#if I didn’t despise the sound of my voice I would make whole ass video essays about loa
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luna-the-cretar · 3 months ago
So I was eating this absolute nightmare of a texture experience that was my dinner (my mom had made gumbo, except she had literally none of the ingredients she usually adds, so it was literally just oily over-seasoned rice and sausage. It was bad. It’s usually better than that, idk what was up with her), and I was describing to my brother what Derek was doing when Frost had the oily mouth in episode 2, and he made the mistake of asking me something related to the Yuletide oneshot.
Which prompted an hours worth of blabbering from me about essentially nothing. I was just blabbering about the Yuletide oneshot. At one point he was like “I like on how you said you weren’t going to go into it, and here you are, going into it”, which prompted me to say “well, you asked questions about it, so this is really your fault”, before continuing to blabber on about the Yuletide oneshot for another 20 minutes
I mean, to my brothers credit, I guess, he did quietly listen as I just. Talked. About LOA. I literally never get to talk about my current hyperfixations to anybody, so if they get me talking, they can’t get me to shut up. Not until either have to or force myself to.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
The Five Scares (and one revenge)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having a tendency to scare people, Corpse has gotten used to his friends being jumpy whenever he appears from the void into a Discord call with them. However, the one who has it the roughest with the spooks has to be his partner Y/N. Basically: The five times Corpse scared Y/N and the one time they scared him
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your lovely request it was a real joy to write and I had a ton of fun doing so! Hope you have equally as wonderful of a time if you happen to come across it and give it a read despite the long wait you’ve had to endure which I apologize for. Love, Vy ❤
Having had to go home for the night to keep an eye on their roommate’s dog, Y/N and Corpse agreed to have a video call before they fell asleep. They didn’t want to appear like that typical clingy and cheesy couple but after spending almost a whole week curled up in Corpse’s apartment, the two would feel each other’s absence to a very saddening degree to the point where they’d even forget the other isn’t around and would call out to them. 
Letting the call ring, Y/N’s hand comes up to smooth out their hair. However, the touch reveals to them that their hair needs a bit more than a simple tap or a pat to be tamed so while they wait for Corpse to answer the call, they quickly head to their bathroom. Flicking the light on, their reflection greets them with the underwhelming news of the actual state of their hair at the moment: an absolute mess. They proceed to do their best with the single hair-tie they have handy. A bobby pin or two would be neat but they have no time to go and grab one right now, seeing as how they can’t recall if they even brought them back from Corpse’s apartment. If they didn’t, they would have to search their roommate’s room for some which would take an even longer amount of time.
Eventually, they manage to tame it in something closely resembling a presentable ponytail and exit the bathroom feeling more exhausted than before. With a loud sigh, they crash onto their bed, face-first into the sea of pillows, groaning at the slight sting of their muscles relaxing at last.
“Y/N?“ The decently loud mention of their name by a deep, familiar yet sudden and unexpected voice startles them to the point of squealing and jumping an entire inch away from where they were positioned.
They look around their room in a frenzy, wondering where on Earth that voice came from and how it could be here with them right now.
“Y/N, you there?”, before they could locate it, it emerges once again, helping Y/N get an ide of where it’s coming from - somewhere in the messed up bed sheets.
“Corpse?“ They finally find their voice, “Y-yeah I’m here. Question is: how are you...“ and then it all clicks, causing them to twist their face in an expression of utter disappointment and bury it in the palms of their hands, groaning.
“You forgot about the video chat, didn’t you?“ Corpse asks, amusement not even attempted to be hidden in his voice.
It’s been one hell of a day. Y/N’s college lectures exhausted them to a max and their six hour job following their classes did nothing to help them AT ALL. Quite the opposite actually. Makes sense why they look, move and talk the way they’re doing right now: like a ghost, zombie and an elder combined in one. To add to their misfortunes for the day, they were met with the mocking ‘OUT OF ORDER’ sign taped to the doors of the elevator, laughing in their face with the information that their hellish experience for the day is far from over.
Just the thought of having to climb to the fifth floor made their stomach turn in the most unpleasant way possible, but the though of how long that would take made matters even worse. Arriving at their designated apartment, they have every right to be pissed, cussing their heart out. 
However, then comes a new problem: the inability to pinpoint the correct key. They proceed to curse themselves, the keys, the door handle and the door itself before punching the poor wood that did no wrong and just stands here, serving its purpose of keeping unwanted people out of the apartment it’s guarding.
Following their anger outburst and front-door-abuse, they proceed to try finding the correct key once again, this time slightly more calmly as to not accidentally miss it in their frantic rifling.
Right as they’re about to try the third key, however, the door opens. Well, it’s opened by someone on the other side, that someone being none other than their boyfriend Corpse who’s currently staring at them wide-eyed, one eyebrow raised, the word ‘confused’ basically written across his face.
While he’s processing the sight in front of him, Y/N lets out a little scream, jumping back and away from the door, a hand placed over their chest as their wide eyes scan their boyfriend who now seems equally terrified as a result of their reaction.
“Corpse?!“ They manage to gasp, barely hearing their own voice over the loud thumping of their heart and the rush of blood in their ears, “What the hell are you doing here?!“
The confusion on Corpse’s face deepens, reaching whole new levels as his eyes gaze deeper into theirs, searching for the meaning behind their bizarre question. “You mean...at my own apartment? What am I doing, at home?“
For a few seconds, the two just stare blankly at one another, processing everything that’s just happened. Suddenly, it all just kinda caves for Y/N and they burst out laughing, doubling over, their arms clutching at their stomach as they do so. Their laughter is contagious, so Corpse can’t help but let out a few chuckles himself.
“Alright, you’ve been driven to insanity, I can tell.“ He mumbles at his reckless partner, coming up behind them and wraps his arms around them, lifting them up and carrying their laughing ass inside.
Finally deciding to sit down and get this damn project started, Y/N already feels like they’ve had enough of it, burnout already creeping in and threatening to ruin their work and trip them up every step of the way. It wouldn’t have been so bad had the subject not been one they absolutely despise and wish they could get out of studying but alas they’re stuck with it.
They equip their headphones as soon as they plant their butt on the desk chair in their tiny room in their tiny roommate-shared apartment, putting their Spotify playlist on shuffle as they open a blank Power Point document. They work better with music blasting in their ears since the silence tends to be too loud and distracting when they’re trying to focus. So, that way they can also sing their heart out in peace and not get disturbed by the sound of their own off-key singing. Win-win, basically.
Singing ‘Never Forget You’ by Zara Larsson and MNEK, they get a little carried away, ditching the project to enter a full-blown music video they can imagine down to the detail in their mind.
However, there’s a surprise awaiting them.
As soon as MNEK’s part of the song begins, another voice apart from his echoes through their headphones, singing along to the song. Freaking the fuck out, they let out a loud scream, smacking the headset off them, sending the object falling and landing on their laptop keyboard with a crash that only serves to further startle their roommate’s dog which comes to check if they are being attacked or something only to be disappointed by the lack of action.
When pushing the headphones off, they did so with a force strong enough to snap the cable out of the laptop entirely so now the room is filled with the sound of that same foreign voice laughing his ass off.
A voice that belongs to no other than Corpse Husband himself.
“You gotta learn to disconnect from Discord calls, Y/N.“ The fucker says, still cackling wholeheartedly at his partner’s misery.
Pissed off or not, Y/N would have to admit he’s got a point. But they’d also rather never speak again than admit it so...
“Fuck you!“ is what they say instead, seconds before disconnecting.
Making breakfast is not something either Corpse or Y/N are used to, mostly cause they both either wake up late or skip the meal entirely. Regardless, having been given a day off from work and having no classes since it’s Saturday, Y/N saw no better way to start their day off than to prepare a nice breakfast for them and their boyfriend to enjoy. Problem is: they aren’t the most skilled in the kitchen. Sure they can scramble an egg or make mac and cheese, but in order to do it correctly they are not allowed to have distractions of any kind. Not even music, that’s how you know it’s serious.
Seeing as how Corpse has never seen them cook, he’s obviously unaware of theirs. The dummy straight up waltzes into the kitchen, unintentionally remaining unspotted and unheard by Y/N because he’s barefoot and because they have their back turned to him.
“Whatya cooking over there babe?“
Y/N’s focus bubble, being as thin as it is and considering they initially thought Corpse was still asleep, they have every right to let out the yelp they just did, dropping the egg they were gonna crack over the pan in said pan in its entirety - yes, shell and all.
A moment of silence commences: regretful on Corpse’s end and frustrated on theirs. Neither of them dares to say anything to avoid triggering the other. Well, that’s the case until Y/N decides enough’s enough and they turn to look at him, a wide, obviously fake smile plastered onto their face.
“Scrambled eggs, following a secret recipe, property of the L/N family.“
Seems like your pre-breakfast snack is an extra large dose of sarcasm, huh?
“So, how was your day? You sound pretty chipper so I take it wasn’t a nightmare like a few days ago.“ Corpse comments over the phone, listening to shuffling and shifting as Y/N moves around the apartment, getting ready to head out.
“It was great actually. Got some important results back and, not to brag or anything, but they were higher than I expected.“ They reply, a genuine wide grin refusing to leave their face as they silently count the amount of money they’ve got in their wallet. “I’m gonna go buy a cake so we can celebrate it. It’s no small deal, trust me, especially not when I initially thought I’d fail both these exams to the point of being pitied.“
“Wait...-“ Corpse attempts, his voice suddenly sounding strained and urgent but that’s the very reason he cannot seem to find or get the right words out of his system. Not that Y/N gives him any time to figure it out.
“No Corpse, you cannot change my mind. Cake and beers, we’re celebrating toni- SHIT!“ They scream as they throw open the front door, bumping square into someone standing on the other side, almost dropping their phone.
Taken aback by embarrassment and fear, they leap back, their eyes searching for the ones of the person whose personal space they just invaded. Well, to be fair, he was the one invading their personal space by standing right outside the door to their - well, to Corpse’s apartment.
The fear and irritation die down almost instantly when Y/N recognizes the person standing opposite them.
“Mind telling me why we’re talking on the phone when you could’ve come in and we could’ve had a normal person conversation?!“ They snap, ironically enough - they’re still holding the phone to their ear.
So is Corpse whos is smiling guiltily, “That’s why I called, I forgot my keys, but I got...carried...sorry.”
Well, at least this serves as proof Y/N’s not the only forgetful one.
                                                            ~  ~  ~
Corpse has been stuck in his recording room for four hours now, never stopping his stream to take care of his basic human needs such as eating or going to the bathroom. This behavior of his has Y/N worried sick and unable to focus on the task at hand - an assignment they’ve been trying to finish for two hours now, sitting with their computer on their lap and looking hopelessly at the blank Word document waiting for them to fill it up while they are waiting for it to start writing itself.
Seeing as how neither are gonna happen, not until Y/N puts their mind at ease, they slowly put the laptop aside, standing up to carefully skip on over to Corpse’s recording room to check on him, stopping by the kitchen to grab him a snack and a bottle of water along the way.
The door to the darkened room is open a crack, as usual, suggesting they can enter without knocking - this also means he’ll probably not hear them even if they knock so the whole gesture would be pointless. Not that Y/N has a tendency to knock or anything... Waltzing in, they find that the only light in the room is the very faint and dark glow of the computer screen which is displaying a dark and dingy room from a first-person view of the protagonist of whatever game Corpse’s currently playing.
“Corpse?!“ They whisper-yell/hiss at him, trying their best to grasp his attention without startling him - they don’t need to be told that the game is of the horror genre and the last thing they need is for their boyfriend to flip backwards and fall out of his chair because they scared the shit out of him. “Hey?!“
Neither attempts prove futile so, despite their best instincts telling them differently, they walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. The reaction, while within the realm of expectancy, is a lot more startled than they expected, accompanied by a scream on top of all. They’d never heard him scream in fear before, it’s quite amusing if they’re being honest.
They suppress a snicker as Corpse’s wide open eyes meet their squinting ones in the darkness, “Y/N...babe...what is it? Is everything ok?”
Y/N rolls their eyes, “No, everything isn’t ok. Your unhealthy habit of forgetting to take care of yourself, for example.” They put the snack and the bottle on the his desk, giving him their best disappointed-parent look before turning on their heel to strut their way out of the room. However, just as they are about to make their exit, they stop right at the doorframe, giving their stunned one final glance over their shoulder with a smug smirk playing across their face, “Oh and by the way, that’s what I like to call revenge.” Just like that, they leave, pushing the door back into its previous position.
And boy, is it some sweet, sweet revenge.
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tainted-wine · 4 years ago
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I didn’t apply all of these descriptions but these are the main three I had in mind while writing this. How did I attract so many fans of the crusty boi? Either way, welcome to the club!
Words: 1.5k (how the hell did that happen there’s barely any sex)
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The website didn’t explain what the “LOVER” cheat does. Probably unlocks a deleted path that didn’t make it into the official game. Or maybe he just gets a head-start on his Affection progress with you at the very beginning. Or maybe it doesn’t do shit – that could be why there’s no explanation.
Well, now that he knows how to do it, it wouldn’t hurt to test it himself. Shigaraki absently scratches at the irritated skin on his neck as he boots up the game. The directions were fairly simple and easy to remember.
1. Start a brand new file.
Ugh, he despises games that hold only one save file. It’s not like a visual novel holds up much space. What if you want different files in order to experiment with different choices? It doesn’t matter in his case anyway; he 100% completed the game months ago. With no regrets, his original game was deleted and a new one began.
> What is your name?
He might as well stick with the one he used last time.
The introduction cutscene began, the protagonist going on about the new town he just moved into. Pretty by-the-books, as far as romance openings go.
2. Finish the intro. Once you meet Y/N, go to the menu. 
After skipping through a bunch of fluffy dialogue, you finally appear in all of your cute glory. Once you’re done introducing yourself, Shigaraki brings up the main menu.
3. Type in “LOVER”
Just like that? Alright then...
Right after inputting the final letter, a sparkly ping sound straight out of a magical girl anime could be heard, and that was it. Okay...it sounds like he did it correctly.
When he returned to the game, his success was much more evident. You were staring directly at the screen - almost through the screen - with a glowing expression he’s never seen. Each and every one of your reactions have been seared into his brain after so many hours of gameplay. This was new.
“You...do you really mean that, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
What? Voice acting? Though you did say his name pretty stiffly, as expected when a computer tries to pronounce custom text, but what the hell? Why would this be hidden as a cheat?
“But it’s so soon, and I’m not very experienced...” You blushed and shyly twiddled your fingers.
“But I already trust you, and I want you too.”
It’s that kind of path.
A hidden adult route. Shigaraki really likes that, even though this would’ve had a much stronger impact if it happened on his original file, the one where he was fully bonded to you. Sucks that he needs a fresh file in order to fuck you.
Shit, he’s not even prepared for this. Maybe he should go grab the lotion and a couple of tissues, assuming that this special scene will make for pretty decent fap material.
But the dialogue continued automatically. You creeped closer to the screen as you gushed about your feelings for him. “I want to make love to you forever and ever!”
You were getting really close, and with a show of impressive animation, your hand reached out to touch the fourth wall...
And the screen began to distort and ripple.
What the fuck?
“I just can’t wait to feel your amazing cock.” Your fingers began to phase through the fucking computer screenWHAT THE FUCK?!
Just like that, a full-sized bitch materialized out of the game and onto his lap, nearly toppling his gamer chair.
Even in the darkness of his room, your eyes shined brightly as they studied his pale face. “You’re even more handsome up close!”
Shigaraki was still too stunned to even respond to the rare compliment. Only when you began to pull down his pants did he finally find his voice again.
“Wha–ah–who the–hey!” He knows that he shouldn’t be afraid of a hottie touching his cock but ooooh shit she’s already stroking him.
“Ah, you’re so big!” You stared at his untouched manhood in awe, watching him become more erect after every pump of your soft hand.
“Fuck, am I?” He gasped.
“Mmhmm! And I bet you’re really tasty too!” You say before he’s suddenly engulfed with the very real warmth of a mouth.
Fuck fuck fuck he isn’t gonna last. He was ready to jerk off, not actually get his dick sucked. It feels more amazing than he ever imagined, your tongue working along his sensitive flesh, and those lips sucking at him so eagerly.
When his hand grabs the top of your head, he realizes too late that all five of his fingers are tangled in your hair.
You nearly fall over from how suddenly Shigaraki rolls back in his chair. You look shocked, confused, and...very much not a pile of dust.
“What’s wrong, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
He looked at his hands, then at you, then at his hands again.
Then he takes hold of your face and shoves you back into his groin, because he can touch you, he can touch another fucking living thing without any worries about completely destroying it. Must be some crazy logic about you being data from a videogame or something. He doesn’t care, he’s so horny, feels so good having his cock so far down a hot tight throat, he just might burst...
Wait, he might have just done exactly that.
“Ah, shit,” he watches you pull back and swallow with the most satisfied grin.
“That was quick, SHIGGY-SENPAI!” You really need to stop saying his name like that. It’s fuckin’ weird. “I didn’t even get to feel you inside me.”
“Shut up,” the mixture of emotions he’s been experiencing ever since your ass crawled out of the screen like a girl in a cursed video is starting to piss him off. He’s so insulted and thankful that this fictional bitch gave him his first blowjob and made him nut in the span of sixty seconds. “Just give me a few minutes.” 
A few knocks on the room’s door startles both of you.
“Tomura, the Vanguard Action Squad is ready to move out.”
“I’ll be out in a damn minute, Kurogiri.” Shigaraki moves to get out of his seat, only to be stopped by his new partner.
Your sparkly puppy eyes are so grossly cute, yet it has his dick twitching again already. “Are you leaving me already, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
“Quit saying my name in all caps.”
“Okay, ˢʰᶦᵍᵍʸ⁻ˢᵉⁿᵖᵃᶦ.”
“Not like that. I can barely hear it.”
“How about SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
He slaps a hand over your mouth. “Just stop saying my name.”
A much harsher knock rocks the old door. “Hey, you ugly bastard,” That sounded like the Dabi asshole. “The hell are you doing in there? Jacking off to anime girls?”
Shigaraki scoffed. When’s the last time that burnt Stain fanboy got his dick sucked?
As much as he wants to join in on terrorizing the brats at U.A, he really wants to get laid today.
“Just go without me!” He yells through the walls. He nearly misses your muted squeak of joy.
“Eh?” Hearing Dabi’s annoyed muffled voice was pretty amusing. “You’re just gonna sit on your ass in your room while we do the work?”
The villain’s retort catches in his throat when you take his hand and begin to slowly lick at his fingers, all while pinning him with an innocent gaze.
“Your fingers are so pretty,” You whispered.
It’s so difficult to pay attention to the words being uttered outside of the room while his hands are being placed on your chest. BOOBS.
“Please trust Tomura. I’m sure he has faith in you all handling this mission on your own,” Kurogiri tries to explain. Shigaraki knows him well enough to know that he’s probably irritated as well, but there are titties in his hands so who gives a fuck.
Dabi releases an exasperated groan. “I knew this whole League of Villains thing was bullshit. Shouldn’t have bothered.”
Shigaraki slows his exploration of your breasts to shout, “If I make you the leader of the mission, will you shut up?”
“Well, I pronounce you leader of the Vanguard Action Squad. I’ll even give you a Nomu. Have fun.” The two of you are rushing to lift your shirt off for better access to your skin.
“Fuck yeah,” Dabi’s voice is still fairly close. The sooner he pisses off, the better. “I can probably pull this off better than you, anyway. Come on, psycho girl, we’re gonna go round up everyone else.”
Toga can be heard squealing excitedly as they both step away and finally give him his privacy back. You look absolutely lovestruck by the entire exchange.
“You gave up an important mission just for me? You really do love me!” 
He just rolled his eyes and lowered his head to take a hardened nipple into his mouth, enjoying your sounds of delight.
He can’t wait for the next time he faces those stupid heroes. He’ll be smarter, stronger, and can even tell them that he got his dick wet.
Oh, the collapse of hero society is going to be glorious.
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years ago
can i request an angst rafe imagine where he’s just in a really bad mood and the reader is over at his house trying to do anything she can to make him feel better (baking him cookies, buying him this watch that he’s had his eye on, etc.) but he ends up snapping at her and saying some really hurtful things towards her, resulting in her ready to leave with tears running down her cheeks and rafe barely even realizes what he’s done before it’s too late
A/N: I really liked this request, so I’ll incorporate an idea that I had a few days ago [Best Friends].
Hurt - Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Highschool!Rafe x Highschool!BestFriend!Reader
Words: 2.9k+
Type: Angst
Warnings!!!: Mentions in use of drugs. Cursing. Abusive Friendship. Possible self-harm (biting the cheek). Female!Reader. As always, no race of the reader is mentioned.
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“Good evening, my sweet little chicken” You say loudly as you enter Rafe’s room.
You and Rafe have been best friends ever since 5th grade. You two met at the cafeteria when you decided to share your PB&J with him, since he looked very disgusted with his salad. Ever since then, you two were always in the same classes and always doing group projects together.
So, we can all say that a friendship was easily born.
Rafe is an ass, yes, that is very true. Many people believe you’re too nice to even talk to him, but you try your best to never listen to them. But, honestly, if you won a dollar every time people told you ‘he’s gonna hurt you’, you would be as rich as Rafe by now. And you’re already, indeed, a full Kook.
“I’m occupied” Rafe warns in a low tone voice, not taking his eyes off his screen.
“That’s fine” You say with a shrug and your smile, noticeably not budging with his words.
You crouch to pass in front of the TV, trying your best not to intervene with his video game. You throw your bag to the ground, beside Rafe’s bed, and then lay down next to where he’s sitting.
You snuggle into his pillow, almost sighing at how comfortable it is, and Rafe continues to stay silent and focus on the screen.
Not even 10 minutes later, he lets his controller fall to his bed, under his hands, and lets out a loud groan of annoyance.
You lift your head to look at him and you see him covering his face with his hands.
“You good?” You ask in almost a whisper.
Rafe breathes in, still not answering, and uncovers his face to look down at you.
He looks extremely annoyed.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, changing the subject, with his annoyed expression.
Damn. That was harsh. His expression and tone make it seem as if you’re not only welcome but wanted here.
“Uhm...” You start, but as your voice cracks a bit, you clear your throat, “I just came to hang out. Just like. Every weekend...?”
You sit up as you stop talking, unsure of your words.
Were you supposed not to come today? Did you forget to read one of his messages asking to stay alone?
“Why?” You ask.
He shrugs, looking away as he pulls his phone of his pocket. “No reason”
Saying Rafe is in a bad mood today is a big understatement. Not that it is rare, but you’re usually able to make him feel better.
Today is different.
“Can you please get the fuck out of the way?!” Rafe shouts, making you jump on your feet and you look at him with widen eyes.
“I literally am out the way!” You shout back.
How can he be so fucking annoying?
You’re literally just grabbing your laptop from your backpack, so you can actually be entertained with something other than his God-awful gameplay. You even made sure to run and not stand in front of the TV for too long.
“Fucking bitch” Rafe whispers under his breath.
You throw your laptop to the desk, making it loudly fall onto the wood.
“You have some fucking nerve” You say while turning to look at Rafe.
He looks at you quickly before looking back at his TV, swearing under his breath as he notices that you heard him.
“How am I a fucking bitch, Rafe?” You ask, sounding more than pissed at him, “What could I possibly have done for you to call me that?”
“Nothing” He answers, not bothering enough to look at you.
“Oh, fuck no” You say louder, “You are not going to play the ‘I don’t want to talk now’ card with me today. That’s for god damn sure”
“Y/N, can you please just sh-”
“Shut up?” You tell him, already knowing from a mile away what he was about to tell you.
He doesn’t say anything, but he does pause his game.
“What do you want me to say?” He asks, looking at you, leaning his hand on his fist.
“Why did you call me a bitch?” You ask slowly.
“Because you’re obviously acting like one” He answers as slow.
“Oh really?”
“You’re saying that me coming over like every single fucking weekend and bringing you cookies is me being a bitch?” You ask, confused with his words, “You really do love to make sense, don’t you?”
He clenches his jaw.
You stare at him, waiting for at least a word to come out of his mouth, but nothing.
“Well,” You start, “Since my presence is so unwanted here, I’ll start making my way home, then”
You bite the inside of your cheek and grab your laptop from the desk, biting the hurt and pain, that Rafe is starting to cause, away.
“Thank you” Rafe whispers to himself as you pack up.
You zip up your backpack and look at the glass of water sitting beside you.
You turn back around, sliding the bag over your shoulder, and grab the glass.
“Have a nice rest of your day, dickhead” You say before throwing all the water right as his face.
You didn’t exactly see his reaction, since you walked right passed him and out of the bedroom, but you know that he’s mad.
You could already feel a metallic taste over your tongue, but you still felt numb to any physical pain.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Rafe shouts from his room as you slam his door closed.
Sarah stands in the hallway, innocently walking over to her bedroom with an ice cream in her hand. She looks over her shoulder as she hears the loud sound of the door and her eyes widen at you.
The door behind you opens and you walk over to the stairs, trying to keep a distance from Rafe.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He screams, repeating himself.
“With me?!” You shout, now letting the whole house hear you as you turn around to look at him, “What the fuck is wrong with you, Rafe?! You’re unbelievable.”
“I didn’t even do anything”
“Of course, you didn’t. You never do anything. Other than fucking insult me and make me feel like shit”
“Do you think you made me feel any better? You always get out of these arguments as if I’m the bad guy. You’re not a fucking saint, Y/N”
“Are you serious, right now?” You ask, “What drugs could’ve you possibly taken that messed up your mind this bad, Rafe? You’re the one in the bad mood, insulting me and making me know that you don’t want me close to you, but in some way, in your cocaine filled brain, you feel like I was also making you feel bad?... Give me a break”
That struck a nerve in him. Hard.
“You’re such a fucking bitch, and this is not even me insulting you. I’m just describing you as a whole person. Why do you think people don’t want to hang out when we’re together?” He pauses and your heartbeats quicken, “Uh? Oh yeah, because everyone fucking despises you on this island”
You stay quiet. But he’s still not done.
“I’m the only fucking person that has ever cared for you. Nobody has ever blinked an eye your way. Because you’re not fucking special, okay?” He asks, anger boiling on his veins, “You aren’t as nice as you like to believe you are. You’re annoying, and really fucking clingy”
You open your mouth to speak but he doesn’t stop.
“I’ve looked out for you for years. Beaten up people that talked shit about you. Protected you from everyone. But, shit” He scoffs, “Maybe they were fucking right after all”
Your eyes start to fill up with tears.
“All the shit they’ve said about you. You know what I’m talking about? That, firstly and obviously, that you’re a bitch. That you’re a whore, a fake, a girl that just wants my fucking money-”
“Rafe, sto-” Sarah tries to say.
“Oh, you better shut the fuck up, Sarah. This has nothing to do with you”
“I don’t give a fuck!” She shouts louder than him, “You aren’t going to say anything else”
Rafe takes his eyes off you to look at his sister and you try to control your unstable breathing just so you don’t start falling apart right in front of him.
Sarah’s soft hand holds yours carefully and she pulls you to her side.
“I’ll take you home” She whispers, only to you.
Rafe scoffs at you two looking at each other and holding hands and shakes his head.
“Are you going to manipulate her now too, Y/N? Now that you don’t have me anymore, you’re going to use my sister as your way to have at least a single friend?”
“Just stop” You say, voice shaking and cracking, “Please”
And he does.
Sarah pulls you towards the stairs and you two walk down them, letting Rafe upstairs with himself.
At the lobby of the house, Ward, Rose and Wheezie were looking at you. They were probably coming out from the living room when the argument started.
Your hands are shaking, your breathing is getting out of control and the tears are making it hard to see what’s in front of you.
The looks of pity that everyone gave you came unnoticed to you. Even Rose felt affected with the argument and how you look like now. Ward shows pure disappointment. And Wheezie? She just wants to run to you and give you a hug.
You and Sarah walk out of the house and she pulls you towards her car.
“Sarah,” You start, “I think I want to walk home”
“Okay, I’ll walk with you”
Walking on your way home was painful, his words were sinking into your brain, making you want to hide from the world and just scream. You cried silently. Sarah, not wanting to make anything worse, just laid her hand over your back, comforting you silently.
When you walked to your bedroom, all the pain broke loose.
You screamed into your pillows, cried into your bed, and let everything out.
Sarah stayed. Hugging you while you cried, whispering to you what he had said wasn’t true.
But it wasn’t enough to stop your crying or even your pain.
The sight of you in this much pain made it seem to an outsider that, maybe, your boyfriend broke up with you or worse, even, something bad had happened to that boyfriend or friend.
But it was worse. You lost your best friend. The only person you have ever completely trusted and truly loved. And you lost him over his hurtful words getting the best of you.
People had warned you about this for years. You lost friends over him... for this. For this day to come and your best friend to be ripped out of your hands by his own words.
And you know that he’ll be fine without you, you’re sure of it. He’s Rafe Cameron. Everyone would kill to hang out with him and be on his group. And his side is now empty, ready to be filled by another someone.
You, on the other hand, don’t know what will happen. You have Sarah and Wheezie. But other than that? Nobody. Not even a soul.
Two months went by. Summer break ended and you’re back in school, finally finishing high school. You’re more than ready to get the heck out of the Outer Banks.
No, you haven’t seen or talked to Rafe ever since the argument. You believe he tried to call you 2 times for these past two months, but you didn’t answer any of them (thinking that probably it was a drunk miss-dial).
You had grown to be very close with Sarah. She helped you through the whole way of hating Rafe and not caring about him.
But other than her, you’re on your own.
Which is fine. You’re okay with that. You couldn’t care less, honestly.
“See you after class” Sarah says, before kissing your cheek and walking to her class.
You smile at her as she walks away, and you close your locker. You look through the hallway, filled with people, and decide to also start walking to class.
The room was mostly empty, some people are on their phones while sitting at the front. So, you decide to do the complete opposite and sit at the back, next to the window, ready to just listen to some music before hell begins.
You put on your air pods and start your playlist as you pull your books and notebook off your bag, curious on what the heck you’ll be studying this year.
You just want to be prepared for it before it begins, you know?
Not even 5 minutes later, the whole classroom is almost full. Nobody has sat beside you yet, thankfully. And you’ve been scribbling on the sides of your notebook for the time being.
The chair beside you is pulled back but you don’t look up to see who it is. Big mistake. The person sits beside you, but you continue to slightly bob your head to the music, unfazed by whatever is happening.
A wave of laughter makes you look up at your class, but you flinch when you notice Rafe, on his phone, sitting right beside you.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, pulling your air pod out of your ear.
Rafe looks up from his phone and shrugs before answering.
“In school or next to you?” He asks playfully and you don’t even blink an eye, you’re not in the mood for jokes, “The seat was empty, and I always sit next to you”
“Well, can you leave and go sit next to Topper?” You ask, “I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to be sitting beside you”
“Kelce is going to sit there”
“Well, then tell Kelce to sit next to me. It’s not that hard”
He doesn’t move at your words, making you roll your eyes and lean back onto your chair, already tired and ready to leave this class.
“You’re still mad at me over what happened?” He asks and you scoff lightly.
“Take a guess” You answer him.
Rafe opens his mouth to speak but a louder voice stops him.
“Alright everyone, let’s start this class! I hope everyone had an amazing and eventful summer” The teacher starts, and everyone quiets down.
“Can we please just talk?” Rafe asks as he stands beside you, waiting for you to finish packing your stuff.
“Y/N, please. Just let me explain something to you”
“There’s nothing to explain”
You throw your bag over your shoulder and make your way to the hallways, going to grab your books for next class. And Rafe is standing right behind you.
“I really didn’t mean anything that I said that day” He says, leaning on someone’s locker, beside yours.
“Sure, Rafe”
“I’m serious. I was high and angry out of my mind, I couldn’t control what I was saying” He explains, and you continue to not look at him as you look through your schedule, “You have to believe me”
“No, I don’t”
“Y/n, please, you’re my best friend”
“Was your best friend, Rafe. Was” You correct him, “Now, can you leave?”
“Nothing that I said was true. I don’t think you’re a bitch, or any of the things I said. I made all of that up”
“Interesting” You comment sarcastically.
Rafe sighs and closes your locker, so you can look at him.
“Please, just hear me out” He starts, “I just want our friendship to go back to normal, okay? I’m the worst at this and you know it. I hate that I made you feel the way you did. I didn’t mean it; you have to believe me”
You look at him silently.
“No” You say in a low tone, shaking your head at him, “I’m not forgiving you”
“Y/N, pleas-”
“Rafe, no” You repeat, “You had two fucking months to do this. Where were you, uh?”
He stays silent.
“You’re only my friend whenever it’s convenient for you, Rafe” You say and he shakes his head, “You don’t give a shit about me and how I feel. We both know that. And these two months of silence just proved enough for me to not want to talk to you ever again”
“Can you just give me another chance?” He asks, “So we can start all of this over and I promise you that I’ll never do anything similar to this again”
“No, Rafe. I’m sorry but you don’t have any chances left” You say, shrugging.
You open your locker back up and grab your last book. Rafe stood there, looking at you with an expression you’re not too familiar with. Sadness.
“Have a nice life, Cameron” You say before closing your locker back up.
You turn around and start walking over to your next class.
Rafe doesn’t move, he just stands there. Watching you walking away from him without your usual smile and wave.
A pain is slowly settling over his chest, weighing him down into the ground, making him want to crumble in shame. This pain isn’t familiar to him, at all.
But he’s hurting.
And this time,
He’s on his own.
- - - - - -
I love this ending. Is so angstyyy!
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catxsnow · 4 years ago
Request: Could I request Bart Allen x reader where she is the blood daughter of Bruce Wayne- maybe make her superhero alias phoenix or something and she falls hard for him. Bruce is a protective father and wants Bart to prove himself of being worthy for her hand. Fluff.
Warning: mentions of blood, violence, Bruce being a bad dad, fluff, angst, swearing
A/N: Y’all had me so distracted playing Among Us I nearly forgot to post 
Anyways, first Bart fic, hope you guys enjoy!! 
Word Count: 3.3k
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"Bruce you're being fucking ridiculous."
Joining the Young Justice Team was your father's idea. Tim was there, Dick was still the leader, and you deserved your spot there as well. You despised the idea at first - it was easier working with Batman than it was a bunch of kids, even if two of your brothers were on the team. It didn't seem fair that he was making you go as well.
You never talked to very many people there - Tim, Dick, sometimes Conner. It was easier just to stick by yourself until the mission came. Maybe that was the Bruce in you - wanting to be alone and independent - maybe that was just you not wanting to make friends. Tim fit in well, Dick founded the team. They were meant for this, you weren't.
Maybe that was the reason you were excited to see a new face when Bart arrived. He was just as annoying and over energetic as everyone else you knew, but there was still something different about him. He wasn't like Wally or Conner or even your brothers. He carried a weight on his shoulders that he desperately tried to hide.
Not to mention that he seemed to know all the right things to make you smile. Bart became close to you, closer than you had been than anyone else. Dick was the first to notice. He watched you sneak into Bart's room at night to hang out and play video games or that the two of you would always make sure you were together on missions.
It was subtle at first, until Beast Boy noticed and started spreading around that you were dating - totally not true. However, in Bart's eyes it seemed to be enough to grow a pair and kiss you. His time was less than fortunate - maybe customs were different in the future but in that day and age you generally wouldn't have asked for your first kiss with him to be in front of your entire team.
Things with him were going great, at least until Tim snitched on the both of you to your father. Bruce was pissed that you were dating Bart. Not only did he not trust the speedster, he didn't want you dating anyone. You last boyfriend hadn't ended well and Bruce still had to be held back from breaking his bones.
"I've made my decision. That's final." Bruce was sitting in front of his computer. His cowl was down, but he refused to meet eyes with you. He could hear you pacing back and forth behind him. Anger rolled off you like waves - there was no way that he could do this to you. Not when he let you have so much responsibility as Batgirl.
"I'm sixteen! You can't just let me fight assholes every night but not let me have a boyfriend!" You yelled at him. It was beyond frustrating that he refused to look at you. It had only been a couple months that you were dating Bart but losing him hurt more than anything else. Bruce couldn't do this to you.
"I told you already. You're not dating that boy. He hasn't proved himself yet."  
"Bart has proved himself over and over again! You just couldn't give him the time of day to notice!" You exclaimed. Bruce couldn't even bother to turn back and look at you as you defended your boyfriend. He didn't care for Bart from the start, and now more than ever he wasn't willing to give him a chance.
"I said no."
"Fuck you, Bruce," You finally snapped. As much as he hated when you swore and yelled at him like this, it happened more often than either of you were willing to admit. It was rare for you to ever see eye to eye with your farther. Dick was the same, Tim was learning. Jason was the only person that you seemed to constantly get along with and now he's gone.
Bruce still didn't turn to you. Without another word, you left the cave and headed straight to the nearest Zeta Tube. He couldn't stop you. Unless he wanted to pull you from that team - which he didn't - you would still see Bart every day. There was no way that he could keep you from seeing him.
It broke you knowing that your father wanted to take away the one thing that made you happy on that team. Did Dick know? Tim? Unlikely. Your chest ached at the betrayal. Fists clenched at your sides as you entered the cave and tears threatening to burn your eyes. Why did he have to be so damn persistent?
Instead of heading to your room like you wanted to, you went directly to the training room. There was no point in sulking over your hurt feelings when you could direct them to training. Bruce instilled that into you too. It seemed that all of your bad traits stemmed from him.
A sword twirled in your hand as the simulation started up. Fake assassins came at you from every angle  but none of them stood a chance against your anger. You moved effortlessly around the room, taking down every faux enemy in your way.
Sweat dripped down your body and you had lost track of how long you had been going at it. The sword began to feel heavy in your hands from swinging it around. Your muscles started to scream at you to stop but every time you tried, you got filled with another wave of rage. Fuck Bruce.
You had been so caught up that you hadn't noticed someone walk into the room. If you hadn't noticed the bright red hair, you would have assumed it to be another simulation. The tip of your sword stopped centimeters away from his eye. You had stopped yourself just in time.  
Bart pushed your sword down and watched your chest heave up and down from the exertion that you had put yourself through. He raised his eyebrows as you said nothing to him, just turned away and put your weapon back in it's place. Sweat soaked your shirt and you realized how lightheaded you were.
Your hands gripped onto the table in front of you. Bart sped over and sat right by your hands. He watched your eyes squeeze shut before popping open at his appearance. Dating the kid of Batman meant he had to get used to the brooding - tonight it seemed different. He was worried.
"What's wrong?" Bart asked. For the first time, he sounded timid around you. He could see the look in your eyes, the way you pushed yourself that night, even how your muscles tense with frustration. Something had gone haywire when you were home in Gotham. "Hey," he placed his hand over yours to get your attention.
"Bruce," you scoffed. Bart knew you didn't always get along with your father. You'd come to him ranting and screaming about how neglected you felt you whole life. Whatever it was this time, it really must have gotten you riled. "Tim told him we're dating and now he's riding my ass about it. He doesn't want us together."
Confusion struck his face. He had never given Bruce, or your brothers, a reason to dislike him when it came to dating you. He was always kind and loving, never willing to let anyone hurt you. Sure, he might have been a bit odd compared to the others, but he was the only one to get you to truly open up on that team.
Bart clenched his jaw. What was he supposed to say? Batman scared him, a lot. He saw the tremble in your china and the way that you squeezed your eyes shut. Bart placed his palm on your cheek and kissed the corner of your lips. He didn't want to lose you.
He couldn't.
It seemed to be incredibly tense whenever you were around your family. You refused to talk to Bruce again and each time you were in the room with Tim everyone could feel how angry you were. He didn't mean to stir trouble when he told Bruce about your life with Bart, he didn't think he would react that badly.
Dick was trying his best to play mediator. He split you and Tim up whenever he got the chance and made sure to keep you and Bart together so he wouldn't get on your bad side as well. At the same time, Bruce continuously stopped in or asked Dick what was going on. Someone was always lurking over you when you were with Bart.
Whenever Batman was around, Bart became nervous - and distant. He didn't stand by you, sometimes he didn't even look at you. Though you knew that you couldn't blame him for being nervous around your father, it still made you angry. Not at him, never at him, but Bruce. He continuously fucked up your life.
The only way that Bart would ever get his approval was to defy death itself to be a hero. If Bruce was human and would put his life on the line, then he expected Bart to do so as well considering he had powers. His expectation was ridiculous, Bart risked his life every day right along side you on that team. Why did that not seem to be enough?
Bruce had another chat with you that evening. He stopped to the cave before you mission that evening. Unfortunately for you, it had been a bad time for him to come barging in without knocking. You and Bart had been tangled in your bed with needy kisses being shared.
You could still hear the coldness in his voice as he ordered Bart to leave. The tone he used when he yelled at you for still seeing him. The embarrassment you had when you left your room to join your team who had all heard you screaming match with your father. Bruce said nothing to your brothers, he only glared.
Dick assigned the teams for that night. You, Bart, and Gar were team beta. Bart looked hesitant to be near you again. To be honest, you couldn't blame him. Gar looked hesitant to be with you both, his eyes darted between you as if you had just broken up. That was far from the case - you weren't letting your father dictate you life like this.
As much as Bart knew this, it still made him weary. If there was one person that he never wanted to defy, it was the Bat. He still didn't know how you stood up to him so easily - swearing, calling him by his first name - he was your father. Then again, your relationship with him was far from perfect.
The mission itself seemed easy. A simple recon for your team - but just like nearly every recon mission that this team had - something went wrong. Things were going smoothly at first, at then gunshots started within the building and innocent screams being heard. You couldn't sit around while people were getting hurt.
So, breaking what you had promised Dick, you swooped in to save the people. Unfortunately for you, there were far more people than expected. Gar and Bart were out of sight and you couldn't rely on them in that moment. Your staff twirled around, taking down man after man. Bullets narrowly missed you, but at least the attention was off the civilians.
Bart had finally gotten back to you, he had been busy with his own men before he could join. "Impulse! Get the people out!" You shouted at him. Bart did as he was told, taking two at a time far away from the building and to safety while you held your own. Gar had finally caught up with you, too.
The two of you took out nearly every man in that building. All of them were unconscious or had surrendered. All except one. Gar could see the man behind you raise his gun, he yelled out trying to get your attention but it was too late. The trigger had been pulled and a bullet flew right towards you.
Bart felt like everything was happening in slow motion. He had just finished getting the last civilian to safety. When he ran back in he saw the bullet speeding at your chest. He pushed his legs faster than he had ever gone before to try and get you to safety as well. His hands out stretched to try and catch the bullet before it made contact.
Unfortunately for him, he had miscalculated the trajectory. Rather than catching the bullet in his palm, he had dove right in front of it. Bart stood there in shock as blood seeped from his chest. He looked over to you, fear in his eyes at the found. Had it not been for Beast Boy taking the shooter down, you would have been shot as well.
"Bart! No, no no," You panicked. He fell into your arms before hitting the ground. His blood soaked your hands as you put pressure on the wound to stop him from bleeding. Tears slipped down your face at the state of him. His face was contorted in pain and he was trying his best to be strong for you.
Gar dropped down to your side beside the both of you, worried as well. Bart placed his hand over yours and tried his best to smile up at you. "Speed healing, babe. You wouldn't have been so lucky." It was true, a bullet for him was an inconvenience for an hour, for you, it could have been a lifetime.
"I don't give a shit about your speed healing, Bart. I don't like seeing you hurt."
"Would have done it without it anyways. Anything to save you."
When you showed back up to the cave with blood on your hands and all of your suit, Bruce immediately went into protective mode. He assumed it to be yours and was ready to bite the head off of anyone involved. As expected, his blame was ready to go directly to Bart.
It wasn't until he saw the redness in your eyes and the way Gar held onto Bart like his life depended on it did he realize that you weren't hurt. You were fine, pissed and worried, but you would live. Bruce didn't say anything as you brought your boyfriend to the med bay to get stitched up.
Bart was going to just fine. Like he said, he had speed healing - you didn't. Had that bullet pierced your skin instead, you wouldn't have held on long enough to make it back to the cave like he did. You were grateful for him, as much as you thought him an idiot to do so.
Dick had convinced you to go wash up while he was in the med bay. His wound was nearly healed and he was on his way to be back to new within the hour. His healing abilities still went forgotten by you and getting it through your head that he was going to be okay was hard to accept.
However, Dick was right. You needed to get cleaned up sooner or later and seeing the blood on your hands was only a harsh reminder of what had happened. The sound of the gunshot echoed through your head, the look on his face as he realized he didn't catch the bullet but got hit by it, they were etched into your brain.
No matter how hard you scrubbed, you still couldn't rid the images out of your brain. Rashly, you jumped out of the shower and through on the closet pair of sweats and hoodie - both of which belonged to Bart. He was okay, but you needed to see him to make sure that he really was.
Water still dripped down you, leaving a trail of foot prints from your room all the way to the med bay. However, as you reached the room, you stopped in your tracks. Through the glass you could see your father standing over Bart. Your boyfriend was nodding along to whatever he was saying - a hint of fear in his face.
What could Bruce possible have to say to Bart? After what he had done for you, there was no way that he could rip a new one into him. Bart had saved your life, and if Bruce still couldn't see how good of a person that he was, you weren't sure what would.
Without another thought, you swung the door open. Both the men turned towards you, both happy to see you there.
"What the hell are you doing?" You snapped to Bruce. The conversation that he had with you before the mission bounced around in you mind. In what world was it good timing to try and break you up once more right after your boyfriend was shot trying to save your life. "How dare you come to Bart after he's saved my life and try to -"
"(Y/N)," Bart cut you off. "It's okay." Your eyebrows furrowed at his words. Okay? How was it okay that Batman was trying to split you apart? How was it okay that your own father couldn't accept that you loved Bart? Nothing about this was okay.
Bruce said nothing. He moved to stand directly in front of you. His hand squeezed your shoulder for a brief moment before leaving the two of you alone. Still unsure of what that meant, you turned your attention back to Bart who was now fully healed and ready to go.
Slowly, he sat up in the bed until his feet dangled off the edge. To your surprise, he didn't look stressed or worried from his previous conversation. Instead, there was a small smile spreading on his lips. It grew as you ran into his arms. All the fear you had washed away being held by him.
"I was so scared," You whispered. Bart pulled away from you to kiss you. His lips molded perfectly against your. This was long awaited, far too long. You needed his kiss, his touch, you missed it in the short time that he had been injured. "What did he say to you?"
"Thank you," he answered. Your eyes widened in shock - Bruce never said thanks to anyone, especially to someone he hated as much as Bart. "For keeping you safe. And happy. For loving you when he can't."
"Bruce? My father? Batman?" You questioned. There was no way that he said anything like that. Not when he was so adamant on getting you broken up this whole time. Bart nodded. "So he doesn't want us broken up anymore?"
"Babe, if all it took was getting shot I would have done that a long time ago," Bart laughed. You smacked his shoulder, wishing that he wouldn't joke about that. It petrified you to have him shot right in front of you. The fear you had nearly wasn't worth your father's approval. "I'm kidding. Sort of. Not at all, actually. I'd do it again for you."
"No the hell you wouldn't," you scolded. "I swear Bart Allen for someone who thinks as quickly as you do, you make some dumb decisions."
"Part of my charm," Bart chuckled. He kissed your lips one more time before standing up. A coy look flashed in his eyes - that was never good from him. "There are some ways that you could make it up to me, ya know? I mean a man takes a bullet for you.. that sounds worthy of something special."
"Are you thinking kisses or a ridiculous amount of Big Belly Burger because I could go for either right now."
"Babe, it's like you read my mind."
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peeterparkr · 5 years ago
Not smut but potentially one with Dick where him and the reader are keeping their relationship a secret and she stays over at his (😉) and in the morning they’re off to brunch with friends so try and enter the place at different times etc to not give it away that they came together and they think they’re safe until one of the gang says “hey! Isn’t that Dicks sweatshirt y/n?” And she gets all red and flustered - lol idk but that would be hella cute!
oh but there’ll be smut bc I combined it with this one, this is filth with some angst and then some fluff and it’s a rollercoaster
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warnings: smut, swearing, 18+
word count: like 2,5k 
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Love can be too complicated. Relationships are complicated. Dick Grayson was complicated. So much so that you preferred to keep it a secret.
Easier than having to explain to the world that in reality the feelings you had always had for him were never negative, they had always been awe and sometimes a little contempt, but you supposed that it was given to the fact that Dick was someone you thought you couldn’t have.
You hated that he was so perfect. It was a compliment to hate him, now you knew. He was always there with his perfect eyes that could kill you with just one look. That smile that could manipulate you. Make a fool out of you. 
We are talking about Dick Grayson, who really has got a bunch of problems, with the lack of love he had when growing up and the big abandonment issues, thanks, Batman. Always wanting to be alone.
Neither of you wanted to explain to the world that your whole act of hating the other was nothing more than a façade for the crush you both had towards the other and how much it frustrated that you couldn’t have the other. The nerves you would get whenever you saw him, all flustered, maybe that was why it was easier to insult him so that he would let you believe that you hated him and make you believe that you were not deeply in love with him.
How did you both reach that conclusion? How did you both realize that you were both desperately in love with each other? Being alone, what that can be. One thing led to another and as the big drama queens you both were, you’d both searched for the other in a stormy night just to end up making out with your clothes on the floor.
But you needed to keep that a secret, mostly because neither of you could understand how you could be so fond of someone who’d constantly make you lose your temper. Because you’re so alike, stubborn and incredibly bossy. 
Add to all of that, it’s Dick Grayson who we are talking about. He loves to make a big deal out of everything. But of course that’s only because he cares enough. Too much sometimes for your own convenience. 
There were still a lot of things you despised about him. Like whenever he would always be wrong, even when he is right. Or the way he’d make you smile even if you had basically ended an argument. 
The fact that at the end of the day, he was still a sweetheart.
But you had to hide it. Because you loved him. And who in this world understands love? You didn’t want anyone trying to explain it to you. You liked to figure it out on your own.
Besides hiding made it way much more interesting. It was a challenge. Even spiced things up in the relationship. You still hated him, to everyone else. And he still hated you. And sometimes you knew you both did hate each other, not pretending. So annoyed by each other’s presence because you’re both so equal yet so different. 
And you were very good at hiding it. Even when you couldn’t quite keep your hands to yourself. You’d manage to keep up the hating relationship to a certain level where they wouldn’t even think you’d ever be in the same room alone.
Sometimes the arguments would go a bit too far, but you’d end up apologizing and making it up in bed.
Just like you probably were going to, now. Rachel was there, watching you both make an argument about how stupid having brunch and inviting Jason Todd, whom you were pushing to get into the group. He was a nice addition.
Rachel was sitting with her feet up on the couch, as she was watching some videos on her phone, ignoring you both. However, truth to be told, you had almost forgotten that Rachel was there and it had kind of turned into a real fight. 
“I don’t want anything to do with Bruce Wayne, and Jason—Jason still has everything to do with him!” Dick yelled. 
You closed your eyes, “Oh my God, Dick, you’re not— this is what all of this is about?” 
Dick rolled his eyes. “No, but I… I don’t even know why we’re having this conversation. This is stupid–I…I am going home. Fuck Batman.”
You knew why this was happening, he saw himself in Jason Todd, he saw it too badly. But he saw a lot of things he never had had with Bruce and that bothered him, and that made Dick despise him even more. 
And you were home, and you were supposed to stay at home. Sleepover with young Rachel, you guys loved those, they meant fun nights.
You watched Dick storm off and slam the door. You wondered if it was part of the act or if he really meant it. Dick didn’t know Rachel knew. You knew she knew.
You squeezed your eyes shut. 
“You guys really hate each other don’t you?” Rachel asked you, she was going to stay the night. 
“You’ve no idea.” 
“But he didn’t mind about the brunch.”
You shrugged. “Thought he didn’t. But now he’s angry we are all spending it together like a big happy family.”
“Go, fix it, I’ll start the movie and you can come back later.” 
Rachel, you knew, was probably very aware of the real situation, not because you’d told her but you couldn’t possibly lie to her, but she hid it from everyone else, knowing  damn well you’d been hiding it for a reason.But you had never adressed it, and she had never asked about it. Maybe she didn’t know. You both were very convincing when it came to making everyone believe you hated each other. 
So you did as she said, you followed after him to his car. You hopped in.
“I’m leaving.”
“I know,” you said. “You can start driving, I’m coming with you.” Dick stared at you. You pointed at the road.
He clenched his jaw but started the car.
“Go to Wayne Manor,” you ordered.
“Batcave, more specifically,” you added. He stared at you. You smirked, running your hand through his thgh, and you could easily see a bulge forming in his pants. “Fuck Batman, right?”
He started driving as fast as he could and you let your fingers walk down his leg. 
“I’m not in the mood,” he snarled, but you looked down at the growing length.
“Seems like you are, though,” you pointed out, and you chuckled, leaning over to peck his cheek. He cleared his throat. But drove fast enough, you’d tease him, running your fingers through his arm, to his chest and to his leg, nowhere close, but enough to get him flustered. 
The Batcave, it gave you such a challenge. It was incredibly hot, to think you were sneaking there. As soon as he hit the brakes, he turned to you and unbuttoned your blouse, as he jumped over you, kissing your lips and trailing his way down to your neck, you moaned closing your eyes. The way he kissed you was always a new experience. 
“Wait– Dick,” you managed to say as he was already grinding against you, his hands pressing your breasts. He was sucking on your collarbone as you let out a soft gasp. “Want to piss off Batman more?” 
His eyes, filled with fire turned to you, as he just shot an eyebrow up. 
“Let’s go to the Batmobile,” and there’s a sound in your voice that made you sound even more into it than you actually were. If we were honest, you feared getting caught but, of course, it would make it a thousand per cent even more interesting. 
And in no time, he picked you up and opened up the doors to it, setting you down. It’s smaller than Dick’s but it doesn’t matter, because with no further ado, Dick pulled down your underwear and he’s set between your tighs. He kept kissing you and his fingers pinched your breasts, you could feel his hot breath as he pulled the seat down, making it easier for both of you. The reducted space pulled you even closer. Your legs were snaking around him as he kissed from the space between your breasts to your stomach. You looked up and took off his shirt, clawing your nails into his back as you pulled him down to your lips.  His own hands were caressing your legs, his fingers toying with you. 
Your lips were focused on his neck now, trailing wet kisses over it, and your hands were going down to knead his ass, as he was grinding into you, causing friction to your core, as the bulge on his pants kept growing.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, as you were unbuckling his belt with desperation. You were in such an ecstasy as you accidentally hit a button. The car announced ‘error’ but you were too busy as his cock had popped out. His fingers grazed over your wetness as his tip teased your clit. He loved teasing you. 
“Dickie, I–” 
“Say it,” he ordered. 
“I need you, now,” you pleaded and he finally thrust into you. He started panting as he started to move inside, finding a slow soothing rhythm. A smug smirk upon his face as you’re moaning his name. He was cursing profanities and then yelling your name. You see the car windows blurring up, as you try to keep yourself comfortable. Your hand found the window but you pulled it back down, leaving a mark of your fingers all over it. 
He was fast and his fingers are all over you, edging you close each time he drew circles on your clit. And he loved seeing your face as you’re at your bliss, and he began slowing down his pace as his own back was arching. But he started to thrust even deeper, as your toes start to curl. You came first, but that was the cue he needed for his own high.his hot breath deep on your neck. He yelled your name in pleasure and then found your neck with his lips, peppering kisses all over it, just as he pulled out from you. Your chest was pounding as you watched him.
“I love you, y/n,” he whispered, causing a  short laugh from you, catching your breath. 
“For what? For helping you break the rules?” You grinned looking up at him, and he kissed your lips again. 
“Making everything fun,” he laughed. “Did… did… you push any buttons?” 
You turned to look at the board, embarrassed. “Maybe, a thing or two.” 
And both of you heard footsteps.“Shit, shit, shit,” Dick pulled up his pants and buttoned your shirt back on, you both quickly ran out of the car and you hid on Dick’s backseat, as he tried to make himself presentable, but the sweat and his panting were not easy to hide.
It was Alfred. “Master didn’t know you were coming.”
Dick cleared his throat. “I was—“ he ran a hand through his hair. “I was just—going to check on some information regarding the—uh, case with Mikron O’Jeneus.”
Alfred stared at Dick’s car where you were holding your breath, praying to all known deities that he wouldn’t catch you.
“Alright ” Alfred nodded. “Whenever you get the chance, please send my regards to Miss Y/N, you and her seem to be close lately.”
Dick blushed and gulped. “We are—working together on the case, that’s all,” He assured him.
Alfred nodded. “Alright, master Grayson.” 
When Alfred was gone, you both laughed in the car. He went to his place where round two happened, nothing wild, it was simpler and more romantic. Dick had managed to now make it more soothing, apologizing for his bitching attitude and smiling each time he kissed you. And that was the sweetheart you knew, it was fun, the vigilante and the dark Dick but then turning him into the beautiful thing he was. You loved him for both, both ‘Dicks’ were fun, and you knew you needed his lips, and you knew he meant it every time he said he loved you, because each time it was different and like hearing it for the first time. 
And the morning had consisted of him peppering you with new kisses, he’d invent one each morning. It was a routine, making each kiss special each time you woke up by his side. As he managed to take your breath away with that smile that was reserved only for you. And you were lucky because he truly never smiled the way he did to you. And you were sure that nobody truly saw hi the way you did, as the blinds would let in the light so the sunlight bathed him and only him. 
He had pecked all over your face, tickling you as he did. “You’re an idiot,” you stated, which was your way of telling him you loved him. 
“I know,” he grinned, that was the way he said it back. 
And he agreed to the brunch, at the end. But you both had to be careful, so when you arrived he dropped you a block away from it, the price you had to pay for wanting to keep your relationship private. He walked into the place first, and you found a place beside Kori. 
You grinned as you said hello to everyone, and then you turned stiff when your eyes landed on Dick. “Grayson.” 
“Y/L/N,” He didn’t even look up. 
Jason Todd watched you both, “Please act decent,” he pleaded. “Don’t fight here.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you guys are so annoying,” Gar pointed out. 
Dick rolled his eyes. “We are adults, at least I’ll act like one, don’t worry.” 
You flipped him off, rolling your eyes, as you stole from Kori’s mimosa, taking a sip. 
“That’s mine,” she complained but ignored. 
Rachel stared at you. “Hey, y/n, why didn’t you come back home last night?” She asked. 
You almost spat your drink. “I did! You didn’t hear me and I woke up early for a run,” you lied. 
“Are you sure?” Kori pushed. “Because Alfred told me he saw you and Dick at the manor.” 
Dick laughed, nervously.  “Why would I be with her at the manor?”
“I dunno,” Kori smirked. “Same reason as to why she’s wearing your sweatshirt?” 
Both you and Dick froze.You stared down at your clothes, and you were indeed wearing a sweatshirt of his. 
“Busted,” all of them said. 
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taetaespeaches · 5 years ago
“I’ve told you this, always choose Yoshi.”
seokjin x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.3K
a/n: hi lovelies!! Let the boyfriend Jinnie uploads commence! We’re starting off with some playful crackhead Jin/Poopsie, naturally. This drabble is built around the Mario vs. Yoshi debate that takes place in my Yoongi drabble, “I didn’t think you’d care if I came back.” (not necessary to read to understand this fic). The boys went away to Japan for a work trip and Poopsie went away to visit family, so this is their reunion. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! :)) 
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HOW the other members didn’t despise your existence was beyond you, you thought, as you stood outside their door, knocking incessantly with a giddy grin planted on your face.
It had only been ten days since you had seen your boyfriend, him having been on a trip to Japan for work and you being away to see some family for a few days, but the ten days felt much too long.
Mid-knock, the door swung open revealing your handsome fella, adorned in an oversized blue hoodie and some grey sweatpants, a massive smile spread across his face. Without a word, you jumped into his open arms, wrapping your own around the back of his neck and Jin hugging you close to him.
“You’re not allowed to go anywhere anymore,” you mumbled against his chest, Jin chuckling.
“You’re not either,” he told you, leaving a kiss to the top of your head. “I missed you,” he whispered, you pulling away to look at him with a smile.
“I missed you too,” you giggled, Jin leaning forward to press his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. Jin wrapped you back up in a tight hug and pulled you inside the dorm, kicking the door shut behind you. Toying with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck, you couldn’t decide in that moment what exactly you wanted to do with the man. Part of you really wanted to fuck him, to be completely honest, while the other part of you just wanted to cuddle with him and catch up on all the conversations you couldn’t fit into your schedules.
Either way, you wanted to be alone with him. Peering around his broad shoulders, you looked around the living space. “So uh, is Yoongi here?” You asked, checking to see if his room was roommate was around, but intentionally making your tone a bit flirty, just to mess with your boyfriend.
“Wah,” he shouted, pushing you away, you throwing your head back in laughter. “Yoongi? Do you know who I am?” You bit back your laughter, giving him a look with raised eyebrows, as if you were waiting for him to inform you of just who he was. “Oh you punk,” he complained, “I’m World Wide Handsome, have some respect.”
You giggled, thoroughly amused by your boyfriend as you walked back toward him, only for Jin to turn his back on you, crossing his arms over his front.
“Ahhh,” you said in realization, “World Wide Handsome, how could I forget?” You teased just as Jimin entered the room to see you wrapping your arms around Jin’s waist in a back hug.
“Figures,” Jimin said in feigned annoyance as he watched Jin struggle in your arms, you turning to look at the younger man. “The noise makes since now,” Jimin joked, looking at you both with a smile as Jin managed to pull one of your arms off of him, you grinning back at the younger man.
“Hi Jiminie,” you greeted, but before Jimin could respond, planning to ask you how your family was, Jin halted all efforts to get away from you.
“Are you calling my girlfriend loud?” Jin interrupted, standing up straighter as he pretended to prepare for a fight. “Hold me back,” he told you as he placed your arm back onto his abdomen.
Playing along, a massive smile on your face, you held him tight. “Jin, calm down, he’s not worth it,” you said as if you were really holding the man back, Jimin rolling his eyes at you both.
“I honestly don’t know what’s worse,” Jimin started, making his way past you both toward the dorm door. “You two being apart so we have to listen to Jin whine about how much he loves and misses you all the time, or having you two together.”
“Aww, Jinnie,” you cooed, looking over his shoulder at him. “Do you talk about me all the time?”
“I take back every nice thing I said about you,” he informed you in feigned anger, you giggling against his back.
“Tell me, what do you love about me?” You asked just as Jin cracked a smile, you tickling his sides just slightly.  
“Anyways,” Jimin interrupted, putting his coat on and telling you both, “I’m heading out to grab dinner with Tae and the girls.” You pouted fondly at his plans. You always found their friend group to be adorable. “Don’t be too gross or obnoxious, Jungkook is still here and me and Tae will be back later.”
With that, Jimin was opening the door, Jin shouting out, “Yeah, you better walk away before I show you how a man defends his love,” the door closing behind Jimin leaving a huffy Jin, acting as though he was genuinely worked up.  
You found Jin to be hysterical, the way he could act so childish and put on an act so quickly, flipping between moods and characters.
“Wow, you’re so sexy when you’re defending my honor,” you complimented, Jin turning in your arms to look at you.
“You think so?” He asked with an air of confidence.
“Definitely,” you nodded, leaving a kiss to his shoulder blade. “Big turn on.” He gave you a stoic expression as he basked in your words, you giggling at his dorkiness. “You know, I was only asking if Yoongi is here to see if we have the room to ourselves.”
“Well, we’re in luck because he hasn’t been around in three days,” he told you, your eyebrows pulling together.
“Wait, what? Are we concerned about this?” You asked, curious as to where your boyfriend’s roommate had been.
Jin hummed, shrugging. “He’s been at the studio.” You nodded slowly, Jin turning in your arms to wrap his own around your shoulders, pulling you into a hug again. “Don’t worry, you absolute sweetheart, I’m sure he’s ok,” he told you, you letting out a scoff against his chest.
“I’m not even worried,” you negated, Jin chuckling into your hair, humming in pretend agreement. “I’m not,” you whined. Jin enjoyed teasing you for your sometimes over-concern for his members. You had known them all as long as you had known Jin, so you had a few soft spots for the dudes. “Whatever, can we just go to your empty room now?” You asked, pulling out of his arms and walking toward the bedroom. Jin watched you walk away, a smile on his face. Turning around to see him across the room from you, you huffed. “Jinnie,” you whined out, holding your hand out to him. “Stop being a god all the way across the room and come be a god over here with me.”
“Are you acknowledging my status as World Wide Handsome?” He asked, stubbornly staying in place.
“I always do, now if you don’t get over here right now, I’m going to go hang out with Jungkook instead,” you told him, Jin immediately scurrying toward you as he complained.
“Don’t you dare,” he told you, taking the hand you still held out to him before spinning you around and lightly shoving you toward the bedroom, you cackling as you walked in front of him. “I already fought one man for you tonight,” he started.
“Oh hardly,” you interrupted as you both stepped into the room, Jin ignoring you as he closed the door and continued.
“I’ll fight another if I have to,” he told you, both of you quickly making your way to the bed.
“Calm down, tough guy,” you teased with a grin, Jin grabbing your waist as he pulled you down onto the bed with him, your bodies crashing together upon impact with the mattress. “Jesus,” you giggled, Jin chuckling beneath you.
You rolled off of him, lying next to him, both of you facing each other. “I love you,” you told him, a soft smile appearing on Jin’s face.
“I love you too,” he told you, leaning in to place a short but sweet kiss to your lips.
“How was the trip?” You asked, your hand running through his hair, pushing his fringe off his forehead.
“Jungkook kicked my ass in Mario Kart,” he told you bitterly, you letting out a loud laugh before awing sadly. Of course he would choose to tell you about a video game match rather than the actual purpose of the trip. “That’s why you’re not allowed to talk to him.”
“That mean kid,” you giggled. “Were you Mario again?”
“Of course, I was Mario, who else would I be?” He questioned you as if your question was beyond ridiculous.
“Yoshi,” you exclaimed. “I’ve told you this, always choose Yoshi.”
“Mario is the best character, what are you talking about?” He asked, his voice raising, showing off his old man Jin side. “Why on earth would I choose Yoshi?”
“Because he’s the best,” you told him as if it was obvious.
“That’s crazy!” He yelled, you nearly laughing at his tone. “The game is called Mario Kart, Mario is the center of the game. He’s the whole franchise.”
“And how did Mario work out for you?” You asked him, Jin’s eyes widening as he stuttered over an answer. “I don’t care if the whole game and franchise is named after Mario, Yoshi is hands down the best character in the Mario realm, and that’s just a fact.” He let out sounds of negation throughout your rant, you shooting him a glare in response.
“There wouldn’t even be a Yoshi if it weren’t for Mario because there would be no Mario franchise,” he ranted, you giving him an incredulous look. Just as you were about to respond, someone cleared their throat from the doorway, Jin looking up and greeting the person with an, “oh, hey.”
You sat up, spotting Yoongi, your eyes going wide. “Oh, Yoongi, thank god you’re here,” you exclaimed. Yoongi gave you a surprised expression and you had to hold back a giggle at the clear confusion on his face. “Tell Jin that Yoshi is the best Mario character.” Yoongi’s confusion only became more prevalent in his features.
“That’s ridiculous and you know it,” Jin shouted before Yoongi could even think to respond, Jin’s eyes blown comically wide when you turned to look at him. “Yoshi can be your favorite character, but you can’t argue he’s the best,” he told you, moving his head around as if it was on a bobble.  
“Why can’t I?” You asked in exasperation.
“Because it’s not called Super Yoshi, or Yoshi Kart,” your boyfriend explained again, holding onto his silly argument of Mario being the franchise. You knew he was purposely winding you up, but you were taking the bait. You always did, and you both loved it.
“You’re so annoying,” you huffed, Jin laughing at your attitude. Shaking your head at his amusement, he only laughed harder, leaning toward you to kiss your cheek, but instead mostly just giggling against your face. You almost broke into a giggle of your own.
“Aw, but I got you something in Japan,” Jin suddenly told you, crawling off the bed and standing next to it above you as you watched him curiously. Your eyebrows were raised as you observed your boyfriend dig inside his sweatpants pocket. Pulling his hand out, he held a cute little Yoshi figure in his hand, and you had to bite back the smile that nearly immediately spread across your face. “It’s Yoshi!” Jin said cheerfully, moving it around to show you the figure better.
The smile got harder to hold back as you looked at the man holding the toy. Why is he so cute?
“I may disagree with you, but I support you and your poor judgement,” he teased you, lowering himself onto the bed, sitting up on his knees.
Your amusement broke through at the comment, smiling at him as you shook your head. “I’m in love with you, so you may be on to something with the poor judgment thing,” you joked, taking the Yoshi figure from Jin as you cooed at it. Jin failed to hold his glare as a large smile overtook his face. “It’s so cute,” you pouted. “Thank you.”
Jin lowered himself over your frame, kissing your lips softly. “You’re welcome, my love.” The door clicked closed, both of you looking to it, realizing Yoongi had snuck out. Your eyes shifted from the door to your boyfriend, hovering above you.
“Is he ok?” You asked, Jin staring at the door a moment longer before looking down at you.
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow,” he told you before placing a kiss to your nose. “Do you like it?” He questioned, nodding to the little Yoshi in your hand.
“I love it, Jinnie, thank you,” you smiled, placing your free hand at the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss. He deepened it, one arm supporting himself above you as his opposite hand slid to your side, easily digging underneath your shirt to feel your bare skin. Your fingers threaded into his hair, pulling lightly on the strands, Jin smiling against your mouth. “Are you sure this is ok?” You mumbled into the kiss.
“We have the room to ourselves,” he reminded you, not bothering to move his lips off of yours, going right back into the kiss after he spoke.
“But Kookie,” you noted against his mouth, just before Jin’s hand slid up your abdomen, his fingertips dragging against the underside of your boob.
Pulling away to shoot you a glare, you smiled at the feigned anger. “He beat me in Mario Kart, love.” The way he spoke the words, as if Jungkook deserved to hear and be made uncomfortable, made you cackle loudly, Jin smiling widely at the sound of your amusement.
“I told you, should have chosen Yoshi,” you retorted, Jin taking a sudden breath before letting it out in annoyance.
He thought about a response but instead just chuckled before connecting his lips to yours again. “Fuck, I missed you.”
Dropping the Yoshi figure, you brought your hand to waistband of his sweatpants. “Missed you too, my love,” you breathed out against his mouth. “So much.”
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goodguydotmp3 · 4 years ago
1) Hi, I just came across your post on Harry & although we are looking at him differently i absolutely agree with you on alot of what you say.  I never was a 1D fan, I worked for an arena & was lucky enough back in those days to see 1000's of concerts.  I remember thinking 1D was awful.  12 months ago now I fell down the rabbit hole with Harry.  I can't say i'm a fan because I only like a combination of his songs from both albums, which I listen to often on a playlist.
2. the others I listened to once and never again.  I never bothered to listen to his CALM app nor do I obsess over wanting his merch & quite frankly didn't bother to buy a ticket to see him.  In fact I kinda find him a bit cringe at times on stage.  However, I think he is one of the most charismatic sexiest humans on the planet. This has caused me to want to study him.  A lot of what I think you actually said.  He is 100% a brand.   
3. He is a smart guy & i'm pretty sure a lovely person but I also think he is a shrewd businessman.  He has allied himself with professionals who know how to make millions off of his brand.  Classic example was the beauty pages (which I despised btw). Probably in partnership with the magazine knowing it would sell out in seconds.  I'm sure him & his team are laughing all the way to the bank, and on the fans coin.  
4. I could analyse as well why I think he queerbaits, which I believe he does for his image.  That being said I truly think he is open to anything, he is at a level in his life that he is able to do whatever he wants.  I certainly don't want to paint him as a nasty person which he certainly isn't.  But again why his silence on social media ?  I do think it's because he wants privacy but at the same time he could be more open to his fans if he wished.
5. Other stars do live random Instagrams with their fans.  You don't have to give anything away  & it wouldn't hurt him to do now & again.  Yet I don't think he wants to.  He did facetime interviews with DJ's in London who all happen to be his friends, but nothing to the people who give him the lifestyle he has become accustomed to.  
6. There are a few things in his past that don't sit right with me & again, I don't hate him, I find him very charismatic & alluring, but I certainly don't think he is anything personally like his fans think he is.  Anyways sorry for all the asks. 
okay so let me just start by sating you really probably could have gotten away with just one ask but since we here let’s go. 
second (okay last one fore i go in) is this a white? you can be honest. that’s not why I’m judging you I just have hunch.
Lemme just say I already can’t take you seriously if you gone sit up here and tell me wondee is awful. WHERE? Especially Four and Midnight Memories! I also can’t imagine being privileged enough to see their live performances with raw vocals repeatedly and still have the nerve to say with yo whole chest one d is awful. Especially in comparison to Harry!! Where are the vocals?? Where are the riffs??? Every time I see a solo Harry video It’s never about the amazing things he does with his voice, it’s always some joke he made, or his dancing, or how he messed up, or an outfit someone’s talking about. one time I saw where there was a difference between shows where he was louder in the latter bc of the confidence factor. Like?? Go girl Give us nothing!!!
And even with songs, you already said he ain’t all that! You already said he’s barely passable, You already know he’s not an artist so what exactly are you even holding on for?
I know you’ said he’s “the sexiest and most charismatic man on the planet” but I promise you that 1) no he’s not so don’t even lie like that 2) not even in his own band 3) not even in the music industry.
I pinky promise you there is better out there for you, hell there are better rich white man out there just waiting for you time, attention, and coin.
Rich white men who haven’t built stadiums that hurt the smaller stadium in the same town and only benefit the large artists who would be able to sell it out, who doesn’t associate with the Kardashian-Jenner clan, who are notoriously racist and elitist and make money off of doing so, white male artists who don’t travel across countries during a pandemic, seemingly doing the most to spread as many germs as possible, at a time when his home country is among the worst county handling the spread of a deadly virus. 
Other white men who are just straight up not Zionists, which I feel should have been the point where people were actually upset but apparently not because I see “free Palestine” this and that but then scroll down and see his ugly mug in a closeup (and not no old “oh he looks like a baby” picture neither, one of them recent “my name is earl” lookin ass photos, posted uncritically). Other white men who don’t use a deadly global pandemic to squeeze for coin out of folx, 
Other white men who aren’t okay with racism, transphobia, homophobia, Zionism, and would gladly denounce any fan who felt like that. 
Other white men who aren’t just using gender ambiguity as an aesthetic, and can actually recognize and use other pronouns besides he/she when prompted.
Other white men who hire black and brown people to work with and for them, and don’t just wait until the next blm wave to try and score brownie points with prominent (white approved) black people. Other white men Who don’t take that amazon money! Other white men who don’t buy your data to make more money! Side note please tell me we’re all still pissed about that???
Harry Styles is a Nasty Bitxh and will do anything to get what he truly wants: money and fame. If you can stan a husk of a man because you think he looks pretty and his scripted remarks from some of the best pr managers money can buy sound real good when he says them, do you boo. But please don’t try to make excuses for this ho. 
At the end of the day he might as well be Mr. Monopoly himself, and if that’s okay with you, that’s between you and your bank account, but I have to ask why you feel the need to defend him (especially seeing as he has an entire team of people to do that for him), and if all the defending is worth it. If you have to make this many allowances for him, is he really that great?
 If you keep turning a blind eye, at some point you just blind.
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starjeno · 5 years ago
destined | l.mh | 3
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genre: fluff | soulmate!au, genderswap!au pairing: student!mark x female!reader warnings: bad words? word count: 1973 summary: it’s a fact of life that soulmates swap bodies. when mark wakes up in a bed that isn’t his, he’s delighted. you, on the other hand, absolutely despise it. a/n: filler chapter, sorry! and i know it’s been a while since i’ve posted. also, i gave the roommate a name finally. 
the sunset filtering through your curtains fills the room with hazy light. it’s soft and golden and comforting, but it does little to placate your roommate. her arms remain crossed over her chest as you pace by the mini-fridge nervously, waiting for this interrogation to end.
“okay, but what did yuta say?” she’s already somehow familiarized herself with the names of the people involved, and while it took some time for her to get used to your new appearance, she currently seems to have grown accustomed to it. you groan, “i told you, yuta likes this whole thing. he just ignored me and then said that i should take mark into consideration.”
“why can’t mark take you into consideration instead?” she retorts. you huff, “i told you this too! mark also thinks i like this whole thing!”
“well? do you?”
you can’t help the hesitation that bubbles up in your throat when you think about the events of earlier. the rapid beating of your heart and the heat in the tips of your ears and the strange familiarity that accompanied each of mark’s words — he felt like a missing puzzle piece, like someone you loved in a past life, and you didn’t like how you unconsciously gravitated towards him as he spoke. 
then again, you only saw him for a few hours, so maybe you’re overexaggerating. you shake your head firmly, “i don’t! you know that! i don’t want any of this!”
she gives you an unplaceable look, her eyes filled with contemplation, before groaning and sitting up, “let’s go out to eat. you’ve had a rough day.”
“you’ll pay?”
“yeah,” she sighs, running a hand through her hair, “i don’t want you to confuse the cashier with your credit card info. let’s get out of here.”
it’s a blessing that your roommate has kun. she’s accumulated enough of his clothing that your new body has a decent selection to choose from. though the clothes all fit loosely, you figure tucking your dress shirt into your pants and looping a belt tightly through should make sure your outfit is secure. she stands in the doorway as she watches you change, blushing feverishly when she associates your initial meeting with yuta with the boxers that now hug you snugly. 
“where do you feel like eating?” 
you hum in thought as you grab a cap, “honestly? kun’s place. he makes such good food.”
she rolls her eyes before dialing her boyfriend’s number on the phone. it rings for a few seconds until the line clicks and you hear a deep voice fill the speaker, “what’s up? you only call at this time when you’re hungry. or horny. or both. please don’t be both.”
“uh, just hungry. also, ____ and i have something we should tell you,” she mumbles, “i’ll be over in five.”
she hangs up before looking over to me and sighing, "i'll do your hair."
as you sit down in front of a mirror and watch your roommate squeeze out a frightening amount of gel onto her palm, you can't help but think about mark again. it's hard not to since his face is the reflection and it shines with a bright optimism that you currently lack. you attempt a half-hearted smile to make his features seem pleasant; it feels wrong when his face frowns.
meanwhile, the girl behind the chair slicks your hair in a neat quiff, sparing a few strands to fall onto your forehead casually. you look handsome, and you're somewhat pleased that kun's first impression of your soulmate will be great on terms of looks.
not that you cared particularly. you don't. you aren't even sure you know what a mark is, much less feel as if others should approve of him.
"there, let's go," she hums, wiping her hands off with a towel and spritzing some floral scent on the two of you before walking out. you follow reluctantly.
kun's apartment is cute and filled with small plants that are groomed to perfection. little canvases with a dramatic ink strokes line the walls above the television and couches, and pens are littered in the corners of every room. there's even a pen tucked into the pocket of the man himself, who is still in the ironed dress shirt he went to work in.
his smile radiates as the two of you walk into the hall, but you can sense the air tension rise, “mina and . . . a friend?”
“ha ha, very funny, kun. you won’t believe who this is,” your roommate grins as you two sit down. kun pauses for a bit before backing into his kitchen, grabbing a spare pan to add on top of the stove, thinking, “uh, a cousin? your long-lost brother? i thought ____ was coming over.”
“exactly,” she huffs before motioning over to you, “meet mark, or better known as ____ in mark’s body.”
kun gasps and points the pan at you accusingly, laughter lacing his voice, “oh my god, you fucking swapped?”
you grin and place a hand to drag the pot down, “i know, it’s crazy.”
“at least he’s cute,” the dimpled boy chuckles, sighing in disbelief. he definitely knew you well.
“agreed,” you smile a bit and your roommate shoots you a short-lived glare before looking at kun, “so we came here to destress from such a horrific event by eating your food.”
“that sounds like a plan . . . ,” he muses, a small smile growing on his face as he takes out cooking oil, “you guys can just chill, and i’ll have something cooked up in ten.”
as soon as you pull your phone out, a notification slides onto a screen. you bite your lip as the social messaging app displays the message of a new follower, and when you hold down for more details, you instantly recognize the handle.
mark. he must've searched you up, and if he's managed to follow you on here, he's probably found all your socials by now. as if on cue, you see three more notifs slide gracefully on your phone, beaming with a new friend request. you aren’t sure if you’re happy or annoyed, or a bit of both, but you hold down and open the app to find a new direct message awaiting your approval.
mark1ee (online): hi! sorry if this is creepy but i figured we’re friends now, so...
good lord. you bite your lips to keep from laughing at his shyness, finding it adorable, and avert your eyes from your phone. mina glares at you quizzically, raising a brow as if to ask what you’re amused at, but you simply shake your head emphatically and begin to type back.
you: how’d you know my last name? there’s probably more than one ____ out there. mark1ee is typing . . .
"here, some cheesy ass lasagna. i put, like, five different kinds of cheese in there, or just whatever was in my fridge.” kun slides two plates to you and your roommate and grabs the nearest chair to sit. he looks at you as you tentatively poke at the stuffing, “i didn’t poison it, you know.”
“shut up, i’m critiquing it!” you laugh as you place a food-filled fork in your mouth, smiling at the instant flavor, “whoa, i forgot how good you are at this.”
he lowers his brows as he smiles, “you mean you forgot my job is in the culinary arts?” 
you face downwards as kun strikes up a conversation with your roommate and glance at the notification on your phone. it doesn’t take a moment of hesitation for you to swipe and check mark’s message.
mark1ee (online): i checked the profile pictures. it would be a lot easier to make sure i’m contacting the right person if i had your number ;) you: how smooth. how do i know this is the mark i met earlier today? mark1ee (online): already asking for pics? damn. mark1ee sent a photo mark1ee (online): i forgot that it’s basically just a pic of you lmao :/ now pls send #
you snort and look up to find your roommate and kun staring at you intently. you wave your hand dismissively, "funny meme, sorry."
they give you a strange look before resuming the conversation, and you hide your phone under your leg before digging into the meal before you.
"so, what's going on?"
at the question, yuta sighs as mark walks in, his hand rubbing a towel through his wet hair, "winwin is coming back early. a week early."
"are you not excited?" mark quips. the older male tiredly grins, "i'm excited, believe me. but i'm worried that i won't pay enough attention to your switch."
mark frowns, the wrinkles ruining the feminine face, "i'll be fine. she just sent me her number!"
he takes a seat by yuta and faces the flatscreen in front, his glossy eyes reflecting the bright lights of the video game. yuta glances at his long lashes and soft brows for a moment before resuming the screen, "damn, good job. maybe you have enough game to survive without me."
"wha- fuck you! and you'll still be here!" mark laughs, picking up the other controller.
"i'm running away with winwin, by the way," yuta jokes. he lets mark join the round before pressing the buttons again, "now that you have her number, what are you going to do? ask her on a date?"
mark freezes. he hadn't even thought of what to do, and right now, yuta feels like a personal certified love guru. what a great fucking idea! before he could spend more time admiring yuta's genius, mark drops the controller and sends a new text to you, hoping for a stroke of luck.
he didn't really need luck though. he had literally found his soulmate that morning.
you: wanna go on a date? nctzn (online): how would i get clothes, doof? i'm wearing my roomie's bf's shit now :/ you: well, keep wearing them and i'll buy myself a dress? i don't care what you wear though, i'm not a great dresser.
mark is lying to his new form. he had always considered himself as someone with a good eye for outfits and color coordination. he sighs as the green dot by your profile that signifies your online presence fades away, and he figures he should probably find another way to pass the time while you’re offline. yuta waits expectantly, “well?”
“clothing’s an issue. and i don’t even know where i should take her,” mark grins, “it’s going to feel so weird, like going on a date with myself? trippy.”
“you’ll survive, it’s not like you’re ugly,” yuta sighs as he rolls his eyes with exasperation. mark doesn’t respond. he’s too preoccupied with the idea of you to even process yuta’s words. he’s never felt so giddy about a girl before — even his middle school crushes never got him feeling this jittery. conversation with you flowed so smoothly, and even mark knew how strange it was to feel this way after one conversation. 
he’s glad you reciprocate his feelings. everything’s he heard about soulmates seems to be true: you fit him well. mark knows he should be a little more hesitant, but this is finally a dream come true. you’re a dream come true. 
you: let’s go on a date tmrw then? nctzn (online): ok why not
mark glances up at the bright orange sky. the sun has only just started to set and the evening barely grazes the warm colors. are you just as happy as he is now? is your head filled with thoughts of him, the same way he can’t stop thinking about you?
mark’s pauses, not sure if he should dare to think his next question, but the idea floats in his head anyway and he turns pink with embarrassment.
yuta turns away, silent.
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akutagawasbitch · 4 years ago
Memories: Chapter 3
Hey lovelies! Here’s the next chapter of my oc fic. Again please leave comments on what you think. Any feedback would be spectacular <3
The sound of his hand striking across her skin echoed around the room. Her cheek was bright red and burning, much like her eyes from the tears.  The stinging pain radiates across her burning face. It hurt but not as much as her broken hand which currently had a boot on top of it. The boot slammed down on her broken hand, making her scream out in pain, tears pricking her eyes. The pain was unbearable. She wanted this to end, for her to be put out of her misery but that was too merciful. In the end she’d never get that kindness, the sweet kiss of death was so enchanting yet always out of her reach.  Suddenly she felt the boot slam down again, snapping her out of her thoughts. She couldn’t breathe. It was too painful. Crying she looked up at the ceiling and hoped that it would cave in, crushing her. If she was dead, she wouldn’t have to feel this agonising pain ever again.
“I’m begging you, please stop! I did nothing wrong!” she cried out through sobs.
“Any failures of your pupils are failures on your part. And failures must be punished. It is the law of nature; any failures are wiped out. Consider this your warning before extinction.” An icy cold voice replied, devoid of any emotion. She swallowed, bracing for whatever came next. Before she knew it, she felt her rib shatter as the bat swung down.
She woke up screaming. Her whole body throbbed with pain and she swore she could feel her ribs crack. But no, nothing was wrong. It was just a dream. A nasty nasty dream….
Begrudgingly, she got up and washed the tears off her face. She passed out from working too much again and didn’t take off her makeup properly, so it was smeared everywhere. Sighing, Yukcihe jumped into the shower to wash away the remnants of the dream. She could still hear the cracking of her ribs and the sound of the bat swinging through the air. Her screams echoed around her ears. Shaking her head rapidly, she tried to focus on something else besides the dream. She knew it wasn’t just a bad dream, that would just stir up more pain and she didn’t have the energy to reflect on everything. She pressed her hands against the shower wall and let the water cascade down her body.
Closing her eyes, she let the water wash over her and with it wash her thoughts down the drain. Breathing in and out, she focused and slowly the dream became a distant memory that she could barely remember. Blood trickled out of her nose and mixed with the water, turning it a cloudy red.  She absentmindedly wiped the blood away with the back of her hand. Staring at the blood on her hand, she started to spiral again. Images of bloody bodies flashed across her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to block them out but she couldn’t focus.  Her breathing got more and more frantic until she was hyperventilating. 
Suddenly a noise snapped her out of it. Her phone was ringing. She quickly turned off the shower and grabbed her phone, answering the call. Swallowing she spoke 
“Hello? What is it?” she asked in an irritated tone, to hide the fact she’d been crying. 
“Yukiche? The boss needs to cancel tonight. He has other business to attend to so you’ll have to come another day.” A male voice commented, his tone slightly annoyed giving the impression he didn’t want to be talking at all. Rolling her eyes, Yukiche replied through gritted teeth. 
“What do you mean I’ll have to come another day. We agreed on today. THis has been planned for months. Just because your boss is a coward and doesn’t want to see me doesn’t mean he can cancel last minute and expect me to accept that. Tell him I’m coming anyway and I expect my payment.” she snapped. She hated this but she needed the money and she couldn’t let him brush her off like this. She had to be ruthless and firm.  
“Look don’t get bitchy at me. I’m just the messenger. You have a problem with it? Talk to the boss, not me.” He snaps. 
Yukiche scoffed and hung up, throwing her phone across the room. Throwing herself onto the bed, she screamed into a pillow in frustration. She despised this. That she has to do this, to survive. “Having to exploit people’s secrets for money eats away at your soul. But did I even have a soul to begin with?””. She thought to herself bitterly. 
Running her hand through her hair, she tried to figure out her solution. She needed that money by tonight. She had to go see Kasai, her debt was due and if she was late…. She shuddered at the thought.  Pacing around the room, the solution stared her in the face. She didn’t want to admit it but the only solution was to go down and collect it herself. 
“Fuck.” she muttered to herself. She had to go. As much as she hated threatening people, she had to do this for her own sake. Besides the debtee in question was a cheating scumbag anyways. Igarashi Hisoka ran the other underground bar in town and was a notorious womaniser. He was only in her debt because he was an idiot and gambled away his wife’s prize ring, an heirloom from her dead father. She should probably make another backup of the video she had of him losing the ring just in case she mused to herself.  She knelt down and gently picked up her phone. 
Grabbing her signature white blouse and black high waisted trousers she threw them on with a loose cream coloured trench coat and ran out the door, tying her hair up at the same time. Locking up her apartment she walked off, shoving her keys and phone into her pocket. 
After catching the train and walking for about fifteen minutes, she arrived at Igarashi’s bar. She grimaced at the smell of vomit, cheap alcohol and cigarette smoke.  Taking a deep breath, she walked in. The chatter and general cacophony of drunken laughter overwhelmed her. Various people lay on top of tables passed out, a few were playing with knives while the rest were leering at her. Swallowing nervously, she walked across the room towards the bartender. 
“Where is Igarashi? I….need to talk to him. We had an appointment but he cancelled on me last minute so I’m here to speak to him about not being a coward.” she remarks, her tone exasperated. 
Not looking up from the glass he was cleaning, he pointed to the door at the back of the room. “Boss’s office is through there. If you have any complaints or anything like that, go bother him. He’s in a meeting right now though.” he comments in a dull tone. 
“I don’t care. I need him to pay up.” She retorts, walking off towards the office. 
The bartender scoffs and mutters “Good luck” continuing to clean the same glass.  
Yukiche stormed over to the door and pressed her ear against the door. She heard giggling and hushed voices. Listening closely she figured out he and another girl were in there. “So this is his “business he had to “attend” to. Pathetic'' she scoffed quietly. Taking a step back, she kicked in the door with so much force it slammed open, revealing Igarashi sitting behind a desk with a half naked woman on top of him. Raising her eyebrow Yukiche glared at the woman and spat out
“Get out now. Before I break your wrist.” 
The woman paled and ran out, muttering apologies. Ignoring her, Yukiche walked in and slammed the door shut behind her, locking it. Slowly she turned around to face Igarashi who was looking rather pale. She calmly walks over to him and sits on top of his desk, with one leg 
dangling off. 
  “I didn’t realise sleeping with random women was classed as urgent business Igarashi.” she drawled. A lazy smile plastered on her face as she stared at him, her lips smiling but her eyes lacked any humour.  Swallowing he opened his mouth and began to speak
“What I class as urgent business is one of your business. I told you I don’t have your money and even if I did have it, I’m busy so leave.” he retorted, in an irked tone. She could tell he was afraid though, he was after all a coward. If he would just own up to his wife what he did, then he wouldn’t be in this mess. But he was too much of a prideful and spineless fool.  Sighing, she slid off the desk and swung her leg up, pressing her foot down on his chest glaring at him threateningly. Leaning over, she whispered 
“I will leave once I get my money. That’s all I’m here for. But if you keep lying and acting like you don’t have it, I’ll have to resort to other methods of getting it…” Her voice, firm and threatening. She pulled out a knife and slammed the point of it into the desk. She wasn’t lying. He knew that. 
Staring at the knife he swallowed and began to mutter various obscenities under his breath while he opened his desk drawer and pulled out his briefcase where he kept his money. He kept muttering various insults and obscenities but counted out the money before throwing it at her. Narrowing her eyes, she grits her teeth and collects the money shoving it into her coat pocket, pulling the knife out of the desk.. Walking out, she turned one last time and smiled
“Pleasure doing business with you, Igarashi. Or should I call you what you really are? A cowardly fool.” she laughed to herself and walked out the door waving her hand at him while holding the knife.
Walking back into the busy bar, she heard a familiar voice singing. She whipped her around to see her singing. Mihara. She stopped in her tracks to stare at her friend? Enemy? Acquaintance? She didn’t really know what to call Mihara except a pain in her ass. She hadn’t seen her since the night she met Haru. The night she got shot.  Frowning, she stared at the woman who caused it all. Bitterness still lingered in her, causing her to wince at the sight of Mihara. But she couldn’t hide the sense of familiarity and longing that also came flowing into Yukiche’s heart. Locking eyes with Mihara, she saw that familiar smile making her pang with pain. 
Looking away, she began to quickly walk away. She had to leave. She couldn’t be around her. The wounds were still fresh even after all those years. Before she could leave, she felt a hand grab her blouse and slamming her into the wall. Falling backwards, she collided into a muscular chest. Two arms wrapped around her, squeezing her tightly and painfully. Gasping for breath, two men approach her. 
“The boss decided he won’t be paying you this time. He wants his money back.” they sneer, punching her in the stomach. Crying out in pain, she doubles over, coughing blood. She tries to move to grab her knife but the man holding her only squeezed tighter, preventing her from moving. The two men punched her a few more times before she was flipped upside down, causing the money to fall out of her pocket. They grabbed it and ran off with it laughing, the other man dropping her and running off with them. Yukiche lay there staring at the sky, her body in agonising pain. Her stomach was definitely at least bruised. Tenderly she touched her cheek which was swollen. Shaking she tried to use her arms to get up but she didn’t have the strength and collapsed. Groaning she lay there, breathing heavily when a foot gently nudged her. 
Looking up she saw Mihara holding out her hand. She still had on her stage makeup, glittering in the moonlight. Yukiche turned away, ignoring her offer of help causing Mihara to laugh.
“Even now you’re stubborn and refuse my help, do you really despise me that much?” she asked, her voice musical.  Her eyes shone with happiness and laughter. 
“I don’t despise you. I loathe you. So no, I don’t want help from someone like you.” Yukiche snapped, her voice icy cold. She kept her head turned to hide the fact she was on the verge of crying. 
“Still stubborn as ever. It looks like I’m the only help you’re gonna get so you can either take my help or lie here in the trash and piss covered alleyway.” she commented, smiling. 
Yukiche let out a frustrated sigh and turned, grabbing Mihara’s hand. Mihara pulled her up and stared into her eyes once she was standing. 
“Thanks.” Yukiche mutters, looking away. Mihara gently grabs her face, causing Yukiche to wince. She stares at Yukiche’s bruised face and frowns. Her hand reaches out and Yukiche could've sworn she was reaching out to stroke her cheek. Mihara grabbed the various bits of trash that got caught in Yukiche’s hair and picked them out. Yukiche blushed lightly and watched her. 
Even now she couldn’t stop the hammering in her chest as Mihara touched her. She hated it. She still had such a strong effect on her even after all these years…. 
“You look like you need a drink.” Mihara comments, her eyebrows raised and a cheeky smile etched across her lips.  Snorting Yukiche shook her head in disbelief. 
“You haven’t changed a bit, have you Mi?” she remarks, smiling softly. Mihara blinks at the nickname but starts to grin. 
“No I haven’t. So will you humour me and let me buy you a drink?” she asked. Yukiche blinked and shook her head no, walking away. She couldn’t let Mihara in again. Even having a brief conversation hurt and felt like a thousand needles into her heart. But then…. What was the harm in one drink? Yukiche thought to herself. 
“Fine. One drink.” Yukiche remarked, keeping her back facing Mihara to hide her smile.
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fmdhaseo · 5 years ago
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ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ  wOoOoOoOow i’m so excited to be here finally!! typically i’m a pretty ~ minimalistic ~ person when it comes to formatting ‘n stuff, but i’ma go a little ham on this introduction because i’m really excited!! ANYWHO, my name’s cheyenne ( but please call me chey ) and i represent the drastically under-appreciated mst. i use he/him pronouns, and for anyone who’s curious, i’m 21+!! i’ve been eying this group for awhile now, but hadn’t joined because of school and work reasons, but my town’s in lockdown, so i finally have a bunch of new time on my hands to write!! now that that’s outta the way though, please love me and my first ever muse here!! her name is jeon haseo and she’s lucid’s main vocalist and lead dancer. in my head, she sounds a bit like wjsn’s yeonjung, gfriend’s yuju, and dreamcatcher’s siyeon when she sings, and when she dances, she reminds lots of people of twice’s mina and her gorgeous face-claim, wjsn’s bona!! she’s a former prima ballerina at a dance company in korea that she was pushed out of due to accusations of favoritism, and even though the board at the school were adamant against said accusations, it was lowkey kinda true lol. her dad is a former dancer that’s received tons of acclaim in the dance world, and it’s said that his name is what landed her all her opportunities in ballet —- whoops!! she doesn’t really know that though, but before i carry on too much, you can read more of my ramblings about her below the cut!! [ youtuber vc ] don’t forget to smash that like button if you wanna plot with us!!
i.  —-  haseo was born in seoul, south korea to a dancer and plastic surgeon, so they had a lot of money to sit on while they raised their daughter. she was brought up in prestigious dance rehearsal spaces, as well as in top-of-the-line hospitals, but instead of wanting to follow in her mother’s footsteps, she decided it’d be more fun to dance like her dad!! she showed promise when she was little, so they nurtured her talents as best they could.
ii.  —-  her childhood really wasn’t all that bad, to be honest, like, she never struggled with making friends, she got everything she wanted, her parents were supportive... what more could she have really asked for, you know? she got along with everyone due to her many interests —- from ballet, to video games, to barbies, to monster trucks —- but that all sorta changed whenever she entered high school. being that she attended a school for the arts danced with a company in their junior program, and had a reputable father, a lot of people started to be really catty with her. she learned how ugly the world could be at a pretty small age, and it’s deffff affected how she sees the world and deals with her problems.
iii.  —-  fast forward to high school graduation, haseo gets offered a spot in a professional company to dance ballet almost immediately. a little sketchy? perhaps, but what’s even sketchier is that she was offered the leading role in her first ever show. vile words spread throughout the whole school and due to the accusations of favoritism, the company decided to terminate her contract rip. she became big sad and almost didn’t dance again until [ spoiler alert ] she was given a chance to audition for dimensions entertainment!!
iv.  —-  she didn’t really wanna become an idol, but she did it anyway because she wanted to dance for a career. she really didn’t even need to have a career with how much money her parents made, but it was important to her to be financially independent, so she decided to stick with it to see if it’d work. long story short, she discovered that she’s a FAB singer, and her long history of dance def helped her standout from the crowd. she trained for two years before her debut, and like, when she was announced to be main vocalist, she literally almost died i think lmao. like, the fact that she was granted main vocal but not main dancer really shook her ass up, but she accepted her fate and tried her best.
v.  —-  the concept changes were a whirlwind, but she likes the more soft vibes that the schoolgirl trilogy gave her. she also thinks it makes better use of her dance skills, but she isn’t really the one in control here now is she? ANYWAY —- her career is blossoming a lot and she’s really excited, but at the same time, she despises that she’s a person of public scrutiny now. she never wanted that to happen at the level that it has, but she puts up with it because she feels she already made her bed, so now she’s gotta lie in it. not to mention that she has some of her old peers from dance starting an online hate group to hate on her, so you know... this isn’t exactly what she had in mind for her life, but she just takes it in stride and hopes that, someday, it’ll make for good stories to tell her grandkids lol.
vi.  —-  i realize that i haven’t really given a description of her personality or her as a person yet, and well, that sucks, so i’ma do it right here, right now!! how would i describe haseo? let’s see —- she’s kinda, like, prissy but it’s definitely more outwardly adorable than it is obnoxious, if that makes sense? she HATES getting dirt on her clothes, she hates having crud under her nails, and she hates when other people lack personal hygiene skills, but she was taught well and doesn’t really voice her harsh judgments unless she’s provoked lol. it also appears to me that she has tons of patience naturally, but is also kind of a hot-head if you actually manage to piss her off, so good luck to your muses if that happens!! she also HATES being woken up from sleep, like, she’ll literally kill you if you do. she’s more than likely gotten into tons of fights with other lucid girls because of it —- whoops!! she’s also SUPER femme, to be honest? she takes way too long to get ready before leaving the house, and almost refuses to leave looking a mess. her hair is always immaculate, her makeup is BEAT, and her clothes are gorgeous, and all paid for with daddy’s card lmao. other than all that though, she doesn’t really fit the “rich girl” stereotype in that she doesn’t act like a snob to just anyone, yk? she’s really open to meeting new people, and she’s a fiercely loyal friend to people she loves, as well as a HOPELESS ROMANTIC [ she’s a taurus, after all ] with her bfs/gfs. she’s also MAD cuddly with anyone, like, she doesn’t give a fuck, she communicates v well with physicality and touch!! if you got any questions ab her, don’t hesitate to lmk!!
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jksmoongf · 6 years ago
Kissing Fire [pt. 8]
Pairing: Jungkook x reader x girlfriend (oc) Genre: cheater!AU, angst, smut Wordcount: 8.1k Warning: smut, lies, heartbreak and more lies and maybe fluff if you squint
Summary: It always feels like there is only one person in the world to love. And then you find somebody else.
a/n: I don’t condone cheating on your s.o., so please don’t read if you have a problem with this! (also I’m not saying this is something Jungkook would actually do!) Warning chapter 8: none ??? (it’s an angsty mess, profanities if you squint)
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Breathing heavily Jimin’s eyes darted to the youngest member in the mirrored wall of the dance studio; every time he looked at him the betrayal he felt made him sick to his stomach. How could he have been so wrong about Jungkook? He had always treated him like his own flesh and blood; he had been there for him when he needed a shoulder to cry on but now his face was barely recognizable; almost like his eyes were trying to blur out the pain that was omnipresent in his heart every time he looked at his little brother.  He felt exhausted, unable to focus on anything, his dance moves were mechanical like his limbs automatically just repeated the moves from memory. He desperately needed sleep but every time he closed his eyes, his brain started to go into overdrive, not allowing him to rest until he passed out from exhaustion - only to relive the moment he had found out over and over again. It had been two days and his patience was wearing thin, running on three hours of sleep.  “That’s it for today.” Sungdeuk clapped his hands and turned the stereo off. “All of you should keep practicing!” He addressed the group but his eyes were focused on Jimin, wanting to spare him from the exposure in front of the others when agony was painted all over his face but at this point, he didn’t care. He had no energy left to apologize for his lack of commitment in the past few days.  The other members sat down on the floor and chairs, trying to calm down from going over the choreography over and over again. Jimin’s legs felt wobbly as he made his way over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water, hoping that the cold liquid would refresh his senses and pull him out of this slump. The thought of drinking his sorrows away once he got home creeping up on him yet again, in hopes of passing out and finally getting the rest his body was longing for. 
“Jimin-ah, get me one too please.” Jin groaned, lying down flat on his back; arms and legs stretched out in all directions like a starfish. His heartfelt heavy like a ton of bricks, weighing down his entire body as he sluggishly made his way over to his hyung - it felt like he was just robotically dragging his legs from place to place. After handing the oldest his water; he walked back to one of the chairs, desperately needing to give his legs a break when his eyes caught a glimpse of Jungkook’s phone; he was tapping on a picture he had just been sent. Sharply Jimin sucked in a breath through his teeth, anger igniting in his chest, adrenaline pumping through his veins. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Jungkook and y/n were secretly hooking up; she still had the audacity to send him lewd pictures. Immediately recognizing the slowly fading bruises on her bare ass from the video he so desperately tried to erase from his memory. From the little wiggle of his ears, Jimin knew the youngest was smiling as he zoomed in and out of the picture to take in every inch of her naked body. “Jungkookie, why are you smiling? Let me see.” Taehyung scooted over to the younger one, trying to get a glimpse of the screen but Jungkook quickly locked it, shoving the phone into his pocket.  “Oh nothing, it was just a meme Yugyeom posted into the group chat.” A loud thump echoed from the studio walls when Jimin’s water bottle hit the ground; he spun around storming out of the room; anger and hurt giving him enough energy to make his way to the break room at the end of the hallway. The door handle loudly crashed against the wall, making Ha-na look up from her laptop. “What the-“ “I can’t take it anymore.” Jimin’s voice was shaking as he pushed his hair from his forehead while pacing up and down between the small tables and chairs. “I changed my mind, I want us to talk to Jungkook.” Ha-na’s pupils were blown wide as she hastily closed her laptop, work not being her main priority anymore. “Why now? What made you change your mind?” “Because I just saw that y/n sends him nudes and I can’t stand it. It makes me so angry that they think they can get away with it.” His hands balled into fists; his whole body shaking in anger from the shameless display of treacherous behavior he had just witnessed. “Do you want to do it now? Because I’m so ready!” Ha-na got up, locking eyes with the boy across the table, he slowly nodded his head. “Phone.” She demanded, holding out her hand. “What are you doing?” He asked, handing her his phone with no hesitation. “Shooting a text to the little traitor letting him know we need to talk.” Fingers trembling with the excitement of the imminent confrontation as she typed out the message. [Jungkookie - 4:34pm] We need to talk! Right now! “Do you think he’ll come?” He wondered, his eyes glued to the chat on his phone when the three dots in the small speech bubble made him screech. “And if he doesn’t I’ll drag his ass here myself.” She scoffed, watching as the little dots disappeared again. * Jungkook was hiding in the bathroom, after reading his older brothers texts over and over, a bad feeling started to spread in his chest. Those weren’t the casual texts they would send each other; this sounded troublesome and it scared him shitless. Perspiration gathering on his forehead, hands feeling clammy as he tried to wipe them on his sweatpants. His phone vibrated in his hand, an instant smile tugging on his lips when he saw her name, even now that he was scared of what Jimin wanted to talk about; nothing could outweigh the happiness he felt when he saw her name flash across the display. [y/n - 4:51pm] Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I had to sneak to the kitchen to text you back. Do you know what he wants? [Jungkook - 4:51pm] It’s okay, baby. No, I don’t //: do you think he knows? [y/n - 4:52 pm] I hope not. There’s no way he knows! We have been careful. Let me know how it went, okay? I love you, Kookie <3 Don’t worry, everything will be okay! 
[Jungkook - 4:53 pm] I will! I love you too baby For a brief moment he buried his face in his hands before leaving the bathroom; almost running into Yoongi who was walking to his studio. “Yah Jungkook-ah, watch where you’re going.” He playfully scolded him; forcing a nervous chuckle from the younger boy as he bowed repeatedly. “I’m sorry, hyung!” Jungkook watched the dark-haired boy turn around the corner; if Yoongi wasn’t mad at him that probably meant that Jimin was just messing with him. If he really screwed up, then all of his older brothers would know but his heart was still hammering against his ribcage as he opened to door to the break room where Jimin had told him to come. He was startled in his movements, when he saw Ha-na leaning against a table, her eyes now piercing his skull as he stood in the doorway. Jimin was pacing up and down the room, nervously fiddling with his phone. “Close the door!” Ha-na commanded before pointing to a chair that looked like they had put it there just for him. His obedient side kicked in and he did as he was told, slowly walking to take his seat; brain too numb to even realize what was going on. Nervousness was taking over his entire body, he could feel the sweat gathering in his hairline again, slowly streaming down the sides of his face. Ha-na’s gaze lingered on the boy who looked so tiny in his big sweater, his dark doe eyes wide and filled with questions and confusion. She despised the innocent look on his face with his mouth open in a slight o-shape; was he just trying to fool them into believing he didn’t do anything wrong, that he didn’t cheat on his girlfriend for months and months without feeling an ounce of guilt? “Do you want me to do it?” She asked Jimin, who had finally taken his position next to her, he simply nodded, his hands were shaking so he shoved them into the pockets of his jeans. “Fine, I’ll go ahead then."
Jungkook gulped down the big lump that was threatening to close up his throat. They looked so big and intimidating towering over him like hawks ready to attack their prey. A bead of sweat dripped down the back of his neck and followed the curve of his spine as his fingers dug into the soft material of his sweater. Ha-na cleared her throat, momentarily closing her eyes while taking a deep breath. “We know what you’re doing with y/n.” Jungkook’s body froze, his brain was petrified from fear while his heart was beating so fast he was sure he was gonna have an aneurysm in a matter of seconds. “What?” He croaked, mouth as dry as the desert. He was mortified, hoping that he just didn’t understand her right.  “You heard me!” He shook his head, eyes wide in panic as he tried to come up with a lie, anything that would get him out of this situation. “We’re not…” He began but Ha-na interrupted him right away. “Oh fuck me. Stop lying! Jimin…” She pointed to his brother, who had been quiet, just staring at his feet with a pained expression painted on his face. “And I have seen it! I saw you making out with her in the kitchen and Jimin saw your little video.” “No no no..” He mumbled to himself, hands flying to cover his ears from hearing any more of his secret from her lips. His pupils were moving unusually fast as he tried to get a grip of what was happening; the scenario he had feared the most was threatening to make his heart stop. “You got it wrong…we are not..” “Cut the bullshit!” Ha-na snapped. “You’re hooking up with her, stop denying it.” Jungkook sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth, trying to stop it from trembling. This was all too much; he wanted to run away and hide somewhere where they wouldn’t find him. When his fight or flight senses kicked in and he jumped to his feet, ready to make a break for the door and run to find the only arms that would give him the comfort that he needed. “Sit down! You’re not going anywhere!” Jimin’s voice was sharp, cutting through him like a knife, his body responding involuntarily obliging the older one’s words. Ha-na pulled out a chair, sitting directly across from him. She tried to look him in the eyes but he just stared at his hands, his right leg bopping up and down quickly. His bangs were sticking to his forehead; she knew he was scared and some small part of her felt bad for the young boy sitting across from her but he had to learn that his actions had consequences. Jimin shifted in his spot; the silence was almost too much to bear, making him even more nervous than he already was - maybe this was the moment that would change the whole dynamic of the group. Jungkook definitely wasn’t the 16-year-old innocent boy anymore that needed to be babied; maybe they all had been too lenient with him. Their utmost admiration for him painting a false picture of the boy in front of him. “Jungkook…” Ha-na began, her voice sounded like it was very far away. His ears were deafening from the pressure in his head while his thoughts were just a jumbled mess, fighting to get the upper hand as he looked for a way to deflect the situation. “Hey…” His older brother nudged him with his foot, snapping him out of his trance. “You know what you two are doing is wrong, right?” She tried a simple approach, seeing as Jungkook was still in panic mode, looking like a deer that was about to get hit by a car at full speed. He nodded, his fingers picking at the fuzz on his cheek as his sleeve slipped down his arm a little, revealing the black leather bracelet Jimin had talked about the other night which she now saw for the first time. “Then why are you doing it?” His voice cracked as he attempted to speak. “I-I-…we…” “Are you just sleeping with her or what?” He shook his head. “No, I love her and she loves me…” Ha-na’s mouth fell open at the sudden confession; although she had been aware that it must have been more than the occasional sex, the actual words twisted her stomach into knots. “What? Since when?” “Ever since I saw her for the first time.” “You have been in love with y/n for like five years?” Jimin asked in disbelief; everything he thought he knew had been wrong, remembering the only time y/n had visited the dorms a few months before their debut in 2013. “No, when Taehyung brought her over after she moved here…” His voice was so small and fragile, on the verge of breaking at any given second. “We locked eyes and I just-…I didn’t know what it was but I just felt something and then I heard this beeping and I just knew she was my soulmate…”
“Don’t give me that anime soulmate crap! You cannot know someone is your soulmate because you heard a noise.” Ha-na groaned. “That’s not how it works, especially when it was probably just the fucking microwave. That’s not a sign from the universe to cheat on your girlfriend, Kook!” Jungkook swallowed hard, not knowing how he should explain himself or his feelings - they would never understand that he just knew she was the one. That looking into her eyes, made him feel something he had never felt before. “I know and I did try to fight it and not act on it but it got harder and harder every day because she started coming over a lot.” “You never really spoke to her that much, I know that because she asked Tae if you didn’t like her.” Ha-na’s index finger was tapping her chin as she combed back through her memories. “What did he say? Did he suspect anything?” Ha-na shook her head looking at Jimin. “He reassured her that Jungkook would just need time to warm up to her. Tae still has no idea what they are doing behind his - all of our backs.” “It’ll break his heart when he finds out…” Jimin trailed off but so did Jungkook’s thoughts. Y/n had been worried that he did not like her all those months ago? He knew now that she had sensed the same spark he felt when their eyes met but his conscience had tried so hard not to cave in; he had been strong for a while but eventually he gave in to temptation. Maybe he had been too busy fighting a war with his inner demons to notice that she had liked him too until that one night that set everything in motion... He had snatched his favorite spot on the big sofa, between Jin and Hoseok, where he could steal glances at her without anyone noticing. He would never be able to understand how anyone could look so effortlessly beautiful in just leggings and a t-shirt but she did and it made it hard for him to take his eyes off her but whenever she moved her head he looked away; afraid she would be able to see in eyes how he felt. “I’m going to make us more popcorn.” Her voice was so sweet; all he wanted was to listen to her forever. “Can you bring some jellies too?” Taehyung mumbled while handing her the empty popcorn bowl. “Sure.” She ruffled his hair, making his stomach churn - Taehyung posed no threat, he was in love with Ha-na but Jungkook would have given everything he owned for her to show him the same affection she showed her best friend. Watching her walk to the kitchen; he finally focused on the movie but he had no idea what happened when he had paid no attention to it for the last fifteen minutes. “Why’s he doing that?” He leaned over to Jin, hoping his eldest brother would fill in the gaps of the plot he was missing. “He is just looking for clues to find out what’s happening to his daughter.” Jin didn’t even look at him, eyes quickly scanning the subtitles on the tv to not miss a thing. Jungkook pursed his lips, sinking back into the cushions with a groan. He could feel himself getting bored; it was torture to know she was here but he wasn’t able to look at her when all he was allowed to do was stare at her face for the remainder of his days.  “What’s taking y/n so long?” Taehyung sat up, peeking over the couch towards the kitchen. “I’ll go check, I wanted to get some water anyway.” He jumped at the opportunity to be in the same room with her, although he never managed to muster up the courage to actually speak to her when they were alone. Too scared that his heart might betray him and force him to just confess that she was all he could think about. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen, Jungkook couldn’t help but smile; she was on her tiptoes trying to reach the bag of Tae’s favorite jelly candy on the top shelf of the cupboard while the popcorn maker was heating up. His eyes darted to the small exposed part of her back where her shirt had ridden up from stretching her arm making his tongue run along the inside of his cheek. Her skin looked so soft, the urge to just run his hands over it stirred up in his chest. Sucking in his breath as a tingling feeling shot down his core, making his dick twitch excitedly in the confinements of his sweatpants. “Do you need help, noona?” He asked, trying to sound casual as he walked up behind her. “Oh, Kookie! Yes, please. I can’t reach the candy.” She didn’t back away when he leaned closer to grab the plastic bag.  Still, on her toes, he felt his semi-hard dick press against her butt. He wanted to curse himself; now she would think he was a pervert shamelessly pressing his member against her. Preparing himself mentally for her to turn around and slap him, he closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable blow that never came. She didn’t move, she was holding still - her perfume clouding his senses; making him feel light-headed. He wasn’t sure if he imagined it or if she actually leaned back against him, her body so close to his that he didn’t dare to move even an inch. Yet a little voice was screaming in his head to just rub up against her, getting the friction he wanted so badly.
“Jungkook-ah the jellies.” She sounded flustered as her hands held on tightly to the shelf, turning her knuckles white from the pressure. “Oh yes, sorry.” He shakily exhaled, his fingers fished the small bag off the shelf when she turned around, still trapped between his body and cupboard. Both of their cheeks tinted in a pinkish hue, his eyes followed hers as they rested on the prominent bulge in his sweatpants. The uncomfortable silence drowned everything out as he watched her lick her lips, eyes still fixated on his crotch when suddenly the loud plopping of the popcorn maker made them move away from each other. He didn’t know what to say to her or if he should say anything at all; embarrassment flooding his mind that he wasn’t able to control himself. “I’ll go give Taehyung his jellies.” “Jungkook, hey.” Jimin waved his hand in front of his face. “Are you even listening?” Startled by the sudden movements of his brother, he flinched. “Sorry…” “When did it all start?” His older brother repeated the question, but he had a difficult time focusing, every memory in his head started to blur and fade away as he tried to remember anything that had happened. He didn’t want to tell them what he did with y/n or when. Guilt and shame crashing down on him for committing the ultimate betrayal towards the girl that loved him with her whole heart and that he had stopped loving months ago. “I-…when we had our last concert.” “What? When? I was there, I didn’t see anything.” Jimin wrecked his brain but the memory of that night was hazy; blaming the amount alcohol he had consumed that night. “Nobody saw…it was just me and her…” “When? At the Arena? We were all there…” Jungkook took a deep breath, closing his eyes to prepare himself. He didn't want them to know but he knew they wouldn’t stop prodding him with questions until they got answers from him. “It was when we went to that restaurant to celebrate..” He trailed off, clutching the hem of his sweatshirt tightly between his fingers. “Where? When I got there you were nowhere to be found…” Ha-na’s mouth fell open when the realization set in that the two of them must have wandered off somewhere to be alone.  “It’s a long story...”  “By all means go ahead, we have all the time in the world.” The girl crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back in the chair.  Jungkook was tired but the high of performing was still fueling his body. It had been their last show of the tour in Seoul and he had exhausted himself; wanting to give the fans a night they would never forget. Y/n was sitting next to him at the table in the restaurant the staff had rented to celebrate the end of a successful tour, but she was not paying much attention to him to his dismay. She kept talking to Taehyung who sat across from her; telling him how amazing he had been on stage. Jungkook felt jealousy gnawing at his heart, a part of him had put even more effort into every single dance move, into every single note he sang to impress her but she didn’t acknowledge it. Her eyes only set on her best friend, showering him in praise and compliments. What would he have to do to get her attention - to get just one compliment? “Are you not going to drink?” Taehyung asked as the restaurant staff was serving beers and other various alcoholic drinks. “No, I have that job interview for that restaurant tomorrow. I can’t fuck it up, my brother is getting mad that I still don’t have a job.” At that moment he decided he wasn’t going to drink either, although he really wanted to as a reward for finishing the tour healthily and successfully but he also wanted to remember every moment he spent with her. Although the prospect of alcohol lending him some confidence was enticing, he just couldn’t risk making a wrong move. Ever since the incident in the kitchen three weeks ago, he had noticed small changes in her behavior. He had been so scared to even look at her in the beginning, scared that she would think he was disgusting but things had been different. One afternoon, she had watched them practice and he could have sworn that her eyes had been glued to him - eating him up, she had watched his every move - clapping loudly after he finished practicing his solo stage. Every time she walked past him, she would find a way to slightly brush against him, whether it was their arms or their hands touching. He was craving her attention and each day that passed without getting any felt like a day not worth remembering; but just one smile from her could turn his whole day upside down, setting the abundance of butterflies in motion in his stomach. “Hey, can you pass the Kimchi?” Namjoon muttered while stuffing some meat into his mouth. In unison, they both moved their hands to the small bowl to hand it to the leader; her soft fingers brushed against his, making them both pull away hastily, almost knocking over their glasses. Jungkook felt his ears getting hot as he let out a nervous chuckle, her eyes glued to her plate to avoid looking at him or anyone for that matter. “What’s with you two?” Taehyung grabbed the bowl, handing it over to the other side of the table. “Nothing.” He mumbled, and honestly, there was nothing - nothing worth mentioning that he could add to the list in his mind of all the small touches and smiles. A part of him was still unsure whether he was just wanting to believe that all those things were happening on purpose or if he just wanted it so badly that his mind tricked him into believing they were real. But there was no denying that there was something between them that was like an ominous cloud hovering above their heads ever since that one night. Maybe he was imagining it, but whenever they were close to each other, there was an electricity in the air that no one else could sense.  
Everyone was laughing and chatting loudly, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere in the room, telling tour stories and already throwing around ideas for the next one, wanting to make it even bigger and better. From the corner of his eyes, he watched her put the chopsticks down and reach for her cola lifting it to her lips; he loved her lips, they always looked so smooth and plump - perfect to steal a kiss or two. “You were really good tonight.” She said quietly, turning her head ever so slightly in his direction. His heartbeat started to pick up; if he was a puppy he would be wagging his tail like crazy at her words. “You think? Thank you.” He beamed, bowing his head a little, warmth spreading through his body as he finally was rewarded with the compliment he had longed to hear. “Yes, you know how to move your body really well.” Letting out a staggered breath, he didn’t know how to answer. Was she just complimenting his dancing or was there a hidden meaning behind her words? Adjusting her body to face him a little more; Jungkook bit down on his tongue. The mounds of her breasts peeking out of the white skintight dress, evoking the urge in him to just bury his face between them. He shook his head and cleared his throat. “Thank you, I just enjoy dancing a lot.” “Hmm, I can tell.” Her finger traced the rim of her glass as she pressed her thigh against his, mentally adding this small gesture to his list. It had been an hour of him watching her across the room after the members had decided to thank the staff for their hard work and making dreams come true over the past weeks and months. Everyone was deep in conversation, downing alcohol and laughing loudly when he spotted her putting on her denim jacket. Without thinking, he quickly made his way over to her; he couldn’t let her leave just yet, it was too early - he had not spent enough time with her. “You’re not leaving, are you?” He inquired, setting down his glass on the table. “Oh no, I just wanted to get some fresh air.” “I’ll go with you.” He grabbed his jacket and followed her outside, no one noticing that they were leaving. “Do you want to walk for a bit?” He nodded, walking closely behind her as she stretched her arms out. “I love being outside this late, it’s so quiet and peaceful but it such a shame that you can’t see the stars in Seoul.” “I know, but it was the same back home…not that I remember it that much.” She turned around under a streetlight, eyeing him carefully; giving him the time to admire her features, how the smile that was playing on her lips reached her eyes first and how she so effortlessly brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Don’t you miss being with your family?” “I do but I also have a family here which makes it a lot easier but I got really homesick in the beginning.” She nodded, finally letting him catch up with her. “I noticed that all of you are really close and I’m so glad you’re taking care of each other and I’m so thankful that you’re looking after Taehyung for me.” He hummed in agreement. “Yeah, it’s great. They’re all really like brothers to me.” For a split second the backs of their hands brushed against each other. “I’m sure Tae is happy that you’re here, it’s like a piece from home, you know?” She chuckled, taking a few steps to get ahead of him again, then turning around, walking backward to look at him. “Did you hear him say it? Because he said that to me the other day.” Huffing under his breath, he tilted his head a little. “No, it’s just how I feel when I’m around y-“ His last words were drowned out by two guys yelling at them to stop from across the street, making y/n direct her attention to them as they crossed the road; both reeking of booze and smoke when they were getting closer. “What are you doing out here by yourself?” The shorter one slurred, clearly intoxicated judging by the almost empty Soju bottle in his hand. “I’m not by myself.” Both of the men eyed him from head to toe before bursting into laughter. “You’re with that big baby?” She didn’t respond, shying away from them to get some space between them. “Come get a drink with us! We’ll show you a good time.” The taller one, whose hair was styled similarly to Jimin’s, wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Jealousy pumping through his veins as the two men tried forcing her to walk with them. “No, thank you.” Crudely she pushed his arm away, ducking her head to get away from them. “Oh, so you’d rather be with the softy over there?” He sneered, shooting Jungkook a withering look that got his blood boiling. Sure, he maybe he didn’t look that manly in his big grey sweater but he could pack a punch or two if he had to. “Come on, we would be willing to share you!” The sly grin on the guy's face made something snap inside him; he grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to him. “Back off, she’s with me.” Waiting for one of them to make a snide remark or to come at him; he eyed their every move.  “Hyung, is the little mommy’s boy trying to fight us?”  Jungkook’s free hand was balled into a fist, his nails digging into the palm of his hand.  “Ah, some sluts are just not worth it. Let’s go!” They turned to leave, snickering disparagingly.  He took a step forward while she desperately tried pulling him back but he was too strong to even notice her attempt. “Kook, no.” She whispered, her fingers tightening around his hand. 
“Say that again, I dare you!” His voice was deeper than before, no one would insult her like that when he was around. “So, you really want to fight?” The shorter one turned around, crooking an eyebrow at Jungkook. Her other hand clutched the back of his jacket as he tried to take another step. “Kook-ah, no! Please.” She whined, pulling him back with much more force than before. “Listen to your girlfriend.” A breath got caught in his throat…g-girlfriend- if only she was. Jungkook’s chest was rising and falling quickly as he watched the men leave in the opposite direction. His arm was shaking when he stretched his hand; not able to fully grasp that he had been willing to fight two drunk guys for her. Unsure if he would have been able to actually go through with it if he had to; play fighting with his brothers was different from actually hitting a stranger. When she let go of his jacket it was like he came back to his senses; he bit down on the inside of his cheek. Holding her hand felt amazing; the way their fingers laced together so perfectly seemed like a match made in heaven. A nervous feeling stretched out in his chest, sweat beginning to form underneath his bangs, his hands getting clammy - now that they were alone again she would let go of his hand soon. They watched as the men entered some bar further down the street, just to make sure they weren’t going to bother them anymore. “Thank you so much, you didn’t have to stand up for me.” She smiled up at him and it was like all the anger and jealousy that had consumed him evaporated into thin air instantly. The smile on her face disappeared, her lips were slightly agape as she stared into his eyes; Jungkook felt like he was drowning in them and he didn’t care, hoping that this moment would last forever. She didn’t let go of his hand when she got on her toes, her face getting closer every time he blinked when suddenly her soft, warm lips pressed on his. He couldn’t even close his eyes to fully enjoy the feeling of his insides dancing happily when she pulled away again. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have, I know you have a girlfr-“ She stuttered, cheeks burning red and without warning, he let go of her hand to cup her face reconnecting their lips. “You kissed her back? Are you fucking serious?” Ha-na whisper yelled when the youngest finished his recollection of their first kiss, hanging his head in shame, nodding ever so slightly. “I know it was stupid but I was so happy that she liked me that I just threw caution to the wind. It was my only chance and I couldn’t pass it up.” “You have a girlfriend, you should’ve passed it up.” “Jungkook-ah, what happened then?” Jimin asked cautiously, as he sat down on the table. “We just started sneaking off to kiss whenever she was over.” Ha-na groaned. “Why didn’t you wait until you broke up with Yina?” Jungkook nervously tapped his fingers on his knee. “I don’t know, I was scared. I liked y/n so much and it’s so hard for me to say no to her. I didn’t want to hurt Yina and I knew she would be mad if I started seeing someone else right away like I just replaced her.” “And you thought that sleeping with another girl behind her back for months and falling in love with her wouldn’t be much worse than just breaking up with her right when it happened?” He gulped down the big lump in his throat, knowing that she was right but he couldn’t explain his thought process back then; he had never been good at explaining his feelings. He never wanted to hurt anyone, always wanting please the people around him. And he thought that maybe if he waited just long enough, Yina would break up with him or it would get easier, but it never did. “Listen, love is weird and falling in love with y/n is okay but you shouldn’t have strung Yina along for as long as you have.” His older brother eyed him carefully as he began pinching the denim of his jeans in between his index finger and thumb. “I know that.” He snapped, looking at both of them with wide eyes that were burning from holding back tears. “It’s disgusting and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at you the same. You’re doing the worst thing you could possibly do to Yina and you seem perfectly fine with it. Why is that? Don’t you have one ounce of decency in your body, Jungkook? You used to love her, you owe her to be honest with her and not fuck her over like that! Do you know how humiliating it must be for her? You’re fucking another girl behind her back and now we know before her. You’re just a sad little boy who has no conscience whatsoever.” “Ha-na, calm down.” Jimin rested his hand on her shoulder but she just shrugged it off. “No! He deserves to know what a shitty person he is for cheating and lying. Don’t protect him! Don’t baby him! He made that decision all on his own. He decided it would be okay if he got his dick wet somewhere else for months!” Jungkook wanted to run away; he couldn’t stand being in this room any longer. He didn’t want to listen to them list all of his mistakes and that he was a terrible person; he knew that. He had known it ever since it all started but the longer he waited the harder it had gotten. “Don’t you ever think about how bad it must be for y/n as well? You say you love her but if you did, you wouldn’t hide her.” His heart contracted painfully in his chest, getting flashbacks from the night where she had cried so much that he wasn’t her boyfriend. Quickly he wiped away the tears that were spilling from his eyes. “Oh, now he feels bad when it’s about y/n.” Ha-na rolled her eyes. “You’re playing both of them! You have to make up your goddamn mind and man up!” “Don’t you think I’ve been trying to do that? I know, I fucked up! I’m not stupid but it’s so hard and scary.” His voice was firm in the beginning but slowly got quieter until it broke, not caring about the tears rolling down his face. “I know, I’m hurting both of them but every time I try to break up with Yina…I just can’t.” His lips were trembling when he felt Jimin’s hand on his knee trying to comfort him. “I don’t want to hurt her, I don’t want to make her cry.” He blubbered, as crystalline tears dropped onto his sweater.  “You are hurting her, even more, the longer you wait!” “I know! It’s twisted but she was my first girlfriend and ending it like that…I just can’t.” Ha-na slapped her hands on her thighs before getting up. “I don’t fucking care! If you don’t break up with her by Saturday, I’m going to tell her what you’re doing!” With his pupils blown wide, he stared at the girl in front of him, sternness painted on her face as she pushed her dark bangs from her face. “Please don’t! Ha-na, I’m begging you, don’t do that.” He hid his face in his hands, choked sobs escaping his mouth. She scoffed under her breath. “She’s already suspecting something’s up with you anyway!” “What?” Panic laced his voice when he looked up, he thought, he had been good at hiding his slowly disintegrating feelings for her. “Yes, she told me you’ve been cold and distant. Jungkook, it’s only a matter of time until she finds out anyway and for your sake, you have to be the one to tell her! Don’t make it worse than it already is! Be the boyfriend she deserves one last time and break up with her because if you don’t, I swear, I’m going to tell her! I can’t stand cheaters and I’m not going to sit back and watch you cause her more pain than you already have!” Slumping back in his chair, he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip. He knew she was right, he owed Yina that much; she had been his first for everything and he had to be the one to tell her, not Ha-na, not Jimin - it was his responsibility. There was no way around it, he would have to break her heart even if he didn’t want to. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll be here for you, Kookie! I know you can do it. I know you will do the right thing.” His older brother’s voice was soft, his hand giving his knee a light squeeze for encouragement. The clicking of Ha-na’s tongue made both boys look at her. “You have two days, Jungkook! Don’t forget! I don’t want any excuses!” The dark-haired boy nodded, wiping his face with the sleeve of his sweater. “I-I’ll do it. I promise.” “Don’t you dare do it over text! Be a man and look her in the eyes.” It felt like his trachea was tied in knots making it hard to breathe. How was he going to be a man when he felt like a puppy that had been kicked to the curb? His phone vibrated and he instantly pulled it from his pocket. “It’s y/n.” He whispered, looking at the picture of her on the display. “Are her whore of Babylon senses tingling?” “Ha-na, come on. Don’t be mean.” Jimin muttered, earning a sarcastic laugh from her. “You were the one who was upset that she sent him nudes.” Jungkook looked at Jimin, his face was contorted in a shocked grimace. “I know but I didn’t know how much he loved her then.” He gestured towards his little brother. “I don’t condone it but I think he knows he fucked up.” “Oh, shut up! She’s just as bad of a person as he is! She knew he had a girlfriend, yet she still made a move on him. They’re both disgusting liars.” Without thinking Jungkook jumped to his feet. “Don’t talk about y/n like that! I love her, she’s my whole world! You can yell at me all you want, but don’t be mean to her!” “Unbelievable! You two deserve each other.” Ha-na scrambled to get her laptop and headed for the door. “Break up with Yina!” For a little while, the two boys sat across each other without saying a word, both emptily staring at the floor. “You really love her, huh?” Jimin inquired, breaking the suffocating silence. Jungkook sighed. “Yes, I know I shouldn’t but it just happened. It is like I can’t function without her, she just understands me and always has my back.” He licked his lips, before sucking in a deep breath. “I know she’s hurting too because of me and I just want to make her happy.” “You’re not a bad person, despite what Ha-na said. We all make mistakes and this is just a really big one but it’s not too late to do the right thing.” “Please don’t tell the others, I don’t want them to hate me.” “I won’t, just do what Ha-na said, please.” Jimin got up to ruffle his hair. “It’s gonna suck but you have a good heart, Jungkook-ah. I know you have it in you to go through with it.” “I promise, I will.” He mumbled, watching as his older brother left the room and a staff member entered, making him get up immediately as his phone vibrated in his hand again. Sprinting out into the hallway when her name flashed on the screen. “Kookie.” She sounded worried when he lifted the phone to his ear. Simply hearing her voice relaxed him, for the past hour he had been so tense that it made him feel nauseous. “Hey.” He breathed, looking up and down the hallway to check if he was alone. “I don’t have much time, my break is almost over. How did it go? Is everything okay?” For a second, he considered not telling her, not wanting to worry her even more. “Jimin and Ha-na know about us.” Her gasp sent shivers down his spine. “What? How? Oh my god, no. We were so careful.” Her panicked tone made him feel even sicker than he already was; a small reminder of what he had to do. “Don’t worry, they won’t tell anyone.” A lie; she wouldn’t be able to get through her shift if he told her the truth.  * Yina readjusted her bag on her shoulder, trying to keep it from sliding down her arm as she was carrying the paper bag with the cookies down to the dance studio. She was well aware of the fact that her boyfriend didn’t like it when she showed up announced but the freshly baked cookies from the little French bakery left her no choice. Ha-na was right, this was just a rough patch in their relationship and surely, Jungkook would come around. Maybe she just had to work a little harder to show him that she cared. She passed by Yoongi’s studio, her ears picking up a muted beat through the closed door; making her feel better knowing that they were actually here and she wouldn’t have to waste those cookies on her coworkers. As she turned the corner, she instantly spotted Jungkook a little further down the hallway, he was on the phone pacing up and down. Normally, she would just walk up to him and wait for him to end the call but something inside her made her stop when he spoke in a hushed voice, hiding behind the protruding part of the wall that separated the ladies from the men's bathroom. “You really don’t have to worry!” He sounded nervous. “Everything’s okay.” She leaned against the wall, careful not to make any noise that would give away that she was there. But his next words made the blood in her veins freeze, a tight feeling spreading in her chest. “Okay, call me after work. I miss you too, baby.” Her eyes were tearing up as her free hand flew to her mouth, pressing harshly against her lips to stop the sob that was threatening to force its way out of her. Like a statue, she stood there, blinking furiously to hinder the tears from spilling; Jungkook’s warm laugh felt like a punch to her stomach, making her feel like she was about to throw up. “Stop it! Go back to work.” Until now, she had never even considered that this was the reason why it had felt like he had been slipping through her fingers, no matter how hard she tried to hold onto him. “I love you too, noona.” Jungkook, her Jungkook, was cheating on her; the boy who had won her heart by storm, the boy who was always so sweet and considerate, the one she loved with all her heart, was telling another girl that he loved her. 
Her manicured nails dug into her skin, trying to shift the pain she felt to a physical one that she could bear because her heart was breaking; feeling like that with every breath she took a part of it chipped away that could never be replaced. She had to get out, she couldn’t stand being here, she wanted to run as far away as possible until she couldn’t feel her legs anymore.  As she walked back towards Yoongi’s studio, she heard footsteps behind her. “Yina! Hey!” She stood still, closing her eyes making tears drip down her cheeks. Quickly she wiped them away; she had to be strong, she wasn’t going to break down, not now and she put on her best fake smile before turning around. Jungkook was walking towards her, shoving his phone into his pocket. “What are you doing here?” For the first time in months, he didn’t sound like he was unhappy to see her. “I just brought you cookies. I didn’t want to bother you, so I was just going to leave them by your studio door.” “That’s very sweet of you, thank you.” He smiled, showing just a hint of his bunny teeth as he leaned in closer, pressing his lips to her cheek. It took everything from her not to push him away; the lips that once made her fly had lost their wings. 
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rosalynbair · 7 years ago
Shut Me Up 
Chapter One: Deathblow Written by @darth-stetter and @rosalynbair Masterlist | AO3 link | Previous Chapter 
Words: 7.5k | Warnings: mentions of alcohol, cigarettes, sexual language, Henry and Pat are assholes, mentions of blood and a small wound  A/N: Please head the warnings as we update this fic - but we hope you enjoy chapter one!!
A warehouse was not the ideal place to hold auditions. Granted, it was a converted warehouse, but the walls still bled with rust and the scent of metal assaulted everyone’s nose. Y/N’s foot tapped against the cracked concrete floor that was stained with old oil and unknown liquids.
The building seemed to groan with age and history, each blow of the wind outside rattled the window panes and whistled through the rafters. The only other sound in the building other than the breathing of the last few people waiting to audition was the dull sound of an out of tune guitar playing through a monitor in the back room - once an office. Y/N inhaled deeply with her cracked phone in her trembling hands. She furrowed her brows, lowering the volume on her phone discreetly so the other people around her wouldn’t hear what she was watching. Even with her earphones plugged in, the chord dangling and hitting the sides of her face with each movement she made, she felt extremely self conscious that the other tryouts were watching her stalk Mind Failure.
At the moment, she watched in interest as, Danny Lane, the previous rhythm guitarist, went on a monologue about why he left the band, “They were too wild; I was there for the music but I felt like I couldn’t put in any kind of musical input. Patrick was very controlling about that.”
Danny Lane paused for a moment, allowing the reporter to ask, “Mind Failure’s members are known to have a very reckless and dangerous attitude towards life, did you ever feel that you were in danger being in the same room with them?”
The blonde hair man sighed, pushing back his locks to keep the mohawk out of his eyes. His green eyes stared at the floor as he carefully contemplated what he was going to say, his fingers were gripping the fingers of his other hand, wringing them out of nerves. When he finally did answer, he spoke slowly, almost as if he was choosing his words carefully, “I was told many times when I tried out that I didn’t know what I was getting into, I read interviews on their previous guitarists and I thought, ‘Oh these dudes are just pussies,’ but I mean, Mind Failure are who they are, and while some of the members are decent enough, others are bat shit crazy. I love music, and I love their music, but, being around them made me realize that the music wasn’t worth it if I felt that I was constantly in danger, and alienated from a tight knight group of guys.”
“What kind of things did they do that made you feel in danger?”
Danny Lane’s hair now fell over his eye, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, rubbing his chin, “I am not comfortable talking about that, but, I can say that I wouldn’t recommend anyone trying out for that band. It’s not worth it.”
The video ended at a sudden halt, cutting of the rest of the interview. The person who posted it was obviously only interested in what Danny Lane had to say about Mind Failure.
Intrigued, Y/N fell into the rabbit hole that was Mind Failure, the year’s most popular metalcore band. Prior to being asked to audition for the band, she had never heard of them - though they had won a Kerrang award the year before for best newcomers. She felt slightly terrible for it as she listened to some of their hit tracks - also the first one that showed up on a youtube search, nodding her head and tapping her moss green doc martens on the dirty carpeted floor; the sounds of their songs melding her mind into a dark reality. The angelic voice of the lead singer rang in her ears, making her feel like she was being personally serenaded; his vocals were twisted in with deep guttural growling, and the occasional high pitched squeal. The drums and bass both worked together to give the music the specific oomph necessary to make it not only sound perfectly composed, but powerful.
However, Y/N felt her body shiver when she listened to the sounds of the guitars, small goosebumps rose on her skin as her mind comprehended the technical leads and melodic rhythm guitars. She knew that this track was Patrick doing both guitar track recordings - information given from another interview she had watched. They had been between guitarists at the time, leaving the dark haired musician to gleefully take over the entire process.
This is so good, she thought, feeling excitement budding in her chest for fact that she was trying out for this band.
Still jamming to the Mind Failure’s music on Spotify, she continued to read up on the band’s history, chuckling at their obvious rock star antics, her amusement apparent when she came across a photo of the bassist, Henry Bowers, in handcuffs being pushed up against the hood of a police car, his face bloody and contorted while in mid shout, the long hair of his mullet sticking up in multiple different positions with sweat and blood. The silver blonde haired man next to him being held back by a heavier man. She assumed those two were Vic Criss, the vocalist, and Reggie “Belch” Huggins, the drummer.
Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes trailed over to the other side of the photo, opposite of him, also in handcuffs and pushed against the other side of the hood was a shaggy haired musician, his lips were pulled up into a large, gleeful snarling smile showing off his bloodied teeth, as if he was laughing at the police officers holding him. His nose was bleeding profusely, drops of the thick, red liquid falling into his mouth. His dark grey eyes were wild as he obviously rode a really exciting wave of adrenaline.
Y/N’s curiosity won her over; she immediately clicked on the link below the Google image. The link took her to a metal news website, the dark . Her eyes skimmed the article, smirking when she read about Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter facing charges for aggravated assault, battery, property damage, public intoxication, under the influence of an illegal substance, possession of an illegal substance, assault with a deadly weapon, mild sexual harassment, public nudity (Henry was pantsed by Patrick).
She read the article further, learning that the whole ordeal came to be when two men accused Henry and Patrick of flirting with their dates.
Fucking stupid reason to fight , she thought to herself, shaking her head.
Upon reading more and more articles about the band members, she learned that the photo in question wasn’t their first run in with the law, or the last. As she scrolled further and further down on the news site, she realized there was a pattern; Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter were the ones that always instigated any kind of reckless behavior.
Y/N didn’t realize how much time she had spent doing research on the band until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped in surprise, yanking her earphones out and immediately getting to her feet, her body tensing up for a fight. She eased up a little when she realized who it was that tapped her, “For fuck’s sake, Johnny, what the fuck did I tell you about touching me?”
Johnny smiled at her, the dimples in his cheeks indenting. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his black slacks, his deep brown eyes gazing at her with an amused expression, “That if I ever did it you would knock me on my ass, cut by dick off and shove it in my mouth so I can literally suck it.”
Y/N eyed him, still trying to collect her composure. Everybody knew that Y/N despised being surprised, and especially touched, and right now, Johnny was mere seconds away from getting his ass kicked. She cleared her throat, quickly glancing around the room, taking note of the other two male musicians waiting for their turn to show off their skills.  “Are they ready for me now?”
He shrugged, an aura of frustration radiating from him, “I gave them a few minutes to take a break; the guys tend to get impatient if they’re sitting still for too long.Tryouts are usually a big hassle for them.”
Y/N rolled her eyes - something she did fairly often at the slightest inconvenience “Right, because sitting and watching people play music is so tiring.”
Johnny chuckled, his lips tilting up into a slight smile despite his annoyance, catching on to her obvious sarcasm, “You try going through twenty tryouts a day every few weeks.”
“No one told them to be assholes,” Y/N retorted., leaning back in the uncomfortable chair.
Johnny’s brows raised, “I see you’ve done your research.”
“I did,” Y/N said, not bothering to hide the fact that she had spent the past three hours stalking them online “I wanted to know more about the band I’m trying out for, and so far, I am both intrigued and mildly irritated, seems like they’re in this for the rock star lifestyle.”
“A common misconception; you will be surprised to know that they love music as much as you do, they have behavioral issues,” he paused, his gaze intensifying as he held her gaze, “Just like you do.”
Y/N tilted her head, scoffing as she feigned offense. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course you don’t,” he said, his voice sarcastic on the delivery, checking his phone for the time, “I gotta head back in there; we’re taking these two others before we get to you.”
“That’s fucking bullshit, Johnny,” Y/N complained, her voice a high whine. She adjusted her weight on the chair, feeling the ache on her tailbone and back. “You’re the one that asked me to come here.”
“And you would have had your spot reserved if you had shown up on time, Y/N. But, you didn’t, therefore, your slot was taken and you got pushed to the back. Maybe you’ll take my advice seriously next time and show up to your own tryout when you’re supposed to,” Johnny said as he typed in a text into his phone, not even bothering to look up with the explanation.
“For fuck’s sake, Johnny, I had band practice,” Y/N groaned in defense, crossing her arms as and slumping forward in the chair.
His chocolate brown eyes finally looked up from his phone as he addressed her, “You had band practice with a band that you don’t even want to be in Y/N. You’re lucky these guys don’t pay attention to the roster, otherwise you wouldn’t have made it into the running for tryouts.”
Y/N looked up, brows furrowing, taking offense to his words. She was a fucking great guitarist, and in her mind, she was the best. Her elbows pressed against her knees, digging down until there was a discomfort from the pressure, her voice went dark as she asked him, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Johnny quickly caught the attention of one of the other musicians, nodding to the shaggy blonde haired boy that looked like he was fresh from the beaches of California. The musician immediately grabbed his gear as he stood up, waiting for Johnny to lead him into the room in the back, “It means nothing Y/N. Just wait a little longer. Your turn will come.”
He nodded his head to the musician, motioning for him to follow his lead. Y/N still leaned forward on the chair, only lounging back when she dug into her leather jacket for a cigarette and her silver zippo lighter. She inhaled in relief as she took the first drag of nicotine. From the corner of her eye, she could see the other musician stare at her, judging her for daring to light a cigarette in Mind Failure’s warehouse.
Not that it mattered anyways, the whole place was a fucking mess of old beer bottles, cigarette butts, baggies that held traces of cocaine and marijuana. Another cigarette butt in the sea of garbage wouldn’t make a difference.
She sighed deeply, exhaling the smoke from her lungs and out of her nose. The disgust she felt at the how the band lived on their days off was overshadowed by her interest. Their attitudes didn’t bother her, hell, even she had her fair share of felonies under her belt. If anything, it was the music that enticed her into wanting to join their band. A feeling she only started having moments ago when she researched them.
Obviously, Y/N had no prior knowledge to Mind Failure, which was a shame in and of itself because even their older EPs were amazing. So, when Johnny Ray approached her late last night at a show she was playing with her shitty ass band, she was skeptical.
“I think you should try out, you’d be perfect,” Johnny pushed, handing her a bottle of Guinness.
Y/N chugged down the beer and tossed the empty bottle into the crowd with a wince of disgust  when she was finished with it, not checking to see if it hit anyone, and high key not giving a fuck, “Look, suit, I’m not interested in trying out for your jazz, or blues band. I got my own shit to do, and I have my own band.”
“Of course, but, if we’re being honest, your band sucks. And the only reason why you get a crowd like this is because you’re hot, and slightly because of your skill. The rest of your bandmates are shitty musicians, and you have so much potential to be better,” he said, banging his hand against the bar counter to make his point, “With us, you could get there.”
“I told you, dick, I’m not interested in--”
“It’s not a fucking jazz band, and I’m not a band member; I’m the manager,” he informed, as if that would make a difference, “Besides, everyone knows that you hate playing in this band, the only reason you still do is because you need the cash. If that’s the case, you’d be making ten times more if you joined us,” he paused, brining his beer bottle to his lips, “If you even made it past tryouts.”
Y/N waved down the bartender, who immediately brought her three shots of vodka. She lined them up next to each other, taking them down one by one, not even feeling the burn of the alcohol anymore. Once she finished the last one, she slammed the small shot glass on the counter, finally meeting the manager’s stare, “How much cash we talking here?”
“Enough to get you off of your drummers bed bug infested couch,” he said, watching her with a small smirk. “And some new equipment.”
Y/N learned one simple truth as a musician, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably was. But, Y/N wasn’t known for being careful, she was known for jumping from band to band; using each experience as a stepping stone to get her where she needed to be. Where that was? Fuck if she knew. But, if these fuckers had the cash to pay her for her skill, then fuck it. What was another stepping stone but an opportunity to climb higher on the musical ladder.
“Alright, I’ll try out for your band,” she agreed, grabbing the bottle from Johnny’s hands. She took a long drink before she continued, “It better not be a fucking folk band, John, otherwise I’ll burn the fucking place down.”
He reached out to her, trying to planting a card into her leather jacket. Instinctively, she pulled back, snatching the card from his hand as she pointed her finger at him; her pointed acrylics looking more intimidating than she actually was, warning, “And don’t ever fucking try to touch me again, if you do, I’ll cut your dick off and shove it down your throat.”
Y/N began to disappear into the crowd, vaguely hearing his voice calling out to her, “I’ll put you in for 2 pm tomorrow!”
Being the idiot that she was, however, Y/N forgot about the tryouts and rushed out of band practice, only to arrive three hours late with messy hair and a sweat sheen body from the heat of the basement she had practiced in. And, like Johnny said, she was lucky to still be given a chance to tryout. Especially considering the fact that she wanted the money. She needed it.
The musician that went in for his tryouts walked out of the back room in a huff, kicking the cans on the floor and slamming the heavy door of the warehouse shut behind him, she could vaguely hear him yelling curse words as he walked further from the building. The other person in the room stared at her, the intimidation clear on his face.
The echoes from the back room could be heard down the hall as they bounced off the walls, “You can’t keep humiliating and talking down to all the tryouts, Bowers!”
“I was just fucking with him; not my fault he can’t take a fucking joke,” a man said, his voice raspy from the yell, she assumed it was Henry Bowers, as if Johnny calling him by his last name didn’t make it obvious.
She heard childish snickering coming from the room, “Oh, you think this is funny, Hockstetter? We go on tour in three fucking weeks! You need a new guitarist to--”
“I see another guitarist come into that room, I’m going to beat the shit out of them,” Henry said loudly, and she could almost picture the boy standing with his arms crossed and a sneer on his face.
The other musician in the room, seemingly intimidated by Bowers’ words, immediately grabbed his equipment and scurried off. Y/N smiled to herself, crushing her cigarette under her boot, just me now.
“We only have two more left,” Johnny said in a gentle tone, as if he was trying to comfort a band of toddlers.
“Just bring the next person in, Johnny,” a tired, softer voice said, “Henry will get over it once this is over, he just needs to dip into some pussy.”
“Fine,” Johnny spat, “But you’d better fucking sit your ass through these tryouts or so help me god I will--”
“ I will, I will ,” a mocking voice repeated, mimicking Johnny’s voice, “Shut the fuck up and bring those sorry cock suckers in here.”
A roar of laughter erupted from the room. Seconds later, Johnny appeared in the room, confused and puzzled that Y/N was the only one there. Y/N shrugged, simply explaining, “Guess your other tryout bitched out.”
Johnny rolled his eyes and motioned with his fingers for Y/N to follow him, “Just don’t take anything they say too personally- they can be pretty rough.”
“I can handle myself,” she assured, rolling her eyes.
“Seriously,” he paused, a look of terror in his eyes, he needed her now more than ever. “ Please , don’t take it personally.”
Y/N nodded, raising her brow, “I’ll be fine.”
Johnny released a loud sigh from his nose, the stress obvious when he began to rub his hands together. Y/N followed Johnny into a large open room, the walls spray painted with graffiti all around save for the large window on the other end. There was a large plush, black couch pushed against the wall, two men occupied that one, and she immediately matched the guys to their photos; Vic Criss sat on one end of the couch, scrolling through his phone with a bored expression on his face. Belch Huggins looked as if he was dozed off on the other end of the couch, his head laid on the hand rest with his cap over his face, while his feet were sprawled over the edge.
Near the large open window, Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter seemed to be having what looked like an impromptu knife fight. Henry lunged toward Patrick, who jumped out of the way, cackling maniacally, “Getting a little slow there, huh Bowers?”
“Fuck you, twig,” Henry spat.
Johnny cleared his throat, trying to get their attention, “Guys, this is Y/N.”
At the mention of her name, all eyes were now on her. Even Belch, who had been snoring a few minutes prior, was wide awake now, gaping at her like if she was a figment of their imaginations.
Vic Criss tilted his head, a small smile spreading across his lips. He quickly put his phone down and crossed his arms over his chest.
Henry and Patrick however, stared at her in shock. Henry ran his hand through his outdated mullet styled hair, “Are we starting the pussy party early, Johnny? Cause if so, I think you really should have brought more.”
“We can share her,” Patrick whispered, a devilish grin spreading across his lips. His playful figure quickly turned into a sexual gesture, as he thrust his crotch out, his long fingers running over the zipper as he licked his lips. His eyes observed her from her moss green doc martens, the black laces wrapped twice around her ankles, up to her torn skinny jeans, and then to her exposed belly area. His eyes lingered on her obvious cleavage, admiring the way her torn shirt showed just enough skin to tease his imagination, “I go first.”
“In your fucking dreams, creep,” Y/N scoffed, setting her sticker covered guitar case on the ground.
Their eyes watched the movement, and in a sudden instant, their expressions went from flirty to hostile in a matter of seconds. Patrick was the first to speak up, laughing, “Aw, she thinks she can try out for the band, Hen.”
“You can try out,” Henry started, slowly walking towards her, “If you get on your knees and suck my dick.”
Y/N laughed, loudly, throwing the men in the room off, “I’m sorry, but I only fuck with guys who are over 8 inches, and you,” she paused, checking Henry out and sighing dramatically, “You look like you’re 3 inches, tops.”
Vic and Belch snickered at the insult. Henry was livid, and Patrick stared at her darkly, his hand fidgeting with something in the pocket of his plaid red and black overshirt. Y/N turned to Johnny, “Where do I plugin?”
Johnny, who was eyeing Henry and Patrick carefully, turned to her, “We use the Line 6 half stack over here for the tryouts.”
Y/N nodded, kneeling down next to her guitar case as she casually flipped the latches open. Her guitar had seen some better days, once, before she owned it. Now, the once white Ibanez GRG had chipped paint on the edges, the fretboard was slightly warped from previous water damage. The permanent marker drawings she made on it were covered with stickers that she had given up on removing. But, she loved that guitar with all her heart; the only thing she ever really loved.
Lazily, she placed the mickey mouse strap over her shoulder, plugging in the amp cord that Johnny handed to her, and strummed the guitar to make sure it was in the proper tuning.
“You really play with that piece of shit?”
Y/N tried to bite her tongue at Henry Bower’s rude comment, instead opting to focus on her guitar, still tuning it, “This piece of shit has more balls than you and your boy put together.”
She could feel Henry’s glare on her, but she refused to acknowledge him, telling herself that if she lost her temper right now, she wouldn’t get the opportunity to earn the cash for her own musical interests.
Stepping stones , she reminded herself; trying to suppress the fact that she genuinely did enjoy the music these assholes created.
Once her guitar was properly tuned to drop d, the tuning she knew these boys played on, she strummed her guitar rhythmically, playing a small piece of a song from her other band.
She turned to face the guys all staring at her, Vic, the lead singer, leaned back on the couch, “Well, go ahead and blow us away, babe.”
Y/N’s fingers went to the slightly warped fretboard, the tips touching the strings - her nails briefly touching the other strings before she adjusted them - as the fingers on her other hand grasped her 0.5 pick, strumming the strings as she played a technical solo, her fingers bent the strings as she shredded on the frets, doing sweep movements, and finger tapping; her eyes caught a glimpse of Vic’s face, his jaw dropped open in awe and Belch nodded his head to an imaginary beat in his head, as if he was playing his drums along to her.
She continued to shred on her guitar for another minute before pausing. When she stopped, Vic and Belch stood up and gave her a standing ovation, along with Johnny Ray.
Belch was the first to speak, smiling as he walked over and high fived Y/N, “That was fucking awesome!”
Vic came up beside him, holding out his fist for a fist bump, “Hell yeah, I like her, Johnny! Better than the fucking sugar sniffers you brought in earlier - she actually knows how to play.”
Johnny, pleased with himself, smiled, “I knew you would,” his eyes trailed over to the other two men who were eyeing their bandmates with vicious disdain, “What do you guys think?”
Henry pursed his lips together, staring at Y/N up and down, “Do you even know any of our songs?”
“I’m a fast learner,” she answered, holding her guitar by the fretboard.
Henry scoffed, staring at Patrick. Though, Y/N noticed a tiny glint in his eyes, like he was impressed as well. Patrick, however, still remained stoic as he lazily waltzed over to her side. He reached out towards the rack of various guitars, picking up a black ESP Kirk Hammett signature guitar with white symbols imprinted on it. Y/N stared at the instrument with awe and envy, wishing she could afford something as beautiful as the guitar Patrick held in his hands, plugging it into the other Line 6 half stack.
It didn’t take long for him to tune his guitar, and he stared at her with dark eyes as he also began to shred in front of her. He was taller than her, staring down to her with his legs spread.
Y/N knew what this was, he was establishing his dominance; he was cementing his territory, saying with his stance, his hard stare, and the gesture of playing during her tryout, that she was never going to be a part of their band.
The hell I’m not , Y/N thought.
She immediately began to finger pick as well, keeping up with Patrick’s ever increasing speed, refusing to back down and let him win.
The air in the room was tense, she knew all eyes were on herself and Patrick, but right now, it was only she and him. Both of them fighting for their right to play in the band, neither refusing to back down. His riffs were raw, angry and powerful; communicating with her that she was not welcome.
Hers were just as heavy, pushing back, unrelenting.
Finally, Y/N shredded so heavily, so quickly, that two of her strings popped loose, flying and snapping hard against her fingers. She felt the pain in her hands as a small cut formed on her fingers, still, she played with the remaining strings, choosing to stick to soloing.
The battle wasn’t over until Patrick ended his solo with a hard riff, prompting Y/N to stop as well.
They both stood still, the silence in the room was deafening as they glared at one another. Johnny came up beside Y/N, keeping his distance, “Y/N, are you alright?”
Johnny pointed to her hand and she looked down at it as it covered her strings and guitar in blood, “Oh? This is nothing, I’ll be fine.” She shrugged, rubbing the cut fingers on her jeans.
“Like a badass,” Belch smiled, nodding his head in approval; Vic nodding along with him in agreement.
Henry’s face was blank, void of any emotion, but his eyes trailed to her open wounds, and then up to her eyes; he furrowed his brows slightly in amusement, but it was quickly replaced with indifference when he gazed upon Patrick’s dark stare.
Y/N scoffed, smirking when she met his eyes, “Is that all?”
Patrick opened his mouth as he was about to speak, when he was crudely interrupted by Vic, “For now, yes. We’ll keep in touch, but, I think you’re the one.”
“Fuck yes,” Belch agreed.
“Fuck no,” Patrick said, “There’s not a chance in hell--”
“We’re not letting a chick in the band,” Henry said, his arms crossed over his chest.
“What the fuck are you talking about? You just saw--”
“No,” Patrick interrupted as Vic was trying to make his point.
Y/N, frustrated with the bitching between the guys unplugged her guitar and gently placed it in its case while the guys continued to argue. She picked her case up from the handle, speaking loudly over the boys, “Look, mull it over or do whatever the fuck you guys gotta do, but I got shit to take care of and I am not staying here to listen to grown ass guys bitch like high school girls.”
The boys stared at her in shock, their eyes wide as she turned to speak to Johnny, “Take down my number, gimme a call when these pussies make up their minds.”
Johnny smirked in amusement at her obvious ballsy nature; he pulled out his phone, dialing her number, “Let me walk you out.”
“Later, bitches,” she casually said, flipping the boys the finger as Johnny ushered her out of the room.
When they were finally out of the warehouse, he spoke to her as he lit a cigarette, “You shouldn’t antagonize them; your chances of joining won’t be pretty now.”
“I don’t think my chances were great to begin with,” she confessed, somewhat defeated. Johnny handed her his cigarette and she graciously took it, puffing on it and exhaling a cloud of smoke in relief.
Johnny lit another cigarette for himself, his voice was slightly a mumble with the cigarette pressed between his lips, “Probably, but, I’ll see to it that you make it in. Whether they care to admit it or not, you’re the best tryout we’ve seen; and you’re not afraid of them, which means you won’t bail at the first sign of trouble.”
Y/N tilted her head, bringing the cigarette to her lips, “Just how much do you know about me?”
“Enough to know that you’re the real deal,” he said, smirking. His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he quickly took it out to read a barrage of text messages coming in. He chuckled with a slight sigh. He pushed the phone back into the pocket of his blazer, looking down at her bloody hand, “Make sure to get that looked at; if you make it in, we can’t have you taking hiatus before you’ve even had the chance to start.”
“I’ll be alright,” she assured, cockiness in her voice.
Johnny laughed in amusement, turning and entering the warehouse, “And get those strings replaced.”
Y/N flipped him off, the blood was now dry on her fingers when the door shut behind him.
She turned, slowly dragging her legs along the hard concrete ground. Nighttime was setting in, and she could have called a cab, but her funds were running low and in all honesty, she preferred to feel the night air on her skin. It was going to be a long walk, but she needed it if she was going to ponder the possibility of being in Mind Failure.
Patrick and Henry were adamant that she was never going to be in the band, but, she had Vic, Belch and Johnny on her side; which had to count for something… right?
It had been two and a half weeks. Two and a half fucking weeks and not once did she hear a peep from Johnny, or any kind of status updates on Mind Failure’s website on the new rhythm guitarist. She checked the sight hourly, waiting to see if it would change, but it still read in big red letters, “Tryouts Open.”
She groaned in frustration for the fifth time that day, vaguely paying attention to the members in her band going on about how they wanted to change the sound of the band, for the third fucking time.
Y/N stood in the background, scrolling through her phone; band practice today was held at Evan’s garage, or more specifically, his parent’s house.
“Yo, who the fuck is that?” Evan asked, pointing to someone outside.
Y/N turned to see Johnny Ray leaning against a black Ferrari.
“Oh shit, yo, I think that’s Johnny Ray, the manager of that fucking band--Mind Failure,” Sam said, snapping his fingers, and jumping up in excitement, “Fuck, maybe he’s here to sign us!”
The guys started yapping away about the possible idea of being signed. Y/N lazily unplugged her guitar, pushing the instrument behind her back as she walked out of the garage and towards Johnny.
“You here to check out my shitty band?”
Johnny laughed, removing his sunglasses, “I’ve had enough of that piece of crap band of yours; and I’m sure you have too,” he turned, opening the door to his expensive car, “Grab your shit, let’s go.”
“Do you want to be in Mind Failure or not?”
Y/N turned suddenly, meeting the stares of her ex bandmates and flipping them off as she shouted, “Hey guys, fuck you! I quit!”
She quickly ran to the other side of the car, jumping in and trying her best not to jump in anticipation as Johnny explained to her how her life was going to change, “Right now, I’m taking you to Empire Records to sign a temporary contract.”
“Temporary Contract?”
“So, the way we work this out is we have you sign a minor touring contract; this is only because these guys go through musicians fast, once you have stayed for a full year, then you will sign a permanent contract similar to what the rest of the band members signed,” he said, looking at his phone as he drove, typing a quick text message.
Y/N nodded, “And what are the terms of this contract?”
“You’ll see when we get to the office, I have my lawyer on call to review it for you in case you don’t understand it or want to change something, and I’ll be there as well,” he smiled, eyeing her sideways.
“And the guys?”
“They’re prepping for touring; we leave in a week, so we need to get this underway as soon as possible. If you agree to the contract, I’ll need you to pack essentials to bring on tour with you, as well as your equipment,” he said, turning into a large parking garage.
He hurriedly opened the door, his legs rushing towards the elevator in the parking garage, prompting Y/N to hastily shove her guitar onto the passenger seat. She felt her body begin to tremble with anticipation; she couldn’t believe this was actually happening to her.
She followed Johnny into the large office on the 25th floor, Johnny leaned over the counter of the receptionist’s desk, “Hey Joan, how’s my favorite lady today?”
Joan stared at Johnny with a hard look, the older lady in her mid forties obviously not having Johnny’s flirtatious advances, “You’re late to your appointment, Mr. Ray.”
“Is he pissed?”
Joan smirked, “Fuming.”
Johnny shrugged, walking towards the wide, large doors on his left. Without knocking, he pushed to doors open, strutting inside like he owned the place, “Alright, sorry I’m late, but I was caught in traffic.”
Tristan Roberts, who was sitting behind his desk, leaned forward on his desk, “Traffic? It’s fucking 10 AM,” his hard stare fell on Y/N; he took in her appearance, smirking as he stared at her standing there in her signature green Docs, black jeans rolled up to cuff above her boots. Her fishnets she wore under the jeans rested above the waistband, clinging to her skin, the old standard round neck t-shirt that rested at her hips, eyeing the obvious tattoos on her skin, “Nice, I see why you were adamant about his one Johnny; record sales will skyrocket if someone as good looking as her is in that band.”
“I recruited her for her skills, Tristan,” Johnny said with irritation in his voice, “Now, let’s get this shit started.”
Johnny motioned for Y/N to sit beside him as he dialed the band’s trusted lawyer while Tristan handed Y/N a copy of the contract. She looked over it, listening to Johnny’s lawyer explain to her the legality of it all, “Now, here’s the thing, since you are going to be signing a temporary contract, the only revenue you will make is from playing shows. You will not receive any pay from streaming sites, royalties or record sales until a full contract is signed; this is just so we guarantee that you stay in the band, once that has been established, we will make a permanent contract and you will receive the same amount of pay as the rest of the members, including participating in the making of their future albums.”
Y/N nodded, knitting her eyebrows at the legal jargon on the paper. Tristan and Johnny stared at her when she looked up from the paper, “So,” Johnny said, handing her a pen, “What’s it going to be?”
The tour bus was thick with the scent of cigarettes and cheap beer, Johnny hoped the guys weren’t up partying in the fucking bus again, but once he gazed at the sight in front of him he slowly felt himself die inside; Vic was sprawled over the small couch, Belch was retching in the restroom, Henry laid naked next two blonde women and Patrick was nowhere to be found.
Angrily, he grabbed the air horn he kept hidden in the driver’s seat of the bus and obnoxiously squeezed it; the boys automatically jumped up in surprise, yelling in shock “What the fuck, Johnny?!”
“You guys leave for touring today, get your shit together,” he chastised, his patience wearing thin as he tried not to yell, tossing the blonde woman her skimpy clothing, “Where the fuck is Hockstetter?”
“Fuck if I know,” Henry answered, recording the whole ordeal on his phone; which was going to end up on his instagram account, “Ask mom over there.”
Johnny turned to Vic who shrugged, rubbing his face as he stretched, “You know Hockstetter, he wanders off doing god knows what and doesn’t show up until it’s time to leave, he’ll be here.”
Belch slammed the door of the restroom shut behind him, rubbing his forehead with his sleeveless flannel shirt, “Coffee, aspirin.”
“The coffee is on it’s way,” he said, “Aspirin is in the cupboard right there; you guys really should reevaluate your partying, I don’t think this mess is going to make a good impression on Y/N.”
Henry rolled his eyes, sitting up on the floor, still naked, “I think it will; she’ll see that I’m not a weak three inches and soon enough, she’ll be on her knees begging me to fuck her.”
He laughed at his own joke, amused with his humor. Vic rolled his eyes, tossing Henry his faded jeans, “She’s out of your league, Hen.”
As if it couldn’t get worse, the door suddenly opened and Y/N furrowed her brows at the mess inside the tour bus. She smirked slightly when she saw Henry’s back as he pulled his pants up, catching a glimpse of his ass, “I can’t say much about your dick, but you do have a cute ass.”
Henry turned beet red while the guys all laughed, he marched off towards the restroom in a huff, slamming the door shut behind him.
“Sorry for the mess,” Vic apologized, a sheepish half smile on his lips, his fingers carding through his hair.
“The only thing you need to be sorry for is not fucking inviting me,” Y/N said, pushing the guitar on her strap behind her.
Belch and Vic smiled, already liking the new member of the band. Johnny rolled his eyes, glancing over at Y/N, “Did you bring your equipment?”
“Yeah, your roadies are hauling my stack into the trailer,” she said, kicking the beer cans aside as she sat near Vic, photobombing his selfie with a kiss to his cheek. Vic didn’t seem to mind, as he moved his arm further to catch both of them in it.
“Belch get in here,” Vic called.
Belch jumped on the their laps, prompting groans of pain from Y/N and Vic.
“Vic, show Y/N to her bunk, I have to get back to the office; but remember, try to be on your best behavior- ugh I don’t even know why I bother,” he said, mostly to himself as Belch began to play with Vic’s nipple guard through his mesh shirt, “Make sure Hockstetter is on this bus before it leaves.”
Johnny promptly exited the bus, leaving Y/N alone with the boys for the first time.
Vic and Belch weren’t bad however, they both immediately started complimenting her on her playing, “Your riffs were sick; even Bowers was blown away, though, he didn’t want to admit it.”
Vic got to his feet and motioned for Y/N to follow him to the back of the bus, “The bunks are back here; Henry, Belch and I have the bottom ones, Pat has the top one and that leaves you with the other top one.”
He pointed to the only empty bunk in the crowded room, “It tends to get hot up there, so be careful. Also, there’s an empty drawer over there for your clothes. Make yourself comfortable, breakfast is being brought to us.”
“Thank you,” she said, shooting Vic her most sweetest smile, making the blonde haired guy blush slightly.
Y/N took a moment to glance around the dark bunk room, admiring how each bunk was easily identifiable to whom it belonged to. Vic’s was neat, with fluffy pillows and what looked to be like a soft, feather blanket. Belch’s was slightly ruffled, a pair of drumsticks tossed on it. Henry’s bunk was- surprisingly- somewhat neat, save for the numerous amounts of shirts piled on it. Patrick’s, however, was the filthiest of all. The blankets were on a heap on his bed, the thin mattress peeking out below the blanket; there was no pillow at all and a guitar lay on top of it, with small pieces of paper stuffed into the walls along with a half smoked joint and a pack of Camel Bolds.
She tilted her head, setting her own guitar on the bed. She began to unpack her clothes, fitting them and her accessories into the one drawer. She pulled out her small clip on fan, grateful that she even decided to bring it in the first place.
As she turned to head back towards the “dining” area of the bus, she bumped into the tall, lanky, shaggy haired guy that was Patrick. He wore tight black skinny jeans that were torn at the knees, the cuffs pushed into large, black combat boots. The blue and black flannel overshirt he wore barely covered the dried bloodstains on his white undershirt, his knuckles were cut open as if he was fighting.
He didn’t say a word, he just stood there, staring at her as he smoked his cigarette. Frustrated with the awkward silence, she asked,  “You gonna say something or just stand there and stare?”
Patrick’s stare was still blank, until he finally pushed beside her and climbed into his bunk, his eyes still on her while he exhaled a large cloud of smoke as his hands began to play his guitar.
Y/N scoffed, knowing full well that he was still trying to intimidate her. Just to spite him, she stayed in the room, climbing into her bunk and enjoying the cool breeze of the mini clip on fan, smirking at Patrick’s sweaty face. The heat didn’t seem to bother him, as he was unaware of it, still staring at her.
Belch’s voice cut the silence in the air, “Yo, Pat, Y/N; breakfast is here!”
Y/N continued to stare back at Patrick, finally breaking her gaze as her stomach rumbled, betraying her.
She jumped off of her bunk, heading towards the delicious smell of pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee in the air; she could still feel Patrick’s eyes on her as she left however, somehow, she knew that the only reason she was here was because of Johnny, Vic, Belch and maybe even Henry.
This was something that Patrick obviously objected to, and he wasn’t going to make her time with Mind Failure easy, she somehow also guessed that he would do anything in his power to make her quit. But, he had another thing coming if he thought he could get rid of her that easily.
Tag List: @owentteague @pattycake-hockstetter @purplezebra68 @livelikewonderland @nurserykryme @gizmo-the-gay @thicctor-victor @slyprides-blog @ashisthresh @toungepopperr @i-am-mcbroken @caddywhompered 
178 notes · View notes
elfmeme · 7 years ago
Khonjin House Starters
*WARNING: Some starters have sensitive topics
"I think it's time to order a pep-pep-pep-pep-PEPerroni pizza!"
"GODDAMMIT. Alright let's try this again."
"I can't use my fucking dick anymore because of you."
"I want you dead, you little prick. DEAD. You hear me?!"
"Well, if I'm going I'm taking my spaghetti with me."
"It's in the coooontraaaaact~!"
"Well, it doesn't matter anyways because this questions a real butt breaker."
"I think I swallowed a bottle cap."
"I've never burned down a house before."
"God, don't these people know that I'm busy trying to look for crab crab?"
"You didn't tell me that the crab crab was a crab!"
"It's like the saying: Life's a beach, and I'm the dune who can't sand to watch our crustacean comrades go unprotected by the long beach island arm of the claw."
"Wait. I can smell it...Crab."
"I'm going to die."
"I'm going to need to examine that bag, if you don't mind."
"Well, just don't, uh, mind me while I TENDERIZE the BAG! A LITTLE BIT!"
"Uh, sir, it's not what it looks like. I just have a really loud butt."
"Well, I just dropped it so I don't have a product anymore."
"Well, uh, well don't just stand there, like are you gonna take it or not?"
"Wow. Well, now that you mention that, I totally want- SYKE! WHOOOO!"
"Do you want this?? It's my most prized posession."
"I don't know, I found this cat in the garbage."
"Well, I'll just get down to it."
"It's okay, you can come in."
"Didn't you hear what I fucking said?!"
"I got to save the spaghetti!"
"The time. It has finally come. God, have mercy on all of us."
"What the fuck is the matter with you??"
"Well, s/he doesn't have to know that."
"I don't wanna break his/her heart, they're a cool chick."
"But that's a different plate of cookies for a different glass of milk."
"DO YOU KNOW WHAT 9/11 IS? I WAS THERE!!! On those planes."
"WHOOOO are you?"
"heheh...what a dick.."
"WHAAAAAT is this?"
"Eh, it's just a little scooty."
"Its just a little scooty. Don't fuck with it!"
"Well, yeah, but, the thing about that is that I....Am going to touch it."
"Alright, I won't touch it on one condition: You have to answer me one question."
"Ladies and gentlemen......FFFUCK!"
"You're not as big as you think, broseph."
"The only rock you're gonna feel is the pavement!"
"Who the FUCK is talking about a rock?! Are you insane?!"
"S/he couldn't cheat on a math test, let alone cheat on me."
"The only C I can explain are the C four explosives planted under the floorboards."
"This whole place is going to hell."
"You're right, because it's C. Four. And planted the bombs, as previously stated, the ones you are standing on, with your feet, where they are, right there."
"You'll kill us both!"
"Both?! Oh, god NO!"
"Oh great. Of course. Always leave it to _ to fuck something up."
"Get the fuck out, RIGHT NOW!"
"But unfortunately for _ s/he will never find the chiwowow."
"What you don't understand is that I'm gonna fucking stick you like the pig you are if you don't."
"Shut the hell up at forever'o clock."
"How about you get me a PSPiece of pizza or you can Nintendo sixty-forget about ever surviving!"
"Heheh! A whole pep-pepperoni pizza all to myself-"
"Die in your wildest of dreams!"
"You are a fool to stand against me, you idiot!"
"Personally, I prefer your ass."
"And the winner's me."
"If it isn't  __, my beeest friend!"
"That's a lot of people s/he's gotta fight."
"I am going to put a fucking bullet through my head."
"Listen, I got more degrees than a thermometer. You call me doc."
"Why are these names so goddamn long?!"
"I dunno, I've never been guilty before."
"I want every __ on my desk by the sixty-nineth hour, four-hundred-twenty days by now."
"Rob the place of every fuckboy."
"I want every desk on my desk."
"For the last fucking time, the rope isn't haunted!"
"Fuck it, just go!"
"It was across the street! Why do we need a map?!"
"What a wonderful day to be the king."
"I remember it like it was yesterday, it wasn't yesterday but that's how it felt."
"How about I give you a pair of scissors and cut out your favorite picture of _. And while you're at it, tape that picture to your face, so I can feel like I'm beating the shit out of him when I'm beating the shit out of you."
"It's kind of mesmerizing, really."
"I despise every fiber of your being."
"I'm not involving myself with you. At all."
"It looks like a magic."
"I respect that. And by respect that I mean touch it."
"Have you guys seen my chia pet?"
"I feel like liquid."
"Do I look like someone who knows what the hell that is? Because I am, what was your question?"
"I wanna know how to get the hell out of here!"
"I will staple your face to a beehive."
"Ah, what a wonderful day to take a single step."
"The footage was doctored, you idiots!"
"You can't trust anyone, except for the one man I who can trust with my very life."
"Could you just let me speak for, like, one second?"
"Then what are you doing here, hotshot?"
"You ever heard about the joke with the kid who dissipated into the tides of time? Well, you never will."
"And I was an undercover cop the whole time, they were the criminal, I caught them....Which is what I would've said if I was a cop. I'm a murderer."
"Ah, what a wonderful day to not have Christmas money."
"Alright, I get it. I was looking to play cards but, uh, you can go fish."
"Wait a second, did you say cards as in, like..poker? As in, like, money?"
"But I ain't gonna play cards with some bitchy fishy who's trying to swim with the sharks. So how about you grab yourself a towel, and get out of the pool?"
"I'm gettin' my decks shuffled tonight, if you know what I'm saying!"
"Go back to the shallow end, __, this yaht doesn't have room for two. And I just sunked your career."
"Christmas ain't about making money! It's about making a shitton of money."
"Homie, are you trying to get a lambchop or a lamborghini? Come on, my boy, let's ride, let's talk the dirty."
"Don't. Trust. The streets."
"It was only a matter of time, probably for the rattle of a dime." 
"But money was not gonna buy their way out of this situation station."
"'EY! Could you PLEASE SHUT UP?!"
"Crisis averted."
"Sometimes in order to find the spider, you have to walk right into their web. Their spiderweb."
"Basically, I have no idea how to solve the case."
"Early to pep, early to shoot the shit."
"Don't pretend you're not here, I know you're here!"
"So, how far away is Six Flags?"
"Oh..That's, strange? I could've sworn we were going to Six Flags, considering I'm already IN THE CAR. AND WE'RE GOING TO SIX FLAGS!"
"Alright we made it, now lets find our guy."
"If I were a target, where would I be?"
"You got it! Just, uh, give me a second here, I'll be right back."
"I'veeee got the net!"
"So you're telling me, that if I scream once, I'm dead?"
"Wow, that's a nice cigar, I didn't know you vape."
"Look at this buffet, how could you pass this up?"
"Oh, great, just clone them. Call off the whole fucking funeral, who cares?"
"Can you actually do that?"
"Some people want to make it their own way, but I like to make it the gay way."
"Okay! I get it! it sucks, whatever!"
"EXCUSE ME?! Do I owe you something?!"
"Look, I had a rough day. I'm not looking for trouble."
"Okay, __, I get it. Laugh it up, alright?!"
"I can't die now! Not before I've played Dweebus: the Video Game."
"Today, I've decided to stop wasting my time with habits that just are fucking dumb."
"Oh, dearest __, your voice is like a porcelain gulder against the tides of white noise."
"Would you not cleanse my ears with one bout of conversation?"
"It's so quiet." 
"....S/He's gonna come in here any second now. And when s/he does, the loudest music you have ever heard in your life is gonna play."
"The sheer volume will destroy any speaker, any set of headphones will rupture and explode."
"And this horrible reality is approaching us, and I will be right here at ground zero."
"Could've been good if it were fire ants."
"Sorry to have wasted your time."
"I want to kill you on the principle of that stupid-ass question alone."
"I don't even know who you are!"
"You said you weren't him! I thought I recognized you!"
"Give me one good reason not to."
"Oh, I'm sorry, but there's an irony to be appreciated here."
"I know it'll be lost on you, but would you believe that you're not the only illusion that wants me dead?"
"You wanted him dead since the beginning."
"Kinda sleepy."
"And I'm kinda pissed. Probably don't have to tell you why either."
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna go to bed."
"I'm just gonna lie down here, I'm comfortable."
"You know what, you've had a hard day. You take a nap, and recharged, and all that."
"Wake up, you dumbass!"
"I was having this dream about this girl with really big thighs."
"In other words, a nightmare."
"What? Do you not find big thighs attractive?"
"Well, I guess everyone has their own personal opin- YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT!"
"What a wonderful day to experience an unabashedly horrfying piece of ribbon."
"It's a bow that makes bows, we could sell them for four dollars apiece! Cold hard cash, or credit."
"I'm gonna take a bunch of tampons and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!"
"Don't worry, I can fix this. Which is what I would've said if I knew how."
"Nah, I don't remember that at all."
"I know what I want, and I know what I deserve."
"Good, I'm glad you know. But I don't."
"That sounds like a load of shit, I don't believe you."
"My greatest wish is for you to be castrated by a scorpion."
"You take five steps near this thing I'll do a tap-dance on your ribcage!"
"And I'm running out of patience."
"Yes I know, you're a special snowflake, come on we're running out of time!"
"It seems like you thought I was asking for second opinion."
"I would rather die at the hands of a frisbee than chase whatever crazy taxi it is you want me to go get."
"In fact, I'm calling your bluff, asshole!"
"Kill me with that frisbee. Do it."
"Could we really just do that?"
"Has technology really come this far?"
"I wanted to be a surprise."
"Sooo, what do you like best about me?"
"You're not ruining the surprise for me."
"We're gonna fucking kill ourselves, go to heaven, and steal Jesus' shoes."
"You should not have done this."
"Well I did, so it looks like you'll just have to kill me."
"The power that was once upon you, is no longer yours."
"This existence doesn't need you anymore."
"People will DIE! Just because you lost someone doesn't mean everybody has to!"
"You think I'm playing you? How do you think you got here."
"And, as it turns out, uhh, limited time was actually unlimited time, and so it's gonna be there forever."
"I got a signed poster of Flute from Spy Kids, I know you wanna see this!"
"Yawn, YAWWWN!"
"I've heard mention of _ and obviously I'm here for this reason."
"Not to belabor the point, but this has never worked."
"Is this the fake gamer girl equivalent to _, you fuckin’ snob?"
"I've learned all the racial slurs in existence, and I will recite them now."
"Uh, did you try shooting it?"
"WOAH, HEY NOW, flag on the plane! You can't just say that!"
"This is literally the worst possible time to be doing any of this."
"Wow, by some miracle of probability, your complete and utterly hairbrained scheme managed to garner one modicum of success and with this juncture I could not possibly see how this could go wrong."
"You thought you've got me, but jokes on you I have narcolepsy."
"Ah, well, alright. I don't really understand the implications of that but much better than the proposed outcome."
"If there's anything I've learned, it's that if it abides by the laws of physics, it simply cannot exist in this twisted, fucked up world."
"So, uh, yeah, I'm going to go home and asphyxiate on every stray cat I see on the way there."
"I don’t feel bad, I've just had enough, man. I have needs for pizza."
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50shadesofjakemckenzie · 8 years ago
Me and my prompts agaain!✨ "When you and I were together, every single atom in my body told me that it was the right thing. That we were the perfect fit." for Jake x MC please
You are one of my favorites, do not worry! Plus I love your prompts so :))
This one is gonna be kinda sadder by the way.
Summary: Jake and MC talk for the first time after she left him in Costa Rica. (Also, lemme know if you catch the One Direction reference lol)
He had pushed her away. It was what he did best after all, isolating himself. The entirety of the helicopter ride, she had begged and pleaded with the man she was in love with. Her hand held his, tears slipping from her eyes. “Let me stay,” She had choked between sobs, hoping the man would come to realize that he was her life now.
Jake was stone cold. He knew she deserved better, and he also knew she’d be stubborn about the topic. That’s why he did it. Once they landed on a nearby island, everyone preparing to book their flights back home, he had told her something that broke both of their hearts. “I don’t want you to come back with me, I don’t love you,” He hissed, jaw clenched as he spat out his lie.
The look on her face was too much to bear. Her eyes had widened in shock, hands clutching the cool metal dog tags hanging from her neck. She had thought she would be stronger if they didn’t last, but each word felt like a knife to her back. The girl practically crumbled in front of him, he knew he had shattered her. 
Cautiously watching the woman he loved, Jake felt himself falling apart. He never wanted to hurt her like this. He wanted to give her the entire world, but he could never do that. He was a wanted man, and he was likely to be until the end of time. She would understand that eventually. She would understand why they could never be together.
Her expression had suddenly shifted, her eyes narrowing as her face turned to a scowl. She pulled the dog tags from her neck, glancing at them once more before hurling the metal at Jake. As she threw the last piece of him away, her mind seemed to go a blank. Her back turned to him as she stormed off the dock, running to catch up with the rest of the group.
If she hadn’t turned her back, Jake would have seen the tears spilling from her eyes yet again. He had bent over to pick up his precious possession, his fingers gripping the metal. He had hoped she would have kept them, but why the hell would she? It only would have been a reminder of him, the man who broke her heart.
Tears prickled his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. He coughed loudly and wiped his face with his jacket sleeve as he tried to compose himself. Jake stood tall once more watching the girl with his heart escape his clutches.
A few months had passed since that dreadful day. Jake had adjusted to his life in Costa Rica once more, drinking himself away as he continued to live each day in solitude. He was miserable without her, but he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone. 
Diego had been the biggest pain in his ass since she left. He had known that Jake was lying to her, he knew she was the best thing to have ever happened to the pilot. As hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, Diego begged for him to contact her. 
Because, little did Jake realize, she hadn’t moved on. As she woke every morning, she found it difficult to pull herself from bed. The girl could hardly sleep, eat, or convince herself to go to class. She was hung up on the man she loved, she didn’t have anything back at Hartfield. The only thing she had was Diego, and all her presence at the University was doing was tearing him apart.
He despised to see her in the state she was in, but there was nothing he could do. Her best friend tried desperately to help her in anyway he could. Diego brought her food, walked her to her classes, even stay in her dorm to try and raise her spirits. She was only withering away, and he wasn’t going to stand for it any longer.
Diego had Skyped Jake from his laptop. As the pair had been communicating pretty frequently, the pilot didn’t find the video chat suspicious. 
Diego had told his best friend that it was a Skype call to a therapist. He expressed his concerns to the crushed girl and told her the video chat was in her best interests.
He had escaped her dorm room just as the connection between the two computers was established, their mouths dropping as they saw who was on the other side of the call. The pair was speechless. Neither of them had ever expected to speak to one another again. She didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what to do.
They both thought of ending the call immediately, but they couldn’t find the strength to do it. He had wanted to see his princess ever since she left, and she had dreamed of seeing him ever since he broke her heart. 
The sight of how weak she looked damaged him. A blanket was wrapped around her small frame, dark circles were evident under her eyes, and her hair had looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days. 
The sight of how weak he looked damaged her. His eyes were red, likely due to the excessive amounts of alcohol he had been consuming. His hair framing his face had grown wildly and it was clear he hadn’t shaved in a couple of weeks.
They both knew that they were lost without one another.
The first word she had managed to choke out was, “Why?” 
She didn’t have to elaborate. Jake knew exactly what she was talking about, and it hurt to hear her say it. His hands rubbed over his face as he tried to contemplate the lies he could tell her. But as he looked at her once more through the screen, he knew he couldn’t deceive her ever again.
“I had to lie so you could return to your future. I wasn’t going to let you throw your life away for me, princess,” He admitted, gaze focusing on the tiles in his bungalow. She flinched at the nickname. Although she loved the sound of it spilling from his lips, she couldn’t help but remember how deeply he wounded her.
She ran a hand through her hair in pure frustration, “So you tell me that you don’t love me? You acted like that everything we ever went through was a lie. You acted like I was nothing, Jake. For the past few months, I’ve believed that. You broke me, why would you do that? All because you think I’m throwing away my future?” Tears began to form within both of their eyes as she continued, “My life is falling apart because I’m without you. Because the man I loved made me feel like I was shit, that our time together meant nothing to him. So tell me, was anything we had real? Did our time on La Huerta mean absolutely anything to you?”
She choked back her sobs, a tear falling from the corner of her eye. Jake immediately noticed and almost reached out to wipe it from her cheek, only to realize that they were hundreds of miles apart. He was crying too. Her confession that she hadn’t been doing well because of him was more than fatal to Jake, and she could see that. She saw his face fall as she had spat each word at him. She noticed the way he turned his head so she wouldn’t see his tears fall, the way he wiped his eyes harshly with the sleeve of his shirt. She saw that she was breaking him.
He didn’t compose himself. He didn’t see the need to. As he caught a breath between his sobs he answered, “Our time meant everything to me, you meant everything to me. You still do, princess. I’m still madly in love with you and I had convinced myself if I watched you walk away, I could move on in a couple of weeks, couple of days even. But I haven’t,” 
She watched as he wiped away a few stray tears before continuing, “On that island, I knew we were soulmates. Because when you and I were together, every single atom in my body told me that it was the right thing. That we were the perfect fit. Once I realized that, I couldn’t let you figure it out. I don’t deserve you princess, I never have and I never will. You deserve the whole universe and I can never give that to you,”
Her heart melted at his confession. All she had wondered after all this time was if he truly loved her. As she watched him fall apart, admitting the secret he had been withholding, his devotion to the girl was evident. He was willing to do whatever it took to make her happy, and in his mind that meant ending what they had.
“Jake,” Her voice croaked, “You are my everything. You’re my life, my voice, my reason to be breathe. Without you, I have been an absolute mess, you idiot. I love you with all of my heart,” The two smile at one another and Jake touches the laptop screen, wishing with all of his being that he could just hold her.
“How about I give you what we both always wanted? I’ve got a bungalow here in Costa Rica that’d be a hell of a lot less lonelier without the love of my life here to share it with me,” He chuckles, eyes still red from his crying.
“I’d love that, I’d really really love that,” She responds breathlessly, ready to begin their happily ever after.
All within the next hour, she had managed to pack up her belongings, purchase a plane ticket for the following day, all in preparation to spend the rest of her time with the man she loved.
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archikinse · 8 years ago
Why him? (AA imagine)
i'm gonna request my favorite trope even though it's so overused but could you do an archiexreader where the reader is jugheads sister and he finds out about the relationship and jug gets mad at her and they're fighting and he says archie is a player and she shouldn't be with him and asks her why she even is with him and she says because she loves him and archie overheard the whole thing and smiles when he hears jughead say "as long as you're happy i guess it's okay" and ye i love fics like that
Okay so I didn’t quite do all the ‘archie is a player’ aspect of the fight. But I did have a sibling fight in there so don’t worry. Let’s just say that the reader is a year younger than Jug, since I didn’t specify in the fic. Enjoy!
word count: 1,455
Trigger: uh sibling fighting slight swears.
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"Archieee! Shhh can't let Juggie know you're with me." You giggle to your boyfriend as you get closer to the door of your home.
“Okay okay. When can we tell Jughead that you know.. We’re a thing.” He says as he points between the both of you.
“Oh Arch, I want to tell him but, it’s just not the right time. You both are just now getting along again and I don’t want to mess things up. Just promise you won’t tell him first.” He get closer to you and kisses you.
“Never babe, I wouldn’t if my life depended on it. I’m going to go before someone comes outside. Goodnight.” You smile and give him one more quick peck.
“Night Arch.” You wait until he leaves the house before you open the door. Jughead was sitting on the couch when you entered.
“Where have you been?” He asks casually.
“Oh, umm out with Veronica. Yeah, we went to dinner and then got our toenails done.” You quickly say - you hoped it would be a good enough response for the beanie wearing boy.
“Ohh Ronnie finally decided that she liked you?” He grins. You chuckle back in response.
“Haha yup, she decided to treat me out to get to know me better. Well, I’m off to bed, night Juggie.”
“Later (Y/n).” He calls back as you make your way to your bedroom.
You sigh a breath of relief. It might take a lot longer than what you thought it would to tell Jughead about you and Archie….
The next few weeks you have still yet to tell Jug about Archie. You never found the perfect time and you didn’t exactly know how to do so. Should you just be like ‘hey I’m dating your newfounded old best friend.’? That just didn’t sound like the best way to tell him. You and Archie were out on a dinner date tonight at Pop’s, but you seemed off and Archie could tell.
“Babe?” he asked.
“Hmm?” You hummed back, not really paying attention.
“You haven’t told Jug yet have you?” You sighed.
“Arch, I just can’t do it! You have too.”
“No.” He simply said. You were shocked.
“Excuse me?”
“I said no. You have to do this yourself. I believe that you can do it.” You roll your eyes at him as you take a sip of your milkshake.
“Archie Andrews, sometimes I despise you so much.” He cracks a grin.
“I know you do.” You both continue to chat for awhile when you see Jughead walk into the diner. Your eyes widen and you get Archie’s attention.
“Arch! I’m hiding from Jug! Don’t tell him I’m here!” You slide under the table just as soon as Jug walks over to Archie.
“Hey Archie what are you doing at Pop’s by yourself this late?” Jughead asks him. Archie looks painicked before he comes up with an excuse.
“Oh you know, I’m here with Veronica but she’s in the bathroom right now.” Jug nods his head.
“Veronica really? Interesting because I just saw her out with Betty.” You mentally hit yourself when Kevin walked in.
“Did I say Veronica? I meant that I was waiting for Kevin. Kevin hey! I’ve been waiting for you!” You shouted out while giving him a pleading look. Kevin has always had his suspicions of you and Archie being together and you were hoping that he would catch on. He sat down across and felt Archie under the table and knew exactly what was going on.
“Hey Jug. Sorry it took me awhile, I got caught up with something.” You turned towards Jughead.
“See, I told you. See ya at home Juggie.” Jughead just shook his and walked away. As soon as he was gone you nudged Archie and he got up.
“Thank you so much Kevin you are a lifesaver.” You say to him with much gratitude.
“You have to tell him soon (y/n). Or else he will find out from someone else and be really mad at you.” Kevin said as he was getting out of your booth and leaving.
“See! I’m not the only one. You have to tell him.” Archie gives you big puppy dog eyes and you finally give in.
“Okay fine, I’ll tell him tonight. Only because you are making me.” You smile. He smiles back
You start to get nervous on the walk back to your place. Archie nudges you.
“(Y/n), don’t be nervous, it will be fine. I don’t think he’s going to be that upset.” You look at him with worry in your eyes.
“I don’t know Arch, Juggie doesn’t like stuff like this. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure that he won’t be mad at you.” You say as you finally reach your house. Archie turns you towards him and gives you a quick, yet soft kiss and says
“I don’t care if he’s mad at me, but I want you to tell him and feel good about it. Now, go kick some ass.” You chuckle at him and shoo him away. He runs around the corner but little do you know, he’s going to stand outside the house to make sure that Jughead took the news in a good way.
“Hanging with Kevin my ass (y/n). I know about you and Archie.” Was the first thing that Jughead said to you as you walked into the house and shut the door. You looked at him with a shocked look.
“Excuse me what?”
“You heard me. I know about you and Archie. And I’m not okay with it. What made you think that I was okay with this huh? My sister dating my best friend!”
“Ex-best friend.” You chimed in. He gives you the same look you gave him.
“Your ex-best friend Jughead. You dumped Archie this summer. You haven’t spoken to him in half a year so yes, I am dating him but why does it matter to you now? You guys aren’t friends anymore!” You yell with rage. Jughead stands up.
“Past tense Jughead, past tense.” you gritted through clenched teeth.
“WHY DO YOU LIKE HIM SO MUCH? WHAT MAKES ARCHIE SO IRRESISTIBLE THAT YOU HAD TO GO BEHIND MY BACK TO DATE HIM?” He fired back. At this point you were filled with rage. Couldn’t Jughead be happy for you for once? Couldn’t he be happy that you have finally found someone to love.
Love wasn’t something you and Archie have said to each other yet. You both felt like it needed to be a passionate moment. You felt as if this was one of those moments.
“BECAUSE I LOVE ARCHIE! OKAY JUGHEAD! There, you heard it. I love Archie Andrews so can you please just be happy for me for once?” You said with a tear in your eye and a voice break in the middle. Jughead stood there stunned as you began to cry silent tears. They say that when the first tear comes out of your left eye, it means they are happy tears. When it comes from you right, they are sad tears. Jughead noticed this and saw that at the same time, a tear came out of your right and left eye. Jughead realized something at this point.
“You haven’t said it to him yet have you?” You shake your head. He walks over to you and dries your eyes.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry that I yelled at you. I have came to the realization that I can’t protect you from everything, and that you truly love Archie. So, as much as I hate to say it, if you’re happy, I’m okay with it.”
“Really?” you ask with a smile. He nods yes and gives you a hug.
Outside, Archie heard it all. He was grinned from ear to ear when you said that you loved him, and when Jughead was okay with it he grinned even more - if that’s even possible. That night before he went to bed, Archie texted Jughead asking if he wanted to play video games tomorrow, and he called you.
“Hello?” You answered.
“I love you too.” He said and hung up.
You sat there confused, until you couldn’t help but smile at his words.
In the other room, Jughead had just read his text. He responded almost immediately.
‘You overhead us didn’t you?’
‘Maybe.. So video games or no?’
‘Is there food?’
‘I’m down.’
Archie didn’t respond, Jughead figured that he had fallen asleep. He texted once more
‘Good to have you back Arch.’
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