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rosieyart · 1 day ago
okay, by popular demand (and by popular demand, i mean 3 people and my inability to keep my mouth shut) i am here with my saiou/ousai relationship + mini character analysis. this is an elaboration on this ask i got earlier !!
i should mention that i’ve only ever played through v3 once, so there is probably a lot i am missing, nuance wise and what not. i also haven’t edited this well, so it’s kinda just a word dump (sorry), so i’m not sure how understandable/coherent it’ll be. nor do i know how original my ideas are; there’s probably someone who’s dumped their opinions exactly like mine somewhere… in any case, here is my conclusion on why i think saiou is a rather intriguing ship and why i’m personally drawn to them, individually n otherwise ✌️
ouma kokichi. god what a complex character. some might argue otherwise, but i think his character and his arc throughout the game is not only hard to crack/understand, but integral to the v3 plot and overarching themes presented. well never truly know what he was thinking, and so many have already fought tooth and nail to defend or oppose him. in my humble opinion, however, the way i see it is this: ouma’s overall goal was to unite everyone against an active, obvious threat in the killing game. the mastermind was hidden amongst them, as they decided found out on, and by outing himself as the mastermind, making himself a clear and obvious target, it encouraged the remaining survivors to build trust within one another and fight together. kokichi realized very early on that no one was going to trust anyone as long as there was a hidden mastermind posing as a student within their group. he knew they weren’t going to get anywhere if they kept doubting each other — so in a very unorthodox way, he united them together. they didn’t need a friend, he realized, they needed an enemy. and by default, he sort of becomes shuichi’s nemesis as most antagonists in the games do.
i was on tiktok the other day and found this comment that i thought made a good point, regarding kokichi’s character and why people hate him.
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though i am biased, i think it’s fair to say that in a world without the killing game, kokichi would want to be friends with shuichi. or at the very least, he’d be intrigued by him and push shuichi’s buttons to figure him out. i think it’s funny and such a nice detail to notice, but just as shuichi (and us, by default) are confused about kokichi and his actions, shuichi himself is actually a mystery to ouma as well. in the eng version, kokichi had shuichi labeled “trustworthy?” on his whiteboard meanwhile in the jp version, it’s “tricky/can’t figure him out.” in both versions regardless of translation, i think it’s fair to say that kokichi is intrigued and wants to understand shuichi better. one part of their dynamic i really love is the whole “i’m gonna annoy because it’s so fun and you react to said annoyances in ways i thoroughly enjoy.” and it’s fun, and silly, but i think it’s also kokichi’s way of figuring shuichi out. shuichi is… an anomaly. he’s an ultimate detective who’s supposed to search for the truth, yet he is ironically afraid of what he’ll find out. he has a knack for discovering and unearthing mysteries (he can’t help but connect two dots together) and yet he simultaneously is hesitant to discover more. he wants to find the truth, but is willing to tell lies in the classroom trials. this is a really fun juxtaposition with kokichi, who is notorious for telling lies and skirting around the truth like it’s the plague. and yet, they both want the same thing: to find out the truth and be done with this killing game. one is searching for the liars within their group, the other is finding out the truths.
this is one reason why i really enjoy saiou. one of the biggest themes for drv3 is the relationship between truths and lies. there’s the overarching “truth” of their world which is that it’s gone to hellfire and everyone but them are dead. the world ended. except, nope! that’s a lie! the *real* truth is that they’re in a killing game show. kokichi is known for telling lies, and so when he reveals the fire destroyed world outside and says that this is the truth out of the outside world, it’s ironic. kokichi knows there’s something else up, but he reveals the truth of the outside world to them (this, from what i understand/theorize, is ultimately to further everyone’s hatred towards ouma and help them form a close and trusting bond together, but the symbolism behind it is really interesting to me). “here is your truth,” he says, and they can’t dispute it as a lie because it’s right there in front of them. just like they couldn’t dispute gonta in the fourth trial.
except… what *really* defines truth? kokichi must’ve known the outside world was a lie, or that there was something more to it, otherwise why did he go through with his suicide in chap 5? to beat a dead horse: he tells a lie about the “truth” that is the outside world. we circle back to this lie vs truth theme in chapter six when shuichi starts questioning his sense of self. what is really true if he used to be someone else? if his memories and experiences are fake, does that make himself a fake human? a fake person? ultimately we come to know that it doesn’t matter — *he* gets to choose his own truth, even if there are lies buried beneath them. his memories may be fake, but his emotions and feelings aren’t. you cant fake the beating of your own heart or the pain you feel at knowing it’s all unreal, that it’s all a *lie*.
one thing i just thought was so so clever and genuinely helped me understand kokichi more was his friendship reward. for every friendship star completion thingy you complete, you get their underwear (💀) and a special skill to use in the trials. kokichi’s friendship reward is “kind lie.” he has a multitude of lies under his belt — real ones, hurtful ones, white ones, and ofc kind ones. you could argue his plan to deceive everyone as the mastermind was both a hurtful lie and a kind lie — he was ultimately lying for the greater good (imo). shuichi, despite being afraid of the truth, has no problem lying for the greater good either. i was so confused about the whole “perjury” aspect added to this game. i thought it was just another lame addition that didn’t make sense as a means of attempting to change it up a little in comparison to the last two games. but now i understand it’s greater purpose. lying is ultimately not a bad thing. not always, anyway. lying, as we find out, can help us pursue the truth. and i think kokichi knows this to be true in some ways, which is why he’s always acting so oblivious and naive at some times — or outright lying when he knows the truth is the opposite of what he’s saying. without a doubt, kokichi seriously helped move debates along during the trials. pretty sure whether you hate him or love him, people could agree to that. even if he appeared to be spouting nonsense or derailing the conversation, shuichi being the detective he is was able to slowly but surely understand (if only somewhat minimally) kokichi’s methods and thinking process. which is why chap 5 was so wild because it quite literally was all up to shuichi. kokichi single handedly put his trust into kaito to follow through with the plan, and shuichi to figure it out; NO ONE ELSE would’ve been able to figure it out except shuichi (except maybe maki but she was too stubborn to see thru to the truth). and that is like. holy shit??? that’s crazy to me and i think it shows that despite not trusting anyone and not knowing how it was going to turn out, kokichi took that gamble anyway. and it worked! except yknow. it also didn’t, in a way. all in all, the lying aspect of the trail grounds ties into the bigger overarching theme of choosing your own truth to live, and choosing what lies to believe in — good or bad.
side note: i think it’s so funny how mad kokichi gets when shuichi lies about seeing him in the virtual world in chapter four. had shuichi not lied, we wouldn’t have figured out it was gonta (or more likely, kokichi would’ve spoon fed the answer to everyone a bit more). gonta wasn’t supposed to have memory loss, and i have to wonder if not lying about kokichi would’ve made the trial go along if gonta still had his memories from the virtual world. in any case, when shuichi pulled the “yeah i actually did see you walk up the stairs” — the fact he LIED (mr “i’m searching for the truth so we can live and find the culprit” detective) to notorious king of liars ouma kokichi was so funny to me. like girl. ofc kokichi’s gonna realize you lied. and he did and he got so fucking mad over it and kokichi being petty like that and just saying “yeah okay gonta’s the culprit” is so funny to me. bro was LIVID he decided to just up and say the truth to be petty 😭
moving on, i think the big three characters juxtaposed with shuichi is something to note. those three being kaede, kaito, and kokichi. mayyyybe i’m looking a bit too much into this but i want to mention their relationship with shuichi and their character designs because it feels very intentional to me. a while back i discovered shuichi and kokichi have inverted color palettes — black with light accents vs white with dark accents. grey-ish yellow vs purple eyes. but the eye color inversion also actually applies to kaito and kaede, who, just like kokichi, have purple eyes. here is my argument: purple is an important color to the story, as it overall conveys a symbolism for trust and truth. if you look at those three’s color palettes, purple is a notable color. for kaito, it’s dominating. kaede, she’s a bit more desaturated, and kokichi it’s like his accent color. barely there, but noticeable nonetheless.
kaede is our first culprit (except she isn’t since her plan failed). she is trusting and sweet and kind and encouraging. she is desperate, *desperate* to find the mastermind first thing because she is heavily determined to help everyone escape. her color palette is a mix of purple and pink, with pink being more prominent and her purple being a more lavender shade. she’s desaturated in color, especially in her eyes, and i want to say this is likely symbolic of her desire to find the truth, yet her willingness to deceive others simultaneously. she’s not a bad person, far from it, but when she “kills” rantarou, she doesn’t own up to it immediately. she owns up to it eventually, but she also doesn’t take advantage of the first blood perk as a means of further trying to find the mastermind. she is willing to lie about her plan to shuichi (even if it’s lie by deception/not telling) and willing to take a risk to find and kill the mastermind. this, i believe, is why her eyes are so desaturated in purple; she is telling the truth, but it’s watered down.
kaito is almost the complete opposite of kokichi, but also not exactly the same as kaede. out of the three, he has the brightest purple eyes and the most purple on his body. he is a living, breathing, walking example of trust and truth. he wants to find the truth so badly and would never even THINK to tell a lie. would never even consider murder, even if it was the mastermind. his hair is purple, his jacket is purple, and his eyes are purple as all hell. purple, in my opinion, is a huge color resembling truth and trust. he *trusts* maki just because he wants to. he *trusts* shuichi just because he wants to. he wants to believe in them because he wants to find the good in everyone. his trust in them help bolster shuichi into a better mindset, especially after kaede, and encourages him to keep going. kaito might not be the brightest, nor the most helpful in the trials, but emotionally he is vital to shuichi. because he *trusts* shuichi.
kokichi has the least amount of purple in his color palette, but i think his purple accents are the most important out of all of the purple trio. if purple is the color of truth and trust, then having that color reflected on kokichi almost seems ironic and misinforming. except it isn’t. ouma kokichi, the notorious king of lies, is actually quite good at leading everyone towards the truth. the only purple on him is in the dyed tips if his hair and his eyes— almost like the truth his bleeding out of him, or rather just barely visible that you can’t make it out unless you focus hard enough. after all, at first glance i imagine everyone would take in the checkered scarf and the fact black and white is so prominent on him. i think it’s symbolic to have purple as his eye color. it’s a nice character design aspect imo, but it also harkens back to that one saying “the eyes are the window to the soul” or something long that line. despite what kokichi might say or do, the truth is in his eyes (literally). it’s silent and unassuming, but it’s there. his eyes are actually a brighter and darker purple than kaede’s. not as bright as kaito’s, but still something to note.
with all this being said, shuichi gets a difference sense of truth and trust from each of them. kaede provides him an equal dose of truths and lies, kaito gives him absolute truth, and kokichi gives him almost all lies to find the truth.
and i really, *really* love the dynamic between shuichi and kokichi with this whole truth vs lie theme. kokichi, as we learn in his free time events, loves to play games. he’s a bit childish but still extremely mature. his way of having fun is messing with people (though not necessarily in a mean way. after all, he makes the stakes extremely high and concerning, like killing yourself if you lose — but he still purposefully rigs each game so they end in a tie, or with shuichi winning. hell, he STABS himself, hurts himself, in the knife game that is in the final FTE and holy shit if that isn’t foreshadowing for chapter five idk what is. he is willing to hurt himself to avoid others getting hurt. obviously this can get more complicated when it comes to chap. 4. you could argue he hurt miu and gonta terribly and he should’ve died if what i said was true, but i would counter argue by saying the killing game would’ve gone on and on, just like tsumugi wanted, without his intervention there… still a heart wrenching trial nonetheless and gonta and miu both deserved better imo. but what would danganronpa be without unfair trials and bullshit like that?).
it’s this push and this pull, this dance, if you will, between shuichi and kokichi. kokichi is a trickster pulling various stunts and never revealing his hand, and shuichi is a detective trying to uncover his secrets. i think kokichi gets thrilled at the prospect of being uncovered like that — he lies and he lies and he *wants* someone to catch him. after all, in the love suite hotel his entire thing is phantom thief being captured by detective shuichi…… the fact he still says “because i love you shuichi” is fucking insane, but that’s actually not the most important part here. during the love suite, he brings up playing games again, just like in the FTEs. “you weren’t bored playing with me, were you?” kokichi asks. and then “are you mad because i toyed with you? don’t worry. i’m always thinking about you!—“ (bombastic side eye 🤨🏳️‍🌈) “—you’re always trying your best to catch me. i really have to give it my all to win .” and then shuichi points out directly after that he seems to be enjoying himself, despite being a “cornered criminal.” and that’s when kokichi admits that he *wants* shuichi to catch him. ….. oh boy the connotations here are kinda crazy but…. it gets even crazier. i cant believe this part is voice acted but here i’ll just link the video so people can watch. (from 4:32 to 5:10) a lot of this, esp towards the end, is likely for the whole romantic love suite hotel roleplaying thing going on to appease the audience playing the v3, but even still it’s such a fun dynamic. again, the push and the pull. it almost feels like a game of tag, the thing going on between shuichi and kokichi. except it’s hard sometimes to figure out who’s running after who. overall, kokichi is a liar and it’s hard to tell what he says is true, and shuichi is a detective hungry for truths.
side note 2.0: i think a lot of people hate saiou because it feels toxic and i can sorta see where they’re coming from: from a very bare bones glossing over their character dynamic, i could potentially see how they got to that conclusion, but i don’t think that conclusion did any real deep diving into their dynamic and characters. so no, saiou is not toxic. and also, it should be mentioned the moment shuichi shows signs of unease in the love suite hotel after kokichi shoved him over the bed, bro was up and out. kokichi respect boundaries and understands a no when he hears one 😁👍
tldr: truths vs. lies. games. purple = truths and trust. chasing after one another. saiousai cool ✌️👍
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void-tiger · 11 months ago
…pleasepleaseplease believe me that I want only what you can freely give, that I can wait instead if you need me to until you feel like you can give unrestrained.
I just want to be allowed to stay.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 1 year ago
a bet's a bet
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rafe participates in no nut november
words: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, female masturbation (with toys), p in v sex, unprotected sex
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs
nov. 1
“this is the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard.” you cross your arms over your chest, but your boyfriend doesn’t give in, remaining steadfast.
“i already agreed to the bet, baby. you can’t change my mind.” rafe simply says, focusing on looking out the window instead of at you, avoiding your glare.
“i have needs too rafe! i can’t believe you’d agree to this without talking to me first.” you stand up from the couch, tired of this conversation. you grab your laptop and head up to your shared bedroom.
if rafe was going to make a stupid bet to not cum for the entire month of november, then you are at least going to repurchase a vibrator and dildo that rafe threw away when you first started dating, claiming you’d never need them again.
you pay for rush shipping and use rafes credit card, because fuck him.
nov. 3
“come on, just eat my pussy.” you groan, legs spread wide open on the bed, trying to convince rafe to pleasure you, but he just shakes his head no.
“baby, if i eat you out, i’m going to fuck you too. i can’t cum and break the bet, it’s only november 3rd. it’s been three days, we can do this.”
you close your legs as rafe lays down in bed next to you. you shouldn’t even be particularly needy yet. it’s not like you haven’t gone this amount of time before without having sex, but knowing you can’t have him is torture. 
you can’t imagine a world without rafes cock, you’ve gotten so used to being stretched out by him on the regular that an entire month without is giving you withdrawal symptoms, increasing your horniness to unbearable levels.
nov. 5
look what just arrived. you attach a picture of your opened package, pink dildo and vibrator sat inside the box.
rafe reads the message but doesn’t deem you a reply, too busy doing whatever with barry. you honestly doesn’t care as you cunt pulses, needing to feel something inside of it, knowing it won’t be anywhere near as satisfying as rafes cock, but it will do. for now.
you strip yourself free of clothing and lay down on the bed, not even needing to go into the hidden album on your phone of nudes rafe has sent you, or when he snatched your phone off the nightstand and videoed you getting fucked, you simply imagine rafe being there, being the one touching you.
you send snaps to rafe, hoping to entice him into coming home and giving you his cock, but when you send him a video of you coming on the dildo, he simply replies with good try princess.
nov. 6
“aren’t you jealous of my dildo?” you ask, purposely leaving it out on the bed, but rafe doesn’t say a word as he lays down for the night.
“of course i am. this is hell for me too, y/n, but a bet is bet.”
nov. 7
“they won’t even know. just fuck me, i need it.” you whine, rocking against the seat that you’re sat on, not even caring that you’re out on rafes boat, and anyone could see you, not when he’s shirtless, muscles gleaming in the sun, a slight sweat sheening his skin from the high temperature.
“i can’t lie, princess. besides, they’ll know.”
“please, i’m desperate.” you beg, sliding off the stool to sit next to rafe on the captains bench as he effortlessly steers the boat towards deeper water.
“sorry baby.” rafe just tsks.
“can we make out at least? you’ve barely kissed me at all this month.” it’s true, in an effort to keep himself from growing a boner and losing self control, rafe has kept all of your kisses brief.
“fine, but keep your hands away.” rafe says, also missing your lips against his.
you were hoping you could press your body against his, at least get some relief, but rafe does make you keep your distance as your lips glide over his.
nov. 9
“i think this counts as girlfriend cruelty.” you cross your arms over your chest after another unsuccessful attempt at begging rafe to fuck you.
“i’ll make it up with a shopping spree.” rafe offers, and it’s not as good as his dick, but you still agree to it.
nov. 10
“does it feel as good as me?” rafe whispers in your ear, resisting the urge to reach down and help you out as you’re sat on the bed, fucking yourself with your new dildo as he tries to ignore the pulsating erection, forcing himself to think about things that turn him off, even as you’re laid out masturbating in front of him.
“fuck no it doesn’t.” you grunt, desperate for an orgasm even though you hate doing it solo, especially when rafe is right there, able to help. “which is why you should give up on this stupid bet and fuck me. need your cock, baby, i miss it.” “sorry.” rafe kisses your cheek, but still watches you in fascination as you cum.
nov. 12
“miss you.” you tell rafe, snuggling into his side as his arms are wrapped around you, keeping you tight to his body as you cuddle, having just enjoyed a lazy day together.
“miss you too baby.” rafe kisses the top of your head, letting his hands touch your, rub over your back, but never venturing into dangerous territory.
“want you so bad.” you complain. you don’t mean to ruin the sweet moment, but you really are beyond desperate for rafe.
“18 more days, we can do it.” rafe says, but you’re really not sure that you can.
nov. 13
“maybe i’ll go sleep with topper.” you say, hands on your hips, finally getting rafes attention as his head snaps up.
“fuck you will not.” he grunts.
“well, this bet is between you topper and kelce, right? maybe i’ll just go make them cum and then you can finally fuck me. i would also get some new dick out of it.” “you’re being a brat.” rafe says, knowing they’re idle threats, there’s no way you’d ever cheat on rafe, you just want to get him to break.
“well what are you going to do?” you taunt. “it’s not like you can punish me.”
rafe just smirks.
nov. 15
“what are you working on?” you ask rafe, placing your hands on his shoulders as he types away on his laptop. you bend down and give him a kiss on the cheek as he hums about whatever project he’s doing. you rub your hands over his shoulders, mumbling something about tension and working too much.
you let your hands move forward against his chest, and then lower and lower, until rafe is pushing your hand away from his crotch.
“come on, please.” you pout.
“you’re halfway there, baby. we can do this. a little bit longer and i’ll make you cum every day in december.” “multiple times a day, i think i’ve earned it.” you argue back.
nov. 16
you’ve had it. you’re sitting watching rafe work out, pussy dripping into you’re underwear, and you’re done with the games and the stupid bet, you’re getting your boyfriend to fuck you today.
you leave the home gym, rafe asking you where you’re going as he lifts the weight, but you ignore him. you head into your bedroom, changing into rafes favorite pair of lingerie and a tall pair of heels that still don’t cause you to reach his height.
you walk back down the stairs, heels clicking on the hardwood floor as you reenter the gym.
“fuck, baby, don’t do this to me.” rafe drops his head into his hands, physically unable to look at you.
“no. fuck this bet. it’s so stupid, rafe, i’m about to explode. i need you to fuck me. i don’t care what you lose.” “fine.” rafe says, and you think you misheard him at first.
“what?” you question.
“get the fuck over here before i change my mind, god i need you.” rafe stands, meeting you halfway as your bodies clash, lips pressed hard against each others as you paw at rafes clothes, needing to see him in all his naked glory.
you don’t even care that he’s sweaty from the gym, or that he’s lowering you onto the tiled floor instead of your bed. you’re not going to take the time to move even a foot.
“take your shorts off, fuck.” you groan, hands slipping as you try to push them down his hips. 
rafe pauses his assault on your mouth to push his shoulders and underwear down, his hard cock springing free, tip already leaking with his balls hanging heavy down, filled with need from going without an orgasm for so long.
you pull your underwear to the side, revealing your soaked cunt. all it took was rafe agreeing to have sex that you got a rush of wetness.
rafe doesn’t waste time fingering you to open you up. you’ve been consistent enough with your dildo that it doesn’t hurt at all as he slides in, his warmth pressing against your walls as rafe groans, eyes fluttering shut as he cums before he even gives you one thrust, spurting into your pussy.
it’s too quick for you, but you still moan, clit pulsing as you finally get your boyfriend inside of you again.
“fuck, forgot how fucking tight you are.” rafe moans, and despite just cumming, he begins to snap his hips again already, fucking the cum further into you.
you reach down with one hand to rub your clit, pulling your boobs out of your bra with the other, letting them bounce with every hard thrust rafe delivers, not going easy on you despite it being 16 full days since you last had him.
“never doing no nut november again.” rafe promises you, pressing your lips back together in a searing kiss as you wrap your free arm around his shoulder and pulling him into you, his chest pressing against your sensitive nipples.
“i love your cock so much.” you moan, knowing when this is over you are going right upstairs and throwing that dildo away again.
“cum for me baby.” rafe begs, already feeling a second orgasm build, somehow having more cum to give you.
“yes, rafe!” you shout, back arching up off the floor as you cum, rubbing your clit to completion as rafe finishes inside you again, the excess of cum spilling out even as he keeps himself deep inside of you.
rafe collapses on top of you, twisting to the side so all your weight isn’t on him. he flinches when his bare skin hits the floor. “fuck, it’s cold.”
“it’s tile, dummy.” you giggle, causing rafe to groan when your pussy tightens. “take me upstairs, please.” you press your lips to rafe.
“i need a little bit of a break, baby.” rafe says, and you can tell from the way his cock is steadily softening inside of you.
“nope, you can eat me out until you’re ready to go again. i absolutely deserve this.” rafe laughs softly, “okay, you do.”
nov. 17
“you didn’t tell me this is what you had to do if you lost!” you shout at rafe as he looks at himself in the mirror.
“would it have changed how crazy horny you were?” rafe asks.
“i mean- no.” you sigh. “but you could have told me! i probably could have made it 15 more days if you just fingered me or something!” “do you wanna do it for me or do i have to do it myself?” rafe asks, causing you to snatch the clippers out of his hand.
“i’ll do it.” you run the blade over his head, watching as the gorgeous blond strands of hair fall off your boyfriends head, having to buzz it because he couldn’t resist fucking you for an entire month.
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fear-is-truth · 1 month ago
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ft. in-ho (frontman) ‧ hyun-ju (120) ‧ nam-gyu (124) ‧ su-bong (230) ‧ se-mi (380) ‧ dae-ho (388)
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a/n — pov: you’re a player in the game
in-ho notices before you even say anything. in-ho isn’t one for emotional conversations, but he’s super observant. he picks up on the way your shoulders tense, how you’ve gone quiet. he won’t call it out immediately, but he clocks it.
he doesn’t dance around it. the moment he notices something’s off, he tells you. “you look upset.” not a question, just an observation.
gives you space to talk but doesn’t pry. if you want to tell him, you will. in-ho won’t ask unnecessary questions or pressure you for details. just a quiet, expectant pause, as if he already knows you’ll answer.
doesn’t hover, doesn’t fuss. just stays close enough to remind you that you’re not alone.
his version of comfort is practical, no empty reassurances. if there’s something to be done, he’ll do it. if not, he makes it clear that whatever it is, he’ll handle it for you.
if you haven’t eaten, he’ll make sure you do. sets a warm drink beside you without a word. adjusts the thermostat if it’s too cold. finds small ways to ease your discomfort.
physical comfort is rare but meaningful. maybe a firm hand on your shoulder, a slow squeeze before pulling away. he isn’t overly affectionate, but if you lean into him, he doesn’t pull away.
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CHO HYUN-JU (조현주) / PLAYER 120
sits down next to you and takes your hand. just reaches over and laces her fingers with yours, thumb brushing against your knuckles. warm, solid. she’s not letting go unless you do first.
leans in a little, tilts her head toward you, brows slightly furrowed. “talk to me.” not a really a demand, just an open door. if you shake your head, she won’t press, just squeezes your hand lightly.
pep talks like it’s second nature. if you start spiraling, hyun-ju is quick to counter it. “okay, listen. you’re not a failure, you’re not a burden, and whatever your brain is telling you? it’s wrong.” her voice is firm, but there’s a softness to it. “you’ve got this. i know you do. and i’m here if you ever need me.”
reminds you of your strength. “you’ve survived worse,” she says, squeezing your fingers. “you always pull through. and even if you don’t believe in yourself right now, i do.”
stays until you’re okay. whether it’s five minutes or an hour, she’s not going anywhere.
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NAM-GYU (남규) / PLAYER 124
at first, nam-gyu just observes—eyes flicking over your face, noting the way you’re withdrawn. he doesn’t ask what’s wrong right away, just sits nearby, waiting.
he’s not naturally comforting, but he knows how to play the part. if he wants to keep you close, he has to. so he tilts his head, widens his eyes a little, makes his voice soft. “you okay?”
“i don’t like seeing you like this,” he murmurs, tucking his hands into his sleeves like paws, like he’s the one who’s hurt.
he touches you more when you’re upset. a hesitant pat on your back, a nudge of his knee against yours.
if you lean into him, he doesn’t pull away. might even rest a hand on your head for a second before clearing his throat and acting like he didn’t.
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his version of concern is kinda abrasive. “you look like shit,” he says instead of asking what’s wrong. he’s not trying to be mean (for once), just stating the obvious. it’s his way of getting you to talk.
gets uncharacteristically serious if it’s bad. if he realizes this isn’t just a bad mood, his usual joking stops.
weirdly loyal in moments like this. for all his loudmouth tendencies, he doesn’t go blabbing about your problems to anyone else. if you trust him with something, he keeps it to himself.
his version of comfort is physical. a hard pat on the back, an arm slung around your shoulders. if you’re really down, he might—might—go as far as ruffling your hair like you’re an annoying little sibling.
doesn’t do deep talks. if you try to open up, he’ll listen—kind of—but don’t expect much in the way of emotional wisdom. “yeah, life kinda sucks. what else is new?” it sounds dismissive, but he’s actually just bad at handling this stuff. still, he stays, which says more than his words ever could.
if someone upset you, he’s taking names. next thing you know, that person is “accidentally” getting shoved in the food line or tripped up during a game.
deflects with humor. his go-to method for cheering you up is cracking jokes or roasting someone else to make you laugh.
tries to distract you. if talking about feelings isn’t your thing, he’ll change the subject. starts rambling about something random, or nudges you into a conversation about literally anything else.
if you cry, he freezes for a second. but he recovers quickly, sighs, pulls you into a loose hug. “shh, shh. don’t cry, it’s ugly.”
not good at expressing sincerity, but he tries. if he sees you sulking too long, he gets fidgety. taps his fingers, rolls his shoulders, then finally mumbles, “look, just don’t—don’t let this shit eat you up, alright?” he won’t say more than that, but the concern is genuine.
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SE-MI (세미) / PLAYER 380
she notices immediately. she won’t say anything at first, just side-eyes you now and then, gauging your mood. she’s not the type to ask, “are you okay?”—she knows if you want to talk, you will.
gives you space, but not too much. she’ll stay nearby, maybe leaning against a wall, arms crossed. not hovering, just making it clear that she’s there if you need her.
eventually, she’ll make a passing comment like, “you’re quiet today.” not prying, not pushing—just an opening if you want to take it.
subtle gestures. she’s not physically affectionate, but if she knows you need comfort, she might nudge your shoulder lightly, hand you an extra piece of her food, or offer to hold your hand without saying anything.
if someone upset you, she’ll remember. she won’t make a scene, won’t go after them like thanos or nam-gyu, but she’ll keep a mental note. next time there’s a chance to put them in their place (verbally), she will.
makes sure you’re okay without making it obvious. later, when things have calmed down, she’ll casually check in. “feeling better?” short, simple, but it means she cares.
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KANG DAE-HO (강대호) / PLAYER 388
doesn’t push. if you’re not in the mood to talk, dae-ho respects that. he just plops down beside you next to you, close but not crowding, letting his presence do the comforting. sometimes, that’s all you need.
knows when to joke and when to stay quiet. if he senses you need a distraction, he’ll say something lighthearted. if you just need silence, he respects that too. he grew up with four sisters—he knows when to shut up and when to just be there.
gives you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder or a light pat on the back.
super empathetic. if you do open up, he listens without interrupts, just nodding along, occasionally humming in agreement. he won’t try to fix things with empty words—just validates how you feel.
gets protective of you in an almost brotherly way.
dae-ho never makes you feel like a burden. no frustration—just patience, warmth, and support.
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──⟢  fear-is-truth — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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daisyblog · 7 months ago
Watermelon Sugar
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: How Watermelon Sugar was made.
warning: smut, oral (female receiving), swearing
Very highly requested.
“So Styles…what are we working on today? Do you want to keep working on Treat People?”. Kid asked as he span around on his chair to face everyone, readjusting his hat as he did.
Harry gently licked his bottom lip as he thought about his options. “I’ve kinda got these lyrics that I can’t stop humming��I wanna work on them…see if they go anywhere, but if anyone feels uncomfortable then just say and we’ll scrap the whole thing!”.
“Shit it’s getting fucking deep in here today!”. Tyler joked, earning a snigger from Kid and a small grin from Mitch.
“What are you talking about man, every song is fucking deep”. Kid couldn’t bite his tongue. Harry only flipped him off with a sarcastic smile.
This is what Harry liked about the team, they could joke around, not taking anything to serious. But at the same time, they’d all shared many of the deepest conversations.
“Have you got like a melody or anything H?”. Mitch quietly asked as he prepared to play.
Harry shook his head as he pulled his lips into his mouth. “Nah just go with it and see what happens”.
“Tastes like strawberries…on a summer evenin'…and it sounds just like a song”. Harry acoustically sang, trying to find the right notes and melody.
“What’s with you and fruit, man?”. Mitch asked the question everyone was dying to know. “Plus what the fuck sounds like a song?”.
Harry ran his finger under his nose, a nervous habit he had. “Nothing…it’s nothing…just open for interpretation”.
Anne didn’t need an excuse to host a summer garden party, so the moment the sun came out she invited all her close family and friends over for food, drinks and a good time.
Harry and YN had been finding it difficult to leave each others sides, whether that was Harry’s arm reaching around her waist to sit on her hip, an arm over her shoulder or sharing a quick peck when they thought nobody was looking.
So when YN was in the kitchen, reaching across the spectacular spread Anne had put on to place a few strawberries on her plate, she felt two hands slide around her middle and a face nuzzle into her neck.
“I’ve missed you”. Harry placed small kisses up her neck, YN trying not to let her body respond as she took a bite of a strawberry, placing the green on the plate.
“I haven’t been anywhere”. YN giggled as she swallowed the fruit, placing the plate down so she could turn in his arms.
As she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers gently played with his loose curls. Harry met her lips with his, the sweet taste of strawberry lingered between them.
“Let’s go upstairs”. Harry mumbled against her lips, that were now a darker shade of red.
“Bubs we’re in your mums…there’s a party going on”. YN pointed out as Harry’s lips nibbled down her neck, teasing and distracting her from her thoughts.
Harry only shrugged his shoulders in response. “When has that ever stopped us?”. YN knew he had a point, but she was still reluctant, glancing around to see if anyone would see them wonder off. “Please baby”.
“But I want more berries”. YN wined as she glanced back at her plate, sitting there full of fresh strawberries.
“Well I want you!”. Harry gently pulled her by the neck to place a lingering kiss to her swollen red lips.
”All I’m getting so far is you’ve eaten strawberries on a summer evening and it sounds like a song!”. Mitch was literal with his interpretation, looking at Harry like he’d gone crazy.
“Mitch just listen to the fucking lyrics man…we’re only like three lines in and I already know what it’s about.” Tyler laughed at how naive his friend was being right now.
Whilst Kid and Tyler fiddled about with some ideas for mixing and editing ‘Golden’, Mitch tested out a few chords to see what would fit with the current song Harry was writing.
Harry was noticing some lyrics down in his leather book, when Mitch played a particular melody that caught his ears. He listened carefully trying to find the right timing.
“I want more berries…And that summer feelin'…It's so wonderful and warm”. Harry sung, catching the other’s attention, all invested in where he was going with it. “Breathe me in…Breathe me out…i don't know if I could ever go without..”.
Harry paused as he processed where this song was going. But glancing around the room, he spotted a book on the table. Giggling to himself, he couldn’t stop his hands from reaching for it. “I don't know if I could ever go without…Watermelon sugar…High!”.
“Sounds like you’ve just named your next song”.
Once their hidden by the four walls in Harry’s room, he quickly reaches for YN’s waist, leaving traces of his fingers behind. Pulling her closer to him as their lips become ones and their fronts meet.
The warmth from their bodies being so close has caused them both to feel hot. Their movements feel quick and fast, but slow and soft all at the same time.
As Harry walks them blindly over to the bed, YN’s hands become greedy and pulls his T-shirt off and leaves it drop to the floor. Taking YN’s route, Harry’s ring clad fingers, find their way to the front of YN’s skirt unbuttoning it as their lips stay together like magnets.
Once her skirt and underwear are pooled on the floor, keeping Harry’s tahirt company, YN finds herself lying with her back on the duvet covered bed. Instead of joining her, YN feels his lips attach themselves to her inner thigh. Her mind becomes dizzy as she feels his wet lips trailing further up.
“Harry!”. Her lips moan, wanting to feel more as her lower stomach began to tighter already. His lips are now needier, moving higher and closer. In a quick movement, Harry grabs a pillow from the bed and places it under her hips.
Leaning forward Harry’s tongue meets her, licking up and down with a slow teasing start. His hands move her thighs so her bare legs are resting over his shoulders. Another moan leaves YN’s lips as she feels his mouth move against her.
“Oh, fook!”.
Her moaning only encourages his movements, as well as feeds his ego. Whilst his tongue teases her, swirling around as he tastes the wetness as it drips down his chin, he moves his left hand to rest on her lower stomach, pushing down gently.
“Fookin’ ‘ell, that’s good!”.
Harry could feel YN’s hips start to buck against him, so he gently held her hips down so the sensations hit harder. The sound of her heavy pants outplayed the sound of Harry’s tongue hitting the wetness between her legs.
Knowing YN was close as she muttered out small encouragements, Harry moved his tongue faster against her, lapping up the sweet taste. The addicted sensation began to build and the heat travelled down YN’s body. Her head swung back on the sheet behind her as the pressure built.
It hit her with force, causing her to feel light headed and unable to think of anything but the climax, when her thighs clenched around his head, Harry had no choice than to keep up his movements as he rode her through her high.
“Oh Harry, oh yes!”.
The sound was like heaven to Harry’s ears as he felt her vibrate against him. Watching her orgasm was still something he could never get bored of.
The energy had been wiped away from YN as she now laid still on the bed, unable to move due to the shakiness. Harry lifted himself up from his position between her legs, wiping away the wetness left behind on his chin.
Harry moved further up the bed with his knees, hoovering over YN’s tired body. He leaned forward pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
“Worth missing out on eating your strawberries?”. Harry sarcastically asked, as he held himself up with his arms.
As they continued to work on the song, now known as ‘Watermelon Sugar’, the penny dropped for Mitch as Harry sang, trying to perfect the melody and pre-chorus.
“Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin'…And it sounds just like a song…I want your belly and that summer feelin'…I don't know if I could ever go without”.
Mitch’s eyes went wide at the realisation. “Shit…fucking hell man…you’re singing about eating-”.
Before Mitch could finish his sentence, Harry cut him short. A large cheeky smirk covering his face as he did so.
“It’s a song about wanting to eat strawberries!”.
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk
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lionizingheathen · 3 months ago
Let it be me - H.G.
Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Eating your best friend Hermione out for the first time.
Warnings: Smut, fluff, oral sex, fingering, nipple play
Smut under cut
Being best friends with someone as gorgeous as Hermione Granger was not for the weak, it’d turned you into a fucking freak, all you could think about was getting on your knees and spreading her thighs, hearing her whimper as she tugged on your hair… These fantasies were fine in your bedroom where you could simply get yourself off, but you were in her living room, there was nowhere to go…
And she was sitting with her legs open in the cutest sleep shorts you’d ever seen in your life, and all you could think of was pulling them off her hips and burying your tongue deep inside you.  You clenched your fingers on your pants, clearing your throat.
You couldn’t stand it anymore.
"Hermione." You asked, looking over at her as a slight smile twitched on her lips, her eyebrow flitting up… Fuck, there was something so sexy about the way that she just existed, it made you want her in the filthiest ways possible, as wrong as it really was. She was your best friend, if you had any tact or patience left, you’d probably abandon ship right now… But you didn’t have an ounce left.
"Y/N." She said, still not looking up from her book. You licked your lips, swallowing on a dry throat as you shifted closer, reaching out to tuck some of her hair behind her ear as your heart pounded in your chest, begging you to give up.
But you couldn't.
“Could I eat you out?” You asked, watching as Hermione's eyes widened, her book falling from her hands as she looked over at you, shocked. God, you wanted to back pedal so hard, but you were too far gone already, it was now or never
Hopefully it wouldn't ruin your friendship, that would destroy you.
“Huh?” Her voice was high and nervous as she said that, making you laugh as you leaned a little closer, noticing that she seemed intrigued, which was a good sign.
“I… Really don’t think I slipped up my words, I think I just asked if I could eat you out.” You traced a finger down her cheek before she brought a hand up to cover yours, looking over at you nervously.
“Do you want to?” She asked, and you nodded quickly.
Obviously, you wouldn't have asked if you didn't want to.
“Fuck yes.” You leaned closer, pressing a kiss below her ear before you spoke into it, noting how her breath caught in her throat. “I’ve been wondering how you taste all fucking night.” She pushed your face away, shaking her head as she did.
Shit. You were ready to take it all back, but then you noticed the little bit of a smile on her face.
“Did someone slip you veritaserum?” Hermione asked, sounding breathless as you chuckled, shaking your head, your hand sliding on her thigh... You weren't sure who would be slipping you veritaserum in her living room, but you could humor her.
“No, I’m just trying to be bold because the nice, slow approach wasn’t getting me anywhere.” You stopped your fingers just shy of her cunt, looking at her for any sort of indication. “Can I?” You asked and she sighed, leaning forward with her elbows resting on her thighs.
You withdrew your hand, not wanting to overstep a boundary, but she was quick to grab your wrist and put it back, looking at you with a nervous expression.
“No one’s ever… Done that with me before.” Oh. “I mean, I haven’t let anyone, I’ve had people ask but I always got nervous.” She said, and you nodded, resting your forehead on her upper back as you traced patters on her upper thigh.
You didn't care if no one else ever had, you just wanted to know if you could be the first.
“Listen, if you’re not comfortable then I won’t push, but if you want it and you’re okay with it being me, I’d love to be the first face you’ve ever cum on.” You said, smiling at the way that she whimpered, covering her face with her hands before she bent fully over again, seeming both embarrassed and a little turned on.
A little turned on was what you were hoping for... You didn't wanna freak her out.
“Merlin, that makes me sound lame… I’m thirty and I’ve never had anyone go down on me.” She said, her voice muffled by her hands, but all you did was shrug.
Sex wasn't a race; everyone could go at their own pace.
“So?”  You lifted her head, placing a hand on her cheek as you stared into her deep brown eyes, your heart catching in your chest... All of the good things in the world were behind those eyes, you were sure of it. “You’re also high ranking in the Ministry… You’ve had other priorities, that’s okay.”  She smiled, pressing her face into your hand as you cleared your throat... Okay... Okay, you could do this. “But I can also catch you up on that milestone right now, if you want.” You offered, and for a terrifying moment, she said nothing and then she looked away from you, neither of those being the things that you were hoping for.
“I…”  Her mouth opened and closed before she cleared her throat, looking at you nervously, her leg bouncing. “What if I taste weird?” You chuckled, shaking your head. If she did, that was no big deal, but you had pretty good faith that she was going to taste as good as she looked.
“You won’t.” You said, and she grimaced, shaking her head, clearly too lost in her own thoughts to listen to you.
“What if I do?” You gripped her chin, making her look you in the eyes, noting how she gasped and how her vision trained down on your lips.
“You won’t.” You let out a shaky sigh, cupping her face once more. “Please, Hermione…” You slid down to your knees in front of her, never breaking eye contact as her eyes widened. “Please.” She bit back a moan, shaking her head as if she was in a trance before she looked up at the ceiling, puffing out her cheeks.
Just go for it, baby.
“Fuck… You… Look really good on your knees I never needed to know just how good you look on your knees…” Hermione gasped, and you chuckled, spreading her legs a little bit so that you could come between them, slipping your hands up her stomach, bunching her shirt up a bit as you rested your chin against her upper stomach.
“I’m begging you, Hermione.”  You pressed a kiss there. “Please.” She gasped heavily before nodding.
Fuck yes.
"Okay… Fine, okay.” You leaned up, pressing a kiss to her lips, swallowing her gasp as she tugged lightly at your hair, legs closing around you instinctually. “Mmm…” You pulled back, grinning at her.
"Figured starting with a kiss would be good-.”  She had a determined look as she pulled you in again, slipping her tongue between your lips, making you shiver. “Mmm…” You kissed down the side of her neck, hands slipping under her top to cup her breasts so that you could tug at her nipples harshly, feeling something in you release.
This was heavenly.
"Ha… Ohmygod… Fuck… Take my top off.” She gasped, and you nodded, pulling back to pull her top over her head, your mouth dropping open at the smooth, dark skin that was slowly exposed. You stared at her breasts, squeezing them in your hands, rolling her nipples between your fingers as you squirmed.
You wanted her forever.
"Jesus Christ…” You mumbled, and Hermione cleared her throat, looking away from you, clearly embarrassed.
“Stop staring.” You shook your head.
How the fuck were you supposed to look away from someone who was the definition of beauty.
“I can’t help it… I’m in awe of you.” You said, and Hermione shook her head, frowning.
"Stop..." You bent down, pulling a nipple between your teeth as she gasped, high and needy.
"No." You mumbled against her skin, your hands travelling lower to shuck her pajama shorts off. "I won't." You said firmly, pulling back to nudge her thighs open, your breath catching in your throat.
She was so wet, needy, and spread out for you.
"Fuck..." She whined, making you look her in the eyes... She was desperate, needy... Shy.
You sighed, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her lips.
"You're so wet." You pulled back, looking down as you did... You just couldn't take your eyes away from her. "Already so wet." You mumbled, tracing your fingers over her cunt, watching as they came away glistening even though you hardly even touched her...
Shit, this was gonna be so fucking good.
"Always am around you." Hermione mumbled, and you smirked, raising an eyebrow as you looked away from her cunt and back to her face.
"Is that so?" You asked, and she rolled her eyes, pushing your face away as your hand inched lower.
You wanted to be inside her.
"Get that look off your face, come on... Oh.... Fuck..." Hermione gasped, and you looked down, your own mouth dropping open when you realized that she'd taken your fingers so quickly that you'd hardly even been able to process it... She was so warm.
And so fucking wet. You slid your fingers out of her before slamming them back in, loving the gasp that came from her and the wet sound it made with each thrust.
This was heaven.
"Sorry, couldn't resist... You took my fingers like they were nothing." You breathed, ghosting a kiss over her lips as she whimpered, cupping your face to give you a serious look.
"Curl them." She said, and you furrowed your brows... You were almost sure that she meant for you to curl your fingers, but your brain was working at like... Maybe half of its normal power right now.
"Curl them... And use your damn tongue." She groaned, her head hanging back on the couch as she spread her legs further, bringing her free hand behind your head to push your face between them, making you gasp into her cunt, your eyes rolling back at the feeling, the taste.
"Mmmph..." You groaned, sliding your tongue over her as you sighed, looping your free arm around her lower back as you nodded, curling your fingers deep inside of her, hearing her whimper as she ground on your face, a heavenly feeling that you were sure that no one would ever be able to replicate. "Taste so good." You mumbled, hearing Hermione let out a high whine.
"Holy fuck... Yes, yes just like that, please."
"So polite-." She tugged your hair hard, pulling you back in in the sexiest most non-Hermione way possible.
"Don't fucking stop." She groaned, which wasn't something that you needed to be told - you never wanted to stop anyway, there was no way that you'd just pull away with no reason.
"Mhm." She ground her hips against your face quicker, allowing you to bury your face in her cunt.
Fucking hell.
"So good, so fucking good... Better than... I ever... Fucking imagined." Hermione whined, and you smirked against her cunt, your ego soaring at the realization that Hermione had imagined you like this before... Part of you wanted to tease her, to ask exactly what she'd imagined, but you didn't want to stop right now, you were loving this too much.
"Ha." You groaned, lapping up her cunt as you curled deep inside her, feeling how she squeezed around you.
Good girl.
"Y/N..." Her voice was wrecked, sounding like she was moments away from cumming... Cum for me, cum for me... Please cum for me.
"'M cumming! Fuck, I'm cumming, oh my god..." She whined, grinding against your face as you let out a groan of relief, rubbing your thighs together to ease the burn there... You wanted to focus on her, not on your own arousal, overpowering as it was.
"Mmmm..." You kept going, desperate to feel her cum again as she whined, high and desperate, trying to run from your touch.
No. Don't. Don't run.
"Y/N, baby... Baby, I just... I'm so..." Her back arched as she scratched at your scalp, shuddering her way through another sudden orgasm. "Fuck!" You moaned heavily, pulling your fingers out of her so that you could pull her closer, not wanting to be done with her yet...
But she batted you away before you could.
"No more..." She mumbled, and you nodded, pulling back quickly as you looked up at her, seeing her chest rising and falling rapidly... Fuck, that'd been...
Well, it'd been amazing to you.
"How was that?" You asked, and she let out a lazy chuckle.
"Are you joking?" She mumbled, sounding exhausted in a way that made your heart swell with pride, but you didn't want to be premature - you wanted to make sure that you should really be proud right now.
Premature celebration would be a bit embarrassing.
"No. I wanna know." You said, wiping your mouth off carefully as you traced on her legs, trying to keep yourself calm. She uncovered her eyes, leaning forward a bit as she spoke, still looking dazed.
"That was the best sex I've ever had in my entire life." Hermione gasped, a large smile on her face as you kissed over her thighs, gently pulling her to your chest once you were seated beside her again, watching as she flicked her wand to bring a blanket over to the two of you, settling it over your entwined bodies.
"Good." She was quiet for a moment, pensive before she looked back up at you.
"Next time, you should let me get you off." Hermione said, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Next time?" You asked and she snorted, nodding like that was a given.
"Obviously." She cupped your cheek, kissing you slowly before she pulled back, her forehead resting against yours. "I'm too smart to let you get away." She murmured and you grinned, nodding.
You weren't trying to leave.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 months ago
Stray Kids Reaction || You Can't Have Kids
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‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2024
He sits across from you, silent after you reveal the news. You'd been agonising over it all morning since the doctor had phoned you and you'd had no idea how to tell Chan. You’re didn't know what you were expecting, disappointment? Maybe sadness, but instead, Chan reaches across the table and gently takes your hand in his.
“We’re a team, yeah?” His thumb brushes over your knuckles, grounding you. Your heart racing as you looked up at him, you knew how much starting a family meant to him but he wasn't going to let you go through any of this alone.
“I love you, and this doesn’t change anything. We’ll figure out what’s best for us. We have options, and we don’t need a traditional family to be happy.” His smile is soft but steady, full of reassurance. Tears welled up in your eyes and he rushed to sit beside you, bringing you into his arms and holding your head on his shoulder.
“Whatever happens, I’m not going anywhere.” He promises you, holding you tightly as you close your eyes. The doctors told you that they would help you with anything you could need and gave you good clinics for surrogacy for even adoption agencies.
Minho stares at you after you tell him, not speaking immediately. The two of you had been trying to have a baby for a long time and when you weren't able to concieve you'd ended up going to see a specialist, just to see what you were dealing with but it was your problem. Turns out you weren't able to carry a baby due to a 'hostile' uterus and you'd just broken the news to your husband.
The silence makes you nervous, but before you can say anything, he stands and moves to sit beside you. Without warning, he pulls you into a hug, burying his face in your neck.
“We don’t need kids to be a family,” he murmurs, his voice low but tender. Your heart was beating so fast you were almost sure it was going to burst out of your chest and into his arms but he just stroked your back softly,
“We already are one.” He leans back, his hands still resting on your arms.
“And if you ever feel like you’re not enough because of this, I’ll remind you that you are. Every day if I have to.” You smile a little as he runs his hand over your cheek,
"I love you," you whispered to him, thankful you had him by your side.
"I love you more." he winks.
When you tell Changbin, his eyebrows knit together in concern, not for the news itself but because you look so distraught. You'd gone off on a huge rant about it was "okay" if he wanted to leave you ebcause you couldn't give him kids. The whole thing left him fuming with himself that you could have thought he would leave you because you couldn't have a baby,
“Hey,” he says, tilting your chin up gently. “I don’t love you because I want you to give me kids. I love you because you’re... you.” He gives a soft chuckle, trying to lighten the mood, but you can barely manage a smile as you look at him, 
“Kids or no kids, it doesn’t change that. We’ll make our own happiness, alright? We can always explore other ways if we want to, but I don’t need anything else if I have you.” You smile at him and nod your head a little, cuddling into him as he holds you tightly against him,
"We could always adopt a bunch of puppies," He smirks at you, squeezing your shoulders a little as you giggle at the thought.
Hyunjin sits quietly as you explain, his eyes never leaving yours. When you finish, the silence between you is thick with emotion, but before you can apologize or say anything more, Hyunjin reaches out, gently taking your hands in his. His thumb brushes over your knuckles in soothing circles as he studies your face.
"You’ve been holding this in for a while, haven’t you?" he asks softly, his voice gentle, almost a whisper. The idea of you holding all of this alone killed him inside,
"I can see it in your eyes. I’m sorry you felt like you had to go through this alone." His hands tighten around yours, and he scoots closer, leaning in until his forehead rests gently against yours.
"Listen to me, baby," he whispers. "This doesn’t change how I feel about you. We don’t need to fit some mould of what a ‘perfect family’ should look like. We can create our own happiness, in our own way." You feel the warmth of his breath against your skin as he continues,
"And if you’re worried that I’ll be upset... I’m not. I fell in love with you, not with the idea of a future that has to look a certain way. And if we want to explore other options for a family, we’ll do it together. You and me. That’s all that matters." He whispers, his tone so confident you couldn't help but believe him,.
You'd been putting off telling him for weeks but finally it all came rushing out of you, unable to hold any of it back from him anymore. When you finish, he doesn’t say anything for a moment, just processing what you’ve shared. Then, he wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You cry against his shoulder and he gently rubs your back,
“Is that what’s been bothering you?” he asks gently, resting his chin on top of your head. he knew you'd been going through something but whenever he asked you, you avoided it.
“You’ve been worried about this?” He pulls back enough to look into your eyes. He gently wiped his thumb under your eyes to remove the tears and you sniffled at him.
“This doesn’t make me love you any less. And if you’re upset because you think I’ll be disappointed... I’m not.” His smile is warm, and full of affection. 
“We’ll be okay. We can adopt or find another way. We don’t have to rush anything...We can take time a process this,” You nodded at him, liking the idea of taking some time to think before you acted on anything,
Felix immediately notices the fear and anxiety on your face as you reveal the news. There was something off about you for weeks and he now understood what it was. 
"I get it if you don't...If I can't- I let you down." you could barely get the words out and his heart clenches, not because of the revelation, but because of the weight it’s clearly put on you.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers, pulling you into his chest. He holds you close, running his fingers up and down your back softly in a comforting manner. 
“You don’t have to feel like you’ve let me down. You haven’t.” His words are firm but kind, filled with reassurance. There was nothing in the world you could ever let him down, least of all like this.
“We’ll figure this out together, yeah? There’s so much more to life, and we can still have everything we’ve ever wanted, no matter what.” He looks at you as you nodded,
"Besides, means we can travel more right now and I know for a fact you've been wanting to go and visit Paris." he smirks at you and you smile weakly, cuddling into him.
Seungmin’s reaction is measured, as always, but you can see the tenderness in his eyes as you explain the situation. He doesn’t rush to speak, instead giving you his full attention until you’re done. Once you finished you blew out a breath and he moved closer to you,
“We’ll be alright,” he says simply, but his tone is filled with confidence. He reaches out to hold your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel like there was a pressure on you to carry a child, there were other ways the two of you could have a baby,
“There are many ways to build a family, if that’s what we want. But no matter what, I want you to know that this changes nothing about how I feel. You’re still my person, and that’s all I need.” He promises you, reminding you of your vows to one another as you felt your body heating up and nodding.
"We'll figure it out together," he promised you.
Jeongin listens quietly as you tell him, and you notice the worry that flashes across his face, not for the situation but because he sees how much it’s affecting you. He takes your hands in his, squeezing them gently. He could tell that you had been feeling "guilty" about this whole thing and that was the last thing he wanted from you,
“You don’t have to feel bad about this,” he says softly. “I didn’t fall in love with you because I wanted kids, I fell in love with you because... i wanted to be with you for the rest of our lives. I wanted to grow old with you and eventually push you around in a wheelchair...or get matching scooters with you.” He gives you a shy but sweet smile and you laugh softly at the thought of you growing old and grey together.
"Matching scooters?" You giggled and he nodded, wiping the tears off your face,
"Oh and Zimmer frames, you'd have yellow tennis balls and I'd get blue," He winks at you and you relax a little.
“We have a lot of time to figure things out. What matters to me is that we’re together. That’s enough for me.”
@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @s3ungm1nxxl0ve
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lovegalor333 · 4 months ago
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˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
sick day (next part)
summary: you’re sick and paige looks after you
content warnings: none!
mainly because im sick and dying rn and wish someone would look after me lol 🥲
“You said you had a slight cold, Y/N. This is not a slight cold, you look like death.” Paige says as she looks at you from the end of your bed.
You’re bundled up under your covers shivering and the light Paige just turned on hurts your eyes so you keep them closed, not wanting to worsen your already brain splitting headache.
“It is a cold.” You grumble, your throat hurting with every word.
“Uh huh, that’s why you haven’t moved a muscle since I’ve been stood here, when usually I can’t even make it through the door without you being in my arms.” She says matter of factly and she’s right. Whenever Paige comes over, you’re practically bouncing at the door waiting for her and tackle her into a hug as soon as she comes into sight.
“I’m fine, just tired.” You try and lie but Paige knows you better than that and you know her well enough to know she’s about to challenge you.
“Come here then.” She remarked and you peeled your eyes open, squinting at the bright light to see her stood with her arms crossed over her chest, a knowing look on her face but you was not about to admit defeat.
You begrudgingly flipped the duvet off your body, arms aching at the slightest of movement and you manoeuvre your body to the edge of the bed before bracing yourself to stand. Your legs were weak and wobbly as you took small steps towards Paige and just as you were about to reach her and prove her wrong, your knees buckled beneath you and she lurched forward, catching you in her arms.
“Easy baby, it’s OK, I got you. Let’s get you back to bed.” Paige says, effortlessly hooking one arm under your legs and the other around your back, lifting you off the floor to carry you back to the safe surface of your mattress.
“You’re burning hot too, Y/N. I think you have a fever.” She notes as she lays you back down, the back of her hand coming in contact with your forehead, then your neck and finally your chest.
“But I’m so cold, I can’t get warm.” You mumble, burying yourself back under your duvet trying to stop the shivers taking over your body.
“Definitely a fever. I’ll be back. Stay here.” She tells you, fixing the duvet over your body as you had done a bad job doing it yourself.
“Do you think I can go anywhere?”
“Sick but still got an attitude, that’s my girl.”
You drift in and out of sleep while Paige is gone and your headache only worsens and you hope she comes back soon because you need a drink but you can’t move. Your limbs feel like lead and your head spins at the smallest of movements.
You hear the front door to your apartment open and close and the taps of familiar footsteps walking towards your room and you immediately know it’s your girlfriend and you’re thankful you’re no longer alone because you genuinely feel like you’re dying.
“You’re back.” You whisper and your voice comes out low and weak you barely even recognise it.
“And I brought supplies.” Paige announces and you flutter your eyes open and she’s holding a huge bag, packed full with God knows what.
“Tylenol, DayQuil and NightQuil, Gatorade because you need electrolytes, soup, tissues, herbal tea, oranges for vitamin C, your favourite candy and water because I just know you’ve not been drinking enough.” She reels off what she bought as she lays it out on your bed.
Paige helps you sit up, propping up your pillows behind your back for support. She pops a few pills into her hand and unscrews the cap of a bottle of water, “Open up.” She says and you’re in no position to argue so you open your mouth and she drops the medicine inside before bringing the bottle up to your lips for you to take a sip.
“Thank you.” You croak out and she just shakes her head, “I wish you would have told me you were this bad. I would have been here straight away.”
“I didn’t want to worry you…or being a burden.” You admit and she sits on the edge of the bed, her hands taking yours, “You are not a burden. Far from it. I want to help you get better, just let me.” She practically begs and you could cry. You were so used to looking after yourself and always being the one to take care of others, it felt foreign being on the receiving end of such selfless actions.
“I’m going to make you some tea and soup. You think you can handle that?” She asks, rubbing your arm comfortingly.
“Maybe just the tea?” You suggest not feeling particularly hungry.
“OK, but soup later because you have to eat, Y/N.” She insists before taking the pack of tea to make you a cup.
Paige returns with a huge mug of hot tea and a damp cloth, “For the fever.” She says placing it on your head and even though you feel freezing cold, your teeth are chattering, the cool cloth is a soothing sensation against your burning skin.
You take the tea with shaky hands and immediately take a sip, the hot liquid mellowing out the pains in your throat. Paige positions herself next to you in your bed, tucking herself under your covers. Her body next to yours is comforting after laying alone, sick and suffering for the past twenty four hours.
“I don’t want to get you sick.” You sniffle, weary that whatever illness had attacked your immune system is probably contagious.
“Don’t worry about me baby, let’s focus on getting you better.” Paige replied hooking an arm around your shoulder.
You take a few more sips of tea before placing it down on your beside table, starting to feel tired as if sitting up in bed had taken the last of your diminishing energy.
You shuffle your body down so your practically laying in Paiges lap and her hand falls to your head and she runs her fingers through your hair, repeatedly. Her actions are slow and soft and full of love, you knew you’d be asleep in seconds.
“I’m tired, P.” You mutter, feeling guilty that you were about to fall alseep, leaving your girlfriend nursing you.
“It’s OK, go to sleep baby, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
You give into your exhaustion at Paiges words and your eyes fall shut to the feeling of her fingers in your hair, your head on her lap and her scent being the only thing you can smell.
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
a/n: don’t forget to send me requests if you have any! ily 💋
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heavyhitterheaux · 5 months ago
Flip a Switch
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Synopsis: When you find out information regarding your husband and his career, you confront him and demand an explanation as to why he kept it a secret from you
Pairing: Husband!Joe Burrow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: a cutie anon 💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You walked into the house with a smile on your face and was met with your husband coming out of the kitchen. He was originally looking down at his phone, but once he heard the front door open, he looked up to see his favorite person running full speed into him and he immediately caught you. Your arms instantly went around his neck as he buried his face in your hair.
“I missed you.” You whispered to him as you picked your head up to kiss him.
“I think I missed you more. I didn’t think you would be gone that long, but truth be told I should have known better. Any time the two of you go out together you tell me that you won’t be long and it ends up being the complete opposite.” He responded as he placed you back down on your feet, but still had a tight hold on you.
“Hmm, blame your mom. At first it was only supposed to be lunch, but then we went shopping and then I somehow ended up in the candle section of TJ Maxx and it was….”
“How much money did you spend? Because I don’t see any bags with you.” Joe asked as he looked behind you.
“Oh, they’re in the car. My original plan was to sneak them in, but I saw that you were back from practice so I decided against it knowing that you would probably see me. And I'm not telling you how much I spent.”
“Mm hmm, like those six amazon packages that were delivered last week.” Joe said as he eyed you, but all you did was smirk.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, baby.” You playfully told him as you kissed him once more.
“Yeah, I think I’ve heard that line before.”
“But, would you mind bringing the bags in for me while I go and take a shower? Then I’ll meet you back down here?” You asked as you batted your eyelashes hoping that he would say yes.
“Don’t I do anything and everything for you? You didn’t even need to do all that. All you had to do was ask.” Joe laughed as he reached down to kiss your nose.
“Yes I did! Your mom also went with me to get them done! Don’t they look good?”
“I… I need to set some boundaries when you two hang out together because every time it gets worse and worse.”
“Hey! Don’t get mad that your mom loves me more than you and wants to spend time with me! But on a real note, I’m super thankful for your family and the way that they embraced me when we first started dating. When you don’t come from that and not being told you’re important and you’re loved, it really is amazing to see.” You confided in your husband and a smile grew on his face.
“From our first date, I knew that they would love you. After we had dinner that one night when I took you to meet them, both of my parents told me that you were the one and that they could see it. Now look, married for two years.”
“Really? You never told me that. I adore both of them so much and they treat me like I’m theirs.”
Your in-laws were some of the most amazing and caring people that you had ever met and you instantly felt at ease when Joe first introduced them to you.
“Oh trust and believe that they do. Any time I call them, the first thing they ask me is ‘how’s Y/N?’ like I haven’t been their child for damn near 28 years, but I get it. I’m obsessed with you just like everyone else is. And now we’re trying to add a little one to that.” He responded as he gently placed his hand on your mid-section.
“Hopefully it’ll happen soon. We can try again later if you’re up for it.” You told him as you sent a wink his way.
“I’m definitely not going to turn that down. But for now, go upstairs and I’ll get your 100 bags out of the car.” He said as he finally released you from his embrace and you were missing his warmth already.
“It’s not that many this time, I promise!”
“Yeah, not listening to you because last time I had to make three trips.”
“I got stuff for you too!”
“Not the point!” Joe yelled back as he had opened the door and was making his way to your car.
Making your way up the steps and into your shared bedroom with Joe, you threw off your clothes and put them into the hamper as you made your way into the bathroom to warm up the water for your shower. You washed your face before checking the temperature of the water and when you were finally satisfied with it, you covered your faux locs with a shower cap and finally stepped underneath the water. You grabbed your coconut body wash and grabbed your wash cloth as you began to lather it all over your body.
You were rinsing off, when you suddenly felt a presence behind you which made you jump. Turning around you were face to face with your husband and you playfully hit him on his arm.
“You scared me! Don’t do that!”
“I’m sorry! I thought you heard me!”
“How in the world could I have heard you with the shower running, babe? Be serious!”
“You hear me any other time! I didn’t mean to scare you.” Joe told you as he leaned down to kiss you.
“I was thinking maybe we could get some practice in before later.” He whispered against your lips before kissing you once more and moving his hands down to your hips.
“But only if…” You immediately cut him off.
“Then jump.”
As the two of you sat on the couch after your shower, Joe's arms were wrapped around you and placing soft kisses all over your face and neck as you scrolled through Instagram.
“Baby! Quit it!” You told him while laughing, but he held onto you tighter and nuzzled his face in your neck.
“Why? You smell so good, like I could eat you.”
“You did that already less than an hour ago actually. Don’t you remember?”
“Yes, and I plan on doing it again later.” He whispered and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"Joseph Lee...." You quietly said and Joe's heart rate instantly began to increase because of the tone of your voice.
"Um, yes baby? Am I in trouble? You never call me by my name unless I am." He tried to make light of it by laughing, but the last thing that you were was amused.
“I'm about to turn you every way but loose if you don't explain this." As you shoved your phone towards him, he began to read the Instagram post and his eyes began to widen as he saw what it was about.
He refused to look at you and muttered a simple ‘fuck’ under his breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his right hand as you moved your phone away from his face and set it to the side of you.
“So, that's all you have to say?” You asked him and it was clear to him that there was no way that he was getting out of this conversation any time soon.
“I… babe… look I've just been thinking about it. Nothing is permanent yet. I don't want you to get upset about this.”
“How can I not get upset about it?” You slightly raised your voice as you moved off of his lap to sit next to him.
“Like I said, nothing is certain yet.”
“Hmm, so you hide secrets from me now?”
“Baby, it's not a secret. I….”
“It obviously is a secret because I had to find out on instagram of all places. So when were you going to tell your wife that you want to be TRADED?”
“Soon, okay? I was going to tell you soon!”
“How soon?! Like, how can you even think about that? Especially at a time like this?”
“NO! We made a five year plan and that plan included us staying here. I just got the job that I had been after for more than three years! We just bought this house! We plan on having a baby! We’re close to your parents and your family. If we leave, we won’t have ANY of that!” You explained to him and the thought of all of that happening so soon honestly terrified you.
“Okay, I get that, I really do. But I also have to think about what’s best for me and what’s best for my career. I thought that you would understand that!”
“Without consulting me?! Last time I checked I was your wife! You literally tell me EVERYTHING. Don’t you think that this is something that we should talk about?! Especially when it literally might change everything that I’ve worked for!”
“In a marriage, sacrifices and compromises need to be made.” Joe told you as he shrugged, and your anger and frustration at him had hit a new level.
“Didn’t realize that pissing me off was on your agenda for the night.”
“I’m not trying to! Like I said, I haven’t even signed anything yet so there is no reason for you to be losing your shit on me like you are right now!”
“It’s the principle of it! YOU LIED TO ME. The person that I married NEVER lies to me. That’s my issue and you are seriously up here acting like it’s no big deal!? I literally just told you earlier when I got back how important your family is to me and that I love being around them and now I find this out? This is the first time that I actually feel like I have one! And me finding this out doesn’t even come from my own husband?”
“The only thing I’m sorry for is not telling you and then you finding out on social media. That’s it.”
“Never thought that I would say this, but I don’t think I want to be around you right now.” You quietly told him as you got up from the couch with him trying to take hold of your wrist.
“I’m going upstairs.”
Leaving Joe in the living room, you walked upstairs and sat on your bed as you were trying to collect your thoughts about what had just happened. Your biggest thing was that he kept this from you. You were literally the first person that he told everything to so you couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t tell you this seeing as this is a big decision being made for him and his career.
Bottom line was that you were hurt.
Just when things were starting to go your way and you had finally gotten settled and comfortable with living here, it seemed like it was being pulled right from underneath you.
Your phone that had been long forgotten after seeing the post suddenly vibrated and you looked to see that it was a text from Joe’s mom, Robin. Quickly opening it, you saw that it was a screenshot of the same instagram post that you had confronted your husband about.
Robin- Did you know about this? He hasn’t said anything to us.
You- Nope, nothing. I found out the same way you did and I let him have it.
It was now Saturday evening and you and Joe were sitting at the dining room table eating dinner in absolute silence. You had originally found out on Wednesday and had said less than ten words to him every day since then. It was awkward, and Joe knew that he had to be the one to fix it so that the two of you were both satisfied with the decision in the end. Soon after you had walked away from him that night, he had gotten a call from his parents to demand an explanation on why they found out via social media and not him.
“How long are you going to ignore me?” Joe asked and you wanted to jump in his arms right then and there, but you had to stand your ground.
“I’m not ignoring you. I’m talking to you right now.”
“You’ve barely said anything to me since Wednesday and it’s now Saturday night.”
“Hmm, playing for your new team tomorrow or are you still employed with the Bengals?” You pettily asked and Joe immediately sighed before rolling his eyes.
“I just asked a question and there’s no harm in me doing that.” You answered as you stabbed your mashed potatoes.
“Are you coming to the game tomorrow?” Joe asked with uncertainty.
“When have I missed a home game of yours?”
“Never. But you’ve never been this pissed at me before either. At least from what I remember.”
“Well you brought this on yourself, but yes I’m coming along with your parents. Now hurry up and finish eating so I can clean up.”
“I can do it, don’t even worry about it.” Joe told you as he sighed and pushed the food around on his plate.
“And are you actually going to sleep next to me tonight?”
“I’ll decide when I get upstairs, but no promises.” You answered over your shoulder as you had started to walk away.
After Joe had cleaned up the kitchen, he made his way to his office down the hall and closed the door. Once he sat down, he dialed Brian’s number who was his agent and he picked up on the second ring.
“Hey, I was just about to call you.”
“Hey, so did you read over the contract? How does it look?” Joe asked as he leaned back in his office chair.
“I did and I personally don’t think this is the best move for you. I get it that you might be frustrated with the way that things are going right now with the team, but this will probably lead you to being more unhappy.”
“How so?”
“First off, they are definitely low balling you for money and they don’t look like they’re changing their minds about that. They claim that they want you so bad, but obviously not bad enough. How did Y/N react when you told her?”
“She found out on instagram and proceeded to rip me a new one. She’s still not really talking to me since she believes that I kept this from her.”
“Well, I can see her point and you did keep it from her. I don’t know who ended up leaking it, but when it happened, I knew that it wasn’t about to go over well. My advice, stay where you are. We can get a few more good years out of them and if you’re still not satisfied, then we’ll look elsewhere.”
“If you think that’s best.”
“I do, but you need to tell your wife first when we get to that point so she isn’t blindsided like she was this time.”
“Now that I can agree with.”
After staying on the phone a little bit longer with Brian, Joe walked upstairs to the master bedroom and was surprised to see you sitting there. Once you looked up at him, you sighed and then patted the space next to you to tell him to sit down. Once he did, you took his hand in yours before saying anything.
“I thought about what I said the other day and I need to apologize to you too. I think that my reaction also made you think that I didn’t support you when that is far from the truth. I will follow you anywhere and do absolutely anything for you. I just… that blindsided me and it also made me think that you didn’t totally support me either. I can find another job, I get that but everything that I want is right in front of me.” You confessed and Joe simply nodded his head, letting you know that he understood.
“I know that you support me and that thought never crossed my mind. You were upset and for good reason. I should have told you and not gone behind your back trying to hide it from you. You deserved better than that and you were completely right when you said that I tell you absolutely everything.”
“So, therefore whatever you decide, it’s fine.”
“No.” Joe quickly answered and you were left confused.
“Before any big decisions like that are made, we have to come to that decision together so that we don’t go through this again. I don't like it when my wife doesn't talk to me or she doesn't want to be around me.”
“Okay, agreed. And I also missed giving you kisses.” You confessed and laughed at the small smirk showing on Joe's face.
“So with that being said, we’re not going anywhere.” Joe told you and you looked at him in disbelief.
“But, I thought…”
“Brian looked over the contract and was trying to negotiate, but he told me it’s probably in my best interest to stay here so that’s what I’m going to do.”
“Now, are you absolutely sure?” You asked your husband and he simply nodded his head.
“Positive and at the end of the day, I also want to keep my wife happy since she's in it with me for the long haul.”
“Sacrifices and compromises.” You quietly said as he repeated it back to you.
“Sacrifices and compromises.”
Joe leaned over to place a kiss on your forehead and you immediately embraced him.
“So, I guess my good luck charm is actually sleeping next to me tonight?”
“I am, so you better make sure that you win.” You told him as you got comfortable on your side of the bed with him climbing in next to you and wrapping his arms around you.
It was quiet for a few minutes before you spoke.
“Oh, so my name is back to being baby now?”
“Don't push it, Joseph.” You told him as he laughed.
“Hmm. Yes?”
“What team were you going to go to? I want to know. I'm curious.”
“I don't even want to tell you because you aren't going to let me hear the end of it if I do. You might even ask for a divorce.”
“You are so dramatic. Why? You're not going anymore so tell me.”
Joe mumbled something under his breath, but you turned around to face him in the hopes that you would be able to hear him better.
“What was that, babe?”
“JOSEPH LEE BURROW! WHAT!?” You yelled as you sat up and turned on the lamp that was sitting on the bedside table.
“SEE! THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL YOU! Apparently Lamar had been having some issues with his contract soooo……”
“I would have NEVER forgiven you for that one.”
“You made that pretty clear, princess and like I said you would probably ask for a divorce.”
“Not a divorce, but we would definitely have to separate for a while.”
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cressidagrey · 5 months ago
Stars all aligned - Chapter 4
If there was one thing that both Azriel and Zahra Archeron had in common, it was that they were both very good at blending into the background.
They just never thought that their family were going to be the ones who never saw them at all.
THIS IS BAD! I have updated the tags on AO3, but I'll add it on here too:
Bashing of like...every IC member? Especially the Archeron Sisters, discussion of chronic pain, discussion of Infertility, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Underage Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, please, take care of your own mental health and don't read it.
(Lovely dividers thanks to @sweetmelodygraphics)
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Master. Master, you need to wake up! The shadows were the ones that woke him. Azriel blinked open his eyes… and a moment later the thick cloying scent of blood hit him.
It woke him up immediately. He shot upright on the couch, shadows rushing around him. The scent of blood came from Zahra’s room. 
Nobody else was in the cottage. He knew that. The shadows would have alerted him if there was. 
Which meant that…
He was up before he could think twice about it, hurrying to the door of her room, heart beating furiously, already dreading what might have happened. What she might have done to herself.  “Zahra?” Azriel asked loudly. “Zahra, are you alright?”
A choked gasp, a pitiful moan…all he needed to hear. “I am coming in.“ he warned her. Azriel pushed open the door…and he froze at the threshold of the doorway, staring at the sight awaiting him. 
This couldn’t all be her blood. 
Zahra lay in the middle of the bed, curled on her side. Her body shook through painful shivers and her skin had already taken on a worrying grey colour, near lifeless. 
And the bed…the sheets…they were a mess of crimson. 
Blood had soaked through the sheets, staining the mattress…It was…it was horrific.
“Go away.” She whispered, her voice weak. “Please.”
Yeah. That was so not happening. 
His heart was pounding, his chest nearly painfully tight as his eyes focused on her. On Zahra’s shaking body, on her pale face. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Azriel said softly, his voice strained. Gods. What had she done to herself?  “Where are you hurt? What did you do?” He demanded, coming closer, reaching out to touch her arms. Her throat and wrists were unblemished, if one ignored the cold sweat…just as she whimpered again, nearly violently flinching, doubling over.
Between one breath and the next…suddenly it snapped.
The golden bond unfurled to the smell of his mate’s blood, to the sound of her pain.
“I…” she tried to speak, but her words became caught in her throat, choked off by another gasp of pain. By the Mother…
Azriel could feel the bond between them. It seemed to hum in his very bones, demanding that he fix this, that he find the cause of her pain and make it stop.
He knelt on the bed, his knees sinking into the pool of blood, hands hovering above her.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked her desperately.
She just whimpered, her whole body shivering. “Can’t you just….leave me alone?” She asked brokenly, her voice cracking. “Please. It’s just…”
Azriel ignored her, carefully shifting her body until she was lying on her back. But in doing so, he accidentally brushed against her stomach, and all he could think was that he had literally never heard a scream so painful.
Her nightgown was drenched with sweat and blood…dark red right by…
„Have you had your cycle yet as a fae?“ Azriel asked sharply. But that shouldn’t…this was too much blood for that…wasn’t it?
Her eyes were scrunched shut, her face a twisted rictus of agony. She shook her head at his question, teeth clenching. “No…” she said through clenched teeth, her voice high with pain. “No, I haven’t gotten one..”
Which made no sense either because she had…because she had been a fae for nearly three years at this point. Zahra should have gone through multiple cycles by now. 
And while fae cycles were vicious, they weren’t…
They didn’t involve this much blood. Usually. 
Another whimper of pain, another tremble of that bond in his chest…and Azriel was done. 
Madja. He needed Madja.
“I’ll get Madja,” he told Zahra tightly, hands gently cupping her face. “I just need to go get her, and then I’ll be right back,” he promised her desperately, just as another choked-off moan came from her. 
The shadows came flowing out of the corners of the room, pressing against Zahra's face. Go, Master! they demanded.
Azriel’s throat closed up. He hated the thought of leaving her, even for a moment. But he gave a sharp, resolute nod. “Okay..okay, I will be right back.”
He gave her one last look, her pale face and dark hair soaked with sweat and blood, and then he was gone. 
“Madja!! Madja!” He bellowed. He wasn’t normally one to be panicked, he was an Illyrian trained from birth to be calm under stress, to keep his head. But this…Gods, this had his heart in his throat and his mind racing.
This was his mate. 
He had waited half a millennia for her and she had been right in front of his nose for three years and he hadn’t fucking seen it. 
If he had seen it earlier, maybe then it would have never gotten this bad, maybe then it wouldn’t have…
He was quite sure that he gave Madja half a heart attack, but quite frankly, Madja was used to worse from him and his family. 
And so, Madja only took one look at his panicked, wild expression and her own went serious. “What happened?” She asked as she rose from her chair.
“It’s Zahra,” Azriel said, his voice thick. He swallowed, trying to get a grip. “She’s…bleeding. So much…blood. It’s everywhere, it’s all over her bed and clothes and…gods, I don’t know what happened, but I need you to come, now.”
Madja’s eyes widened, her hands going to the satchel at the table. “Take me to her.” She said simply, shoving a few jars into her bag. 
Zahra was where he had left her, shadows worriedly swirling around her. And the sigh that greeted them made even Madja’s breath hitch. 
“Zahra, can you hear me?” Madja asked immediately. “I am going to help you, alright?”
Zahra’s eyes flickered but didn’t open. Her breaths were uneven and pained, her face twisted. “Y-yeah…” she panted, voice quavering.
Azriel knelt by the bed, one hand coming down to hers and lacing their fingers together. He could feel the damp and icy cold skin against his…her heartbeat skittering underneath her skin…Azriel was practically shaking himself with how worried he was, his whole body trembling with fear.
“You’re going to be just fine,” he murmured softly. “Madja is here, she will figure out what’s wrong.”
Zahra groaned, her fingers giving a weak twitch in his before gripping onto his hand like a lifeline.
“Hurts..” she whimpered, her voice cracking.
“I know,“ Madja said soothingly. “I’ll need to lift your nightgown, alright? Just to see where we are at.“
Zahra gave a low whine, her eyes scrunching up tighter, but she made no protest or move to stop the healer. Azriel didn’t know if she did that because she trusted Madja or because she was far too far gone to even care. Madja carefully peeled back the blood-soaked fabric, carefully lifting it up over her stomach.
Azriel kept his eyes on Zahra's face, pressing a kiss against the back of her hand.  “Squeeze as tight as you need to,” he told her softly. 
“What if I hurt you?” she forced out, but he just shook his head. 
“You won’t,” Azriel promised her simply. And even if she did…he wouldn’t care. He would have given everything in that moment to make sure that she was comforted even a tiny little bit. 
Her face was drenched in sweat, her body quivering, and she looked far too young, too fragile at that moment. 
He forgot sometimes, how young she really was. Not even a century yet. Not even…
But she still squeezed his hand tighter. Her eyes clenched closed, her breaths laboured and quick. “Hurts…it hurts so badly…” she whimpered brokenly.
Whatever Madja was doing to her…Zahra’s breathing was becoming panicked and even more pained, her whole body shaking. 
Azriel was having to restrain the urge to pull her into his arms, to tug her up against his chest and try to soothe her. To drag her away from Madja, who he knew was only trying to help and instead comfort his mate. 
So instead, he pressed another kiss to her sweat-slick skin even as she cried out sharply. The sound made him flinch. 
“Gods,” Madja cursed sharply and Azriel’s head snapped towards her. She was looking far more upset than Azriel had ever seen her. 
“What is it? “ he asked shakily, Zahra whimpering and he turned back towards her, unable to tear his gaze away from the anguished, pain-filled face of his mate. “What’s happening?
“You should have been brought to me immediately, Zahra” Madja said softly. “I could have lessened the pain, dear.”
Zahra didn’t say a word, biting her lips, her face still pulled up into a pain-filled grimace. 
“How often?” Madja asked, her voice softening.  
Zahra’s breaths were hitching, coming in shallow pants as her trembling increased. She shook her head softly, her words coming out between gasps. “Often,” she’d whimpered.
Zahra gave another moan, and her hand clenched even harder around Azriel’s. Every one of her shudders and flinches was like a knife straight into his heart.
He had no idea what they were talking about, but it couldn’t be good, he knew that much. 
“How old were you the first time?” Madja asked gently.
“15,” Zahra whispered, wetting her lips. Every single word seemed to be forced out of her chest.  “I was 15.“
15…so young. Gods, so damn young.
Madja’s face was grim, “And the last?” The healer questioned.
“It went on for 6 years,” Zahra whispered. “Until 4 years ago.”
Madja nodded tightly. “You were still human,” Madja said softly. “The scarring is…extensive. Humans heal slower don’t they?”
“Yes,” Zahra whispered.
Azriel’s heart was hammering in his chest, his mind racing to try to catch up to the conversation that was happening. He felt so goddamn useless. There was something wrong, so wrong, and he couldn’t do a thing to try and help. The feeling of helplessness was killing him.
And this…this sounded like they were implying something so awful that he daren’t voice it. 
“What’s wrong with her?” He demanded. “What do you mean by scarring?”
Madja’s hands were moving across the skin of Zahra’s abdomen, pressing down gently, something that resulted in Zahra’s whole body flinching “There is extensive scarring in her reproductive system.” The healer told him bluntly. “Like she has been injured for an extended period. Over and Over.”
Zahra let out a shuddering gasp, her head tilting to press into the pillows and away from the healer’s hands.
“Cauldron, sunshine, what happened to you?” Azriel whispered.
He hadn’t actually expected an answer. He got one nonetheless.
“I did what I had to. I always did what I had to,” Zahra whispered, green eyes begging him to understand. “We had no money and Feyre was sick and… Was I supposed to let my little sister die?” Azriel went utterly still at her words
She had…she had done something to her own body to save her sister. Something bad enough to give her scars on her internal organs. What the hell had she ever done to cause this much damage?
“What did you do?” He forced out.
Her breath was shaky. “I gave the only thing that was mine to give up. The only thing that…the only thing that that apothecary would want,” she recounted with a shudder. Azriel’s blood went cold, freezing in his veins.
He didn’t…he couldn’t possibly mean…
“He raped you.” He whispered.
He wished she would disagree…would tell him that that hadn’t happened…but what she did say…it was even worse. 
“I went to him willingly. I let him do this to me. I didn’t fight him,” Zahra corrected him, her voice weak. 
Like that made it any better. Like that…
“You were so young,” he said softly. “Gods…Zahra..” his voice broke, and he couldn’t speak anymore.
He didn’t even have the words…didn’t even have the thoughts…didn’t…
“He hurt you,” he choked out.  It wasn’t a question.
A shuddering breath from her. 
“Yes,” Zahra answered weakly. “It…I did it once for medicine. But after that…I did it for money. I came back and I let him do it to me again. And again. And when he got bored, he thought of something new, something worse and…He did things to me…I didn’t even know you could do that to another person.” 
His entire body was shaking with rage. The shadows wreathing around him darkened almost into black. 
He had never wanted to rip another person into pieces with his bare hands as much as he wanted to right now. 
Madja stilled next to them, her hands still on Zahra’s skin…trying to heal the worst of it, Azriel could feel that. 
The healer’s face was carefully blank, but Azriel had known her long enough to see the subtle signs of anger. Madja had an incredibly good mask, but Azriel was able to read people when they didn’t want to be read.
And…there was another thing…
“Do your sisters know?” he asked weakly. Did they know and still treated Zahra like they did? Ignored her outright at some points and wished she didn’t exist at others? 
The dynamic had been fucked up from the start…the first time they had met Zahra she had been in her maid uniform…clearly treated not as a member of their family but as staff. 
But they had believed…they all had believed that maybe the change from human to fae was good for one thing and that would fall away…that this could heal…that all 4 of them could be sisters, properly, now. Maybe something that went well for once. 
Now Azriel wondered how naive he had been in particular. 
He was a bastard just as she was. Azriel would never be accepted by his half-brothers either. His half-brothers had ruined his hands. And her sisters…
“Nesta…Nesta thinks I had an affair with a married man,” Zahra choked out. “Which I did. Kind of.” 
A horrible, bitter laugh tore itself out of the Azriel’s chest. “An affair…” he repeated, disbelieving. “You didn’t have an affair. You were raped.”
“I let him do it. I did it willingly,” Zahra disagreed, her voice weak. 
She had agreed, because otherwise they would have starved. 
“You were fifteen!” Azriel whispered, anger flaring up with his grief. “You were a child! You were nothing but a goddamn child. And you did what you had to to survive. You sacrificed yourself for your family’s survival!” He took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to get a grip on his own emotions.
Madja’s hands were still moving over the skin of her stomach, her face set in a heavy grimace.
Zahra’s eyes were fixed on his face, her breaths still shallow and pained. “I am sorry.”
He couldn’t stand it. Couldn’t stand her apologies. Not right now. Not for this.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he whispered, pressing another kiss to the back of her hand.
“You were just a child,” Azriel repeated, voice choked. “None of this is your damn fault.” For once… she didn’t protest. 
Zahra just closed her eyes, a few tears trickling out from between her lashes.
Madja’s hands stilled, and then the healer carefully pulled away. She didn’t say anything, and Azriel felt a new fear fill his chest. “What is it?” He asked her. “What’s wrong?”
“The scarring is…extensive,” Madja said carefully. “I am…I am sorry, but I think you may be barren.”
Zahra didn’t even flinch.
“I know,” Zahra answered, her voice flat. “I haven’t bled in years until now.” The words were like someone driving an ice-cold knife between his ribs and into his heart.
He didn’t care that she couldn’t carry his children. He didn’t fucking care. 
He only needed to know that she was safe and healthy…But to know she had been hurting for so many years…to know that she had sacrificed herself for her family…it broke his heart. 
And they didn’t even know that she had done that. 
Madja’s expression darkened further. Perhaps at the thought of what Zahra had been forced to endure, or perhaps because this new information opened up a whole other level of complication.
“That…does explain why the bleeding has been so severe,” the healer said. “Gods, child.”
There was silence in the room, Azriel still gripping Zahra’s hand in his. 
He didn’t care that she couldn’t give him children, not unless she wanted to. But the fact that she would never have a choice in the matter. That she had sacrificed not just her innocence, but the future she could have had, for her family’s sake…
He clenched his jaw so tightly he was surprised it didn’t crack.
Zahra was staring up at the ceiling, her emotions carefully schooled and hidden away. So cold and indifferent…so numb. Numb. 
He could recognise the signs because he often felt like that as well. 
Azriel wanted to hold her. He wanted to pull her up to his chest and into his arms and hide her from the entire world. From all the horrors and nightmares that she had been forced to endure.
Protecting and keeping her and making sure she never hurt again…
“I have some potions for you to take…I’ll ask Violet to make you some specially tailored for you…” Madja said softly. 
Violet was the apothecary they used for most of their potions. And also the one that Zahra did the accounts for. 
Azriel forced himself to nod. Zahra made some vague murmur of understanding, as Madja put said potions on the bedside table. 
Madja turned her gaze to Azriel, dark eyes searching his face. “You should stay with her tonight,” she said quietly. “Make sure the bleeding doesn’t get worse and call me immediately if it does.”
Azriel nodded again. He wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, not unless Zahra asked him to leave.
The healer rose, giving another glance at the two of them. She made a sound in the back of her throat, as though she wanted to say something, but she just gave a single nod before turning and leaving the room.
And then it was just the two of them in the room. Azriel sat crouched next to her on the bed, his hand still clamped around hers.
He didn’t know what the damn hell he was supposed to say.
“I’m sorry.” And there she was, apologizing yet again for something that wasn’t her fault in the least. 
His eyes widened at her voice, the unexpectedness of it breaking the silence in the room.
“What?” He asked, his voice cracking. “What could you possibly be sorry for?”
She didn’t open her eyes, but he saw her expression flicker slightly. “For…for this.” She said hoarsely. “For making you deal with this.”
His heart felt like it was collapsing in on itself again. “You didn’t make me do anything,” he said quietly. “And you have nothing to apologise for.”
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wonkizz · 9 days ago
shift- yjw
jungwon x fem reader genre: smut MDNI! wc: 4.1k warn: virgin! reader, pwop (or p w/very little plot) unprotected sex, blowjob, pussy eating, fingering, cumming inside, dirty talk (badly done), mention of other idols/members, if there are more lmk
note: i’m still not good at smut writing so excuse this 😗🥲
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You didn’t want to go on this trip, but being a part of the school's hockey team forced you to.
You were the team's photographer, meaning you were at every game, no matter what.
This game happened to be away, in a completely different state!
It wasn’t exactly the job that was the problem; it was the team. You didn’t like them. You found them arrogant, superficial, and just…not nice. Yes, they were good. You weren’t denying that, but would it kill them to be a little more humble?
The worst was the captain, Yang Jungwon.
He made your blood boil constantly.
It started with comments about your major and how it “wouldn’t get you anywhere in life.”
You brushed them off at first, but they became almost constant.
You started to fight back, calling him an egotistical bonehead who relies on his physicality.
He just smirked in your face and skated off.
The truth is, you don’t know much about him or any of them. But they don’t know anything about you either, and you’d like to keep it that way.
It’s 5:35 am, and the bus your college provides leaves at 6. You, being prepared, are already there.
You have your duffle bag packed with enough clothes for the 3 days you’ll be gone, along with your hair and skincare.
You’re accompanied by Mr. Sin, the coach, who’s always been very kind to you.
It’s 6:45 when the boys finally arrive, all piled in Jay’s car.
How they managed that, along with their bags, you don’t know.
You’ve connected your headphones and put music on, hoping no one will bother you, but you never get what you ask for.
An arm slings around you as your headphones are pulled off your ears.
“Hello, pretty girl. I missed you, haven’t seen you all week,” Jungwon says, moving his arm from around your shoulders to your waist.
You meet his eyes, giving him the most disapproving look that you can muster.
“Best week I’ve had in awhile,” you respond, taking his hand from your waist and dropping it.
Jungwon hisses, holding his hand to his chest like you’ve wounded him, “That hurts baby, it really does. I was hoping we’d take this trip as a chance to finally settle our differences.”
“As long as you act the way you do, Jungwon, our differences will never be settled.”
You get on the bus, finding a seat in the front, knowing they’ll all sit in the back.
They do, and you sigh in relief, putting your headphones back on, playing your music loud enough to drown them out.
The drive is 6 hours according to coach Sin, so you prepare yourself to get some more sleep.
As music fills your ears and the bus begins to move 15 minutes later, your eyes close.
When you wake up, the sky is blue instead of black and your head is resting on something hard.
Your eyes travel beside you to see Jungwon sitting next to you.
Shooting up in embarrassment, you ask him, “What are you doing?”
“What? Is it a crime to sit next to you now?” He retaliates, holding up his arms in a surrendering gesture.
You don’t respond, trying to scoot away from him although there’s no room in the seat.
“You looked cute, resting on my shoulder,” he says, and you scowl at the mention of your vulnerability.
Jungwon doesn’t move for the rest of the drive, and you don’t bother telling him off, knowing it won’t deter him.
He scrolls through his phone while you do the same.
The school you’re facing made arrangements for you to stay in a hotel only 5 minutes away, so when you arrive in the state, you head straight there.
Coach Sin gathers you all in the lobby after talking to the receptionist at the front desk.
“Here’s how things are gonna go. Jungwon will be with Sunghoon, Jay will be with me, Heeseung will be with Jake, Sunoo will be with Riki and of course Ms. Y/N will have a room for herself.”
The boys break out into complaints, arguing that they all deserve a solo room instead.
You can’t help but smirk watching them argue, knowing it’s pointless.
Coach Sin raises his hand, silencing them immediately, “Get up to your rooms, now!”
They oblige, trudging and mumbling like kids while you follow behind.
You’re all on the same floor, rooms next to one another.
The boys quickly decide they’re going to watch movies in Heeseung and Jake’s room, piling in there after throwing their bags in their respective rooms.
You feel somewhat jealous. You don’t have any friends on this trip to keep you company.
Your best friend, Chaewon, is back on campus and when you’re not with the team working, you’re with her, usually complaining about the team.
She always tells you they’re not worth your time or complaints, and maybe she’s right.
You sit on the large bed in the middle of the room, zoning out as birds chirp outside the large floor to ceiling window.
Your phone buzzes, snapping you out of a trance and you see it’s Chaewon.
Chae 🐯: Did you arrive? How’s the room?!
You: It’s nice and big!! I wish you were here though, I’m lonely 😞
Chae 🐯: You’ll be back soon, don't worry! Has Jungwon bothered you too much?
You: Not much, but when I fell asleep on the bus, I woke up to him next to me with my head on his shoulder 🤮
Chae 🐯: Maybe you two need to fuck your differences out 😊
You: As if I’d give it up to him!
Chae 🐯: Just a suggestion! Don't shoot me!
You and Chaewon continue to text back and forth until there’s a knock on your door.
Coach Sin stands there, “We’re heading to lunch, are you hungry?”
You nod, “Starving, actually. Do you mind if I sit next to you?”
He gives you a soft smile, “I know you don’t get along with the boys, I don’t blame you. They can be a handful, but they’re really not bad once you get to know them. I wish you kids could spend some time together to really get to know one another, but yes you can sit next to me.”
You grab your purse, with phone and keycard in hand and walk beside coach Sin.
The boys are already waiting by the elevator.
You think about his words, how maybe he’s not wrong.
You’ve never taken the time to get to know the boys, and although they’ve never gotten to know you either, maybe things would change if you just gave it a chance.
But where do you start? How do you make conversation?
The dining hall isn’t completely full, but lunch is still in full swing.
What you didn’t know is the tables are circular, not rectangular, so you’re going to be in between two people regardless.
Those two people are coach Sin and Jungwon.
You want to curse, but then you think again. This could be a fresh start for you and the hockey team.
You have to start somewhere.
A waitress comes to take your order for appetizers and drinks and you order a caesar salad along with dr.pepper.
As you scan the menu, everything sounds delicious. They have a variety of options, you’re not sure what to choose.
Everyone else is making small talk, you decide to break the ice too.
“What are you ordering,” you ask Jungwon.
He looks at you bewildered, “Are you talking to me?”
“Yeah? I asked what you’re ordering?” You respond.
His eyebrow quirks, like he still can’t believe you’re initiating a conversation with him. It’s almost annoying.
“Probably just gonna order the ribeye with the side of vegetables and mashed potatoes,” he shrugs.
Typical, you think to yourself, then again it’s just food.
“Why? What are you gonna order?” He asks.
“I don’t know, everything sounds good. I’m conflicted…choose for me!”
Both his eyebrows are raised now, his eyes slightly wide. “You want me to choose for you?”
You nod, “Yeah, I’m interested in what you’ll pick.”
“Okay,” Jungwon shrugs, before looking back at the menu.
His eyes scan it again for a minute before he chooses, pointing at it. “The shrimp scampi.”
“Sounds good,” you say.
When the waitress comes back, you all order your food and it comes within 15 minutes.
The scampi does look delicious and although you don’t eat pasta that often, you’re not mad at Jungwon’s choice.
Everyone digs in and you take your time to eat, savoring every bite.
The shrimp and pasta are cooked perfectly, the sauce is creamy and you’re satisfied by the time you’re finished.
You were one of the last to finish, and as you wipe your mouth, Jungwon asks you, “Was it good?”
“It was! Thank you for choosing it for me,” you say excitedly, giving him a genuine smile.
He just nods awkwardly, not meeting your eyes.
The boys have practice, so there’s nothing more for you to do other than head back to your room.
You spend the next few hours texting Chaewon and watching Netflix movies.
You have dinner at 7:00 and your entire night routine is finished by 9:00.
You’re laying in the comfy bed, the covers over your frame when there’s a knock on your door.
You groan, not wanting to get up but it’s persistent.
Jungwon stands there, his hair damp, evident he’s just gotten out of the shower himself.
“Hi,” you say, not expecting him to be the one at your door.
“Hey, I wanted to come by and talk, I guess?” He sounds unsure of himself, almost as if he doesn’t know why he’s here either.
“You guess?”
“I’m just confused,” he admits, “I wasn’t expecting you to talk to me at lunch and now it feels like something’s shifted.”
You open the door wider, moving aside to allow him in.
“Look, Coach said something to me earlier that made me think a lot about our quote, unquote, relationship and I think we started off on the wrong foot.”
Jungwon makes himself comfortable on the edge of the bed. “You’re right. I didn’t make a great first impression and I’m sorry for that. Insulting you definitely shouldn’t have been my first choice of words.”
You take a chance and sit next to him, and he doesn’t move away.
“I accept your apology. I apologize for insulting you too.”
Jungwon smiles, waving his hand, “I deserved it. Besides, it’s almost kinda fun when it’s a pretty girl insulting me.”
“Here you go with the compliments, why do you do that?” You can’t help but smile, thinking this is all a part of a game.
Jungwon leans back on his hands, his blonde hair falling in his face, “Because, I’m flirting with you.”
You freeze in your spot, Jungwon noticing immediately because he laughs, “Don’t tell me you haven’t realized?”
“I thought we were just messing around? I thought you were just messing around!”
Jungwon sighs, “I don’t mess around when it comes to someone I like.”
You can feel your heart starting to beat faster as the realization hits, he’s being dead serious.
“How can you like me? We don’t even know each other that well?”
“Maybe not,” Jungwon says, “but I want nothing more than to get to know you. For real this time.”
Jungwon is closer now, the space between you two almost non-existent.
You don’t say anything as his hand finds your jaw, cupping it lightly, nor as he leans in.
As his lips meet yours, you’re not sure what to do.
He must feel your stiffness, so as he pulls away you look down at your fingers, “I’m sorry. I’ve never really done anything like this.”
“You’ve never kissed anyone?”
“I did! When I was like 12.”
Jungwon chuckles, moving a piece of your hair out of your face.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got you.”
He gently lifts your face back up with his fingers, making you look into his soft eyes.
“Just go with the flow, yeah?”
You nod, and he kisses you again.
You’ve done your own amount of research about these topics, so you know the basics.
You keep your head turned, Jungwon’s bottom lip sandwiched between yours.
You start with small pecks, separating and then going back in.
Eventually, you become more comfortable, one of your hands coming to rest on Jungwong’s chest.
The kisses start to pick up, your lips moving more quickly as Jungwon introduces his tongue.
It’s hot and heavy soon enough and Jungwon is pulling you on his lap to rest right on his crotch.
As you pull away, Jungwon looks into your eyes, looking for any signs of regret or resistance.
“Do you want this?” He asks.
You nod, “I want this. I want you, Jungwon.”
Jungwon’s hands that were resting on the bed immediately find their way to your cheeks, before traveling down your body. He makes note of every curve, before finally resting them on your hips.
He tugs on the hem of your sleep shirt, “Can I take this off?”
You nod, raising your arms for him as he takes it off slowly, almost delicately.
Your breasts are on display, and he immediately takes them into his large hands, cupping them and gently playing them.
His thumbs rub over your nipples that immediately harden at the touch.
“You’re so pretty,” he says, leaning down to take your left nipple into his mouth. You instinctively grip his hair in your hand, jerking at the pleasure.
He sucks and nips at your nipple while pinching and playing with the other, before giving the same attention to the right.
He ends up leaving love bites all over your breasts and neck, red and purple bruises that you know will last for a couple of days.
As he pulls away to kiss your lips once more, you say to him, “I wanna try something.”
You slide off his lap, onto the floor, the carpet rubbing against your knees brutally.
Your hands begin to rub soft circles on Jungwon’s covered thighs, indicating you want him to take his sweats off.
Jungwon quickly unties them, standing up to pull them down along with his boxers.
His dick is already rock hard, slapping against his stomach for a moment before stilling.
You’ve never seen a dick in person, but you think he’s perfect.
Just the right amount of length and thickness.
Maybe you are somewhat of a freak, if the amount of saliva pooling in your mouth has anything to say about it.
“I’ve never done this before, so I might need some guidance,” you say.
He smiles, “That’s okay pretty, no judgement here. Just start by spitting on it and pumping it with your hand.”
You gently take his dick in your hand, something you’ve never felt before, and deposit a large glob of spit onto the head.
Using your hand to spread it, you begin to pump his dick, Jungwon sighing in pleasure.
You didn’t lie, you’ve never done this before. But, you have done a lot of research.
You are somewhat of a freak, maybe even a major freak as Chaewon likes to call you.
A deep dive into your brain would show a lot of thoughts, many of them being straight up nasty.
Perhaps, you’re a freak show.
You take what you’ve learned online and put it into action.
Without warning, you use your tongue to lick from the base to tip of Jungwon’s dick, making him jerk in surprise.
“Fuck,” he curses, hand coming to grip your hair as you take the tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it.
You begin to slowly take him into your mouth, breathing through your nose simultaneously.
“I thought you said you’ve never done this before? Jungwon questions you, though his tone is teasing with no real malice.
You pull off gently, “I haven’t, but I’ve done a lot of research.”
“Ah, I see. So you’re really a freak, just in secret?”
You smirk, “Maybe so.”
Lowering your mouth back onto his dick, you begin to bob your head, taking him deeper into your mouth as you go.
Your hand follows your mouth as you go, twisting along while Jungwon moans from above you.
“Fuck, just like that. God knows what kind of things you’ve looked up. You’re a natural, pretty.” His praise makes you go faster, wanting nothing more than to make him cum.
You pull off, “I want you to fuck my mouth, Jungwon.”
He looks down at you, “Are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you.”
You reassure him, “I want it, please,” adding an extra bit of whine in your voice seems to do the trick.
Jungwon grips the back of your head, “Open,” he commands, smiling and shaking his head as you obey immediately.
He slides his dick inside, not stopping until your nose is reaching his pelvis, watching as you gag slightly.
He quickly creates a rhythm, fucking your mouth steadily while you do your best to breathe through your nose, your hands situated on his thighs.
The amount of spit on his dick and spilling out of your mouth would normally be disgusting, but in a situation like this, you can’t help but find it enticing.
“Look at me,” he commands you again.
Your pretty eyes find his own and you find your shorts becoming soaked in your arousal.
“Who would have thought my pretty girl liked to be used? For her first time too?”
You moan around his dick as he picks up the speed of his thrusts, hitting the back of your throat every time and making you gag.
“You look so sexy like this,” Jungwon says.
He pulls out of your mouth, pumping himself quickly, “I’m gonna cum, open your mouth.”
You do as he says, sticking your tongue out as he slaps the tip on it, and seconds later he’s cumming, decorating your tongue with the white, hot liquid.
You swallow it eagerly, not minding the taste.
Jungwon strokes your hair, smiling down at you, “Good girl.”
He helps you stand, before quickly turning you around and pushing you back onto the bed.
Crawling on top of you, his hands descend your body starting from your neck to your hips, stopping at your shorts.
He carefully pulls them off, watching almost in awe as they stick to your pussy.
Bending your legs at the knee, he pushes your legs up until the top of your thighs have met your chest.
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” he says, running his index finger along your slit, making you jerk.
You can’t help but whine, “It’s all for you, Wonnie.”
“I need to taste you.”
He throws your shorts off somewhere in the room before leaning down and licking a long stripe up your pussy.
You moan loudly, cursing, “Fuck!” Your hands grab onto his hair, pulling tightly.
“Tastes so good,” he says, diving back in.
He licks all over your folds, collecting your arousal on his tongue before swallowing.
Jungwon takes your clit between his lips and sucks, circling his tongue around it, groaning as your grip on his hair tightens.
He fucks you on his tongue, taking in all the arousal that pours out of you like a fountain.
This has to be one of the greatest things you’ve ever felt.
Pleasuring yourself has never felt as good as this.
Jungwon licks and sucks every inch of your pussy, and you feel your orgasm approaching.
“Jungwon, I’m gonna cum!”
Suddenly, he pulls away, and you feel your orgasm start to slip away.
You whine, bucking your hips in frustration as Jungwon chuckles.
“Patience, pretty, you’ll get what you want.”
Jungwon lowers his face towards your pussy once more, but he shocks you as he spits directly onto your hole, causing you to squeal.
He takes his middle finger and spreads the spit all over it before slowly pushing it inside you.
You’ve never had anything inside before, not even your own fingers, so the stretch is slightly uncomfortable but not painful.
“Breathe, baby,” Jungwon encourages you, his other hand holding the back of your thighs in place.
He slowly starts to thrust his finger in and out, building up a solid pace.
Soon, you’re used to it and the pleasure starts to build up again.
He pauses, adding his ring finger, the stretch greater this time.
You take a minute to breathe again as he slows down once more to build you up again.
Once you’re used to both fingers, Jungwon doesn’t relent.
His fingers fuck your pussy, getting more and more rapid in pace as he goes.
He changes the position of his fingers and he knows he’s found that spot when you jerk in place.
“Oh my god, Jungwon!” You moan so loudly, he’s almost worried the others might hear.
“Feels good, huh baby?” He grins mischievously as you nod repeatedly.
He continues to hit that spot over and over while your hips roll into the bed.
The pleasure is almost overwhelming, you don’t know if you want to run away from it or get closer.
“Want you to cum around my fingers, okay?” Jungwon urges you as your legs begin to shake from the pleasure.
Your moans fill the room along with the squelching of your wet pussy.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” you nearly scream as your release comes gushing out of you.
You quickly grab the pillow that’s behind you, shoving your face into it as you scream curses.
Jungwon continues to finger you through it, amazed at how much you’re squirting.
Your hole has released even more arousal, coating his fingers.
He finally pulls away, shoving his fingers into his mouth to clean them, eyes rolling back at how much he loves your taste.
Your breathing is heavy, and just as you think it’s over, Jungwon pushes your legs forward once more.
You remove the pillow, now wet with your tears, “Jungwon?”
“Can you give me one more, baby? I wanna fuck you so badly.”
You gulp, eyes finding his dick. Will that even fit?
Eventually you nod, your hands finding his own.
“I wanna hear you say it.”
Your voice is weak, fragile almost, “Please fuck me, Jungwon. I wanna feel it.”
His head rolls back as he takes a deep breath before lining himself up.
He pushes in slowly, groaning at the heat and tightness around his dick.
It doesn’t hurt, but it’s a weird feeling.
Once he bottoms out, he gives you time to adjust, rubbing his hands up and down the back of your thighs, comforting you.
“You can move,” you say after a few minutes.
“Are you sure?” He asks, taking your hand in his, holding it tightly.
You nod, smiling shyly.
He pulls out until just the tip remains before pushing back in, building up a rhythm that has you shaking within seconds.
His thrusts get deeper and faster as he holds you down, making you take every inch.
“Fuck, Jungwon! It’s so big!” You cry out as his thumb finds your clit, rubbing circles on it as his dick hits that spot.
Jungwon speaks, his tone possessive, “Love this fucking pussy, she’s mine isn’t she? She belongs to me?”
You nod rapidly, “All yours!”
He smirks, “Then this dick is yours. Fuck, it was yours the moment I saw you, baby. Pussy’s so good for me, I’m gonna cum again.”
Jungwon picks up the pace, pounding your pussy as tears fall from your eyes, the pleasure overwhelming at this point.
“Want you to cum inside,” you say, hand cupping Jungwon’s face, who’s eyes close momentarily at your words.
“I will baby, gonna stuff you full, I promise,” he responds.
As your second orgasm comes crashing down, you feel Jungwon cum as well, doing just as he said he would, filling you up deliciously.
As he begins to slow down, rolling his hips through both of your highs, eventually coming to a stop, Jungwon all but collapses on top of you.
Giggling, you wrap your arms around him while he nuzzles into your neck.
“That was amazing,” you say, kissing his cheek.
“Thank you, for trusting me,” he responds, words slightly muffled by your skin.
“What does this mean for our relationship?” You can’t help but ask, not knowing what to do from here.
“Hopefully it means things have completely changed and you’ll let me take you on a proper date when we get back home?” Jungwon asks, propping himself up on his hands to look down at you.
“I’d like that.”
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mgparker · 1 year ago
Come Back to Me
Marc Spector/Steven Grant x F!Reader
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Summary: Mark leaves on a mission for Khonshu while you deal with a confrontation of your own. Unfortunately, this particular foe is aware of your specific skill set and uses your weakest spot to deliver a fatal wound. Laying there defenseless and abandoned, your final desire is to speak to the love of your life one last time.
warnings: ANGSTTTT!! (the fav), character backstory, flashbacks, character death, reader wound, sadness, despair etc etc, cliffhanger
“M-Mark?” Fuck. Fuck. Your voice was wobblier than you had expected.
“Baby?” You heard some shuffling. “What’s wrong?”
You pulled the phone away to clear your throat. “Nothing’s wrong, sweetheart. I just wanted to hear your voice.”
Despite your assurances, he wouldn’t be fooled. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” you breathed. “Yeah, I just wanted to talk.”
The pain was spreading from your side, crawling through your torso like deadly vines. It was nearly blinding. Pulling the phone away from your mouth, you tried to steady your breathing.
This isn’t how you wanted to go. Whimpering in pain and regretting every decision that got you here.
No. What you wanted was to hear your lover’s voice one last time. The warm timbre of his essence. Your favorite sound in the entire world.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He pressed. “Where are you?”
Your man was nothing if not stubborn. “Yes, baby. I’m okay—“ you really weren’t. “What—what did you do today?”
Marc sucked in air through his clenched teeth, gripping his phone with white knuckles. “It was meant to be a surprise, but I’m coming home for a few days… our leads haven’t gotten us anywhere and Khonshu believes we just need a comfortable place to think.”
You would’ve scoffed at that if your chest and throat weren’t on fire. Khonshu believes?
The big bird knew what Marc would be returning to. He knew you were lying in a pool of your own blood.
The thought sent a surge of panic through your body, even as the pain was beginning to overwhelm you. “No! Uh—um you— you’re already so close. W-what are you stuck on?”
Tears welled in your eyes, it felt like a blazing iron rod was being shoved into your chest and dragged up slowly until every organ could feel the flame.
It was silent on the other end for a heavy moment, before Marc’s deep voice hesitantly spoke your name. His tone lifted, suspended in question.
A shake courses through you, fear beginning to blossom in the pit of your stomach. The last thing you wanted was for him to panic… and now you’re beginning to panic as well.
You weren’t ready.
A sob broke through your lips before you could stop it. As if you even had the strength to.
“Marc,” you sobbed, turning your head to gaze at the phone beside you. As if it would give you one last glimpse at the love of your life.
His breathing picks up frantically. “Where are you? Tell me now.”
On his end, fabric is wrapping around his body at a faster rate than it ever had before. He could feel the strength of Khonshu enter him, the god’s presence filling the void.
The corners of your vision darkened and just when you thought you’d scream from the pain— it was gone. Miraculously, you felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Your heart dropped.
“I’m sorry,” a daze washed over you. There was nothing else to do but wait. A forlorn smile graced your paling face. “I’m so sorry, baby. There isn’t much time left.”
“What time?! Stop this shit, where are you? I can make it there as soon as you tell me.”
“There’s not enough time,” you pressed. You were coming to terms with the distant bright light that was supposed to be illuminating your vision.
You would’ve wished that that was what you were seeing as you drifted off, but one wish stood above all the others—
Your desire to be with Marc and Steven.
You barely notice the frantic yelling on the other end of the line before you’re cutting it off weakly.
“I—“ you go to clear your throat but the numbness had spread too far now. “I love you. Every part of you, baby. I just— I just wanted to hear your s—sweet voice one last t-time. Okay? I love you…”
The last word died on your tongue. And the darkness had taken over before you could hear Marc’s broken response.
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A strangled yell left Marc’s lips. His stomach was knotted. The shadow of Khonshu appeared in his peripheral vision.
But Marc was rooted in his own grief. His lips were quivering, snot mixing with salty tears as he bared his teeth, shaking from the pure emotion of it all.
Why wasn’t he home? He had vowed to protect you, shield you from the horrors of the world— his world— but it wasn’t enough.
He couldn’t be there all the time, and you’d always reassured him that it’d be okay. That you didn’t feel like you constantly had to look over your shoulder, you didn’t want Marc or Steven to spend every second of their life protecting yours.
It’s his fault. God, the thought made him choke. Hands flying up to grasp at his throat as if he could stop it from tightening. It’s all his fault.
Maybe—maybe it’s not too late. Maybe, just maybe, you’re alive.
He could still feel Khonshu’s presence over his shoulder. “Take me to her.”
It’s silent. The wind breezing past his ears, the serenity of the night sky brazenly mocking his wild panic.
“Now, Khonshu!” He spun around quickly, voice wavering in rage.
If it hadn’t been for the God’s power over him, Marc would’ve been with you. The only person who truly matters to him in this world.
By some beautiful twist of fate, Khonshu unexpectedly relents, nodding his giant head in the direction of a portal.
Marc couldn’t find it in himself to thank him, everything else had faded away until all he saw was your mangled body on the other side of it.
His feet took him across the rooftop at an immeasurable feet, practically flying over the distance, until his surroundings had changed completely.
“No,” he cried, dropping to his knees painfully. Shards of glass pierced his skin as if he weren’t already bleeding out with you. “Baby? Baby, wake up. Wake up!”
Your body was lifeless in his arms, and the embrace felt strange, nothing like how you’d lay in his arms at night. Fingers gripping his necklace loosely, head tucked into the crook of his neck… legs tangled with his as if your bodies were one.
Blood left a trail from your nose to your chin and shaky hands went to wipe it away before pausing in midair to hover over your face…
Bewildered, Steven nearly gave himself whiplash as he snapped his head away from the sight of your bloodied body.
And despite wanting to run away, his hands tightened around your frame, his lungs failing.
Everything burned, his chest, his stomach. God, his arms and legs were going numb.
And where Marc couldn’t go, Steven went.
“Love, come on,” his head has turned to you again but his eyes were squeezed shut. “Wake up. The gag has gone long enough.”
No response. Your laughter wasn’t shaking your frame, your voice wasn’t reassuring him that it’d all been a silly, cruel joke.
“Lovie…” he knew how much you hated the name and despite it, absolutely nothing.
Weren’t you going to argue? Playfully punch him in the shoulder as you giggled at him to never call you that again. Weren’t you going to put on that half-assed angry frown that you always did before smiling and pulling him to your lips?
Weren’t you going to kiss him and tell him everything would be alright?
His heart dropped with the realization that you already had.
You already spoken those words sweetly and he’d dismissed them, twisted them into something rageful when all he should’ve done was pulled you into his arms and never let you go.
“Steven,” you tried, grabbing onto his hands with an unusual hint of desperation. Almost as if you knew something he didn’t. “Sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. Everything is going to be alright.”
The sincerity in your eyes practically sparkled or maybe that was just the pure love that you felt for him. But it didn’t get through to him this time, instead his panic and anxiety twisting his words and actions into something else.
“How can you say that?” Steven stressed. “How can you be so positive all time?! Consider the possibility that maybe sometimes you’re just wrong!”
His soul shattered when he realized… it was the last time he’d ever hear those words.
He hadn’t believed in them and now this happened.
Steven forced his eyes to open slowly.
In the pale moonlight, your face was still as beautiful as the first time he ever saw you.
It was early in the morning; the sun was barely over the horizon and the streets of London were not all too busy for this hour. 
Thankfully for Marc, the little coffee house that was nestled in the array of buildings on Russell Street was practically empty. Save for the steady stream of customers who would fly in and out with a streaming cup of coffee or tea in their hands.
But tucked in the corner of the large window seat was you. 
Exactly as he’d seen you in his numerous hours of laborious research. Hair tucked behind your ears, oversized round glasses slipping off the tip of your nose, lips tucked in concentration, a loose sweater hanging off your shoulders. 
There was a sense of tranquility about you. A stillness despite the bustling customers mere feet from you. 
A girl immersed in her own world; a utopia all within the threads of your pale green sweater, the gentle sway of your feet under the table, the hint of a smile at the corner of your lips.
How odd it was to find such astounding beauty in someone you knew everything and nothing about. 
Because in your little world, you may have been closed off from the reality around you, but an open book to anyone who cared to look. 
And Marc couldn’t see why anyone wouldn’t.
He just hated that he had to be the one to shatter your universe.
“Excuse me,” Marc said when he finally worked up the courage to enter the shop. “Do you mind if I sit here?”
Then you looked up at him and he knew it was a sight he’d remember for the rest of his life, an image that would flash behind his eyelids whenever he closed his eyes.
Your eyes piercingly studied his through your eyelashes for a long moment. The hint of a smile was gone. 
“Sure,” you eventually smiled brightly. 
A dazzling smile that kept him rooted to the spot a little longer than necessary. 
Thankfully, you didn’t seem to mind it. “You’re American?”
Marc finally sat down next to you, gripping his chocolate muffin tightly. “Actually, I’m from Chicago.”
If your chuckle was charming, he couldn’t imagine your laugh. 
“Which is in America, if I recall correctly.”
“You do, it is... in America.” God he needed to work on his social skills. He felt like a bug under a microscope. Partly because of your particular line of work, mostly because you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. 
You shut your book softly. “What brings you to London?”
Marc was sure you would’ve shut him down by now, questioned his intentions or tried to put his ass down. But you were graceful, serene... Seemingly not worried at all about his intentions.
If he’d asked, you would’ve told him that you had a keen eye for vibrant souls. His being one of the brightest you’d stumbled upon. 
“Uh, work,” he replied unconvincingly. “What about you? You’re a fellow American yourself, aren’t you?”
“What gave it away?” You were teasing him.
Maybe he could hear that laugh again after all. “Your accent and the whole sweater thing you’ve got going on? Practically screams California.”
Your laugh was surprisingly booming, genuine. He found himself smiling at the sound of it.
It can’t be this easy to fall in love with someone you just met. 
“It’s New York actually,” you corrected between fading giggles. “Close enough.”
Embarrassment tinted his ears red. “It’s not.”
Smiling widely, you shook your head in agreement. “It’s really not.”
It’s silent for a few moments and just when Marc thinks you’re going to open your book again, you speak softer than before. 
“I’m assuming you sat in my little corner for a reason, Mr. Spector.”
The gravity of your simple statement uncharacteristically flew past his head. Instead, he was a little more focused on trying to hear that twinkling laugh again. 
“What’re you doing?” You rose an eyebrow, watching as the man wildly looked around the space you were occupying. From the two adjoining walls to the wooden round table. 
“Looking for any indication that this is in fact entirely your corner. So far I see nothing except...” There was no way he wasn’t making a fool out of himself but he was in too deep to stop--
The pin suddenly dropped.  
“I didn’t tell you my name.”
A nonchalant expression adorned your face. “People like you don’t seek people like me unless they need something.”
His brain short-circuits. 
“People like me...” Marc repeated, his voice lifting slightly as if almost in question. 
“I’m aware of every single entity within my range whom fit the qualifications of a very secure database. Yelena Belova, Alexei Shostakov, Spider-Man who happens to be around on a school trip...” you listed idly, twirling the little stick that was stained with your hazelnut coffee. “... Marc Spector.”
The rose-colored glasses were slowly slipping off. His years of servitude under Khonshu’s hand began to harden his exterior until he could finally look at you as a threat. Just to be sure. 
“Why would I be on that list?”
You motioned toward the untouched muffin. “Are you gonna eat that?”
“Why would I be on that list?” His jaw clenched.
“Well, why wouldn’t you?” You take a sip. “Moon Knight is an incredibly promising prospect in the eyes of those who protect our world. You’re incredibly powerful.”
Marc scoffed. Is that what he was to you? A potential business deal, a recruit?
“But it doesn’t really matter to me anyway.”
His eyes shot up in interest. The corner of your lips had turned up again.
“I don’t work for any agency anymore,” you explained. “I’m just a girl with an incredible skill set and impressive resume.”
“Humble much?”
There was a knowing twinkle in your eye. “Only when I need to be.” 
Your stares met with a shared interest. As if you two were really seeing each other for the first time. 
To Marc, your beauty was astounding, ethereal. He could only hope that you’d choose to stay in his life.
“I did come for a reason... I have a mission and I could use someone with your specific skill set.”
“You need help.”
“Well, I didn’t say that exactly--”
“It’s what you meant,” you narrowed your eyes playfully. “Thankfully, I’m a woman of the people. But why should I help you?”
“I’m backed into a corner. I’m just trying to do things right in the best way I can. But I need you to trust me.”
“Trust is gained, Spector.”
“Then allow me to earn it.” The mercenary countered.
You allowed your eyes to look over him. At his open grey button up, his ironed white shirt and black pants. His ebony hair, brushed away from his face, sprinkled with a hint of grey. The scruff on his jaw and the brown of his eyes. 
Falling in love with someone you just met can’t be this easy.
Your resolve crumbled and you knew he was going to be in your life for the unforeseeable future. The fluttering in your abdomen pulled you in before you could stop it. 
Not that you wanted to. 
“So what does this mission entail?”
Slowly, a genuine smile curved Marc Spector’s lips, one that you reciprocated with a blinding beauty that made his heart nearly stop.
And as he walked out of the coffee shop that morning, your number scribbled on a note that was neatly folded in his pocket, there was a sudden change... brief but enough for Steven Grant to suddenly find himself on Russell Street. Confused and a bit frightened, but only for a quick moment-- 
Until he turned his head and gazed into the large coffeehouse window...
To see you for the first time, with eyes that had adoringly gazed upon yours for hours. 
And the sight was like a breath of fresh air, filling his lungs with something he didn’t quite know he needed. 
The close-lipped smile that spread from cheek to cheek behind the fist of your closed hand, idle strands of hair that fell to cover your joyous expression, the simple rise and fall of your chest...
And between the moment that he saw you and Marc reemerged to front, Steven Grant couldn’t help but wonder who had made your eyes light up in that way. 
Steven Grant wondered if he had the chance, could he make you happy?
But he couldn’t see the light in your eyes anymore. Eyelids rested over those effervescent eyes and a part of him finally shattered. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered brokenly. Bringing your forehead close to his, his lips tenderly touched your warm skin. “I’m so sorry, love. I’m sorry.”
Softly, as if to not disturb you, he reached for your hand, catching a glimpse of the fading paint job he’d done on your nails before he left last week. 
“I-I-I can’t, I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He couldn’t breathe anymore, gasping against your body as he tightened his embrace. 
With a shudder, Marc kept his eyes closed despite the sudden switch. 
This way he could imagine that you weren’t dead, you weren’t cold and lifeless. No, you were alive. Finally squeezing in a nap between your tireless research, hours upon hours at the computer, hacking databases and trying everything you could to help the boys. 
Yes, yes, he could take a moment to indulge in that fantasy. 
Because once he opened his eyes, it was finally over. Marc Spector would have to live without you. 
“How wasteful...”
That pent-up anger reared its ugly head. “What?”
If he wasn’t holding onto you, Marc would’ve committed violence against the god. 
“To let such a valuable asset go would be a pitiful waste,” Khonshu drawled from behind his avatar. 
Marc shook his head at the audacity. “I don’t want to hear this. I--I don’t want to hear this.”
“Perhaps you do, Spector,” the god insinuated. “Feel the warmth of her skin... look at the color beneath her skin...”
This was cruel. “No...”
“Your grief may be premature--” what? “-- her fate lies in no one’s hands but her own.”
He finally looked up. “Stop with the riddles. What the hell are you talking about?”
“Just as I once appeared before you, the goddess Isis requires an avatar. Your lover is still in the fight between life and death.”
Deception was a skill Marc was certain Khonshu had mastered but yet, he found nothing but the truth in his tone. He felt the god’s sincerity. 
Shock stilled his body, mouth slightly open as he stared into the night sky and then slowly back at you.
Despite his aversion to serving a god, the only thought running through his mind was the desire for you to come back to him.
In any way, he’d have you. 
Otherwise, neither he nor Steven would make it. 
“This is up to you, baby,” Marc whispered into your hair. “But fight. Please... fight. Come back to me.”
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Come back to me.
The voice bounced off the walls of the chamber, echoing until it faded away.
It was the voice that would always bring you back. 
“You have a choice to make,” a different voice reminded you, sweet and smooth. “Be my apprentice and help me restore the world to what it once was.”
You were on the tip of the iceberg, held back from what you’d seen Marc and Steven deal with for years but itching to get back to the broken man that was begging for you. 
“What does that even mean?” You groaned. 
Isis gave you no further explanation than what she’d told you before. You glared at her for another moment before feeling a phantom pain shoot across your body. Well, metaphysical body.
You realized you’re running out of time.
“So I do this or what? Die? I love how you all deal in absolutes,” your snark was still intact. “Any room for negotiation?”
The Goddess of Magic and Fertility towered over you, mighty with large wings that spanned the length of the golden chamber. Eyes that pierced into your soul, quite literally, and a beauty that wasn’t made to be seen by mortal eyes.
It was easy to tell why. Such beauty was captivating, breath-stealing and enough to send any man or woman to their knees.
But yet here you stood, slightly annoyed and about three feet under. 
Unamused, Isis blinked expectantly. 
Please... Air caught in your throat. Baby...
The decision suddenly wasn’t hard at all. 
And it seemed as if Isis knew it as well. 
“Will you be my apprentice and help me restore the world to what it once was?” She repeated.
The other half of your soul was missing and you knew how to soothe the agonizing pain for the both of you…
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togrowoldinv · 2 years ago
Best Friend’s Mom
Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader
You wake up next to your best friend’s mom and she begins to seduce you
Warnings: 18+ please! Smut! Kissing, cursing, oral (R receiving), thigh riding, Wanda being a complete milf
Note: I woke up thinking about this. Enjoy!
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You wake up to the feeling of someone brushing up against you. Her breasts rub against your back as her arm comes around your body.
You’d slept over at your best friend’s house, but this isn’t her. You glance at her hand to see a wedding ring and those hands you would recognize anywhere.
It’s Wanda. Your best friend’s mom. When had she gotten in the bed with you? You try to recount last night’s events but you’re not able to.
Wanda rubs her hand over your arm. You turn slightly in her embrace to look at her.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Wanda says. She’s acting like this is completely normal.
“Hey Ms. Maximoff,” you say. You’re quite dumbfounded by the whole thing.
But god, she looks so beautiful in the mornings. You’ve had a crush on her for years, but that always seemed childish to you. She was never going to like you back or risk her relationship with her daughter to be with you. Plus, she was a church going lady. She wouldn’t ever go for it.
Wanda smiles at you, noticing you’re having a lot of internal turmoil. You look away from the golden smile. It’s too perfect. It’s then that you notice you’re in her bedroom. Not your friend’s.
“You couldn’t sleep last night,” Wanda offers an explanation when she sees your confusion. “So, I offered to let you sleep with me. You know, just to calm you down.”
“Oh, um- thank you, Ms. Maximoff.”
“Please honey, you can call me Wanda. We have slept together now,” Wanda says.
You feel your entire body heat up at her words even though you know what she meant.
Wanda likes that you haven’t made a move to get out of her embrace yet. She even dares to pull you a little closer.
“Y/n,” Wanda begins. “My daughter has already gone to work for the day.”
“Okay. I’ll just be on my way,” you say, finally making an attempt to leave but Wanda pulls you back towards her.
She leans down over you from the side and it’s then you notice her nightgown. It’s loose in the front allowing for her breasts to be almost on full display for you by the way she’s leaning. Wanda smiles amusingly.
“I think you should stay here and we can do something about this crush of yours,” Wanda explains.
“I- it’s not-“
“Shh, it’s okay baby,” she says. She places a hand on your cheek. Her long fingers brush against your face. “I’ve seen you looking at me for years now. No sense in denying it. Am I right, sweetheart?”
“Yes- yes ma’am,” you say.
“Oh those manners,” Wanda chuckles. “I love them.”
You can’t help but preen a little at the praise. You feel it in your heart and so many other places. Wanda shifts to move closer to your face. Her breasts rest against your chest.
“I’ve been looking at you too, y/n. You’ve grown into such a beautiful woman,” Wanda says. You don’t reply and Wanda grabs your chin. “Don’t lose those manners on me now.”
“Sorry!” You say quickly, not wanting whatever this is to stop. “Thank you for the compliment, ma’am.”
“That’s a good girl,” Wanda says. “Now, this can happen a couple of different ways.”
You swallow thickly in anticipation of what ‘this’ is. But you’re ready.
“I’m going to kiss you now. If you hate it, we’ll stop. If you don’t hate it, we’ll keep going. And I’d really like to see that body of yours under mine, so please don’t hate it,” Wanda says.
Her words are calculated, like she’s been planning this. Or at least she thought of it before.
“I won’t hate it,” you assure her. That’s all she needs to have the confidence to start.
Wanda leans down and kisses your lips. She starts slow, pulling the softest moans from you by just kissing your lips. When her tongue licks against your lips, you feel like you could explode beneath her. Nothing has ever felt so good.
“Have you never had a woman’s tongue in your mouth, y/n?” Wanda asks you.
You wonder how she has with such a reputation as a perfect Christian she maintains. Everyone in town knows Wanda is a dedicated servant of the Lord.
“No ma’am,” you answer, breathless from her kisses.
“Me either,” Wanda admits. Oh, that changes things. “Only my husband’s and he’s been gone a long time.”
Wanda’s husband died years ago from an illness. You remember holding your best friend’s hand as she cried over her father. The reminder is almost enough to make you stop this, but Wanda keeps talking.
“I really need to do this, okay? You understand right, baby? I’m still so lonely and depraved,” Wanda says, revealing a more vulnerable side of this. She wasn’t just attacking you with affection for your sake. But also hers.
“Yes ma’am, I understand. Do whatever you want to me,” your words slip out. You want to cringe, but Wanda just grins wickedly.
This time, she kisses you while using her tongue. You use yours too as per her want for it. You and Wanda kiss for a long time before your hands begin to wander.
You grab her waist and pull her further on top of you. She gasps at the movement but recovers quickly. Wanda moves her kisses to your neck as her hands reach under your shirt hem.
“I want to see more of you,” Wanda says. She shifts her hips down to yours so she can lift your shirt off. She’s pleased you hadn’t slept with a bra on. Her hands immediately move over your breasts. Her fingers grip already hardened nipples.
You bunch her night down up at her waist and pull it further up her body. You knew she worked out, having seen her leaving the gym a few times, but nothing prepared you for seeing her perfectly toned body.
“You’re so beautiful,” you find yourself breathing out.
Wanda looks at you through her long eyelashes. She smiles softly, appreciating the compliment.
You sit up and take the nightgown off of Wanda. She’s bare underneath. Not even panties adorn her body.
“Fuck,” you mumble.
“That’s quite the language for a sweet girl like you,” Wanda says, her tone a bit scolding.
“Sorry ma’am,” you say. But you’re not.
Wanda makes the move to bring your hands to her breasts. She keeps her hands on yours as you massage them and play with her nipples.
What she doesn’t expect is when you lean in and take the nipples in your mouth one at a time. You suck on them. Wanda’s head falls back in pleasure as she grips your shoulders to stay upright.
“Oh, baby. Keep going,” Wanda says. “That feels so good.”
You keep it up while Wanda begins grinding against your leg. You can feel her wetness pooling onto your thigh and helping her continue to move against you.
“I’ve imagined this so many times,” Wanda says. “You and me sneaking around and having sex.”
“Mhm,” you mumble against her chest. You’ve imagined it too.
“So many nights I- fuck-“ Wanda tries to keep talking, but her orgasm begins washing over her.
You keep sucking her nipples and holding the back of her hips as she comes against you. Her moans are musical as she reaches her high and comes back down.
Wanda rests her forehead against your shoulder. You rub her back softly and rest your head in her neck.
“You did so good, Ms. Maximoff,” you say, keeping that name for her.
“Hmm, thank you baby,” Wanda says.
“What were you going to say earlier?” You ask her.
“You said so many nights,” you supply. “So many nights what?”
“Oh,” Wanda says.
She’s recovered now and she pulls away from your shoulder. She takes your face between her hands and kisses your lips soundly.
“I was going to say so many nights I had to fuck myself and pretend it was you so I could get off,” Wanda says.
Your eyes go wide at her words. And you feel the unresolved ache between your legs strengthen once again.
“Um- what did you imagine?” You ask.
Wanda makes an adorable thinking face and you realize it is more than just physical attraction you feel for her all the time. It’s really that you love everything she does.
“I imagined you’d eat me out,” Wanda says. “And then I’d do the same for you. Sometimes I’d imagine you wearing a strap and making me feel so good.”
“Fuck, Ms. Maximoff,” you say. “I hope I can live up to that.”
“You will, baby. I’d like to eat you out now,” Wanda says. “May I?”
“Yes ma’am,” you say, anticipation somehow calming your nerves.
Wanda slides down your body and leaves kisses as she goes. She makes you feel worshipped in every move.
“All of this for me?” She asks as she reaches your wet underwear. She slips them down your legs and dives in.
Wanda kisses your pussy before she switches to licking. She seems to know what she’s doing and you wander how.
“Mmm, all of this wet pussy is for me?” Wanda asks. She wants a reply.
“Yes ma’am. All for you, Ms. Maximoff,” you say.
“Try again,” she instructs.
“Oh- um-“ you stumble out. She goes back to work while you figure it out. “All for you, Mommy?”
“Good girl,” Wanda says. You got it right.
You lay back on the bed as Wanda takes your clit in her mouth. She’s enjoying this, having you all wrapped up in her.
“Fuck, mommy. I’m going to come,” you say. Wanda picks up her pace, sucking your clit like it’s her favorite thing in the world.
Soon, you’re coming for her. She revels in it, licking you clean and taking her time kissing back up your body.
Wanda kisses your lips at last and you can’t help but smile into the kiss. She does the same.
“That was everything I thought it would be,” Wanda says, a content sigh falling from her mouth. She lays next to you in bed and you two look at each other.
“Even better,” you say. “Let’s do it again sometime?”
“Why not right now?” Wanda asks.
You won’t argue with that. You let her kiss you deeply again and you tangle your hands in her hair.
You’ve never been so glad you went to over to your friend’s house.
And Wanda doesn’t regret convincing you to sleep with her the night before, even though you don’t remember the red tendrils telling you to go to her room.
That day it was all your choice. She just decided you needed a little push.
One day maybe she’ll tell you there’s magic coursing through her veins, but for now you’ll sneak around and sleep with her again and again.
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lizzy019 · 5 months ago
𝒲𝑒'𝓇𝑒 𝒰𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈.
Sub!Johnny Cade x Soft Dom!Fem!Reader
cw -> best friends to lovers trope lol, masturbation, underweight mentioning (Johnny), panty smelling :((, voice kink?, dub-con, cunnilingus, THIS GIRL STROKES HIS COCK! (yes pls on my knees)
Word Count -> 3.9K
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Consider your friendship to be a little too closely knit together. 
Johnny spent long, consecutive hours at your place, often being the reason why your food and snacks were gone. You couldn’t blame the poor teenager, his family wasn’t ideal, but at least yours could afford food.
By the time you two were done hanging out in your living room, watching some random show that you two eventually got bored of, you found yourself serving him whatever leftovers you had in the fridge. It wasn’t much, but you knew damn well that Johnny was the most un-picky dude ever to exist. He’d eat rat poisoning if he didn’t know it was rat poisoning. 
But you couldn’t help but feed him whatever he wanted because you knew he’d like himself with more meat on his bones and less bruises on his back. You couldn’t control what his parents did, but you sure could offer him the pleasure of eating a proper, healthier meal than takeout.
So now it was just you and Johnny sitting at your dining room table under the dim but soft light from over your head with two ceramic dishes filled with warm food in front of your torsos. It had a slightly concerned but slightly adorning expression as you watched Johnny eat with such vigour. You were concerned because it seemed like he hadn't eaten since the dawn of time, but it warmed your heart knowing you were giving him something he couldn’t access often.
“Slow down, you’ll choke yourself and I don’t have room to finish your meal.” You chided softly, smiling when you saw the tiniest pink flush engender onto his cheeks. 
Those shy brown eyes that could make anyone like him, he just seemed so sweet on the outside. “Hey, I’m hungry and I’m gonna eat! Plus, it’s not like I haven’t been to the hospital before, they’ll know me for sure.” Johnny muttered, slowing his eating pace to a reasonable speed. 
Ah right, the church incident.
Johnny probably hated how his back and shoulders looked now too, and with all that physio? You felt a little sympathy for him.
Your plates were soon empty after a decent chunk of time, and you pushed him a napkin to clean the mess from around his mouth with a kind smile. It wasn’t to be rude, as you’ve learned that being rude towards Johnny chips away at your friendship.
He takes it graciously while you scoop the dirtied dishes into your hands for cleaning. But after a second or two, you left the dishes in the sink. They could be cleaned later, and it was already somewhat late. So the ceramic plates coated in a sheen of leftover food residue were left in the sink while you tidied up the kitchen to appease your parents’ expectations. 
Johnny just watched you, eyes soft and the lovely brown irises being held by the sockets trailing your movements to exact perfection. Why did you have to be so elegant with how you moved, so effortless and perfectly postured? Poor boy was swooning.
“Alright, do you wanna go get ready for bed? We don’t really have a guest room or anywhere for you to rest, but you can take my bed while I take my parents’ bed?” You offered politely, that sweet benevolence lingering in your tone while you led him down the corridors of your home.
Pictures and paintings littering the walls of the hall, the occasional piece of work that caught Johnny’s attention until you opened a door leading to your bedroom. It reeked of your scent, something that had his insides tingling out of joy. He got to sleep in your room? Fuck yeah!
“Y-yeah, I can stay here for the night. Sorry for.. bargin’ into your home so quick, I just needed somewhere to stay and Dal was drunk outta his mind.” Johnny muttered softly, walking into your room with caution while he looked around.
Clothes scattered all over the floor, the countertops somewhat messy except for the desk you seem to barely use. Your bed, unkempt but oh so cozy looking, even the curtains which were halfway closed from rushing. Shoes just chucked about anywhere there was room, a bra littered near your hamper which he could only assume was you trying to take it off late at night before heading to bed.
But he could smell you everywhere in this room, and it sent his senses ablaze.
“That’s alright, Dally does tend to have some poor habits. Anyway, I’ll be in the shower tidying myself up, you holler if you need anythin’, y’hear?” You smiled wide, toothy grin making him smile too.
Johnny nodded, watching you leave and close the door behind you. Your soft pitter-pattering footsteps that trailed down the halls until you closed another door which he presumed was the bathroom door.
The hardening sensation being squeezed within the confines of his denim pants was getting hard to ignore, but he felt so wrong for it. But good lord, he could smell it. Smell you. The redolent, fragrant smell of you that seemed to linger no matter where he stuck his nose just drove him up the wall to pure heaven.
Meanwhile, you were just having yourself a warm shower, washing off the grime from today as well as the bit of grease you used to slick your hair out. That took the most time, you had to scrub with such authority that you were sure you had lost enough hair to re-fur a hairless cat.
The soft soap you used was being lathered onto your skin, cleansing it and replenishing what it had lost during the day. You couldn’t lie, night showers were some of the best showers after a long day.
It didn’t take long for you to finish washing your body before you hopped out of the shower to dry off. The towel now warm from the steamy, hot shower was practically a cherry on top when you patted yourself dry with it. All the little uneven droplets being soaked up by the towel’s fabric to leave you dry and soft afterward.
Johnny was hiding away in your room, stripped down only with his boxers while his hand greedily pumped at his cock, a hand grasping at the pair of panties he managed to snag from your room and stuffing them at his face to get a whiff of what your pretty cunny smelled like. He felt so wrong for doing this, he was your best friend!
Johnny instantly stopped when he heard the soft tip-taps of your feet trudging towards your room, and he used the blankets to half cover himself so his boner wouldn’t be too prominent or easy to see. He also stuffed the underwear beside his thigh away from view before muttering a medium decibel, “Come in.”
You did just that, scurrying yourself into your room you found Johnny relaxing in while you scavenged your closet for proper night clothes such as a pyjama or even an oversized shirt with some shorts. Poor Johnny was just about to go insane when he saw you bend over, the sweet sight of your ass peeking through to his line of sight.
You had to have been tempting him, right? Right?
Once you had selected what you planned on wearing for the night, you looked back over in his direction to properly wish him a good night and good dreams until you paused to look at him further.
His ribcage was in full view, the bones prominent but you couldn’t find it in you to be disgusted or revolted by the sight. The soft brown skin of his, perfect in its glory asides the bruising and scarring which you’d come to understand was his insecurity. But he seemed tense, almost fearful and you couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
“Johnnycakes? Are you okay? You look stiff, is something wrong?” You asked sweetly, innocently.
How was he not supposed to nut to just that benevolent tone you held?
Johnny gave a hesitant nod, shooting one of his sweet grins that displayed his teeth to you. You could only smile back, finding his little radiant expression to mirror onto yourself and make you do the same. But it was late, you shouldn’t stay up for chit-chatting.
“Alright, you know where I am if you need me, right? Down the hall, last room. Knock if something’s wrong.” You hummed, scampering off with your clothes in hand.
The soft click of the door when it closed rang through the silence, emitting a pitch that resonated and lingered far longer than it had to, followed by the tippy-taps of your feet against the floorboards as you rushed to your parents’ room. 
He dug his hand back under the blanket, finding his hardened cock growing a bit flaccid, and he frowned. Poor Johnny had a good rhythm going too! He fisted his cock once again, pumping mercilessly as the echoes of your voice from that simple moment when you waltzed your way in.
It wasn’t long until he was fighting himself to not make any sounds, but he began to lose his control as soon as he gained it when the muscles surrounding the base of his cock began to twitch and tighten to signal his release was upcoming. 
The dim lights from the midnight blue sky shone through your half open bedroom curtains, pushing past the glass to shine into the room Johnny sat in. This was all the light he needed to see the pair of panties in his hand, and that dirty, filthy mind of his began to simply picture you in them and nothing more.
The lovely shape of your body, its colour and form, the little markings that made you so individual and unique. Perfect set of tits, nicest ass that looked just about sculpted by angels. You were just so perfect, how could he not want you? How could he not want to have you?
Meanwhile, you were sitting with a disgusted look on your face as you heard the soft but audible noises Johnny was making from down the hall, but once you heard your name tumble from his lips, everything seemed to fade into a realization which led to hope. Did he like you like that too?
Soon enough, your own hand drifted to the soft pair of lips being freed from the confines of your panties, rubbing your unhardened clit with vigour. The tingling sensation burned in between your thighs, and you too found it hard to remain silent, but you managed. Johnny’s sounds from your room simply added fire to the ever growing flame building within your lower stomach.
Poor Johnny was clawing at the fabrics of your bed’s sheets, gasping and heaving while soft whimpers and groans seemed to slip his closed, pursed lips. It aggravated him, but he still thought you were asleep and he didn’t wish to wake you.
Boy, was he wrong.
By the time Johnny had set off his load onto whatever fabric you had around —which you couldn’t bear to think was now stained by his cum—, you hobbled your uneasy legs out of bed and down the long corridors of your home. Your steps were as silent as you could make them, but the skin on the soles of your feet now warm from staying under the blanket made the softest sticky sound that alerted Johnny.
He sat upright in a flurry of panic, inevitably settling on stuffing himself under your blankets when he heard the door slowly creak open. Maybe you’d leave?
“Johnny?” Your whispery tone got his focus, even though he tried hard not to shuffle or move around to alert you. “Johnny, are you awake?” You tried again.
When you finally thought that he was asleep and wouldn’t be waking up any time soon, you hobbled yourself beside him under the blankets and tenderly rubbed at his back. Your nimble fingers grazed the skin of the burn scars and bruises oh so gently, his heart filling with warmth that made blood pump down in between his thighs.
You were oblivious to it, moving yourself to use his thigh as something to grind against for purchase and friction. It was selfish, it was improper, but you needed it. Lord, you could feel yourself soaking his boxers from some simple grinding against him.
Poor Johnny didn’t know how to tell you he was awake, and in all honesty, maybe he shouldn’t. If he told you, or moved even a bit, you’d become startled and embarrassed to the point where you couldn’t speak and you both knew of this well. You weren’t great at handling your embarrassment.
Those soft moans tumbling freely from your lips were like a tease, something to tempt him to see if he would break. His cock was chubbing up at your dulcet noises, and he didn’t know whether they were somewhat soothing or a bit too erotic for his liking. Regardless, he tried to subtly move his hand to that aching spot between his legs for release.
You assumed his movement was involuntary like any person would do in their sleep. Adjustments to get comfortable weren’t uncommon, so you paid no mind to it and just kept at it. Surely you had stained the hem of his boxers with your arousal juices. But you weren’t focused on that!
But it wasn’t until the movements became consistent and they weren’t your own that you began to grow nervous. Had you made him uncomfortable? Was something hurting him? Maybe he had woken up? Oh, that thought sent a sharp shiver down your spine. You were scared that he had woken up and had gotten all flustered, maybe even trying to move away with the inability to wriggle you off.
So tentatively, you moved your weight off of his body, using what little arm strength you had in you at the moment to see what was happening below you. Johnny stopped almost instantly, trying to play it off like he wasn’t just jacking off to the way you were using his body. Would this be considered non-consensual? No, he liked it very much, so why were you hesitating on continuing?
“Johnny, I know you’re awake. Did I bother you? ‘M sorry, Johnnycakes, jus’ needed you..” You hummed, nuzzling your cheek to his boney shoulder to feel the little bit of warmth radiating off of his tanned skin. “Oh, but what’ll the others think?”
When you jostled him to show you knew he wasn’t asleep, Johnny allowed himself to turn over to face you and sighed happily. There you were, all pretty with your embarrassed pink cheeks and your pouty expression. Did you even understand how gorgeous you were to him? Even when he first met you, he swore you were sent from the heavens.
“Sugar, don’t worry ‘bout the others. Dal’s secretly been tellin’ Two that we were a thing anyway. I don’t mind it, would your family be okay with it?” His serene voice that wafted tobacco to your nose had confirmed just about everything you were thinking. So he liked you back, and the glances at your breasts during visits wasn’t just because he couldn’t make eye contact with you.
“I don’t care what my parents say, but your parents.. what’ll they do to you if they find out? You know that keepin’ it a secret won’t do us any good.” You murmured, a hand of yours gently holding his hip and caressing the skin while tracing the outline of protruding bone.
That had Johnny’s eyes forming hearts. Did you really think ahead of everything just to make sure he was gonna be alright? Good lord, he knew he was making the right choice.
“Ah, what’s a couple more bruises? I’ll be able to ditch them eventually, maybe move somewhere with you. How ‘bout that? We’d move far away from Tulsa, maybe somewhere warmer. No more Socs, no more fights, hell, I’d love to get rid of my cigs. I hate my teeth all yellow.” Johnny hummed at the thought of doing everything he listed off before pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss.
It started intimately, just two idiots mindlessly kissing with smiles mashed together while fingers entangled into each other’s hair. Soft and meaningful, purposeful movements that were well thought out and calculated until Johnny moved his hips to show you what you had started. That hardening length slick with some pre-cum, and you moved your hand down to grip it and stroke it while adjusting.
Your body was now hovering over his, lips still intertwined while you wriggled off whatever clothes acted as a burden to what you were seeking. The hindrances you considered fabric to sheath your body were off of you in mere seconds, your body pulling away from his to throw your shirt off. Soon, your mouth found purchase against the soft muscle of his neck, desperately suckling some little hickeys into his flesh.
Painless bruises that expressed your affection. What was more beautiful than that? 
The soft little squeaks of moans that tumbled freely from Johnny’s pretty mouth just egged you on. Your hand fisting his cock mercilessly, milking him for all he’s got while showering him in soft praises. He deserved this kind of love, soft and sweet with just enough roughness to have you craving more.
“Yeah, baby? Feels good? You can take it, you got it.” You lulled him, pressing innocent kisses to wherever you could reach your lips, listening to the sheets rustle beneath you as Johnny wiggled around.
Sprawled out while desperately grasping the blankets and sheets below him, he found himself teetering off of that perfect ledge of ecstasy that was exposed to him. He was so close to that pleasurable place of heaven on Earth, and he was worried you wouldn’t let him cum. He hated edging.
But you didn’t. Your expression seemed to anticipate his climax, and that further had the coil connecting his lower stomach and the base of his cock to tighten and tighten until he simply couldn’t take it.
A cry that was so obviously forced to be squeezed quiet had alerted you just a few seconds before his climax that he was cumming. Sure enough, his pretty, pearly cum trickled down from his urethra and onto your soft skin, the liquid creating a thin sheen over your flesh.
The aftershocks of his body instantly made you become more sweet, hands resting on either side of his waist while gently caressing the warmed brown skin of his. Poor Johnny was rattling more than a damn Mexican maraca. Shudders made him all electric, but he soon found your hands gently holding his hips, and that grounded him.
“W-wait, I don’t think I can go again, sugar. Maybe.. get on toppa me?” He asked so sweetly, so pleasantly as if you’d say no.
You were practically stunned speechless at his words, pondering for a moment before inevitably answering his plea. Johnny adjusted instantly when he saw the soft nod of your head, and you could only giggle at his ecstatic expression. Happy, just like how he deserved to feel.
Your legs were quickly situated over his head, and with nervous hands, you combed through the soft locks on his scalp. Ungreased and silky, it soothed you enough.
“What if I’m heavy? I don’t wanna crush you.” You smiled shyly, and Johnny simply shrugged while caressing your hamstrings with tender fingers. For a greaser, you still questioned how his fingers were delicate and smooth. 
“Then I’d die happy. C’mon, it’ll be okay. How ‘bout this? If you hurt me at all, I’ll swat your legs lightly.” He offered, charming you with that devilishly sweet glint in his doe brown eyes.
You could only nod after he spoke, and you hesitantly lowered yourself onto his awaiting mouth. Nervousness caused your fingers to jitter sporadically, but you pushed through before sitting yourself onto his face. The warmth of his tongue caused a rattle to zoom up your spine like a racecar on a speedway, electrifying you.
The moans that were pulled from you just made Johnny all the more eager to please you, and he began to greedily feed off of your sweet nectar. The tangy taste of your juices were simply too addictive, could you even blame him? He didn’t know which he preferred, nicotine or your delicious wetness.
You were beginning to grind on his face, his nose nudging your clit every time you missed or got too careless. The mess of your arousal was smudging onto his chin and upper lip, but you were too dazed out to really notice anyway. Poor Johnny was about to bust again from your desperation to get a climax, but he knew cumming twice was enough for him.
His tongue slurped up any drops your cunny managed to spurt out for him, the overstimulation of your labia and clit being teased had your toes curling. You were becoming sheen with sweat, but you didn’t cease being quiet. Johnny was simply slurping you up like a snack, and you took it.
The coil within your lower abdomen threatened to snap, but you couldn’t sum up the strength to get off of his mouth to save him from mess. His hands groping your ass or caressing your hammies didn’t seem to let up either, in fact encouraging you to continue.
Johnny’s tongue kept hitting all the ooey gooey spots inside of you that set all the nerves in your body ablaze, and it wasn’t long until you were teetering over the thin line of release.
“Johnny! Johnny- I’m gonna cum..! Baby, I-” Your orgasm had cut you off, your legs seizing and stopping all their movements while you thrashed about from the sheer intensity of whatever pleasure Johnny gave you.
Poor boy’s face was squished to mush, but he was so happy.
Soon, you found yourself coming back to reality, your control over your legs and you used this newfound control to get off of his face. The last thing you wanted was to crush him or suffocate him!
When you got yourself seated beside him, legs still a bit shaky, Johnny licked off whatever fluid you managed to spunk onto his face with a gleeful smile. How gross! But.. somewhat hot too. Johnny grinned at you, his teeth all crooked but so sweet on his face.
“Feel good, sugar?” He asked you, smiling all happy and pridefully. Making you cum was a big deal for him!
You chuckled softly to yourself at his words, they were suave in how he spoke. You couldn’t admit to him that it was probably the best head you’ve ever received, his ego would get too overinflated and the gang already had an overconfident Dally.
“Yes, it felt good. Thank you.” You smiled, tucking yourself under the warm blankets of your own mattress. The duvet covers felt nice on your burning skin, even if it was a bit too hot for them.
Johnny beamed, getting under the blankets with you as well before throwing his lanky arms around you. It scared you for a second as it was unexpected, but you laughed and wholeheartedly accepted his hug. Warm arms encased you, and yours wrapped around him in return.
Giggles were shared and kisses were peppered all around, even some tickles to make everything seem more lively. Johnny also wanted you to feel like you weren’t just there for some sex and nothing more.
God, you were so fucking in love.
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Shoutouts to:
@outsidersstuff16 @raycravens116 @johnnycadesslut @johnnycadesmuse @johnnycakesswitch
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celandeline · 10 months ago
Hiiii bestie, can we get an angry Carl x reader, leading to smut
Yes we can!
Make It Up To You
Carl Grimes X Reader (SMUT), oneshot
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“What the hell were you thinking?” 
You’ve never seen Carl this mad before. Sure, you’ve seen him get mad - pissed off, sulky, more snappy than usual - but you’ve never seen this. This is something else. This has his eye brimming with rage, and an ugly curl to his lips, like he’s getting ready to spit venom. 
“Anyone would have done the same!” You shoot back, brows furrowed. You don’t really understand why he’s mad at you. Going back into the department store after a bunch of walkers broke in wasn’t the smartest thing you could have done, sure, but you weren’t just going to leave Tara behind. Not when she’s saved your ass before. And you’re fine - a little scratched up from climbing through that broken window, but that's it - no bites, nothing serious. 
“It was stupid, and risky, and you could’ve gotten yourself killed!” Carl spits. 
Now you’re starting to get mad too - you’re tired, you haven’t really even gotten a chance to sit down since you and the rest of your run group got back, and now Carl’s in your face, almost shouting at you. “What happened to ‘we don’t leave anyone behind’?” You shoot back. “You’re saying I should have just left her there?”
“No! I’m just saying, instead of running in by yourself, you could have gone back in with the rest of the group. You know it’s stupid to go anywhere on your own, you could have at least asked someone to watch your back, or draw some of them away or something.” He says. 
“Sorry - there wasn’t a whole lot of time to draw up a plan before she would’ve gotten eaten.” You snark back at him. “And, in case you haven’t noticed,” You gesture down to the rest of yourself. “I’m perfectly fine. I can handle myself.”
“Couldn’t handle asking for backup, apparently.” He says, icy blue gaze boring into you. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” You ask. “It’s fine - I’m fine, Tara’s fine, everyone got back safe. Yes, I could have died, I know, I don’t need you lecturing me about the risks-”
“Maybe you do, ‘cause it seems like you forgot-” He cuts you off. 
“Fuck off.” You spit, turning around to head back to your house. You don’t need this right now - you just got back from risking your ass to get supplies for the town, and yeah, there were a couple really close calls when you went back in to save Tara. All you wanted to do was go home, take a shower, get a fresh change of clothes. But instead, you got an angry Carl Grimes trying to lecture you about shit you already know. You don’t even know why he cares so much - sure, you’re friends, but the way he was so angry-
“Where are you going?”
You roll your eyes at the sound of him following you, and don’t bother to turn around to look at him. “Home.”
He falls into step beside you, still glaring at you from under the rim of his hat. “You can’t just walk away in the middle of a conversation-”
“Didn’t feel like a conversation to me.” You interrupt him. “Felt like you were just shouting at me about how stupid I am.” 
“I didn’t-” He starts. “That’s not- I wasn’t trying to say that you’re dumb-”
“Well, you did. Quite a few times, actually.” You cut him off, heading up the steps to your porch. You turn around to face him once you get to the door. “Look, Carl, I’m really not in the mood to keep doing this right now-”
“I don’t think you’re dumb.” He says, the anger in his voice turning into urgency. “And I’m not trying to say that you’re weak or can’t handle yourself, or that you shouldn’t have gone back to save Tara, but it was risky. Too risky, and it didn’t have to be, and if it had gone bad, I don’t-” His voice cracks, and he stops himself. 
You wait for a moment for him to continue, and when he doesn’t, you roll your eyes. “Careful,” You snark. “It almost sounded like you were going to say something nice about me. If you’re done, I’m gonna go shower-”
His lips are on yours before you can really realize what’s happening, and on instinct you pull away. “Carl.” You say, brow furrowed as you look him in the eye, searching for… something, to explain what the fuck is going on. 
“If you died, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.” He says, lips only an inch away from yours. All the anger in him has turned into pleading, his eyes wide, searching your gaze the same as you search his. 
“So, what, you shout at me the moment I get home?” You ask. 
“I’m sorry.” He says. “Really. I just- I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you. Please.”
Most of the time, you find the extravagance of the houses in Alexandria a little annoying. It only serves as a reminder to before, how your mom used to cut out pictures of places like this to scrapbook into her future plans journal. It only serves as a reminder to how much your dad would grumble about ‘rich people shit’ when he got home from the construction site. 
Now though, you find yourself a little grateful for the heated flooring in the ensuite master bathroom, and the spacious glass shower. The glass is almost completely covered with steam from the hot water cascading out of the showerhead, and you can only see the faintest reflection of yourself, back against the tile as Carl fucks you.  
He’s propped up above you, watching you reverently as his hair drips water onto your cheeks. You keep running your hands through the wet strands, trailing your fingernails across the nape of his neck to make him shiver, despite the heat of the shower. 
“Fuck.” He gasps, dropping down to press his chest against yours and tuck his head into the crook of your neck. 
“Mmm.” You return, taking the opportunity to mouth at the side of his neck, gently sinking your teeth into the skin there. He moans again, and his hips stutter against yours, briefly losing his rhythm before regaining it. You trail your lips upward to bite at the lobe of his ear, and grin when he falters again. 
“Stop doing that.” He pants, pulling his head out of the crook of your neck to look down at you again. 
“Why?” You ask, winding your arms around his shoulders to tug him down for a quick kiss. “I can tell you like it-”
“I’m supposed to be the one - mm, fuck - making it up to you, not the other way around.” He says. 
“You already picked - ah - all of the walker guts out of my hair, I think your debt is paid.”
He shakes his head, little droplets of water flying out of his hair. “Not until I make you cum.”
He throws himself back into fucking you with his full focus, burying his head back into the crook of your neck to mouth at your collarbones, panting heavy against your skin. You let your eyes flutter shut, enjoying the ride. It’s good - surprisingly. He’s done this before, you think - Enid, probably - enough times to know what works and what doesn’t, and if he keeps going at the rate he is, he might actually get you to finish without you having to help him along. 
“You’re so pretty.” He says, breathy against your skin. 
You open your eyes again, and run a hand up his spine, causing him to arch into you. “You should’ve just - fuck,” You gasp at a particularly hard thrust. “Told me you liked me.”
“Probably.” He agrees. “Didn’t - mm - want you to say no though.”
“I think it’s pretty obvious I wouldn’t have.” You breathe, winding a hand into his hair again, holding him against you as the coil in your stomach tightens. 
“How was I supposed to, ah, know?” He asks, lifting his head out of your neck.
“Could’ve asked-” You tip your head back against the tile as you feel yourself nearing the edge. “Fuck, Carl-”
He groans, low in the base of his throat, and speeds up his thrusts, snapping his hips against yours. “Please,” He moans. “Please, please-”
You sigh as you cum, and pull him down against you. You’re more relaxed than you’ve ever been as you come down, between the sex and the heat of the shower around you. Carl doesn’t take too long to follow, letting out a few more hiccuping moans before he pulls out, shooting his cum onto the floor of the shower. You watch it get carried away down the drain as you catch your breath. 
Carl plops himself down on the floor of the shower next to you with a satisfied smile. “Good?”
“Very.” You agree, pulling yourself up from where you were sprawled on the floor.
A moment passes between you, the only sound is that of the shower water hitting the tile, and you take a minute to just look at him, taking in just how pretty he is. 
“Sorry again.” He says, breaking the silence. “For yelling at you. And, um, not telling you that I liked you.”
“S’okay.” You say, because it is. “We got there, eventually.”
He laughs a little. “Yeah.”
You grin at him. “We’re going to have to clean off again.”
“That’s alright with me.” He says, returning your smile.
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rositaslabyrinth · 2 months ago
Castiel “Castles crumbling”
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Castiel x fem!reader
Helping cas recover after losing his grace
Words ; 943
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The warehouse was unnervingly quiet now, save for the faint hum of fluorescent lights flickering overhead. The metallic scent of blood and the acrid tang of smoke clung to the air, a suffocating reminder of the fight that had just ended.
Your legs carried you forward on instinct, the weight of everything that had just happened settling on your chest. Dean and Sam were a few steps behind, speaking in hushed tones about their next move, but their words faded into background noise as your eyes locked on Castiel.
He was slumped against the cold, concrete wall, his trench coat hanging off his shoulders like it was too heavy for him to bear. His head was tilted back, his eyes half-closed, and for the first time, he looked truly, utterly defeated.
It wasn’t just exhaustion. It was something deeper, something that made your throat tighten and your heart twist painfully in your chest.
You dropped to your knees beside him, hesitating only for a moment before reaching out. “Cas?”
His eyes cracked open at the sound of your voice, but they didn’t hold the piercing light you were used to. They were dull now, almost lifeless. He stared at you for a moment before shaking his head faintly. “You shouldn’t…” His voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper. “You shouldn’t waste your time on me.”
“Don’t say that,” you said quickly, your hand hovering over his arm, unsure if he would pull away. “You’re hurt. Let me help you.”
He let out a dry, bitter laugh that didn’t sound like him at all. “Help me? You can’t help what’s already broken.”
“I’m nothing now,” he interrupted, his tone sharper, more biting. His gaze shifted away from you, fixing somewhere in the distance. “My grace is gone. I’ve fallen. I was an angel of the Lord, and now I’m…” He trailed off, his jaw tightening as if he couldn’t bring himself to say the words.
“Now you’re human,” you finished for him, your voice soft.
His head turned sharply, and for a moment, his expression was one of disbelief—maybe even anger. “Human,” he echoed bitterly. “Do you have any idea what that means? I’ve lost everything. My purpose, my power, my… everything I was. My foes and friends alike have seen me fall.” His voice cracked, and he looked away again, his shoulders slumping. “I don’t even know how it could’ve ended this way.”
His words hit you like a punch to the gut, and you struggled to keep your voice steady as you reached for him again. This time, you didn’t hesitate. You cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
“Listen to me,” you said firmly, your thumbs brushing over the rough stubble on his cheeks. “You are not nothing, Castiel. Do you hear me? You’re still you. You’re the one who saved me, who saved Dean and Sam, who saved the world more times than I can count. You’ve fought for humanity, for people you didn’t even know, and for what? To tell me now that you’re nothing? I won’t let you say that.”
His blue eyes, so dull and lifeless moments ago, searched yours now, and you saw the cracks in the wall he was trying so desperately to keep up. “I’ve failed,” he whispered. “I thought I was doing the right thing, but I’ve only ever caused pain. To Heaven. To you.”
“You haven’t failed,” you said, your voice trembling as you leaned closer. “You’ve done more good than you’ll ever know. And you’re not alone. Do you hear me? You’ll never be alone.”
His hands came up hesitantly, resting over yours as if grounding himself in your touch. “I don’t know how to be this,” he admitted, his voice barely audible. “I don’t know how to be… human.”
“You don’t have to figure it out on your own,” you said, leaning your forehead against his. “You have me. You have Dean and Sam. You have us, Cas. And we’re not going anywhere.”
For a long moment, he didn’t respond, the weight of your words hanging in the space between you. Then, slowly, he leaned into you, his hands tightening slightly over yours.
“Thank you,” he murmured, the words so quiet you almost didn’t hear them.
Your breath hitched as his gaze dropped to your lips, the air between you shifting. There was a hesitation in his expression, a question he didn’t voice aloud. But when he leaned in, the kiss was soft, tentative, as if he were afraid you might break under his touch.
You kissed him back, your fingers threading through his hair, pouring everything you couldn’t say into that moment—your admiration, your affection, your love.
When you pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, and for the first time since Metatron had stolen his grace, there was a faint light in his eyes.
“Uh, hate to interrupt your little moment,” Dean’s voice cut through the quiet, making you jump, “but we gotta get moving. This place isn’t exactly safe.”
Your cheeks flushed, but you didn’t move far from Castiel. His hand found yours, and when you glanced at him, his expression was soft but steady.
Dean raised a brow but didn’t comment further, leading the way out with Sam close behind.
As the four of you left the warehouse, Castiel’s hand remained in yours, his grip firm and grounding. He might have lost his grace, his power, and the castle he’d once built, but as you walked beside him, you silently vowed to help him rebuild—brick by brick, piece by piece.
And this time, he wouldn’t have to do it alone.
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