#identity v william ellis
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quoththeowl31 · 8 months ago
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This had been in my head for a few days. I think William was probably the only one Naib was relatively...amicable with even when it came to the boar. I think it was more Naib figured he was non-threatening and treated him as such.
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explorer diary, huh?
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nightwonder7 · 5 days ago
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Workplace harassment
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t0bey · 1 year ago
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when the turns tabled
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chawawanya · 11 months ago
IDV survivors
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6 again !! almost there...(not at all help)
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otakusparkle · 7 months ago
Identity V x Facemoji
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marioyuri · 5 months ago
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Merry naib diaries eve
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rosemaze-reveries · 7 months ago
Hello, I am the man boob requester, I enjoyed it very much! You’ve reminded me the existence of bane, I forgot how much I loved him.
This time I would like to request something less on crack-ish; idv characters of your choice with a freakishly quiet reader who makes a small noise to announce their presence whenever they enter a room to not freak people out pls.
My cat does this and it’s the cutest thing ever..
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🎨 Edgar - "Stop doing that." He finds it weird and unnecessary. A proper excuse me would suffice. As a result, you start skipping your greetings altogether, only to discover that Edgar is surprisingly easy to spook. A few poorly-stifled heart attacks later he demands you go back to announcing yourself.
⚓ Jose lifts an inquisitive brow. "What was that, love?" When you repeat the sound, he tests it on his own tongue, as if trying to recognize the language. Then he smiles at you, snapping as it dawns on him: "Aha! But of course—modern balderdash. A beautiful language, one all the more enchanting on your sweet lips."
📣 Lily totally hijacks it. Just from the few times you make that sound, she adopts it into her daily hello's. She's much more talkative than you are, so she's usually the one that comes trotting in to visit you rather than the other way around. Guess it's hers now! At least she only uses it with you.
⛓️ Luca tends to lose himself in his work, drowning out all other sounds. It's easy to sneak up on him. He tunes out your little greeting the first few times you use it, and even now he still misses it sometimes. He starts responding with a small noise of his own to let you know he's heard you.
📍 Matthias spends a long time trying to decipher the meaning behind it. Some days he wonders if it's a signal to someone else, that he's being tracked in some way. One day he finds himself in a position where he's not sure how to catch someone's attention, and suddenly your small voice floats up in his head. All of a sudden it clicks. You won't mind him borrowing it just this once, right?
🖋️ Orpheus won't comment on it directly, but he does notice. He picks up on every little thing you do. He returns your greetings as he would anyone else, maybe giving you a nickname based on the sound, like little mouse or dove. The sound is endearing but unusual enough that he thinks about it often... You'll never get to hear his thoughts about it though.
🏈 William takes to this super quickly. For him, your quiet chirp is not so much a warning but a very welcome greeting. Whether he's working on something or mid-conversation, his face lights up like clockwork the moment he hears it. He'll glance around with a smile tugging at his lips until he spots you, where it blooms into a huge grin.
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turbulentscrawl · 1 year ago
Most-to-Least Protective: Survivor Guys
I had less time to write before work today, but some good inspo so I whipped up this example for the ranking requests I take! For this one I just used the ten who came to mind and who im probably most familiar with
This is meant in general terms, not just for in Matches. The primary situations I considered for this are heated arguments, physical altercations, and near-death experiences. The ranking considers their responses to these situations, as well as how strong their protective feelings are.
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Naib would do just about anything in defense of a loved one. Argue, fight, kill, anything. It’s not like he hasn’t done it all before anyway. Naib refuses to lose anyone else, it’s not even an option to him. If someone tried to make it happen anyway? He’s enraged beyond giving his usual mercy of a quick death. He’s gonna make it hurt.
Andrew is not super likely to argue on your behalf, unless you count cussing someone out as “arguing.” In which case it’s like 50/50. He’s more willing to step in physically. He doesn’t want to be a glorified meat-shield, but if your life were in danger he would 100% crack someone over the head with his shovel. He won’t intentionally kill someone for you but it may happen, depending on how that shovel lands. He won’t feel bad about it either way. He’s already an angry guy, and it’s even more intense when you’re in danger.
Kevin would initiate an argument on your behalf. Also very willing to throw hands on your behalf and doesn’t care if he gets hurt. He really doesn’t want to kill anyone, but if there’s no other choice he will. Your safety as his loved one comes before anyone else’s, even his own. Surprisingly, he becomes more level-headed and calculating as the danger to you increases. In other words, he’s at his most emotional in a verbal argument.
Norton mostly trusts you to handle your own issues, but if you’re obviously uncomfortable or intimidated he’ll place himself between you and the threat. Might get into a fight for you if it were serious, but his preferred way to handle things would be dealing petty revenge behind the scenes. (or, during a personality flip, violent revenge.) He would kill someone for you if there was no other way. His feelings are more intense than his actions normally suggest, but he’s concerned about going too far like he did in the mining accident.
William is a large, strong guy, who’s very rough in his sports but not so much outside them. He’ll gladly speak up for you if someone’s being a jerk, but he may or may not make the best arguments. He’s happy to be your shield and willing to throw a punch or two if someone else strikes first but, again, he’d rather wrap things up before getting to that point. If he had to, he’d probably kill to protect you, but it would haunt him for the rest of his life. He’s very hot-headed in regards to your safety.
If Victor is one thing, it’s brave. He’s not likely to speak on your behalf, or try to hurt someone for you, but he’s more than willing to place himself in harm’s way if it means he has even a chance of getting you out of it. He always lingers close by if there’s tension in the air so he can pull you behind him at a moment’s notice.
Luca is very likely to step into an argument on your behalf—though in his case it’s more him trying to end the argument rather than engage it. He’s willing to step into danger to guide you out of it, but not to attempt violence. Not because he doesn’t care, but because he knows he’s too weak to be helpful in that way. He’s quite calm up until your life is in immediate danger, at which point he would beg his more-capable friends to save you.
Aesop is not protective in the moment at all. He won’t step in to argue or fight for you, and isn’t very likely to step into life-threatening danger, either. His self-appointed role is healing and comforting you after the fact. And, secretly, plotting revenge. No one ever suspects Aesop as being the type to hold a grudge. But I stand by what I said in his general HCs: if we go by canon, he’s easily one of the most dangerous people in the manor.
Edgar is pretty unhelpful. Listen, listen…you’re supposed to be the tough cookie in this relationship. Edgar has venom for days; he’ll run his mouth off if you want him to, sure, but he’s not throwing himself into danger just because you can’t handle it. If you almost die…well, you’re one of the few things he cares about anymore, so the line must be drawn. If they’re within reach, the culprit ought to watch their backs for a while. And maybe not eat or drink anything they didn’t prepare themselves.
Joker is a lot like Aesop, but there’s like a 90% chance of it being without the revenge bit. He does, in fact, hold grudges, but he’s still not likely to attempt anything against someone. If they did something really horrible to you he’ll look into whatever form of public justice can be dealt to them, even if that just means trying to rally the other members of the manor into shunning them. Unlike Aesop, he’s somewhat likely to try to stop a verbal altercation, but he’s not very assertive and ends up not being much help.
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saltedcoffeee · 3 months ago
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servais is decomposing somewhere idfk
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quoththeowl31 · 8 months ago
The Little Boy
Summary: A new survivor joins the manor or maybe he was always there.
"Naib..." Naib tried to ignore William. It was late, he had a match early in the morning, and he already knew there was going to be a new guest during that one which means he had to be extra vigilant so the newbie isn't taken out by the Hunter early.
All that before breakfast he might add.
"Naiiiibbb....are you awake?" The Forward called out in a low voice.
"I was Will..." Grumbled Naib who sat up. Clearly ignoring him wasn't going to do anything. "What do you want?"
"I think I saw a ghost when heading back to my room from the bathroom." The Mercenary raised an eyebrow.
"And?" If William hadn't noticed before but the manor was filled with all kinds weird things, ghosts included.
"It's not one of the ones we know and I think it was following me." A pillow came flying his way. William ducked while Naib curled back under the covers.
"Go back to bed." He said in a mutter.
"Ok, ok, sheesh..." The door closed and Naib sighed in relief. Whatever spooked William can wait after the match and breakfast.
A child....
The Mercenary stared at the seat at the end of the lobby table in disbelief.
Another child....
A little boy with a messy mop of black hair, brown eyes hidden under said hair, a simple shirt with the sleeves rolled up and suspenders. He was happily swinging his bare feet in the air humming a tune and playing with a wooden bird.
Sitting next to him was Tracy Reznik who was clearly dozing off. She must have worked late again; bad idea when it comes to early morning matches. The boy noticed him and gave him an enthusiastic wave. Naib only returned with a small wave of his own.
"That's the ghost!" Naib nearly leapt out of his skin from William's sudden bellow and Tracy had certainly jumped a foot or two in the air.
"I'm not a ghost. This paper says I'm the In...ter...lo...per. What's that mean?" This boy really was a child.
Interloper....That was probably one of the more interesting titles among them. Did he understand what was happening?
Before anyone could answer the sound of glass breaking and the fog descended on them.
This map was eerie; what seemed like what was once a child's playground was now littered with debris, traps, feral dogs, and gods know what else. And they were up against Nightmare and this was one of the grounds he was most dangerous in.
Like the others, Naib had gone to decode a cipher working slowly so as to not set off the gods awful sound it would make if he didn't get it right.
"Hi" A voice squeaked and it caused Naib to miss a calibration. "Oops."
Oops indeed, Naib whipped his head around to snap at the other player and saw it was the Interloper. Sweat was already forming on his brow as he tried to take deep breaths trying to focus on the now than the past.
"What are you doing here?!" His voice was shaky. He should be decoding his own cipher in order help the team.
"The other cipher was broken, can I help with this one?" The older man was about to answer but a crow started circling the cipher. The pounding of his heart started to grow louder.
He was coming.
"No run now!" The Interloper obeyed but followed where Naib was going. Crap! Right, a kid, he's dealing with a kid and the kid is going to follow him, not pick the smarter choice and split.
"There you are brat!" The deep and crackled voice of Nightmare cut through the air. If Naib didn't know any better though, that voice sounded much more angry than usual.
Nightmare lunged for the child but thankfully the boy quickly dodged and leapt over a windowsill with much more ease than most of the other survivors. Nightmare growled and vaulted over the same window when a new sound started to fill the air.
A single warbling bird call that soon erupted into a cacophony when hundreds more birds started to swarm just above their heads. Naib covered his ears it was so loud and Nightmare seemed to be doing even worse with the noise. This was a good chance to put distance between himself and Nightmare.
It wasn't long before Naib was out of the area the swarm was flying over, the noise lessened. It was then he heard at the sound of a cipher pop, then another. Two down,three to go, if things went right, they could win this.
A tie....
Nightmare was a menace at the end game usually if he used both the teleportation ability and his own ability. He managed to down Tracy and Naib himself when his own mind fought against him at a crucial moment and a single hit brought him down.
In the end, The Forward and the Interloper made it out while Tracy and Naib were sent back to the manor. They met again at the lobby and found something rather interesting.
"Back off man! The tie was fair!" Forward was keeping Nightmare from reaching the boy.
"Hand me that brat!" He really sounded angry. Naib and Tracy watched as the child only blew a raspberry at the Hunter.
"I said back off!" Nightmare only growled before angrily storming off. In a fit he swiped at the wall leaving a large gouge behind.
"What the heck was that about?" Tracy asked.
"Nightmare was pissed the kid kept outsmarting him, ain't that right Little Man?"
"Uh-uh! I kept calling birds to help!" The Interloper proudly declared coming from under the table and showing off the wooden toy around his neck.
"So that was you?" Naib asked.
"Yeah! When I use this whistle I can get a flock of birds to swarm over me and anyone near me. It's loud though so everyone has a harder time running. If I wanted to, I can make them attack the Hunter but that means my whistle breaks faster."
"Oh I get it, you help contain the Hunter." Tracy deduced.
"Yeah!" A creak echoed in the lobby. In a doorway opposite the survivor and hunter entrance stood the peculiar form of Miss Nightingale herself.
"Oh I gotta go, I haven't had breakfast yet." The Interloper ran off to Miss Nightingale both disappearing through the doorway, leaving behind three puzzled survivors.
"...Intruder..." Tracy said aloud.
"Wha..." William arched an eyebrow.
"That's essentially what his title means. He's a stranger, an outsider..."
"He's not supposed to be here." Naib finished.
Like so many of the survivors before, this one had questions surrounding him. But unlike the others, his seemed to go in another direction. Rather than what brought him to the manor, why was he at the manor? What did he have to do with Miss Nightingale. Why was Nightmare so riled up when he saw him?
What made him the outsider amongst outsiders?
Naib sighed.
Only time would tell he guessed.
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fercrish · 5 months ago
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Some William Ellis fanart cuz I love him so much🏈
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t0bey · 11 months ago
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more comms from twitter 🕺
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fishermanshook · 11 months ago
( batter , first officer & forward relationship h/c's ) + gn!reader
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# think of this as a pt. 2 to this fic , grammar and spelling warning
How these men show their undying love for their one and only—you.
꒰wc꒱ 1.1k
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Ganji Gupta didn’t dare dream of the day he’d find his one and only, his true love, someone to grow old and tired with until his heart gave out on itself. Unfortunately, his newfound situation halted any progress he could’ve made.
That was until you arrived at the manor with a letter to hell in your hands. That was until he got to know you better. That was until you shared your first kiss on New Year’s Eve. Ever since then, he’s been completely and utterly yours.
Ganji Gupta is the type of man to show his love and devotion to you through meaningful Acts of Service. There’s little to nothing the Batter wouldn’t do for you. He isn’t above taking hits for you in matches when needed, and he will use his last ball to save you from getting sent back to the manor.
Ganji Gupta who, as much as he loves being on his own, gets a bit lonely at times. Therefore, he loves nothing more than to spend some Quality Time with you. He prefers long walks around the perimeter of the manor and also enjoys getting to rest his head in your lap as the two of you lounge about.
Ganji Gupta teaches you the recipes passed down to him by his Mother. It makes for a great way to spend time together whilst making sure he doesn’t forget them in the process. Cooking with you brings back bittersweet memories and reminds him of his Mother all too much.
Ganji Gupta frequently wakes up from relentless night terrors. He’s heard of other Survivors describing their own experiences with them but didn’t think it would happen to him. Now he finds himself waking up in a cold sweat and alone in bed with nobody to calm him down. This leads to him sleeping in your dorm room more often than not in a way to help combat these nightmares. Hopefully, he can get some rest tonight thanks to your help.
Who doesn’t know the brave young man Jose Baden? The Sea Knight who wields a pocket watch said to have been blessed by Posiden himself, the artifact that always ensures smooth sailing? The First Officer is punctual, humble, and always knows what he wants. He just didn’t expect it to be you.
Nonetheless, the heart can guide a man better than any map can. He may indeed have fallen for you first, but you undeniably fell harder. Although, who wouldn’t with the way he constantly sweeps you off your feet?
Jose Baden is always true to his words when it comes to you, and therefore showers you with Words of Affirmation. It makes communication between the two of you much easier when there’s nothing to hide. And there are only so many words to describe his love for you, so we’ll have to start from the top and work our way down.
Jose Baden, who cannot keep his hands off you. No matter where the two of you are. Physical Affection is this man's specialty and has been embedded into his DNA. It's the simple things like his pinky finger being entwined with yours or his arm around your shoulder, holding you close.
Jose Baden isn’t afraid to show his love for you in front of others and would never shy away from it. It’s truly a gift to be head over heels, so why hide it? Why not show off what he’s got and everything that’s so precious about ‘em?
Jose Baden who can’t help but take a hit for you in games. He doesn’t ever want to see your blood spilled, and would rather have his coat on the map instead. He’s ready to face the stern talking you’ll give him after the match, but you’ll patch him up anyway.
Jose Baden doesn't like admitting the fact that he misses the sea badly. The things Jose would do just for an evening back on the ocean are wild and many. The closest thing he's got is Lakeside Village, but even the calming waves that brush upon the shore can't heal the pain in his heart. The Officer will admit his feelings to you in an act of desperation and comfort. And comfort he receives from you. From cuddling and listening to him rant about the ocean for the 100th time to peppering his face with soft kisses that seemingly never stop.
Said to have been the creator of Rugby himself, you always want William Ellis on your team. He successfully lifts the spirits of all his teammates while headbutting into the Hunter just before they use excitement. It's the thought that counts, right?
To have William in your corner means to have someone who is with you through thick and thin. Someone who will stick by your side until the end of time itself. And until you can finally realize just how much the Rugby Star adores you.
William Ellis who can’t help but hold you close. Physical Affection is this man’s go-to for showing how much he loves you. Like Jose, he will never feel embarrassed or ashamed when showering you with his form of love and affection. He’s either got an arm around your waist or your hand in his—there’s no in-between.
William Ellis loves Giving Gifts just as much as he loves Receiving Them. While the Forward’s not the best at picking out pre-made gifts, he is the best at making ones straight from the heart. Using his clues and fragments, he’ll craft something he finds worthy of gifting you. Whether it be something like a small, red box in the shape of a heart or a bracelet that has your and his initials on it, the gifts are all made with you in mind.
That being said, William Ellis will treasure anything you gift him in return. And that can be anything. Silly little notes passed underneath the table during dinner. A beaded anklet that has left a tan mark because he never takes it off. Or a smaller version of his Ruby ball with every stitch being almost exact.
William Ellis who’s afraid he might not be good enough for you. Who fears that one day he may be forgotten by everyone he’s ever loved. Maybe that’s why he works so damn hard. To prove to himself (and others) that he’s worth remembering. Fortunately, there’s no need to go the extra mile when it comes to you. William’s proven himself more than enough already, hasn’t he?
note: a little gift for all my Ganji, William, and Jose lovers out there. made 4: @rieuvie + @williamkisser + @ch6douin +@jklovu + @5ku11h34rt
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(2024) ©️fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
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otakusparkle · 10 months ago
Identity V x PERSONA 5 Official Fanart
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marioyuri · 4 months ago
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Bane’s favouritism
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