#if Ezra is alive
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darth-vaderfan10000 · 2 years ago
Who’s Excited for the Ahsoka Show coming out this August? I’m so pumped up that we’re finally gonna see what happens when Ahoska search for Ezra starts. I mean we saw Grogu look at those Hyperspace-Squids for hinting that Ezra maybe be alive, you can never know.
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Even if it was a different group of Hyperspace-Squids, I’ll still counting it as a maybe for Ezra…
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months ago
My favorite things that Obi-Wan and Ezra have in common:
Hondo's "best friend"
Maul's obsession
Unique bond with animals
Fond of a Mandalorian named Sa_ine.
Spending ten years in exile before someone comes for them.
Fondness for Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex
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copalcetic · 7 months ago
What strikes me about Rebels isn't that every single crew member on the Ghost has trauma associated with their family of origin. Traumatic backstories are a dime a dozen. What's different about Rebels is that every single crew member finds some measure of catharsis and reconciliation, too.
Hera and her father are at odds because he prioritizes Free Ryloth, while she ran away to join the wider rebellion--but they make up, and learn to work together.
Kanan loses the Jedi to Order 66--but over the course of the show he learns they're not all lost, and that the survivors believe he's worthy of knighthood.
Zeb believes his entire species is gone--but he finds them, and a home world, again.
Sabine is rejected by her family for speaking out against the Empire--and then convinces them to turn against the Empire in the end.
And Ezra may never see his parents in life--but he's able to speak to them one last time, and learn in turn that they were proud of him.
Yeah, it's a show about found family--but it's a show about family of origin, too. One doesn't replace the other; it complements it. And it's the crew working together that helps every one of them reconnect the bonds that are broken.
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blackseafoam · 5 months ago
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“Buried Alive” for @weekly-star-wars-prompts
I had every intention to make this silly, like Ezra being comedically crushed by loth wolves, but it became sentimental ;-; Sometimes the art is just using you to create itself.
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 9 months ago
god. GOD the Ezra transmission at the end of season 1 still makes me fuckigng sick to think about, especially with the context of Mira and Ephraim hearing it. To think that for eight years his parents had been ripped away from their son all for the crime of speaking out for hope, never knowing what became of their Ezra, of that tiny seven year old left on the streets scared and crying and alone, to spend days and months and years in that awful place with all of that emptiness and then, and then and then and then.
And then they hear their boy's voice again, and they know him immediately, even without name, because of course they do, that's their son, that's their Ezra, and he's speaking out for hope just as they did, and they've been apart from him longer than they ever had him, but his voice is here, his hope is here, and he talks about how they inspired him, how he's carrying on their legacy of courage and community hope, how he has a new family - thank God he has a family, he is safe and he is loved, even if they will never know who has loved him so much as to earn the title of family - and that hope will one day prevail, just as they taught him it would.
They hear his voice, by god they hear his voice, and it's one of the last sounds they ever hear.
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ghostlyvallient · 11 months ago
*in my little Star Wars au as Ezra is about to reunite with the ghost crew*
Thrawn: you shouldn’t be nervous, they’re your family
Ezra: I haven’t seen them in so long though. A lot has changed! And they might be mad at me.
Thrawn: I felt that way before seeing my family again, but you know what happened?
Ezra: Ar’alani gave you a black eye, Eli didn’t talk to you for a week, and your siblings yelled at you for two hours straight? Thrawn: Fair enough. But we all made up. Your family is nicer than mine, though.
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watermel0ns-dumb-cringe · 10 months ago
st cassians show and tell would go fucking hard
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blue-likethebird · 2 years ago
“I’m totally going to watch Ahsoka like a normal person”
Me at the very first mention of Ezra:
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shootingstarbit · 2 years ago
so i cried
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agoose11 · 1 year ago
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Me when Ezra appeared on my screen
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fellthemarvelous · 6 months ago
You might be cool, but you'll never be as cool as Ezra Bridger riding a star whale into battle.
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I think Vader took it as a challenge...
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orithereticent · 2 years ago
Am I funny yet?
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singswan-springswan · 1 year ago
discovering that the Wrens were on Mandalore during The Night of a Thousand Tears and not safe and sound on Krownest
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ahsokaanakinrexorobi-wan · 7 months ago
Sabine: Ezra why are you crying. Ezra: it's just nice to know I'm wanted. Sabine: Ezra that's a wanted poster. Ezra: *crying so hard* look how much I'm worth. Sabine: look how much I'm worth. Ezra: we are both wanted dead or alive. Kanan: be quiet lovebirds we have to move.
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sotvtaughtmehowtofeel · 1 year ago
I just imagine Ezra sitting next to Number 2’s body thinkin this melodramatic poetic shit “and now- alone once more- the sole survivor continues on in the Green, doomed to wander eternal the surface in solitu-” and then Damon sputters and Ezra is just so irritated that hes still alive lmao
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watermel0ns-dumb-cringe · 3 months ago
drop the random hc/fun facts about any character rn /nf
My take on Jane doesn't have visible fingerprints from clawing her way out of her coffin. It took her exactly two nights, and she didn't process the pain due to adrenaline. So, she didn't stop until the wood finally busted open, at the cost of her fingertips basically being torn open pretty deeply. Which was followed by digging through the dirt until the adrenaline wore off. In the rain.
(She heals quickly though, so she's alright. Karnak magic boost ig. Will note, one of her arms were still broken as she did all this. Nothing stops this girl when she has the adrenaline boost)
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