#if I can't have a hug Eugene is going to get all of them
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You know
While of course, as always exceptions exist
as @softness-and-shattering pointed out so correctly
I feel like a lot of the time it really doesn't matter what the autistic person does and doesn't do
What they did is used afterwarts as an excuse why it was O.K. to treat them like garbage
But they would have been treated like garbage regardless
Becasue they are autistic
Now, it's very important to note that these thin slice judgements are because of how humans evolved. This is not some allistic hatred of autistics and secret eugenics. These studies are done by letting the allistic view the autistic person without knowing they are autistic. And we set off alarm bells. This is a social disability, remember. Humans evolved to quickly look for signs if a person is safe or not safe by signals, body language, facial expressions etc. Which many autistics either struggle with or can't do at all. When the people were informed that the person they were viewing was autistic, that distrust dropped significantly.
It doesn't work
Autist does something -> NT is annoied -> treats Autist accordingly
NT dislikes autist for being autistic without being able to put a finger on whythey dislike this person -> Looks for a reason to justefy the bad treatmen, since humans are usualyl social creatures and feel bad if they treat something bad without due cause -> Finds a reason (becasue there is aways something) -> treatds them like garbage becasue obviously it is justefied
It's like how black people will always be considered more agressive from teh get go which then of course calls for a more agressive response
Even if they wher just calmly minding their own business
Simply by existing while black they are marked as bad, agressive etc ...
And simply by existing on teh autism spectrum people are marked as bad and untrustworthy and therfor obviously guilty of something ...
Becasue thing is
I have seen people not minding behaviour X in one person and really minding it in another person
The only difference?
One was "marked" as bad (by being a women or queer or disabled or not white etc ... ) and teh other person wasn't "marked" as bad ...
All that is not to say that a more open communication isn't good or anything
Of course it is
I am 100% with OP here
And of course it is a good idea to speak up before one blows ones lid
But it will not solve the problem
The problem is that people on teh spectrum are, through no fault of their own, stuck in teh uncanny valley and people outside the spectrum will always be creeped out by that and act accordingly
Some more, some less
But it's a kneejerk reaction
One can be aware of it
One can fight it
But the onus here is on the NT to fight their naturall instincts on top of not sending mixed signals
I saw some snippet of a callout post for an autistic trans woman where they list social faux pas she committed, and I think we allistic people should all feel 100x more ashamed of not telling people in the moment how we feel about what they're doing. I think its extremely evil and cruel to not only lie to an autistic person and blame them for it but also to feel justified shaming them for your behavior. And it's currently the social norm to do that
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punkshort · 1 year ago
Chapter warnings: references to PTSD and SA, language, soft and fluffy Joel, some mild sexual references
Chapter Eighteen
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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Tommy slid down from his horse as the other four members of his party glanced at him curiously and lowered their weapons. He stomped across the road with his eyes locked on Joel, looking him over before breaking out into a huge grin. Joel was frozen to the ground in disbelief, wondering if he had finally lost his mind until Tommy's arms wrapped around him. When he felt his brother's embrace, he squeezed his eyes shut and pulled him further into the hug, swaying back and forth and clapping his back.
You stood behind Joel and watched as the brothers reunited. Tommy's face was lit up, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears, not yet registering your presence. Joel's eyes were closed, but you could read him like a book, relief written all over his face. He was smiling into Tommy's shoulder, unable to keep his tough guy act up through his happiness, and you couldn't help but smile, yourself. It's been a long time since you saw him this elated. He had suffered a lot over the past year right along with you, and now, finally, something was going right. Your mind flickered back to your parents and what it would have been like, if you were able to reunite with them this way. It brought a sadness to your face, which you quickly wiped away when the brothers finally broke their hug.
"How in the hell did'ya make it all the way out here?" Tommy asked. Joel rubbed the back of his neck and cast a glance in your direction.
"Had some help," he said, still smiling, and Tommy finally turned his attention to you. You could see the realization slowly register as he recognized you. He gave you a half smile and shook his finger in your direction, then glanced back quickly at Joel, giving him a sly look before meeting your gaze once again, saying your name. You were surprised he even knew your name before the outbreak, let alone remembered it now.
"Hey... Mr. Miller," you said awkwardly. Tommy laughed and shook his head, heading towards you with his arms spread wide.
"I think you can call me 'Tommy', darlin'. I ain't your boss anymore." Your body tensed as you saw him about to envelop you into a hug, but fortunately Joel was two steps ahead and swooped in front of you, clasping his arms around Tommy again, cutting him off.
"I can't believe it's really you. C'mere," Joel said, trying to smooth it over. You could see Tommy's confused smile as he looked at Joel, but he let it go. He pulled back and waved the others over who were watching from the tree line with amused expressions. They slid off their horses and left them to graze as they strolled over to join you.
Tommy introduced you both to his group. Maria was the presumed leader, a beautiful woman with ebony skin and a quick wit. Also with them was a man who looked to be in his mid-50s with salt and pepper hair named Eugene, another man probably a little older named Seth, and a younger man with black hair named Jesse. Now that there was no threat, they all seemed very welcoming and pleasant. You noticed Maria caught your eye a few times, inspecting you closely, but you didn't get a bad feeling from her the way you did with Amy. You picked up a protective instinct, like she was concerned about you.
You all stood around in a circle as Tommy explained where his group lived. It was a place called Jackson not too far from where you were standing. There were about 30 people or so developing a sanctuary around a once gated community that existed there. As Tommy droned on about the advancements they were making with the place, Maria sidled up to you.
"Hey," she said, giving you a warm smile.
"Hey," you said back. "Thanks for not shooting us." She laughed, a sound that brought a genuine smile to your face, which Joel noticed when he turned his head briefly at the sound before focusing back on Tommy.
"Sorry about that. We are all bark and very little bite. The place we are building is in the middle of nowhere, and we'd like to keep it off the radar. Keep it safe," you nodded in understanding as she continued.
"We have a great group of people so far. It's really starting to feel like before. Like, life can be somewhat normal again."
"You really believe that?" you asked her before you could consider your words. "I don't mean any offense, but we've been traveling for a while. The QZs and other... places. They all think they can make it work, but there's always a catch."
Maria regarded you carefully, as if she confirmed something she already suspected.
"It's safe. It's not like those places. We are incredibly careful about who we let in. We haven't had to yet, but if need be, by democratic vote, if anyone steps out of line, they're out." The way her stare bored into you made it feel like she was trying to tell you something. Like she was trying to convey a message, and you were beginning to figure it out. Your eyes shifted back to the group of men chatting away, Joel's gaze frequently finding its way back to you to make sure you were alright. Maria took a step closer, but she didn't place a finger on you, giving you space.
"When did it happen?" she asked you quietly.
You sucked in a breath through your teeth and stared at the ground. You kicked at a weed sticking up through the dirt, trying to buy yourself some time.
"How did you know?" you asked without looking up.
"I used to be an Assistant District Attorney in Omaha," she said lowly, making sure the men didn't overhear. "I saw a lot of women like you come through my office. I prosecuted hundreds of men on sexual assault. And I've witnessed the aftermath... I guess I'm just sensitive to it now."
You nodded, blinking back tears as you stared at the ground.
"There was another community," you whispered. "They had a... system. That we were not told about when we joined." You looked up at Maria and you could see the disgust in her face. "The women were expected to..." you trailed off and she nodded, holding her hand up to cut you off.
"I can figure out the rest," she said. "No need to rehash it. When?"
"Umm," you took a shaky breath and looked up at the sky, the crisp fall air making your cheeks rosy. "Few months ago, I guess."
As if he could sense your energy, Joel turned his head to look at you, then Maria, then back at you, waiting until you met his eyes. You did, and you nodded to him, letting him know you were ok. He gave you one last look before turning his attention back to Tommy.
"Are you and him...?" Maria asked, catching Joel's looks in your direction. You nodded and finally met her gaze.
"Yeah. We all knew each other before. They were technically my bosses, although saying that now sounds so strange." You couldn't help but laugh at how much has changed in a year. "But he and I... that didn't happen til after. Well, kind of. It's a long story." She rolled her eyes and smiled.
"It always is." You smiled and bit your lip, then she asked, "Does he take care of you?"
You looked back over your shoulder at Joel while he laughed at something Tommy said. You nodded and turned back to Maria.
"Yeah," you said, "he takes care of me. He... he saved me. In more ways than one."
Maria nodded at your words, as if it was all she needed to hear.
"Join us," she said. "Both of you. We could use another contractor, and I think you'd really like it. It can be a home, if you help us."
Your thoughts drifted to Yellowstone, to the imaginary house Joel would fix up for you to live, just the two of you. Maybe on the edge of a beautiful lake, surrounded by trees and wildlife. But then you remembered Joel's face when he held his brother, and your chest ached. You would have given anything to hug your parents again. And you knew you couldn't take that away from him. You nodded.
“Yeah. Let me talk to him first,” you jutted your chin in Joel’s direction. “But… yeah. Thank you.” And you really meant it. You tried not to let your hopes get too high, but for the first time in a very long time, you were beginning to feel optimistic.
Maria took a couple steps towards the men and touched Tommy’s shoulder. He immediately swiveled in her direction, and you could see the adoration in his eyes when he looked at her. You smiled to yourself as Joel sidestepped to stand next to you.
“What’re you smilin’ for?” he murmured. You nodded your head gently in Tommy’s direction while Maria spoke softly to him, the other men carrying on a conversation amongst themselves a few feet away. He looked at his brother and then back at you, confused.
“He likes her,” you whispered, and Joel scrunched his eyebrows together.
“You think?” he said, stealing a glance back in Tommy’s direction. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I do think,” you said, gently poking him with your elbow, and he grinned.
“That the same way I look at you?” he asked you, still grinning. You blushed and nodded.
“Kind of.”
Your eyes landed back on Maria, and you exchanged glances. You placed your hand on Joel’s elbow, tearing his eyes away from his brother.
“Let’s go talk for a second,” you told him, leading him a few feet away to lean against a guardrail. He settled in next to you and looked down, the sun radiating behind him in the sky, warming your face.
“I know what you’re gonna say,” he began. “Don’t worry. I ain’t gonna ask to join them, we can stick to our plan. And maybe every so often we can go visit Tommy, it’s probably only a few days walk. That is, if you’re up for it.”
The look he gave you was so sincere that it made your throat tighten. He really was willing to leave his brother, the only family he had left, just to be with you like he promised. You swallowed thickly, your emotions getting the best of you. His eyes trailed up and down your face and noticed your eyes begin to water. He reached a hand up to cup your face and stroked his thumb along your cheek.
"You'd do that for me?" you whispered, and he nodded.
"'Course I would. What's wrong?" He was confused now, his brow furrowed.
"What if I wanted to give this place a chance?" you said, bringing your hand up to his and pulling it from your face, interlocking your fingers together. He glanced over your shoulder at Tommy and Maria, who were trying not to watch your conversation.
"I'm not - I don't know if you bein' in a situation like that again is the best idea..." he trailed off and cleared his throat, struggling to find the words. "I mean, do you really think you're ready for somethin' like that?"
You sighed and shrugged your shoulders.
"I don't know. But I don't think the answer is isolating ourselves forever because one bad thing happened," you stroked your thumb over the top of his hand and looked past his shoulder at the abandoned road that would ultimately lead to Yellowstone.
"Besides, I have a good feeling about this place. Tommy, Maria... I trust them. If we were to ever join a community, this would be it. We can help them build something, Joel." You squeezed his hand, and he shook his head, still unsure. The past few months, he was so absorbed in protecting you, making you feel safe, and giving you a place to heal that he couldn't bring himself to let his guard down, even for his own brother. But hearing you say you wanted to do this, wanted to try again in a community after you had been let down, made his walls start to crack. He hung his head, tucking his chin into his chest as he listened to you.
"I would feel safe with you and Tommy. But it's up to you. If you don't want to -"
He brought his hand up from his side to gently clasp the back of your neck, pulling you towards him to rest his forehead on yours. Your eyes fluttered shut as the soft exhale from his nose fanned over your face.
"You sure?" he asked so softly, you almost didn't hear him. You nodded and opened your eyes to find him staring at you, trying to read your face. The small wrinkles around his eyes scrunched and his eyebrows pinched together in thought.
"Yes, I'm sure. I want to do this." His eyes closed and you leaned forward to quickly press your lips on his, feeling Tommy and Maria’s gaze on your back. His eyes reopened when you pulled away. Joel grinned down at you and grasped your hand to lead you back over to the group. Joel cleared his throat to speak, but Tommy cut him off.
"C'mon, let's go show that girl of yours her new home," he said with a shit-eating grin, and you hoped they would blame the cold air for the redness on your cheeks. There was still something surreal about seeing these two men together again in such a different world.
Tommy handed the reins to his horse to Joel so the two of you could ride back together, and he joined Maria on the back of her horse. You pinched Joel's side when you saw who Tommy chose to ride with, and he smiled, shaking his head.
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It turned out that Jackson was only about an hour from where they had found you on the road. You weren't sure what you were expecting. Maybe another big, abandoned building with tiny rooms, but you were never expecting an actual town. Not only a town, but a town with walls. Well, most of the wall was done. There were a few small areas that were under construction still. Maria explained that in order to keep the town safe, everyone took turns guarding the opening of the fence. She expected it to be completed soon, and gave Joel a look.
You had dropped your horses off at the stables. The three men, Jesse, Seth and Eugene offered to tend to the animals while Maria and Tommy showed you both around. There wasn't much to see yet, it looked like a regular town that was in the process of being remodeled, but you could see the vision as Maria walked and pointed at each building lining Main Street.
"That area over there used to be a gated community, so the handful of us cleared it out and set up camp. Then, we slowly expanded, and began coming up with an idea for the town," Maria paused to give a young woman a wave and a smile as she walked. "It worked out. We had somewhere safe to go while we built out the wall further to surround this part of town. We are also currently working on expanding the wall over that cluster of houses over there," she pointed to an area further back down the road that was currently barricaded, then she stopped in front of what used to be a bar.
"This is our kitchen and dining hall, come on in and take a look."
Maria led you through the doors of the Tipsy Bison and headed back to the kitchen with Tommy to find you some food. You spun around to take in all the American western decor hanging from the walls when you felt Joel's hand on the small of your back. His beard tickled the shell of your ear as he leaned into you.
"You just say the word if this ain’t what you want, you hear me?"
You spun around to face him and mockingly put your hands on your hips.
"Joel," you said flatly, "this place is incredible." A smile threatened the corners of his mouth, and he turned his head to gaze out of the window to hide it.
"Lotta work that needs to be done," he muttered. You glanced around to make sure you were still alone, then took a step forward, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your chin on his chest, gazing up at him.
"I love you," you whispered, and that finally pulled the smile across his face, leaning down to kiss you. His lips were chapped from the wind and his beard tickled your nose, but you didn't care. You slotted your lips in between his and gave the bottom one a tug when he tried to pull away. You could feel his surprise, then his hands came up to cup your face gently, pulling you back.
"What's gotten into you?" he asked you inquisitively as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You shrugged.
"Just happy, I guess," you said. His hand froze on your face and looked down to study you, as if he were trying to decide if you were telling the truth or not. Whatever he saw made his eyes light up and his mouth came crashing down on yours, tugging your chin up higher as his lips pressed firmly against your own. For the first time in a long time, he tested the waters and licked at your lips, very quickly, assuring you it was alright not to take things further. But you opened your mouth for him immediately, and your tongues danced together in a frenzy. You wrapped a hand around the back of his neck to bring him further down, closer to you. He moaned softly into your mouth, and you felt a stirring in your lower abdomen you haven't felt in months. You continued to lick feverishly into his mouth as both his hands came up to the sides of your head, his thumbs gently pressing into the soft flesh of your cheeks.
"Ahem," Tommy said from behind the bar. You went to throw yourself backwards, but Joel snagged your waist, keeping you pressed against him, your cheeks burning hot as you lightly panted for breath. Tommy smirked at Joel, absolutely loving the uncomfortable position he put his older brother in.
"Great timin', as always," Joel grumbled, but you could tell he wasn't actually mad. Maria came around the corner with two bowls of stew, unfazed by Joel's grip on your waist. She placed them on the counter and invited you both to sit. Joel released his grip and nudged you forward first so he could follow behind, trying to hide the growing erection in his jeans.
You both expressed your gratitude and began to eat, enjoying the way the stew was warming you up.
"So, here's the deal," Maria began, and you paused briefly to listen. "We don't have a house ready for you yet. It might be a couple months. The homes we have now are all spoken for, and we need to finish the wall around the others before we can assign you one," Maria shot Joel a quick glance. "Maybe you can help us build the wall, and we can get you a house faster."
"'Course I'll help," Joel said, scooping the last of the stew into his mouth. Maria smiled, happy to have another contractor’s assistance.
"In the meantime, why don't you both stay with Tommy? He's got a big house. You have the room, don't you?" Maria placed a hand on Tommy's arm and gave him a small smile, and you watched him nearly melt.
"S-sure, not a problem," he stuttered, then cleared his throat and straightened up. "So long as you two can keep your hands off each other," he teased, trying to steer the attention away from him. Your cheeks flamed hot as you looked down at your nearly empty bowl. Joel met Tommy's eyes when you weren't looking and glared, trying to silently tell him to knock it off.
Maria elbowed Tommy in the ribs before saying your name and dragging your attention back to her.
"How do you feel about helping out in the kitchen?" Your eyes widened and you felt your chest constrict. You shifted your gaze around, trying to hide your reaction, but Joel placed a hand gently on your knee.
"Do you got anythin' outside?" Joel asked her, much to your relief. You let out a small, shaky breath when she answered.
"Yeah, of course. How about the greenhouse? We just got it up and running, we could use the help planting and tending to the vegetables." You nodded enthusiastically.
"That sounds great, thank you," you said.
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Tommy's house was cozy, but you could tell most of the decorating was done by whoever had the house before the outbreak. When you walked through the front door, there was a small living room to your right and the kitchen to your left. The master bedroom was off the kitchen and two bedrooms with a bathroom upstairs. Tommy led you both through the living room and pointed up the staircase.
"Make yourselves at home, I don't have hardly anythin' up there. I'll grab a fresh set of sheets from my room - you need anythin' else?" You shook your head and expressed your thanks as you headed up the stairs. Joel clapped a hand on Tommy's shoulder, nodding as he moved to follow you, but Tommy grabbed his arm, and Joel stopped.
"You gonna tell me what happened some day?" Tommy murmured so you wouldn't hear. Joel's mind immediately drifted to your assault, and he tensed, his jaw clenched.
"How in the hell did you two end up together? Was she... at your place, or somethin', that day?" Tommy clarified his original question, and Joel relaxed, letting out a puff of air.
"Nah, nothin' like that. We were at work when it happened." He glanced up the stairs, eager to follow after you.
"So, how did you end up findin' each other? I mean, were there a bunch of you from the office at first?" Tommy crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the railing. Joel shook his head and ran a hand over his beard.
"I was chasin' after her down the street. She quit, I was tryin' to make her stay. Then these soldiers rolled up to the office and started shootin', and we just took off." Tommy's eyebrows shot up.
"Shit. I picked a hell of a time for a work trip, huh?" He chuckled and shook his head, then frowned. "Why'd she quit? I thought for sure you two were hittin' it off." Joel groaned and lifted a foot to rest on the bottom stair.
"I was bein' an asshole,” he admitted, and Tommy laughed.
"Man, you always were a charmer," Tommy's eyes twinkled. "But seriously, I'm glad you're both safe, I never thought I'd see you again," he said.
"Me, too. And thanks again, for takin' us in, I mean. I think this'll be really good for her." Joel gave his brother a small smile. Tommy waved him off.
"Alright, get upstairs and go rest. We'll swap stories another day. Dinner's served at 7, we can all go over together and I'll introduce you around." Tommy turned to head back to his room. "I'll bring those sheets up in a minute," he added over his shoulder as Joel ascended the stairs.
You were sitting cross-legged with your backpack on the floor, picking out what few clothes and belongings you had, when Joel entered the room.
"Everything alright?" you asked. Joel shrugged his backpack off his shoulders and leaned it against the bed, which was bare except for the mattress.
"Yeah, he's just got some questions," he told you, flopping down on the mattress with a grunt.
"I imagine he's got a lot of those," you murmured, and stood to open the closet for some hangers. You saw a comforter in a plastic bag on the shelf, along with a few pillows. His eyes were already locked on you when you turned around to toss the items on the mattress next to him.
"I didn't tell him," he said quietly, and you stilled, knowing exactly what he was referring to.
"Well, Maria already knows, so he will find out soon enough, anyway," you said, turning back to the closet to grab the hangers. Joel sat up on the edge of the mattress.
"Oh. I didn't know," he said, scratching his beard. "You, uh... does that help? Talkin' about it with another woman?" You could tell he was being careful, trying not to ruin your mood when the day was going so well. You dropped the handful of hangers on the rug next to your shirts before responding.
"We didn't talk about it much, she could just tell, I guess. She said she used to be around a lot of people in my situation when she was a lawyer." You chewed your lip in thought. "Maybe, though. Maybe it does help, a little. I'm not sure yet."
Joel nodded as he rubbed his palms against his legs.
"Good. That's good." He swallowed roughly, looking around the bedroom, then he gestured at the walls.
"We gotta get rid of these pictures, they're awful," and you laughed, looking at what only could be described as hotel art mixed with framed pictures of people you will never know.
"Yeah? And what would Joel Miller pick out to decorate his room, if he didn't hire an interior decorator to do it for him?" you teased, and he pretended to be offended.
"Hey, now. I got good taste," he said as you took a few steps forward to stand in between his legs. You rested your hands on the tops of his shoulders and looked down at him, still sitting on the bare mattress.
"Oh, yeah?" you murmured, fiddling with the collar on his flannel.
"Mhmm," he said, bringing his hands to rest on the back of your thighs, near the backs of your knees, gauging your reaction before giving a gentle squeeze. "You bein' the perfect example of that."
You let out a huff at his corny line and rolled your eyes playfully as he smirked up at you. Neither of you heard Tommy come up the steps and pause outside the door, taking a step back so Joel wouldn't see him. He wasn't used to seeing his brother smile so much, finding it ironic that it took the world to end for Joel to finally be happy. He was about to knock on the door and hand over the sheets when Joel spoke softly.
"I love you, sweetheart," he looked up at you, his eyes bright and his gaze soft. "I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. Y'know that, right?"
You nodded and leaned forward to plant a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
"I am happy," you whispered. "Stop worrying about me so much."
Tommy quietly placed the sheets on the table in the hallway and crept back downstairs, this time choosing not to intrude.
Joel hummed as he rested the side of his face against your stomach, closing his eyes.
"Always gonna worry about you," he murmured into your shirt.
You raked your fingers through his long curls, scraping your nails gently over his scalp.
"You should worry about getting a haircut," you teased, tugging on his hair so he would lift his head from your stomach.
You took a step back out from between his legs, and he begrudgingly let his hands fall from the backs of your thighs.
"Why don't you go see where those sheets are, and I'll hang up our clothes?"
Joel sighed and braced his hands on his knees before standing up with a grunt. Right before turning to head down the stairs, he noticed the sheets placed on the table, with Tommy nowhere to be found. His brows furrowed before he picked them up and walked back into the room, fluffing out the fitted sheet.
"That was fast," you said, glancing over your shoulder as you hung up your thermal long sleeve shirts in the closet.
"Yeah, Tommy left 'em in the hall. Guess I didn't hear him come up," he explained, pulling the corner tight over the mattress.
"Oh, god," you groaned, and he looked up at you from his spot on the floor next to the bed. "He probably really does think we can't keep our hands off each other."
Joel shrugged and stood to flick the top sheet over the bed, adjusting it as it fluttered down.
"He only said that to get under my skin, try to embarrass me or somethin'. Just ignore it."
You watched him from the closet as he tucked the sheet under one side of the mattress, then the other side, and finished up at the foot of the bed. Before you could even say anything, Joel stopped you.
"Get outta that pretty head of yours, it ain't that serious," he shot you a grin and bent over to unzip the bag around the comforter, shaking it out a bit before tossing it on the bed.
"I don't know. It's kind of serious," you said quietly as you began to rifle through Joel's backpack, lifting all his shirts out and draping them over your arm.
"Why? Who cares what he thinks?" Joel asked, pausing as he was shoving a pillow into a pillowcase to scrunch his eyebrows at you. You flicked your gaze up to him awkwardly before looking back into his bag, then he realized what you meant. You weren't talking about Tommy.
"Oh," he said softly. "Y'know that don't bother me, it's fine."
"I appreciate that, but it's not fine, Joel," you replied, focusing very intently on hanging up his shirts so you wouldn't have to look at him.
"Hey, c'mon, I didn't mean it like that," he abandoned the pillow and strode over to your side of the room, putting his hand on your back. "I just meant that I'm fine with it."
"I know, I'm sorry," you sighed and turned to face him. "I shouldn't have brought it up."
"Nothin' to apologize for," he said as he skimmed his thumb over your lower lip. "Got everythin' I want right here." You rolled your eyes at him, knowing he was just telling you what you wanted to hear, but you weren't going to push it.
"Now, I've been dyin' to sleep on a mattress, my back's killin' me. How about we take a quick nap before dinner?"
"Sure," you said as you helped him shove the last of the pillows into their cases. He collapsed on the bed with a throaty groan of relief and shut his eyes.
"I'm just going to unpack a few more things, then I'll join you," you told him, and he nodded, half asleep already. You grabbed what few toiletries you had and placed them on the counter in the bathroom, then brought your eyes up to look into the mirror. For once, your hair didn't look too frizzy, having pulled it back into a neat ponytail that morning. You noticed the bags under your eyes that you didn't remember looking that heavy before, and your lips were chapped. Definitely a different look from a year ago.
You walked back into the bedroom and slid under the covers on your side of the bed, listening to Joel's heavy breathing and watching the slow rise and fall of his broad chest. You turned your head to stare straight up at the ceiling, sleep escaping you as you replayed your last conversation with Joel over in your mind until it was time for dinner.
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After eating, Tommy dragged you both around the dining room to meet the rest of the group. There were about 20 or 25 people you hadn't met yet, and by the end of the introductions, your head was swimming. You weren't sure if it was due to your arrival, or if it was like this every night, but once dinner was cleaned up, the town broke out into informal groups throughout the room, sharing drinks and laughs amongst each other. Tommy slid a glass of whiskey into Joel's hand, and he looked down at it incredulously.
"We got all the essentials here, brother," Tommy clapped Joel's shoulder as he took a sip and nodded towards you. "What'll you have, darlin'?"
"Oh! Uh, I'm fine, thanks. It's been a long day, maybe another time," you replied. Tommy smiled and picked up his own glass of whiskey, clinking his glass against Joel's before taking a sip. He was about to say something when his gaze fixed over your shoulder, and he swallowed nervously. You hid your smile, knowing when you turned around you would find Maria.
"Hey there, how's your first day been? Tommy set you up with everything you need?" Maria asked, sidling up between you and Joel.
"He has now," Joel joked, raising his glass and taking another sip. "Thank you again, ma'am. This place you got here is incredible."
Maria's eyes sparkled with pride as she glanced around the room at the groups of people laughing and smiling.
"We got a long way to go, but I have faith we will get there," she replied. She and Tommy exchanged furtive glances and looked away quickly.
"Maria, why don't we leave these boys to have some alone time, let's go get a drink," Maria smiled excitedly at your suggestion. As you were about to turn away, Joel stopped you.
"Thought you weren't drinkin' tonight?"
"I changed my mind," and you gave him a quick wink before turning and heading further down the bar, finding two empty stools. Jackson had a lot of things, but they were light on the mixers, so you each had vodka on the rocks, wincing as the liquid burned your throat.
"Oof, it's been a long time since I've had anything to drink," you admitted, setting the glass down. Maria nodded, setting hers down as well.
"I don't usually drink too often, but today's a special occasion, so why not," she gave you a warm smile that you quickly returned. You were growing very fond of Maria. You could understand what Tommy saw in her. She was bold, brave, outspoken, honest, and above all else, beautiful.
"So, you're like, the leader here, right?" you began, settling in to learn more about her.
"By default, I suppose. But as the town grows, we will need to figure out a new system. It's already getting to the point where it's difficult for just one person to manage everything. I'm thinking one day of instituting a town council, an odd number of elected people to vote in the town's best interest, oversee any projects and work assignments," she explained as you took another sip of your drink.
It was just then you realized: there were lights on. Actual, honest to goodness, electricity.
"Oh my god," you said, covering your mouth in embarrassment. "I must be exhausted. I can't believe I just noticed you have power running through the town?" She laughed and nodded.
"Yes! And sewage. And plumbing, as of two weeks ago," your mouth dropped as she continued. "There's a dam nearby that we draw the power from to run everything. A few months back - Dan over there," she pointed to a man with brownish hair and a beard who looked to be around Joel's age. "We found him half dead in the mountains. Turned out he used to be a plumber. Once he rested up, he was so eager to help us that he spent every waking minute working on the plumbing for the town so we could have running water. No more bathing in cold streams for us."
You sipped from your glass, the alcohol going down smoother now. You couldn't believe the advancements they have made in just one short year.
You noticed that Maria glanced over your shoulder and tried to hide a smile. You turned in your seat to see Tommy and Joel at the table where you left them, their eyes glued to the pair of you.
"So," you began, and Maria could already tell where you were going with a playful eyeroll. "Tommy?" She took a longer sip from her drink before answering.
"It's nothing official. We just… kissed. A couple times," your eyebrows shot up and a grin spread across your face as she shook her head and waved you off.
"I don't have time for a relationship, I have so much to do around town, I can't commit to someone right now," she explained, casting her eyes down to the glass in her hand.
"Oh, come on. You can't put off a relationship for "the town". Your happiness is just as important as everyone else's," you told her.
She shrugged as she took another sip.
"What if we helped you?" you offered. The vodka was making your brain fuzzy, and you just wanted Maria and Tommy to be happy.
"How?" she asked, mostly sarcastically, but you could tell she was intrigued by your idea.
"Well, what if Joel oversaw all the construction in Jackson. Scheduled the work assignments, prioritized the labor. And maybe Tommy could be in charge of patrols: all the organizing and scheduling." Her eyes shot up to meet yours as she considered your offer.
"That would... free up some time. But that's asking a lot, Joel just got here, and Tommy -" you cut her off.
"Joel's used to it, that's what he did for a living before all," you waved your hands around. "This. He would be happy to help. And Tommy?" You huffed and shot a glance back over your shoulder. "He would do anything for you."
You could tell Maria was embarrassed at the last part, smiling and busying herself with stirring her drink. But she nodded.
"Alright. That's not a bad idea. I'll talk to Tommy in the morning, see if he's ok with it."
"Oh, he'll be ok with it," you laughed as you took another healthy sip from your glass. "I'll tell Joel to find you in the morning and you can explain to him whatever he needs to do. I promise, he'll do it."
She nodded and thanked you, allowing a comfortable silence to come over the two of you as you glanced around the room, absorbing the atmosphere.
"Tell me if I'm out of line," Maria began hesitantly, "but... how are you doing? Do you want to talk about what happened?"
You sighed and met her gaze.
"Thanks. I don't really want to give it any more thought than I already do. I just wish..." you trailed off, but Maria gently encouraged you to continue. "I just wish it didn't affect that part of my relationship. With Joel." You could feel your cheeks flush as you took another sip from your glass for courage.
"Ah," Maria said knowingly, nodding her head. "It's not uncommon. You just need to take your time and do what's best for you on your own terms. Does he... understand that?"
"Oh, yes," you said quickly, and she nodded her head in relief. "Yes, he's... great. He never pressures me, he's even careful about how and where he touches me. I just feel guilty, you know?"
"Yes, I do. You need to listen to yourself and make that decision on your own. Don't do it tonight because you're drinking, either, you’ll regret that," she warned, and you agreed. "If he really understands and he really loves you, he will wait until you're ready."
You smiled and she held up a hand to hover over your own that was resting on the bar.
"May I?" she asked, searching your eyes. You nodded, and she rested her hand on top of yours. You didn't see it, but from across the dining hall, Joel's breath hitched in his throat, seeing Maria touch you, and waited for your reaction, but none came.
"If you ever want to talk, about this, or... anything," Maria said, looking you dead in the eye, "you come to me, is that clear?" You nodded and gave her a smile, relief flooding over you at her touch as she rubbed her thumb reassuringly over the top of your hand. You turned your hand upwards and grasped hers, and she smiled in return.
"And if you ever want to talk, about Tommy, or... anything," you joked, and she giggled. "You come to me! Understand?" She nodded and squeezed your hand affectionately.
"Deal," she said, and you released her hand and grabbed your drinks, clinking the glasses together and finishing what was left in yours.
"Do you want another?" she asked, but you shook your head.
"It's been a long day, I think I will head back to Tommy's," you said, standing up from the stool, slightly unsteady. Lightweight.
"Alright, let me walk you back," she suggested, looping your arm in hers.
"Wait, I need to tell Joel," you said, and pulled her towards the table where he and Tommy sat, talking about Tommy's experience when the outbreak hit.
"I'm gonna head back," you told him, your arm still linked with Maria's. "I'm tired."
"Alright, I'll come with you," he said, flattening his palms against the table to stand, but you held your hand out.
"Why don't you stay with Tommy and catch up? Maria can walk me home," you turned to her with a smile that she returned.
He gave you a knowing look and cleared his throat.
"You sure?" he asked, clearly uneasy about you leaving his sight. You nodded.
"One hundred percent. Stay," you told him firmly, and he sat back down in his chair. "Spend time with your brother." Tommy shot you a grateful smile, but you missed it, trying to assure Joel through your gaze. "It's okay," you added softly, and he slowly nodded.
"I won't be long," he promised, and you waved him off.
"Take as much time as you want, I'm just going to fall asleep the minute I get back." If it wasn't for Joel witnessing your interactions with Maria, he would have insisted on leaving with you.
"Alright, then," Joel said, and you tossed him a wave as Maria pulled you towards the door and down the street.
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Joel stumbled into bed a few hours later, trying his best to be quiet and not wake you, but he failed. You turned over as he sunk into the mattress, pulling gently on the covers.
"Have fun?" you mumbled sleepily, and he reached out to you, pulling you up against his chest.
"Yeah, how 'bout you?" he asked, smelling the whiskey on his breath. You nodded.
"Yeah, it was nice," you tucked your head under his chin and buried your face into his bare chest. He ran his hands up and down your back, pressing you against him as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Did you talk about me?" you asked him with a smirk he couldn't see.
"Little bit," he admitted, kissing the crown of your head. "Did’ya talk about me?"
"Mhmm," you said, breathing in deeply. "I may have signed you up for a leadership job."
The rubbing on your back paused.
You pulled back to look him in the eyes.
"Maria needs the help, Joel," you told him, "I said you could oversee the construction. Not right away, but once you get the hang of things... isn't it what you used to do back at work, anyway?"
He smirked and pulled you back against his chest.
"We been here less than a day and you're already findin' stuff for me to do," he tutted, and you smiled. "Nah, it's fine. If you're happy here, I'll do whatever it takes to keep this place runnin'." He placed another tender kiss on the crown of your head as his hands started back up again.
The alcohol in your system urged you to reach down to his waistband, but Maria's earlier words floated across your mind, and you refrained. Instead, you trailed kisses against his chest that slowly lead up to his throat. He must have been holding his breath because he exhaled heavily when your lips finally reached his Adam's Apple. You made your way to the underside of his jaw when he finally spoke.
"Easy there, sweetheart," he said, his voice strained, and he swallowed when you nipped at his jaw.
"Sorry," you whispered, pulling back. You noticed he purposely was tilting his hips further away from you under the covers. "I just miss you. So much." He groaned.
"Me too. But I need to know you're okay first." He rubbed his thumb in circles against your arm, his pupils blown wide as he gazed down at you. "There's no rush."
You wished nothing more than to give in at that moment, but you knew it would be a mistake. So instead, you tucked your head back under his chin and he pulled you close, his back falling against the mattress as you stretched your arm across his warm chest and nuzzled your face into his neck.
You fell asleep that night wrapped in each other’s arms, the peace of mind of knowing you were finally safe lulled you both into the deepest sleep you've had in months.
Extra Scene
Chapter Nineteen
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Tag list: @chiogarza, @sparklejumpropequeen-777, @shotgun-shelby @partyofone3413
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year ago
Hi first of all I'd like to say that I love your writing style and can't get enough of reading you. Could I make a request for a slightly older Jake Kim? As it's the end of the crews, Allied has won and neither Charles Choi nor Eugene are a threat anymore. Jake is a little bored despite his love for big deal and his friends and/or his mother is urging him to go back to school and he thinks it might be a good idea. At first he's a little scared and unsure, thinking that with his gangster looks and scars, he might scare off the other students, but Jake is Jake and his charisma is incredible. Anyway, he notices this girl who's a foreign student (if she could be French, I'd love you for the rest of my life), quite popular and he just has a crush on her but doesn't dare approach her because she's so popular. Well he watches her as she sit just in front of him and he is just so into her. The 2 of them could get close at a party or an event, maybe he could save her from a molka or a Zeus-like student or something like that too.
Sorry if it is not clear, english isn't my native language.
Besides, if my request doesn't inspire you, feel free to ignore it. I'll keep on reading you because you're incredible.
Anon, this is EXTREMELY clear. Ty for being so kind!! Sorry for the delay and as always, only half hitting the request points. Also French???
Jake Kim x French!Reader: Lecture
Leans F!Reader. Sort of college AU.
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Jake sits at the back of the lecture hall. 
He always sits at the back. It was his seat before Big Deal, and makes sense that it's his seat after Big Deal too.
Picked in his middle school days as the perfect spot for taking naps and causing trouble. Not that Jake was ever a trouble maker, at least to teachers. He preferred to waste the hours by catching up on his sleep.
So used to being front and centre all his life. Thrust, sometimes willingly, sometimes not, into the centre of attention that it's quite nice to literally take a back seat. 
Except. It's out of an awkwardness, discomfort, that he chooses to sit at the back today. 
Hidden from most of the other students. Feeling out of place with his thuggish appearance, his scars and his tattoos.
Can't help but be a little self conscious, even if his bias should be grossly outdated.
"This seat taken?" You don't wait for his answer, missing his look of surprise, slamming yourself down on the seat. Hugging your backpack to your body and slouching with relief. 
"I got lost," you give a grin that comes out as more of a grimace, and wipe your brow, having worked up a sweat from trying to figure out this labyrinth they call a school.
Jake's eyes follow your fingers running through your hair. Absentmindedly notes how soft and shiny it looks.
You tell him your name, half distracted with setting up your laptop to take notes. He has your full attention when his low, husky timbre introduces himself as Jake Kim. 
You also notice he has dimples when he smiles.
He sees you again a couple days later, and you walk towards your lecture together.
Following your lead and taking a seat much closer to the front. Where Jake doesn't need to strain so much to see and hear.
He feels less self conscious today. Maybe that's because you're by his side.
He chooses not to dwell on it. Focusing on whatever the professor is talking about.
Somewhere between the droning voice and the overwarm room, his mind starts to wander. Begins to doodle on his notepad instead of taking notes.
You peek over at his paper, "What is that?"
"Jerry." Jake says it like it's obvious. Like you should know.
"My best friend."
You squint down at the doodle a bit more, "Cute. What breed is he?"
Jake holds back his grin and deadpans, "Human."
Jake chuckles. Points out the bald head and the attempt at human anatomy in a hushed voice as you inspect further, peering so close your foreheads are almost touching.
When finally,the image clicks, you burst out laughing, earning shushes from the students around you.
Jake is shy. 
All his natural leadership quality completely leaves him when after the lecture, you introduce him to his friends.
A mix of students that grew up overseas. Seems worldly and experienced compared to himself who has barely left Seoul. Having lived a lifetime fighting and running a gang instead.
You introduce everyone. Give him more details about yourself, mention growing up in France.
"Paris?" he ventures, the only place he can recall off the top of his head.
You pull a little face at that. No, the South. Grew up swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. 
"Here," you lean in to show him on your phone the town you spent your childhood years.
Leaning in close enough that he can count each of your freckles, if he so chooses. Can pick out the scent of your shampoo
And Jake, for maybe the first time ever, is hit with a fluttering in his stomach.
It's a role reversal.
Everyone seems to know you. You remember the little details about them. Asking how their trip was, how their mom is doing.
You're popular, and Jake feels a little like an outcast. No one has given him a reason to feel that way. Not really, but he couldn't help feeling misplaced. Like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.
Until you took him under your wing. Making him feel comfortable in this strange environment. 
Like many others, his face now brightens when you shine your light on him.
He remembers a little more, a lot more, about himself. Finds ease in his words and his body again.
Charisma and confidence once more rising to the surface. It always does with someone like Jake Kim. It’s embedded in his nature, fundamentally a part of who he is.
Being with you is uncomplicated, easy. Like how everyone always says it should be. He draws smiles and laughter from your lips, feeding on them like a lifestream.  Cracking cheesy jokes and puns that make you groan and lightly slap his arm with affection.
Jake thinks you're sweet and kind and all sorts of wonderful. Maybe funnier than he is, which is the greatest compliment he can give.
He's started to count your freckles every chance he gets.
You're doodling on his pad again. He's admiring your lashes.
Long and thick and luscious. But it's the way they frame your eyes, when you peer up at him with a softness, that makes his chest ache.
"I drew us," you whisper, and his eyes follow your pen. Two stick figures. One much taller than the others.
Maybe he's a bit too crazy about you, but he thinks that even these few lines are the essence of you two.
"What are we doing?" he whispers back. Your eyes drop to his lips, tracing the shape of them, the scar, words almost on the tip of your tongue-
Then it dissipates. 
You stare back at the drawing and give a shrug.
"Maybe this?" He draws what he hopes you can make out to be a bowl and some chopsticks.
"Sure." Jake musters up all his charm and gives you a grin, hoping it hides his nervousness. "Or dinner. A date."
He's trying for nonchalance. Like it wouldn't mean anything if you turned him down, preferring to stay friends or whatever this is-
"This Saturday?" you smile, and Jake nods, gives you a toothy grin back, dimples on full display.
You pick up your pen again and draw a little symbol over the figures. 
It’s a small heart, and his own soars.
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rinanar · 4 months ago
Okay so we know Eugene cares a lot about Mandeok and Yuseong, right?
I'm just thinking what if he wants them to just run away when (if I'm not mistaken) things get hard when the two of them fought Gun in the recent arcs was because he had a younger brother!reader who used to fight tooth and nail for them in the past every time, despite not being good at fighting, and one day ended up severely injured and in a coma (thus it's what led to that one scene where Yuseong cried hugging Eugene when Goo came after an apparent 'clean up')?
I suspect they were horribly bullied during their school days (not to mention we got hints of that recently, too).
Would it be okay if it's written in a one-shot style (or headcanon if it's easier for you) where Eugene reminisces about the past and us as he watches us lying in the hospital bed, wondering when we'll wake up?
Feel free to ignore this if you want, I'm feeling a little angsty today because we don't get enough of Eugene.
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character/s : Yoojin, small mentions of Yuseong and Mandeok
type : oneshot — platonic , angst — m!reader — NOT X READER
warning/s - details : post Hunt-for-Gun , severely injured!reader
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Yoojin is smart. He knows that. Everyone knows that.
But this decision was the stupidest one he had made by far.
He's staring blankly, he doesn't know what to say, he doesn't know what to do. He's been like this for the past days, watching you lie down on the hospital bed, unconscious.
How could he do this to his own little brother? It's his fault. He shouldn't have dragged you into an issue he selfishly created.
He's selfish. He's so selfish. He repeats this in his mind.
He wishes it was him that was in your place.
You don't fight that well. You both knew that, so why did you go out of your way just to protect him in the past and until now?
Then he starts to feel his eyes sting.
He starts to wish you, Yuseong, and Mandeok just had a normal life, and that he didn't drag the three of you altogether into his mess.
It's all because he wanted revenge. All because he wanted to ruin Charles Choi. All because he wanted the ideal life he so selfishly tried to give to you three, and him. It's his own damn fault.
He's so sorry.
You can tell by how he doesn't sit with his legs crossed like usual, you can tell by how he's breathing so shakily, his hand is also shaking as he cries into it.
He's begging— wishing for you to wake up.
He gave you a bad past, and until now, he hasn't done anything to make it any better.
It's times like these that he stops thinking— it's when his mind goes blank. He can't think of anything else but apologizing to no one.
It's times like these when he starts to feel dumb.
He just wishes he could've been THE older brother to you and Yuseong, even though he's the middle child.
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─୨.・❀.・ৎ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
a/n : I think I just had a heart palpitation writing this
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found-family-tournament · 2 years ago
Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 10 Group 50
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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The Bad Kids: Riz "The Ball" Gukgak, Adaine Abernant, Fabian Aramaris Seacaster, Gorgug Thistlespring, Figueroth "Fig" Faeth, Kristen Applebees (& Ragh Barkrock)
Drawtectives: Gyorik "York" Rogdul, Grendan "Grandma" Highforge, Rosé, Jancy True, Eugene Finch
Submissions are still open!
The Bad Kids:
before i start the pictures below are by isawiitch (https://www.tumblr.com/isawiitch), victor rosas (https://twitter.com/SirVictorThe2nd), and m0nomercy (https://www.tumblr.com/m0nomercy) respectively check them out they're very cool and also that middle guy did the official art for fantasy high its very cool
Mods note: said middle picture is a .webp. And I sadly can't add those. But the others are below
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anyways all of these dumb teens are just god they complete each other they're the most important people in the world to each other like fabian and gorgug meeting with a punch to the stomach and going on to share a hug in an evil forest and "DO YOU WANT ME TO BITE IT OUT FOR YOU" "the ball, wait" -riz and fabian and kristen's really bad inspiring speech (they're gonna get inspiring real soon) but they are inspiring because they're from the best and sweetest friend in the whole world and gorgug getting razzed a little for thinking random people are his dad and the sheer joy everyone felt for him when he met his real parents and RIZ THE BALL GUKGAK AND FABIAN SEACASTER THE DUO OF ALL TIME and adaine learning to be a normal teen and fig swearing she's not an open person when she pours her heart out to her friends every chance she gets and riz and adaine being the only two non-horny members of the team and bonding over that and being smart but terrible in social interactions together and "its called being gay, when you're here you're family" -kristen applebees, 2019 and fig starting a band with gorgug, one of the more socially awkward members of the party and "what would riz do" "you bite down hard on a piece of glass" and adaine's actual worst fear being what she would become after her friends passed and the KILL YOUR DAD chant and its gorgug keep going and all of them feeling each others' overcoming of fear in the forest of the nightmare king no matter how far apart they are and riz shooting off an incel's fingers for being weird about adaine (there was other stuff going on but you can't convince me that it wasn't at least partially because of that) and the gang not really letting gorgug and kristen forget that one time they died (they got better and were psychologically okay with it after a bit so this was lighthearted jabs and not straight-up reminding them of a big traumatic moment) and "my friends were warmer to me on the first day that we met than you were to me in my whole life" -adaine abernant, 2020
AND that doesn't even include all the crazy stuff with bad kids-adjacent found family members like gilear faeth getting his life back together thanks to these teens and jawbone o'shaughnessy being the dad of all time to the point where he actually adopts adaine at the end of sophomore year and aelwyn abernant holy shit (she's harder to justify here because her main important interactions are with her sister, unlike gilear who is technically fig's stepdad but is a core part of the found family in all directions) aelwyn abernant is trying so desperately hard to be better and ayda aguefort and adaine swapping homemade spells named after each other (adaine kills her dad with hers its a good time) and ragh barkrock getting over his internalized homophobia
SO IN CONCLUSION these guys have changed each other so much and every single combination of them, be it a duo or a trio or whatever has a distinct dynamic thats so so important to me. they're all family to each other, some of them more than even their real families. they are the guys of all time and my blorbos even and are a wicked good found family
Sometimes a family is the kids who all got detention together on the first day of school at adventuring academy.
And sometimes that family is:
A Half-elf-Half-Pirate rich boy who killed toxic masculinity by learning how to dance, and mercy-killed his father by stabbing him with a sword.
"The Greatest Wizard of this Age" (actually a Barbarian who took a level in artificer to boost his cellphone-reception to call and apologize to his satyr girlfriend) Half-Orc drummer who was adopted by Gnomes;
A bisexual Punk-rocker Tiefling who thought she was a wood-elf until her horns came-in & caused her and her adoptive father to discover that her biological father is actually an Archdevil;
The Elven Oracle (later just "The Oracle"/"Everybody's Oracle") who was adopted by the school's Werewolf Guidance Councilor after her evil parents disowned her (she later punched her evil bio-dad to death in a single round of combat, despite being a magic caster);
An aro-ace (un)licensed Private Investigator Goblin who carries a briefcase and ate the face of the dragon that ate his father;
And a lesbian ex-fundie human who met the corn-god her family worships, found out he sucks & left the church and her family, CREATED HER OWN GOD (of Buzzfeed listical symbols, known first as "YES!" then later "YES?"), only to then abandon that god to become the Saint of the long forgotten Goddex/Goddess of Mystery, Night and Magic.
(Optionally, add in the Half-Orc repressed-gay bully they befriended and helped come out)
And sometimes, that found family becomes a literal family, because over the course of the series:
Fig's mom starts dating Adaine's adoptive dad,
Fig's adoptive dad gets engaged to Fabian's mom,
Fig's biological dad starts dating Riz's mom,
Kirsten starts dating the niece of Adaine's adoptive dad/Fig's mom' boyfriend.
(Gorgug is the only one who still isn't related to the others, but he did find his biological parents. And although he still lives with his adoptive parents, he is now in the famous band "Fig and the Cig Figs" along-side his bio-parents, Fig, and Fig's bio-dad)
Currently, Fig, Adaine, Kirsten, Fig's mom, Adaine's adopted dad, Kirsten's GF, Adaine's biological older sister, Adaine's sister's ghost fiancé, Ragh, Ragh's mom, and Fig's Half-Phoenix librarian/pirate GF all live in one giant haunted old Victorian-style Manor.
They are so silly and cute <3 Three strangers bond over solving a murder mystery as interns to a tired detective/mom figure. In s2 they pick up an amnesiac guy and adopt him as a son (despite one of them being younger than him). Everyone pls watch Drawtectives it's so fun and there's lots of wacky drawing shenanigans involved
they are SILLY they are BESTIES they are in a POLYCULE they LOVE EACHOTHER 🥺🥺 (eugene is their son who is also their age and jancy is their mom. dw its not weird) (art included is all by karina @dilfosaur of drawfee)
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unluckilyimnot · 13 hours ago
Love language
Pairing : mogari, eugune, kaoru, tamon (phantom busters)
Note: please I just read phantom busters and I love them send me anything I'll do it 😫
masterlist | rules
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Mogari – physical touch + word of affirmation
He's all about holding you or your hand, keeping you close in case anything happens ; or not. He just likes it, he uses spirits as an excuse. He just wants you to lean on him, to rest his hands around your waist or shoulders, to play with your hair. Anything honestly as long as you're next to him.
He's not scared to speak his mind, he doesn't have anything to hide from you and he wants you to know how much he loves you and encourages you with whatever you're doing. He's always telling how good you look or how good you did, with a hug of course. He's not shy at all about it and it usually makes you shy, but he loves that too.
Eugene – quality time + word of affirmation
He just likes to have you around and spend time with you, it doesn't matter what you're doing. You can be tending or studying next to him/with him and he's the happiest. What he loves the most is talking with you, about a hundred things, he wants to know your opinion and discuss it around a cup of tea.
He thinks you're amazing and he wants you to know that, you can't doubt yourself with him around you. He pushes you up all the time and he's very soft about it. It's always a little subtle, told with a gentle smile just to be sure it hits right where he wants. It can be out of nowhere and leave you all flustered but for him it's always calculated as the right moment.
Kaoru – gift giving + quality time
He doesn't have much money but when you two go out on dates he likes to get you matching keychains about your favorite manga/show. In general he likes to find you small gifts so he can always surprise you ! If he can't, he makes you cards or a playlist that matches you or your favorite show.
Of course he loves to read next to you or watch movies/shows with you. That's his favorite date honestly, that way he can focus on something else than his own life and so with the person he likes the most. He can talk with you through it, expose points and start a discussion in the middle of the show without caring much and that's what he likes about you, he's free to be himself.
Tamon – act of service
He wants to do thing for you, let him please. Let him know when you need something he'll get it for you. If he noticed you didn't drink in a while, he'll hand you his bottle or pour you a glass of water. He takes your bag for you before you can even reach for it sometimes and if you ask for it he just keep it on his shoulder while leaving you search inside it. He cooks for you when you come over and let you help only with the basic things, he'd rather have you sitting around and talking with him or resting. He doesn't want to be too much with it though, so don't hesitate to tell him when you're just fine and don't need anything. He won't take it bad if you don't want anything.
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reapers-lover · 10 months ago
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A/N: Hey yall I'm back with a lovely request ti got the other day and finally finished! It isn't much but thank you for getting me out of my writing slump! Much love, and enjoy!
Eugene sledge x reader
Warnings: Rascism, soft smut, public smut, no mention of protections but smut is very short
After the war, once Eugene made it home, he could hardly wait to see his girlfriend , y/n, again. And as he got out of the train, his face lit up. There they were, his best friends, Sidney and Y/n waiting to take him home.
A few months later, Eugene and Y/n are lying down in the field behind his parents' house. It's quiet until Y/n speaks up. 
“Why are you with me, Eugene?”
Eugene freezes and turns to look at her. “What do you mean, Y/n? I love you,” he reaches his hand out to comb his fingers through her hair.
Y/n turns away from him. 
“Why me, Eugene? There are so many gorgeous girls around here. And I hear all the whispers from them on the streets. I can hear them say how they can't believe you would fall in love with someone like me. Do you know how hard it is to know that there are so many pretty blue-eyed blondies that you could eventually marry? I'm not welcome in this town Eugene… And they make it very clear.”
Eugene had been silently crying since Y/n had started talking. He reaches out again and, this time, is able to pull her into his chest. As they cry together, Eugene speaks up.
“They can all go to hell, ok darling? I love you Y/n and only you. I don't want to date one of those blue-eyed blondies because I have you. Look at me love,” Eugene lifts her chin with a finger. “I love you. I love your gorgeous black hair and your brown eyes. And I hope that when we have kids one day, they look just like you. You are the most beautiful woman I know, Y/n. And,” Eugene, sit up and get on a knee. “ I don't have a ring yet, but you make me the happiest man in the world. Will you please marry me Y/n?”
Y/n nods her head and tackles Eugene into a hug, making him fall into the grass. Eugene Laughs then brings her into a kiss. This quick kiss turns into more quick kisses… then longer kisses… and before they knew it, Eugene was hovering over y/n.
“Tell me if you need me to slow down, ok?” Y/n nodded and let him enter her. Y/n winces when she feels the sharp stretch of him entering her. However, the pain eventually turns to pleasure as he bottoms out inside of her. 
Eugene listens to the sounds of the crickets and cicadas chirping as he makes love to the most beautiful girl he knows. And when they are done, he snuggles up next to her and lays there in the grass until morning.
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juleshwin · 19 days ago
Just a list of subjects/characters in AiO I wanna talk about: (lemme know if you wanna talk about them too) (beware of run-on sentences)
Renee Carter cuz she has a Scottish accent cuz she's a really interesting character and I wanna know some theories of yours of where she's going in her spiritual journey if that made any sense
Buck Meltsner and just he's got so much going on in his life and I hope Micah stays friends with him cuz otherwise all he'll have is Eugene and Katrina and that makes me wanna cry.
Speaking of Katrina I wonder how she's doing cuz Eugene's in Switzerland, plus the Buck's-criminal-history drama, and wow can someone get me a ticket to Odyssey I need to go give Katrina a hug.
Zoey x Jay canon? Plz plz plz let it be canon I am begging of you
Is Buddy Norman a Lotr fan? He is and you can't change my mind.
Plz don't let Jules date that guy from her band that I forgot the name of—
How squishing long will the writers simply ignore Jilson aghhhh
Why does the way Buck and Katrina talk about Eugene make it seem like he's not with us anymore and it's making me very depressed
What if Suzu becomes the child villain instead of Morrie...wait that's pretty fic worthy...hmmm...
I miss Barrett and Priscilla 😢
Will we ever see Tori again? Hmm
Why can't there be a modern-day home schooled family plz plz plz
The only good elsewhere in Odyssey art style was the one from the Christmas2024 strip and just the rest are kinda cringey. No offense to the artists or like if you like the styles but that's just my opinion
Ok have a nice day everyone!!! :) <3
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kormiato · 7 months ago
Hi! Its me again! I wanted to ask if you could write some hcs for Eugene and Delsin dropping off their male s/o (or gender neutral if you preffer) to college and getting a lil clingy cuz they wanna spend time with their bf, and maybe both being a lil worried about how their s/os Friends are going to react since both delsin and Eugene are conduits?( it turns out fine cuz their s/o's Friends are pretty chill and fun).
Thanks in advance! Have a nice day!.
OH. MY. GOD. IT'S BEEN SO DAMN LONG SINCE I'M SO TERRIBLY SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME SO LONG, I WAS OUT OF THE TUMBLR ALL THIS TIME, I'LL BE BETTER, I SWEAR. Anyway! I love that you still give me requests, you're literally the best! I send a big warm hug to you through the screen and I hope you have a nice day as well. (I hope that I got your request right btw)
Eugene Sims and Delsin Rowe dropping off their s/o to college (Male!Reader)
You were looking like a zombie as you were brushing your teeth. Sleepy, slow zombie. You went to sleep at 3 am and woke up at 6.30. It wasn't that surprising that you were so sleepy, right? But why did you end up sleeping so little? The answer is simple. Delsin and Eugene. You were up at night playing games, eating pizza and laughing with your boyfriends. You can't say you regretted it, since it really helped you relax and have fun. But right this moment you just wanted to fall asleep with your head in the sink.
As you were almost falling asleep while standing in the bathroom, you saw a head popping out of the doorframe. "Heya! Wow, you look like a wreck." Delsin's voice ringed along with the following slurp of his coffee. You just chuckled along and smiled, glancing at the man from the corner of your eye.
"Good morning to you too, Del." You muttered in response, your voice is slurred from the sleepiness and the brush in your mouth. You finished with your morning procedure and splashed your face with cold water to wake up faster. That's when you smelled a coffee right under your nose. And noticed a coffee mug that Delsin holds for you, smiling as he does so. "There you go, pretty boy." He says with a small wink and chuckles softly at how cute you look right now.
You thanked him and took a sip of your coffee with a satisfied hum coming from you right after it. The coffee was just the way you liked. Perfect way to start a day. As you walked in the kitchen you saw Eugene who was as sleepy as you were while drinking his own coffee. It seemed like you all know who'll be responsible for driving this time.
You tried to tell them both a countless times yesterday that they don't have to drop you off to college and that you're a big boy and you can get there yourself. But they just won't listen. They just wanted to spend some more time with you and make sure you were safe, they were almost begging you to let them drop you off to college next time (mostly Delsin was the one begging, Eugene looked like a small pleading kitten without any words, just by one look at this boy). So you couldn't turn down such a sweet gesture.
As you both got in the car that obviously Delsin took from Reggie, since there was a police siren on top of it, you almost started to fall asleep. The sound of the car moving slowly was soothing and quiet, making you sleepy again. And Delsin noticed it. So he turned on the music. He turned on a Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd and that made you wake up once again. You wanted to frown and be annoyed because it startled you, but you couldn't when you saw Delsin smiling, nodding his head and tapping his finger against the wheel to the rhythm and mimicking the guitar parts while you were standing on the red lights. It was too fun and cute and eventually you started nodding your head as well, tapping your finger against the car door. Eugene didn't seem to mind and just smiled as he saw both of you fooling around.
It was a fun ride, filled with jokes, laughter and music. It was so fun that the three of you haven't noticed that you got to the college. Delsin parked the car (carefully ofc, he knows that Reggie won't give him head pats for damaging his car) and the three of you got out of the car. You were smiling, happy that you got to the college in a good mood thanks to your boyfriends. You hugged and kissed them both, thanking them for giving you a ride and accompanying you. They were both only happy to do so. Though Eugene looked a little nervous. Which haven't go unnoticed by both you and Delsin.
"Hey, Eugene, what's wrong? You seem a little... Restless." You said softly, your brows slightly furrowed in concern. He just rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly looking away and then at the students at the gates. Eugene seemed uncomfortable by something.
"Well, it's just... We're conduits. Won't there be problems because of it?" The boy muttered quietly. Delsin seemed to frown as he realized that too. He wasn't afraid of someone being against him and Eugene just because they're conduits, but he didn't want you, their boyfriend, to have problems because of it. He wanted to offer Eugene to just go back home to not create any problems, but you stopped them with a laughter. "Come on, guys. It's gonna be fine. I promise. My friends are nice people." You assured them. But it didn't make their worries go away completely.
That's when one of your friends appeared, waving at you in a greeting, a smile on their face. "Hey! We've been waiting for you!" You heard one of your friend calling for you and when you looked in direction of their voice you saw a group of your friends coming your way. You smiled and greeted them happily. And Eugene, meanwhile, involuntarily took a small step to the side to hide behind you and Delsin. He was for sure uncomfortable and anxious about this whole thing.
Yet, well, people should be blind to not see that you were not the only one standing there. And your friends' interested piqued. They started smiling even more and asking who are they, while lightly teasing you in process with phrases like 'hey, I didn't know you came here with your bodyguards or something'. It made you laugh and blush a little. You really liked your friends, they were fun and accepting. That's why you happily introduced Delsin and Eugene to them.
Delsin immediately put on the cocky smirk as he shook one of your friends' hand, appearing almost flirty. You knew that he does it just to get a reaction out of you. Which he does perfectly well, because you nudged him in the side with your elbow, making him laugh out loud as well as your friends.
Eugene didn't talk much and just said a small "hello". He looked pretty adorable, you must admit, but you also didn't like him being nervous, since it made you feel concerned and protective of him. You gently took his hand in yours to ease his nerves, which helped a little. And your friends noticed Eugene's nervousness as well. "Hey, what's wrong?" One of them asked. The three of you got silent and you looked at Delsin and Eugene as if asking for a permission to tell your friends the truth. Delsin just shrugged at this, as if to say 'go on'. So you took a deep breath and said, "well... Delsin and Eugene are... Conduits."
Awkward silence hung over all of you, making it a little uncomfortable. But it was only for a second before your friends sighed in relief and laughed, saying that they were scared it was something serious. That statement made Delsin and Eugene look at each other, then at you and then at your friends with wide eyes. They were used to people being disgusted, or afraid with conduits. Yet here your friends are, actually... Accepting it. Not that they minded, of course.
"So..." Delsin broke the small laughing moment between your friends. "Just to make sure. It's chill, right? We're chill? No... like, hate or something?" he asked, trying to appear nonchalant, yet still wanting to be confident that it's all okay and there's no problem about it. Your friends smiled with a nod.
"Sure, why the hell should it not be okay?" one of them replied simply, as if it's obvious. Yet... if for them it was okay and nothing serious, you could feel Eugene visibly relax, his grip on your hand relaxed as well as his face. Delsin got relaxed too, letting out a breathless laughter, as if sighing in relief. He nodded multiple times as if to say "yeah. Yeah, we're safe, we're okay, we're chill".
This sight made you smile with a warm feeling blooming in your chest. You felt like you dropped a very large backpack from your back. You was right. Your friends are really nice and that made you proud of having them. And also you felt like the luckiest man in the world to have Delsin and Eugene. Conduits or not, they brighten your days and you want people to accept them, to love them as much as you love them (though they better love them platonically, you won't like them having a crush on your boys, that's for sure). And now, there's a few more people in their lives that do so. "How about we meet after college and go out somewhere? My treat," you said nonchalantly, to change the subject and lighten the mood. And when everyone agreed, you thought to yourself that this will be a great day after all.
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adamofingolstadt · 1 year ago
A little drawtectives work to get back into the swing of writing
It was a clear morning in early spring, and Jancy True had just arrived at work. A cup of tea sat beside her as she cast her eyes over a transcript, underlining important phrases. Life had been quiet the last few days, and she'd finally given in and began pivoting to digital-- at Rosé's strong suggestion-- which meant a lot of looking back through her old files and reflecting on how naive she used to be. 
There was a sound similar to three bodies smacking a hardwood door. 
 "Wipe your feet!" Jancy called, not looking up from her files. There was a scuffling sound as the children kicked off their shoes and shed their jackets. 
 "Mom! Guess what!" Rosé shouted. 
 The girl cut her off: "Eugene's coming into town tonight!" 
 "Tonight?" Jancy checked her calendar. 
"He finished the seance last night and they said he could leave early!" Grendan explained, pulling her damp hair out of its bun. 
 "We'll have to send a cab down to the station for him." Jancy considered, toying with her fountain pen. 
 "Please can't we go pick him up ourselves?" Rosé asked, eyes wide. 
 "I can carry him home." York volunteered. 
 Jancy sighed. "Well, I suppose I could write off a couple hours... so long as we come back here when we're done." 
 "Thanks mom!" 
 "You're the best!" 
 "Don't forget to convert those files, please." She rolled her eyes affectionately and got back to work.
Eugene was coming by coach-- he didn't quite feel 'up' to taking the train. So they waited in the chilly evening wind, under the shelter at the bus terminal.
Finally a large SilverDog coach chugged into place before them. A few elderly folks and a hiking couple got off, and then...
"Geenie!" Rosé leapt forwards, incasing the man in a hug and trying (failing) to lift him off the ground. "Baby! We missed you!"
"Did you have a good trip?" Grandma asked.
"TWO-GENE!" York grabbed all three of his friends and (successfully) lifted them off the pavement. "I missed ya every day!"
"I can stay all week." Eugene grinned as he was set down again. "Hi Nanna!"
"Hello Eugene." Jancy gave him a hesitant tap on the shoulder. 
The medium yawned; he was somewhat disheveled from the long bus trip, jacket hanging off his shoulder and gripping an ancient leather trunk
"Are you tired son?" Rosé asked, guiding him back towards the car.
"York, help the boy with his trunk." Jancy ordered. York was already on it, slinging the luggage onto his shoulder with ease.
Grandma, not sure how to make herself useful, followed his friends back to the cab.
They managed to squeeze both Grendan and Eugene into the middle seat, though York's legs were cramped.
The trip back to the office was boisterous from the backseat, Eugene's return was treated as a herald of goodness.
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mydarllinglover · 2 years ago
Alone || The New World
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"Alright, say night to Dad" Natalia told Evie, after she had finished telling him about her day.
"Night Dad, I love and miss you." The eight year old said into the radio.
"Night, sweetheart, I'm gonna see ya soon, alright, promise." His voice came through. "I love ya."
A year and a half had passed since the fall of the Saviours, all the communities had been rebuilt.
Rick had asked Daryl to be the new leader of the Sanctuary, telling him that he was the best person for the job, he had even said about Natalia and Evie moving there as well, when Natalia had a few choice words for him, still pissed at the man, and then to have the audacity to even request what he did.
Daryl had accepted, even though she knew he didn't want to go back there, to leave his family, who he had said were to stay in Alexandria, he wasn't gonna have Evie nowhere near the place.
Of course Natalia had to stay with her, though she hated the idea of him leaving without her, they had got long range radios, to stay in touch every night
Eugene and Rosita had gone with him, much to Tara's disappointment, who had formed a relationship with the latter, and a budding friendship with the former. Natalia would be lying if she said she hadn't been sensing something brewing between the two women, she was happy for them.
Natalia visited the Sanctuary when she could, though it was sparsely that she could find the time, when she did stay at the Sanctuary, the married couple only had one thing on their mind, and It wasn't sleeping.
Daryl had become an expert in taking care of Natalia's body, he was a fast learner, even though she claimed that his first time was the best she'd had with anybody.
"You still there, baby?" Daryl asked, when Natalia made her way to her own room.
"Yeah, was just closing Eves door." She said. "I miss you."
"Miss you, too. But we're gonna see each other tomorrow, you still coming to DC?"
"Hell yeah, babe, it's a fucking museum, you know how cool that is? Me and my mom went for my sixteenth, they have this well cool floor that's completely made of glass, you can stand right above it and look down at the cool shit."
"God, you're such a nerd." He sighed as she got into bed.
"Hey, says the person who's probably flicking through a manual about bike parts, right as we speak."
"Ain't doing that." She could hear the pages folding shut and the sound of him tossing it."
"Mhm yeah, I'm sure." She rolled her eyes. "I think I'm gonna see Siddiq before I head off though."
"You still not feeling alright?" He asked. "You sure you should come?"
"Yeah, I don't know, just wanna make sure I get it checked out, it's nothing major, Evie hasn't caught it so it's not like contagious or anything."
Natalia had been feeling rough for a few weeks now, she didn't know what it was, but she'd start to feel nauseous, and wondered if it was because of her lack of appetite recently, she didn't know what kind of cold was developing, or maybe it was a new allergy.
"I think I'm gonna talk to Rick about coming home, maybe let Rosita take over, I wanna be with you and Eves, I'm missing too much."
"I agree, I hate going to sleep and waking up without you, and Evie's growing up too fast, I can't believe she's going to be nine in a few months."
"I know, I hate it too, I needa be with my girls."
"I love you." She said, clicking the radio as she got settled under the covers,
"I love you so much, baby." He responded, she could hear the raspiness in his voice. "Get some sleep, I'll see ya tomorrow, pretty girl."
She laughed at the nickname, making a mwah sound into the radio before setting it on the bedside table beside her, hugging the pillow tightly as she thought about her husband.
"Hey, Nat. You alright?" Siddiq asked, when she walked into the infirmary, Evie was at Rick and Michonne's having breakfast with Judith.
"Yeah, was wondering if I could have a quick check up before we head out." She told him.
"Yeah, of course, is there any reason in particular you think you may need one?" He asked as he washed his hands.
"Uh, not really, I think I'm developing a new allergy or something, I don't know what to, it's like not as severe as the nut one, though." She said, sitting on a bed to be examined.
"Can you tell me a few of the symptoms? Any rashes, uncomfortableness?" Siddiq picked up a clipboard and a pen, so he could write it all down.
"Uh, no physical stuff, nah, but like, shortness of breath, nausea, been told I've been acting like a bitch a lot more." She laughed. "Uhm, stomach cramps, swelling... or bloating?"
"Stomach cramps, swelling and nausea?" Siddiq looked up at her. "Natalia, are you-"
"Pregnant, hell no" She shook her head. "Trust me, I'm not, no chance I could be." Natalia assured. "Me and Daryl haven't exactly had a lot of time together, we haven't... been intimate for a while." She admitted, feeling awkward talking about her sex life with her husband, even though Siddiq was a doctor, and probably knew full well that they most likely slept together, when given the chance. "Trust me, we do not want any babies as it is, Evie is enough, and it's not exactly like we can coparent a new born between here and the Sanctuary."
"Well, if you're 100% certain." He wasn't. "I'll do a check up, but if you think it's allergies, I wanna do a blood test, see if it's anything else, anything that could cause the swelling, could be endometriosis, cysts, y'know. if something's up, it'll come up in that."
"Ugh, I hate blood tests." Natalia groaned, laying out her arm.
When he had done the test, Siddiq had given her a lollypop, which she accepted.
"I'll radio when I get the results."
"Alright, thank you, I'll be on channel 6, use that one." Natalia said, changing the channel as he taped up her vein with a cotton swab. "It's nothing, right?"
"Yeah, shouldn't be anything life threating, but if it is, I'll let you know as soon as I do, hey, be safe out there."
"I will, I always do."
When Daryl had turned his bike off, Natalia was running for him, embracing the man as she jumped into his arms.
"Hey, baby!" She squealed into his shoulder.
"Missed ya" He told her, holding the woman tightly.
They were in the middle of DC, Rick and Michonne had already taken care of any walkers that were around as everyone got ready to head into the museum or reuniting with their loved ones.
"Did ya see Siddiq?" He asked, sliding a finger into her belt loop, holding her to him.
"Yeah, did a blood test, though he thinks it's all fine, but he's gonna let me know what's up." She answered, waving her radio before tucking it back onto her belt.
Rick opened the door of the large building, and Michonne dealt with the walker that came out.
"We're good for now." She whispered to the group of people, checking through the gap between the door. "Sweep protocol when we get in."
Rick opened the door wider, letting Michonne enter as the others followed.
They silently took out any walkers that they might find.
It looked like they had set up camp before they turned.
"Y'all got your lists." Rick said, lowly, "Circle back here when you're done. Be safe."
They had got to the place Natalia was talking about on the radio the night before.
"This is gonna work." Maggie smiled, her, Michonne, Cyndi, Carol, Ezekiel, Natalia and Daryl stood around the glass, looking around the old building.
"Ain't as cool as you made out." Daryl said to Natalia, looking down at the herd of walkers below them.
"Used to be." She muttered, heading for the stairs.
"Heads up!" Cyndi called, as Maggie and Michonne walked across, heading for the stairs, bits of the banister from above crumbled, falling below as they raced for the stone steps.
A walker had fallen down as well, being impaled by a large metal rod.
The glass hadn't shattered but the walker was still alive, until Daryl shot at it with his crossbow.
"Onward." Ezekiel said. "We'll figure it out."
They continued up the steps.
They got to the second floor, instead of doing what she was meant to, like the rest, Natalia gazed upon the exhibits, reminding herself of her childhood with her mom.
She looked up, a wide grin on her face as she met Daryl's eyes from across the place, who was helping Cyndi with a boat.
A small smile tugged on his lips as he looked at her, reminding himself to talk to Rick later about going back to Alexandria.
"Hey, Nat, you gonna help us out or prepare yourself for a pop quiz?" Michonne called.
"But-" She let out a groan, pulling herself away from a pirate exhibit and following after Michonne, Maggie and Carol, "Fine." Natalia let out a grumble.
"So, he called for a election?" Michonne asked Maggie, when she had explained what was going on at The Hilltop.
"The one great idea Gregory's had." Maggie said.
"So he could just watch himself lose, again?" Natalia raised a brow. "Can't believe he'd actually think people was gonna vote for him."
"He still sore about the results?" Carol wondered.
"I don't know. He's being friendly. It's weird, honestly." She answered.
"The rebirth of democracy... by that guy." Michonne teased. "Who'd have thought?"
"Meanwhile, I live with a King." Carol joked, Michonne and Natalia laughed at her.
"But it works, right?" Maggie asked.
"People seem to like it."
"That make you Queen Carol?" Natalia wiggled her brows.
"Don't" She pointed at her, though she had a smirk on her face.
Michonne had stopped, staring up at a large poster.
A MORE PERFECT UNION was in large red letters.
"My mom had to drag me away from reading the whole thing." Natalia sighed, standing with her. "Maybe we should take it."
"How the hell would we get that off the wall and all the way home?"
"Here we go." Maggie said when they had reached what they were looking for. "Our blacksmith can use those as a model to make more. And we can send one to the Sanctuary, try to fix things there."
"I'm glad you won your election." Michonne commented as they looked at the old plow.
"I'm glad I grew up on a farm."
It had taken everyone's help to attempt to get a large wagon down the steps of the Museum, and over the glass floor.
"Last step. Easy." Rick called as they tightened their grip on the rope.
A metal thing on the bottom was dragging, hitting the glass.
"All right, hold, hold, hold." He said.
"What do you think we're doing?" Natalia groaned, straining in order to not fall down the steps.
"So far so good, we're almost there." He said.
Rick took the first step onto the glass, a rope tied around his waist as he tested his weight, it was stable enough. He walked along the metal frames, just in case.
"Let's go." He said, when he was sure it was stable.
They inched down the steps carefully, making sure not to let go of the rope.
"Easy, woah woah woah." Rick called as it started to wobble.
"Woah, woah, woah." Carol repeated.
"Okay. All right."
"Watch your fingers." Michonne reminded.
"Last step." Rick said.
"One more."
"Hold. Hold." He said, as the wagon thudded to the ground.
The glass was starting to crack under the weight as they turned the wagon towards the exit.
They managed to get it over though.
Maggie tied the rope around her as she prepared to join them, picking up the metal frame with Cyndi, carrying it across.
Daryl whistled for Rick to make his way back over with him and Natalia, to help carry the canoe, he joined and they carried it backwards whilst she waited on the steps.
"Be careful." She said, her heart felt like it was beating a hundred miles a minute.
"No sudden moves. Just keep going nice and slow." Rick instructed.
Carol and Ezekiel managed to grab the last thing, bringing it over.
"Alright, Nat, it's just you now, you got this." Rick said, gesturing for her to walk over the glass.
"This definitely isn't as cool as the first time I was here." She muttered, tightening the rope around her waist a she took slow steps across the glass, which was a lot more fragile and cracked after all the weight transported over it.
"You got it, baby, just look at me, you got it." Daryl clapped his hands together.
Natalia took deep breathes as she walked, as though it were a tight rope.
"Woah, woah hold on." Rick called, as it started to crack around her.
She froze, staring down.
"Nat." The radio on her hip crackled, the voice of Siddiq came through.
"Not a good time." She whispered in a high pitch voice.
"You gotta keep coming, quick." Michonne told her. "Come on, not that far."
"Natalia. You're pregnant." Siddiq's voice came through again.
The glass broke, sending her falling through.
She screamed as she fell through the air, walkers reaching up, trying to grab her as she swung, still attached by the rope.
"Nat!" Daryl shouted, going to dive for her, but Rick stopped him as they attempted to pull her up as she kicked and flung away from the hungry walkers.
The walkers grabbed a hold of her, trying to yank the woman down, but wasn't able, as the others tugged on the rope, trying to pull her out.
An arrow flew into the head of the walker that had a hold of her leg, about to chomp into her skin.
They had managed to get her out, she clung to the glass as she pulled herself up, falling on a soft cushion.
Daryl yanked her up and away, checking her over.
"Fuck." She let out a shaky breath. "That was a close one."
"You okay?" Daryl asked, his eyes full of worry as he held her.
She didn't answer, instead leaned away from him, doubling over as she emptied her stomach, the smell was unbearable and seemed to be stuck in her nose.
Daryl held her ponytail, rubbing her back as she gagged.
When Natalia stood up again, he wiped her mouth with his rag, his thumb wiping away the tears.
"Natalia." Enid breathed, the others had been staring at her since they knew she was safe.
"Did I just hear Siddiq say you were pregnant?" Carol asked, before Enid got the chance to say it.
"What?!" Her eyes bulged, she had missed that when she fell to her near fatal death.
"You're- You're... pre-"
Natalia pulled away from Daryl, grabbing her walkie talkie
"Siddiq?!" She called through it, as Daryl stared after her, his jaw dropped.
Michonne and Maggie followed her after she marched outside.
"Siddiq, fucking answer." She cursed.
"Nat." Michonne called.
"Hey, you had me worried when you didn't answer." Siddiq's voice came through the rectangle box.
"Sorry, was a little busy falling to my death." She replied, crouching down against the side of the building.
Rick had ordered everyone to get sorted so they could leave, whilst he and Carol attempted to snap Daryl out of his freeze.
Michonne and Maggie had sat on either side of Natalia, ready in case she broke down or something, this definitely was not on the cards for her.
"You what?" Siddiq asked after a moment.
"Don't worry about it, what did you say?" She was urgent.
"Nat." He sighed, he knew she wasn't going to be happy. "You're pregnant.... with twins."
She felt sick again.
Natalia dropped the radio as she heaved once more, this time, Maggie rubbed her back as she gathered her hair.
"Huh?" Michonne said, speaking into the radio as she caught it before it could hit the floor. "How do you know?"
"It came up in her blood, you can tell how many there are. How is she?"
"Not taking it well." Michonne replied.
"I'm gonna die, it's gonna kill me." Natalia muttered. "I'm dead."
"You're not gonna die." Maggie told her. "Hey, I had Hershel, and he's perfectly healthy, we got good doctors, we're better than we were before."
"Yeah, it's gonna be okay." Michonne joined in.
"You only had one baby, Maggie, he said... he said.... two, no, I- my life is over, he's gonna hate me, we didn't want this, this is, gimme the radio."
She snatched it out of Michonne's hands.
"Are you hundred percent sure?" She asked into the radio.
"Natalia, yes." He answered.
"Get ready to do another blood test, for when I get back." She told him.
"There's no point, it'll come up with the same result."
"I don't care, you're gonna do another."
"Nat. It's going to be okay." Michonne forced, taking the walkie back.
"No, we didn't want this, he didn't want this, I've ruined my life as well as his, it's over, I don't have time for a baby, let alone two!"
"Who? Daryl? He's not gonna hate you." Michonne told her.
"Not even possible." Maggie agreed. "I don't think he's actually able to, even if he did want to."
"It's a setback, but you guys are gonna be okay, everything's gonna be fine."
"How, Michonne, we don't even have time to be together!" Natalia said.
Carol had given Daryl advise on how to be supportive for Natalia, when she came back to the front, he was freaking out himself, but knew she was gonna be way worse, she had to get through nine months before he even had to deal with a baby.
They had briefly spoke about it only a few times, they were both happily together, and on the same page that Judith and Hershel were enough kids around, as well as their own daughter, Evie even if she had only been in their care for nearly two years.
"Hey, I'm sorry, okay." He was sorry for getting her knocked up.
"Uhm..." She swallowed, feeling uncomfortable with the much larger group of people that had gathered around, Jesus and Tara included, and the word had spread quickly. "Its not your fault, I didn't think It was still capable, I'm sorry, actually."
"It's gonna be alright." He assured her. "We can take care of a baby, you done it before, we can handle it."
"Daryl" She leaned up on her tip toes, whispering in his ear as her hands shook. "It's twins."
She was scared he was going to pass out when all the colour drained from his face.
He gulped.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Twuh- twins? Are you sure?"
She nodded, a frown on her face.
"I'm sorry." She told him.
"Nah, no. Uh, we're, we're gonna talk about this later, alright, we gotta get you back, safe." He held her, kissing her head as a million thoughts raced through his own head.
"A congratulations is in order." Ezekiel came bounding towards them, patting Daryl on the back, even though Carol had tried pulling her boyfriend away. "To the young Dixon!"
The couple stared at him, neither one looked happy about the recent news.
Eventually they had made their way back, Natalia hadn't said a word as she sat beside Maggie, lost in thought, thinking about how they shouldn't of helped her out of the broken glass.
Daryl had rode ahead, finding Rosita, and they had both come back, her riding on her quad bike.
"Two other herds merged in "Silvia", so now it's even bigger. One of them came through here and the back end took down the bridge." She explained, as they all looked at the damage. "Took the walkie repeater with it."
"What about Route A?" Daryl asked. "Is that clear yet?"
"It's still too close to the herd."
"We can get to Alexandria from this side, stay there till it passes." Michonne suggested.
"No." Maggie answered. "Route A has taken days to clear before. I need to get home to Hershel."
"We could take Route D. It's early enough in the day." Carol said.
"Keep an eye on the trade road." Rick instructed. "In case anyone tries to move through. Gabriel, y'all can head back to Alexandria from here. The rest of us, we can go to the Sanctuary or Hilltop, stay the night, and head off from there. Take care. Get home safe."
"You should go with him." Daryl told Natalia.
"No." She shook her head. "Evie will be fine for the night, I'm staying with you."
"But-" He was looking at her stomach.
"Don't, I'm not arguing about it, I'm staying with you, so we can sort this mess out."
They had continued on.
"Rick, the horses can't pull the wagon out of the mud." Michonne said.
"Maggie, I think they need a break." Ken told his leader, the horses were getting anxious, jumpy.
"Maybe we should leave the supplies, send a group back in a day or two." Maggie suggested.
"It's risky." Michonne replied. "We've seen herds run through bigger things than this."
"We can swap out the horses, split up, take 'em out in the clear, give 'em a rest while we see what we can do about the trailers." Rick said.
"One, two, three."
They were attempting the pull the wagon out of the mud, they had also suggested Natalia should sit out, they'd only known for less than half a day and already treating her like she was fine china.
"Nothing is gonna change in a few hours, was doing this earlier." She had told them, before grabbing the rope.
"Rick." Michonne called.
Walkers were headed for them.
"We're almost there." Ezekiel said, he was the one pushing the wagon.
"One more time. One, two, three." Rick counted down.
They had managed to do it.
"Phew, I shoulda taken the opportunity." Natalia sighed, wiping her brow.
"You okay?" Daryl was quick to assess her.
"Yeah, fine." She looked at him, couldn't even joke around anymore, apparently.
"Good. Let's get out of here." Rick said, as the walkers were drawing nearer.
He ran ahead to help Ezekiel load up the wagon.
"Daryl, Michonne." He nodded at the few walkers reaching them
"On it." She answered, drawing her sword as Daryl flipped his knife, walking towards the closest ones.
Natalia pulled out her knife to help as well.
Walkers were approaching from the tree's as well, heading for the horses, Marco and Ken were occupied setting them free, when one was, he ran away.
"We gotta go." Rick told them. "Leave the wagon!" He said to Ken, who was still helping a horse get free.
Daryl pulled him away.
"No!" He turned back. "I gotta free her!"
"Ken, wait!" Rick called after him.
He cut the ties of the horse, setting her free, but before he could run back, a walker had grabbed a hold of him, chomping into the boys arm, then the horse kicked him down.
Natalia ran ahead, stabbing her knife into the walkers head, pulling it away from the unconscious Ken.
"Come on!" Rick said, they had got him with the others, Siddiq meeting up with them.
"They're gonna fix it. You're gonna be all alright." Marco told Ken as he started waking up.
Siddiq had amputated his arm and it was bleeding profusely.
"We'll keep the walkers away." Rick told the doctor.
"Okay. Enid, get the quick clot and a and a tourniquet." He instructed as the others got up to take out the gathering walkers.
It was no use, he hadn't made it, Maggie looked up as she cried for one of her people.
Ken was dead, and Maggie put him down.
Maggie had returned back to the Hilltop with Ken's body and her people, whilst the others left for the Sanctuary.
"Rick Grimes is here!" Mel called, as they entered, all the people of the Sanctuary stood at their stations, candles were lit along the place.
"That's the man that ended the war. Is Negan suffering? I hope he damn well is." Another asked Rick.
"Hello." Eugene greeted Daryl, Natalia was walking beside him. "All was well in your absence, other than a certain cabal of Saviours slingin' me some serious stink-eye, but I've compiled a list of items that need your semi-immediate attention."
"Not now, man." Daryl told him.
"I checked out the supplies." Laura joined them, since the fall of Negan, she had tried hard to get on the good side of her leaders wife, Natalia still didn't like her, but had noticed how she looked up to the both of them, she'd grown a lot kinder as well, not just in her personality, but in her looks as well. "It's a pretty good haul. You should let everybody know."
"I ain't getting up on a stage and giving a damn speech like him." He told her "It's bad timing. We just lost someone out there. I got other stuff I gotta figure out as well."
"Daryl." Michonne called, noticing something. "Does this happen often?"
Someone had graffitied the wall.
"More an' more since the crops been dying." He told her. "Eugene, Jerry! You know who did that?"
"Don't know, man." Jerry answered.
"That would be a negative."
"Justin, clean that up." He told one of the Saviours, who had been a pain in the ass for the man, he was an idiot and he was obnoxious, Natalia strongly hated him.
"How?" He asked.
"How do you think, dumbass? Get some soap and water, scrub it., Paint over it, if you have to" Natalia told him, she was having an extremely bad day.
"We just used up all the paint." He shrugged.
"Figure it out." Daryl chimed in.
He sighed, putting down the book as he got up from his seat, walking away, his posture was lazy.
Rick had started a meet and greet with the people, shaking their hands.
"You see our crops, Rick?" The same man from earlier, asked.
"I did." He answered.
"The spring storms will be here in a few weeks, help us out, but we need a boost in the meantime."
"And you'll have it." He turned to speak to everyone. "We came back with farming tools, heirloom seeds. We're looking to the past to help us with the present. We're all gonna pitch in and make sure that Sanctuary has what it needs so you all can get back on your feet."
"Bless you, Rick Grimes. Thank you."
They applauded him.
"Guys such a martyr, why don't he take over the place" Natalia scowled, muttering to Daryl, away from everyone else.
He looked over to them, heading over.
"I'm gonna talk to him." He kissed her temple. "Then we're gonna talk."
"Guessing it ain't about my normal visits." She scoffed.
"Your visits is the reason we gotta talk." He told her, walking away
Natalia had waited for him outside, staring at the spot where Fat Joey had been killed all that time ago, she really did hate being here, and she knew he felt the same.
Eventually he came out, sitting down beside her and she instantly leaned her head on his arm.
"What he say?"
"That if I wanna come home, someone's gotta take my place, Eugene an' Rosita going Oceanside, so they're out."
"But, what about..." She looked down.
"Told him that, don't make a difference."
"I really am sorry, Daryl, I know we didn't want this, I didn't exactly mean to."
"Don't be stupid, it was a group effort, how'd you know there's two in there anyway?" He still had not wrapped his head around the word twins, neither of them had, and they were both feeling glum about it, compared to everyone else, who reminded them of how happy they were for the couple, any chance they had that day, acting like it was a rainbow on a stormy day.
"Siddiq said you can tell by the blood or whatever, I don't know, I thought I was just eating good. When was the last time we even had sex?"
Daryl thought for a moment.
"...A while." He looked at her as they swallowed thickly.
"I'd say over two months." She stared ahead, dropping her head into her hands.
Daryl rifled through his pocket, pulling out a cigarette, placing it between his lips as he lit it, he had no intention of sharing with Natalia, even though she needed it just as much as he did.
"It'll be alright, we'll figure it all out, we have to."
"Easy for you to say, Daryl, two babies, inside me, growing, then eventually, they're gonna come out." She groaned, though it was muffled.
Carol had joined them outside.
Daryl offered her the cigarette, which she took, before dropping it to the floor and stomping on it.
"The babies." She said, as Natalia still had her face in her hands. "Those things'll kill all of you."
She then sat down beside him.
"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked her.
"Wanted to see how the both of you were doing, by the looks of it, not great. " She looked at the woman.
Natalia let out another muffled groan of frustration.
"I'm happy for the both of you, even if you're not, this is a gift."
"Easy for you to say" Natalia looked up. "I'll trade with you, you and Ezekiel will do great, have them."
"Nah, I can't wait to be their favourite aunt, they can be little princes or princesses in the Kingdom, how's Evie going to take this?"
"I don't know, why?" Daryl asked her.
"She might feel left out." Carol said. "She's getting older, and, maybe the idea of you having your own kids might scare her, make her feel like she's being kicked out."
"Then we'll have to remind her that these were accidents and that we were perfectly happy with just her." Natalia dropped her face back into her hands, falling to lay on her back, the thing that had caused her current dilemma.
"Daryl." Carol said.
"I want to take over here for awhile, for you, and don't argue."
Natalia used her elbows to prop herself up.
"So you and Natalia can figure things out, for the babies, god knows I wanted Ed around when were having Sophia, a little help would've been nice."
"You gonna bring Henry and the King with you?" Daryl asked her.
"I haven't told him yet." She answered. "He asked me to marry him." Carol sighed
"What?" Natalia gasped, fully invested in her statement.
"Yeah. And part of me wanted to just say "yes" right then."
"Why didn't you?" Daryl asked.
"I don't know. I want to help out, take my time, you know?"
"You want me to stay here with you?" Daryl offered.
"No. The both of you need to be together, for these two. You showing yet?"
"Carol, I found out the same time you did." She lifted her shirt, still propped up by her elbows, "I thought I was just bloated, allergies or something."
There was no bump, just yet, but it was starting to form, if she hadn't done some investigation she sure would've found out soon enough.
"Oh God, I am pregnant." She whined, dropping all the way back, her arms covering her face.
"You're already glowing." Carol teased as Daryl looked at her stomach, gulping, he was gonna be a dad, to new born's, one's he actually had to raise from birth, until Evie chose him, he'd never even thought about having kids, his own father scared him from that idea a very long time ago.
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bananaphone---t · 2 years ago
Are you still doing prompts? Because I'd love to see any of the concern ones, especially "feel that, I'm alive."
Hi, @smilegirl64! As you can tell, yes! I'm still taking prompts, and I absolutely love that you picked this one. I love the excuse of writing angst. 🤩😌🤌 Because I couldn't think of anything else to go with this prompt, I decided to to go with a post-movie fic! Anyways, hope you enjoy it! 💕
"Eugene!" She cried. "Mother! Mother, please, let me heal him!"
Gothel glared down at the girl, contemplating for a moment, before finally answering, "That man is a criminal. He can't be trusted. He should've been hanged to keep him away from you, so now I'm letting him get what he deserves. Now, my dear flower..." The woman took a fiercer hold on the chains. "Come with me..." She growled, then gave the chains one hard yank, pulling the girl toward the secret entrance to the tower.
"Eugene!" Rapunzel screamed, tears streaming down her face.
Eugene woke up with a start, at the sound of his girlfriend calling his name. "Rapunzel?" he mumbled drowsily.
Another distressed call of his name from his girlfriend's room, and he immediately knew what it was.
He quickly pulled the covers off, climbed out of bed, and began sprinting toward her room.
Upon reaching the door, he hastily jogged over to the girl's bed.
"Rapunzel?" He gently whispered, concern leaking into his tone.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, then gently placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder, only for her to spring up into a sitting position.
The man's eyes softened at the expression on her face. "You all right, Darlin'?" he asked, rubbing her back.
Rapunzel shook her head, strands of her short hair falling into her face.
They were wet with tears. He frowned.
Suddenly, Rapunzel hugged him tightly. "Please... Please don't leave me, don't go..."
"Wha- Go? Why would I-"
It clicked.
"Oh... Oh, hey, hey..." he soothed softly, wrapping his arms tightly around her and rubbing circles on her back. After a minute, he pulled back. "Rapunzel... Look at me..." When she refused to do so, he lifted her chin.
"Sunshine... I'm here..." he wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs, "and I'm not planning going anywhere..."
Despite Eugene wiping them away, tears began to well up in the princess's eyes. "B-bu-but... She- she stabbed-"
"Hey. Listen to me, all right? Yes, that happened, but I'm alive. Heck, by some freaking miracle, but I'm alive!"
He took one of her smaller hands in his own and placed it on the area where the old witch had stabbed him. "No more wound. And if you still don't believe me..."
He gave a kiss to her forehead before pulling her close to his chest, letting her listen to his heartbeat as he ran his fingers through her hair with one hand, the other continuing to rub gently up and down her back.
"Hear that? I'm alive. I'm right here, and I'm here to stay." He assured.
Rapunzel couldn't but feel soothed at the sound of his heartbeat, along with the rubble of his chest as he spoke. She hummed slightly in contentment.
Eugene smirked a bit. "Unless your dad decides to change his mind and have me locked up, but-" He laughed as she cut him off by gently hitting him with a pillow, though she laughed as well.
A slight smile was on her face. "Thank you... Eugene..."
He'd do anything to keep that smile on her face.
"You're welcome... Sunshine..." he whispered, before giving her another kiss on the forehead.
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sims-half-crazy · 2 years ago
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"How could we not come up, son? You phoned and told us that Evie had abandoned the lot of you. Your mother had the train schedule in her hand before I had even hung up." Eugene grasped his son by the shoulders and hugged him close. "Let's go up. Your mother will want proper introductions to her newest grandbabies. I can't imagine it. Two sets of twins for our first grandchildren and all boys!"
Eugene was correct. Goldie was upstairs tending to the boys. Everett was not very sure about his grandmother but she knew just what to do about his gassiness and that helped him settle right in to her arms. Frank was the happiest thing; always smiling, but he sneezed a lot and he had a good appetite.
While Goldie fawned over her new cherubs, Eugene and Gordon went to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. "What's your plan, son? How can we help? Are you sure you won't move back with us?" Eugene's rapid fire questions did not surprise Gordon. His father may be up there in years, but his mind was as sharp as it ever was.
"Obviously, I'm going to keep the nanny on. I may need to start drawing on my trust on a regular basis, but I don't want to stop working. I like my job and I love the headway we're making with the braking system. I'm frustrated with management, though. General Simtors and Chryslims are both introducing a hydraulic braking system on their higher end cars. The hydraulic system is more efficient than the mechanical one. Old man Fitz and his team of talking heads think that we don't need to change the brakes for the sake of change. It's going to become a safety issue at some point. They should make this change now to keep the edge against the other manufacturers!" Hearing his son's impassioned speech about his work brought a smile to Eugene's face. His boy had loved automobiles since he'd seen them on the boardwalk that day long ago and it'd only grown when he'd brought home that Auburn in 1906. Eugene knew that his son would never leave Dartford and he wouldn't ask him to.
"Keeping nanny on is a sound plan and your trust is there for you to use. It's just been collecting dividends since you left Springhaven. I'll have it transferred to a bank more accessible to you here. What about finding those boys a mother?"
"I can't think about that now, Father. Evie...she was not at all like I thought she was. She was meanspirited and malicious. I think it's just going to be the boys and I for a bit. I'm thankful that they won't remember any of this horribleness."
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georgieluz · 2 years ago
i'm 3 days late but i'm finally answering @lamialamia
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so my overall thoughts of the pacific are that i really enjoyed it (is enjoyed the right word? can you really enjoy the significant trauma of watching episodes 4-7 back to back and losing your three favourite characters all in one go? i don't think you can) but i did love a lot of things about it! the cinematography and production was outstanding. i knew it would be, but the way they shot the whole show was really something special! those battle scenes being shot like a very well made horror flick really did something to me. one thing i really wish we got more of was time with the men. i feel like we didn't get deep enough into their characters and personalities, outside of the main three ofc, especially after being told a lot more about certain men and what they were really like outside of how the show portrayed them (eddie jones and his guitar deserved better!!!!!)
but despite that, i still became hopelessly attached to a good few of them. stupidly, ack ack became the love of my life and now i'm probably ruined for life, so that's nice. thanks for that, life. i actually adore eddie jones and obviously, as we all know, i'm way past feral for hoosier over there. i think when i rewatch the show, i'll gain a lot more appreciation for other characters too (though i do already love most of them). i really liked the inclusion of lena's story, she became one of my favourite characters at the end. i was less into leckie's mostly fake love story but i understand they did it for narrative purposes and to sort of give his actions when he was acting up a trigger point.
my favourite thing from the series was definitely ack ack. and eddie. i don't know what it is about those two but they just awoke something in me and now i can't let go. i desperately needed more scenes of them but every ack ack scene gave me something electric so he's probably my favourite thing about the series. i also really liked how close leckie's unit was, they didn't have a thousand scenes or anything massive, but there was something incredibly comforting about the lightheartedness they gave each other that covered the traumatic experience they were all going through. i truly believe those dear vera letters and leckie reading them to his boys were a tool for them all to process what they were seeing but in a way where it could still be passive and not too heavy. i would have liked to have seen more scenes of them all, maybe in place of some of the melbourne romance stuff, but i get why it was the way it was. i appreciated that the show didn't shy away from the absolute horrors of war and even though it only covered things briefly most of the time, it definitely hit a lot of the different nuances involved and i think it did it in a subtle enough way that it actually settles into your brain permanently.
most trauma? i think we all know the answer to that since i've been crying about it since my episode 7 liveblog. honestly, i'm just pretending that episode 7 never happened and all is fine in the world. but i also think that watching eugene's arc killed a part of me inside, it kinda broke me watching him go from this innocent kid who was desperate to serve to being utterly disenchanted and disillusioned with his purpose and everything he thought he knew and believed. his story kinda cracked open my heart in a way i wasn't ready for.
sunshine and happiness.. ack ack being the most wholesome captain ever and basically just taking up residence in my heart. but also i really enjoyed gene and sidney's friendship, they didn't really have many scenes together but it made me happy that despite them never being able to see the world the same again after everything they went through, they both made it home and they had each other. also, i don't even know why, but burgie became one of my favourite characters so that part where he hugged his dad and his brother after getting off the train made me fucking sob with relief. i don't know why but it hit me real hard and i know that's not exactly sunshine and happiness but he made it home and he married his australian sweetheart and he was my favourite in the interview sections and so i just felt this overwhelming amount of relief and happiness for him.
we don't talk about the ass flash
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augment-techs · 2 years ago
An ice cream parlor - SkullBilly
Pumpkin pie and vanilla in a thick blood cheery cone. Raspberry and coconut shaved ice with an edible spoon that tasted like hard sugar candy. First date in over twenty years and it was as if very little time had passed at all. "I can't believe you bought this place," Billy noted absently, the first time ever he had been behind the counter of what had been a mom and pop parlor at the edge of Angel Grove, largely serving truck drivers and tourists since Arrival Day, but still serving the patrons that were older than both of them; and it all looked exactly the same as when they were five, and nine, and fourteen, and the last time Billy was there at nineteen before he'd had to go off planet, "I thought the owners would be working it until they died." Sitting on a milk crate--an honest to Grid wooden one, same as the others stacked in the back--wasn't very comfortable, especially at Billy's age, but getting to see Skull relax against the humming freezer case until the next wave of customers came in was worth it. Plus, this low to the ground, it actually probably made the both of them, not just Billy, feel thirty years younger. He could actually feel himself channeling the sensory notes of his childhood such as he was at the moment. Skull shrugged, the more pronounced musculature he'd built up over the years as a father, a tech operator, a construction worker, a musician all never more obvious to Billy than at the moment; his leather jacket hung up in the back, and the white apron and black drop shoulder V-neck hugging as close to his skin as possible with the fading sweat he'd built up over the afternoon of walking around town with Billy and serving his customers for five hours when the kid who was supposed to be on shift called in sick, "This is not entirely untrue. The missus passed away ten years ago, and the old man was struggling with trying to figure out what to do. As it so happens, Bulk and I were looking for places for our sandwich shop to distribute through and I just...couldn't see the place sold to some yuppies from out of town or some jackass who just wanted the property for, like, another gym or health food shop or something." "That sounds...very nostalgic of you, Eugene." A pale bubblegum tongue peeked out between thin lips and waggled a little bit like Gene Simmons, showing off the stud piercing Billy found (erotic) fascinating on fist sight, always a teen at heart, "I'm a sentimentalist and proud of it. Plus I have the money, and...it's historical. A little something that it would be a shame to lose. I'm actually trying to get the place registered as a landmark location so it can't be torn down." Okay... That wasn't just kind, that was actually noble.
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years ago
17 | Under Arrest
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 2283
Warnings: none
16. Rave'N | 18. Birthday, Yes
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All week I've been considered about Eugene in the hospital but I knew he would be okay. I saw it so I had to keep reminding myself and his moms about my powers. This weekend was parent's weekend so I was kinda looking forward to seeing everyone. "There they are." Our father tries hugging Wednesday as we walk over to them. 
"Hi, Father." I give him a hug then our mother then Pugsley. Wednesday goes on to tell them about Thing then they ask her how's it been. 
"Since you've abandoned me here with Valentine, I've been hunted, haunted, and a target of an attempted murder." She tells them. "
Ah, Nevermore. I love you so." Our father smiles.
Weems ends up taking Wednesday and our parents to her office to talk so I spend time with Pugsley outside. "How has it been here for you?" He asks as we sit at a table. 
"Good, until Wednesday showed up dragging me into finding a monster with her." I laugh, "I think you would like it here honestly. You'd make friends easily. I'm surprised I have friends." I tell him. 
"You have actual friends? You?"
"Yep. Enid over there is a werewolf. Yoko my roommate is a vampire. Eugene is in the hospital recovering from an attack. Ajax is a gorgon so his hair is snakes. Kent and Divina are sirens. Xavier is up there watching us, he still haven't apologized for being a jerk last weekend. And Tyler is in town working at the Weathervane right now."
"I can't believe you have friends. What happened to people suck and you will never have friends again since you can't trust anyone?" He tilts his head. 
"As you can tell I've changed some being here. Which still sorta scares me because I'm not used to it." 
"Well hearing what mom says about you and what you tell her... I like this new Valentine as well. I mean you're still the same person deep down just with new updates." He laughs. 
"I've missed you." I lean across the table to mess up his hair.
When the three come back we're told we have to do family therapy while their here. I was not looking forward to that the entire drive into town. In Dr. Kinbott office it was awkward as we all just sat there in silence. "So, who wants to start?" She asks us. 
After some few words from our parents and brother Wednesday stands up with the police file Tyler gave us. "Who was Garrett Gates, and why are you accused of murdering him?" She gets straight to to point. 
"Those charges were dropped. Your father is an innocent man." Our mother tells her. "Local sheriff doesn't seem too convinced." She tells her.
"Wednesday, stop." I give her a look because I felt like family therapy wasn't the best place to bring it up because it wasn't Kinbott's business to know all of this to me. 
"Your sister is right. This is neither the time nor the place." Our mother stands up. "Actually, this is exactly the place. These sessions are-," 
Our mother cuts her off, "Doctor. This does not concern you. And I refuse to debate a decades old witch hunt with you right now." They end up glaring at each other making Wednesday tell her she will find out on her own.
"What did happen that night?" I ask my father as mother walks back to us as Wednesday walked away. 
"We will not discuss it right now. It was in the past and your father did nothing wrong." My mother tells me. 
"We have a right to know still. The sheriff doesn't like us because of whatever happened and won't listen to us when we talk about the monster." I tell her. 
"Someday but not now." She tells me.
"I'm going to see Tyler. I'll see you at school." I walk away from them wishing they would just tell us to get this over with.
"Family therapy?" Tyler sits across from me giving me a drink. 
"Didn't go well, of course. Wednesday showed them the police report and demanded to know why our father was accused of murder. Our mother wanted no talk of it whatsoever." I rest my chin in my hand. 
"At least they still went in a therapy session with you two. My father just isn't comfortable talking family stuff to a complete stranger." He huffs. 
"Does he think it's easy for us to sit there and talk about our crap?" I scoff. 
"That's exactly what I told him." He looks up at the ceiling signing. 
"I like it here at Nevermore but lately I use want to escape from everything and everyone. Go somewhere where I don't have to deal with people, feelings, anything..." I sigh doing the same and close my eyes. 
"I know exactly what you mean."
"Let's just drive until we can't drive anymore." I joke making him chuckle. 
"I'm all in but I still don't get off for a few more hours." He plays along. 
"Damn, just ditch. I mean we're running away."
"Well, we need money to run away. You don't have a job so I have to provide for us to do so." He makes me laugh more. 
"I can rob a bank and get away with it. I've done it before." I tell him and he didn't know if I was lying or telling the truth.
 "Really or?" He looks at me. 
"Shh." I put my finger over my mouth.
"Sadly, we're stuck here. Well, I am. You get to leave when school is over." He looks out the window. 
"You could always come visit me. I could have Lurch come get you." I suggest. 
"You want me to come visit during the summer?" He looks at me. 
"Why not?" I smile. 
"I'll think about it. I gotta get back to work." He gets up. 
"I should head back to school anyways." I get up as well.
Back at school when we were all eating except Wednesday because she was still annoyed with our parents. "Can I ask what this is about, Sheriff?" I hear Weems and look over to see him and other officers. 
"Mom..." I look at her as Galpin walks towards us. 
"Gomez Addams." He calls out dad's name. 
"How can I help you, Sheriff?" Father stands up. 
"You're under arrest for the murder of Garrett Gates." He tells him making us all stand up. 
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." He hands cuffs him walking him off.
While Wednesday goes to visit our father I stay with our mother. "Wednesday told me she saw you laying a rose on Garrett Gates grave earlier today. Who was he? And what happened?" I ask her hoping she would be honest with me. 
"Garrett was infatuated with me. Took my kindness for interest. His infatuation turned into obsession and he started stalking me. The police didn't believe us because his family were the oldest and richest here. His grandfather was an outcast hater. He was furious that I had accused his only son." She explains to me looking at the floor. "What happened?" I ask her. "It was the night of the Rave'N Dance. Your father and I stepped out. Garrett had broken into the school. You could see in his eyes he had murderous intent. I told your father to run away but Garrett wouldn't stop chasing him. They had a sword fight out in the rain were construction was being done. It was all self defense, he was unstoppable but the thing is... your father didn't kill him, I jumped in to save your father." She explains to me.
"He took to blame to protect you because he loved you..." I say and she had tears in her eyes. 
"Of course he did. I always knew this would come back and haunt us." She sighs. 
"I can't believe Sheriff Galpin arrested father. I know as soon as Tyler says something about it his father will just give him shit for being my friend." I sigh as well. 
"Do you like this boy?" She changes the topic. 
"I still don't fully know feelings... and I've developed new ones I've never felt before until I met him. He makes me feel so many things and it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind." I explain to her making her smile. 
"That means you really like this boy, dear."
"I know but... I'm not supposed to feel things like this. Since I started here at Nevermore, I've changed mother. I care more about some people, I've opened up to others, I sorta care about how others see me, and like being around friends." I make her chuckle.
"You're not changing that much dear. You just feel comfortable here and that's what I was hoping for." She pets the top of my head.
I was spending time with Pugsley when Wednesday told us she needed to borrow me for a bit. She tells me we're going to dig up Garrett Gates then adds the other details to why we needed to dig him up. 
"This reminds me of when you two got your first grave-digging kit. Wednesday, you were so happy you nearly smiled. And Valentine it was the first time you ever smiled." Our mother tells us as we dig. 
"Are you sure don't want to join?" Wednesday stops to look at her. 
"Uh...mmm... No, that's okay, darling. I don't want to spoil your fun." Our mother looks at her nails before we reach the box. 
"Moment of truth." I move for Wednesday to open the coffin.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" An officer walks over to us. "Guess there's gonna be an Addams family reunion in lockup tonight. You're all under arrest." She tells us so we put our hands up. 
In lockup our parents wouldn't get off each other. "I've seen jackals with more self-control than you two. Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time. And thanks to me, you won't have to." Wednesday tells them and I go take a seat. 
We learned Garrett Gates was dying from Nightshade poisoning before our mother stabbed him. As Wednesday goes to get the finger from our mother as she was kissing father she has a vision. 
"What did you see?" I ask her. 
"The night Garrett died, he had a bail of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket. He wasn't just trying to kill father. He was going to use the nightshade poison to murder the entire school." She tells us.
The next morning we go see the mayor to get him to clear the charges and tell him we know he covered up the truth about how Garrett died. After we got our deal Wednesday and our mother talk about her visions so I just listen standing to the side. 
"Our psychic ability resides on the spectrum of who we are. Given my disposition, my visions tend to be positive. That makes me a Dove." She explains to her. 
"And for someone like me? Who sees the world through a darker lens?"
"You're a Raven. Your visions are more potent, more powerful. But without the proper training, they can lead to madness. If I could help you, I would, Wednesday. But we're not trained by the living. Somebody from our bloodline reaches out from the beyond to help us when we're ready." Our mother lets her know.
"Goody has. I've seen her before." Wednesday tells her. 
"Be careful, Wednesday. Goody was a witch of great strength, but her vengeance pushed her too far, and even she couldn't save herself." Mother adds. 
"How are yours?" She turns to me. 
"Mixed, good ones and bad ones." I let her know making her seem slightly worried since I was between two.
I leave the two and go wait for father to be released. "My little fallen angel." He smiles as he comes out with Sheriff Galpin. 
"Sorry about all of this." He tells my father. 
"I don't hold grudges, only blood debts." Father tells him. 
"He's not lying. I did the same thing from the age six to ten." I nudge my father with my elbow. 
"Your daughter and my son have become... close." He tells my father looking at me. 
"I pity any boy who gets caught in her viper's gaze, but he must be a good egg. She wouldn't tolerate anything less." My father smiles at me. 
"He has his mom to thank for that." Sheriff sighs. 
"Tyler's great... He's the first person I opened up to and felt comfortable around." I smile at both of them. 
"You have a great daughter..." They shake hands before the sheriff walks off.
"Dad. I've missed you so much!" Pugsley hugs him as we join the rest of the family and have a group hug but Wednesday just stands there with her arms to her side. 
Back at school parents weekend comes to an end and we say our goodbyes. "Don't be scared of changing because you're still you, darling. And don't be afraid of your feelings. I understand some are very new for you but you'll get them. Don't be afraid to act on them... especially romantic ones." My mother kisses the top of my head going to talk to Wednesday.
"Look at this." Wednesday comes over to me when our parents left. 
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