#idv william ellis
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williamkisser · 4 months ago
WILLIAM IDENTIY SWITCH????????????????????
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avinwrites · 2 years ago
IDV Men and their Love Languages pt.1
Lucky Guy
If one were to ask Lucky what his love language is, he wouldn’t know. He hasn’t had much of an opportunity to show or receive any type of love throughout his life. That being said, an embarrassed, but happy, blush will appear anytime anyone praises him. Every “good job.” He gets after a match leaves him stuttering out a soft “thanks��� and avoiding eye contact. These Words of Affirmation, however, always make him feel appreciated.
-Lucky has been stuck in the Manor for a long time
-He hasn’t really complained, since there isn’t much for him back in the ‘real’ world
-plus, he got to meet you
-Your first match together, he showed you the ropes, and made a habit of commending you each time you did well
-You’re able to observe that he acts this way with most people
-he’s on no one’s bad side. 
-Even the hunters like him for how generally sweet he is
-You get close to him through these words of praise. Every time he manages an impressive feat, you make sure to find him to express your compliments and to watch his face go red
-Though, from you, he gets a lot more used to it
-And, eventually, you have to admit you fell for him, all of him
-It’s been a long time since you joined the survivors at the Manor, and you became close with Lucky in that time, but never expressed your desire to become more than friends. 
-During a certain match, you’ve managed to evade the hunter for the majority of the game
-You noticed early on when Lucky let you all know that the hunter was near him, and as far as you knew, that fact hadn’t changed. 
-You’re peacefully decoding when the priestess calls upon you to help her bridge a connection across the map. You comply, standing by the nearby wall and allowing Fiona to complete her skill, suddenly, you notice Lucky’s status marker go down to half-health
-And suddenly, he’s right next to you, now incapacitated
-As the portal dissipates, you begin to heal him up
-When he’s back to full health, you take hold of his wrist before he leaves to find a different cipher
-“You’re doing great!” You say, watching as he instantly becomes bashful, “You’ve got this, I love you!”
-He’s shocked! You… do? Through his dazed demeanor, he manages a strong “I love you, too!” And runs off
-Both to hide his embarrassment, and to win, for you!
Servais Le Roy
Again, with a lot of thinking, Servais’ love language is Words of Affirmation. For someone like him who is cunning and enjoys being the focus of the crowd, words of affirmation are a powerful way to make him feel valued. When he performs for you, be sure to acknowledge his talent and skills.
-Servais has spent most of his life pushing towards his goal of becoming a great magician
-Getting to the point where he believes that he can be the creator of the perfect, genuine magic trick
-Often he attempts to create a new trick and will perform for a test or for approval, if he believes the trick is worthy of an audience
-You’re the first he goes to, sometimes just to show you what he’s been working on
-He thrives off of the encouragement you give him
-If you happen to see a part of his trick that he displays, tell him
-he’s grateful to have the true audience outlook from you, plus, he’ll praise you for your “good eye”
-If he ever puts on a big performance, he’ll expect a critique from you at the end
-"Wow, that was incredible! You nailed it, and everyone loved it. I'm so proud of you for putting yourself out there and sharing your talent with everyone."
-If you said something like that to him, he’d melt, he’s head-over-heels, and will not hesitate to reciprocate your expressive words with how much he appreciates you as well!
Kurt Frank
As an avid reader, and a creative spirit, Kurt’s love language is gift giving! There are many things he loves to give: stories formulated by his own mind, small treasures found on each of his “adventures,” even the books he holds most precious will become a gift for the one he loves the most.
-Kurt asked you one day if you had a favorite book, a few days before your birthday
-You couldn’t give him an answer then
-and you had forgotten the question as you were swept away with other things to attend to
-Then, the time of your birthday arrived
-You weren’t expecting any gifts, really, save for what the “Baron” of the Manor allotted for you, which was usually some kind of decoration for your room that had to do with your skill, and of course, a letter that revealed a part of your past
-It happened to everyone, but you happened to be feeling a little down in the dumps about it
-That is, until Kurt comes along with a wrapped gift signed with your name.
-“It isn’t much,” he claimed, noting, “my resources were limited.”
-You were overjoyed that he even thought of you, much less brought you something
-You carefully tore open the wrapping.
-“Gulliver’s Travels” read the title of the book you held, one you recognized as Kurt’s favorite. 
-An addition in familiar handwriting underneath caught your eye
-“With the annotations of Kurt Frank” 
-He annotated his favorite book for you.
-Needless to say, that is the best gift you’d receive throughout your time in the manor, though he does the same for you with different books once you’ve expressed your interest.
-If you do the same for him, oh wow! He’d be on cloud nine!
-Even if it isn’t the type of book he’d normally enjoy, if it had your thoughts and feeling on the page, he’d cherish it forever
Naib Subedar
Despite his stoic look, Naib’s love language is physical touch. Naib has had so much affection to give bottled up inside him for a long time. The truth is, Naib is a romantic at heart, but has created a wall to cover his true personality. That is necessary when one works with the horrors and bloodshed Naib has had to see. Now that he’s safer, he’s not going to release his inner love until he finds the right one. One can’t forget about friends as well! Naib will have a few people he’s closely attached to, but there is something special about his lover. He’s not the type for pda until a long time into a relationship, but early on, not much is off-limits once in private. That sounds horribly inappropriate, but I mean it in the sweet way?
-It takes Naib a long time to actually confess his love for you, but in a way, it was obvious for a while
-He’s always go to you if injured during a match
-and be the first to save you when you’re in trouble
-he’s try as hard as he could not to be evident about anything, he really was
-it’s ok though, you liked to see him almost silently beg for your attention
-After he confesses and you reciprocate?
-Double, no, at least triple that.
-A quick peck on the cheek before each match, from him to you if you’re the one with the match, or you to him if he’s leaving. 
-A good morning hug when you see each other for the first time in the mornings
-that is, up until you start spending nights with him
-He’d honestly have trouble sleeping alone after the first time you sleep in the same bed together (not like that)
-It’s awkward at first, he doesn’t really know what to do
-but just guide him along, he’ll quickly gain confidence once he confirms that you really do feel the way he feels
-Every night is spent held tight in his arms
-He loves it when you run your hands up and down his back
-Or run your fingers through his hair
-Being with you, touching you, loving you feels like heaven to him
-He’s just a touch-starved, smitten boy with so much love to give
William Ellis
A boisterous man! He’s excitable and energetic at all times. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with him. Acts of Service is how he best shows and receives love! He’s the type to lend a helping hand when he notices someone in need. Thus, he has associated himself with many different types of people.
-One of William’s most often spoken phrases is “Do you need anything?”
-He means it, he’s willing to do almost anything for you
-He’s constantly saving you in matches
-is it because he loves you, or because he can’t stand decoding?
-“Why can’t it be both?” He’ll question
-It’s both
-He always makes sure you’re ok, taking extra time to patch up any more serious injuries
-or picking you up and carrying you all the way to the Infirmary if you look worse off
-ask him for a glass of water before bed, he’s practically already gotten it.
-He’ll be happy to oblige to a ‘goodnight kiss’
-Anything you ask, genuinely.
-He’ll expect the same, though
-Maybe you can’t carry him, not many people can
-but allow him to lean on you when he most needs it
-if he sleeps in late, bring him a plate of breakfast in bed! It's his second favorite type of meal besides a large steak dinner.
-and of course, he’d do the same for you, without a doubt.
can you tell which of these characters I've been obsessed with for like... almost 4 years now ♪(´▽`)
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explorer diary, huh?
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nightwonder7 · 5 days ago
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Workplace harassment
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t0bey · 1 year ago
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when the turns tabled
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chawawanya · 11 months ago
IDV survivors
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6 again !! almost there...(not at all help)
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otakusparkle · 7 months ago
Identity V x Facemoji
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marioyuri · 5 months ago
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Merry naib diaries eve
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rosemaze-reveries · 7 months ago
Hello, I am the man boob requester, I enjoyed it very much! You’ve reminded me the existence of bane, I forgot how much I loved him.
This time I would like to request something less on crack-ish; idv characters of your choice with a freakishly quiet reader who makes a small noise to announce their presence whenever they enter a room to not freak people out pls.
My cat does this and it’s the cutest thing ever..
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🎨 Edgar - "Stop doing that." He finds it weird and unnecessary. A proper excuse me would suffice. As a result, you start skipping your greetings altogether, only to discover that Edgar is surprisingly easy to spook. A few poorly-stifled heart attacks later he demands you go back to announcing yourself.
⚓ Jose lifts an inquisitive brow. "What was that, love?" When you repeat the sound, he tests it on his own tongue, as if trying to recognize the language. Then he smiles at you, snapping as it dawns on him: "Aha! But of course—modern balderdash. A beautiful language, one all the more enchanting on your sweet lips."
📣 Lily totally hijacks it. Just from the few times you make that sound, she adopts it into her daily hello's. She's much more talkative than you are, so she's usually the one that comes trotting in to visit you rather than the other way around. Guess it's hers now! At least she only uses it with you.
⛓️ Luca tends to lose himself in his work, drowning out all other sounds. It's easy to sneak up on him. He tunes out your little greeting the first few times you use it, and even now he still misses it sometimes. He starts responding with a small noise of his own to let you know he's heard you.
📍 Matthias spends a long time trying to decipher the meaning behind it. Some days he wonders if it's a signal to someone else, that he's being tracked in some way. One day he finds himself in a position where he's not sure how to catch someone's attention, and suddenly your small voice floats up in his head. All of a sudden it clicks. You won't mind him borrowing it just this once, right?
🖋️ Orpheus won't comment on it directly, but he does notice. He picks up on every little thing you do. He returns your greetings as he would anyone else, maybe giving you a nickname based on the sound, like little mouse or dove. The sound is endearing but unusual enough that he thinks about it often... You'll never get to hear his thoughts about it though.
🏈 William takes to this super quickly. For him, your quiet chirp is not so much a warning but a very welcome greeting. Whether he's working on something or mid-conversation, his face lights up like clockwork the moment he hears it. He'll glance around with a smile tugging at his lips until he spots you, where it blooms into a huge grin.
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turbulentscrawl · 1 year ago
Most-to-Least Protective: Survivor Guys
I had less time to write before work today, but some good inspo so I whipped up this example for the ranking requests I take! For this one I just used the ten who came to mind and who im probably most familiar with
This is meant in general terms, not just for in Matches. The primary situations I considered for this are heated arguments, physical altercations, and near-death experiences. The ranking considers their responses to these situations, as well as how strong their protective feelings are.
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Naib would do just about anything in defense of a loved one. Argue, fight, kill, anything. It’s not like he hasn’t done it all before anyway. Naib refuses to lose anyone else, it’s not even an option to him. If someone tried to make it happen anyway? He’s enraged beyond giving his usual mercy of a quick death. He’s gonna make it hurt.
Andrew is not super likely to argue on your behalf, unless you count cussing someone out as “arguing.” In which case it’s like 50/50. He’s more willing to step in physically. He doesn’t want to be a glorified meat-shield, but if your life were in danger he would 100% crack someone over the head with his shovel. He won’t intentionally kill someone for you but it may happen, depending on how that shovel lands. He won’t feel bad about it either way. He’s already an angry guy, and it’s even more intense when you’re in danger.
Kevin would initiate an argument on your behalf. Also very willing to throw hands on your behalf and doesn’t care if he gets hurt. He really doesn’t want to kill anyone, but if there’s no other choice he will. Your safety as his loved one comes before anyone else’s, even his own. Surprisingly, he becomes more level-headed and calculating as the danger to you increases. In other words, he’s at his most emotional in a verbal argument.
Norton mostly trusts you to handle your own issues, but if you’re obviously uncomfortable or intimidated he’ll place himself between you and the threat. Might get into a fight for you if it were serious, but his preferred way to handle things would be dealing petty revenge behind the scenes. (or, during a personality flip, violent revenge.) He would kill someone for you if there was no other way. His feelings are more intense than his actions normally suggest, but he’s concerned about going too far like he did in the mining accident.
William is a large, strong guy, who’s very rough in his sports but not so much outside them. He’ll gladly speak up for you if someone’s being a jerk, but he may or may not make the best arguments. He’s happy to be your shield and willing to throw a punch or two if someone else strikes first but, again, he’d rather wrap things up before getting to that point. If he had to, he’d probably kill to protect you, but it would haunt him for the rest of his life. He’s very hot-headed in regards to your safety.
If Victor is one thing, it’s brave. He’s not likely to speak on your behalf, or try to hurt someone for you, but he’s more than willing to place himself in harm’s way if it means he has even a chance of getting you out of it. He always lingers close by if there’s tension in the air so he can pull you behind him at a moment’s notice.
Luca is very likely to step into an argument on your behalf—though in his case it’s more him trying to end the argument rather than engage it. He’s willing to step into danger to guide you out of it, but not to attempt violence. Not because he doesn’t care, but because he knows he’s too weak to be helpful in that way. He’s quite calm up until your life is in immediate danger, at which point he would beg his more-capable friends to save you.
Aesop is not protective in the moment at all. He won’t step in to argue or fight for you, and isn’t very likely to step into life-threatening danger, either. His self-appointed role is healing and comforting you after the fact. And, secretly, plotting revenge. No one ever suspects Aesop as being the type to hold a grudge. But I stand by what I said in his general HCs: if we go by canon, he’s easily one of the most dangerous people in the manor.
Edgar is pretty unhelpful. Listen, listen…you’re supposed to be the tough cookie in this relationship. Edgar has venom for days; he’ll run his mouth off if you want him to, sure, but he’s not throwing himself into danger just because you can’t handle it. If you almost die…well, you’re one of the few things he cares about anymore, so the line must be drawn. If they’re within reach, the culprit ought to watch their backs for a while. And maybe not eat or drink anything they didn’t prepare themselves.
Joker is a lot like Aesop, but there’s like a 90% chance of it being without the revenge bit. He does, in fact, hold grudges, but he’s still not likely to attempt anything against someone. If they did something really horrible to you he’ll look into whatever form of public justice can be dealt to them, even if that just means trying to rally the other members of the manor into shunning them. Unlike Aesop, he’s somewhat likely to try to stop a verbal altercation, but he’s not very assertive and ends up not being much help.
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weeping-statue · 3 months ago
Hellaur again……….would it be perchance be alright if i asked for a fic……mayhaps……. william with a s/o gn reader who owns a bunny………i don’t know if you write for him so if not then maybe kevin or jose🤔🤔
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It’s fine! I write for mostly everyone! Enjoy <3 also keep sneaking Norton into my writing because I’m trying to main him better…
Kevin, William, and Norton with a reader who owns a bunny!
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Kevin acts like it’s your kid!
He makes sure it’s fed/taken care of for you if you’re sick and unable too.
He dedicates his evenings to spending time with BOTH of you
He brings two roses for his two favorite people ❤︎
Date nights into the garden sometimes entail your little friend coming along.
He loves to snuggle with you and wake up with your bunny on his side. Since it never fails to make him laugh.
I’m pretty sure he’s had a bunny at some point in his life.
He definitely wears that skin a lot when he sleeps over since it’s basically pjs.
He likes to say that him and your rabbit are matching.
He’ll whisper random things to it mixed in with loving words.
“Why do you look like you ate cement in a past life? But you’re so cute, I get why ___ loves you so much.”
Sometimes while he’s waiting for you to return to your room, you’ll find him sleeping on your bed with your bunny on his chest, both passed out.
He knows how to take care of a bunny so he’ll help you out <3
He thought it was a stuffed animal at first and kinda laughed at you until he picked it up and it started moving which freaked him out.
Refuses to ever talk about that incident again.
Will ask you subtly to teach him how to take care of your pet.
He wants to be a good boyfriend, since he knows he’s got some flaws.
Norton multiple times as woken up to your bunny sitting on his face almost suffocating him.
Will whine about it and it becomes a full on one sided war between him and the pet.
He believes it’s fucking with him only when you’re not looking.
Can’t prove it so he refuses to sleep over in your room where it can roam free.
Date nights and sleepovers are always in his room or away from yours.
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saltedcoffeee · 3 months ago
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servais is decomposing somewhere idfk
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t0bey · 11 months ago
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more comms from twitter 🕺
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fercrish · 5 months ago
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Some William Ellis fanart cuz I love him so much🏈
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otakusparkle · 10 months ago
Identity V x PERSONA 5 Official Fanart
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marioyuri · 4 months ago
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Bane’s favouritism
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