#if Dean is Sam’s soulmate. dean is Lucifer’s soulmate.
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 2 months ago
welcome girls and gays to the official pre-start of spn toxic femslash 2025. we've pared down our per-day prompts to a svelte four as opposed to last year's six, and we've added a new category of prompt: character prompts. these are what it says on the tin: single characters without a specified ship. YOU get to choose the femslash. additionally, characters who only appear in a few episodes and only have one name are clarified by the name of the first episode in which they appeared, ao3 style. alright babes, go wild.
remember, you're not required to follow every prompt or even the week theme. pick and choose! and remember to post your works here.
day one: marking // corpse // rowena mcleod/billie // constance welch
day two: gothic // humiliation // eileen leahy/mary winchester // gwen campbell
day three: mommy kink // vivisection // hannah/naomi // eleanor visyak
day four: age gap // jealousy // missouri mosely/jo harvelle // tracy bell
day five: worship // right hand // lilith/ruby // ambriel (the devil in the details)
day six: reign in hell/serve in heaven // mindwipe/lobotomy // eve/lenore (bloodlust) // ava wilson
day seven: munchausen by proxy // barefoot and pregnant // alex jones/celia (alex annie alexis ann) // lydia (the slice girls)
day eight: roller derby au // doll // ruby/astaroth (malleus maleficarum) // maggie zeddmore
day nine: guilt by association // executioner // bela talbot/cassie robinson // amy pond
day ten: autopsy // poison/drugging // raphael/billie // athena lopez
day eleven: murder-suicide // isolation // charlie bradbury/charlie bradbury // marin (the born-again identity)
day twelve: nun kink // handmaiden-feudal lord // linda tran/abaddon // cecily (road trip)
day thirteen: vore // comp het // becky rosen/amara // kate milligan
day fourteen: coffeeshop au (evil) // ritual sacrifice // kelly kline/dagon // tessa
day fifteen: crossdressing // outsider pov // cassie robinson/fem!dean winchester // tamara (the magnificent seven)
day sixteen: forcefem // petplay // fem!jack kline/harper sayles // haley collins
day seventeen: piety // brat // fem!castiel/raphael // madge carrigan
day eighteen: unreality/lying // butch // linda tran/meg masters // olivia (ask jeeves)
day nineteen: turn the straight girl // soulmates // fem!lucifer/fem!sam winchester // hester (reading is fundamental)
day twenty: substance abuse // on the rack // fem!bobby singer/fem!crowley // casey (sin city)
day twenty one: brainwashing // rot // anna milton/ruby // tasha banes
day twenty two: manipulation // scratch her eyes out // patience turner/claire novak // dumah (war of the worlds)
day twenty three: "what happened to her first husband?" // infidelity  // missouri mosely/mary winchester // amelia richardson
day twenty four: somnophilia // true crime // billie/jessica moore // pamela barnes
day twenty five: kidnapping // episode rewrite // kate (bitten)/tasha (paper moon) // lily baker
day twenty six: unreliable narrator // stacy's mom // meg masters/ellen harvelle // stevie (the rupture)
day twenty seven: closeted // demon deal // mary winchester/billie // krissy chambers
day twenty eight: "i ran into a door" // babytrap // jody mills/donna hanscum // paris hilton
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deanscutiepiesam · 10 months ago
Sometimes, I just think about how Sam was the one who believed. Sam was the one who prayed. Sam was the one who was ready to do anything the spirit said in Houses of the Holy because he believed it was an angel. Sam was the one who was so excited and honored to meet a real angel,,, only for them to want he and his brother to start the apocalypse.
Only to discover he's the true vessel for the worst angel on the market. Only to be trapped in a cage with him and be tortured for over a century. Only to hallucinate said angel once he finally got out. Only years later to have another angel possess him when he was ready to die and strip him of his autonomy. Only for that angel pilot his body and kill a child with his hands. Only for an archangel to possess his brother and run off with him.
Only to discover god himself - the man he's prayed to and believed in all this time - was behind everything since the beginning. Not only knew about, but orchestrated, his suffering. Enjoyed it even. Ignored his prayers. Took the one thing that he believed in and slowly turned it against him.
But then sometimes I think about how god made his soulmate his brother. How he made his soulmate destined to kill him - Michael and Lucifer or Cain and Abel, take your pick - and how his soulmate refused. How Dean Winchester is just a man, but Sam understandably believes in him more than god or any angel.
Because who needs Heaven, when you have your brother? Who needs god, when you have your soulmate?
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luv4fandoms · 11 months ago
Look...When I tell you that this story had👏🏻 me 👏🏻 HOOKED! Like this story has everything, slow burn, enemies to lovers, SOULMATE AU FOR THE F**KING WIN!Angst, fluff, smexy times, WING KINK!!! (Y'all know me and my love of wing!kink) Listen y'all, I don't think y'all hearing me clearly enough. If you are a SPN Lucifer fan, then you NEED to read this story ok, like yesterday, cause it is 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you so much @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing for writing this masterpiece, it will forever go down as one of my favorite spn stories ❤️
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S.I.N - Soulmates in nature Masterlist
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Description: The boys struck a deal with Lucifer, a deal that allows him to stay in the bunker. How will not only they, but you cope with an archangel, the devil nonetheless, roaming around the space? Especially as you seem to notice something no-one else does, his wings. You could see the devil’s wings.
Main chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)
Status: Finished
Possessive Lucifer (1) (2)
Netflix and chill - coming soon
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plutoswritingplanet · 1 year ago
Ring Of Fire (Lucifer x Female!Reader)
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a/n: again, no one asked for this, but i've been rewatching supernatural and there is something about season 5 Lucifer that just hits the spot for me. this one will be multiple chapters (i swear), a bit on the darker side. Cross-Posted on AO3
Warnings: Dub-Con (nothing too scandalous), Soulmates (but not really), follows season 5 storyline, Kinda Depressing, Strongly Inspired by "Preacher's Daughter" by Ethel Cain
Summary: Knowing God has an actual plan for you would be comforting for most people. You, however, seem to be always down on your luck.
The foliage is damp with the night's air, water seeping into the fabric of your jeans, as you sit in the low bushes, watching. Smoke still fills your lungs, and grief still fills your heart, Jo and Ellen's faces etched just beneath your eyelids. Tears stain your cheeks, drying slowly on your skin, forming an uncomfortable crust. It's been such a long time since you've experienced loss such as this. One that rips something out of you and refuses to give it back. You must've grown too comfortable since Dean has been brought back, life needed to bring you back down. Your hands hurt from the tight grip you hold on a branch of a nearby tree, nerves locking you in place, as you watch Dean approach the Devil. Except, you're not there anymore. 
It's warm inside Bobby's home, and you've changed out of your past outfit, scattering it on the floor, never to be used again. Still, you can feel phantom moisture on your knees, elbows, on the palms of your hands. Coldness, like nothing you've ever experienced, seeps deep into your bones, taking root within you. No candle, no prayer, no ancient exorcism can cleanse you of the revelations you've seen tonight. Your head feels heavy, when you drop it onto the pillow, as if some weight is pressing you further down, through the comforter, through the bed and the wooden floor. Through all the layers of Earth, until you're right where you're supposed to be. 
It's unfortunate, you thought back then, compelled to reveal yourself from your hideout by one command you couldn't ignore, he looks just like any human. Tall and lean, with a little softness to his body. His clothes were unassuming as well, casual. As if he just took a stroll through the woods from a supermarket. No one told you the name of his vessel, who he was before he said yes, why did he do it. His eyes were ordinary as well. Blue and gray, aged, tired. Human.
It would've been so easy to pass him on the streets, not knowing. He could've been one of the patrons in the countless bars you've visited while on the hunt. Handsome, yes, with an aura of a beaten dog around him, that, in any other circumstances would've made him irresistable to you. You could never refuse a hopeless case, now you supposed you knew why. 
Sam made you tea. It sits untouched on your night stand, steam flowing in dancing ribbons into the ceiling. Somehow, you can't seem to force yourself to drink it, even if you know the intention behind it has been kind. You couldn't eat as well, the smell of cooking coming from Bobby's kitchen reminded you too much of the smell of smoke coming from the exploding hardware store. And his smell. 
Burning coals, cedar wood, jasmine, all of them were pleasant once. Now, you know they will always be stuck in your head with only one association. Lucifer. 
Even thinking of his name brings a wave of shivers running down your back, as you curl into yourself on the bed. Your fingers scratch at skin of your jaw, trying to regain some sense of autonomy. Still, you can feel a phantom of his icy touch, where he grabbed your face like his hands were meant for it. And in a way they were. At least, that's what he told you. 
The demons gathered around the mass grave didn't even react, as you ran out of your cover, pushed to reveal yourself by the sight of Dean's flying body. Because how else would he coax you out, if not through the hurt of your boys? In hindsight, you were glad Dean was unconscious for the most part of this ordeal. After the night's events, it was hard to look him in the eye, you didn't need him witnessing your downfall over your head as well. Sam tried to make his way over to you, feet sliding cautiously through the grass, but suddenly Lucifer's eyes were on you, and you could feel your fate get sealed then and there. 
He clasped his hands in front of him, pursing his lips as he took you in, cowering on the ground, trying hard to find Dean's pulse. 
- You boys brought me a gift - he mused, eyes crinkling with some strange emotion - You shouldn't have. 
One gesture later, you're up on your feet, limbs trembling as he abandoned his shovel in favor of making his way towards you. You're frozen, fear seizing you in a tight grip, and you can't seem to think straight, as you watch him approach. Last day on Earth, you muse, life flashing before your eyes, when he raises both his hands. And then he grips your face, gentle yet confident, and the world around you spins. He's cold, so cold it's unnatural. Your lips fall apart in a silent gasp. 
- Do you know who you are? - he asks in a quiet voice that suddenly makes you understand why he's temptation incarnate - Do you know why you were put on this Earth?
All you can do is stare, confusion creasing your eyebrows. His breath reaches your collarbones, as he lowers his head slightly. You can hear him chuckle to himself. The sound makes you shudder, fear and anticipation mix within your gut. 
- All those years of hunting, struggling... - your life seems so trivial, coming from his lips - It all lead you here, to me. Doesn't that sound lovely?
It doesn't. It most definitely doesn't. Tears of confusion prick at the corners of your eyes, your breathing quickens. Panic settles into your nerves like a paralyzing blanket. Because here stands a threat of magnitude you couldn't even dream of. The Satan, the Devil, Bible's biggest villain. And he knows something about you, that you cannot comprehend. 
- It's really quite pathetic, when you think about it - he muses, hands leaving your face in a flash, as he starts to pace in thought.
Swaying in your place, you risk looking at Sam, his confusion mirroring your own. Dean is still unconscious beside him. There's a thin smudge of blood running down his forehead, and you want to move so badly. You've spent years caring for these boys, being there for them, whenever they needed you. Yet, at this crucial moment all you can do, is stare in horror.  
- My Father's last ditched attempt - Lucifer turns to you with a tight smile that doesn't reach his eyes - To give me my own special little bag of worms. To own, to care for, to change my mind. 
- What?
Your own voice sounds foreign to your ears. Lies. Those had to be lies. He's Satan after all, manipulation was his forte. Yes, that had to be it. Just another, messed up way at getting an upper hand over Sam. 
This time, you nearly scream when he advances towards you, his cold hands immediately finding purchase on your face, covering your jaw and your cheeks. He presses against your face so hard, you have to take a step back as he comes closer still. Sam's figure flashes out of the corner of your eye, and suddenly you feel the rough surface of a tree bark digging into your back. 
- You - for the first time you can hear some tension in his voice, something more than cold indifference - You were made for me, Honey. Just like Sam is destined to be my vessel, you're destined to be by my side. To own, to care. - he repeats those words like a mantra, and you want to throw up at how genuine he sounds.
He smiles at your terror. Tears start to flow freely from your eyes, falling on his cold fingers, skipping down his arms in smudges. His hands start to move, a perversion of a caress, as he ruffles your hair. Your head bounces off the tree, and you try with all your might to free yourself out of his grip. Your limbs flail at your sides, and you crane your neck so far back, your muscles start to strain. He doesn't let go, pressing himself closer, one of his hands coming up to grip your hair. Your nails dig into his cotton shirt, as you push against his chest to no avail. 
- No - you whisper, your rejection falling flat against his unaffected stare - I'd never...
- See, but that's the best part - his sudden enthusiasm scares you deeper, than any passive stare ever could. - Unlike Sam...
You backpedal into the tree again, as he leans closer still. His cold breath mixes with your short, panicked ones, and your stomach churns, when he tilts his head in curiosity, as if he's experiencing this intimacy for the first time. And in a way, you suppose he is. Then, his eyes meet yours, gray captivates you, and you hold your breath on instinct.
- You don't have to say yes to me. 
You're not even allowed the decency of taking a gasp of air, when his lips press into yours. It feels beyond weird. He's unnaturally cold, and there is a sort of unpracticed sloppiness in the way he fights for your mouth to fit against each other. Reminding you of your first, inexperienced romances, he smashes your faces together until you feel both sets of your teeth through the flesh. Then, he pulls back just a smidgen, taking in your terrified face. Something flashes through his expression, and he sighs, leaning back towards you, stopping just short of your left ear. 
- Kiss me like you mean it, or I'll make Dean eat his intestines. 
He looks at you, just once, letting you know this is not a game. Your heart stops. 
Dean's unconscious body starts to move by the tree, and never in your life have you felt so helpless. So, when Lucifer unavoidably leans back down, you give him all you've got. Your body arches, hands come up to his hair, and you will yourself not to feel grossed out by the feeling of his cold tongue slipping past your teeth. It's a fight for survival, you remind yourself, as his hands move to your back, rubbing your skin like a horny teenager in a bathroom stall. The short supply of air you've been granted runs out quickly, and as pressure builds in your lungs, you start to push against the Archangel's chest. He doesn't register what you're doing, not at first, confusing your sudden unwillingness as some sort of late attempt at rebellion. That is, until you bang your fist against his shoulder, letting out a muffled scream. 
Finally, he detaches himself, hair even more disheveled than before. You take a heaving gasp of air, as you brace yourself against the tree, your vision swimming ever so slightly. Lucifer watches you, his body hunched over, as if he's observing some middle schooler's science project. There are new tears in your eyes, just waiting to fall. Your hair is disheveled and your lips are puffy from his unpracticed assaults. His right hand comes up to his face, and he bites on his index finger in thought. 
- You really are human - he muses to himself, and with every fiber of your being, you try to explode his head with your brain - That's no fun, you'll break so easily...
- Fuck you - your words make his eyebrows raise, and he straightens out with a flourish.
- Fuck you - he repeats, mocking your tone - Yeah, I probably will - you watch, disgusted, as he sends a wink towards Sam.
Then, he's back to his shovel, back to his mass grave, where he completes the ritual. 
You can't move, not really, even when Sam tugs on your shoulder. Your head runs empty, realization of your current predicament far from registered in your brain. You stay frozen in your spot, when Castiel arrives, taking the three of you back to Bobby's house. Only, when the Angel's hand pushes against your rib cage, only when you feel Enochian symbols burn into your bones, do you lift your gaze. Apologetic doesn't really cover the way Castiel looks at you, and the pity painted on his face drags you down more than any Devil could.  
Sam is the only one to truly understand, when you fall to the floor, shock, anger and dread spilling out of you like a broken faucet. He's the only one that truly knows how it feels to have your bodily autonomy stripped away by the literal Devil. How it feels to have a threat of such magnitude hanging over you, every day. Which is why, he's the one to lift you in his arms, and get you to the guest room, lead away by the concerned glances of the rest of the men. He's the one to make you tea, bring you fresh clothes. He opens the window when the smell of dinner makes you retch. And finally, he's the one to explain, what really happened back on that hill to the rest of the group.
From your fetal position on the bed you can hear Dean curse, throw something somewhere. All the ways he knows, how to show he cares. Despite everything, it makes you smile, face pressed to the pillow that smells like cigarette smoke and beer. You're doomed. There's nothing you can do against God's plan, and you can feel that thought take root in you like an invasive species ready to destroy every crop in it's path. Still, despite it all, a sense of security falls upon you like a decieving blanket. 
- What sort of a messed up game is this? - Dean screams somewhere in the house, you assume it's at Cass, the only one even remotely aware of your destiny. 
The idea, that God made you specifically to be Satan's personal therapist sounds far fetched at best, but given how the last couple of months have been going, you're more inclined to believe in the absolutely worst scenarios. You don't even need to hear Castiel's response. The sound of glass breaking is telling enough. Then, a door slamms somewhere, and the house falls into heavy silence.
You can't think. Can't allow yourself to fall apart more than you've had already. So, you focus on the sound of your own breathing, interlinked with your heartbeat. Steady, alive. Your eyelids are heavy, eyes burn with drying tears, so you close them and sigh. Exhaustion pinns you in place, sinking you into the blankets. Darkness welcomes you like a long lost friend.
Your boys will find a way, they always do. And Lucifer can't find you, not with the wards Castiel has put on you. You'll have to thank him i the morning, you think, and it's the last conscious thought you have, before slipping into sleep, shivering like an abandoned child. 
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markpellegrinoimagines · 1 year ago
Soulmate V.2
Request: Could you do a soulmate with lucifer, He kidnaps her and she can see his wings.
Tw: Wing!kink, Smut, Kidnapping, Rough!Foreplay
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Sam and Dean were always telling her that she was too bold. Unafraid of the consequences as she stared down adversaries wether they were demons, Or Angel's. It's most likely why she'd ended up in her current situation. Y/n had been trailing a demon for days now, the black eyed bastard was the best lead she had for tracking down an important artifact. She'd been stopped for the night, taking a much needed rest after days of stalking her prey.
That's when the dammed thing struck. She was fresh from a shower with a towel wrapped tightly around her form when pain exploded across the back of her head and the sight of her meager room went black, with her body hitting the floor with a loud thump.
Y/n felt feeling returning to her limbs, and her senses slowly slipped back into awareness. The first thing to hit her was the smell. It was musty, like old mildew and dust. The next was sound. Aged creaking of settling rafters and the squeak of old springs when she shifts against the uncomfortable surface she was laid upon.
Slowly and very carefully, Y/n pushed herself up until she could look around through hazy vision at what appeared to be an abandoned studio apartment. She was laid out in a dust covered bed and could feel the grit of it scraping across her skin. Not far from the bed was a living area with worn down couches and a coffee table with several layers of dust across its surface.
A chill sent shivers racing up and down her spine, and she snapped her gaze down. The damp towel shed been wrapped in after her shower was slipping loose, revealing bare skin, and she hurriedly pulled it tight, covering her extremities.
She slipped her legs over the edge of the bed and slowly ended up into her feet. The back of her skull throbbed with each movement, and the floor boards creaked under her feet. Couldn't the demon have waited until she at least had some clothes on?
There wasn't a single article of fabric she could use to cover herself. The place was picked clean, and she wasn't willing to come in contact with those bed sheets any longer than she'd already had.
"Oh fuck me.."
A dark chuckle and a freezing cold filled the room, making her whip around until she was facing the new threat. "Was that an invitation? I'm flattered, Little Human..." Glaciap blue eyes slid up and down her form, lingering on the lower hem of the towel. "Did you dress this way just for me~?"
Lucifer waited for her response. This was his first time meeting the little hunter that was often seen around the Winchester boys. She was quite the sight. He'd been expecting more flannel and crass remarks. Not this sweet little human with wide e/c eyes. In fact... it was as if she wasn't even looking at him. Her gaze was locked up and over his shoulder and her pupils were trembling with what he could only assume was awe.
Y/n had paused in what she'd been planning to say as she watched the large shimmering mass shift behind the form of the tall blue-eyed blonde. The more she focused on the ethereal mass, the more detailed it became. Six large arching wings hung from the man's back, They were a smokey silver tipped in burnt Pink and veins of glittering gold through every quill. Each shift sent a wave of ash to the floor.
They were gorgeous. Their unique and tragic beauty had her completely captured by awe. The urge to run her fings through the mass of feathers was strong. She completely zoned out the Blondes words.
Lucifer was feeling his patience wain. He'd wanted long enough, and the human hadn't even met his gaze for a mere second. Did she believe she was better than him? He slowly stalked forward, an angry frown beginning to pull at the edge of his lips before it lifted into a cruel grin. She still wasn't meeting his eyes.
His fingers closed around the weak column of her neck. She was so vulnerable and frail.. He ignored the small thrill that ran through him as he examined the way his vessels hand looked around her throat.
He could feel her pulse hammering away beneath the pads of his fingers. The beat, a salacious dance, tempted him in closer as he eyed her with glowing red eyes.
"I'll not be ignored by a sniveling little Mud-"
"Your wings are so beautiful...~"
Lucifers jaw shut with a clack of teeth and a crack of the joint. Her words echoed in his skull, buzzing around his grace. What did she just say?
His fingers tightened further and was soon joined by his other hand, caging in her cheeks.
"Repeat that, Now!?"
Y/n swallowed as an embered heat warmed her lower belly. A small hint of concern ebbed its way through the back of her mind. All logic was seeping out of her ears in the presence of this angel. It was just her luck she somehow managed to capture the interest of Lucifer, and now she couldn't even keep her head on straight. His hands squeezing her vulnerable throat should not be making her nearly as hot bother as it is.
"I said, You're wings are beautiful... I.."
Lucifers thoughts were moving a mile a second, A mate.. A soulmate..
Out of all the things his father could have done.. A human soulmate..
A humorless chuckle slipped past his lips. Was this his punishment? His eyes once again trailed down her toweled form, and the cleavage he could see wrapped loosely in its soft hold. His smirk grew as something settled over him..
Or maybe it wasnt..~
"You know little human~ I had you grabbed because of your relation to the winchesters. But it's seems," His slowly slid up one of his hands to run his fingers through h/l h/c locks, "I've found a different reason to keep you around..."
He watched her brows furrow in confusion, only to lift in alarm when chilled lips descend om her own. Capturing them in a demanding and devouring press. Two prodding tips slowly pride her lips open until he was able to twirl his split tongue around her warm muscle.
Y/n was lost the second his lips brushed hers. The low embers in her gut flared to life in an explosion of desire and need as she raised trembling hands to press almost uncertainly into the soft mass of feathers. That one touch unlocked the flood works as lucifer trembled against her and a dark needy groan was growled into her open mouth.
Freezing palms hooked underneath her bare thighs, and she barely recognized the twisting feeling of the world warping around her in a flurry of feathers and wind. Her back connected with silky smooth fabric as she was roughly pinned down against a soft bouncy surface.
Y/n cracked open her eyes and pulled her lips from the angels, scanning their new surroundings. The room was dark with an arched ceiling. The bed she'd been pressed down into had a large canopy hung above with deep red curtains closing them inside.
Soon, her attention was being drawn back to lucifer. Unable to stray away for long. E/c eyes widened considerably as she takes in the swath of bared skin. When had he...?
"Shhh..." A chilled finger pressed against her lips quieting her thoughts as he used his free hand to arrange her legs around his waist and situate his hardened length between slick folds.
Y/n whined low in her throat when those first few rolls of his hips had his tip knocking against her sensitive clit. When it catches against her dripping entrance before slipping up to bounce against that nub, she lets out a loud whimper.
"That's it, Just like that little Human~ let me hear your pleasure."
As soon as his finger slipped free from her lips, a loud moan of his name filled the space, "Lucifer!~"
It tapered off into a gasping and breathy mewl as the chilled flesh of his length began to stretch her open, inch by inch. Heels dug into his back, urging her forward until his hips were flush with her own, and he was growling possessive obscenities into the shell of her ear.
"Made just for me, my own little human.. to keep.. to claim and Fill~ All mine!" His hips snapped harshly into the Crease of her thighs, carving her dripping walls open with every body jolting lunge of hips. The obscene smack of thighs was accompanied with gasping mewls from his little souldmates lips.
"Lu-Lucifer!! Ah~ Harder..please~!"
His response was a growl and glowing red eyes. Blunt chilled nails dug divots into her waist, holding her in place, giving him more leverage with every thrust. She could already feel the coil tightening up in her gut, threatening to snap at any second. It seemed even the Archangel rutting her into the sheets was needing the edge of pleasure.
A tsunami of ecstasy threatening to drown them both within the coiling Abyss of need sinking its claws into them both. Lucifers hands slipped up her waist until his palms were caging her cheeks and pulling her melting lips to meet his own in a possessive kiss. Her owns fingers slunk up and around his shoulders to trail teasingly along the muscled ridge of his wings.
They shuttered against her touch, and then she sank her hands into the feathers. It was all Lucifer needed to be sent crashing over the edge, his teeth scraping teasingly against her bottom lip.
Y/ns legs tightened around his hips as a warmth spread through her lower gut, Lucifer rolled his hips, pressing his release deeper into her core with every grunt and meeting of flesh. Her little whimpers were music to his ears as he nipped his teeth against her shoulder.
"You won't be leaving this bed, I'll have you begging me for my touch, Mewling and crying for more~"
He watched her cheeks flush, and he could barely restrain himself as he felt those little human fingers once again tease through ashen feathers.
"Please, Lucifer~ Don't stop.."
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jinkieswouldyoulookatthis · 7 months ago
Supernatural Soulmates
It's funny to me when people try to deny that Sam and Dean were soulmates. Funny because the show went out of it's way to set up the concept of soulmates, showed us how Sam and Dean fit the bill, and then never gave us another example of characters who were soulmates in the entire rest of the run of the show.
In fact, I think that the term soulmate was only used in three other episodes, Season 7, Time For a Wedding! (7x08)...
Dean [to Sam about Becky]: Oh, you mean, she – she wasn't your soulmate?
Ladies Drink Free (12x16)...
Dean [to Claire about Sam and Mick]: They're like nerd soul mates.
and Various & Sundry Villains (13x12)...
Dean [to Sam about Jamie the witch]: My soul mate.
You may notice that all of these references were made by Dean either to and/or about Sam, which just an interesting little coincidence.
I've seen at least one post circulating that states that John and Mary were soulmates, but they didn't share a heaven...
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Absence (14x18)
They didn't even get along before the cupids worked their freaky love mojo on them...
Dean: Why does heaven care if Harry meets Sally? Cupid: Oh, mostly they don't. You know, certain bloodlines, certain destinies. Oh, like yours. Sam: What? Cupid: Yeah, the union of John and Mary Winchester--Very big deal upstairs, top priority arrangement. Mm. Dean: Are you saying that you fixed-up our parents? Cupid: Well, not me, but... Yeah. Well, it wasn't easy, either. Ooh, they couldn't stand each other at first. But when we were done with them--Perfect couple. Dean: Perfect? Cupid: Yeah. Dean: They're dead! Cupid: I'm sorry, but... the orders were very clear. You and Sam needed to be born. Your parents were just, uh...meant to be. (sings) A match made in heaven- heaven!
My Bloody Valentine (5x14)
And there is no reference to them being soulmates. They were made to love one another specifically so that Sam and Dean would be born.
But two episodes later in Dark Side of the Moon (5x16) the show sends Sam and Dean to their shared heaven, has Ash explain the concept of soulmates sharing a heaven to them, and then brings them back to life. And then six episodes later, the power of Sam and Dean's love for each other, and all the memories of their shared life, help Sam take control of Lucifer and save the world.
No other characters in the entire show share a heaven, just Sam and Dean. But still people deny that they are canonical soulmates.
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supernaturals-fav-witch · 1 year ago
Dating the angelic beings /being their soulmate (so being the only one that can see their wings)
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Micheal/Adam milligan
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Micheal is kinda protective over his wings at first
But when he met you he softened up
You seemed to want to see them all the time even when he hid them
So he let up
His wings are tuff and thick, not easily bent or moved
You still need to be gentle with them though
If you're to rough with them that will either 1 hurt him or 2 make him veryyy needy 😉
He likes being around you alot so when you're hunting or doing something and it gets to dangerous he will wrap his wings around you creating a little room where nothing could get through
When you have trouble sleeping hell wrap you in one of his wings like a burrito and it helps you sleep, it Also calms his and Adam's anxiety/nerves
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He's legit so f*cking happy you can see them without any reproductions
He always has a wing covering you're back
When you sleep or hug or kiss his he holds you tightly to his body and wraps his wings as close as he can without hurting you
He refuses to let you sleep outside of his wings
In public if you're shy he will guide you with his wings
Some times if you're hunting with like Sam or Dean and it gets to dangerous he will wrap his wings around you them telaport you to the thrown room in hell and play doctor/patent with you being to over dramatic making sure you not hurt AT ALL
His wings are sturdy and buff the are soft but not gentle
They are strong af, and they basically are everything proof
But if you touch or tickle his wings the right way, Here ->
He's gonna be all over you!!
If he's being mean you just massage his wing and he fucking MELTZ
But if others touch his wings he's sending them to his worst demons to get tortured
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He wrapped his wings around you before he knew you could see them, and before you were dating
He's used to you and his wings
He doesn't see it as a big deal
He loves his wings but loves you more sooo
He's also very clingy and cuddly so his wings are always around you
The have huge span just like the other archangels, basically all the archangels wings reach to about 54 feet wide and 32 feet tall in my mind
I mean castiel says that his true form is the size of the Chrysler Building in New York, which is 1047 feet (319m) in height and he's just a angel so 1 imagine how big his wings are let alone how archangels are much bigger then regular angels so they could easily be like 2000 feet tall in true form.
Gabes wings are soft and gentle they often have a mind of their own and sway to music
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Questions you when he figures out you can see his wings
Is happy you can see them but doesn't show it
He usually has a wing around you bc he protective
He's not that open to pda but if you're affectionate alot then he will be too
He matched you're energy so you don't dis like him
One time you two where laying in bed and you were trying to fall asleep but couldn't due to how cold it was and you told Raphael, he let you use his wing as a blanket. He just opened his wing and guided you on how to Lay down on it and then wrapped you up in it
You fell asleep quickly due to the softeners and warmth
Now it's you're favorite thing to do
If you touch his wings without his knowledge his wings likely accidentally zap you a little bit
So always give him warning when touching his wings or else it might end up badly
He loves you alot but is very chill and doesn't want to have much pda, but if you do want alot of pda his favorite way to show he loves you is through physical touch, meaning wing hugs
Oh also when you kiss him without warning his wings flap without him trying
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He doesn't really believe the whole "soulmates" thing
But he he finds out about it he slowly starts to believe it more
He loved you even before he knew you two were supposed to be together
He grooms his wings alot, one time he had a hard time cleaning and area of his wings and you walked in, asked if you could help.
.... long story short you always groom his wings
His wings are strong yet soft
His feathers are like a super soft cats fur
When he's sad or angry massage his wings gently and it calms him down
If he's having a panic attack, hug him tightly and massage the base of his wings it will calm him
If you and him a near someone he doesn't trust guess what? ✨️wing burrito✨️
He likes rubbing his wings against you during sex bc it makes it more intense for him
He also rubs his wings against you when he tellaports so he doesn't scare you
When you sleep he puts his wings around you just so you're safe
Jack kline
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Jack knew you can see his wings just by the way you looked at him
He loves you and loves having his wings around you
His wing is always touching you
When he's sad they droop
He loves you touching his wings but it makes him shudder
He fludders his wings when you walk in
If you're cold or sad he will wrap you in his wings and cuddle you whilst talking to you
He loves you dearly and the fact he can use his wings on/with you means alot to him
He loves you're touch on his wings
You and him both learn how to groom his wings
After he showers he shakes of his wings like a dog
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His wings soak up so much water that it gets everywhere
He sheds his feathers alot and the grow back quickly
But you took one of his feathers and put it on a necklace
If you two are apart and you get hurt or are sacred he cans sense it through the feather of his you wear and he comes
If you pray to him you feel wings around the second you prey to him
Chuck sherly / god
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When Chuck created soulmates he didn't specifically much except "every being had a soul that is ment to be with them, they fit like puzzles together"
When he figured out you where his soulmate and you could see his wings he immediately hugged picked you up and deeply kissed you
Scince he's god nobody can see his wings, it ruins them
But scince you're his fitting puzzle peace you can see his wings
He loves you but he loves that you can see his wings too
He constantly shows you pda/affection anywhere any time, and he loves showing you that through his wings
He spoons you with his wings
He pins you against the wall with his wings
If he doesn't want you leaving bed he holds you down with his wings
When you shower with him he has his wings close to you holding you close whilst he washes you're hair
If you get embarrassed he wraps you in his wings to hide you
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incesthemes · 4 months ago
i'd love to talk about the themes of fate vs family in cw's supernatural with you :')
it's just. THE THEMES. like okay when i started rewatching supernatural i was just kind of vibing. my original goal was to see if i could uncover all of the godawful incest subtext in the show of which there is an abundance. but once i reached scarecrow my eyes were OPENED. it's all an allegory. there are only two choices in their lives and they are to follow their destinies or to to become toxic enmeshed brothers who will incite ruin upon the world.
because like the thesis of SCARECROW is the collective vs the individual. burkittsville is a community which cares for itself by sacrificing outsiders. emily is ultimately deemed an outsider and is therefore available to become the sacrifice, and when she protests she's considered selfish for wanting to save her own life. and the message scarecrow posits is that the collective is a dangerous thing; ergo, if sam and dean go down the path of the collective, if they choose each other, then they will create something destructive.
you see this theme, that community and collective is dangerous and destructive, in a couple other episodes too: the benders and croatoan (kind of, not entirely the point but it still exists), and maybe another but i'm just glancing over my notes atm. at the same time, there are episodes companion to these that propose that the individual route is the correct path (heart, asylum) and episodes that show the consequences of choosing the collective (faith, shadow).
and AT THE SAME TIME, many episodes give us the exact opposite conclusion: bugs, nightmare, playthings, born under a bad sign—all of these episodes suggest that the collective is the correct path instead, that turning to each other is what will ultimately create the best outcome.
most of the episodes, especially in the first two seasons, are primarily concerned with pitting the pursuit of destiny against the pursuit of brotherhood—aka, fate vs family. the show makes it clear that sam and dean can't have both. dean, from the start, is unsure at best about pursuing john's (and later sam's) revenge quest to find and kill azazel; therefore, when sam is hellbent on hunting down yellow-eyes (synonymous with his destiny), he's shutting dean out of his life and focusing only on his own goals. john outright gives dean his quest in 2x01 by warning that he may have to kill sam; therefore, sam is the object of dean's fate, and killing him is the direct realization of that destiny. they're cosmically destined to kill each other—it's a cain and abel story, but there's a twist.
which is, of course, that they have another alternative: they can abandon their fates and choose each other, relentlessly and obsessively. every decision they make that pulls them apart brings them closer to fate, and every decision they make that brings them together pulls them farther from destiny. it makes complete sense, then, that sam and dean are soulmates: because of that, they are instead given two destinies, which makes it possible for them to defy the angels and demons that created them to be enemies.
BUT THE THING IS!!!!!!!! the thing is that neither of these destinies are good. it's impossible to strike a balance between these fates because the stakes are astronomical. they either must give in completely to their destinies as michael and lucifer's vessels, or they must give in completely to each other, eliminating their individuality and becoming a cohesive unit. the show is a constant push and pull between these two outcomes, and the show elaborates extensively on why neither of these options are good. the collective brings ruin; the individual brings the apocalypse. they can escape one destruction of the self but not the other.
and then if you pull back and look at kripke era as a whole, you see some trends that support this, too: seasons 1 and 2 are largely about sam and dean choosing each other, walking away from fate and toward family (see: devil's trap, where sam literally abandons his revenge quest, synonymous with his destiny, to save john and appease dean; see: croatoan, where dean finally decides to abandon the quest john gave him and to "save" sam at whatever cost, which leads him to his questionable and unwavering faith in sam for the rest of the season). season 1 is about sam abandoning fate and choosing dean; season 2 is about dean abandoning fate and choosing sam.
then, seasons 3 and 4 are largely about the exact opposite. with all hell breaks loose, dean (at azazel's meddling) has restarted his fateful quest by making the selfish (the individual!) choice to become the righteous man and sacrifice himself for sam's life. thus until lucifer rising, the show is a downward spiral of sam and dean's relationship unraveling at the seams. they pursue their destinies alone and at the expense of each other. sam confides in ruby despite dean's reserves (aka, he lets someone else be more important than dean; he chooses himself over his brother). dean reacts more and more violently. where their relationship had progressed in season 2 such that they were no longer keeping secrets from each other, now seasons 3 and 4 are rife with them, both of them having concerns and fears about each other that they're reluctant to open up about. they objectify each other and ignore each other as people because they are too consumed with their own paths. and it culminates in the start of the apocalypse, the very fate they wanted so badly to avoid!
therefore season 5 is the resolution of these conflicts. it's the ultimate decision between fate and family, where they confront their broken relationship and seek to make repairs of any kind that will fix the mess. because their only options are The Apocalypse or a toxic, codependent relationship with their brother, it is only through the ultimate decision to value Brother over everything else that allows them to stop the apocalypse. sam is able to regain control because of his connection to the impala, his home (see: the pilot, where sam's quest is to return home), which is synonymous with dean as of season 2. dean stays there and lets lucifer beat the shit out of him because he chooses sam above himself, and if sam is gone then so is he. and in the end dean returns to lisa because sam told him to; he lives for sam, on behalf of sam, because he is just half of a whole.
god there's lots of other things i can say about this (apparently i have 65,000 words of notes on just 2.5 seasons of this show). almost every single episode is ultimately about this conflict, so there's a lot to elaborate on. but this is the gist of it... the overview of my notes. the thesis statement, if you will.
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destielsoulmatebang · 6 months ago
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Dean’s life changes drastically on the day his Master Alistaire, one of the Italian Mafia bosses, takes him out to show off to his friends. While most of the changes are for the better, Dean can’t believe the curveballs life is throwing at him. Dealing with the Italians, the Russians, and the Feds would be enough on its own, but throw in the changes to his own biology? It’s a lot! Thankfully Dean’s not alone in this, and with his soulmate Castiel, he’s going from the bottom of the organization to the top!
Rating: Explicit Tags: Slave!Dean, Omega!Dean, Alpha!Cas, Russian!Cas, Mafia AU, Alistair dies, Soulmate AU, Mating cycles, Heat and Rut, Oral, Anal, top Cas/Bottom Dean, Top Dean/Bottom Cas, Mating bites, Sam is a nerd, Lucifer is an okay guy, healing, happy ending.
Coming October 21, brought to you by the @destielsoulmatebang, @malicmalic, and @deancodedcastielenby!
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followafallingstar · 6 months ago
You meet Michael again - Cordelia
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Summary: The oldest archangel had been keeping a good eye on you the last few days, making sure you weren't in any trouble yet you popped up at the one place where he didn't want you. At the bunker. Pairing: Michael/female Reader, Michael/ Witch Disclaimer/ Trigger Warning: soulmate au, Stalking, Mention of stalking, invasion of privacy
Soulmate au: God created a soulmate for each one of his children. For angels finding their soulmate is one of the most honorable tasks they could achieve due to the amount of luck they must have since the soul of a human mate can be sent to earth at any time during the existence of humanity. But when an angel does meet their other half their loyalty to god switches to their mate, protecting them at all costs. Feelings such as love and lust are only acceptable and archivable for angels when they meet their soulmate and that only to the mate too so acts of unloyalty or cheating don’t exist in their world.
Tagged <3: @elf-punk
While he had found out by now that you are no ordinary human he had hoped that you were part of the people that studied magic out of curiosity and not a need to protect themselves. Well, he was wrong. Oddly he and Lucifer ended up being part of the Whinchster's little group since they started searching for his father causing him to permanently stay at the bunker.
While preparing for an upcoming hunt with the Winchesters, he noticed that the soft voice of the person on the other side of the bunker sounded too much like you. It had to be you. He immediately walked towards the direction, opened the door to the library, and interrupted the conversation that had been going on between you and Sam. "Cora?" he called your name. Your eyebrows shot up, remembering the voice of the man who had approached you a few days ago at the beach.
"Hello, Michael" You answer but not understanding why he was here or why exactly he looked so panicked. "How do you know Sam Winchester?" What an odd question considering you and your sisters have been in touch with the hunter brothers since the early stage of their little adventure of finding their father, sometimes helping each other out here and there. You weren't sure if you should tell him the truth considering you barely knew him and the fact that he dared to talk to you as if you owed him an answer. It made you feel like throwing a fireball right in his face, not that you knew that he was pretty much invisible and would a hundred percent correct you on your improper stance.
But considering he was with the boys you knew that he must be somewhat trustworthy you answer "We are friends". He didn't like the answer at all, companionship with the two was always bound to some trouble and anyone who is slightly involved with the brother's lives must have some kind of connection to the great plan of his father, and maybe it wasn't a coincidence that you were already linked into his path. There is just one thing that bugs him when he thinks about it: the danger. His life as a warrior had taught him many things and one of them is that the future he desired so much, the future with you, his true vessel Dean, and his father back in his life was something he would probably not get so easily. But there must be a reason why you suddenly popped up out of nowhere even though you were there the whole time, right under his nose.
After Sam's rough explanation of why you were involved with them, meaning trying to answer all of Michaels's annoying and creepy questions such as: Where have you met each other? What did you say to him? Why did you think it would be a good idea to even talk to them? Is your friendship on a physical contact basis? Why would you choose this kind of life when you could be…Safe? And even after answering all of them, surely not without raising Sam's suspicion on the archangel's sudden extreme interest in you, he was still convinced that it was his duty to make sure that not one hair would be plugged from your pretty little head.
Later on, he watched you silently as you laid the lilac potion that would help them in their next hunt, on the table with the instruction written neatly on a medium-sized paper. Your delicate hands wrapped around the pen as you added some notes to it and handed them to Michael. He inspected your handwriting, cursive, hard to read yet there was an organized aspect of it, as if you had written the words countless times over and over. "I will keep it safe" the blue feathered angel replied. As you were about to leave he added a few words "Cora, I want to know where I could find you. For the potions". Smooth. Indeed smooth. Of course, he knew where you lived and where he could find you but that doesn't mean he will risk you getting skeptical of his behavior if he starts appearing out of nowhere before your door. You should feel like it was your doing, free will, that was what every human wanted and even if it isn't what he knew is true, it doesn't mean he will destroy your dream. If you wanted it. He will give it to you.
"Here" you handed him a small teleportation rune drawn on a paper. He nodded, knowing that he would never use it but keep it close. One last smile was what you flashed him before disappearing before his eyes once again. He noticed that you have a habit of running away from him. That must be changed.
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headlightsontonight · 25 days ago
let me think abt this for a second
while we all know samdean are soulmates, theoretically, technically, michael/dean and lucifer/sam are also "soulmates" as in being made for each other. by god. from the bible.
so imagine you just [yoinked your brother into hell/was yoinked by your brother into hell] and there's a promise from your Dad that one day, there'll be a guy for you and you can complete your destiny and fight it out idk
so you wait millenia for this one guy, your fated, your vessel, the one that was literally designed to be yours, only for him to be um in love with his brother. obsessed with him, whatever.
i would go insane like. i can't imagine what the angels are feeling because that's your little toy designed to understand the complex feelings that you've been suffering through for years and basically act as your mirror, but he isn't?? he just doesn't??? he's like "you're stupid and wrong for turning against your brother" and hes in love with your brother's vessel and you're like ?? dude wtf
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thefandomchaos · 1 year ago
Look I don’t hate Destiel, I’ve written a fanfic for it, but I don’t like it either (same with Sambriel). But I don’t believe Dean was exactly in love with Cas, or at least shouldn’t have been with everything that has happened, and I feel like the ending was forced to please the Destiel stans. And no I’m not doing this to prove that “Wincest is real” or anything, you can ship whatever you want, but hear me out.
The one thing that would never work for me is how would Dean love Castiel with everything Castiel had done to Sam specifically. (HEAR ME OUT- i’m fully talking here in whatever way you want to understand it, platonic or romantic)
•Castiel was the reason that Sam got out of the panic room and released Lucifer, which lead to the many problems in season five and the strain between Sam and Dean’s relationships furthering
•Chance is that Castiel most likely knew about the voicemail
•Castiel took Sam out of the cage without a soul, and while he denies this being a purpose and claims he had no choice, this was deliberately when he was working with Crowley behind and against the Winchesters
•Castiel broke Sam’s wall which led to Sam hallucinations that almost got him killed, and even if he took them away later, he still did this on purpose
Why this bother me so much is because Dean’s world revolves around Sam, and I’m just saying this because it what the series shows us, Dean does everything for Sam, even if it means his own happiness (or sanity, or life) is at stake because his whole life has been revolved around “protecting sammy” since he was a little kid. For Dean, Sam is his brother, son, best friend and soulmate (don’t @ me because this is fucking canon to the show) So why would Dean love Castiel the same way when his done that to Sam?
And this is not even mentioning what Castiel himself has done to Dean, and vice-versa because Dean has said and done things to Castiel as well (“Baby in a trench coat” “Castiel is like a Dog”) which may I ask how is that in any way how you tell someone or express that you love them?
What Destiel Stans don’t sometime seem to understand is that this show isn’t about Dean and Castiel, is about Sam and Dean. The show has always been about the two brothers (Castiel wasn’t even supposed to be a main character in the first place) thats why I’m honestly glad that finale ended like it did. The show ended how it started, just two brothers on a hunt. There was no Castiel, there was no Jack, it was just Sam and Dean, because its their story being told.
Again, I don’t hate Destiel, ship whatever you want (don’t spread hate though, because then who’s the villain here?) but I just don’t understand how Destiel (or Sambriel which is another can of worms, especially with what happened in mystery spot) could work
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 2 months ago
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GENDERBEND WEEK! the time for boys gone girls gone wild. it's the week for crossdressing, gender changing, destroying yourself by enforcing rigid roles, femslashified slash, slashified femslash, butches, femmes, being trapped in your gender, finding an escape, hitting everyone with your transgenderfication beam, and of course, being born naked and then putting on as much drag as you possibly can.
saturday, february fifteenth: crossdressing // outsider pov // cassie robinson/fem!dean winchester // tamara (the magnificent seven)
sunday, february sixteenth: forcefem // petplay // fem!jack kline/harper sayles // haley collins
monday, february seventeenth: piety // brat // fem!castiel/raphael // madge carrigan
tuesday, february eighteenth: unreality/lying // butch // linda tran/meg masters // olivia (ask jeeves)
wednesday, february nineteenth: turn the straight girl // soulmates // fem!lucifer/fem!sam winchester // hester (reading is fundamental)
thursday, february twentieth: substance abuse // on the rack // fem!bobby singer/fem!crowley // casey (sin city)
friday, february twenty first: brainwashing // rot // anna milton/ruby // tasha banes
[all prompts]
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nym-wibbly · 6 months ago
Controversial question maybe--- do you believe Sam and Dean = soulmates?
Huh. I hadn't thought of it like that! I think "soul mates" could easily have been Kripke's intention with seasons 1-5, for sure. Taking Supernatural as a whole, I'm not sure that's the word I'd use... but my brain's not coming up with a better one at the moment, either. Is there one? They're kinda unique. More like they... balance each other out?? Combine to make a force greater than the sum of its parts? Like they're the culimnation of something when they stand together?
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When things go bad for them, when they're at odds with each other, it tips over into that unhealthy codependency that other characters occasionally comment on, but when they're on the same page, sure. "Soul mates" works. In terms of the epic, overall story arc, they have the sort of bond - and the kind of conflicts - that you see more often in adoptive-brotherhood/best friend stories than in blood-family ones.
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I think that's what twists Chuck's nuggets so badly - he wants Cain and Abel 2.0, familial jealousy and destruction, epic tragedy that they bring down on themselves with hubris and petty, self-serving desires. He wants them to mirror Michael and Lucifer and wind up fighting it out bloody in the dirt with very few nuances. But Sam and Dean stubbornly do their story Epic of Gilgamesh style instead, fighting all comers back to back rather than taking up a single cause, always returning to each other after conflict, always creating something together that's greater than the sum of its parts to let them stand against impossible odds. Against Chuck's entire rigged game. Because they bend instead, and because one of the brothers can usually be strong whenever the other falters, they're unbreakable together.
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If you mean soul mates in the slashy sense then I don't get that vibe from them myself, not even a glimmer of it, but I wouldn't argue against the idea that their story - certainly their early-seasons story - is fundamentally a devotional, cathartic, and redemptive love story. And intentionally written as one during Kripke's tenure, at that. To me it's a platonic love story, somewhat removed from a standard sibling one by their status as reluctant, capital-H Heroes in their own epic narrative. But death of the author (and of the meta writer too) is totally go here on this blog!
(Yeah, especially you, Chuck. Go fug yourself with your own typewriter for what you did to these boys.)
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sofreddie · 27 days ago
Sins of the Past - Part 7
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Summary: Dean has to deal with the aftermath of Beatrice's sick games.
Characters: Dean x Y/N, Sam Winchester x OFC Imogene “Gene” Sutton, Castiel, Rowena
Warnings: SAW/Soulmate AU, Angst, Injuries, Detox, Fluff
WC: 3,001
A/N: One more part after this! Feedback is appreciated. : )
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
Part 6
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Y/N’s eyes burned like sandpaper as she opened them, groaning at the aches in her body. She looked around, seeing she was back in the bedroom at the Bunker. She had several bandages, splints, braces, and a cast on her wrist. She winced as she sat up in bed, hissing at the pain, before her eyes landed on Dean, slumped and asleep in a chair by the bed.
“D-Dean?” she spoke, her voice raspy, throat sore and dry.
Dean grunted sleepily, shuffling slightly before his eyes fluttered open. When they did, they instantly widened, and he leaped from the chair to his knees at the bedside.
“Y/N,” he breathed, relief heavily evident in his voice as his eyes glossed over and he cupped her cheek.
She pressed her forehead to his, leaning into his touch, before she began to sob, clinging to him and bringing him closer to her in a vice-like grip.
He brought his arms around her, holding her tight, but not enough to aggravate her injuries. He nuzzled into her neck, his tears falling and trickling down and along her shoulders.
“Are Sam and Gene okay?” she muttered, bits and pieces of everything floating back into her mind. “Oh God,” she whimpered, her eyes wide, remembering what she had done. “Dean, I’m so sorry. I...it wasn’t me. I didn’t do those things…”
“I know,” Dean clarified quickly, pulling back to rest his forehead on hers again as he looked into her eyes. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
He was interrupted by the incessant ringing of his phone, and the vibrations in his pocket annoyed him more than they probably should have. He reluctantly pulled just far enough away from Y/N to grab and silence his phone before seeing Cas’ name on the caller ID.
He relievedly sighed, answering the call, “Cas?”
“Dean,” Cas’s voice rang through the receiver before a slight pause.”I know what happened. We need to talk.”
“Cas, man, I need you here,” Dean sounded broken and lost as he practically begged his friend. Beatrice said she had controlled Cas and tricked Heaven. If Cas was calling, Dean hoped it was because he was back on their team. “Y/N, Sam, Gene...they’re all hurt. It’s bad, Cas.”
Another pause, “...You would need to remove the warding to allow me inside,” Cas said hesitantly.
“Give me five minutes,” Dean said, ending the call and looking back at Y/N. “Cas is coming. He’s gonna heal you, okay? I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Y/N nodded in response, watching as Dean left the room. Dean hurriedly went through the Bunker, powering down the Angel warding, before Cas suddenly appeared behind him, startling him.
“I can’t take many more surprises, Cas,” Dean groaned, clutching his chest.
“Dean,” Cas stated, ignoring Dean’s comment and taking a step closer, his eyes wide and sorrowful. “Dean, that demon...she had me and the other Angels under some kind of spell…”
“I know,” Dean acknowledged, “Y/N’s in her room. The demon possessed her and-” he cut himself short, “Gene’s torn up on the inside, and Sam…” he looked on the verge of tears. “I had to lock him up,” Dean whined, trying to fight back crying.
Cas frowned slightly, worry creeping through him. He could tell Dean was struggling to speak, but Angels were patient. Dean took a deep breath and then explained to Cas what had transpired…and why.
The Angel quickly stepped back in alarm, “I…” Cas started, “I can help the girls with their physical injuries, but Dean, you know I can’t help Sam. He just has to endure the symptoms until they pass.”
“I don’t know if he can,” Dean admitted reluctantly, walking Cas down to Y/N’s room. “He drank more blood than I’ve ever seen, forced to take in more than he did before Lucifer. And then he nearly drank Y/N dry,” he sighed. “It took a dose of God-narcan even to clean him before.”
“Sam is strong,” Cas tried to reassure Dean despite his uneasiness. “All we can do is keep him contained and hope he can fight through this.”
Cas stopped at Gene’s room first since it was en route to Y/N’s. He went inside, careful not to disturb her as she was sleeping, and he was sure she needed it after the ordeal. He placed his fingers on her forehead, healing her injuries, before turning to Dean.
“She’s feeling Sam,” he stated. “She’s going to feel his withdrawal through the bond,” he said sorrowfully, looking over her once more before gritting his teeth and moving out of the room. “I swear if that demon wasn’t dead already, I’d kill her myself,” he growled, stomping down the hall to Y/N’s room.
“Cas?” Y/N asked, her eyes panicking as she looked between him and Dean. She ignored her pain and shuffled against the headboard away from him. “Dean?” she screeched in panic.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Dean said quickly. “We’re all on the same side. He can heal you, okay?”
Cas stepped forward slowly, keeping his movements calm and steady. He gently placed his finger on Y/N’s forehead, healing her. He returned his hand and looked down at her with a sympathetic smile. 
“I am sorry for what you’ve all had to endure,” he announced, addressing Dean, too. “I wish I hadn’t been so careless. Otherwise, I could have helped.”
“It’s not on you, Cas,” Dean said, collecting Y/N from the bed and gathering her in his arms. He inhaled her scent before looking back at Cas. “It was a demon named Beatrice—someone I knew in Hell. She wanted me,” he growled. “All of this, from the first time to you, to the Angels and Heaven, and now all this—” he clenched his teeth—“It’s on me.”
“It’s on the demon, Dean, not you,” Cas assured, a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Beatrice is gone. You, Sam, and your soulmates are alive and well and together. It doesn’t seem like it, but it is a win, Dean. I will fight for you to have this; you deserve your soulmate and family after everything.”
Dean nodded, burying his face back into Y/N’s hair as he held her tightly.
“I’ll come back each day to check on Sam as well,” Cas offered before disappearing, leaving Dean and Y/N silently clinging to one another.
Sam panted for breath, staring at the ceiling of the dungeon. He was tied down tightly, the straps almost cutting into his wrists. He was drenched in sweat, the symptoms beyond unbearable to the point they frequently caused him to pass out from the pain.
When he was conscious, all he felt was pain and hunger. But he also felt fear. He knew that was coming from Gene, and it made his heart ache uncontrollably. If she could feel what he was, they were both caught in a constant cycle of pain. He clenched his eyes tight, roaring with agony as another wave of desperate hunger ravaged him.
“Sam…” a quiet, weak voice came from the other side of the dungeon door.
Sam’s head turned toward the sound, but his blurry vision couldn’t see anyone present. He groaned, tugging on his restraints once more as he realized the hallucinations must be starting. His heart sank as he remembered what he had seen and experienced before.
“...you’re hurting so much,” the voice whimpered.
“Gene,” he whimpered, squeezing his eyes closed. Her trepidation flowed through him, and he growled loudly in frustration, frantically tugging on his restraints.
Even safe and far away from him outside the dungeon, Gene jumped slightly in fear at his growl. She shrunk back, fearing her presence was only making him worse.
“I don’t want to leave you,” she said shakily. “I can’t leave you alone knowing you’re hurting like this.”
Sam was warring with his emotions. Half of him wanted to beg her to let him out, and the other half didn’t want her to see him like this. He could do this, get through this, but he couldn’t have her afraid of him.
“Gene...you gotta go,” he pleaded. “Please…”
“I’m not coming in,” she said, a slight sternness suddenly in her voice. “But...I’m not leaving you. I’m making sure you get through...whatever this is…”
“I’m sorry,” he nearly sobbed before pained sounds followed, the lack of demon blood making him weak and desperate. “I couldn’t do it last time. I don’t know why Dean thinks it’ll work this time.”
There was a long silence. Gene stood outside the dungeon, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. She turned, resting against the wall and sliding down so she sat with her knees tucked to her chest.
“...’Cause you’re not alone this time?” she offered, shuffling into a position she felt comfortable with for a long time. “I can feel it...so I’m fighting it too…”
“What are you doing?” Dean’s voice rumbled. Gene turned her head to see Dean and Cas coming to check on Sam.
“Leave me alone, Dean,” she grunted, Sam’s frustration channeling through her as she stubbornly sat. She didn’t even look at Cas.
“Gene,” Dean tried, squatting down before her. “He has to stay there until he works this out of his system. I know you’re feeling what he’s going through, and I know how it feels to sit by and not be able to do anything but listen. " He sighed. “But you can’t just sit by the door for however long this will take. And it’s going to take a while.”
“I’ll do whatever I want,” she said lowly, bunching her knees tighter. “I will sit here, fight this with him, and wait as long as it takes.”
A chain snapping could be heard from inside the dungeon, Dean’s head perking up as he glared at Cas. Cas nodded, opening the bookcases and revealing Sam, one hand free, frantically working on the other cuffs.
Dean rushed to help Cas, holding Sam down but being tossed aside easily in his manic state. Gene could see Sam, drenched in sweat, his skin red, looking like a wild animal as he fought against Cas and Dean to get free. His eyes caught sight of her, and he briefly looked ashamed before pure anger took over.
“Get her the hell out of here,” he growled, his eyes locked on hers.
They didn’t need to do anything; she was gone.
Dean managed to reattach the cuff he broke, stepping back once Sam was restrained again.
“Jeez, Sam,” Dean huffed, wiping sweat from his brow. “What the hell, man?!”
Cas placed a hand on Sam’s head, and Sam immediately fell unconscious from the touch. He let his hand linger before removing it and looking at Dean. “I don’t think just letting it work out of his system will work this time, Dean.”
Dean sighed, his chin dropping to his chest and his shoulders slumping in defeat. Slowly, he looked back at Cas, his eyes pleading with the Angel, “Any suggestions?”
“Perhaps a purification ritual?” Cas suggested. “Rowena may be able to do such a thing, purify him.”
“I’ll try anything that could help,” Dean said quickly, looking at Cas hopefully. ”I’ll call her.”
Cas watched Dean leave before looking over Sam mournfully. “We’ll get through this, Sam,” he spoke softly before leaving the dungeon and securing the doors behind him.
The Bunker doors crashed closed as Rowena glided into the building. She gracefully sauntered down the stairs under the watchful eyes of Dean, Cas, and Y/N, who all sat at the war room table.
“It’s okay now, everybody,” she sang, waltzing up to the table and enthusiastically dropping her bag. “I’m here now.”
“Is this thing gonna work?” Dean asked, clearly skeptical.
“Hard to say,” she responded with a slight wince. “We’re talking completely theoretical magic that’s never been done before. But thankfully, that’s my specialty.”
Rowena opened her bag, retrieving several bizarre items from within, from a dried-up flower to a frog’s leg and then some poor creature’s skull. Rowens’s eyes landed on Y/N, and she suddenly came across as curious. She stood back slightly, looking Y/N up and down. 
“So…” she said with an admiring smirk. “You’re the lady with the key to Dean Winchester’s heart. You just made a lot of woman-kind very jealous, my dear.”
Y/N looked confused, her eyes dashing between Rowena and Dean, “I...what?”
“Beg pardon,” Rowena smiled sweetly and extended her hand to Y/N. “I’m Rowena. My son is the king of hell, and I tend to learn about things happening quickly. A Winchester soulmate is rare enough to make anybody excitable.”
“I’ve noticed,” Y/N grumbled, stepping closer to Dean’s side as she eyed the witch warily.
“And where is the other lucky lady?” Rowena questioned curiously.
“You’re not here to make friends, Rowena,” Dean crossed his arms over his chest. “Can you help Sam or not?”
“I can try,” Rowena clarified. “But, of course, I don’t work for free.”
“Of course not,” Dean huffed a humorless laugh. “And what is it you want this time?”
“Well, nothing just yet,” she shrugged. “Just your word and a favor.”
Dean sighed, chewing his lip before looking up at Rowena again, “Fine. Just...help Sam.”
“Good,” Rowena said chirpily, gathering an assortment of items in her arms and heading toward the dungeons. “I just need a couple of wee hours and to be left alone.”
Dean was about to protest when Cas chimed in, “I’ll stay with Sam,” Cas said, looking at Rowena with a gaze that said he would not be deterred. “I’ll give you room to do what you need to do,” he added. “But I won’t leave you alone with him.”
Rowena rolled her eyes, “Fine,” she relented. “The Angel can stay, but only ‘cause he’s got such a cute little face.”
Cas rolled his eyes, flashing Dean a reassuring look, before following Rowena to the dungeon. Once they were gone, Y/N turned to Dean, her worry evident in her eyes. 
“Can we trust her? Can she do this?”
“Trust is debatable,” Dean grunted before sighing and running a hand down his face. “But she’s probably the only person who can help us.”
Sam’s eyes fluttered open, noticing his restraints were no longer present. He turned his head, seeing Rowena and Cas standing above him. He slowly sat up, rubbing his head and looking at Cas. 
“What happened?” he groaned, remembering his hunger and Gene, but nothing had happened since. The hunger was gone, and Sam felt the blood was gone from his system, but it couldn’t be. It didn’t work before…
“I just saved your life, that’s what,” Rowena sang proudly. She gave Sam a quick wink before gathering her stuff and turning to leave, “I’ll call in on that favor sometime.”
Sam watched her leave before turning to Cas. Cas could see the questions swimming in his eyes.
“She did a purification ritual,” he explained. “In exchange for a future Winchester favor,” he grimaced as he said it, knowing Sam never liked ‘deals.’ “The important thing is that it’s over, and you’re you again. Imogene will surely be grateful.”
Footsteps could be heard quickly approaching from down the corridor, and soon Dean and Y/N appeared in the doorway. Dean’s smile couldn’t be wider when he saw Sam standing there, seemingly okay. He quickly darted forward and pulled Sam into a tight hug.
“Rowena just left,” Dean said with a grin. “Said it worked. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he said with a surprised huff. “I feel fine, actually.” His mind turned to Gene once more, and his expression changed. “Where’s Gene? I remember yelling at her, and then—” He shook his head, not grasping anything beyond that.
“Right…” Dean’s head dropped, and he scratched his arm anxiously. “She’s kinda just been locked up in her room since then. Won’t talk to anyone.”
“I gotta talk to her. Apologize,” he said, pushing past Dean and making his way to the hall. 
Y/N stood in the doorway, jumping slightly and moving aside to give him a wide berth. Dean could feel the sudden, alarming spike in anxiety and fear coming from Y/N.
“J-just...don’t be surprised if she needs some time, Sam!” Dean called down the hall as Sam marched on. Dean quickly moved to Y/N, holding her arms gently, “Hey, it’s okay, he’s back to himself now.”
“He bit me and nearly bled me dry, Dean,” she protested, her body trembling slightly. “I...it’s gonna take me some time, too.”
“Right…” Dean’s head dropped slightly. Of course, Y/N needed time too. Everyone did, really. He sighed. Sam was better, sure, but it would still be long until all was okay in this Bunker.
Sam determinedly marched down the hall to Gene’s room, knocking gently on the door and waiting—hoping—for a response. “Gene?” he said softly.
Gene sat inside, jolting at the sound of Sam’s voice. She’d ignored the knocking, just like she had with Y/N and Dean previously, but she didn’t expect Sam. 
She should have known, really. It was only a short while ago that she’d suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her. Sam was better.
But she still couldn’t answer.
Sam sighed, his heart heavy, “It’s okay,” his voice was quiet and broken. “I know you need some time. I guess everyone does, really,” he paused to see if she would answer. Still, there wasn’t a sound from the other side of the door, “I just wanted to apologize for yelling at you. I’m not really me with the blood-” he shook his head at himself. “Take however much time you need. I’ll be here when you’re ready.” 
He waited a moment longer, but nothing came from the other side of the door. With another sigh, he went to his room, closing the door behind him.
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PART 8 (Final)
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winpocalypse · 3 months ago
What are your thoughts on Swan Song? Do you think the show should have ended there?
*screaming crying throwing up" yea..h....... yea....i do.....
listen! it's the most heartbreaking ending, i can't even rewatch that shit without some weed to get me through it, but it closes the winchester's arc nicely! it was building up to this since day 1! although i think it's a bit underwhelming because i would have liked sam saying yes a couple episodes sooner, a lot more lucifer/michael interactions, some actual fighting, and for cas and bobby to stay dead, but i digress
the winchester's theme is sacrifice. mary sacrifices herself (and sam lol) for john and sam. john sacrifices himself for dean. dean sacrifices himself for sam. sam sacrifices himself for the world.
dean, the protective big brother, the one who never got away from hunting, who's whole personality is "sammy", doing some self destructive and toxic shit in order to keep them together, fighting with all he's got against his curse of watching his family die, finally has the strength to let sam go, stop treating him like a kid (his own words- they even had that big final talk about it) and trusting him. we needed a moment of dean trusting sam and this was it. he holds everyone so tight but he has to let go and then try and make something of himself outside of hunting. build another family, safe, just like mary and sam wanted. this was his chance to break the family curse, just when he finally let go.
now sam, the one who tried to get away, fought so hard to get out, but ultimately finds he has no choice, this is his fate since before he was born, i mean, talk about tragedy!!! it was never going to end any other way for him, he was always going to say yes. but! with all his guilt and his powerlessness, he finds he can make a choice. he can't escape his destiny, but he can do something good with it. he would never find peace otherwise. he could not escape the family curse but he could make way for his big brother, the one person he loves most in the world and, at the same time, find his redemption.
so i personally find the tragic ending to make sense. if they went further and made both of them sacrifice themselves (i heard that was a possible ending? don't know if it's just rumor) that would be almost a happy ending, honestly lol they both go down but they go together
but i also would love a bittersweet ending, have god intervene a bit, i know they went with the "absent father" and all, but he did put those boys in a plane in 5x01, it would be good foreshadowing for him then to ascend sam's soul to heaven in the finale (and adam's that poor bastard), so yeah, he sacrificed, he's dead, but he can find his peace in a way, wait for his soulmate up there
swan song my beloved and my beloathed
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