#if I were seeing anyone I’d be running shit like the fucking navy to be with them
butchharts · 2 months
idk if long distance relationships are like this for anyone else but I feel like they give me strong motivation to keep working hard so I can see my lover !!
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papergirllife · 3 years
Lee Jeno, Lee Haechan
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Baseball AU
Alpha! Jeno x Omega! reader x Alpha! Haechan
Haechan hates Jeno's guts, from the first day he entered the baseball team with him, to becoming, god forbid, co captains with the brute that has the whole omega population in their college falling to their knees, Haechan gets a fair share of omegas, but just like the rest of the alphas here, he has his eyes on the cheer team captain who's also Jeno's fuck buddy, or that's what the two of you tell your friends.
One day, Jeno pisses off Haechan particularly hard, and boy does Haechan have a plan up his sleeve that might even get his dick wet by the omega of everyone's dreams.
Warnings : dub con, mxm, slick pills, bondage, cum play, spitting (i think that's all).
*Haechan still enjoys it despite it being dub con, stating this just so there won't be any saints calling me out for shit, don't like don't read. You have been warned.
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Haechan could smell you before he saw you, the scent of lady Dior mixed with your natural sweet omega scent could make anyone distracted, and that’s what happens whenever you come to cheer practice.
College grounds in Seoul aren’t big by any means, which is why they have to share quarter of their court with the cheerleaders, and let’s just say none of the baseball players complained, majority of them being alphas after all.
But every team has the designated leader leading the pack, it’s in their blood, and for the cheer team, you’re the team captain, the queen bee of the whole school, your beautiful face and graceful moves made you the youngest team captain ever in history of this college, being in your third year when you were made cap.
The baseball team is a bit different, instead of there being one captain, Haechan shares the position with Jeno, co-captains, something both of them weren’t too happy about when they were first given the positions.
Haechan and Jeno tend to do things rather differently, Jeno’s a pusher, he trains the team as if he was running the navy, Haechan on the other hand, is an observer, he comments and takes action only when he sees mistakes, to Haechan, there’s always room for mistakes, but in Jeno’s books? Everything had to be perfect, which is why he’s sleeping with you, the omega which everyone deems perfect.
The student body only knew because the two of you are always missing during each others heats and ruts, none of it is confirmed, but they do see the two of you being cosy during frat parties.
Haechan takes a break from training after completing yet another home run, letting Jeno take the reins in pointing out their faults, he drinks from his water bottle as he watches you with hunger, the way your teammates toss you up in the air that has your skirt flipping up to reveal teeny tiny shorts underneath, your graceful leg striking a pose as the other perches on top of someone’s hand, you were a sight to behold, being in the air like the goddess you are.
That’s when Jeno calls for him, snapping his fingers in front of his eyes with a scowl etched on his face.
“This isn’t a one man show, coach wants you on the field,” Jeno demands, his bat perched on one of his broad shoulders.
“Isn’t that what you want? To remove me as co cap and give you the crown? This is your chance, pretty boy,” Haechan retorted as he chucks the bottle back into his duffle bag, standing up from the bench.
“If I could I would’ve had you removed from the team entirely,” Jeno said with a threatening tone in his voice, face set in a scowl as he shoves the bat lightly upon Haechan’s chest, the round surface digging into his bone.
“I’d like to see you try, be my guest,” Haechan retaliated, pushing the bat away from himself, walking away from a fuming Jeno.
Haechan has a plan up his sleeve, a plan that would indefinitely piss off Jeno and get his dick wet.
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“50 thousand won for a plan that's bound to fail?” the girl in front of Haechan asks after listening to his ‘deal’ of wanting her to seduce none other than Lee Jeno.
“You're not going to fail if you let me finish, I’m going to get him drunk and you know how the cheer team pre games at this bar before they head to the frat right? So you go behind Jeno when she's not here and do this,” Haechan says before pausing to walk behind Yuri to massage her shoulders lightly, something that you do whenever you arrive at parties, “you do this exactly and Jeno who’s drunk off his ass would definitely think you’re her,” Haechan finishes off.
“You better make sure you get him drunk enough,” Yuri said before snatching the money from his hands.
“One last thing,” Haechan says before fishing out a box from his bag, “make sure to spray tons of this, to mask your scent,” he explained, handing her the box of Lady Dior perfume.
“I would’ve agreed right away if you put this on the trade first,” she said, quickly pocketing it.
“Don't forget to cheer for me during the game,” Haechan jokes before he leaves for practice, knowing Jeno’s going to throw a fit if he's late.
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This is the most serious match Haechan has ever played, he really needs an excuse to get everyone drunk during the celebration tonight, especially Jeno.
For once, Haechan didn’t play to shine himself, cooperating with his teammates, even Jeno for fuck’s sake, he really hopes your pussy feels like the best he’s ever had, a bonus to pissing off Jeno, maybe he might be in it for the pussy more so than pissing him off, not even Haechan himself could conclude which is it.
Just as Haechan planned, the whole team decided to celebrate at the frat, seeing that Yuri had already arrived, chilling at a corner with her plan, waiting for Haechan’s signal.
Haechan detaches himself from his team, moving onto one of his team members who live here, Yang Yang, who’s in charge of mixing the booze.
“Be a good bro to me and mix up a stronger one for Jeno, will you?” Haechan asked, sliding a PlayStation gift card across the dining table.
“Whatever you're planning, please make it spectacular and not turn it into a cheap bar fight,” Yang Yang reminds him, recalling how they broke the telly the last time he helped him on one of his 'pranks’.
“Don't worry,” Haechan said before walking away, waiting for the show to began.
Just as he had planned, Jeno was out of it way quicker than usual, he did ask Yang Yang why his mixing today was stronger than last week, but Yang Yang brushed it off as Jeno being too uptight this morning, and really needs to loosen up.
When Jeno started getting this dazed look and laughed at even the worst jokes from Johnny who was just as drunk, he knew it was time, sending Yuri a quick text.
Jeno excused himself to go to the toilet, in his blurry vision, he could see that the house was almost packed now, when are you going to get here? squinting his eyes to see the clock, but gave up when he couldn't tell if it was ten or nine.
That’s when he feels a pair of slender hands massage his tensed shoulders, something you’d always do as a greeting, always going on about how he needs to loosen up his tendons after a match.
“What took you so long?” Jeno said before he turns back, but the last shot he downed must be really getting to him, because he can’t seem to see your face clearly, but that’s most definitely the perfume he keeps buying you, “god, I’m so far gone I can’t even see your pretty face clearly, you look like one of those weird Instagram filters you always complain about,” Jeno said before he tries to attach his nose to what he thought was your neck, not knowing that it wasn’t you at all.
Yuri notices, pushing Jeno away from herself before the difference in scent goes noticed from the ever observing alpha.
“Come, I’ll get you a water bottle from the kitchen, you guys must’ve had a lot to drink for you guys to take so long to get here,” Jeno mostly says to himself as Yuri nods, racking her head to remember how you sound like.
Yuri lets him guide her, staring at Jeno’s broad back, she’s never really been an avid fan of his looks, but she can’t deny that Jeno is one of the best looking alphas on campus.
Jeno opens the fridge to fetch her a new bottle, opening it easily like it was just paper to him, passing it to her with a rare smile that could only be seen when he’s won a match or joking with his friends.
After Yuri puts down the bottle, drinking a few sips of it to make herself seem believable, Jeno captures her lips into his, kissing her with fevour as his hands roam her figure.
After about ten seconds of making out, Yuri pulls away when she hears a familiar voice.
“Lee Jeno, what the fuck are you doing?!” you shouted when you saw the sight in front of you, the one person you agreed to fuck exclusively with, is now dishevelled from another woman’s touch, pulling away dazed when he sees you at the entrance of the kitchen, pushing himself away from Yuri, muttering an apology before he tries to chase after you with no avail, you were lost in the masses of people.
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Joy had a pregnancy scare, so instead of heading to the bar to pre game with the rest of the girls, you obviously needed to go to the next town to buy her a test, her family runs majority of the pharmacy stores here. So obviously, there was no way the two of you could be seen heading into one to buy pregnancy tests.
Traffic piled up on the way back which wasn’t all that surprising, typical over time workers jam hour, what you didn't expect was to see Jeno, sucking faces with some random bitch you didn't even know existed.
You were fuming, even though you had no right to be, the two of you were just exclusive as friends with benefits, you shouldn’t be upset. Before you could calm yourself down with a drink, someone called your name, that unique voice you’d pick out anywhere in the crowd.
“You okay? Why aren't you with Jeno?” he asked, pushing himself off the railing of the stairs.
“He's eating the face of another omega,” you huffed before you made your way to his side, leaning onto the hard surface.
“You’re a beautiful one, don't be upset because of Jeno, you could have anyone you want, me included,” Haechan added, a sly smile on his face, at that moment, he resembled a fox more than the cute bear image that his friends, other than Jeno that is, had presented him.
“You just want me to piss off your nemesis,” you outed him, but you weren't mad, maybe you would've been annoyed if this happened previously, but you might actually benefit from this now.
“Don’t think of yourself so lowly, you’re the hottest omega on campus, anyone who’s interested in women would want you. I'm only asking,” Haechan starts off before pausing, standing in front of you before his arms trap you in place between the railing and himself, staring right into your eyes, “because I know if Jeno hadn’t made the move first, you would’ve been mine from the start,” Haechan finishes off, tongue poking at his cheek.
You smile at his words, his confidence is sexy, he might not be the tallest or the biggest in physique, but there’s certainty something about him that has you reeling.
You slam your lips against his, taking him by surprise before you felt him compose himself, sinking into the feeling of your soft lips, biting them, the taste of peaches igniting his taste buds.
Pulling him impossibly closer, you can smell his scent now, the scent of honey and flowers, maybe a hint of cinnamon, very different from Jeno’s peppermint musk, his hands start to wander daringly, grabbing a handful of your ass, his other hand behind your back, you’re so close that he could feel your breasts touching his, awakening his cock from the tight confines of his jeans.
Just when he wants to take you to an empty room, someone hollers his name, a blood curling voice followed by loud footsteps, the sight of Jeno charging at him with the scariest expression you've ever seen.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Jeno asks, his voice booming throughout the house, his hands coming up to tug at Haechan’s collar.
“You lost all rights to ask when you kissed that girl, that was your rule, Jeno, exclusive fuck buddies, anyone has the right to out if the other was with anyone else, those were your words, you set the rules, I followed, I had enough of that now, what we had, Lee Jeno, is now over, go find another omega to spend your ruts with, let's see if there's anyone else who’s willing to be your pliant bitch” you said before taking your leave, hurt evident in Jeno’s eyes, but there was nothing he could do, that was what he said, the agreement, he broke the rule.
By then, the whole house was looking at them, someone had even killed the music to listen, Haechan looks at Jeno, chuckling at the sight of his enemy looking like a sad puppy.
Jeno heard him, eyes turning into a shade of bright red before he tries to lunge at Haechan, having been stopped by Mark and his friend Johnny.
“Let me have him!” Jeno shouts as he sees Jaemin quickly telling Haechan to leave if he values his life.
“Coach would kill us if the two of you fought right before an important match, dude,” Mark said, trying his best to calm his angry friend with no avail, Jeno’s anger could only be calmed by you, whenever he lost a match, you won't be far behind, but he didn't lose a match, he lost something that meant much more.
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The next day, Jeno skipped all his classes to look for one person, the girl who tried to fake herself as you. He's sure it’s intentional, the perfume, the quick massage, there’s no way she wasn’t acting like you on purpose.
And there she was, when the bell rang right before lunch, he sees her coming out with her friends, Jeno easily picking up the scent of the familiar fragrance, at first whiff it smells like yours, but now that he's sober, Jeno could easily tell the difference of the scent.
Slipping a hand into Jaemin’s recorder to press start, Jeno quickly corners her.
“Why did you act like her last night?” Jeno asks, cutting to the chase.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Yuri said, her gaze avoiding his.
“You did it on purpose, the same perfume, the same way of greeting me, are you a crazed stalker or something? I could report you, you know, I’m sure there’s plenty of people who saw you trying to get in my pants while I was under the influence of alcohol, I’m sure wouldn’t want people to label you as a stalker and a potential rapist,” Jeno said, in a way threatening her, he isn’t someone who plays these games, but he needs you to know the truth.
“Okay, fine! I only did it because Haechan paid me to, I just wanted some extra bucks, no need to report me to the police or some shit,” Yuri said, “is there anything else you need to know?” Yuri asked.
“No, but please stay away from me from now on,” Jeno said before taking his leave, sending you a quick text to meet him at the rooftop.
Jeno sighs, it’s never good news when you type ok instead of okay.
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Jeno sees you, sitting on an old desk that faces another empty one across, the one that he tends to occupy whenever the two of you meet up, that is, before the two of you get right into fucking.
Jeno walks to said direction, heart dropping when he sees his old letterman jacket, the one he outgrew and had gifted it to you.
You eyed it distastefully when Jeno picks it up into his hold, the jacket that marks you as his possession and nothing else, you didn’t mind being his, but you wanted to be the only one, not one of those dumb omegas that tolerate their alphas having a few other omegas, Jeno despised that alpha siding patriarchy, or that’s what you used to think, you don't know what goes on in his mind anymore.
“I only agreed to meet you because I wanted to return this to you, nothing else,” you said before getting up to leave, but Jeno stops you, hand clasped tightly around your wrist.
“You can get angry, we can fight, but at least leave some room for me to explain, please,” Jeno begged, Jeno doesn’t beg, that’s entirely out of his alpha character, but for you, he’ll mould himself to your liking.
“Why should I? That was the law that you had laid down, any unexclusiveness and we’re done, we only agreed to use each other for sex, your words, your agreement,” you said with a sense of finality in your voice, firm with your thoughts, that’s what sparked Jeno’s interest in you, not your beauty, not your seductive words, but your ever strong willed personality, the status of an omega had the never hindered your opinionated personality.
“Fuck the agreement, I want you, please, just listen,” Jeno pleaded, pulling you into his embrace, his strong chest and ever welcoming scent threatening you to melt on the spot.
You didn't say anything, waiting for what he has to say, but instead of saying anything, the recording Jeno had secretly taped, played.
You listened intently as Jeno tries to grasp what you’re feeling with your heartbeat and your scent, at first when you were mad, your heartbeat was erratic, your scent on a sour note, but now, your heartbeat returns to normal, a calm state, your scent returning to the faint peach scent mixed with the flowery perfume.
“I really didn't know it was you, I'm sorry,” Jeno apologises, looking very much like a sad little puppy now.
“What did you do to Haechan to spring a plan like this on you?” you asked, pulling away slightly to look back at Jeno, you weren’t mad, you were just annoyed at how these two grown men were acting like teenage girls in some drama.
“Don't worry about him, I'll think of something to get him back, for now, we should go get lunch,” Jeno said, picking up the neatly folded jacket up to drape it around your shoulders, smiling at the sight of you drowning in his jacket.
“Lunch? There's only 15 minutes left,” you complained before Jeno reassures you that there was enough time to take away and eat it at the back of your upcoming shared class.
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People have been speculating that things have not gone down well between you and Jeno’s hushed discussion behind the class the other day, seeing that the two of you haven’t been talking, and the familiar letterman jacket is now no longer worn on your frame wherever you go.
Haechan smiles in delight when he sees his plan all worked out, and that people knew he was the reason that Jeno lost his fuck buddy permanently.
What Haechan doesn’t know is that that’s what the two of you want the students to think, having came up with the perfect plan to get back at him once the chance presents itself.
You and Jeno didn’t have to wait too long, the baseball team just won the end of season match against their rival school, so celebrations were definitely in order at the baseball team’s house, theirs as big as the frat’s.
Haechan was only planning to come down for a drink or two, their coach was really hard on the training the whole week leading up to that match, so he was dressed down in a white tee and sweats, not expecting any omegas to approach him when he’s sitting on a stool by himself at the kitchen island.
Haechan was most surprised when he feels a pair of hands rubbing his tensed shoulders, thinking of giving the girl his number to meet up tomorrow, he did a double take when he sees you, all dolled up, eyes batting at him, and to his glee, without Jeno behind you.
“Well, if it isn’t Jeno’s sweet little omega, came back for more?” Haechan asked, standing up from the stool, leaning against the artificial marble.
You scoff, eyes rolling back in dislike, pushing at his chest lightly.
“I'm no longer his, everyone knows. And you look lonely, alpha,” you said before standing on your tippy toes to reach his left ear, “I could fix that,” you continued in a seductive whisper, a mischievous glint in your eyes when you see him visibly get worked up by your words.
“I should bend you over on this kitchen counter and fill you up with my cum, baby,” Haechan says, a hand reaching up to push a few stray hairs behind your ear before he envelopes his lips between your lobe, gently sucking on it before he bites on it, the sudden switch of demeanour catching you off guard, slick pooling in your panties.
“I can smell you, so sweet, no wonder that brute won't let you out of his clutches,” Haechan said before taking a long whiff of your scent.
“You can have me, all to yourself, in any way, why bend me over here when you can do all sorts of things in your room, for your eyes only, alpha,” you said, tempting him, like dangling a carrot in front of a horse.
Haechan decides to oblige by your words, taking you up the stairs of the house, ignoring the people that begin to whisper about the two of you, he doesn’t give a fuck, and if you did, then there wouldn’t have been a triumph smile on your face and slick between your legs.
Once Haechan unlocked the door, you push him against it, locking your lips with his and his door, clicking it shut as you shove your chest into his, distracting him from the click of the lock, his focused divided between shoving his tongue into your mouth and the feeling of your boobs on his chest.
You manoeuvre him to his gaming chair, straddling his lap before you push his hands up, “no touching” you said before you start grinding on his hard cock that’s straining in his sweats, the lack of underwear evident.
“You know I could flip you over within a second right?” Haechan teases as you suck marks onto his pretty neck.
“Really?” you asked with a quirk of your brows before Haechan felt someone cuff him with thick metal, pushing his hands down before he feels ropes being secured around his wrists then to his chair, the action so quick that Haechan splutters, not knowing what's going on.
“What the fuck is this?!” he asks, eyes wide in panic, before someone else appears in front of him, his sworn nemesis, Lee Jeno, for once, smiling at him.
“You. How the fuck did you get into my room?!” Haechan questioned, struggling against the bondages.
“I used to hang out with a senior who knew how to pick locks with chopsticks,” Jeno said before holding said tools up, albeit a bit bent.
“Don't be so fired up, Haechan ah, maybe he’ll let you fuck me still, wouldn’t you want that?” you asked, grinding particularly hard onto him, his mouth parted in a moan, giving you the chance to kiss him.
Haechan reciprocates your affection all too willingly, until he feels you sliding a pill into his mouth, your fingers held onto his neck, the shock making him inhale by nature, feeling the pill drop smoothly down his throat, into his tummy.
Haechan tries his best to vomit it out with no avail, a growl emitting his chest, eyes flashing red.
“What the fuck was that?! Are the two of you psychopaths trying to kill me?!” Haechan demanded, panic stricken.
“Kill you? That would be a waste of sexy alphas, am I right Jeno?” you asked before Jeno nods diligently like a puppy, “I gave you one of those horny pills that male betas use whenever they want to feel like an omega when they bottom, I’ll give it 20 minutes tops before you feel slick oozing out of your puckered hole, Haechan,” you said before getting off of his lap, strolling over to where Jeno was seated at on Haechan’s bed, swivelling his chair to your direction in the process.
“Should we take off his pants for him Jeno? I really want to see how much slick there will be after we fuck,” you asked as you pulled Haechan closer, right at the foot of the bed.
“Go ahead, baby, I’ll be waiting for you,” Jeno said before he starts to undress, eyes watching you peel Haechan’s bottoms off, biting on the corner of his bottom lip.
Haechan wasn’t feeling too good, he doesn't know if he’s turned on by you undressing him, Jeno stripping himself, or the pill, but he hasn’t felt any slick between his ass cheeks yet, was he maybe was into Jeno all these days?
When you were done, you pulled off your tight dress, revealing nothing under your skin, Haechan is desperate for you to turn your front to him, your ass is beautiful, but he has to see your tits, he just knows they’re perky from how you rubbed against him just now.
“I think someone wants to see you, baby, turn around,” Jeno said, eyes locking onto Haechan.
You did as Jeno said, a satisfied smile on your face as you watch Haechan subtly grinding his cock against his thighs.
Jeno takes control over you, letting his hands grasp onto your tits harshly, watching Haechan swallow the lump down his throat as he eyes the way your tits spill out of Jeno’s hands.
Soon after, Jeno guides you to sit on his cock, hands held onto your hips securely before he helps you slide in, inch by inch, trying his best not to make too much noise from your tight walls, the two of you rarely skip foreplay even though you're sure you can take him, Jeno was a tease, but today, his chosen victim isn’t you.
When Jeno was completely inside you, you were moaning like a bitch in heat at the feeling of being filled to the brim, this position allowing Jeno’s cock to touch your sensitive spot without any movement.
While you were getting used to the feeling, Haechan could feel himself getting painfully hard, especially when he saw Jeno’s cock stretched taunt against your skin, the shape of his cock clearly shown when inside you, that's when he feels himself burning up, choking on his own saliva when he feels his untouched hole leaking slick, the alpha in him humiliated, but on the other hand, very much turned on by the feeling of his slick pooling in his expensive chair.
Haechan yearns to be filled up just like you, almost whimpering aloud at how empty he feels. Thankfully the two of you were too distracted to notice the tiny puddle just below where his balls sit.
Jeno was fucking up into you hard and fast, his pace unforgiving as you try your best to bounce back onto his cock, trying your best to match his pace.
Your eyes screw shut in pleasure when Jeno slides between your folds, drawing quick circles on your clit, your legs faltering, completely relying on Jeno as he snaps his hips against yours, the sound of his balls slapping your cheeks resonating throughout Haechan’s room.
In the midst of Jeno’s abuse on your pussy, Jeno moves you into a doggy position for easier access, his hand coming up to pull a handful of your hair.
“I want you to open your eyes and look at how pathetic he is baby, look how drenched his chair is, I want him to suffer, to see how much you’re enjoying getting dicked down by a true alpha,” Jeno orders.
You try your best to open your eyes, not only because you want to abide by Jeno’s words, but because you want to see if what he said was true, and that’s when you see it, a large puddle of slick between Haechan’s parted thighs, the said alpha whining and pitifully rubbing his leaking cock on the cushion.
Jeno could feel your walls clamping down on him when you took in the sight in front of you, satisfaction filling his chest because of how much you’re enjoying yourself, he quickens his pace, hand going back to rub harsh circles on your clit as he whispers dirty plans into your ear, the dirty information only fuelling your pleasure, a particular harsh thrust and a smack of Jeno’s large hands on your ass sends you over the edge, your body convulsing as your walls clamp down harshly onto Jeno, triggering his release, his cock lodged into your pussy by his swelling knot, groaning as he felt your cum warm his cock, spurts of his cum slowly painting your walls white.
When your post orgasm haze faded, you decided to bend over to suck Haechan off, the poor alpha finally finding relief, trying his best to thrust into your warm mouth, moaning freely now that he’s accepted defeat.
When Jeno felt his knot die down, he slips out of you, tapping your butt to tell you to go on with the second phase of the plan that he had told you in the midst of burying his cock inside of you.
You released Haechan from your mouth, waiting patiently as you watch Jeno untie him from his chair dragging him to his bed by the chains of his cuff.
You go back to your previous position, straddling Haechan who was laying down flat on his bed before you began bouncing on his cock, Haechan curses at the fact that his hands are still cuffed, but his mind was suddenly blanked by the feeling of Jeno sliding a finger into his neglected hole, then two, Haechan was screaming, the feeling of receiving an immense amount of pleasure at both ends was too much for him, tears streaming down his face as he struggles in Jeno’s hold.
You came quickly because of the oversensitivity from Jeno’s actions, hips rotating on Haechan’s cock, riding out your high, your walls clamping down on Haechan, the pleasure border lining pain because of the overstimulation, tears prickling at the corner of your eyes.
Jeno increased the pace of his fingers when he found his prostate, slipping a third finger into the play, another loud scream interrupting the heated moment, Haechan was going to cum, he could finally cum in your warm pussy, but when he was about to, you pulled yourself off of him.
Haechan whines when he feels his high slowly slipping away, but before he could attract the whole party to stand outside his room to listen, you decided to suck him off, three inches of his thick girthy cock lodged in your mouth while your hand squeezes at where his knot begins to swell, cum building up at the knot before he releases, his cum filling your mouth as the knot slowly but surely, dying down.
You try your best to keep it all in, breathing in slowly through your nose until he finishes.
Jeno quickly flips Haechan over, his fingers that were still buried up his ass slips out momentarily before he uses two index fingers to pry his hole open for you.
You attach your mouth to his ruined hole, letting Haechan’s own cum fill himself up, spitting into his hole until the very last drop is gone.
Haechan doesn't know what to think of it, he decides to just let the two of you have your ways, letting his body be used by the two of you like some sex doll, not even batting an eye when he sees that Jeno was recording all along after you had taken over, right until you detached your mouth from his hole, Haechan wants to scold him for not recording the whole thing, but he was too tired to say anything, letting his body go lax when you finished, satisfied that he has, at least, his own cum in his ass.
“That was the best and worst prank ever, now if you’ll excuse me, I'll be going to sleep,” Haechan says before he feels a wet towel wiping his sweaty face, eyes fluttering open to see your pretty face.
“Goodnight, Haechan,” you said before Haechan slips into slumber, a faint feeling of muscular arms wrapping around his torso.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
A Different Kind of Urgent {Charlie Barber x Reader}
author’s notes: hellooooo! my penpal friend, a fellow adam driver rat, sent me a print of a charlie picture (that I’d seen a gajillion times before, mind you) and for some reason, I thirsted hard. so, naturally, I wrote a fic inspired by the picture. the reader in this story is a college professor, but it doesn’t really contribute to any ‘essential’ parts of the story (aka the smutty parts). it’s just her job lol
warnings: smut. some fluff. masturbation. semi-public smut. the sending of nudes (well, lingerie pics, to be specific). charlie’s dad outfits™️. cigarette smoking during sex. uhh tennis shoe kink??
(possible) tw’s: semi-public sex. semi-public masturbation. tobacco use (as is canon for Charlie’s character). implied age gap (everyone’s over 21, no more than 10 years).
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You’re in the middle of class when Charlie texts you. Your phone buzzes and buzzes on your desk so much so that you have to stop your lecture for a few seconds, worried that something urgent has happened.
Well, something did happen, and it was pretty urgent, but not exactly in the way you’d expected.
-Charlie: I know you’re teaching class right now kid.- -Charlie: But I need you.- -Charlie: Right now.-
A shiver runs down your spine as you read his words on the screen.
-Y/N: I’ve got like 45 more minutes of lecture, baby, I can’t.-
He growls under his breath, cock straining in his tan khakis.
-Charlie: Fuck.- -Charlie: Can you send me a picture? Just need to see your pretty body, kid.-
-Y/N: Say please, Charlie.-
Charlie groans in sexual frustration, hips bucking up in his desk chair.
-Charlie: Jesus fucking christ, fucking brat. PLEASE! PLEASE send me a picture!-
You smirk, picking out one of the lingerie photos you’d taken when you were home alone one night. You’ve been waiting for the right time to whip them out and...well, this seems like the right time.
-Y/N: Attachment 1 image- -Y/N: Knock yourself out. Take a picture when you’re done, and I’ll be over as soon as class is finished.-
His shaky hands scramble to type in his phone passcode and click on your message, a strangled moan leaving his lips at the picture you chose. He’d never seen this one before, never seen this set of lingerie before.  He unbuckles his belt and almost tears the button clean off his khakis as he pulls his cock out, tip already red and drooling with precum. 
Before he starts anything, he quickly runs over to his office door, locking it to keep anyone from walking in. 
His navy cardigan suddenly feels almost suffocating and he sheds it without hesitation, unbuttoning his dress shirt and parting it, revealing his undershirt. 
Wait...you want a picture. Fuck.
An idea comes to him and he whimpers, equal parts aroused and nervous about giving it a try. God he hasn’t touched himself since the divorce proceedings, just needing to blow off some fucking steam, but you’ve reignited his sexual passion, overwhelmingly so, and seemingly even more than before. Maybe even more than ever, if he’s honest with himself.
He feels like a teenager again, both completely smitten with you while at the same time incredibly horny for you.
Charlie stands up on shaky legs and shoves all the paperwork off his desk, clearing a roomy spot right in the center. He bites his lip as he props his phone up on his desktop computer with the picture of you pulled up. Jerking off with just his hand wouldn’t be enough this time around, a small part of him just knew it. He needs to fuck you, fuck something.
He positions his hands around the edge of his desk, leaving his thumbs right at the top, putting them in a wonky sort of ‘o’ shape. He adjusts so that the sharp edge is pressing against his palm before experimentally thrusting his length forward into the hole he’s created with his thumbs, immediately groaning in pleasure. 
“O-Oh, kid.”
He whispers, picking up a slow thrusting rhythm, eyes squeezed shut as he imagines your pussy.
“Such a good little pussy, my good f-fucking girl.” A line of sweat has already begun forming on his forehead as he moves a bit quicker, growling wildly with each thrust. He’s embarrassingly close already. “God, j-jesus fucking christ, gonna make me cum so f-fast, kid. I’m already s-so close, damnit.”
His hips grow desperate, bucking erratically into his grip. The drag of his cock against the faux wood surface feels absolutely incredible, and he barely even hears the desk begin to groan and shift against the floor of his office, too consumed with his impending orgasm.
“Yeah, you ready? Y-You fuckin’ ready for my big fat--fuck!--load in this pretty little--shit!--k-kitty?”
Just hearing him say the word aloud, his nickname for your cunt, has him cumming within moments. His vision blacks out for a second as his hips rut forward, a seemingly continuous stream of warm white cum painting his desktop. 
“Ahhhhh, fuuuuuuuck.”
He has to bury his mouth into his shirt arm to hide the cries that come from him, eyebrows knitted at the center of his forehead. His breathing is heavy as he begins coming down from his high, eyes flitting open and looking down at the mess he’d made. 
His load had gone across the entire width of his desk, and his eyes widened for a moment as his brain somehow comprehended to grab his phone and take a picture of the spread. 
-Charlie: Attachment 1 image- -Charlie: Come straight to my office when you get to the theater.-
You take a quick peek at the message from Charlie as your students pull out their workbooks, jaw dropping when you open the picture full-screen. Holy shit, he really did need it.
-Y/N: You sure you still have enough to fill me up with when I get there?-
-Charlie: I always have enough for you, kid. Gonna have it leaking out of you when you leave.-
You chew your lip, thinking of a quick yet clever response.
-Y/N: Is that a promise?-
He groans under his breath, chuckling lightly with a small smile.
-Charlie: Absolutely. Can’t wait to see you, kid.-
-Y/N: I’m excited too. I’ll be there in 20.-
The twenty minutes it takes for you to finish class and walk over to Exit Ghost feels like some of the longest in Charlie’s life, knee bouncing impatiently and eyes glued to the door. He twirls the Marlboro package in his hand, the clock behind his desk tick-tick-ticking the seconds away. 
Finally, a soft knock comes and, just in case it isn’t you, he stuffs the carton into his pocket. “Come in.”
Your head pokes through the door and you smile at him as you walk in, shutting and locking the door behind you. You immediately notice his outfit, specifically his shoes, which are propped up on his desk. 
He knows that you like how he dresses, especially when he dresses very dad-like. And those sneakers he has, the white ones with the blue lines on them...god, they drive you absolutely crazy and you have no idea why.
Your bags are quickly shoved off your shoulder by the impatient director, pulling you into his body as his lips attack yours fiercely. He notices the way you’re eyeing his outfit, and it’s then that he realizes what shoes he has on, the pair that you like so much. Oh, he could use that.
His grip on the meat of your hips tightens increasingly as the kiss heats up, lips eventually moving down to your neck. 
“Well, hello to you too.”
You say, laughing softly.
“Mmmm,” He hums onto your skin, lips littering kisses and small nibbles everywhere they can reach. “I missed you, kiddo, feels like forever since we’ve had time for something like this.”
Charlie’s large body presses you up against the door, hands eager to rid you of your pants. He quickly yanks them down to your ankles, fingers finding your clothed folds.
“I’ve got a staff meeting at two, baby. We h-have to be kind of quick...sorry.” You breathe, hand wrapping in his hair, tugging at the silky raven locks.
A small and slightly disappointed sigh leaves his lips, but nothing more is said on the matter. His movements do become a bit more rushed, though, digits dipping beneath the fabric to shove up into your entrance. 
Your legs spread instinctively, knees shaking as he finger-fucks you, thick digits scissoring inside you to prepare for his girth. Meanwhile, you try to focus on getting his belt and pants undone, but it’s awfully hard when his fingers feel so damn good.
He pulls away suddenly, sucking the juices off his fingers as his hungry eyes roam your figure. The carton of cigarettes presses against his thigh and he smirks, pulling his digits out with a lewd pop.
Charlie suddenly pulls you off the door, putting himself in your spot instead. He smirks, fingers running under your chin, keeping your head tilted up at him.
“Will you go open the window for me please, beautiful?”
You nod, rushing over to push it open, then come back over to stand in front of him.
“Good girl. Thank you.”
His pointer finger twirls and points to the floor while the other hand grabs the pack and lighter from his pants pocket.
“Now, turn around and bend over right here, hold your ankles or feet, or whatever.”
As you position yourself accordingly, he leans back against the door, legs spread and sneaker-clad feet planted on either side of you, right within your line of vision. He’s almost fully hard again already as he moves to free his cock from its khaki confines, undoing his pants just enough to have it out. 
Again, his cardigan feels suffocatingly hot, so he quickly pulls it off and tosses it away. He rolls the sleeves up on his button-up, a sight that makes your insides clench.
He jams a cigarette between his teeth, jaw clenching when he looks up and realizes that you’re bent over for him, in just the way he asked. Your glistening pussy’s on full display as you wiggle your ass a bit, his cock bobbing and twitching with excitement. 
“Oh kid, you’re dripping.” Charlie whispers, almost to himself, hand kneading one of the globes of your ass.
You chuckle softly. “Hey, baby? As much as I love hearing and feeling you, my legs are getting kinda tired.”
Laughing, Charlie says a quick ‘sorry’ before holding and pulling your hips back, lining himself up with your soaked entrance. He pulls you back some more, impaling you on his cock, head falling back against the door as he does so. 
His hands shakily ignited the small flame on his lighter, bringing it up until the tip of the cigarette turned orange before flipping the cap back on and shoving it back in his pocket. He takes a long drag, groaning on the exhale. 
He keeps one hand on your hip while the other spreads out on your lower back, guiding you back and forth over his shaft slowly, gently.
“Thaaat’s it, just like this, kid.”
Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the impossibly deep angle created with this new position has it feeling like he’s reaching into your guts. Plus, with the natural up-curve of his cock, he’s brushing all the right spots inside you.
The familiar and comforting scent of Charlie’s cigarettes fills your nostrils, a haze of smoke surrounds your joined bodies. He continues to move you up and down on his length, buttocks clenching as his hips naturally rock forward, burying himself to the hilt each time you sink down.
“God...jesus christ...love this little pussy of yours, kid.” He breathes through his gritted teeth. “Taking me so nicely, always wrapped around me so goddamn tight.”
You quickly begin moving yourself up and down his stiff rod, bouncing as fast as you can manage. The sweet burn in your thighs only grows more prominent with each passing second, but you don’t care, too consumed in pleasure.
“Mmmmmyyyeah, baby, all for you.”
His hand comes down on your ass, giving it a firm smack before taking another quick drag, exhaling through his nose.
“That’s f-fucking right, all mine. You love being a little slut for this cock, huh? I know you do, you love when I bring you in my office and fuck your pretty cunt in the middle of the goddamn work day, can’t even wait until I get home, this f-filthy slut cunt needs to be split open and stuffed nice and full. Can’t go one fucking day without my cum fucked in you, always needs to be filled up and leaking, hm?”
Charlie was never able to do stuff like this or talk to Nicole like this. She was pretty vanilla when it came to sex, just like to be fucked quietly in bed. He called her a ‘slut’ once and she almost cried, lecturing him for half an hour afterwards on how disrespectful it was.
But now, he gets to explore everything he hasn’t gotten the chance to with you. You love it all, love the way he talks filth in your ear, calls you naughty names. You love getting fucked in all sorts of places, which at first made him a little nervous, cheeks and the tips of his ears bright red when you asked him to fuck you in your classroom or finger you under your dress on the subway. But, after almost a year and a half together, you can safely say that he’s a full-on exhibitionist deviant.
Your walls clamp down around him, eyes still squeezed shut as you feel his hips begin to thrust forward. Soon, he holds you almost completely still, moving his hips as fast as he can. His cigarette is almost ashes at this point, and he kicks himself for not thinking of a good disposal plan beforehand.
“Oh baby, oh baby...f-fuck!” You whine, hips squirming and gyrating as your impending orgasm grows closer. “Y-Yeah, I love it, love everything you do to me. Wanna take every s-single fucking drop of your cum, Charlie, want it inside me, want it dripping down my thighs.”
He almost loses his mind over your comments, drilling into you at an impossibly hard and fast rate, the lewd slapping squelching sound of your hips colliding overwhelmingly prominent in the space around you. 
“You’ll go back to work with so much cum shoved into you, make you sit through your stupid fucking meeting with my cum dripping out of you. B-Better hope no one notices, huh? Better hope your boss doesn’t find out what a good little cockslut you are, how much you love having a pussy-full of your boyfriends f-fucking cum.”
A few muted cries leave your lips as he pounds you harder, his own words spurring him on. He can feel your walls pulsing around him, a sure-fire sign that you’re about to cum. 
“C-Charlie! Charlie, I...I’m close.”
“K-Know you are, kid, I know you are. You’re doing so f-fucking well for me, Y/N, squeezing my big cock like a fuckin champ.” Charlie growls, quickly tossing his spent cigarette in a coffee mug on a nearby table. “And now you’re gonna rub your little clit and cum for me like I know you want to. C’mon, kid, wanna feel you come undone around me.”
You quickly begin rubbing your clit and, despite the odd angle, it brings you right up to the edge. You just need something, just a little something, to push you over the edge. Your eyes flutter open to look up at him, but then, you’re met with the sight of his sneakers.
“Goddamnit!” You’re cumming almost instantly, flooding his shaft with your release. “Yes! Oh god, yeah, c-cumming for you baby!”
His hips keep pumping, taking you right through your climax before abruptly coming to a halt when they’re buried as deep inside you as they can possibly be. His eyes go wide before squeezing shut, a guttural groan ripping through his chest as he pumps and shoves his thick creamy load into you.
“T-Take it, f-filthy whore!” He groans, rutting his hips the whole way through, making sure every drop is put inside you.
Once he’s finished, having ridden out his high to its fullest, he tucks himself back into his pants before helping you stand back up. He holds you close, looking down at you with a bright, genuine smile. 
“You’re amazing, incredible...just so perfect.” He kisses all over your face before landing on your lips.
Your cheeks heat up at his compliments, hands weaving through his hair as the kiss deepens. 
Suddenly, someone knocks on your office door, jiggling the doorknob.
His eyes fly open and he pulls away. Shit.
“Yeah, I’m h-here, just give me a minute!”
You quickly pull your pants up and jump under his desk to hide just as he opens the door, running a hand through his hair. 
He talks to the person on the other side of the door in a rushed voice, answering their multitude of questions before quickly shutting the door, sighing as you crawl out from under the desk. 
“At least we both got to cum, unlike last time.” You walk up and put your hands on his pecs, rubbing them over the fabric. “I gotta get going though, baby. I wanna grab lunch from the deli before my staff meeting.”
Charlie nods, dipping his head down to kiss you one last time, nuzzling his large nose against yours. 
“Come over tonight, though? Nicole’s in town and she’s got Henry, so we’ll have the house to ourselves. I feel like we haven’t spent any quality time together lately.”
Nodding, you smile. “I would love to come over. I’ll text you when I get home.”
“Great.” He smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll see you later, kid. Have a good meeting.”
You laugh as you grab your bag and head out, turning back to wave and flash him a soft smile.
“See you tonight.”
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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OPERATION: Find The Kids!
Bravo Team x Reader
A/N okay so I saw a TikTok yesterday and this gave me the idea for the chaotic fic you are about to read. Seven tier one navy seals looking after four kids. What could go wrong? So I give you nearly 2k words of utter chaos. Trying to keep track of what 11 people are doing is stressful 😂
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SEAL Team Masterlist
This Months Writing
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Sipping on your coffee, you ran your hand over your face as you try to finish off the paperwork from the last deployment. You tried to get this done in your home office but it was no good when your house was used as base when the boys were home. Or as Metal kept putting it “the home of Bravo” but it did make your life easier meaning you didn’t have to worry about finding a sitter at short notice as you had at least one of the boys crashing at yours for whatever reason.
And at the moment it was a godsend, especially as you were looking after your Brother’s triplets whilst he was going through the divorce. But having four kids under the age of 7 in the house was chaos, but you lived around big kids all the time so you could just about cope.
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“Guys, someone has to take the boss some coffee,” Clay said, as he placed the plate of toast in the middle of the kitchen table. “And to swipe the walkies.”
Everyone fell silent. That silent you could hear a pin drop.
“Oh hell no,” Sonny said, breaking the silence. “You know how she gets when she’s doing the reports. And it was your idea Blondielocks, so you should do it.”
“No way,” Clay exclaimed, “I value my life thank you. “
“Guys let’s settle this like adults,” Metal said, with a serious look on his face. “Rock, paper, scissors. We go around the group and do it as a knock out style thing and whoever is left standing has to take the boss some coffee and swipe the walkies.”
So that's how it was decided that Sonny was the one to go into the lion's den, armed with coffee and breakfast to hopefully make things go smoothly.
“Quinn, I see you.” You said not looking away from your screen.
“How the fuck?” He muttered, “I swear you have eyes in the back of your head.”
“You have to when you look after children,” you laughed, “now I’m busy so what do you want?”
“We know you left without breakfast so I thought I’d bring you some,” he shrugged, placing the food and coffee on the table.
“I don’t buy it,” you said, raising your brow at him. “You are up to something.”
“Nope, just bringing the boss coffee.” He grinned, he had already swiped the walkies and needed to get out of here. “You have a good day, and don’t worry about anything, we have it all under control.”
“That’s what makes me worry Quinn,” you glared. “Just don’t burn my house down and don’t lose a child. That’s all I ask.”
“Hard copy, boss.” He nodded before leaving the room.
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“Mission success boys,” Sonny shouted walking back into the house, “Oh and final words from the boss were don't set the house on fire and don’t lose a child but she had no idea I swiped the walkies.”
“Well then, time to gear up boys,” Jase said, slapping his legs as he stood up. “Kids have requested we wear our camo bottoms so hurry up we head out at 0900.”
Twenty minutes had passed and everyone was gathered in the living room.
“Right, let's just run through this one more time,” Clay said looking at the list on his phone.
“First aid kit”
“Sun cream”
“Kids dressed”
“All walkies on the same station”
“Well boys I think we are ready,” Trent nodded, “So Brock has Cerb and Pepper, I’ve got the bag, so the rest of you get to keep an eye on the kids.”
Your daughter, Riley instantly clung onto Clay like a koala bear, your nephew Joey gravitated to Metal, Sonny scooped up your niece, Amber and Ray took your other Niece, Lola.
“Let’s hit the park,” Jase nodded, leading everyone out the house.
“What could go wrong,” Sonny laughed. “It’s not like we are gonna lose any of them. There’s four of them and seven of us.”
“Don’t say that, you idiot,” Metal said, hitting Sonny around the back of the head. “Don't jinx things, now If things go south it’s your fault.”
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“Anyone got have eyes on HVT one?” Jase asked down the walkie, as he scanned the park.
“HVT one is south moving toward the tyre swing,” Metal replied, “I’ve lost eyes on HVT two.”
“I’ve got eyes on HVT two, she is in need of refilling. Lure her back to base Three,” Clay said, as he squinted from the sun.
“Copy six,” Sonny called, as he calmly headed for Amber, who thought this was the best game in the world as her Uncle Sonny chased her. “HVT two inbound,”
“My eyes are peeled,” Jase laughed, as he spotted Amber running towards him.
“For the love of god don’t forget the suncream.” Ray responded.
“Copy that,” Jase said, routing around the bag for supplies. He literally only took his eyes off her for two seconds but by the time he looked up she was gone. “All call signs I have lost eyes on HVT two. I repeat I have lost eyes on HVT two.”
“I don’t have HVT three or four,” Brock sighed “They just vanished.”
“Is HVT one still at the tyre swing?” Ray asked.
“Fuck, she’s gone to.” Metal cursed.
“Guys we fucked up, boss is gonna kill us if we don’t come home with a full head count.” Ray breathed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Three you know this is your fault,” Metal growled.
“How is it my fault?” Sonny snapped. “You're the one meant to be watching HVT One.”
“You jinxed things, idiot,” Metal huffed, “Told you this would happen.”
“Guys, stop fighting,” Jase sighed, “Look just everyone reconvene at base and we put a plan together, they can’t have gone far.”
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You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, you knew Sonny was up to something when he came in this morning but the big idiot forgot to pick up all the walkies meaning you could hear everything.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you messed with the station trying to get a clearer sound. You wanted to see how this would play out, they all sounded pretty panicked but they should be. One of the rules was they could do whatever, go wherever but just don’t lose anyone.
“You okay Y/L/N?” Eric asked coming into the briefing room with some fresh coffee.
“Define okay when the boys are looking after the tribe today, Sonny managed to swipe the walkies and now somehow they have managed to lose all four kids at the park,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Well at least they had the sense to get the walkies I suppose,” Eric laughed, “you know they will have a full head count by the end of the day, they won’t leave until they do.”
“I know,” you laughed, “but I’m gonna get them back.”
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“How the fuck have we managed to lose four kids,” Clay said running his hand over his face. “I don’t get it,”
“Because children like to fucking run off,” Jase snapped. “Look, we don’t need to go into how it happened, it happened. Let’s just work the problem and get these kids back before we all get brutally killed. Operation find the kids is a go.”
“Riley likes water right?” Trent asked.
“Yeah, she’s a proper water baby, why do you ask?” Clay questioned.
“She might have gone towards the lake.” Trent nodded.
“Right, Clay and Brock head to the lake and try to get Riley. We all know you are her favourite Uncle Clay so she might actually come back to you.” Ray said, making a call. “We divide and conquer boys.”
“Copy,” Brock and Clay nodded, before running off in the direction of the lake.
“What about Joey?” Trent asked.
“The woods definitely,” Jase nodded.
“I’m on it,” Metal nodded before disappearing.
“Okay so that leaves Amber and Lola.” Jase said.
“Fuck I have no idea,” Ray sighed. “They are both so quiet.”
“We are just gonna have to split up.” Sonny said, “we will find them.”
Two hours had passed and everyone apart from Brock and Clay were back at base. Three out of the four kids had been located and now sitting on the grass with Metal eatting some cookies.
“I’m gonna need a medic,” Clay said, his voice full of panic and cry’s could be heard in the background.
“How far out are you?” Jase replied.
“About 5 mikes,” Brock replied.
Clay looked down at Riley in his arms, she was screaming and the tears kept coming.
“Hey Riley-roo, it’s okay, Uncle Clay has got you. You are gonna be okay.” Clay cooed trying to calm down his god daughter.
“What’s the sitrep?” Trent asked.
“Not sure if it’s a broken wrist or just a sprain. She fell pretty hard on it whilst running.” Clay sighed down the walkie. “It’s official boys, we are dead meat when the boss gets home.”
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The house was quiet when you got home, far too quiet. The only sound was the hum from the TV but even that was on low volume. Quickly glancing in the kitchen you rolled your eyes at the state of it. It looked like a bomb had gone off. There were plates and mugs everywhere along with McDonald’s discarded wrappers.
Quietly you walked into the living room to see all the kids awake and all the boys fast asleep on the sofas. Riley was tucked under Clay’s arms, Joey was laying across Metal and Brock, Amber was sat in between Jase’s legs and Lola was tucked under Ray’s arms.
“Mummy” Riley grinned as she saw you. “Look what I got,” she giggled, waving her casted wrist in the air.
“What happened baby?” You asked, crouching down to her level.
“I tripped and broke my wrist.” She pouted, “But Uncle Clay took me to the hospital.”
“Well it looks like you all wore your Uncles out today,” you laughed, “but just cover your ears for me kiddos.”
Once they all covered their ears with their hands, you pushed yourself to your feet.
“Wake up you lazy shits!” You shouted, startling them all awake. “Did we have a good day?” You asked playing dumb.
“Yeah it was amazing,” Jase nodded. “We went to the park.”
“So you did lose any of the kids?” You asked, placing your hand on your hip.
“Nope,” Clay said, with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Well can someone explain this?” You said, pressing play on the recording.
The whole room fell quiet as they heard the conversation playback from early.
“So wanna change your answer boys?” You glared. “I only have two rules and you fucking broke one of them. And my daughter has a bloody broken arm!”
“Sorry, boss.” Sonny mumbled, not making eye contact.
“You better be you idiots,” you laughed, “At least you came home with a full head count. Now Clay move, you are in my seat.”
Once Clay had moved, you settled down in your spot.
“Oh and another thing, I’ve had a long ass day typing up all the incident reports from J-Bad, I swear your band list gets longer each deployment,” you laughed, “but I’m not happy about the state of my kitchen so you can all get in there and sort it out.”
“Yes, boss.” They all said, making you smirk. Not many people could make Bravo team sulk off with their tail between their legs but you could and it always made you laugh.
“And someone make me a bloody coffee, because I am not moving off this sofa for the rest of the night”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace @theysayitscrazy @thelovelyleo23 @innerpaperexpertcloud
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jgukmilk · 4 years
he won’t know 03 (m) final
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➔ summary: after weeks of hiding from the world, your friend, Mina, finally convinces you to crawl out of your cave and join her at a friday-frat party. You definitely didn’t think you’d end up with the person you had spent several weeks trying to avoid. 
➔ pairing: Jungkook X Reader
➔ genre: cheating!au, smut, angst if you squint, much deserved fluff fucking finally
➔ warnings: mention of sexual assault, unprotected sex, soft sex because i’m a whore for that shit, jungoo is the one crying in this part, jungoo being a soft idiot nothing out of the ordinary, fingering, oral (f. and m. receiving), handjob, fingering, mild dirty talk, cervix kisses :), cum eating, throat fucking•_•, runny mascara because it’s chef’s kiss, soft dom jungoo, a really lame biology pick up line at the end that i am pathetically proud of, that’s it..? it’s unedited btw :P
➔ wordcount: 8.3k
➔ a/n: this was a bitch to finish but holy fuck. hope you enjoy ;) feedback is always appreciated !
part 1, part 2, part 3 final.
It had officially been seventeen and-a-half days since Jungkook came to visit you at your dorm, only to end up in you crying your eyes out in front of him and shove him out of your room.
Mina came home later that night and questioned your tear-stained cheeks. Did you tell her? No, of course not. You brushed it off and convinced her that you were having a hard time with the breakup with Jaehyun, that everything was still so fresh, and you simply just needed time. Though that was as far from the truth as it could possibly be, she believed you regardless which you were thankful for.
You didn’t miss Jaehyun, not one bit. You hadn’t seen him after your last encounter, and you thanked your stars daily. To be honest you weren’t given a chance to run into that asshole since you had reduced your time spent outside of the dorm.
Your schedule pretty much consisted of wake up, go to your classes, come back to the dorm, study, eat, sleep, repeat. It sounded like one of those shabby T-shirt every twelve-year-old would wear back in middle school and show it off for being ‘quirky’.
You weren’t complaining, you preferred things this way, for now at least. Though you couldn’t deny that you missed your friends, but you needed some time alone and you knew that, so to distract yourself from missing your friends, what better way to do so than studying till the ass-crack of dawn on a Friday night.
Fridays were the only day of the week you could spend peacefully unbothered. Every other day would consist of countless texts and calls from your friends asking about your whereabouts and why they almost never saw you around campus anymore.
To which you told them you were busy studying and thanked them for checking in on you. It wasn’t a complete lie, you were, in fact, busy studying. They never saw you because, you were always on your desk burying your face between the pages of a textbook. What you didn’t tell them was that you were so far ahead with the curriculum that you could go a whole two weeks without even touching any of your books and you wouldn’t be behind.
You never realized how much you had read ahead until a few days ago when your biology professor had only begun to teach you about DNA replication, transcription and translation. You had already covered half of it. 
Your professor always did say that the unspoken rule of studies was to always read ahead. Though you didn’t think he meant to this certain extent.
You hadn’t felt academic stress in a while due to your habit of studying so much, and you were happy about it of course, but holy fuck, you were so bored, and it was starting to get to you.
“Y/N!” perfect timing for your best friend to break you out of your thoughts. Mina happily pranced through your shared dorm room and over to you, “Mina” you said back, smiling, although not in the same enthusiasm, meh – A for effort. 
“Oh my god, you’re actually awake,” she said, placing herself on her bed while remaining eye contact with you.
“Well yeah, I have some topics I still need to cover before I go to bed,” Lies. You certainly didn’t have any topics you needed to cover. You would’ve gone to bed if you knew Mina was coming back to the dorm so early. It was Friday night after all, which meant that Mina was out partying with the rest of the guys. Not today, apparently.
“Isn’t there a party today?” you asked, flipping through the pages of the book in front of you, pretending to read through the paragraphs that seemed like nothing more than dull words.
“Well… yeah, but, I figured I’d rather spend my night with you – you know, since it’s... it’s been a while,” you immediately stopped fiddling with the paper, “oh,” was all you could say. “I-I mean, if you wanna study, you totally can! I don’t want to interrupt or – or anything.” You shook your head, “no, no… uhm, I could use a break anyway.” Her face relaxed.
“So… how’ve you been?” you looked around the room, “I’m okay, just studying, nothing else really,” you reassured her “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” she said, barely above a whisper, however you could still make out the melancholic tone hidden behind her voice.
“yeah… I’m sorry, I’m just – “
“studying? Yeah that seems to be your entire world lately.” She cut you off, her voice a little louder than it was previously. You opened your mouth to respond but – “Y/N c’mon, I know I haven’t necessarily been with you physically lately, but I’m not oblivious. Our exams are in a couple of months and you’re studying as if they’re tomorrow.” She explained all in one breath, “the curriculum this semester isn’t even that content-heavy, even the professors told us we could take it easy.”
“where are you going with this?” you asked in a weak voice. She seemed to have you all figured out. You truly underestimated how well your best friend understood you. “I just want to know why? Why are you avoiding your friends… why are you avoiding me?”
And then it came back. Everything you had been trying to avoid for the past two weeks came back. Jaehyun, the cheating, the assault, Jungkook. You began to feel your eyes stinging, subconsciously you averted them towards the ceiling. “Y/N, there’s something you’re not telling me. I want to help, please let me help.”
You made your way towards the bed, seating yourself next to her, “is this about Jaehyun? Do you miss hi–“
“No, God no I don’t, I’m so happy he’s out of my life,” she looked at you perplexed. And so, you told her. You told her absolutely everything, all the way from Jaehyun trying to touch you when you were trying to explain yourself to him, to the conversation you had with Jungkook in your dorm room several days ago.
“I’m gonna kill him,” you swiftly reached for her hand as you saw her attempt to rush out of your shared dorm, “no! I… It’s over now, he’s out of my life, there’s no reason to go look for him.”
“Of course there is! Why didn’t you–!” She yelled, however quickly stopped herself to calm down. “Why didn’t you tell anyone? He’s getting away with this when he deserves to rot in hell.” It wasn’t that simple. You never wanted to see him again, and telling any form of authority about what had happened certainly meant you were going to cross paths with him often.
Plus, it wasn’t even likely that they would’ve believed you, after all it was your word against his. There was no physical evidence of what he had done. You had your ripped clothes but you threw those away the day after the incident, you never wanted to look at them again and be reminded of this crap.
Then you had the bruises on your wrist, but Jaehyun could easily say that you guys had been into some sort of bdsm to make them believe him. They were also healed now, so there was no evidence at all to secure your side.
“I don’t want to constantly be reminded of what he did, I just want to move forward. Please, you can’t tell anyone.” Your voice cracked at the end, in which Mina reached out to hold your hand. “I don’t want anyone to know,” you cried.
“I’m so sorry, bug,” Mina rubbed your back empathetically, in a subtle attempt to calm you down. Though Mina tried her best to not scream at the top of her lungs, spitting out every profanity to curse Jaehyun. This wasn’t about her, and she knew that very well.
All she could do was comfort you and listen to everything you had bottled up for weeks. “You know what you need?” she smiled at you gently. You sniffled, rubbing your red, tear-stained cheeks, “what?”
“You need fresh air, to doll up and feel good! We all miss you so much Y/N, I don’t want you to spend another Friday night in here alone by yourself.” You raised an eyebrow, silently urging her to continue, “Wooyoung’s parent are out of town for the weekend so he’s hosting are party.”
“And we’re going!” she clapped excitingly, “no Mina I–“ she held both your hands tightly, puppy eyes were presented right in front of you, “pleaseeee, just for an hour, you can leave after that if you don’t like it.” 
You thought about it for a moment. You did deserve a break, you needed to get out of the dorm anyway, have some fun with your friends, maybe even get a bit of well-deserved alcohol in your system.
“Fuck it, let’s do i–“
“YES! Okay, okay I know exactly what you’re wearing.” She rushed over to her closet, rummaging through fabric after fabric while you silently watched behind her, seated on your own bed. “Put this on right now,” You didn’t get a good look at the clothing item she threw at you, all you knew was that the fabric was quite tiny. It was a beautiful dark navy and black fabric that was smooth to the touch.
It was a woolen, striped bodycon dress. True to its name – it looked very tight. You looked at her perplexed, “that’s me being nice. My other option was throwing you my skirt that would barely cover your juicy ass.” You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless, “fine, what shoes with?” she pointed at your black high-top converse that were placed neatly by the door. Alright, black converse it was.
“Y/N?” was the first thing you heard when walking through the door, entering the crowd of drunks. Before you stood your friends, the friends you had missed oh so much. Jimin was the first to run to you, lifting you off the ground to swing you around, “Y/N!” He laughed excitingly. Right behind him stood Seokjin, “Okay, I’ve had too much to drink guys I’m starting see Y/N,” you couldn’t help but laugh, “Hi Jin.”
One by one, they each gave you a heartwarming hug. Wow, you missed them, and you didn’t even realize, “about time you got out of the damn dorm,” Taehyung complained, you playfully slapped his shoulder. “You don’t get to say shit, you rot in your own dorm just as much as I do when you don’t have classes,” smiling, he scoffed, “I have altered my ways, about time you did too,” you shook your head.
You hadn’t noticed that an hour had already passed by, and you didn’t want to leave one bit. Your night was just getting started. Looking around you spotted all your friends, all but two. Neither had you seen the entire party: Yoongi and Jungkook.
“Jin!” you loudly spoke through the banging music, “yeah?!” he replied, “have you seen Yoongi?” you cupped your mouth in attempt to speak as clearly as possible, “What?! No thank you! I don’t wan’t Oolong tea. There’s booze why would I want tea?!” You rubbed your face, dragging Jin’s ear closer to your mouth, “Have you seen Yoongi?”
“OW, Jesus woman.” He rubbed his ear, “He should be in the kitchen,” you thanked him, and apologetically smiled for almost ripping his ear off.
You skipped your way through the heavy crowd of drunk youth. Some of which even looked younger than that. A string of ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ was heard from you as you pushed your way to the kitchen.
“Yoongi?” he turned around, seeing you. He eyed the drink in his hand that resembled the color of piss, “I’ve had too much,” the bottom of the cup now faced the ceiling, the remainder of the liquid spilling down the edge of the cup and down the sink.
“Okay, you guys really have to stop doing that,” you laughed.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” The mint-haired boy asked in a monotone, your smile faltered.
“I’m happy to see you too?” your voice was skeptical. He seemed annoyed, which frankly, you didn’t understand. You hadn’t seen the man in well over two weeks, no way had he found a reason to be mad at you unless you had happened to eat the last lamb skewer in his dream. He always did love his lamb skewers.
“’M sorry, my head’s spinning,” instantly your suspicion was replaced with worry. You quickly made your way to the sink and filled a glass with cold water and handed it to him, which he gratefully accepted. “How’ve you been?”
You sighed, “you want the rainbow-sprinkled version or the one that was dragged through the mud, shat and pissed on,” he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I’ll take the piss-stained version, thank you.” He placed the red, water filled plastic cup next to him on the kitchen counter.
“Rough couple of weeks. I’m doing better though, so that’s something.” You shrugged your shoulders. Yoongi listened carefully, gently tilting his head to the side anticipating for you to keep going, however you didn’t, that was all you were going to say. Yoongi wasn’t stupid, clearly something had happened to make you disappear for weeks, but whatever it was it had to remain unknown for him – he wasn’t going to push you to talk to him.
“And where’s Jaehyun been through all of this?” he speculated.
“Uhm, we broke up,” you tried to laugh it off. His brows raised in surprise.
“Oh, well, I’m sorry–“ your hands swung in front of you to shake them. To Yoongi, you had most likely looked like you were sad from the breakup, understandably so. Afterall that is the typical reaction to a breakup, isn’t it?
“Don’t be! My god, no. It could – I’m not –“ you closed your eyes, sighing gently, “It was for the best.”
“I’m not going, Tae,” Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose with thumb and index finger, attempting to rub the non-existing headache out of his temples.
“Come on, Jungkook. It’s been a hot minute since you’ve partied with all of us,” a hot minute, was putting it lightly. Jungkook was currently in his own shared dorm with Taehyung, with a black DualShock controller seated in his lap – enjoying a game of overwatch shortly before Taehyung had dialed his number. Several empty packets of ramen placed randomly across the room. 
Different flavors of course. Variety was important.
“Can’t. ‘m busy.” Though Jungkook couldn’t see it, he was sure Taehyung had rolled his eyes through the other line. “Busy my ass,” Taehyung sighed, “you do this every week.”
“I wouldn’t have to do this every week if you would just stop asking,” Jungkook spat back, with a little more attitude than he had intended. “Jungshi,” the older friend started, “you can’t let this bother you forever,” he knew. Fuck, no one knew better than Jungkook that he couldn’t spend the rest of eternity sulking over this. Over you.
But no one knew how Jungkook was feeling either, every living fiber of his felt either conflicted or guilty. He couldn’t help but think that what had happened to you, was partially his fault – no, it was entirely his fault. Whatever Jaehyun had done was because of Jungkook.
Your words circled back and forth in his mind, day and night. Whenever he closed his eyes all he could see was your tear-stained orbs looking at him with so much hurt and hatred. Telling him to leave and that you never wanted to see him again.
All he wanted to do was talk to you, to know how you were feeling. Were you okay? Were you not? Jungkook had to make peace with the fact that he might in fact never get any answer for any of his questions. All he wanted was to see you, just for one small, useless moment.
He hadn’t seen you since that day. Frankly, it seemed like you had completely vanished from the face of the earth, even the guys hadn’t seen you. He managed to get a hold of Mina a few times, briefly asking of your whereabouts. She always tried her best to console and reassure him that you were okay, you were just always busy lately.
You were always busy. Jungkook wasn’t stupid, he knew exactly what it meant: you were escaping.
Oh, how Jungkook had grown to hate that word. How very hypocritical of him, he was mentally scolding you for using the lame excuse of being ‘busy’, all while doing the exact same behind the screen of his phone to his best friend.
“I just need time, hyung.” Jungkook tried to justify. “Time?” Taehyung scoffed, “You’ve had two weeks. I’m sorry Guk, but I’m not gonna sit around while I watch you completely lose yourself.” The younger slid further down the chair, staring blankly at the bright screen displaying the home-screen of his favorite video game.
“She’s here.”
You… you were there? He could see you. Jungkook had a chance to see you. “Good to know,” was all he could say. “And you don’t give a rat’s ass?” Of course, he did, but he couldn’t because, “she doesn’t want to see me, hyung. If I show up, I’ll ruin her night. She isn’t hiding from the world anymore.”
“You can’t be sure– “
“Yes, I can,” Jungkook closed his eyes, a small exhale moved past his lips, “I can’t ruin this. Please don’t make me ruin this for her.” His voice was barely above a whisper. He felt weak. He couldn’t describe the growing urge he felt to rush over to whatever party you were at, just to see you. But he couldn’t be selfish. Not again.
Last time he acted selfishly he hurt you. He lost you. He wasn’t sure how it could get any worse – after all, you were out of his life, but Jungkook wasn’t willing to be daring, not if it meant it would hurt you again.
“Fine,” an extended beep was heard from the small speaker of the phone. Completely defeated, Jungkook gently threw his phone back onto his bed. Leaning back in his chair he faced the ceiling. He couldn’t seem to get himself to play another game, so shutting everything down, he went to get himself ready for bed.
Diving under the cool, fluffy sheets didn’t seem to be enough for Jungkook to knock out, which was odd. Jungkook could easily fall asleep anywhere on anything. One time he even managed to fall into a deep sleep after downing two 500ml Monster energy drinks. He had planned to pull an all-nighter with some of his online friends for a good few games of Valorant, the best way to do so was to shove an insanely unhealthy amount of energy drinks down the hatch.
He didn’t expect it to be so easy to fall asleep right away – he didn’t even remember walking over to his bed before dropping dead. But this, this was just frustrating.
He tossed and turned for what felt like hours, until when he finally felt his eyelids become heavy, a key was heard jiggling in the lock of the door. It must’ve taken Jungkook longer to fall asleep than he had anticipated if Taehyung had already decided to leave the party; that boy wouldn’t leave a party unless bits of the morning sunlight was peeking through the windows of the house of the host.
The door finally opened. Jungkook squinted his eyes, adjusting to the new light shining through the door frame. A black silhouette walked pasted the door. It wasn’t until Jungkook’s blurry vision had cleared up that he noticed a feminine like figure standing at the door. Not just anybody, no.
You. In fact.
Jungkook felt his heart begin to tie knots. He was dreaming for sure; there was no way you could just appear in his dorm of all dorms. But there you were, in the flesh. You gently clasped the bundle of keys in your palm, preventing them from making any further noise, taking soft strides through the room – you probably thought he was asleep.  
You quietly made your way over to Taehyung’s bed, opening the drawer of his nightstand. Jungkook’s eyes monitoring your every move went completely unnoticed by you. The poor boy was in awe, it was like you were an angel that had descended from heaven and blessed him with your presence. Frankly, in Jungkook’s eyes, you were an angel.
You let a small aha slip past your lips, in your hands was a turquoise polaroid camera. You neared the delicate camera to your face, making sure it was the right item through the darkness, and indeed it was.
About to make your way out of the dorm, your head turned slightly; in the direction of the boy that was currently sweating his balls off and his heart pounding like crazy. Fuck, did you see him looking at you? You must’ve, you wouldn’t look at him otherwise. Could you hear his heart beating through his ribcage? That has to be it, after all it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
He hurriedly closed his eyes, praying to the lord above that for once in Jungkook’s cursed life, the spirits would work in his favor. God, if you do this for me, I won’t fart on Taehyung’s head pillow anymore.
You slowly made your way over to Jungkook’s bed, with each step you took he felt a new set of sweat gather in his warm palms. He couldn’t feel anything, all he heard was the shuffle of his blanket. The blanket that was supposed to be on him.
While Jungkook had gone unnoticed to you, the absence of his soft, grey blanket on his body had been completely disregarded. He had tossed so much in his unreachable sleep that he had kicked his blanket right off of him.
Not only did Jungkook feel his body overcome in warmth, but his heart also danced at the thought of you going out of your way to cover him in his blanket. Your kindness really was out of this world.
No matter how many times someone had hurt you, you never failed to leave the ways of resentment and treat people with kindness. You were truly too kind for your own good. That was one of your qualities that Jungkook was most fond of, the world didn’t deserve you. it didn’t deserve an angel.
You on the other hand, were completely oblivious to the fact that the man in front of you was wide awake. You crouched down by the side of his bed, you really should get going, you weren’t supposed to linger for so long.
Your eyes trailed the sleeping beauty on the bed. He looked so peaceful, his long eyelashes resting on the top of his cheek, a few of the hairs grazing the scar on right side of the skin. His dark hair was sprawled over his forehead. His lips were sealed, but slightly pouty, they looked so soft. 
You couldn’t make much of his face, the only source of light being the moon light throw the window.
You hand moved on its own. Fingers trailing to the strands of the dark hair, moving the silky locks out of his face.
You wish things had been different between you. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t miss Jungkook, which is the exact lie you had been telling yourself for weeks. Even though he was right in front of you, you missed him. No, fuck. You couldn’t miss him, even though you wanted things to be different, they never could be.
You snapped out of your daze, removing your hands from his face, you stood up and turned your heel.
“Don’t leave.” You flinched, a small holy shit, was heard from you. Turning back around, you saw Jungkook in the exact same position you had left him in, the only difference was that his eyes were now open. The warm orbs you were completely dazed by were now looking at you.
You had to leave, but you couldn’t, your feet grew minds of their own, obediently staying in place.
Jungkook sat up from his bed, never breaking eye contact with you. He was now seated at the edge of his bed, hands on either side of his thighs, tightly clenching on the sheets beneath him in order to prevent himself from reaching out after you.
There was no exchange of words, you were both lost in each other’s gazes. You were clutching your jacket tightly, looking like a dear caught in head lights. You took a step backwards, gathering every ounce of power you had in your body to try and get out of there. You just couldn’t stay.
“Please,” his voice sounded broken. There it was again – the expression on his face you had never learned to read. His eyelids were droopy, eyebrows relaxed yet slightly furrowed.
He rose from his bed, testing the waters. He examined your reaction before moving any further. When he saw you standing completely still, he took a step forward; you didn’t move, so he took yet another step. That’s when you started to back away, you didn’t look scared or alarmed, so he continued.
This kept going until the back of your thighs met a desk you had failed to notice was there in the first place. You have got to start paying more attention to your surroundings.
Jungkook was now in front of you, eyes looking at yours, searching for any sign of uncertainty. But all he saw was sadness and hurt. His heart clenched in discomfort, because partially – if not all – of the hurt in your eyes was because of him.
He wanted to pour his heart out to you, tell you he was sorry for being an asshole. Tell you he would cut his heart into pieces and hand it to you one by one if that’s what it took to make you happy.
But he wanted to be cautious, he didn’t want to scare you off. So instead, he carefully, carefully, lifted his hand up to your face. The knuckle of his middle finger grazed the side of your cheek. You didn’t flinch.
He extended his fingers to hold your cheek in his palm, his thumb ever so slightly caressing the flush skin. It wasn’t until you leaned into his touch that he felt how warm you were. He could barely make out the light tint of a rosy color on your cheeks. Must’ve been from the booze you’ve ingested at the party, he thought.
Unbeknownst to him, you had barely had enough alcohol to call yourself tipsy.
Deep in your own thoughts, you felt Jungkook’s other hand slip around your waist, the fingers on your cheek descended down to accompany his other hand.
He was hugging you. His face was buried right in the crook of your neck, arms securely wrapped around your frame, fearing for his dear life that you were going to let go of him. His fragile soul couldn’t take it if you did.
You, however, couldn’t bring yourself to hug him back, not until you felt the skin on your shoulder grow wet. “I’m so sorry,” he breathed, barely above a whisper – audible to your ear, nonetheless.
He pulled away, his hands resting on your sides lamely. His eyes were glossy, the tip of his nose red, and a few tears had trailed down his cheeks, leaving stains of the salty water. “I’m – It’s my fault, all of it, I know I don’t deserve it but please forgive me.” he sniffled, “I know you hate me, and you have every right to – “
“I don’t hate you,” for the first time that night, you spoke to him. Your voice instantly sedated the distress in Jungkook. You wiped the tears streaming down his face with your cold thumb, which only caused more to fall. “You should… It’s all my fault.”
Although that had been your exact theory for the past weeks, you couldn’t bring yourself to believe that the statement was true anymore. You continuously blamed Jungkook for everything that had happened to you, but that wasn’t fair, you realized that now.
Because if Jungkook really was at fault, then so were you. After all, it takes two to tango.
“It’s not,” you tried to soothe the tremendous guilt you could recognize behind his doe eyes, it was the exact same guilt you had felt when you returned from the weekend at the summerhouse. The same guilt that had eaten every bit of your fiber. Blaming yourself for days for having cheated on your now ex-boyfriend who turned out to be the biggest piece of shit to walk the earth.
“You didn’t force me to do anything,” you admitted, “but that fucker – “ Jaehyun, Jungkook hissed.
“Anything that came after the summerhouse wasn’t your fault. Jaehyun showed me who he really was – an asshole in disguise,” at the mention of what you had been through, Jungkook’s grip on your sides tightened slightly. You knew he was blaming himself for what Jaehyun had done.
It wasn’t anyone but Jaehyun’s fault.
You cupped his face in both your hands, smiling softly, “please stop blaming yourself for something you had no control over.” You spoke to him, but also to yourself.
For the longest time you thought it was your fault, that if you hadn’t slept with Jungkook, that you and Jaehyun would still be happy and he would never had touched you like he did.
You and Jaehyun hadn’t been happy for a while, and if he hadn’t snapped you would’ve continued to date A-level garbage.
It took you some time to realize that it was never your fault, and it most certainly wasn’t Jungkook’s fault. Your stomach dropped at the thought of him blaming himself so mercilessly.  
He sniffled harder at your words, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorr–“
The kiss was soft. You could tell he completely froze against your lips. Your hands were still on his cheeks; the feel of the occasional tear grazed the skin of your fingers. It didn’t take long for him to melt completely against the plush of your warm lips.
His arms moved back around your waist, pulling you against him until you were flush against his chest. You pulled away. He followed you, refusing that’d be the end of your kiss. His pleading lips captured yours in a second kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck in an attempt to deepen the kiss, not having much room to move them any place else when Jungkook was pressing himself so hard against you.
“I missed you,” he breathed between the kiss “so much.” Fuck, if only he knew how much you had missed him, “I couldn’t bare not having you around me.” You hummed against his mouth, hoping he understood that you reciprocated.
You felt his warm tongue scrape against your top lip, pleading to have a taste of yours. You complied easily. Opening your mouth for him to explore the heavenly wonder that was your mouth.
You had kissed Jungkook before, but this felt different, it was softer, much more gentle. The gliding of his tongue against yours felt new, but so right.
You soon came to the agreement that kissing Jungkook was one of your favorite things to do. The slow dance of your lips increased the beating of your heart, you were sure he could feel it knock against his chest.
He lifted your body, as if you were a feather and seated you on the desk behind you, standing right between your legs. His hands resting on either thigh, gently caressing the bare flesh.
Your lips suddenly felt cold, opening your eyes you found Jungkook’s brown orbs staring right at you. Worry began to creep its way up your spine. “What’s wrong?”
“Do… Do you want me to stop?”
He was being careful. Careful not to cross any boundaries. He couldn’t fuck up again, not this time. You smiled at him. Taking his hand in yours, you placed a peck at the top of his palm, “not at all.”
Jungkook swears his heart melted then and there; the softness in your eyes, the relaxed tone of your voice, there was no hesitation. You felt safe, which was everything Jungkook ever wanted.
He leaned back in, you closed your eyes, puckering up thinking he was going in for another kiss. You felt a pair of soft bud-like lips at the side of your jaw, “beautiful,” he whispered to himself. He kissed the top of your covered shoulder.
You leaned back slightly, both hands steady behind you to support you weight. Jungkook leaned forward, following you, refusing that any sort of distance was between you.
Even though you had given him the ok, you could feel Jungkook was slightly hesitant in his moves, which was nothing like the Jungkook you had in front of you almost an entire month ago. He was so confident and cocky, yet now, he seemed unsure.
He was afraid of touching you and screwing up everything.
“I won’t leave this time,” you whispered, moving your head so that you were now looking at him, “I’m not gonna run away.” You took his hand in yours, guiding them towards your tits. Jungkook watched in awe as his hand completely engulfed your breast.
You let go of his hand when you felt him begin to fondle with the perky tit. He moved back to your neck, but instead of small affectionate kisses, he now began to place open-mouthed kisses at the expanse of your neck. You tilted your head to the side, allowing him more space; you felt the corners of his lips curl slightly.
You gasped at the feeling of his tongue gliding over the skin, slapping your hand over your mouth. While one of his hands were busy with your chest, the other removed the hand from your face, “don’t, you sound so pretty.”
The fingers that were once wrapped around your hand moved down your torso, grazing the apex of your thigh. With his mouth still busy on your neck, he hoisted the length of your stripped dress (that was actually Mina’s), just enough to expose most of your legs, but not enough to reveal the fabric of your underwear.
The pad of his cold fingers slithered over the black textile experimentally. Carefully brushing over your clothed clit, you whimpered. You sounded downright touch deprived.
The lustful boy in front of you began sucking on your neck, all while cupping your clothed cunt without warning. “Fuck,” You jumped at the overwhelming touch.
“So sensitive” he mumbled, “aren’t you, angel,” you hummed at the rightfully missed affectionate name. You gripped his shoulders when you felt him massage a little harsher at your mound. Your underwear was beginning to stick to your folds embarrassingly fast.
Jungkook curled a finger around the section of fabric that was directly against your pussy. Providing access for his hand to touch your warmth without removing your underwear. A muffled, high pitched moan of his name rolled off your tongue at his slender finger sliding into your velvety walls.
You were already so wet, and you were sure he noticed how embarrassed you were about it, with the way you were discreetly trying to close your legs.
He used his other hand to keep your legs apart. “Don’t be shy,” he soothed, “I love this pretty” he scraped his finger against the spongy spot, “pretty pussy.”
“Jungkook, please,” you whined, it only caused Jungkook to chuckle whole-heartedly at your neediness, “what is it, baby?” he pressed his thumb against your clit, gently tapping at it. You shuttered.
“I, fuck, I–“ your thighs began to tense, “tell me,” he urged. You were trying your best, but every sentence you were attempted to formulate was instantly thrown out the window the second Jungkook added another finger into your cunt.
His fingers were scraping at your walls, pumping into you or scissoring. The dangerous combination of all of the above, and his thumb rubbing meaningless patterns on your nub had you seeing stars.
Too focused on his magical fingers, you overlooked the small detail of Jungkook now sitting between your thighs, kneeling. He rubbed your thigh soothingly.
Deciding to help you out, Jungkook wrapped his fingers around the lame excuse of your panties, dragging the pathetic fabric down your legs. You were now completely exposed.
Jungkook eyes you between your legs, shamelessly. “Pretty girl,” he wooed. He pulled his fingers out of you, you whined at the empty feeling.
He brought his soaked fingers up to his tongue, slowly licking them clean, all while maintaining eye contact with you. Telling yourself you could cum from the sight alone was in no way an understatement.
“Mmm, good, so fucking good.” He purred against his fingers. “Bet it would taste even better from here,” teasingly, he slid his finger up your soaked slit, punctuating his sentence, “wouldn’t it, angel?” You quivered at his words. “is that what you want?” yes. “your words, pretty girl.”  
“Yes – Yes, please. Please eat me out,” without further ado, Jungkook wasted no time placing a much-deserved kiss on your swollen bud. You moaned in relief, throwing your head back at the feeling of Jungkook’s lips circling your clit.
You bucked your hips at the feeling of his tongue sloppily gliding against your folds. Your fingers found themselves tangled in Jungkook’s dark and messy locks. He praised you.
Small grunts and low moans were felt against your warm cunt, “such a pretty pussy,” he mumbled to himself against you. You clenched around nothing at the compliment.
“Feels so good,” you cooed, “yeah?” small licks turned into long laps, “yeah – fuck, don’t stop.” Stopping was the furthest thing from Jungkook’s mind.
You felt knots beginning to tie at the pit of your stomach, Jungkook could easily feel you were about to burst. The constant tugging of his hair and the pulsating cunt was all he needed, to know he was doing his job right.
“I love seeing you so needy for me,” at this point, you’re chanting his name shamelessly. It isn’t until Jungkook adds a finger lamely circling your clit that you feel you’re about to snap. The familiar ache between your legs became almost unbearable, you threw your head back and shut your eyes.
“Eyes on me when you cum,” you obliged. Bending your head forward to watch Jungkook eat your cunt as if he hadn’t eaten in days. The view was the most sinful yet the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. His brows are furrowed, he murmured against your warmth. You occasionally saw the tip of his nose, and when you did it was absolutely soaked in your arousal.
“Oh my fuck– Jungkook.”
It’s only when Jungkook uttered his next sentence that you felt the knot in your stomach unravel. “Fuck, baby, I could eat you out for the rest of my life,” you’re breaking apart.
Your hips surge forward, pathetically grinding on Jungkook’s face — he lets you. Helping you ride out your high, he slowly laps his tongue over your spasming pussy. He’s watching your every move, “delicious,” he smiled innocently as if his mouth wasn’t completely covered in your cum.
He stood up once again, licked his lips clean in the process and you swore you just felt something trail down your thigh. Once he was at eye-level with you, you looked down and saw the tent that has formed in his sweatpants.
Naturally, you go to grab his cock. Not wanting to waste time, you wrapped your fingers around it over the material. He visibly shuttered at the feeling, and it wasn’t until then that you realized you hadn’t touched Jungkook – at all. Not even back at the summer house.
Here you were, complaining over how selfish Jaehyun used to be whenever you two were having sex, saying he never touched you properly or showed any ounce of effort.
You weren’t any different. So far, Jungkook had only been the giver, and you had been a spoiled pillow princess.
Trailing your eyes back up to Jungkook, you watched him carefully as you curled a finger around the waistband of his sweatpants and boxers simultaneously, dragging the unnecessary material down his legs.
His cock sprung up, hitting his stomach. The tip was red and hot, several drops of precum dripped down the angry shaft. He was impossibly hard and you began to feel guilt overcome you for having been so selfish with pleasure. Determined to make it up to him, you placed all five tips of your fingers at the very apex of his cock, sliding down until your palm comes in contact with the tip.
The prettiest whine you’d ever heard rolled off of Jungkook’s lips, he watched you attentively, “y-you don’t have to–“ you shushed him, “I want to.”
You twist your wrist and positioned your fingers around his dick. Using your thumb to spread the precum, you lightly brush his frenulum in which he grunts, “fuck, babyyy,” unintentionally thrusting up into your hand.
You squeezed harder and began to pump his cock. The surprising rotation of your wrist was enough to have him slap both hands on either side of the desk, completely trapping you.
“Faster,” he pleads, “go faster,” and you do. His head drops down to your shoulder. He tried to distract himself by sucking another bruise onto the skin of your neck, but it was completely hopeless with the pace your hand was pumping.
Rhythmically, he was subtly thrusting his hips into your hand, matching the pace. He couldn’t wait to fuck you, so for the time being, he had to fuck your hand. And God, it felt so good it was almost pathetic how much a handjob could rile him up.
You felt his hips stutter, and now it was his turn to chant your name. You placed a soothing kiss on the expanse of his shoulder, “Mmm gonna – haah, shit,” You hurriedly pushed him back gently and dropped to your knees. “What are you – Fuck!”
Most of his length is now shoved down as much as your gag reflex allows, and it isn’t until you have Jungkook’s cock halfway down your throat that you realize how fucking impressive his size is. The thought of having him stretch you out with his girth is enough to make you wet all over again.
Jungkook can’t resist collecting your strands of hair up into a ponytail and piston into your mouth, “s-sorry, I’m sorry,” strings of apologies are heard throughout the room, along with the sound of you choking. Your eyes begin to sting, fresh tears falling down the side of your cheek. He continues to fuck your throat, and contrary to his belief, you fucking love it.
You steady yourself by grabbing the sides of his thighs. Echoes of Jungkook’s moans and heavy sighs fill the room, alongside the sound of his cock continuously thrusting down your throat.
“so pretty, you’re s-so fucking pretty like this,” you hum at his praise, “like the feeling of my cock down your throat, huh? Dirty girl, fuck,” at this point your mascara had completely stained your cheeks.
The sight of your brows furrowed, eyes filled with tears, mascara-stained cheeks, and the absolute cherry on top: Jungkook repeatedly plunging his impossibly hard cock down your sore throat, was all it took for him to blow his load.
You’ve never heard such a moan come from Jungkook, it sounded broken and you’re certain it’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever hear in your life. You felt the warm, white liquid coat the walls of your cheeks and throat and you made sure to swallow every single drop.
You’re stopped from licking his dick clean when Jungkook pulls you back up to meet him at eye level. He lifts you up to sit at the desk again, hands on either side of you, he looks you dead in the eye, “I want to fuck you,” he says bluntly.
Your eyes widen slightly at his directness. Confused, you look down at his dick and holy fuck – he was still incredibly hard. Seriously, this boy had some serious stamina. You assumed his extraordinary stamina must’ve developed all those years in the gym.
You felt tiny under his gaze, you meet his eyes, nonetheless.
“Come here and fuck me then.” You felt bold when a shaky breath left his mouth. He hoisted both your legs up to his waist, causing you to lean back slightly, both your hands were forced to sit behind you once again to prevent yourself from falling backwards.
Without another word, Jungkook sealed the distance between your lips with a sweet kiss.
“Ohmygod–” was all you were able to say when his cock slowly disappeared inside of you, your walls of warmth hugging his length. Once again, you had underestimated just how big Jungkook actually was. He snaked a hand to meet the small of your back to steady himself before he finally began to pull himself out, leaving his tip, only to push back in.
You whined at the delicious stretch. Setting a fixed pace, Jungkook repeatedly thrusted into you, while his lips were busy on yours. You wrapped both arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in the hairs of his nape. “Mmm fuck,” he moaned deliciously against your lips.
“Feels good?” he asked, parting your lips with a soft chu. You nodded; your eyelids lazily drooped over your orbs; eyebrows scrunched together at the feeling of his tip kissing your cervix. He felt so good.
“Say it,” he rasped, “tell me how good it feels,” his thrusts grew harder, “tell me how good I’m fucking this pretty pussy. My pussy,” his pussy, yes, it was his.
You cried at the claim. “It feels so good Guk – fuck I love when you fuck me like this.”
He pounded harder, as if he was trying to punctuate something. Both your breaths quickened, equally as eager to chase your own high as you were each other’s. Pushing his chests flush against yours, he leaned his forehead against yours, neither of you broke eye contact.
“L-love you,” he cried. “I love you.”
It felt as if all the air in your lungs was punched out of you, you couldn’t pinpoint whether it was Jungkook’s hips thrusting into yours unforgivingly, or if it was the fact that the boy you basically watched grow up happened to be the same person you’ve liked since middle-school, standing in front of you, telling you he loves you.  
You lied to yourself, you genuinely thought whatever strong feeling you felt for Jungkook had died down, that you had truly moved on. You even got a boyfriend and all that.
But it wasn’t until you heard Jungkook utter those three words that you realized they never went away, no – you had hidden those feelings away in a box and chained several chains around it to keep them suppressed.
You loved him too, of course you did. You never stopped loving him for fucks sake. It pains you to think about how much crap both of you were put through for you to realize this.
“I love you.”
12-year-old Y/N was applauding and smiling like crazy; you finally said it. The love you had carried for Jungkook in your poor overwhelmed heart was finally spilled all over the table.
Jungkook’s hips stuttered at your reciprocating words. He hadn’t expected you to say it back, but for the love of all that is holy; he loved hearing you say it, it sounded so pretty coming from you. “Say it again,” he was now smiling, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him.
His eyes were glowing, so of course you had to say it again, “I love you. Fuck – I always have.”
“Jeon Jungkook,” completely out of breath, you caressed the side of his cheek, watching as his eyes teared up once again. He only fastened his pace, if that was even humanly possible. Lovingly, you ran your thumb across the scar that laid right on his cheek, “I am in love with you.”
That being said – Jungkook exploded, with you following right after him. You were holding on to each other for dear life, with slow pumps to help ride out your highs. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, at your final clench.
Small strings of I love you’s were heard from Jungkook who was breathlessly panting into your neck. He kissed your temple, guiding a small string of hair behind your ear.
“You know,” he started, “I’ve been in love with you since freshman year of high school,” he smiled adoringly at you, “the first day we had a biology class, I saw you slip a note into my locker that read ‘if I could be a nitrogen base, I’d be adenine so I could be paired with U.’ and there was a small purple bellflower taped to the corner of the paper. You’ve had my heart ever since that day.”
Your eyes widened, physically cringing at yourself in your teenage years, “I can’t believe you knew it was me, and really? That’s what it took for you to like me back?” You giggled, “you can’t blame me, you were, and still are, extremely adorable.” He shrugged his shoulders. You gently pushed his shoulders, feeling your face turn red at the reminder of your rather sappy biology pick up line.
“Well, I’ve loved you since middle school. I win this one, Jeon.”
Saturday 02:57AM
“What’s taking so long, Y/N should be back by now,” Jin winced, eyeing the small watch on his wrist.
Taehyung and Mina looked at each other, “do you think it worked?” Mina questioned, a beaming smile plastered across her face, “yup,” Taehyung crossed his arms proudly. “Operation tell-Y/N-to-get-polaroid-camera-because-Taehyung’s-too-drunk-for-his-own-good-so-that-she-could-be-trapped-in-the-same-room-as-Jungkook-and-make-up… Was a success!”
taglist: @selinashere @jjenjen @ladyartemesia @emsuzz @iamjiminsfloor @silvlyjmhwa
176 notes · View notes
hollandgarden · 4 years
Drinking Game (TH)
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Description: After Tom and his girlfriend are snowed in the for evening, unable to attend Harrison’s birthday party, he comes up with a brillant game. Each rounds leaves one of them with more or less clothing. Who will be the winner of the head on surprise?
Warnings: smutty af (if you’re under 18, maybe don’t read), alcohol use, swearing, stupid sexy Tom 
Word Count: 1,848
“Hey, babe?” I called. 
Tom came swiftly down the stairs, ready to go to Harrison’s birthday party. “What?”
I shot him a nervous smile as I pulled back from the window. “The snow is coming down pretty good. News says the roads are already slick.” 
“Damn, I’ll message H. We should not risk it,” he mumbled, pushing up his glasses, and crossed his arms. “No excuse to drink then.” 
“You need an excuse?” I snorted. “We both know that’s not true.” 
Tom tapped his chin, a subtle smirk crossing his face. “Let’s have our own drinking game.” 
“What kind?” 
I followed him into the squared off kitchen and watched him take out a whole twelve pack of Coors Light. This oughta be interesting. 
“We’ll have six rounds. First five the loser has to remove an item of clothing. The sixth round, the loser goes down on the winner,” Tom explained. 
I eyed him curiously. “Basically, we’re getting shit-faced and someone’s getting head?”
He bit his lip, then chuckled “Yeah, pretty much. Sounds good, yeah?”
The look on his face alone should’ve warned me what it actually involved. But I couldn’t argue that this wasn’t going to be better than going out with friends.
“Sounds fucking perfect. Let’s get started.” 
Both of us took off our winter coats and shoes before we settled into the living room. I pulled back my hair with the tie on my wrist. Who knew how this was going to go; it was a toss up honestly. But winning the last round would be oh so fucking sweet. 
“Ready?” Tom started as he popped his tab. 
“Steady,” I countered, popping my own. 
“Go!” we both yelled and started chugging. 
Oh, boy, this first round was not going to be good for me. The bubbles running down my throat made me cringe a little and slowed me down. I went as fast as I could though, yet Tom slammed his empty on the coffee table first.
I did get better the more drunk I was. We both knew that. 
“I say jumper,” he stated, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“You didn’t say the winner chose the item,” I retorted, already holding back a small burp from the carbonation. 
Tom fully smirked. “I’m adding it now. Come on, make it more fun, my love.” 
He was right on that. I barely huffed as I pulled off the navy crew neck to reveal my black lace bra. 
“Look at those,” he whistled lowly. 
I rolled my eyes. “Tom, you’ve seen them before.” 
“But they’re yours and I love them every time.” 
I couldn’t stop the heat that filled my cheeks, and that was partly due to the one drink and heater we had going. 
“Second round.”
I struggled against the same bubbly current. I chugged the liquid through the tiny hole as quickly as possible. I eyed Tom from the corner of my eye and he was doing the same; a clint of amusement sparkled. I coughed at the little bit of alcohol went down the wrong tube and I had to stop. 
He threw his arms in the air. “I win!” He gestured widely at my bottoms area. “Skirt next. I want the skirt.”
“If you say so. You won’t win every round. I’ll get one and then it’s my turn to make the call.” I stood up before I reached back for the zipper of the black and white houndstooth mini. I inched it down, Tom enjoying every second until it naturally fell to the ground. I flicked it to the side with my foot. I did sway a little and after this third I would definitely be tipsy. 
Tom leaned over to plant a sweet kiss on my lips. “I look forward to it.”
We cheered to start the third. The time slipped by as it had in the others. Some of the beer splashed onto my cheek, but I managed to win this one. I had found my rhythm finally. No more stuffing my cheeks as much as I could before swallowing and doing it again; I went straight for a fluid stream. 
I ripped one to announce the victory. There was no way to stop the giggles that followed and I covered my mouth with the hand that held the empty to hide them. “Go ahead with... your button up.” 
“Cheers, I was gett-” he lightly burped and busted out laughing. “I was getting stuffy.”
I licked my lips as he barely fumbled with the buttons. He raised his eyebrows up and down, like an idiot, as he whipped it off to reveal his beautiful chest. There was no way to not linger on the collarbone area and biceps, and I had to swallow away the sensation. 
Get a hold of yourself.
I shot up and slid into the kitchen. “Eat. We need a s-snack!”
“Get the crisps!” he yelled. 
I dramatically opened the cabinet doors and crawled up onto the counter, which was immensely unnecessary but so fun. Then I scrambled the three different bags into my arms and hurried back to him, tossing the bag of crisps to him. I ate out of the already opened bag of popcorn. The saltiness and slight crunch was exactly what I needed; though chicken nuggets wouldn’t be a bad idea either. This would do. 
Tom leaned back against the armchair with his eyes closed and munched slowly. 
“Not done already, are you?” I giggled under my breath. “I-I think… that qualifies as an automatic win for the final prize.”
“Nope!” He shot his head up. “Just resting up, darling.” 
I popped another piece into my mouth. “Let me know when.”
“Ha ha.”
He rolled up the bag and tossed it aside. “Seriously, let’s go.” 
I scooted back up to the table, letting my legs sprawl underneath it and rest up against his. “Okay.” 
Let me save you from the gory details of my horrid slurping. Tom won his third round. I knew the crisps would soak up some of his alcohol and sober him up enough to focus. Fuck. 
Slowly, he set the can on the table and tapped his chin, “How about.... Your underwear, but leave the tights on.
I furrowed my brows. “W-why?” 
He squinted an eye momentarily and shrugged. “It’s hot.” 
There was no way I’d admit to him that I agreed. Though, this meant I had to go through the hassle of taking off the sheer black material and pulling them back on. I’m sure that was unattractive to watch; embarrassing for sure. He was the only one I’d ever do this for. 
My vision was getting blurry, and if I attempted to use my phone it would definitely end in a disaster. But a hilarious moment in the morning. Alas, I tossed it somewhere on the couch to stop myself. 
We went straight into the fifth round and I practically spilled half of the beer on my chest. Well, that was one way to win. 
“Bott-ttems.” I pointed him up and down. “Take them off, Holland.”
I gazed in pure amusement as he tried to dance them off. 
“You’re such a dork.” 
He pointed at me abruptly with a serious look. “But you love me.” 
I rolled my eyes. “I do. More snacks or should we go straight into the next?”
“Straight!” He circled his hand and plopped down to grab his last can. 
I reached over for my last and it took me two tries to pick it up. I was basically drunk. If we were at a club and anyone asked, I’d try to convince them I wasn’t. I’m sure if he asked right now, I’d do the same. It wouldn’t be believable. 
This final round was the one that truly counted, though I wouldn’t care who won. It was pleasurable to give and receive in my opinion. 
“One,” I started. 
Tom cocked a brow, bringing the can closer to his mouth. “Two.” 
I also brought the cool metal to touch my lips. “Three!” 
I tiled my head back as far as I could to give leverage for a smoother chug. It was by far the best I had done all the rounds, though that didn’t matter. It didn’t take a scientist to see how slow Tom was drinking. 
When I finished, I slammed my empty on the table and whipped my arms out. “You cheated!” 
“I cheated?” he gasped and rested a hand on his chest. “You won!” 
I giggled. “You let me win.” 
“I…” He held a finger up. “I did not… Y-you won fair and square, my love.”
Tom crawled his way over to my side and left small kisses on my neck. “Get up-p on the couch.”
I couldn’t stop the short giggles. But I backed my way up onto the couch. I rested my legs on his shoulders and eyed him. His lips left sweet kisses on the inner of my thighs and trailed all the way up. We were going straight for it; that was fine by me. 
His mouth came close to the already throbbing at the thoughts. His breath left me cringing. The laughs couldn’t be controlled as he did a few more puffs of air on purpose. It tickled and he knew that. 
“Stop that.”
Tom looked up at me for a moment with a laugh before he slid his tongue up and down. It was hot against my clit and I swallowed. He wouldn’t get the satisfaction of pleasing me so soon. 
“Not yet,” I mumbled, tangling my fingers in the soft, chocolate curls. 
Tom licked his lips, pure determination in his eyes. His mouth disappeared and the slick warmth returned. He continued his slower teases, not missing a single area. Every inch was loved. His lightly calloused hands trailed up on my outer thighs and landed on my lips for a squeeze. It caused me to shiver. 
I found myself making small pulses and moaned as I closed my eyes. His lips left sweet kisses as well. That was torturing. 
His hands pulled down the tights, only halfway, and he used them to keep my legs at his sides; this was why he wanted me to leave them on, I knew that now. I whimpered as he leaned back in. His licks turned into numbing flicks on my clit. We should’ve put a towel down; this was not something I should be thinking about right now. 
“More, Tom. Make me cum.” 
I had to sit up a little as leverage when the burning sensation began and gasped. I gripped the throw pillow beside me with my final moans and clenched. I revelled in the following shudders. It was almost better than the actual high.
“Fuck,” I breathed. The only coherent thought I had after that drunken orgasm. “I… definitely won.” 
Tom crawled his way up to give me a peck. “We both won, darling.”
I laughed. “I say we play this again next weekend.”
“I agree…. Shall we eat and binge more Teen Wolf.” 
I clapped my hands. “Hell yeah!”
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hoe4almondmilk · 3 years
Safety Net: Chapter 3
Present! Carol Denning/Reader
Trigger Warning: There is mentions of Attempted sexual assault, nothing in detail though. 
“Oh, don’t be like that! Just give me a piece and I won’t make an arrest for reckless driving and possession.” The cop chuckled as he attempted to grab your shoulder.
“I said get the fuck away from me!” you yelled. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as his face approached yours. 
He grabbed you by the shoulders, everything was happening so fast and yet it felt like it was all in slow motion. That's when you grabbed his gun from his waist and shot him.
You gasped, sitting up quickly. Your heart was pounding and your skin was slick with sweat from the nightmare. It took a few moments to finally catch your breath.
“Oh my god.” You groaned quietly, as you rubbed your eyes from exhaustion.
This was your first nightmare in a very long time. The last time you had a nightmare was back when you first arrived at camp but that was years ago and you were on antidepressants. You had almost forgotten how real they felt. How they brought you back to that horrific moment. The moment your life was turned upside down and changed for the worst. 
“The fuck is wrong with you?” Carol groaned in a grumpy tone from underneath her bunk in a groggy voice interrupting your thoughts.
“Nothing. Just a nightmare.” You replied blankly as you laid back down.
After a few minutes of silence you heard Carol ask “You okay, kid?” Maybe you were delusional from being tired but you could’ve sworn you heard the slightest bit of concern in Carol’s voice.
“Not even a little bit.” You whispered as you attempted to hold back the tears.
It felt almost like hours before you could fall back asleep, scared your nightmare would continue if you closed your eyes.
“Wake the fuck up, Inmate.” C.O. Hellman yelled as he smacked the door of your cell, making a large clap noise that made you jump up from your sleep.
“Okay, I’m awake.” You groaned, as you rubbed your eyes and slid down from your bunk. You must’ve slept in pretty late, considering Carol was absent from her bunk. 
After getting changed into your navy scrubs and brushing your teeth, you made your way out of your cell into the common area. 
You scanned the room to see Carol at her usual spot playing bridge with the other women. 
You and Carol were on good terms now after your agreement the other night. An hour before lights out she’d even spend some time with you, giving you a bridge lesson. Still you still really weren’t sure if you were on that level of familiarity with her yet to just go sit at her table. You looked over to see your two favorite people Piper and Alex and made your way towards them.
“Well, someone slept in pretty late.” Alex said as she looked up from her book.
“Yeah, I had some trouble sleeping last night and I guess my body made up for it.” You groaned and you got comfortable in your seat.
“(L/N), what happened to you the other night? I can still see the bruises on your neck.” Piper inquired.
“Oh, shit.” Alex hissed as she leaned in to take a closer look at the now yellow bruising on your neck.
“I’d rather not talk about it.” Your hand rubbed your neck as a pathetic attempt to shield the bruises. 
“Was it Badison?” Piper’s eyes widened. “You see Alex, I told you Badison is fucking crazy.” 
“Chapman, shush!” You hushed Piper. “Seriously, watch what you say around here.” 
“So it was Badison?” Piper whispered.
“Jesus, yes, Chapman. Listen, I have it taken care of, okay?.” You groaned, you did not want what happened to you the other night in the showers happening to her.
“If you say so.” Piper sighed as she looked over to Alex in hopes for a response. Alex just shrugged her shoulders. 
“Well, speak of the devil.” Alex warned as Badison made her way over to your table.”
“Hey lezzies, sorry to interrupt but Carol wants to see Mouse.” Badison chuckled. “Now.” She demanded.
“Well, off I go.” You sighed as you got up from your spot following the rambunctious blonde.
It’s safe to say you probably should’ve sat with Carol when you entered the common room. Hopefully, she’s not too upset. How could you have known? You gulped out of nervousness. What if you did piss her off? If Badison could get two girls to jump you in the shower imagine the damage Carol could do if she really wanted to. 
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts when you made it over to Carol’s table. Akers, Creech, Teng, Brock, Chambal and of course Carol were all sitting at the table. Badison sat down in front of Carol. You could feel not only her eyes on you but the eyes of the other women who sat around Carol. 
“Brock, move.” Carol said not looking up from her cards.
Brock rolled her eyes as she got up and away from her spot next Carol.
Carol looked up from her the cards in her hands and met your eyes with hers. “Sit.” 
You nodded and sat next to her, filling in Brock’s spot.
“It’s your turn to switch in.” Carol slid the deck of cards to you.
“What is she doing here?” Teng grunted obviously annoyed by your presence at the table. 
You couldn’t really blame her, Badison did order her to go jump you and made you out to be an enemy, yet here you were sitting next to Carol playing bridge.
Carol looked up from her cards and glared at Teng. “She works with us now.”
“So, Mouse. What the fuck are you in here for?” Badison smirked. You could feel the eyes of everyone at the table on you, except Carol who was too focused on the cards in her hands. 
“I’d really rather not talk about it.” You replied as you drew a couple of cards trying to focus on the game. 
You actually hadn’t told really anyone about why you were in prison in the first place but camp was small so word got around and so did rumors about what you had done, most of which weren’t true. You didn’t care, let them think what they want. You wanted to do your time and leave this place behind. But of course, your luck, the riot happened as you only had three years left of your seven year sentence. 
You were at maximum now, things were different here. You were surrounded by some of the most violent types of offenders. Maybe you should’ve been here in the first place. No, you shouldn’t. You did what you had to do.
 “Probably something petty, you did come here from minimum.” She chuckled. “Ain’t nothin tough about you.” It took everything in you not to roll your eyes at her. 
“Madison.” Carol cautioned with a glare. After a few moments of silence, Carol asked “Are you gonna tell us?”, as she glanced over at you waiting for an answer.
Should you lie? No, no definitely not. Carol was the boss, she could probably have a CO find out for her if she really wanted to and she'd have your head if she found out you lied to her.
 “I shot a cop.” You muttered as you pulled another card from the deck. You looked up when you noticed the wave of silence that washed over the entire table. Everyone was shocked to say the least. Even Carol whose face normally wore a blank expression looked slightly surprised with one of her eyebrows raised. 
“Damn, Mouse is a cop killer!” Creech laughed. 
“Yo, that’s badass!” Akers joined in with Creech. Both women were laughing in unison.
“Bullshit.” Badison laughed. “You just want to look tough.”
“It’s true.” You replied, as you sank further into your seat. Just wanting the attention to shift away from you. 
And unfortunately you were telling the truth but you couldn’t blame her for not believing you or anyone for that matter. You hated people finding out what you did. You didn’t necessarily regret what happened but you hated the way people saw you after you told them. Especially in prison, it gave a false image of you. You weren’t a violent person nor did you ever try to appear as one.
“Then why were you in minimum “cop killer”?'' Badison leaned forward, asking almost as if she was challenging you. Everything was a competition to her. 
You slammed the cards down on the table. “Not that it’s any of your business, Badison, but I didn’t kill him and it was self defense.” 
“I’m not buying it.” Badison continued.
“I don’t have to prove anything to you, Badison.” You scoffed, as you once again tried to center your focus back to the game. 
“Well that’s a shame cause you really sho-“
“Madison.” Carol interrupted her mid sentence “Stop.” Her eyes burning onto the loud blonde, obviously having enough of Badison starting petty pointless fights. 
You tried your best to stop the corners of your mouth from curving into a small smile. It was nice knowing Carol was keeping her end of the deal. 
Badison gulped and did as Carol said. 
“You know what,” Carol put her deck of cards down. “Madison, Scat.”
“What?” Badison asked almost dumbfounded.
“Unless you can play bridge well, all of a sudden, go. You’re annoying me.” Carol continued her glare at Badison.
“Fine.” Badison stood up from her spot and slowly trudged off, anger obvious in every step. 
Normally you would’ve been scared but you weren’t. Badison knew she was already crossing the line with Carol’s patience. She knew not to fuck with you like she did last time. 
“Let’s start over.” Carol sighed as she began to reshuffle the thick deck of playing cards.
After an hour of non stop rounds of bridge, Carol decided to take a break. She needed to talk to Badison about their new haul of pills. You weren’t complaining, your ass was starting to hurt from sitting on the hard plastic seat for so long. You headed up the stairs to your cell to lay down for a bit. You let out a quiet groan, as you rubbed your lower back. Your lower back definitely needed a break too.
“Psst.” You heard a voice whisper to you right before you walked into your cell, stopping you in your tracks. God it better not be fuckin Badison. You looked over and almost screamed. It was Nicky. 
“Long time no see, Doll.” Nicky chuckled as she leaned against the custodial cart.
“Nicky,” It took everything in you not to run into her arms and hug the absolute shit out of her. “I- How-... What are you doing here?” 
You couldn’t believe your eyes, you hadn’t seen Nicky since you guys were in Ad Seg but you two couldn’t really even have a real conversation because of the asshole guards. 
Nicky was one of the few real friends you had at camp. You remember the day she first arrived to camp. You two had been inseparable since and not that you would ever admit it but at one point you had a slight crush on her. You never mentioned it nor would you ever mention it to her because you value your friendship with Nicky more.
“What, not happy to see me?” She chuckled as she faked a pout.
You looked around to make sure no one was looking, seriously not needing another jumping. You smiled looking back at her, “I’m so happy, if I could hug you and not get jumped I would.” 
Nicky’s smile quickly faded when her eyes landed on your neck, “A second time? What the fuck happened?” 
You groaned, damn how long were these bruises gonna stay. “I don’t want to talk about it, it won’t happen again.”
 Nicky rolled her eyes and she gripped the mop in her hands tighter, her anger was obvious.“Who did that to you? I swear I’ll-“
“You’ll what? You’ll get jumped too, Nicky. It’s not like camp. Red can’t protect us here. Where is she anyway? Is she in D-Block with you?” The last time you saw Red was in Ad Seg.
“No, She must still be in Ad Seg.” Nicky looked hurt answering that. You wanted to hug her. It was painful knowing you couldn’t. 
“How are you, Nicky? Seriously, I fuckin miss you.” You could feel your eyes watering up. 
Nicky sniffled, “I miss you too,” She wiped her eyes, “You know, I’ve been better, Lorna and her bunkie adopted a pack of rats so I’ve had to hear about that for the past four days.” Nicky chuckled.
“Ew, that’s gross.” You chuckled softly.
“Nichols!” CO Blake yelled. “There’s a spill down here!” 
“Heigh-ho, off to work I go.” Nicky groaned, as she started to wheel her cart away, She turned around to say “I miss you, kid.” sadly.
“I miss you too, Nicky. More than you could know.” You replied, you slowly turned around trying to soak up as much of her image as you could before you made your way back into your cell. 
You quickly wiped the tears from your eyes before anyone saw. You hated it here. None of you deserved to be in here. You wanted your prison family back even if it was a dysfunctional mess.
You crawled up your bunk and into your bed, plopping face down into your very thin pillow. Praying that you’d just wake up from all of this and be back home with your family before all of this mess happened. Prison was a tortuous hell. 
Snapping you out of the hypnotizing darkness that was your pillow, you heard, “It’s barely noon and you’re asleep again?”
You lifted your head up to see Carol leaning against the entrance of the cell.
You let out a groan as you flipped onto your back, as you faced the ceiling. “I wasn’t sleeping.” 
“That’s surprising.” Carol chuckled as she strolled into the cell and sat herself down on her bed. “You’re so young, what do you have to be tired about?” 
You rolled your eyes, you absolutely hated it when people told you that, it was so annoying. “You know, that’s really invalidating.” You sat up on your bed, leaning your body towards the edge of the bed so you could look at her.
Carol was hardly listening, too focused on her magazine and lollipop. “Invalidating, how so?” She gave you a glance, taking a minuscule break from her scantily clad men.
“You’re just assuming, I have nothing to worry about solely because of the fact that I'm young. I don’t even feel young because of the place. Prison has robbed me of my youth. I should be in college.” You looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I should be anywhere but here.” 
Carol was silent for a moment, looking at you. “How long have you been in here?”
“I was eighteen, when it happened. I just graduated high school.” 
“Eighteen.” Carol repeated, She chuckled. “You were about my age when I first got here.” 
“You’ve been in here since you were eighteen?” You asked, you were shocked. Carol’s spent her whole life in this place and by the looks of how she runs things here, she wouldn’t be getting out anytime soon. 
“Crazy, isn’t it? It’s gone by so excruciatingly slow yet time flew by so fast.” She sighed as she removed her glasses from her face to rub her eyes. There was a hint of sadness and yet some passive aggressiveness in her voice. “It was originally just twenty-five years but I was betrayed by someone I cared about and so I got an extra thirty stacked on top.” She leaned her head against the wall of her bunk.
An “I’m sorry, Carol.” was all you could say, was there anything else you could say? This woman has spent her whole life in this place and was most likely going to die here, yet for some reason you thought you had the right to complain about a measly seven years.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m different now. I’ve learned not to trust anyone here so easily.” She put her glasses back on her face. There was a moment of silence. “So, exactly why did you shoot that cop, tough girl?” 
“It’s hard to talk about.” You muttered. “I have so many mixed feelings about what happened.”
“Sit down here with me.” Carol invited, scooting over to where her pillow laid.
You nodded as you climbed down from your bed to hers, not wasting this act of kindness from Carol. You knew she was cold blooded and was rarely kind to anyone. So far though, she made an exception for you. You just took it as her being nice because you were new and could offer something for her business.
You sat down on her bed, pulling your knees to your chest. “I didn’t intend to shoot him. That was the last thing I wanted to do but I didn’t have any other choice.” Your voice became hoarse as you tried to hold back the tears. 
Carol watched and listened to you in silence. 
“I had to, I wasn’t going to let him rape me. That’s what he wanted. I saw how he looked at me and how he grabbed me. I can still feel his grasp on my arms.” Tears fell from your eyes. Three years later and it was still so hard to talk about. You should be getting proper counseling, not the bullshit you were getting from Healy back at camp.
“Is that why you woke up last night?” Carol asked. You looked over at her and her expression was soft. Before it was a word that couldn’t be put with Carol. She was hard, tough and cold. Yet somehow she was showing you sympathy.
You nodded. “This was my first nightmare in years. My last one was when I first arrived at camp.” You wiped your tears away and chuckled. “What’s so fucked up is I’m the victim and yet I'm the one in prison. They decided his gunshot wound was his punishment.” 
You flinched when you felt Carol’s hand touch your back. Your muscles slowly relaxed when she began to rub your back. She didn’t say anything for a moment there. She didn’t need to. Her hand on your back was all she needed to say. This was the first time in a while you had felt someone show you slightest bit of affection. It was nice. You were touch starved.
“Thank you.” You gave Carol a small smile.
And she smiled back at you.
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marumafan · 3 years
Hi! I don't know if anyone have asked this before (I'm still reading the novels so I'm not at this point yet). But when do you think is the "moment" where Wolfram falls in love or fully dedicate himself romantically (not merely "I'm your fiance" sort of situation) to Yuuri and vice versa? Like something Yuuri did to turn that love switch on (I don't know the best way to present this question because the entire story is the great part about their relationship growth)
Hello Anon!
It's a matter of interpretation. There's no explicit "and this was the moment when X fell in love with Y" line in the novels, so I'll give you my interpretation.
If you have been following me for a while you'll know I'm convinced that Takabayashi-sensei is determined to make Yuuri and Wolf 'equals' in every way. So for me, they both 'realized' they were in love with one another in the same way.
1) Attraction
When it comes to 'attraction' I think they were both attracted to one another since novel 1 . With Yuuri it's easy to tell because we can 'read his thoughts' and when he met Wolfie he was gushing all over the place like ' gosh darn it this beautiful angel'. More specifically I'd say that by the end of novel 1, on chapter 10, we can really see that they're both attracted to one another.
for Yuuri you have this line: " From the far side of the corridor, the blond with wavy hair comes running. The intense navy blue uniform suits him; the mazoku Prince Wolfram. I muttered in a sigh 'Although he's a man, he's this beautiful, Günter'. Yuuri is telling Gunter how hot he thinks Wolfie is.
And Wolf a few lines after this: He glances here and there without looking at my face. It might be my imagination but his usually white, smooth cheeks were a slight red.
"Appearing without any treasure, don't embarrass my older brother and me!"
So anyway Wolfie was blushing because he was about to pledge to Yuuri and I'd say probably because he also kinda realized the double black was hot.  (Wolfie mentions in novel 2 that Yuuri is cute and Yuuri tells him he's cuter... plus all the other stuff )
2) Developing feelings
It didn't happen right away for neither Wolf nor Yuuri (despite the way their relationship was portrayed in the anime). Yes, they liked each other, but they didn't know each other well. The more time they spend with one another, the more they liked each other. Yuuri realizes that Wolf isn't just a hot tsundere, but someone who's always doing the 'right thing' (according to what he knows)... just like him. And Wolf also realizes that Yuuri isn't just a hot rookie, but that he actually also likes to do the right thing (according to what he knows).... just like him.
The thing is that they have very different backgrounds "so the right thing" meant different things for each of them, but over time and getting to know each other, and Yuuri changing what the 'right thing' is in Shin Makoku, they started seeing eye to eye and understanding each other better; and liking each other more.
3) Falling in love
This is my interpretation due to the way they act before and after what happens.
I think that they both realized they were in love with the other when they 'almost lost' the other person.
This happens for Wolf first during the Caloria arc.
Yuuri has travelled without being summoned by Ulrike. Gunter gets shot (killed?), they find Conrad's severed arm, and Yuuri is missing. It looks really bad.This is when Wolf barges into Shinou's Shrine having absolutely lost his shit demanding to see Ulrike. When she tells him Yuuri's alive, Wolfram is so incredibly relieved (his relieved smile in the manga gives me life), and after this he sneaks out (going against Gwen's orders) and goes looking for Yuuri. At this point, Wolfram doesn't give a flying fuck about anything other than finding Yuuri.
After finding Yuuri he pretty much tells him 'i love you' in the words "if that happens, then we'll fall together", in the scene where they both could have fallen down the cliff. (Wolf also slaps him back "as a reply to his marriage proposal" which I have argued several times he had replied to in the past (in novel 1), but he made it more clear in this arc after all of this.)
For Yuuri, this happens at the beginning of the Seisakoku arc, when Wolfram gets shot.
Yuuri and Wolf are on a ship that's being attacked, suddenly Yuuri can't feel Wolfram's hand that was holding his, and when he looks to his side Wolf is on the floor shot through the heart. Yuuri first tries to heal Wolf and when he can't (and thinks Wolfie is dead), he loses his absolute shit and turns into the maou (which he never did for any other "character death/injury" he had witnessed). He's about to fuck shit up when Wolf's like "Cut it out, I'm fine".
After this, they don't get to spend much time together, but Yuuri gets obsessed with Wolfie, and thinking about how he almost died.... He 'sees' Wolfie in places he couldn't be and finally, when they meet again, Yuuri tells him his ' i love you' in the words " I'm tired of pretending" before the bed scene, right after telling him he was happy Wolf was there with him.  (Also in the last novel he says Wolf is his 'most important person' which is code for 'the one they love' in the novels. Interestingly enough, the time when Wolfie almost died is brought up at the exact moment when he says the 'most important person' line.)
4) After realizing they've fallen in love
Wolf: For Wolfie is easy to see... he's not jealous anymore. He doesn't insist on the marriage, and he's more at ease with Yuuri and lets him do whatever. (When you love someone you just want them to be happy, so he's not obsessing anymore). Also, I think Wolf kinda knows that Yuuri's in love with him too, before Yuuri realizes, since he tells him during the Caloria arc: That it was a good thing Wolf made Yuu angry back in novel 1, or Yuuri would have never proposed and would be having a "one sided crush on Wolf"... XD I mean... Wolf would know best what his relationship to Yuuri is right? (I've talked about this before, Yuuri's an unreliable narrator and doesn't tell us a lot of things)
Yuuri: 1) the bed scene: he pretty much confesses he's in love with Wolf, asks to sleep with him in his bed and we get the 'cut to black' scene. (which according to a story that sensei herself wrote this, in Shin Makoku naughty books, cut to black means sex, but whatever if you think I'm overreaching I won't die on this hill -> it can have other interpretations) 2) The 'Are you asking for a divorce!?' line when Wolf punched him (to save his life-> for those who haven't read that far). Yuuri is kinda 'married' in his head now, so yeah. Plus 3) every single extra story from Crossheart, to Misepan2, to Love Letter, where Yuuri's super mushy in love with Wolf.
-> Misepan2: Yuuri: “ When it comes to things that I can give you, I would give you anything, Wolf."
TLDR: It's my interpretation they realized they were in love with one another after almost losing the other.
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vibrant-leaf · 3 years
Therapy is Manly
Part two.
🧡 ~KiriBaku Fic~ ❤️
Summary: The happy ending to part one of this breakup/makeup fic! Many months later, Bakugou finally tries again. The link to the song that inspired me to write this whole thing is at the bottom. And here is a link to part one if you haven't read that yet. Enjoy!
Word Count: 4032
Warnings: cursing, very little angst, suggestive tones but nothing explicit
10 months later…
No way. There is absolutely no fucking way that Bakugou’s going to let anyone lay a single finger on Kirishima if he’s there to help it. He understands Kirishima’s strength and knows he can take care of himself easily. But he also knows that Kirishima doesn’t have eyes in the back of his head. So when some dumbass villain decides it’s a brilliant idea to try and go for Red Riot’s back when he’s already busy with another villain, Dynamight’s eyes instantly lock onto his target before he’s charging and yelling at him and proceeds to blow the villain back a solid one hundred- ope no he’s still going- two hundred yards. Sure, he could’ve held back just a tad but that’s what the fucker gets so, oh well.
Kirishima‘s able to look over in the direction of the poor soul who’s knocked out in the next town over when he finally gets a hold of the villain in front of him, and his mouth hangs open as his eyes grow wide. “Damn… that was manly.”
The fight in the streets finally comes to a close and a random reporter tracks down the great up-and-coming hero, Dynamight, before he’s able to escape the scene. Kirishima can see Bakugou roll his eyes before he faces the reporter with an unamused look on his face. And just like the press, the smile that spreads across Kirishima’s face is unavoidable.
“Hey, Dynamight!” Kirishima feels nervous but he forces himself to walk up to Bakugou after the reporter disappears to go talk to another hero.
It’s been ten whole months since Kirishima last talked to his ex-boyfriend. Graduation was eight months ago, which was the last time he saw him in person. He thinks back to that happy day when the whole class was gathered in the yard in front of U.A., just freshly graduated, and two pairs of red eyes meet within the joyful chaos that was surrounding them. They didn’t look away, they held their gaze, and they smiled at each other. Graduation was a day of celebration, a day to feel hopeful about the future, and at that moment, they both felt a small spark of hope ignite for their future together.
Kirishima is brought back to the present when he looks at Bakugou’s arms, and he wonders if his muscles were that big before because damn… those look manly.
Bakugou hears the familiar, cheery voice call out to him and he instantly realizes that hearing that voice in person is a lot better than hearing it through his phone when he watches interviews of Red Riot. Yes, he realizes that he’s indulging in what he absolutely hates, but those interviews serve as necessary reminders of what he’s going to therapy for alright? He has found that they especially help right after a tough session when he’s feeling like shit.
The scowl on Bakugou’s face relaxes when Kirishima walks up next to him.
“Thanks again for the save back there! That was… really manly, even though you probably didn’t have to blast him that far!” Kirishima laughs a little awkwardly.
“Just be more careful next time, Eij- Shitty-Hair. And that asshole deserved it.”
“Whatever you say, man!” After a couple of tense and silent seconds pass by, Kirishima glances off to the side and his hand reaches up to rub the back of his neck. “Sooo… how have you been doing?”
Bakugou knows what he’s really asking him, and he wants to tell him. He wants to tell him everything, pour out all of the contents of his heart onto this gorgeous man standing in front of him, but there were still people around them. “Fan-fuckin-tastic.” Kirishima’s faint chuckle makes Bakugou’s heart stir. This opportunity was really being handed to him on a silver platter, wasn’t it? For a few weeks, he’s been thinking about reaching out to Kirishima but had no clue how to go about it. He wasn’t exactly comfortable with texting him out of the blue after so long but right here was a golden opportunity for him. So, in sheer fuck it fashion he gets straight to the point, “are you seeing anyone right now?”
Kirishima is taken aback by the sudden question. “Uh.. no. No, I’m not.” A few people have asked him out over the past ten months and he’s told them all no. Saying that he wasn’t exactly emotionally available at the moment. While Kirishima did in fact heal from what happened between him and his love so many months ago, he was still holding onto the hope of getting back together with him. Sure, he could have tried to go out on a couple of dates but it wouldn’t have been fair to the other person if he was just wishing he was with Bakugou the whole time.
Kirishima’s heartbeat starts to quicken. Why the hell did Bakugou ask him if he was seeing anyone? Was he finally ready? Was he going to ask him if he wanted to try again? Kirishima was holding his breath now, waiting for Bakugou to say something.
Bakugou keeps tapping his thumb on his thigh. What if Kirishima says no? What if he’s completely over him and realizes he doesn’t want him anymore? He shakes his head a little to get rid of the thoughts that are trying to poison his brain. Bakugou looks at Kirishima square in the eyes. “Do you want to come over to my place for dinner tonight?”
A wide, closed-lip smile spreads across Kirishima’s face and Bakugou wonders how a simple smile like that can be so full of light.
“I’d love to.”
Bakugou feels like screaming in victory, but of course, he keeps his cool. “Great. Seven o’clock. I’ll text you my address.”
“Okay!” Excitement sparkles in Kirishima’s eyes and Bakugou’s really starting to have trouble keeping calm.
“Okay.. see ya then.” Bakugou chews on the inside of his cheek. “Gotta blast-” and he did just that; stepping back and blasting up into the air… as well as immediately regretting those last two words. Gotta blast? GOTTA BLAST?! What the fuck?! When he lands on top of a building, the embarrassment fizzles out of his body, and instead, he feels so incredibly excited that he can’t help but scream at the top of his lungs. “FUCK YEAH!”
Apparently, Bakugou didn’t fly far enough away because Kirishima could clearly hear his mini-celebration off in the distance. His chest flutters and heat rises to his face as he lifts his hand to the back of his neck again and lets out an embarrassing little giggle.
Seven o’clock approaches way too fast but also way too slow at the same time. It’s really fucking weird how time passes when you’re incredibly anxious about something.
Bakugou is plating their dinner as Kirishima is riding the elevator to the top floor of the apartment complex. They’re both sweaty and feel like their hearts are about to burst out of their chest at any given moment, and Bakugou’s almost does when he hears a knock on his door. He takes a deep, centering breath through his nose before walking over to let Kirishima inside.
The door opens and both men look at each other.
Kirishima’s hair is a little longer than it was ten months ago, and with it down it just easily goes past his shoulders, and Bakugou can easily see the black roots that are starting to grow in. His shitty hair is really throwing Bakugou through a loop right now. He wants to run his hands through it and pul- nope, nope, no. Pure thoughts. Pure thoughts only. Then, suddenly, Bakugou is hyperaware of his presence because, holy shit, Kirishima is here, he’s here for Bakugou, at Bakugou’s apartment.
Kirishima on the other hand isn’t doing super swell either. He wasn’t prepared for the navy blue dress shirt and dark grey pants Bakugou is currently wearing and gets a small sense of embarrassment from only wearing jeans and a striped button-up. “Uh.. sorry I didn’t dress up more,” he smiles awkwardly.
Bakugou smirks and cocks his head. “You think I’m not used to the way you dress Shitty-Hair?” Kirishima hums a laugh. “It looks nice, by the way.”
Kirishima’s eyebrows lift slightly. “Huh? What does?”
“You hair. The length. Your roots growing in. I don’t know, it looks nice or whatever.”
“Oh! Thanks! I’m trying to grow it out longer actually! I think it would look badass if it was really long, especially if I go Unbreakable!” The embarrassment vanishes from Kirishima, and Bakugou relaxes as he steps aside to let Kirishima in. They continue to talk about his hair, about the roots being a pain to redye, Bakugou reminding Kirishima that he’s willing to help him with that process, and Kirishima being so relieved at the offer because it really was easier and faster with Bakugou’s help after all.
Dinner goes on just like that. Talking and laughing about anything and everything: from good days on patrol to not-so-good days on patrol, raises, promotions, where Kirishima lives now, health issues…
“I think the hearing in my right ear is going to shit.” Bakugou picks at the remnants of his food he’s trying to stuff down.
“Oh really? You should probably get that checked out.”
“Nah, I’ll be fine. It’s just a pain in the ass sometimes.”
“Katsuki.” It’s the first time Kirishima uses his first name after all this time and it comes out so naturally. Bakugou has a faint blush on his cheeks from hearing it.
“...Fine. Whatever.”
“No, not whatever. You should really call a doctor so it doesn’t get worse-” Kirishima is ready to go on a long rant about how one should take care of their body and listen to any signs of trouble.
But Bakugou cuts him off. “If I say I’ll call them tomorrow will you drop it?”
“-body is a templ- oh… Only if you promise!” Kirishima is surprised at how easy it was to convince him with something like this since he used to hate going to Recovery Girl’s office at U.A.
Bakugou rolls his eyes. “I promise. And if you’re gonna say shit like ‘your body is a temple,’’’ he says mockingly, “then eat all the damn veggies I made you.”
Kirishima pretends to look offended and lets out an overly dramatic scoff. “The audacity you have to assume that I wasn’t going to!” He then proceeds to shovel all of the steamed vegetables that are leftover on his plate (which was about ninety percent of what he had to begin with and was the only thing on his plate at this point) into his mouth. Bakugou chuckles as he shakes his head at him.
They then go on to talk about more hero stuff and soon they’re comparing how many people and kids have asked them for their autographs. Kirishima has two more than Bakugou and even though he hates any prolonged interactions with fans he’s still kind of pissed.
“What?! Bullshit!”
“Nope. Not bullshit. Maybe if you didn’t look so mean and yell at everyone then more people would ask for your autograph.” Kirishima gives him a smug look.
Bakugou scoffs and crosses his arms. A weird silence falls upon them. “I’m… I’m getting better at that, by the way.” Kirishima’s eyebrows raise.
“Oh? Really?”
“Yeah, really. I better be at least, or else I would’ve been wasting my damn money on my therapist.”
“Well, that’s good to hear.” Kirishima smiles at him. “Are you still going?”
Bakugou gets up from the table, gathers their dishes, then walks to the sink. Kirishima understands, it’s tough, talking about this stuff, but isn’t that why he’s here in the first place? Then again, it’s Bakugou talking here, so he’ll give him all the time he needs. What’re a few more minutes compared to almost a year anyway? He walks over to the sink next to Bakugou. “I wash, you dry?”
And they do just that. Washing, drying, and putting away the dishes with nothing but the sound of running water and clinking of dishes filling the air. They’re comfortable next to each other.
Once they’re done, Kirishima looks at the clock on the stove. It’s starting to get late already. They were talking for so long that now they didn’t have much time to talk about… that. Kirishima loved how easy and normal it felt to talk to Bakugou again but he needs to address the more important topic here. He doesn’t want this to be just a random visit and then they go back to not talking for another long of period time. But he also doesn’t want Bakugou to feel like he’s pushing him too much if it’s still too early yet. “I should probably head out soon.”
Bakugou can hear the sadness in his voice even if it is barely there from Kirishima trying to hide it, but nevertheless, he recognizes that tone. “I’m still going.” He sees Kirishima perk up a little. “It’s just… fucking hard. Who knew I’d be so damn difficult to fix. I’m better, I think, at least that’s what my therapist says. Even my parents noticed.” They’re both leaning back against the countertop in the kitchen with Bakugou’s arms crossed and Kirishima’s forearms resting on the countertop. In his peripheral, Bakugou sees Kirishima looking at him intently. He chews on the inside of his cheek. “But I’m still... Or I still... You know.”
“Yeah, I get it. You still have your moments. I’m the same way.” Kirishima continues when Bakugou looks gives him a confused look. “I started going too… figured my self-esteem and sense of self-worth could use some help. And just like you said, I’m doing a lot better, but I’ll still have my moments. I’ll have this voice in the back of my head trying to make me doubt myself again. Or when I got that promotion at Fat Gum’s agency I started feeling a little guilty. Thought someone else probably deserved it more than me-”
“Tch, like who?”
Kirishima shrugs. “Anyone, really. I know, I know, it’s dumb, but I definitely don’t think that way now. And… I realize… back when we were together in school… I shouldn’t have let you off the hook so easy after the way you’d treat me. I was just afraid you would see me as weak if I were to get too upset over something you said and then you’d dump me because you’d realize you didn’t want to be with someone who was weak.”
“I could never see you as weak, Eijirou. You are one of the strongest people I know if not, the strongest. I could see the look on your face when I said those things to you and it terrified me. I thought that if I could make you out of all people feel like shit, then I really was a fucking terrible human being… I was scared of myself... And I was scared of what I was doing to you.”
Bakugou is looking directly into Kirishima’s eyes as he lets the words fall out of his mouth. He’s thought about what exactly he would say to Kirishima when they would talk about this. But what he’s saying now isn’t like any of the rehearsed lines he’s gone over multiple times in his head, he’s simply letting his heart speak for him. It was so easy too. With Kirishima talking about his thought process from back then first, it felt natural to follow his lead and open up about what he was thinking back then too.
Bakugou takes a deep breath. “I… I truly believe I’m better now, despite having the rare occasional outburst. But it’s not almost every single day that I’ll lash out at people. I’m still me, but I’ve gotten better at apologizing, learning after I make a mistake, and not being so fucking stubborn all the time. So… I know that this time, I’ll be able to love you the right way. The way you deserve to be loved.”
Kirishima swallows the lump in his throat that’s starting to form. He’s so fucking proud of Bakugou and he’s even proud of his own progress he’s made. Kirishima can see the determination on Bakugou’s face.
Bakugou shifts a little to face him more as he looks up at him. “Eijirou… If you want to and if you’re a hundred percent sure about it… I want to try this again. Try us again. I can’t promise I won’t mess up from time to time but I can promise that I’ll never call you useless again. Fuck, I’m still sorry about that. I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth, I don’t know why-”
“Katsuki.” Bakugou stops his rambling when Kirishima touches his shoulder. “I forgive you.”
Bakugou’s shoulders relax from the tension that was building up from remembering his mistake that caused everything to go down the way it did.
Kirishima continues to speak. “And, yes, I want to try again too.” Kirishima can actually see Bakugou’s face light up and it’s the cutest damn thing to him and he really wants to kiss him right now.
“You’re a hundred percent sure?”
“Yes, a hundred percent. I want it more than anything in the world. I want you back in my life.”
A hint of worry falls back onto Bakugou’s face. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t the least bit scared. I don’t want to hurt you again.”
“Katsuki. I’m not made of glass bones and paper skin. I can handle a slip-up from time to time, okay? And I promise that I’ll be better at holding you more accountable.”
“Punch me in the fucking face if you have to.”
“Um, no. I’d rather not end up like that villain today when you blasted him into next week.”
Bakugou laughs proudly at the mention of the scum bag that tried to hurt his beloved earlier that day.
Kirishima smiles back at Bakugou and pulls him in for a hug. He really can’t help himself, he needs to touch him again.
Their hug starts off light but it quickly morphs into the type of embrace that makes them grasp onto each other like a lifeline. Kirishima’s arms are wrapped around Bakugou’s neck as his face is buried into the side of his hair. Bakugou is squeezing Kirishima’s torso and his face is digging into his shoulder. They breathe in each other’s scents. The hug and the nostalgic smell of each other are immensely relieving. This is where they belong. Together. In each other’s arms. And it feels like home.
For a while, they stay like this. Simply enjoying every second of being physically and emotionally connected again.
“I missed you so fucking much,” Bakugou breathes out against Kirishima’s shoulder.
Kirishima wants to talk but his throat is starting to burn and his lips are wobbling, so he just nods first to collect himself before replying, “I missed you too.”
Bakugou squeezes him even tighter. “It’ll be better this time, I promise. I fucking swear, okay Eijirou?” He lifts his head to look into Krishima’s glistening eyes.
Kirishima nods again and lets out a shaky, “okay.”
“And I’m never letting you go, ever again…” Bakugou glances off to the side with a look of guilt and pain, “cause that was fucking terrible.”
“Yeah…” Kirishima takes a deep breath, blinks back the tears that almost spilled out of his eyes, and swallows the lump in his throat. “Longest ten months of my life.” He can see the look of shame fall heavier in Bakugou’s eyes. “But, we both needed it. So… thank you for being strong enough to let us go so we could work on ourselves for a bit.” Bakugou still doesn’t look as relaxed as Kirishima wants him to be, so he places a hand on the side of Bakugou’s face and it makes him look directly at Kirishima. “It still might be difficult from time to time, but growing together is just as important too.” Kirishima softly smiles down at the man he would do anything for.
A blush grows quickly on Bakugou’s cheeks as his eyebrows finally relax. He’s transfixed by the way Kirishima is looking at him so he can only answer with a simple nod. And Kirishima must have a vendetta against him because this gorgeous fucker makes his brain malfunction even more by leaning down to lightly press his lips against Bakugou’s. If butterflies were fluttering in his stomach before, then they were setting off explosions now.
It feels like their first kiss all over again. How is that possible? Neither of them know, but neither of them question it. Instead, they relish in the familiar touch of the other’s lips against their own and they both gain a sense of confidence that they’re going to be just fine.
Once they separate, they slowly open their eyes before pressing their foreheads together. A moment of peaceful silence falls upon them.
In the softest voice he can manage, as if any other tone would ruin the moment between them, Kirishima reluctantly utters, “it’s getting a little late… you want to meet up again tomorrow?” Bakugou affirms him with a nod before letting go and walking him to the door. Kirishima puts a hand on Bakugou’s hip and they exchange one more sweet peck. And then Kirishima gets a smug look on his face.
“Well, gotta blast, Katsuki!” Kirishima waves as he walks out the door.
“Oh my god, shut up!” Bakugou slams the door loud enough that it most likely annoys some of his neighbors.
Kirishima laughs and is about to walk away when he hears the door reopen along with a faint, “Oi.” He turns his head to gaze upon a red-faced Bakugou.
“....I love you, Eijirou.” Bakugou worries that he said it too grumbly before Kirishima instantly blinds him with one of his signature toothy grins.
“I love you too, Katsuki!” No one, absolutely no one, can compete with the amount of happiness Kirishima is full of now. The love of his life, declaring his love for him once again, sparks so much joy in Kirishima’s heart, he’s tempted to go on the roof of a building to scream, FUCK YEAH!
Bakugou allows a little smile to slip on his face and he closes the door once more. The smile grows even wider as he leans back against his door, and that’s when he feels it again: the magnetic force that’s pulling him to his favorite person in the entire world. And for the second time today he thinks, “fuck it,” swings his door open yet again, and marches right over to the redhead before he can reach the stairs.
Kirishima turns around in part surprise and part worry, and he’s about to question Bakugou until his hand is being snatched up and he’s being pulled into the apartment. “Uh- Ka-Kats- I’d love to stay longer but I have to wake up early tomorrow.” He might be protesting but he easily follows Bakugou’s lead as they cross the threshold of the door and Kirishima lets himself be pushed against the wall.
“So stay over.” Simple as that right? Bakugou thinks so at least. He intertwines both his hands into Kirishima’s and stares daringly into his eyes. It’s Kirishima’s turn to be flustered and Bakugou is pleased.
“But my stuff- uh- my hero costume is back at my apartment.” Kirishima’s heart is hammering in his chest as excitement starts filling in the pit of his stomach.
Bakugou tilts his head and smirks. “Then I’ll just go get it for you if your ass can’t get up early enough.”
Kirishima quirks an eyebrow. Okay, two can play at this game. “Hmm.. that’s if your ass is even able to move at all tomorrow morning,” Kirishima smirks back down at Bakugou before he grabs the back of his head and crashes their lips together in a heated kiss.
And what those two men, who were so deeply in love with each other, do for the rest of the evening... is classified information.
I hope you liked the ending! This was the longest fic I’ve ever written and I’m actually quite proud of it. Thank you so much for reading! 🙏🏻
The song that inspired me to write this fic > 🎶🎶
Also…… if you caught that Sponegbob reference… I love you. I wrote it as a joke but ended up keeping it hehehe.
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fific7 · 4 years
Dangerous and Divine - Part 3
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly lemon zest 🍋 The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral sex, between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
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(My GIF)
“Nothing to see here,” you muttered and scooted across the café as quickly as you could, heading for the sanctuary of your office.
Closing the door firmly behind you and heading straight to your fancy CEO swivel chair, you sat down and shakily placed your hands flat on the desk. You took some deep breaths. That stupid big idiot and his BDE! How dare he kiss you like that in front of everyone.
And even worse, leaving you all hot and flustered like some kid who’s never been kissed before! Let’s be honest, that’s what was really getting to you... he hadn’t actually bent you over the counter and fucked you, but by your reaction he might as well have.
How ridiculous, you told yourself sternly, get a grip! You put your forehead on the desk’s cool surface. They’d all been staring at you, and you could feel your face heating up again at the thought of them watching Billy kiss you really quite passionately. And you melting like a complete fool in the process.
After a couple of hours hiding out in your office, you knew you’d have to face the music sooner or later and made your way back down to the café. The regulars, you saw, had gone by now so that was something but by the mischievous looks on your co-workers’ faces, you knew you were in for some serious teasing.
You made your way over to one of the two monster Gaggia coffee machines in the café and started making yourself a cappuccino. “Anyone want one?” you asked over your shoulder. Jake said he’d have one too, but the other two passed. You could just feel their curiosity crackling through the air like electricity. They were of course fully aware of the Ex and that whole daytime soap plot, but were just about losing their shit as they didn’t know anything about this hot dude, who’d walked in to the café and kissed you like he knew you extremely well.
You handed Jake his coffee and helped yourself to a danish cinnamon pastry - yeah, eating the profits again - munching into it and then pointing at your staff members with it. “Okay, guys. Here it is. In its entirety. I went to little cousin’s cocktail party last night as you know, and met the guy who was in here earlier. We left the party, went for a couple of drinks elsewhere, he drove me home, I got out of his car and he drove away. Like, immediately I got out.”
You really didn’t feel the need to mention the kiss he’d stolen before you got out of his car.
Gabrielle’s mouth fell open, “You met him last night???” The implication being that A) how was that possible and B) where did that kiss come from if you hadn’t slept with him? You sighed, taking another bite of pastry. “Yes! And as I’ve just told you,” you looked around to make sure there weren’t any customers in earshot, “he did not stay the night, okay? He didn’t even get out of his car.”
“It’s just that it looked a bit ...” Steve trailed off nervously. “Well...umm... friendly... for someone you’ve only just met,” finished Jake. You nodded. “I’m aware of that. What you saw there was the Billy Russo Show, done purely to embarrass me. He’s a cocky big shit. And trying to get me to go out with him.” “Are you going to?” asked Gabrielle. “Oh, hell yes! Wouldn’t you?” Jake almost got whiplash, he nodded so emphatically, “Yes. Yes, I would.” You all had a good laugh at that.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
There were only 2 days to go until Friday, and you found yourself panicking. What to wear, what to wear? OK, after mentally reviewing your wardrobe you decided that a shopping trip was in order.
Hanging up your new purchase in the wardrobe, you felt pleased with your choice. Nothing too flashy - you weren’t sure of the venue, so went with smart/casual - a sleek navy number, wraparound style, mid-thigh length and showing only a hint of cleavage. Less is more right?
Teamed with a pair of metallic navy heels, it would be fine. You hoped. What if he was taking you somewhere really low-key? Oh well, you shrugged, if you ended up looking a bit like Cinders at the ball in some local pizzeria, so be it.
Jake and the others were still buzzing about your upcoming date, in fact you’d eventually asked them if they wanted to come along too. They’d at least had the decency to look guilty, but only a little. You were sure that if they found out where you two were headed, they’d follow you. You decided you’d better check for shadowy figures tailing you on Friday night.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
8pm on the dot, the buzzer sounded in your apartment, Billy’s voice announcing that he was downstairs. You were not quite ready, still had a couple of tweaks to make so buzzed him up. He strolled in as you opened the door, leaning in for a kiss to which you turned your head, so it landed on your cheek. “Lipstick!” you trilled, moving back towards the bathroom. “I won’t be long, have a seat. You’re looking good, Russo, by the way.” “Thanks,” you heard his voice from the other room, “and you’re looking absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart.”
You’d felt happier when you saw that he was also smart/casual.... what looked like a cashmere burgundy sweater over black jeans, with a leather jacket. He looked edible.
When you emerged back into the living room five minutes later - a veritable vision in navy, you mockingly smirked to yourself - Billy Russo was nowhere in sight. You stopped in your tracks, and then heard a drawer opening in your bedroom. You walked through to it, just in time to see Billy picking up a pair of your lacy silk panties out of your underwear drawer.
“Russo!” you yelled, “put those back, you perv!” He slid the smooth fabric between his long fingers, grinning devilishly at you. “Mmmmm, are you wearin’ something similar right now?” Before you could stop yourself, you bit back, “Who says I’m wearing any at all?” His eyes widened, a big grin appearing on his face. “Oh, really? Wanna prove it?” “No!” you replied, knowing your face was scarlet, “just forget I said that. I’m joking with you.” He shook his head, “Yeah, like I’m goin’ to get that image out of my head anytime soon.”
“Let’s go, Billy,” you said, walking to the front door and pulling on your own leather jacket. “Hey, we’re matching,” he laughed, pointing between your jacket and his, “ain’t that sweet!” “It’s creepy, actually. Matching clothes? Vomit-inducing.” He laughed, “You’re funny.” “No, I’m just not some soppy sappy woman who’s going to fall at your feet, Russo.” He took your hand as you closed and locked your front door, and the two of you headed for the stairs.
“Yeah, I’d kinda got that vibe already,” he grinned at you, “but it doesn’t matter, I know I’m gonna get you in the end.” “Just keep on telling yourself that,” you snarked back.
Looking at the back of his head as he walked down the stairs in front of you, you really wanted to run your fingers through that hair but managed to keep your hands to yourself.
Fastening your seat belt, back in the gleaming Wraith, you watched Billy’s fingers as he fastened his and then placed his hands on the steering wheel. You mentally shook yourself, you were beginning to fantasise about different parts of his body and you’d better snap out of it, you told yourself.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He took you to a really nice Italian restaurant, not too posh, just nice and relaxed with friendly staff and really good food. The conversation from the night in the bar was picked up where it left off, each of you adding more and varied information. You learned that Frank had sadly lost his wife and kids when they innocently got caught up in a savage gang war gun battle. Billy told you that his friend had gone off the rails for a while, but had recently met a lovely lady called Karen and they’d started dating. He was really pleased for him, as he’d been so worried about him for a while. You thought you’d quite like to meet Frank sometime.
You told him something more of your life, thankfully not involving assault and cheating ex-boyfriends this time. He’d been fascinated and truly appreciative of the struggle you’d had to get your business off the ground, saying that he’d been lucky in having a major investor lined up before he’d even left the Marines.
You saw a dark look flit over his face for a moment, but then it cleared and he went on to ask you more questions about your business. You’d both chatted easily together until it was almost midnight, and you’d become “that couple” who were the last ones in the restaurant. You realised that, when he dropped the ‘Billy Big Dick’ nonsense, you really enjoyed his company and felt that you two had clicked even more this evening.
He drove away from the restaurant, and it took you a few minutes to notice that he wasn’t driving the route to your apartment. “Billy,” you sighed, “are we heading to your place by any chance?” That damn smirk was back on his face. “Yeah,” he said, “I’ve seen yours, so now you can see mine.” ”Oh, ha bloody ha. I’m not sleeping with you, you know.” A grin appeared on his lips as you glanced across at his profile, illuminated by each passing streetlight. “Just keep on tellin’ yourself that, sweetheart,” he replied mockingly. You laughed out loud, “You cheeky big bastard.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
His apartment was everything you would’ve expected - open plan, with modern, sleek furnishings and decor in dark masculine colours. You settled yourself onto the large sofa, and he headed to the kitchen area; a moment later, you heard wine being poured then his tall figure reappeared, holding the two wine glasses. He handed one to you, and you took a sip - it was very good wine. “So, Billy... I’m guessing your li’l batchelor pad here sees quite a lot of action, and not the type you saw in the Marines, huh?”
That smirk. He sat down next to you, hand going to rest on your shoulder and playing with a strand of your hair. His expression became serious, “No. I don’t bring women back here.”
You scoffed, “Oh come on, Billy... you’re...” then you stopped, looking away from him. “I’m what?” You shook your head. “C’mon, what were you going to say?” “Never mind. Well, if you don’t bring them here, let me guess... you go to their place and disappear before the morning light?” He shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, breaking eye contact with you. “Okay... that, I can’t deny. How did you guess? And what were you going to say before?”
Oh to hell with it, you thought.
“I was going to say... you’re hot, Billy. So obviously - unless you’ve got a problem down there and need some little blue pills...” his eyebrows rose, his mouth dropping open slightly before he started grinning, “...you won’t be a saint and you’re more than likely a player.”
He leaned in towards you, eyes staring deep into yours, “Firstly, I have no problems with my equipment in any way shape or form,” ....smirk... “it’s in perfect workin’ order. And I’d be more than happy to prove that to you.” His lips met yours in a kiss, quickly growing heated. He pulled away, making eye contact again, “And you’re right, I’m no saint. A player? Yeah, maybe. But I can be a saint for you, if you want me to be.”
“But that wouldn’t be the real Billy Russo, would it?” His eyes were still on you. You carried on, “Look, I’ll level with you. I like you - when you’re not wearing your BDE persona. It’s a total clichè, but I really don’t intend to be just another notch on your no-doubt designer bedframe.”
He smiled at you, “I get it, I really do.” He trailed a finger along your cheekbone, “I wouldn’t be tryin’ to be someone I’m not. I just meant that I like you too, and I feel comfortable dropping the persona with you.” You smiled back. “OK, but Billy?” “Yeah?” “I’m still not sleeping with you.”
Laughing, “Oh, yeah?” pulling you against his chest, a hand going to your cheek as he kissed you long and hard. Breaking away, hand on his chest, you whispered, “Yeah...”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy was poised above you, looking down at you as if you were something he wanted to devour. Your clothes had joined his on the bedroom floor a little while ago; you were both lying on his very large bed, and yes it was designer-made - you’d asked him.
He gently pushed aside a strand of your hair, before kissing your lips. His mouth then made its way slowly but surely down to your neck and collarbone, and you felt little nips on your skin before his tongue licked your skin slowly. He moved slightly lower and sucked your nipples while his hands were busy massaging your breasts. Your hands moved to his broad shoulders, pulling him down further so you could feel more of his skin against yours.
You heard a chuckle, “So yeah, I guess you really aren’t gonna sleep with me after all, huh?” You shifted out slightly from under his body, “Shut up Billy, and put this to good use,” letting your fingers trail down to his hard length. You slid your fingers around it and gave his tip a firm squeeze. His breath hissed between his lips, and those big hands pulled you back underneath him. “Don’t worry, I was gonna.” You smirked, “I confess I was impressed when I saw what you were packing,” another squeeze, another hiss, his mouth on your neck, “but actions speak louder than words.”
He laughed, “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.” Deciding to head for the mother lode, you gave him one last squeeze, firmer than before, sniggering as his hips shot forward. “Same to you,” you said, before sliding your hands into his silky hair at last. Running your fingers right back through it, you sighed out loud and grabbed a handful with each of yours, and tugged. “I see you like my hair,” he smirked.
You leant forward and kissed him, hard. He groaned, kissing you back even harder. Then your hands ran over the muscles of his chest, down the trail of hairs on his lower stomach, before grabbing his cock and wrapping your fingers round it. He growled, “And what ya gonna do with that, sweetheart?” You began stroking him firmly, “This.... until you decide to get off your ass and do something.”
He laughed out loud, and suddenly his hand was between your legs, his thumb on your clit, rubbing hard. His lips at your ear, whispering, “Something like this?” and you felt a long finger plunging into you, swiftly joined by a second one. He began sliding them in and out, curling them, and it had an instant effect on you, your breath hitching. “Billy,” you sighed, your hand stilling momentarily on his length. You heard his low chuckle, and he increased his pace. Okay smartass, you thought, and gave his tip a very firm squeeze. “Aahhh!” you heard, and gave him another one for good measure. “You minx,” he laughed, then picked up pace with his fingers again. Then they were gone from you, and you saw him moving his head downwards, hands moving to your hips, his tongue replacing his fingers. He was lapping at you, his thumb back on your clit, and now you really were in trouble.
You grabbed his shoulders, digging your nails in, beginning to writhe on the bed, and then his fingers were back, sliding in next to his tongue. The combination of thumb, tongue and fingers was like an incendiary bomb going off in your core, and you could feel your climax building by the second. His pace increased and that was it, the explosion happened and you now grabbed his head like a vice, keeping him where he was as the aftershocks of your orgasm washed over you in waves. Very pleasurable waves. Finally, you released his head and you saw his dark eyes meet yours, a satisfied glint in them. “That was only number one, angel,” he grinned, “fasten your seat belt.” “Cocky bastard. And I’m an angel now, am I?” He moved up and back over you, hands sliding up your body.
“For sure,” kissing your neck, nipping the skin lightly with his teeth. “And I’m so lucky, havin’ one in my bed.” He sat up, opening a drawer in his bedside table, scrabbling around until he produced a condom, unwrapping it and holding your gaze as he rolled it on.
His hands moved to your breasts, palming them then circling his thumbs over your nipples as they peaked once again. You grabbed that hair of his again, little gasps making their way between your lips. Your feet were flat on the mattress, knees either side of his thighs and you felt his hand moving down, then the head of his cock was between your legs, edging its way in. Billy thrust right inside you, and there were loud groans from you both as he sunk in. “Mmmm...” he kissed you, tongue diving into your mouth, then he pulled away, gazing at you, “you don’t know just how good you feel around me.” You shifted a bit, rolling your hips to his, “About as good as you feel inside me.”
A low growl, then he was moving on you, fast right from the get-go, his thrusts forcing a moan from you on each stroke. Your legs moved - seemingly of their own accord - around his hips, and this new angle obviously pleased both of you, as the noises the two of you made got even louder. You felt him deep inside you, and every time you squeezed and held him there, he actually whimpered.
“Good puppy!” you managed to gasp out, hearing an answering snort of laughter from him. “I am not...” he gasped back at you between thrusts, “...a fuckin’ puppydog, sweetheart.” “But Billy, you’ve got those big brown eyes ...” your own eyes closed at a particularly forceful thrust, “...and you are fucking me, so...”
His only answer this time was to pull one of your legs higher onto his back, thrusting deep as he did, and then his hand cupped your breast and massaged it hard. That shut you up.
His fingers were at your inflamed core again and then he was rubbing at your clit, making your back arch with sheer pleasure. He was switching between kissing you hungrily and nipping and sucking love bites onto your collarbone. Thank god he wasn’t targeting your neck, you thought, that would look so professional at work. You, meanwhile, were over-indulging in your obsession with his hair, running it back off his forehead with your fingers and tugging on it to your heart’s content.
Finally your over-pleasured body couldn’t take any more, and your climax hit you like a truck. Your nails dug into his muscled shoulders, grabbing him in a death grip and a small scream of “Billy!” exited your open mouth. You felt him give a few sharp thrusts, realising that he was about to come; you heard your name, then a long groan and he released his warm seed into you. He sunk down onto you, kissing you softly but with passion, long fingers laying gently along your jaw and neck as he did so.
“Angel....” he sighed.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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shove-off-malfoy · 3 years
“Be my date to the ball and I’ll make you look so irresistible that no one will be able to overlook you”
Drarry Anon Prompt -
-thank you for sticking with me I haven’t written in a while-
Draco found the note pinned to his weekly planner. The enchanted notice board was the first thing he looked at upon entering the office, so of course Potter decides to take advantage of Draco’s organisational skills and use a sticking charm to attach the note.
“Be my date to the ball and I’ll make you look so irresistible that no one will be able to overlook you”
Just brilliant. His handwriting looked as though he’d been forced to write the note at wand point, but the sentiment was there.
The notes had been showing up everywhere for the last week. Potter had been sitting at Draco’s desk when he arrived on Monday, with two coffees and a shit-eating grin on his face. He’d seemed on edge and Draco could barely tell him to get the fuck out of his chair before Potter blurted out something about a Ministry Ball.
“Another bloody charity event? I swear if they keep setting those up someone is going to realise that the money never actually goes to chari-”
“No, uh, not a charity thing. More of a ‘congratulations for not quitting the DMLE, we know we suck’ kind of thing.”
“Ah. Yes, those are rather fun. So what did you want Potter? To warn me in advance?”
Draco remembered how Potter tensed up where he’d atrociously perched on Draco’s desk. “I was thinking we could go together, you know, like as dates.”
Draco blinked.
“For a laugh.”
“Yeah, I mean, it’s on Ron and Hermione’s anniversary so they’re not going and you’re kind of my friend now, so...”
Right. Such close friends. Draco had forgotten that he went from being hated by Harry Potter to barely liked by Harry Potter. It wasn’t Potter’s fault that Draco had experienced a rather annoying gay awakening at age fifteen involving the Boy Who Lived.
“Why can’t you go stag? You know the press eat that up.” Draco distracted himself by rearranging the paper work on his desk.
“I would prefer to go with you. Come on, we’d have a laugh.” Potter smirked.
“Well, I’m not even sure if I’m even going yet so assume I won’t be attending. At least I won’t be attending with you, Potter, now hurry along. I’m a busy man I have lots of very important work to do.”
Draco had waved Potter off his desk and out of his office, shutting it in his face before he could object. What Draco had failed to take into account was Harry Potter is not one to give up easily. The first seventeen years of his life were a testament to that.
Ever since their brief meeting, Draco had been finding the notes everywhere. On his chair, stuck to his paperwork as it came into his office, inside his sock as he went to put it on, in his coffee. Actually in his coffee. Thankfully with a waterproofing charm, but none the less, Draco could have chocked.
They were all along the same lines but this one in particular, was very mushing. Draco assumed Hermione had helped him craft it since Potter’s range of vocabulary was limited to uhs and ums most of the time.
Draco couldn’t unpick what Potter was trying to do. His invitation seemed like he wanted them to go as friends but the notes... Draco felt like there was something else Potter wanted. He couldn’t let himself hope, but he almost thought Potter was trying to woo him. And that is not a term he used lightly.
Thankfully, the next note Draco received narrowed down Potter’s motives to two. Either, he was indeed trying to woo Draco, or he was taking the piss. Draco knew this because the next note read like this:
His eyes are a grey as a lightning storm,
His hair is as white and a fluffy cloud,
I wish he were mine,
He’s really divine,
Please be my date to the ball now?
Draco laughed upon reading the note, and then a sickening feeling entered his stomach. Did Potter know he was the poet who wrote him that note all those years ago? Not his best work, Draco had to admit.
He balled the awfully structured lyrics into his fists and stormed down to Potter’s office. He rapped his knuckles twice against the hard wood, and waited.
“Come in.”
Draco didn’t spare any time. “What is this?” He held up the crinkled paper.
Potter swallowed. “Um. I’m not the best at poetry?” He said, as if explaining everything.
“Yes, that’s clear enough. What I meant is why are you writing me these notes?”
Potter put down his pen and stood up from his desk, running his hands through his hair in distress as though in a perfect word, he would avoid this confrontation with Draco all together.
He straightens his robes and perched on the front of his desk, looking straight at Draco.
If Draco were a braver man he could admit that Potter looking slightly disheveled, yet crisp in his navy robes, and focussing all that intensity on Draco, was insanely arousing.
“I have a confession. Ron and Hermione are attending the ball, I just used their absence to try and convince you I would be sad and lonely without you.” Potter looked down at this shoes and mumbled, “Which is still true, but, anyway.”
He clears his throat and looked at Draco again. “I don’t want us to go together ‘for a laugh’. I was just - stupid. And upset when you looked so shocked when I asked you to be my date, I just-”
“Froze up?” Draco prompted, slightly frozen himself.
“Yeah.” Harry huffed a laugh. “Froze up.”
“Well.” Draco looked down at the poem, his grip on the paper so flimsy since he’d lost the use of his muscles. “Are you saying that you’d like to date me? Outside of the ministry ball, and all. I just think we should be really clear, in case there a misunderstan-”
By the time Draco looked up from the poem, Harry had slid of the desk and pressed his back against the door. His hands were smoothing down Draco’s robes and adjusting his collar, an action Draco hadn’t previously considered to be sexy.
“If you want to, I’d really love to date me. I mean, have you date us. No- I want us to do the dating.” Harry stumbled through his words, reassuring Draco that even if his actions were smooth and confident, Harry was still the fumbling idiot who wrote him a shitty poem in an attempt to woo him.
Draco laugh and curled his hand around Harry’s neck, pulling him for a quick kiss. When they broke apart, he said, “I want us to do the dating too.”
Harry sighed in relief and whispered, “Thank Merlin, that poem would have been humiliating if you hadn’t said yes.”
“Yes, as the original poet, I can assure you that the poem is still humiliating.” Draco tapped Harry comfortingly on the shoulder and spun on his head to leave. “See you later, Harry.”
“Of course, Drac- I’m sorry, original poet? Draco Malfoy you get back here right now!”
Definitely not my best work, but I haven’t written anything in a while because I’ve been busy with exams. Thank you to anyone who reads this! (I’m sure there are some mistakes so please correct me!)
Sorry the prompts are taking so long, hope you still enjoy this short piece.
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marvel-and-mischief · 3 years
Tall Sunflowers
Part of my Floriography Series
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x GN!Reader Words: 1500 Warnings: swearing, angst, Synopsis: You have to deal with a mission gone wrong after Whiskey doesn't stick to the plan
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Tall Sunflowers: haughtiness
Agent Whiskey was a pain in your ass. You would rather have come on this mission with Tequila than him. He was obnoxious and rude and you couldn’t wait to write the mission report when you got back to Statesmen because you were going to rip him a new one in it.
The night had started well enough. You had walked into a grand mansion on Whiskey’s arm looking like the perfect married couple. Even you could admit that he looked handsome in the navy blue velvet suit jacket you rested your diamond adorned hand on.
The house belonged to a tech mogul that was on Statesmen’s radar and you were both there to find out whether your suspicions were right.
You glanced inconspicuously around the large foyer, a beautiful glass chandelier above your heads bounced twinkles of light all around you. A spiralling silver staircase rose up from the middle of the room and at the top stood a tall middle aged man with greying hair and not a wrinkle in sight. Peaking into the living room on your right you saw a live orchestra entertaining the crowds.
You would have gotten lost in the beauty of it all if it wasn’t for Whiskey flicking you annoyingly on the arm.
“What?” you said through gritted teeth and a strained smile.
“Our twelve o’clock, that’s Badeaux,” Whiskey whispered low in your ear, remarking on the man at the top of the stairs. You frowned at the closeness, though it wasn’t completely unwelcome, and crunched down on a canapé you took from a passing waiter. It was spicier than you expected, and was that a hint of garlic? Whiskey laughed at your look of distaste.
“We should mingle,” you nodded towards a group of men huddled together near the bottom of the staircase but before you could move Whiskey had reached out and swiped his thumb along your bottom lip. You looked at him stunned. If anyone else had done that to you they would have received a swift jab to the throat but for some reason you just stared at him, eyebrow raised questioningly.
Whiskey cleared his throat, looking equally shocked for a second before he composed his features back to their usual cocksure overconfidence.
“Bit of pastry,” was all the explanation he gave before starting his rounds of interrogation with the guests.
After an hour or so of introductions and casual conversations with guests ranging from tech specialists to distribution managers you were sure you had your man in Badeaux. Your job here was done and you pulled Whiskey into a quiet corner of the kitchen to tell him so.
“We should go, we’ve got enough evidence to take back to Champ.”
“No,” Whiskey shook his head, eyes staring over your shoulder where Badeaux was flirting outrageously with a clearly uncomfortable and glamorous young woman, “we take him tonight.”
You took a deep breath to calm down your simmering anger and confusion. Whiskey was known for going head first into danger, which was partly the reason why you were partnered up with him. With his last mission landing him with a bullet in the head for his questionable choices in the field, you knew Champ had set you up together so you could keep an eye on him. You were babysitting him.
“Whiskey,” you gently coerced him to look at you and when your eyes met you could see the conflict in him, “there must be more than two hundred people in this house, we don’t know how many of them are concealing guns, we can’t take him tonight, it’s not safe.”
You rested your hands on his shoulder and felt them sag.
“You’re right Darlin’, I’m just going to use the restroom and then we’ll leave,” Whiskey patted your hip with his fingertips, offering you a guilty smile before pulling away.
You let out a sigh of relief and downed half a glass of champagne. You had gone through a range of emotions with your partner tonight but you were thankful you were leaving on a high.
You’d nearly made it to the front door when you heard a commotion from the second floor. You grabbed your gun just in time to see Badeaux crashing through a door and into the railings at the top of the stairs. Startled shouts and surprised gasps enabled you to move swiftly through the crowds undetected. You fired your gun at Badeaux’s security, hitting your targets at every shot as you climbed the staircase and reached where Badeaux was slumped unconsciously on the floor. His chest was moving slowly but surely and you decided to leave him to go in search of your partner.
You search as much of the house as you can before hearing police sirens arriving to the house. Only then did you receive a text with the name of a local Chinese restaurant. No explanations, not apologies but you knew it was from Whiskey.
It took you over an hour to walk to the restaurant. Instead of going through the front door you turned into the side alley and found a metal, windowless door, the lock already picked as an invitation to enter.
At the back of the building was a two room apartment and there sat Whiskey, head in his hands on the edge of a mattress that lay underneath a dusty window that barely let in any light. You looked around for a light switch or a lamp but couldn’t find one.
“You fucking played me,” you said, still remembering the touch of his fingertips on your hips before he went off and did what he said he wouldn’t.
“I did.”
“And how well did that play out for you?”
Whiskey looked up at you then. You expected to see him crying, or furious at a mission gone wrong, or maybe even a look of apology. Instead you were met with dark eyes and a hard expression that told you this conversation wasn’t going to be easy.
“You don’t understand,” Whiskey scoffed, as though talking to a child who was trying to keep up with an adult conversation. You didn’t like the tone he was taking with you, so you crossed your arms and stepped slowly towards to him.
“Try me.”
“I have a lot to prove to Statesmen. They’re going to throw me out if I can’t prove myself worthy of being an agent.”
He’s scared, you realise as he wrings his hands together on his lap. He’s scared of being useless, he’s scared he’s fucked everything up. You take a seat next to him on the uncomfortably thin mattress, shoulders brushing as you lean into his space.
“You’ve proved yourself time and time again. One mistake isn’t going to be the end of you, Whiskey.”
“It was one hell of a mistake, Darlin’,” Whiskey laughed humorlessly. You hadn’t been part of the mission to stop Poppy and the disastrous effects of her drugs but you’d seen Whiskey being treated by Ginger afterwards and Champ had explained what had happened. You’d spent the last weeks of your initiation training with Ginger, understanding the basics of the technology used to heal agents, and therefore spent some time with Whiskey whilst he recovered. He’d worked hard to prove he had changed, that he was still an invaluable member of the team, so you didn’t understand why he would risk everything tonight.
“I really thought I could take down Badeaux but I panicked, realised I’d only thought as far as rendering him unconscious and all I could do was run.”
“You’re a little out of practice, it happens to the best of us,” you winked, making Whiskey chuckle deeply, the reverberations of it being felt in the silence of the room.
“They partnered us for a reason, you know that? You’re meant to hold me back me from my ego.”
You shot him a guilty smile, a small shrug and let your gaze roam the empty room you were in.
“Seems we were pretty shit at our jobs tonight.”
That encouraged a genuine huff of laughter from your partner, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“I understand you’re probably pissed at me, hell I’m pissed at me.”
“I was,” you leaned back on your hands, crossing your feet at your ankles and it was then you felt how exhausted your body was from the nights events, “I’m just tired now. We’ll sort it out in the morning.”
You rolled onto your side and made yourself comfortable on the mattress, motioning for Whiskey to do the same. You ended up with your back to him and you had the urge to reach behind you and pull his arm around your waist but you resisted, partly because you were still unsure of your feelings towards him and partly because you were already half way to sleep.
“I’m sorry, Darlin’,” Whiskey said just as you fell asleep.
Permanent tag list: @autumnleaves1991-blog @phoenixhalliwell @anu-simps @bts17army @computeringturtle
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
We need another sneak peek *PLEASEEEEEE *😀
You know how much we love the demon give us some mercy *pleaseeeeeeeeee *
Have a nice day please..
Ps : love your ff dude
I know you weren't trying to be rude, I do. So far I've been really fucking lucky in not having any legit rude anons or readers. But I just... sometimes it can start to feel like I'm this work horse, ya know? And sometimes things are like "... Hey 😔, I know it's taking a while but ya coulda asked a little more politely here man I work hard on this stuff." When someone post a 1k snippet you have to realize that represents a couple hours of work they put in instead of doing other things because they want to make these stories great for readers. So just, yeah. Please keep that in mind. But yes, here's a little snippet but nO MORE I GOTTA FINISH THIS DAMN THING 😩
She had this. 
Raven was right. It was just a friendly dinner. 
A friendly dinner where Clarke could possibly see what it might feel like to live out the mortifying ordeal of being seen as half of a… something. 
A something with Lexa. 
Clarke pushed the thought down as she twisted the handle, taking a minute to herself to breath and calm her nerves.
Which was all shot to shit the second the door swung open. 
"Hey, gorgeous."
The smirk that greeted her sent a flutter through Clarke's belly, her eyes doing a quick route down the length of Lexa's body. Gone was the skirt and skin tight blouse from earlier, all vestiges of the office wiped clean.
The usually wild mane of brunette was pulled back in a ponytail, an exquisitely messy one that hung over her shoulder and draped across the curve of a sharp collarbone. Clarke's gaze wandered along the waterfall of it, sliding to the cleavage that peeked out from the unbuttoned dip of a low-cut navy Henley. Her leather jacket stopped just shy of distressed jeans that clung to her thighs, calves, and ankles and stretched down to a smart looking pair of black boots. 
Clarke shook her head at the deeply pleased look painted across Lexa's face.
"How did I not foresee you managing to get yourself invited here?"
Lexa's smile slipped into a frown, head tipping to the side as she spoke. "... You didn't know I was coming?"
"No," Clarke sighed. "I was not made aware until about five minutes ago. We've been set up."
"Ah," Lexa breathed in understanding, shuffling awkwardly on her feet on the front stoop. "I should've known when Raven told me to hurry up. The texts felt very urgent."
"Don't know how you don't know this by now, but you can never trust Raven. And I'm saying that as someone who also fell into this trap."
"Do you want me to leave?"
"I can't uninvite you from someone else's house, Lex."
"That's not what I asked," Lexa murmured, throat bobbing with a swallow as her eyes strayed to her shoes.
Clarke licked her lips. Thumped the door twice with her thumb. Weighed the conversation from the kitchen that still felt fresh on her tongue. 
"You really weren't in on this?"
"I would tell you if I had been. She just texted and invited me. Said it was dull with just the three," Lexa shrugged. "Felt rude to say no."
"I'm sure that was the reason," Clarke snorted, shaking her head with an exasperated smile. "Not at all like you wanted to spend the evening with me or anything."
"Well you already know how I would've preferred tonight to go."
Clarke's smile weakened when Lexa wagged a devilish brow. 
There it was. Why she hadn't wanted to do this to begin with. Not this way. Had questioned ever even fucking confronting the jumbled mess of thoughts that had been churning in her skull for the past few days. Because she'd set up these boundaries and didn't know why she'd begun questioning them to begin with. 
Something in her face must've given her away. A glimpse of her hesitance. The stab of something sharp and unpleasant at Lexa's admittedly innocent words sobering the smirk on Lexa's face. 
Lexa stepped in closer, one foot on the threshold, the other firmly staying outside. "I can go if you want me to," she said so quietly Clarke wouldn't have heard if she weren't that close. Wouldn't have seen the sparkle in Lexa's eyes from the porch light above them. "But I'd like to stay. If you want… You know I'll take any time I can get with you."
Never mind.
That was why she'd been having those jumbled mess of thoughts. 
It sent her stomach flipping and chest aching with something else entirely. Clarke smiled more genuinely, throwing in a cursory roll of her eyes for good measure. "At least you're getting better at being smooth."
"Just like making you smile, gorgeous."
"Mhm… in that case, I guess you can stay."
"Lucky me… So are you gonna invite me in now?" Lexa asked, the silky hum of her voice causing Clarke to sway a bit on her feet as Lexa lifted her hand to reveal a 6-pack of imported beer. "I came bearing libations as peace offering. Just on the off chance you were a little… cranky. For whatever reason."
Clarke eyed the bright label as she reached out to grab a fistful of Lexa's shirt, stepping aside to make room as she yanked Lexa inside and shut the door. "How did you know what beer I like? You're a wine girl."
"I asked Raven," Lexa said as she set down the case and shrugged out of her coat. "She's a very helpful secretary… Sometimes."
"She's a goddamn schemer," Clarke corrected with a grunt as she shot a glare in the direction of the kitchen. 
"Don't be mad," Lexa soothed and hung up her coat on the wall before sliding back into Clarke's space.
Her hands settled low on Clarke's waist, thumbs brushing over the swells of her hip bones that peeked out from beneath her shirt. 
Clarke felt a rush of heat flare through her as Lexa bent down and kissed her. Kissed her slow, and full, with the careless intensity that left Clarke spinning. That languidness Clarke had been struggling so hard to describe. She felt a moan against her mouth as Lexa pulled back with a smile. Barely reigning in a pleased smile of her own, Clarke worked to keep a straight face as she poked a finger to the flat of Lexa's chest.
"Hello to you too, handsy."
"What?" Lexa whispered, eyes twinkling in the dim light filtering from the doorway a few feet away. 
"We're in Raven's front hall."
"And? I don't see anyone else with us."
"Ya can't just cop a feel every single time someone isn't looking."
"'Cop a feel?' You mean like this?"
Clarke sucked in a breath as Lexa surged forward again, the length of her body pressing along Clarke's front as hands wrapped around her backside and squeezed.
"Lexa, hey, you made it!"
A reproachful yelp died in Clarke's throat as the new voice called from around the corner, her mind working just fast enough to thrust her hips forward to send Lexa a few stumbling steps back. 
Clarke shot up off the wall and turned as Raven emerged from the kitchen, an inviting smile on her lips even as sharp eyes slid between the two.
"Here I am," Lexa said without missing a beat, bending down to retrieve the all-but-forgotten drinks. "Complete with alcoholic party favors."
"Oooo. A woman after my own heart," Raven leered as she drew even, taking the pack from Lexa's hand and bussing a kiss to her cheek. "I'm gonna go pop these in the fridge, but make yourself at home. Clarke knows where everything is if you want anything. And dinner should be done any minute. Sound good?"
Lexa nodded as Raven flashed her another smile and turned to leave, Clarke barely resisting the urge to throw a middle finger up when Raven mouthed a silent 'lock it down, bitch' on her way out. 
"Okay, new rules," Clarke sighed as she tugged Lexa by the elbow down the hall. "Since apparently my very well thought out guidelines for us around people are apparently useless, let's just get through tonight unscathed, please? Yes, obviously Raven knows we're…"
"... Fucking?"
"Friendly fucking."
"This is gonna be a disaster," Clarke mumbled to herself, reaching up to rub at her temples. "Yes, Raven knows. Yes, I'm okay with it. Just… please try to at least keep your hands in appropriate places. And no offering up details about… this. Us. I know you think it's hilarious to embarrass me to the point of wanting to run screaming from any given room, but in reality, Raven wouldn't let me live it down for weeks. So. Behave... Behave-ish. Aim for like a three on a scale of one to... you."
"I promise, gorgeous, don't worry," Lexa whispered, leaning in to nuzzle a spot beneath Clarke's ear as they rounded the corner into the front room. "I'll be such a good girl for you."
"Jesus Christ, Lex."
Quickly pulling back, Lexa shot her a devious smile, lip firmly planted between her teeth despite Clarke's shove to her shoulder. A throat clearing stifled the flustered rebuke that teetered on Clarke's tongue as the crack of a book closing sounded through the room.
"Sorry, I would've met you out there, but Raven said to give you a minute," Anya said airily as she tossed the book in her hands onto the table with a thunk and turned. "I'm Anya, Raven's…"
Anya's words seemed to die in her throat as she ground to a halt halfway around the far end of the couch. 
Clarke watched as the bored set of her eyes sharpened. Widened. 
A paleness slunk over her features as Anya stared at the woman at Clarke's side, Clarke's brow furrowing as she glanced between the startled look of her friend's wife and the relaxed grin on Lexa's face.
Throat bobbing through a few dry swallows, Anya's ribs expanded and released as she breathed in deeply. 
"You're Raven's boss?"
Lexa gave a quiet chuckle, Clarke's heart jumping at the dark timbre of its sound. 
"Guilty as charged."
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rhapshie · 3 years
This was from a writing challenge I had in my discord server a while back. Never really shared it outside, so I thought I’ll throw it here. I don’t think I’ll ever post it on my AO3
Title: - Rating: M Pairing: Aomine/Kagami TW: Suicide. The other dies in the end too but due to an unrelated incidence.
17 January.
Am I okay? I feel like I'm falling back down. I never knew how much I like his presence until he's not there anymore.
Kagami was pretty sure he was in love.
But no one should take his word for it. After all, he didn't know the first thing about romance, so this could just be a stupid infatuation for all he knew, but he really couldn't help it. Aomine was... unreal. He was convinced that the Touou player wasn't human because how could someone be so dazzling? It didn't even matter that he had such a cocky attitude. If anything, it made everything that much better.
Because what was wrong with confidence when he had the skill to back it up? Besides, Kagami found that kind of sexy.
In fear of his own emotion, he hid.
Over the course of his second year, he slowly grew more and more distant from Aomine after convincing himself that this was for the best. It would be much easier on his heart if he never confessed, therefore he'd never get rejected.
That didn't stop him from pining from afar, though.
21 March.
Satsuki suspects that something's up but I really don't wanna worry her more than I already do.
It all happened too quickly and too suddenly.
Kagami was eighteen years old, attending the last year of high school in Seirin when he felt something was amiss. Initially, he ignored it, thinking that the sudden throbbing in his heart was just his imagination and he continued playing basketball. Interhigh was just around the corner and their first opponent was Touou, so he couldn't afford to get distracted.
However, the nausea persisted throughout the night. Kagami tossed and turned in his bed as he wondered what could possibly cause such agitation. Cold sweat ran along his back as he forced himself to get some shut-eye only to finally succeed at too-late o'clock.
Something was seriously not right, but he couldn't pinpoint what exactly.
1 April
I hate this. I don't know what the point is anymore. There's only so much that basketball can numb and I'm fucking hurting all over. I don't know how to reconnect with Tetsu and the others and I damn well don't wanna go to Kagami. Where is he anyway? Haven't seen him around lately...
Aomine wasn't there for their match.
And he wasn't the only one absent either. The spot next to Harasawa where Momoi usually sat was empty and the entirety of Touou seemed extremely distracted. Their focus was at an all-time low and they looked uncharacteristically distracted. Was it simply because of their missing ace? Kagami had a feeling that it was something else entirely. Judging from Kuroko's body language that conveyed discomfort, the redhead grew more certain that something else was gnawing on them.
No one wanted to tell him where Aomine was. They all simply turned their heads the other way and walked away, frustrating Kagami to no end. While he knew that they didn't look like the best buddies, he respected the other power forward. Kagami would go as far as to admit that he had a massive crush on Aomine.
Of course, it wasn't something he'd say out loud. In fact, instead of acting on it, he chose to stay as far away as possible. He figured that if he never showed any affection, he wouldn't have to get rejected. Better safe than sorry. Aomine looked like he was far from gay, so Kagami wanted to spare himself the heartache.
He knew he had no right to pry, but he felt like he deserved to know why Aomine didn't come.
13 May
All I do is hurt everyone near me even when they're just trying to help. Maybe it's better if I don't ask for help... It'll just be a pain in the ass. At the end of the day, it's my problem. I got no rights dragging other people into it, especially after what I've done. I'm so fucking tired. I'm so sick of feeling like this. If it wasn't for basketball, I... maybe I'd be long dead or something. Guess I'll have no choice but to keep playing.
He was gone.
There was a deafening ringing in Kagami's ears when Momoi broke the news that Aomine had passed away. He had overdosed on paracetamol the night before the match. His parents were away on a business trip, so he wasn't found until Momoi broke into her childhood friend's place and saw Aomine's unconscious body in the kitchen. His skin was pale, deathly blue and icy cold.
Kagami didn't know what to say or how to react, so he only stood there.
He didn't cry. He couldn't.
11 June
I can't sleep. My head hurts. It's so pathetic but I feel so lonely... I still haven't told anyone, but I think I really should see a psychologist.
In the coffin lied Aomine's dead body. His silky blue hair was neatly brushed and there was no crease on his forehead. It was an unfamiliar sight for Kagami who could only stare at the man who would never again look at him with his electric navy eyes. Kagami would never again face him in a heated battle, would never again scream or be screamed at. There would be none of that infuriating lopsided smirk, that mocking laughter or the obsolete 'the only one who can beat me is me'.
He should be happy to finally be rid of Aomine's cocky attitude, but he wasn't.
Because it meant he would never see Aomine in his raw form, glistening in sweat and the joy of a child as he played the sport he loved ever again, nor one of his rare sincere smiles. There would be none of that husky voice haunting him at night when he only had his right hand as a company. Soon, the seat that Aomine occupied in Maji burger when they had dinner with the rest of the Generation of Miracles would be empty.
Kagami once again stared at the man who'd never again open his eyes. He looked so peaceful in death, unlike how he usually carried himself when he was alive and breathing.
And that was what hurt Kagami the most.
19 June
I can't do this anymore. No matter where I look, I don't see anyone who can help me. Besides, it's embarrassing to talk to them about this... shit. And I don't have money for psychologists either. Why are they so expensive? I sure as hell can't ask mum and dad because they'll end up grilling me about it.
In the months following Aomine's death—suicide, Kagami felt empty.
They found a journal under the man's pillow that detailed his slow spiral into depression. While he had his good days and things looked promising a couple of years ago when he finally regained the love of basketball that he thought he had lost forever, it didn't last.
He thought about all the missed opportunities that metastasised into regrets. There were multiple occasions when he was able to lend a helping hand, but all he ever did was chicken out. He was too scared of his own feelings for Aomine that he ended up running away.
Kagami wondered if he had talked more to him, he'd still be here right now. Maybe he was part of the reason why Aomine killed himself.
1 July
I'm getting really worried... The voices in my head won't stop. Earlier I had to call Satsuki just so I can talk to someone. I don't wanna worry her... I really don't. But between her and my parents... I guess I don't have a choice.
They said time healed all wounds, but Kagami started to suspect that maybe some wounds were simply too deep to ever disappear.
It had been too many years since Aomine's untimely death and he could barely remember the guy's face or voice anymore, but it never hurt any less when he remembered the arrogant Touou ace.
Kagami looked away from the newspaper on his hand when he heard his little girl running towards him with glee. Her fingers were stubby and she was still unbalanced on her feet. The sight never ceased to warm his heart.
Despite living with his beautiful wife that he didn't deserve, Kagami never really truly let go of his past. He'd done well concealing it, but he knew that his wife suspected that something was up.
There were lingering what-if's spinning in his head. If he had asked Aomine for a one-on-one that evening, maybe none of this would ever happen. Maybe right now, they'd be living together with a child of their own. Or maybe they'd still be friends, rivals, whatever. 
Maybe if they celebrated their birthdays together, maybe if Kagami gave him that box of homemade chocolate hiding in his fridge for valentine's, maybe if they spent one more day together in Maji's, maybe Aomine would still be alive right now. Even if they ended up drifting apart or hated each other's guts, it would be much better than this.
It was stupid to wallow in regret, he knew.
However, the diary that Momoi insisted he kept burned a hole in the nightstand. It was a grim reminder of his failure; of his cowardice that cost him the one person he wanted to see smile.
6 August
What would he say if he were here?
Where did he go, seriously... it's been so long since we've last met or talked.
I guess it's the interhigh soon. Maybe I'll see him again then.
He didn't even know when he started to grow such intense feelings for Aomine. For years he searched, but could never really pinpoint the exact time.
"Kagami-kun, it's time to go." Kuroko gently put a hand on the door and glanced at his old friend with a pair of sympathetic eyes that turned even more mellow when he saw the worn diary on Kagami's lap. "Don't you think you've carried this weight enough?"
The redhead stared at the wrinkly paper before he put it neatly in his suitcase on top of his clothes. "I'll carry it to my grave."
"It wasn't your fault." Said the lithe male with a monotone voice, but full of sadness for those who knew him.
Maybe if Kuroko actually read through the diary, he'd change his mind, Kagami thought.
12 August
I really wanna tell him how much I like talking to him.
This is so stupid.
I texted him but he never replied. It's been 3 weeks.
Maybe he hates me now.
He knew that one of these days, he'd get himself in a pickle he'd never get out of. Today so happened to be one of those days.
Regardless of what would happen, he was happy that he had divorced his wife and she had the custody of their daughter. As for his friends... well, they'd live. Everyone knew what being a firefighter would entail. Lots of rescuing cats from the tree, fetching lost keys from the gutters, running into a burning building and in some cases...
Yeah, that was a thing too.
With a forced laughter, Kagami curled his head under his chest to avoid inhaling more smoke than he already did. However, all openings were sealed and he had nowhere else to go.
He really should've chosen another path. NBA, for one. By now, he'd probably be past his prime. 35 years old. He'd be retired with a lot of money. Definitely more than he would ever get by working as a firefighter.
As the fire licked the space around him and burnt wood toppling down from the ceiling, Kagami waited for the moment when one would crush him and put him out of his misery. Or maybe his friends would come in and drag him out.
The redhead lied on his stomach, eyes glassy as he watched the building structure crashed down all around him.
"Oi, Bakagami! How long are you gonna sulk for?"
"I'm not sulking..." He mumbled under his breath. "...Ahomine."
Ah, yeah. That was what he sounded like. Low, husky and seductive voice that he couldn't get enough of.
"C'mon, let's play." Those lips upturned into a grin and even though the rest of his face was obscured by the light, Kagami could clearly see beautiful deep blue eyes and frown lines on his forehead. "You were the one who bugged me, so just get up already."
"You're not an early riser, idiot. Why are you so—" he coughed after a particularly nasty inhale," so eager..."
"Hurry or I guess we won't play. I'll give you five minutes."
"Five minutes? I'll whoop your ass in three." He snorted inbetween his coughing fit.
"After all that talk you're just gonna lie there? I know you only had like, 3 hours sleep, but I thought you've been looking forward to this."
He felt his eyes slowly closing.
"Daiki..." He heaved tiredly. A piece of wood fell on his thigh and he bit out a scream when it charred his protective gear. Even through it, he felt the deathly heat. "I—Argh!" He didn't even know what the fuck that was but he was pretty sure it crushed his left leg. "I'm sorry. I'll be there soon."
"Fine," The light slowly eased as Aomine's head blocked the source of light to create a halo. Tanned skin, boyish grin and eyes that were positively brimming with life. "I'll wait for you."
15 August
If there's a life after death.
I wonder if they play basketball?
If they do, maybe I'll get to play with him again one day.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 4 years
February Contest Submission #3: Did You Know
words: ca. 3700 setting: Modern AU lemon: No cw: Language
“Did you know that Frost Museum aims to achieve LEED Gold certification within the…”
Anna nods off, her coffee forgotten. Work orientations are the worst. 
A few minutes later, a soft cough from somewhere over her left shoulder stirs her. Anna sits up and blinks, looking around for the source. Her cheeks redden as she realizes she’s been caught falling asleep on her first day of her new job.
“Behind you,” a soft voice says.
Anna turns in her seat, and the flush to her face deepens as she is met by the most gorgeous woman with white-blonde hair and a flawless pale complexion. Dressed in a light gray business suit and blue blouse, Anna surmises that she’s one of the bosses and immediately stands up, ready to beg her to let her keep her new job. She smooths out her own wrinkled black skirt and opens her mouth to grovel when the woman speaks again.
“You, um…” The woman wipes the corner of her mouth with her index finger.
Anna’s brows furrow, and she raises her hand up to her mouth. Finding wetness there, her eyes widen.
“Oh, shi-” She stops herself from further embarrassment as she wipes at her face with the sleeve of her green blouse. Drool is embarrassing enough as it is.
The woman smiles softly and says, “Orientations are never fun. I actually arrived a few minutes late. Don’t tell anyone.“ 
Anna gapes. Of all the things for this woman to say, she did not expect that. “Yeah…” 
“I’m Elsa.” The woman extends her hand and waits for Anna to introduce herself, that soft smile never leaving her face.
It takes Anna a second to stop staring and shake Elsa’s hand. “Anna. It’s nice to meet you, Elsa. So, what’d I miss?”
Elsa giggles, and it’s the most melodious sound Anna has ever heard.
“We’re taking a ten minute break. There are some breakfast items outside if you’d like to join,” Elsa nods to the doors of the plantarium where they’ve spent the last hour learning about Frost Museum, one of Miami’s biggest museums and their new workplace.
“Yeah.” Anna picks up her now-cold coffee cup. “I didn’t have time to eat earlier. I was already afraid I’d sleep through my alarm.”
Elsa giggles again. “ I’m glad one of us didn’t.“ 
Anna smiles easily, happy to have made a new friend on her first day. Not to mention that Elsa is attractive.
“Shall we?”
As Elsa leads her out of the planetarium, Anna can’t help but glance at her backside. This woman is insanely beautiful. Her hips sway as she walks confidently in black stilettos, and all Anna can think about is how she has legs for days.
So caught up in Elsa is she that Anna doesn’t realize they’ve made their way to a table where Elsa is offering to get her another coffee from a disposable coffee container. Elsa tilts her head and lifts an eyebrow curiously.
“Earth to Anna.”
“Hm?” Anna’s eyes focus on Elsa’s cool blue eyes that definitely match her blouse. Anna glances down at it again. Yep, they match. Anna wonders what it’d be like to unbutton that blouse and bites her lip as she imagines the pale skin beneath it.
“I asked if you’d like another coffee. I imagine that one is too cold to drink by now,” Elsa nods her head toward the cup in Anna’s hand.
Anna looks down at the cup. “Oh, yeah. Please,” she smiles and walks to the trash can to dispose of her old cup.
As Elsa pours them both steaming cups of mediocre coffee, Anna tries to think of something more to say.
“This place has money. I’m surprised they can’t spring for something better than a cardboard container of coffee.” Anna mentally slaps herself for saying the first thing that came to her mind.
Elsa hands Anna a cup with a smile before . “Maybe they need a barista on staff.”
“Yes, exactly! All jobs should have baristas on staff. Did you know that Disney has baristas on staff at their animation studios?” Anna grins. Disney is her favorite subject.
“Really?” Elsa smiles back.
Anna takes a sip of her coffee and makes a disgusted face. “Uh huh,” she says as she grabs two packets of sugar to put in her drink. “If you watch the credits at the end of every movie, they mention their names. They’re just baristas, but they have film credits!”
“That’s very cool,” Elsa says. “Do you-”
“Elsa, there you are,” a middle-aged man walks up to them with a jovial smile and crows feet hiding behind thick-rimmed glasses. “Sorry to interrupt,” he says acknowledging Anna. 
Anna nods. She knows this is the CEO of the museum. She met him during her last interview, but she can’t remember his name.
“It’s good to see you again, Frank,” Elsa smiles and shakes his hand. Anna notices that her smile is tighter; it doesn’t reach her eyes like her previous smiles have.
“Likewise. Is orientation almost over? We’re ready to have you upstairs in your new office crunching numbers.”
Elsa blushes and looks embarrassed. “About another hour." 
“Surely we can get you out of it,” Frank chuckles. “After all, no one knows the Frost Museum like the Frost family.”
Anna’s mouth hangs open. Elsa is Elsa Frost? Related to the museum’s Frost family? Her name is literally on the building! Suddenly she feels very out of her league. Elsa is clearly a big deal, whereas she is just a new janitor. What’s more is that her best friend Kristoff got her this job after another guy quit suddenly, so she really wasn’t even a choice. They needed to fill the spot quickly, and Anna was qualified enough. As qualified as a college drop-out needs to be for manual labor. 
Anna realizes she is zoned out when Elsa turns back to her with an apologetic look on her face. 
“Sorry about that, Anna. You were saying?”
“Hm?” Anna looks at her. “Oh, umm… nothing. Never mind. I better go back and grab my seat.” She hurriedly leaves Elsa staring at her back.
Back in her seat, Anna covers her eyes with her hand and leans over. “Shit, shit, shit. Anna, what are you thinking? She’s so clearly out of your league. She’d never be interested in you.” 
For the rest of the orientation, Anna thinks of all of the fancy parties Elsa must go to on the regular. She imagines Elsa lives in a mansion on Star Island and is probably a VIP at all the best clubs. She probably has a rich boyfriend named Hans or Alfred or maybe Charles Van Buckingham III. And he takes her on trips to London and Paris and Fiji. He gets to see Elsa in a bikini; not Anna. Never Anna.
When the small group of new employees is finally dismissed, Anna does not dare look at Elsa. She leaves the planetarium quickly and practically runs to the engineering department where Kristoff is monitoring the water flow to the aquarium’s tanks.
“Hey, there she is,” he grins. “How was it?”
“Awful,” Anna sits in a chair next to him and takes a look at his computer. “Have you heard of Elsa Frost?”
“Yeah, HR sent an all staff email out letting us know she’d be joining the staff as the new head of finance. She’s apparently super smart and hot as fuck.”
Anna snorts before groaning. “I made a complete fool out of myself in front of her.” She recounts being caught sleeping, nerding out about Disney, and feeling like nothing next to the blonde woman.
“Anna, you’re not nothing,” Kristoff says with a frown.
“I am compared to her, Kris. She’s… she probably has a million college degrees, and I don’t have any.”
“That does not make you nothing.”
Anna sighs and stands. “It doesn’t even matter. She probably has an equally hot as fuck boyfriend, and they live in the lap of luxury.”
“I gotta go see my new boss. Can you show me where maintenance is? I kinda forgot.” 
Kristoff gets up. “Okay, but don’t put yourself down, Anna. Any woman would be lucky to have you.”
The next day, Anna gets a full tour of the facility. Around lunch, she finds herself on the fifth floor cleaning the administrative offices. Poking her head into an empty office, she determines that the coast is clear to empty the trash.
She rounds the desk and searches for a trash can but can’t find one. Pursing her lips, she mutters, “Come out, come out, wherever you are, trash can.” She turns around and faces a wall where multiple diplomas hang. She sucks in air as she realizes whose office she is in.
“Oh, hi, Anna,” Elsa says from the doorway, causing Anna to jump and turn around. 
“Uhh, hi. Sorry, I was just… “ Anna swallows. “I was looking for your trash.”
“Oh, well, I haven’t really made any yet, but if you come back in half an hour, I will.” Elsa smiles that smile that seems to be reserved for Anna as she holds up a container.
“Yeah… I can do that. Enjoy your lunch…” Anna starts to walk out only to come face-to-face with Elsa, who has not left the doorway.
Under the blue-eyed gaze, Anna feels small, and it isn’t just because Elsa is wearing another pair of stilettos. Navy this time, to match a silk navy button-up shirt under a white suit.
“Excuse me,” Anna mumbles to the ground.
“Anna, did I do something yesterday?”
Anna whips her head up to discover that Elsa is biting her bottom lip.
“What? No! No,” Anna shakes her head. “No, you didn’t.”
Elsa can’t look at her now as she lets out a breath. Her shoulders, which Anna realizes were tense, seem to relax. 
“Okay. It felt like I did when you felt suddenly during the break, and then when you left orientation really fast,” Elsa says quietly. “If I did, I’m sorry.”
Anna feels horrible now. “No, Elsa, please. You don’t have anything to be sorry about. I just wanted to go say hi to my friend Kristoff. He works in engineering.”
“Oh,” Elsa says. “Well, in that case…” She closes her eyes for a moment before opening them and looking directly at Anna. “Would you like to go get a coffee one day this week?”
Anna’s mouth drops open. Elsa Frost, who has a business degree and a master’s in finance, wants to get coffee with her? “Coffee? With me?”
“Yes. If you want,” Elsa chews her bottom lip again, and Anna decides that is endearing even if it does seem to stem from Elsa being nervous.
“I want!” Anna says a little too cheerfully. She tells herself to tone it down. “I mean, yes. I would love to.”
Anna clocks out and turns to her best friend. “She is so far out of my league, Kristoff.”
“But she wants to get coffee with you. That’s something,” he cocks his head and gives her a haughty look.
“I need to wow her, Kris. I need her to know that I’m smart too.”
“You are smart, Anna. You don’t need to prove that to her or to anyone,” Kristoff says seriously.
“Yeah, but this is Elsa Frost we’re talking about. I need to go into this coffee date ready to dazzle her with everything I know." 
Kristoff sighs. “Anna, just be yourself. I’m sure that’s why she asked you out for coffee anyway.” 
“Maybe, but I still gotta be prepared. But anyway, I gotta go. I’ll see you later,” she grins and walks to her used Toyota Camry. If she’s going to go on a date- is it even a real date?- with Elsa, she needs to start studying up on potential topics.
That evening, Anna watches a National Geographic documentary on Disney+ that succeeds in putting her to sleep half an hour in.
Elsa’s work keeps her busy for the rest of the week, but they make a plan to meet at the Starbucks on Biscayne Boulevard on Saturday afternoon.
Rain pours as Anna arrives early with index cards ready. She stayed up Friday night taking notes after doing some googling on Elsa and finding an old college newspaper interview in which she mentioned liking Egyptian history.
She places her order, grabs her coffee when a barista calls out her name, and sits down at a table, waiting nervously.
Less than five minutes pass before Elsa walks in and shakes off the rain. Anna gazes at her as she takes off a long raincoat and brushes her hand through her damp bangs. Then Elsa looks around for her.
She waves and calls out, “Elsa, over here." 
With a grin that could light up the world, Elsa makes her way over to Anna. “Hi,” she says breathlessly.
“Hi,” Anna smiles back. “I already got a coffee, but if you want something, I can get it for you.” 
Elsa shakes her head. “No need. I can grab it. I’m not really in the mood for coffee today. When it rains, that means hot chocolate.”
Anna laughs. “I should have waited for you then. I love hot chocolate.” 
“It’s my favorite,” Elsa grins and drapes her raincoat on the back of her chair. “I’ll be right back. Don’t leave.”
“I won’t.”
When Elsa seemingly makes sure Anna won’t leave, she walks up to the counter, giving Anna time to watch her. 
Elsa’s demeanor changes as she steps up to the barista. Anna remembers when Frank came by to talk to her on their first day. It seems that Elsa isn’t very comfortable in social situations. That much is confirmed when Elsa lets out a deep breath when she is done paying for her drink. And, thinking back on their week, Anna realizes that Elsa only ate lunch in her office. She knows because she picked up Elsa’s trash every afternoon, and there was always an empty container in the bin. Anna wonders how a super brilliant finance lady could be introverted. Don’t you have to do projects and give presentations and stuff in college? Surely, Elsa realizes that she has nothing to worry about with Anna. She’s clearly the more classy, educated one. Anna is the dumb one who has to worry about making a good impression.
When Elsa returns, hot chocolate in hand, Anna shakes herself out of her thoughts. 
“So,” Elsa sits down. “Did you have a good first week?”
“I guess,” Anna replies. “It’s not hard work.”
Elsa tilts her head. “It’s not? I saw you lifting a giant bag of trash into the dumpster. It must have been heavy.”
Anna shrugs.
“Well, I couldn’t do it.” Elsa smiles and lifts up her arm, flexing it. “I’m not exactly the strongest person.”
“It’s not that hard to do,” Anna repeats. “It doesn’t take a brain to do it.” 
Elsa’s face falls slightly at the bitter response. “Oh.”
Anna winces and mentally berates herself for being stupid. “Sorry. I just mean that the work you do is probably more exciting.”
“I suppose,” Elsa smiles briefly. “Numbers make sense to me.”
Seeing an opportunity to turn the conversation around, Anna looks down at her index card quickly. “Did you know that the ancient Egyptians had a decimal system using seven different symbols?”
Elsa looks confused for a minute. “I…”
“And the symbol for 100,000 was a frog or a tadpole,” Anna continues. “That’s kinda funny, isn’t it?”
“It is,” Elsa takes a sip of her hot chocolate. “I used to have a pet frog.”
“That’s cool,” Anna says. “But did you know that the Egyptians’ symbol for 1000 was a lotus plant?”
“And the symbol for 10,000 was a finger.” Anna holds up her index finger. “How weird is that? You’d think they’d use their fingers for one through ten, but nope. They used strokes for that. So one stroke was for the number one and two strokes was for two, and three stokes for three, an-”
“Anna,” Elsa interrupts with a soft smile. “That’s all fascinating, but I’d really like to get to know you.”
“Oh,” Anna blushes. “What do you want to know?”
“Anything. Did you grow up in Miami?”
Anna shakes her head. “I’m originally from Atlanta. I’m surprised you couldn’t tell. Everyone usually tells me that I have a distinctly Georgian accent.”
Elsa giggles. “I can hear it now; but, honestly, I didn’t pick up on it before." 
“Well, I have lived here for the last ten years. My parents moved here for work. What about you? I mean… you are probably from here, right? Since your uncle and aunt are, ya know, the Frosts.”
 “I did grow up here, but I moved away for college. Decided I needed to experience proper seasons so I went up north to Harvard. What about you? Where did you go to college?”
Anna’s face falls as she shifts in her seat. “I didn’t go.” It isn’t a total lie, but it’s easier to say than “I dropped out after half a semester.” 
Elsa’s eyes widen for a second before she says, “That’s okay. It isn’t for everyone.”
“You don’t have to say that,” Anna says. “I know that’s what educated people say when they meet people like me. You try to make us feel better, but like… it doesn’t.”
“Anna, I’m sorry,” Elsa says softly. “I didn’t mean…”
“You don’t know what it’s like. Employers ask me why I don’t have a degree, and I always have to justify myself.”
Elsa remains silent as Anna continues.
“And then people like you exist.”
“People like me?”
“Super smart, sexy CEOs who have everything and couldn’t possibly see anything in a college drop-out.” Anna replays the sentence in her head and nearly groans at having said “sexy.”
Elsa looks like she’s on the verge of tears as she all but whispers, “Anna, I’m sorry that you think that, but I… I am very interested in you.” Her arms come up and wrap around her abdomen. “I’m sorry I brought school up; I was just trying to get to know you better.”
“Well now you know that I’m not good enough for you,” Anna mutters.
Elsa’s lip quivers, and she shakes her head. “No, I don’t think that." 
“I can’t offer you anything beyond picking up your trash.”
“No, Anna.” A single tear falls down Elsa’s cheek and she quickly wipes it away.
“This was a mistake,” Anna sighs and pushes back her chair. “You deserve more than me.”
Anna hates herself for leaving Elsa at that table in Starbucks, but she knows that Elsa is better off without her.
Over the next couple of weeks, Elsa is noticeably gone from her office when Anna arrives to take the trash out. She gets it though. After getting home and thinking about how badly she messed up, Anna feels like she deserves Elsa’s silent treatment. She wouldn’t want to see herself either if she treated herself that poorly.
Even Kristoff told her she was an idiot. In fact, he reminds her daily when she visits him to let him know that she still hasn’t seen Elsa in her office.
“What am I going to do, Kris? How can I fix this?” Anna says into her hands one afternoon as she sits in a chair in the engineering room.
“For starters, you could have a little more self respect, Anna,” he says bluntly. “I know you have confidence and charisma, and you’re brave and blunt. But when it comes to this, you’re so damn afraid that people are going to judge you for not having a college degree. And it sounds like Elsa really didn’t care.”
“I know, but I fucked it up so badly. I let it get to me. I mean, you’ve seen her; you know. She’s pretty and smart, and how can I compare?”
“Jesus Christ, Anna, you’re pretty and smart too,” he says brusquely, as though the tone of his voice will finally drive the point home. “You are very intelligent; you just don’t ever give yourself any credit.” 
“It’s… hard to,” Anna admits. “I feel like not getting my degree is this big weight on my shoulders, and I just feel like I’ll never amount to anything.”
“Amounting to anything isn’t limited to a college degree. I’d say having a loving partner and friends amounts to something. I’d say that loving yourself amounts to something.”
“I know, I know. Easier said than done though. And Elsa… I’ve already fucked things up with her,” Anna sighs.
“Do you really think that?” Kristoff asks, eyeing the newest engineering department guest that stands behind Anna.
“Obviously. I mean, I get it. I made her cry on our first date, if it even was a date. Would you give me a second chance if I made you cry?” 
Kristoff considers his answer for a moment. “I would, provided that you apologized big time and promised to have more faith in yourself.”
Anna rolls her eyes. “Yeah, okay, but it doesn’t matter since I haven’t even seen her since that day.”
A soft cough from behind her causes Anna to freeze in her chair. She turns slowly, and her eyes widen when she comes face to face with Elsa.
Elsa looks slightly terrified and definitely vulnerable as she licks her bottom lip. “Did you know that I don’t care about whether you have a degree? That I saw you that morning and instantly knew I needed to get to know you? Numbers have always been my thing, but I was hoping… am hoping still… that you might be my thing. Sorry that sounded weird, but I’m not good with people normally. I usually talk too fast and don’t make sense, which I would have told you at Starbucks, but I didn’t get a chance. I just… want to get to know you, Anna. Please, let me have the chance.”
Anna opens and closes her mouth for a couple of minutes before she stands up. “I’m sorry, Elsa. For everything. I’d love to get to know you.”
18 notes · View notes
deathonyourtongue · 4 years
Willow Run | Ch. 7
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Summary: On a horse ranch in Texas, life is far simpler than on the streets of Bakubah, but Syverson has a bad habit of taking in strays of all kinds, no matter what demons may be after them. Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC Word Count: 3K Warnings: Drug use? A/N: Y’ALL ARE THE BEST!!!! CHAPTER 1 | CHAPTER 2 | CHAPTER 3 | CHAPTER 4 | CHAPTER 5 | CHAPTER 6 | 
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“I’m a nice guy, right? I mean I got a place, roof don’t leak none, got food...Hell, I gave it to her good, too. She always moaned like a whore when I gave it to her. She loved it, especially the rough stuff.”
“I mean, you did say you were gon’ kill her.” Wade giggled, inhaling deeply from a bong and momentarily taking his eyes off Travis. His shaggy blond hair was in need of a wash, but from the state of his shirt, it was clear cleanliness wasn’t at the forefront of any of his thoughts. 
Tapping on a dying lightbulb that sat next to his recliner, Travis grinned. He took a long drag off his cigarette, swilled it with lukewarm beer, and finally nodded. “Well, that’s ‘cause she disobeyed. She doesn’t have a lot to remember, really. Keep the house clean, keep the food hot, keep her legs spread, keep takin’ ‘er pills. Four things. That’s all she needs to remember, but that seems too hard for ‘er. You tell me Wade. If someone finds it too hard to remember four things, should they really be breathin’?”
“No sir,” Wade laughed, grabbing a handful of pretzels and putting the whole lot in his mouth at once while shaking his head. 
“Exactly. And seein’ as how she’s mine, it’s my right to do with ‘er as I please.” 
“Can’t argue with that one, boss.”
Standing, Travis made his way to the kitchen, pausing in front of a mirror his fiancee had broken with her face some time ago. Slipped into the frame was a picture, taken years before on a Polaroid. He stroked over the image with his thumb, smiling. Travis could remember the day like it was yesterday. She’d tried to surprise him by bleaching her hair a white-blond with pink streaks. He took a deep breath,trying to keep from getting hard as he remembered how rough he’d given it to her that night after the party at the drag strip. In his experience, blondes were always bimbos, good for one thing and one thing only. He treated her like a blonde that night, then made her dye it back to its original color the next day; it didn’t matter to him that she had a hard time moving her hands up to her head, so long as she got the job done. 
His reflection, disfigured among the cracks of glass, made him look more sinister than usual and it suited Travis’ mood. His grin grew as he met his own gaze; tri-colored eyes reminiscent of a broken marble stared back, amplifying the decision he’d already made. Running a hand through his mussed russet hair, he looked over his shoulder at his best friend before opening the fridge and grabbing a fresh beer.
“Wade? What d’you do when a deer runs away from ya out into the bush?”
“Y’hunt it. Why?”
“Well, my dear ran away, Wade. Get your stuff and call the guys. We’re gonna go huntin’.” 
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Sasha couldn’t help but smile as she read over the second note Sy had left her in as many days. To him, it was probably nothing more than common decency, but to Sasha it was such a tender gesture of affection that it nearly brought tears to her eyes. 
Feeling better than she had in a long time, she slipped out of bed, leaving the puppies to sleep and moved to get ready for the day, intending on finally surprising Sy with the breakfast she’d planned on making the day before. After a quick stop in the bathroom to tie her hair up in a floppy bun, Sasha put on a touch of the makeup she’d bought, slipped into the second outfit she’d tried on, and with new shoes in hand, headed downstairs to start cooking. 
Though she hadn’t cooked from scratch a lot in her past, Sasha had always felt it important that a person have one or two recipes that they could make to near-perfection. Her favorite by far was her breakfast burritos and she’d yet to have someone fail to compliment her on them after trying them.
After a quick rummage through Sy’s fridge, she set about making two for him and one for herself, Sasha watching the clock closely, knowing full well she had a limited time frame to get the food to him before his meeting with the buyer. Where Sy sang, Sasha preferred to dance in the kitchen as she cooked, every movement accompanied by a happy little shuffle of her feet, whether or not there was music playing. 
Before, she’d have to watch herself, as dancing was looked down on, but now, feeling freer than ever before, she couldn’t  help but make her movements a little more grandiose. To anyone looking in, she might have looked a little strange, dancing and smiling from ear to ear when there was no music playing, but Sasha couldn’t have cared less. She was happy for the first time in a long time and she wasn’t going to hide it.
With the kitchen cleaned and the dogs all given a bit of bacon for their good behavior, Sasha set off with everything she’d made, the food wrapped in tin foil then gathered in a clean kitchen towel for easier carrying. Along with the thermos of hot coffee and a bottle of water in place of her OJ, Sasha headed off by foot to find Sy, not ready to try her hand at the ATV that sat parked at the back of the house. 
Her smile grew as she neared the barn, hearing an upbeat country tune playing through speakers she could only assume were hardwired into the building itself. Seeing Wyatt, Sasha put a finger to her lips, silently asking him to stay quiet. The taller man only smiled, shifting his gaze back to a horse he was grooming while discreetly tilting his head to the left, giving away Sy’s location. 
She was expecting him to look as he always had when working in the heat; sweaty, a little disheveled, and wearing his beat up baseball cap. What met her eyes however was something closer to the cover of a romance novel, and Sasha was momentarily stunned into stillness. 
Wearing a navy and black plaid button-down, tight blue jeans with a black belt, and a far less trodden pair of black, round-toed boots, it was the black Stetson on Sy’s head that made her stomach explode into a million butterflies. Biting her lip, Sasha felt a stirring she couldn’t remember ever feeling for her ex, the realization a startling one that nearly made her drop the thermos. 
It took a deep breath to refocus her mind, but once she had, Sasha tiptoed as close to Sy as she dared. With a quick look to Wyatt, who gave her wholehearted approval, Sasha leaned up as far as she could, standing on her tiptoes to try and reach his ear. 
“Morning, handsome,” she whispered, echoing his morning note. 
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK?!” Sy jumped a mile, turning and banging his elbow into the stall as he tried to figure out what was going on. Seeing Sasha, his fear instantly turned to elation, and he placed a hand over his heart as he took her in. Even more radiant than she had been the previous morning, Sy could tell she felt a million times better, not just physically, but emotionally. The gleam in her eye said it all, and before he could even register it, Sy was grinning like a fool. 
“Morning, mama,” he said with fondness, his voice quiet and sweet as he tipped his hat back enough to kiss her cheek. 
Though Sasha was momentarily confused at the formality of the kiss, it only took one look at Wyatt’s raised eyebrows for her to realize why Sy was being a little coy with the PDA. Everything was still new. Blushing a little, she pulled her surprise from behind her back, smiling hopefully up at Syverson.
“I thought I’d make your morning a little easier,” Sasha said, her smile growing as Sy slipped a hand around her waist, guiding her down the aisle towards his office.
Sy’s face showed genuine appreciation as he took a seat in his high back leather chair, pulling Sasha down into his lap so she wouldn’t have to sit on the perpetually hay dust-covered chair. 
“You didn’t need to do all this, darlin’. You made coffee and everything. Thank you.” Sy met her eyes, his own gaze making it abundantly clear that he wasn’t used to being treated. Turning her face with his hand, he kissed her deeply now that they were in private, Sy sighing happily when he finally pulled away. 
“Been thinkin’ about kissin’ you all morning,” he confessed, Sasha unable to keep the small squeak of happiness from escaping, her head falling to Sy’s broad shoulder as he reached around her to unwrap the kitchen towel. 
With the tinfoil off in a hurry, Syverson’s face turned into one of delight as he immediately recognized what she’d made. 
“Did you use the chorizo?” He asked, bouncing a little in his seat when Sasha nodded. Laughing softly, Sasha held off on taking her first bite in lieu of watching Sy. While his food always tasted amazing, he usually didn’t have much of a reaction to his own cooking. Now, with someone else’s handiwork in front of him, it was a totally different story. 
Sy’s eyes rolled back into his head the moment the first bite touched his tongue, a loud, appreciative moan coming next as he began to chew, followed by more bouncing and a bob of his head that was unmistakably made in time with the music. 
“Damn, woman! You could make some serious coin off these! It’s so good! I think you’ve ruined me. Never, ever tell her I said this, but... Even my mom’s isn’t this tasty! Holy shit!” 
Blushing profusely, Sasha hid her face deeper into the crook of Sy’s neck, her smile wide as she felt his free hand come up to cup the back of her head. Warm and safe, she almost forgot about her own meal until the baby moved and her stomach growled simultaneously, both Sasha and Sy laughing and the loud interference. 
“Might wanna eat quick, mama. The lil’ one’s gettin’ restless,” Sy grinned, his hand slipping under her overalls to rub her belly gently over her shirt. The touch made her heart skip a beat, Sasha still amazed that Sy seemed to have no qualms over the fact that she was pregnant, even now that they’d declared their interest in one another as more than just friends. 
Unwrapping her burrito, she took a hearty bite, Sasha glad that her appetite was coming back a little stronger now that she was well away from her previous situation. Still watching Sy, she felt her blush returning as his excitement over the food didn’t waver a bit. It was so opposite of what she was used to, Sasha didn’t quite know what to do with herself. 
“Seriously, Sash, I could have these as my last meal and I’d die a happy man.” Giving her a squeeze, he looked up at her and something in his eyes changed. 
“Darlin’, you’ve got a little somethin’...” Sy’s voice softened as he leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Sasha’s lips and knocking her heart into overdrive immediately, with how charming he was. 
“Stop,” she whined playfully once they parted, her broad smile making it clear she didn’t actually want him to do anything of the sort. “You’re too cute for your own good, mister,” Sasha added, pressing the button of his nose, her own scrunched up playfully. 
“Nuh uh. That’s all you, mama. I’m just the big ‘ol rust bucket that works with horses,” he joked, Sy about to lean in to kiss her again when Wyatt’s soft throat-clearing interrupted them. 
“We got about five minutes. He’s all ready to go, trottin’ around the pasture so he’s seen as they drive up. You need my help with anythin’ else or am I good to get back to the trees?” Wyatt asked, trying his hardest not to let his face show how surprised and happy he was for his best friend. 
It had been eons since Sy had shown any interest in a woman, and despite only having met her briefly, Wyatt could already see how much of a difference Sasha was making in his former C.O., a difference for the better as far as Wyatt was concerned. 
“Nope, I’m all good to go. D’you mind if I share this with Wyatt, darlin’? He hasn't’ eaten yet either and he’s about to go out and break his back.” Looking down at Sy as he asked for permission, Sasha only let the shock of his request flash briefly across her face before nodding quickly. Men never asked her for permission; they usually just took and took and took. Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, Sasha found herself slowly getting off Sy’s lap, mouth parted slightly. 
Was it too good to be true? Would he end up being like every other man she’d ever been with? Was this all a dream that would leave her sobbing when she woke?
Managing to keep the smile on her face, she bent down and gave Sy a sweet kiss to his cheek, letting her lips linger just a little longer than was customary. 
“I think I’m gonna head back up to the house.” Sasha murmured, stepping backwards while trying to keep her composure. Sy frowned slightly, confusion marring his features. 
“You alright, darlin’?” Nodding quickly, Sasha waved the two men goodbye before turning on her heel and heading back towards the house as fast as she could manage. 
Hearing the buyer’s truck pulling up as she crested the hill, it was all Sasha could do to keep from running, afraid seeing her might deter Sy’s prospective customer. Inside, the cool air hit her and without anyone watching her, Sasha let her tears spill, elated that she’d found such a wonderful man, but terrified that it was all going to go south like it did any time she had even a modicum of happiness to herself. Overwhelmed with emotion and forgetting all about the hormones coursing through her, Sasha kicked off her shoes before beelining the couch, curling up with Hudson and letting the tears fall silently until sleep overtook her. 
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Sasha wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she felt soft lips on her face. Moaning quietly, she braced for the kisses to turn to punches. With her eyes squeezed shut tightly, she was certain she’d feel the familiar wakeup call tear her out of her dream, which would put her right back to everything she’d run away from. 
“Travis, I’m up, I promise,” she mumbled, whimpering even as she put her hands up to block whatever violence was coming her way. 
When the gentle kisses stopped and all she felt was the circulating air of the AC, Sasha finally opened her eyes, confused; the sight before her put a lump in her throat instantly. Sy sat on the coffee table, back hunched over, his eyes gazing into a spot on the rug. Lips pressed in a tight line, two tear drops clung to his lower lashes, streaming down his face only when he finally looked up, their path cutting through the fine layer of dust on his face before he wiped them away slowly. 
“Ah, sweetheart. Wish I could take all your fear, all your pain away,” he whispered, sniffling and wiping a little harder at his eyes when the tears wouldn’t stop. 
Sitting up, Sasha found herself at a loss for what to say, her own eyes already red-rimmed from having cried herself to sleep. Looking at Syverson, she couldn’t help but feel the same guilt she’d felt during her first day with him. Only now, she could add making him cry to the list of things she felt responsible for. 
“I feel like I’m a burden on you already, nevermind you wanting to take on my pain,” she admitted, her voice small and pinched, Sasha looking anywhere but at Sy. 
Opening his arms, it only took a moment before Sy had Sasha in his embrace, holding her as close as he could and letting her fresh tears fall into the crook of his neck. Rocking her back and forth as he stroked her hair caringly, Sy could only think of one response to her words. 
“No, not a burden. A joy.”
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