#if I do ever redraw this (which I would love to do)
blujayonthewing · 2 years
me: hmm, who should I draw kissing indigo 🤔
justin: [rolling at his desk] the dice say nyssa
me: ...do you have a rolltable of my OCs
justin: yeah :)
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chubs-deuce · 3 months
Hi! First of all I wanted to say I love your art so much thank you for sharing your work with us!
If I may ask, how do you come up with the poses in your art? Do you use refs or just sketch them from imagination? Any tips you could share about it?
Figuring out poses is the hardest part of art for me and I am just in awe of how dynamic and great the poses are in your work!
Thank you again and I hope you have a great day!!
oh boy am I ever happy to talk about this!! :D
first of all thank you so much!! <3 I'm genuinely so happy to hear that aaaa-
In regards to coming up with ideas? I oftentimes just kind of fuck around and find out - a lot of times I just get a momentary brain-spark that gives me a glimpse of an idea if that makes sense? It's mostly just the general vibe, a specific feeling, a facial expression, a rough silhouette and if it intrigues me enough I will try to pursue the idea in-depth!
I normally do try to do the poses by hand myself, but sometimes the image in my head isn't detailed enough and I get hung up on where to place the hands or legs or for some reason or another I just can't get the torso and head to sit right... so I get a little help!
More specifically I use a program to make pose references! :D
It's called DesignDoll and it's free on windows (tho you can't save without the pro service which is meh but it offers perfectly succinct functions as is already so I never bothered with the paid version)! It can be a bit finnicky to control sometimes (the elbows and knees love twisting into random angles whenever hands/feet are moved) but it's really really versatile once you know what you're doing! Ngl making raking references in it can take me up to an hour at times but it's really fun too so it's never been a bother for me haha
Some recent examples:
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What actually helps me the most with this process tho is the fact that I can make these poses and choose the angles and everything myself! I find that the process of making the refs actually really helps me refine the concept in my head - a lot better than I would be able to in a drawing anyway! Plus I'm very lazy so I hate redrawing things overly often haha
You can probably see it the best in the first drawing and the karaoke one - I didn't use the references 1:1, I still do change things spontaneously if I find it works better for my drawing that way - so I don't really use it for the proportions so much as just visualizing my idea with more precision that I can then adapt properly into the artwork :D
I highly recommend doing something similar if you often find yourself with only fragments of a pose or no clear idea for one!!! DesignDoll isn't the only program of this kind either so it's worth looking into other alternatives too if you don't have a windows system to run this one on!
(just please do not use generative AI for art references! Always remember that there is no such thing as ethical generative AI! ;w;)
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HOW DO YOU DRAW FACES??!?! seriously, everything about your art is pure eyecandy, I love it SO MUCH, but faces. YOUR FACES. the faces are perfect. they capture every detail. they feel so human. so expressive. i would love to know how you draw/structure your faces because it's the biggest thing i'd like to improve on with my art!
Art is a translation of how you perceive the world. Art is both extremely watered down and painfully vulnerable with emotions. The artist translates the world, and people translate the art. Lots of art gets lost in translation. My goal is to make people read my art regardless of my language. I want my art to speak louder than my simple cluttered words could.
How can you read a face with no words? You have to find your own way to do that, but here’s a very rough way of how I read people and attempt to translate their world into mine.
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One practice is drawing straight from a reference. I've been watching TLOU, which has some of the best acting ever and is perfect for screenshotting specific moments to recreate. Pulling scenes from episode five, I stretch and amplify the facial features to properly read their emotions in my style, ex, making Ellie and Sam's eyes bigger to amplify their youth, smoothing out facial wrinkles for simplicity, and (my favorite) exaggerating the mouths so they emote louder.
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Second method is feeling how your face moves. Ethan Becker on YouTube explains it better (go watch all his videos) of how to feel and observe how your face compresses and works with different features to properly express emotions. Using your own face as a stencil to understand how your muscle and jaw work is both simple, and always accessible for artist reference.
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An example of how I break down bits of a chapter into chunks for each panel while still attempting for it to run smoothly like the writing. Honestly, a lot of this part rides on wanting to do the author justice for their fabulous work. You want to show them how much their work affected you and why it’s totally worth it to draw their stories.
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Some examples of scenes from media (that almost made me cry) and how I translate and manipulate it into my style. This is why I redraw scenes from movies so often, not only is it fun and easy, but it’s a great way of studying the masters
But, to actually answer your question, I think the reason my drawings are so expressive to you is because I still follow somewhat typical human anatomy while still being cartoony enough to break the uncanny valley and create an aesthetically pleasing style. I’m still practicing and studying everyday to get better. You must work as much as possible to attempt to properly translate the world.
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 5 months
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POV: There’s a spiky-haired ginger nearby.
Ack, just a few more days, and it’d be a whole month exactly since my last post 🫠 oops… I am working on things, I swear, it’s just, they’re taking longer than I thought they would… And I’ve also just been busy in general, too (not too busy, but busy all the same).
So realizing just how long it’s been, decided to sketch a quick lovestruck Hime because <3 <3 Played around with colors and rendering whilst staying loosey-goosey with it—was fun; especially love those pinks sm… I need more pink sketches, tbh, haha.
No, but I should probably let myself do doodles like this more often, especially in between longer projects (and not, like, dip for a month, ahhh). Helps with being 1) a warm-up (would you believe I barely do warm-ups? ‘Cause I barely do warm-ups… I have awful drawing/writing habits ^^;;;), 2) being a bit more experimental without me nitpicking, and 3) making me feel better about my art in general. ‘Cause, like, part of why it’s taking so long to get a proper post out is because I keep redrawing the same thing over and over again and haven’t even started on coloring…
These, however, can look flawed on purpose, but I’m also just really happy with the result! Ahhh, Hime’s a precious bab, especially a smitten Hime 🥺🥹 (which I don’t draw as often as a smitten Ichigo, I don’t think; she’s, like, more happy/delighted than full-on endeared—shame, shame, shame on me… But, like, his soft puppy dog eyes are also ✨everything✨).
That being said, do expect my next post to be soon (at least, not in a month’s time again…). At the very least, I do plan on whipping up a quick Mother’s Day post (it sneaks up on me every year, so I can’t ever plan one…). But a proper post shouldn’t take much longer after that, I don’t think. I’ll discuss more then.
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Prompt: The Prefect's Obsession.
Pairing: Yandere!Prefect/ Yuu and Reader/ Player (can be read as platonic or romantic)
Genre: Yandere
TW: Obsessive behaviour...? Let me know if anything else should be added ^^ (Reader and Yuu are two different individuals.)
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AN: I initially had the prompt 'obsession', but reading @roseapov 's Player and Overseer thing gave me this idea; what if Yuu was more than just a puppet, and equally as obsessed with the player as the rest of the twst cast? I'm trying to explore how to write more unsettling kind of stuff, since I'm pretty good at writing regular ol' angst and fluff if I do say so myself ^^ somehow twst brings out this side of me lol. Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy!
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The Prefect was made aware of your presence in their life during the first ever battle they fought, against the blot monster in the Dwarves' Mines.
They remember the rush of energy that filled them, the authority with which they barked out orders for their friends to fight. The intensity of the battle had had little effect on them (even though a small part in the back of their brain said that they should have been freaking out) as they instructed their friends, while their own strings were pulled by another.
Till then, the Prefect had only felt someone's intent gaze, even when no one was there. At times a little rhythm would be thrumming under their skin, sometimes soft and slow, other times fast-paced and exhilarating. But the way you had possessed their body, taken over their actions to lead them and their friends to victory, was what astonished and scared them the most.
They hated it at first. After all, who would like to have no control over their actions in a life-or-death situation? But as time went by, and you led them to victory and safety so many more times, the Prefect grew fonder of you.
The many hours you spent, watching them repair Ramshackle or handle Grim and the rest of the first years endeared you to them. You were so patient, so kind-hearted to be helping this magicless human navigate the challenges of being transported to a magical world. Their desire to know you, to thank you grew day by day, minute by minute. After all, without your help they would not have gotten this far. Somewhere, the lines between genuine gratefulness and blinded devotion blurred, and the Prefect had no intention of redrawing those lines, ever again.
They could tell when you weren't with them. The lightness they felt when under your watchful (and loving, hopefully) eyes would go away sometimes, leaving them to mindlessly wander, waiting for you to come back. Of course, they wouldn't hold your occasional absences against you. They couldn't even bring themself to think something so blasphemous as to hold a grudge against you. But they also couldn't suppress the fear and anxiety that ate away at them each time you left, wondering whether you would come back, when you would come back, and how long you would stay with them the next time.
You, who they had never seen, had more of an impact and importance in their life than the boys of the seven dorms they had become fast friends with.
A conversation with Riddle after one of their lessons together revealed that the boys were also aware of a greater entity watching over them. They called you by a special name, one initially used by Idia and then adopted by everyone else.
Prefect tested the word, satisfied by the way it rolled off their tongue. Because they control us, just like a player would their game characters.
The Prefect became the subject of more attention fairly quickly after it became known that they were aware of the player and not just a oblivious puppet as Azul had theorized earlier. Considering that you used the Prefect exclusively to interact with everyone, the boys would try to spend as much time as they could in their presence, in hopes of feeling the your 'grace' and monopolizing it. It was just a feeling, one that they could all experience but none could explain. Your presence through the Prefect calmed them. Even when they thought themselves to be alright, the feeling of your presence would help soothe parts of themself they weren't aware needed soothing.
But the Prefect...They hated it.
The way they all milled around them, hungry for any indication of your presence, your validation. The way they stuck close to them, waiting to bask in the familiar warmth and calm that surrounded the Prefect when you visited them. To the Prefect, they were quickly turning from friends to insistent, irritating flies buzzing around.
Nobody deserved to be in your presence. Nobody but them. Because you chose the Prefect as your vessel, a blank slate for you to use to mercifully interfere in the lives of those who didn't deserve you.
The Prefect felt a sense of pride at the thought of being your puppet, at your mercy and for you to do what you wish with them. No greater honour could have been conferred to them and their existence than to create miracles in your name, under your guidance.
Of course, this... devotion meant that the Prefect often wondered about you. While you watched over them as they attended their lessons, the Prefect wondered if you liked to learn History; perhaps you were more into sports and fitness. Or perhaps alchemy was more your pace?
The Prefect also liked to imagine that their features somewhat mirrored yours. Perhaps your eyes were similar, or the curve of your nose, or perhaps your skin tone. After all, there must be something common between an entity and their vessel, to show that they are bound to each other, right?
As they looked down at your fallen form, however, they could not see any similarity. Not even a passing resemblance.
You were different, breathtakingly so.
Having spent the most amount of time in your presence, there was no way the Prefect could have made a mistake. The light sheen of grace that clung to your skin was enough of an indicator of your identity. The Prefect watched, mesmerized by your (e/c) eyes that held a mix of awe and curiosity, your apologies for bumping into them ignored in favour of staring at your face, searing each and every feature into their brain.
The Player.
The player was in Twisted Wonderland.
The player was in Twisted Wonderland?
But how?
Briefly, as Yuu extended a hand to help you up, they wondered if you had been unceremoniously dumped into this twisted world of magic and monsters, the same way they had. Their blood began boiling under their skin at the thought that some being (could this mean there were beings greater than you?) would treat you so carelessly, as if you did not hold power over some of the most important figures in Twisted Wonderland.
Prefect watched you stand with their help, a soft and grateful "Thank you," slipping through your lips and setting their every nerve on fire. The timbre of your voice, the slight awe in your words and the grateful light in your eyes as you looked at them, it was all so much. Too much, and yet still not nearly enough.
And then, a small voice spoke up from deep within them. 'The Player is here. And nobody knows.'
For if they had, if they had the slightest of an inkling that their beloved deity was amongst them, the housewardens would do their best to have you for themselves. Each dorm would declare an outright war on the others if it meant having you by their side.
But if you could be persuaded to join one before the others even found out...
They gave you a big smile, reverently noting the slight blush you sported. How cute. "No need to apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going either. But.. I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Yuu, what's your name?" They asked, hoping to not scare you off by seeming over eager.
"Ah, I'm (Name)," you answered, a bashful smile on your face. They cooed over your warm smile and sparkling eyes internally. So naive, so trusting; no wonder you cared about everyone, even those that had hurt your vessel, and by extension, you.
"I'm in the process of transferring from Aravae Arcane Academy," you continued, and their smile almost slipped from their face. You were in the process of transferring into Night Raven College? That too, from an obscure academy situated Sevens knows where? How long had it been since you had decided to grace Twisted Wonderland with your actual presence? How long had they been unaware of their beloved deity being so close? How long had they been unable to serve you as they should have?
The Prefect pushed the thoughts down, deep down, where it would never see the light of day ever again. You were here. Through some miracle, you were right in front of them, where they could touch you if you permitted (for they would never lay a hand on you without your permission).
And you would stay. The Prefect would go through it all again, fight the Great Seven even, if only to ensure that you would stay close to them. Where they could bask in your glory and serve you as they are meant to. A loyal follower devoting their heart, soul and mind to their beloved deity.
Your expression changed into one of slight embarassment and awkwardness, and that is when the Prefect realized they might have been just a little too intent with their staring. Nervously chuckling, they said, "Ah, okay. That explains it, I guess."
You chuckled as well, and the Prefect felt as though fate was smiling down upon them. This, this was their reward for going through all that they had. This was what they were meant for. "Yeah... I am kinda lost though. I was supposed to meet the Headmage, but..." You trailed off, and they nodded understandingly.
"Yeah, the grounds can be real hard to navigate. But don't worry! I'll help you get to the Headmage's office. He should be there, if he's not doing any surprise class supervisions today," they chirped.
"That would be nice. Oh, but, I don't want to trouble you. I mean, you must be busy..."
"It's no problem, really! I'm always happy to help!"
"Oh, well... If its not much trouble, please lead the way."
"Sure! Oh, by the way, do you have any dorm you'd like to be in? I know the Dark Mirror sorts students into dorms, but people do change their dorms sometimes if they want to..."
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34saveme34 · 2 months
If the SMG4 crew, ESPECIALLY the writers weren't made up of such cowardly people, they already would've made the Gay Arc!
Think about it, the kind of attention that would bring to them, if they just let the gayness prosper into a long satisfying arc as it should, even in our reality
just a beautiful exploration of same sex attraction could make for such wonderful writing, I think it would simply absolve all criticism and reddit users would be screaming in glee as they hear the news of the gay arc and see it happen, seeing it unfold into this beautiful messy thing about same sex attraction, they would be losing both their marbles and balls, I promise you
they would be posting with the devotion of an ant colony and with the frequency of a bee's wing flapping
everyone would be discussing who they did best and there would be such heated arguments about it between people, being neck to neck because everyone would be written perfectly in this arc so they wouldn't have a single nitpick (unless of course they go on to misrepresent a scene, especially thinking about one where 4 would be really mean and rude to 3 about something and pea brains don't put together the idea that previously in the arc, as it would also have beautiful continuity, 3 hurt 4 in a way that he wouldn't be able to ignore without revenge, even if he previously confessed his beautiful gay love for him while dangling to their death because you can't waterboard a confession out of either so easily)
and meanwhile, tumblr would be prospering in interactions and new posts by the minute, the tag would be so busy, even twitter only fans would learn of this place and stare at it in awe too, as if they're thinking "the gay arc was so perfect and beautiful and everything that we wanted that it even revived tumblr"
twitter would have the smg4 tag and several ship tags trend for a long time
people would complain that it's taking up space but then they see what it's about and immediately apologise, reaising their mistake in criticising something absolutely perfect, something that brings tears to your eyes while you laugh yet a bittersweetness still strikes you with warmth as well, you would just be full of soul, even from witnessing a single screenshot from this arc. because every single frame would be so perfect and beautiful
and then twitter would find a problem with it, wanting to free up trending so that it keeps fresh and new but it keeps coming back, stronger and stronger every damn time
and then twitter learns and gets a new skin of sorts, a new look for both the desktop and mobile to honor the gay arc
and then twitter stocks go up but Elon Musk trips really hard on stairs and accidentally stumbles into and perfectly signs a contract to give twitter to an actually better person who knows how to lead a social media
and then it would all prosper, slurs would get removed, and everyone would celebrate the gay arc's influence for it
it would come out that the new CEO would be an old SMG4 enjoyer who still loves it to this day, and also their favourite arc would be the gay arc, as it would be everyone else's as well, which then would combust homophobes all over twitter, and also racists and suddenly twitter would be the greatest place to be in
now, the gay arc wouldn't only have smg34, that wouldn't simply be worthy of a perfect arc
even if they do become a focal point at some point with scenes that people would keep redrawing, making it a lot of people's favourite moment from the arc and also would change the minds of many people who don't like the pairing
the arc would revolve around ALL the gay ships
the SMG4 crew would build the craziest polycule ever that would be the most addicting thing to watch
it would all become instant classics in less than a week as people would keep talking about how amazing it all turned out to be, even the most critical ones struggling to come up with anything to nitpick
it would be so great, yet........ we can't have this beautiful, perfect and totally 100000000000% realistic scenario
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genericpuff · 8 months
Hey there! Let me just start by saying that I love your work on Lore Rekindled. I've been super into Mythologies ever since I was like 6 (so that makes it nearly 20 years of constant adoration lmao), and your retelling of the Persephone myth is honestly one of the best ones I've seen so far. Which brings me to my question: I was wondering whether you would ever like to turn rekindled into a wholly original project. Perhaps after changing character designs and tweaking some details?
Keep up the great work and have a lovely day!
Thanks so much! I'm so glad it's resonating with people looking for a more grounded approach. That was pretty much half of my goal, I wanted to try and expand on the more creative interpretations Rachel started with (such as the modern setting) but actually tighten the worldbuilding and keep it more on theme with the original myths. So I'm always happy to hear from y'all that it's accomplishing that exactly as I had hoped :)
I've had people ask me that question about making it a more original thing, and I have considered it just for the sake of like, "making something my own", but at this point if I did that I'd have to completely redraw Rekindled from scratch and I don't know if I have the energy or strength to do that LOL (I'm already infected by the redrawing brainworms on my original stuff). And it would defeat the point of why I started Rekindled in the first place - to bring closure to myself and others who loved LO in the beginning and saw all the potential it had but never really delivered on. To remove it from the LO stylization would make it more 'original and unique' but would also remove it from its original purpose.
That said, I am hoping to do some other adaptions of Greek myth stories that were either poorly done by LO or not covered at all after Rekindled is done, so I'm considering doing a more original interpretation separated from the LO retelling for those, as they wouldn't necessarily depend on the H x P retelling that Rachel tried to accomplish. That way I can sorta try and have my cake and eat it too LOL But we'll see! I gotta get through Rekindled first :' )
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p-pooky · 3 months
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Practically today is the first anniversary of working on my screen tablet which was a wonderful gift from my dearest friends.. and my thoughts:
-If anyone told me to return to the traditional "tile" tablet, I would probably bite it in anger, haha. -CLIP STUDIO PAINT is love, CLIP STUDIO PAINT is life, oh BOY thanks to it I see how outdated SAI is.
Redraw of my first ever drawn picture on screen tablet, I just love new, and much, MUCH better Bortor mom and her lore. OFC her design is created by @weirdimension !
I also apologize for the lack of activity here, but I hope you will understand, commissions and things related to the company, when I do doodles for myself they are too sketchy and not worth to putting here! Haha.
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gamerbearmira · 4 months
Y'all remember the OG mermaid AU? Where the grandkids were mermaids who grew their tails when they were in water and they kept it a secret from Abuela and when she found out called them sea devils so they disowned her and the candle turned into a glowing pearl in a shell? It feels like it's been forever since we got anything from that AU
Need to go back to roots the mermay, loved the og (not extra stuff LMAOOOO but I did love all the ideas <333) But yeah I remember❗❗
It's been a while, but uh. I really did like that au. It was actually originally only meant to be posted in may. But it got popular outside of that; and then that lead to other mer/underwater aus lol
I remember someone, pretty sure an anon, ended up suggesting the candle turn into a pearl??? Idk if I ever said it. But. I know I did mention Isabela was the one who stole it, and she wanted to get rid of it. And everyone knows that fire goes out in water (in most cases), so she thought that the best thing to do was to put it in water. Of course, it didn't go out. It just turned into a shell.
The candle fr:
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NO BUT SERIOUSLY. Ummm I've thought about if the candle can adapt to different environments. I mean it's confirmed that you can't like. Blow the candle out or anything, I mean it loses its magic when the family is beefing and stuff 😭 and by technical means in this au, the kids didn't have such distant relationships because they all had something to bond over, which was being mermaids 🙏🙏
Anyway, Isabela tried to take it out in the water, but it didn't work. Isabela didn't have ill intentions towards her family, or really even the candle, it was more of a spur of the moment action. It's not like it's first degree or anything, something happen that day to cause her to just randomly decide to take it out.
The candle just. Adapted to the water. And since Isabela was touching it, it turned into a shell. Opened it, boom, it's a magic pearl now 💀 Alma obviously sees it, but she thinks Mirabel did something to it cause at the time she say it, homegirl was holding it. Isabela came to her defense, obviously. Idk if I wanna make it to where they figure out that the candle would have done that if any of the kids held it.
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Honestly wanna do more for the original version of this au. Just gotta figure it out 😭 Will definitely be redrawing their designs 🌚🌚
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praazlwurm · 22 days
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Codename: CARVER challenged you to battle!
Lore and close-ups below the break
Y'all ever struck by the realization your self-insert immortal incongruently-wizard-coded character can, in fact, have pink hair and eyes?
Okay so anyone happening across this, this is my blorbooo, Magpie, who got isekai'd into the Pokemon world in my pair of fics here and gets runic-flavored quasi magical abilities and immortality by blessing of arceus
Feat. the conceptual design for a Survey Ball - modeled after the Origin Ball and the first/only pokeball Magpie has built out of unown-inscribed starshards since she was experimenting with using shards as charms in tell-the-stars
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Anyway Magpie redesign because my poor girl is sick of ruining shirts when she does a Big Magic, hence sleeveless top and experimental runic-imbued greatcoat that can withstand all but the Biggest Magic. In my mind she got pinged by InterPol but refuses to "be a cop" (even if the IP isn't exactly like irl cops) - instead she and Volo serve as consultants and Big Guns whenever the local evil team gets too big for their britches or things like the Ultra Beast/paradoxmon/rediscovered Ultimate Weapon crop up.
Besides the coat she's got unown-style colar chains, her old survey corps badge and the (now empty) Hisui ball to remember her first team of pokemon by.
Team would probably vary by region, the one here is the like ideal aesthetic/lore team (ft allotted quasi-legendary, single shiny (after a couple centuries of idle breeding rather than concentrated focus), and ever the necessary cute mascots Irony the unown and lil baby inkay)
The most mainstaying 'mon on her team is Otto the golurk, which she inscribed-to-life herself in a drawing that I… procrastinated on doing the background on with this character page lmao but here's a sneak peak at that:
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ft. chienpao bc it loves Volo a lot, Volo's spiritomb and togetic in the background bc this is their idyllic home in paldea ig (im probably going to redraw mags, ursa and maybe inkay down the line because i remain intimidated by the background i tasked myself with RIP
anywho im going to work on making this a proper pinned post with links and tags for all of the Lore so expect to see it updated lol
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genopaint · 21 days
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And here's week 35! Nice and on time this time :)
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #239 / #240 / #241 - Dragoons
Hey, look, Dragoons are back! I need to catch up on 3 days of this challenge. I have 3 dragon species that are quick, easy, and fun to make? Sounds perfect to me! For these fellows I used random color and word generators :)
The randomly generated colors and words in question for each of them!
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In case you forgot, the species with 2 legs and 2 arms is a Behemites, the serpent are Leviatites, and the winged ones are Zizites! They're my random little experiment thing for quick and easy dragon OCs
What's that?? You've immediately fallen in love with Dragoons and want your own? Oh my god! You should go to my Ko-Fi and give me any amount of pocket change, and in your donation message give me a species of Dragoon, colors, and 3 themes to make you one!
Daily Dragon #242 - Teal
3 Green designs in one month... and somehow 2 different Mikus in the challenge over all... Goodness gracious
Daily Dragon #243 - Drago
Do you ever think about how dragons exist in animal crossing? I wanted to do Drago a few times but never liked how it came out. I made him more anthro now and it finally worked :)
Daily Dragon #244 - Tankamat
AND TANKAMAT WINS FOR AUGUST! Thank goodness, I was worried it would be the set of 4 elemental dragons and I just didn't have that in me tonight lmao
To celebrate, I drew it in the pose of the old Charizard card. Which I think looks kinda neat :)
Here's the results:
Tankamat - 4 Votes Crashadon - 2 Votes Vulture Wyvern - 2 Votes 4 Elemental Dragons - 1 Vote Petunia Petals - 1 Vote Chimney Dragon - 1 Vote
This is another month where I did actually like a lot of the designs that I did even though I was so sapped of energy the whole month. I really liked Petunia, Tankamat, and the Bio Dragon among others. I think my favorite is one of those 3
Thank you all very much for indulging this for so long, we're close to the end now. September 10 is my birthday so I already know which old piece I want to redraw for the big day, and yes, it'll be a dragon for this challenge. So get excited.
Also just in case you're curious my hiatus will continue into september and if im lucky i'll be able to have more time to be offline even more. just as a heads up
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incorrectzutaraquotes · 6 months
Can you link your favourite zutara fan art
one of my favorites is what my pfp is, i can’t find the original post but the artist is @nymre !! they have so much amazing zutara art that you can look through and i highly recommend you do. theyre insanely talented.
i also remember this one piece of fanart that was screencapped from awae but redrawn with zutara. I can’t find it now but if i can i’ll update this post with the link. I love anne and gilbert so to see one of their scenes with zutara was literally one of my favorite things ever.
update: i found the original post
this one by @eilishy i also love so so much i am always a sucker for a lantern festival and it reminds me of tangled, which is also one of my favorite disney movies and disney couples.
one of the last moments of the final agni kai by @termaitz is absolutely stunning
this redraw of the end scene from howl’s moving castle by @shirara is so beautiful and it’s also one of my favorite movies
i also think this fanart of them i found on @chips-gayheart’s ko-fi is super cute !! also very comforting
there is so much zutara art i love but these are just a few of my favorites !! artists in the zutara community are so talented and so so gifted. i would give anything to be half as amazing as you guys are. i’ve always admired zutara artists, and artists in general. art is so beautiful but also very hard and takes so much grace and patience and creativity. i really hope you all continue to do what you love because your creations are so stunning.
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campbyler · 6 months
hi, i just wanted to write a comment to yall bc i am so unbelievably in love with the way this story is written it's insane! i just started to reread ch 9 (part i) again in preparation for the next chap tmrw and i CANT with the way you guys started the chapter w/ woodpeckers. having it build up to will calling mike a new fucking species of indiana woodpeckers is just. so good. it flows so naturally and feels like such a clever way to show how will's relationship with mike is serious and similar to will's dedication to that specific school project. yall make it seem as if mike is a new kind of woodpecker that will needs to study in detail, learn about, and take his time with - i fucking adore that comparison so unbelievably much. it says a ton about their relationship and the characters, and man. i just love that you guys all have such beautiful writing styles and ideas, it's so incredible to read! i've said it before, but this fic was the main reason i got back into drawing for the fandom bc i was gonna make a piece of acswy fanart to post and dip before i started watching the show again - anyways, i'm so glad you guys have been enjoying the fanart i've been making for this fic (i intend to make more for each chapter :D) bc i love seeing the comments you guys leave in the reblogs!! they're always so sweet to read and i'm glad i could give something to yall when you've been making such an incredible story to share :) sorry this is a bit long, but i just wanted to tell you guys that you're doing such a great job with this fic and i cannot wait to see where it goes!
SAMMIIIIIIIIII every comment you ever write makes us CRY and then you'll draw something and we cry even MORE so just know that we are weeping whenever we interact w you btw. if you careee.
TYY for the commentary abt the woodpeckers <3 i was for sure projecting bc i did a project on belted kingfishers when i was in sixth grade which i know are not woodpeckers BUT i did draw and redraw them three hundred times and now thea would for sure dunk on 12-year old thea w my art skills so 12-year old thea better watch OUT!! i am also attached to tht scene bc i did write it while sitting Next To suni which felt very special <3 i'm really glad that this scene hit all the marks i wanted it to and that you enjoyed it so thoroughly!!
we literally cannot believe that we got you back into the fandom 😭😭😭😭😭 genuinely it has been THE biggest joy to see you not only recreate scenes from the fic but also draw other byler fanart!! we are beyond honored and glad we could be a part of it!! you kill us both on the daily in the Best way 💗
we hope that you continue to enjoy the fic as the rest of it plays out!!!
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deoidesign · 8 months
Just wanted to say I absolutely adore your comic! It reminds me of all the comics I would read when I was little (except now they're gay), the style and shading is amazing.
What would you say is your favorite part of creating your comic, and do you have any tips?
Thank you I'm so glad to hear that!
I think my favorite part of making comics is the way it sort of feels like a puzzle. It's super mentally difficult but it's extremely rewarding to figure out plots and work out my best execution of it! I also LOVE editing, it's where things get to really pull together.
As for tips, I'm not sure what you mean! so I'll just share a few tips for a few different ideas...
Saving time
to save time I save every head I've ever drawn in a file so I can reuse the head (I redraw the face) which allows me to skip the sketching stage, since I only need to sketch for heads!
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I also make my backgrounds a single very large image so I can reuse parts of it throughout the whole scene, recolor it for different times of day, etc, which saves a TON of time for me. Then, I just add in some spot blacks on top to make it feel cohesive with the character art! (this ALSO has saved me a TON when I've been converting my pages from scroll format to page format, as I have a high quality version of the background to use when I need the panels to be wider!)
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But the biggest thing that saves me time is my line confidence.
So, next I'll talk about lineart tips!
most important is to draw from your elbow and your shoulder, instead of your wrist and fingers. this will get you cleaner lines, but will also save your body in the long run! The wrist is extremely fragile, so start learning to draw with more of your arm NOW rather than later.
Next is practicing line confidence! this basically is what gets you to draw the right line the first time, saving you a ton of time! These two tips sort of go hand in hand.
writing tips
First and foremost, you should be having fun! and I'm so serious, if you are working on a scene that feels like a drag to you, it will drag to your readers too. Whatever you feel like that scene HAS to be there for can almost definitely be accomplished in a different way!
but, really, I like to try to keep the big picture in mind. What is this scene accomplishing, what needs to happen to force these character changes, what needs to be revealed, what information about the world is canonized, etc, rather than thinking about your story as "events that have happened and will have to happen"
building off of that, my personal rule for establishing information is 3 times: If you've mentioned something three times, you can expect the audience to remember it. If you've mentioned it once or twice, it's really pretty likely they'll have forgotten by the time it's relevant.
This is getting really pretty long, I could get into character design tips, worldbuilding tips, tips for characters emoting, layout tips, marketing tips, business tips... there are SO many skills that go into making a comic, it's extremely hard to offer tips without knowing what you're looking for!
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
Strange question but I’m obsessed with cat videos right now. Do the kids grumble munch? I can see Asta having a meal and growling while she eats to keep everyone away from her food. Or she growls on Milo’s behalf when he’s snacking. Gotta make sure her brother gets his nutrients.
Awhhh okay I really love that idea, it definitely fits her a lot. She's like an angry kitten so it's only fitting that she growls while eating. It's a direction for her that kinda just happened over time (definitely inspired by that one kitten photo redraw) but I think it's really cute and gives her some more personality. Plus it's a nice parallel to baby Hornet since I think she was also quite a feisty little thing, though I think Asta surpassed her already in the finger biting department hahaha
As for Milo, I could see him growling quietly, in a far more anxious way than his sister. He's generally a lot more quiet than her so it would show here as well. That said, he's definitely very grumpy so he'd probably just grab his food and turn away from everyone to eat it by himself. And I really love the idea of Asta growling to protect him from any food snatchers, that's such a great mental image and it fits her compassionate layer underneath all that angry kitten behavior. The fluffy ankle biter and her small grumpy twin brother... The twins ever
Also I thought I'd mention Lewk as well, wouldn't want to leave him out. I don't really see him as the growling muncher type, maybe at first but he'd quickly grow out of it. Compared to the twins, he's basically a little angel, he's very gentle and kind, definitely embodies that part of Vyrm. Though since he hasn't experienced much hardship, he can be a little naive and too trusting, which would potentially cause him a lot of trouble especially once he grows up.
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kpophubb · 2 years
❥But..your date is right here? // уαηց วυηցωση ♡
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❥🄶🄴🄽🅁🄴: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌 ᰔ // 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
"𝘴𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥."
If there was one thing inevitable in your life, then that was yang jungwon being a part of it. He was your best friend since day 1, your ride or die who’s pulled you through your lows and been with you through the high. From being seatmates in high school to being partners in crimes who sneak around at midnight, piggy back rides and ice cream getaways when the whole world was silent to hanging out every single day to the point everyone thought you guys were possibly glued together to one another.
It was no wonder that your friends around you had speculated you two were dating and you couldn’t blame them for assuming so when jungwon and you would literally spend every second of the day together and have eachother’s likes/dislikes memorised like your favourite songs. Between endless laughters and tears, you guys had grown into one another’s support system and even skinship like holding hands and sleeping on the same bed had grown to be a normal and casual part of your “friendly” relationship.
“Y/n. Are you done?” You hear a familiar, sweet voice snap you back to reality from your day dreaming. Looking that way immediately, you see it’s the angel face of your best friend, jungwon, seated beside you, who was asking you if you were done with your assignment.
“Uh..nuh. This is so hard!” You sigh dramatically, reaching out for a warm side hug from him.
He does so gladly, giggling and taking you into his arms to recharge you, while having your legs already crossed with one another’s.
“We can do this after you’ve eaten y/n.” He pats your back in soft strokes reassuringly, while redrawing one of his arms from you to earn a spoonful of the food situated on the table. Gesturing you to open your mouth, he feeds you, who was still glued to him with your head resting on his chest.
To your tired and cute self, jungwon smiles big when he hears you reluctantly chomping on your food and then proceeds to rest his chin on top of your head lovingly.
“The math problem is so hard wonie! I don’t ever want to do it ever again ugh!”
You pull back from the hug to scoff at the laid down sheet infront of you. You pout displeasingly and dramatically, rolling your eyes at your stupid assignment, which just results in a playful grin from your best friend.
“Then don’t do it y/n. We can take a break until you’re feeling better, okay?” The sweet boy infront of you suggests, caressing your face once you look into his direction again. He strokes your cheek with admiration, before beginning to cup your face and press your foreheads together.
It was surreal, how one touch from him could be so comforting and make you forget about the rest of the world. It was as if it was only a world with you two- a world full of fun, love, and endless warmth and nothing else even mattered.
In a second, you hear your favourite song play in the speaker behind you, to which jungwon smiles before getting up and standing infront of you. He reaches out his hand in your direction with a soft grin, before gently asking for your permission to dance with him.
“Shall we?” He clears his throats and bites down on his bottom lip to prevent himself from laughing.
“Wow. You’re so romantic, yang jungwon.” You scoff teasingly and chuckle, before getting up and placing your hands inside his. He pulls you closer to his chest, one of his hands gripping your waist while the other intertwines hands with yours. You place your hand on his shoulder, still laughing at your best friend’s absurd idea to cheer you up, but you go on anyway.
To make the merry situation merrier, and to lighten your mood, jungwon starts humming the lyrics along with the song while slow dancing with you. The action just makes you giggle even more, but much to your surprise, it leaves you blushing hard for some unknown reason you couldn’t seem to recognise.
“You’ll always be my day one, I’m thankful you’re my day 1. Day zero when I was no one, I’m nothing by myself, you and no one else. Thankful you’re my” he sings in his honey voice, spinning you around and catching you back into his arms again before proceeding to sing the next verse.
“I got lucky finding you, I won the big day I came across you. Cause when you’re with me, I don’t feel blue, not a day goes by that I would not redo.”
“You will always be my day one, when I first met you it just felt right. It’s like I met a copy of myself that night. I don’t believe in fate as such. But we were meant to be together, that’s my hunch. Thankful you’re my day one.”
He sings beautifully, but has a tiny voice crack unintentionally during the last line, which causes the both of you to burst out laughing loud.
“I must say I’m impressed.” You compliment him sarcastically, raising your eyebrow at him and looking at him playfully.
“At least my voice is better than your hoarse voice y/n. My ears are always about to bleed when we go to karaoke” he jokingly insults you which just makes you frown and laugh some more.
It was crazy how your frustration from a while ago had completely disappeared and now you were feeling a pool of happiness and excitement inside your stomach. Only he had the ability to make you laugh even during your stressful times and dear god, were you thankful. But now that you take a clear look at his face..which is only inches apart from yours, you feel a tingling new emotion and a burning sensation under your cheeks that leave you feeling strangely blushed. No way..were you really feeling such loud butterflies looking at your best friend?
Your eyes land on his beautiful, starry ones- the eyes that speak volumes and portray so much tenderness and honesty. But as you lower your gaze, you notice how much he’s matured and how from the lean, short class leader boy in your high school first year, he’s changed into a ..man. His shoulders were so broad now, his muscles felt sturdy under your touch and his jaw had tightened and sharpened into a defined structure. His lips looked inviting as hell and his scent and closeness were so intoxicating, you could’ve sworn you’d have toppled over from the dizzying intensity if he wasn’t the one holding you down right now.
The pounding effect inside your head from scanning him so closely and realising his beauty and your..want for him doesn’t really diminish when he’s so close to your face that his hot breaths are technically landing on your cheek. You feel a desire to touch him, to hold him close and know the way his cherry lips taste but every second you have these thoughts, you fight back the urge reminding yourself that he was just your best friend and some too precious to lose by becoming something else.
Jungwon ofcourse notices your new heavy breathing pattern and immediately grows worried. Good for you that he doesn’t understand the tension in the air and is unable to read your mind that was currently filled with needy and loving thoughts of him.
“Y/n. You look pale! You okay?!” He asks concerned, lifting your face by your chin that wasn’t helping you one bit, but in turn, throwing you into the pit of desire even more. You jolt backwards immediately and make your way to the bed, not even looking back at him because you were too frightened you were gonna do something you weren’t supposed to do.
“I just feel tired jungwon. I’ll sleep now.” You excuse yourself and begin to roll into your bedsheets, avoiding every sort of eye contact with him for your own safety.
Being the caring person jungwon was, he pulls the blankets over you as you sleep and the last thing you see tonight before dozing off was his beautiful face. It doesn’t take you much long to travel to your dreamland, where you were supposedly gonna find him again, as if your heart would always find its way back to him, no matter where you went.
Jungwon scans your sleeping face with overwhelming awe. He was sitting beside you on your bed but now that you were asleep, he lays down next to you to get a better view of your mesmerising beauty. Unable to hold back his temptation and feelings of love for you, he reaches forward to tuck your hair strands behind your ear before leaning in to give you a sweet and gentle, goodnight kiss on the forehead.
“I wish this was the sight I was lucky enough to wake up to every morning y/n. I wish..someday you’ll know how much I love you.” He confesses honestly while you were asleep, before proceeding to walk out the door and head home. Deep inside his heart he knew, tonight was a bad choice to stay with you cause he sure as hell wouldn’t be able to suppress the feelings for you inside his heart anymore.
It was true. Maybe to you, jungwon was just your best friend. But to him, you were his everything.
You were his whole entire world and you were just too dumb to notice all his ways he used all this time to deliver his silent affection and love for you.
The next day comes by fast, and as soon as morning strikes jungwon is out the door of his house, heading to yours to catch a glimpse of you. He makes his way to greet you in the morning and also retrieve his jacket that he left “accidentally” at your place. Or maybe, he did it quite intentionally to have an excuse to steal a glance of you and meet you again like his heart and body craved.
As soon as he opens the door to your room, he’s struck by lightning as if. Your breath taking beauty, wrapped inside a white lacy dress and your hair dangling in loose curls sets his heart on fire the very second. He gulps hard before taking in the heavenly scenario infront of him and feels his knees growing weak before your electric presence. The curves of your body settling so perfectly against the thin material of your mini dress, the off shoulder neck revealing your glowy skin, the subtle makeup highlighting all of your pretty face features and your long hair draping past your waist in loose, brown curls. He could’ve sworn to god that you were nothing, but a heaven sent goddess.
in all honesty, in that moment, he was confused whether he should just stand there or listen to his heart and run to you and kiss the heck out of you.
“Wow…” jungwon mutters under his breath as he closes the door behind him and walks closer to where you stood. “You look..so beautiful y/n.”
His compliment catches you off guard and it was only then you realized that someone had walked into your room.
“Oh jungwon!” You smile super brightly, opening your arms and running to him from over bearing excitement. You were awfully dressed up and giggly today for some reason jungwon couldn’t identify.
“Is there an ocassion today y/n?” Jungwon asks curiously, smiling at you with glimmering eyes and rosy cheeks. You rest both your hands around his neck and he returns your gesture by wrapping his around your waist in turn.
Retreating after a few seconds, you walk up to your dresser and smile brightly at the mirror before asking for his help.
“ Can you help me wonie? Help me wear this necklace, come on.” You reach out your hand and grab jungwon’s and place the Pearl ornament in his other hand.
He smiles back at you, confused initially, but soon dissolving into a puddle seeing your heart felt smile. Jungwon lifts up your hair and places them in one side, but thinks about asking his question another time.
“But tell me first..are you going somewhere?”
“Yep wonie!! I’m going out on a blind date today!!” You squeal excitedly, not noticing the way your piercing words stole the light from the face of the boy behind you.
“Blind date?.. but most of all..a date? Y/n I thought you weren’t into dating..” he asks timidly, a hint of hurt displaying in his tone and his eyes dilating with nothing but pain and betrayal. He had no right to stop you from going on a date when he was your best friend, but he couldn’t just watch you run to some other man instead.
“Yeah I know I said I’m not into dating won.”…but I realized it would be a waste of my youth if I don’t fall in love and try getting into some relationships, right?” You laugh jokingly, but sadly your jokes don’t get through to the other side.
Jungwon couldn’t handle the idea of seeing you with someone else, seemingly when he was so in love with you himself. Ofcourse you didn’t know, but there was no way in hell he would let you walk out of the door today if it wasn’t him you were going with.
He clasps your necklace hook behind your neck, and then, dominated by his untamed urge and reckless love for you, jungwon brushes his fingers in feather light strokes against your nape, making you tickle and jolt simultaneously from the impact.
Before you can react, he laces his secure arms around your waist and plants a kiss on your neck.
“What are you-“ you try to react, but your body registers at the way he begins tracing his kisses down your neck to your collarbones and bare shoulders. The combination of his wet mouth against your skin and his nose tickling you makes you shiver, and it’s seconds before he turns you around and pushes you against the dresser, caging you in between his arms.
“You think you’re going out on a date y/n.” He brushes the back of his fingers against your hot cheek intimately before continuing.
“But your date is right here.”
“You are mine and you’re not going anywhere.”
And that was the last thing you hear before you feel his sugary mouth rain down upon yours. He uses both of his hands to cup your waist and moves his soft lips sweetly inside yours, the cushion feeling of his lips and intense sweetness making you pull him more into the kiss by draping your hands around his neck. He kisses with so much passion and need, a long deprived hunger of feeling you against him. His leg is positioned in between yours and everytime he presses his mouth down to yours, you feel his sturdy leg brush past your thigh- the intimate sensation making you shudder and melt at the same time. Jungwon’s kisses are both butterfly kisses, the kind of ones that make your stomach flutter with happiness and also the destructive addicting ones- the ones that show his every bit of longing and dominance over you, the ones you never want to stop. It’s as if he’s trying to make you feel with his mouth- how much he has loved you all this while and how much he’s afraid to lose you, all at once.
He detaches his mouth from yours momentarily, to look inside your eyes and now brings his warm hand to caress your jaw in soft, easing motions. With his eyes, you know he’s pleading for an answer, even though with the passionate way you kissed him back, it was obvious what he meant to you.
“I’m yours and yours alone, best friend.” You tease, pulling the collar of his shirt to make your faces touch again that leaves him surprised and flustered.
He scoffs displeasingly at the last word you added, and frowns at you for being utterly ridiculous. As if you weren’t the one devouring him in the name of kissing just a few seconds ago.
“You mean boyfriend, right?.” He kisses you another time, this time a soft peck full of playfulness and love.
“Well ofcourse. Why else would I prank you with this fake dating news, If not to make you confess to me huh?” You finally confess your true intentions to him, and it’s hard to not laugh when he’s looking at you so cutely with wide eyes full of disbelief and shock.
“No way-“ he gets astonished at first, but then you see an evil grin make its way to his face. He pulls you towards him from the dresser and now lifts you up all bridal style.
“Then I might have to take a sweet revenge, don’t you think” he tries to wink at you but obviously fails bc he can’t wink, and then places you on the bed gently. Climbing on top of you, he intertwines your fingers with his that are pressed to the pillow and begins kissing your face ever so softly. Your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, your chin and finally…back to your lips. His mouth connects with yours another time, this time being sweeter, this time being far more electrifying, this time radiating far more love and endless adoration.
“If this is the kind of revenge I get, I might have to prank you everyday.” You tap his plush lips after minutes of kissing, but you know from the hazy look of yearning inside his eyes that his love for you today won’t end. He was a keeper, the one who was gonna keep your heart safe till the end of time. And you feel his promise in every inch of your body the minute his tongue slides inside yours.
Ofcourse, you made the right decision. Yesterday night when you felt the spark upon dancing with him, you knew he was the one your heart wanted all this time. Yesterday night, when you heard him say I love you, you knew
He was the one you wanted to love for the rest of your life.
Yang jungwon.
He was indeed the inevitable part of your life you were fated to love.
🄰/🄽: 𝖧𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽! ^~^ 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀/𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀/𝗮𝘀𝗸! 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥! <3 :)
Tagging: @mrsyangcurry @boowoowho @wonieweb @miraculouspabu @unh0ly-dr3am3r @yjjungwon my jungwon ladies I love very much <3
@miyoung07 @kpoproyal @cloudcutter @bfhee
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