot as he filled with steam.
  “Hotdogs like fruitcakes.”
  Eddie sputtered; his mind unable to connect the pieces while he was burning red hot.
  He could probably stop yelling, but if Eddie let himself think too long about how he just came out to his best friend, he might melt the rest of the way into the ground and become nothing more than carpeting.
  “Hotdogs. I hear they go well with fruitcakes.” Stan repeated calmly.
  Eddie felt like he was going to combust.
  “What are you-”
  “Richie is your hotdog, right?”
  At the mention of Richie, Eddie’s anger began to simmer down, exhaustion pulling at his muscles. All he could do was nod.
  “Look, Eddie, if it wasn’t obvious enough already, I don’t care that you’re gay. I’m a Jewish boy scout whose nerd repertoire is more extensive than that of most comic book writers, what space do I have to judge.”
  Eddie’s heart rate was settling down, the reassurance from his friend a comforting constant. This was Stanley, he’d never cared what ‘secrets’ Eddie had kept from him before, and this was no different. Well, this was a little different from the time he stole Stan’s pudding cup and then confessed an hour later out of guilt. But even then, Stan had been nothing but understanding.
  “Yeah, he’s the hot dog.” Eddie’s voice was beginning to level out as well, the heat of the moment passing on.
  “Richie isn’t like all those other hot dogs. He’s sure of himself in a way I’ve never met anyone else to be. The way his friends speak about him leaves no doubt in my mind that he has himself figured out; at least enough not to hurt you. He’s one of the good guys, Eddie.”
  “One of the good hotdogs.” Eddie corrected.
  “Yeah, I’m gonna have to drop that now that we’re being transparent with each other. I don’t like having to think about Richie’s… hotdog every time we tiptoe around your metaphor.”
  Eddie’s cheeks blushed a furious shade of fuchsia as his mind also began to wander towards Richie’s hotdog.
  “Richie’s stuck indoors for the next few days too, right?” Stan prompted.
  “Yeah, Mrs. Harrow was pretty clear about that.” Eddie scowled at the memory. “So, you guys are stuck in lockdown together; seems like the perfect romance scenario to me.”
  The more Eddie thought about it, the more things seemed to fall into place. Eddie had been excited about skiing, but what he was more excited about was this budding energy between him and Richie. Mrs. Harrow had unknowingly set up the perfect circumstance for them to spend as much time together as possible, and if Eddie could muster up the courage, he just might try to take advantage of it.
    Stan and Eddie had parted hours ago, but Eddie was just now beginning to rouse back into existence.
  After the fight with Henry, Eddie’s lack of sleep from the night before finally caught up with him. The nap on the bus had been helpful, but not enough to regenerate all the energy he’d lost to his anxiety the past 24 hours. As soon as he’d returned to his room he hadn’t been able to fight it anymore. He’d barely gotten his shoes off before collapsing into the inviting plush bedding and zonking out for three hours.
  Lucky for Eddie, three hours didn’t put him back that much. It was dinner time, but Eddie knew most of the students were prepared to stay on the slopes until the late hours of the night (or at least until teacher enforced curfew).
  Eddie was overheating, having fallen asleep with his winter coat and snow pants on. He was surprised he hadn’t died in his sleep from a layer induced fever. Could that even happen? Well, Eddie wasn’t keen on finding out today. He promptly stripped off the stifling clothing and did the same with his undergarments. While the suffocating layers may not have killed him, they had certainly left him covered in sweat.
  Eddie trailed into the bathroom, catching a glimpse of his naked form in the mirror and stopping. He turned fully towards his reflection, squinting as if sizing himself up.
  He wasn’t very buff, but he was nicely filled out from years of dabbling in sports. He definitely still had a thinner body, his waist dipping in elegantly before flaring back out into hips that, quite honestly, were pretty generous for a man. Eddie didn’t love his body, but who did? Everyone had issues to point out if they took a magnifying glass to themselves, but overall, Eddie was pleased with his appearance.
  He hoped that Richie would be too, if they ever ended up there.
  Eddie turned to the side, assessing his profile. He wondered what it would look like if Richie was slotted in behind him, arms wrapped tight around Eddie’s thin waist to hold him close. The height difference alone would cause Eddie to look small in comparison; Richie was an absolute tree. The thought shouldn’t have made Eddie feel as hot as it did, but he soon found himself heating up again.
  Eddie leaned over the sink, resting his elbows on the edge so he could lean in close to his figure. His cock brushed up against the cold wood surface of the counter and he gasped in surprise, looking down to find it peering up at him in intrigue.
  Eddie’s wonderings about Richie must have gotten him a little more worked up than he’d anticipated.
  Glancing back up at himself in the mirror, Eddie let one hand trail down to the spot between his legs. He grasped himself as he pictured Richie behind him, staring back at him through their reflections with that enticing grin.
  ‘What, Eds. Don’t think I’ll fuck you right here in the bathroom?’
  Eddie moaned quietly to himself, picturing just how he’d respond to Richie’s teasing.
  ‘I bet you won’t, Tozier. Too afraid of someone walking in on us. You’re all talk but no game.’
  Eddie would dangle the challenge in front of Richie knowing full well that he wouldn’t back down. He’d take Eddie’s hips and thrust himself inside without hesitation, just one single move would be all it took for Richie to fill him up.
  Eddie’s wrist cramped from the awkward angle he held it at, but he refused to move from his spot bent over the sink, too caught up in the fantasy.
  He replayed the moans he’d committed to memory the night before, those sinful sounds that Richie seemed to let slip out like he didn’t know they were poisonous darts striking right through Eddie’s skin.
  ‘Richie…’ Eddie moaned, the sound echoing in the empty bathroom.
  ‘Eddie…’ He could hear Richie say, pounding into him at a relentless pace that would leave bruises on Eddie’s skin from where he slammed into the countertop.
  And then Eddie was releasing into his fist, cum pooling over and dripping into the sink. His body shook with shock and his toes curled, eyes squeezing shut as he milked the last bit out of himself before going completely slack.
  He was grateful that counter was there to hold him up, because if not he would have probably fallen to the floor.
  It took a moment for Eddie to finally open his eyes again, but when he did, he was surprised at how disappointed he was that Richie wasn’t actually there. He knew he’d gotten lost in his mind, but it didn’t ease his despondency.
  Eddie stepped into the shower, committing himself to not think about Richie at least until he returned squeaky clean.
    It didn’t work.
  Eddie had thought about Richie the entire shower.
  Eddie tried to let his worry be soothed by Stan’s words, though it continued to flare at the least opportune times. Eddie accepted that he probably wouldn’t be completely placated until he had Richie do it himself, hopefully through tender hands and soothing touches.
  Eddie redressed himself, this time forgoing the heavy layers in favor of a warm wool sweater and comfortable sweatpants. He didn’t bother styling his hair, too set on hunting down Richie to care whether his locks were combed to the left or to the right.
  He quickly pocketed his cellphone and room key, setting off in search of the only other student in the building.
    Eddie didn’t know Richie’s room number, so he took a gamble and wandered into the lobby. There was a pool table in the center of the room, looking lonely as those around it chose to read a book by the fireplace or chat quietly by the windows. There weren’t many people to speak of, so it was easy to quickly spot that familiar face that made Eddie’s heart skip.
  Richie was laying across one of the couches, arms flung across his chest in protest. He was grumbling lowly to the man sitting a seat away, which Eddie recognized as their bus driver.
  “And so, in walks the other prisoner.” Eric drawled as he noticed Eddie, an easy smile on his face.
  Richie’s head popped up quickly, his curls bouncing as they tried to keep up with the swift change in position. Once Richie saw Eddie, the rest of his body followed enthusiastically as he jumped up from his seat.
  “EDDIE!” Richie cheered loudly, before quickly clearing his throat and lowering his voice to a more lobby-appropriate volume. “What are you doing here?”
  “Uhh, I sort of…” Eddie chanced a glance over Richie’s shoulder, noting that Eric wasn’t paying attention to their conversation. “punched Henry Bowers.” He mumbled lowly.
  “YOU WHAT!?”
  “SHHHHH!” Eddie grabbed Richie by the arm and pulled him back down to the couch, looking around them anxiously to see if Richie had drawn any eyes. “It’s not a big deal, okay?” Eddie added once he was sure no one was listening in.
  “Uhm, I’d say punching the guy who’s made everyone’s life a living hell for the past four years counts as a big deal.” Richie challenged.
  Eddie sighed, letting himself lean back into the leather couch as he chewed on his bottom lip. Richie wasn’t wrong, it wasn’t not a big deal, but Eddie wasn’t the violent type. He hadn’t meant to do what he’d done; he’d just snapped. He didn’t regret it, but he didn’t want to dwell on it either, especially since dwelling on it meant remembering all that lead up to it.
  “Can we talk about something else please?” Eddie asked, his voice small and begging.
  Richie was clearly itching for more details, but he still dropped the subject as he copied Eddie’s position sinking into the couch.
  “So, what are you doing here?” Eddie asked, grateful that Richie had respected his request.
  “Eric’s on babysitting duty.” Richie nodded over to Eric who sent them a thumbs up without looking away from his phone. “Mrs. Harrow doesn’t trust me to stay inside.”
  “I mean, to be fair, neither do I.” Eddie mused, a smirk playing on his face.
  Richie bumped his shoulder into Eddie’s, feigning offence even as laughter spilled from his chest.
  “Fine, but at least leave me with something to do, you know? I’m not a convict, I’m injured!” Richie lifted his leg and pointed to his ankle as if to prove his point.
  “As the convict here, I take offense to that.” Eddie teased.
  “Well, Eddie, how do you feel about reformation?” Eric asked. As Eddie regarded him, he saw that Eric had pocketed his phone and was now leaning towards them in engagement.
  Eddie narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Depends on what sort of reformation.”
  “Why don’t you take over guard duty?” Eric offered, nodding towards Richie. “Personally, I’d have let Richie stay in his room anyway, but I was given my orders. If you make sure he doesn’t leave, then at least the two of you can spend your evening watching TV or something. Just don’t let anyone see you outside your rooms, I don’t want to get in trouble for abandoning post. Mrs. Harrow is scary when she’s mad.”
  Eric mimicked a shiver running down his spine before shaking it off, smiling at the two of them warmly.
  “Eric, as per usual, you are the BEST.” Richie cheered.
  “Yeah, I know.”
  Richie and Eddie wasted no time before scrambling to their feet and jetting out of the lobby. They didn’t discuss whose room they were going to, but once Richie pressed his floor number on the elevator keypad it was unspoken.
  Eddie was going to be alone in a room with Richie. Unsupervised. For hours.
  Eddie was going to shit his pants.
17 notes · View notes
nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hello Goldy 💜 So JK dint post for Jin and so does Tae. Both of them di t post for Jinins bday also. Whats going on here ? I dont understand if JK and Tae have been banned from posting on their boyfriends bday. As u can tell i am both Jikook and Taejin shipper. What do u think is happening or should i say not happening.
This topic...
Hold on, lemme put on my tinfoil hat:
I got nothing. Lol.
Secondly, aaaaah Tae Kook!
Tumblr media
Lol. Tae Kook. The evil power duo of BTS, my favorite rageddy boogie men of ship street Avenue, PPP- pathological party poopers of Bangtan fantasyland- stomping on shipper's parade, putting commas in people's hopes and dreams. Y'all didn't get the memo? When we said y'all be snatching hearts, this is not the kind of horror heart snatching we was talking about! Y'all ratchet for this shit. Lol.
Someone give them the memo. Atatatatatat.
I mean for Jk, I've already speculated a few times- several times now, how I feel he's kind off been on a self assertive journey since late 2019 and coupled with a lot of things I felt was happening with him, Jimin and group around that period, that him not posting for the members' birthdays sort of make a lot of sense to me.
I've also speculated on what I felt was going on with Kook, RM and Tae around JM's birthday this year, so Tae not posting for JM also sort of made sense to me?
Tae missed Jimin's birthday as well. It would have been 'problematic' in today's social media climate if he posted for any body else within the group after that. It's the same with JK when he missed Jin's birthday last December- had he posted for anybody else, I'm afraid several trucks would have been sent to BigHit HQ demanding his head on a spike. Chileee.
Can't blame them though. Even the members themselves, during 2017 Festa, descended hard on JK for gifting a present to Jimin and not the others- they pay attention to these things, you know? Jin in his recent VLive had said he had been up waiting for texts and all- or something along the lines of that, and I'm pretty sure he pays attention to who posts what on their Twitter account on his birthday. Well we know Jimin does this too. Lol.
You don't need to be a mad scientist to figure out that one member posting for another and not the others would make the members feel some kind of way about it even if they don't say it out loud.
Frankly, like I said, I feel they set themselves up for this shit- miss one, miss them all or risk solo stans coming for your ass. That's how we roll on these fang gang streets. Lol.
But for Kook, I sort of felt his was deliberate- may be an impulsive decision at the time, but deliberate nonetheless. I mean he had all 24 hours post Jin's birthday to belate that shit- better late than never, but he didn't do that.
Whatever had transpired within that period- which I've speculated on in past posts, I feel that had pushed him to his breaking point and had incentivized him or propelled him to reel back, reevaluate his goals, intentions, purpose, calling- whatever you wanna call it, and eventually had embarked on a journey to reassert himself and take back control of his life all throughout 2020- until recent times...
- Y'all see Jikook's dynamics have flipped again post Jimin's birthday right? Clear your schedules. We gone talk. Soon. Muhahaha.
I don said, Jikook have/had been asserting themselves against eachother and against the group this year. And for Jk, that self assertion would come in the form of him putting up boundaries and reinforcing already existing boundaries among other things, which would in turn require him demanding and demonstrating his independence from anything and anyone he had relinquished his self autonomy to- prior to. In my opinion.
I'm gonna step on a few toes here and regurgitate, JK didn't just take a step back from his life, he took a step back from Jimin as well, in my opinion- I can literally hear temperatures rising. Chilee. Lmho.
It's easy to lose yourself in the process of loving someone. And when you love this person more than you love yourself, in the thick of love, under heavy public and peer scrutiny, where you are being told to change this and that about yourself everyday and everytime as a prerequisite for being able to love this person you want within a group; then you are bound to end up with nothing but the total eradication of who you are at your core or at least a drift away from your true self and the expressions of it... Sigh.
I mean all the, 'try not to be so possessive, he's our friend too' 'operation neutralize Jikook' 'chilee, don't lean too much into him, this is an award' 'I've got Jimin, restrain Kook' 'oh I think you stared too long here' 'look away' 'you got him a present, why didn't you get us any' 'is that your heart eyes?' 'Tuck it away' 'why do you film Jimin a lot?' 'use this person, not Jimin for your GCF if you want the clicks' 'GCF in Tokyo? How about OT7 in wherever mate?' - all these little tweaks and adjustments he's had to make to his personality and his expressions of self in order to hide his relationship within the group climaxes honestly. In my opinion. And late 2019 to me was that peak for JK. Again, in my opinion.
Changes like these don't come drastically. They creep up on you. Its slippery slope till you're caught knee deep in the mud. For instance, notice when the members complained about him not caring for them because he hadn't presented them with gifts like he did Jimin, he had agreed immediately to give them presents in the future in order to not answer to their question of why he had chosen to give just Jimin a present. That compromise to me was one of the early signs of him losing his authenticity. In my opinion.
Jimin and the members were quick to point out that he didn't have to do that because giving and gifting were not obligations and honestly they were right. He doesn't have to do things if he doesn't want to.
That's the paradox of Jungkook. He does the things he wants to do without shame and he is fearless and unapologetic about it. But you see, he is also often very passive when it comes to the things he doesn't want to do and would hesitate in insisting on his boundaries until he is pushed to his limits- from my observation of his interactions with the members and I think Suga and RM have talked about this too.
A classic example of this is his conversation with Jimin about their friendship- when Jimin said they were in between love and friends. His hesitation was a sign he was uncomfortable with that description but he didn't assert himself over it.
Another example would be Jimin saying during their log that he was taking a liking to JK- JK didn't react as much but JM turning to ask him if he was ok with him saying things like that was a sign they had had the talk about 'boundaries.'
JK is a very assertive person but his position as the youngest within the group places a lot of restrictions on his assertiveness I feel.
We talk a lot about Jimin being Kumbaya and sacrificing a lot of their personal happiness for the good of the group- well, I've been talking. Y'all don't say shit much- fuxking lurkers 😒 y'all suck. Lol. [Delete before you post, you idiot. They don't know you like that]
Anywho, we often talk about Jimin in this context but we- by we, I mean I, don't talk enough about all the ways JK often sacrifices his authenticity for the Kumbaya of the group as well. But unlike Jimin, I feel JK does it so he can keep his glass closet- fucking whippidy whip whipped. Lol.
And it's crazy because that sacrifice he makes of his true feelings and it's expression is what often leads people to question whether he acts exclusively with JM at all.
Often I hear shippers complain about how he did this with Jimin but he did similar thing with another member- listen, if you've heard JK sigh upon seeing RM imitating his mannerisms to try to neutralize his nonverbal gestures around Jimin, you'd understand what exclusivity means for him.
And when, you think about that he had to apologize to and explain himself for choosing to wear his man's bag over another member- it's not hard to see where his authentic self began to erode- It started from the moment the apologies begun. Never apologize for who you are- class dismissed. Lol.
Then he goes on to talk about losing his passions for his GCFs, his music- this is a person everyone within the group had said is or was the most passionate member within the group... You gotta wonder where it all went wrong. Know what I mean? Come on work me. I'm writing this at 2am. Lol.
I think Jimin was right when he said giving should never be a task. You should give from your heart and from your own free will. Not for show, and certainly not to please anyone.
Wishing a member a happy birthday should never be a duty, task or obligation- especially when such moments and expressions of it has become performative over the years rather than as true expressions of the love and affections they have for eachother- ok, I'm dozing off now. Lmho.
I mean let's face it, posting on Twitter for eachother has become more of a culture and an established tradition within the group that sentimental members within the group hold on to.
The birthday twitter post has been hijacked and lowkey/highkey advances the OT7 kumbaya agenda BigHit is bent on pushing and sells the BTS bromance fantasy to us rather than an actual representation of their love for eachother. In my opinion. I could be wrong about this.
JK asserting himself would mean him choosing not to participate in expressions that to him are performative, shallow and lacks depth whatsoever.
I know what you are gonna say- but but Jimin's birthday. But but but nothing. Lol. I have said I felt he was going to post for Jimin's birthday. Dude geared up for it with the 5/8 and everything.
And given as he's been on a journey to do the things he wants to and to pursue meaning in his expressions of self within the group, I feel and I believe he believes wishing his man a happy birthday on social is meaningful- Confirmation bias this shit. Lol.
Not that the act itself is meaningful, but that the act holds meaning to Jimin. I think I've talked extensively about Jimin and how important his birthday is to him. The only reason I feel he wouldn't or didn't post for him was if Jimin had asked him not to- which I believe he did. Posting for Jimin would have been tantamount to outing their relationship gangster style. Lol.
And we all know how the members feel about that. Smirk.
So no, I don't think he's been banned from posting for his man's birthday. I think this is him deciding not to partake in performative expressions of love- perhaps because that has never been him?
I don't know for Tae's Journey. His decision not to post feels very random to me. Who knows, he and JK have been talking a lot lately it seems and getting closer post Sope. So if you ask me, this perhaps is him taking a page out of JK's self help book and pursuing that authenticity of self expressions I've talked about?
I mean he did do awesome things for Jin's birthday so I don't think we can complain much. Getting his friends to wish Jin a happy birthday certainly pulls weight over a second post on Twitter. Jin got a birthday party with the members, RM had the same.....
The thing that bothers me and my friends over here about Jikook's incident is the lack of closure after that traumatizing experience.
With the others JK didn't post for, at least we got to see him in a VLive with them interacting and just giving us moments here and there. So even if he didn't post, we know he was with them and they shared the memory of that day together- which I feel is what we shippers want. For them to show eachother love- whatever way they express it.
With Jimin- Nada. Zero. Zilch. We got nothing my guy. Jimin didn't share any insight or give any details remotely resembling closure for us. We were hoping for a bangtan bomb or Episode but nothing so far. I hate it here.
We didn't get to see JK showing the love we know he feels for Jimin- he's proven time and again he loves that man. We didn't get to see them share the memories of that day together. Not even through narration- Jimin, you sonova bish! Lol.
Would I ever move on from that incident? No.
Do I want to move on from that incident- chileee I've been trying. It would haunt me for the rest of my Jikook life. Lol. I still get get nightmares thinking about it and it's Christmas. Sigh.
I think we would have to observe rather than anticipate how they choose to express and communicate their love for one another- especially Jikook and by extension Taejin- chilee Anon, I respect your hustle. Lol.
I don't blame you though. I mean sometimes Jin be looking like he wants to gobb-ok
What was your question again? Lol. I hope I answered it. Chilee. Keep supporting Jikook.
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Uninviting Cataclysm (Alastor x Reader) Chapter 5
Warning: A little smut, toxic relationship and child nearly drowning
Part 1: link
Part 2: link
Part 3: link
Part 4: link
Cool, refreshing night air hit your burning cheeks. Arms wrapped around yourself on instinct to protect unclothed hands from the night's chilled air. Perring off to the right you gazed at cyprus trees with spanish moss blowing in the breeze. The smell of the bayou lingering in the fast moving wind, which typically smelt like alligators and dirty water.
     You weren't going to complain about it though, your papa used to take you shrimp fishing and you got used to that stench from day one. But,much to mama's indifference, she was terrified that you fall in and sink to the murky darkness below and like every other time she was exactly right. One clear, sunny day when you were eleven, you were sitting in papa's fishing boat while he was setting shrimp traps in the water. Well, one of the traps broke free and all you tried to do was put it back in place, but you ended up falling straight forward. You thrived to keep your balance fumbling with your grasp yearning for traction between your hand and the side of the boat, nonetheless you failed and plummeted into the murky abyss, dropping further with each second. You didn't realize, but your papa was on the shallow side while you thought everything was the standing up section. Holding your breath for as long as your little lungs could last, you tried to endeavor into swimming for the top. Not moving an inch no matter how determined you were, you stay put in one spot. In the next few seconds your lungs started to burn for oxygen and just like any human when near death you tried to claw and kick your way back to the surface. This sort of movement caused your energy to deplete, mouth opened without you realizing it, water rushed in and filled your lungs. You always thought drowning was a fast death. . . but no, you were very much awake and terrified that you couldn't breath or call for help. The more you struggle the more water comes rushing into both your mouth and nose.
   Then, came the peacefulness. The bliss of darkness and the slow drift away from the burning of your water filled lungs. The brown murky water turned black and the last kick reflex bucked against the muddy ground below.
   Bright light took over your vision and water bursted from your mouth and squirted from your nose. It took you awhile to see the dark figure hovering above you, before you made it out to be your papa. Who crushed you in a bone breaking hug, weeping and praying that I was fine. That memory always left you nervous, since it was one of the few very descriptive childhood memories you can think of.
   You really wished you hadn't drank that much which wasn't a lot at all, just four small shot glasses of gin. You probably won't drink gin for awhile after this night.(Especially with the thoughts you're thinking). Your body felt like you drank two whole pots of coffee, your nerves spiked like you're being interrogated. Glancing over at Alastor, he had his eyes glued to the road showing no intention of looking anywhere else. I guess the alcohol was speaking for the body to touch him, your head was yelling at you to wait for interaction before moving in. Struggling to keep your body in check you started to think about what Al and Mimzy did that took approximately two hours to finish. Refraining yourself from questing him now and deciding it would be better said at a later time when you weren't intoxicated.
   On the scale of drunkenness you were probably more in a state of excitement than anything. You had a pretty great time at the party and with a few drinks made the night even better. However, now you felt so nerve racked that your stomach was churning up everything you ate this evening and you really didn't want to regurgitate in front of Al. Sucking in a smooth breath and blowing it out trying your best to ease your clouded mind. Taking a mental check to drink ginger ale when you got home and laying awake for a while to read a nice book. Groaning, you leaned your head back and lightly closed your eyelids. This cool air did seem to cool your nerves for just a bit. Trying to fill the silence you mustered up a smile and peered over at Alastor.
 "Lovely night, isn't it?" Tilting your head off to the side, looking back at the surrounding landscape, ",so peaceful."
    Humming in agreement, he drew his hand on top of your cupped hands, giving the left hand a firm squeeze. Maybe a little too tight, but still a nice gesture.
 "Very lovely." Even though he wore his signature smile on his lips, that gaze in his eyes was completely. . . off. His eyes were too blank to comprehend a single emotion.
    Not understanding why his eyes look so indifferent you wanted to say something, anything to get him to vocalize his thoughts. A pang in the back of your head was telling you to speak, along with that heat in your chest.
     Al's absolutely terrifying when he's silent, because usually he can talk anyone's ear off non stop and without failure of boring himself. But, right now his silence most certainly meant he was either mad or in deep thought and you didn't want to take any chance of him in a bad mood.
     Before being courted he scared you to no end with that bleak, emotionless look and that stilled space we called a work environment. Trapping you in his arms, getting in your personal space and touching you randomly. What made it more creepy was he kept that permanent smile on, not falling even once. Needless to say you tried to keep his ego up on those days, no matter what your pride told you.
 "I made beignets for the party. Were you there long enough to grab one." You're not going to lie, your mind is still foggy of when Alastor arrived at the party. You drank more than what you normally drank tonight. So, it would make sense if Al mingled with others before joining you. He did have a tendency of leaving you, so he could talk to his friends. "Did you say anything to Husk before leaving?" Full attention solely on him now, offering him a gentle smile to lighten up the mood. Alastor kept his gaze staring forward his mind in great thought. Not noticing you talking or you trying to pry his death grip off your small hands.
     Accomplishing your quest and checking your hands for any signs of damage, you surveyed his features again. Becoming aware that now on close inspection, he had a small cut on the corner of his lip. It could just be your liquored mind playing with your eyes, but it looks so real in the moonlight.
  A car passing by shook him out of his stupor and he seemed to just notice that you just asked him several questions. The color in his pupils came back, and so went away that heat that flooded your body.
"Why, yes I did have a small chat with, Husker." Answered Al, his speech came out fluidly, like he wasn't just spaced out. ",he was having such a splendid time that I didn't want to interfere with his night of fun." His voice brought you some sweet release, although the pain was still there, you felt comfort in his soothing voice. "Mimzy, did eat some of your confections, but at last I was too busy looking for you, my dear." His hand rubbed against your cheek, cupping it with such warmth and love. It took your mind right off the nagging feeling in your chest.
 "Oh, yes! Mimzy and Husk were going to play tonight weren't they." A guilty pang rushed into you for not witnessing their performance, and were making arrangements in your head to fix them their favorite dishes later as an apology.
 Alastor's hand cupped your chin and squeezed both cheeks. Causing your face to mush together, you in return playfully slapped his hand. "Don't you worry your pretty little head over that. Husker was way too out of it to perform tonight anyway." Giving your head a light tap before moving it back on the wheel. His gaze completely focused on the road now.
    The pain resurfaced with a sharp sting and you were jolted upwards out your seat. Peering over at Al, he seemed to not notice your struggle at all. The fire only got worse with each passing moment only for a cold chill to wash over your form.
    Time steadily passed and with that an eerie silence filled the car, the only sound being made was the bumps in the road, causing the metal of the car to grind together.
    The silence formulated into that known fear that you had when you first met this man. Your mind was telling you to apologize for whatever reason you couldn't understand. It was like a small speck in the back of your mind nagging you to make amends with your lover.
   You just really needed him to converse with you, because this was causing your chest to burn with that searing heat, again. The last time this happened was at that restaurant where you first met. Back then you tried to deduct that it was only acid from your stomach acting up. Now you realized that both pains did feel similar.
    Yet, this time it was way different, because this feeling was more intense and vibrant. In the restaurant there was this escape from your body feeling, the same as a dream like state.
This was much worse.
     The rest of the drive you failed to gain your lover's attention and learned to bear with the ungodly pain that felt like four ovens going off at once.
 Driving up toward your house, Al parked the car, getting out and opening the passenger side door waiting for you to exit the car. The tension was still there and you still don't see why he was irritated. You're probably reading into this and he just had a bad night and it's not your fault at all. But, you listened to that sweet voice in your mind giving you sweet nothings that if you talked to him again the pain would vanish.
     He walked you up to the door and this was usually the time he bid his 'Adieu' and left back to his car. However, he stood his ground and grinned down at you. The small speck yelling at you now that this was your chance to make your suffering end.
Conjuring up a soft smile you asked Alastor, "Uh. . . Do you want to come inside, Al?" Nervously staring up his large stature.
     Alastor rubbed a single finger underneath his chin, looking off to the side like the question was a difficult one to answer to.
       Always so, dramatic.
 "Why, yes! That would be splendid, my dear!" You nodded and spun around to quickly unlock the door. Once successfully unlocking the front door and giving it a great shove, you were met with two white, purebred poodles snapping their heads in both your directions. The metal tags on their collars harshly rapped against the buckle. Tails wagging when seeing your face appear from the door frame.
    Beaming you patted your padded knees calling for those cute dogs to give you small hugs and kisses on the hand. Making way toward in your direction they stopped right in their tracks glaring at the man behind you. Alastor strides into the house, but back tracks when encountering the two pooches. Alastor took comfort standing close behind you.
     Well, they never did get a chance to meet, Al. Papa lent them over to his work friend for hunting he planned to do in the fall.
     Remi and Rosa both were whining at this point and pawing at the ground. Turning around with a swift twirl you glanced up at Al.
 "Oh, yes!" Snapping your middle and thumb together to produce a loud sharp noise. "You didn't meet these two, yet. They were away with a family friend training for the hunting season." Gazing into Al's eyes you noticed the look of distastefulness while he stared daggers at the two poodles. "What's wrong, Al?"
    Shaking his head he made eye contact with, the grin on his features strained with a slight twitch. Even so, he threw off my concern with a wave of his hand. "Let's head up to your room, love." Sensing that Alastor didn't wanna talk about right now.
     Shrugging your shoulders you felt Al grip your hand while passing the pooches. Light growls emitted from their throats, as soon as we stepped forward. They never really growled at anyone before. You wanted to sum it up to the fact that Alastor hunts a lot and dabbles in taxidermy. They probably smell the fur of the dead deer on his clothes. Possibly, a big stretch though.
   Guiding him up the stairs and down the hall to your room, you let him in and dropped his hand to situate yourself on the bed. Well, not before locking the door for precaution sake. Taking the time to straighten out your outfit, while Al looked around your cozy, acquainted room.
    Staring over you ogled his handsome features. He took long strides around your mediums sized room,peering over objects he deemed interesting, which was everything apparently. Picking up a pouch of sand you collected when you last visited the beach. Which was about ten years ago, you went with your parents and brother for a nice day of fun.
      A very eventful day, especially when Isaac got scared of a little seaweed that hit his shoulders. He screamed bloody murder that a crocodile was gonna get him. While he yelled in terror, papa tripped on wet sand running to "save" Issac from a patch of seaweed. Mama and I were watching the chaos proceed within itself and laughing when Isaac was explaining how seaweed could've been a crocodile in disguise.
    So immersed in deep fond memories, Alastor walked over to your bedside and sat next to your small frame, wrapping an arm around your waist. Snapping you out of thought and nearly having a heart attack gazing at his face.
     Alastor gave your forehead a quick kiss, then your cheek two quick smooches and finally, reaching the neck.
     Heat radiated off your cheeks and quickly spread across your body. You should be used to him being this close by now, but nonetheless his closeness and his kisses always left you a heaping mess.
     The most intimate moment you shared was a seering, long and passionate makeout session that turned nearly indecent. You had to wear makeup on your neck to hide the hickeys and bite marks, you still have a reputation to uphold.
     Alastor shoved your back on the bed and climbed over your small frame. Continuing with his kisses and sucking at the flesh on your neck. A light, funny sensation radiated from your chest.
       Al's hands traveled from your waist to your hips, rubbing his thumbs into your sides. His right hand slid back up cup your cheek, kneading the flesh of your plump cheek. Tilting your head just a bit for him to have easy access to the exposed skin. Amused by this gesture he decided one up you.
       His other hand used little to no effort to pry open your thighs. Settling in between your thick thighs, grinding against your delicate parts in the process. Causing a moan to escape your lips.
 "Asshole, that was certainly uncalled for, you know." Huffing and glaring off to the side, applying pressure up on his chest. "Get off! I wanna try something, too." Excitement clearly in your tone. Giving his shoulders a great push, hardly moving him an inch. "I wanna try something new, tonight."
    Al was considering the idea of you taking control, which was uncommonly interesting, coming from you. You never took the first step in these activities. Well, besides hand holding and giving light pecks on the cheek before he goes on air. You honestly never took the first initiative to these intimate moments together.
 "Hmmm. . . Alright darling, I'll humor you just this once." He rolled off your form, laying next to awaiting for your next move. "Come now love, I'm in desperate need of your sweet kisses." Al dramatically draped his arm over his forehead, shaking his head back and forth like so.
     Sucking in a quick breath, you climbed over Al's lanky, built body. Hovering over his face for a good couple seconds, contemplating on whether or not to go through with your motive.
     Not taking any other awful thought to mind, you went in for the kill. Kissing his lips with such outstanding passion, followed up more feverish kisses slowly trailing off to his jaw. Suckling the skin rather harshly, pulling the muscle with your teeth.
     Kind of payback for all the marks he left visible on you.
     Alastor's hands stroked your back and gave your hips a pleasant squeeze. Soft and silent grunt came from his throat.
 "Is that all." He scoffed, rolling his eyes in the process. "I thought you wanted to try something new." He waved his hand off to his side, pulling his body upright along with your mass and sat you on the top of his thighs. "Now if you wanted something new, I can gladly assist in this troubling time for you." His smirk made butterflies act up in the pit of your stomach, your heart rate accelerated even faster than before.
 "I was getting there, I was just working up to the big finalè." Arms shot outward and lazily hung from Al's shoulder blades. Analyzing what he just asked your cheeks went flush with embarrassment. "But, what if I d-do want what you're serving." Nearly stuttering over some of your wording. Afraid to stare at his eyes, so you settled for his chin.
     Alastor laughed very loudly, then gently laid you down on the cushioned blankets. Then, situated himself next to your much smaller frame. Entangling his arms around your torso and waist.
 If question marks could come up out of nowhere the whole room would be flooded in your confusion. "Wait, is that it?"
 "Why of course my dear. This is something we hardly tried together, since your house is always full and my mother needs my attention. Why not now to test out a cuddle session with you."
  Groaning you shoved his chest again to create a barrier between the both of you, but failed miserably. Laying in defeat you decide to stay sheltered under his arm prison.
     "Hey, Al can I ask you a question?"
 "Why you just did my, dear." Laughing at his own joke, "ask away, my dear."
This subject was always delicate when it came to Alastor. He talked about his mom in such high regards, but never wanted to go into full detail about the situation. So, asking this question was already making your chest heat up with such fierce force. Although, you managed to mutter out the next words very clearly.
"So, when can I actually meet your mother?"
". . . ."
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
Deadly Daisies
(Connor x Reader)
A/N: this is gunna be the first oneshot featuring my oc Carol! Hope y'all like her and don't mind if I add her as a supporting character in future fics.
It was an ordinary day at the prescinct, just you minding your own business filling out reports and such. Everything was calm, and okay. You could almost pretend nothing was wrong. As long as you kept calm and short breaths everything was fine and you would be able to focus on getting your work done. The last thing you needed was Fowler on your ass.
Your eyes were glued to the screen and you had your headphones on, blasting whatever music you were in the mood for. It helped block out the rest of the world and the problems it held. But sadly you would be ripped from your serene place when a tap at your should made you flinch. You whipped your head around and took off your headphones, eyes wide.
"I apologize (Y/n), I didn't mean to startle you."
You immediately relaxed in your chair when you recognized your favorite android, Connor. A nervous chuckle escaped you and you cleared your throat.
"It's okay, Connor. I was just in the zone and wasn't expecting it," you reassured him with a warm smile.
He returned the smile as best he could, which turned out to be very awkward and very adorable. It was hard to ignore the ever growing burning sensation in your lungs. Your (e/c) eyes returned to the screen, but you weren't retaining any of the information you were looking at. Not looking at him made it easier to hold back from letting a cough slip.
"So, whaddya need?" you asked him, your eyes flicking back to him for a split second.
"I brought you this," Connor set down a styrofoam cup of coffee onto your desk next to your hand.
You smiled as you saw the little cup be placed and you looked back up to him, "that's very sweet, thank you Connor."
It wasn't unusual for Connor to bring you coffee or little snacks without you even asking him. Yet each time it made your cheeks become a shade darker and the feeling of fluttering butterflies erupting in your stomach. But it wasn't long until those warm feelings were overshadowed by the overwhelming urge to cough. Your lings begging for you to be allowed to release the foreign object.
It soon became too much and you had to cough into your arm. Luckily, this time there was no residues left on your sweater. You doubted you'd be so lucky next time. In your peripherals you noticed Connor tilt his head curiously at you. You knew better than to hope he wouldn't think anything of it.
"(Y/n), is everything alright?" his LED shifted to amber and you tensed, hoping to whatever god there was he wasn't about to scan you.
You opened your mouth to assure him you were fine but before you could get a word out you were interrupted by a feminine voice.
"My apologies (Y/n), but may I borrow Connor for a moment? I'm in need of a second opinion on a case I'm working on," Carol, the RK700 spoke with a polite smile.
"Sure, I should get back to work anyways," you replied, returning a half smile to her.
Carol was new to the prescinct despite being an older model in the RK series to both Conan and Connor. A 'gift' from Elijah Kamski, as he put it. You didn't know much about her, but she was nice enough. She reminded you of Connor with her big, curious chocolatey brown doe eyes. Even her hair color was the same deep coffee brown. Although her hairstyle quite differed. She had straight bangs that were cut just above her brow, and the rest of her hair was cut just below her jaw. Not a hair out of place. In other words, she was just as perfect as the rest of her siblings.
There was nothing inherently wrong with her, aside from the fact her and Connor were practically inseparable. Yes, you were aware they worked best when combining their specializations. But it was like they were made for each other. Like no matter what you did you'd never amount to her. It made it harder to breath though about how Connor must have liked her better.
As if on cue, your body was wracked with a coughing fit. It felt like your lungs were being constricted. You covered your mouth and tried desperately to stop yourself from coughing any more. The sudden burst of coughs gained yourself attention you didn't want. Especially from Connor and Carol. Their eyes on you made you stand from your chair abruptly, nearly knocking it over in the process. Carol flinched at the sudden movement and Connor's eyes widened slightly.
"(Y/n) are you alright?-" Connor went to take a step towards you but you hastily rushed passed him and to the bathroom.
The two androids shared a puzzled glance to each other, their LED's flickering yellow as they tried to figure out what just happened.
Once you entered the bathroom you hunched over the sink. You heaved and coughed as you felt your body trying to regurgitate something from your lungs. With each couch and heave you felt the object craw up your windpipe. After a few final coughs you managed to hack out whatever it was suffocating you.
Looking down into the sink your glossy, tear-brimmed (e/c) eyes landed on a white daisy, speckled and stained with blood. You stared at the little flower in horror, trying to blink away the tears before they fell. Your breathing was heavy as your lungs attempted to steady it's intake of oxygen. With a shaky hand you reached out and plucked the daisy from the sink.
Daisies. A sign a innocence and purity. Traits that aligned with the cause of the disease that now plagued you. The android that caused it. The person. 
You were the victim of a very rare disease. Hanahaki disease. A disease in which flowers bloom and grow within a victims lungs. Specifically victims experiencing unrequited love. In other words, it occurred the moment you realized you were in love with Connor, and when you realized he would never feel the same.
However, this time was first time you had hacked up a full flower. You've only ever came across petals. The blood on the other hand, that was nothing new. It was actually the first symptom you were faced with. Or at least the first one that made you worried. The real first symptom that occurred was the shortness of breath whenever you though about Connor.
Sighing, you shoved the flower in your pocket before turning on the sink to wash away the remaining blood. After turning off the sink you looked up to meet your own eyes. You were paler than usual, and you had a little blood staining your lips.
You heard the door to the bathroom suddenly open and you quickly wiped your mouth, grateful the red liquid wouldn't be visible on your black sweater. The clicking of heels echoed through the bathroom but you kept your eyes glued down into the sink.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"
Sighing, you glanced up at the mirror to meet Carol's curious eyes staring at you, her head tilted slightly to the side. It reminded you of Connor. And just like that it suddenly felt harder to breathe. Your eyes flicked back down to the sink.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Think I'm just coming down with a cold or something," you said softly, cursing at yourself for how hoarse your voice sounded.
Carol moved to stand beside you, tilting her head slightly to get a better look at you. Her brows knit together and her LED shifted from the stagnant blue to a blinking amber. From the corner of your eye you saw her reach into the sink before bringing it up to her mouth. Your body tensed and you hoped that she didn't just do what you thought she did.
"Then may I ask why there are traces of your blood in the sink?"
The question made your already tense body become even more rigid. You griped the edged of the sink until your knuckles turned white. A deafening silence filled the bathroom as you refused to answer the question. How could you even begin to answer that?
Before you could have the chance to explain yourself, you glanced up to see Carol's face in the mirror once more. Her LED was blinking amber rapidly and her expression was one of confusion. Suddenly, you see her eyes widen and her features soften. When she shifted her gaze to meet yours, you swore you saw a hint of sadness.
"Were you aware of the disease that resides in your lungs?" Her voice was low and soft.
It almost sounded genuine, like she actually cared. You knew she was deviant, but even so why would she care?
You only gave a short nod in response, lowering your head to avoid her gaze.
"How long?" she asked, the same softness to her voice.
"A few weeks maybe. I'm not too sure," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Carol's brows knit together at that piece of information. From what she knows, the disease will most likely become life threatening within another few weeks if left untreated. She also found out what the cause of it was. Silence once again fell between the two of you and you wondered what she was thinking about. It took longer this time before Carol was once again the one to break the silence.
"It's Connor, isn't it?" it was more of a confirmation of what she had put together rather than an actual question.
Another nod was your only answer.
"Why haven't you gotten the surgery yet? Are you unable to afford it financially?" she queried, tilting her head curiously.
"No, no.... That's not an option," you answered, you yourself not even knowing the real answer.
The surgery was the first thing you looked into once you found out what was wrong with you. But when you found out the cost, and not of the actual surgery, you couldn't go through with it. Despite how much pain you were in, you hated the idea of feeling nothing at all. For some reason that was beyond you, you still held some hope.
"Is there a particular reason why?"
You shook your head, "I just.... I just can't."
You could feel your throat tightening and your eyes stung as tears formed. The last thing you wanted was for Connor to know. Yes, like Carol, he was deviant but that didn't mean he would cure you. It was strange how you were so sure of that, and yet you still had hope. If only subconsciously.
A soft sigh could be heard from the android by your side and you suddenly felt a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"If you aren't willing to undergo the surgery, you'll die," she said it as though you didn't already know.
"Yeah, I'm aware," you turned your head to face her for the first time she came in as you spoke.
Her eyes widened and the corners of her lips tugged down into a small frown. You could see the confusion in her eyes, but you didn't expect her to understand.
"Then I suggest you tell him," she proposed.
Now it was your eyes that widened, "N-No! I can't do that either. And you can't tell him either!"
You turned your whole body to face her and grabbed her by the shoulders.  The sudden action made her flinch slightly.
"Please- Please, don't tell him!" you begged, tears brimming your eyes.
Carol's expression looked as if she were torn. Her LED flickered wildly as she tried to decide what was the best option.
"Why are you so opposed to the idea (Y/n)?" she asked, hoping to gather more information to help.
Your eyes dropped down to the floor and your grip on her shoulders loosened. The tears that had built up finally falling down your face.
"Because it won't make a difference," you choked out.
"And what brought you to that conclusion?" her head tilted as she tried to figure out your reasoning.
The question made you let go of her completely and turn your back to her. You wrapped your arms around yourself and squeezed your eyes shut in an attempt to stop the tears.
It was a simple answer. One which only made Carol more confused. What did she have anything to do with it? Had she done something wrong? She was just about to ask you to elaborate when suddenly it clicked. The realization made her blink a couple of times, not quite sure if she was even correct. Because she knew for a fact that if she was right in her hypothesis, she knew it meant you were dead wrong.
"Forgive me but," she paused for a moment and moved around you to face you before continuing, "Could it be that you think that Connor and I and romantically involved?"
She was met with nothing but silence in return, but that was answer enough for the android. Gently, she grabbed your arm and turned you back around to face her. She rested her ands on both your shoulders and tilted her head to catch your gaze.
"(Y/n), I can assure you that is not the case. Connor is my family, there is nothing romantic between us and there never will be," she offered you a reassuring smile.
Her words must have been enough to convince you because you hesitantly nodded.
"O-Okay..." your voice came out small, barely audible but Carol heard you perfectly.
Her smile widened and she let go of you, straightening her posture.
"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I should be getting back to work," she said, giving a curt nod before heading back to the door.
She reached out and took the handle but didn't open the door yet, turning her head to look at you over your shoulder, "I'll let Connor know you're alright. He was the one who asked me to check on you after all. But I really do advise you tell him. If you don't, I will have to on your behalf."
With that, she opened the bathroom door and swiftly made her exit. You stared at the door with mixed feelings that were on opposite sides of whatever spectrum. The most prominent emotion you were experiencing was fear. Fear that you would have to come clean to Connor, fear that you wouldn't be able to ignore this problem because if you did Carol would tell him. You didn't blame her really, but that didn't mean you had to like what she was forcing you into.
Then, there was the confusing part. The part that made that hope you clung to so desperately feel validated. She said he was the one who sent her in here after you. Was he worried about you? Did he care about you? Could that mean he might have been able to love you?
You didn't take any more time to think about it before you figured you should get back to work as well. Taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, making sure all evidence of your little incident was gone. You stuffed your hands in your pockets as you made your way to the door but stopped in your tracks when you felt the soft petals of a daisy. After a brief pause you exited the bathroom, your fingers fiddling with the flower.
As you made your way back to your desk you saw Carol speaking with Connor. Connor was the first to spot you and you offered him a tiny smile, but when you saw Carol's expectant expression it dropped. Your eyes dropped to the floor and you sighed heavily before changing your course to where the androids were standing. Might as well get it over with as soon as possible.
As you approached the two you nervously thumbed over the daisy that stayed hidden in your pocket.
"Hello (Y/n), how are you?" Connor greeted.
"I uh, I'm alright," there was a slight pause where you glanced over to Carol, she gave you a little nod and an encouraging smile and you continued, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something. If you aren't busy."
Your eyes flicked everywhere except for his face, your words were rushed and low. This behaviour made Connor's head tilt in curiosity and a bit of worry. He looked over his shoulder to Carol, who spoke up.
"Don't worry I'll handle the reports."
"I would appreciate that, thank you Carol," he said to as she left to go sit at her desk.
Connor's eyes then went back to you, "What was it you wanted to talk about?"
"Can we um- Can we go somewhere more private?" you asked, looking up at him shyly.
"Of course," Connor agreed without a second thought.
He gestured for you to follow him as he lead the way down the hall. He led you to a free interrogation room, peeling back his artificial skin to open the door. Like the gentleman he was, he gestured for you to enter first. You couldn't help but see the irony of being in the interrogation room, seeing as you were about to do some confessing. Once the door was closed Connor turned to give you his undivided attention.
"Is everything alright, (Y/n)?" he took a step towards you, his voice laced with worry.
"Yeah I-" you started automatically and you had to stop yourself mid sentence with a sigh.
"No, not really. That's.... That's what I wanted to talk to you about..." you trailed off, not exactly sure how to go about this.
You wished you had more time to think about what to say before you were put into this position. Then again, you weren't sure anything you thought of would have felt good enough.
"What's wrong?" Connor immediately asked, fully prepared to do everything in his power to fix whatever the problem was.
It was a mistake to glance up and meet his soft, worry stricken. Because without warning, you were being attacked by another violent fit of coughs. Connor's eyes widened in suprise and his LED shifted to amber. He rushed to your side and placed his hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles in hopes of helping.
When the coughing finally seemed to cease you felt Connor lightly take your chin in his other hand and tilt your head up to him. He noticed the blood on your lips immediately, and he didn't need to do any sampling to know that wasn't a good sign. The detective android wasted no more time scanning you, determined to figure out what was wrong.
Your eyes dropped to the floor and you felt your throat tightening again. Tears burned your eyes from the mixture of the emotional and physical pain. You needed a moment before you would tell him what was going on. But when you finally met his eyes again you saw a look of realization wash over his perfect features you got the idea he figured it out himself.
"You have Hanahaki disease."
His voice was soft, barely above a whisper, and held an air of disbelief. You nodded, confirming that what he found out was true. He didn't need to ask to know it was him who was the cause. Hank told him about your not so subtle crush constantly but he just didn't believe it. Connor never thought you'd like an android, let alone him.
Suddenly, Connor pulled you into his chest. He snaked an arm around your waist and rested his hand at the small of your back, while his other hand cupped the back of your head. Hesitantly, you brought your hands up to grip his jacket.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n). This is all my fault," he whispered guiltily, his chin resting on the top of your head.
You shook your head slightly, taking in a shaky breath, "Don't worry about it, I-I get it..."
"No, you dont," he cut you off, his lips tugging down into a frown.
You tilted your head slightly to look at him quizzically with an eyebrow raised. You were about to ask him what he meant when he moved his hand from your head and cupped your cheek. Heat started to rise up into your cheeks and you swallowed thickly, watching him with wide eyes.
"This should never have happened," he said quietly, seemingly to himself.
"C-Connor?" you breathed out his name.
Your heart was hammering in your chest and your stomach felt like it was doing flips. The strange thing was that your lungs didn't seem to burn or feel like they were being constricted. But you were too distracted with Connor leaning down to press his forehead to yours, your noses brushing against each other.
"I wish you would have told me sooner. I could have helped you sooner," his voice was apologetic and the regret in his eyes damn near broken your heart.
When your expression remained confused about what he was getting at, Connor let out an unnecessary sigh.
"I love you, (Y/n). I'm sorry it took me so long to realize, and I'm sorry you had to suffer because of it," he confessed.
At those three little words you waited oh so long to hear, your eyes widened even more. And when Connor leaned down to press his lips to yours your breath hitched. You immediately melted into the kiss, letting your eyes flutter closed. Your hands gripped his jacket tighter, scared that if you let go he'd disappear.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but that was all you needed. When Connor leaned back from you ever so slightly you took a deep breath. The first breath you took in months that didn't hurt, or give you the urge to cough at all. Tears of happiness and overall emotional exhaustion spilled from your eyes and you buried your face in his chest.
You could finally breathe. You were cured. No longer would you have to go on pretending you weren't being torn from the inside out. You could finally look at Connor without any fear. More importantly, your hope of Connor loving you back had been rewarded.
You would be glad if you never saw another daisy for the rest of your days.
A/N: man i feel like the end sucks rip. Anyways I always loved the concept of hanahaki disease tbh.
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