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veryaren · 7 months ago
being fully honest I think nortorphrick is the holy trinity of toxic yaoi
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veryaren · 2 months ago
matthias sprite edit for an ivory tower rp I'm in LOL.... the "marionette". debating doing a luchi one but melly is probably coming beforr that
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veryaren · 4 months ago
Unfortunately, I didn't finish my luchinini comic. FORTUNATELY HOWEVER. I made this OTHER shit post whilst on the plane!
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veryaren · 2 months ago
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shitposy. sorry I keep drawing them. U can cremate me or something....... I'LL DO SOMETHING ELSE SOON. PROMISE. I JUST NEED IDEAS 💔
+wb doodles under the cut.
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veryaren · 5 months ago
sawry I don't have much art to offer again....
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you'll be pleased to know I still have the Disease (luchino fan)
+completely unrelated ridiculous thing (not for the faint of heart)
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director left this up because of a new mouse problem that started. YOU will be replaced with an Award Winning RAT BAND.
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veryaren · 6 months ago
I DIDN'T SEE THIS THE FIRST TIME I LOOKED AT THIS POSTER (was too busy trying to discern what exactly the concepts of this were. idk what is happening with the designs) BUT LOOK AT HIMM
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veryaren · 7 months ago
i'm so genuinely obsessed with this particular scene actually.
(excessive blab belowbthe cut)
DEROSS SIBLINGS HOW MANY TEARS WILL I SHED OVER U.... look at his face. like.orpheus' expression is just so genuine, more genuine than we've seen him throughout ALL of aom (imo at least) . he has not made a face so solemn and melancholy in nearly ANY OTHER PART. (which plays into why I'm largely subscribed to the theory that NIGHTMARE is "fronting" through a major portion of aom. while "nightmare" also happens to be described as gloomy, similarly to how Orpheus is melancholy, he's also said to be "cunning and mad". which seems to match the behaviors of orpheus in situations like kreiburg racecourse. orpheus, on the other hand, is differently described to be "arrogant and sensitive.") anyway. WHILE on the subject of deross siblings
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TELL ME THIS ISN'T SO SWEET. this anniversary letter really makes me fall for Alice as a character. Alice is such a beautiful character (appearance wise and personality wise. she is VERY HIGH as one of my favorites.) She has such a strong drive and a wholehearted attitude and (aa a contrast to everyone else in aom) doesn't seem to let her trauma define her. I noticed how her trailer video kind of echoes that. Hers is very focused on the present, on her in the now (likely because memory already exists, but memory is quite literally an imaginary friend LET ME HAVE THIS) while a majority of everyone else has little more than a bitter rumination of their past. BUT!!!! ALICE APPROACHES WITH A MUCH BOLDER OUTLOOK! Her scenes, as dark as they get, grow brighter and more saturated as they go. which is q huge switch up from the usual bluish greys in other character trailers. the music feels much more lively, much less grave as others. (norton/fg for example. his music is ominous, foreboding. And when there's no music, it's almost eerie silence. Not even just because he's a hunter--melly, orpheus and Frederick support that. all of them have a tonal shift or a constant dark undertone to their piece. in addition to cuts in sound) Alice's music feels very forward, driving. There's an abundance of music. And even when it cuts like the others, it restarts from the beginning, not ending with a sharp chord, and even the ending note sounds lacks that same dread to it as anyone else. hopeful almost. IDK. I JUST LOVE HER MAN. AUGHHHHHHH
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can you tell I'm starving for a new aom update (give me hunter melly give me hunter melly)
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veryaren · 8 months ago
bahhh aom on the brain again. papa louienpals
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veryaren · 7 months ago
very random but everytime a character I like gets an animation I like to make a little gif of themm. SOHERESMtyat
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I have a naib one from the voyage of oceanus event but for some reason it is over 10mb????? Idk why he's so freaking bulky of a file. It is no different from the others at all
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veryaren · 7 months ago
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veryaren · 6 months ago
gosh this is a very gay aren ramble beware. for once it isn't about luchinini (it starts odd with like. a hc and then descends into nortorphrick hell)
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ok so. to keep track of who went in and out of mineshafts miners would have a board set up. as well as the mining tag system. each miner had an identification tag. when in the mines you put your tag on the board and when you leave you take it off. subtle headcanon that norton, even after leaving the mines, keeps his mining tag in his pocket.
now for the faggoty part. are you ready.
it was taken as a good luck charm if you you kissed the miners tag before they went down. surely you see where I'm going w/this.
I actually wanted to make a mini comic of this. It was nortrick central but I wanted nudge orph in there too....id hope it is a little clear how much i enjoy theirstrange dynamic by now..... nortorphrick save me....
I think nortorphrick is peak because
nortpheus = understanding on a level that is almost scary. not even almost. just is scary. especially for norton (albeit Orpheus is a bit offput too. it's not everyday someone matches his freak). you would be scared if you resonated with Horror Twink on a personal level. you would.
nortrick = don't understand each other at all (largely different backgrounds, thought processes, etc etc) but gradually (VERY gradually) begin to... and are wildly fascinated with the person they find beneath it all. they can even empathize with eachother on a few certain fronts. gosh. I can't elaborate on this very well but I also love the nortrick dynamic a lot. Urg
orphrick = one sided understanding. orpheus sees him on a scale nobody ever has before. and (similarly to norton) it frightens him. but also. after feeling like all you are is a pretty face and no talent. it doesn't hurt to have someone hear you. (infact he goes to some strange places menatlly trying to get some more of that validation)
they're just so. BEAHHH. I am so insane for nortorphrick. it would be fun to write something for them I think. just something quick and easy. Orpheus endlessly confuses them both with his peculiar whims and infatuations and CRAZY plethora of problems.
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veryaren · 6 months ago
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HE'S HERE!!! ;;;;;!!!!!!!!!!! ;MY PQCKAGW... keychain by marketaico... I'VE BEEN WAITING WEEKS FOR HIM
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veryaren · 3 months ago
Hullabaloo shtpost..... If u care....
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you have to guess which duo I think is the funniest (blatantly obvious)
Replayed stupid fucking closin night for the 3rd time. The fact Mike tells Murro that he'll "see him later" makes me wanna kms. BECAUSE NO!!!!! You will NOT!!!!! unless you see him at the PEARLY GATES!!!!!!!! also vio death kills me as always. as everyone does. the animation of her hallucination was so fascinating and so horrifying once you recognize what is happening. very "what remains of edith finch" in grandeur.
Morton brothers were everything I wanted always. Thanks idv. I LOVE THEM SO MAWCHHHHGGGGBNNN. sooo awesome. THE WAY MIKE SMILES WHEN MURRO ARRIVES IS SO SWEET. that's his older brother....in addition to that. going back and reading murro's diary from previous deduction playthroughs is even MORE painful now. he and violetta are so compassionate they are every thighg.. .
I do still want to know more about them before the fire!!!! Didn't clarify much on their relationships but it's implied Joker, Mike, and Murro knew each other the longest. With Joker saying "Mike has loved stars and fire since he was little" and "Murro has always loved to play hero." And then. Murro w/ the "fixing Bernard's tent back in the day!"
I just need.... CONTENT THAT DOESN'T BURN. I need just SOME of. the good times. BECAUSE. Margaretha even sometimes missed the company of the other members. And if she would even MISS anyone from the place where she was hurt repeatedly. They had to be at least somewhat close (coping). I need them all to be happy
the description for this scene in the selection menu is so murderous. 'There is no more escape for Natalie. But perhaps Margaretha can," <- essentially it. FUCK.
do you hate me. do you want me gutted. BECAUSE YOU DID IT. she just wanted to live her life...likr anyone...NEVER EVER antagonize her for wanting to live a good life. I don't trust u if you think she is manipulative/evil at heart. YOU WOULD LIE TO A PSYCHO KILLER CLOWN IF HE WAS LOVING ON YOU TOO!!!!!!!!
this story was so fun and interesting and I hope idv continues to make complex games like it. and I also hope they get better vocal casting because FUCKING Nagito Komaeda and a man barely even trying to sound CLOSE to 45 did not cut it for my goats the Morton brothers. Please. if I pull up game 0 and Emil sounds like nerd from boyfriends you don't know what I'll do. xoxo
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veryaren · 5 months ago
sorry idv mutuals.... oc content. cabossa
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intermission(?) doodle by @cherrypill3d who owns the freak with white hair. florence.
very lazy animation... ran out of steam because alight motion wouldn't let me export for fucking HOURS
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veryaren · 6 months ago
ik I been shitpostinga lot but this is too fun.... I had a luchinini idea going but it's just a sketch atm... miidentity v in the meantime..
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some alimelly... And then there's Andrew bullying luchino. this line of dialogue is so funny to me. it's all randomly pieced but it can make some silly convos
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veryaren · 2 months ago
do the kurtlings accept carrots as food 🥕🥕🥕🥕
only if they are the dirtiest 💜
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